#wrecker and tech are the only ones with normal pets
roseaesynstylae · 5 months
Here are some headcanons I have about the Bad Batch’s pets.
Hunter: He’s a dog person, unsurprisingly. He’s probably going to end up owning a pack of them. I think that, out of a desire to have pets that can hold their own, he’d end up with ones that are super frigging dangerous (despite his repeated admonitions of Omega bringing home rather violent animals). Some options would be the vornskr (dogs that hunt Force-sensitives; Hunter would end up training it not to attack Omega but everyone else should step carefully), the charhound (fire doggo), the Raquor'daan (dog with a skull face and scorpion tail), the Coromon headhunter (literally eats heads), the Howlerunner (another dog with a skull for a face), the akk dog (Force-sensitive dogs from Mace Windu’s homeworld; probably terrified the vornskr into leaving it alone), and the early death dog (he has no ground to criticize Omega for bringing home dangerous pets). Who knows, he might find a strill somewhere and add it to the pack.
Crosshair: He already has Batcher, but he could do with some more therapy animals. For instance, the scarred tooka cat that despises everyone who isn’t him with a fiery passion. Or the ice vulture that decided that he was its new parent and now sits on his shoulder glaring at everyone. Or the nexu kitten that, like the vulture, is firmly convinced that he’s its mom. Crosshair has resigned himself to his fate.
Wrecker: You’d think he’d have something big and tough and intimidating. Instead, Wrecker has a deep love for hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, rats, and mice. One of them is named Mr. Nibbles. It seems like the kind of pet ownership that would end in tragedy, given Wrecker’s enhanced strength and over enthusiastic behavior, but he’s very gentle with his. If you upset him, you will get glared at by several dozen angry rodents. Of course, that would be the least of your problems.
Tech: He likes bugs and fish. Their workings and behaviors are fascinating, especially the bugs, and he finds the movements of the fish soothing. He claims that he isn’t attached or anything, but the fact that he’s named 90% of them causes a lot of side eying.
Echo: He didn’t need a pet. He didn’t want a pet. So why, through some sequence of events he doesn’t quite follow, does he now own a rancor?
Omega: Last week she brought back an abomination of Sith alchemy with too many tentacles and eyes. It spits acid, guards mind-shattering secrets, and likes to eat sentient flesh. It also acts like a puppy around her and lets her braid its hair(????). (Whatever she’s decorating, it’s not hair.)
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notgonnaedit · 3 months
Healer's Heart
Summary: When Order 66 ushers in a new era, Althea and the Batch must find their place
Pairing: Bad Batch x Teen!OFC (clones being good brothers/dads)
Chapter summary: When a crime lord takes over Cid's parlor, the Batch must take it back
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, crime lords, use of a knife to cut off a horn, bugs being gross, hostages (If I miss a tag LMK)
A/n: Thanks to @bibliophilesince2003 for helping come up with some ideas for this chapter!
Master list
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"Cid better pay us extra for that mission." Echo grumbled as the squad exited the Marauder and began their walk to Cid's parlor.
"Eh. It wasn't so bad." Wrecker said.
"She failed to mention the drop zone would be swarming with Gundarks." The ARC reminded his brother.
"It is not the first time she has left out key details." Tech added.
"And we manage to pull through every time." Althea said. "That's why we're the best." She flashed a crooked smile as she bumped her fist against Wrecker's, his own face beaming in a grin.
​​​​As they neared Cid's parlor, the crowd grew thicker. It was normal for Ord Mantell to be bustling with people, but this was new. 
It didn't change when they entered the normally dead parlor, now crowded with patrons. Guards in black armor hung around, and two Pykes left Cid's office.
"When did this place get so popular?" Asked Echo.
"Not our problem." Hunter said. Something had changed there, for better or worse the Sergeant didn't know, but he didn't plan on sticking around to find out. "Let's find Cid."
When they approached the door to their employer's office, two guards stopped them. "Where do you think you're going?" One asked, a hand on Hunter's chest plate.
What they didn't know was that Hunter fluent in the language of fist-to-face, and handled them accordingly.
But the mysterious events didn't stop there. Upon entering Cid's office where more guards. They trained their blasters on the squad, who mirrored their hostility.
"It's rude to barge into one's office unannounced." A Devaronian male with pale grin skin said. He sat behind Cid's desk, his legs on the desk and a pet in his lap. The beaded necklace Cid so often wore was sitting on the ornamental horn, a cause for concern.
"This isn't your office." Althea said, her grip on her blaster tight.
"Guess again." The man scoffed. He stood, placing his creature on the desk and revealing it's familiarity.
"Ruby?" Omega asked upon seeing the blue and green lizard. 
"She's my prized pet." The man answered as he walked in front of the desk.
"What are you doing with her?" The young clone asked.
The man examined his nails. "I paid. Cid delivered."
"And where is Cid?" Hunter asked, his words as hard as his glare.
"Cid's out. This parlor and Ord Mantell are now my territory." He looked at them. "But if you're looking for work, I might have use for you."
His offer made it clear he wasn't a threat. The squad holstered their weapons, but their guard was still up.
"We'll think about it." Hunter said, choosing his words carefully before they left the parlor.
"We're getting off Ord Mantell." The Sergeant said as soon as they were close to their ship. "Tech, prep the ship. The rest of us will gather supplies."
"But what about Cid?" Omega asked, her eyes wide with worry. "What did he mean when he said she was 'out'?"
"Given his tone," Tech stated. "It is a plausible assumption that Cid was either forced out or taken out."
Omega quickened her pace, turning around to face everyone. "Well, we have to find her and help her."
Before anyone could argue, the sound of someone clearing their throat came from the Marauder. "Ahem! Nice to see one of you cares."
Cid stood in the entrance of their ship, leaning against the wall. "Inside. Now."
"Great. Now she's been in our ship." Althea grumbled as they walked up. "There goes the only part of our lives she didn't have say over."
But that wasn't the worst part. Bolo and Ketch were there too, playing cards on Gonky. Althea bit back a scream. She would save it for later.
"So you boys met Roland." Cid said as the entered the ship. "He's a former client and some of crime boss Isa Durand. Roland's trying to make a name for himself by joining up with the Pykes."
"What's he doing on Ord Mantell?" Asked Hunter.
"This port's connected to multiple hyperspace routes, ideal for smuggling." Cid rubbed her clawed fingers together for emphasis. "My parlor's right in the middle of the action. Roland saw the value in it and took it." She smirked. "But we are taking it back."
"We?" Hunter asked, moving his hand in a back and forth motion.
"If I lose, you lose." The Trandoshan said with a shrug. "Don't forget how good I've been at keeping secrets."
"I believe she's threatening us." Tech said with a quick adjustment of his goggles.
"You're quick." Cid snarked.
Omega stepped forward, turning to face them. "When we needed help, we came to Cid, remember? Now she needs help. We can't just walk away."
Cid nodded along. "You tell 'em, Tiny."
Hunter let out a sigh. Between Cid's blackmail and Omega's big brown eyes, he couldn't say no. "So, what's your plan?" He asked.
Cid walked outside with a wave of her hand. A gesture commanding them to follow.
" 'Wake up, Thea.' " The medic said in a low voice, mimicking Hunter. " 'You can't sleep all day, you'll miss all the fun.' Oh, yeah. Today has been real fun, Hunter."
The Sergeant shot a glare her way. "I don't wanna hear it." 
They walked outside and followed Cid as she explained her plan. "My sources tell me that a buyer is meeting Roland tonight to aquire a shipment of spice he's storing in my back office."
"You want to disrupt his supply chain by stealing the shipment and thereby sabotaging the deal." Said Tech.
"Very good, Goggles." Cid condescendingly complemented. "When the Pykes come to collect, Roland won't be able to pay, and he'll be their problem." She came to a stop in a back alley where she moved a few crates, revealing a grate. "Start climbing, tough guys."
Once they had all reached the bottom of the rusty ladder, the squad found themselves in a dark area with several rail carts attached to the ceiling.
"What is this place?" Althea asked as she shone her light around.
"Ord Mantell's old mining tunnels." Cid explained as she climbed into a cart. "These rails run underneath the city. It's how we're sneaking into my parlor to steal the spice.
"Well, why don't we just walk in and take it?" Wrecker asked. "We can handle those guards."
"No one can know we're involved." Cid told him, her eyes flashing with a hint of fear. "Roland is one thing, but the Pykes aren't an enemy you want to make." She gestured to the cart she was in. "We'll use these carts to transport the crates of spice."
Tech climbed into the one she was in, flashing his light around. "They're not in the best shape, but I can get the motors operational."
"No. Motors are too loud." Cid said. "This is a stealth mission. You boys are good at that, right?"
A silent groan rippled through Hunter, Wrecker, Althea, and Tech. If only Cid knew.
The Trandoshan nodded, seemingly satisfied with her answer of silence. "Tiny, Goggles, Bright Eyes, you're with me."
The two teams split up into their carts, one person cranking them along by hand. They rode along in silence until they came to a large round door. They stopped their carts and Cid turned to face them.
"Now, listen up. When we pass through those doors, not a peep out of anyone. We don't want to wake the hive."
"The what?" Echo asked, his voice revealing his irritation.
"The caverns have a slight infestation problem." Cid said vaguely.
"We're not afraid of a few bugs." Wrecker chuckled.
"Well, it won't be a problem if everyone keeps their traps shut. Big guy, get the door."
At her command, Wrecker moved from his cart to the door, unlocking it and forcing it open. Once they were opened, the team made their way through the cavern. Webs coated everything, making it seem like they were inside a cocoon. Althea's skin crawled, and it certainly didn't help when Wrecker dropped his light into the webs below.
It clattered down, it's light fading as it fell further into the pit.
"What did I say?" Cid hissed.
Wrecker scoffed. "It was an accident."
A low rumble sounded, along with a faint screech. It echoed up for a few tense minutes, then stopped suddenly. Althea looked to Hunter, trusting his senses would lead them.
"Keep moving." He said, his helmet angled at the pit below. The rest of the ride was silent. Nobody wanted to wake whatever lay below.
Finally, they reached their destination. "We're here." Cid said as she stepped on to a platform that led to a ladder. "This ladder leads into my back office. Up you go."
"Without eyes on the office, how do we know Roland is not inside?" Tech asked.
Even in the dark, Cid's smirk could be seen. "I've got that covered." She pressed a button on her comm.
Tech, Hunter, and Echo climbed up into her office while Wrecker, Althea, and Omega loaded the crates they dropped.
Soon, Cid's comm flashed again. "Out of time, boys." She said.
"I'll seal the door." Echo informed them.
It wasn't long before the crates were loaded into the carts.
"That's secure enough. Let's go." Cid said in a whisper.
They made their escape as quickly and quietly as they could, but the sound of motors echoed down the tunnel.
Roland's men chased them, causing Hunter, Wrecker, and Echo to start blasting them.
"We've got incoming!" The demo man shouted.
"I said no blaster fire." Cid scolded, her voice still hushed.
"Tell that to them!" Althea said, she too joining the fight.
Hunter attacked the men in the cart behind them. Althea didn't know what he did, but I caused a loud commotion.
"If those laser brains woke the hive, we're all dead." Cid complained as she and Tech piloted the cart.
They were finally able to slow, but the sounds of faint screeches echoed up. Omega used her light to look down into the webbed pit.
"What's that sound?" Althea asked.
Omega shifted uncomfortably. "Cid, I don't like this."
All of a sudden, giant insects flew up from the pit. "Power up the engine's!" Cid said. There was no point in stealth anymore as they shot at the swarm.
Althea looked over her shoulder and saw more carts with Roland's men in them. "We've got more incoming!"
At the moment, the squad was stuck fighting the bugs and Roland's men. Althea choked down a gag as the bugs brushed past her, they're gangly legs hitting her.
"They're avoiding the light." Tech said suddenly. "Use your torches."
Althea flashed her light in a bugs face. It screeched and flew away, much to her relief. Roland's men were thrown off by the bugs, but unfortunately, so was the spice.
"Not the spice!" Cid cried.
"Forget the spice. Let's go!" Echo yelled. They made it back to the door, where Wrecker jumped off and closed it. One bug tried to fly after them, but it was crushed in the rusty metal.
As everyone caught their breath, Omega smiled. "Well, at least we got rid of the spice, right?"
Althea leaned on the railing. "Sure, kid. Sure."
"Are you sure your parlor's safe?" Omega asked as they made their way back to the said destination.
"Bolo and Ketch said the Pykes already came for Roland." Cid said. "I told you they don't take kindly to unpaid debts."
They entered the parlor, which was now littered with the bodies of Roland's men. "See?" Cid asked. "My plan worked like a charm. Even better than expected."
Footsteps sounded from the hall leading into Cid's office. Several Pykes held Roland at gunpoint, who's hands were clasped by binders.
He looked up and laid eyes on them. "That's her. She's the one you want."
One of the Pykes stepped forward to face them. "It has come to my attention that you have stolen our shipment of spice." He said. "Return it to us, and we will consider this issue resolved."
"Not sure what he's been telling you, but we don't have any spice." Cid told him, trying to play it down.
"Kill them all." The Pyke ordered.
"Wait." Hunter stepped forward, blocking Omega and Althea slightly. "We don't have the spice on us, but we know where it is."
"My patience is wearing very thin. If you know where the spice is, them you should have no problem retrieving it. Until you do, the children stay here."
All blasters trained on the Pyke, including Althea's. She refused to be a hostage.
"Not happening." Said Hunter.
"You misunderstand." The Pyke said. "This is not a negotiation."
Cid looked between the two parties. "If I may..." She said to the Pyke before turning to the squad. "You all don't realize who you're dealing with. If you don't lower your blasters, we're all gonna wish we were dead. Let me handle this." She lowered Hunter's arm, but his gaze remained fixed on the Pykes.
"We can't leave Omega and Thea with them." Wrecker grumbled as they walked to the Marauder. 
"We don't have a choice," said Cid. "But we know where the spice is. We'll return it, and the kids will be fine."
"The ptero-creatures we encountered in the cavern are Irlings." Tech said as he read his datapad. "They are nocturnal creatures with visual sensitivity to thermal registers. Our best chance is to strike before nightfall."
Cid nodded as she boarded the ramp. "Muscles and I will rappel down into the cavern and locate the crates. I got the kids into this mess, and I'll get them out." She seemed genuinely concerned for the girls, it almost convinced Hunter.
Althea sat on the floor between Roland and Omega. Their hands were bound and their weapons tossed to the floor.
Since she was stuck, the yellow eyed girl decided to entertain herself. "So," she said turning to Roland. "What are you in for?"
The man sighed. "I'm not talking to you."
Althea shrugged in response.
Roland turned to her. "I can't believe you stole the spice."
Althea couldn't help but smirk. "Thought you weren't talking to me."
Roland sighed. His gaze shifted to Omega, who was staring at a blaster on the floor. "Don't try it." He warned. "They'll kill you. If your friends don't return the spice, we're all dead. That's what happens when you meddle in other people's business."
Althea raised a brow. "Us?"
"You're the one who took Cid's parlor from her." Omega added.
"Take what you want." Roland said. "That's the Durand way. It's a tatic my mother has perfected."
"So, she's a criminal too?" Omega asked.
Roland scoffed. "Ugh. You make it sound so indignified."
"That's 'cause it is." Althea said.
Roland looked at Althea. "You're... different than them." He said.
Althea was immediately put on guard. She said nothing.
"You're obviously trained." Roland continued. "And you wear their symbol, yet you sound nothing like them."
Althea hummed. She knew she didn't have the clone accent, but no one had ever commented on it before. "Yeah, well, let's just say when everything in my life fell apart, they were there to pick up the pieces."
Ruby walked across the floor, chittering in her animal way. Roland held out his hands warmly, but the lizard crawled into Omega's lap instead. Althea joined the blonde in petting the creature, a difficult task when both her hands were bound.
"Ruby doesn't take a liking to many people." Roland said aloud.
Althea chuckled. "Yeah, it's rare for someone to actually like us."
"Don't worry, Ruby." Omega said. "We'll get out of this."
"GET US OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!!" Wrecker shrieked over the comm.
Almost all of the crates were loaded. Cid and the demo man were coming up with the last two. Hunter stood by the cables. "Wrecker, what's going on?"
"Irlings. Lots of 'em!" Cid said.
More shrieks from Wrecker told the Sergeant it was bad. "Tech," he turned to his intelligent brother.
The pilot stood, holding the device he had been working on in his hands. "This should distract them." He threw it into the cavern. "Incoming!"
The device flashed with a blinding light, searing itself into Hunter's eyes.
Cid and Wrecker came up a few moments later. "See, Muscles?" The Trandoshan said. "That wasn't so bad."
Wrecker nodded, muttering to himself. "Yeah, I'm okay. I'm okay. Phew!"
Omega and Althea stood with their family, Ruby in the blonde's arms.
"Since the spice has been returned, the matter between us is resolved." The Pyke said. He turned back to Roland. "But not with you." He brandished a jagged blade and shoved the Devaronian's head to the ground, raising the knife.
