#with a light dusting of angst
fraugwinska · 5 months
I'm dying to see you write Alastor opening up to Reader about his mom, maybe a little angst and lots of fluff? (- v -)''
Finally Anon, I found the strengh to write this. Sorry it took so long - I hope it was worth the wait! Next story will be less sad, I promise! :'< But I think we can all find some love for our Mommas Boy today, right? (Prepare your handkerchiefs, fellas...)
Mother O'Mine
Not the kitchen. Not the lobby. Not the bar. Not the radio tower. Not his room.
You sighed and stilled for a moment, thinking of a place where he could've gone.
If Angel had just shut his damn mouth. Mother's day was a shit day for everyone in the hotel. You, who never knew a mother, raising yourself in the farce that had been the foster care system, rued the day. Charlie was still in denial about her mothers blatant absence and ignorance, Husk melancholic and tense at the memory of seeing his mother being exterminated shortly after reuniting with her in hell, and Vaggie bitterly wanted to ignore the holiday all together, feeling as though she would be betraying the mother she could no longer reach in heaven as a fallen angel.
Angel had been pissing them all off by breakfast, obnoxiously mocking their various reasons of why this day felt even heavier than others in hell. You knew it was his own way of coping with his mommy issues - something he didn't even talk about with Husk, as far as you knew, but he bordered on being not only menacing, but outright cruel.
Alastor had listened to his rambling stoically, flipping eggs while drinking his coffee with not much more than an annoyed twitch in his brow, but then the spider made the gruesome mistake to mention her.
Alastor's mom.
"What, 'ya think any of 'ya mothers could even look at 'ya without punchin' themselves? Come on, look me in the eyes and tell me Bambi's mommy wouldn't be fuckin' disappointed by what her little fawn has become... Can ya really see a sweet southern lady all happy, lovin', and coddling ol' murder-clown Alas..."
The green explosion came faster than you could blink. You were frozen in place, only staring in fear and worry when Angel landed unceremoniously into the table with the rest of the breakfast, the other residents as shocked and dazed as you were, while the radio static and greenish-black shadows seeped away from Alastor who then swiftly made his way out without a word, holding his staff while his tendrils bristled dangerously.
Alastor had vanished and the only thought coming to your mind - after giving a cursing, groaning Angel a righteous 'You fucking deserved that'-speech - was that you needed to find him before the princess did to make sure the demon had calmed enough not to finally lose it and maul her to pieces. Charlie meant well, but she didn't know. No one did know, except for you, and even you only knew so much.
It's not like it had been an elaborate talk. It just happened, after a nightmare that made him tear up in a mixture of rage and sorrow, a bad memory that had made his shadow basically drag you, half asleep still, from your bed to his in the middle of the night. Why you? You weren't so sure. Alastor usually preferred your company more than the others just because you were the most neutral, sane person in the hotel. Some would even say impassive. An introvert who didn't draw attention, silent and observing. But not once had his shadow ever acted up around you, and while it wasn't overly friendly with anyone, it seemed to watch mostly you with curious glances and interested hisses. When you had finally woken up enough to comprehend your situation, you were sprawled across Alastors stomach with his arms wound so tightly around you you struggled to breathe, strained mumbled words pressed through gritted teeth into your nightgown.
"Mother... I'm sorry... Oh mother..."
He had been sobbing into your shoulders and and shaking against your chest while he let go of a strange anger and grief he never seemed to get rid of while you had, confused but worried, whispered words of comfort in a hushed, soothing voice until you both dozed back to sleep. Morning broke, and when you opened your eyes again, he was sitting on the edge of his bed, not able to look you in the eyes. He had thanked you, gruffly and with an unsteady voice that made your heart ache, before offering his hand to teleport you back to your room. As far as you were concerned, the weirdest of it was that you felt him caress the palm of your hand with his thumb, barely audible as he mumbled that "that should have never have happened, and we shall never speak of it again." - he was usually a gentleman, and he never touched you this intimately before - but, to him, it was obviously a humiliating and horrible thing that you had witnessed him like that.
And you didn't speak of it. No one knew, and you intended to keep it that way. It was a moment you shared and fragile trust was on the table. You would take it to your second grave, along with all those feelings that had come with it, to prevent it from breaking.
Back to the present, you sighed and massaged the bridge of your nose. You had checked all the obvious places that crossed your mind, so maybe, you should start to look at the not-so-obvious ones... Maybe some place you knew was connected to... His mom...
A sudden pang hit you as you got an idea of where he might be hiding.
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"Is this seat taken?"
The roof of the hotel was usually restricted from access, due to the general instability and collapse-prone architecture it presented, but you and (after an admittedly awkward encounter on a hot day that had involved you in a two-pieced swimsuit sunbathing and a very flustered Alastor with a book in one and a severed hand on a plate in the other hand) the radio demon knew about a small nook between the roof's overhead window frames and the hotel's ventilation system, hidden by the growing shadow of the radio tower where no one else ever came looking. A hideout, a place to go when you wanted undisturbed solitude. You had quickly left the place, apologizing for intruding a space that Alastor had apparently already claimed for himself (explaining the existence of the lounge chair you've so rudely used), but soon enough he discreetly invited you back, second chair added, to sit in silence together every once in a while, as long as you swore secrecy. It became a place of comfort for both of you, a retreat when life in the hotel got too stressful.
Alastor's reaction to seeing you was a quickly stifled hum before going back to staring stubbornly at the horizon. He looked dejected, and if you would not have known him so well, you wouldn't have noticed the trembling twitch of his ears nor the way his claw tapped impatiently against his knee, his shadow balled in on itself while hovering at the edge of the small roof.
It looked like he was staring straight through the distant buildings of the pentagram to the faintly illuminated orb that was heaven next to hells own sun, while also refusing to acknowledge you or the world around him at all. His smile had slipped into an emotionless line of pursed lips.
"That depends" he mused quietly. "Are you here to make me return to that insolent arachnid and attempt a 'healing' conversation?"
"I think you know I know that I couldn't even if i wanted to." You tried a weak smile.
Alastor briefly met your eyes at that, giving away that, despite his aloof act, your comment got his attention and he considered it before turning back to the horizon, the tense posture relaxing somewhat. A brief silence passed until he hummed an affirmative noise. "Then you may sit, darling."
After sitting down, minutes passed without a word said. The distant roar of the bustling traffic carried the muffled sounds of hell with the usual maelstrom of catcalling, profanities and general noises of mayhem to you, while you fought to keep a certain twitch in your hands as you counted the beats of his heels clicking on the tiles.
"You must know... my mother was a rare light in a world of filth." he declared suddenly into the silence. "An honest, virtuous soul of beauty and strength." He said it slowly and, surprisingly, completely unamused, the clacking of his shoes ceasing at once. He stared at the city in contempt, hands clasped together and resting on his legs to hold back a tremble that you caught anyway.
"She, unlike me, had not a spec of corruption in her bones. Wherever she found the warmth and love she shared with me, I cannot fathom. But she did. I may have been mocked and shunned by the world, the bastard child of a black woman and a white man, but I always had her as my home to return to.” The knuckles on his hands turned white. “But the cruelty of life and the disgusting human that was my father, the unbearable excuse of a man, killed her before I was grown enough to help. Before I was old enough to kill that monster myself." He spat the words, claws digging deeper until a faint trickle of blood could be seen. "I remedied that circumstance, twice to be exact, although it couldn't make up for what was lost. Nothing I did to him could make up for it..." his smile widened bitterly as his face twitched, recalling a fond, yet regretful memory. "… and believe me, I tried. But it was cathartic nonetheless, and quite educational... for my further career."
You stayed quiet and studied his profile, patiently waiting for him to continue talking. It was painfully obvious how hard it was for him to speak about actual feelings, with his tense grin and his white knuckles dripping with crimson blood.
"I knew, of course, where I would end up after my demise, and that I would never be able to see her again. Because I was sure she'd end up in heaven, like the saint she was. Is." He cleared his throat, attempting to appear dismissive, but you saw it. The sadness, the longing, the resignation, and it shattered your heart.
"Alastor...", you knew he hated physical touch, but your hand reached out on its own, to stop his hands from ripping themselves apart. He stiffened at the contact, but said nothing.
"Don't tell me you took what Angel said to heart..."
"How could my mother love me after what I've become after her death?"
His tone was monotonous, but his hands trembled under your fingers. He refused to look at you, but you saw his eyes, glazed with wetness that threatened to turn into actual tears. How he could still smile was beyond you, you had your theories on that, but that wasn't important right now. What mattered was that he was hurting, and that fact broke your heart. You never knew motherly love, how could you really miss something you never really knew? But Alastor did, and it had been ripped from him in the must cruel way, the impact of it so hard it made him even question the very foundation it was built upon.
