#worse than that tho is there are people who just waste your time and say as much as they can without saying anything
stopfunkinwmyheart · 4 months
I hate when I get on a true crime kick bc 99% of the videos have no sort of closure or anything to really take away. it's just like ye this the worst shit that u could imagine, actually itz worser. the end.
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charliedawn · 7 months
Hey this is some stupid fear I have but how would some slasher ( whoever you want. ) React to a nurse who is young like in 20s and isn't scared at dying at a young age or isn't scared of dying like any time, but it's scared to grow up? It's really a stupid fear I have personal.
P.S you don't need to do it tho.
( sorry for the bad Grammer, English is my second language. )
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"Yeah. Growing up is scary, kid. I won’t lie to you. But, guess what ? It is part of the process." Pennywise hesitated before patting your head. "Cheer up. Being mortal isn’t all that bad. Living forever is a bore honestly."
Pennywise’s throat tightened as he realised that you would grow up. He knew it was a process and that in the blink of an eye…You would be gone. He waited a few seconds before surprising you by pulling you into a hug. Your eyes widened as you realised that he was shaking.
"Pennywise…" You uttered in a whisper before sighing and hugging him back.
He didn’t say anything. Truth was ? He was scared too. But, he didn’t want to tell you with words. So, he hugged you and hoped you’d understand that he was scared too…but that he was happy that whatever little life you had left, he’d be right next to you until the end.
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Penny lost so many people in his life that he asked Pennywise to erase his memories of the people he used to love. When you shared your fears with him however, he tilted his head and seemed to ponder on it for a moment before shrugging.
"I could make you live forever. Would you be happier if I did ? Make you immortal ?"
You started thinking about it.
Living forever ? You smiled sadly and shook your head negatively.
"Thank you, Penny. But…I don’t think I would like to live forever. Life is meant to be precious…It is not meant to go on forever."
Penny tilted his head and looked puzzled, but he didn’t say anything. It was odd. He had never seen his life as precious when he was alive. But yours ? His jaw twitched slightly. Yours. He valued.
Vincent Sinclair:
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Vincent is an artist. He sees beauty in everything.
When he heard that you were scared of growing up, he just started taking as many pictures as he could of you and showed them to you. He then told you in sign language that you’d live forever—in his camera.
And that if you were scared ? Well, you just had to look at the photos and remember that that was how he would remember you forever. He then started stroking your hair and pressed his forehead against yours to calm you down.
Vincent knew he would eventually have to say goodbye.
But, to him ?
You would always remain a masterpiece.
Five Hargreeves:
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"Growing up is scary. But, being stuck as a child is even worse. Children never get heard. I would know. I was a child. Twice."
He said and looked down. So many years spent in solitude. So many years wasted. He lived for decades and yet, Five never thought that he was truly alive. He was feeling better with his siblings, but he never actually had any moment in his life that he could say that he felt like he was enough or enough. Sometimes, he even wondered if the world would have been better without him.
It was only when he was admitted in St Louis that he realised he wanted to be something more and make his life a good one. It wasn’t until he met…you.
He looked at you and smiled.
"You gave me a life. And even when you get older and start forgetting about how you changed everything for me, I’ll be there to remind you. Every single day."
Jason Voorhees:
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Jason never had a real childhood. He was bullied as a kid and his overprotective mother never allowed him to get out of her sight. When she died, he had no one to look after him and felt lost and lonely. He tried to reach out to people, but he could never create attachment with anyone.
So, he just kept killing and making sure people stayed away, because it was better than to get hurt.
And then, he met you.
He started caring for you more than he’d care to admit and soon enough, he wasn’t feeling as lonely anymore.
Jason *hugs you tightly*
Jason started looking up to you and even though he was also afraid of what will happen when you get too old to keep him company, he still wanted to keep you close to him—no matter how sad he would be once he would have to say goodbye.
Brahms Heelshire:
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Brahms looked at you and shook his head—as if he didn’t believe you.
"Y/N…Never going to grow old. Will stay young forever. Young forever with Brahms."
He hugged you and closed his eyes.
Deep down, he knew that you’d eventually grow old and disappear. But, in his mind ? You’d always be perfect. No matter how old you get or how afraid you get.
Brahms : "Don’t worry, Y/N. Brahms is here. Brahms will stay with you…"
He held back tears and just hugged you tighter.
Norman Bates:
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Norman: "…Darling. Listen to me. I am the oldest slasher to have ever existed. I was born in 1932. I am old. Very old. But…I would give up a whole eternity just to be with you. So, it is not about having a long life, but a good one. A worthy life. And just meeting you made mine worth it. And if I was to die tomorrow ? I can say…I lived a good life." He smiled and stroked your cheek affectionately with his forefinger. "You should do the same. Stop worrying about when your time is gonna run out or because of the few wrinkles on your face. Just remember to have fun and enjoy your life. Take the advice of a man who’s seen it all."
He then put down a tray on the table.
"Now, tea ?"
Jack Torrance:
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"Old ? Ah. Don’t you worry, sweetheart. You’ll be one hell of a cute old lady, if you get there." Jack never got the chance to grow old. He secretly misses being alive. He would have loved to grow old with his family and be a father to Danny. But, he never got there. He died—frozen and alone. He then came back as some sort of ghost who feeds on fear. So, no. Growing old isn’t something he would find scary, or losing you. Because he knows that when you do grow old and eventually leave this world, you will go to a nice place—unlike him. And if you don’t ? Well, you’d be trapped with him. Either way, he knows you’ll be alright. So, he isn’t worried.
"You’ll be fine. I know it. Now, stop worrying and come have a drink with me."
Hannibal Jr.:
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"You will always be a Hannibal in my eyes. No matter how old or wrinkled you get…You will always be my beloved daughter." Hannibal Jr. told you when you shared your fears with him. He stroked your cheeks and smiled. "Always."
You smiled at him and hugged him tightly. He returned your hug and whispered in your ear.
"You will always be part of this family." He then kissed your forehead. "No matter what."
Ghostface (Eddie Munson):
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"…Don’t worry. We will grow old together. It will be less lonely." Ghostface told you and smiled at you. Unlike the other slashers, Ghostface can grow old. He is not exactly a slasher. It is more of a multitude of people taking the role with time. Eddie won’t be Ghostface forever. Once his mission over, he will start growing old as well until he just gives his mask to someone new.
Ghostface *scoots closer to you and wraps an arm around your shoulders* : "I bet we will be the coolest old people ever…" *smiles*
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nogenderbee · 2 years
Hey op!!! Could i request the girls from ddlc trying to cheer up gn!reader bc they had a bad day or smth?
Your writings so cute i hope you have a great day!
Omg yes of course! Also thank you so much, I'm really glad you like my writing. And I'm so happy to see someone requesting from DDLC so I hope you enjoy this just as much as I enjoyed writing it ^^
DDLC girls comforting MC after a bad day
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⊱ Satori quickly picked on that you're feeling down this day
⊱ you can try to hide the fact that you had bad day as best as you can and she still will figure it out
⊱ she still asks you if something is wrong to make sure that she's thinking right but even if you say 'yes', she won't believe you
⊱ she'll try to say some stuff or jokes that might cheer you up a little
⊱ she'll also try to stay by your side so she can always comfort you physically and so she can see any mood changes
⊱ if she won't be able to cheer you up untill the end of the day, she'll invite you on sleepover at her place in hopes that it'll work
⊱ she knows how it is when people care about you and that it may be too much so she tries to be sneak with it but she fails... her tries on cheering you up are actually pretty obvious
⊱ she definitely enters some shop on your way to buy some snacks for both of you because what's better way to cheer up than some sweets?!
"Hey, YN! How about you come to my place and we have a cozy little sleepover? We can get some snacks on the way and watch a movie!"
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⊱ Natsuki actually is someone who picks on your mood sooner or later, she notices it when you act different or when you're not as energetic as usual
⊱ she'll ask you if everything is alright but if you day 'yes', she'll leave it at that even if she don't necessarily believe it
⊱ if you admit that you don't feel as well tho and you actually had a pretty bad day, she'll do her best to cheer you up
⊱ she's not the best at cheering up someone with words so expect her to do it with her actions, although she definitely is less tsundere to you and acts a lot nicer than usual to not make your day even worse
⊱ if you're at your place, she'll bake you some of your favorite sweets
⊱ if you're at the club or school in general, she'll share with you her most precious manga
⊱ she's being so tsundere about everything tho, both of you may know that she's doing it because she's worried but it doesn't seem to stop her from saying that she's just doing it because your mood is making her mood go down too
"It's not because I'm worried! It's just... when you're sad it gets on me too! B-But not in like a caring way!!!"
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⊱ Yuri is the type of someone who can tell that you're in worse mood just by being around you, it's like she can feel that something is wrong
⊱ she doesn't ask you immediately about it tho, instead she'll silently observe you and try to figure out what's wrong
⊱ it's when it passed a really long time and she still couldn't figure it out that she asked you what's wrong
⊱ she won't believe you if you say that 'everything is alright' but she certainly will act like she did to not worry you or to not trouble you too much
⊱ if you just straight up admit that you had a bad day, she'll panic at first but she quickly overcomes her shines and gives you the best comforting words you could ask for
⊱ she doesn't initiate any physical contact, she only uses her words to comfort you, but if you're in some public place, she'll first drag you somewhere more private so she can give you best comfort she can
⊱ she probably will also invite you on some library or cafe hangout in hopes that it'll calm you down
"YN, please don't worry. I promise everything will turn out just nice. It's alright to have a bad day, but don't give up on it just yet."
