#xDD their expressions are so funny
fitzrove · 6 months
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lanternlightss · 1 year
percy voice a HORSE too ?!!!!
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chocoee · 4 months
Usagi has a long tail so it's only natural that his tail is expressive XDD
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Also this silly nonsense
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Sarcasm is fun and funny </3
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nian-7 · 9 months
OMG A NEW BLOG WELCOME! *hugg*kdjsks Can I ask for Bae's reaction (separately) when his reader fem steals a kiss from them, I mean she plans a fun strategy to get them closer~ and when they least expect it zaaz she steals a kiss from them xdd hehe thanks youu and have a good day :')
HI!! THANK YOU! please enjoy!!
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Allen, Hajun, Anne x fem!reader
✧stealing a kiss
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-Completely oblivious to the fact that you're creating fun plans just to steal a kiss and it catches him off guard each time. Suddenly plopping down beside him while he's thinking of lyrics? He just thinks you're coming to help him until you turn his face towards your own to steal a kiss from his lips. He gets hella embarrassed just from the shock of it.
-Allen tends to just not even realize that you've made a game out of it even though Anne and Hajun can clearly see what you've been doing. He's pretty easy to shock with a kiss if you enjoy seeing his blushing face even when he laughs off the warm feeling inside him. He's just happy to have gotten a kiss from his girlfriend!
-Sometimes he tries to beat you to it because he thinks that you came by to steal another kiss and gets confused when he sees your slightly shocked face. He's not particularly slick about trying to beat you to it either, you clearly can tell when he's thinking about it because he gets a bit fidgety since he's a bit nervous.
-" Wha- What'd you do that for, babe?! Outta nowhere too! "
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-He's literally so annoying about it... After he figures it out, which will happen pretty quickly, he starts to dodge them. He thinks it's funny just watching you pout about it. You'd have to get really creative with your plans to get in close enough.
-Hajun plays off dodging the kiss so smoothly though even with that smirk on his face that tells you he knows exactly what he's doing. Best time to even catch him off guard is when he's tired in the morning or at night. Even then he'd probably see it coming and just let you.
-Best way to catch him off guard with your plans is being either extremely bold or just making him turn towards you after his back was previously facing you so that you can catch his lips in a kiss. But either way, still very annoying about it like he can't just let his pretty girlfriend give him the kiss she wants to give him.
-" Ah, what are you trying now, hm, (name)? Now where did I put those coffee beans... "
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-It's very easy to steal a kiss from Anne when they aren't paying attention. It doesn't take much persuading for them to even want a kiss in the first place.
-Simply cuddling up to each other for a movie night and then leaning over to kiss them on the lips is enough to make them smile at you. They find it cute when you try to seem sneaky about it and they just end up playing along with it.
-Anne looks forward to all the fun little plans you try to create to steal a kiss from them. Whether those plans are bold or not doesn't matter, they just like that you're having fun with it (much to Hajun's annoyance when you happen to do it in front of him).
-They'll have a sweet smile on their face as they look at you asking if you wanted another. They'd enjoy your flustered expression or if you decided to tease back. In all, Anne loves your cute plans to steal kisses and will always play along with them.
-" Do you want another one~? "
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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venerawrites · 5 months
I just read you post about Genma and I agree he is a fine specimen that I don't see too many people talking about XDD
So if it doesn't bother you too much could you write about Genma with an artist s/o please and thank you 🙏🙏
author's note: a petition for everyone to start talking about Genma! <3 Thank you so much for requesting, I never really imagined him with an artist s/o, so this was so interesting to write! I really hope you enjoy!
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Genma never really cared about art.
Coming from a family full of shinobis, he didn't really see the appeal of sitting for days, weeks, sometimes even months in front of a canvas.
Is painting cool? Sure, as a hobby. But why would someone choose this as a career was a complete mystery to him.
So when Guy asked him to accompany him to one of the "art exhibition" evenings taking place at the Hokage's Tower, his first response was a "no". However, being the only available person to go with him, after a few days of nagging, he reluctantly agreed.
