#witchy's band archive
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Frank Iero little man compilation
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starrypawz · 7 months
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theamccafrey · 4 months
Thea Mccafrey is dead (not really)
Meg Mccafrey -> Thea Mccafrey
Yo so like I'm making a new intro post (because I can)
archive- @chiefcrusadetree
also check out my actual url it looks kinda cool- https://megmcmeg.tumblr.com
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I'm Meg, I'm a minor.
Pronouns: she/her. You can call me anything; gendered complements (and insults ) are fine. I'm bisexual btw
I've got adhd
I'm Indian (if that holds any relevance)
My phone is always dying, if I have a conversation with you I'm always gonna worry about how weird I was and I will kill anyone who is able to link my irl identity to this blog
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Masterlist or something
-Get me to 2k notes
-Reading list
-Live reads (basically I read a book and post stuff I like about it online at the same time)
Heartstopper Volume 1 (Completed)
Heartstopper Volume 2 (Completed)
-Picrew list
-I act like an insecure girlfriend (collection of posts, you can simply look up the tag #megmc~insecure girlfriend~)
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Book Fandoms
Harry potter
Red White and Royal blue
Sherlock Holmes
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Fav artists
Taylor Swift
The killers
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Series/ movies
Harry potter
Full house
Fuller house
Brooklyn 99
Modern family
The entire Ocean's series
Now you see me
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Adults (I get if you're reposting or commenting once in a while, but you know what I mean)
Bigots in general
NSFW blogs
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sheer queer: all queer content
killer queen: Queen (the band)
dumblydore: Harry potter related stuff
History Huh: Red white and royal blue stuff
megmcmeg: my shitposts
divider dump: reposting dividers i hope to use
Legends of Tumblr: really famous posts that I've only seen in screenshots
megmcmemes: funny shit
megmcbooks: book crap
megmc~insecure girlfriend~ : Collection of posts where I act like an insecure girlfriend.
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updated 16.2.24
@ezraisfallingapart @catinasink @ali-da-demon @eddiethebanished @a-chaotic-business @zombieleon @discoveredreality @i-like-swiss-cheese @nickbutnodick @dobry-slimak @thedvilsinthedetails @toulouseradiosilence @laula521 @chaotic-beannn @anne-is-okay @the-lionsheartlionsheart @plumspider @blue-the-berry-boy @ambiguousoup @ballisticallytestedwensleydale
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Tumblr Fam
(I'm so sorry for tagging yall again I just wanted to save the list somewhere)
@eddiethebanished - youngest sibling
@zombieleon - cousin
@ballisticallytestedwensleydale - tax fraud uncle💀
@ali-da-demon - middle child u couldnt forget if you tried
@nononsenseneanderthal- big brother
@dobry-slimak -sibling
@parasite-2 / @shortgaything - gay cousin
@ezraisfallingapart -a parent u can go to 4 advice :)
@a-chaotic-business - a gay family friend who technically isnt related to anyone but is family at this point
@url0cal-weird0 - cool witchy queer uncle
@catinasink - youngest cousin
@megmcmeg - Oldest sis
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Oh and to see if anyone actually reads all this,
if you came till here, could you like go into the comments and type
(idk just feels like nobody would read this crap)
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theblackvomit666 · 6 months
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Worm interview (Taken from Arcane Archivist Zine #1) Hails Fantomslaughter! Thank you again for doing this interview. Worm are exactly the type of band we need in the US right now, to usher back in the old spirit that metal was founded on. Driven, focused and inspired, unlike the hoards of recent death/black metal converts from the urban outfitters and zumiez of the world. There have always been trend hoppers and posers in metal, but bands like yours and a handful others keep the underground flame ablaze.
AA: To start off, what was your introduction to metal and dark music?
FS: Hails! I appreciate the positive words; glad I could keep the underground metal flame alive. That is all I set out to do with Worm. Also I would like to thank you for archiving and documenting the gems you excavate and sharing them to a new school of underground heads so this rich history can never be forgotten. This is a bit cliche but around the age of 6 my first real experience with metal would have to be Black Sabbath, the song "Black Sabbath". The moment I heard this song I was transported to another realm and it evoked imagery that I never thought music could. Had never heard a guitar with distortion like that up to that point as well and I was instantly hooked. However, I truly became possessed the first time I heard Bathory - The Return. That would be my entryway to all things occult/obscure metal.
AA: Worm is said to be from the darkest and nethermost parts of the Florida swamps. How has your location affected and inspired your music?
FS: Worm is just trying to conjure the damp and humid settings of the ancient marshlands in my hometown. I can sit for hours in heavily forested swamp trails and take in my surroundings to later use for Worm material. Being from Florida there is obviously a rich history when it comes to extreme metal. Although Worm is not directly inspired by the "Golden Era" bands of death metal from Tampa and and the whole Morrisound Studios clique, I feel it is necessary to wave the flag and be proud of where we are from like those before.
