#writing the summary for this while trying not to spoil the mystery bits was a Pain lmao
kordyceps · 4 months
OK I mean obviously I'm reading your steter stuff on AO3 but I'd love to know if you have an all time favourite? Either your fave of your own work, or fave of another author's that you rec/reread/still think about a million years later (or both lol)
Oh man, okay, sorry for taking so long to reply to this ask! But it's such a good one and I unfortunately have the memory of a gold fish, so I needed to do Research™ (aka reread all my favs again lmao) so I could answer it properly. 😂
I only have one Steter fic of my own atm, so I guess that's my de facto personal fav for now…
But as for other folks' work, god, there are sooooo many great Steter fics out there!! So these are just a handful of my top favs, and definitely not a comprehensive list!
Five Times Peter and Stiles Troll the Pack by taylorpotato Rating: M | 2.5k | requires an AO3 account to read Stiles and Peter yell at each other in Polish, misleading the pack into think they're fighting, when in reality it's all just like completely fuckin' filthy dirty talk lmao. Short, but very funny, and such a perfect capture of their mischievous dynamic. 10/10, would recommend!
The Devil You Know by Twisted_Mind Rating: E | 11.6k Peter is there for Stiles when no one else is, and uses that to slowly manipulate his way into earning Stiles' explicit trust. And ooooh boy, is it so delicious and spicy. God damn! Cards on the table: this fic definitely won't be for everyone since it wades into some darker waters. But oh my god do I love love LOVE Peter's characterization in it. God, I feel like I could write a whole damn essay about this fic, but then I'd just end up spoiling the whole thing LOL. Just--if you like darker, manipulative Peter and enjoy your sweetness just a wee bit twisted, then 10/10 would recommend!
The Prince and the Pease by luulapants Rating: E | 47k | requires an AO3 account to read Medieval/Royalty AU where Peter is forced to cede his claim to the throne and become a "guest" of King Deucalion's as part of a peace treaty between the two kingdoms. Stiles, who is suspiciously far too mouthy for your average servant, is gifted to Peter as a bedwarmer. This one does such an incredible, masterful job at translating the characters into its setting and time period. The sass, the wit, the wordplay! You can definitely tell the author knows their shit, and my god is it fantastic. The plot itself is also so satisfying -- lots of great ups and downs, and, ugh, just so good! (Be sure to read p2 for the full ending btw!) Needless to say, 10/10, would recommend!
Keeping him (It's all about intent) by sittinginmytincan Rating: M (& E for oneshot sequel) | 121k Stiles winds up slingshotted into his own future, where it turns out he's married to Peter Hale of all people. His only way back is with Lydia's help, but she's gone mysteriously missing somewhere on the east coast while investigating some strange disappearances. Man, this fic….. I feel like the writer for this one must have received a checklist of things I'm into and decided to mark nearly every single one of them lol. Time travel, woke up married, magical theory, an enthralling af plotline -- and it's so thorough. Like, everything is so incredibly well thought out, the characterization is on point, and the development of Stiles and Peter's relationship is just chef kiss. Definitely 10/10, would recommend!
The Striking Complication by aurevell Rating: T | 118k I don't even want to write a summary up for this one because the mystery of it all and peeling back what's happening piece by piece is, imo, the best way to experience it. This story is intense as fuck, near relentlessly oppressive, and impossible to put down. It keeps you constantly at the edge of your seat as you try to figure out what is going on and how Peter and Stiles will survive it, with these heart-wrenchingly sweet breather moments sprinkled throughout. If you enjoy time loop stories, this one is an absolute must read! 10/10, would recommend!
build-a-beau by veterization Rating: E | 41.5k Tired of his dad always worrying about him being single, Stiles decides to pay for a fake boyfriend service so he can finally get his pops off his back about it. It goes about as well as one can expect a fake texting boyfriend you accidentally catch real feelings for can go lmao. This fic is wonderfully witty, with really fantastic banter between the two of them, and it's just so very fun getting to watch the pretend part of their exchanges slip more and more into something genuine. 10/10, would recommend!
Under the Songbird's Wing by mia6363 Raing: E | 87k Stiles is captured and held in captivity alongside Peter, Deucalion, and Satomi Ito. To survive, Stiles runs through lacrosse drills and tells stories, eventually persuading his fellow cellmates out of their shells and establishing a profound, unbreakable bond between them. This one is HEAVY, folks. Like, heavy heavy. But, god, it's also such a beautiful exploration of the characters and the bonds they develop through shared captivity. I don't even know what more to say, really, it's just haunting and lovely and awful and wonderful all at once. In the mood for something that hurts? Then 10/10, would recommend!
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mareastrorum · 11 months
The Fool and the Soldier: Chapter Commentary
Chapter 1: Death & _______
On off weeks, I’ll be posting some commentary on the prior week’s chapter. Since this is a longfic, I expect that it will be helpful for keeping track of stuff, plus I might mention something you missed. Of course, this will include spoilers, so continue with that in mind.
These aren’t meant to be comprehensive! There is so much more going on that I’m not saying. Feel free to ask questions too, either in replies or asks. If it’s too spoilery, I’ll let you know. I’ll add them to the body at the bottom as I receive them.
See the directory for other meta posts.
Chapter 1
Oh boy, there is so much meta purpose to this chapter. It’s an introduction to many elements of the writing itself (story structure, plot structure, types of scenes, switching POV, formatting purposes, etc.) and also has to set the narrative foundation as to why Molly survived the ambush on Glory Run Road.
I’ll say flat out: I am laying out a lot of clues throughout the story so the reader has the chance to figure out key plot points before they happen. I enjoy a good mystery, and that’s part of what I wanted to provide here. There are reasons for every scene. I’m adding symbolism, motifs, themes, and even specific words in certain points to clue the reader that something’s up. It might take a while to recognize the Pattern, but it’s there.
Chapter Title: Death & _______
The chapter title comes from one of the oracle cards that Molly had in his deck at the time that he died in canon. The side opposite from Death had been empty. It wasn’t until Episode 98 that Jester added Dawn to the card.
The reason I picked that particular card for this chapter was the juxtaposition of lots of death (all slavers) and the fact that Molly lived. There’s this blank for his future when he was supposed to die, and now he gets to fill it with something!
As you may have guessed, there’s a reason for the story title, but that will be discussed later. :)
Opening Scene & Bounty
There is so much plot stuff in these two scenes that I can’t point out much of anything without spoiling. But, as will be the case in many, many scenes, the dates are relevant.
The Ambush
Molly has a +0 to Performance. He is totally average at presentations. Would he admit that? Absolutely not, he’s an arrogant little shit.
In canon, Lorenzo’s killing blow had been twisting the glaive to fuck Molly up, so here, he instead withdrew the glaive and took the gamble whether Molly would live. The Periapt of Wound Closure was what guaranteed Molly’s survival at that point.
Glory Run Road
Some of the dialogue was lifted straight from the transcript because it will be significant to the story later on. I didn’t want to skip such a foundational scene even if part of it was unchanged.
I chose Nott’s POV for this because she was the one who was ambivalent: she wanted to rescue the Nein AND wanted to give up out of fear. Now that the stakes were higher, she gave a lot of insight to both perspectives.
There’s also the aspect that, in canon, Nott had plenty of gold to pay for help at the Sour Nest, but she never volunteered it. She’s still greedy! She still has priorities! And now with the possibility that Molly survived, that gives Caleb (who is more ruthless than the others) reason to try seeking out the Tombtakers in Shadycreek Run since Cree mentioned that is where they started.
Shadycreek Run
This was the first scene I wrote for chapter 1, way back in early November 2022. The way the scene plays out is mostly the same, but the dialogue shifted a bit over time, and I added more to the introduction.
The song is “The Rising of the Moon,” which is an Irish war ballad about the Irish Rebellion of 1798. I’m not a historian, so no summary I can write would do justice to the significance of the rebellion itself, but I highly recommend reading about it. However, the song is about a guerrilla army waiting for a signal to launch an attack against invaders. Since Lucien’s accent in the stream was Irish, and Shadycreek Run was a town to the north of an Empire that repeatedly attempted to subjugate the place, I felt this was the type of song that would be popular in the Run. The phrase “rising of the moon” is used in Irish poetry to refer to rebellion.
Shadycreek Run is going to feature a lot in this story, in ways the reader might not expect. A lot of stuff is going to haunt the narrative.
As awkward as Caleb is early in the campaign, in this partial party full of low-charisma folk, he is the face. A meeting with him and Otis was so fun to come up with. Otis also gives a lot of important exposition that is going to come back later.
Dream: Goldie
“Do you love an apple?” is an Irish folk song from the late 1800s. The original lyric was “Do you love a laddie with curly brown hair?” but I changed that to “bonnie long” to maintain the rhythm and make it more apt to Shadycreek, which doesn’t have a specific racial or ethnic foundation. The town was founded after the corruption of the Savalirwood, and only about half are human, so I don’t think there would be a stereotypical phenotype, even if it has a distinct culture.
This was the first dream that I drafted. Dreams are going to be a big thing in this fanfic, so the primary meta purpose was to acclimate the reader to what those dreams will be like. First, there’s a different dinkus (which is a real term, I swear) to start off this scene, ⁂: an asterism instead of a set of three asterisks (* * *). Second, there’s suddenly a poem/song, not as dialogue, but still perceived by the narrator. Third, it is Molly’s POV, but very definitely Not Molly in the scene. The fun question is whether all three of those will always happen in each dream. There are a few other things that happen in this dream that will be common among other dreams, but those patterns will emerge over time.
It should be pretty obvious to anyone with a cursory familiarity with Campaign 2, but this dream is the first time that Cree and Lucien met as children in Shadycreek Run. It gives a sneak peak to the backstory that I developed for Lucien in this AU (which will be its own meta post down the line). Notably, child Lucien speaks another language (Irish/Gaeilge) and his accent is visibly thick—something that will come up a few times later on. Since I can’t make the reader hear his way of speaking, I made it visible.
There’s a few points in this dream that will come up again either as themes or motifs. It will be worth revisiting later.
Molly and Lorenzo
This scene was originally much shorter, featured Wohn instead of Lorenzo, and didn’t end quite as viciously. The first point of this scene was to make clear that the prior scene was a dream. Secondly, I realized that without killing Molly, that lessened the impact of Lorenzo’s villainy, and in turn, that lessens the tension, disdain, and catharsis. So I switched it to Lorenzo and made him worse. Third, I needed to dive in a bit into Molly’s perspective of the situation because fight scenes are terrible vehicles for that, and there won’t be another scene in Molly’s POV this chapter.
What did Molly focus on? His situation is pretty fucked, but once he collected his thoughts and realized where he was, his first thoughts were of the others and what he could do to help them. That said, he doesn’t have anything that could break him out, but the others do. Note that he thinks everyone was captured because he was captured—he definitely wouldn’t get caught all by himself, nuh uh!
This second scene also gives more insight into Molly’s way of thinking. He does not like carrying blame or guilt, so his default cope is revisionist: that couldn’t have been what he did/said/thought, that’d be ridiculous. But he can’t just undo a thought that already happened, so visually, we see him cross it out and rationalize it away. I thought this was a fun way of demonstrating Molly’s inclination for denial as a coping mechanism (“I’m not panicking” from the first meeting with Cree; drinking and having a silent breakdown in Alfield after his first Rite of the Dawn). Not every character’s quirks are dealt with through formatting (compare to Nott, who copes via projection, drinking in excess, etc.), but since Molly is going to feature heavily, even when he’s not the main character of a particular arc, it seemed appropriate to add a unique visual to his POV scenes.
Another thing I wanted to highlight is that while Molly likes having a battle plan, he’s not the best strategist. His conclusions that they could have gotten the Shepherds to surrender and that the Nein could fight their way out of a dungeon after all getting beat to hell are both rather delusional. While he would probably realize that on his own, he’s also concussed and lacks enough information to realize that, so the point is to show that he’s inclined towards optimism/arrogance: the best result would be that they worked together to break out, so here’s how it could work even though he doesn’t have a reason to think there are enough factors in their favor. “That’s where Caleb would come in. He’d figure it out.” That keeps the despair of helplessness at bay, but it also provides a wholly irrational justification for taking Lorenzo’s attention off of Yasha and the others. The reality is that there’s no reason to think doing this would actually help the Nein outside of that narrow circumstance, but thinking that way would be cynical (read: realistic) and would imply that Molly can’t do anything to change the situation, so he never even goes down that line of thinking.
And that results in Molly being sacrificial with good intentions, with a strange flavor of selfishness mixed in. He’d rather get beaten to shit than feel helpless, which ends up backfiring because Lorenzo catches on to how much that would hurt someone else: Yasha. This provides fuel for an arc that we never really got to explore with Molly because he died. Yes, he was courageously willing to sacrifice of himself to help others, but going that far had a profoundly negative effect on the rest of the Nein, especially Yasha. (She wasn’t that quiet/timid until she blamed herself for his death.) It also turns out that him dying was very much a bad thing in canon because then Lucien came back rather easily and began doing the Somnovem’s bidding unhindered. This time, we get to explore both!
Monster Baiting
Caleb’s intro scene is a microcosm of his current place in his character arc. It doesn’t feature him doing all that much because I wanted to match his self-perception that he feels like he’s just stumbling around in the dark while everyone else is pulling him along. He has a far off goal, isn’t sure how he’s going to get there, has people to help him and whom he wants to help, and he’s making dubious allies along the way. What keeps him from spiraling into unproductive naval-gazing is that he has to keep moving for someone else’s sake; he hasn’t yet built the resolve to pursue his own goals except incidentally.
All that said, he’s still haunted by his past. It’s easy for him to slip into dark and judgmental thoughts, especially of people he doesn’t know. Thus, he has constant doubts about Otis even though Otis is clearly loyal enough to Lucien to be willing to work with strangers and risk their own life without any actual proof that Lucien will be at the Sour Nest. That sort of loyalty is dangerously close to what Caleb was like as a Scourger. He does not like it.
In the end, Caleb’s still willing to sacrifice others for those he cares about: he doesn’t care that Otis risks their own life as long as it will help the Nein achieve their rescue. He doesn’t worship the gods either, but he still makes a plea to the Arch Heart on his friends’ behalf. Caleb’s way of caring for people at this point is very pragmatic—it’s less about affection and more about providing practical assistance. We’ll see that change over time, of course!
The Wolf-King Arrives
Caduceus’s POV was very challenging to write because the first several episodes have him slipping into the background for the most part. He goes along for the ride because that’s what he’s used to. He’s the homebody, the one that supports the others when they need it and tends the garden when they don’t. It took a very long time in canon for him to tell the Nein what was happening in his home and that he had a quest to pursue.
Thus, I took the avenue that he’s going to be passive. It was the Wildmother that told him to go with the Nein. It was the Nein that decided where to go from the grove. It was Nott (relaying Caleb’s advice) who decided what they should do when the Wolf-King arrived.
While Caduceus is still shocked by the turn of events, he also isn’t easily overwhelmed. His initial panic fades quickly once Nott suggests a plan. He’s familiar with the Savalirwood, and his family would have had many stories about their adventures. Death isn’t frightening. Violence isn’t frightening. The result is that Caduceus isn’t courageous here. You can’t be brave if you’re not scared. He found a way to frame his situation so that it wasn’t terrifying, and he’s a competent cleric—he’s definitely fended off beasts of the Savalirwood before, so he’ll do it again.
That said, we’re going to see him dealing with unfamiliar schema later anyway.
It Happened Again
SORRY, YASHA. She wasn’t going to spiral into blaming herself for Molly’s death this go around, but if Molly was going to face how his sacrificial tendencies hurt others, it needed to be her. He’s fond of the others, but he is attached to Yasha, and vice versa.
I also wanted to introduce some basic elements of Yasha’s origins comic for readers that may not have seen it. The result was a mostly introspective scene that shows exactly why Molly’s canon death had been so traumatic for Yasha: Zuala died in a similarly risky way, for the sake of her relationship with Yasha, and Yasha could have done more to prevent it. Yasha had only just begun to heal properly when Molly’s death ripped those wounds open.
In this scene, Yasha tried numerous ways to help Molly, but cruelty was the point; Lorenzo was never going to be persuaded to leave Molly alone. Yasha wasn’t strong enough to deal with the situation by herself either. We’re going to come back to those issues several times with both of them.
The Courtyard
Fuckboi Beau is hilarious and there was no way I wasn’t going to include that, even if it’s only a few sentences.
Unfortunately, both of Beau’s POV scenes are fight scenes, which didn’t give much opportunity to get deep into her perspective. That said, I tried to work in how her combat inclinations reflect the aspects of her personality that she hides behind her walls: she’s very willing to cooperate with people on her side in a fight, constantly looking for more information, often concerned about others, and wants to earn others’ approval. Once the fight ends, she’s very observant and doesn’t spend much time naval-gazing; it isn’t the time for it because they have work to do. She does note when people act strangely—Nott volunteering to look for Nila’s son—but her focus is on dealing with immediate threats.
Infiltrating the Sour Nest
I had to work in a small bit with Nott and Otis. Veth’s irrational hatred of Otis was hilarious in canon, so I wanted to replicate it here, even when Otis is being helpful and supportive (in the most creepy, unhinged way possible).
Shakäste cast Guidance on Nott through Anastasia when the hummingbird landed on Nott's hood. Caleb didn't make use of that feature of Find Familiar very much, but Caleb had few spells with a range of Touch.
Nila’s family was also a good way to introduce another aspect of Nott’s character arc: how she views herself and her family. In her origins comic, Nott’s perspective was that Veth had died and Nott came afterwards. At one point, she was in denial that she is Veth. In canon, she also oscillated back and forth whether she was going to turn back into Veth or if she was going to be replaced by Veth. She truly didn’t understand what the hag had done to her! She has so many messy emotions and thoughts on her situation, so it’s going to be intriguing (and sad) to explore that.
The Iron Shepherds
I chose Cad for this POV because he isn’t familiar with anyone’s tactics and he’s very perceptive, so he would notice quite a lot. That gave a solid reason for this scene to be fairly detailed. Not every fight scene in the story will be like this, but it felt like a good show for how I plan out the fights: I get all the sheets together and actually roll everything out. Not everything gets described, but it turned out to be a good way to ensure everyone gets a chance to shine, and it forces me to get creative with certain abilities (especially Caleb’s spells).
My only pre-planned attack was that Nila was going to definitely fry someone with lightning. Problem: Lorenzo is smart and does not like getting fried. Oops.
The Dungeon
The meta purpose of this scene was to introduce that I am 100% trying to make use of every little deviation from canon that I can (because Molly on his own wouldn’t change all that much of the campaign, which will be its own meta post).
In canon, Fjord and Jester woke up immediately after the rescue because the sleep magic wore off. Yasha took another 2 days. The meta reason for that was that Laura and Travis returned at that time (1 episode later) and Ashley hadn’t, so Matt role played Yasha waking up and leaving at Molly’s grave. The narrative reason was that the sleep magic had to time out.
In this story, the Nein delayed their assault on the Sour Nest by about an hour while they left to fetch the Wolf-King. As a result, the sleep magic wore off on Fjord and Jester, but the Shepherds had just cast it on Yasha and Molly. Thus, Fjord and Jester get to join the fight! With trauma! And anger!
The Iron Shepherds, The Iron Shepherds
I wanted to do Otis’s POV for this because they are so different from Caduceus: highly experienced in combat, knows a lot about monsters and classes, and fairly strategic (while also taking stupid risks because it’s fun). It also showed off Otis’s abilities to make clear to the reader that Otis is not the Nein’s level: they are level 14! But unlike Caduceus, they’re not super perceptive, and instead are very analytical. They fixate on things and follow that track until it’s done.
Given the premise of the story, that adds some meta tension about the idea that Otis is likely only a temporary ally. They are sold on the idea that they’re helping Lucien, and this is what they’re willing to do just based on some name drops. What’s going to happen when they see Molly instead?
Jester’s POV was difficult because she is trying so hard to keep up appearances, and this was the first time in the campaign where that mask really came down in front of everyone. She is upset. She has so many reasons for it. But there isn’t time to process, so it just haunts her the whole way up to join the fight.
I also wanted to examine Jester’s perspective of her role in the party. She isn’t “the healer,” she’s more of a guardian. She’s not incorrect in her idea that trying to heal to keep up with damage is an inefficient use of spells, but her reasoning for it is still selfish: she wants to deal damage! She wants to sow chaos! It’s fun! We’ll get to see that develop as time goes on.
Fire and Lightning
Beau’s second scene was also a fight, so not much that she can do to process anything. But, like Cad, she’s fairly perceptive, and like Otis, she’s a bit more experienced in combat, so we get to see both how observant she is in general and what happens when she gets tunnel-vision. Plus I wanted to describe how stunning strike feels from her end, so that was fun.
By the end of the fight, each of the fighters got their chance to really stand out. Beau got a sentinel hit and her stunning strike, Caleb buffed his team and got to burn Lorenzo, Nott tricked someone with Minor Illusion and took out a guard solo, Cad had clutch use of his spells and saved several members from death saves, Jester helped take down Wohn (and though it’s not noticed by Beau, her and Cad’s swarms kept Lorenzo far back enough that most of them were shielded from the cone, plus Jester is cold-resistant), Keg got to beat the shit out of several Shepherds, Shakäste did a ton of healing and buffs, Nila fried several members, and Otis assisted with multiple kills using their entire toolkit. Chaotic as all get out? Absolutely. That’s the fun part.
Broody time with Caleb! I wanted to highlight that this episode was the first time he made his wisdom save after burning someone to death. It’s an important milestone in his arc. It also helped set the tone for the story. There’s going to be some low lows, and even in victory, there’s going to be consequences to deal with. They’re scrappy heroes with irrational hopes, so we get to cheer them on.
There’s a bunch of other stuff in this scene as well, but they’ll become apparent later.
Chapter 2 should be posted on Friday next week!
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mediaevalmusereads · 5 days
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On a Sunbeam. By Tillie Walden. First Second, 2018.
Rating: 4.5/5 stars
Genre: graphic novel, lgbtqia+
Series: N/A
Summary: Throughout the deepest reaches of space, a crew rebuilds beautiful and broken-down structures, painstakingly putting the past together. As new member Mia gets to know her team, the story flashes back to her pivotal year in boarding school, where she fell in love with a mysterious new student. Soon, though, Mia reveals her true purpose for joining their ship—to track down her long-lost love.
***Full review below.***
CONTENT WARNINGS: bullying, misgendering, blood
OVERVIEW: I enjoyed Spinning so much that I figured hey. Why not check out Tillie Walden's other stuff? And I'm glad I did because there was so much about this graphic novel that I loved. The colors, the found family, the world - it was all lovely. My only criticism is that I think some character aspects could have been fleshed out more, but I loved being in Walden's world so much that I didn't much mind.
WRITING/ART: The art in this book is similar in style to that of Spinning in that it's stylized and easy to follow from panel to panel. It differs, however, in level of detail and color. I liked that Walden didn't so much focus on making the world feel industrial or technical; there were some great architectural shots, but most of the panels felt very organic for a space-themed story (for example: the ship is shaped like a fish!). It was a nice change.
I also loved the colors in this book. While Spinning was largely purple with a bit of yellow, On a Sunbeam makes use of rich reds and desaturated blues. The effect is that the world feels colorful and magical without being overwhelming - I never felt like my eyes were being bombarded or my attention pulled in a million different directions.
PLOT: The plot of this book follows a girl named Mia in two timelines: in the past, we see her attending boarding school where she meets a mysterious student named Grace. In the present, we follow Mia at her construction job, which allows her to travel widely. We quickly learn that Mia has taken this job in order to search for Grace, who had to abruptly leave school 5 years prior.
The dual timelines were really effective for showing Mia's character and interiority. I liked how we learned about her motivations but also about her various quirks and flaws by seeing how she acted in the past.
I also loved how so much of this book is focused on connection. In the past, Mia and Grace fall in love amidst relentless bullying. In the present, Mia makes friends with her crew and grows to love them as family. In that, this book is less about worldbuilding or space politics and more about finding your people, which I loved.
That isn't to say the worldbuilding is unimportant, but it doesn't overshadow the human story. I loved the way Walden imagined space boarding school as well as the different sites where Mia is tasked with restoring old buildings or clearing out rubble. Even the area known as the Staircase was interesting and I appreciated that its politics didn't take center stage.
But I do wish some things about the characters and the world had been built out a little more. For example, Ell's backstory, which is gripping, felt a little like it came out of nowhere. I would have liked to see it thematically integrated a little better. I also would have liked to see the rationale for Grace's actions at the end, as it isn't too clear why she acts the way she does when 5 years prior, she seemed to be compelled to do something else (sorry for being vague - trying not to spoil things). But even with these things, I enjoyed being with the characters so much that I wasn't too put off by the things that bothered me.
TL;DR: On a Sunbeam is a dazzling graphic novel about love and family spanning the expanse of time and space, and it's perfect for readers who want a sci fi story without being too overwhelmed by worldbuilding details.
CHARACTERS: Mia, our protagonist, is fun to watch because she doesn't exactly follow the rules. She gets into all sorts of shenanigans, and at school, it's usually Grace that has to keep her on the straight and narrow. The most admirable thing about Mia, however, is the way the she cares for other people. Not only does she love Grace and spend years trying to find her, but she also supports the people on her crew and even extends compassion to her bullies.
Grace, Mia's eventual girlfriend, is mysterious without having too much of a dark past. I liked that her story was somewhat mired in the politics of her homeworld, but most of the focus seemed to be about balancing her love for her family with her desire to go to school and be with Mia. I also loved that Grace was a writer and wanted to tell stories, which Mia supported wholeheartedly.
Mia's construction crew is also delightful in all the best ways. I loved their dynamics, which ranged from admiration to annoyance, and between all the conflict and love, it truly felt like a family.
0 notes
mars-misc · 3 months
Review: Partials Series by Dan Wells
Hello, everyone! (Salwa, aerkhastisnau!) - Target Audience: Teens & YA - Genre: Science Fiction - One-Sentence Summary: A girl named Kira wants to save humans from a disease and goes on an adventure enlisting the help of Partials (bio-engineered machines) along the way. The Partials series was a series I read when I was young, but have enjoyed it even now. I go back and reread it every once in a while when I feel like delving into that interesting world again where humans and partials are struggling in a post-apocalyptic world. However, as I have gotten older, I do see the strangeness of a 16-17 year old doing all that she has done. I will not spoil it but certain dialogue and the fact that she does things throughout the 3 books that none of the adults and smartest people in the surviving world have managed to do, does stick out to me as silly. But! It is easy to forget that she is her age and just think of her as an adult. So, I found that I can still enjoy it even now and here are some reasons why.
Character development is good. She changed throughout the books and doesn't remain static. Same with the other secondary characters.
