#with the stolen kisses
lunarifie · 5 months
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What a good song will do to a mf
(Inspired by @chmarzity’s design of Lynn Merr + googled moonstone dragons)
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raphaerolo · 4 months
Eepy codywan sketches anyone?
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mewtwo24 · 3 months
I love that I finally got to the part where wwx has his first kiss when he was blindfolded, and at first it's all fairly normal--you know. He's like 'no killing intent so I should be okay' and tries to fight out of the person's grip (obviously lwj) as one does.
And then. And then. "Damn, girl seems nervous. Poor thing, cheer up babe your kissing game is great" WWX. CAN WE PLEASE FOCUS.
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watchyourbuck · 5 months
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Do you guys think Cardan's tail wags when Jude kisses him or is that just me?
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bird-inacage · 11 months
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Only Friends Episode 12 | The Sand/Top Kiss: Revenge tastes sweet
I knew straight away that Mew was going to ask them to 'kiss and make-up'. Top looked so goddamn terrified the entire time, I was laughing so hard.
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Vesuvia Weekly: How they like to steal a kiss
Julian -
Likes stealing kisses from you like he's the most moral pirate that ever existed. He already "steals" quite a few from you on a daily basis, in the form of little pecks on your cheek as a greeting or just because you did something endearing, but in his mind those don't count. Rather, he likes to twirl you around on the dance floor and dip you back until you're clinging to him for support, lean down into your space with a wicked smirk, and pause just long enough to see the happiness and safety in your eyes before he claims his prize.
Asra -
Likes stealing kisses from you the way they like "holding you hostage" for a snuggle session. For someone who uses such strong language, everything about his movements and intentions are gentle and respectful. They'll sidle up close to you behind the counter during a lull in the shop's business, gently wrap their arms around your middle, and slowly giggle and tease their way into hovering inches from your face. As soon as you ask him what he's up to, he's mumbling about "stealing a precious treasure" before he slowly closes the gap.
Nadia -
Likes to steal kisses from you as though they're a luxury only she has the reach to snatch. She'll wait until there's a moment between tasks to catch you in a corridor, take your chin lightly between her thumb and forefinger, and look at you from under lidded eyes like you're a work of art. Her proud little smirk and cocked eyebrow is all the warning you'll get before she backs you into a nearby tapestry with the intensity of her kiss, only giving you room to breathe as she wipes her lipstick from your mouth with her thumb and asks after your day.
Muriel -
Likes to steal kisses from you because it only requires ten seconds of courage max, while straight up asking you for one takes closer to two minutes. His version of "stealing" kisses is much more akin to giving them to you in ways he thinks you'll mind less. He'll press his fingertips to his lips, leaving a secret kiss on them, before he reaches out to move your hair out of your eyes brush and it against your forehead. Otherwise, the closest you'll get is when he holds your hand to wake you and kisses your inner wrist in a tender moment.
Portia -
Likes stealing kisses from you the way school kids pass notes to each other on the playground. She'll come sprinting by on her short break, snatch your wrist in her hand, and lead you through a veritable maze of back hallways and hidden corridors until you're both breathless and giggling. It's only once she's got you squished into a forgotten corner behind a dusty bookshelf that she'll brace her arms on either side of you, lean in with dancing eyes, and whisper "gotcha" before she tags you and calls you "it" with an abrupt, air-stealing kiss.
Lucio -
Likes stealing kisses from you simply because he can. He does enough law-abiding to satisfy a judge (which is more than he's ever done in his life) and he thinks he deserves a way to act out. He doesn't care if you're around other people or not, if you're standing relatively still and looking attractive enough (which is always) he's forgetting whatever he was trying to do and marching over to cup your face in his flesh-and-metal hands with the biggest puppy eyes. Just nod your head and you'll get the world's most excited kiss.
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rahuratna · 3 months
Nanami Kento: Relationship Headcanons (now a fic), Part 7
Contents: relationship, establishing feelings, slow burn, office kisses.
Warning: Things get a little ... spicier from here on out. Content warnings will be given for the relevant chapters.
