#writing this made me sad :)))
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Hey! I’m not dead! yay✨ I made a small story between Wook and Hyuk and someone convinced me to post it here too. (SPOILERS; This ‘au’ takes places a week after the green home residents escape. Hyuk and Hyun make it out with them.)
Summary: Wook once again made the choice to put his life at risk to protect the group and got separated. The others believed he had gotten killed by a monster, but he ends up finding his way back to their new apartment. Everyone seemed happy to see him. Everyone but their leader.
CW - some cursing, angst (hurt/comfort)
“Care to explain why you’ve been avoiding me?” Wook’s voice rang out through the empty room Hyuk had secluded himself in, rummaging in his backpack to look for god knows what. The comment seemed to fall on deaf ears as the young boy stayed silent, not even bothering to turn towards the older man. It had been like this for almost two days now, Hyuk barely bothering to look in Wook’s general direction after he had come back, not to mention how passive aggressive he had been with every conversation he was forced to have.
“Hyuk..” before he could even reach out, the boy had zipped up the bag, picking it up and turning to walk out the door.
“Hey!” Hyuk yanked his shoulder away as Wook tried to reach out and grab him, suddenly turning around to face him. The glare he gave was venomous, hostile in a way Wook had only ever seen once; directed at a group of criminals they had met not long ago, immediately followed up with a suggestion of murder. It was concerning now for the man to see it so heavily directed at him. So he just stood there, trying to remember exactly what he had walked in here to talk about to begin with.
“What the hell is going on with you?” Wook asked, doing his best to regain the reins on the current situation. He wasn’t quite expecting Hyuk to scoff at his words.
“Maybe if you weren’t so keen on abandoning us all the time then you’d know.” The air suddenly felt thick around the two, Wook taken aback by Hyuk’s far from gentle words. They felt sharp like a knife, so accusatory in tone that he had to wait there a second to process what he had just heard.
“I’m not having this conversation,” Hyuk mumbled, so quiet that Wook almost didn’t catch his words. He didn’t quite need to as Hyuk once again went to walk out the door, preparing to throw his backpack over his shoulder before Wook blurted out,
“Okay, you’re right! I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m never going to if you don’t say something.” Despite pausing, Hyuk stayed silent. His face, while still showing some contempt, had a mixture of something else. An expression that looked as if he was struggling within himself to keep from berating the man right there. Still, he kept his cool and simply gave a frown.
“Hyuk, would you give me something to work with here, and stop walking away the moment I’m around!” Wook had shouted the words louder than he had intended, struggling to keep his emotions in check. It’s not like this is the first time he’s had a blow up at the boy, but it had definitely been the first where he had wanted things to be better for the two of them.
“Why do you care?” Those weren’t the words Wook had expected from Hyuk, but he had learned by now to not expect anything from their unpredictable leader.
“Why. Do. You. Care. Why now? Why now when we needed you then too?” It was scary, just how calm and quiet Hyuk had sounded. Wook would’ve felt more prepared if he had simply yelled at him, went to smack him, or simply got up in his face. He wasn’t used to dealing with people so non-aggressive in their confrontations.
“Hyuk, what are you..” Wook sputtered out, not quite able to properly find his voice. Thoughts and questions were flooding through his brain so quickly that he didn’t have time to grasp onto a single one.
“Are you that stupid or do you care so little about me that you didn’t even notice?” Suddenly, every thought disappeared, leaving the man to grit his teeth in an anger he couldn’t hold back.
“God damn it kid, would you stop being so damn vague for once and just talk like a normal person?!” Wook snapped, taking a large step towards the boy in front of him.
“Maybe put in an effort to stick around for once and we wouldn’t have to have this conversation!” It was then that Wook had reeled back in shock, caught off guard by the sudden rise in volume. Hyuk never yelled in a situation like this. He was too calculated, too focused on keeping things the way he wanted them to let emotions take over like that. And, yet, something set him off, pressed such a sensitive button that he felt like he had no choice but to shout out for only Wook to hear.
“Maybe, just maybe, quit abandoning us to go be a hero! Maybe quit abandoning me so you can gamble with your life!” Just like that, every emotion Hyuk had ever held back, hidden away, was let out. Wook watched as tears welled up in his eyes, threatening to spill as he finally dropped the bag to his side. His breathing was uneven, trying to stop any sob that might escape him while his body shook.