That Friday evening he stood staring at a painting depicting war ships travelling through the stormy sea, wishing he had stayed at home. His friend, on the other hand, was enthusiastically rambling about the hidden symbolism in every detail.
"Bored already?", a voice said behind him and once he turned around, he almost sucked his senbon inside his mouth.
Genma has always prided himself as a calm and confident man both on the battlefield and in his private life.
But as he stared at the person in front of him, he found it hard to regain his composure. Maybe it was the way they cocked their head to the side, watching him with a small smirk, or maybe it was the seductive spark in their eyes... he didn't know why but his only response were a few chocked out words, which didn't even form a complete sentence.
"I.. uh, yeah. I mean - NO!", he corrected himself, looking to the side with furrowed brows, "I am just... enjoying the art. You know.. boats, sea... hidden meanings and stuff."
The person, who was also the artist of the painting him and Guy were sitting in front of, found his comment and expression so funny, they couldn't help but tease him by asking more questions about what meanings he had found behind the image.
Poor Genma would try to structure an answer based on what he has heard by his friend earlier, but since he was not paying any attention, what came out from his mouth sounded like a complete nonsense.
Knowing he probably has made a fool out of himself, next day he came prepared. He had spend the whole day actively asking Guy questions about the exhibition and the artists who participated.
It didn't take him long to learn the person he has spoken with was one of the most renowned artists from the Land of Mountains, who were famous for portraying images of war and capture its destructing nature.
Later that day, when he went to the second day of the exhibition, he found them again, this time dumping all the information he had memorised earlier, without even given them a chance to ask him anything.
He had the smuggest smile after he finished his talk, thinking he totally "WOWed" that person, so when they start chuckling, he was both confused and a bit taken aback.
Did he make a mistake or something? Did he looked like an idiot once again?
"You're cute", they said and that was enough for Genma to gain the courage to ask them out on a date.
The next day he went to pick them up from their hotel, casually leaning on the doorway and pretending his heart is not beating like crazy inside his ribcage. He is trying to act nonchalant, but his s/o would totally see he has put quite an effort in choosing where to eat and keeping them entertained through the night.
For the rest of the week, they would spend as much time together as possible before and after work. While nothing would happen during this time, all of the Konoha ninja would notice this is not just an ordinary fling, especially when Genma brings them to a night out with his friends.
When it was time for them to leave, he would be the one escorting them to the gate (he may or may have not asked the Hokage to appoint him) and while he would act like everything was normal, the way he was dragging his feet through the dirt and gritting his senbon with his teeth would show otherwise.
It is widely accepted that this man is a flirt and a tease, but when his s/o peck his lips in a goodbye kiss, he would be so flustered and shy about it, it would look like he has never experienced any physical contact before.
All of his friends would totally make fun of him later!
It is stated in the databooks that Genma likes travelling, so I imagine him using any free days or holidays he has, to visit the Land of Mountains in order to see his s/o. In return, they would try and get more work in Konoha, always using the excuse they just "get a lot of inspiration there".
Genma would never admit it, but during this time he would spend quite some time learning about different art styles, famous artist across the globe and the symbolism of images.
I love him so much, but in my mind he is (without a doubt!) a SHOW OFF and would use every opportunity to try and impress the person he likes.
After a few months of going back and forth, quite a lot of kisses and few hook-ups, he would finally ask his s/o to officially become his partner.
At first, they would try a distance relationship, but after a while his s/o would be the one to make the decision to move to Konoha and Genma was quick to offer them to stay at his place till they find their own. (hint: they never did.)
Both of them would fall in harmony quickly - he is out working most of the day, while his s/o is creating at home, so I imagine they would be taking care of the house most of the time.
His s/o would totally rearrange the interior and while it would pain him to admit it, it would definitely look better after their touch!
The walls, which were grey and empty before, were all covered with different paintings and sketches now, creating a mini-gallery of sort.
After Guy visited the first time, it would be very hard to get rid of him! He would invite himself almost every night, spending hours and hours talking with his s/o about what he thinks their paintings mean.
