#with a bunch of people helping them sell the games they're making
harlequinchaos · 1 year
Tears of the Kingdom tips for surviving the new economy and whatnot, under the cut (in case of spoilers)
Once you get to Kakariko Village you can buy the Stealth Suit (Highly recommend doing the connected sidequest to bring the cost of the shop down). This makes it so you can walk up to fish, bugs, and creatures without them running away (if you sprint they'll still run) this is AMAZING for collecting these things as everything seems way more sparse in totk. No more chasing frogs for you my friend.
Food Tip: Critical Meals
Cooking between 11:30pm-12:00pm on the night of a blood moon gives you:
+3 hearts recovered to your dish
+1 level to whatever effect is present in your dish
+5:00 duration to the effect
Rupee Tip: Go Spelunking!
One of the biggest features in totk are the new caves systems that are literally everywhere. Oftentimes you'll find ore deposits and rare ore deposits and find Amber, Opal, Rubies, Sapphires and Topazes. Sell them for cash (I recommend saving sapphires, see below). If you see a wall of breakable rocks, usually it will drop rusty claymores and rocks for you to make more crude hammers. But a bomb flower or zonai time bomb work too (DON'T BLOW YOURSELF UP). Additionally, a cave will be marked with a ✔️ once you kill the bubblfrog inside.
Battle tip: Ice is OP.
Frozen enemies take double damage from your next hit, so try to always have a Magic Rod/Scepter with a sapphire fused to it, fusing a sapphire to a regular weapon works as well, but you're not aiming to hit the enemy with the source of the ice. Freeze > pause and switch to your strongest weapon> hit the enemy > switch back to your ice weapon > repeat to stunlock the enemy, works on everything that isn't a Lynel or Boss. Using Ice Fruit or Blue Chuchu jelly works too, but stuff is more rare in this game.
Relatively Easy Rupees:
You'll need:
-Bow & arrows (the stronger the bow the better)
-Sheild (for sheild surfing)
-Cold Resistance Armor (to survive)
-Speedy Elixir (optional, but it'll REALLY help)
-Access to Snowfield Stable (Hebra Region)
What you're gonna be doing is big game hunting in the snowy field north of the stable. All winter animals are capable of dropping Raw Gourmet Meat which is the best quality, including moose, the bears and the wolves. Sheild surf to get around quicker and then go for headshots with a bow and just hunt the animals for their meat. You'll want the speedy Elixir because you have to be pretty quick between the meat dropping and freezing. Once it's frozen it counts as a meal, but you literally get hundreds of rupees by selling 5 Raw Gourmet Meats cooked together.
Item Management: Brightbloom Mushrooms are the new Apples:
Going off of the previous tip of exploring the cave systems, you'll find Brightbloom Mushrooms almost more than anything else. Eventually you'll want to stop collecting them, but they're the perfect source of quick food fodder. Just cook a bunch together for quick hearts (and the glow effect which is nice in caves).
Advanced Combat Tip: Muddlebuds
If you've been to The Depths, one of the native plants are the Muddlebuds. These make it so enemies will attack each other when thrown (or attached to an arrow). I recommend wearing the stealth gear, sneaking up to a pack or finding a vantage point, and hitting the strongest enemy in the group with a muddlebud arrow. It'll start to attack it's allies, allowing you to sit back and enjoy the show. Note: enemies will still target you if they see you (hence the stealth/vantage point)
These are just a few tips, feel free to add more, and try not to be too spoilery for people who haven't played or haven't gotten far yet!
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rapunzelpumpkin · 27 days
MORE Summertime Band info I found!
If you're not familiar with the Summertime Band, they were an animatronic band made by Dave Thomas, a lead artist for Creative engineering.
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(Not my photo by the way..)
They were installed at Carrousel Park, an indoor 'kiddie' amusement center in Metcalf South Mall. I found some more information on them! Including a photo!!
^ This article mentions that there was a Gift Shop called "Miss. Felicia's Gifts and Souvenirs", if you didn't know, from some of the only footage we have of these guys, the dog on the very left is addressed as Felicia (Or That's what my ears hear). The gift shop in question sold a bunch of different stuff too!
"The gift shop, Miss Felicia's Gifts and Souvenirs, sells stick candy, twist pops and other items that recall days gone by while the popcorn and cotton-candy machines have an antique look.
There is even an old-style claw tub in the park, and you can redeem your tickets for antique looking toys and memorabilia." (quote taken from the article above.
Another interesting thing I found:
^^ This news article calls the "Summertime band" by a different name: "The Three Dog Afternoon" . The same section also mentions these bots to be " Made by the same people who made the ones at Disney World in Orlando". I've heard conflicting reports about who exactly made these bots, but I know Dave Thomas helped. If anyone knows who exactly was involved, let me know!
I dunno if people have seen this image before but... I found another image of them!
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Its hard to make out, but, they're there! Here's the article itself I took it from:
One of my biggest finds was more modern footage of the stage itself!!
This is a tour of Carrousel Park that was taken back in 2013. The actual showcase of the stage starts at 2:32
I'll leave the full video here too!
You need to understand something before you start reading the rest of this, this is a theory. A theory I believe, but there's a chance I might be wrong.(Insert game theory joke here/j)
If you look at some of the only available footage, you will see a Pillar next to Miss. Felicia, (The dog on the very left.)
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Now compare it to a screenshot of that more modern video.
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Also look at 2:56 for a better idea.
To top things off for this theory, take another look at this brochure, the pillar is in the same spot. Not to mention the vines on it too.
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To me, at least, this is the same stage shown in that more modern tour of Carrousel park. If anyone has a higher quality version of this brochure, please do share!
I hope y'all find this as interesting as I did! I hope that maybe someday we'll even have an archive of their showtape. I just want to document all that I can. These guys are really cool, and I hope for a day that someone like me won't have to dig too deep to find more info on them.
(Sorry for tagging some CEI related things, I just wanted to get this info out here and I know y'all would find this interesting!)
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greentrickster · 9 months
So something good that started in my life last December was that I stumbled into a bit of luck and now have a deal with a nearby geek culture shop to sell plush mages I make. This was extremely fortuitous, because I created the design and concept back in 2017, had made about ten before forcing myself to stop, and, other than gifting one to a friend, still had them all, and was planning to find a holiday donation bin for a charity that accepted handmade stuff, because I was tired of them taking up space in my room. Like literally the only reason I still had them was because life was hectic and I kept forgetting to go check for where any local donation bins were.
This is very exciting, the owner's super nice and helped me set some stuff up so I'm selling on consignment, which means I only get paid when someone actually buys one, but I get a bigger cut of the money when they do.
My dudes, I have an income again.
It's teeny-weeny and irregular, but I have one, and, almost more importantly, a bunch of them sold during and right after the holiday rush, so I get to make more, and it's giving me something to actually do besides working on my mental issues and trying to fill my time while I gain the mental health and stability to get, you know. An actual job. I'm currently making a few more to put in the store, then I'm going to focus on making extra stock to have available for when the local anime convention (and it's stale, stale vendor's hall) arrives this spring.
