#wwe dirty imagine
anonair · 2 years
𝐈'𝐦 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬- 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐬 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞 (PART 1)
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𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨:  Smut, 18+
𝙁𝙚𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧. 
𝙍𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙗𝙮: ReignsxLover on wattpad
𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙.
𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: You had been working in WWE for years now. Being there, you had found that you were not getting the recognition you deserved. Finally, WWE had given you a main on-screen romance storyline with Seth Rollins. You were so excited to get the opportunity to be apart of something so huge, but of course, you had to run it through with your ex, Roman Reigns. After he agrees, it was time for your first on-screen kiss. Roman shows up at your door with some strong feelings about the kiss, but even maybe still for you?...
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damiansgoodgirll · 6 months
 hi, can you please make a story where reader is young like 19 or 20 and everyone loves her and she’s a pretty close friend with basically everyone in the wwe and one day she has a match with like Nia or someone else and she gets injured so bad that everyone around her is worried sick.? maybe she has a closer feeling with the judgement day or Jey but like if you can mention more wrestlers it would be amazing. Thank you so much. I love your writing 
i love this type of requests cause it makes me travel back in time when i was 13 and i used to play wrestling with my best friend (don’t do this at home) and i remember everyone loving me…anyway
sorry for making nia the bad one!
the judgment day x reader (platonic) / jey uso x reader (platonic)
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home is where you belong
you never thought you would find it but you did. the place where you felt safe and loved, the place that you called home.
you’ve been wrestling since you were fifteen and once you got eighteen wwe signed you in. two years later now you were living your dream;
travelling from city to city, having sleepovers with your wrestling friends, gossiping about what people you shipped together, talking nonsense with seth rollins and having becky teasing him, watching and learning new techniques from jey uso, training with the judgment day.
everything was a dream for you.
the fans loved you. even if they weren’t fans about your character, they still liked your persona and your positive energy. you had no enemies, you pretended of course, but you had no enemies at all.
many elders took you under their protective wing and you couldn’t be more grateful.
you we are currently training with rhea as you had a big match against nia and you wanted to be ready. you both already knew that the judgement they were gonna help you win this match because, according to the script they had to ruin this moment for you and for nia, but you didn’t care because you knew how fun it was going to be.
so you were ready to kick her ass.
nia, otherwise, wasn’t as happy as you thought. the idea of losing against some teenager like you made her blood boil. she was more experienced than you so why would you had to win? plus, by getting helped by the judgment day?
she didn’t like the idea but she didn’t tell you.
she had something else in mind.
so you were getting ready, your make up flawless, your hair perfectly posing over your shoulders and a smile that could make happy anyone who met you.
you were so ready.
you heard the “boos” when nia entered the ring and you heard everyone cheering for you when you entered. that’s how it was supposed to be so why did she have an envious look in her eyes?
you pretended it was nothing and you started the match as it was supposed to go.
ten minutes later, the judgment day music echoing through the arena, just like the script said.
rhea distracting nia.
following exactly what the script said.
so what did go wrong?
nia attacked rhea. it wasn’t in the script but rhea knew how to handle situations like that.
you could tell by damian’s look that this wasn’t supposed to happen but you took it as an opportunity to distract nia and make your final move, move that made you win that match.
earlier on the schedule but still, you had your win.
“someone beat your ass…” rhea screamed into the microphone, unleashing mixed reactions through the crowd. everyone cheering for you because of your win, not everyone was happy with the way you won but still, you better than nia.
that set her off.
she didn’t like the idea of a teenager beating her but she hated even more the way the crowd laughed at her face, making her seem weak, not strong enough.
the judgment day were leaving the arena, just like the script told them to do after your victory, so what didn’t go as planned?
you were still in the ring, fans clapping for you, the referee still held your hand high and as you were about the leave, nia hit you behind your back.
this wasn’t prepared.
you fell to your knees and before you could do something she dragged you through your hair into the middle of the ring.
“nia?” you said almost too terrified.
the referee tried to get into the two of you but nia pushed her away, hurting her.
“who do you think you are?” she said hoovering you with her body.
“nia what?” you weren’t understanding. why was she doing that? she was your friend, she wasn’t supposed to hurt you.
“don’t act so dumb…” she whispered before attacking you.
for real this time.
nothing prepared.
she was really hurting you. your face first, then your stomach, she kept hurting you, punching you over and over until you couldn’t feel your body anymore.
your head and nose were bleeding.
referees weren’t able to stop her either.
rhea and damian were the first one to intervene when they saw that the referee couldn’t stop her.
rhea attacking her, the referees, trying to get between the two of them, so damian so that as an opportunity to shield you with his body. he could handle nia attacking him.
“damian?” you almost cried.
“hey…shh it’s okay, i got you” he said, slowly moving your hair out of your face and it was in that moment that he saw your bleeding face.
“dam…it hurts” you said clenching your stomach. he felt his heart breaking. the way you were clenching your chest, the way your hands trembled a little, your bleeding face and your eyes full of tears.
he was mad. furious.
“i know…ssshhh…we will take care of you i promise” he whispered.
the crowd was cheering, assuming everything was scripted, but there was an uncomfortable silence going behind the scenes.
everyone watching what was happening in horror.
becky had tears in her eyes and seth was trying to keep her and himself calm because he was mad. cody was speechless. jey ran out of his locker room just to be stopped by the security. dom and finn paralysed in their steps as they were watching everything happening right before their eyes.
that’s what it went wrong.
thankfully, rhea and referees were able to drag nia away from the ring. she knew she went too far but her pride was something she wasn’t willing to give up.
damian was still in the ring with you as medical staff came and assisted you.
you already fell unconscious when damian lifted you up in his arms and dragged you down onto the stretcher waiting for you backstage.
you were rushed to the hospital and honestly no one felt like continuing the show but they had to. jey was next but all he wanted to do was rush to the hospital and stay by your side.
you didn’t even realised that when you woke up you weren’t in some hotel room but you were in a hospital bed. your head still pounding when you remembered what happened.
the doctor told you that you had a few broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder,a broken wrist, a sprained ankle and a heavy concussion. not to count all the bruising and red spots forming all over your body.
then what you didn’t want to hear : no wrestling for at least four months.
your body needed to rest and heal first.
you were trying to hold in all the tears but eventually let them out when the doctor left your room. you were supposed to have your first main event at wrestlemania and now that dream was gone.
while still crying a soft knock echoed through the room.
damian first, then rhea with the rest of the judgment day.
“hey…” she whispered but her heart broke when she saw the tears in your eyes “why are you crying pretty girl?” she asked sitting on the chair next to your bed, followed by the boys who sat on the small couch right beside the window.
