#wow nostalgia is so damn real
apparently-artless · 10 months
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oh-no-its-bird · 20 days
Look all I'm saying is that if I were going to make a minecraft movie.
Well, first off I'd put down the first person to even reccomend we do it in cgi. Not just because it looks objectively terrible and half of the magic and nostalgia factor of minecraft is in its texture but holy shit budget much??? You are literally looking at a situation where the cheaper option is also objectively the better option. What the fuck are you doing
But I mean, after that.
Second off, all my writers must watch popular smps and minecraft roleplays/let's plays to understand the "magic" of the game. That's how we're studying for this, not the game books or whatever. Those guys are clearly doing smthn right, and as the executive/writer who knows very little about mineraft that I am in this hypothetical scenario, I need to do my best to make money. And that means learning what people like about the game and community.
Maybe even bring on some popular (non controversial please god) smp writers for consulting. They literally make minecraft movies as their fucking job, they are the expert u need to consult
Story wise, you NEED to choose if you wanna play this straight or silly. I'm so sick of movies trying to be all emotional and "ohh this world is so beautiful,, if u could only understand,, woaa" with their epic sound track and dramatic lighting, but then the dialogue being ripped out of a stupid marvel knockoff trying too hard to be witty
Anyways. Give me a generic "kid has a hard life and uses [thing] to escape it but then their parent trashes [thing] to teach them a "lesson"" movie.
The thing is minecraft and this kid is totally in love with letsplays and smps and has a server with their online friends (get a sponsorship from discord for that good good film sponsorship money, have them play while in call)
The mom or dad or maybe both trash the kids computer for some reason (bad grades maybe or one of those shitty "you need to talk to us more!!! That computer is killing ur brain!!! You don't love us as much as you should and it's that damn games fault!!!" But like it's actually just a kid being a normal fucking kid and having normal fucking kid hobbies things and the parents are dicks)
They delete the minecraft world rip
Them boom, kid somehow gets stuck in the game
Switch to NON CGI FILMING IN MINECRAFT. If you really need to add your stupid shitty fucking cgi then at least make it look like an ACTUAL MINECRAFT ANIMATION holy shit
It'll save us so much money too
So main plot is this kid, being trapped in minecraft, actually falling through different minecraft servers.
We can have different cameos from popular smps and youtubers, get some old youtubers and gameplay in here too. Get fucking dantdm and the diamond minecarts og series with the lab thing, it'll make the old fans lose their fucking MINDS.
The youtubers themselves don't even have to show up, just shove the kid into settings that are clear references to smps and letsplays. Have them wander through Aphmau's OG minecraft diaries sets or Sundee's lucky block series
The best part is that as backdrops, you don't even have to fully commit to "you'll only get this/find this interesting if you know these guys" bc if your writing is good enough you can still make people care by just. Introducing it correctly. Don't present it as "Aphmau's old minecraft diaries series world" go "oh wow look st this cool village,, woah I wonder who built this ,," And have them interact with NPCs organically
Meanwhile the parents go into the game after the kid to bring them back and we do this whole world hopping adventure where the parents learn that,, minecraft can be fun? Actually?
They find the kid and the kid is like "nooo I'm having too much fun the real world SUCKS!!!" but then we do that "it's cool to have fun and indulge but you still need to be present in the real world and do real people things too in order to have that fun responsibly" where somehow the kid realizes that moderation is good for u.
Maybe they almost die in game fr fr? Every world they enter has its difficulty upped a little bit till they enter *gasp* a hardcore world (oh no)
So like the kid learns that you can't just lock yourself in the room and wish the world goes away while you play minecraft for 12 hours straight, and the parents learn that minecraft is cool and fun and can be a good outlet and outlets are important for adults and children alike. And also that they totally pulled a dick move and they need to try to understand their kid instead of just demanding the kid understands them
Somewhere along the way, the kid ends up in their friends server and the friends help to pull them out of the game w the parents
We end the movie with the kid making an effort to be more present with the parents, and the parents also making an effort to interact with the kid in ways that they know the kid will enjoy and respond well to— shown a family dinner scene where the kid very eagerly eats their food while talking about school, then they all go to play minecraft together
The end <3
Oh right and if you seriously want Jack Black there so fucking bad then make him either the dad or like. School computer teacher who helps the kid use Minecraft EU to learn science (shows off that some schools use minecraft for education purposes) who also helps the kids friends pull them and the parents out of the game
Overall, lots of themes not just about how the game is cool and can let you do cool shit, but also about how the community is cool, and how it's provided so many kids and adults outlets to express themselves and have fun together
That's how you do a game movie
Anyways yeah, minecraft movie looks shit. Hire me instead next time
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fullmetalgirl98 · 7 months
30 days Hypnosis Mic challenge
DAY 3: favorite song of your favorite division
🎤 「Stella」
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I apologize in advance, but I'm going to blather a lot about this.
This song is really special to me because it reminds me of a particular time in my life, specifically of a winter ... the one of the lockdown.
I remember that the first time I listened to Stella, the first thing which caught me out of guard was the music and the very peculiar vibe. Both had a strange effect on me, conveying a feeling of immensity as well as being perfectly capable of making me imagine that I was scattered in a galaxy, although at that first listen I had no idea what the song was about, and the title had me more imagining something to do with idols (lol, no).
I can't quite explain this, but I remember that I literally freezed when the piano started playing and a sense of powerful nostalgia immediately hit me hard. Because. Wtf was THAT???? I didn't expected such a vibe??? (gradually my mind started to create a connection with my childhood memories of Dragon Ball GT (LOL)).
And then, the narration started.
I understood little to no Japanese at the time, so I couldn't have even remotely grasped any words that might provide me with a start on the content of the song, but as soon as Dice's rap started, I immediately screamed WOOOOHH??! What is this stuff??? SO COOL, OMG???
And then Gentaro.
There, gentlemen, Gentaro's part was something exceptional to hear for the first time. The atmosphere between his first stanza and the second one is COMPLETELY different and the way he closes with the last verse, "ore mo ubai satte kure MESSAIAAAH〜"
Then Ramuda's part, with that mechanical tone and that way of breaking sentences and words that is extraordinarily difficult to follow ...
So here's the chorus ... and that single chord on the word "starlight", with that change in tone that gave me a sense of immensity (???), that kidnapped my heart.
The second part of the song, in which a real dialogue between the members begins, intrigued me even more because there I could pick up on something, actually, and I wanted to understand why the hell DICE had such a serious tone in this damn (affectionate) song. It was so strange, for him!!!
In conclusion, at the end of listening, I pounced to look for a translation.
And my world changed.
I came to know that this song was plotted as a Gentaro's story (and that alone, to me, is simply brilliant) about a bandit, a king and a scientist whose respective planets are in ruins, for one reason or another. But they all find themselves gazing at the same falling star and thus begins a journey through the galaxy, which will see member after member recruited on this journey, tearing each of them out of their ruined reality...Until the scientist, the hardest to convince. But the words and support of the other two will be able to bring him, too, out of the dark into the light...and make him too take part in that wonderful journey.
We can understand this as a metaphor for the Fling Posse and the relationship that subsists between them:
The shooting star represents them as a group, their union;
The journey could represent the inner discovery that the three of them are taking together, to get to know each other better and trust each other, to the point of creating a true and indissoluble bond;
The scientist, who doesn't trust others and sees no meaning into joining them, is clearly the Ramuda of the past who, thanks to Gentaro and Dice, gradually learns to want to live and to truly trust his companions;
Also, funny to see how the role of the king was assigned to Dice, considering that he's the son of the governor, in the Hypmic universe.
Well. Wow.
My heart is yours, Fling Posse.
So, Stella was THE song by Fling Posse that made me reach the concrete certainty that they, from that moment on, would have to be my favorite division, without any doubt. It's a song that had a very special effect on me from the very first listen. I can't quite describe what it feels like, as I hear it. It may also be the fact that I particularly love anything that has to do with the universe and galaxies, so I would say that the vibe described is perfect for me lol.
It's a song that I can't skip when it starts playing and it gets me every time. It's not for nothing that my level of obsession is such that I made a journal spread (link) and a mini MV (link).
Check them out, if you're curious! ^^
[Side note: today's Ramuda's birthday...so happy birthday with this?!]