Interesting concept of super-soldiers. This is probably the reason why I like it so much. The Partials, being what they are, are pretty cool! They look human but are grown in vats, have a link-system that connects them through breathing, command and rank is built in which can lead to problems because they are literally made not to be able to disobey orders from superiors, and they have the typical super strength, speed, senses; and highly intelligent. They are also built in batches of different models, making each model have a different specialty. From infantry, officers, generals, espionage, drivers, pilots, and etc. They are loosely a hive-mind concept and were treated before the fall like property of the US. Pretty awesome! I found myself wishing that we could delve into them more, see what its like in their "society" during the apocalypse. Just any bit more of information! However, the author did what was good for the books as if we went and dragged it out by showing all the bits about the Partials then it would mess with the flow of the story, probably. But, I want another novella that is set during the present time of the series, Wells!!
The story seems simple, girl finds cure. Incorrect. The 3 books are nicely put together and the cure thing is just a means to get to the real goal, coexistence. The books have ups and downs and inner plots and big plots. Overall, I enjoyed the flow of the story. The first book, I do warn is kind of slow during the first half, but after that the books keep up a good pace and add in little things that you don't see coming. I have a couple smalls mysteries though that I need answers to, Wells! Was it Skinny or Scruffy??? And what was up with the Partial that ran over to them and said something while they were high-tailing it to the bridge???? If I remember correctly, he didn't get to finish what he said or explain why he seemed to be almost friendly to the group.
Con, I did notice that some other reviews mentioned that the last book felt rushed near the end and I do have to agree with them. It has been a bit since I read it, honestly, but I do recall feeling like something was amiss. Like he was trying to wrap it all up and get it all finished and out. He might've been tired of the series and writing it or so. However, it wasn't horrible and totally fine for an ending. Do I wish there was more to read? You bet I wish!! What reader that enjoys a book's world wants to see it end? Anyone that said "yes", are you crazy?! Just kidding, just kidding!.....There better not be anyone that said "Yes". :P
Lastly, this book is pretty friendly towards young people and those who don't want crudeness and a lot of cussing.
As always, if this piqued your interest.... Go try the book out and come back and let me know what you thought! If anyone found something interesting or figured something out in the story, I'd love to read what you found.
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cypressmoons · 1 year
Top of the List [Al Haitham]
i was so bored at work today that i started writing this. with pen and paper. like i did in middle school before i had access to a computer anytime i wanted. i feel old. there will probably be a part 2 because i can't stand not writing cheesy butterfly-inducing al haitham content, but i also love a good cliffhanger so i hope you enjoy <3
summary: you are one of the top students of the haravatat...key word: one of. for the last year, you have been trying to knock this mysterious person off of the leaderboard on every exam, and hopefully find out just who is beating you without fail each time. the latest linguistics exam may just be the opportunity. contains: no pronouns mentioned. feel free to imagine it with any pronouns you're comfortable with! has little term of endearment at the end that i won't spoil hehe
word count: 823 masterlist
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The moon has risen and fallen once again, and just like that, the time has also come for examination results to be posted outside the classroom doors of the Akademiya. The usually quiet hallways are now packed with students, dressed in robes different shades of black and grey, trying to shove past each other to get a peek at the parchment.
You mumble halfhearted apologies at the people you try to pass, mind too focused on seeing your test results to care about their protests. When you finally emerge victoriously at the front of the line, your eyes quickly dart across the list with measurable anxiety, and then your heart sinks.
There it is, your student number, printed in a neat script and sitting squarely at second place.
“Again??” You grumble in disbelief. You studied so hard for this test, and you even felt great about it walking out of the exam room, having answered every question without hesitation and finishing the test twenty minutes earlier than the allotted time. Surely that doesn’t sound like someone who’s failed, right?
Okay, maybe “failed” is a bit of an exaggeration…but a 99 in your eyes is about just as good as a big, red 0 on your paper.
The buzz of whispered discussions feels like it has been amplified tenfold in your ears. For the longest time, you had been trying to beat this mysterious number on the paper and claim your rightful place at the top of the podium. But no matter how much you study, how long you spend in the library or in your professors’ office hours, the student this mysterious number belongs to always seems to come out on top. You curse under your breath, muttering something about how stupid it is that the Akademiya keeps the identities of their top students a secret.
You rack your brain trying to think of any possible person in your classes that might fit the description. Definitely smart, well versed and well spoken, probably a teacher’s pet –
You laugh at yourself, all worked up over someone’s score being one point higher than yours.
But the thing is, that one point translates to a perfect 100, while your 99 sits defeated and humiliating in the second row. You might as well be kicked out of school at this point.
Seeing everyone is busy talking about their own scores, you quickly scribble down the six digits above your number, hoping to match the unending annoyance to a face one day.
“A little frustrated, are we?”
You whip your head around to find the source of the voice, suddenly appearing behind you and closer to your ear than you would have liked. The man, dressed in the same Haravatat uniform as yours, keeps his eyes focused on the parchment with an proud smirk hanging off his lips.
You feel your temper shoot up in frustration.
“Who—what does that even mean?”
He does not respond, nor remove his eyes from the paper. This man has got to have the most perfect timing in the world – testing your patience at a time like this.
“Does it matter?”
He looks down at you, and suddenly everything makes sense.
You stumble over your words as the realization hits you. How could you have been so stupid? All that time trying to out-compete the same anonymous rival, when he’s been here in front of you this whole time? You would have recognized the face anywhere. Being from the same darshan, you practically share all the same classes with him, the only student able to saunter into a classroom ten minutes late with no consequences, who always seems to ace every question the professor throws his way.
Al Haitham.
“It’s you.” You gape at him in disbelief. You should be relieved to have finally unveiled your number one rival in the Akademiya, or maybe rightfully angry at him for beating you on every single test, but instead all you want to do at the moment is to punch him.
On the lips.
With yours.
You shake your head violently to chase the strange thoughts away. Shouldn’t you be mad at him? For making such inconsiderate comments when anyone with a working pair of eyes could see your obvious annoyance?
If he noticed you going through all five stages of grief in two seconds, he chooses to remain silent. Smart move.
Or maybe not so smart as you watch, fumes almost coming out of your nostrils, the same smirk remaining on his face.
You actually want to punch him this time.
“I’ll beat you one day,” you say spitefully. It is taking everything in you to ignore his sharp features, silvery hair, and the emerald green in his eyes that you pretend not to notice darkening at your words.
Just as you spin your heel to storm away, his voice sounds from behind you again.
“Good luck trying, princess.”
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part 2 here!
requests open!
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cloverwriteswords · 4 years
WIP Intro: The Masks We Hide Behind
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[Image description: a headshot of a grey wolf baring its fangs on a dark green and black background. Above the wolf’s head are the words “The Masks We Hide Behind” in white letters, and at the bottom of the image are the words “a WIP by Cloverponyz”. End id]. 
Overview ->
Genre: paranormal/supernatural, romance, young adult, LGBTQ+, mystery elements
Themes: identity, acceptance, what makes a monster, different kinds of love, hunter vs. hunted, knowledge vs. ignorance, truth and lies, different kinds of strength, history repeating itself 
Expected length: 75k-90k
Expected content warnings: prejudice, discrimination, eugenics, homophobia and biphobia, internalized homophobia and biphobia, antisemitism, K slur, references to Nazism and the Holocaust, racism, mental health problems, panic/anxiety attacks, murder, child death, violence, violence against minors, near-death experiences, broken bones, vaping, alcohol, underage drinking, references to drug use and underage sex
Summary -> 
Jay’s parents are dead.
For the last 5 years he’s travelled the States with his eccentric-but-loving aunt, never staying in one place long enough to make real friends or feel at home. He’s used to it, so when he and Aunt Lydia move to the small Texas city of Verstinas, he refuses to get his hopes up. But there’s something strange about Verstinas and its occupants, something dangerous. He’s convinced his new classmates are hiding something, something with sharp teeth and glowing eyes, something that howls in the night.
As Jay struggles to balance new friendships and family secrets, his identity is shaken to the core in more ways than one. A truth revealed, his life irrevocably altered and his heart and head pulling him in different directions, Jay must make a choice:
Leave Verstinas and its deadly secrets,
Or face them and face his past.
He isn’t sure which is more terrifying.
Characters ->
Jason "Jay" Cohen-Hunter: the new kid in school, he’s reserved and observant. Something’s up in Verstinas, and he’s determined to find out what. 
Monroe Wolfhardt: the boy from first period, Monroe and Jay become fast friends, but there’s something suspicious about the way he dodges Jay’s questions. 
Roxie Rosenbaum: the girl from lunch, a quick-thinker with a knack for solving problems, why won’t she help Jay solve his? 
Lydia Cohen: Jay’s aunt, a woman constantly on the move with many strange scars, who seems to know more than she’s letting on. 
The Masks We Hide Behind is my Camp NaNo July project! It’s one of my absolute favourite WIPs and I’m very excited to return to it after I started the first draft for NaNo 2019. The goal is to do the bulk of TMWHB in July and finish it before NaNo 2020. Its sequel, The Lies We Tell Ourselves, is a direct continuation of TMWHB and will probably be completed sometime in 2021. 
Taglist below the cut, ask to be added or removed!
Taglist: @mushwrites​ @angelolytle @kalis-scribbles​ @4kidsopfan​ @rarewubbox
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charzard-lord · 2 years
You’re The Mystery I Need To Solve (Doctor/Reader) Part Seven
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: Drama, LOTS OF VERY HEAVY ANGST, language, blood, kidnapping, needles, it’s a bit horror-esqe in some parts, be warned
Key: 🎭💣😋❤☂️
Pairings: Eleventh Doctor/Reader
Summary: You've had several dreams about a madman with a box and when you finally meet him in real life, you realize that something is very wrong. For some reason, the TARDIS doesn't react well around you. In fact, it seems to completely stop working and turns into a regular police box. The Doctor is terrified yet fascinated, and completely determined to solve this mystery.
Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six - Part Seven (you are here) - Part Eight
A/N: I literally just finished writing this like 5 minutes ago lol I’m posting before I go to work. Also be warned that this chapter is VERY ANGSTY and there is some blood and needles mentioned (and used). Basically reader is sedated with a big bad needle several times. I won’t say anything else, as to not spoil this chapter, just giving you a heads up. Enjoy! 
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You sit on one of the steps leading up to the console as the Doctor puts a strange looking device on your head. His face is scrunched up in concentration as he connects wires, and you find yourself studying his features. The curve of his jaw. The crease in his nonexistent brows. The shape of his lips. 
“There, all done,” he says, and you jump slightly, feeling a blush rise to your cheeks as you’re broken out of your trance. He either doesn’t notice or decides not to comment as he connects the remaining wires to the console. The device hums and beeps for a few moments before a loud noise rings out and smoke starts to pour from the center of the TARDIS. 
“No! No, no, no, no, no!” the Doctor shouts and runs toward it, frantically pressing buttons and smacking the console. 
“What happened?” you ask, moving to stand. You take the device off of your head and walk over to the Doctor. 
He isn’t paying much attention to you, though. Instead, he’s staring at the screen in concentration and concern. You look over his shoulder, trying to see what he’s so focused on, but it all just looks like nonsense to you. 
Without warning, the TARDIS jolts, sending you flying across the room. Luckily, you’re able to grab hold of a railing to steady yourself. You’re about to ask what the hell that was all about, when the TARDIS starts to shake violently. You hold on for dear life as the Doctor starts shouting,
“We’re being pulled into another ship's orbit! I can’t stop it!” 
Panic starts to build in your stomach. You have a feeling that whoever is pulling the TARDIS has anything but good intentions. 
After a while, the TARDIS finally stops shaking, and you feel her land on something with a loud ‘THUNK’. You, Amy, and the Doctor look at each other in disbelief before the Doctor slowly makes his way to the doors. You and Amy follow. 
He comes to a stop in front of the doors and cautiously opens them, poking his head out and looking around for a moment. He glances back at the two of you and tells you to stay put, then disappears to explore the new environment. You share a look with Amy before both of you break out in a smile, throwing open the doors to follow the Doctor. 
You immediately regret your decision. 
The Doctor is on his knees, surrounded by a group of armed aliens, all their weapons pointed at him. He stammers out some excuses, trying to buy himself time, when he notices your presence. His eyes widen in fear before you’re grabbed from behind. You yelp in surprise, but a hand covers your mouth as you're dragged away. 
You hear the Doctor and Amy call out your name as you struggle in your captor's hold. It’s fruitless, you soon realize, as you feel a sharp pinch in your neck. The world fades away and you succumb to the darkness. 
Cold metal is the first thing you feel. 
Your eyes flutter open as you slowly try to adjust to your surroundings. You look around to see aliens bustling about the room, some of them conversing, while others check monitors and connect wires to the table you’re on. 
You try to move, but quickly realize your wrists and ankles are strapped down. Dread flows through your veins as the reality of your situation starts to set in. 
“What’s going on?” your voice comes out raspy and distant as you fight the urge to cry. 
At first, you are ignored completely. Frustration quickly overpowers your fear and you begin to struggle against the restraints. Angry tears spill over your cheeks as you desperately wrestle with the cuffs in an attempt to break free. The aliens seem to take notice of you now. 
Several of them approach you, one of them holding a large syringe. They hold you down to prevent you from moving while another angles your neck just right. The alien with the syringe comes closer and positions it by your throat. 
“No, please,” you beg, trying and failing to move away. You are unable to stop your terrified sobs. 
Just as the alien is about to insert the syringe, an alarm starts to blare loudly in the room. You release a relieved whimper as the aliens move away from you and start running out of the room. A few of them stay behind, presumably to keep watch over you. 
After a few moments, you gather the courage to speak up again. 
“I demand you to tell me what’s going on,” your voice comes out shakier than you would’ve hoped, but at least you got your message across. 
“We seem to be having issues with our other prisoners,” one of them responds and a flicker of hope builds in your chest. 
“Okay. And- and what about me? What are you planning to do with me?” you shift uncomfortably, afraid of the answer. 
“We are prepping for the surgery,” your heart drops to your stomach. 
“Wha-what? What surgery?” 
“To remove your brain and use it as a battery for our ship. Don’t worry. The procedure will be completely painless. You won’t feel a thing,” 
Unadulterated panic rushes through your body and you suddenly feel sick. You have to get out of here. Now. 
You begin to struggle again, pulling so hard at the restraints that you draw blood. But you don’t care. You’ll do anything to escape. 
The alien who explained your situation realizes what you’re doing and rushes to your side. They grab the syringe and shove it into your neck with reckless abandon. You scream in pain and terror, barely registering the feeling of blood pouring from the now open wound as the world fades yet again. 
“You have no idea what you’re doing. They aren’t even in control of their own abilities. Please, let them go,” the Doctor tries to reason with the aliens, but they won’t listen. 
“The plan is set in motion. It is too late to stop,” one of the aliens responds as they tighten the cuffs on Amy’s hands. The Doctor struggles against the metal. If he can just reach his sonic screwdriver… 
A terrified howl suddenly echoes through the ship. The Doctor’s blood runs cold, before a boiling hot anger takes its place. That’s your scream. 
“I demand you release them. NOW!” he tries to stand, but the chains are too short. The aliens simply ignore him, causing the fury to rise. 
“Doctor,” Amy’s voice is a warning, but it is also laced with concern. She wants to help you as much as he does, but she doesn’t want the Doctor to do anything stupid. Unfortunately, this man has a huge boner for stupid ideas. 
“Take me instead,” the Doctor says quietly, “whatever you’re planning, I promise, I am a hundred times more valuable to you,” 
“Elaborate,” one of the aliens says simply, turning to focus on him. Good. This is good. He has their attention. 
“I’m a Time Lord. I have a TARDIS, full of limitless energy that would last you eons. Please. Take me and let them go,” 
The alien considers this briefly before turning to converse with several other aliens in the room. The Doctor waits with bated breath, hoping to whatever higher power out there that his plan works. 
After several moments, the aliens turn around to face the Doctor and Amy once more, before moving to uncuff them both. 
“Very well. You will show us how to use this ‘TARDIS’ of yours and we will release your friends, unharmed,” 
“Yes! Of course! Um, right this way,” the Doctor leads them down the corridors of the ship, trying to figure out what to do next. See, he didn’t really plan this far ahead. That’s the trouble with having a boner for stupid ideas. It seems great when you start, but then you realize you’ve dug yourself a hole. A stupid hold. For stupid idiots. 
The Doctor shakes his head and tries to focus. You’re in danger and he needs to save you. No matter the cost. 
Without warning, a gunshot rings out behind the group and one of the aliens falls to the ground. The Doctor whips around, eyes wide, to see a familiar face at the end of the hall. 
“Hello, sweetie,” 
You wake to the sound of distant chaos. Voices yelling. Footsteps running. Gunshots echoing. 
As consciousness slowly comes back into focus, you realize that the chaos is not so distant. In fact, it’s happening right outside the room you’re in. 
You groan and squeeze your eyes shut as you register the pounding in your head and the soreness in your neck. Your whole body feels heavy and each limb seems miles away. Sleep threatens to take you again when a familiar voice calls your name. 
You turn your head to see Amy, wincing at the pain movement causes. 
“Hey, it’s gonna be okay. We’re gonna get you out of here,” she says, working to remove the cuffs around your wrists. 
Her face contorts in worry as she notices the blood, not only on your wrists, but on your ankles and neck as well. In fact, your neck wound is still bleeding. Oh god. What is she supposed to do? 
She tries her best to be gentle, but the cuffs won’t budge, and you’re still bleeding, fading in and out of consciousness. She is grateful when the Doctor finally comes rushing into the room, immediately coming to your side. Panic flashes across his face for a brief moment before anger replaces it. They will pay dearly for what they’ve done to you. 
“You’re gonna be alright, love,” he says, his voice surprisingly tender. You meet his eyes for a split second before sleep overpowers your will to stay awake. The last thing you hear is the sound of the Doctor’s sonic screwdriver. Then, it is darkness once more. 
The Doctor works silently, but Amy can feel his fury. She knows him well enough to understand that silence can be dangerous. He hasn’t said a word since he carried you back to the TARDIS. 
He gently wipes your forehead with a damp washcloth, sighing deeply. He feels at fault. He should have done more to protect you. 
“Mnhh,” you grumble and squeeze your eyes shut, as feeling slowly returns to your body. Sore. That’s the word you’d use to describe how you feel right now. Everything hurts. 
When you open your eyes, the first thing you see is the Doctor’s relieved face. He sends a sad smile your way and you reach out to him. He takes your hand in his and squeezes lightly, causing you to smile softly. 
“Hey,” you say simply, and the Doctor chuckles wryly. 
“Hey,” he runs his free hand over your hair, petting your head gently. 
“What happened?” you ask, trying to sit up, only to realize that you’re in way too much pain to move. 
“You were… taken, by some aliens, who planned to use you as a battery for their ship,” he looks to the side, guilt written all over his face, and the memories come rushing back to you. 
You wince as you remember, subconsciously reaching up to touch your neck. There is a thick bandage there and you are grateful for it. The thought of what happened makes you sick. 
You look back at the Doctor to see that he is wallowing in shame. You muster up all the strength you can and sit up a bit, cringing as you do so. The Doctor fusses and tries to get you to lay back down, but you silence him with a firm squeeze to his hand. He meets your gaze and you say with determination:
“It’s not your fault,” 
A thousand emotions flicker across his face before finally settling on sadness. 
“Yes, it is,” he responds quietly. You’re about to insist that it’s not, but he continues speaking. 
“You’re under my protection. I should’ve known better than to enter an unknown ship with something- someone, so valuable on board my own. You’re special and it’s my job to keep you safe,” he reaches out to touch your face, but you quickly pull away. 
“Am I just a project to you?” your question seems to take him by surprise. 
“What? What do you mean?” he seems genuinely confused and your frustration dies down a little. He can be so clueless. 
“I mean, it seems like you only care about me the way you would care about a science project. Like I’m some mystery that needs solving. When you do solve it, what will happen to me? Will you just move on to the next project?” your demeanor remains calm. These are genuine questions. You really just want to know. It’s better to find out now, than to grow attached, only to be tossed aside later. 
“Yes, you’re a mystery, and yes, I want to solve it. But you’re more than just that. You’re… brilliant. And clever. And kind. And an incredible cook,” he sends a teasing smile your way and you can’t help but return the gesture as he continues. 
“You’ve grown to mean so much to me. You-” he stops himself, suddenly seeming unsure of what he’s about to say next. 
“Oh just tell them you love them already,” Amy’s voice causes you to jump in surprise and you look to your left. How long had she been standing there?
Noticing your collective shock, she raises her eyebrows and throws her hands in the air. 
“What? I thought it was obvious,” she takes a bite of the muffin in her hand, and upon seeing that maybe you two need some privacy, she takes her leave. 
You turn to look at the Doctor in confusion and shock, before averting your eyes in embarrassment. Neither of you say anything for a long while, looking around the room, trying to avoid each other’s gaze. 
“She’s right,” the Doctor breaks the silence and you glance up at him. 
“I think I have grown to care for you,” he continues, “in a way that’s more than just friendly. It scares me. You scare me,” he chuckles wryly, still not looking at you. 
You remain silent, trying to process all this new information. After a long moment, you speak. 
“If you only think you care, then do some pondering and come back to me when you’re sure,” 
You lock eyes with the Doctor. He stares at you for a while before slowly nodding his head. Without another word, he gets up and leaves the room. 
You lay your head back down and think hard. You think and think and think until your head starts to pound again. You decide a nap will help, and you can think more about all this when you wake up again. 
You close your eyes and drift off, wanting nothing more than the blissful quiet of sleep.
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stonesparrow · 2 years
Wha- WAIT!! you have an MLB Dr Stone au?? That's so freaking cool!! Give us some snippets!! Who's ladybug? Cat noir? Will senku get piercings? (Sorry this is me projecting lol) tell meeee...
Well two days ago I was scrolling through some mlb (btw I always read that as Major League Baseball it’s a legit problem) reblogs by my mutuals (two of them are pretty into MLB and one of them recently did a ranking of all the villains), and even though I haven’t watched any of the episodes, I was like lmao what if superhero (I like the concept of kwamis and superheroes).
Also I was literally writing Episode 1 when I decided to check my tumblr lmao, should I try not to spoil it? Ok here’s an idea - I’ll give the whole Episode 1 summary under the cut, but above the cut will be the “pitch” I wrote for it. (For all of my fanfics, I write a short pitch at the top of the planning document labeled PREMISE, which I usually later use for the summary in ao3)
Ogawa Yuzuriha is a mild mannered 15 year old girl in her first year of high school with aspirations of being a fashion designer, when one day she meets a tiny red creature named Tikki who wants her to be a superhero! As Carmine, Yuzuriha must rise up to be the protector of Tokyo alongside her new partner, a mysterious yet caustically witty boy her age called Kurodora who seems...familiar, somehow. Together the two of them will defend Tokyo from the villainous machinations of the enigmatic Sphinxmoth. Can Yuzuriha find a way to balance the duties of a superhero and a high school social life? Find out in Miraculous: Adventures of Carmine and Kurodora!
SEASON 1 EPISODE 1: Origins (alternatively titled Lioness)
On the first day of school in April 2019, in the city of Tokyo, Japan, Yuzuriha rushes to meet Taiju and Senku at the train station so they can commute together like they always have. Except while she’s on the way there, she spots an elderly man who has fallen down at the side of the road, and stops to help him up, even offering to call an ambulance if he’s seriously hurt. The old man simply thanks her and tells her she should probably get to school, and as Yuzuriha walks away, he smiles after her.
Yuzuriha catches up to Taiju at the train station - apparently Senku is running late on the first day of school. They’re not surprised - Senku does have a bit of a reputation for staying awake long past the time he ought to be asleep (mood, Senku. Mood).
What they don’t know is that Senku is actually only a few blocks away - in fact, he’s just stopped an elderly man from walking directly into the street! After angrily asking if the old geezer is losing it, Senku waits with the man and despite being a little abrasive about it helps him cross the street when it’s safe (fun fact apparently Japanese crossing lights play the tune to a children’s nursery rhyme when it’s safe to cross go google it). The old man thanks him and says to himself, “A little rough around the edges, but I think he’ll do fine.”
Luckily Senku manages to catch the train just as the door closes, with both Taiju and Yuzuriha gently admonishing him for not learning his lesson about staying up too late in middle school. They make it to school, where they meet their homeroom class for the first time. In their class, we meet Hoseki Kohaku and Shizaki Chrome (workshopping these names rn), as well as Takara Amaryllis, who just moved into town.
Kohaku is recognized as the sister of Hoseki Ruri, the most beautiful girl in school. This becomes a problem when later Kohaku spots school brute Magma forcefully asking her sister out, while also gifting her a pretty lapis lazuli pendant. Kohaku confronts her sister and Ruri admits that Magma has been hounding her to go out with him for a while now, and she hasn’t reported his harassment to the teachers out of fear. Magma steps in and tries to push Kohaku away, causing the spirited girl to attract an oddly colored butterfly floating nearby...
After lunch, Yuzuriha’s class is just chilling waiting for the next period to start when suddenly there’s a huge commotion and a bunch of people start screaming. Loudly. A young woman in an amber colored outfit with a fluffy boa around her neck is holding Magma hostage, and seems to be taking him down the street, leaving a path of destruction in her wake and police cars chasing after her.
Students start freaking out, and in the chaos Yuzuriha, Taiju, and Senku get separated despite their best efforts to stick together. Taiju ends up going into the bathroom to call his grandparents and make sure they’re safe, while Senku runs to the roof to get a better view of the situation and Yuzuriha finds herself hiding in the school library.
As Yuzuriha tries to gather her thoughts and begins to text Senku and Taiju in their groupchat to ask where they are, she notices a box sitting on the table next to her that definitely wasn’t there before. Curiosity gets the better of her and she opens it, of course.
Out pops Tikki! Yuzuriha momentarily freaks out before Tikki manages to explain a few things about the situation. Unfortunately however, when Yuzuriha says “I can’t be a superhero! I don’t have time to change into a suit or learn how to fight or anything!” Tikki replies with a placating, “Oh don’t worry it’s easy! You just have to say ‘spots on’ and-” “Spots on?” “WAIT I DIDN’T FINISH-”
Thus Yuzuriha is left transformed in the school library without the detransformation phrase and armed only with the knowledge that: 1. Tikki is a “kwami” from the Ladybug Miraculous; 2. The Miraculous will give her the power to stop the villain rampaging outside. 3. She will be paired with the chosen wielder of the Black Cat Miraculous. Her outfit is a very fashionable looking red jacket over a black long sleeve shirt and leggings, with a red skirt decorated with black spots, and black boots and gloves. The final adornment is a spotted headband that takes the place of the white one she wears normally. [also, she’ll get a new, cooler outfit in season 2, because I like the concept of evolving outfits that reflect character growth].
After falling out of the library window in an attempt to get out without being seen Yuzuriha discovers her enhanced physical abilities and takes a few experimental leaps across buildings before trying to locate the villain. Luckily for her, she actually starts to get the hang of it - right before a boy dressed in all black crashes right into her from behind screaming bloody murder.
The boy apologizes and helps her up - his pale green hair is tied back in a ponytail, and he’s dressed in a black trenchcoat over a vest with a tie, along with boots and gloves. And cat ears, of course. In Yuzuriha’s fashionista opinion, he looks like a cross between a noir detective and a mad scientist.