I think his s/o would find inspirations at very random times (including sometimes in the middle of the night) and when that happens Genma would groan and huff how he wants to cuddle them in bed, but would still spend hours and hours watching them fall in their zone and create the most beautiful images he has ever seen.
His partner would occasionally paint him and even ask him to pose for them as a muse. He would always roll his eyes with heavy blush on his cheeks, but would nevertheless agree. (He especially enjoy it when they ask him to pose with just a sheet covering his lower half... almost every time it leads to more activities than just painting.)
While his s/o is equally as flirting and sarcastic as he is, I imagine them as more emotional, optimistic and easily excited, thus balancing his calm nature quite well.
I always thought Genma is quite a spontaneous man, so I won't be surprised if a proposal question pop in short after they start living together.
cc artwork: "SIFU" concept art
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*Warning, this is gonna be a ridiculously long post...
So, some of you reeeeally wanted to know just a teeny weenie bit more about my weird boy huh? Well, here ya go:
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Yeah, where do I freakin' start with this--? It was not only hard to put together despite the very simple (and more obvious) inspirations... but I had to mega ponder whatever the heck I was on when creating this character, LOL
Lets break it down all over again:
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It is extremely obvious (I think) of which characters Tilde's appearance mostly stems from... our funny scout robots from Cave Story: Mr. Traveler and Curly Brace themselves. (Which heehee geddit he has a punctuation naem TILDE ~~ xdd)
I'm pretty sure some of you have probably assumed (Especially with how much I pair them together...^^") Tilde is... well... their kid somehow--
Not... quite? It's... much more complicated than that, don't worry about it! Anyways, I basically chucked them both into a blender to combine their appearances together as much as possible; an example of this is Tilde's hair! It's a blonde color like Curly's and straight; but has a waviness, spiking up at the ends like Quote's hair.
Tilde's antenna earphone things are green, and his eye color is also that bluescreen blue that Curly has as well, lol.
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So Tilde's outfit inspirations! Tilde is actually wearing Sue Sakamoto's sweater, along with someone's long green scarf. Its a bit old and worn out... but it's very shnazzy, dontcha think? ^^ In earlier drawing drafts of Tilde back in 2021, his sleeves were actually much more sprite accurate to Sue's-- But then I played OneShot and drew them droopy like Niko's once and it... stuck. idc its staying too. I think I wanted to give him a cuteness bonus, so I gave him hairpins thanks to Chase from Harvest Moon lol
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Underneath Tilde's sweater he is wearing a simple black tank with magenta shorts, like Quote's tank and sprite Curly's pants. His shoes I unfortunately don't have a direct correlation for their colors, but they're inspired by Cave Story 3D JP Curly's shoes.
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A much more rare appearance, but this is what Tilde looks like as an adolescent-- Don't question why, just roll with it-- I have my reasons and I won't tell you :^) When I was drawing him, my brain just handed me Basil from Omori. Literally, just Basil's energy and a bit of the Mother series protagonists for outfit design... I tried to swishing it around a bit and ended up with a very puntable looking guy, which was the exact vibe I was going for~ >:3c
I gave Tilde a sweater turtleneck and called it a day, then Lucas came to mind again when I was coloring-- Which overall made this particular bit of the outfit more interesting ^^ Tilde here is also wearing Toroko's pendant. Not really much else to cover here, since the many traits from Tilde's youth carries into here. Continuing...
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Oh boy, how the times have changed and he's all grown up now T_T
Tilde when he's older takes almost all the liberties from especially Quote, wearing his infamous deadpan expression naturally... but he still remains extremely expressive like Curly ^^
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Tilde's outfit is very obviously influenced by them, from their cargo pants to their color schemes (which are also admittedly being carried from his youth as well.) Quote's Blade Strangers design (If you ever heard of it.) was definitely an influence for him as well--
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BUT to keep him looking a bit more fresh, I devised to use even more of that special jrpg sauce i love to throw on my characters lmAO
Y'all should already know from my previous post that I'm a weeb a Japanese culture enthusiast, not gonna explain that again
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Specially for his outfit Tetsuya Nomura's character designs immediately come to mind, i cannot tell you which one specifically.