Not only that, it means that I can make as many of these things as I want for now! And while it takes about a day to make one mage, I'm flexing hard on my status as a professional ADHD haver by having three or four on the go at once, but in different stages of completion. So if I feel like sewing I can one on this one, but if I want to do some pinning I can work on that one, and the third one's ready to finish stuffing and assembling whenever I feel like it, now I want to take a break to watch anime, oooo~ sewing mood again-!
Like, this is in no way I can turn this into an actual career, just because, like I said, it takes about a day to make one from scratch, going at a pace that's both productive and physically healthy for me and also, given that they're about twenty inches tall, made of primarily minky fabric, and being done by hand, that means that I am selling them for nowhere near what they're worth, because people wouldn't be willing to pay that much. Like, the minimum wage where I currently live is (a ridiculous) $7.50 an hour. If I made one of these guys in six hours, that would mean they'd need to cost $45 just to cover my time, never mind materials and the fact that this is skilled labour, and that is not the price on the tag, let alone my cut. They look deceptively simple for all the tricks and techniques that go into one (never mind the fact that minky is expensive fabric, the craft safety eyes I use are special-ordered and very good quality, and, oh yes, these little fellows are machine washable). I literally cannot make a livelihood doing this.
But, like I also said, it's giving me something creative to do that isn't just more reading, writing, and gaming. I love doing all those things, but this is a kind of physical activity that I've needed in my life, and making something physical is so different than writing, with the wonderful bonus that minky fabric is one of my favorite textures! As long as I'm strategic about my acquisition of materials, I'm not going to be losing money on this, and while it's something I think is going to end up paying dividends more in my mental health than in my wallet, I will be earning money for this. I'm getting paid to make plushies to my heart's content (or until I run out of materials for the moment) while watching anime/youtube and working on my mental health, and, for now, that's not only enough, it feels really good!
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elie-draloup · 11 months
Aaaalright, Aslante Legacy, final game (until the new one comes out) of the serie, thoughts and theories ! Once again, spoilers for the entirety of the two trilogies and the movie. Probably some swearing too, here and there.
-Gotta love how every game starts with the Professor receiving some letter and immediately deciding without further thoughts or plan or questions : OK let's go, screw my job, screw Luke's parents (screw Flora), we're going on a new possibly deadly dangerous adventure !
-... Sycamore is actually Descole, isn't he ? I mean... Look at the hair.
-Excuse me, a million years old ?!
- Luke, meet your new big sister, she can make magic with her brain.
- OK but how are they going to explain this *opens door with incantation* thing.
-Oh wait it's easy : Vocal password. Aslante civilisation wasn't more advanced than us, they were just super overdramatic about it. Mystery solved.
- And Aurora can make a ship crash because she has a super magnet transplanted in her head.
-Kidding. This is a Layton game. Maybe the girl isn't even real and is an induced hallucination given by an old toxic gas freed from the ice and Targent is just a cellphones company harassing us to sell things.
-This or there was a big misunderstanding about a ridiculously ambitious escape game that went really wrong.
-Last option is that Aslantes indeed used to be technologically advanced and Aurora is indeed 1 million years old, but there has to be something else because I need the final dramatic reveal where Layton points.
-random person ; Oh so you're a little family on vacation! What a beautiful couple you make with beautiful children !
Luke : Actually, we're not related.
Layton : I don't have kids.
Emmy : And I'm single.
Aurora : What's a family again ?
-That scene were Grosky almost got killed by a bunch of mafia guys was brutal.
-Corruption, violence, attempted murder, terrorism, intimidation, mafia-like organisation, kidnapping, art theft, spying... And then there's Descole. I just love how you have so many "action-movie" kind of threats, and then you have that one middle-aged theater kid in a carnival suit.
-Well, now I can add human sacrifices.
-Mushroom people
-Egg people
-What's next, cactus people ?
-Oh no, the actual Far West.
-is that were the "Layton and the very large dog" thing comes from or...?
-Forgot to write things, but basically people poisened themselves with drugs AGAIN but with the help of a kid, a bird and a library they're okay. So now we have a bunch of eggs but I'll make a tour to do all the puzzles I might have missed. Sorry guys, archeology can wait, I've got some puzzles to do.
-Aurora is still politely waiting for me to talk to her in order to move the plot. The answer is still no.
-Since Sycamore is Descole (I dunno, the hair. Only Descole would have that kind of haircut.), I'm starting to wonder if maybe... Emmy works for him ? Because.. I dunno, some PNJ just told Sycamore how he seemed to care a lot about Emmy, and Sycamore never striked me as the kind of person to look (or even be) caring so yeah I just... Am I reading too much into that ? Emmy does know martial arts and kinda came out of nowhere. But also... She's Emmy. Or maybe it's just a way to say "Sycamore may be Descole, who did tried to kill the protagonists on several occasions, but hey, he can be a nice guy too when he's not maniacally laughing out of madness !". Or just a dumb pnj saying nonsense.
-A fake egg huh. Who did it. It HAS to be someone travelling with us. Sycamore could be an obvious suspect but...Targent has the egg and Descole hate them. Hm.
-Yes, bring the kids to the evil mafia's lair surrounded by people with guns. Then don't let Flora take the train for her safety.
-Ah well one dude got shoot off screen apparently. Probably bleeding as hell. Wonderful sight for Luke's nightmares, a guy covered in blood, barely managing to escape from the people still running after him to end his life. Let's follow him.
-Yes quit your mafia job, take some vaccations, get married or whatever, wish you luck guys. We really hope that you're genuine otherwise that guy we left behind will be very dead huh.
-Sycamore looks way too familiar with Targent's methods. So that what happened to your wife and daughter, huh ? But Kornev seems disinterested in him now, despite his Aslante knowledge. Is the "Legacy" just a method to bring people to life ? That would explain why Descole is so eager to find it. Also can't wait to see Layton's reaction to the reveal of him being Descole. I mean, yes it's just a theory but.... Common it's just so obvious.
-I'm sorry but this girl attempted suicide, we should listen to her and IMMEDIATELY stop this whole thing like she said. I don't know what the azran legacy do but it seems like it's a bad idea to find out, after all.
-Eh, told ya. He had to reveal himself with his signature laugh, didn't he. Also... Yes ! Swordfight! (I feel like Layton will never respect him enough to fight him with an actual sword. This feels like a "You're the loser yet I'm the one with a broken pipe, you pathetic fake swordsman." vibe.
-Can we talk about how heartbroken Aurora must be right now ?
Aurora : You're my friend ? You mean it ?
Desmound: Of course !
Also Desmound : I'm stealing this from y'a, I used you all as a bunch of tools mouwhaha bye !
Aurora : =(
-PROFESSOR YOU CAN'T BRING FOUR PEOPLE TO FLY ON ONE SINGLE DEAD DINOSAUR was what I thought during the cutscene. Until I saw it was just Layton to catch up Descole. It's just... Layton has a HISTORY with hand-made flying devices.
