#with loki's special snake oil
bunsofhoney · 2 months
3, 19, 33, 36—I saw your comment about reblogging over here :) feel free to answer re: any fandom
3. How would you describe your writing style?
You and Vin must be sharing the braincell tonight because you both asked 3 and 19 XD. I think my writing is short and sweet. Possibly to my detriment on occasion.
19. Share a snippet from a wip without giving any context for it.
It's basically an outline with some dialogue at this point but...
Mobius: You’d think as a time cop, you’d become immune to the little details of people’s lives. Jaded. But it’s the opposite. Everyone’s got a story, everyone’s life is dotted with joys and tiny tragedies. You look at someone, you just know.
Loki: What did you see when you looked at me?
Mobius: someone special. Someone who wanted to be special, but felt constrained by your context. Ha. In some ways, taking you out of your story allowed you to be…you.
33. Give your writing a compliment.
Blech. Erg. Um. I think I incorporate non-romance plotlines into my romance stories...well? Maybe?
36. How do you come up with fic titles? What's the one you're most proud of?
They usually percolate around in my brain until something sticks. I like it when they have a double meaning of some sort. My favorites are probably Bioremediation (because mushrooms and healing and ecology) and Snake Oil (because con men, demons, real medicine, and fake medicine of various varieties.)
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tvrundownusa · 7 months
tvrundown USA 2023.11.29
Wednesday, November 29th:
(exclusive): The Artful Dodger (hulu, Australian mini-series premiere, all 8 eps), Marvel Studios Assembled (dsn+, the making of "Loki, season 2"), Pretty Hard Cases (freevee, season 3, all 10 eps, series finale), TMZ No BS (Tubi, "Bad Bunny"), Pombo (amazon, Spanish reality series, all 4 eps), "American Symphony" (netflix, Jon Batiste documentary for wife Suleika Jaouad)
(streaming weekly): Shetland (BritBox, drama season 8 opener stateside), Slow Horses (apple+, spy drama season 3 opener, first 2 eps), Black Cake (hulu, penultimate), The Buccaneers (apple+), Vigilante (hulu, next 2 eps), Ink Master (Para+), The Santa Clauses (dsn+, penultimate), Squid Game: The Challenge (netflix, next 4 eps)
(specials): "Christmas in Rockefeller Center" (NBC|Peacock, 91st annual, 2hrs), "Christmas at Graceland" (NBC|Peacock)
(original made-for-TV movies): "Murder at the Country Club" (LMN, 2hrs)
(earlier - hour 0): Young Dylan (NICK) / . / NFL Slimetime (NICK)
(hour 1): Celebrity Jeopardy! (ABC), The Masked Singer (FOX), Sullivan's Crossing (theCW), Survivor (CBS, 90mins), The Challenge (MTV, 90mins)
(hour 2): Celebrity Wheel of Fortune (ABC), Snake Oil (FOX), The Spencer Sisters (theCW), Sistas (BET), Survivor (CBS, contd) / . / The Amazing Race (CBS, 90mins), The Challenge (MTV, contd) / . / Cribs (MTV)
(hour 3): The $100,000 Pyramid (ABC), SurrealEstate (SyFy), The Amazing Race (CBS, contd), Ms. Pat Settles It (BET), King Charles (CNN, weekly talkshow premiere w/ Gayle King & Charles Barkley)
[preempted again, returning next week: Quantum Leap (NBC), Magnum P.I. (NBC) ]
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hjbender · 5 years
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Squelch squelch 💦💦
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nalu-nakai · 3 years
I feel called to create a Loki oil, but I definitely am not following the recipe that Dagulf Lopston suggested.
For context: the best author you should read as an intro to Lokean practice is Dagulf Lopston. He has a blog, and wrote two books. I was going through Lopston's Pagan Portals book about Loki, and found his personal oil recipe. It includes....
A piece of shed snake skin
Cayenne pepper
Dragon Blood resin or oil
Black pepper oil
I agree with the Dragon Blood resin and black pepper oil, but I disagree with everything else. The base of Lopston's recipe is jojoba oil, which is also fine. I agree with that too.
