#wow that went south real fast
skyyworker · 2 years
i was thinking of cute ideas for the padawan obikin au, like maybe playing with each other’s braid, switching the beads around or stealing food from each other in the padawan dining hall but somehow i ended up rewriting the aotc fight with dooku
only this time qui-gon and yoda face him, obi-wan loses his right arm, anakin is in shock, and when mace finds them qui-gon has been knocked out and anakin is cradling an equally knocked out obi-wan in his arms while he keeps repeating maybe to the other boy, maybe to himself “it’s all right, you’re gonna be alright”
then, mace finds for the first time that the shatterpoints around his padawan have never been more worrying
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foone · 2 years
Concept: fursonas with non-human senses. Not just canine "can smell better" ("My fursona has no nose." "How does she smell?" "Terrible!"), but actually different senses. (Under a readmore because big surprise, I write a lot)
Sharks who walk into a dark room and go "hey guys!" to the people about to shout "surprise!". Electroreception, yo. They can feel the electric fields in bodies. They have a good job as an electrician, because they can tell which wires are active and which aren't, without needing a tester. One of the guests is a snake who says "I told you this wouldn't work", as they can see in the dark through thermoception.
Corvids who don't watch human movies, especially not in theaters. They're just flickery slide-shows to them. Their vision is too fast, persistence of vision doesn't kick in until like 200 FPS.
I know the mantis shrimp colors aren't real (it's actually just a thing where they have extra cones to make up for not having enough brain to merge them. Like, humans have red/green/blue cones, and we see "yellow" when the red and green cones are both activated, but shrimp can't do that merging. So they have a yellow cone) but fuck it, this is fantasy. Make your fursona have access to all the forbidden colors.
Hell, have them able to see outside the "visible" spectrum! Imagine a furry working at a human-majority office who gets pulled into a meeting with her manager one day, who has to tell her that even if she's covered in fur, she can't wear a top that revealing, they have a dress code. She goes "what? But.. Sally in accounting wears that semi-transparent blouse most weeks!" and then they both come to realize that humans can't see near-IR and therefore don't realize that a lot of their clothing choices are transparent to that wavelength. The furry has just been seeing all these exposed chests and going "wow, I had heard the humans could be prudes about nudity, what with not having fur, but apparently not." and decided to join in one day. Whoops.
Hell, let them see radiation! Who needs a giger counter? They're digging through an junk shop and WHOA, shouldn't this be in the back or in a safe or something? The owner (a Shetland sheep dog) is like "what do you mean?" and they go "it's pretty radioactive, man! Can't you tell?" "uhh.. No. Why don't you put that down quickly and I'll go grab a lead bucket."
An octopus that goes to see a 3D movie but turns down the glasses. No need. They can see circularly polarized light just fine on their own.
You go over to visit a bat's warehouse to get an old computer they offered to loan you and they sheepishly (is that offensive to sheep?) admit that they never bothered installing any lighting inside. Why would they? They can see fine with echolocation. And their friend Skippy never complained, either! Mind you, they are a dolphin.
A park ranger who is a jewel beetle. They can detect fires miles away, but only if pine trees are involved. They're a firefighter in a pine tree forest, so that's fine.
A bee who keeps giving directions in terms of cardinal directions and forgetting that not everyone has an innate sense of North/South thanks to being able to sense the magnetic field of the Earth. And this is after they went to all the trouble of giving the directions in words, instead of dancing!
Tangent idea: a bee pirate who writes a pop song, and it's not until another bee hears it years later that they realize that the dance instructions in the song are actually a treasure map.
Creatures who can sense RF directly. Some of them can't even get near human-style cities, as they're "too noisy". It takes the more mundane inhabitants a while to realize they aren't talking about sound, and earplugs won't help.
Others can pull off amazing mental tricks like the Scramblers from Peter Watts' Blindsight, and the first time they get near a human city they figure out how to decode all these FM signals and within minutes they can watch TV, listen to the radio, or log onto the wifi. They're not robots or cyborgs, they're just unholy smart and frighteningly fast.
And there's no reason it should be limited to natural things... The supernatural is there as well. A furry who mentions they hate going to some human cities because they're so crowded with ancestors. It's not for a while until someone realizes that word isn't being translated exactly right, and they don't just mean "old humans". They mean the ones who lived there before, but are dead. They still see them, and are surprised that the humans can't.
Hell, how about a fursona with an asymmetric design? Different fur patterns, heterochromia, things like that. But it swaps sides from time to time. It's not an art mistake, they really do that. No one understands why until they casually point out a missing item is in the drawer of there, the locked one. Then they reach around all six sides of the drawer and pull it out. What, you can't see in four dimensions? Yeah, sometimes their body swaps left/right because they rotated through the 4th axis and inverted their body. No big deal, but they have to be careful with what food they eat sometimes. All those chiral molecules... You don't want them backwards. Fortunately they've got a pretty strong digestive system so it's not a big deal. And vodka always goes down smooth, alcohol is symmetric!
Speaking of which, fursonas with vulture-like digestive systems. They yell at their roommate for throwing out that expired meat. It's only expired by human standards, and they're just a bunch of wimps who can't handle a little putrefaction in their lunch.
And I know I said "not like canines with just better senses of smell" but there's some interesting options for having beings who can smell things humans just can't. A fursona that detects a gas leak because they can smell carbon monoxide, not just the bitterants added to help humans detect it. Or can pick up on human pheromones, although that one is often covered in werewolf media, I hear. But instead of just arousal/fertility/pregnancy, they can also be like "hey you smell different... Have you talked to your doctor about testing for diabetes? I think your a1c might be high."
Speaking of pheromones, how about fursonas that do things like ants, who automatically put down invisible scent trails and follow them? They are a pain to go hiking with, since they just assume you can follow them if they get out of sight, and you gotta remind them to slow down sometimes.
Hell, fursonas who have quorum sensing, either type. The bacteria-like type have gene expression that changes based on population density. Members of their species in the wild, in rural areas, and in urban areas have radically different phenotypes. The social insect type make decisions with an implicit silent democracy, bordering on a hive mind. They are always surprised when humans and similar want to talk out decisions. Can't they just tell what the majority want and just do that? It seems so much similar.
Speaking of which, ACTUAL HIVE MINDS. You're dating a nice worker bee and and another member of the same hive comes by and says "hello love!" and gives you a big kiss. Your partner is surprised you had any problem with this. They're the same person, basically? And they feel their love for you just as much. (obligatory A Miracle of Science reference: Mars thinks you're cute)
Combine that with insect-like lifespans for some extra weirdness: the one you're dating isn't even the one you started with. The bee-people only live a month or two, and you've been dating for nearly a year now. Hell, even when your first partner was still alive, it wasn't always the "same" bee that came by to visit. Of course, that's putting a human-like kind of perspective on if it's the same bee. To the hive-mind bees, it is. It's the same hive. They have the same mind, just in 70,000 separate bodies. So of course it's the same person. Just not the same body.
Heh. How about magnetic sense? This may be overly specific to my interests, but you hand a furry a floppy disk and they hold it for a few seconds and then hand it back. "Thanks!" "oh, don't you want it?" "oh yeah. But I already got all the data off it." "but... You didn't put it in a floppy drive?" "no? What's the point in that? I just read the flux transitions off the surface. It's not hard."
More esoteric senses, too. You're driving down California one with your partner, listing to some Decemberists and they idly go "huh, Diablo Canyon is still running? I thought they had shut it down!" You're like "what?" They point out the window at the two cooling domes. "The power plant! It's still running. Can't you taste all those neutrinos?" "uh, no." "what, really? They're quite fresh compared to the usual solar ones." "I can't 'taste' those either" "oh. Weird!"
Your plasma-lifeform boyfriend who evolved in space sometimes has dizzy spells where he nearly drives his containment vessel into a wall. "sorry, that was a big one. Those gravity waves must have been from, like, an 80-90 solar-mass black hole merger? A close one too, only a few dozen megaparsecs."
You've long since given up explaining that you have no way of detecting events that take place over 30 million light-years away.
The atemporal energy being who proposes the first time you meet. You're shocked, but they point out why? You have/are/will spent/spending (tenses are hard) over 60 years of your experience of years with them. They just don't really see how this time is different from all the times you have/will spend together. They thought humans liked this "till death do us part" ceremony, even though death has no meaning for them. They're not immortal, but their death is just like their birth (or the energy being equivalent): a discontinuity on the edges of their lifeline. They don't exist past there, just like you don't exist outside of the 3D volume of your body. So what does it matter? Besides, we've had this conversation before, or is it later? Either way.
A hive mind being who only has one body you can see, because they're actually a hive mind across themselves in different timelines. They sometimes get mixed up which version of you they're talking to, and ask odd questions like how your son is doing in college. You don't have son, or any kids for that matter. "whoops, that's the other you. Lemme... You're married to Tony, right?" "Who's Tony?" "Obviously not. Uhh, is Sarah your girlfriend?" "no? I'm not a lesbian!" "Not this you, at least. Oh, I've got it. You work at the newspaper?" "yeah. I'm an editor" "oh cool. Got it. Sorry, it's easy to get all the yous confused sometimes."
Later that week, your boss introduces you to a new reporter, Sarah Torres. You can't help but wonder of this is the Sarah another you is dating. You don't see it. But apparently another you does.
And that tangent makes me think of another one: mind reading, either full or just empathic, isn't that unusual in aliens and such, but imagine a race that doesn't go around reading minds unless given permission, but they have a persistent problem with pronouns. See, they can just tell what your gender is. And closeted trans people keep getting outed accidentally. Sometimes outed to themselves, because they call you by your "true" pronouns, not the ones you're using now.
And the same goes for orientation. Like your coworker will be like "why don't you ask out Steven on a date?" and you're like "Steven? I don't even know if he likes guys, I've never gotten any hints from him..." and they go "what? No, of course he does. Can't you tell?"
(I just invented a species with perfect gaydar. That's weird, right?)
Someone who has that ESP "there were strong emotions and events here" sense, but it goes both ways. They would never visit Hiroshima for the same reason they will never visit Chicago. They don't want to explain to you what will happen there, but they go a bit teary-eyed when you bring it up.
A species that magic tricks just don't work on, and no one can figure out why. They can't see through solid objects, they don't seem to have a super-fast vision, they can't read minds, but everytime you show them a magic trick they're like "the ball is in your hand" or "you have a fifth ace in your sleeve" or "there's another rabbit under the table". They don't even seem to realize it's supposed to be a trick. They're just slightly confused at what you're trying to do.
A species that has the equivalent of a spectroscope/chromatograph built into their body. You hand them a drink and they can list the molecules in it and their concentrations. You'd think they'd mainly be scientists, but a lot of them are bartenders. They make perfect mixed drinks (down to the nanoliter of exact composition) and they can spot a spiked drink from across the room.
A species that can taste your DNA when you touch them. They're a weird blob that rewrites their own DNA on a daily basis, and find static-DNA beings "weird and unusual" and always want to help you with that. Wouldn't you be happier if you had a couple extra arms? Maybe claws? How about switching sex? Just for the weekend, they can put you back to "normal" if you want. Or maybe you'd like to spend some time as a dog? Your two species are pretty close, evolutionary speaking. It shouldn't take more than a day or two to rewrite every cell in your body. Sometimes you "humans" are so boring. They can't imagine staying in the same form for more than a few days, and you fuckers do that for, what, up to a century? Before you "get old and die"? You know, that's a choice. They can fix that. You don't have to age, if you don't want to.
Speaking of which, species with radically different lifespans and approaches to life.
The Dragon's Egg beings occasionally give humans gifts, of books of poetry about their unrequited love for you. There's no point in responding, even if you do come to love them from their writings. By the time you have opened the first page of the book, they're dead, their children are dead, and their grandchildren are getting old.
Similarly there's a race of trees where you can be dating one for 40 years before they reveal that they've considered this just a minor flirty bit of fun. They don't get involved with humans and human-likes, they'll be gone in the blink of a century, so what's the point. You ask them their age one time and have trouble grappling with the fact that when they sprouted, your ancestors hadn't yet mastered the written language. Their still-living parent remembers visiting earth before it had any life outside the seas. You had dinner with them last Thanksgiving. They liked your broccoli casserole.
So... yeah.
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kelppsstuff · 7 months
Warnings: sex, cussing, p in v, oral, orgasm denial. Fast pace(?)
Summery: Lucifer is tired of your mouth.
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Lucifer didn’t know why he kept you around. Truth is, he could fire you at any moment. He did let any of his employees be disrespectful to him, well any besides you. You were the only person who could pull his prideful head out his ass.
You had been his assistant since before Lilith left. You took an active part in helping Charlie grow up when her parents got too busy. Lucifer thought that maybe that was the reason he kept you around, his daughter was attached to you. But he knew that wasn’t the real reason.
The real reason was he craved your fire. You had a sparky with everything you did. You did it because you wanted to, not because you were told too. Even if Lucifer would give you a pile of paper work and you weren’t in the mood for writing, you would make HIM do it.
Every-time you said something to piss him off he thought of ways to shut that pretty mouth of yours. One day it was going to get you in trouble.
Lucifer smiled as he finished his latest duck. It was a duck that could pour wine by twisting it’s beak. Though his joy didn’t last long. It didn’t satisfy his creativity. He threw the duck towards the door only for it to open. He watch as the duck hit you in the forehead. That was satisfying.
“Wow what a great use of your time.” Your sarcasm was the first to break the silence. “Certainly a lot more fun.” He started to walk to you. “Tell me do you know what fun is?” He inquired. The more he thought of it, he never saw you leave the house.
“Don’t even go there old man.” You rolled your eyes and you gave him a file of the meeting he was supposed to attend in thirty minuets. “You’re pretty old too, you know?”
“Still younger than you.”
“Just makes me smarter.”
“So sure?”
There it was the last fucking word. You’d always win in these feuds. It pissed him off royally.
“Tell me sweetheart, why are you still here? Are you obsessed with me?” The angel raised his brow to the sinner.
“Oh totally. Wanna hear my best pick-up line?” That spiked his interest. “Did it hurt when you fell? From heaven?” Lucifer smirked thinking he finally had you. “Yea actually.”
You patted his cheek. “Good.” You went to turn away but he was fucking over you having a smart mouth.
He gripped your wrist and leaned your face to his. He grabbed both your cheeks in his other vacant hand. “The next time you talk back to me I’ll put a collar around this pretty neck if yours. Then you’d really be a bitch.”
You felt heat rushing to your cheeks, but also down south. “I’d like to see you try.” That fucking done it.
Red smoke surrounded the two of you and when it faded away it reveled his bedroom. He started to walk to the bed. “Follow.” He commanded. But you still wanted to be a brat. “No.” He stopped and slowly turned to you. His eyes glazed over and turned dark. A red collar with a chain attached to it form around your neck. He used his magic to pull you towards him. You had no choice but to follow.
He sat you on the edge of the bed and put to t fingers to your lips. “Suck.” His voice still commanding. This time you’d made the right choice and did as he asked. Slowly and sensually sucking them to his heart’s content. “Look at who can be a good fucking girl.” Your clothes felt suffocating. You went to peel off you shirt but he stopped you. “Ask me.”
You looked at him like he was insane. “Excuse me?”
He leaned his head down to you. “I said fucking ask me. And I suggest making it sweet.” You looked to his lips and brushed against them with your own. For the brief moment you felt them, they felt soft, inviting, and most of all; irresistible.
“Please Lucifer.” You continued to stare at his lip. “Please what?” You looked up into his eyes. “Please let me strip for you.”
He lifted you up off the bed and took your spot. “Then go ahead.” You slowly removed your top. Once it was removed one strap of your red bra fell of your shoulder. You moved onto your pants and shimmered them down your long legs. Leaving you in quite the erotic view. Eyes blown in lust, only wearing a bra that looked his your breast we’re going to spill out, and a thong so thin Lucifer could rip it with his teeth.
“Come here darling.” You walked, swaying your hips with every step. You stood in between his legs and helped him removed his dress shirt. He was quite the eye candy shirtless. You sat onto his lap and let you sit there.
“Look at you grinding against me like a fucking slut.” He growled out as he twisted y’all around. You laying your back against the bed and him on top of you
And just like thought Lucifer ripped the thong with his teeth. He used the same fingers you sucked and started to rub your pussy. You wetness filling the silence along with your moans.
He pushed two fingers into you. “Lucifer!” He loved how you cried out his name. Like he was your god, and in this moment he was.
He placed his mouth on your clit next. Lapping up all your juices. Like a fucking starved man and you were his last meal. You were fucking insatiable.
Your thighs tighten around his head but he didn’t push them apart. He wrapped his arms pulling them tighter instead. He loved fucking drowning in you.
You tightened around his fingers and It wasn’t much longer until you felt that coil ready to snap. “Fuck! Lucifer! Fuck I’m going to cum.” You cried out desperate for that relief of release and just when you were about to get it, he flipped a switch. He removed his finger and pushed your thighs away. Removing his mouth in the process.
You whined. “Please!” He just laughed — it coated with a rasp of strain — and shook his head. “You expect this to be so easy after your fucking mouth.” He pinched your clit at the last words.
You whined even louder. “Please please please.” He hummed in thought as he placed his mouth back onto your heat.
You were quick to wrap his head with your legs. You gripped his hair and pushed him farther into you. As if that was possible.
He moaned into as you pulled harder and you felt that coil again, ready to snap. Though just like before he denied you.
“No!” You could feel tears forming, you just wanted the release he’d denied you oh so many times now. “I’ll do anything please.” Lucifer started to suck and leave hickeys on your thighs while you pleaded for him to do something to you.