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You lingered with him in the little alcove, listening to the rhythm of his breath in the grooves of your ear. You lingered on the stairs leading back to the car. You traced the elusive outline of his fingers with yours, again and again, committing them to memory. There were no words passed between the two of you, from the moment he'd kissed you outside the restaurant, until you parted ways outside your apartment. There was no need for words. Neither of you wanted to break the spell that this evening had cast upon you.
When he finally said goodbye, the hoarseness of his voice, the softness of it, was enough to tell you how much he wanted, how much leaving you there was costing him. It was the same in your mind, of course. Discipline, control over desires, the measuring of love in increments until some vital point was reached, what was the need for it all?
You'd happily open your front door to him, lead him into a place you'd make sure he'd never want to leave. And yet, there was still something holding you back. It must be the same for him. Something that had been slinging you both in natural trajectories, the orbit of celestial bodies that slowly swayed each other's tides until the season came for you to be closer than ever.
You could be patient for this. You could watch this sweet, gentle unfolding between the two of you, as patiently as a predator in ambush. If nature was to take its course, then it was well worth the wait.
The way Kento walked you to your door without touching you, but then snatched up your fingers and pressed them to his lips, told you how much he valued your time together. It wasn't so much that he had kissed your fingers, it was more like he was committing the feel of them to his lips, as if he'd drink from the sensation on every night he'd spend without you.
Until the night it wouldn't be necessary any longer.
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He began to make an effort, of course, to bind your lives more fully together. The things that were important to him were things he wanted to share with you. Sometimes, those moments of sharing were performed unconsciously on his part, in ways that made you want to take his face between your palms and plant soft kisses on his eyelids.
On one fateful afternoon, he'd purchased some specialty mochi from a store near where he'd been posted for duty. He knew how much you loved them freshly made, with red bean filling.
You hadn't seen him for almost a week at this point, messaging him regularly to check up on his safety and whether he was eating and sleeping on time. He always replied promptly, unless deeply occupied with something.
When he strode into your office that evening, the small parcel in one hand, tie slightly askew, you knew he'd rushed to catch the last train to be here. Jujutsu Tech vehicles were not always on call at this time. You stood and beamed at him, watching his shoulders relax and the tension that hung about his face disappear.
At work, you both were very careful to keep gestures of affection to a minimum. Not that you were concealing what was growing between you. It was simply a matter of not wanting anyone else to intrude on the moments between you that were truly special. Nanami couldn't help himself, though.
Drawn across the room, as if in each other's magnetic pull, you both met halfway, his hands coming up to enclose your own. You gently extricated one of them and brushed it lightly over his forehead, smoothing out some of the lines there.
"What's this in the bag?"
"Mochi. The kind you like."
"You should have gone home and rested. The mochi could wait."
The soft smile you were giving him took the edge off your strict words.
"Hmm. But it was fresh. I saw them stocking the shelves."
"Come, sit. I'll make you some tea."
He sank onto the couch set to one side of the room with a sigh, loosening his tie. Unable to help yourself, now that he was in your presence, you traced the line of his jaw delicately on your way to the kettle. Kento leaned slightly into your touch. He didn't have to tell you how much he'd missed you.
The kettle was soon boiling merrily while you prepared the cups and saucers. You kept many different tea blends in your office, and you knew, by now, which ones he preferred. You could feel his gaze tracing down, over your shoulders and back, down to your hips and then to your fingers on the smooth porcelain.
He insisted that the mochi was for you, and that he wouldn't eat any of it. Kento could be as stubborn as a bull when it came to things like this. Sighing slightly, you took a sip of your own tea, then a bite of the mochi, Kento's eyes now following the shape of your lips over the rim of his cup.
You almost choked.
Now this was unexpected. Glancing down, you desperately fought the urge to burst into laughter when you realized what had happened. He'd purchased mochi filled with natto instead of red beans. In his rush, he must have got them mixed. Natto wasn't a common filling either, but this was a specialty shop, so it must have been made on the day.