You moved your hand from his to cup his cheek and turn his face to yours. His expression was blank, and if it weren't for the tight grin and the eyes filled with an unspeakable anguish, it would have been an emotionless stare.
"Alastor, do you know the poem Mother O'Mine?"
"I'm afraid the memory of it fails me, darling."
"Then, I'll recite it for you."
You gave him a sad smile.
"Because I want to."
He eyed you with stunned curiosity as you reached into your pocket, glad for once for your mostly useless power. You've only told Husk about it, in one of your late nights where everyone else was asleep aside him and your insomnia got the better of you, drunk and as a bargaining chip for one last gin tonic.
The blank piece of paper was a bit crumpled, but it would do. You started to fold it while you spoke, your voice sounded soft and almost like a spell.
"If I were hanged on the highest hill, Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine! I know whose love would follow me still, Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!"
Your fingers moved with a solemn purpose as you folded the paper this way and that, a skill you perfected out of boredom over the years, the edges turning into an elegant shape, the poem coming from your mouth like a song. Alastor watched your hands move in a trance, not sure what you were doing, but too focused on the faint glow of purple around them to ask.
"If I were drowned in the deepest sea, Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine! I know whose tears would come down to me, Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!"
There in your hand, sat a little origami bird. It wasn't anything special, maybe a traditional crane would have been better, more elegant, but you were out of practice and for what you intended to do it would work either way. Carefully you reached out, silently demanding for one of Alastor's hands that were still digging into each other. He didn't protest, and slowly raised it to give his hand to you. The tips of his claws were covered in a thin, fresh layer of his own blood, and his skin was warm and slightly clammy. You put the little paper bird on his palm, a speck of his blood staining the bottom of the pristine white paper, and closed his fingers around it, holding it in both of yours.
"If I were damned of body and soul, I know whose prayers would make me whole, Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine."
His enclosed hand in your own was encased in purple light, with wide eyes he followed the soft tugs of your fingers and opened his hand. The little paper bird flapped it's wings on his flat palm, looking at him for a heartbeat before taking off and flew in a singular circle around his head before it headed into hells deep red sky, towards the bright heavenly sphere. You watched it until it vanished completely from view, hoping there was a possibility that maybe, with a bit of luck, it would find it's way to her.
"This, Alastor, is what a real mother is. She loves you, I'm sure of it. Always has and always will."
Tears fell silently on his lap, a strangled, coarse breath escaping him. Without warning, he pulled you from your chair into him, holding you pressed close to him. Just like in the night of his nightmare, his face was buried in your chest, arms wound tightly around you in a hurting embrace and shoulders trembling with suppressed grief. His grip was bordering on painful, but you wrapped your arms around his neck, burying one of your hands in his hair, stroking gently while you let him quietly cry into your shoulder, not caring that the wetness of his tears was soaking through the fabric of your shirt. You felt his heart beating rapidly, his pulse erratic and his breathing fast.
"I miss her. Oh, how I miss her."
You held him tighter.
"I know, Al... I know."
You didn't know how long you two stayed like this, him in your arms and crying silently while you tried your best to comfort him, but you didn't care. As far as you were concerned, you would stay here forever if it only meant to lift this weight for a little while from his shoulders.
It took him some time, but eventually his breathing evened out, and he calmed down, his hold becoming less desperate and more... affectionate. You didn't realize it at first, but he had moved, his head resting under your chin and his forehead leaning against the hollow of your throat, his antlers slightly poking the thin skin. It felt strangely intimate, and you wondered if he was aware of what he was doing, but the moment he moved to get up and leave, you knew the spell was broken. He didn't let go of you entirely, but instead helped you to stand up and held your hand, his gaze firmly planted to the ground, avoiding your eyes.
"Darling, I..."
"Don't worry, Alastor. Although I'm glad I was able to be here when it happened... we shall never speak of this again."
You could feel his hesitation, a strange nervousness radiating from him. His shadow hovered next to him, a hand reaching out towards your face. You smiled at it, and, just for a brief moment, allowed yourself to lean into it's warm, buzzing touch as it caressed your cheek, before you turned and made your way back inside without a glance back to the sudden sound of a longing hum.
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hazbinwhoree · 7 months
what if reader was a exterminator helping adam when he went to attack the hotel but instead of him getting killed by nifty it’s the reader and now hes actually showing his emotions to her instead of being a cocky bitch crying bringing you to heaven in hopes to bring you back to life
(i need more adam angst)
Stay With Me
(Name) knew Nifty was an underestimated force. That little shit was utterly insane, and people overlooked the danger she posed because she was small. That’s why it hurt her ego so much when Nifty thrust a blade through her back.
She didn’t underestimate Nifty, yet she was still caught off guard.
She’d been watching Adam scream at Charlie and Lucifer, his pride in ruins, when a sharp pain spread through her torso. Everyone who had been watching Adam was now looking at (Name), their mouths open in the same surprise that (Name) felt.
She watched Adam turn around to see what everyone was looking at, confused. (Name) watched the look of pure horror that spread across Adam’s face when he saw her, before her body collapsed on her and she fell forward.
Nifty began stabbing her back repeatedly, and Adam screamed, rushing over and picking Nifty up, throwing her away like she was an object. He dropped to his knees, gently turning (Name) onto her back.
“No, no, fucking, NO,” Adam rambled, the amount of golden blood spilled around (Name) making him sick. (Name)’s eyes opened when she was rolled onto her back, and she smiled upon seeing Adam.
“(Name), (Name) stay with me. Don’t die on me, you bitch, please, (NAME)!”
He barely registered Lute behind him, begging him to grab you and retreat. But once he remembered where they were, he grabbed (Name)’s fallen halo, before scooping (Name) up into his arms.
He stood, casting a deadly glare at everyone stood around watching. “You’ll pay for this,” he spat at Charlie, taking flight before she or Lucifer could say anything.
Sera’s attention had been called to the retreating exorcists almost immediately, when the first batch came through the portal beaten and injured. She watched as they continued to pour back into Heaven, waiting for Adam to come report what the fuck had happened.
But when Adam finally came through the portal, carrying (Name), without his mask, and beaten up, Sera knew it was very serious.
Adam stumbled into Heaven with (Name), Lute on his heels, and immediately spotted Sera. “SERA!” he yelled, desperately. “Please, help her, please, she’s dying.” Her blood stained his robe.
“I cannot heal, only the elder angels can do that,” Sera said. “So where can I find a fucking elder angel!?” “I may be able to pull some strings,” Sera told him. “Wait a minute.” She disappeared.
“SHE DOESN’T HAVE A MINUTE!” Adam yelled after her.
But Sera reappeared seconds later, an elder angel by her side. “Bring her here,” the elder commanded, and Adam almost shrunk back at her booming voice. Still, he stepped forward for (Name), bringing her to the elder.
He sat, turning (Name) over in his arms to reveal her back. The elder crouched down, holding her hands over the wounds. She hummed, her hands glowing, and Adam watched in relief as the wounds began to stitch themselves back together right before his eyes.
When the elder finished, she put a hand on the back of (Name)’s neck. “She has lost a lot of blood. But she will live.”
“Thank you,” Adam choked.
“Take her home, child.”
Adam turned (Name) onto her back again before lifting her and rushing off. He flew back to his apartment, Lute following at a distance. At his apartment, he stripped (Name) of her bloody clothes, throwing one of his t-shirts on her before tucking her into his bed.
“Sir, are you alright?” Lute finally asked as Adam stood over the bed watching (Name).
Adam took in a deep, shaky breath. “I’m fine, Lute. Go get that fuckin’ arm taken care of.” He wished he’d been nicer to her, she was so loyal, but he couldn’t be nice to anyone right now. Not under these circumstances.
He sat on the edge of the bed, gently stroking (Name)’s hair back. His heart jumped when her eyelids fluttered opened. Her eyes were dreary, tired. “Adam?” she whispered. Adam teared up, looking away. He’d be damned if she saw him cry.
“Yeah, baby,” he replied softly, sniffing and looking back at her. “I’m right here.”
(Name) smiled again. That damn smile.
“Never, ever, scare the shit out of me like that again,” Adam snapped. (Name) closed her eyes and hummed. “I’m sorry.”
“You fuckin’ should be.”
There was silence between them before Adam spoke quietly.
“You really scared me.”
“I know. I’m sorry.”
Adam couldn’t stay mad, too relieved. He sighed, laying down on the bed next to (Name). He laid on his side looking at her. He draped his wing over her like a blanket. (Name) made kissy lips and Adam chuckled, leaning forward and kissing her sweetly.
Even the kiss felt quiet and soft.
They just enjoyed one another’s presence, grateful to still be together.
Adam had almost been left alone for a third time.
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Title: Doubt
Pairing: Alastor x reader (can be read as platonic or romantic)
Part 1 of the Never and Always series
Part 2
Word Count: ~2,881
In which the reader inadvertently lets her feelings slip, and she finds out what she really means to Alastor.