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⊱ Monika definitely noticed that you're feeling down the moment you two met today
⊱ she doesn't waste any time but she's being a little secretive with it asking 'how was your day?' or 'did something happened today?'
⊱ if she still won't get any answer that would explain to her your bad mood, she'll straight up ask you 'why are you so sad today?'
⊱ if you lie, she won't believe it and will keep asking you but not too much to not annoy you or make you uncomfortable
⊱ if you tell her that you had s bad day, she'll immediately wrap her arms around you or hold your hands while telling you some comforting words
⊱ if you're free today, she'll also invite you on a date to your favorite place hoping that it'll make you feel better
⊱ if needed, she'll gladly spend her whole day with you and even have a little sleepover if that's what will make you feel better
"Hey, I have idea! Why won't we go to that place we really like after classes? Maybe that will ease your mind a little."
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bobbydagen24 · 1 month
another Harsh truth the fandom is Hypocritical when it comes to Creeks Return in TBGO since all the things they complained about also applies to Bro zone in TBT.
for starters everything the fans complained about with Creeks return in TBGO is very much an issue in TBT such as
lack of remorse. yep the bros spend the whole film showing no guilt they only show a nano second of remorse after their victim finally stands up to them and leaves and that's it for the film and they never actually acknowledge any wrongdoing at all.
lack of consequences. big yep despite repeating their crappy behaviours and arguably behaving even worse they get taken back in the end unconditionally after Treating Branch terribly for no Real Justifiable Reason.
lack of doing anything to earn another chance. also big yep the Bros get captured and are literally forced to let Branch lead to save their own lives as well as Floyd's and afterwards their second chance is seen as earned for some reason? Despite this being a self serving action.
at the very least Creek was made to apologise Bro zone couldn't even be bothered to do that the simple truth is fans just like characters for surface level qualities
such as their outwardly goofy personalities so your more keen to make excuses for them actually being very bad toxic people really but Creek is more outwardly unlikable
so your all not as keen to see him as a flawed human and are eager to write him off even tho everything that you claim to find wrong about Creek's return also applies to Bro zone when you think about.
look I will admit that while I've always Defended the writing choice to bring Creek back in TBGO and have him Re-join the village I will admit it was written very badly.
it was way too Rushed and kinda ruined what could have been an interesting story arc for Branch and Poppy and Creek himself if they'd actually made him a touch more sympathetic
and Regretful over his actions while having the others be forced to acknowledge that he was placed in a pretty Horrifying situation and reacted in a bad but Human way.
Rather than sticking with a Highschool Jerk persona which just made the fandom Blindly Hate him even more
but the only posotive thing I will say about Creeks return is that unlike Bro zone Creek never wasted his second chance in the tv show sure he never seemed all that remorseful
but he also never betrayed the characters Trust again Creek was given a second chance and he didn't take it for Granted
unlike Branch's Brothers who slipped back into old Habits very quickly and behaved even worse than when they were younger by being verbally cruel to him unprovoked.
and yet were still given a third chance at the very end despite showing next to no remorse and no acknowledgment of their behaviour and actions towards Branch and each other.
so there isn't really anything that makes Bro zone more redeemable than Creek the only difference is the movie gives them two second chances with no strings attached
while the first movie Removes any such choice for Creek after his first betrayal even tho it was under extreme duress and literal torture.
this is something that Really doesn't make sense to me and Hence why I say this fandom cares more about surface level likability for its characters Rather than them being actual Good people
( Barb is the most extreme example tbh )
the majority of the fandom seems to view Repeated crappy behaviour for no Real Reason other than Bruce and JD didn't Grow up in over 2 Decades.
and Jump to the extremes of lifelong abandonment and emotionally abusive Behaviour when their slightly annoyed as acceptable and Human.
and worth forgiving even with no Real acknowledgment of wrongdoing or efforts to make amends.
while someone giving in to fear after being nearly eaten alive and tortured on your own by creatures 20 times your size is seen as irredeemable by the larger fandom.
and him being accepted back after this is seen as the worst thing ever because he showed next to no Remorse but did acknowledge wrongdoing and apologised to the people he wronged unlike Bro zone.
and Poppy herself literally tells Branch and by extension the audience that yes Creek has flaws
( that being giving in to fear under extremely stressful circumstances) but they are forgivable Human flaws and can be Helped.
it wasn't written Great and it was Hella Rushed but this is actually a mature message so its Hilarious how the majority of the fandom flipped their shit and whined like Babies at this episode 😂😂😂😂
yet when this message was taken and applied to bad people who this message doesn't actually apply to given their motives and Repeated crappy behaviours
suddenly the fandom thinks this kinda message is mature and posotive even tho its literally just encouraging kids to stay in abusive relationships.
I Guess that was Creek's fatal flaw Rather than being a Hostage who turned traitor in a moment of panic to save his own life
he should have abandoned his family twice and verbally abused them because he's slightly annoyed when he's expected to put effort in to the relationship then the fandom would love him 😕😕
it Really is no Different to the extreme Blind fans who love characters like Walter White and Dexter Morgan and Joe Goldberg and Tony Soprano
not because you like a complex bad guy character but because you think they're actually Great people and think them being likable and charismatic means everything they do is excusable.
but write off other characters who do similar actions but don't happen to have those surface level likable persona's.
in short your in love with characters who you invented in your heads not the ones the film actually showcased sooo yeah I'll end this by saying to you the same thing I said to Fifty Shades of Grey fans in the past
you wanna enjoy a fictional work by all means do that but trying to claim its a Healthy way to look at Relationships and forgiveness in real life is when you've crossed a line and need to be stopped.
because you may end up actually doing Harm to yourselves or to other people.
anyway cheers for Reading have a nice Day
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stanlunter · 3 months
i have an honest question for you. this is not meant to be a gotcha or accuse you of homophobia, just based on observing your post history of wlw vs wlm ships out of curiosity.
are there any wlw ships in cartoons that you actually do like the portrayal of?
Thanks for a question!
And yes, obviously. Actually, I posted a lot about them, so It's strange if you haven't seen it, but yeah. I understand where your answer is coming from since I do critic some wlw media and made a post about a wlw dynamic I don't like. Tbh, It's a problem for me too, bc I don't get enought of my "wlw ships type" in media and that's basically why Im complaining about it, bc every It's either bad-written or is so cliche that's it even boring. Also the problem is that I do love wlm ships as well and a lot of people say that "wlw is always better than wlm" even tho there are many good and bad examples of both of them and I think It's wrong to say smth is better just bc It's queer, even tho I am wlw myself. The "critic" wasn't towards wlw, but towards the most popular dynamic (sun x moon) that I don't like and the way people ignore others dynamics just for this one is sad to me, since bc of it I don't have enought representation of wlw ships I love, bc all of them either don't become a couple, or break up, or one of them dies (or all of these at the same time) and almost all ships that became canon have that dynamic I dislike. And at the same time it was also a joke bc It's actually true that like 80% of all wlw ships are basically the same, so It's funny to hear from their fans that all wlm ships are the same
"Are there any wlw ships in cartoons that you actually like the portray of?"
Do you mean canon or fanon?
As someone who generally in like 90% of the cases prefers fan ships over canon ones, regardless of if it's wlw, wlm or mlm, I obviously have much more fanon or half-canon favourite wlw ships, including those, where one of the characters is dead, there are some I like:
My favourite wlw ship and spop otp of all time is Scorptra. I absolutely adore everything about it and I really think they should have been stayed in Crimson waste. Some years ago I had a huge fixation on it and tbh, if I've discovered Tumbler to myself at that time, my acc would definitely be full of them and I would call myself "stanscorptra", lol. And the fact that they didn't become canon for the sake of the ship I hate - catradora, makes it even worse to me. (Scorpia x Catra from She-ra and the princess of power)
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Yumihisu. That's my favourite ship from aot, Im actually glad It's popular in the fandom. I really love everything about them and the way they ended up is actually heart-breaking. In the finale of s2 I actually wanted to start killing people just bc Ymir decided to help Rainer and Berth instead od staying with Historia. And every time I rewatch it, I feel the same, bc they did have a chance to be happy together at least for some years.
It's basically canon and it was confirmed that they both love each other, but since Ymir died, I'm not sure if it is considered as actually canon since they werent actual dating (Ymir x Historia from Attack on titan)
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Nanichiru, or whatever name they have, bc the fandom still hasnt decided it.