When she asks his name, the boy tells her that they’re not actually supposed to know each others’ real identities or they risk getting their Miraculouses stolen - didn’t her kwami tell her that? Yuzuriha flushes red and admits she didn’t get a chance to learn everything. The boy says they should stick to codenames - she’ll be Ladybug and he’ll be Black Cat.
“Wait, you just want to use the names of the Miraculouses? That’s kind of...bland, isn’t it?”
“Well what do you want then, miss fancy pants?”
Yuzuriha looks the boy up and down and then says, “How about...Kurodora?” He blinks and then tilts his head curiously. “Like...kuro and dora, for dora neko? I...I actually kind of like that.” (kuro - black. dora neko - stray cat. Totally coincidentally, it’s where Doraemon gets his name.)
“Great, Kurodora it is! Then for me...” -cue loud crashing sounds-
No time to waste! The heroes leap into action to fight the akuma, who introduces herself as Lioness, predator of predators. She’s holding Magma hostage at the top of Tokyo Tower, and threatens to bring the whole thing crashing down unless the heroes surrender their Miraculouses to her so she can bring them to her master, someone called Sphinxmoth.
Throughout the battle Kurodora refers to Yuzuriha by experimental nicknames, which she reacts to with varying levels of enthusiasm.
“Hey Red, on your left!” “Red? Kind of simplistic, don’t you think?”
“Watch out, Spots!” “That’s so silly!”
“Headed your way, Bug Girl!” “Ack, just go back to Red!”
Lioness tries to convince Yuzuriha to join her, since they’re both women and surely Yuzuriha knows the frustration of being victimized by men and feeling powerless, right? Yuzuriha says that doesn’t mean she wants to hurt people, and successfully distracts Lioness so that Kurodora can grab her necklace and destroy it, with him instructing her to purify the akuma with her powers (He was very meticulous and made Plagg explain everything in detail).
After Miraculous Ladybug returns everything to normal, Kurodora raises his hand. “Nice job, Red.” They high five. It is epic.
Ace reporter Minami Hokutozai then appears on the scene to interview Tokyo’s newest heroes, asking for their names on live television. Kurodora gives his, and when the microphone is put in her face, Yuzuriha thinks for a moment before answering.
“Carmine, like the shade of red.”
Kurodora smiles, and Tokyo cheers.
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giorno-plays-piano · 3 years
Part IV
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Pairing: Steve x reader, Bucky x reader, Thor x reader, Loki x reader, Peter x reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, stalking, possessiveness, theft, all characters are adults.
Words: 1880.
Summary: Transferring to Stark Academy that has only allowed to take in female students last semester, you realize you are just one of three young women among hundreds of students. Your things are constantly being stolen, and soon you begin fearing for your safety.
Part I
Part II
Part III
After you came back to your room, you got a message from Steve about changing the locks on both you door and your locker. You were so taken aback by today's conversation in the student council room that you had completely forgotten about it. Apparently, Steve had already requested the change of locks on your behalf through email, and you were really grateful to him for that: you dreaded coming back to the room that had been forced open. Of course, tonight you would have to move your dresser to the door so that nobody could enter when you'd be sleeping.
Shit. It was absolutely crazy.
"I'm not sure about all this, Steve." You texted him while laying on your bed and staring at your phone in the darkness of the room. "It doesn't seem right."
Naturally, you meant the fake dating thing. It felt horrible thinking of what others would think after seeing you with five different guys. Would they be calling you a whore in the open? Make some nasty jokes behind your back? Report you to the school administration for immoral behavior? Remembering those bigots from the student office, you cringed at the thought.
Besides, it still didn't make sense to you why you had to date all five. Sure, if they were around you at all times like your friends, these unhinged bastards who stole your things wouldn't do anything funny again, but it wasn't like that. What could one guy do against a group of other students?
"Listen, I didn't want to talk about it in class, but I'm worried it won't end with a stolen lingerie."
You didn't like his message.
"What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean. They might attempt something much worse than a theft."
Oh no. Was he talking about rape? Seriously? Did he anticipate others were so crazy they would do something like that?
But then again, girls were being raped in colleges even if it weren't the all-boys schools. A shiver ran down your spine.
"But if several people attack me, just one of you won't be enough." You typed with your shaky fingers, trembling beneath your blanket.
"It's not about the pure force. Each of us has a certain reputation, and others wouldn't want to cross us over because of it."
Wait, this was interesting. What on Earth did he mean? What kind of reputation was that to prevent people from messing with them?
"Thor is a good athlete and a great leader, his basketball team is ready to beat people to death for him."
"Loki's father is one of academy’s main sponsors, and he can have this school turned upside down if he wants to."
"Bucky is a threat by himself, but he also have a company of loyal friends."
"I don't think Peter is serious enough to scare anyone, but with his computer skills he could easily blackmail others, I’ve already seen him doing it. Students would be wary to cross him over just like any of us."
Steve was writing you a bunch of messages with a terrifying speed, and you could barely read the first when he was already sending you the second. It felt absolutely insane. Did he choose every guy because the more powerful admirers you have, the less others would intervene? Well, at least in case of Bucky and Thor who could beat people to near death, it was wise. You preferred not to think of Peter - you had no idea someone as sweet and caring as him did something as disgusting as a blackmail.
“But what others will think? 5 boyfriends? Others will think you are dating-” you paused, chewing your lips to bit, “- a whore. Nobody gonna stood up for me.”
"Imagine if each of us tells our friends that other four guys were just asked to watch over you, but you date only one.”
Oh. Yes, this was slightly better. Then you wouldn’t have to do something as bold as kissing every guy in public, instead maintaining the mystery who you were really dating. 
Damn, how Steve even came up with this plan? Why was everything so complicated?
“It’s getting late. Good night.” Your phone vibrated again, and you huffed with irritation. You hoped you could ask him a bit more - about what you were going to do with the thieves Steve found, for example - but he was probably getting tired with all your questions. It was better to ask him tomorrow.
The next morning you were restless: since you were starting to going out with guys, you felt like you needed to look better than you usually were, so you spent your morning working on your hair and makeup. It was like fake dating, right? You had to pretend you wanted to look pretty for them.
What else did you have to do? Cook something sweet for them? Yeah, probably, but not at the start of your relationship. Going to cafe together? Helping each other study? Loki also mentioned the cinema...
You felt dumb. Of course, you dated guys before, but now you realized you had no idea how to act not to cause any suspicion. Oh boy, it was going to be a tough day.
Thor nocked at you door thirty minutes before your first session, but you woke up so early you were more than ready to go. As you opened the door, first moving the dresser back to its place, the guy looked at you with a puzzled expression on his face.
"Hey, what was that?"
"The dresser. I can't leave the door just like that until the lock is changed."
He blinked at you, watching the door and then probably remembering somebody forced the lock open to steal your underwear.
"These guys are batshit crazy." He mumbled and nodded you to go with him, putting his hand on your shoulder. "Don't worry, they won't do it again."
You wanted to argue they definitely would, but, seeing his warm smile, you thought Thor simply wanted to cheer you up and smiled at him in return. In the end, he was here only to make you feel safer: you didn't doubt he was very popular with the girls every time he went out to the city.
"You look great today!" He said sheepishly, walking in the dorm's corridor while other students were staring at him silently, obviously surprised to see you two together. "I mean, not that you looked bad yesterday, I just..."
Watching his face suddenly getting crimson red, you couldn't help but giggle at his expression. You could never think Thor was actually bashful around girls. Yeah, at your old place he'd definitely be one of the most popular guys around.
It was lunch time when you two could actually talk, sitting together at the same table and being watched by everyone around. Strangely, with Thor constantly talking and often rubbing your hand with his, it didn't feel suffocating, and you held your head high: regardless whether those pricks were looking at you, you weren't going to run away to your room and cry there like a little girl. Loki was right: you weren't a silly little sheep, scared of your own shadow. You wouldn't let anyone spoil your time in the academy you dreamt studying in.
Funny enough, Thor turned out to be a talkative type when he was speaking about basketball and his team in particular. He loved sports: while you were more into hockey, the way he talked was so enthusiastic it made you listen to him with a genuine interest. Thor's love for basketball was infectious.
He seemed a simple man, this giant bag of muscles who was laughing so loud people around him flinched; Thor wasn't the exact type of a guy you would encounter on your own, but he seemed nice, sincere, and surprisingly softhearted. You felt at ease talking to him, and soon you too acted like you'd known each other for long.
It was a pity you'd only met under this circumstances. It felt like you two could became friends.
But then when Thor absent-mindedly put his arm around your shoulders, you remembered Loki's warning: they would try to gain your favors. Was it the reason Thor was so nice to someone he just met? Wasn't it suspicious of him? You couldn't let your guard down after just one lunch together. In fact, you knew nothing of the man sitting in front of you.
"I knew something like would happen." Some guy to your left sighed loudly, catching your attention. "They were fucking crazy."
"I'm not surprised either. I just wanna know who they got in a fight with to be beaten like that. Have you heard they broke Gray's both legs?"
"Woah, both? That's brutal, man."
You shivered, trying not to listen to them.
"It'd happen sooner or later anyway. They were completely wild."
A word caught your attention right away: that was what Steve called those students who were stealing your things. Could it be a coincidence? Surely, in an all-boys school the students were fighting each other constantly.
But to the point of breaking both legs of someone? Really?
As you sent Thor a nervous look, he gently patted your shoulder, lowering his voice so no one would hear him, "I'm sure it's nothing to do with you. These things happen here from time to time because the guys have no idea what to do with all that testosterone."
You hoped he was right.
The rest of the day went as usual aside from Thor walking the corridors with you and chatting about sports: he managed to convince you to come see the game next month when they would be having a tournament. You were grateful to him for helping to ease your mind because the news of guys being sent to the ambulance made you shook. Steve also mentioned something about his and other's friends ready to beat anyone to death, right?
By the middle of your last class you couldn't think of it any longer and quickly typed a message to Loki. Of all people, right now he seemed the most sincere to you.
"Hi. Are the guys who were beaten last night are the ones who stole my things?"
Waiting was a special torture when you held the phone in your arms beneath your desk, hoping to see your screen lighting up with a message. In five minutes you got your reply.
"Yes." The message said simply, but it was enough for you to stare at your phone with horror, wishing you didn't ask Loki anything.
Oh shit. It wasn't a coincidence, right? It's impossible. Somebody did it on purpose. But who of the five?
"Do you know who did it?"
Next time he answered pretty fast, "No."
A part of you felt relieved. Maybe it wasn't related, finally. Maybe they got beaten by somebody who was fed up with their attitude because they were crazy as the guys in the cafeteria said.
But what if it weren't true?
"Who's the most brutal among you five?"
Biting your lips, you started rocking in your chair a little, making the guy on your left to roll his eyes in irritation.
The phone's screen flashed again.
Part V
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin ​@inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherub @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @soleil-dor @stargazingfangirl18 @dillybuggg @literate-lamb @cosicas-cuquis @sarge-barnes-sir @buckybarnesplumwhore @jaysayey @megzdoodle @gotnofucks @lux-ravenwolf @ximebebx @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @sourpatchspinster @biiskuitx @iheartsebandchris @lovelydarkdaydream @illyrianprincess @vampirestrawberries @stupendouslovegardener @goodgodimaweirdperson @frontmanash @freya-heya @yandematic
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startanewdream · 3 years
Use it well
Summary: Harry and Ginny discuss giving the Invisibility Cloak to their oldest son.
For @velvethopewrites! Hope you have a wonderful birthday 💖
Thanks so much for @gryffindorhealer for helping me sort out this!
'Al — no, stop it, I don't care what James said, you can't just take his wand — Lily, you don't fit in his trunk, get out — James, it's eleven already, just go to sleep — Al, I told you, no wand!'
There is a puff of dark purple smoke, and then silence.
Al drops the wand quickly, hurrying outside the room, Lily leaves James' trunk following her brother out, and Ginny shakes her wand to vanish the smoke.
'Thanks', James says, picking up his wand and placing it carefully on the bedside table, before lying lazily in his bed. 'Didn't fancy spending my last night here coughing that smoke.'
There is a smile in the corner of Ginny's mouth. 'Last night,' she repeats, amused. 'You are going to Hogwarts, not leaving here forever.'
James shrugs, eyes moving to watch his things, all meticulously ready for the trip tomorrow. He was never the most organized, but his enthusiasm is evident; he dreamt of Hogwarts ever since he saw Teddy going six years ago, talking about it non-stop.
And since Ginny is the last person that could judge him for wanting to do something his older brother did, she just messies with his dark red hair.
'Try to rest, James. You don't want to sleep through the journey tomorrow.'
'Did you?,' he asks curiously. 'Sleep the night before.'
Ginny remembers writing in Tom's diary the night before Hogwarts, sharing her excitement with him. That was before, when he was playing nice, when he was her friend.
But she doesn't want to damp James' mood, so she goes with: 'Not really. But my mother told me too anyway.'
He laughs a little, then he looks away, biting his lips, a telltale announcement of his embarrassment. 'Mum… before I sleep, could you call Dad?'
She feels a sudden urge to run and hug him. Eleven years, ready to start his magic education, acting all confident around his young siblings, and her first son wants his father's assurance.
But she doesn't do anything. She remembers hugging her parents before embarking Hogwarts, desperate to go after years dreaming of it, and yet a little afraid too.
'Sure. Good dreams, James.'
He smiles at her, and Ginny leaves the room.
She should check her other kids, but they are quiet in their room after that purple smoke and she will first get Harry.
But when she arrives at their room, Harry is sitting in the bed, a thoughtful look on his face, and to Ginny's surprise he holds his Invisibility Cloak in his hand, feeling the fabric.
She frowns for a moment before closing the door and sitting next to him, keeping her expression devoid of any concern.
'Crisis averted,' she announces quietly. 'Purple smoke drove the kids away.'
'Purple smoke?'
'Yeah, Albus was playing with James' new wand and this felt like a good occasion for a tiny drop of Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder. Albus thought he did it and they all thought they were in trouble, and that was the end.'
There is a shadow of a smile on his face, but his lips stay still. 'Good one.'
'Yeah, well, I use my tricks while they work. Soon enough they will be too smart for it.'
She waits for him to say something, but Harry just keeps looking sorrowful. Her hand flies to the back of his neck, massaging it, hoping to ease his tension.
'James called you. He wants some fatherly advice.'
'He is nervous.'
'More than he admits, yeah.'
'I was on my way to talk to him — sorry for letting you handle them alone —'
'Nothing I couldn't take care of, Harry,' she says, shrugging. 'Just between us, I will miss all this noise.'
Harry's mind is still far away. She lays her head over his shoulder, her hand touching his over the soft fabric of the cloak.
'What's going on, Harry?' she asks softly.
He sighs.
'I am going to give James the Invisibility Cloak.'
She nods, quietly. They've already discussed this — how Harry doesn’t use his cloak much anymore ever since he started working as Head Auror, how they can trust James to not make too much trouble —, but it seems something else is bothering him.
‘I thought of wrapping it, attaching a note to tell him to use it well, you know, all mysterious like the card I received, and I was going to, but… it felt weird.’
He bites his lip, looking very much like his son doing the same, as much as James resembles Ginny more.
‘It’s the only thing I have,’ he whispers. When she looks confused, raising her eyebrows, he gives her a guilty look. ‘That was my father’s, only his.’
‘It’s stupid,’ he adds, looking sheeplish, and she can see the bricks he is using to build a wall around him. She entwines their fingers, and Harry closes his hand, pressing her fingers as if he wants to share her strength.
‘No, it’s not. It makes sense.’
‘No, I mean, this is as much mine as it’s James and Albus and Lily’s, it’s their inheritance too —’
‘I said it made sense, not that it was right,’ she notes kindly.
He nods. ‘I know. I feel so… spoiled, like I have this shiny toy I don’t want to lend to anyone —’
'Now you are being unfair,’ she cuts him. ‘You are many things, Harry, but spoiled you never were. Too humble for that, it was always your charm.’
‘But if I can’t give it away—’
‘You are not. Giving it away, I mean. I think you are just looking at it the wrong way. The Cloak will remain yours just as it will be James’, and someday Albus’ and Lily’s too’. Ginny turns to kiss him on the cheek. ‘Just like it still belongs to James Potter and your grandfather and all the family you once saw in that enchanted Mirror.’
Harry smiles distantly. ‘The first time I saw that Mirror I was using this Cloak. It was the first time I was seeing my family, you know?’ Ginny nods quietly. This is a story that always makes her eyes tear up a bit, but she won’t cry, not now. ‘I have so many good memories of this Cloak.’
‘We’ve even made a few,’ she notes, winking at him, and Harry almost chuckles. ‘I think cryptic messages are overrated. Just show the Cloak to James. He will love it.’ She hesitates just a little. ‘And… isn’t this better this way? Sharing this moment with him?’
He smiles sadly. ‘It’s what my father would want, right?’
Ginny sighs. ‘I don’t know. This is something we can only guess. But — what do you want?’
‘Well,’ his smile is a little more normal now, ‘he will get into much more trouble if he doesn’t have it.’
‘Harry,’ she calls softly. ‘Why do you want?’
He turns to her, raising his free hand to hold her face.
‘I want him to be happy. I want him to enjoy the Cloak like I did — less walks to the Forbidden Forest, though, more late night walks to the kitchen.’
‘He will,’ she assures him. ‘We made this world so he could have fun, not use it to survive.’
‘And this is all I wish for him,’ he says, more at ease now.
‘He will cherish this moment forever,’ she assures him, and Harry nods before placing a kiss softly on her lips.
‘Thanks, Gin.’
‘Anytime, Harry,’ she smiles. ‘Just don’t mention the Marauder’s Map, or he won’t ever stop pestering Teddy.’
Harry laughs.
She walks to kiss Lily good night and to turn off the light of Albus’ room (he always forgets it), making sure the blankets are covering them and they are finally resting. Then she goes back to James’ room, pausing at the door when she hears their laughs.
James laughs like Harry in his best moments — carefree, at ease, no weight on his shoulders.
She peeks inside. Only James’ head is visible as he tries the Invisibility Cloak, looking at himself in the mirror, while Harry beams at his son. Then James sits in the bed, still wearing the cloak as if he doesn’t ever want to lift it off, listening attentively to Harry.
'It's a powerful item, James, and yet as any magical thing it's only powerful as its owner. Be smart. Remember that others can still hear you, and don't forget to avoid people as you walk with it.'
'Isn't it obvious?'
'People forget more than you'd think', laughs Harry, and Ginny has a sudden memory of the time Hermione caught them… busy. 'Promise me you will share the Cloak with your brother and sister in the future. It belongs to you three.'
'Yeah, yeah', agrees James, and even though he doesn't look concerned, Ginny knows he will do as promised in the future. He may complain, but he always does everything for his siblings.
‘And, please, James, no trips to Hogsmeade or to the Forbidden Forest until you learn how to really defend yourself.’
James grins, nodding, and Harry hugs him — looking weirdly hugging the emptiness where his son's body is still invisible.
Watching them, Ginny thinks she was partially right. It’s not only James that will appreciate this moment. And though she told Harry they could only guess, she knows James’ namesake would enjoy it too.
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punchdrunkdoc · 2 years
Given To Fly
Chapters 1 & 2
TASM! Peter Parker x Original female character
Summary: After the events of Spiderman: No Way Home, Peter 3 is determined to make some changes to his life. It starts with a new job, and a chance meeting with a beautiful stranger in a bar.
Notes: The lonely, somewhat tortured TASM!/Andrew Garfield version of Peter Parker in Spiderman: No Way Home broke my heart a bit. This is my attempt to give him his happy ending.
I can't say too much more, as there's a mystery at the heart of this tale that I don't want to spoil.
This will be a multi-part story.
Also available here.
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Chapter 1:
The Girl At The Bar
Peter tried not to wince as the alcohol burned its way down his throat. Guess brandy wasn't his drink. It had been Uncle Ben's tipple of choice, and he would often pour himself one in the evening to help him unwind. He'd swirl the amber-coloured liquid in a fat glass, while reclining in his lazy boy, sock-covered feet up on the foot rest as he asked his wife and nephew about their day. Aunt May liked gin, and white wine with dinner. Peter sometimes joined her in a glass during their weekly meals together, but he wasn't a fan.
So far at this bar, he'd tried a glass of scotch, a shot of tequila and, of course the brandy, but none were to his taste. He'd kinda skipped the experimental drinking phase of college so was making up for lost time tonight, applying his scientific mind to the task of discovering a beverage that would:
A. Get him drunk and
B. Not make him want to gag in the process.
If he even could get drunk. He never had been before. And maybe his high metabolism and accelerated healing wouldn't allow him. Did spider's get drunk? Was that a known arachnid defence mechanism? Maybe he could write a paper after this little experiment and turn the world of entomology on his head: 'New study suggests spiders can't get drunk!'
Shaking off his idiotic thoughts, he flagged down the bartender for the third time in 20 minutes, yelling "Can I get a vodka this time?". The bartender spared a semi-judgemental glance at the half empty glasses lined up in front of him, before nodding and turning to the rack of bottles behind the bar. "With tonic!” Peter added, not wanting to endure another swig of pure alcohol. The bartender nodded again, back still to him, not bothering to try to converse over the heavy din of the music.
Peter swivelled around in his stool while waiting for his latest drink to be made, taking in the strobe-lit bar-slash-nightclub. The air was thick with sweat, and a crowd of people were dancing and stomping to the pulsing electronic music mere mere feet from where he sat. This was not his typical scene - at all. His lack of drinking experience was enough proof that bars in general were not his scene. This time of night he'd usually be swinging through the city on the look out for criminals, not downing drinks.
Its not like he was part of a roaring social circuit, where he was meeting up regularly with friends over drinks, and he wasn't a guy that needed alcohol to destress or help him sleep - his Spider-man activities did that for him. He wore himself out physically night after night, swinging from buildings, stringing up thugs and mobsters, getting the occasional beating in return. Then, in the early hours of the morning, he'd stumble through his apartment window, strip off his suit and collapse into bed, just sparing enough consciousness to set the alarm for later that day. Deep down he knew that wasn't exactly a healthy method for coping with life, but he justified it to himself that at least he was helping people and not just selfishly drowning himself in a bottle.
So yeah, this was not his scene. But after leaving May's that night, he'd arrived on his block and just...couldn't bear to go home alone. Again. His little foray into the multiverse had shown him how solitary his life truly was. Seeing Peter 1 with his MJ and his best friend, and hearing about Peter 2's relationship with his MJ…it had thrown Peter 3’s last 9 years into stark relief.
His life as Peter Parker was...non-existent. He had no social life. He survived paycheck-to-paycheck and, while he loved photography, taking photos of himself to sell to tabloid newspapers was not exactly creatively challenging. In fact, he was doing nothing to challenge himself. His degree was going to waste, he had no ambitions, he was just coasting.
Barely existing.
After he returned to his own universe, he vowed to change some things. The first thing he did (the only thing, if he was honest, but, hey! Baby steps!) was get a new job. From Monday he would be the newest research assistant at the well-respected GenTech biogenetics institute. He would actually be using his brain - and his degree - for something useful. The pay wasn’t life changing, but given enough time he might be able to upgrade his shitty apartment to something marginally less shitty.
He still couldn’t cut back on the Spider-man activities though. Until his life as Peter truly began, he needed to be out in the city, in amongst everything. The alternative was sitting home alone, with no-one around to distract him from this thoughts…and that was far too depressing to contemplate.
Tonight he didn’t have the option to suit up; the still-healing bullet wound in his bicep (courtesy of a particularly over-zealous armed robber from the previous night), prevented him from using his webs, and it was too risky even for him to venture out without them.
So as he’d passed by the bar near the corner of his apartment building, contemplating the endless stretch of night awaiting him, he’d figured 'what the hell'. He'd get drunk - enough so he could sleep without dreaming - and then head back to his miserable apartment.
A figure emerging from the crush of intoxicated dancers caught his eye and brought him out of his reverie. She was tall for a woman - taller than even some of the guys she was trying to squeeze past. Her hair was...well, he couldn't make out the colour but the way the strobe lights hit the loose, wavy strands, he figured it was light - a blond or maybe a red head. Her shoulder's were bare, exposed by a metallic halter top, and her long, slim legs were encased in skin-tight jeans. Surprisingly, she wore heavy black biker boots instead of more fashionable heels. His eyes moved back to her face to find she was looking straight at him, one eyebrow slightly raised. Busted for checking her out, Peter blushed and swung back around to face the bar.
The hairs on the back of his neck stood up, his Spidey-senses tingling; not with a feeling of danger, just...awareness...as she came to stand at the bar next to his stool.
Huh, he'd never felt that before.
"Jack Daniels and diet coke, please," she called out to the bartender, her words laden with an English accent. Peter tried and failed to keep himself from looking at her face once more. He peered up at her profile, noting the cheeks flushed from dancing and the plump, slightly parted lips. Her heavy eye makeup made her grey irises seem pale and otherworldly. Those eyes flicked down to his and he quickly averted his gaze, taking a sip of the vodka in front of him. He forgot to hide his wince at the sharp taste, and heard a soft chuckle from the woman next next him.
"Does your drink taste bad, or are you grimacing at this appalling song choice?" she asked. He looked up to see her pointing at the speaker hanging over the bar, which was now blasting out a screeching techno hit from the late 90s.
He met her smile with one of your own. "It was the drink but...yeah, the music sucks too."
She reached over and lifted his drink, taking a small sip through the straw. "Hmm, just vodka. I was expecting paint stripper from the way you screwed your face up."
He laughed at that. "Are you familiar with the taste of paint stripper?"
"You'd be surprised what a poor, struggling student will drink on a night out," she replied straight-faced.
His grin stretched wider. "And is that what you are? A poor, struggling student?" he asked.
"Not anymore thankfully. I graduated a couple of years ago. Now I can afford the good stuff." She raised up her own drink as if in a toast before taking a quick sip. "Here," she offered the glass to him, "Maybe you'll like this better."
He took the glass from her, their fingers brushing for a moment. The contact set his Spidey-sense off again. He didn’t know how to interpret what his body was telling him. She didn't feel like a threat, and she certainly didn't look like one. It was more like he was being told 'pay attention. She's important'.
"Are you going to drink that, or absorb it through osmosis?"
He shook off his thoughts and took a drink, pleasantly surprised at the taste. So maybe he was a Jack man? Then his brain caught up to her words. "Osmosis? Are you a scientist then?"
"Wow, so knowing the word 'osmosis' labels me a scientist? Didn’t know you Americans had such low standards in academia," she teased.
He laughed but narrowed his eyes, pretending to peer intensely at her. "You are something science-y though," he guessed, more out of hope for a common interest than anything tangible.
"I'm a doctor," she admitted.
"Hah, I knew it! Medical or PhD?"
"Medical," she confirmed, looking abashed.
"Why are you so embarrassed, that's cool!”
