#okay I gotta shower and eat dinner and then go to bed. goodnight friends in my phone
southislandwren · 1 year
I’m making fat stacks today first I stayed for 4 hours milking and tarping haylage and then I stayed for 5.5 hours milking and calf chores and going Very Fast while unbuckled in a Polaris ranger. Also Gatorade and my knee brace and the 15 Advil I took are the real heroes of my first week I wouldn’t have made it without them
0 notes
luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
If I Fell For You (Part 3) - A Moment
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Summary: Jensen is away from home for a few days but isn’t having the easiest time being away from the kids for the first time since the accident. When he returns home, he has a gala to attend on Saturday night but a kiss on the cheek and slip of the tongue will snowball into the reader and Jensen sharing a moment...
Pairing: Jensen x nanny!reader
Word Count: 6,100ish
Warnings: language, death of a spouse, death of a parent, anxiety, self-worth problems, referenced past harassment
A/N: I love this part so much for so many reasons. Please enjoy!
“Hi Jensen,” you asked Monday night when your phone rang. “How was your flight earlier?”
“Same old same old. I just got out of work,” he said with a yawn. “Gonna grab a bite out with a friend. Kids eat dinner okay?”
“We had honey sriracha glazed salmon with brussel sprouts and roasted red potatoes.”
“They had kraft mac and cheese and I had Taco Bell.”
“See this is why I like you,” he chuckled.
“I’ll try the salmon again tomorrow. I was gonna make it but they didn’t have any at the store,” you said, opening the fridge and taking out a pint of ice cream. “Hey can I have what’s left of this mint ice cream?”
“Sure. Pick some more up for me sometime before friday please,” he said. “Also, Taco Bell? You do realize we live in freaking Austin right. There are literally hundreds of places you can go that have better mexican food.”
“Yeah but fake cheese tastes good,” you said. He laughed and your stomach rumbled. “I so should have gotten more than two tacos.”
“You in the kitchen?” he asked. You hummed and you heard him let out an oof in the background.
“Yeah. You alright?”
“This bed in my hotel room is comfy,” he said. “But I was starting to say, go in the drawer at the end of the counter by the table. There’s only five hundred gajillion take out menus in there. Order a treat for yourself. It’s on me.”
“Jensen. I can get my own dinner.”
“True but you’re on call 24/7 until I get back.”
“Well in that case I bet you got a menu for a fancy steakhouse in here somewhere,” you teased as you picked up one for a tex mex looking restaurant. “Does this place really have quesadillas this big?”
“You must be looking at the menu on top. I almost ordered from there last week actually. The food’s great. They do delivery too. Just buzz the guy into the gate when they get there.”
“Any recommendations?” you asked, taking out the menu and flipping it over.
“Quesadillas are good. Loaded nachos are amazing. I’ve literally never had a bad thing from there,” he said. “To be honest I’d rather be getting that than where I’m going tonight.”
“Why’s that?” you asked, reading through your options, surprised to find such good prices.
“I have to wear a suit,” he said with a sigh. “After being poked and prodded all day I literally would rather just eat crap and watch food network.”
“How long have you known this friend of yours?” you asked.
“Twenty years, why?”
“Then you guys knew each other when you were young. It’s not too late out there. Call him, see if he’d rather get some crap food, a six pack and just catch up on his couch or in your room. I’m pretty sure he’s more looking forward to seeing an old friend again than the food,” you said.
“You make very good points. I should pay you more,” he said.
“You pay me plenty and barely let me spend a dime of my money on myself,” you said. “I don’t need more.”
“You got that fancy computer though.”
“You literally have the exact same mac in your office.”
“You moved in like three boxes and two computers,” he said.
“An ipad is not a computer,” you said.
“Well I like to draw sometimes and it’s easier on an ipad when you’re laying in bed,” you said. 
“Are you any good?” he asked.
“I bet they’re really good,” he said as you rolled your eyes. “I see you draw with the kids sometimes and those are good.”
“It’s a hobby is all,” you said, leaning back against the counter, your stomach grumbling again. “Anything else you want me to grab at the store? I’m going to hit it tomorrow while everyone’s at school.”
“Nah. Get the usual stuff,” he said. “The kiddos in bed?”
“Yeah, got the last one down about fifteen minutes ago,” you said. He hummed and you heard the sigh in it. “I got a video of them playing earlier I’ll send you.”
“Thanks. It’s my first night away from them in a long time. Normally I’m able to come back same day. I was kinda hoping they’d still be awake to say goodnight.”
“They’re safe and sound dad. We’ll call again after school tomorrow to talk like today,” you said.
“Yeah,” he breathed out. He was quiet and you pulled the phone away, taking a deep breath. 
“You okay?” 
“I haven’t been alone like this in a really long time.”
“I know. You check out your backpack yet?”
“No. Why?”
“You didn’t bring a jacket with you so I put that yellow hoodie that’s always on the hook in there in case you got cold.”
“That was Dee’s hoodie.”
“I was pretty sure it was,” you said. You heard him shuffle around briefly before he hummed, much happier that time. “I thought you might like to have a piece of...something-”
“I really don’t pay you enough,” he said quietly. “Thanks for putting this in there. I need something from home more than I realized.”
“Well put it on, call up your buddy and have some fun tonight, Ackles. Nanny’s orders.” He laughed and you felt that twinge in your stomach again, your eyes quickly closing.
“I will. Hey you mind if I call again tomorrow night? I don’t have any plans and sitting in a hotel room by myself isn’t very fun.” You smiled and felt heat in your cheeks, quickly thinking it away. He wanted company for a few minutes was all and you were friends. It was completely normal to talk with friends on the phone everyday.
“Of course. As long as you get a dinner in at some point that’s more than fine with me,” you said. “We can talk about The Bachelor!”
“Oh God no,” he groaned, chuckling after a few seconds. “I’ll settle for Grey’s Anatomy.”
“This Is Us?” you asked.
“I haven’t watched that yet. I’m working up to it,” you said. 
“Work faster woman. I only know legit everything about that one,” he chuckled. “But probably not a good idea to watch that one until I get back and you're not alone. First episode is kinda scary.”
“Oh well thanks for that,” you said, watching the clock tick by, knowing it had to be almost seven out there. “I’ll let you go. Have fun tonight Jensen.”
“I will Y/N. Promise.”
Friday Night
“Arrow,” you said after she’d flung her pasta bowl all over herself, covering her hair and face. She sniffled and you forced a smile. “Okay. How about a bath after dinner?”
Fifteen minutes later JJ and Zeppelin were in the movie room watching a cartoon while you had Arrow in the kids bathroom, scooping up some water over her head in the tub.
“Well hello ladies,” you heard behind you. You jumped and spun around, glaring for a moment before you recognized Jensen.
“Just me,” he said, backpack still on his shoulders. 
“Daddy I got ziti all over my head,” she said.
“You did?” he asked, dropping his bag and taking off his jacket, kneeling down next to you. You got the last bit of sauce off and squirted some shampoo in her hair, Jensen watching you with a smile. “How was your day?”
She told him all about breakfast and daycare, playing with a few toy boats with him while you rinsed out the soap. You did a bit of conditioner before getting it out as well and putting the spray nozzle back.
“I got the rest if you wanna get the dryer ready?” he asked you, reaching for the soap. You swapped spots with him, Jensen washing her up while she kept talking about her day. By the time he was all done you had the dryer out and plugged in, Jensen picking her up and wrapping her up in a big bundle of towels before he set her on the counter. You went to work drying her hair, Jensen draining the tub and finding some pajamas for her.
“Do you want your hair up or down, sweetie?” you asked. She tried gathering it up and you grabbed her soft scrunchie perfectly fine for sleeping in from the counter. You put her hair up in a soft little bun, Jensen making an adorable sound when he returned.
“Aw, you look so cute, baby. I’ll be right there alright?” he said. She hopped off the counter and got dressed, rushing off downstairs when she was all done. “Survive the day?”
“Somehow we always do,” you said, gathering up the towels. “Kids are in the movie room.”
“Thanks. I’m gonna shower but we’re all good for the night,” he said. “Thanks for watching them this week.”
“You gotta go do your job,” you said. “You working on a movie or something? You never said.”
“Uh gonna be in a show called The Boys,” he said. “I’m gonna be one of the superheroes so I gotta go out and get my suit made all special for me every so often.”
“You’re gonna be a supe! That’s so fucking cool!” you said. He grinned and you blushed, shaking your head. “I’m so sorry. That was so not appropriate.”
“I don’t see any little ears around,” he chuckled. “You like the show then?”
“Yeah. It’s great. Like no other show consistently makes me go what the fuck did I just see. That’s so cool you get to be a supe though. Are you a one off or like a main character?”
“I’ll be very present in the next season. Gonna deal with the seven, all that,” he said. “I’m gonna be Solider Boy.”
“I can see that. You have that all American boy thing about you.”
“It’s my adorable face,” he teased. 
“Well remember to not stay up too late. You have the gala tomorrow night remember?”
“Yes mom,” he said as you walked out. “Get the kids some takeout for dinner tomorrow and yourself.”
“Sounds good boss,” you said. “Night Jensen.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
The Next Night
You froze from where you were mixing up some brownie batter with JJ at the kitchen counter as Jensen popped downstairs. He was in a gorgeous black suit, a maroon pocket square and no tie going on, his hair scruffier looking than normal.
He started to laugh and you realized you were staring, your cheeks feeling hot as you went back to stirring.
“Mmm, you guys save me a brownie or two for when I get home?” he asked, leaning over and dipping his finger in the bowl of cream cheese frosting.
“We’ll spare one for dad,” you said, Jensen going back for seconds. “Ah, ah. No.”
He dipped his finger in and got another fingerful, kissing the top of JJ’s head and the twins at the counter.
“Be good for Y/N guys!” he called as he rushed out.
You whistled and he jogged back, catching you holding up his phone from the counter.
“Thank you,” he said, taking it and pecking a kiss on your cheek. You looked up at him and he froze. “I am so sorry. I…”
“It’s okay. Go have fun and be all charitable,” you said. He shoved his phone in his pocket and ran out, JJ scratching her head.
“Dad’s kinda weird sometimes,” she said.
“Yeah, he is. But so is everybody,” you said. “Let’s get this in the oven so you guys can pick out colors for your frosting, hm?”
“I really shouldn’t. But I really should,” you said to yourself, plopping your second brownie of the night in a bowl and sticking a scoop of ice cream on top. You carried it over to the couch and lay back, watching TV on the big screen as you heard the door open. Jensen came into view a minute later, taking his jacket off and groaning as he washed up at the sink. He went to the tray of brownies on the counter and picked one up with a big sigh. “Fun night?”
He jumped and whacked his head against the cabinet above, hissing before he spun around.
“You okay?” you asked. He nodded and left the brownie behind, pushing his sleeves up before taking a seat on the other end of the lounger.
“Y/N I’m really sorry about the kiss on the cheek. That was so inappropriate. You’ve kinda implied that there was some stuff that’s happened to you at other jobs you found over the line and I’m really truly sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I wasn’t...I forgot you’re my employee for a moment. I really am sorry.”
“Jensen if I had a problem with it or you or your behavior I would quit on the spot. I don’t let myself get pushed around anymore. You were happy and busy and you pecked a kiss on my cheek, not reach a hand down my pants. It’s really okay. You’re way too hard on yourself.”
“Are you sure?” he asked.
“Positive. It’s barely ten which means you left as soon as you could. You’re supposed to be out having fun,” you said.
“I was kinda freaking out that you hated me,” he said.
“Dude you gotta relax,” you said. “Have a brownie and some ice cream.”
He got up and after a minute took a seat at the other end with a bowl of his own, smiling as he got a taste.
“This is fucking awesome,” he said.
“I know,” you said, Jensen smirking. “Do you feel better now silly boy? I promise that if you ever do anything I find inappropriate I will promptly kick you in the balls.”
“I can agree to that,” he said. He ate for a moment, watching the TV and laying back. “Do you ever like, want to go do things with your friends on a Saturday night? If you do that’s totally cool. These aren’t normal hours anyways.”
“Being a nanny eats up a lot of your social life,” you said. “Kinda got kicked out of my friend group after I broke up with my ex anyways.”
“Well they sound like they suck,” he said.
“Yes, they do,” you said. “I don’t mind so much. I meet plenty of new people through work. Only person you can depend on is yourself and I don’t tend to let myself down.”
“That’s a very lonely way to go through life,” he said.
“It’s not easy to make friends in your thirties,” you said. “Maybe for someone like you who travels and meets new people a lot and stuff but you have like, real friendships. You know?”
“Well we have a real friendship, don’t we? You’re friends with Jared and Rob and Ruthie and Rich,” he said. “I don’t trust just anybody with my kids. That’s real.”
“Yeah,” you said, taking a bite. “So when’s your friend free?”
“Blind date guy. Maybe he could be a friend if things work out,” you said.
“Oh yeah. He uh, he actually got a gig up in Canada so you might need to wait like a month or so. But he’s excited to meet you,” said Jensen.
“Can I have his number?” you asked. “Or do you think that’d be weird?”
“No, not weird. I think he just kinda wants to do it old school if that’s okay. Meet you first and go from there.”
“This friend of yours better be like super hot,” you said.
“If it’s a problem-“
“I can respect him wanting to do things like that. But I’m gonna want a firm date soon,” you said.
“I’ll make sure to get you one,” he said. “I’ll get it down tomorrow, promise.”
“He better not mind me eating like this either. I ain’t a salad on the first date kinda girl. He’s gonna need to keep up with my eating while were at it,” you said. He snorted in his seat beside you and ran his hand over his face.
“I will keep that in mind. I have occasionally had dessert first truth be told,” he said.
“This is why I like you Ackles. You get my sweet tooth,” you laughed.
“It’s a good thing your dinners are healthy cause I swear I haven’t consumed this many baked goods in months,” he said. “The kids love it and my stomach loves it though.”
“I’m gonna need to start working out though if I keep this up. Oh hey is it okay if I do laps in the pool in the mornings? I’ll be super quiet and stuff.”
“You don’t gotta ask,” he smiled. “Like I said when you started, you got free reign to use the pool, the gym, whatever, aside from my room. You a swimmer?”
“Not really but I hate running and supposedly it’s a good workout or something,” you shrugged, eating another bite of brownie.
“Anything in the gym you’re free to use. I know you must get a little bored sometimes when I’m gone and the kids are,” he said.
“Not bored per say. Ordinarily I would do more chores but you have like a cleaner and a landscaper and you just...give me more time in the day than I’m used to is all. It’s actually great though. It gives me plenty of time to come up with ideas for the kids and stuff.”
“Well as long as you’re taking breaks and your lunch do as you please,” he said, his spoon scraping the bottom of his bowl.
“Now that’s just sad.”
“I really should get another one of these,” he said, sucking the spoon.
“It’s really the only choice you have,” you said. He laughed as he hopped up, skirting back into the kitchen and fixing up another brownie and ice cream combo.
“Hey you want more, Dee?” he asked. You popped your head up and he spun around. “I’m-“
“Don't apologize, Jensen,” you said. He tapped his fingers against the counter and took a deep breath, putting his back to you.
“That’s the second time tonight I’ve done that,” he said. 
“Jensen. There’s nothing wrong with missing your wife.”
“I’m still sorry.”
“You don’t...talk about her much.”
“It was...she wasn’t…” he trailed off. He sat down on a barstool and you got up, walking over and hopping up on the counter beside him. You set your feet in the stool next to his and paused before you put a hand on top of his head and ran your fingers through the short strands. “This shouldn’t have happened to her.”
“Death is the price for living. Pain’s the price for caring. Doesn’t mean it’s not worth it,” you said. You started to move your hand away when he turned his head. 
“Don’t…” he said, easing when you played with it gently again. “That’s always calmed me down since I was a little kid.”
“Someone should take care of you every once in a while you know. Your parents, siblings, friends. Everyone needs a break.”
“I had a lot of help at the beginning. I don’t need a whole day. Just a moment here and there,” he said quietly.
“It’ll be okay, Jensen,” you said. He nodded and you played with his hair a few moments, watching his shoulders ease. This time when you pulled away he smiled up at you. “Better?”
“Yeah. Thank you. That’s not in your job description to do that sort of thing.”
“Well I think your wife would want somebody to watch your back, even for only a minute or two,” you said.
“You don’t have any brain aneurysms I should know about, do you?” he chuckled. 
“No. That what happened?” you asked, a single nod coming from him.
“She was sleeping. Not a bad way to go I was told, you’d never even know,” he said. “Not a fun thing to wake up to in the morning though.”
“My dad had a mass at the back of his head. It was that same kind of thing where one second it’s fine and the next everything’s different deal. It was inoperable. Then he goes and dies from a car accident of all things before it got bad. My mom had a hard time with that.”
“You said she had a boyfriend later on right?” he asked.
“Yeah. I know you’ll be okay, Jensen,” you said. You ruffled his hair and he smiled, a soft look on his face. “Pro tip too from someone who’s been there, kids with a single parent turn out just fine.”
“Do they ever wish they had another parent?” he asked.
“They wish the parent they still have around is happy again someday. They won’t understand until they’re older that it’s a different kind of love between parents. But they’ll know it’s a little different and they’ll hope dad feels better too. Your kids are tough. They’ll be okay too.”
“Thanks, Y/N,” he said. You hopped off the counter and washed up your dish, sticking it in the dishwasher before you went to leave for your room. “So I gotta ask. Who takes care of you?”
“Me?” you asked, pointing to yourself. He shrugged and smiled, your gaze going past him. “I’m all good. I don’t need somebody to take care of me.”
“Liar,” he said softly. “You know my friend tells me everybody needs to be taken care of sometimes.”
“That’s the difference between us Jensen. You’re not like me.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he scoffed, his face scrunching up suddenly.
“It means you’re not on your own and even if you feel like it, it’s only been a little while. You’ll be okay. I’ve been taking care of myself since I was a kid. I don’t need anyone to take care of me.”
“That’s bullshit and you know it.”
“You haven’t lived my life and I haven’t lived yours. Don’t try to tell me that I’m not capable of-”
“It’s not about what you’re capable of. You said pain is part of life, it’s the price for living. You’ve had more than your fair share-”
“Lots of people have it a lot worse.”
“Don’t compare your pain to someone else's. They haven’t lived your life,” he said. You rolled your eyes and started to walk away, Jensen out of his seat and catching up with you in the hall. “You can be taken care of too you know.”
“By who? My non-existent circle of friends? My crappy ex? My mom’s ex boyfriend who’s got his own wife and kids? I am perfectly fine managing all of this by myself. I’ve been doing it for years.”
“You’re so frustratingly annoying,” he said, running his hand over his face. “Me. I’m talking about me. You just...you took care of me tonight. The least I can do is show you the same compassion.”
“No,” you said.
“No? Why not?”
“Because taking care of me turns into you walking into my shower without my permission and you being a dick and this going away and I don’t want you to be those things so no. We’re getting too friendly. Please leave me alone tomorrow.”
You left him in the hall and went down to your area of the house, shutting the door after you. There was quickly a knock and you growled, ripping it open.
“What?” you snapped at him.
“I am not going to hurt you or be a dick to you or whatever else you think. You need to realize in the real world, not everyone is an asshole.”
“You’re the one not living in the real world then, Jensen. Everybody’s an asshole.”
“Fine. I’m an asshole. But I’m not leaving until you say I can take care of you tomorrow. Two minutes is all I’m asking for.”
“This is my part of the house.”
“And technically I am outside your door,” he said. “Why are you so resistant to somebody doing something nice for you?”
“Because I don’t wanna get used to it,” you said. He stared and you shook your head. “You’re attractive and an actor and kind and funny and it’s not a matter of if you date again but when and when that day comes, we ain’t gonna be sitting on the couch eating ice cream anymore. Please do not invite me to anymore outings as a friend. I’ll attend if required as a nanny but this between us is done.”
“For the record, the only one around here that thinks of you as just the hired help is you. My children are completely like their old selves. I feel more like my old self. You seem happier than when I met you but for some reason, that’s a big problem to you. I do not understand that.”
“Leave or I resign and move out first thing,” you said. He crossed his arms and lifted his chin. “This is my formal resignation then. The company will-”
He moved quickly and you weren’t sure what he was doing at first but soon you realized he was hugging you, your hands resting against his chest. You swallowed and he didn’t move, your forehead resting against him.
“What are you doing?” you breathed out.
“When’s the last time you got a fucking hug?” he asked.
“The kids-”
“Not the kids.”
“I don’t remember,” you said quietly. 
“Then you are overdue,” he said. You let yourself reach your arms around him and return the hug, breathing deeply, a small bubble in you rising up. You tried to push it down but it came back harder and you were fighting back tears before you knew it. 
He could feel when you lost that battle, hand rubbing up and down your back. There was a soft shushing in the air and after a few minutes you felt better. You lifted your head but didn’t look at him, Jensen squeezing you in his hug again before it eased.
“You know you’re not allowed to quit on me...like ever,” he chuckled. You let out a small laugh, Jensen smiling at you when you forced your head up. He wiped off your cheeks and you let out one last sniffle. “You’re not alone. I promise you’re not. It’s not the quantity of people you have in your life but the quality and I’m sorry but we are friends and there’s nothing you can do about that so I’d just accept it now.”
“I’m sorry I was such a bitch.”
“You were scared, not a bitch,” he said. “I wish I could make you happier is all.”
“I wish I could bring back your wife for you,” you said.
“One of those is a lot more possible than the other,” he said. A small smile crossed his lips before he ducked his head down, shoulders heaving back before his head raised. “Y/N, can I confess something to you? I hope...I hope it doesn’t bother you but if it does, you don’t have to continue working for me. I’d still like to be friends regardless.”
“What’s wrong?” you asked, Jensen looking past you.
“My single friend I was going to set you up with? He doesn’t exist.”
“Cause he’s kinda me.”
“Oh,” you said, staring at him, a lot of his previous behavior starting to click into place. “That’s…”
“I know,” he said, stepping away and rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s weird and douchey and I’m sorry. I like you and I was trying to see if you would ever go for a 42 year old actor. I left out the widow and kids part but...I’m sorry.”
“When did you like me?” you asked quietly.
“The whole time?” he said, laughing nervously to himself. “It’s kinda snowballed since we met. I never in my life thought I’d like someone again. I didn’t want to like you. I hired you because you were the best candidate and I knew the kids would be in good hands but everyday it’s there, even more, and I know this is so inappropriate on so many levels and I’m really starting to ramble here but you make me think maybe your mom had a point and people are allowed to have...more than one…and sometimes the way you talk to me and treat me and look at me...” 
He swallowed as you stepped in front of him, taking a quick breath. 
“I will keep working for you and I’ll be your friend...and you can make me dinner tomorrow,” you said with a smile. “We’ll see where it goes from there?”
“You’re not...weirded out?” he asked.
“By your age, you’re my boss or the cheeky lying about a fake friend?” you said.
“All of the above.”
“Age doesn’t bother me. You have no idea how to be a boss, no offense, and the friend...I don’t blame you for wanting to test the waters first,” you said. “But I expect honesty from here on out.”
“Absolutely,” he said.
“Good,” you said.
“You do like me right?” he asked. “Like you don’t feel obligated or-”
“I like you Jensen. Why do you think I was trying to push you away before you got too close? I didn’t want to be hurt.”
“Give me a chance to not,” he said. “We can have dinner and see how it goes from there.”
“Normally the best course of action,” you said.
“But maybe with a few more hugs from now on,” he said. “For the both of us.”
“That’d be okay with me,” you said. He smiled and you returned it. “I guess I’ll see you in the morning then.”
“I guess you will,” he said. He turned to go when he spun back on his heels. “Or we could go back out there, eat way too much dessert and hang out?”
“Yeah,” you said with a smile. “Give me a minute to wash up my face.”
“Take all the time you want. I’m gonna change into something more comfortable anyways.”
He left and you washed off your face in the bathroom, drying it off and taking a deep breath.
You did like him. There was something calming about him to you and you enjoyed his company, even if it was just the two of you having a quiet cup of coffee in the morning.
But he was an actor. And kinda famous. And a widow. And had three kids. 
“But your face is cute,” you said aloud, looking the mirror. “Gah, of course you have to be like...into me. Nutjob. He must be a nutjob. That’s it.”
“Y/N?” you heard him saying and you smacked yourself in the face. “Are you talking to yourself?”
“Uh, yeah,” you said, stepping out and seeing him in the hall sporting a pair of pajama pants and a t shirt. “That was fast.”
“Well I didn’t go through an eight step skin routine too,” he chuckled.
“For your information, my routine is only three steps,” you said, walking past him and waggling your fingers.
“I didn’t realize I was living with such a savage,” he said. You laughed and went back to the kitchen, making up another dish of brownie for him while he went over to where he kept his liquor. “You a bourbon kind of girl?”
“Is there any other kind?” you said.
“Touche.” He poured out two glasses and slid one over while you passed his bowl to him. “So what’s this three step routine? Do I need to up my game or what?”
“I think I need your routine, not the other way around,” you said.
“Nah. I like looking at your face more than mine. Trust me.”
“Oh. How long you been holding back those kinds of comments?” you teased.
“Longer than you’d think,” he said, sharing the bowl with you. “Feel okay now?”
“Yeah. I can’t remember the last time I cried,” you said. “Especially in front of someone.”
“A good cry session has never hurt in my experience. I’ll do it for work and stuff but normally I’m not much of one. Aside from the past six months I mean.”
“Are you ready to try this?” you asked.
“Yeah. I know I am,” he said. “I’m positive of it.”
“How can you know that?”
“Because you make me happy. You make me...want to do stuff again, believe in all the romantic...if I wasn’t ready, I’d feel guilty. But I don’t. I just know that maybe some people get more than one chance and maybe I’m one of them.”
“I know you are, whoever it ends up being,” you said.
“Are you ready to try this?”
You took a drink and bite of ice cream, pushing the bowl back.
“I miss my family,” you said. “I miss being happy. I’d like to...have someone that could take care of me for a moment every once in a while. I might mess that up sometimes but I’m willing to try.”
“Me too,” he said. “I’d expect some screw ups on this end too. I’ve been out of the dating game for a long time.”
“I’m sure it hasn’t changed all that much,” you said.
“Well I’ve never dated with kids and as a widow,” he said.
“I’m just in this for them to be honest,” you laughed. 
“I see how it is,” he said with a smirk. 
“I don’t think it’ll be as hard as you think,” you said.
“I hope not,” he said. 
“Do they know? You want to date?”
“JJ does,” he said. “She’s little but she understands that it doesn’t mean I’ll never love her mother any less. She’s been strangely okay through this whole thing aside from the first few weeks. She helps her brother and sister out more now.”
“As someone who was that kid, minus the siblings, I know they’ll be okay. She’s a great kid. I’ve met plenty of spoiled brats. Yours are not.”
“Well that might just be the second best thing I’ve heard tonight,” he said.
“Whatever was the first?” you teased, eating a spoon of ice cream.
“Oh I think you know,” he said, stealing the spoon back. You smiled and heard some feet run around upstairs before the stairs creeped and a little head ducked down into view. “Arrow. It’s bedtime sweetie.”
“I had a accident,” she said. “Sorry.”
“Nothing to be sorry for, honey,” he said. “I’ll be right back.”
“Want help?” you asked.
“Sure,” he said. He scooped up Arrow on the way up the stairs, setting her down in the kids bathroom. He got some clean pajamas and you found a pair of pull ups, Arrow pouting at you. 
“I don’t need ‘em,” she said.
“Your brother wears them. I wore them and your mommy and daddy wore them. Everybody wears pull ups when they’re your age,” you said.
“Just tonight,” she said, stepping into them. Jensen walked past with the mattress liner and she was dressed by the time you heard the washer going off in the distance. You walked her back to bed, Jensen slipping in past you and tucking her in. “Night daddy.”
“Night sweetie,” he said, kissing her temple. 
“Night Y/N,” she said.
“Night night kiddo,” you said, giving her a tiny wave before you left, Jensen flipping off her light and pulling the door shut. 
“Come here a second,” he said, nodding and you saw him head towards his room. The double doors were open and you stepped inside, Jensen going past the bed and over to a set of french doors. He pushed one open and waved for you to follow, showing you out to a rooftop balcony.
“Wow,” you said, a set of chairs, a table and a lounger out there along with a whole lot soft string lights. “I didn’t realize you had this up here.”
“Kinda a place to go unwind, relax,” he said. “I disappear out here sometimes. Been out here a lot at night lately.”
“Thinking about what?” you asked.
“You,” he said. “I talk to Dee about you sometimes as crazy as that sounds.”
“Doesn’t sound crazy at all,” you said.
“I just wanted to say...this area isn’t off limits anymore. Nothing is,” he said. 
“She asked you out, didn’t she,” you said with a smile. He rubbed the back of his neck and blushed. “You’re cute.”
You leaned up and kissed his cheek, heading back towards inside.
“Come on, Jensen. Before the ice cream melts on us.”
A/N: Read Part 4 here!
