#wow so cool I worked until 8:30 got home at 8:45 and I get to go to bed at 10…. woopee so much free time
southislandwren · 1 year
I’m making fat stacks today first I stayed for 4 hours milking and tarping haylage and then I stayed for 5.5 hours milking and calf chores and going Very Fast while unbuckled in a Polaris ranger. Also Gatorade and my knee brace and the 15 Advil I took are the real heroes of my first week I wouldn’t have made it without them
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emy-loves-you · 4 years
Wrong Numbers and Useless Gays (Chapter 7)
Happy Halloween!
Warning: Minor burns
Chapter 6 | Masterlist | Chapter 8
V- (8:04 AM) Happy first day of Halloween!
L- (8:05 AM) Virgil, it’s October 1st. Halloween isn’t for another 30 days.
V- (8:05 AM) We must be celebrating different holidays. Halloween lasts from October 1st to October 31st. For the entire month, you watch cheesy Halloween movies and decorate your home in black, purple, and orange. Spiders and bats become your daily esthetic. There are no exceptions to this rule.
P- (8:06 AM) I have arachnophobia and most of our decorations are green. Is that alright, Kiddo?
V- (8:06 AM) … There is one exception.
L- (8:07 AM) This is preposterous.
R- (8:07 AM) Calm down, Specs. Let our Dark and Stormy Knight have his holiday. We don’t want another incident of Pi Day, do we?
V- (8:08 AM) What happened on Pi Day?
P- (8:08 AM) Logan wanted to spend the day memorizing as many digits of Pi as possible. Roman told him that Pi day was only for baking pies. Logan decided to etch as many digits of pi as he could fit into the crust of a pie before baking it. Sadly, baking isn’t Lolo’s exPIEtise.
R- (8:09 AM) He almost burnt the house down. It was hilarious.
L- (8:09 AM) I will back down from this argument, if only to preserve my dignity. Since you decided to text us at 8 AM, I assume that you have plans to celebrate your “first day of Halloween?”
V- (8:10 AM) Yep. I’ve got my Scooby-Doo VHS tapes, an entire gallon of iced coffee, and enough decorations to cover every square inch of my house. Life is good.
R- (8:11 AM) Wait which tapes?
V- (8:11 AM) Zombie Island, Witch’s Ghost, Alien Invaders, and Cyber Chase. The 4 best Scooby-Doo movies to ever exist.
R- (8:12 AM) Now I REALLY wanna watch Scooby-Doo
V- (8:12 AM) What’s stopping you?
L- (8:12 AM) The desire to have a stable income
R- (8:13 AM) I’m starring as Van Helsing for our theatre’s production of Dracula. I’ve got rehearsals and performances almost every night.
V- (8:13 AM) Sorry. I’ll watch it in your stead.
R- (8:14 AM) Gee, how thoughtful of you
(October 8th)
L- (2:32 PM) Virgil, did you seriously buy MORE chocolates?
V- (2:32 PM) Do you like them?
L- (2:32 PM) That’s not the point.
L- (2:33 PM) This is the 7th set of sweets you’ve sent us in the past 8 weeks. First of all, this is extremely unhealthy. Second of all, how much money have you spent on these? Third of all, you tend to send chocolates specifically when you’re planning something that we disapprove of. So what, pray tell, are you planning this time?
V- (2:34 PM) Wow, I didn’t realize you were keeping track of that.
L- (2:34 PM) I keep track of everything. Quit ignoring the questions.
V- (2:35 PM) Okay. First of all, if they make you happy it doesn’t matter. Second of all, if it makes you happy it doesn’t matter. Third of all, if it makes you happy it doesn’t matter :)
L- (2:35 PM) …
V- (2:35 PM) Besides, you wouldn’t want me to STOP sending you sweets, would you?
L- (2:36 PM) … Curse you and your knowledge of my sweets addiction.
V- (2:36 PM) :)
(October 15th)
L- (5:47 PM) VIRGIL!
V- (5:48 PM) Hm?
V- (5:49 PM) You have no proof
L- (5:50 PM) [*Photo Attachment*]
[The photo is of a door. There is a square of TP taped to the door, the words “VIRGIL WAS TOTALLY NOT HERE” written in sharpie]
V- (5:50 PM) See? I was totally not there.
V- (5:51 PM) And I sent you pre-apology chocolates, so you can’t get mad!
R- (5:55 PM) I don’t know WHAT you did, but Logan called me, screeched your name, and hung up. Keep up the good work, storm cloud ;)
(October 22nd)
V- (3:42 PM) Hey Pat?
P- (3:42 PM) What’s up, Kiddo?
V- (3:42 PM) You bake, right?
P- (3:43 PM) It would be very hard to run a bakery if I couldn’t, Kiddo!
V- (3:43 PM) True
V- (3:43 PM) So what do you do if your cookies catch on fire?
P- (3:43 PM) WHAT
V- (3:44 PM) [*Photo Attachment*]
[The photo is of an oven. The door is open, and inside is a tray of Pillsbury ghost sugar cookies. They are all on fire]
P- (3:44 PM) PUT IT OUT
V- (3:44 PM) HOW
V- (3:46 PM) [*Photo attachment*]
[The photo is of the same oven. The door is still open, yet the entire inside of the oven is covered in foam]
V- (3:46 PM) Now what?
P- (3:46 PM) First of all, turn off the oven.
V- (3:47 PM) Done
L- (3:48 PM) Are you alright, Virgil? Did you sustain any burns or other injuries?
V- (3:49 PM) I’m fine. I burned my wrist but it’s not that bad.
L- (3:49 PM) Will you please send a picture of your injury?
V- (3:49 PM) [*Photo attachment*]
[The photo is of a left hand. The hand is long, slender, and pale. The nails are long and painted black with cat noses and whiskers. The person’s wrist has a minor burn wound, around the size of a golf ball]
L- (3:50 PM) You are correct, Virgil. It appears to be a minor burn, no need to contact the hospital. However, I would greatly appreciate it if you tend to your burn at your earliest convenience.
P- (3:50 PM) Go wrap up that burn, kiddo! Make sure you add burn cream, too!
P- (3:51 PM) AND OH MY GOSH I LOVE YOUR NAILS! They’re PAWsitively PURRfect!
L- (3:51 PM) Please stop
P- (3:52 PM) Alright. Wouldn’t wanna have a CATastrophe, would we?
L- (3:52 PM) Please. I beg of you.
V- (3:53 PM) Okay, all patched up. What do I do about my cookies?
L- (3:53 PM) Make sure your oven has fully cooled down before attempting to clean it.
P- (3:54 PM) You nearly gave me a heart attack!
V- (3:55 PM) Sorry, won’t happen again.
L- (3:55 PM) I assume that this means you will be buying post-apology sweets? I assure you that it is unnecessary, Virgil. Your health and safety are more important than confectionaries.
L- (3:57 PM) Virgil?
L- (3:57 PM) Please refrain from buying more sweets.
L- (3:58 PM) I’ve already gained 3.4 pounds alone from these “Gifts”
V- (3:58 PM) Too late, already bought them
P- (3:58 PM) You don’t have to, Kiddo!
P- (3:59 PM) And Lolo, don’t blame V on your weight gain. I know Ro’s not the only one sneaking whole jars of jelly from the cabinets at night.
L- (3:59 PM) Virgil, how much are you spending on these sweets?
V- (4:00 PM) Would it help if I said that I get a discount since I purchase chocolates almost weekly?
L- (4:00 PM) VIRGIL
V- (4:01 PM) :)
R- (6:58 PM) Why does all the interesting stuff happen while I’m at work?
V- (6:59 PM) Get wrecked Princey
R- (6:59 PM) :(
V- (7:00 PM) Don’t worry I got you sweets too
R- (7:00 PM) :)
(October 24th)
L- (2:32 PM) VIRGIL!
V- (2:33 PM) Did you get your sweets? Send me a pick! I didn’t get to see the end result
P- (2:33 PM) [*Photo Attachment*]
[The photo is of three vases, each of different colors. The light blue vase is filled with tulips made of white chocolate. There are also chocolate-covered straberry and a giant chocolate lollipop with the words “I appreciate you a chocoLOT!” The red vase is filled with milk chocolate roses and another chocolate lollipop that says “Good luck slaying Vampires!” The navy blue vase is the most elaborate (probably just to mess with Logan). It’s filled with dark chocolate tulips AND roses, with a whole jar of crofters nestled into the middle of the bouquet. It’s lollipop reads “Weight and Cost are just #s!”]
P- (2:34 PM) These are ADORABLE, Virgil!
L- (2:34 PM) How much did you spend on this, Virgil?
V- (2:34 PM) Did you not read your lollipop?
V- (2:35 PM) Don’t worry about it, I wouldn’t buy the chocolates if I couldn’t afford them :)
L- (2:35 PM) My digestive system can’t afford them.
V- (2:36 PM) Well I couldn’t give you pre-apology chocolates so I had to give you epic post-apology chocolates.
P- (2:37 PM) Well, I cannot wait to eat these! Seriously, I’ve already eaten half a tulip. And these vases will look so pretty holding ACTUAL flowers! Thank you so much, V! But remember, you don’t have to do this. We don’t need apology sweets!
V- (2:38 PM) I know, but it’s comforting to know that there’s at least ONE way I can interact with you guys beyond texting. I’m sorry that I’m still not comfortable talking face-to-face yet.
P- (2:38 PM) That’s completely fine, Kiddo! Take all the time you need. We’ll be here when you’re ready.
L- (2:39 PM) I agree.Though I still do not see the purpose of excessive spending on our behalf.
R- (2:39 PM) Well I find it extremely thoughtful, storm cloud. I would type an entire ballad of how caring and kind you are, but I must get back to work. I shall speak with you tonight, fair raven.
V- (2:40 PM) Thanks, guys. It means a lot to me.
(October 31st)
L- (10:17 AM) How are you feeling about your “final day of Halloween,” Virgil?
V- (10:18 AM) Incredibly depressed
P- (10:18 AM) Aww. Why’s that, Kiddo?
V- (10:19 AM) You guys know how I travel around with my friends, right?
V- (10:19 AM) Well apparently we have to travel out today. We won’t be back until tomorrow afternoon.
R- (10:20 AM) I’m deeply sorry, my precious stormcloud. If I may ask, why do you have to travel tonight?
V- (10:20 AM) My friends like to go to parties out of town, and I go to make sure they don’t get themselves killed.
P- (10:21 AM) I’m sorry you have to miss Halloween, Kiddo. I know how much you were looking forward to it.
V- (10:22 AM) I’m still gonna wear my costume. Just because I can’t celebrate at home doesn’t mean I can’t celebrate at all.
L- (10:22 AM) What costume have you decided to wear?
V- (10:23 AM) [*Photo attachment*]
[Photo is the bottom half of someone’s face. They’re smiling, with black lipstick and fake Vampire teeth. There’s red liquid running down their chin.]
P- (10:23 AM) That looks FANGtastic, Virgil!
L- (10:23 AM) I hope you have an amenable experience at the party, Virgil.
R- (10:24 AM) I agree! You look amazing and I hope you enjoy the party, storm cloud. Do not worry, I will watch The Nightmare Before Christmas in your stead!
V- (10:25 AM) Wow I feel so grateful
R- (10:25 AM) :)
Taglist: @bisexualdisaster106 @self-taught-mess @itawalrus @arodynamic-enby @sanderssides-angst
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footballerimaginess · 4 years
Baby Prompt List
This is a long prompt list! 100 prompts from pregnancy up until toddler. Feel free to use this prompt list by reblogging, if you do use it tag me in it. I would love to read your work! I may do a second baby prompt list! Also I used a few prompts from other lists, credit to those for being so talented.Thank you for using if you do!  1. He/She is kicking 2. Is this a pregnancy test? 3. I think I'm in labour 4. My waters have just broken 5. He/She weed all over me 6. I'm late 7. Pregnancy hormones are no joke 8. I'm craving 9. I feel so fat 10. Nothing fits me 11. You need to change that nappy, it is so full 12. He/She is pissing everywhere 13. Oh we do make cute babies 14. Triplets, oh wow 15. We have got our work cut out with this one 16. Daddy where do babies come from? 17. You aren't helping me here 18. I want another baby 19. You need some sleep, you are exhausted 20. Stomach bug? No, morning sickness 21. It's your turn 22. Welcome home 23. That smell is repulsive 24. Can we make more babies? 25. Troublesome twins 26. You are going to look just as beautiful as mummy 27. I don't want a baby brother or sister 28. She has got you wrapped round your little finger 29. I'm not sharing my toys 30. I'm too young to have a baby 31. Can you play with me? 32. Hide from mummy 33. I made this for you 34. I'm pregnant 35. I have a human growing inside of me,I'm not okay 36. They are your first steps 37. Of course your first word is daddy 38. This parenting hing is tiring work 39. Pregnancy tests don't lie 40. I'm so hungry 41. Can we go see daddy? 42. Play hide and seek with me 43. I'm not playing with my brother/sister 44. How do they have so much energy? 45. How do I give birth to her/him, only for the baby to look like you 46. Just eat your food please 47. Do not throw that on the floor 48. I don't remember the last time I had a full nights sleep 49. He/She is so poorly, it's okay. I've got you 50. Did the scary monster get you while you were sleeping? 51. Mummy's cuddles are always the best 52. I'm a handyman, this room will look amazing 53. Can we have more children? 54. Walk towards daddy 55. Can I cuddle you mummy? 56. Mummy I miss daddy 57. I can't sleep 58. I need a plaster, I cut my knee 59. Did you hurt yourself baby? 60. You are in a playful mood aren't you? 61. How are you going to big school today? 62. You are so grown up 63. Where has my little baby gone? 64. Can we go and see nanny? 65. I'm glad we finally have some alone time 66. Let's have a daddy daughter/son day 67. Can I go through this again? 68. I don't remember you pushing this baby out 69. I'm the cool parent, they can't admit it 70. We don't eat mud, please do not put that in your mouth 71. I don't know if I can do this 72. How many babies are we having? There is enough clothes for a 100 of them 73. You have been throwing up for hours 74. Please don't tell me that you bough the kids a dog 75. Was this baby a mistake? 76. I feel so emotional, I need a slap to stop me crying 77. Why are you awake? You need to sleep 78. My life is complete with you 79. Did you just say pregnancy is hard? How the fuck would you know? 80. I'm in so much pain 81. I know its the hormones talking, but you are pissing me off 82. Are you okay? You are acting off 83. You aren't pregnant are you? 84. Are my tshirts comfy? Because I see they are all missing 85. The bump is in the way, we can't have sex 86. I feel so uncomfortable, the baby is wriggling far too much 87. All I do is complain, I am not that mum 88. I'm a cool mum 89. Put the baby on your chest, like skin to skin 90. I have stretch marks, look at them 91. I can't have children 92. The adoption process is for us 93. But they aren't my children 94. This is what kids do to you, having a sneaky wine while hiding from them 95. Finally they are asleep, this has been a long day 96. Who told me children's homework was supposed to be this hard? 97. Single parenting is tough 98. But I'm not their biologocial parent, they don't know me 99. Mummy, why don't we see daddy? 100. Why did you make me pregnant again?
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aforrestofstuff · 4 years
What's the heroes' morning routine to start their day before going to work? Or their night routine before they're going to sleep? (And here is sprinkle of positivity vibes for you today: 😊😉👌💕💞💗💓💝💝💖💖🌟✨🍀🍀🍀🍀💐💐 Have a nice day! ❤)
Thanks for the request, anon! ❤️❤️ sorry this took me so long to get to, hope you’re still around!