Omega stepped forward. "Don't! He made a mistake. That's all."
Althea nodded, stepping forward. "She's right. Kill him and you'll be starting a war with Isa Durand. Do you want that heat right now? Call this a bad deal and walk away."
"We do not accept bad deals." The Pyke swung the blade, chopping off one of Roland's horns. He fell back, screaming and clutching his head in shock. "Our business is finished." The Pyke said. "It would not be wise for our paths to cross again." He held Roland's horn and walked away.
They left and Omega and Althea walked up to Roland. The ebony haired girl helped him up.
"Are you okay?" Omega asked.
Roland touched the nub that took the place of his horn. "It's a small price to pay."
Ruby whined and Omega handed her to her owner, who took her gently. "I'll be going now." Were his words of parting.
"Come on, boys." Cid said. "First round's on me." She started to walk back to her parlor.
Wrecker scoffed. "You owe us way more than that."
"Don't push your luck."
While the rest of the squad sprinted for drinks, Hunter hung back with the girls. "Why did you...stick up for him after what he did" He asked, one hand on Omega's shoulder.
The girl shrugged. "I don't know. Ruby likes him. Maybe he's not all bad."
Hunter smiled and released her, walking with them back to the parlor. He ruffled Althea's hair affectionately. The girls were proving they could handle themselves. Omega, with her pure heart, and Althea with her ability to talk them out of their situations.
Hunter couldn't be more proud.​​​​​​​
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elslittlestories · 16 days
Read between the lines #4
Last part of this short story from my nursery AU!
The brain and the brawn
Word count : 1474 Dita's POV
Tech worries about something. Dita too...
Sets in my AU where the genetically enhanced clones spend the firsts weeks of their life in a segregated nursery on Kamino. Tech and Wrecker are alone at the nursery at this stage of the story.
Read on AO3
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I wake up to no response from the Kaminoans to the report Zee sent yesterday. I was so relieved for Honey, but a nightmare put a seed in my mind I can’t shake off. There is a possibility that his eye impairment is deemed incompatible with military service. I’ve seen them decommission kids for less…
I try my best not to show my anxiety, but I have a feeling Honey’s experiencing the same. He’s been very quiet since the vision tests, he hasn’t even cheered for his brother’s results. That poor boy understands too many things for his age, and I fail to protect him from them.
Right now, Honey’s sitting on the floor, drinking his blue milk, while Baby sings along the music playing in the kitchen from his seat at our table. They have an examination with the doctors scheduled in three hours, it’s Baby’s way to vent out the stress, but I can tell it’s getting under Honey’s skin this morning. His eyes are bloodshot from staying up most of the night reading, despite my attempts to get him to sleep, and everything in his stance screams, “leave me alone.”
I crouch down and resist putting my hand on his shoulder:
“If you want, you can take the data pad and read in your bed for a moment. I’ll be in the playroom with Baby.”
“We can go play before the lesson?” gasps Baby excitedly.
He skips from his chair and runs out. Honey follows in a wobbly stride to get to the dormitory, bumping into the doorframe on the way. He doesn’t even try to pretend to get the data pad from the playroom. I know it’s already in his bed anyway. My only hope is that staying in bed will get him a little bit of rest.
I join with Baby in the playroom after I cleaned breakfast. He’s humming to his tooka plushie while arranging some cubes on the table. Because they don’t have the same shape, there’s a way to stack them to create a bigger hollow cube. It’s a puzzle Honey solved in an hour on his own, but for the rest of my kids it’s a good way to figure out the learning method that suits them the most.
Some needs to be shown each step, others are fine with a few hints, others want verbal instruction. With Baby, it has become clear that he relies on repetition and muscle memory. I would point at the next cube to add, help him turn it to the right angle, point the exact location it should be and let him put it there. I lost count on how many times we did it, but we are slowly getting there. He needs less and less intervention from me.
I ruffle his hair and lean to kiss the top of his head. He lifts a piece and turns to me with a quizzical look. I flip it upside down and give it back to him. His eyes light up and he settled the cube in its place. I have to give him a few more pointers until he completes the shape.
“That’s very good, Baby!”
He grins at me and then, swings his plush into the construction that scatters all over the table and to the floor. It never fails to make him cheer and laugh. Something tells me his appetite for destruction isn’t entirely inbred…
As it’s time to settle for their lesson, I go check on Honey who dozed off onto his data pad. I sit on the edge of the bed to pet his hair. I wish I could take them both and leave this planet forever, raise them as my own and give them as normal a life as their accelerated growth would allow…
Honey shifts, his eyes flutter open. I force a smile and straighten his glasses on his nose. Maybe I’ll find the courage one day.
“You can stay a little longer, if you’d like,” I try, knowing very well he won’t.
“No, I want to help CT-9732 with his lesson,” he states as he slips out of bed.
“I’m sure your brother would love that,” I smile.
But as soon as Honey leaves the dormitory, tears fill up my eyes. I go check on the main computer but there isn’t any new message. I grab my arms and squeeze my own body. They wouldn’t decommission Honey. They can’t. They wouldn’t…I repeat it to myself, rocking on the sole on my feet, until I feel like I can go back to the boys without falling into pieces. Or before I hear shouting from the playroom!
Baby sniffs and mumbles something I don’t understand. I rub my thumb on his cheek to catch a big tear rolling down and gently asks him to repeat.
“CT-8 say I’m stupid.”
“That’s a fact,” says his brother, “He hasn’t been able to solve any of the exercises.”
“They’re hard!”
“Then you need to work harder.”
“Honey, that’s enough,” I interject, harsher than I intended.
Honey opens his mouth but I send him away with Zee. I lift Baby in my arms and he snuggles against my chest. His learning difficulties are not going unnoticed but I wasn’t expecting Honey to be the one pointing it out to him. I rock him around the playroom until I feel his little body relax, then sit him by the windows.
“Are you feeling better?”
He nods but his bottom lip trembles. I cup his face and peck his forehead.
“Not everything needs to be graded or measured on a scale, you know. Honey is very gifted, not everybody has his abilities and that’s okay. You are you, with your own brain that works in its own way. There’s no point in comparing yourself with your brother or anyone else.”
Baby stares at me with big shiny eyes and I pull him into a hug.
“You are a person just like any other. You are worthy, no matter what.”
When I release him, he sucks on his lip and tears still pearl at the corner of his eyes. I lean over and rest my forehead against his.
“I love you, no matter what.”
Baby throws himself at me. I squeeze him tight. On the corner of the room, I see Honey staring at us. I let Baby calm down in my arms, cheer him up with a bottle of blue milk and go see his brother.
Honey is looking at his feet when I kneel down in front of him.
“You hurt your brother’s feeling,” I explain, forcing my voice calm.
“I didn’t mean to. I only told the truth.”
“I believe you. But that kind of truth needs to be told in a more gentle way.”
He shifts his weight from one foot to another, fiddling with the hem of his tunic.
“What if…” he starts then frown.
“Go head, Honey. What’s on your mind?”
He lifts wet eyes on me, then looks down at his feet.
“He can’t finish the exercises, he can’t even remember our numbers. What if the doctors decommission him because he’s not smart enough?”
My heart sinks. I put my hands on his arms, trying to catch his eyes.
“Oh, Honey. Is that what’s bothering you?”
“I don’t want him to-”
His voice breaks, I pull him against me for a quick hug. He doesn’t wiggle out of it for once.
“The Kaminoans aren’t waiting for this kind of performance from Baby. They want him to be strong. You’re the brain and he’s the brawn. You don’t have to worry about it, okay?”
He stares at me. I know he’s deciding if he can trust my words or not. I smile at him and peck his forehead before pushing him toward his brother. I know if he looks too closely, he’ll see I’m still worried about Honey.
He picks up a plush from one of the boxes and holds it out to his brother’s face. Baby takes it, tucks it under his arm and pulls Honey into a hug. I bite the inside of my cheeks. I won’t stand these two being separated.
The wait is atrocious. I pace around the nursery, then by the lab’s door. My heart races when I hear the hiss of it opening, I flip around and it takes my brain a second to register what I see. I take a shaky breath, fall on one knee and pull both my boys into my arms.
“They said our results were satisfactory,” whispers Honey in my ear.
I squeeze them tighter. Honey shifts against me, I reluctantly let go of him but secures Baby on my hip as I stand up. He nozzles his face in the crook of my neck. They are safe. For now at least.
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moonstrider9904 · 2 years
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The Gray Rider
Chapter One of The Town of Deadwood
{series masterlist} {previous chapter} {next chapter}
{taglist form} {AO3}
Pairings: Sheriff!Crosshair x OC, Cowboy!Hunter x OC
Summary: Sheriff Crosshair goes about his usual duties in the peaceful town, and all goes well for him until his brother shows his face in Deadwood for the first time in a long while.
Tags/Warnings: Mature. TBB Wild West AU. Alcohol, drunkenness, tobacco smoking, flirting, arguing.
Word count: 4.5k
Songs: pale rider, nocturne
I finally want to give a quick shout out to @emperor-palpaminty because a year ago I read her Western AU and was introduced to this beauty. Finally, after a bunch of research and brainstorming, this is coming to life!! Also, naming Tech Victor was totally her idea in her story Good Doctor, do go and check it out!!
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The breeze was still cold when the traveler had left the barn, and a thin layer of mist covered the ground, dancing within the tall grass and over the dirt. The cool blue tone of the sky brightened, and at last, that warm toned orange began to illuminate the horizon. The wind howled in tandem with the calling of roosters and the mooing of the cattle, and the oldest of the Fett brothers stood in front of his farm, staring into nature.
The sun was finally beginning to rise.
The wind lifted Hunter’s curls with it, clouding for a moment his view of the beautiful, peaceful sunrise. It was a quiet life, the one he had; he’d done his part to earn it, or at least, to earn what he was worthy of.
He ran a hand through his hair and pulled the curls behind him, securing them into a bun, with only a couple of rogue strands bouncing over his forehead. His hand then went to the back of his neck, massaging the muscles on it, which had grown tight after the events of the previous night. He finally let his arms drop beside him and took one last moment to look at that beautiful sunrise before the day’s work would really get started.
Hunter found comfort in the fact that he’d be able to return to that view the morning after.
The cowboy turned his back on the sunrise and headed for his barn, finding that his brother had already removed the blankets from the floor and returned the place back to normal. Hunter didn’t pause; he walked straight for the stable where his reliable Spitfire chewed on some hay. With his hands, he cupped the sides of the horse’s face, smiling softly at it, knowing he could always count on Spitfire for anything.
“Calves are old enough to brand now,” Hunter broke the silence. “I think we should do that before anything else today, give ‘em time to recover before we have to move them.”
His unbelievably younger brother, whose massive figure towered even over some of the cattle and the horses, gave a silent nod—his aloofness, however, was not a result of him being tired; Raphael had learned to love waking up earlier than the sun years before.
“What is it?” Hunter asked.
“That’s the third one this week, Hun’er,” his brother responded, the gravel in his voice still present despite how quietly he’d spoken as he approached his own horse, the immense Percheron Josey.
“Aye, we’ve never had that many nomads here,” Hunter replied. “You think word’s spreading of our hospitality?”
Raphael gave a soft smile, stroking his horse one more time before finally turning to his older brother.
“You know we have to tell him,” he said.
“Him,” Raphael responded. “We’re still part of Deadwood, and he’ll want to know what these travelers are saying.”
Hunter couldn’t help but sigh. “You tell him. He likes you better.”
“That’s not true.”
“We both know it is. Raphael, I haven’t shown my face in town for years,” Hunter said. “There’s a reason for that. You go, say hi to him and Victor for me.”
“Aw,” said the younger brother. “I didn’t destroy that corral with my bare hands for you to still call me Raphael. Or did I, Harry Arthur?”
Hunter chuckled. “Fine, Wrecker, say hi to him and Victor for me.”
Wrecker lightly laughed back and petted his horse before heading to the corner of the barn for his tools.
“You’re comin’ too,” he said. “You’ll need to face your baby brother sooner or later.”
“Baby brother,” Hunter repeated under his breath.
It was harder than ever to believe in those words.
Wrecker then walked past him, bringing his attention back to reality. “I’ll get the fires started to heat the iron. You got the ropes?”
“Got ‘em,” Hunter responded, and with that, Wrecker finally went off to do his thing.
As Wrecker left, Hunter once again turned to look at the rising sun through the open doorway of the barn. He thought of the traveler that had been gone for less than an hour, and he thought of the other two who had taken a spot in their barn earlier that week, as had easily another few in the months prior.
Yes, his youngest brother would appreciate knowing what was going on, but he wouldn’t appreciate hearing it from Hunter.
Hunter looked at the rising star and figured, much like the sun signaled another day, the events in that barn were a prelude to something else.
Clair’s lunch house would be open for business in just a few minutes. Men and women eager for a nice meal at a reasonable price would start coming in like they usually did during the week, some with mighty conversation, others merely opting to keep to themselves. Clair would never judge any of them, and in fact, she was never one to open up that much to strangers either.
It would seem like things would go smoothly that noon, with nothing out of the ordinary.
That’s when she heard the man calling out for her.
“Lunch house lady!” The slur in his voice already signaled booze. “Purdy lunch house lady!”
Clair took a big sigh as she mentally prepared herself for what was to come and, tightening the bow on her back that secured the apron to her long, brown skirt, decisively made her way to the lunch house’s porch. Surely enough, there he was: old man Azmorrigan, whose big body rested on the proch’s stairs, his flabby arms clinging to the wooden railing, cheeks bright red as his eyes squinted in an attempt to escape the sunlight he’d collapsed under.
“Gods,” Clair whispered to herself.
“Lunch house lady!” He squirmed, trying to sit up, but failing. “Can I have this dance?!”
How many shots of bourbon did this man have this morning? Clair groaned mentally. She took two careful steps towards the pitiful man on the porch, lost on what to do.
“Sir, this isn’t a saloon,” Clair said. “I’m going to ask you to leave.”
“But—” he stopped to hiccup, burping in the middle of it. “I’m hungry!”
She tried as best as she could to hide her disgust, but anyone who saw her gaze would know she was crying out for help. If only Doctor Victor hadn’t just left—in Clair’s defense, she wasn’t counting on Azmorrigan showing up drunk on her porch, but she could really use the doctor’s help right about now.
Clair figured she’d have to do something to help the poor man. Pitiful as he was, he had been unemployed for about a month, always convinced he’d score a job “worthy of his name” but instead ending up with nothing. Maybe she could spare him a cup of coffee to help the booze pass, even if she covered its cost herself. She knew not to expect Azmorrigan to pay for it while he was that drunk.
He’s depressed, show him some kindness Clair told herself as she approached Azmorrigan, intent on at least helping him sit up. Her delicate hands took Azmorrigan by the voluptuous arms and, grunting, she managed to get the man to sit up on the stairs. Azmorrigan’s gaze traveled around him, registering Clair’s face and ultimately smiling at her, unable to recognize the grimace she looked at him with.
Gods, the man wreaked alcohol.
It was then that Clair noticed Azmorrigan looking over at the inside of the small, cozy lunch house, his eyes widening round in glee as he stumbled to get up with utter disregard of the young woman standing there, nearly knocking her over hadn’t she stepped back.
“Well, am I the first one ‘ere?!” Azmorrigan called, looking ready to leap into the lunch house.
In a sober state, Clair wouldn’t deny any man or woman entry to her lunch house. Azmorrigan currently didn’t fit into that template. With a yelped “No!” she leapt over at the doorway, hoping it would be enough to keep the large, inebriated man out of the house.
Instead, she was aided by the heavy sound of hoofs.
Step after step, the black mustang stallion carried its rider into the scene, catching both gazes from Clair and Azmorrigan. The gray bandana that covered the lower half of his face faintly swayed in the wind until he pulled it down, revealing his features, including the few curls of silver that peeked from his hat and behind his neck. A silent man, he didn’t need to speak to impose. He was the face of the town, the one who kept it orderly, the man who didn’t go by a proper name; the Gray Rider, Sheriff Crosshair of Deadwood.
And his brown eyes stared right at Clair as he looked down at her from up his horse, his gaze barely peering past the edge of his black hat, his lips curving discreetly, teeth baring as he secured a cigar at the corner of his lip. Still looking at the young woman, he took a hand and tipped his hat over at her in acknowledgement.
“Good afternoon, little lady,” he spoke.
Her chest heaved when his eyes stared into hers; the Sheriff’s presence was so heavy that she’d darn near forgotten Azmorrigan was there, swaying in an attempt to keep his balance.
“Afternoon, Sheriff,” she said softly in return.
He couldn’t help but smirk at her. “We got a problem here?”
“U-Uh—not exactly, Sheriff,” Clair stammered. “Mr. Azmorrigan here is just… not in his best condition.”
“I just wanna dance with the pretty lady!” Azmorrigan whined.