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pink-imagines · 4 years
bad day
request: Hi. I'm going through a rough patch rn (someone I thought of as a best friend stabbed me in the back) and it's really hard. I was wondering how Bakugou, Kirishima, and Twice (if you write for him) would react to their normally perky s.o. suddenly being to upset to even get out of bed. Thank you so much.
a/n: i hope this helps a little bit. loosing friends is hard but you can’t do anything to stop it. i hope you feel better soon, i’ll post the ones with kirishima and twice soon!
warnings: crying and slight angst, otherwise very fluffy
requesting rules
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Katsuki Bakugo
It had been a while since the two of you had started dating, you had actually just moved in together. Though you had taken your relationship pretty far you hadn’t really cried in front of him, or exposed any negative emotions to him. Sure, you’d fought like any other couple but it was always easily solved and no tears had to be shed. 
Today, however, was unlike any other day - in the sense that you weren’t your usual happy self. You were always the moodsetter in a group, the happy one who always made others laugh. Maybe that’s why everyone was kind of confused by Katsuki and your relationship, as you seemed like two opposites on the outside. Either way, today you didn’t feel like you usually presented yourself and you were way too tired to even try to pretend like you’re happy - which was often what happened on your bad days.
When you woke up that morning Katsuki was already out of bed, and most likely already at the agency. You reached for your phone and called into your work, explaining that you were feeling sick and that you couldn’t come in for the day. It wasn’t a complete lie as you weren’t feeling well, but it’s not like you were physically sick. When you put back your phone on your bedside table you immeditately crawled back under the covers and curled up in a little ball. You didn’t want to get up. You didn’t even have the energy to move at all.
Eventually you had to go to the bathroom, even if you really didn’t want to get out of bed. You forced yourself out of the comfortable covers and walked over to the bathroom, on the way you walked past a clock and you noted that it was in fact already noon. More exact, it was already 5 pm and you had slept through the entire day. Grumpily, you made your way to the bathroom and did your business rather quickly. When you were washing your hands you looked up at the mirror, seeing someone who you couldn’t actually recognize. You touched your cheek and then let your hand run through your very tangled hair. With a sigh you looked away from your reflection and went back to the bedroom. You looked through Katsuki’s closet and took out a hoodie of his. All you wanted right now was for him to come home and hug you tightly, but for now one of his hoodies would have to do. 
Over the past few hours you phone had been blow up with messages, from social media, to text, to emails. You felt a sense of overwhelming stress by just looking at your phone. You hadn’t showered, hadn’t eaten, and you hadn’t done any work what so ever. To say the least, you felt absolutely useless and shitty. There were no messages from Katsuki, meaning that he was probably out for a shift at the moment and would be home late. With dreaded steps you walked over to the bed and crawled back under the covers. 
After a while your neighbors, living above you, started watching TV. This wasn’t usually a problem but, with all the stress building up around you, the noise was becoming unbearable. You felt the tears brimming up in your eyes and you choked out a sob. All you wanted was a hug... would he even want to hug you now that you were such a total mess? You were always so happy, what if this wasn’t what he had “signed up for”? It didn’t matter, he wouldn’t be home until you were supposed to be asleep and so you let your sobs sound through the room.
You couldn’t hear Katsuki putting the key in the keyhole and opening the door. You couldn’t hear him kicking off his shoes and hanging up his jacket. You definitely didn’t hear him walk into the bedroom... but you did hear him call out to you. “Baby? You okay?”, he asked and your whimpered immediately quieted down. He sat down on the bed, making it tilt slightly, and he put his hand softly on your shoulder. You wouldn’t answer him. “I gotta take a shower, okay? Come out to the kitchen if you feel like it and I’ll make you some food.”, he said and got up. You heard him take clean clothes out of his wardrobe and take them to the bathroom. Hearing him leave made your heart ache but you hadn’t exactly done anything to make him stay.
Eventually you heard the water running in the other room and you sat up in bed. You dried away your tears with the cuffs on Katsuki’s hoodie. For a while you sat there and stared out the window through the small gap in the curtains, as you hadn’t bothered with opening them today. You listened to the shower running... and then it turning off... and then Katsuki walking around the bathroom, only to later walk into the kitchen.
After a while of listening to him making something in the kitchen you decided to get out of bed. Suddenly you remembered that you hadn’t eaten all day and you got extremely hungry. Katsuki was standing in his sweatpants and hoodie, what he usually wore at home, but he couldn’t look more handsome in your eyes. His hair was ruffled around and still damp from the shower. Normally you’d never do this, but you didn’t care tonight and you wrapped your arms around him from behind. You felt him stiffen before relaxing under your touch as he kept stirring around things on the stove. “Have you eaten at all today?”, he was way more quiet than usual. You shook your head and let out a sound that was supposed to resemble a “no”. He let out a sigh and turned off the stove, turning around to look at you. “Did you go to bed early?”, he asked. “... no.”, you managed to croak out and you didn’t dare look him in the eye. “... you were in bed all day?”, he asked again and you nodded in response. He sucked in a sharp breath and you were ready for the weird comments or the negative statements... but they never came. Instead Katsuki wrapped his arms around you and pressed your head against his chest. You could hear his heart racing, and even though the sound was calming you couldn’t help but to shed a few tears of relief that you were finally in his arms. “Had a bad day, huh?”, he said softly and you nodded, “It’s okay... let’s get you some food and then I’ll tuck you in.” “... I have to shower...”, you whispered hoarsly. “Then I’ll get the bath ready while you eat, okay?”, he never spoke this softly to you, “I’ll try to see if I could get off work earlier tomorrow too.” “... thank you, Katsuki...”, you muttered against his chest. Before he could say anything else, your grumbling stomach interrupted him. “Food’s ready. Sit down, would you?”, he motioned for you to sit down by the dinner table.
Once you had eaten dinner Katsuki came back from the bathroom saying that your bath was ready. You walked in there, got undressed and got into the perfectly warm bath. It felt like the bubbles around you were embracing you, as if you were on a cloud in the sky. You tilted your head back and relaxed your tensed up shoulders.
After a while the door to the bathroom opened once again and Katsuki stepped inside. He usually took his time with eating, as it was one of the times he could relax and just be with you. However, this time he had been very quick to be back to you - you hadn’t even started washing your hair. Katsuki grabbed the showerhead and tilted your head back slightly, so that he could rinse your hair off with warm water. “Is it too hot?”, he asked. “No... it’s perfect.”, you mumbled. He hummed in response and kept washing your hair as you closed your eyes in immense pleasure. It was like going to the hairsalon, except ten times better since you were in the comfort of your own home and you were with Katsuki. “Give me the shampoo bottle.”, he said suddenly. “Oh but I can-” Katsuki simply hushed you and motioned for the shampoo bottle. You reached for it and gave it to him, letting him put the shampoo in your hair and massage your scalp. You let out a pleased hum at his motions. “You don’t have to do this for me, you know?”, you muttered out to him. “You’ve had a bad day, let me pamper you.”, he huffed, “It’s not like I’ll do this for you all the time, alright?” You chuckled at his flusteredness over something as simple at this. There was a clear image of his red face in your head, making you smile a bit brighter. “This made my day a lot better... thank you.”, you told him softly. “Don’t worry about it.”, he breathed out, “Next time text me or something, I don’t want to come home to you hurting without me even knowing about it.” “I didn’t think you’d react like this to it...”, you shrugged, “... sorry.” “You don’t have to apologies.”, he shook his head slightly, “Just let me know next time, okay? I’ll try helping you.” “Okay.”, you nodded.
Once you were out of the bath Katsuki gave you a new set of sleepwear and you followed him to the bedroom after brushing your teeth.Like he said he would, Katsuki tucked you in and then crawled under the sheets himself. He pulled you close to his chest, where you snuggled up. “Goodnight, baby.”, he whispered. “Goodnight...”
permanent taglist: @theoceanphoenixhasrisen | @raven-r0ses | @darkbeautyswife | @sondering-thoughts | @gowoneandonlyone | @bnhabadass | @queenblackcat | @jayetheanimefreek101 | @witchy-anna | @cutest-celestial-princess | @missymysa | @karebear5118 | @weebartistinc | @crystal-lilac |
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Neighbor little helper
Summary: single dad Chris gets a new neighbor he finds extremely beautiful. When his 5 year old figures out his daddy loves the neighbor, he tries to set you both up.
Warning: Fluff
Title: neighbor little helper
Word count: 2.4k
Pairing: single dad! Chris, Chris Evans x reader
Masterlist | request closed momentarily
Please don't post any of my content anywhere else without my permission. Comments and reblogs welcome!
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The moving van outside of Chris's home office caught his attention. No one has lived in the house next to him for a year and a half now and it surprised him that someone was moving in. Chris got up and walked to the window, he peered out and saw you getting out of the car.
God you were beautiful. Your smile made his stomach fill with butterflies. You looked amazing in your red graphic tee and denim Shorts. You were definitely prepared for the summer heat. 
You looked so happy as the movers pulled out your boxes. Chris was Going to keep watching, but he felt like that would be weird, so he stopped. He walked out of his office and into the living room where Nolan was.
"Daddy, someone is moving in next to us." He said, getting up off of the couch and tottered over to Chris.
 "I know, should we go say hi Nolan?" Nolan nodded, his Blue eyes just like his dad's, lighting up at the idea. Chris put out his hand, "come on little guy." Nolan took his hand and they walked out of the house. 
You were organizing your boxes on the porch when you heard footsteps. You looked up from your boxes, seeing Chris and Nolan walking towards you. You almost forgot how to breathe when you noticed Chris, but you stayed calm. "Hi." You stood up.
Chris stood in front of you, smiling. "Hi,um I'm Chris and this is my son Nolan." Nolan happily waved to you. "We live next door." He said. You smiled. "Hi, I'm y/n, it's nice to meet you both." You smiled down at Nolan.
Out of nowhere your Newfoundland dog, Max, came. Nolan gasped, “Daddy, a friend for Dodger.”  Max stopped running once he noticed nolan. He walked his fluffy self up to the little boy and started licking his face. Nolan laughed trying to push him away. You chuckled, grabbing Max's collar, “okay, let him breathe buddy.” 
Chris chuckled. Looking at you. You seriously had not one flaw about you.
 “Sorry, he’s just friendly.” Chris shook his head, “it’s fine, i think he likes it, don’t you nolan?” Nolan looked up at his dad. “Yes. Daddy, can i play with him, can I please?” he begged. Chris pointed to you, “You gotta ask her.”
Nolan looked at you. “Can I play with him please?” you nodded, “sure, oh but if he attacks you just call me okay?” Nolan nodded. You let go of max’s collar. Nolan started walking with max further into the yard where his ball was. “Maybe later you can meet dodger, our doggy.”
You chuckled, turning back to Chris. he was scratching the back of his head. “I’m sorry I don’t have a pie. I heard it was tradition to do that when people move in next to you.” he chuckled nervously. You swatted your hand, “it’s fine.” Chris and you stood in silence. You both were feeling something towards each other and you both definitely could tell. 
 “Would you like me to help you bring your boxes in?” Chris broke the silence by asking that question. 
“Oh, yes. I’ll love your help.” you picked up the book near your feet and chris picked up the other one. You walked into the empty house, sitting the boxes on the ground near the door. "So how long have you been living in this neighborhood?" you turned to Chris.
He sucked in his breath, "um for about 4 years. Ever since Nolan Mom left him when he was two weeks old, I have been living next door." Chris got an upset look on his face as he finished. You felt a little guilty for asking that question after he talked about Nolan Mom being a complete asshole. How could she let that precious boy go?
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring up anything you didn't want to talk about." Chris shook his head, "it's alright, you didn't do anything. Here let's go bring the rest of the boxes."
You beamed at him. "Yes let's do that."
Chris helped you bring in all of your boxes in less than 15 minutes. He hasn't known you for long, but he could tell you were different from other women. You lit up every time you talked about something you were passionate about. Even when he talked about Nolan you smiled. He was definitely starting to like you more and more.
Alright all of the boxes are inside. Thank you for your help." You smiled at Chris. He smiled back, "it was nothing." You walked up to your boxes. "Well I'm going to get unpacking now." Chris nodded making his way to the door. He was about to leave, but he's mind was telling him to stay so he listened. 
"Hey um, y/n would like to come over for dinner tonight?" You stopped fidgeting with the boxes. "Uh, yeah sure. I would like that." Chris nodded his head. "Okay you can come by around 7. I'll bring Max back." You thanked him once again and he left.
A few seconds later Max's was at your door with his ball in his mouth. You chuckled opening the screen door from him. "Come in big boy." He walked in and ran straight to his water bowl you sat up for him. He gulped it down and you continued to inbox a few things. 
Around 6:30, you decided it would be best if you got ready. You took a warm shower. The warm water on your body was an amazing feeling, you loved to stay in all day but you had to get out unfortunately. You slipped on a pair of pants and a blouse. After you got ready, you waited and watched TV until 7 arrived. 
Chris on the other hand was scrambling to get ready. He was nervous to have you over. You were a beautiful woman and he wanted to make sure everything was perfect for when you came over.
"Daddy, why are you in a hurry?" Nolan appeared beside Chris as he chopped up a few things. "Um, were having y/n over for dinner tonight." Nolan smiled. "Yay." Chris laughed as Nolan cheered. 
"How about you clean your toys up so when she comes over it's not too messy." Nolan nodded and walked off to clean up, at least that's what he thought.
The doorbell rang and Chris went to answer it, but stopped when he saw Nolan playing with his toys instead of Cleaning them up. 
"Nolan I said clean up your toys, bub." Nolan stood up, shame was on his face. "Sorry Daddy." Chris scooped him up before he could get anymore upset. "It's okay let's just let y/n in."
Chris walked up to the door and opened it. You stood on the other side, smiling. "Hi." Chris moved to the side letting you in. You walked in taking in the picture on the walls. It was his family and a few pictures of dodger and Nolan. It made you smile wider looking at them.
"Sorry it's a little messy here." You turned to Chris, he was putting down Nolan. "Oh no it's fine, your  dad, things will be all over the place, nothing to worry about." Chris chuckled softly. "Thank you."
He put down Nolan and he walked up to you. "Do you want to play with me y/n?" You nodded, "I would love to." You turned to Chris, seeing if that was okay. He nodded. "Dinner will be ready in a few minutes." 
Youfollowed Nolan to his playroom. "What are we going to play with?" Nolan looked at you. "We can play with my trucks." You nodded, alright let's do it." He handed you a red truck and he kept the blue one. You both played for a while and also laughed. You both didn't even notice Chris in the doorway watching you play.
He loved how his son is getting attached to you. He hasn't had that connection with any other women except his sisters and mom, it's good to see him getting along with someone other than those 3.
"Hey." You and Nolan turned around. "Dinners ready." You got up and so did Nolan. You all walked to the dinning room where Chris had already set up dinner. Chris happily pulled out your seat for you. You thanked him for his kind gesture and sat down. Chris walked to his chair and took a seat. Nolan was already deep in his food, you did everything you could to not laugh at him as you eat yours.
"So y/n what do you do for a living?" You looked at Chris, clearing your throat. "Well I'm a writer and sometimes a substitute teacher for middle school."
A little oh fell from Nolan's lips. "I going to middle school." You nodded, eyebrows raised. "Are you now?" He nodded happily, "yeah, but not yet. I'm still in kindergarten." He turned to Chris. "Right daddy?" Chris laughed. "Yes bub, your right." 
You all continued to eat and make small conversation. You noticed every now and then, Chris would look at you smiling when you talked to Nolan. You could feel your stomach churning.
When you all finished, Chris took your plate to the sink and you got up. "Miss. Y/n." You turned to Nolan, "yes?" 
"Can you stay and read a book with me? I'm just learning how to read." He said proudly." You nodded. "Yes, I'll love to." Chris watched as you left and followed him to the living room. He pulled out his favorite book and began to read it to you. He needed help with a few words, but other than that he aced it. 
He finished, and turned to you. "Did I do good?" You nodded, "yes, you did amazing." Chris walked around the couch, "it's time to get ready for bed, can you say goodnight to y/n." Nolan turned to you. "Bye, y/n," he opened his arms and hugged you. You wrapped your arms around his tiny frame hugging him. "Goodnight Nolan, it was nice talking to you." He giggled softly in your chest.  
You said goodbye and walked home. Chris put Nolan to bed. He was happy and Nolan noticed. "Daddy, you're very happy." Chris smiled as he tucked Nolan in. "Yes, daddy is quite happy today." He kissed Nolan's forehead before he said goodnight and walked out of the room.
His phone rang and Chris answered it when he noticed who it was. "Ma." 
"Hi Chris." Chris smiled and lisa could hear it in his voice. "Why are you so happy?" Chris chuckled, "well, someone just moved in next to me and um she's beautiful. I really like her and she's so good with Nolan." Lisa gasped on the other end of the phone. "Oh my, are you going to ask her on a date?" 
Chris sucked in his breath, "um I don't know. I don't know if she likes me back, but we'll see."
Nolan was listening to Chris from the top of the stairs. He knew his daddy liked you, and he was smart enough to know you liked him back. Now all Nolan wanted to do was set you and his Daddy up.
The next day Nolan woke up to the smell of breakfast. He got out of bed and went downstairs to the kitchen. "Good morning daddy." Chris turned to him. "Hi, good morning buddy." Chris placed a plate of waffles in front of Nolan and he began to eat. "So today Daddy's going to do some work." Nolan nodded. "And I'll just play." 
After getting Nolan ready for the day Chris went to work and so did Nolan. He knew he might get in trouble, but he really wanted you and Chris together. While Chris was taking a call Nolan took Dodger who was laying in bed and walked out the back door with him. He could see you in the backyard working on the garden. "Y/n!"
You looked through the fence. "Oh hi Nolan, where's your daddy?" He looked at you. "He's inside. I got Dodger, do you and Max want to meet him?" You nodded, "sure." You walked to the gate and let him in your yard. As soon as Max noticed Dodger he ran up to him, sniffing his butt. "Can I help you with your garden?" You nodded, handing him gloves. He helped you plant a few things, you loved having his help.
Chris was just finishing up a call and was going to check on Nolan. "Nolan buddy." He got no answer. Chris frowned and walked further into the house. "Nolan?" He noticed the backdoor open. He walked out of the house. "Nolan?" 
Nolan beside you heard Chris calling him. "Over here daddy." Chris sighed jogging over to your house. "Nolan, what are you doing over here?" You turned around looking at him, he was frowning with his hands on his hips. "Daddy I'm sorry, I just wanted to come over to tell y/n you like her." 
Chris felt his face warm up. "Nolan, I… " Chris' eyes flicked to you. You were looking at him with wide eyes. "Um, Nolan, can you give me and y/n sometime talk." He nodded and ran after the dogs who were rolling around in the grass.
"So," you walked up to him. "You uh, like me?" Chris' eyes fell to the ground."Yes, I like you. I know you just moved in but seeing you with Nolan it just makes me so happy. You don't have to like me back but yes I like you."
You exhaled, "Chris I like you too actually. I mean these past two days have been nice with you and Nolan and I wouldn't mind spending more time with you both." Chris beamed when he heard that you liked him back. "So how about a date on Wednesday?"
You smiled, "sure, that sounds nice." Chris bite his lip looking at the ground. "I'm sure Nolan wanted us together."
You turned to look at Nolan, Dodger and Max's, laughing at them all rolling around in the grass. "Yeah, he definitely did that on purpose." Chris chuckled, walking up to you and wrapped his arms around your waist. "I'm not even mad either." You turned to look at him smiling.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.・゜✭ 。.・
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sylvie-writes · 4 years
Bad: The Unfortunate Ending
Inspired by this song ➳ Bad by Lennon Stella
(Ransom Drysdale x wife reader)
A/n: this is my first attempt at angst so here we go... 
Disclaimer: not part of my fall writing, this is just a lil something bc I needed to write, it makes me happier after days as today. 
Warnings: Cheating, mild profanity, shitty angst & writing. Ransom being an asshole (rip all the soft Ransom stories I’ve written)
Series Masterlist
Never in a thousand years would you have seen yourself sitting in Boston’s most expensive and high end restaurant, a steak simmering at 500 degrees laying out in front of you, and the Ransom Drysdale sweetly smiling at you.
“Wait, before you start eating, I have something to ask you, love.” 
Was he gonna break up with you?
Ransom reached over his plate to reach your hand gently bringing it to his lips while maintaining eye contact with your shocked expression, soon calming.
Oh whew.
The man then set down your hand, and folded up the napkin in his lap before rounding the table, getting down on one knee. Your eyes were already welling up with tears, making it impossible to see all the people staring at you and Ransom.
“(y/n) (l/n)...
… … ...
Will you marry me?” 
After his adoring speech, the four little words came out and the man on his knee was staring up at you like you were a goddess. Overwhelmed, you happily spewed out the words of acknowledgement while Ransom slipped the lavish diamond onto your ring finger, kissing the now ringed finger before scooping you up from your chair, the two of you in a deep kiss amidst the cheers.
A few months later the two of you got married, and everything was a dream. You had a lovely house, and a husband who was practically your closest friend. The two of you spent all your time together, told every joke, talked all the time. Believe or not but Mr. Fancy Pants had preferred that you got married sooner rather than having an extravagant wedding ceremony. 
So that's what you did. One lovely Monday morning, you and Ransom drove to the courthouse, in the beamer, as if it were just any other day. 
You thought then and there, that this was it. Life was finally playing in your favor...
 All the little gifts you gave
I call it over compensating
Feeling just like a princess
Every answer was always yes
You had me living in a dream
 “Oh Ransom!” You played with the little puppy down at your feet, a red ribbon adoring it’s small, yet fluffy neck.The little thing jumped into your arms, causing you to lift off the floor, walking closer to Ransom. 
“Why did you get me a puppy, Hugh?” 
He just cheekily smiled and shrugged, walking by to kiss your cheek. “No reason!” 
You just laughed it off before going outside to play fetch with the energetic fur baby. 
Ransom always treated you for no reason, at times you really hated him for it, but not once would he ever let up.
About four months into your marriage, Harlan had invited you and Ransom to some writer’s charity gala, a black and white party, meaning Ransom was gonna rent a tux and you’d find an overly priced yet attractive dress. 
So, one Saturday afternoon, you and Ransom went to the mall, getting fitted for your clothes. You weren’t about the name brands like Ransom was, but today, Ransom now had full advantage to shower you in expensive clothing having already picked his tux yesterday. His sneaky little plan to go dress shopping with you.
“What about this one?” Your husband held up a black slip dress designed by Prada. Curiously you walked up to him, checking the tag to see its $1,000 price. In all honesty, from the looks of the dress, you had assumed Ransom picked up a simple dress. Sure, it was pretty but you weren’t about to pay that much just for the name. For what it is worth, you could sew and tailor the damn thing yourself. 
“That’s ridiculous, Ransom. I’m not about to pay that much.” 
You went to go walk off before you felt Ransom’s hot breath in your ear.
“Who said you were paying?”
Turning around, you playfully pushed him in the chest to which he laughed and peppered kisses all over your face.
“Ransom! Stop, you’re making a scene!”
He pulled away for a minute, your giggles ceasing.
“Let me treat you and I will stop.”
Quickly, the man resumed his attack, your pleas soon becoming words of compliance.
His signature smirk danced across his lips, while his free arm snaked around your waist ushering you to the tailor’s stand. 
 What's forever long to you
Did you say that to her too
Making sure that I'd never know
Callin her while the shower goes
 It was a little after midnight and Ransom wasn’t home yet, today he had been out with some friends, not inviting you. Your only company for the day was your precious little puppy, who was curled up against your stomach. The endless worry had kept you up all night as you mindlessly stroked the puppy’s back, trying to calm your own nerves.
Eventually, an hour later, the hallway light shone under the door, Ransom coming in. He was met with your worried look and came to rush over to your side.
“You scared me to death, Ransom. Two hours ago, you were supposed to be back!” 
“I know. I know. I’m so sorry baby. Now, get some sleep, I love you. Forever, my love.”
Ransom gently pulled the blanket over you, kissing you goodnight, then heading off to shower.
Turning on the shower, Ransom pulled the phone out of his pocket, scrolling to the bottom of his contacts and dialing, Blair❤️. 
“Hey baby, today was amazing Ranny!”
A deep chuckle left Ransom’s throat, the woman on the phone giggling.
“I know, angel. You are the best, love ya forever, Sweetheart.” 
Blair continued to gush over the phone, recalling the earlier events of the day at her house where Ransom had spent the whole day. (leaving that sentence to the eye of the beholder.)
Shower, and you, long forgotten, Ransom spent the rest of the night talking to the woman, leaving the bedroom to go downstairs, assuming you were already asleep.
Ironically, that night, you dreamt of all the times you and Ransom would stay up just talking and laughing...
Then crawl back in bed, it's a shame
I probably should've known better
I probably should've known better
 It was 4 am, and Blair had fallen asleep on the phone, leaving Ransom to bid her goodbye and get some shut eye himself. 
It was like sleeping next to a stranger, the warmth of the bed now gone. Coldness, replacing the loving embrace.
About two months ago, your work gave its employees a week off for the holidays. It was once in a blue moon that you got to see your family, so you seized this opportunity. You wished your husband could have come, but Ransom had to stay behind to help Harlan with an upcoming novel. In truth, Ransom never saw himself reverting back to his bad ways, but who knows what entices people to change.
One night, Ransom went out for a drink, a young lady, about twenty-seven years old, came up to the sulking man. He was drowning his sorrows in a couple of beers, wishing he were there with you. Oh how he missed you!
“Hey stranger.”
The sultry voice hit too close to home for Ransom, a voice he knew all too well.
And let’s just say a few drinks later, he came to remember his old fling as Blair.
 I wish that you would've treated me bad
The truth is you couldn't have loved me better
Now I'm left feeling twice as sad
I wish you would've treated me bad bad bad
It felt like you were living a hallmark movie, and never would you have thought any different.
Your feet were propped on the Ransom’s lap as the two of you laid down Uno cards on the coffee table. 
“Yes, darling?”
You set the Uno cards in your lap, adjusting on the couch so that you’d be straddling Ransom. The man brightly smiling at you, enveloping you with his muscular arms. In complete bliss, you leaned forward and kissed him, a slow and intimate kiss. Time completely stopped as you were just in your own little world. 
He treated you so well, you’d never be prepared for the heartbreak that’d ensue. 
 I wasn't catching on to you
Blinded by your lips so smooth
Excusing all of your gotta goes
Leaving me to be all alone
 “Do you really have to go, Ransom?” 
Your arms were wrapped around the man’s neck, pleading for him to stay. A small frown made a way onto his lips before he leaned in to kiss you deeply, pulling away from your lips while you were still trying to catch up. 
“I gotta go.”
With that, he rushed out. A business meeting was it? Or was it Harlan? You couldn’t remember. For the past two months, you’ve been accepting all of his excuses, soon all of them blending, yet in the end you were always left standing in the house, alone with your dog.
It's okay, you told yourself. Sure he forgot your birthday last month. It’s fine.
As long as he didn't forget your wedding anniversary next month, everything would be fine…
 Then you took my heart just the same
I probably should've known better
I probably should've known better
 No it wasn’t fine. He forgot your anniversary. He forgot you. In the mornings, he’d no longer stay with you, instead finding an excuse to rush out, no kisses, not even hugs, Rarely did the two of you talk and soon, it became your new normal.
You should’ve known better.
 Every word you said you was sweet but you was lying
Everything you covered making up just to keep to me from crying
Another late night, Ransom had gone to help his mother at some dinner party for her business, or so he said. He left early this morning, claiming he was gonna help set up and that he’d be home by 8. Yet, here you are, watching the 11 o’clock news, waiting for your husband’s arrival since he had left you with radio silence all day.
Suddenly, the door flew open, a sloppily dressed Ransom, stumbling in, clearly piss-ass drunk.
“Oh you're awake!”
You walked over to help him sit on the couch, just as you were about to turn off the lamp beside the couch, you noticed a tint of red lipstick on Ransom’s lips. You hadn’t worn any lipstick today, right?
Tenderly, you traced your thumb over his lips, as his eyes gazed into yours.
“Ransom, what’s on your lips?”
In a poor attempt, Ransom went to grab your hand, missing and instead grabbing your shoulder, leaning in to kiss you, instead getting your ear. 
“It’s nothing, (y/n).” 
His head was laying on your shoulder, as he was about to fall asleep, his energy suddenly gone.
“Really? It seems like something, you have a woman’s lipstick on your lips for god sake!”
Ransom then perked up and hugged you tightly, whispering reassuring words to you. Drunkenly, his words mashed together, causing you to barely understand his “comforting” speech. 
“I love you so much, sweetheart, I’d never do that to you.”
Sweetheart, a name once reserved for you, now unknowingly shared with another woman.
Believing his lies, because why not? He had never given you a reason not to trust him, not yet anyway.
 I wish that you would've treated me bad
The truth is you couldn't have loved me better
Now I'm left feeling twice as sad
I wish you would've treated me bad bad bad
 That very next week, Ransom had to leave once again, this time a boys’ trip to the club. You thought nothing of it, now used to his absence, keeping to yourself with the dog and some friends.
