#women decision makers
femrodeeeeo · 2 months
I hate when I see people make hate comments on kids that have a multi-racial background especially when they're like "so your grandma was raped?" or "are you proud that your grandma got raped".
I think they're forgetting that women only very recently gained rights and many countries still don't criminalise rape in marriage so it pisses me off that they don't classify it as rape when done by men of their own ethnicity. Reminds me that most people think of the rape of women in history as men's conquests and property being defiled rather than just an act of violence.
They're also the same people that forget that people can marry for love despite going against their community, family and everyone trying to force them to conform.
There's a lot wrong with my family but I'm happy that my relatives married for love, followed their own values and didn't have to pop out dozens of kids. Those decisions mean I've never feared arranged marriage, haven't been told to have kids(by my family at least) and have freedom while being female unlike the people making those disgusting comments.
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internationalwomenday · 6 months
Launch of the SIGI 2024 SIGI Regional Report for Southeast Asia: Time to care (CSW68 Side Event).
Watch the Launch of the SIGI 2024 SIGI Regional Report for Southeast Asia: Time to care (CSW68 Side Event)!
Care systems in Southeast Asia rely heavily on women's unpaid work. But demographic, educational, and economic shifts are increasing the demand for paid care. What does this mean for women in the region - and what challenges lie ahead? This event will explore the care economy's transformative power to accelerate women's economic empowerment, while strengthening Southeast Asia's resilience to external shocks.
Hosted by Korea, the OECD Development Centre is organising a CSW68 Side-event to launch the SIGI 2024 SIGI Regional Report for Southeast Asia: "Time to Care". The side-event aims to delve into the root causes of gender inequality in Southeast Asia and explore potential solutions, particularly in formalising the care sector. 
The SIGI 2024 SIGI Regional Report for Southeast Asia: Time to Care underscores that discrimination remains most pronounced within the family. Traditional gender roles continue to confine women to caregiving responsibilities, while men are expected to assume the roles of family providers and decision-makers. 
Hosted by Korea, the OECD Development Centre is organising a CSW68 Side-event to launch the SIGI 2024 SIGI Regional Report for Southeast Asia: "Time to Care". The side-event aims to delve into the root causes of gender inequality in Southeast Asia and explore potential solutions, particularly in formalising the care sector. 
The SIGI 2024 SIGI Regional Report for Southeast Asia: Time to Care underscores that discrimination remains most pronounced within the family. Traditional gender roles continue to confine women to caregiving responsibilities, while men are expected to assume the roles of family providers and decision-makers. 
The event will feature a panel discussion where speakers will share insights on how gender-transformative policies and innovative programmes in the care sector can challenge established gender norms, promote women's rights, foster gender equality, and drive sustainable development. The event will also explore pathways for collective action, involving policy makers, lawmakers, grassroots organisations, philanthropy, and the wider development community. Together, these stakeholders can accelerate progress toward realising Sustainable Development Goal 5 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the Southeast Asian region.
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Women In India Face Mid-Life Crisis Earlier Than Usual
Women In India face Mid-life Crisis Earlier than usual. Read on to find out more. #MidlifeCrisis #MondayBlues
Indian women business owners are hitting a mid-life crisis early in their lives, where they start to question the success of their careers and businesses. With India’s youngest population in the world, many of these women are key decision-makers rather than homemakers. Introduction Women in India face a mid-life crisis earlier than usual due to the immense pressure they face to conform to…
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oldguardians · 6 months
mad max: fury road says that when stripped down to its basic parts, the world is run by rich old men who control the production of weapons, oil, and water and food resources. these old men willingly hold most of the world in artificial poverty and take luxury as their right. they regard women as their property. they use sincere religious sentiment to further their selfish aims. they killed the world.
furiosa wants to fight back: she wants to escape to the green place, the utopia of childhood. but no matter what she and the wives sacrifice or how far they search, the earth is sour. the old men poisoned the soil with their bombs and their chemicals. there is no homeland outside of the systems these old men have dominated and these women have inhabited, the system furiosa has learned and perpetuated and rejected. their only option is to go back, to kill the old men and take their place in the tower where decisions are made.
can they hold the citadel, the ones who plant seeds instead of bombs? can they deradicalize the religious soldiers and create a more equitable society? can something grow in sour soil after all? we will never know. we leave our change-makers moving up into the seat of power. but as long as they rise, we can hold on to an ambiguous moment of hope.
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starwarsanthropology · 3 months
Canon genders the clones, both individually and collectively, pretty aggressively. They're men, brothers, boys, sirs. Omega is notable for being the "female" clone, to the point where she's not recognized as a clone in a meaningful way.
But the clones grew up without gendered social groups! Despite how clones are gendered by external factors, gender is functionally a nonentity in their lives until they meet civilians, and civilians do a load of other weird shit anyway.
So why do they still use gendered language?
My argument is that feminine language isn't used as a gendered form of address, but as a form of address that reflects a specific kind of power dynamic and relationship between parties.
Given the structure of the clone army, the only people a vast majority of young clones interact with who could insist on being called ma'am are exclusively kaminoans.
The kaminoans view clones not as autonomous subjects, but as property. They have and expect complete control over their lives and actions. Incidentally, the female kaminoans we see (such as Nala Se) tend to demonstrate an even more proprietary perspectives on the clones.
You can question a sir, like your superiors or trainers, at your discretion, but you can't question a ma'am. A sir is someone who has power over you, but is somewhat responsible for you. The have personal accountability to you in some way. Sirs are responsible for men under them. A ma'am is someone whose power over you is absolute, an authority without accountability, who is not beholden to you but that you must obey. You are tool or a number to a ma'am.
And when you bring clones out into the wider galaxy, I'm not sure anyone would figure it out that quickly.
Say you're a new jedi general. You meet your men, and they address you as "ma'am". Maybe you correct and move on, figuring that they've grown up surrounded by thousands of identical men and aren't great at guessing genders based on social and appearance cues. Scuttlebutt has your forms of address spread through the men by the end of the day, and you don't think about it again.
The clones, on the other hand, take this correction as he/him jedi stating that they want to work with them and suppourt them despite having so much power over them, which fits with both what they know of the jedi and, most often, their leadership style.
She/her jedi (see Shaak Ti especially!), clones maybe treat a little more as absolute authorities. This gendered divide in behavior gets met with, "hm, maybe they're just not used to women." For many jedi, they eventually switch to calling them sir as well, especially as they build rapport.
For Shaak Ti specifically, she is an absolute authority as the representative of the Jedi on Kamino, not just as a figurehead but as a decision maker and educator. Even as the clones grow to trust and love her, she's a relatively distant and all-powered figure. She has near total authority over them, and clones might ask for help or suppourt, but there's no social obligation for those requests to be met, she's just kind. It's compassion, not duty.
Senators, there's a good mix of different factors that make it confusing. "Senator" is always an acceptable form of address if you're not sure how'd they react, even if they should be ma'ams by default, but they're either trying to build rapport for some reason or genuinely want to work with you when they say to call them sir, regardless of the actual power dynamic at play. The she/her senators that respect the clones are in the same boat as Shaak Ti: Padme Amidala may care about clone rights, but I am still just one of hundreds to her and she has no personal accountability to me. Her position is such that she should not and cannot owe me anything. Same with Riyo Chuchi, Mon Mothma, etc. etc.
And a civilian that insists on being called ma'am or sir is going to be an asshole either way, and they technically have power over clones without personal accountability or responsibility for them. It works.
Finally, Palpatine.
He's a slimy rat fuck who pretends to be affable and kind, so of course he's going to laugh and say, "Oh, no, call me Sir!" when you call him ma'am. He is not personally accountable to you, and he does not care about you, but it helps his image and it helps him manipulate people to pretend, so of course he's making you use sir to build false intimacy despite the fact that he's the ma'am of ma'ams, both in power gaps and lack of accountability for his treatment of clones.
