#writing was honestly mediocre
didyousaykfc · 6 months
fourth wing is like divergent but typical ya fantasy with dragons 🫤 (derogatory)
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cinnamondumz · 8 days
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Statement of Hannah Dean, regarding a sick patient she took care of. Original statement given August 12th, 20XX. Audio recording by Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute.
Statement begins.
My name is Hannah Dean, I work as a doctor at Pearl Garden Hospital. Let’s just get right to it. I don’t know when she was admitted into the hospital, where she came from, who her parents were, nothing. All I knew was that I was to be taking care of her. When I first entered her room, she was sat in her cot and stared right at me. She looked to be around, 13 or 14 years old? Had greasy hair and old bandages around her arms and legs. I’m not sure why I didn’t notice how everything was so… dirty, at first. The walls were stained, the floor was grotty, and the patient herself was overall, filthy. I walked over to her nonetheless and introduced myself, like I always did. I tried to run a few checkups on her, but as soon as I got close I felt a wave of sickness… emanate from her, somehow. I immediately stepped back, and that sickly feeling went away.
Have you ever heard of the Miasma theory? Where diseases are supposedly caused by bad air and such? This patient—I’m not sure how else to explain this. She had… bad air. There was like an invisible ball of gaseous sickness all around her. It made me want to puke. She gazed up at me with an innocent and confused look, and I couldn’t help but feel bad for her. I went back to do a physical exam on her, checking her skin and eyes, looking into her throat and ears, checking her pulse, the usual. It was hard to focus though, the awful feeling of nausea and illness ruminating off of her and right back at me. She was in a rough shape from the looks of it, she could’ve be suffering from a myriad of things. I figured I’d prescribe some acetaminophen, so I told her I would be back, and left the hospital room.
When I exited, I instantly noticed the change in air quality. It was so much more fresh and breathable outside of the patient’s room, despite still being in a building with what should’ve been the same conditions. That’s when I realized the difference in cleanliness as well, the halls had a scent of rubbing alcohol and chlorine, but her room… honestly, was foul. I went to grab the medicine for her when a friend of mine and also fellow co-worker, Wendy Lovett, bumped into me. She was surprised to see me and said that I looked unwell. I didn’t know what she was talking about until she showed me with her phone. I looked like I had a cold or something, but it wasn’t that serious, could just be the long hours getting to me. I mentioned I was getting some medicine for the patient in room 43, but Wendy looked more concerned for me. She told me there wasn’t a patient in room 43. I said that there definitely was one, and that she could come with me to take care of the patient if she really didn’t believe me.
We came back to the patient and Wendy wrinkled her nose as she entered. The patient still sat on that cot. I poured one chewable tablet of the medicine in my hand and instructed her how to take it. I’m not sure why, but she looked a little disappointed when she took it. Wendy walked over to the patient and I could see her face shift from mild disgust to utter repulsion. She must have gotten a little close and experienced that… bad air. Once the patient was done, I gave her a glass of water and Wendy practically dragged me out. She shut the door to the room and told me that patient was not normal. It was hard to disagree with Wendy, there was something strange about her and we both felt sick after being around her. We agreed that I would give the responsibility of taking care of this patient to someone else, probably more capable of dealing with sicker patients. The next day, I asked another doctor, Vincent Roussel, if he could handle the patient for me, as I was feeling ill. He begrudgingly agreed, and I stayed home.
I came back to work feeling much better after that, but I couldn’t help but notice Vincent looked really bad. His usually kept hair was a mess, he had stains all over his shirt, and his glasses were smudged and crooked. I asked if he was okay. Vincent glared at me and told me he was just fine, but judging from his cough and sniffly nose, he was not. I didn’t see him for the rest of the day, until I walked past room 43 nearing the end of my shift, the door slightly askew. Curiosity got the better of me, and I took a little peak inside. The room looked a lot dirtier than I remember, now with insects crawling and flying around the walls and floors. Vincent was now lying in the cot and he looked like a corpse, but he was still alive, the shaky rise and fall of his chest showed that. The patient stood beside the cot, remarkably looking a whole lot healthier, with her hand on Vincent’s shoulder. I think she was saying or whispering things, but I couldn’t hear what. I… I quickly left after seeing that.