That was one of my first anime ships, I even thought It's canon and basically when I saw them together, I thought Nana is canon lesbian, which was so clear to me when I compare her with men and her with Michiru. Idk if they supposed to be "just friends", or wlw-coded, but I do consider them as a half canon anyways, bc, let's be real, if one of them was a guy, everyone would know It's canon. I absolutely love their dynamic and the way their relationship affected Nana and made her doubt her goal and actually understand that some of the people with talents are good people. Michiru changed everything for Nana and was her light in the dark, but ofc, how it always is, they didn't develop relationship and one of them died. (Nana x Michiru form Talentless Nana)
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Mitsunoa. I am not obsessed with its depth, bc, ngl, they don't have such deep relationship as others, but I do love their dynamic and all of their interactions. Their homoerotic friendship and all the hints make me giggle and if we consider Mikayuu as "basically canon", than I will consider Mitsunoa as basically canon too (especially after the bath scene), bc these girls deserve the best things and they are the best things for each other. (Mitsuba and Shinoa from Seraph of the end)
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Togachako. I still haven't finished the manga, so I'm not sure about what heppend with them in the end, I've only seen some spoilers. But I do love their enemies to lovers dynamic, which, unlike some other ships of this trope, isn't a romantization of abuse, but actual enemies to lovers. I doubt it has chances to actually become canon. But I still love the way their relationship was written. Uraraka is the only one who thinks Toga is cute and a pretty girl, not just a crazy monster. I absolutely love the line when she says Toga that she's the cutest girl in the whole world. I love that Toga says her feelings for Uraraka are real and that she made her happy. Toga sees her as basically a comfort person (??), someone who's love and appreciation she wants to get, someone who can save her from the hateness to herself and the world. I just want Toga to be happy with someone who can see her. Also, have you seen how mangaka draws them together?? He's either their biggest shipper, or a queerbaiter, Idk (Toga x Uraraka from My hero academy)
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Also Ruby x Penny from Rwby, Webby x Lena from Duck Tales, Perfuma x Huntara from she-ra, Anne and Sasha from Amphibia, Sunset x Sci-Twi from Equestria girls, Sae-Byeok x Ji-Yeong form Squid game and others
As for canon ships, there are fewer ones, but yeah, I do have favourite wlw ships that are canon:
Menokari. Their relationship is really beautiful, It's actually similar to Nanichiru, but is gayer. I found it thanks to Talentless Nana as well, and Im glad I did. It may be seems too cliche for some people, but I think It's adorable, dramatic and well-writen. Definitely my favourite wlw anime (Menou x Akari from The Executor and her way of living)
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Ellieriley. Unfortunately there are not enought scenes with them, but those we have is enought for me to love them. Riley was Ellie's first love and probably her lesbian awaking. I love their dynamic so much and I want to see more of them and I wanted them to live a happy life. I do like Ellie x Dina too, but I love her relationship with Riley much more. Riley's death has broken my heart. But at least I'm glad that they did have a kiss scene before it, that's why I do consider it as canon, unlike Yumihisu, since a lot of people for some reason are still arguing over it (Ellie x Riley from The last of us)
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Spinetossa. Even tho this ship is far not the main one, I love it much more than the main canon ones. Netossa cares about her wife so much. They know each other for so long and still love each other so much. They're so cute and so sweet, that I was worrying for their relationship during s5 the most. And It's funny how Chaggie fans use "they're together for a long time" to justify the fact that Vivziepop has written them so poorly and that they look more like just friends, just bc of that, since these two exist and they actually do look like a married couple, not like just friends (Spinerella x Netossa from She-ra)
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I ship these two in every universe. Even tho the Harley Quinn show has flaws, I still love their dynamic, yeah, even despite it being "one of those I have brought up in that post", I still ship them and think they're cute. I love that Harley has fully recovered from her relationship with Joker and that Ivy has found her true love, someone she can spend the rest of her life with (Harley x Ivy from Harley Quinn show and DC comics/cartoons)
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I never was one of those people who say Korrasami was rushed. Yeah, the creators couldnt fully show them in the show, but they did in the comics and I haven't seen anyone who has read them and said they're bad-written. The comics show them so well, It's amazing, healthy and one of the best wlw representations I've seen! (Korra x Asami from The legend of Korra)
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Obviously, that's not all of them, but those I love the most. Some of other canon wlw couples I love are: Bubblegum x Marcelin from Adventure time, Apple x Darling from Every after high, Haruka x Michiru from Sailor moon, Utena x Anthy from Revolutionary girl Utena, Kirari x Sayaka from Kakegurui, Ruby x Sapphire form Steven Universe, Vi x Caitlyn from Arcane, Sara x Nyssa from Arrow and Jennifer x Needy form Jennifer's body (I know the last two are not animated, but I still wanna include them)
So, yeah, there are a lot of wlw canon and popular ships I dislike or critic, which isn't because I hate wlw, but bc I love it and want it to be written better and be more various, than just "sun x moon", since there are a lot of so different wlm and mlm dynamics, while for wlw It's almost always either the same, or is just problematic, like Catradora. Tbh, as far as I remember, the only wlw ships I wrote bad things about were Lumity and Catradora, besides that post, so I don't know why exactly you thought it means I dislike all or most of the wlw ships, but I don't anyways
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harrypotterfuryroad · 7 months
Im still not sure about the predstrogen thing, I've seen many people say there wasnt nsfw selfies on their blog (I have no idea whats true) and they were banned for a set of selfies that were (as ive seen them passed around) obviously just innocent, regular pics, specifically showing their transition before and after. I think staff was unreasonable to go scorched earth on this one person, especially considering it went all the way up to the CEO for fairly benign behavior - their "threat" was basically saying "ugh i hope staff dies in a looney tunes explosion" out of frustration, which isnt a credible threat to me, just blowing smoke. Ppl have been saying theres a conspiracy to mass report transwomen's blogs which i cant tell what is true, they seem to be getting flagged for nsfw content, but that means someone is intentionally reporting their blog - the culprit is "TERFs" of course... I havent seen radfems waste much time with reporting TIM blogs just for coexisting on tumblr, usually ive seen radfem tumblr try and do a reporting campaign for someone sending death threats to radfems, that kind of misconduct you know....but someone must have flagged their blog in the first place somehow. a mysterious and convaluted situation methinks
yeah obv there's a difference between what he said and like, posting a detailed plan about how to make that happen, but bottom line is that it still passed the threshold of a threat and he's not the one responsible for keeping the rules on this site
staff might not have had to go scorched earth on him but he was (and i mean this in the most literal sense and not at all metaphorically or in a victim blaming way) asking for it
but of course this is just gonna feed the narrative that tims on this site are uniquely victimized despite having every corner of the community tiptoeing around their feelings (and despite the fact that they are far from the only people who get randomly or wrongfully terminated)
like, this is how it's getting spun:
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like warped beyond recognition to support their story that "transfems" are the first and only people to face this kind of treatment
so everything is about to become way more transphobic pretty soon (in that everything will be labeled as transphobia, not that anything will actually change)
and about harassment campaigns - yeah i've never seen anything close to a "terf" mass report campaign, but i have seen users get targeted by mass reporting for really dumb reasons, i get worse anons than the threat that kicked this off almost every day, and i've seen the radfem tags clogged by coordinated campaigns to make it so they'll never be functional, so i think that's a bit of hit dogs hollering. if your only answer to anything is mass report campaigns, then you'll tell yourself that's what's happening to you when something bad happens. so yeah like you said it's very conspiracy theory
interesting tho when you factor in what he dropped about the "transphobic" mod - we've kept hearing about the secret terf on staff for forever with little to no evidence, and then he just casually drops that yeah they had to fire someone on their mod team for being transphobic. no detail so it's not really much to go off of, and it's not like that really shielded anyone from bizarro mod practices, and i've still never been able to find evidence of the secret terf on staff beyond "someone on the mod team liked a post about hufflepuff traits" but i'm sure they're gonna take that admission and run with it
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atla movie/atla natla thoughts from my adhd scrambled brains
I think it's silly to say the atla 2010 movie doesn't exist though I can't be mad at the silly memes that come with it. but it has a great zhao death.. and some good aang/gyatso flashbacks i mean aang made him the amulet? thats precious as shit.. tho them burying gyaso in natla is agood additon.
NATLA is not horrible or great it's simply.
it has a interesting tone.. going from Grim as shit to DisneyCornball vibes.. it def got me to think about how many died in the north during Zhaos attack silly me thought everyone lived
I do wish katara and aang hugged in the end it seemed like they were afraid to let the kids hugs and i dunno whyyyy...
but is it terrible? no it just.. Expostion, boring, clunky, Dallas was very good, Sokka got a few good lines, i hate that the trio kept getting seperated. aang/sokka are suppose to meet jet/bumi at the same time.. everyone was doing solo missions and it felt off.
avatar aang cgi was super uncanny valley goofy to me.
Momo was cute/Appa was fluffy i'd love to see em more esp momo.
Yues wig in the movie was better
Jet is hot
hmmm... Ozai burning zukos face was metal as fuck like brutal man. And dallas crying when ozai comes to say he's banishing. s2 zuko is gonna be sooooo goooood.. Dallas brought his A game
Gordons goofyside is wasted i hate that they deny it to us but maybe will see it in s2
I can agree that aang in the animated series going from finding gyaso body to playing on kyosih island tone is rather jarring.. so the idea of aang grieving /not being in a super good mood makes sense but really it doesn't help when all the dang avatars tell him to be friendless..
Kyoshi was the worse her characzation suckkkkeed.