“bye bye wrestlemania…” you said with a broken voice.
everyone knew how much you’ve been waiting and wanting that moment.
“i’m so sorry y/n…” she said softly.
“its just it’s not fair…” you whispered “why did she do that? i thought she was my friend…i would have never done that to her rhea…never”
“i know love…because you know your value, you’re kind and sweet and loving and unfortunately you’ve met someone who thought about her ego and her ego only…” she said smiling sadly at you.
“what matters now is that you rest and take your time to heal” damian joined the conversation “you scared everyone back there…” he said making you smile a little.
“i didn’t mean to…”
“we know…or you could tell them that yourself” finn joked.
“what?” you whispered.
“everyone’s here…jey almost punched the doctor when they wouldn’t let him see you” dom laughed “becky is here with seth, cody and shayna are here too…girl you even scared gunther”
“i don’t believe it…” you laughed.
“we can make you believe that” jey said entering the room with a beautiful bouquet of red roses. everyone followed him too.
you were relieved in seeing so many people caring for you in a way not even your friends cared about. you felt loved and appreciated.
you’ve spent the next hour talking nonsense with them all and you almost forgot about the wrestling problem thing.
when everyone left for your check up with the doctor, the only one who stayed was jey.
he was the only one who noticed the shift in your mood and he knew what was like staying away from what you love do the most, so if you needed a shoulder to cry on, he was willing to do that, if you needed a friendly advice, he was willing to do that too.
“care to tell me what’s on your mind sweetheart?” he asked when the doctor left.
“i’m going to miss all of these…four months of not seeing you all days, no wrestling, no wrestlemania and probably no summerslam too…it’s just, i feel useless and empty not doing what i love jey” you confessed.
“you’re not useless at all, and it’s normal to feel nostalgic right now but it’ll pass and i promise you that you’ll be on your feet for when summerslam comes! i promise you” he said sitting next to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulder - the healthy one - “i wish i could have done something to stop her but i was the useless one…i hated seeing you in so much pain…she lost her mind and finally she lost her job too”
“what?” you whispered.
“yup! got fired…you know you could sue her right?” jey asked.
“i would never do that…”
“i know…you’re too kind for that…what she did was wrong and completely unacceptable but i’m glad you’re here…” he said softly kissing your head.
“ill be here for a long long time…this is my home after all” you smiled, making jey laugh too.
and it was in that moment that you truly realised how important those weird people were for you, and how important you were for them.
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pandorasfavorite · 7 months
Maneater Part 2
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You could only assume Dominik's match went well, considering he ran out of the ring with a huge grin. Your match was 5 minutes after him and you are anxious to just get out there and get it over with. You've never wanted to leave work more than you did today. While Dominik was in his match you had time to reflect on what happened just moments before, you were letting your guard down and letting him get close to you. Much too soon for your liking. You need to pull away from him, it's all just tension and the equal desire to fuck. Nothing more, you wouldn’t let him make you feel anything else.
Dominik came inside and his hair whipped side to side, then finally his eyes landed on you. His smile only got wider, and his pearly white teeth were obnoxious. He starts walking towards you, you don't smile back; instead, you look the other way. In your head, you are chanting to yourself to remember your morals.
"Hey", Dominik stands in front of you, swerving his head to meet your eyes. You huff as if you're annoyed, turning your glaring eyes to meet his. His smile fades a bit at your expression and you can't control the twinge of sadness at causing it. You raise your eyebrow at him. He rubs the back of his neck nervously, "Uh, you excited?". God, you loved making him squirm. You couldn't be rude to him, your personality craved attention and making men work hard.
"To talk to you? Or my match"
His smile comes back in a millisecond, "Me".
"Depends how much money do you have?", you run your fingers through your hair leaning forward, Dominik could see your complete figure. Not that you cared, you wanted it that way, you wanted to make him work hard. You see the way he swallows and the way he couldn't stop himself from looking you up and down. No man can control themselves anymore. He takes a step closer to you; confident; "As much as you need Hermosa". He's too confident, he needs to take a step back. You make the rules.
You push Dominik back by one of his shoulders, and he watches your hand move forward. "How much I want, you mean", you dare him to challenge you. Dominik opens his mouth to talk but he gets interrupted, he may have to get used to that. Your music blasted and you sidestep around him, walking out on the walkway. While you are walking to the ring to meet your opponent, Dominik is running backstage to watch your match.
At your match; right off the bat, the girl wants to start running her mouth about how you act. You don't pay attention to that nonsense, but when you speak, it's only the truth. "You either want to be with me or be me. Isn't that right?".
The next day you had another match, not that you weren't expecting any less. Hours before your match you spend time training in the empty ring, no one bothered you for good reason. Lately the Judgement Day couldn't leave you alone. You heard the door open and close and part of you was expecting Dominik to come out and beg you to join the Judgement Day again like he has before. Though this time it was both Damian and Dominik. You could feel the anger of being bothered by two guys itching at you. They both walked up with those 'intimidating' faces or so they say.
They are a few steps away and you whip around putting a hand out in front of them. "I'm not doing this shit today. Leave", you cross your arms and sneer at the pair. Damian's face drops into a deep frown, and Dominik is biting his lip subconsciously. They don't say anything, instead opting to stare you in the face like a couple of idiots. You shake your head at them, a rude look on your face to say the least. "Look, what do we have to do to get you to join?", Damian says at the jump with his profound voice. You snort; laughing in their face.
You clasp a hand over your mouth, attempting to gain your composure, but the way they are so adamant about having you is remarkable. "Yall can't be serious", you put a hand on your hip and you are smiling completely. Dominik's eyes widen and his face shares the same smile. Dominik is bursting at the seams with joy, so much so he taps Damian and points at you. Your smile drops in an instant; assuming the worst; that Dominik Mysterio was trying to make fun of you.
You take a step towards Dominik. "What the fuck is funny Mysterio?".
You notice his body tensing and his hands flexing, "Nothing, you were smiling I just thought it was cute".
Damain sighs deeply; about to smack Dominik. "Cute man really?", Damian turns to Dominik. Dominik shrugs expasterated. You feel yourself about to smile again just from the interaction. You nod to yourself. You walk towards Dominik and grab him by the upper arm, and God the muscle firm in your hand. You dragged him with you, and he followed along tripping over his own feet. He was tripping so much that you had to stop and grab him by the collar instead. You pulled him behind a wall to where Damian couldn't see. He shouldn't see this.
