#wish my heart would believe in true romance
notajoinerofthings · 7 months
alles hört auf – komm, wir fangen was an
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suiana · 4 months
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(yandere! co-actor x gn! co-actor reader) (theyre co-stars who act as lovers n have to act like they love each other but they actually don't)
"but oh, darling, how i adore your face in all its glory..."
your co-actor immediately pulls away from you, face scrunching up in disgust as he completely refuses to acknowledge your presence. you do the same, wiping your hand with a cloth as you walk to the opposite side of the set.
yes, the two of you were co-stars who secretly hated each other. shocking.
to be honest, it was shocking because you didn't hate him initially. you had actually admired him and even wanted to act together in a movie! he was once your idol after all.
and by some stroke of luck, your manager had gotten you the opportunity to be a co-star on a romance-horror movie that was predicted to be the biggest film of all time.
but now that you had achieved that dream... you really wish it hadn't come true. for people's facades come down once you get to know them.
you and him did not get along at all. constantly butting heads, fighting over the littlest of things... yet, you two manage to act out the roles of obsessed lovers who would die for one another.
the fact that the movie was about how you (the love interest) and him (the male lead) were dating and how he would go crazy and stuff-
ugh you can't believe you had to act this out! you're too annoyed to even think straight now! like, what kind of false reality is this?!
well i mean, it is kinda your job as an actor to sell a false reality but still! the way you two can pull a 180 each time you have to get on set is crazy!
"oi you, don't breath all up in my face next time. yoy are repulsive."
"we're literally supposed to stand close to one another! how am i not supposed to do that-"
"then don't breathe."
"you two stop it!"
the director barks at the two of you, shaking his head as the both of you roll your eyes. seriously, to everyone else it looks like little kids who are fighting over the smallest of things. how childish!
"we're gonna be filming the next scene. get in position!"
you begrudgingly walk over to the middle of the set at the familiar phrase, getting into place as your co-star unwillingly holds you in an intimate pose. with him pressed up against a wall and you pinning him up against said wall.
you shudder in disgust as the cameras begin rolling once more. ew, you really can't understand what you used to see in him. like he's so dramatic and sassy! what-
your eyes widen as you see him shiver fearfully, a spider crawling on his head. what the hell?! where did this spider come from?!
you wanted to back away from your co-star but the second you saw how his eyes started to water, the way his lower lip trembled... you knew you couldn't just leave him to suffer. even when you hated him.
"don't move..."
you mumble, eyebrows furrowing slightly as you use a shaky hand to approach the spider. hm... it's not like you were scared it's just... why's it so big?
you gulp nervously, eyes widening slightly as you watch the spide crawl up your arm. damn, if you were a bit more of a coward...
you set the spider on a nearby desk, humming softly as you let out a shaky sigh of relief. oh well, at least it's over.
as you were drinking some water, your co actor couldn't help but feel his heart race, cheeks flushed red as he tries to regulate his breathing. what the hell? why is he getting so flustered over you getting close to him?
his eyes drift to your figure, taking in your carefree attitude. he quickly looks away as your eyes glance at his staring. hiding his face in his hands, he huffs and turns around, grumbling something about you as he feels his heart rate spike even more.
all he can think about as the rest of the shoot goes on was whether you had looked this beautiful before.
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A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes
How Ace and Deuce Fantasise About Their Crush, The Prefect
Reader/Yuu is female
Ace Trappola
Deuce is his biggest rival so usually his fantasies involve you choosing him over his fellow Heartslabyul first year
Usually he would be goofing off ‘studying or doing homework’ and his thoughts would inevitably turn to you and he gets hit  with the visual of your beaming smile and shimmering eyes lighting up in adoration as you praise him over his marks on a test like “Wow Ace! I can’t believe you got all of this right - you’re so much smarter and stronger and more handsome and better than Deuce in every way!” and he’d be filled with determination to actually study so you would kiss praise him
Sometimes he would daydream about you wearing his basketball jersey to one of his matches and cheering him on (which you do already anyway - the cheering, not the jersey wearing) and during a tense sports anime worthy match with fast action and slow motion and reaction cuts where your gazing at him admiringly (this boy is literally filming an episode of Haikyuu in his mind) and the scores are neck and neck and he’s about to throw the winning shot and he looks at you winks and is like “this one’s for you” and gets it in, single handedly winning the game and his teammates are freaking out and everyone on the stands are cheering his name and he’s handed the trophy as he’s lifted onto his seniors' shoulders and then you’re there (abandoning Deuce and Grim at the stands) and you congratulate him and you’re kissing him and he’s woken up 🙁
He’s the type of guy to daydream about you in a cheerleading outfit, waving around pom poms and cheering him on - not in a creepy, weird way but more in a cute, endearing way
During the Ghost Bride incident™, you were dressed in a wedding dress to match with all of the suitors’ groom suits and his mind did an application.exe has stopped working before rebooting and immediately got flooded with visuals of you and him getting married
Since he did punch Riddle on the reader’s behalf and flip out at Malleus over Malleus’ completely harmless ‘prank’ during the Spectral Soiree (real king behaviour, what a man *wipes tear*), he does feel protective over them so I think he’d these fantasies where he’s protecting you from danger and bridal carrying you away and you’re swooning over him like ‘my hero ♡’ and peck his cheek
He really does like writing Ace x Reader fanfic in his head, doesn’t he?
I think many of his daydreams would be more ‘what-if’ scenarios where he would lay awake in bed at night, the lights are off and his dormmates are dozing off on their own beds around him, and his mind wanders into how the events of the day would’ve played off if he actually did have the courage to act on his own desires, if he actually did admit he found your smile beautiful during lunchtime, if he actually did hold your hand on your way to class, if he actually did confess his feelings…
If the legends of old are true and that whatever you wish for, you keep, he really really hopes that he gets to keep you
Deuce Spade
It’s canon that he’s a romantic since he has an admiration for the King and Queen of Hearts’ relationship so his fantasies are very reminiscent of classical romances
I headcanon that his mother loves romantic movies and shows (both period and modern) and he loves to watch them with her (he prefers period films/shows over modern ones since he’s been a sucker for fairy tales since he was five)
Even though his fantasies of you are super innocent, he still feels super guilty over having them over his best friend. He thinks it’s wrong to think of kissing someone so kind and sweet when they only see him as a friend and he kind of hates himself for not hating the visions his mind cooks up.
He’s very protective in nature so his daydreams usually feature him saving you à la traditional fairy tale or classic silver screen damsel in distress and her dashing hero or knight in shining armour (not because he sees you as a damsel in distress - you don’t just fight off overblots and live in Twisted Wonderland without being the strongest person ever in his eyes - but because he likes the idea of being strong enough to protect you from danger or you knowing that you can always rely on him to protect you). This, though, also kind of stems from his inner guilt at not being able to save you from the harm you’ve already undergone.
He likes to imagine the two of you stargazing, your figures draped in moonlight as you kiss each other, or the two of you on a white marble balcony, surrounded by doves and baby pink blossoms falling from the trees around you, or the two of you dancing in a ballroom, or kissing in the rain, or giving you piggybacks, or picking you up and twirling you around as you laugh in pure joy, or giving you his jackets or every other cliche he wants and yearns so badly to have with you
Sometimes when he does something good like finish his dorm chores or come first in track club he imagines your voice cheering him on like ‘I knew you could do it, Deuce’ 
He loves it when his daydreams get domestic. His favourite one is when imaginary you and imaginary him are in a chicken coop, surrounded by baby chicks.
Whilst his fantasies are very idyllic and so flowery they could put a florist out of business, he does like the ones that tap into his past as a bad boy where he takes you joyriding on his magical wheel, your arms wrapped around his torso and head resting between his shoulder blades, or he impresses you with his mechanical skills as he fixes a car, or your patching him up after a fight (a fight that happened because imaginary you was being harassed by gang of goons and he came in and saved the day like an action hero)
When he was a stargazer, you were the one who earnestly gave your full support in his dreams and your belief that all of his wishes will inevitably be granted so would you mind terribly if he told you his hearts’ greatest desire
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Snow Drop Part 1
Jacaerys Velaryon x reader
Description: Jacaerys Velaryon finds himself taken by a pretty handmaiden who he catches watching him reading every evening in the library at Dragonstone. Jacaerys assumes the maiden takes an interest in the books, but what if it's the prince himself that keeps her returning to the library?
Author's note: first part of my Jace series, which will be loosely based on Snow White.
Warnings: Female reader.
Shards of moonlight entered the arched windows, casting shadows across the flagstone floors of the library of Dragonstone. Lanterns attached to dragon shaped hangings lining the walls cast a warm glow over the cold, grey stone walls, curls of smoke dancing from the flames. A figure melded with the shadows of the darkened hallway outside the library. The castle maid peeped from behind the arched oak door on the threshold of the library. She found herself, not for the first time, observing Prince Jacaerys as he turned the pages of an ancient tome. A frown furrowed his brow and downturned his lip, and Y/N found herself wishing she could smooth his expression. She longed for him to smile at her, but immediately rebuked herself for her presumptuous thought. Since she had fled from King's Landing to Dragonstone, eager to show her loyalty to the true Queen, she had found herself mesmerized by the young Prince. Try as she might, she could not tear her gaze away from him, as he passed her in the hallways, or she would observe him reading in the library every night, from the safety of the shadows. Her awareness of the foolishness of her fascination was not enough to prevent her eyes from following him, or her heart stuttering at the sight of him, at the sound of his voice. While she lived, her mother had gently chastised Y/N for her preoccupation with tales of princes and princesses, of castles and romance. Prince Jacaerys seemed to embody the princely qualities of honour, loyalty and gallantry, which she had always believed to invest royalty with the mandate to rule. The gentleness and respect that he always directed towards the Queen and his cousins, as well as the female servants, was evidence of an elevation of moral character which raised him above all other men she had met. One interaction she had had with him, in particular, had catalysed her senseless admiration for him.
When she had first begun her duties at Dragonstone, she had been skittish and nervous to be in the presence of royalty, having been previously confined to the lower levels of the Red Keep. Her shy and nervous manner had caused her to drop an empty flagon when attempting to remove it from the table of the Council Room. At the loud clatter which resounded through the room, Ser Alfred Broome rose from the table in indignation and began shouting at her in a booming voice, which left her wincing and cowering.
“Stupid girl, you dare interrupt the proceedings of this Council with your clumsiness. Remove this mess!”
Nodding her head sharply in apology, unable to look him in the eyes, she began to pick up the spilled flagon and cups from the floor, ready to flee from the room, when she heard another voice intervene.
“You dare raise your voice to a lady, Ser? I would advise you to remember your manners and your position in this Council, and to address the members of the Queen’s household with respect.” He almost spat out the last word, in his anger, and Y/N’s eyes tentatively rose to meet those of her defender. She watched in horror as Prince Jacaerys turned from Ser Broome and began to walk with slow, measured strides in her direction, as if worried he would frighten her. Lowering himself to her level, occupied as she still was in gathering the evidence of her clumsiness from the floor, he met her eyes with his warm, brown ones. The gentle expression and reassuring nod he met hers with had her heart stuttering, as he began to assist her in picking the remnants from the floor, their fingers brushing as he did so. Once all the cups and flagon were on the tray, he took it from her, to her surprise, and called for one of the manservants.
“This tray is far too heavy for a lady to be carrying, no wonder it fell. Please remove this to the kitchens.”
With one more gentle, reassuring smile in her direction, he returned to the head of the table, as she wandered from the room, in a half-dazed state.
Since then she had found herself unable to prevent herself from watching for him in the hallways, in case he passed her, and she returned to the library every night just to see him. She knew her actions were foolish, but she convinced herself that there was no harm in indulging her fascination with him from a distance. So it was, that she found herself watching as a lock of his curled, ebony hair fell into his eyes, and he turned the page. When he closed the book suddenly, she almost jumped, but she steeled herself, watching as he rose from the oak table he was seated at, leaving his book open upon the table, as he always did. Waiting a few moments after he had left before making her way into the library, Y/N walked quietly up to the table the Prince had been seated at mere moments ago. She cast her gaze down at the page he had been reading from, as she did every night, curious at what subjects held his interest enough to keep him returning to the library. Bending her face lower to examine a rich illustration of Targaryen history, her hair fell in a curtain around her. As she continued to gently turn the pages, becoming lost in the histories, she did not hear the soft tread of footsteps behind her.
When Prince Jacaerys had vacated his seat in the library, he concealed himself behind the door of the other entrance to the library, watching as the pretty maid who had held his interest from the first moment he had seen her cross him in the hallway, emerged from her hiding place at the other end of the library. Despite her quiet disposition and unobtrusive presence behind the door, he had heard her soft sneeze on one such night, and had been aware of her presence ever since. Curious at why she was hiding, but nonetheless unwilling to frighten her by revealing his awareness of her presence, he had determined to simply continue to read. Upon leaving the library the first time he had observed her watching him, he had secreted himself behind the other door to the library, as he had left the room, and watched as she emerged into the room and walked to where he had just been seated. He watched, in fascination, as she looked hesitantly from left to right, before looking down at the book he had been reading, and began to turn the pages. Ascertaining that it was probably the books the maid held an interest in, and that she was perhaps too shy or unsure to ask if she could borrow any, he resolved to leave the books he read out for her to read, should she so wish. Each night, as he would leave the library, he would leave the book he had been reading from open, so that she might read from it herself, since these books seemed to hold so much interest for her. Each night, he would silently watch as she turned the pages of the book, unable to repress his own smile as he saw a look of intent concentration on her face, as she became immersed in the histories of his House.
The first time he had seen the maid, he had passed her in the hallway and found himself looking back despite himself, struck by her pretty features. Rebuking himself for his behaviour, he had continued on his way through the ancient halls of Dragonstone, but had found himself looking out for her in the following days. Each time he would pass her and she would give him a small bow of her head, he would smile back at her. He could not deny to himself that he found the blush that would dust her cheeks as she scurried past him, as quickly as she could, inexplicably sweet. His anger at Ser Broome a few weeks ago at his harsh manner towards the girl was only partly propelled by his belief that all members of his mother’s household, especially those who had chosen to leave King’s Landing to come into her service out of loyalty, should be treated with respect. He was also partly motivated by a sense of protectiveness towards a lady whose gentleness and shyness left her cringing at Ser Broome’s outburst. Jacaerys had frequently struggled to repress his irritation at Broome’s attitude towards his mother, the Queen and the other women of the Council and the household. His rude behaviour towards a maid who had only been doing her best to serve them, and who was clearly frightened by him, was the final straw.
He had attempted to approach the girl with caution, lest she think that he meant to antagonize her in the same manner as Ser Broome, immediately offering her what he hoped was an encouraging smile. As he began to help her to collect the fallen cups, he regretted to see that her hands trembled, making a mental note to rebuke Brooke further, after the Council session. Removing the tray from the girl’s shaking hands, he had immediately sought out a manservant to take charge of it, surprised that such a heavy load should have fallen to her in the first place. He felt an uncomfortable feeling In his chest as he saw the girl half run from the Council, fearing that he might have embarrassed her by pointing this out, having only intended to aid her and defend her from Broome’s harsh rebukes. Nevertheless, she had continued to greet him affably when she passed him, always respectfully curtseying and bowing her head, to which he lowered his head in respectful greeting. She had not seemed to fear him, as she did Ser Broome and the other raucous members of his mother’s Council, although the fact that she would never enter the library when he was in there, waiting for him to leave before she entered, could suggest otherwise. Tonight, he was determined to find out if such was the case, and to offer her the use of the library, should it please her.
Slowly approaching her, in an attempt not to startle her altogether and have her flee from him immediately, he was a pace behind her before he spoke.
“The histories of my house are of ever growing interest to myself as well. Ah, I see you have been reading of Jahaerys and Alysanne, worthy rulers.”
He was surprised when she whipped around in shock at his voice, emitting a small shriek before curtseying frantically with an apologetic “my apologies, my Prince. I hadn’t meant to disturb you or be presumptuous.”
He realised his approach towards her had only served to alarm her, as she turned to flee. Reaching his arm out quickly he arrested her flight by gently wrapping his hand around hers, turning it over in his hand.
“Apologies, my Lady, I had not meant to startle you. You have not disturbed me and there is no presumption. I meant only to enquire as to whether you might want to borrow a few copies that interest you, should it please you.”
Seeing that her look of alarm had turned into one of confusion, he continued.
“All members of the Queen’s household are welcome to make use of the library, particularly when they seem to have taken such a keen interest in our own histories,” he added, with a gentle smile.