Bumi i could understand on some aspect wehre he was coming from even if he annoyed me. at least him being sore/broken down from the war /being mad at aang makes sense. Kyoshi had no reason to blame aang when she knows its on Roku the war started
anyway i dont think it deserves super hate nor do i think its super great its just. okay... i get it i aws angry at it for a bit but the more i thought of it the more i thought there are bits i liked .. like dallas/Ian /momo/ so there was a bit of savalage stuff for me..
so if people love its that cool. i see zero issue or a reason why we need to be BUT acuatlly to people who loved honestly that's great. Let em love it thecast worked hard on the show. people are free to enjoy things we don't it doesn't make us better than them it just a matter of opinion
but atla fandom oh you love love.. not letting people have opinions that don't agree to yours. this fandom is so.. toxic.. critsizing is good but don't be mean to fans who enjoy things..
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superemeralds · 8 months
🌷How will they deal with saying goodbye?
👯‍♀️How often do they see the others? Their other friends, too?
🖤Free space! Ask what you like, or request a random headcanon
<- hit us with your weirdest shot?
🌷shadow and omega b oth have very complicated relationships w the concept of good bye. they don't really age or die? omega specifically has the advantage of having very limited emotion and a highly logic mind, so he would not waste energy mourning and accept when things end. Shadow is def still trying to figure it all out. as of rn in universe ofc he doesn't have to think abt it much yet, he's doing his best to prevent his friends from harm right now, and he'd rather just face the problems as they happen. especially in shth he learned that theres no use thinking about the what ifs, because there's a right now that needs to be dealt with. the more he thinks about what differenciates him from others the less he can concentrate on what matters: the things he's got in common. like the ground beneath their feet, the star they orbit around, the wind that blows in their faces... He knows about the inevitability of death enough through maria, and he will try his best to not make the same mistake twice. he's determined to move on. ofc its easier said than done, especially in the conceptual event that rouge would fall in combat or even worse.. because of a mistake that he made.. but there are so many possibilities that i could analyze we'd be here for ever.........
rouge herself i think hasdealt with loss before, and she might have had some history with people that she has cut out of her lives. it might seem cold but i think she as a person has mastered the art of severing. whether its healthy is not the question rn... she def has a very soft spot for shadow and omega, tho as stated above these two are really hard to kill so there's not much to worry about in that regard, if anything it's a worry that might not plague her right now, but eventually she's going to think about what it means to be the one that's being severed by forces beyond anyone's control
anyways i dont wanna get existential this morning so this is where i stop
👯‍♀️I headcanon rouge has some friends she regularly meets in her bar (i'll let it be open if it actually belongs to her or if she's just a regular) and she would def visit knuckles every now and then. not saying she'd like. actually talk to him tho. might just lurk in a bush and stare at the master emerald
omega is a tough one to think about tbh. i admittedly don't have too many thoughts on him outside of being part of the team... this is telling me i need to dig more into his individual character tbh. what would he do for fun? when not with the otehr two?? Maybe he actually is like a gamer playing shooters and made friends in voice chat. no one believes him when he introduced himself as killermachine, they think its just a nickname
shadow likes solitude, but i really like that one bit in the recent twitter take over where he and knuckles stood in the forest for hours watching the plants and animals and hwo the light changes throughout the day while going through the leaves etc etc... theyre both very connected to nature in their own ways and i think they could bond over that. also about how they both prefer solitude. they can be alone together! they dont need any words, they can just exist next to eachother for a few hours and feel good about it. he also most surely hangs out with sonic every now and then. hangingout being racing and having a good fight together. though im sure sonic can eventually convince him to spend proper time together. for example making a race into a trekking tour where they go random places sonic knows or doesnt know yet, and they learn about the culture and obviously the food. shadow does seem like someone who'd like to learn about the planet, and sonic's the type of guy who's super eager to have someone to show around and explore with that can keep up!
🖤oh man idk weirdness is super subjective. uh. i wrote a fanfic once about how team dark and team sonic have a bowling competition
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A while ago you said you had a fwb somewhat angsty au in mind. Can you please share us a little bit about it? I'm so curious
oh my god lol, I have been talking about my friends with benefits AU since the dawn of time tbh 😂 I started it SOOO long ago, i'm sure i've posted it before but Ill post the snippet again for u lol. But basically I wanted childhood friends to lovers friends with benefits where Mikasa is a super rich girl, and Eren is her bestie, been together forever, off and on a lot bc Mikasa's family doesn't really approve. She goes to balls and big galas a lot and they want her to marry someone of similar status and altho Eren is a great guy, he's probably in trades or something, or just in school rn, not a lawyer or a doctor, or some super rich billionaire they have in mind. So they have like the same recurring fight and it's painful as fuck but this time Eren is kind of the simp can u believe??? LOL! And he's basically been chasing her forever! and he's not so sure he can handle the heartbreak anymore 🥲 i'm laughing tho bc i just reread all of it, and wow I made it so much more painful than i thought lol!
They’re laying together watching some romantic comedy that Mikasa chose, and she’s draped across him like his own personal blanket, wearing little to nothing as usual. His hands clamped around the curve of her waist, stroking up her sides, teasing her lightly.  He knows how to work her up and when the movie changes to a love scene, he observes the first signs of her wanting him. She starts to squirm on top of him and buries her head further into his shoulder ignoring the movie entirely as the actors on screen start to go at it and Mikasa takes the opportunity to begin grinding on him.  If they were wearing less clothes he could slip inside easily right now, and it would be bliss.  Mikasa says exactly what he’s thinking, “Take your pants off?” 
Neither waste much time and his sweats are pulled down just enough to release his throbbing cock and Mikasa slips her panties to the side before positioning her pussy over his dick and they both let out sighs of pleasure as he slides in.  “Fuck.” 
They don’t move much, content just to be connected and Mikasa lets out a soft little moan, “God it’s been a while.” “Who’s fault is that? I told you that fuckwad wasn’t worth your time.”
There’s an edge to his voice as he speaks and he hates it, but it’s hard to control when he considers her getting with someone else.  She moans a little as she slowly begins to rock herself on him, “I just- I thought I’d give it a try—fuck.” She murmurs to herself as she rocks back farther and he bottoms out, his tip kissing her cervix and she bites the muscle of his shoulder, her eyes closing at the pleasure. 
His own hands move to the plush cheeks of her ass to knead and spread them more as he helps her fuck herself on his dick. 
“And what’s the verdict Miki?”  “I’m not gonna try again, I’ve got you.”
A stab of pain cuts through the pleasure at her words, straight to his heart like pins and needles. His next question is cutting, savage, “Did you fuck him?” “Yeah, ate me out too, couldn’t make me come.” 
This ignites the burning fire of jealousy and rage, and he doubles his efforts. “You’re not gonna do it again right? This is my pussy.” He slams into her roughly and she chokes on her next sentence.  “Yeah, -ngh—Fuck Eren.” He grins as he begins to guide her movements more harshly and thrusts himself up inside her as far as he can from his position. 
He tries not to think about how many times they’ve made this exact promise, and just how many times they’ve broken it.  But fuck she feels good, her walls clenching around him every time he tries to pull out, tight and refusing to allow him to leave. 
Sure, they fuck around with other people occasionally when they’re both pissed off like last week but for better or for worse, he’s the one she always comes back to, and it pleases him in a twisted way. 
He’s the only one. 
Except when he’s not.
Except when she’s out at a gala or a charity benefit with her family getting fucked in the bathroom by some douche canoe with more money than he knows what to do with. It doesn’t matter that he’s the one with her right now, carving out his place inside her, a hole no one else can fill, he’s reminded brutally that he has no permanent claim to her. They’re not dating, not married, engaged, nothing, they’re strictly friends with benefits. 
It’s been years since they’ve started this arrangement and its never changed, no matter how much he wants it to or how many times she stabs the knife into his heart.   
His pretty girl tucks a lock of hair behind her ear as she sits up, removing herself from his chest and holding herself over him instead, onyx eyes staring down his face before she goes in for a searing kiss as she spears herself on him again. God had he missed this when they were fighting.  His tongue slides past her lips to tangle with hers before he takes her full bottom lip between his teeth, biting gently. 
His thrusting slows a bit and Mikasa lets out a whine into his mouth, but he wants to enjoy this, it’s been too long, and he wants to drag it out for as long as possible. 
“Eren!” She whines impatiently, pulling away from his lips and he grins up at her, hands still holding her waist and gently rocking her back and forth.  “Let me enjoy this baby it’s been weeks.” “Fine but only if you tie me to the headboard after.” “You got it Miki.” 
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I tried to leave a comment on your new Duty & Sacrifice chapter via ao3 but it wouldn’t go through so I’ll leave it here instead:
Such a good chapter as always.
“Inwardly, Aemond decided Dragonstone had to be much farther than the maps depicted—or else another world entirely.”
This was my favorite line this chapter! I love when writers write. Like crafting such a lovely sentence to show how differently Aemond & Lucerys think, as well as their polar opposite upbringing.
I’ve commented before that Alicent & Aemond’s mother-son bond is my favorite thing about this fic and was my main draw (and this is still true!) but I can’t help but feel that Alicent’s tears are wasted on Aemond. Helaena is the one Alicent should be crying for and on her knees begging forgiveness from for forcing her into an abusive marriage since she was only thirteen. I like how it’s clear in this fic that Helaena is uncomfortable with her mother for asking her about Aegon’s whereabouts after she forced her to marry him.