You push Dominik against the wall and he tries to get up off of him. You lay your hand flat against his chest pushing him against the wall and keeping him there. You may be in control but Dominik is still taller than you, and the way he was looking down at you with those deep eyes almost made you want to kiss him. You shake your head at those thoughts. You make that intense eye contact with him that you long for, "You need me to join the Judgement Day right?".
"Yes", he says a millisecond after.
I wanna see you all on your knees, knees.
"Get on your knees and beg".
There are many things Dominik could do. He could laugh in your face which wouldn't work out well for him. He could walk away. Or he could sink to his knees and beg for you to join the Judgement Day.
Dominik's gazes never flattered, he kept eye contact as he sunk to his knees, his hands grasping your waist to keep his upright. "I'm begging you, please" his voice turned light and nearly trembling. Was he getting off on this? "Please, please join. You won't regret it, you will have everything", Dominik's hair fans in front of his face.
Maybe the Judgement Day wouldn't be that bad. After all, Dominik doesn't mind giving in to your every command. In fact, he wanted it. "Stand up", he stands up without hesitation. "Let's go"
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1-800-sinister · 1 month
my requests are open for jhea and livdom
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amrcnnightmre · 2 months
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Two of my favourite moments from SummerSlam!
DADDYS HOME! NEED a cody & roman team up tbh ?! two of my favs fr ! Dom & Liv kinda ate.. I LOVE rhea don’t get me wrong but idk i’m kind living for this drama and i totally see them being a fun little power couple!
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420jimmyuso · 11 months
judgment day (+ jd) tweets again i have like 8000000 sorry guys clearly i’m insane 💯
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give me a blunt and 30 minutes and i can convince finndamian they r gay
me in triple h’s office bargaining with him to make finndamian kiss 🤬
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dirtywresling102 · 2 years
Can I request an imagine with Jon Moxley where the reader is like a new, young talent in AEW and they’re like notoriously known amongst the other younger talents (people like Dante, Hook, MJF, that kinda age category) for having a thing for Mox and maybe he finds out and thinks it’s cute that the reader has a crush on him?
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Pairing: Jon Moxley x Female!Reader
Warnings: 18+ Blog, Fluff, School girl crush
Imagines: Open
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"You're kidding?" Jon asked as he was resting against the wall sitting on a bench in the locker room.
"No! You should see the way Y/N looks at you, all puppy like." Hook chuckled making Jon shake his head.
"I never seem to see it." Jon shrugged, lacing his boots up.
"Listen, just talk to her and really watch how she reacts to your voice." Hook informed making Jon think. He never thought you of all people had a crush on him, he thought it was very sweet. Something like a little school girl crush from taking how young you were and how old he was.
Jon took Hook's advice, seeing you with a group of wrestlers after the show talking about what you guys should do once the job was done. "Hey, Y/N."
You froze to hear a gruff voice calling your name, looking over to see Jon Moxley smiling down at you, your face became bright yet and stomach twisted in knots. "H-" You cleared your throat. "Hi." You gushed.
Jon grinned noticing how you were nervous by the way you spoke and how your face was red like a cherry tomato. Jon leaned down towards you, he noticed your breathing picked up at the closeness. His mouth was right next to your ear. "I know." He whispered, pulling away and standing at his full height he saw the horrified look on your face which made him laugh lowly.
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haha-mania · 2 months
These pics here got me thinkin’ things
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Idk if I’m the only one but Rhea gives me MAJOR ler vibes, like she definitely unleashes tickle attacks on Dom when he’s being an annoying little shit and you can’t change my mind.
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charlieg1rl · 4 months
as much as i love liv, GET OFF MY MAN!!
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anonair · 2 years
𝐀𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞 𝐌𝐞 - 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐬 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞
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𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨:  Smut, Dirty language. 18+ 𝙁𝙚𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧. 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙.
𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: You finally got to go back on the road with roman. While you can tell he was tired, you still decided to spice things up at the moment. The thought of his hands running all over your body was something you just couldn't shake. So, selfishly, you caved and he didn't disappoint...
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damiansgoodgirll · 20 days
Hey boo I love your stories so much and so while we wait for Don’t break my heart part 6 I was wondering if you could write something similar but with reader picking Finn side at first because she gets easily manipulated and so she believed him that he would have helped her but then she realised how sad and lonely she feels and Rhea and Damian bring her back with them and help her heal as they were both worried about her, and of course they weren’t mad she chose finn at first! Make it a little angst if you can❤️ I absolutely love your angst
love this request!
the judgment day x reader (platonic) / terror twins x reader (platonic)
likes, comments are reblogs are always welcomed!
‼️angst, finn being a manipulator, sadness, mention of anxiety and depression‼️
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dolly’s choice
you still remember the day when finn, rhea and damian asked you to join them in the group. you didn’t exactly know why. you had nothing that could bring something to team, at least, that was your opinion.
you were a face, you were kind and sweet, a little bit naive, so why did the judgment day pick you?
they said they needed someone like you to get more fans and you believed them. but as you bonded with the group, they all took a liking in you. rhea said that she liked your personality, she saw you as a little sister. damian and finn both took you under their protective wings, the taught you new moves, showed you how to improve on the ring.
and in years, you felt like you had real friends again.
you were a solitaire. never had many friends, and when you started wrestling, it felt like you didn’t have much time to spend with the two friends you had left.
you told them about your past, about yourself. how you suffered from depression once you joined the company, how alone you felt and how you struggle with panic and anxiety attacks.
never once they judged you, they always helped you when you felt low and always made you feel like you were really part of their family too.
so you couldn’t understand why dom and finn turned on the group at summerslam.
dom said that it was because he couldn’t handle being controlled by rhea anymore and finn had the same reasons, just with damian. so the group you once knew as a big family, broke up.
and you were left in the middle.
you didn’t want to pick a side because you cared both for rhea and damian as much as you cared for finn and dom.
so you took the week right after summerslam off. you needed time to think. you didn’t want to choose between the only friends and family you ever had.
rhea and damian understood what you were feeling and never once they pressure you to join them. they care about you and they knew that the group was really important for you too. on the contrary, finn and dom kept calling you, asking you if you were alright, if you needed anything.
when you returned to raw, finn caught you before rhea and damian had the chance to speak with you.
“hey doll” his nickname for you always made you blush. referring to the doll he won for you at the fair one year ago, that became your nickname amongst the group, but it had more meaning only if finn used it.
“hi…” your voice a little softer. you hadn’t spoken with the team since summerslam happened, so, today it was your first time seeing them all after the events.
“do you have a couple of minutes before getting ready for your match? i would like to have a chat with you…” he smiled softly, knowing you and knowing exactly what tone to use with you.
you were hesitant at first, but you couldn’t say no to him “uhm…sure” so you took him into your changing room as you both sat down on the black leather couch, waiting for him to speak.