Warnings: Slight angst, Fluff, A cuss word in there somewhere, ooc Alastor maybe
When the Radio Demon himself had asked you out to dance, how could you possibly have said no? After all, he wasn’t just the Radio Demon to you, he was Alastor - the man who had saved you from a life of imprisonment after you had naively sold your soul to the Vees, who had brought you back to Charlie’s Hotel, and who had since become one of the most trusted people in your life.
Even now, you weren’t exactly sure what had drawn Alastor to you all those years ago. Whenever you asked, he was quick to change the subject or deflect. 
Not that you would ever complain, of course. Alastor had saved your life and demanded nothing in return, save for you staying away from the Vees’s territory, which you were only so happy to do.
Once you had settled into the hotel, you had found yourself a real family. One who watched your back and hugged you when things got hard. One who loved you despite your past and your flaws. One who didn’t abandon or use you. 
All in all, your life here was better than your life when you were alive. You couldn’t wish for anything more.
At least, that’s what you thought.
Now, as you rifled frantically through your closet, you couldn’t help but wish that Alastor had given you a bit more warning before your outing. 
He had approached you only half an hour prior, materializing in your room and grabbing your hand, pressing a soft kiss to your knuckles before straightening and asking if you would do him the honor of accompanying him to his old friend Mimzy’s club tonight.
You’d said yes, of course. Who would ever deny a night out? And how hard could it be to get ready in only an hour? 
Exceedingly difficult, as it turned out.
Your rummaging became increasingly desperate as you searched your closet in vain, throwing dresses, shirts, blouses, and everything else that you owned on the floor as you discarded them. You were going out with Alastor, after all. You had to make a good impression.
You were stopped by a sudden knock at the door. 
“Come in,” you called over your shoulder.
You listened as someone’s light footsteps entered your room. “Geez, dollface, was there a break-in or something?” The voice’s tone changed from confusion to amusement. “Or are ya finally burning all of your clothes so I can take you shopping?”
You huffed in indignation and spun to face Angel Dust, hands on your hips. “My closet is fine, thank you. I’m just-” you looked back at your empty closet and sighed, dropping your hands to your sides. There was no way you would be ready in the next half an hour without some help.
You turned back to face Angel, a sheepish grin on your face. “I don’t have time to go shopping, but I’ll let you give me a full makeover tomorrow if you help me get ready to go dancing at Mimzy’s club tonight.”
Angel smirked, raising an eyebrow as he leaned back against your doorframe. “A full makeover? You going on a date or something?”
“I’m going out with Alastor.”
His smile only grew in size. “Going out with Smiles tonight, huh?” He glanced down at your discarded pile. “I guess I can put something together. How much time do I have to work my magic? A few hours?”
You flushed, your fingers fidgeting with the hem of your shirt. “Can you make me presentable in the next thirty minutes?”
Angel waved his hand dismissively before grabbing your hand and leading you straight out of your room and across the hall to his own bedroom. “Of course I can, sweetcheeks, that’s nothing. I’ll have you ready in a jiff.”
You smiled appreciatively as Angel led you swiftly to his vanity and sat you in his chair. “I owe you one,” you promised.
He gave you a wink. “You don’t owe me nothing, sweetheart. Just sit back and let me work.”
True to his word, Angel managed to have you brushed up and looking like a princess in less than half an hour. To be honest, you were pleasantly surprised when you saw the finished look. 
Not that you ever doubted Angel’s skills, of course, but where you had expected a bold face of makeup and a showy dress that followed today’s trends, he had gone in a vastly different direction. 
Your makeup looked much more natural than you thought Angel was capable of. Your eyeshadow was dark, but subtle. Your eyeliner was winged, of course, and he had painted your lips a dark shade of red. The best part of the ensemble, though, was that he had dressed you in a surprisingly 50s looking modest black dress that he had had in his closet ‘just in case’. All in all, you had to admit that it was better than anything you could have ever put together.
You spun in front of his full length mirror. “I love it,” you said quietly, unable to stop the grin that spread across your features. 
“Of course ya do,” Angel replied from his place on the edge of his bed. Fat Nuggets had taken up residency in his owner’s lap, and both of them were watching you with smug glee. 
Well, as smug as a pig could get, anyway.
“And if I ain’t mistaken,” Angel continued, “Your date started five minutes ago. You should probably stop spinning and start walking.”
You stopped admiring your reflection and flushed. “I’m that late?” You walked backwards towards the bedroom door. “Thank you Angel, I owe you, really. See you later!”
The sound of Angel Dust chuckling kindly followed you across the hall as you quickly closed the door to your own room behind you. 
A voice sounded out of the darkness. “Ready now, are we?”
You jumped at the sound and whirled around, flicking your lights on and staring in surprise when you saw Alastor perched on the edge of your bed. 
“You know, my dear, it really is bad manners to…”
The demon trailed off when he finally caught sight of you.
You suddenly felt exceedingly self conscious as his eyes started to roam over your ensemble. It was 50s inspired, sure, but what if Alastor found it offensive? What if he thought it was laughable? What if he hated it? What if -
You stepped back as Alastor melted into the shadows and reappeared directly in front of you. His eyes studied your face almost curiously.
“Angel helped,” you piped nervously. “I couldn’t have done it on my own.”
“Nonsense,” Alastor replied as he raised a hand. He gently grasped your chin in his fingers and tilted your head from side to side. “The outfit you wore when I asked you to join me would have sufficed.”
You scoffed, pulling your chin back and looking down at the floor. “We’re going to Mimzy’s club, Al. I couldn’t have just shown up in a random shirt and pants.”
A clawed hand tilted your face back up to meet Alastor’s. You gasped in surprise when you saw that the two of you were practically nose to nose. “I do hope you haven’t finally started to doubt me, my dear,” Alastor said in a low voice.
“Never,” you breathed, not daring to blink.
If there was any one consistent presence in your life, it was Alastor. He had never steered you wrong, and the least you could do in return was trust his word.
The Radio Demon’s smile softened at your response. He released your chin and stepped back, looking you up and down one more time before turning away. 
“I meant what I said, darling,” he drawled, the static in his voice ever present. “You would have been quite a gem even in your-” he rolled his eyes and waved his hand dramatically “-random shirt and pants.”
You couldn’t stop the blush from rising up to your cheeks. It was one thing for Angel to appraise his own work, but it was quite another for Alastor to agree with his assessment. 
You cleared your throat. “I’m sorry I was late. Should we go? I know Mimzy doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”
A lie. You’d never met Mimzy before in your life. But if you were going to try and stop your blushing cheeking from giving away just how much you appreciated his compliment, you had to distract yourself somehow.
Alastor looked down at his pocket watch and hummed. “I do suppose we should be on our way. She did request an audience, after all.”
You blinked. “An audience? I thought…”
The overlord looked back at you with a raised brow, looking more confused than anything. “You thought what, my dear?”
You felt your shoulders sag, though you internally chastised yourself for feeling at all disappointed. How could you have assumed that Alastor’s only goal today was to dance with you at a club? Of course he had another motive. 
You forced a smile on your face. “Nothing. Sorry. We should go.”
You tried to brush your disappointment away. It didn’t matter why he had asked you. The fact that he had asked at all was plenty.
Except it isn’t, a little voice inside of you whispered. For years now, Alastor had been your protector, watching over you and ensuring your safety, even while helping Charlie to look after the hotel and feuding with Vox. 
As time had slowly gone by, you had hoped that maybe you could help Alastor as much as he had helped you. He wouldn’t let you help at his radio station, and since the Radio Demon wasn’t exactly an emotional sharer, you had decided that the least you could do was be a constant, solid presence in his life. 
You had even thought that you were making progress over the past few months, and your hopes had been solidified when he had asked you out to Mimzy’s club. After all, he would never have asked you if he didn’t see you as some sort of friend, right?
Now, though, you could see how foolish you had been. How could you have ever hoped to help Alastor in any way? He was a demon of solitude, and your wish to help him had made you blind to that.
You started towards your door, hoping to hide the embarrassment flooding your cheeks.
But before you could make it, a shadow appeared ahead of you, frowning down at you as it blocked the door.
You refused to look him in the eye. “We’ll be late, Al. We need to go.”
“It seems as though you aren’t quite ready, my dear.” The static of his voice grew closer as he spoke. You tensed up when you felt his faint breath on the back of your neck. “After all, you’re never fully dressed without a smile.”
You finally turned to face him, hating the feelings flooding through your veins and the thoughts rushing through your head. How was Alastor ever meant to learn to lean on you if you couldn’t even hold yourself together? It was bad enough that you lacked his grace and poise, and now he would see what a truly pathetic and fucked up specimen he had saved all those years ago.
Alastor looked down at you, his expression ever passive, his smile ever present. But beneath the mask, his eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes were narrowed as he studied your face.