Once he was satisfied with his art work he was back to your pussy. Giving it the attention it oh so needed. This time as you felt your end near he let it happen. And fuck did he play it out for as long as he could.
By the time you came down from your high hr twisted you around and raised your ass into the air. “We’re not done yet, my pet.” You didn’t know when he removed his pants and briefs but you felt his tip rub up and down your folds. You whined, it was sensitive but you felt like you needed it. “Please fuck me.”
He gave you a sharp and hard thrust. He wasn’t gentle with you. This was a punishment.
His hand prints on your hips started to darken. But he didn’t care about the bruises if anything it made him even more ravenous. Your next orgasam came out of no where.
Lucifer turned you around and was immediately back in you. He never wanted to leave the safe wall of your tight cunt.
He took this new position to leave marks — just as he did with your thighs — all over your neck.
You could feel him twitching inside you and it all happened so fast. You next release hit you like a fucking train as he drained all his cum deep into you.
When you both came down from the high hall pulled away from each other. Each sweaty and smelling like sex. “I should be a brat more often.” You were the one to speak first and it caused him to groan.
“The point was for you to fucking learn your place.” He turned to you and you turned to him.
“I know my place.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Right here. In this bed with you. Always.” Your eyes shined as you spoke to him.
He smiled at you as he couldn’t agree more. He grabbed your cheek and brought y’all’s lips together. Each of you smiling like idiots. “For once you’re right.”
“Shut the hell up.”
And your lips were back onto his.
HIIIIIIIIII I thought I’d give y’all this quick One-shot while some of y’all wait for one of the final parts in “how long.”
I hope you enjoyed this, I don’t really right smut much but I’m proud of this.
- kelp 💛
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armchairfootballer · 3 months
It’s been a rollercoaster 10 years since James Rodríguez wowed the world
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It's been 10 years since James Rodríguez scored *that* goal. Yes, that one. You remember it well, surely.
The setting: Brazil's historic Maracanã stadium. In the 28th minute of their Round of 16 contest against Uruguay, Colombia's Abel Aguilar lobbed a header to James, who played it off his chest and volley-kicked it into the top of his opponents' net, near the corner, well beyond a diving Fernando Muslera. In a post-match summary of the goal, the poetic British commentator Peter Drury declared, "First touch, sumptuous. Second touch, magical. That's not a left foot. That is a wand." Uruguayan defender José María Giménez could do nothing more than stand with his hands on his hips, staring at the net in disbelief.
"My word, this boy's a star!" Drury proclaimed in the moment. James did not disappoint. He added another goal that game, taking his tally to five in the tournament after just four games. He'd add another in a quarterfinal loss to Brazil. Though Colombia would bow out at that point, James would go on to win the Golden Boot as the tournament's top scorer and, later, the Puskas Award for the year's most beautiful goal.
But it hasn't been a bed of roses for James in the ten years since Rio. Today, on his 33rd birthday, we take a look at the rise, fall, and revival of the Colombian midfielder.
The rising star
James had been building a strong career for himself in advance of the 2014 World Cup with productive seasons at Porto (32 goals in 107 appearances; 6 trophies) followed by a high-profile move to Monaco — a 5-year contract with a €45 million transfer fee. But in a post-World Cup interview, James said the magic words: that it would be his "life's dream" to play for Real Madrid. Ten days later, and with 4 years still left on his contract, James had signed with Carlo Ancelotti's band of superstars, a roster that included the likes of Cristiano Ronaldo, Toni Kroos, Kareem Benzema, and Sergio Ramos to name just a few. (Casillas, Pepe, Bale, Marcelo, Navas to name just a few more.)
Things started well at Madrid. Even amidst a team rich in talent, and despite being out for two months with injury, James contributed 17 goals in his first season. But later injuries and diminishing returns in successive seasons meant that James could no longer keep a regular place on the squad. New Madrid coach Zinedine Zidane also didn't seem to favor James' playing style, leading the Colombian to request a loan to Bayern Munich, where we would be reunited with Ancelotti.
Internationally, James was still making waves. At 25, he was named Colombia team captain for the 2016 Copa América, leading them to third place, losing only to eventual winners, Chile.
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Fading away
Injuries plagued James for quite some time, keeping him from action for both club and country. After such a dazzling display in 2014, James sat on the bench at the 2018 World Cup and watched as his team went out to England in penalties in the Round of 16.
Despite scoring some key goals to help Bayern Munich win two league titles and a Pokal, James had netted only 15 goals in his 67 appearances with the club, and the owners opted not to pick up the option to purchase him. With no home in Munich or Madrid, he moved to Merseyside for a short stint with Everton (again, reuniting him with Ancelotti).
But failing to impress in England, and with no other clubs willing to take him on, James found himself playing for Qatar's Al Rayyan and didn't contribute much to their mediocre season. The Qatari team let him go just one game into his second season. He moved to Greece where he again lasted only one season after poor results with Olympiacos.
And James wouldn't get to return to Qatar for the 2022 World Cup as Colombia failed to qualify, finishing three points behind Ecuador for the last guaranteed spot. How did the World Cup star fade so fast for James?
Fast forward to summer 2023: James once again finds himself in South America. He now plays for São Paolo in Brazil, 13 years after he had left Argentina's Banfield, where he began built the reputation that catapulted him to European football. A name that had once dominated discussions among pundits — that had been proclaimed as "the next great thing" — had now faded into near oblivion. People weren't talking about James Rodríguez anymore.
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After their failure to qualify for the 2022 World Cup, James expressed uncertainty as to whether he would ever again play for his country. That may have lit a fire under the team and perhaps even under him. Something started to happen...
Colombia started to pile up the wins, or at least had avoided losing. They had racked up victories against Mexico, Germany, and Brazil, among other countries. And before you knew it, they entered Copa América 2024 on a 23-game unbeaten run.
Enter James.
The attacking midfield has been a stalwart for Colombia all tournament and has been one of the keys to their success. In Colombia's five games so far, he has netted one goal and contributed six assists, surpassing Messi's tournament assist record. He's been man of the match for four of Colombia's five games of the tournament so far.
And when Colombia face off against Messi's Argentina in Sunday's final, James will need to play a pivotal role. Will his remarkable revival culminate in extending Colombia's historic unbeaten run and winning their first Copa América since 2001?
In addition to reinvigorating this Colombia team and resurrecting his career, James may also be accomplishing something even more outlandish — he may have some neutrals paying closer attention to him and Colombia than to Messi and Argentina. Colombia has arguably been the Copa's best team. Argentina has yet to come up against substantial competition and have had two victories over Canada.
Meanwhile, Colombia have had already had to battle both Brazil and Uruguay, defeating the latter while down a player for an entire half. The talented superstars of La Albiceleste, the world's #1 ranked team for the last 18 months now, can always dazzle and can outplay any team on their best day. But we've yet to see their best at this tournament, and it's feasible Colombia's passionate, fiery play could be a game-changer.
The bookies may have already made their prediction, but Sunday's eventual outcome is anything but clear. What is clear is that James Rodríguez will have a key role to play in whatever the result.
He's hoping it's a role for the better.
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sunnyie-eve · 1 year
500-year-old mystery(Pt.25)
Series: Never Leave You | OBX
Paring: (JJ Maybank x OFC! Rafe Cameron x OFC!)
Word Count: 1664
Warnings: fluff, death, comforting
A/N: Last one till Season 4 comes out but I'm going to make a Rafe Cameron story next
"We're gonna be landing about a couple of hours out of Tres Rocas, at a farm. It's right here." JJ shows the girls on a map.
"A couple of hours?" Kiara looks at him.
"Yeah, but Barracuda Mike says there's a bus into town we should be able to catch, so..." JJ adds.
"What if they're not there?" Callie asks.
"If they're not there... free vacation. We're on an adventure, baby. Come on now."
When they land the three get on the bus to Tres Rocas and when they arrive JJ sees Pope and Cleo running, "You gotta be kidding me. We haven't been here for two minutes!" JJ laughs, "Como estas, amigos." JJ leans out the bus.
"What the..."Pope says then tells the three they gotta run already so they do going to hide. "By the way, Rafe says be safe." Pope looks over at Callie.
"He brought Ward hurt to the plane because he was spotted." Cleo adds.
"Ward is in South America?' Kiara looks at them. 
"Yes, back at the plane." Pope adds. 
JJ takes them back to Barracuda Mike to get a boat to go to where the others went with Big John. "Do you trust Ward?" Pope asks Callie as they follow the directions to El Tesoro.
"Hell, no. Just because I have this newly friendship with Rafe doesn't mean I suddenly like and trust Ward. And please don't think I forgot about what Rafe did to you because I don't. I give him shit still." Callie lets him know.
"Not to mention some of the money he got melting down the cross he gave to Tess to get the doctor Will bribed to tell the truth 
so Will gets not right to Callie." Kiara lets Pope know.
"Well, at least it's for a good cause."
When they get to the right place JJ and the other hide and see Singh and his men looking for John B so over night they come up with a plan to distract then men wait at the water with fireworks to make it seem like they were getting shot at.
"Wow, they're fast." Callie says out of breathe walking with Kie and JJ while Pope and Cleo were ahead of them.
"I hate this." Kie huffs as JJ uses his machete to whack at grass. 
"I can't believe I'm saying this but I want to go back to the OBX." JJ sighs. 
"Same." The girls say.
Catching up to Pope and Cleo, who found a path, they all walk together again following. Finally after some time the group find the other three at gun point with Ward so they pull out their machetes running at Ward.
"You're out numbered Ward. What are you gonna do shoot us all?" Callie tells him. 
Ward still points the gun at John B so Sarah steps in front of him placing the gun at her chests knowing her father wouldn't pull the trigger. One of Carlos' men shows up trying to shoot Sarah but Ward jumps in front of her and gets shot in the chest. As he falls, he tackles one of Carlos' men and they fall off a cliff.
They all look over to see the two dead on the ground. Callie felt sorry for Sarah as she cried and knew Rafe was going to be upset at the news as well. Which Big John hurting from his wound he got they head back to the boat. Sadly Big John  dies from the wound on the boat with the group. The group makes a spot for a reminder for Big John even for Ward too.
When they get back to the OBX Tess did get the doctor to confess Will paid him to lie so Callie was free from Will and had a restraining order against him. At the moment Callie was on her way to Tannyhill to see Rafe. As soon as he opened the door seeing her he pulls her into a hug.
"I have some news to share with you." She pulls out of the hug walling inside. 
"What is it?" He asks worried she choose JJ instead of taking time.
"It's about Ward..." She turn to face him.
"What happened?"
"He's dead...for real this time." She watches him sit down, "One of Carlos' men was going to shoot Sarah but he jumped in front of her to save her. He tackled the man off the cliff. He died being a good father." Callie's eyes get glassy, "I'm sorry, Rafe. I even helped Sarah put up a cross for him." Rafe stands up pulling her into a hug to cry so she comforts him.
"He said I was a good boy... I'm in control now. I'm the man. All of it is mine, everything here. That I proved myself... He loves me. He knows I'm a good boy because you see something in me and care for me."
"He's right and I do. At least your last conversion was good. He was finally proud of you. You got what you wanted from him. And thank you for giving my aunt money." Callie rubs his back.
"Of course."
"Tess is still on her vacation?" JJ walks into Callie's place.
"She comes back in a few days so I'm stuck running the gift shop for a little longer. I mean Rafe helps at times and you but still." Callie walks into the room looking a mess.
"What the hell are you doing in there?" JJ laughs at her.
"Trying to bake stupid snacks we sell at the shop. I don't understand how she does this." Callie walks back into the kitchen. 
It's been 18 months since everything and Callie was just being friends with JJ and Rafe. For ten months Callie actually went away with her aunt just to be alone on a family vacation going around the world. When she got back there was no more little hookups between Rafe and her. Rafe still had feelings for her but her was fine as long as he still had her around. JJ still loved her but lowered his flirting down some not wanting to push her.  She still cared for both boys but JJ still had her heart.
"I thought women knew how to bake." JJ laughs looking at everything so she throws flower at his face. He just stands there before wiping his face, "You wanna play like that?" He does the same to her so they run around the kitchen making a bigger mess.
Callie slips falling down onto her back making JJ laugh so she trips him making him fall next to her, "How does that fell? Hurts, huh?" She groans in pain looking at him. 
"You gotta little something in your hair." JJ leans over her pulling out a pretzel stick.
Callie just stares at him before pulling him down so his lips will met her then starts kissing him, very slowly, very softly.
JJ moved his lips just the way she was doing it, like he was following her moves. On the inside he was dying missing her lips. Callie pulls away, making it a short kiss. It was their first kiss in 18 months after all. JJ opened his eyes and looked at her.
Suddenly, they were brought back from their own little world when they heard Tess enter the room, "I come home earlier to this! Really guys." 
They both get up from the floor looking around the room, "JJ started it."
"You threw the flower first!" JJ lightly shoves her.
"Just clean this up while I settle in then clean yourselves up." Tess shakes her head leaving the room.
The two start cleaning up the kitchen in silence not talking about what just happened between them. When they were finished they go take showers to clean themselves up. Afterwards JJ walks into Callie's room as she combs her hair.
"Are we gonna talk about it or act like it never happened?" 
"No, we should talk." She looks over at him so he goes in shutting the door behind him.
"Why'd you do it?"
"My heart told me too. The entire time we were gone for those ten months I thought long and hard. I'll never not love you. I care about Rafe but I think it's impossible for him to steal my heart like you have." She explains to him.
"Can you kiss me again?" JJ smiles so Callie leans over kissing him.
"Let's not rush and enjoy being together." 
JJ takes his necklace off putting it back onto her, "You look better with this on." He kisses her forehead. "Now I gotta go check on my boat. I'll be back for dinner." He kissed her quickly before leaving.
Callie heads off to her gift shop to open it and first was Rafe to walk in to help, "Right on time." He smiles then sees the necklace, "You're back with JJ?" 
She looks down at it, "We're going slow this time so it's not a wedding ring anymore." 
"If he hurts you..." Rafe walks up to her, "I will jump him and you can't stop me. Got it?" He looks down at her so she pulls him into a hug.
"You're still stuck with me though. I'm not going anywhere." She lets him know.
"Fine by me princess." He goes to organize the store. 
"An expedition of one man, John Routledge, and a group of teenagers, who are with us today. Locals, who grew up here and who succeeded where centuries of conquistadors, explorers, and admirals failed. Today, we come together to celebrate theses teens, friends from both sides of the island who came together to solve this 500-year-old mystery. Let's here it for them." The group stands as everyone cheers for them.
The way the group celebrates was to smoke one of being recognized. As they stand around they see a man walk over to Sarah and John B so they go over to see what's it about. He complimenting their discovery of El Dorado and everything. He then asks them to look at something of his. He has a proposition for them to help him find Blackbeard's treasure.
They all just look at each other, "God damn." John B smiles.
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the-firebird69 · 8 months
David Guetta - Titanium ft. Sia (Official Video)
A train is something that you can see when monitoring start to finish for train stops it's a big deal it's very heavy if it's going to stop and go off the tracks they coordinate off and they take the stuff out. There's shipping chips from westborough is what Trump is saying and they were shipping them by his house and he wanted him out of there and soccer was playing on the text the other spine on the tech and it began spying on the text what they did and opened it up sometimes people do it on purpose and I think they did this is nothing else we can do well will they make here yeah so he then said they're shipping it from our facilities it's so loud the house this is going great I have no money and I can't run around and all these backlashes like bang I just I have to keep doing it so Timmy Doyle hurt it in the house he says you're trying to hurt him all the time it's a nuisance he goes I'll try not to it's not as bad as Tommy have bang that was a b and it didn't go in and he may have been jammed but people say no I'm like what the hell I thought I said I thought I sent kalel away... The stuff for a minute and started laughing so what it feel like and f****** them and it hurt a little and it felt like they have these wasps and Florida I thought a wasp bit me and I was like a wealth like a paintball that was no paintball they found a piece of it about 400 yards or 500 yards away it was led and he said you're Superman I said well a little bit I can't find the character that's bullet resistant. It started laughing and laughing and wouldn't stop and I broke my wrist so that was surprising and probably sure if it's broken it's kind of what we were saying and really if you look at it it's where the bone meets and it kind of squeeze it together it's a little bit out there but the whole world is full of this code the stupid road names and all this s*** you go up high Street and it's like and you go up towards milk up to route 9 that's the path that Dave took JC and he said wow and it's all there in black and white his whole life and trip has a rebel and it's to show the numbers of Max and the expanded and Florida is like Rhode Island it's like almost to one to one Jackson and Utah California with Dave and he lost it and then he said this I found it and then you said there's this other one he was what about the Earth and they're going to replace me if you go three times it or whatever like way down and South America where the flight live started.
So at the end of it he said you're kind of fighting each other more than the empire and they said this is gross and they had a little mad and they went off and started fighting each other now they start to look at what he said and they found it and that's Tim Doyle and Ted Doyle and they're running around town trying to figure it out they're looking at the science and they figure out what he's saying this is this is everywhere it's all over town it's all over the state all this code and these circles and their wheels and more and more stuff and finally they said they've got this whole place rigged and wired and they had Dave do tons of stuff and it's getting taken down in the future real fast and the second madigan so we're going to publish
Thor Freya
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bandsanitizer · 3 years
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sebstanseabass · 3 years
Afterglow (A Bucky Barnes AU fan fiction) - Chapter 3
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Afterglow chapters
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
A/N: Thank you all so much for the support you've been giving to this fanfic!