Seeing that she was beginning to relax in his presence and was no longer likely to run from him, he slowly lowered her hand back down to her side.
Looking up hesitantly at him, she bowed her head once again. “Thank you my Prince, you are most gracious. I am grateful for your kind offer….you are sure it would not be an imposition? I should not like to borrow a book you were reading.”
“It would be no imposition at all. You are also free to enter the library when I am present, you will not disturb me. Please feel free to borrow any book that should interest you.” Seeing that she looked flustered at the realisation that he had been aware of her presence the entire time and seeking to alleviate her embarrassment, as he saw her cheeks burning, he tilted his head respectfully in her direction before taking his leave. As he made his way through the dark, flagstone halls of Dragonstone, back towards his own chambers, he was unable to repress a smile at the thought that the pretty maid with the shy disposition and the interest in Targaryen histories might return to the library again. Except, this time, she would not do so clandestinely. Perhaps she might converse with him or, at least, he hoped that such might be the case.
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kairismess · 9 months
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🏐 genre: fluff ~
✒️ word count: 1,198
💭 summary: it had never dawned on you that the great king of the court, tooru oikawa, would ever have a crush on you: a mere background character in the greater scheme of things. if only you knew just how much he adored you–maybe then you'd realize you're more than a side character in the plot of your (and his) life.
💗 special mention: @moonswolfie for requesting this on my @kairiscorner acc !!
🍧 request: "Beg and you shall recieve, make oikawa fall for the nerd girl😈😈😈"
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the concept of being in a relationship was foreign to you. you had never really had a proper relationship with anybody in regards to romance; it was like all and every thought of romance was something you never truly experienced, if you didn't count otome games and dating sims that you always pored over, spent all your time playing and devoting your allowances to new costumes and dialogues from your favorite love interests that made you feel pretty, wanted, and loved.
you never really stood out to anybody, that much you believed was true. you found it hard to see anybody liking you, who avidly wore anime shirts and collected expensive figurines and hung up posters of your favorite game series, cartoons, animes, movies, and shows all over your room. and you don't even wanna bring up the fact that you casually play rpgs whenever you can, wearing the cutest set of headphones that made you stand out in... a rather awkward way–a way you just wish you never got attention from, through stares and stifled chuckles of amusement from others.
you did all you could to ignore the stares, the laughter, the snide comments from girls who thought they were better than you–and you had grown quite used to being alone, to finding solace in games and the internet. and though it wasn't healthy, this was a place you called home; and those characters on your screen that always smiled whenever you chose a good interaction choice, whenever you held them in the right places, they made you feel happy.
but there was another boy who wanted to make you feel happy, a boy who appeared and acted like he came right out of a fairy tale; the male lead in a shoujo manga you never thought you'd live out to be female lead in.
tooru oikawa–the great king of the court, the boy every girl in your year had the hots for. you never really paid that much attention to him because, of course, why would you waste your valuable time and energy on a boy you never knew well, nor would even take an interest in you?
sure, he was your classmate and occasional partner for activities and group works, but his personality always seemed so fake. you knew he was acting like a kind of host boy in a host club, and though you knew guys like that were totally your type, you always kept your guard up around him.
it wasn't like he was going to hurt you, anyway, he was too gallant for that, it seemed. the way a boy like this would only hurt you would be through getting your hopes up that he'd ever like you, and ultimately thank you for being a mere fan and forget your name, maybe laugh about your silly headphones and the way your eyes shone whenever your favorite character called you cute in a dating sim.
but... it was these very qualities that drew oikawa to you.
oikawa had only known you existed for a few months now, since he saw you so often during class as his new seatmate. he knew you weren't anything like the girls that vied for his attention, and it felt like a breath of fresh air for him, not having someone breathe down his neck every few seconds at every little thing he does.
sure, you were a little messy sometimes, a little quiet, a little awkward–a little in your own head most of the time, but it was, in your own unique way, charming. oikawa would instinctively smile to himself whenever you'd get flustered at him asking you for a pencil while you were sneaking to play your otome games on your phone in class, and he'd feel a little proud of you whenever you'd recite in class.
he knew it was hard for you sometimes to show confidence, though he always encouraged you to stand up straight, "you look pretty when you hold your chin up high," he'd always say. of course, you'd sometimes side eye him, and it'd make him a little worried he said something wrong, but it's the fact that you keep oikawa on his toes about how he makes you feel around you that allures him to you even more.
from talking to you during class, he'd bring the conversations outside of class. of course, he'd always carry the conversation while you were trying to beat a really hard boss in your rpgs. he'd cheer you on while he had no idea what was going on–and even the rest of the third years were worried oikawa had some ulterior motives with you, but when they saw how different that usually plastic smile of his was whenever he'd look at you, talk to you, try to get closer with you... it was like there was something out of place there, that got replaced with something purer.
shocking, they know.
"alright, out with it." iwaizumi spat out, hitting oikawa lightly on the shoulder. oikawa looked at iwaizumi curiously. "out with what, iwa-chan?" "are you stupid? you know you can't make her a victim of your charms." when iwaizumi said that, he knew exactly who the her he was referring to was. it was you.
oikawa looked at iwaizumi all pouty, his eyebrows furrowed. "how low do you think of me? i'm not charming her for anything malicious..." "so you're admitting you are making her like you." "i-i never said that!" oikawa retorted, his face getting redder and hotter, his voice getting higher as he was on the brink of admitting the truth.
iwaizumi furrowed his eyebrows and pursed his lips. "so why are you doing this, it's clear she has no interest in you." oikawa couldn't argue with iwaizumi's statement, it was true, you didn't look like you had fully trusted oikawa, and that hurt him to a degree nobody, not even he could bear.
"...because i like her. and i want her to trust me." oikawa muttered, looking away from iwaizumi. it was hard for him to admit, but there was no other way to express it without getting totally crushed by his own half truths and half lies. this was the whole, unadulterated truth–tooru oikawa, the great king of the court, liked you.
he liked the way you got flustered whenever your favorite character would say they love you, he liked the way you glared at him when you'd catch on to his flirting, he liked the way you were so knowledgeable on such nerdy things that... he had watched all your favorite movies and animes, and was planning to gift you merch this coming holiday season.
"...well, you have a lot of work to do to prove to her you like her." "no kidding..." oikawa replied with a sigh, at least his best friend supported his crush on you. he knew it might take a while, a very long while–maybe a whole lifetime to prove how much he loved you. but he'd prove it to you, somehow, and he won't ever stop until he shows his little nerdy girl just how much he's serious about her; how much he loves you.
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anonymousewrites · 5 months
A Not-So-Disastrous Romance (Book 1) Chapter Seven
Kusuo Saiki x Reader
Chapter Seven: New Year's Day
Summary: Saiki's parents invite his friends to celebrate New Year's, and that leads to disastrous realizations.
            Let (Y/N) continue to be my friend, prayed Saiki.
            “Hey, Saiki!”
            I should have prayed for a quiet New Year’s Day.
            “Hi, Saiki!”
            You’re fine.
            “Hello! I’m Kusuo’s dad!” Mr. Saiki leaned in to Kaidou, who he hadn’t met yet.
            Mrs. Saiki hadn’t either. “I’m his mom! Wow, you’re such a cute boy! Thank you for being friends with Kuu!”
            “What? Uhm…Well…Er!” He stuttered and leaned back nervously. “N-Nice to meet you! I’m the Jet Bla—I mean, I’m Kaidou! I really appreciate your son’s camrader—err, help.”
            (Y/N) pretended to cough as they chuckled at Kaidou’s near-slipups.
            “Well, I didn’t realize Kusuo had friends other than (L/N) and Nendou,” said Mr. Saiki.
            “Nendou’s not my friend,” huffed Saiki. Then, he added, “Neither is (Y/N).”
            “Do you think if you tell yourself that enough you’ll actually believe it?” asked (Y/N) playfully.
            Saiki declined to answer since he actually did consider (Y/N) a friend.
            “To think someone like Kusuo actually made three friends,” said Mr. Saiki.
            “I prayed that Kuu would have lots of friends!” said Mrs. Saiki. “And it came true.”
            So it’s her fault.
            “You haven’t gone to pray yet, have you two? You should go!” chirped Mrs. Saiki.
            (Y/N) nodded. “Yep!”
            “Ah, yes! I should! Indubitably,” said Kaidou nervously. He walked up and rang the bell. I hope I’ll have lots of friends.
            (Y/N) rang the bell and clapped their hands. I wish for the people I care about to have a wonderful year! Especially Saiki…
            The pair returned to the Saiki family.
            “I never expected to engage in a battle with God,” said Kaidou, back to his usual self.
            “What did you pray for, Kaidou?” asked (Y/N) curiously.
            “Ah, well, it’s a secret!” squeaked Kaidou, blushing out of nerves.
            Yare yare. At least he’s getting over what that fake clairvoyant said.
            “What about you, Saiki?” (Y/N) looked at him.
            He shrugged in answer. (Y/N) nodded in understanding.
            “And you, (L/N)?” asked Mrs. Saiki.
            “I want my friends to be happy!” answered (Y/N).
            Saiki blinked. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised anymore at their good heart.
            “Oh, hey Kaidou, (L/N),” said a new voice. Hairo had arrived. “You’re here, too, Saiki? What a coincidence. Happy New Year!”
            “Y-Yeah,” said Kaidou.
            “Are you all visiting the shrine to pray? To tell you the truth, I—Hm?” Hairo noticed the adults behind Saiki who looked ecstatic. “Saiki, who are you with?”
            “My parents.” Unfortunately. I don’t want you all to meet.
            “Oh, so you’re Saiki’s parents!” exclaimed Hairo. “Nice to meet you! My name is Kineshi Hairo! I’m Saiki’s Class Rep! Saiki is always helping me out!”
            Mr. and Mrs. Saiki were crying in happiness about how good a kid Hairo was as the boy walked up to the shrine.
            “To think you have this many friends!” sobbed Mrs. Saiki. “I’m so happy I’m about to cry!”
            “Since when do you have such good communication skills?” cried Mr. Saiki.
            “They all just follow me around on their own.”
            “You know you like us!” teased (Y/N). Hopefully at least me. It’d be weird if you didn’t like me as a friend. Their heart clenched at the “like me as a friend.”
            You, maybe.
            I pray for a good rival that I can passionately challenge with all I’ve got, thought Hairo as he bowed at the temple. A formidable rival is also like a good friend. I hope I’ll find someone like that.
            “What did you pray for, Hairo?” asked Mrs. Saiki as the redhead returned.
            “Well, it’s a secret,” said Hairo.
            What’s the deal with everyone wanting friends? Saiki’s eyes wandered to (Y/N). Not everyone is like them.
            “Oh? Hey, guys!” greeted Nendou, walking up to the group. “What’re you guys doing here?”
            “Hiya, Nendou!” (Y/N) waved.
            “Oh, hey, look! My pal’s mom and dad are here!” observed Nendou.
            As Saiki heard Hairo’s astounded “realization” that Nendou might be his rival and Kaidou’s excitement at having friends, he couldn’t help but think about how people’s prayers were coming true. Even his own. (Y/N) seemed pretty happy as usual. Though their parents were probably on another business trip, they were still cheery. Saiki was glad about that.
            “By the way, Nendou, have you gone to pray yet?” asked Hairo.
            “Oh, you mean ringing the bell and stuff? Okay then, I’ll go do it,” said Nendou. He rang the bell hard. “All right! Let’s go get some ramen.”
            “What type of ritual is that?”
            “The Nendou ritual,” answered (Y/N), amused.
            Mr. Saiki laughed. “You only rang the bell. Here, I’ll show you how to do it.” He and Nendou walked back up to the shrine. “Now, you first throw money in here, and then you ring the bell. After ringing the bell, you bow twice. And then you clap your hands twice and say a prayer.” I hope Kusuo finds a nice significant other! “After that, you bow one more time to finish.”
            Nendou repeated the ritual before they returned to the group.
            Yare yare. What a wish my dad had… Saiki glanced at (Y/N) unconsciously.
            “Oh? Could it be?” said a sweet voice. “Ah! Saiki, what a coincidence!” Teruhashi had appeared in her glowing glory. I ran into him here! How lucky! I mean, lucky Saiki!
            Mr. Saiki noticed her, and his mouth dropped open in shock (a normal reaction for those meeting Teruhashi). Could it be that my wish from earlier has already—?
            But it ticks me off that it would be someone this cute! thought Mr. Saiki.
            There’s only one person here I actually like to be around, and that’s (Y/N). Not Teruhashi.
            “Oh! T-Teruhashi!” stammered Nendou.
            “Hiya, Teruhashi!” (Y/N) waved.
            “Wow!” Mrs. Saiki clapped happily. “Who is it this time?”
            “Hi, Teruhashi,” greeted Hairo.
            “What’re you doing here?” asked Nendou.
            “I’m Kusuo’s father! Nice to meet you!” said Mr. Saiki.
            “I’m Kuu’s mom,” introduced Mrs. Saiki.
            As everyone crowded around her, Saiki and (Y/N) stood off to the side. Saiki was annoyed that so many people were interrupting his chance at a peaceful day. (Y/N) was standing there like a personified ray of sunshine. They were rocking back and forth happily, humming lightly to herself.
            “Let’s leave before they notice we’re not with them.”
            (Y/N) grinned. “I’m a terrible influence on you! Let’s do it!”
            They turned and took a few steps before Mr. Saiki noticed.
            “Oh? Are you going home, Kusuo?” asked his father. He turned suddenly to the other teenagers. “Oh, that’s right! If you like, you’re welcome to come by our place! We have customary New Year’s dishes, too.”
            “Yeah, come join us,” invited Mrs. Saiki.
            “Yeah, let’s go!” cheered Nendou as the others agreed.
            Poor Saiki had become black and white and blank.
            “Saiki? Saiki?” (Y/N) waved a hand in front of his eyes. Oh, man. This really did a number on you!
            “Whoa! These mashed chestnuts totally rock!” said Nendou as he ate.
            “Go ahead and have as much as you like!” said Mrs. Saiki.
            Saiki sat in a corner, trying to avoid the festivities. (Y/N) was sitting in the sun next to him. Like a cat, they were almost napping in the warm light.
            “It’s very delicious! Please teach me how to make it sometime,” complimented Teruhashi.
            “Of course! It would be my pleasure!” said Mrs. Saiki.
            “You’ll make a good wife, Teruhashi,” commented Mr. Saiki.
            “I’m flattered!” gushed Teruhashi.
            That is not the option I want anyone to consider.
            …Not that there is any option.
            “Everyone, thank you for being good friends with Kuu,” said Mrs. Saiki honestly.
            “No need for thanks!” Hairo grinned.
            “We’re his friends because we want to be,” said (Y/N), stretching and smiling.
            Saiki liked that idea, strangely. He could make people do whatever he wanted, but to know some people just wanted to be around him was nice.
            “Yeah, you’re right, sorry,” said Mrs. Saiki emotionally. “I’m just so happy. He’s always had very few friends because he’s a psychic.”
            Everyone froze after that statement. Silence fell over the room.
            Yare yare.
            Saiki’s eyes immediately darted over to gage (Y/N)’s reaction. They tilted their head in confusion and glanced between him and his mom questioningly. However, there didn’t seem to be any hostility or fright on their face. Saiki was thankful for that.
            “Honey, you probably shouldn’t have said that,” said Mr. Saiki.
            “What?” Mrs. Saiki clearly hadn’t planned to say that.
            “He’s a…psychic?” asked (Y/N). “What do you mean by that?”
            Mrs. Saiki paled as she realized what she had revealed.
            “Honey, you should say something,” said Mr. Saiki.
            “O-Oh,” stammered Mrs. Saiki.
            Calm down. This is nothing to panic over. Nobody is taking this seriously. Well… Saiki glanced over at (Y/N) who was looking intently at him as if realizing something. Most of them aren’t. They may be a problem. As usual, (Y/N) was observant at all the wrong moments.
            Mr. Saiki coughed awkwardly. “Well…” He attempted to change the subject. “Do you guys know the logo of Shonen Jump?” he asked nervously. “You know, the pirate symbol?”
            “Yes, I do know it,” said Hairo, slightly confused.
            “If you turn it ninety degrees, it looks like the profile of a girl,” said Mr. Saiki. “Well…I just thought I’d point that out.”
            The teenagers still looked awkwardly at him and his family. Finally, Nendou looks at a manga.
