#wondering wtf is wrong with his husband
of-nyon · 1 year
Synopsis of an angsty Driftrod groundhog day fic that came to me fully formed during a nap today but idk if I really want to actually write it so I release it into the wild, you have my blessing if you want to take a crack at it (I reserve the right to write it myself also if I ever decide I'm ok with writing it)
Drift is the timelooper, the fic is set during his marriage with Ratchet while Rodimus is on the Exitus (and generally having a Bad Time). He starts looping a pretty innocuous day and has no idea as to the cause. He loses track of how many times the day repeats as he tries to figure out how he can break out, starts anticipating everything Ratchet says/does. Ratchet catches on that Drift is being squirrelly and weird. He probably suggests to Drift one day to maybe catch up with Rodimus because [scene missing, idk you tell me I'm not the one writing this thing properly].
Drift contacts the Exitus because Roddy's not picking up. Thunderclash is like oh he's not on shift right now we'll go see if he wants to speak to you.
Rodimus is passed out in his room, engex overdose or something this is the part i'm not comfortable writing tbh. He gets rushed to the medbay, Thunderclash relays it to Drift and admits no-one would've checked on Rodimus if Drift hadn't asked.
Drift goes to bed that night knowing it's not his relationship with Ratchet he needs to Fix, it's Rodimus.
The day resets. Probably a few permutations where Drift calls earlier before Rodimus passes out in his room, but it doesn't stop the timeloop. He decides he needs to go to see Rodimus himself.
This part might be a bit of a pulling-it-out-of-my-ass but he still has his contacts from when he was Deadlock and decides fuck it, might as well see if Skywarp will a) pick up and b) agree to help.
Skywarp is like 'fuck off' and Drift is like 'pls I need help :('. Doesn't work. Loop resets at the end of the day.
Tries Skywarp again but this time Drift goes for the 'hey I'm still Deadlock and I need to infiltrate an Autobot ship' angle (this might be after a few more tries and he figures out what will get Skywarp to agree). Drift eventually manages to get himself to the Exitus early enough in its day cycle to get to Rodimus before Bad Thing Happen.
Rodimus is Very Surprised to see him, Drift goes straight for the kiss, it's angsty but also not. Day DOESN'T reset after he winds up in berth with Rodimus (maybe in a guest room since Roddy's room is a tip and he's embarrassed about it). Wakes up next morning to a message from Skywarp asking where the fuck his money is, (he gets paid after some badgering) and Ratchet just like 'you could've left a note >:('
He smooths it over with Ratchet, this can end up as dratchrod if you like but driftrod is the main focus of the fic.
Rodimus gets support and therapy and a friend group who actually gives a shit about him. the end.
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sanflawoah · 5 months
The Ochiba and Toranaga situation is interesting and all, but it's also very funny spicy when you think about it. Their only interactions in the show are just Ochiba throwing bombastic side eyes and Toranaga being ".....???" like he's just confused wtf is her problem.
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Just saying that the book lowkey ships them it was so funny, almost cursed even.
Chapter 56 (Ochiba's thoughts) -
"....Marry Toranaga? Buddha protect me from that shame, from having to welcome him and feel his weight and his spurting life.
Ochiba, what is the truth? she asked herself. The truth is that you wanted him once—before the Taikō, neh? Even during, neh? Many times in your secret heart. Neh? The Wise One was right again about pride being your enemy and about needing a man, a husband."
Chapter 58 -
"...Suddenly Ochiba wished that Toranaga was here beside her and not Ishido, that Toranaga was master of Osaka Castle and master of the Taikō’s treasure, Protector of the Heir and Chief General of the Armies of the West, and not Ishido. Then there would be no problems. Together they would possess the realm, all of it, and now, today, at this moment, she would beckon him to bed or to an inviting glade and tomorrow or the next day they would marry, and whatever happened in the future, today she would possess and be possessed and be at peace."
Chapter 56, (after she secretly had sex with that peasant who resembles the Taiko) -
Then, just the other side of the wood, Toranaga had been waiting for her. Had he seen her, she wondered in panic.
“I was worried about you, Lady,” he had said.
“I’m—I’m perfectly all right, thank you.”
“But your kimono’s all torn—there’s bracken down your back and in your hair….”
“My horse threw me—it’s nothing.” Then she had challenged him to a race home to prove that nothing was wrong, and had set off like the wild wind, 
There were other lines of Ochiba having h0rny thoughts and it's just-💀💀💀
In Ochiba's POV, she did considered reasonable alliance with Toranaga. Overall, her reaction to being suggested into marrying Toranaga was like ,"Fuck no... unless?"
Meanwhile, Toranaga's reaction to the suggestion was straight up "what the fUCK-".
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Buddie: Has Eddie realized the Buck and Kim parallels yet?
Buck and Kim (Shannon's doppelgänger) are MIRROR IMAGES of each other! Also, Buck's right in front of Eddie and Kim was positioned to be the mirror so he could see who he's been wanting since he moved to Los Angeles and the person he wants is Buck.
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There were a lot of references to season 2 in 7x9 and I might expound on all of them at some point but this post is solely about the similarities between Buck and Kim and the familiarity Eddie sees when he looks at her since he's already found everything he wants and needs in Buck but won't allow himself to have.
Full disclosure: Before I delve into this, I must admit how much I hate this "Vertigo" BS storyline they gave Eddie and I've posted about it many times because IMO he deserves better than an emotional cheating arc. But since TM (showrunner) is hellbent on incorporating DK into these episodes, it doesn't appear there's anything that can be done except fast forward through them like I did early this morning when I finally watched the episode. One more thing, I HATED the way they let Chris see Eddie with Kim. He's traumatized enough and I don't know if it was done for shock value or WTF but that was low for 9-1-1 standards and it shouldn't have been included.
Now back to the regularly scheduled program...
In 7x9, the scene with Buck and Kim at the firehouse allowed Buck to come face to face with a doppelgänger version of the person (Shannon) who still haunts both Eddie's and Chris' lives. Also, she represents the person Buck believes will always stand in the way of him stepping all the way in with Eddie so he can become his husband and a second father to Chris.
Now, I'll be honest, I watched the scene with Buck and Kim three times for several reasons but mainly because I noticed the show was trying to illustrate more than just Eddie's cheating. The truth is Buck's and Kim's scene should have DEMONSTRATED TO VIEWERS how Kim is a direct reflection and a representation of everything Eddie's already found and built with Buck, i.e., future spouse, lover, coparent for Chris and the family he chose. Basically, Buck's his everything but Eddie won't allow himself to feel it (believe he can have him).
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When Buck came face to face with Kim, he stopped in his tracks and his breath caught in his throat because he thought he was looking at a ghost. Kim reminds him of the woman he believes Eddie will NEVER let go of/get over so they can be together and I can prove it with the images of them facing each other.