It was a day of sunlight and cold smoke in New York. The clouds split above towering buildings, the sun shining in its full glory. You left the apartment earlier, scared to wake Bucky up, only for him to wake up to his stepbrother's roommate creeping up on him in the morning. You pushed Bucky's face at the back of your mind. Perhaps he just looked like someone you've seen before or you've bumped into. Who knows? New York is a pretty big city.
With your airpods plugged in, and your phone in your hand, you started running on the streets, greeting some people with a smile on the way, ignoring the pain on your head. There was Millie from the flower shop, Bob from the woodshop, Rex from the coffee shop, and Colin the friendly street beggar. After five blocks, you didn't know anyone anymore. Just some strangers on the street you see from time to time but never interact with.
Already nearing highway streets, you slowed down your pace, careful not to crash into some bikers or worse, these honking cars rushing to get to their 8-5 jobs. There was a pang of relief that rushed over me as you stood on the other end of the street, waiting for the walk sign to turn green. It was one of the things you loved working in a bar and handling your own photography gig. You weren't answering to no one and rushing to work like these angry hooligans. You both worked in the evening and on your own time. Steve wasn't a bossy boss who yells at his staff. He was just like one of you guys, but unlike you, he had a sense of leadership.
And you get to run every morning -- even though there was still a throbbing pain on your forehead. Peter will never be able to persuade you to go work in their company or in any company for that matter. But you must commend him for his unwavering determination.
You stopped at a convenience store after rounding a few more blocks and bought a bottle of water which you've finished right in front of the cashier who found her phone more interesting -- or perhaps she was just used to some girl finishing a bottle of water in mere seconds.
"Hey, where's the trash?" You asked. The trash can beside the counter wasn't there. She just shrugged and popped her bubblegum.
You walked away from the store, knowing all too well that she wouldn't say or do anything past chewing and popping her gum.
Right across from where you were standing was a tall, elegant white hotel adorned with golden flecks of some kind of shiny paint, which you remembered was Bucky's. It stood twenty something stories tall and wedged between a coffee shop and a pizzeria. On Sundays, whenever you and Peter would walk past it, he'd never forget to remind you that it was Bucky's "empire." It was no Chuck Bass empire but you must admit, that was one fine hotel.
You crossed the street and stood in front of it, a way of slowing down your heart rate just a few beats low. You were just about to cool down, anyway.
You admired the engrossed name of the hotel on the archway that led to the lobby: WHITE WOLF with a wolf headstone right between it, like the one in The Arcadian. A memory of Peter telling you how Bucky renamed it came across your mind. Before it was White Wolf, it was the Golden something. Apparently, Bucky was in a safari somewhere north or south? Maybe west. You honestly can't keep up with some of the stories. Somewhere in the face of the earth -- he was on a safari and came across a gorgeous white wolf with fur as white as snow, eyes as blue as the seas and skies. Bucky swore the wolf looked right into his soul. That was implausible but it did give him a good name for his hotel. He repainted the whole beige building white, standing out from the other buildings around.
A woman with no shoes made you tear your eyes away from the beautiful wolf headstone, screaming Bucky's name. You stepped aside and leaned in on one of the archway posts. There was a muffled noise coming from her. You removed your airpods to listen.
"...the hell is Bucky? You! Have you seen that son of a bitch?" She approached the valet boy. He shook his head no. Then she went to the uniformed man on his post or was it a podium?
"I haven't seen Mr. Barnes, madam."
You could tell by the sly look on the man's face that he saw his boss probably running down the street and taking a cab, but before even stepping foot on the streets, Bucky probably told not to tell.
The woman's lips were smeared with red lipstick, hair disheveled and was wearing a man's clothing, probably Bucky's.
Was this the thing that happened at his penthouse?
"Okay, I'm just gonna wait for him in his penthouse. If you ever see your boss, tell him I'm not going anywhere."
"Yes, madam."
She went back in, hips swaying along with her blonde hair, not giving a damn at the strangers staring at her as she walked towards the elevators.
The uniformed man caught your eye and you gave him a small wave and a smile. "Crazy morning, huh? Okay, bye."
You chuckled nervously and walked away as fast as you could back to the apartment.
When you got back, Bucky was already up, eating something out of a bowl while watching something on the television. You ignored the memory of you staring at him as he slept safe and sound earlier.
Without looking up, he spoke: "Weren't you supposed to rest?"
You grinned as you walked towards the kitchen, and prepared a protein shake. Suddenly forgetting the wound on your forehead. It didn't hurt as much now.
"I don't listen to Parker." You answered. "I never do."
You set your airpods on the kitchen island then grabbed a shaker, poured in some water and dunked a scoop of protein powder inside. You shook the whole damn thing while approaching Bucky.
You stood beside the couch and faced television. It turned out he was watching some old cartoon.
The image of his hotel flashed before your eyes. "I ran past your hotel today. There was a woman looking for you."
He almost choked on his cereal. You could feel his head look towards in your direction but you ignored him, enjoying the chase between Tom and Jerry on the tv screen. "Can't believe this is still on tv." You commented.
"D-did she say something?"
"Kept shouting your name and stuff. Called you son of a bitch and all that." You stopped shaking the shaker then took a big gulp. "I hear she's planning to burn down the White Wolf into the ground." You stifled a smile, letting the liquid stay in your mouth for a little while. "Then find you and take all your money away."
He groaned, picking up on your tone. "Not funny."
"All of that was true except the last part, though." You finally let out a laugh then looked at him who now had his eyes back on the screen. "So, you leave your girlfriend alone up there? Then come here?" You would've said it was pretty low of him but this was Bucky. You knew he'd done worse.
"She's not my girlfriend."
"She's a girlfriend?"
"She's nothing but a one night stand. Don't have a girlfriend." He sighed, putting down the bowl. It turned out it was cereal he was eating. Cartoons and cereal. Wow. He really did act like an eight-year old. "Then after we... well, you know, she suddenly told me she loved me. I was drunk! Then I felt this rush, like a panic, then when she was fast asleep, I didn't know what else to do so I came here."
You knitted your brows and kept your gaze on him. Last night, he told you guys it was a long story. A thing came up. "That wasn't a long story."
"I was hammered and real sleepy. For me it was a long story." He replied.
You just laughed in response, then walked towards your bedroom. Before you could even finish your drink, Bucky shouted for your name. You yelled for him back.
"Will you come with me to the hotel?" Bucky's voice was loud but small. Like a child asking to go to the playground. It felt more like it with the muffled cartoon noises in the background.
You stepped out of your room, finishing the rest of your drink. A big gulp. Then you pouted at him. "Want me to drive away the scary woman?"
Instead of responding with a simple yes or a slight nod, Bucky shot you a wide smile with his shoulders up, making an accidental flex with his lean tricep muscles on both of his arms, and squeezing his chest muscles while he was at it. He held it for too long that veins were starting to show.
You diverted your attention from his muscles to his face. He tried to look cute as a button but in your view, he looked strained. Yet his smile never wavered. You finally agreed to go with him as long as he took a shower first, telling him he reeked of alcohol.
"Are you always this mean?" Bucky said, but his voice was light and not at all heavy or dark.
"Pretty much." You snickered before going back inside your room.
You were sitting on your yoga mat -- just finished some few stretches -- and watching some tv show on the HBO channel when Bucky came out of the bathroom. A towel hung low on his waist -- you didn't even bother to look at his toned details so as to not freak him out with all the staring since you've been doing that a lot since he'd arrived. You focused your attention back on the screen.
"Were you just working out?" He asked, ruffling his hair.
"Just some yoga." You shrugged.
You let him borrow an oversized shirt of yours. The entire time, he was behind your in your room. Bucky attempted to make some small conversation while you were rummaging through your stuff. "Cool space you got here. You photograph?"
"Yeah." You replied. "It's probably not convenient having a studio space inside my room but Parker and I couldn't afford a three-space bedroom, so yeah."
"It's still pretty cool." His response remained.
Your room was bigger than Peter's since you had to have your studio corner. He wasn't a space hogger or anything so he let you get the bigger room. You had little decorations in your room except for a few photos of college friends, old roommates, and you and Peter, a clock on the wall, some band posters from the 70's like Led Zeppelin and Aerosmith, and the lights you needed for your studio corner. On that side, on the other hand, had more things to offer. Products from previous projects and all the stuff you needed for taking photos like lights, backdrops, tables, a bunch of chairs, and whatnots. Then the walls were just plain white. Yet Bucky still managed to explore around until you found him an oversized shirt.
You threw the shirt towards him. He managed to catch it on the air without looking at it. A quick reflex.
"Do you have some of your photos here?"
"They're in the bar downstairs." You replied. He looked at me with both eyebrows raised, asking a question with his face. "I work there as a bartender and my boss lets me put up my photos on the wall."
"Well, I'd love to see them."
"Actually, there's a shipment coming this afternoon. There will be no people. You can come with me then." You paused. "Unless you have other plans?" There was a part of you that wanted Bucky to have no plans this afternoon. You had a feeling he didn't. You wanted to trust your instincts.
"I have nothing going on." Oh good. "I can show you how I make a mean drink while we're there." Bucky smirked then put on the shirt which had a Rolling Stones logo on the front. He looked down on it and shot me a smile. The shirt still fit him, hugging all his muscles but it was better than Peter's clothes who wear the tightest fits on earth.
"What do you think?" He asked, showing you his fit while still having the towel draped around his waist.
"You look like a rockstar." You blatantly replied. "And hey, I can also make a mean drink. Really mean."
"Please I make the best ones, doll."
"I'll be the judge of that."
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fluffymisha97 · 4 years
Falling, Fallen - Part 3 - Part 2/2
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Summary: Last part of that very ‘first real date’ with Chris. The man had several tricks up his sleeves. 
Warnings: Language. 
Word count: 5,447 (Loooong I know) 
(Updated 06-03, I forgot to add the pictures I wanted to use lol.) 
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You were still reeling from the shock of finding out where you were going next. For a moment you felt speechless due to the surprise and excitement of going in there. You hadn’t gone to one of these things for so long. You grabbed onto Chris’ arm for support worried that you would tip over.
“Omg, are we going in here? I didn’t even know that there was anything like this during this season.”
“Well, that’s the plan. There’s some rides that are closed but very few.”
“Wow, Chris this is really great- but what about all the people? It looks pretty packed.”
“I think we’re good. Besides it’s sometimes easier to blend in with a lot of people rather than a few. If things go south, I’ve got a backup plan.”
You let out a small snort.
“Wait, you got like a secret disguise in the back of your car or something?”
“Something like that.”
Chris was in fact wearing something that offered him some discretion with his Boston Cap and some black sunglasses. He hadn’t been wearing the glasses before arriving at the fair. He’d yet again asked if you were okay with him wearing them while with you. You truly appreciated the thought and didn’t mind it at all. Chris went to a stand where he paid for two entrance tickets and some tickets for the rides and such.
You were all giddy inside and very much excited for the second time that day. This date was looking very well compared to the first one. You and Chris went ‘inside’ where the fair was indeed packed with a great amount of people. Chris stayed close to you while you walked around trying to get a feeling of the place. The place was huge and you were almost overwhelmed by everything there. You felt like a kid on Christmas morning. Chris felt the same way but tried hard to contain it not wanting to make a further fool of himself. He’d already done that twice that day.
You and Chris had come to a stop by some rides. You instantly spotted the giant Ferris wheel which Chris noticed. You stared at it hesitantly and stayed put. You felt Chris’ hand on your back briefly.
“You want to go?”
“Yes and no. The last time I was on one of these things was when I was about 8 years old and I cried when I got to the top because I got scared.”
“How about I’ll let you hold onto me if you get scared.”
“Ever the gentleman, Evans.”
“My ma raised me right.”
You smirked at him. The two of you small talked while you waited in line. 5 minutes later, you were the next to go. You could feel yourself growing more nervous as you got closer. Chris seemed to have noticed your nervous state when he cautiously reached out and grabbed your hand. He didn’t say anything as he held your hand. You smiled at the action and tried to calm down. ‘Remember be cool and chill’ Emmett’s words rang in your head again. ‘Right, breathe in and out slowly. Be cool as a cucumber’. You snorted to yourself hearing your own thoughts.
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing. Just me being me.”
“Okayyy... Looks like it’s our turn.”
Chris led you to the loading by the passenger cars where you went to sit down on the right side. Chris quietly sat down next to you where the girl shut the latch. You took a deep breath as the ride started.
“You still with me?”
“Ask me when we’re at the top.”
You felt small butterflies as you’d reached the top. You couldn’t contain the giggles escaping your mouth as you took in the breathtaking view. It was a sight worth writing home about for sure. The view was great but taking a closer look at the sight next to you, was also pretty great to look at.
“So, have I lost you or...?”
“Not in the slightest.”
“I’m glad.”
“This wasn’t as bad as I remembered it- OMG, they have a swinging carousel! We have to go there next.”
Chris grinned at your child-like enthusiastic behavior. You cleared your throat as you heard yourself coming off as anything other than ladylike.
“I mean, can we please go there next? If you act like a gentleman, then I should perhaps try to act like a lady.”
“By all means go crazy, Y/N.”
“Good man.”
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After the ride, you had quickly run off to the next ride, while Chris struggled to keep up with you.  You guys went on the swinging carousel right after and it happened so that you and Chris were often the biggest and in fact the oldest people on several of the rides. A part of you should’ve probably been more embarrassed but you were having such a wonderful time that you didn't give a damn. You and Chris had gone on several rides and each one was better than the previous. You honestly couldn't remember the last time that you’d had this much fun.
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You went to the bumper cars where Chris was soon chased around by younger boys who’d discovered that Captain America was riding in a bumper car. Afterward they’d asked for a picture which Chris agreed to and nervously checked if you were okay with it. You shook your head and waited patiently while Chris took the last few pictures. You smiled when one very young boy quietly hugged Chris’ leg before running off with the rest of the group. The little boy briefly turned around and waved at Chris.
“Thank you, Mister ‘Mercia.”
You and Chris shared a soft smile at the action and he soon joined you.
“Sorry about that.”
“No, no. It’s fine. I’ll gladly take those boys over teenage girls and well ...women chasing you around.”
Chris nervously laughed but was thankful that you didn't mind it. Chris gestured for you guys to move out. The two of you walked in a comfortable silence before you turned to him.
“How is that by the way? Getting recognized by people and asked to do pictures and such. If you don’t mind me asking.”
“It’s fine. Uh, I guess it was kind of daunting in the beginning but I’m used to it by now I mean. The kids are great, truly, I love that they look up to someone like Captain America. That I can play a part that can change someone's life. I'm sorry if that sounds selfish and arrogant.”
You smiled and shook your head at him.
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say something arrogant before. But I think I understand what you mean. If I had a job like that, where I could be a part of something so big and mean something for so many people, I would love that.”
“Don’t get me wrong, I love my job and that’s the reason why I keep doing it.”
“But sometimes I do think about doing something else than acting.”
“I think it’s normal to consider other things in that industry. To have a plan or something to fall back on. Not that I think you need it. I haven’t seen you in action or anything like that. I’ve seen clips of those Marvel movies.”
“And here I thought that you would’ve stalked me online and everything…anyway what did you think of the movies then?”
“I get the appeal. They do seem like great movies. My friends Emmett and Abby love them but mostly because of all the hot guys in it.”
“Hot guys? Huh, such as?”
“Well, the other Chris is like a wall and very nice looking. Abby loves him the most. He looks good shirtless you know. Then there’s Tom Hiddleston quite handsome too.”
“Wait, are those the only ones that you guys like?”
“Well, nooo...Henry Cavill is a real fine one too.”
You giggled when Chris gasped in an excessive manner.
“He ain't in the Marvel movies! He’s Superman which isn't Marvel.”
“That may be but he is hella fine.”
You wiggled your eyebrows at him and laughed at the ‘hurt’ face he made as he huffed out loud.
“Well, you’ve just revealed yourself to have absolutely no taste then.”
“Oh really?”
“You sure about that?”
“If you go for Cavill then yeah?”
“Huh… Bad taste in men then?”
“Apparently so, Y/N.”
“Interesting then.”
“What is?”
“I’m here with you now, aren't I?”
Chris’ mouth clamped shut like an oyster at that. His ears turned pink-ish at your snarky little comment.
“Well, maybe not entirely bad taste.”
You only laughed as the two of you continued walking close next to each bumping shoulders a few times. Yours bumped into his arm though, seeing you were inches shorter than him. During your exploring of the fair, conversations rolled easily and constantly off your tongue. Chris was so very easy and comfortable to talk with about everything and nothing. You also enjoyed each other's silence without it feeling weird or awkward at all which was so nice.
You and Chris would subconsciously hold hands every once in a while and it just happened so naturally that neither one of you gave it another thought. You liked it and it seemed like he did too. Or that’s what you hoped for.
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After a while you’d been sure that you and Chris had tried almost all of the rides, you ventured on into what looked like an arcade hall. There weren't too many people around the hall probably because people wanted to get that last bit of sunlight. Chris walked ahead of you looking at all of the different kinds of games stationed around the place. He came to a stop by an Air Hockey table.
“How about a friendly game of air hockey? I’ll go easy on you.”
You rolled your eyes at him and went to stand on the opposite end of the table.
“Oh, such a gentleman.”
“You ready?”
You nodded your head and prepared yourself. Chris kept his word and went easy on you. Which you would’ve appreciated a lot more had you been terrible at the game. The puck went back and forth three times before you pounced and fired it into his goal.
“What the hell just happened?”