"No, I know, and I am kinda proud of it," she sighed. "But people make such a big deal sometimes, like, just graduating Med School is this huge achievement, when really I was just lucky enough to be born with a reasonably high IQ and an ability to memorise a whole bunch of random information. Most of medicine is just memorising lists,” she finished with a shrug.
“Even if that’s true, it is a big deal being a doctor. It should be the first thing you tell people! You should only ever introduce yourself as 'Dr. So and So'. Brag about it!"
"Brag?! Have you ever met a British person before? We're sorta famous for our charming modesty," she said wryly.
He laughed again. God, when was the last time he laughed this much? He found it easy to joke around as Spider-man. The banter and quips flowing thick and fast under that guise. But as plain old Peter…he’d alway been kinda shy. Thankfully, he’d pretty much grown out the stuttering awkwardness of his teenage years, but he was never good with small talk. Especially with strangers. ESPECIALLY with beautiful female strangers.
To demonstrate, he followed up with the most inane question possible. ”So what are you doing here?”
"In this bar or in this country?" she countered.
"We'll start with this bar and then zoom our way out."
"I like to dance," she said, with a shrug of her slender shoulders.
"I can tell."
She cocked her head, "How?" "
By your boots," he said, and they both peered down at her feet. "You want to be comfortable, right? And not have to worry about breaking your ankle in pretty heels when you're out on the dance floor."
She gave him a thoughtful look, as if he'd done something clever, and he felt stupidly proud of himself. "How do you know its not the height thing? That I avoid 'pretty heels' so that I don't tower over every guy in here?"
He shrugged. "Something tells me that doesn't bother you."
"Correct again," she said softly, with that same thoughtful look. "I like being tall."
"How tall are you?" he asked, as he got up off his stool. He breached the small distance between them to gauge it better and realised she was the same height as him. Out of nowhere, the notion came to him that he wouldn't have to bend down to kiss her.
Just as he was shaking off that thought, the crowd that had been amassing at the bar suddenly surged against her back, pushing her against his chest. His hands automatically came up to steady her, wrapping around her bare arms. Now he knew why Peter 1 referred to his Spidey-sense as a 'tingle'. Because upon touching her again, that sensation suddenly coursed through his entire body, leaving him flushed and slightly out of breath. Her gaze met his, the two of them no longer smiling. The air between them grew heated, and his fingers tightened imperceptibly against her skin.
"Um...," Peter said, feeling like he had to say something to break the mounting tension between them. He knew he could just release her and step back, but found himself unable - unwilling - to do so. Being so close to someone so stunningly out of his league was short-circuiting his brain.
The decision was made for him when the crowd at her back let up the pressure and she stumbled back. His hands lost contact with her skin and, suddenly at a loss with what to do with them, he raked them nervously through his hair.
"Its getting a bit crazy down here," she laughed, and he thought he could hear nerves in her voice too for some reason. "Do you, um, want to get a table upstairs?" she asked.
His self preservation instincts wanted him to decline. Just ignore this connection with this beautiful stranger, end this whole experiment with socialising, go home and go to bed. Return to his solitary life where he didn't have to reveal anything of himself, or risk getting hurt again. 'What would the other Peters do?' He thought. It had become an almost mantra over the past couple of months, whenever he felt himself slipping back into bad habits. 'What would they do in this situation?'. And that cinched it for him. Because they wouldn't let this opportunity go so easily.
"It's okay if you don't," she said, responding to his silence. "I just thought, we c-"
"I'd love to," he interrupted. "Yeah, um, I mean yes. Let's go. Upstairs. Let's do that," he rambled, before finally clenching his jaw shut and nodding like an idiot.
They managed to find a free table on the balcony overlooking the dance floor - free because it was situated annoyingly close to the line for the bathroom. But the irritation of the milling, sweaty bodies around them and the relentlessly bad music soon faded away as they talked and talked and talked.
They found they had a common interest in scifi and fantasy, and spent an hour comparing thoughts on their favourite movies and books. They also had a lot not in common, but enjoyed trying to change each others minds about their respective passions.
He found out she loved music but couldn’t play an instrument to save her life.
He told her about his photography.
He loved her self-deprecating humour, and her intelligence - she was intimidatingly well-read and had theories on all sorts of scientific pursuits, including the multiverse (she was completely wrong, but he couldn't tell her without divulging some pretty hefty revelations). He was having fun verbally sparring with her.
And even when there was a lull in the conversation, it never felt awkward. They would just sit with each other and look out onto the crowd below, then start talking again. At one point he had moved to her side, the loud music necessitating closer contact to avoid having to yell, and they had stayed like that for the rest of the night. Their arms would brush against each other as they reached for their drinks and he'd occasionally have to lean even closer to her to be heard, his lips near her ear. He had to restrain himself from leaning in the rest of the way and allowing his lips to rest against the soft, inviting skin of her neck.
At one point he had taken her hand, gently turning her arm. "You have such pale skin," he had remarked softly, tracing his finger over the surface, captivated by the way she almost glowed in the soft light of the table lamp.
"Curse of the British: pale skin and bad teeth,” she joked.
“You have great teeth,” he murmured, his eyes not moving from the path his finger was taking across her skin. “I bet you sunburn easily," he commented, almost to himself.
"Yeah," she breathed. "Not really built for sunlight. We're more of an indoors people."
He met her eyes, grinning at her response, and suddenly realised how close they were, their lips mere inches apart. It would take no effort at all to lean just a little bit closer, to press his lips to hers...He swallowed nervously and sat back, maintaining his distance but keeping hold of her hand until the lights came on in the club signalling closing time.
That light offered him his first proper glimpse of her, and despite the late hour, the dance-induced sweat drying at her hairline and the harsh fluorescent bulbs, his first impression had been correct… she was absolutely, stunningly beautiful.
She ducked her head when he caught her staring and started blushing. It was funny, she looked like a freaking supermodel, but blushed whenever he stared at her. That British modesty thing really was charming as hell. He tugged on her hand to help her up from the table, and they made their way downstairs and out of the club together.
The cool night air was refreshing, and Peter raised his face up to the sky, eyes closing as he took a deep breath. He felt her come to stand against his side as he stood on the sidewalk, feeling comfortable in silence with her.
Peter laughed. He turned to her face her, and met her curious expression.
"What is it?" she asked, stifling a yawn. The cold air had invigorated him, but its seemed to have made her tired.
He took a step back and stuck out his hand. "Hi. My name is Peter."
She laughed too. All those hours getting to know each other...and they seemed to have forgotten the basics. She grasped his outstretched hand but...hesitated slightly, her eyes darting to the left before meeting his. "I'm Jen. Nice to meet you."
His thumb brushed against the back of her hand, the 'tingles' from the contact still present, but less jarring now. "Nice to meet you too," he replied, softly.
They stood there, hands clasped for several long moments. Peter didn't want this night to end, he wanted to invite her to his apartment and keep talking to her, but couldn't find a way to say it that didn't sound like a sleazy pick-up line.
She took the initiative once more. "Peter," she said, and, man, did he love the way his name sounded in her accent. He could see intent in her eyes and it made him swallow nervously. She stepped closer to him, grasped the back of his head with her free hand...and kissed him.
He stood rooted to the spot, his mind flinging in a million different directions. Was he ready for this? What was this? She didn't really know him - would she still want him if she knew the blood he had on his hands? He couldn't do this again. Was he betraying Gwen? What would the Peters do!?
Before he could sort out the maelstrom of his feelings, she broke the contact and tugged her hand free of his. "I'm sorry," she said sounding embarrassed. She wouldn't meet his eyes, and turned quickly to look down the street. “Shit, I'm so sorry. Just forget that happened."
A yellow cab made its way down the street and she stuck her hand out to hail it. She glanced back at him, "I'll get going now. Nice to meet you."
The cab slowed to a stop in front of them, the tires splashing through a puddle from the rainstorm earlier in the day. The sound of the water shook Peter from his stupor. "No! Wait!" he yelled, grabbing her hand. "Just...wait, please wait."
She looked at him and bit her lip, her other hand on the cab door. The driver called out, irritated at the delay, "Are you coming or not, lady?"
Peter answered for her. "She's not.” He pulled Jen away from the cab and grabbed her other hand. "I'm sorry, just listen to me for a sec and let me explain and if you never want to see me again, I'll flag down another cab. Or call you an Uber or something, okay?"
"Okay," she said, and waited.
And waited.
Peter swallowed. He couldn't really explain to her why he was acting so weird. From her point of view, she'd met a guy in a bar, they'd talked all night, done some mutual flirting, so she’d kissed him. It was all completely reasonable, and yet he'd had a mini freak out.
That wasn't normal.
But what could he say? "Sorry, I'm an emotionally-stunted superhero who lost his first love because he didn't catch her when she fell from a clocktower, and I’ve spent the last 9 years in a guilt-induced spiral of violence and solitude".
Yeah, that wouldn't freak her out at all!
"Peter," she sighed, "It's okay. I misread the situation, it happens. No big deal."
"But it is a big deal," he countered. "This doesn't happen to me. I don't meet people and have it be so...easy and effortless, and, and...nice! Tonight was really nice!"
Her brows came together in confusion. "Okay..." she said.
He dropped her hands and dragged his own through his hair, feeling agitated. He tugged on his locks and spun in a circle before facing her again. "I know that sounds weird, but you have no idea how much I needed 'nice' tonight. And it wasn't just nice. That makes it sound so...so...boring. It was so much more than just nice - it was amazing. You're amazing. And God, you’re so beautiful. And I wanna keep talking to you and yeah, I think I want to kiss you - properly this time - I'm sorry I was weird about it before. But, yeah," he finished, his smile growing with the realisation. "I wanna kiss you."
He reached for her, but the air was suddenly filled with the drunken cries of the young revellers spilling out of the club behind them. Making a quick decision, he grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the mob. "Look, my apartment is just there," he said, pointing to his window on the fifth floor of the building opposite. "Do you want to come up for a cup of coffee, or something?" He grimaced internally - guess he ended up going with the sleazy come-on after all.
But she just smiled and nodded and squeezed his hand.
He met her smile. “Good! Great, okay, lets go.”
Once they got through his apartment door, the nerves and awkwardness intensified. "Um, I'll get the coffee," Peter said, locking the door behind them. He started to shuffle towards the kitchen but he couldn’t take his eyes off her as she wandered around his small studio, studying the books on his shelf and the photos on the wall. She leaned over slightly to check out the view from his window, presenting him with the full expanse of her bare back. There was literally no material from the thin band at her neck to the waist band of her jeans - how did he not notice that before? And when did he become a back-guy? Because that's evidently what he was. Seeing all that milky soft skin...it snapped him out of his awkwardness and self-doubt.
He marched over to her, spun her around and kissed her.
There was no freezing this time. No hesitation or second-guessing. He kissed her, and kept kissing her, bring his hands up to tangle in her hair, angling her head so he could kiss her deeper. She kissed him and kept kissing him in return, stepping closer to him so they were pressed tightly together, her hands roaming over his back.
‘That’s a good idea’, the part of his brain still engaged in higher reasoning thought, as he moved his hands down to caress her back in return. God, her skin was even softer than it looked, and he could feel hints of delicate muscle under his wandering hands.
It wasn’t enough - he needed to feel her everywhere.
He started backing her towards the bed in the corner of the room, all the while tugging the material of her top from of the front of her jeans.
Once freed, his hands moved underneath, reaching up to cup her breasts. The sensation of hands on bare skin, jolted him slightly, enough for that last remaining bit of higher functioning to kick in. “Is this ok?,” he checked with her between kisses.
Her knees hit the bed and she collapsed backwards. He followed her down, resting the length of his body over her long, slim form. “Jen, is this ok?” he asked again, pulling away from her slightly. “I didn’t invite you up here for this. I mean, I thought, maybe another kiss or something…I just don’t want you to think I’m that guy. The one just trying to get into your pants, I li-“
“Peter!” she gasped, her tone slightly exasperated. “It’s all good, we’re good. I want this. So just shut up and kiss me!” She grasped him by the hair and pulled him back to her.
“Yes, ma’am,” he mumbled against her lips with a smile.
Chapter 2:
The Girl In The Lab
Peter jolted awake, unsure of what had disturbed his sleep. He was lying on his side, curled around a sleeping, naked Jen. Her blond hair was spread out between them and it tickled his nose as she nuzzled her head deeper into the pillow they shared. He figured that must have been what roused him. He smiled and edged his head back a bit, even as his arms tightened around her.
He mentally took stock of his body - his usual habit upon waking - checking for any new aches and pains or wounds. But of course, there were none. He hadn’t suited up last night. He’s spent it with Jen instead. And while his body felt used and spent, it was in the best possible way. In fact, he felt pretty great. Better than he had in years.
Jen shifted again in her sleep, one of her legs coming to rest between his. The contact brought up a vivid memory of last night, of him wrapping those long legs around his waist as he thrust inside her. His smile broadened until his cheeks almost hurt. Last night had been fucking amazing. He’d never had sex like it - not that he’d had that much experience over the years. But still, he knew it wasn’t always like that - it couldn’t possibly be, otherwise the human race would do nothing but stay in bed all day.
They’d been so in tune to each other, their bodies fitting together like they were made for each other. And it had been surprisingly light and fun - they’d still talked and laughed throughout the night, losing none of the easy interplay they’d shared in the bar.
He felt happy, he realised. The complete opposite to the shame and disgust he always assumed he’d feel after a one-night stand. Not that he considered this a one-night stand. Sure, they’d met at a bar and had sex the first night, just hours after meeting…but it wasn’t some sordid one-off. This was the start of something.
Something real.
Just as he was dropping off to sleep again, his Spidey-senses suddenly went haywire, coinciding with the sound of a terrible drawn-out metallic screech in the distance. His eyes snapped open. Shit, what the hell was that?
He carefully extracted his limbs from around Jen and crept out of bed, straining his super-hearing for any more clues, but all he could hear now was the blare of sirens as the emergency services raced to the site of a presumably horrible accident.
He quickly shoved some clothes on and grabbed the backpack containing his suit from under his bed. Sparing one last, long look at Jen sleeping peacefully under his duvet, Peter hurried to the kitchen to quickly scribble a note for her to find if she woke.
Hi. Something came up and I had to head out - help yourself to coffee and I promise to bring breakfast when I come back.
Peter paused, unsure what else to say. Well, he knew what he wanted to say: last night was one of the best nights of my life, I can’t wait to kiss you again and hear you laugh, and just sit with you and be with you…but he didn’t want to scare her off.
The sirens were getting louder now, and were sure to wake Jen if he lingered any longer. So he scrawled his phone number at the bottom of the note, just in case she needed him, and left the apartment.
Several hours later, Peter jogged up to the front of his apartment building, a stupid grin on his face that he couldn’t quite manage to suppress. Juggling two coffee cups and several brown packages filled with pastries, he pulled open the main door of his building and stepped inside. The emergency had turned out to be a subway derailment, which could have been a lot worse had it occurred at rush hour. But, luckily, in the early hours of a Saturday morning, the contingent of passengers was low, and between the efforts of Spider-man and the FDNY, they’d managed to locate everyone and get them all out alive in record time.
That left Peter the whole day to spend with Jen. Maybe they’d go see a movie or go to a museum. Or maybe they’d just stay in bed all day. At that thought his smile widened. He started whistling a random tune as he bounced up the stairs and let himself into his apartment.
The darkness was the first thing he noticed.
None of the lights were on and he could see the curtains over his window were still drawn, blocking out the bright mid-morning sun.
Then he noticed the silence.
There was no rustle of sheets from the bed, no sound of running water in the bathroom, no padding of footsteps on his wooden floor.
“Jen,” he called out, hastily dumping the breakfast items on his kitchen counter. He started hurrying around his apartment, checking every inch of the tiny space. “Jen,” he called out again, futilely, knowing the truth the moment he’d walked into the apartment and felt the utter lack of life and warmth in the place.
She was gone.
“Shit,” he muttered, jumping back to the kitchen to check the note he’d left. He let out a relieved breath when he realised it had moved from the place he’d left it. That meant she’d read it at least, and hadn’t thought he’d just bailed on her. He flipped the scrap of paper over, hoping she might have left a note of her own, or her number, but there was nothing. Quickly rummaging through his pockets he located his own phone and checked the display.
No texts. No missed calls.
“Shit,” he repeated, louder, as he collapsed into the chair by the kitchen table. “Shit!” He yelled it this time, his stomach sinking like a stone as he realised that she’d left and he had no fucking way to contact her.
For the rest of the weekend, Peter ran the gamut of nearly every emotion known to man.
There was soaring hope whenever his phone chimed or he heard footsteps outside his apartment door.
Crushing disappointment when it turned out to not be her.
Irrational anger at the Metropolitan Transportation Authority for not maintain the tracks of their subway system allowing a derailment to occur the exact morning he was waking up with someone special!
Overwhelming annoyance at himself for not getting her number or even her fucking LAST NAME before walking out the door and leaving her. They’d talked for literally hours and he felt that he knew her...but in retrospect he realised a few very important details had been missing from their conversation. Like who she was, where she was staying, how long she was in New York…all pretty fucking vital information!
On the back of these thoughts, creeping doubt and mistrust directed at Jen started to plague Peter. Why was she so evasive about who she was? Was she just in it for the sex, and hadn’t really cared about forming a connection with him? Was it just a one-night stand to her? She had been the one to approach him at the bar, and she’d kissed him first. At the time he thought the contradiction between that boldness and her otherwise shy nervous blushing was endearing…but was it an act? Was it a routine she regularly employed to get her rocks off?
Those thoughts led to him hating himself and feeling like an idiot and wishing he could do everything differently that morning.
“Fuck!” Peter yelled, trying to silence the thoughts flying through his head for the millionth time since Saturday morning. He startled the old man passing him on the sidewalk with his outburst. “Sorry, Sir,” Peter called after him, but the man just gave him a sour look over this shoulder as he carried on walking.
Peter sighed and picked up his pace. He was gonna be late for his first day at GenTech at this rate, and he wanted to make a good impression, mainly for Professor Samuels benefit. Prof Sam (as he liked to be called) had been Peter's favourite professor at college. He’d always taken an interest in Peter, recognising his talents and trying to convince him to go to Grad School. But Peter had always declined. He wanted to get his diploma (mostly just to make May proud), but at that point in his life he couldn’t see a future for himself beyond his role as Spider-man.
Reaching out to Prof Sam after all these years had been a long shot, but Peter had very few other contacts in his chosen field and he needed some help getting through doors. Help that Prof Sam had been all too happy to provide. He’d put Peter in contact with an acquaintance of his - Professor Henri Allard, a renowned French geneticist who had just set up a private research lab in Manhattan studying gene modification therapy - a subject Peter had some personal experience with, although he’d obviously left that out of his application.
Prof Sam’s recommendations, as well as Peter’s college transcripts had been enough to land Peter the gig of an entry level research assistant.
Which he was going to be late for.
Peter managed to reach the reception desk with minutes to spare, thanks to a last minute dash through traffic, relying on his Spidey-sense to help him dodge any oncoming cars.
Panting slightly from the exertion, he introduced himself to the receptionist and was given his pass along with directions to his supervisor’s office on the second floor. Stepping off the elevator on said floor, Peter straightened his shirt and tried to smooth his hair down as he made his way to meet Dr. James Newsome.
James, or Jimmy as he preferred, was just a few years older than Peter, but was already noticeably balding and his large gut strained against his button-down shirt as he reached over his desk to shake Peter’s hand.
‘"Nice to meet you, Pete. I was in Prof Sam’s class in ’09. Anyone who impressed that dude, is a good dude in my books,” Jimmy commented, leading Peter back out of his office for a tour of the department.
“Will I get to meet Professor Allard at some point?“ Peter enquired partway through the tour. “I read that piece on him in the New Yorker, and...just...wow. The things he’s been able to accomplish within the field of cancer gene modification is amazing…but he also does all this work in Africa and his advocacy for-“
“You’re a fan, I get it!” Jimmy interrupted, laughing. “Dude, we all are, that’s why we’re here. But we’re just the grunts on 2. His office is up on 6 and he doesn’t make it down here much. Too busy wining and dining grant money out of senators to bother with the likes of us.”
Peter tried to hide his disappointment as he and Jimmy rounded a bend in the corridor and reached an open plan area. “Next,” Jimmy said, opening both arms wide, “we have our Data Geeks.” Jimmy motioned to a group of eight small cubicles, seven of which were already inhabited. He pointed to the empty desk “This will be yours, newest Data Geek,” he said with a smile. “I assume you’ve already been given the run down on what your job will be?”
“Yeah,” Peter replied. “Data entry and analysis of exome sequencing from the mice trials”.
“Correct-amundo. Talk to Steve after this,” Jimmy said pointing to the guy in glasses sat opposite Peter’s desk. “And he’ll get you up to speed on the software.” They reached a set of double doors and Jimmy swiped his access card, allowing them entry into a small laboratory. The solitary occupant was a young woman in a white lab coat. She was sitting at a desk, her back to them, as she peered down a microscope.
“Now we have the Lab Geeks. Well,” he corrected, “Lab Geek singular, seeing as Jane is the only one here so far. Yo, Janey,” Jimmy called out loud enough for the woman to hear. “Got a newbie starting today. Meet Peter.”
The woman glanced over her shoulder dismissively. But then she did a slight double take, her eyes widening a fraction when she saw Peter, before quickly turning back to her equipment.
“She’s a bit of an odd one, don’t take it personally,” Jimmy whispered ushering Peter back out the door.
Peter’s gaze lingered on the woman, a strange feeling almost like déjà vu falling over him. She’d looked at him like she knew him.
And he felt like he knew her too.
Determined to get to the bottom of the mystery, Peter approached the woman - Jane - the moment he saw her enter the break room later that day.
“Hi,” he said as he came to stand beside her at the counter.
He saw her stiffen slightly, and she kept her gaze fixed on her cup as it filled with coffee from the espresso machine.
Peter stiffened too - the spider tingles were back! The same ones he got being near Jen. But this was not Jen. Their names might have been similar but they looked nothing alike. Jane was shorter than Jen by about an inch or two. Her much longer hair was dark brown and pulled up in a messy bun. The eyes he’d glimpsed back in the lab, hidden behind dark-framed glasses were hazel, not grey.
She finally peered up at him, realising he wasn’t going away. He got a good look at her face then. She wasn’t ugly, but the moniker ‘Plain Jane’ suited her in more ways than one. She had nothing on the striking beauty of Jen.
“Bye,” she replied stiltedly, turning to walk away, her cup in hand.
“Do I know you from somewhere?” Peter called to her back.
She paused at the doorway, and without looking back replied simply “No.”
Peter watched her walk away with a frown on his face.
“So, how was your first week at work?” Aunt May asked as she sat down at the dining table.
Peter, who had already started tucking in to his meal, answered “T’sokay,” around a mouthful of spaghetti.
“Peter,” she sighed. “Don’t talk while you’re eating."
“Well don’t ask me questions when I’m chewing,” he replied with a grin. It was a back and forth they’d been having since he was 8 years old.
She smiled at him fondly. “Make any new friends?”
“Its a job, Aunt May, not grade school.”
“But your colleagues must all be around your age, and you obviously have similar interests. Its not outside the realms of possibility that you’d meet someone you get along with.”
Peter’s mind immediately flashed to an image of Jen, her mouth pulled up in a smile as she leaned towards him. He let out an involuntary sigh.
“What is it?" May asked.
Peter deflected the question, not really in the mood to talk about Jen, who he hadn’t heard from at all since the previous weekend. “Oh, there’s just this woman at work who’s annoying.”
It wasn’t a lie. Jane was annoying. Or at least, the mystery of her annoyed Peter.
“How so?” May asked, taking a sip of her wine.
“She’s just…,” Peter tailed off. “She’s…,” he tried again. “She’s aloof.”
“Aloof?” May echoed with a laugh.
“Yes, aloof! Cold, distant, unfriendly. Basically the dictionary definition of ‘Aloof’,” Peter replied, chasing a rogue meatball around his plate. “Everyone on our floor avoids her like the plague, which is fairly easy since she stays hidden in her lab most of the time. I’ve literally heard her say two syllables the entire time I’ve been there. Two! And when she does stomp out of her little hole to get her daily coffee, she ignores everyone and everything happening around her. She’s rude.”
“Stomp out?” May asked, trying to hide her smile. She hadn’t seen Peter this animated in a long time.
“Stomp! In these big ridiculous Doc Marten boots that she wears with everything. Skirts, jeans, dresses. All with the same black boots.”
“It sounds like you’ve observed her a lot in just a week.”
Peter froze, realising how his little diatribe must have sounded. He tried to backtrack. “Not really. There’s just not that many people in the lab so you tend to notice the weird ones.” In truth, he had been watching her closely, hoping something would jog in his memory and he’d be able to place her. He was still plagued by the notion that he knew her somehow.
“‘Weird’ seems harsh,” May said with a frown. “Maybe she’s just shy.”
“She’s not shy. She’s rude,” Peter repeated, finally managing to stab the meatball with his fork.
She was rude. And aloof, and all the things he’d told May.
She was also fucking amazing.
It happened on his third Tuesday at GenTech. The day started much like every other day. He arrived at 9am, got settled in to his station and started ploughing through the latest results. He went looking for his caffeine fix at 11am and found Kevin - the work experience student - sitting in the break room looking…not well.
“Hey, you okay, man?” Peter asked, coming to crouch by the teenager. He was panting and every breath looked pained.
“Something’s wrong,” Kevin managed to whisper between laboured breaths. “My chest hurts.”
“Okay, dude, everything will be fine. I’ll call an ambulance real quick and we’ll get you looked at.” Peter stood up to dial 911, keeping his eyes locked with the frightened youngster, trying to reassure him with a smile.
Instead, he watched as Kevin’s eyes slowly fluttered shut and he slumped over. Peter dropped the phone and managed to catch Kevin has he slid from his chair unconscious.
“Hey!” Peter yelled, hoping there was someone in hearing distance. “I need some help in here!”
Peter laid Kevin out flat on the linoleum away from the furniture and checked his pulse.
Just then, the familiar stomp of Jane’s boots rang out behind him, much faster than usual. She dropped to her knees beside Peter, barking out, “What happened?”
“I don’t know! He was complaining of chest pain and looked short of breath, then he just collapsed.”
Jane quickly checked the boy’s vitals. “He’s not breathing. No pulse.” She started chest compressions, causing one of the girls in the gathering crowd at the door of the breakroom to gasp and cover her mouth.
“Someone call an ambulance,” Jane ordered, still rhythmically pumping Kevin’s chest. “And someone find a defibrillator or a first aid kit or something, whatever we have.” Jimmy, who’d wrestled himself inside the break room, nodded and got out his phone while barking his own orders at Steve, one of Peter’s fellow data geeks.
Jane looked at Peter. “Do you know how to do chest compressions?”
Peter glanced at her, numbly shaking his head.
“Just do what I’m doing,” she said, her voice calm and reassuring. “Use the heel of your hand, lock your elbows and lean your weight over your shoulders. You want to compress the chest about a third, and you need to do it fast - faster than you think. Try singing Staying Alive while you’re doing it. You know, the Bee Gees song?”