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nitewrighter · 8 months
Hello (there is a prompt at the end of this I promise)
I had a dream about Gency and it reminded me of you bc I used to love love LOVE Gency (still do!) and your fics are so well written and I am so sad that Blizzard fucked up overwatch (and it’s lore kinda?) over the last couple years :(
Also the way they removed a bunch of Gency interactions and are kinda like..changing their relationship dynamic? And the line in the biography story mode thing about how mercy was genjis cyberneticist?? even though she previously was never mentioned to like… do that stuff and that kinda reframes how they interacted pre-fall and its a minor thing but it really just grinds my gears :(
(I pretend it is not canon because i know overwatch better that the current OW2 writers 👍)
And pushing more Pharah/Mercy stuff after literal YEARS of gradual Gency buildup in OW1?
and also the way some Gency artists literally don’t feel SAFE to post their ship art (of a ship that actually has a decent amount of support and is based in canon, mind you) on Twitter.. but that’s more a Twitter thing than anything
i wanted to be into this games lore so bad and i used to have such a good handle on it and now every so often i get this huge wave of nostalgia when i look back over fics from years ago and get sentimental and mad over what was and what could have been (just in general) if blizzard didn’t fuck it up :(
admittedly I haven’t examined what’s going on in the lore of the game too much over the last couple months, so if they revived it somehow or Mr. Developer looked us in the eye and said “Gency is real” then throw this whole thing out the window 😭
Anyways there was a really cool plot to the dream and i was gonna give you a prompt so you could write something akin to it if you ever wanted but I now forgot the plot ☹️ but I love your writing and i hope even in your creative, non-overwatch-related endeavors, all goes well
hmmm but here’s a prompt idea (I don’t know if this would actually be in line with the canon for your overwatch prompts now, it’s more of a what-if):
what if Genji and Mercy crossed paths after the fall of overwatch? Before they started sending each other letters, before the recall, by pure coincidence—maybe before or while Genji was under Zenyatta’s teaching—either way, he isn’t at peace with himself yet. Would Genji try to hide his identity? Would he feel like he isn’t good enough to face her? Or guilty after she goes, missing a one-in-a-million opportunity to connect with her again? Or maybe they do talk, but are obscured and don’t know who the other is until too late? Or maybe they fully know who the other is—what do they say? What do they do? I am super interested to read your take on this prompt if you ever want to write something akin to this!
I am going to. binge all your Gency fics now. Goodbye
First of all... WOW! Thank you for taking the time to write all this! And also thank you for reading my gency stuff. I still love them too, for all my disillusionment with Overwatch and its overall storytelling. I definitely share your sentiments with regards to the fact that the revolving door of writers has basically lead to Overwatch no longer giving a shit about continuity and actual storytelling and just defaulting to what they think will suck the dicks of fanon in the most satisfactory manner. And it's not just writing Gency out of existence either--it's about erasing the tragedy of Widowmaker and the complexity of Reinhardt. It's about reducing Gabriel to a shitty radicalized cop. It's about bringing in characters who make no sense chronologically and have fuck all to do with anything and honestly just heighten the truth of the "stereotype+fetish" joke of Overwatch character design (Yes, I'm talking about Kiriko and Illari). It's about bringing in Mauga 4 years late and acting like they're the cleverest damn people in the world for doing it. It's about expending an absurd amount of narrative and advertisement funding and energy on fucking ASHE of all members of the cast.
Okay--okay--I'm calming myself down.
With regards to your prompt, I'm just going to say, I played the general timeline out between Genji and Mercy the way it played out with very specific reasons. The truth was, as far as character development goes, for all of his love of Mercy (as far as my fic continuity goes) Genji simply wasn't in the mental or emotional space to have a healthy relationship with *anyone,* let alone Mercy. And that's also why I have him mentioning hooking up with Cassidy during his time in Blackwatch in the broad general fic continuity, because it's this very fucked up emotional period for both of them and they have this *very strong link* for a time but as they progress to healthier mindsets they both sort of outgrow each other. Genji moves on to Angela and Cassidy moves on to Hanzo and that's *good* because that indicates they've both grown into their own respective people past being in a really painful codependent state.
The *whole point* was Genji getting away from Overwatch, hallucinating Mercy at his lowest point, and realizing *he* needs to be the person to get himself out of his most fucked up mental corners, and then meeting Zenyatta so that he can develop the right mental tools for that. I'm realizing this is a very western interpretation of this, but then again Overwatch slotted in Robot Jesus with Aurora so fuck it, but if I had to break it down into a solid narrative, it's a Divine Comedy where Genji is Dante, Zenyatta is Virgil, and Mercy is Beatrice. You can have your idealized love and your most beloved mentor, but ultimately YOU have to claw YOUR OWN way out of hell.
If he met with Mercy or made contact with Mercy at any point before Zurich exploded in my fic continuity, that wouldn't give catharsis for ANYONE. The only position they would be in, would be for angst wank. And like, YEAH, I *can* write Gency angst wank that doesn't actually go anywhere and doesn't contribute anything to the characters beyond making them feel sad, but honestly I'd rather write my Anarky-Assassinated-President-Lex-Luthor fic. That's a nice fatty mutton bone I can chew on.
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intoloopin-archive · 4 months
IT MAY NOT SEEN LIKE IT!!!!! But your ask rose me for my grave anon, I'm sorry for making you wait so long!!!!! Here's an extra treat...
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Midnestra was a fictional south korean girl group debuted in early 2016 and disbanded in mid 2017 under small startup company HOWL-L Entertainment. LINEUP (04): Myungji. Dahyung. Faye. Saki. SONGS INCLUDE: Wake Me Up (2016). Archangels of the Sephiroth (2017). CONCEPT: The Midnight Orchestra of Monstresses. NOTORIOUS MEMBERS: Myungji, Dahyung.
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I technically wasn’t going to include any deep PASS(i)ONE related information (PASS(i)ONE being a name that I dropped a lot on the LOOPiN headlines recently, and if you follow me on the yapper sideblog, you might already be kinda familiar with as my ‘backburner project’), except for Genie because everything about Kendall and her bonkers lingering relationship with Genie is funny as shit.
For extra context: PASS(i)ONE has a whole three member unit of once debuted Idols, it’s an intricate part of their branding, and it’s made up of Caihong (centuries old SM Rookie), Kendall (once Genie’s Eunjoo) and of course, my favorite Pi1 mess, Dahyung (back in Midnestra days under the stage name ‘Pearl’).
Midnestra as a whole holds a very special place in my heart even though in universe this group is as dead and nugu as it gets, all because I did try to write for them and got into a nice 5K-ish ramble way before LOOPiN came up into the picture, they even had their own inactive sideblog and all! Their concept is also very neatly meta, something that looking back was a beta version of what I ended up doing with the loop dudes and their never ending repetition circles; the members assigned monsters within their group concept were very related to their personal struggles – Faye was ‘the midnight shifter / werewolf’, Saki was ‘the midnight shadow / ghost’ and most importantly, Myungji was ‘the midnight crawler / vampire’ and Dahyung was ‘the midnight singer / siren’. The siren symbolism with Dahyung is one of my favorite imageries for an OC I have and taps into a lot of her brain’s inner workings – her relationship with her influence over others, her femininity and her own queerness are some examples – and since I’m still hopeful of someday bringing Pi1 to the spotlight on their full OT9 glory, I won’t dive to deep into it, but just so you know: I ADORE her loser ass! She’s such a fucking asshole!!!!!
But oooooooh, miss Yang Myungji, this bloodsucker, fame fucker bitch! On her I must share some thoughts because wow, go fuck yourself girl, like actually! On paper, she’s one of my favorite unapologetic villains around – a washed up ex-Idol that happened to find one poor rookie girl that was a fan of hers despite all odds and it’s been using her and trying her hardest to manipulate her and live a second attempt at stardom through her, and won’t you believe it! That’s another PASS(i)ONE member! And on top of that, Myungji uses her past complicated bond with Dahyung as bandmates to suck up all of Dahyung’s possible alliance to herself only, completely fucking up her early bonding with the rest of Pi1 (mostly because she can, mind you!), weaponizing nostalgia and Dahyung’s suppressed attraction for her that she just knows is very, very real.
Myungji is a textbook manipulator and sadist controller, and also the way she can make herself seem like a victim all the damn time? Insanity. She is insane. I lowkey wish she would stab me at the neck with her stilettos–
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fand0mina · 2 years
Star Trek Picard 3x06 'The Bounty' Incoherent thoughts
Jack has Irumodic syndrome ?? I feel like that's not the key to all of this. There has to be another explanation alongside that.
