#would explain the cringe
arceal-doodles · 2 years
Im begging you.... I saw on twitter you have an ao3 i need new fics to read please.....pleeeeeeease link your profile im dying here!
Perfect timing! I've actually just finished rewriting BT so there's a multi length fic for you 😌 Enjoy!!
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puppyeared · 5 months
i feel like. theres designing a character with certain themes and motifs in mind, and then theres making a gijinka for the water bottle on my nightstand
#me when im the only person on the bus wearing a mask: i should make a furry plaguesona#its hard to explain bc. most of the time i try NOT to give my characters a 'strong' theme like making their whole design around#one thing like apples or even broad stuff like baking or cottagecore.. idk if its partly for flexibility or because i cant imagine them#making it their whole personality. not bc i find it cringe or overblown but more like ive learned to associate design with character depth#i had a cutesy uwu persona for most of highschool because i thought it would make me more. likeable? easy to remember? since#memorable character designs are easy to recognize. and one way of doing that is simplifying it with a theme or symbol so you form an#association. but since im a real person its exhausting keeping up that appearance all the time and denying myself things when they dont#fit my 'aesthetic' or 'theme.' i think ive grown past that bc i just collect stuff because i think it looks cool and dont let myself dwell#on how it might 'fit' with my image. but i cant help feeling bad doing it to my own characters bc it feels like im making them too one#dimensional. despite knowing that theyre not real and design alone doesnt reflect depth i cant help feeling like its wrong#despite that i love seeing motifs because it feels like it reflects the characters soul and paradoxically gives them depth. it makes them#interesting to look at too and honestly its pretty fun combining things that fall under a similar category when designing#i struggle find a balance between those two things#actually this reminds me of noelles christmas theme.. i dont remember her saying anything abt liking christmas despite a lot of#her design and character tying back to it. it makes me wonder if she would have feelings about that or doesnt think abt it too hard#or if its like a matching family shirts situation and shes just going along with it??#maybe i should just do whatever i want with my character designs since theyre not real and im thinking abt it too hard#although. this probably has something to do with deep seated identity issues huh#yapping#oc talk#oc
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mochidreambubble · 1 year
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My darling, my baby, my OL2 MC-
Finally got art for him!!🎨by the super-talented Ari on Twitter💕
Full ref for his art under the cut ✨ (as well as some notes from me)
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More relevant if you've seen my other OCS, then you have seen another OC called Ashe as well. This is technically also Ashe but not really. Just know I use a lot of OC bases for different games to cut a long story short
(If you've seen the OL2 MC tournament you kind of maybe have seen him. Lost in the first round but Mariana is so cute and deserved the victory uwu)
He's the sweetest menace you will ever meet. His pranks are pretty harmless, one example is that he likes sticking stickers (with supportive messages or 'ILUs/BFFs' or hearts) on his peers (and his mom, bless Opal for dealing with him). This happens if you go in for a hug. He'll never turn one down 💕
The Anqi/Ashe naming deal is because I wanted to put my own experience being a Chinese person and knowing full well not everyone is able to pronounce Chinese names off the bat and..... English names are easier for them haha.... (It makes Tamarack wanting to mainly use his name over his nickname mean so much more to me, MY HEART)
He wants to be as pretty as his Mama 💖
I am hoping GB implements the option to date both Tama and Qiu in the future because I am not sure so Anqi is just for both rn lol
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mjulmjul · 2 years
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Leave all your love and your longing behind / You can't carry it with you if you want to survive
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quinn-pop · 17 days
actually what if i just posted this. no context
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(jk it’s an idol au lol)
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astarlightmonbebe · 6 months
i'm only at the beginning of li tongguang's descent into obsession (eps 17-18), but already it's both hurting and hitting. hurting, because we know li tongguang's capabilities, and his level headedness, and the potential he has, that he seems to throw out due to this obsession. hitting, because when you think about it, the obsession storyline and characterization does make perfect sense. obsession like that is a double edged blade, which can turn from love to hate, childish belief and joy to embittered rage in a second.
on one hand, it's painful to watch ltg's childlike desperation when faced with ruyi again. we want to grit our teeth and think of him as idiotic, unable to take a hint. but the reality is that it's a completely normal response to be expected from him. i mean, it's a dream come true, to see the person you 'love' the most in the world to be whole in front of you. it's probably what he could only dream about, especially being the one to apparently find her bones and bury them.