Vincent was found dead in the hospital a few days later. The police haven’t found anything about what could have caused his death. I’ve only told Wendy about seeing the patient with Vincent so far, since I doubt the police would find the information helpful. We’ve both been avoiding room 43, even though it’s probably perfectly normal and clean now. That patient… I don’t know. I haven’t seen her since. I hope I never do.
Statement ends.
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I'm in an angst mood :) tw implied suicide
Keefe smiled sadly. "You really are as oblivious as they make you seem, Foster."
"Keefe, I'm serious, what are you talking about?" Sophie gripped her imparter tighter, trying to get a good glimpse of Keefe's background. No luck.
"I'm really sorry," His smile faded, and he looked away. "I'm sorry I couldn't be enough."
"You are enough."
Keefe shook his head. "You have to let go."
"I love you," Sophie cried desperately.
"You have to move on."
"I can't."
Silence stretched between them for a moment, nothing but the wind blowing though Keefe's imparter.
"I'm sorry, Foster."
Then he hung up, and that was the last time Sophie ever heard from Keefe Sencen.
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sunnyscript · 2 months
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[ID: Picture is a lineless piece depicting Vox from Hazbin Hotel in the CCTV (Closed-Circuit Television) control room inside his lair.
Vox is standing slightly on the left behind a table. He smiles deviously and slightly look up toward a light source that is casting a glow on him and the table. His left elbow is on the table. Behind him is the round platform of his evil lair. On left, you can find computers and cables. Behind the round platform is a bridge over some pit. Further back is another platform. Above said platform is a bunch of blue and red pop-ups. The walls of his lair are red.]
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[ID: Picture is a lineless piece depicting Vox from Hazbin Hotel in the CCTV (Closed-Circuit Television) control room inside his lair.
Vox is standing slightly on the left behind a table. He smiles deviously and slightly look up toward a light source that is casting a dimglow on the table. His left elbow is on the table. Behind him is the round platform of his evil lair. On left, you can find computers and cables. Behind the round platform is a bridge over some pit. Further back is another platform. Above said platform is a bunch of blue and red pop-ups. The walls of his lair are red.]
Apparently twitter voted and decided this tumbler sexy-manified tv head was the most attractive male character in Hazbin. So there you go.
(I don't complain he's my favourite male character)
Edit: I finally stopped being lazy and added ID on text and in alt!!!
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abluehappyface · 1 year
Here's the poem (that's really just a song that doesn't exist yet) I made today!
Tw: Implied death, grief, sickness, very vague mentions of heaven and hell, and a technical depressive spiral?
You're white as a sheet
With skin ivorine
Your silver eyes stare
At your ebony hair
It's fallen out from your head
As you lay in your bed
Face casted with dread
Wondering if you'll be waking up dead
The mezzotint of your once worn glasses
Now lays on the bedside table
Every day
You wither away
And there's nothing I can do
The inficate dancers
Sent up from hell
Know nothing of my love
My devotion to you
Oh my ivorine beauty,
As your spirit slowly leaves me
Oh my ivorine beauty,
I hold on to your hand
Oh my ivorine beauty,
As your eyes close so gently
Oh my ivorine beauty,
Tell me if heaven's gates are as you planned
Oh my ivorine beauty,
There is ganosis in your eyes
It's been years
Since you've died
Many years
I have cried
Of nails stained white
Come to me
To haunt my nights
The tender skin
That once touched mine
Can only be felt
In now passed times
Oh how I wish
For just one kiss
Upon the lips
That birthed me bliss
Oh my ivorine beauty,
As your spirit slowly left me
Oh my ivorine beauty,
I held on to your hand
Oh my ivorine beauty,
With eyes closed so gently
Oh my ivorine beauty,
Is heaven as you planned?
Oh my ivorine beauty,
Oh how I long for you...
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zackmoonz · 10 months
So I finally posted that 4Maxo I've been writing for a month. I don't particularly enjoy it but my friends liked so.