“first of all, i want to say how sorry i am for everything that happened a couple of weeks ago. but the group wasn’t working anymore and i know you may have not noticed this because we all care about you and we don’t have anything against you but…it wasn’t working anymore between me and damian and it wasn’t wasn’t working between dom and rhea…” he apologised first, knowing that you loved sincere people “the worst thing is that we didn’t think what this could lead to you… because i know you suffered from this…i saw it in your eyes when you left the stadium after summerslam” he took a deep breath “and i’ll never forgive myself for hurting you doll…that was never my intention”
“i appreciate your honesty” you smiled at him “but you wanted to ask me something if i’m not wrong?”
he took everything in himself to not lie to you, because he really cared about you, but right now all that was on his mind was revenge, and his idea of using you to get revenge on damian and rhea sounded more appealing to him “you’re right doll… there’s something that i wanted to ask you”
“go on”
“this new group is missing an important piece and that piece is you. me, dom, liv, jd and carlito…it feels like the group isn’t compete yet” he took your hands into his bigger ones “i know you’ve always struggled with making friends and i assure you that we would be so happy if you joined us… you already know the rest of the group and you know how much we love you…you and liv would be good friends, she’s such a sweetheart, she’s always kind and caring and she would be such an amazing tag team partner for you…and in all honesty, i miss you…i can’t stand to see you hate on me, i would hate myself too…you’re too important for me doll” and you believed him.
the way his voice sounded, full of emotion and honesty. the way he let a few tears fall. and the way he played the “friends card” so well, hitting you in your weakest spot.
it was enough for him to convince you to join them.
you will never forget the faces of damian and rhea when they first saw you with the group. they weren’t mad. they could never be mad at you. they were worried and a little disappointed. they wondered what finn had might said to you to convince you. what kind of sick mind tricks he had to use on you.
“that was amazing” dom laughed, kissing liv’s head, referring to the show that just aired. they completely destroyed rhea and dom, making you feel uncomfortable and guilty as you didn’t want to cause them any harm.
“yup” finn laughed “and i’ll never forget the faces they had when they saw y/n with us, right doll?” his arm took you closer to him, as if he wanted to hug you.
you faked a laugh, feeling uncomfortable and helpless.
“you’re the last piece we needed for our revenge on them” liv added, making the group agreeing with her.
wait - revenge?
finn never said anything about revenge. what was this coming from?
“next week it’s gonna be and you against rhea” liv said, making the group smirk.
“what?” you were confused knowing that you didn’t have any booking for next week.
“i’m gonna go against rhea next week and you’ll come out to help me” she laughed.
“she’s gonna be so heartbroken when she’ll see you with liv” dominik smirked, kissing liv one more time before moving somewhere else quieter with her.
“finn what are they talking about?” you asked him, not understanding what was going on.
“doll…” he sighed “you are a part of this group now and as a group we act together…”
“yeah, not against rhea and damian…you never said anything about going against them…you never mentioned me going against rhea” you didn’t want to cry in front of him, you were trying your best to keep your feelings inside.
he realised he hurt you, he knew he played with your feelings just because having you on his side was going to benefit him “you know that liv can’t win against rhea all by herself…she needs a little push”
you left them room before he could finish his speech.
tears were rolling down your cheeks. you wanted to leave the arena and find some quiet place to cry.
rhea and damian saw you in the distance. they couldn’t see your face really well but they saw you walking fast, trying to figure where to hide.
you found a good spot to hide. you sat on the emergency stairs and let all of those sobs you tried to keep down, out. you couldn’t believe you were so stupid to believe that finn really cared about you. you should have realised it sooner that the only reason he wanted you in the group was because he wanted to use you to get revenge on the pairs and not because he really wanted you in the group.
your cries broke rhea and damian’s heart.
they followed you, wanting to make sure you were okay and when they saw that you were not, they couldn’t help but wonder what might have happened to make you react like that.
you heard someone sitting next to you on the stairs but your eyes were still closed and your hands were still covering your face.
rhea’s arm moved to circle you, making you lay your head on her shoulder “sweetheart…what’s going on?”
when you heard rhea’s voice your eyes immediately opened up. you were met with the terror twins worried expressions.
“i’m so fucking stupid…” you whispered.
“hey, none of that…” damian’s hard voice said “absolutely not”
“but it’s the truth damian…i was so stupid to believe finn’s words and i’m so sorry for everything that happened tonight, i know you guys hate me now and”
“we don’t hate you y/n” rhea’s voice confessed “we could never hate you…we care about you too much…we were so worried when we saw you crying”
“finn said that i was the missing piece, he said that the team wasn’t complete without me and i believed him…he said how liv and i would be great friends, how he cared for me…only for him to say how happy he was when he saw you being disappointed that i picked him instead of you…”
“finn manipulated you y/n” damian said “he played mind games with you and none of what happened tonight was your fault, believe me…”
“no buts…damian is right…i was so worried when i saw you with them…i would have preferred you choosing by yourself, i would have preferred you going against us because it was your own choice and not someone else’s decision…doll” that nickname in rhea’s tone sounded kinder and more genuine now “it’s your life and it’s your choice to make…”
“i…i don’t want them…i, i can’t go against you next week rhea…they wanted me to distract you so liv could win against you but i can’t…” you cared too much for the duo to turn your back on them.
“then don’t do it…you don’t have to side with us…you could just be neutral…and we will always care about you, no matter what” damian gently wiped your tears away.
“i want to team with you if you still want me…”
rhea and damian both smiled, saying yes.
“we can’t be twins though…we are three now” you said, a little disappointed, knowing that you might have ruined it for them ad the fans.
“nope, not twins, family” rhea smirked, her eyes meeting damian’s “the terror family”
“la familia del terror” damian whispered in spanish “i like how it sounds” making you chuckle.
that night they took you back to the hotel, both planning how to get their revenge on liv and especially finn for even thinking of messing with you.
in the end, you were happy you got to make your own choice.
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pandorasfavorite · 6 months
Thought that I'd feel better
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Being this way is a curse. Something that feels so incurable and inescapable.
Morning by morning I attempt to convince myself that this sadness is only temporary, that if I tell myself before the day starts how happy I am going to be. That by some fucked up miracle it will work.
Honestly it’s kinda like feeling no emotion at all, imagine looking at yourself in the mirror and then that’s it. It’s just you, alone, staring into your own eyes feeling nothing.
“Hey! How are you?”
“Fine, how are you?”, you reply back while still walking.
“Lovely day out!”, another person says while you walk through the halls of work.