"Something wrong?"
"Not at all. They're so soft and fresh. It's been a while since I've had any like this."
He looked so pleased with himself that you silently patted yourself on the back for managing to conceal that so well. At that moment, the door to the office burst open and Gojo strolled in. Tall and charismatic as ever, he glanced around, gaze almost traveling right over you as he focused on the target of his attention.
"Nanami! Why are you holed up in here? I've been looking for you all over. Where's the report?"
The tension lines on Kento's forehead were back in full force.
"I'm attempting to sit down and take a break after a long day, as you can clearly see."
Gojo grinned and knocked Kento's knee with his shin.
"Okay, Mister Grump. But where's the report?"
"Filed with Ijichi, obviously. I always send my paperwork in first thing. You know this."
Gojo clicked his tongue and Kento's eye twitched alarmingly.
"Why you gotta be so proper. Now I have to go find Ijichi."
"You could have - "
"Ooohh, what's this?"
To your immense alarm, Gojo had spotted the mochi. Everyone and their grandmother knew about the special grade sorcerer's penchant for all things sweet. You attempted to push them aside slowly.
"Uh, you don't want these. They're - "
"Huh?" He pointed at you, scandalized. "Are you trying to keep them all to yourself?"
"What? No, I - "
Kento stood and folded his arms in a manner that showed just how much he meant business.
"Gojo, leave those mochi alone."
"Oh hell no. You go all the way to the mochi store I've been dying to go to all week, and you don't even get me any? What kind of friend are you?"
Before either of you could stop him (for very different reasons) he grabbed one of the mochi and popped it into his mouth. He chewed happily before stopping suddenly, face crumpling, gagging slightly.
"What the hell? Why is there natto in these?"
Kento turned, very slowly, in your direction. Studiously avoiding his gaze, you cleared your throat.
"That was at my request. I love natto mochi. That's why I tried to stop you from eating them."
Grabbing your half-full cup of tea, Gojo took a large gulp in an attempt to wash away the flavour.
"Natto mochi? Why? Just .... why? Oh, never mind. Thanks for trying to stop me anyway. Oi, Nanamin, you owe me some strawberry mochi for next time, okay?"
So saying, the whirlwind that was Gojo exited your office, footsteps shuffling away on the floor outside. You examined your fingernails. Kento's gaze was burning into the back of your head.
"Ahem. Is there something you'd like to tell me?"
"Why didn't you tell me these were natto?"
"I like natto."
You huffed out a small laugh, finally meeting his disapproving expression with a mischievous one.
"Fine. I'm not a fan of natto. But you were so happy to give them to me, Kento. I just wanted to see you smiling and looking relaxed for a change, so I - "
Before you could utter another word, he had plucked the glasses away from his face with a decisive motion and taken two strides into your space, his arms coming up and surrounding you in an embrace that pulled you like a vice into his chest.
Your voice was a little shaky, not in an unpleasant way, as he leaned forward without hesitation, tilting his head. You swiftly dodged away, your breathless laugh mingling with his own unsteady breathing.
"The door isn't closed all the way. And I've just... wait! I've just eaten natto, you - "
His mouth was positively hungry on yours this time. Regardless of whatever flavour was lingering there, he was pushing you back until the desk collided with your thighs, his hand coming up to grasp and tilt your face until your mouth fell open helplessly against his. He was licking into you like a man starved, pausing in between to whisper to you about how he'd missed you, how he wanted you, how you looked so beautiful today and now his lips were on your throat, then on your mouth again, teeth knocking against yours, clumsy in his passion. There was something so fierce, uncontrolled, so primal about the way he was touching you, as if every restraint he had placed on himself (and by extension, yourself) had come crashing down among the rapidly narrowing spaces between your bodies.
Your hands were on his shoulders, and it probably looked as if you were trying to push him off you, but you were actually bracing yourself as something warm and molten started to run straight down the middle of your body, making you hyper-sensitive to his touch, to the feel of him on you. He was so large, so warm, so solid, the ripple of sinew against underlying muscle so evident under your fingers. You could run your hands over him like this forever, mapping out every new delight he laid bare for you.