-Also Kornev didn't seem to care that much about losing so they'll just follow them on the finale temple with a bunch of guns I guess. I got spoiled that Luke is going to die and I'm starting to worry a little. Hence why I think they're going to unlock the power of bringing people back to life. But I also guess such power comes with disastrous consequences. Though by the look of Aurora behaviour, it seems like the whole world is doomed.
-Oh hey Descole. Need a hand opening that door ?
-And here they are with the guns.
-Hehe, gun proof ceiling.
-OK I'm fine, it's ok, alright, good, let's keep going. It's not like I wasn't used to betrayals in video games. But still. What the heck.
-Heeeey, Descole, pal. Guess we're a team now, if you're not in the mood of trying to kill me today ! And you know I would destroy the entire world and then myself if anything had to happen to Luke, riiiight?
-The guy asked for a team up himself, I don't even get to laugh at him.
-Oh thank stars Luke is okay. But for how long.
-I'm sorry Emmy, but you still lied and spied on us. Also threatened Luke. It sucks because you're awesome but still a traitor. I suppose that explains why she won't be around for the next games.
-Luke and Descole being salty at eachother is SO fun to watch.
-what the heck.
-Descole took a bullet for Luke. First of all : Can you PLEASE stop giving this kid near-death experiences, I heard he's supposed to die at some point and it makes these situations even more intense. Even if I know he'll come back thanks to the other games but still. Also... What the actual heck ?
-.... Brothers ?!
-.... Father ?!!
-Well, that was... a lot. Guess I'll let you die there, I have to save the world so uh, not the greatest time for a family reunion.
-Everything has gotten 1000 times more awkward between these two. I mean imagine if Descole make it alive:
Des : uh...Little brother.
Layton: Let's not.
Des : Yeah, sounded wrong when I said it too.
-You....You're telling me that all the grunts died on the way here ? Well good thing we haven't met with any of the corpses I guess.
- See Emmy ? This guy would rather see you die on a puzzle than try it himself. I hate him so much. Now I get why Emmy seemed so taken aback after her first meeting with the Professor. That's why she was surprised to be shown some consideration, after years spent with this guy.
-He just... ran the sword through her heart with NO second thought.
-Wait, EVERYONE dies ?!
-And in a very painful and disturbing way ?!!
-They were on the ground. They were dead dead.
-End of the world : Successfully avoided! At the price of ☆trauma☆
-Luke watching his adopted sister disintegrate. Ouch.
-Descole being like : SEE YA ASSHOLES. If he stayed he was sooooo going to jail.
-Fffffffriend ? With him ? Hershel.... I get that it's your biological father, but he also proved himself to be some crazy heartless jerk. On the behalf of "good intentions", but the end doesn't justify the ways. Loved how he made it clear that his parents are his ACTUAL parents and nothing, not even a biological father will ever changr that though. And that HE IS Hershel Layton.
- So let me get this straight. Layton lost his family at 6 because of the mafia of science(was this close to my random "seven curse" theory.). Then lost his best friend at 17 and grieved him for 18 years while blaming himself before he got back from the dead. Then lost his fiancee at 27 and almost got killed by trying to discover the circumstances of her death. Then lost a kid he had to take care of when he was 35 right after being revived by said kid. And witnessed the death of his fiancee AGAIN at 37. And all this with no therapy. I think I get why he has such a harsh time expressing his emotions.
-At least Emmy got to live a REAL independent life. I think she couldn't stay after all that since the trust has been broken, but she still get to have the opportunity to grow on her own to choose who SHE wants to be, not some fake uncle. Wonder if we'll have some news from her in the next game, since now they can acknowledge both of the trilogies.
-Luke and Layton after getting home:
Layton : Not a word to your parents about the whole... dying and stuff ?
Luke : Nope. Definitely not.
-I wonder if one of the reasons Hershel is more protective of Flora is because he's projecting Aurora on her. I mean it's hinted that she got reincarnated, but to him she's still very dead.
-I hope we'll have at least some cameos or references to all those characters in the new game. And a hint that they all went to therapy because heck do they need it. Do something of these coins, professor.
-Wait a second, something's wrong.
- Probably because he was as confused by everything for this one.
-Besides it's hard to be more overdramatic than Descole. Desmound? Descole?
-Wait wait wait... It's implied that Desmound's wife and daughter got killed by Targent, right ? Did it happened under the command of his joke of a father? Did that happened or did I forgot something ?! Like what.
- Hershel please don't call this shithead a friend. He's not. Why am I more angry at Bronev than you are.
-Silly idea of Layton and Descole attempting a talk like normal brothers :
Des : So remember that time we died ?
Layton: Oh yes. Yes. And, uh, saved the world.
Des : And that one kid really died.
Layton : I can still kill you in a swordfight you know, that's gentleman's approved.
Des : *sips tea*
And this was the final one. I would have done Mysterious Village and Pandora's Box too but I already played those before I began to write my thoughts while playing so there would be no point now that I know the plots. Anyway, I absolutely loved these games and can't wait to play the new one on Switch, after going through both trilogies, I'm ready for the new wave of angst !
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eorzeashan · 1 year
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Shae and Eight are a funny pair to me bc I absolutely think Shae stomped up to the Alliance and went give me all your best warriors and every head turned to Eight in the middle of eating a sandwich who then proceeds to make this face bc he was so close to having a long break from work
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Also, since Echani are historically Mandalorian rivals, I feel as if the move to take on an Echani as an ally in the middle of a Mandalorian civil war looks very controversial as if Shae is willing to use help from anyone even if it's shameful because she's so desperate to win/have overwhelming strength on her side, even if it means selling out to old enemies. Shae however, is rather contemporary, so she doesn't care about how it looks traditionally--he's one of the most skilled of their ilk, incredibly effective against other Mandos, and from the Alliance and that's all that matters to her.
Eight on the other hand, does feel a bit out of place, but he gets to make his ancestors proud and slaughter a bunch of bucketheads, so he's more than willing to finally fight an enemy that wants to die like warriors. He's not doing it out of his own interest though--Lana definitely sent him to keep an eye on those "predators" and possibly assassinate either Mandalore if needed, but that's not a high priority on his list and he deferred to Shae mostly since she made it clear she just wanted a good hunting dog to accompany her. And that's what he does best: kill who he's asked to, and protect.
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Even more dog motif! Funnily enough, Vizla is the name of a bloodhound breed. So they're both just barking at each other, wolfdog and bloodhound. This is why Eight hates talking though. Every time he speaks up, someone goes "I'm not listening".
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As charged as it feels to have her as his temporary leader, they work well together, especially since Eight prefers a no-nonsense make-myself-clear person of authority to just use him without frills attached. The posturing and social game of the usual Sith back home was more than a headache, and her directness makes it easier for him to not have to make decisions where they're not asked for or needed. Unlike Lana, who makes so much effort to try to appeal to him that it annoys him that she'd pretend to be his friend instead of getting to the point. Which isn't her fault for wanting to be close to her right hand, but to him it feels very mixed-- that she can't decide whether to treat him like a person or a weapon.