“Was that too fast for you?”
“Wait, what?”
You gave him a sly smirk as you rolled up your sleeves.
“I never said that I would go easy on you.”
“Ohh? That’s how it is.”
“Yup. Give it your best.”
The two of you yelled and shouted like maniacs as the game went on. You’d been winning each set and each time you’d done a little victory dance for yourself.
“Oh, you think that’s attractive? Real cute.”
“I know. I’ve been told I’m rather cute.”
Chris huffed at you and placed the puck on the table.
“Sudden death. Loser buys fries.”
“You’re on, Evans.”
The next game went back and forth. You were so amped up and so was Chris. He wasn’t backing down and neither were you. This was a fight to death. Your eyebrow quirked as an evil thought went through your head.
“You know it’s a good thing that you’re so invested in the game because otherwise you would’ve seen how my boob nearly fell right out.”
Chris hadn’t even heard half of your sentence before he looked up at you with a puzzled face and you seized your chance. The puck went right in and you threw your hands in the air.
“YES, mother of everything good.”
Chris rubbed his face in embarrassment and chuckled as he looked down on the table.
“I think I’ve met my match. You’re even worse than me.”
“Ehh, I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“Alright then how about those fries?”
“Yes! You’ve just earned yourself some golden points.”
The two of you went back outside the arcade hall in the search of a food stand. As you finally found a stand, you both felt and heard your stomach growling meaning you were hungry for more than fries. You were about to excuse yourself when you heard Chris in the middle of ordering you some food.
“Hey, can I get two hotdogs with everything, and two curly fries, two cokes?”
Chris briefly checked with you if you had any objections which you didn’t. A few moments later, your food was done. You took the cokes even though Chris had protested wanting to be a gentleman and bring you the food. It was a nice gesture but you couldn't not help when he’d bought you the food to begin with. You found a free table where you sat down. Chris sat on the other side of the table.
You both began eating shortly after enjoying the food and the scenery around you.
“This is soo good.”
“Yup. It kinda goes with the whole thing.”
“I love me some curly fries. Even though I should hold back on them.”
“I’ll gladly buy you all the fries you want.”
“Oohh he scores another golden point.”
Chris softly smiled at you as you took a sip of your coke.
“How am I doing so far?”
“So far so good.”
Chris gave you a smile that could go for miles. It was also annoying how dashingly charming he could be without even trying to.
“I gotta say that you really surprised me by bringing me here. A nice thing.”
“Glad you like it.”
The conversation flowed naturally with Chris and when there was any silence it didn't feel awkward or weird. It was a comfortable silence. You enjoyed listening to Chris animatedly telling you about his job and life. It was clear that he was a passionate guy. You could listen all day to him. Sometimes he would blush when he felt like he’d been talking too much. You couldn't help but find it cute. You just leaned back in your seat and listened to him talk. After a while when you were both done with your food, Chris offered you his hand and you were off to see what else the Fair had to offer.
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You moved onto some of the booth games, there were hundreds of them. First you’d gone and tried the bottle ring toss for old times. Each booth you went to, it turned into a competition with Chris. He was so determined about wanting to impress you but you were most of the time just as good as him or even better. Which felt less than good for his ego. You both played Balloon Darts, Knock the cans, and Feed the clown and many more. You saw how Chris almost looked ‘deflated’ by your continuing luck and fortune with the games. You couldn’t help but cringe a little bit inside over yourself.
“Well, this is slightly embarrassing now.”
“What, c’mon, Chris. It’s nothing.”
“Yeah. Nothing that matters anyway.”
“Sureee...How is it possible that you’ve aced everything we’ve tried so far?”
“I don’t know.”
You could only shrug your shoulders as you looked down at your feet feeling less desirable and dorkier.
“So you’re just naturally good at everything then?”
“Well no, not everything.”
“Oh yeah? Mention one thing you’re bad at.”
You smirked at him and then looked around at the several stands nearby. Something caught your eye. You spotted a stand with a basket net where one would shoot hoops and win prizes. You grabbed Chris by the arm and dragged him along with you close by the booth.
“That. Right there.”
“For real?”
“Yeah. Imagine little ol’e me never having had a little stuffed animal.”
Chris puffed out his chest and straightened his back as he looked at the booth
“I guess we better do something about that.”
Chris gave you a small smile before walking over to the young guy behind the counter. The guy easily recognized Chris but tried playing it cool. Chris removed his sunglasses and pulled out the tickets.
“Hey man, can I get 5?”
“S-s-sure d-dude.”
You stood next to Chris and watched him tank the first 3 shots. You watched how he craned his neck and breathed in through his nose. You stifled a laugh when Chris missed the last 2 ones. Chris looked at you rather nervously.
“You good?”
“Yeah, just a little stiff… just need to have full access you know full range of motion.”
Chris then removed his jacket and before he could lay it elsewhere you stepped in and took it off his hands. You couldn’t help it as you obviously ogled him. His flannel shirt fit him like a glove. It wasn’t until now you saw his whole outfit. He was wearing a red and black flannel shirt and a white undershirt with some darkish jeans. Those jeans also hugged his form very well. You had to snap out of it as you were starting to feel all pervy. ‘Y/N, don’t be a dick nor dick-ish’, you could hear Abby and your friend Emmett’s voice in your head.
Chris bought some more balls. Another few minutes passed and the ball was close but not close enough. You could sense Chris starting to get frustrated and figured you may as well seize the moment.
“Hey, I’ll be right back. I’m going to powder my nose.”
“Okay. I’ll be here and keep on losing to the giant teddy-bear.”
“Chris. You got this. I believe in you.”
You could hear Chris huff out loud as you went to find a restroom. You heard Chris mumble something under his breath.
‘Damn right, I got this. Gotta win the girl her freaking teddy bear.’
You finally spotted a restroom and went and did your business. You checked your phone to see if Abby had written you. Before leaving, you briefly checked yourself in the mirror.
As you got back towards the stand you saw an odd exchange between the guy and Chris. You stilled as you saw Chris handing the guy what looked like a dollar bill but instead the guy grabbed a piece of paper, a pen and his phone. They took a selfie which left the guy rather happy looking and he handed over the biggest bear from the shelves. You smirked to yourself but still felt giddy inside over his obviously failed attempts to win it on his own but giddy over the lengths he would go to get you that bear. You sauntered back over to the stand where Chris lifted the bear up in the air victoriously. Chris felt his heart skip just a bit as he saw the grin on your face unaware of just how much you’d seen. You happily skipped over in front of him.
“Oh my… you got it? You won me a bear. No one’s ever done that for me.”
Chris offered you a sheepishly smile as he handed over the giant bear.
“No problem. He put up quite the fight but was no match in the end.”
You giggled as you watched him parade around in ‘false’ triumph. It was still cute no matter what. Chris put his jacket back on and let out a small cough.
“Oh really? I wished I could’ve seen that.”
Chris scratched the back of his neck and went to move around you.
“Where are you going?”
“Out… I gotta go and powder my nose.”
You could see the dazzling smile fall from his face once he realized what he’d said.
“Can I take that back?”
“Nope, too late.”
You smirked at him as he slowly turned around and muttered something to himself.
‘Powder my nose, Jesus. Why don’t you just tell her how much ya ass is sweating too, you dumb-ass’
You chuckled to yourself and turned around to face the booth. The guy still looked like he was star struck as he stared at the autograph which he quickly put away as you walked over. You figured you could kill some time before Chris got back. You reached down in your pocket and fished out some tickets.
“5 balls, please.”
The guy exchanged your tickets and handed you the basket containing the balls but not before uttering his opinion.
“Didn’t you just tell that guy that you sucked at this game?”
“Boy, you got long ears…- Didn’t you just hand off a prize in a way that your supervisor wouldn’t want to hear about?”
You just ‘mmm-hmm’-ed the crap out of him and placed your bear up on the counter. You scored right away as you aimed for the basket. While you were passing time, someone else had joined the party. Chris stopped dead in his tracks as he watched how you nailed every single shot.  
“Aha! A liar with a good arm it seems.”
You turned around flustered that he’d caught you red-handed. You only shrugged your shoulders as you picked up your bear.
“Ohhh, that? Pftt… Just lucky I guess.”
“Mhm, I think not. I’m wounded by the deceiving lies.”
You made a face at him causing him to crack a smile. Considering what you’d seen earlier it was clear that you weren’t the only one who was lying. You placed the bear back on the counter and firmly placed your hands on your hips as you stared into Chris’ blue eyes.
“Okay, okay, okay… So can you look me in the eye and tell me that you won my bear fair and square?”
Chris instantly looked like the kid who’d been caught with his hand down the cookie jar. Anything that resembled a ‘poker face’ instantly fell from his face.
“Well… okay, initially I was going for that BUT that bear wasn’t coming down on its own. So maybe I helped it down a bit yeah. I tried, Y/N. I mean, you saw me miss that shot way too many times and then when you’d said that you never won a stuffed toy, I just wanted to win it for you.”
You placed your hand on Chris’ chest as you leaned up and quickly placed a small and brief peck on his cheek leaving Chris speechless.
“What’s that for?”
“For this. No one’s ever gone to this much trouble to win me a bear.”
Chris blushed from the peck on the cheek and your words. Yes, the two of you had both lied but that didn’t seem to matter at all anymore. The two of you walked off, Chris offered to carry your bear for you like the smooth gentleman he turned out to be. You’d gone to sit down on a bench feeling the day seeping through you. You didn't want to be tired yet. If you were tired, Chris would no doubt take you home and you weren't ready to go home yet. Chris must’ve thought something like that too because he returned with two giant cotton candies. One pink and one blue.
“Pick your poison, my lady.”
“Uhh fancy. The lady wants a little bit of both.”
“Luckily, I was raised to share.”
You gave him a toothy smile as you took the pink one. You small talked while eating the delicious sugary candy while both getting quite sticky in the process.
“Wait a second, you got some on your cheek.”
You moved to wipe your face and then turned to look at Chris again.
“Did I get it?”
“Argh no, you just spread it further. Here let me-.”
You sat very still whilst Chris with careful and gentle hands touched your right cheek. His calloused fingers swiped across your cheek. You watched silently as Chris removed his hand and wiped it across his lips getting the cotton candy off his fingers. You watched how Chris’ eyes widened as he noticed his actions. He opened his mouth to apologize no doubt but you beat him to it.
“Always the gentleman. Thanks for not allowing me to prance around with that stuff on my face.”
“No problem.”
You hadn't even noticed how late it had gotten before you saw the dark skies above you. You finally looked around you and saw how lit up the funfair was. All of the lights from the rides mixed with the lighting from the booths made quite the impact on you. Christmas trees had nothing on this.
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“Wow, this looks so pretty.”
“Yeah you do- Uh yeah, it’s great.”
Your cheeks felt hot after hearing Chris’ compliment which you pretended not to hear.
“I don’t even want to leave this place. It’s like magic here. There’s no drama or...gossipy chicks around any corner. There’s happiness all around here.”
“Well, then we better come up with an act if we’re to stay here.”
“Yes, the basket thing is out of question with well you know… your bad aim.”
Chris let out a dry crackle as he playfully shoved you but not too hard. You only grinned in return.
“Think you’re being cute again? Huh?”
“I know I’m cute.”
“You’re lucky that’s true. SO, an act. We can just have you perform some songs, you got a great voice and I’ll...I don't know.”
“You can be my backup dancer in your Captain America costume.”
You both burst out laughing at the mere idea. Chris was so easy to let loose with. You’d found out during the day how much you enjoyed his laugh. It was so very much contagious to be around. Hearing him laugh like that made you smile.
“Oh God, imagine that.”
“Imagine that.”
You’d been having the time of your life but you were only human which meant that the whole day of activity began to latch onto you. You tried fighting the yawn making its debut but it was too late. Chris had noticed you trying to hide your yawn. He chuckled at your attempt to hide it and then casually move on.
“I guess we better get you back home. We’ve got an hour long drive ahead of us.”
“What, no. I’m fine really.”
Another yawn escaped your mouth and you hid your face in your jacket.
“Y/N, it’s okay. We’ve had quite the day.”
Chris stood from his seat and offered you his hand. He managed to balance the giant bear in one hand or rather arm whilst keeping an arm around your waist. He didn’t want to overstep and had almost retracted his arm worried about offending you but your own hand stopped him before he could do something. He smiled to himself feeling you leaning into his side as you walked. Chris strapped your bear in the backseat and opened the car door for you again. The car ride home was less chatty, not that either of you minded. Truthfully you were both a little bit tired but the silence in the car was still comfortable. The music in the car mixed with the feeling of fatigue washing over you made your eyes droopy. Before you knew it, you’d fallen asleep. Chris saw how you’d fallen asleep some moments later and smiled for himself. Carefully while still keeping an eye on the road, Chris used his jacket to cover you so you wouldn’t get cold.
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Gentle fingers woke you up. Chris brushed some loose strays of hair behind your ear as he whispered your name.
“Y/N, wake up…- We’re here.”
You stirred awake feeling embarrassed as you came to it. You’d fallen asleep in front of Chris. In his car on your way home. You lazily rubbed your eyes and tried to shake the sleep right off you. You let out a small groan as Chris chuckled beside you.
“I’m sorry. I’m not a fun car buddy...I can’t believe I fell asleep- Oh God, I didn’t snore or say something did I? Abby says that I sometimes talk or mumble in my sleep.”
“Oh, you didn’t snore that’s for sure. Although you did say that Cavill isn’t as hot as that guy who plays Captain America.”
“You sure that I said that?”
“Oh, yeah. No doubt.”
You let out a small throaty laugh as you quietly removed Chris’ jacket from your body and handed it back to him.
“Thanks for that.”
“No problem. You go on ahead. I’ll get your bear.”
You got out of the car and went up to the door of your apartment building. Chris carried your gigantic teddy bear while you were holding onto your small heart shaped pillow that Chris got you as you’d been leaving the fair from one of those claw machines. As you fished out your key, Chris walked up with your bear and placed it on the ground next to you.
“You got all of your stuffed animals?”
“Yup. I think that’s about it.”
“So, I had an amazing time today-…”
“So, I wanted to thank you for a wonderful time-…”
You spoke simultaneously. You both chuckled at this as you looked down a bit.
“I got to say that you went all out today. I mean, how are we ever going to be able to top this day? The next date is going to seem so… bland next to this one.”
Chris smiled widely hearing you mentioning ‘the next date’.
“You said our next date.”
“Well, yeah. I mean, I did have a really good time and it seemed like you did too so maybe it was bold of me to assume that there would be a next date but if you aren’t-…”
“No! no, no. Uhh... I also had a great time, so of course I wouldn’t be opposed to going on another date with you.”
Your cheeks felt warm as he flashed you a warm smile. Silence fell over the two of you as you looked at one another. Your breathing picked up as Chris leaned in. Just as he was centimeters from your face you took a deep breath before gently speaking up.
“I don’t kiss on the first date.”
Chris chuckled as he stayed in the same spot.
“Well, technically this isn’t our first date.”
“Oh right, since we made a deal to strike out our first real date you mean?”
“Yes and no…It’s after 12, so technically it’s a brand new day meaning it’s the second date (well actually the third), sooo…”
You smirked at him hearing his arguments and justified reasons.
“So, based on technicalities, you just assume that we’re going to kiss?”
“I figured it wouldn’t hurt to try.”
Again he flashed you an all dimpled-smile your way. You remained frozen in your spot and waited for Chris’ move. You stood very close and you could smell his scent and breath on your face. He smelled of cotton candy, hotdogs and popcorn. Slowly you felt the absence of his closeness and you opened your eyes when you felt your hand being grabbed. Chris had taken a step backwards and brought your hand up to his lips where he placed a soft kiss on the back of your hand.
“Miss Y/L/N, thanks for an amazing time today. I hope to hear from you soon for that next date.”
You watched in amazement as Chris gave you a small bow and turned to walk back to his car. You let out a small gasp of the air you’d been holding in.
Chris turned around to face you.
“Are you just going to leave now?...I mean…- You’re not even going to try to kiss me?”
Chris’ face lit up a bit and you could’ve sworn you saw a smug smirk form on his face. Chris took three long strides before he stood right back in front of you. He leaned in once again and you found yourself closing your eyes again waiting and anticipating what were to come. You felt his face come closer to yours. His beard softly tickled you. Just as your lips were about to touch, he moved his lips to your cheek where he pressed a very soft and delicate kiss. You couldn’t contain the small gasp that left your lips as realization hit you.
“Sleep tight, Y/N.”
Your eyes soon found two blue intense one staring at you before he turned around and walked back to his car. You let out a small huff in annoyance as you watched the handsome man walk off wishing he’d kissed you.
“Well, you’re certainly something else!”
“Right back at ya.”
“So you’re really just leaving, now?”
“Yup. Think about how big the anticipation will be now.”
“It better be good then, Christopher.”
“It will be, Y/N. I know it.”
Before getting into his car, Chris waved at you and drove off. You stood back feeling dumbstruck but in the best ways. You were already looking forward to your next date with Chris.
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@ la-cey 
Tag list for Falling, Fallen: 
@ thatoneperson5000
112 notes · View notes
humanlighthouse · 3 years
hello i am here and i have heihua kiss prompts!! either 8. Laying a gentle kiss to the back of the other’s hand. (+bonus if hurt/comfort!) or 23. A kiss that tastes of the food/dessert they are eating. xoxo
Hello friend!! I went with the second prompt, you will notice a theme in there perhaps :D I hope you like it! This was cross-posted here for better readability~
For their young master’s birthday celebration, the Xie clan went all out, as was expected. 
