#wtnv ep 12
wtnvrelisten · 1 year
Hey, come relisten to Welcome to Night Vale with me.
Episode 12 -- The Candidate
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joskippy · 10 months
The new nightvale liveshow centering around Cecil's childhood memories.....i have to see this liveshow with my MOTHER WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE
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arthurtaylorlester · 2 years
this is the first fanart I’m ever posting but I liked the episode so much so :P
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I used that one scene from spirited away as a reference!
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lawyeryuri · 1 year
do they have canada dry in America??
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blazernot · 1 year
"The future is here, and it's about 100ft above the Arbys" I'm already in love with this show
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mochachailattecafe · 1 year
I forgot how good the weather was in this show
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disparition · 9 months
Hi! I'm a huge fan of your music. I was introduced to it by a friend, and I at some point started listening to WtNV to hear how it was used in the show. While listening I came across several tracks that I hadn't heard before, and couldn't seem to find anywhere, and since they all sounded like interesting pieces I wanted to ask (assuming they're yours) if you could consider making them available? They are: ep 6 at 16:00, ep 8 at 10:30, ep 11 at 20:30, ep 12 at 11:00, ep 29 at 8:30.
hi, the pieces from episodes 6,8,11, and 12 were all originally written for various small experimental plays (or more accurately, they are variations of pieces written for plays) when i was living in nyc, back then joseph was producing the show and he'd grab stuff i put on my (now defunct) website or that i'd send him. they are on an old computer somewhere that i am still looking for so if i find them i'll post them!
the piece from episode 29 is called "Si Ricorda". also called "Concetta Remembers Tancredi". it is inspired by the novel The Leopard by Giuseppe di Lampedusa: https://soundcloud.com/disparition/si-ricorda
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neferrious · 1 year
Random WTNV Episode Quotes:
Since I’ve already listened to 1-10 I will just be doing 10 and onwards in increments of 5
Divider by @djarrex
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Ep 10: “Do you get sexually aroused from carpal tunnel syndrome? That would be weird.”
Ep 11: “As it turns out, all wheat and wheat byproducts for unknown reasons have turned into venomous snakes.”
Ep 12: “Shame on you for your negative stereotypes of multi-headed beings.”
Ep 13: “A man rolls by on the ground, his eyes bleary and sightless, whispering the word “mudwomb” over and over. But you don’t have the money to tip him so you go inside.”
Ep 14: “Today we are exploring common birds and their meanings… A pigeon means your mother has died or that all is well. It’s a bit uncertain.”
Ep 15: “Street cleaners focus on heat and movement and so the best strategy is to be dead already.”
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murple · 1 year
While I’m reliving my 2019 wtnv phase, here’s the wtnv-inspired podcast i made about my high school! The opening credits are french but i promise the rest is in english
It’s part weird wtnv-eqsue bits that make no sense, part grade-12-me complaining about high school, and part overarching subplot about the glowing eyes in the vents
here’s the show: https://open.spotify.com/show/4lCRtuTTHfuxiLJ68pMsn9?si=66d8e7afaca94ad4
here’s ep 1: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4m4ZaMIHm1JaNhuyJG0ts1?si=5b07d9328c444c93
Description of ep 1: It's the first day of school! A warm welcome to all new and returning students. Let's makes this year the best one yet! (Not making this year the best one yet is punishable by an excess of wheelbarrows.) Plus, a new cafeteria, glowing eyes in the vents, wormholes, Grade 9s, announcements from clubs, and predictions for this year's sports teams.
Edit: I'm relistening now and there's many times I tried to copy wtnv's political/social satire and didn't quite get it right bc I didnt know what I was talking about. Take everything with a grain of salt.
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hoarding-stories · 1 year
Re-listening to wtnv and man ep 12 really is just: Cecil starts shit simply because he wants to
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wilberave · 2 years
a collection of wtnv bits that i love, in no particular order:
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ep. 2 Glow Cloud
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ep. 13 A Story About You
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ep. 20 Poetry Week (actually this entire episode)
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ep. 62 Hatchets
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ep. 46 Parade Day
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ep. 12 The Candidate
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ep. 71 The Registry of Middle School Crushes
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grimbeak · 2 years
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I posted 1,983 times in 2022
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1,679 posts reblogged (85%)
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I tagged 975 of my posts in 2022
#kevin wtnv - 99 posts
#save - 60 posts
#dungeons and daddies - 42 posts
#my writing - 33 posts
#charlevin - 18 posts
#dndads s2 spoilers - 14 posts
#carlos wtnv - 13 posts
#dndads spoilers - 12 posts
#charles wtnv - 11 posts
#cecil wtnv - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#cecil later: we have a new guy here! his names bob he has no eyes a wide gaping smile and is covered in barbecue sauce. he wont let you lick
My Top Posts in 2022:
*Right b4 the first episode*
Nilanjana, as soon as they get in the range for the radio: why is the radio host calling you babygirl
Carlos, turning off the radio: let's stop taking for a little while
98 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
Sonics: Bullywugs
FBI Headquarters: Meth Bay Supermax
FBI Drug Farm: Drug flowers
San Dimas Grand Canyon (Tower): ????? (Canyon around Ravenloft/the one they were gonna cross to find Nick/The canyon from the Hey Riddle Riddle dndads ep that they crashed into????)