Tornado of Terror: I’ve said in a previous hc that she sleep-levitates and wakes up in the weirdest places. So, she’d probably spend 10 straight minutes prying herself out of her bathtub or some shit with hella cramps. After that, she’d spam Fubuki over text message, asking her how to make a cup of coffee for the 57th time, then manage to burn it anyway, and finally go to work salty as fuck.
Silverfang: Wakes up at the crack of dawn, mediates next to a waterfall or some shit, broods over Garou, and makes himself a nice breakfast with a cup of tea. After that, he drags Charanko’s ass up the mountain to do some training, meditate some more, drink more tea, and around then it’s gonna be like 9 AM, so he’d probably just go the fuck back to sleep for a quick nap before actually going to work. Look, he’s old. Let him vibe.
Atomic Samurai: Also wakes the fuck up at the crack of dawn and proceeds to freeload a breakfast off of Iaian, wash it down with some alcohol at 6 in the AM, and complain about the weather. Then, he’d probably run over some sorta training routine with his disciples before doing group meditation and finally, finish it off with another drink. His tolerance is so damn high at this point. He shows up to work while pretending he wasn’t ten seconds away from getting wasted that morning.
Child Emperor: Wakes up rather early (if he even slept at all), runs diagnostics on all of his machinery, does tests on his latest weapons, takes 7 decontamination showers, and then makes himself a hearty breakfast consisting of Froot Loops and choccy milk. He shows up to work early and energized, running solely on his 87th lollipop and the single shot of espresso he had that morning. If it’s a weekday, he’d wait off on going to Association headquarters and teach a few classes at the local university instead. He’d then go to work in the middle of the day, grading papers and dying internally at the dumb shit his students say. He keeps a mental tally of how many people forget to write their names on their assignments. He’s suffering.
Metal Knight: Upon slapping the shit out of his alarm clock, he rolls out of bed and commands one of his bitchbots to make a Michelin-Star quality breakfast for him, then proceeds to stalk to the bathroom. He doesn’t shave or shower. He just takes a 45-minute shit because he’s forced himself to go to the bathroom once a day to “save time” when it, in fact, does not save time. After that, he takes a decontamination shower before entering his lab (also another 45 minutes because he’d spend the whole time je— nevermind) and doesn’t show up to work at all because he’s a little bitchboy hellbent on building Skynet in his mom’s basement.
King: Wakes up, cries, plays video games, cries some more, eats some cereal, takes a shower, cries, calls Saitama over, plays video games, Saitama leaves, cries. Then, he’ll show up to work for a single meeting at 4 PM just so everyone knows he isn’t dead, have an anxiety attack, go home, and then cry (while having another anxiety attack). After that, he’ll play video games until 3 AM. Rinse and repeat.
Zombieman: He’ll wake up at 3 AM and then sarcastically open his blinds like “oh wow, what a beautiful morning”. He’ll make himself a hearty breakfast consisting of leftovers, some protein pills, and half a pack of cigarettes. Next, he’ll shower, shave, and do some routine vigilante detective work out in the town before coming back home just as the sun is beginning to rise. After that, he’ll take a thirty second nap and walk his ass to work (because his car has been in the shop for like, seven years) so he can vibe for 3 hours before throwing in the towel and isolating himself for the remainder 18 hours of the day because depression.
Drive Knight: he sleeps plugged into the wall like a Samsung. Either that, or he’s solar-powered.... or maybe he runs on AAAs. I don’t know, but his ass ain’t waking up like everyone else. He’d power on, do some routine checkups on his laboratory or whatever the fuck he’s got going on, and then show up to work for 3 seconds only to dip the fuck back out and go poach some endangered monster species for his collection or some shit. Look, he’s a robot.
Pig God: wakes up at 10 AM like a king and eats a small breakfast consisting of three rotisserie chickens, a whole pot of rice, 57 eggs, and a cool glass of milk (because calcium is important, kids). He’d spend 4 hours on the internet before he gets hungry and decides to go outside, stopping to casually devour an entire species of demon-threat monsters in the middle of the street while simultaneously traumatizing every single child living in a 3-mile radius in the process of doing so. After that, he’d do some hero work for like 30 minutes (and somehow eat like, 200 living things in that timeframe), go back home, and then indulge himself in a 17-hour food coma. He’s earned it.
Superalloy Darkshine: Homie wakes up at 5 AM, works out for two hours, takes a shower, and eats a breakfast big enough to feed a small family of 19. After terrorizing every health expert in the country with his buckwild diet (ironic considering Pig God exists), he hits up his bro Tanktop Master for another 2-hour workout. He then proceeds to take 3 seconds getting dressed in his hero uniform because it’s literally just a thong, and goes to work for a full 8 hours because he’s a good boi who takes his job seriously and genuinely wants to make the world a better place. :)
Watchdog Man: wakes up, pisses on a fire hydrant, eats dog kibble, sits on his pedestal in city Q, and then gets dressed.
Flashy Flash: wakes up in a forest somewhere because he’s probably homeless. The local birds flock around him and sing a morning song. He feeds a baby deer like a Disney princess. Then, he bathes in a waterfall and spends two hours doing his hair. After that, he buys himself a fucking bagel and takes his ass to work smelling like the inside of a Cabella’s. He vibes at HQ for like, 30 minutes, before traveling 500 miles away on his 57th quest for revenge and ends up breaking a record for “most homicides committed by a hero” on the way there.
Genos: wakes up, makes breakfast for Saitama, takes a shower, and spends half an hour doing chores while Saitama bums around with a yolk stain on his pajamas. Then, he’d hit up the professor for any news about upgrades, and go on about his day handing out justice as he sees fit until Saitama suddenly gets the urge to go buy some cabbage. It’ll be another 2 hours of walking around the inside of a grocery store while holding 2 grams of food (because it’s all Saitama could afford, broke ass) before he actually goes to hero HQ for a single meeting (while Saitama tags along), and then slaughter 87 monsters on his way home.
Metal Bat: wakes up at 6 AM because it takes him 8 years to do his hair. He’d wake up Zenko about an hour later and tell her to get ready for school while he hauls ass downstairs to make breakfast (burnt toast and 8 Flinstone vitamins). They walk to Zenko’s school together. He takes ten minutes to shower her with love, and then he turns back around to walk to his own school only to show up like, 45-minutes late to his first class. He only attends hero meetings on weekends because A. Homework and B. He doesn’t give enough of a shit to juggle official hero business and school in the same day (unless it consists of a monster/criminal [or 12] in need of a beating).
Tanktop Master: same as Superalloy. He wakes up at dawn, works out, eats enough to feed a small army, and then calls his actual army over for a meeting. He and the gang discuss ways to better represent the Tanktop ideology over tea, while also sharing workout tips and just having a good time together in general. Around then it’ll probably be 8 or 9 AM, so he’d join Superalloy at Hero HQ and do hero work for the rest of the day alongside his homies. He’s living the life, honestly.
Puri-Puri Prisoner: he’s in prison so he’d wake up at 8 AM on the clock every day, eat his nasty-ass breakfast (although, I’ve said in a previous headcanon that he gets special meals prepared for him on account of being a literal superhero, but I digress), and then he works out in the courtyard for a good hour before going to work in the cafeteria for 3 bucks a day (or the yen equivalent). During visiting hours, he and his boyfriend are inseparable. They’d make some crafts together, gossip, and just hang out. If there’s a threat in the area, Puri will waste no time busting himself out and hugging that shit to death. A true icon.
Amai Mask: he either wakes up at 10 AM or 2 PM every day, there’s no in-between. He’d spend his morning doing every self-care routine under the sun: taking a warm bath, doing a face mask, eating a good breakfast (prepared by his own personal chef, of course), listening to an audio book, you name it. If he has a concert that night, he’d spend the entire day surrounded by people as he gets ready/rehearses/prepares. If not, he’ll just patrol the streets, handing out autographs and some slices of justice. He wouldn’t really show up to any meetings or do official hero business at HQ unless he’s in the mood to cuss out Sekingar and Sitch over some stupid shit or insert himself in S-Class business.
Iaian: wakes up earlier than any of the other disciples and Atomic Samurai because he’s like, responsible or whatever. He meditates, showers, does his own personal routine, and then kicks everyone out of bed for breakfast like an angry suburban mom. After that, he’d participate in everyone’s routine training, and then take his ass to work while showing up to every meeting at HQ (sometimes tagging along with Kami) because he’s a good boi and he has no problem engaging in business. :)
Okamaitachi: She sometimes wakes up with Iaian, but sleeps in most of the time because she needs her beauty rest, obviously. After breakfast and participating in everyone’s training routine, she’d do her hair/makeup and go do her own hero work the majority of the time. She’d sometimes tag along with Iaian, but she prefers to go on her own every so often. If she has some extra time before breakfast, she’ll also do a face mask or catch up on her favorite soap operas.
Bushidrill: this motherfucker sleeps like a log and Iaian wants to kill him for it. He wakes up like, 2 seconds before breakfast and hasn’t shaven in a month. Still, somehow, he manages to get ready in time for training without Kami trying to assault him for being a doofus.
Fubuki: She wakes up hella early and texts her herd of hooligans the daily plan before dealing with Tatsumaki’s shit over the phone. Then, she showers, does her hair, and takes fifteen minutes to get her makeup done right. It doesn’t take her long to plan out her outfit because she has like, 87 black dresses. After an actual hearty breakfast (unlike the rest of these clowns) that she makes herself, she meets up with the blizzard group to discuss business and engage in hero work together as a ✨team✨. She never gets asked to participate in official business by HQ because Tatsumaki strictly forbids it.
Saitama: he brushes his hair and sits on his ass all day.
Mumen Rider: wakes up at dawn, feeds the cats outside, eats a good-ass breakfast (despite being poor, because he’s actually really good at budgeting), and goes out for a nice, morning patrol. He’ll also call his mom and make sure she’s having a good time because that’s important. If it’s not a busy day, he’ll go to the gym and treat himself to some time at the park afterwards. If there’s monsters all about, he’ll spend the rest of the day in the hospital after getting his shit rocked for the 300th time that week. They’ve basically got a bed reserved for him at this point. He’s so pure but so, so selfless. And a little dumb. But mostly selfless.
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c-atm · 4 years
Morning routine
Her phone came alive at 7 am. A course of guitars and synths played, forcing the young R&D director to the world of the waking. She stretched her strong, toned body, getting the kinks out, feeling the rays of the sun on her skin. Crawling out of her bed, she walked out of her room and towards the bathroom, rubbing her eyes.
"Play Heartberry's morning list." She groaned tiredly as she walked in stripping off her sleepwear as 'Can't Hold Me' began to play while she stepped into the shower. 
Fifteen minutes passed and Connie was dancing back into her room as her playlist resounded through her home.  
I am the Eggman, that's what I am
I am the Eggman, I got the master plan
She sang, swinging her hips as she chose her clothing for the day.  She smirked at the outfit in front of her, before stripping out of her robe.
"Incoming call from... Mister." A robotic voice called out from the house speakers.
She smirked.
 " Answer!" She called out.
With a beep, the call was answered and the music dropped behind the call. still loud enough for her to still dance to.
"Morning, Heartberry."
"Morning Mister..Surprised you are up at this time." 
"Really, don't I always call around 7:45?"
"When you're on earth, which last time I checked, you aren't." Connie smirked as she slipped on her underwear. "So how did it go or are you still on your diplomacy mission?"
"Pretty good, we actually finished sooner than expected, but enough about that..Wanna see how my Heartberry's doing and wish her a happy day before work.".
"Aww, you're sweet, but you're up to something as well." She chuckled as she pulled up her jeans  on her waist. " Tight fit. Might need to go shopping soon."
"Yeah...How the hell?"
"I've seen your hip struggles."
"I don't know if I hate what you're insinuating,  Bisky."  She rolled her eyes at his playful chuckle. "So, you're gonna come with me clothes shopping whenever that may be." She placed an orange hoodie over her, pulling it down to her navel and pulling her hair out of it and putting it in a ponytail.
"What and watch you grunt, swear and dance your way into jeans..Oh I wouldn't miss that for the world." 
"You love me."
"Naw, I tolerate you." She taunted. "I also mildly, slightly, diminutively...Miss you." 
"Oh..Such blessing, much wow." 
The two shared a laugh before  falling into a silence of comfort. Connie looked at herself in the mirror, liking how her black Jeans and orange hood fit her form.l before putting on the smallest of  clear lips gloss.
"I'm wearing orange on black today."
"Ooo! very cutey spooky..Guessing you just put on that lip gloss you made at R&D."
"Yup.."she snickered "Thank you for your cooperation...Your essence makes for great cosmetics and healing products."
"Anything to help...Besides, I got to use the true lab and its precious hidden sauna and spring…"  He paused. "When did you find the time to make that and who taught you to make 'rooms'? "
"Hey, hard work and passion brings results, besides a group of gems actually made it...I just planned the design. "Connie sighed before continuing. Plus, I needed to keep myself busy someway and well...When you got a battalion of gems and humans who have the same mindset.." She sighed gently giving herself one more look over, blowing herself a kiss. "Great things are bound to happen.."
"That or explosions." He teased
"It''s a coin toss, really." she reciprocated. "And who says explosions aren't great."
"I guess it depends. So it’s 8:04 now. You're usually in the lab by 9:30, 9:45."
"Give myself time to do extra stuff..Like go down to the dojo and get some sparring in…" An impish grin enveloped on her face. "My figure isn't all gem magic and Maheswaran genes, you know."
"Oh, I know and it shows, trust...But I do take blame for being a motivator." She scoffed at his smug voice. "That and the gem magic. "
"You're cocky today, Mister. Maybe, you should come down and get tossed around a bit."
"More like you wanna get pinned under me." His voice took on a more husky tone "We don't need a ring for that when there's a perfectly strong mattress in your room."
She laughed gently. " Ease, Bisky...I think we're getting off track."
"We had a track? I thought we were just shooting the wind."
"Well, I also wanted to make sure you left home with a smile."
"Come on." Her bashfulness and adoration  showing though. "I'm talking to you. I'm gonna be smiling at least until dinner..Work at R&D pending."
"Well I can pick you up and treat you after."
"See, now I'm gonna be smiling all day. Though seeing you before would work better"
"It would bring one to my face as well." 
"My good sir, thous my company not bring you glee?" She smirked at his chuckle.
"Thous company make for an exhilarating exuberance. When it's tangible company." he sighed dramatically, getting a giggle. "Alas, all I have is your disembodied voice. Woe is me as my heart grows fonder in your absence, my Heartberry knight."
"Bravo, bravo.. " She clapped at his performance with a snicker.
"Ugh, no! We had an alien delegate who spoke like that. It was sooo hard, not to laugh and cringe at the dramatics."
"Oh~ho ho. My poor Mister."
"Yeah yeah." He grumbled in annoyance 
"What can I do to make my Mister happy?"
"Hmm? Really?"
"Or course.Making sure you're smiling before I get to R&D is part of my morning routine." She waited in silence for a few seconds before his voice resounded.
"Can you sing for me?
She noted how shy, tired, and downtrodden her Mister's tone became. 
"Sorry that was strange..
"Are you nearby?" Concern was thick in her voice, all forms of teasing gone as she stood up from her bed and headed downstairs.
"Umm..Yeah, actually. I..
"You're already here, Right?"
She smiled as she walked towards the front door. opening it see Steven Universe, with breakfast from Startries. She should have been chuckling and teasing about how diligent he was, but the bags in his red eyes, the paleness and splashes of pinkish-purple of his skin, and the chapness of his lips said he had a rough one this time.
