#words to remember as i am 26 today :)
roosterforme · 11 months
Batting Practice Part 26 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: In the aftermath of the proposal, Bradley wants to make sure all three of you are on the same page. And as happy as you are, you're still having a hard time deciding how to best merge your past with your future.
Warnings: Fluff, smut, angst and swearing
Length: 4800 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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Bradley held you in the grass for a long time while you clutched that baseball in your hand. He couldn't remember another time he felt so calm as Everett ran around in the grass tossing a ball up in the air and catching it. 
"Will you move in now?" you asked, setting your heart covered baseball in the grass and running your fingers along Bradley's mustache and stubble. "Ev and I both really want you to."
"Yeah, Kitten. I'll move in," he promised. "Right after the three of us have a conversation about expectations, okay? It's really important to me that we're all on the same page."
"Oh my god," you groaned, crawling up his body to get better access to his lips. "How are you this perfect?"
"I just needed to get my priorities straight," he said between kisses. "I never meant to hurt you like I did before, you know that, right? I just never in a million years thought that I'd meet anyone like you and Ev and fall in love so hard."
You just whimpered and snuggled up on him again. But once Everett started bugging to play baseball again, you pulled Bradley to his feet. This time Bradley put on the catcher's gear and let Everett pitch to you, which was honestly pretty funny. 
"Am I good enough to play on the rec league, too?" you asked as you missed another pitch.
"No," Bradley and Everett replied in unison as you laughed. 
"But that's okay, Mommy! Bradley loves you anyway even though you aren't that good at baseball."
"That's true," Bradley replied, removing the mask when they were done playing. "Being good at baseball was not a prerequisite. She just needed to understand and appreciate our love of the Phillies," he added, giving Everett a high five.
"Can we come to your game?" Everett asked, eyes wide as Bradley scooped him up along with his gear bag. You carried the bucket of balls back to the Bronco with your special ball right on the top of the pile. 
"Kiddo, you can come to as many games as you want. And later today or tomorrow, we can talk about me moving into your house, okay?"
"But I'm not going to stay in the extra bedroom," he said seriously. "So we can talk about that too." He wanted Everett to understand that he wasn't going anywhere, and that he was going to marry you as soon as he could. As soon as you wanted to. 
Once he got Everett buckled in, he helped you load everything into the back. You had some grass stains on your shirt, and your clothes were all rumpled, and Bradley was so in love with all of it.
"Come here," he whispered with a smile as you slipped into his arms right where you belonged. "Can we get married tomorrow?" You laughed and he buried his face against your neck. "Please, Kitten? I'm dying for it now!"
"Bradley, we've been engaged for an hour."
"That's a pretty long time," he replied, enjoying the feel of your hips in his hands. 
"We can talk about this later." You giggled and kissed him until Everett started whining that he was starving for lunch.
The Independence Day party at Maverick's hangar was in full swing by the time the three of you arrived in the Bronco. There was almost nowhere to park, but Bradley found a spot next to Bob's truck. 
"Bob came?" you asked, eyeing his truck. "I think Molly's working today. Something about double overtime."
"I don't know why she didn't just take the day off," Bradley mused, killing the engine. "Does she really need the extra pay? It's not like Bob isn't her glorified sugar daddy now."
"What's a sugar daddy?" Everett asked from the backseat.
You glared at Bradley and muttered, "Yeah, Bradley. Try explaining that one to a seven year old."
He had the decency to look a little concerned before turning back to look at your son. "Uh... I think that Bob bought a lot of candy for your Aunt Molly."
"Ohhh," Everett replied. "Yeah, that makes sense, because she likes snacks. Do you think he'd buy some for me, too?"
Bradley cleared his throat and nodded slowly. "I think so. Just as long as you don't call him a sugar daddy," he muttered.
"Ev, why don't you go say hi to Bob and Natasha," you said, pointing out the window. "I see them right there. But don't tell anyone about the baseball ring yet, okay?"
"Okay!" Ev called, and then you and Bradley were alone in the front seat, and you started laughing.
"Really? A sugar daddy?" you asked.
"I'm sorry, Kitten! I'm still new to all this dad stuff."
Your lips parted in a soft smile as you unbuckled your seatbelt and crawled toward your fiance. "But you're already really good at it," you told him when he welcomed you onto his lap. "It's like you were tailor-made for us."
You kissed along Bradley's neck and he pulled you snug against him. "The two of you are perfect for me," he grunted, watching the sunlight catch your diamond ring. "Let's get married soon?"
"Okay," you agreed, your lips teasing his ear. 
"Did Danny ever give you a ring?" he asked, unable to help himself. 
"No. And I should have never married him. He obviously didn't want to but felt obligated to."
"I hate that guy," Bradley growled. "I'll be so much better."
"You already are," you promised him. "But would you mind if we don't tell anyone we're engaged yet?" you asked, and Bradley pulled away from you. He watched you remove your ring and reach for the glovebox. 
"Why not?" he asked, clearly upset as you put the ring inside and closed it.
You quickly placed a dozen little kisses at the corner of his mouth. "I want to tell Molly first. That's all."
"Oh," he replied, nodding as he rubbed his hands along your legs. "Sure, Kitten. We can tell Molly first."
You liked how he said we, like you were all part of a team now.
"I love you, Coach," you whispered, kissing him before you hopped down out of the driver's door and into the hot sunlight. Bradley jumped down behind you with his hand at your back, and he led you toward Everett.
"Mommy! Can we get changed and go play in the splash pad? Please?" he begged just as Nat strolled up and gave Bradley a kiss on the cheek. 
"I'll take him over," she said. "I've already got my bathing suit on, and Mav set up some changing stalls."
"Thanks, Nat," you replied, handing Everett his swim bag. 
"Kitten," Bradley groaned, wrapping his arms around you. "It's killing me not to tell her we're engaged."
You giggled and tucked your hand up inside his shirt. "You can tell her tomorrow, okay? Just let me tell Molly first."
Bradley just melted into your touch. He had his hands all over you the rest of the day as you ate burgers and chatted with everyone. He even ducked inside the tiny changing tent with you, kissing you all over as you tried to put on your leopard print bathing suit.
"I haven't seen this since the tee ball swim party," he groaned, slipping his index and middle fingers underneath the strap at your shoulder and pulling you closer. "I love it when you dress up like a kitten for me."
You bit your lip. "I did wear this to the pool party just so you'd notice it."
"Mmm," he hummed, letting his fingers stroke your nipple through the fabric. "Oh... I noticed it, Baby."
You let his hands slip lower to your hips. "And now, after you move in, I can dress up for you all the time."
"Fuck," he groaned, his lips finding the pulse point in your neck and sucking gently. "Please, let's get married next week."
You laughed softly and shook your head. "We'll talk about it later, Coach. You need to get changed so we can go splash with Ev." Then you brushed his erection softly with your hand before ducking outside. 
When you walked away, you heard him cursing softly, and the smile on your face felt like it was stuck there permanently. You were getting married. A second time. To Bradley. A man who loved your son every bit as much as he loved you. And he wasn't afraid to show it or talk about it. He wasn't afraid to let you know what you meant to him. You had never experienced anything like this before.
"Mommy!" Ev called out, soaking wet and holding up two water balloons.
"Don't you dare!" you told him, but he just held one out to you.
"Let's get Bradley," he whispered, looking past you. When you turned, you saw him heading your way in his swim trunks, pushing his aviators up on his nose. 
You nodded at Everett. "Absolutely." And then you watched as your balloon managed to hit Bradley in the shoulder right after Everett's hit him square in the chest.
Bradley looked up in shock. "Oh, it's on," he growled, and you tried to hide behind Everett as Bradley stormed closer with a playfully angry look on his face. 
"We need more balloons!" Everett screamed, pulling you toward a large bucket filled with them. Then the two of you launched dozens of water balloons at Bradley. Everett's accuracy was a lot better than yours, and Bradley pretended he was getting more and more wounded with each balloon he took to his body.
"You're too good!" he gasped at Everett, dropping to his knees on the splash pad while Everett laughed. Then he ran over and tackled Bradley with a big hug. You could hear Bradley tell him, "Hey, your pitches are looking great, kiddo," while Everett hugged him around the neck. "So proud of you."
"Thanks, Coach," Everett replied, and Bradley kissed him on the top of his head before scooping him up and standing. 
"But I don't know if I can trust the two of you now," Bradley said, squeezing your butt as he walked toward the sprinkler. "Some family you turned out to be. Getting me soaked before I was ready." He walked into the spray of water, and you listened to Everett scream with laughter as Bradley got both of them even more soaked.
Then Nat and Bob joined in, and you wished Molly was here. Because you had to be the one to remind Bob to put on more sunblock in her absence. And you didn't want to text her a picture of your ring, you wanted to tell her in person about it. You wanted her to see it and be excited for you. 
If she had the day off tomorrow, you'd try to stop by after work and tell her. But for now you'd just enjoy the rest of the first day of your engagement. You ran toward the sprinkler and wrapped your arms around Bradley.
"That's a familiar sight," Maverick said as the sun was dipping lower in the sky. Bradley gave him a funny look as he held a very sleepy Everett in his arms. "It's just that you look so much like Goose. And Everett looks like he could be your son." The words hit Bradley right in the heart.
"I want him to be," he managed, voice raspy with emotion. 
Mav nodded and grinned before looking at the ground. "You picked a good one." Bradley looked where Mav tilted his head and saw you talking to Bob. "Well, both of them."
He held Everett a little tighter as he slept, head on Bradley's shoulder. "Thanks."
Mav patted him on the back as he took Everett to the Bronco where he started to stir. "Where are we going?" he asked in a sleepy little voice that made Bradley smile.
"Home. You can sleep until we get there. Gonna watch fireworks on the back deck and have a snack."
Everett just nodded and then fell back asleep, his head tipped to the side. Bradley buckled him in and waited patiently for you to finish saying goodbye to Bob. 
"You think he'll be my brother-in-law someday?" you asked with a laugh as you climbed in next to Bradley and glanced back to check on Everett. 
"You know," Bradley said, scratching his chin as he started the engine, "yeah, I do."
"Good," you replied, opening the glove box as Bradley drove down the long drive to the main road and turned toward the sunset. He breathed a sigh of relief as you slid your ring back onto your finger and examined it in the golden light.
"It's so pretty," you whispered, taking Bradley's hand in yours. "Thanks for letting Ev help pick it out."
Bradley scoffed and squeezed your fingers gently. "You think I could have done it without him? Not a chance. I almost texted Molly for final approval."
Your laughter filled the Bronco, and Bradley smiled as he got on the highway toward your house. "She would have ruined the surprise!"
"I figured," he mumbled, kissing your knuckles. "Better to keep it a secret between the boys."
You were quiet for a little while as Bradley drove. Eventually you turned toward him and whispered, "I do think we should get married pretty soon."
"Yes," he agreed. "We're both off on Saturday...."
"Please!" you laughed. "I didn't have a real wedding before. So I'd like to plan something this time. Nothing crazy, but a real wedding would be so nice." Your voice was soft and dreamy. 
"Anything you want, Kitten. Anything. I mean it. I'm already getting the things that are most important to me: you and Ev. So whatever and whenever works for me." 
When Bradley pulled into your driveway and thought about how he'd be living here soon enough, you unbuckled your seatbelt and climbed into his lap.
"Watch it, Kitten," he whispered as you rubbed yourself against him. "We've got company, Baby." 
"I know," you replied softly, kissing his lips. "I just love you so much, and today has been kind of wild, but I want you to know that I can't wait to marry you."
The way your hand slid up to rest over his heart while you kissed him had Bradley ignoring his own caution. He let his lips and mustache trail along your neck as he reached for the button of your shorts.
"Can we go watch fireworks?" Everett asked through a yawn from the backseat. Bradley closed his eyes and sighed, kissing you one more time.
"Yep," he grunted. "It's almost time." Then he carried Everett inside after you unlocked the door. He got both of you settled on the back deck under a blanket, and then he made some popcorn and carried it out just as the first fireworks lit up the sky. 
Bradley sat next to Everett who held the bowl of popcorn. "This was a really good day," Everett said, the colors reflecting in his eyes.
"I loved today," you added, turning to look at Bradley as you ate some popcorn.
"Yeah," Bradley said with a deep sigh. "I got to spend it with my family."
Everett was looking a little worse for the wear, snuggled up against Bradley as the fireworks ended. 
"Can we all talk for a minute?" Bradley asked when it was just the three of you sitting quietly under the moon glow. 
"Okay," you agreed as Everett nodded.
"I just wanted to say," Bradley started before pausing for a beat. "Kiddo, I'm going to move in with you and your mom. If that's okay with you."
"Yeah!" Everett cheered, perking up. 
Bradley kissed his forehead. "But I'm not going to move into the extra bedroom, okay? Your mom and I are going to get married, hopefully pretty soon. And I'll move my stuff into her big bedroom."
"Okay," Everertt agreed. "Maybe we can turn the other bedroom into a Phillies room or something."
"Hey, that sounds great," Bradley agreed, laughing as you rolled your eyes. 
You ran your fingers along your son's cheek so that he was looking at you. "Ev, Bradley is going to be part of our family. For real."
"I'm not going anywhere, okay?" Bradley asked, and Everett's gaze snapped back to him. "I'll be around all the time. You understand?"
Everett nodded enthusiastically. "Does that mean you'll be my dad soon?"
Bradley met your eyes, and your heart started pounding. His gaze was questioning, but you weren't sure exactly what you wanted to say here. "He'll be your stepdad, Ev."
Everett still looked a little concerned as he wrapped his arms around Bradley's neck. "Can I call you dad?" he asked Bradley, and you felt tears in your eyes. All you wanted was for your son to have everything he deserved. Your mind was filled with thoughts of Danny and child support and Everett's face in tears.
But Bradley held him tight and nodded against his neck. "If you want to. And if it's okay with your mom."
When Everett looked at you, a smile crept along your lips. "Yeah, it's okay with me."
Then you listened to the two of them in quiet conversation before Bradley took Everett inside and carried him up to bed. You followed them up the stairs but went into your bedroom and let them have a few minutes to themselves. You contemplated changing into something cute to wear to bed with your fiance, but you ended up sitting on the bed wiping away your tears instead. And then after a while, Bradley walked in, and you could tell he had been crying as well. 
He paused next to the bed and you asked, "Are you okay?"
A nod was all you got right away. Then he rasped, "He called me dad. While I got him ready for bed."
"He loves you."
Bradley looked up at the ceiling. "Listen, I had every intention of walking in here and absolutely ravaging my wife-to-be. I swear. But instead, I think I just want to hold you first."
How could anyone possibly disagree with that? You reached out for his hand and pulled him into bed with you and into your arms. "I love you, Coach."
"Fuck, Kitten," he groaned against your neck as you hugged him. "I didn't think I would end up crying so much the day I got engaged. Actually... I never really thought I'd ever get engaged. Especially not to a mom."
You opened your mouth to say something, but he cut you off with his lips on yours. "But you're right, Kitten. I was tailor-made to be with you. And Everett."
Your fingers tangled in his hair as he kissed all of the words from your lips. You were left softly sighing as he stroked your cheeks with his thumbs, the prickle of his mustache on your skin driving you crazy for him.
"I was going to put on something cute to celebrate with you tonight," you whispered. 
"No, no. I love that stuff, you know that. But you're perfect just like this." Bradley kissed you through your grass stained clothing before he started to remove it. "Perfect."
When he took his time like this, it was almost better than when he went wild. Bradley ran his nose along your lace covered breasts, his thumbs grazing your sides, skimming down your ribs. Wordlessly, he moved every bit of your clothing before he pulled his shirt over his head. His skin was hot beneath your hands, and the sound of his heavy breathing filled the space. When his lips met your bare breasts, you whimpered. His big palms were on your hips, holding you in place as you spread your legs wide for him.
His words were too soft, the sound of your whimpering nearly drowning him out as his lips and mustache met the sensitive skin below your belly button. 
His hands left your body, and you heard him work his zipper down. But then his mouth was on your pussy, kissing and licking you as your fingers tangled in his hair. And he would be here every night with you. When he wasn't deployed, he'd be in bed with you, right here, every night. 
"Bradley," you whispered again, this time with a little sob. You were going to marry him, and he would always be there with you. 
He swiped his tongue slowly up to your clit before kissing you there. "Kitten?"
You pulled him up by his soft hair and wiped away your tears. "I love you." Then his lips were on yours, and you could feel his cock at your entrance. The way your body welcomed every part of him, like you'd been waiting for him, had you wrapping your leg around his waist. He groaned softly against your lips as he sank into you, filling you up. But he didn't move yet. Not for a few minutes. He just stretched you in the most wonderful way while you pulsed around him, and he told you everything he was going to do now that you were engaged.
"I'll move in next weekend, Kitten," he whispered against your neck. "And then I'll start doing your yardwork, because you kind of suck a pulling weeds, Baby."
"Hey," you whined, with a laugh that turned into a moan as he pushed himself deeper inside you. 
"I'll pay half the bills. And I'll make breakfast in the mornings. And you can pack my lunch. And I'll play baseball with Ev, because I love him. And then I'll fuck you all night, because I love you."
His words got ragged as he started to thrust. And as soon as he was moving, his rough hairs harsh against your wet clit, you could feel the pressure building inside you. After a few more strokes, you were whining his name, and he was smiling against your lips. Bradley fucked you slow and steady through your orgasm, drawing it out and making your sweat-slick body shiver beneath him. And he went nice and slow until he was grunting and spilling himself inside you. 
Your fingers dug into the back of his neck as he kissed you hard. "Please don't make me wait too long to marry you. To be Ev's stepdad for real."
"I won't." 
As he panted on top of you, a plan was already forming in your mind. You tried to hold back your grin as you thought about it. Bradley would love it, and so would Ev. If it was even viable. But you'd have Bradley all to yourselves soon enough, and he could help you plan it out. 
A little while later, as you were snuggled up with Bradley, nearly asleep, he whispered, "I told Everett I'd take him to the park tomorrow evening. Thanks for sharing your son with me."
You laughed softly, and then you froze up.
"What's wrong?" he asked, stroking up and down your spine with his rough hand.
You propped yourself up to look at him, unsure if you should even say anything. 
"Kitten. Did I say something wrong?"
