pricklypear1997 · 1 year
Stop comparing your western anglophone white mutt ass to Rwandans, Cambodians, Chinese, jews, Slavs, Roma etc. You’re lucky to live in a country where you have the freedom, the money and the time to invent ideologies while also telling women that they don’t exist and telling gnc kids that they’re trans for simply showing interest in things that aren’t stereotypical to their biological sex. You are literally reversing women’s rights while making the world turn against the lgbt community just as we finally started to gain equality. And no, equality doesn’t mean that you get to have extra special privileges. It means that you get treated with the same level of respect as anyone else. The privacy and decency to live your life in peace, but instead you decide to discredit the lives of others for your own “specialness” and try to censor people’s freedom of speech and choice. You’re the real fascists. As a bisexual woman who’s also of Eastern European/Balkan origin and a quarter Roma, I’m appalled by what this loud obnoxious minority is doing. It all started on this very site, but y’all aggressively pushed it outside of tumblr and are now pushing it on every fucking individual on the planet to the point that people are too afraid to say that they don’t want to date you, or that women are scared of telling you that you are once again oppressing us and violating our privacy and space. You can deny deny deny deny, but if you fucking turned off your phone or computer for once, went outside, touched some grass and regained contact with people in real life, you’d see that the world isn’t out to get you. All we’re tired of is you pushing your ideology on the rest of us. It’s gotten so bad that you’re literally denying biology, and comparing yourselves to people living in dictatorships that YOUR country(s) have every bit to do with it in the first place.
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hamspamandjamsandwich · 6 months
praying that the fOrCed diVersiTy WoKeTivIsm comes in clutch and makes Kurama and Hiei canonically gay together in the live action
I want to see the hets get assmad about it
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weatherman667 · 1 year
The Alamo: The Birthplace of Texas
Finally an explanation on the Alamo.  Texans are very insistent on how important it is, without ever explaining why.  And modern woketivism wants to repaint it as evil, white villainy.
The short of it, New Spain invited white settlers into the area with free land that they did not have to pay taxes on.  After the settlers moved into the area, Mexico decided to secede from Spain.  The English and Spanish residents of Texas decided to NOT side with this new government.  Spain didn’t come to help them, leaving them on their own.
Which, eliminates any woke interpretation of it.  If anything, they fought because of loyalty to the country that invited them.
Runtime:  26:18
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I just cried over RvW
Not because I support it in any way, but I want to say that GMM (good, mythical, morning- Rhett & Link) support it with their woketivism, and I was just sad... I was sad because I know once upon a time they felt more conservative and were religious, and I liked that about them (Esp. Rhett!) So I wrote a comment outlining the fact that all it means is that it's going back to the state level, and people should consider looking into it, as well as... IDK, voting if they care about it?
Um, and then of course I put in "Freedom of Choice- was that what you thought of two years ago with the masks and vaccine mandates"
Naturally, somebody fought me over that... But I was happy to see other people who didn't agree with the original post speak up here and there.
But man, I cried over some of the comments:
"It's a fetus, it has no conscious, it's not even a life, yet."
I balled my eyes out. I had to pray, I pray-cried... "Please, God, please show compassion to these people who say and write things like that."
Please, show them the most compassion.
That language, is I think one of the most hurtful things.
I'm sorry I just had to share.
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One of the very important things about this election, regardless of the end result, is that the US has lost the ability to say "this isn't who we are" or "we're better than this" to the rest of the world. If either of those were true, this would have been a landslide.
It wasn't.
Which means that in the real world, practically speaking, Woketivism on Twitter is not practiced and it’s not real. Twitter handles are just a loud minority. People don’t actually think and act progressively. They don’t practice what they preach. They just type things to get likes and retweets, cause that’s what social media culture is at the moment. People do in fact support horrible beliefs and ideologies in their daily lives, they’re just not vocal about it.
And that’s a terrifying realization.
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pian-ran · 5 years
I still remember when people thought Adelita's baby was part of some evil master plan of hers, and turned out it was just Carla being pregnant during filming... Imagine being such a 🤡 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
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greyjedireylo · 5 years
lol plus cw fandoms act like whatever they do is actual social activism, when really it's sending death threats to writers and actors for doing the 'wrong' ship lol. not naming any names but it's a fandom about a girl who is super. rly rly put things in perspective for me tbh, now i'm just like 'it's just shipping'
omg I was never in that fandom but one of my good friends was and I saw all the fuckery secondhand. for some reason CW shows just attract the worst of the fake-wokes, it’s ridiculous. like my CW fandom was a post-apocalyptic show in which literally EVERYONE did fucked up things and had blood on their hands and yet the fandom turned the whole thing into the Woke Olympics and stupid ship wars into performative activism and then when TFA came out all my shipmates were virulently anti-reylo and I yikesed right outta there lmao
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Aggressively forcing your woketivism onto someone who asks people to keep real world issues out of their interactions makes YOU a prick, not them. The RPC is not some world-changing godsend. Find another hill to die on.
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ophilosoraptoro · 1 year
Woke Teacher SUED For Forcing 12 Year Old To Transition & End Up Trying To [commit suicide]
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pwnyta · 3 years
Imma be honest that I hate it when people take their personal headcanons and just run with them... and by that I mean that they start to ignore the canon completely and attack anyone who doesn’t like THEIR headcanons......... like bitch please....... and the worst part is that people like this exist in every fandom and they usually try to use woketivism to justify their shitty behaviour. Like people getting angry that someone shipping A and B and that’s pedophilia (even if it’s not) because one of them looks young, but then turn around and ship A and C even though C looks very similarly to B.... like please, can we all just ship whatever the fuck we want without trying to harass others? I get it that it might suck to see one part of your fave ship/fave character in the other ship/with the other character but oh god... I suppose headcanons are esp bad when it comes to shipping, but I’ve seen people attack others over some very dumb hcs that have nothing to do with reality. I’m currently part of the genshin fandom and fuuuuuuuck how I am tired from people....... please just live and let others live, your behaviour is not only ridiculous but also toxic and sometimes illegal
Oh yeah Genshin has been bad with it but the worst Ive seen it has been in the VLD fandom specifically with a huge chunk of Lance stans.