She took the bag in one hand and Steven's hand in her other as she guided him into the living room. Placing the bag on to the table carelessly, she sat on the couch lap together. "Head here, Mister." She slapped the top of her thighs as she gave him a tender and reassuring smile.
Steven nodded before following her direction, laying his head on her lap facing her. His arms immediately around her waist like a life line as he nuzzled into her stomach.
Her hand was instantly in his locs, running through his hair, feeling slight and receding protruding in various places.
"Any request, love?" Her tone was even and pleasant, unjudging and expecting nothing from him
"That…'Love'. Can you sing me that?" His tone was exhausted and broken, yet held a spark of love. He sighed feeling her cool lips in his heated cheek.
She breathed deeply..
So many things I've got to tell you
But I'm afraid I don't know how
Cause there's a possibility
You'll look at me differently
Steven sighed at her contralto pitch. It hit his ear like a cool spring, cleansing him of his worries, doubts, and negativity. It was the sweetest and most relaxing sound ever produced. 
Ever since the first moment I spoke your name
From then on I knew that by you being in my life
Things were destined to change cause......
He hummed as she gave him another kiss. Looking up to see her smile down at him. Her black eyes; full of pride, and adoration.  
So many people use your name in vain
Those who faith in you sometimes go astray
Through all the ups and downs the joy and hurt
"Connie." he stated, feeling a bit tired due to the pleasing affection " You have got to..
"Day off." Her voice was doused with finality.
"But you.."
"Day. Off" She moved closed gently placing her forehead upon his temple, lips to his ear. She continued to serenade him.
For better or worse I still will choose you first..
She did so for the whole morning.
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peoplesgraves · 4 years
1."you're not alone anymore."
2."I'm here for you."
4."I hate what you turned me into but in some twisted way.... I still love you."
5."you look good when you cry."
6."you can't kill me, you need me."
7."oh how I'd love to break your nose."
8."you're bad for my health."
9."together, or not at all."
10."please, you're scaring me."
11."i think you're amazing."
12."oh shut up."
13."I just wanted to be the hero..."
14."you can beat him. You're better then him, then all of them!"
15."don't think you're special."
16."ive never felt more alone then when I talk to you."
17."get out!"
18."stay away from me."
19."I'm happier with you."
20."I finally found what makes me happy! What's so wrong with that?!"
21."I did everything for you and this how it ends?"
22."what have they told you about me?"
23."this is so cliche...I love it."
24."just tell me what you need and I'll be that for you."
25."I'm a mess! I'm broken and not even you can put me back together."
26."it's you! It's always been you!"
27."can I kiss you?"
28."you're my weakness."
29."does he/she make you happy?"
30."I never had a home, not until I met you."
31."how dare you?! How dare you say that you love me!"
32."if you keep looking at me like that I'll have to kiss you."
33."c'mere. See? As long as we're together it's ok."
34."smile for me?"
35."I don't really hate you."
36."is that my shirt?"
37."I thought we made pants mandatory before 6pm."
38."screaming doesn't make you right."
39."that's wrong...so's that."
40."do you have any idea what you're doing?"
41."I hope I don't remember this tomorrow."
42."you are so embarrassing!"
43."you are the single most infuriating person I've ever had the displeasure of meeting!"
44."I thought I killed you..."
45."I think this is shaping up to be an epic adventure."
46."shhh...I'll make it better"
47."stop. No one is allowed to hurt you, not even yourself."
48."you can't hurt me."
49."and where were you?"
50."you don't understand!"
51."we would be an awful couple."
52."I'd rather be locked in a room with my mother."
53."ew is that what you look like in the morning?"
54."I'm convinced I've died and gone to hell."
55."can you just hold me?"
56."who do I have to sleep with for you to leave me alone?"
57."you can't die...I love you"
58."why can't you just accept that I'm not leaving?!"
59."you broke it."
60."come on you rat I'm hungry."
61."you have to run. You have to leave and never look back, promise?"
62."you didn't hear a thing I said did you?"
63."aren't you lucky to have met me?"
64."I feel like I know you."
65."there is no way I'm going to work with-with...this man child!"
66."why is is that every time it gets even a little bit hard you run?"
67."I have daddy issues...also issues with every other living thing."
68."you can't just give and give until there's nothing left!"
69."I don't need your help. I've gone this long being by myself and it's worked out just fine."
70."this is all for me?"
71."I'm afraid...I've never been in love before."
72."all I want is you to be happy, even if that happiness doesn't involve me."
73."it's ok...I'm used to being left alone."
74."pretty girls/boys shouldn't cry."
75."that's awesome! How did you dispose of the body?"
76."you're a genius ya know?"
77."you broke your finger flipping me off?"
78."well aren't I lucky."
79."if you're killing him/her you're killing me too."
80."I never wanted you to see me like this."
81."psh no...ok yes."
82."look at my butt!"
83."wow we switched bodies...cool I have boobs!"
84."you idiot, that was our chance."
85."I'm not that person anymore."
86."some things never change."
87."maybe in another life it could have been us."
88."I don't love you."
89."it hurts..."
90."I don't owe you anything!"
91."I'm sorry did I not just save your life? Show some gratitude!"
92."I accept payment in three ways. Money,dogs and food."
93."I don't get paid enough to deal with this."
94."And just like that the princess fell in love with the dragon."
95."you are this close to never being able to have kids."
96."I will not calm down you're bleeding!"
97."whoever hurt him/her will pay."
98."it's ok you didn't know."
99."if I was your s/o I'd have killed myself by now."
100."it's called sex appeal."
101."lets get married!"
102."give me my bra back!"
103."you're not my parole officer!"
104."I could pop your ego like a balloon."
105."I wanted you to be better then me."
106."You can't do this! I'm the queen!"
107."you know where to find me...in bed with a half eaten pizza."
108."sounds pretty gay to me."
109."that sounds like a horrible idea...let's do it."
110."I got your back."
111."I don't just love you, I'm in love with you."
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yeahyeahbaby · 4 years
Finished my first game and game jam!
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Link to my game Ahh, Crabs! I realized that I haven’t posted in a while, so I thought I would write about finishing my first game and game jam, and what my next plans are.  Get ready for a fucking novel lol. 
I entered the I Can't Draw But Want To Make A Game (Again)  game jam because I wanted to make a game. Before starting the jam, I’d thought about game development and 3D modeling on and off for about a year, but hadn’t started any projects. Last summer, I’d watched BlenderGuru’s series and made a render of a doughnut which was cool and did a few tutorials on the Unity learn site, but I didn’t do anything with those newly developed skills and eventually forgot most of what I’d learned.  I’m currently 24, going to be 25 in August, and I think a lot about how I spend my time, am I on the right path, what do I want out of life, etc. All of the big existential anxiety inducing questions. I work as a front-end web developer, its a great job, but I know that I don’t want to do web development forever.  Anyway, I’d recently started thinking about game development, and wanted to try committing myself again. Game development presents the opportunity for me to create something that combines all of my interests. Art, music, technology, story telling, world building, animation, etc. It’s also appealing to me because being an indie developer means being an entrepreneur. I know that I want a life where I’m my own boss. I want to decide what projects I work on and what takes priority. I want to build a creative life where I can support myself financially from my work.  I thought about how this time could be different from a year ago where I tried to get into game development, but never committed. I started off slow by creating small assets with MagicaVoxel while I tried to come up with ideas. This is when I remembered that game jams were a thing.  I found the game jam (not going to keep typing the name cuz its long as hell lol) on itch.io and was hesitant to enter. I was afraid of starting and committing to something only to let myself down when I didn’t finish.  I’d recently started journaling and was writing about this fear that I had. I realized as I was writing that I was stopping myself from trying something because of fear. That’s when I decided to commit to entering.  The great thing about game jams is that they take place over a set period of time and you’re usually given some kind of parameters. This was EXTREMELY helpful to me because I was able to quickly come up with an idea for the game. I knew that I only had two weeks to finish. Not two full weeks because of course I work full time and have other home chores to do. Plus ya girl likes to relax and watch anime ( I think at the time I was actually reading Hana Yori Dango aka Boys Over Flowers uwu).  So being given a set time period helped me to plan a semi-realistic scope for the game.  So I started to work on the game! I had a lot of fun making silly art and music. Because the mechanics of my game were also SUPER simple, I could easily find tutorials for everything that I wanted to implement. Even with the tutorials, I still had small hiccups as I worked my way around Unity and C#, but I was never stuck for more than a few hours.  Things were going great! And then.... I stopped working on the game.  I think I didn’t work on the game for like 4-5 days?? I got off track because of some personal stuff that I had to deal with. Once it was handled, I didn’t immediately get back to work. I wasn’t really motivated anymore and I was running out of time. I felt like I had wasted time already, I wasn’t going to make the deadline so why FUCKING TRY *sobs*.  BUT! Once again, journaling saved the day again lol.  I was writing about these feelings and saw how stupid I sounded. Why TF am I giving up before the jam ends???? BITCH!!!  So I got back to work.  I think at this point I had like 3-4 days left?? Something like that. I worked my butt off , literally until the deadline. I was rushing like crazy, super determined to finish. I was keeping up with a Trello board of things I wanted to add to the game, but a lot of things had to get cut. For example, the help button, a pause game function, cleaning up the mechanics, also wanted to add some pre-game comics, etc. BUT thankfully I was able to prioritize the absolute must haves to make the game playable and shippable lol.  So, the deadline was 12am CST Friday. 11:59pm CST rolled around. And I’m still waiting for my build so I can upload it. 12am came and it was too late. I didn’t make it. I was literally sobbing. I don’t remember the last time I cried so much. I was just feeling super emotional. I had a long day at work, just spent the last 8 hours crunching to finish my game to submit to the game jam, and even though it was finished, in the moment I felt like a failure because I couldn’t submit it to the jam. I know it may sound silly, like BITCH you did the thing! You made a game! You reached your goal! Buuuut I was still feeling like shit lol.  The build finished and I uploaded it it itch.io. I was sniffling around the discussion board on the jam’s page, feeling sorry for myself, and decided to post a link to my game and let everyone know that Hey! I finished this game but couldn’t submit it in time. pls check it out *sobs* WELL! Many blessings came my way, the creator of the jam was sending unique submission links to people who missed the deadline a little! They saw my post and sent me a submission link. Of course I submitted that hoe so fucking quick lmaooo  A wave of relief washed over my exhausted shriveled body. It was time for celebration and sleep because a bitch had to go to work the next day.  I’m so thankful for this experience. I saw something that I wanted to do, I committed, almost QUIT, BUT PUSHED THROUGH AND REACHED MY GOAL!  I feel so much confidence in myself and my ability to pursue and finish my creative projects, whatever they may be.  SO WHAT’S NEXT BITCH???? Well, thank you for asking uwu I’m going to make another game! This time, not part of a jam so I have to keep myself super accountable. I want to make a game where I can learn and experiment with dialogue, camera movement, art, and sound design. I think I’ve settled on an idea but need to give it some more thought before I commit and reveal the idea.  I’m hoping for about 30-45 minutes of game play?? And I want to work on this project for 6 months, so pretty much the rest of 2020. Might as well keep myself busy while the world burns :/ If anyone is reading this and made it this far, wow, i’m impressed. I wouldn’t have read this much lol I think I’m going to make a youtube video on this topic?? I mean, if I can write a novel about it might as well talk about it on youtube. It can be my first dev-log-ish type video for the yeahyeahbaby channel (that has yet to be created lol) Okay. Bye-bye now. 
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straykidsramblings · 6 years
head over heels. [han jisung]
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producer!han jisung x fem!reader feat. 3racha | college!au
word count: ~3.7K
genre: fluff
summary: Jisung falls head over heels (quite literally) for a girl and finds himself struggling to cope with the situation he’s placed himself in.
Jisung wouldn’t be able to tell you what possessed him to go running that morning, but that was just about the best decision he’d made since he chose Music Composition as his major at SK University. Maybe it was the fact that Chan had been talking about needing to go back to the gym. Maybe it was the fact that Changbin always wore muscle tees in the studio because, as he claimed, “it was too hot.” (Honestly, spring wasn’t that hot of a season.) Maybe it was the fact that Jeongin, the youngest of their friend group, had abs. Whatever the reason was, Jisung Han found himself on a run at 7:19 on a Tuesday morning.
As he stepped out of the dorm building, he immediately put in earphones before he faced any awkward silences. Jisung was a musically-oriented man. He also used this as an excuse to always be listening to some kind of music. Once the earphones were in, Jisung was out. Stretching lightly, he took one last deep breath before breaking into a steady jog.
He started out fairly okay. After all, Jisung had typically made healthy choices in life. It wasn’t that he didn’t work out. It wasn’t that he didn’t have stamina. It just wasn’t enough.
His course consisted of a lap around the [distance] campus. This early in the morning, Jisung was confident that no one would even be up to see him. The only people who would be awake are the suckers who had an 8 a.m. class. At that point, they’re usually too dead inside to even pay attention to him. He was off to a good start, pacing himself properly in order not to exhaust his stamina.
The cool air was nice against his skin as he ran. With the sun rising steadily, his surroundings shined with a golden glint. Jisung did enjoy the in morning jogs. Unfortunately, he wasn’t always awake at this time of the morning. Jisung was not exactly known for being a morning person after all.
He was about halfway around his course when he met her. He was just passing the neighboring town’s park when his brown eyes caught sight of a dog across the road. He supposed he had forgotten about people walking their dogs until it was too late to turn back. However, the girl who was walking the dog really caught Jisung’s attention.
She was captivating. Her hair color switched between two different colors depending on the angle of the rays of the sun. [eye color] eyes laughed lovingly at her dog as he pranced around in front of her. Her lips were curled into a smile as if she genuinely seemed to enjoy life. She seemed so at peace and content with life that Jisung couldn’t help but stare. He knew it was a little bit creepy, especially at 7:43 in the morning, but he just couldn’t focus on anything but her. He didn’t even notice he’d slow down his pace significantly to look at her for a little bit longer (again, he promised he was NOT a creep).
Was she his age? She looked it. Did she go to the same Uni? Hopefully.
As Jisung kept pondering over the unanswered questions, the girl finally noticed the intense stare that wouldn’t leave her alone. She turned to his direction.
The moment that their eyes met, Jisung felt his heart leap in his chest. She was looking at him; she was actually looking at him. She was just as gorgeous as he thought he was.
Jisung must have had some expression on his face because the girl started laughing at him. Jisung managed an awkward smile back. He was never this nervous around other girls who were only inches apart from him, but this girl walking on the other side of the road made him feel like he was about to have a heart attack. And then she waved. Jisung raised a shaking hand to wave back at her, but he felt himself fall before he was able to stop himself.
The next thing he remembered was staring up at the sky. His earphones had fallen out, so he was able to hear the bark of a dog coming closer to him. He shut his eyes as his mind registered the pain signals his body was sending.
“Are you okay?” a worried voice asked.
Hearing an unknown voice, Jisung slowly opened his eyes to see the girl of his dreams observing him with a concerned expression.
“Wow, you’re amazing,” Jisung mumbled.
“…amazingly kind,” Jisung covered up to the best of his abilities with a small chuckle. He cleared his throat as the girl helped him sit up. He tried to act as natural as possible. “I guess this means I’ve fallen for you.”
“Well…” the girl started, clearly not wanting to explain. She was looking at something a little ways ahead of them. Her dog sat patiently beside her. “You fell for something.”
She bit her bottom lip (something Jisung found absolutely adorable) as she refrained herself from laughing. It was only then that Jisung had the mind to look at what she was looking at.