From behind you, his shadow placed two gentle hands on your shoulders, carefully holding you in place as if afraid that you would bolt.
You swallowed and forced your head up to meet the Overlord’s eyes, plastering a false smile on your face. “I’m ready.”
“You most certainly are not, my dear,” Alastor replied, the static in his voice fading to a soft buzz. He raised his hand silently and placed it on your cheek.
Instinctively, you tilted your head and allowed your cheek to be cradled gently by his clawed hands, closing your eyes as you savored the feeling. It was almost enough to make you forget what had upset you in the first place.
“Mon chere,” Alastor said, something resembling concern present in his voice. “What’s troubling you?”
You opened your eyes and found yourself staring into his. “I thought…” you began once again before pressing your lips together. It would do nobody any good if you confessed your thoughts out loud. You might even inadvertently push him away.
“Thought what?”
His eyes were searching yours for an answer you weren’t sure you were yet willing to give. His hand remained cradling your face, and his shadow behind you had yet to release you from its gentle touch. 
You took a deep breath. Even if your true feelings did push him away, didn’t you at least owe it to him after all this time to be honest? Even if it was the last thing you were ever able to do for him.
You closed your eyes again. “I thought we were going to Mimzy’s to spend time together,” you admitted, hating the way your breath caught, hating the way your voice cracked, and hating the way your heart stopped. You pushed forward. “I didn’t realize you were going for business, I thought maybe you wanted to spend time together.”
A laugh bubbled its way through your lips. “It was silly of me to assume, though. I know you’re busy, I just thought maybe I was getting through to you. I thought you were starting to let your guard down around me, and that I could just be there for you.”
You stepped to the side, away from both Alastor and his shadow. “I thought we were becoming something like friends. It was a mistake. It won’t happen again.” You squeezed your eyes shut in desperation. “I know that I’m nothing more than a soul that you saved. I know that, I promise I do. And I won’t ever again mistake your actions for something that they’re not. So please don’t give up on me, Al. It won’t happen again, I promise.”
The room was silent. 
Too silent.
You slowly glanced up.
Alastor’s shadow was gazing at you, unmoving from his spot by the door. Beside him, Alastor was looking past you and at the wall, his hands clenching his staff and his smile strained. 
“You don’t need to say anything,” you said as you rushed to fix what you had broken. “Truly, you don’t. Let’s just go to Mimzy’s and forget that this ever happened.”
“Unfortunately, my dear,” Alastor drawled, his eyes flickering back to you. “This isn’t an interaction that either one of us will be able to forget by morning.”
You swallowed heavily, fighting back the tears that so desperately wanted to escape. “Please, Al.” Your voice was hardly a whisper. “Don’t give up on me, not now.”
At your words, his shadow melted into the ground and materialized before you, placing both hands gently on your cheeks and lowering his head down until your foreheads touched. Just as suddenly, the shadow stepped back and melted into the ground again, allowing the real Alastor to take his place.
He looked down at you once again, but this time, his expression was almost open, almost tender, almost endearing. He took your hand in his and pressed it to his lips before pressing it to the place that his heart would have been beating if you had met in another life.
For a moment, he said nothing. You waited with bated breath, trying to ignore the warmth in your chest at the fact that Alastor had yet to release you.
Then, when you thought you couldn’t bear the silence any longer, Alastor hummed softly. “I do hope you haven’t started to doubt me, my dear.”
“Never,” you vowed without a moment’s hesitation.
Alastor’s smile seemed to ease slightly. “I may not rely on you as much as you yourself would like.” If you didn’t know any better, you’d say that he was trying to choose his words carefully. “But do know this, mon chere. I doubt I would still be in one piece if it wasn’t for you. And I have no intention of giving you up.” His eyes flashed. “Not ever.”
Your knees almost gave out as you breathed a sigh of relief. Without thinking, you pressed forward, burying your face in his chest and wrapping your arms around him tightly. “Thank you, Al,” you whispered, your spirit bright.
Alastor gently took hold of your shoulders and pushed you back, though his eyes shined softly. “Careful now, my dear. We wouldn’t want to ruin all of Angel Dust’s hard work, now, would we?”
You laughed and lowered your arms. “I guess not.”
The Radio Demon smiled down at you, holding out his arm like the gentleman he was. “Shall we, then, my dear?”
You smiled back at him. For all of his secrets and tricks, he had only ever been kind to you. Why wouldn’t you accept?
You linked your arm through his and grinned as he guided you towards the door. 
Perhaps you were doing a better job with Alastor than you had thought.
A/N: I've got Hazbin Hotel on the brain. Part 2 of sorts coming soon, let me know if you want to be tagged!
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someverygaymoth · 21 days
Love Dust having picked up his smoking habit from missing Red, that's literally my everything
Red being like "shit, since when do you smoke, sweetheart?"
Dust just casually responding, "since I lost the only person I could get my fix off just kissing."
Red isn't emotionally destroyed by that or anything.
Hahaha they're so heartbroken and in love
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b5ttyb1tch · 7 months
Huskerdust HC
(you can tell when I Got Lazy)
• Husk CANNOT cook to save his life, but will eat anything if you put it on a plate. Angel Is a very good Cook that Constantly Needs feedback From husk if his Cooking Needs anything "did I go to overboard on the Salt? " Should I add more Cheese??" And Husk is Just. " No all eat it like this 👍" and Angel Gets so frustrated.
(angry Italian noises)
• Angel sometimes Comes Back to the Hotel crying to Husk because he Did Technically Cheat on him at work and feels Awful about it, and Husk Comforts Him.
• They have the Nightly Routine Of Angel getting back from Work and Bitching to Husk about Valentino, And Husk always Listens (Good boyfriend brownie Points)
• Husk is Definitely A gentleman when it comes to Dating (-Give Angel flowers Taking him on Little dates EXT)
• Angel flirts With Husk any Chance he gets, But when HUSK Is the one flirting with Angel (even in just Slightly) Angel Gets all flustered and Embarrassed
• When Husk and Angel Have free Time They Watch Angels Shitty Porn Shows and Make fun of them.
• Angel Talks. Husk Listens. Happily
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k-n0-x · 6 months
༺ ♱✮♱ ¨:·Something Stupid-Chapter 3·:¨ ♱✮♱ ༻
A/N: Hii everyone! Sorry this chapter is a little later than usual, burnout happened, school happened, the whole shebang! This chapter is a doozy though, hope you all will love it <3
The sun rays peek through your window and the birds’ chirps awake you from your slumber.
Or maybe it’s the snoring of a drowsy Adam, who was lying beside you, though you’ve inured yourself to his unconscious noises for ages.
You get up from your bed, just to almost have your legs give way under you, thanks to the fact that you had to be pounded by your husband, as you promised to him.
Last night felt like a chore. You feel really bad for thinking it, but it really did. 
You’re not an expert, but sex should feel enjoyable, by all sides involved, but with Adam, it feels like an obligatory activity.
You spend the next 25 minutes brushing your teeth, showering and getting ready for the day. Since there’s nothing to do at home (well, there’s nothing to do at home) you decide that this is a good time to be productive.
You head into the kitchen and scrutinise each and every ingredient that graces your pantry.
“Hmm, maybe this would work���”  You grab flour, eggs, milk and a frying pan…
The smell of buttery pancakes drifts throughout the kitchen. You sit down in your chair and take a bite of your breakfast.
The pancakes themselves were lovely; the consistency was just right and the flavour was something to die again for, courtesy of Heaven’s always perfect ingredients.
‘Perfect’ Heaven.
Up until a few weeks ago, you would have believed that sentimental saying that you hear being thrown around on multiple occasions, but now, those words seem like direct opposites of each other, an oxymoron even.
The mere thought of it sets an uneasy feeling in your stomach.
You shakily finish one pancake, and neatly leave the rest in the microwave. 
You have more pressing matters to get on about today, and pancakes aren’t one of them, though you want it to be. 
“Welcome to Heaven, how can I help?” The Saint looks up from his logbook with a face coloured with surprise when he recognises you.
“Y/N! How’ve ya been?” 
“I’m doing good,” you smile up at the angel behind the pedestal.
“So, what can I do for the wonderful wife of Adam, hm?” St. Peter clicks his tongue and finger guns.
“Well, Peter, is there a chance you could show me the list of Heaven’s recent residents? There’s a certain person I’m looking for…” Realisation hits you like a truck. Would this information be classified? You wouldn’t know until-
“Yeah sure, here!” The Saint passes you a page with written names and dates.
“This is a list of  Heaven’s newest angels from up to a month ago. I hope you find who you’re looking for!” 
“Thanks Pete, you’re a Saint,” 
“Well, I am Saint Peter after all, ah bye-bye!” 
Well that was easier than anticipated. 
