jessmalia · 24 days
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JO AND MAL AES IN TV AND FILM: 77/? Wizards of Waverly Place | Detention Election 3.11
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readtilyoudie · 11 months
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nikholascrow · 8 months
hear me out little women marauders au
Amy is regulus
Lourie is James
Jo is Sirius
Beth is Peter
Meg is Lily
Megs husband (forgot his name) is Mary
professor Bhaer is Remus
this is either my best or worst idea ever
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starchaserdreams · 11 months
I have spent a lot of time resenting the fact that JKR created this world we all love so much, but y'know what?
JKR didn't write the best Harry Potter book, MKB did.
She may have built the sandbox, but the fandom has played in it so much better than she ever did.
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saturnsconstellation · 6 months
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Okay carry on.
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thirddoctor · 3 months
time to admit I have actually made several DW characters in BG3. not planning to actually play as them but I had fun with the character creator
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I did make Three too but I don't have a screencap because I made him Jo's dream guardian to add an extra little flair to the Emperor's manipulation :)
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autumnalfallingleaves · 5 months
I see your into star wars and it was really into it a couple of Years ago and was obsessed for some time. (I have not caught p on the newer stuff sadly there was so much coming out and not enough time) But i figured I would pop in and share and Idea i have.
A Hilda Star Wars AU
Its kind of been in the back of my mind for a month.
Hilda (Maybe a Jedi) I really have only partly thought of it,
I know for sure i would have Kaia as a Jedi....
But i was also thinking of an idea that maybe Johanna is in the Darth Vader role.
Tildi is like a Yoda.
Just come to share some part of my Idea.
I've posted a little bit about what it might be before, and I see your Jedi Hilda, and I raise you: Mandalorian Hilda who has, in fact, just passed her verd'goten (I'm not going to go check the Mando'a website but I think that's the word) and is trying her level best to befriend Frida, padawan to Jedi Master Tildy :) (Kaisa was Tildy's padawan as well and is now an archivist)
I think character substitutions are cool, but I've honestly just gone with wholesale character integration, and I think it would be especially fun(ny) if the basic events of Hilda took place during the Clone War, so now there's a chaotic little Mando running around during all the other chaos. The other parts of this that have really been sticking in my mind is Hilda force-befriending Commander Fox as well as armorer Astrid :D
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dylanlila · 2 days
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this is what it's all about 🧡
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circusbutch · 3 months
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We all got that one friend afflicted by the ancient curse 💀🤧😂
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starless-gaze · 6 months
pandora: did you know that doves always fly in pairs because they mate for life?
lily: you and me, girl
pandora: damn
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stuckinsquahamish · 2 years
Crazy ALOTO Wizard of Oz Thought
The 3 butch Peaches, Jess, Lupe, and Jo are the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, and the Cowardly Lion respectively.  
Each of them appears at first to lack, and then turns out to possess, a personal quality in the same manner as each of these characters.  
Let me explain.
Jess: The Scarecrow.  A Brain.
Jess appears at first glance to be an uncouth and uneducated heathen from the Canadian hinterlands.  She lacks refinement, shall we say. She also lacks the ability to pass, which is a strategy even the other butches seem to be able to employ.  The fact that she is so outwardly masculine further compounds her rural vibe to give off a (prejudiced) impression that she probably won’t be that intelligent (I could write a whole thing about why people associate female masculinity with stupidity but that is for another time), and definitely won’t be emotionally intelligent.
This turns out to be wrong very quickly.  Jess is smart.  She is highly observant, ridiculously emotionally intuitive, great baseball iq, good musical ability, at least a decent understanding of math, plus whatever you would call the rural version of street smarts (woods wits).  She’s not a book smart genius or anything, but honestly, she seems like a genius in her own way particularly when it comes to reading people.  Like the Scarecrow, people assume she’s dumb.  Like with the Scarecrow, they are wrong.  
Lupe: The Tin Man.  A Heart.