"No," you whispered, shaking your head slightly. "It's just that... I never told you this, but I don't want to have anymore kids, Bradley." You bit down hard on your lip as he studied your face. 
He looked a little surprised but not disappointed. "Oh. I mean, I hadn't given it much thought, to be honest. I guess I thought the three of us would be perfect, you know? Happy."
You heaved a sigh of relief and wrapped your arms around him again. "Yeah. The three of us. Happy."
The following day, after work, you put your ring back on and drove to Molly and Bob's condo. Bradley was picking Everett up from summer camp, and you'd have a chance to talk to your sister alone for a few minutes if Bob wasn't back from base yet.
You knocked on their door loudly before using the key they gave you to let yourself inside. 
"Come in!" Molly called out, and you found her in the living room, under a blanket, eating chips and watching reality TV. "Hi!"
You laughed and plopped down next to her. She looked tired as you kissed her cheek. "They working you too hard?" you asked, running your hand across her forehead. "Molly, you look exhausted."
She yawned and snuggled into your touch. "I'm so fucking tired. These double shifts are killing me. I thought it would be an easier adjustment to all daylight shifts than this! But they keep asking me to pull extra hours, because we're short staffed."
"That's not good," you whispered with a frown as she yawned again. But she just brushed you off.
"I'll be fine after Bob dicks me down and I get a good night's sleep again tonight for work tomorrow."
"Oh, I didn't really need to know that, but thanks?"
She nodded at you with a serious look in her eyes. "I love him. He's the sweetest man in the world. And he has a big cock. I'll be just fine. Don't worry about me."
As you cleared your throat to try to change the subject, Molly reached for your hand and screamed, "What is that?!" She started pawing at your engagement ring, kicking her blanket to the floor and jumping up. "You're getting married!"
You laughed at your wild eyed sister standing in front of you in a sports bra, boxer shorts and mismatched socks. "I'm getting married!" you confirmed, and she screamed again. "He asked me yesterday."
"Oh my god! Bradley really went all in on the ring, huh?" she asked, pulling it off your finger to examine it. "I mean...damn! He probably thought you'd say no if the ring sucked. Look at the size of this thing!"
"I wouldn't have said no!" you told her, laughing as she pretended to be blinded by the sparkle. "Ev helped him pick it out."
Molly screamed again. "Ev helped?! Okay, Bradley can stay forever, I guess."
The two of you were on the floor laughing and sharing the bag of chips when Bob walked in wearing his khaki uniform.
"Mo, it's uniform time, Honey," he said with a grin, but then he saw you on the floor with some chips halfway to your mouth, and he blushed. "Oh... you're here too... that's great." 
"Hey, Bob," you said before shoving the chips in your mouth and standing. "I was actually just leaving, so feel free to have uniform time."
He still looked embarrassed as you patted his cheek. "Oh, um..."
"I just stopped by to tell you both that Bradley and I are getting married. Hopefully pretty soon." You held up your hand, and Bob pulled you in for a hug. 
"Ugh," Molly groaned from the floor. "He's going to be my brother-in-law."
"You just told me how happy you were for me!"
"I am," she confirmed. "I just kind of like to pick on him. It's fun. And easy."
You rolled your eyes and hugged Bob tight. "Stay tuned for a wedding date, okay? I just need to make a few phone calls." Then you turned to leave, but Molly followed you after she kissed Bob.
"You can stay for dinner, if you want."
You smiled and put your high heels back on. "Nah, I don't want to interrupt uniform time."
Molly grinned like the devil, but she said, "I ordered some cute shirts for both of us and Ev to wear to the rec league games. But the Bradshaw on the back of yours is going to have a whole new meaning now! Are you going to ditch Danny's last name?"
"God, yes," you groaned. "As long as it's okay with Bradley."
"And what about Ev?"
You puzzled her question in your mind for a moment. You'd been waiting for the child support from Danny to kick in. But you'd probably be waiting a lot longer. He wasn't going to hand it over to you willingly. But you just knew that Everett was going to want a new last name as well, and honestly it made you want to cry. 
"I'm not sure," you whispered, forcing a smile and kissing Molly one last time. "Go have fun with Bob. I'll see you soon." 
And when you got home, Bradley and Everett were there, eating a pizza they brought back after playing in the park. Bradley jumped up to get a slice ready for you, and you hugged him around his middle while Everett told you about his day.
Ev called him dad! He's moving in! Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32
Don't forget to check out Bob and Molly in The Curveball!
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Birthday Buddies - Max Verstappen
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<word count - 3009>
"OK Maxie, here you go," you said, handing him the envelope with his name scrawled on the front. "Thank you, my love," he smiled, running his fingers under the flap to open it. He eyed you suspiciously as he didn't see a card in the envelope, instead seeing a folded piece of paper. 
Unfolding it, he saw the words written on the page. 'Max, as you know, today is your birthday! You're 26, and have already achieved so much, and I am so proud of you! To find your gift, you have to use your brain a bit... So, your first clue is the place we went on our first date,'
"Making me use my brain... Honestly, my love?" he sighed.
"Yes, now, take me to where we had our first date," you smugly smirked. Max figured he may as well play along. You had planned it all out, and he already knew you had put a lot of effort into it. Plus, it was your birthday too, so he had to listen to you just as much as you listened to him. 
"OK, OK, follow me," Max smiled, taking your hand and leading you out of your apartment. He took you through the winding streets of Monaco, the sun slowly setting over the city. You arrived outside of a small cafe that he took you to, because it was out of the way of the world and you could get to know each other, without the prying eyes of the world on you. 
"Good job Max, you have unlocked the next clue!" You smiled, handing him another, identical envelope as he opened it. "So you could just let me skip straight to the end, but you're choosing not to?" 
"Where's the fun in that? I thought it would be fun to take a trip down memory lane," you said, the both of you remembering the magic that was your first night out. Max thought it was a nice idea, since you had done a lot together since you had started going out, and these were definitely some of his favourites. 
He thought he had blown it after your first date, since he was a stuttering, babbling mess due to how much he liked you. He could barely hold a conversation without being gobsmacked that you were there with him. 
He just couldn't get over how much he liked you, but he thought he had ruined any chances with you. Little did he know, you found it endearing how nervous he was. "Yeah, I guess it is fun," he nodded, unfolding the next piece of paper. 
'Well done, but you're not quite near the finish line yet. Next spot: Where did we have our first kiss?' he read outloud. "You really have to make this a bit harder, these are too easy," he shook his head, taking your hand again. 
It wasn't too far away from the cafe, and it was out on the marina. Some of the boats had their lights on, and the buildings behind you were also lighting up. "You're not in the right spot, hang on," he said, placing his hands on the sides of your arms and shifting you so you were stood by the exact palm tree on the marina yacht club walk. 
"There, we are in the perfect spot," he said, standing in front of you. He remembered gazing at you as you looked out on all of the boats, your eyes glittering under the marina lights. You were entranced by the way the sea sparkled, and how the boats gently bobbed on the surface of the water. 
There was no resisting the urge to kiss you when you noticed him staring, and it was the best decision he had ever made. He drowned in the feeling of holding you close, getting to have his lips against yours. It was like sparks flew whenever he touched you. 
"Yes we are, meaning you get the next clue," you smiled, the memories making you feel drunk with happiness. "OK, this is kind of a two in one," you told him, fishing the next envelope out of your bag. 
'You can't have possibly forgotten this one, because I know I can't, and I don't think you'll ever let me! Take me to the first place that you told me you love me...' he read, a smirk dancing on his lips. "Oh I will never forget this one," he smiled, grabbing your arm.
You were almost reluctant to put this as a clue, since it was a bittersweet memory. Max had taken you to the most beautiful restaurant you had ever seen, and it was still one you frequented now. 
Then, he had taken you on a short walk around the streets of Monaco, before stopping you at a bench by the sea. He was so nervous, since he was about to tell you his feelings. You, on the other hand, were nervous because you were sure you were going to throw up. 
You had felt off all day, but you weren't going to cancel on Max, so you just grinned and bore it. But now, your actions were proving to have consequences. As Max stopped you by the bench, you remembered every little detail of the events that unfolded.
He sat you down, just like he did two years ago, and took your hands. As the both of you thought back to that night, it was as if it were yesterday. Max looked beyond nervous as he looked at you, terrified you weren't going to feel the same way.
Current Max started to stutter, reenacting the moment. "So, Y/N, I... Uhm-" he fumbled, jittering around just like he did. "I love you," he blurted out, and you could have sworn you were back there. "I-" you started, before turning around and pretending to wretch into the bin behind you. 
In the memory, Max didn't care that he could have just ruined everything and simultaneously embarrassed himself, he just cared that you were OK. He rushed to your side, before sitting you back down. 
Now, he said the exact same line he had said, "Me saying I love you wasn't that bad, was it?" he said, and it caused a smile to form on your face both times. "I do love you Max, I just feel awful," you said, leaning into him like you always did.
"That was a weird night," he smiled.
"It was. I was surprised you still loved me after that one, it was the worst timing possible," you laughed, looking at his dazzling smile. "I couldn't fall out of love with you for something so small, I was just relieved you felt the same, my love," he said, waiting for the next clue.
"Next up, the penultimate clue," you said, handing him the final of the normal envelopes for the night. 'Since it's your birthday, it wouldn't be a birthday treasure hunt without sending you to the place where we found out we have the same birthday!' 
"This has been the easiest treasure hunt I have ever been on," he smirked, walking off and expecting you to follow him. You had picked all the spots quite close together, so that you wouldn't have to walk too far. 
"OK, here we are," he said, just stopping in the middle of the street. It had simply come up in conversation when you were walking and talking, and the two of you were both shocked, but also excited. 
Ever since, you both went all out to have the best day the both of you could ask for. "Any reason you sent us here or?" he asked, rocking back and forth on the spot. 
"No, I just thought it was relevant," you shrugged, producing the final envelope of the excursion. "This one might be harder for you, but I don't know," you told him, handing him the golden object. 'Finally, take me to the place where I first fell in love with you,' it said.
Max looked confused, and you could see the cogs turning in his mind. "I would have remembered if you had told me where this was," he said, not moving from the spot as he thought. 
"Would you like a lifeline? You can phone a friend, take the bonus clue, or have me point you in the right direction," you told him. 
"I'll take the bonus clue," he decided, waiting for whatever it was going to be. 
"You have selected: 'Y/N's Bonus Clue!'" you enthusiastically said, revealing a blue envelope with a big, orange question mark adorning the front.  "Thank you, my love," he smiled, opening the envelope and looking more confused. 
'We've already been here today...' he read to you, taking a moment to think. It could have been any of them, really, but he went for the one he thought would be most likely. "OK, follow me," he skeptically said, taking you back to the marina yacht club walk, next to the palm tree where you had shared your first kiss. 
"Unfortunately, that is the first one you have gotten wrong today. You can still use one of your life lines, those being phone a friend or have me point you in the right direction," you told him, glad you hadn't made it too easy on him. "I'll phone a friend," he said.
"Alright then, phone a friend it is," you said, pulling your phone out of your bag and dialing a mystery number. Well, it was a known number, but you had changed the contact name to mystery number. "I thought it was phone a friend?" he said, taking the phone from you. 
"It is," you nodded as if it were obvious, the mystery person picking up on the other end of the line. "Hi, this is Max, I'm doing Y/N's treasure hunt, and I'm stuck on the last clue. I've been told you might be able to help me?" he asked, feeling positively ridiculous. 
"Hi, yes I can," the person tried not to burst out laughing, "You need to take her to the place where you first figured out she was the person you wanted to spend your life with," he laughed, remembering when Max had told him that. He had found it unbelievably cheesy, yet sweet at the same time. 
"OK, thank you Lan- I mean mystery person, I appreciate it," Max giggled, now knowing where to take you. "Right, off we go," he said, leading you to the final destination. He was hoping the mystery person wasn't wrong, because that would be embarrassing. 
"Here we are," he hummed, stopping you back outside the cafe that was your first place. "I think the mystery caller sent me to the wrong place," he sheepishly said, rubbing the back of his neck. Surely you hadn't loved him since your first date, right?
"No, you're at the right spot," you reassured, letting him figure it all out in his head. "What was the clue, Max?" you prompted. 
"The place you first fell in love with me," he recited, the pieces still not fitting together in his mind. "And where are we?"
"The place we had our first date?" he said, and it sounded more like a question due to his unsurity. "Exactly, because I've always loved you. Even if I couldn't put a name to how I felt back then, now I know it was just because I had never loved anyone as much as I love you," you smiled.
"Thank you, my love, that was beautiful," he smiled, trying to contain tears at how much your words had touched him. "As for your gift, it's back at home," you said, and nothing happened. "I said, as for your gift, it's back at home!" you shouted, craning your neck so your voice would carry further around the corner. 
A man appeared from around the corner, a hood pulled up over his eyes. He dropped something by your feet, and you picked it up. "Sorry, excuse me, you dropped this," you said, but the man kept on walking. "Well isn't that strange," you said, handing him the black, leather book that the man had dropped. 
"It is, isn't it?" Max joined in, catching onto the act. He ran opened the cover, immediately realising what this was. It was a photo album, with all the pictures you had taken at those spots you had sent him to today, as well as others from other good times.
He ran his fingers over your features, noting how you hadn't changed at all in the two years you had been together. "There's not much you can do for a man who has it all," you smiled, hoping he liked it. "You're right, I do have it all, I have you," he said, cringing at himself internally.
However, you couldn't hide the goofy smile and blush that tinted your cheeks. "But this is the best gift you could have gotten me besides yourself," he said, flicking through the pages upon pages of memories, forever recorded through colour. 
"I'm glad you like it," you grinned. 
"Now come on, birthday girl, let's get you home," he smiled, tucking the album underneath his arm, looping the other around your waist as he lead you home. When you got to the door of your apartment, you noticed it was open. 
"I swore I locked this when we left..." You said, worried. You didn't want your birthdays to be ruined by someone breaking into your home. "Yeah, you did," he reassured, but he was awful at hiding the smirk on his face. 
Pushing the door open, you saw that the room was lit up in nothing but candles, and relaxing spa music was playing. "I didn't take you to a single spa while we've been globe trotting, so I thought the least you deserved was the at home Spa de Max," he explained, pushing you through the door. 
"Well I already think Spa de Max is better than any spa you could take me anywhere else," you told him, walking into the apartment. "I hope to live up to your expectations, so, go put this on, and your masseuse will be with you when you are ready," he said, handing you a fluffy white robe - just like in a spa. 
"OK," you zealously nodded, excited for what Max had in store. You did just as he had said, changing out of your clothes and into the robe. When you got back out to the living room, you saw the dining room table in the middle of the room, with what looked to be a mattress topper on top.
"Trust me on this, it is actually very comfy," Max said, standing beside the table. "On you get," he told you, and you clambered onto the table. "May I?" he said, slipping his hands into the robe by your shoulders. "Yeah, course," you agreed, letting him slip the soft fabric off your shoulders, and leaving the rest handing on you hips. 
"Lie on your front for me, my love," he said, as you maneuvered onto your front, resting your head on your arms. "Now just close your eyes, and relax," he instructed. Max dabbed some essential oils on his hands, before running them over the span of your back.
As he worked his hands into your muscles, you were trying not to fall asleep. "How did you know we'd be going out?" you asked, wondering how he had managed to sneak someone in to set the house up.
"Because your little helper is also my little helper. He told me we'd be leaving, so I sent him to set all of this up. But, don't worry, he didn't tell me a single detail about what we'd be doing," he reassured you, knowing you wouldn't want the surprise to be ruined.
"Our helper has been a busy boy," you slurred, trying to keep yourself awake by talking. 
"Aww my love, are you tired?" he teased, moving his hands up your neck and across your shoulders. "This is just so nice," you mumbled against your arms.
"Don't fall asleep just yet, you still have a few more experiences in Spa de Max," he said, his hands ceasing their movements. "That'll be hard to beat," you said, sitting up on the table. "Fine, I'll take that as a challenge," he smiled, 
When you stood off the table, Max pulled your robe back up and over your shoulders, tying the belt back up to keep you warm. "Tonight is finally the night I will allow you to put a face mask on me," he said, pushing you onto the couch and sitting next to you. 
"Really?!" You asked, gobsmacked. For some reason, Max had plainly refused to put on a face mask whenever you did, but now was your opportunity. "Yes, anything for the birthday girl," he smiled, even if it was his birthday too. The best gift for him was seeing you happy, after all. 
You tugged your headband out of your hair, slotting it onto his head as his blonde strands were pushed back out of his face. On the coffee table, Max had differents pots of face masks with pre-sliced cucumbers to choose from. "Which one?" he asked.
"I'll go for blue," you nodded as he picked up the blue pot, unscrewing the lid. Max just dipped his fingers in, practically slapping the thick substance onto your face. He slathered it around until he thought he had covered enough of the area. 
"Max, you have put it on so thickly, it'll never dry," you whined, seeing half the container was gone, meaning half was on your face. "Just means you'll be extra refreshed," he smiled, picking up the green pot and handing it to you.
You did the exact same to him, slathering more than two thirds of it onto his face, before trying to put the cucumber slices on his eyes. Before you could, he pulled you in for an affectionate kiss. "Happy birthday, my love," he smiled, tucking some of your hair behind your ear.
"Happy birthday to you too, Max, I love you," 
A/N - Happy birthday to Maxie! And to me so I guess that's fun... Have a great day!
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laurfilijames · 6 months
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All I Want...
Pairing: Will Miller x reader
Words: 1.3k
Warnings: Angst. Swearing. PTSD. Panic attack. Mentions of an unhappy childhood, military service, personnel being KIA. Tom's death. Grief. People being unhappy at Christmas. (There's some fluff too, bear with me!)
Summary: Will tries to fight off a panic attack early on Christmas morning, his unenthusiastic feelings toward the holiday making him feel guilty on top of everything else on his mind, only to be reminded that it's okay to not feel festive and that he's not alone.
A/N: I'll be the first one to admit that Christmas isn't all it's cracked up to be sometimes. People often call me Scrooge, but I've learned over the years to prioritize my mental health around the holidays and take it all in stride. To those who struggle in any kind of way this time of year, I see you, and this is for you.
This fic follows some of my headcanons about the Miller brothers in that they didn't have a great upbringing, and that Will often suffers from poor sleep and panic attacks.
Scrooge. The Grinch.