I couldn’t feel anything in the face of Alicent’s remorse because all I could think about was her other child who is suffering a much worse fate than Aemond, and who doesn’t even have half the doting and affection Alicent showers on Aemond. Alicent says herself that she tried her best to shield Aemond from suffering a fate like hers, but she never tried for Helaena before forcing her into marriage and motherhood when she was even younger than Alicent had been when she wed Viserys.
Also I like how you showed that there was a moment when Aemond wished his father loved him. By the time Duty & Sacrifice began, Aemond felt nothing for Viserys so it’s interesting to me that that was not always the case.
thank you so much for the kind words anon 😭 i enjoyed writing that sentence (and even more, editing it before posting so it sounded good, lol) so it's super cool it stuck out to you :)
in regards to alicent, i did want to clarify that i've aged people up in this timeline a lot, so helaena definitely wasn't 13 when she married aegon. probably 17ish--though yeah that doesn't change the fact she was married to *aegon* who for sure isn't a great guy in d&s either.
idk if this will ever get brought up in the fic (tho maybe in an alicent pov one day), so I'll just tell you, in my 'verse i imagine it had more to do with alicent being unwilling to let helaena get married off to some distant noble. knowing that aegon had zero interest in his sister, and given that alicent *does* have some control over her son still, she knew she could protect helaena better this way. this on top of strengthening the bloodline, which viserys was all for.
and indeed, in d&s aegon and helaena only have the twins, who were conceived on their wedding night 😂 besides then he's made a pass at her a couple of times when extremely drunk, but that's about it. so even though by our standards it's a sucky awful marriage, given how irresponsible and rude aegon can be, by alicent's standards this was the best choice for both of them. (funny, but i think helaena would agree with that, and it'd be aegon who would disagree)
now, why didn't alicent just marry aegon and aemond? because she guessed (correctly) aegon *would* have interest in his little omega brother, and that terrified her. aegon in general scares her. plus, aemond was already decently protected from getting married off by the time her kids were of age and alicent had to consider all this (aegon 19, helaena 17, aemond 16), because of his scar and general un-omeganess. obviously that didn't hold up forever, and she knew it wouldn't, but alicent views helaena as someone who could be broken very easily vs. aemond as someone who could weather dealing with any situation (regardless of how true that is)
all this to say, it was definitely a calculated thing alicent did, but in this 'verse it wasn't just for the sake of usurping rhaenyra like is implied in hotd canon. hopefully that makes sense! and thanks for the ask, it was fun to explain a piece of how the d&s verse played out inside my head :) aemond's head is very limited lol!
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mywitchcultblr · 1 year
I'm sorry for your 50/50 loss, especially to Dehya. I won my pull for Neuvilette (his dragon pussy belongs to me now), but I did lose my 50/50 when I pulled for Baishu and also to Dehya and is such a horrible feeling cause like, she's really not a good unit, like what I'm supposed to do with her? (worse of all I got her c1 on standard not that long ago like come hoyo, stop giving me Dehya). I think another problem with Dehya is her weapon type, Mihoyo also seems to struggle with making Claymore users that are good instead of just usable (besides Dehya, both Freminet and Dori are not that good in terms of meta)
Oh yeah, but I'm not too bothered because I will top up tomorrow to get 41 fates, plus with events and anniversary, also the star glitter shop I can get around 50 wish. Grinding 26 more wish is not that hard for me since I'm still in Sumeru, I haven't even done all the quest in Mondstat and Liyue lmao because I'm lazy, also I bought Welkin
Neuvillette is guaranteed to come home, so I'm doing fine.
Tho, I will skip on Furina since she is not my waifu type. I want to get Wrio as well, but we will see.
Dehya kit is all over the place. She can't be a viable DPS or support, and you don't really need her tankiness if you have a healer, shielder, or a broken DPS like Yelan who can wipe the floor real fast.
Dehya is a redundant 5 stars, and you need her c6 to make her usable, why do I have to waste my primo to get her c6 when c2 Zhongli with his shield can make Traveler and their team invincible both in single and co-op? For god’s sake, shield bot Zhongli weapon is black tassel, and he just wanted HP and damage burst artifacts
Why do I need a tank with damage mitigation like Dehya when Yanfei or Xianling can deal more damage than her and Barbara is a free healer anyway? And like you said, Dehya is a claymore user which is a notoriously clunky weapon, people say catalyst is clunky, but I have a harder time with claymore.
It's a shame because I love Dehya personality and looks, but for some reason Hoyo seems to not care about her. Freminet and Dori are never meant to be meta, but according to people who have tried Fremi, he is very fun to use with his shatter mechanic.
I have him c5 because I pulled 151 times for Zhongli lmao, but I haven't tried him because Aether haven't met him yet.
The broken 4 stars meta like Xianling, Bennet, Sucrose, or Fischl were miracle that happened when Genshin was still new, they need to be excellent because there wasn't that many units yet both 5 and 4 stars. I think 4 stars nowadays will either be good enough or meh but with a unique mechanic/looks but won't be broken like early 4 stars
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watarulesbian · 2 years
wataru hibiki my precious lil birdie aaaawwwwwww 
anyway i wish i had the energy to think deep thoujghts about her . deep thoughts thatd make me feel like a real #1 wataruknower . i wish i had the will to get my ass over to some enstars stories featuring wataru and read them but i dont hav anyfucking will for anything but mindless scrolling and being pessimistic i was doing #stuff today and then i had a therapy appointment and bam rest of day wasted............................................................................................... besides when i painted for a while lol i got watercolor set for xmas and its quite fun 
wataru is MINE!!!!!!!!!!! MY CHARACTER!!!!!!!!!!!! MY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE LEAVESME AWESTRUCK I CANT EVEN THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! unless youre one of my three friends from twitter (hi) you have NO IDEA of the extent. of how i so adore and love wataru. and even than thats not all of my love for her. 
one thing tho i love when people draw her face very expressive. i wish i could do that in my own art of her........ im better than ai but worse than most actual artists :( i want to die because im not able to capture her accurately in artistic mediums but other people can? so MAD!!! KILL KILL DIE DIE DIE (to myself not to the wonderful talented artists who i admire very much) 
idk i just feelt like shit lately. its because i havent gotten enough wataru. the enstar doctor perscribd me 10 hours of wataru hibiki a day and lately ive been getting like 2 a day when i NEED more than that i need. like 10! i need my mind to reboot my brain and maybe put a fucking timer on youtube because i keep looking at shitty uoiutube shorts WASTING MY WHOLE FUCKING LIFE AWAY AND MAKING ME DEPRESSED AND DOOMFUL AND AAAARGHH 
how many of you even know my name? i know 3 of you do (hi again) 
tumblr isd better for making long incoherent posts huuuuu 
need one of those send a number and ill give a ___ headcannon things ummmmmmmmmmmm idk i feel like all my awnsers to thosewould be dissapointingly bland and im scared that there will be something in cannon thatd contradict my hc (NOT LIKE A LESBIAN HC BUT LIKE A LIKE/DISLIKE THING) wataru is lesbian by the way and i think, as an autisticl esbian mysjmlf and YOUR wataru expert Wataru feels the isolations. the lesbian isolations. the autism isolations. maybe its weird and unrelated to what im saying here and it might sound even crude but whenever someone who previously idenntif as lesbian comes out as Not lesbian i feel a profound emptiness within me . and i know i should probably tell that to a therapist and not post it on tumblr for anyone whos former ident lesbian to see this and feel guilty or mad at me but i JUST had a therapy appointment today and need to get it out. its been in my brain for a long time. and ive of course ive come to recognize and get used to people changing, ive never thought or said to anyone “nooo you cant be _____ youre supposed to be my fellow lesbian :(” but i never see anyone ever talking about feeling sad when a lesbian they know turns out to Not be a lesbian except in the context of transphobia or homophobia. like im NOT one of those asses saying “a trans man? we lost a lesbian im so sad” “noo lesbi ann is dating a man and changing her name to bai sexxx this is so not her! come back lesbi ann!” im just saying i feel  like when someone who previously idenntif as lesbian comes out as Not lesbian i feel a profound emptiness within me. and im NOT trying to guilt trip! and PLEASE dont be mad at me!  and i get USED to people not being lesbian! the emptiness goes away after several months! but yea whatever 
i want someone out there to make more art of eichi lovingly brushing and braiding watarus beautiful long hair. fic or art. or cannon for the love of god... theyd BOTH enjoy it the same amount im telling uou. even when they grow old together watarus hair is still long and still so nice and soft tbh like she got upset that it all turned white and talked about possibly dying it a lot but eichi is like My Wife Of Many Years You Are So Beautiful With White Hair You Are A Goddess. I Love It Just As Much As When It Was Blue.      but in present time as 19 year old young lesbian lovers i just know wataru has falllen asleep while eichi runs his fingers through watarus wonderful amazing shiny superlong hair. i know wataru doesnt wanna like be asleep in front of people but as part of showing her human side more, i see her doing it tbh, eichi loves seeing his girlfriend asleep and is always like Awwww :3 wataru doing normal human things with eichi is actually cannon btw and im smiling thinking aboutt that 
i want to write a magnus archives statement about watarus expieriences with a fountain (the stranger) she makes a foolish wish on that has her live a year where evgery day she wakes up in a different persons life and body and its totally torturous. after 365 days of that shes finally in the life and body of wataru hibiki again but she is incredibly traumatized . happier ending than most magnus archives statements because she is ALIVE with no physical injury and doesnt end up dying or anything. the stranger. i remember when i was really lttle i came across a ton of amazon reviews for a book that had a premise basically similar to this except itwas a creature who lived like this and it was a love story or something LET ME FIND IT HOLD ON 
its called “Every Day” i found it lol 
i never read it but i reacd the reviews 8 years ago so i feel like i know it well enough. it was easy to find by one single google search  ahaha 
i hsould be going to bed now thanks for listening tubmlmr 
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daenqyu · 4 years
— they walk in on their crush changing
includes: bakugou, kirishima, todoroki, midoriya, and tamaki
warnings: kinda suggestive?? swearing  
a/n: i saw multiple tiktoks about this and wanted to write something about it sooo yeah. some of them are a bit longer than others because i got carried away oops. hope you guys like it !!