Worf and Riker together is *chef's kiss*
Is that all we get of Moriarty? Damn... I wish we could have learned a bit more about what happened to him since Ship in a Bottle
Also, why was the key to beating Moriarty the song Riker whistled to Data in Encounter at Farpoint?
This museum is a giant nostalgia trip but I'm not complaining
Aww Seven remembering Voyager
I don't understand the beef between Geordi and Sydney... it feels a little out of nowhere and there's no real explanation as to why they're at odds except she became a pilot? (Which is also what Geordi was in s1 of TNG so....?)
DATA?? LORE?? LAL??! (No Soji...) B-4?? Oh Wow I did not expect that. I thought it was just straight up gonna be Lore
Hell yeah Riker!
NO DEANNA WHY?? I hope they get to blast their way out like the badass couple they are
We have to wait another week 🥲
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kairithemang0 · 5 months
tell me your thoughts on something (anything) (talk for as long or as short as you want)
ok i've been looking for a reason to talk about this for a while and im just gonna go off the rails here
i recently started watching Colin LooksBack's disney villain retrospectives and I'm so damn obsessed with them. I've mentioned this before, I'm a disney fan through and through. No matter how much I painfully despise so many of their recent movies, nostalgia and the hope of finding something as good as their classics keeps me coming back, as disappointed as I am with their recent features from all sides of the company
I'm especially a disney history fan, I love learning about the first few decades of this company for some reason, their movies from that time aren't even my favorites but just all the old concept art and ideas from the imagineers is so cool to me. Mary Blair's work specifically, her art for Cinderella is stunning.
Disney villains specifically have just always been amazing to me. I was obsessed with Ursula as a kid, I thought she was the coolest freaking character. I love her design, her voice is amazing, I adored her then and I still do.
If we're talking about disney content creators though? Avelo (formerly known as Dreamsounds) has my heart and soul. Her videos are everything to me, they got me through covid. I was so sad when she left when she was getting her bottom surgery, worried she'd never return. I audibly gasped when I saw her return video show up on my recommended because I love her videos that much, and still do, even if it's not as disney focused.
I dunno, I think my disney obsession and Kingdom Hearts obsession go hand in hand (hah, that's a kingdom hearts song). I mean KH and disney are tied together by nature, but I got into KH for the disney. I found my moms old kh1 copy a while ago and I wished I could have the chance to play it on the ps2 (which we sadly don't have anymore). I haven't ever finished kh1, the controls are too clunky and I hate that stupid fucking camera. Even still, it's a game that matters to me a lot. KH2 does more for me in the end though, I reset the game so often just to play through Roxas's section in twilight town. it's nostalgic, not even just for playing kh but it's the type of fun me and my friends would have during our summer vacation. seeing roxas's life fall apart is scary because in some way i relate, the friendship he had with hayner, pence, and olette in the data twilight town wasnt real, and neither were my friendships with those people.
back to more regular disney, i fucking love the disney parks. honestly im so nostalgic for fastpass, i miss needing to go up to those little stands and put it on some card. i hate genie+ and lightning lane because it feels much less personal, so do the disney parks in general for me now. maybe it's because i'm getting older, i wouldnt be surprised if that was the case. even still, i love going. i mean cinderellas castle is my damn wallpaper (godddd i love that wallpaper so much....) and there are multiple of these "disney parks music" videos that i will actively use to fall asleep because idk nostalgia is a bitch. the boardwalk one is a personal favorite of mine, something about it just hits for me. me and my family went right after covid started to slow down, the boardwalk was having a soft opening and we got in for cheap. we got this amazing room overlooking the boardwalk itself, and for lack of a better word the vibes were incredible. like... WOW. we drove down, it sucked because it was exhausting and i cant be in small spaces like that for too long, but in the end it could've been worse. i had given myself this challenge to watch all the disney movies before going, i finished encanto on that drive. it's what got me back into so many of them, treasure planet specifically. it feels like every year ill just find myself obsessing over one specific disney movie around this time, last year it was tp and the tinkerbell movies. this year id say it's alice in wonderland, which ive had an obsession with for years. it's just a plotless fun movie with memorable characters that mean something to me. i dunno, im a sucker for anything nostalgic, twisted is my favorite starkid show for a reason, and i don't just love kh for it's crazy plot and characters (although that's most of it)
sorry this is REALLYYY long.....
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chaotic book ramble so I can stop spiraling into the abyss: my childhood favorite books that I've been thinking about lately
I start college in four days, where I'll be pursuing an English degree. I've been both a reader and by extension a writer my whole life. lately, I've been thinking about the books I loved when I was younger that fueled this passion and thus helped me along to where I am now <3
The Land of Stories series by Chris Colfer. I still have my old copies of these books, and when I tell you they are well-loved, I mean they are well-loved. they're sort of fairytale retellings, and take place in the Land of Stories, which exists as a parallels world to this one where fairytale characters are real and living beyond their happily ever afters. the books follow twins Alex and Connor, who find out (spoiler?? lol) that their grandmother is the fairy godmother. all sorts of stuff goes down, and honestly I only remember half of it like a fever dream, but I remember really loving it in book five (?) when they get to meet the characters from stories Connor wrote. honestly, I probably read the entire series over fifty times, and that's not an exaggeration. first read them the year the third book came out, when I was nine. waiting for the rest was, I recall, absolute torture.
the Spiderwick Chronicles by Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi. this is so funny to me, because these books basically set me up for my later teen years and loving the Folk of the Air series by Holly Black - but I digress. I first read these at age eight in a high-stress time of my life, and as a result they were likely deeply formative. they follow twins Jared and Simon (more twins ??) and their older sister Mallory (thinking back, she was absolutely part of my bi awakening). they move with their mother into the old Spiderwick mansion, and soon discover a fieldguide all about faeries and different fae species that live in the woods surrounding the house. I honestly think that the plot of these books is batshit, but I still sort of love them. there's a movie, but it's terrible, and aggressively condenses the plot into something completely unrecognizable.
Harry Potter, by... Harry Potter. isn't it great that, after his time at Hogwarts, he decided to write a seven-book autobiography?? so funky of him!! anyways - I read these at the ripe age of ten, and stuck by loving them since. HP was my first fandom, and maybe the one I'm fondest of (actually, thinking on this, no), and Hogwarts in general holds a lot of nostalgia for me. this being said, I still love the books, but I have to say that I reread them last year for the first time since I was maybe 14/15 and um. wow. Mr. Potter you are?? problematic??? someone please tell me why the adult man who was allowed to abuse children in a position of power for sixteen years got a redemption arc but the literal CHILD who was born into an abusive and power-hungry family didn't. also why is Dumbedore hailed as such a bloody saint?? he's worse than fucking Voldemort. I said what I said. also it's super confusing that Harry never mentioned in his autobiography that his Sirius and Remus were happily married and living at Grimmauld place. weird storytelling choice I guess!!
all those damned Warrior cats books by Erin Hunter. I swear to god these books had crack in them I ATE THEM UP from the ages of like. eight to eleven?? maybe??? genuinely, I must've reread them a hundred times, but I could tell you NOTHING about the plots. a few vibes, maybe, but zero plots. did they even have plots?? were plots a thing in those books??? how was I so obsessed with them???? funniest part is the fact that I see people talking about them on the internet now and it's just. insane. actually insane.
Lockwood and Co by Jonathan Stroud. full transparency: I read these for the first time at age eleven (around the time the fourth book out of five came out) and now remain an active member of the fandom. I love these books, and these characters, with my whole heart and I want nothing more than them to be happy. the Netflix show, though I have some pretty severe gripes with it, is still really amazing and absolutely deserves a second season. the books are set in London, where ghosts are real deeply dangerous, and follow the main trio of Lucy, Lockwood, and George. I reread them at the start of the year in preparation for the show, and they're genuinely just incredible works. I sobbed a lot reading them. they're absolutely comfort reads for me; 35 Portland Row is home.
wow. that was a lot. there's honestly several more I could talk about (School for Good and Evil, Percy Jackson, etc), but this is a long enough post for now, ha. love you all <3
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Christmas Reruns 2023 Day 18: Under the Mistletoe
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Merry Christmas if you celebrate it and happy holidays if you don’t!  One of the things I love about Christmas is watching reruns of all the old classic Christmas movies–Christmas is a big time for nostalgia.  A few years ago, I decided to incorporate that tradition into my fandom life and post my CS holiday reruns.  So here you go!  Enough holiday (mostly) fluff to get you to New Year’s Day. (With a new story posting on Christmas Day.)
