#wished jacob would have been there but if he’s filming that is a rather good excuse;))
nalyra-dreaming · 6 months
So to recap…
* Talamasca is coming
* There was more s2 footage
* They brought in Amy Lee for the presentation
* Sam, Delainey, Assad and Eric were there, supposedly Jacob is filming, and Sam knew he couldn’t come 😭
* Our cast is cute as hell 🥰
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ca-suffit · 2 months
I think an important thing to remember when discussing Lestat as a queer icon (since it's a topic on the blog lately) is the fact that he's a queer horror icon. That man was never going to be a good man lol. It's exactly how Dr. Frank-n-Furter is a queer icon despite also being a villain and problematic. It's important to see people that we could relate to or admire in some aspects also be completely terrible, to avoid conflating someone you like with someone you who is good/should be imitated. Especially in the context of domestic violence and abuse in queer relationships. I wish this nuance was more present in fandom, because I don't like how people either treat Lestat like he's just a regular queer icon (as in, they ignore the part that makes him a horror to deal with), or diminish his queerness.
I'm also looking forward to people claiming Louis as a queer icon, I have hopes that it will become a more widespread topic as the show simmers, because I also think that Lestat being heralded as a queer icon in the show comes from decades and decades of him being considered one outside of it. This is the firts time (to my knowledge) that Louis has been compelling to the general public, so I guess with time he'll gain more weight in that discussion. I know it might sound too optimistic, given how black queer characters are usually treated, but I'd rather feel like we can go somewhere with this than feeling dejected.
I would write so many things about Lestat's and Louis' queerness and how they differ and interact and affect their lives and the narrative if I had the time. I'd also like to read/hear more about how Louis' queerness interacts and overlaps with his identity as a black man, so if you (or anyone) have any recs I'll gladly take them.
I think the discussion and even the portrayal of DV in queer (and interracial) relationships is a *huge* one for ppl to sidestep and has been one of the most disappointing things here tbh. we *haven't* seen that explored much in queer stories and it's so fucking *common* irl. there's a *lot* to explore there in so many directions, but ppl skip over that all the time just bcuz they don't want anyone to be "mean" to lestat. u can like things and still discuss and criticize them. as u said, look at the rocky horror picture show and the impact that's had. a lot of queer existence in general is always being "other" somehow, and that's why horror is such a good genre for it. to strip that away bcuz u just wanna play rupaul's drag race with lestat is....I mean, ppl can do what they want on their own, but this collective bullshit of forcing others to conform to this too and thinking ur "right" for doing it is a majority of the reason this fandom sucks. most ppl don't even hate lestat tbh, it's these fans that are the problem. nobody lets anyone meet the story where it's at.
I def think, regardless of what the show ends up becoming as a whole, that amc louis has made a huge impact as a black, queer character in major media. I hope ppl continue to analyze him and be inspired by this character and keep it all rolling forward. nobody expected this to be as good as it was at portraying louis and we're blessed af to have jacob in the part too.
god, I don't remember all the good posts I've seen about louis anymore. I tried to even look but I think most were out of the tags and long ago too. I remember a rly good one talking about claudia's relationship to louis and how he prbly wasn't allowed to play with grace's dolls as a kid, so claudia was kind of his "permission" to do that. it also gives a slightly different perspective to claudia's "doll-like" existence, since this was not something explored in louis in the books or 1994 film.
I feel like, if u or anyone is unfamiliar with james baldwin, reading his stuff will give some irl perspective to amc louis too in various ways. equal in paris is a good S2 companion. I think rolin jones even said giovanni's room was an inspiration for S2 too.
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mrsarnasdelicious · 10 months
EAC 3 - November 3 - 5
What a weekend y'all....
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What a travel, firstly. I took the eurostar from Schiphol or Charles de Gaule. I had orginially planned to meet up with @sihtricfedaraaahvicius, but it was soo busy we could not move from our assigned seats. We met once we left the train and crossed the airport in search of a bus that would bring us to the hotel, which we did not find. So instead she ordered us an uber-ish ride, which also was half an adventure.
But we got to the hotel in the end and we had a full welcome commity waiting for us. It was so good reuniting with all the people I met in the Nowalls discord and grew close with after Dortmund. It was like coming home to so many loved ones. I also met a great many new friends and took many of them into my heart.
I received a few wonderful gifts from my friends.
After settling into the hotel, we went to the mall with a group, which was rather chaotic. We had lunch there and I found a Thestral figurine.
Once back from the mall we hung out at the hotel for a while and I changed into my 'party' clothes; white jeans, white tank, hard rock london shirt and black thin cardigan. I looked good, NGL.
While waiting in line for the cocktail party, I met Lucile, who is now my bestie. We supported each other through our nerves and when I felt a litlte faint. This was mostly because I hadn't eaten or drank enough. After two glasses of cola, I was most certainly feeling more perky.
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[Photo credit by Lucile]
First at our table [us being Rike, Gemma, Lucile and I and later Carlotta also] was Jacob. Young man was carrying a cup of tea, going 'how British am I, I brought tea to a champain party.' which was too cute. I tried to guess it was fennel tea, to which he said he wished it was fennel, but it was mint. I told him my late granddad was also named Jacob and showed off my newest tattoo. Jacob liked the tat a lot.
Second was Tim and I am still not used to that thin ear ring. It suits him, but somehow still surprises me when I see it, every time. He asked us about halloween and I want to ask him about Fallen, but the convo did not go that way.
I am not sure of the order after this, so bear with me as I sort of wing it.
Stefanie was 'omg you have Eadith hair' right away and I was very awkward about taking the compliment on my hair, even though I am quite confident about my hair.
Eliza started about halloween, but it meandered and she ended up spotting my tattoos. My hands were admired and she was like 'Arnas is gona scream the moment he sees these' and she was not wrong...
James decided he wanted to ask us a question and he asked us what film had most influence on our lives. I of course said Harry Potter. The Wizarding world has absolutely been formative for my passion for stories in all forms. James defo loved that answer.
Christian talked mainly with my friends, demonstrating his talent for languages. I couldn't help getting lost in those beautiful blue eyes, though.
I don't remember what Ossian talked about, I just remember that he came in for a hug right away.
Harry talked about his appearance on Nowalls' first live show, which was a good little laugh. He also remarked on how the cocktail party felt much more posh than it actually was.
Mark greeted me with 'your hair has grown' which made me feel some type of way. I mean, this man remembers enough of me to recall an approximation of my hair length. We then talked about his moustache and how most of us really disliked it.
Last to our table was Arnas and he came in loud. I scolded him for it and he went on a whole spiel about how he still had all the gifts I had given him and how he kept it all on his nighstand and that I was too hard on him. He took a good look at my tats and said mine looked so much better than his on the show, which is of course absolute nonsense, but I appreciate the effort. He comlained about missing the eurostar, because he missed the boarding time. I asked himif he had checked his ticked for the boarding time, which of course he said he hadn't, like a true ADHD man. When he made to leave, I pulled out my rings to put them back on and this absolute man holds out his hands (only later I realised the missed opportunity for me to put a ring on this guy and forever joke about him being my fiance). I go 'Excuse!?!' and he sasses me back with 'wat wil je?'
There was a group photo after that and we were ushered out to await the werewolf games.
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Werewolves was an invaritable mess.
I was in a village with Mark, James, Jacob and a reasonable measure of my friends. Barely anyone had ever played the game and the GM was very basic in the story telling.
I had quite a good back and forth with James before the game got started and he was pretty down for having me GM, but I knew that would not be in the cards. No, in the cards for me was the Witch.
We first got a round of introducing our 'characters' and then it was right off to the first night. Cupid matched my friend Angela with Mark, completely at random, but Angela suspected it was me. The werewolves were allowed a victim right after, which happened to be me. I resurrected myself with my potion and the day started. Mark had the bright idea of all putting their hand down and raise your hand if you are a villager. My autism needs computing time, so I was of course the last to raise my hand and I was once more set to die.
I got to spectate the rest of the game. It was quite a mess and Mark ended up either fogetting he was matched with Angela, or going into his role too deep, because he decided to off her and then he had to go too, because the lovers cannot continue the game if one of them dies. Mark and James were the werewolves and James ended up surviving the whole game on his own and thus winning.
We had some time after that and ended up playing word chain for a good while, until we took another group photo and I rough housed with Angela and Jacob a little bit.
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After the games there was a viewing of SKMD, but I was very tired, so Mary and I headed to her friend's flat. The friend was not home that night, so we could get some fangirling in before sleep.
We got up early in the morning, because I had to be in time for the selfie lounge.
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I had the selfie lounge with everyone's favourite Sihtric-fic writer. So we waited together and once admitted sat on the last chairs of the first line of chairs. It looked like an AA meeting at first, but once the guests came in, it was more like a fashion runway. Especially Arnas enjoyed showing off.
@sihtricfedaraaahvicius and I stuck together and we even got a selfie with the both of us and Eliza and with James, which was very sweet.
I noticed that most of the guests had to be sort of directed towards us, because we sort of stayed on one side of the room. I am not the person to just accost the guests for a picture.
We got pics with all the guests, but I did not get to the plans I had. No due selfie with Arnas and no Sihtric + Sigtryggr for my friend. I'm sorry bestie. We also both got an Eys hug, which was adorable.
Arnas was the before last to come to us. He had a good back and forth with my friend, but to me he said 'our lives are so intertwined now' and that is genuinly all I recall he said to be in the Selfie Lounge. The sentence most certainly had a running up, but I can't recall it.
My friend said, once we left the Lounge that Arnas enjoys getting a rise out of me. Gee thanks, Guy...
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After the opening ceremony, I lined up for the photo op with James.
I left it up to James to make up a pose and he decided he wanted to pretend to take a pic of me, which turned out cute as much as imaginative. Another friend says it looks like he is using the force on me instead, which is also a fun interperation.
I felt very at ease around James, not at all nervous. He is so sweet and kind.
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Secondly I had the photo op with Stefanie. We did s simple, sweet hug and I quite like the pic. Stefanie is so wonderful and sweet and I can't wait to see her again. Hopefully next year!
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And then I had Arnas' Photo OP...
I still had some nerves about him, so I came up to him a bit tense. 'Oh we're going for nervous, are we' he told me and I just could not let him tease me, so I tried to pull him over.
And he went with it, giving me some pressure in return even.
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And then came my moment, the individual meeting with Arnas.
Good gods, this man. He asked about my daughter and what her thing was now. We had a small confusion about miffy/nijntje until I indicated the bracelet I had given him in Dortmund, that is when the dime dropped. It really warmed my heart when he asked about her.
I gave him his giftbag and we just spent the five minutes calmly going through it, along with some small talk. He loved the Jellycat plush, proclaiming he'd take it everywhere and wanted some weed to go with the donuts I brought him. So next year we are bring him edibles.
He was also ravingly enthusiastic about the scribble-drawing Fayen made him and even took a selfie with it. I have yet to recieve it though, hoping he did not forget, Don Chaot!
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Then it was time for me to get some autographs and first was Stefanie. She is just such a lovely person to talk to. She gave me a sweet hug and even asked me to sign the rose photo and Nowallsona pics I brought her. I hope she'll return next year because I soooo wana talk to her and hug her again. (Woman Crush Wednesday fo sho!)
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I went to Eliza next and that woman is an absolute queen. She said that I attract people to me with my sweet and warm personality and that meant so much to me. She also gave me the sweetest hug and I swear I fell in love a teensy tiny bit with the woman, because Gods she is just everyone's hype woman and I feel that on a spiritual level!
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Then I went to James and he sort of got me stumped, and I don't know how, guess I was hit with his awesomeness all of a sudden.
I got a big hug and he wanted me to sign my rose photo for him and he was just so sweet and there were too many things I had wanted to ask him, but I forgot all of them, because he is just too sweet and kind.
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Next I went to Timothy, who looked like he was about done with his day. I asked him if he was okay and he admitted to having had a coughing fit a few minutes before. We talked a tiny bit and he gave me a sweet hug.
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I saved Arnas for last that day and my Gods was I not disappointed by what he gave me. I told him he would hate me for what I was going to ask of him, but he was such a good sport about it, telling me knew what this is for. He did his very best and I am actually so enamoured with his handwriting. I adore it.
He gave me a big hug as well and that was a good end of the day.
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The next day I had the Marnas shoot I had purchased the day before, first.
I told Mark they had artisic liberty/liscene and they set to work right away. Mark grabbed my pendant, yelling that I was not a real Dane and Arnas jumped right in, knowing that I am indeed a mostly Norse leaning Pagan. That was a lovely little nod to what I had told him in Dortmund, which warmed my heart as well.
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Swiftly afterwards I had my OP with Mark and I asked him for a big squeeze. And let me tell you, this man has made up for his loosey goosey hug from Dortmund ten times over. What a squeeze, I adored it!
The photographer had to tell me to lower my shoulder for some reason, but hey, the photo is defo one of my best so far. I am not at all nervous around Mark anymore, after having scolded him, haha.
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I had myself a double with Arnas, because I could not choose if I wanted something sweet or something bookspo, so I got myself an extra OP.
First was the sweet one and Arnas offered me his arm and I swear I did not mean to look like I was ready to take my mans home, but here we are.
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The bookspo one is the one that really got to me, though.
I asked Arnas to pretend to be angry with me, explaining it was for the book I was writing. And by the Gods did he deliver, shouting 'not this again Tessa, I told you not to do this' or something much like it, grabbing my hand firmly and making an angy Sihtric face. In the moment it was exactly what I needed from him.
Once the photo was shot, he petered off to the side and I was so in my feels that I backhugged him, which made him chuckle and nudge me to go in a gentle way.
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After lunch it was time for my Marnas polaroid, my favourite moment of the entire weekend.
I was the first to show up, so I got to be the first in line, before anyone with prio. Sometimes it pays off to be anxious early. I got to see James get his stuff ready and watch Mark and Arnas get themselves amped up. I think they spotted me, because they started to overshout each other.
Mark won.
I sat down between them and Mark asked if I had something in mind, which I obvi did not. So Mark goes 'I am going to look at you very affectionately.' He's set the edge. And Arnas walses his arse right over it with 'I just realised I am madly in love with you.'. HAHAHAHAHAHIMNOTOKAY.
James had left the safety on his camera and it took him like four tries to realise this, but I was happy enough to sit between these two warm men, looking at me like I was the best thing since sliced bread.
Afterwards I got sent two pictures by about all my friends on several insta pages with two different angles from my polaroid. My favourite is on top of the post and the second one is below.
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There after I went to Jacob for a signature and got a sweet hug from him as well. I told him I'd whisk him away and adopt him. He said he would not be able to breathe in my luggage though. We had a little laugh together and he was very happy with his gifts.
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Ossian was next. Got my hug in, told him I wanted to adopt him and he wrote a very sweet message in my booklet.
He is so adorable.
Later when I was in line for Harry, he came over to Nat for a goodbye hug, which warmed my heart so so so much!
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Then I went to Eysteinn, telling his I smelled something about free hugs.
Eysteinn was very gentle and kind and gave me another loosey goosey hug. But I also got the feeling he wasn't fully at ease. I am not sure if that was me or the entire situation.
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Next up I went to Christian.
He is such a darling. He loved his afirmation card and we had a lil back and forth about creating your own joy and that he doesn't really agree with carpe diem and is more a crea diem kind of guy.
He gave me a sweet hug and wasn't really good at me telling him he has stunning blue eyes, he made a joke about blaming his parents for it.
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Thereafter I lined for up Harry.
I was a few paces behind @charming-merlin who made Harry's fanbook. It was such a well made all round piece of art and I adored Harry's reaction to it, he was so so so happy and so impressed and I have hardly ever seen a man filled with so much awe and delight. All kudo's to her.
Harry tore into my bag of gifts right away, too and I got a big hug as well. He is such a joy to talk to and his hug was real tight.
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And off I rushed to Mark.
Mark was already standing on 'my side' of the table, which was great for handing him his gift bag. He loved the Nowalls shirt and the pepernoten.
I got two hugs from Mark. One was for practise and one was for real. He was such a good sport about it and we had a brief little chat. He is genuinly a delight to be around and I just want this man to be my friend!
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And last, but not least, of course I had to go to Arnas one more time.
Or ... two times, because I forgot my selfie so I had to line up again like a dumbass, but Arnas was very sweet about it.
I told him a little bit about the inspiration for my book and asked him to write something motivational for when I have writers block. He listened closely, which sort of messed up his writing, but I love it all the more because of that.
I got in a few more hugs and the selfie turned great!
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I had an amazing weekend, making new friends and meeting so many lovely people. I laughed and loved so much and I fell in love a little deeper.
Thank you, friends and fabulous people for Paris!
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carewyncromwell · 9 months
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"Come with me and you'll be In a world of pure imagination... Reach out -- touch -- what was once Just in your imagination..."
