#woodling creature
the---hermit · 7 months
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The professor of my English lit class confirmed that the topic I wanted to work on in my paper is okay, and today I made so much progress in my crochet project. I am currently attacching all the little mushrooms I made separately and I feel super motivated to continue working on this. i cannot wait for it to be all done and to wear it out and fully transofrming into the little woodling creature that I am in my soul.
cozy hobbit autumn activities and productivity:
read first thing in the morning
took 25 minutes to write an email to a professor but at least I did it
finished the power practices and men theories lecture I started yesterday and worked on a whole other lecture
worked on my crochet project and made a lot of progress, which also means I spent way less time in front of digital screens in my free time!
today's self care:
journaled a bit in the morning (in the past year or so journaling has been a huge mental health and a struggle for me, and today I really had to make an effort to pick up my journal but I wrote a little over a page, and that is enough for a beginning, I will try to slowly incorporate it in the next weeks of self care)
tonight I will make sure to turn my phone off at least half a nhour before bed and I have a goal of reading at least one page of a book no matter how tired I am
I am again going out to dinner with my mom? We never go out this frequently, but I surely won't say no because I'm really excited for the food we'll get there
📖: Hell Folowed With Us by Andrew Joseph White
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druidx · 2 months
Elo Runs into More Trouble Snippet
CW: Alcohol Aqua and I were talking about Due South, how Young Elo was a lot like Benton Fraser and how if she hadn't learned to prioritise her time, she would have burned out by age 21, which reminded me of this snippet. It's raw and unedited from a story that never really went anywhere. Set after the events of the DNS campaign.
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I stepped forward and gave a military bow – one arm across my chest and from the waist. "General," I said by way of greeting, keeping my tone neutral. Silently, I felt Auri walk in behind me and move over to one side. As I came upright, I took in the room. It was as plush as any other room in the Council Tower, but dogeared with signs of use. Warm wood panels lined the walls, a flickering fireplace and softly glowing chandelier brought cozy light. But the rugs were starting to show their wear, the armchairs and settee made comfortable with use, and cup rings marred the wooden coffee table.
Strucker made a genial noise of acknowledgement, pulling my attention towards him. He stood at a floor-length window, it's heavy drapes pulled back, looking out at the city. His elbow moved, his reflection swirling a brandy snifter. "Do you know," he began, "I once asked Captain Withnail why he drank so heavily. He never used to, I pointed out. Oh well, I mean he drank, but it had become more so recently, at that time." "Oh?" I said, again as neutral as I could manage. Captain Withnail had been my first Watch Captain, back when I was starting out at Precinct Eight. "Hmm. His answer was this new recruit of his. A woodling. Tiny slip of a thing. He said he despaired of her ever making it to her eighteenth birthday. "'A woodling?' thought I. How could one tiny creature send an already hardened man to drink to such excess?" Strucker paused to sip his brandy. "And then I had to oversee the appointment of not one but two new captains to Precinct Eight. Both appointments could be linked back to that slip of a girl. "Not too long after that I was meeting with Captain Fugit, and noticed he too had turned to the bottle more and more frequently. Again I asked him, 'Fugit, how is it that you drink so?'. "'It is an officer of mine,' said he, 'recently returned from adventures outside the city. I despair of her ever making it past her twenty-first birthday.'" The General took another sip of his brandy, and swirled it, watching it closely. "I realise it is uncouth to ask a lady her age, but indulge me: Lady Tourguarde, how old you are now?" "I'm twenty-seven, General, sir," I said. "Ah," he said, nodding. "Well then, my dear, I feel I can safely proclaim: I despair of you ever making it to your thirtieth birthday." Thus saying, he downed the rest of his brandy.
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How Far We've Come
Summary: A quick look back at how all the main adventurers started their journeys in Destiny's New Servants to how they ended it.
Words: 936
Tags: @druidx @homesteadchronicles @flashfictionfridayofficial @asher-orion-writes,@warriorbookworm, @odysseywritings, @blind-the-winds, @thesorcerersapprentice,@writeblrcafe, @ashiru, @writeblrcafe
Warnings: None
Notes: These vignettes are quite short and I didn't include Aurianna or 'Arry as they're technically side characters. Thannan was also left out because he joined the group so late, he never got a chance to get much development (also... word count)
Celestia still resounded with the sounds of battle as the last of the demons and assorted gods of domains antithetical to the plane were pushed back to their homes. 
Standing on the edge of a small crater near the shore of the celestial sea were the heroes who had made such a victory possible. Each looked to the others, marvelling at what they had all managed to accomplish in the relatively short time they'd been working with one another. Each of them thought back over the journey they had been on, reflecting on the people they used to be and the heroes that they had become since.
Elowyn cast around frantically for a way to get above the crowd for a better view of what was going on. There were times that being a woodling was a detriment, and this was one of those times. She taps Alphonse’s leg,
“Let me get up there. I need to see what’s going on and try to get these people to calm down.” she tells him. Alphonse shrugs and allows the shorter woman to clamber onto her shoulders. As she starts to order people to evacuate in a more orderly manner, she spots, out of the corner of her eye, two hulking figures storming up the canal, throwing boats and barges to either side as they go.
Elowyn shook her head at Ionah’s words to her,
“Not naiive, just ever optimistic in some twisted sense. I can’t help but remember how things might have gone. I don’t know you well - I didn’t get a chance - but I know that, at some point, there was Goodness in you. Nobody is so far gone that they can’t come back, not even you.” Ionah laughed at her,
“I was damned a lang time ago. I just simply chose to embrace it.”
Elowyn could barely believe what she was hearing. She truly believed that no one was beyond saving at this point, but how could she get through to someone so broken?
Meredith glowered at the ash that was the ghoul who had interrupted her quiet drink. She glances over to the watch officers who had caught the creature, who were having a heated discussion about the woodling going into the sewers alone. She motions to the pile of ash,
"Seein' as that one was headin' doon there, I might as well come with." She said, "There's never just the one, and ye'll want a cleric to help deal with them." She offered. 