Later that afternoon, you were enjoying a sandwich and lemonade out on the front porch when a Maseratti pulled into the driveway, a familiar man stepping out.
“(y/n)! Is Ransom home?”
The man pulled you into an embrace, leaving you confused at his presence.
“Why are you here Oliver? Ransom said he was out with you and James.”
Oliver just shrugged his shoulders, he too jumping to the same conclusion. At this point you were just seeing red, storming into the house, Oliver following. You practically were stomping holes into the hallway for your footsteps were as heavy as your heart. Maybe all along you had been suspicious deep inside, maybe you just never wanted to believe it.
Then finding Ransom’s phone in his nightstand, you came back into the doorway to meet Oliver. If your suspicions were true, you’d like to at least embarrass the dumbass in front of his friend. They all knew he was a playboy at heart, but after you, every one had assumed he’d matured somewhat. 
Clearly, they were all wrong.
Your husband was the biggest idiot in the world, making his password your anniversary date, for he was so forgetful. You found this hilarious, because he forgot your first wedding anniversary, god you were so naive. 
Was this wrong? Sleuthing through his phone?
Sure. But it could never equal up to what you were about to find. 
Opening text messages, 50 unread, all from you, your messages definitely ignored as a woman named Blair was at the top of his messages. 
You gagged at the heart by her name, one that used to be by yours. Scrolling through the texts, you found yourself growing angrier by the minute, finally, you just lost it. With great vehemence, you slammed the phone against the floor, making it shatter everywhere, Oliver and your dog, slightly jumping.
It was then that it hit you.
You crashed to the floor, crying hysterically, as the world came crashing down with you. Oliver, crouching down on the floor, trying to calm your sobs.
Tonight you were gonna confront that backstabbing, no good, cheating son of a bitch.
 Tell me the truth
Was it worth it was I worth it for you
'Cause we were perfect we working til you
Forgot to tell me you been seeing someone else for six years
It was 9 pm and you hadn’t expected Ransom’s arrival for another hour or two, so you spent the time packing your bags and drinking some coffee, preparing yourself to tear the man a new one. 
This time, there wasn’t a slammed door signaling Ransom’s presence, rather soft footsteps and his low voice, like the old days.
Ha, the one time he gets home early. Ehh you were ready anyway
“Hey babe! Oooh can I have some?”
Before you could answer, Ransom took your mug and a few swigs of coffee, handing it back to you, placing a kiss on your head. In utter surprise, you looked up at the man who just smiled down at you.
“You look I haven’t kissed you in weeks, my love.”
And with that he pecked your lips quickly, walking to the counter, you still trying to process what had just happened. 
It was true. He hadn’t kissed you in weeks.
No, you weren’t gonna let him win this time.
“It’s because you haven’t.”
Confusion swirled around on Ransom’s face, allowing you to continue.
“You haven’t kissed me in weeks. But you have kissed Blair, I'm sure.” 
The coffee mug in his hand dropped onto his foot, shattering, leaving you smirking at the small victory.
Heartbreak can make one go insane. Afterall, you are losing the one person you loved most, losing yourself along with them. 
“For months I have put up with your bullshit…” 
A good ten minutes passed of you yelling at Ransom, the man unexpectedly letting you finish.
“You’re a cheating, son of a bitch.”
Angrily, you ripped off the wedding ring, now noticing Ransom wasn’t even wearing his, for god knows how long too. Once upon a time, he’d proudly wear it all the time.
“(y/n) wait--”
Ransom grabbed your arm before you slapped him, the man slightly stunned.
“No. I’m tired of your excuses, I’m tired of letting you win. You and Brittany, should have an amazing life together, that is if you can even commit to her like you told me.”
A whisper of defeat left his mouth.
“It’s Blair…”
“The hell with it! You broke my heart Ransom! I knew it was too fucking good to be true. DAMN IT, I LOVED YOU.”
Hysterically laughing, you looked like a mad woman, lowering your voice just a bit.
“You know what makes this hurt 2x worse? I thought you had actually loved me too, because it seemed like it.”
You broke into tears, your heart in a thousand pieces, rushing away to grab your bags, Ransom not even trying to fight, knowing you're too strong this time. He let the best thing that ever happened to him slip away. 
Ages ago you could remember the lovely times with the man you once would die for, yet...
Your love was just an illusion. 
 I wish that you would've treated me bad
The truth is you couldn't have loved me better
Now I'm left feeling twice as sad
I wish you would've treated me bad bad bad
I wish that you would've treated me bad
Truth is you couldn't have loved me better
Now I'm left feeling twice as sad
I wish you would've treated me bad bad bad
a/n: maybe i should stay away from angst bc this sucked.
Updated a/n: this is gonna be a series! If you’d like to be on the taglist lemme know!!
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kunderdogs · 4 years
Take A Chance VII
Simon Dominic (AOMG) x Y/N (Reader) Genre: Romance / Angst Count: I didn’t count lol sorry Warnings: None Rating: Mature (suggestive, swearing) Summary: Who would’ve thought a one night stand with Simon D would turn into FWB? It only gets more complicated when you developed feelings, against your better judgement.
This gif of Simon D is one of my favs. Pls don’t hate me for the ending. :) Two more chapters left! 
Had to post this early because I got called into work today.
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Chapter One. | Chapter Two. | Chapter Three. | Chapter Four. | Chapter Five. | Chapter Six. | Chapter Seven.
Driving around aimlessly at 9AM was not how you pictured the start of your weekend to go. Then again, you could’ve never imagined Simon would stroll up to your place, drunk as hell and picking fights with you in the middle of the night either. For now, you felt your nerves settle as you drove around the town. You figured you could drive around and get some fresh air. Anything to get your mind off of your intruding thoughts. 
Being in that house with Kiseok just felt so suffocating.
You were cruising through some of the residential neighborhoods when you noticed you were close by Nicky’s house. You smiled and pulled on the side of the street, immediately grabbing your phone and dialing her number. She picked up at the last minute, groaning and complaining of a hangover, before launching into retelling you all of the drama from last night.
“So what do you want to eat? I’ll pick something up for you.” You connected the call to your car before pulling off the street. 
Nicky yawned a bit, “Eh, don’t worry about it. Wouldn’t want you to come all the way over here just to get me breakfast.”
“I’m in your neighborhood anyway so just tell me what you’re in the mood for. Cinnamon rolls? French fries?”
“Why are you in my neck of the woods at,” she paused on the other end, most likely to pull the phone back to check the time. “9:27AM? Couldn’t sleep?”
You sighed a little louder than you intended to, “You could say that. Since you won’t tell me what you want, I’ll surprise you.”
She hummed in agreement, “Don’t forget the OJ! Thank you, love. See in you in bit.”
Saying your goodbyes, it didn’t take long to get to a small cafe about ten minutes from Nicky’s apartment. It was early enough that there wasn’t much customers so you were happy to be in and out of there within a few minutes.
Upon arrival at Nicky’s place, you found her sprawled out on the couch, clothes from last night wrinkled but still in place. Her makeup was wiped off and smeared onto makeup wipes that were on the coffee table. You laughed to yourself, nudging her with your foot when you got closer. She was such a beautiful disaster.
“You look like you’re barely hanging on over here,” you teased, putting the food down on the coffee table before cleaning up the makeup wipes.
Nicky mumbled something in the pillow and reached blindly for the food. “So what’s bothering you, hm?” Her voice followed you into the kitchen.
Washing your hands in the sink, your mind worked to find the right words but they got stuck in your throat. Everything was still so confusing to you.
Yes, you had deep feelings for Kiseok but the reality was that you couldn’t be together.
It was just cruel of your mind to even picture him involved with you in the way you wanted him to be.
Part of you was relieved that you ended it but the other, much larger part, almost immediately regretted it. That part of you wanted to run back into his arms and confess your feelings to him right at this second.
You didn’t realize how loud you sighed until a cold hand wrapped around your wrist. Nicky pulled you to the living room, and began searching for a movie while you got comfortable on the couch
“Does it have anything to do with Lover Boy?” She guessed, eyeing your downcast mood. When you pouted without answering her, she plopped next to you. “Wanna talk about it?”
Nicky always wanted to talk about her problems, which you were completely willing to listen to but when it came to you sharing...It was a little more difficult for you to open up. She was never offended or put off when you didn’t want to talk about your feelings but she was definitely surprised when you nodded.
As Iron Man played in the background, you spilled everything that happened last night. Her sky-colored eyes grew in size as you vented about everything that was said yet she didn’t interrupt you once. By the time you were done, you took a moment to catch your breath and her mouth was hanging open in shock.
“Dear lord, I leave you alone for two seconds and all this happens huh,” she teased, causing a smile to crack on your lips.
Taking a bite of her food, Nicky thought about what she wanted to say before looking at you fully, “So, are you going to tell him or leave it at that?”
Looking to the hanging TV, you sunk back into the couch. What good would come out of you telling Kiseok your feelings for him? Other than getting it off your chest, it would change nothing. If anything, it may even ruin your chances of being friends with him in the future.
If you couldn’t be with Kiseok romantically, you still wanted to be friends. He was always there to listen to you and give you advice, even make you smile when you were stressed or having a bad day. Above all else, you enjoyed his company, even when you two just sat and did absolutely nothing.
You huffed when you noticed Nicky was still waiting for an answer, “There’s nothing more for me to say. I feel like I’ve said all I had to...”
She snorted, “You didn’t say anything of importance. You should go back to your place and talk it out with him.”
“What good would come from that?” You dismissed.
She shrugged, “Maybe he feels the same way. Close mouths don’t get fed.”
The orange juice you were drinking almost came back up through your nose as you snorted. “Yeah, right. If Simon even had an ounce of feelings for me, he wouldn’t be out with that other chick.”
Nicky couldn’t really argue with that point and shook her head, “You know how men are. They don’t realize their feelings until it slaps them in the face. From what you tell me, Simon D is the type of guy to not recognize it right away.”
Sighing again, you felt the tension in your shoulders. “I’ll figure it out later. I just want to rest for a bit. All this is so emotionally draining.”
With an understanding smile, a foot suddenly kicked into your side, forcing you to lay down on the couch. You glared playfully at your best friend while she tossed a throw blanket over your lower half.
“Take a nap. I’m going to shower. Gotta wash away all the bad decisions I made last night.”
Without further ado, Nicky skipped off to her bathroom, your laughter following her down the hallway.
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Usually, you had a hard time falling asleep now that Cookie wasn’t with you, but something about Nicky’s apartment was so cozy that you were out like a light in under five minutes of laying down. It was probably because her couch was just so warm and comfortable.
Either way, you woke up hours later to another Avengers movie playing and Nicky eating brownies at the other end of the couch. You checked your phone to see if Cookie had called or texted, but they were at a water park today so you weren’t expecting a call until they got home, which would be late at night for them. It made you a little sad to not talk to your mini all day but you were glad she was having a good time with your ex’s family.
Sleepy eyes glanced at the time on your phone. “Shit. It’s already 1:30? How long was I out?”
“Since like 10, dude. You must’ve been dead tired.”
Yawning, you sat up and snuggled the blanket into you again. “Still am. I think I’m gonna head home and go to sleep in my own bed though.”
“Are you saying my couch isn’t an acceptable bed?” She teased, knowing damn well you loved her couch more than your own.
“I will steal this one day and replace it with mine.”
“Sure. Text me when you get home. Drive safe! Woah- HEY! Leave the cinnamon rolls!”
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The drive back to your house was uneventful. Oddly enough, there was hardly any traffic out which was a bit odd for a weekend, but you thought nothing of it.The once blue sky was now gray with even darker clouds hanging low. It felt like the calm before the storm. 
You were in no rush to get home, and the feeling only amplified when you pulled up to your apartment and noticed Kiseok’s car still parked in the guest parking.
Sighing, you dragged your feet up to your place and as soon as you were getting off the elevator on your floor, your phone rang. A wide smile broke out on your lips.
“Hi, sweetie! I was waiting for you to call me!” You answered, leaning over the rail that over looked the courtyard garden. “Oh yeah? How was the water park?”
A few minutes into your conversation, you were so engrossed with listening to her ramble about her favorite rides, that you didn’t notice the opening or closing of a door down the hall. Heavy footsteps came closer to you, but you paid it no mind. Other than yourself, there was two other families that lived on this floor so it wasn’t out of the ordinary.
“Mommy missed you too. Your daddy being nice to you?” You laughed when you heard a huff on the other side of the phone. “No, I didn’t have dinner yet. I’ll have some later- oh, okay. Tell your grandmother I said hi, okay?”
The sound of someone clearing their throat alerted you to the body leaning on the rail a few feet from you.
Jung Kiseok, still in his clothes from last night, peered down at the garden beneath you two. When he noticed your attention on him, he glanced to you. “Can we talk?”
Jesus, he literally came out of nowhere! Noticing your jaw hanging slightly, you swallowed before agreeing with your daughter. “Yes, baby, it’s okay. Go shower and go to sleep. Thank you for calling me. I love you. Goodnight...”
The ending dial tone sounded much too loud for your ears as the silence in the hallway was almost suffocating. It was quiet for sometime, since the two of you didn’t say anything. Kiseok was trying to find the words to say, and you had too much you didn’t want to uncover.
This conversation was inevitable but you still wanted to avoid it. The lump in your throat only grew when he sighed deeply. It seemed like he was about to say something, until the elevators opened and two small blurs sprinted out. “I-”
The Choi twins were your neighbor’s kids and it was only another two seconds before you saw their mother chase after them. You giggled after them, those two were always giving their mother a hard time.
“Sorry about that,” A deep voice apologized. You nodded to the twin’s father, who was holding a tiny baby wrapped in blankets to keep him warm.
“Don’t worry about it,” you waved him off with a smile but didn’t miss the double take he did to your company.
“Maybe we should go inside?” Kiseok pushed off from the rail and waved slightly to a wide-eyed Mr. Choi.
You took the advice without a word, leading the way to your front door though he would’ve had no problem finding it himself. Once inside, you kicked your sandals off and dropped your purse on the entry table.
The door shut tightly behind him, entrapping the both of you in a thick silence that didn’t go unnoticed. You sunk into the couch, giving him enough room to sit near you without touching you.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
You weren’t sure what you expected him to say, but it surely wasn’t that. Could you really be surprised though? Suspecting what he was asking, you had to make sure you two were on the same page.
“Tell you about what?”
Tired dark eyes stared you down, “Let’s not go back and forth. I know you have a daughter and I’m not sure what kind of problems you and your husband have, but cheating is never the way to go about it.”
You tried to stop the loud laughter that spilled out of you, but that was so far from what you thought he would say. You honestly couldn’t help it, and soon, you had tears in your eyes as you were literally rolling around the couching laughing.
Kiseok did not look amused in the slightest - his lips thinned into a hard line, brows frowned to display his seriousness of the topic. “This really isn’t something to laugh about. I refuse to be some kind of homewrecker.”
You had finally got your giggles under control when he said that, launching you into another fit of laughter. “What! You think-?! Oh my god, I haven’t laughed like that in a while,” you giggled, wiping the spilling tears from your eyes.
Feeling his glare, you sat up and took a breath. The tension was a bit less in the room. “I’m not married.”
He didn’t believe you. “You have family pictures-”
“In my daughter’s room, yes.”
He dismissed your interruption, “I saw that man at the airport when you ran into Jay Park. He hugged you and you were crying.”
You paused, blinking slowly. How did he see that? “How do you know that?”
The way he sighed with finality made you feel a bit defensive. “Jay was FaceTiming me and Loco. The main point of this is I don’t want to be in the middle of whatever you have with your husband.”
Eyes rolling, you crossed your arms under your chest. “Stop saying that. I’m not married.”
“Why are you lying? You have a child with him.” The tone of his voice raised slightly but you frowned at him.
“You can make a kid without being married to someone. Me and my daughter’s father aren’t together. I’m no cheater. Unlike you, I don’t have a list of hoes I can run to.” The words left your mouth but you regretted it immediately. Your personality didn’t allow you to apologize or take it back, especially with how heated you were becoming.
Sitting less than a foot away from you, Kiseok couldn’t really argue with that. You were right. He called Nayoung because she didn’t care for a relationship and he had wanted to...hurt you the same way he had been hurt after seeing you in the arms of another man.
It was childish of him, he’ll admit it, but it happened. He was only human and he had acted on his emotions. It wasn’t one of his proudest moments. Once you brushed past him at the restaurant with tears in your eyes, he had felt sick to his stomach about the whole thing. It wasn’t like he knew you would be there that night, it was honestly a terrible coincidence. After that night, he couldn’t even look Nayoung in the eyes without seeing your heartbroken expression.
Prideful at heart, Kiseok still felt the need to defend himself even if it was a weak defense, “I don’t have a list of hoes. That was me being an idiot.”
“Whatever, Kiseok. I don’t care anymore.” Calling him without an honorific gave you a sinking feeling in your stomach but you looked away from him. “What more do you want from me?”
With that, he faced you fully, “Everything. I want to know everything, about your daughter, your past, the truth about all of it.”
Startled, you faced him with doubt clouding your face. “Why? Why does any of that matter to you? Why do you even care?”
For the first time today, you saw Kiseok smile. Not a smirk, or half grin that he liked to flash you when he teased you, but a real smile with his teeth showing. Looking closer, he also was a little rosy in the cheeks a bit. “I-Well...I thought it was obvious now, but you’re really dense.”
You thought you knew where this was going so you sighed, “Look, I’m not a charity case, okay? I can-”
“I really like you, ___. Not just in a sexual way either. I like you on an emotional level...I really, really like you,” he confessed in a rush, sounding just like you felt at the moment - breathless.
And then your heart started to ache.
“Kiseok...we can’t...we can’t be together.”
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Oldest Friend
A TMR/TDC Gally x FEMcharacter
hello hi again lol. it’s been over two years I believe since I last posted (I got locked out and finally found a way back in). I took down my first two parts of this Gally imagine, I didn’t like how I originally went with it and had a very long time to go over it lol. Again, I did not read Kill Order, I’ve read all the other 3 books and seen the movies so this was me creating my own character and pairing her with Gally and throwing them into the story, before and after the mazes, as I pictured in my head. Let me know if there’s anything you’d like to see with this story and feedback is appreciated :) I already have multiple parts written for it and they’re all pretty lengthy so if lengthy isn’t your cup of tea I’m sorry but that’s just how I write.
Triggers: as of rn I don’t think there are any but lmk if I need to put one :)
word count: 4306 (again, I’ve always written lengthy stuff and can shorten or add more to the next ones if preferred, I just always want to make sure the backstory and details that are in my head get put in)
At first this was all so scary. They were ripped from their families and taken to a WCKD facility where they lived in dorm-like rooms and forced into classes and to push themselves in ways they never had before. None of them really understood why they were there. Of course, they had been told a watered down story of why they were there. But they still didn’t get it. Some of it started to make more sense as they got older, their days consisting less of their in-class studies and more of “hands on” learning.
As memories of their families and old lives faded, they started to get comfortable with their new skills they had acquired. Some excelled more academically than others and some excelled more physically, which made it easier to sort them where WCKD needed them. They usually saw each other when it was time to eat, about a hundred teens packed into a giant cafeteria. But otherwise they were usually kept around the others who they “worked” with or shared their rooms with.
They all had met the first day in the new facility, around 7 and 8 years old. They were ushered into a classroom with all white walls and flooring, with matching uniforms and scared expressions. That’s when they were given their new names and the purpose of why they were there. As time went on they formed their little friend bubbles, and still ate together now that they spend their days apart.
They were the closest thing to best friends as they could possibly be in that place. Newt, Minho, Alby, Gally, and Siggy. A few of them even got to bunk together. They usually sat with a few of the people who worked in the labs and facilities crew now, who they had met way back when in that empty classroom. Sitting around eating, laughing, telling stories, venting, and hanging out as teens should.
The two of them that were the closest were Gally and Meghan. If you were to ask anyone in the group they would probably have said that the two were acquaintances at most; Meghan was on the softer side and barely spoke, while Gally was usually picking fun at everyone and the most talkative of them all.
Gally was one of the kids who turned out to be physically inclined. He spent his days building things and with the construction crew. At first it was just a lot of lifting and the occasional construction of small buildings or labs. But lately they’ve had the crew traveling out into the desert to landscape and start to put the walls of their arenas together.
Meghan was someone who had great focus with her work and was shuffled into the labs with the likes of Thomas and Teresa. Occasionally she would spend time in the medical wing as Teresa’s shadow, but her specialty was coding. She was someone they counted on when the computer systems would crash or help them to create new programs to help further their studies. They usually tried to spend s couple days a week in the medwing, and that’s exactly when she had her first encounter with Gally outside of their little bubble….
“Gally! That’s enough!” she scolded him, pushing him into the nearest exam room and into a chair. He scowled at her while he started to roll his sleeve up. “There are other people in here, too. Besides, we usually respond to ‘please-and-thank-you’s’ better.”
“Just need it cleaned…” he mumbled. The gash in his arm went from his elbow halfway to his wrist, and there were a few splinters around it that she had to pick out before she could do anything else. He sat expressionless while she worked, biting the inside of his cheek.
“So. What’d you do this time, clumsy?” she asked, trying to keep him distracted from what she was doing.
“Some dumbass didn’t secure the lumber right while we were loading the burgs… whole thing just crashed down on us while we were trying to move it. Figured it would hurt my arm a hell of a lot less that it would my head.” He huffed. She pursed her lips and kept digging the splinters out of his arm. He wasn’t wrong about that. Stitching up an arm is a million times better than unzipping a body bag.
After all the digging was done the wound was fairly easy to clean so she began to stitch it up, his leg bouncing up and down as she started. When she’d catch him glancing at her she would try to give him an apologetic smile, but he’d just turn away. Toward the wider part of the gash is when he couldn’t help but wince away.
“Here, sit still for a sec, okay?” she got up and got the numbing cream but he grabbed her with his good arm.
“Just stitch it already! What, you think I can’t take it?” his cheeks were flushed. She plopped back down and took a big scoop of it anyways, giving him a stern look.
“Gally, I mean this in the nicest way. Shut up.” His cheeks flushed again and he turned away, but he was visibly less tense as she started to smooth the cream around his arm. “Feel alright now?”
“Mmhmm.” He sighed, leaning back and closing his eyes. She finished up the rest and instructed him on how to keep it clean and when to come back to get them removed. “You act like these are the first stitches I’ve ever gotten, Meg.” He laughed, earning an eye roll and giggle from her.
“Hey, just gotta be able to say I told you.” She pulled his arm back toward her and inspected her work while he stayed slumped in his chair. It already looked so much better than when he walked in. She mindlessly ran her fingers up and down the underneath of his arm while she looked, and after a few moments he bolted straight up and yanked himself away from her.
“The hell are you doing?” he mumbled, crossing his arms. She turned and started to clean everything up to hide her red cheeks. After a few awkward seconds of silence he sighed, “Sorry, just irritable I guess.”
“I.. it’s fine. Here-” she walked over to the exam room door and shut it, then closed the blinds. “Go ahead and lock the door after me, I’ll give you the room and say I gave you pain meds that knocked you out. Should get you at least a few hours for a nice nap. If you want.” She reached for the handle when he caught her arm.
“Hey… thanks Meg.” They both blushed as his hand lingered. “I promise not to be a big ol’ jerk next time.” She laughed and opened the door.
“Just keep the door locked and don’t tell on us.” With one last little smile she closed the door behind her.
“Hey, Meg.” Gally breathed, slamming his dinner tray on the table. She jumped at the noise, then gave him a grin.
“Gally.” A familiar blush crept up on his face. They both looked away and began picking at their food while everyone was talking. Siggy was going on and on about his latest attempts in the kitchen, getting a laugh from everyone. They joined into different conversations, occasionally stealing glances at one another before quickly looking away again.
They all started standing up and taking their trays toward the dirty bins. After she dumped her plates and slid them into the dirty dish shoot, she turned and made eye contact with Gally, only to glance away again to tell them all goodnight. When Gally went to wave to her she saw him wiggle his fingers. She was very used to their little signal but her heart still jumped a beat every time. She gave him a smile and waved back, wiggling her fingers right back at him. He cracked a huge smile and headed off back toward the boy’s hall, sneaking one more look before going through the double doors.
Just a little longer, she told herself. This was how she and Gally spent most of their nights. They’d go back to their rooms, go through the motions of getting ready for bed. Showering, brushing their teeth, putting on their pajamas, gossiping with their roommates, etc. Then they’d wait for everyone to be asleep and make their way to an empty hallway. The hall was basically used for storage, and no one was ever there after hours. The only reason they even new it existed was because they had stumbled upon it by chance one day. Of course, Meghan watched it for days to make sure that no one frequented the area and even still checks the security cameras every morning to make sure that no one would get close to catching them out of bed that late. Luckily she also spotted that a corner of the hall, the corner right next to the door, was covered in a shadow and couldn’t be seen by the cameras from that angle.
Soon, her room was filled with light snores. Very, very quietly she slid out of her bed and pulled the covers back over the pillow. When she got to the door she glanced one more time around the room, then tip toed out into the hall and shut it softly behind her. Staying as close to the wall as possible she made her way toward the labs.
When you look at the security footage almost every day, you soon realize where the blind spots are. It wasn’t too hard for her to stay out of the view of the cameras. All she needed to do was stay close to the wall, in the shadows and in the corners. Since the hall they met in was basically abandoned, there was only one camera that aimed down the middle of it. She cracked the door and slid through it, quickly but quietly closing it behind her. It always made her feel so bad ass when she would get there and back without being caught. That feeling, along with her soul, left her body when someone grabbed her from behind. She started to scream but a hand clamped around her mouth before she could.
“You trying to get us caught!” Gally whispered. He let her go and she relaxed, giving him a playful punch. Neither could help the smiles on their faces. This was their favorite, hiding in this dusty room. They would sit and talk for hours. They gave each other the comfort they knew WCKD would never give them or care if they got. There was something about being around each other that made everything okay.
They went over every second of their day. The good, the bad, the sad, the frustrating. Everything. Gally was in the middle of ranting about having to spend all day in the desert when he tapered off. She gave him a silly look as he reached over, taking a stray hair and tucking it behind her ear. She felt her cheeks get hot as he kept looking at her. After the longest second of her life he jumped right back into was he was saying. Talking, joking, dreaming, complaining. The rest of the night she felt half there; half of her listening, half of her stuck in that moment where he was touching her.
They sat there for a bit longer before he glanced at his watch, frowning and standing up. She was definitely ready for bed but didn’t want to leave their own little hide away. He must’ve read her mind because he gave her a little smirk and reached his hand out for her.
“C’mon, Meg, you know we can’t stay here all night.” He pulled her up quicker than she expected, causing her to trip right into his chest. This time both their cheeks went red and she gave him a little push.
“Geeeeez, Gal, you trying to help me up or rip my arm off!” she headed toward the door and he grabbed her hand, twirling her as they went.
“Hey, why not though? An extra arm would come in pretty handy out there.” He teased, earning a slap-happy giggle from her. They stared at each other for a few silent moments, neither of them knowing what to say. She knew they’d have to head back to their rooms if they wanted to get any sleep at all.
“Ugh… yeah we should go.” She mumbled, motioning toward the door. He nodded his head and shrugged, reaching his arm toward her. Her heart jumped; she could feel her pulse quicken. She stretched her arms right back toward him, wrapping them around his waist and resting her head on his chest. He froze for a second before resting his arms around her.
“Uhh.. thank you?” he chuckled. Her heart dropped and the heat returned to her cheeks; he wasn’t reaching to hug her… he was reaching for the door. She gave herself an internal kick in the ass before letting go. Of course, she just had to make it awkward. But a small part of her was over-the-moon. They both slid out the door, sticking to the shadows. They shared a final look at each other and mouthing their goodnights, taking off back to their own hallways and into their own rooms again.
Her mind raced as she snuggled into her covers, trying to dissect everything she was feeling. Why the hell was he making her so nervous? He hadn’t been acting any different… but… maybe it wasn’t Gally who was different? Maybe it was her who had changed... noticed new things about him… FELT different things about him…
Snap out of it! She told herself Even if he were to see her in the same light as she saw him, what sort of time could they possibly have together? WCKD had every intention of moving forward with their newest generation of captives, of sending them into a terrifying and uncertain future. Why start ANYTHING when it’ll most likely end in heartbreak? And that’s assuming WCKD would even allow there to even be “anything”.
A few hallways over Gally was tossing and turning in his bed, unable to find a comfortable way to lay. The same things were flying through his mind; how he had been painfully aware of how beautiful she was when she laughed, or how excited she got when she talked about the things she liked, and the way she always knew exactly how to handle him. Sad, angry, happy, or hurt she was always the one who knew him best and how to make everything okay again. From what he could remember from what their teachers had told them, their lives here were only temporary. A lump formed in his throat when he thought of them going their separate ways. He had to do it, he had to tell her was had been on his mind. He thought of the first time they met in that room, their room, as he drifted to sleep.