~"Pure Imagination (cover)" from Wonka (2023)
Hey, I told y'all that the new Wonka movie made me want to draw some Jacob Cromwell content!! Hehe! 🥰
But yes. Considering that Timothee Chalamet has been my fancast for my boy Jacob for ages (though I initially picked Timothee because how he appeared in The Adderall Diaries, since I always imagined Jacob with long hair), I couldn't have been happier by what I saw of Wonka's trailers, because really, I thought to myself that even if I didn't end up liking the film, I'd have lots of fun new gifs to use in RP posts for Jacob. But as it turned out, I absolutely loved Wonka...and for a good chunk of the movie, all I could think is, "...Timothee is basically just playing an illiterate, chocolatier Jacob Cromwell right now. 😂" So yeah, a Jacob Wonka concept seemed like an absolute no-brainer...especially when the "dumb big brother/smart little sister" dynamic Wonka has with Noodle in the film reminds me so much of Jacob's dynamic with his sister, my OG girl Carewyn. Which reminds me...I also did a concept for a Noodle!twelve-year-old!Carey Bear to go along with this too!
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In this alternate universe scenario, Carewyn and Jacob wouldn't be biological siblings -- instead Jacob Wonka is the orphaned son of soft-spoken chocolate genius Lane Wonka, while Carewyn is the orphan ward of a nasty conwoman who's simply called "Pipsqueak" by everyone because of her small size, only for Jacob to shorten the name down further to "Pip" and then ret-con the nickname to be short for "Pippa" (meaning "lover of horses"), because his new surrogate little sister sings songs about wild horses when she's sad and come on, it's a much better name than "Pipsqueak." And of course as it turns out Pippa's past is ultimately tied up with one of the three main members of the Chocolate Cartel, Charles Cromwell. It is weird to split this family up this way, but ehhh, the idea made me smile anyway. No idea who most anyone else would be, but I imagine all of the other characters would mainly be people significant to Jacob's story more than Carewyn's, such as Rakepick, Duncan, Olivia, and Madam Rosmerta, rather than anyone from the Circle of Khanna.
Oh yes -- and for those of you who need proper audio for that above bonus comic of Jacob Wonka and "Pippa"...here. 😝
Hold your breath -- make a wish -- count to three...and hope you all have a lovely night! Much love!! xoxo
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maroonghoul · 2 years
Horror Movies I Just Watched: Feb 2023
A little late, but that’s okay. Also shorter then the last one because I only saw three movies this month.
Tales from the Hood: It was Black History Month and I heard good things, so I figured what the hell. 
A Horror anthology made by black people and with social commentary on the mistreatment of black people in America? In this post Get Out world, you can see why it would gain traction, but I’m still shocked this was made as early as 1995! And was still as polished as it was! Granted, Spike Lee was one of the executive producers and presumably, one reason it got greenlit because of the success of the original Candyman. Actually, between that film ,this one, and People Under the Stairs, there actually was some true classic Black Horror films in that decade. What am I even saying?
So this film. Quick thoughts on each section:
Welcome to My Mortuary: On paper, this is a typical wraparound for any horror anthology straight out of any horror anthology; a group of criminals come to meet at an odd place, where a creepy character tells them the stories, only to reveal at the end they’ve been dead this whole time. I’ve seen variations of this older then this movie (Dead of Night, the 70s Tales from the Crypt) and more recent (V/H/S, The Mortuary Collection), though it’s the most 90s I’ve seen based on said criminals this time being gang-bangers. Though the depiction of Hell at the very end reflects everything that kept me away from this movie because that’s what I thought it would be. It was so ridiculously cheap looking! But, upon reflection, given how heavy some of the stories were...
Rogue Cop Revelation: Yeah, one of the big reasons why I think this is still so effective is how little it’s themes have aged. In particular, it’s depiction of police brutality. The saddest thing is, the most unbelievable part of this is not the vengeful ghost, but that these cops would even think about framing their victim for a crime, rather then not bother to hide it and just fall back on qualified immunity. 
That Martin would choose revenge to be his last wishes on the world; This man didn’t care about being remembered as a Martyr. And maybe so many other who’ve lost their lives in similar circumstances felt the same. And that still wouldn’t make their deaths justified. You shouldn’t be a perfect victim for it to be unjust. 
This was a heavy one to start with, but I’m glad it was. Right out the gate, it’s saying “You think this would be funny because it’s black?. You wanted Black Horror? You‘re getting Black Horror!”
Boys Do Get Bruised: This and the next one are the closest we get to a Voodoo story, even though it’s never mentioned by name here. This one also felt like an expansion of the wraparound story from Creepshow; imaginative son gets back at abusive father with dark magic. David Allen Grier was probably the biggest name in this, especially for being in comedy TV around this time. So him being the abusive stepfather here is a nice shock. Any other story would have Tyrone the son being evil at the end so the teacher and the mom would have to stop him. But given how this was characterized, I liked to think they did...by getting him the therapy and attention he needed. Should be easier with one less monster around.
KKK Comeuppance: Ah, the “evil rich person terrorized by small creatures/ghost” story trope. This time, with a southern twist. Not much to say on this one. It’s not weak, just a classic set up with a unique coat of paint. But I’m beginning to notice a trend where killer dolls in horror might’ve been easier to root for then I though. Between the righteous anger of the one’s here and the charisma of Chucky, I mean. I haven’t seen the Puppet Master movies yet, but form what I heard, it’s similar. Maybe it really is that easy to root for the Little Guy. Ba Dum Tss!
Hard-Core Convert: A Macho Gangster movie that halfway thru turns into Jacob’s Ladder. These descriptions might seem dismissive, sometimes when we’re talking about stories this short, a mashup this simple is more then enough. Though unlike with Jacob, Crazy K doesn’t make any sort of peace in his last moments. Sometimes, we need a reminder redemption only works if the person is willing, no matter how much you traumatize him.
I also figured this would be the best time to mention a recurring theme here that’s interesting; the black characters who caused harm, directly or indirectly, to other black people are seen just as guilty as the racist murdering whites. Each of these stories have that: Clarence letting Martin die because of “loyalty” to other cops, the abusive step-father, Duke Metger’s assistant, Rhodie, helping his image even though he’s an unrepentant racist, and Crazy K getting the approval of a Neo-Nazi. A clearly hateful enemy wouldn’t be nearly as scary without such severe divides in class and racial solidarity working against good people. 
Now I get why we ended on the most stagy depiction of Hell ever. We needed a laugh.
Spring: One of two romantic horror movies I saw this month. This one I actually did watch on Valentine’s Day. 
Most travel horror make it so you don’t want to go to where it’s set. This one actually seems to set to do the opposite. I might’ve traveled abroad a little sooner if I thought there was a chance I could get a cool chimera girlfriend out of it. And no, the chimera part isn’t close to a dealbreaker. (Okay, they say she isn’t one, but they don’t give an actual name, so you understand).
It starts slow, but it works to its advantage in a way I wished more fish out of water films did. It emphasize just how isolated and far from home our main character made himself be. So even if you don’t know where this town and where his home is on a map, the movie makes them feel far and disconnected. 
Honestly, it only feels like a horror movie in the middle, with the scenes where Louise is changing and has to kill animals/would be rapists. Weirdly enough, the scene where Evan finds her changing is when it stops all monster movie business and becomes a romantic meditation on living for so long, the use of religion, and wondering what scientifically constitutes as love. It’s in fact too talky, especially when it feels like the pseudoscience is getting in the way of the romance. Now that might seem the point, but maybe I don’t like the idea that science gets in the way of love. 
There have been plenty of vampire movies that got this introspective without falling back on too much bloodshed, so it’s nice to see another monster get the treatment. Especially showing she’s not beyond hope in it’s very sweet final scene. I’m just saying, I came for either Horror or Romance, not a science lesson on a magical creature. Also, I needed more scenes on that farm.
After Midnight: Now the other one. Thought this might be similar to the other one where the guy realized he fell in love with an actual monster, but no. She’s not the monster, and it has nothing to do with her. Hell, they even joked about it late in the movie. 
Without that, I suppose the monster instead symbolize something wrong with him. Maybe his fear of the world outside of his hometown. Whatever he felt that “took” his girl from him.
This is another case where I feel this leaned more in the romantic side then horror, which isn’t really my preference. I prefer a balance. 
Though the last scene doesn’t really help. The monster’s practically forgotten about, it’s a brightly lit party, Hanks singing a romantic song. And then boom! It’s there. It’s weird because even after it shows up, the scene has a whole different feel from the other parts of the movie where’s it terrorizing him. In those, it’s atmospheric horror. But here, it’s like they’re invaded by a Muppet.
Again, an odd style but I think I get what they’re going for. Once she came back and set the record straight, and he decided to change his mind and do right by her, Hank got a new perspective on his symbolic problem. It can be overcome. That he was able to finally handle it when his literal support network is there in the room with him can’t be a coincidence either. 
I guess these two compliment each other in a weird way. On one hand, sometime you need the right frame of mind to open your arms to someone who seem very different and with a lot of baggage. And on the other hand, when you have the baggage, you have to try not to make it an excuse not to reach out for help. Certainly more helpful advice then saying your entitled to your dead wife’s reincarnation, at least.
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newt-and-salamander · 2 years
Just watched SoD, it's almost 4 am and I am happy and overwhelmed. Here are just some first impressions in the order that come to my mind, so massive spoilers below the cut!!
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Newt is the sweetest and kindest human being this world has ever known.
Jacob too!
I seriously thought for a few seconds Jacob would become Supreme Mugwump. XD (It would have been really epic though.)
Basically everything Jacob said was hilarious, I just love him so much!!!
Mads Mikkelsen just was so so so so so good! Of course Grindelwald had much more screen time than in the previous films so it was easier, but still he managed to bring a depth and some kind of ... likeability to Grindelwald's character. I liked that very much.
I also appreciate how clear they made that Dumbledore was in love with Grindelwald (Although this can't be called a secret, really. :D)
Albus had no secrets left, it was really about Aberforth?!?! Whew, I mean, I thought it could be coming, but still ...
Also: What's wrong with the Dumbledores? Ariana is an Obscurus, Aberforth's son is an Obscurus ... And how did both brothers manage to make such grave mistakes in only one summer?
I don't feel like after everything that happened in SoD, Aberforth has the right to still be so angry and cold against Albus (as shown in HP).
Newt was really lucky he wasn't killed in his first scene. :0
In general I was surprised by the really lighthearted tone of the film - even in the more dramatic scenes I was never really afraid someone would die.
Newt was so happy and excited so many times, so I am very happy and excited now!!! How cute was it when he met Lally and they were basically both fangirling about each other???
Newt saying "She is" when talking about Tina, omg!!! And them finally meeting again!!! (Damn Lally, bad timing!!!!)
I'm not really content with the explanation they gave for Tina's absence, though. I mean, Theseus is head auror too, and he seems to be able to go and do where/what he wishes.
Can we talk about the wide grin on Theseus face when he witnessed just how much in love Newt was in the end?? Maybe that's even my favourite moment! Him just being so happy for Newt and looking out for him and EVERYONE BEING HAPPY FOR A CHANGE!!!
Ok, maybe my favourite scene was Jacob being happy and closing his eyes so he won't see Queenie before the wedding ceremony and he's GETTING MARRIED TO QUEENIE AAAAHHHHH!!! I must say I had lost hope for the two of them!
Will Newt and Tina kiss offscreen now?!?!?
Dumbledore, whyyyy didn't you go into the bakery? Isn't it actually a bit impolite to just wait around in the street and walk away??
Newt practising his speech as best man *-* I love it how clumsy he was during every situation he was in a kind of leading position.
How did Aberforth and Credence establish the mirror connection???
I'm a bit confused and so, so tired.
How did Aberforth even find out Credence was his son??
Maybe Credence doesn't have to die. We know that Newt can separate an Obscurus from its host, so maybe he can save him?
Wtf they did break the blood pact by ACCIDENT???? NOOOO, I'm not happy with that!!! That's to ... easy and random.
Just for the record, snow is not the usual weather in Berlin (but then there always seems to be snow everywhere in the FB films XD). I rather liked wizarding Germany btw. The architecture and the little details like the signs and the stamps (a cliché that always works because it's funny and also still true I'm afraid).
The scene with Theseus and Newt in prison was a bit random but super funny, so I'll allow it. XD But I'm still disturbed that they just stunned Theseus and dragged him away and everyone was like ... it's alright, we can look for him later. (It's also not very healthy to hang upside down, but Thesues can manage it ... because. Because he's epic and very handsome and I like him very much.)
The brothers finally, finally bonding!!! Not talking, though. But who needs to talk anyway.
Bunty was great! I'm happy that she was not helpless in her love. She's still in love with Newt and he has no clue and she knows it's in vain, but she's not jealous or bitter but makes a deliberate decision to help. She definitely deserves more credit.
Basically all of the protagonists interacting with the Qilin just were so precious!!!!
What happened to Newt's suitcase????
They definitely made a film that could work as a conclusion of the series, which was probably wise. I am wayyy to tired at the moment to find out how I feel about that.
I missed the "magical train person" they listed on imdb. :(
I think it's an interesting choice to make the film so political and presenting an ending that shoes Grindelwald NOT rising to power.
Do we know which year this is taking place?
I kind of ship Lally and Theseus now, but on the other hand I'm happy to see a female character who is strong and intelligent and funny and witty in her own right without being paired up with anyone at the end.
I didn't really get all this time turner and parallel world stuff and that made it really confusing.
I need to stop now because I'm basically falling asleep while I'm writing and I'm sure only half of my thoughts make sense, not even talking about my terrible grammar.
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So since someone asked vinelle this, what about you? do you think meyers a good author? and jkr? what do you like about each author, what do you dislike about them?
Anon's referring to this post. As well as this post.
I reblogged the posts without commentary, I agree with her full stop on both on all the points. Including the good and the bad of each author.
However, since you came all this way, I guess I have to give you something.
Do I Think Meyer's a Good Author
Yes, and for the reasons @therealvinelle listed. More, look at this place, like her or hate her, Meyer did draw in millions of readers for a successful franchise without having been heard of before writing.
You could say "Yeah, well, so did the MCU and it sucks" but that was backed by major film studios with huge budgets. So Meyer deserves credit for that at least.
Beyond that she's fantastic at world building, at characterization and keeping those characters consistent, atmosphere, and more.
Now, is the woman's mind a complete and utter mystery to me and a bizarre place? Yes. But she wrote some very good books.
Do I Think JKR's a Good Author
Yes, but not my cup of tea.
JKR is a fantastic world builder, is great at making up nonsense names, at bickering, at slice of life filler, and making an entire universe that people love. When you have people playing something called quidditch in the real world, by running around with a broom between their legs, then you deserve kudos.
She does not, however, to be worshipped upon a golden altar as I've seen so many people do in my life. Her books have serious flaws with very major parts of the story including the characters themselves as well as the major plot.
Frankly, I think JKR would make a far better video game writer than she would a novel author, however that's for another post.
What Do I Like About Meyer and Rowling
See above and see the linked posts.
What Do I Dislike About Meyer
The woman's insane. Her mind is an utter pit of madness that us mere mortals have no insight into. I admire those on tumblr who try but also watch their attempts with fascination.
What this means is that we get characters like Edward as the romantic lead. Now, this is beautiful, because Edward is a fascinating, nuanced, and wonderful character who might belong in a thriller but I am very much there for the show.
However, it also means we get things like Jasper's needlessly confederate backstory, the imprinting, Jacob/Renesmee, and have I mentioned the imprinting? Meyer doesn't shy away from horrifying things, her world is one of bleak despair, but holy god the imprinting. And that she chose that to live or die by with... the seeming goal the entire time of having Renesmee/Jacob (rather than conveniently disposing of Jacob when he lost the love triangle as most series do, though this is also a pet peeve of mine).
So while the woman produces often times delightful madness she also produces madness period and some of it is not delightful. I really, really, really wish her editor had noted that having a plotline involving pedophilia, with a minority people based on a real tribe, is not kosher.
God, what were they thinking?
What Do I Dislike About JKR
See Vinelle's post. There's more I could say to that.
The house elves were brought in and then kind of dropped on the floor with the characters saying it's alright now. The weak explanation of why we allowed slavery to drop from the plot is "Oh, the house elves love it!" which... has been used before in human society in terrible situations. JKR has a couple examples of doing this, painting herself in a corner of some weird side quirky thing she didn't actually want to spend time on.
JKR's ending fizzled out: the heroes learn nothing, the day isn't saved in that while Tom is dead the societal issues that enabled him are very much alive, and nothing about their world has changed. The journey, that is, never actually goes anywhere. This is true of all the books, they all neatly wrap up within a one year timeframe and Harry comes back with more often than not things not changing. This is why the recap chapter is always "Harry was at the Dursleys again, this is usual". Now, Harry does get progressively angry as first Cedric's death occurs then Sirius' but it doesn't really change much. Not as much as it should, at any rate.