Peter nodded and edged closer, ready to take over. The minute she lifted her hands he placed his down and started pumping.
“That’s it,” Jane said, “Let me hear you sing.”
Peter glared at her, but complied, wanting to do his best by the boy under his hands. “Staying alive, staying alive, ah, ah, ah, ah, staying alive” he sang, feeling ridiculous and freaked out all at once. He was so much better at being under pressure when he was Spider-man.
“If you get tired, let me know,” Jane said positioning Kevin’s face and performing two rounds of mouth-to-mouth. “Does anyone else know CPR?” She called out to the crowd by the door which was getting bigger by the minute.
“I won’t get tired,” Peter said, as a member of the lab staff stepped forward with their hand up.
“Don’t be a hero,” Jane said. “If you get tired, you won’t be effective and you’ll do more harm than good.”
“I won’t get tired,” Peter bit out.
She ignored him and turned to the new volunteer, a black woman in her early forties. “Take over mouth-to-mouth.” The woman nodded and got to work. Just then, Steve came bursting through the crowd with the defibrillator kit and several first aid boxes in his hands.
Jane quickly attached the AED leads to Kevin’s chest, working around Peter’s hands, the lock of hair that had escaped her bun brushing against his forearms.
Moments later the electronic voice intoned “No shock”.
“Is that bad?” Peter whispered, not wanting to alarm the crowd at their back.
“It’s fine,” Jane mumbled as she rooted through the first aid kids, obviously looking for something. “He’s not in a shockable rhythm but if we can reverse the cause of his collapse we can get him back.”
“Reverse what? We don’t know what’s wrong with him?” Peter exclaimed.
She looked up at him quickly, her eyes focussed and sure. “I do.”
Peter shook his head slowly, not understanding what was happening. He watched as she pulled out a cannula from one of the first aid kits, the kind they stick in your arm in the ER when you need fluids.
She quickly unwrapped the device and ran her hand over Kevin’s upper chest, counting out his ribs. When she found the location she apparently needed she pushed the needle straight through the skin and removed it, leaving the plastic tubing sticking from his chest. Peter’s sensitive hearing could pick out the faint whistle of air coming from the small port on the end.
Peter continued CPR, getting increasingly worried as he watched Jane do…nothing. Nothing but observe the trace on the AED monitor and rest her fingers on Kevin’s neck. Shit, did she really know what she was doing?
Long, endless, agonising moments passed before she spoke again “Stop CPR, we need to reassess.”
Peter reluctantly removed his hands, having no choice but to trust her. The ambulance crew hadn’t arrived and no one else was stepping forward to help.
They both watched the monitor on the AED as the flat line weaved across the display. Then…a beat. And another.
“Got a pulse,” Jane said calmly, removing her fingers from Kevin’s neck.
“He’s breathing!” The older woman at Kevin’s head cried out.
A cheer went up in the crowd and Peter fell back on his heels, taking what felt like his own first breath in minutes.
A paramedic finally shouldered into the room, carrying a stretcher. “What have we got,” he asked looking between Peter and Jane.
Jane answered, her voice amazingly calm and controlled. “16 year old male, complaining of dyspnoea and chest pain. Witnessed asystolic arrest, 5 cycles of CPR, left-sided thoracocentesis for tension pneumothorax. Return of circulation after approximately 6 minutes of down time.”
The paramedic looked at her in surprise but quickly nodded. “Good work.” Then, with the help of his partner, he scooped Kevin onto the stretcher and carried him from the room.
Peter slowly got to his feet, his eyes never leaving Jane. She looked visibly uncomfortable as she was suddenly surrounded by a swarm of grateful coworkers.
Jimmy noticed her discomfort too. “Okay, everyone, lets leave the good doctor alone and go back to what we were doing. I’ll call the hospital after I speak to Kevin’s parents then let everyone know how he’s doing.”
The crowd dissipated, and the sound of people chatting and exclaiming to each other about what they’d just witnessed got quieter as everyone returned to their workstations.
Leaving Jane and Peter alone.
“So, you’re a medical doctor,” he finally said, still watching her closely.
She met his eyes, her face completely impassive, as if she hadn’t just saved someone’s life with a crowd of people watching. “Yes,” she said simply.
“And you’re English,” he stated. He’d registered her accent the moment she started barking orders. Considering this was the most he’d ever heard her say in two weeks it wasn’t surprising that he hadn’t caught the accent before.
“Yes,” she replied again, cocking an eyebrow as if to say ‘And?’
He just shook his head. “That…what you did…it was amazing,” he admitted. “How did you know how to save him?”
“There aren’t many things that can cause cardiac arrest in teenagers - spontaneous pneumothorax leading to displacement of the mediastinal structures and interruption of the venous return to the heart is one of them. Tall, thin adolescent males like Kevin are particularly susceptible. I just needed to remove the air from his chest and let things return to normal. Medicine is really just memorising lists of causes and effects. I knew the possible causes, treated the most obvious one. Simple.”
“Simple,” Peter echoed shaking his head again.
Later, once his heart rate had recovered to normal, he replayed her words in his mind.
'Medicine is really just memorising lists of causes and effects.'
And he remembered another similar statement, from another English medical doctor.
'Most of medicine is just memorising lists.'
Jane was English, and a medical doctor. And his Spidey-sense was triggered by her presence.
But she wasn’t Jen.
Somehow she wasn’t Jen.
Was he just seeing Jen everywhere because he was obsessed with finding her again?
Just the other day, he’d chased a tall, blond woman through Times Square, convinced it was Jen. He’d called out her name, barrelling through the crowd of milling tourists, frantic in case he lost sight of her. Eventually catching up with the woman, he’d spun her around to see…a complete stranger. He’d stuttered out an apology and left her, feeling like a mad man.
Was he going mad?
Or was there more to this?
The coincidences felt too unreal.
But she couldn’t be Jen.
She was aloof, cold, arrogant…all the things that Jen wasn’t.
And, yet…she was also fucking amazing.
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Wanda Maximoff / Reader - WandaVision Canon Divergence
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Gif is not mine.
Summary: You liked the simplicity of life in Westview, it was quiet and mundane, completely different from what you have lived all your life. So when a witch rewrites the reality around you, you are slightly annoyed.
Warnings: This is trash, lot of swearing, idk really know what i was trying to write here., a bit of fluff but mostly my attempt at humor; hopeful ending.
Words>  3895k   ///// Read on AO3 too.
You were trying to remember how you got where you were. Your last memory was making breakfast, a little while after feeding your cat, and then everything went silent. You blinked again, and there were people in your house, whom you called husband and children, who were smiling and speaking words that you thought were funny.
And now sitting on your bed, while a stranger slept next to you, you could finally realize that something was not right.
Feeling a ringing in your ear, you tried to wake up. It felt like someone was inside your head, pushing your consciousness down. You took a deep breath, clenching your fists, using all your mental control to resist. 
And then your memories hit you in an instant, and you lost your breath. All your life returned to you. Rising abruptly from your shock, you looked around.
Your house was completely different from before, and your first impulse was to look for Mr. Whiskers, but you couldn't find him anywhere. 
Looking down you noticed that you were wearing an old dress, and you grumbled discontentedly. You hate dresses. You didn't have time to worry about it, though.
You tried to remember who was controlling you, but every time you thought the image was getting through, you heard a noise, and lost your concentration.
Turning to the man sleeping in your bed, you frowned at the image. He was the newspaper delivery man on Seventh Street. You had never had any contact with him at all. And now he looked troubled, as if he was having a bad dream.
You raised your fingers to the man's forehead and read his thoughts.
Choking on the intensity of the pure pain you felt, you stopped touching him then, stumbling backwards. What the fuck was that, you thought. But remembering the dream, you now knew who was doing it to him.
Putting on the first pair of shoes you found around the house, you walk out the front door, trying to feel the energy of the witch who was doing this, as you walked around the town.
A woman stopped you, smiling strangely. You had never seen her around here before.
- Are you all right, darling? - she asked. You noticed that everything looked antique, the clothes, the decorations.
- Actually I'm looking for someone. - You answered, and she kept that weird friendly smile. You didn't trust her, and honestly, all this nonsense was getting on your nerves.
- Oh, I can help you if you like. - She said cheerfully, and you took a step back. She didn't seem to mind, then spoke up: - And how is your family? I hear Thomas is giving you trouble at school.
You blinked in confusion, starting to get annoyed.
- Who the fuck is thomas? - You shouted. - You know what, stay away from me!
The woman stood there in shock for a moment, and you took advantage of this to turn her around and keep walking. 
But then you felt something grab you by the neck, you fell breathlessly to your knees, raising your hands to remove the grip, and noticing that it was magic. Great, two witches, you thought.
- You won't spoil the narrative, dear. - said the woman, now sounding much more threatening. She loosened the spell just so that you could breathe, and then turned you to face her. - I didn't know we had another witch in town.
- I am not a witch. - You grumbled. - I'm a mutant.
- I beg your pardon?
- A fucking mutant. - You retorted angrily. - You don't have much of that here, do you.
- And why are you here?
- Can you please let me go? - You strike back, and the woman looks at you with irony. - I'm not going to attack you.
- Oh, I wouldn't dream of it. - She sneers. You let out an impatient sigh.
- Look, I was living very well here. And then somebody put a 1950s filter on my life, and just disappeared with my pet cat. And I really liked him. - you say, getting up. - So if you and your witch friend can take whatever all this shit is somewhere else, I'll be very grateful.
The woman considered for a moment, and then smiled, offering a hand for you to shake. You raised your eyebrows.
- Agatha Harkness, sweetheart. - She introduced herself, and you shook her hand, feeling the magical energy in her fingers. - I'll tell you everything.
She said as she released you from the magical chain, and dragged you by the arm along the street.
Agatha served you tea when you arrived at her house. You noticed that the place was also decorated like in the forties. Your head was hurting a little, you could feel the pressure of the magic trying to make you obey.
- It's painful, isn't it? - says Agatha, looking at you closely. - I have never seen a human resist with such intensity.
You shrug.
- It's just mind control, isn't it? Everyone can learn to resist it. - You say, making Agatha laugh slightly.
- Oh, no, dear. - She denies it. - This is magic. It is not so simple to avoid.
You take a sip of your tea, it tastes good after all. 
- Weren't you going to tell me what's going on here? - you ask, changing the subject. You don't trust Agatha, and you have no intention of chatting with her.
She lets out a giggle at your impatience. 
- We have a witch in town. - She explains. - The very powerful kind. I'm trying to find out what is going on here.
- Do you work for the government or something?
- Oh no, I am from a special organization. - She says mysteriously, you shrug. You don't really care, you just want things to go back to normal. If Agatha can help you with that, you will work with her.
- Fine then. - you say, finishing your tea. - And how do we end this spell?
- It doesn't end. - she says, and you blink in surprise. - The witch who conjured it needs to remove it.
- Fucking hell. - You complain, getting up.
- Where are you going? 
- To talk to a witch! I'm sick of this shit.
You open the door, but Agatha uses her magic to close it at the same instant. You let out an irritated grunt.
- What's the problem? - You say to her, turning to face her. Agatha has a thoughtful expression.
- What exactly are your abilities?
- It doesn't matter. - You say. - I won't use them. Can I go now?
- I intended to play the girl's game to find out what's going on here.
You let out a short  laugh.
- You're kidding me, right? There are thousands of people here who have had their lives completely changed, and you have the power to put an end to it, and you're more interested in studying the witch than stopping her. - you exclaimed angrily. And then you opened the door, Agatha didn't stop you this time, a mixed gleam of surprise and curiosity in her eyes. - I'm going to end this nonsense now. I don't have the time or patience for games.
You left the house, looking around, and were slightly startled to see Agatha standing right next to you, as if she had just teleported there. She gave you a mischievous smile before pointing to the next residence.
You stepped forward to the front door, and knocked on the wood. It didn't take long for you to answer the door.
- Hello, good evening. - Greeted a tall, blond man. You hesitated for a moment, the noise his mind echoed was low, almost non-existent.
- Vision, darling! - Said a voice beside you before you could respond. Agatha placed one hand on your shoulder as she greeted the man with the other. They smiled politely. - I wanted to introduce my niece to Wanda! She came from the south to visit me.
You frowned, blinking in disbelief. Vision smiled, making room for the two of you to enter the house. Agatha pushed you inside, whispering in your ear to play nice, and you rolled your eyes without patience.
And then a woman entered the room, and you could tell you were relatively surprised at how beautiful she was. But this was no time to think about things like that.
- Agatha, darling, good evening! - greeted the woman.
- Hi Wanda, how are you?
They greeted each other with a quick hug while you stood there, arms crossed, not believing the acting.
- This is my niece, she came to stay at my house for a few days. - Agatha said, giving you a gentle nudge with her elbow to introduce yourself. You let out a sigh, forcing a smile at the redhead as you held out your hand to her.
- I am Y/N. - You said, and almost choked when Wanda touched your hand, feeling an electric current go through your body. Wanda's eyes widened, probably feeling it too, but she didn't say anything, letting go of the squeeze.
- We just wanted to say hello, and see how you were doing. - Agatha said with a smile, and Wanda looked at her in the same way. And then the man named Vision came over, hugging the redhead on the side and matching smiles. You squeezed your eyes shut, not believing the scene.
- Is everybody here crazy? - you exclaimed with irritation. Wanda and Vision looked at you with confusion, and Agatha made an angry expression as if to tell you to shut up, but you just raised your hand at her and kept talking. - Look, I don't know what's going on here, and honestly I don't care. If you could just stop the whole show, I'd appreciate it.
All three were quiet for a moment, completely confused. And then the doorbell rang
As Wanda went to answer the door, Agatha pinched your arm, and you just grunted in pain, asking her if those people were mental.
- Pietro? - said the woman looking tearful. The man hugged her then, and then when he turned to you, you let out a surprised exclamation.
- What the fuck are you doing here? - you exclaimed, and everyone looked at you in confusion and surprise. But you felt a mixture of relief and happiness. - Peter, how are you here?
You asked, approaching the boy. But he had a confused expression, as if he didn't really know you. You shook your head in irritation.
- Okay, this is too weird. - You declared. - What the hell is going on? How did Peter get here? Who are you, and why don't I have any pants in my closet?
Agatha let out a nervous laugh, probably hoping that the couple would reconsider their little outburst. But then Wanda acquired a serious expression, her eyes glowing red as she stood in front of you.
- Who are you? - she asked.
- I'm the one who is asking. - You countered. - You are the one who invaded my town and changed the decoration of my house. And more importantly, where the fuck is my cat?
Wanda looked surprised for a moment, and then she held up one hand, a red glow coming from her fingers. You raised your eyebrows.
- I'll ask you again.
- Was that meant to intimidate me? - You reply with irony, nodding your head at the red glow.
- Wanda, dear, what's going on? - Vision asked, sounding really confused. You imagined he was being controlled too. Wanda looked slightly perturbed, and then she launched a large amount of energy at you, pushing you hard enough to break through the wall, and you rolled a few feet into the grass outside.
- Fucking great. - You grumbled as you stood up. Wanda was already coming toward you, her fists and eyes red.
- I want you out of my home.
You wiped the grass from your clothes, laughing wryly.
- You are the one who came to my town, Wanda. - You say in a calmer tone. - I just want things back to normal, and more importantly, I want the newspaper vendor out of my bed.
- I don't understand what you are talking about. - Wanda says with a mixture of confusion and anger in her voice. You frown. Did she really not know what she was doing?
You looked away from her to Agatha, who seemed to be enjoying the whole conflict. You let out a grumble of annoyance.
- That is great. Fucking great. - You muttered as you began to walk in circles, wondering what exactly to do. - Look, I don't know exactly what's going on here. But I do know that this is not my life. And well, it's nobody's life either. That guy over there is not even from this universe! - You explain and point at Peter, or Pietro, with your finger. He looks at you with raised eyebrows. - I just need you to undo whatever this is all about.
- I don't ... - Wanda murmured, looking perplexed. You sighed. 
- Maybe I can help you remember. - You suggest. Wanda nods her head in agreement. 
Agatha approaches quickly, a smile on her lips.
- I would like to participate, please. - she says. You roll your eyes. 
- This will only take a second. - You say tenderly to the redhead. And you raise a finger to her forehead and one to Agatha's, and then you remember.
You see Agatha's memories first. All the hate, and the ambition. She and Wanda walk beside you through the memories. You look closely, wrapped up in the feelings. Agatha had a lot of anger and a lot of hurt, but she was extremely powerful. 
She doesn't seem to mind sharing, and even the most painful memories no longer affect her.
When you see Wanda's memories, however, everything seems to hurt like a freshly opened wound. The death of her parents, the loss of Pietro, and the death of Vision. You feel her emptiness, her pulsating pain. It takes the air out of your lungs, and you just wish you could take that feeling away from her. No one should ever feel this way. As you wade through the memories, you don't understand why none of the people in her life helped her deal with her grief. 
When you stop looking at the memories, you are back in front of the house, no time has really passed in reality, only in your heads. Thick tears stream down Wanda's face, and you resist the urge to dry them, thinking that you didn't really have this intimacy.
But before you can say anything, Agatha lets out a laugh that startles both you and Wanda. 
- Have you gone mad too? - You remark, but a purple haze comes over her, and then she is wearing a different costume. You figure it's her "`witch's outfit,'" and let out a giggle.
- You have no idea how dangerous you are, Mrs. Maximoff. - She says, lifting herself into the air with her own magic. You should know better, witches are always so dramatic. - You're supposed to be a myth.
Wanda looks a mixture of nervousness and impatience. You just cross your arms, waiting for the speech to be over.
- A being capable of spontaneous creation, and here you are. Using to serve breakfast for dinner. - Agatha says with irony. You frown slightly, not catching the reference. - All this little life you have created here. This is chaos magic, Wanda. And that makes you a Scarlet Witch.
- Okay, that's enough, right? - You interrupt, putting yourself in front of Wanda, only to look at Agatha impatiently. - What exactly are you planning to do? Because if I'm not going to help the city, my interest is zero.
Agatha looks really shocked by your intrusion, and it takes a second, or rather a muffled laugh from Peter, or Pietro, laughing at the situation for her to acquire an angry expression and launch a big magic energy ball at you.
Letting out an impatient sigh, you watch the shocked and impressed expressions as you just absorb Agatha's power.
- Good, let's do the introductions then. - You say, and raise your hand, pulling Agatha to the floor. All that theater was wearing you out. - My name is Y/N. I am what you call a mutant, or homo superior. My abilities consist of absorbing, altering, and enhancing the powers of other mutants. The cute one over there - you signaled Pietro - is from my universe too, his name is Peter Maximoff. I came to this world after an accident, about seven years ago. I never made it back. A bald woman put me in this city, and told me to live a quiet life here. And everything was fine, until you arrived. - You say, pointing at Wanda. - Look, I've never met any Wanda Maximoff in my world, but I know we have scarlet witches there. Anyway, would you have any way to remove the spell from Westview? I'd like to get back to my normal life.
Wanda is in shock for a few seconds, and Agatha lets out a laugh. Maybe she has finally given in to insanity, you think.
- You can't stand in my way! You don't know how much I've had to sacrifice to get here.
- Agatha, stop the drama. - You respond, walking over to her and helping her to her feet. - I didn't do anything, I just absorbed the magic you threw at me. What did you expect to do anyway, huh? Absorb Wanda's power?
Agatha grimaces, nodding. You roll your eyes.
- That's ridiculous, you have more than enough power, - you say. - What's the problem with villains and boundaries - You grumble and walk toward Wanda, smiling tenderly at her. - Hey, Wanda. Can we liberate the city now? I'll wait for you to say goodbye to Vision.
Wanda frowns, and you give her a sad smile. It takes a moment, but she nods, turning toward Vision, who had been watching everything in silence until now. She walks back into the house, fixing the wall she had thrown you through as she enters, and you figure they will say goodbye with a little privacy.
While you wait, you turn to Agatha and Peter.
- So who will tell me how he got here? - you ask, with a mixture of seriousness and playfulness in your voice. 
Agatha sighs impatiently. 
- I made a deal with a demon. Simple stuff, really. - She says.
You raise your eyebrow.
- Oh yeah, right. - You agree with irony. - Is he at least the Peter Maximoff of my world, or just a spiritual copy?
- You'll have to ask Mephisto that. - She answers. You let out a sigh, running out of patience. And then you walk over to Peter, and read his mind. And you see nothing but Westview.
- Great, it's empty. - You grumble. Peter looks surprised. - You have a whole life here. His name is Ralph by the way. - You say. - I just don't understand where the super speed comes from.
- Well, he's still a copy. - Agatha suggests, and you shrug, turning to her.
- I imagine you'll try something very illegal and dangerous if I let you out of here, huh? - You joke, and she flashes you a wry smile.
- You could be a nice girl, and lend me some of your abilities. - She looks at you suggestively. You raise your eyebrows wryly.
- On my world they said that a mutant like me would be responsible for annihilation. I don't think it would be wise to use my abilities on people as powerful as you.
Agatha fakes a hurt look, but you surprise her by holding her hands.
- You will stay away from Wanda, okay? - You ask tenderly, making Agatha's eyes widen. - Or I will drain every last drop of magic out of you myself.
What could you say, having seen all of someone's memories created a bond. You can't help but care about Wanda. In fact, you even cared about Agatha too. 
You watched as Hex began to diminish, finally realizing that you were in a kind of bubble until now.
Putting your hands in your pockets, you smiled at the other two beside you. - I hope it doesn't hurt. 
Peter laughed, but Agatha seemed too shocked by your last words to react to anything.
Hex finally reached you, and you watched the house in front of you turn into a plot of land. Wanda stood in the center, her head bowed. 
You waited for her to walk over to you.
- What happens now? - she asked in a broken voice. You smiled, trying to cheer her up.
- I'll take you out for some hot chocolate. - You say, offering your arm for her to hold. Wanda gives you a sad smile, but accepts. As you walk with her toward your house, you wave to Agatha and Peter.
You let out an exclamation of joy when Mr. Whiskers runs to your feet just as you open the door. You pick him up, petting his ears as he purrs. Wanda follows you across the room, appearing unfocused.
You place him on the floor, and motion for Wanda to sit down, as you head toward the kitchen to prepare the chocolate for you two.
- Here it is. - You say as you bring the drink to Wanda. She has a lost look in her eyes. You bite the inside of your cheek, not knowing exactly what to say. - Do you want to talk about it?
Wanda shrugs, tasting the chocolate.
- I don't know what else to say. - She confesses, her voice breaking. - I'm tired. 
- I'm so sorry for everything, Wanda. - You say sincerely, looking at her. You want to wipe the tears that threaten to fall from your eyes. - But I'm going to stay with you now. You won't be alone anymore.
Wanda looks away, tears finally streaming down her face. She excuses herself, wiping them away quickly. 
- Why are you doing this? - she asks. - Why are you helping me?
- Why wouldn't I? - You shoot back as if it were obvious.
- I just kidnapped an entire city. You don't even know me.
- Everyone makes mistakes. - You joke and shrug. - Your mistakes are only bigger because of your magic. Besides, I saw your head. You were in pain, and you lost control. You would be surprised how many times I have seen this happen. - You count, and Wanda shakes her head in disbelief at your reassurance. You give her a smile, and signal her to drink the chocolate before it gets cold.
You are silent for a moment before she speaks again.
- I can't stay here. - she says. - This city. Vision... he...
- Let's leave, then. - You interrupt her, seeing that she was about to cry again. 
She looks at you in surprise, laughing slightly.
- What are you saying? You live here.
- And? - You shrug your shoulders. - I can sell the house. Buy a van, live on the road. Take you to all the places you don't know. - You joke, making her smile.  - I told you, Maximoff. You won't be alone. I like you.
Wanda places the mug on the coffee table in the living room and presses her face against her palms for a moment, sighing. Then she looks at you.
- And when are we going? - she asks and you smile, feeling excited.
- Whenever you want.
- Now.
You laugh, placing your mug next to hers on the table.
- Your wish is my command, madam. - You joked before getting up.
You stroked Mr. Whiskers from inside the shipping box while you were in the front seat of Wanda's car. She looked at you tenderly before she started the car, and you drove out of Westview.
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cheegu3 · 3 years
yooo i just thought of something else i don’t know where i’m getting these ideas from and i’m sorry if i’m being super annoying you don’t have to write it or you could wait like six years to write it if you don’t want to right now but i have another idea for yandere jay 🥴🥴
basically his s/o tries to be saved by pretending to order pizza for them but actually calls the police and tries to tell them her situation by pretending to order pizza, but he figures it out and stops her 😶
sorry if i’m pressuring you by bombarding you with ideas you don’t have to write them if you don’t want to 😭 you’re a queen and i hope you have a good day :)
Noo it’s okay cutie I only appreciate you!! I hope u have a good day too ;-; also sorry for lowkey writing smut again and then soft asf lmao
~ Trapped pt. 4 - yandere Jay ~
sooo i’ve like finally figured out how to end the series, can’t drag it out forever. Buuuut I can’t spoil wether it’s a happy or sad ending just throwing it out there :p
TW / trigger warning: yandere themes, abusive relationships, violence, gore, blood, murder, cursing, sexual themes
word count: around 2k
Summary: y/n is a stupid ass bitch who won’t give up
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“ Get off me! “ you shrieked, still trying to kick him off. You heart was already beating a thousand times per minute thinking of his punishments that would follow this time. They only got worse as time went on. And now that he knew your soft spot, you were fucked.
You were met with a blank face when you were turned over to lay on your back. He was still holding your wrists in a firm grip but his expression baffled you.
‘‘ You’re..you’re not mad ‘‘ your voice sounded small, ready to flinch at the slightest movement in order to protect yourself.
‘‘ It was a fun game. That’s all it was ‘‘ he responded and got up, pulling you up with him and heaving you over his shoulder.
‘‘ Hey! Let me down ‘‘ you shrieked.
‘‘ Behave ‘‘ he hit your butt which made you shriek again and from your place you could see that he had started to move. The world was bouncing up and down. Your boyfriend went up the stairs and then towards your shared bedroom, throwing you down aggressively on the bed. 
You held your breath and watched him pace back and forth in the room, still with a blank expression on his face.
‘‘ My punishment? ‘‘ you said slowly, like a question thinking that it’d be better to just get it out the way.
‘‘ You won’t get one this time- ‘‘ you looked up at him in surprise having stared at your hands ‘‘-BUT, if you try even the smallest thing I will make you feel pain like nothing you’ve felt before ‘‘ he smirked, knowing that it would probably happen very soon and the thought of punishing you again turned him on.
‘‘ I haven’t seen you cry in a while ‘‘ he suddenly said, lost in his thoughts and you saw the growing bulge in his jeans as he said this making you feel disgusted but also well..intrigued. You couldn’t deny that he was good looking he looked almost ethereal having his back turned gazing out into the garden through the window. His shoulders were so...
No stop stupid y/n! you thought to yourself and physically gave yourself a light smack on the head. You suddenly realised what he had said.