Now you need a private place to mull it over…
You walk through the brightly lit heavenly streets and bump into someone, sending you and your papers flying.
“Oh my, misss, I am ssssso ssssorry,” The person bends down to collect the papers.
“No, no it’s fine, sorry-” your voice gets stuck in your throat. You take a close look at the person collecting your papers.
The person, or, you should say snake, was sporting a smart coat, top hat, and eyes in his hair?
He was familiar. Where have you seen him before?
Your eyes dilate in recognition.
He was pixel perfect to the mural that Charlie showed you the other day.
“Excuse me for asking, but are you Sir Pentious?” 
The snake demon, or angel, looks around before leaning in. 
“Depends on who’sssss asssking,”
“Oh uh,” you think for a moment. How do you explain that you know he was a demon, without seeming like a stalker of sorts. 
Clearly, this isn’t the subject to have casually in the street.
“Here, let me explain over tea and cookies, hm? My treat!” You grab the hand of Pentious gently and head to the nearest café.
“And ssso, thisss Adam guy just sssnapped me out of existence, and now I’m here, but without my egg boisss,” Pentious explains while indulging himself with a Pain un Chocolat, eyes welling while doing so.
“Huh, I see. So Charlie’s plan does work,” you mumble to yourself. “And I apologise for my husband, by the way,”
The snake pales, his skin now ashy.  “He’ssss, your husssband?” he instinctively pushes away from you in his seat.
“Yes, but don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you. I just promised Charlie that I would help her with the hotel and redemption and all that…”
“Oh I sssee. Here’ss my card if you need anything more,” He produces a card and hands it to you, and you accept it graciously, despite it having a slimy residue on it. 
“Great! I have to go now but it was nice meeting you,”  you shake his hand and leave the café.
“So, what’s it like having sex with the first man? What are your orgasms like?”
“Angel, don’t torment the poor girl,” 
“Whaat? Just askin’” Angel groans and puts his phone on the countertop of the bar.
Apparently, Charlie has gone AWOL, along with Vaggie and Lucifer, the three people that deserve to be the first people aware of the gratifying information you are holding.  
This tension is getting you antsy, but you answer your newfound bestie’s question.
“Overrated to be honest. Not meaningful in the slightest,” Your blunt answer stuns Angel and Husk for a moment.
“What’s this about orgasms?” You turn back to the entrance of the hotel.
The one person whom you didn’t want to hear you say that, was standing in front of you, holding about 10 shopping bags, his daughter and his daughter’s partner  following suit.
God, what must he think? You want to slam your head into the table, but you refrain yourself.
“Uh Dad?” Charlie taps her dad’s shoulder.
“Maybe let’s refrain from talking your way into the sex life of guests? Anyway, how are you, Y/N? I hope everything’s alright?” Charlie inadvertently snapping you out of your apparent embarrassment.
“Oh yes! Not just alright; absolutely amazing actually. I have important information to tell you so forgive me for my impromptu visit, but it clearly cannot wait,” you practically jump out of your chair, bursting with energy. 
My, you haven’t felt this emotion since…
Well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
“Well, I did some digging and…” you grab the crusted card from your bag.
“Well, congratulations to you, Miss Charlie Morningstar, Princess of Hell, because your dream is a reality!” You flourish the card to Charlie, and she takes it.
She blinks. 
Everyone else blinks.
“Uh, what is this exactly?”
You groan. Fun police much? 
“Sinners can be redeemed, I found Sir Pentious in Heaven just this morning,” you concede, impatiently tapping the card.
“Wait really? You aren’t just messing with me?” Charlie’s eyes practically shone with stars.
“Angels aren’t known for that darling.” 
As soon as you say that Charlie squeals and jumps up and down, ecstatic.
“Thankyouthankyouthankyooouuuuuu!” She gushes and hugs you extremely tight, constraining your lungs, but you really don’t care.
“This is a pleasant surprise,” You pull away to have Alastor behind you, with that ever-so-familiar-yet-unpleasant grin. 
When did he get here?
“Seems like out little Morningstar is becoming quite the entrepreneur,” Alastor places a hand on Charlie’s shoulder, as though they are father-daughter.
Father-daughter, where the daughter’s biological dad is directly beside them. 
“Hey, hey now, get your slimy claws off of my daughter, would ya?” Lucifer asks the Radio demon, half laughing.
“Oh? The same daughter you’ve abandoned for countless years on end? The same daughter who had to build this establishment by herself, with no support. The same daughter I’ve been faithful to, in comparison to you? I’ve stuck through thick and thin with her. Hell, I probably fit the Dad position by definition,” 
The room is loud with silence; you could probably hear a pin drop.
Alastor’s voice carries those words in a seemingly defensive manner, but you can tell that those words don’t hold any meaning to him.
It seems like you’re the only person to realise that, because with the slam of a door, Lucifer exits the room, leaving an aura of pure anger and jealousy behind.
“Charlie, maybe you should give him a breath of fresh air-” Vaggie tries pulling her back.
“No! Vaggie, he needs someone to be there with him. God knows what he will do and what if-” Charlie is in a craze to get to the door. 
“I’ll go,” you say abruptly. Without question, you go through the door.
“Hey, it’s really hot out here, you know,” you stand at the garden door, as the king gazes out on Hell’s not-so-perfect landscape depressingly.
“Alastor was just pulling your leg back there, he just wanted to piss you off,” you stand beside him, keeping an appropriate distance.
“I know. That’s not the problem. The problem is that-” his voice hitches.
“Go on,”
“The problem is, is the fact he’s not even wrong; I left Charlie with nothing, she had to support herself before help came along, I barely was there for her throughout all of this, until the very last moment, when she didn’t even need me anymore,” The King of Hell rambles, and fidgets with a small yellow thing in his hand. A bird of some sorts.
A duck? 
“I can’t do anything right,” he continues.
Okay, you have to stop getting sidetracked by meagre things. 
“Lucifer, listen. Yes, you may not have been there for her before, but you’re here now, and you are ready to help. Yes, I know it’s scary, yes I know it’s hard, but I have an inkling that Charlie would love to start having a bond with her father again. Also, you know her and how she is; she isn’t the type to shut you out. Just try to put some work into it, okay?” 
That felt like more of a ramble, than advice, but it seems to suffice for the King of Hell. 
“Thank you. I really know why Charlie has taken a liking to you…” he trails off, continuing to fidget with the rubber duck. He squeezes it, and it plays a short, spunky tune. 
“And see? Atleast you’re doing something small for now, you should take it easy. By the way, that’s the most adorable rubber duck!” You gush at the plastic fellow, earning a smirk from Lucifer.
“Oh? Changing the subject are we?” The fallen angel teases.
Well, that was out of nowhere, but you just go with the flow.
“Yeah, and what? That’s a fuckin’ cool duck, so I apologise for acknowledging that fact,”
“Ah well, I have better. By the way, why are you talking about orgasms to that porn star- I mean Angel, back there?” 
Oh yeah. That happened. 
“Gee, why does everyone want to know the juicy details of my life? But really,he was just interested in my sex life, that’s all,” 
“Interesting. You know I slept with 2 of Adam’s previous wives?”
“Don’t even try,” you give him a playful shove.
“Eh, worth a shot,” 
You and the blond-haired demon go back inside, giggling about some disastrous function you went to when you were younger, and how you may or may not have been the leading cause.
Thankfully, the only person in the lobby was Charlie, who jumped to hug her father the second she saw the two of you, making them both cry and profusely apologise to one another.
Yeah, maybe it’s a good time to go. Maybe quietly too this time. 
You open the portal, and you are back in Heaven again, in front of the pearly gates of the place you call home. 
As you open the door and turn into the living room, you nearly jump out of your skin.
“Hey,” The sound of your husband’s voice rings through your ears.
“I ate your pancakes from this morning,” 
“Alright. I’ll make dinner soon, but I’m tired right now,” you pave your way to your bedroom, when Adam pulls you back.
“Where were you even?”
“Places,” you try to pull away, but the First Man doesn’t relent.
“Where? You weren’t in Heaven, were you?” 
“Alright fine. I was in Hell, cleaning up the mess you and your little play soldiers made by the way,” 
“Were you not there the other day? Why are you so attached to this-” Cogs turn in Adam’s head.
“You were with him, weren’t you? You fucking slut,” Adam’s hand swiftly slaps you across the face. A small cut of golden blood streaks down your face.
“What the fuck? Of course Lucifer is gonna be there, you dumbass?! Why do you think I’m gonna sleep with-” You dodge a flying porcelain jug that was headed in your general direction.
“That fucking demon, thinking he’s hot shit and- and all, just fucking whoever he wants-” The Angel starts storming around the living room, just throwing random shit about, like a kid having a tantrum, making colourful insults while doing so.
You sigh and go into the kitchen to make dinner; hopefully Adam would have blown off enough steam by then.