“Sure is”, you merely mumble back, but in truth you haven’t looked up at the sky today.
The door creaks open and you sigh still shrugging on your gear for your match in 30 minutes. Dominik, Rhea, and Finn all walk into the dressing room with their good mood plastered on their faces. They fall back onto the couch laughing at each other and with each other, for a moment your lips turn up in a tiny smile. Yet that sinking feeling in your chest never disappears even with a twitch of a smile.
“You're gonna win out there, aren’t ya?”, Finn pops up to throw his arm over your shoulders. Shaking you and grinning, you crack a smile and shrug him off playfully, “Of course I am Balor”. You tighten the belt as far as it goes before sitting beside Dominik on the couch. Suppressing a small sigh.
Dominik slips a hand on your thigh, squeezing your leg to get your attention, “We already know you’re gonna do great amor”, he asserts. You look down at his hand and back to his inspecting eyes, “thank you”, you say shyly. Smiling up at him and at everyone around you, your lungs feel full of rocks, the inability to breathe was normal to you by now. It’s always been like this.
Beautiful moments of joy are constantly ruined by that sinking feeling in your body that is always returning to haunt you. No one has noticed the internal pain that you were going through... not that you'd let them find out though. It wasn't their burden to carry, it was yours, all yours... Now you are leaning your head on Dominik's shoulder, and you're silently listening to everyone talk as you do every Monday. You close your eyes for a few minutes, and at that time you force yourself to take shallow breaths to ease the pounding in your chest.
In and out. In and out. Part of you is burning to tell Dominik, to update him on the pain you are experiencing on a day-to-day basis for no reason. But it wasn't worth it. Dominik would most definitely feel guilty and responsible for what you felt. You couldn't handle hurting another person you love, especially not him. Never him.
"You ready mi amor", Dominik nudges you with his shoulder lightly, his smile is contagious. You nod up at him and give him that same shy smile back to him, "mhm" you reply. Dominik wastes no time and stands up. He pulls you up with him and manages to wrap his arms around you; kissing the side of your head kindly. You sigh a tiny breath of relief, so light that no one but you can hear it. Your arms weakly wrap around Dominik and you pull back just as quickly. His hand refuses to leave yours and he walks you the entire way to the entrance of the arena. He spins you around to face him (you have to look up to catch his gaze). "Kick ass out there", he brushes the stray hairs out of your face and his lips press to yours firmly.
You give him that fake smile that you wear every day. Being with Dominik made it easier, but so much harder to hide. With him, you had to work 10 times harder in order to make sure he didn't think anything was wrong. Though some days you swore he could tell. Those days he would watch you so much more closely and he would barely leave your side if he could help it. Out of the corner of your eye, you would be able to catch him talking to Rhea and Damian, telling them to keep an eye on you. Just in case.
You shake the thoughts from your mind and you give Dominik one more telling smile. You turn around and you walk out towards the ring. The match essentially went by in a blur, after many hits to the ribs you were sure that's the most you felt in weeks. Despite the physical pain you felt, you somehow managed to win the match. You plastered on the familiar fake smile when your arm was raised into the air. You should feel ecstatic and overjoyed by the win; you felt nothing at all.
How can you feel nothing? Isn't it just like intense sadness? You asked yourself these questions hundreds of times before, but each time you came back with the same answer. Nothing feels like seeing your life through a different lens. You could compare it to watching a movie, yet you're living it. Most days you have to convince yourself that it is real.
You walk backstage where Dominik is waiting for you. He looked beautiful, Dominik was the bit of light in your life you could hold onto. Dominik rushed towards you and swooped you up into his arms. You were spinning around and momentarily felt the spark of life you wish you never lost. He put you back down on the floor and he pressed a series of kisses onto the side of your cheek. "You did great out there baby! I already knew you would though", he comments while rubbing his hands down the expanse of your arms. You drop your head and you hold back from falling into his arms like you crave to do.
You can feel the look he is giving you. That one worried expression that he has so often, the one that makes you break in ways that are unexplainable. Dominik swivels his head to look at your face, "Hey, what's going on?". Your breath hitches at the question, the one you have been dreading. You shake your head and you wrap your arms around his middle; you rest your head on his chest. "I'm just tired babe, can we go home?", you use all your strength to sound normal. Dominik is rubbing your back now in comfort and you swear to yourself that if you are stuck in this building any longer, you'll go crazy.
When you get home, you instantly get in the shower. You turn the water all the way hot and you let the boiling water hit your skin. You feel everything and nothing at all. A tear slides down your cheek and the pressure in your chest comes back all too soon. The water shuts off instantly, and you have to remind yourself that it didn't happen on its own. God, you feel like you're going insane. You manage to wrap the towel around your body and you stand in front of the mirror, your reflection staring back at you. You have major dark circles and you could almost look sickly. trudging into the bedroom, you see Dominik sitting on the bed watching T.V. Though he sits up completely when you walk in with the same sad look.
You roll through your dresser and you slip on light clothes, not bothering with small talk. You walk to your side of the bed and you slip under the covers; only turning over to give Dominik a kiss. You turn on your side and you shut your eyes; fading into the darkness that is the only comfort that is given to you.
Dominik is a wreck, he is freaking out because he has never seen you this way. You're his wife but you're not. You are like a zombie walking around the house and giving him that fucking fake smile that makes him want to pull his hair out. He is at a loss on how to help you. Dominik has done hours of research and he has tried to give you space, he asked you what's wrong, even waiting for it to pass. But you are still stuck in this stump of sadness that has him in constant worry. His face is stuck in a worried look, but you are turned over and ready for bed. Dominik clicks off the lamp and he throws an arm over your body, pulling you to him as tight as he can. Scared you are slipping away from him.
The morning comes and the loud ass alarm takes you in and out of sleep. Dominik is jolted awake as normal, his ears have always been sensitive to the loud noise. You feel him reach over you to turn the alarm off and you keep your eyes closed. Although you know he is still leaning over you and stealing a glance at your face. Dominik kisses your cheek and he slides out of the bed. You absolutely thought he was going to start getting ready for the day, but instead, he came around to your side of the bed. He kneels in front of you and brushes the hair from your face with utter care.
"Mi Vida, are you up?", he whispers and kisses you again. You grumble and shift in your spot, you are awake but you feel glued to the bed. "Baby?", he calls to you again, you hear it in his voice now. The shaky tone of voice and tremble of breath he so rarely has. You squeeze your eyes shut and you attempt to persuade yourself to get up. To stop hurting him. To stop being this way. "I can't", your voice cracks and your teary eyes open to look at his. "What?", Dominik said in a hushed voice, his hands were shaking with anxiety for you. "I- I can't get up, I need to stay here", you push out of your throat.