He slammed the medblab door open, looking around wildly.
“Where’s Meg.” He demanded, sweat dripping down his blood red face. Everyone just kind of glanced around at each other and shrugged, not really knowing what to say. He let out an exaggerated sigh and then stormed out, making sure to slam the door behind him. He made a beeline for the labs. She was the only one he wanted to talk to. He could just see the laboratory doors but just before he could go in she busted out of them.
“Gally!” she hissed, grabbing his arm and pulling him to the side. “What the hell are you doing! Why did the medbay just call here-���
“Well had they just told me where you were like I had asked they wouldn’t have had to call!” he yelled, trying to yank his arm away from her. She took off down the hall, pulling him behind her.
“Talk. Now.” He began to tell her everything about his day, right up to where someone really, really messed up. Not only did someone load one of the buses wrong but everything came spilling out of it on the road. Not only that, but seconds later the same guy crashed that bus right into a tree. Gally had been the first one up there to check on the guy and it turned out the guy, Jeff, had fallen asleep at the wheel, and when everyone else got there Jeff was quick to flip his story and blamed Gally for the whole thing.
“And so now I’m in huge trouble for wrecking a bus and destroying equipment that someone else ruined!” he ranted. She waited patiently, nodding along to the things he had let build up inside of him until he was ready to explode. They ended up in the cafeteria and sitting down at one of the empty tables. He realized he had been holding his breath and slowly let it all out.
“Are you okay, Gal?” she finally said, earning a confused look from him.
“Wha-?” he breathed.
“Are you okay, Gally? Like, what can I do to help? Or to take your mind off of it?” she kept her voice soft and even. He was at a loss for words, he didn’t really expect her to care. Just to listen and tell him he was being a hot-head and to go back to work and forget about it. She took his silence as an okay to keep going. “Look, you need to take a breather. That guy was wrong for pinning that on you but also you need to know that nothing is going to happen to you. You’re one of, if not their best, guy out there and they need that. Also, we need to come up with a way for you to calm down when these things happen. There’s no need to be slamming doors and scaring the poor kids in the medwing, okay? Letting everything build up like that and exploding isn’t healthy, either.”
“Yes.” Was all he could think of. He felt silly, rushing all the way over to her for something so petty. Something he could’ve settled himself… She placed a hand on his arm.
“Look, if you want to come and vent to me, I’ll always have time to listen. But no more outbursts. Just… promise you won’t let things bottle up anymore, yeah?” he pursed his lips at her.
“Do you mean it?” wow. He had never felt so dumb in his life. But he also craved having someone to talk to. Someone to listen to her. The someone that she was offering to be.
“100%.” She smiled. Standing up, she reached for his hand. He jokingly rolled his eyes and took it, hopping up next to her. “Now, don’t make me have to trek across this building and kick your ass for slamming doors.”
Since they were the first ones in the cafeteria they went ahead and got their food. Everyone started sitting down when they were halfway done with their dinner, questioning why they were there so early. He gave her an apologetic look as he told everyone some tale about having to unload stuff at the lab and how they were done early, blah blah blah. She tried to suppress a couple laughs, giving him a wink while she took a bite. His cheeks went bright pink as he looked back down, biting the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling. He was very grateful to finally have found a friend.
Dinner had been going well, everyone was in a good mood and it felt like a million pounds had been lifted off his shoulders compared to earlier. At some point she threw a sarcastic compliment at him, starting a playful back and forth between them and earning laughs from the rest of the group. He smiled back at her, opening his mouth to say something, but then Jeff walked by.
“Aww, hey there, Gally. Good to see your little doctor finally has you under control.” Jeff teased him, patting Meghan on the back; she recoiled from his touch and shot him a hateful look. She went to say something but Gally was already on his feet, bumping chests with him and ready.
“Don’t touch her again.” He commanded lowly, pushing Jeff away from the table. All that earned him was a silent cafeteria and a laugh from Jeff.
“Maybe…” Jeff said, dropping his voice low. “she wants me to, huh?” he got right back in Gallys face. Meghan let out a hard laugh, shaking her head no when everyone glanced at her.
“See? She’s too smart for that. Now,” Gally broadened his shoulders and towered over Jeff. “like I said, don’t touch her again.” He turned and went to sit back down.
“Or what? You’ll punch another hole in a wall? Yeah, I’m terrified dude.” laughed Jeff. Meghan shot Gally a look, which he wouldn’t return. Jeff was still laughing as he was walking away, calling over his shoulder, “Or maybe you’ll just storm off to the medlabs to cry to your little doctor about it again.” Before he could stop himself, Gally jumped right back up from the table and lunged at him. It was a full-blown fight, some of the guys near them trying to step in and break it up while everyone else was scrambling to get out of the way. He heard her voice over everyone else’s, but he didn’t know what she was saying. All he knew was that he was pissed and had been waiting for this moment. Newt and Siggy got them apart for a second but before he could lunge again she appeared before him, shoving him as hard as she could but only causing him to take a step back.
“GO.” She hissed. He was confused and his adrenaline was still pumping, so she dug her nails into his arm and started pulling him toward a hallway. She kept walking, dragging him for seemed like forever before stopping dead in her tracks. “What the hell was THAT!” she whispered angrily.
“What!” he exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. “You can’t tell me he didn’t have that comin-”
“I don’t care! That was some bullshit and you know it.” She scolded him, her cheeks turning pink. “He’s an idiot, always has been and always will be. I’m talking about how you literally said you were going to start trying to not let stuff get to you, and now you’ll BOTH be dealing with consequences. You know how they are with shit like that…”
“Alright, and how is that your problem?” he retorted, stepping forward and towering over her. Her expression went hard and she stepped up to him, catching him off guard.
“Excuse me?” she said flatly, using both hands to shove him again. “You’re kidding me right now, right? Alright. Yeah, you’re right. This is NOT my problem. Sorry for looking out for you.” Her voice got quieter and she turned to storm off, but he grabbed her wrist and spun her back around.
“I didn’t ask you to look out for me, Meg!” he almost didn’t let her go. She yanked her hand away, tears in her eyes.
“Yep. Got it. Just sit there and listen and baby you but don’t actually care or look out for you or call you out for it. Understood.” She turned again, walking away. He knew he was being a dick and couldn’t just let her walk away. Before she could get far he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into an empty storage room, locking the door behind him. “Gally wha-”
He took two strides and was right in front of her, pulling her in and hugging her tight. She was frozen at first but when he didn’t move she slowly wrapped her arms around his waist. He was shaking while he held her so she rubbed a hand up and down the small of his back. Tears started falling over the brims of his eyes.
“I’m sorry…” he whispered. She didn’t say anything, knowing he must’ve really meant it for him to be expressing himself like that. “I’m stupid, I’m impulsive, I let me anger get the best of me and I’m sorry. Please don’t give up on me…” she felt a lump in the back of her throat.
“Shh..” she hugged him hard for a second before pushing him back. “I have a promise for you, okay? I’ll be here, like I told you earlier. But no more of that shit. How about.. after lights out? If it’s a bad day just… I don’t know, wiggle your fingers?” she got him to laugh as she showed him what she meant. “ I don’t know… just a little signal or something. We can meet and I’ll listen and I’ll try to help any way I can, or even just keep your mind off of things.” He opened his mouth to say something but she cut him off. “But.”
“You pull any stunts like you just did, I won’t.” she was stern, but wouldn’t meet his eyes. She wasn’t even done getting the words out before he was shaking his head, ready to agree to whatever it was the conditions were. He had always found it hard to have a genuine connection with anyone, so now that he found someone so kind and wanting to be his friend he couldn’t pass that up. Not in a place like this.
She gave him a small smile and a shove, motioning for the door. “C’mon, jerk. We’ve got some ass kissing to do if you wanna avoid getting in trouble.”
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flywolfwriting · 4 years
Ok hi, I love your stuff! I was wondering if you could write a fic where teen Dean is being protective of little Sam (no incest!). Like, Sam came back to the hotel that they were staying at after school and he was all sad and stuff, and Dean managed get him to tell him why, and Sam told him it was stupid, but Sam admits that some kids were messing with him. John thinks that it's a normal part of life and laughs. But Dean got mad and protective. I would also love if you'd put some fluff in there!
Hi, and thank you, both for the compliment and the prompt! Also agreed, incest is not my shtick.  Hope you enjoy!
It had been a long day.  Sometimes Dean regretted dropping out of school; it wasn’t that he didn’t like learning, but dealing with all the normal people and watching them live out their lives completely oblivious to what was out there took it’s toll. It got worse after his stint in the boy’s home, when John abandoned him there.  Leaving was hard, but he couldn’t let Sammy grow up with their dad alone.
Now that he wasn’t in school anymore though, John would either drag him around hunting or leave him to babysit Sam. The latter usually meant he was at the library, staring at books until the words floated off the page – and then a little bit more.
At least at school he got breaks in his reading.
By the time Dean got back to the motel John had chosen for the boys he was bone tired and wanted nothing more than to take a hot shower, drink some stolen beer, and pass out.  Before he could do any of those things, however, the motel room door opened and Sam slipped in. His backpack thunked to the floor and he shuffled into the kitchen to rifle through the fridge.
“Hey Sammy,” Dean greeted, immediately putting on a smile for his younger brother.
“Hey,” Sam grunted.
“How was school? Did you pass your test?”
Sam dragged a soda and leftover mac ‘n cheese from the fridge and shrugged. “We won’t get them back until Friday.”
Dean’s alarm bells started going off.  Sam was refusing to make eye contact, instead staring at the floor while he heated up his dinner and kicked off his shoes. Rather than tuck them under the table he left them sitting in the middle of the floor.
“What’s wrong?” Dean asked, dropping onto the couch next to Sam.
“Nothing,” Sam said.
The older Winchester nudged him. “C’mon, Sammy.  I know something’s up. Did you miss an assignment or something?”
Sam shook his head.
Dean waited another moment before poking him. “C’mon,” he urged.
Sam wavered for another moment before slumping back.  “Some kids at school were giving me a hard time.  It’s not really a big deal though.  I can handle it.”
“What, were they hitting on you? You know how to fight.”
“No,” Sam said, still not looking up.
“What was it?”
Sam stayed quiet, poking at his food and twitching one shoulder. “They were just saying some stuff.  It’s stupid. I’ll be okay.”
“You know you can tell me,” Dean hedged, but Sam finally looked up only to glare at him.
“I don’t want to talk about it.  I can deal with it.”
Dean held his hands up in surrender.  “Okay, okay. But if you want to, you can talk to me.”
“I know,” Sam said.  He turned the TV on and sat back to eat his dinner in sullen silence while Scooby Doo played in the background.
His own day now far from his mind, Dean made an excuse and slipped outside to find a payphone.
“Hello?” John’s gruff voice answered after the second ring.
“Hey Dad,” Dean said, relieved their father had answered for once.
His voice instantly tightened. “What’s wrong? Do you need me to come back?”
“No, we’re okay, it’s just-”
“You know not to call unless it’s an emergency, Dean,” John scolded, and Dean flinched even though his father wasn’t there. “I’m trying to work.”
“I know, Dad, but Sam-”
“Is he okay?”
Irritation prickled up Dean’s spine.  He wanted to snap that if John would let him finish his damn sentence he would find out so much sooner, but years of drilling obedience and respect shut that thought down.  “He’s having some trouble with kids at school.”
“He knows how to fight.  He can take care of himself.”
“They didn’t beat him up; they’re picking on him. He won’t tell me what they said but he’s pretty upset.”
John snorted.  “You called me for a couple of middle school bullies? Dean, bullies are part of growing up. Sam’s fine.”
“Enough, Dean,” John said, voice returning to drill-sergeant mode. “Don’t call me again unless somebody’s dying.”
The line went dead and Dean grumpily slammed the phone back on the hook.  “Not like you’d pick up if we were,” he muttered.
Sam was at the tiny desk scribbling in a workbook when Dean got back.
“I got ice cream,” Dean held up a grocery bag. “Your favorite!”
Sam glanced up and offered him a weak smile. “Thanks.”
Dean peeled the lid off and snagged a pair of spoons before leaning against the wall by the desk and offering his brother the carton and a spoon. Sam accepted, and the pair shared the ice cream in silence for a while.
“I was thinking maybe I can walk you to school tomorrow,” Dean said, going for nonchalant.  “I could use the break from research, and-”
“I don’t need you to look after me, Dean,” Sam said irritably without looking up from his homework.
“’Course you don’t,” Dean said, “but I’m still going to.”
Sam rolled his eyes.
“Hey,” Dean lightly thumped the side of his brother’s head with his spoon. “Don’t give me that attitude.  I’m your brother.  It’s my job.”
“Yeah yeah,” Sam leaned back in his chair with a sigh and met Dean’s gaze.  “I’m just being stupid.  I can deal with it.”
The brothers stared at each other for a few more moments before Dean shrugged and dropped his spoon on the table.  “If you say so.” He pushed off the wall, ruffled Sam’s hair around the younger boy’s attempts to ward him off, and headed for the bathroom. “I’m going to shower and go to bed.  Wake me up before you leave.”
“Yeah. Goodnight, Dean.”
“Goodnight, Sammy.”
Dean waited just long enough for Sam to get around the corner before throwing on the first set of clothes he could find and following him.  He was careful not to let his little brother catch wind of him, but close enough to hear Sam saying good morning to a little old lady sitting at a bus stop.
Dean flung himself against a brick building, hiding behind a trash can, but the voice wasn’t talking to him.
“I said hey! Samantha!”
Dean ground his teeth and forced himself to wait.  He peeked around the garbage and saw Sam at the far corner of the building, shoulders hunched and head down as he picked up his pace. Three kids surrounded him, coming from the side of the building Dean couldn’t see.
“Where’s your mommy, Samantha?” One of the boys taunted, jabbing him in the ribs.
Sam said nothing.
“Don’t you know?” another boy, the one who’d called out first, sneered.
Sam still didn’t reply.
“Bet his daddy’s downtown getting’ drunk while she’s off screwing an entire-” the kid didn’t get to finish his sentence, since Sam’s fist got in the way.
There was suddenly a lot of shouting and scrambling and Sam’s backpack ended up in the middle of the street while the first boy pinned Sam against the sidewalk and the other two started kicking him.
“Hey!” Dean shouted, sprinting down the sidewalk.
The kids scrambled back before he even got there, their leader kicking Sam once more in the head as a parting blow.
Dean managed to catch him and twisted his arm behind his back so he couldn’t escape while he helped Sam up.  “You okay Sammy?”
“Sammy?” one of the other boys, who were both standing a safe distance down the sidewalk, snickered.  
Dean pulled his captive’s arm a little tighter and the boy cried out.
“I’m fine,” Sam sniffed, wiping blood off his face and avoiding his older brother’s gaze.
“What are you kids doing ganging up on my brother?” Dean asked his captive, twisting his arm.
“Ow ow ow!” he shrieked, standing on tip-toe and leaning forward to try and escape.
“I said,” Dean pressed harder and the kid screamed, “why are you picking on my brother?”
“He started it!” the boy wailed.
“Try again.”
“Let him go!” one of the other boys shouted, taking a brave few steps back towards them.
Dean only had to shoot him a glare to quell the moment of bravado and the kid shrank back.
“Mighty brave of you, taking on a small kid three vs one,” Dean said.  “Don’t think you can beat him on your own?”
The kid squirmed.  “I can take him with my eyes shut!”
Dean surveyed the group.  All three bullies were sporting bloody faces and it looked like the first one Sam punched had a broken nose. He smirked.
“Let him go, Dean,” Sam pleaded. “We’re going to be late for school.”
“No,” Dean said.  “I have a better idea.”
He spun his captive around and shoved him towards Sam.  “You can take him with your eyes shut, huh? Go ahead and do it, then.  Just you two.”
The boy rubbed his arm, glaring at Dean and his brother. “I’m not afraid of you.”
“Prove it then.”
“Dean…” Sam said.
Dean took his brother’s backpack.  “They’ve gotta learn not to mess with you,” he said.
Sam grimaced but lifted his hands into a half-hearted fighting stance.
The bully snickered and lunged forward.  Sam danced to the side and caught the other boy in the shin.  He yelped but spun around and swung a fist at Sam’s head. Sam easily blocked it and landed a firm blow to the kid’s ribs.  Dean heard a distinct crack.
The boy’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head as he doubled over, wheezing and cursing.
“Bryan!” One of the other boys shouted. “Kick his ass!”
Sam looked up at Dean, who shrugged. This was up to the kid now.
“Get over here and help me!” the bully Bryan snarled.
The other two boys charged, and Dean folded his arms and leaned against the wall. Sam smoothly ducked around their attack, tripping one and sending the other careening into his downed friend. They bounced up and came again. Sam’s face set in determination, and within a few swift jabs and no small amount of crying, the bullies were backing off, trying to catch their breath and one holding the side of his face.
“Freak,” Bryan called over his shoulder as they ducked around the corner and vanished.
Sam slumped. “I’m going to get in trouble,” he said as he shook out his hand.
“Let me see that,” Dean said instead, snagging his brother’s hand and examining his knuckles. One had split and was oozing blood.  “Not bad,” he smiled.  “Why didn’t you lead with moves like that?”
The younger Winchester tugged his hand out of his brother’s grip.  “They insulted Mom,” he said.
“I heard.”
“The school is going to be mad.”
“Why? We’re not on school property, are we?”
Sam shook his head.
“Then they can suck it. Dad will be back soon and we can move again. Besides, those kids had it coming.”
“Yeah.” Sam picked up his backpack and brushed it off.  “I gotta go.”
“Hey,” Dean grabbed his brother’s shoulder.  “You did good, Sammy.  I’m proud of you.”
A smile tugged at the corner of Sam’s lips.  “Thanks Dean.”
Dean pulled Sam into a hug.  “Any time, Sammy. See you tonight.”
“Yeah,” Sam said again, waiting one more moment before pulling away and waving as he ran off.
“Love you kid,” Dean murmured as he watched him go, then headed off to find those kids and teach them a lesson of his own.
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youreverycolor · 5 years
An Unlikely Love: Fight For It, Pt. 2 (Rafael Barba x Anna Stein)
AN: Prompt #43 from 200 Prompts from @drink-it-write-it (“Do you believe in soulmates?” – “No.” – “Oh, well, that’s a shame, because I’m it. I’m your soulmate.”)
The conclusion of Fight For It. I hope you guys enjoy. Comments and reblogs are always appreciated. :)
Special thanks to @madpanda75, @thatesqcrush, and @misssirenlove for love, support, idea-bouncing, and generally being wonderful women.
Tagging: @danahart1 @nikkijmorgan @ele-esposito @dianilaws @sunnyfortomorrow @mommakat32 @lucifersadvisor @gibbs274 @oliviamariathegirl @evee87 @tropes-and-tales @garturbo @delia26 @neely1177 @jennisdirtyimagines @lostintech0011001 @letty-o @lucifersadvisor @sunnyfortomorrow @literallyprentissstwin @gibbs274 @dianilaws
Song: "Ours” by Taylor Swift
There was nearly a decade between Amanda Rollins and Anna Stein, but they could easily be mistaken for sisters, only a year or two apart. Of all the squad members, Anna was closest with Olivia, and so she might have asked if the lieutenant could use some time away from work, but she thought better of it. Olivia was Rafael’s best friend, after all, and he would probably want to talk to her over the course of the week. However, since the party he had thrown to celebrate Anna’s first semester grades, Amanda and Anna had also formed a fast friendship. Amanda was a lot of fun and up for anything without needing an explanation, as Liv might have asked for. As it turned out, she also had a copious amount of vacation time saved up. So, she bribed Carisi into taking Jesse for the week—with the use of her sitter for the daytime—and told Olivia a slight fib about a “family emergency back home.” By Tuesday night, she and Anna were on a plane headed to Tennessee.
Originally, Anna had suggested Vegas, but Amanda—a recovering gambling addict—quickly countered with Nashville. Anna had never been there, but Amanda said she would love it: all the fun of Vegas bars without the price tag, and the added bonus of hot cowboys. Amanda knew Nashville like the back of her hand; she had graduated from Middle Tennessee State University. The college was only about thirty miles from downtown Nashville, and Amanda and her friends frequently went into the city on weekends. So she knew exactly where to go and what to do, and Anna was more than happy to let her lead the way.
Although in some ways, Amanda had become a hardened New Yorker, she quickly reverted to her roots after only a day in Tennessee. She took Anna along for the ride, converting the native Californian to a Southern belle. During the days, they visited the Parthenon, Music Row, and the Country Music Hall of Fame. They took walks along the riverfront and even went to the Grand Ole Opry. Amanda had done most of these things already, but she was content to do them again with her friend, who clearly needed the distraction.
At night, they teased their blonde hair (Amanda joked that “the higher the hair, the closer to God”) and wore obscenely short denim skirts and cowboy boots while drinking on Honky Tonk Row. At some point, they found themselves in a karaoke bar, and Anna shocked the hell out of Amanda by singing the mysterious, little-known third verse of Garth Brooks’ “Friends in Low Places.” They talked about their families and how much they missed them; Amanda’s mother and sister had moved back to Atlanta and she rarely got to see them, while all of Anna’s family still lived in Los Angeles, where she also had lived until four years ago. But all the while, Anna did not bring up Rafael once, and Amanda didn’t ask about him.
But by dinner on Monday, Amanda’s curiosity got the better of her. They were sitting at a bar nursing vodka tonics and eating the best burgers Anna had ever had, when Amanda asked, “So, since we’re scheduled to fly out tomorrow morning, you gonna tell me why we came?”
“Well, as much fun as this trip has been—”
“So much fun!” Anna said. “It’s honestly been the best girls’ trip I’ve ever taken.”
Amanda smiled. “I’m glad you had fun, but I have to ask…”
Anna set her burger down in favor of a sip of her drink. “I don’t want to make it weird for you when you have to deal with him at work,” she said. “It really wasn’t that big of a deal anyway.”
“Okay, first off,” Amanda began, “unless you’re telling me about whatever weird kinks Barba has in the sack, nothing you could say would make me feel weird around him. And second, it must have been a pretty big deal for you to want to get out of the damn state for a week.”
“Maybe I just wanted to do something fun over spring break with a friend,” Anna replied, avoiding eye contact.
Amanda raised an eyebrow. “You know I’m a detective, right?”
Anna laughed. “You and, like, half my other friends.” She put her face in her hands and then turned on her bar stool toward Amanda and told her the whole story, starting with Rafael’s Spanish-laced tirade when he arrived home to the moment he stormed back out. Amanda listened quietly the entire time, the same as she did when investigating a case. Her face betrayed nothing—no doubt a skill she learned in her gambling days.
When Anna finally finished, Amanda took a deep breath. “You know, I can’t say any of this surprises me.”
Anna raised her eyebrows. “What?”
Amanda downed the last of her vodka. “Well, let me start by saying that you did the right thing getting out of there. A lot of women would’ve hung around waiting for him to get home. Took a lot of guts to do what you did.”
“What, run away?”
“You planning to go back?”
“Of course,” Anna said, a little taken aback.
“Then you didn’t run away. You decided that for the good of your relationship, you needed to take some time for yourself. No shame in that.”
Anna took a moment to process this. “It really was a stupid fight,” she finally said.
“Yeah,” Amanda agreed. “But, you know, all couples fight. At least you’re fighting about stupid things than about, I don’t know, whatever the hell my old partner, Nick, and his wife used to fight about.”
“I guess,” Anna said.
Amanda put her hand on top of Anna’s. “Anna, look at me.” Anna looked up, pushing a wisp of her hair away from her eyes. “You’ve gotta understand, Barba has been alone for a long time. And take it from me, when you’re alone that long, you get used to thinking you’re right all the time because there’s no one telling you otherwise.”
“I get that, but maybe we’re just too different. Maybe he’s been alone too long. Maybe I don’t take things seriously enough. Maybe it’s just too—”  
Amanda held up her hands. “Look, I get it. He’s a stubborn pain in the ass. Hell, he’s hard to work with, so I can’t imagine living with him. You’ve got a pretty big age gap, and you’re both really busy with work and school. So I would completely understand if you decided you weren’t right for each other.” Then she softened her voice. “But I told you once before, I’ve never seen him look at anyone the way he looks at you. And when I asked if you were planning to go back, you looked at me like I was nuts for even asking that question. That says something to me.”
Suddenly, the bartender came over with two shots of whiskey. “From the gentlemen down that way,” he said, gesturing to two young, extremely handsome men sitting at the end of the bar.
Anna and Amanda looked at the men, then at each other. “You wanna go talk to ‘em?” Amanda asked, a sly grin on her face.
Anna hesitated for a second, looked at the men again, and then took out her phone. “Give me a second.” A minute later, she put it away and grabbed one of the shot glasses. “Okay. Ready.”
They clinked their glasses, tapped them on the bar, and downed the shots. “Sisters, right?” Amanda asked, referring to their cover story.
Anna hopped off her barstool and the two of them linked arms. “Sisters.”
Rafael was miserable.
Anna had only texted him twice a day since she’d landed in Nashville the previous Tuesday: once in the morning, and once at night. It was largely the same message every time: good morning or goodnight, and that she hoped he had a good day. He appreciated that, despite her anger, she at least wanted him to know that she was safe. And he wanted to give her the space she had clearly demanded, so he didn’t message more than that. He wasn’t a jealous man who needed to know what his girlfriend was doing every minute of the day, after all. Anna had gone on a handful of trips with her friends over the course of their relationship. That wasn’t what bothered him. What bothered him was that this time, she did it to get away from him rather than to get away with other people. That made all the difference. He trusted Anna implicitly. But every night, after he’d finally dragged himself home to bed, his brain went to a dark place where she met some stranger in Nashville, some ridiculous cowboy, who made her realize that he wasn’t worth the effort.
And because of what? A damn pen.
The day after she left, he threw them all out.
He felt like a bachelor again, but this time it wasn’t self-imposed. Nevertheless, he had reverted to his bachelor ways, working as much as he could until the wee hours of the morning. On Thursday and Friday mornings, Carmen had found him asleep on his office couch in the same clothes he’d worn the previous day. He worked right through the weekend, up until Sunday night. The good news was that he actually seemed to have caught up on a good deal of his backlogged work. The bad news was that he couldn’t even enjoy the spoils because he had no one to enjoy them with.
He had lunch with Olivia a couple of times and didn’t mention what was going on. She noticed something was off, but he deflected, saying he just hadn’t slept well that week. It wasn’t a lie.
Since he had gotten caught up with work that week, he decided to take Monday off. He cleaned out his closet, donating a bunch of clothes he hadn’t worn in a year. Anna had said more than once that she wanted to get a rain shower head, so he went out and bought one and installed it. Carisi came over with Jessie and a pizza that evening. Rafael had never been comfortable around children, but he had to admit that watching Carisi play with Jesse made him want to participate. So he and the detective and Amanda’s daughter colored and ate pizza—and for a minute, he forgot about being alone. Then, he got the nightly text from Anna, and was reminded all over again that she wasn’t going to be next to him in bed.
By Tuesday, he was climbing the walls. Work was the only thing he knew would take his mind off of the long wait until she arrived back home, so he threw himself into it that day. He had to give his phone to Carmen so that he wouldn’t be tempted to check it every ten seconds. She gave him a weird look but took it anyway. When three o’clock hit, he gathered his things to head home. Anna’s flight was due in at four, and he wanted to be there when she got home so that he could tell her what he’d failed to tell her before she left.
The light in the bedroom was on when he got home. For a split second, he was terrified—was there an intruder? And would his briefcase be enough to knock said intruder unconscious? But then he noticed the suitcase against the wall adjacent to the living room.
His heart raced. She must have gotten back early.
He found her in the master bathroom putting her toiletries away. She was wearing old, beat-up jeans and a t-shirt, and her hair was in a messy ponytail, but to Rafael, she had never looked more beautiful. He stood watching her for just a second, breathless. He worried if he said anything that it wouldn’t come out right. The last conversation they had turned out terribly.
But as soon as she turned her blue eyes up and locked onto the green of his, words were the last thing on either of their minds.
She flew at him, leaping into his arms and knocking him backwards onto the bed. She kissed him everywhere; on his cheeks, his nose, his forehead, and, finally, finally, his mouth. He kissed her so deeply that he thought he might actually be able to drink her. She tasted like mint and smelled like ripe peaches. She had come back to him in a flood of living memories. She had come back to him, period.
He finally pulled back to look her in the eyes again, his own wet with tears. “Te amo,” he said. “Te amo, mi corazón.” He repeated it like a prayer, so many times that he worried it lost meaning, but to Anna, nothing ever sounded better.
Rafael made love to Anna for the next two hours, and every time he moaned her name, “I love you” wasn’t far behind.
After they were both finally spent, they lay under a throw blanket on the bedroom carpet; at some point in their lovemaking, Anna actually rolled off the bed and they just continued there, laughing and kissing all at once. She told Rafael about her trip and all the things she and Amanda had seen and done. He hung on every word. But there was one more story she had to tell, and she hoped that when he heard it, he would understand why she reacted the way she did when he arrived home.