“Oh and- You better not go back there again, you got it?” 
“…Fine,” You slam the door behind you.
Clearly, you have to be more furtive about your visits to the underworld.
For now, maybe you should cook some dinner, and a warm bath.
Your back really hurts.
Word count- 2264
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retrogradedreaming · 5 months
Summary: Angel comes back from a shoot sick, and Husk makes him something sweet that brings back old memories. When Husk shares something big about his past, Angel gets curious (and cozy) while Husk lets him into a part of his life.
🖤 Huskerdust ❤️ Sickfic with lots of comfort 🖤 Memories from when Husk was alive ❤️ 2.6k works, one shot, complete
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I'm very excited for more content of your lights out au, I'm so eager to see just how good you can get at writing/creating angst!
oh babey. thats where i Shine.
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moon-draws-art · 9 months
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Day 14 - Tears
Though it’s very rare, sometimes they do get along
Cori has some trouble comforting, but they’ll try when Dust is in need :)
Dust belongs to Ask-DustTale
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artxstic-scr1bbles · 9 months
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TW://Slight Angst and mentions of anxiety and panic attacks(?)//
Nightmare is sitting in his office room, wearing glasses and doing some paperwork. He overhears what seems to be singing, and so goes to check it out. He turns a corner and catches a glimpse of the Bad Sanses doing Karaoke in a christmas-themed living room. If he were to assume, they had decorated it when Nightmare wasn’t paying attention. He watches them silently from the corner, with Killer singing and the others sitting around him and providing the backup vocals. Everyone was dressed in Christmas sweaters, and Killer was wearing a Santa cap. Horror had decorated his skull crack with candy canes and gingerbread. Dust…well he’s just wearing a red striped sweater over his hoodie. The atmosphere was warm as the group enjoyed each other’s company with Karaoke to keep them entertained.
**Killer notices Nightmare standing by the doorway.
Dust notices him too, and so does Horror. They bring him over and set him down on a couch. Dust hands him some hot cocoa. Everyone settles back down and Killer starts singing again. Nightmare takes a sip of his cocoa, but then pauses. He seems to be remembering something, as if in regret.
Killer keeps singing in the back, blissfully unaware of his Boss’s visible distress. Horror however, catches on to Nightmare’s unnatural silence and asks him about it. His voice snaps Nightmare back to reality, who only chuckles and brushes it off as nothing important. Horror nods in relief, and Dust simply smiles. He tells Nightmare that he’s invited someone over.
**Dust calls for Dream, who slowly emerges from the other side with a shy smile.
Nightmare looks up in surprise, noticing his brother who is dressed up in classic Christmas fashion quite literally from head to toe. Dream wearily apologizes to Nightmare, saying that “It was them who invited me”, he gestures toward the group who each had a smug smile on their faces, “They were very persistent about it, so I couldn’t turn them down.”
Dust and Horror begin arguing amongst themselves from Dream’s confrontation. Dream tries to calm them down, while Nightmare and Killer watch from behind. 
**Nightmare gets up and slowly walks over to an unsuspecting Dream who was still engaged with Dust and Horror.
**Nightmare goes over and hugs Dream, with small tears staining his eye socket and cheeks.
Dream stands still with trembling hands as he watches his brother hug him, that too after so many years. Decades, even. He hesitates for a moment, but returns the embrace with happy tears™ falling onto Nightmare’s shoulder as he wraps his arms around him.
“I missed this, brother.” Dream says with a slight sob as he hugs him tighter.
Nightmare chuckles slightly as he quickly wipes his own tears. He pulls away slightly and comforts his brother. “Don’t cry, Dream. Aren’t you the Guardian of Positivity?”
Dream nods and sniffles a little as he calms himself down. “Thank you, Brother.” 
The whole gang, who were watching this with a wide smile then suddenly pounce onto the brothers in a surprise hug (quite literally knocking them to the ground). Nightmare is only able to let out a surprised “HEY-” which immediately gets cut off by the group’s laughter and sweet giggles™
Nightmare sighs as he lay on the floor with the whole group giggling as they remain over his body, excluding Dream who was simply lying down over a few of Nightmare’s tentacles with a dumbfounded expression.
Nightmare wraps the four into a hug with his tentacles, a content smile spread across his face. Something that he thought was long forgotten by his corrupted soul.
Tagging my old moots...@hahskeleton @grungepuppet @swiftmitsu @salzab
How'd I do?
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tears0fsatan · 2 years
Could you also do an angst/comfort oneshot with "Please don't scare me like that again. I can take alot of things, but not loosing you." And "Just get the fuck over here and let me hold you." For bottom Mammon? I modified the last quote hope you don't mind!
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✦ ⊹ ˚˖ warnings... gn!reader [no pronouns used], relationship isn't specified, maybe a lil ooc [esp. towards the end but oh well], would u consider a summoning to be kidnapping, kinda sappy lololol
 :¨·.·¨ ♥︎  a.n... MY DARLINGS, MY SWEETS, MY ANGELS, REJOICE FOR I HAVE RETURNED momentarily!!!!! thank u for bein patient with me i'll do my best to sprinkle in a post here n there heh anw!! ofc i don't mind love! thank u for sending in so many submissions omg i feel so loved ;'D
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the sound of your laughter could be heard bouncing off the walls of devildom's plaza, followed by the sound of the avatar of greed's yelling. you wiped away the tears that pricked the corners of your eyes, taking in shaky deep breaths in an attempt to calm yourself.
"it's not funny! i don' get why yer laughin so hard, i'm tellin ya, i nearly died!" despite his words, there was a large smile on mammon's face. he looked at you with an empty glare, but all it did was send you into another fit of laughter.
"i'm sorry, i'm sorry, it's just," you couldn't stop the giggles that bubbled out of you, "it's so funny how you thought it was a good idea to scam a high priestess."
"it wasn't funny! them witches embedded all sorta magic in their weapons after that! it was so bad that i couldn't show my face in the human world for a century! plus it wasn't a scam, it was a one-sided beneficial agreement!" mammon defended himself, though he too couldn't help but let a few chuckles slip at the absurdity of the story.
he crossed his arms in front of his chest while grumbling simultaneously, "ain't my fault the dumb bastard didn't realise." you sighed at his comment, though the ends of your lips curled up in amusement.
"good thing they didn't get you or else we wouldn't be here right now." you joked, pulling him closer to you so you could rub his head. the demon yelped and tried to escape your grasp while muttering 'hands off my noggin' under his breath, though it was obvious he enjoyed the action as he put no strength behind his attempt.
everything was going well, so well that the two of you didn't notice the magic circle that appeared below mammon's feet and the sparks that began to cover his legs. there was no noise to indicate what was happening, and the two of you didn't realise until the demon just... vanished out of thin air.
you blinked in surprise at the quick flash of light followed by mammon's sudden disappearance. your hand that had been wrapped around his shoulder limply fell down to your side. your eyebrows furrowed in utter confusion and your feet were stuck in place.
"ma-mammon?" you hesitantly called out, your eyes roamed the plaza to try and spot him. the thought of it being a joke slowly started to dissipate the longer he was gone, and a heavy weight began nestling itself within your chest.
"mammon?!" your voice holds more urgency this time, your head frantically looks around in hopes you'd spot his discernible white hair in the crowd.
you don't.
you ran around the plaza, turning over every rock you saw but no matter where you looked, he just wasn't there. the sound of your heart beating wildly rang in your ears and your vision gradually blurred to the point you could hardly make out anything through the tears, yet you still couldn't tear your mind away from the missing avatar of greed.
you tried calming yourself, taking in deep breaths in hopes it would, at the very least, help you think rationally. you shakily unlocked your DDD to try and contact him, only to no avail. it doesn't help your growing anxiety in the slightest, but it does give you time to organise your thoughts.
your thumb shakily hovered over lucifer's contact, unsure of whether to inform the oldest demon lord of what's occurred. you try to recall if any of the brothers have mentioned something like this happening, and your mind can't help but wander to the conversation you two were having before mammon poofed out of thin air.
the only reasonable explanation you could think was is a summoning, given as there was no prior warning to his abrupt disappearance. your thoughts begin to divulge into a different sort of worry with your new found knowledge, mind scrambling at the things they could be doing to him while you were stuck frozen in place.
the knowledge that you are essentially powerless in this situation leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. with a heavy mind, you make your way back to the house of lamentation.
the walk back home and the moments leading up to you burying yourself in his bed were a blur, you hadn't realised just how much time had passed by as none of the brothers came to bother you. on top of that, your DDD had been silent too, there was no sign that mammon had even received your messages.
the occasional sniffle from the lump underneath the pile of blankets was the only indication of life in mammon's cold and dark room. you weren't sure how much time had passed since the incident, not that you wanted to know anyways.
a sudden creak from the doorway has jerked you out of your reverie, your head whips toward the direction of the noise and the tears well up before you can control yourself.
the light from the hallway illuminates mammon's silhouette and you can barely make out his disheveled appearance. a sob wrecks out of your throat and you scramble off his bed. some pillows and a portion of his duvet is on the ground but you don't notice, attention solely focused on the figure leaning on the door frame.
your movements were clumsy and your limbs felt heavy after not moving for ages, but you found yourself standing in front of him soon enough.
mammon avoided your gaze, his eyes, which you noted were unusually nervous, darted around the room. he had a complicated look on his face, as if he was feeling a myriad of emotions and couldn't control them.
a shaky breath made its way past your lips as you took in the sight of him. the demon flinched at your reaction, eyes quickly glancing at you before looking around the room.
the silence constricted around your throat, which made it hard to swallow. your mouth felt dry and your thoughts were jumbled, making it difficult for you to find the right thing to say.
it was clear that mammon felt the same, so you chose to blurt out the next thing that came to mind.