Meredith breathed a sigh of relief as Elowyn coughed raspily and held out her hand,
“I’m so glad that’s so much nicer than the last time I died.” the currently polymorphed woodling wheezes. Meredith chuckles as she pulls her friend to her feet,
“Ye didn’t get any time, hen.” she quips, rounding on the the remaining demons with an angry snarl.
Felix wrapped his arms around his knees and hugged them tightly. If only he had been strong enough to actually cast anything useful, then maybe Elowyn wouldn't be…. The gnomish man choked back his sobs. Self pity wasn't going to get them anywhere, but what could he possibly do that would be helpful?
Felix stared at the ginormous pyroclastic dragon and the drakes flying in front of it. The gnomish sorcerer smiled slowly as he cast his spell and began to speak,
“No! You’re the one who should tremble, because I am YOUR DOOM!”
Harbinger reeled back, his scales cracking under the unexpected force projected from so small a creature. Felix's grin widened further as all three draconic creatures fell out of the sky.
Quentin yelps in alarm as a sword point is almost driven through his midsection by the woodling woman he had been quietly trying to make his way past,
“Hey, hold on, I’m a friend!” he exclaims, only to receive an annoyed glare from the woman and several of her companions. He bows his head, keeping his arms raised,
“Apologies, an introduction is in order. Quentin Goldenrose, tracker and scout at your service.”
Quentin groans as his friends are regaled about stories of his youth by his sister,
“Seriously, why do you insist on doing this?” he asks plaintively. Elowyn shrugs as she takes another bite of food,
“It’s an older sibling thing.” she replies, “Just relax and enjoy this. We probably won’t get another chance to do it again for quite a while.” she points out. Quentin quirks an eyebrow at the woodling woman, but can’t find any fault with her assessment.
Snotgrut frowns in confusion as Elowyn speaks to the goblins the group had captured the previous night. Second chances? What on earth would these idiots do with a second chance? He stays quiet, observing the situation. He doesn't quite understand what the woodling wants to happen, but it seems to be working… kind of. Maybe there's something to this 'mercy' thing.
Snotgrut hefted out the sword he'd acquired when he'd last visited Arborea. Now that the plainly evil half of him had been destroyed, it didn't seem right to hold onto it any more. The goblin glanced up at the blade and froze. It was glowing.
"Was it doing that before?" Felix asked innocently. Snotgrut whimpered,
"No." He replied, voice small, "It's never done that before." His ears drooped as he continued staring at the blade, the slow realisation of what the Emerald Dragon had 'gifted' him with finally sinking in.
The adventurers smiled at one another, they’d all come a long way. Now it was time to hang up their weapons and get some well deserved rest.
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whitewingedcrow · 2 years
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Vaguely humanoid creatures who typically stand seven to ten feet tall, woodlings are the bogeymen of the deep forests; they live in small packs, intelligent enough to hunt cooperatively but not enough to have a recognized language or ability to communicate with other races, and are voraciously hungry. While they have a certain cautiousness about approaching groups, they'll happily wait for the cover of dusk to attack lone travelers. Though they're actively tracked down and killed in more well-settled areas of Genesis due to the risk they pose, wild shards and even some remote areas of the Old World still deal with woodlings as a regular threat. Their presence is sometimes given away by whooping calls and guttural 'arguing' in the dark, but all too often a traveler will have no warning of an impending attack unless they catch a glimpse of their tall, disjointed-looking bodies moving between the trees. Creature worldbuilding for my personal project of Genesis, inspired by the American Northwoods legend of the Hide-Behind and recordings of strange calls in the night.
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cereusblue · 5 years
DnD snake races
Snake people (Naga/Lumia/etc) in mythology are great, no limbs? Cool.
Arms? Hella fucking cool.
But when you give a snake person legs? Sir, I regret to inform you that is not a snake that is a lizard. And as much as I like a lesbian wizard, I don't want a lizard replacing my snake.
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czekism · 6 years
✏️🐁🖊 #inktober #inktober2018 #ink #encre #aquarelle #watercolour #art by #czek #day7 #exhausted #exténué #creature #mice #mouse #souris #rongeur #rodent #woodling #taniere #den #homun #nofilter #timelapse 😴 (à Châlons, Champagne-Ardenne, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoxCEy9hx5H/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=q11f7kof6g72
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mosqa · 3 years
I love your new homebrew Woodling race! I think i might add them in my next campaign, the party was planning to head to a forest and I couldn't think of a creature interesting enough for them to encounter. What inspired you to create them?
Ooooh did it go well? I wanted a treant-like race, some kind of playable ent-like humanoids.
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deputy-videogamer · 4 years
Gemini |Part 4|
Summary: Who knew try to ask more question  about the ‘Mad Princess’ was harder than they thought while many people not willing to spill the truth, watchful eyes, and to top it all off are attacks on livestocks
Part 3
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As Geralt and Yennefer had asked around the kingdom, they had hoped they would gain more information about the princess though things were going as planned. While they were asking for more information many citizens had horror written on their face, refusing to answer their questions many had even shut their doors when asked. It was always the same situation when they asked the citizens only for them to look around their area, seeing some knights patrolling or guarding certain areas leading them to not answer at all.
They wonder just what the kind did to his citizens that made them so scared about talking about the ex-princess. The only thing they did get was that the king had fabricated the story of the princess going mad, Lucius being controlled like a marionette on a string as follows what its master  tells them what to do, and how the citizens are terrified of the king to the point of being watched.
“We should end here, Geralt. We aren’t getting any information about the princess.” Yennefer recommended. The mage and the Witcher were sitting on a fountain at the heart of the kingdom with no leads. She believed that they should call it day.
“It doesn’t make sense, Yen. There has got to be some kind of information that will lead us to the truth.” Geralt grumbled in frustration. The black haired beauty sat down next to him and started to sooth him.