I take issue with concentrating sulfur and mistletoe in oil because I have taken enough essential oils lessons from one of my spiritual teachers to understand that there is a certain way to mix essential oils, and using poisonous herbs/minerals is NOT SAFE. Mistletoe is associated with Loki because of his role in the death of Baldr, but I would only recommend using a sprig of mistletoe as an offering for the altar. Mistletoe is poisonous. Sulfur, in small amounts, can be used in a powdered mixture to protect yourself or home from spirit entities that wish you harm. But sulfur has to be handled carefully, and I just cannot recommend it for an oil that is going to be used for anointing sacred objects, candles, etc.
I feel called to use essential oils of cinnamon and cedar. I just have to do some research and find a mix that smells good, can be made safely, and Loki would enjoy.
I strongly encourage any and all Lokeans to come up with their own sacred oil to honor Loki. This is one of the most fun things about pagan practice; creating special things to use in honor of your patron deity.
Despite my disagreement with Dagulf Lopston's Loki oil recipe, I find him to be an excellent resource for my personal practice.
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tarithenurse · 4 years
Stolen - 14
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson &/x fem!gifted!reader Content: Gambling, mentions of heavy drinking, boredom. A/N: Survival mode: active. Clean up program “Vacation 1.0”: final scan.
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14. Snake Eyes and Sissies
... Loki   ...
A nudge of a finger, a tap by the thumb, is all that’s needed to turn [Y/N]’s steps to thread an invisible route down the street. Every step she takes sends a bump into his palm. Whenever she sidesteps to avoid colliding with someone (who receives a harsh glare from Loki afterwards), it tugs at his body and he knows that he follows as much as he leads. Across a catwalk and into a lower section of Knowhere until they reach the destination in the shape of a secluded workshop with the owner’s name as the only identifier. Finally, Loki dares let go and he’s pleased to see she keeps close even as he pushes the door open and they’re met with stale air carrying the scents of hot metal and smoke.
“No credits. Only trades.” The creaky voice calls out sharply from behind a heap of scrap on a table in order to be heard over the grind of sawing through metal.
Loki smirks. “Think you can match a Stealth Hawk, Ek’ir?”
The screeching of the tool stops abruptly and a few of the pieces in the pile shifts due to movement behind. “What’s condition?”
“It’s seen some years...got a few dings, too.” Despite the reputation of the Skrull’s fleet, he knows this will be a hard sell. “Nearly intact and with full manoeuvrability.”
A small figure appears at the top of the scrap heap, round eyes invisible behind the goggles and the skin colour indistinguishable due to layers of oil and dirt. Still, Loki knows how carefully the craftsman is at sizing anything (and anyone) up.
“Define...nearly.” Hopping down from the table, they pads towards the potential customers.
“Got no blasters,” the Asgardian reluctantly admits.
Nearly through the first round, Ek’ir stops circling [Y/N] to stare at the Jotun with open mouth. “Why the Flerken would you dismantle the blasters?!”
“It was that or lose the entire ship.”
Meanwhile, the human is trying to come to terms with the situation. Born on a primitive world, her wonder at space travel and the visit on Alfheim had been reasonable, however she is bordering on rude if she doesn’t stop staring at the short person.
“If, and I mean if, it’s in good shape...” The cogs are turning behind the goggles to evaluate the potential gains and losses. “I’ll have to inspect it.”
“Of course.”
“Got a good few counteroffers you can choose from, at the moment.”
Loki arches a brow. “Freedom of choice?”
“We’ll see...but the Reach stays off limit!”
Few things would be as satisfying as wiping the smirk off Ek’ir’s proud little face. A Reach. Maybe the shop owner doesn’t know who Loki really is, but the species has a natural affinity for knowing exactly what a customer wants the most making it rare for one of their kind to settle in this kind of trade.
“Fair enough,” the god shrugs, “would’ve been nice to break open my casket of Asgardian mead onboard an Asgardian ship, though.”