Something like sanity was beginning to make itself known to the both of you now, the awareness of where you were, of the rules of propriety, and Kento removed his mouth from yours with a twist of his neck, looking away from you, breathing hard. He was now murmuring a soft apology, but you weren't having it. You covered his mouth with your hand and tugged slightly, making him look at you again, forcing him to take in your appearance, as he'd left you. He was none the better.
You removed your hand and took him in, the flushed cheeks, the blonde strands coming down around his ears, the glazed molten honey of his eyes and moistened lips. This man was so beautiful, he'd be the death of you. You told him so, and he gave a small, slightly disbelieving chuckle. But you let him read the truth in your regard of him all the same, the way you were drinking in the sight of him.
If you didn't know any better, you'd say Kento was overcome with a little shyness then. He lowered his face and his nose found purchase on your collarbone. You closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, holding him tightly, but gently. After a few moments of him basking in your embrace, he pulled away and cleared his throat, smoothing out his shirt. You took in a steadying breath and did the same to your own rumpled appearance.
He spent the remainder of your shift seated at a safe distance behind the other desk in the room, using the desktop PC to order up a replacement for his leather blade holster that was showing signs of wear. At times, your eyes would catch his, regarding you with a certain kind of tenderness in the dim glow of the office lamps. That expression was new. You delighted in it, as you did in every new aspect of himself he revealed to you.
When your shift ended, he insisted on walking you to the train.
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Of course, he apologizes for his behaviour later. Even though the thought has long since ceased to bother you, he has been going over it in his mind, as you expected. He was the one who initiated the kiss in your office, after all. When you arrive home, warm up the food you'd pre-prepared in the fridge and finish with your bath, your phone is lit up with a small, insistent reminder.
Unable to help the small laugh that escapes you, you read his message.
"I don't know what came over me earlier. Please pardon my behaviour. I'm not offering excuses, but I did miss your presence."
The infinite sweetness that wells up inside you threatens to have you type something that you might want to take back. Like inviting him over so that he can fall asleep in your lap while your fingers card through his soft hair.
"Please don't apologize. I enjoyed that as much as you did, and you know it."
"You did?"
There is a pause before his next message.
"I did miss you."
"I missed you terribly, Kento. Was it a tough week?"
"Not difficult. Just draining. On surveillance."
"Please go to sleep soon."
"Are you already tired of me?"
"Are you already being melodramatic?"
"Nobody has ever called me melodramatic before."
"You just hide it well."
"As well as my desire to hold you?"
Your fingers still for a moment. How brazen.
"Not as much as my desire to kiss you all over your handsome face."
"You find me handsome?"
You can clearly picture that subtly pleased expression of his and almost roll your eyes. Of course Kento wouldn't take much note of his own appearance.
"Can you think of anyone who wouldn't find you handsome?"
"That's a matter of perspective."
"Name one. Go on."
"Now you're playing dangerous games."
"How so?"
"If he were to receive an anonymous email asking him to sing praises to your beauty all week ... "
"All right. I take it back."
"Too late. Now go to sleep."
"Have mercy on me."
There is a small pause before his next reply comes.
"Goodnight, my darling."
For a long time, before you go to sleep, your heart hums a pleasant, warm rhythm to that word.
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@tsukimefuku @kentocalls @actuallysaiyan @g-kleran
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clary-jace · 5 months
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“If you felt even one shred of what I feel for you, then we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”
PACEY WITTER & JOEY POTTER  Dawson’s Creek - 3.19 - “Stolen Kisses”  Originally aired: April 26, 2000 
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sillyvanillycheos · 6 months
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skitskatdacat63 · 11 months
Pushing Nico out of the way istg, WHY CAN'T THAT BE ME!?!?!?