“We will find the information that we are looking for, but for now we need rest. Tomorrow we will go back in town and look for more clues.”
“And if we don't, what do we do then? Just kill a princess for some misleading information.” Yennefer stopped her comfort as she didn’t know how to respond to the Witcher’s question. Just as she was going to answer him a man had approached the duo.
“Are you the Witcher and the mage that arrived in our kingdom?” 
“I don’t see anyone else have two swords strapped on their backs or any woman wearing black.” Geralt bantered at the man while Yennefer slapped his back.
“Got a job for you then. I’ll pay if you take it.”
“What kind of payment?” Geralt raised an eyebrow based on his clothes. He looked like a farmer, he knew that the man didn’t have much money to pay him depending on what job he was offering.
“About a certain girl.” Both Yennefer and Geralt looked up at the man where he gave them a smirk knowing he got them.
“What’s the job?” Yennefer beat Geralt on answering the man.
“Best if I show.” 
The man went ahead going to the direction where he came from. He then looked over his shoulder when he noticed that they weren’t following them. With no leads and no information the duo had no other choice but to follow this man in hopes the man promised the information they were looking for.
The place that man was taking them was a small village just outside of the kingdom, there were maybe ten farms each had their own livestocks. At first Geralt didn’t see anything unusual about the small village that required his help until they had reached the middle of the village; it was only then that he got his answer. A pile of dead animals that were starting to rot was releasing a decaying smell, all the animals had ranged from goats, cheeps, and cows all dead in a similar way three thin claws marks that didn’t belong to any large animals, from a swarm of small birds.
“As you can see our livestock were attacked in just one day. If you look at each land you will see only one dead livestock, killed in a similar manner.” The farmer explained then looked at Geralt. “Any ideas what our mysterious creature is?”
Geralt walked up to the pile and started examining the damage done of the once living creature. “Not a creature, but creatures. If it was a bigger animal it would’ve attacked and dragged the corpse to be eaten init’s home, but instead the creature didn't attack for food or in defense.”
“Do you have any witness or thing that was left from the attacks?” Yennefer placed her hands on her hips and eyed the man.
“Black feathers.”
Yennefer looked at him in surprise and pulled out the crow feather that they got from the cart. “Like these?” The man eyed them for a moment then nodded in confirmation.
“You said that these attacks had just started in one day, correct?” Geralt stood up, starting to get the picture on what was happening.
“Yep, all in one day. The only one who witnessed it is Old Max.” He pointed to one the homes that just meet the border between the kingdom and the forest.
Geralt tooked the feather out of Yennefer’s hand and looked down at them. This work was obviously the work of a Leshen going back on how the incident with the delivery man and the cart the crows were protecting the man from the robberies, but then why would they suddenly attack the villager’s livestock? Leshen don’t attack unless it’s on defense or there was a sudden unbalance in their habitat, the forest that the Leshen resides in was big enough to leave the village uninterrupted, but then again Lucius did mention that this wasn’t the first time they had requested help so could it be in defense?
No, it couldn’t be. The villagers haven’t done anything harmful that could trigger the Leshen to attack…..unless it was a warning for them. That they shouldn’t go even near the forest to kill their princess or was it to lead them astray from their mission and focus on the sudden Leshen attack? Whatever the cause was, Leshen was smarter than any other Leshen that Geralt had encountered and slain. 
As Geralt was lost in thoughts the wind had begun picking up speed taking the feathers away from his hand. But this wind was no gust of wind, but like a siege of wind blaring through the region. The wind was so strong that clothes that were hung started to flow away, crops that were ready to be harvested were beginning to be destroyed, the animals that were there had panic trying to find shelter or trying to escape the sudden change of atmosphere. 
“What is going?!” Yennefer yelled over the sounds of the roaring winds trying to shield herself from the attack.
“I don’t know, but it seems like it's coming from the forest!” Geralt yelled back to her. Geralt was right of course, the wind was coming in and out of the forest almost like there was some kind of source that was happening.
As the wind grew more violent a red light was starting to appear in the heart of the forest. Both Yennefer and Geralt knew that this was the work of magic; it was definitely not coming from any woodling creature that lived in the forest, but it most belonged to someone who possessed magic. The wind some died down while the red light had dimmed down in the forest, the trio had looked back at the forest, everything was dead silent to the point even the farmers who came out of their homes spoke nothing.
They knew one thing only, you were upset for some reason whether it was another sign of a warning or something else. Geralt and Yennefer need to stop you now before you get out of hand.
Right before the light and the wind had appeared, inside the heart of the forest you were humming a tune as you were making some food for yourself. Currently you are squishing some berries to form into jelly, you licked some jelly off your fingers after storing the jelly in your stone jar. Wondering what you should do next you had heard hooves approaching your home,at first you thought it was some deer, but when you heard the hooves getting closer you knew that it was no deer that was coming towards you.
Peeking down your treehouse, you discover who this was at the end of your tree. During your stay here, Aspen had taken you to meet someone that he and the other residents of the forest called ‘The Guardian’. The location where Aspen had taken you was somewhere deeper in the forest, unlike the beginning and middle of the forest that was full of life and greenery, this part of the forest had become a formidable atmosphere. The once lavish plants had now become corpses of branches, the trees that were once young and healthy were now twistering in an erriely way with no signs of leaves on it. While the sun was still burning it had already felt like it was night while this grim forest. When you look back in front of you torches were all lined up forming some sort of pathway with another line up with rocks between each torche. 
Aspen pointed to the path. He wants you to go alone, whatever lies ahead in the path this ‘Guardian’ will be waiting for you. At first you were hesitant not knowing how you would do if you ever encountered ‘The Guardian’, you didn’t know if they would kill you or if they had other plans for you. As the fear started to rise up in your heart, a sudden motherly comfort prevented any more fear to continue.
‘Do not fear.’
You had heard a voice that can only be described as your mother’s voice had whispered so softly in your ear, though when you looked around to find the voice it was only Aspen who’s eyes stared at you in curiosity.  