With a nod, Sheriff Crosshair got down from the black stallion he rode, giving it a couple of soft pats on the neck before he walked toward Clair and Azmorrigan. His lean, tall figure towered over both of them, and his black and gray clothing stood out among the warmer tones of the lunch house. The moment he looked upon Azmorrigan, it was as if the poor man sobered up, registering the emotions behind the Sheriff’s gaze.
No one wanted to make the Sheriff mad.
“Now,” Crosshair wrapped an arm around Azmorrigan, leading him with ease away from the lunch house’s entryway and down the stairs of the porch. “What booze was it? Bourbon? Beer?”
“B-Bourbon, sir,” Azmorrigan admitted.
“And why are we drinkin’ so early?”
Azmorrigan’s gaze faltered to the ground. “Ya know how it is, Sheriff. No jobs available. No money. No luck.”
“We both know that ain’t true,” Crosshair replied, his voice hushing. “My offer to work with the books is still up, I want you to take it.”
“But, sir—”
“I can hardly care if it’s what you want,” Crosshair cut him off. “I can’t have you stumblin’ around town, drunk out of your own ass while the sun is up, makin’ the ladies uncomfortable. You’re not to get in the way of this kind miss doin’ her job again, you got it?”
Azmorrigan felt like contradicting the sheriff again, but his own pitiful hiccup seemed to prove the Gray Rider’s point. The drunk man hunched his shoulders and finally nodded.
“Thank you, Sheriff,” he said.
Crosshair nodded and signaled one of his men on patrol to bring a carriage. “Go home, get clean and sobered up. Be at my place before the day’s over.”
Crosshair’s men helped Azmorrigan onto a carriage before driving him off in the direction of his house. He stood, watching as the carriage left, with his hands on his hips and his back turned on Clair. When he finally turned around, he smirked as he adjusted the cigar on the corner of his lip, taking a long puff from it.
Her pretty brown eyes were already on him.
“He ain’t a violent man and he shouldn’t cause you more trouble, miss,” Crosshair said, “but if you need any help again, you tell me.”
Clair smiled as best as she could, trying to still the racing of her heart. “Thank you, Sheriff.”
He nodded and tipped his hat at her again, turning around to get on his horse again.
“W-Would you like anything?” Clair blurted just as his hands went on the saddle.
The Sheriff turned around and looked at her, silent.
“Perhaps a cup of coffee, or some lunch,” Clair continued, her voice quivering at times. “I’ve got my best recipe of mashed potatoes today.”
The way his lips curved at her words made her knees tremble, and he then stepped toward her again, slowly, with the spurs of his boots jingling with every step he took.
“I’d love to, little lady, but I’ve got a job to do,” he purred. “How about I meet you after sundown outside of Cid’s saloon?”
Clair dug her heels onto the wooden floor. “You’d want that?”
“Would you?” He asked.
She smiled dreamily at him. “I-I’d love to, sir.”
The discreet little smirk on his lips didn’t fade, and he finally tipped his gray hat one more time before turning around and getting on his mustang, galloping off westward into the town.
Clair still couldn’t quite move her legs as she watched him riding off. She’d been standing on that porch longer than she could register, unaware of the time that went by until at last her first customer of the day came in: Mrs. Patmore, one of the older, gray-haired women of the town who owned the steak house across the street.
“What are you looking at, Clair?” She asked.
Clair finally snapped out of it. “N-Nothing. Sheriff was here.”
The woman’s brows raised. “The Sheriff? What was he here for?”
“Old man Azmorrigan was drunk again,” Clair answers. “The Sheriff helped get him off the porch, he even gave him a job.”
“Oh, well,” Mrs. Patmore stumbled into the lunch house. “Ain’t that sheriff a blessing on Deadwood.”
Clair looked west even though the Gray Rider was well gone from view, but she couldn’t help but agree with the old woman. In any case, it was now time for her to get on with her afternoon; Mrs. Patmore was only the first of many hungry people seeking some lunch.
She’d have to find a way to keep from bumping into the tables and the chairs while she waited for the night.
It had been a peaceful day in the town of Deadwood, and once the sun had gone down, everyone began to let loose after a day’s work.
Clair had changed her brown skirt for a brighter toned one, almost bordering on cream, and she donned a black long sleeved blouse, with thin black gloves covering her hands and a necklace with a round golden pendant that dangled between her breasts. Her black hair, usually worn up completely, was now only half up, with waves draping down her shoulders. She wore the same shoes she’d worn the rest of the day; it wouldn’t make much difference given the length of her skirt, and no one would be able to tell.
Meanwhile, the Sheriff had dressed almost the same as he had throughout the day; if Clair hadn’t been so keen on observing him, she wouldn’t have noticed the different buttons on his shirt, or the thread that stitched his trousers, which was a smoky black that reflected light and stood out in the darker fabric as opposed to the equally dark thread on the trousers he’d worn when he’d aided her with the drunk man at her lunch house. There was only so much observing Clair was able to do discreetly, as her eyes couldn’t wander as much as she would have wanted them to while she spoke to him.
Sheriff Crosshair wasn’t a man of many words. He charmed with his presence, his wit, his eyes, and the way he sometimes smiled as he heard Clair speaking told her he liked the sound of her voice.
He was off duty for the most part, but the silver star on his chest still gleamed and signaled him as authority. Anyone who happened to walk by tipped their hat or nodded in respect at the Sheriff, and some of them even acknowledged the young woman he sat with. They were perched on a bench just outside Cid’s saloon, one of the most cheerful places in Deadwood’s nightlife, with the sound of laughter, chatter, and the lively piano music coming from the inside. They sat on opposite sides of the bench, with just enough empty space between them to not cause scandal—even though there would certainly be gossip of the young woman who’d spent the night talking with the Sheriff.
Crosshair opted for a toothpick rather than a cigar at that moment, and after taking a moment to look up at the starry night sky, he turned to Clair again. He caught her staring at him yet again, finding it adorable the way she abruptly tore her gaze from him.
“I’ve been sheriff of this town for years, but I only started seeing you around in recent months,” Crosshair commented through gritted teeth, securing the toothpick in his mouth.
“I arrived recently,” Clair answered, her hands fisted over her thighs—it was hard to concentrate when he sat the way he did, leaning back on the bench with one leg crossed over he other, ankle resting on his knee. “I came here on the train from Virginia when there was nothing left for me anymore, only a friend who works with her family on the east coast.”
“Sorry to hear that,” Crosshair replied.
“Don’t be,” she smiled. “I like it here. I like how safe it is; I suppose we owe that to you.”
Crosshair scoffed. “Suppose so.”
“The people respect you,” Clair added. “I think that’s a great sign.”
“I’m fair with the people,” he said.
“You’re kind to them too,” Clair smiled.
Crosshair couldn’t help but look at her with certain bewilderment—kind was not often a word used to describe him. “You think so?”
“Well, you gave Azmorrigan a job,” Clair replied. “You set your foot down but you weren’t aggressive or disrespectful, and you gave him the opportunity he needed. Mrs. Patmore later called you a blessing on this town.”
The Sheriff couldn’t help but scoff again as he looked away, oddly in awe at the words he heard coming from her. “I suppose you’re kind too, little lady.”
Clair looked away with a bashful smile, feeling as the heat came to her cheeks. “I’m just being honest, Sheriff.”
He smirked when he heard her speak his rank. “‘Nough about me. How are you feeling here at Deadwood?”
“I like what I do,” Clair met his gaze with a soft curve in her lips. “Cooking has been my great love ever since I was little, and I can do that here and share it with people. I actually got a great deal for the lunch house, and the rent is incredible.”
“Next to the doctor,” Crosshair commented.
“He needs help at times,” Clair smiled. “He said he’d be willing to lend me the space for the lunch house if I let him teach me some things to later help him out, but I told him I didn’t want to treat injuries or anything heavy. I’m incredibly squeamish, but he was kind about that and mostly just wants me to help with remedies.”
Clair’s gaze had drifted onto many points around the town as she spoke, and finally, she looked at Crosshair again. “Do you know the doctor personally?”
“Doctor Victor Fett,” Crosshair said as brown, receding curls and round glasses came into his mind. “Yeah. Good man.”
Clair smiled. “He also helps me manage the lunch house, he’s incredibly capable.”
“You are too,” Crosshair looked away. “It’s one thing to work somewhere, but runnin’ the place is beyond that.”
Clair chuckled at his remark. “See? I told you you’re kind.”
Crosshair softly laughed back, taking the toothpick from his mouth and flicking it away before facing the young woman sitting beside him.
“And I think you’re a lovely little lady, Miss Clair,” he said.
Her cheeks took a lovely tint of rouge that Crosshair felt he wanted to brush his touch over, and slowly, he inched closer to Clair on that bench. Her eyes gleamed with excitement but they held hints of caution, not denying the Sheriff, but not wanting to succumb to her own desires.
“Sheriff!” She giggled when he leaned in to try and kiss her. “What will the people say?”
“Little darlin’, I'm the sheriff around here,” Crosshair smirked. “They won’t say a damned thing.”
Everything inside Clair was exploding at the sheer proximity he held; his breath fanned over her features, and his hands were so close to her figure, awaiting a word of confirmation from her before he could finally take her in his grip. Clair’s big, brown eyes met the Sheriff’s, and with her smile widening, she nodded while her chest heaved in excitement.
His smile was already seductive, and it only seemed more so as he finally leaned down, ready to touch Clair’s soft, full lips with his own, but as soon as he could register the sound of steps and the jingle of spurs, he stopped himself and looked over Clair’s shoulder at the man who had approached the scene, his features hardening.
Clair couldn’t help but worry, hastily looking over her shoulder at the man who’d caught Crosshair’s attention. He dressed in brown trousers and a dark gray flannel to keep him warm in the night, with a red bandana loosely secured around his neck. The man’s belt buckle had a skull on it, its silver metal contrasting with the overall warm tone he carried with him; his skin was brown, just like the sheriff’s, and his eyes had the same deep brown. The man’s long, black curls dangled over his shoulders, at times swaying with the wind, and his gaze was heavy with remorse and indecision.
“Sheriff,” Clair whimpered.
“Don’t worry,” Crosshair said as he stood up, with Clair following after him. “He ain’t a problem, not for the town, at least.”
He turned around to face the woman he’d unconsciously shielded from the man’s sight, his gaze softening on her. “I won’t be long. How about you head into the saloon and wait for me, and I’ll offer you a dance when I’m done?”
As much as Clair fancied the idea of dancing with him, she felt the strangeness of the change of events and she directed an uneasy smile at him. Silently, Clair gathered himself and went up the steps of the saloon, opened the door and disappeared inside while Crosshair was left outside with the newcomer.
Even after all those years, none of his anger had faded.
“Thought I told you to keep your face outta my town,” Crosshair growled.
“I didn’t want to come here either,” Hunter answered. “Wreck—Raphael insisted.”
“Call him whatever he wants to be called,” Crosshair replied. “What are you doing here?”
Hunter sighed and he took off his hat, holding it absently down his side. “There’s something you should know.”
“I know all I have to know about you and about my town,” Crosshair replied.
“We’ve had travelers stayin’ at the barn, Crosshair,” Hunter knew there was no point in beating around the bush. “Travelers from Tombstone.”
Crosshair’s eyes hardened and widened at the mention of that town—he hated to admit that his oldest brother would be right. He did want to know what that was about.
“All of them?”
“Yes,” Hunter continued, relieved that Crosshair was responding. “They’re sayin’ they’re running away while they still can, but they’re the lucky ones. Town’s been taken over by bounty hunters; a lot of the people have already escaped onto other towns, but as of late, the bounty hunters have been tightening their rules and makin’ it harder on the people.”
“I take it that’s not all,” Crosshair said.
“No,” Hunter stepped closer to his youngest brother. “The most recent one, the one who left my barn before sunrise today, mentioned Tombstone doesn’t have enough people to sustain itself. There’s no work because there are no people to fill it, and the bounty hunters don’t fancy doin’ it themselves.”
Crosshair knew the possibilities of that implication, and he didn’t like any of them. The last thing he wanted was to weaponize his town, but at the very least, he’d have to increase patrols on Deadwood’s borders, maybe take some shifts himself with the old rifle, let the governor know, if he hadn’t been taken care of by the bounty hunters already.
Hunter was aware of what Crosshair was thinking, and he knew he wouldn’t get much more out of his brother. Chance of either one of them asking the other for a drink at the saloon would be a fine thing, and Hunter put his hat on once more, giving a faint nod.
“Anyway, that’s all I wanted to tell you,” Hunter said, turning his back to walk away.
“Thank you for the warning,” Crosshair surprised him by saying. “Now get the hell back to your barn.”
Hunter knew he should have seen the snarky remark coming—it was one of the things Crosshair was known for, after all.
He sighed. “Have you still not forgiven me? Not after all these years?”
Crosshair took slow steps towards his older, shorter brother. “I didn’t want this life.”
Hunter bowed his head in defeat; he knew it was a long shot he couldn’t make.
“I’ll say goodnight, then,” Hunter said before he started walking off, but ultimately he stopped himself and turned around again, taking out a folded paper from his pocket. “Mind if I put this up?”
“What is it?”
“A help wanted sign,” Hunter answered. “Cattle’s growing and I need someone to help look over the stables.”
“Put it on that post and get out,” Crosshair gestured to the side and the street and turned around, walking up the steps of the saloon’s porch.
The breeze flew through Hunter’s hair as he felt the fires inside himself dimming, and he slowly hung up the notice on the post outside the saloon, his gaze low.
“I’ve missed you too, brother,” he said to himself.
Just as he turned around, hoping to catch a final glimpse of his baby brother, Crosshair had already disappeared into the saloon, the door slamming shut behind him, leaving Hunter with the howling of the wind.
A part of him knew he had it coming. Hunter essentially had pushed Crosshair into that way of life, and he didn’t know if he’d ever have the chance to apologize.
He didn’t know if Crosshair would want to listen.
In any case, Hunter mentally wished his younger brother good fortune, and luck with the girl he was courting, and he finally set out to walk back to the barn where he felt he belonged.
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73 notes · View notes
Clones love being petted
Clones love being petted, if it is a close brother or someone they trust like their Jedi who just starts petting them in the head, they will melt and if they start to play with their hair in case of long hair or massaging their scalp, if they could they would purr or can they?
Clones and their preferences in pets
Group petting sessions only happen after a bad missions or after the first mission of a new batch of shinnies.
But they are very common between batchmates, couples or in the case of being the last member of their batch, another group of troopers who are the same kind of adopts them.
The 501
Would they let Anakin pet them? Some, mostly the veterans and in some cases the shinnies.
What about Ashoka? Similar to Anakin but Shinnies are actually more hesitant with her.
Rex: He doesn't let anyone pet him since he is the Captain of the 501 legion and needs to work and can't lose time with petting sessions, but when Anakin suddenly "petted" (it was more like ruffling his hair gently since he had been in the medbay after a bad mission) him he does "subtle" things to earn another pets but he mostly gets pats the in the shoulder or just a grateful smile, he doesn't dislike it but he doesn't want to receive a pat, he wants pets.
When Cody found out he teased him for weeks, since when he did get another pet it was in front of Cody, Cody and his batchmates are the only others who cant pet him.
Fives: When Domino squad wasn't on the best of terms, he would let almost any brother pet him, this was mostly to spite his batchmate since petting is something most clones only let other clones who they trust do and he knew that he had really fluffy hair that his batchmates also loved to pet.
While they are on the Rishi moon outpost he started to let them pet him again and vice versa.
When he and Echo enter the 501 legion only Echo could pet him since he could not bare the thought of letting anyone else but his last batchmate do it, after he loses Echo only Tup could pet him in the rare occasions that Fives would let him, after Tup died there wasn't any actual opportunity to receive any kind of pet, but, if there had been, he wouldn't have let anyone else pet him again.
Echo: When Domino squad wasn't on the best of terms, Echo unlike Fives wouldn't let anyone actually give him any kind of pets, but on the Rishi moon outpost he was one of the first ones of the squad to offer to pet any of them, Hevy was the second by letting Echo pet him and vice versa.
After joining the 501 legion he would also only let Fives pet him, but later he let Kix pet him from time to time after growing closer.
After being rescued from the Tech union, he didn't let anyone actually pet him or touch him in any way since he had become uncomfortable with any type of physical touch, when he was having a panic attack, Wrecker used Lula to pet him, this helped him trough the panic attack and later to become more familiar and comfortable to physical touch, he later was mostly comfortable with Wrecker petting him and later with Omega.
Tup: He didn't like being petted that much since it would tangle his hair, although he was open to pats by most brothers.
Dogma and Fives where the only ones who he would let pet him and Fives would sometimes times, help comb his hair, specially Dogma who liked to comb his hair after every mission, when Dogma is taken away Tup stopped letting Fives comb his hair, not because of resentment but because it was his way of mourning Dogma.