"fuck- just, please- just get the fuck over here and let me hold you." you somehow managed to croak out, your throat felt as if it was closing up but you paid it no mind. the demon flinched at the roughness of your voice but slowly trudged toward you. his eyes are cast downwards, focused solely on the ground and his feather light steps.
his steps started out slow and hesitant, before he rushed into your open arms. he buried his face into the crook of your neck and your hands tightly interlocked behind his back.
you could hear him take a deep breath and his hands gripped the back of your clothes tighter than before. the tears dripped down your face before you could make a move to stop it, though by the way mammon's fists clenched around the material of your top, you assumed that he wasn't as bothered by it as you had imagined.
"please, don't- don't scare me like that again. i can take a lot of things, but not losing you." your voice wavered, displaying your desperation to mammon without him having to see your face. the demon's eyes welled up at the sincerity behind your words and he couldn't stop the tears that trickled down his cheeks.
"i know you're a powerful demon lord 'nd what not, sniffle, but i'm still gonna worry about you." you subconsciously tried to pull him impossibly closer, to which the demon didn't bother to try and fight against, he needed this as much as you did.
a muffled "'m sorry." could be heard from where mammon had his face buried in the crook of your neck, with his forehead resting against your shoulder. the material of your top grew increasingly damp, but you weren't in any place to call him out for it.
you squeezed the demon in your arms ever so slightly, "it wasn't your fault." your tone was sharp and curt, despite your shaky voice from earlier, leaving no room for mammon to refute your words.
the two of you stood at the empty doorway for a moment, simply taking the time to bask in one another's much needed presence. with him in your arms, you felt the knots in your mind slowly untangled themselves and left you feeling relieved.
of course, you still had a lot to discuss with the avatar of greed but that could wait until he was ready. although his appearance was considerably shabbier compared to how well kept he usually looked, he wasn't injured. even while holding him, you had taken the initiative to inspect now that you were closer to him.
"why don't we go lay down? i'm sure you're tired, darling." you softly muttered, not wanting to disturb the peace. you could feel his head moving up and down against your shoulder, though he made no move to lift his head.
your hands tenderly cupped his cheeks, pulling his face away from where he had hid himself. your thumbs wiped the tears that continued to run down his cheeks and all you could offer him was a small, bitter smile.
"we can deal with it tomorrow. for now, i really just want to keep you in my arms." mammon let out a watery chuckle, his sorrowful expression from earlier was nowhere to be found.
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© 2022 TEARS0FSATAN. please don’t repost, modify or translate my works anywhere!
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kadegravy · 7 months
links to my al series. basically YN makes a deal with Al.
part one; deal
part two; ears
part three; possess
part 4; Alcohol
part 5; Sick
Part 6; Finale
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hazbinwhoree · 7 months
I feel like adam would be the type to pull pranks, so may I request an adam x sensitive!reader, where Adam pulls a prank a little too far?
Too Far
A/N: The song is Work Song by Hozier, I am a slut for Hozier.
The thing about Adam is that he was a damn good actor. That mixed with his love for pranks was a lethal combination.
Poor (Name) was often the victim of his pranks, but today he went a little too far. He hid his guitar and then accused (Name) of misplacing it.
Watching her flounder and stutter and insist she hadn’t taken it was funny at first. “I know it wasn’t me, so where the fuck did you put it?” Adam raised his voice and suddenly, it wasn’t funny anymore. Tears welled up in (Name)’s eyes.
She burst out crying. “I didn’t take it,” she sobbed. “Please, why don’t you believe me, I wouldn’t do anything to your guitar.”
Well shit. Adam hadn’t meant to make her genuinely upset. He just wanted to make her a little frustrated.
“Fuck, baby, don’t cry. Shit. It was a joke, I know where my guitar is.”
(Name) gasped for air. “Why would you do that?” She sounded so hurt and betrayed that Adam swore she’d never be the subject of one of his pranks ever again.
“I’m so sorry…”
He went to approach her but she shrunk back. “Leave me alone,” she whimpered, turning around and running off to her room.
Adam felt like a piece of shit.
He gave (Name) space for a while, but when he checked back twenty minutes later and could still hear sniffling through the door, he knocked lightly. “(Name)? Honey?” The sniffling stopped and he was answered with silence.
Ten minutes later, he came back with his guitar. He sat outside her door, his back against it and began gently strumming his guitar. The crying stopped and he could tell she was listening.
“Boys workin’ on empty
Is that the kinda way to face the burning heat?
I just think about my baby
I’m so full of love I could barely eat.”
He felt the light thump of (Name) leaning against the other side of the door.
“There’s nothing sweeter than my baby
I’d never want once from the cherry tree
‘Cause my baby’s sweet as can be
She give me toothaches just from kissin’ me.”
There’s still silence on the other side of the door, but Adam can tell she’s listening and can feel her anger and sadness waning.
“When my time comes around
Lay me gently in the cold dark earth
No grave can hold my body down
I’ll crawl home to her.”
Finally, the door opened a crack and (Name) peered out. “I love that song,” she mumbled.
“I know.”
(Name) opened the door wider and Adam stood, putting his guitar down. “I’m sorry babe, that was a mean joke.” “No shit,” (Name) grumbled. Adam opened his arms questioningly. (Name) seemed to consider it for a moment before fully opening the door and stepping into Adam’s arms.
Adam sighed in relief, holding (Name) tightly. “No more pranks,” (Name) said, muffled in his chest. “No more pranks,” Adam agreed.
“I am actually sorry, sugar tits.”
(Name) rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, I know.”
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The Makeover and The Makeup
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Title: The Makeover and The Makeup
Pairing: Angel Dust x reader (Platonic), Alastor x reader (mentioned)
Word Count: ~1,369
In which Angel Dust and the reader get into a fight in the middle of a makeover session.
A/N: Part 3 of the Never and Always series. It’s super short, but I still hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Mentions of Val, mentions of de*th, Angel being suggestive, ooc Angel maybe
When you had first struck a deal with the Vees, they had treated you with something that had almost resembled kindness. They had showered you in compliments and praise, feeding you false promises and empty words of endearment.
It lasted for two days.
After that, you were fair game. Fresh meat. A new toy for all three Vees to poke and prod at while you did their bidding.
But then came your knight in blood red armor, holding his cane in one hand and smiling broadly as he greeted you with a kiss to your knuckle for the first time.
You had stuck to Alastor’s side ever since.
But although you were more than grateful for his rescue, you couldn’t help but continue to feel a little alone. Alastor had saved you, yes, and he kept you by his side, of course, but he wasn’t exactly one to share feelings or stories. 
He did, however, listen to yours. 
After you had shared a particularly brutal story having to do with a certain moth demon, Alastor had come to a quick decision and swept you away to the Hazbin Hotel. 
When you arrived, you had found a group of souls that were just as broken as you were.
Especially Angel Dust. 
While your brief time with the Vees was nothing compared to Angel’s ongoing experience with Valentino, he seemed to appreciate that you had some semblance of understanding about what it meant to be Valentino’s target.
Meanwhile, you were just happy to find that you weren’t the only soul foolish enough to fall for the moth demon’s charms.
Ever since the two of you had found out about your shared past, Angel had practically taken you under his wing. He introduced you to Cherri Bomb, invited you when he was high strung and needed to go out, and confided in you when he had a rough day at work.
You had done the same, telling your stories about the Vees and your life Before and sharing your feelings.
The last point, though, you were beginning to regret.
“So he killed a guy for you, huh?” Angel asked as he circled you, admiring his handiwork.
“That’s not what I said,” you protested as you looked at your reflection in Angel’s full-length mirror. 
Angel stopped walking and raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms as he looked down at you. “You really think Smiles left the guy alive? C’mon, dollface, you ain’t that naive, are ya?”
You flushed and looked down.
“That’s what I thought,” Angel said, smugness coating his words as he began walking once again.