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Ever since the BTS pics were released of Kim/Shannon, I wondered why her hair was blonde instead of brown. I figured it might be related to something but at the time I didn't know what. Now, IIRC, in the early part of season 1, Buck's hair was reddish blonde but for some reason, he dyed it and it's more of a dirty blonde now. Some people debate over the color of Buck's hair; however I'm not doing that here since it's not the point of this post. Furthermore, several Buddie shippers have commented on the gray/white streak in Kim's hair and they did the research that it's a birthmark. There have been several posts on it and the authors of them have commented that it's on the wrong side for her head for it to mimic Buck but I beg to differ.
When they faced each other (reminder Buck was never shown talking to Shannon in season 2; he saw her but they never interacted in CANON) their birthmarks were aligned. His is on the left side of his head and hers is on the right side but when they're facing, they line up. Additionally, Buck's lips are pink and IIRC, Shannon never wore bright red lipstick but Kim did. Buck and Kim (Shannon) all have blue eyes and everyone who watches the show should know Eddie loves looking at Buck the same way he said he liked looking at Kim. If these aren't parallels that show Eddie has found everything he wants and needs in Buck, then the writers should be replaced because they wrote it like this.
Why are these things important?
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They're important because for the entirety of season 7, the show has gone above and beyond to show viewers how Buck, Eddie and Chris are ALREADY a family. Additionally, their screentime also illustrates how Buck is already one of Chris' three parents and it began in 7x1.
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The three pictures above show Buck, Eddie and Shannon sitting on the same spot of Chris' bed. Please note: this is not an illusion for Buddie Shippers, it's all right above in the photos and the show orchestrated this the same way they did Buck's and Kim's similarities.
Did the show do a good job of illustrating how Eddie wants to be with Buck instead of Kim? It's debatable especially for those who are CHOOSING not to see it but the intentions were crystal clear. Buck being face to face with Kim was INTENTIONAL and the show didn't do anything to deter the parallels and similarities between them, as a matter of fact, they highlighted them.
While Eddie and Kim were in the boat, he said, "Maybe I just like looking at you" but who has EDDIE ALWAYS GIVEN "HEART EYES" TO? BUCK!
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Other than the pictures of Eddie and Shannon that Eddie keeps gazing at with longing, he rarely looked at Shannon with heart eyes.
The additional pictures below show how Buck and Kim mirror each other. When they're facing their birthmarks are on the same side. Also, Kim's even wearing a striped shirt which is reminiscent of the striped shirt Buck wore during the shooting but the differences are his stripes were vertical while hers were horizontal and her stripes are bolder/thicker. (Please note, she was wearing like three shirts/tops so it must have been intentional and her shirts were navy-blue and blue which is the same color as the Buckley-Diaz family color.)
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Eddie loves everything about Buck and he loves him so much that he put him in his will and named him to be Chris' legal guardian. He gave Buck his heart years ago because he believes Buck wont break it like Shannon did. In 3x8, he told Bobby, Shannon broke Chris' heart (Eddie's heart) when she left but just like always, Eddie's choosing to see the good while ignoring all the bad stuff that was included in their relationship. She literally asked him for a divorce but after all these years, he's still searching for the perfect "woman" to fill Shannon's shoes when he already has everything he's searching for in Buck.
Some viewers think Eddie doesn't know he's in love with Buck but I beg to differ. I believe he does know but due to his religious beliefs, he won't allow himself to want him. Also, Buck believes Shannon will always be the person who blocks/prevents or stops him from being with Eddie since after all these years, Eddie hasn't moved on from her. However, Buck knows the truth about Eddie's relationship with Shannon because Eddie told him about it in 2x10 and it's evident Buck knows she abandoned them by the way he apologized to Eddie in 3x9 for abandoning him and Chris during the lawsuit.
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The point of this post is to illustrate the way 9-1-1 allowed Buck to come face to face with Kim in an episode that's all about ashes. Also, the haunted look on his face (Shannon reappeared in Eddie's and Chris' lives in 2x7 Haunted) showed how Buck's not sure if he'll ever be able to be who Eddie wants since Eddie hasn't moved on from the woman he dated when he was 18 years old.
One good thing that happened in the $hitshow that's this raggedy ass storyline is, Kim/Shannon told Eddie he needs to "Let her go" and hopefully, he FINALLY WILL!
Before I end this post, I have to include my continued belief in my Buddie Crack Theory because there were even more things in 7x9 that furthered my belief in Buck still being in his coma dream. I haven't decided if I'll post the details yet because there are a lot of them and I don't want to do a long post, so I'll have to determine how I want to proceed with it.
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sa10mb0n3z · 2 months
hey there! please may i request some headcanons for shane x a gn reader who is autistic? thank you!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Shane with Autistic Reader
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
★ I think at first, like canon, Shane doesn’t really like at all really. So when he sees your typical autistic behaviors and signs, he chalks it up to you being a weirdo.
★ Like, he has no other thoughts about you, besides the fact that you annoy him so much, but I think after like the fourth event or so, right before his infamous six heart event he’ll start to like actually enjoy your company.
★ I imagine him being incredibly mean and rude to you at first, especially after a drink or so at the bar. Like, you’re at the bar and perhaps an interest you comes up, or your favorite song and you start stimming a bit; and he’s like, ‘The fucks wrong with you?’ So loudly that you’re kinda embarrassed or something.
★ The other patrons are all like, ‘chill man. Wtf’ and you kinda slump away and apologize. But as he gets to know, perhaps while at his two heart event and you’re both drinking he’s apologizing and beating himself over the head practically and you’re like ‘It’s all good, I should’ve been masking aways’
★ Cue him confused af wondering what that means and boom! You drop the bomb, you’re autistic and you were stimming that night. You explain what stimming and masking means and he just starts to feel like shit. I think Jas has autism too or something, just on a different scale and so he beats himself up over it, apologizes again and you just smile and say you’re used to it. Which makes him feel worse because he was acting poorly to you just having fun and shit
★ Then at the six heart event, he’s thinking about all the times he’s been an ass to you and yet you’re still so nice and junk. Perhaps once you find him, he’s mentions how ableist he’s been, taking shit about how weird and annoying and childish you are. You again explain it’s fine and he goes on a long tangent about how he ruins everything and how much regret he has for being a jerk to you and yada yada. But when you talk him out of it, and he starts to recover, things go up hill.
★ As a fellow tism’ warrior, I think he would enjoy getting to know your interests and other things while recovering. I feel like once he finds your interests he’ll indulge in them just the same as you indulge in his hobbies.
★ Boom! You’re around him so much that your new hyper fixation is chickens now and he is all for it. That will definitely win him over, make that little black heart heal and junk. Yada yada, you kiss at the game and yada yada marriage and now he’s your husband and so completely different from how he used to be
★ He has small fidget toys for you and Jas, it helps you bond together with her when you eventually adopt her. Keeps AirPods on him in case you overstimulate, and when you get overwhelmed by textures on the farm, or the light outside is too bright with help you around the farm work.