So having clones using sir vs ma'am not as a reflection of gender but as a reflection of power? Yeah, I think it works.
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Meet Edgar Morin - a 102-year-old Jewish veteran of the French Resistance, a renowned philosopher, and a strident voice for justice. It truly upsets me that I’d never heard of this incredible man till now.
“I am both astonished and outraged by the fact that those who represent the descendants of a people who were persecuted for centuries for religious or racial reasons... That the descendants of this people who are today the decision-makers of the State of Israel, could not only colonize an entire people, partly drive them out of their land and seek to expel them for good... But also, after the massacre of October 7, engage in a real massive slaughter on the population of Gaza and continue, incessantly, hitting civilians, women, and children.
And to see the silence of the world, the silence of the United States, protectors of Israel, the silence of the Arab states, the silence of the European states who claim to be defenders of culture, humanity, human rights.
I think we are living through a horrible tragedy because we are also powerless in the face of this thing that is unleashing. At least, I say: bear witness! The only thing that remains if we cannot resist concretely is to TESTIFY. Let’s RESIST IN OUR MINDS, let’s not be fooled, let’s not forget, let’s have the courage to face things head-on.”
Repost from @middleeasteye
“After the massacre of 7 October, (Israel) engaged in a real massive slaughter on the populations of Gaza.”
French philosopher Edgar Morin, a Jewish WWII resistance fighter, criticised Israel’s actions in Gaza. He expressed disappointment at the silence of countries like the United States, Arab and European nations, whom he referred to as “protectors” of Israel.
#jewsforpalestine #jewsagainstzionism #gaza #gazagenocide #humanrights #palestine #freepalestine #freegaza #freethewestbank #israel #crimesagainsthumanity #antifascist #solidarity #ceasefirenow #neveragain #neveragainisnow
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muzaktomyears · 5 months
Paul came across in 1963 as a fun-loving, footloose bachelor who turned on his charm to devastating effect when he wanted to manipulate rivals, colleagues or women he fancied. (...) He had enormous powers of persuasion within The Beatles. He would get his own way by subtlety and suaveness where John resorted to shouting and bullying. John may have been the loudest Beatle but Paul was the shrewdest. I watched him twist the others round to his point of view in all sorts of contentious situations, some trivial, some more significant, some administrative, some creative. George told me that when he joined Paul and John in the line-up of The Quarry Men in 1958, Paul was already acting as though he was the decision-maker in the group. According to George: "I knew perfectly well that this was John's band and John was my hero, my idol, but from the way Paul talked he gave every indication that he was the real leader, the one who dictated what The Quarry Men would do and where they should be going as a group." This made sense to me because, from what I saw for myself in 1963 and later, Paul's opinions and ideas tended to prevail with The Beatles, particularly on matters of musical policy such as whether a new number was worth recording or whether the running order for the group's stage show needed altering slightly. I didn't see any of the others resist him. They seemed to welcome Paul getting his way by winning arguments with John. When Paul wanted something badly enough from Brian Epstein he would speak softly, wooing the man rather than intimidating him. Epstein's defences would melt away as Paul looked him straight in the eye. In terms of song lyrics, Paul's idea of romantic was 'Michelle', John's was 'Norwegian Wood'.
John, Paul, George, Ringo & Me: The Real Beatles Story, Tony Barrow (2005)
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bigevildoeeyes · 2 months
Loumand is not and CANNOT be a one to one reimagining of their previous roles as sex slave and brothel owner. louis does not have an equivalent power over armand as he did on emotionally, socially, and/or financially vulnerable women in nola, and armand’s submission is not reflective of a real powerlessness under louis
If we want to look for a marius parallel, it wouldnt be in louis who responds to armands initiations and engages in a consensual dom/sub dynamic. if we want to look for a marius parallel, who is in the predatory position here? Who is controlling information and its access? Who is the one exploiting an experience, knowledge, and vampiric power gap to get the love he wants?
But isn’t that the point? That their relationship is a shallow imitation, a re-enactment of roles which comforts both parties for their familiarity and essentialness while they were mortal? Neither of them were ready to grapple with their own identity in a meaningful way and these roles are something safe to hold onto, which may or may not be productive or accurate but they very well know the performance of this position and it is Still and it is Safe and who cares about absolute truths when you’re one wrong thought away from killing yourself
When hannah says their room is like a brothel and when assad says they revert back to older versions of themselves I think it speaks much more on loumands fear and denial to question and understand themselves than it does being a sexploitation revival. Louis put on the masculine, capitalist decision maker persona to survive his racist heteronormative life, and armand embodied the selfless submissive to survive his oppressive life.
Their brothel bedroom is a reinforcement that they have yet to fully actualize their self identity outside the context of the systems of abuse and oppression they have endured. They are vampires, armand transcends the societies that shaped him but hes still living subject and response to it. Both unwilling to be active players in their own lives, still riddled with the weight of their history that dictate them but will not be unpacked
At the end of the day loumand were two deeply traumatized immortals still struggling to come to terms with the enormity of their self so they repeated the behaviours that made them survive. They cannot stomach themselves so they will keep this up, and together they kept on surviving. Until Louis was ready to do the second interview, ready to reflect, to accept himself and move beyond survival.
Armand u are Next.
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hadesoftheladies · 2 months
I find it very unfortunate that most people have a very romantic, heroic and “male” view of revolution or activism. Most people imagine it as sudden, loud, violent, glorious, public sacrifice and bleeding in the street. You think of protest and you think of destruction of property, bonfires and gas masks. It is sometimes, big and large donations. These can lead to change, but they oftentimes risk being performative.
Revolution and protest, I think, are actually very quiet affairs. Revolution is reading and learning to deconstruct culture and human behavior. Your own mind, where the colonization happens. I think Revolution happens in the daily choices of what we choose to consume. When people live their lives as protest rather than wait for a big moment. I think boycotting shouldn’t simply be about getting companies to bend the knee. It should be about divesting from an entire industry of exploitation. Our way of life should change. Revolution is us changing. Changing our minds and choices. And living in such a way that we create a community, however small, of different living. Where we buy each other’s soaps and wooden spoons and rely on each other’s expertise instead of buying a subscription (and I’m generalizing here I am aware bc activism must be intersectional to be effective). It is far more impactful that I stop consuming dairy for a lifetime than that I starve myself for a month in protest. It is far more costly to these corporations and to the status quo that I alter my life.
Men’s idea of glory is dying for their beliefs. That is the predominant narrative of heroism. Everyone dies. But living in accordance to your principles? Living as radically as possible? That’s rare and that takes a whole lot of work. An entire lifetime of boycotting is far more destructive to these systems than simply punishing yourself or putting pressure on others in the heat of a mob. It is far more revolutionary to think the forbidden thoughts and so do the uncommon thing. By living this way, we open a door for a new way of living for others. And when we create a new system of living as a community, we set up pillars here and there that will eventually hold up the future we are trying to build. It takes longer. The best works of art take longer. Quality takes more time and focus than quantity, and too many of us are worried about the quantity (how many people can we get to post the black square) rather than quality (how do my decisions impact those around me and how can I use that?).
I think that’s why so many of you look down on things like separatism and veganism. It is less sensational and more (at least in perception) inconvenient. But I have contributed to the environment way more by not eating meat than I would by donating thousands of dollars to green charities. And the reason I am vegan is because other vegans helped me integrate into that lifestyle. They “socialized” me so to speak. Separatism socializes women and men, too. Women separating socializes future policy makers and little girls that would have otherwise (likely) ended up in abusive relationships. It’s not glamorous: does that make it less impactful?