SoFi Stadium: Balls Deep Stadium/GlennBall
Haunted House: The Nuke Manor
113 notes - Posted July 17, 2022
ok but you don't understand. 5 adults thought it would be funny to make a d&d podcast with a weird plot and the weirdest sub-plots ever and its one of the most heart-wrenching medias ive ever experienced
184 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
Lark and Sparrow were ABSOLUTELY those kids who opened the windows during a car wash. they did it every single time. henry kept having talks with them about how that's not nice to the car and the people who have to go in and fix it and they're gonna get all wet and they simply. Do not listen. every time. every time it happens. they convince him that they've changed and then immediately open the windows again. whenever henry tries to hold them down when mercedes is driving they bite him so so so so so so hard.
199 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
thinking ab the baby ninja being attracted to their elements and the ppl who raised them knowing ab it
Like Kai and Nya's village knew their parents, so it makes sense to them that Nya learns how to swim before she learns how to walk, and that Kai is so interested in blacksmithing and how they have to keep him away from candles. Lou putting up with Cole digging holes in the backyard and coming in covered in mud. Julien thinking Zane is just being all roboty when he wants to sit outside during a snowstorm, or want the air conditioning to be on. Even Lloyd being drawn to brighter lit areas at Darkleys.
Meanwhile, Ed and Edna have NO idea why their baby keeps wanting to electrocute himself, how he keeps undoing the safety measures they put on the plugs, why he keeps sticking wires in his mouth, and why he gives them a static shock every other time they pick him up
399 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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WTNV Quick Rundown - 12 - The Candidate
Hello again! A quick rundown of all the lore, facts, good quotes etc from the NV podcast episodes and live shows~ because if you're like me, you have a hard time getting motivated to go through the show again but you really wanna remember what's gone on and find that one random fact that feels like something half-real half-dreamed.
Catch up here! Or use the tag on my blog~
The policeman in that intersection is not directing traffic, he's coding an urgent message to all of us. Welcome to Night Vale.
Hiram McDaniel's, literal five-headed dragon (wanted on several accounts of insurance fraud, falsifying identification papers and assaulting a police vehicle with fire) has been apprehended.
Cecil apparently finds Hiram to be handsome, as he makes mention of Hiram's 'dynamic figure' and how it's easy to see how he charmed his way out of things when handed a photo of Hiram by intern Stacey. Later, when shown Hiram's blog by the same intern, he remarks that Hiram is 'roguish' and 'very smart with groundbreaking ideas'.
Hiram has posted; "If I were mayor of Night Vale, I would give incentives for small business development and focus on youth physical fitness programs. Human youth are the human future, after all." Which Cecil takes as a legitimate bid for mayorship and proposes to vote for him several times.
Mayor Pamela Winchell brings up the fact that the elections are not for three years yet, that prisoners can not run for mayor, not to mention he's neither a NV resident nor human, which Cecil considers to be 'dirty tactics' and discriminatory.
Mayor Winchell also pointed out that writing the throwaway phrase "if I were mayor of Night Vale" on a blog is not an official declaration of candidacy. “There is paperwork!” Mayor Winchell shouted into my voice mail. “You can't just…. Aaaaggghh,” she continued, trailing off slightly at the end. What followed was about 95 seconds of loud stomping and what sounded like woodchopping in the distance before the message finally ended.
Weather: "The Brightness" by Anais Mitchell. anaismitchell.com
Sunsets in NV have become noisy. Specifically so in 'Old Town Night Vale'. The sound is extremely terrible (A possible deity called 'Old Scratch' is mentioned as a sound comparison). It has caused 2 heart attacks, 12 cases of significant muscular atrophy and at least 2 dozen people growing third (or more) eyes. (Third eye Cecil canon?! /jk)
City Council says that the noise is called by the windmills in Desert Bluffs. Walton Kincade, president of the community group Soundproof Old Town! states that this can't possibly be the source because the windmills don't work or even exist.