It was a grandiose event, with only the finest of culinary delicacies, the prettiest of dancers, and the best of everything that could be drunk. Everyone of importance in the antiques and less-legally-acquired antiques business was there, in black tie - or almost everyone. Xie Yuchen’s smile never quite reached his eyes but he shook sweaty palm after sweaty palm and posed for the required photos with a level of patience that should honestly count toward his general karma. Thankfully, by midnight, the young master was deemed properly toasted to, fed and celebrated, and the guests bid their goodbyes at last.  
Xie Yuchen closed his bedroom door behind him and rested his forehead against the wood panel. 
Here’s to another year. 
Shrugging off his jacket, he walked into his closet. His own face stared at him from three different angles as he loosened his tie. He wasn’t tired yet, but he should probably change anyway. He crossed the room toward his pajama closet, looking for something comfortable. There had been enough showing off for one night, so he pushed aside the silk co-ords. Maybe the velvet robe. He took it off the hanger, running a manicured hand over the fabric. No. Too hot for the season. He dropped it on a chair. When he turned back toward the closet, he noticed a midnight blue sleeve peeking out from behind where the robe had hung, in the darkest part of the closet. His only hoodie. 
There was an idea. 
He stared at it for a long moment, before grabbing the garment and shrugging it on over his dress shirt and wool-blend pants. He swapped his leather shoes for crepe-soled boots and turned the lights off. 
Less than five minutes later, he exited the manor, having successfully avoided every single person in it. He had had to duck behind a vase at some point so a maid didn’t see him, and for the first time that evening, he had laughed, albeit silently. There would be no real consequences, no consequences at all, even, if he was found out, but it was exciting to sneak out. He snapped a face mask onto his ears, checked again that he hadn’t been spotted, and walked down the street and away from the gates. 
As he walked, Xie Yuchen wrestled his phone out of his pants pocket. With the ease of habit, he created a throwaway account, and then pulled up the webpage of his favorite fast food place. The closest one would be too suspicious - he had been there only last month. Selecting the next one over, he submitted his order and paid. By the time he arrived, his number was first on the list, and a greasy bag of treats awaited him. 
This restaurant was farther from his house but closer to the river. It was warm enough, that evening, that groups were scattered here and there along the riverside. Xie Yuchen found one empty spot with a decently clean bench to sit on, and dug into the bag. 
The city lights twinkled over the water’s surface, ever changing - stop lights turning red and green and red again, car blinkers sparkling to life, office neons buzzing in the distance. There were people laughing nearby. He listened to what he could of their inept conversation as he chewed, salt and fat heavy on his tongue. Usually he would be annoyed at the forced proximity, at the unwanted company of these strangers sharing beers and laughs, but not tonight, for some reason. 
Still, it was better to be alone after the night he’d had. Enough socialization for one day. Even after an entire burger and most of a large serving of fries, he didn’t have the energy to keep up the usual pretense. Maybe if he was there with a friend it would be different, but he didn’t have that many of those. Wu Xie certainly counted as one, but according to the birthday card he had sent, he was off raiding a secret spot in the South with his boyfriends this week and wouldn’t be back for a while. Xie Yuchen hoped it was code for something else. At least one of them would be having fun tonight. 
He finished the fries and crumpled the greasy paper, throwing it back into the mostly empty bag. The only thing left was what he had been looking forward to: a tub of soft-serve ice cream doused with an extra helping of chocolate fudge. He rummaged around the bag for the plastic spoon and popped open the container, inhaling the sweet scent with a smile of anticipated delight. That would almost make up for tonight. 
He carefully chose the ratio of chocolate to ice. That first spoonful was always the best one. He brought it to his mouth and closed his eyes. The fudge melted onto his tongue, vanilla ice cream following right behind, hot then cold, and delicious. He couldn’t help but let out a small moan. 
“That good, uh?”
Long legs folded beside his on the bench and for one short second Xiao Hua was tempted to throw the ice cream tub into the river and pretend this never happened. 
It was too late. Hei Xiazi had seen him, and he would never let him live this down now. 
Oh sure, the man had seen him in more compromising situations, technically speaking, but from the way he smiled at Xie Yuchen’s face, Xie Yuchen knew that his guilt was obvious. He was screwed. Hei Xiazi had just hit blackmailing gold.
“Gimme a taste if it’s that good,” he asked with a jerk of his chin toward Xie Yuchen’s ice cream.
Xie Yuchen frowned and moved the tub away from him. He had expected a few days of grace before the demands started, at least. 
“What are you doing here?” he asked in return. 
The man’s attire was ridiculous, even by his low standards. Under his usual leather jacket, the one he always wore, the one Xie Yuchen could recognize the stink of from miles away, he wore a tank top and a black polyester tie, haphazardly tied around nothing and dangling well under his belt. He looked like a cheap gigolo. Maybe that was his new side gig. Xie Yuchen made a mental note to inquire about that. 
“Well, you see, I was on my way to wish a friend a happy birthday, maybe a little later than I should have, admittedly, but what’s a little night visit between friends? Except, what should I see when I arrive at their home, but a shady silhouette sneaking out of it! Very suspicious, you’ll admit. I felt that it was my duty to make sure that the interloper was properly identified.”
“What bullshit are you sprouting now?” asked Xie Yuchen, eyes narrowed. 
“I followed you,” replied Hei Xiazi with a satisfied smile.
“No you didn’t.”
“How would you know?”
“Because I checked. You ran into me here by pure chance and extrapolated the rest,” he guessed.
The smile fell from Hei Xiazi’s face, but the humor stayed in his voice. 
“Yeah, okay I did.”
Xie Yuchen huffed a laugh and turned back to his ice cream before it melted. 
“I really was on my way to you, though,” continued Hei Xiazi. “Look, I even have a gift and all.”
When he turned, Xie Yuchen found himself faced with a brightly patterned square. The gift wasn’t badly wrapped, Hei Xiazi’s fingers were certainly skilled enough for it, but it had been done with the tackiest paper Xie Yuchen had ever seen. There had been plenty of gifts at the party earlier, covered in gold-embroidered fabrics and satin, tucked into leather boxes and glossy bags, but this was the first that Xie Yuchen had wanted to open all night. It was the only one of those that seemed … heartfelt. 
He quickly ate another spoonful of ice cream instead. It was probably just another joke. 
“What’s in it?” he asked after a minute.
Hei Xiazi was still holding it out to him, and probably would until he relented. Sighing, Xie Yuchen took the package. 
“Open it later.”
At the strangeness of his voice, Xie Yuchen raised his head and looked at Hei Xiazi. The lights were playing on his face, and with those stupid glasses he could never be sure of anything, but it almost looked like he was blushing. The man was looking toward the river, not at him, so Xie Yuchen allowed himself to stare.
In his hand, the ice cream tub was cold and slightly wet with condensation, and the sweetness of chocolate remained in his mouth. There were still people laughing nearby, in riotous bursts, but he found that he didn’t envy them anymore. 
It was his birthday, and Xie Yuchen was going to celebrate it the way he wanted.
“Hey,” he called.
With a hum, Hei Xiazi turned, just enough for Xie Yuchen to grab his face and kiss him. He startled but didn’t pull away, rather turned his head aside to deepen the kiss, hands curling around Xie Yuchen’s waist and into his hair. His clever tongue swiped at Xie Yuchen’s lips and he licked into his mouth when they opened. 
“Wow, you were right,” he exclaimed when they broke for air. “That is good ice cream!”
With a roll of his eyes, Xie Yuchen handed the tub to him. It was a day to indulge in guilty pleasures, it seemed. 
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svtshine · 4 years
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Meeting Vernon for the first time
title: A meeting by chance
pairing: Hansol x reader
genre: oneshot, scenario
about: fluff, fansign!au
summary: you weren’t actually a fan of seventeen however your roommate was a big fan of their band. She was supposed to attend their fansign but she unfortunately fell sick that day and begged you to go in her place, to get their signatures.
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“please Y/n, please you have to go in my place. i’m BEGGING you.” your roommate pleaded you, sniffing, while hugging your arm. You rolled your eyes and continued playing your game. “F/n, you need to stay away from me. i don’t need your flu germs as much as i love you” your roommate sighed, adjusting the surgical mask she was wearing and wrapped the fluffy blankets closer to her.
“Y/n, this is a chance of a lifetime. if i can’t go YOU have to go FOR me. please” she begged you again and showing you her puppy eyes. “I’ll uh do your laundry for one and a half month” you hummed and shrugged your shoulders, showing that you weren’t interested in her deal.
“Fine, i’ll fix you your meals and always restock the snack basket for you” you blinked at her and gave her a look saying, you know better than that. “FINE a new skateb-“
“deal.” you said, eyes still focused on your game
your roommate jumped and hugged you while squealing. “thank you sooo much, okay i definitely owe you”
“yes F/n, you do”
“i can’t believe i got sick....this is horrible. But at least i have you, now get off your game. i need to teach you some stuff you have to do for me at the fansign”
“i’m finishing, go eat your meds and then we’ll talk”
your roommate nodded, couldn’t fight with you anyways.
After finishing up your match, you stretched your arms and neck finding them a little stiff after playing too long. You walked out of your little apartment to where you found your roommate finishing up her soup that you made earlier in the morning. you pulled out a chair and joining her at the dining table. you placed your chin on your hand and looked to the right, looking at the bag of stuff on the couch
“ok Y/n, there’s 13 members. And i have a newer album for them to sign on. i’ve packed goodies and specific items to give each member. so just try to listen out for their name and you’d be able to give it to them” you nodded. 13 members, that’s a lot, you thought.
“Anyways you gotta reach there early and start queuing. Thank you so much again, try not to get lost babe” You sighed, and watched her finish eating and then helped her wash the dishes and made sure she went to bed.
you looked through the bag of goodies and you also found pictures next to each members name. Vernon, you found. You carefully picked up his item and brushed your fingertips at his picture so as to not crumple anything. He’s gorgeous i should also probably learn abit more about them for tomorrow
you just wanted to learn about vernon.
American-South Korean rapper. real name is Hansol, 1.78 metres, 22 years old. He’s older than you. positioned as main rapper and in the Hip-hop unit
hmm not bad, pretty muscular too. you thought to yourself, looking at his form and couldn’t help but stare into his mesmerising eyes, even if it was a photograph.
you even watched their HOME;RUN MV since you were curious as to the music they produce. You couldn’t help it when your eyes continued following vernon dancing and rapping the whole times
for some reason you just couldn’t look away.
Anyways you shook your head and checked the time before deciding it was better for you to turn in for tomorrow’s event.
When the next morning came, you woke up early, washed up, and had breakfast before checking your roommate if she needed anything. F/n was still asleep so you took abit longer in choosing your outfit, a simple cropped sweater set and jeans. Clipping your hand in a claw clip before carrying the bag filled with seventeen items and your ticket and heading out.
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You were definitely slightly shocked at the amount of people who were already waiting patiently for the even to start, but your roommate did warn you about being early beforehand. You read the signs and went to queue for your turn. You waited almost an hour or two, waiting for the time your name would finally be called to lineup front
Now you could see the boys lined up in a row. Your roommate was right when she said that these boys, they literally sparkled. You turned to look at every one of them, your gaze lingering on one specific member. you got ready your things as you started off with the first member in the row, Seungcheol. The boys were actually very friendly and warm towards their fans, and although you had explained why sometimes you needed to ask for their name because you were only helping out a friend, they still treated you with respect and asked about you.
it was nice to see how the boys kindly treat their supporters. You finally got to Joshua, your palms were getting a bit sweaty since the next member was vernon.
Joshua flashed you a warm smile, which reminded you of sunshine and teddy bears.
“What’s your name.” joshua said getting ready to sign on the album. “oh uh, i’m Y/n, but could you help me sign off with F/n.” you replied.
Joshua looked at you kind of curious as to how you were abit more calm as compared to previous fans when meeting him and the rest.
“i’m here for a friend, she was supposed to come but she fell sick yesterday and didn’t want to risk spreading her awful germs to anyone. i didn’t really know you guys, but my friend really complimented all of you” you smiled awkwardly.
joshua gave you a nod and a look saying he understood what you were saying. “Wow your roommate must be lucky to have a friend who would do so much for her, even when she doesn’t know the band. tell her to get well soon for me.” he smiled and signed on the album while initiating a conversation with you. Joshua was very welcoming, and he made the conversation very comfortable so you were pretty immersed in it.
Vernon finished signing the album of the fan infront of him when he looked up and his eyes landed on you. his heart unconsciously skipped a beat and he didn’t understand why he felt a pull towards you. Of course you were one of the prettiest girls he has ever met, but he just felt attracted to you. when Joshua raised his hand to give you a high five and the both of you locked hands for a while. Vernon felt a need to pull you away from him. the sight of you smiling towards Joshua and not him, slightly bummed him.
it was so weird how fast he felt a connection with you. it was like he couldn’t take his eyes off you. But he had to, focusing on the fan infront of him and waving her off, knowing you were next.
you bid goodbye to Joshua as the staff requested that you moved to the next member. Your heart started beating faster as you placed the album infront of vernon and picked up his item from the bag to pass it to him. He smiled and thanked you for the gift. Vernon’s smile left you mesmerised and for a while you stared at him
“What’s your name” Vernon said in a voice that left you nervous
“Y/n, ah but this album is for a friend so if you don’t mind, could you use F/n. i watched an MV of your song for the first time yesterday and you were probably the most amazing i felt. but don’t tell the rest, they were awesome too.” the last part you sort of whispered
but vernon heard every word you and his cheeks started blushing slightly.
“Thank you Y/n, you know i don’t say this a lot but i think, in this hall, you shine the brightest.” Vernon gave you a bigger smile and reached for your hand, interlocking them with his. you were amazed and shocked by how much your smaller hand fit inside his way bigger hand. he swayed your hands side to side as he continued writing on the album while engaging a conversation with you.
Vernon made you feel like the only two people in this room were the two of you. you felt an attraction for him that you’ve never felt for anyone before.
however, soon it was time to move on to the next member. Vernon gave you a slight pout and wrote something swiftly on a piece of paper and sliding in into the album. He winked at you and you knew that message was for you.
He was the third last member thus you soon reached the end of the line and you bid goodbye to DK, the last member.
You stayed a little while afterwards for one performance. It was definitely dazzling, watching them dance in tune to each other, smiling to the audience and engaging with their fans. You wanted to learn more about them.
Unknowingly, Vernon was always looking at you. The whole time. Even when he was rapping or just standing and waiting for another member to give a speech, his eyes never moved away from you. He rapped his heart out for you. Maybe it was because he loved how excited you looked whenever his part came on, or the smile that grew wider when they danced to the song.
You breathed out a sigh and stretched out your arms when you left the building, sadly you had to check on your roommate and leave for your part time job.
your hand touched your chest where your heart laid. It was a wonderful time, meeting the boys and watching them perform in real life.
oh! you remembered the note that vernon left you. you quickly dugged out the album from your bag and flipped to the pages. The small piece of paper fell and it looked like a napkin.
written in scribbled handwriting,
This is the first time i’m doing this for a girl i just met. but something about you, just made me want to know you better. Please call or text me!
your eyes widened at the sight of his message, you fumbled slightly and quickly found your found and typed in his number.
You stared at his contact, and a big smile grew on your face.
You were definitely going to thank your friend for this meeting by chance
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High School Musical: The Musical: The Series: The Rewatch pt. 5
Technically, I shouldn't be doing this right now. But who are we kidding? I miss my Wildcats and this seems like the only thing I can do to see them again right now. So here goes
1x8: The contractually obligated emotional rollercoaster
This episode sure is a lot... I don't know if I'm ready. But it makes no sense to skip this one. I never skip through stuff I love, even when some parts are borderline traumatising. Plus I remember this episode having a bunch of hilarious moments that are definitely worth it.
'I'm really not sure what to say' — Me neither, Miss Jenn, me neither. I'm just sitting here watching this and I know I'm supposed to comment, but I just can't think of what to say. Sometimes the silence just speaks for itself.
'The Lucky Ducky Puppet Pavilion' — I can never overlook that line. Not when I know how much it took for Matt to deliver it. Fun fact: one of my cats is called Lucky, so when his siblings were about to be born, I briefly considered naming them Ducky, Puppet and Pavilion as a joke.
Ah, the El Rey. The place where Miss Jenn totally did not suffer a professional heartbreak. Things are about to get real here. And by real I mean... real dramatic.
I've got to say, I love the duality of Big Red (well, I do love everything about him so that was a no-brainer, but still): doesn't know how to hang a light, but sure does know how to light up a room; amazing with power tools, but took three weeks to make a paper-mache basketball because he kept gluing his fingers together (that last part is far more relatable than I care to admit). I just love him, ok?
The way Carlos acts about Miss Jenn's box of production notes... honestly, I totally get it. I feel like if there's one person at that point who cares about the show much more than anyone else, it's him. And I fully understand why that is. That poor boy has been lonely for too long, and this show is giving him the chance to be part of an accepting community for what feels like the first time in a long time. Just... give my boy Carlito all the hugs.
For a place that allegedly hasn't been used in so long, the El Rey is not nearly dusty enough. I mean, you should see my room if I forget to hoover for longer than a week. And we're talking about years here. There's allegedly mould in that place, but I don't even see dust. Oh well, maybe I would, if it weren't for that lighting — or lack thereof, more like.
'Whatever it says in Miss Jenn's audition file, I am me, and that is the only me I need to be.' — A beautiful sentiment, my dearest EJ. Now maybe hold on to it for a while... just a suggestion.