While imagining the "cool rpg boy outfit" all these characters blend together in my head, probs because they seem to have similar vibes LOL (very cool Nomura-san)
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100% CERTAIN Felix from Golden Sun had an influence on Tilde's outward appearance. I actually drew older Tilde before teen Tilde, and I gave him long hair partly bc of him-- lmao
(While Soren from Fire Emblem is not a main influence for Tilde, he is simply here because I hate him for making me realize long haired dudes are just,,, peak character design idk what to tell you.)
So that's Tilde's sheet
goes very crazy I know
If imma do a Tilde sheet, i gotta do it properly-- He's the best(est)
I'm very tired I worked on this for almost a whole week lol imma sleep or something
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owwllly · 10 months
I love your drawing style so much and your art is so gorgeous and so hilarious, i love how much emotion ans deadpan you put into the characters' expressions, especially Megumi in your latest art piece sfdnsgdhsv I LOVE IT❤️
Thank you so much for your kind words(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ I'm happy to hear that you enjoy my silly comics, I always try to make them both sexy and funny when I can XDD <3333 *hugs you*
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crossovershipsandedits · 10 months
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Characters: Howl Jenkins Pendragon, Aether, Lumine, Paimon, Link & Anya Forger
Fandoms: Howl's Moving Castle | Genshin Impact | Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild | Spy x Family
Relationship: Familial
I went through and redid the Aether, Lumine and Link post, then the Aether, Lumine and Howl post and thought "Wait, surely they're all siblings?" And the image that popped into my head was so freaking funny I had to share XDD
Howl's expression is him being happy his family is together and having fun. Mama bear big bro vibes
Everyone else's expressions are them reacting to Ganon XD Howl helped Aether/Lumine find the other and talk some sense into them, then they admit that it was in part to help Link, who has yet again got to go fight Ganon. They all share a look and basically go "So, we're going to help, right?"
Que Anya and Link receiving some surprise visitors and the four blondes kicking the absolute shit out of Ganon. The man-beast ridiculously confused at why there are four Link's beating him up XD
Meanwhile Anya and Paimon are to the side cheering the four on, Anya every so often calling out Gannon's attack, confusing the villain further. "HOW IS THAT CHILD READING MY ATTACKS?!?" XDD
At some point Link pulls out his Sheika Slate and takes a selfie of him pointing at his siblings bullying Ganon to show to his friends later. Then when Ganon is defeated, he takes another one of the whole family, Gannon's battered corpse behind them XDD
I love this idea way too much haha
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karpachev · 1 year
Tbh I didn't care for Godrick all *that* much, but there is something about how you treat him and how you always draw him in wholesome or (kindly) funny situations that made something in my heart move a little upon scrolling your blog...? I just didn't know how much I needed to see him "accepted" until I did, it is hard to explain. People just liking a character unapologetically can be REALLY powerful, I can *feel* liking him more now o: (Also you have a REALLY good art!)
Do you have some Godrick headcanons you haven't shared yet?
I'm... at loss for words here, thank you so much!!! Yeah, seeing how fandom treats him, i needed to express a lil bit of love for him (since he actually deserves it). So i know exactly what you mean!
But i do have some headcanons i have not shared yet! (i'll try and draw some of them later xd) About his relation with other members of the family: the way he avoided carian children when they first joined the family, but then tried to befriend Rykard, cause he saw how similar he is to praetor in his position as the black sheep in the family. That friendship was one he actually cherished.
About the way he literally idolized Godfrey and saw him as the father figure, how he sought his approval in every little thing he did. He was (and still is) awfully dependant on him. So everything pretty much lost it's meaning when Godfrey was sent away.
About how he loved to observe Radahn and Malenia as they practise their fighting skills. This is actually what got them closer in the first place: he always was there to watch them and though he didn't admit it out loud, it was very noticable just how much he admired them. So their relation got better because of this, but he still secretly feared both of them and envied both of them, which is understandable xd
This is also how he and Malenia started to communicate and commune, but i really should do separate post about them...cause there's a lot and I've already rambled enough, i'd better write/draw more!!