‘‘ What? ‘‘
He turned to you and sat down on the edge of the bed.
‘‘ Don’t worry. I’m sure it won’t be long until I do...’‘ Jay was speaking more to himself now than to you and when he trailed off he put his hands up to your face slowly stroking your cheek.
You smiled at his rare display of affection willingly letting yourself get pulled into a hug.
‘‘ I love you ‘‘ he whispered and rested his chin on your shoulder like a little kid clinging onto its mother.
‘‘ I love you too ‘‘ you ran your fingers through his hair.
You two sat like that for a while. It was peaceful like this, only the sound of your breathing filling up the room. Without noticing, he had pulled you down on the bed and now he was more holding you than you were him. The sleepiness had crept up on you and when he noticed, he started rocking you a little bit giving soft kisses to the top of your head. You tried so desperately to keep your eyes open but failed and the last thing you felt was the kiss of the person who loved you most.
When you woke up it was dark outside, assuming it was evening and you had just taken a nap. You listened for sounds and caught a few voices and clattering. The possibility of it being food made your stomach growl loudly so you made your way out of the bedroom. On the top of the stairs you saw that the dining table was decorated, several dishes peeking your interest. Jay was sitting on the chair on the furthest end facing the stairs. He was expecting you and gave you a warm smile when you met his eyes and made a gesture to the seat next to him.
‘‘ Morning sleepy ‘‘ you hurried down the stairs practically running and sat down next to him.
‘‘ Ha ha ‘‘ you said sarcastically and poked your tongue out at him.
Not giving it a second thought you started diving in not noticing your boyfriend watching you closely.
‘‘ What do you want to eat for dinner? I have some work to do, from home ‘‘ he asked once you had basically cleared the whole table, saying the last few words sharply. He could only refer to when you’d tried to escape when he was away at work...twice.
‘‘ Pizza ‘‘ you tried to ignore his tone, clearly he was still pissed and thought you would try it again.
‘‘ You call when you’re hungry yeah? ‘‘ he stood up and waved at one of the guards who called in a server to clear the table.
You only nodded and suddenly it dawned upon you. Another escape opportunity. He had told you to call which means that you could try the pizza method when you’re calling 911. Only what he said next would prove to be a slight hinderance to your plan.
‘‘ But you will have guards following you all day. Don’t try anything ‘‘ he smirked a little and left it at that, walking up the stairs and disappearing into his office.
You could still try it, surely you still had a chance?
A hand firmly grasped your arm making you jump.
‘‘ Miss, Jay requested that you be in your room ‘‘
It was a guard, and another one in a black suit joined you on your other side. You felt trapped and so small. 
‘‘ What the hell ‘‘ was all you could whisper out. 
They had started pulling you up the stairs and when by the bedroom door, you were harshly pushed inside and the door slammed in your face. You had tried to turn around and push down the handle but a click sound told you it was too late. They had locked you in. And sure enough when you tried to push it open, the door didn’t move an inch. 
You sighed and laid down on the bed staring up at the ceiling. You imagined that this day would be quite eventless, being locked up in your bedroom like Rapunzel you’d have nothing to do. You spent the day looking out of the window, thinking about freedom, just hating Jay in general, planning your escape, then hating him a little bit more and reading a book while taking a bath. When hours had passed by, as you could see on the large clock hanging above the door, you decided to put your plan into action. Clearing your throat and trying to come off as innocent as you possibly could you leaned against the door and said,
‘‘ Heyy, I’m uh hungry now. Jay said that I could call for pizza. ‘‘ 
Some rustling and grunts were heard, the door rattled and then the lock was turned. You were met with the grumpy face of one of the guards and also...
‘‘ Sunghoon?? ‘‘ you bursted out.
One of your boyfriend’s bandmates was standing there. Real and breathing. You had never met any of them since Jay was very possessive and protective, well more jealous in your opinion. He thought they would ‘’ steal you away from him ‘’. He bit his lip nervously, looking around as if waiting for someone to pop out at any moment.
‘‘ Listen we don’t have much time “
You couldn’t help but feel bad, he looked so stressed but also you were curious. How the hell did he even know about you? From what Jay had told you, no one close to him knew about your existence. The fact that his bandmate was here, talking to you was a mystery in itself.
“ what? What do you mean? “
The only reason you knew it was Sunghoon was because you had memorised all their names, because you were home alone one day and very bored. Jay had been at work and it was safe to say that he was pissed and suspicious of you learning their names, punishing you for it that very night.
“ I will help you escape “ he said as if it was obvious.
You suddenly were aware of the guards’ presence now and came to the realisation that they didn’t care. They were within a distance which meant they would be able to perfectly hear everything that was said. Yet, they didn’t seem worried or angry, maybe he had some good guards after all.
“ How? “ you no longer cared about how he knew about you or your situation. The thought of someone finally helping you even in the slightest way made you excited.
“ The pizza thing, you know that method when you pretend to order a Pizza but you call the police? “ he explained.
“ yes, I was gonna do that “ you answered a bit disappointed, thinking he’d come with something easier or revolutionary.
“ Okay good. I’ll try to distract him, the band is meeting here tonight and I think he had plans of hiding you in this room all night “
You nodded in agreement. Then he gave you a small encouraging smile and looked to the guards, slowly backing away and walking down the stairs. You were alone now and everything was on you, no time for mistakes. When Sunghoon had disappeared downstairs to the library you assumed, one of the guards handed you a smartphone.
Your hands were slightly shaking as you put the number in. The signals seemed to never end, before a spark was heard and a voice spoke, relieving your anxiety slightly. But then, the door to Jay’s office opened which made your heart skip a beat.
He was coming over here, he knew what I was gonna do. He’ll kill me, you thought and swallowed, trying to speak as casually as you could. No one had come out of the office yet but you heard voices from inside.
“ Hi, uh..I would like, I- “ you caught sight of your boyfriend, walking out with two other men behind him and he looked at you. He stopped for a moment turning his back to you and started chatting to the men again.
You cleared your throat, trying to not let the anxiety win. Everything was gonna be okay.
“ I would like to order a pizza “
You sounded a little bit more confident than before but on the inside you were screaming. You weren’t even sure if this was gonna work.
“ What? Ma’am this is the wrong number “
“ No, no no no! “ you shrieked, making Jay turn around and give you a curious look.
“ Oh yeah, the address it’s umm...it’s “
He was still watching you closely, and the fact that he hadn’t turned around to continue to talk was worrying you.
Instead he was moving, straight to you. And when you saw his eyebrows furrow and the look in his eyes you knew that he knew.
Paralysed with fear you couldn’t move and could only watch as he snatched the phone out of your hands. Everything became a blur, the voices fading out but amidst the chaos you could make out what would be the signal of the end of your escape attempt.
“ Yeah sorry. My wife is mentally ill, she often calls 911 to prank call or accidentally thinking it’s another number- “ he continued but you couldn’t hear at all now, only feel the tears that slowly traveled down your cheeks.
You didn’t even feel it when his guards dragged you into the basement as you stared hopelessly into  nothingness. Only realising what was about to happen when the sound of the door being slammed was heard and the darkness surrounded you. Footsteps came closer and closer.
You were terrified. He was coming.
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forgottenpasta · 4 years
Dulce Periculum Pt. 1
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Summary: Devious and devilish, your two new impish hybrids never miss a chance to torment you for your hopeless attraction to them, knowing exactly what they do to you. But is sly sexuality and enigmatic allure all there is to the tiger and wolf hybrid, or do the depths of their eyes hide something more for you? Part 1/2.
Genre: Smut, Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 7.2k
Pairings: Tiger Hybrid!Taehyung x Reader X Wolf Hybrid!Jeongguk
Warnings: Taehyung and Jeongguk have no shame, arrogance galore, filthy smut in part 2, swearing, mentions of blood, mild violence, anime style nosebleeds.
Part 1 | Part 2 (complete)
A/n: Enjoy!
The sickening sound of Jeongguk’s foot connecting  with the bear hybrid’s face in what was a flawless display of a spinning wheel kick made you flinch in your seat. The crunch of bones breaking could be heard by even your inferior human ears. The hulking bear hybrid went down like a sack of potatoes, hitting the hard floor of the ring with a dull thud.
Jeongguk huffed out a laugh as he assumed a neutral position, wiping a hand down his sweat soaked washboard abs as he smirked down at the hybrid who was clutching his jaw with both his hands. “I thought bears were supposed to be aggressive in the ring and shit. You fight like a pussy.”
The man on the floor groaned in pain and anger, but try as he might he couldn’t get up, the rivulets of blood dripping down his nose, staining his hands and white of the ring floor indication enough of the result of the fight, but just so it was clear enough the bear hybrid tapped out nonetheless.
Jeongguk rolled his eyes, taking a deep breath to control his laboured breathing. “Put a band-aid on it and stop whining. It’ll be back to normal by tomorrow.”
“Does he really have to do that?”, you mused out loud from where you sat on the bench beside the fighting rings. You watched Jeongguk help the hybrid stand up. “I get that he’s the trainer, the teacher and all that but still. His words make me feel like a pathetic fighter and I’m not even in the ring with him.”
You hadn’t really expected a response from your bench co-occupant, seeing as ignoring you was the norm with the tiger hybrid, hence the snort startled you into turning your head to stare at him.
“That’s because you are a pathetic fighter.” Taehyung  didn’t look at you, busy scrolling through his twitter feed on his phone.
Despite your resolve, which you had tried so hard to harden ever since the two insanely attractive hybrids had come into your life, you found yourself sighing. And it wasn’t a frustrated sigh either, as it should have been considering his totally unwarranted barb about your non-existent fighting skills, it was the dreamy kind. You didn’t understand how he made slouching on a bench,  bored out of his mind while staring blankly at his phone look like a cover spread straight out of a bougie magazine. He unintentionally modelled every little thing he did, like right now you could take a picture of him and photoshop an ad of the device in his hand and no one would blink an eye. You could understand why so many brands clamoured to get him to model for them, though he was particularly picky and selective about who to lend his divinely handsome face to.
“Thanks, Tae.”, you replied, because what did you say to that really? You were always hard pressed to come up with a clever response whenever one of them were in close proximity to you. You swore up and down you were a quick witted person when your two new hybrids weren’t there to cloud your confidence with their sex-on-legs charm and mysterious aura.
“Don’t mention it, Owner. I’m always here to offer you some encouraging words.”, Taehyung muttered with a straight face, his striped tail swishing languidly beside him.
A shiver ran through you, even though the temperature in the gym was completely normal.
Owner. You had told them countless times to call you by your name ever since they came into your life three weeks ago, but every time you did they just smiled at you and went right back to calling you owner. You were convinced they got their kicks off watching you turn red or sputter or stumble all over yourself whenever one of them uttered the word. They knew what effect it had on you and they revelled in it.
You were about to ask him for the nth time not to call you that when the brownish orange ears atop his head twitched and he looked up. You followed suit, making eye contact with your wolf hybrid sauntering towards the two of you with a lazy grin on his face.
Shirtless. Sweatpants riding low. Underwear band showing above the top of the waistband of his sweats. Long hair wet from a shower. Fuck.
From the amused expression on Taehyung’s face you knew he could hear your thundering heartbeat.
“Don’t go getting a heart attack now, Owner. Who’s gonna feed us if we lose you?”
Jeongguk took that moment to reach the two of you. “Who’s getting a heart attack?”, he asked, pulling out a towel from his duffel bag beside the bench and towel drying his hair with it in that way guys did that should not look hot but did.
“No one. Are you ready to go?”, you diverted the conversation, willingly breathing deeply to tame your heartbeat. You did not need their ribbing over your obvious attraction to them right now.
“Yeah, just need to clock out for the weekend. Then we’re driving down to Lean Raw to have lunch.”, Jeongguk informed, chuckling when you made a face at the suggestion. The restaurant he was talking about only served tasteless “healthy food”, no sight of grease or artery-choking deliciousness anywhere.
“We went there last Friday as well.”, you complained under your breath, getting up to follow both of them out of the gym, trying not to stare at Jeongguk’s flexing back muscles as he pulled on a white T-shirt that might as well be see-through, his sleek yet fluffy dark grey wolf tail swaying gracefully behind him.
Jeongguk turned back and you quickly averted your eyes, feigning immense interest in the potted plants lining the gym’s exit.
“You should thank me then. I’m making you eat healthy at least once a week.”
“I eat fine. Not my fault normal is not upto your standards.”, you mumbled as you all reached his black Mercedes parked in the small parking lot for gym employees.
“If you consider subway sandwiches and Chinese takeout six days a week normal, Owner, then you’re asking for that heart attack you were about to get back in there.”, he quipped, winking at Taehyung when the elder hybrid’s amusement broke for a laugh at the stricken look on your face.  
You hurried to duck inside the car, going for the spacious backseat because they never let you drive when one of them were with you, even when you insisted to take your own humble and ancient Honda Accord. Taehyung got in the passenger seat and Jeonnguk in the driver’s, smoothly pulling out onto the road.
Seeing you three together the way you were, it was hard to figure out whether you owned the hybrids or if it was the other way round. People never believed you when you told them the two luxurious, predator hybrids were yours. And they wouldn’t have been had your great-aunt, who remained unmarried throughout her life and amassed a considerable wealth writing books about hybrids, had not unexpectedly died by slipping in her apartment-sized bathroom and breaking her head open on the corner of a marble countertop. Even more unexpectedly, she had willed the two hybrids that she had raised since they were teenagers to you of all people and all her wealth to them. You often thought that she must have had no idea that she’d die so suddenly and unexpectedly, because her will have to have been an interim joke while she figured out exactly who to actually give responsibility of her hybrids to in case of her death.
Or maybe she thought you were the only one who’d not try to extort the wealth she had endowed on her two “kids”. Technically, hybrid inheritance and property laws still prohibited ownership of property by hybrids if their owner hadn’t sanctioned it or gifted it to them, and in the eyes of law everything that belonged to the hybrids belonged to their owners as well. In your opinion, it was well past time such medieval and discriminatory laws were repealed but it didn’t matter anyway because your timid, tongue-tied self was incapable of extorting even an unwilling apology or “thank you” from the two spoiled hybrids, let alone their money.
Maybe your great-aunt was a genius. She knew exactly who would never be willing or able to curb her hybrids’ freedom.
“You guys are so mean.”, you pouted, looking out the window at the slow-passing buildings and dramatically leaning your head against the glass like you were a pitiful, wronged protagonist of an angsty movie.
“You’re just so prone to even a little bit of teasing, Owner. You get all nervous and fidgety, it’s honestly so funny to watch.”, Jeongguk supplied helpfully.
You rolled your eyes. “Glad I could entertain, but stop calling me owner, please. Just call me ___.”
Taehyung smirked at you from the review mirror. “As you wish, Owner.”
Giving up with a huff, you slipped in your earbuds to effectively shut out their teasing and showcase your disgruntlement. The name was an irony at this point, an oxymoron, because you anything but owned them. They had known what effect they had on you from the moment you’d first met them in your great-aunt’s lawyer’s office. You’d given away all your cards from the first meting like the inexperienced, naive idiot you were. You’d toppled over the carpet because you were staring at Taehyung instead of watching where you were going, signed the wrong documents because Jeongguk had flashed a smile your way and literally broken the glass of the table with a jerk of your knee when you’d felt Jeongguk’s hand accidentally brush your denim covered thigh. Even the lawyer tried to cover up his laughter with coughs and sympathetic looks towards you. In short you had been a rambling, awkward mess at the thought of two of the sexiest men/hybrids you’d ever seen living with you and that day had been marked as the most humiliating one in your life, one you’d likely reminisce for years to come whenever you couldn’t sleep late at night and your brain started playing the movie of all the embarrassing moments of your life. And it would be a long one, because even after three weeks living with them you continued to make a fool out of yourself at every reminder of how out of your league they were and how bad of a crush you had on them.
Even though you had earbuds in, you weren’t actually listening to music, too preoccupied with thoughts of your lameness to press play. You could hear everything when Taehyung and Jeongguk started talking.
“You helping me with the shoot tommorow?”, Taehyung asked him. He had a photoshoot for a luxury watch brand coming up which was going to be featured on multiple billboards and magazines. You always did a double take when you spotted Taehyung’s face around the city, on banners, screens and subway ads, had a hard time believing the same man slept across the hall from you.
“Nah, hyung. Jackson asked me to help him out at the club downtown, one of his bouncers quit recently and you know how the weekend rush is.”
Taehyung chuffed in disappointment, the sound so tiger-like you almost smiled. He couldn’t purr like small cat hybrids could, but his chuffs were so damn adorable it didn’t matter.
“Why don’t you take Owner with you?”, Jeongguk suggested, a small tilt to his lips indicating he was joking. Maybe. Nevertheless you shrunk down in your seat to make yourself as small as possible. You did NOT want to go to one of Taehyung’s photoshoots, for many reasons but mainly because you knew what seeing him in his element would do to you and you had clowned yourself enough to last a life time.
Taehyung frowned, running his long, slender fingers over his bottom lip in contemplation. “I would but I don’t want her to get nosebleeds watching me pose for the camera.”
Death. You wanted it.
Staring wide-eyes at your lap you willed spontaneous combustion to incinerate you right then and there. The nerve of him! He was so fucking arrogant but so fucking…spot on, and he said it with such quiet resignation too, like it was the truth of the matter universally accepted that you would, in fact, get nosebleeds watching him pose. But still, was humility not in fashion anymore? You had half a mind to connect your bluetooth to Jeongguk’s car and blast Humble by Kendrick Lamar.
Jeongguk laughed. “You are a smug motherfucker.”
Taehyung was affronted, he shot the wolf a glare. “That’s ‘You are a smug motherfucker, hyung’ to you, brat. Besides, you have no room to talk after that shirtless, just out-of-the-shower thing you pulled on her back there. You knew what you were doing.”
Jeongguk shrugged shamelessly. “Don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy that as much as I did.”
“I can hear you two animals.”, you said hotly, glaring at them as you crossed your arms across your chest.Jeongguk snorted.
“Animals? Thats what the playground bully called me in kindergarten. You gotta come up with something better than that, Owner.”
Taehyung peeked back at you with mischievous eyes, a playful smile on his face. “Aww, Owner, we knew you could hear us. There’s no music playing in those.” He pointed to the earphones you clutched close to your chest. Of course, how could you forget their superior hearing that just outed you in the gym as well. The pissed off glare you’d aimed at him faltered when you noticed his gaze linger on your chest for a second too long but his eyes were back to yours before you could say anything.
“I would love to take you to the shoot with me, you know. Nosebleeds or not.”
His eyes went hooded and his voice dropped an octave lower than it already was, his baritone rich and deep and sensuous. You stilled, involuntarily bracing for whatever he was about to say.
“I would love to let people know who owns me.”
Snatching a pristine white paper napkin from the holder, you stuffed it up your nostril, letting it hang from there as you smacked away Taehyung’s hands when he tried to help you.
“You have to tilt your head Owner or the bleeding won’t stop easily.”, he whined, trying to grab your head to make you tilt it. You shrugged him off.
“I don’t need to listen to you. You should be able to see what you did to me.”
“Flawless logic, Owner.”, Jeongguk snickered from where he sat across the two of you. Taehyung had immediately claimed the seat beside you upon entering the restaurant, hovering to make sure you were alright. Jeongguk had also tried to approach you with his hands outstretched but a glare from you had him sitting where he was now.
Taehyung sighed, leaning back in his seat to give you a look of concern but finally leaving you alone. “I was just joking. I had no clue that would happen.”
You didn’t want to talk about yet another one of your now infamous daily embarrassments, not having the willpower to confront your failings at the moment. You changed the subject. “Can we order please? I’m starving.”
Jeongguk signalled for a waitress but kept his eyes on you, a frown coming on to his beautiful features. “Did you skip breakfast again? I made you an omelette and cut up some fruits before leaving for work in the morning.”
“Oh did you?”, you asked sardonically, raising your brows and turning to look pointedly at your tiger hybrid. “I didn’t happen to find it.”
A guilty look crossed Taehyung’s face immediately, his orange and black ears almost folding over on his head. He rushed to explain himself. “I didn’t know it was for her! In my defence I offered to make her some pancakes to compensate but she refused. I did manage to get some cereal in her though.”
You were already speaking before Jeongguk could impart another one of his healthy eating lectures on you. “I was getting late to meet my friend, I didn’t have time to eat.”
The wolf hybrid shook his head in disappointment, making you feel strangely guilty. You were an adult dammit, you didn’t need to explain your eating habits to your own hybrid.
Thankfully the waitress took that moment to come take your order, saving you from any more chastisement from the hunk of muscle and soft fur sitting across from you. But a look towards the cute blonde standing beside your table, bending down low to show her modest cleavage, smiling at your hybrids like she was a kid in a candy store (or a waitress who’d just won the hot customer table lottery), had your mood tumbling right back down in the gutter.
It really shouldn’t have, you should be used to this by now. People, women and men, stared at your hybrids wherever they went, you had first hand witnessed a woman run into a pole whilst almost turning her head 180 degrees to keep staring at Taehyung and Jeongguk. You didn’t blame them, they were a hard pair to ignore. Especially when they were together, they oozed a confidence and charisma so magnetic that along with their otherworldly attractiveness, it tended to leave the people around them slack jawed, awed and/or jealous. But the most befuddling part was that they didn’t have to do anything for it except be themselves. If they noticed the attention on them, they were either used to it or consciously ignored it because you’d never witnessed them giving a fuck about what others thought about them or saw them as, and that just added to their charm even more.
Like now. They were doing nothing out of the ordinary but a sweeping glance around you informed you that almost all women and some men seated inside the healthy-crap selling establishment were either blatantly staring at them or trying to steal glances in between conversation and eating. They turned heads wherever they went, this was nothing new. So why did you feel a headache oncoming?
“Hi, my name is Lea. What can I get you boys?”, the waitress chirped, her million watt smile illuminating your table and worsening your headache.
You sighed in resignation, not at all surprised by your exclusion in her greeting. Whenever you were with your two hybrids, you might as well be thin air, except that one time when that pre-pubescent kid in the park had asked you if you were their maid.  
Jeongguk smiled at her, and you swore even you could hear her heartbeat double up. “Just water, while we decide please. Thank you.”
“Of course.” She wrote something on her notepad, making you scowl. Did she really need to remember something as simple as water? You saw her surreptitiously glance at Taehyung as she made to leave, and apparently the tiger hybrid noticed too, a smirk curling on his lips before he shot her a wink. The waitress stumbled over nothing, almost face planting in someone’s food. Felt good to not be the only one making a fool of herself over the two men. You ignored the irrational irritation simmering deep in you at the sight of one of them semi-flirting with a woman.
They were very respectful towards your home space in terms of never bringing anyone home for the night, even though you hadn’t said anything to the effect, but you were hundred percent sure they more than got their needs fulfilled without you ever coming to know of their escapades, it was impossible that they didn’t, looking the way they did and the sheer number of propositions they got on a daily basis.
You snapped open your menu in search of the least healthy option available when Taehyung addressed you.
“I wasn’t joking about you coming with me to the shoot, you know.”
When you said nothing, he grumbled out, “Owner, I’m talking to you. You look absolutely ridiculous with that napkin stuffed up your nose by the way.”
You gave him the stink eye, ignoring his last quip. “Why do you want me there? You always have your agent and staff with you.”
Jeongguk answered for him, leaning back to rest his arm across the back of the bench in a way that did wonders for his biceps and had you momentarily distracted. “He gets restless when he’s around strangers for a long time. Ideally hyung can manage it but during long shoots it helps when someone he has scented accompanies him.”
“Scented?” You frowned, not understanding. Your knowledge of hybrids was embarrassingly scant and whatever you knew about their behaviours had been acquired in the last three weeks of living with the two.
Jeongguk looked at you, surprised, before sharing a look with Taehyung that you couldn’t quite comprehend. “Um…”
“If you’re worried about getting more nosebleeds, you don’t need to. You can stay in the trailer during the whole thing and I can come get you when I need you.” Taehyung cut off whatever Jeongguk was about to say, speaking to you in a tone that bordered on placating. Pitying.
The mercury was rising on your temper thermometer. One thing you absolutely hated was being pitied. It was bad enough that they knew how you felt about them, how helplessly attracted you were to them. You could even excuse their teasing words and occasional jokes at your expense. But pity, you could not take. An idea formed in your head as you sat there stewing in your vexed emotions.
“No, thank you.”, you snapped, a little more crassly than you perhaps should have but Taehyung’s surprised face was worth it. You normally never spoke in anything but a diffident manner. “I have plans this weekend.”
A frown replaced his surprise rather quickly. “What plans? You didn’t say anything about any plans.”
“You normally stay at home during weekends to read those steamy books you love so much.”, Jeongguk added, looking at you with curiosity. At your shocked face he smiled crookedly and felt the need to further elaborate. “You know the ones with the ripped dudes on the cover.”
You sucked on your tongue, internally enraged but forcing yourself to not react and rise up to his bait. Anger and embarrassment were not a good combination for you, so when you spoke your voice was sharp enough to cut. “How would you know what I “normally” do on weekends? You two have only been living with me three weeks. Don’t presume that you know the first thing about me.“
It was Jeongguk’s turn to look surprised, likely because you’d never spoken to them that way. He shared a glance with Taehyung and because you weren’t looking at him you missed the “tone it down” gesture he made to the younger with his hand and Jeongguk’s subtle nod to it.
The wolf hybrid slowly reached across the table and picked up your hand. Looking contrite, he apologised. “I’m sorry, Owner. You’re absolutely right. I spoke out of turn. Will you please tell us what are your plans for this weekend?”
You almost answered them but the words stalled in your throat when a thought occurred. “Why do you guys want to know?”
Jeongguk looked like he was at a loss for a second. Smoothly, Taehyung picked up your question, saving the younger from coming up with an appropriate excuse. “For security, Owner. We just want to know you’ll be safe. Can you really begrudge us your mere whereabouts when we’ve recently lost our previous owner so easily?”
He knew he was being underhanded playing the dead owner card, but Taehyung had never been one for propriety.
As expected your eyes softened at the mention of your deceased Aunt. You shrugged, giving in. “I’m gonna go clubbing with some friends.”
The truth was you hadn’t been out partying in a long while, hadn’t had an orgasm given to you by someone else in even longer and you felt that this painful attraction to your two hybrids might just be more exasperating because of these factors. A night of drinking, dancing and maybe a good lay just might help. Or not. But you had to try and get over your unrequited crush over your hybrids, who were way out of your league.
Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t notice how the they had suddenly straightened to give you all of their attention, until Jeongguk broke the silence with a bark. “Who?”
You raised your brows.
He cleared his throat, voice calmer when he repeated. “Who? That girl who works under you? What’s her name? Mary, Maddie, err, Maggie? I can’t remember.”
“My assistant, Masie? Ugh, no. Just some people I’ve been friends with since college I guess.”
They frowned at your vague answer but before they could question you further the waitress returned, a suspicious new sheen of bright red lipstick on her lips which wasn’t there before. Taehyung noticed you roll your eyes at her, making him smile secretively.