Genshin fandom has so many problems though... good lord.
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occidentaltourist · 4 years
“That includes you *****”
White celebrities virtue signaling on twitter about what good white people they are is a kind of social media woketivism I have always found deeply annoying and unhelpful. Maybe it gives stans a serotonin boost and the idea that tweeting = action. That’s not the same as a hard conversation about the change that needs to happen and how, or using one’s platform to amplify the voices of black men and women who are living this nightmare every day.
From Alicia Garza:
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benperorsolo · 4 years
I have seen anti reylos insult reylo shippers for shipping rey with someone who almost killed her best friend and claiming its racist to do ship reylo over finnrey and respond to people wanting redemption for someone who was groomed since childhood by going have you forgotten about finn when in order to get redemption you have to do bad things finn had nothing to be redeemed for. when people say they want an abuse victim to have a happy ending referring to ben they go well look at finn
Yes this is been in their playbook since 2015. They have to get their fake woketivism from bullying people for their hobbies and pretending which characters you want to kiss is activism since they do nothing enriching to the world in their real lives.
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nocterm · 6 years
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when your DSA woketivism turns into justifications for colonialism.
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I’m watching the rest of the Wheel Of Time and dear god it’s SO cringey, I can’t. 😬 It’s also sooooooo badly paced and written. The first three episodes were good, fourth was okay, but the rest are honestly a PAIN to watch.
And they really put a Hijabi/Muslim women there… just to…be there… ? and not a word of dialogue came out of her mouth. As a Muslim myself, if you’re doing this to “represent” me, kindly f* off. We don’t want to be a random token for your political/cultural agenda’s (which this show is full of). You didn’t even bother or have the decency to give her ONE SENTENCE. You just put her there to pat yourself in the back, and say “see, we can represent, we’re good people”. But you can’t, clearly. so you can kindly F* off, thanks.
A pissed off Muslim
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emeraldspiral · 6 years
So I’m not as into anime and manga as I was when I was in middle school, but it occurs to me that even though I lived in a conservative Christian household, with limited access to the internet, which was a lot slower and had a fraction of the content available today, I still managed to get a hold of quite a bit of yaoi fanservice to satiate my horny adolescent mind. Not just fanart and doujins either. There were whole TV shows and manga series about attractive dudes with bromances that would make Frodo and Sam look like aloof dudebros in comparison, if not straight up unambiguous romance and/or softcore porn. I could get that stuff off the internet, or borrow it from a friend, or rent it from Blockbuster, or read it in a bookstore behind my mom’s back. Nothing could stop me. And they had everything: angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, forbidden/taboo relationships, predestined love, childhood friends stuck in the friendzone, whatever the gay equivalent of a womanizer is falling in love, the main love interest’s brother as a rival, the predator the main love interest has to save their precious uke from, the secrets and blackmail and misunderstandings that threaten to tear the couple apart. All the shmaltzy drama you could ever ask for.
And maybe I’m just out of the loop, but it feels like that golden age came to an end some time ago. Like, the only stuff I’ve heard of in a long time that actively courts yaoi fangirls were Free! and Yuri on Ice. And from what I understand, those were actual legit good shows, not hyper-romanticized/fetishized crap just for wanking off to. And IDK, I feel like maybe we could use more brainless pandering crap. We need more content that doesn’t give a shit about portraying men or male relationships even remotely realistically or respectfully. Just full-blown junk food for the teenage fangirl brain. I feel like maybe if there were more of that, fangirls today wouldn’t be so batshit insane.
Like, yeah, the rise of Woketivism can probably be blamed for some, maybe even most of today’s insanity. But I can’t help but feel like if there was more content out there geared toward satisfying those cravings, we wouldn’t have such a problem with people legitimately thinking that every show, no matter who or what it’s actually supposed to be about, should just be about the most attractive men on the show fucking, and acting like the writers are deliberately not giving them what they want just to spite them.
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sloshed-cinema · 3 years
The Hound of the Baskervilles (1959)
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There are so many cheekbones in this film.  Peter Cushing slides into the role of the greatest detective in the world with sardonic ease, always firing on all cylinders.  Never one to miss a detail, his investigational techniques remain inscrutable to those around him who are constantly amazed by his powers of observation.  Watson, bless his heart, opts for a more direct approach, interrogating his subjects the moment he thinks he’s caught onto the scent.  As in any whodunnit worth its salt, the narrative supplies plenty of colorful potential suspects, from the  doddering lush of a bishop to the suspiciously squeaky clean doctor to the creepy homesteader on the estate.  The film makes no attempts to update the Victorian norms of the Conan Doyle original, all chuffing about old boys and casually deriding the lower classes.  It attempts casual woketivism in Sir Henry’s fetishistic relationship with Cecile but still makes the filthy poors the bad guys.  Gotta get that inheritance, you webbed-handed ffffuck!
Someone says ‘Baskervilles’.
Dramatic flash of lightning.
Howling canines.
Someone mentions the escaped convict.
Holmes is mistaken for someone else.
Watson pulls out his pistol.
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