 Rating: G
Word Count: 2140
Other chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Notes:  This story was written for my “Christmas with Captain Swan” collection in 2020.
2x4 Canon divergence
Emma looked around her, feeling her frustration rise.  This room was massive, and it was filled floor to ceiling with junk.  Finding one lousy compass was going to take forever.
She didn’t have forever; she needed to get back to Henry.  Now.
She turned to ask Hook where he thought they should start their search, only to find him fingering a gold coin, bringing it to his nose and then turning it over and over in his hand.
“They hoarded all of their greatest stolen treasures in here.  Piles of jewels and every room filled with coins,” he said.
She rolled her eyes.  Great.  She should have known bringing a freaking pirate on a treasure hunt would be a mistake.  It would be like bringing a kid to a candy store and then telling him to focus.
“Let’s get to it, the compass,” she said brusquely.
He shot her a rakish grin, and totally against her will, her stomach swooped.  Bad enough she was stuck on this adventure with a pirate.  Why’d her body have to betray her too?  Of course the real Captain Hook was hot as hell, because of course he was.  That’s just the way her luck ran. 
“What’s your rush?” he asked languidly, continuing to eye the treasure around him.
That snapped her out of whatever hormonal response she was having to him.  She was so not in the mood for his nonsense.
“How long do you think magic knockout powder lasts?”
“I’ve no clue.”
“That’s my rush.”
He smiled at her again, this one looking less flirtatious and more genuine.  Setting the gold piece back on the pile, he strode forward with purpose.  “Too right, lass.  Come; everything we need is right in front of us.”
They hadn’t been searching for ten minutes before Emma’s frustration bubbled up again.  Not only was this stupid giant’s treasure room filled to capacity, it was also a total wreck.  This search was going to last forever.
“They kill all the giant housekeepers too?” she asked. “Where we gonna find a compass in all this mess?”
He winked at her, and her traitor of a  stomach swooped again.
“By looking.  Start searching.” 
For an hour they searched in silence, and Emma had to give it to Hook.  He really was a help in this endeavor.  He was systematic in his search, picking a pile of junk, looking through each item, and then stacking it neatly before moving on to his next pile.
His presence was unsettling, though.  It was…too much.  He made her feel things, and not just the typical “wow, this guy is hot and I’m not gonna lie; I want to do something about it” feelings.  Those she could handle.  What she couldn’t handle was this totally illogical feeling that they understood each other, that in some weird way they were the same.
She’d been burned before when she succumbed to feelings.  She wasn’t doing it again.  Once burned twice shy and all that.
Emma groaned softly under her breath.  She wasn’t doing this–not the feelings, not the thinking, not even the never-to-be-resolved sexual tension.  She was up here for one reason and one reason only: to find the damn compass and get back to her kid.
Probably best if she put some distance between her and Hook.  Moving to the other side of the room, Emma, began sifting through a dusty pile of what appeared to be decorations–candles, brightly colored bows, streamers, and in the back–was that a Christmas tree?
“You guys have Christmas here in the Enchanted Forest?” Emma called over to Hook.
He stopped what he was doing and ambled over in her direction.  “Of course we have Christmas, Swan.” She could hear the smile in his voice. It made him seem younger somehow, more innocent. “Some of my best memories as a lad involve Christmas morning.”
“Yeah well our giant seemed to go all out for it,” Emma said. “Take a look at that tree!  I didn’t even know they grew them that tall.”
He looked in the direction she was pointing, and then his expression changed to one of concern.  “Swan be careful!  Look out for–”
He reached her side, and she suddenly heard a sound like the tinkling of bells.  A fine mist of dust smelling faintly of evergreen settled over both of them.
“–mistletoe,” he finished dryly.
Emma looked up to see that, of course, there was a healthy sprig of the stupid weed directly above her and Hook.  She rolled her eyes, moving to brush past him.
“Well, shall we get this over with then?” he asked. 
She scoffed.  “Good try Hook, but I didn’t come up here to make out with a hot pirate.”
His grin turned wicked.  “A hot pirate, am I?”
She felt her face flame in spite of herself.  What was it about this man that made her feel like a teenager with a crush?
“You know what you look like,” she said, giving him a wide berth and moving on to the next pile. “I’m not stroking your ego…or any other part of you.”
She expected another round of innuendo, but instead, he stepped in front of her, stopping her searching with a hand to her arm and a concerned look on his face.  “You can’t seriously be thinking of ignoring what just happened.  You know full well that mistletoe can’t be ignored.”
“What are you talking about?” she asked, hands going to her hips.
“Don’t tell me you don’t have mistletoe in the Land Without Magic!”
She growled.  “Yeah, obviously we do.  Stupid weed and even stupider tradition.”
“It’s far more than a tradition in this land, Swan,” he said.  “It’s a deadly poison.  The couple who is caught below it’s tendrils is cursed, the only antidote being a kiss.”
“Seriously?” she asked, feeling her ire growing.  They had a job to do and all he wanted to do was hit on her.  It was getting old.  Really, really old.
“No one born and bred in the Enchanted Forest would joke about mistletoe,” he insisted.  She had to give it to him; she couldn’t detect a single lie in what he was saying.  He really believed this crap.
“Okay, fine, I’ll bite,” she said, “what exactly happens to a couple if they refuse to kiss?”
“They slowly go completely mad,” he said simply.  “Most infirmaries in this land have an entire ward dedicated to mistletoe poisoning.”
Now that he mentioned it….she did have this strange urge to kiss him.  What would it be like?  Would he be a good kisser?  He looked like he’d be a good kisser.  For a moment Emma was tempted to give in, to find out the answer to those questions for herself.
But then reality reasserted itself.  She’d only given them ten hours before Mulan would cut down the beanstalk and strand them up here forever.  Turning away, she began searching again.
“Look, I don’t know if that mistletoe poison story works on other women,” Emma said, “but I’m not falling for it, and I’m not wasting anymore of our time on this stupid conversation.  And if you even think about trying to steal a kiss–”
He stepped in front of her, looking absolutely sincere.  “Swan, I’ve never once forced my attentions upon a woman, and I don’t intend to start now.  I simply warn you that the longer we delay the inevitable, the more uncomfortable we’ll both become.”
“Yeah, well I’ll take my chances.”
Within a quarter of an hour, Emma was starting to rethink her stance.  His story about mistletoe poison was ridiculous, of course it was, but she had to admit–whether it was due to the power of suggestion or something else–her urge to kiss him hadn’t gone away.  
If anything it had grown.
Her heart began pounding, her palms becoming sweaty, her breathing fast and shallow.  More than once she considered just doing it, just getting it out of her system once and for all, but something stopped her.
She knew, could feel it deep within her soul that a kiss with Hook would be no simple matter.  She’d kissed–and done far more with–several hot guys in her life, and it had never been more than a quick scratch of an itch, but she was drawn to Hook, almost as though he were a black hole and she was approaching the event horizon.  A kiss would change everything, and she didn’t know if she’d be able to come back from it.
Emma took a deep breath and let it out slowly.  She would not lose control; she would not give in. Best she focus all her energy on the search.
Of course that would have been a lot easier if Hook wasn’t searching right beside her.
“Did you know that there is one more tradition regarding mistletoe?” Hook asked, his voice tight as though he were gritting his teeth.
“Yeah?  What’s that?” she asked in spite of herself.
“Oftentimes couples seek it out in order to determine if they are soulmates,” he continued.
“Soulmates?  Really?”
“Aye,” he nodded before turning back to his pile of junk. “It’s said that if two people are soulmates, when they kiss under the influence of mistletoe poison they get a glimpse of their future and then promptly forget it–any of it–ever happened.”
“Convenient,” she deadpanned.
He looked as though he wanted to say more but resolutely shut his mouth, and the two of them returned to the task at hand.
After half an hour, the desire to kiss him had gone from uncomfortable to almost painful.  After an hour it was close to unbearable.  After Emma caught herself standing stalk still and imagining a full on makeout session with Hook, she finally gave up. 
She was wasting precious time that they didn’t have.  Maybe he was right after all.  Maybe they needed to just get this stupid kiss out of the way so they could get on with their search.  Hardly believing what she was about to do, she walked purposely toward Hook and tapped him on the shoulder.
When he turned toward her, she stood on tiptoe and kissed the living hell out of him.  It was obvious she’d shocked him by the way he stiffened as her lips made contact.