Also i just wanted to say, i found your blog and my god, your bloodborne content is simply amazing!! Since bloodborne is my second favorite souls game, i subbed instanly xdd Hope you're having a great day!
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Any blogs/writers the inspire you? Or ones that you look up to???
Oh a lot of them 😅😅😅
Here's just some of them!
@tinalbion : My ultimate inspiration on this app really!! Very probably my first favourite blog when I came on here nothing has changed since! Also a very kind kind soul that I just love to talk to at the times we have! ^^
@marinerainbow : MY OTHER ULTIMATE INSPIRATION!! I just- I cant actually express how much I probably wouldn't be writing here without them ^^ Or at least I wouldn't be doing it so often ^^ A very kind person on this site and anyone who they talk to is very lucky ^^ ALSO!!- their ideas are so so thought inspiring and fun and amazing!
@disney-android-foundation : ALSO- JUST- THEIR THOUGHTS. THEIR IDEAS. Oh my god, they're so creative and I wish I could be that wonderfully imaginative!! Also that funny XD
@myers-meadow : This person!! Is so!! Sweet!! And!! Such!! An amazing!! Writer!!
@prettybabybaby : Inspires me to write dark stuff!! Because its just fiction and its fun, damnit! XD They also write the dark stuff so so so well and I aspire to make people immerse themselves into my stuff to the degree that they can!
@russiandollbong : We haven't spoken but I'm a long time obsesser of their work XDD They just show me that liking the darker stuff (Again) and the gross men is okay and we should enjoy it 👍👍👍
@gr4veyardg1rl : I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee their work, and the range of characters they write for!!
@assortedvillainvault : My goodness- this person writes with such depth and humour I am so jealous!! I would lovee to write like this!
Also 🦊 who I just love to talk to, they have such intriguing and fun thoughts that make me so happy to read and respond to!!
(If anyone tagged would like to be removed then please let me know and I will remove you immediately ^^)
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magyctale-official · 6 months
hi I just found this au today and it is choking me alive
you art is amazing and the au looks stunning and when I found out this is gonna be a series I screamed!!!
I just wanted to ask if you had like a character list or a description of what the au is about?
I really would love to jump on this hype train and all this has got me so excited!
I do have a google sheet with a buncha characters written down but it has some spoilers in it so... 👀
But I can absolutely give a rundown!! Magyctale doesn't exactly have a solid "gimmick" (like Underswap or Underfell) but it's more like a rewrite of sorts? The characters act somewhat differentlyto their original counterparts and the main meat of the story is how their journey affects them and their relationships. :3
So for instance: Season 1 is for the most part a reimagining of Undertale, with a few original characters sprinkled alongside the AU cast. One of the biggest changes is that Frisk is older (they're about 17) so they have a lot more to say and there's a lot more room for them to express themself. Also I just prefer writing characters who aren't small childen XDD
After Season 1 is when it starts going into more stuff from my own noggin as opposed to being a retelling. So S1 is kinda like introducing all the characters and their dynamics before adding more stuff :3
By far my favorite arc is the one that incorperates elements from Deltarune- that's where my favorite boys come in and also is the arc with the most OCs!! Especially Mave- that's my horrible horrible son whom I adore with my entire heart and soul <3<3<3
I do have some character refs I can share!!