On a tangential note, I really like the idea of Eight interacting with Mandos a bit more than I did my first run; I feel as if the shared history between them and his own people makes for mutual curiosity and his odd appearance really uh, shone in the midst of all the armor.
In other words, I think Shae's mando camp all started petting him en masse.
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celeste-hiro · 9 months
Big Celestia/Chihiro/Celeshiro headcanon post:
Wanted to compile a bunch of my headcanons here:
Starts off cold towards the class as in canon, but warms up to them. Becomes fiercly protective of them since they'rw her only friends
If she catches people bullying Toko, Chihiro, Taka, Hifumi, Makoto, etc she will retaliate
Is trying to come off super cool but is actually incredibly awkward. Most of the class still think she is cool after bedriending her
Extremely eager to show off her knowledge about her interests. Will just infodump on whoever is willing to listen.
Cries a lot in secret
Very insecure about her body and appearance
Also insecure about her interests that aren't gambling and European culture. Only Chihiro, Hifumi, Makoto, and Kyoko know she's into things like manga and video games. The rest suspect she's secretly a nerd.
Speaking of also prone to gamer rage and she's very thankful the dorms are sound proof
Secretly a My Little Pony fan. Only Chihiro knows because they made a joke while they were hanging out once about her name and noticed her panic. She took her first name from Princess Celestia. Also why she calls the others darling after befriending them.
If Byakuya's not around she'll be one of the first to offer to pay. She is bad at showing how much she values the others so she compensates with paying for meals or tickets to places
Basically kind of a bitchy Rarity once she has gotten over herself and connected with everyone.
Sews her own clothes, and eventually starts making clothes for the others with a discount on comissions
Gets roped into the obligatory D&D episode by Hifumi
Comes from a family that lived in poverty, got bullied as a kid as a result
Part of the bullying was being called a loser over and over again
Why she ends up being one of the first to stick up for the others
Has learned some self-defense to protect herself since she spends a lot of time illegally gambling
While she does drop more and more of her persona as time goes on, and is more authentic with everyone she still prefers the Celestia name and fancy clothing. They help her feel comfortable in her own skin.
She's only really comfortable using Taeko with the rest of Class 78, and even then not when they're out in public
Absolutely unable to cook well
Will start arguments with Byakuya, Leon, and/or Mondo for the fun of it.
Her and Makoto kinda confide in each other about how they feel like fakes next to everyone else.
She has read every single one of Toko"s books multiple times.
Ocassionally she will correct Hifumi when he gets something wrong about an anime and whistle innocently when people are stunned she knew that.
Makes the time to go to events the others are doing like Sayaka's concerts or Hina's swim meets.
Once she went with Hifumi to help sell his doujins. Ended up with Hifumi punching a guy in the face for creeping on her.
Sakura and Mondo also worry about her going to seedy parts of town to gamble and have discreetly followed her to make sure she's safe
She enjoys challenging Kyoko to various cars games
She also ends up enjoying discussing history with Taka
While at first she really hated Yasuhiro she did end up finding he could have surprisingly good advice from time to time.
Trans girl. I accept any hcs on their gender. For me personally I just see them as a trans girl who compensated by trying to fit into a mold of manliness before realizing and accepting her identity.
She still likes to work out and try to get stronger.
Into making mods for video games
Has been into just about every embarassing fandom at one point or another. Superwholock, Homestuck, Undeetale, MLP, Steven Universe. She was overjoyed when she found out Celeste was too.
She will also haplily offer to pay for the others when Byakuya's not around. Her programming skills have made her a good amount of money, placing her just behind Celeste's wealth and 3rd highest overall
Also can not cook at all
Has a terrible sleep schedule, will need coffee as soon as she wakes up
While she identifies she/her she still doesn't have many feminine typical interests beyond the clothing.
Bottles up frustrations and anger, lets it out online in arguments.
Genuinely admires all of her classmates
Besides Makoto she is the most popular person in her class
Cries a lot too, but openly
She has written a program for each classmate that helps with their talent in some way
They kept it a secret for a long time
While keeping it a secret everyone thought they were just crushing on each other and kept trying to get them together
They kept playing it off pretending not to get it
Kyoko knew from the start
When they finally let the others know it was after they had an argument that was their first big argument.
They like spending a lot of time together in their dorms watching movies/tv, playing games together, being affectionate, and talking a lot
Because they both have a lot of hang ups they end up comforting one another a lot.
Said this before but Celeste ended up trauma dumping on the first date.
Celeste also had a panic attack prior to the date
In general even though it seems like Celeste is the cool mature one, Chihiro is the one that's more mature
Chihiro is drawn to Celeste because she thinks she is cool, that she is protective, and admires her willpower
Celeste is drawn to Chihiro because she loves her optimisim and friendliness. That she is not judgmental, and is always willing to listen to her ramblings
After they reveal their relationship they get a lot more affectionate in public
Chihiro also basically moves into Celeste's room.
Because Celeste forgets to lock her door a lot, they have been walked in on by every single one of their classmates at least once
They get married pretty quickly after graduating
While they don't really want to have kids the old fashioned way, they do get very adoption happy and they tend to spoil the kids. They might even run a foster home
Among them is Kokichi who Celeste likes to playfully have compete against Kyoko's protege Shuichi
Kyoko nor Chihiro even realize there's supposed to be a rivalry going on
Chihiro and Celeste are very cuddly. They find it difficult to get to sleep without touching the other in some way
Celeste makes Chihiro clothes for free
Because neither of them can cook they order take out a lot.
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ttrpg-smash-pass-vs · 10 months
wait why are you against shadar-kai? (apologies if it's in the video, am not watching it now as it's approaching 3am)
Eh, it's far enough from them appearing that I guess I won't skew the polls. They are the most painfully fake-edgy thing I've seen. I open it looking for the distilled essence of the teens in a 2000's hot topic, but I just see executives painting the façade. They're corporate posers. Here's a list of things that ARENT the reason.
Thier plot to help the dark dragon Despayr corrupt magic in the Shadow Swamp (the edgier version of the Mere of Dead Men).
Only feeling emotion when ending a life or contemplating death
Pretty unless you see them in thier plane, showing them as corpselike
ignoring pointless things like "comfort" and "morals" and "rules"
being the chosen of the Raven Queen, and on her behalf collecting dark tragedy, sorrow, and feelings of loss.
Pledging thier souls to said dark not-quite-god of mysteries and shadow because they felt she was the only one edgy enough to end the war between Corellon and Lolth. Pledging thier souls to dark mystery was curse only they were special enough to endure
Having shadows that lash out when they feel moody
being corpse pale with jet black hair, pure black eyes, and covered with tattoos/piercings/anything that would make a generic white suburban mom in the 50's scream in terror.