            “Oh! Whoa! Cool! It really does!” exclaimed Nendou. “Here, look at this!”
            “You’re right! It does!” realized Hairo.
            “It looks like she’s wearing a skull hairclip,” remarked Kaidou.
            “I guess it does look like a girl,” said (Y/N). They remained distracted, however, and kept glancing back at Saiki questioningly. They weren’t as mollified as the rest of the group.
            Yare yare. I have no choice. I need another distraction. Using his powers, he knocked over a water glass and made it seem like Hairo had done it.
            “Oh, no! I’m sorry,” apologized Hairo as the water soaked the tablecloth.
            “Oh, no! I’ll bring a dishcloth!” cried Mrs. Saiki.
            The night ended with the incident, finishing any talk of Saiki’s psychic abilities. After dinner, the teenagers said their thanks and began to walk back to their houses together.
            “I didn’t expect Saiki’s parents to be so cheerful,” said Kaidou.
            “Yeah,” agreed Nendou.
            “At any rate, have you no manners?! You sure made yourself at home,” said Kaidou.
            “What?! Hey, you were the one talking all funny! What was that about?!” cried Nendou.
            “Now, now. It’s New Year’s. Let’s not ruin it by fighting,” admonished Teruhashi angelically.
            “More importantly…” (Y/N) suddenly spoke up after thinking hard. “I wonder what Saiki’s mom meant about him being a psychic.”
            “Oh, that…I wonder what that was about,” said Hairo. “That made things kinda awkward, didn’t it?”
            Saiki teleported behind a telephone pole. Yare yare. They couldn’t undo the damage after all.
            “She was probably just joking,” said Kaidou.
            “But they did suddenly change the subject…” pointed out (Y/N).
            “Yeah, it definitely was a little strange,” said Hairo.
            “But Saiki’s mom is a little unusual, so…” said Nendou cheerfully.
            Don’t say that about my mom.
            “But they really dodged the subject,” remembered (Y/N).
            You really become observant at the most inopportune times.
            “I thought it might be true for a second,” admitted Hairo.
            “That’s silly,” scoffed Kaidou, acting tough.
            “I was just kidding,” said Hairo.
            At the next crossroads, they all split up to head to their respective houses. Each teenager was now alone.
            As (Y/N) walked, they continued to ponder on what had happened at dinner. Especially the incident with the water spill. (Y/N) knew it had seemed that Hairo knocked the glass over, but…his elbow never touched it. Could it be possible? It seemed outlandish, and yet…(Y/N) couldn’t help but think it made sense. Could Saiki really be a—
            Sorry, (Y/N). I can’t have anyone know. Saiki sighed as he watched (Y/N) walk away. He could only hope that their germanium earrings wouldn’t negate his Nanana stick and memory altering.
            Saiki was half-pleased. His memory altering had been successful on Nendou, Teruhashi, Kaidou, and Hairo, but now they all had annoying misconceptions of what Mrs. Saiki said. The only person he was unsure about was (Y/N). He couldn’t read their thoughts, so he had no idea what she thought. As (Y/N) waved to him as he sat down for school, however, they clearly “remembered” what Mrs. Saiki said.
            Saiki’s never had many friends because few people understand him.
            (Y/N) smiled to themself. Saiki…You’re an enigma incarnate, but…I want to be your friend. Through thick and thin, I want to be by your side. I want to try to understand you, if you let me. I hope you’ll let me…because I really care.
            Those sentiments had been hidden quite deeply before, but as (Y/N) thought them, they took root, and something new bloomed in their heart.
            Oh dear, thought (Y/N) as that something new grew unbidden. Their eyes widened, and they touched their heart. I have a crush on Saiki.
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shogunish · 1 year
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pairing. true form! sukuna x f! reader
genre. some sort of romance (?)
contents. set in the heian period, true form sukuna, reader is a concubine, after sex + casual nudity, creampie, violence, blood, mediocre poetry that i wrote myself
summary. sukuna who neither loves nor hates anyone, finds himself attracted to the poetry you write so elegantly.
words. 2.4k
note. based on this random sukuna thought i had.
comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! <3
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you had no other choice but to bang your fist against wooden gates in the pouring rain, mud staining your once white robes and strands of hair sticking to your face like a second skin.
"please, let me in!"
what else were you supposed to do when a swarm of curses suddenly terrorized your village, eating your parents' flesh alive and feasting on their corpses once they had died of shock? you had barely made it out of your home, throwing stones at the winged cursed spirits in hopes of gaining some sort of distance, an advantage.
"i'll do anything! i swear!"
you banged your fist harder until splinters pierced your skin and jumped off the wood. but the pain of it wasn't greater than the anguish of losing your loved ones, your home – a place you could no longer return to, a graveyard for the living.
tears of despair ran down your cheeks and you sobbed. wings flapped in the distance. you didn't need to turn around to know that those cursed spirits had caught up to you in the matter of a few minutes. horror crawled up your spine, slinging itself around your neck like the burn of a noose.
"please! i'm begging!"
your heart had already given up when you sunk to your knees, your mind made peace with the fact that this was it. but before you even knew what happened, someone grabbed the collar of your robes, dragged you inside and tossed your body into a puddle of mud like..like you were nothing.
"huh..?" sitting on your knees, your head shot up and your eyes widened once they caught sight of your savior and downfall.
he looked like a beast. four arms and two faces with pink hair slicked back amd an aura that nearly suffocated you. a pair of his arms was crossed over his chest, red eyes glared at you, stared right through the essence of your soul.
ryomen sukuna.
your grandparents always told you stories about him, but you never believed that anyone, or rather anything, like that could exist. nothing but a scary fairytale meant to teach children not to misuse jujutsu or else he'd eat them in their sleep. but he was real. silently, you wished you had listened to grandma and grandpa.
sukuna didn't ask for it, but your trembling body was on autopilot when you lowered your forehead to the wet ground and squeezed your eyes shut.
"do you have any idea how loud you are?" his voice was deep, obviously annoyed by your obnoxious begs and pleads to let you in, to grant you shelter from a horde of lousy cursed spirits.
you dug your fingernails into the ground. "m-my apologies.." your voice died in your throat, hoarse from screaming and begging and trembling out of pure fear. "my village..it got slaughtered and i..i just.."
"did I ask for any of your excuses?" sukuna couldn't care less about your sob story you tried serving him in an attempt to keep your life.
you were about to apologize again when clawed hands grabbed your cheeks, jerked your head upwards and forced you to look at sukuna who appeared to be bored out of his mind. wide-eyed, you stared at him with mud, tears and blood on your face. truly disgusting did you look.
"you said you'd do anything?" sukuna questioned as he regarded your fear-stricken face that looked like it was about to cry again when you dumbly nodded your head.
despite that, he had to admit that your skin seemed well taken care of and the fabric of your robes was neither too shabby nor too expensive. you were neither a farmer nor a noble, but something..in-between.
you reminded him of a poem he once read.
"the ugly little duck that many would have slaughtered
grew into a beautiful swan with grace unknown and beauty unmatched."
a silly swing of mood was all it took for sukuna to change his mind. originally, he wanted to spill the blood of the person who disturbed his rest, but he decided to give you chance to grow into something beautiful, something even someone like him could admire like the poetry he liked to read.
"you'd make a fine concubine." a smirk tugged at the corner of his lips.
was this..it?
you'd get to keep your life in exchange for pleasuring a mass murderer? you cringed at the thought and had half the mind to say that you'd rather be fed to the wolves than existing for a man's pleasure, but then..the images of your killed loved ones flashed before your eyes.
saying those words out loud would result in a painful, slow death. those cursed spirits would tear the flesh off your bones until you'd die of shock or blood loss.
you yielded. you did say you'd do anything.
"yes..i shall be your concubine as a sign of my gratitude."
those words sealed your fate.
sukuna called for someone named uraume, an androgynous-looking person clothed in monk robes and they took you inside where you were not only granted a bath but also a fresh pair of robes. they said they'd show you around the coming morning, that you would be to sleep in a room with the other concubines and that you had nothing to do but satisfy sukuna's sexual desires.
if you were to disobey, you would die.
just what had you gotten yourself into?
sukuna liked to believe that he didn't care about anyone. people, humans, were nothing but the dirt underneath his feet. maybe even the ants he'd squish if they were lucky enough. but even a curse such as himself found himself drawn to one of the arts humans gave birth to.
it was poetry.
those words would likely never reach sukuna's soul, but he liked the art of putting words together, to think about their meaning. after all, writing was the same as laying your soul bare – similar to showing your nude body to strangers like one of his many concubines.
in full bloom were the cherry blossoms, plum and vibrant. a spring breeze blew by and the engawa creaked underneath sukuna's bare feet. the pond's surface was disturbed by the occasional koi fish getting a little too close to the sun, the water rippled silently before coming to flawless stillness once more.
one more step and a glance towards the ground – what was this? sukuna bent down, picked up a piece of paper and upon turning it around, he was met with fine, onyx brush strokes and a neat handwriting. it was poetry.
sukuna shouldn't be as interested as he was, but maybe it was the good mood he had which allowed him to indulge himself in such silly thing.
"dreams are like bubbles.
fragile and transient, one touch and they cease to exist.
so why is it that i keep blowing bubbles,
hoping that the wind will be more gentle with them than my own fingertips?"
"if pain is time, then this must be eternity."
"his claws, so sharp and lethal and drenched in his arrogance's blood, almost feel as gentle as the breeze ringing in the spring."
and when sukuna raised his gaze, wanting to find a trace of the person who wrote these lines with such anguish, ruby irises found your form sitting underneath a tree. a little book was in your hands, black ink on the tips of your fingers as you dragged the brush across the paper. a faraway look in your eyes and glossy lips parted ever so slightly as you wrote down word for word.
who would've thought that a mere concubine, a woman whose purpose was to please sukuna in any way possible, was capable of creating such beauty? of executing such etiquette and carrying the brush with the sorrows of days gone by.
what else was going on in your mind, in that little soul of yours?
"sukuna. is everything alright?" uraume asked as they emerged from a sliding door. they had just come back from aiding the maids with a task that they needed help with and upon coming back, uraume immediately noticed the foreign expression on sukuna's face.
was this..awe..curiosity..or something entirely different? they couldn't tell.
sukuna crumpled the piece of paper in his fist. "yeah. no need to worry." he reassured his subordinate, but..those words were directed to himself as well.
soon after, sukuna requested you more often and kept you by his side for a little while before you'd pick up your kimono from the ground to go back to your own chambers to wash the sin off your body.
candles lit up sukuna's chamber, dipping the walls in hues of orange and yellow as the flame flickered. paintings as well as weapons made for war decorated the space – tools which still scared you, because what could a being such as sukuna do with these weapons? he could likely do worse than just murder you, you thought.
a sheen of sweat coated your nude body. your breasts rose and fell with each deep breath you took and sukuna's marks littered your skin. his bites on your neck, fingerprints on your thighs and the marks of his claws on your hips which were partly bloody. semen leaking from your entrance, you shivered.
"may i assume you're satisfied for the night, sukuna?" you looked up at him through your lashes, eyes still hazy from your orgasm.
sukuna's lower arm was wrapped around your shoulder and pulled you into his side. it was the most gentle touch you had ever received from him.
he hummed as if he was in thought. "..not quite."
immediately, you squirmed into a more upright position, eyes wide and shimmering even in the dim light. "i promise i can do better! if you let me just–" deft fingers attempted to raise the blanket from sukuna's lower half, but he stopped you, shaking his head.
"no, not that. rather.." he trailed off, watching the confusion grow in your eyes. "..i desire to know whether it's you who's lost a page of poetry?" sukuna's voice was deep, smooth like velvet, yet as dark as the abyss in his pupils. "the other concubines wouldn't even know how to write poetry, so..the only one left is you, [name]."
heat rose to your face. ashamed, you raise the blanket up to your collarbone as if it could hide the words sukuna had found. "..how did you..?"
"i found it when i stepped on it." sukuna was gentle when he cupped your chin with his clawed fingers and made you look at him. "consider me impressed."
surprise was written all over your face, lips parted, eyes wide and all that. you swore your heart was beating in your throat. did sukuna, the king of curses, just praise you?
he never praised anyone.
"..pardon..?" you breathed out. was this some kind of dream? a lucid dream? or maybe you were put under a spell? whichever it was..it felt pleasant.
"i'm not going to repeat myself." sukuna brushed a few strands of hair out of your face, tucking the strand behind your ear. "but i am going to keep you by my side. it appears that you're good for more than meets the eye."
that night, sukuna handed you a brush, ink and a piece of paper. he kept you by his side the entire night, wanting to hear the words you put to paper until you had fallen asleep with your head on his shoulder and his marks on your skin.
people said that love came all different shapes and forms: platonic love, familial love, erotic love, the love one held towards a pet and so on. if one were to ask sukuna what sort of affections he held towards you when you sat by his side, filling pages of poetry for him to read, he likely would remain silent.
because as arrogant as he was as the king of curses, as much as he didn't care about anyone but himself, he could not deny the fact that, in your company, he found peace amidst the violence that he caused himself.
sukuna liked the way you sat next to him with no fear, gentle eyes focused on that little notebook and a brush in your hand. silently would you sit next to the catastrophe that was sukuna, pouring your feelings onto paper that would one day fade and crumble like leaves in the wind. yes, even your tranquil self would one day fade into nothing like the ink on your papers.
"will you miss me when it's my turn to go?" you asked without looking at sukuna. a few cherry blossoms petals got tangled in your hair.
sukuna was gentle when he used one of his hands to pick the petal out of your hair. he should've said no without hesitating so long, because despite your appearance, you were awfully perceptive – that much sukuna had learned.
a smile graced your lips. seated next to sukuna on the engawa had become your favorite pastime even though he would use your body later on with no regard for your aching limbs.
"what? am I dear to you?" you teased the king of curses. within the last few months, you had become attuned to each other without meaning to.
"..if it is possible for a curse to love."
a sigh slipped sukuna's lips. he begrudgingly entertained your thoughts. "it seems that my treatment towards you has got to your head, [name]."
at that, you giggle into your notebook, eyes closed and the apples of your cheeks tinting a hue of red. "maybe a little bit. i was merely wondering if.."
sukuna was certain that he didn't love you, but rather the words you wrote. they flowed like water, written with grace unknown and beauty unmatched. each syllable was either fragile like a petal or sturdy like a warrior on horseback. it was funny how your poetry was a reflection of yourself.
when you sat next to sukuna, you were tender but when he'd order you into his chamber, you'd take and obey his orders like a samurai with nothing but moans on your lips.
"my affection has nothing to do with you." sukuna said after a pause.
"how sad." you mused, putting your brush down. "a being who has been living for so long and never experienced any sort of love. it must be lonely."
that day when you pressed a kiss to sukuna's cheek like a lover would, he wondered…if maybe you were attached to him instead.
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mcflymemes · 10 months
PROMPTS FROM LOVE ACTUALLY *  assorted dialogue from the 2003 film, adjust as necessary
it’s the saddest part of my day, leaving you.
if you look for it, i’ve got a sneaky feeling you’ll find that love actually is all around.
i could just have him murdered.
thank you, i’ll think about it.
ruthless trained killers are just a phone call away.
to me, you are perfect.
can you give me any clues at all?
well the truth is… actually… i’m in love.
i really want to know.
there’s nothing i can do about it.
i thought it would be something worse.
tell her that you love her.
okay, that sounds fine. bit boring, but fine.
that sounds so bizarre.
that is genuinely bad timing.
american girls would seriously dig me with my cute british accent.
they've done it. it's official.
this is shit, isn't it?
i was hoping you'd win.
christmas is for people with someone they love in their lives.
so... what's this big news then?
it was always going to be a total shit time.
oh, don't be disgusting. get out of my house.
look at the sign on the door.
you’ll always regret it if you don’t.
well, this is a surprise.
has it been a good visit?
we got what we came for.
you never talk to me. you don’t like me.
you can just show yourself out, can’t you?
do you think everybody knows?
tell me, if you were in my position, what would you do?
would you wait around to find out?
oh god, i am so in the wrong.
you’ve also made a fool out of me.
ask me anything you like. i’ll tell you the truth.
god, i wish you hadn’t turned that down.
shit, i can’t believe i just said that.
basically, you’re fucked, aren’t you?
this is shit, isn’t it?
where the fuck is my fucking coat?
thank you very much, but no.
actually, i was being serious.
it would be great if we could be friends.
it’s a terrible, terrible mistake.
you’re not who i think you are, are you?
who do you have to screw around here to get a cup of tea and a chocolate biscuit?
i will miss you. and your very slow typing. and your very bad driving.
i’ll give you anything you ask for, as long as it’s not something i don’t want to give.
i’m very busy and important. how can i help you?
oh, shut your face.
actually, i don’t have to go.
true love lasts a lifetime.
so what’s this big news, then?
life is full of interruptions and complications.
oh no. that is so inconvenient.
i very much like the look of you.
send an embarrassingly big car and i’ll be there!
i never asked you how your love life is going.
the thing about romance is… people only get together right at the very end.
look at the sign on the door!
loitering around the jewelry section, i see!
a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.
i think you’re not surprised.
oh my god, i’ve got a terrible stomach ache.
how will you be celebrating?
all i want for christmas is you.
you would have broken my heart if you’d said yes.
the nurses are trying to kill me.
are you sure you don’t mind me going without you?
i love you even when you’re sick and look disgusting.
did i mention that i love you?
i look quite pretty.
no one’s ever going to shag you if you cry all the time.
hello. i heard you were gorgeous.
i’ll just be hanging around the mistletoe, hoping to be kissed.