A tear falls from Dominik's eyes and it rolls down his cheek, his lips pull together and he looks away for a moment to control himself. he gathers himself and he nods, he holds your hand in his and he keeps nodding. "Ok baby- it's okay", he pulls your hand up to his mouth, and a wet kiss plants on the back of your hand.
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trulyhisnightmare · 5 months
His Nightmare | C.Rhodes
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Not my gif
Parings: Cody Rhodes x fiancé!reader
Summary: it’s Cody’s day off and you want him
Warnings: oral (f!receiving), fingering, dry riding, reader has a tattoo for Cody and he does for her, swearing, dirty talk, illusions to more smut.
Word count: 525
a/n: first imagine, was actually nervous about posting this but anything for the new champ.
Being engaged to a professional wrestler was an adventure every day. The days Cody wasn’t working were the days he still had to maintain his persona and start Instagram and twitter beef. “Cody.” You whine from the couch, scrolling through twitter and seeing Cody tweet for the tenth time in ten minutes. “What’s wrong?” He says, coming down in a dress shirt and sitting beside you. “You realize how rare days off are in wwe, right?” You ask, snuggling up to his side, running a finger up and down his chest. 
Cody nods in confusion, not really knowing what you’re getting at. “It’s your day off and you’re more on your phone than you are on me.” You clarify. “I just wanna feel the American nightmare.” You whine into his ear, slowly unbuttoning his shirt. “Jesus, love, have you been this needy all day?” He taunts, leaning further back into the couch. You swing a leg over his lap and fully straddle him, unbuttoning the rest of his shirt.
You pushed apart the opening of his shirt seeing the tattoo of “𝒽ℯ𝓇 𝓃𝒾ℊ𝒽𝓉𝓂𝒶𝓇ℯ.” It replicated yours, however yours said “𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝓃𝒾ℊ𝒽𝓉𝓂𝒶𝓇ℯ.” The memory of getting the tattoos together makes your heart race. Your finger traced along the cursive ink in his chest while placing kisses along his neck and his hands running up and down your back, pulling you further into him, practically placing you on his bulge. 
Cody bunched up the bottom of your shirt, pulling it over your head and unclasping your bra, letting your tits feel the coolness of the room causing your nipples to harden. “Fuck baby. All this for me.” Cody says, grazing his thumbs over your nipples. You arch into his body, your breathing uneven all into his ear. “Cody please. More.” You beg, letting out a low moan as he attaches his lips around your nipple while his hand plays with the other. 
You pulled off Cody’s button up, wrapping your arms around his biceps as you arched forward. Cody let his hand wander down your stomach to the entrance of your pant line. You gasp at Cody, cold fingers tracing your fold. “That’s it baby, just relax.” Cody flipped the two of you, allowing your back to hit the couch, making Cody on top, peeling your panties off. 
Cody's hands rubbed against your thighs, back to your clit. He slowly rubbed it over with his thumb while placing wet kisses along your neck. He trails his mouth along your body, inserting a finger ever so slowly, finally allowing you to feel undeniable pleasure. His tongue circles your clit, creating endless figure eights. Your thighs try to clamp around his head, but he uses his hands to keep them apart.
 “Cody, please. I need you.” You whimper thrashing in his hold. You let out an anguish cry of pleasure as Cody caught your orgasm on his finger. You perch up on your elbows as Cody gets off the couch. “You better make it to our bedroom before I do.” He says giving you a smirk making you blush, biting your lips slightly as you rushed to the bedroom. 
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garfunklefield · 4 months
Magic Dance!
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18+ viewer discretion is advised
WWE!Fem!Reader/WWE!Yuki Tsukumo Warnings: locker room sex, tribbing/scissoring, humiliation kink, dirty talk, degradation, wet and messy, squirting, stone top!Yuki, pillow princess!reader Word count: 1297 DESC: Your on-stage rivalry is hot and heavy behind the scenes!
This is inspired by me watching too many Rhea Ripley edits..
I'm getting to every ask slowly!
The world knew you both hated each other. It was apparent from the planned tweets from your manager, calling Mama Yuki weak and flat-chested. Or how she’d yell on stage how she was going to rip into your flesh, throwing you around with care for your safety. You were both trained, so it didn’t hurt. But the allusion is what mattered. You were both actors, playing up your hatred for the stage. Millions were paying hundreds to see you throw her against the stage and slam your hips into her body, holding her down for three seconds. You both were so good at wrestling that your managers would tell you which matches to throw to make the other look good. You didn’t mind, though.
But, you both had a dirty little secret. Sneaking smiles and waves from the backstage. Blowing kisses and winking. Palming her flesh intimately to make her mind fog in front of thousands. Yuki grabbed your ass before throwing you into the ground, in a way you’d think about for days. 
Today wasn’t different, but the air was hotter. You were both in the locker room downstairs, with the stadium above. Getting ready, applying your intense makeup, and adjusting your scandalously skimpy outfits. Her hair was long and bleached blonde, slicked back into a low ponytail. Her theme was always dark and gothic, with black lipstick and intense eye makeup. Her outfits included straps and chains, cock rings, anything inherently sexual and fetish-like. Today she wore a dog collar around her neck, with a large circle dangling from the center. Her top dipped down to reveal her perky breasts, then shorts that left nothing to the imagination. 
You leaned into the girly aspect, to downplay your muscles and strength. Two space buns reinforced with hairspray and pink extensions. You wore unitard-like shorts that exposed your fat ass and thighs, with a shorter pale pink skirt. Large boots and a purple cropped t-shirt that came just above your breasts, nipples covered with pink heart pasties. Glitter all over your face and lips, pink lashes mixed into your lash extensions. Everyone called you Pinkie, rarely ever using your first name with it.
Two opposites, that’s what they loved about you both. No matter how submissive you looked or how dominant Yuki looked, you both had an equal fighting stance. Everyone loved how you’d both beat each other's asses in a sexually suggestive way, spitting insults at each other in between throws. No one knew who’d win, each fight being a competitive mystery. 
Yuki was seated on a bench, with a compact in her manicured hand. She was applying black liquid lipstick with an applicator, accentuating the corners of her mouth. Your lips were glittery and pink, glossy in the stage lights. She closed the compact and looked at you, as you adjusted your T-shirt.“Hey,” she cooed, scooting over to you on the bench. You glanced back at her and smiled, raising an eyebrow as she continued, “I like your outfit today.” 