It was dog poop. Jisung had slipped and fallen because of dog poop. He could still see the streak his shoes made.
The embarrassment ran to his cheeks as his expression changed into one of terror. That was enough to ruin the girl’s failed attempt at not laughing. Although her laugh was beautiful and made Jisung wonder if that was the sound he would hear upon entering heaven, he wanted nothing more than to run away. He couldn’t look at her straight in the eyes.
“So, uh,” Jisung began although he didn’t exactly know where to go from there. “I’m probably just gonna go home and clean this.” Anything to get out of this situation.
“I’m so sorry,” the girl laughed apologetically. “I really shouldn’t be laughing.”
Jisung rose to his feet. “Oh, no, no, no. It’s okay. I would be laughing too if I were in your shoes. But the problem is that I’m in mine, and mine have dog poop on them so…”
Her laugh at his joke almost made the entire thing worth it. Almost.
“I’m just gonna go then,” Jisung forced a laugh before setting back on his course. He debated taking his shoe off, but then he would be walking around without any form of defense. He wasn’t sure which one was worse.
The girl waved goodbye to him, her dog happily standing on his four feet. She was smiling—at least that was good. Jisung decided to go back to the dorms as quickly as possible with as little damage as possible. Curse morning runs.
Jisung avoided working out for a few days after the incident. Instead, he poured more of his time into the studio that he shared with Changbin and Chan, two of his friends. The three of them often collaborated on songs. Their ultimate goal after Jisung (as the youngest) graduated was to form a trio of producers. While he enjoyed their company, his mind kept wandering back to the beautiful girl he had seen that one morning at 7:45 that morning. He didn’t even catch her name. Maybe that’s why he found himself walking one Friday morning in the park where he had met her.
He figured he could play it off as an 8 a.m. class on Friday, but he supposed he dressed a little too nicely for that. Most students with a morning class were dressed is sweat everything; Jisung elected to dress in a crewneck sweatshirt, his best pair of jeans, and his new Converse. Casual, but not sweatpants. Sweatpants were the epitome of indifference.
He tried to look as casual as possible, sticking his earphones in without actually listening to anything. His active eyes constantly glancing around at the area around him, he also occasionally checked his watch as naturally as possible. The time was 7:30, a little bit earlier than the last time he had met her, but he had faith that he would meet her again. Maybe her dog would do him a favor and insist on being taken out early.
He heard her before he saw her.
“Whoa, Milkshake, slow down!”
He assumed Milkshake was the name of her dog. Preparing himself mentally, he relaxed his muscles down to a casual stroll. He slowly put his hand into his pocket and began to whistle. He heard her angelic laugh as she approached him, his heart skipping a beat.
“What’s gotten into you, girl?” the girl laughed.
He felt the dog sniff around his feet, prompting him to a halt. The girl stared at the dog for a second longer before glancing up at the person that her animal had stopped. Judging by the enlightened expression on her face, she seemed to have remembered him.
“You’re the guy who slipped on dog poop,” the girl recalled. After realizing what she said and seeing Jisung chuckled awkwardly, she tried to play it off. “And the funny guy! I wish I could’ve talked to you longer before.”
That definitely managed to make him feel better.
“I’m guessing you have a class since you’re not dressed to run?”
Jisung cleared his throat, removing his earphones to hang them around his neck. “Oh yeah, I’ve got this dumb 8 a.m. class on Fridays. It kinda sucks.”
The girl hummed. “So, I’ve heard. I was careful not to take any.”
“Oh, so do you go here too?” Jisung asked, possibly a little too excitedly. He yelled at himself in his head.
The girl nodded with a smile. She didn’t seem to mind. “Yeah, but I live really close by, so I just live off campus. It’s cheaper on my family that way too since they don’t have to pay for room and boarding.”
Jisung tried not to let his excitement get to his face as the two began to walk side-by-side together. It was so natural too, Milkshake trotting ahead of them. Jisung was careful not have any more mishaps.
“Oh, I’m [name], by the way,” she introduced herself. “[name] [last name].”
“Jisung Han,” replied Jisung.
“You know, if you’re heading to a class, I can walk with you. If you’re okay with that, of course. I would be out walking Milkshake anyway, so, if you don’t mind the company, I’d love to keep talking.”
The nervousness was starting to set in again. The effect she had on him was really no joke. His palms were beginning to feel clammy, so he rubbed them against the side of his jeans as nonchalantly as possible. He wasn’t sure if the lump in his throat would make his voice crack or make him cry. He couldn’t maintain eye contact with her for too long in case he wouldn’t be able to look anywhere else again. He would be tempted to only look at her. How could one person be so perfect to him?
“Yeah, I’d love some company!” Jisung exclaimed, attempting a smile. It felt forced, but did it look it?
“Great! So, where are we headed?”
“Uh…” Considering the fact that Jisung was actually not on his way to an 8 a.m. class, the question required more thought than most. “The Math and Science building.”
He was doing this to himself.
“Oh, really? What are you studying?”
Jisung, a producer, knew next to nothing about biochemistry. He had no idea what possessed him to say that. He wanted to blame it on the way that she was making him feel, but, instead, he knew it was because of his own stupidity.
“That is so cool, Jisung!”
And suddenly, his mind was only filled with thoughts of her.
“I’m an English major myself. I’m not really one for mathematics and sciences, but I’ve always wanted to be good at them,” she continued, not noticing Jisung’s struggle to keep his lies alive.
He forced a laugh. If he explained the truth now, it would be simpler. “It’s kind of tough, but I enjoy the work.” He really was just trying to screw himself over at this point.
The two continued talking about themselves and their hobbies, their likes and their dislikes, anything that managed to come up. They discovered that they did not have many mutual friends, but, after sharing a couple of funny stories about their different friend groups, both of them agreed that they would definitely need their close friends to meet each other. The walk to the Math and Science building seemed too short, but [name] and Jisung were both too talkative to end it there. They exchanged phone numbers to keep in touch with each other and soon found themselves falling into a routine every Friday morning. As much as Jisung wanted to become closer to her, he hated lying to her.
“Chan, what do I do?” Jisung cried one day when he, Chan, and Changbin were all chilling in a studio together.
Legs dangling off of the edge, Jisung was lying on the couch in the back of the studio as Chan was tweaking Changbin’s rap demo. The rapper had only stepped back into the studio room as Jisung started his complaining. Jisung kicked defiantly.
“I didn’t mean to lie to her, but one thing lead to another, and, now, I’m knee-deep in lies. But there’s something about this girl. She’s different from any other girl. It’s like every crush I’ve ever had up until her was just leading me to her. She makes me so nervous, and I forget what I’m trying to say when I’m trying to say it. But she’s so kind and lets me take my time. And she’s absolutely gorgeous too with the most adorable laugh which really doesn’t help because I find myself staring at her, and that’s considered creepy. The last thing I want to do is creep her out, and—“
“Chan, please tell him whatever he wants to hear so he’ll shut up,” Changbin hissed, resting his head on his palm as he sat down on the free side of the couch. He was clearly exhausted from long nights of studying and producing. They all were.
Jisung pouted but turned to the oldest nonetheless. Chan, on the other hand, released an exasperated sigh. “I mean, Jisung, what else is there to do but just tell her the truth? Just explain everything to her. From what you’ve told us about her, she sounds like she’d understand.”
“I know…” Jisung mumbled with a huff. “I’m just scared and embarrassed, I guess. Scared because I don’t want her to hate me, and embarrassed for lying in the first place.” He released another sigh, beating himself up mentally. “I didn’t mean to lie. I just get so nervous around her.”
Changbin shifted his head to look at his friend. Jisung looked miserable, staring up at the ceiling with his arms going in every direction. His legs kicked rhythmically against the side of the couch in an attempt to amuse himself. Every ten seconds, his face would contort into a distinct expression of terror or sadness. Changbin could only guess his thoughts.
“Well, it hurts to see you like this. So, if you don’t tell her, Chan and I always can.”
“No!” Jisung shot up with a start. “Telling her myself is bad enough. I’m not about to let my friends tell her in my place.”
“Then, get your act together and tell her!” Changbin barked, making a move to kick the younger boy off the couch. He didn’t actually, but Jisung moved to defend himself.
Jisung looked to Chan for support but found none. He huffed once more, sitting up straight. The time was coming. He’d have to tell her eventually.
[name] calling out his name made Jisung’s heart skip a beat. He began to panic. It wasn’t Friday. On second thought, he wasn’t anywhere near the park. He was walking back to the cafeteria from the studio. Jisung had never turned around quicker.
“[name]…!” Jisung returned with as much feigned enthusiasm as he could. His lie was falling apart in front of him (although that was kind of what he needed??). “Wha-What are you doing here? I thought the English department normally stayed on the east side of campus.”
“Well, I was in the area, visiting my roommate, and I figured I’d stop by and see you.”
She smiled. Why was she smiling?
“Uh… so, how’d you know I’d be here?”
[name] motioned towards the same building that Jisung had just walked out of, the one that houses all of the studios that all musically-inclined majors used.
“My roommate is a Commercial Music major,” [name] admitted.
“So, I’ve kinda known who you were since we met. You, Changbin, and Chan are pretty popular among the female student body after all.”
Jisung felt like he was facing his first exam in high school. He could not wrap his mind around what exactly was going on or how popular he really was.
“So, I know you’re a Composition major, I know you don’t have an 8 a.m. class for biochemistry, and I know that you lied to me about everything.”
“Not everything!” Jisung exclaimed in a panic. She raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue. “I, uh, meant it when I said I fell for you.”
When [name] crossed her arms over her chest, Jisung knew he wouldn’t have much time to explain, but he had to tell her the truth.
“Okay, the truth is… I’m really not good around girls. I mean, I don’t think I was terrible. I didn’t flirt nearly as much as Minho, but that’s not the point. I’m nervous around girls, and then I met you, and that nervousness hit me like a truck because you’re so different than any other girl I met. The first time we met, I was so embarrassed, but I wanted to see you again. So, I thought of an excuse to be there around the park without looking like a crazy stalker—I’m not a stalker, I promise—but I was traumatized because of the, um, incident from last time. So, I figured the safest way to casually run into you again would be if I had an 8 a.m. class in that area, but none of my classes are over there, so, one thing led to another, and I’m so sorry that I lied. I’m not trying to justify my lying, but to explain, I was so nervous around you. And then, the more I got to know you, I started developing feelings for you, but I didn’t want you to hate me for lying to you. I really didn’t mean any harm.”
[name] stared at him for a good minute, silently taking in Jisung’s confession. Underneath her intense gaze, Jisung felt a lump form in his throat. The heartbeat in his chest sounded louder with every second that passed. He wanted to look away from her [eye color] eyes, but he felt that, if he did, she’d be gone. That was the last thing he wanted.
“Is there anything else that you lied about? I mean, how do I know you didn’t lie about half of the other stuff we would talk about?”
“No!” Jisung insisted. “Everything else I said was true. I really do love cheesecake, but I’m thinking I’m falling in love with chocolate more. I really do need glasses, but I prefer contacts although I always feel like I’m going to poke my eye. And yes, I really do shriek every time. I really do have trypophobia, but I enjoy general horror like jump scares in movies and haunted houses. The list could go on, but I’m sure you don’t want to listen to me talk, so the last thing I’ll mention is that I really do want to spend time with you and get to know you more because I like you.”
He couldn’t stop the words before they had come out. His eyes widened. He supposed that was out in the open.
It was the first time he’d gotten a surprised reaction out of [name], but it vanished in an instant. She smiled at him, the same angelic smile that he had seen weeks ago. Maybe she didn’t hate him.
“Well, I’m glad because I like you too, Jisung,” [name] confessed with a small giggle. She clicked her tongue. “Although, I’ve kind of had a crush on you since before we met.”
“What? How?”
“Like I said, the three of you producers are pretty popular on campus! And I’ve seen you working hard in the studio when I would visit my roommate. I thought you were pretty cute. Next thing I know, you’re waving to me when you’re on a run, and then you’re tripping over dog poop. I suppose I have known this entire time that you were lying about your major, but I’m glad it was just due to nervousness. I didn’t think it could be anything else, but I wanted you to be the one to tell me yourself.”
Jisung wasn’t sure what to say at this point. He just stared at her with brown eyes widened ever so slightly. He took in everything about her, searching for any indication of how he should react. The amused smirk on her lips made his heart flutter. Her [eye color] eyes shimmered with mischief. While she stood in a defensive position, she didn’t seem angry at the slightest.
“Are you sure you’re not an Acting major?” Jisung finally asked with a small laugh.
Her bright giggle filled the air around them as she relaxed her stance. “No, I’m an English major.”
“So,” Jisung cleared his throat. Now or never, Jisung. “What does a Music Composition Major have to do to get a date with an English major?”
[name] hummed, pretending to ponder. Or maybe she was genuinely thinking. Jisung couldn’t tell. “Well, you’ve already slipped on dog poop for me… so, let’s say we’re equal.”
“Dinner tonight?”
When she smiled bashfully, Jisung knew that he was hooked.
“Pick me up at 7.”
Maybe Jisung was still afraid to go on runs, but he couldn’t help but be grateful because it allowed him to meet [name].
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scullyeffect · 4 years
i love reading your posts about being a nanny, its something i like the idea of but i dont think id ever be able to do it
it definitely takes a certain type of person i think, but you can also learn with experience. i have friends who suddenly become very ~aware of themselves~ when talking with a kid. like making sarcastic jokes or something and it’s like um...be yourself?? nobody likes being talked to in a patronising tone, or spoken to like a well behaved dog. but seriously, just be yourself. they already think you’re cool af for not being mom lol. and most kids don’t judge. the amount of times i’ve been self conscious about my appearance at work? zero. the amount of times i’ve been scared my boss will catch me on my phone? zero. the amount of times i’ve plucked a wedgie with confidence? every day. i’d been babysitting kids for like 8 years (including one 5 y/o girl who got dropped off at my house at 8 every morning and was picked up at 6pm five days a week for the entire summer when i was 16...wow) before i became an au pair, but i know people who wing it and are completely fine.
i think the real key to it being a job you can enjoy or be “good” at is patience. because at the end of the day you’re not the parent. it’s not fully up to you to discipline the kids. you get to go home at the end of the day. sometimes you have to bring problems up with the parents to deal with because you’re unsure about their protocol (the kids i take care of aren’t allowed to watch tv or use electronics, so when i showed them a trailer for a movie 6 was like ooooh i’m gonna tell mom!! and i was like fuck). one time 6 peed during a 5 floor elevator ride and i had to reassure her that it was okay, then spend ten minutes wiping up the mess with paper towels hoping to hell no one would need the elevator. luckily that sent her right into the shower so there was no war. like i could have lost my temper and been like WHY DIDN”T YOU JUST HOLD IT. YOU CLEAN IT UP. because she had been holding it for like 30 minutes and she’s 6. i learned from this and whenever one of them says they need to go i’m like WHO WANTS A PASTRY REAL QUICK LET’S GO SPEND 5 EUROS TO PEE.
but at the same time you end up being a really important factor in a child’s life. sometimes they’ll ask you questions they feel like they can’t ask their parents: the 15 y/o teenager i lived with for two years came into my room in tears saying she couldn’t figure out how to use a tampon and she didn’t want to ask her mom, the 9 year old got “the talk” from her mom but admitted to me that she didn’t understand and could she ask me some questions. you’re the one (in my case), who’s making sure they’re clean and have eaten and brushed their teeth before the parents come home. you’re the one helping with homework (and it’s really amazing to be able to be the one teaching a kid how to read at home. i’ve gotten to do this twice and it’s so exciting when they start wanting to read some of their bedtime story instead of letting you do it). at the end of the day it’s a really humbling job.