Jeongguk turned on his charm on her, something you’d noticed he couldn’t help but do with people,  but you were hundred percent certain what he presented was a front. Like a computer which produced the same output every time you give the same command, no matter who gave it. You could shuffle his interactions with strangers interested in him with each other, and it wouldn’t make any difference. They all fell for it hook, line and sinker.But you didn’t feel like watching him make the poor girl more flustered than she already was today.
You turned your gaze to the menu, tuning out the sound of the waitress going on an in-detail spiel about her favourite dishes available when Jeongguk was gonna order the same thing he did last time.
Taehyung’s shoulder nudged you softly, and you looked up to see his soft smile directed at you. It disarmed you for a second.
He leaned down to whisper in your ear, making you shiver slightly. “Do introduce us to your friends.”
You promptly glanced back at the menu. Hell, no.
The next day you found your luck shining on you. Three flyers for a downtown club named Lithium which was offering free drinks for the code printed on them, were stuffed in your mailbox along with other junk.  As usual, when it came to actually going through with your plans you had been dithering, both laziness and your mild agoraphobia making a simple task such as going out with some friends seem like a herculean effort. As if the huge amount of money you’d spent on getting therapy for your anxiety wasn’t reason enough to enjoy your better state of mind once in a while.
You messaged some of your friends, the ones you knew were unlikely to turn down an offer of drinking and partying. Your college friends Naeun and Sooyoung accepted immediately. Giddy with excitement, you spent your day flitting about the house and pampering yourself with every skin care product you owned and scrubbing and waxing yourself down to a polish, not one prickly hair in sight.
It helped that Taehyung was out for his shoot and Jeongguk was out doing god knows what, it’s not like you pried into their lives. Even though it was the more heedful thing to do to know about their whereabouts because if hybrids got into trouble with the authorities out on their own, nobody could save them except their owners. You felt a little relieved that they were prudent enough to wear their collars whenever they were out on their own, though Taehyung wore his wrapped around his wrist like a bracelet.
At the thought of Taehyung you stopped rummaging your closet to rub your chin in contemplation and a little guilt. You could swear he was pouting when he left home this morning for work, looking at you out of the corner of his eyes when it became absolutely apparent that you would not accompany him to the shoot. You also remembered Jeongguk’s soft murmer of appreciation because you’d woken up early to make him breakfast just how he liked, he’d touched your waist lightly while doing so, making you almost drop your plate.
Sighing you glanced back at your closet, your gaze flitting to the deep blue number you’d bought on impulse but never worn. You didn’t feel like you had the confidence to carry risqué clothing, so your more revealing purchases almost always remained untouched in your closet. But you still remembered the happenings of yesterday, you would not pity yourself like they did. Besides, what’s the worst that could happen? Ending up looking like a literal clown was better than making a fool of yourself every other day. You pulled out the deep blue halter dress that moulded to your curves like a second skin and ended at mid-thigh.  
Sooyoung and Naeun brought a bottle of vodka for little prep drinking before you went out. Naeun looked absolutely gorgeous in her slinky black dress and sky-high heels, towering over you as she hugged you. Sooyoung was dressed like she was going to a bdsm club. She was pushing past you to get to the kitchen and pulling out shot glasses before you could even say a word in greeting to her. Naeun and you followed her.
“So who are we getting over?”, Naeun chirped as she grabbed her shot.
“What do you mean?”, you asked nonchalantly, cutting up a melon and getting some salt.
You could feel Naeun stare even though you weren’t looking at her.
“You don’t fool us, ___, we’ve known you since college. You would never willingly go out unless it was absolutely imperative. You’re clearly looking for a distraction.”, Sooyoung gave you a knowing look before downing her first shot like it was water and she a fish.
You laughed, but even to your own ears the sound came out as awkward. “Can’t a girl just let loose with her friends once in a while just for the heck of it.”
Sooyoung exchanged a troubled glance with Naeun, the action reminding you of the subtle glances your two hybrids often exchange with one other, instantly putting a damper on your mood. You were sick of feeling like the butt of some inside joke you were never privy to.
Sooyoung saw your scowl and touched your hand.“We just meant it is unlike you. Even once in a while.”, she assured while reaching for the bottle.Naeun narrowed her eyes at you, making you go tense.
Ever the straightforward one, she never minced her words. She had a reputation for reducing many a guy and girl to tears with her honesty, including you. “I’m sure its got nothing to do with the two hybrids you now own. I saw the pictures in the living room by the way, they’re certainly a sight for sore eyes. Did you fuck them yet?”
You should have expected it but her crass words made you immediately defensive anyhow. “What?! No! I don’t- it’s not like that between us.”
“Between you and them or between them and you?”
“What the fuck does that even mean?” You downed your shot then, already itching to get out there and forget everything happening in your life.
Sooyoung answered for Naeun. “What she means, in Naeun-speak, is if it’s you who wants to keep it “not like that” or them? What’s the tea? C’mon tell us. ”, she imitated your voice, sounding way more annoying than you did. You hoped.
You rolled your eyes on an exasperated sigh. “You guys are looking for “tea” where there is not even a drop of water.”
Naeun pretended to check her one inch glittery gold fake nails. “If that’s so, you don’t mind me asking for their numbers right? It’s been a long time since I’ve been the filling in a sexy hybrid sandwich.”
After a few seconds of you staring at your two friends wide-eyed and them looking at you expectantly, you threw in the towel. “No, I’m not gonna give you their numbers. Can we go already?”
“Sure.”, Sooyoung got up, swinging an arm around your shoulder as she led you to the front door. Naeun followed behind with a smug expression you wanted to slap off. “We’re gonna get you a good lay and you’re gonna forget all about them. Good dick is good dick, no matter where it comes from.”
You made a face. “There’s so much wrong with that sentence.”
******** Club Lithium was jam packed, the weekend crowd clearly evidenced in the long queue of dressed up people that had greeted you outside. You had fully expected to wait outside till your toes went numb in the blue suede pumps you had selected to go along with your dress, but seeing you three approaching the entrance, a bouncer had broken away from his guard at the door to tell you about the random selection for entrants they were doing from people in the line. Which was odd because you hadn’t even joined the queue yet.
You eyed his suspiciously but Sooyoung was jumping at the chance before you could second guess anything, expressing gratitude by bounding upto him to clutch his bicep as he led you all inside.
“I think the girls are doing their job.”, Naeun observed, adjusting her cleavage for maximum potential. You laughed as you entered the club, darkness surrounding you immediately as strobe lights in red and blue occasionally flashed and gave you a glimpse of a crowded dance floor and a bar spanning the entire left side of the club. The mix of bass and thrumming drum beats was already making you itch to move to the rhythm even with just one shot in your system.
You absolutely loved to dance. It didn’t matter that you weren’t all that good at it, you could dance to anything and everything, even silence when you were alone in your apartment with an imaginary song playing in your head. Even if you didn’t find anybody to go home with today, if you were able to dance till your feet hurt you’d consider it a successful night out. Your friends knew this.
Sooyoung took your hand to drag you to the bar, shouting over the music. “Let’s get more shots so we can dance already.”
An adorable looking cat hybrid was manning the bar. His fluffy tail flicked as you signalled for his attention, a wide smile immediately coming on to his face as he greeted you. “My name is Yoongi. What can I get you guys?”
As Sooyoung answered him, you couldn’t help but stare meanwhile. He really was adorable. White tail and ears and a head full of platinum hair, he looked unreal. His black collar shone with a big circle cut diamond hanging from the centre. He was clearly much appreciated by his owner. You wondered if you could get away with gifting something like that to your hybrids. As much as they called you owner, you never got an inkling that they truly acknowledged your ownership enough to accept a symbol of it from you. You didn’t want to step on any toes.
“You look a little lost.” Yoongi’s voice made you snap your gaze to him. He slid your drink towards you.
You downed the shot as quickly as you could before answering him. “Just thinking about my hybrids.”
Yoongi didn’t look surprised, though he leaned his elbows on the bar top in curiosity. “What kind of hybrids do you own? I’m my owner’s only hybrid, I can’t imagine having to share his attention with another.”
“Tiger and wolf.”
Yoongi wrinkled his nose, looking even cuter if that was possible. “Wild predators. We got a wolf h—“
A cheery voice cut him off as a handsome man came down the other side towards Yoongi to fluff up his hair. “I hope you’re not getting distracted again, Yoongi.”
Yoongi huffed as he swatted away his hand. “I’m not. I’m just talking to the customers, Jackson.”
Jackson reached for his hair again, smiling deviously, making the hybrid duck away to escape. You tilted your head, a small smile on your face. What would happen if you made to ruffle Taehyung or Jeongguk’s hair? You had a sudden inexplicable urge to find out.
Leaving the bar you joined your friends on the dance floor. Hip thrusting and body rolling your heart out to the hip hop and EDM fusion beat. As the night progressed, you downed three more shots, thoroughly tipsy when Naeun grabbed you from behind for a less than platonic dance with her, grinding on each other and making many men on the dance floor drool over the sight of you two.
After your sixth shot, you were officially gone to the world as you moved on the dance floor. When an unfamiliar pair of hands snaked around your waist, you didn’t do anything to stop them, didn’t even turn around when a distinctively male, unfamiliar voice whispered in your ear from behind.
“You’re so fucking ho—hghk.” And just like that the hands disappeared and the presence gone from behind in a rush of air.
“Huh?” Slightly confused but the alcohol in your system muddling your intelligence, you made to look over your shoulder but another pair of muscular hands were replacing the previous ones before you could.
The body that moulded to yours thrummed with testosterone and something dangerous, the heady musk of maleness and something wild but eerily familiar making you simultaneously a little scared but comforted. You moved languidly together, though the music was anything but.
He towered over you, you could tell, his chin brushing the top of your head. He didn’t say anything, just held you impossibly close and danced with you like he had all the time in the world. The alcohol you had consumed was making you uncharacteristically bold, you leaned your head against his shoulder and when the music switched to something more sultry, you slowly took his hands in yours to trail them up your waist.
For a few seconds he didn’t do anything, but soon enough he was taking your prompt and running his veiny hands up your body. When his hands brushed the underside of your breasts, a sigh escaped your lips even as your failing inhibitions tried to contain it. “Yes.”
You threw caution to the wind when one of his fingers almost touched a nipple through the fabric of your dress. Taking his hands in yours, you placed them firmly on your breasts, undulating your hips to the beat to rub against his pelvis.
A curse left his lips that he muffled against your hair, hooking the the curtain of it that fell over your right shoulder with his fingers to bare your neck to him. He pressed his mouth to the sensitive skin there, and you had inkling he was also doing it to not let any more sounds escape him.
Reaching a hand behind you, you grabbed a thick thigh, urging him to not let any space between you. He bit your neck at the action, sucking on the skin to leave a bruise there.
“Fuck yes!”, you moaned, closing your eyes. You were unbearably wet in your lace panties, your thighs rubbing together to alleviate the sensations his touch on your breasts was causing.
When you couldn’t take it anymore, you swiftly turned around to attach your lips to his. Not caring to take a look at his face, the only thing illuminating your surroundings were occasional flashing strobe lights anyway, you went on your tip toes to deepen the kiss, licking his bottom lip for more. He obliged with equal eagerness, clutching the back of your head so that his tongue could explore your mouth.
He tasted divine, smelled even more amazing. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, certain you were going to spend your night in the arms of a strange man that felt like home. You hadn’t expected to actually get laid tonight, but were thoroughly satisfied by how the night was turning out.
Biting his lip, you trailed kisses up his jaw as your hands inched up to card into his thick hair. You were about to whisper into his ear a proposition to leave for somewhere less crowded when your fingers encountered the distinctive shape of ears on his head, the soft fur tickling your skin. You had no clue you were kissing a hybrid.
Surprised, you pulled back to look at the hybrid you’d almost been vertical fucking in front of so many people. The man tried to pull you back in to his lips but you resisted, curious, and when next the lights flashed to illuminate the club momentarily, your heart almost lurched out of your chest in shock.
Jeongguk was staring back at you with heavy lidded eyes, lips swollen from your frantic kisses and a hungry look on his face.
“Won’t you ask me to take you home, Owner?”
You gasped, stumbling back as some sobriety filtered back in. What had you done? This was not supposed to happen. You had promised yourself you’d never let either of them seduce you just for the sake of it. Your heart couldn’t handle it. Couldn’t handle being a notch on their belt when you had to live with them, and knowing your tendency for attachment it was downright dangerous for you to delve into any kind of physical intimacy with them.
But of course, why would they care about your heart. They were as cruel with their inconsiderate handling of your feelings towards them as ever. He could have easily told you who he was, or better yet never approached you in the first place, but they could never pass up a chance to torment you, could they? Your lips were already craving for more, your body still tingling in all the right places, even though you’d done nothing but make out. This is why you never wanted to go down this path, if you didn’t know what you were missing, you wouldn’t want it as much. Now, Jeongguk had ruined even that for you. He likely thought it’d be fun to prank his owner, making your vulnerability the butt of the joke as always. And now you couldn’t go back to just imagining what it felt like kissing them, he’d gone and given you a taste of what you couldn’t have. All for a joke. He must be laughing at you internally for falling into his arms so easily, even without looking at his face.
Self pity and humiliation were a depressing combination, forcing tears into your eyes even as you tried your best to keep them at bay.
Jeongguk had started closing the distance between you again, lust evident on his face, when the sudden suspicious shine in your eyes made him go stock-still.
A horrified, confused look dawned on his beautiful face. “Owner, what-wait—!”
Not letting him speak and fuck up everything more than it already was, you turned to flee the club.  
A/n: let me know what you thought, feedback keeps me writing.
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getitinbusan · 3 years
The Music Room -
Min Yoongi 18+ Smut
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Part of the Lost Boys Series
Warnings: 18+ smut, MF sex, MF oral, A playful bite, Swearing.
Words: 3075
Summary: A stand alone series about a misfit friend group of seven boys. These stories are a day in the life snip it of who they are, where they came from and how they love.
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The melody drifting up the barren hall floated through the air like it was made for your ears alone.
The poetic rhythm of the keys made you pause, listening enviously at the talent of whomever was playing.
But who was playing? It was 8 am on a Friday, the room should be vacant. Pulling up the music rooms schedule on your phone, you weren't wrong. The first spot of the day was yours for the entire semester. 
You knocked lightly. The sound stopped and the bench made it's familiar dragging noise across the concrete floor. 
Pulling the heavy windowless wood open by it's cold handle you peeked inside. He scrambled, seemingly embarrassed, shoving his sheet music into his backpack. 
"You should be more careful with your notes, don't want to ruin any masterpieces." 
"No fear in that," he mumbled.  "They're just a bunch of scribbled ideas."
 Pulling the zipper shut he slung it over his shoulder.  "Sorry, I didn't know this was your time slot." 
"It's fine." you tried to smile at him but he kept his eyes down.
"Don't you have the schools app? I can check to see when you're supposed to be here." You tapped the widget,  "What's your name?"
"It's fine, I'm actually not on the schedule." 
"Oh, why not? You sounded great. If you missed the cutoff you can still be added to a wait list. People drop out all the time." 
He looked up and grinned. By God if he wasn't the most beautiful boy you'd ever seen.
"I don't belong here." 
"Don't say that. I was listening and you're really talented, you deserve to be here just as much as any of us." 
"I don't though." His eyes met yours and you were done for. "I don't go here, I'm not a student." 
"Ahh, I guess that's a problem." 
"I already said I'm sorry," he got defensive. "I'll just get out of your way."
He started towards the door.
You tugged his backpack. "So is breaking into schools and playing piano a weird hobby of yours?"
You tried to lighten the mood, "you've got a little Phantom of the Opera University edition kink?" 
He laughed. "I'm not technically breaking in, I do have a key fob." He held up the school ID. "It's my roommates. And if you want to know about my kinks you're gonna have to get to know me a little better." 
You stepped closer and took it from his hand.
"Park Jimin, Performing Arts." Handing it back you eyed him up and down. "So what's your story….."
"My name's Yoongi."
Pulling a chair out from the corner you sat and rummaged through your backpack until you pulled out your breakfast. 
"Listen Yoongi, I was just going to sit here. I need logged practice time for course credit." 
You peeled your clementine, "So if you want to stay and play, be my guest."
He looked at you unsure, "Why would you do that for me?" 
You smiled and shrugged. "I like your face." 
Turning red he plopped his knapsack back onto the floor and reclaimed the bench. 
You waited until his fingers were just about to land on the keys. "I do have one condition though." 
He froze, "Yeah, what's that?" 
"You have to take me for coffee later and tell me your story. Agree?" 
"I Agree. But you didn't have to give up your time for that, I was going to ask you out anyway." 
You probably wouldn't have given up your time but you were intrigued. Park Jimin was an amazing dancer. The curious boy who was here on scholarship was often the subject of conversation in the dining hall. Not only was he good looking but he was a mystery. He hung out with the strangest group of friends, seven misfit boys who were proud to not fit in. In this small University town they stood out as odd, everyone referred to them as The Lost Boys. Yoongi, now being revealed to you as one of them, seemed harmless enough and the opportunity to get to know a piece of them was too good to pass. 
Walking and talking up the worn concrete path you made your way through the bustle of pajama clad students trying to get to class. 
"Don't you have to be somewhere?" 
"Yeah, but I don't care. I'd rather get to know you." 
"You should go, I'm not so important that you should lose a day of school over me." 
"It's all bullshit anyway Yoongi, it's not going to get me anywhere." 
He stopped abruptly, now just outside the small coffee shop. "You sound like a spoiled brat." 
You were shocked, who the hell was he to speak to you like that? 
"I'd kill to be in your position and you don't even give a shit about just squandering it away." 
He pulled the door open and looked at you crossly. "Still want that coffee?" 
You stepped in front of him and shot him a dirty look. "I do. You owe me AND because I'm a brat I'm going to order the fanciest thing on the menu. TO GO!" 
He silently walked behind you, following to the counter while you placed your ostentatious order. You stood studying him while he asked for an iced Americano. His blond shaggy hair skimmed his chocolate eyes and his sexy lips seemed to  always sit in permanent pout. They looked like they'd be nice to kiss. 
"You want to stop staring at me and take your expensive drink. You're holding up the line." 
You blushed, knocked from your daydream admiration by his deep voice.
You huffed while pulling the chair out, making a show of your annoyance, situating yourself at the corner table.
"I thought you were getting it to go?" he barbed. 
"Why would I do that when I can be a pain in your ass a little bit longer? You promised to tell me your story, let's hear it?" 
His inhale was deep. Anxiety? Apprehension? A mix of both? His eyes stared at his coffee while his fingers fiddled with the straw. "I want to be a musician." 
"Well I figured that much." 
"Listen, if you really want to know can you just shut up? This isn't an easy thing for me to talk about, I don't just tell everyone." 
"If you don't want to tell me don't" 
He cut you off. "But I do want to, for some stupid reason."
"What reason?" 
He exhaled with a smirk. "I like your face." 
You smiled, "Then please continue." 
"I want to be a musician. I write music and lyrics and it's all I've ever wanted my entire life."
He took a sip of coffee. "My parents didn't approve of my choices so I decided to move out on my own and live my life how I wanted." 
You nodded in understanding. 
"I didn't take into consideration how hard exactly that would be, but I'm a proud man, and there's no going back." 
"So what do you do? You're not a student, do you work?"
"Yeah, I deliver food and groceries part time. It doesn't pay much but the basics are covered." 
You looked down at your shitty expensive coffee in guilt, maybe you were just a spoiled brat.
"So whenever I'm not working I try to get as much practice and writing in as I can. I use Jimin's fob to get into the music room and that's where I am most nights...all night." he shrugged in omission. 
"So no time for a girlfriend?" you felt silly the moment it left your lips. 
"I didn't think so." He looked up for the first time since the conversation started. "But," he smiled, "I think given the right person priorities could definitely be changed." 
Talking into the afternoon time flew away. Several less expensive coffees later he looked at his phone and frowned. "I've got to go to work." 
He stood up and gathered his things. "But I'd love it if we could see each other again." 
You stood to go too. "Next Friday 8am? I can let you in with my fob?" 
"That sounds really nice." His hand reached out and his fingers brushed across yours as he took the tray from you. "But I was hoping I wouldn't have to wait that long. We're having a party tonight at our place...will you come?" 
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You sat on the edge of the sofa watching the group around you getting drunk and philosophical. Definitely nothing like a frat party, these guys were a different breed.
His roommates were all handsome in their own way and something about them just set you at ease. No pretensions, no apologies, they were just who they were having fun.
Finally seeing him walk through the door your heart raced when his eye caught yours.
"I'm sorry I'm late, they kept getting orders." 
"It's okay. Your roommate..." you pointed to Seokjin. "The one with the really broad shoulders, he kept me entertained with some pretty good jokes." 
He scrunched his nose, "really, really sorry." 
You pulled a bottle vodka out of your purse and raised your brows. "Are you ready for some fun." 
He grabbed your hand and pulled you up from the couch until you were close enough to hear without having to shout.
"I'd like to grab a shower. Do you want to wait in my room for me? I mean...if you're uncomfortable down here by yourself." 
It was a no brainer, the sexual tension and chemistry you'd had all day was like a current of electricity running between you.
"Lead the way." 
You looked around his room while he was showering. Sure the mattress was on the floor but the bed was made and his clothes were hung neatly in the closet. His dresser was stacked with notebooks that were overflowing with lyrics. Pieces of paper with doodles and random words loosely spilling from between the pages. 
Pictures, they must be family, small resemblances in their smiles and it looked like he had a brother. 
He had a shelf full of colognes. Picking up the Paco Rabanne he walked in as you were pulling the cap off to sniff it. 
"Sorry, I wasn't trying to be nosey, I just wanted to know what you smelled like." Idiot, of all the creepy things to say. 
He smiled, "It's alright, I'm not hiding anything." 
"No," your cheeks flushed when it finally registered that he was half naked in front of you. "I guess you really aren't." 
"Shit, sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I just forgot to grab my clean clothes before I went in." He opened a drawer to pull out a shirt. 
"It doesn't," you blurted embarrassed. 
He pulled his hand away from the clothing and raised his brows quizzically, "So you don't want me to get dressed?" 
You walked towards him, he was gorgeous. Water droplets still clung to his muscular chest like he couldn't afford the time away from you to fully dry himself. 
"I think," you stammered, "That I'd actually prefer if you didn't."
You placed your hand on his bicep and waited for his response. 
It didn't come from words, it came from two soft warm lips attaching themselves to yours. 
"You're a good good kisser Min Yoongi. Is your mouth that good at everything?" 
"You mean like singing?" He teased your lips with his while he popped the button on your jeans. 
"No," you giggled. 
"Then you must mean biting?" His teeth lightly bit the flesh of your thigh as he kneeled to lower your pants and underwear. 
"Nope, that's not what I meant either." 
"Oh, I know, you must mean eating?" His warm tongue found your clit and gave it a little flick. "I think I'm pretty good at it." 
You ran your fingers through his hair while he looked up at you hungry. 
"Prove it," you moaned." 
Stepping out of your pants you leaned back against his dresser. Ass resting on the edge he opened your thighs, a low mumble of, "fuck" drifting out of his mouth before he dove in. 
His large hands held you open while his silky tongue explored every crevice of your sex sending your senses into a frenzy. Coming up for air every so often he'd moan at the loss of your taste before inhaling and going back in for more. He wasn't methodical, his mouth was unpredictable. One minute his tongue would be deep inside you and the next he'd have his lips around your clit sucking softly. 
"Come over here with me."
He led you to the bed, taking off your shirt before guiding you down. Your eyes ran over his body stopping at the bulge under the tightly wrapped terry cloth towel. The wetness in between your legs grew just thinking about getting to see it. 
He laid down beside you, holding your face and kissing you while you reached to undo his shroud.  
Smiling, he pulled your hand away, "I'm not done with you yet. Tell me what you want me to do to you." 
You had to rub your legs together for friction, he was driving you wild. "This morning, when I watched you playing?" 
He smiled like he knew.
"All I could think of was how sexy your..." He stopped your words by hooking two fingers  into your mouth and rubbing them against your tongue. 
"You were thinking about how good these would feel inside you?" He kissed your neck, "You really know what you want huh?" 
"Some people even say I'm spoiled."
"Do you always get your way?"
He plunged them inside of you changing your words of, "I hope so," into a long drawn out moan.  
Kissing his way down your neck and over your collar bones his mouth lingered on your breasts. Skimming his lips across your nipples he watched as they hardened into excited little buds. A small smile graced his face, he was clearly proud of how he was making your body react. 
His long piano fingers played skillfully inside of you while he latched onto your nipple and suckled. Your heart beat loudly like it was part of the parties soundtrack, the music  reverberating through the floor as he fingered you. The whole unfolding scene felt like a dream. Dizzy and intoxicated from lust and heavy breathing you didn't want to wake up to a reality other than this one.
A thud outside the door snapped you back, your thighs clamping shut on his hand as you pulled the covers up to hide yourself. 
"It's locked, nobody can get in, don't worry." He pulled the sheet back off of you to continue his work. 
"Are you sure they can't get in?"
A loud moan rang through the hall and the thuds against the wall gave away the truth. 
"I'm sure they have their own agenda." 
You flopped back trying to regain the moment while his fingers  stroked your walls. 
It was distracting at first, people fucking right outside his door. But a few minutes of listening to their pleasure, of hearing their moans and the pleas of harder, you were more turned on than ever. 
He watched you unravelling at the  pornographic sounds. "You wanna cum when they do?" 
"Please..please," you begged in time with the drag of his fingers. 
The sounds escalating on both sides of the wall seemed to add fuel to the fires of both immanent orgasms. Just as the stranger in the hall screamed her end, Yoongi pumped and sucked harder until you finished longer and louder than your unknown counterpart. He laughed as he pulled his fingers out of you, the strings of excitement cleaned off with a lurid suck of his own digits. 
Your head was still reeling when he pulled his towel off. His thick beautiful cock looked so hard and ripe as he reached in his drawer for a condom. 
"Can I put it on you?" You took it from his hand and ripped the package open. Holding it between your fingertips you got closer and ran your tongue around the head of his cock. The taste of pre cum on his freshly washed dick made you ready for more.
Giving him a few deep sucks and pumps you needed him now. He watched while you rolled the thin latex tightly over his twitching thickness and straddled him, wasting no time to begin bouncing on his cock. 
Your kisses were messy, hands entwined in his hair, your breasts grazing against his skin with every thrust while you rode him. "Fuck, you feel so good." 
His hands gripped your ass squeezing as he moaned underneath you. Orgasm building like a hurricane, the eye of the perfect storm became more imminent with every slide of your pleasure point against his soaked pubic trail.
"Make me cum Yoongi." 
He flipped you swiftly onto your back and his hips picked up the pace to the finish line. Thrusting in between your open thighs his cock drove you to convulsively cum, your cunt squeezing his own warm liquid into the condom between you. 
He lay with his arms around you in silence. Your head on his chest listening to his heart slowly make it's way back to a normal pace.