These were some of the names bestowed upon Will over the years, his less than enthusiastic feelings toward Christmas noticed and pointed out as often as possible during the holiday season by those closest to him, mainly Benny.
It was innocent enough, his brother, Fish and Pope all aware and understanding to the reasons why Will wasn’t overly excited, but sometimes it got under his skin and the temptation to tell Ben to fuck off sat on the tip of his tongue on more than one occasion when he got going on a roll of teasing him.
He always tried his best to keep his opinions to himself, not caring to bring it up in order to avoid the shock and disbelief that someone could hate Christmas, having to stand and painfully listen to whoever was scolding his humbug ways try to convert him and preach all the reasons why it was so magical.
He had been this way for as long as he could remember, the earliest memories of an unhappy Christmas morning tucked away in the back of his mind until they inevitably were pushed back to the surface each time the radio stations turned their usual music to all the annoying holiday songs and people started asking the mundane “Are you ready for Christmas?” questions to everyone who never wanted to give an honest answer. He could always see the stress most people carried with them this time of year, the worry of spending money they didn’t have and not meeting expectations evident on their faces as they frantically rushed around to get all the things ticked off their lists to make the day ‘perfect’.
Perfect was never a word Will would use to describe any of his past Christmases, the thought making him scoff and shake his head as he looked up at the night sky, counting the stars as a way to try to clear the persistent thoughts that had gotten him out of bed at 3:26 AM.
Vivid images that he had tried to blur and forget always reappeared no matter how hard he tried; his parents yelling from the kitchen loud enough he had to peel Benny and his one toy from under the tree to go outside to get away from the anger, not to mention the countless Christmas mornings he woke up to gunfire or spent the day trudging through the rain and freezing cold, or had sweat clinging to his back in the heat of the desert, more often than not spending December 25th on tour and deployed somewhere that mimicked hell.
Will couldn’t help but feel guilt more than usual on days like today, thinking of all the families whose sons or daughters, husbands or wives and everything between never made it home to celebrate another Christmas with them, that shame becoming part of the reason he tended to make sure he was always off serving somewhere, not feeling like he deserved to be in the warm comforts of home with those he loved.
Add that to the long list of things his ex resented him for, one more thing he could never do right, and something else she refused to make an effort to understand despite him trying to explain it.
Today it seemed to all weigh more than it normally did.
Tom’s death was still fresh in all their minds, this being the first Christmas Molly and the girls would have to spend without him, and the thought of their irreparable grief made Will want to crumble.
He exhaled a long breath, blowing it out shakily from his lungs, his chest feeling tight as his heart pounded inside it like a caged animal.
He inhaled as slowly as he could manage, one, two, three, counting in his head to gain control over the quickly rising panic.
Exhaling out, one, two, three, his heart still hammering, his pulse furiously thrumming in his neck.
His hand shook as he lifted it up to rub the back of his neck roughly, feeling sweat accumulating on it and dampening his palm that was equally wet.
The steadiness of the number of seconds between each laboured breath was doing little to keep him calm, the thoughts of his conversation with you a couple of days prior echoing in his mind to drown them out along with the ringing in his ears.
You swore up and down a hundred times that you were fine with not celebrating, assuring him that you were relieved to not make a fuss over Christmas and reminding him that your own views of it were also plagued by unhappy memories; that being alone with him was more a gift than anything wrapped in paper and bows under a tree. He knew you meant it when you said you wanted to hide away with him until the madness of it all was over, but now his mind was playing tricks on him, making him doubt your words and sending him into a tailspin over projecting his attitude toward it on you.
But he knew you wouldn’t lie to him.
He kept on that train of thought as his fingers wrapped around the railing on the deck, gripping into the wood as hard as he could, feeling the splintered pieces from years of weather digging into his skin. Drawing in another short breath and gasping slightly, he did his best to remember why he came outside in the first place, seeking fresh air that ironically had become suffocating.
One, two, three, he repeated to himself again, closing his eyes to better focus on slowing his breathing down.
A minute and thirty-seven seconds had passed with him concentrating, able to let the consistency of the numbers aid him as he continued to count, the feel of your warm hands slipping up his cold, clammy back allowing him to finally release the tension he had been holding in his shoulders.
“I’m okay,” he muttered, his voice lacking the conviction he hoped it had.
“I never thought you weren’t,” you whispered, your hands still pressing reassuringly on his torso as you moved beside him, your lips meeting his shoulder to kiss it twice.
Will smiled, grateful for your belief in him, never making him feel weak or like he needed saving, simply there with a love and empathy he had sought his whole life.
He released his grip on the rail and glanced over at you, shooting you a weak smile gathering you in his arms for a hug, kissing the top of your head appreciatively while you continued to rub your hands in a calming, languid pattern across his skin.
“I love you,” he murmured, feeling his heart beat in a stronger rhythm different from how it had moments ago.
“I love you too, Will,” your lips moved against his chest, your arms squeezing him a little tighter as you pressed yourself closer to his body.
“You’re sure you’re happy to spend Christmas this way?”
“More than happy,” you reiterated, pulling your face away to look at him, his blue eyes like flames against the deep navy of the night sky.
“Okay,” he sighed, leaning in to kiss you.
“You know there’s that song, ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’,” you smiled, watching his expression change, his grin stretching out to form the creases in his cheeks as he shook his head.
“Please don’t sing it.”
“I wouldn’t dare.”
Will chuckled and kissed you again, slowly, his tongue slipping into your mouth with a gentle demand.
“Let’s get back to bed,” he said quietly, nodding toward the house after he broke the seal of your lips.
As he led you into the house, your fingers laced with his, he thought how maybe he could find ways to celebrate Christmas with you that wouldn’t make it all seem so terrible, the idea of creating your own traditions somewhat exciting to him.
He smiled at you over his shoulder, stopping in the middle of the hallway where he clasped your face in his hands and kissed you deeply, his body pressing into yours with a need to show you just how much you meant to him, knowing that as long as he was with you he could face anything.
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caapsiizzereads · 11 months
I got your heart skippin' when I'm gone
Jamie Tartt x f!reader
Words: 2,3k
Warnings: language, author’s first attempt at writing🥴
A/n: yes, the title is, indeed, a Taylor reference.
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A glass of champagne in your hand, you are standing in the company of Frank, your boss, and a few other of your colleagues, chatting about how good of a job they did at setting up today’s event. A bunch of compliments are also directed at you and Frank for all of the work you’ve done leading up to this. You know you’re great at your job, but moments like this really make you feel fucking good about yourself. At 26, you can proudly say that you are the Assistant Creative Director for one of the biggest jewelry brands in England. And today your company is celebrating the launch of their latest collection that you’ve been working really hard on. The past couple of months have been terribly busy, Frank and you practically living at work and surviving purely on caffeine. But now it’s finally over, and you can just relax, look pretty (“absolutely stunning,” actually, to quote Frank), and sip champagne, while people are singing you well-deserved praises.
The company’s event team really knew what they were doing too. Natalie, your friend from PR, had been very pumped for the night, rambling about all the famous people coming. You briefly went through the guest list, of course, but, honestly, you were more excited about the open bar. But if one of those guests just so happened to be lovely enough, you wouldn't mind indulging in some of that either.
An hour into the party, you were done with all the formalities, and you could switch from your neat glass of champagne to a drink more worthy of a Saturday night. You’re standing by the bar, looking at your phone, when you hear a question, seemingly directed at you.
“Can I get you a drink?” Looking at you, there’s a guy, around your age, dyed blonde hair, pretty face, really nice bone structure. His face looks familiar, but you just can’t remember why.
You give him an amused smile, “You know that they are free, right?”
“And how am I supposed to be chivalrous in these conditions?” he says theatrically.
“If buying a girl a drink is your definition of chivalrous, maybe you shouldn’t even try,” you say, your voice full of sarcasm, but still a smile on your face.
He chuckles lightly and smiles at you, “I’m Jamie.” Really pretty smile too.
“Y/n,” as a force of habit you offer him your hand to shake. The gesture seems to surprise him a little bit, but he goes with it anyway, shaking your hand lightly.
The two of you settle next to each other by the bar with an easygoing chatter. You’ve been talking for about 10 minutes, when Jamie says that he’s a football player, and it finally clicks for you.
“Oh my God.” You tilt your head down and cover your eyes with your hand in embarrassment. “You’re Jamie Tartt. You were in our campaign a few months ago. Fuck, I’m so sorry. My memory, like, resets once the campaign is done and it’s not my problem anymore.”
Jamie smiles almost shyly at your realization. “No, no, it’s fine! I’m sure you go through a lot of those, can’t remember everyone.” He definitely remembered you, though. Not that he’s gonna tell you that. And a part of him is even kinda relieved that you didn’t because–
“On second thought, I do remember you. You were, like, 40 fucking minutes late.” Yeah, that. You didn’t speak to him directly that day, but the look on your face was the most passive-aggressive thing he’d ever seen. Honestly, could give Roy a run for his money. Except that your version also looked kinda hot. But he still would rather not be at the receiving end of that glare ever again.
“I’m sorry! I underestimated the traffic,” he says awkwardly. And to think that this has been going well…
You take a sip of your drink, giving him an unimpressed look.
“I’m not getting invited again, am I?”
“Well, you are on my naughty list, but I wouldn't write you off that fast. You attract a nice audience of sports fans and sportsmen fans.” Jamie can swear you have just checked him out. “And you have a nice neck, you know, makes the necklaces look good. But that’s just my professional opinion.”
You said it in the most nonchalant way, but you might have just become the first person to make Jamie Tartt flustered. He decides to push his luck some more.
“And your personal opinion?”
“That you were 40 fucking minutes late,” you deadpan.
No luck, then.
“So,” Jamie perks up again at your attempt to keep the conversation going, “did you have a match earlier today? Or is it tomorrow?”
“Yeah, it was today.”
“How was it?”
A smug smile appears on his face, “We won, 3-1.”
“Well,” you raise your glass, “cheers to that.”
Jamie clinks his glass to yours, “Cheers.” You both take a sip of your drinks.
“So you’re not into football then?” Jamie asks, once you put down your glasses.
“Nope,” with a dramatic ‘p’. “Don’t take it personally. I’m not really into any sports,” you say blithely.
The conversation keeps flowing easily between you two. 30 minutes later, you are pretty sure that you are taking this man home with you tonight. Jamie seems genuine, in a cute kind of way, (mostly unintentionally) funny, attractive, obviously, and there’s something about him that you just know that he would be such a good time. 40 minutes later, you even consider letting him stay for breakfast. 45 minutes later, however, you start feeling a slight headache, but fuck if you will let it ruin your night, so you decide to just ignore it and hope it will take a hint and go away.
No such luck. The universe must truly hate you, because about an hour and a half into your conversation with Jamie you feel like someone is kicking your skull from the inside. You’ve tried to ignore it to the best of your ability, but this party suddenly isn’t any fun anymore. Fuck. Your. Life. You are aware that Jamie is saying something, his voice being a steady background noise, but you don’t have a clue what he just said because all you can focus on is a throbbing pain in your head. That’s when you know that you should just give up and go home.
Jamie notices your attention slipping away and your smile faltering as he speaks. Then you look away for a moment before looking back at him with a smile, saying that it was nice talking to him and wishing him a good night. You get up from your seat and start walking away before he can even process what has just happened.
You’re putting on your coat when you see Jamie quickly walking up to you with a concerned expression on his face. “Did I say something wrong? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean–”
You don’t let him finish, “No, no, no! You’re good.” Jamie keeps looking at you with an obvious question on his face. “It’s just–,” you gesture at your head with a circling motion, “my head is fucking killing me. So I'm gonna go home, take some Ibuprofen and pray it goes away.”
Jamie’s face changes from concern to understanding. You think that this is it, so you turn to leave, but then he speaks up again. “I can give you a ride?” It was more of a question than a statement.
“No, it’s fine. Really. I’ll just get an uber.”
“It really is no problem. Come on,” he’s looking at you expectantly.
You think on it for a moment and give him an evaluating look. “I’m not inviting you in.”
“Oh. No! I didn’t mean it like that! I was really just–”
“Relax. I was just making sure you don’t have any false hopes.”
“Nope, no false hopes here.”
“Good,” you nod at him.
You walk to his car and Jamie opens the door for you. He sees you smiling at him approvingly.
“See, now you’re being chivalrous,” you say playfully before getting in the car. Jamie closes the door after you and gives himself a moment to blush in privacy. After starting the car, he turns the volume on the radio all the way down and opens a window a little bit for you. You lean back in your seat and give him a small smile, “Thanks.”
Your talk on the way home consists mostly of you giving Jamie the directions and his attempts on small talk.
“Do you get them a lot?”
“No, not really. Only when it’s the least convenient apparently.”
“Maybe it’s because you–“
“If you’re about to say that it’s because I don't drink enough water, I'm jumping out of this car at full speed.”
Jamie’s mouth opens, closes, and opens again. “Actually, I was going to say…” he pauses again.
You raise your eyebrows at him, prompting him to go on.
“I was going to say… that it’s probably because of your hard work schedule, yeah. You know, having to deal with people being 40 minutes late and everything.” He throws a glance at you, checking if he’s managed to save the situation.
That makes you chuckle, despite the pain it causes. “You know what, I think you might be right.”
Soon, you’re parked by your building. “Thanks for the ride. It was really nice to meet you,” you say, before opening the car’s door.
“Yeah, you too,” he smiles at you.
Jamie spends another minute parked by your building. It’s only after you disappear from his view that he realizes that he hasn’t even gotten your number. He sighs and bumps his head against the steering wheel.
Meanwhile, you’re just glad to finally get your hands on some painkillers and flop on the couch, waiting for your head to stop throbbing. But an hour later, when you feel like a person again, your mind goes back to Jamie. You really liked him, huh. Hypothetically, you can look up the paperwork for the campaign he did, and his contact information should be there. Realistically, you should probably just let it go.
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On Monday everything goes back to normal. After the workload that you had to deal with before the launch, the lack of a hundred points on your to-do list and constant burning deadlines almost feels like a vacation. And judging by the laid-back atmosphere at the office, you’re not the only one who feels this way.
You go out for lunch with Natalie, and after she’s done catching you up on all the fresh gossip, she can’t help but ask about your chat with Jamie Tartt. You tell her that’s exactly what it was, just a chat at the party.
She looks at you like she knows something you don’t. “That’s interesting. Because Keeley Jones, you know, from KBPR, called me earlier today to ask for your number.”
You give her a look that says “is this supposed to mean anything to me?”
Natalie dramatically rolls her eyes like it couldn’t be more obvious, “KBPR represents Jamie Tartt!”
Now it’s your turn to roll your eyes.
“Excuse me, have you seen yourself in that dress? I totally would ask for your number too.”
You smirk at her, “You have my number.”
“And now so does Keeley Jones. All I’m saying is, if you’re not interested, let him down easily. ‘Cause I'm totally planning on using him for more campaigns. Have you seen those hands?! They were meant to put rings on them. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you–”
You start cackling before she can even finish.
It’s just after 6pm and you’re getting in your car when your phone rings, you don’t recognize the number.
“Hi! (Y/n) (Y/l/n)?”
“That’s me.”
“Hi! It’s Keeley Jones, from KBPR. Natalie gave me your number.”
“Right, she mentioned. How can I help you?”
“It’s more of a social call, actually. Jamie asked me to ask for your number. You know, Jamie Tartt, the footballer? He said you met at the brand party the other night.”
You smile to yourself, “Yeah, no, I remember him.”
“I was just gonna check if it’s okay with you?”
“Yeah, it’s fine. Thanks for asking me first, though.”
“Of course!”
Keeley then congratulates you on your launch, and you tell her that she should totally come to the next one.
Not even an hour later, another call, another unknown number.
“Hi. It’s Jamie. Tartt. We met–”
“I know. Did you ask Keeley to ask Natalie for my number?” you ask teasingly.
“Maybe…? The alternative was to wait for you outside your building, but that would be creepy.”
“Yeah, better not do that.“
“Right. Uh, how’s your head?”
You chuckle at the question, “It’s fine.”
“Good, that’s good.”
“Mhm,” an amused smile is growing on your face.
“So… I was gonna ask, do you want to, I mean, if you’re not busy, maybe we could go out for dinner?” You can easily tell that he’s nervous, it’s quite cute actually.
“Alright,” the easiest yes you have ever said.
“Yeah?” Jamie wants to smack himself in the face for how hopeful that came out.
You chuckle again, “Yeah.”
“Cool. Uh, are you free tomorrow?”
“I can do tomorrow.”
“Fucking mint. I will pick you up? At seven?” You can hear the excitmenet in his voice.
“Okay,” he grins.
“See you tomorrow then,” and if you’re smiling then there’s no witnesses and no one will prove anything.
“Yeah, see you,” and if he’s grinning like an idiot then it’s no one’s business.
“Oh, and Jamie?”
“Don’t be fucking late.”
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matan4il · 3 months
Update post:
Today is the 180th day of the war. Almost 6 months since the Hamas massacre started this war. And still, when I came across a video clip of TV announcers broadcasting on Oct 7, 2023 and I heard the words, "hundreds of Israelis have been killed" (even as I know that the number was actually greater than that, something that took time to confirm back in October), it still felt like it just happened, like it's still hard to believe it's real, and not a nightmare that we might wake up from any moment now.
A combined terrorist attack (vehicular and then stabbing) took place over night. A 26 years old Arab man drove his car into 4 policemen, injuring them, one initially was in a serious condition. The terrorist then drove on, stopped by another group of police personnel, where he got out of the car and tried stabbing them. He was neutralized.
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Obviously, everyone in Israel has heard about the aid workers killed in Gaza. IDK yet how it happened, what the details are, we're all waiting to hear, just like other fair-minded people are (I'm not talking about the anti-Israel crowd, who have made up their minds before the incident even happened, they come pre-programmed with the belief that everything wrong is both Israel's fault and intentional). For now, it looks like a huge, tragic mistake, based on misidentification in the middle of the night (such mistakes sadly happen. The accidental death of 3 Israeli hostages in broad daylight was an example that it does, and other "friendly fire" incidents that have happened to Israeli soldiers are another. That's war, there's tragically no army with zero mistakes on its record). I am SO sorry for the innocent people killed, and their loved ones. I feel for them, for their pain and loss.