but patience and understanding is really key, also confidence. sometimes babysitters are the good guy, and you can get away with anything because mom and dad are out for the night. i think that’s normal and fun. but when you’re with the kids every day you don’t get to just be the good guy, or they won’t learn anything. and that’s hard!! because again, you don’t have the full parental authority. 
the absolute ABSOLUTE most important thing, which can either be the easiest or most difficult, is getting a solid routine going. especially with younger kids, but it’s good for all ages. once you have the routine set up you’re good for life. obviously sometimes you’ve gotta roll with a doctor’s appointment, or in my case the occasional public transport strike (”who wants to walk a mile today ladies!!!”) it’s especially nice when the kids unconsciously pick up on it and will sometimes prompt you like “how much time do we have to play until bath time?”, or “today is wednesday, so we’re going to the park, but can we go to this one instead of that one?”. so like with the kids i take of now the afternoon routine (except wednesday, which is different) is:
4:30pm: pick up from school, snack while we’re taking the metro back (bc otherwise they get antsy, they haven’t eaten since 11:30)
5:00-5:30pm: homework
5:30-6:30pm: play/read
6:30-7:00pm: one of them takes a bath/shower while i make dinner, the other one sets the table and helps with dinner, or she can read/play
7:00-whenever dinner is finished (normally 7:45pm)
7:45-8ish: second one takes a bath/shower while the other helps clear the table, then she can read/play, after that they both brush their teeth
8:00-9:00 the older one reads while i read to the younger one, or they’ll both listen to me read
also keep in mind this is france where eating late is normal, bedtime is probably later than the US (when i think about putting kids to bed at 7:30 in the US i feel like it’s the afternoon)
idk if you remember, but in september when i started taking care of 6 and 9 i was absolutely miserable. their parents had separated literally weeks before i arrived so the emotional dynamic was chaotic as hell, both apartments were in boxes, they were sleeping over at their grandparents’ house most nights, and here was this new girl they were supposed to trust. i met the girls for about 10 minutes in june when i had an interview, but the next time i saw them was the first day i picked them up from school. they still stress me out way more than the girls i lived with for two years (who were older, but overall just more well behaved), but i love them a lot. for the first two months i seriously thought i’d quit. i was so stressed out every day and felt like i was getting no support from the parents when i brought up problems i was having with their kids. now i really love them and i think they dig me too. 
so i think if you want to do it maybe try to get more experience babysitting and trying to get a steady babysitting job! i remember i would babysit the same toddler pretty often and i always had a loose routine with her so that when i came over she knew what to expect and i didn’t feel so harried at age 17. if you’re looking to be an au pair though, especially in a foreign country, you’ve gotta be picky as hell. i learned that from experience. if you don’t think you can handle a baby but you want to live in paris, you’ve gotta put your job before the location. if you do better taking care of boys (i do way better with girls. they’re so awful to each other if they have a sister, but the chaotic physical energy boys seem to have does not agree with me. they’re like dogs i’m like “time to play frisbee i need to wear you out”) look for a family with boys unless you think you can adapt. if you’re fine with both, go for it. if you want to learn/improve a foreign language, try to find a family that’s cool with you speaking their native language. people looking for anglophone nannies often have a 100% english policy. when i plugged in all my search criteria in 2016 i think i found five families total who fit the specifications. and then in addition to that i skyped all of them so i could try and sense if a Vibe was there. 
i’m sorry this is so long but i don’t have any au pair friends who kind of like...were there for the job as well as the city...so i never got to gab childcare. ask me all the questions.
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realbugmom · 5 years
Dialogue prompts, from chaotic to cursed
Alternatively called Shit My Classmates Say or “maybe it’s time to find some new friends”
1. “Why’s wheely over there throwing gang signs at me?” “That’s sign language.”
2. “Hey could you maybe not vandalize the decorations? Thanks.”
3. “You have been banned from my server, blocked and reported.”
4. “At least my mom thinks I’m cool.”
5. “Who are all the fucking gummy vitamins again?!”
6. “Those are bold words for somebody in stabbing range.”
7. “I’d kill you for a Klondike bar.”
8. “Unblock me you coward.”
9. “Who wants to start a gang?”
10. “Mom he/she’s doing that thing again!”
11. “Honey, I love you, but that is not a stray dog/cat.”
12. “I think I’d rather hit my ankle repeatedly with a razor scooter.”
13. “For the last time, Shrek is not a real religion!”
14. “Can’t man, my mom says no.”
15. “Can you babysit my 23 year old for me?”
16. “Tell me again how you got kicked out of your own baptism?”
17. “I’ve got the eggs and vinegar. Let’s party.”
18. “You know I can’t say no to free glow sticks.”
19. “You can’t just lick things to claim them as your own!”
20. “Sir/ma’am, I’m going to ask you one more time to please leave the ball pit.”
21. “See those 4 cars? A drunkard would see 8!” “But there’s only 2.”
22. “That sounds a bit morally ambiguous, and very dangerous. I’m in.”
23. “Would you be interested in buying a gently used inflatable doll?”
24. “Why’d you do that?” “I wanted to see what would happen.”
25. “I thought you said this was a church group?!”
26. “What’d you get?” “69.” “Nice.”
27. “I’ve taken a liking to biting the hands of my relatives whenever they pinch my cheeks to assert my dominance.”
28. “I’m going to punch you in the liver so hard you’ll shit yourself.”
29. “If I’m ever a brain dead vegetable, please unplug me.”
30. “Now I’m not saying I tricked them into making mustard gas, but...”
31. “Get in loser, we’re gonna go commit identity theft.”
32. “Please don’t hurt me I work at Walgreens.”
33. “Boy we sure showed them! Did you see how uncomfortable they got when I started crying?”
34. “They’re dead now. No it’s okay, I didn’t like them that much anyway.”
35. “Those are killer dance moves, my fr-oh god you’re having a seizure.”
36. “I’m just trying to get away from the three ring shit show called my life.”
37. “I’ve been teaching my parakeet a few new words. Wanna hear what he’s learned?”
38. “Thank god you’re back! Please don’t ask how I got stuck in this position, just help me out.”
39. “Are you mad at me?” “Yes! Very much so!” “Good.”
40. “What we really need an exorcist and a concerning amount of holy water.”
41. “Your money or your life.” “Bold of you to assume I have either.”
42. “Dude. You look like shit.”
43. “How the hell do you even sleep at night?!” “Usually in fetal position, sometimes while hugging a pillow.”
44. “I have an idea.” “Is it a good one?” “I said I have an idea.”
45. “Fucking hell.” “Language.” “Fucking heck.”
46. “He/she is the poster child for children on leashes.”
47. “No words can describe just how badly I’d like to hit you with a chair.”
48. “Do a backflip!”
49. “Stop acting like such a dick, we all know you’re a pussy.”
50. “You’re literally in a hospital bed, and you’re asking if I’M okay?!”
51. “In about five seconds I’m gonna make the Holocaust look like a fucking joke.”
52. “I left my knife in the wrong pants.”
53. “Sometimes self care is screaming really loudly in a car by yourself, far away from your family.”
54. “What she/he needs is a cup of cyanide and a firm punch in the throat.”
55. “All the bleeding is internal. That’s where the blood is SUPPOSED to be.”
56. “I’m here physically but mentally? I’ve checked out.”
57. “I want to go home, and take a very long nap until I forget how to wake up.”
58. “I can’t believe you’ve been hiding in the neighbor’s playhouse to do your sick deeds!”
59. “I am not above putting myself into a coma.”
60. “Mom they’re krumping on the roof again!”
61. “I had a midlife crisis at 16.”
62. “That was our only way home!”
63. “I am going to die, in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, surrounded by idiots.”
64. “My talents include falling asleep in weird uncomfortable spaces.”
65. “The only thing I’ll be waving is your decapitated head on a stick in front of your weeping mother.”
66. “You can’t fire me! I quit!”
67. “It’s like numerous tiny paper cuts on my finger webbing.”
68. “You are a very sad, strange little man and you have my pity.”
69. “That is absolutely repulsive, and I love it.”
70. “Somehow managed to get drunken sailor stuck in my head on loop.”
71. “Sleep an hour last night.” “Why?” “Got arrested.”
72. “I will face god and walk backwards into hell.”
73. “Do I look like the kind of man who dies.”
74. “As American as apple pie and mass murder.”
75. “You’re the best bad influence ever.”
76. “You are the tightest tightass who ever tightened up an ass.”
77. “I bet I could fight this alligator.”
78. “Great. Who invited the trash gremlin?”
79. “You’re my least favorite child.” “I’m your only child!”
80. “And you just say there and RECORDED it?!...I wanna see.”
81. “At least a jackass pulls their own weight, jackwagon!”
82. “Hold my beer.”
83. “Now, on the list of things that are not okay, that was really, not okay.”
84. “Who needs a real doctor anyway?”
85. “Fuck off you spooky midget.”
86. “Thou art a smelly pirate hooker.”
87. “Wow that quote was really deep. Who said it?” “Spongebob.”
88. “Is it real or fake?!” “Yes.”
89. “Fucking superb you funky little lesbian.”
90. “Thank you for coming to my TED talk.”
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bleachlists2 · 6 years
Live Tweets from the Shinigami-Human-Quincy-Arrancar-Fullbringer Dinner
By Mod Serenity
Technical Author’s Choice, but also requested by @innersuperhero, @aestheticbleach101, and @shadowfaery7 :)
So, because I made those lists about what various groups of Bleach characters would wear for a formal event, I’ve decided to create a list of this joint formal event as a live-tweeting! So, without further ado, here are the live-tweets from the Shinigami-Human-Quincy-Arrancar-Fullbringer Formal Dinner, held in Karakura Town!
1) Ichigo
“Apparently, there’s a formal dinner tonight with the Gotei 13. And the Espada and Arrancars. And the Quincy. And the Fullbringers. And other Karakura Town people.”
#this is probably gonna end in disaster #especially if Karakura Town is the venue! #not only that #my dad and sisters have been invited as well #I should get ready now
2) Yumichika
“I can’t wait to see what everyone is dressed up in. They’re all going to look wonderful!”
#I love parties #so many pretty clothes to see
3) Rukia
”Okay, we just got to the venue, and apparently there’s some kind of fashion show that we all gotta participate in.”
#the Gotei 13 is going after the Karakura people though #Squad 0 are the judges too #I can’t wait to see what they’re all wearing #especially Inoue #she’s gonna be gorgeous!
4) Shutara
“Kurosaki Ichigo looks pretty fine in that tux. Inoue Orihime looks just like a princess in that gown.”
#well I already know who the winners of the Karakura people are gonna be
5) Sentoki
“Well, the humans and Karakura people are done. Time for the Gotei 13!”
#they’d better look good!
6) Ichigo
“Squad 6 is coming on now. Byakuya and Renji are both in black-tie tuxedos.”
#and Renji’s hair is actually down #he looks so good! #seriously #he should wear his hair down all the time!
7) Renji
“@ flower-noble: I guess wearing my hair down was a good idea, huh? Thanks for telling me that in advance.”
#we both look pretty classy tonight #I can feel Ichigo’s eyes on me actually
8) Byakuya
"Who would’ve thought that Zaraki Kenpachi would actually keep his suit clean tonight?
#I suppose even Squad 11 knows how to keep it classy
9) Ishida
“...WTAF is Kurotsuchi wearing??”
#are those... accordion pants?? #WTAF #the moment Kurotsuchi walked down the catwalk everyone was silent #seriously though #what is up with that outfit?? #especially since Nemu looks normal next to him 
10) Orihime
"OMG, Kuchiki-san looks lovely! @ dancing-snow-bunny: I love your dress!”
#so classy and elegant! #and so cute as well!
11) Rukia
#seriously though #that dress was made for you! #so beautiful!
12) Sentoki
“And now for the Espada, Hueco Mundo Crew, and Fracciónes!”
13) Gin
“@ beautifulshopper10: Rangiku, you look simply radiant tonight.”
#she is perfection itself #I wouldn’t mind spending some time with her tonight
14) Yumichika
"Halibel and Nelliel look simply stunning! BUT WTF IS THAT CHARLOTTE GUY EVEN WEARING
#HE LOOKS LIKE A DRAG QUEEN OMG #but Halibel looks like an actual queen!
15) Grimmjow
“@ strawberryprotector15: I can feel your eyes on me, Kurosaki. Admit it, I look good, don’t I?”
#yeah I know how to dress up #I can be classy whenever I want to be
16) Sentoki
“Now the Fullbringers are next!”
17) Orihime
“@ pinkcutie: Omg, Riruka! Your dress is so gorgeous and cute!”
#pink and a ballgown! #we match! #yaaaayyyy!!!
18) Riruka
“@ robot-princess: Why are you so excited over matching...?”
#you look really cute though
19) Renji
“@ coffee-boots: I gotta say, you look fine as hell tonight!”
#I’m serious #that’s such a nice dress you’re wearing
20) Jackie
“@ stray-dog-06: I appreciate your compliments. And you look just as handsome tonight.”
#you really are a good man
21) Oetsu
“Finally, it’s time for the Sternritter!”
22) Byakuya 
“Jugram Haschwalth’s hair is a thing of beauty. It practically rivals Ukitake’s hair. @ thebalancer: will you tell me how you get it like that?”
#I must know your secret
23) Haschwalth
“@ flower-noble: You wish to know the secret behind my hair? I’d be glad to tell you. Besides, your hair is also quite lovely.”
#I’d love to share my secret with you #if you’ll tell me the secret behind your hair as well
24) Renji
- “I gotta say, Bazz-B has one nice-looking tux!”
#looks kinda punk #but it’s totally awesome!
25) Bazz-B
“You look pretty cool yourself, @ stray-dog-06!”
#nice eyebrows too! #and your hair!! #I’m so jealous!
26) Rukia
“... As Nodt is wearing a blood-splattered tuxedo. And Gerard is in a Thor costume.”
#I seriously hope that’s not real blood #WTAF are the Quincies anyways?!
27) Hikifune
"It’s time for dinner now! While we decide on the winners, I hope you enjoy my home cooking!
#I made it all especially for tonight! #all of my best recipes are the main course for dinner!
28) Orihime
"OMG, the food is soooooo good!! I’m gonna cry, this is so delicious!!”
29) Nelliel
“This is the best food I’ve ever eaten in my whole life!!”
#Soul Society chefs: way better than Hueco Mundo meals!
30) Tousen
"Soul Society may be a corrupt place, yet Hikifune’s meals are full of purity and goodness that I cannot complain.”
#Hikifune’s meals #perhaps the only good thing about Soul Society
31) Halibel
“I sure hope Aizen-sama told Aaroniero not to release in the hall here.”
#I would like to be able to eat my dinner without seeing a tentacled monster eating the food
32) Riruka
“OMG, what the actual hell is that thing at the Espada table?!”
#a giant tentacled monster!! #omg that’s so gross!
33) Rukia
“Well, now I know what’s gonna be haunting my dreams for the rest of my life.”
#I have to see Aaroniero release again?? #and this time for eating?? #oh god I did not want to know how a tentacled monster consumes its dinner
34) Aizen
“@ tentacles-09: I thought I told you to wait until we got back to Hueco Mundo to eat your dinner?? Just for that, I’m raising my spiritual pressure until you go out of release.”
#maybe Gillian Espada weren’t such a good idea #had I known that Aaroniero would be a tentacled monster I would not have used the Hogyoku on him #I need to think these things through from now on
35) Ukitake
“That’s the Espada that Kuchiki fought against? The one who impersonated Kaien?”