“So,” she said, “I don’t think I mentioned, we had a cover story on this trip that we were sisters. We didn’t use our own names with anyone we met the entire time. It was like being undercover. So last night—”
He laughed. “Okay, I have to know. What was your UC name?”
“I was Ariel and Amanda was Aurora.”
He cocked an eyebrow. “You seriously used Disney princess names?”
“Well, if you’re gonna go UC, no better cover than a mermaid and a narcoleptic princess, right?”
“Does that mean I get to be Eric?” When she gaped at him, he said, “We’ve been together for over a year. I think you underestimate how much Disney trivia I’ve picked up in that time.”
She drew in a deep breath and focused her eyes on his. “So, as I was saying, last night, we were having dinner and two really hot cowboys sent us shots of whiskey.”
He sat up slightly, alarmed. “Okay, why are you telling me—”
“Because you need to hear this,” she said, pushing him back down and propping herself up on her elbow. “Amanda wanted to go talk to them. And we ended up having a really good conversation. It was a lot of fun.” He looked stricken, and she softened her expression. “Raf, you know nothing happened, right?”
“Of course I know that,” he said, although he was glad for the confirmation. “I just—it’s not that I don’t want you to go on trips with your friends. But this time…I guess I wish I could have been there with you.”
She smiled and kissed his shoulder. “You were, Raf. That’s what I was trying to tell you.”
He furrowed his brow. “What do you mean?”
“Right before we went to talk to them? That was when I texted you goodnight. Because I wanted to make sure I said goodnight before you went to bed—whenever the hell that was this week. I didn’t want to do it late and have you wonder if I’d forgotten you.”
He felt tears welling in his eyes again. “Anna, I never would have thought that.”
“Even still. You were on my mind every night and every morning. I wasn’t just texting you to let you know I was safe. I wanted you to know that no matter what happens, no matter where I am or how things are between us, I’m always thinking of you. And,” she added, “I’ll always come home to you.”
He sat up and wrapped his fingers around the back of her neck, into her hair, and brought his lips to hers. When he pulled back, he whispered, “I’m sorry.”
She pressed her forehead to his. “I’m sorry, too.” Then, she grabbed his watch from the nightstand above them. “I know it’s not our usual date night, but I could sure as hell use dinner and a movie right now. How about you?”
He smiled at her and ran a hand along her hip, memorizing the curves. “Sure,” he said. “I’ll even let you pick the movie.”
Anna wiped away her tears, which had been flowing for the last twenty minutes. After they’d eaten, she and Rafael had settled in to watch her favorite movie, What Dreams May Come. The plot was simple: the two main characters, Chris and Annie, lose their children in a horrible car accident. Annie has a mental breakdown and is institutionalized until she and Chris manage to rebuild their lives. But four years later, Chris also dies. His afterlife is beautiful, and he is reunited with his children. But when Annie commits suicide and is sent to hell, Chris journeys there to save her.
Even though Anna had seen it a thousand times, watching the two characters reunited at the end of the movie never failed to turn her into a weeping mess. She didn’t even try to hide it. “God,” she said, “That scene where they’re in Hell and he’s about to join her there and—Raf? Are you okay?”
Unlike Anna, Rafael preferred people think he was born without tear ducts. But there was no mistaking the sound of his sniffling next to her. “I’m fine,” he said, trying to keep his voice steady.
She leaned over and turned the end table light on. As her eyes adjusted, she caught him wiping his cheek with his shirt sleeve. “You’re crying!”
“I am not—”
“Yes, you are.” She handed him a Kleenex from the box she’d judiciously placed next to her before the movie started. He took it and blew his nose. “I warned you it was a gut-punch.”
“When you said it was a movie about soulmates, I think I expected, well, the usual tropes. I wasn’t prepared for something that seemed…realistic.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Almost the entire movie was set in heaven, and this is the one you’re calling realistic?”
“That’s not what I mean. Usually, movies make it seem like soulmates are perfect together and never fight and read each other’s minds. But come on, who gets that?”
She laughed. “People in movies.”
“Exactly,” he said. “People whose lives are literally scripted. But I don’t think our lives are predestined. For instance, I don’t think whatever higher power there is intended for you to be assaulted so that I could meet you.”
She cast her eyes downward. “Well, I’m glad to know that, because if that were the case, I’d think God was a huge asshole.”
He shifted on the couch to face her. “You want to know what part of the movie it was that got me?”
“Of course.”
He took a deep breath. “It was when they finally explained what their double-D anniversary was.” In the movie, Chris and Annie had a special anniversary; it commemorated the day they decided not to divorce after their children died and Annie had her breakdown.
“Oh, I know. When he told her not to give up—”
“No, it wasn’t that.” He cleared his throat. “When I first heard them described as soulmates, I was internally rolling my eyes. But then, we saw them suffering in two completely different ways. He pushed the pain away, and she collapsed under it.”
“Life’s like that,” she replied. “People react differently to things.”
“Yeah. But that’s what got me. They weren’t on the same wavelength at all. They didn’t just push through everything together like it was easy. They had to make an active decision to do it. When they chose to stay together, even after the gargantuan amount of suffering they went through…”
She pushed her hair over one of her shoulders and tilted her head. “So you do believe in soulmates now?”
“You know,” he said, “I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility. But like I said, I think soulmates aren’t people who are perfect together.” He took her hand. “I think they’re two people who aren’t perfect together—maybe even two people don’t even make sense together—but who make the choice every day to come back to each other. They fight, sometimes blow up, maybe don’t even speak to each other for a week, but they actively choose each other every day.”
She moved closer to him, tucking her legs underneath herself. “That sounds…very plausible.”
“Plausible,” he repeated with a chuckle. “In what world am I the romantic in this relationship?”
She grinned. “We can share the title.”
“I was thinking about the fight we had,” he said, pivoting so fast that Anna was worried he was shutting down on her again.
“It was a nothing fight, but it turned into this big blow-up,” he continued. “A lot of couples would have let it get into their heads and make it into something about the relationship itself.”
She picked off a piece of lint from his shirt and smoothed the fabric over his shoulder. “Well, we’re not other couples.”
 He nodded. “And I know how people look at us when we’re out together. They see you, this beautiful, young, vibrant woman, and then they see me—”
“A handsome, distinguished, slightly silver fox?” she offered, gently touching his hair, the silver in it just beginning to show.
He smiled and put his hand on her cheek. The softness of her skin was like her generous heart: it never failed to amaze him. “The point is, despite what people think or say, or when life makes love hard, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that we work at this, even through the hardest days, because we want to. We choose each other, every day—even if we need to go to other states to do it.” He winked at her.
She lifted his hand from her cheek and kissed his palm, her heart beating so hard it might have jumped out of her chest. “Are you saying…”
He didn’t complete her thought, but he didn’t have to. She knew the answer when he gave her that half-smile she loved so much. It made him look like a man much younger than his years, almost timid, a little mischievous. “I know, I just destroyed my grumpy, cynical persona. Don’t tell the squad; I have a reputation to keep up.”
For a minute, he was afraid that she would think he was silly or—worse—being disingenuous. But then he caught her eyes with his, and they were sparkling. She crawled from her spot on the couch into his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. “You know, in the movies, this would be when the boy asks the girl to marry him,” she laughed.
He pulled her to him, so that their lips almost touched. “Well, we’re not other couples,” he said, just before he closed the gap between them.
Two weeks later, Anna had fallen asleep on the couch hours ago while she was reading and he was reviewing case files. He couldn’t remember a time when she hadn’t fallen asleep when she read on the couch. She would lay with her legs stretched across his lap and he would run his hands along her calves, sometimes massaging them if she’d had a particularly hard day at the diner. She thought it was for her benefit, but the truth was, he loved doing it. Knowing he could relax her into sleep just with the touch of his hands was an intimacy he loved even more than sex. And so it was that he found himself lifting her legs off of his lap carefully, trying not to wake her. Mercifully, she was a heavy sleeper. It would probably be a struggle to get her into bed later on. For now, he decided to just change into pajamas and do the rest of his work in the home office. But there was something he wanted to do first.
The fight they’d had was a turning point. It had been a result of nothing more than mishandled stress on both of their parts. It hadn’t been anything deeper than that. But it had scared him more than any other argument they had ever had. She had gone away on trips before that, but he hadn’t been lonely. Their apartment still felt like their home because he knew she would be back. But when she’d been away with Amanda that week, he had been afraid she would realize she was happier away from him. So their home had temporarily transformed into just a place to keep his stuff. It didn’t feel comfortable. It didn’t feel warm. It just felt like four walls he slept in. Waking up without her was excruciating, as was knowing he would have to fall asleep without her there. He’d missed her laughter, her smile, the way he could smell her shampoo for hours after she’d left the bed. He’d missed seeing her body wash next to his in the shower.
He had missed her legs on his lap.
He crept into the bedroom and turned on the nightstand light, the dimmest in the room, so as not to wake her from afar. Then he went into the closet and opened one of the drawers. She never went into his closet, saying that she was afraid she would get lost under a pile of ties and vests, never to be seen again. He reached deep within the drawer, toward the back, and found what he was looking for.
Anna had joked that, in the movies, after a boy told a girl she was his soulmate, he would ask her to marry him. Although he had deflected the comment with a kiss, for just a heartbeat, he thought she had somehow tripped, fallen, and landed in his sock drawer. He had managed to compose himself, but now, his overstimulated, paranoid brain needed to make sure she hadn’t actually found what he was holding.
He looked over his shoulder, and then carefully opened the velvet box in his hand. The ring he had bought was still there, the question within it. All he had to do was choose a day to ask.
31 notes · View notes
atc74 · 6 years
Let Me
Square Filled: Late Night Call and Police Officer!Dean
Warnings: angst, self doubt, loneliness, feelings of inadequacy, feelings of helpless, stubbornness, flaky friends, a touch o luff
Summary: Y/N is going through a divorce and feeling all alone in her struggle when she leans on her best friend for support. 
Pairing: Dean x Single Parent!Reader
Word Count: 2433
Written for: @spngenrebingo​ and @spnaubingo
Beta’d by: @evansrogerskitten; thank you for helping me with this and thank you for listening. 
A/N: This is a bit personal
You can read on AO3 here
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“Hey Sweetheart. How you doing?” Dean’s voice was soothing as ever as his voice filled the interior of my car.
“Just driving home after a long day,” I sighed, a little too loudly.
“That doesn’t sound good. Where’s my usual happy chipper girl?” Dean asked.
“I don’t know where she is anymore, Dean. I can’t find her,” my voice cracked and tears welled in my eyes.
“Hey, pretty girl, listen to me. We’ll find her. I am on overnights tonight, but how about I swing by with dinner for us tomorrow night before my shift? That sound good?” he asked, his voice filled with concern.
“Yeah, that sounds good, Dean,” I breathed out, relieved at the thought of seeing my best friend.
“Listen, I gotta run, we hope to wrap up this big case tonight, but I’ll see you tomorrow about six, okay?” he asked.
“Be safe, don’t take chances,” I reminded him like I always did when he was on the job, and sometimes when he wasn’t. “Bye Dean.”
“See ya Sweetheart,” Dean said then ended the call.
I worried about him on the job as much as he worried about me. Dean was a great police officer, but when he got the promotion to detective, I started worrying a whole lot more. He wasn’t just a beat cop anymore. Now he was directly in the line of fire on every case he worked. It left a hole in my chest when I wouldn’t hear from him for days, or even weeks, when a case really got going.
I shook those thoughts from my head as I rounded the corner and my house came into view. I knew waiting inside would be my pride and joy; my reason for fighting. I pushed the button to open my garage door and slowed as I pulled into my drive. Easing my car inside, I killed the engine, shut the overhead door and took a few deep breaths. I hated bringing work home with me, even more so, I hated bringing the baggage from work home with me. I gathered my things and got out of the car, walking into the house. I set my bags down and called out.
“Boys! I’m home!” I was first greeted by a rambunctious wanna be puppy, who was begging to be let outside.
“Hi Mama!” My ten year old son answered from his room. “What’s for dinner?”
“I don’t know yet, Bud. What sounds good?” I asked. This is the same conversation we have every night. Some nights I plan, more often than not, I don’t and we wing it. Tonight sounded like a wing it kind of night.
“I don’t care, Mama. Whatever you want is fine with me,” he replied.
“Say, Dean is stopping by tomorrow and bringing dinner,” I informed him as I headed to my room to change.
“Awesome!” was the response I got back.
Dean was great with Noah and he was good for him, too. Noah’s father wasn’t really in the picture. He just stopped showing up in our marriage so I ended it. It was an easy decision to do what was right for me and my son, but that doesn’t make the situation any better. Noah didn’t have a decent male role model and now that he was entering those crucial years, I worried more and more if I could provide what he needed.
As I changed my clothes tears filled my eyes once more, something that happened a lot more than it used to. I couldn’t help thinking I wasn’t doing enough with him, for him. That I was failing as a mother. Somewhere deep in my mind, I knew I was good enough, but it was those loud voices that stayed in my head, telling me I was doing everything wrong. I wiped the tears away, shoved the voices back down and headed to the kitchen to make dinner.
We had a quiet night cuddled up in my bed with a movie and some popcorn. It was warm and cozy and before I knew it, I fell asleep.
I bolted upright in bed. I’d had another nightmare. Another nightmare where I felt like I was failing. At work, at home. At everything. It was one in the morning. I knew I needed to calm down before I could sleep again, so I picked up my phone, slipping out of bed.
*you have a few minutes?*
His text reply was instant.
*Yeah, everything okay?*
I tapped his number from my contact list and placed the phone up to my ear. I settled into the couch, pulling a blanket over my lap.
“Y/N? Sweetheart, are you okay?” Dean asked.
“No, not really. I had a nightmare,” I admitted,
“Oh, Y/N/N, I’m so sorry,” he murmured.
“Hey, it’s not your issue, but I just needed to calm down a bit, so I can get back to sleep and you’ve always been able to calm me down before, sooo…” I trailed off, my fingers playing with the frayed blanket on my lap.
Dean and I talked for about ten or fifteen minutes before I yawned loudly into the phone.
“You feel better Sweetheart?” Dean asked, his voice quieter.
“Yeah, I do. Thank you for talking to me,” I said, feeling lighter than before.
“Perks of working an overnight. I am here for you anytime, Y/N/N,” Dean reminded me.
My eyelids were heavy as we said goodnight and I dragged myself back up the stairs and into my bed. A quick glance at the clock told me I could get about three and half more hours of sleep. I curled up on my side and closed my eyes.
After shutting the alarm off, I sighed heavily, tossing the blanket aside and trudging to the bathroom to start another day. As I showered, I felt a smile creep up on me. At least Dean was coming over and that was something to look forward to.
I had another craptastic day, ending with yet another conversation with my boss about something I didn’t do to her expectations, which, by the way, are entirely too high. I am excellent at my job. I am a people person. Just let me do my damn job without you crawling up my ass about it every other fucking day. Okay, that is what I wanted to say, but I did not, because I also need to keep my job. Being a single parent without any support is a bitch and I couldn’t afford to take a pay cut if I had to look for another job.
Once more on the drive home, tears flooded my vision as my mind got wrapped up in everything. Stress is a normal state for me, having lived the life I have for the last fifteen years. I knew it wasn’t going to be an easy transition, but I also didn’t think it was going to be this hard.
I rushed through the door and quickly changed, greeting both my son and the dog. I cleaned up the table and straightened a few things around the house before Dean arrived. The dog jumped up on the sofa, sticking his head through the curtains and started barking and I knew our guest had arrived.
“Noah, Dean’s here!” I called up the stairs.
Dean knew better to knock and I heard the door open and shut quietly. The dog was still barking at Dean’s 1967 Impala in the driveway, not even aware he was already in the house. I walked to the kitchen to greet my friend. I don’t think I even knew how much I needed him until I saw him smiling. Tears immediately blurred my vision as I hurried to him. His strong arms pulled me in and wrapped around me. I buried my face in his chest, my tears running down his leather jacket.
“Hey, hey, Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” He asked, pulling back a bit. He placed one finger under my chin, tilting my face up to meet his. “Shhh, it’s okay.”
“No, it’s not,” I shook my head.
“Hey Dean!” Noah shouted, bounding into the kitchen. “What’s wrong Mom?”
“Nothing, baby. I’m just so happy to see Dean,” I lied.
“Here Bud. I brought your favorite pizza. I bet if you promise not to make a mess, your mom here won’t mind if you eat it in her room while you watch a movie,” Dean addressed Noah, handing him his dinner.
“Really?!” his eyes widened at the thought of getting to eat in bed without consequences.
“Yeah, really,” Dean nodded. “Your mom and I are just gonna catch up while we eat, okay?”
Noah didn’t respond. He just ran back up the stairs, holding tight to his mac and cheese pizza.
Dean ushered me to the sofa, then came back a few minutes later with dinner, a bottle of wine and two glasses.
“What are you doing? You have to work tonight,” I wiped the tears from my face.
“Nope, I called in. We wrapped the case last night, so now it’s just paperwork and I can do that tomorrow. My friend needs me right now, so this is where I need to be,” Dean informed me as he opened the wine and poured us each a glass.
“Dean, I can’t let you do that,” I told him, taking a sip.
“Y/N, you’re not letting me do anything. I am doing this because you need someone and right now that someone is me. What are sick days for if you don’t use ‘em?” he chuckled.
We ate in comfortable silence, just like always. There was never any pressure with Dean to make small talk. We had been known to sit for hours and not say a word, but that had been a long time, back when our lives were less complicated.
After dinner and one bottle of wine was finished, we sat back on the couch, a movie on quietly in the background. Dean was reclined into the corner and I curled up into his side. It was comfortable, Dean was comfortable.
“So tell me, what’s going on, Y/N/N,” Dean prompted. “You haven’t sounded like yourself the last few times we’ve talked.”
I took a deep breath. I knew I could share my feelings with Dean, he has been my best friend for years. I didn’t really know where to start so I just started talking.
“It’s just too much, ya know? How can I feel so alone when I am surrounded by friends and people most of my day? I feel utterly and completely on my own. You know how when you’re going through a hard time and everyone you know says ‘call me if you need anything?’ Well, guess what happens when you call? They’re busy. Or they hem and haw because they don’t really want to help, maybe, I don’t know.
“I haven’t been out, or had a night off in almost two months. I love my son more than anything, but I need some adult time, too. I have called and texted my friends and I don’t hear back from them for days. And even then, it is just a quick reply, telling me how busy they are. Then when someone asks how I am and tell the truth, they get all weird and apologetic. ‘I’m so sorry, I wish there was something I could do.’ I want to scream! I’ve been strong for so long, but do you know what the problem is with that? No one asks if you’re okay.”
“You are the strongest person I know, Y/N/N. You’ve always been there for me, even when you didn’t need to be. You were there for me through everything that went down when my dad died.” Dean shifted, pulling me into his lap, wrapping his arms around me. “Sweetheart, why didn’t you call me? Why didn’t you say something?”
“Dean, you have a life, you have a job, a very important job. You don’t have time for my personal drama,” you mumbled into his chest.
“Hey, I’m your friend. I know this is not easy for you. I know your ex dickbag loser isn’t helping. I know he doesn’t send you any money, I know he doesn’t come see Noah. But listen to me very carefully when I say this. I am never too busy for you, or Noah. Ever,” Dean’s voice was strong and determined as he spoke.
“Dean, you’ve known me for a long time. I worked so hard to become independent and I feel like I should be able to do this myself. It’s hard for me to ask for help,” my voice breaking once more as I felt the tears start.
“Hey, asking for help doesn’t mean you’re weak. Asking for help doesn’t mean you’re not independent, it just means you’re human and you need help,” Dean told me.
“How do I do this, Dean? I don’t think I know how to do this by myself,” I cried.
“Y/N/N, you don’t have to do it by yourself. You’ve got me, anytime you need me, I’m here,” Dean promised. “In fact, I have the next week off. You make plans with some friends this weekend and I will take Noah. We’ll go to the batting cages, gorge ourselves on junk food and pass out in our clothes on my couch while watching a movie we probably shouldn’t.”
“Dean…” I started, but he put his finger to my lips, halting any argument I had.
“I happen to know you’re off for the next week too. So Sunday night, Noah is going to go over to Sam’s. He’ll kick his butt in Fortnite and I am taking you out,” Dean declared.
“Oh, you are, huh?” I laughed, looking up into his eyes.
“Yeah, I should’ve asked you out a long time ago. I need you and you need me. It’s perfect. Let me take care you, Sweetheart. You and Noah. It’s about time you let someone take care of you. I want it to be me,” Dean ducked his head down. “I’m gonna kiss you now, if that’s okay.”
“I’ve been waiting twenty years for you to kiss me,” I whispered.
I’d experienced a lot of first kisses, but none compared to my last first kiss. With the past year almost behind me and Dean in front of me, I was optimistic about our future and knew there were more kisses to look forward to in the new year and for years to come.
A/N:... Remember, the nicest thing you can do for a writer is reblog their work and tell them, and others, how much you like it!
The Whole Enchilada: @closetspngirl @emoryhemsworth @iwantthedean @meganwinchester1999 @sis-tafics @wilde-abandon @wegoddessofhell @holyfuckloueh @horsegirly99 @smoothdogsgirl @dolphincliffs @thisismysecrethappyplace @neeadinghugs @roxyspearing @theoriginalvicki @andkatiethings @mrswhozeewhatsis @linki-locks11 @evansrogerskitten @hennessy0274-blog @hobby27 @kdfrqqg  @gh0stgurl @charliebradbury1104 @blacktithe7 @the--blackdahlia @fortisetgloriosusinarduis @roseblue373 @hannahindie @pinknerdpanda @cherrycokegirls1 @seenashwrite
The Dean’s List: @supernatural-jackles @dean-winchesters-bacon @cameronbraswell @docharleythegeekqueen @maddiepants @squirrel-moose-winchester @amanda-teaches @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @adoptdontshoppets @wingedcatninja  @akshi8278 @kathaswings @deansgirl215 @x-waywardaf-x  @elara98azalea @jerkbitchidjitassbutt 
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dramaticironyoflife · 5 years
Baby Bird (Fly Home) - Chapter 5: Baby Bird, Such Wide Eyes
Time to continue the tale! What Sanders Sides story would be complete without our favorite fun-loving fatherly figment? Not this one!
The bus ride was a long one. The driver didn’t bother to give them a second look, she looked tired. There were a few other people on the bus. A woman with scraggly hair fastened her eyes on Logan and, when he got closer, shot out a boney hand. Her lips parted in a toothless smile as she babbled incoherently. Logan recoiled as much as he could and bumped into Virgil. The teen wrapped an arm around Logan and hissed at the woman. She looked up, confused at the defense tactic and then shrunk under the dark glare. Virgil took the liberty to glare at everyone after that and made sure that Logan go into the seat near the window while he sat next to the aisle.
Logan let the rhythm of the bus begin to pull at his eyelids. When he realized that he was drifting off, he jerked awake, as if he was afraid that Virgil would vanish as soon as he closed his eyes. Virgil let his fingers thread through the soft brown locks. He whispered and hummed gently. Finally, sleep received permission to take Logan into a dreamless slumber. When he woke next, it was because his brother was shaking him gently. “Come on, Buddy.” He muttered, “We’re here. It’s just a short walk and then you can go back to sleep, I promise.” Logan stretched and rubbed his eyes. Immediate confusion settled in as he looked for his glasses. The mystery was solved as Virgil produced them from his hoodie pocket. Hand in hand, they left the bus, Logan shrinking away from the toothless woman as they passed. It was still dark, and Logan didn’t hesitate to press close to Virgil. He clutched to the oversized hoodie and was reassured by Virgil’s arm slipping around his shoulders. The pale blue building that they ended up in front of wasn’t what Logan had been expecting but he was too tired to let his curiosity take hold of him completely. Virgil guided him into the small apartment and flipped on a light. Logan let his bag drop and he was carefully led to a bed. He sleepily changed out of his clothes before he was swaddled in a hoodie that smelled like Virgil. He was tugged into bed and the lamp was clicked off. Virgil pulled Logan closer and curled them both up under the covers. Logan didn’t bother resisting the touch he’d so long denied himself. He wiggled closer and hid his face in Virgil’s neck. Virgil’s grip on him tightened and his fingers began carding through his locks. Logan let his eyes fall shut and the last thing he remembered was gentle fingers removing his glasses. Daylight greeted Logan through an open shade. He shifted and turned, his face meeting a warm solid object that he pushed closer to. It emitted a chuckle and a gentle hand traced up and down his back. “Logan?” He called softly, “you have to release me, Buddy. I’ve gotta go.” Logan yawned and curled closer. “Hey,” Virgil coaxed, “you can sleep longer, okay? I’ve gotta go though.” Logan sighed as Verge shifted them both into a sitting position. Virgil honestly would’ve preferred to stay like that, but he had a job to get to. He pushed the blankets off them and slipped off the bed, still holding Logan close. He was honestly surprised at how small the boy still was. Worry pierced him as he returned the bundle to the bed. He wandered into the kitchen and prepared a simple but abundant breakfast. He took a small amount for himself and ate it quickly while he scribbled a note for his baby brother. He took a fast shower and brushed his teeth. As he began to slip on his shoes, he heard the patter of bare feet in the entryway. He looked up to see Logan holding his note in his hand and the big hoodie falling to his mid thighs. “Morning, Lo-lo.” He smiled and Logan shuffled in for a hug. He paused, hesitating before Virgil pulled him in. Logan sighed and rested his head on his big brother’s shoulder. “I’ve gotta go to work, Lo-lo. I’m gonna look into school and whatnot for you during break. I’ll make sure to call you too.” He stood and pulled on a backpack. “There’s food in the fridge for lunch, okay? And books. You can unpack and stuff.” Logan nodded sleepily and Virgil chuckled, ruffling his hair. “I love ya, be back by 8:30 at latest.” He turned and left, locking the door behind him. “Morning, Kiddo!” He turned to see Patton, his landlord, fixing an outdoor light. The cheery man had been trying to befriend the angsty teen for months and had made progress. Chocolate chip cookies did wonders. Virgil offered him a signature smirk, “Morning, Mr. Sanders.” Patton tutted and shook his head, “My name’s Patton, Kiddo, Mr. Sanders is my Dad.” He chuckled at his over used joke and Virgil offered him an affectionate eyeroll. “You off to work, then?” Virgil nodded, “Yeah, I should be back by 8.” Familiar worry lines creased Patton’s forehead. “You don’t want me to pick you up? I know you normally take the bus but…that’s kind of late to be out on your own.” Virgil shook his head, “Thanks Patton but I don’t want to be a bother. I’ve got my pocketknife and the taser you gave me.” He patted his backpack to reassure the older man before he headed out. He turned back once to give a friendly salute and Patton waved. Once outside the main entrance, the smirk vanished, earbuds went in, and Virgil glowered at all who dared to make eye contact. The world was a cruel place. Patton watched the boy disappear before sighing. He climbed off the step ladder and planted his hands on his hips. Virgil hadn’t been home for several days and he hadn’t seen the teen come in yesterday. Virgil must’ve gotten back extremely late for Patton to have finally abandoned the front desk and called it a night. He’d been worried sick about the boy. He still was worried. The man looked towards the purple door that marked Virgil’s apartment. He wandered up to it and let his hand rest against the wood. With a final shake of his head he turned to leave, no reason to stay here, right? Work sucked. It always did. Virgil grabbed a stray fry and popped it into his mouth while no one was looking. Then he glanced at the clock. Ugh, he’d only been here for two hours. He had another hour and a half before his break. With a grunt he filled another plastic container with fries and coated them with salt. Logan unpacked slowly; Virgil had few possessions, so it was easy to find places to put his belongings. He put the picture up on the fridge with a magnet. He’d have to secure a frame for it later. After a quick tidy of the place, Logan settled down to a book until hunger drove him to eat something. He prepared a simple lunch of leftovers for himself. Another round of cleaning up and then back to his book. Unbeknownst to him, sleep stole over and quietly sent him into slumber. Virgil hummed a little as he walked into the main office. He was headed towards the elevator when a voice called him back, “Kiddo? Got a second?” The teen plucked an earbud out before turning and wandering back over to the desk. “For you, Pat? I’ve got more than one.” Patton grinned at the joke. “Aw! Thanks, Kiddo!” He chuckled slightly, “Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner on Saturday still?” Virgil’s smile faltered. It was the third Saturday. He and Patton had an agreement that, if Virgil came and had dinner with the man once a month, that Patton would give him a discount. Those had become the nights that Virgil lived for. The warm room with dog posters and inspirational quotes everywhere, the homecooked meals that Patton worked so hard on, the crappy dad-jokes and exaggerated stories, and just the overall feeling of belonging somewhere. Virgil wanted to kick himself, but he knew he couldn’t just leave Logan… “Patton?” He asked haltingly. His fingers began to tug at the edge of his hoodie and he could feel his shakiness begin. Patton stood and rounded the desk, taking Virgil’s hands gently. He hummed quietly, coaxing the boy to continue. “Would it…could I…” Virgil choked on his words and Patton rubbed his thumbs carefully over his hands. “A friend?” Virgil finally whispered. “Could I bring a friend?” Patton blinked once, then twice. The man’s smile could blind a shooting star. “Oh, my goodness, of course you can, Virgil!” Patton squeezed his hands and Virgil let out a gasp of relief. “Really? You wouldn’t mind? I wouldn’t be ruining the evening?” The man before him smiled, pulling Virgil into a hug, “Of course not, Kiddo. I’m so proud that you made a friend!” The teen relaxed. Patton gave the best hugs. He was soft and solid and warm, and you could just forget everything and melt into his embrace. Which is exactly what Virgil did. Too soon, he drew away and bid Patton a quiet goodnight before marching back to his apartment, freaking out the whole way. How could he bring Logan on Saturday?! Patton was like, a mastermind when it came to families! He would figure out that Virgil had a brother and then he would find out about their past and turn them both in! Virgil froze a terrifying though hit him; if Patton turned them in, would he ever see Logan again?
