#writer Aziraphale
Hi!!! Do you have any fics where aziraphale is famous and crowley's just a "nobody"? preferably without explicit scenes, please :)) thank you so so much <3<3
Hello! We have a #famous aziraphale tag. Here are some fics in which Aziraphale is famous and Crowley is not. I could only find a couple of non-explicit fics, I'm afraid, but I'm pretty sure the smut is minimal/skippable in most of these...
First Thing In The Morning by FeralTuxedo (E)
Aziraphale Fell, erstwhile nerd, now successful fantasy author, is signing books at this year’s Heaven and Earth convention when he spots a red-headed man in the crowd. Someone he hasn’t quite been able to forget since his school days. And as luck would have it, Anthony Crowley, former troublemaker, now responsible adult, seems keen to reconnect.
Pride Month and Prejudice by TawnyOwl95 (E)
They say that you should never meet your celebrity crush. Especially when you know what an absolute bastard he is. So, of course, Anthony J. Crowley's participation in a queer adaptation of Pride and Prejudice for Pride Month has nothing to do with the involvement of A-lister A.Z. Fell. Crowley is only doing it so he has some gossip for his column. He didn't mean to get cast as Lizzy Bennet, he certainly didn't mean to be acting opposite Fell's Mr Darcy. And to make matters worse, Fell keeps staring at him...
Veni Vino Vegas (I Came, I Got Drunk, I Got Married) by A_N_D (T)
After a whirlwind drunken evening, author Az Fell came home from Rom-Con without his heirloom pinkie ring – but with a wedding license from a 24-hour Las Vegas chapel. Elsewhere, book fan Tony Crowley woke up with a hangover, vague memories, and a brand new ring he’s only seen in author photos. Mutually attracted, mutually terrified the other one thinks it was all a regrettable mistake, they turn to their dear but anonymous online friend to vent and ask for advice. …Maybe they should tell each other their screennames someday.
and now all of my garden is grown in lavender by ilikeblue (E)
Popular queer romance author, A.Z. Fell, has been lying about having a husband and a happy marriage for years. Longing to escape a string of failed relationships and looking for a fresh start, Aziraphale moves into the cottage left to him by his Great Aunt Agnes. When a TV adaptation of one of his books leads to sudden popularity and throws him into the limelight, his fans (and the press) are eager to catch a glimpse of Aziraphale's own mysterious leading man. Unfortunately, he still has to cast someone for that role. Enter the handsome gardener… Under Crowley's meticulous care the cottage's neglected garden slowly comes back to life, and Aziraphale finds himself writing the most important love story he'll ever write: his own
Once upon a time by elf_on_the_shelf (E)
‘Hello, my dear.’ Crowley bit his lip for a couple of seconds before he took a deep breath and just went with it. ‘Would you like to go for a coffee sometime?’ There was silence at the other end. Oh shit. ‘That was my friend messing around with my phone…?’ ‘You do realise that only works over text.’ ‘Myeah.’ Why was he like this? He had wanted to kill Bea for doing the same thing and yet here he was, doing the thing. At Bea’s behest, mind you. ‘I would love to go for coffee. Oh, and cake!’ Aziraphale is a very rich and successful writer. Crowley is at the worst possible moment of his life - living off Bee's couch and posting his mum's fairy tales on some random sites only to be ignored by everyone except one random person simply called A. This is a story about how both of our main protagonists get over the ghosts of their pasts, learn to work together and maybe - just maybe - fall in love in the process. Not to mention that all of the characters that we love (hate - looking at you, Gabe) make an appearance.
The Infernal Bodyguard by Santillatron (M)
Alistair Zira Fell is a popular author. Loved by everyone he meets. Well, almost everyone. Someone is trying to hurt him, and right now, he needs a bodyguard. Anthony J. Crowley is the best, although he doesn't work with celebrities. He has three rules. He never gets too close, never stays once the job is done, and Never Gets Involved. But this isn't a thriller. This, is a love story.
- Mod D
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darlsbardlife · 3 months
Everything’s coming up hauntings 🖤 🐍
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halfbakedideas · 4 months
what if, as well as collecting all their books, aziraphale also starts writing some.
a couple hundred years down the line, some historians are Baffled. because the earliest books by an ‘a.z. fell’ are from more than two hundred years ago but the most recent one was published last year.
but there’s also photos of a bookshop called ‘a.z. fell & co’.
because writing & publishing books consistently/continually for over two hundred years is a dead giveaway to one’s immortality.
is this anything or nah?
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feraltuxedo · 2 years
Criminal Pursuits
My 1930's kidnapping AU is now complete! You can expect much silliness, some smut, and a hint of mystery.
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Criminal Pursuits by FeralTuxedo E, 19219 words. Summary: 1931. When professional scoundrel Crowley is tasked with the kidnapping of author and rich kid Aziraphale Fell, it appears to be a job like any other. His victim's enthusiasm to be kidnapped comes as a bit of a surprise.
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extraaa-30 · 7 months
wait... so s1 says angels don't dance, except for aziraphale, who learned the gavotte in the late 1880s
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but then we learn in s2 that aziraphale did at least one other dance earlier !
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so what i'm wondering is,, how did it even start? like did aziraphale go "gosh I'm really sorry fr 🥺😬 allow me to prove it with this incredibly human ritual no angel has ever tried before"? or did crowley go "oh, how to make me feel better you ask? do a little dance go on 😈🐍🥰"?
anyway the point is crowley canonically got to see aziraphale dance for that very first time !
