#would definitely recommend
thx-sunsxts-addrxss · 11 months
um finished reading The Chalice of The Gods.
so, finally, I can do this: *removes filtered tags.
anyway, spoilers down below!
thoughts and reviews:
first off, I cracked up at how casually the team greeted Ganymede??
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Like guys. That is a literal god. It doesn’t matter if he’s the god of cups or cupbearers, he’s still a god.
anyway, the implication that Zeus was into guys, mainly over here,
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made me search up: is Ganymede a lover of Zeus?
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yes, ladies and gentlemen. yes he is.
and the Athena and Percy eye-convo? Absolutely top notch.
I’m talking abt this:
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and then this:
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ugh, I love it.
and Percy quoting Shakespeare (or SparkNotes, in his words) to Annabeth is something I didn’t know I needed.
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I cried. they’ve come so far.
and the Jason page? Cried there too.
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JASOOOOOOOOOOON [continues to bawl her eyes out]
anyway, that’s all I have to say. 100/10, Rick you slayed as always. go read the book
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djevelbl · 9 days
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This is the funniest sexting I've ever seen, and I've not seen sexting before what the fuck is happeninggggg
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unsurebazookacore · 2 months
rey you seem to be aware about deadpool and wolverine and i need to ask you if they are a gay couple or not. my instagram is 70% just interviews with ryan reynolds and hugh jackman and there is so much publicity with them together, like seriously. like what is even going on. i don't even watch marvel, why is instagram pushing their content so much.
well Arian to answer your first… that is unfortunately entirely up to your interpretation
but yeah I’m assuming the movie had a crazy big marketing budget which is why ur seeing ryan reynolds and hugh jackman everywhere, and it’s basically this year’s summer blockbuster from my understanding so it’s getting similar media reception to a movie like barbie did last year
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sapphoismymuse · 3 months
when you leave a movie on during dinner so your family yapping session is interspersed with he is aragorn, son of arathorn and the bilbo trying to take the ring in rivendell scene
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natsmagi · 9 months
Thank you for the year of nyota natsumugi, it feeds the soul.
THE PLEASURE IS ALL MINE ANON!!!!!!! i think true enlightenment is letting nyota natsumugi fester in ur soul. the core of ur being. i think its what akira wouldve wanted. SO HERES TO ANOTHER YEAR OF YURI POSTING!!! 🥂🥂🥂
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jesuschritso · 1 year
Saw the new Haunted Mansion movie today with my mom. Kinda my treat to us. Mostly bc she's addicted to movie theater popcorn lol. Good movie, good popcorn, everyone wins!
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vimvarial · 2 years
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So I completely misread the Drawtober prompts and now I am behind...so I cranked out this one for the prompt Garden of Magick real quick. Inspired by the good times I have been having playing Ooblets! Nullwhere is definitely my favorite zone.
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hoforwonho · 1 year
Hi~ if you're still doing the playlist game: fanny? 😊
hi ! yeah I totally am - hope you like it 🙂
f: fever - changmin
a: atlantis - shinee
n: new dayz - trendz
n: night & day - lovelyz
y: ya - huta
Send me your name and i’ll make a mini playlist with the letters in your name
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hihi-hello · 2 years
Negative Oklahoma 2019 reviews are unbelievable. They go like this:
"There's an aspect of the show that's different from prior versions. Great..."
- Reviewer, thinking that aspect's inherently bad and never argues or explains their opinion
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youngpettyqueen · 3 months
finished Warchild today!! thoughts below the cut
tldr: loved this book a LOT
this book was GREAT for Julian character exploration. he's my favourite little guy, lets get that out of the way first- Julian is amazing in this book, and I love love LOOOOOOVE Esther Friesner's take on him and how she wrote him. this book is set between s1 and s2, so this is Julian in the early days of his character development, still so young and desperate to prove himself, overflowing with emotion and passion, and UGH its all so fucking good. he's grappling with self-doubt and insecurity, while at the same time also doing some of his best work as a doctor, fuelled by desperation and the need to do whatever he can to help. he works himself to the bone until he literally faints. he gets so angry on behalf of the suffering children and he doesnt give a flying fuck who he's talking to when he unleashes about it. he cries over losing a child he had a bond with, Belem, actually CRIES- something I dont think we ever see from him in the series. the raw emotional vulnerability from Julian in this book is just. so good. god. I could write an essay. his brief romance with Jalika is bittersweet, and while it is a bit shoehorned in, imo, it does showcase how Julian falls hard and fast and with reckless abandon. fantastic depiction of the character, fantastic exploration of him as a doctor, seriously I cant praise this book enough for so wonderfully capturing Julian's character in every single way
also of note. this book was written prior to Doctor Bashir, I Presume? even airing, coming out in 1994, and yet we still get some fantastic implications about Julian's family. his internal narration of his family is derisive and he avoids thinking about them, and he thinks a bit about how he was raised in higher society among politicians. also also, there's a specific bit where he mentions how his parents boasted about him only enjoying "the finest dining" as a child, and it was a cover for him just being a picky eater. considering what would be revealed later, about Julian being neurodivergent and/or disabled, I found that to be an interesting note