Their abilities being things like "souldrinker" and "weight of ages"
Here's what DOES annoy me
All of the above without feeling like it's the result of genuine passion or understanding. This feels like a bunch of businessmen thinking "hey didn't we have those shadow fey? We can add edge to that, it'll sell great! We can even make it an elf, everyone loves elves!" At BEST it feels like it was written by someone who rewrites warhammer stories to remove the satire and humor. Then screamed as the rest of thier team corrupted thier vision. Edgy shit is fun because people have so much passion pouring though, I fucking adore it. Good edge feels like someone in charge is letting out a vision they've been loving since they were 12. This doesn't feel like a passion project, but like a spreadsheet.
They're just like, the most imbalanced statblocks in the book? Like by thier own metric they're supposed to be listed as at least 3 CR higher than they are, these things can easily kill half a party in one round and be out of reach by the end of thier turn. Why does that CR 7 creature have damage output on par with a demon lord, with bonus action teleport, extra speed, and reach? Why does the CR 11 have a 45 damage AoE with EXHAUSTION LEVELS. These are the epitome of WotC's kink for thier special little elves and I hate it. Like when I need to give a negative example of game design, I point to the Shadar-kai Shadow Dancer
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demonsfate · 6 months
Oh my fucking god.... the fudkdjid ball. Can you believe this shit. I played today and got free items and they all suck, everything is ported from TK7 and looks cheap af. All while getting my ass kicked by a fuckng Azucena who STILL does the busted WR move she has (nerfed my ass).... and for some DAMN reason I got matched with a GOD OF DESTRUCTION JUN. I barely got one round out of them with my Mighty Ruler Jun. It wasn't even ranked. It was quick match, why is there no restriction there??? This game stresses you out sometimes like jfc..
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I still remember when Twitter shills were actually trying to defend this lol. This was at the time of the store's release. (So talking about the first four outfits available). Which is funny, because even though I was already vocal about what a shitty move selling ports was, virtually... no one said a damn thing. And really? No one continued to say anything until the cyborg suits and fight pass were announced. THEN people finally said something. Which makes me happy but really, nobody shouldn't have stood for ANY of the ports to begin with. I guess maybe people were holding out for hope that the OTHER items wouldn't be ports and it was just a rocky start, or maybe people didn't catch on at first, but then y'know... everyone lost hope when he all realized, yup, third store update and it's still ports. We're never gonna get anything original, huh?
And like this tweet is wrong. These ports AREN'T good enough. A lot of times, as you said, they're very cheap looking, they don't match the game's quality, their textures are OFTEN blurry or stretched, or just lacking BASIC DETAILS. (Jin's Tekken 4 hoodie looks horrible, Xiaoyu's Tekken 4 dress and King's Tekken 2 outfit looks plastic-y, Hwoarang's outfit has blurrier and stretched textures, etc etc)
Like look at this letterman jacket for example...
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Why is it all PLASTIC and SHINY looking???? If you look up real letterman jackets, none of them have this texture!!!
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I thought the whole point of Tekken 8 was that it's built from the ground up and is supposed to have superior graphics. These Tekken 7 items just look out of place because of this. Do you really want a bunch of clothes that are randomly shiny in your game? It looks weird and it looks bad.
Once you get Azucena, Victor, or Dragunov in the higher ranks, your chances of survival drop to 10% LOL.
That's actually really funny because many players will suggest Quick Match because it's "less stressful" as you can't lose your rank in it. But like??? Every time I play it, I DO match with somebody who's a far higher rank than I am and I end up getting my ass handed to me in a matter of SECONDS. It's like yes, I know playing against higher skilled people can help you improve. But like, I'd rather play against who's a bit better than me - not somebody who's 100x better and can just DEMOLISH me to the point where I can't even see or understand what's happening! It makes me feel like I'm a small kid playing chess against a 73 year old grandmaster who's been doing it all his life lol.
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zorilleerrant · 7 months
I like to think that Rose makes fake infomercials for all of her products, and has roped all of her family, friends, and neighbors into making them. which means, eventually, The Doctor gets tapped to star in one, where he gamely holds up toys and talks about their fantastic qualities. now he's pretty charismatic, and he loves teddy bears and all, so I think he'd get very enthusiastic about this, and become very popular all over the internet.
so we know he always calls himself The Doctor, even in contexts where it doesn't make sense, but in a channel of fake toy infomercials (with real handmade toys to buy) I don't think people would question it too much. they even get him to say "trust me, I'm The Doctor" and other catchphrases like that by leaving comments. he develops a cult following, and, owing to this, Rose puts him in even more videos and gets him to talk up all of her most popular products. she's doing great business out of all this.
one time, he tries to show off a talking bear. the bear says something normal, like "I love you", but it's advertised with the ability to email Rose your own audio files and she'll record them for the bear. except this one doesn't turn on immediately - so The Doctor has to sonic it better. works pretty quickly, the bear starts playing music, and he goes, see, what a fascinating product! which, of course, makes the bear very popular after the video goes viral. what else does it do? well it makes people want his sonic screwdriver.
now I don't think almost anyone thinks it's an actual device, they think he was just being funny, but it means that Rose gets to design a whole bunch of novelty penlights and they start selling really well, too. (just cheap bulk ones and she sculpts decorations onto them, well within her wheelhouse.) and The Doctor, by popular demand, starts using them to give the plushies 'checkups' and make sure they're all feeling their best.
so, because he does silly little skits like that, and he's called The Doctor, people think he's a toy doctor, and start sending in their dolls and bears and toy cars and everything to get patched up. Rose can do that easily; that's the same sewing, stuffing, painting, etc. that she's already been doing when she makes things by hand. maybe she learns some new techniques, which I think she'd be excited to try, but most things I think would be very quick repairs and send all the toys home happy and healthy. except it's odd that it's happening so much, because no one has put together that people think The Doctor is, like, The Toy Doctor yet.
but The Doctor has also noticed this influx of orders and is all, well, if people are going to be sending so many in anyway we might as well add a separate order form, and while we're at it let's make our own site, that'll be cheaper and more convenient. and Rose is all do you even know anyone who can make a website because all my friends are, no offense, kind of bad at it, and you shouldn't believe them when they say they know how. and The Doctor's like of course I know someone, it's Mickey.
and Mickey's like, oh sure, I'll do you a favor, and drops by the house to help set up Rose's website because he wants to install some design software for her to make it easier to do mockups and such, and he gets to explaining, and then The Doctor finally comes home, and at first Mickey's like, hey, and keeps explaining, but then he finally looks at The Doctor and he's like. why do you have a different face that's the same face that I thought you already didn't have anymore, and The Doctor has to explain.
and then Mickey's like. I thought you lived with Martha now and also what happened to the version of you who looks like me, did you just abandon Martha? and The Doctor's like. I don't think that part has happened for me yet it's probably yet another version of The Doctor who isn't really The Doctor but just looks exactly the same because that's happened really a lot of times now. or else it's a future version of me! and Mickey is like. right well enjoy your website
and then Rose asks Mickey to do infomercials for her toys and since Mickey thinks the toy monsters are really cool he's very enthusiastic about them and then his videos go viral too
also Mickey is the only one who realized why people think he's The Toy Doctor and has to explain about toy hospitals
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tinytonestar · 9 months
Hello! I love your artwork and am inspired by you. I wanna ask how you make your prints and stuff!