Lupe seems like a complete hard ass from the first moment we meet her and in a lot of ways she is.  She’s harsh with Esti, weirdly abrasive in her first interactions with Jess, defensive with Carson, etc.  She is competitive, she is here to play.  (I am in no way saying this is unjustified, by the way; I think Lupe’s overall harshness is a defensive strategy that makes perfect sense in a world that is coming for her on so many fronts, especially when she’s dealing with racist BS from within her own team.) She tries very hard to seem like she doesn’t care about anything or anyone.  
This also turns out to be blatantly untrue, though, often to particularly entertaining effect.  It makes for a great laugh, actually- especially in the scene in the bar with her date from the other team (Wait, baby.!..I mean, I don’t know her) and the scene where she and Jess search for Esti (No I don’t care...we need her, I’m worried about the team).  Despite her carefully callous exterior (and genuinely tough personality), it becomes clear that she cares.  This is especially true where Esti is concerned.   Yeah, she cannot show it, but it’s not caring too little that makes her lash out at Esti; if anything it’s the opposite.  Like the Tin Man, Lupe seems harsh and cold.  Like the Tin Man, she had a heart all along.
Incidentally, Jess and Lupe’s friendship/brotherhood showcases this well for both of them: Lupe’s heart first shows in her bond with Jess, and Jess’s weird little genius enables her to see through/facilitate fixing some of Lupe’s bullshit with Esti. 
Jo:  The Cowardly Lion.  Courage (The Nerve).
Jo is such an under appreciated character, in my opinion.  She had one of the best arcs on the show.  
From the moment we first meet her, Jo is placed as the more cautious “voice of reason” to Greta’s antics.  She is wary of Carson as baseball competition when they first encounter her.  She is constantly concerned with Greta breaking the rules, and interrupts and reminds her of them.  She is the most reluctant to go to the bar.  But through all of this, which we are mostly seeing from a more Greta or Carson based POV, there’s something else happening on the inside.  Jo starts urging Greta to go for it.  She does go to the bar, and when the worst thing happens, instead of turning tail and running she is bolder than ever.  She doesn’t want to hide anymore.  She’s not the scared one-Greta is.  And she is going to take her moment to shine, goddamn it.  She faces the future with courage, and defiance, and even a kind of joy, in the face of everything.
When I first watched the show, I was so expecting it to go a different way, with Jo blaming Greta for talking her into going to the bar and thus getting her trapped in the raid.  That would have been the predictable fight.  But instead, it went for something so much richer and more interesting, and in that it revealed that Jo, like the Cowardly Lion, had the nerve all along-she was finally ready to use it.  
This concludes my rambling unedited analysis. 
Who is Dorothy in this situation? Carson, obviously, and I do think these 3 all play a role in her journey pretty similar to their Oz counterparts (Lupe and Jess guiding her at the bar, a more contentious back and forth with Jo-it’s not a perfect match but I see something there).  Also I would like to shout out the butch trio dynamic which I wish we’d seen more of-”showering” Lupe with praise, Jess and Jo bonding over boxers, etc.-I think their interactions were awesome and they only reinforce this reading for me as well. 
I do also think they each share some physical traits with their Oz counterparts (Lupe is physically rigid, Jo is big and strong, Jess...literally looks like a scarecrow IDK what to tell you) which is certainly a coincidence but entertaining none the less.  
Finally, I doubt this reading was written into the text intentionally, but I think it’s a fun way to look at it and thought I would share.  I couldn’t fit all of my thoughts in here, unfortunately, but I did my best.  This is unedited so apologies for the rough spots.  I love this show and its butches!  Go Peaches!
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jessmalia · 2 years
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readtilyoudie · 11 months
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christiangeistdorfer · 6 months
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Round 1 poll 12: Dorothy Gale from the Wonderful Wizard of Oz vs Jo March from Little Women
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Propaganda under the cut:
Dorothy Gale:
Oh Gosh. Where do I start. She's Dorothy.
Jo March
Idk if its really kidlit, but I read it in elementary school so hopefully it counts?
my gay coded writer queen!!
Best March sister, great writer, stands up for herself, dodges predictable ending and doesn’t marry obvious male friend
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pebblewonkle · 10 months
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