on a deeper level, ltg's initial reaction is very much a manifestation of his inner child, almost peter pan-like in the 'child that never became an adult/grew up' way. by that i mean to say the desperate urge to please, the constant worrying, and the oscillation between hot and cold moods are all so indicative of someone who grew up in an insecure/unstable environment, usually with volatile or simply unavailable authority figures. from what we can gather, he had no father, his mother wasn't in his life ("she doesn't want him around, nor can she bear for him to be away, so that's why he's like that" per empress zhaojie's words to ruyi). the one authority figure that entered his life to offer some semblance of guidance was ruyi, and even though it's clear that she held care for him, she was also a twenty year old assassin used to training subordinates, not children. her mentorship style is clearly so different when you hold ltg and yang ying side by side, and we know from ruyi's own mouth that she doesn't consider herself to have taught ltg well, and wants to remedy that through/with yang ying (i'll probably make a whole different post comparing this and the affects of this after watching some more episodes lol - there are bullet points in the drafts). so even though ruyi was his authority figure, she was still an emotionally unavailable one who couldn't meet ltg on the level he probably needed at that time in his life, and which no one probably ever did. hence his up and down reaction and actions.
it intrigues me, too, because i think, in a very subtle way, ltg is very much a character foil to ruyi in that he reflects some of her worst attributes, or more accurately represents the sort of person she was, or at least acted like (yuan lu's comment about how ltg has ruyi's gaze was meaningful outside of the jealousy arc - to me at least). i saw someone make a really interesting comment on how ltg's devotion to ruyi parallels ruyi's own devotion to empress zhaojie, which i'll also probably comment on more later.
obviously, ltg's obsession stems from an issue much larger than ruyi herself - she just happens to be the unfortunate target of it. and, clearly, i know his descent into it will be ugly, if understandable. i understand ruyi wanting to leave that part of her life behind, but also - to think that maybe many of the issues faced in future eps could have been avoidable if she'd been upfront with li tongguang about her identity early on.
#star stumbles#a journey to love#一念关山#cdrama#my thoughts#li tongguang#eps 17-18#sorry if i jumped from one point to another this is just a stream of consciousness#and by that last sentence what i mean is that if ruyi had acknowledged him#and then told him something like 'i'm on a mission right now so don't do this or that' etc#even without explaining her situation. i think he would have been much more toned down#of course there is a chance it would have fed his delusions but really anything she did would do that#but not acknowledging him is worse in so many regards#especially when he has a whole thing (elephant in the room sized issue) about abandonment and acknowledgement#his future irrational behaviors are a child demanding to be seen/heard#which is like. embarassing! because we know his potential we saw it but now he's just reduced to this#but i think it's true to the sort of character and story he has. which is the sad part.#ok...i had one more thought but i've forgotten it twice now so uhhh#onto ep 19 in a bit. i will be cringing through it#yeah but i just can't get over his personal reaction right after leaving in ep 17#because that is EXACTLY how children with emotionally abusive/manipulative parental figures act#the anxiety about pleasing them the dread you messed it up the desperate urge to fix it....#it's really sticking with me#honestly some have argued that ruyi was abusive and i don't combat that but it's out of pocket#for the time period/context lol. also not really the point if that makes sense
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chibishortdeath · 7 months
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Yippie! So silly (kinda sad) idea I had I while ago that I need to draw about again aaaa— Anyway, there were a lot details that had me thinking about stuff in certain games. Harmony of Despair has the “Helmont/Shiimon/Simon Wraith” enemies that have this ominous description of “some say this is what happened to Simon Belmont in the end”, and it’s just never mentioned again. Like damn ok that’s uh some interesting information wow uh— Also that coupled with the hanging skeletons being a reference to Simon in CV4 and also being in the hanged man position, the family heirlooms in the ghostly Dracula’s castle in Harmony of Dissonance, and the quest for Anna in Order of Ecclesia about helping her cat protect her from dark spirits that’s ended with a really sudden line about her having nightmares about a man with a whip fighting something scary, my guy is haunting the narrative and doesn’t sound like he’s doing so great 💀.
So the Ghost Simon concept was born and uh here he is I guess lol. Part of it also came from the idea that we’ve already seen a ghost companion in the series in Wind (if you know you know), but what if there was one you had to help that was a little more uh what’s the word… tormented? Vengeful? Upset in general? Yeah. He’s kinda just a mix of a bunch of different ghost lore, not one in particular. Fun fact: Dulahans sometimes use their own spines as a whip :3. And in a lot of folklore Strigoi often prey on their own family members, especially the younger girls in the family. But yeah, he’s just kind of a nuisance, not really like ‘evil’ or anything. Breaks things sometimes, generally pesters people, only occasionally a minor threat. Maybe leaves bloody footprints sometimes, turns paintings crooked, writes omens on walls, ya know, average ghost activities. I like to think that the boss rush with him in HoD is what he’s been doing for a while. Maybe Juste unknowingly takes him home with some of the furniture, probably the grandfather clock lol. Idk it’s just a fun what if idea for fun tho mostly d(^^ ).