“I like yours too. Especially that,” your hand trailed to her neck, tugging on the ring in the center, “I’m gonna have fun with it today.” Your voice could send anyone into a trace. Smooth and sultry, it almost distracted your girlfriend each time she fought you on the stage. Mainly when you’d growl those pathetic little insults her way. She had so many desires and thoughts running through her head and seeing you this way was getting her so hot and bothered. Yuki put her hand over yours and pulled you closer, closing the distance with your lips. Your pink lips molded against her black ones, sucking her bottom lip and licking along the center. She moaned softly, in that perfect way that was telling you this wouldn’t be just a simple make-out session. 
“No one’s here, baby,” she purred in between messy kisses, not caring if your makeup smudged. You still had an hour to fix it, right? You could get a little messy for your love. She wrapped two arms around your waist, before moving them to touch along the sides of your unitard bottoms. Your breath hitched in your throat as her lips pulled away and her eyes flitted to your pretty little clothed cunt. Two fingers hooked the crotch part of your clothing and pulled it to the side. Of course, you didn’t wear any underwear. “What a little slut,” she mumbled. You were already wet, it was obvious when her other hand spread apart your folds and your slick stuck to her fingertips. 
A whine escaped your lips, before you pressed them together, “Yuki… honey,” you tilted your head back, “Put your pussy on mine.. Please?”
She laughed, breathlessly, “You want me to fuck you with my pussy? You want your little cunt fucked so good?” Yuki stood and stripped from her shorts, no underwear either. You couldn’t suppress the noise that fell from your plump lips the moment you saw her climb on top of your spread legs, facing her back to you. She mushed her cunt into yours and rolled her hips side to side, “Yea-a-ah, dirty girl, dirty fucking girl. You like that, you slut?” She looked back with a sultry grin, eyes half-lidded. She knew how to turn you on in seconds, “You’re so greedy. You wanted to fuck me so bad, admit it.” 
You breathed out shakily, with an embarrassed blush creeping on your cheeks, “M-m.. maybe,” you gasped when she pressed her vulva onto yours, rocking her hips back and forth teasingly, “Yes,” you whimpered, “Yeah, I do baby. So bad.” A pout pulled at your lips as she rocked back and forth then ground side to side. Just to tease you with her squishy, warm pussy. You wanted to cum then and there, your back arching into every wave of pleasure she pushed your way. She was getting harder, more intense, and it made your cute little noises louder.
“Yeah, you like that, whore? Whine for me, yeah, you wanna cum? Beg for it. Mm- shit, beg for it,” Yuki’s voice filled you like honey as she fucked into your slit with her engorged clit, making you feel so much pleasure with just a few thrusts. She rut into you like she was in heat, humping harder than she had the last few times you’d had sex. You could hear your honeypot squelch at every thrust, to the point where you couldn’t hear anything else. You were begging, sure, but you were unaware of what you were saying exactly. It just felt so good. 
Warm waves of hedonistic pleasure coursed through your lower half until you couldn’t help it. This warmth was familiar as it took over and made you release all over her, squirting like a good little slut onto her pussy. She kept grinding, and you knew it wasn’t for her pleasure. Yuki had told you how tribbing didn’t feel like much for her, but she loved it because you got off. She loved to please you more than she liked to get off. You enjoyed it, liking to see her happy from making you squirt every single time. You gasped and moaned as you continued to cum, sticky and wet juices coming out of your tight hole right into her pussy. She grinned back at you, watching your faces as she continued. Your lipgloss was smudged and your head was dazed, so you didn’t realize when she got off of you, leaving your legs spread. You didn’t even realize you had squirted on most of your shorts, and a little bit of your skirt too. 
Yuki pressed a kiss to your forehead, leaving a small black mark, and smirked into your ear, “I’m gonna win this match, slut.” 
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dirtywresling102 · 1 year
Morning everyone! Wow, it has been awhile since I've been on this blog! So I will say this blog is my back up blog just in case my main blog gets terminated!
If everyone could follow my main blog that is where I publish, Fanfic Friday, Commissions and keep up on imagine requests. I will try to get the imagine requests that I have on this blog done and I will most likely close the imagine request on here but on my main blog they are always open!
Please follow: @dirtywrestling
Thanks everyone!
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riptides-n-roses · 3 months
dirty secret - seth rollins (18+)
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⛧ pair - seth rollins (architect era) x reader
⛧ warnings: unprotected p in v, biting, hickeys, trying not to get caught, cre@mpie, consensual sex, little hint of fluff, hate sex. (Honestly idk if this contains angst but i'll go ahead and add this as a warning)
⛧ he's an absolute cutie and i feel that he should have some smut written about him too; i will say right now that this is taken place around 2015 authority era. so imagine rollins in his architect character with the championship. :)
⛧ after seth rollins costed you a win for the championship, you've started to hate his guts and he hated yours too. but what if the two of you were hiding something...
⛧word count: 1.7K
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You were one of the top babyfaces of WWE and heavily adored by the audience. The way you competed against female superstars always caught their attention. You were insanely talented with your move-sets and your finisher (which was a double arm grab curb stomp.) However, The Authority took notice of this, including the WWE world-heavyweight champion, Seth Rollins.
One night, you had a match against Nikki Bella for the Divas Championship. As soon as you were about to hit your iconic finisher, Rollins came out to the ring, leaving you confused and distracted, not realizing that Nikki was rolled under the ring, and her twin sister, Brie Bella, disguised as her. You shrugged and went back to your match. However, Brie quickly rolled you over for the cover.
It was over. Nikki Bella is still the Divas Champion. After Nikki and Brie leave the ring to celebrate her victory, you sat in the ring with disbelief. But also, pure anger. You turned your attention to Rollins who was still watching you from the titantron, with a shit-eating grin on his face, proud that he prevented you from reaching a milestone you worked hard for. The audience roared with excitement as you quickly left the ring and made your way to Rollins, delivering a slap across the face. He was stunned as you left the arena.
Backstage, you were stopped by the Authority to ask you something.
“Y/N, we’ve been taking notice of you and your moves and we’ve got to say. You are talented.” Stephanie spoke, looking you up and down with a smile.
“Um…Thanks?” Your tone was full of confusion. “But, No Offense at all, why are you speaking to me about that?”
“Well Y/N…” Triple H chimed “You see, The Authority always does what’s best for business. And we’ve agreed that the newest member…should be you.”
Your eyes widened. You? A member of The Authority? You wouldn’t. You couldn’t. You’re already a loveable superstar with the audience. Why change that now for absolute power?
“I…I don’t know. I’m already happy with where I am. The WWE Universe seems to agree too. I wouldn’t give that away with all due respect. Besides, I refuse to be in the same group as Seth Rollins who’s literally ruined my opportunity tonight to be a champion.” You wanted to puke mentioning that name.