#poor Kaien #he must be weeping
36) Liltotto
“Well... that was a thing...”
#anyways #I can eat anyone else’s meal if they don’t want it
37) Bambietta
“@ quincy-glutton: Touch my food and you die.”
#I mean it
38) Ichibe
“It’s time for the awards to be presented, so listen up, everyone!”
39) Rukia
“Best Dressed Human Female goes to: Inoue!”
#I knew it! #I knew she would win! #if she didn’t I would riot #that dress is just too gorgeous!
40) Ishida
“Best Dressed Human Male goes to Ichigo?!”
#dammit how does Kurosaki have a better fashion sense than me?!
41) Kurotsuchi
"I cannot believe that Kuchiki Byakuya won ‘Best Dressed Male Captain’ over me.”
#you fools just don’t understand fashion at all
42) Byakuya
“And Unohana won Best Dressed Female Captain.”
#I’m not sure how to feel about that
43) Renji
“Hell yeah! I won the Best Dressed Male Lieutenant!”
#I knew wearing my hair down was a great idea! #Squad 6 baby! #we know how to look good!
44) Hisagi
“Best Dressed Female Lieutenant goes to Rangiku!”
#I knew she’d win that award! #Rangiku always looks good no matter what she wears!
45) Grimmjow
"Hell yeah, I’m the king! Won Best Dressed Male Espada! And Nelliel won Best Dressed Female Espada!”
#wow Nnoitra’s pissed off #he just screeched and tried to fight me #Aizen reiatsu-slammed him into sitting back down tho #nice! #eat it spoon-hood!
46) Yumichika
“So Best Dressed Female Fracción went to Sung-Sun. BUT HOW COME BEST DRESSED MALE FRACCION WENT TO CHARLOTTE??”
#he looked so ugly!
47) Tsukishima
“Of course I’d win Best Dressed Male Fullbringer. And of course Riruka would win the Best Dressed Female Fullbringer.”
#we look just perfect don’t we?
48) Kyoraku
“So Haschwalth wins Best Dressed Male Sternritter?”
#must be the hair #of course #his hair is as wonderful as Jushiro’s hair!
49) Bambietta
"That’s right, everyone! The Best Dressed Female Sternritter is me! So eat it, all of you!”
#Haschwalth and I are the king and queen now!
50) Ichigo
“Whoa, whoa, nobody told me there was dancing at this thing!”
#apparently all winners of the fashion contest have to dance with each other?? #that means Inoue and I are dancing together #god I hope I don’t step on her feet #I’m bad at dancing!
51) Tatsuki
“@ strawberryprotector15: You step on Orihime’s feet, I’ll punch you!”
#don’t you dare mess this up for her!
52) Chad
"Ichigo and Inoue are dancing now. Reminds me of Beauty and the Beast.”
#it’s actually very beautiful
53) Yoruichi
“Finally Ichigo does something right!”
#nice to see he’s careful not to step on Orihime’s toes!
54) Rukia
“Unohana-taichou and Nii-sama dancing: possibly the most graceful and elegant thing I’ve ever seen!”
#Nii-sama looks dignified as ever! #as expected of him!
55) Kira
“Whoa, Abarai and Grimmjow sure have some awesome moves!”
#I’m serious #the music changed to something more club-like #those two are killing it on the dance floor #Matsumoto and Nelliel are speechless #so is everyone else #looks like the Sexta Espada and Sixth Lieutenant have hit it off pretty well
56) Orihime
“I danced with Kurosaki-kun. And I managed not to mess it up! It was absolutely magical!”
#I feel like dancing all night now! 
57) Unohana
“Looks like the dinner is over. It was truly a wonderful evening.”
#we definitely should do it again
58) Urahara
“Looks like Byakuya and Haschwalth are now talking about hair. And Abarai, Grimmjow, and Bazz-B are bonding.”
#unexpected friendships #the power of fancy dinners??
59) Yamamoto
“This was indeed quite a success.”
#everything worked out #and surprisingly #nothing was destroyed
60) Ichigo
“This... actually went way better than I thought it would. Maybe we should do this again next year!”
#unexpected success #let’s do this again shall we??
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neuroweird · 6 years
all of the lesbian asks, my dude
Lesbians Asks 
1 )  Femme of Butch? 
I consider myself more futch, but I like both either, all lesbians.
2 ) Do you have a “type”? If so, describe it
I have an emotional type. Someone who shares some similar interests, but has unique interests as well. Personality traits that complement each other’s, a love language I can work with. Someone with whom a relationship is an adventure and a learning experience. Someone who is adventurous with food and at least some inclination toward healthy / active lifestyles.
3 )  Plaid button-ups or leather jackets?
Plaid button up under a leather jacket.
4 )  Describe your style.
Chronic pain chique? Grey tone futch with a pop of colour? 
5 )  Describe your aesthetic.
My “personal” pinterest board.
6 )  Favorite article of clothing?
My grey speckled crewneck sweatshirt. 
7 )  Favorite pair of shoes?
My running shoes, bc that’s where my orthotics are.
8 ) Current haircut? 
Just long enough to put a tiny little ponytail in it, but short enough that not all my hair fits. Also an undercut at the back.
9 )  Any haircut goals for the future?
Currently growing it out. I want it long again, which I haven’t had since I was like… 12.
10 )  Describe the best date you’ve been on.
I’m like the worst person to ask this, since I’ve only gone out with my gf. We went out for brunch on our anniversary two years ago and it was very sweet.
11 )  Describe the worst date you’ve been on.
It was with this trans guy who I didn’t know was a trans guy for the first month I knew him. He had a gender neutral (Jules) name at the time so I just thought he was butch. My friend told me that he was a trans guy and I was like “wow thank god I never misgendered him to his face”. 
He asked me  out and sort of misheard me when I said “my mom and sister love chocolate but I like savoury foods more”… so he took me to this place called Coco70 which… only sells chocolate dishes… and then we missed the more date appropriate movie we were gonna see and saw Hunger Games (2?) instead.
He was really so sweet, but I didn’t think I was right for him because he was self conscious about how much taller I am than him. He tried so hard to make it special and I appreciated that, but boy was it awkward after I told him I didn’t think I could date him anymore. 
12 )  Single? Taken? 
I’ve been in a relationship for over 5 years now, but we’re open with it. Thus I am very much open to dating other girls. 
13 )  If taken, talk about your girlfriend.
Alice is a lovely person! She adores her cat, and is an amazing writer. She’s a take no shit kind of person, and I appreciate that. She is caring to the point of stressing herself out, she loves to cook (she’s a great cook!).
14 ) If single, what are you looking for in a potential girlfriend/wife?
Everything in 11, but also someone whose idea of “clean” is complementary to mine, similar desires about kids, adventurous ideas about sex? Career ambitions? Likes cats/dogs/both? Someone who would want to be active/better our health together. 
15 )  Describe your dream wedding. 
Oh my gosh. I cannot possibly do that. I have a “weddings” board on pinterest with different ideas. Nothing too extravagant, nothing too small. Balanced. It would depend on the woman I’m marrying 100%.
16 )  Do you want kids? 
I do !  I am uncertain about the method of becoming a mother, but I’m not opposed to adopting, having a donor, myself or my partner carrying the baby (or babies). It all depends really. But yes, I want to be a mother. 
17 )  If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
Somewhere not too hot but not too cold. I’d really love to be successful enough to have condos in cities around the world. 
18 )  Favourite lesbian movie. 
God. I’m a cliche. It’s Carol (2015).
19 )  Favourite lesbian novel/story? 
Carol. Again. I need some lesbian book recs. Can I say my own? Because I’m writing my own. 
20 )  Favourite lesbian song? 
Talia by King Princess? 
21 )  Favourite lesbian musician? 
I am… uncultured… King Princess? 
22 ) What lesbian stereotypes do you fit into, if any?
I lean on everything, and dyke spread.
23 ) Ever been assumed to be nothing more than a gal pal?
My girlfriend’s neighbours thought I was her bc we both had buzz cuts when I visited her, despite her being like 4-5 inches shorter than me.
24 )  If a woman wanted to woo you, what would a surefire way to accomplish that?
I love having matching jewelry with who I’m dating. Get me a necklace or a ring or something and have one for you too? I’m all yours. Also my love language is “words of affirmation” and “receiving gifts”, the latter of which means that I love gifts, but it doesn’t have to be a monetary item, it could be a cool rock.
25 )  Be positive! What do you like most about being a lesbian?
Not having to give men any attention. 
26 )  Are you more of a cat person or a dog person?
I like either but I enjoy cats for size and their independence. 
27 ) Turn ons. 
I need to leave a little bit of mystery. 
28 ) Turn offs?
Lack of cleanliness, condescension?
29 )   Do you usually ask other women out or do you wait for them to ask you?
I am a huge coward, and unless there is some mutual interest I just die a little until I either break tell them I want to date them or drop hints until they do? Alice and I just literally decided to be in a relationship, there was no real dating-asking.
30 )  What is your dream career?
Screenwriter, novelist, filmmaker. 
31 )  Talk about your interests or hobbies!
I write a lot, I’m working on a few novels and screenplays. You can find my work at @melrosiewrites​ which is my writeblr. I also dabble in photoshop, and read quite a bit. 
32 )  What is the most attractive quality a woman can have?
Usually her face. A nice smile is very captivating. 
33 )  Do you love easily or does it take time for you to warm up to someone?
It would be nice not to get petty crushes on all my friends. Does that say enough? 
34 ) Ever fallen for your best-friend?
35 )  Ever fallen for a straight girl?
36 ) The L-Word: yes or no? (love it or hate it?)
I watched it. I was a bit young for it. What a mess. 
37 )  Favorite comfort food?
French fries? Sushi?
38 ) Coffee or tea? 
Tea, with honey. 
39 )  Vegetarian? Vegan? None of the above? 
Omnivore, but not against going more plant based. Definitely prepared to accommodate someone’s diet (choice or allergy based). I would like to buy more organic, free range, meat. 
40 )  Do you have any pets. 
Not at the moment. 
41 )  Early riser, or night owl? 
I prefer being up early, but I don’t like alarm clocks, I’d rather the sunlight wake me. I go to bed at like 10 PM. 
42 )  What is your sign?
43 )  Can you drive? 
I cannot. 
44 )  Who was your first lesbian crush? 
The only openly gay girl in my highschool, who’s a little dumb bc I told her twice that I liked her, but she was very surprised when I told her the second time. She is so butch and now she’s married and a mom! Her wife is expecting their child soon. I’m so happy for her.
45 )  At what age did you know you were a lesbian?
I knew I wasn’t straight when I was like 14? But I identified as bi for most of highschool. I only decided I was a lesbian when I was 18. 
46 )  At what age did you come out (if you have)?
Probably soldily after I got with Alice. So, a little over 5 years ago. 
47 ) Are you crushing on anyone at the moment (celebrity or otherwise)?
I would marry Sarah Paulson in a heartbeat. Okay. Otherwise. No serious crushes.
48 ) Talk about how your day went. 
I bought maroon gloves that match my scarf, three face masks and those loopy hairbands before class, then bought Timmies for lunch, and have been answering all of these while listening to a guest lecturer in my “the city after dark” class. I’m going to help a family friend with her daughter’s birthday party after.
49 )  Talk about your dreams/aspirations for the future.
Able to afford everything I need to better my health and maintain my health. My dream wardrobe, my dream home (homes?). I want to be challenged in my creative passions, and I want to share them and be a well known screenwriter and filmmaker. 
50 ) Least favourite gay celebrity? 
Uh. Aub*ey Pl*za? She said something a bit distasteful and a bit transphobic a while back, but otherwise I just don’t really like her vibe. Not too deep. 
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psychiccupid · 6 years
All the asks.
0: Height? I’m 5′3″ last I checked!! (which was a while ago >w1: Virgin? Helllll no2: Shoe size? 8 1/2!3: Do you smoke? I vape ‘cause I’m cool but I’ve never had a cigarette and I’ve only smoked weed three? times and each time I did it out of a pen and felt nothing lol 4: Do you drink? Occasionally! I love me some rum and vodka! But it’s been a while... mostly a social drinker...5: Do you take drugs? Nope6: Age you get mistaken for? I passed as a teen until college now I just look lie a perpetual 20+ year old lol7: Have tattoos? NO BUT I WANT 5!!!!8: Want any tattoos? OH WHOOPS... I WANT 5!!!!9: Got any piercings? Just my ears! But when my stomach reaches a personal goal size I’m gonna pierce it as a reward! 10: Want any piercings? God dammit... lol... I want a belly button piercing :D11: Best friend? I HAVE LOTS OF BEST FRIENDS!!! @hatgh0st @nicecreamdeer @teslagannon @mentalserendipity AND @puggger BEIN’ MY CLOSEST FRIENDS :’)))))12: Relationship status? I’m dating @puggger but it’s open and poly! 13: Biggest turn ons? Bite. My. Ear! Breathe. On. My. Neck! Shower me with constant adoration and momentarily cure my ever looming existential crisis :> 14: Biggest turn offs? Bigots. Toxic Masculinity. Insulting me or the things I love. 15: Favorite movie? Tie between Tangled and Kimi no Na Wa!16: I’ll love you if? *Coughs* YOU SHOWER ME WITH CONSTANT ADORATION AND MOMENTARILY CURE MY EVER LOOMING EXISTENTIAL CRISIS! And talk to me about Pokemon and Anime ^-^17: Someone you miss? @hatgh0st DDD’‘‘‘: 18: Most traumatic experience? Yo I’m not going into that lololol19: A fact about your personality? I will /always/ act happier than I am so if I’m upset I’m about to lose it.20: What I hate most about myself? “Now, we don’t have time to unpack all of that...” I’m not a huge fan of how I look physically - but absolutely my face and stomach overall. 21: What I love most about myself? I love my personality and how I don’t really give in to society or peer pressure. I love how I refuse to give up my passions and do not really care about material possessions. Not that that’s bad!22: What I want to be when I get older? Anything creative!! But especially a voice actor or a professional cosplayer!!23: My relationship with my sibling(s)? Eh... 24: My relationship with my parent(s)? EH... Like I love both of my parents and my sister... but I need like four months away from them for every week I spend with them y’know?25: My idea of a perfect date? FIRST We go to an aquarium! We spend hours and we both get excited reading about all the different fish!! SECOND we have lunch/dinner by the beach. It’s sushi. We inadvertently hold hands and then dip our toes in the ocean while you compliment my bonnet and matching swim suit. Walking along said beach is a must if there’s time! FINALLY we go to a dive-in movie. Ideally, they’re playing Kimi no Na Wa so I may cry into the pool. You, without really thinking about it, say, under your breath “You are the Takeshi to my Mitsuha” (though if you reverse the names I won’t be upset). We get spontaneous Safeway cheesecake on the way home! (You give me your raspberry piece in exchange for my double chocolate piece). We fuck. Afterwards, I get to sleep as the Big Spoon. I get to wake up and cuddle you.... you said perfect not financially acceptable lolol26: My biggest pet peeves? INDECISIVE PEOPLE. Especially negative people (like, people who know how to make it better but keep complaining... this is mostly about me lol). Boys who don’t know how to play the Question Game.  27: A description of the girl/boy I like? Cares about absolutely everyone. Has the voice of an angel! Wears pigtails and likes dying her hair! Likes to dance and play dress up and dreams of performing for crowds... uh duh... of course I’m talking about Hatsune Miku 28: A description of the person I dislike the most? UhhhhhHHHHH like... I could go broad here and just put Trump but like... I’m trying to think more personal?? Hmm... like I could put my mom too but I don’t dislike her the most? UHHH @ my own anxiety: Tells me the world is a lie and that we’re in a simulation and that I need to wake up. Makes talking to bosses/people above me impossible. Tells me no matter what that I’m doing something wrong and that I’m not good enough. 29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend? Didn’t wanna hurt their feelings? The truth was worse than a lie?30: What I hate the most about work/school? Going. Capitalism. I have a degree. 4_ years of retail/food service work under my belt AND I’ve worked at Disney and I still can’t get more than minimum wage. 31: What your last text message says? “Nah I’m ok I just feel bad” yup.32: What words upset me the most? “How can you be gay if you’re dating a boy?” “Ok sure you’re Enby. But why do you still relate to women?” “This is my daughter, Jessica” 33: What words make me feel the best about myself? “Wow! You could make a career out of this!” “This is really good!” “You’re working really hard aren’t you?” “You are smart.” 34: What I find attractive in women? Absolutely everything. I’ve never met a woman who didn’t blow me away. All women are so pretty and talented and so strong and I love them all!35: What I find attractive in men? Anytime they have feminine hair/features I lose my goddamn mind. When they’ve come to accept every part of themselves and are super confident not because that’s what they’re used to but because they really worked for something! When they’re genuine and they get that sparkle in their eye!! 36: Where I would like to live? Anywhere I can be me and creative! Right now it’s looking like Austin, Texas... but LA or Tokyo... LA ‘cause that’s where I feel like I have to go... Tokyo ‘cause that’s where I’ve wanted to go since I was 7 but I don’t know if I could live there...37: One of my insecurities? Everything??? But I’m very insecure about how I look. I have a mighty fear that I do not get far in life because I’m ugly as sin (I’m not but god I think so). 38: My childhood career choice? In order from age: 4: Vet, 11: Lawyer, 14: Software Designer, 16: Gene Specialist/Splicer, 18: Calculus Teacher, 19: Script Writer, 19: Stage Actor, 20: Costumer/Cosplayer/Voice Actor (Not that I haven’t been doing these since I was 16, but I didn’t decide they could be career choices until college) 39: My favorite ice cream flavor? Phish Food, Cookies N Cream, Cookie Dough, Raspberry!40: Who wish I could be? SOMEONE HAPPY. A professional voice actor!41: Where I want to be right now? Hmmm... probably Tokyo? The Pokemon theme park that existed in 2002ish! In a line about to meet Arin Hanson? Back in bed lol? ON THAT DATE I MADE EARLIER!!42: The last thing I ate? Leftover gluten-free pumpkin spice & blueberry pancakes ^w^43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately? HALEY FROM STARDEW VALLEY! ... Audrey from Huniepop... 44: A random fact about anything? I can name 21 digits of pie from memory and I am very talented knowing what a pokemon’s national pokedex number is :’D  
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ficdirectory · 6 years
Somewhere Inside (Disuphere series #4) Chapter 60
(To listen, click here) - 13:23
It takes Levi a little bit to realize that he and Mariana are the only two in the cabin.  Pearl and Jesus are next door, at home, and Dominique and Frankie are out having nature time.  Levi finds Mariana in the living room on the couch with her I-Pad in front of her.