But he recovered quickly, and soon he was kissing her back just as fervently as she was kissing him.
She’d meant it to be a quick peck, just a way to disperse the “poison”, but once she started kissing him, she couldn’t stop, tugging on his collar, running a hand through his hair, turning her head to deepen the kiss.  When the kiss started to slow, to turn into something soft and gentle and thorough, rather than quick and hot, Emma finally forced herself to pull away.
She looked into his thoroughly gobsmacked eyes, and suddenly her vision blurred.  In her mind’s eye she saw herself.  She was wearing a white dress, her hair in soft waves around her shoulders.  She was in some sort of castle’s great room or something.
It looked like Mary Margaret was about to put a crown on Regina’s head.
What the hell?
Emma looked more closely at the scene, and her heart began to pound.  She wasn’t alone.  She held a baby in her arms and beside her stood Hook.  He had his arm around her, and he peered down at the baby with such love it brought tears to her eyes.
Emma gasped, coming out of the trance or whatever that was to find herself once more looking at Hook in the giant’s treasure room.  Suddenly there was a burst of light, like some sort of rainbow tinted shockwave, and she shook her head as the memories quickly fled.
She shook her head, looking around them.  Had something just happened?
Emma closed her eyes and took a deep breath, realizing the almost unbearable urge to kiss Hook had finally gone away.
She scoffed.  Mistletoe poison her ass.  She should have known Hook was just trying to get into her pants.
Killian watched as Emma went back to searching with renewed vigor, but for a long moment he found himself rooted to the spot.  The fact that he and Emma had been caught under the mistletoe was indisputable and yet his desire to kiss her was no greater than the normal pull of a hot-blooded man to a beautiful woman.
It could mean only one thing.
They’d succumbed to the mistletoe and been proven soulmates.
“Hook get your ass in gear!” she growled at him. “This stupid room isn’t going to search itself!”
Killian shook his head and went back to the task at hand.  This was quite the development.  Maybe–maybe after his revenge was accomplished, there was hope for a life after all.
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passanima · 1 year
tag from foot2rue is gay, here’s the receipt, season 3
1/ gabriel spend time with his girlfriend and guess who’s mad about it? the whole team is upset because he has less time to train now; but the first to react and who feel the strongest about it is still tag
2/ BEN IS BACK (dude tag had a visible crush on in s1) and he’s the only one that looks happy about it and they break away from the rest of the group to talk one on one, ben listening to tag’s problems and offering advices. bonus points because tag doesn’t ask any of his teammates for advices (not his bestie or his girlfriend)
3/ they bond over them both being the captain of their teams, the difficulties in the responsability... and tag reacts a bit too strongly when ben says he has to go home now, asking (sounding way too desperate, boy, come on) him to stay a bit longer. the WHOLE vibe when they were talking alone felt incredibly soft from tag’s side and you could explain it as just nostalgia and being happy to see a friend after a long time... expect they weren’t friends but rivals! and ben clearly doesn’t feel the same way i’m so embarrassed for tag
4/ his BEST FRIEND notice how sullen he’s been in the 2 hours since ben left... this boy is yearning for real
5/ ben replace one of their players in a match but because the rest of the team hates him it goes poorly (hmmm sounds familiar) then they hear a rumor that he’s the one behind tag’s accident and they all get mad at him, not giving him time to explain... expect tag. who refuse to believe it and puts his faith in ben. he was, of course, right about that, but in this situation he had no reason to believe ben (the guy has a really bad reputation) yet didn’t hesitate A SECOND wow... that sure is something
6/ the trutst at least is reciprocal because when tag, in the middle of the match, orders ben to do something, he just nods and do so without the need for an explanation or getting annoyed (like some of the other players) and i didn’t expect it as they’re both captains and so could butthead about who’s in charge and ben having a strong personality... it was nice. THEN ben gives advice on how to play and this time it’s tag who decide to put his pride aside as captain and follow him. you see slight hesitation on his face but he does it anyway. IT’S HUGE idk what to tell you, tag can be really stubborn in his bad decisions and gets mad really fast when things don’t go his way so wow again!
7/ listen... i can’t even explain this one cause you need the visuals but. tag trust ben with an insane move, where ben could easily let go at the worst time and hurt him. and he does so while SMILING. not a once of doubt for this boy in his mind. HIS EX-NEMESIS. there would be no story without weirdly earnest 13 y/o gay boys, i’m emotional over this (and laughing cause it was an incredible visual; it’s at the end of ep 4 ig you’re curious about it)
8/ someone is rude to tag’s gf and he doesn’t react to it, even when she’s visibly upset and leave the room because of this, he just ignores her
9/ gabriel gets an opportunity, education wise, that means he will leave the team at the start of next year. and tag is not doing well. the rest of the team is cheering on gab, while tag exit the scene looking all sad... and emotional music starts playing while he looks on the horizon... next a flashback of their moments together the two of them... and tag cries all alone
it makes sense because they’ve known each other their whole life(?)(or most) and are very close but damn. in comparizon gabriel isn’t at all bothered, due to being more rational (this does not mean they won’t see each other again) and riding the high of such big news. really makes you feel for tag
anyway, back on gay reading; it gives tag another reason to be more heartborken over this compared to gab
10/ HE FEELS SO BAD that he has no motivation to play the tournament and even SAYS SO openly to his teammates, i quote “without gabriel there’s no point”. there have been times when other players were at ricks of leaving the team and while annoyed, tag never reacted this badly to it before
holy shit he’s crying in front of everyone this time... they were trying to comfort him with “people leave sometimes, then they come back” and “you should be happy for him as his bestie” but it had the opposite effect on making tag feel like he’s being a shitty friend and he cannot hold back his tears... everyone is shocked of seeing him like this
11/ wasn’t gonna note this one cause it’s not that serious but then shit kept happening. this ep has tag being sick and he elects jeremy as his replacement (as team captain) which makes everyone go “uuuh” cause jeremy is so not made for the post. he fucks it up, of course, and ends up all alone until tag gets better. the team complains about him and tag is the only one who stays behind him the whole time (a bit like with ben... hmm)(tag sure easily relate to the type of guys who are in constant danger of being rejected). the “not serious” part is that at some point jeremy come to tag about the whole situation and they stare at each other smiling while using language that, in french, sounds very romantic (even if the context isn’t)(jeremy “t’es pas mal” tag “t’es pas mal non plus”)(literal “you’re not bad” context being the sport + social thing BUT the very common use of this phrase means finding someone attractive, and i laughed because... a second later tag is on his knees in front of jeremy, his hands on the boy legs. the body language and double meaning is really intense for a scene that should be just “i got your back” like what am i supposed to do with this?)
12/ jeremy complains about his relationship with samira for 2 seconds and tag first reaction is to shut him up with “that’s none of my buisness” which is weird for him as he’s usually there for his friends and chill about romance talk... well, when he’s not interested in the dude talking about it, that is
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almalvo · 1 year
STAR TREK: DISCOVERY | S1E4 "The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry"
[I will react to each episode individually and in full, raw reception and then post as is unrevised here onto my tumblr for the full span of every and all NuTrek episodes and series that have been and will be released. If this falls under your field of interest - I welcome your company in joining me. Enjoy the ride.] -------
these effects are so pretty whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i love how that was a nanoscopic view on replication omlll what a wonderful uniform give it. to me. ugh i love this interiour hi saru man i cant wait for burnham to NOT be ostracised like this THREAD GANGLIA HMMM?? what. does he give himself away. when hes nervous. i love this screen. lorca youre a fun man huh. OOO WHAT IS THAT SPIDER HEAD WHO IS THATT i like his spider face oo how the lights just come on like this reminds me of the incredibles guess they have to save power SOMEhow. ugh these internals are so nice so spiffy
yeah i like the older bat'leth more right, his pet. lorca, the shroom man. yes a man with a name like lorca would indeed have em. war specialist hmm ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this INTROOOOO I CANT GET OVER ITTTTT now but like yall seriously to see a queen so crowned at long last - do you UNDERSTAND??? HOW THAT MAKES ME FEEL. ughhhh such a pretty introductionnnn and this music compliments so wonderfully but WAIT ALSO WHAWAIT HAHAHAHAH THOSE TSHOSE THOSE TWO SUITED GLOVED HANDS TOUCHING TOGETHER LIKE GOD AND ADAM. ARE YELLOW AND BLUE. UM UUMMMMMMMMMMM UUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ok ok breathe ok ok ok ok b r e a t h e . wheew ok . ok. ughhh these coloursss i really like how its all in klingon. cuz why wouldnt it. dude this fucking ROOMM theyre in is so gorgeous yeah im absolutely correct, lookin at this Xray view on the screen. fuckin space water bear THANK YOU BURNHAM YES
TARDIGRADE INDEED. fuckin galactic moss sucker. thats so intersting, to see an internal skeleton in a suped up tardigrade. you know. its funny. how nutrek starts off with what is literally my favourite animal since childhood. water bears for lyfe 👏 trek KNOWS im watching >;} hi stamets. im sorry bout your hubby :( ugh saru looks so good in any lighting. ah so lorca is "get it done" man is he ruder than "make it so" lolol ooo i like this klingon with the red stripes oh i love how convincing they make these inflections in klingon - they certainly put the care in to instil and preserve as much linguistic servicibility in their delivery - love it.