#castlevania#castlevania games#simon belmont#art post#my art#does this count as an AU?#I don’t really think it does???#it’s just some ‘what if he spooky’ funny idea idk#does this count as cringe or whatever (joke I know it’s cringe I’m just happy with it)#some of these details I would love to see more on tho like#Konami what do you mean Simon’s name can be a pun in Japanese on the word for death#what do you mean if you spell it a little differently it means Gates of Death Konami I need answers—#or don’t explain anything and give more random ominous vague information#i would appreciate it#a lot actually#please say more random spooky things about this guy#what little to no content does to a mf#Simon’s Quest is a great game (I am going insane)#should I even tag all the games I mentioned in this or is putting this on the main tags enough of a risk as it is—#anyway I wanna make more random speculation collages I’m just on and off burnt out constantly help#this is primarily for silly situations like idk Maxim asking if anyone else has seen that dead guy in the mirror they brought home lol#thinkin about the idea of a game set in the 50s about a horror movie being made about the legends of Simon#and he’s there (in spirit lol) being a complete nuisance on set#the lead actor is just trying to work and here’s some ghostly voice say ‘I would not have my hair that short ewwwww’#aaaaa I should also draw that idea damn#maybe Halloween being a thing will get me to do it (TwT )#TUMBLR JUST KICKED ME OUT OF THE APP I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA LOSE THIS WHOLE POST THAT WAS SCARY—
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gammija · 16 days
Chad chad on YouTube has videos with sound effects like in the casement
aha, THANK you for being the only lead so far, anon!
ok i checked out some of chad chads vids, and i get what you mean, the sound effects used in the case definitely wouldn't stand out in a chad chad vid
but, well, two things, really. Firstly is that she's on youtube while 'vidclick' is more likely a parody of tiktok, based on the way her account is formatted (at first i actually interpreted the 1.4M likes as being individual likes for her account, instead of for all her video's put together, because i dont use tiktok normally). and on tiktok, the styles ive seen so far were to either use a Sound with sound effects included, or a more 'low-effort' style of editing consisting of talking to the camera with only some jumpcuts. That this case's vid uses sound effects in a tiktok-style talking-to-camera vid isnt really a big deal, if the rest of the case had done a better job of sounding like a real video, but it adds to that disconnect.
the second and bigger thing is that. chad chad uses those sound effects in a different way. she uses basically a new sound every second while she keeps talking, does dramatic voices and short sketches, cuts and edits them together in a high paced snappy style. In that style, those sound effects work to emphasise the content. Madam E's way of using sound effects is to drop a pauze - sound effect - continue. She also lets them play out completely, instead of cutting as soon as the joke lands, and she uses only one or two each vid. It's jarring, awkward and calls too much attention to the effect, and doesn't match the low energy and slow pace of her vids (the usual fast pace of this style is another thing that the overuse of slang alone fails to appreciate - she rushes through her lines but there are no audible jumpcuts that i noticed, and even when there should be a beat of silence for audience reactions, she fills up the silence)
it's as with everything else in this case imo; It's not good enough to pass for the real deal, but it's not so clearly bad in a way that it looks intended, making the whole thing come off as vague and directionless with only the parody of 'youth speak' to hold it up
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hauntedwoman · 1 month
the taylor album is boring and i have only genuinely enjoyed the florence feature anyone that thinks of me when they think of taylor swift do not associate me with this i am not a fan
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roboyomo · 4 months
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i might not be able to ocpost in form of a new drawing today (fucking damnit) but.,,,, have this more than a year old drawing of the oc lore mc,, (his name is yaku, or okazaki yaku if you wanna use the full name). pls hold this little critter as i try to give some tiny bit of oc lore info about this guy and the main antagonist below the cut
Yaku is more of a confused and anxious guy at the start as he literally knows nothing (he just died and got to afterlife, let him have a moment to adapt). Which then gradually turns into being more serious and (mostly) collected in specific situations, while also being a big overthinker that is nervous about anything sudden happening. He is a 20 year old man that slowly forms a family bond with like. everyone at his now "forever" job (Except for a few). That same job being fucking hand-picked out of the billions of people out there to become one of the warriors at the top company of what would be "Hell" to take on many different tasks and requests, as well as the protection of the world he now belongs to. Though at the same job, Yaku is considered as 𝘵𝘩𝘦 weakest employee/warrior, literally weaker than the fighter that is a child (All because of a certain lore mechanic for those same warriors or fighters but it is,,, too much to explain in one post). All the employees were supposed to be blessed by the Gods as to truly be worth of the role that grants great responsibility for the billion of souls living in the same world they are in, and Yaku did get his blessing, Blessing of Thunder.