I think revolutionaries are not the ones that merely give a nice speech for the newspapers or volunteer (I am NOT saying volunteering is not worthy or valuable activism). Rather I think revolutionaries are the ones who are willing to change how they think and how they live first. I think the greatest thing a person can give to their causes is their entire life. Not money. Not suffering. Not a few days in the soup kitchen. Their entire way of living. Their consumption habits and their civic activities. Their intentionality in interpersonal relationships.
I think that’s how anything’s ever gotten better in the first place.
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moonrisecoeur · 7 months
hey btw free use with leon fem reader let’s go
(btw this is totally consensual and negotiated. pls respect ur partners boundaries !! contains some manhandling, roughness, and a mention of somno! this is re4r leon cuz he’s my boyfriend sorryyy)
he doesn’t know really what to initially expect when you first work out how, like, free use will work in your relationship. it technically goes both ways but leon’s a gentleman (actually not true he’s a perv he just got no game no confidence no rizz) and honestly it doesn’t really appeal to him to ‘take you whenever and wherever he wants’. not really his vibe. he gets nervous to be too touchy feely that he wouldn’t even consider it unless you’re asleep and he’s just gotten home from a mission, but even then he’d probably just wake you up.. screw ur sleep rhythm ur babygirl just got home from a mission!! and he’s horny!! help him out!!
but when it comes to you using him freely.. it’s a different story. nothing really compares to that warm feeling that builds in his stomach as you touch him, practically manhandling him into the position you want him in. groping his ass or chest whenever your please gives him butterflies, because he knows that finally, finally, you’re not holding back your desire for him. he can see it plain as day because there’s no wall there anymore of ‘does he want this? is it weird if i just do it out of nowhere? should i ask him first?’ kinda thoughts, just you touching him however you please, whenever you please.
and it’s so freeing to leon. god it really is. he doesn’t have to be a decision maker, a competent agent, a killer. he just has to exist, and you’ll do what you please with him. there’s no standard that he has to meet to be worthy of your love. in fact, he likes that he can easily tell how badly you want him, because you don’t even ask anymore. you just pull him close and fiddle with his belt and it’s not like he’s going to stop you, not when you’re pushing him down and making him feel small and submissive, vulnerable to your every whim.
truthfully? let’s be honest here, leon’s not the best with women. he’s awkward and can’t communicate very well, he tries his best and he’s genuine but god is he clumsy with words. he tries to be romantic but it comes off as boyish and you can’t help but laugh endearingly when your flirty or sexual comments go over his head. he’s dense, is all i’m saying. so it’s easier to just let you do whatever you please than having to explain to him that you’ve been making sexual remarks all night and he was too focused on your pretty face to realize you’ve wanted to fuck him stupid for hours.
he likes the kind of free use where you’re gentle with him, softly kissing his shoulder and grasping onto his torso from behind. he chuckles deeply, his hands pull away when he realizes that you’re sneaking your hand under his shirt to feel him up. he won’t stop you, not when you’re just feeling touchy.
but if he’s being honest, he likes the rough and demeaning free use more. pushing him down as soon as he gets home, not even giving him a moment to take off his jacket before you’re on top of him, touching him, whispering, “who cares if the neighbors hear us, baby? i hope they do. i hope they’re jealous of the stars you’re about to see.”
pinning him against the wall is so. ugh. god he’s so pathetic for getting off on it, but just thinking about putting him in a position he couldn’t get out of no matter how much stronger he is than you, completely just making him all vulnerable makes him so horny like!! he’s gotta be helpless there’s no other way !! can’t move can’t escape or get away (not that he’s trying to like. actually haha) all he can’t do is lay there pathetically as you like. press your thumb into his mouth or rub your knee against his crotch. and then get up and move on with your day like nothing happened !
pushing him against the kitchen counter, bending him over just to get a feel of his ass. his muscles are obviously tense, and he’s grateful you can’t see the look on his face from your perspective. he gasps and moans and his face is hot, his ears are such a pretty shade of red that you can’t help but want to embarrass him.
he’s yours to keep and love and fuck and god he’s all yours. all fucking yours. you touch him whenever you want, push his head between your thighs and keep him there until you’re satisfied, and use his cock for every last bit of pleasure it could give you, filling you up exactly how you like.
of course, you let him cum in the process, you’re not that selfish. but it’s mainly about you. it’s this possessive feeling in your soul that claims him as yours, all belonging to you, only you. the nails dragging down his back, digging into his skin, drawing his blood, tell him that loud and clear.
he’s a little terrified, but he’s into it.
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catladyoftheyr · 5 months
Too Sweet Ch. 4
Ch: (1) (2) (3) (5)
Harvey x Gn reader
Summary: you stumble upon Harvey leaving Caroline’s dance aerobics class and startle him. He accidentally drops his dumbbells on your foot and has to patch you up <3
Word count: 1.6
A/n: vhs because in my heart stardew is set in the 90s. Also he can lift you because his dance aerobics class is WORKING OKAY lmaooo I just thought it was cute 🥰
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You woke up groggy, regretting the decision to pack light when you moved to the Valley. You missed your coffee maker. You desperately wanted to roll over, to pull the sheets back over your head and sleep for just 5 more minutes. But you knew yourself well enough that 5 minutes would turn into 20. You had animals to feed and crops to tend to. You dragged yourself out of bed and rubbed the sleep from your eyes before sliding your feet into your work shoes. Getting dressed could wait, you decided.
The summer air was muggy and you knew that sooner rather than later your clothes would start to stick and your hair would start to frizz. You let the animals out to graze and deftly avoided stepping on any chickens while you made your way over to the new barn you'd commissioned from Robin. A small calf poked her head out of the barn door and mooed. “Good morning to you too, Daisy.” You gave her a gentle pet on the head and she nuzzled back affectionately.
The barn and the calf had drained the last of your money. You’d have to sell directly to Pierre today if you wanted cash to buy any more seeds. You dressed for the day and headed back outside to assess what you could sell. You’d managed to craft some rudimentary sprinklers after finding a book full of blueprints your grandfather had left behind. It saved watering time, but you still had to harvest everything manually. You arranged a large basket full of everything you could part with before heading into town.
The bell on the door rang as you walked into the general store. Pierre greeted you as you set the large basket on the counter. “You’re selling today?”
“I need more seeds and tomorrow’s Wednesday.” It wasn’t technically a lie. You just omitted the fact that you were flat broke as well.
“Well I’m happy to help out. It’ll be great to have some fresh from the farm produce to offer.” Pierre took his time examining the goods you’d brought, carefully placing each item on the counter and punching numbers into his calculator. You made idle chit chat as the women from Caroline’s dance aerobics class began to file out into the store. You told Marnie that the calf was settling in just fine, thanked Robin again for her hard work on your barn. Emily told you what she was getting Gus for his birthday and overheard Jodi ask Caroline what she should make for dinner. You heard Pierre announce your total and you exchanged most of your meager earnings for seeds, pocketing the rest. You were turning to leave when you saw one more person enter the store from the house. Was that…. Harvey?
You rubbed your eyes thinking you might have made a mistake, but this town was small and that was definitely the local doctor standing there. He held a pair of small dumbbells, and you noticed sweatbands on his wrists and forehead. He wore a pair of small shorts and a t-shirt boasting what you assumed was his alma mater. You walked over to say hello and tapped him playfully on the shoulder. Harvey spun around, seemingly frightened by the unexpected touch. He dropped the dumbbells in surprise and you felt them land directly on your foot. You swore and jumped back, hopping on your good foot.
“I’m so sorry!” You both shouted in unison, apologizing to the other for different things. “I didn’t mean to startle you-“
“Your foot!”
“I think it’s okay really. I should head home.”
“You should let me examine it. The clinic is next door.” Harvey’s face displayed genuine concern, and you were secretly worried that your foot was broken. You relented, hoping the injury wasn’t going to impact your farm work. You turned around to head outside and winced as soon as you put pressure on the bad foot. You inhaled sharply and tried to find a way to walk. Harvey took notice of your efforts and wrapped one arm around your waist while draping one of yours across his shoulders. “Let me help you.”