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thewayitalknj · 8 months
Friday, I'm In Love?
Eddie Munson x Female Reader.
When random corny love notes start appearing in your locker, you're wondering who the hell Is taking time out of their day to think of you.
Quick Notes - Happy Valentine's Day! I got this idea while playing our Valentine's Day Playlist at work and thought I would write something. Super short but to the point, lol. Hope you enjoy!
Word Count - 849 (Told you it was short) Warnings - None! Enjoy :)
Monday That's when the first note fell out of your locker. When the small piece of paper fell onto the floor you were confused. You had all your notes, what could this possibly be? You opened it up and read the message ; Let's commit the perfect crime. You steal my heart and I'll steal yours.
"The actual fuck?" You laugh.
"Whacha got there?" Eddie snatches the note from your hand and reads it in the most dramatic voice you have ever heard, clearly used for DM'ing only. You close your locker and lean against it. "You have a secret admirer? That's adorable." You take the note back and stuff it in your bag.
"Beats me. Probably someone playing a stupid prank."
"Or someone's in love with you."
"I highly doubt that."
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Tuesday ; They say true love hides behind every corner. I must be walking in circles.
"So, who do you think it's from?" Jonathan asks as you walk the track field for gym.
"No idea. I just find it odd. Why now? For fucking Valentine's Day?"
"Maybe they think it's the right time since it's a holiday about love."
"I still think it's a silly prank."
"Or someone is in love with you." He smiles.
"Well, I highly doubt it."
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Wednesday ; Romance is the icing, but love is the cake.
"I like this one, it has to do with food." Robin snarks, holding all 3 notes in her hand.
"That's such a you comment to say."
"What are you guys talking about?" Nancy takes a seat next to you at the lunch table.
"Someone has been leaving me stupid notes with pick up lines in my locker everyday this week."
"And you don't know who it is yet?"
"You haven't recognized the hand writing?"
"See, this is why you're the smart one." Robin states.
"I never even thought of that, let me take a look." You examine the writing on the notes. "Yeah I got nothing. Who knows, it could be very obvious and I don't even see it."
"Or, someone is in love with you."
"Again, I highly doubt it."
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Thursday You fling your locker open and there fell a note. ; If I were a cat, I would spend all nine of my lives with you.
"Okay, that's it. I'm done with these. Thank god tomorrow is Friday."
"You haven't figured it out yet?" Eddie asks.
"Nope, I haven't. Do you think I'm stupid?"
"No, of course not. But speaking of stupid," He pulls out his math binder. "Here are the math notes you needed."
"Thanks, I'll get them back to you tomorrow. I can't believe you actually paid attention."
"Well if I want to graduate I gotta do some work, ya know?"
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Later that night you're doing homework in your bedroom and started organizing your math notes. Using Eddie's notes from earlier you flip over the page to continue note taking when you notice some scribbles at the bottom, definitely not pertaining to math. Let's commit the perfect crime. You steal my heart and I'll steal yours. ; They say true love hides behind every corner. I must be walking in circles. ; If you were a fruit you would be a fine apple ; Romance is the icing, but love is the cake. you're a 9 out of 10 and i'm the 1 you need ; well i'm here so what are your other two wishes? if you were a cat, I would spend all nine of my lives with you ; if you let me borrow a kiss I promise I'll give it right back to you.
A lightbulb goes off and you immediately reach for the love notes in the front pouch of your backpack.
"Holy shit." You whisper.
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Friday The morning bell rings as you slip a note into Eddie's locker. ; Roses are red, Violets are blue. I found out who you are, and you must admit it to me too. Meet me at the picnic table after school.
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The afternoon bell rings as you take off towards the woods to meet Eddie.
You sat on the table impatiently waiting, bouncing your leg up and down until a familiar face appears before you.
"What's this?" He asks waving the note in his hand.
"It's you."
"What do you mean it's me?"
You wave the four notes in front of him this time. "Didn't get one this morning. I beat you too it."
"That's not me."
"Stop lying Eddie."
"But it's not. Can you prove it?"
"Your math notes." He looks at you confused, taking out his backpack and finding his notes. As you watch him flick through his eyes get wide.
"Holy shit." He whispers.
"Yeah I said the same thing."
"Look I'm sorry-"
"Why are you sorry? And why didn't you just say anything in the first place?"
"Because it wasn't suppose to end like this, and I didn't know how you would react. So I thought this would be a good way to ask you out. Maybe. Possibly."
You nod your head and look down to the ground.
"So?" He ponders.
"So what?" You look back up.
"Can I take you out on a date?"
You smile.
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bloodinwine · 23 days
This sounds so dramatic but my heart felt broken when I finished playing BG3...and all because I couldn't believe I wasn't going to have more time with my boyfriend Astarion. 😭😭😭 💔💔💔 (note: I played the UA romance path). For weeks after, all I could think was: What happens to Astarion after? Who does he become? Is he happy? Is he still in love with Tav? Is he still struggling? What does he look like as he gets to experience true freedom for the first time? Does he make new friends and form more meaningful relationships outside of Tav? If he stays with Tav, does he remain faithful to the end? What kind of partner/lover would Astarion be? What does he want to do for a living? Man, I wish we could see this! I wish I knew! As I write Astarion in all these silly slice of life moments with Effy (in a story that is obscenely long) - I'm reminded that this is why. So I could see it! (I also write it for the horny bits, but we don't have to talk about that.)
Love you all. <3
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notajoinerofthings · 2 years
you give me a good reason to be heartsick again to be here, to be strong, to be oddly and boldly estranged from the loss and bitter years i found myself descending into tedium and fear
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allwaswell16 · 8 months
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A fic rec of One Direction fics that show a healthy relationship dynamic as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, please leave the writers kudos and comments! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
- Louis / Harry -
☁️ Of Mates and Men by @bananaheathen
(E, 630k, wedding) In which, Louis and Harry meet as best men for their best friends' wedding... well... sort of. Or, the one where Harry's just moved back from New York and Louis doesn't believe in romance. Or, I guess... the one where Zayn and Liam are getting married.
☁️ Relief Next To Me by dolce_piccante / @haydolce
(E, 333k, fwb) AU. What happens when a baker and a graphic designer meet via a very specific Craigslist post? Fate, friendship, food, and maybe more.
☁️ Have Love, Will Travel by @kingsofeverything
(E, 97k, road trip) Rather than spend the summer working at their desks, Louis and Harry are given the opportunity to crisscross the country together in a tiny camper, filming their adventures for a YouTube series.
☁️ No Control Club (series) by @sadaveniren
(E, 96k, bdsm) Harry, a popular BDSM blogger, writes a negative review about Louis’ club. Louis wants to have a chance to make it up to him.
☁️ My Kind of Rain by @lululawrence
(NR, 30k, musicians) the Tim McGraw/Faith Hill AU where Louis is Tim, Harry is Faith, and just when Louis thinks he is going to get some rest, his entire world turns upside down thanks to the man with curly hair and the voice that seems to sing right to Louis' heart.
☁️ The Sunshine Stays by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird
(E, 15k, canon) They're enjoying a much more relaxed schedule the second time around, allowing themselves to bask in married life. Until, one day, Louis surprises Harry on vacation, and there are some surprising consequences.
☁️ Let Me Be Your Everlasting Light by Layne Faire / @laynefaire
(M, 11k, Northern Lights) Harry arranges a trip to Norway as a gift for Louis, but little does Louis know Harry is also hoping to make his own dream come true, too.
☁️ I Can't Hear You by kikikryslee / @flamboyantommo
(E, 9k, omegaverse) the one where Harry is self-conscious about his body because it's not the 'typical omega body' and Louis shows him why he loves that.
☁️ There's a Ring in the House by YesIsAWorld / @louandhazaf
(M, 3k, proposal) Louis knows Harry is going to propose. He's terribly impatient about it.
☁️ Changing Weather (For Worse or For Better) by @haztobegood
(M, 3k, established relationship) Five times it's raining and one time it stops.
☁️ I Choose You by @disgruntledkittenface
(NR, 3k, established relationship) Louis is exhausted during a busy time at work. After a long commute home, the last thing he expects is for Harry to have a surprise for him.
☁️ Gonna Dress You Up In My Love by @fallinglikethis
(T, 3k, humor) Harry decides to take up knitting. He's horrible at it. Louis wears everything anyway.
☁️ The Future's in Our Hands by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup
(G, 2k, humor) Louis loves a good idea, a good invention. He's always ready to try out the next project. His husband would maybe just like him to wait until morning.
☁️ The Nearness of You by theweightofmywords / @lil0
(M, 2k, mpreg) Harry and Louis' baby is due any moment. Harry just wants pretty toenails, and Louis just wants to help.
☁️ If Wishes Were Dishes by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup
(T, 2k, living together) Why is Harry doing his dishes? He must be mad at Louis. He must be absolutely livid at the way Louis is living his life as a slob.
☁️ Sugary Sweet by @neondiamond
(G, 1k, kid fic) Harry and Louis’ daughter knows exactly how to get what she wants, Harry is pregnant, and Louis is the best husband ever.
- Rare Pairs -
☁️ a little tenderness by @disgruntledkittenface
(NR, 10k, Niall/Harry) Harry’s never been around an omega in depri as bad off as Niall looks; most of the time, there’s an alpha friend or family member who can help out with scenting and physical contact. Oh.
☁️ two languages, one love by @nouies
(NR, 3k, Louis/Cillian Murphy) The three times Louis speaks to Cillian in Spanish, and the one time he finally gets a response.
☁️ Fine Line by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13
(G, 1k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw) Telling his family was always going to be a big deal, but doing it alone was a sacrifice he could make. He never thought they’d fall about laughing.
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marymary-diva17 · 2 months
She is the one we chose & love
neteyam x reader x aonung
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Love can be true and beautiful and that has been seen a young mated couple, that had some differences in the trio but there is a pure and strong bond. A young woman who had won the hearts of young warriors and future leaders, even due there had been some jealousy towards her. She had been chosen for many reasons and she will also be the one her mates would want, no matter what anyone said or did even it was family or a fellow navi.
y/n " breakfast is almost done it needs bit more cooking, and then it will be perfect"
?????" there you are yawne the bed left empty and cold without you" you had looked to see your mate neteyam standing there, he gave you a smirk as he soon sat down.
y/n " good morning ma teyem breakfast will be ready soon"
neteyam " it seems good and having this morning with you, makes me very happy" neteyam soon kissed your check and lips making you smile.
????? " so while I'm getting up from bed you decide to steal some kisses from our wife, you play a dirty tricks neteyam" aonung had stepped out of the couples shared bedroom, and was looking at neteyam.
neteyam " aww aonung I thought we were friends"
aonung " oh we are friends but I hate seeing you romance our wife and show off"
neteyam " don't hate me because I'm her favorite husband"
y/n " you both are skywangs right now I don't have a favorite mate or husband you both know that right"
neteyam & aonung " yes"
y/n " good"
aonung " breakfast smells wonderful ma y/n and it will taste good as well"
y/n " thank you I had leaned this recipes when I was very young from my family, along with some other clan members as well I even had made some with my clan recipe alongside yours as well"
neteyam " there had been many gifts your family and clan, haad given you when you came here after our ceremony ... that you use to help decorate our home"
y/n " if it to much I can place some of them away"
aonung " no we love it as it help tell everyone of our beautiful union"
y/n " thank you breakfast is ready do you both want some" neteyam and aonung had nodded their heads your family, were in nice words very serious and intimidating as well. It was hard for many to believe that someone like you had came from the family and clan, as well there were a handful of people in your clan like you but not that much. The couple had breakfast together and once that was over, they cleaned everything up and soon left the home.
Tisreya " good morning" the trio had been gather some fruit when they heard tsireya voice, they had soon turned around to see tsireya and there others standing there.
y/n " good morning"
kiri " we came to do some gather as well and saw you three and thought we could join"
rotxo " if we are not interrupting your time together as a couple"
y/n " no you all are free to join us if you still wish to"
tuk " thank you"
lo'ak " I swear you three still acted like a newly mated couple when, even if it been half of year"
neteyam " oh like you and tsireya act all lovely dove together"
lo'ak " hey"
aonung " what you brought our relationship we can brings you up as well"
spider " wow they got you good bro"
lo'ak " so you want to make jokes to what about your relationship with kiri and rotxo"
kiri " shut up skywangs you are speaking to loud"
rotxo " our relationship is perfect"
tuk " you are all very funny and I hope one day to have a good and beautiful, relationship like you all"
y/n " in time you will tuk it might come now at your age or later on in life you will know it and take the leap of faith"
tuk " thank you y/n"
tsireya " are you still love living here y/n even being away from your home and clan"
y/n " yes I love being here but I still miss my home, but I we still keep in touch even when we are far apart there also the Annual visits as well"
tsireya " that wonderful"
lo'ak " so when is your family going to pay us a visit again"
y/n " I don't know it matters when they can find the time to come"
y/n " they have said in previous conversations that they love, the clans I have joined along with the rest of you and that something we all should be happy about"
neteyam " thanks for telling us that ma y/n but we always feel like we might disappoint them"
y/n " I will always love you all no matter what happens"
tsireya " well you are love by us all and the rest of our families as well, see how happy you make my brother and neteyam"
lo'ak "well if you include our mothers that might be a stretch"
kiri " hush"
y/n " ......" lo'ak words had gotten everyone attention and as her words are speaking the truth.
????? " hey there everyone"
sully kids " dad"
tsireya/aonung/ rotxo " baba"
spider " dad" Jake sully had come walking over with tonowari and tsutey with him.
Jake " it seems like you all are having a good time over here"
neteyam " yes we are"
lo'ak " well dad if you most know we had interrupted neteyam and aonung time, with y/n"
Jake " leave them be"
tonowari " hello y/n"
y/n " hello it good to see you three today"
tsu'tey " yes it good to see all of you are hangout even due some responsibilities have changed for you all"
Jake " well we also had come here to see if our sons will like to come on portal with us"
neteyam " yes that sounds good"
aonung " yes we will love to go it will be good to get outside of the village for a while"
lo'ak " yes if the ladies are fine dealing with the task together"
kiri " if this means I get time with my sister in law and best friend I'm good"
spider " then it seems like it set"
aonung " we will be home later on tonight or whenever we are done with portal"
y/n " enjoy your time out and I will see you all later" the group had gather their stuff and soon left, the village together. As you soon looked at the girls and laughed, As the group soon took off to get on with the rest of the task.
tuk " y/n may I ask you something"
y/n " sure you can ask me"
tuk " how do you deal with all the looks your get from others, and the whispers that happened before and after"
y/n " I just deal with it all tuk tuk even after I have become neteyam, and aonung mate I'm still deemed an outsider to everyone"
tuk " well I don't think you are outside because you are different I love that because of you"
y/n " thank you"
Kiri “ well we love you y/n and it good to be different” 
Y/n “ thank you kiri” 
Tsireya “ yes and with you here with us it has become good”
Tuk “ yes I love having you as a sister in law, you you teach me things about your clan and hangout with me”
Y/n “ well I love hanging out with you as well tuk tuk”the group had started having some fun in the water, just taking a break to have some fun. 
????? “ girls”
Tuk “ that mom voice”
???? “ tsireya” 
Tsireya “ here comes my mom as well” soon neytiri and Ronal had shown themselves.