Dogma: He to the distress of other brothers had one of the fluffiest hairs in the galaxy but he hated when someone messed up his hair, only in the night cycle would he let Tup pet him, although this stopped completely during Umbara and obviously after it. But after Dogma killed Krell and they waited for the republic to reach them Tup snuck into his cell and offered comfort with pets.
Jesse: Due to being bald he didn't receive as many pets as other brothers, but he still loved receiving scalp massages by any brother, although he enjoyed them the most when it was Kix, Fives or Hardcase.
Kix: He likes being petted by Jesse but being the medic of the 501 legion he doesn't have as much time as others, but he will also let a sick brother pet him to comfort them or he will pet them.
Appo: This man is a big softie and one of the pickiest clones out there, he wants his pets in a exact way, if it's to harsh he'll tell the brother to do it gentler, same if it is to gentle, any brother who pets him always waits for his instruction, this is to prevent any trouble and to help him fall asleep, since Appo is a insomniac.
Ashoka and Anakin: At some point in the war they had become the designated petters for the clones, why? For some reason their pets where the best, not even the clones could explain why (good vibes=good pets). Some clones also really liked Anakin's mechanic arm since it was cool to the touch and some liked that. Ashoka being a carnivore species, naturally had long nails so many where fans of long nails. They both share the fifth place as the best petters in the GAR.
Cody: He doesn't let ANYONE pet him, he is the marshal commander, he can't waste time with such childish things, he can't lose any time in such silly things............
The 212 alongside Obi Wan can pet him whenever they want, they will also pet him to make him sleep for at least four hours, his batchmates also do this since Cody is weak when it comes to pets, he will literally melt at any touch of that kind.
Waxer: He personally doesn't like being petted that much, but he loves giving pets to anyone who need them, he also likes to pet Boil out of the blue.
Boil: He LOVES pets, he doesn't know why, he just loves them. Unfortunately Waxer uses this against him by petting him out of nowhere, no matter how much he wants to take his hand away he just ends up leaning into the touch.
Obi Wan: This bastard will use the power of pets to make most of his men sleep or at least rest, being a total hypocrite at the same time, if they don't like being petted he will let them pet him since it seems his men are fans of his straight hair which is something different from the usual curly hair.
Wolffe: Over sized puppy.........that's it, he will act tough but he is like a puppy when someone pets him and god forbid they stop because he will either glare at them or use his puppy eyes, who knew he had them? May god have mercy on any brother who starts a petting session because they will be stuck in it for a good while, although Wolffe does prefer pets from Boost, Sinker, Comet, Fox, Plo Koon and Bly, he also likes petting Rex since it annoys him.
Boost: This man does NOT like pets, he will bite someone's arm off before that happens, the most he will allow is a small pat from Plo Koon, but surprisingly he gives some of the best pets in the entire GAR, he is ranked as the third best at giving pets, no one knows how, not even him.
Sinker: He is very shy about pets, he does like a good petting session but only given by either Boost, Wolffe or Plo Koon, this has a lot to do due to him feeling incredibly vulnerable during the whole thing, this is why he only lets himself be vulnerable in private, although he will gladly give a petting session to any brother who needs it.
Comet: He is basically the stressball of the whole Wolfpack, but in a good way, this way is that when any brother is stressed, they will pick him up and start petting him, this includes Plo Koon, although this has caused some sibling rivalry between him and the rest of the Wolfpack since Plo Koon give some of the best pets.
Plo Koon: He loves being able to give any sort of comfort to his men "sons", he has to admit that petting someone is very enjoyable and he is ranked as the sixth best at giving pets in the GAR.
Lighting squad:
Ponds: He is honestly the most cat like from all the clones, some days he will hiss at any kind of touch and other days he will sit besides any brother and put their hand on top of his head as a way of demanding pets, he does this with the shinnies the most, since it helps build trust and it can distract or comfort them after a bad mission.
Mace Windu: May the force bless this man, Lighting squad has the highest number of clones with long hair, this is due to him being really good at tending to long hair from his experience with Depa, he ranks as the fourth best petter in the GAR.
Coruscant Guard:
Fox: He is a sucker for pets but the only way anyone can manage to pet him is for him to be exhausted, in the medbay, to blackmail him with a shinnies feelings or to be Wolffe, Bly and Ponds, those three always force him to relax, first with Ponds asking Fox for pets, later with Bly petting him without Fox even noticing and finally with Wolffe demanding for pets, since Ponds is one of Fox's youngest vod he can't say no.
Thorn: This man surprisingly isn't a big fan of pets, he feels that his hair is always greasy so he doesn't like people touching it but he is good a pets or at pulling stubborn brothers into petting sessions.
Hound: This man has permanent ownership of the position as the best petter in the entire GAR, this is due to his experience with mastiffs.
The Bad Batch(unlike in canon I'm making it so that they had a normal relationship with the regs, because fuck canon and Filoni):
Wrecker: This soft boi, he holds second place of the best petter in the GAR, not only does his size give him a bed shape for any vod who is being petted but he is surprisingly gentle and patient when it comes to petting someone, he really like being petted by Tech and Echo since they both have trouble when it comes to physical touch, so for them to be comfortable with him giving them pets or them petting him, it makes him extremely happy.
Hunter: He does NOT like receiving pets, this is mostly because it sort of overwhelms him so he sticks to petting his brothers, especially Crosshair who acts tough but actually likes Hunter's pets, this makes Hunter a proud ori'vod.
Tech: Just like Echo he is not a fan of physical touch but when he feels comfortable he will pet himself with Lula as a way to ask Wrecker for pets and sometimes from Hunter.
Crosshair: He is one of the most stubborn asses out there, he says he hates pets, but if Hunter manages to wrangle him into a petting session he literally melts, and he may or may not have liked it when Echo also petted him for a little while during one of this petting sessions.
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 3 years
(The Bad Batch) Going on a Boardwalk
   Imagine: You and the Bad Batch go on a boardwalk by the ocean!
(Author’s Note: Happy Bad Batch eve!!!!)
   You arrive at sunset.  The sky is a striking orange which is beginning to fade into dark blue, with the horizon above the ocean painted with all sorts of pastels in between the two shades.  The group sets foot on the creaking boardwalk and looks ahead at the long row of stands and shops that goes for miles.  Omega is “ooh”ing and “aw”ing at all the lights, and she pointed excitedly at the rides down by the pier.
   And so, the Bad Batch begins the trek along the boardwalk.
   Hunter’s first instinct is to watch Omega and smile at her reaction to the location.  There’s a pretty decent crowd, so he makes sure to keep an eye on her.  If you’re his significant other, you may be used to having to share your Sergeant since he was responsible for the squad...but it’s a boardwalk and it’s supposed to be fun, so you encourage him to relax.  Hunter eventually is able to let go and enjoy himself, entwining his fingers with yours and walking with you.  His favorite part of the boardwalk so far is hearing the crash of the waves nearby, hearing the seagulls, and feeling the salty air.  He absolutely loves glancing beside him to see you smiling and appreciating the sights too.
   Tech spends the first few minutes on his datapad gathering whatever intel he could about the shops they have and whatnot.  He rarely goes into a situation without research simply because he likes to be prepared and he likes to have information whenever his brothers ask a question.  After that, he is quite happy to simply savor the scenery.  If you’re his date, he’ll want to hold your hand the whole way as you walk and take in the things to do.  Tech is interested in boardwalk games and arcades, and though he might not say so right away, you can see him staring whenever passing by one.
   Echo is smiling a lot.  His mood is light as his gaze wanders the stands and sees all the happy people walking by.  This was the vacation that was long overdue, and he was going to enjoy it.  Lots of things grab his attention: the food, the games, the rides.  Omega convinces him to go on a ride with her later.  If you’re his significant other, he’d be at your side the whole time, holding your hand.  He’d rather let you pick what you want to do or see first.
   Wrecker is in awe of all the things you can do and see in one place.  He and Omega are chattering about all the rides they want to go on later at the pier.  He is pretty fixated on the food for now.  If you’re his significant other, you may find that he goes from holding your hand to running toward whatever catches his eye, which happens often.  He’s pretty fixated on food and most likely won’t move on until he has something to eat.  Ever the gentleman, he wants to be sure you get something too.
   Crosshair remains at your side as his sharp eyes take everything in.  He likes to follow the rear of the group.  Normally, he isn’t one for public displays of affection, but with all the young men running around in groups and after noticing the other couples walking hand-in-hand, he feels the need to mark you as his.  You’ll feel his hand gently take yours, and when you glance over he is already gazing at you.  He’s content to go wherever you want to go and just enjoys seeing you happy.
   Omega is super excited and spends the first fifteen or so minutes planning to go on rides and trying to get her brothers to volunteer to take her.  Her eyes are aglow from the lights reflecting in them.  There are people who stand in front of the shops playing with whatever toy or fad was in to try and draw in customers, and Omega would definitely be drawn in.  She’d want to play with the bubble machines and robo pets even if for a few minutes before moving on.  
   After walking farther down the boardwalk, the Batch finds themselves drawn to different things, so they agree to separate for a little while.
   Hunter will explore the shops with you, but he is most drawn to the edge of the boardwalk where he can watch the sun go down over the ocean.  If you’re his date, he would take the opportunity of having the others distracted to just shower you with affection.  He doesn’t make a scene or anything, but he smiles warmly at you,  gives your hand a little kiss, and kisses your forehead in between ganders at the ocean.  Eventually, he can’t resist anymore and tilts your chin to meet your lips with his own in a tender kiss just as the sun dips beneath the horizon.
   Tech wants to play some arcade games, if you’re up for it.  He enjoys showing off his intellect and skill, but sometimes he likes a good game of chance where anything can happen.  He can calculate probability for those scenarios, but not much beyond that.  He also really loves watching you.  He’ll stand behind you with his chest pressed to your back and watch you play your favorite game.  His absolute favorite is to go up against you in a two-player game.  He loves the competition and when you playfully talk smack when he gets cocky.  If Tech wins, he’ll want a kiss as his prize.
   Echo will gladly go along with whatever his significant other wants to do first.  If you want to look at the ocean, he is more than happy to do it with you.  If you’d rather get something to eat, he’s in.  One thing he does want to do during your time together is browse the gift shops and pick up a souvenir.  He’d treat you to something like matching oversized hoodies with the boardwalk logo on them or nice mugs to use for caf aboard the Marauder.  If you tried hard enough to convince him, he might even agree to get those matching couple shirts displayed in the windows like “her king” and “his queen” or something customized.  He playfully rolls his eyes as you hold one of the shirts up in front of him, but he can’t help but lean in and capture your lips in a loving kiss.
   Wrecker definitely wants to grab something to eat first.  There are so many different places that he can’t decide which one to commit to for his first boardwalk meal.  He ends up getting a little something from a few different places.  Pizza, hotdogs, fries… He gets enough for both of you to share, and the two of you would find a nice spot at a table near the edge where there’s a lovely view of the ocean.  After the two of you are full, he’d be more attentive and open to whatever you wanted to see next, holding your hand and giving you kisses.
   Crosshair is fine with letting you lead the way to whatever you wanted to do first.  He is enjoying all of the sights with you, and that’s more than enough for him.  However, if you were to ask if there’s anything he’d like to see in particular, he wouldn’t mind stopping in one of the shops with henna tattoos and edgy t-shirts.  He’d get himself an oversized hoodie to wear for a little while before pulling it down over your form when the sun disappeared behind the horizon and it got colder outside.  He’d smile at you as you hugged yourself in the air and sighed in contentment: That new hoodie smell would be mingled with his own scent.  He takes your hand again and the two of you continue on your way.
   Omega tags along with one of her brothers for a while and ends up getting something to eat and a toy from one of the shops to keep tucked under her arm as she explores.  She begs Hunter to let her get a temporary tattoo.   He’s hesitant because she’s young and he doesn’t want her to think she has to impress the group by getting a real tattoo someday, but since it’s only a temporary one just for fun, he decides it’s okay.  Omega gets a little seahorse and starfish on the back of her hand.
   Next up are the rides!  The group reunites and heads over to the pier to buy some tickets.  With the sun down, the rides are all lit up in the dark.
   Hunter won’t pressure you to go on anything if you don’t like rides, and he will probably only go on a couple of rides with Omega to make her happy, but will spend most of the time at your side.  If you do want to go but are a little nervous, he’ll gladly hold your hand and tease you playfully until you go with him.  If you are the kind of person who loves to go on all the rides, he’ll go on a few with you and stand by and hold your things while you go on more.
  Tech will definitely go on some rides if you want to.  Otherwise, he will try one or two on his own and be content with standing back and watching everyone else alongside you.  He might get some recordings of Wrecker’s screams on the really high ones that Omega managed to convince him to go on.  If you do go on crazy rides, Tech will film your reaction to play back and tease you lovingly about with that cute smirk on his face.
   Echo would rather watch the others have their fun.  He gets a little salty and says Tech’s wild flying is more than enough for him.  However, Omega somehow got him to agree  to go with her before, so he’ll keep his word and go on a ride with her.  If you enjoy rides, he will also make an exception for you too.  However, if you’d rather watch the others, the two of you can stand near the ride and wave as they go.
   Wrecker loves fast rides, but still is terrified when it comes to heights.  He’ll tolerate a rollercoaster that goes in a few loops, but if it’s the kind that climbs agonizingly slow to the top and then flies down a steep drop from a few hundred feet up, he’ll be covering his eyes and screaming.  Him and Omega stick to the ones that aren’t too bad.  If you enjoy rides, Wrecker will be happy to go on them with you.  He’ll even accompany you on one of the high coasters if you insist on going by yourself, because he’s worried for you and wants to protect you even if it scares the heck out of him.  If you don’t like rides, he’ll probably still go on a few with Omega.  The two of them will wave at you and grin adorably.
   Crosshair is not scared one bit and will do the craziest ride on the pier, if challenged.  It makes him the perfect person to go on rides with if you’re a little scared.  He’ll go on anything with you, keeping calm and holding your hand even if you’re totally freaking out.  Doesn’t matter if you want to go on thirty rides or just one, he’s down.  If rides aren’t your thing, he’s also fine to stand with you and watch the others.  Better watch out, if he feels the need to show off, he will go on the craziest ride just to make a point.
   Omega wants to go on every ride within reason.  There are height limits to some, so she’ll obviously avoid those.  Her and Wrecker are buddies when it comes to rides since he;s the Bad Batcher who enjoys them the most, although she’ll manage to get Echo and Hunter to go with her on a few.  And if everyone else is done with rides, Tech or even Crosshair will go on one with her.
   The squad will turn and head back toward the exit.  They may stop at a few stands on the way back to see anything they missed on the way up.  Omega is exhausted, so one of the brothers carries her back.
   When you get back to the ship, everyone is tired and heads to their bunks.  You get cozy with your Bad Batch SO and drift off to sleep...
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showerthoughtsonly · 3 years
The Left and Right Brains
A tech x liaison!artist!reader
Synopsis: You work as a liaison for the bad batch, working to help smooth over possibly disputes between the boys and any other groups they may cross. In between your work, you often sketch and doodle to relax and recharge. Surprisingly enough, left and right brained people often get along very well, and you and Tech have been dancing around since you joined the group. 
A/N: So apparently I come from a line of artists getting together with engineers. Funnily enough, Im an informal artist and I just recently discovered that my type is engineers... enjoy!
Warnings: Nothing but a little muah! 
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The Marauder was peacefully silent as you sprawled out your notes underneath her belly to escape the midday sun of the planet you were on. The temperature was overall mild, enough to where it was comfortable hanging around Tech outside while he tinkered away at something near the hull, but warm enough that it was unpleasant to be within direct line of the sun.
The long grass was padded down by your fuzzy outside blanket and your notes, scribbles, and doodles were in an array surrounding yourself and the plush pillow you were reclining on. You had been called upon to act as a liaison officer for the Bad Batch after one too many missions gone foul due to contextual miscommunications and a few too many blunt statements. Tech was amazing in his ability to translate and speak alternate languages, yes, but his brash speech had occasionally (read, often) led to a blaster fight.
With your work as liaison, there had been a serious decrease in the amount of petty skirmishes and the missions had often gone much smoother with local help. You yourself got along rather swimmingly with the batch. Hunter appreciated another set of hands to help tidy the living areas along with the empathy your carried, Echo was appreciative of your special ability as a specially trained communications officer to get him in touch with his brothers in the 501st privately during deployment, Crosshair appreciated how quiet you got during your artistic stints between your work and Wrecker and Omega both liked to sit down and either watch you draw and color or join you.
And then there was Tech. You had previously heard many a story about how well engineering geared people and artistic geared people got along, but you had yet to experience it to the intensity that you both had together. Both Tech and yourself held a great appreciation for the capabilities the other held and for the beauty both your crafts held. He would offer you vocabulary while you created diplomatic poetry to different civilizations and you would keep him company while he tinkered away, allowing him to bounce ideas off you.
You shared creative spaces and spent the most time together, so you really should have expected the friendship that appeared so rapidly. And with all that shared time with whom you considered to be your best friend, who just happened to be quite physically attractive, you really should have expected the feelings that came with that.