That said, how do I know it wasn't intentional? For one thing, because World Central Kitchen is actually one of the few humanitarian aid organizations that tried to help both Palestinians and Israelis. Which is one reason Israel very much wanted WCK to be a major factor in aiding people in Gaza in the long run, not just during the war, and the last thing it would want, is for these workers to be hurt, and for this organization to stop working there. The other thing is that we know an incident like this might provide enough international pressure to force Israel to stop the war, while our hostages are still held in the hands of brutal rapist terrorists, and while Hamas still exists, and threatens more massacres like the one we saw on Oct 7. What logical country would sacrifice the safety of its 9.8 million citizens (and the 8.4 million non-citizens it sees itself as responsible for, too) just in order to kill 7 random people, who were perceived as helping it, and who aren't even a part of the group that supposedly this country is targeting? It's not a logical call to make. Anyone who thinks Israel did this intentionally, is treating the Jewish state as if it's a comic book evil villain. I wonder why. When a humanitarian aid airdrop accidentally killed at least 5 Palestinians, and at least 18 were killed during another, I don't remember that anyone was quick to say it was intentional without so much as an investigation, or that those responsible for it must be stopped, rather than that they must study what went wrong, and continue while taking precautions that it won't happen again.
In Belgium, a home for Holocaust survivors has been vandalized with supposedly pro-Palestinian graffiti, reading "Gaza free" and followed by a swastika. This is pure antisemitism, very thinly veiled.
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Here's a reminder that if Hamas is allowed to continue existing, and ruling Gaza as a dictatorship, that's not just a threat to the lives of Israeli and Jews, it's also horrible news for Palestinians. IDF soldiers found in Gaza documents that reveal how Hamas had tortured and brutally executed one of its own commanders back in 2016, based on the accusation that he's gay. Anyone who claims to be pro-Palestinian, but is silent about the human rights abuses that Palestinian suffer at the hands of their own leadership, is not that at all, they're just exploiting the Palestinians to demonize Jews.
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This is 22 years old Dor Almog (right) and his best friend, Amit.
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Amit invited him to the Nova music festival, but he had to miss most of it due to an exam he had. Dor planned to study, and then join his friend at the end of the party, but he fell asleep, and was woken up by the sirens alerting everyone about the thousands of Hamas rockets fired at Israel at 6:30 in the morning. "That was the last time I saw Amit," Dor said about the moment his best friend left for the party. "We've been friends since the age of zero." Amit went to the party and was murdered by Hamas terrorists. Dor and the rest of Amit's friends decided to get his tattoo on their body, and that at some point they would travel to India, which was his dream that he didn't get to fulfil. Dor fought to be called for reserves duty in Gaza. He's the only soldier who survived the deadliest incident there, in which 21 Israeli young men were killed, the last operation his unit was supposed to be a part of, before being discharged. When the explosion took place, he was in a building that collapsed, he fell two floors, and the building crashed over him. "I smiled, because I thought I was about to die, and be with Amit again. But then I literally saw a light at the end of a tunnel, and started crawling there." He was kept in a coma for 5 days, to help his body cope, and only 2 days after he woke up, was he told the news about what happened to his friends in the unit. "That was the real blow." When asked about being a hero, he said, "I'll be that when I get back on my feet."
May Amit's memory be a blessing.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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05/16/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings: David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Leslie Jones; Con O'Neill; Trends; National Forest Service; Watch Party Reminders; Fan Spotlights; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
== David Jenkins ==
As you probably heard, Chaos Dad was really out and about today. He did some polite menacing (regarding Zaslav) Src: Djenkins Twitter
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And checked in and sent some love for this artwork of him on Ed's Arm. MerJenks! Great work Lucia! (@ citrussyndicate)
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Source: David Jenkin's Twitter
= Rhys Darby =
Rhys and Rosie several days back at the Bag Pipers Ball <3
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Source: Heidi Miller's Instagram
== Taika Waititi ==
Taika out and about with some colleagues at Chateau Marmont!
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Source: NevakRogers Instagram
Taika and Rita attending Netflix is a Joke Fest
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Source: RitaOraHun Instagram
== Leslie Jones ==
Leslie Fucking Jones out on The View!
Source: Leslie Jones Instagram
= Con O'Neill =
Quick sighting of Con!
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Source: Nick Hayes Instagram
== National Forest Service ==
Many of you probably remember this post from the National Park Service a while back regarding moonglow, well, our friends at the NPS are back at it again with the Rosie Maple Moth! Which one of you is the sneaky NPS social person, hm? Thank you @ adotzimm!
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Source: @ adotzimm's Instagram
== Trends ==
Thank you @ NeverLeftPod for catching these trends!
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Source: Never Left Podcast on Twitter
== Watch Party Reminders ==
Series Finale of Wrecked today over on the RDF Server.
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Wrecked S3 WP May 13-May 17 - 3:30pm PT / 6:30pm ET / 11:30pm BST! If you need access feel free to dm me here at @gentlebeardsbarngrill or @aspirantabby42 on twitter.
= OFMD Season 1 Watch Party =
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Next week May 20-26, RDF will be starting up a rewatch of OFMD season 1 with two episodes a day. Time: 3:30pm PT / 6:30pm ET / 11:30pm BST! If you need access feel free to dm me here at @gentlebeardsbarngrill or @aspirantabby42 on twitter.
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Today's cast card is Geoff Dolan, otherwise known as the priest to whom Ed said "I'm the fucking devil". Thanks @melvisik!
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Source: @Melvisik's Twitter
= OFMD Colouring Pages =
Thank you @patchworkpiratebear for these new pages! I am going to be sketching.... quite a few things in there.
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== MerMay ==
== SpencerDoesArt ==
Our crewmate @ spencerdoesartt on Instagram was kind enough to let me share some of their MerMay Posts-- they've got some pretty cool stuff over there for MerMay, feel free to check the out!
= Snejpowa =
This one really struck me today @snejpowa, it's really gorgeous.
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Source: SnejPowa's Tumblr
== Love Notes ==
I really wish I had words today Crew. I feel a lot of the tension going on as I'm sure you do too. Things are tough right now, but even within close knit groups we run into struggles sometimes, it gives us a chance to grow.
I hope we all can take the time to regroup and do what we need to for ourselves to feel safe again, and maybe one day everyone will feel more comfortable again, or maybe not. Whatever happens, do what you need to do crew, take care of yourself. If you need to chat let me know. Somewhat related today is @ thelatestkate's new picture with the cute baby otter. Hope you have a good start to the weekend Crew. Sending love.
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Source: TheLatestKat's Tumblr
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Gifs Courtesy of @agaywithcoffee and @aplaceofgreatersafety
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neet-elite · 18 days
↳ EVENT 26. M!Whitney (Hybrids & Incest)
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Pairing: M!Whitney / CowHybrid!F!Reader Genre: Smut 18+ WC: 2,516 Warnings: hybrid, hint of a/b/o?, heats, stepcest, pseudo incest, degradation, name calling, tit play, lots of nipple sucking, milk drinking, blowjob, creampie Prompt(s): 02 — hybrid(s) + 07 — incest Event Masterlist: CLICK HERE!!
A/N: words cannot describe how excited i am to be indulging in hybrid content... for as much as i love it, i very rarely write it... but its so much fun, isn't it? a/b/o content is probably top of my list of fanfic tropes, and paired with incest too ??!! ur spoiling me <3 although it's only a hint of abo relating to the whole "heat" concept but yknow... ty for this good time!
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You always were a handful, weren't you?
From the moment you entered his life, honestly. Look, Whitney, meet your new baby sister! Remember, you have to look after her as her older brother! And, well, all he really heard was: new victim. He could immediately tell that you were gonna be trouble. Big round cheeks for him to pinch at in private, seeking his (mis)guidance whenever possible. You almost make it too easy for him to bully you, right? As if you want him to coax those cute fat tears from your pretty little doe eyes with harsh words, pouting up at him so sweetly as he berates you for God knows what now.
So he's not surprised to hear of your adventures when you arrive home from an extended stay on the farm. Worried he was, frantically searching for his favourite victim high and low, but he'd never indulge you in such details even when you hobble home to his heavy arms. The whole... Cow transformation had caught him off guard in the beginning, but he's grown used to it by now. Even thinks you're cute sometimes, which is fucking annoying. Offering you a mere brief hug and a venomous scolding— fuckin' idiot, fuckin' deserve it for wanderin'.
But, oh... Today is a different kind of trouble, right baby? Staring up at him from between his wide open legs, suckling plenty of pre from his red hot tip, cock pulsing in your delicate hold as another shaky sigh escapes him. Only you could have him feeling so out of his depth, watching you with his head tilted in curiosity as you display such insatiable want for your big brother. It's not that he dislikes it, no, far fucking from it. He's just curious, thinking with his cock when you gently start to stroke him up and down too. His gaze settling on your exposed chest, fat with milk tits just begging to have his mouth around them, fuck. He's thirsty just by glancing at them, cock twitching against your lips as you smear precum like you would lipgloss— only you suit his colour best, don't you think?
Heat, you'd moaned at him earlier today. Sugary dulcet tones piquing his interest, something about the farm, tits fatter thanks to the transformation you underwent during your disappearance. He hadn't even made an attempt to understand how or why; too busy drooling over your new lewd appearance to give a single fuck about the reasoning. If you were his favourite thing before, you're certainly even more fucked when it comes to his obsessions now, flicking at your cute little cow ear just to feel the vibrations from your whine travel down his cock. God, he wants to fuck that little throat forever. Gag your whiny tone with his balls resting against your chin, hear you choke on how cute you are right now, thighs squeezing together before he's even had a chance to properly touch you. It's only fair, right? You've effectively asked him to milk you, so he deserves to be milked too, right? And who is he to deny some slut his cock, even if you are his little sister. Doesn't that just make the whole act of filling you up even hotter? Tapping his tip against your lips once or twice before you instinctively open up your little maw, allowing him to easily slip inside with a satisfied groan.
"Fuckin' slut—" He almost growls down at you, your animalistic display rubbing off on him as you moo softly against his cock, swirling your tongue around his tip well enough to have him sitting more upright on his bed. Fuuuuck, it's like your transformation has turned you lewder, an inherently erotic object of affection for him to push around. Because you're asking for it, aren't you? Ears pinned, tail swishing nervously—infuriatingly adorable, if he may add—politely asking for big brother to take care of you now that you're home. And he'd be a liar if he said he wasn't completely in love with how eagerly submissive you are before him, relying on him to make you feel better, pleading for his rough treatment every time you moo softly in appreciation for his dirty words. "Gross," He says, or calls you, he's not really in the right headspace to make the correct determination himself. And even then he's talking about himself too, the way his balls ache to empty inside of you— doesn't matter which hole, he aims to fill em all up eventually. Secretly thanking... What was his name again? Remy? Doesn't fucking matter now, whoever the fuck turned you into such a slutty little beast, slurping all over his fat fucking cock just to get your puffy little cunt all wet for him deserves his thanks. Thanks for giving him the opportunity to pester you from above, a low moan crawling up his throat at the way you slobber all over him; fuck, like you intrinsically know that he likes it all sloppy. "Messy little moo, C'mon, slut— Look at me when you suck me off."
A mistake, he knows it the moment you adhere to his harsh words. Batting your eyelashes up at him, lips tight around the meat of his cock, rosy red cheeks causing his heart to stutter. His tone betrays him, too. Though by the looks of things, your eyes rolled all the way as his tip touches the back of your throat, gagging on the amount of precum your tongue sucks out of him, you're barely fucking there mentally to notice just how much he's enjoying playing with his little sister, huh? The haze of lust in your eyes gently communicating with him, turning his own pupils heart shaped at the way you so eagerly and easily suck his cock. Gag reflex? Gone, a likely result of your supposed heat. He'd only caught glimpses of the effects you tried to tell him because you became so needy so fast, pawing at his fat bulge enough to convince him into letting his cock spring free. And thank fuck he did, running a hand through his hair in sheer pleasure from how much you drool over him. "Are y'enjoying yourself?" He taunts from above, but his words are a little breathy, a pitch higher than normal when you flick your tongue in all the right places. God, it'd be embarrassing to be this close already if not for the fact that you're no better, making big brother feel so good, aren't you? Do you get off on that? Little cunt pulsing at the thought of making big brother cum down your tight little throat, expertly stroking your hand up and down the length left unattended by your pretty little mouth. Fuck he's so in love with the sight of your furrowed brows, his hips bucking once or twice against your face to showcase exactly how good baby sisters lips have big brother feeling.
Which is why he has to push you away so suddenly, hiding behind the guise of more bullying as he tuts at your whines of disapproval, patting his lap for you to pathetically crawl up into— shit, the wobbling your doing is so endearing it almost hurts. Cock throbbing under your soaked slit; he's not doing this to punish you. Rather, he's doing this because he feels like he's gonna die if he's not inside of you soon, playing the role of stern big brother just to make sure you feel all better again. And you better fucking thank him once this heat or whatever is done with, letting you absentmindedly give his cock a quick slippery pussy job until he's decided enough is enough.
"Sit on it, slut." He orders you around, but he's soft with it. A gentleness to his tone that isn't usually there, even offering you a half smirk when you whine so cutely for him. "Promise t'help, y'just gotta sit on it. Let big brother do all the work for you, okay?" a sigh escapes him, growing increasingly frustrated at the amount of stimulation your angel cunt offers him without being inside; he's so close to cumming it's disgusting. The thought alone of fucking his little sister is a turn on enough, never mind to be lining his fat cock up to your hole enough for you to be able to catch on it.
And then it all happens so fast, your skin hot to the touch as you sink down on his length in one fell swoop, his jaw taut as his teeth grind together in sheer awe— you're so unbelievably tight that it feels almost unfair when a needy whine escapes his lips too. Sounds of pleasure soon buried against your neck when you thoughtlessly start to bounce in his lap, as if driven only by primal need to receive his seed. Which is fucking hot, right? To be getting fucked by his baby sister, simply used for his cock like how he's used to many other sluts before. And in a way, he's using you too. Needing to cum more than ever, some part of him deep down does honestly want to help you, too. But God, you just don't stop. Clinging to his neck, arms wrapped tight to press your tits against him— of which he immediately puts space between again so that he can grab at one of them, his other hand supporting your weight at the small of your back despite how often his grip slips in enjoyment.
They've become so fat, y'know? Bouncing up and down with your frantic movements, even more so when he feels the weight of them. Downright fucking hypnotised by your puffy nipples, tongue already lolling out at just the thought of swallowing around them. And so he does, as if magnetised to your tit, dropping his head a little lower and lifting a nipple to his lips, immediately lapping at your sensitive bud while you happily ride his cock like a good girl.
And the sound, fuck, the high pitched mewl his tongue flicks out of you— it has him seeing black from how hard his eyes roll to the back of his skull. Such a simple touch, but that heat of yours has got you feeling extra sensitive right baby? So soft and pliable on top of him, do you even know what you're doing right now? Riding your big brother so well, the squeeze of your cunt around his fat cock prompting more pre out to stain your insides as his, his head growing cloudy the more time he spends pressing his face to your tits, suckling on your pretty little nipple so obscenely; the sound of his slurping surely head throughout the household, fuck, especially when he squeezes at your tit a little more and something hits his tongue.
The taste is sweet, like sugar. Because of course it is. It's you. His cute, cow-like, dick riding, little sister. Of course your milk just has to taste perfect too, his gaze narrowing in horny frustration from how suited to his tastes you really are, literally. Popping off in a daze to squeeze again, just to watch the milky substance squirt out and hit his face. Filthy slut, if he'd have known your cow tits were so full of milk like this, he'd have sucked it all out of you by now. Jealousy burning in his tummy at the thought of being left out, making his feelings known by reattaching to you nipple and really sucking now, intent on emptying you of your milk reserves in a greedy display of ownership. Allowing his hips to fuck up into you in tandem thrusts, his eyes squeezed tightly shut in response to your moaned mooing— it's stupid just how much that dumb little sound turns him on. Makes his cock all twitchy, his balls all achy just from having you act pretty on his lap.
And he can only hope that this isn't a one time thing, pussy drunk as your insides squirm around him in a way he knows must mean you're close. He's fucked enough sluts to know by now that when your thighs start to tremble by his own, you're almost there. Keeping your tit in his mouth, but dropping both of his hands to your ass, holding on to your cheeks to spread them a little; sluts like you always like that, right? To have him manhandling you into position, aiding your bounces with every suck of your tit, nipping on your sensitive bud just a little to stimulate some more if that creamy milk to drip onto his tongue, your cunt choking his cock from how tight you get at his greedy grabbing.
Another moo quickly tumbles from your lips, an urgent sounding one, a cute one, he thinks. But he's got no time to praise you for riding big brother so well, not enough brain power to even think about the ramifications of helping you in such an immoral way— not when you slam your ass down on his lap and start to grind your orgasm out. Rubbing that puffy little clit against his groin, circling your hips atop his cock in such a fashion that he soon follows suit. Pumping a fat load into your little hole, still attached to your nipple, heavily exhaling through his nose, he seethes against you. Writhing under you with pitiful humps inside of your tight cunt, buried balls deep to feel every eager pulse of your insides squirming around him as you cream his cock; he's never felt so fucking good before when filling a slut up. Begrudgingly popping off of your abused nipple only to latch onto the other, being sure to give them both equal attention in his efforts to help you— no matter how much you might whine for him to stop. Your pretty tits are so full, he's constantly swallowing down some of the sweet liquid...
No, baby, you asked for big brothers help, so let big brother help you, he'd like to say. But he's too busy filling you up, milking himself as he milks you, just like he promised. Wrapping his arms around you even tighter even when he's spent, balls emptied inside of you as he pulls you further on top of him. No longer on the edge of his bed, but rather, cuddling on top of it. Nibbling and sucking and licking on your nipple, because he's drunk on your milky taste. He's not even really helping you at this point, just selfishly taking what he wants from you because he's your big brother, and he can do whatever the fuck he wants when you're in this state, right? And as the younger sibling, you have to do what he says. Morals aside, you don't seem to mind the way he can't leave you alone when your cunt continues to try and suck his cock in further anyway, begging for some more of his milk.
And he'll give you some more, once he's had a fill of yours.