AA: Your new album "Gloomlord" is available now from Iron Bonehead Productions. How did the band change from your debut album to this new album? The sound is quite different.
FS: To me it is a deeper plunge into the Doomy sounds I was just getting started with on "Evocation". I had accidentally stumbled upon Death Doom through Autopsy's Mental Funeral and Goatlord's Reflection of the Solstice. As well as the early Finnish scene (Unholy, Abhorrence). Since then I feel I have researched more bands that add Doom to their blasphemies and have a broader scope of it all. Naturally, when delving into Death Doom territory you come across Funeral Doom and to me there are more ties to that and obscure BM. There is almost an ancient and somber feel to it that I would get from something like Wintermoon(Fin)/Wanderer(Fin) or Apollyon - Troldeskovens Aander. Also can't forget the witchy shrieks that would appear on Disembowelment's Transcendence into the Peripheral.
AA: Starting out as a somewhat strictly black metal band on your first demos, your sound is constantly evolving. Is this a premeditated decision on your part or just a natural progression?
FS: As my taste has evolved and as I have found new obscure gems to collect over the years, the band's sound has just naturally been influenced with whatever it is that's blasting in my swamp crypt. I am shocked at the never ending amount of hidden demos I can find on the net that constantly inspire me as well as inspire me to throw all my funds at physical copies of them (Can thank Ken and his death metal crypt for that!). I will say it would be very boring for me to make the same album over and over again and I don't think I really could even if I tried. My goal is to have longevity with Worm and I feel I need to keep making things interesting for myself to release something new every couple of years.
AA: When listening to Gloomlord, it's apparent that you have some broad and underground influences. Who are your three main influences from the past? Which contemporary bands do you respect?
FS: Strictly speaking for Gloomlord, I would say the three main influences would be Disembowelment, Thergothon, Abhorrence (Fin). There are so many more it was quite hard to narrow it down to three. (Gorement, Rippikoulu, Unholy, Rottrevore, Infester, Worship, Winter, Decomposed, Mournful Congregation, Skepticism, Deteriorot, Morpheus Descends, Demigod, Eternal Darkness, Symphony of Grief, Cianide, Ceremonium). As for contemporary bands there are a few, I'd say Swallowed, Malignant Altar for sure.
AA: Florida has one of the richest histories in metal, with the 90s death metal scene in Tampa, as well as Morrisound Studios. Do you draw inspiration from this scene?
FS: I think the only band musically I can draw inspiration from is Morbid Angel, Abominations of Desolation was a game changer for me. As well as Chuck from Death as an artist; someone that was striving to make every Death album an unique and different experience. Although I do not want to sound like Death, that is definitely an inspiring way to view the creative process.
AA: Since your last album "Evocation of the Black Marsh", you have added a second member, Equimanthorn. How did you two come together and what are your respective positions in band?
FS: I was blasting Sadistic Intent - Impending Doom in my car at the parking lot of my job one day waiting for my time to clock in and this long haired figure came up to me and asked me what I was listening to. We shot the shit for a moment and he told me he played drums. Thus Evocation was born and we were hellbent on making an Autopsy/Goatlord inspired record, sprinkled with nods to early Finnish Death metal like Abhorrence. I write all the songs and contribute vocals/guitars/synth and Equimanthorn takes care of the drums and bass.
AA: If the world ever returns to a state of normality, is there any chance of Worm performing live?
FS: That is definitely a possibility, we have been getting a lot of positive feedback from people that would like to see Worm in the flesh. The only thing getting in the way of this is finding session members since we are a two-piece at the moment.
AA: Do you consider yourself a satanist? Where do you stand religiously?
FS: I definitely am not a religious person and view all organized religion as a waste of time. To me it is limiting to ones growth as an individual. The most spiritual moments I have ever had were when I was alone in nature surrounded by what is true reality, not man made creations that fuel human egos. If any, I draw close ties to paganism and true satanism not that Lavey bs. If a belief doesn't serve you and empower you then it is merely draining you of your essence and not allowing you to achieve your full potential. Be your own god and work your own mysterious ways.
AA: Do you believe that politics have a place in metal? What are your views on "hate speech" vs. censorship?
FS: Although I believe everyone should have the freedom to say what they want, to me metal has always been an escape from the mundane normality of everyday life so I hate when people try to force a personal agenda/propaganda and humanize things with their music. Metal is so much bigger than that. I am trying to leave behind human garbage when I hear metal, not drown in it. Politics in metal is just a funny concept to me. I prefer to hear about gore and the occult not men in suits and army camo telling me who to dislike bahahaha
AA: What are some of the topics brought forth in the lyrics on Gloomlord?