“Penny for your thoughts, dearest?”  And there was that too. The pet names. For a while, he had tried to call you ‘my dearest friend’ and things with similar sentiment, only to find that they were a bit too much of a mouthful, especially in quick situations. And so, they were shortened to something that could almost be read as romantic in nature. It really didn’t help your little crush.
“Oh, I’m thinking of nothing in particular.” You answered, ignoring the flip in your chest as Tech sat down opposite to you on the little blanket. His knees pressed against your side and your toes sat near his thighs.
Tech smiled at you. “So you were staring into the distance with a smile and nothing on your mind?” He asked.
“Precisely. Have you finished up what you were doing?” You asked in response, glancing around his armored figure to see a few parts still strewn about the grass, the panel that normally sealed them resting against a landing gear.
“Ah, well - not quite. Almost. I got to a stopping point and decided to see what you’re up to. You did come out here to spend some time with me, no?” Tech knocked his knees against your side to send you back and forth as he teased.
“Oh no, I came out here to enjoy the lovely weather.” You responded quickly, smiling broadly as an immediate pout crossed his face. Your heart practically did backflips every time he met your gaze. It was becoming a problem, really. Especially with Hunter being able to literally hear your heart rate. Not ideal.
“Well, if you don’t want to spend time with me, dearest, I really must-.” Tech started to get up with a dramatic groan and you were quick to catch his wrist and try to yank him back towards you.
“No, please don’t-.” Your sentence was interrupted as his body came crashing down into yours, knocking the breath out of you. Tech managed to get his forearms down in time around your head, preventing him from crashing his head into yours.
The heat from his body glove-which had covered his top half rather exquisitely once his armor was off, you must say- seeped into your torso. Your heart pounded unreasonably fast and your fingers curled from where they had splayed out at your sides as soon as you were able to register how close his face was to yours.
“Oh dear, this is rather clichéd.” Tech murmured, his nose brushing yours. His knee knocked against yours from where it had landed between your legs and you had to swallow a nervous giggle, instead opting for a small smile. His breath melted over your face and you had to resist the urge to tilt your head and press up the last two inches to seal the deal.
“I don't know. I rather like it.” You hummed, hands sliding up on the blanket to knock gently against his, where the rested curled tightly into balls near your head. At that touch, the unfurled to slowly interlace between yours.
Your cheeks warmed all the way down to your neck when you realized oh this is happening. You’re both gonna go for it.
“You misunderstand. The very idea of it being cliché doesn’t negate the fact that it’s often very popular. People like knowing what’s going to happen and they take comfort in seeing it in popular media.” Tech began to ramble and you cut him off by squeezing his hands.
“Tech? What’s going to happen, then?” You asked, tilting your head this way and that so your nose could rub against his gently. His breath stuttered audibly in his chest and he swallowed before meeting your gaze.
“I… in popular media, this would be the moment where I’d…. I’d like to kiss you, please.” The way he said it so nicely made your toes curl in your shoes and you nodded happily, tilting your head and closing your eyes so that he may take the lead.
His fingers unlaced from yours to slowly trace your features from the crown of your forehead, to the swell of your cheeks, to your chin, where he tilted it exactly how he wanted and slowly, hesitantly connected his lips to yours.
Warmth singed through your chest and your hands danced up to interlace behind his neck in order to yank his body flush against yours. He let out a small sound as you did so and you took that as an opportunity to slide your tongue from corner to corner of his mouth.
He shifted just a bit and his damned goggles pressed against your face uncomfortably, digging near your eye socket right as he opened his mouth to further deepen the kiss. You yanked back with a slight gasp and he scrambled up.
“I -I’m sorry. Was that not adequate? Should I not have?” He seemed rather panicked and you waved your hand in an attempt to dispel his worries, the other hand rubbing at your eye.
“It was more than adequate, Tech. Your goggles just poked my eye.” You mumbled and he scooted forward to inspect the damage.
“Ah, my bad. From what remains visible, it doesn’t seem to have done any lasting damage, but I should probably remove my goggles next time we look to engage in… deeper affections.” He struggled for the words.
“Making out?” You offered. The intellectual genius stood up and brushed off his armored legs with a sigh.
He nodded. “Yeah, that. That’s what I said.” Tech offered you a hand up and you took it without hesitation. His hand slid up from your grasp to take ahold of your shoulder and press a meaningful peck to your forehead.
“So, next time?” You asked, wondering what this impromptu kiss meant for your relationship going forward.
“Oh yes, next time. Unless I’m wrong, which is highly doubtful. There was a high probability that we would eventually get together romantically, so I assumed that this would be the moment that we took that step.” Another kiss was pressed at your forehead and you grabbed at his hand, tilting your head up with your eyes fluttered shut and lips pursed meaningfully.
Another warm peck was pressed to your waiting lips, leaving your heart flipping in your chest.
“I would like that, Tech.” You answered as he began to lead you around the ship back to his work.
“Of course you would. You wouldn’t have wanted me to kiss you again, otherwise. Not to mention, your pupils wouldn’t have dilated, pulse wouldn’t have accelerated and your palms wouldn’t have grown sweaty.” He held up his free finger as he spoke and you had to hold back a laugh at how very Tech it was.
“My hands didn’t get sweaty. Your hands were sweaty!” You protested while wiping said hands on the dense canvas material your pants were made of. Tech merely chucked and shook his head with a sigh.
“Now, dearest darling of mine. I wouldn't suppose you would stick around and help me finish up here?” Tech asked and bonked his forehead softly against yours before gesturing to the mess of mechanics behind him.
You nodded brightly. “I would like nothing more, dearest darling of mine.” The reciprocation of the nickname had him brightening up. “I did come out here to spend time with you, after all.”
“I knew it.” Tech grinned in victory.
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writer1 · 3 years
Warnings: a bit of angst, but not too much. 
A\N: This was requested by Anonymous, I really hope you like it and that it helps your brother to feel better! Best wishes to him 😊 If there is anything wrong that I did, please tell me, this is my first time writing a fic like this and I don’t want to offend anyone. D\N-Dead name.
The Request: For your 501 followers celebration, can I request Bad Batch and Omega with reader, who came out as ftm? ( transgender, female to male ) Plot looks a little like this : reader calls them all for a meeting and makes them all sit down, telling them he has something important to tell them. He starts to explain to them his he felt for the past few years, not knowing who he really is and stuff. At some point he starts to cry from fear that they won't accept him and maybe even kick him out from the squad.
I would love to see their reactions, how they calmed him down and told him it's okay and they love him no matter what.
This request is for my brother, who is trying to tell our mother that he's transgender. He's really scared and I hate to see him like that. I think this fic would help him gather the courage and tell her or at least make him feel better about himself.
Please let me know if this kind of request is okay with you, like if you feel comfortable enough to write it. Have a great day/night and take care!
You pace the common area of the marauder, nervous about what you are about to do. You have decided to come out to them, and tell everyone that you are a transgender. You’ve always felt different, not like yourself, and it’s taken you a while to realize that you are a man, not a woman. 
You just… you don’t know how to tell the bad batch, they’ve always treated you like their little sister, what are they going to think when they find out you are actually their brother? You sigh, and decide to just call them, it’s all you can do. You’re just scared, what if they won’t accept you, they may even kick you out of the squad, then you’ll lose your brothers and new little sister.
“Guys! Can you come in here, I want to have a family meeting!” You call, twisting your fingers in your hand, you take deep breaths to come yourself down, as the bad batch and Omega all walk in. Hunter raises an eyebrow. 
“What’s going on, Sis.” You flinch when he calls you that, and Hunter frowns. “Hey, what's wrong?” “Are you feeling sick?” Wrecker asks, and you chuckle. That cheered you up a bit. “No, no. I’m not sick, there's just something I have to tell everyone, so please sit down.” Everyone does as they’re told, all curious of what you may have to tell them.
Tech smiles at you. “What do you need to tell us, D\N?” “Yeah, I was in the middle of cleaning my rifle.” Crosshair earns a slap from Omega for that, as she glares at him. “Cross, don’t be rude.” Then everyone turns and looks towards you, making you even more nervous than you already were, but you just take a deep breath to calm yourself, and start. “I… “ You try to start, but choke up. 
You feel so nervous and scared. “D\N?” Hunter asks, as the others stare, you sigh and take a deep breath. “For the past few years, I’ve been struggling a bit. I’ve never really understood who I was, or what I really wanted. And I’ve always just felt… different.” They nod, looking confused, but they listen intently. 
“Is it something we did? Or something we could help with, Sis?” Hunter asks, but his eyebrows furrow when you flinch at the nickname. You run a hand through your longer hair, absolutely hating it. “Look, I just… I don’t know how to tell you because--” You choke on a sob, making them all jump up. Hunter runs over to you, followed by his brothers. 
“Hey, hey. It’s alright Sis.” He hugs you close, pulling you over to a seat and sitting you down. He pets your hair gently as Wrecker grabs your smaller hand in his larger one. Once Hunter pulls away Tech gently pulls you into his own hug. Echo walks over and grabs your hand gently, he’s newer to the family, but still has already become a brother to you. You look up as Crosshair taps your shoulder three times, his way of saying ‘I love you’
Omega comes over and gently gives you a hug, making you smile as you try to stop crying. “Hey, whatever it is, it’s okay.” Hunter tells you, but you shake your head and set Omega down. “You’re gonna think I’m weird and kick me off the squad, out of the family…” All their eyes widen. “Like hell we will!! You’re our sister!” Crosshair yells, making you flinch and sigh. Hunter wonders why, he has a theory, but you should be the one to tell him. “We won’t kick you out, none of us will.” Hunter reassures you, making you smile as the others nod in agreement. 
“You’re family, even to me. And I haven’t been in this family very long.” Echo tells you, making you smile as they all sit down, but then you  frown. “I’m not… I’m not a girl.” You tell them, finally just saying it. They all raise their eyebrows, not exactly understanding. “What?”  Wrecker asks, not angry or anything, but sincerely confused. Even Tech doesn’t know what to say, you sigh as you bite your lip. 
“I’m not a girl…. I’m a boy.” You tell them, and Tech makes a little ‘oh’ sound. “So you’re transgender?” He asks, and you nod. The others still look confused, making Tech sigh, then look at you. “Would you like me to explain?” He asks, softly. And you tear up, nodding. Who knows how the others beside Tech will react. 
“Transgender means that the gender you are born with, doesn’t corraspond with how you feel. Meaning that D\N, who was born a girl, is actually a boy. That's who he is.” They all nod, blank expressions, you start to tear up again. “M’sorry.” You whisper, but then are pulled into a hug by Wrecker. 
He sets you down, gently wiping your tears away. Hunter smiles at you. “Hey, we are never going to kick you out, ever.” He tells you, making you smile. “So we have a brother.” Crosshair says, giving you a rare smile. You nod. “Yeah, you do.” You tell them, and they all smile again. Omega runs over and hugs your legs. “I have another brother!!” She cheers, making you smile as you pick her up into a hug. “You do, sweety.” Hunter then walks up as you set her back down.
“Do you have a different name in mind, Brother?” Hunter asks, and you tear up, being called brother instead of Sis feels so nice. You nod. “I kind of like Y\N, what do you guys think?” They all  give you wide smile’s. “I love it!!” Wrecker yells as he picks you up in a bone crushing hug, making you laugh, nuzzling into his shoulder. 
“That suits you well, Y\N.” Hunter tells you as he smiles, Wrecker setting you down. “It does fit well.” Crosshair smiles, placing a toothpick in his mouth. You run a hand through your hair, and you grimace. Hunter must notice. “Would you like me to cut it for you? If you want it cut, of course.” Hunter says, making you smile. “Yes, please.” Hunter smiles and leads you to the refresher as your brothers and sister follow. 
You both walk in, but then you smirk. “I want it to be a surprise to the rest of you.” You tell them, making Wrecker pout. “Aww, I don’t want to wait.” He says dramatically, making you chuckle. “Too bad.” You close and lock the refresher door, as Hunter smiles and sits you down. “Alright, how short do you want it?” You hum and tell him, making Hunter smile. “Nice, I’m sure it’ll look great on you.” You smile as Hunter gets to work, gently cutting your hair. He makes sure it’s the exact length and style you had asked for, wanting you to feel comfortable.
It’s a nice silence, filled with only the sound of the scissors. All you feel is joy, joy that you aren’t losing your brothers, joy that they accepted you, and joy of finally being who you are. 
Once Hunter finishes, he smiles and runs a hand through your hair. “Is that how you wanted it?” He asks, and for the first time since he started, you look in the mirror. You immediately tear up, it’s exactly how you wanted it. “I… Thanks.” You tell him, slamming into him and hugging him tightly. Hunter chuckles and pulls you close, kissing your forehead. “Don’t you ever be afraid to tell us anything, no matter what happens, we will always be here for you.” You tear up again, crying tears of joy as you nod.
Hunter lets you go. “Ready to show them?” He asks, and you nod. “Yeah.” Hunter smiles and opens the door, you walk out as everyone comes running over. Wrecker smiles widely, a large grin as usual. “You look great, Y\N!!” You smile. “Thanks Wrecker.” Crosshair smiles. “You look a lot happier too, I’m glad.” He smiles at you, then he looks away. “I… I love you, Brother. Nothing can change that, not ever.” He says, making you tear up once again and pull him into a hug. You know how hard it is for Crosshair to say those words, so for him to say them, it’s so comforting.
He hugs you back, and after a few moments you pull away. “It looks great, and I’ve already changed your name and sex in my database to match what you told us.” Tech smiles at you, making you smile back. “Thanks Tech.” You chuckle out, smiling at him.
Echo then gives you a one armed hug, smiling. “I love it, it fits you much better than your old one.” You smirk, rubbing his head. “Hopefully yours grows back soon, then maybe we could match.” Echo chuckles. “Not a chance, I already have a hairstyle planned. No offense.” You nod, waving it off. “None taken, you just don’t know a good hairstyle when you see it.” Talking like this, normally. It feels so nice, before you told them, you thought you’d never joke with any of them like this again.
“You look so handsome, Y\N!! I love it!” Omega tells you, running forward and hugging your legs. You laugh and pick her up, as Wrecker pulls all of you, even Crosshair, into a group hug. Right here, feeling like yourself, your true self and with your family, this is the only place you ever want to be.
Taglist: @ahsokatano-thetogruta @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @lightning-wolffe
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chiafett-moved · 3 years
TCW High School AU
Fox as the perpetually exhausted “gifted kid” on the verge of snapping. Does everything. Swears. Possibly an alcoholic.
The Bad Batch as the ex-special ed squad 
Hunter as the “normal one” who’s always either between autistic burnouts or in an autistic burnout. Sports kid. Good grades but at what cost? Nice but sort of awkward.
Tech as the Sheldon Cooper savant. He doesn’t even try to fit in anymore. Valedictorian. 
Wrecker as the Kid Who Was Funneled Into Trades a Long Time Ago So They Didn’t Have To Pay For Accomodations. Deserves better. Is smarter than everyone thinks. 
Crosshair as the bitch. Always suspended or in In-School Suspension. Somehow always smoking behind the sports shed when you go out there. 
Dogma as the teacher’s pet who has everyone a bit worried, actually. Does he ever talk outside of class? Is everything okay at home? Undiagnosed autism will mess a bitch up. 
Tup as the Sweetheart Who’s Probably Gay. Theater kid. All the girls love him. Dogma’s only friend
Wolffe as the Varsity Kid. Intimidating and seemingly good at everything. He bench-pressed your gf. He’ll bench-press you. He’ll give you his lunch money, here, you look hungry. No, it’s fine, my dad packed me extra for the game later. 
Echo as the Inspiration Porn Disabled Kid. He’s just trying to live, okay? No, he doesn’t want to give a presentation on life as an amputee, he just wants to go to class. Very sweet. Would help you with your homework. 
Fives as the chaos causer. Banned from saying certain words and phrases. Not allowed to sit next to Echo or Hardcase. Or Hevy. Put in detention for trying demonstrate the art of a Wet Willy on Dogma. 
Cody as the too-good-for-this-school salutatorian. Captain of the soccer team. All the ladies want him (he’s gay). Band kid but makes it cool. 
Neyo as that Fucking Kid. Definitely has problems at home. Wears the same hoodie every day. Never talks. Sent kids to the hospital in a fist fight. Does he even exist?
Bacara as that Fucking Kid but functional. Solid A- student, involved in sports and Student Council. Definitely has some unresolved personal issues. Neyo’s only friend.
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ladykatakuri · 3 years
Pairing: Wrecker x Reader
Word Count: 2221
Warnings: Just fluffy and a kiss! Wrecker is not just the hug-a-bear we all love, he is more !
Song Lyrics: Faith of the Heart performed by : Russel Watson
Summary: People always judge you by your so-called defects, but Wreck…” Carefully you place a finger under his chin and lift it. “You are a man with so many layers to discover. Beside your sweet and gentle nature, your love of explosions and bets with Cross on who can destroy the most clankers and your deep affection for your family, there is so much more.