It’s silent enough to hear the rowdy main street several blocks away as the trader pushes the goggles up onto the forehead, revealing exquisite lashes bordering yellow, cat-like eyes with deceptively narrow pupils. Small feet carries their owner right in front of Loki as if Ek’ir could stare down the much taller god.
“You got mead?” Loki shrugs once more. “How...how’ve you gotten Asgardian booze?”
Wouldn’t you like to know? “How have you gotten a Reach?”
...   Reader   ...
You’ve given up figuring out what Loki and the little person is talking about, preferring instead the distraction of the mess surrounding you. It’s a crammed place, heaps of scrap metal and tools tucked under an inconveniently low ceiling – although the owner wouldn’t have an issue with it, you suppose. Trying not to stare at the short person, you begin a game of guessing which parts could go where on a spaceship. The mental images quickly become grotesquely cartoonish, resembling the work of imaginative kids rather than actual space ship engineers.
Lost to your own musings, the gentle touch of Loki’s hand brings you back with a start.
“Come,” is all he says.
The delighted glint in his eyes doesn’t bode well as you follow both him and the alien out and back the way you came, mostly. A slight detour is allowed to bring you along to another dock with several vessels of different size and type one of which is the focus of attention. The Asgardian is playing it cool but you can see by the slant of his smile that he’s delighted with one of the ships in particular, commenting on its current state versus the original specs which are far beyond your grasp.
However, he doesn’t seem to strike a deal before having led the little one back to the ship that was your prison. It is the first time you really get to look at it without being in a rush (the second time seeing it from the outside at all). Sleek and silvery with a shape reminding you of a jagged spearhead it looks as lethal as you originally felt.
A Bugatti of space? Honestly, neither interstellar nor earthly transportation has mattered much to you as long as it worked and got you from point A to point B – you didn’t even own a car because that’s just silly when living in the city – but you’re pleased with the analogy.
“You got a deal if you throw in the cask of mead too,” the alien creaks.
"You drive a hard bargain," your travel partner retorts dryly.
Back and forth they go, inspecting ships and trying to outdo the other in tall tales about the vessels' past travels while you're bored out of your mind, eventually plopping onto the soft seat in a cabin of what they call “the Reach”. From there, you can see past the broken metal that could have made out the temporal bone (when the place wasn’t a wannabe planet) and to the stars beyond. How far are we from Earth?
This is only the second place you've been to since life changed drastically. In a way, it makes you feel special. Privileged. Deep within you a primal urge to keep moving is stirring, it's vibrating through every cell of the body until they ache with a need you can't satisfy on your own. Glancing briefly at Loki, you prefer to think it's also that longing, roaring silently and sending the butterflies in your belly swarming over a fire pit below.
"The rules are clear?" the little alien, Ek'ir, asks.
The Asgardian nods. "Doubles top with sixes as the best. Everything else reads as they show."
Propping yourself up on an elbow, you see them on either side of the table with a dice cup in between (where ever they've gotten that from). A wooden cask balances at the far end – a trophy on display. Memories from the parties you've gone to come back followed by vague rules from drinking games which always became less important as the nights carried on.
Ek'ir begins, slamming the cup down after having thoroughly rattled the dice around. A short peek. A frown.
Loki's face doesn't betray whatever he might be thinking. Slender fingers simply grab the cup and scoops up the roll to mimic the shop owner's motions. "Snake eyes."
The small hand with suction cups hovers in the air as the owner thinks carefully. With a flick of the finger the claim is proven true, resulting in a woody groan from this round's loser who of course is intend on revenge – a drawn out duel marked by small increments in the rolls before the Asgardian finds himself bested when trying to bluff. He takes it neatly, even sends you a wink.
"32," Ek'ir opens the third and final session.
The dice rattle a bit longer than strictly necessary. "65."
"Snake eyes," the god offers politely on return, causing the adversary to freeze.
Even you hold a breath. You have no clue why it's so important to get a different spaceship (and particularly this one except that it's aesthetically pleasing), however some sneaky plan must be depending on it or Loki wouldn't have gone through the trouble of bartering with the little alien.
"Naaaah..." They don't sound convinced. "A second one that soon? You think I'm gullible?" Still, the cup remains untouched, looming on the table.