I’ve always wanted to run a shop, but I’m afraid of the whole copyright stuff since studios like Larian forbid selling fan art for profit. However I always wanna try it out because I CRAVE merch too.
Do you have any advice for people starting out? Much love! 💕
Thank you!!! I'm really flattered that people are inspired by my art! I'm really small so it means a lot to me!!! uou I genuinely wing a lot of stuff I do but I research stuff for fun so I'll spill what I got and what I've been through lmao. For prints I recently went back to making my own! I use an Epson ET-8550. It's a nice printer and a single bottle of ink will last a good while and costs only $18. Any nice inkjet photo paper (eg. RedRiver paper is very good but can be pricey) will do! Tho I'm personally still on a quest for a balance between quality and cost effective photo paper qwq On the other hand, Catprint is popular for outsourcing, and prob a better choice if you don't wanna buy a $600+ printer. Only downside with them is their colors are mid if you're used to the bright colors of self-printing due to Catprint using laser printers instead of inkjet, but they're not terrible! I used them for a while for bigger quantities. In terms of copyright, it's a huge gray area. There are many other, better explanations online on how artists can get away with selling fanart that my brain is too small to provide lmao. In layman's terms it's like...free advertising for franchises. They won't explode you for making a few hundo on art you made of their video game characters that they made millions on. But take that with a grain of salt I'm very small and confused myself :'D For starting online shops, I like Bigcartel! Etsy charges a bunch of fees from what I've heard, but they do a lot of the advertising for you if I remember right. Running your own shop requires advertising yourself which I still don't like doing so I just stick to Artist Alley at cons for the majority of my activity lmao. Oh and Pirateship is fantastic for cheap shipping rates! Anyways sorry for going off I have circus brain uhhh hope this helped!! I feel u on that craving merch itch tho. A lot of stuff I make are mostly byproducts of things I really want for myself salkdhdkl cries in like 50 Astarion pieces
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zeravmeta · 2 years
Aye, let me regale you all of my FFXIV OC who technically doesn't exist because I don't play FFXIV and have only had the lore explained to me by mutuals
So imagine a guy, right? John 'Warrior of Light' Fantasy from FFXIV is whoever you need them to be, and she's also full of a bunch of different versions of themself like Fray and the John Fantasies of Fantasies past and also haunted by Zenos' own shadow self (maybe).
WOL is just Built Different as per the events of the game, surviving things they shouldn't, getting body snatched, soul split apart, the whole nine yards of anime things that happen to people to hurt them. However, they don't ever actually die, because they are the aforementioned super badass hero who ends the cycle of shit once and for all, as Hydaelyn says herself "Now all of you will Walk to your Ends after the Warrior of Light Brings the Shadows."
Having been explained that, I took all the bits of the lore and went "What if my WOL was a zombie?" and thus, we have Z.M., otherwise known as Zombie Mailman (Note: I suck at naming my OC's so I always just have tagline code names for them, but Zombie Mailman is actually called Z.M. because it's funny that he has an actual tagline name of his initials without knowing how on the nose it is)
The basic idea for this guy is that FFXIV is full of guys who don't die: Emmet-Selch, Zenos, the Primals, Niddhog, etc, all these dudes who persist out of spite and willpower for all their various reasons. However, despite all the noble/terrible goals they each try to sell you on, they all share a pretty important distinction: They're super unhappy. All of them are immortals but they also fucking HATE being alive for one reason or another, so I took this concept and went:
"What if the Warrior of Light was sent from Hell to deliver these immortals their last rites? After an eternity of suffering, they've clearly forgotten how to die, so the emissary of hell isn't here to drag them back but to help them pass along." And thus, my WOL OC is a literal zombie mailman who runs around working as a mail delivery man and moonlighting as a world saving hero because Someone needs to help these poor saps fucking die already.
Furthermore, all WOL's in canon just kind of appear one day, so the way my John Fantasy gets Fantasy'd is that he literally just crawls out of the ground naked in true zombie fashion, gets found by the Delivery Moogles and the Lalafel Post Office and is offered a job, and now everyone stares awkwardly as the cute little woodland creature guys have this 8ft intimidating dragon-pangolin guy whose clearly dead helping them in the office and backhanding any and all rude customers through a wall.
He has blue skin and wears the standard mailman fit (colored white because I like it but also the white medical towel doctors put on corpses), uses her pronouns interchangeably (corpse who has no identity except what they make), and they're actually very sweet but always kind of nippy and frustrated because all these guys who keep postulating about the nature of humanity are just trying to dodge the fact that, no they really have just forgotten how to die, like IDIOTS. Also a fun little wrinkle to his design (in my head) is that even though he's this ancient corpse, ZM is actually very youthful in appearance because it's a nice juxtaposition to all these older characters who are literally melting but still alive vs a young person who is very much dead.
Anyways heres a few fun little snippits of ZM from my discord in DM talks
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Might I share more about ZM? Maybe some day....
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necromatador · 1 year
5, 14, 25, 29, 38, 41 for Jaz and/or Alkimos! (you can do just one or both, up to you <3)
Hi babby~
Alright this is gonna be a long one so I'm gonna put this below a cut but let's gooooooooo!
5. How do they dress? What styles, colors, accessories, and other possessions do they favor? Why?
So Jaz likes to dress flamboyantly, with plenty of jewelry and meticulous make-up. His favorite colors are warm browns and pinks (mostly softer pinks). His jewelry is almost entirely gold with rubies and diamonds. It's absolutely to make himself look higher-class and powerful, he wants to look intimidating in every form. It is also a way to distance himself from his past as essentially a nothing. Alkimos meanwhile likes to dress either in nothing (in his true sphinx form, whereas Jaz wears a lot of jewelry and make-up even as a manticore) or in comfortable, sturdy, and looser clothing. He doesn't like his movement to be restricted, and he doesn't want something that'll rip or fall apart easily. He prefers light cool greys, white, and pastel purples. As a nod to Jaz he does have a few outfits that are a little fancier with finer make, but he doesn't wear them except when they're needed.
14. What do they care deeply about? What kind of loyalties, commitments, moral codes, life philosophies, passions, callings, or spirituality and faith do they have? How do these tend to be expressed?
They are loyal to each other first and foremost, since they've relied on each other for survival for so long. Beyond that they are committed to making life better for fablefolk, and will give a modicum of respect to the fieldfolk who actively help them in that goal. They generally have a bit different of a moral code than society at large, due to both being criminals and being fablefolk who grew up outside the walls of the city. They grew up wild and free and unafraid. They put on a veneer of respectability and lawfulness, obviously, to navigate within the city and it's government, but they have little loyalty to the people running the city. This is a problem to some in charge. It makes them a threat. I've also mentioned they have a specific focus on dismantling the cultural practice of Hunting. It's a hard battle, but Gallecross is already leagues ahead with considering fablefolk as people with rights compared to some other areas. They know that places outside of walled cities can exist with a peace between fieldfolk and fablefolk, they grew up in one that was destroyed by Hunting. But Jaz and Alkimos use at least some of their income to experiment with substitutes for magical ingredients that come from Hunted fablefolk, and are working on programs for sustainable harvesting of ingredients from (or rather donated by or bought from) fablefolk that are willing and compensated (Jaz sells his own venom for example, and things like shed dragon scales instead of fresh, etc, etc).