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These are all from S1 (since that's what I'm focusing on planning right now) but I will take a short detour to talk about my awful little son just because I can <3
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This is my vile little lad Mave :3
He started off as just my interpretation of The Knight from DR but now he is one of my most multi-faceted characters of all time I think. Funny how that worked out-
He is by far one of my favorite OCs of All Time and he's such a lil weirdo hehehe
I'm so sad he doesn't come in until much later in the story,,, I want him to be Real already XDD
I don't wanna give too too much away about him because,,,yknow,,,spoilers,,, but I've posted vaguely about his lore on this blog and my main (@bonetrix-arts) as well as over on my YouTube and TikTok accounts if you're curious!!! I simply love to vaguepost about my lore <3
If you have any more questions absolutely feel free to ask!!!! Also if you wanna ask something specific about a character- though I haven't posted about it in a while -I do have character asks open :3
I was posting em on my TikTok as well as here and I think Insta for a while n then I got side-tracked HNGSVDHCJ
I think I still had more art to finish up for the last one n that's why I never posted it,,
But anyways- feel free to do that if there's anything else you wanna know!!!! I need to draw these lil weirdos again n that'd be a nice way to kickstart my brain LMAO
Also I need to make a section for my AU in my Discord server,,, why haven't I done that yet?? RAHH I'm rambling!! Sory I just get so excited when people ask about my babies hehehe
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luclfrog · 3 months
Lomax's Naruto Liveblogging (because I have nothing better to do)
Episode 152 + 153
I was putting off this episode and I don't know why considering it has naruneji moments... but i'm finally here ! Off the bat I've noticed that Naruto seems a bit different with his characterization (way more arrogant and rude) but that could just be my imagination. Anyway, I hope to like this arc because if the NARUNEJI filler arc isn't enjoyable to me I don't know WHAT i'll do.
This post is more for myself (and my friends) but I was bored so why not?
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If you ignore Naruto being a bitch (affectionate) about his mission this is actually really cute. Neji actually holds on to Naruto even after he regained his footing which is a detail specifically made to make me pop a blood vessel I think
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NARUSAKU MOMENT !!! (featuring Lee !) Naruto kind of ruined it by being rude to Lee, but i'll forgive him for being so cute about wanting to be alone with Sakura.
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Side note... Lee having to spell everything out for Naruto was funny. especially Naruto's little dumb expressions... I personally think Naruto is smart enough to find out what Lee was getting at but it was funny so I'll let it slide.
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NEJI SMILING TO HIMSELF AT NARUTO'S ANTICS Oh I think i'm gonna be sick you'll have to pry these two away from my cold dead hands holy moly
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Last screenshot of the episode, I love this shot of him he reminds me of a turtle somehow XDD
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Their banter kills me XD
"Let's not get too carried away, Naruto.
"Okay, so what's the plan then, genius?"
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Also, off topic but Neji is so adorable here. He looks so tiny... and he's always furrowing his brows i'm afraid he'll grow wrinkles. if he lived that is.
The villain of this arc Raiga (?) is voiced by Roger Craig Smith and It's making me pull my hair out because I swear to god this guy is everywhere. He's like every background character in Regular Show and every other side character in Naruto.
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I didn't really care about him before, but the little HMPH this karashi(?) guy did made him grow on me. I have a soft spot for immature characters, I think. And actually, not that i'm really looking at him... he's a little attractive? Oh, wow. I'm really seeing it now.
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"I've never heard of any jutsu stronger than the byakugan."
Sorry Neji, you might want to avoid watching Shippuden.
I don't have time to watch the rest right now, but maybe I'll post about the rest later ^_^
This was cross posted to my website. if you're *not* a friend of mine and decided to read this far, wow !! Read the post as it was intended to look here:
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papaziggy-devblog · 2 years
Hello gender neutral shawty, as someone who hasn't written in years, the other writer anon has inspired me and I wanted to try my hand at writing the moment Harper first saw MC at the grocery store, plant a bomb in my house if it's bad 😔
The whole... "event" couldn't have lasted more than 3 minutes really, yet the memory was still vivid even a year later.
It was a quick grocery run, a spur of the moment decision to pick up a few snacks. The week had been rather shitty after all, you felt you deserved a treat (or five).
You were debating pros and cons of Super Hot Chip and Kind Of Hot Chip, or maybe just regular Chip? Before you could just say "fuck it" and grab them all, it happened.
The sound could best be described like a mini car crash. Complete with the sound of the metal cart screeching against tile and T-boning a display of various baked breads. You spun around just in time to watch the bread explosion rain on the floor, a plastic container of croissants sadly spilling in front of your very feet.