"If you think me a liar, simply call my bluff." There's an air of nonchalance to the taller of the players. "Otherwise...best it."
"Probably counting on it, aren't you?"
There's no reply other than a shrug and a non-committal arching of the brows. He's bluffing. Admittedly, you're not sure. Yay for not playing him. Surely, Asgardian mead can't be that amazing?
"Ha!" Wrinkly hands snatch the cup away, a bright gleam in the alien eyes and a smile to match. Only...the glee dissipates as the roll is revealed: two ones.
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hraunwyf · 4 years
"I am your arrival, there is no refusal, we are here, you see, together, we are already here."
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there is no better word in her mind to describe elias than snake, and often loki wonders whether he is better or worse now than he was two hundred years ago—as of yet she comes to no conclusion, but perhaps now she’s been given the right opportunity to discern.
she’d be hard-pressed not to admit the beauty of the painting, but the beauty of the day was trapped in currency, and jonah had had so very much to spare. she can see everything, of course, can’t she, from the fine details of the portrait to the very quality of the oil paints. and she recognizes jonah, somehow a bit less regal on the canvas than he had been to witness, his jaw set, his shoulders straight, his collar stiff and high. she remembers the cuff links, so very fashionable. they matched a set of earrings he’d given her, though those are not what she wears in this depiction.
loki turns her eye upon her own image. there, she does not recognize herself entirely, but it wasn’t as though she’d sat for the painting. it occurs to her that in whatever twisted conception jonah had had of them, she’s lucky he didn’t have her dressed in white to look for all the world like their wedding day—but he came close. she doesn’t remember owning such a gown, cut overtly modest, cream-colored, the only ornamenting to it the pleating from the shoulder seams and the careful shaping of the sleeves.
not a dress for young lady odinssen. a dress for lady magnus, with little of the frivolity of unmarried women. it makes her stomach churn.
and yet, loki reaches. 
there’s no glass to encase and protect it, and yet not a single trace of dust dirties the tips of her fingers. she is wearing pearls, a sapphire pendant. her missing eye is covered by a white linen patch that she remembers, embroidered splendidly, edged very subtly in lace. her hair caught low at her neck, her expression distant and untouchable. he never liked her that way with him, though he allowed it; it was here, here when she was already at his side and facing the remainder of the world that he liked her seclusion. so jonah’s trapped her with him on the canvas, forever, then, and just maybe for a moment when she runs her fingers over his hand set on her shoulder she thinks he might reach out from the painting itself and pull her in.
loki jerks her hand back, a reflexive step startling with it, and elias’s hands greet her. so familiar, so sudden, shocking her into realizing her face is wet. why should she weep now? was she weeping the whole time? she had only wanted to look, thinking she was past the initial revulsion at even the idea that this horrid image could exist. curiosity. has it truly been here the whole time? right under her nose, jonah’s sickening vision. the lord and lady magnus, 1823.
she can feel him. even now, pursuing this image, loki’s shoulders sloped down as she covers her mouth to hold it back, elias’s hands covering them, his grip so very sure, and she can feel him in that precise posture of the painting, straight and tall. even now. even now in all this horror she is somehow still where he wants her, there at his side, his words vicious and poison. loki cannot look away. she is afraid to see jonah come alive upon elias’s face—she can feel herself feeding him, how this fear is one he made so very specially for her.
the compulsion, oh god, the resistant wanting to let go of it all, welling inside the way he calls it. no measure of restraint can save her now, she Knows, and with whatever desperate cry leaves her lips loki turns from jonah’s image and into elias’s waiting arms, no true escape, nothing she could ever do to get away. she hates his hand across her back, she hates the turn of his cheek into the crown of her hair as she grieves herself, and more than anything she hates that she clutches at him, at whoever he is or was or may become, because he’s the only thing that will ever, so obstinately and terribly, stay.
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thelaughinglamb · 7 years
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Sure, I’d be glad to!
So, to recap:
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Objects of significance from left to right, top to bottom:
Chalice. Plastic. Mostly for Thor.