Hope you guys enjoy it
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compacflt · 1 year
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wip wednesday: slider is 95% not a wip anymore! coming saturday hopefully! wednesday if all hope fails
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Megabee decepticons win au
1- aight so the basic premise is megatron won against optimus, killing him, claiming the allspark and focused on getting the space bridge finished.
2- Bumblebee, in a desperate bid to protect his friends, tries to get close to megatron while acting as a "hostage" to keep the rest of the team from trying something.
3- Megatron is well aware that bee's trying to get under his figurative skin but he doesn't acknowledge it because he finds bee amusing.
4- bee is officially a hostage but in reality he's treated as a guest who can't leave and spends most of his time hanging around megs like a talkative stray cat.
5- megs dangles the hostage thing over bumblebee's head threatening to revoke his privileges regularly in a sometimes joking sometimes serious way.
6- as entertaining as their little game is, he refuses to let his little scout forget exactly who's in charge between them.
7- after awhile megs gets very "invested" in bee and sets about seducing him and getting him to turn.
8- he does this by mixing in flirtation and compliments with back handed remarks about how annoyed others seem to be by him, how blind to his true worth they really are.
9- basically he toys with bee's head to lower his self worth and forge a sense connection between them, he wants bee to see him as a savior as the only one he can truly depend on.
10- bee does eventually catch feelings. he's insecure as it is and megatron has a way of making him feel absolutely wonderful about himself, making him feel understood, making him feel wanted.
11- and megatron certainly wants bee, he wants a pretty little pet to decorate his lap and sooth him after a long day and breath life into the long painfully dull moments.
12- the topic of team prime is slowly brought up less and less as megatron's conquest of cybertron seems more and more inevitable.
13- "don't you finally want to be someone? Don't you what to see what it's like to be on top for a change? Don't you want all those that mocked you and rejected you, everyone that made you feel like less to burn? You know all you need to do sweetbee."
14- at this point bee thinks he might go insane and megatron's very much enjoying the show.
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ichorblossoms · 1 month
playing a visual novel and now it has me like...what if i made a little one or two-scene one with my ocs.....
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haas-been · 2 months
not me being completely stuck on this life as we know it rewrite idea where daniel comes into shared possession of a child (thanks to the unfortunate demise of his friends, rip) with someone his absolute polar opposite and then having to struggle with being a parent not the cool fun uncle while also falling in love.
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deanstits · 5 months
Taking anti depressants has really torpedoed my writing like I used to do it all the time and now I can barely string a sentence together. The last time I updated my fic was when I was changing meds and had a week without anything and I bashed out 6k words like !!!!
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aurantia-ignis · 5 months
We have yet another "RANGER'S APPRENTICE MOVIE CONFIRMED AND COMING RIGHT UP!!" announcement I'll believe it when I see the trailers LOL
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depressed-werewolf · 2 years
Summoning Shenanigans
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Wanted to write something spooky, this is the result
I didn’t even know why I bought the book in the first place. It was the most obviously cursed thing I’d ever seen. Hell, the shopkeeper had even told me it was cursed, but I didn’t listen and now there was a rather annoyed-looking demon standing in the middle of my kitchen.
The demon didn’t look how I imagined them. I’d expected some Lovecraftian abomination. This was not that.
The demon was a tall man with short black hair. His unnatural height and his horns were what gave him away. He was so tall that he’d likely hit his head trying to go through a doorway. His horns stuck out from under his short black hair. There was nothing particularly uncanny about his face, in fact, he was somewhat handsome with tan skin, brown eyes, and a chiseled jawline. He wore a three-piece suit with a red collared shirt underneath.
He stared at the protagonist for a moment before speaking. His voice was low and flat, he made no effort to hide his irritation. “Don’t just stare, let’s get this over with. I’ve got shit to do.”
I didn’t look up, still muttering to myself. This couldn’t be real. “I didn’t think it would work.”
The demon brought me out of my thoughts when he snapped his fingers in front of my face. He looked even more annoyed now.
“Seriously, you went through this whole stupid spell, bought the most cursed book you’ve ever seen, and got me out of bed for what? Fun? People like you die in horror movies.”
I rolled my eyes. “I don’t care about horror movies ‘cause non if that shit is real.”