FS: I was strictly on a H.P. Lovecraft diet for Gloomlord. I wanted to experiment with dreamscapes and gates beyond the realms of perception. Here are a few titles that were around when I was writing. "The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath", "The Colour Out of Space", "The Haunter of the Dark", and "The Doom That Came to Samath". I can thank Thergothon for this as well.
AA: What's on the horizon for Worm?
FS: At this moment we are writing a new album that continues where Gloomlord left off naturally. Hoping to release it by the end of the year. Also just had a new repress of Gloomlord on Iron Bonehead as well as new color variants on tape through Headsplit Records that should both be out late June.
AA: Lastly, a couple quick ones. Blasphemy or Beherit?
FS: Beherit all day but it is pretty close. Drawing Down the Moon was a transformative experience to me.
AA: Demilich or Demigod?
FS: Once again close call but Demilich. There will never be another no matter how hard anyone tries.
AA: Necromantia or Varathron?
FS: Necromantia, getting constant plays in the crypt on a weekly basis but His Majesty at the Swamp is legendary and I can't look that over.
AA: Any final words?
FS: Worm would like to thank you for including us in what I think will be one of the best zines of modern times. We would also like to thank those of you who have supported us Swamp Ghouls along the way and the correspondence we've had with many bands and individuals who share a common bond in keeping this underground scene alive. We will keep pumping out our ancient marsh hymns 'til the swamp is drained! Cheers - Phantom Slaughter
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lnights · 3 months
Multiamory March Day 26: matchmaker
Who wants some witchy fake dating?
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theam-cjsw · 1 year
The AM: June 19, 2023
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It’s The AM’s Sled Island Spotlight. Every year, you can count on choruses of “I don’t recognize any of the bands,” and every year you can count on finding brilliance when you get around to digging into the lineup. Tune in for an hour of music from Sled artists, along with two hours of your typical AM electronics, ambient jazz, psychedelic soul, and other sounds suited to rainy days and early mornings.
Listen on Soundcloud
Stream from CJSW
Spotify playlist
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(image: Sunset on the Baltic Sea – William Blair Bruce)
Hour One
Bloom Blue Lake • Sun Arcs
Everything Helps Julian Lage • The Layers
The surface and the light Colin Stetson • When we were that what wept for the sea
Learning to Say No Valiska • Wolf Moon EP
Homecoming Idlefon, featuring Kamyar Behbahani • Submarine
Home World 303 Khotin • Release Spirit
R.E.V.E.R.B. Gelbart • My favorite vacation
Solid States Cylindricon • Zettasecond
Persistence of Love Lo Five • Persistence of Love
Witchy Feel - Over the Counter Mix Maps • Counter Mixes
Hour Two
Changing Light The Ironsides • Changing Light
Dere Geliyor Altin Gün • Ask
Treasure Hypnotic Brass Ensemble • Single
Overhead Harrison • Birds, Bees, The Clouds & The Trees
Windows Leland Whitty • Anyhow
Honey Monster Rally • Beyond the Sea
Lava Flows Monster Rally • Beyond the Sea
Joyful Science Pearl & The Oysters • Coast 2 Coast
Ritual of Gods Whatitdo Archive Group • Palace Of A Thousand Sounds
Sour Times Portishead • Dummy
Agnus Dei Lalo Schifrin • Rock Requiem
Kotal Tynes • Tynes
Hour Three
Ghul wihtikow • ᒌᐸᕀ
Pronoia Michael Peter Olsen • Single
Space Jam Eve Parker Finley • Chrysalia
“Quotations” Water From Your Eyes • Structure
Tartamundo Helado Negro • Private Energy
God is a Reptile JayWood • Slingshot
Jreaming Ghost Woman • Ghost Woman
Gossamer Cola • Deep in View
Helena Sessa • Estrela Acesa
Lamento de un Galax Empanadas Ilegales • Creepy Mambo
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wesper-ao3feed · 1 month
something counterfeit
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/htem9r3 by LadyQuibbler “I’d love it if people would stop trying to tie me to that misogynistic stick in the mud. Just because he shit talked me in an interview – “ Nina said. “And then you cast a curse on him,” Jesper cut in. “I didn’t even write the song. That was all Jesper. If anyone should be cursed it would be Kuwei – “ “No one needs to throw witchy powers around to make Kuwei crash his car. He’s just a shitty driver,” Jesper cut her off. “You’re the face of the band, Nina,” Inej said. “People assume the songs are about your life.” “They do. And they are eating it up. Three of the top ten hashtags on Twitter are about you or the band. Streams jumped over night. Since this article came out it’s jumped from #15 to #6 in the charts,” Kaz said. “Wait – you’re saying this is a good thing?” Nina asked. “Of course. Any publicity is good publicity.” “Should we be doing something to capitalize on all the press?” Inej asked. “Nina is going to date him,” Kaz said. Nina was glad she hadn’t been eating otherwise she may have choked. ___ In which Nina, Jesper, and Inej are in a band, and Nina ends up in a PR relationship with Matthias. Whatever the written version of a jukebox musical is. Words: 5630, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo, Shadow and Bone (TV), The Grisha Trilogy - Leigh Bardugo Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Nina Zenik, Matthias Helvar, Kaz Brekker, Jesper Fahey, Inej Ghafa, Wylan Van Eck, Jarl Brum, Jan Van Eck, Kuwei Yul-Bo, Zoya Nazyalensky Relationships: Matthias Helvar/Nina Zenik, Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Eck, Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Rock Band, Crows as Found Family (Six of Crows), Enemies to Lovers, Slow Burn, Fake/Pretend Relationship, basically just an excuse to turn all my favorite songs into a story, Jukebox musical, is it still a jukebox musical if it is written?, has some forced closeting and Jan Van Eck hating, but a happy ending, eventually read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/htem9r3
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purpleyin · 4 years
I was tagged by @galaxy-creationz - thanks. :) It’s a fun distraction from work for a bit.