You’d never been this close. You felt your face flush and hoped he wouldn’t notice. The act of chivalry seemed to come so naturally to him. You made your way to the clinic slowly, relishing the feeling of his arm on your waist. Harvey helped you through the doors of the clinic, allowing you to sit down on a bench in his waiting room. “Thank you” you whispered as you adjusted your positioning.
“It’s the least I could do. I can’t apologize enough for what happened. Now let’s take a look.” Harvey was especially gentle as he knelt in front of you; He unlaced your shoes, sliding off the sock of the injured foot. He pursed his lips as he examined you.
“I’m sorry I startled you. I just wasn’t expecting to see you today; at least not in Caroline’s group.”
“You need to stop apologizing.” Harvey fell silent for a moment, contemplating his next words. “I joined as a way to try and stay active. I’m not as young as I once was; it’s getting harder to stay In shape.” His face had a hint of flush to it as he spoke. You wouldn’t dream of saying it, but you found it incredibly endearing. You also couldn’t help but let your eyes wander. Harvey typically wore slacks and blazers. You trailed your vision down the lines of his arms and imagined running your fingers over the veins. His legs had a considerable amount of hair and you traced it as it disappeared under the hem of his shorts. His physique reminded you of someone’s dad, you could picture him wearing socks and sandals and denim shorts while he stood behind a grill.
“I think it’s nice that you’re making the decision to do what’s healthy. And all the women in that group are really nice. Caroline gives me some tea leaves from the bushes in her sunroom. You picked good friends.”
“Thank you. Can you promise me you won’t tell anyone else, though? Word spreads fast in small towns. I’m not ready for everyone to know about this.” His face flushed deeper, a clear shade of red now.
“I promise.” You extended your arm toward him and stuck out the pinky on your hand. “I pinky swear it.” Harvey chuckled and smiled at you before hooking his own pinky in yours and shaking hands.
Turning his focus back to your door he frowned as he felt around it gently. Even the soft touches hurt and you hissed quietly when he hit an especially sore spot. He prompted you through rotations and flexes before rising to his feet. “The good news is it’s not broken. But it’s bruised pretty badly. The swelling should go down significantly in a couple hours and you should be able to work on it tomorrow. But you need to stay off it for the rest of the day if you want it to heal. I’ll wrap it for you in a second, but you should probably ice and elevate it as well.”
The doctor disappeared behind the doors and you heard the sounds of drawers and cupboards opening and closing. You sighed and shook your head while you tried to stop the montage of scenes from today from replaying in your mind. Images of Harvey in athletic shorts, his smile as he linked pinkies, how his hands felt on you, and the look on his face when he saw you in Pierre’s swirled around your brain. Your daydreams were interrupted when Harvey emerged holding materials to wrap your foot. He worked deftly, the years of experience showing as he wrapped the fabric around you in record time. He let out a small sigh as he finished.
“You’re all set. However as your doctor I am strongly recommending that you don’t try to walk home on that foot yet. You could delay your recovery and risk further damage. Now as your friend, I’m proposing that you can come upstairs and watch a movie to stay off your feet.”
“I don’t think I can climb the stairs…”
“Leave it to me” Harvey leaned forward and swept you into his arms in one smooth motion, holding you bridal style. You gasped as your legs dangled in the air and giggled as he began to ascend the stairs carrying you. You leaned in closer, seizing the opportunity to press yourself against his chest. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he finagled the door to his apartment open. You breathed in deeply through your nose, trying to hold onto his scent before he set you down on his couch. He pulled his coffee table closer to the couch to allow you to rest and elevate your foot.
The doctor strode to a shelf near the tv that held an extensive collection of VHS tapes. He hummed as he browsed through the titles before selecting one. He popped the tape into the VCR. He settled onto the couch next to you, close enough that you could feel the fabric of his t-shirt against your arm. The movie was in black and white, definitely a classic. “I put in The Zuzu City Express. It’s one of my favorites” Harvey explained almost sheepishly. You hadn’t picked him as a film buff.
You tried to focus on the film, but the truth is you were exhausted from the stressful day. Harvey’s arm was draped across the back of the couch. You let your head fall onto his shoulder. He made no effort to move you, no indication that the action was unwanted. You relaxed and a yawn escaped. Your eyelids grew heavier as you tried harder to pay attention to the movie. Harvey’s arm moved to rest across the back of your neck, his hand falling on your shoulder as you drifted off.
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mariacallous · 8 months
As war rages between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, it is hard to envision an end to the conflict. For decades, though, a growing movement of Palestinian and Israeli women has not only envisioned a peaceful coexistence, but also demanded it.
Just three days before Hamas’s Oct. 7, 2023, attack, thousands of women from two peacebuilding groups gathered at Jerusalem’s Tolerance Monument for a rally and march. Israelis from Women Wage Peace carried blue flags, and Palestinians from Women of the Sun flew yellow ones.
Members of the two groups traveled to the Dead Sea—believed since ancient times to have healing qualities—and set a table. Women from both sides pulled up chairs as a symbol of a good-faith resumption of negotiations to reach a political solution.
Women Wage Peace formed in response to Operation Protective Edge, which was Israel’s 2014 invasion of Gaza in the wake of then-U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s failed effort to restart final status negotiations.
“We, Palestinian and Israeli mothers, are determined to stop the vicious cycle of bloodshed,” reads the preamble to their campaign, the Mother’s Call. This campaign was nine months in the making, and it involved aligning around a single agenda that demands a political solution within a limited time frame.
They set the table to show the importance of dialogue and women’s involvement in decision-making. But in the war between Israel and Hamas that has started since then, women’s voices are largely missing from negotiations and consultations.
Ensuring women’s participation isn’t about equity or fairness or a show of inclusion. It’s about winning the peace.
In 2014, Laurel Stone, then a researcher at Seton Hall University, conducted a quantitative analysis of 156 peace agreements over time. She found that when women are decision-makers—serving as negotiators and mediators—the probability of an agreement lasting at least two years increased by 20 percent. The probability of the agreement holding for 15 years increased by 35 percent.
Many studies show that women tend to be more collaborative, more focused on social issues over military issues, and less likely to attack those who hold differing views. With women at the table, the potential for risk-taking behavior and attacks on perceived enemies may be lower. In diverse teams, decisions are more likely to be based on facts than assumptions.
While men are more likely to be fighters in war, the work of holding families and communities together more often falls to women, and according to some studies, it’s women who more frequently stand up for a return to negotiations, civilian protection, and an end to violence.
“We learned from the cases of Northern Ireland and Liberia,” Yael Braudo-Bahat, the co-director of Women Wage Peace, told Foreign Policy. Women’s active participation greatly strengthened these peace and recovery processes.
Ahead of the formal talks that led to the Belfast Agreement in Northern Ireland, Catholic and Protestant women’s groups formed the Northern Ireland Women’s Coalition and gained two seats at a table of 20 in formal negotiations. As one of the few groups that moved beyond the sectarian divide, its members were seen as honest brokers. They represented civil society concerns and helped ensure that the agreement included commitments for social healing and integration.
Because the brutality of war falls disproportionately on women—they frequently are the first to go hungry, serve as the de facto caretakers, and become the victims of increased gender based violence—they are often committed to finding a path to peace even when male leaders won’t compromise.
During the Second Liberian Civil War, women played a heroic role by successfully pressuring male decision-makers to negotiate. The documentary Pray the Devil Back to Hell, directed by Gini Reticker and produced by Abigail Disney, popularized the incredible story of how women convinced the warring parties to attend peace talks in Accra, Ghana.
