purgemarchlockdown · 8 days
Intellegence is knowing Jackalope is a load of shit. Wisdowm is knowing Jackalope is a load of shit that makes geniunely important and thought provoking points in regards to how we treat the characters and dismissing him outright would be ignoring geninue criticisms of our behavior for the sake of comfort (or something-)
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theperezhilton · 2 months
Team coconuts!! https://www.tiktok.com/@perezhilton2024/video/7394618044527545631
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rwat lalala meme twoo powerful. Would give pawris ciwmic wisdowm
Yeah sorry we're afraid he's going to die if he sees that. Breaks the universe so much he's immediately sent back to the abyss. :(
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bloodenjoyer · 2 years
paperclip guy just seems so somber everytime i see him i know theres a depth of wisdowm and sorrow behind those eyes
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boeing747 · 2 years
got art advice in my dream only makes sense that i must follow it. wisdowm
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pineappleciders · 2 years
i think one of my wisdowm teeth is starting to come in😞😞😞it hurts so bad im so seriously
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cksdays · 1 month
What I'm gonna do
Our priorities, wants, and even needs change as we get older. As they should. #poem #poetry #wisdowm #aging #changing
20 year old me… I tell you what I’m gonna do I’m going out there to conquer I will bring the world to its knees I will make it do as I please I’m gonna be its loudest mocker that’s just what I’m gonna do. Continue reading What I’m gonna do
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intelprise · 3 years
Without an commitment, you'll never start and without consistency, you'll never finish. Spoken by Denzel Washington and very applicable today and always. Hear it, live it and put it to use! #commitment #goals #consistency #followthrough #results #makeithappen #tips #business #focus #justdoit #wisdowm #insights #conselhos #acorda #gettingshitdone #delegating #pushittothelimit #alapacino #intelprise #brasprise (at Intelprise) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWUZ4Y_lTe3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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healingislimitless · 4 years
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We are our Ancestors returned. I’ve said this before - our blood was once theirs, our flesh was once theirs, the only difference is the footsteps we take are new, and continue where they left off.
Some of us have the luxury of tracing our Ancestors back for generations, some of us may only be able to go back to our grandparents, if that. In either case, our Ancestors are no less a part of our history –this includes Ancestors from past lives.
When it comes to our Ancestors, some of us may have a tricky relationship with them. As with all of our family on Earth or otherwise, they have qualities we vibe with, and some we don’t. I know I do. It becomes tricky when I feel I want to look up to them, but don’t vibe or agree with them wholeheartedly. Cultural, religious, political, social beliefs can all cause divides in the relationship we have with our Ancestors. Not only that, but our Ancestors in whatever generation played an active part in creating what we consider ‘generational curses’. Now this gets in the way, especially when trying to strengthen a bond that we have to them. We may even feel guilty at times accepting their gifts and blessings, while also playing a part or being a product of those curses. Those gifts and blessings can be incredible to accept, but sometimes we may ask ourselves, ‘at what cost?’
You can accept the blessings while breaking the curses, and without feeling apprehensive about it in any way. You have a responsibility to your Ancestors yes, but also to the current world you’re living in. You decide what traditions to uphold and which ones to dismantle. Part of continuing on their legacy is that you keep evolving, so they can evolve alongside you. That is part of your responsibility to them. Though it’s not your duty to right their wrongs, but deciding to do so can help you feel closer to them by helping them grow as Spirits, beyond what their human counterparts were able to do. As with all energies, you decide what you accept into your life. You can still allow your Ancestors to be a part of your life, but you can do it on your terms.
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wiirocku · 4 years
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Colossians 3:16 (NKJV) - Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 3 years
I want to be serius - post some cool analyses or talk about ace history or brazilian culture or something like that - but my headaches are growing stronger and so are my dysphoria and I just want to joke. So this is a silly mostly ASOUE tumblr for now (it may change but rn is it). And yeah, no one asked, but I like to write statements to myself when I'm feeling down.
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hillarysss · 4 years
~random astro shitpost~(sidereal & tropical included)
this is for entertainment. take everything for a grain of salt. any actions taken by this is not my fault. This will not generalize for everyone. 
written by me ~hillary
virgo sun males are unfaithful
sag moons + gemini moons= either best f*cking combo or absolutely horrible
mercury in scorpios are so sneaky you can’t lie to them they’ll always find out
mercury in gemini are the type of friend to help u get out of situations u probably got yourself in. these people are so smart and got so many tricks up their sleeve. street smart!