“What are you doing?” he asks.
Mariana sighs, frustrated.  “Trying to catch up on reading I missed so I can eventually go back to school, but at this rate...I’ll be reading forever.  And it’s not like it matters anyway…  Moms don’t think I’m ready to go back.  They plan on keeping me home.  Until I’m 30,” Mariana mutters.
“Why won’t they let you go back?  Like, what did you do that was so bad?” Levi asks.
“You don’t know?” Mariana seems surprised.  “Pearl...Frankie...nobody told you?”
“No,” Levi answers.  “And if you don’t want to, that’s fine.  It just...seems a bit extreme to me…”
“I was in a car accident...a year ago, in March.  I got a brain injury or whatever.  And, yeah, it’s changed me.  But they seem to think...that I’m...some...whatever...damaged…  They treat me...like I’m damaged.  Like they...have to settle...for this broken Mariana...and they resent it.”
Levi just looks at Mariana.  He hopes she can see the compassion in his eyes.  That he cares about her.  “That’s messed up,” he offers.  In case his POV isn’t clear.
“See?  I used to be really smart?  I built robots in high school.  Like...a total math and science geek.  And now…?  I mean, I have one Elsa moment at home.  Where I, like, took it out on our room.  Wrecked everything in it.  Swore at Frankie when she tried to come in.  But I was trying to protect her.  ‘Cause, like Elsa, I didn’t really know, like, how to do emotions like this.  For the longest time, I didn’t have energy to...do anything...and all of them were trapped...” Mariana shares.  
“Under the cotton?” Levi asks, remembering how Mariana had described her disconnect from her feelings.
“Under the cotton, yeah,” Mariana confirms.“It was when Moms told me I...couldn’t go back to school...because nobody knew if I’d still...be able to...even do it?”
Levi cringes.  “Sounds like a reasonable reaction to me.  Yours, not theirs.  Haven’t your moms ever heard of accommodations?  Kids at my school got them all the time.”
“I mean...Mama works at a Charter school.  That’s where all of us went.  There’s no kids that need accommodations.  Even Frankie is...like...disabled on the DL.  Nobody knows at school and she doesn’t get any help, even where she could really use it.”
“That sounds...so illegal…” Levi breathes.
“I guess Charter schools have the right to do it that way.  Anyway, this is their...like...where they come from.  This world,” Mariana tries to explain.
“Where any disability is hidden?” Levi bristles.
“And so...my reaction...to them...canceling school on me.  College.  Whatever.  They took that as...the biggest ‘inappropriate outburst,’” around this, Mariana makes finger-quotes.  “For a while, they wouldn’t let Fran near me.  Another time?  We were doing game night.  Moms are…  They love Monopoly?” Mariana squints.
“Why?” Levi whines.  “It’s so boring…”
“And...not ideal...for someone who...has trouble with numbers...and filtering...and reading...and stamina,” Mariana lists.
“Yeah, sounds like a rude choice,” Levi comments.
“Oh, it gets ruder.  So Moms decide we’re gonna play Monopoly Junior…”
“Oh...no, they didn’t…” Levi gasps.  “Seriously?”
“Seriously,” Mariana echoes.  “Like I wasn’t gonna notice they suddenly switched from the regular game to the game that 5-year-olds could play.  Frankie was ten.  She’d been playing the real version forever.  She hated the kids version.  Said it was too babyish.”
Levi winces.
“But it was still too much to look at.  Spaces on the board in different colors.  Cards.  Money.  Game pieces.  Dice.  I had a headache to start with.  It was after dinner and I just had no energy left.  Even looking at the board was exhausting me.  I took a turn, and Mom corrected me.  I tried to get up and leave.  She told me I should be a good example.  A good sport.  So I stayed.”
“So you had to stay in overstimulating hell?” Levi asks, sympathetic.
“I took a few more turns.  Every time, I did something wrong.  Grabbed the wrong game piece, misread the dice.  Like, didn’t factor in having to pay for a space someone else owned?  Finally, it was my turn again and I just flipped the board.  Everybody was mad.  And Moms talked behind my back about how unpredictable I was.  How I might not get any better.”
“How do you do it?” Levi asks, incredulous.  “How do you stay?”
“Someone’s gotta be there for Frankie.  They treat her...not the same...but they don’t factor her CP in at all.  It’s not fair.”
“If you guys ever need a friend?  Video chat me.  I’ll always be around.  Except if I’m working in hell, as Pearl calls it.”
“You gotta get fired from there…” Mariana objects.  
“Get fired from hell?” Levi smirks.  “Nah, I could never.  We need groceries.  Plus, it’s not like Peanut Butter Cookie can bother me anymore.”
“I know, I just…  You hate it there.” Mariana points out.
“I really do.  But it’s a job.  It pays the bills....actually it only pays the grocery bill, but that’s something.”
“It is.” Mari nods.  “Are you okay?  Like...with all the stuff this week?”
“Nervous about going back…” Levi confides, nodding next door.  “Last time I was there?  It was like, she tossed the place.  Like she was looking for something.  Everything was there.  She didn’t take anything.  But it still feels…” Levi trails off.
“Like, yeah, I know what you mean.  The only thing I can think of is aliens arriving...���
“Because alien invasion,” Levi’s eyes light up.  “It is!  It’s an invasion.  I love how your mind works.”
Mariana scoffs.  “You don’t have to say that…”
“I know I don’t.  But it’s true.  I think it’s cool.  The connections.  The approximations.  How you cope.” Levi observes.
“Moms keep telling me I need to keep working.  In therapy or whatever.  They don’t want me to plateau,” Mariana wrinkles her nose.  
Levi looks at her, confused.
“I guess it’s this thing, in brain injury recovery?  Once you reach a certain point of progress, you just…”  Mariana demonstrates an upward slant suddenly leveling flat, and staying flat.
“Oh,” Levi says.
“Yeah.  They wanted Frankie and me to come here.  Like, so they could have a break.  But they also tried to get me to stay at the last minute.  To keep doing rehab stuff.  And, of course, I wanna improve.  But they don’t get that sometimes?  I need a break.”
“I get that,” Levi says.
“But they think I shouldn’t get a break until I’m back…” Mariana looks away and blinks back tears.
“Back?” Levi echoes, concerned.
“Mariana, the math genius…” she manages.
Levi just listens.  Opens his arms and she scoots closer, nodding. Levi puts his arms around her.  Just holds on.  “They’re so mean to you,” he says, sympathetic.  “You don’t deserve that.”
He just holds on for a while, glad to be able to be here for Mariana, when she’s come through at some major times for him.  Levi’s glad that he can reciprocate.
Eventually she backs out of the hug, and wipes her eyes.  “Sorry.  It’s just like...this is my life now.  And I can’t even share it with Jesus.  ‘Cause he’s not there.” Mariana shrugs.
“I’m glad you came,” Levi tells her.  
“I’m glad you were here,” Mari tells him.
It’s quiet for a while.  But neither one of them rush to fill the silence.  Eventually, he offers.  “If you need...like if...audio’s better?  I can read that out loud?” Levi gestures to her tablet.
“No, you don’t have to.  It’s boring,” Mariana insists.
“I’m offering,” Levi points out, matter of fact.
“Okay.  Just...however fast you usually read?  Can you slow that way down?” Mariana wonders.
“Sure,” Levi agrees, and for a while he just reads aloud.  The material’s dense, so reading slowly is a good idea all around.  
After a few pages, Mariana stops him.  “Okay, that’s enough for now.”
“Okay,” Levi agrees and sets the tablet aside.
“See?  If I said that to my moms?  They’d instantly push back.  Want me to do more.”
“Well, there’s these things called boundaries, and respect and consent.  Maybe they’ve heard of them,” Levi quips.
“Oh, they have.  They just think...they only apply to Jesus.  And even then?  Only sometimes.”
Levi makes a face.
Then, he takes a breath.  Hesitantly.  “Speaking of not pushing…” Levi ventures.  “I really appreciate how you haven’t pushed to know specifics of…”
“Peanut Butter Cookie?” Mariana fills in.
“Right,” Levi nods.  “If it were me and Pearl knew something but I didn’t, I know I’d probably feel really left out and like it was personal.  I’m glad you get that this isn’t.  Personal.  And at the same time, it is.  Very personal,” Levi manages.
“I get it.  I had a thing happen.  Things happen.  When I was little.  Usually, Jesus was around to stop it, but if he ever wasn’t or fell asleep.” Mariana shrugs.
“I’m sorry.” Levi apologizes and means it.  And then, “I had a thing happen, too.”
“It changes you,” Mariana allows.
“Yeah.  I guess I’m realizing...trauma does that…” Levi manages.
“We have a group if you wanna join,” Mariana offers.
“I’m already in The Avoiders.  Like, officially,” Levi says, confused.
“Yeah, this is different.  A support group?  For people, who’ve had the things happen to them.” Mariana explains.  “I’m in it, and you might recognize some other people, too.”
“So, it wouldn’t just be me and strangers?” Levi asks.
“Nope,” Mariana says.  “And it’s online, so you don’t have to go anywhere.  But no pressure.”
“I wanted to thank you,” Levi says clearing his throat.  “I mean, while we still have time...for being there for me through all the versions of Peanut Butter Cookie.”  Levi reaches in his pocket.  Pulls out the apple hand sanitizer.  “Thought you might want this back.”
“No, keep it,” Mariana insists.  “I have peach and cucumber melon in my purse, so…”
“Oh, wow.  But I got apple, because…” Levi wonders.
“It’s the strongest.  I know sensory triggers are the worst.  I know we need something strong to fight them.” Mariana says simply.
“Can I have details on this group?  For people who’ve had things happen?”
“Yeah.  It’s Friday nights.  8:45.  The time changes, but that’s what it’s been.” Mariana fills him in.
Levi makes a note in his phone.  He watches Mariana do the same.  
“So, I’ll remember to add you into the call.” Mariana says.  “And obviously, this group is like...private.  Like, we don’t share names or details or anything about anybody else.  And nobody else shares about you ever.”
“Got it,” Levi nods.  “Thanks for including me.”
“You’re one of us.  You’re always included.” Mariana insists.
They sit together for a while longer.  Exchange birthdays so they can put them in their calendars.
“Can I like...put an L in every April?” Mariana checks.  “So I know to check in with you about Peanut Butter Cookie?”
“Can I know your traumaversary date?” Levi asks.  “So I can check in with you?”
“March 4th,” Mariana confides.
“Cool if I put an M there?” Levi checks.
Mariana nods.
“You like cards?  Or think they’re corny?” he asks.
“I like cards,” she nods.  “You?”
“Not sure there’s a card for that…” Levi bristles.
“Video chat?” she checks.  
“Yeah.  I’d love to see your face.  Whenever,” Levi says.
Mariana blushes.  
“Sorry, I didn’t mean it..like that…” Levi stutters.  “I mean, I would love to see you, I just...made it super awkward.  I’m sorry.” Levi grins, embarrassed.
Mariana laughs.  Levi realizes this might be one of the first times he’s heard it.  Or really tuned into it.  It’s like music.  He’s gonna miss all of them when they go.  But maybe, especially, Mariana.  Even though they haven’t spoken a ton, Levi has always felt understood by her.  And judging by her openness with him?  Levi might venture to say Mari feels similarly.
He just can’t imagine being without her.  Without all of them.  Come tomorrow.
“Super awkward is perfect for me,” Mariana reassures. “Same?”
“So same, I can’t believe it,” Levi smiles.
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katbot · 6 years
Logic, Bushes, and my first rolled cigarette.
This is a the sequel to Rescheduling, Accents, and American pride.  I nab a second date with N, the Ameriboo.
“actually can we do nine?”
“Nine is fine. I’ll head to the library then head down to you around 8:30. I’ll pick a cheap bar”
“ace! see you then”
 I crush a set of logical reasoning questions and give myself a break when the next section is Logic Games.
 Around 8:45, I finish my make-up and head down to Christopher. I know every bar in this area and want to pick one that fits my vibe.... without charging $10+ for a pint.
I feel like Goldilocks. This bar’s too crowded. This bar’s too dive-y. This bar’s too bougie!
 I’m in between Shade or Triona’s.
The first— a faux-dive with 15 dollar cocktails but cheap beers. Triona’s, a sports bar with cheap beers but water downed mixed drinks.
 When he texts me he’ll be late, I treat myself to cheeky cocktail at Shade.