Aren't they all great?! Too bad not all stories stay happy...
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mrsjaxtellerfan · 6 years
Coming Home (Jax x OC) (Chapter 9)
Hey guys! Co-written with @lookprettyliveclassyplaydirtyyt. Hope you guys enjoy!
Warnings: Mentions of attempted rape, violence, smut, language
This chapter does contain triggers.
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Chapter 9 ~time skip~
I can’t believe it has been 6 months since I ended up back in Charming. Jax has been great, him and Sophia have an amazing bond, you almost wouldn’t guess they’ve only known each other for 6 months. Abel is getting so big, I’ve become a bit attached. We have come up with an excellent routine for splitting time between Jax’s and Gemma’s. When Jax is on runs we stay at his house and I take care of Abel, when he is home, he brings Abel to Gemmas.
“Alright, you sure you’ll be okay with the kids?” Jax asks, bringing his bag to the door.
“Jax, we’ve been doing this for months. If I need anything, I’ll call Gemma.” I say. “Sophia, come give daddy a hug.” I say, holding Abel.
“Alright, if you need anything, you call, I’ll head back. I shouldn’t be gone for more than a couple days.” Jax says, picking up Sophia. “I’m going to miss you, Phia.”
“Will you bring me another stuffed animal, daddy?” Sophia asks. Every time Jax goes on a run, he brings Sophia and Abel a stuffed toy, depending on what state he’s in.
“What would you like this time, princess?” Jax asks.
“Hmmm….” she pretends to think. “Elephant, Daddy!”
“Yeah? What color elephant would you like?” Jax asks, probably thinking about the growing safari she has in her possession.
“Normal color, Daddy! Animals should always come in the color they are supposed to be in.”
“Who told you that?”
“Darren. He said that if you get a stuffed animal, it should always be the correct color. Elephants can’t be purple daddy.”
“Nonsense, princess. You can have any color of animal you want. You have a bright imagination, Sophia.”
“I want a gray elephant.” Sophia says, looking down.
“Okay, baby, whatever you want.” Jax sighs, still working on reversing what Darren instilled in his baby.  After setting Sophia down, he turns to me.
“Jax, she will be fine. She just needs a little bit more time. With the way we are parenting her, and the things that Darren did to her, these things take time, Jax.”
“He broke her, babe. There are too many pieces, and I am afraid I’m not going to be able to put them all back together.”
“Jax. Remember last week, at Gemmas? Clay was gone, so he couldn’t check for monsters, and I hadn’t been sleeping, so Gemma drugged me. Sophia woke up crying because she remembered that no one checked for monsters. You were there, Jax, you didn’t scold her for being awake at 1 in the morning, you didn’t tell her not to cry. You wiped her tears, took Hank, and you checked for monsters. Then she asked you to stay until she fell asleep, and I found you curled up on the floor with her the next morning, Jax. Darren would have done the opposite. No matter how many pieces she’s broken into, she’s young Jax. There’s time for her to come back from this.”
“What about you, darlin’? Is there time for you to come back from this?”  Jax asked, putting his hand on my cheek before I flinched away. “You know I will only be gentle with you. I will never lay my hands on you in that way.”
“I know, Jax, I’m just not quite there yet.”
“I know.” Jax says, kissing Abels head and my cheek before opening the door and heading out.
“Soph, it’s time for school.” I say, hand rubbing my blushing cheek.
“What are you going to do while I’m at school, mommy?”
“Well, we need to eat, so I will probably go pick up one of the prospects, and then go to the store.”
“No, you need to wait, mommy. I want to go too. Phil is my bestest friend. Please wait, mommy.” She looks up at me, pouting.
“Fine, I will wait, but that means you have to be ready to go at exactly 11. Not a minute later.”
“I promise, I will be!” Sophia shouts, rushing back to her room.
“Phia, we gotta go!” I yell after her, putting Abel in his car seat.
“I can’t find my other shoe!” She yells back at me, before running into the living room. “Can you help me find my other shoe, mommy?”
“Yeah, baby.”
“Alright, Soph, have a good day. Remember be ready by 11.”
“I love you, mommy.” Sophia says, skipping over to Tommy giving him a hug before I have a chance to respond. “Well, baby, looks like it’s just you and I.” I say, carrying Abel back to the car. I’m so caught up in my own thoughts that I don’t notice the black car with the tinted windows following me.
“Hey, darlin’, how are things goin’?” Jax asked when I answered the call.
“Good. You never call me on runs unless it’s night to read to Sophia. Is everything okay?”
“Everything is fine. Can’t I call and check on my favorite lady? Also, I called because they don’t have any gray elephants. What color should I get her?”
“Um… purple, it’s her favorite.”
“I know. I swear, half of what she owns is purple.”
“She and Tommy are still together, Jax. Did you know that? They are going to be getting a pet together.” I joke, waiting for his reply.
“No. It’s too soon.”
“Hey, we had kids together and we’ve never even dated.” I joke.
“I’ll get you a hamster.” Jax growled.
“Trust me, the 2 kids are plenty. No pets are needed in my near future.”
“We can do it.”
“Jax. You killed a cactus, if you can’t keep a cactus alive, how are you supposed to handle two kids AND a hamster.”
“We can get the hamster for Phia, give her something to actually take care of. To feed, talk to, and play with. At least until Abel is old enough.”
“Actually, if we are going to get a pet we should get a cat. I know you are a closet cat lover. Plus, hamsters freak me out, you know that.” I laugh.
“I’ll take Sophia to the shelter when I get back and let her pick out a kitten. I gotta get this purple elephant and something for Abel. I love you.” He hung up before I could say anything else. I stand there for a minute question whether or not I just agreed to get a cat and realizing Jax said I love you and I was going to say it back.
“This is so strange.” Phil said, looking at the bottled water, Sophia in the cart.
“How is it strange, it’s just fancy bottled water.” I said, leaning down to see if I might have missed the regular water. “How do they not have cases of water? Dasani, or whatever it is Gemma buys.”
“What is that stuff floating in here” Phil asked.
“Flax seeds. It’s antioxidant water.”
“It’s nasty!” Sophia says from her spot in the cart, playing with Abel.
“You and your dad. It isn’t that bad.” I sigh, defeated.
“It looks nasty.” Phil said, putting it back on the shelf, his attention focused on something behind me.
“Fine, we won’t get the fancy water.” I break, putting juice in the cart for Sophia and pedialyte for Abel.
“I think we need to leave.”
“Why is that, princess?” say, looking at her concerned.
“I thought I saw Darren.” She replies, fear in her little face.
“Baby, Darren isn’t here. You didn’t see him. Let’s finish here, and we will go home and you can call daddy.” I soothe as she keeps looking around, panicked.
“Phil, I’ll pay for these, can you take her outside? That might help her feel better.”
“Yes Ma’am. I mean Ariana.”
“Thanks, Phil.” I finish shopping before paying and heading out.
“Alright, baby, let’s go home and you can call daddy.” I state, starting the car, before I pull out Phil comes to the window.
“If you don’t mind, I’m going to stay, just until tonight. Sophia seemed really frightened in there.” Phil said.
“Is that okay, baby? Do you want Phil to stay for dinner?” I ask Sophia, looking at her in my rear view mirror.
“Yeah mommy! We can play dinosaurs.”
“Okay, we will see you at the house.”
“I’ll follow you back. Make sure its all clear. The least I can do.” He says. I smile at him and nod, thanking him silently.
“Can I call daddy now?” Sophia asks, sitting in front of the tv.
“After dinner, baby. Now, come eat.”
“Ariana, may I talk to you for a minute?” Phil asks.
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“I told Jax that Sophia got spooked in the grocery store, and that I was going to be with you. He said it was up to you if you wanted me to stay tonight or come back in the morning.”
“We will be fine. Sophia was probably just seeing stuff, she’s been having nightmares lately. This isn’t the first time she thought she saw him, and Jax made sure he wasn’t around. You can come check on us in the morning. Maybe you can help me with drop off.”
“I’ll be here at 6:30 in the morning then.”
“Thank you for staying, Phil. You really helped her calm down.” I said to him after dinner before he left.
“It’s no problem, she’s a joy to be around. I’ll be back in the morning.” Phil says, walking toward his bike parked at the end of the driveway.
“Okay, Soph, let’s call daddy.” I say, after she brushes her teeth and gets ready for bed.
“Hey, babe, what’s up?” Jax answers.
“Daddy!” Sophia squeals.
“Phia, I have to tell you something. They didn’t have any gray elephants, so I had to get you a purple one. Is that okay?”
“But daddy.”
“No. No buts Sophia. It’s okay that it isn’t gray, not all stuffed animals are the right colors.”
“Okay, Daddy.” Sophia murmurs.
“Now, what story are we reading for bedtime?” Jax asks.
“Princess and the pea! The one we always read!”
“Why don’t you read it to me, and if you get stuck mommy can help you.”
“Okay, daddy.” Sophia says, before opening the book and beginning to read falling asleep before the book is even finished.
“Babe?” Jax asks.
“Phil said you sent him home, are you sure you don’t want Chibs or Juice there tonight? I don’t want anything to happen to you guys.”
“Nothing is going to happen to us Jax, and Phil said he would be here at 6:30 to make sure that Sophia gets to school on time. We are gonna be fine, promise. Now I am going to take a shower. I’ll call you tomorrow morning before Sophia goes into school so she can say good morning.”
“Hey, don’t tease me with the thought of you naked and wet in the shower, my shower.” Jax replies, smirk evident in his tone.
“Alright babe. Sleep well, enjoy your shower, and I’ll be home before you know it.”
“Goodnight, Jax.”
“Goodnight, Ari. I love you.”
“I love you too.” I reply hanging up before I realize my slip.
“Well fuck me.” I say, grabbing my towel and taking a shower.
A couple hours later I awake, not really sure why, and glance at the clock. 2am. As I’m about to fall back asleep, I hear a creak from outside the door.
“Sophia?” I ask, climbing out of Jax’s bed, pulling Jax’s shirt down over my panties.
“It’s sad that you didn’t listen to your daughter all those times.”
“Darren… ” I stutter, rushing to the bedside table before being grabbed from behind.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. All you have to do is come with me. One last time, babe, that’s all.” He says in my ear before pushing me over the side of the bed.
“Darren, stop!”
“It’s a good thing Sophia isn’t here to see this, but what she will see in the morning. Her mother's dead body, on the bed of the father who will never care about her.”
“He loves her, Darren. You never did.”
“I knew I should’ve hit her like I hit her mom, maybe then she wouldn’t cry like such a baby.” He rips my panties, pushing Jax’s shirt up.
“Stop!” I cry, fighting to get away.
“Isn’t this what you and what’s his name do? Trying to fake it, so Sophia doesn’t know that you don’t love her dad? He will never love her the way I did.”
“You didn’t love her, you locked her in the bathroom when she asked you to feed her. She was a baby.”
“Shut the fuck up!” He yells, hitting my face off the nightstand, wrapping his hands around my throat, squeezing.
“Don’t do this to Sophia.” I cry, trying to get him off. He goes to push in, but I throw my head back, smacking him in the nose, using his surprise to get away and grab Jax’s gun he keeps under the bed.
“You fucking bitch! You broke my nose! You’re not going to shoot me you pathetic little bitch. You are too scared.”
“Just leave! Please! Don’t make me shoot you.” I beg, gun shaking in my hands, tears running down my face.
“Where is Sophia? And the baby? What's his name would hate you if anything happened to his baby.”
“Stop, I’m begging you.” I cry.
“You will always be the scared little bitch that lets people walk all over her. You are an insecure bitch who jumped into bed with me, and then left me to jump into bed with the big guy, and then the daddy. I will kill you and then I’m going to go in there and do to Sophia what you stopped me from doing to you.” He sneers.
“Not anymore.” I pull the trigger, thanking Jax there was a silencer. 3 shots, two in the chest, one in the head. He falls, bleeding out on the bed.
“Please answer, please.” I cry, calling Jax.
“Hey, it’s Jax you know what to do.” I cry, throwing the phone across the room before dropping down on the floor in the corner, clutching the gun, and letting the tears flow. I don’t know how long I sat there staring at Darren’s lifeless body. The whole world drowned out by my own beating heart.
“Ariana.” I hear Phil say, coming through the door, gun out and ready to hurt anyone who might have tried to hurt me or the kids. “Are you okay.” I look up at him. “Oh my god! What happened?” Phil exclaims checking the body before tucking his gun away. I can’t hear a word he says, too numb to even react.
“Jax! There’s been an accident!” Phil yells, Jax picking up on the first ring.
“What happened?” Jax growls, pulling his kutte over his shoulders and heading to the other rooms to get the guys.
“There is a dead man in your bed. I think he tried to hurt Ariana and the kids. Ariana isn’t responding, her clothes are torn, and she’s clutching a gun.”
“Fuck! She might be in shock. I’ll get home as soon as I can. How are the kids?”
“Call my mom. Tell her to take the kids to her house. Try to get Ariana to go, if she won’t, have Chibs stay with her, and you go with Sophia. Whatever you do, don’t let Sophia see anything. Clay! Get up! Ariana’s been hurt!” Jax yell banging on his door, hanging up on Phil.
“I won’t let Sophia see anything.” Phil says to himself, calling Gemma before going into Sophia’s room to wake her up.
“Gemma, Jax says you need to get to his place, something happened last night, and you need to take Ariana and the kids.”
“Are they okay?”
“The kids are fine. Ariana, not so much.”
“I’m on my way.”
A couple hours later I’m still clutching the gun, sitting on the floor with Chibs next to me, when Jax bursts through the door.
“Baby.” Jax says, taking in the scene before him. Darren is dead on the bed, pants still undone, I’m cowered in the corner basically naked, a blanket wrapped loosely around me, gun clutched in my hand, and Chibs sitting next to me. Jax crouches down next to me taking the gun. Before wrapping me in the blanket and carrying me to the shower.
“He said he was going to rape Sophia. And then he would kill Abel. I couldn’t let him hurt the kids.”
“He can’t now. You took care of him baby, he will never hurt you again. I have to ask, did he rape you?” Jax asks, sounding pained.
“No, but he tried. Where are the kids, Jax?”
“My moms got them, Phil is there.” Jax sighs, pulling me into him before helping me remove the tattered shirt and starting the hot water.
“Let’s get you clean.” Jax says, taking in the bruises on my hips, thighs, and neck and the gash on my forehead.
“I was. I don’t know if I ever will be again, Jax. I killed someone.”
“It’s going to be okay baby, I promise.” Jax replies. “Now, get in the shower and I’ll get you some clothes.”
“Don’t leave me.” I cry, pulling him back into me.
“Baby, I’m never leaving you again.” Jax replies, running his hands down my back pulling me closer. “I’ll have Chibs bring in some clean clothes.”
“Let’s get you in the shower.” Jax says, pulling away, moving me toward the shower.
“Get in with me.” I say, still clutching him.
“Okay. Whatever you need.” Jax replies, stripping his clothes off and helping me into the shower, wrapping his arms around me under the hot water while I let the tears out that won’t stop coming.
“Stay with us at Gemma’s. I don’t want to be away from you.” I say, once the tears subside and my breathing evens out.
“I’m not going anywhere, baby.”  Jax replies, helping me wash my hair.
“I didn’t get to see Sophia or Abel this morning. I just want to hold my babies and never let go of them ever again. He said he was going to hurt them, Jax. He could have killed them.”
“He will never hurt them babe, no one will. Not with a badass mommy like you.”
“I don’t feel so badass right now.” I respond, leaning into his touch.
“I love you.” He murmurs in my hair.
“I love you too, Jax.”
“Can we give this family thing a shot?”
“I thought we already were.” I reply.
“I mean this mommy and daddy together thing. You and Sophia living here, and me getting to sleep next to you every night, for the rest of our lives.”
“I’d love nothing more.”
“Let's get dressed and go see our babies. I bet Phil could use a break.”
“Okay.” He helps me dress before we make our way out of the bathroom, I glance into the bedroom, Darren’s body still laying there.
“What’s gonna happen, Jax? How am I ever going to be able to come back here?”
“It’ll be okay. We will figure it out.” He steers me out of the house and toward his bike.
“Can we take the bug? I don’t trust myself to hold on tight enough with how bad I’m still shaking.”
“I’m not driving that. Why don’t you get a bigger car? One that has room for her booster and Abel’s car seat.”
“I’m kidding, we can take the bug.”
“And you’ll drive?”
“Yes babe. I don’t think we would make it to the corner without you hitting something, if you drive, because of how bad you’re shaking right now.” He says pulling me into him before leading me to the passenger seat, getting in and heading toward Gemma’s.
“You know, Sophia is gonna be 6 in a few weeks.” I say, trying to change the subject.
“She’s getting so big.”
“Yeah, she is.” I look up at him. “Opie didn’t get to finish teacher her how to ride her bike because she fell off. Maybe you can try?”
“Yeah, but let’s focus on you right now. Are you doing okay?”
“Jax, I’m trying to change the subject for a reason. If I focus on what happened I’m going to keep reliving the moment I watched the life drain out of his eyes, and Jax, I don’t think I’ll make it through this if I do.”
“How did you get him to the bed? The blood spatter indicates he landed in the hall when it happened.”  Jax says
“He was in the hall when I shot im him the chest. He just kept coming. I shot him 3 times. The head shot was as he got to the bed and he fell forward.”
“That’s hot, babe.”
“Jax, shut up and drive. I wanna see my babies.”
“Our babies.” Jax responds, squeezing my hand.
“Yes. Our babies. Maybe now Sophia will quit nagging me about wanting a little sibling.”
“Oh baby, that isn’t going to change. She nags me about having a baby with you. She wants lots of siblings.”
“She does? You never told me that.”
“She swore me to secrecy. She was afraid you’d get upset with her for asking me.” He responds, ending the conversation, putting the car in park and turning toward me. “Sophia is going to be confused, and probably ask a bunch of questions. You sure you’re up for this?”
“I’m up for it. Can I have that kiss now, Jax?” Jax grins, wrapping his hands around my neck, brushing the bruises on my neck lightly, and tangling his fingers in my wet hair before pulling me toward him connecting our lips.
“I love you.” He says, pulling away from the earth shattering kiss, the need of air too great.
“I love you too.” I reply, pulling him back in before leaning back and smiling at him.
“Ready to see the kids?” Jax asks.
“Let’s go.” I respond, turning and climbing out of the car, taking a moment to compose myself before making my way to the door.
“Mommy!” Sophia yells, running to me and wrapping her arms around my legs.
“Sophia!” I exclaim, tears coming to my eyes as I pull her up, kissing her head, and clutching her to my chest.
“Are you okay, mommy? I didn’t get to see you this morning.” Sophia says, pulling back a bit, wiping the tear from below my eye.
“I’m just fine, baby. Were you good for Grandma and Papa?”
“Yeah! Papa and Phil played dinosaurs and princesses with me in the backyard.”
“That explains the boas.” I say, letting out a small laugh as I look up at Phil and Clay and smiling. “Sophia, we are going to be staying here for a while, but daddy and Abel are gonna stay with us.”
“I’m going to go check on Abel. You go play.”
“I’ll come with you.” Gemma says, walking into the room.
“Daddy! Come play with me!” Sophia says, running back toward us and grabbing his hand.
“You going to be okay, darlin’?” Jax asks.
“Go play with Sophia. I’ll be fine.”
“You sure?” He asks, putting his hand on my neck and kissing my cheek.
“I’m sure. Also, it’s rude to leave the princess waiting.” I say, looking down at Sophia, who is staring up at her daddy, waiting for him to move. They make their way to the backyard, Jax glancing back at me, smiling before closing the door behind them. Gemma pulls me in for a hug. I break, sobbing into her shoulder as she holds me.
“What happened, baby?” Gemma asks, squeezing me tighter.
“He came in while I was sleeping. He tried to rape me, Gemma. I got him off and he just started going on and on about how he was going to rape Sophia and kill Abel. I couldn’t let him hurt my babies, so I shot him.” I cry.
“You did the right thing, sweetheart. 3 shots? Like Jax taught you?”
“Yeah.” I respond, pulling back to wipe the tears that just keep coming.
“It will go away, the shock. You did it out of protection, babe. I don’t want to imagine what would have happened if you didn’t.” Gemma leads me to the couch to sit down. “But I do know that little girl running around outside, her daddy, and even Abel, wouldn’t be the same. Her little spark has changed these guys. Chibs taught Jax how to braid, so he could do her hair. She brightens everyone's day. Some of these guys, like Happy,” She said, gesturing to SAMCRO coming in the door until everyone was there, “barely smile. But whenever Sophia comes around, things change, these guys are on the floor with her, they’re chasing her around. They play princess and dinosaur, they make sure Hank is always cleaned off when she drops him.”
“We are all glad you came back. While it might be hard to come to terms with it for a while, every time you look at those babies out there, I want you to remember that you saved them. Not Jax, not Phil, not the cops. You did, and that’s why Sophia is out there running around with her dad chasing her, why Abel is out there playing with Juices keys. Because you did what you had to do to protect them. Even if they never know you did it, you will always be glad you did.”
“Gemma, I-I I’m so sorry I left. I should never have left and took Sophia away. I can’t help but think about where we’d all be at now if I hadn’t left. Jax and I would have hopefully been together sooner, Sophia would have grown up with all these people that love her, you would have gotten to see her grow up, and I wouldn’t have let Darren hurt her. I broke her Gemma. I ruined her, and it’s all my fault. I was so angry at Jax, and I let that anger destroy the person I love most in this world. I’m so sorry.” I cry, she pulls me into her arms again, rubbing my back.
“Baby, even if you left for the wrong reasons, you thought what you were doing was right. You did everything you could to protect that baby and you got her out of there. You did everything a mother should. I love you, and I don’t blame you for anything that happened in Sophia’s life. You did the best you could. You were a child yourself. You didn’t know any better but you went out of your way to take care of her. As for you and Jax being together sooner, yeah, it would have been nice. Who knows where you guys would be now, but you guys have another chance. You have those two beautiful babies, and you guys have each other, and when you decide to take the leap and let him in, I know he is going to do everything he can to take care of you and show you the way you deserve to be treated by a man. He will be an idiot at times, you guys will fight over stupid stuff at times, but no matter what you guys will work it out. You and Jax are meant to be.” Gemma replies, wiping my tears.
“Gemma, I told Jax I love him.”
“That’s so good baby.”
“This is gonna work, Gemma. It might be nearly 6 years too late, but this will work.”
“Baby it’s never too late to find love. You know, I noticed the change, back when you were 17, when Jax started seeing you different, he looked at you with these eyes that held so much love I don’t think even he knew what to do with. Jax has loved you since he was a kid, even if it was in the romantic way. I always saw you two growing up, getting married, having babies. I’m so glad it’s happening, even if it’s not exactly the way I thought it would happen.” Gemma smiles, pulling me back in for another hug. “I knew you were in love with him too, even if you refused to admit it. You always lit up when Jax entered the room. When your mom left, no one could console you besides Jax, when your dad died and you clung to Jax for weeks, and every other time you needed someone you always turned to Jax. I’ve known you were in love with him for years. Even when you came back acting like you hated him.”
“I never hated Jax. I couldn’t. I’m just glad Sophia knows the truth. I’m gonna go play with Sophia, Jax looks tired. Thank you, Gemma.”
“Anytime, baby.” She replies, kissing my head before releasing me from her grip.
“Alright Soph, tell grandma and papa goodnight. It’s bedtime.” I say, picking up her toys.
“Night! Love you guys!” Sophia yells, hugging Clay before hugging Gemma, with a yawn.
“Come on, Daddy! You and Hank have to check for monsters!” Sophia yells, pulling Jax by the hand, he hands Abel to me, allowing himself to be pulled to the bedroom.
“You going to be alright, baby?” Gemma asks, standing up to take Abel from me.  “I’ll put him to bed for you guys.”
“Thanks, Gem.” I reply, standing up to make my way to Sophia’s room, Jax had already done monster check and was talking to Sophia.
“Hey guys, any room for mommy?” I ask, peaking into the room.
“There’s always room for you, mommy. Right daddy?” Sophia asks, looking up at Jax.
“Of course there is. Get over here, darlin’.” Jax replies opening his arms up to me.
“You’re still warm. How are you always warm, Jax?” I ask, cuddling up into his side.
“What can I say baby, I’m hot!” Jax laughs.
“Sophia, have you and Tommy picked a pet yet?” I asked her, knowing Jax doesn’t like this Tommy character.
“He wanted to get a bird, but I told him I was scared of them. He told me that birds aren’t bad, and that they are protectors.” Sophia looks up at me and Jax. “Can we go see the birds at the zoo, daddy? I want to see them.”
“If you want too, sweetheart. You can hold my hand, and whenever you get scared, just let me know and we can leave.” Jax says, using his hand to tuck her hair behind her ear, like he used to do to me when we were kids.
“I’ll ask grandma if I can see her birds tomorrow.” Sophia smiles, cuddling into Jax.
“If you feed them, they like you. Just like your mommy.” Jax says to her, smiling.
“Hey, everyone knows the way to my heart is through my stomach.”
“Yeah. Hot pockets.”
“No, Jax, that’s you. I like a good chicken cordon bleu, with mashed potatoes, Mac and cheese, and green beans.”
“Why are you so expensive? You can buy hot pockets for $2.”
“Since when do you care how much I spend on food? We have kids, Jax.” I say, giggling.
“I know.” He laughs, looking down at Sophia who had passed out.
“She’s out. Wanna sneak out?” He asks.
“Yep.” I reply, moving carefully out of the bed, waiting for Jax to get up. “Can I tell you a secret, Jax?”
“Anything, darlin’.” He says, leaving Sophia door cracked so we or Gemma can hear if she wakes up at night.
“The sex with Opie wasn’t actually that great.”
“What?” Jax asks, confused.
“I mean, in case you were wondering, the sex with Opie wasn’t as great as he made it seem. Actually, I haven’t ever had an orgasm, I faked it. He was just trying to make you mad.”
“What brought this up?” Jax asks around his toothbrush.
“I just wanted to clear things up.”
“Wait… never?” Jax asks, realization dawning on him.
“No… don’t make fun of me.” I mutter, blushing.
“Not even by yourself?” Jax asks, dumbfounded.
“Nah, never really been my thing.” I mumble, blush deepening.
“Wait... you faked it the first time we had sex?”
“Maybe… I didn’t want to make you feel bad. You were always bragging about your ‘abilities’.”
“Wow…” Jax whistles, trying to get over his shock. “Why didn’t you just tell me? We could have made it better.”
“I was embarrassed and it was my first time, so I wasn’t worried about it.” I mumble, going to side step him to go to the bathroom from the bedroom to change in to my pjs, his shirt and my panties.
“Not so fast, darlin.” Jax says, stopping me from hiding in the bathroom.
“Jax.” I mumble.
“I need you to do me a favor.”
“You need to be 100% honest with me when we start having sex. If you aren’t enjoying yourself, tell me, we can change it up.” Jax smiles.
“Okay, I promise.” I smile back at him.
“When you’re ready, I’ll show ya how a man should treat ya.” Jax winks, smacking my ass. I walk on into the bathroom smiling. The more I think about Jax’s offer the more I consider it. What’s the harm? I spend a couple extra minutes in the bathroom after showering, shaving my legs (and other regions), put on the perfume I know Jax likes, my panties, and take a deep breath thinking about what I want, before throwing open the door without a top on. Jax doesn’t notice me at first.
“Jax.” I say coming out of the bathroom. “I want you to show me how a man should treat me.”
“What?” Jax asks, confused before looking up from his phone seeing me standing there in just my panties.
“I want you to show me how a man should treat me, and I want you to help me erase the last memory I have of anything like this. I don’t want my most recent memory to be of what Darren tried to do.” I murmur, regretting my decision, I cross my arms over my exposed chest. Jax gets up and makes his way over to me, uncrosses my arms, and grabs my face delicately.