You briefly mourned the loss, it was next on your list.
Your eyes next darted back to the cart, following the trail of spilled pasta boxes and milk to the perpetrator (or victim?) Of the crash. Well, it had to be him, he was the only one sprawled out on the floor like a dead Family Guy character.
His head lifted before you could blink and although you couldn't see his full face under the mop of black hair with white streaks; you got a glimpse of flushed cheeks as he faced the crime scene of his making.
Your heart panged with sympathy then, the shock overpowered by pity for this large dude.
"H-Hey are y-" Your voice caught in your throat as he whipped his head to face you with the same energy as a frenzied animal. His eyes were wide, wild, watery, pupils blown and eyebrows shot to his hairline. His lips tightly pinched together in a frown. The blush on his face worsened, blending in with the tomatoes scattered a few feet ahead of him. Overall he looked mortified, the type of expression that said, "This is going to haunt me every night when I try to fall asleep".
Your gaze softened, damn did you know that feeling. You wanted to comfort him, but he scrambled to his feet, long legs wobbling like a new born calf. A cracked, "Sorry" left his lips (Don't apologize to me man, apologize to the workers) and he immediately broke into a sprint towards the exit. You watched in awe as his large frame got smaller and smaller, clumsily dodging fellow shoppers in his escape.
And so there you were (and a few other Bystanders) the debris laid in front of you like the calm after a storm. A few of your fellow witnesses had already begun to shuffle out, show's over, you guess. You didn't even notice the employee next to you until they let out a heaving sigh. You glanced over at them, they were probably a few years older than you but as you watched their eyes glaze over at the mess, they looked ancient. Like an old God that had seen too many wars.
"I don't get paid enough for this shit"
Fr tho I loved this so much XDD
Sometimes I feel bad for making him so awkward, but then I remember its funny |D
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Has anyone thought of the possibility of PLATONIC yandere miguel and miles(or y/n)??
Edit: I think this may have turned out more of just overprotective father figure!Miguel rather then platonic yandere!miguel. So I'm sorry about that :(
(This is all strictly platonic as miles is 15/16 and miguel is in his 30s or something, flowerfang/flowerbite DNI, this is a father and son relationship only!!)
(Also, platonic shipping warning? I checked the shipping wiki and Google, platonic shipping is just appreciating two fictional characters who are friends or have a familial bond, please correct me if I'm wrong!/gen)
(Warning! Cussing, bad spelling, and OOC!characters)
Okay, so like, miles meeting miguel and as soon as miguel sees him he's like "...that's my son now." (No offense to miles actual dad XD), like seriously, imagine miguel helping miles wiht his spanish and stuff, or jsut doing his spanish homework for him because miles is forgetting all his spanish. Miguel literally breaking into miles house/or whenever miles is staying at, at like 6 in the morning to make him breakfast because that man is emotionally constipated and doesn't know how to show affection other then gifts or acts of service. Miguel saying how "he(miles) needs to be studied and taken care of, he's the original anomaly. He needs supervision." While holding adoption papers. Or miguel literally having a rivalry with miles dad on who's the better father and shit(sorry that is jsut way too funny for me XDD). Miguel packs miles a beautiful spiderman 2099 lunch box(with either Quesadillas or Empanadas, or even both.). That one scene in ITSV where miles dad is like "you gotta say i love you back." And stuff? That's miguel whenever miles goes off on a mission(let's pretend he let's miles into the spider society). And miles is so done with miguels bullshit, like he jsut has this tired deadpanned expression(which when I imagine it, is absolutely hilarious.), but he can't really do anything cause miguels like 6'9 behemoth and miles is just a 15 year old boy.
(Miles and miguel cooking, incorrect quote)
Miguel: mijo, are you okay??
Miles, crying: yea it's jsut these onions.
Miguel @ the onions: what the fuck did you do to my son
(Got that off Google tumblr images :] )
Miguel glaring at hobie because he believes hobie may be a bad influence on miles. Or miguel making sure miles has like 3 other spider-people come with him on missions to make sure he's protected.