rules: tag 9 ppl you want to get to know better (I probably won’t manage 9 but we’ll see)
top 3 ships: 
Like, ever? Multishipper me weeps at having to choose just 3. Anyhow, in no particular order:
1. BBC Sherlock - Sherlock/Molly - I remember when it was a teeny tiny ship that people looked at you kinda sideways for shipping and some probably still do. This ship was the reason I joined tumblr back in 2012, so in a way it’s kinda responsible for everything I did here.
2. Stargate Atlantis - McWeir (Rodney/Elizabeth) - this definitely wasn’t a popular ship but we had a nice band of chill shippers for it. I ran a fic archive and forums for it, which was McWeir.com once upon a time. Even had pin buttons made up using a modified McDonald’s logo for some cons. I did speak to Ao3 about porting the old code/db for the fic archive but I am behind on some paperwork I need to do to get that going...
3. Fringe - Alt!Olivia Dunham/Alt!Lincoln Lee - I like any combination of Liv and Lincoln (and plenty of OT3′s with them in too), but the thought of the redverse version of them consistently made me 😍 or 😭. Liv is BAMF with a soft underside and Lee is trying to play it cool but has the biggest case of heart eyes/pining going on. I will never be over them. Case in point, I wrote a 12k fic about them years after the fandom died, which got like 3 readers total - but it was worth it.
last movie: 
*goes to consult my list of things watched* “Sierra Burgess Is A Loser,” for the 2nd time. And this time it spawned a fic idea for a followup (Sierra Burgess is Bi and Polyam), that I may never write because the fandom is probably non-existent and I have too many other plot bunnies. But Veronica is possibly bi based on canon.
currently reading: 
Technically at least 3 books. I vaguely started the first Witcher book but didn’t get far. Still not finished a witchy anthology book from last Halloween because the last few stories I read I was indifferent to. Also on one of the True Blood books near the middle of the series, but can’t remember which since it’s in a big omnibus version.
food im craving: 
Chocolate but we have none in the house. Especially that chocolate sauce that you put on icecream and it freezes solid, mmm.
Who to tag...no obligation here: @takeunknownroadnow, @cptnsuz-sae, @biprongs, @sophiainspace, @battys-home, @mychakk, @vampcoffeegyrl23, @tygermine and @agentmarymargaretskitz.
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agustfatdickthem · 5 years
Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Stray Kids (Band) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Bang Chan/Kim Woojin, Han Jisung | Han/Lee Minho | Lee Know Characters: Bang Chan, Kim Woojin, Han Jisung | Han, Yang Jeongin | I.N, Lee Felix (Stray Kids), Seo Changbin, Hwang Hyunjin, Kim Seungmin, Lee Minho | Lee Know Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Witchcraft, Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, Non-Graphic Violence, Sexual Harassment briefly mentioned, Demonic Possession, Insomnia, Anxiety, Sexual Tension, Minor Hwang Hyunjin/Kim Seungmin, Like really minor, Making Out, Witch Kim Woojin, Witch Lee Felix, Witch Yang Jeongin | I.N, Witch Lee Minho | Lee Know, Demon Hunter Kim Seungmin, Bang Chan-centric, Tarot, Swearing, Violent Thoughts Summary:
Chan is suffering from insomnia and Jisung suggests for Chan to seek help from Jisung's boyfriend's witchy housemate, Woojin. But things get worse rather than better when the sleeping potion Woojin gives Chan causes adverse side effects. There seems to be more to Chan's insomnia than any of them could have ever imagined...