Ronal “ we had heard your voices and came to see what going on” 
Tuk “ we are just taking a break from our tasks y/n said she can help, me with a new hairstyle” 
Y/n “ hello Neytiri and ronal” you have been doing your best to get along with your mother in law.
Neytiri “ hello y/n it good to see you with our daughters” 
Ronal “ yes it for all of you to be social alongside getting know of your home here” 
Y/n “ thank you” 
Ronal “ it seems like you are feeding our sons well so that something good as well” 
Y/n “ thank you” 
tsireya " mother remember the promise you had made aonung"
kiri " mom please be nice to y/n as neteyam had asked"
neytiri " we are being nice we just came to have some words with her and you all, can a mother speak with her son mate"
tuk " well I think y/n is a good for my big brother and aonung"
Kiri “ well we love you y/n and it good to be different” 
Y/n “ thank you kiri” 
Tsireya “ yes and with you here with us it has become good”
Tuk “ yes I love having you as a sister in law, you you teach me things about your clan and hangout with me”
Y/n “ well I love hanging out with you as well tuk tuk”the group had started having some fun in the water, just taking a break to have some fun. 
y/n " good morning neytiri and ronal" neytiri and ronal had came across the group, and right away you had greeted them.
neytiri " hello y/n"
ronal " yes hello y/n and girls we had come to see what you all were up to"
tsireya " well we had been doing some task with the guys but they soon left, with their fathers and maybe others to scout"
ronal " oh"
y/n " yes but they said they will return home later on today"
neytiri " yes our husbands had mention going on scouting mission with our sons since out oldest sons lives have changed this year"
kiri " yes and now we have welcome y/n into the clans and our families"
neytiri " yes but there is much more work and time that needs, to be done"
ronal " yes but it good to see our sons happy with the one they have chosen" the two women had looked at you since you had become mates, with neteyam and aonung it was hard to tell if their mothers like you. It was well known that it might take longer for you and your mates mothers, to have a relationship like you have with the rest of the family.
Later on that day
y/n " ......" you are standing in some water collect shell fishes at the moment, learning some the lessons you had done when you were smaller and with aonung.
navi women 1 " I still can't believe neteyam had chosen her as a mate, she would barley survive the forest"
navi women 2 "yes and not only as she taken your clan future olo'eythan she has also taken our clans olo'eythans as well aonung"
navi women 3 " she has been with them for half of year now and still hasn't, give them a child or shown signs she is with child"
navi women 4 " maybe she can't have a child that will be good, because we will need eywa help if the child looks like the father and not her"
y/n " ......."
navi women 1 " I heard even neytiri and ronal didn't like their sons picking her and wish, they had chosen others verse someone like her seeing her clan and family" you had gotten use to some of the bad treatment you had been given, by other here as they really didn't like you.
navi women 2 " they should of picked someone from their clans or neighboring clans not some outsider, who will bring ruin to their families and us all"
y/n " when are you all going to stop speaking about me like I'm some demon"
navi women " because you are one your whole navi clan is unlike the rest of us and then you, did something to make future oloeythans pick you over many other perfect candidates"
???? " I don't remember anyone else having a say on who has become my mate"
y/n " neteyam aonung "
aonung " we came back and saw you were not home, we then came looking for you and saw this disgraceful situation how dare you all speak to our wife like that"
navi women 2 " we didn't ..."
aonung " oh you did speaking to her like that if you all have forgotten she is our chose and will always be put chose"
neteyam " she is the one we chose the one we will love"
y/n " my mates"
neteyam "We are leaving now don't come near my mate or us until you have a proper apology to her" aonung and neteyam soon walked away with you, they were mad about the whole situation.
aonung "You are the one we love and chose no matter what anyone says we love you"
y/n " thank you"
neteyam "Now let's get home and prepare as it seems like words will change fast and we will have guests that will need answers"
aonung "Let's pray we can get this solved before your mother finds out" The couple had heard home the great worry of parents knowing had happened to your mate's parents and their siblings as well. Everyone came to check up on the couple, they all clamed down after a while and spoke about the situation over a good dinner. A dinner from your clan that eveyrone seem to love right away. The ladies from before will be dealted with later one, but there was a major worry and fear of your mother ane clan finding out because they will want answers right away. There no way disrespecting someone will go away easily.
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chaosclimber · 5 months
shop assistant
Emily kept the smile firmly fixed in place as she watched the man in front of her vacillate. Engagement rings were always a long sales pitch, but at least this one seemed to know his partner’s taste. She only wished he would take her concerns about budget seriously–but then, that was fairly standard for the men she’d helped thus far. As if feeling her patient stare, the tall, pale goth glanced up from the displays and at her. 
God, his eyes were gorgeous. Whoever he was shopping for was a lucky girl. 
“You need not hover over me. I will be some time making this decision–it has to be exactly right.” 
Wow. Someone certainly talked like a period drama. Emily dialed her Customer Service Smile up another notch. “Alright, well, I won’t be far if you need me. Please, don’t hesitate to ask.” With that, she gracefully departed for the main sales counter, where Eric was wrapping up a sale with a perky blonde.
“Hey, Em, is your guy who I think he is?”
Emily rolled her eyes. Eric was constantly thinking people here were celebrities. It never actually panned out to be true, but it didn’t stop him from speculating. She honestly couldn't care less, though. As far as she was concerned, celebrities were just people. There was no need to make a fuss over them–and she wouldn’t, even if this turned out to be whoever Eric was thinking of. “Probably not, but tell me who you think it is anyway. I know it’ll eat at you if you don’t say it.”
“I think that’s one of the Aeturnus family. They’re like...Vanderbilt rich. Old money. Hell, I think if you go far enough back, they’ve got some royal blood from some European country or other…”
“Well, that would explain why he just waved me off when I asked about the budget.” She shrugged. She wasn’t sure she believed it, but there was something just a little off about Tall, Pale, and Gorgeous. And there always seemed to be something with that level of wealth. She would count herself lucky he still treated sales people with respect. She shrugged it off, gossipping with Eric about the tech store across the street–rumor had it the owner was trying to romance one of their employees and not being particularly subtle about it. The employee was into it, but literally everyone else around them was not. 
It was a half-hour later that the man approached her. “There is one which will do nicely with a bit of customization.” He must have seen her open her mouth to talk about the budget once more, because he held up a hand. “Money is no object, I promise.”
“Alright. Let’s see what we can do.” They walked back to the display case, and he pointed out one of the thicker wedding bands marketed towards men. The one he chose was lovely, with a deep red wood polished to a shine. The outside was rose gold–and that, it seemed, was the problem.
“The rose gold does not quite suit my partner’s taste. Perhaps white gold could be arranged.” It was a statement, not a question. 
“Of course. Are there any other alterations you’d like to make?”
“I…” The hesitation seemed…out of character. Whatever the request was, it was clearly the emotional heart of the matter. Emily silently vowed to see it through, no matter what. “...I would like  an engraving on the inside.”
“Of what?”
“I’ve written it out.” He pulled a folded paper out of his pocket. On it was a delicate script, in Latin. Amor Aeturnus Est. Love is eternal. 
“Would you prefer a regular cursive script, or shall we replicate your handwriting?”
There was a blink, the only outward sign of his surprise. “You can do that?”
“Oh, yes.”
“Then, by all means, please.”
“Very well, Mr…” She prompted. Was she fishing for Eric’s sake? Maybe. But she would never hear the end of it if she didn’t at least ask the name. He smiled–only barely, but that was a contrast to his previously neutral expression. “Aeturnus…for now. We shall be hyphenating.”
The rest of the transaction ran smoothly. As soon as Mr. Aeturnus left, Eric all but bounced over to Emily’s station. “How did it go? What is he like?”
Emily rolled her eyes. “He’s normal, Eric. He’s just a guy, buying a ring for his partner.” Even as she spoke, there was a soft smile on her face. She hoped that Mr. Aeturnus’s partner liked the ring–there was a lot of heart that went into choosing it.
As if reading her thoughts, Eric kept on badgering her. “Was it a good ring? Please tell me he picked a good ring, I can’t stand it when rich people have no taste…”
“It will be once his customization is done.”
@domaystic All the prompt fills are cross posted to AO3
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rubyuji · 4 months
Fragments (Mingyu, Seungcheol) ˙ ✩°˖🫐 ⋆。˚
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“You know since we are just a few minutes away from landing, did I ever get the chance to thank you for being a huge blessing in my life?” 𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐
Genre: Slight angst, fluff, romance
AU: University!au, Coming of Age!au
Pairing(s): (Short) Wonwoo x Afab!reader, Seungcheol x Afab!reader, Mingyu x Afab!reader (Reader is Jeonghan’s little sister)
Warnings: Cheol is toxic, nonchalant and doesn’t care for their relationship, a kiss scene (how shocking)
Synopsis: Growing up with someone you love isn’t easy, well at least for Seungcheol, he never expected to be a life-altering heartbreak for you either, and while he did wish for a second chance, that plan had only backfired on him when he received an invite to your engagement party with Mingyu.
Note: I’m finally done with the long awaited fic! I kept pausing and got busy in between, but overall I’d say that I’m satisfied with it. Thank you all for waiting and I hope you like it! Don’t forget to like + reblog as always to help support me and other writers, happy reading!
WC: 12k (exceeded my estimate omg)
Taglist: @nerdycheol @notevenheretbh1 (Thank you guys so much!)
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Seungcheol remembered the first time he saw you. It was at his friend Jeonghan’s house, your nose crinkled adorably as you read some cheesy romance novel at sixteen on the cream sofa in the living room.
He had wanted to say something, but all he could do was smile as Jeonghan introduced him to your parents. Since then, he has been practically your family’s newest son besides Joshua, their other best friend.
When Seungcheol had received his fair share of confessions from girls all over the school in his senior year, he had always declined them politely because he was just never interested in any of them, except this time, it was different ever since the day Jeonghan had introduced you to him.
In moments wherein he would receive a confession from someone, he would see you walk by and forget the girl even existed, opting to call out your name instead and jog after you.
He would even walk you to your class or visit you in your classroom, using the ‘protective brother’s friend’ excuse, when in reality, he was only scoping out the potential guys who were interested in you in your class.
“Dude, do you like my sister? You look like a lost puppy following her around,” Jeonghan chuckles. Seungcheol raises his brow at his friend and turns to Joshua, who just shrugs as he agrees with Jeonghan.
“You hang around Y/n so much that there’s already rumors being spread of her being your crush or girlfriend,” Joshua says flatly.
“Guys, I’m just looking out for her, you know we all care about her like a little sister. Come on, I’m just a lot more proactive than Jeonghan” Seungcheol whined.
It was half true, he did want to look out for you because he cared, but also because he wanted to ward off any of the guys who were admiring you.
“You act like I leave her for dead, people probably think she’s your little sister instead of mine,” Jeonghan says, bored.
“Oh by the way, I honestly can’t believe she’s seeing this guy in the other class, his name was Jeon Wonwoo or something? He asked her out on Valentine’s Day,” Seungcheol whipped his head around and stared at Jeonghan, who was way too engrossed in his laptop even to notice the way Seungcheol’s brows furrowed.
Seungcheol felt his heart clench, no wonder you were starting to decline his invitation to walk home with him, Joshua, and your brother.
You had even started distancing yourself from them. It wasn’t that noticeable at first, but you were definitely around them less, opting to spend more time with a certain boy that he had seen with you way too often.
“So he’s buying her snacks and getting her flowers every morning? That’s crazy to me. I mean, Y/n is still so young, how are you letting this slide?” Seungcheol whined.
Looking back, he remembers you walking around hand in hand with a tall guy who had glasses on, and you were always smiling at whatever the guy said to you.
As Joshua was about to get another word out about how Seungcheol was probably going to cry about you growing up and becoming your own person with an identity, you suddenly walked into the living room and plopped onto the seat beside Jeonghan. Your brother scoffed and rolled his eyes as you accidentally knocked the laptop from his lap.
“I heard my name? Are you guys gossiping about me?” You say playfully.
Seungcheol felt his ears warm up at the sound of your voice, despite you being a mini version of Jeonghan, he still couldn’t help but fall for you as a person because of how charming you were.
“Yeah, I told them about the boy you’re seeing in the year above yours. Is he your boyfriend or is he just a crush?” Jeonghan runs a hand through your hair and you hum with a smile on your face.
“He’s my boyfriend, a super sweet guy. I never expected him to ask me out or even feel the same way, but I like him,” Seungcheol could hear the love practically dripping from your voice, and he wanted the green-eyed monster to simply swallow him whole.
“You’re so gross if he hurts you, we’ll be after his head. Please tell him as a reminder,” Jeonghan then flicks your forehead and you whine.
Seungcheol could never get tired of seeing the way you and Jeonghan interacted, the way you reacted cutely, and how your nose scrunched in the most adorable way possible.
Turns out, Jeonghan’s promise was going to come around way sooner than any of you would’ve thought.
As Seungcheol was there for your first boyfriend, he also ended up being there during your first heartbreak.
He clearly remembers the day you shuffled over to your older brother quietly and held onto his arm for support, Jeonghan opting to pull you close to his side instead. Your eyes were soaked with tears, the guys looking at you worriedly on the way home.
“We’ll head in, I gotta take care of the little one first. You guys go ahead,” Seungcheol and Joshua nodded, still worried about your current state, but decided to leave your actual older brother to it because he knew what to do.
That night, Jeonghan texted their group chat about how Wonwoo had broken up with you that day.
Some bullshit excuse like you guys weren’t meant to be, when in reality, Wonwoo had been seeing a different girl behind your back and didn’t know how to tell you that he fell out of love, something Seungcheol couldn’t fathom.
How could someone fall out of love with you? You had so much to offer and you had so much love to give.
Seungcheol cursed the kid out in his head and texted that he would deal with him, but before he could do anything stupid, Joshua had to talk him out of it.
He knew it was a bad idea to even confront Wonwoo for breaking your heart, but he couldn’t help it, not when he couldn’t stand the look of hurt that graced your pretty face, the way tears welled up in your big doe eyes.
But, Seungcheol also considered the fact that you wouldn't like it if he got into a fight either.
Your first heartbreak felt like a blur after a few years, and Seungcheol had found himself watching from the sidelines again as you grew up to be such an independent and self-assured young woman. However, he could’ve never expected to become the face of your second biggest heartbreak.
Seungcheol, Jeonghan, and Joshua were now in their third year of college, and you had just entered as a freshman.
With him and Jeonghan studying business management and Joshua taking the psychology route, you were now added to their little family as well, this time majoring in fashion design.
“Are you guys proud of me? I’m finally an adult! Can’t wait to rot away for the next three to four years while you guys only have a year left again,” You joked as you settled on the seat beside Joshua.
Jeonghan had offered you a place to live that was in the same building, and it was pretty affordable, while still being near campus. Seungcheol thanked whatever deity was up there for giving you the opportunity.
Though you guys weren’t apart for that long, albeit the guys visiting you during every break since they started living away from your hometown, it still felt like something was missing during their time in college.
You felt the same admittedly enough, and even though you enjoyed the solace that came with the silence of not having to have the guys around with their constant bickering and yelling, you couldn’t help but miss them dearly.
So, when your brother offered up an apartment in the same building as theirs, once you got accepted into the same school, you took it immediately.
“Hey, we’ll still live here until we get stable jobs after graduating, baby. You don’t have to sulk, you won’t be lonely and we’ll make sure of it,” Seungcheol chuckled.
You felt your heart beat faster at the sound of his voice, you’ve seen Seungcheol ever since you guys were teenagers, but you had to admit, college and becoming an adult was catching up to him.
Seungcheol looked broad, and it was the result of continuously working out and his efforts to maintain his body and health, but he also carried a different air around him, one that made you feel choked up and so small around him.
You held back from developing feelings for Seungcheol though, as he was your brother’s best friend. It was strictly sibling code, but Jeonghan didn’t seem to care if you dated any of his friends for that matter.
“I’ll take it,” You smile at Seungcheol.
You couldn’t help the fluttering you felt in your chest, but you also weighed your feelings for the man.
Seungcheol was handsome, and he had a charming personality to match, but would he date you? He most likely saw you as a little sister above all else, and he was Jeonghan’s best friend, your brother would never let you live it down.
You were so wrong though because not even a month after you had moved in, Seungcheol had asked you out on a date.
You were pleasantly surprised, not expecting him to ever look your way at all, but here you were as the man handed you a small bouquet, pink dusting his cheeks as he waited for your answer.
“Yes Cheol, I’ll go out with you,” Seungcheol’s eyes lit up as he picked you up and spun you around out of excitement.