★ If you really want to go crazy, perhaps he was autistic too with the whole chicken hyper fixations and now you’re the tism’ twins. You’ll help him with his depression spots that appear here and there, and he’ll help you with cooking because of your tendencies with food smell and texture totally not projecting or anything
★ All in all, I feel like once he recovers it’s basically domestic bliss with some hardships, but you’re okay with that.
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jungwnies · 2 years
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synopsis . hyung line reacting to drunk horny s/o !
genre . romance, fluff, smutty ! wc . ~0.5k !
requested by anon ! 🖤
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이희승 . lee heeseung
heeseung would be like wtf
like how did you even get drunk under his supervision
but he takes care of you like no other
he lays you down in bed and gets you a glass or water
even if you’re trying to flirt with him or something i think that he would kind of play along while still taking care of you
if you’re wearing makeup or anything then he’ll take it off for you
he just does everything to make sure you’re comfortable
he wouldn’t get frustrated unless you were uncooperative
if you were really horny…
then i think as long as you’ve talked about it he wouldn’t mind fucking you
he just doesn’t want to do anything without consent
but if you’ve consented to it and talked about it seriously
then he would definitely be down
hell he’s getting drunk with you and that night is going to be one interesting ride ;)
박종성 . park jongseong (jay)
guys i will never not say this but …
jay is husband material !!!!!!
he would literally run you a bath get you sobered up by making you a soup and having you drink lots of water
gets you hangover stuff for the morning
he would never take advantage of you
i don’t think any of the members would but jay especially
this man is focused on caring for you and loving up on you
once you’re all cleaned up he just lays with you in bed and cuddles
regardless of your drunken attempts to flirt with him
i do not think he would make any moves on you at all if you’re drunk
he just isn’t that kind of guy
he wants you to be sober because he wants you to remember everything he’s going to do to your body
so if you’re super horny he doesn’t really tolerate it and just takes care of you
심재윤 . sim jaeyun (jake)
he would be a little confused on what to do
like why are you trying to get into his pants while you’re drunk
i think he would prob ask jay for help but jay is like idk man even though he does know
jake would just get you water and cuddle with you makes sure you don’t feel like throwing up or something
i don’t think he would make a move on you either because you guys haven’t had that conversation
plus he really wouldn’t feel comfortable doing it even if you consented to it because drunk consent is not consent to him
he would want you to consent with full sobriety
so the first time he wouldn’t make any moves
if there’s another time and you’ve consented to it then i think you’d be so horny to the point it makes him horny
and surprise you’re being pressed up against the wall
박성훈 . park sunghoon
i don’t think he would give in to your dirty talk
i think he would be so confused and dumbstruck
like wtf
i don’t think he would be the one to fuck you if you’re drunk simply because he feels like it’s wrong
i think the only time he would fuck you if you’re drunk is if he’s drunk too
but he would’ve made you guys have the conversation about it before
probably wonders half way through the fuck if he actually asked you if you’re okay with this
and remembered that you did
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2022 © jungwnies
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eerna · 4 months
eerna what's going on in s3 bridgerton your posts and answers making me scared to watch on my life lmao
pls don't hate me, Colin lovers, but I was told by a friend who read the series that he's more fun and chill in the books and also i just....find Polin from even s1 is kinda uhhhhh?awkward?? cuz he's kind of unnecessarily serious and so not chill in the previous seasons?? maybe i don't see his appeal because I'm no Penny but i do not see his appeal in the show
so rn i haven't even watched it and seeing your posts is making me moreeeeeee 😶‍🌫️ it's okay give us the cringey details
Nsbysbbsb NO WORRIES!!! I have a weirdly big amount to say about this show bc I am no longer suffering as much as I did in s1 and 2. Prepare for an essay on my feelings on Polin and thank you for enabling me.
Ok so Colin. Not saying your friend is wrong bc I didn't read the book, but p much everyone I saw talking about it said Colin was very angry and aggressive in it, and for NO REASON since he's supposed to be the "calm brother". I'm glad that the show let him get upset, but never the way he was in the books/Anthony was in s2, where I legit worried about Kate's safety sometimes. Colin was my fav Bridgerton brother bc he was totally different from all the other men on the show, calm and silly and romantic.
Thar being said!!! I never ever thought of him as a GOOD love interest, and s3 only made it worse. First off, yeah, s1 and 2 do NOT show him and Pen as friends nearly enough to warrant the speed of their connection in s3. I blocked s2 from my memory bc I hated it So Damn Much so I can't 100% stand behind my words, but I don't really remember many friendly scenes with the two of them that didn't feel like he was just entertaining his sister's bestie? I remember he once danced with her, and he sent her letters from his travels, and that's it. Then in s3 we are supposed to believe Pen knows him soooo well, she sees through his tricks when no one else does, he can't stand losing her friendship when she stops talking to him. How, when the impression I got from their relationship was "oh she is clearly silly in love and he doesn't care about her enough to notice"!!!
And s3... Oh boy. Colin gets his "glowup" and becomes a rake bc Bridgerton writers would probably spontaneously combust if they wrote a virgin male lead. We see him flirt and smash other women and it is always so so so awkward. I've seen people trying to rationalize it as "Oh he is supposed to be pretending, oh we are supposed to find it cringe" but NO, he is objectified the exact same way Simon and Anthony were, and we as the audience are supposes to think it is sexy. To be fair, Pen finds it concerning but I think that has more to do with the amount of silly, vapid women constantly swarming around him. So now we are even FURTHER away from seeing any reasons why the two of them would be friends. And then we get hit with the "Colin teaches Pen how to find a husband" plot, and oh my god it is so bad, IT IS SO BAD, they have like 2 lessons across 1 episode before they are busted and stop and he literally taught her NOTHING she IGNORED HIS ADVICE AND FIGURED IT OUT BY HERSELF but everyone treats him like a war hero for taking one for the team and teaching the poor unlikeable social reject how to act. We also have the stupid scene where she is criyng begging him to kiss her because she is convinced otherwise she would die without being kissed, and he is trying to elegantly avoid it, and oh my god, I hated this, it is framed as cute and romantic but it is so uncomfortable and bad. AAAAAAAA. Anyway. Then there is this hilariously horrible incident where he saves her from a feral balloon, and if you are wondering wtf am I talking about, its because it is really bad and written like a Scary Movie slasher scene. There are exactly 3 moments that I liked, and ALL of them were bc Colin seemed very lost and desperate. First was when Pen told him they should stay away from each other after the scandal of them hanging out came out (which I liked bc if it were any other girl, some unhinged character would force them to marry, but since it was Pen they were like "Well obviously it's true there was nothing untowards happening it is just cringe haha loserrr"), and he looked like he stopped comprehending English. The second was when he was confessing his feelings, he got on his knees and looked like he was about to cry and I thought that was sweet! Well, he did mention torture which is a very ugly word to use in such a speech, but whatever. The third was after the Infamous Carriage Scene when he says something silly and the two giggle together and I was like PLEASE WHERE WAS THIS ENERGY IN S1 AND 2!!