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lavendermunson · 1 month
sunkissed - eddie munson
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summary you and eddie have been going on dates, this one is even more special than you think because he has a surprise for you and you realize he is the best person ever.
cw mermaid!reader. a little dry humping but r gets a little nervous.
w.c 1.8k
a/n i’m loving seeing your comments about this universe! it makes me so happy 🩷🐠 i saw a guy make things with old silverware on tiktok and it inspired me for something so keep reading to find what it is :o
dividers by @plutism
from the stolen kisses universe
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It was the warmest morning you’ve ever felt in Hawkins. The sun sat hiding behind the trees of the trailer park, Eddie had invited you to a very special date, as he called it, and you couldn’t stop shaking from excitement. You’ve had dates with him over the week, going to the movies and hanging out around the mall. For some reason you always avoided the community pool.
“Good morning, Wayne” You see Eddie’s uncle ready to leave for work, his shifts have changed since your dad accepted them at the car shop. With Wayne as the manager, he could’ve go anytime he wanted but he loved being early.
“Morning, kiddo,” he smiles, taking the last steps out of his trailer. You get closer to him and hand him a tupperware with a sandwich and some fruit.
“We are going on a picnic, so this is for you,” you smile. His eyes light up at the sweet gesture. Knowing his nephew is in good hands, and hoping he doesn’t get to the point where he acts like a kid and he has to kick his ass.
“Thank you, have so much fun” he says, giving you a gentle hug. You wrap your arm around him and wish him luck for the rest of the day.
“Bear hugs!” Eddie shouts, running towards you and his uncle to wrap you around his arms. “I’ve been working out at the shop, let’s see how much i can squeeze you both.”
“Son, let me out of this. I’m an old man." Wayne takes a step back, squeezing his nephew’s shoulder and earning a smile from him. “Take care of each other.”
“Yes, we will,” you say.
You and Eddie wave goodbye to Wayne as he drives his truck to the shop. With a smile on his face from how happy you two look and how delicious your sandwiches are.
“I guess you’ll have to see how much I can squeeze you!" Eddie wraps his arms around your waist, lifting you up and squeezing your body. You squeal in surprise and hug him by his neck to keep you from falling.
“Eds! Please, I can’t breathe!”
He turns around with you in his arms, You can feel the dizziness traveling from your head to your stomach, and it's enough to make you laugh. Your grip on Eddie is so strong that when he stops, you don’t fall off.
“I missed you,” he says, leaving a sweet peck on your cheeks. You blush as if it were the first time he did that. You’ve learned so much from this past week of dating him.
“You saw me yesterday, and the day before,” you smile, reciprocating your feelings. Eddie blushes with you. His cheeks are all so red. It looks so nice on him.
“I know, but I couldn't stop thinking about you. Ready for our date?”
You nod. He helps you get back on your feet on the floor and takes your hand, following you to your car. It’s easier if you drive your little car instead of the big, heavy van. Eddie doesn’t mind it, and he takes good care of driving it.
It’s been a long time since you’ve been driving. Eddie parks on the side of what seems to be an old camp entrance. The sign is still on, but the cabins and all the campsites are missing.
“We have to walk a lot, but it will be worth it”
He helps you get out of your car, and you take the blankets and the drinks so Eddie can carry the umbrella and the basket. You hike to what seems to be the highest spot around, the grass and the flowers adorn the secret place Eddie had been waiting for you to meet. When you turn around, you can see pretty much all of Hawkins, you see lover’s lake, the trailer park, and the ferris wheel from the fair.
“How did you find this place? It’s beautiful,” you say looking around, there’s so much green surrounding you. The flowers tickle your ankles and calves as you walk to see more. The sun shines right above you giving a sun kissed tint to your cheeks.
“Dustin told me about it. This is where they tested cerebro for the first time.” Eddie smiles, fixing the umbrella on the grass so it shields you from the sun. You fix up the blanket on the floor and the basket.
“I miss him so much, i miss them all." As you start to fix up the little picnic, You can feel your heart pounding in your chest.
“Me too, i can’t wait to have them back”
It’s great being with Eddie. He’s one of the best things that’s ever happened to you. He has been nothing but calm, honest, sweet, loving, and caring. But you also miss the kids, some of them away in California, some of them at camp.