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to @orbital-audio )
bakugou katsuki:
listen, i feel like bakugou would act like he doesn’t care at all
but he’s definitely blushing and can’t look at you straight in the eye 
he just wanted to let you know that since kaminari and mina forced him to help them study, you could come too 
so he made his way to your dorm room while looking at his phone
and he doesn’t even knock so you’re quite startled
although you don’t blame him because he’s always hanging out in your room and vice versa
���hey we’re gonna have a study session later tonight, in case you wanna come” his eyes are glued to his phone as he talks, but you still feel embarrassed that he’s in the same room as you while you’re changing 
after a few seconds go by with no response from you, he finally looks up from the device
“i’m talking to you-” the breath gets knocked out of him when he sees you’re in the middle of trying on different outfits 
and apparently you were about to try a new one because you’re just in your freaking underwear 
bakugou may be a lot of things, but he is not a pervert 
so he’s quick to turn around to face the door, his eyes tightly shut even tho he can’t see anything as it is since you’re behind him
“you dumbass, don’t you know how to lock a fucking door?! is not that hard for fuck’s sake” 
you almost want to laugh at the blonde’s state
you’ve never seen him like this before so you might as well tease him about it
“didn't your parents teach you it's impolite to enter a room without knocking first?”
oh he can hear the smirk on your face and he wants nothing more than to go up to you and wipe it off himself 
but he knows you’re still in your underwear 
and while it’s true he’s a gentleman, he’s also a man
seeing his crush in her underwear will most definitely get a reaction out of him
he curls his hands into fists by his side, jaw clenching because he knows you’re probably enjoying this
“just shut up and get dressed”
“is my room, i can stay like this if i want”
“put. something. on”
his tone annoys you
who the hell is he to tell you what to do?
“and what if i don’t want to?”
you’re just buffing of course, you’ve already put on one of bakugou’s shirt that you stole from him a week ago
his patience is running out 
and he’s mad at himself because fuck, why does he have to like you so much?
if it was any other girl he couldn’t have cared less and would’ve just walked out
but it’s you, his crush
you’re so different from everyone else and it makes his blood boil because feelings are stupid and he should be focusing on becoming the number one hero, not some silly high school crush
“okay i'm dressed”
a sigh of relief escapes his lips as he turns around, but it doesn’t take long before his eyes are wide open as he takes in your figure
you’re wearing his shirt
it ends just above your mid thigh and it falls around your figure loosely, obviously too big for you
bakugou can feel butterflies in his stomach at the sight 
why are you so pretty? 
“what was that you were saying when you walked in?”
you’re so calm and collected, walking around with only his shirt on 
normally he hates when people wear his clothes, but it looks so good on you he can’t even bring himself to be annoyed
“we’re having a study session tonight,” his voice is low and he fixes his gaze on the wall behind you. “and you can come too, if you want to that is”
“wait that’s a great idea, i’ve been falling behind on english recently”
he nods and you frown at his actions 
sure bakugou can be quiet, when he’s not mad, but he looks  rather…shy?
you smirk once again, knowing what this is all about
“don’t tell me the bakugou katsuki has never seen a girl naked before?”
“the fuck are you talking about?”
“well is either that or you like me because why else would you be so red right now?”
he groans when you say that
anyways he uhhh got tired of you not getting all the hints he’s been dropping and just straight up corners you against the wall
your heart is about to burst out of your chest at the close proximity and the feeling only intensifies when he smirks
he leans down, lips merely inches away from your own
“seeing as you’re not pushing me away right now, i say you like me too, dumbass”
well he’s not wrong soooo
you end up kissing after that✨
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to its rightful owner )
kirishima eijirou:
oh boy, this poor baby
he would be the type to apologize around 100 times and even when you told him it was fine and that you didn’t care, he would still feel guilty
ok so what happened was you were getting ready for your date with kirishima
because yes, he finally asked you out and you couldn’t be happier with life at the moment
and he wanted to know how much longer you were gonna take since he was already done
but you wouldn’t answer his texts
spoiler alert: you were just showering but he was too impatient and also he just wanted to see you again hehe he’s so cute
he makes his way to your room and knocks on the door 
it’s more of like a warning because he doesn’t even wait for a response, he just barges in
you had gotten out of the shower like 3 minutes ago and were in the process of drying your hair in the middle of the room, your back facing kirishima 
“hey y/n how much longer do you think- shit!”
his voice scares you, but you don’t move because you know it’ll be worse if you do 
so you stay frozen in your place
kirishima notices the droplets of water falling from your hair and down your spine before slowly falling down the curves of your-
he flushes completely, his face now matching his dyed hair perfectly, and he turns around with both of his hands covering his eyes
“i’m so so so sorry! that was so unmanly of me. i should’ve just waited until you texted me, but i missed you and wanted to see you so i came over and didn’t wait for an answer and then i saw you and oh god you’re naked and-”
he shuts up when he hears your soft voice calling his name
“calm down”
after that he just stays quiet, trying to calm the erratic beating of his heart and not let his imagination run wild
you should be the one that’s flustered because your best friend and crush just saw your bare ass
but if anything, kirishima’s the one who feels like he’s about to faint from seeing so much skin
he thinks it’s really unmanly of him to see you naked without your consent so he’s on the brink of an existential crisis
meanwhile, as kirishima rethinks all of his life choices, you finish drying your hair and continue to put on your outfit, knowing kirishima wouldn’t turn around any time soon
he’s still facing away from you even when you’ve finished dressing up
you giggle, thinking about how cute he is before tapping his shoulder 
“you can look now, kiri”
even with your permission, he’s still hesitant about his movements
he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything so that’s why he genuinely doesn’t know what to do
kirishima turns around slowly, eyes now focused on the floor
“i’m really sorry about that, y/n. i didn’t mean to i swear and i’m sorry if i made you uncomfortable but-”
“kiri, i’m not mad at you”
“you’re not?”
“of course not, i know it was an accident”
well thank god because he wouldn’t forgive himself if he made you upset 
“besides, you were eventually gonna see me naked”
it was a joke
supposed to be
but kirishima whips his head your way and his eyes almost pop out of their sockets 
a part of him is shy sure, but the other part wants to run laps after hearing you say that
“well yeah but that’s different…” he scratches the back of his neck nervously and your heart swells for the boy in front of you
he really is so sweet
he just wants you to be completely comfortable around him
how could you not be in love with him? 
“how about we forget this ever happened, i finish getting ready, and then we go on our date? hm?”
he nods eagerly after hearing you say that, if you’re happy then he’s absolutely content 
you smile at him before standing up on your tip toes and leaving a chaste kiss against his cheek
of course he blushes again
he’ll never get tired of your cuteness 
or you in general
but this time he’s more confident when he pulls you to his chest in a tight hug
“the view was really nice by the way”
“what? i'm just saying you should be proud”
“you’re so stupid”
“stupidly in love with you that is”
he’s got a dumb smile on his face after he says that
and it only widens when you take his hand in yours to sit him down on your bed 
yup, he’s head over heels for you
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to its rightful owner )
todoroki shouto:
out of the five of them, he’d DEFINITELY be the most chill about it
sure, he’d still feel embarrassed and what not
but he wouldn’t make such a big deal about it
simply because he doesn’t want to make things awkward between you two
so he decides it’s best if he just keeps acting like he normally would
you texted him to come over so you could watch some movies together 
and he had some homework to do but it’s not like he was gonna pass up on the opportunity of spending quality time with you 
unlike the other first years,
todoroki actually knocks and waits for your response
because he has manners, period.
“come on in!”
you said it was okay to come in
so why the hell are you in the middle of changing shirts?????
he wastes no time in closing his eyes
refusing to keep looking at you when you probably don’t even know he’s watching
“um y/n?”
“what are you doing?”
“i’m changing, isn’t it obvious?” your chuckle makes his cheeks heat up 
was this amusing to you?
because he was seconds away from having a heart attack 
however he doesn’t show it
instead, he just continues to keep his eyes closed while trying to think about literally anything else except your bare skin
key word: trying
because he can’t seem to get the image of your clothed breasts out of his mind and he thinks he’s about to go insane 
he also scolds himself because a gentleman shouldnt do that 
but you don’t seem to care at all and that confuses him so much (???