You laughed once he put you down, and on the way home, he couldn’t help but announce it to both of his roommates. Jeonghan raised a brow at you, and you shrugged shyly under your brother’s gaze.
One date with Seungcheol turned into two, then three, until you finally agreed to be his girlfriend. Things got serious quickly between the two of you, given how long you’ve known each other, and Jeonghan and Joshua couldn’t help but laugh at their friend who was finally experiencing a relationship for the first time.
You were both acting like lovesick fools whenever you visited the apartment and within a year, your relationship had progressed into something deeper.
Seungcheol opted to move over into your apartment on the floor above, and you both even decided to adopt a puppy and name her Kkuma.
Life couldn’t have been better, especially when Seunghcheol took great care of you in all ways.
“Hi baby, I picked up some things at the store that we were running out of. How was your day?” Seungcheol kissed your cheek as he placed the groceries on the kitchen island.
You were currently cooking dinner for the two of you, and you turned gratefully toward your boyfriend. He is the most perfect partner you could ever ask for.
Communication with Seungcheol was easy, loving him was easy, and being with him was easy, but it was as if he had become an entirely different person once you were about to reach the two-year mark of your relationship.
Seungcheol started becoming more closed off, he spent more time at his new job, and he started lashing out at you, causing huge blowup fights between you both, resulting in you having to sleep at Jeonghan and Joshua’s place more often than not.
“I don’t understand what’s gotten into him, you know he seems fine at work, but now he’s raising his voice at you? Y/n, we know Seungcheol is our best friend, but his actions are already harming you, don’t you think it’s better to break up?” Jeonghan looked like he was pleading with you.
Your older brother knew better than anyone, and you bit your lip softly. Even Joshua and Jeonghan had started to notice the change, it was how Seungcheol even refused to spare you a glance at parties, or how he had started to leave you alone more often, even during his day off.
What ticked Jeonghan off though, was the fact that Seungcheol had already raised his voice at you in front of them multiple times.
He couldn’t stand to see his baby sister being taken for granted by someone who once cared about her so much, he wondered what on earth happened to the Seungcheol who vowed to take care of you.
The one who always doted on you and scolded Jeonghan for leaving you alone when you needed him.
“Hey, take it easy on her. Two years is a long time Han, so it’s not like Y/n can walk out on him instantly just like that. I have to agree with your brother though, Y/n. This isn’t healthy for you, and we’re willing to help you with whatever just to make things easier,” Joshua pulls you into his side on the sofa and you huff.
The Seungcheol you were with felt unrecognizable, and you just wished you could run away from him for once, so you decided to confide in the two about how your best friend, Mingyu, had offered to take you to Italy with him because he was going to model for a brand there, and how they loved your portfolio and wanted to take you under their wing as a senior fashion designer.
“Don’t you think it’s wiser to take the opportunity? I know you love Cheol, but Y/n, you can’t keep putting up with this. He’s only hurting you,” Joshua says softly.
You shake your head and let out a deep sigh. What would it take for you to walk away from it all? Leaving sounded tempting, yet all you could think about was how Seungcheol would feel if you left.
He could still change, but how much longer could you endure the pain he’s been putting you through?
“Look, we understand that it’s easier said than done, but you’re still so young and have the whole world to explore. Don’t chain yourself down to this relationship, Y/n. We promise to deal with Seungcheol if it makes you feel better, but for now, we think you should take the opportunity to go to Italy,” Jeonghan looks at you painfully, and the last thing you wanted to do was to hurt your brother, seeing as you being in pain was already doing just that.
“I—'ll go to Italy, but promise me that you both will take care of Cheol? I know he hasn't been the best lately, but he’ll need as much support as I do. It's been difficult, but you guys are right, I still have the world out there for me, and whatever happens with Cheol will happen. Find our way back to each other or not, I think I’m ready for a fresh start,” You declare.
Jeonghan and Joshua look at you fondly, as Seungkwan, their new roommate and one of your closest friends, walks into the room, eyes as wide as saucers.
“Wait, you’re taking Mingyu up on that offer in Italy? That’s amazing, Y/n! I’ve been waiting for Seungcheol to finally get his grip off of you so you can flourish!” You laugh awkwardly as Seungkwan crushes you in his embrace.
“Ugh, Kwannie! Mingyu said he’s supposed to leave next week, I think it’s finally time I give him the answer he’s been waiting for. Are you coming with?” You pout at Seungkwan. Your friend nods and gives you a wide grin.
“I’m coming along so I can get used to the environment, I can’t leave these two just yet you know? Besides, I’ll go tell my sister once I’m ready and I’ll be there with you both ok? Now come on, let’s head upstairs, I’ll help you pack!” Seungkwan pushes you out the door and you bid your brother and Joshua goodbye, promising to call them later.
You were happy you had Seungkwan to keep you company while packing your things, he kept your mind at bay knowing you still had to talk to Seungcheol about everything that was happening.
You couldn't just get up and leave without an explanation, it just wasn't who you were, and you felt like it would’ve been unfair for your boyfriend.
Once you finally zipped up your last suitcase of personal belongings, you didn't have much, to begin with, and Seungkwan lugged the rest of your bags down to their apartment, you heard the door open. ‘He’s home,’ you thought to yourself.
You walk out of your room and see Seungcheol walk into the apartment, his body language seeming a bit more apprehensive than usual, but you know you have to say something.
You were already leaving for Italy the next week, and this was probably going to be the last time you’d be seeing Seungcheol in a while.
“Cheol? Can we talk, please?” Your voice was timid, almost coming out as a squeak if Seungcheol didn’t listen hard enough. He turns to look at you, his gaze suddenly soft but still somehow holding anger.
“Can you make it quick? I still have something to do so I won’t be in the house for long, you don’t have to wait for me,” Seungcheol huffed.
Your heart broke at how you could barely even recognize the person in front of you.
This wasn't the same Seungcheol who constantly doted on you while growing up. The Seungcheol who was too scared to even raise his voice at you, knowing you hated it when people yelled at you.
How did his, “Hey angel, don’t wait up for me and get some rest, you had a long day,” turn into cold scoffs and constant eye rolls? Was he tired of you?
You finally gather enough courage to speak up about everything you’ve held back from him the past few weeks.
This wasn’t your Seungcheol anymore, this man was a stranger in your apartment, he was a stranger you once knew, a stranger whom you’ve loved with your whole heart, only for him to throw it all away. You finally had enough, it was time for you to choose yourself for once.
“You know what? Fine, I will. To sum it all up, I’m leaving you Seungcheol, this isn’t gonna be the same as some silly little sleepover at Joshua and Jeonghan’s. I’m leaving, I’ve had enough of dealing with your outbursts and I barely recognize you anymore. I’m sorry I had to end it like this, but I’m choosing myself this time,” a stray tear makes its way down your face and you hold in the urge to sob.
This was for your own good, and if leaving Seungcheol and bearing the pain was what it took, so be it.
You knew it would be hard to move on, but you also knew that making a choice for yourself and choosing yourself for your peace was what you needed right now.
“I’m letting go, maybe we aren’t meant to be, or we’ll find our way back, but I can’t promise anything. I’m sorry, you don’t have to tell me anything else because I leave next week. I have everything packed, and you can talk to my brother and Joshua about living arrangements, I’ll still pay the lease until the end of the month,” You choke out.
Your nose was starting to get stuffy and your vision started to blur, you couldn’t even look at Seungcheol as you told him everything.
“Y/n, please, don’t leave. I’m sorry, just give me time to fix everything, I know I fucked up. Why did you decide to drop all of this on me now? I– I can’t, Y/n, please,” Seungcheol was pleading with you.
You knew it was unfair, but after countless months of giving in to Seungcheol and settling with being the same understanding girlfriend you are, you couldn’t help it.
“I’m sorry, I can’t let you fix everything when you’re too late. I’ve given you countless chances to finally pull yourself together, even going as far as to leave you alone because I know how much you hate being bothered when you’re stressed, and this is what I get in return. I’ve been too understanding towards you that it’s starting to affect me, please, just let me have it this once Seungcheol,” You were now the one pleading as tears cascaded down your face like a waterfall.
Seungcheol’s heart ached as he looked at you. You were such a self-assured, independent, and strong young woman, he knew that since the moment he met you.
Jeonghan made sure you grew up not needing a man to take care of you but also made sure you still left a part of yourself where you allowed someone to take care of you once you felt vulnerable enough.
This wasn’t the same woman he had fallen in love with, instead, what Seungcheol saw in front of him was the same girl who had her heart crushed by a stupid teenage boy back in high school.
You looked so broken, so frail, as you tried to shield yourself away from him. Seungcheol couldn’t help but feel as if the world was closing in on him, had he been too neglectful the past few months?
Did he let his emotions get the best of him when he had promised you that he would keep a level head around you? Hell, he even promised your brother he would never hurt you, and look where it got him.
Seungcheol couldn’t even get another word out before you left the apartment, leaving him in the silence of a home that was once filled with the warmth of the love you had once before.
Ten minutes had passed and Seungcheol still couldn't believe that you had walked out on him, had he been too lax of a boyfriend already?
He knew he fucked up and he had been wanting to fix things between you both, but it ultimately ended in failure the moment you walked out of that apartment.
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You hold the handle of your carry-on bag as Mingyu checks you both in while you are still taking in the atmosphere of the entire airport.
It felt surreal, a week ago you were in the apartment you once shared with Seungcheol, everything you withheld from him boiling over, and now you’re at the airport with one of your best friends in the entire world, ready to go to Italy and start life over.
“Hey, I got our boarding passes, let's head in and get past security so we don't have to deal with the hassle later. Also, you look tense, lighten up a bit, you need this reset,” Mingyu smiles at you gently while handing you your passport.
You nod and let out a breath, Mingyu was right, your life had been stagnant for too long, and this was something you deserved.
“Thanks, Gyu, for everything. You’ve been nothing but kind to me, I seriously feel like I’m indebted to you,” You joke, and Mingyu lets out a scoff.
“No need to thank me, you’re the most amazing fashion designer I know, and with the company liking your portfolio and telling me that they would like to take you under their wing immediately, you should give yourself more credit where it’s due. This was all from your hard work, Y/n,” Mingyu shakes his head and you both go through security while lugging your bags through the scanners.
After going through security, you and Mingyu bought food and chatted at the boarding gate happily while waiting for your flight to board.
“I’m glad you took the opportunity, I was starting to think you’d be stuck here forever, forced to live a boring life with Seungcheol. No offense, of course, it's just that you’re way too talented to not show your colors to the entire world,” Mingyu flushes and you grin at him sheepishly.
You met Mingyu through Minghao, who introduced you to the man because he knew you needed a male model because you ran out of options for your menswear class.
“Look, I know you love your brother and all, but this is our last final for the year, Y/n! Think about it, you already had Joshua model for the midterm, and Jeonghan modeled for us during the first semester’s finals, and our second-semester midterms.” Minghao gave you a pointed look knowing you had to do this for your sake.
You were too familiar with your brother and Joshua’s builds, and despite getting near-perfect scores on your projects, you still wanted to try something that was out of your comfort zone. Minghao then snaps his fingers and you look at him in confusion.
“I have this friend, you remember Mingyu right? He was my model during the first round of midterms last semester. I think it would be great if you practiced with him since you aren't used to taller and broader builds,” You raise your brows at Minghao’s proposition.
“I mean, you’re right about that. Give me his contact, and I’ll shoot him a message,” You smiled softly. Minghao handed you his phone with Mingyu’s contact as you input it into your phone.
You met Mingyu once for his measurements, saw his sweet smile once, heard him speak in his soft voice, and the rest was history.
Mingyu had turned into your rock, your other cheerleader who was there whenever your boyfriend wasn't. Now, you’re traveling the world with your best friend who is everything you could ever ask for.
“I appreciate the sentiment Gyu, I couldn't have gotten here without you being by my side. I guess I thought I was destined to just, you know, wait until I get offered a boring job at some corporate office that has nothing to do with my degree, then live with Seungcheol until God knows how long,” You laugh softly, looking back at what you had thought would be the rest of your life, but change is inevitable and it was time you accept it.
“Of course, you know I’ll always be by your side. It's my job to take care of you as your best friend, even if you insist that you’re completely fine on your own.” Mingyu pouts.
You laugh at Mingyu and heave a sigh of relief. You finally felt free after all these months.
From being too depressed to get out of the apartment, declining every invitation from your friends, to moving to Italy with both of your best friends and starting life over from scratch.
Your brother and your friends were right, even if you did love Seungcheol, some people just aren't meant to be in our lives for so long once they impact you negatively.
“Oh, by the way, did Seungkwan send you his flight details? I swear, he has do-not-disturb mode on more, these days,” You laugh as you come across a picture of you, Seungkwan, and Mingyu on your last trip to Jeju during Seungkwan’s birthday.
Mingyu hummed and nodded, showing you a screenshot that Seungkwan had sent to him.
“His flight is still later tonight, so he’ll probably arrive the day after us or like at night? I don’t know, time zones are weird,” Mingyu gave up trying to understand time zones and you laughed again at how cute your best friend was.
“I’m sure Seungkwan will call us once he’s there, so we don’t need to worry much. What we need to worry about though, is where we’re going to be staying once we get there first,” You laugh.
Mingyu shows you an email on his phone from the company, it said you were going to be provided with housing since Mingyu was a model, and you were a senior fashion designer.
“What? They’re going to provide us with housing? That’s crazy,” Your mouth gaped like a fish and Mingyu laughed at you.
“I know, that’s why I chose this company over every other one. The others only ever put your portfolio and resume aside, while the one we’re being hired to right now provided us both with opportunities. I thought it was only fair to bring you along since I did get scouted by big shots after uploading myself modeling in your pieces,” Mingyu smiled softly, his tone laced with gratitude towards you.
You wave off Mingyu’s remark dismissively. “You worked hard you know? I think my clothes were only a little bit of help when it came to your actual scouting, I think you should give yourself more credit,” You reply.
After an hour of talking, you and Mingyu were finally headed into your seats on the plane. Suddenly, everything felt so surreal as Mingyu lugged your carry-ons into the overhead bins.
“I can’t believe we’re moving to Italy, never in my life would I ever imagine hopping on a plane headed to work in Europe of all places,” You say to Mingyu, who is settled on the seat beside you.
“I think you should finally start believing it because you still might feel as though you’re dreaming the moment we land,” Mingyu chuckles and leans his head on yours, an action that makes you feel warm inside.
It felt nice having Mingyu around, he was healing a part of you that wished it was Cheol doing all this, but you knew better than to think of your ex right now because you were on the path of moving on from everything he put you through.
The flight was a breeze, and thankfully nobody was in the seat beside Mingyu, because he could easily slip into the restroom at any time, a luxury he didn’t usually have if he was placed in a window or middle seat on the plane.
“You know since we are just a few minutes away from landing, did I ever get the chance to thank you for being a huge blessing in my life?” You laugh as the plane is making its final descent.
“I knew you needed this opportunity because I saw how badly he was treating you, I had to give you this much because you deserve way better,” Mingyu replies gently.
Your heart blooms and you grip his hand, you are ready to move forward, and you know you have the right people by your side.
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“Seungkwan, can you go pick up groceries at the Korean supermarket across the street? It’s your turn since you are mooching off me and Mingyu until you move in with Vernon,” You jokingly call out to your friend.
Seungkwan grumbles and you laugh before turning to him from the kitchen. “Yeah, don’t worry, I already know whatever is on the list before you need to tell me, I’ll be back in like twenty minutes,” he tells you on his way out the door.
It had been a few months since you had arrived in Italy with Mingyu and Seungkwan, and you all had settled into the country quite easily.
Starting work was a breeze because the company was very accommodating and everyone was friendly, and you found yourself moving on faster than you expected.
“Seungkwan’s finally moving in with Vernon huh? I can’t believe it’s already been a while since we got here. Now tell me, when are you going to give in to me?” Mingyu jokes as he wraps his strong arms around your waist.
You were no stranger to skinship with your best friend, but the veil between friendship and romance was starting to wear thin after moving in together after a few months.
Mingyu was just a stark contrast from who Seungcheol was, and you were starting to give in to him despite your fears of commitment.
It didn’t help that your best friend was just as hopeless a romantic as you are, so Mingyu naturally took his time with you. It was something you were immensely grateful for because he fully understood that you probably weren’t even ready to pursue another relationship.
See, Mingyu was naturally a soft-spoken man. During the entirety of friendship not once had he raised his voice at you, or anyone for that matter, even when he was angry or agitated.