Chamomile oil, for anointing. Chamomile is thought to be sacred in the eyes of the Gods. I like to wear it for seidh working and divination.
Iron necklace in the image of a snake. Iron is great when used as protection against the spirits of the dead. It’s also an homage to Loki and his family.
Ceramic vessel for votive offerings.
Handcarved antler amulet for health and fertility, made by this guy.
Norse oracle deck, also by this guy.
Mounted skull of a roe deer. Homage to Freyr and to Freyja. In addition, my way of honoring the dead.
Offering bowl, handpainted with Havamal 52. Also also, made by this guy.
Mjolnir. For Thor.
Artisinal beeswax candles, made by the local apiary.
Portrait of the Lady Freyja.
Miscellaneous items:
Bottles with tiny candles. Rose candles. Just... candles.
Vanilla room spray (yes, this is to make my altar smell good)
Skull bottle, moon bottle. For reasons.
Divination tools, specially kept on Freyja’s side of the altar. I don’t use the pendulum almost at all, but the tarot cards and runes I do.
Tiny witchcraft bag pin, for funsies.
Amber earrings for Freyja, skeletal hand necklace for Hel.
Things that do live on my altar not appearing here are: a cinammon tealight candle for Loki, my Midsummer offering (wooden honeycomb box filled with schtuff) and my Freyja charm bracelet, which hangs from the image of Freyja whenever I’m not wearing it.
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lokifiction · 7 years
Run to Me, Runaway
Category: F
Rating: M
Notes/Warnings: This chapter is actually pretty clean. However, I feel obligated to apologize because I had intended for this to be posted last weekend, but my best friend introduced me to Yuri on Ice and I kind of disappeared into a hole. Oops. I hope this proves worth the wait!
First Chapter
Previous Chapter
Chapter Fourteen
           I opened my eyes slowly, blinking several times to adjust to the blinding light that shone in through the towering window, the pine-hued drapes bunched up at the sides. After shielding myself from the brightness for a few moments, I let my hand drop, toying with the hem of the sheets, contemplating the night’s events.
          Why did Frigga need to enchant that jewel to contact me? Loki needed her more than I did. With my thoughts, the necklace grew heavy on my chest and I picked it up, holding it between my fingers and studying it intently.
            As I riddled through the issue backwards and forwards, I felt the bed shift next to me as Loki began to kiss my hair softly.
            “Good morning, love,” he murmured hoarsely.
            Despite my confusion, I turned to face him and conjured up a smile. “Morning, handsome.”
            “You were stirring in your sleep last night,” he commented, wrapping his arms around my waist to pull me closer. “Were you dreaming?”
            “Mmhm.” I attempted to worm out of discussing the subject, but my uncharacteristically short reply didn’t fool Loki.
            “What’s wrong? Did you have a nightmare?”
            “It’s not that.” Relenting, I pulled myself into a sitting position. “Loki, I dreamt of Frigga. Well, it was more of a vision, actually. All of a sudden, I woke up and she was here, sitting on the edge of the bed. I tried to wake you, too, but you were completely frozen in time. She and I spoke for a bit and it turns out that this necklace-“ I closed my fingers around the emerald, “-allows her to communicate with me from Valhalla. That must have been why she wanted me to have it. But I don’t know why she would need to communicate with me; she was your mother, and you need her more than I do.”
            Loki rose up to join me and ran a hand through his mussed hair. “Yes and no. Of course I miss her and wish she was here, but I think she wants me to learn to live with the absence of her presence. If she was communicating with me from the afterlife, I would never move on and would constantly live in the past. It is hard to hear that someone else is receiving attention from her, but I know she has a reason for what she’s doing. She was quite an accomplished seer, so perhaps she’s foreseen something you’ll need her help with.”
            “Oh.” I bit my lip. “I was worried you’d be angry or upset with me.”
            “I have no right to be. Those visits aren’t your doing.” He cupped my cheek. “Though I must admit that I hope you feel bad enough to pass along messages and information to her for me.”
            “All you have to do is ask,” I assured. “Although, the thought of what she might have prophesied frightens me a bit. I hoped I was past the difficult part of my life.”