There's also so much Deus ex Machina. The twins seem to exist solely to give Harry important quest items (such as the Marauders Map, why do they give it to him? They like him! Here you go, Harry! Glad you conveniently needed it this year as opposed to last year when people were disappearing), Dobby seems to exist solely to first give Harry ominous warnings then important quest items/help Harry escape from inescapable situations. Hagrid drops hints/gives quest items. The list goes on infinitely.
This is the same with certain pieces of magic. That map really would have been useful the year before, somehow it never comes up. The existence of time machines changes the entire game, somehow Hermione is the only one in the series to get one, uses it for school, and then it's never spoken of again because she gave up her power for the good of her health. If you're giving time machines to a thirteen year old then those things would be all over the place and certainly in the hands of idiots both 'evil' and 'good'. It'd be bad news, we never see it. Gamp's Law seems to pop into existence just to give our characters a hard time in the last book. Wand lore pops into existence just to make the plot of the last book function, sort of. Pretty much name one of the major pieces of magic in the series and I can say how it was suddenly used in the plot or else how it was used to block something that would make the heroes lives too convenient.
Harry Potter is a video game. And, my god, it'd be a fantastic video game but nonetheless it is a video game. There are levels, magic is unlocked at key points, the NPCs are everywhere and each one is interesting, there are side quests, main quests, and everything in between. It has everything. However, video games are not books, they're structured very differently and focus on different things. A great video game is not necessarily a good novel and vice versa.
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embrythecall · 4 years
a twilight tag game, you say?
pick 5-10 characters and write your take on the canon version of them vs. fanon version of them. fanon doesn’t have to be what is generally accepted in the fandom, it can be your own idea of what you think a character is like. then tag the same number of people as characters you pick, if you can.
I was tagged by @teamjacobthot -- thank you so much! I’m excited to get into this :) 
(obviously because i adore him with my whole soul) 
chill aka probably just shy let’s be real here
likes to bet on things? 
seems to have the most common sense
HERE WE GO, EVERYBODY *cracks knuckles*
def the smartest one out of him, jake and quil. 
an observer. definitely a people watcher. he reads the VIBEZ
very, super, ultra, mega sarcastic. almost cynical. I feel like he’s probably a realist in a lot of situations rather than either an optimist or a pessimist. probably leans a little more towards pessimism though 
refuses to learn about his dad (though, I personally believe it’s Joshua Uley, but that’s a long headcanon for another day unless someone specifically wants to know my thoughts on it more haha)
a super romantic without knowing he’s a romantic? 
real tight with his mom-- they’ve only ever had each other since old daddio has been out of the picture the entire time and she’s probably never really dated (once again, i have more thoughts on that too but you know, i digress)
also i SUPER headcanon that he almost ALWAYS only refers to her as, “Ma,” unless it is a serious situation in which he uses ‘mother’ but i do NOT feel like he is a ‘mom’ person. at least for his own mother. 
honestly these are just all my own headcanon i have no idea what people think about him :S 
for me, i think him and Jacob are closer than Quil is to either of them. In my mind, when embry’s mom Tiffany first got to town, she became really good friends with Sarah Black and thus, Jacob and Embry have kind of been friends since birth, quil only coming in a little later maybe and just not having the same kind of friendship that embry and jake have
I think him and Leah secretly get each other. Like they don’t talk much or anything, but Embry never makes comments to or about her and doesn’t participate in the guys being absolute jerks to her. 
also, he just guzzles that respect women juice. like, he was raised solely by his mother so like... he was taught to respect women and also i think this makes him more empathetic to other people which is why he wouldn’t be mean to leah or say mean things about her because he’d understand to a level and might even see pieces of his own mother in her because they both were screwed over by men and he never EVER wants to be that to anybody ever
probably plays guitar but NEVER shows anybody 
usually the but of a joke between jake and quil. 
also the decider in arguments between jake and quil
i have a zillion more but i’ll quit while i’m ahead
is a slut for muffins
he thinks he’s a ladies man (thinks) 
more outgoing?
likes hanging out with friends 
took his cousin to prom 
so, so, so funny as in a total dork with a lot of unearned confidence
book smart but NOT street smart
prefers name brand foods over generic because it just ‘has that extra something something’ and also, class
loves to debate with jacob. he always ends up taking it somehow more seriously than jacob does. 
i actually do not know why nobody talks about quil i feel like he’s super underrated and actually hilarious.
@teamjacobthot‘s one of this tag game mentioned he was a soundcloud rapper and i think i DIED so imma also go with that and second you there
very particular about how things are done 
a lover of the puns
toy story is his favorite childhood film, and he announces it as so. 
angry and bitter 
thinks nothing more than of sam 
hates vampires 
i absolutely LOVE practically every fanon i’ve ever seen of leah in the fandom like...ever. they are all so amazing and i actually just want tons and tons of fanfictions about all of them
Ngl, i really am a big AngelaxLeah fan
I PERSONALLY hc that leah gets fed up with being in the pack and she feels like there’s really nothing there for her. She ends up leaving la puzb to go off and explore the world-- she wants to see it and experience more than just the memories and the life that surrounds her in la push. she travels all over and often does so in wolf form when she can. I HC she imprints there-- on a real nice super cool lady from some other country. (this is another thing i could go on for days about, i will write a fanfic about it one day. ONE DAY i shall PREVAIL!) 
Honestly, i really do like Leah as she was canon. I think that it was the way everybody acted around her that i would change and i feel like the fandom as a whole agrees on that 
like yeah, Leah is a badass bitch with a great sense of humor. she’s witty and sarcastic and smart and wise and i just love her to pieces. everyone else just needs to wise up and be nicer
super supportive and kind and loving and understanding and THEN smeyer swooped in and DESTROYED MY BOY. 
like, don’t even get me STARTED on my feelings about what she did to her OWN CHARACTER 
i mean really
smeyer straight up didn’t know what to do with him so she did... all of THAT. it makes me want to wheep.
the fanons out there on Jacob are just... they are SO WONDERFUL and give me SO MUCH JOY 
i’ve heard him being a mechanic obviously, i’ve heard about the HILARIOUS details of his friendship with like, alice and rosalie and emmett like... that shit is so funny i live for it 
i could read jacob fanons all day
i guess personally, i just love to bits. he’s super patient. very funny but also is really understanding and can (and loves) to get into deep discussions about stuff and listen to other people’s passions and share his own. 
purposefully pushes quil’s buttons so he can get a rise out of him because he LOVES their dumb bickering and enjoys a good debate 
is also almost always right in those debates 
quil probably won like... twice in all of history and it was based on some kind of weird trivia fact he learned in a biology class or something lol
i bet that when the time came he had kids (not with you-know-who obviously cause just...no), he’d be SUCH a great dad and he’d be SUPER hands-on with them, like always taking them places and teaching them how to do various stuff
and if one of his kids was really into something he didn’t know how to do, you KNOW his ass is up on youtube all night long learning how to do it so he can spend THAT MUCH MORE TIME with his kids 
oh he’s just so sweet love him to pieces 
...I had to do this but i have a good reason:
absolutely does NOT exist
the only ONLY acknowledgement i will give her is i read a fanon somewhere about how she HATES her name. like she is downright royally not okay with it and when she gets older and has to go to school for eternity with her family (weird. seriously so weird but i’m pushing through this) she decides to announce that she is only going by this other name (personally i feel like it’s Carlie because it’s still her middle name and jfd;akfsd but also because it’s A NORMAL NAME) and so she is never called renesmee again because that is straight up a monster name and even her nickname is a monster so like, ugh. 
also, i REFUSE to believe that Jacob imprinted on her, okay? if she has to exist, he did NOT imprint on her and they can be buds or something but just... no. (i have so many issues with imprinting guys, i should just sit down and write a long post about it but the ENERGY and it isn’t like it’s not all things that have been said before. it’s more what I’d fix about it so it could still exist but not be a legit code word for grooming and an excuse for blatant p*d* grossness because that’s all it is and i HATE THAT) 
so I don’t talk to anyone in the fandom really because i don’t really know how to start conversations like... at all. I really WANT to talk to people but I’m a chicken and i have a hard time, BUT, i really admire so many of the blogs on here and i LOVE so much of their content. Off the top of my head, i shall tag: 
@chiefjacob @911esme @jacobblackredemptionblog @embrycallsmuffin @leahclearwaterdefensesquad AND anyone else who wishes to do this! it was so much fun! I say do it! and if you’ve already done it, i just tip my hat to you for being an awesome blog :) 
seriously! tag me when you do it, i want to see your answers!! 
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Thoughts on season 2 of The Order, BIG SPOILER WARNINGS FOR SEASON 2. Also this is kinda rambly and unedited I apologize in advance
Okay, to start overall I did enjoy this season a lot, possibly more than the first season. I want to start with discussing the plotline. I read this in another review (by @georgesezra ) that the 2 episode formula works very well and I highly agree with that. I think overall, in the beginning the pacing went well for the mini-plots that the show is going for. The way the plot is built up, with distractor antagonists/ not the top antagonist ( Salvador ) is very reminiscent to me of early seasons of Teen Wolf ( especially season 2 with the Kanima storyline but this is not a Teen Wolf Review. )
The Early episodes were the best episodes, in my opinion, the amnesia plotline was resolved relatively quickly, but there still was some fun with it, especially with seeing Jack as a cheerleader. Also Blonde Jack, definitely the best move and I really missed the blonde in later episodes. The first half of the season the Knights Dynamic felt like it was there and real. They want to Be the Knights of St. Christopher and outside of the Order, not the Order’s pets whenever they need werewolf strength.
However, things to me go to shit when Lilith goes to the demon realm. All of a sudden many characters seem to go slightly ooc without the proper character development shown in the show. I’ll discuss this more when I touch on certain characters, but Hamish especially seemed to take a complete 180 this season, but didn’t show on the screen how we eventually lead up to that point. 
Going back to the main plot, I really enjoyed the concept of Praxis, Salvador and liberating magic. The dilemma of keeping magic only to those deemed worthy by a secret organization most people are unaware of, with their own set of strict rules where people are expected to not question the authority of the grand magus. Battled with the complete choice of free will and that everyone should be able to wield magic. Those two ideas battling is a very good concept and I wish it could’ve been used a little more or introduced earlier into the season. I think the first place we see this idea is with Rogwan. The demon that takes fear away from oneself. So, people are going completely based on their first instinct without the fear of death. This, in my opinion, is foreshadowing to what could happen if everyone could use magic. That it sounds good in concept, a life without fear sounds good, but quickly can turn disastrous and cause ( in this case ) the Apocalypse.
Parallels and callbacks are very well done this season and I loved them. With the repeated Jokes of Randall calling Hamish different nicknames, the repeated discussion of Hell versus Demon Realm with the Knights. Callbacks to events that happened in the first season. Bringing back Kyle and Professor Clarke. Showing the difference between having Midnights hide on Jack versus Silverback. Also, still showing that they are college students who are trying to just go through college, especially with Jack saying how he needs to pass his exam to keep his scholarship etc. These are things that the show does very well
Moving onto my thoughts of characters
Starting with Nicole, she was only a side character but I really enjoyed her when she was on the screen. She had a lot of conflicting morals with helping the order versus her affection for Lilith. When Lilith leaves her only concern is getting her back, seemingly more than the knights which I’ll touch on later. She spends seemingly all of her time after that trying to save Lilith and it is very apparent she just wants to use magic for the good of others, but the limitations of the order does not allow her to do so - “ the only altruistic thing i have done so far is fix someone’s car”  I hope we get to see more of her in a season 3 and see her develop more
The Sons of Enoch and Orbin. I’m going to be honest I didn’t necessarily care that much for this plotline. The thought of a hive mind is a very interesting concept and I did enjoy how they show’d to explore this concept. However, it seems like The Order makes this alliance with them and then it’s never used?? Also Alyssa joining this collective so soon ( ik she was on the juice but still ) it seems that Alyssa easily pledges loyalty to groups without getting the full story, I’ll touch on that later, but it was a frustrating to watch with her so easily trusting them despite Jack’s protests and the original reason they were there. However, the makeup and set design for Tree Jack was wonderfully done, all of the Sfx makeup is done super well 
Gabrielle turned into one of my favorite characters this season. I hated her character last season, with the whole being a complete bitch and unnecessarily cruel ( the truth glove. ) However, we get to see her have a lot of growth this season. Showing that she wants to be part of a group and have friends, she just uses her bitchness as a deflect ( smartly pointed out by Randall, I’ll touch on the relationship later. ) Her early season with her treating Jack as her pet was annoying, but at least entertaining, like I said I was a big fan of blond Jack. Seeing her being willing to help the Knights on their various quests to help save Lilith or help Jack is nice, sure I’d rather have Lilith, but at least Gabrielle is given time to have character growth. Having Midnight choose her as a champion was a good plot choice in my opinion. I’m not sure in the long run if it was, but for what it was in season 2 I liked it. She wanted to find a group that she could fight for and would fight for her, and the Knights seemed to be more than The Order. However, seeing her try to fight Midnight off, fight Kyle off and seeing her completely vulnerable is a nice change and I’m hoping is a season 3 we get to see more of the other sides of Gabrielle. However, her character seemed to be one of the most consistent while being able to have growth
Getting to the Knights
Starting off with Randall. I loved him this season a lot. His struggle with just wanting to be a knight and sticking to what he knows to be the Knights of St. Christopher is refreshing to see throughout the season. Especially in the fear chamber when his biggest fear was having to join the Order. Also is this our fears or a sight of the future was very spot on. I’m glad that the Lilith/Randall plotline was thrown out bc it was an out of nowhere part of season 1. Being not only comic relief but being able to show more strength and fight for what he believes in, which in this case is just saving Lilith, is nice to see. However, with Hamish being out of commission in my opinion it seemed like a lot of Randall’s options were limited. I highly enjoyed him killing Kepler but keeping it from Nicole in the finale. It finally seemed like something the Knights would do and how they would do anything to save a fellow knight
Lilith, we sadly did not get to see her much this season. I’m not sure if this was a prewritten plotpoint of Devery Jacobs had other projects she had to film outside The Order. However, looking at it from a storyline point it is a very poor choice in my opinion. Lilith is a fighter and she is not scared to stand up to authority. She would have put Hamish in his place for fulling committing to the Order and many things would have gone different this season, besides her being thrown to the side as a “we have to save Lilith” storyline that continuously gets put on hold. It is interesting to see what will come out of demon/werewolf Lilith in a season 3
Okay, let’s get to Hamish. Now listen I love Hamish especially in season1 and early season 2. However, the whole Vera/Hamish plotline that mostly takes place offscreen totally changes his character. Now, self-growth is important, but this seemed to be a 180 that came out of nowhere. From season 1 to killing Jack for being in the Order to not saving Lilith due to having to help the order just seems so ooc to me. Also, turning completely sober, like I said personal growth is good if we see it on camera, not when we are just told it is happening behind the scenes. However, I did really enjoy him in the early Praxis scene where he pretended it was a very good magic show, and I still love seeing his character on screen, it just was very frustrating to have this flip where it kinda came out of nowhere.