the warped DOWNwards hahah - but damn was it pretty ughhh these key shots are SOOO nice oml stamets are you ok?? ofc hes ok hes hard as steel. man im sry but watching this and seeing the tardigrade just gives me such a nostalgia wow that broken nose doc i see you talk, stamets. ugh keep elon musk out of this he didnt DO shit but be rich. "real life iron man" my ass. his ideas literally aint new. he just has the money to do stuff. ANYways. we dont give a fuck. back to what matters. IS WAIT IS THAT DID I JUST SEE CORRECTLY IS WHAT IS THAT ON THAT PLATTER ON THE TABLE WHY DOES THAT LOOK LIKE A DISSECTED TRIBBLE ? no. it better fucking not. ima kill a land orca... also this poor space bear.. alsso damn the way it just mauled the tactical officer. that sucks. but also i aint mad at the space bear for it. it just tryin to survive. UGHHHHH LOOK AT THISSSSS KLINGON IN ARMOUR UPSIDE DOWN WHY CANT WE GET A FUCKING GAME OF THIS CALIBRE STAR TREK IP PLEASE LETS GETS SOME DASTARD AAA GAMES IN THIS BITCH
man these klingon actors, i appreciate them so much to adorn this make up attire and speaking such a difficult tongue - fabulous. saru time ughh i cant wait to learn more about saru and cant wait till this animosity disa-fuckin-ppears. space bear better live after all this. it deserves that much. i hope it can have all the moss it can find. also wait are m;y eyes working is that a humanoid skeleton with a suspiciously reptilian looking skull and spikes on the back of its head. omll MY BOI IS EATIN THE SPORES?? wait MY BOI BEFRIENDING BURNHAM?? first contact lets GOOOOOOOOOOOO lower decks. hehe. ok sorry that was weird editing the outside shot of burnham talking to stamets is not aligned properly with her speech. awwwwwwwwwwwwww big baybeh so cuteeeeeeeeee i dont like the blur on the space bear among the mycelium though
awww it TALKS TO THE SHROOMS? oh my god please i love it i give it all my sentimental pets. also hey nice dragon fruit. the pale klingon has nice lashes pretteh boi whatever it is she just ate looks good ughhh these visuals outside of discovery are so nice awwww space bearrr so cuteeee UMMM THEY JUST STABBED HIS MILKERS sir they grippin his nonexistent nipples. sry but that girl screaming so mechanically was not the greatest lol also sorry but i really dont like how the shots when they zoom in from outside to into the birdge always end up blurry its hapened like 3 times now SPACE BEAR PECS ARE RED BRO STOP WHOA WHOA WHOAAAAA WHOAAAAA TH E SHIP JUST WARP ROLLED TFF whoa interstingggg i cant get mad a baby acting ofc ahhaha oml they did stab his milkers, not grab them. wtf. im so sorry. that is a waste of a padd. vengeful voq. hes not going to ally wiht the humans to reap vengence for the house of t'kuvma is he against kol.
these klingons are much more similar to the aos ones but the connection is likely not there. IS THAT A FUCKING GORN SKELETON IN THE CASE. IS IT. IS THAT WHAT MATURED GORN IN NUTREK LOOK LIKE. WHATEVER SNW'S XENOLIZARDS BECOME? they better fuckin have their dresses. aw sorry space bear. im sorry. me and you both, burnham. sylvia's delivery was a little fast on the mother joke hmm what did phllipa entrust to you. cant wait till burnham gets her starfleet badge. aw burnham SMILEE LET YOURSELF SMILEEE what is it. phillipa what is it. oml what is it. man bye mamma phillipa, ima miss you. WHAT IS IT. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the telescropeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuteee curious where nutrek will go. its got some odd goofs here and there but im not being too critical on them so much that the story is ruined - lets continue.
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Welcome back my madlads, today is our last foyer down emo nostalgia lane as my next post will likely be on Gerard’s solo album hesitant alien and his singles. Today we’ll be doing an mcr medley, any song I missed because it wasn’t on one of the main albums and also covers they’ve done. I’m excited to see what all is left so let’s get this started.
So this is kinda an eclectic mix of songs ranging from every snowflake is different to desolation row. I’m excited to listen to what’s left which does include fake your death and foundations of decay. I am hopeful maybe we’ll see a new album on the horizon but if not it was nice to feel a part of this sphere during this comeback. We’ll go by date and start with the songs that aren’t dated as they remain unreleased.
Note I’ll likely be very unfamiliar with most of these covers, the exception being all I want for Christmas because Mariah Carey is an scp and she lives in all our brains.
The Drugs: ok starting off, this one kinda rocks man. Good opening guitar. Ok is pretty good, but I’m pretty neutral on it. I might just be a lil over saturated on mcr after all this tbh, it may take a lot more to wow me now.
Sister To Sleep: ok this one is real difficult cause of my audio processing issues, I literally have no idea what’s being said, audio too crunchy. It’s probably a bop tho. Maybe I should have listened to a video of them playing it live instead.
Still Alive: ok so I literally could not find any reference of this on YouTube, oh well maybe one day some of these will get studio releases.
Jack The Ripper: ok cover time, let’s see what this one has to offer. Pretty groovy, not bad so far. Oh ok I think this one is gonna fuck. Once again my autism ears not liking crunchy audio. Again not bad I’m neutral on it, maybe if I was capable of hearing properly I’d like it more. It can’t be helped.
All I want For Christmas Is You: Ah yes, the cursed texts. I’m excited to hear their take on it, but I feel like every time I listen to it normally I take psychic damage. His voice is magic, gritty in the best ways. Slam me with the fucking guitar in the face man cmon do it. Yea this one is bop. I like it it, it’s nice. It’s not blasting my tits off but that’s fine.
Astro Zombies: ok next song, maybe this one will obliterate my shit. Ok got guitar. Oh this one kinda rocks. Got a good groove to it. Not bad, again we’re in like nice/good tier.
Under Pressure: so this song has a reputation, and yet I still haven’t even listened to the original. So of course time to listen to a cover. Oooooo I like this, oh fuck yea. This is what I’ve been waiting for! It’s not melting my face but it’s super fucking good tho!
Desert Song: ok acoustic time, this one is about to knock me on my ass into my feelings ain’t it? Oh this is beautiful. Also I’m getting some serious foundations vibes, “did you come to stare or wash away the blood” and “let it flood, let it flood, let it wash away” feel like parallels. Ok it’s somber and beautiful but it isn’t putting me in my feelings thank fuck. But this and foundations really do feel like sister songs. I really enjoy this, oddly relaxing in a way.
Song 2: this seems like another with crunchy audio, let’s hope I can understand what’s being said. Oh hello, guitar fucks. Oh damn, sassy. This one does fuck. Oooooooh fuck yea the guitar FUCKS!!
Untitled/ Someone Out There Loves You: oooo haunting opening melody, very pretty. And the guitar fucks! Ok this one rocks, like pretty fucking good.
The Black Parade Is Dead: ok short and sweet, the killing of the black parade, a nice interlude. Welcome back from the dead you beautiful bastards.
Desolation Row: Not sure what to expect but I’m kinda excited. Now this fucks! This rocks, I like this :). Maybe I should go back through and do all the mcr music videos, because for all these posts I’ve just been doing the audio.
Common People: ooo synthy. Ok this one is ok not bad. Again pretty neutral on it, but not bad. God damn the guitar is going nuts tho.