“Hyuk..” Wook spoke quietly, still and waiting as Hyuk made his way over to him, stopping right in front of the man.
“You don’t get to throw away everything we’ve ever built together y..you bastard! Making people care about you only to turn around and leave! Do you even understand how cruel that is?!” It was then that Hyuk had looked up to meet Wook’s eyes, and he swore his heart broke at the sight. Hyuk had tears streaming down his face by now, his expression a mix of unfiltered bitterness and utter despair. An emotion, Wook thought, that should never be felt so heavily by someone so young. Despite it all, he stayed silent.
“You act like you’re above it all! Like you can just survive anything you put yourself through! Like you can just do whatever you want and get away with it!” Hyuk went to shove and hit Wook's chest, not doing much to budge the much sturdier man. In fact, he barely even felt it, the boy’s body too weak and fatigued to deliver a proper blow. Still, he kept at it, sobbing and screaming much worse than he was a second ago.
“Why? Why can you get away with it? Why am I still in the wrong for being upset when you hurt me?! Why am I always wrong..?” His words finally hit a special spot in Wook as he moved to wrap Hyuk in a tight embrace, holding the boy close as he cried into his shoulder. It was hard to hear just how much he had hurt him, how leaving to help the others so many times had affected him.
“I was so..scared…so scared you were gone forever. I can’t lose you, not now. Not after everything we’ve gone through..please..” Hyuk’s sobbing was beginning to quiet down, but it still didn’t stop, tears dampening Wook’s shirt in the process. The man paid no mind, rubbing slowly up and down his back.
“Hyuk…I..” He paused, taking a glance down at the boy and choosing his next words as carefully as possible.
“I’m sorry kid..”
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galaxgay · 1 year
"I don't think you understand what I'm offering."
"I understand. I think I understand it better than you."
Crowley has seen all of heaven. The good, the creation, the stars and the brightness. The bad, the destruction, the control and the brutal unwavering perfectionism. He does in fact, understand what Heaven is much clearer than Aziraphael does. But I don't think that's even the most heart breaking part of this line.
It's that Aziraphael simply does not know. He has no idea why Crowley fell. As much as I love all the art of Aziraphael being there for Crowley's fall/comforting him- there is no way in hell Crowley ever told Aziraphael what cast him from heaven. That's their whole thing: they don't talk.
Crowley has to live knowing the person who supposedly knows him at his most genuine, has no idea why he was outcasted from heaven. He has to live knowing that his angel cannot fathom that maybe Crowley was cast unfairly- that he is not evil.
I can't imagine how painful it must be to know the person who you've spent an eternity knowing, won't even give you the benefit of the doubt enough to think that maybe you aren't evil- you are just a victim of toxic circumstances. And that's why you never want to go back.
That is heartbreaking.
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roseborough-if · 2 years
I'm not sure if you're still accepting these prompts, but if you are could you do 'remembering their favourite food/drinks and getting them that' for Oskari?
(this is set in the time when oskari and mc were still dating.)
Oskari is long gone, probably on his way back from the store by now, when you realise that you're really craving for something sweet and you have nothing of the sort in the house.
You debate for a while whether to send him a quick text, but he doesn't usually read those (and is even less likely to answer them), so you just slump on your back on the couch, and pull a blanket to your chin, defeated by your sweet tooth for now.
You close your eyes and get comfy, eventually falling asleep and waking up to the sound of Oskari banging the front door closed.
"Guess, who's back! Hope you didn't miss me too bad!" he yells, like the dork he is, and you find yourself smiling rather helplessly.
"Hey," you reply sleepily when he rounds the corner and sees you lying on the couch.
Oskari smiles and bends down to kiss your brow. It's such a gentle gesture, you flush under his attention.
"Got your favourites," he says then with a small smile and hands you a bag of your favourite sweets.
You almost want to cry at the sight of them and Oskari can tell because he winks at you and taps the tip of his nose before leaving you to go to the kitchen to unload the rest of the groceries.
You immediately rip open the package and popping a candy in your mouth, smiling to yourself.