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maddogofshimano · 1 month
Hello! Seeing this blog was an insta-follow. JW, did u do a translation somewhere of…whatever this is? https://youtu.be/tfAqq15hv5s?si=xXzvWG1ImZ_qGGGb
I’d love to know what she’s saying, I’m scraping and scrounging for more Goromi content. There *is* a translation in the comments section, but it’s worded strangely…
hey thanks!! I am waaaaaaaaay less confident in translating spoken stuff, especially with Goromi's wildly fluctuating accent and general screeching but at one point I did go through and do some of the easier ones. however!! a kind soul has transcribed everything in the comments since the last time I checked so I'm doing this proper now. under a cut because it got long lol
italics is Goromi dropping into the masc Majima-style voice
0:00 どーもー ゴロ美でーす。真島? あ? 誰やそれ つべこべ言わんと はよドンペリ入れんかい! Hiii I'm Goromi. Majima? Huh? Don't talk about whoever that is, hurry up and bring out the Dom Perignon! 0:13 はぁあん 仕事もできる女 それがゴ・ロ・美 またモテてまうわぁ はぁ 参るなぁ Haaa~ A woman can do work too. That's Go - ro - mi. She'll be popular again. Haa~ Give me a call~ 0:28 めっちゃジロジロ見られたわぁ 嫌やわぁ セクハラちゃうー? I'm gettin' stared at so much. I don't like it. Is this sexual harassment? 0:35 よっしゃー! 暴れるでぇお前らー! All right! I'm gonna go ballistic on you all! 0:39 あ? パンツ見えてる? だからなんやねん Huh? Ya can see my panties? Watch where you're lookin'! 0:46 あーあ 早う桐生ちゃん来んかのぉー Ahhhh… won't Kiryu-chan hurry up~? 0:53 なんや 俺は安い女とちゃうで  What is it? I ain't a cheap gal. 0:59 あ? パンツ見えてる? いやーんこのドスケベー 目ん玉くり抜いたろかぁ! Ya can see my panties? Ooooh ya perv~! I'll gouge out your fuckin' eyes!* 1:08 いやーん ええ飲みっぷりやないかぁ ちょっと見直したでぇ Oooh, you seem like ya can hold your drink~ I'm startin' to come around on ya~ 1:16 うち 強い奴が好きやねん うちを その気にさせたいんならぁ 殺す気で来いやぁ! Me, I like strong guys. If ya want me to like you… then ya better come at me like ya want me dead!* 1:27 やだ ゴロ美ったらドキドキしてる 気に入ったでぇ おぉ! ドス持ってこいやぁ! いっちょやり合おうやないかー! No way, ya got Goromi's heart all flutterin'. Oh! This is perfect for my dagger! Time to fight!" 1:39 うちも一杯もらってええか? 今日はなんだか飲みたい気分やねん Is it alright if I get one too? Today I'm in the mood to drink. 1:48 はい どーぞっ! ゴロ美特性 ゲロマズカクテルやでぇ なぁ 飲めや Here you go! Goromi's special super yucky cocktail! …Hey, drink it. 1:57 桐生ちゃん 驚くやろなぁ Kiryu-chan's a surprisin' guy~ 2:01 ゴロ美 ドキドキしちゃう You're gonna make Goromi's heart flutter.* 2:04 うちが ナンバーワンキャバ嬢 ゴロ美や 覚えときー I'm the number one cabaret girl Goromi, ya better remember that. 2:12 ヒーヒッヒヒヒー 惚れても知らんでぇ Hehehehee not my fault if you're fallin' for me~* 2:16 ますますべっぴんになってくでぇ I'm becoming more and more beautiful~ 2:20 奇麗なバラには トゲがあるんやでぇ A beautiful rose still has its thorns. 2:26 魔性の女 それがゴロ美やでぇ Goromi, a woman with a devilish nature~ 2:31 ゴロ美の新たな魅力 感じてやぁ Experience Goromi's fresh new glamor. 2:36 ふぉーん なかなか見どころあるやないかぁ ま、けどアフターはお預けや There's a lot of good things to see, aren't there? Well, that will have to wait for the after hours date. 2:45 やるやないかぁ へえぇ ゴロ美アフター権 進呈したるわ このボケがぁ! Well it can't be helped. I'm presentin' ya with the rights to an after hours date with Goromi. Ya dumb ass! 2:56 ご指名 おおきに Thank ya for requestin' me.* 2:59 男女がやる事いうたらー 喧嘩しかないやろがぁ! There's a thing that men and women do together… They fight each other! 3:06 か弱いレディーに 何するんじゃボケェ! This weak lady, what the hell are ya doin' to her, idiot! 3:10 あかーん そんなんじゃゴロ美は濡れへんでぇ! Siiiilly, that kind of thing won't get Goromi wet! (tl note: I……………………. I feel like there's something I'm misreading here. but. turns out I'm not!!) 3:14 当店はお触り禁止じゃぁ! We don't allow touching in this establishment!!! 3:17 野暮な男は嫌いやでぇ! I hate men with no manners!!
(tl note: the rest of these are various battle callouts) 3:24 ボトル入りまーす! Bottle comin' through! 3:26 これ うちの名刺! Here's… my business card! 3:30 ゴロ美に惚れたら 火傷するでぇ! If ya fall for Goromi… You're gonna get burned! 3:35 お客様は神様 なわけあるかボケェ! The customer is king… what a stupid idea! 3:41 イーヒッヒヒヒー 太客認定したるわぁ! Eeehehehehee, I just bagged a big spender! 3:46 シャンパン入りまーす! Champagne comin' through! 3:49 花は いつか散るんやでぇ Flowers will… always scatter… 3:54 終わりがあるから 美しいんやでぇ Because they must end… They are beautiful… 4:01 またのご来店 お待ちしてまーす! We look forward to seeing you agaaaaiiiin! 4:05 はぁ うちをもっと燃えさす奴はおらんのかいなぁ Haaa… is there no one left who can get me fired up? 4:11 ゴロ美の「み」は 皆殺しの「み」じゃぁ! The "mi" in "Goromi" is… from the "mi" in "minagoroshi"! (tl note: wholesale slaughter) 4:16 稼ぎ時を逃さん女 それがゴロ美じゃボケェ! Goromi, a woman who's never let a chance to make a profit escape her! 4:23 ヒヒッ ゴロ美 ほてってきたでぇ Hehe, Goromi's burnin' hot! 4:29 ヒヒッ 延長やぁ 当たり前やろ! Hehe, an extension. Obviously! (tl note: for using a continue in a fight) 4:36 ごっついのぉ Real strong, huh… (tl note: for losing)
whew! as usual if I fucked something else please tell me some of this stuff gets real in the weeds. all I can do is my best
thanks again for the follow and for suggesting this! I'm real glad I took another look, that minagoroshi line really made me laugh. unrelated to Goromi but I'll have a new event up in a week or so because the one going on right now is so incredibly funny to me. it's a Saejima event. look forward to it * Edit: a couple of line corrections thanks to @imustbenuts Thank you again!!!
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crazyunsexycool · 9 months
My little love
Chapter 26
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x enhanced!Reader
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: just fluff, implied smut at the end,
A/N: here’s some good old fluffiness for our favorite family. A little bit of Fury and Lottie interaction.
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“What are you doing here?”
“It’s beefing.” Lottie says as she takes a seat at the table. She smiles at Fury who stares at her from his place at the front of the room.
“She means briefing.” Henry says as he walks in right behind Charlotte. “She can’t say her ‘Rs’ and ‘Ls’ sometimes.”
“Hm. And where are your parents?”
“Mama will be here in a minute.”
“Good, you know kids shouldn’t be in briefings right? There is a lot of information that can’t be talked about outside of the meeting.” Fury says.
“Yup, you talk about secrets.”
“What secwet?” Lottie looks over at Henry curiously.
“It’s like a surprise, you can’t say anything about it.”
“Oh, no say suwpwise. Am good.”
“You still can’t be in here.”
Lottie pouts and crosses her arms while Henry giggles at her antics. You walk in a minute later with a few agents in tow.
“Your dad is waiting for you two down the hall. He said he had something fun planned.” You lean down and kiss Henry and then Lottie before she hops off the chair.
Once the kids are gone and the door is closed Fury begins his briefing.
“Alright doll, let me make sure you’re strapped in correctly.” Bucky says as he looks over the seatbelt on the car seat. He tugs on the straps and when he’s satisfied that everything is in place he closes the door and walks around to Henry and makes sure his seatbelt is on properly.
Steve slides into the passenger seat as Bucky starts the car. He turns back and smiles at the kids.
“Ready to have a fun morning?”
“Yeah.” They both say at the same time.
“What did Y/N say when you told her you were taking them into town?”
Bucky looks at Steve out of the corner of his eye and gives a little shrug. The SUV is already in motion and heading toward the main gates of the compound.
“You didn’t tell her? Are you insane?” Steve is slightly panicking and the kids giggle in the back seat as his voice goes up in pitch. “We are so dead.”
“I’m sorry what’s the issue? You know why we’re going out and I want the kids to be involved in it. They’re with us, plus Nat and Wanda are meeting us there.”
“I’m too young to die. There’s so much I haven’t experienced yet.”
“You’re being so dramatic. Everything will be fine.”
Wanda pushes off the car she’s leaning against once Bucky parks behind her. Steve gets Charlotte out of her car seat and Bucky helps Henry. Both of them run to Wanda and hug her as if they haven’t seen her in years.
“Where’s Nat?” Bucky asks as both men walk up to her.
“In the store she’s checking the security.”
Nat walks out to meet everyone.
“Everyone has already signed NDAs and all of the security is good.” She tells Bucky before explaining the emergency exit routes.
While they were only a few minutes away from the compound this was the first time the kids had been outside of it. Anyone and everyone they’ve ever interacted with were agents. They were very surprised as they kept looking down the street. Bucky takes a knee in front of them.
“Ok, do you remember what I said?”
“Stay close.” Henry says.
“No wunning away.”
“What else?” Bucky asks.
“Listen to you.”
“Or Steve, Nat and Wanda. And don't touch anything.”
“Kay.” Lottie says as she takes Henry’s hand. They walk side by side as they follow the adults inside.
“Sergeant Barnes, my name is Victor and it is an honor to be able to help you today.” An older man no taller than five feet with a big belly and balding head greets Bucky as soon as they walk in. He smiles and holds his hand out which Bucky shakes. “Before we get started I would like to thank you and Captain Rogers, you saved my father during the war. If it hadn’t been for you and the commandos who knows what would have happened to him.”
Steve offers Victor a smile before he ushers everyone further into the store. Other than two other employees the store is empty and closed so that Bucky could shop in peace. One of the other employees walks up to Bucky and the kids and leans down to their eye level.
“Hello little ones, would you like a hot chocolate?” She asks.
Henry and Lottie both look at their dad for permission. He gives them a nod but Henry is way too shy to speak up.
“Yes pwease. Bubba habe one too.” Lottie answers for him. The employee smiles and excuses herself.
“Sergeant Barnes, why don’t we sit over here and we can talk about what you’re looking for.”
“Well it’s simple. I’m looking for a ring.”
They had been there for about 45 minutes. None of the rings Bucky had been shone felt right. He had even asked everyone’s opinions on the rings and they didn’t really like them for you either. Fortunately the kids were entertained by some crayons and coloring pages so they weren’t fussy.
Bucky was about to give up when he felt Lottie pat his arm.
“Are you ok doll?” He asked as he looked at her.
“Found it dada.”
“What did you find?”
“Wook it.” She said as she pulled his arm toward a display case at the front of the jewelry store. “This one dada. Mama wikes it.”
Victor immediately opens the back of the display and starts pulling out one ring but Lottie stops him. This happens until finally he grabs the set she was talking about.
The ring was beautiful. It was gold and had an art deco style to it. It would have been something he would have picked back in the 40s for sure.
“Are you sure, doll?” Bucky picks Lottie up so that she can see better.
By now Steve had joined him and was holding Henry so that he could also look at the ring. Nat and Wanda were also looking and gushing over the choice.
“See it dada.” Lottie says as she touches her head. Victor looks completely confused by what Lottie’s saying but no one seems to notice.
“Ok, I’ll take it.”
“Do you know what her ring size is?”
“It doesn’t matter, she can adjust it.”
“Are you sure about that? I wouldn’t want her to lose it.”
“She works with metal.” Bucky says and it dawns on Victor who he’s referring too.
“I will box this up for you right now.”
Victor walks away while Steve, Nat and Wanda talk about the wedding and proposal. Lottie wiggles her way out of Bucky’s grasp and looks around at all the beautiful jewelry. After a few minutes she pulls Bucky toward a display with necklaces and bracelets and points at one specific item.
Bucky and the kids walk into the apartment a few minutes after you did. It was a good thing Bucky had asked Nat to keep the ring hidden.
“Woah did you guys go shopping without me?” You joked as you watched the trio walk in with bags in their hands.
“Yeah.” Henry says happily as he sets his bags on the couch.
“Habe fun mama.”
“Wait,” you looked up at Bucky. “You really went out? Did you take the kids?”
“Mama, habe suwpwise.”
“Just a minute sweet Angel.” You say as you take Bucky’s hand and pull him toward the kitchen. “Please tell me you’re joking.”
“Steve, Nat and Wanda were with me. We were out for maybe an hour and a half.”
“But hydra is still looking for them. What if they have people placed in the town? What if someone would have taken them?” You ask worriedly.
“Hey,” Bucky cups your face so that you look at him. “I wouldn’t have taken them if it wasn’t safe for them to go. We didn’t go far and it was only a few stores. Besides, Lottie saw the trip and she knew it wouldn’t be bad.”
“Ok. You’re right I’m sorry it’s just I worry about them.”
“It’s because you’re a good mom. You have all the right to worry about them.” Bucky smiles and leans in to give you a few kisses.
“Mama, can I show you what we got?”
“Of course, sweet boy.”
“I think the only problem we do have is that they’re little shopaholics.” Bucky murmurs as you walk back into the living room.
You laugh as you take a seat on the couch and let Henry and Lottie show you everything they got. It went from something simple like some shoes to a video game console that Nat insisted Henry needed. A few video games and extra controllers so that you could all play together. He even went so far as to get a few toys and treats for Alpine.
Charlotte got a few more bows and extra nail polish for her ever growing collection as well as extra kid friendly makeup. It also seemed that she went by an art store because she had all kinds of painting and drawing supplies. Thanks to Steve you were sure. But what caught your eyes was the little plastic bead kit she had.
“I used to have something just like this to make bracelets with.”
“Can make together, mama.” Lottie says as she holds up the kit.
“Of course we can.”
After that she showed you one or two more pairs of sunglasses as well as a pretty new dress and a purse. Finally she grabbed the last bag which had the name of a jewelry store on it.
“Mama, habe suwpwise.” She pulls out a long velvet box and hands it to you.
“For me?”
“Yeah mama.”
You open it to find a locket in it.
“Oh sweet Angel, it's beautiful. Did you pick it out?”
“Yeah mama, wook it.” She says as she pulls on a chain around her own neck and she reveals the same locket.
“We have matching lockets. I love it.”
“Open mama.” Lottie says as she struggles to open her own.
Once she does though she shows you what’s inside. She looks up at you and smiles as she displays its contents. On one side there’s a picture of Henry and on the other it’s a picture of you and Bucky. She points at yours and you open it. Inside there’s a picture of Bucky on one side and a picture of the kids on the other.
“Oh this is perfect. I love it so much, thank you.”
You bring her up to your lap and give her a hug.
“I got you something too.” Henry says as he gives you a bag.
When you open it you find a lovely summer dress inside.
“Henry, this is beautiful, did you pick this out all by yourself?”
“Yeah, daddy just helped with the size.”
You bring him in for a hug. “It’s perfect and I love it, thank you.”
“How about we have a family date.” Bucky says as he gets up and starts cleaning up.
“A family date? That sounds fun.”
“It will be, Sugar. Meet me on the roof in an hour and a half. I’ll have everything ready.”
“Alright kids you heard your dad, let’s go get ready.”
When you and the kids get up to the roof of the compound you’re surprised again. A picnic has been laid out as well as a projector and a screen. There are also a few board games set to the side for you to play together.
“This is amazing.” You say as you step up to Bucky and wrap your arms around his waist.
“I’m glad you like it. Now everyone, go get comfortable.”
Henry and Lottie run over to the laid out blanket and pillows and pick their preferred spot. Bucky offers you his hand and you sit down. Then he starts fiddling with his cellphone until the projector is running a movie. It’s more for background noise than anything else.
After everyone is done eating you move on to some board games. You teach the kids, and Bucky, how to play candyland as well as chutes and ladders. Once the board games are done Bucky shows you that Henry’s new game console is also connected to the projector.
After showing Bucky how the racing game works you all get ready to play. While you and Lottie are happy to just play together Henry and Bucky get very competitive. They push each other or cover each other's eyes. It’s very childish but entertaining to watch. It gets to the point where they completely forget they’re playing a video game and start to play-fight.
“Yay mama!” Lottie exclaims from your lap.
Immediately Henry and Bucky stop their play fighting to look at the screen and realize that you in fact were in first place.
“That’s not fair.” They both say at the same time and you laugh.
“Well if you would have focused on the game instead of trying to cheat you would have won.”
“Wook mama.”
“Look at that Lottie you came in 8th place. Good job.” You say with a chuckle because Henry and Bucky still hadn’t crossed the finish line.
They scramble to get their controllers and at least beat each other but they come dead last. You and Charlotte laugh at their matching pouts.
“Let’s play again. I’ll beat all of you this time.” Henry says as he starts to reset the game.
“How about you two play and Lottie and I will be over here making bracelets?”
“Fine but I wanna play against you too.”
“That’s fine by me. I know you can beat your dad because he’s an old man and he doesn’t know what he’s doing but it’s going to be harder to beat me.”
Bucky holds a hand over his heart. “Me old? You wound me Sugar.”
“And grumpy.”
“No, don’t say that.” He fake cries and Lottie runs to Bucky and hugs him.
“Mama, no say that. Not nice.”
“That’s right, it's not nice.” Bucky gives you a wicked grin while he lets Lottie hug him for a bit longer.
“I’m sorry. Could you ever forgive me? I’d do just about anything.”
“I’ll think about it.”
You roll your eyes as Lottie pulls away and gives Bucky a kiss on his cheek. He murmurs sweet little loving words just for her to hear which make her preen under the attention. By the time she finally sits back down on your lap you have what you need to start showing Lottie how to make bracelets.