‘You will meet an old friend of mine. Offer something of value and it will protect.’
Not knowing if it was really your mother’s words or your only illusions of your thoughts, you decide to trust the voice. The only thing that was something of value was your mother’s choker; it was a simple choker that had the collar made out of lace with a blue quartz that was shaped in diamond.
Taking a deep breath, your once feared expression became all serious. Every step you took the torches lit up as you walked by them, almost taunting you to turn back. But you weren’t going to turn back, you were down running away from your danger, this time you are going to confront it. The end of your path had a huge opening before another path had shown that had the same torches with rock trails. What you notice about that trail was that there was a little dot in the distance before it had started walking on the path.
The dot became bigger and bigger, giving you a chance to see what the dot was. But it was not a dot, it was a creature. The lower part of the body had four deer legs, but instead of a beige color it was midnight black that had it’s entire body covered in scars. The upper part of the body was all lanky and thin, but not to the point where it was all malnourished only enough where you couldn’t see the bones. The longs were elongated to the point where it reached the joint of the leg, while the fingers were about the size of a new grown tree. What was interesting about this creature was that it had a deer skull as its head with deer horns and ears, but instead of regular herbivore teeth, there were fangs that had stuck out of its skull. BY the time the creature had reached the opening of the patchway it was only there that you noticed how tall this figure was. The creature's height was about eight to ten feet tall, its horrible yet fascinating form had towered over your form. On the horns of the creature had strange emblems that were tied with a string and had vines and small flowers that was wrapped round themselves from the base all the way to the tip. 
 The creature raised it’s long fingers to your cheek, creasing it in a gentle manner similar to a family member creasing the cheek of a newborn babe. The finger trailed down to your mother’s choker where it remained on the gemstone, the vortex eyes stared endlessly; you wonder if it was looking at you or the gemstone. Remembering your mother’s words your hands went behind your neck to remove the jewelry. The creature’s figure was then removed as it saw your actions, you then offered your necklace to the creature. The creature clamped it’s fist around to where it was, bringing it up to his eyes. It stared at it for about two minutes then then a motion in the air, that caused the wind to swirl around you. You closed your eyes, bringing your arms to shield you as the wind became more vicious around you. When you opened your eyes again, you were back at the beginning of the pathway where Aspen had waited for you. Just as you asked what had happened to you with Aspen, your wrist had started to burn.  On your wrist was a deer skull that had liquid coming out of the eyestockets, around the skull were vines and twigs forming a circle around it. There was strange on the bottom of the design that you couldn’t decipher, but the way Aspen looked at you meant that you were safe.
Dropping down from your treehouse you greeted the Guardian. “What brings you so far from your home?”
How the Guardian talked was unique in a way, instead of one single voice, there were multiple voices that range from men, women, young, old, soft, croaky. “Misleading information blinds us from the truth. Only a few can see through the lies.”
The phrases they say have always been riddles, some were easy to interpret and others not so much. This phrase was something that you could easily interpret.
“The Witcher and the Mage see through my father’s lies. Hmm go figures.” You scuffed as you walked around your little area.
“Decisions aren’t fun. To take or ignore. The outcome will not be pretty.” Once again an easy interpretation.
You faced them with a sideways smile on your face. “They must choose to kill me or forget me, but each outcome will not be pretty. Surely this isn’t all you have come to warn me about is there?”
The Guardian was silent for a moment, before speaking up once more. What they have said made your eyes become red.
“If that bastard thinks he can do whatever he please just so he kills me. Then he’s dead wrong!” The Guardian felt the sudden change of the atmosphere, the once singing birds that sang their secret songs  had no longer sang almost like their tongues were cut. The animals that were around the area had sprinted away knowing there was danger close. What was really the cherry on top was how the once tranquil breeze had become a violent zephyr.
“I’m not crazy nor I am not insane! Everyone in my kingdom knows, but are too afraid because of HIM!” The Guardian’s leg lifted off the ground a bit similar to how a deer would be scared when they are threatened. “My mother fought for her kingdom! Now this man thinks that because she’s gone he acts like that is his kingdom? I SHOULD KILL HIM WHERE HE STANDS!”
A glowing red light appeared around your form with the winds swirling around you creating a barrier around you. If the Guardian had eyes their eyes would widen as soon as they sense a small and weak fragment of magic. All the nymphs had said you were poisoned by your father, the poison had not only taken your magic, but caused your split personality. So why is that he able to sense magic from you?......Unless your mother has to do something about this? 
Creating a motion in the air, the emblem on your wrist glowed. This emblem was more than just a protection charm, but as a way to calm your other side in case for violent outcomes. Your eyelids had felt heavy. The last thing you saw was The Guardian trotting to you. They picked up your form while he was thinking if he should bring you up back to your treehouse, but that thought was removed when he remembered that the light you created was enough to see outside of the forest. The Guardian didn’t hesitate to bring you to his home, they just hoped that your friends would keep the duo out of the forest until they discover your true origins.
@whitewolfandthefox​ @dreaming-about-fanfictions @seanh-boredom​ @dopepizzaenemy​ @charliestufff​ @whotperlinda​ @imdreamingof-you @dopepizzabouquetzz​ @sadclowngorl​ @mattiej15
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dragonwitch-rp · 4 years
"I'm playing hooky." - Muse-in-a-Box, Carrie
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Oh. Looks like she’s out cold. There’s probably some sort of woodling creature trying to tug at her jacket or something.
...Maybe you should help her?
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To conclude, the Illumi festival in Quebec is an adventure filled with little wonders all throughout the 3 kilometers walking path. Little worlds and kingdoms filled with woodling and exotic creatures, colorful flora and vibrant decor will make you feel you entered a different universe. This unique event complemented our beautiful Canadian winters giving people from all around a chance to admire the beauty of this festive season.
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gametimes-game · 5 years
Woodle Tree 2: Deluxe - Official Trailer | PS4
Woodle Tree 2: Deluxe – Official Trailer | PS4
This time a new menace is taking over the Wood Lands with a black substance that is absorbing life and energy from all living creatures!