Jack Morton. I really liked Jack this season a lot. The beginning of the season I was a huge fan of vengeful Jack. With just wanting to get revenge on The Order and kill them all. Honestly was a big fan of that Jack and how his feelings were amplified by having Midnight. Then, the internal struggle of having both hides and the discussion in the collective unconscious of how it is a choice of what kind of person he wants to be and there are no wrong choices.  He had a lot of character growth this season as well. Still the non-rule follower, but this time around it is complete revenge on one character like with coventry. He truly seems to want to do the right thing for the people around him. Taking many sacrifices this season - fear chamber, confessing to the murder, multiple times facing Praxis!Alyssa. He is willing to do what it takes to make things right. Again, a complaint I had about Hamish is putting Lilith on the backburner, especially when Jack was there when it happened. However, Jack did have previous loyalty to the Order and he is shown being a person who struggles to stay on one path ( what is my actually major? ) Jack still makes a very good lead for the show and I am excited to see what the future holds for him in later seasons
This is going to be a controversial opinion, but I do not like Alyssa Drake. This does not go to say I don’t understand where her character’s motives come from, because I do. I also think it is very interesting to make her the final villain in the show. She wants to feel like she has control over her life and magic gave her that. She has said multiple times that magic is her life. So, finding out that Vera betrayed her by not destroying the Vade Mecum that blocks her magic would definitely be a good cause for her to not trust the order. To finally see Jack and fellow knights season 1 opinions. That everyone in the order is inherently selfish. And it is hard to dismiss that. Higher ups, especially the nogstic council ( that definitely is spelled wrong sorry ) are shown that they will do anything out of their own selfish needs. Saying all this and understanding Alyssa’s motives still doesn’t make me like her. She is easily manipulated by people - Coventry, the sons of Enoch, and now praxis. With this desire to be her own person completely, she loses sight of who she is. Alyssa tends to dedicate herself to one idea and sticks to that without listening to the insight of others. Season 1 with not initially believing Jack about Coventry, not listening to him about the sons on enoch. It all came to a head with Praxis. Now, I don’t believe some white boy needs to save her. I think Alyssa just needs time to figure out - who she wants to be, where her moral standings are, etc. Her delve into completely taking away Vera’s power and doing anything to get the incantation can either be seen by her being influenced by - Salvador, the Vade Mecum, or she has lost herself again. This is very reminist of me to the character or Alice from The Magicians ( whom I also am not the biggest fan of, but that is due to poor writing choices etc. not a Magicians review ) I hope in season 3 and beyond Alyssa can figure out what person she wants to be and find some sort of closure, but as it is now she is dead, so there may be a collective unconscious storyline there. It would be interesting to see her maybe talk to Ellie in there?? Idk just some ideas
Vera Stone. She stole the show. I loved Vera a lot this season. Seeing her still be a baddass and command a room is nice. It is nice to see a powerful woman in charge of an organization and not just seen as a mean bitch or completely characterized that way. Of course there is the whole side plot of  Kepler undermining her and trying to get her replaced which is frustrating. Especially from the perspective of seeing it as another woman trying to take down a woman in power. However, seeing that Vera is trying to do the right thing and is able to make the tough choices is pleasant to see. She understands that her ideas are not always ideal, but there isn’t very many options to run off of. Especially when most of our main cast doesn’t necessarily listen to what she has to say. I hope we get more of a backstory to Vera after seeing what she did under the hive mind of the sons of enoch and having her and Jack being able to bond more after that is nice. The dynamic between Jack and Vera is very well written and I like how it is explored. Although Vera is strict she still understands that these are young adults, who question authority, make mistakes, and believe that they have the right vision about the world. I am a huge Vera Stone fan and this season did her well. Her losing her magic and paralleling that to Alyssa is important to show. Both of them are more similar than they believe and both of them felt completely lost without their magic. In Vera’s case she wished she was dead instead of lost without her magic. However, how they deal with it is different, despite losing her magic, losing who she is, she still does everything she can in her limited power to save the world and try to save Alyssa along with it. I am excited to see what her storyline delves into for a season 3.
Now onto relationships
As said by @madroxed the Order cannot write a good relationship and I agree wholeheartedly. They probably put what I am going to say in words better, but I have a very similar viewpoint if you want to read their review.
Starting off with Randall and Gabrielle. It isn’t horrible, I think, like most relationships on this show, came out of nowhere. All of a sudden they are in this on and off relationship this is mostly shown offscreen, giving us little leadway what happens behind scenes. I think a frenemies to friends to then maybe in a season 3 to lovers trope would work better. Or just sticking as friends. Randall is the first one to truly call Gabrielle on her facades and I hope that with her becoming Midnight and killing Alyssa there friendship dynamic can be shown more. Not the worst, just started to quickly
Nicole and Lilith. I love more WLW representation especially seeing it come from POC women. I think this relationship has a lot of potential and is good character growth for both of them. Yes, there will be trust issues between the both of them lying to e/o about facets of their lives ( memory wiping, the robbery ), but perhaps this could make a good subplot for season 3. Also I am happy the Randall/Lilith plotline was thrown out because they also just work better as friends
Hamish and Vera. Now this was hinted a little in season 1, and it could be well. If it was written on screen or shown on screen honestly at all. It was just mentioned by Randall “someone is hot for teacher” they both have strong  leadership abilities and understand what it is like making tough choices. However, all this relationship did was make Hamish completely complacent to the Order and he not doing whatever it takes to get Lilith back, whom he has known as a part of his family, brotherhood for a lot longer than Vera.
Jack and Alyssa. I love seeing their complicated relationship on screen. Long are the days of the season 1 instalove trope, that I am not a big fan of. Having them acknowledge that their relationship is toxic to both of them at times, but still establish that they both deeply care for eachother is important. They both are constantly on other sides of whatever situation they are on, but still are willing to risk themselves for the other. I am not sure where I stand on liking or disliking the relationship, but throughout this season I think that the discussions that were started with how they view their relationship is important. 
The ending of Season 2. I’m not sure how I feel. As I have seen many other people say it was rushed ( which I agree with ) and ending on a reel of powerful women being hurt in the arms of men is kinda disheartening to see. It feels like a man! Savior trope. I want to believe it wasn’t written this way on purpose, but seeing it does leave a bad taste in my mouth. That is not to say I didn’t like how the storylines ended, but how they showed the end and having all of the bad happen to women as men watch is,,, not the best.
Overall, these were the goods and bads of the second season of The Order. I still love this show a lot and it’s nice to see the fandom grow bigger. If you read through this whole rambely, unedited mess thank you. Feel free to send an Ask or Message me with your thoughts!
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ppumeonae-bigvibe · 4 years
“His ego is so visible; I can almost watch it grow.” - Sunwoo
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find more content here: the boyz masterlist ↬ summary: sunwoo: born actor, singer, rapper, dancer; the all rounder ↬ tags: idol! sunwoo, manager! + fem! reader, ft. idol! the boyz, oc! yoomi ↬ word count: 500 words
↬ a/n: wasn’t too sure what was running through my head when i wrote this and on hindsight i’m pretty sure it was empty and all i can focus on is just the gif of sunwoo’s body rolls. DON’T READ THIS QUESTIONABLE PIECE I BEG OF YOU
As a manager in charge of watching 12 rowdy boys, you had half wished that you had taken a diploma in early childhood education. You sighed in relief when your duties were being passed on to the filming crew, which was going to produce Come On! The Boyz for the different types of “fairies”. Your good friend, Yoomi walked over to you, “I can’t imagine you trying to handle all 12 of them at once. They can be quite a bunch.” She reached behind you to grab the makeup bag and you saluted, “Good luck dealing with my boys today.”
“We’re going to begin filming! Please come on set!” The cameraman called out and the 12 of them filed onto the white stage. “Oof, it’s just another opportunity for Sunwoo to show off his acting skills.” You realised, muttering to yourself. You had to admit, Sunwoo was the jokester of The Boyz, yet he had many unique talents that made him rather prominent amongst the rest of them. You glanced at the set and Sunwoo roughly pulled on the collar of his jacket, “I will tear your limbs apart!” It wasn’t long after the top 3 “fairies” had received their badges that the director shouted “CUT!” and 12 of them moved out of the stage to touch-up their makeup.
You watched as Yoomi and a couple of the staff from the makeup team swarming amongst the 12 of them.You moved closer towards Yoomi as leaned towards you, speaking in hushed tones as she lightly dabbed Sunwoo’s sweat off his forehead, “Sunwoo-ya! You can practically do everything! Act, dance, rap and even probably sing!” You butted in, being just a little sarcastic on your part, “He has an image to uphold you know, being The Boyz’s comedian. His ego is so visible; I can almost watch it grow.” You muttered the last part to yourself and Sunwoo raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow.
“Noona-ya! How can you say that! It’s not because I have an image to uphold, but it’s because of fan service, you know?” Sunwoo was the only one who would call you “noona-ya” so casually, partly because you had told all 12 of them to call you noona and partly because you had known Sunwoo since he was just a little boy. “Yes, yes. I know that.” “Mhm. So tone it down a little so others get the spotlight,” You teased.
“Say, I could have been an actor!” Sunwoo received a mock-glare (more like a really adorable pout) from Jacob, “If you say that one more time, The Boyz would not hesitate to kick you out!”
“Hey, noona! What did you think of my lines just now? Wasn’t I really sexy?”
“Go and get to filming.” (To be honest, you had thought Sunwoo was really impressive when he had recited that line from Romantic Doctor, Master Kim and you had to hide your blush from other staff when he glanced at you for a second before fluently saying it.)
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quackeroos · 5 years
ONE WEEK || Day Four
Pairing: tom holland x dying ex!reader
Summary: you were dying, and tom still loves you. now he plans on loving you ‘til your last breath, and maybe get you to say those three words back to him.
Warnings: swearing, angst
Words: 4.9k
*gif is not mine!
General Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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EYES SQUINTING, Y/N WOKE UP with the sun shining on her face. The blinds were open, and she groaned at the blinding rays of light. She never really was a fan of the morning sun. Well, when it came to waking her up, of course. She very much preferred watching it set rather than blinding her eyes.
Her body decided to wake up, a little early than her usual wake up time. Stretching her muscles felt good, she could feel her joints pop and give her that relaxing feeling. Blinking, her eyes wandered around her surroundings. It was weird, nobody was with her. She expected to see Tom laying down on the couch and her sister on the little spare bed beside hers, but instead, she was all alone. Her hand reached for her phone and rang their contact numbers. It immediately went to voicemail.
She tried ringing Tom's phone for the fourth time, still no answer. "Where could he have gone?" she hears the door open, her head turns at the source, expecting a curly haired brunette walk out of the shadows. "Tom?" she called out. But instead of Tom, it was someone else.
"Bold of you to assume I'm a guy, N/n." a giggle escapes her mouth, it was only Jamie.
"You look disappointed, what's wrong?" her sister approaches her bed bringing along some of the stuff she got. Y/n shakes her head. "Never mind that. So, where have you been? And what's with all the paper bags?"
"Just thought of buying a few outfits for us. I even sneaked this pass your nurses." Jamie opens the lid of the takeout she bought. Pancakes and Waffles. A grin makes it way up to her mouth, but falters at the sudden realization. "You know I can't." sadness in the tone of her voice was evident.
"Oh nonsense! I say that today is your cheat day, and that my sister should have a bit of freedom. Now here, eat." She pushes the breakfast plate towards her and gave her the maple syrup. Y/n ponders for a moment. Should she or should she not? It looked so good, but it could risk her health even more. One sweet breakfast couldn't hurt, right?
Still having second thoughts, she reluctantly takes the fork and knife, digging into the maple syrup covered carb meal. The sweet taste melted in her mouth, and she loved it. She missed the flavour of every dessert, sugar, and fast food she ate. She hated her diet, oh how much she missed living normal. "Good, right? Tom told me you'd like it." This caught her attention. Her face looked up from the plate, a little drop of maple syrup on her lips.
"What?" her sister parroted. Y/n wasn't at all phased. Her eyes squinted at her while Jamie still pretended to not say anything. "Just go and eat your breakfast, I'm taking you to a trip around the hospital after."
"Can't we just stay in the room? I really wanna finish my sit-com marathon."
"Oh, quit you're whining! You should get out of that room more. It's suffocating in there." Y/n rolled her eyes at her sister. She sounded a lot like their Mum, and Y/n could already picture it out in her head. Jamie did take after their mother's looks and a bit of her mannerisms, and on their Dad's side, she got more of his personality. She stifled a laugh while looking at her sister. Jamie gives her a confused look. "What are you laughing at?" she asked.
"Nothing. You just sounded like Mum." Jamie gives her a sarcastic laugh and continues pushing. Y/n hadn't taken this route before though. The siblings pass through a skybridge leading towards the other building of the hospital. Her head craned and looked up at her sister, "Where are we even going?" She asked.
A smirk appears on her face. "You'll see."
The once transparent walls were changed into colorful walls painted with rainbows, flowers, butterflies and stars. This must be the children's ward. Y/n thought. The two pushed through two doors, leading to what seems "An activity center?" The girl spoke aloud. The venue was filled with a mix of teens and children, sick children. "Why in the world did you bring me to an activity center filled with children?" Jamie only looked at her with a hint of excitement in her eyes. Music blasted through the speakers and two familiar faces walked out from the makeshift stage.
"What's up guys! /Hello everyone!" the two greeted, waving to the crowd of children who also seemed to be hyped up. "I'm Jacob and this is my good friend Zendaya." The kids reply in chorus, waving at them saying 'Hi'
"So today we have a very special surprise for you guys! Do you like surprises?" Another enthusiastic reply from the young crowd, which brings a smile to Zendaya and Jacob's faces. At a far distance, Y/n could see a mop of curly ginger-brown hair holding a camera. It was Harry. Y/n could smell something fishy. The smirk her sister gave, Jacob and Zendaya's sudden appearance, Harry filming. She didn't want to go with her gut feeling. Y/n wanted to leave but at the same time, she wanted to stay and see where this was headed. "So, do you guys like heroes?" Jacob directed the mic towards the crowd and everyone in the room replied with another 'Yes'
"You know what Z? I'm not gonna delay this any longer. Everyone please welcome, our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man!" the doors burst open and music played as the figure made an entrance. He momentarily glances at Y/n. Although the person was masked, she could feel his smile radiating. She knew exactly who it was behind it. Spider-Man did a flip, making the children around him wow and cheer at awe. "Hey! What's up everybody?" more cheers from the audience. He removes the red mask and his long brown curls flopped on his forehead, making him bring his hand up and brush through it. It was a signature move he did that Y/n loved, she still does, she's not gonna deny that. The Kingsleigh Sisters stayed all throughout the little meet and greet. Some stories and laughs were shared between Tom and his fans. She could tell he loved it, his job, his fans, everything. And when it was time for him to go, Tom lifts his mic.
"But before that, I'm gonna sing a song for you guys. Some of you might know this, so go ahead and sing along if you'd like." Sam takes out a mic stand while Tuwaine hands him a caramel colored guitar. Y/n recognizes the familiar instrument. She could feel her heart clench. Thousands of songs were played with it, and so many memories held in that guitar, both good and bad ones. She then started to wonder, did Tom ever stopped playing after everything that had happened?
The man positioned himself behind the mic, his guitar hanging around him with a strap to keep it's hold. He played a few chords to see if it was in tune, before he talks through the microphone. "This song is called, Introducing Me." Y/n hears a few of them gasp, most of it coming from the teenagers.
Tom starts strumming the intro, biting his lip a bit and smiling as he does. A few of the audience starts to sing along with him, their phones raised up, ready to record everything.
"I'm good at wasting time I think lyrics need to rhyme And you're not asking But I'm trying to grow a mustache I eat cheese, but only on pizza please Sometimes, on a homemade quesadilla Otherwise it smells like feet to me,"
She remembers one time, when they went out on a date, Tom insisted not to order anything that has a lot of cheese. It didn't sit well with his stomach and he heavily dislike the smell. And like the song, he only accepts it on pizzas.
"And I, I really like it when the moon looks like a toenail And I love you when you say my name"
Tom looks up from the crowd and finds the pair of e/c he loved looking into. Although she was far, he caught her staring back. Y/n didn't know what to feel. At the exact moment he said those three words, he looked at her. Her heart starts beating to the same beat to the song.
"If you wanna know Here it goes Gonna tell you this The part of me that shows if you're close Gonna let you see everything But remember that you asked for it I'll try to do my best to impress"
The song takes her way back to high school. It was lunch time, and hundreds of students were there to witness it. In the middle of the cafeteria, he stood there on the table, facing her, serenading her in front of everyone. And here they are now, nine years later, in front of a crowd, doing the exact same thing that made her see what could be if she said yes to him.
"But it's easier to let you take a guess at the rest But you wanna hear what lives in my brain My heart, will you ask for it For your perusing At times confusing, slightly amusing Introducing me"
His little humming to the tune made her giggle, Y/n found it very cute, with his head moving to it, it was double the times better. When it came to the second verse, he strummed faster, the lyrics also matching with his pace.
"I never trust a dog to watch my food And I like to use to the word "dude" As a noun, or an adverb, or an adjective And I've never really been into cars I like really cool guitars and superheroes And checks with lots of zeros on 'em"
Tom walks towards the audience area, serving his fans with a few smiles for them and for the cameras on their phones. Harry followed behind his brother, documenting everything with his camera.
"I love the sounds of violins And making someone smile"
His goofy face made her smile. A sweet and genuine smile. It was more than enough for Tom to send him to the seventh heaven. The corners of her eyes crinkled, cheeks blushed and face fully glowing. How he wished he could see her like this every day. He continues with the chorus, circling the fans, and from time to time, he would glance at Harry's camera. The bridge part of the song came, and little by little, y/n notices Tom coming towards her. Jamie moved back to give the two their limelight, her giddy smile evident on her face.
"So, if you wanna know, here it goes Gonna tell ya there's a part of me that shows If were close gonna let you see everything But remember that you asked for it I'm trying to do my best to impress
But it's easier to let you take a guess at the rest But you wanna hear what lives in my brain, in my heart Well, you asked for it."