“We were the ones watching our children die of hunger … we were the easiest targets of rape and sexual abuse,” said Nobel Prize laureate Leymah Gbowee, the founder of the Women for Liberia Mass Action for Peace grassroots movement, which played a major role in pushing then-President Charles Taylor to sign a peace agreement in 2003. This common suffering among women formed the basis for unity across political and religious divides.
In Israel and Gaza, women will need to play an important role in the implementation of any new accord between Israel and Palestine, Braudo-Bahat said. Her organization’s partnership with its Palestinian counterpart, Women of the Sun, has remained steadfast, even after learning that her co-founder, Vivian Silver, 74, was murdered by Hamas on Oct. 7.
“We continue our plans—we work together, and we don’t hide it,” she said. “It might be dangerous to the Women of the Sun, but they are so courageous.”
Although many Palestinians want peace, for others, “peace is normalization,” a member of Women of the Sun wrote to Foreign Policy via WhatsApp, choosing to go by the initials M.H. to preserve her anonymity and safety. Some Palestinians think that “it’s something shameful to be dealing with Israel,” she added, because it could imply that the Israelis’ treatment of, and policies toward, Palestinians are tolerable.
“I believe we should actively engage and collaborate, even if some label it as normalization,” M.H. said. “I am committed to working toward a better future for us.”
International law is on the side of these women. United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325, adopted unanimously more than 23 years ago, urges all member states to increase the participation of women in peace and security efforts, and highlights women’s essential role in preventing war, protecting civilians, and negotiating lasting peace.
Despite Israel’s deteriorating track record with regard to women’s rights and roles as decision-makers, women are involved in the war as politicians, members of the military and civilians. Women in politics have made important advances for gender equity, although among the 32 cabinet ministers sworn in a year ago, only five were women. One of those women ministers was dismissed amid the recent closure of the Ministry for the Advancement of Women.
The reality for women in Gaza is far more challenging when it comes to holding leadership positions. Women generally do not participate in public political activities or hold public office, although Hamas appointed 23-year old Isra al-Modallal as its first female spokesperson in November. She told the Guardian newspaper that she is not a member of Hamas or any political party.
At the start of the conflict, Hamas had just one woman, Jamila al-Shanti, 68, serving as part of the organization’s 15-member political bureau. Al-Shanti, who was also a founder of Hamas’s women’s movement, died in an Israeli airstrike on Oct. 19.
“You can hear amazing rhetoric and lip service, even from the Palestinian leadership,” Dr. Dalal Iriqat, an assistant professor at the Arab American University in the West Bank, told Foreign Policy. “But when it comes to practice, I always find a scarcity of women in decision-making.”
Women’s organizations in the Palestinian territories and in Israel have a rich history of political engagement, however. Palestinian women created social structures such as health clinics and orphanages for displaced Palestinians following the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. Following the Six-Day War in 1967, with traditional political structures in tatters and both Gaza and the West Bank under Israeli occupation, women of every social class stepped up.
It was through the networks they formed that a new cadre of women activists emerged as a force in December 1987, when Palestinian frustration with Israeli rule broke out in a popular uprising that became known as the First Intifada, or “shaking off.” Underlying this largely nonviolent Palestinian struggle was a collective social, economic, and political mobilization led by women.
Palestinian political leadership acknowledged women’s centrality in the Intifada, which paved the way for negotiations with Israel when it included three women—Suad Amiry, Zahiria Kamal, and Hanan Ashrawi—as part of the delegation that participated in the Middle East peace talks that culminated with the Madrid Conference in October 1991.
Ultimately, though, exiled Palestinian Liberation Organization leaders shunted the Madrid framework to begin secret negotiations with Israel that resulted in the security-focused Oslo Accords and the establishment of the Palestinian Authority. Under their leadership, Israeli occupation, and the failures of the Oslo Accords, democratic ideals and women’s rights eroded.
Israel and the United States have discussed a potential role for the Palestinian Authority in Gaza after the military operation. The Palestinian Authority has three women ministers, including its minister for women’s affairs, though women still struggle for equal opportunities and freedom from violence.
“Women usually refrain from being [an] activist in politics,” said an activist in the West Bank who withheld her name for security reasons. “Women are frightened to be involved in political activities, because they will be put in jail or be subjected to any kind of violence.” And the conditions are much worse for women when funding is restricted, as well as under Hamas, she said.
Serena Awad, a Gazan nonprofit worker who is now living in Rafah, told Foreign Policy that Gazan women are directing and managing many aspects of the humanitarian response. These women work for the United Nations as well as in health, cultural, child protection, human rights, sports, and legal organizations.
“I have lived through six aggressions, and every time, I wait for my turn to die,” said 24-year-old Awad. “What I want the world to know is that women in Gaza are like any other women—we study, go to work, have our own family, but we suffer.”
Israeli and Palestinian women working as peacebuilders say they need more international support. Women’s organizations are notoriously underfunded in the best of times, with only 0.4 percent of global gender-related funding going directly to women’s rights organizations, according to calculations by the Association for Women’s Rights in Development.
During crises, women’s rights often take a back seat. Women of the Sun’s 2024 budget is approximately $100,000, and Women Wage Peace’s budget is approximately $1 million, according to the organizations’ representatives.
Women’s groups are more likely to be effective during negotiations and during the implementation of recovery programs when they have access to external funding. During the peace process between Sudan and South Sudan, for example, South Sudanese women were highly mobilized as delegates, but some had to pause their involvement so they could go back to earning money.
In addition to funding, democratic countries have a role to play by insisting on women’s participation in negotiations, said M.H. of the Women of the Sun. She and other peacebuilders say that the United States and the United Nations should be more active in promoting women as counterparts, negotiators, and experts.
“By will, things can happen,” M.H. told Foreign Policy “And if the US says it [that women should be involved in negotiations], it can happen.”.
Talks convened by Qatar, the United States, and Egypt to end the conflict between Hamas and Israel are underway. These countries and other regional players—including Jordan, Israel, and the Palestinian Authority, have previously created national action plans that recognize the unique impact of war on women and their crucial role in promoting peace, culminating in 107 countries worldwide forming national action plans to empower women.
Still, news coverage reveals little or no evidence of efforts by these countries to promote women’s participation in the Israel-Hamas conflict.
The U.S. State Department is “working to ensure the expertise of women from civil society and in government is incorporated in any process related to the current conflict in Gaza,” wrote a spokesperson in an email.
If the political will for participation exists, both Israelis and Palestinians have a robust list of women advocates from which to draw for official and nonofficial negotiations and discussions. A diverse list of 12 Israeli and Palestinian women who are qualified to participate in negotiations was provided by the 1325 Project run by members of  Women Lawyers for Social Justice—known in Israel as Itach Ma’aki—to the U.S. Embassy and other embassies and international bodies.
“At least one person will be engaging in Track 2 and 3 efforts, and she was approached through us by an international body,” said 1325 project co-director Netta Loevy, referring to nonofficial negotiations and consultations.
Braudo-Bahat, meanwhile, urged policymakers to involve women in discussions now—not after violence ends. “The day after the war is yesterday … we need to start now,” she said.
Back in Gaza, the water tastes like poison; it’s freezing, and Awad, the 24-year-old nonprofit worker, keeps losing weight. She asked almost a dozen Gazan women leaders what they think should happen to resolve the war and to ensure that women participate in negotiations.
No one could give her an answer. They were busy responding to humanitarian needs, and telecommunication and internet services were out.
“Nothing has changed, but what can we do about it? All we can do is waiting and praying for this to end,” Awad wrote to Foreign Policy through WhatsApp, which only works for her about once every four days.
Iriqat, the Arab American University professor, has one wish: “That someone considers that if women are in charge, and involved, a more strategic agreement could hold.”