Will you be skilled enough to help Woodle in his quest to repel this enormous new evil force?
Explore the wonderful lands and find a way to restore balance in this new Open World Platformer Adventure with RPG elements.
Travel across immense forests and deserts,…
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aquadestinyswriting · 3 years
Hell and Back
Context: This is another one based on actual events that took place in a previous tabletop roleplaying campaign. This one takes place towards the very end of said campaign and was heavily inspired by the song ‘Hell and Back written by Gina Smith, composed by Jacob Ryan Smith and sung by Elisabeth Garber. Link to the song in question because it deserves all the love: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYBVfHdEXR4&list=PLTXrMt9wDliDBVNegB3oOzWEKaUNcLyoP&index=44
Summary:  Merri reminisces on the time she has spent with Elowyn when tragedy unfolds in the middle of a hectic battle to save the world.
Words: 1,234
Warnings: Character death (not permanent), some mildly bad language.
Tag list: @druidx, @strosmkai-rum, @homesteadchronicles
I look around the tiny battlefield my friends and I are currently fighting upon, keeping an eye out for those that need healing or other assistance, but the others seem to have things in hand. A chill runs up my back and I turn as I hear a cry from Elowyn, who was standing not too far behind me. My heart drops as I take in the scene before me. Standing above the utterly still body of my best friend is a tall, lanky creature with purple skin and red eyes simmering with hatred. It smiles lazily as the rest of our party suddenly realise that Elowyn is… I snarl, raising my hammer to deliver Divine Justice to this cretin, but before I can bring it down, it explodes in a shower of holy energy. The bolt that delivered the fatal blow clatters to the stone. I look up and see my expression mirrored on Felix’s face, his crossbow still held up and ready to fire again. I give him a nod, suppressing the grief that is welling up within me. My hand shakes slightly as I reach into the pocket of my vestments, thanking the Dwarf Father and Mother both that I thought to bring a diamond with me. I grip the object tightly, wrap the chain of my Holy Symbol around my wrist and begin muttering what is possibly the most desperate prayer I’ve ever given. I place the hand with the diamond onto Elowyn’s chest, a barrage of memories of our journey together assault me as I cast my Resurrection spell...
~I grimace as I pull Elowyn down into a bow as the Low King approaches us. Bloody Hellls, does the girl have no bloody sense? Then again, I muse, having been resurrected in the manner she was, a couple of screws must’ve been knocked a wee bit loose. As much as she protests that she’s just a watchperson, I’m already noticing a far too familiar pattern of behaviour regarding self sacrifice. I’ll need to have a word with her about that at some point.~
~I try not to smirk in satisfaction too much as Elowyn stares at the old priest. I’d seen this coming a mile off, but now was probably not the best time to bring that up. Of course Elowyn was a paladin at heart, it had been so bloody obvious from the moment she’d yelled that she was a distraction after failing to sneak up on the kobold leaders in the depths beneath Fangthane that it was a wonder none of the clergy of my own temple had noticed. Well, it’s official now at least.~
~The half-demonic spirit thing shuffled closer to Elowyn, gibbering about getting revenge. I’ve no idea who in the hells this guy thinks he is or who he thinks Elowyn is, but he is not laying a finger on the woodling if I can help it. I pull Elowyn back and yell at everyone to get out of here. Of course no one wants to listen until I bellow that I actually have a godsdamned plan. The death fog around him inches closer but the minute the others are out of range, I cast the spell I’d been holding for the last half minute. A pillar of divine fire slams into the creature, incinerating this semi-corporeal form and banishing whatever spirit was left into the Pit. It hisses that it knows me and will seek its revenge on me too. So long as it leaves Elo the hells alone, I don’t really care.~
~”We can get them arrested and charged. We can put them away so they’ll never bother anyone else.” Elowyn pleads with me as she, Enezeage and I trudge our way back to Acacia Avenue. I appreciate the fact that she’s trying, I really do, but all three of us know what’ll happen if we managed to get the Brotherhood members that assaulted me arrested. I shake my head,
“No. Look… just drop it, please?” I ask, my voice barely more than a whisper as my throat threatens to seize up once more. I can feel the concern radiating from Elowyn as she finally heaves a sigh and nods,
“Alright, let’s get home and get some rest.” she concedes. I’m grateful that she isn’t trying to push it any further. I’m not sure if I could handle any more of this and I don’t want to have to try.~
~I smile widely as Elowyn comes into the prison. Dear Gods, I hadn’t realised how much I’d missed her until now. We clasp hands through the bars that otherwise separate us from one another.
“I swear, even if it takes blowing up half the bloody mountain, we’re going to get you out of here.” she says. My heart swells at the conviction behind that simple statement. I’ve no doubt that if the trial goes south that she, and her companions, will do everything they possibly can to make sure I never get to meet my executioner. I squeeze her hands,
“I ken.” I reply softly, “And I’ve no doubts that you’ll succeed in that, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves, aye?” And just like that, it’s like I never left. We settle into an easy conversation, checking that we’re both doing alright. Neither of us are, not really, but we play along with the niceties anyway. There’ll be time enough after the trial for us to be more open with one another. For now, it’s nice to just pretend.~
I take the swell of emotion roiling in my stomach and push it into my spell,
“Oh no you don’t. You’re not done yet!” I half-snarl as I complete the cast and send the torrent of power I’d gathered into the prone and unnaturally still body. My heart hammers in my chest as I wait to see if the spell will take effect, hoping against hope that Elowyn still wants to carry on. That she wants to come back and finish what we started all the way back in that dingy cell in Toreguarde facing down a single zombie. My breath shudders as Elowyn gasps raspily,
“I’m so glad that’s so much nicer than the last time I died.” she wheezes. I bite back my chuckle and hold out my hand to pull her up,
“Ye didn’t get any time, hen.” I quip with a small smile. I round on the demons still standing on the sea stack with us, “As for the rest of ye…” I say, preparing to gather up another storm of power when the bestial roar of an angry dragon catches my attention. It’s at this point that I recall that the connection between paladin and mount can be interrupted by death and the connection between Aurianna and Elowyn ran even deeper than most. If I was angry with these demons, it was going to be nothing in comparison to what that young gold dragon felt. I resume gathering the power needed for my spell. Well, these felspar beskur were about to feel the wrath of about half the Gods of Good. Not that they weren’t already, mind. I take a deep breath to steady myself and prepare to carry on with the fight. There would be time enough to sort through my feelings later. For now, we needed to get to the portal these things were guarding.