You looked back up and glared at him through the mirror. “You know, when I said you could give me a makeover, I didn’t mean I was going to be your personal dress-up doll. This is the fifth outfit.”
Angel stopped beside you, draping his arm over your shoulders and leaning into you as he admired his work in the mirror. “You knew what you were gettin’ into, sweet cheeks. Don’t pretend you don’t love it.”
You did love it. It was fun to let your guard down for a few hours and allow Angel Dust to release his creative energy. Not that you would ever say so to his face, of course.
“Besides,” Angel continued as he wandered away from you and towards his closet, rifling through the many options. “Your first official date with Mista Creepy was a hit, right? We’ve gotta change up your style a bit if you wanna get some,” he said with a wink in your direction.
Your eyes widened. “That is not what I’m trying to do,” you hissed. “Alastor is my friend.”
“Uh-huh. Yeah, sure.”
“He is,” you insisted. “He’s been nothing but sweet to me, and I’m not going to ruin the friendship that we’ve built.”
You tried not to notice Angel’s grimace in the mirror. It was a lot harder to pretend, though, when he turned around with an uncertain expression on his face, holding a dress to his chest and avoiding eye contact.
“Look,” he said hesitantly. “I know he seems…”
“Right,” Angel said, scratching the back of his head. “But I’ve been talkin’ to Husk. About you and Smiles. He says you should be careful.”
You couldn’t fight back the burst of anger that rose in your chest. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Angel’s eyes widened as he held up his two free hands in surrender. “I ain’t sayin’ you gotta stop talkin’ to the guy. I’m just saying-”
“You don’t know him,” you interjected, jabbing a finger into his chest. “You don’t know anything about him. I know he’s an Overlord, but he’s sweet and he’s kind, and he’s never done anything to hurt me. He would never hurt anyone.”
You realized your mistake as soon as the words left your lips. It was foolish of you to forget. Alastor was your friend, of course, but he was also an Overlord. One of the most powerful Overlords that Hell had ever seen.
There was a fire in Angel’s eyes as he leaned towards you. “He already has. He’s done it to all those other souls he owns, and he’s done it to Husk. I know you love ‘im, but he ain’t a good guy.”
You spluttered and stepped back, trying to ignore the blush that coated your cheeks. “I didn’t say I loved him.”
Angel’s eyes narrowed, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. “You didn’t have to. I see how you look at him. It’s the same way I looked at Val before-” he stopped, looking down and away from you, shielding his gaze.
You felt your anger seep away as quickly as it had appeared. How could you have been so blind? Of course this situation felt familiar to Angel. You were a fool for not noticing any sooner. A fool, and a horrible friend.
Angel looked up, finally meeting your eyes. “I just don’t want you ta get hurt.”
You understood exactly what he was saying, of course. Alastor owned Husk’s soul, and despite never taking advantage of that fact when you were around, you had heard some of the stories from Angel. It only made sense that your friend was trying to warn you now. Someone he loved was already at the mercy of the Radio Demon. Of course he would do anything he could to protect you from the same fate.
You nodded, looking down. “I know,” you said quietly. 
You stepped forward then, wrapping your arms around the spider demon and squeezing tightly. “Thank you. For looking after me.”
For a moment, you received no response. Then, you heard the rustle of fabric as Angel dropped the dress that he was holding onto the floor, wrapping four of his arms around you and pulling you close. “That’s my job, toots,” he said quietly.
You held each other, a silent promise passing in between you as you gripped each other with all of the strength you could muster.
Finally, you stepped back, reaching out and grabbing two of Angel’s hands. You pressed them to your lips, one at a time, before looking up with a soft smile. 
“I hope I didn’t ruin the makeover,” you said with a gleam in your eye.
Angel grinned, reaching up with one of his free hands to ruffle your hair. “Not at all, sweet cheeks. Let’s get this show on the road.”
When Husk found the two of you later that day after searching for his usual drinking partner, he didn’t find two demons smiling together as they dressed up and pretended for a few hours that the rest of Hell didn’t exist.
Instead, he found two wayward souls on the ground, half dressed and half asleep, leaning against each other as they spoke in a way that only the closest of friends could.
They looked over at him, smiling and beckoning him closer, and drawing him onto the floor with them, where they spoke until sleep finally wrapped its kind arms around them.
They were still in the hotel, of course, but for the first time in a long time, these three souls finally felt like they were home.
A/N 2: Another part with more Alastor x reader is coming soon, it’ll be a continuation of A Dance in Death!! Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
Taglist: @severusminerva @anh4125 @midorichoco @rapturenyx @maybememoriesx @martinys-world @miyu-kii @axellovesalastor @mo-0-o
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paranoidwriter · 1 year
Whenever I see you, I want to throw up (Wenclair one shot)
another edited fic from my ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/users/moonshiiinee
Requests are open! 🖤
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Wednesday hated Enid. She hated the way she smiled. The way she laughed. And especially she hated how colorful she was. Colorfully annoying (oh, she needed to write that down, she would use that later). Wednesday felt such a deep hate for her, that every time she even saw Enid, her belly felt a deep swoop, as if she was on a falling roller coaster. Except there was absolutely no thrill. She was dying to get rid of her hate, and at least turn it to bitter resentment. She just couldn't stand her reactions around Enid, and she needed to do something about it, for it was becoming embarrassing. Bianca had even pointed out that her face became red with anger around Enid, something she tried to fix with makeup (tried). Although Wednesday knew what the problem was, she had no idea what to do to fix it. She had considered bothering her uncle fester for help, but unfortunately he was busy in Puerto Rico, so she settled for the next best thing. Tyler.
Tyler was a teenage male, so Wednesday was relatively confident he would be able to help her. She obviously was not going to ask Thing, who would definitely blab to her parents about her rivalry. "Let's say I had feelings for someone" Wednesday started when he sat down her quad, cutting to the chase. "Oh-- Oh?" Tyler uttered. Wednesday made no effort to respond just yet, instead dipping her spoon into her drink and pulling it out, hovering her fingers close to the metal to gauge how hot it was. Too hot.
"And let's say, these feelings are making it near impossible for me to focus on anything" continued Wednesday, completely disregarding the red face of Tyler and instead blowing on her quad delicately, stirring it to cool it down. The foam resembled a skull, which calmed Wednesdays nerves on the thought of her blonde roommate. "And. Theoretically. Let's assume that I need help with these feelings. What should I do?" Wednesday inquired, swishing around her coffee. Tyler leaned on her table, pressing his arm against Wednesdays. Wednesday pulled away and brushed it off like she was picking up her cup. "Well" said Tyler with a chuckle. "I would tell this person how I feel" Wednesday nodded. Finally. A clear, simple answer. Suddenly it all made sense. "Perfect. Thank you." Wednesday replied, getting up from her seat and walking straight out of the shop. She hadn't realized that Tyler had called after her, or that she had left her cup behind.
Enid looked up from her computer, and again, came the swooshing sound of her heart dropping into her stomach. Oh, she hated her.. Wednesday felt a knife drag down her throat, ticking her voice. She could barely even start, but once she managed to find her dead voice, she couldn't stop. "Enid, whenever I see your hideous fashion choices, I want to rip my eyeballs out because of how much stupid highlighter pinks you wear. Whenever I see you, I want to throw up." and it felt amazing to get it out. "Enid, whenever I see you, I feel a hate so deep and disgusting that it takes all I can to not bash my head into the nearest object" Wednesday took three long steps closer to Enid, stepping over the tape she had set. "Whenever I see you, my heart goes into my belly and I can barely speak. My head spins and my face feels like it's on fire, and I am disgusted at such an affect you have on me that I wish to cut you out of my life, which I somehow can't find it in myself to do." That sounded much too sentimental, but Wednesday could barely filter her words with how fast she was speaking, or even realize the slight shakiness coming into her voice. "Unfortunately, I have come to enjoy your senseless, confusing blog. And your stupid makeup. And even your disgusting colorful wardrobe!" and then it all clicked. And Wednesday realized. So she just said it. "Enid, I have feelings for you" Enid's jaw dropped, and Wednesday actually felt her cheeks heat up again at the little smile forming on Enids face. "Oh" she breathed out, feeling such a strange feeling bubble in her chest. A good feeling that she couldn't possibly explain. Enid hesitantly reached out, offering her hand. Wednesday hesitated as well. When Enid began to withdraw her hand, she quickly shot out and grabbed Enids wrist, interlacing their fingers in a particularly rough fashion. There were no words. But when Enids claws came out, Wednesday marveled. Enid giggled. And Wednesday knew everything would turn out fine.
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fmoe1997 · 1 year
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Hey all! Wanted to post an update that I finished a two part fic recently for @somedayhero as part of my 300 follower raffle on twitter! A sweet little fic about our two favorite men learning how to overcome their fears together, and maybe growing closer because of it?
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