            “So did I. But we’ve no idea what will happen, so all we can do is hope for the best. Today I hope to distract you from your fears.” Loki pressed a kiss to my forehead. “I’ve a few very special events planned, and we can begin as soon as I’ve taken care of a few things around the palace.”
            “Well, you go attend to your kingly duties and I’ll get ready.” I promptly stood up from the bed, straightened my silken, shift-style nightgown, and made my way to the bathing room.
            “Are you so eager to be rid of me?” Loki teased, crawling out of the bed to follow me. “Why have you bid me to leave so soon? I never said anything about those tasks being urgent.”
            “I want our day to begin as soon as possible, and,” I ducked behind the door and grabbed the handle from the inside, “I’m going to be taking a shower. I don’t want you getting any ideas.”
            I shut the door, waited a few moments, then opened it again.
            “I’m not taking my eyes off of you until you’re out of here.”
            Loki chuckled as he relented. “I’ll be here when you’re ready to go.”
            I watched him intently as he exited the room, then made sure he was truly gone before stepping fully into the bathing room, which was reached by a door past the washbasins. The shower was a spacious chamber in the far-left corner of the room, and parallel to that was a wooden yet luxurious tub, along with a many-rowed shelf stocked full of towels, soaps, oils, perfumes, and a few basic healing remedies.
            I approached the shelf to collect my a vial of rose-scented soap and placed a couple of towels on a warmer beside the shower before shedding my nightgown and stepping into the chamber, where I needed to only push a red button as opposed to a blue before water spilled out of the wide spout at just the temperature I wanted it.
            Once I finished showering, I made my way to the wardrobe, flipping through countless rows dresses that did not at all capture my eye. They were all undeniably beautiful, and I was eager to wear them some other time, but for an unknown reason, none of them seemed quite right for the day. Just when I was about to become frustrated, however, I was distracted by a subtle shimmer of gold. I rushed to find where it came from, and discovered a gown of the deepest green. The neckline had a slight pinch and extended outward so that the sleeves began past my shoulders, fitting razor-slim to my arms; and the skirt had just enough body to give the waist a flattering shape. The gown was free of any beading or embroidery, but that made it no less gorgeous, for some sort of gold dust seemed to be embedded into the fabric, so that when the dress was still, it appeared the most beautiful shade of green one could imagine, but the moment it came into motion, the entire thing seemed alight with golden stars.
            Elated at the concept of wearing something so enchanting, I hurried to dress and continue on with the day’s preparations by styling my hair and applying my makeup. When that was finished, I put on my circlet, arranged the emerald so that it rested nicely on my chest, and draped a black hooded cloak over my shoulders, then declared myself ready and strode over to the main door of the chambers.
            “I know you’re out there,” I announced as I departed into the hallway and found Loki leaning slyly against the wall, dressed in casual armor. The grin on his lips indicated that he was preparing some wisecrack or prank, but it faded when his mouth parted as he took in the sight of me.
            “Gods,” he gasped, approaching me slowly. “You are the most beautiful creature I’ve ever laid eyes on.”
            “I’m flattered that you think so.” I felt a flush creeping up my neck as I waited for him to say something else, but he merely resumed staring at me. Eventually, I broke him from his stupor.
            “If you keep standing there looking at me, we’ll never get a start on our day.”
            “Oh, yes. My apologies.” He offered me his arm, and as I took it, he guided me on the long walk out of the palace and its gates, into the eyes of the people of Asgard.
            “Loki!” I gasped quietly as I came to a realization. “The citizens- they still believe Odin is king, not to mention that they’re under the impression that you’re dead! What will they think when they see you strolling around the city, perfectly alive?”
            “Don’t fret,” he assured. “I’ve cast a spell on us. To the people, we appear to be a visiting lord and lady, concerned for the health of the old man.”
            “Alright.” I breathed a sigh of relief. “Where are we going?”
            “I’m taking you to a few of my favorite places in Asgard. All of these locations were havens of a sort for me, and hold very special memories of my childhood.”
            “That sounds wonderful. Where first?”