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czekism · 6 years
✏️🦇🖊 #inktober #inktober2018 #ink #encre #aquarelle #watercolour #art by #czek #day6 #drooling #bave #bat #creature #chauvesouris #rongeur #rodent #woodling #sword #epee #homun #nofilter #timelapse Still laaate 😳 (à Châlons, Champagne-Ardenne, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/BouhXAkhIaQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hl72vbqo0l1y
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deputy-videogamer · 4 years
Gemini |Part 2|
Pairing: Geralt x Reader, Yennefer x Reader, Geralt x Reader x Yennefer
Summary: The White Wolf has come, but so has a certain lavender eyed witch. Both has gotten word about the poor princess that has 'lost her mind and out for blood'. But there is more that meets the eye
Part 1 Part 3
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"So what's this contract about again?" Jaskier asked Geralt for the- actually Geralt lost count on how many times Jaskier had asked about the contract.
"For the last time Jaskier, this contract is about a cursed princess that needs to be slay." Geralt hissed out of annoyance.
"Why do you need to slay her? Is she cursed?" Ciri asked. She has been traveling with Geralt throughout his journey ever since they finally met in the forest.
"Something like that. The girl was borned with powers, but as she grew her powers made her lose her mind." He briefly explained to the duo.
“Then the king wants you to release her daughter from the curse then?” Geralt didn’t respond. The king requested the opposite for Geralt; he wanted her to kill his daughter.
“Something like that. Let's just go, we're almost there.”
It wasn’t long before the trio had reached the king’s castle. Waiting for them was the king’s mage who waited for his arrival.
“Geralt of Rivia, We've been expecting you." The old man greeted the trio. "Please, come this way."
The three had followed the old man through the castle. It was only then Geralt took notice of the painting that was hung. 
"I'm guessing that's the queen and her daughter." The mage froze in his steps. Geralt had taken note on how he was hesitant when he mentioned the queen and the former princess.
The mage turned towards him and gave him a tight smile. "You aren't a wrong witcher. Lovely isn't she?" The mage was referring to the queen in hopes to avoid talking about the princess.
"Oh yes lovely indeed. Shame that she married a king I would've loved to meet." Jaskier flirted, not caring that the royal mage was with them.
"Their marriage was one way anyway. The queen died after giving birth to her daughter. May her soul rest and find someone better than the king." This was what Geralt was surprised at.
"You seem to hate the king." Once again the mage froze up when he realized his mistake. The mage tried to think of a way to answer him, but the sounds of heels clicking against the wooden floors had interrupted him.
Looking at the direction where the sound of heels were clicking at. All three pairs of eyes looked up to see who was heading towards them, only two out of the three pairs had already known who she was.
Geralt couldn't believe his eyes when he saw a familiar raven hair female.
"Yennefer." The words almost sounded unfamiliar to him.
How long has it been since he last saw her familiar purple eyes, the sweet smell of gooseberries and lilacs. The guilt and memories of them on the hill had flashed through his eyes.
He now wishes that he could have punched his past self for saying those things to her for she wasn't wrong when she stated that he had lost her. 
The pair of lavender eyes met his golden cat like eyes. It was then the air around had suddenly felt suffocating and time had stopped all around him.
“Hello, Geralt.” Her sickly sweet voice almost made him feel sick. 
“Is this the Yennefer you mention?” Ciri innocent eyes gazed on the raven beauty. In return Yennefer looked at the small princess with shock; she then had a sharp gazed on why a child was with him, in return he gave her a look that he explained to her later about Ciri. 
“I thought you needed a Witcher?” Geralt turned his attention back at the mage.
“Yes, but when due to the former princess…..um..condition there could be a chance that she could attack you. So I requested the help of Yennefer.” The mage answered.
“He’s not wrong. I assume Lucius has already informed you about the job right?” Yennefer looked at the mage or Lucius.
“I was about to get there.” Lucius cleared his throat and briefly explained about the situation.
Apparently, when the princess had turned 12, she started to lose control of her magic. The mages tried their best to help her regain control of her powers, which had worsened her case leading to her magic to take control over her mind. She had killed the people in the case including her own father if it was for Lucius stopping her rampage, her father’s guard tried to seize her, but she had ran into the forest for refuge.
“Has anyone entered the forest?” Geralt questions Lucius. There was something about that story that didn’t make sense to him. From the story to Lucius' tone about the voice it all sounded all too suspicious.
“Many mages including myself have tried to enter the forest, all of them have either ended up dead or seriously injured. We believe that she has support from the creatures in the forest.”
“Is that even possible?” Ciri’s innocent eyes stared at Geralt where he let out a simple ‘yes’ to his daughter.
“If you have any more questions that will be answered later, I have already let the king wait enough. I’ll let you bard and your…..” Lucius looked down at Ciri. “Daughter to their rooms once we reach his studies. Come.” 
Unaware that a crow had overheard their conversation, while its blood red eyes had stalked their every movement. Before soaring its way out of the widow’s ledge then disappearing back into the forest. The raven gilded down on a branch-like hand, the silent monster stared down at his black feather minion as it silently cawed to his master. The creature didn’t say anything, the only gesture it had made was stroking his minions body before the creature had left to return spying on the Witcher’s group. 