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rashfordxbruno · 1 year
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"Today, we female fans of Manchester United are demanding that the club to abide by their duty of care towards their female fans and employees and demonstrate a zero tolerance approach towards acts of violence against women by refusing to bring Mason Greenwood back into the squad."
"The situation is clear - taking Greenwood back legitimises and normalises sexual assault and domestic abuse. It tells other players, and the men and boys that look up to them, that abusing women is acceptable, without consequence, and won't affect you or derail your career."
"It also tells us, as women, that we don't matter. It tells female MUFC employees that their employer is happy to make them work alongside an abuser, and tells hundreds of thousands of female fans that supporting the team we love involves supporting men who abuse women like us."
"It tells us that our safety doesn't matter, our experiences don't matter; that the 1 in 4 women who experience domestic abuse and/or sexual assault in the UK don't matter. It tells us that men who make the club money matter; not us, our fellow fans, mothers, sisters or daughters"
"The club has launched all sorts of initiatives in recent years to allegedly promote inclusivity and diversity at the match, but "All Red All Equal" means nothing if the rights of those who have perpetrated gender-based violence are more equal than those who have lived through it"
"We know there are currently multi million pound PR firms spinning narratives to go along with his potential return. "Repentant father who has turned his life around and just wants to support his partner and child." "Young genius who made a mistake but deserves a second chance.""
"Threatening your partner with sexual violence isn't "a mistake", it's deliberate, targeted abuse. The lockdown parties and police warnings were apparently "a mistake", getting dropped by England and sent home from camp for breaking the rules was also apparently "a mistake"."
"The problem here isn't a player who has "made a mistake", it's a player who has consistently demonstrated an attitude of extreme arrogance, entitlement and exceptionalism; and who has shown nothing but disregard and contempt for what it means to represent this great club."
"Everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone does so while in the position of power and privilege Greenwood is. If you want to play at the highest level at the biggest club in the world, your behaviour will be held up to the highest level of scrutiny, accountability and expectation."
"The decision of senior management at MUFC regarding Greenwood's return will tell us fans everything we need to know about their ability to run this club, and about whether they have any genuine willingness to listen to, engage with, and support fans on issues that matter to us."
"Is this club for them just a vehicle for commercial success, trophies, sponsorships and revenue? Or do they genuinely share our vision of Manchester United as a great institution that exists as a place of belonging and community for those who care about its values and traditions?"
"We are calling on the club to do the right thing. For their fans, for their employees, for the millions of young boys and girls across the world who look up to our players as heroes and role models, and the millions of women whose lives have been blighted by violence and abuse."
"To the decision makers at the club, remember; this goes beyond football. This decision is a reflection of you, your morals; of who you are as individuals, and as humans. Will you stand with abusers, or with the abused? History will judge your choices. Make sure you choose well."
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yanderesimp2000 · 6 months
Yandere Adam x fem reader chapter 4/6 'This is for your own good" MINORS STAY AWAY
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GONNA DO 6 INSTEAD OF 5 CHAPTERS SO THIS IS Chapter 4/6 baby been out of ideas for a little bit but then I got one what is it keep fucking reading ya lazy fuck
TW,NON-CON TO CON, Brainwashed reader, reader has had their mind broken, reader breaks out of their mind control, EXTREME POSSESSIVENESS, Adam being an incel as usual, degradation, smut,Light violence, Abuse then comfort, Adam being a delusion prick, and reader pushing their limits
After that lovely night with Adam you woke up alone in the bed he was in the shower so in the mean time you should make him breakfast you don't wanna make him mad right? You walked downstairs into the Kitchen were you went and made Adams favorite breakfast Pancake breakfast sandwich 2 pancakes with eggs,bacon,cheese, and sausage in between. He was always so happy when you made them and when he was happy something in your brain just turned into mush for him trying so hard to please him
you heard him come out the shower as he got dressed and when he smelled that your were cooking he yelled "LETS FUCKING GO THANKS BABE" he said before practically falling done the stairs to come get the food he basically ate it in one bite barley even chewing like a rapid animal he then stretched and said "thanks bitch" you got used to his mean words by for some reason your brain didn't think of it as hate just you were the one that failed him and you should be ashamed of yourself and do better. he then plopped himself done on the couch and said " what to do what to do hey what do you wanna do babe" you mind raced with excitement at him giving you the slightest bit of free will thinking of all the possibility you said you wanted to go to that new big park by the beach in the Chasity region
He yawned again and said "wow for once you had a good idea, don't take this as mean or anything but your not the best decision maker your a good housewife though like any proper women" this tone of misogyny should of made you upset but for some reason at first you were upset but something just washed it all away and you just again thought he was correct.
He then mockingly told you "your not going out in that outfit" he laughed referring to your clothes they were just pajamas and you agreed he could go out with his precious wittle trophey if shes ugly no no no she has to look marketable and good yes that's much better. He walks you over to the closet where he picks out different outfits until after a couple minutes of shuffling he finally finds one he likes its a
knee-length dress with a gently cinched waist that accentuates your feminine figure. The fabric is a soft, flowing chiffon in a delicate pastel shade, a pale lavender. The bodice features a subtle sweetheart neckline adorned with intricate lace detailing, adding a touch of romanticism to the design. you felt so nice in the dress and Adam agreed "damn I really did splurge on all these dresses but playing dress up with you sure is fun your like my little doll for me to play with and dress up to my pleasing" he teased
adam put on his normal robe before saying "welp guess its time to go" before you two walked out the door together into the streets of heaven the flight their was relaxing he was carrying you because he didn't want you do get tired and seeing heaven from that high up was just so nice but when you finally made it to the park you could see why it was so good The sound of waves crashing against the shore provides a soothing soundtrack to the park's ambiance, creating a sense of harmony with nature. Seagulls soar overhead, their cries blending harmoniously with the rhythmic lull of the ocean Adam seemed surprised and said "nicer then I expected you chose a good place I'm not gonna lie" before you two started to walk across the wonderful coast line off the coast of the park you saw the patience borough of heaven it was a small island off the coast of main land heaven which was Chasity,temperance,charity and diligence boroughs you saw the view of the skyline and you just watched it you decided to say "hey can we go over there" you said in a soft tone Adam sighed and said "not right now babe its to far of a flight for today
something in you snapped it wasn't you usual self you started to see a hint of rebellion in your mind you got angry and said "no I want to go NOW" you said starting to get angry Adam was surprised but brushed it off "come on dont be such a fucking brat we can do it tomorrow you started to yell "NO NO NO TODAY" then something broke inside of you and you just started to fly there to the borough this infuriated adam and he quickly flew after you catching up to you trapped you against his body he started to fly back to his house at a speed you could of never imagined it felt like only 3 minutes before you were in the door after taking off.