“All ready, let’s enjoy,” Eddie says, snapping you out of your thoughts.
You do enjoy the picnic, eating all the food you made for Eddie, and getting to talk with him about nothing and everything at the same time. The sun, the sweet breeze of summer, and the warm voice of the boy you like so much. It’s everything you need to distract you from missing so many things, the kids, your girls, your hometown, and the sea.
It’s been so long since you've swam properly. The pool is quite small, lover’s lake looks so scary, and there’s no way you can’t feel cramped in your bathtub. You’ve been craving the sea less, knowing it has been so long since you’ve been fully yourself.
“What’s going on in that head of yours, sweetheart?” Eddie asks, rubbing your thigh and playing with the hem of your sundress. He couldn’t stop looking at the way it hugged your body so perfectly.
“Oh, nothing. The weather makes me miss home,” you say, looking at him. He squeezes your thigh, earning a smile from you. “But i love being here with you.”
You get closer to him, your thigh pressing against his. He closes the gap between your faces, brushing his fingers against your cheek to keep you close enough to press his lips against yours. Kissing you until you have no air, no option but to push back with a silent whimper.
You kiss his cheek and then travel down to his neck, his hands now rest on your waist to help you get on top of him.
“I love being here with you too, I know nothing can make you feel back home, but I hope this helps.”
You sit between his legs, and he reaches for the back pocket of his shorts. Then he takes out a necklace, it’s a silver chain with a matching shell charm. It takes all in you to not scream in his face, instead reach for the charm to look at it closely.
“Baby,” he whispers. “I know you have tons of jewelry, but this one is different, see?” Eddie puts his arms around you to help you put on the necklace.
“Different?” you ask, feeling his warm fingers on your back.
“A friend at the shop makes these out of old silverware. I thought something made in Hawkins with the touch of your hometown would make you build a bigger bridge between the two places.” His voice sounds so sweet, even more when you look at his shiny eyes. “A couple of years back a neighbor left his trailer and a box of silverware behind. Since that day Wayne and I have been using it for special occasions”
You feel the charm on your chest and graze it with your fingers. You look at Eddie with glassy eyes, his words make so much sense.
“I love it, baby.” You peck his lips, and he smiles back at you. “You are right, I'm holding on to this in case I need to be reminded of the two places that bring me so much joy. Thank you”
He nods, rubbing your cheek with his knuckles as he sees a tear rolling down your face.
“Sweetheart” he says, kissing the point of your nose, earning a giggle from you. “You don’t have to thank me. I’d do anything for you.”
“You are the best boyfriend ever.” Your hands press against his cheeks, kissing every inch of his face and making sure your red lipstick leaves marks on his skin. He smiles, so fondly of you and your touch.
“Boyfriend?” he grins. “Do you want me to be your boyfriend?”
“Yes! absolutely. Do you want me to be your girlfriend?” you ask, batting your eyelashes.
“Absolutely, i want you to be my girlfriend." He kisses you again, this time with more than a peck.
One of his hands touched the back of your neck while the other pressed against your thigh. He gets closer to you as you squeeze his face and lean your head to give him more access. His tongue makes its way into your mouth, playing with you. You moan softly, your teeth clashing and the remnants of your lipstick mixing on his lips. He gasps at the sudden way you sit on top of him, feeling the rough material of his shorts against your clothed core.
His hand rubs the skin of your thigh and goes up under your dress, resting on your hip and giving it a squeeze. He doesn’t go past that, he doesn’t want to rush you, but you take your sweet time to sway your hips against the bulge formed on his pants. The friction feels so good it makes your body shake, but something is setting you back.
“I’m sorry” you whisper, taking a break from the kiss and trying to ease your breathing.
“Is there something wrong?” Eddie asks.
“No, no. I got nervous, that’s all” you reply, avoiding looking him in the eyes. A wave of embarrassment rushes over you.
“It’s alright, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want, baby” His hand still rests under your dress, feeling the warmth of it on your skin.