And may I just say!! The actual Bridgerton Glowup one was PEN and NOT COLIN. In s1 and 2 you could tell she was pretty, but in s3 they made her so damn beautiful that my friends and I would go "Oh wow" several times per episode. And it's not only the clothes, they would put her in rooms where she pops out and sparkles and frame her in shots just perfectly. Idk why they only gave her 1 alternate love interest and then shot her Like That, there should have been at LEAST one more guy following in Debling's trail. Now she's the hot one in the relationship so I can't buy her desperation for Colin's approval or society's perception of Colin as a charity in any way.
With all that said. I think this is the best season of Bridgerton proper. It still isn't something I'd enjoy unironically, but at least it is neither a horrible age gap dynamic feat. SA nor a horrible disgusting juggling of sisters feat. murderer vibes. The only thing I'd say is worse than it used to be is the clothes, which are slowly creeping towards The Reign level of ahistorical and bad.
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tellmeallaboutit · 3 months
Three operas Raphael would take you to (and three operas you would hit back at him with)
Theater, opera and ballet kids, I received a wonderful comment from AO3 user CuddlesWithCats and thought I cannot let it go to waste.
This is the comment (quoted here as received):
Operas I would take Real World Raphael to: (1) Tosca: The rather terrifying, lawful evil Bad Guy gets stabbed to death by the heroine just after he's made a bargain with the her. This is THE most satisfying moment in all of opera. Of course she and her part of the bargain die soon after. (2) Gounod's Faust, specifically the David McVicar 2004 production revived at ROH: There's a dark orgy ballet, which Mephistopheles observes in drag. Seems like it'd be a "wtf" experience. Unless dear daddy actually is into that sort of thing as has made him watch it on loop. (https://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/opera/10746526/Faust-Royal-Opera-House-review.html) (3) Gianni Schicchi: Lighthearted farce about greedy relatives wanting to forge a will to replace an everything-to-charity one. The "lovable scamp" forger takes advantage of the opportunity to make himself the inheritor of the major assets (because of a background love story). Ends with him asking the audience if it really was wrong (no!), and to forgive his condemned-to-hell soul. Law stuff + likeable doomed soul -stuff. If only Il Tabarro could be the last feature, in stead of the usual first, so the evening could end in a good old-fashioned murder in stead of this admittedly tooth-rotting fluff.
Operas Real World Raphael would take me to:
(1) Gonoud's Faust: A devil (in spite of the name he's just a generic devil, the name isn't even mentioned IIRC, the part is just named that) on stage making a deal for a soul, singing a badass villain aria, having fun and toying with people, one-upping everyone until the last few minutes, and even then it's for just one "extra" soul on top of the deal. (2) Lulu: Twelve-tone serialism should count as torture for us plebes, so that's one. The sexy title character lives The Good Life with little ups and downs (such as the deaths of her two husbands), being adored and rich and famous. After losing the stepfather/lover/benefactor/target of her obsession, who has supported her so far, her life becomes a downward spiral ending as a dead streetwalker. So that's two. Not a threat or reminder at all. (3) Götterdammerung: I mean, there has to be some Wagner here. I think he'd find the ultimate hero getting killed because of an amnesia potion hilarious, and Gods perishing because they had made a bad deal and tried repeatedly to cheat their way out of the consequences, delightful. Plus, almost 6 hours of Wagner would be torture to most people, but ha! I am not most people, it would just mean *two* intermissions for scandalous acts.
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jotunvali02 · 3 months
Finally starting Turnabout Goodbyes (part 1)
"Edgeworth would never do sth like that!" 😭💞
"It's a trick. Laugh and he'll get mad. Or burst into tears." Oh, Queen Bitch Fee-Fee quickly returned.
"We don't have enough time to come here and laugh at you." "Yes you do."
Oooh. Queen Bitch Fee-Fee has concurrence!
"I'm not that hard up. Not yet."
Is it an invitation, darling?👀🔞
"You in particular, I cannot ask to do this. Please, stay away from this case."
Ooooooooooooooooh. I just got it.
Daddy Gumshoe ferociously defending his grey-haired baby!😭💗💗 And reminds Feenie how he'd be in shit without him! And how Edgey is in love with him!
"Nick. What did you get me for Christmas?" "Talk to Santa."
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH!! That wasn't just bitchy, it was super MEAN, Phoenix!
Please stop saying "Poppers", plz it really sounds awkward when you know it's a popular drug, especially among gay men to make your penis stay hard.
"If Mister Edgeworth had done sth wrong, he wouldn't hide it. Why can't anyone else see that??" 😭😭😭 Daddy Gumshoe... sometimes I think you'd make a better husband for Edgey than Phoenix.
"Isn't it obvious? We have a strong "working relationship", us two."
"Edgeworth is a man you can trust! You have my word on that!"
Not if he doesn't want to talk to anyone, babe, no.
Ugh. I don't wanna see him. I DON'T wanna see him! I hate him so much. I hate him with all of my strengths and all of my being's fibers. I'll fucking SCREAM when I have to see him.
Oh, Larry's here! ^^ Frankly, seeing him here such a relief right now.
Larry... it's been 4 years Edgeworth is a FAMOUS prosecutor and you didn't know about it??
"I'll admit, I'm impressed Wright. Once you start on sth, you always see it through, don't you?" ❤️💙
Babe, you'll kiss each other later, ok?
Wait. I thought Phoenix was a "wet novice lawyer"🍆💦(or sth like that)?
"Alright. You can ask me anything."
Will you marry me??
"Were you trying to follow your father's footsteps?"
Maya, don't. Don't fucking make my baby Edgey cry.
"I don't remember doing anything for you."
Oh shut up & stop pretending you're a villain. You've helped Fee-Fee to get his client free no later than last month while it wasn't in your best interest to do that at all!
THAT's called "doing sth for someone"!
"He's on the floor in a ball, shivering."
Hey, statue guard! HELP HIM instead guarding a fucking door!
And wtf are you saying that with a big smile Maya?? Did that earthquake turn you insane??
Bitch Phoenix! Instead of making theories in your head, could you ASK THE FUCKING GUARD TO HELP EDGEWORTH???
"I was worried about Mister Edgeworth."
"I'm going to check on him."
Daddy Gumshoe, you're the sweeteeeeeeeeeeeeeeest!!! 😭😭
"I only got to know Edegworth in 4th grade."
Th-that's it?? You changed your entire life projects just to have a slim chance to talk to a boy you've known for a few months 15 years ago??
You're a giant psycho, Phoenix!😨 A giant and extremely lonely psycho!
"I wonder what happened to him."
He saw his father getting KILLED in front of him when he was 9, like he told you a few minutes ago?? Have you an early dementia, Phoenix??
Or did your really scary lack of empathy rushed back?