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ribbittrobbit · 6 months
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these kids are incredibly stressed out
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specterseen · 2 years
another ghost spotted. she almost misses it. its quiet unlike most who like to make noise to try to attract attention to themselves despite it being impossible for anyone to hear them. her and this stupid fucking vision. 
its back is facing her and it’s shaking in a corner at the end of the juice aisle. whoever it is, they are dressed in a uniform. looks like some sort of sailor or an officer. she stops to stare, not really giving a shit if she looks stupid to anyone else. she’s too tired for it. the dark circles under her eyes and half brushed hair speaks for her. 
and then it looks at her. 
just sort of whips in her direction as if her tired stare was digging holes into its back. it makes her jump a little, eyes half-blinking though as her face forms into a grimace mixed with fear. god, it looks fucking horrendous. like she just stumbled upon someone getting their head smashed in. well, likely not inaccurate since she does usually see spirits in their form that they’ve died in. its almost covered in its own blood, skull smashed in all directions with patches of hair peeling from whatever is left of a scalp. no jaw. just the gross, squishy innards forcibly being exposed and aggressively stealing her attention. the worst part is that she spots the bloodied, bulging eye staring back at her. the frozen pack of pizza pockets clutched in her right hand drops to the floor just as she goes to throw up. the sight of it taking full advantage of her state of mind and health right now. 
fuck you. fuck you. fuck you.
eyes are a little bloodshot from the hurling and robin looks back over to see that its clearly had its fun and decided to fuck right off. she doesn’t bother to look at the puddle she left and she begins speed walking out of the store, sneakers squeaking as she does before anyone could stop her to ask if she was alright. hands come to swipe away the angry tears forming. robin is too upset to care about the unfortunate employee tasked with cleaning up her sad breakfast from the juice aisle. all she wanted was those damn pizza pockets.
it’s been extremely hard to accept any good coming from her powers lately. especially not when you can’t sleep because ghosts are rude and you can’t fucking step into the grocery store without being utterly disturbed and emptied from all emotion and well.. stomach. she’s entirely alone in her personal hell and there’s quite literally nothing she can do about it.
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twice-in-a-blue-moon · 3 months
when solomon has sex with you for the first time, he makes sure to absolutely worship your body. during the first kiss scene with him, he said he's been waiting for a chance to do it. so with this, he's going to make sure his patience will pay off. not an inch of your skin will be unloved by him. it may have taken so long, but the end result will be perfect as the two of you are satisfied, love growing by the second
(Ooh, thank you for the food, anon!! Solomon's first kiss scene will forever have my heart) Reader is GN! :)
Minors DNI!
"Why don't you come just a little closer?"
You shift a little closer until there's no space between you two on the bed, and his lips are back on yours. His hand comes up to cradle your jaw, softly rubbing his thumb along to solidify in his mind that you are here and that this is happening.
Somehow, miraculously, he finally got you alone...and you want him too.
Though he fears he'll get too eager and move too fast for your liking, leading to crossing a boundary or scaring you away. So, he's careful, treating you as if you were glass, slow to do anything more than kiss you like this. Truthfully, he could just do this all night and he'd still be over the moon. But he can't deny in his heart the need for more.
His hand on your jaw slowly slides down your neck, simply letting his fingertips brush against the sensitive skin. It's warm, and he can feel your pulse thrumming just beneath. He wonders how it would feel against his lips.
Solomon reluctantly pulls away from your lips, leaning down to instead kiss along the column of your neck. It elicits a soft gasp, and he feels giddy that he can get such a cute response from you. It only serves him to want to hear more. A secondary motive.
With each article of clothing he removes from your body, he falls deeper in love as he sees his person bared completely to him. It signifies the trust you've built together. And he'll do everything to never lose it - a promise he quietly makes to himself.
From your neck, he lavishes kisses along your collarbones, down both of your arms, your shallowly rising and falling chest, your soft stomach, all the way down to your naval. Any further is iffy territory and he wants explicit permission before he does anything more.
Through a husky tone, he asks, "is this okay? Can I continue?"
Your approval and reassurance are resounding. The weight of worry eases a little, but he's still tentative to continue. He wants you to feel good. He wants this first time with you to be perfect. He can't help it, he's an ancient sorcerer in love for the first time in a very long time...if ever.
So, slowly, he ventures onward to where he sees the obvious impact he's had on you tonight. His talented silver tongue makes you squirm on the bed, your hands tangling in his soft locks as his name tumbles out of your mouth like a prayer. The taste of your sweet arousal is something he fears he could get addicted to.