“Ok the first thing we have to do is pick out some colors. What do you want to start with?”
Lottie examines the colors before picking three.
“Make fo Steebie.” She says as she starts to grab some red, white and blue beads.
“He’s going to love it.”
You teach her what she needs to do and she picks up on it rather quickly. After about three bracelets are made and a few rounds of video games you call it a night. Bucky sends you back down to the apartment while he cleans up.
The kids had fallen asleep rather quickly in Henry’s room. You didn’t even get to read more than three pages of the book they had chosen. But they had a big day so you couldn’t blame them.
The extra time did give you a chance to change into something more revealing. You could hear Bucky walking down the hall and then checking in on the kids before making his way into your shared bedroom.
“Sugar? I’ve been thinking a lot about forgiving you.” He says playfully. “And I’ve been thinking about what you could do.”
“Would this help?” You open the door to the en suite bathroom and step out in the lingerie set you’d chosen.
“Fuck Sugar, you could give an old man a heart attack dressed like that.”
“Good thing you’re not old.” You quip as you stop right in front of him.
Bucky picks you up and tosses you toward the bed. The sudden movement causes you to yelp and Bucky is on top of you before you realize what’s happening.
“You gotta keep quiet Sugar,” he says between pressing kisses up your neck. “Or else you’ll wake up the kids and I want to have a seepover with just you tonight.”
You giggle as your lips meet his. And you both get what you want, a seepover with just the two of you. Once you're asleep on his chest Bucky can’t help but picture when he asks you to marry him. He has it all planned out and he can’t wait to spend the rest of his life with you.
Ch 27
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addisonstars · 9 months
"or the one where James is emotionally attached to regulus' hair "
written for day 26 of september for @jegulus-microfic with the prompt "haircut"
505 words
Regulus walks into their flat and sets his keys down in the bowl on the table by the front door. He kicks his shoes off, lining them up next to James. 
“Hello?” Regulus yells out. He doesn't know if James is home or not, as his car is in the shop and Sirius took him to work today. 
“In here!” James shouts back, and his voice comes from the kitchen. “Just making some dinner.” 
Regulus gets a whiff of what’s cooking and it smells absolutely delicious. He rounds the corner and sits at the bar. 
However, Regulus doesn’t expect James to drop the spoon and open his jaw in speechless shock. “What,” he states blankly, “did you do to your hair?” He faces Regulus, and defensively puts his hands on the counter. 
Oh. “I cut it. It was getting too long for my taste, I was long overdue for a haircut.” Regulus runs his hands through the freshly cut locks, the shorter strands feeling strange in his hands compared to the long ones. 
“No. No, you did not.” James rounds the bar, and hurriedly runs his hands through Regulus’s hair. Regulus swats his hands away. 
“I’m afraid I did Jamie.” 
James shoots him a look, “I’m gonna need you to superglue your hair back on or find some extensions, because this,” he waves his hand at Regs’ hair, “is a no.”
Rolling his eyes, he jokes, “ok, let me go grab some superglue real quick and pull my hair out of the trashcan for you.” 
“Thank you.” James sits down next to Reg, dinner forgotten. “Why would you cut your hair,” he whines. “I loved it the other way so much.” 
Regulus doesn't know why James is so upset about the fact that Regulus cut his hair. It’s not even like he’s bald, he trimmed 3 inches off his shoulder length hair. It still hangs down loose over his ears. “Out of sheer curiosity, why?” He furrows his brows. 
James sighs in exasperation. “I just…I could play with it and braid it and,” he cards the short locks through his hands again. “It was soothing, running my hands through it.” 
Regulus feels so loved yet so guilty at the same time. “I, I’m sorry James. I didn't know my hair meant so much to you.” He lets out a pained chuckle . 
“Well, it did. But what’s done is done. And anyways, the shorter look almost suits you better. Almost.” James stands up and stirs the pot. It was smelling of something burning, he’s glad James remembered what it was. 
“James.” Regulus says. “I really am sorry you know, I didn’t know it was going to upset you. But also do try and keep in mind that it is my hair, not yours.” Regulus looks at James in acknowledgement, and James nods. He knows. “Forgive me?” Regulus asks. 
“You'll be asking for forgiveness later Reg baby. Save it for then.” James smirks. He adds, “Well more like begging, but you get the point.” 
Regulus just blushes. 
have a great rest of your day/night lovelies!
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xxnghtclls · 9 months
Chapter 26
(Chapter 25; Chapter 27)
True Form Sukuna x Reader
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Graphic Depiction Of Violence
Please see Chapter 1 for tags!
A String
You walk behind him, down the halls. Well, if you can call that walking. You try your best to keep yourself up on the muscles that just have been pounded into pudding. In the corner of your eyes, you see some girls working in the halls, cleaning and scrubbing and you wonder, when you have to start working here again.
What’s your purpose now anyway?
What am I to him? After all what happened? Especially today.
While your thoughts wander, you watch the muscles of his back move with every step he takes, listen to the soft tapping of his bare feet on the stone floor.
He’s probably going for a bath now.
Going past the corner that leads to your own room, your steps grow slower, unsure if you’re allowed to join him or not. You come to a halt in front of your door and watch him walk away. Without a word, he disappears behind the corner that leads to his chambers. Your breath is rather nervous, as the feeling of his presence grows smaller and smaller. The sound of his door sliding open reaches your ears and you turn around to open your own. Missing him already, with a heavy feeling in your stomach, you hesitate.
The door was pushed open… but you didn’t hear him close it. You look around to check if nobody is there and start tiptoeing over the stone floor. Taking a peek around the corner, you see it.
He left it open!
You sneak into his chambers and close the door behind you. His stained sirwal was being tossed on the floor, the door to the garden is closed. The door leading to his other room and spring however, is opened.
You quietly follow through the opened doors he left for you. Before you turn past the door that leads outside to his spring, you listen. He’s humming again. You stay there for a while, behind the door, only listening to his voice. A cold breeze from outside flies in right next to you. Hearing Sukunas voice however, soothes your heart so much, lets you feel so warm. It would be one of the things of him you would miss the most if you two were separated. While you listen to him, you can’t wrap your head around what happened today.
First blinding the girl, then getting fucked on his throne. Riding him. Being called pretty… being touched by him… He seemed fascinated by you at times, as if he was memorising your whole being.
Watching you, touching you, feeling you.
Remembering those moments makes your heart ache. Your nails tap on the door you’ve been leaning on two times, before you step around to go outside. Sukunas humming stops quietly and you try to be as silent as possible.
Slowly walking along the path, you see him relaxing in the hot water, his head leaning against the rim of the spring. You fold your hands behind your back and start humming the melody, looking around like a child in a full bloomed garden.
Sukuna looks unbothered, keeping his eyes shut, as you approach him. You kneel down behind his head, leaning down to place a gentle kiss on his left cheek.
“Why are you here?” he grumbles. You nudge against his ear shell with your nose.
“You left the doors open.” you whisper, before you lay down on the ground next to his face, watching him. “Shall I leave, my King?”
He opens his eyes and turns his face to you. Red orbs look softly into yours, before he gently shakes his head. Heat rushes to your cheeks.
He looks so dreamy.
Sukuna notices and with a smirk, his head turns back forward, closing his eyes again. You watch him for a while, admire his facial features, listening to the soft ripple of the water.
“My love.” you mouth inaudibly. Sukuna smacks his lips.
“Say it louder.” he grumbles.
“Say what?” you lie, a smirk spreading on your face. He opens his eyes again and turns back to you.
“Why do you like me so much today?” you continue, changing the topic. He frowns at you, his gaze growing annoyed.
“Who said that I like you?” he sneers, scratching at your self confidence.
A pout forms on your lips hearing his words, causing a mischievous smirk to spread on his lips, the wrinkles in his eyes making your heart flutter once again.
“The way you acted today said a lot.”
“Is that so?” an arrogance in his voice you didn’t hear in a while. You remember the last time he said the exact same thing to you and it made you weak.
So weak.
“Oh yes, my King! Even a blind person could see that you’re in love with me.” you say playfully, while rolling onto your back, now looking at him over your left shoulder.
A frown adds to his smirk, while his four eyes dance back and forth between the two of yours.
A pause.
A pause you didn’t expect and a pause you definitely did not expect to be so long.
He just keeps staring at you, with his beautiful eyes, making you flustered and you fight hard not to blush, trying not to turn your gaze away. Feeling the heat creeping up your face, you can’t bear it any longer.
“You called me pretty.” your voice is thin, almost asking, almost begging him to agree. A miserable attempt to escape this moment. Finally, he snorts in amusement.
“Slicing someone in three with a fling of my hand is a pretty sight, too. You forget that I’m not prone to mortal feelings.” he says, while closing his eyes and turning back forward again, tapping on the rim with his nails. “Especially not the pathetic kind.”
You quietly mock his face and turn away. A minute passes in which the both of you just listen to the surrounding atmosphere, both of you staying silent. You turn back to him and your stare fills with longing.
“How did it feel…” you repeat him in the softest voice you can form “…to be up there with me? On your throne?”
Sukuna sighs in annoyance. He leans forward, the soft splashing of water reaching your ears. Your eyes follow his motions, seeing the short hairs on the base of his neck being wet and dripping with water. Hypnotised, you roll over on your stomach, supporting yourself on your elbows to get a better look at him. He looks to you over his left shoulder, pondering for a second, watery pearls glistening on his muscular back and tattoos, before he turns around and moves closer to you. Averting your gaze, he leans to your ear, placing a warm, gentle kiss on your right cheek.
“I think we both answered that question already.” he whispers and without leaning back to see your reaction, he gets up and walks out of the water past you and back into his chambers.
You’re frozen. Still laying there on the ground. Your heart is racing fast, as you gently touch that spot on your cheek. The spot he kissed, his lips so soft and gentle. You look around, making sure he’s gone completely, before a synapse in your brain snaps, realising him saying “Divine” wasn’t just a repetition of what you said.
It was an answer to his own question.
Quickly you dunk your head underwater, screaming as loud as you can, the bubbles coming out of your mouth tickling the side of your face.
What’s happening?
You come up, panting and shaking your head. Not knowing how you’re going to explain your now wet hair to him, you get up and tap back into his chambers.
“Your hair is wet.” Sukuna remarks, looking at you in confusion, as soon as you enter his bedroom. He’s standing next to the door leading into the halls, taking a puff from his kiseru. You notice that he dressed himself in a clean sirwal. It looks exactly like the other one.
“I know.” you say breathlessly, walking past him and out of his room. Being in his vicinity is too exciting for you right now, you need to calm your mind.
You haven’t eaten properly in a long time and you might as well have something now. First, you go into your own chambers, the rice cakes that had been placed there are still there. You grab one and smell it.
Doesn’t smell too bad, but as soon as you take a bite, you realise that they indeed went bad. You spit it back out on the plate you found them on.
Gonna take care of that later.
Quickly you rub your hair dry with a cloth and make yourself presentable. Then you leave your room and walk up the halls into the direction of where the kitchen is. Eyes are glued on you while you walk down the halls and they feel heavier the longer you walk.
Finally you arrive at the kitchen, knocking gently, before you enter. As soon as you step in, everyone stops what they were doing.
On the counter in front of you, a female body. Her head is missing. As well as her hands and parts of her thigh. Her left breast, too.
Raw. Bloody.
You swallow at the sight, before your eyes lift off the body in front of you.
It smells. Like copper.
Everyone stares at you, making you feel like a stranger. An intruder.
Without Sukuna by your side, you feel weak. The proud feeling from before fizzles out like the wood in the ovens. Luckily the bitch isn’t here, otherwise she probably would be attacking you with the next best knife right now. Nervously, you open your mouth to say something, but your vocal cords fail to play. The air weighs heavy in the room and a lump in your throat starts to grow, as well as the urge to run.
“You hungry?” a familiar voice says right next to you. You wince at being spoken to so suddenly, before you recognise who has spoken. It’s the maid who took care of you when you were sick.
With wet eyes, you exhale in relief and nod quickly. She nods to the rest of the maidens, advising them to keep doing their tasks.
“Sit down. When did you last eat?” she motions you to a small table in the corner. You hesitate, before you move there and sit on the floor right in front of it.
“A few days ago I think. I can’t really remember.” your voice is thin.
“Alright. I’ll be right back.” she says while turning around to prepare a meal for you.
You nervously bite your lip while you wait, the sounds of the kitchen atmosphere being all too present in your ear. Especially the sounds of meat being chopped.
The loud impact of a porcelain bowl being placed in front of you rips you back into reality. It’s a bowl of fresh rice and steamed vegetables.
“Here you go.” she says, sitting down right next to you.
“Thank you.” you say quietly, before you start eating.
The first bite sends your tastebuds into heaven. It feels so good to have a proper, healthy meal, warm and filling. You even taste a bit of the herb that Sukuna tried to eat in the woods and it makes you smile. Immediately, you feel your mood being brightened, the chopping sounds growing more quiet in your ear.
“I love it, thank you!” you tell her, making her smile. “You should prepare this kind of food for Master Sukuna as well, or at least use the same kind of herbs. I think he’d like it.”
She cocks her eyebrow at you.
“Uhuh…” she hums in disbelief.
You grow quiet again, thinking you said something that went too far after what was happening today.
“You sure? That man is so picky!” another maiden exclaims behind you.
“He is. Once the tray came back with a bloody note.” another one complains. You listen in surprise.
“What was it again?” the other one asks.
“A roasted pumpkin smashed by his fist.”
You snort loudly, as well as the other maidens and you share a moment of laughter. Feeling like a weight gets lifted off your shoulders, you keep munching on your food. Some minutes pass and everyone seems to dive back into their tasks, the maid who brought you the food, still sitting right next to you.
“Is it…?“ you motion your eyes to the body on the counter.
“The new girl? No.“ she answers. “I think death would be a relief for her now.“
“THE KING BROUGHT YOU BACK!” another familiar voice enters the room and interrupts your conversation. A voice you’re not happy to hear. “What a rare occasion! How is it to be back home, Princess?” the bitch hisses at your cheek, grabbing your shoulders from behind, caging you. Some giggling from the other maids is to be heard, making the new gained feeling of safety crumble in their voices.
You don’t know how she knows about Sukunas nickname for you or if it’s just coincidence. You just know you need to get out of there fast.
“I was so happy to hear you fled, even happier to hear he went after you, thinking he’s gonna end you. But apparently I was wrong. I bet you begged and sucked his dicks real good for him to bring you back instead of killing you, huh? Like the little slut you are. ”
Distress crawls into your face, before you look at the maiden right next to you. She looks somewhat annoyed and slaps the bitch on her arm.
“Come on, let her go. You still have some tasks left.” she says.
The bitch hisses in annoyance and flicks her index finger against your left temple, before she lets go of your shoulders.
You throw the maid a thankful glance, before you get up and make your way to the door without looking at any of them.
Who can I trust?
It’s not like you ever had friends here, nor fully trusted anyone. However, the maid who was in charge of taking care of you when you were sick is the person you would have trusted the most here. Uraume on the other hand, who seems to be on Sukunas side and Sukunas side only, no matter how he treats anyone here, seems to be the most trustworthy at the moment.
With tears in your eyes, you rush back down the halls, feeling as alone as ever. It grew dark outside already and instead of snowing, rain is prickling on the surfaces of the plants and stones in the garden. A storm is coming. Tapping fast on the stone floor, you halt in front of Sukunas chambers.
No answer. Like usual.
You enter his chambers, seeing him casually sitting on his bed, still smoking his kiseru. He’s leaned forward, his arms resting on his thighs. The door to the garden is opened, an uneasy atmosphere fills the room. Without turning his head to you, he quietly watches you, as you enter the room.
You sigh and step forward, after you notice the pissed look on his face. It doesn’t help your already sad mood. Stepping in front of him, you lower your gaze and kneel down, his eyes following you. Not saying a word. Neither of you.
Just now you notice that he’s wearing his black tabi socks and sandals.
The hiss of tobacco burning.
The smell of it.
The weight of his four eyes on you.
“Are you angry with me?” you whisper, not bearing the silence anymore. He exhales some smoke.
“You left these chambers without permission.” he grumbles. You blink.
“I apologise, my King. Deeply.” you say sincerely, although you don’t understand his sudden demand of subservience when you’ve been acting so freely around him recently.
A puff.
A rumbling from the clouds.
“I wish I wouldn’t have left.” you mumble. His fingers lift your chin up, your eyes meeting his through gray smoke.
“Me too.” his stare as cold as ice, almost as if in thought. Your hands reach out for the one on your chin. His skin feeling warm under yours.
“Pathetic.” he whispers, while grazing your lip with his thumb, watching it move so smoothly under his skin.
A lump in your throat.
A puff.
Between you and him.
“Punish me then.” you whisper into his eyes. His gaze turns soft, almost pitying you.
And you don’t understand.
A pause.
Suddenly, a knocking on the door and Uraume steps in. Unconsciously, you turn your head to them, Sukunas hand is swept off your chin, while his eyes keep lingering. With a thud the bottom of the staff of his trident hits the floor.
“It’s time to leave, Master Sukuna.” they say, bowing their head, offering his weapon to him.
The colour falls from your skin, your throat dries out, as soon as you hear their words. In shock, you quickly turn your head back to Sukuna.
“Wha- Where?” you utter, as a shiver crawls up your neck.
He looks at you for a second, before he stands up, hands you the kiseru and walks in Uraumes direction.
“N-No! No No No!” you stand up and walk after him, letting the pipe fall to the floor. “What’s happening?”
He doesn’t answer, just keeps walking.
“Master Sukuna will keep his word as King and wage into war.” Uraumes voice echoes in your ear. The ground beneath you seems to drop under your feet.
Your heart is about to stop.
The war.
The village.
The man.
With a racing heart, you remember. Face is going numb.
“Wha- Why now?” your voice is trembling. “There’s still time! It’s too early!”
Sukuna looks at you over his shoulder, his eyes looking intimidating.
“Stay.” you beg with watering eyes, reaching out for his upper left arm. Sukuna dodges your attempt and turns back, walking towards his door. Uraume follows him.
“Sukuna!” you shout, making him stop in his door. He turns back around, locking eyes briefly with Uraume, motioning them outside. Uraume complies and Sukuna shuts the door between him and them.
Rough. With a bang.