So a Wrecker one shot i made. I think there is far more to the man then has been shown until now and i hope that we will get to see more in depth about all of our sweet Batch in season 2 ( and yes I mean all of them when i say Batch! Crosshair included! )
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The Havoc Marauder always seemed as a small home to you all. There was enough space to sit and relax, sleep after a mission or work while underway to whatever planet it was the lot of you would go to, to earn some credits. It was a home away from home, even though you also had a new home base on Ord Mantel. The Marauder was that bit more special because it was the last part of home that the guys had left after defecting from the Empire. Today it seemed to be a refuge for one of the guys and you were glad it was parked on Ord Mantel. Now at the very least, you could spend some time with him, without having to worry that one of the others would walk in on the two of you, without having to worry that he would shut you out again.
“Wrecker….” You walk up to the man currently sitting with his back against the wall of the Marauder. It took you a minute to realise he had taken refuge in the hull and you would not let him get away with withdrawing himself from you again.
“Wrecker, you know you can talk to me right? If not me, then you should find someone to talk to. Please Wreck, don't shut me out.” You slide down next to him on the floor and put a hand on his arm.
When he turns his head to you, you see his watery smile. As much as he is always the cheery and positive man around his family, he now seems to have withdrawn from it all to suffer alone. “I… I don't know where to even start Mini.”
Mini, the name he has given you when you first met and it never left. It became his sweet nickname for you, knowing that you never felt secure about yourself. You had always been well aware you were more weighty then most of the women crowding around the troopers at 79s and all the women flocking towards the men of the Bad Batch whenever they showed up in a bar. The clones who were the majority of the visitors to 79s never looked at you as someone different because of looks though and Wrecker and his brothers were very quick to point out how sweet they found you and how special you had become to them when you joined their little family. To Wrecker you were the most beautiful person in the galaxy as well. He named you Mini, because compared to him, almost everyone was small and you were no different in that. Softly patting his arm you tell him to start where he wants to start.
It's been a long road
Getting from there to here
It's been a long time
But my time is finally near
“I guess, I just wonder where it all will end, or when it all will end. Omega is still just a kid ya know? She is growing up fast, but she is supposed to be a kid. She should be playing with other kids and having fun, bringing home stray animals as pets and kiss a special someone…. Well not kiss, that would not be alright with me and the guys, but when she is older…. But she is learning how to fight and kill now and she is a fugitive with us. It ain't right.” He almost shouts out the words, as if it was blocking his every thought and had to be thrown out there. “I know it wouldn't be much of a life on Kamino for her and all, but still… Is this the right thing to do for her? To keep her with us where she is always in danger?”
You know it is a sentiment that all of the men have had at one point, but Wrecker who bonded strongly with the young girl, as the older brother, felt strongly protective of his little sibling and feared greatly for her safety. With what you hoped to be a reassuring smile you look at him. “Wreck, I know you worry. But this is also Omega`s choice. You all wanted to give her a chance at a more normal life with Cut and Suu. She chose to be with you and live her life with you. You are her family and family is all that matters to her and to you.”
For the first time he grins. “Yeah, she is stubborn ey? Guess she has that in common with us.” Reaching to his side, he grabs a bag of his favorite snack, most times shared with the young girl after a mission. “Want some Mantel Mix too? “ He offers you the bag and you grab a handful of the mix. Popping some in his mouth he chews while staring at the wall opposing you. “Remember how we first got to talk? It was in the hull of the Marauder as well.”
And I can feel the change in the wind right now
Nothings in my way
And they're not gonna hold me down no more
No they're not gonna hold me down
No they're not gonna hold me down
You had been travelling with the guys for a while now, getting used to the day to day business and to being somewhat of a sister figure to Omega. You were no warrior, no clone and no mechanic or medic. You were just the person who was easy in making connections with people when you decided to give it a real try and you knew how to prepare meals from whatever was lying around that was edible. And even more important, you befriended the Bad Batch and covered for them when it was first announced they had defected from the Empire. Knowing how close you had grown to the men, you were under investigation and the guys quickly decided to get you away from the Empire's clutches as fast as they could.
Each of the Batch had grown rather attached to you and Omega clung to you, especially when it came to doing the girly stuff. You enjoyed it immensely but it was Wrecker who surprised you the most. The man had always been considered a simple person that loved explosions and fighting and having his sweet snacks. He could party like the best of them and that was all there was to him. Boy, did he surprise you when you walked in on him one night.
You had been on the way to some remote planet in the Outer Rim. The possibility of finding an ally or foe was small and you needed supplies. Tech and Echo were in the cockpit as usual while Crosshair and Hunter were sound asleep. Omega shared her private sleeping space with you and after a long talk and reading a fantasy story she finally fell asleep. Lula was tucked snugly in with her after which you softly stepped down a ladder and moved to grab something to drink. You stumbled in on Wrecker, concentrated on something on a pad and not hearing you enter the hull. “What ya doing Wreck?” Carefully moving around a crate, you stand beside him and look down.
“Y/N ! You surprised me!.” He quickly puts the pad beside him and looks up to where you stand. I was, well… I was reading something.” He scratches his neck and a slight blush creeps up on his cheeks as he looks at you.
Tilting your head you slide down beside him. “What are you reading?”
For a moment he seems to be debating whether or not he should let you know. Then, he grabs the pad and hands it over to you. When you look at the text displayed you look up. “Wreck, I didn`t know you were interested in this.”
He shyly smiles at you as he takes the pad back. “I like to read about things… Do you know about this man? Asimov? He is really smart. I thought maybe… There is something we can use from what he writes when we face clankers and all.” The sincerity in his voice surprises you a bit.
“I won't say I understand everything this man writes, but it is very interesting. Honestly, I prefer reading different kinds of stories. Romantic novels, historic stories or thrillers and all that. Biographies can be very interesting too and sometimes it can still teach us still I guess.”
Wrecker nods at your every word and a smile beams at you. “You love reading too! Why didn't you tell me? We could share favorites and talk about them if you want? I mean, if that's something you'd like?”
From that moment on, the two of you would share time together whenever you could to talk about the latest story you discovered, about the things either of you did not understand and the other could explain or just reading the same book. More than once it happened that the others would walk in on the two of you, you with your head against him, him with his head in your lap or the other way around, just enjoying the stories you were reading or discussing the stories. Those moments were also the start of Wrecker opening up even more to you about the past and sometimes about his deepest feelings and fears.
Cause I've got faith of the heart
I'm going where my heart will take me
I've got faith to believe
I can do anything
I've got strength of the soul
And no one's gonna bend or break me
I can reach any star
I've got faith
I've got faith
Faith of the heart
Now right here in the present, you realise that the man you came to love for his love of life and his hidden, deeper layers of personality is severely struggling with everything that has happened up until now. And he needed to work through it, alone and with you. Carefully you lay your head against him. “What else is wrong Wreck? I know it is not only Omega you worry about. You always shut people out when things bother you and you retreat to wherever you can go to vent.”
Wrecker inhales deeply and shifts to wrap his arm around you. “You know Mini, there is so much that happened. Omega is young and a fugitive with us, my chip activated and I almost killed them! Crosshair…. well you know his chip also activated and we lost him for a little while. I`m just happy we got him back again, but he has a lot to work through and he still blames us sometimes. And you….. Mini, you are not safe with us either. They will hurt you if they ever get you. I don't want you to get hurt Mini. I mean, we all have been injured on jobs and stuff, but you and Omega? I would die if something happened to either of you!”
You can hear his heart race as he speaks and feel his body shudder at the thought of you and Omega getting hurt somehow. But, you let him vent every bit of emotion, every bit of anger and fear he has deep inside of himself. He finally decided to open up and let this out. He decided to let you be the one to hear every thought and every struggle he has been fighting with on his own. To so many people he appeared to be a simple man, but you knew better. You knew all too well how many layers there were to this gentle giant.
Pulling away from his body you sit up on your knees in front of him. “Wrecker. You are the most gentle man I have met. You care so deeply for your own and you would sacrifice all that you have and all that you are to ensure their safety. People always judge you by your so-called defects, but Wreck…” Carefully you place a finger under his chin and lift it. “You are a man with so many layers to discover. Beside your sweet and gentle nature, your love of explosions and bets with Cross on who can destroy the most clankers and your deep affection for your family, there is so much more. You are smart, Wrecker. You have an intelligence that defies the understanding of those who always considered you only by your CT number and purpose. And Wreck? You are also the only man I truly, deeply, love.” You place a gentle kiss on his lips as you look him in the eyes.
As you pull back from him, a grin forms around his lips. Without any warning he embraces you and then stands up and slings you over his shoulder. With a high pitched yelp from you, he walks out of the Marauder and into the streets of Ord Mantel. “Time to treat you to some proper dinner, my sweet Mini!”
Before he lowers you back to your feet, he kisses you with a smile.
Out in the back, a man grins and turns around. You only see a glimpse of a red bandana, as Wrecker walks off with his arm wrapped tightly around you. Your Wrecker, a man of deep devotion and many layers to him.
I have tagged people I think might like this, if you want to be tagged in future works or do not want to be tagged anymore, please let me know in a messege <3
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the-silentium · 4 years
Murphy day Pt. 2
Masterlist - Part 1 - Part 3 - Part 4
Pairing: Bad Batch x Reader
Words: 3161 words
Warnings: Curses.
A/N:  Yes, I put some ARK:Survival evolved creatures in this, so I do not own their concept. They are just so cute! Also I’m not as good at worldbuilding as @shadow-hyder .
Fors is an Original planet. I do not give permission to people to use it for their own fics, the planet, the animals, the Nightmares, the lore or anything related to Fors. Thank you.
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"So you guys are Commandos?" You asked as Hunter moved aside the colorful plant blocking your way, his steps following yours closely. 
For the last 10 minutes, you've managed to make good progress in your quest to reach the clones' ship. So deep into the jungle, the prank traps were nonexistent, making it easier for the group to venture without a hitch although it also meant that you were out of the village's defence system. 
Wrecker had been chattering with you for the most part, explaining that they weren't regular clones when you pointed out that referring to them as 'clones' was basically going against the definition of the word as they all looked completely different from one another. 
Unbeknownst to you, a certain bad batcher started to think that you may not be as annoying as he initially thought, your comment about the fact that their mutations made them the best version of their kind was running through his mind. 
The jungle is in constant evolution! Only the bests survive and to do that, they need to mutate! It's the same with you guys. Your mutations make you even more adapted to survive and do your job. That's impressive.
"We are!" You could tell Wrecker was immensely proud of being an elite special team, his enthusiasm made his voice even louder. 
You'd hoped that Wrecker's voice mixed with Tech's repulsive odor would keep the nasty fangs away. Unfortunately, bad luck decided to show its face again.
A branch snapped behind you catching your attention, prompting you to stop dead in your tracks and turn around at the same moment Hunter did. He didn't even have to lift his hand, his troop immediately turned like one man while lifting their blasters towards the moving and cracking flora, their feet firmly planted on the ground, ready to engage whatever there was lurking around. 
The animal was clearly making its way into your direction, its form moved the plants around to form a clear path towards your group. 
The utter silence was nerve wracking. The birds had stopped chirping a while back, when Wrecker had exploded in laughter at one of your joke, the jerboas were definitely keeping themselves at bay along with every non-lethal creature around. 
Crouching very slowly, you reached for your knife, the warm wood connecting with your fingertips relaxed your stress just a little. 
A sigh of relief left your lips when a familiar bleating sound reached your ears. Releasing your knife, you pushed past the rest of the group to search the tall grass for the small herbivore. 
"It's fine." You breathed, your eyes falling on the excited baby, its cute face almost making you aww.  "'s just a Shinehorn." You crouched to carefully take the small light-brown goat in your arms, its tail wagging quickly in excitement. 
The troopers dropped their weapons, all their helmets now focussed on the wiggling animal in your arms. Slowly, you put it back down before giving him more pets under its chin. 
The Shinehorn was still very young, the top of his head reaching just below your knees and his tiny green horns flashing lowly in his excitement. You traced the two green lines marking its back with your fingers, the squeaks you received in response making you giggle. 
"What's a Shinehorn?" Tech asked, crouching next to you to be closer and scan the baby with his helmet. 
"They are small herbivorous animal. Their horns can glow in the dark! Very useful when we have to do night hunts or anything in the dark." You grabbed some berries from a bush nearby, feeding them to him. "They're also very docile." 
With a last pet between its green horns, you got up and let your place to Wrecker who clearly wanted to gush over the newfound ball of cuteness. 
Out of the corner of your eyes, you noticed Crosshair, his hand still firmly wrapped around his rifle like the little goat would pound on him or something. 
“Oh! I just thought about that, I know you’re probably very experienced with your blasters seeing as you're all the cream of the clones, but could you not have them in your hands?” You lifted your hands in the air in surrender at Crosshair’s constipated expression. “Just sayin’! Been there, done that, ya know!”
"You accidently shot someone?" Hunter turned his attention from the intriguing creature to you. 
"Not me. But before the laws strictly prohibed people to go out on Murphy day, it was common occurrence." 
All you received was a grunt of aknowledgement, before Hunter called his team back and started walking again. 
To your amusement, the little Shinehorn followed your steps, happily jumping around but never getting in anyones' way. From time to time, you'd grab nearby berries from tall trees to feed him in hope that he'd take a permanent liking to you so you could maybe take him with you on your way back home. 
For the seventh time that morning, Tech tripped on his feet, muttering words in a foreign language that you were sure were curses. It was almost normal now. The small clone would fall on the ground, curse, get up and continue for the cycle to restart a couple of minutes later. You didn't think any of it, having stopped turning around in concern at the 4th time. He had his armor to protect him after all. 
Although, this time you should have turned around. You would have seen that in his fall, Tech tripped Wrecker who was now losing his balance.
A clash of armor hitting armor mixed with the very sudden movement right beside you made you yelp in surprise. Hunter grunted, out of breath and confused, under Wrecker's imposing form. 
Chuckles flew off your mouth, too quickly for you to keep them in, as the bigger clone moved off its C.O. 
"Maybe we could take a break." You proposed, hand digging into your pocket to retrieve your tap. 
"Wouldn't hurt." 
At Hunter's approval you swiftly grabbed your knife, found the nearest bigger tree and tapped it to access the sugary water within the core of the tree. As the water started to drop down the tap, you moved yourself in front of the flow and opened your mouth to drink, calming down your thirsty driven mind. 
Once you were satisfied, you moved aside to let the others access the water. 
"Help yourselves." You motioned toward the dripping tap before sitting next to Crosshair who was picking fruits in a small tree, his helmet on the jungle floor. 
Wrecker was the first to taste the water, his face enlightening the whole jungle with his delighted smile. 
"It's sweet!" He stated to your amusement. He seemed more and more like a child. 
"Yeah. All the drinkable water here is sweet. If it doesn't have a taste, you should spit it out, 'cause it means that it's full of bacterias." 
You stretched your legs to be more comfortable, your hands behind you supporting your body. You petted absentmindedly the young Shinehorn, enjoying the humid wind caressing your face. 
Everyone had their chance to drink, the last one being Crosshair who removed the tap from the tree before throwing the object back at you at your demand. 
The goat approached Crosshair's pile of fruit, clearly interested into eating them, when he was gently denied access by a hand. 
"Not for you Shiny." The sniper muttered, protecting his precious. 
Nice name.
"Pass me some, Crosshair?" Tech asked his brother from his spot before you, helmet now at his side. 
Without a word, you saw a fruit being thrown into Tech's hands. The precision of the shot was flawless and it would have impressed you to no end if your eyes hadn't caught the color of the fruit that Tech was bringing to his mouth. 
"Don't eat that!" You yelled, pushing you forward to slap the pink fruit out of the clone's hand. "Those are the bad ones." You said, ignoring his yelp of pain at your slap.
"But they smell sweet like the water in the tree." 
"Yeah because the tree wants you to eat them instead of the good stuff. It's a defence system." You picked the fruit and threw it away. 
"The ones that smell not so good," You said, picking up a grey similar fruit. "are the good ones. Taste sweet and won't make you puke your guts for hours. There ya go." You passed the fruit to Tech whose gaze was fixed onto something behind you. 
You turned, confused about Tech's worried expression. Realisation hit you like a train, Crosshair didn't have to tell you that he fucked up, his white face along with the almost completely eaten pink fruit in his hand were telling you enough. 
"Kriff. Are you feeling nauseous yet?" You genuinely asked, no sarcasm or malice in your voice. You knew what pain he'd be in, having learned your lesson the hard way, just like him. 
You'd passed a whole day puking like there was no end, bruising your abdominal muscles in the constant effort they had to muster so you could evacuate the content of your stomach, hurting from the biliary acid burning your throat, fighting against the fatigue, dehydration and starvation. 
"Yes." You heard his breathing accelerating and knew what was coming. 