“why do you have your eyes closed?”
“are you done changing”
when he opens his eyes again you’re sitting down on your bed, laptop placed in front of you as you scroll down on netflix
now fully dressed
he lets out a sigh of relief before clearing his throat and sitting down next to you
and he thinks he’s being slick and smooth
but he’s not
he’s actually almost completely stiff 
and when you subconsciously brush your knee against his, he flinches
you frown at his reaction
“are you okay?”
“yeah, why do you ask?”
“because you’re acting weird”
“am not”
“you are”
the banter goes on for a while until you finally figure it out
the way his eyes occasionally look down on your chest only to quickly look away with a blush on his cheeks it's what gives him away
“wait, are you embarrassed just because you saw my boobs?”
cue todoroki wanting to get the hell out of your room
“i’m not embarrassed” 
“your blush says otherwise, todoroki”
he doesn’t know what to say afterwards so he just sits there with a pout on his pretty lips and his eyebrows furrowed
he’s so shy and cute🥺
“if you want to, you can take your shirt off so we’ll be tied”
your tone is teasing as you continue to scroll on your computer, not really giving much thought to what you said
except you forgot todoroki takes everything quite literally
the grin falls from your lips as soon as you see todoroki, indeed, taking off his shirt 
“w-what are you doing?!”
“you said we need to be tied”
“todoroki, that was a joke!”
the roles have been reversed because now you're the one who’s all flustered and looking away from him
he blinks once, then twice before smiling at you
“now who’s being shy?”
“i- shut up and watch the movie”
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to its rightful owner )
midoriya izuku:
he would die
not literally duh
but he’d want to disappear right then and there
you know that one scene where hatsume is pressed up against him and he blushes a shit ton and is just like “b-b-boobs”?
well yeah he’s like that
except he can barely talk because of how embarrassed he is 
he’d also, like kirishima, apologize a lot
he literally just feels like he committed a crime
and you’re like “midoriya, it’s not that deep”
but he’s just upset with himself 
you had told him earlier that you needed some help with your homework
and since he’s such a wonderful friend, he didn’t hesitate to tell you that he’d be more than happy to help
so now he’s happily walking to your room because he loves study dates with you
even tho they’re not dates at all
but still
he loves them
especially whenever you get a question right and you just look up at him with big puppy eyes, waiting for him to praise you
and he does
because you deserve it
you work so hard and he admires you for that
ok BAcK to the point,,,
(i’m sorry i just love this man so much, he makes me so soft)
here’s the deal
midoriya knocks on your door right?
but you don’t hear it because you’re blasting music on your speaker while singing your heart out
so he lets himself in
tho he wants to run back out when he sees your naked back is facing him
you’re changing; that’s the first thing he notices 
the second thing he notices is that you’re standing in front of a mirror
and you’re not wearing a bra
he yelps before turning around and you jump because you hadn’t noticed him 
“izuku? what are you-”
“i’m so sorry y/n! i didn’t mean to invade your privacy like this a-and i didn’t know you were changing and so i opened the door and then i saw you and oh god you’re not wearing a shirt which isn’t bad you know, i m-mean i'm not saying you look bad because ha believe me you don’t but-”
“oh my god dude, would you relax?”
you laugh as you finish putting on your hoodie 
he frowns, you’re laughing? in a situation like this?! are you okay???
“again, i’m sorry and it’s okay if you want me to go because it’s weird and i don’t want you to feel uncomfortable because of me so-”
“ok izuku, first of all stop talking,” he quickly shuts his mouth, still facing the closed door so you don’t see his tomato-like cheeks. “second, turn around,” you place your hands on his shoulders to make him look at you and he tenses at the touch, but turns around anyways 
you offer him a kind smile, the one that makes him fall harder for you everyday and that’s enough to ease his nerves a bit
“third, quit freaking out. it’s not like i’m gonna kill you or anything”
“b-but how are you so...calm?”
“uhh because i don’t really care?” 
he doesn’t know why, but his heart hurts a little after hearing you say that
is not like he expects you to actually reciprocate his feelings but,,
he didn’t have an effect on you whatsoever? not even a little bit?
“and besides, it’s you so i don’t mind”
“what do you mean?”
you shrug, smirking at the green haired boy, “well you like me, right?”
he almost stops breathing 
maybe he did for a few seconds
he looks at you, a mix of emotions flashing through his expression 
is he relieved? is he scared? is he happy?
he doesn’t  k n o w
neverthless, he nods shyly, looking away from your captivating gaze
“and i like you so it’s okay”
midoriya.exe has stopped working
someone PLEASE calm this boy down
he’s about to explode from feeling so much happiness 
“you do?!”
“of course” you smile at him one last time, before interlacing your fingers with his and sitting down on the rug next to your bed so you can study 
or maybe you got a little carried away and ended up cuddling all evening while eating ramen
but that’s besides the point
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( gif isn’t mine !! credits go to its rightful owner )
tamaki amajiki:
sweet little baby
he faints :D
no but seriously
he does.
are we surprised? 
nope, not at all
he can’t look at you for more than 5 seconds without getting nervous as it is,
but after he saw you half naked?!
yeah no, that’s too much for tamaki
his body shuts down because he cannot handle it
nejire told him to go check up on you because you seemed off at school
which tamaki also noticed because he’s very observant with people (especially you) but he preferred to not say anything 
of course his first response to nejire is straight up: no
he’s too shy 
and he’s scared because what if you get mad at him? or tell him to go away?
he thinks it’s better to give you your space and if you want to talk to him, then he’s more than ready to listen
but nejire wouldn’t shut up about it
then mirio butted in too and they were just whining a lot and he got tired of hearing them talk
now here he is, standing in front of your room with a shaky hand hovering against the wooden door
much like todoroki, he knocks and patiently waits for a response 
which he receives quickly 
“who is it?”
“ahh tama, let yourself in!”
he blushes at the nickname and finally opens the door
he’s about to go sit on your desk chair or something 
but then he sees you
you’re only in your underwear, struggling to put on a hoodie 
and then you jump to try and get it on
and that makes it worse because you’re wearing a  b r a 
long story short,
he falls to the floor :D
the big ‘thud’ startles you and even more so when you see tamaki’s unconscious body on the floor
“shit, tama are you okay?”
it takes him a good 5 minutes to open his eyes again 
he feels a cold towel pressed up against his forehead and he frowns at the feeling
when he turns his head around, he notices that he’s laying down on your bed
but you're nowhere to be seen 
“thank god you’re awake” 
your voice comes from behind him and that’s when he realizes he’s not only laying down on your bed, but also on your lap
“you really worried me!”
cue him blushing like there’s no tomorrow and stuttering 
“s-sorry. i was just s-surprised to see you c-changing and i’m sorry i didn’t tell you i was coming b-beforehand”
you shake your head, “that’s okay tama, i’m not mad at you”
he just nods because he’s afraid he’ll say something dumb if he talks
you brush your fingers through his indigo hair and he swears he can feel himself falling more in love with you in that precise moment 
you smile down at him
“what did you come here for anyway? not that i mind, but you know”
“nejire told me y-you seemed down today s-so i came to check up on you”
butterflies flutter in your stomach at his sweet words
“aww you’re so sweet, but i’m okay. i was just feeling sad”
he sits up to look at you better and he doesn’t miss the way you pout when his hair is no longer in between your fingers 
which makes his heart speed up 
“are you okay?”
his question is so genuine and he seems so concerned, it makes you want to keep him in your pocket forever
“i am now” 
he smiles at your response, happy that you feel better
“i’m glad”
“now come here, i wanna play with your hair”
and who is he to deny such request?
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any 2bdamned/doc headcanons ? :)
Eyy 👾 anon! Here you go! I need to write for doc more tho. Absolutely adore pee paw 2BDamned, Let him play flappy bird on his tablet.
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GENRE - Romantic / Platonic
TRIGGER WARNING - Toxic relationships, Manipulation, stalking, drugging, implied self harm, reader death mentioned
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At first glance, You wouldn't suspect a thing. He treats you about as nicely as he would any other person which is why he's both one of the most dangerous and interesting. You really won't see it coming.
He plays a long game of cat and mouse, So much so that by the time he's got you right where he wants you to be: It's too late for you to get out of those claws.
His obsession, like wise, is slow. He doesn't fall easily and most of his time is consumed by work. You'd have to do something extra special to kickstart his interest.
However when you do, He's looking through every file that has even the littlest bit of info on you and compiles it into one large file: For his eyes only. There's pages apon pages of personal info, records and data, photos, videos, literally everything and anything he can get his hands on and trust me, He can get his hands on A LOT
Uses this to his advantage, purposely choosing more favoured conversation topics such as you hobbies and interests. You might walk in on him doing one of your favourite things, Pleasantly surprised. Unaware this is all a plan to get closer to you and possibly even plot things you may enjoy from simple deduction.
Lingering touches last a little too long during check ups, Probably does some uncomfortable things but nothing that can't be brushed off as an accident. Especially when he apologies ( a rarity with him ) and doesn't do it again.... for a while.
If your one of his mercenaries / under his watch, You may find yourself put in the line of fire and hurt more than the average merc. While you just assume your a little more risky, Doc is actually going out of his way to make sure you get hurt. The worse, the better for him as it'll leave you in his care.