'Lacks emotional connection to the material' — well, I do have to agree. My first impression of EJ when I was watching the first couple of episodes for the first time was that he was 'too polished to be Troy'. Too much Technician, too little Performer. And I do love my Performers over my Technicians.
Wait, is that a Redlyn background moment I see? I mean, everything is super chaotic and fast-paced, and my two ginger babies are just sitting together on the side of it all. Bonding, I assume. Good for them.
Seb being the only one to know why Natalie is absent, along with the two of them sitting together in 1x1, makes me think... Natalie and Seb are totally besties! I mean, he's basically besties with everyone he ever talks to, so... what can I say, that boy is sunshine incarnate. He deserves all the love and appreciation.
'I know how to hang... out' — gosh, I love this one. And I can only hope everyone was laughing with him, not at him. Because there's nothing to laugh at. My boy got dragged into this whole crew stuff, it's not his fault he doesn't know everything. He's more of an on-stage person than a backstage person anyway. Maybe put him in the spotlight next time and prepare to get your socks knocked off.
No, Ash, your baking club is not at all irrelevant! Honestly, I have nothing but immense admiration for how Ashlyn manages to be in the top two students most dedicated to theatre and do all those other extracurriculars. And she probably has a 4.-something GPA, too. I don't know what the Caswells are feeding their children, but I need it this instant.
'I just don't know how to make things light up' — 'You walk into a room?' — I just... this is one of my favourite Redlyn moments in the history of Redlyn. See, the thing about Ashlyn's line here is the tone in which she says it. She doesn't mean it as a compliment, but as a statement of the absolute truth. You can hear that in her voice. And with good reason, too, because she isn't lying at all. My boy Reddy sure does light up a room by walking into it. Both of them do, really. They're soulmates, you know.
'This place is not creepy at all...' — Yeah, and things between Ricky and Nini are not totally awkward at all, either. I'm living for this.
'I can do Troy!' — Sure you can, Eej. Sure you can. Emotional connection to the material and all.
Ok, but this entire scene... Carlos marking Gabriella's lines completely flatly, EJ emoting like he's in a freaking telenovela and also chopping onions... Carlos' reaction to the latter... I'm living for all of this.
Big Red just suddenly appearing next to Miss Jenn has me rolling... and also kind of wishing he could appear like that next to me too. I mean, it's not like I've visualised that so many times... certainly not every time I have to pass by a stray dog, or give a blood sample, or talk to people, or whatever... why do you ask?
'I never really loved the name Nina anyway' — listen, I relate to the sentiment of not being super fond of your given name, but... what was that stuff in s2 about, then? I mean, I do understand that too, but the two just seem to clash a bit, I reckon. That's all.
Also, can we talk about Rini's chemistry and how it's sometimes there and sometimes nowhere to be found? I think I've figured it out. Every time the chemistry is there, they're talking about or doing things that are not necessarily inherently romantic. Reminiscing about kindergarten, how they gave each other their nicknames, 'the ribbon in your hair, the secrets that we shared, the way that you would stare at me across the room' (yeah, I went there, and for a good reason)... see, Ricky and Nini have that kind of thing going on where, however hard you try, you just can't be indifferent to the other person. It's obvious that they love each other so much, but whenever they try to make it romantic, something goes south. What I'm saying is, when you're really good friends with somebody and you try to force it into something 'more', or better said, something else (because romance is not inherently 'more' than friendship and you can pry that out of my cold dead aro hands), and the operating word here is 'force', things are bound to go wrong and even reach toxic territory. And Rini are living proof of that. Some people are just better as friends, and sometimes the entire 'I don't want to ruin our friendship' trope is very valid. I just want them to be best buddies, is that too much to ask?
Bless Steph for pushing Kourtney forward when Miss Jenn needed someone to sing! Honestly, it's moments like these that make me feel like the background characters are criminally underrated. I realise not every character can be equally central to the plot, but with this cast, I kind of want them to be. I have the feeling that most, if not all of the one-line characters in this show are people with just as much talent and potential as the main cast. They deserve recognition, you know.
Going off of the above, Dara Reneé is living proof of the point I just made. You know how Kourtney was supposed to be a one-scene wonder with two lines? And then Dara showed up and hiding her in the background was instantly out of the question. I wonder how many more hidden gems there are in the show, just sitting in the background, delivering their single line and waiting their turn in the semi-metaphorical wings.
'I just need a minute, or a vacation, it's not clear' — Me, all the time. Especially after I read chapter 11 of @redlyncentral's Let It Go. That ending broke me. And this line by Miss Jenn just reminded me of that feeling, even if what she's feeling right now might not be the exact same thing I went through with that chapter the other day. That being said, everyone go check out my lovely friend's writing right now, I promise you it's worth every second.
'We're going to take a... long five' — What, no 'thank you, five'? I was expecting that. But I guess everyone is a little bit too distraught for that now.
I have to hand it to Carlos — even when he's very obviously uncomfortable and lowkey scared of some people, he just goes up to them and calls them out. I wish I could ever be bold enough to do that.
Wow, not EJ thrashing Carlos' 'forest of boys' idea. Again. I don't get why everyone dislikes it so much, I think it's brilliant visual poetry and should have been given a chance. I said what I said.
You know, everyone has been calling the show out for saying HSM premiered in the cinema, not on telly like it did in real life; and I have been agreeing with that sentiment. But notice how Miss Jenn said 'the Utah premiere' and how there were family and friends in the audience? What if that was some sort of semi-private screening for cast, crew and their family members? It would make sense. And of course, it was held in Utah because that was where the show was filmed and where the majority of background actors, dancers and extras are from. Idk, but it makes sense to me. Note that I have very limited knowledge of how the period between post-production and the release of a movie works.
Isn't Ashlyn the best, though, always noticing when someone is not ok, hearing them out, helping them... I wish I could be half as good a friend as she is. She and Big Red are totally soulmates in that, too. And they deserve each other more than anyone else deserves them, honestly. I just love both of them so much, both as individuals and as a couple, and I cannot be made to shut up about that just yet.
I've got to say, the entire 'me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me' - 'you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you' thing was super funny. And it makes me love Rini — strictly as friends — even more. You know, I think I used to ship them during s1 because the script wanted me to. Exactly like I didn't notice Big Red until midway through the season because the script didn't want me to. Sometimes the script, the acting, the directing and other stuff has immense power over viewers' perception of a show's plot and characters. And that is, as I always point out, what rewatches are for — noticing things that may have escaped you the first time over.
Yeah, so Nini was Ricky's first crush. So what? Many people have had crushes on their best friend at some point or another. That doesn't necessarily mean they're better off as a couple than they are as friends. The opposite idea is just amatonormativity speaking. I mean, sometimes it's nice and it works out; I love me some well-written best-friends-to-lovers, but that's just not always the case and the media should stop pushing the idea that platonic relationships are in any way inferior to romantic ones.
I've got to say I really don't like it when someone interrupts two people's romantic moment (and Big Red is not exempt from my frustration in such cases even though I love him so much — just think of the In a Heartbeat scene), but honestly, bless Reddy for not letting Ricky and Nini kiss. I mean, I know full well they do kiss later on (and how!), but it's just nice to have semi-platonic Rini for a while. If and when we get season 3 (manifesting!), I really hope we get more of them putting some stuff behind them and just being best buddies.
Kourtney and Seb's friendship is honestly goals and I really wish we'd got some more of it. Just another thing to add to my season 3 wishlist. Along with, you know, an actual season 3.
EJ saying all those nice (and very true) things to Carlos has my heart (or, well, he's renting it temporarily from Redlyn and Seblos, but you know). And Carlos really was like 'A for effort, C for execution', and I adore him for that. But EJ is seriously growing. He's pretty much reached EJ 1.8 at this point, and I love to see it.
Say what you want about the Lucas Grabeel dream sequence, but I love, love, love it. Completely unironically. I mean, he's kind of my favourite OG cast member. And the 'I'm more of a Glinda' comment referencing Kate Reinders actually being one of the BWay Glindas? Here's a note from when I first watched 1x1: The drama teacher won’t stop spilling her coffee and I love her. Also, her actress was Glinda on Broadway, so I stan. See, I didn't even know Miss Jenn's name yet and I already loved her. But then she went and did some stuff in s2 and ruined all of that. Add 'proper Miss Jenn redemption' to my s3 wishlist, I guess. But I'm getting off-track (when am I not?)
I only just noticed that all of the iconic BWay leads mentioned in the song (sans Glinda, of course, but that wasn't even a proper part of the song) start with an E. I wonder if that was on purpose or a lucky accident...
'And you never know when you'll get a cameo...' — If anyone in the HSM franchise knows anything about making the most of a cameo, it's Lucas. I'm referring to his post-credits scene in Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure, of course. That is one of my absolute favourite scenes in the entire movie. Well, that and The Rest of My Life. I very unironically love that number.
Another thing on the list of things I very unironically love — the transitions both into and out of this scene. I just think they're neat.
Have I mentioned before how much I love it that Carlos' response every time someone asks where he has to be is 'Broadway'... it just reminds me a lot of Seb's 'Friendship!' — that's some soulmate stuff right there, if you ask me.
'I just... almost did something really stupid' — Yes, Nini, yes it was very stupid. And you're going to do it anyway. You wouldn't if I had any say in this, but I don't and so here we are. In a world where Rini are a romantic thing, Redlyn get 5 minutes of screentime in s1 and two major moments demoted to post-credits scenes, Seblos haven't even properly discussed their issues, and Portwell didn't even kiss on screen. I lowkey hate it here. Still, I feel like things are going in the right direction. If we get a season 3, that is — and we better be getting it, or I will riot and I know I won't be the only one.
No but... just imagine if Kourtney hadn't called YAC for Nini, but for herself. There's so much potential there... and I think Kourtney and Ashlyn deserved that spot every bit as much as Nini did, and then some. I said what I said.
Well, this was 1x8. This post is already way too long, plus I want to do a double feature of the last two whenever I get to rewatching them, so I'm ending this here. It was just as much of a journey as I remembered it being, and not nearly as negative as I had the feeling it would be. I absolutely loved it, you know. And with good reason too.
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the-firebird69 · 10 months
Dune: Part Two | Official Trailer 2
You take a hoverboard and you pull it behind a pod and those are engines that can fly by themselves and you hover before you take off of the pod and you have special equipment so you don't come detached from your hoverboard and you have gear on that's aerodynamic and you go behind the pod you bring the pod down you go do your recon and go back to the pod and you fly out and very fast a few thousand miles an hour more depending on your gear that you have on but it's very versatile you can leave the pod and hide and it makes it work. This is the beginning of pod racing and he saw in the video and he thought he was getting pulled and he was surfing on the dude and people do that now and they do not have a competition but he wants Jason to start it he says well pull him and I said what usually pulls them and he said it's like a quad it's like a sand rail and his no it's one of those quad things with all the drive and he said it's going to be a race because you have to concentrate or not dumping your pulling guy the surfer and I'm coming up with the pad racers he said I get it it's the sleek one and all sudden he's making one and is it going to he's going to be a hero and he said it usually doesn't pay off Jason but that's what it is he said this is great I was going to try and get him something and it would help the future cuz I'm sitting here everyday dwelling on it I'm going to be big and I have no money so he's thinking about it but wow he started working on right away
The car is taking off and it's like Day tripper but it's the Spanish word but then it translates into English it's coming from Brazil along with the lambada and we put ours out there and Katia was driving around with one and it's a real one and it looks almost like exactly like the kid and the kids are pretty close and he got amazed he started yelling and screaming he said we got one and we don't know where it is and they're searching all of South America for the lambada and he had her sign it Hera and it's wonderful
Bitol and Goddess Wife
I guess lost it gets tired but he's exhausted and he said there's something in the orange and he passed out and it's sugars and I get that he needed it really bad so I'm starting to work here we go this is awesome people are helping but really this is very very cool car to go driving around with the number one car is an intense feeling and he said to get dressed up and I noticed there's someone behind me and he said your number one and I'm number two and it still captured and that's why a dumb joke is coming out anyways maybe he laughed and said maybe and really it is in this so he's laughing too he says I don't know about that and it looks really nice and classy and I went in and I had champagne and he did too and we were separate so everybody's going to look for it
Katya Equiz
Phenomenal job and we're going to get to work
Vital and got his wife
Wow this is intense I'm going to start doing this I'm going to do it up where we are and we actually help design the conic but they're not letting us do a damn thing and they're not building their cars and I see how it's done it's a plant on thing I'm going to make it like the Renault the clinic has one and Koenig has one and they're going to pay cuz I'm going to take over their business and that's what he's up to he's trying to do up here I need to start it there and it's in La too and they want the real thing real bad and it's going to be like a black market he says for the real thing and they're expensive and it's all top of the line stuff super strength steel motor and all the parts are super strength and it's a big motor and it's a smaller vehicle and it moves out
Thor Freya
0 notes
p-artsypants · 4 years
I’ll Handle This (5)
In Which There is an Akuma
Ao3 | FF.net
Plagg was laying on the bed when he returned. “Oh good, you’re back. I was kind of worried about you—“ 
“There’s an Akuma!” Adrien interrupted. 
Plagg’s eyes lit up. “An Akuma, you say? How interesting...” 
“Yeah yeah, just do the thing that sucks me in the ring!” 
“I’ll warn you ahead of time, when I’m in your body like this, the suit becomes factory default. Oh, and you’ll be able to see and hear everything I do.” 
“Great. This whole ‘Invasion of the Bodysnatchers’ episode is getting better and better.” 
“Adrien, Claws out!” 
That was an odd sensation. Now Adrien knew what Taffy felt like. He felt his whole body grow long and thin, before spiraling smaller and smaller. There was every color in the rainbow, flashing in a nauseous wave, and then, he was looking through his eyes again. 
“Ha!” Said Plagg with a little satisfaction. “Feels good to be on the other side.” He walked over to the mirror, where Adrien could finally see what ‘factory default’ meant. 
He looked like a ninja. Not like a Naruto ninja, but like a real Sengoku period, 15th century ninja. An all black, cloth ensemble, with foot wraps and a thick belt. Instead of claws on his fingertips, there were long blades attached to the back of his hand, almost like wolverine. Instead of a mask around his eyes, he wore one over the lower half of his face, and only left his eyes exposed. But his eyes looked different enough. The sclera was a toxic green instead of white, and his pupils were slit. Thick black eyeliner traced the eyes and framed them, making the color pop. His hair was a complete disaster and stood up in every direction. 
Finally, the ears. They were real, genuine cat ears. Complete with fur. 
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“Not too shabby, if I say so. Though, the first guys that wore this had black hair, which made the ears less jarring. But I can’t complain. We mustn’t leave our lady waiting!” 
Plagg threw open the window and leapt into the city. 
He rushed over the rooftops, doing impossible feats of parkour and agility. It actually made Adrien dizzy. 
“Oh, one other thing I forgot to mention,” Plagg said aloud. “You know how when you’re in the suit, you can be body slammed into a building and be okay afterwards?” 
“Well...you’re going to feel all that pain instead. That’s why I’m always so wiped after a fight.” 
Plagg glanced at his baton, the screen looking more like parchment than the usual LED screen, and found where Ladybug was. 
A hop skip and a jump, he landed next to her. “What are we up against?” 
She didn’t look at him, eyes glued to the akuma. “Stretchy guy. Like Mr. Fantastic. Can’t figure out what ticked him off, but he’s able to reach anything and even shape shift. Might be difficult to fight.” Then she finally looked at him and her eyes bulged. “Chat? What’s with your suit?” 
“Plagg’s having a hard time right now, so I’m factory default.” 
“O...Kay...are you going to be okay fighting like that?” 
“It feels fine, my Lady. Nothing to worry about. In fact, do you mind if I take the lead on this one? Give you a little break?” 
She chuckled. “You know I could always use a break.” 
“Great! We need to lead him over to the construction site over at Notre Dame, where all the scaffolding are.” 
She smiled at him. “I think I know what you’re planning, Kitty. Lead the way.” 
He dropped the bottom part of his mask, and wolf whistled quickly, before Ladybug could place his face. “Hey stretch!” He shouted. “You up for a little race?” 
“Ladybug and Chat Noir! You’ll give me your Miraculous as soon as I reach you!” 
“Good luck with that!” And he vaulted backwards on to the street and darted towards Notre Dame. 
Plagg was fast. Faster than Chat Noir normally was, and Ladybug was surprised at how hard it was to keep up with him. 
“H-Hey Chat! Don’t leave me behind!” 
He only stopped a second to scoop her up into his arms before running off again. Her added weight didn’t even slow him down. 
“Sorry, Bug. The Akuma has long legs, so he’s faster than usual. I can’t slow down, so hang on!” 
She did, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. 
Adrien was going to kill Plagg if he didn’t die from ecstasy first. He could feel Ladybug pressed tightly against him, and he loved every bouncing second of it. 
Soon they reached the construction site, with the Akuma hot on their tail. 
“Split up,” Plagg commanded and Ladybug gave a firm nod, following right along with him. 
While Adrien was basically on autopilot, he noted that this fight felt a lot like being on the jungle gym when he was a kid. He swung on the bars, twisting up levels onto the scaffolding, the akuma chasing after with each turn. 
Except, the akuma was long, and he was starting to get tangled in all the bars. 
“Oh no!” Ladybug feigned a cry. “I’m stuck! He might be able to get my Miraculous!” 
“You’re mine!” Called the akuma, twisting around a pole and darting for her. As he was about to snag her, she dropped and spun on her bent knees away. 
“Whoops, not so stuck after all!”