Solomon can feel his own arousal growing past anything he's ever experienced before. He didn't know he had the capacity to feel so needy for someone else. Good lord, just what are you doing to him?
Once he feels he's prepped and pleasured you enough with his tongue and dexterous fingers, he pulls away to finally undress and bare himself to you. His eyes shift away nervously as he feels you studying his body now. He knows his skin is marred from centuries of living; the countless pact marks, scars he doesn't remember the stories of, and burns from experiments gone wrong. He's never felt self-conscious like this before, but it's another product of what you do to him.
When you sit up on the bed, crawling to him to brush your fingers along his skin, it takes his breath away. You aren't afraid to explore him. Tracing his pact marks, kissing his imperfections, never once showing disgust like he might've thought.
No, only care.
Solomon gently chases you back down onto the bed, crawling over your excited form with smiles and giggles exchanged in the otherwise quiet room. Once again, he gets your staunch permission before continuing. And once again, you reassure him that this is what you want. Any lingering doubt subsides, and with that, he lines himself up with your entrance and slowly slides in, letting you adjust once he's fully settled within you.
"D-Deus meus..."
His forehead rests against yours as his breathing turns ragged, reveling in how goddamn good you feel around him. It takes all of him to be patient, but he waits for your signal, and once he has it, he doesn't hesitate to start moving.
His hips snap against yours in deep, measured thrusts. Passionate kisses are shared, soft moans and grunts fill your ears, and his hands never once stop exploring your body. The love he gave it earlier wasn't nearly enough.
There's no rush. It's not frantic - it's not even desperate. It's slow and intimate as he guarantees you both feel good in this one moment of solitude.
Solomon isn't even thinking about afterwards or what those brothers might say. He's fully entranced by you. He makes love to you as if it's the last time he ever will.
Soon he brings you both to a mind-shattering orgasm. His body shudders above yours as he buries his face in your neck. The way you clench around him makes him consider asking for a second round. Though, he wants to take a break more - to love and care for you as needed. As carefully as he can, he pulls out, already missing being enveloped by you and your sweet body. The second his fatigued self hits the bed, you instantly cuddle up to him, locking him in place for the foreseeable future.
To say he's a little shocked is an understatement. Sure, you both just shared a moment of passion and pleasure, but there was still some part of him that wondered if you really wanted him. For you to take the initiative to cuddle up to him in the afterglow touches his heart. Solomon wraps his arms around you, humming at the shared warmth between your sweaty bodies and shielding you from the world outside of this room.
Tonight you're his. And he knows he'll always be yours.
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choccy-milky · 12 days
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sometimes you gotta lure your overly-studious ravenclaw gf into spending time with you 🥰 📚 ( from 'Every Teardrop is a Waterfall' by Kat_12739 on ao3, GO READ IT!!! the first story is about seb falling sick and still pushing himself/not admitting he's sick until he ends up in the hospital, the second story is about the birth of seb and clora's daughter and seb's reaction to clora almost dying in childbirth, and the third is about dealing with a fussy newborn lewis😭🥹THEY'RE SO GOOD AND SWEET AND SOMEWHAT SAD (not to mention beautifully written) so go check it out!!💖💖 )
#READ SO I CAN YAP TO SOMEONE ABOUT THEM🙏😩💘#the seb sickfic made me realize how much i needed barely functioning and sick seb (but him still trying to be tough)#theres also a part that cracked me up bc at one point seb is so sick he cant even see straight but he just thinks to himself:#eh its fine.... ill just ask ominis how HE functions without vision later🤷 LMFAO#so stubborn...JUST LET CLORA TAKE CARE OF YOU MFER🤺🤺🤺#defs gonna be drawing more from it especially sick seb LMAO but also seb having a tea party with celeste🥹🥹#hogwarts legacy#sebastian sallow#sebastian sallow x oc#sebastian sallow x mc#sebastian x mc#hogwarts legacy fanfiction#sebastian sallow fanfiction#hphl#choccyart#also i was never planning on writing anything about clora giving birth or abt the kids so to be able to read it WAS AMAZING#THERES A PART WHERE SEB IS HOLDING CELESTE AND CRYING AT CLORAS BEDSIDE THAT I NEED TO DRAW😭😭#LIKE SRSLY seb being conflicted and not even wanting to HOLD celeste bc he doesnt know if clora is alive or not... IT WAS SO SAD BUT GOOD#i honestly dont know what seb would do if clora died in childbirth tbh.......i could honestly see him resenting celeste#esp since she looks so much like clora😭😭#LETS JUST NOT THINK ABOUT IT!😃👍#(still thinking about it)#like this line in the fic: “Sebastian hesitated; if this was Clora’s last gift to him he wasn’t sure he wanted it.”#😭😭😭ITS SO GOOD UGHHHHH😭 TY AGAIN FOR WRITING THESE💖IM SO TOUCHEDDD💖💖
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alzrite · 3 months
Theres something falling from the sky and its falling fast.