At this point, y/n was already melting in her seat. Tom continued strumming, his left hand skillfully moving from one chord to the other on the neck of the guitar, all the while his gaze was focused on her. The crowd of children, teenagers, nurses and guardians all directed their attention towards the two, not only them but their group of friends too, and Harry at the side still holding his camera with a grin on his face.
"For your perusing At times confusing Hopefully amusing Introducing me" He slowly kneels on one knee, a cheeky grin plastered on his face. The brown locks on top of his head flopped on his forehead and droplets of sweat glimmered in the fluorescent lights. Being a habit of hers, her hands lift up and brush through his hair. The brown locks slicked back and stayed with the few waxes left in its hold.
"Introducing me."
Heavy breaths came out of him, his hands were a bit sore, and his head felt a little fuzzy. But it was fine for him, because the butterflies he felt in his stomach and the immense pounding of his heart both in exhaustion and adoration made it alright. Tom heard claps in the background, but he never turned. He just wanted to be with her and the moment that they have right then and there.
"You're shaking, Tom." She spoke softly. He couldn't feel it himself, but Y/n could see him trembling a bit. Probably because of the exhaustion his body had intake. Tom only smiled and dismissed the fact. "It's alright. I'm not gonna pass out I promise." A soft giggle escapes her lips. "Is this the reason why I haven't seen and heard of you all morning?"
"Yeah. But that was only the opening act." A smirk formed on his lips and pushed back the stray hair on her face. He quickly left and went back to the stage, thanking everyone who came and the hospital for having them. Y/n was left dumbfounded and confused. What did he mean 'that was only the opening act' ?
Tom quickly went to go to a nearby restroom and change back into his casual clothes, hurrying as he fixes his pants and combs through his hair. Sam was outside, waiting with a bouquet of Yarrows, and Harry waited with his twin, holding his brother's guitar. "So, now what do you do?" He asked his sibling from the door, and it opened to reveal a fresh-faced Tom. His hand runs through his hair, grabbing the bouquet in the other.
"Phase One: Nostalgia"
Jamie helped her change into the clothes she bought her. Y/n shivered at the cold air that was hitting her skin. She wasn't used exposing her skin that much, unlike a few years ago. Now, it felt like she was living in the Arctic Ocean. The air in her hospital room combined with the cold London air was not helping her condition at all. "Why do I have to wear a dress?" she questioned her sister, irritation visible in her tone.
She waited for her to continue, but Jamie only kept silent and fixed her hair. "Because what?" she urged on. "Oh, you'll find out soon." Her eyebrow perked up. She had a gut feeling this had something to do with Tom. It had only been a few hours since she had last seen him. And with the last sentence he had told her, made her mind run in circles and her gut clench that maybe what Jamie was doing was all part of it.
It all connected, but she had to find out if it really was true. So she let Jamie do her hair while she sat comfortably in her wheelchair, watching the telly in her hospital room. The younger Kingsleigh was already half through when her phone beeped from her pocket. She skillfully holds all three strands in one hand while using the other to open her phone and read the text message Harry had sent her.
Curlz™ Tom's done changing. We're heading to the car.  Is everything set? 
Jamie Jamz 🍯🍓 She's almost done.  You got her exit permits?
Curlz™ Yup. Gtg.  We still need to set up everything before she comes.
Jamie Jamz 🍯🍓 See ya later curlios read 12:28 pm 
Jamie tucked away her phone and continued braiding the small section of her sister's hair. Y/n wasn't really a fan of her hair being tied up, she preferred it free from bands and bobby pins. But Jamie loved doing her hair, so on rare occasions, she lets her do hers. Once Jamie was done, she let Y/n look of her final look in the mirror. the sides of her hair were braided but it was loose, just as she requested. The remaining locks trailed down her shoulders felt free to her liking. "It's perfect. Thank you Jams."
"Glad you like it. Now come on, we gotta go. the car's waiting."
She blinks in confusion. "Wait, a car? I thought I wasn't supposed to leave before my surgery?"
"Nothing's impossible, darling. We've made a little arrangement. And besides, you have 48 hours before your surgery. Let's make the most of it, yeah?" Jamie excitedly pushes her wheelchair and they left the room.
Y/n couldn't see anything. After boarding the car, her eyes were immediately covered with a blindfold. She could feel Jamie at her side and another person beside her. She assumed it was the nurse that usually takes care of her, the one before Daisy. Harriet, she thinks her names was.
"Jamie, where the hell are you taking me right now?" She was getting impatient. They had been in the car for almost thirty minutes and they still haven't arrived at their destination, wherever it was. "Having some trouble with the directions. Don't worry, we'll be there in ten minutes tops." and in ten minutes, they did.
Y/n was carried down and placed on her wheelchair, Jamie pushing her to who knows where. She took in a deep breath. Oxygen, fresh oxygen. Not the air from the hospital or from the tanks, this one was pure oxygen. She had a guess, that they were in a park, maybe? The sounds of birds chirping, the smell of flowers, and the feeling of grass slightly hitting her skin made her think so. The next thing she knew, the cloth was removed from her eyes, and now she could see everything.
Her hunch was right, she was in a park. The park where Tom took her on their first date. "Surprise!" A deep voice said behind her. She turned her head around and found a pair of blue eyes looking back at her with a charming smile. "Harrison? I thought you had a photoshoot today?"
"We ended earlier than expected. And besides, I wouldn't miss this one for the whole world. Let's take a walk, yeah?" He grabs the handlebars and pushes her wheelchair, moving slowly to appreciate the view more. She inhaled a deep breath, nostalgia filled it. Memories flooded back in from their first date to their last one. Those were the only things that ran inside her head for the past few days. The smell of his hair, his cute laughs, dates, fights, kisses and everything they did together. Ever since Tom unexpectedly came to her room and back in her life, it was nothing but pure nostalgia and memories.
Now, she finally understood it. She really did miss him after all these years.
"Feels great to be finally out huh?" Harrison spoke. She hums in reply.
"Even if it's just for today, this is even better than the rooftop garden."
"And it's about to get even better." Harrison leaned down to whisper in her ear and his head nods forward. Her line of sight followed the direction and there she saw Tom, inside a big white playpen filled with dogs, there were at least ten or more of them in different breeds. Harrison can see the sparkle in her eyes, and he smiled when he saw the old Y/n at that moment.
The blonde pushed her towards the gate of the playpen, and when she was already near, dogs start to come up to her and their tails wagged in excitement. Tom notices her at the gate, cooing at the little ones while her hand reached out to them. He stands up, dusts himself off and jogs towards her. "Wanna come and meet them?" he asks her. Tom smiled when she nodded. He stuck his foot at the other side of the playpen and slid his arms under her legs and her small back. He carried her gently and placed her on one of the small cushions.
Dogs of different breeds and sizes came running up to her, smothering her with licks and pouncing on her. Y/n's giggles were the only things he could hear at the moment. Those beautiful giggles he loved to hear. It sounded so melodic; he couldn't get enough of it.
He couldn't get enough of her.
"Tom?" he was pulled back from his thoughts. Y/n was staring up at him, a golden retriever sat on her lap while a few other dogs laid under her hand as she scratched their heads. She patted the other cushion beside her, inviting him to sit down. As soon as he sat down a certain dog came up to him, running with a smile, tongue out. Y/n's face beamed up as soon as she saw her. "You brought Tessa!" The staffy's ears perked up upon hearing her name, she pounced on Y/n and licked her, tail wagging a mile per minute.
"Aww I've missed you sweet angel!" She cooed. Tessa barked; happiness etched on her adorable face.
"I figured I'd bring Tessa. She's been playing with that toy you brought her, never wanted to let go of if." Tom said from the said as he leaned in and scratches his dog's head. So close, her mind warned. His scent filled her nose. That familiar scent that was unique that reminded her that this was her Tom. "Would've been nice though if Haz brought Monty along."
"I'll ask him next time. In the meantime, let's eat." He pulls out a picnic basket from behind and opens it, revealing various snacks that she could eat without having to break her diet.
Her eyebrow quirked up, "You planned this out, didn't you?"
"I don't know what you're talking about. I just happen to find this hiding behind my back."
"Whatever you say. Hey, do me a favour though, pass me that..." she points to the opened basket and one particular pastry was in view. The croissant.
His eyes squinted at Y/n, who was trying to contain her laughter. "Going for the old jokes huh? You pronounce it like that to you know!"
"Yeah. But it's not as lame as yours, Quackson." Tom rolled his eyes and lets out a sigh. Still as childish as ever. Tom took out a pack of dog treats and whistles. Dogs around the playpen immediately run towards Tom and it then are became a food frenzy. "I honestly still can't believe this. Where in the world did you get so many dogs? You didn't kidnap them, did you?"
"I asked a dog shelter I was sponsoring to lend them for a bit. They needed to go out and have a walk anyway, so I thought I might just let them play around. Honestly y/n, you think I'm that bad? And here I thought you knew me better than anyone else."
"Alright, alright, no need to get sappy on me Movie Star."
The corners of his mouth curls and he bites his lip to try and suppress the forming smile. Y/n could see this from her peripheral vision, and she turns around to face him. "What?" Tom just shakes his head and chuckles softly. "Nothing." She had still remembered that darn nickname. He hated being called like that, Movie Star, Big shot, most specially by his father. But with y/n, he didn't mind it. Well, just a little.
"You did great earlier, by the way. I'm glad you never stopped playing."
"Yeah, I'm glad I didn't too." he breathed out.
Y/n puts both hands on her lap. "I have a special request though, if you don't mind playing right now."
Tom waves his hand and moments later, Harrison jogs towards them with Tom's guitar in hand. "Wow, you really prepared for this."
Tom lets out a dry laugh. "Not gonna lie about this one. I was actually gonna do a concert for the kids earlier, But I figured I'd might as well do it for you instead." He puts the strap on and strums the strings, just in the right tune. "So, what song?"
"You choose. You know I'd enjoy anything you play."
And so, Tom positioned himself, sitting crisscrossed and facing her. She silently waits for him while he was choosing a song in his head. His face lit up and he starts strumming, humming the intro. Y/n immediately remembers the song and a grin makes it way up to her face. The song was her favourite, and Tom played it often, so it wasn't hard for her to recognize it. Tom matched her grin and continued playing.
"I'll hold the door Please come in and just sit here for a while. This is my way of telling you I need you in my life."
The next thing y/n did surprised Tom, in a good way. He never thought he'd be hearing her sing along with him again.
"It's so cold without your touch. I've been dreaming way too much Can we just turn this into reality.
And the two sang, hearts beating as one.
"Cause I've been thinking 'bout you lately. Maybe you could save me from this crazy world we live in. And I know we could happen cause you know that I've been feeling you."
A giggle escapes her lips as Tom repeats his humming.
From a far distance, Jamie, Harrison, and the others watched the two. They've never seen the two look so happy together. "It's as if they've never broken up in the first place." Sam commented. The others agreed with him. The two had been grinning, both obviously lovesick and comfortable with each other's presence.
Jacob nudged Harrison's side, asking him, "Do you think she's falling for Tom again?"
"No." All their heads turned to Jamie. "Because, even after my sister broke it off, she never really stopped loving Tom." Her head turns back again to the two. "She always had."
"There's no other love That I'd rather have you know."
And just like what he had done earlier, Tom never broke eye contact.
"There ain't no one there ain't no one else. I want you for myself"
He purposely made y/n feel like the song he was singing was meant for her. Honestly, it was for her. Every word that contained it was the message he wanted to tell her.
"I've been thinking 'bout you lately. Maybe you can save me from this crazy world we live in. And I know we could happen cause you know that I've been feeling you. I know you want me,"
She sang again.
"I've been thinking 'bout you lately. Maybe you can save me from this crazy world we live in. And I know we could happen cause you know that I've been feeling you."
"I know you want me too." The strumming continues and he moved closer to her.
"I know you want me too." Her reply came out more as a statement, but Tom continued strumming and humming.
He ended the song with one last strum. A half-smile was still etched on his face. "I'm glad you never stopped singing, Y/n."
"Yeah, well, I couldn't exactly dance, now can I?" She joked. "I might as well keep the next thing I love most before I lose it."
Tom puts his guitar to the side and offered some food from the picnic basket. Their time together continued, with more duets and playing with the dogs. When the sun was setting, Harrison texted Tom and informed him that it was time to take Y/n back to the hospital. Jamie came with her wheelchair and from that, Y/n knew that the day was over.
"I wish this never ends." Y/n says.
"Don't worry. As soon as you're done with your surgery and you get out of that hospital, we'll be doing this every day." Tom scooped her up and walked towards her wheelchair. He couldn't help but look at Y/n while he was carrying her. She looked like a bride, and he could hear the bells ringing inside his head.
At that moment, Tom had imagined everything. Him standing at the altar with Harrison by his side. His parents and Y/n's parents sitting at the front. Jamie walking down the aisle with her. Dressed in a white gown with beautiful laces that decorated it. Her veil covered her face, but he could still see the face of the love of his life.
It felt like Tom was looking into his future.
He sets her down and the grip around his neck removed once she sat. Jamie turns her wheelchair, "I'll see you at the room, Tom." she said before pushing her sister. Y/n looked back for a moment and waves at Tom. He waves back.
"Can't wipe that smile off can yaw?" Harrison teased, patting his friend's back.
"Nah. Not goanna come off any time soon."
"So, what's your plan now? You made Y/n the happiest she had been ever since she was admitted to the hospital." Tom quiets for a moment and stares off into the distance. He watched Y/n's car drive off before he spoke again. "Haz?"
"I've made up my mind. I'm gonna do it again."
"Again? What do you mean-" Harrison slowly realizes what he meant as his voice falters, blue eyes wide in shock. "Tom, are you sure? This is kinda big y'know."
He sighs. "I know." Tom turns to him, a sad look mixed with love and determination on his face. "But Y/n's time is running out, Haz. Her operation is in two days, her chance of survivability may not even make the cut. I'm not gonna take that chance."
Tom felt through his back pocket and took out a tiny velvet box.
day five of One Week
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carewyncromwell · 11 months
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"Well, well -- looks like we caught a little princess."
"'Extremely dangerous: keep out of reach of children.' ...Cool!"
Hey, I said I'd have more of my characters dressed up for Halloween! Well, here's Carewyn and Jacob's uncle, Blaise Cromwell, and his son, Tristan, dressed as Colonel Muska from Studio Ghibli's Castle in the Sky and Sid Phillips from Pixar's Toy Story, respectively! I'll be honest, I did waffle a little on who I was going to dress these two up as, but I'm overall really happy with how they turned out!
Blaise's second choice was Magnifico from the upcoming film Wish, since that character is voiced by Chris Pine, my face claim for Blaise...but honestly, we know so little about the character so far that I couldn't really guess how proper of a fit the casting would be, and honestly, most of what I've gathered so far led me to think it's not as good of a fit. However smug and arrogant Blaise can be, he really isn't a show-off, vain, or interested in positive attention from the masses, the way Magnifico seems to be...so ultimately Colonel Muska -- easily my favorite Ghibli villain of all time -- felt like a better fit to me. Just like Muska, Blaise is more than crafty enough to emotionally manipulate others to get his way, and his motivation honestly comes back to his family line. He's not the sort to want the world to love or praise him, but he is absolutely the sort to want the power he feels is owed him by his heritage, and he has been poisoned enough by Charles's toxic masculinity to bypass values like compassion and nurturing kindness in favor of violence and control. Not to mention I could totally see Blaise "coddling" Carewyn in a similar way that Muska "coddles" Sheeta, acting all understanding and decent until he's challenged and put in a position where he might not get what he wants. And honestly, Mark Hamill just knocks the SOCKS off Muska in the dub, which is the version of Muska I first encountered as a girl!!
My second choice for Tristan was Victor Van Dort from Tim Burton's Corpse Bride...but I'm sorry, as much as Tristan has the "isolated, piano-playing Goth boy" element down, especially in his fashion sense as an adult, I felt like Victor just didn't capture the slightly messed-up, darkness-loving, eccentric aspect of Carewyn's youngest cousin. Tristan loves studying both human and animal anatomy, to the extent that he has a dog skeleton in his room and dresses it up like a pet. He finds macabre amusement in telling Carewyn that Hogsmeade village got burned to the ground by the Death Eaters. He has no social skills and has a bad tendency to boss people around when he wants something rather than use even the barest amount of politeness. TELL ME that doesn't remind you of a certain crazy neighborhood bully with a love of ripping toys apart and putting them back together in freakish creations. Plus, I'll just be honest, working at the Oogie Boogie Bash at Disneyland, Sid's meet-and-greets are just ridiculously fun. Fortunately unlike a lot of other Disney and Pixar "villains," Sid isn't a truly evil person -- just an incredibly mean-spirited kid -- and considering he does seem to have chilled out by movie 3 enough to get a cameo working as a garbageman, I'd like to think that like Tristan does, Sid eventually matured a bit and maybe became a slightly better person.