            “This way.” We turned sharply and he led me down an empty pathway that snaked into a lush green forest. “My hiding place was at the heart of these woods. Every time I was upset, I would gather my books and come out here to be alone. I’ve never shared this spot with anyone, not even Frigga. This pathway was even created by me, and is only accessible to someone that’s in my presence.”
            As Loki pulled away branches so that I could duck under them and pushed aside plants to clear my path, it became apparent that he had visited this spot many times and knew it perfectly. After a few minutes of walking, we reached a small yet beautiful clearing, dotted with yellow wildflowers despite the winter weather. A gushing stream was also visible in the background, the sound of the babbling water providing an air of serenity. A wide stump resided in front of a large tree to create a chair of some sort, and Loki’s large grin was enough to add magic to the air.
            “Loki, this is amazing!” I threw my arms out and spun. “I wish I had a place like this when I was a child.”
            “When I was here, I would always pick bouquets of flowers for Mother,” he knelt down and plucked up a few blossoms to hand to me, “and practiced magic by carving things into the trees.” He waved his hand, and on the tree supporting the stump, an invisible hand whittled out “L+C.”
            “I know that’s childish.” He gestured at the carving, ducking his head sheepishly.
            “A childhood spot is a place to do childish things. I love it.” I sat down on the forest floor and encouraged him to join me.
            “Then you wouldn’t object to a picnic?” Loki conjured up a beautifully weaved wicker basket with a white cloth covering the contents, a bottle of wine protruding from the side.
            “Of course not.” I grinned. “As a theme of the day, I’d love it.”
            After our lunch, Loki led me back into the city and directly towards the belly of a bustling marketplace.
            “Despite my dislike of crowds, the market was always a treasured experience for me,” he narrated. “I used to always come here for meals when I didn’t like what was being served at the palace, which was often, as well as to practice new magic on unsuspecting citizens.”
            I gasped through a laugh. “That’s naughty.”
            “I think you’ll come to find, love, that nothing has changed on that count.” Loki chuckled, then approached a booth where a weathered old man sold large cups of a rich brown liquid. “Two, please.”
            The man prepared and handed us our cups as Loki produced a leather pouch filled with coins. Once my glass was handed to me, I raised it to my lips and took an eager swig. The drink was warm and chocolatey, with a hint of some sort of berry, not unlike hot chocolate on Earth, but much, much better. Smacking my lips, I took in another generous swig.
            “How fares the king?” The old man inquired as Loki counted counted out coppers.
            “Not well,” Loki replied, wrapping his arm around my waist. “He is bedridden, and could barely speak to us.”
            “Poor man. The death of his queen must have sent him over the edge.” The vendor began to clean an empty cup. “If Prince Thor has abdicated the throne, who is to be his heir?”
            “His second son,” Loki replied coolly. I stole a glance up at him, shocked that he was making that confession right then.
            The man’s eyes widened. “Is he not dead?”
            “That was recently proven to be a false report. Loki is very much alive, and legitimate heir to the throne.”
            The vendor slammed the cup down. “Then Asgard is doomed.”
            Loki stiffened beside me. “For your information, I have just spoken to Asgard’s next king. He regrets the mistakes he’s made, and is trying his hardest to rectify them. He has only good intentions, and I believe he will put Asgard in the best state it’s seen in years.”
            The man only scoffed. “That is deception. His conquering ambitions will drive us to a universal war, and once that’s started, he’ll simply sit back in all his wealth and power, using us as his puppets to play tricks on whilst we all die for his poor choices.”
            “He will only do so if you don’t accept him. He is truly trying his hardest to become the best king he can be,” Loki spat. “Now, tell those who share your opinion that, before they go along judging things that are none of their concern, and making the same mistake you’ve made.”
            “Let’s go someplace else,” I whispered in his ear, wrapping my fingers around his tensed arm to lead him away. Surprisingly, he complied quickly.
            “I’m sorry you had to witness that,” Loki murmured as we fled the marketplace. “This was supposed to be a happy day.”
            “It is!” I insisted. “One bitter citizen can’t ruin it. You and I know better, and it’s only a matter of time before the people start changing their minds about you as well.”