“We understand your frustration.” Stephanie replied. “But, it wasn’t our decision for him to prevent that. That’s why we’re here to bring an offer.”
“And what would that be?”
“You. In The Authority. If you join us, you can have any opportunity you could ask for. We’ll even get you your deserved rematch for the Divas Championship with any qualifications that you desire. All it takes is for you to do what’s Best. For. Business.”
Stephanie’s words seemed to give you some interest, your thoughts hypnotized with visions of you under the faction. You raised your eyebrows with excitement but also anxiety. Were you willing to give away everything you achieved just because you’ve always dreamed to be champion? Were you going to fall trap to their words? Were you…going to turn heel?
Before you could speak, an angry Seth Rollins storms in to where you and the Authority were, demanding an answer from you.
“What the actual hell, Y/N?” he yelled. “Do you not understand who you’re dealing with? I’m Seth freakin’ Rollins!”
“AND?! You think I care?” you screamed back at him. “You cost me the match I’ve busted my ass for. And for what? That should’ve been ME with the championship! And I would’ve been champion right now if it wasn’t for you ruining it you son of a bitch!”
Your words echoed all through backstage, the audience cheering, chanting your name around the arena. The Authority were shocked with your recent change in behavior. You’ve never spoken like that before and it shocked many. You and Rollins began to stare each other down, both of you delivering cold stares to each other’s faces. You shook with absolute anger while staring him down. You hated him. He hated you. But the WWE Universe seemed to grab an interest with this heated moment between you two, hoping an intergender match would come to be to settle your new feud with the heavyweight champion.
Another episode of Monday Night Raw had arrived. Tonight, you had a match with Paige to gain momentum to have your rematch with Nikki Bella for the Divas Championship. Seth Rollins, on the other hand, had a match with Randy Orton, after he betrayed him last week during a handicap match with Roman Reigns. The question was…where were you? And where was Seth Rollins? No one knew your whereabouts neither his. Anytime there was a text or call, neither of you answered. When Monday Night Raw started, Stephanie came out to make an address to the WWE Universe.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Monday Night Raw! Tonight, there’s going to be matches with superstars you all love and new opportunities to be brought to the table. But, there is a huge problem. Y/N and your WWE World-heavyweight champion, Seth Rollins- “the WWE Universe booed to his name, making Stephanie laugh a bit. “They’re not here! We’ve been trying to get in contact with the two superstars and nothing has been done now. However, that doesn’t mean any changes. The Authority is confident that Rollins and Y/N WILL be here tonight. We’ll do everything we can to have them perform. With that said, ENJOY THE SHOW!”
The WWE Universe, including the staff and locker rooms, were confused as to why you and Seth were missing. You never missed any day away from Raw before. So why tonight?
The truth was you and Rollins were at the arena. However, what no one knew was that you and Seth were in his locker room, leaving hot breathy kisses all over each other as you bounced on his hard cock.
“F-fuck Seth…” you moaned, your breasts jiggling with each thrust. Seth had a tight grip on your ass while the other hand was around your hip. His groans making you even wetter.
“Good girl. Take every inch of my cock like the slut you are.” He muttered, his grip on your ass getting tighter, white knuckles forming. He was enjoying how you took his length, his tip always hitting your spot with each thrust.
“Y-you know…The Authority’s not going to like this.” You whined, not wanting him to stop fucking you like this. His thrusts were deep and slow, making sure your walls will remember his shape.
“Oh, shut up. They’re not going to do anything. Besides, this will be our little dirty secret.” He replied, his face going up to one of your breasts, roughly sucking on some skin. You gasped from how he sunk his teeth into your flesh, leaving bite marks and hickeys all over your breasts – you were lucky to have ring gear that didn’t show your breasts or cleavage.
“Fuck, baby…” He groaned “Why haven’t we been doing this before?” His hands now grab your ass as he thrusts a little faster. You threw your head back, covering your screams with one hand so neither of you would get caught.
“You…You know I still hate your guts, right?” you giggled, making Rollins deliver a hard slap across your ass, earning a whine from your lips.
“I hate you too…but why do I love this so damn much?” He asked with breathy moans, “You’re still a little brat. Don’t forget that.”
“I could care less…fuck right there…You’re still an asshole”
“I know, sweetheart. Now be quiet and take this dick like a good little bitch.”
As much as you both hated to admit it, you both drove each other crazy, sexually and in a weird sort of way romantically too. But that would’ve been way too soon. Besides what would the WWE Universe think if they found out about your hidden relationship? Seth Rollins, a total heel who’s also a huge asshole. You, an adored babyface who deserves to be champion. You two could never let them find out. Not now and not anytime soon.
You lost your thought when you felt another slap on your ass from Seth, his thrusts getting sloppy. You knew he was going to cum. You hope he came inside of you, to remind you about your secret. Only he could fuck you this good and make you never want to stop things with him. You’d do crazy shit for him if you wanted to.
“Baby…I’m getting close. I’m going to cum in you.” He growled as his thrusts get faster, earning high pitched moans from your lips. He fucks you way too good.
“M-Me too…” You were shaking, desperately to cum your stomach tightening for release.
“I know baby…Remember we got to be quiet. We don’t want no one finding this out do we?”
You shut him up by pressing your lips against his – muffled moans as he came in your pussy, you following him, his arms holding your hips down tightly as he rode out his orgasm. His warm cum leaking out of you made you beg for more. You stayed on top of him, his cock still inside of your cunt as you looked into his eyes, he gave you that same cocky smile like he did that night.
“Fuck, baby…You drained me like that. I don’t know if I’ll have enough energy for my match tonight.” He laughed, leaving another slap on your ass cheek. You giggled as you wiggled your ass, your cunt throbbing from how sensitive you were.
“Same here…How are we supposed to tell everyone where we were?” You asked, your breaths were hoarse.
“We don’t. And this stays between us. Understood?”
“Whatever you say, asshat.”
You and Seth looked into each other’s eyes, with a stare down, heavy breathing coming from the both of you. As you laid your head in the crook of his neck, he played with some strands of your hair, admiring you.
“You know…I been meaning to ask you. Are you still mad at me for costing you a title match?” he mocked.
“Hmm…maybe.” You chuckled, surprised that he recognized that he was wrong for that.
“How about…I take you out for dinner and eat your cunt as an apology?” he offered “Besides, we need to get ready for our matches.”
“Hm…Sounds like a plan” You replied.
You raised your head and smiled at him before giving him another kiss
“Even though we’re supposed to hate each other, I actually like you.”
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