 I grab my favourite window seat and pull out my workbook. Logic games can’t beat me with a cocktail in hand! I’m 100% wrong and end up spending most of my time texting my date for next week— a freelance guitarist from Greenpoint.
 N catches me off guard. He slips into the chair across the table with a cheery, “Hiya!”
 “Hey!” I wrap up my books & phone conversation like a guilty child.
 “How was LA?”
We pop into the conversation like old friends. I’m delighted when he’s chill with staying at Shade for another round. I insist he add his beer to my tab to avoid the hassle of opening his own.
 We exchange week events and he shares pictures of LA beaches. It’s beautiful, but I could never see myself out there. Like most New Yorkers— I can’t drive. He tells me about his hour-long bus ride to the centre of town and I silently thank my immigrant parents for picking the right coast.
 We shuffle next door to Triona’s. When I begin to order a drink, he grabs me by the shoulder and insist he buy the next drink.
 He’s staring me down. His brown hair has turned less floof and more mane.
 “I-uhh. I-I’m going to get liquor. Get the next round.”
 I’m not rich by any means, but I remember his poor comment from last week and feel bad. The fact that I freely throw my card at bartenders means most of my dispensable income (gladly) goes to booze. Booze that’s mostly pricey gin.
 “What are you getting? Vodka?”
His intensity is throwing me off guard.
 “No — gin.”
 “Niceeee,” he coos. His UK appreciation overtakes his intensity, but it rolls back when I correct his pairing assumption.
 “And soda?? What are you mental??”
 He gives me shit until the bartender comes over then, ask for my preferred gin before ordering.
 He opens a tab. We're in it for the long run!
 I’ve got a smug blush on when we settle into a side table. The conversation flows well; he tells me he’ll be gone till mid-May, for stop back home to England.
 We match pints to pints once I finish my gin. Alternating rounds depending on whose too lazy to get up.
 At one point his phone chimes, and he groans. “Ugh. Sorry. It’s my program. It just crashed.”
 It’s the reason he was late today. It’s a bunch of coding shit that vaguely ties into politics, but he surprisingly explains it in an uncomplicated way. I’m impressed and can actually make sense of it.
 “So... if it’s just that one digit that’s off...can’t you just replace it with the proper unit?? How long will it take?” I speak slowly to not fuck up the basic terminology and…. because I’m entering the tipsy territory.
 He nods. And we he tells me it’ll take a few minutes I insist he do it right away.
 We squabble until I put my foot down. “Promise you, I’m not offended. You're gonna be behind tomorrow. It's not worth it."
 He begrudging pulls out his laptop, opens up the terminal, apologizing the entire time through. “So sorry.” He repeats, typing away like a mad man.
 “Literally no stress.” And I mean it. I’m definitely tipsy and check on my #boysquad.
 “Date going well?”
“Yeah! Hardly feels like a date though. Def friendzoned myself. ”
“Make a move!!!”
 I scoff and put my phone away just has N slides his laptop away.
 “Already! Thank you! Next pint on me?”
 He begins to prep a cigarette when I mention it’s a skill I never developed. He props paper and tobacco in front of me and starts a How-to lesson. It’s an awful cigarette that he ends up reshaping.
 “Not so bad for the first time. Shall we pop off now?”
 It’s an amazing cigarette. I’m not just saying that because I (kind of) rolled it.
 In-between drags, he gives me his UK number.  “Yknow....in case you want to talk to me while I’m abroad.”
 “Uh...okay sure.” I ash my cigarette and save the number as Nx2.
 When we head inside, I suddenly realize I’m tired of the scenery.
“Hey, do you wanna head to another bar? Grab one last pint?”
 “Yeah. That sounds chill.”
 We’re standing up to close our tabs, when he reaches for my hand and pulls me over for a kiss.
 It catches me off guard and I pull away with a, “Whoa. I—“
  “Oh god. I’m sorry. I thought you wanted—“
“No. I— I do. I think you’re really hot. I just wasn’t expecting that. I didn’t think you were into it.”
“Oh no. You’re super cute. I’m definitely into it.”
 I laugh and excuse myself to the bathroom, where I text the #boysquad — “wow I think this dude wants to fuck me???”
 When I get out, N’s smoking outside the bar. “So. Bar??” The plumes of smoke obscure his face.
 “Yeah. It’s just a bit late now. I’m afraid they’ll last call us quickly.”
 “Well, there some bars in Bushwick still open.”
 I laugh. Imagine me going to Brooklyn?
 “Or we can go back to mine and have a few cocktails?” He leans and begins kissing me.
 I laugh again, “Listen. I think you’re really hot. And I really want to fuck you. I just...didn’t expect this. I thought we were doing the more friends thing. THIS is great but the thing is....I haven’t shaved in months.”
 He stares at me, genuinely confused and after a beat says, “…So?”
 “No no," I waving my hands frantically. "You don’t understand. I literally mean MONTHS."
He's still staring at me dead pan, a stream of smoke jets out of the corner of his mouth.
  "So, would you be down to fuck me in like a month when you’re back from England?”
  This time he laughs, holding my hand he answers.
“Yes, I’d be down to fuck you in May.... but I’m also down to fuck you now.”
  He leans in and kisses me again. I shake my head and step away.
 “You don’t understand. It’s like a Kate Bush bush.”          
 He replies instantly,
 “I love Kate Bush.”
 The lights on Williamsburg bridge are illuminating N’s hand on my thigh.  My hands are folded together in plain sight. I don't mind the tiny PDA  but the cab’s stern glances into the rear-view mirror are making me uncomfortable.
 It isn't until the safety of Bushwick's darkness that I reach over for his hand. He squeezes it tight and I like that he's not trying to fuck in this cab.
 We pull up to his apartment and he pays for it fully, despite my (admittedly half arsed) offer to split.
 Holding hands, he unlocks the front door, and we silently walk up the staircase. It's one of those buildings where people leave their shoes outside the door.
 The apartment is cool. Spacious and lofted. There's a tube map on the wall that makes me smile.
He makes one greyhound & one Tim Collins while I’m in the restroom. 
 His room is cute. It’s reminds me of my own. I observe the pictures has I pulled off my jeans. They're a bunch of him and his friends. They're holding beers and smiling hard in most of them.
 We fuck for hours. I’m surprised and grateful his refractory period is so short.
  I'm so used to a one and done session, I have a back to back orgasm that makes me go cross eyed.
 After the fourth time, I start to get dress when he sharply ask where I’m going. “It’s so late. Of course you’re staying. I wouldn’t let you go home at this time, it's too dangerous.”
 I’m thrown off. Most of my sex life has been me getting kicked out at 4am, and his random dude wants me to stay? I'm embarrassed for myself and successfully play off my dressing as "just underwear lounging."
 I can't believe he buys it.
 After, cigarettes and chatting. We settle into bed. He’s outrageously cuddly. He wraps his entire body around me, and plays with hair. 
 I’m thrown off by the intimacy. I’ve never had anyone’s fingers through my hair. 
 I’m so turned on….
 After the fifth time, we actually settle into bed. Octopus’d together, we both knock out quickly.
  I wake up before my alarm goes off. I’ve got to get in early to change into my spare work clothes.
  N greets me with a groggy “Mornin’? Off to work?”
 He’s still stupidly cute and I regret not calling out the night before. I scramble around the room, cursing myself out for not following my organised protocol.
 This is what happens when you haven’t heard sex in nearly two years.
God— why is it so hard to put jeans on???
 I give him a kiss on his forehead and he wishes me a great day.
 I can hear his roommate rustling to leave, I’ve got to get out of here now.
 The ride to work is quick, once I battle the streets of Bushwick for a piping hot coffee & BEC.
 I text my groupchat the universal emoji of "I just got laid."
 The chat explodes.
One friend replies, "Well. God damn. I never thought I'd see the day Tess gets laid."
 Gee. Thanks guys.
 It’s 8:30 by the time I sneak into my office. I’m tired and dehydrated but successfully on time. I sport a stupid smile on my face that evolves into a stupid grin when N text me around noon.
 When I finally get home I run a bath, schedule STD testing in four weeks, and fall asleep with union jacks on my mind.
  Lessons learned:
 > Gelling with someone doesn’t inherently mean you’re friendzoned. You may just gel well from the start. 
 > I can do the casual sex thing!!!
 > Rolled cigarettes might be my new vice.
 Rating: 8.5
App: OKC
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farfarbetterdream · 7 years
another tag game!
I was tagged by: @absentmindeduniverse. I enjoy seeing you on my dash and reglogging (probably too much) from you!
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people. 
damn that’s a lot of statements. and a lot of people to tag...
1. drink - water. before that, coffee. 2. phone call - skype call with my parents 3. text message - a friend about her afternoon plans 4. song you listened to - Astronaut by Gregory Alan Isakov 5. time you cried - a week ago
6. dated someone twice? - no. never even dated anyone once. 7. kissed someone and regretted it -  never kissed anyone besides a dare when i was 10 that barely counts, so... 8. been cheated on - again, never been in a relationship so no. 9. lost someone special - romantically, no. family, yes. 10. been depressed - not sure 11. gotten drunk and thrown up - ok yes BUT iblamethecheapalcoholnottheamoutidrank
fave colours
12. forest green 13. a nice warm neutral tan/beige 14. deep blue
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - yeah! 16. fallen out of love - would have to fall in love first 17. laughed until you cried - all the fucking time 18. found out someone was talking about you - nope 19. met someone who changed you - not really 20. found out who your friends are - yeah i guess? 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - wow this thing is just trying to rub it in my face that i’ve never been kissed, isn’t it :/
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - pretty sure all of them. or at least used to know irl.
23. do you have any pets -  black standard poodle named Tikva. his name means hope in hebrew, because we got him right before the 2008 election and Obama’s slogan was hope!
24. do you want to change your name - when i was a lot younger i used to consider changing to the normal american pronunciation of hannah instead of the hebrew pronunciation. now i like it.
25. what did you do for your last birthday - it was my 21st so even though i’m abroad and could already drink, I went out and celebrated by going to a few bars and pubs.
26. what time did you wake up today - 4 AM when my noisy flatmate came in >:( then again at 8.
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - zzzzzzzzzzzz
28. what is something you cant wait for - getting to travel around the Scottish Highlands and do a bunch of hiking over spring break!
idk why there’s no 29...
30. what are you listening to right now - not currently listening to any music but in general i’ve been listening to dermot kennedy a lot recently
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - my best friend in preschool was named tom. then we didn’t see each other for six years. then we went to the same middle school and was a dick to me. probably because he wanted to be part of the cool crowd and i was decidedly not cool 32. something that’s getting on your nerves - my flatmate constantly being so fucking loud and waking me up all the time 33. most visited website - my university email 34. hair colour - brown 35. long or short hair - currently just past shoulder length but that’s longer than i usually like it 36. do you have a crush on someone - maybe. i had a crush on a guy last year for a while. haven’t seen him in forever but also haven’t gotten any new crushes. if i saw him again i think i’d probably still have a crush on him tbh. good thing he’s graduating so i’ll probably never see ihm again :/ 37. what do you like about yourself - honestly? most of the time nothing. 38. want any piercings? - i have one lobe piercing and one cartilage piercing in each ear, but I want more. probably won’t get it though since my ears don’t heal very well from them. 39. blood type - O negative. universal donor, woo woo. 40. nicknames - hannahleh and pumpkin by my parents
41. relationship status - unfortunately single
42. zodiac - Aquarius 43. pronouns - she/her 44. fave tv shows - Black Sails, The 100, and Doctor Who. Also Game of Thrones, Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, Wynonna Earp, The X-Files, and countless others. 45. tattoos -  no but i kind of want want 46. right or left handed - right handed 47. ever had surgery - i had my wisdom teeth removed, but that’s it. 48. piercings - two on each ear 49. sport - i run and work out for exercise and recreation, but have never done any sports. i enjoy watching basketball occasionally  50. vacation - i like going places with beautiful nature to hike in or lots of historic sites to visit. technically you could say that i’m on an extended vacation right now since i’m studying abroad in scotland. last vacation was to Italy, next one is to the Highlands (unless it decides to snow). 51. trainers - such a weird word. yeah i wear them a lot because i run/work out and also they’re so comfortable to walk around in
more general 
52. eating - does this mean what i’m eating right now??? if so then nothing. at tortellini, spinach, chicken, and a sweet potato about 2 hours ago. about to go eat some chocolate fudge ice cream.
53. drinking - water. i constantly sip water.
54. i’m about to watch - nothing. i’m about to go eat dessert, take a shower, and then do homework.
55. waiting for - the results of the two essays i’ve turned in so far this semester, spring break, and The 100 season 5 premier
56. want - fresh baked cake or cookies, to see my family and my dog, warm weather, to fall in love, to figure out what i want to do with my life 57. get married - definitely, but not anytime in the near future.
58. career - currently a student, don’t really know what i want my career to be in. probably something related to sustainability, environmental education, climate change, cultural heritage protection, or museums. something that helps the world.
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - hugs 60. lips or eyes - i’m assuming all of these are about what we prefer/care more about in a romantic partner. eyes maybe? 61. shorter or taller - kinda have a thing for really tall boys. 62. older or younger - definitely older. 63. nice arms or stomach - holy fuck nice arms do something to me. 64. hookup or relationship - relationship. zero interest in hookups.  65. troublemaker or hesitant - hesitant. that’s my middle name. jk it’s leah. but i would actually say that being hesitant is one of my worst character traits.
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - we’ve already established here that i have kissed no one. 67. drank hard liquor - i tried rum once when i was like 12 because we found it in a cabinet in our house and i wanted to be like a pirate. pretty sure my dad laughed at me when i choked on it. also done shots of hard liquor. 68. lost glasses - occasionally but only for very brief periods of time. sometimes i’ll take them off at home and forget where i left them in the house. 69. turned someone down - yes 70. sex on first date - no 71. broken someones heart - no but then again i’m usually clueless/oblivious so idk. maybe disappointed people briefly but not broken their heart. 72. had your heart broken - no  73. been arrested - naw 74. cried when someone died -yeah 75. fallen for a friend - i got a crush on a guy i was friends with freshman year of high school. 
do you believe in
76. yourself - rarely 77. miracles - no 78. love at first sight - i don’t think so. attraction, yes. love, no. 79. santa claus - jewish, so no. 80. kiss on a first date - please someone take me on a first date and kiss me. 81. angels - no
82. best friend’s name - i’m don’t really think i have a best friend. i have a number of close friends but i’m not good at opening up to people the way i think best friend connotes. but probably my oldest closest friend has the same name as me. 83. eye colour - green 84. fave movie - The Princess Bride even though I always get annoyed by how little Buttercup does. Crossing Delancey is my favorite rom com because it’s hilarious and sweet and super jewish. Also Romancing the Stone because it’s an adventure rom com. The Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightley is gorgeous. Also always a sucker for the first three Pirates of the Caribbean movies, and the Lord of the Rings movies. 85. fave actor - Tom Hanks because he’s an amazing actor, I’ve liked him in everything I’ve seen him in, and he’s just a precious human being.
tagging a combination of people i know irl and mutuals that I’ve mostly never talked to because i’m super awkward, you can do this if you want, or feel free to ignore it: @the-sadpotato, @ryostrenchcoat, @pinevillagegirl, @ineedpeetalikehekneadsbread, @hufflepuffhermione, @dweebshark, @kleinundasinine, @im-wallpapering-my-locker, @captain-fflewddurfflam, @thedarrparrot, @theavathedork, @geese-juggler, @addyleeliu, @bellarkeaddict, @thren0dy, @veganmewsings, @mistamie
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