Adam SLAMS the door behind him and say's "you've been a bad GIRL A VERY BAD GIRL" you've never seen him this way he then said "how to punish you how to punish you ahh I got one I'll make sure you don't fly AGAIN until I feel like letting you fly"he said this in a light sadistic tone but he then sighed and said "then I'll put you under my little "spell" again you seemed to partially broken out of it but I can always reapply it, after my old 2 UNGRATEFUL SLUTS left me I've learned how to make people more "reasonable" and you've seems to have broken out of it partially"
he said this with a low coo before grabbing a knife from the counter and saying "cmere" before pinning you down this adrenaline brought back ALL your old memory what happened how he kidnapped you how Abused you it all came flooding back in you winced again and said "GET OFF ME YOU CRAZY PHYCO" Adam just giggled and said "broken out of my spell that's okay I'll just reapply it once I'm done with your wings" all you could think about was how could heaven allow this god, and seraphim they were okay with this one of their first man kidnapping and brainwashing a poor human soul so he could use you to not feel lonely it was all to much and you tried to beg Adam to stop "p-please Adam" you pleaded he looked like a felt a little bad but he seemed to shake it off when he said "this is all for your own good" before slicing off the front half of you right wing
You screamed in pain "Plwease Please s-s-s-s-stop" you pleaded but Adam when and clipped the left wing he used some angel magic to seal up the wounds and stop the pain but you were just left their a whimpering crying mess flapping your now useless wings Adam said "yknow what I'm not even gonna fell bad for you you got this coming this was all on you" he starts to rub his fings in-between your wings "maybe in a couple century's I'll fix your wings IF Im feeling generous I might just keep you like this forever my little peguin my little bird that's YEARNING to be able to fly but no matter how hard you try you just cant" he mocked causing you to sob more "awwwwww don't cry even if it's adorable it hurts my heart" he giggled You sobbed helplessly it felt like the teasing was just relentless you kicked and thrashed but he had a firm grip on you you couldn't escape he said as he stood looking down at you he laughed and said "are you sad don't worry try and fly yeah try and get an inch off the ground you can't oh no you can't you're too your wings that they're too small and too weak now "he laughed sadistically as he said that "you really are perfect now it's just time for the fixing of your brain"  to begin you start flapping you're useless little wings you don't know why you knew they were useless but it was just instinctive somehow you felt powerless completely at his Mercy you don't even know how you got out of his hypnosis but all you know is he's going to put you back in it back into the helpless little play thing you were before
"Now look at me "Adam shushed you just look at me don't try and fight it you know Ill win he said as he started to force your head to look into his eyes yes just fall deeper and deeper you didn't know it was happening you started to feel delirious sleepy starting to go into a gray space between awake and asleep  your eyes butterflied a little as you try to resist squirming but weaker and weaker whimpering and Wincing your pleas meant nothing if anything he enjoyed them  "damn you're so fucking  hot when you like" Adam moaned " you know what I think I might fuck you while I put you back into your submissive state, Yeah bitch doesn't that sound like fun trying to squirm away from me but falling deeper and deeper into my hypnosis it's just too much to resist I'm so sorry" he started to undress himself as you slowly backed away into the corner whimpering and wincing as you went "oh don't be scared" Adam teased "I'll be gentle oh so Gentle"
He started to approach you his erect cock visible " try not to struggle too much it's quite annoying, but don't worry you'll be wrapped around my little finger soon enough Like any proper women meant to serve their husband" just as he said this he started to pin you down you whimpered kicked but that didn't stop them he teased the tip of his cock right against the entrance of your pussy he was clearly getting off to you fear enjoying every second of it the more you cried the more you try to fight back the more you whimpered the more turned on he got " shut up bitch" he growled "at first you're begging was cute but now it's just pathetic you're not getting out of this and you know that " he said that and even deeper growl as as he slowly put his cock deeper and deeper into your pussy 
Eventually it was just a full flown thrust " fuck  baby keep looking into my eyes little bicth this will be so much more enjoyable if you fuckin  cooperate" he said but as he kept looking at you and deep into your eyes something in your brain started to change as much as you try to fight it you know that you weren't going to win your mind was too weak easy to be taken control of manipulated turned into as Adam said your fate  would keep going like this for the rest of Eternity the Injustice in heaven was all you could think about how could he do this how could he threaten to banish you to hell just for not wanting to be with him how could he do any of this but that was quickly wiped away by the thoughts that you were the problem that you should apologize to Adam that he was just doing what was necessary and that you were the crazy one you are unstable you needed him that's all you could think you started to enjoy him on you he giggled when he noticed that " are we done with our little tantrum" Adam said softly but firmly " yes Adam I'm so sorry for disobeying you this won't ever happen again" you pleaded to him " good that's what I thought, now let me fucking finish inside you bitch" he said approaching his climax  his cock was deep inside you it was 38 cm there was even a little bump in your stomach from where it was since the height difference between you guys was like nine feet you were helpless  he had all the control he wanted over you and that was just the way he liked it you started to grip onto the couch he was fucking you on you you were also reaching your climax but Adam beat you to it as you let out a moan long strings of cum started to fill you " yes baby" he said as you also climaxed " see I told you you would like it" Adam said smugly 
You were under his spell again condemned to the same fate for the rest of enternity but hey atleats you enjoy it even if your brainwashed
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beatmyfeet · 1 year
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In a gynarchic setting
the man must seek and respect his wife's advice in all decisions
In the world of gynarchy, where women are revered as leaders and decision-makers, relationships transform into powerful partnerships, reflecting the society's values and norms. Central to this setup is the recognition of the pivotal role women play in guiding, nurturing, and directing the course of familial, societal, and personal matters. Within the sanctity of marriage, it becomes of paramount importance that the man, nurtured in this system, seeks and respects his wife's advice in all decisions.
The philosophy of gynarchy is not merely about upending traditional power dynamics but is about forging an environment that truly celebrates feminine wisdom, insight, and intuition. Men, growing up in such an environment, learn from their earliest years the value of female insight. They are not seen as lesser but are rather encouraged to understand that embracing and integrating their wife's perspectives can only make their decisions richer and more well-rounded.
In the private sanctums of homes, it's common to see husbands turning to their wives, not out of obligation but out of genuine reverence for their wisdom. Whether it’s about financial decisions, moral dilemmas, or day-to-day choices, the wife's voice becomes a treasured compass. This mutual respect ensures that decisions are well-thought-out and comprehensive, making households more harmonious and effective.
This isn't to say that the man becomes passive or devoid of his individual voice. Rather, in a gynarchic setting, he acknowledges the strengths brought by both partners. He understands that in seeking his wife’s advice, he's pooling together collective wisdom, ensuring that the decisions made are in the best interest of all parties involved.
Furthermore, such an approach transforms the very fabric of the relationship. It becomes a partnership built on mutual respect, understanding, and a desire to co-create a harmonious life. Power struggles become obsolete, replaced by a profound understanding that the feminine perspective holds immense value.
In conclusion, a gynarchic society is not just a flip of gender roles but is a celebration of feminine wisdom, nurturing the belief that in the union of minds, the decisions taken after seeking a wife's counsel are likely to be the most balanced and fruitful. It is a testament to the power of collaboration, understanding, and mutual respect.
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bitchesuntitled · 8 months
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Warnings! 18+(minors do not enter, go on now-get!). Unprotected PinV(don’t be like this- too many risks), bar bathroom sex, fingering, mirror play, alcohol consumption, consensual, cussing
Not really any description of reader besides clothing. Pics from Pinterest on the mood board thing(I made it, first one ever. Can’t ya tell? 🤣)
A/N: First smutty piece. Just decided to go for it. @jay-zzle read it over and seemed to like it so hopefully someone else does too ❤️ Not tagging character cause that’s a surprise part of the story. Constructive criticism is welcome but I won’t tolerate assholes. Here we gooooo
Masterlist||AO3 Link
Reader X Surprise!Pboy
“Oh fuck!” You gasp while being pressed against the sink in this dingy bar bathroom “Yes! Please, right there!”
Is this how you saw your Friday night going? Not really. Are you disappointed? Not at all. It was a spur of the moment decision. A recent break up calls for some debauchery.
“I don’t know. You really think this is a good idea?”
Your best friend, Laurie, looks at you like you grew a second head. Breaking up with your boyfriend of four years on a Wednesday afternoon wasn’t in your plans for the future but it happened. While you thought he was too focused on his career and succeeding. Come to find out, he was actually too busy fucking his assistant.
“Uh yeah! Fuck Dean! If he couldn’t see what was right in front of him then he’s an idiot. But we already knew that” She says, “It’s Friday night! We need to go out and have fun!”
She was the decision maker in your outfit for the night. A tight red strapless dress that stopped just before your knees, fit your curves in all the right places, black heels, and a full face of makeup that you almost didn’t recognize yourself when you looked in the mirror. It’s been so long since you dressed up like this. In all reality though, you need this. You need to feel wanted, you need to feel attractive, you need this like the air you breathe.