25. What do they need and want out of relationships, and how do they go about getting it?
(TLDR: these bitches need to know they're wanted and safe and won't be abandoned or betrayed, and they're only really able to get that from each other thanks to childhood trauma! But I'm gonna get a lil wordsy with it below.) Jaz hates the way playing politics has made him approach other people. He sizes them up, he analyzes what exactly he can get from them. Are they an ally? An asset? An obstacle? He plays the games he's required to play, smiles the smiles, shakes hands, says the right words at the right times. And he can read it behind their smiles that they are also just playing the game too. He can't trust any of them. If they find an edge, an angle, a single sliver of a weak spot, they will destroy him and everything he and Alkimos have worked for. And he cannot let that happen. He returns home after long hours of hob-knobbing with a bunch of absolute fucking tools, and finds himself falling asleep in Alkimos' arms, head pressed securely to his sphinx's rumbling chest. Jaz knows he's stubborn, knows he'll never be able to put into words what he actually needs, but Alkimos can read between his lines and holds him tight and stays there as sure and steady as a rock. In their quiet moments together, the sphinx makes sure the manticore is reassured about where his loyalty and affection lies, even if Jaz never truly asks. Alkimos, meanwhile, sees people not in how they can be useful, but how much of a problem they would be. Analyzing their threat level and sizing up how difficult it would be to Get Rid Of Them, if it became necessary. It exhausts him. It consumes him. He's woken up countless times from nightmares where he's sinking his fangs into a soft, pink-furred throat and watching those vibrant eyes, full of anger and betrayal, fade into death. On those nights he lays awake, watching Jaz sleep, pressed so close beside him. And he forces himself to remember what they've been through. And he forces himself to remember all that Jaz has done for him, all that Jaz has given him. He forces himself to remember the glint hidden in Jazakhza's eyes as he gives Alkimos gifts and favors and fawns over the sphinx. The desperation to be loved and to make sure the one you love never wants for anything, least of all to leave. And Alkimos wonders to himself how Jaz could think he'd ever even conceive of leaving.
29. What kind of activities, interests, and hobbies do they have? What significance and impact do these have in their lives, both positive and negative?
Well besides what they do for their work, they do enjoy messing around and experimenting with their respective magical arts (enchanting being Jaz's and potion making being Alkimos').
As large predatory creatures they also enjoy hunting for prey, and can get quite restless and snappish if they don't get out enough to do so. Unfortunately they're kind of stuck within the walls of Gallecross for the most part, so they usually either pay to rent out hunting space in the forests between the walls for a day or two...or any particular rivals or opposition they have that Won't Be Missed is going to have A Bad Time. Obviously they have to be very careful with that second option.
I'm also considering that they have a bad habit of adopting and pampering stray animals as pets. Jaz is particularly bad about this. They love him unconditionally ;_;
38. Is there anything they wish they could change about their worldview or thought processes? What, and why?
Besides both wishing they could find it within themselves to trust more easily? Jaz has a temper he wishes he could control better. He's usually very good due to his years practicing socializing in polite society, but there are a few triggers that cause him to react aggressively and (in some circumstances) explosively. He hates it because he considers that a weakness and the opposite of the social persona he's worked very very hard to cultivate. Alkimos meanwhile has a hard time experiencing strong emotions, particularly positive ones, and wishes he could change that to get more joy out of life and have more hope for the future. There are still the occasional instance where he will feel some kind of emotion stronger than usual, and he tries very hard not to let that distract him or cause him to try and chase that feeling.
41. What associations do they bring to mind? Words or phrases, images, metaphors or motifs? Why?
Jazakhza: Pastel roses, aged lace, antique jewel-encrusted brooches, soft fur, the smell of tea out in a garden. Alkimos: A thick morning fog, a heavy and warm coat, a guardian statue, distant wing-beats, the smell of oncoming rain.
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jdeowrites · 1 year
On being an author in a tumultuous Trad Pub landscape
This is very much a... me talking to myself post, not a news post. Skip if talking about publishing is not your interest. :)
If you’re in on publishing discourse, then you know some of the biggest news of the week has been layoffs in the industry. Perhaps the most shocking was the abrupt closure of HarperCollins’ Inkyard Press, which was communicated to authors and agents through a mass email (Inkyard, if you don't know, is a YA imprint, which used to be called Harlequin Teen.). Some of those authors had gotten their edit letters or had marketing meetings with their publishing teams just the day before. The especially terrible part being, of course, that all those Inkyard employees were also let go. And it was a surprise to them too (yikes).
(Here is a Goodreads list of a bunch of Inkyard authors you can help support!)
It sucks for so many reasons—for all those authors and employees—and while I’m just an observer to this, not having any titles with HC myself, a lot of people I know were affected. And for myself? It did make me reflect on my priorities as an author in this industry. We have truly no control over what could happen on the publishing side of things. There is stuff going on at a corporate level that is… way unrelated to the work I am doing. That has nothing to do with art and everything to do with capitalism and shareholders and higher-ups making their business decisions in NYC offices. 
For myself, over the past few years, one of my major struggles has been figuring out what books I am going to write, when I have felt the pressure to write certain things or to change my works in certain ways, to create things which are more “marketable”. I have nearly bent to these expectations many times, before realizing how unhappy I was and leaving it to go work on something I was actually passionate about. This has delayed my career but I knew it was the right decision for me. And yeah, this Inkyard news really just cemented that for me: there is no point in trying to please anybody except myself with my stories. Because the institutions I’m trying to please don’t actually care at the end of the day.
Even if you and your work do manage to get past acquisitions, that’s not the end of it. Anything could still happen. Your editor who was so enthusiastic about you might leave, and/or your imprint could close like Inkyard did. Or maybe other things happen that majorly affect you, like, your marketing/publicity budget might suck. Your book might tank. It might be received badly. The marketing trends could change and suddenly your book is Out of Fashion before it’s even printed. Or things could go bottoms up at your publisher—for whatever reason, things happen—and your book never even gets printed at all.
And here’s the thing: even if you write books that are easier sells, those risks still exist. There are no guarantees. Which is why, each time I feel the pressure to bend my stories into something else, I try to remember that. If I lost it all, would I regret not just writing the book the way I wanted to in the first place? 
I find posing that question offers a significant amount of clarity. 
And that’s the key, I think: figuring out where that line is for yourself, between the freedom you want for your art, and the realities of the industry we have entered. Trad pub is a business and you have to play the game to whatever extent you can stomach. You don't know whether that will pay off or not. Some people have to write to market since writing is their main job, so they're constantly playing this game, and that's totally okay too. But if you're more like me, that's not the case. If you're like me, you're thinking, okay, so publishing is fickle, trends are unpredictable, and I don’t control any of it. That is either horrifying or... incredibly freeing.