Mingyu rarely blew up on people. You used to fear being yelled at because with Seungcheol, it was inevitable, and it only planted a fear of everyone raising their voice at you the moment Seungcheol had let go of all his reserve during a fight.
Even if Mingyu did raise his voice from across the apartment, he made sure it was at a reasonable volume that didn’t scare you, and on the rare occasion that you both would get into a fight, Mingyu would only communicate his feelings towards you in a calm tone.
Mingyu was also just full of love, he was always so considerate towards everyone around him. He made sure you and Seungkwan knew how grateful he was to have you both by his side because this was a big step for all of you.
The nights when the three of you would drink together, and Mingyu would pour out his gratitude towards you both, about how he felt so happy that the universe had given him some of the most amazing best friends in the entire world (also yapping about how much he missed Wonwoo, his old roommate, but that was for another time).
It was just a huge plus that Mingyu also willingly helped around the house, naturally because you knew it was in your best friend’s upbringing to keep the house in proper shape.
Even cooking with Mingyu was an experience because you both enjoy sharing recipes and want to try them out together, which meant Seungkwan was treated to a delicious meal every time you and Mingyu would find a new dish to try out.
Mingyu made you experience new things that you couldn’t when it came to your ex, and slowly, the feelings between you both unfolded.
Seungkwan couldn’t deny it to you either that you and Mingyu would make a great married couple, you both were pretty tame and low maintenance, something that was rare to find these days.
“I know you’re not ready to start a relationship or deal with feelings right now after everything you’ve been through with your ex, but trust me when I say this, Mingyu is the one you should marry. You both look so perfect together, and it’s a plus that he already likes you,” Seungkwan whined, and you laughed as he threw your other best friend under the bus.
Mingyu was out for an event with Minghao that night, and he wanted to bring you along but he also knew you hated huge events or loud places, so he opted to leave you at home with Seungkwan, promising to come back at a reasonable hour and to not drink so much.
It was a small action but it was something you felt grateful for, it showed that Mingyu still thought of you while having fun and living his life.
“I’ve never thought about dating Mingyu, let alone marrying him but, I mean, he’s not that bad. I’m already way past my ex anyway, so you’re right on that. Don’t throw Mingyu under the bus like that ever again though,” You giggle. Seungkwan clicks his tongue and sips from his wine.
“I wish you met Mingyu before Seungcheol or something, you two make each other so happy and you guys don’t leave me out at all. I love you and Mingyu so much despite everything we’ve been through,” Seungkwan smiles softly and holds your hand.
Moving to Europe definitely wasn’t an easy decision for the three of you, but you all found comfort in each other and got through hurdles together.
There were fights, and misunderstandings, one time you even walked out on them, but you all knew that at the end of the day, you all had each other no matter what.
Seungkwan’s words from that night echoed in your head as you snapped back to reality, Mingyu’s arms still wrapped around you with a soft grin on his face.
You wish you had met Mingyu before it all, maybe then you would’ve narrowly avoided one of your most life-altering heartaches, but now you were ready to move forward with Mingyu.
“What if I told you that you already had all of me?” You didn’t stop for a second and kissed Mingyu, who froze for a second, but immediately melted into the kiss.
You weren’t afraid to love anymore. Mingyu was all the proof you needed, knowing you deserve a second chance after everything.
When you both pulled away, Mingyu’s cheeks were dusted pink, his signature smile with his canines tugging at his lips.
“You don’t understand how long I’ve been waiting for you to do that,” he breathed out cheekily, chasing your lips for more.
“You’re so annoying, you know that right?” You laugh and pull Mingyu in for another kiss, this time with your arms around his neck.
Suddenly, you both hear a crash by the doorway and hear plastic bags falling, only to find Seungkwan with his mouth agape and eyes as wide as saucers.
“I was out for twenty minutes, what the hell happened,” Seungkwan choked out.
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It’s been years since Seungcheol had heard from you, and he was still a mess, except he was finally starting to get back up on his feet to help himself.
About a month after you had left, he had moved back in with Joshua and Jeonghan, and he didn’t understand why they still welcomed him with open arms, let alone Jeonghan of all people.
You were his younger sister, and he hurt you, shouldn’t he be cursing him out and telling him to go to hell?
“If you’re wondering why you seem like in our good graces, Y/n told us to take care of you until you’re back on your feet. You’re still our childhood friend Cheol, and even if we don’t tolerate what you did to Y/n, she told us to make sure that you weren’t going to do anything stupid. You need as much support as her, and who are we to deny when we care about you both?” Jeonghan says firmly.
Seungcheol felt his heart clench, even after he hurt you, you still cared enough to tell his two best friends to care for him.
You were an angel, and he took you for granted. You even went as far as to tell them that it was okay for him to move back in with them (granted Seungcheol also did twice as much housework compared to Jeonghan and Joshua because of how guilty he felt).
Now, three years had passed since you had moved to Italy, and you usually visited during the holidays, but Seungcheol was never around because it pained him too much to see you.
He had eventually gathered up the courage to try to move on, and while he is stable in his career as a form of distraction, he still had feelings for you deep in his heart.
You were his first love, and it wasn’t going to change any time soon because he wanted you forever.
Every day he wished he wasn’t immature enough to push you away, he silently prayed to every God above for him to give your relationship another shot.
Seungcheol was a changed man now, and he was willing to do everything in his power to be with you.
Seungcheol was hopeful, until he wasn’t, especially when Jeonghan had dropped the bomb that you had invited them to your engagement party in Jeju island.
“This has to be a joke, right?” Seungcheol could only laugh at how ridiculous it all seemed.
Were you engaged? It had only been a few years since you moved to Italy, he was sure you wouldn’t have found a boyfriend in that period, let alone a fiancée.
“Nope, you’re hearing it correctly. Y/n’s been bringing home her boyfriend, well I guess fiancée now, for three years already. I understand that it’s been rough ever since we started living separately, you wouldn’t visit as much as Josh whenever she was around, understandably so, but she’s moved on and he makes her happy,” Jeonghan sipped from his mug, and shrugged, making Seungcheol’s brows knit.
“I know exposure therapy isn’t the way to go, but Y/n means a lot to us despite everything, you know that. You can get the closure you need and you can finally move on, Cheol,” Jeonghan continued before putting his cup down on the desk, this was his second cup of coffee, he had to stop at some point.
Seungcheol was in an internal debate with himself, he realized that while he did need closure, was it worth all the pain of seeing you again?
He knew he had to, it was what he needed before he could fully move on, but something in him was still hanging on to what could’ve been between you both.
“I’ll go, maybe it is time. I’ll consider it,” Seungcheol slumps in his chair and stares outside the window of his office.
All the time he had spent building his company from the ground up so he could prove himself worthy once you came back, only for you to be engaged with someone else.
“You don’t have to force yourself though, just take it easy. Y/n will understand, you know she always does,” Jeonghan walks up to Seungcheol and leans by his desk, staring at the same city skyline in front of them.
Seungcheol’s hard work was undeniable, and it was all because of the effort he put in to forget you, but he just couldn’t, Seungcheol knew he needed proper closure instead to fully move on from your past.
“I’ll be fine Han, I can handle myself now,” Seungcheol says as his brows knit once more, looking back at the events of the past year.
He had started his own tech company and now he’s the CEO of a huge corporation, his career is now a reflection of all his hard work and dedication, but what was the use of all that money when he couldn’t share it with someone else? That someone who he desperately wished was you.
“I know you can handle yourself Cheol, but you were a wreck when you first moved in. Me and Josh had to pester you for you to get back on your feet for fucks sake, I wouldn’t hold it against you if had second thoughts about going,” Jeonghan says softly. As much as he knew that his friend could handle himself, he couldn’t help but worry.
Since then, two weeks had passed since that conversation and your initial invitation to your brother and his best friends to your engagement party.
Jeonghan calls you excitedly as they settle on the plane to Jeju, Seungcheol lugging the bags into the overhead bins, and Joshua already taking a nap as other passengers continue to board.
“Are you certain that we already have assigned rooms? Ok, I understand. Take care Y/n! We’ll see you at the airport,” Jeonghan hangs up before turning over to Joshua and Seungcheol beside him.
“You guys are sharing a room at the resort, and I’m going to room with Seungkwan. Y/n and her fianceé will be picking us up, so no funny business,” he continued.
Seungcheol clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes. He's a jealous guy and he can’t help it, but you’re no longer his girlfriend and he knew he had to behave himself.
He couldn’t wait to see who your fiancée was, and he tried to make the most of it at least because you were still someone who’s considered family to him.
The flight was short-lived and they landed in Jeju in no time. Joshua stretched as they carried their bags from the conveyor belt onto the cart, and Jeonghan had received a call from you saying you were outside waiting.
Traveling with three bachelors felt like a nightmare for Seungcheol, it wasn’t like they weren’t capable of getting girlfriends, but rather, they were too busy for the dating lifestyle.
Seungcheol wouldn’t wish for it to be anyone else though, he was just happy to have Joshua and Jeonghan around as his support systems.
“Last bag, let’s head out so we have enough time to rest before the party tomorrow. Don’t wanna go on the plane with a hangover and a fuck ton of regrets once we’re headed home, just so we can mentally prepare ourselves,” Joshua breathes out. Though this wasn’t a wedding, it sure did feel like one.
The only reason you and Mingyu had even decided to have an engagement party was because you two were going to have your main wedding in Italy with your close family members.
The party served as a gathering for distant friends and relatives to congratulate you both since you couldn’t bring everyone to Europe with you.
As they headed out of the airport, Jeonghan could spot your figure and hear you calling out to them by your rental car.
Seungcheol had also caught sight of you and felt his heart skip, you looked more radiant since the last time he had seen you, granted it was probably because three years had passed, and he just couldn’t believe it.
You looked healthier now, you were no longer frail, and your smile had reached your eyes again, the same glint of happiness in them.
Seungcheol had forgotten why they were here the second he saw you, but it was only for a moment until he saw your fiancée standing right beside you, his form towering over yours.
Seungcheol recognized who this man was, it was Kim Mingyu, your best friend since college.
“Hi, guys! It’s been so long, I missed you all so much!” You say with a smile and hug Jeonghan.
Your brother grips you tightly while laughing, he missed you just as much, if not more.
Seungcheol smiles at the scene in front of him, he had always adored your interactions with Jeonghan.
Joshua then walked over to Mingyu as the taller man helped him with the bags. So this is who you were marrying, your best friend who Seungcheol had always worried about deep down.
“Hi Cheol, how was the flight? You must be tired, Jeonghan told me you guys were up early,” You greeted him softly, a smile still gracing your features.
Seungcheol blinked in disbelief, he never expected you to be so welcoming towards him, but years have passed and he understands that you’re over it by now.
“It was alright at most, I’m honestly just excited to relax at the hotel. How’ve you been?” Seungcheol smiled.
He looks over and sees Mingyu talking to Joshua about something while helping him with their bags, still weary about him.
“I’ve been great, Italy with Seungkwan and Mingyu was one of the best decisions I could’ve ever made. I know there were some things we avoided because of our past, but I hope you know that I’ve done some reflection since then, so no hard feelings on this trip ok? I want you guys to relax,” You lead Seungcheol over to the car and he sits in the back with your brother and Joshua.
The ride to the resort was comfortable, courtesy of you and Mingyu being easy going as conversations flowed naturally.
Seungcheol gauged that you were in good hands, but his heart was still calling out for you, something he wanted to keep at a minimum. You were going to marry someone else, there was no chance left for him.
“You have always had a good eye Y/n, this resort is beautiful,” Joshua compliments.
You laugh and brush off Joshua’s comment sweetly, but it was true, you always had a good eye for things in general (except boyfriends apparently, but Mingyu be damned because he did everything in his power to win your heart).
“I’ll bring you over to Seungkwan’s room since he’s staying across from me and Mingyu. Baby, can you lead Joshua and Seungcheol over to their rooms?” You turn to Mingyu, and Seungcheol catches the way your fiancée’s gaze is full of love for you.
His heart could only clench, was it genuinely worth the pain to support you? Seungcheol secretly wished for the ground to swallow him up whole.
“Of course, remember we still have dinner with everyone later, don’t forget to tell Jeonghan the details,” Mingyu reminds you.
You nod and wave them off, dragging your brother over to a happy Seungkwan, who stands by the elevator waiting for you both.
Joshua and Mingyu had been in their own world, talking amongst themselves while Seungcheol’s focus had been on his phone the entire time.
“Hey man, how are you? Jeonghan told us you were working hard to build your company up after we left for Italy,” Mingyu says in a friendly tone.
“It’s been great, it gets pretty lonely here at the top since the breakup, but it’s nothing I can’t handle,” Seungcheol says with a smirk, finding the entire situation so ridiculous.
Joshua eyes him and chuckles to alleviate the jab that Seungcheol had taken at Mingyu, but your fiancée takes it just fine and continues the conversation calmly.
“I hope you find someone to share your success with in the near future. I understand that we all deserve to be loved by someone. It’s just that some people we hoped to end up with aren’t meant to be, and it’s not our fault,” Mingyu replies, tone still friendly and calm.
Seungcheol felt ticked off but decided to behave himself as the elevator arrived at their floor.
“Here’s the key card, as I mentioned earlier, there is a dinner we’ll be having with the rest of the guests tonight, it will be at the restaurant by the beach. You can just give mine or Y/n’s name for the reservation if they ask, I’ll see you guys later! Rest up since you guys must’ve had a long flight,” Mingyu makes his leave.
Joshua turns to Seungcheol and raises his brow while unlocking the room.
“Behave a bit, I know it’s been a while but we’re here for Y/n and it’s about her, you don’t have to like Mingyu, but let’s not cause any fights. Mingyu’s good to Y/n, and you can talk to Y/n about everything tonight after dinner if you need to,” Joshua says firmly.
Seungcheol hangs his head low, Joshua is right, he promised to behave himself because he understands that he needs to move on.
You had every right to leave him back then, and he should accept it, he just needs his final bit of closure, even if it hurts.
“I’m sorry, I’ll be more friendly toward Mingyu. I’ll keep myself in line, let’s rest so we can get ready later,” Joshua nods and smiles at Seungcheol, he was finally getting somewhere and it made him feel like a proud mom.
On the other hand, you were already being interrogated in your room by Jeonghan, Seungkwan, and your beloved fianceé because of Seungcheol’s appearance.
“You guys said it would be fine! Besides, I don’t have any hard feelings! He’s still like family Han,” You whine to your brother as you bury yourself in Mingyu’s embrace.
“He was already taking jabs at Mingyu when I told him to keep himself in line. Y/n, I need you to talk to him and give him the closure he needs tonight so that he doesn’t go mad tomorrow,” Jeonghan sighs.
You pout and Mingyu pecks your lips before taking your hand in his and rubbing it with his thumb as a sign of reassurance.
“I’m willing to do that, as long as we’ll be ok by the party. I’m sorry for causing problems,” You say sadly, now feeling guilt eat at you.
Inviting your ex was such a last-minute decision, but Seungcheol had been in your life for so long even before the breakup that you still felt the need to have him at such an important event in your life.
“Look what you’ve done, Jeonghan. Y/n, it’s ok to make these decisions, all he needs is to talk to you and you’ll be fine, we know you and Mingyu trust each other enough for you to make this decision,” Seungkwan tells you.
It was your brother’s turn to pout as Seungkwan jokingly slapped his shoulder. Seungkwan’s words instantly made your shoulders feel lighter and you looked up at Mingyu.
“I trust you. Look, you can talk to Seungcheol tonight after dinner and we’ll make sure that nothing will happen, alright? Don’t worry,” Mingyu says softly. You nod and look over at your brother, who gives you a smile and a thumbs-up.
Dinner rolls around and you’ve finished your makeup, along with your hair, all that’s left is your dress for tonight.
“Mingyu? Babe, can you come help me with the dress?” Your fiancée peeks from the bathroom and you giggle at his appearance.
“I told you to make the design simpler so you can put it on more easily, but then again, you’re Y/n. My favorite fashion designer,” Mingyu jokes while he zips up the garment and ties the corset in the back.
The two of you look in the mirror, and you take in your form. The dress was designed by yourself and it looked stunning in every way possible.
The sleeves were flowy and the skirt ended right above your ankles, the bodice had a built-in corset and the neckline was a deep v, along with a slit ran down the side until your upper thigh.
“I may not be the luckiest man in the entire world, but my god does the knowledge of me marrying you cancel all that out,” Mingyu says, his jaw slack.