You wince, growing scared as he walks back to you. His height so intimidating and you know he’s pissed even more now than before. You inhale, while he lowers his face down to you.
“Watch your fucking mouth!”
“What about the curse?”
You both say simultaneously. His eyes widen, while his face grows angry.
“How can you leave while not being able to let me go?” you continue, taking his face into your hands. “You tied yourself to me.” you breathe, while moving closer. “How will you bear it?”
Your eyes scream into his and his features start to tremble in anger, before he grabs you harshly by the neck, squeezing so hard you feel like you’re about to faint immediately. Gasping for air, your hands reach for the one on your neck. A second passes and with a growl, he yanks you away from him, unintentionally cutting you with his nail on your neck and you fall to the floor.
It bleeds.
He turns back around, leaving you there on the ground and opens the door.
“I don’t know.” he growls, before he slams the door shut behind him.
You‘re stunned. Unable to move for a second.
I can’t let him go.
The cut on your neck stings, as you hurry back on your feet, rushing out of the door. They are already gone. Your heart feels like its ripping apart, as you start running down the halls.
Rain is crashing down, thunder is blaring.
You run through the halls, to the main door of the shrine, the one you both entered just yesterday.
Just yesterday.
Don’t leave me.
Don’t leave me!
Your mind screams at Sukuna with tears in your eyes, while you climb the stairs as fast as you can. With your whole bodyweight you slam against the door and it falls open. You trip and almost fall down right in front of Uraumes feet. Looking up and past their figure, you see that they’re alone.
Behind them only the rain and the wind of the night crashing and dancing with each other in the light of the moon. Droplets of water hit your face as you stare into the darkness, your heart aching in your whole chest.
Panting and with a dry throat, you can’t believe he’s gone. Without you.
Uraume starts pushing at your shoulder, wants you to walk back inside. You don’t comply.
“Why now?” you utter under your breath.
“Come on. Get inside.” they respond, a hint of care in their voice.
An incredible empty feeling starts to spread in your whole being. You try to see him in the dark, but there’s nothing.
He’s gone.
“Y/N.” they say softly.
Tears start rolling, before you turn around to walk back inside. The first steps down the stairs are hard. As soon as you start walking, something tugs at your heart. Like a string that’s connected to him. It tugs and tugs and tugs and you feel like your heart is going to be ripped out of your back. A pain so deep, a pain you’ve never felt before. Worse with every step. And you wonder if he feels like that, too. Wonder if your pain is so unbearable because of what you wished for two nights ago. Under the stars. When you accepted how you truly felt, when you hold his hand, when you couldn’t bring yourself to say what your heart so desperately wants to scream at him.
Wonder, if you have cursed him, too.
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louloulemons-posts · 7 months
Could you do a Eddie fic where him and Reader go on a date (You can chose where) and it's just like super fluffy
Twinkling Lights
Eddie Munson X Reader
Word Count : 1k
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Warnings : not proofread, it’s just pure festive fluff, eddie snacks readers bum?, it’s so cute i can’t, i am so ready for christmas 🥲
A/N : i decided as it’s the first of december today that i’d make this into a cute little christmas-y fic.
this is also set a few years after the events of s4 so eddie is around 25/26. hope you enjoy!
- lou 🫶🏻
1K Celebration Found Here
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Come on!” you said, almost jumping out of the van before it stopped. “Jesus Sweetheart let me park first,” Eddie said with a laugh.
“We’ve gotta get a good one Eds!” you said, not being able to control the volume of your voice with excitement, you practically screamed.
“Okay, but we’ve gotta wrap up first.”
“Ugh,” you groaned.
“Sweetheart,” Eddie gave you a stern look.
The boy hopped out the van, walking round to your side, not allowing you to ever open the door for yourself. “Gloves?” he asked.
“Check,” you replied, showing your gloved covered hands.
“Check.” The thick wool wrapped around your neck. “Hat?”
“Check,” you spoke, pulling it on.
“And zipper is,” he pulled the zip of your jacket upwards, “done. Let’s get our tree.”
The pair of you walked hand in hand into the Christmas tree farm. Snow crunching below your boots, it was the perfect December day. “It smells so good!” you said, taking a big inhale. “It does, the apartments gonna smell great.”
“I can’t wait.”
“Remember bubby, six foot.”
“No buts, it’ll scratch the ceiling otherwise.”
“Fine,” you said, pulling him to where the 6 foot trees were labelled.
The curly haired boy couldn’t help but smile at you as you gasped at all of the pretty trees. It was just beautiful. You were beautiful.
Walking around the trees, you inspected the branches, trying to find the perfect on. “What about this one?” Eddie asked, pulling on forward.
You looked at it, scrunching your brows as you inspected it. “It’s got pieces missing in the side, when it drops down it’ll look funny.”
“Okay boss. Let’s try another one?”
You laughed at the term of endearment, pecking his cheek. “Your nose is freezing,” he said. “They need to make nose gloves I’m telling you Eds!”
It went like this for a while. Too tall. Too skinny. Too bare. Half dead. Already dropping. Too many needles.
“Sweetheart we’ve been here for ages, come on,” Eddie whined.
“I told you we need the perfect tree. It’s our first one together!”
“It’s not.”
“Okay the first of ours in our apartment. Our first home.”
Wrapping your arms around his neck you sighed, “Just want it to be perfect.”
“I know you do bubby, and it will be no matter what.”
Nodding, your lips fell into a slight pout, which he kissed away with ease. “What about that one?” he said.
Turning around you saw a tree that had been previously hidden, until a young family too the one in front of it. “Oh Eddie-“
“It’s perfect right?”
Not too tall. Not too short. Not too full. Not too skinny. Not spikey. Not dropped.
“Sniff test?” the boy asked.
“Sniff test,” you nodded. The pair of you lent forward to take in a breath of it. “That’s the one!”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Too the left a bit. A little more. Stop! That’s perfect, let me do the screws.” You dropped to your knees, turning the screws in the tree stand whilst Eddie held it straight.
“So, can we decorate now?”
“Mhm, but first.” You ran to your record player, hitting the button to make it play.
Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
“Let’s decorate!”
The lights were first, spinning them round and round, you and Eddie ducked and climbed over each other. “They look great!”
They shone brightly, lighting up the room beautifully.
Eddie kissed your head, “First decoration for you,” he said, handing you one of your childhood ornaments, a glass reindeer. You hung it up as high as you could, making sure it has branches below to rest on.
The baubles didn’t take too long, along with the more decorative ornaments. Red and gold covered the tree, with santas here and there. Some handmade decorations that were a bit tacky, but cute.
“Last thing to do,” You smiled, pulling the star out of the box. “Mr Munson, for you.” Placing it in his hand, Eddie pulled you close, “Together.”
You jumped up on Eddies back, one of his hands holding on tight to support you, whilst the other reached up to the top of the tree with your own. The star perched on the top.
His other hand came to hoist your thigh, your head resting on his. “It’s so perfect,” you smiled, squeezing him. “It really is.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too Sweetheart.”
“Now! More decorations!”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
The tree was just the start, there were garlands strung everywhere, twinkling lights, a wreath on the door, a nutcracker by the fire. Along with two stockings, one with yours and Eddies initials on. Even your pillows and blankets on your couch were now replaced with festive ones.
You squealed, clapping your hands. “Oh this is so great.”
“I have to admit it looks fantastic.”
“Told you I’d make you into a Christmas lover, you big grinch.”
The boy grinned at you, holding your waist, leaning down to peck your lips. “I think we deserve a treat now, don’t you think?” he asked.
“A treat?”
“Cocoa sound good?”
“Cream and marshmallows?”
“And a Christmas movie.”
“Oh I love you.”
“I know you do, now pick a movie,” he said pecking your lips, then swatting your bum lightly.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“This is so not a Christmas movie!” Eddie laughed as he saw Edward Scissorhands on the TV. “If it has snow it’s a Christmas movie.”
“Oh is that the rule?”
“Mhm.” The boy just shook his head with a grin, handing you your cocoa in a rudolph mug. Cream and marshmallows on the top.
Humming as you took a sip, “This is delicious.”
“Mucky one,” Eddie said, kissing cream off your nose.
Soon enough you were wrapped in Eddies embrace, fire burning and tree shining. Your head was on his chest, snuggled under a blanket together. Cosy and warm.
Your eyes began to feel heavy. It had just been the most perfect day ever.
“I love you Sweetheart,” Eddie whispered into your hair. “I love you Eds.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
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Thank you so much for reading!
Please leave any requests 🤍
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This idea doesn't come out of my head (it's like a fucking mushroom), well 26, 32 and 50 from the third list, BUT... Yandere!Adam.
Kind of like, Adam always loved Lucifer, like an obsessive bottom (lmao).
Choose if you want Angel, human or sinner.
I love your stories, they are magnificent. (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡
26. “You’re the reason why I fell in love with you. You, as a whole.” 
32. “Maybe I shouldn’t have let you go.”
50. “I would not be who I am today if not for you.” 
Awwww thank you! ☺️ Hope you like this one!!
Adam knew from the moment that he saw Lucifer in the garden that he was in love with him. Even when he became an angel and everything happened the devil held a special place in his heart, even if that bitch stole him away.
Minor set back.
When he became a sinner he was shocked, but the anger and sadness that came with losing his angelic power was outweighed when he woke up to Lucifer being by his body looking just as surprised to see him alive.
He came back for him!! Just like Adam always knew he would. He sold his soul to Lucifer, the man already owned his heart why not give him his soul too in a lateral sense.
It took months for their relationship to evolve into what it was now, Adam still remembers the first time they slept together. He never thought of himself as a bottom, but if it was for his King then he was fine with it. The ecstasy that Lucifer would bring him from an orgasm was always amazing.
Currently that is where Adam was, they had finished up a little while ago, Lucifer was asleep beside Adam. Adam wanted sleep too but it was so rare for the devil to fall asleep before him he had to take the opportunity to watch him. "You’re the reason why I fell in love with you. You, as a whole."  Adam whispered, his gaze loving and soft. It didn't matter if Lucifer didn't hear him.
"Maybe I shouldn’t have let you go. I should have fought for us." Adam gently moved some blonde hair from Lucifer's face. "Maybe then things would be different, we could have been together the whole time." The thought of having been the one to fall to Hell with Lucifer and Adam being his Queen and not that cunt Lilith, really soothed his insides.
"Though, I wouldn't be who I am today if things hadn't worked out as they had. I wouldn't be who I am today, if not for you. But that's okay, we're together now and that's all that matters." Adam placed a soft kiss on Lucifer's cheek and snuggled in close to him, closing his eyes.
"I'll never let you go again."
"And I'll never let you go, love." Adam's eyes opened to see Lucifer looking at him with a smile. The devil pinned Adam to the bed at lightning speed, getting between his legs again.
He had Adam moaning again in record time, the sinner smiling so wide as pleasure flooded his brain and Lucifer whispered sweet nothings and words of praise in his ear.
It was always nice to know the feeling was mutual.
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vibratingskull · 1 month
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Part1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32
Tags : physical therapy, self-doubt, Thrawn POV, reader is disabled
It's the aftermath of your hot and heavy evening and you want only one thing : your boyfriend affection and love again
FemaleReader x Thrawn
You shiver. 
Why are you so cold? 
You roll in the hope of finding Thrawn’s warm presence and… fall off the bed entirely.  
You rise trying to get up with your dignity and look at the empty bed. Thrawn is awake already. That’s the moment your alarm clock decides to start screaming in your ears. You turn it off with a growl. 
You purse your lips. 
Why didn’t he stay with you? You loved waking up in his arms, looking at his peaceful face observing you lovingly. You took care of taking out some covers for him to be more at ease… 
You enter the bathroom and put on your makeup. No need for Thrawn to see your ugly ‘right-off-the-bed’ face. You apply your cream and powder conscientiously, hiding all of your defaults and exalt your gaze with some discreet eyeliner. 
You have to be beautiful for your man after all. You sniff, thinking back at your mother's comments about how you’d need good makeup techniques with a face like yours... 
You don’t know Thrawn’s preferences for your makeup yet so you choose a natural look. 
You yawn passing on your gown and enter the kitchen to find him, deeply focused on his caff cup between his hands, like he’s lost in his thoughts.  
You creep behind him, ready to jump on his back and steal a kiss, remembering yesterday’s... passionate evening. 
“I know you are behind me.” He says almost uninterested. 
“Will I ever be able to surprise you one day?” You embrace him and kiss his cheek from his back. 
Did he shudder? 
You take his chin to tilt it towards you and meet his lips but he gets ahead of you and kisses your cheek swiftly. He gets out of your hug and finishes his cup, laying against the counter. You’re left arms empty.  
“I made hot caff for you.” He says lowly. 
“Oh thank you! I will need it this morning!” You pour yourself a cup and sit down. 
You look at him and smile, devouring him with your eyes.  
He’s so handsome… 
He’s so intelligent. 
He’s so gentle. 
You giggle to yourself, nose in your cup. 
“I’ll be absent this morning.” You warn. 
“I know, you have a session at the hospital for your legs.” Thrawn tonelessly completes, “I am coming with you.” 
“Oh… Really? You’re not obligated to, you know. I can go by myself.” 
“I am coming.” He closes the conversation, leaving his cup in the sink and heading to the shower. 
You look at the closed door, speechless. Is it you, or was that conversation… quite cold? 
He’s usually warmer and more touchy, holding you close, peppering kisses… He hardly looked in your direction. 
You sip on your cup with little sips, head fuming with thoughts. 
Yesterday he refused to sleep with you and this morning he didn’t bless you with a single glance. 
What did you do? 
Did you anger him when you received meat at the table? Was he embarrassed by your reaction? Did you displease him in another way you can’t recall? 
Did you… 
“I am ready.” Thrawn exits the room, rubbing his hair in a towel, already dressed. 
He opted for white pants and his black tank top that he usually wears under his Grand Admiral jacket but took a simple, anonymous white jacket you bought together to complete the look.  
“I’m almost done!” You quickly gulp down your caff, dress, finish your bag, and enter his speeder. 
He silently drives, but the silence is… heavy. You do not dare utter a word like he would explode in your face. Which is ludicrous, Thrawn is a model of patience. You slowly turn your head to observe him, his eyes focused on the road. 
“Say what you want to say.” He hits you with, not giving you a single side glance. 
“I… Why did you want to come with me today?” You try, forcing an innocent joyous tone out of your mouth. 
“I want to be present for your remission. Is it a problem?” Thrawn cuts dry. 
“No, no, no! Not at all!.” You immediately temper, “On the contrary, it pleases me. It’s just…” 
“It is just?” 
“Are you… feeling good?” 
“Yes. Why this question?” 
“Nothing… It’s just that… You’re usually more cuddly?”  
“Really? I did not notice.” 
“Like I said, it's good! Don’t worry, it’s probably just me…” You try not to rub him the wrong way. 
Maybe it really is just you. 
And like that, the conversation ends, with you having more questions than answers. You dig your nails into the fabric of your bag, remaining silent for the rest of the trip. 
“Another lap.” The droid orders. 
Your mechanical legs have been readjusted and screwed tight and now you’re aimlessly walking in the gymnasium of the hospital. Those are your final sessions, you’re seeing the end of the tunnel. 
Thrawn is silent, standing next to the droid looking at you walking for a long hour, he occasionally takes your hand to walk with you and encourages you on the final meters of the lap. 
That’s when you notice something. 
“You are really warm.” You say looking up to him. 
“I am naturally warmer than humans.” He tells you, eyes fixed straight ahead. 
“No. You are really warm. Are you feeling well?” 
“I am good. We are here for you.” He shuts you down, letting your hand go. 
You take the stab. You almost want to stop dead in your tracks and demand explanations, but you are in the middle of a gymnasium with other patients, not the best place to start a heart-to-heart or an argument. 
You finish your lap alone, holding on the handrails. 
“Very good!” Praises the droid, “How about some running?” 
Arf! You hate running with those legs! 
And you hate to admit it but you lost a lot of your stamina during your remission. You didn’t have the occasion to follow your usual training routine and your records suffer from it. 
“Ready? Set! Go!” 
You sprint down the track as fast as you can, almost slipping when you reach the end and go the other way. You focus on your breathing and having spaced steps, you already entangled your legs and fell. It was painful enough, no need to do it again! 
“Good! Continue, another lap?” The droid encourages. 
You feel Thrawn gaze on you. 
And something tells you it is not praise he has in his eyes. 
“You are on good tracks! Your remission is complete!” The droid chants. 
You breathe deeply, hands on your knees, Thrawn takes a look at the timer, and his eye imperceptibly twitches. 
But you saw it. 
“You will need to resume your training.” He tells you. 
The tone is not angry or cold but detached like he doesn’t care. Aloof and distant. You raise your gaze to him, panting. 
“I was in bed for several months.” You remember him, drinking from your bottle. 
“Your results are not up to the Empire standards. You still have work ahead of you, we will need to take care of that.” 
You wince.  
Okay, okay, you know it, no need to drag you down. 
At least he said ‘we’... 
“Maybe it is a motivation problem?” The droïd shims in. “It is quite usual after several months of remission.” 
Thrawn looks at him with a raised eyebrow. If someone doesn’t have motivation problems it’s him, this is such a foreign concept for him it didn’t even cross his well-ordered mind. 
“Motivation, you say.” He’s dubious, “Do you think it would drastically change her results?” 
“Surely! Why not try to put yourself at the end of the tracks?” 
“Me?” He asks, even more dubious, “I hardly see how it would change anything.” 
“I saw children make immense progress trying to reach their parents. Reaching a loved one seems like a motivational factor for social beings.” 
“We can try.” You add. 
You’re sure you would run faster if you could throw yourself in Thrawn’s arms at the end of the lap! You had no hug yet today and you want some tenderness. But he doesn’t seem really convinced by the idea. His face is stern, as per usual, but he has this strange stiffness to him today. You thought training with him he would be more supportive of you and your progress but he barely spoke during your session, remaining behind. 
He looks at you in the eyes for a second before agreeing. 
“If you judge it will do good.” 
He’s not happy. 
At all! 
Behind his usual stern expression, you came to know the man and he is not pleased in the slightest... 
But he places himself at the end of the tracks nonetheless, you take your position and launch yourself forward. Your eyes don't leave him for a second, sprinting full speed towards him like a missile on its target. It is surprisingly easier to run with Thrawn’s embrace as a reward at the end of the track!  