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ao3feed-larry · 5 years
Love Potion Number 28
by jenguin
Harry is a witch in search of the recipe for a soul mate. Fate, however, has other ideas.
Words: 2490, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, tomlinson family - Character
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Additional Tags: Halloween, Witchy Harry, Bemused Louis, Fate, Leaf in the stream of creation, Paganism, Herbalism
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' https://ift.tt/2nY3toQ
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ao3feed-acotar · 4 years
Witchy Women
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35J65qp
by Single_Starling
Five years after turning their backs on their witch heritage and each other, the Archeron sisters are thrown back together after rescuing Feyre from danger. Now, the sisters must retreat to their childhood home to face the consequences, and reconcile with old wounds. Nesta, Elain, and Feyre must band together to rediscover their power, keep the suspicious new sheriff and his brothers at bay, and save themselves from a new threat that could destroy them all.
Words: 2065, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: A Court of Thorns and Roses Series - Sarah J. Maas
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Nesta Archeron, Feyre Archeron, Cassian (ACoTaR), Rhysand (ACoTaR), Tamlin (ACoTaR), Morrigan (ACoTaR), Elain Archeron, Azriel (ACoTaR), Amren (ACoTaR)
Relationships: Nesta Archeron/Cassian, Elain Archeron/Azriel, Feyre Archeron/Rhysand
Additional Tags: witchy women, the archerons as witches, the practical magic/charmed/ACOTAR crossover no one asked for, Magic, Sisterly Love
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35J65qp
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name: Redd zodiac: Taurus height: 5′7″  time: 11:04 am favorite band / artist: Currently Bad Religion & Hozer last song i listened to: "Under Pressure” by Leslie Odom Jr. last movie i saw in theaters: Terminator: Dark Fate last thing i googled: Uh...some Kardashian show thing for a student, technically. (Queer Theory was the last thing I googled for myself) other blogs: I have way too many to list... why did i choose this username: I think it captures an aspect of Jaina’s mindset in a way that is fitting. Plus, it’s legit from a line she tells her mom, so even more ansgt! average amount of sleep: If I’m lucky, 5. Normally? 3-4 what i’m wearing: Jeans, boots, a tank top, and a cardigan dream job: Professor & Writer!!! (Slowly making progress on that) dream trip: Ireland favorite food: Mmm...shepherds pie play any instruments: I was learning the guitar, but I haven’t tried in ages so... eye color: Blue-green hair color: Red languages you speak: English, some Irish, and some French random fact: I am obsessed with The Magnus Archives & Critical Role rn... describe yourself as aesthetic things: Uh...books, all things gothic and witchy, tarot and crystals, all things Irish...I don’t know??? describe your muse as aesthetic things: Boss Ass Bitch(TM)
tagged by: Stolen! tagging: Be a pirate; steal the thing!
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An Expansion of Musical Suffering
When you think of musicians that have dealt with a lot of hardships in their life, who do you think of? I’m going to go out on a limb and say you thought mostly of men. Kurt Cobain from Nirvana struggled with depression and drug addiction, David Bowie struggled with fame, and practically every popular rock band has dealt with personal disagreements and difficulties. It’s something most people are aware of. As a huge music fan, and a feminist, I’m especially aware of the attention given to suffering male musicians.
But, let’s move past that into a new realm of discussion. Today, I am going to talk about three female musicians, who have also had enormous struggles in their life, but have lived through it to continue to inspire and create music today.
First, let’s talk about Yoko Ono. You know her, right? Yeah, she broke up the Beatles, and was married to John Lennon. She has long black hair, with a witchy quality to her. This is what probably comes to mind when you think of Ono, but Lennon once described her as ‘the world’s most famous unknown artist: everybody knows her name, but nobody knows what she does’.
I think it’s clear that she doesn’t really care that nobody knows what she does. Since the late 60s, she has released fourteen experimental albums, has put out numerous art books, has received human rights awards, and still creates contemporary performance art.
Ono is also a large advocate for peace, something she’s done since she and Lennon protested the Vietnam war with ‘bed-ins for peace’, where they sat in bed in their pajamas and invited the press to talk to them.
Throughout this impressive career, Ono has faced hardship. People have long attacked her for supposedly ‘breaking up the Beatles’ when in fact she really didn’t do anything beyond hang out with them while they were recording music, and the band was already close to breaking up when she met John Lennon.
She’s faced racism and misogyny, and her art has been ignored in favour of a ‘simple narrative’ regarding her romantic history. All you have to do is read the youtube comments on any of her songs to see people saying she has a terrible voice and other horrible sentiments.