Happy Halloween, all! Much love!! xoxo 🎃
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letterboxd · 4 years
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Life in Film: Kris Rey.
As her new comedy I Used to Go Here opens, Chicago-based writer and director Kris Rey talks to Letterboxd editor-in-chief Gemma Gracewood about turning 40, divorce, female friendships, why nobody but Jemaine Clement could pull off a scene making tea, and what we can all learn from Generation Z.
If Kris Rey’s new comedy I Used to Go Here were a typical Hollywood rom-com, it would finish just before Rey’s film starts: with Kate Conklin (Gillian Jacobs) as a newly published author, engaged to be married to a handsome guy. Instead, we meet Kate in a Bushwick apartment she can no longer afford, as her publishing company breaks the news that her debut novel (Seasons Passed; terrible cover art, purple prose) is a failure and the publicity tour is off. That’s on top of the insult that her fiancé has recently ended their engagement.
Kate is given a faint ray of optimism when her creative writing professor (Jemaine Clement) invites her back to the liberal arts college she graduated from a decade earlier, to give a talk to his Gen Z students. Leaving Brooklyn and her pregnant bestie behind, Kate dives into the nostalgia of her old Illinois stomping ground, and I Used to Go Here turns into a low-key, pot-fuelled, intergenerational romp through ideas of success, friendship, creativity, authenticity and idolization.
The film’s fans on Letterboxd include Matt Neglia, who writes: “Gillian Jacobs brings charismatic charm and restraint to her role as a writer longing for a time when we were filled with endless potential without the fear of failure.” Matt DeTurck identifies with this theme: “Relatable for anyone wrestling with fitting the pieces of their life together in ways that feel truthful.”
On the contemporary representation of university life, Alex Billington remarks that “it’s got all the college movie tropes… but it repackages all of these in a smart adult-looking-back indie film package”. Max notes that “the college kids are an invaluable addition and feel like people rather than college or Gen Z stereotypes”.
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Kate (Gillian Jacobs) and David (Jemaine Clement) in a scene from ‘I Used to Go Here’.
Your film starts just after the point at which a mainstream comedy about a single white woman in her thirties would end: with Kate’s book being published to no acclaim, her engagement being broken off, everybody else pregnant except her. It runs in opposition to the happy endings Hollywood has made us expect. Kris Rey: Oh god, [that’s] so astute. No-one has said that before and I have never thought of it before, but that’s so true! I think what’s so interesting about the whole journey that she goes on, and all of our own personal journeys, is that you’re used to, like, at the end of the movie, they get married! She gets her book published! And then everything is perfect! And then you realize: ‘Oh. Oh god, okay. How do I move on from this?’ So, you’re right, that is what’s so different about this.
The other thing—and I’m sure this can be said about most films this year—is how the set-up feels weirdly right for these times, which is to say: the widespread derailment of plans that the pandemic has wrought. It’s like we’re in a strange global coming-of-age. Several Letterboxd reviews observe how, for women in their late twenties to early thirties, there’s a second coming-of-age where everything suddenly feels extremely nostalgic. The film dives into that longing feeling by literally returning Kate to her old college. It’s funny, you know, a lot of people have pointed out how this doesn’t quite fit into a category. It’s not a rom-com, it’s not a true coming-of-age film in a sense of what we know that to be. I think that part of it is exactly what you’ve just pointed out, which is that it’s about a unique period of time for women, where you do reach this precipice. Mostly, it comes out of this big ever-pressing question which is “Am I going to have a family or not?”. Not every woman, but most women, have that question in their head until they either have a baby or they reach the age where they can’t have a baby anymore. “Am I going to have this? Am I going to follow this path of domesticity? Am I going to find a relationship that works long enough to have a family with them? Am I going to have to make sacrifices in my career to make room to have a family? Am I going to find them all at once?” Men just don’t have that point, to no fault of their own, but the fault of the patriarchy in general, which is that it has to be a conscious decision for women in a way that everything revolves around that, as we go about our lives at that age.
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And you’ve explored that idea in more than just this film. I loved the awkward-yet-sincere moment at the baby shower, when the friends make her hold her book alongside their third-trimester bumps for a group photo. A book is a baby, and its publication should also be celebrated! Scenes like that emphasize how well Gillian Jacobs embraced the role of Kate. What did she bring to it that wasn’t on the page? There’s such a special thing that happens when you cast anyone for anything. It certainly happened with Gillian, but also with everyone. Definitely Jemaine was a big one, which is that I don’t typically write for specific actors. I write a character, I write the dialog, and then when I cast them I think ‘oh, Jemaine Clement is going to be in this role’, so then I go back through and read the whole thing in his voice and think ‘maybe he’d say it like this instead’ and maybe after [a scene we don’t wish to spoil], he would make tea for everyone. Very few, if any, American actors would be able to pull that moment off. That is kind of what I’m looking for: who are they? Are they able to feel like real people? Because so often they feel performative.
Like versions of a person. Right. Like they’re acting like a person! Gillian is very authentic. If you were to talk to her, she would just seem like her real self, and that was what was so appealing about her for me. Gillian just really brought herself, and I learned about her as a person.
As well as great comics like Kate Micucci and Jorma Taccone, there’s a lovely assortment of inclusive young characters who live in Kate’s old student house. Where did you find them? I just flushed them out and gathered them and held them close! There’s a couple of them that I didn’t know but I had seen in other stuff. Josh Wiggins, who plays Hugo, I’d seen him act in a movie called Hellion. Forrest Goodluck I saw in The Miseducation of Cameron Post. He’s incredible in that and I knew I wanted him to play Animal. Hannah Marks was someone that was sent to me, and we talked on the phone and I just knew she would be perfect. She’s such a brilliant go-getter and filmmaker and so ambitious in her own life. Khloe Janel, who plays Emma, auditioned for me here in Chicago and she’s so good. I adore her. I was taking a walk yesterday through the neighborhood and I saw her name on a little sign—she was making these poetry zines! I bought one.
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Hugo (Josh Wiggins), Animal (Forrest Goodluck) and Tall Brandon (Brandon Daley) in ‘I Used to Go Here’.
The person we need to know about is whoever the guy is who plays Tall Brandon! Brandon Daley, who plays tall Brandon, is a person that I just knew. He is on the periphery of my social circle and he had come to a few parties at my house. His buddies called him ‘Tall Brandon’, in this very demeaning way! They were of course all good friends. I thought he was such a funny character that I wrote the character based on him. But I didn’t know him. Then he heard that I had written a part called Tall Brandon and he asked if he could play the part. I was like, “I don’t think so, Brandon!”
Was he an actor? Kind of. He’s a filmmaker but he’s much younger than me and he hadn’t done anything besides his own work. But I made him audition for the role based on him! [Laughs] I don’t know, I was just like, it’s a huge role, you know? The last thing you want is someone who can’t act like themselves, which everyone struggles to do. Anyway, he was so good in the audition, so funny, and he just nailed it. He steals the whole movie! He’s just so good.
I Used to Go Here is a long way from problematic college fare like Revenge of the Nerds or the angst of St Elmo’s Fire. It feels thoroughly 21st-century, especially in how the Gen Z housemates take an inclusive, ‘sure, why not’ approach to having Kate tag along with them. What inspired the way you wrote the intergenerational aspects of the film? There weren’t necessarily college films that I was using for inspiration. I wanted the place to feel the same that she left, but I wanted the people to feel different. This is what I’m finding in my life. I’m gonna turn 40 this year, and when I interact with people in their twenties, I’m blown away by the way that they view the world and the way that they view themselves and each other. I’m so impressed by it. And I am on board with a lot of these cultural changes that we’re seeing happen before our eyes, like, the idea of gender identity has changed so much, and so quickly. I’ve never seen anything change like that in my life. The idea of consent. When I first heard it I was like, “What? You have to ask if you wanna touch someone or kiss someone? It seems so lame!” Now, I can’t believe that we ever did that! I’m learning so much. They seem so clear-headed about it all. I just think that we have a lot to learn from that generation.
The movie’s not about that, necessarily, but it’s infused into it and I wanted that to influence Kate, in her life. Some of it is specific to this generation, but some of it is also just specific to being in your twenties. The character April, the way that she thinks about the [publishing] industry and her art, and the way that Kate, who is jaded, is like, “Okay, whatever, you’re naïve, make your little magazine, but you’ll have to follow the rules.” We’ve all been faced with that before.
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Kris Rey with her son Jude Swanberg on the set of ‘I Used to Go Here’. / Photo by Blair Todd
So it’s a watershed year for you, turning 40. What would you define success and happiness as now, compared to when you were in your twenties and the ideas you had about the industry then? Oh, god. Okay so I’ve also had a lot of personal growth because I got divorced this last year, which was crazy. I’ve got two kids, a four year old and a nine year old. So I’ve been through so much; it’s been such a huge change for me. I have learned a lot, but one of the things that I have learned so much is that the relationships that matter the most in my life are my female friendships. I’ve always known that, but I’ve never seen it so much as I have in the last two years, both personally throughout my divorce, and professionally through making a film without a romantic partner to lean on. Of course I have male friends that are wonderful and supportive, but my female friends, those relationships are where I’m realizing I wanna put my effort into more than any other part of my life.
Okay, it’s time for a few questions about movies that are important to you. Thinking back, what is the film that made you want to be a filmmaker? Boogie Nights was the first film that I watched when I was in high school that I thought ‘oh, this is a job, and I’m seeing someone make stylistic choices that are interesting and unique’. You can see the behind the scenes in that movie a little bit. I remember watching it and thinking ‘that would be a cool job’. I also really loved the movie Bottle Rocket in high school. I began my filmmaking career thinking that I wanted to make documentaries, and so there’s also a lot of docs that I loved. But those were the early films that made me realize that it was even a job. Unfortunately not any female filmmakers, because I think that was just so rare [then].
What is your all-time comfort favorite film? Sleepless in Seattle, no question.
There’s your female filmmaker! Yes, but with a movie like Sleepless in Seattle, it’s such a mainstream movie that I never thought of it as ‘a job’. It wasn’t until I was in high school that I saw more independent and auteurish works. But Nora Ephron is a genius. That movie is perfect in my opinion.
What’s a film that, as a teenager, felt like a mirror into your soul? That movie with Chris O’Donnell, an Irish film, Circle of Friends. With Minnie Driver! Who is also in Good Will Hunting, another film I saw in high school. I haven’t seen Circle of Friends since it came out, but it felt very real to me, that movie. I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned that movie to anyone!
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Gwyneth Paltrow and Joseph Fiennes in ‘Shakespeare in Love’ (1998).
What is the sexiest film you’ve ever seen? Shakespeare in Love! [Laughs.] There’s two movies. One was Legends of the Fall. It was literally the sexiest movie I’d ever seen up till that point. I was very young when it came out and there was this lovemaking scene by candlelight and I was like, ‘oh, that’s what sex is!’. And then Shakespeare in Love. That scene where he’s unwrapping her? So hot.
Who is another director you’d die for? I’m such a huge fan of Nicole Holofcener. I love her films so much. I have never met her. I do know some people that know her and I am honestly so scared to meet her because I like her work so much. She’s probably my favorite filmmaker. I just vibe with everything she makes. I love the tone. I just love all of her movies.
What’s a film that we should watch after we watch yours? You should watch She Dies Tomorrow. It’s so good, and Amy Seimetz is my very, very close and dear friend. We started making movies at the same time. Our movies were supposed to premiere at SXSW on the same day, and now they are being released on the same day, and we’re just in love with each other. Amy and I are— the movies are so wildly different from each other, but her movie is so good. It is really funny, it’s really weird and it’s really appropriate for the times right now.
I feel like some reviews are missing the comedy in it. I laughed so much throughout that film. I agree: people don’t get it! Can I shout out another movie that I watched recently? Crossing Delancey. I had never seen it before and my sister-in-law texted me and she was like, “you should watch this film like right now—this seems like something you would love”. I couldn’t believe how good it was. It’s so great. It feels like it could be shot right now in Brooklyn. All the cool kids in Brooklyn are dressing exactly the same way that all the cool kids in Brooklyn dressed in 1988, or whenever it came out. She’s having a dialog with a friend and the friend is like openly breastfeeding. And the way that they’re talking about romance and all this stuff is so on point. That movie’s great.
And another female director! Joan Micklin Silver. Yeah!
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Appropriate Behavior: the Letterboxd Showdown of indie, slacker and mumblecore films
Quarter Life Crisis: a list by Mary, and another by Michelle
Follow Gemma on Letterboxd
‘I Used to Go Here’ is now in select theaters and on demand. All press images are courtesy of Gravitas Ventures.
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Catfish {t.h.}
part 9
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gif by @peteparkrrs
Summary: What happens when you start to fall in love with a boy online, completely unaware that it’s Tom Holland behind the computer screen?
Warnings: swearing
part 8 | series masterlist
You were beginning to think that you should have had Jane or one of your other college friends come with you on this impulsive trip because you legs were shaking so bad you didn’t know if you were going to make it to your seat. Tom somehow picked you out of the crowd, and he somehow knew that it was you. Hearing his voice say your name after so long brought back all of the giddy emotions you used to feel when you’d talk for hours on the phone late at night. 
It was hard to believe that was almost a year ago. But you were nineteen now, and you had to pull it together. 
You and the rest of the fans were led into a large auditorium, with seats facing a stage that only held a couch and a few chairs, which you assumed would be for the cast members. You were grateful that Tom wasn’t on the stage yet because you’d rather be sitting when you saw him again. It would be so embarrassing to pass out in front of all of these people. 
Holding your ticket shakily in your hand, you were led to your seat which was about three rows from the stage, and as you sat down in the red plush chair, the bright lights seemed to illuminate your entire body. A part of you had hoped that you were seated further back, but maybe this was good. Tom would see you again. 
But did you really want that? 
It hurt to see him, especially after all this time, and you truly thought that you had moved on but as soon as he spoke your name and he stood a few feet in front of you, it felt like you never moved on. So many mixed emotions were running through your entire body, and the last thing you had read about Tom was an article claiming that he and Zendaya were dating. 
What if that was true? You were just setting yourself up to get even more hurt than before. 
It was too late now. He had seen you, and you figured you weren’t going to leave until you talked to him. But that was also wishful thinking. He was a movie star now, and he may be too busy for a common person like yourself. 
The fans around you were buzzing with excitement, but you couldn’t stop your knee from bouncing up and down as you kept your eyes glued on the stage, waiting impatiently for Tom to come bouncing out. You were sending updates to Laura, wishing that your friend was here with you to steady your racing heart and mind. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, the cast of Spider-Man: Homecoming!” a loud voice said over a microphone. The fans around you erupted into cheers, standing to their feet, but you were too stunned to do so as you spotted Tom walk onto the stage, waving to the audience, followed by his co-stars. He looked even better than you thought while he stood in the light. 
When the fans around you sat back down, and the cast took their seats, you saw that Tom’s eyes were scanning the crowd. You wondered what he would do when his eyes fell on you, if they would fall on you. 
Your heartbeat was loud in your ears, and you felt your veins pulsing against your skin as his gaze slowly made its way towards your side of the seating. It was almost immediate when his eyes spotted you in the third row. The rest of the cast was thanking the fans for coming to this event to promote the movie, while Tom’s move was slightly ajar, his eyes wide. It was like he wanted to communicate with you via his eyes, but the longer he stared at you, the more your heart began to hammer your chest. You looked down at your feet, feeling his gaze burning holes into your body. 
“Oh, yeah! Um, thank you guys so much for coming,” Tom said suddenly, after Jacob nudged his leg with his own. Hearing his voice over the microphone, loud in your ears, and echoing along the walls of the theater, made your heart twist and flip. You closed your eyes tightly, wishing that you never came here. 
“We’re very excited about this movie,” Tom spoke slowly, because his eyes kept flickering over to you. Your head was down, and your eyes were shut tightly, and it was hard for Tom to focus on the fans that were present. He felt terrible about it, but you were literally right in front of him. His mind was clouded with thoughts of you, of how he had wished he had been honest with you from the start and maybe you both wouldn’t be feeling this pain that pierced your two fragile hearts. 
And he couldn’t get over how beautiful you were. He never tried imaging what you looked like during your online affair because he knew that he would’ve loved you no matter what you looked like. You were already the most beautiful girl in the world to him. 
But seeing you in person took his breath away. 
Laura and Jacob started bantering about some funny behind the scenes jokes they had causing the audience to erupt into laughter, but Tom couldn’t bring himself to smile because he was so fucking wrapped up in your presence. He watched you, as you kept your head down, refusing to look at him. And it hurt.
“What was your favorite scene to film, Tom?” Laura asked, smiling as she looked at Tom from across the couch. 
“My favorite scene?” Tom repeated, as he wasn’t completely listening. “Um, I don’t know. All of it?”