Aries moons like running sports
a pisces rising can lie and not feel guilty about it 
sun in 8th can feel like an old soul
a virgo man in love (if there is anyway theyre faithful) will judge other options and how their current partner is so much better
someones sun on your venus will make them super obsessed with how look and will worship the idea of how beautiful you are. will most likely not leave you for somebody else because of physical looks
Leo Sun Males are the type to be loyal ass friends and check up on you every now and then.
taurus moons+ scorpio moons= elite asf or straight up trash and toxic
libra moons can get along with anybody
rahu in 1st are the type to hack accounts and pretends thats their life
Ketu in Leo are so insecure and care sm abt physical looks
Virgo Men are agaisnt astrology (personal experience). But if they like it they tend to take a lead on it and share their wisdowm
virgo women love astrology because they like self reflecting. :-)
if a libra sun gives up on u then you did some shit cuz damn
libra suns dont know their worth
moon-neptune like to be in motion and listen to music and image fake scenarios that they know isnt gonna happen. also might like the rain a lot or very cozy place.
jupiter- uranus 
weird experiences out the country you live in. probably when u come home to ur family or friends or whatever you have some shit to say
moon in scorpio men (vedically) have long noses..
moon in 1st vedically may have blue eyes (also could go for tropical placement) 
venus in cancer men loves big boobs. literally love big boobs. however they adapt to any women they’re dating and love their figure. it seems they love big breast tho. may like women on the ligther side. they love curvier women and some chub in the belly. they dont like unrealistic standards.
venus in gemini men & women will ghost u and say they love you and then ghost you again
aries risings have nice eyebrows
cancer rising women have such beautiful bodies
strong lillith in chart might indicate exposed to nudity and sexual things early in age
venus in 6th makes u obsessed with smelling good and candles
vedic is better for life predictions
air moon and water rising are prone to bad mood swings
cancer mars are scary and will scar u with their words
mars in virgo are so sexual
virgo is literally the most horniest sign
sag moons will persue u first then cheat on you
mercury in leo makes somebody not say much of what they think and when they do say something it makes the other person wonder their whole life
people who lack an element will attract that element. for ex: barely an earth in chart you’ll attract earth signs and balance each other out.
earth mars and water mars are good together
someones mars being your venus is such good combo for love 
virgos like to stay up so late
pisces placements have scary vivid dreams
jupiter in 10th makes u want fame and travel in order to earn it
aries sun males are so fun
sag women if underdeveloped can be so bitchy and ignorant & insecure
sag placements tend to be popular
mercury in retrograde might suffer some form of a different thought process mind like adhd or somebody who doesn’t know how to express their feelings well
virgos ghost in order to make a decision
libra first decan are beautiful
taurus venus are so sensual
aries venus are so loyal and great parents
taurus women make good parents
gemini venuses are SUCH Good friends
cancer placements in big three dont watch a lot of pornography
pisces placements like astrology cuz they dont know who they are
pisces observe information without any additional thinking
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parksrway · 3 years
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sheik: what????????????????
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loveisbraveandwild · 5 years
me remembering @holygroundpiano is only 14 and so her bad taste can be explained by her lack of wisdowm and experience
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genjispeaks · 5 years
24 and if you dont mind, who?
24: Talk about something someone told you that meant a lot.
“Everyone we meet in our time will teach us something, good or bad. We will not always know what it is in the moment, but when the time comes to use that knowledge, we know just who to thank. For we learned something to better ourselves.”
My Master told me this when we first met, and I turned him down - I was adamant I did not need his help, and there was nothing he could teach me. I did not need the help of an omnic; I am a man, am I not? What could an omnic teach me about myself? I did not want to accept my place in the world, or the wisdom of someone different to me. Like many others, I was prejudiced, and I was afraid of admitting that I could have anything in common with an omnic during a time when I was often mistaken for one, and treated as one, no matter how hard I fought to be seen as a man... a human, like I am.
These were also the words that took root in my heart and haunted me in my sleep for the weeks to come. For some reason I could not shed them, and I could not shake them, and as much as I hated them and wanted to believe them to be empty, this is where I felt the wisdowm of @zenyattaspeaks for the first time, and understood how badly I craved to hear more. I needed someone to show me the way forwards from the dark place I was in, and he was there, extending a hand for me to hold, promising there was a way out - but I was so afraid of taking it and letting him teach me, in fear of losing my humanity.
Instead, I found it again in his company. Listen to those different from you. There is always something to learn - good or bad.
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Wake up your spirit and let it shine by listening to what the Heavens say.
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