“I’m sorry” you whisper again.
“Hey, look at me,” you finally lock your eyes with his. Biting your lip. “You don’t have to apologize for anything, ever. You are my girl, i will protect you and the only thing i want is for you to feel comfortable.”
“Thank you for taking so much care of me.” you answer, sweetly kissing his cheek.
“Always” he says, shaking his head, curls bobbing, and brushing against his sweaty forehead. “Are you alright?”
You nod. “Just got lost in my head, don’t worry”
“I do worry, but it’s okay. It happens.” he kisses your forehead, letting you breathe and feel relieved. No one has ever treated you this sweetly.
“Thank you, boyfriend,” you laugh, another peck on his lips for good measure.
“I’m here for you, girlfriend.”
“I’m here for you too.”
His arms come to hug you, your waist pressing against his torso as he falls on your back with you on top. You giggle as he shakes his head to get his hair away from his face, even with the bun he got, his hair goes all over the place. Your fingers brush against his skin, trying to get his curls out of his face, tickling him in the process.
He giggles back, noticing your smile and your cheeks glowing.
“I wish we could stay here forever” you say, your words tickling against his lips.
“Me too, but I have to go back for practice. Are you joining us?”
“Always, i’m your biggest fan ever.”
“And I'm yours, sweetheart.”
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i love reading your answers so here we have new questions: should reader tell or show Eddie? do you want a trip to the beach or Eddie to bring the beach to us? 🐚
tag list: all @munsonology @emistrash @livsters @paybacksawitch @ali-r3n @babybatlover @fanfictionlover277353 @keeksandgigz @loving-and-dreaming @scftierhee @kathieycarrerarosshley @ghostlyfleur @am0iur @calliopesdiary @stuckysdoll if you want to be added to the tag list comment here!
feedback is appreciated! my inbox is open. don't forget to REBLOG TO SUPPORT THE AUTHOR! . ♡
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danwhobrowses · 1 month
Good Morning world because I turn on my PC to learn that Callowmoore is Fucking Real!
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Fuck Yeah.
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r-aindr0p · 2 months
Good luck at getting Rollo! Hope he comes home very quickly!
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WELL, FANTASTIC NEWS MY FRIENDS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAD OVER 200 PULLS READY FOR THIS MF !!!! (got it at 90 pulls hehehee)
Giving him all of the guest room keys (I wish), all my thaumarks, every single red grimoire in the whole academy, keeping him forever at ramshackle zeajzkdhskdzjhkbse
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Oh and he will get back his stolen robes of course, haha
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tomhardymyking · 3 months
I can't get over the fact that 𝗧𝗼𝗺 was nominated for this kiss that occurred in 𝑽𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒎 1 for Best Kiss in 𝐌𝐓𝐕 𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞 & 𝐓𝐕 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬, and that 𝗘𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲 𝗕𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗸 (𝗧𝗼𝗺) moaned during the kiss 🥴👌🏻❤️‍🔥
If you want to know who really kissed 𝗘𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲, with a confession and all, watch the video until the end (it's a deleted scene) 😏
Happy 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐚𝐲 in the United Kingdom, and 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐲 in Spain 💋🔥
No supero que nominaran a 𝗧𝗼𝗺 por este beso ocurrido en 𝑽𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒎 1 a Mejor Beso en los 𝐌𝐓𝐕 𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞 & 𝐓𝐕 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬, y que 𝗘𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲 𝗕𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗸 (𝗧𝗼𝗺) gimiera durante el beso 🥴👌🏻❤️‍🔥
Si quieres saber quién realmente besó a 𝗘𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲, con confesión y todo, mira el vídeo hasta el final (es una escena eliminada) 😏
Feliz 𝐃𝐢𝐚 𝐝𝐞𝐥 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐨 en Reino Unido, y 𝐃𝐢𝐚 𝐝𝐞𝐥 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐨 𝐑𝐨𝐛𝐚𝐝𝐨 en España 💋🔥
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verdantstorms · 3 months
The way the term “stolen kisses” is literally made for Callowmoore
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