“Baby, don’t ever be ashamed of this beautiful body. You are gorgeous, and I will spend the rest of my life showing you just how gorgeous I think you are. Are you sure you want to do this? Don’t feel like you have to just because I want to. You went through something traumatic, and I know that can cause someone to turn to sex to feel better. I don’t want our second first time to be because you feel like you have to.” Jax says, looking into my eyes intensely.
“I want this, Jax.” I reply assertively. “Nothing but my want for you is causing this. If we are being honest I’ve wanted this for awhile.”  I reply, putting my hands over his that are still on my cheeks. He searches my eyes for a minute, before leaning in and kissing me.
“We can stop any time.” Jax replies, pulling me in for another, more passionate, kiss. I moan into it, as Jax picks me up by the back of my thighs, walking toward the bed.
“Are you sure you want this? Do you want to use a condom this time?” Jax asks, looking into my eyes, searching for any kind of uncertainty or hesitation.
“I want this, Jax. I want you, all of you.” I pull him back to me, locking him in a kiss.
“You asked for it, darlin’.” He pulls away and begins kissing down my jaw to my neck, leaving a trail of hickies in his wake.
“Jaaaaaaaaax.” I moan out as he begin to nibble on the patch of skin where my neck and chest meet.
“Ari. I know you want this, but this is about you feeling good. Do you trust me?” Jax asks, leaning back to look me in the eyes.
“More than anyone.” I reply, pulling him into a kiss. Jax moans, biting my lip as he pulls away. He brushes his fingertips gently over the cut and bruise I got from the nightstand.
“No one will ever hurt you again, as long as I’m alive.” Jax says, seriously.
“I know, baby.” I reply, pushing his hair out of his face, pulling him in for a tender kiss. He runs his hands down my exposed sides causing me to shiver.
“You. Are. So. Beautiful. Babe.” Jax says between kisses, peppering them down my neck and to my exposed breasts. “I’m not going to pretend like I don’t know some of the things you like, baby.” He says, before taking my right nipple into his mouth gently biting and sucking and using his thumb and forefinger to roll my left nipple.
“JAX!” I cry out as he bites down a bit harder on my sensitive nipple. He pulls away.
“Baby, even though I would love to hear you scream my name, you gotta stay quiet. Wouldn’t wanna Gemma and Clay to hear, would we?” He smirks, switching to my left nipple showing it the same attention. I bite back a moan, pulling his hair, causing him to groan into my skin. He kisses down my stomach, paying close attention to the bruises that were left by Darren. I move, uncomfortable with the attention to the part of me Darren marked up.  “Stop, you’re beautiful.”  Jax sighs into my skin, he bites at my hip bone, causing me to moan, I can feel his grin against my skin. After he has thoroughly kissed the bruises on the exposed part of my skin, he works his way further down, ghosting over my panties before moving onto my thighs.  
“Jax, please.” I beg, trying to pull his head back up where I want it.
“Patience, baby.” Jax smirks, kissing down to my knee leaving little love bites along the way.  I let out a frustrated moan, causing him to grin up at me.  Once he gets to my ankles, he works his way back up.  He spends a lot of time kissing and biting at my inner thighs, getting close to where I want him but not actually making it there.  After a couple minutes of his teasing, he finally hooks his fingers in the band of my soaked panties, looking up at me with questioning eyes, “You sure you want this?”  Jax asks, stopping every move.
“Please!  Don’t stop!”  I moan, pulling his hair.
“You might want to cover your mouth or  somethin’, darlin’, wouldn’t want you waking the whole house.” Jax grins, before pulling my panties down my thighs and throwing them across the room.
“If you’re not careful, I’m gonna bite you so hard Sophia is gonna ask why you have a booboo.” I retort, feeling shy when he spread my legs, taking in my soaking core.
“Bite away, baby.” He smirks, before licking a stripe from my entrance to my clit, pulling my clit into his mouth and giving a slight suck, before moving back down to my entrance.  He teases my entrance with his tongue, causing me to twitch a bit, letting out a small moan.  He start lapping at my core, making sure to miss my clit each time he goes up and then everyone in a while, throwing in a suck directly on my clit. He continues this pattern until I can’t take it anymore.
“Jaaaaaaaax. Please, stop teasing!”  I moan, tugging at his hair.  I feel him smirk against me.
“Beg for it, baby.” Jax replies, pulling away completely.
“Jax, please, make me cum.”  I beg, staring at him with lust blown eyes.
“Tell me what you want me to do, darlin’.”  Jax teases, gently running his fingers over my clit.
“I want you to make me cum with your mouth on my clit, and your fingers buried in my cunt.”  I moan as Jax wastes no time thrust 2 fingers into me, latching onto my clit with his lips and teeth.
“Oh, god! JAAAAXXXX!” I yell out, forgetting to be quiet, moans falling from my lips.
“Baby, you gotta be quiet.” Jax reminds, still pumping his fingers into me, taking a moment to add another finger.  I moan again, grabbing the pillow and biting down on it, trying to quiet myself as my hips stutter off the bed when he wraps his lips around my clit biting gently.  He continues his biting and sucking until I start feeling a coil tightening in my stomach.  
“JAAAAAAXXX! I think I’m close!” I moan, tugging his hair harder and grinding my hips down.
“You gonna cum for me babe?” He asks, pulling his face away from my clit, continuing to pump his fingers, curling them, and hitting a spot I didn’t even know existed, as his lips wrap around my clit sucking hard.  I let out a scream of his name, throwing my head back as I have my first orgasm.  My hips have a mind of their own and begin grinding hard on his face.  He continues his actions well after my orgasm ended, I start feeling another one coming on.  He keeps going until I’ve came three times by his skilled mouth and fingers.
“Stop… Jaxxx stop!”  I moan, pushing his head away from my oversensitive clit. Jax stops, a smirk on his face, and kisses his way up my body, pumping his fingers slightly still.
“You still up for more?”  Jax asks, kissing my neck waiting for my response, his fingers still pumping.
“Please, Jax.” I moan, clenching around his fingers as he pulls them out, suddenly feeling empty.  That doesn’t last long as Jax removes his sweats, his cock, springing up and hitting his stomach, leaking precum. “There is no way that is all gonna fit.” Jax lets out a full body laugh, his cock bouncing as he throws his head back, before fitting himself between my legs, wrapping one around his hip.
“Baby, I promise, it’s going to.” Jax laughs, rubbing it against my dripping core.
“But what if it doesn’t?” I moan.
“Do you trust me?” Jax asks, slightly rutting his hips against mine, his cock slipping through my folds and hitting my clit.
“Yes.” I moan, thrusting my hips toward him on instinct.
“Then trust me.” Jax replies, moving the head of his cock to my entrance.
“I trust you, Jax.” I moan as he begins pushing into me, going a bit in before pulling out and moving back in, slowing repeating the action until he is balls deep.  I let out a moan at the feeling of being so full.  
“Tell me when you are ready.”  Jax moans, trying hard not to move, my cunt squeezing him tight.
“Okay, you can move.”  I moan, wrapping my arms around his shoulders, kissing his neck.  He begins thrusting lightly, basically just grinding against me, his pelvis hitting my clit. I moan out, digging my nails into his back.  “JAAAAXXX.”
“You’re going to have stay quiet, babe.” He moans, his head in my neck, stopping his movements.
“How do you suggest I do that, Jax?” I whimper, panting.
“I don’t know. Bite me.” Jax pants, fighting hard not to move too much.
“Jax, would you please just fuck me.” I groan, tightening my legs around him. He begins thrusting, pulling almost completely out before thrust in slow and deep.  I moan, thrusting my face into his neck, trying to quiet myself.  
“Ari!’ Jax moans, thrusting a bit harder, biting at my shoulder.  I squeal in response.
“I told you, you can’t be loud. You could wake up Sophia. How are we going to explain this to a 5 year old? Plus, what if Gemma and Clay hear, you are going to be embarrassed.”  Jax thrusts a bit harder emphasizing his point.  I bite down on his shoulder where his neck meets his shoulder.  “Fuck. I forgot how hard you bite.” Jax moans.
“Sorry.” I pant, digging my nails into his back.
“I didn’t say I didn’t like it babe. If it’ll keep you quiet, then bite away.” Jax moans, thrusting his hips a bit harder and pulling my leg higher up his waist, going deeper.  
“Fuckkkk!”  I pant, moving my hips to meet his, our pace picking up.
“You feel so good.” Jax pants in my ear.  
“Harder!” I moan, biting down on his shoulder again.
“Baby, I don’t know if I can handle harder. I’m so close.” Jax moans, hips faltering a bit.
“Please!” I moan, reaching between us to rub my clit.  Jax knocks my hand away, bringing his own callused fingers to my clit rubbing it in fast, tight circles, speeding his hips up and pounding into me harder.  
“OH GODDDD, JAAAAXXX!”  I scream, completely abandoning being quiet, throwing my head back, digging my nails in his back and dragging them down. I squeeze his ass, feeling the muscles clench and unclench with each thrust.
“Ari.” Jax moans, biting down on my neck. “I’m s-so close!” He groans.
“M-me too, Jax. Oh god!”  I moan, feeling the coil tighten almost to breaking point.  I gasp as his fingers rub my clit harder and his thrust speed up and get harder.
“Let go, darlin’, let go.” Jax pants, his face scrunched up in ecstacy.  I throw my head back letting out a loud moan, sure to have woken the whole house.
“JAAAAAXXXXX!!!” I scream, my hips stuttering and grinding harder, my legs tightening around him as I cum.  Jax thrusts a few more times before his hips stutter and he buries himself deep inside of me, his hot seed spurting inside of me, he rides out both of our orgasms before stilling.
“We are gonna work on keeping it down. I forgot you were a screamer.” Jax pants, still resting over my body, his softening cock still inside me.
“Those were real screams though, the last time wasn’t.”  I breath, still trying to come down from my mind blowing orgasm.  
“Baby, the real ones were hotter.  I just hope we didn’t wake anyone up.”  Jax laughs, pulling out of me and moving to leave the bed.
“I guess we will find out in the morning. Where are you going?” I ask, too much like jelly to pull the covers over myself.
“Just getting a washcloth to clean you off, baby, don’t worry I’m not going anywhere.”  He disappears into the bathroom, the water running, and then he’s back, gently wiping between my thighs. I groan at the feeling of the rough washcloth against my over sensitive parts.
‘Sorry, baby.”  Jax whispers, throwing the washcloth in the hamper before joining me on the bed, pulling me closer to him, my head resting on his chest and my legs wrapped around him.  
“How was your first orgasm?” Jax asks, smirk evident in his voice.
“Fucking unbelievable.” I laugh, wrapping my arms tighter around him.
“Good, expect more where that came from.” Jax replies, planting a kiss on my sweat soaked forehead.  “I love you, Ariana.” “I love you too, Jackson.” I reply, dozing off.
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canaryatlaw · 4 years
okay late let’s go, though hopefully I can sleep in a bit longer than usual for a week day, so we’ll see what happens there. but yeah, today was pretty good so that was nice. I was in and out of sleep for a while until about noon when I was texting friend for her to come over like we planned and put our brunch order in, so she headed over and not too long afterwards the food came, so we had brunch and watched kpop music videos mostly as background noise because that’s what we do these days, lol. once we were good with all of that we moved to the kitchen to start making caramel apples that we’ve been wanting to be making for weeks now but covid had been foiling our attempts thus far. I’m like, good with cooking normal food, but I generally like baking and such more, usually with things high in sugar, but friend doesn’t like most desserts but she does like caramel apples so we had to do that. I got everything started and waited for the caramel to reach the right temperature for it to stick to the apples and not be too hard. Friend decided to dip hers early when I told her it would slide off, and to be fair the apple did end up covered, but there was just a giant pool of caramel that slid off the bottom, which I gotta say was pretty funny. but yeah, we got it and I did two with toppings, one with mini m&ms and one with sprinkles, and of course they didn’t like anywhere near as pretty as the ones on the recipe websites, but whatever. another recipe though had suggest double dipping the apples, like doing it once and letting it harden for like an hour and then dip them again, and that sounded like fun so we did that. I had a small amount of caramel left in the pan after they were all dipped, so I hooked the candy thermometer back on and turned up the head until it hit the temperature was high enough that it would set as harder and just the tiniest bit burnt because I like it that way and so I poured that into a pan and ended up with this solid chunk of like rock hard caramel, and I love it so much lol. after that we watched the BTS concert that had just happened and got KFC for dinner, then at some point after that we consumed two of the apples which were very good, but there might have in fact been too much caramel on them because they was like, only so much of it you can eat without getting a stomachache or similar body pain, but they were really fucking good. after that friend made me watch kpop videos from bands I don’t really know and wanted to me to label all the people and I am high key terrible at it but we did this for like, an hour before she headed home, lol. once she left I watched some Chicago Fire and ended up getting just through the season 1 finale. there’s like 8 seasons, each with like a good chunk of episodes, so there’s plenty to come from there. and yeah, I ended up doing that for the rest of the night, then eventually showering and starting to get ready for bed and now I am here and I am tired and I need to go to bed now, so that’s what I will do. Goodnight babes. Hope your Monday doesn’t suck.
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pagesoflauren · 7 years
A Thousand Years (vampire!Jack x reader AU) - Part 11
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“Please,” Y/N sighs, her hand coming to rest on her face in exasperation, “I’m not looking to steal anything or-or hurt , I just need to get in contact with him.”
She had spent weeks trying to find the right medical school in Belgium, going through about a dozen departments and people who don’t speak English before finding the apparent only secretary on the entire campus that could understand her.
“Sorry, miss,” she apologizes again, “I can only say he graduated in 1997.” “Okay,” she sighs, “thank you.” “Of course. Good day.”
The line goes dead and her head falls onto the table as her shoulders heave. She feels Ash dig his palm between her shoulder blades. “Chin up, love. What happened?” “They can’t disclose any information other than his graduation year,” she sighs. “Is it a privacy thing?” Lily asks. “Yeah. Something about needing consent because he’s now a medical professional and has access to private records and all,” she explains. “I mean, I get it, I probably should’ve known better than to call them.” “But it wouldn’t have hurt, at least you tried,” George consoles, trying to keep her hopes up. “Shouldn’t there be a registry or something for vampires?” “You really wanna submit an application and wait for approval and then dig through files and files to find the right one?” Maeve asks rhetorically. “That’ll probably take months,” Ash adds, turning his torso to face Y/N.
Y/N huffs. “You’re right. Maybe I should just get him a new record player or something.” “No way!” George says, “This can’t be the end, there’s gotta be something else.” “What else is there, George?” “Well, I know Garrett hoards a bunch of crap in the basement of his house,” Ash states. “Yeah, Jack does the same.” “You can look through there.”
Y/N’s nose wrinkles.
“What?” “Well…spiders.” “Oh come on!” Ash exclaims, drawing some attention from the students at the surrounding tables in the cafe, “You gotta put on your big girl pants and just do it! Is Jack not worth it?” “I don’t know, to be honest.” “Oh shut up, you know he is.” She’s quiet for a moment as her friends look at her expectantly. “Shit, you’re right,” she groans.
Y/N tiptoed into the basement after Jack left for work. She made sure to feed Socks to keep him occupied so that he doesn’t wander in after her.
She’s surprised at how organized Jack is. There’s a few boxes labeled “1990s” towards the back of the room, which she’s relieved to see. Maybe it’ll be easier to find that letter than she originally thought. She navigates her way across the room, stepping over boxes and ducking under some clothes hanging from the pipes so that they don’t wrinkle in boxes.
“Stupid jacket,” she mutters to herself when a sleeve hits her in the face.
She finally makes it to the boxes, pulling one to the floor and sitting down next to it. She digs through the contents, finding Backstreet Boys and *NSYNC albums. She laughs to herself before replacing the box on the shelf and grabbing the next one. In it, she finds a neon orange jacket and a colorful windbreaker, along with a denim jacket and some old bands shirts. She folds the clothes again, trying to imagine Jack putting up a grungy front in the 90s while also listening to dramatic boyband songs. She pulls out the third box, squealing when a spider crawls out and disappears under another stack of boxes. She shakes it off before opening the flaps through the box, finding exactly what she needs on top.
It’s almost heartbreaking that the stack of letters on top, but she could just be overthinking. She imagines Jack coming down here when she’s in school, reading and rereading these letters, clinging on to what he has left from his friendship with Thomas. She feels an ache in her chest, interrupted by Socks meowing from the door.
“Hang on, baby, don’t come in,” she says, hoping to God he’ll actually listen to her. She quickly flicks through the envelopes, finding one from Belgium and taking a picture of the address. She carefully places the letters back in the box where they were, lugs the box back on its place in the shelf and hurries to the door to find Socks beginning to come down the stairs. “No, no, come on,” she says, using her hands to scoop the feline up, “Oof, you’re heavy aren’t you? Getting fat from all your food?”
Socks seems to meow in protest and she laughs.
“Are you getting your dad to feed you a lot more when I’m away? Hm?”
He meows again and she sets him down on the coffee table before picking up her laptop to search the address from the envelope, finding the landlord and her contact information. She looks at the clock; it’s almost 8:30, not too late, but it might be late enough. She decides if anything, she can leave a voicemail. She dials the number and waits as it rings, anticipating a voicemail message before a woman with a French accent answers the phone in English.
“Oh, hello. Um, my name’s Y/N.” “Bonsoir, madame. My name is Bernice.” “Bonsoir, Bernice. Um, I was wondering if you knew a man by the name of Thomas Morrison.” “Oui, I did. But he does not live here anymore.” “Yes, I know, but I was wondering if you knew anything about him?” “Um, not much. He left in 1997, I believe. And he worked in the medical field, um…”
Y/N hears her mumbling to herself, trying to find the right word.
“Pédiatrique. Children.” “Oh pediatrics?” she asks, looking for confirmation. “Oui. He worked some nights in a hospital nearby; he would walk me to my car when I was leaving the office and he was going to the hospital. Here, I’ll tell you the name…”
Y/N types out the name as the letters come to her through the phone, sighing in relief that Bernice has so much information. “Is there anything else you need, madame?” “No, no. Merci beaucoup, Bernice. Merci,” she says, a smile on her face. “De rien, Y/N. Bonsoir.” “Bonsoir.”
Y/N hangs up and cheers as Socks stares at her with wide, confused eyes.
“I’m so close to finding him, Socks!” she explains excitedly.
Socks doesn’t do anything other than rub against her legs in a request to sit in her lap. She moves her laptop to the side and picks up a book so that the space is open for Socks to lie there. Around midnight, she goes to bed, cuddling into Jack’s pillow and pulling to duvet up to her ear in an attempt to get warm.
Jack returns from work around two in the morning, the house dark and quiet apart from the two heartbeats and breathing patterns that come from Y/N and Socks. He hears Y/N softly snoring as he quietly climbs the stairs and smiles when he sees her sleeping, the yellow light of the lamp on the bedside table casting a familiar yellow glow on her. He sheds his clothing, pulling on a pair of sweat pants and a sweater to cover his torso so that the jarring icy feeling of his skin doesn’t awaken her. Clicking the lamp off, he climbs under the covers next to her, feeling the warmth that had gathered in the little cocoon of blankets. He slides up behind her, burying his face in her hair and breathing in the smell of her shampoo and wrapping an arm around her waist.
“Goodnight, my love,” his whispers, pressing a kiss under her ear.
A few days later, Y/N stands at the counter while Socks waits patiently at the corner where his food bowl will be placed in front of him, tail swaying back and forth against the floor. She’s almost done making his food when she hears a faint meow. She looks up, then at Socks, whose tail has stopped moving. She ignores it, thinking it was just her imagination.
She hears more meowing and they seem to be coming from the hallway, not the dining room. She finishes making the food and places the bowl in front of Socks, who begins eating. Walking over to the hallway, the sound gets louder when she stands in by the front door. She unlocks it and opens it slightly, enough for a blur of orange to bolt past her into the kitchen. She shuts the door and locks it before rushing to the kitchen to find another cat, a tabby one, eating out of Socks’ bowl. Socks’ eyes are wide and he’s looking at her. What the fuck? he seems to be saying Who is this and why are they eating out of my bowl?
Y/N doesn’t know what to make of the situation when she hears footsteps coming down the stairs, “I hear an extra heart beat,” Jack says, poking his head between the banister rails. He comes into the kitchen and sees the extra cat.
“WHAT THE FUCK!” he shouts.
Socks looks confused, Y/N looks a little guilty and their unexpected dinner guest is still eating.
“SOCKS YOU LITTLE SHIT, YOU BROUGHT A FRIEND?” “No, it was me, I let him…her…it,” Y/N’s waving her hand as she says the pronouns, not knowing which one to settle on, “in. I heard meowing and opened the door and it just ran in.” “What?” “I didn’t know it was gonna run in!” “Well what’d ye think it was gon’ do, eh?” Jack says, his accent getting thicker, “Deliver a package as part of some new cat unit at the post office? Ask ye ‘f ye wanted to become a Jehovah’s witness!?” “Jack Andrew Lowden do not talk to me that way!” Y/N says, her brows pulling together. “Yes, dear,” he says, looking down and his voice lowering. “We can take it to the vet,” Y/N says, “have it checked out, make sure it isn’t injured and then leave it at the shelter there.”
Jack sighs, scratching the back of his head, “Aye. We’ll just let ‘em finish first.”
“It’s a boy,” the veterinarian says after running a few tests. “He’s about eight months. We gave him a good wash and vaccinations, though I recommend showering thoroughly and washing your clothes and the area he walked around as soon as possible to prevent flea infections. You said your cat already has his vaccination?” “Yes,” Jack says, “He got it done about two months ago.”
“Great. There shouldn’t be anything to worry about. Now, we do have space in the shelter, but, forgive me for any assumptions I might be making, but you both seem like very competent pet owners and if you’d like to take him in, we’d gladly let you off the hook for the vaccinations and the bath.”
Jack quickly looks at Y/N, who’s only looking at the kitten.
“Um,” she says, tugging at the sleeves of her sweater. “We’ll take him,” Jack says, grabbing Y/N’s hand. She looks up at him, smiling. “Thank you,” she says happily, jumping up to kiss his cheek. “Wonderful,” the vet says, “Let me go get the paperwork and you’ll be on your way.”
Once they filled out the paperwork and ushered the cat back into the carrier, they were on their way home. Y/N and Jack followed the vet’s instructions and hopped into the shower, giving themselves a thorough scrub and put in a load of laundry. Jack cleaned the kitchen floor and washed Socks’ food bowl, since fleas posed no threat to him.
They sat in the living room watching reruns of Unsolved Mysteries and debated on a name for the new addition to the family.
“Maybe we can name him Junior,” Y/N giggles. “Why Junior?” “Because look,” she says, picking up the Scottish fold munchkin and holding it next to Jack’s face, “You’re like twins. Gingers and Scots.”
Jack’s face turned into a scowl while the kitten held a sweet, innocent looking face.
“We look nothing alike.” “True, you’re very grumpy and he’s sweet looking.” “Oi!” “I’m kidding.”
They spent the next few days trying to think of a name, while Socks had taken the kitten under his wing and taught him to steal and hide Jack and Y/N’s socks. “Maybe we should name him Socks Jr.,” Jack says, beginning to pull the couch away from the wall to grab the socks behind there.
“No,” Y/N says, “Socks should have his own identity. Plus he’s not that much of a junior for Socks.”
She watches as Jack’s face twists up in confusion before he bends down to retrieve something. He pulls out Y/N’s navy beanie with a pom at the top, her go-to piece of headgear when the air gets colder near the end of fall.
“Hey, I’ve been looking for that!” Y/N says, “how’d that get there?”
Just then, Socks returns with one of Jack’s socks and the kitten following him, who immediately runs over to Y/N and begins jumping for the beanie. She giggles, sitting on the couch and setting the beanie down, watching as he hops on and circles the hat before lying on it.
“Oh, you like my beanie, don’t you?” she asks, grabbing the kitten and holding him above her, “Maybe we should call you Beans.” “Beans?” Jack asks, his hands full of socks that had been missing for a month. “Yeah, cuz he likes my beanie,” Y/N says, sitting him on her lap. “Socks and Beans,” Jack says thoughtfully, “maybe we can feed him beans on toast instead of cat food instead, too. Just to reinforce the name.”
Y/N laughs, cuddling the kitten in her arms before Socks meows indignantly at her feet, adamant to not be forgotten. “Aww, don’t worry, Socks,” Y/N says, scratching behind his ears, “You’re still my baby.” “Yeah, don’t worry, she still likes you more than me,” Jack grumbles. “Don’t be such a grump, then maybe I’ll like you more,” Y/N quips back, laughing when Jack scowls at her. “Jeez, you meet a girl in a bar and she stays for your cat and makes you adopt a kitten.” “Yet for some reason, you’ve let me stay,” she says cheekily as Jack chuckles and presses a kiss to her forehead.  “Of course. Can’t have any other bartenders making you crappy drinks, can I?” 
A bit of a filler; sorry for the lack of Jack in this chapter but I’ll try to get something up tomorrow to make up for it!!
Tagging: @albionscastle :)
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onewfantaesy · 7 years
uncle yunho au
“Taemin, change the channel.”
A loud groan sounded from the couch, and Taemin pulled himself into a sitting position to narrow his eyes at his uncle. His left foot still had a boot on it, but he was doing much better since the incident two weeks prior. Instead of being moody and grumpy about how people were treating him because of his parents, he was moody and grumpy because Yunho had told him he wasn’t allowed to watch certain television shows anymore.
“It’s not even that bad,” Taemin whined.
“I don’t care, it’s not appropriate for a fifteen year old to be watching,” Yunho said. “Now change the channel before I come over there and change it myself.”
“Fine,” Taemin grumbled, turning back around and clicking the remote to put on a different show. 
Yunho shook his head and went back to making dinner. From the way Taemin was acting, someone would think that him being told he couldn’t watch South Park was the end of the world. He heard Taemin plop back down on the couch and let out a loud huff, and Yunho smiled when he heard Bob’s Burgers playing in the background. Yunho was fine with him watching shows like that. After a few minutes, Yunho walked over to the living room and leaned over the back of the couch.
“Dinner’s gonna be ready in about ten minutes,” Yunho told him. “Can you set the table for me?”
“Can I do it at the commercial?” Taemin asked, turning to look up at him.
“Course, buddy,” Yunho smiled, rubbing Taemin’s arm. 
Taemin nodded his head and rolled back over to face the TV. Yunho went back into the kitchen, but before he got back inside, he turned back to Taemin.
“Oh, Jaejoong’s going to come over for dinner,” Yunho told him, “so make sure you set three places.”
“Is he gonna stay the night again?” Taemin asked, his voice half-muffled by the couch pillow his head was on.
“If you’re not uncomfortable with it, I would like that, yes,” Yunho laughed.
“Ugh, whatever,” Taemin mumbled as he hobbled into the kitchen, “just don’t have sex so loud again, gross.”
“Taemin!” Yunho snapped, turning to look at where Taemin was taking plates out of the cabinets.
But Taemin was stifling a laugh behind his sleeve, his shoulders shaking as he snorted.
“That isn’t funny,” Yunho told him, whacking him with a towel.
“The look on your face was pretty funny,” Taemin laughed.
“Just play nice, will you?” Yunho asked with a sigh.
“I’m always nice,” Taemin insisted, pulling forks and knives out of one of the drawers. “Besides, I like Jaejoong, he’s cool.”
“He likes you, too. Hey, c’mere” Yunho said, and when Taemin passed by him, he hooked his arm around his neck and pulled him close. “I’m glad you like him.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Taemin groaned, trying to pull away. “Did you want me to set the table or not?”
“Thank you, best nephew,” Yunho sang as he let Taemin go.
“You’re welcome, best uncle,” Taemin sang back, and he went over to the dining table to put the plates down.
When Jaejoong arrived, he let himself inside like he always did. He greeted Taemin, who was sitting at the couch again, and went to hug and kiss Yunho who was putting the food out on the table. Dinner was as normal as ever; Jaejoong asked Taemin how school was that week, Taemin said it was boring, and Yunho changed the subject to something more fun for all of them.
The next evening found Taemin sitting on the edge of the couch playing video games with a headset on. He was staring at the television, his thumbs pounding on the buttons and flicking the joysticks. Every now and again he would say something into the headset, talking to Kai and Ravi who were both on his team, and he groaned whenever his character got killed.
“SONUVABITCH!” Taemin yelped, his controller falling into his lap.
“Taemin!” Yunho called from the other room. “Language!”
“Sorry,” Taemin groaned, taking the controller back into his hands. Kai said something through the headset, and Taemin scoffed, “No, not you, asshole.”
“Taemin,” Yunho said as he walked into the living room, “what did I just say?”
“Sorry,” Taemin repeated, putting his hand over the microphone. He bit his tongue and turned back to the television with a frown on his face. “Habits.”
“I know,” Yunho sighed. “Just try not to shout them, at least, yeah?”
“I’ll try,” Taemin whined. He pulled his hand off the microphone to go back to the game, and he muttered, “No promises, though.”
“It’s a school night, Taemin,” Yunho reminded him as he walked back down the hall. “Try not to stay up too late, would ya?”