1650: the first time an angel ever danced, and it was to apologize for some silly dumbfuckery so his demon spouse would drop the pout & join him for lunch
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unstablefrog1 · 1 year
It feels appropriate
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livana17 · 1 year
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Some things never change
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ineedhjalp · 1 month
*cradles fictional character’s face in my hands* *gently kisses their forehead* i’m going to make you wish you were never born
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fearandhatred · 11 months
i love how neil said crowley calling aziraphale "angel" isn't actually that endearing because it's like someone calling us "human". and we all collectively decided to completely ignore that
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aziraphales-library · 4 months
Hello there! Happy Spring! I’ve spent almost the last year working on a Good Omens AU and was hoping to share it here. I also wanted to shout about how wonderful the readers have been. This fandom is amazing. Thanks for what you do to keep everyone informed of the great stories out there.
The fic is finally complete. It’s a fake marriage fic with Aziraphale as a romance author and Crowley as his gardener. Crowley is demisexual.
Congratulations! I do hope you are proud of yourself!
and now all of my garden is grown in lavender by ilikeblue for the_moonmoth [Rated E, 72K words]
Popular queer romance author, A.Z. Fell, has been lying about having a husband and a happy marriage for years. Longing to escape a string of failed relationships and looking for a fresh start, Aziraphale moves into the cottage left to him by his Great Aunt Agnes. When a TV adaptation of one of his books leads to sudden popularity and throws him into the limelight, his fans (and the press) are eager to catch a glimpse of Aziraphale's own mysterious leading man. Unfortunately, he still has to cast someone for that role. Enter the handsome gardener…
Under Crowley's meticulous care the cottage's neglected garden slowly comes back to life, and Aziraphale finds himself writing the most important love story he'll ever write: his own
-Mod AB
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catabasis · 7 months
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He sees you, and he likes what he sees.
Demonology and the Tri-Phasic Model of Trauma: An Integrative Approach by Nnm
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gleafer · 4 months
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On my Patreon, I illustrate prompts with quick descriptions for writers and artists to run with!
Here’s The Duel! After the huge success of the bullet catch, Aziraphale gets the stage bug and takes his show on the road, leaving behind a very perturbed, lonely demon.
So he hatches a plot to squash this bug!
You can find what the brilliant writers have come up with here (did I mention I am over the moon that this exists???)
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doraminatook · 11 days
So, uh, BBC Studios and Amazon Prime Studios, do you need a script for Good Omens Season 3?
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I have episodes 1-4 done. Just saying. Throwing it out there.
Read it HERE
Yes, I know it's an impossible dream. But shoot your shot. They probably already have a script. Don't come for me.
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ilomilodailystuff · 3 months
Okay. I see the fandom panicking and even starting to destroy itself...
For the ones who still love GO and would continue to love it as they always did but is judged because of ONE☝️ person's actions that might or might not be true, know you're safe here and I wouldn't judge you for loving GO despite Neil's accusations.
Because you gotta keep in mind that this show AND book are also Terry's. And you have to keep in mind that Neil wasn't alone in that project. Think about all the people that worked on the show, whether it's the crew or the actors. They're absolutely innocent, so why would you spit on their work as if they were guilty too ? Of course none of them would support Neil's actions if it's true, that doesn't mean we have to throw every poster or book or drawing or delete every fanfic or even stop writing fanfic because of this as if everyone were in the same boat.
These accusations are about Neil and Neil only and I would find it kinda sad that this story would be thrown away despite Terry had worked on it too, despite it also was in his memory. Ofc, if it's true, it's obvious Terry wouldn't be okay with it either but does that mean a story fully achieved and their characters have to be condemned with Gaiman ? Mostly when now, a lot of illustrators, writers and animators made it their own ? Mostly when it somehow saved many people's lives ? Mostly when this book or show had made people laugh and cry ?
This fandom is stronger than that.
Let's not mix everything.
Would you find it appropriate to talk about GO to the victims ? Obviously, no. For the sole reason that it's not. the same. thing. We have to put things back in their places. GO is GO, harassment and s*xual aggression are what they are. And it would be incredibly disrespectful to mix both.
So, my point is. Don't be ashamed to love GO despite what's happening. Don't feel guilty for supporting a show while you don't support the author. Don't let the fandom die because of one person's actions when there's so many people who worked on it almost just as much. I understand you're upset, I understand you'd think it might be hypocritical to love a show with the creator being accused of horrible things. But make the difference.
And I can assure you, if Neil is not guilty (and if he is, I hope the victims will get justice and Neil will have what he deserves) I'm pretty sure that he's not thinking about Good Omens at all right now, but just thinking about sorting this out and clearing his name as every innocent person would need to do so.
So, whether the truth is hurtful or a relief, let's keep the GO fandom going. For if it's hurtful, we will make Terry's story alive for his and many people's sake, and if it's a relief, we would have been doing things right by not jumping into conclusions.
Either way, you're welcome here and you're safe with me. Keep loving. Spread some joy. Don't let Neil's possible actions stain a wonderful story that is not only his own ❤️
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mi1kbomb · 1 year
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Ummmmm vavoom heres a fem aziracrow doodle ! Based off of mr gaiman's post here ! Tbh i just wanted to draw crowley with audrey hepburn hair sssssoooooooo yeah....
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Drive Me To The Moon
Chapter 9/10 "Whatever May Come" by @captainblou
...this is just the beginning. Their beginning.
The DMTTM collection (fanfiction + art)
Ko-Fi - Ao3 - Masterpost
@goodomensafterdark ;
@floscrap-blog ; @demonsandpieohmy ; @amagnificentobsession ; @captainblou
@ineffable-hyperfixation ;
@fearandhatred ; @eybefioro ; @crowleys-bentley-and-plants ;  @ashfae ; @malohkeh-main ;
@quoththemaiden ;  @paperclipninja ;  @silverdphantom ; @neverlet
@mad-aims ;  @daisydimple20092 ;  @seraphhiim ;
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