“I’m going to—“ The akuma reached out their arm, stretching and stretching to grab at her ears. But he never reached her. He was out of length, and hopelessly tangled in the mass of wood and metal. “No! No!” He wriggled, trying to untie himself, but Plagg had already found the akumatized item in the akuma’s back pocket. A roll of measuring tape. 
“Akuma, coming in hot!” He called, as he smashed the tape. 
The black butterfly emerged, and Ladybug caught it and purified it easily. “Bye bye little butterfly!” 
One cure later, the relative damage done to the scaffoldings was repaired, and the akuma victim, a short man, was returned to ground level. 
“Wow! We didn’t even have to use our powers today! Great work, kitty!” She praised as he raised her fist.
He bumped her back with a grin. “Thank you, Bug. Hope you didn’t mind me taking charge. I just figured with you being the guardian and all, having some shared responsibility would really help you out.” 
She exhaled with a breath, her shoulders relaxing. “Ugh, you have no idea. When that akuma alert went off, I was already dreading it. It’s been a long day.” 
Plagg frowned. “A long day?” Even after their shopping spree and awesome lunch? “Do you need to talk about it?”
She ground her toes on the roof of the church. “Are you busy? Plagg said you were doing something…” 
“Oh, I was napping. I have all the time in the world for you, Ladybug.” 
“Want to get some ice cream, then?”
“Only if you let me pay.” 
She dramatically put a hand to her forehead, “oh, if you must!” 
Plagg chuckled with her, and then took off running.
“Hey! I never said it was a race!” She called back. 
“You never said it wasn’t either!” He shouted back.
When she finally located Andre’s ice cream cart, he was already sitting and waiting with her order. “Your ice cream, my lady?”
“You’re so fast! Have you just been holding out on me all this time?!” She huffed, taking the cone from him. 
He shrugged. “Oh, I have a couple of tricks up my sleeves.” 
They enjoyed their ice cream in comfortable silence for a while, before Ladybug asked, “hey, you’re a boy, right?”
“Last I checked.” 
She shook her head at her dumb question. “Right. Um…I have a friend. Guy friend.” 
Plagg crossed his legs. “OoooOOoooo is it him?”
Ladybug blushed. “Yes.” 
“Tell me everything.”
Inside his head, Adrien started to panic. This could only end badly for them!
“Well today…he was acting really weird. Usually, he’s really nice and reserved and polite…I know he can be silly and rambunctious, but…today, he was larger than life. He took us out for an expensive lunch, and then shopping for clothes that would make his dad angry. I think it’s a rebellious streak, but my gal friend said his money has gone to his head…” She scuffed her foot on the floor. “I’m just worried. I don’t want him to change…but I don’t want him to fake being someone he’s not just to make others happy. I guess I’m just confused. What do you think?” 
Plagg finished his cone in one gulp, hiding his face right after. “I think it’s just puberty.” 
She did not think that was amusing. “Yeah right.” 
“Has handsome rich boy ever shown signs of materialistic superiority?”
“No, he wears the same clothes all the time, and never flaunts the things he owns—“ 
“Then I think your gal pal is off base. It probably is rebellion. Just…be a safe place for him, and I’m sure it’ll end up okay.” 
“A safe place? What do you mean?” 
“I’m not sure what this dude is rebelling for. You’d probably know. Is his family…strict?”
“And controlling?”
“Okay, so if I was in his shoes, I’d want a friend that was trustworthy for me to confide in. Rebelling is liberating and exciting, but also extremely scary, because it’s risky. He needs to have someone to have his back in case things go south.” He massaged her shoulder. “And it would be best if that friend was soft and smelled nice.”
Ladybug smacked his shoulder. “When did you get so wise?”
“I hide a lot of wisdom under my ‘dumbass’ veneer.”
Ladybug cackled loudly, making Plagg smile and Adrien swoon.  
“You can be a dumbass sometimes,” Ladybug admitted. “But you’re my dumbass.” 
“Aww, thanks bug!” He grinned. “So, handsome rich boy is all that’s on your mind? I know identity clues have to be avoided and all, but I like knowing stuff that’s going on in your life. And I think I can manage another golden nugget of advice as well, if needed.” 
Ladybug frowned, obviously something else cropping up in her mind. “Actually…there’s something I haven’t told you that I probably should have.” 
“I’m all ears. I literally have four of them.” He twitched his cat ears.
She reached up and rubbed them, an affectionate look on her face as she felt the fur under her fingertips. “Not too long ago, I was expelled from school.” 
“Ladybug is a bad student in her civilian life?” He joked.
“No! I’m not!” She damn-near cried. “Sorry, I just…ugh. I was framed. There’s this girl in my class that…she lies with every breath. I know she has a crush on my crush, but she’s lying and manipulating to get her way to him. She works with him now too.” 
Plagg knew there was certainly more to the story than that, but he had to play dumb as Chat Noir. “Lying is bad and all, but it’s not really your problem, is it? She’ll get caught in her web eventually.”
“Argh, that’s what Ad—my boy said too. Take the high road. And it made sense, for what he knew about her at the time…but what he didn’t know was that she threatened me. Threatened to take all my friends and him away, just because I told her to stop lying.”
This was a shock to both kwami and holder. “She threatened you?” 
“Yeah. And she went through with it. She got me expelled. Apparently, according to my boy, he sort of convinced her to double lie to get me un-expelled. She’s been quiet ever since, which has been a few weeks, but…she keeps staring at me. It’s unnerving.” 
“I suppose it would be, with her track record.” 
“I didn’t want you to find out about this, but I have to tell you. She’s almost gotten me akumatized, twice.” 
Plagg slapped a hand over his mouth with a gasp. 
Lila was a nuisance for Adrien, but she was a problem for Marinette. No, an imminent threat. This changed his attack strategy…though it started to look like Adrien’s three problems were weaved together. The whole situation was a little more delicate than he had considered at first. 
“I’ve beaten both akumas off, but I worry about the future. I’m trying to come up with a contingency plan, but for right now it’s just ‘don’t get upset’.” 
“I’ll try to come up with a plan too. Maybe next time, you could hand your earrings off to Tikki for a little while, if things start to get dicey. She can bring them to me, since she knows who I am.” 
Ladybug gnawed at her lip. “Tikki’s been my greatest ally in fighting them off. If she’s not there…” 
Plagg rested a hand on her shoulder and squeezed. “Bug, you’re the practical one here. What happens when you don’t give Tikki your earrings, and you don’t fight it off? When you’re so consumed with pain you don’t even see the Akuma coming? What then?” 
She shook her head. “You’re so right, I hate it.” She sighed. “That happened the last time too…I was only spared because Hawkmoth suddenly stopped his attack. That was the day I got expelled.”
“And I’ll follow the plan too. I haven’t gotten akumatized or anything, but it might only be a matter of time.”  
“Yeah…” It was awful to think about. Having to fight her partner was not something that Marinette wanted to do. But this loose plan was better than no plan. “Hey, it’s getting pretty late. I have a project I have to finish up.” 
“Oh, of course, go on home.” Plagg insisted. 
“Thanks for the Ice Cream, and for lending an ear. You’re the best, Kitty.” 
Plagg smiled at her, though she couldn’t see through his mask. His eyes crinkled in mirth. “I try.” 
“Tell Plagg I still have that cheese danish if he wants it. Night, Chat.” 
“Night, Bug.” 
And she swung off into the distance. 
Plagg took out his baton and made his own way home. He knew Adrien didn’t really want to be transformed any longer than he had to be. 
He landed inside the mansion, and called, “Claws in.” 
Adrien came flying out of the ring, and Plagg caught him carefully in his hands. “How you feeling, kiddo?”
“Like I got hit by a truck,” said Adrien, weakly. “You didn’t even use my power, why am I so tired?” 
“How much cheese did you eat today?”
“None.” Adrien scrunched up his nose. “Come to think of it, I didn’t eat anything today.” 
“That would certainly do it.” Plagg said, with a sigh. He took out a wheel of camembert and took out a wedge for Adrien, holding it in front of his face. 
Normally, Adrien couldn’t stand the smell. It was putrid and foul and moldy…but this…this was on a different level. Curse Plagg’s disgusting body! He sat up and helped himself to a nibble of cheese. A nibble turned into a bite, and a bite turned into a full inhale, almost taking off his fingers. 
Adrien sighed as his energy started to return. “Remind never to complain about your eating habits.” 
Plagg grinned. “Oh it's a deal!” 
Adrien’s phone rang, and Plagg reached to answer. 
“Who is it?” Asked Adrien. 
“It’s Marineeeeeeetteeeee~!” Plagg sang, and connected the call, putting it on speaker for Adrien to hear. 
“Hey Pooh Bear.” 
“H-hey uh, Tigger? No no that was dumb. Sorry, hi Adrien.” 
Plagg and Adrien shared a look of fondness. She was just too cute sometimes. 
“Whats up?” Pried Plagg. 
“Uh, not-not much! I just finished your second shirt! I can do more tomorrow, but for now…” 
“I’ve got an outfit picked out for tomorrow, don’t worry. And you’ll love it.” 
“Will I really? Or will it turn me into a pillar of salt?”
“Have a little faith in me, Mari.”
“I—of course. Did you just call me Mari?”
“Yeah, I thought it was about time I gave you a nickname. Is that okay? Or are you okay with Pooh Bear?”
Marinette’s giggle was adorable, as it was filled with thinly veiled embarrassment. “Call me whatever you like! I don’t mind!” 
“Great! What’s my nickname?”
“I don’t know? Do you want one?”
“Only from you, Pooh Bear!” He sang. 
“Um…I’ll have to think about it. I think I’ve heard Lila and Chloe both call you ‘Adri’, so I’ll try to come up with something else.” 
“I appreciate that.” Plagg said, as Adrien smiled fondly at the phone. It sure was considerate of her to think about that.
“And Adrien?” Her tone conveyed so much. So much more than Adrien could understand. But it brought a warmth to his face. 
“I’m here for you. You know that, right? Whatever you need. An ear, a h-h-hug. Whatever. I…I care about you.” 
Adrien wiped a paw under his eyes, fully prepared for tears to take him. 
“I care about you too,” Plagg said, not faking the genuine appreciation in his voice. “I appreciate everything you do for me.”
“I-…” She trailed off, and Adrien wondered if she was going to say something else. But instead, she just exhaled and said. “It’s getting kind of late. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Of course, Pooh Bear!” 
She laughed. “Thanks Adrien, goodnight.” 
“Goodnight.” And he ended the call. 
“She took your advice.” Adrien noted.
“She took Chat Noir’s advice. She trusts him after all.” 
Adrien sat on the desk, still feeling a storm brewing inside of him. He was still upset about Plagg’s behavior with his father…but he was starting to come around. Marinette never called him, and her conversations with him were never so easy. Was this actually working?
“Adrien,” Plagg started, scratching between his ears. “I’m sorry for hurting you. If there was a way to humble your father without hurting you in the process, I’d do it…but right now…”
“I understand, Plagg.” Adrien said with a hopeful smile. “It sucks but…that Chloe-tantrum you threw was really funny.”
Plagg beamed at him. 
“And,” Adrien added. “After hearing the whole truth about Lila, I’m fully on board with whatever you want to do to her.”
“Absolutely. This bitch needs to go.”
The mansion was nearly silent in the night, so Plagg’s evil cackle echoed and echoed, sending goosebumps down the neighbor’s spines.
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swan--writes · 4 years
Beetlejuice’s Big Halloween Party
I thought about writing a Dewey Halloween, but let’s be real, there ain’t room for the both of these boys in this here holiday.
And listen, it is 2:30 AM and I just finished writing this. I wrote it all in one go. I’m not editing it. Please reblog though! Happy Halloween and Blessed Samhain!
Warnings: elements of horror, blood mention, eyeball mention
Words: 3,070
You screamed.
Your demon laughed at you from the rafters of your barn. Ever since you had moved out to your farmhouse, Beetlejuice had been hanging around. Sometimes literally. Normally you found you didn’t mind the demon’s antics – he kept things lively when there wasn’t much going on out where you lived. Sometimes he donned an old sheet and floated around the house. Sometimes he went out into your backyard and howled at the tree line. And sometimes he dropped live bats from the rafters of the barn, directly onto your unsuspecting head.
Frantically, you waved away the little menace. All you could see were glimpses of a wrinkled snout and long teeth. It seemed to be flapping its wings as fast as you were flapping your hands, and by the time it managed to fly off, Beetlejuice was hanging upside-down in midair and cackling.
“Wow, what a jumpy breather,” he said, wiping a thick black tear from his eye. You thought you heard it sizzle as it fell to the worn wooden floor.
“Knock it off, Beej.”
“Yeah, sure I will.”
“Seriously!” You shook your head, fighting off a shiver. “There’s gonna be screaming hordes of children here in, like, an hour. I cannot still be cleaning up your messes when they get here. So, lose the bats and the bugs and the…whatever else you’ve got.” You narrowed your eyes at his tattered suit jacket.
“Relax, babes, I got it all under control.”
Without thinking, you took a step back as he righted himself in the air. “I don’t like the way you said that.”
“Hey, take the help or don’t. I’ll be here all night.” With that, he zoomed up to the rafters, dropping beetle carcasses in his wake. You shrieked and leaped back. “Beetlejuice!” you complained, only to hear his laughter.
It had been less than a year since you moved into your creepy old farmhouse. You still weren’t entirely sure if the creepy old dead guy had come with the property, or if he had followed you there. But when you found his name traced over and over again in the dust of every reflective surface in the house on the first night, you had almost left.
In the end, it was one of the movers who had summoned him. You had had two burly men helping you move your things inside. One of them had remarked on the odd name, Betelgeuse. The other had just happened to be an amateur astronomer. Before any of you knew what was happening, lightening was striking, thunder was rolling, wind was blowing, and the two big, strong movers were scrambling back to their truck. Thoughtfully, they did hurl the last of your furniture from the vehicle as they peeled out of your shaded, and winding driveway. Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse…
“Okay, Beetlejuice, fine! Yes! I do need help.” You grumbled the last to yourself, trying and failing once more to move a heavy wooden table. It had been half an hour since the bat incident, and almost all of it had been spent on this table.
“Well, I don’t know…”
“I’m getting kinda tired, y’know…”
“A’right, a’right, fine! Taskmaster, jeez.” The demon floated down from the rafters, snapped his fingers, and the table you had been struggling with walked itself over to where you had been trying to move it – against the wall, centered under a window.
The barn was a decent size. Average by northeastern standards, but tall as hell. Or, the Netherworld, you supposed. The structure of the thing was entirely wood, worn down and lightened with time. The posts were a richer color than the floor, which was covered in scratches and the occasional hay straw. There were windows all around, installed sometime within the last half-century, and the sun shone in brilliantly when it was up.
Now it was dark, even at 5:00 PM. As you watched, the decorations you had strewn haphazardly across the space leapt to attention. Miniature pumpkin lights snaked their way around the rafters and posts, along with actual snakes. A layer of fog coated the floor so thickly you could no longer see your own feet. What looked to be a hundred flaming tealights sprung up from every table – some with black flames, others green. The overhead iron-wrapped pendant lights dimmed and aged noticeably, some flakes of rust falling to the floor and becoming lost in the low gloom.
The jack-o’-lanterns you and Beetlejuice had carved the day before lit up abruptly. Paper bats and bloody eyeballs on strings dropped down to hang from the rafters. A soft, eerie music began floating through the room, and when you looked up you saw a greenish gray skeleton manning the DJ setup on a slightly raised section of the floor. It gave you and Beetlejuice a thumbs-up, its other decayed hand on a headphone positioned just a few degrees south of where its ear might have been.
“Thank you, I think--whoa!” Before you could finish thanking your demon, you heard a loud BANG. All the window shutters slammed shut.
“No problem, babes, but what are you gonna do for me?” Beetlejuice waggled his eyebrows at you.
You rolled your eyes. “Politely ask you to open the shutters back up, please? It’s a full moon, we should be able to see it.”
Beetlejuice bent backwards unnaturally far and groaned. “Fine.” A flick of his wrist and the shutters swung open meekly. A few thick, black tentacles with a faint green sheen slithered in at the corners of each window, not breaking the glass but rather bending it open around themselves. The demon dusted off his hands and fixed his tie. “Happy?”
“How’d you get roped into doing this, anyway? I thought you hated kids.”
“I don’t hate them, I just don’t like them. One of the community theater guys asked me to.” You started for the barn door. Beetlejuice followed you, the tips of his shoes dragging the fog.
“Why?” He wrinkled his nose.
“Because the new, mysterious stage manager has a big, scary house in the middle of nowhere that no-one’s ever seen, that’s why.”
“Huh. Is he gonna be here too?” You didn’t have to look at Beetlejuice to know he was grinning.
Before you could warn him not to do anything dangerous, you opened the barn door to find your first chaperone. You weren’t sure if it was a state rule that a gathering of kids under a certain age needed adult chaperones, but knowing Beetlejuice, you were happy to have the help. This one was a theater mom. You barely knew her, but she said she would bring cupcakes, so you had shrugged and given her your address.
“Stephanie, hi,” you said, only mildly startled to see her so early.
“H--oh. Uh, hi,” she replied, now openly staring at Beetlejuice.
“Hi.” Still grinning.
“Um, who is this?” she asked, barely containing her horror.
“Oh, this is, uh–”
“I’m her, uh–”
“Lawrence!” you said rigidly. “Lawrence…Beetleman.” You pulled at the demon’s arm and he dropped to his feet, stumbling to your side. You knew you should have rehearsed this.