“No promises,” Taemin laughed. He stopped, though, and rolled his eyes to scoff into his microphone again, “No, not you! Does it sound like I’m talking to you? Shit, wait, hold on.”
Taemin put the controller down and went over to the other end of the couch to peer down the hallway. He smirked and covered his microphone again.
“It’s a school night, Uncle Yunho! Is Jaejoong spending the night again?” Taemin teased as he called down the hallway.
When Yunho just grunted and told him to go back to his video games, Taemin stifled a laugh and went back to grab his controller.
Jaejoong came out later that night and clapped Taemin on the shoulder.
“Bed, buddy,” Jaejoong said.
Taemin turned his eyes up to him and scoffed before looking back to the television.
“You’re not in charge of me,” Taemin said, a smirk on his face.
“Taemin, come on,” Jaejoong sighed, leaning against the back of the couch.
“I’m in the middle of something,” Taemin mumbled, his eyes not leaving the screen.
“You can finish whatever it is you’re doing,” Jaejoong said, waving his hand at the TV, “but then you gotta cool it with the games for the night. It’s getting late, and you have school tomorrow.”
“I’m fifteen, I don’t have a bedtime,” Taemin hissed. Jaejoong was about to say something, but Taemin grunted into the microphone and frowned as he said, “Shut up, Ravi, I swear to God.”
“You’ve been playing all day, kid,” Jaejoong said. “You get thirty more minutes, max.”
“Whatever,” Taemin muttered, his thumbs still pounding on the buttons.
Yunho came out an hour later and sighed at the sight of Taemin still sitting on the edge of the couch playing video games. His eyes were glued to the TV, his mouth slightly open, and his thumbs looked like they were twitching he was moving them so fast.
“Taemin,” Yunho called, walking over to him. “Jaejoong told you to stop playing an hour ago.”
“He’s not in charge of me,” Taemin mumbled, still staring at the screen.
“I asked him to come tell you,” Yunho said in a soft voice.
“He’s still not in charge of me,” Taemin said. “You’re in charge of me, not him.”
“Then I’m telling you to turn off the game right now and go to bed,” Yunho told him.
Taemin’s shoulders deflated and a whine sounded from deep in his throat.
“Can’t I just finish this real quick?” Taemin asked.
“No. Jaejoong told you that you had half an hour left an hour ago.”
“Just five more minutes.”
“Turn it off, Taemin,” Yunho said, not budging.
“God, this is such bullshit,” Taemin hissed under his breath, but he made no move to turn off the game.
“I’m not going to tell you again.”
“Fine, fine, I’m turning it off,” Taemin whined. “You don’t gotta be such a hardass about it.”
Taemin let out a huff of a breath and said goodbye to his friends before he turned the game off and took off his headset. He put the controller and the headset on the same shelf as the console, and when he went to go down the hallway, Yunho held him back.
“Hey,” Yunho said. “I love you.”
“Love you, too,” Taemin muttered, frowning at the wall. 
“Goodnight, Taemin,” Yunho said.
“G’night,” he mumbled.
When Taemin dragged himself to the kitchen table after his shower the next morning, he let his head drop in front of his plate, his wet hair dripping onto the table. Jaejoong looked to Yunho and laughed, but Yunho just shook his head and put a bowl of cereal in front of the kid.
“How late did you stay up last night?” Yunho asked.
Taemin only groaned into the table. Yunho laughed, rubbed Taemin’s back, and coaxed him into sitting up just enough to shovel the cereal into his mouth. When Taemin asked for coffee through a mouthful of Cheerios, Yunho frowned at him.
“You’re too young to be drinking coffee,” Yunho muttered, but he poured him a cup anyways.
“No m’not,” Taemin insisted. 
When Yunho put the cup of coffee down in front of him, a lazy smile lit up Taemin’s face, and he pulled it towards him with both hands. He hummed into the cup and took a long first sip before putting it back down on the table with a sigh. Jaejoong, who was sitting across from him reading the newspaper comics, only laughed.
“You’re pretty funny, kid,” he said.
“I know I am,” Taemin mumbled, going back to inhaling his Cheerios.
“Jaejoong and I are going to a thing tonight for his work,” Yunho told Taemin as he sat down at the table. “You’ll be okay by yourself for a little bit, won’t you?”
Taemin scoffed from around his spoon, “I’m not five years old. I’ll be fine.”
“I’m just making sure,” Yunho assured him.
“Will you bring me back food?” Taemin asked, looking up at him. “Specifically a happy meal.”
“Why do you want a happy meal?” Yunho laughed.
“Because I want chicken nuggets,” Taemin sad as if it was obvious. “Also the toy.”
“I’ll bring you back a happy meal,” Yunho promised him. “Now hurry up and eat, we have to leave soon.”
“Just don’t get me any of that fruit and milk bullshit,” Taemin said through his last bite of cereal. “I don’t eat McDonald’s to be healthy; I want french fries and a Sprite with my nuggets.”
“Okay, okay,” Yunho laughed. “But you have to get through school first, so finish your coffee and then go get your backpack. And don’t forget your lunch again - it’s in the fridge.”
Taemin groaned, swallowed all his coffee, and trudged off to his bedroom after putting his dishes in the sink. He dragged himself out to the car after being reminded again to get his lunch out of the fridge. Jaejoong said goodbye to both of them as he got into his own car, and then Yunho drove himself and Taemin off to the school.
Later that evening, Taemin was once again sitting in the living room playing video games online. Yunho had told him the usual talk of, “Don’t open the door for anyone, don’t do anything stupid, don’t set the house on fire,” and then left with Jaejoong with a promise of bringing back Taemin a McNugget happy meal.
That night, though, Taemin had his laptop out and was playing music as loud as he wanted. That was the night thing about being home alone; Yunho couldn’t complain about the music being too loud.
“But you love Grease,” Taemin had complained a few days earlier.
“I don’t love it when it’s ringing throughout the entire house,” Yunho had told him.
It was Yunho’s fault Taemin was obsessed with the stupid musical soundtrack in the first place, so he shouldn’t have complained about Taemin playing it too loud.
“What the fuck are you listening to, dude?” Kai asked over the headset.
“A quality soundtrack, that’s what,” Taemin snapped at him. “Don’t judge.”
“You were listening to techno, like, five minutes ago,” Ravi said.
“And now I’m listening to Grease. Deal with it.”
There was a loud knock at the door, and Taemin’s head snapped to look in that direction. He didn’t really think much of it, just assumed it was a package being dropped off or something, and when he looked back to the screen, his character was dead.
“Fucking sonuvabitch,” Taemin hissed as he respawned. “The fuck, Ravi, why weren’t you covering me?”
“You just stopped moving, dude, not my fault,” Ravi snapped.
There was more knocking at the door, and then Taemin heard muttering from outside. A very familiar man’s voice was snapping about a key, and a woman’s voice was saying she was looking for it - that it was in her purse somewhere.
“Fuck,” Taemin breathed out. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
“What the hell, dude?” Kai asked.
“No, no, this is not happening,” Taemin said in a strangled voice, and he tore off the headset. “Fuck, fuck.”
He grabbed his phone off the table and ran down the hallway, his finger scrolling through his phone until he found his message to his last uncle. He sent no less than five texts to him and then pressed the call button as he shut the door to his bedroom.
“Taemin? What’s-”
“They’re here,” Taemin hissed into the phone. “They’re outside, they’re here, why are they here?”
“Who’s there? What’s going on?” Yunho asked.
“My parents,” Taemin cried, turning the lock on his bedroom door when he heard the front door open. “They’re in the house, they had a key, what do I do?”
Yunho told him to go into his room, lock the door, and hide, and that he would get back as soon as possible. Jaejoong called the police while Yunho stayed on the phone with Taemin, but neither of them were quick enough. 
Taemin hid in his bedroom closet, and he held his breath when he heard pounding on the bedroom door. 
Yunho felt his heart shattering when he heard Taemin screaming for him and there was nothing he could do. 
By the time Yunho got back home and the police showed up, Taemin’s Grease playlist was replaying, his video game character was respawning every time it got killed again, and his cellphone was lying cracked on his bedroom floor. Taemin wasn’t in the house, and the neighbors were telling the police that they had seen a man carry a screaming Taemin out to an old blue car while the woman got into the passenger’s seat and then drove off. More than a couple neighbors got the license plate number, and there was an amber alert out within an hour.
Taemin’s happy meal never even made it out of the back of Yunho’s car.
Kibum felt like he was going to be sick that entire Tuesday. When he showed up to school, he could tell that almost everyone else felt the same way. Taemin’s school picture from last year was all over the news last night, and so were the mug shots of both his parents and the license plate number of their car. There was also footage of the outside of Mr. Jung’s house, and they all saw the senior history teacher break down in front of his own house while some other guy held onto him.
At morning break, Jonghyun informed the rest of them that Mr. Jung wasn’t at school that day.
None of them said anything for a few minutes until Kibum let out a humorless laugh and asked, “Who lets those kind of people out on bail?”
“Who knows,” Jinki mumbled.
“I got the amber alert on my phone last night,” Minho said, his voice shaking. “I didn’t even pay attention to it. I just cleared it when it started making all that noise.”
“It’s not like it tells you who the kid is,” Jonghyun muttered. “All it says is the kind of car and shit.”
“Still,” Minho spat. “How many other people do you think just ignored it?”
“Probably a lot,” Jonghyun mumbled back.
They were quiet again for a few minutes before Kibum turned to look over towards Taemin’s usual lunch table.
“I heard his friends were playing video games with him when it happened,” he said. “That they heard everything and called 911, and it still didn’t help or anything.”
“Jesus Christ,” Jinki hissed. “Can you imagine hearing your best friend being kidnapped?”
“They look like shit,” Kibum mumbled, motioning his head towards the two sophomores sitting across the courtyard.
Kai and Ravi did in fact look like shit. They were hunched over the lunch table, and Kai looked like he was going to cry at the drop of a hat.
“I can’t believe they’re even here,” Minho said. “Who sends their kid to school after they’ve heard that kinda shit?”
“Dunno,” Kibum muttered.
“Mr. Jung has a cork board with a bunch of pictures on it,” Jonghyun mumbled, and they all turned back to him. “They’re mostly of him with a kid. It’s creepy, having to sit through class knowing that the little kid in those pictures is missing.”
“Taemin’s not a little kid,” Kibum said.
“No, but all the pictures Mr. Jung has of him up there, he’s little,” Jinki said.
“I’m pretty sure those pictures are all of Taemin,” Jonghyun said. “I heard he’s his Godson, too, not just his nephew.”
“As if this whole thing couldn’t get any more depressing,” Kibum scoffed.
The bell rang shortly after, and they all went to their separate classes. Lunch was just as depressing as break had been, and Kibum dreaded the end of it. He didn’t want to go to fifth period and stare at an empty chair at his table.
Kibum never thought he’d miss Taemin hoarding the good colored pencils so much, or the way he always ate food half-way through class even though they just had lunch.
Kibum never wanted a red sour gummy worm so badly in his life.
When Kibum walked into school the next morning, he could still hear the news anchor describing what Taemin was last seen wearing and what the license plate number of the car was. His mom wouldn’t turn the news off - she thought it was so terrible that this boy Kibum went to school with had been through so much - and they just kept repeating the amber alert on replay over and over and over again.
He was last seen wearing a blue Star Wars t-shirt and grey sweatpants. He had a black medical boot on his left foot. He’s about five-foot-eight with black hair and dark brown eyes. If you’ve seen or heard anything about Taemin, please call-
Kibum was snapped out of his thoughts when he passed by where Taemin’s locker was and saw his friend Kai ripping off flowers that had been taped to it.
“He isn’t dead!” Kai screamed. “What the fuck is this?”
“Dude, stop,” Ravi begged, trying to pull him back.
“No! He’s not dead!”
“You don’t know that,” someone else said.
Everyone turned to the kid, and he just shrugged and stared at everyone else.
“We all know his parents beat the shit out of him before,” another person said. “Who’s to say didn’t wanna finish the job?”
“Shut the fuck up,” Kai spat, and Ravi still held him back. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Kibum watched as Ravi dragged Kai away and everyone around them trickled away, and he turned back to Taemin’s locker. One of the flowers that had been taped to it was drooping now, its petals crumpled and ready to fall off.
Kibum ripped it off and threw it in the nearest trash can, and he stared at it sitting on top of crumpled up papers until Minho walked by him and asked him to walk to homeroom with him.
Jonghyun informed them at break that Mr. Jung still wasn’t back. None of them were surprised.
When Kibum walked by the senior history class on his way to lunch later that day, he peeked inside and stared at the cork board full of pictures that was to the left of the whiteboard.
Everyone was saying that Taemin’s parents had been hurting him since he was little, but Kibum couldn’t understand how anyone could hurt a kid who had such a huge smile. He was even missing a couple baby teeth in one of the pictures.
Kibum wondered if they fell out on their own or if something else coaxed them out of Taemin’s mouth.
The thought made Kibum want to throw up again, so he turned on his heel and hurried over to the lunch benches. 
On Thursday during third period, a kid in the back of Kibum’s class gasped and looked up from the phone he was using under his desk.
“They found him!” the kid shouted. “They found him, it’s on the news! Put on the news!”
Kibum’s English teacher abandoned the lesson to put a livestream of the news on through the projector she had connected to her laptop. Everyone was shouting, the entire school was starting to buzz, and Kibum bet that every teacher was trying to figure out how to get a stream of the news station that was airing coverage of Taemin’s case. The class next door piled into their classroom, the teacher claiming that he couldn’t get his laptop to connect to the projector. When they all saw a burning house on the screen with a headline that they had found Taemin and his parents three states over, the entire class went silent.
When the news anchor said it looked like an attempted murder-suicide, Kibum heard a strangled sob from the left side of the classroom, and he turned to look at who it was.
Taemin’s friend Kai must have been in the classroom next to his, because he was standing against the wall with his face screwed up and tears falling down his face as his shoulder shook.
One question was ringing through everyone’s heads: what did attempted murder-suicide mean?
Then they saw it: Taemin’s limp body being carried out by a fireman. Kibum heard more than one person start crying, especially when they all realized his feet - that giant boot from his left foot was missing - and arms were duct-taped together, and that there was duct-tape covering his mouth.
Kibum wanted to know when it was suddenly legal to film minors like that, especially if they were dead.
But then Kibum saw Taemin’s eyes blink open, and then they all saw his body heave before the camera panned back to the burning house.
Taemin wasn’t dead, but his parents both were.
Not the next Monday, but the one after, Taemin was back at school. Kibum watched him arrive with Mr. Jung, who was having his first day back as well, and he watched them walk from the teacher parking lot to the school building. The boot was still on Taemin’s foot, but now he had a cast and a sling on his left arm to match it. Kibum had heard that he hadn’t been burned, which Kibum thought was insane considering the house he was found in was literally on fire when the police got there.
Taemin usually had an arrogant air to him, but the look Kibum saw on his face wasn’t bored indifference or annoyance; he just looked tired. Mr. Jung stayed with him the entire time he went to his locker, and when they got there, Taemin only stared at the flowers and paper hearts people continued to tape to his locker.
“What’s all this?” Taemin asked in a quiet voice.
“I’ve been told that students have been putting them on your locker,” Mr. Jung told him.
Taemin continued to stare at them for a moment before he just put in his locker combination, took out the books he needed, and closed it again. Kibum can’t believe he managed to juggle all that with only one good arm.
“They’re stupid,” Taemin mumbled, and he ripped them all down and left them lying on the ground.
Mr. Jung only sighed and asked Taemin if he wanted to go sit with his friendsat the lunch tables.
“No,” Taemin snapped, and Kibum saw him start to panic. “No, I want - can I stay in your room until the bell rings?”
“Of course,” Yunho whispered to him, and he put his arm on Taemin’s back and led him to his classroom.
Kibum couldn’t help himself, and he found himself standing a little ways away from Mr. Jung’s classroom pretending to lean against the wall and text. He could hear them talking inside, and it was mostly about the homework Taemin had completed while he missed class, but then he heard something drop and Taemin let out an angry groan.
“I hate being a fucking cripple,” Taemin snapped. 
“You’re not a cripple,” Mr. Jung told him gently. “You’re just a little out of commission right now. You’re going to get better soon enough, I promise. Your ankle’s almost all healed up.”
“It was until he fucking broke it again!” Taemin shouted.
“It’s going to be alright,” Mr. Jung said. “Are you sure you want to come back today? I can call Jaejoong, and he can come pick you, and no one would be upset with you, I promise.”
“No,” Taemin snapped, and Kibum swore he heard him start crying, but Taemin never cried. “No, I wanna stay with you.”
“Taemin, they can’t-”
“I’m glad they’re dead,” Taemin snapped. “I’m glad they’re dead, because I fucking hate them, and I don’t care that she was your sister because she’s a fucking bitch-”
“I know she was,” Mr. Jung interrupted him. “And I hate them, too, Taemin, but they can’t come back anymore. And if you want to go home, you can. No one is going to come back.”
“I don’t wanna go home,” Taemin mumbled.
“Then you need to calm down a little,” Mr. Jung said to him. “Things are going to be rough for a while, I get that, but if you want to go to class and have things go back to normal, you need to remember to breathe, Taemin.”
Kibum knew he had heard too much when he heard Taemin start to breathe funny, and he didn’t want to know whether or not Taemin had started crying. Taemin didn’t cry. Taemin was the obnoxious sophomore in his art class who drew dumb anime dragons and ate gummy worms in class; he didn’t cry.
When fifth period came around, Taemin didn’t hoard the good colored pencils to himself. They stayed there, in the middle of the table, and he just stayed hunched over his paper drawing an impressionism version of his usual dumb ice dragon. He didn’t make jokes about Kibum’s “pansy drawings of the day,” and he didn’t reach into his backpack for any dumb snacks.
So Kibum reached into his own backpack, pulled out the package of sour gummy worms he bought last minute at the vending machines, and ripped it open when their teacher was busy on the other side of the room.
“Want some?” Kibum asked, holding the bag out across the table.
Taemin looked up, stared at Kibum for a minute, and then put his colored pencil down to reach out with his good hand to take a handful.
“Thanks,” Taemin mumbled.
“Just don’t take the red ones,” Kibum joked, and a smirk actually pulled at the corner of Taemin’s mouth.
“The red ones taste like ass,” Taemin complained. “I don’t know why you eat them.”
“They’re the best flavor,” Kibum insisted.
“If you say so,” Taemin said, sticking two of the gummy worms in his mouth and dropping the rest on the table next to his drawing. 
After three more gummy worms and a quick glance up, Taemin snorted at Kibum’s picture.
“Nice flowers,” Taemin hissed.
“Thanks, asshole, nice dumb anime dragon,” Kibum snapped back, not even looking up.
“You didn’t even look,” Taemin said in a haughty voice.
Kibum looked up, glanced at the same dumb blue ice dragon Taemin always drew, and smirked.
Taemin rolled his eyes, “I’m predictable, so what?”
“And I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Kibum drawled out, holding out the rest of his gummy worms. “Now eat the rest of the blue and pink ones, would’ya?”
Taemin smirked, grabbed the bag, and shoved four in his mouth at the same time.
Kibum had never been so happy to see Taemin eating gummy worms like the obnoxious little asshole he was supposed to be.
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The Less I Know the Better Part III: Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
Part (III/?): Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
“Hey, Peter!” Happy yelled out as Peter entered the lobby.
“Hey, Happy!” Peter confidently strutted towards the two men, journal and pen in hand.
“This is your tutor, Wade,” the man turned around and stopped Peter in his tracks upon seeing the mystery man’s face.
Wade Wilson was perfect. He had piercing green eyes, a defined jawline with a bit of stubble on it, sharp cheekbones, small freckles across his perfect nose… brown messy hair… he was 6'2 at least and his biceps were threatening to rip out from under his tight misfits shirt.
“Hey man, what’s up?” The man put out a fist. “The name’s Wade, bump it.”
Peter gave the mystery man an awkward fist bump. “You’re a teacher? Aren’t you kind of… young?”
“Oh no, I’m not a teacher, I’m a tutor-slash-intern,” He explained with a mischievous smirk. “I’m only 17, but I know the freshmen curriculum enough to teach it to you so here I am.”
“How much do they pay you?” Peter asked with a skeptical look across his face. This guy was way too young to be teaching.
“They pay me shit, but you gotta do what you gotta do, am I right?”
“Yes, you’re right…I guess,” Peter fumbled nervously with his pen.
“Don’t worry, we’re gonna have a lot of fun,” Wade wrapped an arm around Peter’s shoulder. Peter could smell the cheap cologne and cigarettes on Wade… but it was surprisingly pleasant. Those muscles pressed against him definitely weren’t something to complain about either. “See ya later, Hap, thanks for your help.”
Wade kept his arm around Peter as they walked across the lobby. “Where do you want to begin the lesson? Is there a library around here?”
“Um, I have a desk in my room, if you want to work there.”
“Sweet. Let’s go.” Wade released Peter and dug into his messenger bag as they walked. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes, placing one in his mouth and lighting it. “You don’t mind if I smoke, right?”
“No…I guess not…” Peter shrugged. “I’m not sure what Mr. Stark’s policy is though.”
“Oh well, I won’t tell anyone if you don’t,” Wade took a hit of his cigarette before winking at Peter.
Oh god, not now. Peter blushed as he felt heat rush to his groin. They continued the walk to Peter’s room, with Peter holding his journal to his thighs, hoping to God that Wade wouldn’t notice his growing problem….
Overall, the lecture went well. Peter had sat at his desk writing while Wade made himself comfortable…too comfortable… in Peter’s bed. Wade had thrown himself on the bed, feet against the pillows, all the paper’s from his messenger bag dumped across the sheets. It was hard to focus with the constant throbbing in between Peter’s legs but he did the best he could. Wade had covered the different themes found in The Scarlet Letter, the first of many books that they would be reading together, and then he had explained to Peter the right way to write an essay.  Despite Wade’s overall rebellious attitude, he was very well read and was a lot more intelligent than Peter was expecting.
“Make sure you read all the way to chapter 8 by tomorrow,” Wade told Peter as he packed up his bag. “This class is going to move by fast, you gotta read 3 books over these next couple weeks and write me three essays, so gotta keep up.”
“Okay, I will.” Peter nodded in agreement.
“Nice meeting you, shorty, I’ll see you tomorrow,” Wade put his fist out again and Peter bumped it. Wade made his way out the door and Peter was memorized by the way his ass looked in those tight jeans. Peter looked down at the bulge growing in his pants again and groaned in frustration.
Why was this happening? Peter wondered. Maybe his wires were getting crossed. Peter was straight, he was attracted to girls and girls only. He had the biggest crush on Mary Jane, he had fantasized about her multiple times… he had woken up stuck to his bed sheets because of her for crying out loud! Why was he suddenly feeling these kinds of feelings towards a random dude? Did he want to have sex with him? What would sex even be like with a guy? He shuttered at the thought. No I’m straight, he repeated to himself.  This is probably because I saw Steve and Tony together yesterday and I’m just traumatized or something.
Peter decided it would be best to take a cold shower before starting his homework.
The shower cleared Peter’s mind and most importantly cooled his body down. Feeling refreshed, he went up to the common room, covering his eyes to make sure he wasn’t catching anyone in the act again. When the coast was clear, he made his way to the sofa. Perfect reading spot, he thought to himself. He plopped down on the sofa and opened up the book.
He was able to knock out all eight chapters in one sitting. He placed the book down on the coffee table and looked down at his phone. It was 6 pm and he was feeling hungry, he hadn’t eaten since breakfast.
Peter skipped down to the kitchen to find everyone preparing a meal together… this time Steve and Tony were there. Steve glanced up from the boiling pot to give Peter a soft smile. “We’re making spaghetti and meatballs today, old family recipe.” His neck was covered in what looked like small bruises — were they hickeys?
Peter glanced over at Tony, knowing who the culprit was. Tony simply avoided eye contact, “Uh, take a seat, kid, join us.” Yup, Steve was right, Tony’s a coward.
They were all sitting on the bar stools surrounding the island in the middle of the kitchen. “You seem to have some bruises on your neck,” Vision commented on Steve’s situation.
“I think Americans call them hickeys,” Wanda smirked. “Looks like Steve had a visit from a lady friend.”
“Okay, that’s enough, let’s all have some spaghetti,” Steve poured out a plate for everyone before taking his own seat.
“Where’s Natasha?” Peter asked, realizing she was the only one missing.
“She’s a loner, she’ll probably come down later to eat alone,” Steve explained before changing the subject. “Peter, why don’t you tell the group a little about yourself?”
Dinner went well. There were laughs and story telling and everyone got to know Peter a little better. He was starting to feel like he was part of the family. Tony remained quiet the whole night…he only spoke up to have someone pass him the wine bottle.
After dinner, they all made their way to the common room to have a few drinks, they even let Peter try a beer but it was too gross for him and he left it unfinished. Steve played Peter at fuseball, beating Peter every time. Tony only talked to the others, avoiding Peter whenever possible. Steve did his best to include him in everything, and mostly kept the conversation around Peter.
Around 10 pm, everyone called it quits, wished Peter a goodnight and made their way to their rooms. Tony and Steve remained behind. It was silent for a few minutes as the three of them stood in the empty room before Tony mustered up the courage to speak up.
“Don’t stay up too late, Wade is coming back tomorrow morning…” Tony warned as he walked towards the elevator.
“You have anything else to say?” Steve asked, stopping Tony in his tracks.
“And…eat your vegetables, they’re good for you,” Tony stepped into the elevator, not looking back, and was gone.
“He’s trying… just give him some time…he’s not good with emotions,” Steve explained. “I’m going to head to bed, let me know if you need anything else.” Steve started walking towards the elevator doors.
“Steve?” Peter gulped. He wanted to ask Steve about the feelings he was having towards Wade and the overall confusion he was going through, but he wasn’t sure how to word it or if Steve was even comfortable talking about it.
“Nothing — nevermind, have a goodnight.” Peter gave a nervous smile.
Steve stepped into the elevator and gave Peter a slight nod. “Goodnight, Pete.” The doors closed and Peter was left alone in the common room.
Peter stayed up watching T.V in the commons, unable to sleep. Wade was still lingering on his mind, he could still smell his cologne, he could still remember those piercing eyes…that perfect smile… he was perfect.
He clicked off the T.V in frustration. Looking at the time, he realized that it was a little after midnight. He decided to head to the kitchen to grab a glass of water before bed.  
He made his way across the quiet building to the kitchen. He put the code in and opened the door before turning on the lights to the kitchen. To his surprise, there was someone rummaging through the fridge.
“Oh sorry I didn’t see you there.” He apologized.
“No problem, just getting a midnight snack,” The red-head stuck her head out from the fridge and walked over to the counter with a tub of ice cream. Peter instantly recognized her.
“You’re Black Widow!” Peter exclaimed.
“Yes, you can call me Nat.” She side-eyed him as she opened up the tub of ice cream and searched for a spoon. She was obviously annoyed with him.
“Nice to meet you, I mean– well – like officially, I’m Pet–”
“I know who you are,” She cut him off as she stuck the spoon into the tub. She brought the spoon up to her mouth and sucked the ice cream off the spoon.
Peter just stared in silence. He just watched as her plump, red lips slid over the spoon. She was gorgeous. These teenage hormones are out of control. Keep it together Peter!
She was in a small black nightgown that left nothing to the imagination. There were little red bows on each strap. Peter could see the outline to her black panties through the gown and could clearly see the outline of her breasts. She was so…curvy…was the only word Peter could use to describe her. Almost a perfect hour-glass, her nice round hips and ass complemented with a small waist. Peter was mesmerized.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” She placed the spoon in the sink and placed the tub back in the freezer, placing a sticky note on it.
“I’m sorry — I didn’t mean – I mean–” Peter desperately tried to cover up his groin. Damn puberty! Why do you forsaken me!?
Natasha made her way to Peter, almost gliding across the floor, as if she was walking on a cloud. This was heaven, or maybe one of Peter’s wet dreams, this couldn’t be real.
She stood right in front of him and it took all his willpower to not look down at her body. He focused on her face. Her stern green eyes were staring back into his brown eyes. He gulped.
“You know you’re too young for me, right?” She pushed a strand of red hair away from her face.
“Yeah of course,” Peter’s voice cracked. She licked her lips, drawing Peter’s attention back to them.
“So don’t try anything, or I will kill you,” She warned before leaning forward, pressing her body against Peter’s and whispering into his ear, lips brushing against his earlobe. “I’m a trained assassin you don’t want to mess with, honey.”
Peter’s eyes rolled back and he bit back a moan. Natasha pulled away and made her way towards the door. She looked back one last time, “You might want to change your pants,” she winked as she left the room.
Peter looked down to see the growing stain in the front of his jeans. She was the queen of manipulation. She had completely manipulated him for the fun of it and he had let her get away with it.
Well, he smiled, at least he knew he liked girls after all.
He reached around to grab his phone from his back pocket to check his messages only to find that it was missing. Natasha had stolen his phone. This was just great.
Part IV: coming soon
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