But, Ono prevails. Even at 85 she’s still creating, still advocating for peace and change. With all the hatred she faced, she never gave up, never tried to be more palatable to mainstream audiences, she just kept making music and art for herself.
Now, let’s look at another female artist who has been reduced to her relationship with a man. Courtney Love is widely known as the frontwoman for the 90s band Hole, but also for her highly publicized relationship and marriage to Kurt Cobain.
Their marriage ended in 1994 when Cobain committed suicide, and then Hole’s second album, Live Through This, came out four days later. These two events have led people to believe Courtney Love killed him just for the publicity, despite there really being no evidence supporting those claims. She has faced other hardships, such as drug abuse, the death of her husband, and dealing with her personal life being discussed in tabloids for years.
But, like the album says, she lived through it. Love raised her daughter, Frances Bean, by herself, Hole’s third album, Celebrity Skin, was Grammy-nominated, and has found success as a writer and actress.
Courtney Love has also made plenty of mistakes, such as alleged drug use during her pregnancy with Frances Bean leading to temporary loss of custody. There is also a story about Love punching musician Kathleen Hanna, who I’m going to talk about soon, at music festival Lollapalooza.
And although she has flaws and is by no means a perfect person, Courtney Love has kept going. In a recent op-ed written by Hole bassist Melissa Auf der Maur, she said it’s a miracle that Love is still alive, but she is alive and she is still an inspiration and an icon.
The final musician I’ll be talking about today is Kathleen Hanna. In the 90s, she was the frontwoman for the punk band Bikini Kill, and was a co-founder of the feminist music and art movement Riot Grrrl. As a singer, her voice is like an explosion, going from screaming rage to soft vulnerability often in the same song. But, her struggles started young as she grew up with an abusive father.
Once Hanna started singing in Bikini Kill, she often faced harassment from men who didn’t understand the band’s message. In fact, she has described being in that band ‘as a war’. There’s a line from one of Hanna’s more recent songs that goes ‘We’d be told that we weren’t real punks by boys in bands who acted like our dads when they were drunk’. Even though Bikini Kill was pushing boundaries and creating change for punk girls, it was still very hard with all the hate they were receiving.
After Bikini Kill broke up, Hanna moved into electronic music with the band Le Tigre, but in 2005 Le Tigre went on hiatus because Hanna had contracted undiagnosed lyme disease. Lyme disease is a chronic illness that has a myriad of symptoms, and left Hanna too weak to at times even walk up the stairs. At one point, she even suffered a small stroke.
But in the early 2010s, she went into remission from lyme disease, had a documentary made about her, and started a new band called the Julie Ruin, which has released two albums. She’s been active as an activist, helped create a Riot Grrrl archive at New York University, and recently launched a tshirt company funding education for girls in Togo. At one point, Hanna did have a relapse of lyme disease, and has dealt with the trauma of having an ‘invisible’ illness, but is still an inspiration to many, myself included, today.
To wrap this up, let’s talk about why these women have been ignored, or ridiculed, or attacked, throughout their careers. Obviously, sexism plays a big role in this, but more specifically I think it has to do with how the world views women. We want to view women as one-dimensional, as tidy packages with which we can continue the gender status quo.
We say Yoko Ono is an unlistenable experimental musician, and we leave it at that. We say Courtney Love is a drug addict with a dead husband and too much plastic surgery, and we leave it at that. We say Kathleen Hanna is an un-punk angry man-hater, and we leave it at that. But what if we didn’t? What if we expanded the conversation, and let women be who they are as their completely real, flawed, and inspirational selves?
-written by sagan, april 30th 2019
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comicteaparty · 5 years
August 3rd-August 9th, 2019 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from August 3rd, 2019 to August 9th, 2019.  The chat focused on the following question:
Describe your comic’s setting.  What made you choose this setting?
Steph (@grandpaseawitch)
For https://oldmanandtheseawitch.tumblr.com/, I chose a very nebulous interbellum period because I felt like that sort of gave me the best of all worlds. At heart, I just love me some vintage settings, especially the early 20th century. I knew I wanted a setting without modern conveniences, not only because it helps the comic stand up to aging and reduces the risk of falling out of date, but presents its own challenges and advantages. But while I wanted a vintage setting, I also wanted one that I felt like hadn't been done before in regards to mermaid stories, which are almost always set either in modern days or in the rough time period of the Little Mermaid--1700s to early 1800s. Interbellum Scotland felt like a unique setting that was, at once, hearkening to classical mermaid settings with sailboats and old-timey fisherman, tiny fishing towns, but with some trapping familiar to modern readers even they have vintage twists, like telephones but with switchboards, cars but they're old model Ts, things like that. I also felt like this period brought some neat ideas. I've never seen mermaids dealing with old radios or model Ts or a setting that had just recovered from a brutal world war with trenches and ocean mines and diesel and radar. Transitioning from pastoral to industrialized. Where does this element of fantasy, the mermaid story, come into play and interact with this? And you'll see that, even between Witchy and Ainsley, things revolving around mermaids are more fantasy-based with monsters and magic, while things revolving around humans are more realistic and down to earth, wondering about income and walking to work and selling your goods and what's going on south in england. And over time, things start to overlap and entwine as their relationship progresses, magic seeping into the human world and the mundane seeping into the mermaid world.