The crowd laughed again, but Tom only gave them a close-lipped smile. “I don’t want to give away too many spoilers, but...”
He trailed off when he spotted your figure stand from your seat out of the corner of his eye as you quickly made your way towards the exit of the theater. And he knew he had to follow you. He wouldn’t lose you again. 
“I-I’m sorry, I, uh, I have to go,” Tom mumbled into the microphone before standing from his seat. 
“Tom, what-” Jacob started, as the crowd began to murmur, but Tom was already jogging down the stairs and rushing out the door that you left through only moments before. 
The exit that you took brought you into an alley behind the theater, and you groaned, not knowing what street it would have taken you to. You figured you could wait outside by your school’s shuttle bus until the interview was over because you couldn’t stand being in that room with him anymore. Hearing his voice was so painful especially when you knew that he could never be yours. It just made you think about all the times you talked on the phone last year. 
You hugged yourself as you took a few steps away from the door, walking slowly towards the street. You shouldn’t have come. You knew it was stupid, but you thought that maybe seeing him would make you realize that you had moved on. But it did the exact opposite. 
“(Y/N)!” a voice panted, and you turned to see Tom almost falling out of the door. You stared stunned, as he approached you.
“What are you-”
“Please, don’t go,” he begged. He kept a respectful distance from you, but this was closer than when you made eye contact in front of the theater, and you couldn’t help but stare. 
His hair was curly, with one stray curl falling in front of his forehead, and you never realized how pretty his brown eyes were until you saw the flecks of gold that danced in them. 
Your mind was racing through everything you wanted to say, everything you wanted to yell at him for hurting you the way he did, but in that moment, your mouth went dry and you couldn’t so much as breathe let alone yell at him. 
Tom seemed to feel the same way because for a solid five minutes, you both just stood in the alley behind the theater, staring at each other, as if you were both trying to figure out if the other was real. 
Eventually, Tom cleared his throat and looked down at his feet quickly before looking back at you. 
“Why, uh...why did you come here?” he asked gently. 
“To be honest, I don’t know.”
Tom’s lips pulled at a frown, and you could tell he didn’t like that answer. But it was the truth. You didn’t know why you put yourself through this. 
“Don’t you have an interview or something to be at?” you asked softly, pointing to the door that he came through. Tom shook his head and took a small step towards you. 
“No, (Y/N), you’re more important than any interview,” he said gently. 
“Why?” you croaked. “We haven’t talked in almost a year.”
“I don’t care,” Tom said, taking another step closer to you. “My feelings for you never changed.”
You didn’t know how to take his words. When you found out who he really was, you assumed that everything was a lie, that he was just playing you as a dumb fan who fell for a prank. He was an actor after all. 
But the fact that without ever seeing a picture of you before, that he was able to pick you out of a crowd just by the look of pure emotion on your face, or that he was skipping an interview to talk to you in a crummy alley behind a theater in the middle of a city he’s never been to before, made you start to think that maybe he wasn’t lying about everything after all. He even knew your voice. 
“I...I don’t know how to take that,” you admitted, still hugging yourself. 
“Look, (Y/N), when you found out that I wasn’t Peter and I was Tom, I was so mad at myself for lying to you in the first place,” Tom began. “But I meant what I said. Everything else was true besides my name.”
“You have a pretty important name,” you almost scoffed. “It’s not like you’re just another Joe Schmo from England.”
“I know,” Tom groaned, running a hand through his curls. “I was being an idiot.”
“Yeah and a fucking jerk!” you exclaimed. 
“I’m trying to fix it!” Tom shouted back, but groaned and tugged at his curls when you looked away from him. Your heart was hammering against your chest as you tried to remain calm, but your hands were shaking. 
“Do you know how much I was hurting...and I still am,” you said, lowering your voice as you tried to steady your breathing. 
“Yeah, I think I have a pretty good idea,” Tom breathed. 
“Why did you lie?” you asked suddenly, looking up at him. Tom stared at you for a few moments and let out a deep breath. 
“I wanted to get to know the real you,” he whispered. “Without you acting different because it’s...y’know, me.”
You scoffed and shook your head. “That’s so fucking hypocritical, Tom.”
The anger came back quicker than you were expecting, but it was like you had been transported to that summer night almost a year ago and your world came crashing down all at once. 
“You wanted to get to know the real me, but you were hiding yourself!” you spat, tossing your hands to the sides. 
“I know! Okay, I know it sounds hypocritical, but (Y/N), everything else was true besides my name,” Tom said, sounding defeated, like he knew you would never believe him. You stared at him as a few silent beats fell between you, the only sound coming from traffic. 
“Why should I believe you?” you finally said, barely above a whisper. Tom took another step closer to you. 
“Because, even after all this time, I still remembered your voice,” Tom whispered. You kept your eyes on his as he took another small step towards you. 
“And I remembered that this was your home state, which is why I looked for you,” Tom said softly. You could feel his breath against your face now, and you felt frozen as you stared up at him, your heart hammering against your ribs. 
“And I wouldn’t be here, if I didn’t care about you,” he whispered. He had a sad look in his eyes, but you were so close now that you were sure he could hear your heart. 
“You care about me?” you whispered back, your whisper cracking mid-sentence. 
“I care about you so fucking much,” he sighed. Slowly, he brought his hand to your cheek, and just the contact of his skin on yours sent goosebumps throughout your entire body. 
“And, I don’t think you would be here, if you didn’t care about me too,” he whispered, his breath gently fanning onto you. And he was right. There had to be a part of you that still cared if you were willing to get on that hour bus ride by yourself, just to see him in person. 
You looked up at him, as he gently placed his other hand on your waist, and your breath became hitched in your throat. 
“I do care,” you breathed. “I don’t think I ever stopped.”
Tom’s breathing was shaky as he rested his forehead against your own, and being this close to him allowed you to feel every part of him that you always dreamed of feeling. You could smell the clean scent of his cologne, and his curls tickled your forehead. You closed your eyes, listening to the sound of both of your breathing. 
“(Y/N)...” Tom whispered. You opened your eyes, enough to see the way his eyes flickered to your lips. “Can I-”
He didn’t get to finish his sentence because you had already closed the gap, pressing your lips to his in a kiss that had sent shivers down your spine. Tom kept his one hand on your cheek, and the other on your waist, pulling you closer as your lips moved in sync in a dizzying kiss. The kiss was desperate, and it was as if you were both trying to convey to the other everything that you felt over the past year. As angry as you were about the whole ordeal before, feeling the neediness in his kiss made you believe every word he said. And he was right- you never stopped caring. 
His lips tasted like a cherry chapstick, and your hands had snaked their way behind his neck, playing the curls at the nape of his neck. You didn’t think it was possible to get closer to one another, but Tom pulled your flush against his chest. You knew you needed air, but you couldn’t stop. 
Reluctantly, you both pulled away, but only far enough so that your lips barely brushed against the other’s. 
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a year,” Tom gasped, and for the first time in a while, you laughed. 
“Me too,” you chuckled. Tom’s lips curled into a heart-fluttering smile before he pulled you back to him, crashing his lips onto yours once more. This time, you couldn’t help but smile into the kiss, knocking teeth as you both began laughing, falling into one another like two halves of a heart that finally became whole. 
“I’ve missed you,” you whispered against his lips, looking up and meeting his eyes that were now twinkling. 
“I’ve missed you so much, darling.”
You buried your face in the crook of his neck, hiding your smile as you realized how ridiculous this whole situation seemed to be. Two people who would have never met if the internet didn’t exist, and now here you were, refusing to let go of the other. 
“What is it?” Tom asked, as you hid your face. You leaned back, and looked up at him. 
“Nothing...I just missed hearing you call me that,” you sighed. Tom smiled and pressed a kiss to your hair. 
“You can hear me call you that anytime you want, darling.”
You hugged him tightly to you, inhaling his calming scent. In that moment, you knew that this was better than any late night phone call.
part 10 
taglist: @slythxr // @greenarrowhead // @your-daily-dose-of-fangirl // @loxbbg // @didanyonesaybuckybarnes // @strang-ersclub // @roaringgoodshow // @skeletalwolfcat // @peterbrokenparker // @jackiehollanderr // @krispykreeme // @eye-of-the-owl // @  eternal-l-appel-du-vide // @lifeandloveandhappiness // @16wiishes // @snifelisnifsnif // @fxded-jackgyeom // @dxftprettyboys // @spookyconsultingcriminal // @yourwonderbelle // @too-much-spidey // @savethebabyseals // @apseventy // @starkslovebot // @binaruma// @lifeisabitchandsoareyou // @iloveyouthreethousand-o6 // @just-a-littlebit-of-everything // @sweetcoldpeach // @spideyyeet // @mlt2000 // @ being-your-average-fangirl // @asmilinghopelessromantic // @clairestarkparker // @ thedaydreamingwriter // @itsmejessicasstuff // @queenattentionseeker // @huiqingohuiqing // @thedanteofthe52ndstreet // @coach-vixen // @sweet-sunflower-ghost // @trust-me-im-joly // @stickyqueenbouquetsstuff // @americaswritings // @euphoniumpets // @gwiyomi-princess-trash // @pixiedustsupplyco // @nerdypisces160 // @yeahimcrying// @thenaturalbond // @cookinggurl43 // @rageyoudamnednerd // @bibliophilesquared // @stickyqueenbouquetsstuff // @justanormaltrashcan // @aestheticgaybish // @jackiehollanderr // @spidreling // @adi-angel // @yeahimcrying // @mrstaekim // @binaruma // @yeeterbenjaminparker // @clockblobber // @ distressedhollandfield @afictionaladventure16 // @spiderkat1248 // @popluckbih // @ophcelia // @ dreaalol // @adi-angel // @amb-q // @sweet-sunflower-ghost // @loyalholland // @kaylinicole25 // @viarogers // @fabinaforever11 // @spidreling
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Make It Work
Tom and Y/n have to plan a wedding but have no time together.
Request: Hi can you do an imagine with Tom where him and the reader have been dating for a while and are engaged but they are both famous so it’s been rough to find time to be together and plan the wedding and they get frustrated with each other and fight and he goes to RDJ for advice and she goes to his mom and rumors start flying but it ends in fluff? Thank you btw! I love your writing!!!
A/n: A. Concept.
Thanks for the request! It was fun to write.
I tweaked it jussst a little bit where reader isn’t famous, has the regular 9-5, because I imagine that would be more frustrating bc she has time but he doesn’t so she has to sit around waiting for him. Hope that’s okay. You can totally attack me if it’s not, I understand😂
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     Seven months ago, the love of your life proposed to you. Tom was the best guy you had ever met. He was a literal angel sent from above, and you were over the moon that he loved you as much as you loved him. You wouldn’t change anything about him except for one thing- his schedule. He was always super busy, being one of the world’s favorite movie stars does that sometimes.
     Being engaged, you had a lot to plan. A ceremony, a reception, a guest list, dresses and suits, and so much more; Although you loved weddings and you were so excited for your own, you didn’t want to do any of this by yourself. You wanted Tom to be apart of the process- maybe he didn’t care about as much as you do, but you’d still like his opinion and support.
     You were sitting at a table eating lunch at work as you looked at some wedding stuff. You were currently thinking about the cakes, your bridal cake and Tom’s groom’s cake. You talked to some girls you work with asking them about their wedding cakes and where they got them. You narrowed your choices down to three. You wanted to schedule a day that you and Tom could do a cake tasting to decide what you wanted.
     You pulled your phone out to call Tom, hoping he would be able to give you an actual answer. Every time you try to talk to him about the wedding planning or ask him questions, he always answers with ‘I don’t know right now’ or ‘I’ll think about it’ or ‘I’ll tell you later’. It was so frustrating.
     “Hey, darling,” Tom answered the phone. “What’s up?”
     “Hey, when are you going to be home? You said sometime next week, right?” You asked him.
     “Yeah, about that. There was a problem with something so our schedule got pushed back. I won’t be able to make it for another month or two.”
     “Tom,” you asked in shock. He told you earlier this week that he would have a few days off next week, and you would be able to get some of your planning done.
     “Babe, I’m sorry. I can’t help when this stuff happens,” Tom told you. You began to feel annoyed, not wanting to talk anymore but not hanging up the phone either. “What was happening- why did I need to be home next week.”
     “I was looking at some cake stuff, and I wanted to schedule a day to go to these bakeries for cake tastings, but I’ll guess to put that off for another month too.” You felt your eyes begin to well up with a few tears. You were suppose to have fun planning your wedding, not postpone and push planning back because your fiancé can’t get away from his job for two seconds.
     “Y/n, it’s cake. Just pick something and move on,” Tom told you.
     “Tom, you can’t just call up a bakery and everything be great. Some places have shitty cake so we have to go to the place and make sure we actually like their recipes. We have to pick flavors. You have a groom’s cake- you have to choose what you want that to look like. I don’t know if you want Spider-Man or golf or what. I can’t just pick something, Tom. I have to make decisions and it would be much more helpful if I had a fiancé that was willing to help me,” you huffed out.
     “I am more than willing to help you, but I have responsibilities and a job to do. I can’t just walk away because my girlfriend can’t chose a fucking cake flavor. Stop being so ridiculous, y/n.” You felt a tear fall from hearing him so mean towards you.
     “You could at least act like you care,” you said, voice cracking slightly.
     “I do care, y/n, but I can-“ Tom started to say before you cut him off.
     “But you can’t be available for me. I get it, go back to your work that’s obviously way more important than your fiancée and your wedding,” you said before hanging up the phone. You saw Tom’s name flash across the screen calling you back. You denied the call and immediately turned your phone off, going back to work.
// Tom pov //
     Tom tried to call back and rolled his eyes when he realized you had shut your phone off. He couldn’t believe how childish you were being. You were upset with him because of cake? It’s ridiculous. He walked toward the catering on set and sat down at the table with Robert, Zendaya, and Jacob. They immediately noticed how pissed off he was.
     “What happened?” Jacob asked him.
     “Y/n called me- I told her I wouldn’t be home for a while because of scheduling and she freaked out because she needs me to be with her to taste cakes. It’s stupid. She’s acting like a bratty little kid,” Tom ranted to his friends and costars. “She hung up on me and turned her phone off.”
     “Wow,” Zendaya said in disbelief. “You don’t realize how wrong you are, do you?” Tom threw his hands up in confusion.
     “What am I doing wrong? It’s a fucking cake- we all know what cake tastes like,” Tom tried to defend himself before looking to Robert. “You’re the married one- Isn’t she being ridiculous acting like this over cake?”
     “Tom, it isn’t about the cake,” he said as he tried to get Tom to understand. “This is something that happens once in a lifetime. That girl has probably dreamed about getting married and having a wedding since she was little. She wants her day to be perfect, and she wants to plan it with her betrothed by her side. She wants to share this time with you- have fond memories to look back on, and you aren’t giving her that. You’ve been engaged for seven months, and how much have you done to participate in planning your wedding?”
     “Nothing,” Tom said as he sighed in defeat.
     “And that shows her that you don’t care. I know you care- all of us know you care, but you need to show y/n that you do because that’s all that matters.”
     “What am I suppose to do though? This is still my job. I can’t get on a flight every time she asks me to.”
     “But she’s also a priority, your highest priority, and you have to schedule time for her- exclusively for her,” Zendaya said. “Don’t let work keep you from giving her the time and attention she deserves, that you both deserve.”
     “You should talk to Jon,” Jacob chimed in. “He’s not heartless, I’m sure he’d give you time to be with her if you need it. And looking at what I just saw, I’d say you really need it.”
     Tom clinched his jaw as he thought about what his friends told him. He nodded his head before taking a deep breath.
     “Right, I’ll go do that now,” Tom said as he stood up. “Thanks for the advice, guys.”
     “Let me know how it goes,” Robert requested. Tom nodded his head telling him he would and walked to find the director of the film.
// Your pov //
     You were finishing up your shift at work before heading to Tom’s family home to have dinner. His family was always so welcoming and loving to you, they often invited you to join them for dinner and tonight was one of those nights.
     You were still upset with Tom from your conversation earlier. You can understand that he wasn’t able to come home due to scheduling, but it was almost like he wasn’t willing to try and make time to be with you. Whatever they told him was it, no questions or comments about it. It was super frustrating but it is what it is, you guess.
     You turn your phone back on as you walked to the parking lot and to your car. You saw you had three missed calls from Tom and a text.
Thomas❤️: Call me when you decide to turn your phone back on
     You could almost hear the attitude behind the words. You checked your other notifications before putting your phone in your pocket and driving away. You pulled into Nikki and Dom’s driveway, walking into the house and heading straight for the kitchen.
     “Hey, y/n,” Paddy said as he saw you first. He was sitting at the table doing his homework while Nikki was cooking dinner.
     “Hey, Paddy. Nikki,” you greeted as you placed your bag on one of the chairs.