In a press conference, he is stared down by City Council for 14 straight minutes 'metaphorically speaking, until his soul was compacted into what looked like a partially-chewed black-eyed pea, literally.'
There is a hearing for Walton Kincade 'tomorrow' at 4am on the highest ledge over a place called Skeleton Gorge (likely named so because everyone who has ever attempted to climb it has died). The Council issued a statement wishing Kincade luck in attending this mandatory hearing.
Cecil interviews Simone Rigaudeau in the Earth Sciences Building of the NV Community College and asks her about the event. She says it's a cause of 'Just Desserts'. She does not work in Earth Sciences, she is a transient living in the recycling closet of the building and collecting pet cans.
Cecil mentions the town song as having lines such as 'Free your mind, the rest will follow' and 'lay deeply of the scarlet mud after the bloodrains of the apocalypse'.
Cecil found an unsigned press release under his pillow that morning which announces that there is a party 'that Friday' at the abandoned Missile Silo outside of town. It takes place at 3:00 and ends at 3:05. The purpose is 'to celebrate'. There will be no sign or music. It will be dark, inside and outside of the silo. You should grope blindly towards happiness, keeping your mouth open and your teeth together to indicate being at a party. You will hear noises and later you will not. Bon Jovi will be there, he just doesn't know it yet.
City Council is voting on a new measure to try and prohibit involuntary breathing (making it required to constantly consciously choose when and if to breathe). If the vote passes, residents will have until March 1 of next year to learn to control these involuntary muscle groups during lucid sleep.
NV has an 'Emergency Dream Broadcast System'. It involves giving people dreams of a neighbourhood of black cylinders, one of which will be 'your house' which when touched will broadcast messages such as 'Flash Flood Warnings. Alert Valid Til 3pm'.
Parents are complaining about the absence of the mall santa this year. Mall public relation officials state that it is a performance art piece, meant to show that our capitalist idols are nothing but ghosts. They are planning a similar event for Valentine's Day: "It's going to be monstrous and beautiful. You don't even know what art really is. You don't even know yourself."
'Sleep heavily and know that I am here with you now. The past is gone and cannot harm you any more. And while the future is fast coming for you, it always flinches first and settles in as the gentle present. This now? This us? We can cope with that. We can do this together, you and I. Drowsily but comfortably.' - honestly go listen to this part towards the end of the episode, it's so comforting
The next programme is a two hour special: Car Alarms and their variations, brought to the listeners ad-free by Canada Dry.' Good night, Night Vale, good night.'
Proverb: Does the carpet match the drapes? No, it doesn’t. You’re the worst interior decorator. Please leave my home.
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rel-ish · 4 years
i love when wtnv is all lighthearted and joking and everything but when they say shit like "time is weird. so is space. i hope ours match again someday" or "but here is the truth of nostalgia:  we don’t feel it for who we were, but who we weren’t" or "it is the good and the bad. it is the sound of the world. a world that will kill you, but also a world that will allow you to live" or "sleep heavily and know that I am here with you now. the past is gone, and cannot harm you anymore. and while the future is fast coming for you, it always flinches first and settles in as the gentle present. this now, this us? we can cope with that. we can do this together, you and i. drowsily, but comfortably" .............yeah.gif
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oh, it's the huntokar plot line! i've heard a lot about this one, i was looking forward to it! very spooky for now i love it
but i'm not sure what to make of the fact that they're transporting mini buildings in the crates,,,
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hello i am just popping by to say that i think i love grad school
already i have so much work and teaching is frankly terrifying and i will probably spontaneously combust sometime later in the semester under the enormous weight of all the shit i have to do + the looming specters of the rest of my life but
i love it anyway? i really adore it? i don't have to take any classes other than what i really want, and i'm making friends with my cohort-mates, and the office on the top floor of the classics building is lovely and homey, and for maybe the first time in my whole fucking classics career (since like ... intro Latin) i kind of actually feel ... like i know what i'm doing? like i'm qualified to be where i am? like something has clicked, despite my complete neglect of anything at all academic over the summer, and i am suddenly and mysteriously competent?
i don't know, probably this will wear off in the next 48hrs or so but like. right now it all feels really weirdly surprisingly good and i'm just gonna like. try to capture as much of that as i can for the oncoming terrifying future
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