Every Snowflake Is Different (Just Like You): ah yes, the yo gabba gabba song. Let’s hear it, see how this goes. Yo why’s the audio so crispy. Ok new video. That’s better. This is cute, charming. It’s a good time, very cute.
Hell Hath No Fury: very short but kinda a banger, shame it’s was unfinished but what exsists is pretty nice.
Fake Your Death: damn we’re almost done, this is the last song I haven’t heard yet, before I get m6 face ripped off by foundations. Oh this is nice. Oh damn I like this beat. Man this is a fucking bop. Good song, I like.
Foundations Of Decay: here’s the last one until they drop new music boys, she’s been living in my liked videos almost since it dropped and boy does it blow our tits clean off. Comfortingly nostalgic but at the same time some entirely new and I’m so here for this glorious rebirth. Starts slow and staticky and lovely, then it drops and punches you in the face and I fucking LOVE It!!! And as the vermin crawl 😌. Shit moves through you man, I adore this song. GET! UP! COWARD!
Quite the journey, and I’m really hoping it isn’t over just yet! There were many songs, some ok and some that make me feel like I’m getting hit in the gut. This has been a wonderful journey from birth, to Black Death, to our own little Renaissance. I look forward to where we’ll go from here but for now, I must say goodbye. From here on I’ll be listening to the solo music of each of the members, my next post should be hesitant alien. It’s been real my madlads and my top 5 of this medley of songs are…
1: Foundations Of Decay (obviously)
2: Fake Your Death
3: Desolation Row
4: Desert Song
5: Under pressure
Man…it’s finally over. Well I guess I’ll see you madlads back with hesitant alien. Maybe I’ll see you back with a new mcr album if we’re lucky. It’s been a joy going down this walk down emo memory lane with you all, lots of love ❤️
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thegeminisage · 1 year
its DUNGEON TIME!!! finally. i didnt do this yesterday bc i was wiped and i didnt wanna teleport away with poor riju...i have no idea if she'll leave or get stuck there or what
this one looks really complicated...but i'm gonna see how far i can get w/o a guide
omg when you go up on your glider riju is like...i'll leave that area to you link! she can't fly 😭
i see mirrors up here but no light source.......MAN the nostalgia im having rn. this is so much like oot
omg wait this construct fused a mirror to its shield...mirror shield...WAHHH
oh that took me STUPIDLY long to figure out but i love that i didn't have to look it up (stopping the wheel with the stake)
apparently i can ascend into the final floor but i really don't wanna do that by myself lol
omg lol there was a hive in this room that also had constructs...they fought each other!! i kept waiting for the read to like Jump the construct but it just swung at it. do they truly not do that in this game.........
oops i accidentally warped outside of the temple with ascension...i gotta be more careful lol. quick warp back but the enemies respawned, no blood moon needed
also the puzzle reset itself :/
got the last one! i only wound up looking at a guide for one, but i accidentally read how to do another first, and then the one i was looking for i also discovered how to do while i was doing that one. so all in all a success
eugh i'm scaaared i dont wanna fight a giant BUG!!!
for once im low on food too. im gonna get my ass beat lol
NOOOOO the first half was fine but now shes SUMMONING REDEADS.....................
im not gonna get jumped im not gonna get jumped im NOT gonna get jumped!!!!!!!!!!!
elated. wow. that was so close. im never leaving this little column of light again
rip i have to. but. don't wanna.
GOT all the hives without getting jumped
GOT HER ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you CANNOT fuck me i am UNFUCKABLE im not getting jumped today tomorrow next year FUCK off
sorry to riju but her ancestor is HOT. ok im taking this seriously
wait. i just realized these expository cutscenes use the sacred realm melody from oot for just a few notes. AAAAAAAAAAAAA that makes me INSAAAAAANE
"he was our chief before he became obsessed with power and changed" HAUGH........good guy ganondorf....................im making him real in my mind palace
wait sorry hold on. im pausing this cutscene again. i was spoiled that the fifth sage was a construct. which i thot was lame cuz it shoulda been a sheikah. but im looking at this image of them - four sages with helmets, one each for rito zora goron and gerudo - then a hylian, zelda - and then a ZONAI, mineru......that makes six! just like oot! and rauru as the leader/seventh sage, like zelda in oot...two hylians in oot and two zonai in totk...THERE ARE SEVEN OF THEM. what if MINERU gets put inside the construct!!! because didn't zelda put her soul in that purah pad or whatever!!!!!! oh my god.........if this turns out to be the case i think i've earned that bingo square. it wouldn't be true to the letter but true in spirit. i've earned that!!!
damn...they way both this ancestor and urbosa feel it's Personal w ganondorf bc he is also gerudo...he's literally staining their good name...
WAAHHHH riju going "my responsibilities as a leader, as a sage, AND fighting alongside you............sounds like fun >:)" she is TOO YOUNG...so much responsibility...wah
omg you can just walk around here now? without crossdressing? did they chicken out of a crossdressing plot in this game...............smh nintendo. i know it wasn't perfectly executed in the first game but they could have just tried again
FINALLY here is mattison...idk why i couldn't find her before the shroud lifted!!!
ok, i gotta take a break and do Chores, i'll figure out what i'm doing next later!!!
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Vincenzo : Episode 1
Oh my god STOP this title card is saurrrrr good
It is giving me the nostalgia of old crime thrillers which used to have these quiet , animated and wonderful title cards.
his hair are styled to the T my god, not a strand displaced. my dumbass wants to ruffle it a little.
and just like that an entire building is down 🫨
all of the shots up until now have been so pleasing to me. the cinematography is so unserious hot!? mind you, I'm four minutes in. 💀
the random ass vertical shot just as i said this
i thought he was the mafia boss? he's a lawyer
the shots are so beautiful HELP
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Ohhhh, his boss is dead.
lmao the man just casually eating pasta. that's an Italian baby 🇮🇹
this man is so busy chowing down on that pasta that he cannot see the threat sitting in front of his table
did Netflix change its subtitles again (since i saw this happen with alchemy of souls i have never recovered my trust in them) like i can read! let them be
throw the pasta in this racist's face vince!!!
[foreboding music]
'regret is the most painful thing one can experience in life' bars! saying this before you kill someone and you're giving them a chance is funny but still bars
all of that blatant racism and heat for Vincenzo but can't handle 3 sentences said in Korean
i knew they were going to burn everything as soon as I saw the damn plane 😭
the driver liked that 😂
the score mixed with the silence is actually so good
not a second has been wasted as of it. it's been so pleasing on the eyes
yes!!! snap and kill that cigarette #real #lungsareourfriends
got out of that bathroom so elegantly to kill everybody 😭😭😭
Adrenaline playing let me just
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no way they cut to a scene this cute WHO IS SHE I LOVE HER
lmaooo where is this discussion going, is she trying to strongarm him? gotta be the most adorable way I've ever seen
LMFAOOOO she is deadass singing Für Elise while making him take out the cake topper 😂
a string of money coming out she is so unserious 💀✋
wait I know this man
it's candy in my ear !!! cutie !!!
Do Bong Soon's dad and Itaewon class villain! Him being here... will this be a hit or a miss 😟
he's mad because she's working for the enemy, it's giving Itaewon Class
I still find it fun as of yet though
lmao is this emotional blackmail. ah we both clocked it 😂
i just watched xo kitty before this so this man getting a free taxi is so funny when my girl was running for her life in Korea when she got out of the airport
lmaooo not this limo man being a kidnapper
he's got really pretty eyelashes
[sinister laugh continues] 💀
honestly kidnappers accidentally kidnapping someone from the mafia is a storyline i can always get behind. you deserve each other!
the old man from alchemy of souls!