Julian rambling out of the way, my absolute favourite thing about this book is its depiction of Bajor. this book truly doesnt hold back in depicting just how dire the situation is on Bajor. we're still in the early days of Bajor being liberated, and it isnt a pretty picture. Friesner strikes a beautiful balance between the unflinching, raw depictions of the refugee camps, the desolation, the dying children, and the brutal, honest depiction of the government and its failings. this book follows DS9's example of depicting characters who did what they had to do in sympathetic lights wonderfully, and you find yourself sympathizing with people who do terrible things because they've been driven to such a breaking point. the failures of Bajor's provisional government are truly highlighted, garnering more sympathy for the people in these camps, the people who aren't getting the help they so desperately need. it makes no attempts to sugarcoat or soften anything, forcing every non-Bajoran character's eyes wide open at the same time it does the readers. its a POWERFUL book in that regard, and I found it deeply compelling and difficult to put down
another highlight for me is the Kira and Sisko dynamic. this is still early days for them, and they butt heads constantly. the trust they come to develop isnt quite there yet, and Kira isnt afraid to let Sisko know exactly what she thinks, and she isnt afraid to do so as bluntly as she sees fit. in the same vein, I love the dynamic between Sisko and Bajor here. its strained, uncomfortable, Sisko cant seem to ever do anything right because every choice he makes makes somebody angry. Sisko really just cant catch a break in this one. he's either dealing with Bajoran representatives who are never pleased, or he's trying to track down Julian who's gone AWOL, or he's dealing with Quark. he truly cannot win
Kira's scenes in this novel are FASCINATING also, as they explore her faith and where it clashes with her duty. we see so many facets of her character- the hotheaded rebel fighter, the major, the soft and gentle motherly figure, the proud warrior. I love that shes fully in support of Julian going AWOL and backs him up. I love that later shes conflicted about it because she believes so wholly in the prophecy and the Nekor that she wants him back to be able to cure her. I wish we got more of her in the novel, I especially wish we got more from her POV, I think it would've really benefitted the story and the furthering of character relationships. still, im satisfied with what we got
Jadzia gets some great time to shine as a scientist in this one. I love the teamwork between her and Julian, and the emphasis placed on what a great team they make. theres a very cute scene where he makes a big breakthrough and grabs her and dances around with her and its like, one of my favourite things ive ever read. but she seriously gets to shine so much in her work in this one, there would've been no vaccine without her, and she does everything she can to further her research and her work. shes working herself to the bone as well, even if shes better at dealing with it, and her lifetimes of experience really get to take centre stage. wish we had some more of her, like I do with Kira, but also like with Kira, im satisfied with what we got
the original characters in this novel are great. Belem was devastating, the various Vedeks and representatives made me grind my teeth, and Cedara and Dejana were just. so fucking good. Cedara and Dejana felt so REAL, they were so interesting to read, heartbreaking and hilarious all at once, and so so charming. I saw the reveal with Cedara coming, and I loved it. I could read a whole series about her, a wild child with far too much placed on her shoulders, desperate to protect her little sister and her home. I like to think her and Julian keep in touch, and they visit each other, and he helps her out on her path to becoming a healer. then theres Jalika, who I did enjoy, but definitely felt the weakest of the introduced characters. I wish we got more time with her, and I wish there was more exploration of her beyond being the kind and gentle healer. we get a brief glimpse of her being quite capable of being deadly, and fierce, but only the brief glimpse. still, she was compelling, and her and Julian's brief romance had an ending that packed a surprising punch considering how short it was. really felt for both of them with that one
overall, this book was a solid read that I thoroughly enjoyed. I'd highly recommend it to anyone wanting more content about Bajor, and anybody who wants a really good Julian-centric story that pushes him to points we dont get to see him pushed to in the series. its a devastating read at times, but also hilarious- seriously, theres a scene with a hologram of Dukat dancing ballet in a pink tutu. what more can I say
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hopeurokays · 7 months
just finished if he had been with me
nobody speak to me for the next week
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canisalbus · 6 months
The anon ask reading Machete as Versace and your mention of his subtly elegant style resting along the lines of YSL got me thinking the lad would honestly devour Loro Piana. In stark contrast, it feels like Vasco would be happy to roll with UNIQLO and other lighter fashion, for a more casual, slightly whimsical, less severe look. Either way, you know the boys will be so pretty in their littol outfits :3
Gifting him a 1300€ Loro Piana cashmere sweater just so I can pit him against the forces of static electricity.
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about to start linking my spotify and playlists bc idk what to post
if y’all like underground indie, alternative, or hyper-pop then hi hello i’m ur girl ig?
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lipstickboyboy · 1 year
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Excerpt from Ada Limón‘s Bright Dead Things
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pinkkittysaw · 1 year
i…did not survive the barbie movie DJDJDJDJD
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mysonnyshine · 1 year
oh man... dear england made me cry a lot, absolutely such a good show
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