You blush and cover your face with your hands, despite dating for two years and now being engaged, you could never get used to Mingyu complimenting and affirming you constantly.
“I love you, so much,” You kiss Mingyu and wrap your arms around his neck.
The two of you had also had it hard during your dating journey together, but it was nothing a bit of communication couldn’t fix, especially when you both put in the work to get to where you are today.
“I love you more than you could ever imagine, vita mia (my life)” Mingyu says in between your kisses and wraps his arms around your waist.
Before things could progress even more, Seungkwan slams the room door open and clicks his tongue.
“Nice to see you’re brushing up on your Italian guys, now if you don’t mind, we have some guests to get to. You guys have five minutes to go to the lobby,” Seungkwan huffs and shuts the door again.
It’s silent, until you and Mingyu start laughing.
“Shall we?” Mingyu smiles at you after a laughing fit and you take his hand in yours. It was going to be a long night, but you’re with the people you love and that’s all that matters.
At the restaurant, you were elated to see your family members and friends all gathered to celebrate your engagement.
“Mom! Dad!” You grin wildly and greet your parents, seeing Jeonghan following right behind you to greet them as well.
“Y/n, you look so beautiful tonight. I guess being with Mingyu is rubbing off on you,” Your mother jokes softly.
She had always been a fan of Mingyu ever since you brought him home, he was the epitome of any mother’s dream son-in-law.
“She’s always been so beautiful, mom, even more so since the Italian sun hit her skin. It’s lovely to see you tonight, have you seen my mother by any chance?” Mingyu wraps an arm around your waist securely, whilst smiling at your mother.
You were surprised at the display of affection since you two had been holding hands prior, but your eyes caught wind of Seungcheol and it clicked.
“I was just with her, she’s always running off to greet the rest of the family and guests. I’ll go look for her so we can settle at the table together,” Your mother giggles while dragging your brother away, who waves at you sheepishly.
It seemed like he had a few words of his own for you two, but it could wait apparently.
Mingyu led you over to the reserved area by the waist as you greeted guests who had also arrived. “Congratulations on your engagement you two, I wouldn’t have expected it from a mile away,” Minghao jokes.
“Wouldn’t be here without you, so we have to give you most of the credit,” You reply softly.
Minghao takes his hand in yours and looks at Mingyu with care in his eyes, he admires how well you both complement each other as a couple.
“I never expected anything further, but you two surprised me by a ton. Give yourself some credit for the connection you developed with one another, and Mingyu, if you hurt her, I won’t be as pliant,” Minghao continues, this time letting go of your hand and giving way for you and Mingyu to walk through.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Mingyu gives you his signature smile, canines looking as sharp as ever, before finally letting you sit at the table that was reserved for the two of you.
The beachside hall was starting to fill up with the rest of the guests, and you kept your grip on your fiancée’s hand.
“Hey, you seem tense. Breathe a bit, we’ll just say a few words and mingle with our friends, but if you do end up feeling a bit sick just tell me and we can go back to our room,” Mingyu caresses your hand with his thumb, and you feel more at ease with his assurance.
“Sorry, it’s been a while, I still haven’t gotten used to the fact that I’m your fiancée now and not just your girlfriend. I promise to ease up a bit, and I’ll let you know if I do end up feeling a bit under the weather. Now, don’t worry about me, and let us enjoy the dinner,” You squeeze Mingyu’s hand and kiss his cheek in the process, wondering what you did to deserve him.
What you failed to realize was that Seungcheol was watching the entire interaction happen right in front of him, jealousy boiling in his veins.
Seungkwan clears his throat awkwardly, which catches the attention of Seokmin, who is sitting beside him. Seungcheol gives Seungkwan an awkward smile, realizing that he was being way too obvious with his distaste.
Joshua chuckles and taps Seungcheol’s shoulder as a sign of reassurance. “Take it slow, you still have to talk to Y/n to get all that awkwardness out the door. You’re still just as important to her you know? Again, we won’t hold it against you if you can’t take how uncomfortable it feels being here Cheol,” Joshua uttered.
“I’m fine Josh, I did choose to come here. Once this dinner is over and we can have the conversation, I can finally move on with my life,” Seungcheol sighs, noticing you and Mingyu standing up all of a sudden.
“Hi everyone, a pleasant evening to all of you! First, me and Y/n would like to extend our warmest welcome and gratitude to everyone who has made it, we cannot thank you enough for your presence.” Mingyu’s voice boomed through the hall as everyone cheered.
“Also, thank you all for coming to celebrate our engagement with us. We sadly can’t bring everyone to Italy for the wedding, so we’re here in Jeju to see you all,” You were speaking with so much happiness in your voice, Seungcheol knew right then and there that he had lost. You were happy, he couldn’t do much anymore.
Throughout the dinner, different people dedicated a toast to your engagement. Seungcheol had fun listening to both of your families and their anecdotes, along with a few friends making heartfelt speeches.
You were extremely loved, it was undeniable with the amount of praises and stories being said about you.
“I’d like to dedicate the last toast, this is for both Y/n and Mingyu, because I wouldn’t be living my best life right now without their endless support.” Seungkwan stood up and held out his wine glass, catching everyone’s attention.
“As we all know, the three of us decided to move to Italy together for a fresh start, a new change of scenery. I went with the sole intention of a vacation, though, after a month of being there, I was hooked. There was only one problem, I hadn’t found a job just yet, but Y/n and Mingyu stayed by my side. They helped me get up on my feet, they offered me a place to stay, made sure I was fed, and helped me settle in, which is something I am extremely grateful for,” Seungkwan turns over to you and Mingyu, his eyes now glossing over with tears at you stared at him worriedly, but you knew he was in good hands with Vernon beside him.
“Sorry for becoming emotional, anyways, throughout the time I lived with them, I also watched their feelings for each other unfold. Mingyu was the first one to fall, he was head over heels the moment he saw Y/n cooking in the kitchen, it was so funny because I witnessed it all. He had to debrief how he felt, and I could feel Mingyu’s sincerity, it was sweet,” Seungkwan continued, this time Vernon holding his hand for emotional support.
Everyone swooned at the revelation of Mingyu’s feelings and how they had come to be, it felt different hearing it from someone who was there every step of the way.
“Y/n fell right after, and usually this girl isn’t someone who jumps to conclusions, so she was in denial, but we both knew Mingyu’s treatment towards her changed drastically,” the audience burst out laughing, Seungkwan was on point that was for sure.
“To cut this story short, they were two idiots mindlessly pining after one another, but they finally got together after I left to grab groceries on a random afternoon. I came home and Mingyu was eating Y/n’s face off,” it was Seungkwan’s turn to laugh as he recalled that fateful day.
It was sweet coming home to see the two of you together, but he was not a huge fan of the PDA that was displayed in front of him like a platter.
“I was not!” Mingyu whined. You giggle at your fiancée, squeezing his hand and landing a sweet kiss on his cheek.
“As I was saying, I’m still so grateful to you both to this day, and I feel lucky to have been the one to help you navigate your feelings for one another. A toast to the beautiful couple and a marriage of a lifetime!” Cheers erupted once again and everyone applauded Seungkwan for his speech.
Dinner felt lighter once a few sips of alcohol were shared, and Seungcheol found himself mingling with old friends from high school that you had invited.
“I genuinely thought you would be the one over there with Y/n, but life works in mysterious ways,” a drunken Soonyoung slurred to Seungcheol.
Seokmin cringed from beside him and hit his shoulder to shut him up, but everyone knew that once Soonyoung was drunk, his mouth was relentless.
Seungcheol could only offer an awkward laugh, Soonyoung didn’t know the details of your breakup three years ago, so he couldn’t exactly blame the younger man.
“Yeah, I’m just glad he’s taking care of her. I can’t offer much now, but she’s still our friend. I have no hard feelings knowing Y/n and I are better off as friends,” he replied to Soonyoung’s drunken ramble.
“I hope you find someone soon man, you also deserve to be happy. I think Seok and I are gonna head first since we’re both starting to feel the alcohol kick in, we’ll see you tomorrow,” Seungcheol offered a smile and nodded in acknowledgment.
Everyone knew of Soonyoung’s low tolerance for alcohol, it was understandable that he decided to retire himself before any chaos ensued.
Seungcheol was left at the table with Joshua, Jihoon, and Jeonghan until Minghao approached. He settled himself into the seat beside Seungcheol, smiling and greeting everyone.
“How’s the evening? Everyone’s been leaving slowly, but you stayed. I expected you to be one of the first people to leave, no offense,” Minghao started.
“I can’t blame you, having to sit through your ex’s engagement dinner sounds rough, but it’s been three years and we grew up together. Bonds like that aren’t easily dissolved, if you get what I mean,” Seungcheol chuckled while shaking his head, taking another shot of soju that he poured for himself.
“We can all sympathize, you are a kind man Cheol. I’ve seen you as Y/n’s boyfriend before Mingyu, and you treated her well. What I want to know is, why you started pushing her away last minute. Y/n had always confided in us with your problems,” Minghao’s curiosity had gotten the best of him, but it was in your inner circle’s best interest to find out what Seungcheol’s true intentions were.
“I mean, I was insecure, scared. Y/n has a good heart, she’s the best and if I could turn back time, I would, but I ran away because she deserved better than me. I couldn’t give her the love she desperately craved, we all know about her and those rom-com books,” Seungcheol looked down at his hands.
He felt stupid, and he was stupid, but maybe it happened for a reason.
Minghao felt sympathetic, Seungcheol was afraid to tell you because you were one of the most understanding people anyone could have ever met.
You truly were swamped with attention by your peers, but Seungcheol could’ve handled his insecurity better because you were happy to offer any semblance of assurance.
“I didn’t want Y/n to bend over backward to constantly adjust to my needs because she doesn’t ask for much in return, but I ended up hurting her instead. I’m just content with the fact that Mingyu can give her the love I couldn’t,” Seungcheol’s eyes trailed over once again to yours and Mingyu’s table, only to see you whispering to each other.
You looked tired, but it seemed that Seungkwan had overheard from beside you and gestured over to where Seungcheol was seated.
You bit your lip in hesitation, and Seungcheol instantly knew what was about to take place. Minghao seems to have caught the small interaction as well, and he pats Seungcheol on the shoulder to comfort him.
You squeeze Mingyu’s hand for assurance and your fiancée smiles at you.
“You can do this Y/n, trust that it will be over before you know it. Seungkwan and I will be right here, we can go straight to our room after if you’re too overwhelmed,” Mingyu says gently, holding your hand as if it were as delicate as glass.
“I’ll be back, I love you so much, thank you for trusting me enough to do this,” You mutter just enough for Mingyu to hear.
“I trust you, vita mia,” Mingyu kisses your hand once again and you’re off to the beach outside the hall. Seungcheol didn’t even need to get confirmation as he excused himself and followed you outside.
The cold air surrounds you, along with the sound of crashing waves, feet buried in the sand as you take in the salty scent.
You hear another pair of feet shuffle behind you, and you let out a breath. “Seungcheol,” You turn around and sure enough, you see the man behind you.
“You can go ahead, I understand you’re engaged and you look happy with him. I’m here to finally close the chapter that we never ended properly, and I assure you, I have no other ulterior motives,” Seungcheol is looking at you, his eyes only holding sincerity in them.
“I’m sorry I left, I poured it all out on you right after work because of my anger, I just need to know why,” You were avoiding his gaze and playing with your engagement ring instead.
It felt stuffy, and you were opening a dam that was locked up for three years, but you prevailed for the sake of your marriage with Mingyu.
“I was dumb, I was insecure and pushed you away because I was jealous. We were both so young yet successful, but you were surrounded by so much attention, specifically by men who I couldn’t even compare a fraction to, so I started pushing you away because of the nature of the industry you were going to work in,” Seungcheol poured out his feelings, his heart aching as he recounts the number of times he constantly brought himself down whenever he saw you with men who were models or in the same industry as you.
“I know you would’ve done everything in your power to reassure me, and I also know you would never ask for much in return, but I didn’t want you to suffer because of issues I had with myself. I’m sorry for hurting you, Y/n,” tears were streaming down your face.
All this time, you thought you were the problem, that you no longer made Seungcheol happy, but in reality, he pushed you away because he felt undeserving of you.
“I thought you no longer loved me Cheol, and I am apologetic you feel that way, but that was a thing of the past. We were stupid, and I hope you know that I loved you, yet I chose to leave because I allowed myself to choose my well-being. I wish you communicated to me that you felt that way,” You were open to communication, it was normal, and if Seungcheol wasn’t such a coward back then, the two of you would’ve been fine.
“Things happen for a reason, and I still love you Y/n, but I was a coward. I knew the love I gave you wasn’t even a quarter of what you deserved, you love reading romcoms, and you’re a hopeless romantic. I wanted to give you that love and I held myself to such a high standard, but that was until I noticed that the people that surrounded you did that effortlessly, and I felt angry,” You felt your heart crack, all this time he had left you clueless, and you were now forced to take in all the pain.
“That’s all I needed to hear, I can’t believe you’d do this to me, Cheol. You left me wondering like an idiot, and what you did for me at the time was enough, but I was left a fool. Things do happen for a reason, and I’d like to leave it here. Thank you for the closure we both needed, no hard feelings at the party ok? We throw all the negative feelings away, because we grew up together, and I don’t want to lose you as a friend,” Seungcheol agreed to your arrangement.
He couldn’t afford to lose you either, and after having the conversation with you, his heart felt lighter. The confession was long overdue, but getting it out is what matters.
“No hard feelings, thank you, Y/n. I only wish for the best between you and Mingyu, I also don’t want to lose you. This is overwhelming for us both, so I’ll head first with Joshua. Congratulations once again,” You and Seungcheol smiled at each other, and you turned on your heel to run over to Mingyu, who had been waiting for you the entire time.
Seungcheol’s heart felt lighter, and even if it did hurt, he was content with even being a fragment in each other’s lives. You were in good hands now, and he could see it in the way Mingyu held you close.
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© rubyuji 2024’ -. no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any manner without the permission from the publisher.
100 notes · View notes
yuikomorii · 11 months
Is it me or does Laito think Ayato and Yui are similar? I don’t mean it only in Ayato’s routes but in Laito’s ones it can be seen how he starts feeling disgusting when these two try to show that they care about him and so on. Sorry if I didn’t express myself correctly, I hope you got my point tho.
// That's right, given that Laito secretly envies purity, and both Ayato and Yui are the embodiment of it in his eyes, which triggers him.
Laito is a very complicated person… he has a hard time believing in genuine kindness, therefore he may find it repulsive.
There's a moment in Laito's LE route where Yui mentions that kindness was the reason of Ayato’s actions, but Laito was so close to genuinely vomit when he heard that.
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Laito admits in the VERSUS CD that he envies how upright and pure Ayato is (first pic). While it’s true that he shouldn’t have overlooked Ayato’s trauma for centuries, I somewhat get why he had such a resentment against him. Of course, Ayato was not at fault for being that way, but I really doubt it's simple to accept that your brother is actually the person YOU wished to be.
Purity is seen as a perfect virtue, Ayato is even described by Rejet (second pic) as someone whose true face is represented by his pure heart. On the other hand, Laito is the polar opposite. He’s anything but pure and he hates that. He is aware that due to Cordelia corrupting his mindset, such a trait is unattainable.
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As for Yui, even if all those bad things didn’t happen in the same timeline, it must still hurt suddenly being sent by your own father to a mansion full of vampires, who need to feed off you to survive. Yui's continued positivity and ability to see the good in everyone (even when not romancing them) in spite of these circumstances speaks volumes about how pure her heart is too.
In LE, Laito acknowledged that he projected his frustrations on both Ayato and Yui. Nevertheless, a part of him knew that the two of them would forgive him anyway because, well… that’s how Ayato and Yui are. They’re famous for forgiving and empathizing with those who have hurt them and nobody can change that.
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I also really like the parallel they pulled in these scenes. It’s just so precious how both Ayato and Yui would accept Laito no matter what and that truly highlights their purity of heart.
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Translations belong to: dialovers-translations on Tumblr
Laito's personal growth and realization that he matters and is not alone was one of the very few positive things of LE. I’m glad they decided to write about this aspect of Laito and Ayato’s relationship, as well as trying to make Yui understand Laito more and vice versa.
Unfortunately, they had to give him that questionable good ending, which essentially erased all the progress, BUT leaving that aside, the characters who are the most aware of each other’s true side are without a doubt Ayato and Laito.
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