So, what does Jon do? He catches it. Only it is not an it that he caught but a she. And she is dripping green all over. And boy does the green sure looks like its blood with all the gashes it was oosing out of.
Jon panics and does the only thing he can think of.
Superman appears beside him near insantly.
"Jon, what's-"
He stops mid question as he spots the girl in his arms.
"Let's get her somewhere safe."
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pinkeos · 4 months
we all know jing yuan is immortal, he's lived for so long and remained as one of the key figures of the alliance. but with his long life span comes with memories that would sometimes grow hazy
however, aside from his old friends, there's one more person he'd never forget and would never allow to slip from his mind; you. his mortal lover who had passed away centuries ago
unlike him, you aged. and with age, comes with inevitable death. he could still remember how hesitant you were at first when he asked to be your lover, because you knew his life would last longer than yours, and he'd end up alone
you'd joke multiple times that he'd probably fall out of love when you start growing older, but he never did. he stayed by your side, held your hand as wrinkles slowly appeared on your skin. he still pressed kisses on your face, brushed your grey hair and reintroduced himself whenever you started forgetting who he was
he'd tell you stories of the years you spent together, all the heartwarming memories and even the disagreements you've been through. his heart still skipped a beat when your weak chuckle echoed in the bedroom, a bittersweet smile still plastered over his face when it was your turn to retell the memories you've shared
like he told you before, he still stayed by your side even when you breathed your last, his heart stabbed by a million daggers with how you tried so hard to remember him even before you left. whispering a declaration of love and his name as your eyes fluttered close
even after your death, he'd still keep you close to his heart. even death won't be able to keep you apart
he'd talk about you fondly to anyone who's willing to listen, a smile of adoration and longing very much visible on the general's lips. it doesn't matter how many years had passed, or will pass, it will always be you that occupied his heart while he waits until he reunites with you again
and by a twist of fate, his eyes met your familiar ones when his hologram came to meet the guests from the astral express
even in a different life, that smile and that presence, everything about you... it was still you
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firestorm09890 · 16 days
"Is he called the 'Viper' because he bites people" -woman who likes to bite whatever she can and does not realize she's a vampire
"No, it's a figure of speech. He sounds irritating but is probably a good strategist" -military strategist many find irritating to deal with because mentally she never left The War
"Whoever made this corridor purple with nothing in it must be a terrible leader. You always need to think about morale" -the same woman, whose usual solution for low morale in her teammates is "stop whining. manager we should kill them"
"the sephirot should have just had a fistfight instead of badmouthing each other for eternity" -Outis again
"Hod is too overprotective" -you'll never guess
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dlldior · 23 days
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i'm sorry but why does sebastian look like a mourning dad who can't accept the fact that his child is dead so he keeps reading to him every night out of habit
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sgtpeppers · 13 days
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David Angus and Ian Hart as Brian Epstein and John Lennon in The Hours and Times (1991)
"Maybe we torment each other."
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actuallyitsstar · 6 months
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grief is not a feeling, but a neighborhood. this is where i come from. everyone i love still lives here. // (insp.)
