#wolf and shadow
junostwistedworld · 2 years
Fayde's Fairytale: the Shadows
Introducing the Shadow and his brother.
The Shadow: Vail
Second prince of the forgotten kingdom, he was very bitter about his lot in life. Almost always overlooked for his brother, either because of his wretched personality or title. So overtime Vail stopped trying to get any sort of attention, though he was mirroring some of his brother's behavior. Easily angered, lashing out, picking on the smaller people. It made him feel bigger than he was.
Avoided people at all costs, took to wandering the woods most days if not holing up some some obscure corner of the library. Most of the books were on history, politics, the like- anyone else would be bored to tears reading those 'for fun', but they were still about anyone and anywhere other than there.
When he found Fayde trespassing, and locked her away... Truthfully, it was on a whim he made the deal with her, a story for another day. He thought at the least, he would get some entertainment out of it, something different than the books he would read. He started to look forward to those brief moments though, and eventually just seeing Fayde- someone else as lonely as him. Her imagination is what caught him- and from there, he just fell deeper and deeper 'til there was no coming back.
Instead of passing on after he died, he started wandering Twisted Wonderland looking for Fayde. He never speaks, and disappears whenever someone approaches, so no one knows who he is or why he's there. Around Halloween he returns to the forgotten country's capital- people believe when they see him, it's an omen of danger. Trying to protect even a few people from Naxxus.
The Brother: Naxxus
Crown prince and heir to the forgotten kingdom. Even as a child, if he hadn't made everyone around him miserable, he wasn't happy. What fun was there in everyone being happy and content?
Fits the description of psychopath very well. Ill-tempered, considers himself superior, lack of empathy and emotion, concerning behavior all throughout his childhood, et cetera. Of all the things he was taught, weaponry and hunting were two of the only things he put effort into. He never tried to act like a good heir/ruler: he didn't have to answer to anyone (aside from his parents), he was the one others would have to suck up to!
He got a taste of Vail's life when Fayde came into the picture. No one paid a lick of attention to him anymore, everyone flocked to them. Because they were happy, they were the exact opposite of him... Two of the things he hated most. And if they took away his spotlight- what was stopping them from taking his place as heir, and everything else too?
It was either his way or no way, and he would rather watch the world burn than lose control.
Around Halloween, around the capital of the forgotten country, everyone knows to be wary of his ghost. He's been suspected for causing disappearances around that time- normally targeting unsuspecting, happy couples...!
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maybemacdc · 5 months
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insert they have chemistry pun here
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stevenrogered · 1 year
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Shadow and Bone Season 2 + subtle hints to Wylan’s backstory
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reggieslocket · 1 year
you just don't get him like i do (a traumatized fictional character with a horrible past who has murdered people)
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noeggets · 3 months
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we finish this arc in the IDW comic here are some of what i liked about us reading it together we do a lot of ad libs when we read it
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thekingofkawai · 1 year
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SHADOW AND BONE (2021-) - live Kaz reaction
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astrafortune · 4 months
Me when I love
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wylanslcve · 1 year
I'm not leaving 2023 without the knowledge that one day I'll see them fall through a ceiling together.
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marvinthecrow · 1 year
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THEM!! 💖💖
Instagram • Patreon • Ko-fi • Redbubble
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goose-does-art · 6 months
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Lil’ Wylan wanted to see the alpacas :3
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junostwistedworld · 2 years
Wolf and Shadow
TW: death; Stockholm syndrome if you think about it; normal twisted/dark fairytale themes; no happy ending
NOTE: I use 'Shadow' in place of prince because he's nothing like one. A royal, yes, but a good guy- not really.
Written in headcanon format because I don't really want to write it in a regular 'fairytale' format.
- Fayde lived alone way out in the woods, and since everyone in town avoided her because she was a wolf, it was easier to forage instead of trying to shop or trade. It was one of those times that she found herself far, far from the woods she knew.
- The problem is that she'd wandered into the royal family's woods, where no one is allowed unless invited, and she got caught by the Shadow. He took her to the palace, locked her away, sentenced to die... when he came to carry out said sentence though, he had... a proposition of sorts.
- In exchange for letting her live, Fayde would tell him a story. Each one she tells is another day she's spared. And even if there seemed to be absolutely no reason he would offer this (there was certainly nothing to benefit from), she accepted. Even imprisoned, another day alive was better than dead for trying to survive.
- Just like he said, every day the Shadow would come, and she would spin up some new story to tell. Even if they were little children's stories everyone had heard of, as long as she hadn't told it yet, it was accepted by him. Days turned into weeks, the Shadow would come right on time every day for the next tale she had for him.
- It was only a matter of time before there weren't anymore stories for Fayde could come up with though, and the day she came up with a blank, she knew it was time to die. And she's shaking and crying, who wouldn't freak out when they know what's coming?
- When the Shadow came like he had every other day though, and saw her, he asked why she greeted him like this?
- There are no more stories to tell, she knows what he's going to do now. Instead of killing her though... he takes her hand and pulls her up off the floor. Dries her face and takes her from the cell/tower she was in and into the palace. Washed and clothed and fed... once it's all been done, the Shadow takes her to the royal court.
- He wouldn't kill her- no, every day he would visit her, and with every story she told, he fell a little more in love. And he was hardly kind, but he would win her heart piece by piece just as she did, if she would let him...!
- And Fayde said yes. Despite everything, she accepted... it wasn't long before they were engaged. Everyone in the kingdom adored them; unfortunately... there was a good reason for that.
- That reason was the Shadow's older brother, the heir to the kingdom. A fowl, black-hearted beast (if he even had a soul) that brought misery and pain to anyone and anything around him. And when his country swarmed around his younger brother and his bride... it infuriated him.
- It was the day of the wedding, and any moment the church doors would be opened, Fayde would walk down that aisle and marry her prince... the brother killed her. Plunged a dagger into her heart in that moment. And he says to her: "If the people can't love me, then they shall have no one to love at all...!" Fayde collapses, the brother bursts through the church doors, sword in hand, stalking towards the Shadow...
- ... it's the final thing she sees before waking up in the Keeper's World...!
Fayde and the Shadow were the only ones meant to be in the story. The brother was never meant to be part of the fairytale. The Shadow was very much the villain as much as the prince, there was no one else needed. He didn't just destroy the Happily Ever After, he likely destroyed his entire kingdom the moment he changed the story. He murdered his brother and Fayde in front of hundreds- thousands?- of people in a rampage, probably killed anyone else who tried to stop him or was openly distraught... so everyone. The brother didn't come out alive either at the end of the day, and the country spiraled after.
Total cliches, I know, but it certainly isn't the worst thing in the world I've come up with.
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maybemacdc · 22 days
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wylan comm:)
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auroblaze · 6 months
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orogrhg I'm so CLOSE to finish a few of the commissions I got... but once again I had some free time in the office, so you know what that means.... quick sonic doodle page time 🕶✨
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thatdelusionalnerd · 7 months
fuck off you’re telling me we won’t ever get to see these beautiful people together again?
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Literally fuck off Netflix you deserve to burn to the ground
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georgies-ftts · 1 year
Jesper being scared when Kaz told him he knows that he’s a fabrikator and only fabrikating the key to get himself out of the shackles so they could escape to then proudly fabrikating wylan a key infront of him so they can live together i’m sobbing don’t-
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shadowandbone · 1 year
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Shadow and Bone’s Crows Answer Their Characters’ Most Searched Questions
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