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alipeeps · 3 months
Episode 39
I am honestly fucking scared to start this episode. *whimpers*
Ahhh so the plan is to get rid of Xiao Heng before the battle kicks off (because they're scared of him - cowards!). Not sure leaving the princess to ensure his death is their best plan though?
Wait up is that real Zhao Ke who's escaped from shitty uncle or is this fake Zhao Ke again carrying out the plot to bring Xiao Heng to the princess?
Ayyy you go grandpa!! That'll throw a spanner in the works of Wanning's little plan! 😁
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Oh for fuck's sake, I was right, wasn't I? Yurong *still* wants Xue Li (still thinks he has any fucking right to her, like her opinion on the matter doesn't count?!!) and I bet that's what he asked Lord Cheng for as reward.
So he in one move poisons the princess, to justify the rebellion, and "saves" Xue Li from her prison. What does he think, she's going to turn around and be so thankful for the rescue that she'll take him back?!
Oh you absolute little shit of a man. Grrrrrrrr.
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Oooh holy shit, confronted by poisoned Wanning as he's walking out carrying drugged unconscious Xue Li.
Pleeease Wanning, please, put those sociopathic tendencies to good use and kill the fucker. Take him down with you. Go on!!
"Haven't I treated you well?" WHat? WHAT? Bestie, do you even listen to yourself?
Go on girl stab him. I know you got a knife there somewhere. Stab that fucker.
Better yet, take out that hairpin he gave you and stab him with that!
Nonononoooo you did it all wrong! You were meant to stab HIM!!
Him having stabbed you does rather screw up the plan to blame your death on the emperor though so thanks for that I guess...
I wonder was the poison actually intended to fake her death not kill her, as discussed with Lord Cheng? Cos if so, that's you out of favour with the dude who was your meal ticket to success if the coup works out.
You're screwed fella. Whether the coup succeeds or not, the emperor will have you killed for killing his sister.
Meanwhile where the fuck in grandpa Xiao who is meant to be coming to rescue Xue Li?
Please don't despise me? Bestie, what fucking drugs have you been taking?
Your ruined her reputation. Tried to kill her. Plotted against her. Just told her that you're going to kill the man she does love. But it's all ok sweetie, afterwards I'll clean myself, and we can go back to being husband and wife just like before, ok? I mean wtf?!!
PLEASE tell me Xiao Heng gets to personally end Yurong's life. PLEASE.
Oh thank fuck, I was just gonna say AGAIN, where the fuck is grandpa Xiao and his rescue mission? Props to the old boy for jus straight up kicking the door in.
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Oh dude it's the Luoyang bandits to the rescue too! Yassss! Get the fuck in there boys!!
Well fuck, shit's going down for sure cos Xiao Heng is actually armed with a sword rather than a fan.
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Does... does he really think anyone would believe what he was claiming? If the emperor was going to imprison his sister, he certainly wouldn't do it so openly, and tell her consort why he was doing it! Wtf who would even believe such nonsense?
They better not kill my baby idiot boy Wen Ji! They just better not!!!
Oh I stand corrected - he did have a sword when he spoke with the emperor... but apparently he feels Lord Cheng doesn't warrant such extra effort and ngl I agree with him there. Kill his ass Xiao Heng!!
OOOOH it's a motherfucking METAL fan!! Yasssss bitch!!!
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A metal fan AND his daddy's sword. Hell yes.
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Uhhh yeah Xiao Heng. sweetie... he's got armour. And you don't.
Fuuuck that shoulder throw was a badass move!!
Sorry fella, what were you saying? What do wise men do again?
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Ngl I especially love that moment cos it's a subversion of such a common trope in cdrama - in the middle of a massive battle, you stop to wax poetic about your motivations with your opponent. Of fucking course in a real life battle someone would take advantage of your grandstanding to shove a fucking sword into you! 😂😂😂 Well done that nameless soldier! Bravo! 😁
Ayyy it's Jiuyue and the Great Zhao boys!! Woohoo!!
Ahh shit, how's Lu Ji gonna fight off that many on his own?
Ayyyy pappa Jiang!! Never thought I'd be so happy to see that old fucker! 😁
You go pappa Jiang. You shoulda kicked him in the nards instead though.
The director really likes the imagery of a fighter's foot sliding/splashing into a puddle as they are pushed backwards in a fight. It's rapidly getting right up there with the wind machine in popularity.
"I rescued your wife." Oh grandpa Xiao you are really fucking growing on me!! 😁
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JFC pappa Jiang's face!!
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He's like wtf? When did this happen??!! 😂😂😂
Ngl though fellas, romantic as this is, you really don't have time for this. There's some fairly important shit going down right now. The slow-mo hugs really should wait.
JFC dude it's not just because of Xiao Heng that Xue Li won't look at you! She's never gonna look at you. You could kill every other man in the world and she'd still not look at you!!
Plus where was this fucking rabid devotion to Xue Li and being with her no matter what when the princess ordered you to kill her? Oh, that's right, nowhere!! You DID fucking kill her... except you're too fucking cringefail to make it stick!!
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck! WHat a place to end the ep! Fuck!!
(Please tell me in ep 40 Xue Li turns up and puts a fucking arrow right through that fucker's face!!)
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redrikki · 26 days
Teen Wolf Rewatch 2.07 Restraint
Jackson files a restraining order which makes team wolf's plan to figure out his deal and save him that much harder.
Matt sends lizard Jackson after a couple. He kills the husband, but he can't bring himself to kill the pregnant wife. So, it turns out Jackson's parents were possibly murdered and he was cut from his dead mom's body. Does he know? Erica does. Knowing Malia's backstory, I can't help wondering if they didn't repurpose his story to be here since they never got to really explore it.
Erica and Stiles have some interesting exchanges. She used to have a crush on him. When Derek says to get the boys in side, she asks if it has to be Scott or if she can pursue Stiles. The initial Batman/Catwoman exchange and it's redux launched at least a few ship fics I've read, but I'm not really feeling it.
Melissa doesn't know what's up with Scott, but suspects it's because of her recent split with his dad. Remember last episode when they were going to tell their parents what was going on? Guess they opted not to. Too bad. If Melissa had known that Allison/Scott was supposed to be a secret and why she might not have told Victoria their kids were sleeping together. Oops. I'm sure there will be no negative consequences for that.
Lydia is having a romance with teen!Peter only to discover he's actually real Peter. He bit her knowing she was immune as a backup to resurrect him in case something went wrong. What a dick, but he's sure her ptsd won't be too bad. He's buried under the floor and I can't stop thinking of the logistics. Did they rip up the floor boards, bury him, replace them, and then call the cops to collect Kate's body? Or did they stash his body elsewhere until after the cops processed the scene and then bury him there? Also, didn't the house have a basement? How can he fit there if there's a basement?
Random thought: Jackson ate a snake! Wtf? Allison and Jackson confrontation was scary and also not wrong considering what happens in 3B. Erica broke Scott's bedroom door in 2.05, but here it is 2 days later and it's perfectly fine. Jackson's birthday is 6/15/1995. It is Spring 2011 so how the hell does he have a driver's license?