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shoccolatine · 7 months
their reactions if MC was fatally wounded by wanderers and passed away
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⚘pairings: xavier x reader, zayne x reader, rafayel x reader
⚘tags: sfw, gender-neutral MC, established relationship, loss and grief, ANGST, alcohol consumption (in xavier's part), very slight chapter 7/8 spoilers (in rafayel's part)
⚘a/n: sorry xavier's is shorter, i'm still figuring out his character! also can you tell i have a bias um hehe,,,
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╰┈➤ ❝ XAVIER. ❞
is devastated by the news, and blames himself for not being there as their hunting partner to protect them and keep them safe
he drowns his grief in liquor at The Nest—the bartender worries for his sudden habit, but xavier's lips are locked tight, and so he doesn't pry. the best he can do is cut him off before his veins are more alcohol than blood
he also takes it out on the wanderers he fights from then on, hoping that the next one's throat he slits is the one who took his precious MC away from him
on calmer days, he brings flowers to their grave whenever he's able—he'll sit and chat about everything and nothing in the hopes that somehow, somewhere, they're still listening
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╰┈➤ ❝ ZAYNE. ❞
would be in the ER doing everything he can to save them
....but it's not enough
the guilt of their life slipping through his fingers weighs heavy on him. but he never lets it show
he already spends a lot of time at work, but after they pass, he throws himself fully into his job
he's even more clinical and impersonal than ever and fully embodies the "cold and distant dr. zayne" title everyone else thought of him (everyone but MC)
he doesn't allow himself to get close to anyone anymore—after all, the ones he opens his heart to always get taken away from him
he keeps himself busy 24/7. if he allows even a moment's break, he starts thinking, and thinking is bad
his already frequent nightmares worsen, and he finds himself pulling even more all-nighters than usual to avoid them
bonus extra angsty alternate ending: his lack of sleep and inner anguish affect him to the point of messing up a delicate surgery. he resigns that same day.
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╰┈➤ ❝ RAFAYEL. ❞
thomas is unable to contact him for days. texts and voicemails remain unanswered, deadlines are fast approaching with no updates... but, isn't this normal behaviour from the antisocial artist?
it's not until finding out about MC's passing a week later that thomas realizes he should have been more persistent with rafayel. but would it have even mattered? when rafayel is in a mood, it's near impossible to find/reach him, nevermind pull him out of it
weeks pass with still no word, and thomas regrets his last conversation with rafayel—pressing him to finish his latest painting, with an eager buyer already waiting
thomas does his best to manage cancelling rafayel's many interview and art show invitations without stirring up concerns. rafayel is already known to be dodgy with such things, though, which thankfully buys him some time
rafayel is finally spotted some time later on the beach just off his home studio, drenched to his bones and wandering aimlessly barefoot along the coast
he hasn't touched a paintbrush in ages, and has completely forgotten the inspiration for his last unfinished piece
he's spent nearly the entire time in the sea. the rocking of the waves and the rush of his heartbeat in his ears keep him distracted more than painting ever could
his muse is gone, and with it his flame. he spent all this time to find them... just to lose them again. his poor heart just can't bear it
one day he leaves one last cryptic message to thomas, dons his scales once more, and returns to the sea forever
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ducktracy · 10 months
a short placing heavy emphasis on Hungarian Rhapsody No. II is a rite of passage for golden age cartoons. Bugs Bunny did it! Tom and Jerry did it! Daffy and Donald! but one thing Woody Woodpecker has above the competition is that he is held hostage by a group of gangsters and is forced to entertain, lest he get executed. amazing
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internetskiff · 4 months
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Brother rly went "so yeah about that beer :)" immediately followed by implying he had (and still has) to beat at least a couple of people to maintain his position in Civil Protection. Really creates way more questions than it answers. What did u do Barney Calhoun. Is beating people up all it takes? Is there innocent blood on his hands? Is there weight on his conscience? Despite everything, did he still partake in the perks the position offered, the better housing, the extra food? How trusted is he in the resistance, really? It's probably well known that he still has to participate in the Combine's oppressive system, right? They can't all possibly view it as a completely necessary evil. I mean, some rebels hate Odessa Cubbage and his only crime seems to be "being an idiot".
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Okay completely unrelated train of thought now but I wonder if he smuggles the melons Kleiner feeds to Lamarr. You can see some watermelons in a Civil Protection outpost/apartment so I assume that's one of the "better" foods the Combine provide to those that serve them. Goddd there's so much to this guy but it's all implication.. Wish he had more screentiiiiiiime I wanna see more of him. I wanna see what he's had to do to maintain cover, and what he's actually done to earn the Resistance's trust. How do the rebels feel, knowing that while they have to take shelter in the canal system, he's able to sleep in an actual apartment with an intact door?
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