A shiver ran up your spine when he quickly turned around to empty his stomach on the jungle floor. You wanted to help him but knew he'd probably take it badly, so you let his brothers do their thing while you walked a bit away, searching for a specific plant. 
At the moment, you quickly forgot that at the beginning of the trip he had told you to shut up, that he had it coming. You were too empathetic for your good. Once again. 
"I'll be back." You told Hunter before venturing away with Shiny. 
"Please be close, please be close, please-" Searching around, you moved the grass around, peaking at the flowers for yellow petals with purple edges. Shiny whined at your side, nudging you a bit to get your attention, but you chose to ignore the needy baby to continue your flower hunt. 
A bit farther away, yellow petals caught your attention, your legs moving forward to get to them in seconds. With a victory hum, you crouched to pull the base of the flower, exposing its tortuous roots. 
You got up at the same time a low growl reached your ears, freezing you on the spot. Eyes scanned your right frantically for the source of the sound, a pair of sparkling dark hues staring back at you with hunger. Your blood ran cold into your veins, the imposing Dire bear was a good feet taller than you, surely reaching Wrecker's height. 
You clutched the root into your left hand, your right hitching to grab your knife at your ankle. In a very slow movement, you lifted your foot to allow your hand to grab the wooden handle. You almost succeeded when Hunter chose this moment to come looking for you, yelling your name into the trees. 
The Dire bear got scared and ran for you in a roar and you knew you were dead. You couldn't possibly outrun it and had no way to fight it. But you had to try, right? Run, I mean. 
So you ran, the most primal part of your brain taking control and ordered your legs to move as fast as possible towards the armed clones. 
You hadn't ventured too far and Hunter had followed your trail, so your wide terrified eyes met his, the Dire bear almost on you to bite on your neck. In last resort, you put all your faith in the sergeant's quick thinking, diving to the ground, screaming at him to shoot. 
You crashed unceremoniously on your chest, missing the sound of blasters opening fire. An incredibly heavy weight fell on you, pressing your whole body into the dirt, trapping your joined hands under your abdomen. The shock emptied your lungs of air, your mouth and nose were full of furr and dirt, making you panic. 
You desperately tried to push the weight away, take a deep breath of air and scream, but you couldn't do anything. You were trapped. You'd asphyxiate and die. All this because you couldn't control your stupid curiosity. Curiosity killed the tooka. 
You felt tears form in your eyes at the thought, for you were not ready to die. There was so much you still wanted to do. 
Suddenly, the weight disappeared from your back and you were harshly pulled away and rolled onto your back. Your crying wide eyes met the sergeant's, your lungs taking in the biggest inhalations they ever let in, before a wobbly smile stretched your lips. 
"F-found t-the cu-re." You managed to get out in broken words. Your hands opened slowly, showing the brown roots hidden between your fingers. 
Hunter sighed, relieved that you were alright despite crossing path with death. You were lucky he decided to follow the Shinehorn when it started acting up.  
"Are you okay Y/N?" Wrecker's head appeared beside Hunter's, searching your body for wounds. "You're crying." 
Arms slipped under your back and knees, lifting you without a problem. Your hands immediately closed around the root, gripping them tightly like they were life itself. 
" 'm not dead so I'm good." Your head fell onto Hunter's shoulder, you found comfort into the hard uncomfortable piece of armor. You were alive to feel it. "Thank you." 
He looked at you for a couple of seconds and you tried to control the heat assaulting your cheeks by taking deep breaths in. You definitely weren't admiring his tattoo from up close. 
"Didn't do it for you. I had to save the plant." He answered, sarcasm lacing his words. 
You chuckled, closing your eyes for a second. You felt all your energy leaving your body, the adrenalin that powered you moments ago dissipated and let exhaustion consume you. 
"Is she alright?" Tech asked, as another retching sound echoed around. 
"You tell me. Scan her." 
It took a couple of seconds, but you managed to open your eyes to see Tech with his helmet on, the thin screen that was previously up was now right before his eyes. He had a tool in hand, blue rays emanating from its extremity to scan your body. 
"No broken bones or internal injury. She's fine." He lifted the screen back up to get a better view of your state. 
"Can you stand?" Hunter asked.
"Almost sure I can." 
So Hunter lowered your feet to the ground, his hand lifting near your shoulder in case you fell. Your legs were still a bit wobbly, but you stood up, trying to ground yourself at the best of your ability. 
You opened your numb fingers, giving the root to Tech who looked at it with a frown on his face. 
"Break a small piece, remove the skin and give it to Crosshair. It'll help with the nausea and muscle pain." You told him, proud that your voice didn't break. 
"A piece like this?" He broke a piece and showed it to you, not wanting to give too much. They had learned that they should ask you first before eating something. 
"Yeah. Keep the rest for later." 
Nodding, Tech took the vibroknife in Hunter's hand to peel the root, placed the rest of it in his bag, before walking to his grey-haired brother. He tripped once, but managed to stay on his feet. 
You sit on the ground to relieve your legs for a bit, at least until Crosshair was able to walk without puking every 30 seconds. You were sure he'd be as wobbly on his feet as you for a totally different reason. Definitely not ideal for a field trip in the wild jungle. 
It took a good 10 minutes for Crosshair's stomach to settle, his retching stopped, letting him to deal with a slight nausea. With your tap, Hunter managed to get water to Crosshair and yourself before everyone packed up and prepared to go again. Shiny had returned after some time, the poor baby stopped running around and stayed closer to the group. 
"We're almost there." Tech announced at some point and you were grateful. Your legs were ready to abandon you for a while now, although you pushed through to not burden anyone with your adrenalin-less exhaustion. 
"The ship is just after these trees." 
One feet before the other. You repeated to yourself. At this point, all of your concentration was on your feet, you let the environment to Hunter and his apparently enhanced senses. Right, left, right, lef- 
You bumped into Crosshair who had gained energy during the walk while you had the opposed effect. You waited for the harsh comment to come, but it never did. 
"Where's the ship Tech?" Wrecker asked, confused. 
"That's not possible! This isn't the same place! The coordinates are wrong!" He started to panic.
You dropped on your knees beside Crosshair, the open clearing without a ship was the last tol. 
"Describe it to me. " You muttered. 
"What?" The sniper asked, his glare finding your exhausted face. 
"Describe it to me. The place where you left your ship." You concentrated yourself on your breathing, noticing how you started to inhale too quickly. 
"There was a field of glowing purple flowers and a stream with a big rock on one side. There was a gigantic tree too. Way bigger than the rest." He remembered. 
You sighed, tried to get back up with your shaky hands only to be helped by the sniper who pulled you by the pit of your arm. You smiled at him in thanks.
"That's the Waytree." You pointed on your left. "20 minutes of walk in this direction." 
"But that's such a great gap between my coordinates and-" Tech stopped as soon as he met your tired eyes, reading perfectly what you were telling yourself. "It's today." 
"Exactly." You huffed, forcing your legs to start walking again. 
Hunter watched you intensely but you pushed forward, forcing your body to obey you and not fail. All it took was one word from Hunter and a movement of his head toward you. 
Suddenly, you found yourself bridal style in his arms and were carried for the rest of the trip despite you affirming that you were fine and that you were perfectly able to walk by yourself. 
From your position, you had a perfect view of the sky, worrying you to no end.
"No pressure but I'm sure it'll soon start to ra-" A drop of water hit Wrecker's helmet right before your eyes. "Awesome." You sighed. 
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thicctails · 3 years
Summer of Whump Days 17 + 24 [Shackled and Stitches]
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 Omega was awake, but everything was fuzzy. She was lying on a padded surface, blurry brightness surrounding her. She can hear people talking, something about her burns. She thinks she hears them say that they’re healing nicely, but she can’t be sure. Their voices are muffled, muted by some drug they’ve probably put in her system. She knows that she should be concerned, afraid even. But the numbness is so nice, so she doesn’t fight it. She feels no pain, something that has been so rare in her life.
 She felt pain on Kamino, when the scientists would take samples of her skin and muscle and spinal fluid. She felt pain when she was recovering from her near drowning experience, when her shredded ankle had been stitched back together at the medical centre. She felt pain when the landslide had left her and Tech bruised and battered and bleeding. She felt pain when Wrecker’s chip activated, chasing her through the rust-covered hallways and down into that metal hell.
 But right now? Now there was only fuzzy lights and muted voices. There was the cool, padded material beneath her, not quite the floor, not quite a bed. She is cold, but she can’t say anything. So she waits, feeling herself breathe. She waits, because she can do nothing else.
 She waits…
   Omega blinks, groaning as she comes to. The world is no longer muddled, and the clarity hits her like a slap to the face. Something is nudging her face, soft at first, until she feels the cold shock of metal against her cheek. She starts a bit, rubbing the grit out of her eyes. Smooth white fills her vision, and she shifts her and, reaching out to pet the amphibian she now knows is in front of her. Her hand brushes that cold metal again, and Omega opens her eyes fully.
 Pillow is there, staring at her with his soft, violet eyes. A band of metal is snapped around his snout, keeping him from opening his mouth. Omega gasped, and she tries to reach up and try and remove the restraint. However, she finds that her wrists are bound, the sturdy metal keeping her hands together. She moved them, testing to see how much wiggle room she has. The cuffs aren’t made for children, so they’re looser than they should be, but not loose enough for her to slip out of.
 “Where are we, boy?” She asked, sitting up.
 The room was one that she had seen before, but had never actually been to.
 “I… I dreamed of this place.” She breathed, confusion rippling through her. Was that normal? Was it the Force?
 Pillow crooned, lifting his mouth open as much as he can as he curls around her. She leaned against him, sinking into his soft belly. Her torso is bandaged well, and although her back is definitely still hurting, it’s less than what it has been.
 “Oh Pillow,” She sighed, “we’re really in it this time.”
 He snorts in agreement.
 She sits forward when a door whooshes open. Two troopers step into the room, and she’s only a bit surprised to see Crosshair coming in after them.
 “Finally awake, are you?” Crosshair says, no emotion in his voice. “I’m not surprised you took so long to awaken. Wrecker doesn’t know his own strength, I’m afraid.”
 Omega glowers at him. He’s trying to get under her skin, and she hates that it’s working.
 “That wasn’t his fault. Just like it isn’t your fault that you’re acting like this.” She says, and she means it, even if he is being a jerk right now.
 “Keep believing that. See how far it gets you.” Is his reply.
 “What should we do with her, sir?” One of the trooper asks. Omega jolts back in shock. That is not the voice of a clone. Anything these men do, they’re doing of their own free will.
 “Take her to the examination room. She has enhancements that the Empire is interested in.” Crosshair says. “Careful, though. We don’t know the extent of her abilities.”
 “She doesn’t look that threatening.” The other trooper remarks. Crosshair looks like he wants to shoot the man, but he simply nods towards Omega.
 “Fine. You retrieve her then.” He says, stepping back.
 The trooper does as he’s told, approaching Omega without fear. “Alright kid, up!”
 Omega does not move. Instead, she focuses on the man in front of her. She feels that power form in her palms, feels it ignite in her blood. She opens her hands as much as she can, feeling that invisible grip. She flicks her hand up, sending the trooper up into the air.
 He yelps, a high pitch noise that has her smirking a bit. The power feels easier to control, and for that she is grateful. The trooper still on the ground steps back, either in fear or surprise, while Crosshair just arches his brows.
 “I did warn you, trooper.” He said, looking up at the flailing man.
 “Grrah! Let me GO!” The trooper yells, gripping his blaster. Before Omega can react, he throws it at her, the weapon striking the right side of her face.
 She yips in pain, dropping the man and moving her bound hands up to cover her eye. The trooper radiates anger, but before he can do anything else, Crosshair has struck him on the back of the neck. The blow sends him to the floor, kneeling in pain.
 “We have orders to make sure she recovers, not to harm her more!” He snarls. “She is very important to the future of the Empire, and that means that she is far less expendable than you.”  
 The trooper coughs as he stands, backing away from the intimidating clone. He spins and corners the trooper that was wise enough to stay back.
 “You. Go fetch a first aid kit and an ice pack. I’ll try and fix this mess before the Emperor has our heads.” He hisses, before rounding on his victim once again. “And you. Get out of my sight before I decide your life isn’t worth sparing.”
 The two scramble out of the room, terrified for their lives. Crosshair sneers, before turning to look back at Omega. Tears are coming out of the eye that she isn’t squeezing shut, and she looks unsure as Crosshair approaches.
 “Remove your hands.” He commands, and she listens, too hurt and tired to try anything.
 Her eye is already swelling shut, the skin above her eye split and bleeding. The whole area is becoming red, and he frowns.
 “You’ll need a bit more than ice, maybe stitches…” He mutters, reaching out to examine the wound. Omega looks at him in surprise. Crosshair seems… almost soft in the way he gently brushes aside her hair. For a moment, she thinks she might see a glimmer of light return to his eyes. Is his chip…?
 Without warning, a blur of white smashed against the side of Crosshair’s head. The clone went sprawling, grunting in pain. Omega gasps, just now feeling the rumbling growl that is coming from Pillow.
 “Pillow!” She scolds, looking at the amphibian in shock. “He was trying to help!”
 Pillow merely growled louder, smacking his tail against the floor. He curls tighter around Omega, shielding her with his body. Crosshair had been entirely too close for his liking, especially when he was touching his hurt friend.
 Crosshair got back up, wincing as he rubbed at the side of his head.
 “Can you control that thing?” He hissed, clearly in pain.
 “Not really.” Omega admits sheepishly. “He does what he wants. But if you ask nicely, he might listen.”
 Crosshair glared at her and Pillow, before sighing in resignation.
 “May I please patch her up so her cut doesn’t get infected?” He growls.
 Pillow stares at him in resentment, but slowly releases Omega from his protective hold. Crosshair kneels down, turning his head to look over his shoulder as the trooper he sent away returns with the first aid kit. He takes it, and the trooper backs away when Pillow’s tail raises off the ground again.
   Crosshair, to his credit, makes for a fairly good impromptu medic. He makes sure the cut is cleaned and numbed before he starts to stitch the gash closed. Omega’s tears have dried by the time he’s done plastering a bandage on the wound, and she touches it tentatively when he steps back.
 “There. That should stop any infection from starting.” He said, producing a toothpick from a pocket. Omega smiled at him.
  “Thanks, Crosshair!” She chirps.
 “Whatever.” He said, leaving the room.
 Omega smile dropped. While Crosshair wasn’t lively or very friendly, he had been company. Now, she was alone with Pillow again, and she found herself leaning against him.
 “I know you don’t like him, Pillow, but try not to attack him when he’s trying to help, okay?” She said, rubbing Pillow’s head with her cheek. Pillow honked softly, rubbing against her.
 “Good boy.” She chuckled, closing her eyes.
  The next time the door opens, Crosshair isn’t there. Four troopers are here now, and one of them is holding something. Something that is actually someone.
 It’s a boy, wild eyed and kicking. He looks like he’s only a bit older than her, and his emotions hit her like a solid wall. He is terrified, and she can feel that he has been wounded by a deep loss. The troopers threw him into the room, and he ended up landing near Omega. The room door slammed shut, the troopers leaving without an explanation.
 Omega stared at the boy, unsure of what to do. He panted heavily, his eyes closed as tears streamed down his cheeks. His auburn hair was matted to his skin with sweat. He radiated pain and sadness, and she felt her own heart break as she felt his sorrow. On instinct, she reached out to him, using the Force to connect with him. He startled upon feeling her presence, his sobs hitching in his throat when he turned to look at her.
 His eyes were a bright, vibrant green. They reminded her of a thriving forest. He sniffed, tears spilling down his pale, spotted cheeks. She’d never seen a human with spots before! They reminded her a little of faraway stars.
 “Wh- wha?” He choked, blinking back his tears.
 “Are you okay?” Omega asked, scooting closer to him.
 The boy retreated back into himself. “N-no. No I-I-I’m not.” He sniffed again, looking at her in confusion. “I don- I don’t recognize you. Were you not raised at the temple?”
 “Temple?” She questioned.
 “The Jedi Temple? That’s where most- most padawans are- were raised.” He corrects himself, looking down at the floor.
 “Oh,” She shakes her head, “I’m not a padawan. I’ve never been to any temple either.”
 “You’re not?” The boy raises his head at that. “B-but, you have a really strong Force signature. Everyone I knew who had a Force signature like that was either training to be a Jedi, or already were a Jedi.”
 “I was made to be like this.” Omega explained. “I’m a clone.”
 “Clone?!” He shrieks, scurrying back. “S-s-stay away from me!”
 “Wait! I’m not like the others! I don’t have a chip!” She raises her hands as best she can, trying to show that she wasn’t a threat.
 “Liar!” He snarled, backing up to the other end of the room. “You’ll try to kill me as soon as I take my eyes off you!”
 Omega stared at him, annoyed. She was not a liar! She held up her hands again, pulling at the restraints.
 “I’m not going to do anything, stupid!” She snapped. “I’m a prisoner here, same as you.”
 The boy stared at her, distrust clear in his red-rimmed eyes. She dropped her anger, remembering that he had clearly just been through something traumatizing.