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lesbiangummybearmafia · 10 months
Spoilers... on the last two episodes. More under the cut.
Ok first I have talk about the whole Turner situation. When she walked up to the whole Russell's clan like she thought she own the place on the arm of Colonel Sanders. I was like oh no she didn't... but well she did. I didn't like watching the color drain from Bertha's face though. Too bad she doesn't have Evil Queen magic, because she could of conjured up a fireball and throw it at her!! 😈
Wtf is Turners issue anyway with Bertha? Was it because she fired her, throw her out on her ear. Or could be revenge because she couldn't seduce George? Which it's like please bitch he has Bertha why oh why would he want your sorry ass. When she showed up in his bed naked I remembered thinking wow pathetic and desperate move there.
I wonder if Bertha going release the information of Turners ture identity out and ruin her? I think she may if Turner keeps messing with her!! Why do people mess with Bertha she will make them sorry, idiots.
Does anyone think that this new woman Oscar interested in could possibly be a lesbian? The reason I think this is Aurora mentioned that she has a female companion that goes everywhere with her. Now why we haven't met this female companion is beyond me. But it made me think, also wouldn't that be the best solution.
I'm really liking Marian with Dashiell Montgomery. I wasn't sure at first but so far I really like him. Now his daughter on the other hand, well she seems creepy and has anger management issues.
I'm so happy Peggy's back working for Aunt Agnes. I really liked her being at the house all the time.
They need to find a really good man for Gladys. Like her perfect dude! I really like her and I don't want to see them do her wrong.
Oh Larry needs to stop fucking Melania Trump!! Omg I thought that was such a slutty move when they bearly know each other she's already going to sleep with him. Especially back then. When Bertha wants it stopped and ask George to talk to Larry. I hate it when George all with the bullshit "boys will be boys" line. I started thinking about that, I can only imagine how different the world might be if men, young men in particular hadn't been allow to get away with shit just because they happen to be men. If they had been held up to the same high standard as women and young women back then. Larry can have sex with as many women as he wants as long it does bring shame to the family name. But Gladys couldn't even sleep with one guy before she's married or she would be considered wholly unworthy of marriage. 🙄 I really think everyone really needs to sleep with the partner you're going to marry!!! Especially then when being married was forever! Bad sex life for decades... no thank you!
But back to Larry and that woman whatever her name is. She gotta go, she's annoying, possessive, I'm sorry gonna say it too old for him (he looks like he's with his mom when they stand next to her. Never a good look). I don't know I just don't like her.
I personally want to watch Bertha crush Mrs. Astor like a bug. Bitch thinks people should just do whatever she said. No, Bertha don't play that way!!
Ok seriously George needs to buy Bertha a huge bouquet of flowers or some super lux piece of jewelry. Because no he didn't do anything wrong but he should of told her sooner so she didn't caught out by that gold diggin bitch. Who wouldn't of been able to make it out to be something it wasn't! Dumb ass doesn't he know anything happy wife, happy life! Because I do not like seeing Bertha upset, crying, sad, feeling like her husband may of betrayed her trust in one of the worst ways!! Just breaks my heart seeing her cry. 💔 Just want to smack George upside the head. Dude you have more money than God, do sometimes super special for your wife!!!
Oh Aunt Ada and the Preach man is just too sweet!! 😍 Aunt Agnes better not mess it up. We all know he's not up to Aunt Agnes standards, but I don’t think he needs to be. It's not like with Marian where that need for money is so great. With Aunt Ada, a man that's not rich wouldn't be an issue. I'm pretty sure the Preacher man makes enough for the both of them. Aunt deserves a romantic love in her life. She's so kind, sweet, loving, she just wants happiness for everyone she loves. She'd be friends with everyone if Aunt Agnes would let her. See she'll be the perfect preachers wife. I wish i.had an Aunt Ada in my life!
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bihansthot · 10 months
Wtf is happening in my life lol I went on two dates last week one good-ish one painful and I have two possibly three dates this week. Someone send help, being this social for a gremlin is very difficult. I suppose I should spill the tea, I went out with a nice metal head last Wednesday and while he’s not exactly my type physically he was nice to be around, pleasant to talk to and a gentleman so I agreed to see him again but we haven’t made plans yet and I’m still holding try outs for be Sol’s boyfriend right? The second date was Friday with a super nerd now don’t get me wrong I’m also a total nerd I mean my dog is named Denethor FFS but we’re the wrong type of nerd. He’s sci-fi and I’m fantasy and while this is poly dating and I knew going into the date he was married I did not know about his three kids under 8 or the couple he and his wife were seeing together nor did I know he was a stay at home dad. All of these are kind of big red flags for me, not being upfront about additional partners HUGE red flag, not knowing about children also huge deal for me. He also took me to a cat cafe without asking prior if I was allergic, thankfully I’m not but these are all pretty big signs he’s concerned for himself and not others. He was also rather large, which don’t get me wrong I have no issues with I’m not a body shamer and my partner is rather heavy too but this guy had a chronic injury so he couldn’t really interact with the kittens so the whole thing was weird from the get go and I know y’all know me, this pillow princess does NOT ride (unless it’s for Bi-Han) so wtf would I gain from this relationship? A guy who already divides his attention between 6 people has no income and I can only see him when the kids are asleep?! Big fucking no. I was pleasant and cordial through out the date and thanked him for taking me but I put on my big girl panties and told him he just had too much going on for me. I’m clingy, I’m needy, I’m also materialistic there’s a reason I met my ex on a sugar daddy website, I can’t be dating a broke ass man who’s seeing three partners and has three kids. I’m sorry if that sounds spoiled but it’s the truth, I NEED to be a priority and I didn’t feel like he could make me one.
I’m tentatively going out with another man this Friday at a barcade which is much more my scene, drinks and video games sound wonderful. Appearance wise he’s still not quite what I go for but better looking than the other two, then Sunday I potentially have a date with a dude who looks like he used to play college football and is physically much more my type he’s also in his mid 40s thank fuck as the others have all been in their 30s. There’s also another one who seems a very good fit who’s asked me out but we haven’t set a date or time yet.
So, yeah that’s what’s going on in my life lately the app is FeeId if anyone else wants to try poly or couples dating and was unaware of the app. I don’t remember the name of the sugar daddy website or I’d hook y’all up too but that ended badly so maybe it’s for the best I don’t remember.
My partner is going out of town for three days so wish me luck that Denny behaves for me and doesn’t drag me around in the snow. Oh yeah! It’s snowed the last two days! My real husband is saying hi 🥰 Maybe it’s a sign of good luck? Maybe one of these upcoming dates will go well then?
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shae-la-hyene · 9 months
My heart aches for Charlie Swan. That guy did not deserve the shit he's been through.