After going to a few clubs the only place left that would serve you alcohol was a dingy local dive bar. Laurie is already three sheets to the wind. You’d sobered up a teensy bit when you got in the cab to come to this place. There’s a jukebox in the corner with a small dance floor where people are making their best effort to dance, well worn black leather seats at the bar, and plenty of drunken entertainment around you. You look up from the drink you’ve been sipping on and make eye contact with a stranger across the bar. You can’t make out many details of him besides the white shirt and leather jacket combo, brown hair, a little bit of scruff on his jaw and that he’s alone. He looks decent enough from a distance with this bar's dim lighting. You decide then and there if he continues staring you’ll have to go up to him, this is what this night was about after all, right?
It continues, it’s like you can feel his eyes on you. This random man who can’t look away. Occasionally you glance in his direction. Still sitting alone, still observing you like he’s waiting to see if you’ll make the first move such as a game of chess. Your drink is down to the bottom, you look over your shoulder to search for Laurie. Seeing she’s occupied by her own stranger for the night, you decide to make your move. Getting up you saunter over to the stool next to him.
“Is this seat taken?”
“All yours if you want it.” The stranger replies.
You sit and get the bartender's attention to order another drink.
“Put it on my tab.” He tells the bartender when your drink arrives.
“Oh, well thank you!!” You say, giving him a slight smirk.
“What uh… brings you to this place dressed like that?” He asks, looking you up and down.
“Only place left that would still serve us booze.” You laugh.
“Ah, I see!” He says grinning like the Cheshire Cat “Makes sense.”
You cock your head to the side chewing on the small straw.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Just don’t see many gorgeous women dressed like that in here.” He shrugs.
“If I didn’t know any better I’d think you’re trying to flirt with me” you giggle
“Maybe I am.” He says with a wink downing his own drink and signaling the bartender for another.
With a subtle nod of his head and standing up from his stool, you follow. It didn’t take long at all for this stranger to lead you towards the back where you can only assume there is some sort of privacy. The stranger grabs you suddenly pushing you against a wall. His face is so close you can smell the whiskey he’s been drinking on his breath.
“Wanna have some fun?” He asks smiling
“It’s why I’m here.” you softly laugh
He closes the gap between you pressing his lips to yours. Kissing someone new is always exciting, not even knowing this man’s name seems to make it even more so. You didn’t realize how touch starved you were til this moment. Some stranger simply kissing you already has your panties soaked. Grabbing the back of his neck and pressing into him more you feel the cool material of his leather jacket against you, sending goosebumps across your skin. He deepens the kiss and willingly you open your mouth for him to explore. The sound of a lock being undone and the jiggle of a door handle has you both separating, trying to control your breathing he gives a friendly nod to the person who walked out of the bathroom.
“Come on.” He says, grabbing onto your hand and pulling you into the bathroom.
He closes the door and you hear the lock click. Grabbing a hold of your waist he presses you against the door. He grabs your face, craning your neck up while slowly moving one hand down your throat, collarbones and landing at the top of your dress.
“Do you want this?” The stranger asks toying with the material.
“Yes.” you whisper, trembling under his touch.
“Good.” He says, moving his mouth to yours again.
It feels like he’s everywhere all at once. His hands were moving with a mind of their own grabbing whatever and wherever they could. Your neck, your breasts, your waist, til they move down to the hem of your dress. His knuckles slowly trace your inner thigh moving up, up, up. He brushes against your clit and you whine.
“Already whining and I’ve barely done anything?” The stranger chuckles.
With one hand around your neck and the other under your dress he moves you swiftly deeper into the bathroom. You can feel the sink digging into your lower back shifting your dress up to give him more room, all of a sudden you’re being lifted. When did his hands move? You can’t seem to focus on anything but the way his mouth moves against yours, all you know is this handsome stranger is making you feel things you haven’t felt in years. His tongue in your mouth, his hand moves your thong to the side.
“Jesus. So fucking wet.” He hums as he swipes a finger through your folds. You can’t even think straight. This man, this handsome stranger, he’s all consuming. He starts rubbing your clit with such precision it’s unreal. When was the last time someone just touching you has gotten you this worked up? Panting relentlessly, already so close to the edge. He inserts a finger into your dripping core, moving in and out at a steady pace.
“Fuck!” You whine. “Yes, baby, it feels so good!”
The stranger withdraws his fingers with a smirk. His hands make busywork pulling his pants down and his cock springs free, you’re mesmerized. It’s long and thick. Like nothing you’ve seen before. Giddy with anticipation of what’s about to happen. He grabs you again and turns you around to face the mirror.
“I want you to see what’s happening.” He whispers in your ear.
He grabs himself and begins rubbing his tip up and down your seam. The sounds coming from your throat surprise you. Never has it felt like this. Never has someone driven you up the wall with want like this.
“Ready?” He asks. All you can do is nod. Feeling his tip at your entrance slowly teasing. “Words, baby. Words. I need to hear you say it”
“YES! Please!” He plunges into you with so much force it’s hard to breathe. The feeling of his cock inside your dripping heat feels as if you're on another planet. You shouldn’t be so close this fast just from his teasing.
“Wanna see you come.” The stranger says. You nod, focusing on the pleasure of his cock inside you. Feeling his hands slid up to your face pushing it toward the mirror so you can see. “You look so good on my cock! Look at you.”
Sliding his hands down your back, he grips your waist. His thick cock spearing into you feeling like you’re going to split in two. His lips are on your neck giving open mouthed kisses and little nips. There are no words coming to you, your brain is blank from the pleasure, all you can do is feel his cock punching into you at a relentless pace, and moan. With each thrust you can feel your hips digging into the sink. Suddenly he hits a spot that has your breath becoming ragged and you can feel that coil in your belly tightening.
“You feel so fucking good,” He groans setting his head on your shoulder blade.
“Fuck! Right there!” You moan out. “Don’t stop, don’t stop!”
“Yeah?” He breathes out, moving his head to look at you in the mirror. Winding one of his hands around your waist to the top of your mound and finding your clit. He begins to circle that button and you can’t help but bite down on your lip to keep from screaming at the feeling of it.
“Oh fuck!” You gasp. “Right there, right there, I’m gonna come. I’m- I’m gon-“
The tingling starts at the base of your spine and begins to climb up. Back arching, head resting on his shoulder, your orgasm washes over you, fanning out from your head to your toes.
“Fuck me!” He groans, working his hand a little faster. “So fucking tight.”
“Mmhhmm.” You whine. Winding your hand to the back of his neck to hold him, slightly tugging the curls at the base of his neck, trying to ground yourself. His pace begins to falter, you can tell he’s getting close.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck. Where?” He asks, grunting.
“Ass.” You reply. He pulls out placing his dick on your ass, you can see his arm moving at a fast pace in the mirror. His face begins to twist in pleasure, eyebrows knitted together, moving his face down to watch his spend shoot out on your ass.
“Fucking hell.” He sighs. “That was amazing. Thank you!”
“You’re welcome?” You couldn’t help but laugh. “Don’t know if anyone has ever said thank you to me after sex.”
“Well, my mom always told me I needed to be polite.” He shrugs, grabbing a paper towel from the holder on the wall. He gently begins wiping his come off you. You can’t help but stare at him in the mirror as he situates your thong and dress back into place. You make eye contact when he looks up again, both smiling at each other. He grabs your waist and turns you around to face him, arms wrapping around his neck, playing with the curls that rest against his neck.
“Speaking of being polite,” He says, kissing you softly. “The name’s Marcus.”
“Well hello Marcus, nice to meet you!” You giggle telling him your name.
“So, I know we did this totally backwards but could I get your number and take you out sometime?” Marcus asks, cheeks turning crimson in color.
“I think we can manage that.” You say with a wide smile.
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