Moving a bit further from that, Yaku has very big attachment issues in a way that he will get emotionally attached to someone a bit toooo hard if he truly enjoys their company (literally what happened with him and all of his coworkers he loves them all so much). The problem is that one of those of coworkers is quite literally the main antagonist, Kenix or Yi Dal if you prefer his real name (has lore mechanics attached to him based off one of the Deadly Seven Sins). Yea Kenix's and Yaku's relationship is fucking complicated, especially since Kenix is Yaku's uncle (i don't have the time to explain the confusing family tree okay)
Kenix has a brain rot going on, in the quite literal sense (He is cursed and with each day, he loses his sanity and detaches from himself more and more to the point of not being able to have full control over his actions if he is just. a tad bit more insane than usual), so he treats Yaku very badly in the first story arc. He wants to feel guilt over his actions, he desperately wants to be able to feel empathy for his nephew - but with every passing day, he is forgetting about his morals as he is losing 𝘩𝘪𝘮𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧. Despite all that, Yaku is already way too heavily attached to Kenix as he is his relative (some heavy found family shit is going on), so he tries to see the best in him, give Kenix a new chance each time to prove that he can get better. But that is not happening any time soon, Yaku,,,,
anyways ending the ocpost at this. I am sorry if this is a cringe premise for the lore but i swear. i poured my heart into this for more than two years and it means so so SO much to me it is my most comfort thing ever, it will make sense later on with more posts like these [screaming and crying] (and if you wanna,,, you can send asks about specific oc lore parts you want to know or just the ocs in general,,, just saying)
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beginnerblueglass · 7 months
Wish I could have captured on camera the look on my Bible study leader’s face when the new lady piped up in the middle of Bible study to say, “For me, it all comes down to the moment on the cross when Jesus forgave the Father” (emphasis added by me).
Like girl whaaat?
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twilightarcade · 4 months
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small talk
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mintacle · 1 year
I generally hold that we should let teenagers just be melodramatic and I detest the word 'cringe' because teenagers are just discovering, just beginning, that experience of artistic expression. Being unexperienced in expressing the genuine does not mean that they are in fact ingenuine. But beyond the fact that teenagers should have the freedom to not be embarrassed out of sheer human dignity and respect, I also look back at my own younger self and think about how I used to be embarrassed for them, but now think that I should have been far, far more expressive.
Now I realize that the pain my 12-year-old self was expressing was because I was being abused and neglected by my parents. And only now do I know that the abuse was real and not just an exageration on my part. Now I'm listening to songs I forgot I had listened to. I think about my early sleep disorders and remember being awake at 2AM listening to these horribly sad songs. I listen to them again as an adult who has long since moved out and I understand the pain my old self was going through clearer. This child I used to be was not being cringe or exagerating and if that wasn't such a popular narrative on teenage hurt, then maybe I would have actually gone to child protection services when I wanted to. Or been honest to my teachers when they asked me if everything was alright at home. Maybe I wouldn't have felt fucking embarrassed like it was my fault when my teacher came to me about my homework I handed in, in which I wrote something about destructive love and lack of love of parents for their children and how their children loved them still but they weren't being loved back. And I lied and said it was nothing, but that I had just seen a movie recently with something like that. And I laughed and said that I would just come up and say it if something bad was actually happening. And my teacher said that it can be very hard to do that. And I shrugged, feeling guilty for having made fun of those children who actually have it hard, because I didn't think I have the right to say that I was one of those kids.
Because, my god, is it jarring and gut-wrenching to be re-discovering the songs you used to listen to and remembering exactly how alone and how hurt and desperate you were. And then to realize you were right all along. To think that so much of this is being ignored and degraded to mere teenage-melodrama; both the internalized narrative some adults have of themselves and the things some teenagers are going through again, right now, because we can't think of emotion as anything other than immature (for teens and kids) or entertainment and art (for adults).
Artistic expression of my PTSD is something I revel in, but there is no need for people to learn first how to weave poetry or paint into their pain before we deem it valid. Being unexperienced in self-expression of the emotions deeply ingrained in the human condition, does not mean that teenagers feel these emotions any less intensely or truly.
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elinorapologist · 1 year
okay i stopped watching riverdale after season 4 can someone tell me what the ABSOLUTE FUCK IS GOING ON WITH BETTY AND VERONICA
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vaugarde · 5 months
listened to cabinet man again for holiday joy and i also listened to touch tone telephone again and man the urge to add it to the quinn and atlas playlist…
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petrichorium · 9 months
I’m ngl I cringe at things a lot and that love surge video isn’t even that cringy to me 😭😭😭
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