“Well, I think I’m pretty real, idiot,” he spat.”
“If you’re so powerful then just go back to Hell if this is such an inconvenience for you.”
“You summoned me, I gotta be here. It’s the rules.” He shrugged and looked down at his watch. “Now make a wish so I can go home.”
“‘Make a wish?’ What are you a genie?” I retorted.
He rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Jesus Christ, this is why I don’t fuck with mortals you’re all so rude.”
“I’m rude? I thought you wanted people to be rude, you’re a demon aren’t you?”
Another sigh. “I want people to sin, sinning doesn’t mean you have to be a—You know what I don’t have time for this just make your stupid wish.”
He looked like he’d given that explanation at least twenty times before.
I started at the demon for a moment. “I don’t have one,” I muttered.
“You gotta be kidding me!” He exclaimed, “why the hell did you summon me if—“
“I didn’t think it was gonna work dumbass!” I yelled, gesturing wildly.
“Calm down, calm down, just like think of something off the top of your head.”
I closed my eyes and thought for a moment, eventually choosing the first thing to mind.
“Uhh, money I guess.”
He rolled his eyes again and shot me a judgmental look. “Kinda basic, but okay.”
“Oh, you beg me to make a wish, then when I do you start whining!”
“I’m not ‘whining!’,” he shot back. “All I’m saying is it is cliche.”
“You know what, fuck you, you’re a little bitch.” “You want something original? Fine. I wish you would shut the fuck up, there’s my goddam wish asshole!”
I stormed out of the kitchen and into my bedroom, slamming the door behind me. He simply stood in the middle of the room for a moment looking confused. Finally, he groaned, holding his head in his hands “I fucking hate it here.”
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volfoss · 7 months
every popular male comic author who i hate will have leagues of fans who are like omg u just read his REALLY bad stuff the rest is better. it totally doesnt have the same problems as his bad stuff did. and then it in fact does
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aeide-thea · 9 months
still picking my way thru s3 of the witcher episode by agonizing episode but it's going SO slowly bc every time i watch one it's just like. right. this show is a B movie now and not in a good way
#like it's not like NONE of it has been fun but it's just like. i enjoy the fandom but the source material is. not actually good#and people SO badly want to credit it with all this depth and sophistication it just absolutely does not have#but s1 was at least like. coherent and fun if unsubtle#s2 and s3 have just been this big spiral into like. an attempt at Fantasy Saga#which would be fine if they were good enough at storytelling to do that coherently#but unfortunately it's just like. disconnected scene after disconnected scene strung together by mediocre action and worse humor#all of which have looked weirdly pastede-on-yay in a way i don't know enough formal film language to articulate#but it's just like. it doesn't feel like the characters are actually moving through the world‚ visually#it's just costumed ppl shoehorned into backgrounds that are either (1) cartoonishly stagey (2) dreary irl countryside somewhere (3) bad CGI#and then geralt gets whumped and it's like. wait NOW you want us to care abt him? after sidelining him all season?#like. idk. structurally and emotionally the writing just sucks#and then the acting and visuals are. largely also bad. lol.#jaskier is probably one of the best bits really but then they give him so much material that's absolutely clownish#and it's like. i'm not opposed to humor but it's remarkable the way the juxtaposition of his tone with the overall tone of the show#manages to make BOTH vibes seem stupid somehow. honestly an achievement#however. big fan of predicted-by-me-but-still-good betrayal scene. like. he didn't even seem surprised which was perf honestly#'obviously you lived down to my expectations‚ that's just how life goes and has gone ever since geralt blew up at me on that mountain'#just like. makes total sense and also grants him some actual depth and dignity#now do that the whole time with all the characters challenge…#tvblogging#(i realize no1 currs but like. i do like 2 record my Thots On Media otherwise they all fall out of my head like a sieve)
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sanccharine · 1 year
i initially planned for a christmas fic to come out some time in the next 24 hours, but due to just my own lack of motivation and other personal stuff, i haven’t even been able to write it. so i just wanted to get that out here and let everyone know :]
truly sorry but i hope everyone is doing well on christmas eve ! merry christmas if you’re in the timezone !!
i offer this is as compensation :D
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