He married his dream pixie girl but turned out she was too manic for his small calm town and left him for more sunny thrilling places, taking his daughter with her. He sees her for the summer, sometimes, when her mother doesn't run out of money for plane tickets or he manages to save enough to pay for it from his small town sheriff's salary. So not nearly often enough to efficiently bond with her and parent her but, you know, he makes it work. As a teen she can't be bothered to come anymore, and stays with her bipolar ass mother who takes her on trips all over the country. He's too boring. Until said bipolar ass mother leaves her behind for a three years long honeymoon with her way less boring new husband, and sends her to him and his rainy small town, and to try to fix what was never quite a father-daughter relationship.
So she comes in. She's in high school and teenagers are hard especially when you don't know them well and you're afraid she's gonna get abandonement issues from her crazy selfish mother, but she doesn't seem to care, and she's pretty apathetic at his attempt to talk or bond. She is so depressed and he wishes he had the chance to be there before it got this bad. He kinda hopes his boring small town is going to give her stability and grounding and she can start to heal.
At first the bored teens in her school are interested by her because she's new and she doesn't struggle to make friends with the normal, well behaved teenagers who are not going to get her into trouble and will look after her and it's great ! It's a relief !
But then she starts hanging with the strange kid that makes him so uncomfortable, and by extension his cult like family of weird ass outcasts that creep you out. You don't like it but you're trying to respect her choices. She's a straight A student and smart and she probably knows better than to get into trouble like that. You hope. But one night she's super late and you start to really worry but again you try really hard not to push her and be overbearing but you're starting to wonder if you should instate more strict rules, if it's your duty as a parent and all. And when she comes back she's yelling at her boyfriend, like he did something awful and god did he hurt her ?!? She is packing her bag and wtf is she leaving ? You try to stop her because she's 18 and he can't let her leave this is so not okay he won't let her be homeless over a break up ! But you also realize she's legally an adult and you can't really do anything so you watch her leave and you're so in over your head and you ask yourself what you did wrong and you wonder what you ever did right and you want to cry. Within three days, you get a call that she's in the hospital, she fell down stairs and she has broken bones and shattered glass wounds and of course her mother didn't even answer the phone when they called her, and you're so terrified. You go there and when you see her, the weird ass (ex-) boyfriend is sleeping on her bedside and you beg her not to do this to him again. She agrees but you're never quite sure she means it.
Things are better after that. She's still dating the creep, and she's really really intense about it, and his cult is totally grooming her so he urges her to keep seeing her other, normal friends and not get completely brainwashed by the cult but she's stubborn and there isn't much you can do. You're pretty sure they're sleeping together and you hope her mother gave her The Talk but maybe you should ?
And then, couple of days after her birthday that she was actually a little excited for, for once, Creepy Boyfriend straight up leaves her and disappear and after a whole night of calling everyone you know to search for her, you find her in the woods, laying down unresponsive, probably been there for hours. You put two and two together and Creepy Boyfriend broke up with her. And it's better than their last break up because she's not in an hospital bed in Arizona but only barely. Because she's so depressed she's catatonic and she doesn't speak, she barely eats and won't interact with anyone anymore unless prompted and you're so terrified again. And of course as usual your ex wife is spectacularly useless and absent.
You finally get her to go out and be with friends again and she starts hanging out with your best friend's son and you are so relieved. He has a crush on her and she has a crazy edge to her but at that point anything is better than apathy. A couple of times she comes back with scratches and wounds but you know it's not the kid, he wouldn't hurt her, and she looks happier so you let it slide.
And then your best friend dies and you're devastated, your whole world falls appart. But your daughter is not here. You are not sure where she is, but it's not with you at the funeral of your best friend. And then guess what. She disappears for days again, taking a plane to fucking italy out of nowhere and without saying anything to him. When you see Jacob, who just buried his father, you see him upset that she left without a care for him and like come on. She was making so much progress. Somehow you string together that she went there to be with Creepy Boyfriend and this is so wrong.
She comes back and guess what, they're back together and as intense and toxic as ever and you're at lost at what to do so you start strict rules about how much time she's allowed to spend with him but you're pretty sure he's sneaking into her room at night and you start to think it'd be easier to just kill the guy to spare your daughter's pain. You so want to help but to hell if you know how by then. You encourage her to spend time with Jacob instead of CB but even him starts to act fishy and you're so out of your depth and what did you do to deserve this ? Somehow they get engaged and this is the end of what you're allowed to say or do about her life and you lost her. When you give her away at her wedding you know you're really giving her away, because she's getting into the cult and you may never see her again, but you'll never see her the same again anyhow. You try to support her and be happy for her. Her mother shows up and she's more manic than ever and so excited for her daughter's wedding that she doesn't notice how bad the situation is, and it's not like she ever listened to you. Your daughter does go away for her long honeymoon and man she got married at 19 right after graduation and at least you got her to finish high school but you realize she'll never go to college or get a job to be independant she'll stay in the cult because they're rich and all. This is really bad but there is nothing you can do, apparently. When she comes back from the honeymoon she refuses to let her see her or contact her at all for months and this is so bad the brainwashing has definitely started taking hold and you just want to cry. You try to get Jacob to get her out of it, he's her friend she might listen to him. And then it turns out Jacob is a fucking werewolf and you're so not paid enough for this. He starts insinuating Bella is like him and what the fucking fuck he would have known if he raised a werewolf. But when you do see her after that she looks so different and hard and cold and she had a fucking creepy baby on her hip that is definitely CB's baby. How long has she been pregnant when they got married ?? And you must have failed at parenting so bad because she's 19, married into a cult and already a mother and she hangs out with werewolves on top of it all.
And just. You're a good person. You thought you were a good parent, before. You did not deserve this.
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celticcrossanon · 1 year
So the Nicene Creed has been removed from the liturgy, Charles won’t say it. Camilla will wear QE red robe when arriving and a newly made for her purple robe when leaving, you were right she’s literally crowned co-ruler. She’ll be anointed publicly according to articles. Her husband will sit front row but Charles Spencer isn’t invited. According to Low, The Princess of Wales will wear flowers in her hair rather than a tiara while Sophie and Louise may wear one … I’m scared wtf is happening
Hi Nonny,
Yes, a lot of things are happening that I do not agree with.
Leaving out the Nicene Creed, the fundamental beliefs of Christianity, is just wrong. You don't do that. I am wondering exactly what Charles believes that causes him to refuse to make this public profession of faith, especially as he is now the Head of the Anglican Church (a Christian church).
Camilla arriving wearing a red Robe of State is something that only the monarch did in all previous coronations. If she followed tradition, she would arrive and leave in her purple Robe of Estate, as consorts have done before her. It is a sign that Charles is elevating her to equal rank with himself, as only monarchs arrive in a red robe. The fact that the red robe belonged to the last monarch is underscoring and bolding this point.