The forest creature had watched the raven fly away, then walk towards the center of the forest. During his little journey he encounters a few nymphs, everytime he encounters a new nymph he silently grunts about what his crow has seen in the castle. Their facial expressions had turned grm, each one knew a witcher was very serious, but teaming up with one of the most powerful sorceresses had made things much worse. Some of the nymphs had disappeared to warn other woodling creatures about the upcoming trouble while others had started to prepare attacks. 
It wasn’t long that the creature had reached his destination. In one of the trees there was a little treehouse that was built within the branches of the great plant. The creature could hear a small humming coming inside the structure. The woodling creature had summoned one of his ravens to grab the attention of the person inside. A head had popped up as (e/c) eyes were peeking down on him.
“Oh! Hello there, Aspen.” You used a rope to get down to greet your strange creature friend. Unlike your godling and nymph friends, your skull head friend had no ability to talk. How he communicated was by drawing pictures in the dirt. 
“So what brings you here?” Aspen had used his branch fingers to start drawing in the dirt.
His twing finger had drawn five people, one had long hair wearing a dress, another had long hair but he had a sword strapped on his back. The third one was a bard since he had a lyre on his back, the fourth one you immediately knew was Lucius one of your many teacher you had taught you to control your powers when you were younger, he was also one of the few who didn’t create the potion that stole your powers The last figure was strange, unlike the other people this one was more childlike. It made you wonder who would bring a child with them?
 “These people are with Lucius?” You guessed at his drawing, Aspen then drew a crown next to the group of people. “Oh, my father had requested more help to kill me right?” His skull head nodded.
“Do you know them by any chance?” He then drew the woman and the long hair man only this time, the woman had sparks surrounding her while the man had drawn his sword out as there was a beast in front of him. 
“The long hair woman is a sorceress and the man is a slayer of some sort or more precisely the Witcher right ?” Aspen nodded again. “Why bring a bard and a child though? Nevermind that it seems like my father is desperate to kill at this point if he is bringing a slayer and sorceress.” You growled at the last part.
Aspen turned his skull head to you. Your eyes had started to become red signifying that your other personality is coming out.
“If that crown bastard thinks that he can just kill me because he now has a slayer and a mage on his side. He is dead wrong. I have killed many hunters who have tried to kill me all have ended up dead. “ You walked towards a tree that was filled with multiple daggers embedded in the bark with a carving of your father on it.
“Well...let those two come here if they dare. Besides~ it’s been a while since I had visitors in my forest. I think I know exactly where I place their bodies~”  You threw the knife straight dead center into your father’s head.
 “Thanks for the information Aspen, now that I know of my lovely visitors I should prepare a welcoming gift for them.” You were about to climb back up into your home when you turned back to your friend. “Before I leave...how did my friends react to it?”
Aspen slides his thin twig finger across his neck. “I see...hmm protective as always.” Your eyes reverted back to your original eye color.
“Thanks for visiting Aspen, next time you visit I’ll make you some fruit pie.” Aspen watched as you climbed back to your home as Aspen started to leave. Unaware that he had made it to the edge of the forest where it reached the edge of the kingdom. He noticed that there were a few farmers trending their live stocks, as much as he wanted to attack and devour the flesh off their bones, he knew how much you loved your people even after your banishment. He summoned a flock of crows around him as he pointed to the nearest farmer.
He won’t actually kill them, but if he wanted to make sure that the Witcher and the sorceress doesn’t go after you he had to make some kind of reuss to let them focus on him instead of you. He watched as the crows had attacked the poor farmer before another one had come to his aid, he then ordered the flock to attack another farmer in the area.
He only hopes that this will be enough to attract the duo. And if that doesn’t work, there are more woodling creatures who will risk their lives to protect the ‘mad princess’.
If you want to be tag for up coming chapter or previews let me know.
@whitewolfandthefox​ @dreaming-about-starfleet​ @seanh-boredom​
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enterinit · 4 years
New Xbox One Games for April 15 to 17
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New Xbox One Games for April 15 to 17.
Journey to the Savage Planet: Hot Garbage – April 15
The planet of DL-C1 has it all. Tropical beaches, lovely views, toxic waste, and killer robots. There’s only one person who can handle a job this dangerous and that’s the person sitting on the closest planet… you! Lucky, lucky you.
Space Engineers – April 15
Space Engineers is a sandbox game about engineering, construction, exploration and survival in space and on planets. Players build space ships, space stations, planetary outposts of various sizes and uses, pilot ships and travel through space to explore planets and gather resources to survive.
Blind Men – April 15
As the nephew of a retired super villain, there's nothing Keegan wants more than to become one himself — and what better way than to join the League of Evil? All he needs to do is commit a crime to complete his application. Unfortunately, Keegan soon finds himself in more trouble than he could have ever imagined when his plans are interrupted by a couple of spies from opposing agencies. Pick choices that drastically change the story. Will Keegan’s plans be thwarted or allow him to be successful? Features: 2 romanceable charactersMultiple different endings depending on your choicesKeep the game as a cliché-filled parody, or turn it into a straight spy adventureOriginal catchy soundtrack
Vampire: The Masquerade – Coteries of New York – April 15
Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New York presents the conflict between two vampiric factions: the traditionalist Camarilla and the fiercely independent Anarchs. It's a unique, atmospheric, single-player narrative experience, set in the rich universe of Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition. Choose one of three pre-defined characters and play as a Ventrue, Toreador or BrujahEach playable character offers a selection of powers (Disciplines), different ethical approaches to certain issues, and unique dialogue linesCharacter-oriented quests allow you to meet four unique NPCs: a Tremere sorcerer, a Nosferatu detective, a Gangrel of conflicted loyalties and a Malkavian multifoliate online personality with their own agendas. Win their hearts and minds and up to two of them will assist you in the finaleDepending on your choice of the Clan you will be able to see the events from a distinct perspective. One playthrough is not enough to see all the game has to offer!
Machinarium – April 16
An award-winning independent adventure game developed by the makers of Samorost and Botanicula. Help Josef the robot to save his girlfriend Berta kidnapped by the Black Cap Brotherhood gang in this classic puzzle platformer.