     “Hi, darling. How are you?” She asked.
     “I’m good- glad the days almost over. Can I help you with anything?” You offered.
     “No, I got it. Thank you though,” she replied with a smile. “Had a bad day?”
     You sat in the chair across from Paddy as you talked to Nikki. You lightly shook your head before venting to your soon-to-be mother in law, if Tom could show his face and plan a wedding.
     “I got in an argument with Tom and...” you began to say. You sighed as you thought of the right words to tell her. “I feel like he doesn’t care about trying to have a wedding. Like he’d rather just show up and get it over with, and I don’t want that, you know? I mean, I understand girls are always more excited for weddings than boys, but he could at least pretend he cares.”
     “What did he do?” Paddy asked. You felt bad talking badly about his brother in front of him because you knew how much he looked up to Tom.
     “He told me that I was being ridiculous because I want him to be involved with the wedding planning,” you answered looking toward Nikki as you finished your sentence.
     “He doesn’t mean it, y/n. He loves you, and I’m sure he wants that just as much as you do but he’s probably wrapped up in work and filming. He can’t drop that whenever he wants. I wish it was easier for you but that’s life.”
     “Yeah,” you said softly. “It’s just so frustrating when he says he can come home one week but changes it the next. I can’t do anything with that.”
     “I know, darling. But just remember, this is just a moment in time. Soon, you’ll be married and happy,” Nikki started to say.
     “And then you’ll only have to worry about if he put the toilet seat down or not,” Paddy chimed in making you and Nikki laugh.
     “Exactly,” Nikki said pointing to Paddy. “Don’t stress yourself out trying to get everything planned. Enjoy yourself and this time you have because before you know it, you’ll be walking down that isle and it’ll be a brand new day from there. New memories, new challenges, new arguments, new achievements- think about that when you get upset with him because that’s why you’re doing all this, that’s why it matters to you.”
     “Thanks, Nikki,” you told her. She always knew exactly what to say to make you feel better. You were so grateful that, along with a great boyfriend and fiancé, you also gained an amazing family that loved and supported you as if you were their own.
     Three days later, you were at work filling out paperwork. You hadn’t talked to Tom since the argument- you always missed him when he called and he always missed you when you called. It was frustrating, but you reminded yourself of Nikki’s words and it made you feel better.
     “Excuse me,” you heard a voice say. “I was looking for someone- about yea-high, (your color) hair, (your color) eyes, a bit temperamental but hot as fuck.” You were so focused on your work, you didn’t even recognize the voice until you looked up, seeing Tom standing in front of you.
     “Tom,” you gasped in surprise as you stood up, walking around the desk and hugging him. He held you tightly, rubbing your back as he buried his face in your neck.
     “What are doing here?” You asked as you pulled away from him. He wiped your eyes as a few tears escaped.
     “I talked to Jon,” he started to tell you. “When you hung up the phone, I was so upset with you- I won’t deny that, but I spoke to Robert and he told me how much of an asshole I was being. And I went straight to Jon and told him I needed to be with you for a while. I’m sorry for being such a dick, and I promise I’ll make up for it. I love you, and I want to help you plan for the wedding- from cakes to colors, even down to the napkins. I want to be with you and help you and support you. If you still want me too, at least.”
     “That’s all I wanted,” you told him before looking down. “I’m sorry, too. You have a crazy schedule, and I can’t expect to be the top priority every time. I didn’t mean to stress you out or upset you when you really couldn’t get here.”
     “That’s my job,” Tom started to say. “But my job is also to treat you the way you deserve and be there for you. That is my top priority from now on. You are my top priority. I can’t promise I’ll be able to drop everything at a moment’s notice, but I do promise to make an effort for you.” Tom reached out to grab you again, pulling you to him for another hug. “I love you, y/n,” he said placing a kiss to your head.
     “I love you, Tom.”
I don’t know who the hell is in charge on movie sets but I’ll stick with Jon bc he’s the only one I know.
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toddysdiaries · 6 years
Family Ties - Jeff Wittek x Reader
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Pairing: Jeff Wittek x Reader, Toddy Smith x sister!Reader
Requested?: yes, by anon:
‘Being toddy’s sister and intressed in Jeff but you are both to scared!!’
Summary: You’re Toddy’s sister and you and Jeff are in love with each other, but Toddy’s protectiveness leaves the pair of you unable to be together.
Words: 2,707
Warnings: angst, couple of swears, mention of previous domestic violence (mostly mental rather than physical), Toddy being a bit of an asshole
A/N: Requests are open! I am definitely willing to write a part two for this, let me know if you want it!
Being Toddy’s sister had always been hard. In high school, you were always expected to live up to Toddy, who was sporty and funny, but in reality, you were neither. Teachers prejudged you, thinking you’d mess around like Toddy did and underestimating your academic abilities. Girls would laugh at you, wondering how someone like you came from the same parents that created someone as gorgeous as Toddy.
Toddy had also been the cause of your singleness throughout high school. Any guy that dared to get beat you ended up being chased away by him. In the end, you learnt to be sneaky about your dates, getting your friends to cover with fake study sessions and making out under the bleachers and away from your brother's watchful eyes.
If you were being honest, you were glad when Toddy moved away. Even though he was only an hour away in Los Angeles, you finally had the space to breathe and grow. You died your hair and got the nose piercing you always want, and you spent more time at the beach, flirting with topless guys and tanning.
Eventually, you settled into a long-term relationship, and it wasn’t for a few months that you saw your boyfriend for who he really was. At first glance, Jacob seemed like a sweet, charming man, but in reality, he was a controlling, manipulative man-child, who never let you do anything on your own or go anywhere without knowing where you were going. That was when you realised that Toddy was nothing but protective of you.
Your relationship culminated in a fight when you had genuinely been scared for your life. Jacob had thrown glasses, plates and anything that he could get his hands on at you. When he'd pushed you up against the wall, you'd managed to push him off of you, and you ran out the house, managing to grab your keys from the bowl next to the door and drove away and didn't stop driving until you reached your parent's house.
Since it was the first time that it had been this bad you weren't willing to call the police, you just wanted out of Huntington Beach. Your father had called Toddy, while your mother comforted you. You were shaking like a leaf, just glad that you hadn't moved in with your boyfriend - ex-boyfriend - and he'd never shown any interest in meeting your family.
"You're going to go and stay with Toddy for a while." Your father came back into the room and knelt down in front of you. "You've got some things here, take them with you. I'm going to wait a few days and then take everything from your apartment up to you. We're going to leave now." You nodded, still shaking like a leaf. Luckily you worked for an online gossip website, so you usually worked from home anyway.
You had only just managed to calm down when your dad pulled up to a house that Toddy definitely didn't own. "It's his friend's house, you're going to meet them all anyway. He's filming today, I didn't think it was right to tell him over the phone, you know he'd just work himself up over it."
That was definitely true, but you didn't want to have to watch Toddy blow up in front of you after Jacob had. "Can-can you tell him? Maybe without me there?"
Your dad held your hand. "Of course, sweetheart. Of course, Toddy is going to be upset, you're his little sister." You nodded, Toddy had always been very protective of you. "He'd never hurt you, you know that."
You followed behind your dad like a lost puppy, surprised at the house that you were seeing. You looked up as the door opened, a gorgeous bearded man opened the door. "Oh, you must be Toddy's dad and sister." He grinned at you, and you felt your inside's turn to goo and then promptly scolded yourself, you'd just gotten out of a shitty relationship, and this guy was one of Toddy's friends, there's no chance he would ever let you date him. "Come on in."
The good looking guy led you through the lavish house, that shocked you a little more the further in you got. Eventually, you came to a living room and was a little shocked at how many people there were.
"Todd, your dad and sister are here." The good looking guy threw himself down on the couch and Todd came in from the kitchen.
"Dad! Y/N!" Todd ran over to the pair of you. "What's going on, why do you need to stay with me, Y/N?"
Your dad cleared his throat. "I need to talk to you in private Todd."
"Take him to the podcast room." A younger man with messy brown hair told him.
Toddy nodded. "Okay, guys this is Y/N, make her welcome while I go talk to my dad!"
Two girls wandered straight up to you, one was short with bleached blonde hair, and the other was much taller with brown, dip-dyed hair. "I'm Carly, and this is Erin."
"It's nice to meet you guys." You weren't sure that you were going to fit in very well with these people, they all seemed to have big personalities, and you'd never stood out very well.
"Come sit with us!" Erin smiled and held her hand out to you. You tentatively took it and followed the girls over to the couches. "These guys are Zane and Matt." Erin and Carly introduced you to all the people that were in the living room, you felt a little overwhelmed, you had never really had that many friends before.
"So, what are you doing in Los Angeles?" Jeff, the attractive guy that had answered the door, asked you, a slight glint in his eyes.
You hesitated, you were sure that it would all come out at some point, Toddy would probably start yelling about it any second. "Nasty break-up." You settled for, it was kind of true anyway.
Jeff's eyes seemed to glint again at the thought of you being single. He opened his mouth to ask you something else when Todd came storming in.
"Tell me the piece of shit's name, tell me where he lives. I'm gonna beat the shit out of him Y/N, I swear to god!" Toddy leant down in front of you, his voice raised, you flinched back against the couch, slightly.
"Todd!" Your dad had come in behind Todd. "I told you not to raise your voice, you're going to scare the shit out of her."
A small hand slipped into yours, and you knew without turning that it was Carly. "Todd if you go looking for him, he will find me. You have to let it go. I just want to move on." Your voice was quiet and shaky, but it was very much audible over the silence of the room.
"He hurt you, Y/N! You can't just let him get away with it!" Todd yelled. Jeff and David, who you learnt owned the house you were in, jumped up and gripped one of Toddy's shoulders each.
"You're scaring her man." Jeff's Staten Island accent rang out.
Toddy scoffed. "I'm not gonna hurt her, him on the other hand..."
"Dude, she's just had a man yelling at her, she doesn't need another right now." David's soft voice spoke.
Toddy hesitated and looked at you, noticing how you were shaking, your hand's grasped between Carly and Erin's, your dad's hand rubbing your shoulder. "Fuck..." Todd dropped to his knees in front of you, gently resting his hands on your knees. "I'm sorry, Y/N/N, you know how much I love you, I've always tried to keep asshole guys away from you."
You chuckled. "I noticed Toddy, you're the reason I didn't have a proper boyfriend until I was 19."
"They were all assholes!" Toddy insisted.
"I wish you were there to warn me off of this one." You frowned deeply.
Toddy nodded sadly. "Would you have listened though?"
Your dad chuckled from behind, and you let out a small chuckle too. "Probably not."
Over the past month, you had gotten to know all of the 'vlog squad', as you learnt that they were known as. You were particularly close with Carly, Erin and Zane. Your interest in Jeff had also blossomed into full-on feelings, but you were well aware that Toddy would never let you date a former convict, something that Jeff was never able to forget around the 'vlog squad' who often joked about his time in jail.
You were well aware that Jeff also had feelings for you, but he had yet to speak to you about them. You hoped that he wouldn't ever bring his feelings up, because it would make things awkward when you told him that although you liked him, you could never be with him.
Toddy had become your overprotective older brother once more. If you went out clubbing or to a party with the rest of the vlog squad, Toddy was watching you the whole time, not even drinking to make sure that he could keep a proper eye on you. You were starting to feel overwhelmed with how closely Toddy watched you, but you were nowhere near ready enough to go back to Huntington Beach, in fact, you were thinking about cancelling your apartment lease and going apartment hunting in L.A.
One day you had just had enough. You had made a new friend at your yoga class, and Toddy didn't want you spending any time with her alone. "Toddy, you need to start giving me room to breathe!" You snapped. "You're acting ridiculously!"
"I'm just trying to protect you, Y/N!" Todd's arms flailed around as he tried to make his point.
"I can protect myself, Toddy!" You screamed back. By this point, you had attracted the attention of the rest of the vlog squad.
Toddy scoffed loudly, letting his flailing hands slap down on his thighs. "You clearly can't make those choices yourself if you ended up with Jacob!"
The room was suddenly loud with collective gasping, the group was in shock that Toddy had actually gone there. Your hand reacted without permission from your head, and you slapped your brother across the face, hard. Toddy's hand flew to the reddened flesh of his cheek, his lips parting in surprise.
"You hit me," Todd mumbled, fingers gently stroking his cheek in disbelief.
You scoffed. "You deserved it, you're a disgusting excuse for a brother, picking on the one thing that you know will break my heart." You collected your belongings together. "Can someone give me a ride back to Huntington Beach?"
A few people immediately said they'd drive you back, but you took up David's offer, thinking he could use the opportunity to get some footage, Jeff trailing after you.
"Y/N, I know you're mad at me, but you can't just go back home, Jacob might find you!" Todd tried to follow you out, but Zane and Scotty had grabbed a shoulder each and held him back.
You practically growled. "It's been a month Toddy, I doubt he's still looking for me, I'll have David and Jeff with me anyway."
If you had been more angry and less clear-headed, then you might have gone much farther and slept with Jeff, just to spite your brother. But that would have really annoyed Toddy, plus you'd be using Jeff and hurting the pair of you.
Much of your car ride back to Huntington Beach was spent in a reasonably comfortable silence until you broke it. "I'm not moving back, I just want to start sorting out what's left in my apartment and cancel out of my apartment lease with my landlord."
You could hear Jeff let out a sigh of relief in the back of the car.
"Are you going to look for an apartment in L.A.?" David piped up next to you, turning the radio down slightly.
"Yeah, most of my stuff is already in Toddy and Jason's house. It's just some kitchen and bathroom stuff that's left, plus the furniture, I'm going to put it in my parent's garage for the time being. But I need a new bed anyway so that can just go down the dump." You shrugged. "I might get new couches too, I'm not sure yet."
David laughed. "We're not going to get everything in my Tesla."
You scoffed. "My dad has a van we can borrow to move the furniture, we'll just load the stuff I'm taking back to L.A. in your Tesla."
Going through everything that was left in your apartment didn't take as long as you thought it would and by the time evening came you were ready to go back to L.A. with the majority of your possessions.  You had gifted your couches to a work friend and had taken your bed to the dump, as well as a lot of random things that you'd forgotten you had or had no use for.
You had spoken to your landlord and cancelled your lease while David and Jeff loaded the Tesla with what you were taking back to L.A. When you went back to your apartment you noticed that all of your boxes had been taken downstairs. You were about to lock the door and take the keys to your landlord when you were stopped by David.
"I really need to pee," David whined, making grabby hands for your keys. "I'll lock up after and drop your keys off."
You handed him the keys and yelled after him, amused as he ran into your apartment. "There's no soap in there!" You said a quick goodbye to your apartment and then went down to wait in the Tesla.
"David caught you then?" Jeff's Staten Island accent met your ears as you got into the car.
Nodding, you dropped your bag in the footwell and did up your seatbelt. "Just about."
There was a slight pause, and then Jeff spoke again. "Y/N, I need to talk to you about something."
You froze, crap, he was going to do it right now. "No, you don't Jeff. Somethings are better off left unsaid." You told him firmly.
"No, I need to tell you." Jeff insisted, leaning forward between the gap in the two front seats.
"Jeff, it'll change everything." You whispered, eyes flickering over Jeff's beautiful face. "You know this can't happen, we can't happen."
Jeff's face dropped. "But why?"
Shaking your head, you scoffed. "Because of Toddy. He's way too overprotective, I know you're his friend, but there is still no way he'd ever give his blessing on me dating you."
"He doesn't have to, Y/N!" Jeff protested, hand coming out to cup your cheek.
"He does, Jeff. Because then you'd stop being friends with him and everyone else because of it and I'd fall out with my brother." You let out a deep breath. "Neither of us wants that, Jeff."
Jeff seemed defeated and frowned deeply. "But you do like me, right? This isn't just one-sided?"
A stray tear dripped down your cheek, and you made no move to wipe it away. "Of course I like you. I like you more than I've ever liked anyone before. It sucks so much." You sniffed slightly. "And what sucks, even more, is that it's going to change our relationship now."
Shaking his head, Jeff carefully wiped your tears away. "It'll never change our relationship."
"You promise?" You whispered.
Jeff nodded adamantly. "I promise." Jeff paused slightly. "Could I kiss you, just once?"
You hesitated. In one way it might feel like closure, another way you could end up falling for him even more. You said to hell with it and leant forward, gently capturing Jeff's lips in a sweet kiss. It seemed like it was over no quicker than it started, Jeff pulling away with a final peck to your lips and leaning back into his seat.
David came back at that moment. "Sorry, I got lost." He explained sheepishly. "Are you ready to go?"
"Yeah." You agreed softly.
David frowned and turned to look at you and then Jeff. "Are you guys okay?"
"We'll be fine," Jeff commented from the backseat. And you would.
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