Doesn't matter if other people with medical knowledge are on sight and so much better than him, He is the only one who gets to touch you / heal you. He just says it's because your one of the best and can't afford to lose you But then why not put you in more capable hands?. He just cannot stand the idea of someone else doing his job in helping you, feeling like he's entitled to be doing so.
He'll manipulate you into slowly being the one to seek out his company. When the time is right, He'll " pull away " getting busy with work and putting his everything into it in hopes you'll come find him and make sure he's okay. He's essentially doing this in order to figure out if you care about him.
It's a way to reassure that you're warming up to him and starting to care for him. If it is successful he'll be very happy, Seeing as now he's supposedly a while you could just be doing it because what else are you supposed to do? Let him rot? That would be kinda shitty.
Either way, he's slightly more open with you now if you did make sure he was okay, as well as seemingly bonding and hanging around you a lot more. Attempting to build more of a relationship between you and him while demonstrating exactly why he's the perfect partner for you without outright saying it.
All the while you just assume the relationship has developed normally, both with mutual feelings and there isn't a monster under that mask just itching for an excuse to keep you all to himself. He's very possessive, If I haven't made that clear yet.
If his little plan doesn't work for whatever reason, doesn't matter on said reason, He'll be very angry that his methods are not doing as well as he planned and all of it has been a waste. However, this plan was more so an insurance policy before he did do anything drastic. After all, why should he do so when he can work to make the relationship he wants with you organically?
Doc would prefer to make up that relationship with you organically: It won't stop him from going down a less than favourable route however.
From then on, Doc might be a little snappy at you. Just because you apparently don't care about him. You'll also see cameras and feel eyes watching you always. Making you insanely paranoid and struggle with sleep. Inevitably people will pick up on your sudden exhaustion and recommend you go to see the good doctor for something to help!
He's more than happy too. Giving you a little too much however as he's got everything prepared and it's the most opportune moment to kidnap you. Even if they wanted too, It's not that anyone else can stop him. He'll just send Hank and friends after anyone who even thinks they can take you away from him. However even then, they'd have to get past him too, a very skilled strategist, and all his defences. Which only get 10x more care and effort put into them. After all, It's not just about keeping people out. It's about making sure you stay in.
Will probably get you hooked on drugs to without your knowledge. I'm not sure how, maybe he spikes your drink / food but it would only be when he's around. Aka somehow creating the illusion that you only feel this good around him, therefore somehow trying to convince you that he is allowed too.
Sometimes he won't even visit you, locking you in a secluded room for days on end - Not even making contact when you are given food or water ( probably has one of those sliding prison food door things ). He'll leave you and you'll to deal with your withdrawal all by your lonesome. If you hurt yourself - good for him because he'll be right there to patch you up. He isn't phased by even the nastiest of wounds. I mean, He's revived Hank multiple times and now Deimos. No matter what happens, he'll always claim he's seen worse.
He also may kidnap you if, in the relationship he's manipulated you into, You do something he doesn't like. For example, not telling him where you are or who you're with, Or just keeping secrets from him. He can hack into all your accounts and watch your every move. There really isn't anything you can hide from him since he already knows everything about you. Very controlling and needs to know everything so he can plan and act effectively.
I feel like there's also no way of escaping him. Not even death will save you from his clutches because whatever happens: He'll bring you right back to him. Even if it means every part of you that used to be is left to rot in the other place.
Your his and both of you are taking that to the grave. Whether you like it or not.
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tessaaaaa · 3 years
Honestly, I am not just angry because Gramblack didn’t happen. It‘s more how they did it and why. This show is just too good to write a storyline like this and that makes me angrier than anything else. Not me is almost flawless and then they do this half-assed love triangle that doesn’t make sense all while purposefully misleading us? It‘s like they wanted a red herring so badly and then gave the plotline to the intern who never read the books telling them to come up with something. The way they ruined so many things with this one scene is honestly baffling to me.
1. Gramblack - the potential they had. self-explanatory. I never read the book so I can’t say too much about them. Moving on.
2. Grams character- Not just this scene obviously but he became a fuck boy who can’t accept a no. He made a move on Eugene based on feelings he seemed to have for her for a long time AFTER HER BOYFRIEND WHO IS SUPPOSED TO BE HIS BEST FRIEND BROKE UP WITH HER. And after that, he did not accept her no multiple times. And I don’t have to talk about how they removed him from the narrative and made him barely interact with the others. The way he didn't want Black to kiss Eugene even though he had zero claim on her and had no right to demand anything from Black or Gram? I fucking hated it. I miss the old Gram. It was worse than his old personality seemed to shine through again later in the episode but that doesn’t matter anymore after the shit he pulled with Eugene.
3. Eugene - My love. I am so sorry they took your agency and made you give in to a guy even tho you already told him no multiple times. What kind of message even if this? I thought the show was better than this tbh. Also, why can’t she have a storyline outside of men? The whole scene was just her being confused and being in the middle of something she very clearly doesn’t want to be in. She deserves so much better. They should have given her a girlfriend
4. Gramblacks friendship - Does Gram even care about him at all? Where is the Gram who constantly touched White, who was always with Black, the Gram who told White freedom is the oxygen of the soul, the one who truly seemed to care? I feel like Episode 1 to 6 Gram would have burned the world down to go and find Black after he realizes he’s about to go on a suicide mission. Where is the Black that taught Gram how to ride a motorbike? The Black that allowed Gram to touch him while almost no one else is allowed to? All of these hints to their friendship and then Black comes back and they fight over a girl ?? Such wasted potential.
I also don’t understand why people are surprised that we are angry about a ship that was never promised to us. They mislead us on purpose. The Gram/Black/G/B statue thing was there to confuse us on purpose. They knew we would expect Gramblack to be a thing. As if we aren’t all used to hope until the very end, especially in times where every screenwriter tries to one-up the viewers and to come up with the most shocking plot twists. Gramblack was one of the most prominent ships in the book. Of course, we would expect it to happen instead of whatever this shit show is. They are not even giving us a poly couple. At least I don’t think so. Gram and Eugene could have worked maybe but for fucks sake, not like this.
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thetaoofbetty · 2 years
Do you truly think Bughead stands a chance at getting endgame? I’ve tried to hold out hope these last two seasons. I thought once upon a time that eventually the payoff would be worth it, but the nonsense just goes on and on. I feel like BH’s get kicked in the teeth every episode and are punished for their years of devotion. And it’s not even like BA and JT are written well or have anywhere near the level of BH’s chemistry, but sometimes it feels like we’re stuck with them because RAS has disdain for his audience and is fixated on the “new” above honoring these characters and giving the show the ending it deserves. I’m sorry for being so negative. I just feel so stupid for continuing to invest anything in this show. I don’t want to discover a year from now that my time has been wasted and that the show is still trying to convince us that Betty and Jughead belong with other people and can’t even be assed to let them discuss anything not plot point related.
i've been avoiding these asks for a while because i don't want to come off like i'm telling anyone how to feel but since i keep getting asked i guess i'll try and give my honest opinion but hopefully without offending or upsetting anyone (jinxed by even saying it, i know).
bughead is not the first ship to get kicked in the teeth. they're not even the first ship to break up and have the writers ignore the fact that they dated for a good portion of time. they are not the first ship to date other people and totally act like they never dated until it's time to ramp up any drama. they are not the first ship to date, break up, date others, and then tell that new person that they love them.
and every ship i am thinking of for the above? they ended up together in the end. so yeah, i think it's possible. stories aren't told in a vacuum and shows that go on for 22 episodes or more need to drag out their narratives. these are not 8 episode netflix or hbo max shows that have limited time for their stories, they are filling a lot more air time. they have and will drag things out if they're trying to get to a certain point. yes, riverdale does this worse than others. 100%. 1000% even.
maybe it's a product of us all bingeing and watching shows with 8-10 eps a season but recently i was rewatching gilmore girls with my exchange student and i legit kept leaving the room because i felt like it was dragging on even tho i watched it when it was on week to week and was invested. there were a lot of episodes that just felt like they did nothing past fill some time. which is probably what they were doing when you need to make 22 of them in a season.
and listen, i'm not the biggest fan of anyone writing this show overall (how no one seems to know what anyone else is doing is just such a bad way to write?) but i don't think roberto actually has a disdain for the audience. ted? sure. we don't appreciate his genius and therefore suck. his arrogance is well known. evan? he wants attention. he got it. it was a dumb move. raise your hand if you're a bughead fic author who has written more interaction between betty and archie in your fics than this man (their king!) has written onscreen.
this show is badly run, written, and promoted. that's pretty obvious at this point. not a lot of people are watching, not a lot of people care anymore and i totally get why. i'm not going to tell you to continue being invested in something making you unhappy, your fictional escapes should bring you joy so taking a break when needed is always a good idea.
personally, if they're going to drag out this whole timelines mess, i don't think everything that happened will be ignored, it's just a continuation—and i'm not going to assume anything about the 50s thing, we don't even know how long it's going to last or what will happen within it. but we haven't even seen the finale yet and at the end of the day, i feel like they didn't have tabitha tell veronica it was 50/50 for the fun of it. but that's me and i think everyone should do what works for them when it comes to this show and fandom.
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