Beetlejuice held out his left hand stiffly. “Nice to meet ya.” You elbowed him as surreptitiously as you could, and he dropped the hand, holding out his right instead.
Stephanie cautiously met his hand, then dropped it immediately. “Oh, I uh…you too, Mr. Beetleman?” Beetlejuice flinched and gagged noticeably.
There was a long silence.
“So…” you tried.
“Right! Yes, I, um…well, I came to help you decorate, but it seems like you have it all taken care of?” Stephanie glanced around you, coming away looking somehow even more horrified.
“Oh yeah, we got it covered, Stevie.” You tried to elbow Beetlejuice again, but he dodged. Moving forward, he took Stephanie’s arm at the elbow and led her into the barn. “Here, lemme show you where to put those cupcakes.” He nodded to the box she was carrying.
“Oh, okay. It’s Stephanie, by the way,” she said nervously.
“Beetleman,” you cautioned haltingly, frowning at him.
“Don’t worry about it, babes. Don’t you gotta go put on your costume?”
You opened your mouth to argue, but Stephanie spoke first. “It’s fine, I’ll just, um…”
“Yeah, she’ll just um. Go on,” Beetlejuice cajoled. Tightlipped and wide-eyed, you turned and stalked out of the barn, leaving the door open behind you just in case.
Surprising yourself, you managed to get into your costume in under thirty seconds. The makeup, on the other hand, was more of a challenge. There was something about the creaky sounds of wood settling and the draft through the second floor of your house that was making it more difficult than usual to keep your hands steady. But then, you had never been much of an artist.
So, you headed back to the barn in your broken shoes and your torn clothes, perfecting your shamble as you went. The door was still open. Stephanie had her back to you and seemed to be sizing up the tentacles on the far window, but Beetlejuice caught your movement as you tentatively stuck your head into the barn. You motioned for him to come towards you. He followed your lead.
Once you were both just outside the barn door, you turned fully to face him. “Hey,” you whispered.
“What’s up, babes?”
“I’m having a little trouble with my prosthetics. Could you do anything to make me look a little more…” You searched for the right word. “…horrifying?” Seeing Beetlejuice’s eyes light up, you held out a hand. “Without killing and/or maiming me.” You paused. “Or making the children cry.”
The demon gave you a look. “What, on Halloween? Huge cliché, what do you take me for?” You raised your eyebrows, but said nothing. He snapped his fingers and within an instant, you could feel your face and sections of your clothing stiffen with what you hoped was fake blood. “There: instant zombification.”
“Great, lemme just go check–”
“Sweetheart, trust me, you could strike terror into the hearts of any ghoul.”
“Do ghouls have hearts?”
“Whatever you do, never ask a ghoul that.”
You gave him a small smile. “Thanks, Mr. Beetleman.” Almost compulsively, Beetlejuice gagged again. You laughed and led him back into the barn. Stephanie turned to greet you, then turned away again. Your demon gave you a sidelong, self-satisfied look. You shook your head at him, but couldn’t force the smile off of your face.
The kids started showing up minutes later. Stephanie’s wife brought their two sons, then the community theater director came with his daughter, and on and on. Before 6:00, the barn was full. Nearly half of the children had entered the costume contest, which you had begrudgingly appointed Beetlejuice head judge of.
It wasn’t so much that you had invited Beetlejuice as it was that you knew you wouldn’t be able to keep him from staying. Short of banishing him, he would not be left out of your Halloween activities, and the last thing you wanted to do was banish the demon. He could be awfully cranky when he felt ignored, worse when he felt betrayed. Best to keep a close eye on him and leave it there. Shockingly, though, he seemed to be on his best behavior.
That wasn’t saying much, but you appreciated the effort.
He kept the live animals to a minimum, only ate one of the eyeballs hanging from the ceiling, and judged the costume contest as fairly as he could. Fortunately, there was a clear winner: a young zombie whose costume rivalled your own. The judge committee gave him a small skeleton trophy and a candy medal, took some photos with him, and you privately wondered if he had his own ghost-zombie at home to help him with his makeup. Then you shrugged it off and watched – half-mortified, half-impressed – as Beetlejuice summoned a few dead cheerleaders to sing a surprisingly smooth rendition of Time Warp. You were fairly certain a few of his bones came loose during the dance, but you let it slide. The kids were duly impressed, the parents were a suitable distance that they hardly noticed.
It wasn’t until 11:00 PM that all of the adults in the room realized that Beetlejuice had removed the clock that had previously hung on the wall opposite the barn’s door. It took the better part of a half hour to corral the kids to their parents’ respective vehicles, and most of them insisted on hugging you. Warily as ever, you eyed the ones who tried to hug ‘Mr. Beetleman,’ but he somehow managed to turn all of their affections into a high five. Despite yourself, you found yourself smiling.
Once everyone was gone, you turned from the door to assess the barn. It was a disaster. The jack-o’-lanterns had remained lit, as had the candles, but those were the only decorations at thirteen-and-under year old level that had remained undisturbed. The bottles you had placed on the tables, with their faded potion ingredient labels, were toppled over. There were drink puddles and food stains on the floor and half the fog had dissipated. Some of the eyes and bats had come down, others were tangled with the lights on the posts. Somehow, even the pendant lights were flickering slightly.
Beetlejuice did not need sleep. Maybe he could get tired, maybe he couldn’t. You certainly could, and by the time the party was over, you had maxed out your entire energy reserve. So, when your demon told you he’d clean up the next day, you agreed and gave no thought to the fact that it would take him all of two seconds to clean up that night.
Once you had seen off the last of the kids and all of the parents, you trudged back up to your big, scary house. All the light in the barn went out behind you, but you paid it no mind.
Somewhere between the barn and the house, Beetlejuice disappeared. Again, you ignored it. It wasn’t uncommon for Beetlejuice to vanish without telling you, and on Halloween night you imagined there were a hundred more fun things for him to be off doing than watching you get ready for bed. Especially when you caught sight of yourself in your entryway mirror. It was the first time that night that you had seen yourself fully zombified beyond a brief glance at your dim reflection in a darkened, tentacled window.
Your face alone had several large patches of what looked like gaping wounds, and you could see more peeking out from your formerly white collar. You had been going for Proper Academic Zombie, and you looked like you would need a degree in showering to get all this gunk off of yourself. At least you could reuse the costume, maybe disrupt a seminar or two.
Shaking your head, you flicked the light switch beside the front door to turn off the overhead light. Instead of just that light going out, however, the table lamp under the mirror went out as well. So did the hall light over the stairs to your left, the kitchen down the short hallway in front of you, and the living room light beyond that. You tried flicking the switch again. Nothing.
Suddenly, a slam. Several slams all at once. All the shutters you could see swung closed forcefully. From the sound of it, all the shutters on the house closed.
You cleared your throat hesitantly. “Okay, very funny. Beej, that’s you, right?”
“Beej?” Though you couldn’t yet hear your heart, you could feel it struggling against the walls of your chest. There was a slight ringing in your ears – the ever-present remnants of your teenaged years. Outside of that: nothing. You took a step, and the creaking of the wood seemed to echo through the whole house. For a brief, crazy moment, you thought about going out to your car. But it seemed the porch light was out too, and being inside a dark house was better than being outside on a dark night.
So, you took another step. Then another. You cursed your shortsightedness in leaving your phone in your room. You reached the stairs. You climbed them, you turned the corner. The wood settle beneath your feet with a deafening creak each step of the way.
There must be a short circuit. There had to be, somewhere. There was no reason for you to have simply lost power. When you reached your room, you saw that your alarm clock was still lit and showing the time, and it was plugged into the same wall outlet as your dark lamp. The box was in your basement.
No way were you going into the basement.
You reached out for your phone. It was dead. You looked over to one of your windows. Of all the windows you’d passed, this seemed to be the only one whose shutters hadn’t closed. Slowly – more slowly than you had moved all night, you crossed the room to look outside. You could see the full moon in all her red-orange beauty. Then, you let out the breath you had been holding. The moon wasn’t going anywhere, even if all the other light was gone.
You should have known better.
A shadow dashed across the moon then, but not at the surface. Through the air. Close to your window. Very, very close.
There was a muffled thud somewhere behind you. You jumped and whirled around to look. When you noticed the light from the moon fading, you slowly turned your head back and saw the shutters swinging closed. Before you could reach out to even open the window, they were completely shut.
Another noise, closer this time.
You couldn’t move. Your heart was racing. You couldn’t speak, you couldn’t breathe. You thought about jumping for your bed, some childish thought of pulling the covers over your head before the whatever-it-was could reach you running through your head, but even in your fear you knew it was foolish. It was too late – too close. Your stomach dropped, your hands shook, your legs felt like splintering wood.
Yet another noise. You heard the hinges of your bedroom door waver. It was pitch dark in the room. All at once, a ragged breathing rushed at you across the squeaking floor.
You screamed.
Seriously, please reblog.
Tags List: @skiddyyo @a-okay-rj @geeky-marie @darkblueeyedperson @hannah-de-lioncourt @ironmansuucks @missihart23 @ballerinafairyprincess @thewolfisapartofmysoul
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atinybitofau · 5 years
W O O Y O U N G ➪ childhood friends au
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a/n: kinda halfassed not gonna lie guys I’m so sorry. but regardless I still wanted to put something out for ya’ll so I hope you like it.
• “Y/n stop your whining. Now get ready because we’re going to be late.”
• “But mother, must you always meddle in my love life?! And Wooyoung no less. That man is out to get me!”
• your mother thinks your pleas are half hearted.
• bull hearted at most.
• thinking Jung Wooyoung was the nicest thing on the planet.
• that you deserve him.
• but not only do you not deserve him,
• he’s had it in for you since grade school.
• making sure you made close to zero friends.
• every girl you’ve hung out with,
• dated him at least once.
• and you can’t stand Wooyoung.
• he’s been a pain in your ass since you two were in diapers.
• and now your buddy-buddy mothers are trying to get you two together before you hit 21.
• “I’m not going.”
• she scoffs. “Yes you are. And unless you want your privelages taken away from going to Jongho’s party next week, then you have no choice.”
• “You can’t tell me that! I’m 20 years old!”
• “And still living in my house.”
• you two normally buttheads, you and your mom.
• funny on occasion.
• but this was far from that right now.
• “Remind me never to eat dinner with you again.” you grumble at your mother who also happened to be joining you tonight. “And to never eat your croissants in the middle of the day. Either the thought of seeing Wooyoung is going to make me hurl or your cooking really does suck.”
• your mom laughs at that despite your seriousness. “Honey, I don’t know how you two managed to hate each other all these years but this’ll be good for you. Regardless if you two end up with each other or not, you might actually make amends tonight. And as parents, that is our real goal.”
• you can’t blame them.
• the relationship between you and Wooyoung was bad.
• from ruining important business conferences,
• family dinners,
• each other’s lives—
• it got so bad that other people started to suffer from it.
• so you decided to live it out just for one night.
• “Look, we both don’t like this.” Wooyoung sighs noticing your temper as soon as you two are face to face in front of the flashing lights of the venue. “But for the sake of our parents, let’s act civil for once.”
• you think he’s sometimes the nicest guy.
• but you hated that he was the nicest guy to people that weren’t you.
• he thinks your amazing.
• but hated that other people thought that too.
• your disagreements revolved around the things you envied from one another.
• probably why you hate him and why he hates you.
• “Oh my god, wouldn’t they make the cutest pair?”
• “Their kids would be beautiful.”
• “Those two were made for each other.”
• people would murmur.
• our hands interlocked.
• no feelings involved. (so you think)
• while you two walked around and greeted potential business partners.
• and no. you two weren’t arranged to marry.
• but it sure felt like you both were.
• “Y/n, hey!”
• the one time you managed to slip away from Wooyoung, another willing handsome man saw his chance.
• you smiled back. “Oh hey Jongho. I didn’t know you’d be here.”
• “Well when I heard you would, I wanted to stop by.” he hands you a drink weary about the people around. “I don’t get to see you often you know.. with Wooyoung always around. And since he’ll be at my party next week, I might not even get the chance to talk to you.”
• your eyebrows furrow. “What is that supposed to mean?”
• he chuckles at you, lips curling. “You didn’t know?”
• “Didn’t know what?”
• “You’re on the OFF LIMITS list. Wooyoung signed you there.”
• oh god.
• that horrid list the boys of South Korea’s pride made years ago.
• “I’m sorry.” you chuckle nervously, eyes already burning in their sockets. “I think you’re kidding.”
• “You’ve been on there since high school. You never wondered why you couldn’t land a date?”
• you were gonna kill him.
• without knowing his intentions, you were so gonna kill him.
• and he was about to kill the man stepping over his boundaries.
• fists clenched as he approached the both of you.
• “Oh hey Wooyoung. I was just talking to—“
• “And now you’re not. Get lost.”
• you hiss pushing him away. “Would you fuck off? Ugh you’re such an asshole I hate you!”
• he’s taken aback.
• at how fast it happened—
• when you run away.
• not used to you sounding more distraught than annoyed.
• so he follows you.
• worried..
• worried that he might’ve went too far this time.
• usually stays behind the border.
• but he thinks he might’ve crossed it.
• now he’s gotta commit.
• “Y/n! Wait!”
• you look for a nearby place to hide but of course,
• though he’s got short legs.
• walks like an oompa lumpa.
• he’s always been faster than you.
• “What?”
• your glare pierces him and he’s tumbling.
• “What did I do?”
• you scoff in disbelief. “What did you do? Are you seriously asking me that after years of doing absolutely everything you shouldn’t have done?”
• shit.
• he’s thinking,
• you found out.
• about his feelings.
• “Y/n, I—“
• “I can’t believe you Wooyoung. I’ve been dateless my entire life because of a stupid list you kept me on. Because you just love to watch me suffer, single and a complete loser. How much you hate me, I still can’t comprehend.”
• now he’s thinking.
• wow you’re a goddamn idiot.
• eyes glaring back, he hisses. “That’s why you’re angry? Seriously?”
• “Yeah seriously! Why else would I be angry at you? Have anything else you’re hiding behind my back? Another list of sorts. Like the most unappealing females on the planet? List of undesirables? People who wouldn’t stand a chance with any—“
• you gasp when he slides his arms around your waist,
• tilting you like a teapot.
• lips on the spout.
• that spout being your own.
• and you can’t seem to understand.
• why this action would mean he hates you...
• cause well doesn’t he?
• he pulls away breathlessly staring from your unmoving lips back to your just as frozen eyes.
• “None. I have you on none of those lists. Those shouldn’t ever exist. However yes. Yes I did sign that stupid list years ago with your name in permenant ink but it wasn’t because I hated you. Far from that.”
• you don’t understand at all.
• how someone you hated,
• who you thought hated you,
• was suddenly confessing his love for you.
• “Everything you did had everybody in love. You think I’d be an exception? God, I hated that you’d want to share your everything with others. I had to force you to stop. Had to keep you from appealing to my competition cause god knows I already had less than a 10% chance with you.”
• you try to read him.
• his eyes and how he’s never looked at you like that before.
• being single your entire life, you’ve never seen it on someone before.
• is it bad that maybe...
• you only know what that look means because you’ve already given it to him?
• “They could do things that I couldn’t do. Things that you’d fall in love with. And that every time I did what I was capable of, you never even turned your head for me. I envied you and I envied them.”
• Wooyoung was hysterical.
• sounding untouched with his emotions.
• love lust and simple minded.
• confused and hurt.
• but relieved to finally let out his troubles.
• “Why the fuck would you envy them, Wooyoung?”
• cause you’ve always envied him.
• the things he were good at.
• when he was nicer than you.
• hotter than you, fitter than you.
• lord forbid smarter than you (all but right now),
• that everyone wanted him.
• you had no space in his life and felt no need to exert too much effort to make some.
• “I loved everything about you. From head to toe.” he mumbles not realizing he still had you in a princess hold.
• you two confessing in front of a water fountain under the stars like a freaking movie.
• “You let them. You never let me.”
• “You idiot.” you shook your head at him. “Wooyoung, you’re a damn fool, you know that?”
• he feels the way your fingers graze against his neck.
• lost in the feeling and in your eyes,
• then he speaks again.
• “I took things too far this time. And the only way I see this working out for the both of us is if I told you the truth so.. there it is.”
• you raise an eyebrow fighting a smile. “The truth.. That you love me?”
• “For someone who claims they’ve had no experience in love, you sound pretty good at this.”
• you’re never gonna get tired of teasing Wooyoung.
• he makes it too easy.
• you start to think maybe you made it too easy for him to.
• “Probably because I’ve had the experience for a long time. Just didn’t know it.”
• “What?”
• “You know, I was thinking about telling you to take me off that list. Cause you had no right to have put me there in the first place. But now I’m kind of thinking you shouldn’t take my name off.
• “H-huh?”
• “If you still don’t want another man to touch me, Jung Wooyoung, then I suggest you keep me there. Especially since I’ll be your girlfriend starting from today.”
• he’s taken aback at first.
• at how fast it happened—
• now he’s smiling like the fool he is.
• and you don’t see him smile enough, you think.
• and that maybe you’re gonna have to make a list of your own.
• a list of men you’ll never fall in love with.
• he’s gonna be the only man alive to not be on it.
• “A-are you asking me to be your boyfriend?”
• you curl your face into his,
• loving the feeling of making him all flustered like this.
• it might be because you’ve gotten so used to teasing the guy.
• or that you might just have fallen in love with it instead.
• “I’m telling you I’m gonna be your girlfriend, Woo. There’s a difference.”
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