Save Your Nuts – April 16
Go nuts in this insane 1 to 8 players chaotic arena party game. Put your cooperation skills to the test over intense physics-based battles mixing casual offline modes and competitive Online matches. In Save Your Nuts, crafty squirrels organize a tournament to challenge other animals in a physics-based competition for the ages. Make daring plays alongside your teammates, grab food power-ups, and tackle your opponents to steal their nuts in this wild multiplayer-focused party game! Features: Couch Party from 1 to 8 PlayersOnline MultiplayerEasy to play but hard to masterReplayability with 3 game modes and 10 interactive environmentsCustomizable and complementary charactersAccessible, Cooperative and CompetitiveChallenging AI https://youtu.be/1sFHq3z4qsk
Cryogear – April 17
Cryogear is an passionately hand crafted Metroidvania inspired Pixel Art platformer with souls-like mechanics set in an open sci-fi world. Gameplay is driven by exploration and rewards curious, creative players with new items, abilities, and ever increasing possibilities. You take control of the newly repurposed clone G.3.4.R and explore your new surroundings, uncover its many secrets, and strive to unveil the mysteries of the ever present Emperor AI. Will you survive and thrive in this strange new world, or will falter and fail as the clones before? Only your skill and determination can decide G34R's fate! Cryogear combines a versatile platformer core with exploration, shoot 'em up and RPG elements to an entertaining new game experience. Explore a dangerous open world with over 50+ different regions to discover. The changing world is filled with obstacles, boss fights, different enemy types, riddles, hidden areas, minigames and loot for a unique rewarding exploration experience. Cryogear features a full-scale RPG inventory, combined with equipment, skill and crafting systems. Switch freely between active abilities and weapons during the action, which allows dynamic, skill-based strategies for every situation. While progressing through the game, you get introduced to different new abilities, weapons, and equipment to customize your clone to match your playstyle. Your clone G.3.4.R. is ready to boot up! A unique journey into the World of CRYOGEAR awaits you... Features: Run, jump, dive, fly, hack, freeze and slide your way through over 50 Sci-Fi themed areas with varying environments in your quest to uncover the mysteries of the Emperor AIUncover the truths and history of the world around you as you venture through destroyed cities, abandoned wastes and factories in a post-apocalyptic dystopian futureLava, Floods, Fire, Ice, Pitfalls, Epic Boss fights, a plethora of evolving enemy types stand between you and your goals.Use Psi powers to shield yourself from dangers and manipulate your surroundings or even your perception of time!Learn to master 4 vastly different weapons with their own unique strengths and weaknesses to overcome the various obstacles.Spend energy harvested from your fallen foes to gain new or improved abilities from 4 different upgrade trees.Search for hidden items, upgrades, and areas just waiting for those clever, lucky, or determined enough to locate them.Discover new armor, items, upgrades, and crafting materials as you explore.Use these items to craft a pair of helper drones, more powerful weapons, and spent consumables; or recycle them into energy to fuel faster development.- Multiple endings, branching level layouts, customizable character development, and the freedom to explore at your own pace and in your own way helps ensure that no two playthroughs are alike.- Speedrun and NewGame+/++ await to challenge even veteran players and extend replayability even further. A Casual mode is available to those who struggle or prefer a casual metroidvania experience. https://youtu.be/GUwV9VbJiiE
Sinkr – April 17
SiNKR is a minimalist puzzler. There is just you, hooks, pucks, and various contraptions you need to finish each level. Sink all the pucks to advance. Features: Handcrafted levelsVisual tutorial level for each mechanicNo scores, no timers, no distractionsResponsive ambient soundscapeNo in-game text, suitable for all languages
Sunless Sea: Zubmariner Edition – April 17
"LOSE YOUR MIND. EAT YOUR CREW. DIE. Take the helm of your steamship in a Victorian Gothic roleplaying game of discovery, loneliness and frequent death. Find your father’s bones. Determine London’s destiny. Defy the gods of the deep sea. Build up your story across generations of zailors who braved the sea and lost Real-time combat against ships and Zee-beasts, spider-crewed dreadnoughts and sentient icebergs Stray too far from civilization and your crew will grow fearful and eventually lose their sanity Upgrade your steamship with powerful engines, cannons and pneumatic torpedo guns Hire unique officers, each with their own story Discover the treasures the zee has claimed Choose a ship’s mascot Trade or smuggle silk and souls Sunless Sea: Zubmariner Edition includes the base game and the extensive underwater expansion." Features: Find your father’s bones. Determine London’s destiny. Defy the gods of the deep sea.Build up your story across generations of zailors who braved the sea and lostReal-time combat against ships and Zee-beasts, spider-crewed dreadnoughts and sentient icebergsStray too far from civilization and your crew will grow fearful and eventually lose their sanityUpgrade your steamship with powerful engines, cannons and pneumatic torpedo gunsHire unique officers, each with their own storyDiscover the treasures the zee has claimedChoose a ship’s mascotTrade or smuggle silk and souls
Freakout: Calamity TV Show – April 17
A top-down, dual-stick shooter inspired by old school arcade games and die & retry shooters. In a disturbed dystopia filled with mutants and killing machines, you’re the star of a reality show which might get a bit too real. Fight your way through the deadly enemy waves, join the revolution, and try to take down the evil Fizzy Corp.
Woodle Tree 2: Deluxe+ – April 17
This time a new menace is taking over the wood lands with a black substance that is absorbing life and energy from all living creatures. Will you be skilled enough to help Woodle in his quest to repel this enormous new evil force? Explore the wonderful lands and restore balance in this open world platform adventure. Read the full article
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While the light emitted in various ways through the park give its creations distinct form, the first attraction brought to life in the festival is “ The Magical Forest.” Small woodling creatures and illuminated flora lights the ground giving the passangers of this kingdom a magical experience. (picture by Ella Bjorn)
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