[ominous music playing]
superiors being lax after getting an important tip from a junior once again before impending doom
the way i already know what's going to happen to taecyeon like let me not get attached
His hair are so poofy and cute let me run a hand through them 😭
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my man who burned like 7000 acres and contributed to 100% of climate change just got kicked in the face and knocked out cold by two casual robbers 😭
a true homecoming
i did not expect this show to be funny
speaking in lower tones with pauses so we know for sure that they're the bad guys doing a business deal
flower of evil detective?!! they really picked one person from each of the 5 kdramas I've watched 💀
he's having the worst day one can have in a new country 😂
the dramatic ass Italian music playing
the piano player 😂 oh wow the tenants of this building are something
lmaooo Vince having the weirdest day in Korea after having an intense I’m the shit, fear me moment in Italy is sending meeee
what is going on in this building
awoop monk jump scare
how does he look THAT good in a blue shirt
lmaooo the chef
everytime water goes out in foreign serials the south asian in me wants to beg people to just keep one bucket in their bathrooms just in case!
do not burn yourself king
the shower doing its own concert with breakdance slay
freezing water is always better than getting burnt by hot water 😭
he gets my pigeon hate omg they’re always outside your window !!!! doing the most 😡
leave sir 🐦 omg don’t use your phone !!
is that his mom? free us from the dumbass narrative of mom leaving child for adoption as heartless. y’all hate women and don’t get it at all
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she is correct! this is literally not relevant and y’all are just trying to rile hate for her here. he’s teary eyed. oh no she worked for an abuser ?!!! let her TALK
wait isn’t that lawyer our girl?
eugh annoying perverts. stop taking pictures of strangers challenge failed
get them aunty!
okay opera chef !!! lmaooo the dramatic music playing in this show gets me 💀
nawww he made the chef cry 😭
I'm bonding hard to every 3rd character on the screen like why is the conversation between lawyer dad and mom wrongly in jail making me soft
I know it's actors being actors but I'm so happy to see laywer dad ( Yoo Jae Myung) be soft again. I was ready to fight through the screen with him in Itaewon class.
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I love the Mr. Cho actor so much. He truly has the funniest expressions. 😂
NOOOO Mr. Cho. Oh this is nasty
lmao is her dad emancipating from her
#saveMrCho omg
NO NO NO NO NO you cannot do this to me
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I am suddenly terrified like I'm already low key devestated
beat his ass sister !!!
lmao the Italian ass entry 😭
help how has he not fallen to his death that's a measuring tape 😭
i need to take a self defense class at some point lol
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lorenzobane · 1 year
Alright- finally getting around to the last episode of Picard, and I figure why not liveblog it:
It is still SOOO unclear to me why the fuck the Changelings are even bothering to help the Borg. I guess their conceptual mission (conquer everyone) is pretty similar, but.... that feels like. Not enough.
It is very nostalgic to see everyone on the Enterprise-D, though. I can't deny that. Picard's got me there.
WHY is Jack the command signal? It remains stupid. I genuinely thought the Pah Wraith theory was more interesting than this aiuwhefs;djlk';
I do love the Borg cube's exterior design, though- its so iconic, and seeing it rendered with modern graphics
Awww poor little cook- but also he had to run the deli because his brother "had a hernia"..... sir. You're in the future. Why would that stop anyone from doing anything for longer than like. a day. I think your brother was lying to you.
Okay, I'm gonna be so real- am I the only one who kinda doesn't give a shit about Jack? I get he's there to add some stakes, but I truly don't care at all. Explode him idgaf.
If the idea is to wake Jack up from his evil slumber then why would you not send Beverley....? Who, ya know, raised him?
"And I will make it a threesome" Okay i love you Worf
Okay- like I said, I am not immune to nostalgia, "it's been an honor serving with you all" OKAY, fine Daddy Picard you got me.
Also a lot of long lingering looks between Deanna and Will... Makes me think one of them might not make it out alive
You know it really is so telling how much of the original Borg design, from the ship to the interiors, they kept. Tells you how impressive it was the first time around. It is just so creepy and excellent.
Cool. Picard has magical Borg senses.
Fine fine, the Riker/Picard/Worf scene was sweet. Can you tell that I'm a willing sap for alllll the TNG nostalgia?
LMAO I'm SORRY i actually love the camp excellence of the Borg Queen emerging from the shadows to cackle evilly
Okay HELL yeah for a Seven of Nine "Big Damn Captain" speech
This is just so funny. The Borg queen is so so fucking funny. Why is she so melodramatic. Real Miette energy.
Oh this changeling connection is dumb as hell
Worf's Bat'leth with a built in phaser is COOL okay. Sometimes I am a teenage boy.
I am not immune to TNG theme music
I am also not immune to people who have trusted each other for a lifetime coming together again. Geordi trusting Data's gut.
Ahhhh the classic "all hope is lost" moment, how I love thee
I'm sorry to say it, I really am because its the emotional heart of the story, but I just don't care about Jack
LMAO conflict solved with a hug from dad- Christ the daddy issues on star trek continue to astonish and amaze
Longest "one minute to get out" ever
I'm sorry I'm sorry but once again I'm weak for the old "the strength of their connection saves the day" and I'm a sentimentalist at heart
Kinda obsessed with the idea of Riker just being the type of guy who needs a universe-ending catastrophe every once in a while or they get bored
God Michael Dorn is sooooo good at playing Worf its not even funny. He's just. Worf. I could watch him play this character perfectly for the end of time.
Love it when Starfleet just Starfleets. "Ehh you're reckless and a little insane, but in that good way that sometimes saves the galaxy. here- have a ship and hang out on the frontiers, and don't bother us."
Worf, House of Martok...... My beloved
Poor Deanna, you do deserve a beach vacation
Starfleet history must be BUCK WILD. You tell the story of that time a crew of old people stole a ship from a museum and saved the world. Like. Okay.
uaoeisdjokf THIS fucking guy. Okay, now that I know he's lame I like him more
"What could possibly go wrong?" Wow was that a heavy-handed setup. I think I heard something about a TV show and now I feel extra convinced they are either planning one or at one point were.
Everyone being SO NORMAL about Captain starting words is so fucking. okay starfleet really MUST be the nerds of the galaxy.
Okay. I'm gonna be honest I don't think I needed quite so much nostalgia bait at the end. It was nice for like. A second. Especially when it was intercut with the younger characters.
Ending on them playing poker together, la ti da- everyone got a happy ending and in Starfleet heroes are rewarded
Anyway- it was fine. I found the episode kind of underwhelming honestly, but it wasn't horrific. Just kinda. Star trek typical levels of nonsense.
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ssaalexblake · 1 year
idk, i’m having a genuinely problem trying to describe my STP annoyance bc It entails context for me, I think it’s fanfic-y (derogatory), but not in a way where i think anything bad about fic itself. I strongly support the rights of everybody to write good fic, bad fic, fucked up fic, ooc fic, fic with the tropes i hate the very most, weird fic, any kind of fic you could name (just don’t expect me to read it), but So much of that stuff Belongs in the world of fic and shouldn’t leave it. 
While i’d roll my eyes at a fic including all these tired, overdone, and more than a lot sexist tropes, i’d just scroll and move on. Have fun with it, I guess! I don’t approve, but this isn’t about me and isn’t hurting anybody. 
But this is like, the actual show. If the show was going to have a plot straight out of a fanfic it damn well better have been a Good fic. The kind that respects the women there and doesn’t revolve them around the men to help Them develop. The kind where the writer did a ton of research of what happened in the shows before. The kind where the plot is natural for the characters rather than a plot where most of the characters are bent into place to make it work despite how much of a mess that is. 
Mostly, if i saw a fic where beverly and picard had a secret love child she hid from him for 20+ years whom she’d named Jack i’d be like ‘wow that is So fanfic’ and never remember it again for how cookie cutter and unimaginative that is. I literally have no issues over this guy’s fic. Aside from the fact that it’s not fic, it got shoehorned into canon despite it Not Fitting The Show It’s In. They had to ditch the show’s cast to make this work. That’s how much it doesn’t fit in this show. That stuff doesn’t matter in fic! That’s what fic is For. This isn’t fic. 
This is just many negative things stacked up in a trench coat. It’s 2023, I expect Far better than this as the bare minimum from tv in general and i hold trek to a higher standard than that because the whole point of trek is that it holds itself to a higher standard, or i guess, that it is committed to Trying even when it doesn’t succeed. I don’t care that the plot is objectively shit, tbh, i didn’t much like the plot of s1 either and it didn’t bother me, it’s that they’ve Truly bought the 80s attitude from tng back when in the first two seasons this wasn’t the case. I may not agree with all the character choices in the first two seasons, but it was new, they were trying even when they weren’t succeeding, and it wasn’t This. 
I don’t hold by ‘not real trek’ arguments bc it’s so subjective and kind of absurd imo, but i do not think this season of the show is trying to do much of anything at all. I can make a crack at a few themes, but when i start to get into it it falls apart because it Always ends up back at one thing. Nostalgia. A good story choice totally ignored because if they do ignore it they can have a dramatic shot of one of the tng crew with a tear in their eye. Trek imo, is about many things, but not looking backwards, never That. Not without them trying to make a really good point from it, anyway. 
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