But overall I just love drawing and researching vintage things. ;3 And Scotland's just pretty as heck.
Galebound http://www.galebound.com/ takes place on a tidally-locked planet shortly before their equivalent to earth's industrial revolution. Steam engines are getting more popular, mostly used by merchants where the fixed wind and currents aren't helpful, and they're on the cusp of science and medical advancements that will make their planetary and magical system very problematic. The tidally-locked world came first, just 'cuz they're neat! Planets like that have one side constantly facing their sun so you get that whole fire-ice world with a narrow band of eternal twilight and safety in between. These type of planets, if they have a good atmosphere, also usually have a giant storm at the subsolar point. So I made that storm the carrier of their magic system, the Gale, because why not. This sorta setup causes some interesting narrative features, like the complete lack of night and seasons and huge swaths of the planet that are completely uninhabitable. The time period sort of just happened, but it worked out. I wanted it to take place later than sword-and-sorcery times, but it couldn't be too modern, so the early 19th century was about right. Also it sort of sets a time limit on fixing certain things, because certain scientific advances would make the magic system so ridiculously broken I don't think it could be salvaged ahahaha :'D(edited)
http://www.ghostjunksickness.com/ the setting in GJS is in a universe that has a variety of different time period aesthetics in one. It takes on a retro futurism where there's outdated tech from the 80's and 90's but there's also spaceships and technological advancements to make travelling from one planet to the next into a day trip. There's aliens and a variety of different people that make humans a minority in the population in a very mixed and blended cultural mosaic. The main setting of the story, which is a planet called June7 is also a place recovering from a inexplicable catastrophe which destroyed a majority of the planet's surface. It's unstable and crumbling structures make it difficult for the residents to thrive and something like transient bounty hunters have pretty much taken over the main livelihood of the planet.
We wanted to make a really well lived in setting, so we took inspiration from a variety of different cultures and stories that the science-fiction genre hadn't quite delved into.
For Phantomarine, http://www.phantomarine.com/, the basic concept was simple - I like the ocean, and I like ghosts, so I mashed them together into a haunted ocean But I also love worlds where beauty and danger are close neighbors - in this case, a network of sacred lighthouses keeps swarms of hungry ghosts away from the living population of the sea. I love stories where civilian life is pretty uncomplicated and chill - I've got a nice tropical fantasy vibe going on in these last couple chapters - but there's always a massive danger element looming over everyone's head. What if those lighthouses fail? What if you fall overboard outside the barrier? All that relaxing energy can change to morbid tragedy in a flash...(edited)
In terms of rough time period, I've kept it incredibly vague, mostly for my own enjoyment I have sailboats and motorboats existing side by side, color cameras, radios, electricity... certainly not technologically advanced, but it's got some 19th-20th century bits-n-bobs here and there. It's a fantasy world, but more supernatural than magical - gods, ghosts, some humans with strange gifts, but more often than not, a very strong boundary between ordinary and extraordinary. It's a story where a few normal people get swept up into all sorts of divine shenanigans, and have to find their way through.
Steph (@grandpaseawitch)
Finally getting a chance to read through phantomarine and I thought that blanket was familiar! Absolutely love the PNW-inspired outfit, @LadyLazuli !
AAH! Yes yes! I've spent far too much time at the Museum of Anthropology here in Vancouver to NOT be inspired by it. My world is truly a mishmash of cultures
Steph (@grandpaseawitch)
OHHH I WANNA VISIT SO BAADD. I need to get my washington license upgraded so I can take a trip up there to the museum!(edited)
But your whole comic is a delight. <3 I'll be retweetin' it in a bit when I finish reading.
AntiBunny http://antibunny.net/ is pretty straight forward. The city is inspired by film noir, hardboiled comics, and detective novels. It's an old city, so everything should look weathered, especially the old town district where most of the stories take place, so it's all brick work, broken plaster, cracked window panes and such. To some degree I also take visual inspiration from the historic district in my home town, and surrounding areas.
MJ Massey
Black Ball http://welcometoblackball.com/ is set in an alternate 1920s in the New York area. Because of course you set a 1920s comic in New York! But also, I used to live in the metro area and loved it, so to me it was natural to have the setting there. There's a lot of good reference, and lots of sneaky places one can hide a speakeasy. There are a whole bunch of good historical references as well, which makes it easier.
Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe R http://sgkdr.thecomicseries.com/ is set in a deliberately anachronistic fantasy world. There are biplanes and 20's cars, but there's also online message boards and cell phones. Fashion makes no sense, climate makes no sense, etc. The reason I built the world like this is because I wanted to mix up my background designs (and crowd designs) between scenes, and making a world that has no real consistency was the best way to get away with this in my mind. One town has modern art and roller skates, another has tents and open-air shops, there's a city on a hexagonal grid with triangular skyscrapers, this city: http://sgkdr.thecomicseries.com/comics/524/ uses a fractal pattern for its layout, etc.
http://ask-a-warlock.tumblr.com/ is based on the idea that a medieval fantasy can be MORE than a DnD piggyback ride. And like, the medieval time period was a couple thousand years, yo, there's differentiation between different time periods. I used it as an opportunity to revamp my worldbuilding techniques and I've learned a lot about frontier-style governments and societies that function without a central authority. Also marginalia are the best comics and no one can tell me otherwise.
Attila Polyák
The setting of Tales of Midgard https://talesofmidgard.com/ is at a glance pretty much what you’d expect a generic fantasy world to be. Aaaand in a way that is right. The setting is a world that used to be kinda medieval-Europe like a long time ago, magic became commonplace, and the world reacted. Instead of developing technology, like in the real world, magic became technology and ultimately it became so common that it satisfied the needs of everyone in every niche possible. And then modernization happened, because why wouldn't it? What we in real life call science and technology slowly got discovered and integrated with a magic-based economy. The end result is a world that looks a bit anachronistic but if you look at it more closely you’ll notice that most things either don’t have a real-life counterpart or if they do they actually mean very different things. This is the point where my main story takes place and the world we see in my comic.
Funari (Raison d'Etre)
Well for Raison d'Etre ( http://raisondetrecomic.com/ ) I was always inspired by anime and general Japanese culture/pop culture growing up, so I had a handle of 90s/00s Japan pretty well that I wanted to use it! I also grew up during the 00s as a teen so the fashions and stuff have stuck. Kinda giving off a sense of nostalgia with the memories that way. And the "Present Day"'s trends are just based off what I grew up with and what a future would look like if we re-cycled back to millennium pop culture, including the love for 60s/70s-inspired stuff, so it's a "neat mess" of that stuff
We haven't shown much of the other planes of existence yet, but we plan to soon. But the idea with those is alternate/fantastical takes on plain ol' Earth (the Middle Plane). Mildly so, though, as even Umbria and Celeste have evolved over time like Earth's denizens have. Little bits of modernization, and assimilation with Earth trends due to the eventual discovery of these planes by Earth's NKP folks.
KAME (commissions open!)
Describe your comic’s setting. What made you choose this setting? For http://tapas.io/series/dragonclawcomic I chose fantasy because I’ve always loved stories about epic adventures, and magical creatures, and I also love the elements from mythology that are often integrated into fantasy stories (gods and demons, heroes and villains, etc.). There’re so many wonderful worlds and characters and creatures that exist within a fantasy setting, and so many more you can create on your own, it’s overwhelming (I mean, Dragons, man, they’re awesome!). Probably one of the first things that got me into fantasy was the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon show, but recently and more importantly, the thing that inspired me to write my own story was the The Legend of Drizzt novels, which I absolutely love (and I’m thankful to my brother who sent me the first like 9 novels for me to read, when I didn’t know a thing about them, and now there are over 20?, I lost count, but I always look forward to the next book) and needless to say have and keep inspiring me a lot
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olivegreenrain-blog · 5 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: ATEEZ (Band) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Choi San/Jung Wooyoung Characters: Jung Wooyoung, Choi Jongho, Choi San, Kang Yeosang, Park Seonghwa, Kim Hongjoong, Song Mingi, Jeong Yunho (ATEEZ) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Sea, witchy vibes, Alternate Universe - Magical Realism, Magical Realism, Magical Boys, Woosan, Sea, Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language, Curses, I Will Go Down With This Ship, San wears eyeliner, San is spooky, Horror, Expect great adventures, Anal, Blowjobs, Fingering, lots of making out, kinda slow burn, Crushes, Dreamlike Summary:
The storm had been brewing for a while now on Heuksando and it was slowly filling the air with a deep milky fog, the birds had grown restless, the fairies flitted nervously collecting dead bugs to bring back to the rusted sea salt rocks, and Wooyoung’s skin prickled when he would walk the shore. He could taste blood in his mouth when he woke this morning, the gray sky reflecting off his dark eyes, and the tides in his veins.
Wooyoung's blood holds an ancient secret and a boy who wears too much eyeliner could know more than he lets on.
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