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For me it means this: write the books you want to write. Don’t compromise on the stories of your heart. It’s you who has to go to sleep every night for the rest of your life knowing you wrote it. It’s your name on the cover. It’s your life’s work. Your legacy.
Make it matter. Publishing industry or not.
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hjremi · 1 year
under the cut is some random information i've collated about remi, feel free to read to learn more about him. will update as more information comes to light / i learn new things some of these do contain triggers, which are tagged below.
BASIC INFORMATION: NAME: remington clifford [ no korean name ] NICKNAME: remi BIRTHDATE: april 17, 2000 [ 23 years old ] ZODIAC: aries GENDER: nonbinary, he/him preferred SEXUALITY: bisexual OCCUPATION: freelance programmer LINKS: his full bio. please heed the tw. his pinterest. his tags. his playlist.
FUN FACTS: -owns a used pickup that he loves half to death, it's got a myriad of problems that require a lot of upkeep, but he wouldn't trade it for the world -owns a bunch of vectors because he thinks they're cute, also carries a tamagotchi around with him on his lanyard with his keys, he really just likes little robot pets -does not know how to swim ?? not sure why he's on an island in that case -most of the burns / scars he has are on his arms / chest, but he does have a scar on one cheek / side of his jaw / in his hairline on his left side [ which incidentally is the side his hearing is worse on ] -is ambidextrous but favours his right hand lately as his left experiences some mobility issues -is literally 5'4 bless his heart -plays a lot of video games, and has participated in esports tournaments before [ nothing recently due to a lack of anonymity for contestants ] -basically picture the type of kid who would've been at the big hero 6 school and that's basically remi -previously went to MIT before coming to korea, misses that more than anything else in america as he had resources to do a lot of the things he wanted to readily available to him. -builds computers in his spare time, usually as commissions or he sells them after the fact -double major in computer science and robotics with a minor in electrical engineering, is also taking korean language and ksl classes to help communicate easier, since english is his first language, does plan to take asl classes later on -his thesis is about a hearing device capable of translating sign language to speech with gesture recognition, as well as translating other spoken languages in real time and potentially even being able to translate lip reading into speech, if he can figure out how to make it happen. at his previous school, he was dabbling in mixed reality / augmented reality, but there aren't resources to do so here in hanjeong. -is super passionate about the environment and especially about renewable energy omg, he's currently trying to get the grocery store he lives in switch to solar panels, as he uses quite a bit of electricity. he would prefer to use marine/offshore energy, since they're on an island and all, but has been assured by multiple people that anything he attempts to set up would mysteriously be destroyed, so he has settled for solar power. it's incredibly difficult to set up with the trade restrictions when it comes to sourcing things he needs, however, causing a growing amount of tension. -he's very ambivalent about the whole supernatural thing. tbh whenever he first found out he thought they were joking, and even now he doesn't really bother himself with it all that much, seeing as he doesn't really encounter it that often in his day-to-day life. -is very staunchly anti-government and anti-police. thinks the idea of modern monarchies [ three in the same place, even ! because they can't pretend that the captain's descendants aren't a form of modern monarchy ] is possibly the most idiotic thing he's ever heard, and refuses to acknowledge any of them. whatever they're doing doesn't concern him, anyway. -really badly wants to go ghost hunting, but doesn't want to go by himself because that's boring. -is afab, has not had any gender-affirming surgeries, he doesn't ever really bring it up though bc honestly it's not relevant in most situations. he might refer to it offhand though, feel free to have your character react however. THE GOOD: clever. strong-willed. spontaneous. easy-going. THE BAD: irresponsible. absurdist. flippant. impulsive. THE UGLY: physically cannot stop getting in over his head.
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riftwalker-limbro · 1 year
3, 4, and 8 for kelth and 3, 13, and 15 for kali!
Ooooo many!! i will put this under a readmore because knowing myself this will be long. Thank you for the ask!
Kelth, 3: What is this character's favourite colour? Hajhdbg i haven't thought about this from Kelth's own POV. i personally love blues. you may notice this in screenshots i throw on here sometimes. and as a result kelth's whole ingame world is also very blue. so i'm just gonna say that my preferences are kelth's too, and they also like blue a whole lot
Kelth, 4: Does this character have any pets? the simple answer is yes but i haven't thought about which ones & why yet so i will take this opportunity to make that shit up properly. me personally i just have a kennelful of kubrows & a charger, so I'm gonna go ahead & say that on the Zariman, kelth had one dog who followed them around everywhere & they were really good friends, and that's why they have a bunch now again. the one kelth had on the zariman was of course rather. distinct. from the strains available to them now: the current-day strains they are able to get from the incubator are still obviously influenced by their direct wild/feral ancestry, whereas the orokin dog was probably more like a labrador/lap dog/comfort beast, with genetically-modified-dull claws and such. not that they don't appreciate the combat ability of their current companions - they're very good as guards, and helping them find resources, and they never complain - but sometimes they do miss their old buddy.
Kelth, 8: Do they have any hobbies? Yes!! But there's a History. at first there was just so much shit to do they didn't really let themself have a true non-combat-related hobby. they let themselves have void relics: the puzzles, getting random stuff & then trying to sell it to still make a profit, the hard work that went into it, was very fun. but it definitely did not help take their mind off of... well, everything. eventually, they realized that no matter how hard they mop, the state of the origin system is very much a stuck-open faucet, so they picked up recreational programming again. solving logic puzzles, making up little games to share with others, and such. if they're really not feeling like doing anything (mentally) intense, reading and listening to music are their go-tos. do notice how none of these hobbies require other people.
Kali, 3: What is this character's favourite colour? You're making a Chroma choose a favourite colour? :D god. i haven't even gotten another chroma (prime) yet in game so i haven't yet been able to fashion wars but given kali's slowly forming personality in my head i'm literally just gonna say the whole rainbow. it likes different colours more on different days. often together with other colours. theres nothing so fun as mixing and matching colours. bright and shiny and showing-off.
Kali, 13: Why/under which circumstances did they get turned into a Warframe? See this is why I love ask games. I am being forced by peer pressure to develop these guys. OKAY. Kali got caught doing something she shouldn't have been. That something might have been planting explosives in the vicinity of an Orokin outpost. Because it didn't care about what the Orokin thought of it, it admitted everything immediately, spouting insults and jokes at their expense all the way to the experimental facilities. It's a good thing that the Helminth mostly capitalises on what's already present to make a warframe - Kali had always known how to make the best of a situation, and after the changes were made, it didn't take her long to escape at all. They never found it again.
Kali, 15: Do they have anything that still ties them back to their days as human? All of her weapons and other gear had been confiscated when she'd been caught, and once she'd gotten out of the facility, she never looked back, so nothing physical. However, even though the Helminth completed the physical transformation, the scientists never had the chance to break its mind. It is still as shrewd, boisterous, cunning, and vindictive as it was back when it was still human, just now as much on the outside as on the inside. Other than that, nothing. It tries not to think about it.
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wizardphds · 7 days
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