            “You’re right.” Loki molded his face back into a pleasant expression. “I can’t let him make a mess of our day, especially when I’ve more things to show you.” He began to lead me back towards the palace.
            “What’s next?” I asked eagerly.
            “My secret library.” Loki smirked.
            I cocked an eyebrow. “You have a secret library?”
            “In fact, I do.”
          Once behind the palace’s doors, Loki led me into a small servant’s closet in a corridor just beyond the main entryway and began to probe the wall.
          “I discovered this chamber by happenstance when I was a boy,” he said, brow furrowing in his search. “It was quiet and comfortable, so I decided to fill it with books and hide there to escape Odin’s frequent wrath.”
            He finally located a miniscule latch and pulled it, a concealed door sliding open to reveal a dark, narrow staircase. Loki paused at the top to ignite a torch, then took my hand to help me down the steep steps, pulling me to his side as the staircase opened into a wide chamber, every inch of the walls covered with books. He stepped over to light the fireplace with the torch, and two plush chairs appeared out of nowhere for us to sit.
            “Each one of these was cherished by me.” Loki began to browse the seemingly never ending rows, running his fingers along the aged volumes. “I took them gradually so that no one would catch onto what I was doing. The librarians did notice things going missing, but luckily they just thought that one of the staff members was negligent with organization and never seriously looked into anything.”
            “I’m so envious.” I settled down in front of the fire, warming my hands. “When I was on the run, if I wanted to read something, I had to hide out in a bookstore all day. If I came across anything particularly long, I’d have to leave before I finished, and by the time I’d get to another place to finish it, I’d have lost my place and be forced spend precious time trying to find it before I could even continue.”
            “You don’t have to worry about that anymore.” Loki selected something off of the shelf and came to sit next to me. “This spot is yours now, too.”
            After Loki showed me the book, worn in a well-loved sort of way, containing all of his favorite childhood stories, he led me out of the library and to the very top floor of the palace, contained in a tower like a fairytale. He guided me to where a glass door opened to a large balcony, which was so beautiful that it drew a gasp from my lips.
            Rose bushes curled around every surface, a small marble fountain gushed in a corner, and the entire city was visible from our spot. Dark had fallen, and the night sky revealed stars and planets and galaxies, more than I could ever dream to witness with my own eyes, and small golden orbs the size of berries twinkled as they floated around the area, and from somewhere resonated ethereal music. Awed, I shed my cloak and dazedly stepped out to join Loki.
            “Where is that music coming from?” I questioned, not able to contain my smile.
            “It’s the orbs. They play whatever you’d like to hear.” Loki gestured a few over with a wave of his hand, and they circled my head playfully for a few moments before dissipating back to nestle amongst the flowers.
            “What do you hear?” I whispered.
            “I hear something romantic.” Loki pulled me to him, one hand at my waist, another lacing around mine. “I hear something to dance to.”
            And so we began to dance to our eternal music, no words needed to express our feelings. He held me gently, as if the slightest touch could break me, and I let my head fall on his shoulder as he nuzzled my hair. After I became dizzy with love, he put his hand under my chin and kissed me deeply, then leaned down to whisper in my ear.
            “There’s one more thing I must show you.”
            I regretfully followed Loki out of the beautiful garden, but soon grasped his hand in excitement as to what our next destination could be and wonderment of how it could possibly compare to where we had just come from. When we stopped in front of the entrance to our chambers, however, I glanced at him in confusion. He simply smiled reassuringly and guided me inside and towards our bedroom, biting his lip in anticipation as he opened the door.
            Candles were lit around the vicinity, and rose petals were scattered around the turned-down bed. The lights were dimmed, and a few of the orbs from the balcony were hovering near the high ceiling, playing the same song as before.
            “Loki?” I tilted my head to the side as he came up behind me and began to kiss my neck. “What is this about?”
            He spun me around and pressed his lips to mine before pulling back to stare at me with dark eyes.
            “My love for you is so deep and true that words cannot express it,” he breathed, “If I have your consent, I’d like to attempt to do so through alternate methods.”
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