 “I’m sorry.” She sighed. “You’re not stupid. If I was a padawan, I wouldn’t trust a clone either.”
 She gives him her best smile, trying to clear the air. “My name’s Omega. What’s yours?”
 She shivers a bit when she feels him searching her emotions with the Force. She’s done it to others, but it feels strange to have it done to herself. After a minute of quiet, he seems to find whatever he was looking for, and his green eyes soften.
 “Cal.” He croaks, “Cal Kestis.”
 “Cal.” She tried out the name. It rolls off her tongue naturally, and she finds that she likes the way it sounds. “I like it. Cal Kestis, the boy with the starry cheeks.”
 He laughs a bit at that. It’s a watery, broken sound, but it’s a laugh.
 “T-they’re called freckles.” He says, moving back over towards her.
 “I think they look like stars. They’re cute.” She says, turning to look at Pillow. She misses the slight blush that tints Cal’s cheeks. “Right, Pillow?”
 Pillow honks, and Omega nods. “See? Pillow agrees.”
 “Pillow?” Cal questions, looking at the pale animal.
 “He used to be a lot smaller and squishier.” She explains.
 “Hi Pillow.” Cal waves as best he can, and Pillow seems to consider the new arrival for a moment, before rubbing his head against the boy’s face.
 “He likes you!” Omega laughed as Pillow shoved his head under Cal’s arms, demanding skritches. The padawan obliged as best he could, scratching the space between Pillow’s eyes.
 “He’s heavy, but nice.” Cal said softly.
 “Yeah, Pillow is the best.” Omega agreed. She moved to brush a strand of hair out of her face, and winced when she accidentally touched her swollen eye.
 “Hey, is your eye okay? It looks pretty sore.” Cal asked, frowning.
 “It’ll-” She flashed back to her dream. The vision in her right eye was very poor, and there was someone next to her. Another true prediction. “It’ll be fine. I’ve had worse.”
  Suddenly, a low growl sounded out. Omega shot a look at Pillow, but the cuddly creature merely blinked at her. Cal flushed pink again, and this time, Omega did see.
 “Sorry, I think that’s me. I’m pretty hungry.” He admitted.
 At the word “hungry”, Omega’s own stomach made itself known. She frowned and looked at the door.
 “Me too. They haven’t fed us yet.” She sighed. “I hope they don’t refuse to feed us because I used the Force on that trooper.”
 “You did that?” Cal said, a look of awe on his face. “I was too scared to even think about attacking them.”
 “That was probably a smart move. Crosshair might have hurt you if you did.” Omega said.
 “Crosshair?” Cal questioned.
 “He’s an enhanced clone. There was a group of them, and when the order went out, most of theirs didn’t activate. He was the exception, up until a few days ago.” She said.
 “The order?”
 “Nala Se didn’t want me to know, but I overheard her talking about it one day. They sent out an order that activated inhibitor chips that were put inside the heads of every clone. That’s what made them go all… murdery.”
 Cal looked stricken at that, and he touched a wound on the side of his head that Omega hadn’t previously seen. It looked like a blaster burn.
 “They- they didn’t want to betray us?” He asked, his voice broken.
 “No. They’re stuck inside their own heads, they know what they’re doing but they can’t make it stop.” She said sadly, remembering how broken Wrecker had been.
 “We thought… I didn’t know- oh Maker we killed them!” He sobbed, pressing his wrists into his eyes as he started to cry again. His emotions, wild and unfiltered, struck Omega like a spear to the chest, and she shared his guilt and agony.
 She leaned against him, unable to open her arms and offer a hug. He curled into her, sobbing into her shoulder. Even Pillow seemed to be struck by the sudden surge of emotion, and a few tears slipped down his cheek as he curled around the two kids, holding them as they cried for every poor soul that had been lost to that accursed order.
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ironmandeficiency · 4 years
the game
pairing: wrecker / reader
word count: 2007
summary: when the bad batch’s resident loudmouth suddenly begins to tone himself down, his brothers are rightfully suspicious.
request: “ Hiiiii! Could you please write something for Wrecker with him and reader having a bit of a kissy sesh and the others boys walk in on them? Thank you lmao I love ur writing ❣️”
a/n: a bit steamy!!! like idk how this got away from me but i’m sorry if this is too heated, anon!!! i guess i’m just thirsty and my brain went on autopilot. but can you blame me?? it’s wrecker we’re talking about!!
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the havoc marauder touched down onto the base’s landing platform with a gentleness the ship only knew when you were piloting. you had been assigned to work with clone force 99 as their pilot after one too many close calls with other ships (and one ship they absolutely decimated by landing on top of it). said ship was yours, which was all the more uncanny when you received the orders to join them less than an hour later. you were trading a ship for a ship, essentially, with a few crew members included as a bonus gift.
there were days where you doubted whether crosshair could really be considered a gift but that was to be expected; the talking toothpick that mauled its brethren wasn’t exactly a ray of kriffin’ sunshine, you learned that early on. but he was practical and reliable, and him not eviscerating you for using his mug that one time made him okay in your book.
it took varying amounts of time for the team to warm up to you, which didn’t surprise you in the least. wrecker had been the first to grow used to (and appreciate) your presence on their/your ship - turns out your proficient flying was helpful in bringing the weapons specialist a bit more ease about heights. he seemed to open up after that and you were pleasantly surprised at the man he was behind the armor and gung ho attitude.
turns out he really liked animals, and the times he’d try to pet them were some of the only times you’d heard him whisper and move like molasses in the winter. his voice would turn soft and soothing as his hand would nearly obscure a porg from view while petting it, talking to the creature and taking it satisfied mewls as replies. the man nearly cried when he had the opportunity to watch two baby blurrgs hatch, the baby lizards imprinting on him when he was the first creature they had seen with fresh eyes (your heart broke for him when he failed to vouch for the creatures to become their mascots, hunter accompanying him to take them to a nearby village where there was a teary goodbye).
his affection for animals, funny enough, didn’t extend towards bugs. you learned this when he shrieked like an aiwha at a spider with a body barely the size of his thumb nail in the middle of the sleep cycle. everyone else had been too frustrated at him to do something about the arachnid so you had to be the one to trap it and release it outside.
wrecker was interesting alright.
so much so that after several months alongside the bad batch, you found yourself infatuated with the gentle giant in a manner you didn’t expect.
this infatuation led to months of stolen moments in random republic base supply closets (the few that could actually comfortably fit the two of you) and on planets you could only recall by what surface wrecker would press you against while his lips ravished yours. it also paved the way for the creation of a game on your end. wrecker wasn’t the biggest fan of the rules of the game, but he sure as hell did enjoy the reward he got if he won.
the rules were simple: if wrecker was able to refrain from making more than two references to a time he blew something up, to the ever-present desire of his to blow something up, or lament a lack of explosions, you’d give him a reward. now you knew this was difficult for him, not talking about his love for explosions and pyromania, so you played this game sparingly.
plus, the others were getting suspicious. you could tell by the way they had become the ones that brought up occasions for blowin’ shit up and expectant eyes when stealth missions were announced. they’d wait for him to complain about the required silence or make his yearning for fire and destruction known and raise eyebrows when their vod would shrug the words off.
you could tell it was almost cruel, but you were always sure to make his restraint well worth the struggle.
they had just finished another mission, everything going off with, for lack of a better word, a bang. it was strangely quiet within the bad batch’s comms when the outpost they took over had gone up in billowing flames and projectile shards of infrastructure, the inferno being one of epic proportions. but wrecker had remembered that the day before you’d promised him a quite pleasant reward if he played well.
he hoped to the gods that tech had gotten a good shot in his mission footage because it deserved wrecker’s full appreciation that he couldn’t give in the moment. times like this he despised that stupid game, but he had to admit that it made the anticipation that much stronger when he was finally alone with you.
wrecker barely focused on hunter’s post-mission spiel about something or another, favoring a glance at the cockpit where you were chatting with tech. his kih’vod seemed worried about something, which was normal, this was tech. but then his vod pulled up a holovid and you can see your eyes widen in shock and awe. most likely the blast footage from only hours before.
when tech showed you the epic blast that sent mayhem through the seppie troops, you felt guilty for starting the game the previous morning. wrecker would have loved to yell and celebrate a blast like that! there’d never actually been a time that the game went awry up until today, the explosions usually saving themselves for moments that the game wasn’t a deciding factor in your not-sleeping arrangements. this round’s reward would have to make it worth not celebrating the blast, worth more.
the post-mission routine was one you’d been doing for a while, wrecker waiting until his brothers were asleep (or otherwise distracted) before coming into the cockpit with you for some time to just be together. he’d usually remove you from the pilot’s chair, sit himself in it, and pull you onto his lap and hold you. being close to you was something he enjoyed and he would insert himself into your space however he could. it gave way to the best cuddling that you’d ever had the pleasure to experience in your life and a sense of safety like no other.
today, however, wrecker was impatient. the minute he was on board, he wanted nothing more than to barrel his way into the cockpit and show you just how frustrated he was about not celebrating the epic blast. there was a brief protest somewhere in his brain about getting caught by his brothers but wrecker didn’t care. he almost didn’t wait for tech to leave your side and for cross and hunter to disappear into their own parts of the ship before approaching you.
you heard his heavy footfalls reverberate off the durasteel and steeled yourself as the doors whooshed shut. you knew he’d be coming to claim part of his reward, but so soon? this was risky. there was barely time to turn on the ship’s autopilot before wrecker spun the pilot’s chair harshly toward him, pulling you away from the controls.
“do you have any idea what you do to me, cyare?” his voice was teetering back and forth between a growl and a whisper, sending chills through your body. “little gods, it took so much control to keep from shouting at the top of my lungs back there, and for what?” his hands slid between your ass and the chair, lifting you into his arms before plopping himself into the seat you formerly occupied. he maneuvered your legs to straddle him, keeping one of them on your ass and moving the other to the back of your neck.
this was a side to wrecker you’d never seen before, and holy karking hells you were loving it.
you brought your hands to either side of his face, thumb gently stroking the scar tissue near his cybernetic eye the way you know he enjoys. he was hungry, starving, and you weren’t one to deprive a man in need. your forehead pressed against his, eyes locking.
“i’ll show you what for,” you slammed your lips into his and ground yourself against his codpiece, the hand on your ass gripping hard in response. this was heaven, you were sure of it. wrecker’s muscles were tensing and relaxing under you and you could feel every bit of it.
he slid his hands to your hips and guided your movements, relinquishing control of the kiss as he moved your pliant body against him. the pace was rough and you both were capturing moans on your lips with no real effort put behind trying to contain them.
hunter’s nose wrinkled in response to the echoes of something familiar. for weeks he’s been trying to pinpoint the source of a scent he was unfamiliar with, only being able to catch its lingering presence. but now, it was hitting him full force and it was strong. setting down the blade he’d been sharpening, he emerged from the bunks and it only got stronger from there.
“is everything alright?” tech wasn’t looking up from whatever project had captured his attention, presumably seeing the twisted look on hunter’s face from the reflection of the shiny durasteel he was welding to whatever.
hunter shook his head. he’d questioned their youngest vod about possible sources of the scent and he’d had the same luck as him with discovering the source, also known as none. before hunter could bring up the elusive smell that confounded his nose, he was cut off by a noise from the cockpit.
why was the door shut? you normally left it open because the intercom system was terrible and you preferred shouting over the incessant crackling.
tech seemed to notice this abnormality as well, presumably having the same thoughts about why it was so strange.
“should we-”
“yeah, let’s check.”
both men make their way to the doors to the cockpit and hunter’s head is swimming. that damned scent was taking over his mind and it took him a few seconds before he could activate the door controls.
the whooshing of the doors carried the scent, now full-force, straight into the sargent and all but turned his brain into goop. then his eyes registered what exactly was happening in front of him. tech’s shocked/offended gasp wasn’t enough to snap you and wrecker out of your reverie, which would have been far more amusing if the mix of yours and wrecker’s pheromones wasn’t making his insides into soup.
crosshair had ventured up front to see what had tech so flustered, the sniper nearly choking on his toothpick at the sight of their pilot grinding on wrecker’s lap. the choking was what brought the two of you out of the hazy cloud of lust that permeated through the cockpit.
no one said anything for a long moment. what was there to say, really?
“don’t snap ‘em in half, wreck. i’ve gotten too used to not crashing in this damned thing.” crosshair turned and left the doorway. that was the closest crosshair has ever come to complimenting you, and you would have been a bit more focused on the achievement if wrecker wasn’t under you.
hunter snickered at the comment and had to hide his laughter at the fact that despite being walked in on, neither of you removed yourselves from the other’s hold. you had the decency to stop kissing now that you knew that you were found out, thank the maker.
should hunter feel bad for the strong urge he has to forget this ever happened? eh, cody’s probably got that visor on his gear to block out the bullshit his jedi gets up to, so no. hunter doesn’t feel bad about forgetting this and doesn’t think he could.
“just don’t crash the ship or leave a mess, that’s all i ask.”
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neon-junkie · 4 years
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😈 [f] [Hunter/Reader] Breakin’ a Sweat  -  Hunter’s enhanced senses have been kicked up into over-drive as you come back from a session at the gym. Your post-workout shower can wait, as your Sergeant seems rather irritated at your natural scent. Word count: 2,399 Tags: Scent kink, First time, Dom/Sub, Face sitting, Oral, Dirty talk, Knife play, Teasing.
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😈😡🥺[f] [Hunter/Reader] Through Durasteel Walls  -  Like most other women, you spend your free time doing normal things, such as scrolling through the holonet, napping, tidying, and using your vibrator. As quiet as it may be, your moans certainly aren't, and a certain Sergeant catches on to how often you call his name, almost every single night. It won't be long until he finally breaks, but will things pan out like they usually do in your fantasies? Word count: 7598 Tags: Slow burn, Mutual Pining, Mutual masturbation, Sex toys, Jealousy, Dirty talk, Angst, First kiss, first time, Drinking, Spooning, Cuddlefucking. Read on AO3 Read on Tumblr
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😈😡🥺💕⭐[f] [The Batch/Reader] In the Heat of the Moment -  "Less than ten percent of domesticated species go into heats," accord to Tech and his research, and (un)fortunately, you're one of that 10 percent. What else are you meant to do? Trapped during a heat cycle with five men - five willing men who are happy to help relieve you, but not all have the confidence to say so. Wound count: N/A (ongoing) Tags: Friends to lovers, Mating, Heat cycles, Non-human reader, Slow burn, Jealousy, Pining, Smut, Scent kink, Sex pollen, Slightly A/B/O. Read on AO3 Read on Tumblr
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😈🥺[f] [Hunter/Reader] Hunted  - You're eager to learn a thing or two off Hunter, and despite his dad jokes and flirting, he's an excellent teacher. That is, until he puts you in your place by hunting you down, and enjoying a mutual reward. Word count: 5.6k Tags: Pred/Prey, Training, First time, Love confessions, Mutual pining, Flirting, Vaginal sex, Oral sex, Outdoor sex, Pet names, Dirty talk, Read on AO3 Read on Tumblr
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💀🥺[gn] [Echo/Reader] Joint Relief -  When Echo's pain crosses the line of uncomfortable to unbearable, he seeks help by using a special herb. Tonight, you share the burden with him, and Echo has a trick up his sleeve to finally bridge the gap between you two. Word count: 2.1k Tags: Drug use, Marijuana, Chronic pain, Trauma, Friends to lovers, First kiss, Shotgunning, Flirting, Open ending. Read on AO3 Read on Tumblr
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🥺💀 [gn] [Wrecker/Reader] Leaf Juice -  If you're going to be ill, then you can at least be ill in a comfortable setting - Wrecker is here to help! Word count: 1005 Tags: Ill reader, Fluff, Comfort, Tea, Blanket fort, Can be read as romantic or platonic. Read on AO3 Read on Tumblr
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😈 [f] [The Batch/Reader] Thieves -  It all started when you noticed your panties going missing from your laundry. The Batch have never had a woman on board before, nor has one moved in with them. They can't help but get a little bit curious about the- Over time, you become aware of their pantie stealing shenanigans, and slowly begin riling them up over their bold and somewhat embarrassing bad habit. But the Batch can only go on for so long before they finally snap, and get their revenge for your prolonged flirting. Word count: N/A (ongoing fic) Tags: Sixsome, Gangbang, Pantie kink, Flirting, Teasing, Drinking, Unfinished work. Read on AO3 Read on Tumblr
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😈 [f] [Tech/Reader/Hunter] Heightened Senses -  You and Tech have been secretly mingling for weeks, and you decide to try something risky by fucking late at night in the Marauder’s cockpit. However, Hunter can’t sleep due to sensing your interaction, and for some reason, he decides to investigate… Word count: 3419 Tags: Threesome, Spitroast, Butt plugs, Blowjobs, Semi-public sex, Dom/Sub, Praise kink, Dirty talking, Creampie. Read on AO3 Read on Tumblr
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