The anointings baffle me. Both anointings, the King and the Queen, are meant to be private moments between the person and God. That is why they were done under a canopy, to shield the King or Queen from view while making sure that a few people could still see and witness the event. Instead we have Charles deciding that the moment is so special and sacred to him that he needs a screen so no one can see him or witness the event, and Camilla's anointing is so ordinary that she doesn't need anything to block the view of the spectators. It makes no sense.
The invitations have obviously been distributed to pay off grudges of the King and Queen. Anyone who supported Princess Diana is said to be not invited - only Camilla supporters allowed.
The dress code is a shambles. I am waiting for the day to see what people wear. There are so many rumours going around that I do not know what to believe.
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foster-the-world · 1 year
Baby Boy
Spent the weekend at a in-law family wedding out of town. It was nice to see everyone - especially my kind sister in law and her two boys. The girls were as happy as can be. The wedding was fun. The couple made the wedding really kid friendly. The Bride is of Chinese descent so they had the lion dancers + a ten course Chinese buffet. Baby boy is not meant for adult events so he was exhausting. My husband forgot/lost?? baby boys travel crib + mesh net. I pack all of the kids clothes + plan wedding outfits, etc. I even checked in to make sure the crib was packed which he confirmed. But nope. We had two rooms so he volunteered to take him on overnight. Night one was fine. Night two he was up late and up early. I half heartedly said I'd take on duties if my husband got tired but mostly felt like it was on him.
I planned the whole weekend around having a crib for a good nights sleep, nap time + a place to take him when he couldn't handle being at the wedding anymore. Instead we drove him around for nap time and I hung out in the car with him for the last hour of the wedding.
I continue to alternate between wondering how baby boy will ever grow up to be a functioning member of society and thinking he's just a high energy and will mature out of it. He was terrible at the wedding but at least 15 people came up to comment on how cute he is. They aren't wrong. He looked so handsome in his little suit and matching tennis shoes.
OT is on hold because of some stupid insurance reason. We had to send over another referral. They only take faxes and claim it takes 5-7 days to receive? WTF? How is that an acceptable response in the year 2023? I don't think OT is that helpful so I'm not stressing about it.
I joined a Sensory Processing Disorder facebook group. He's spot on for somethings but also not for many things. He's a seeker so he doesn't have all of the symptoms of the avoidant kids. He really doesn't tantrum much.
For our Costa Rica trip I paid for seat selection. I got an email that they moved baby boy twenty rows back for unstated reasons. A normal 2.5 yo obviously can't sit by himself. This child especially cannot. Need to call and get that taken care of. While he was super stressful for this short weekend I'm less worried about Costa Rica. My family being super helpful makes it a lot easier. My husbands family will do somethings if I directly ask but they don't offer. My family offers nonstop and I feel very comfortable telling them what he/we need. Plus, we are doing all fun outdoor things. We may get him a leash for the hiking trails. He can run faster/has more energy then any of us but he won't stay with the group.
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Watching Star Trek Picard s3 ep4
Oh fuck Riker's talking about Thaddeus's funeral and I'm sobbing
"Deanna, as you know, feels everything. But she couldn't live with me feeling nothing. And neither could I, which is why I left, and I came here. I was running from this, only to find it again."😭😭😭
"Well, this is the end, my friend. And if I were you, I'd take the next few hours to get to know your son." OH FUCK MAN I'M SCREAMING
Poor Deanna and Kestra, man😭
Oh shit! A
The fact that Will wants to keep this under wraps, raises red flags to me
Damn, the way Beverly is counting down 👀
"Beverly?" The way I just squealed 😂
The smile she gave Picard when he asked if she could give him and Jack a moment 🥺 she's so precious!😭🥺
Hell naw, Shaw is sketchy
Will is trying to record a message for Deanna and can't find the words😭
I'm cackling cause Jack isn't into wine😂😂😂😂😂
"This place is as good as any to die, I suppose." I love him
The fact that the elephant in the room is Picard's lack of hair😂
This guy does not look 23/24🤔
NOOOOO I wanna hear the rest of Jack's story!
Shaw👀 I'm 97% sure that he's the changeling, but I could be wrong
Cannabis 😂😂😂😂😂
"Resi-goo" I'm cackling 😂
Oh my, that's nauseating *watching the enemy ship Captain cut her hand off*
5years ago again, I wonder if Jack came to see Picard and heard him talking?🤔
"I think we all need connection, don't we?"
Jack doesn't need to spend time with his dad, but
Holy shit! The changeling!!!!
Why did they have to make the Changeling gross looking when it turns to goo😭 it looks like raw meat🤢
Awwww, Jack didn't know why his mom named him after her first husband 🥺
"Get laid." I'M DEAD
Wait Shaw and Picard met before?🤔
Oh shit
"I'm just some dip shit from Chicago." 👀
Damn, the lieutenant probably died
"He was on that Borg cube, setting the world on fire!" CHILLS
Well, that explains why he doesn't like Seven
Ooooo the whole crew is staring at Shaw 😂
I love how both Jack and Picard looked lost on what Beverly was getting at😂
Ah, they caught on
I love Beverly so much!
"We hightail it out of the nebula, away from the gravity well, away from that ship and away from our new friends, the space babies."
The way Jack is saying they should try what Picard and Jack the first did😂
"No one is coming to rescue us, Will." F you Picard I'm gonna be optimistic
"Deanna. Deanna would say it's about trust." OH SHE KNEW THAT THAT'S WHAT HE NEEDED TO HEAR
Riker's speech is giving me chills
"Despite the fact that you are indeed a dipshit from Chicago." 😂
Wait is the Changeling pretending to be him?
Oh, nope I guess not
Seven giving Shaw his tools is giving flashbacks to my dad yelling at me and my sister when we 'helped' him fix the car as kids 😭😂
"Everyone take a deep breath, and hold it if you can." *Continues talking using up air*
That is not Ensign La Forge
"Ensign La Forge always calls me Commander Seven. Out of respect." YEAH
"Good call." No shit Sherlock
Oh my gosh, Jack's sitting on the bridge! JACK IS TELLING PICARD WHERE THE LOCATIONS ARE I'M FINE
"Trust me." I'M SCREAMING
I too would look at the guys in command if they told me to take life support off line, cause dude WTF
"Well Beverly, it's all on you now." WHAT?
Oohhhhh, they meant cause of her plan and stuff with the space babie contractions
Wait why are they taking the enemy ship with them?
"Will did you just throw an astroid?"
"Damn right I did."😂
The space babies are so cute 😭🥺
Aww, this crew just got to witness the birth of new life😭
Beverly: "To week out new life."
Will: "I think we should body get the heck out of here."
"Young man, Starfleet has been the only family I ever needed." PICARD YOU IDIOT
Will: "It reminded me, that there's a whole universe out there. And it can be beautiful and amazing."
Deanna: "You haven't said anything as lovely as that in a very long time."
Will: "I know. And that's on me. And I'm sorry. I'm gonna fix it, with you."
Who the fuck is in Jack's head? Poor dude is just trying to wash his face
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