He takes a step back to brace himself and you percute him full force with open arms and a laugh. You hug him tight, pressing your cheek against his broad, warm chest. He squeezes you lightly and detaches your arms from around him. You look at him walk away speechless, arms dangling. 
Is he downright avoiding you? 
He speaks to the droids about the timer while you look at him dumbfounded and frustrated. 
What did you do for fuck sake? 
The one thing you pick up on is that he is definitively hotter than usual. No question asked, you were right earlier. 
Is he sick? 
Maybe he has a fever… 
Maybe you shouldn’t try to impose yourself on him like that. 
“Your time is better.” He turns towards you, hands clasped behind his back like he is commanding the bridge. 
But he is not commanding a bridge, he is supposed to support you in your remission and be here for you. But you only received the cold shoulder this morning. 
Maybe he truly is sick… 
You lower your head a bit. 
“Good. That’s good news.” You placidly respond. 
He sighs. 
He enters the stall and runs the cold water on his face. 
He is sweating despite not making a single notable effort. He has been sweating since yesterday, his body uncomfortably hot and… Tense. 
He already fought this urge before, so why is it so hard today? This primal urge exciting his instincts and reducing his body to a bundle of nerves, painful and irritating.  
He is a Chiss, a warrior, a trained man with a resolve rarely seen among other beings. 
So why? 
But maybe it all comes down to being a Chiss and all the benefits and downfalls of his species. It hurt so bad when your arms embraced him. And it hurt as bad if not more to reject you. A part of him hoped for you not to notice or give too much thought to his behavior, but you're not an idiot. You noticed, he knows you did. You know him better than everyone else. 
He saw the pain in your eyes when he evaded you, he didn’t miss the tension in your muscles when he escaped your grasp, the sadness in your tone when he didn’t humor you in a conversation. 
The water slowly warms up and he sighs, trying to calm down the palpitations of his heart. If only he had his medicine.  
But how could he have known? What were the odds? 
He steps up the shower and dresses back up still drenched. He hopes the cold of the water will soothe his pain.  
At least for a bit… 
He takes a deep breath and braces himself to join you again. 
May the Warrior be with him for this trial. 
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bogusbyron · 18 days
Copy pasting les mis notes from today's matinee (30th may) here instead of posting screenshots from my notes app like last time cause i think thisll be easier to read.... There's 73 points and it's LONG so i'll put it under a read more . Go wild hope you find them somewhat interesting. Ignore any errors puhlease 😭🙏
1) Jordan Simon Pollard was on as Javert and he is. Fucking massive. Very imposing. His silhouette on the top of the boat is crazy good
2) Harry Lake as Marius, saw him on may 14th schools matinée, god his voice is gorgeous. As usual amazing
3) the guitar riff in Work Song kind of gets me lol
4) Valjean (Chris Jacobsen) flinching when Javert lifted his hand to pass him the slip. Additionally he has a GREAT voice. Quite gentle
5) The fight where Valjean gets beaten up was a bit awkward lmfao
6) More valjean flinching when the Bishop goes to touch his shoulder
7) chris spitting "thanked him like i should" interesting delivery, quite liked it.... his "took my flight" wasnt as strong is Milan's but whateverrrrrr
9) The "I missed" on "I missed it 20 long years ago" was very harsh, as was "mouthful" in "mouthful of bread. LOOOVE thankyou Chris. "any other" in "treated me like any other" apparently was very gorgeous. I dont remember how but thats what I have written. Then i just wrote "Holy shit". He also was sobbing a little bit between "One word from him" and "offers me my freedom" which was lovely. Then i wrote "Chris ate jesus" so thats a high commendment
10) the bassline in At The End Of The Day is so delicious always
11) I kept seeing tom hext and harry lake in the ensemble (it was, uh, a bit thin  male ensemble-wise)
12) synth tones as usual heavenly I LOVE SYNTHESISERS!!!
13) the foreman was northern which was kind of funny #northrepresent
14) i think someone dropped somethijg offstage just before I Dreamed A Dream lmfao
15) Now i know that Fantine's wig cost £4000 i kind of appreciate it more. Doing my part
16) KATIE'S VOICE IS DIVIIIINE the low note she hits on "tear your hope apart" is ssoosooooooo goooode i get goosebumps bro
17) harry lake was the 2nd guy in lovely ladies though thought that was funny. He got his arse slapped on the "if you want to take all year" line . Giggled
18) javert big ass hat with the feather 😭😭😭😭😭
19) he was throwing some bitchy ass glances at the other policeman (who was harry lake. Btw) when fantine was begging whats his problem. His faces were so fun to watch hes so expressive. Hes also delightfully imposing and, as i wrote, "he's kinda fat LOVE"
20)  not very homoerotic at the cart although they did get dangerously close on "brand upon his skin".
21) i loved Jordan's performance honestly, he was very curt and harsh in his lines. Makes you want to cower away when he speaks
22) i cant remember when, but Chris spat a lil during Who Am I ans i wrote "spittin a bit there Chris. Hit that shit"
23) Katie was so wonderfully and convincingly weak for Come To Me ouuhhh my heart
24) I liked the little detail of Valjean looking over his shoulder a lot when he was with Fantine... ughhhghhhhhh
25) THE LOW NOTE JORDAN HIT 🤤🤤🤤🤤 different chainn
26) good strangle. Didnt fuck it up! He was stood up rather than knelt or laid like javert usually is but thats probably a Jordan thing since ive seen Stewart thebother times. He stood up quite fast rather than writing around a bit like stewart does and thenWIPED HIS MOUTH cool whagever. Then valjean kneed him in the balls at the tousle at the end lmfao
27) TOMMMM😍😍😍 i love his thenardier withbhis gruff voice lol. He did a little shimmy on "content to be" looove. I love his gay little dance he does with his pointed toes. And he flashed the gentleman guest at the start. As usual he does the bisexual thing. He flashes everyone again after mme thenardier's "whats happened since" someones gotta stop him bro
28) chris was so gentle with cosette i could cry .
29) tom hext thenardier does this thing where he's asleep when valjean comes in until he says "pay" at which he wakes up with a snort. Love
30) cosette runs to valjean  when he starts reassuring her when the thenardiers are trying to get him to spend more money snd it warmed my heart
31) tom squeaking "monsieur" in "one of our own monsieur" tickled me hes so funny. Also the jazz hands after "christians must do". I did keep getting blinded by his shiny shoe buckles though
32) chris was delightfully harsh on "too long to Forget" get his ass valjean
34) LOVE YOU HARRIUS his face when he sees cosette is so nice hes so good bruh
35) JAVERT IS HUUGE ITS CRAZZYZYYYYY especially  in that coat and the hat ohmt god dude
36) when thenardier pipes up after valjean runs off from javert he steps forward and gets choked a little itwas great. The way he goes up to javert to lean on him and the slide on his voice on "told you so" as well when he walks backwards lmfaoaoooo
37) stars was GORGEOUS . I mainly made very messy notes on Jordan's inflections during the song because i like the different delivery choices.... "face to face" was quite soft which i liked. The quick slide on "fall in flames" was delish.. hissed "scarce" and "silent" on "silent and sure". HOLY SHIT also his expressions, so good. Stewart is largely kind of deadpan just with a furrowed brow but jordan's face is all over the place its delightful. Also "bars" in "safe behind bars" was SO powerful and low ohhhhh his voice bruh. Bloody hell
38) marius' blank ass stupid ass smile when he offers the money to eponine its so fucking funny
39) i think the foreman is rhe ssame guy as grantaire but i do Not know. He did a silly giggle after "some wine and say what's going on" which i liked
40) i wrote "marius is so [see below image]" which lke ueah he was. Nothing behind his eyes at all. Love you harrius
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41) i absolutely LOVE djavan as enjolras hes very engaging and shit i LOVE him . Dont even care about les amis that much but djavan is great at getting me to gaf about enjolras i cant lie. Hes so good
42) i wrote "harmonies. I came" do you hear the people sing getting me good as always
43) cosette was still shaky im so sorry girl i dont like her voice very much😭 great voice very talented her vibrato is just all over im so sorry
44) shamefully, i had to write "cosette your dad fit as fuck"  when he appeared for heart full of love lmfao
45) he was quite harsh on "better unsaid" ..😔 contrasted the otherwise gentle deljveries for the rest kf the show
46) marius looks constantly, like, aghast and bewildered and stunned by the fact that cosette is looking at him and i loved that. Bless him. Love you harry
47) babet always cracks me up whats his deal. Also in attack on rue plumet there was a guitar riff after "why's she hanging about you" giggled
48) felt a bit 4th wall-y when valjean was saying his plan to escape idk. Hello vro❤
49) enjolras' bit in one day more will always fuck. I got goosebumps so bad when he came in bruhhhh. FUUUUUUCCCCKKK I LOVE ONE DAY MORE
50) not much exr chemistry  surprisingly. Tom hext clearly doing the heavy lifting for the enjoltaire fandom
52) never getting over the barricade reveal . As a techie the lighting makes me geek the fuck out bro. Id say it gave me a boner but would that be going too far. Anyway the lights were bright and i could finally see clearly what i was writing for a bit lol
53) i wrote "byron for army general 2025 i dont know why because my voice is nowhere as good as that. I am the biggest fan of those bits though its so catchy i love it. They really went harsh on the Guns or DIE!!!!!! looove
54) the only one taller than javert is enjolras and i find this hilarious
55) JAVERT WITH THE DARK RED RIBBON IN HIS HAIR i said "dorothycore" later in the evening. Also his sideeye to gavroche when he was being ratted out was funny
57) "javert slutty red waistcoat" he had a deep red waistcoat to match his hair ribbon. Ir was kinda unbuttoned off his shoulder when he was dragged back out okayyyyyyyy
58) chris delightfully harsh when he says "give me the spy" yesssss bro yessss
59) NOT AS HOMOEROTIC AS ID LIKED BUT AGAIN  SCHOOLS MATINÉE TUESDAY REALLY SET THE BAR HIGH😭 valjean did grab javert lapels though and hold them until "i'm a man. Held out hope in my soul my psychic mind beams would cause them to kiss like my comic but alas! Also as usual javert very expressive. Yummm.
60) gavroche and grantaire's friendship for evarrrrr. Theyr so fire
61) chris was so lovelyand delightfully soft for bring him home HE ABSOLUTELY HIT THAT SHIT, IF I DIE... BROOO... i thimk i prefer milan still but chris absokutelt did NOT disappoint.
62) did not shit myself this time when gavroche died. Winning
63) djavan's voice as always insanely good its insane dude holee fuck hes so good brugh
64) when grantaire died he qas kinda hanging off the side in a really awkward spot and i think javert stood on him a lil when climbing down the barricade lol. On that note hes still so fucking big its crazy im obsessed. Also Again with the cross over gavroche's body though godbless
65) kind of looked like tom's mic wasnt on his head properly in the sewers but whatever thats just a techie nitpick of mine. He sounded great as usual though no problems just looked a bit odd lol. He kicks marius on "stiffs at my feet" poor guy
66) javert raised his brows and bulged his eyes on "i wont be swayed" i just had to note that because of how good it was. His expressions seriously so enchanting
67) the heavy breathing and kinda growling before soliloquy dude ohhmy gourd. Hell yes brother. His hair was so good too his wig is slightly curly and its like all over his shoulders and shit whenever he brought his chin back it kind of cowled his face and it was delectable . His EYES .............. as a bulging eyes javert truther it was sso good. Great inflection on "i am the law", "valjean", "dominion", "insTEAD"..... soft on "gave me my life" which i LOVED, as well as delivering "heart of stone" in such a deeply sad tone which was so good bro ohhmy god. "Killed me" was very harsh LOVE! he absolutely GROWLED "world of jean valjean" hellooooooooo bruhhh
68) HARRY LAKE WHEN I GET YOU HARRY LAKE. the low notes on "tomorrow never came" get outtttt. "Theres a grief that cant be spoken" whole line got my heart torn apart . He deliverwd it SO emotionally it got me screaminf crying. Also he was kind of harsh on "don't ask me" which i LOOOVED.
69) dont really know how to describe it but chris' valjean i liked himmmm he felt like ? Quite .. mature ? Well duh cause hes like old ass man . He played it wonderfully anguished as he was confessing to marius, got more anguished as he went on until the "who am i" ouuughhhhhhh . He was delightfully desperate and frantic when he was asking marius to keep the secret too, shaking his shoulders a little and all bro ohhhmy
70) HARRY SO HANDSOME IN HIS SUIT 😊😊😊😊🥰 HIS SMILE ALSO i might be a little bit in love with him but what evarrrr lol
71) THE THENARDIERS AS ALWAYS DELIGHTFUL stole the show. Tom's spin when he gets punched by marius omg so good . GAY ASS DANCING .... plus return of the funny little toe dance he does in master of the house. He did a little pose on "paris at my feet" which i loved. The pose:
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72) chris' frail voice OUCH. so gentle. He was like muttering into cosette's hair when she kneeled in front of him i was going craaaaaazzzzyyyyyyyyy bro kmsss. The way he delivered the "i will try" was so fucking heartwrenching cause he sounded so earnest and final  and like the smile he gave her ohmy god i was tweaking so bad HRURRYUYYGGGHHHHHH he whuspered "its a story" as he handed her the book. Suicide tomorrow gang⁉️
73) nearly cried i cant lie. NEARLY. i didnt but nearly. Goosebumps on that final note ugh OUGH eugghhh. Anyway yeah final  verdict this cast fucked amen 🌈🌈 harrius and tomardier on top
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blue-jisungs · 2 years
congrats on 2k my fave writer!!!
may i request dialogue 1, 16, 26 and action 6, 8, 10 for seungmin please<33 i am looking forward to your work:)
a/n. I WANTED TO WRITE NURSE SEUNGMIN AU FOR SO LONG!! THANK YOU FOR THIS PERFECT OPPORTUNITY HEHEH. and also thank you for your kind words, they mean a lot <3
warnings. nosebleed and mention of it later, blood, cursing, mention of not eating n lots of stress !!
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your voice was barely a whisper and yet, seungmin heard you amongst the chaos in the room. he immediately noticed something is off, so he smacked changbin’s arm in order to make him quiet.
“hi” seungmin greeted you back, standing up “are you feeling okay?”
“honestly, no. not really. only because i wasn’t able to see you for the whole day” you grinned sheepishly and seungmin walked up to you, pressing a hand to your forehead. “what?
“you do look pale if i’m being honest” chan spoke up from the corner of the room.
“don’t you two have things to be doing?” seungmin looked at them, raising an eyebrow “like find han or something?”
“we should we find han?” changbin asked and seungmin with satisfaction watched chan’s face drop in realisation.
“we have a ward round in a second” chan sighed and stood up, getting ready to leave “we wanted to go eat some bbq later, do you wanna go with us y/n?”
“huh?” you frowned, disturbed by a strange feeling buzzing in your head. you blinked slowly and nodded, realising what chan said “sure!”
“just go, mr park won’t be happy if you’re late” seungmin sighed and pushed them out of the door. you felt your nose itch.
and as you touched your nostril to scratch it, seungmin turned around.
“you’re staring” you scoffed, looking at his expression.
“y/n, you’re bleeding!” he gasped. you pulled away your fingers and noticed the scarlet liquid dripping all over your shirt. what? “shit, wait… i’ll patch you up”
he came up to you and pulled you down gently by your shoulders so you sat down.
“keep your head down and pinch the front of your nose, okay?” he ordered softly. you closed your eyes and breathed through your mouth as you listened to the sound of his footsteps “did you even eat anything today?”
you didn’t answer.
“y/n i know you have a rough time at college but you have to remember about basic needs of a human body” he was scolding you but his tone was as soft as hummingbird’s song.
“i know. but… i was studying and all the stress… i just couldn’t eat” you sighed and opened your eyes just to look at him as you felt your boyfriend sitting next to you. seungmin put his hand on your arm and started wiping the blood from your chin.
“i understand, really. but we can’t have it happening. is it the first time?” seungmin asked. you nodded gently. “that’s good. i think it’s slowly stopping”
you looked at your shirt and then at the floor.
“i made a mess. sorry” you mumbled. seungmin leaned back to throw away the paper and went to wet a clean cloth.
“don’t be, it’s not your fault. i’ll give you one of my extra t-shirts to change into, okay?” he asked even though he knew the answer. you’d never turn down such an offer.
“can i look up?” you sighed. he didn’t answer you verbally but he grabbed your chin gently and wiped your nostrils.
because of that you at first didn’t realise he’s looking at you, focused. mostly at your lips.
“you’re staring again” you grinned and seungmin just rolled his eyes, walking away to grab a t-shirt for you.
“i was literally checking if you’re still bleeding” he murmured and threw the piece of clothing at you and turned around, looking for something in his bag.
“oh my, such a gentleman” you teased, quickly putting it on.
“i think i prefer the nosebleed version of you. quiet and calm” he bickered “can i turn around?”
“yes” you hummed and as he did, you realised he’s holding a bento box you prepared for him in the morning.
“let me take care of you, okay?” seungmin cooed and walked up to you, sitting back where he was. he placed the box on your knees and patted it “now eat up”
“but–“ you started.
“literally no buts. eat” he rolled his eyes.
“i’m tired though. also we’re going out with the boys later” you mumbled.
“just a bit. don’t make me force-feed you” seungmin crossed his arms, looking you in the eye. you sighed and opened the box, looking at the meal. he ate half of it, which made your heart melt.
“was it good?” you asked, looking for chopsticks but seungmin was faster and handed you them.
“and am i kim seungmin? it was delicious, as always” he sent you a warm smile and you felt blood rushing to your cheeks “hey, you’re getting some colors back! that’s good”
“shut up” you scoffed and smacked his arm.
after eating you put the box away and leaned on his shoulder gently, hiding your face in the crook of his face.
“thank you, seungmo. for everything” you mumbled. he placed a tender kiss on your hair “my nurse seungmin”
“stop talking, it’ll cause less nosebleeds in the future” he teased and you just scoffed.
“now, that’s just bullshit…”
[ masterlist <3 ]
taglist. @geniejunn ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @starlostseungmin ,, @elviransworld ,, @jnks6r ,, @sieunsgf ,, @lhsng ,, @ethereallino ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @duolingofanaccount ,, @slytherinhobi
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