"I can't promise you anything more than who I am. I don't have anything to offer you but dreams that may or may not come true."
He stroked your hair as he spoke his truth. "I'm working hard, but I can't guarantee that I'll ever amount to anything more than a delivery boy." 
You sat up on your elbow and stared at the man you'd just fallen in love with. "I want to share all of my time with you Yoongi. In fact, I insist you take it. I've heard you play and I believe in you."
You waited until your lips were just about to land on his. "I do have one condition though." 
He tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, "Yeah, what's that?" 
"You've got to promise you'll write me a song. Agree?" 
His fingers splayed caressing your back, he couldn't help the huge smile that took over his face when he kissed you. 
"I agree. But you didn't have to give up your time for that, I was going to do it anyway."
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bokukawas · 3 years
Drunken Mess
pairing; Kuroo Tetsuro  x Reader
warnings; alcohol, suggestive in the end, some grabbing from some random stranger
a/n; ok guys, enjoy, this took me forever to write and idk, i just hope someone here likes it ♥
summary; when you have a shitty day and then your boyfriend presses all the wrong buttons upon his return , you just need a little alcohol to keep your sanity… and maybe have a drink too much
word count; 6k, I actually planned to keep this short. WELL HUH jokes on me, right? 
The only thing that got you through the day was the thought, that when you came home later, your boyfriend would be back from his training camp with his team. Because, seriously, today had sucked. You had to take a double shift at work, because a colleague had called in sick and all the customers had just been annoying and rude. You had expected working in retail to suck, but compared to the reality your imagination was a fucking dream come true. Retail was the worst. The absolute fucking worst. And no one could truly understand it if they haven’t worked in retail at least once in their life.
By the time you could clock out, you were nearly crying from frustration. You were so eager to see Kuroo and leave your work; you nearly ran the whole way home.
When you finally arrived home, you could already see light seep out from under the door, which meant he actually was home already. Your heart made an involuntarily somersault as you pushed the door open and yelled “I’m home!” with a huge smile plastered on your face. You had missed him terribly. Yet instead of your boyfriends loving arms around you, you just found the mess he somehow managed to produce in less than a day. Your smile slipped just as fast as it had appeared. “Kuroo, what the actual fuck!?” No answer to that.
You could see him, lying on the couch, one leg slung over the back of it, controller in one hand, a piece of pizza in the other, headset on his head, while he cackled. He didn’t even seem to hear you. And damn it stung. You waited the whole day with dinner so you could eat together with your boyfriend. And not only that, you had cleaned the whole house before he returned, so you could just relax together once he was back, hell, you even dumped your friends who wanted to go out and have a girls night, and this was how it turns out?
With watering eyes, you inspected the spectacular mess in front of you. Eyes flicking from the kitchen, where he obviously already made ramen before he ordered pizza, to the living room where the whole content of his sports bag seems to just have been dumped on the floor. Then to the bathroom, where the door was open and showed the still wet tiles and a towel carelessly thrown in the middle of it, fog still clinging to the mirror, because he once again had not opened the goddamn window.
In that moment all you could feel inside of you, was burning anger and huge disappointment. It was not the first time you had asked him to just please be a little bit more considerate of you. Why didn’t he fucking get it? The damn flat didn’t magically clean itself; it was all you who did it. The mess he made in literally only a few hours felt like a punch in the face.
Clenching your fist, you angrily throw your bag into the mess he already made, which seemed to finally get his attention. Head popping up from the couch, he pulled down his headset a bit and looks over to you: “Oh hey kitten, didn’t hear you come home.”
“Yeah never mind”, you spit, “continue your thing there, I’m gonna be gone soon anyways.”
You slip out of your sneakers, phone already in your hand to call one of your friends.
“S’ something wrong, kitten?” Kuroo sets down his headset, mustering you with concern in his eyes. Obviously something was wrong, but his brain still felt foggy with exhaustion from all the training he had pushed himself and his team through this week.
The answer came in the slamming of the bedroom door, where you had disappeared.
He sighs and briefly puts his headset back on to give his friends a heads up: “Guys, I’ll be back later, seems like somethings wrong with Y/N”, then he left the game and stood up, slowly walking to your shared bedroom, before he tentatively knocks on the door.
“Y/n, what’s wrong? Did something happen at work? Are you alright?” Upon not getting an answer, he pushed down the latch, only to find that you had locked the door. He silently swears. It had to be bad when you actually locked him out. “C’mon hun, don’t be like that. Talk to me.” Door rattling followed, which you blatantly ignore.
You were sitting on the bed, which was, of fucking course, not made any more and stripped out of your work clothes, throwing them carelessly on the floor. The damage was already done, what bad could your few clothes be then, right?
It was then, that Miwa finally picked up. “Oh hey, Y/n, whats up? I thought you were having some quality time with Kuroo?” You could hear loud voices talking in the back; she must have gone outside to answer your call.
“Yeah you know what? I thought so, too. Plan has changed, though. Where are you? Mind if I join you? I need a drink.”
“Are you alright, Y/n? You sound a little upset?”
“Miwa, for god’s sake, just tell me where you are so I can join you. I’m going to explode if I stay here any minute longer.”
You could hear Miwa sigh into the phone. “That bad, huh? We’re at our usual place.”
“Good, I’ll be there in twenty.” You hang up and throw your phone into the pillow and start rummaging through your closet, finding one of the dresses you like very much, but never actually wear, because it is actually very short. Well, fuck it, you think to yourself and put it on, together with your new high heels. Quickly freshening up your smudged make-up, you grab your keys and your clutch and brace yourself for your escape. Because that was exactly what you were doing: escaping from this whole mess.
Then, you unlock the door and push it open, marching straight for the door, which was, of course, blocked by your boyfriend, who was leaning against it and now eyeing you from head to toe. He probably had heard you talk to Miwa and taken his position at the door right away. He did not comment on your outfit though, having the good sense to know he was walking on very thin ice.
“Going somewhere?”
“I’m going out with my friends. At least I would like to, but someone is standing in the way. Do you mind?” You look up at him and give him one of your perfect angelic smiles as you try to squeeze through. Even though you were wearing your heels, your boyfriend was a goddamn giant and he somehow managed to still be taller, which was mildly frustrating at the moment.
He does not budge; not even an inch.
“Are we not going to talk about what is going on? Because something clearly is going on.”
“I’d actually rather go right now.”
Kuroo could basically feel the passive aggressive energy radiating from you, but still, he didn’t budge. He didn’t even have the chance to talk to you yet, what could he possibly have done to upset you so much that you could not even stand to be in the same room as him? It was a mystery to him.
“Y/n, please.” He reaches out a hand to brush a thumb against your cheek, because he knows how much you always enjoy these little affectionate gestures, but he stops right in his tracks, when he found you staring at him with barely withhold anger. He was surprised that you did not swat at his still outstretched hand.
“Move Kuroo, I mean it.” And when you try to squeeze through this time, he lets you.
You were rarely in such a bad mood and he knew when he needed to let you cool off, first. As you walk by him, he catches your wrist in the last second, holding you still for a moment. “At least send me a text when you get there, alright?” he whispers while brushing his thumb once over your veins and then lifting your hand up to press a soft kiss against the palm of it.
The urge to just turn around and press your head into your boyfriends’ chest right then was overwhelming, but you were still so mad that you stubbornly continued on your way, leaving Kuroo standing there, watching you go.
When he turns around to go back into the flat, he feels like a train hit him as he takes in the mess he made. “Oh fuck.” He groans as he ruffles his spiky hair, because how could he be so stupid. Of course you would be mad if you came home to such a mess. The worst part was, that he didn’t even contain his chaos in one room, no, he seriously fucked up the whole flat, which by second thought, you had probably cleaned just hours before. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
Your foul mood suddenly made sense to him. Groaning again, he closes the door behind him and goes to the kitchen. He better gets rid of this whole mess before you come home later. But first, he wants to apologize. Fishing out his phone out of his joggers, he opens the chat with you and freezes all over again. There it was, black on white. Dinner later, Tetsu? We can order from your fav restaurant if you like ♥
Oh sweet fucking hell, he was the biggest douche in the whole wide world. How could he forget that you two wanted to eat together? “Ah shit.”
He types out a quick message to you. Y/n I’m so sorry. I’m the biggest idiot in the world. You can punch me later if you still feel like it. I sure as hell deserve it. Pls text me when you get there safely. I love you.
Kuroo really wants to kick his own ass in that moment. You were always so good to him, going out of your way to make the time you got to spend together as pleasurable as possible, taking time where you actually had none to spare and just simply spoiling him in any way possible and this was how he treated you? He didn’t even kiss you when you got home, which was funny, because it was one of the only thoughts in his head, besides volleyball this whole past week. The feeling of your soft lips against his.
He was not surprised that he didn’t get a message back, but he still unmuted his phone, just in case you called him when you had enough and wanted to go home.
Then he starts cleaning up his mess.
You on the other hand nearly arrived at the bar where you and your friends usually met up once a month to keep in touch. You already regretted wearing your new heels. As you turned the next corner, you could already spot the bar and with it, a whole lot of people standing outside at high tables. Your friends amongst one of them.
“Hey ladies”, you call out as you get closer. “Long time no see.”
Fighting a smile to your face, you found your place right next to Miwa, who gently nudges you in the side.
“Stop that grimace and tell us what happened.”
Alisa, who was standing in front of you, just reaches over the table, takes your hand in hers and squeezes it softly.
“Actually, I think I’d rather have a drink first”, you moan.
One drink followed the next and your friends realized later, that they probably should have stopped you after your 5th cocktail or so. Which they didn’t, because you spilled your heart out to them, nearly crying a few times, which was rare to see, because usually you managed to keep your cool in front of others, even your own friends. Moreover, the drink in your hand seemed to be the only thing holding you together. They were a little taken aback, too, because you usually were a very good drinker, and could handle alcohol very well; but by the time you went inside to dance and just bumped into stranger after stranger while trying to walk a straight line, they figured you probably had not eaten anything before coming here.
Miwa squinched up her face. “She’s gonna feel even worse tomorrow. We should probably get her home.”
Alisa just nods, before sprinting in your direction as she witnessed you tumbling into a group of men, of which one luckily caught you in his arms, before you hit the floor, but then couldn’t keep his hands to himself. You just laughed, not realizing what was going on and not feeling the hand, currently sneaking up your leg. Everything looked dizzy and swayed and you felt a little funny in the head. Vaguely you realize that Alisa was arguing with the man who stopped your fall and then her face popped up in front of you, asking you were your phone was.
You look at her irritated, not quite understanding what she wanted.
“C’mon y/n, where is your goddamn phone.”
“My clutch?”
Miwa suddenly popped up next to you, steadying you and gently guiding you to an abandoned empty chair. “Sit.”
Alisa rummaged through your clutch, only to find your purse and your house keys…but no phone.
“Your phone is not in here y/n. Are you sure it was in your clutch?” she looks at you questioningly, with her big green eyes, which were all you could focus on. She always looks so pretty.
„Focus y/n!“
You thought back to when you left the flat… “I think I …left it on the bed”, you mumble, eyes suddenly growing very heavy. Leaning heavily against Miwa, your head lolls against her shoulder. You inhale deeply. Miwa always managed to smell so good; you wonder how she does it. The girls just shared a concerned look. You couldn’t even sit upright on that damn chair, how were they supposed to get you home.
“We need to call Kuroo”, Miwa states, while brushing some strands of hair out of your face. You didn’t seem to notice.
“That was my plan. But I don’t have his number… do you?” Miwas face was answer enough. That’s when Saeko popped up next to them. “Hey girls, I made it after all.” She grinned happily at all of you. “What’s wrong with this one here, though?” She nudges you in the side, which was rewarded with a lazy grunt from you and a silent curse from Miwa as you tipped dangerously to the side.
“Is she drunk!? I don’t think I’ve ever seen her drunk. What happened?” Saeko seemed mildly concerned, which leads to Miwa and Alisa freaking out a little. Saeko usually doesn’t show concern, so it must be just as bad as they imagined.
“Do you have Kuroos number?” Alisa asked her without answering her question in return, not letting her eyes stray from your face, as you looked ghostly white at the moment and started mumbling random things under your breath.
“No? But you have? Right?”
They both shake their heads. Saeko sighs and mumbles something under her breath, which rather sounded, like ‘I should’ve just gone straight home’, before facing Alisa.
“Call your brother then. He must have his number.”
“Oh my god, Saeko you are a genius.”
“Thanks, I know.”
With another concerned look your way, Alisa left your side to go outside and call her brother. She just hoped he would pick up, since it was already the middle of the night.
Meanwhile Kuroo was sitting on the couch, worriedly glancing at the clock all few seconds and constantly brushing his fingers through his hair. No wonder you hadn’t texted him back, he had found your phone lying on his pillow as he had made the bed again. This meant, you were out, with no phone and no means to contact him if something was wrong. He didn’t like that one bit. The worst part was that he couldn’t even blame someone for it, besides himself. This was his fault and he knew it all too well. Scratching at his scalp, he tried to calm down a bit. He knew you could take care of yourself; your small figure belied the strength you actually had, but still. There was always a chance that something happened. So when his phone started ringing he answered it in seconds, without even looking who was calling first. It just had to be you, right?
“Y/n?” he nearly yelped in the phone.
“No, this is Lev.”
Kuroo nearly lost it then, breathing heavily and punching the pillow right next to him, he thought he was going to combust any second.
“What is it Lev? It’s the middle of the night!”
“Yeah, I know, I was sleeping until my sister called me.” Now that he mentioned it, Kuroo could hear the slight strain in Levs voice, as if he had just gotten up.
“It’s about y/n, though. They are worried and would like you to come and pick her up. Apparently she didn’t have her phone with her and got stupidly drunk.” He paused. “…did you have a fight? Are you alright?”
Kuroo swallowed.
“Just tell me where they are, please.” And so Lev does.
“Tell your sister I’ll be there soon… and thank you, Lev. Sorry that you got involved in this.”
“Yeah, yeah. G’night.” with that, he just hung up on Kuroo, probably eager to get into bed again. Kuroo couldn’t even blame him for that, he was tired, too, but he swore he wouldn’t go to bed before you got home safely.
He gets up, just grabs his wallet, keys and his sweater and was out the door in seconds, running all the way to the bar. Never before had it been so bad, that your friends were concerned about you. You had always gotten home on your own, or were sober enough to just give him a call, or get a taxi. Your alcohol tolerance was quite high, too, but alas, you hadn’t eaten today. That was probably the problem.
Alisa spotted him from afar and just starts waving. She was impressed at how fast he was, it hadn’t even been 10 minutes since the call. When she saw him up close though, she realized that he was sweating and breathing hard. He must have run the whole way here.
“Jeez, Kuroo you look like you might pass out any second.”
“Thanks, it’s nice to see you, too Alisa. Now, where is she?”
He didn’t even look Alisa in the face, his eyes scanning the crowd around them, searching for your face.
“Inside. C’mon.”
He follows her tall blonde form through the masses, until she stops in front of a chair. An empty chair. He could barely hear her curse under her breath.
Kuroos head snaps up, when he could hear a commotion start on the dance floor.
There you were, the hands of some random stranger draped across you, while you danced as if you didn’t even notice. Which of course, you didn’t. Not really. You just enjoyed the lights and the music and silently swayed to the rhythm of it, being a little surprised that the world suddenly didn’t seem so shaky anymore. Your back felt warm, too, which was at the same time pleasant and very unpleasant at once. Something somehow felt wrong, but you couldn’t pinpoint what it was. You were just happy that you somehow managed to get yourself drunken enough, to stop thinking about how little your boyfriend seemed to care about you.
Kuroos eyes wander to the two females next to you, desperately trying to pry the hands off that damn stranger of your dancing form, but they were both so small compared to the guy, it was useless.
He lost it the moment said stranger seemed to thrust his hips into your back. Miwa and Saeko spotted him just the second he lunged at the person, shoving him away.
“Get your filthy hands off of my girlfriend!”
The guy of course didn’t like being handled that way and was in Kuroos face the very next instance. “What’s your problem man? It didn’t seem to me that she didn’t like it.”
Miwa winced. She had seen Kuroo lose his cool once before, and it hadn’t ended very well for the other dude. He had him up by his collar at once, sneering in his face “she’s so drunk she probably doesn’t even remember her own name and you want to tell me she liked it?” He shook the stranger, muscles flexing under his T-Shirt.  “Get the fuck out of my eyes.”
With that, he shoves him so hard that the guy loses his balance and falls face down onto the dance floor.
Your world had become very wobbly again, as soon as the somewhat steadying hands had left your hips. Tumbling to the side, you were caught in strong arms again. Your boyfriend’s arms.
“C’mon kitten, we’re going.”
“Wha-? Kuroo?” Were you hallucinating now? “No I don’t want to go. I want to dance.” You wind your way out of his arms, only to stagger once again.
Kuroo exhales once again and tries to pull himself together, looking at your friends who all watch you with deep worry in their eyes. “How much exactly did she drink?”
Alisa nervously twirls her hair around her finger, not wanting to look him in the eyes. Your boyfriend could be scary, especially if he was worried about you. “Don’t know… I kinda lost count after her 5th cocktail or so… she might have had some drinks on the dance floor, too.”
Kuroo breathes in deeply, watching you as you tried to dance, which was actually just staggering from one side to the other, trying not to fall on your face. He was low key impressed that you had not already broken your ankles in those heels. Trying to remain calm and reminding himself that in fact, this was his fault and he couldn’t get angry with anybody else, he sighs again, starts fumbling in his pocket to get his wallet out and pushes some money in Alisas hand.
“Here, for her drinks. I’m pretty sure she didn’t pay for them herself, did she? Well, never mind. We are going now. Thanks for reaching out to me.”
And with that, he appears next to you again, draping his sweater around your hips to keep your very short dress from flashing anyone, before crouching down and just throwing you over his shoulder.
“Hey, what the hell!? KUROO! Put me down, I don’t want to go!” you slur, as he starts to push his way through the crowd.
“Good thing I’m not asking then.”
Your friends watch as your boyfriend singlehandedly maneuvers you two outside, sighing in unison as you leave the club.
“Wow. That was intense”, Saeko deadpans.
Miwa nods. “He was so calm, though? The last time I saw someone touch y/n with Kuroo around, the guy had a broken nose afterwards. I was a little scared for a second there.”
“He must have been really worried. Lev told me he seemed really agitated, which is rare for him. He’s usually very composed.”
They sigh in unison again. “We better call her tomorrow and ask if she’s alright”, Miwa states, to which the others all nod. Saeko starts grinning a moment later. “I’m pretty sure Kuroo is gonna take good care of her now, so let’s not worry. The night is still young.” She throws her arms around the waists of her friends and pulls them all in direction of the dance floor.
 Meanwhile your world shakes violently with every step your boyfriend makes and your hair was jumping in tact with it. His shoulder blade pressed very uncomfortably into your stomach. You could feel the warmth radiating from his hand at the back of your knee, where he gripped you softly to keep you steady.
You hadn’t spoken to him since he had thrown you over his shoulder and just marched out of the bar. In fact, you felt a little ashamed. It had been years since you had gotten so drunk you could barely stand. It was a mystery to you, how he even knew where you were.
Another step, another bounce, another uncomfortable press against your roaring stomach. You clutch your hands into the hem of Kuroos shirt, trying to steady yourself a bit, inhaling his familiar smell and focusing on that, instead of the turmoil in your stomach and your head.
Kuroo of course feels you clench fistfuls of his shirt and slows down a bit, throwing a glance over his shoulder. “Kitten, you alright there?”
The fresh air had sobered you up quite a bit and you were fully aware of the gentle grip your boyfriend had on you, same as the every so often brush of his thumb across your thigh.
Since you didn’t answer, he just presses a quick kiss to your leg and then continues on his way, a little more slowly, but still persistent. You groan, as the nauseous feeling in your stomach got overwhelming. Not only that, but you could also feel your feet burning and hurting. Those heels were really not the best choice for tonight.
“Y/n?” he stops once more and tries to look over his shoulder again.
“First of all Kuroo, I’m still mad at you, secondly I feel like I might puke any minute if your shoulder is gonna press in my stomach again and last of all, my feet hurt.”
It occurred to you that you were whining, but how could you not? Today has been hell and now everything hurts and you couldn’t even just press your head into your boyfriends’ chest because you were supposed to be mad at him.
“Hold on a sec, hun.”
“I mean it Tetsu, I’m gonna puke.”
Kuroo smiles at that, not because it was fun to him that you had so much to drink that you felt like puking, but because you used his first name…which in conclusion meant you weren’t in fact as mad as you tried to be.
He could already see his target at the end of the street, so he just ignored you and walks on a few minutes longer.
“Ok, I’m going to put you down now, be ready.”
He slowly lets you slide down on his front, so that you were now standing in front of him. His hands were on your hips, steadying you slightly in case you still needed it. You wince as your feet hit the ground, your heels pressing against every sore spot on them. Kuroo could tell you were avoiding looking in his face, even though he stood right in front of you.
Sighing, he puts his slender index finger under your chin and lifts your head up, so you had no choice but to look at him. “I’m sorry Y/n, I was a total dick earlier and I didn’t even realize it. But for now, can we ignore that so that I can take care of you properly? Please?”
Damn it, it wasn’t fair. As you look into his catlike, earnest eyes, so full of love and concern for you, you could already feel your anger melt away. “You’re the worst, Tetsu.” Your words significance was betrayed by the fact that you leaned your head against his shoulder the exact same instance and inhaled deeply. He chuckles deeply at that and presses a soft kiss against your neck, holding you a little while longer.
“Sit down here for a bit kitten, I will be right back.” He guides you to a bench right in front of the 24/7 he had aimed for, noticing you were still very unsteady on your feet and actually limping now. After you sat down, he squats down in front of you and takes your foot in his hands. “Let me see.” He slowly peels off your shoes and inhales sharply through his teeth. “Damn hun, you really butchered your feet.” You decided you didn’t even want to see it and just wriggled your toes at the new found freedom.
“Yeah, I’ll be right back”, and with that he rushes into the store behind you.
After a few minutes, you feel something cold against your cheek. “Here, drink.”
You take the bottle of water out of his hands, suddenly feeling very thirsty and drink a few mouthfuls, as he squats down in front of you again, inspecting your feet once more, before applying patches at the worst spots. When he was finished, he just looks up at your exhausted form in front of him, bracing his hands on your knees, his thumbs already drawing gentle patterns across your skin. It seemed cold to you suddenly and you shiver, which leads to Kuroo taking off the sweater he had put around your waist and pulling it over your head.
“C’mon, let’s get you home.” He grabs your shoes, and turns around, squatting again in front of you, his back muscles flexing under the shirt as he motions for you to get on. With a sigh you did exactly that. No way in hell would you walk the next 10 minutes home on your own two feet. You put your arms around his neck and try a weak little jump to get on his back, which was rewarded with an amused chuckle by your boyfriend. Luckily, he caught your legs just fine and adjusted you on his back with a little wiggle, so that he now could give you a proper piggyback ride home.
“Y/n?” he asks as you got closer and closer to your home, already walking up the stairs to your shared flat.
“I love you.”                            
Ah damn that bastard really knew how to play you. Even though you could feel your insides warm up at that, you thought he could feel bad a little more, so you didn’t comment on it, as he puts the key in the locker and opens the door.
The moment he switched the light on, though, you couldn’t hold back anymore.
“Ah fuck Tetsu, I love you, too. Asshole.” That made him laugh in return. It seems like he had cleaned the whole flat after you rushed out to drink yourself stupid.
“I realized why you were so mad the moment I turned around to go back in here”, he confesses and slowly lets you down from his back. “And as I said before, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. I was a total douchebag.” He comes to stand in front of you and puts your face into his hands. “Can you forgive this asshole?”
You punch his chest in return. “Stop being cute!”
“Can you forgive me? Pleaseee?”
He actually pouts as he squishes your cheeks, already knowing he had won. You tried to fight the smile that wanted to spread on your face at the ridiculous show of your huge boyfriend pouting in front of you, but you fail miserably.
“Just kiss me already, idiot.”
So he did, his one hand sliding from your cheek to your neck, as his lips press against yours in a feather light touch. Your own hand finds its way into his hair at once, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss, as the other steadies you against his hips. He sighs contentedly in the kiss, brushing his lips against yours as he mumbles “I missed you so much”, before kissing you again, this time a little more hungrily. Your lips move eagerly against each other and after a little while, you feel his tongue grace against your lips, which makes you shudder. Your knees started feeling dangerously wobbly again. Luckily, he had already pulled you flush against him and now lifted you up by putting his hands under your ass to carry you to the bedroom, where he gently lays you down on the bed, before slowly climbing on top of you.
You smile fondly at his expression as he kisses you repeatedly, every kiss getting a little rougher than the last one, moving your lips in time with his and then there was his tongue, finally in your mouth. He could still taste the alcohol on your lips.
When he finally breaks away from you, you were both panting. Your hands were gripping his shirt greedily and you were already pulling him down on you again, wanting more. God his kisses gave you life.
“I’m not sure we should go there today, kitten, as much as I’d like to. You’re still very much drunk, and I’d like you to feel and remember all of what I plan to do to you.”
He smirks and plants another kiss on your lips, teeth grazing teasingly against them as he did so, then snorting at the bewildered and somewhat outraged look you gave him when he pulled away. You were clawing at his biceps the moment he starts to get up from you, trying to pull him down again and groaning when you realized you were going to lose against his strength.
“Tetsuro”, you moaned in a last attempt to get him back to you, which made him freeze on the spot. “Wow you’re mean, kitten, but still no.”
And with that, he simply helps you get out of his sweater and your dress, always swatting your grabbing hands away, before he manhandles you into the bathroom to get you ready for bed.
You were getting pissed at him again, because first, he got you hot and bothered and then he didn’t want to do something about it. How rude. That would get him payback, you swore to yourself.
Still, not even your naked form had him thinking twice about his choice, he simply wrangles one of his tees over your head and pulls you flush against him in your shared bed, having a death grip on you, so you couldn’t even move around, as much as you tried.
“Sleep now kitten, and then maybe tomorrow I’ll give you what you want so desperately right now.”
He runs a hand down your side teasingly and you could feel his smile against your forehead at the way your body quivers against him.
“On second thought, I think I’m not able to forgive you yet, you are actually the worst”, you mumble against his chest. He only acknowledges this with another kiss against your forehead. Still, somehow your boyfriend had made the right call, because it only took you seconds to fall asleep in his warm embrace. 
He watches your sleeping form on his chest fondly, pressing little kisses to your face from time to time and thinking to himself, that he deserves a price for self-control, because he seriously had not wanted to restrain himself at all.
Groaning, he presses another kiss to your face as he sleepily mumbles, “I love you, Y/n.” before squishing you even more against his chest. This was what he had longed for all week after all, he thought to himself, as he tried to ignore the bulge in his pants. This was going to be an extremely long and very torturous night for him… he just hopes he would fall asleep just as fast as you did. Morning could not come fast enough…
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