Sorry this doesn't have much of a 'yandere vibe' to it, I'm not good at writing yandere characters, but I'm trying to learn and this came out alot more of just miguel being overprotective father figure rather then a platonic yandere, so please forgive me for that. ;-;
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yippieitsarvensart · 11 months
OKAY I've gathered my thoughts and I am back with more octotrio headcanons!!! I felt kinda bad having such a heavy bias but then I realized most of us have a bias towards them and felt better XDD
Starting with Azul!! Azul does drag and is absolutely a drag queen, it makes SENSE!!! He is canonically based off a drag queen (Ursula is based on a drag queen and Azul is based on Ursula)!!!!! He's such a theater kid this is just a branching path of that, he loves attention and praise and the DRAMA!! He was made for this I KNOW it! Also also, he's totally been spoiled with land beds and comforts, like he's got the biggest bed and all the pillows and blankets and comforters, he has multitude weighted blankets for that sweet sweet squish, he's like the princess and the pea when something is out of place in his perfectly designed nest of comfort. Also I'm pretty sure this is canon, but like Azul is so freaking strong?? Like something rolls under a sofa at the lounge and he's like "ugh fine" and lifts it up with one hand and is like "well?? Grab the stupid thing, I have things to do" and people are just staring at him because WOAHHHH,,, STRONG! Azul let's Floyd do the squeezing because if he himself were to get angry with someone anf squeeze them, it would be FATAL. Like all ribs broken, spine snapped, didn't stand a damn chance. And now it's time to project againnn!!! So when octopi get bored/understimulated, they start biting and tearing off their own limbs because they simply cannot cope, and Azul is an octopus AND autistic so when he's understimulated he 100% starts biting his nails, his cuticles, his knuckles, until his hands are just messed up and scarred (why he prefers to wear gloves) and in his mer form his tentacles aren't safe either, he gets stressed or too bored and he just starts nibbling, someone get this boy a game or a puzzle STAT. Speaking of nibbles, his blood is blue!! In his mer form it's not super noticeable, but in his human form where humans with his complexion usually have warm pink or red undertones, his is a cool blue. When he's flustered or embarrassed he blushes blue! Do you SEE my vision it's GOD TIER!!!! His pupils are also rectangular like an octopus, sorry I don't make the rules (I'm not sorry and I do).
Next is Floyd!! Okay. So. His playlist is the BIGGEST mix bag of genres ever, he has all KINDS of funky tunes on there but the key ingredient is ENERGETIC!!! He needs music that's LOUD and CHAOTIC and he can DANCE TO, doesn't matter what it's about he just needs that ENERGY!!!!! Also this is random but, he's been humbled by bugs on multiple occasions. Like, he comes to land and he thinks it's so funny how people are scared of such small fry! So silly so stupid!! And then he gets stung by a wasp and his mood is ruined for a WEEK, nobody can tell him SHIT while he recovers, he's never been more upset in his life (lies). He also has beef with mosquitoes, like what do you MEAN on land there's bugs so tiny you can barely see them, can't even FEEL when they bite you, and they TAKE your BLOOD???? And they have the audacity to leave this big red itchy spot after they STEAL from you!!! He couldn't be more angry if he tried!!!! Not to mention the little fuckers have PREFERENCES and swarm him while Jade is left completely untouched!!! Azul gets some too but never as many as Floyd, he is so so bitter. OH OH ALSO HE WEARS DRESSES AND SKIRTS!!! They remind him of a jellyfish when he spins and they aren't constricting!!! He loves the flowy loose ones and loses his MIND when he can find a dress or skirt with pockets, it will immediately become his favorite article of clothing until he finds a new favorite next week!! He also loves using fun phone cases and phone charms, cool colorful shoelaces and beads, all kinds of stuff to express himself with fashion without the tight feeling of clothes!!!
It's JADE TIME BABY!! So, Jade is mainly appearance headcanons because I know in my heart he is alt as hell, like on campus he's all business and suits, but if you see him just going about his day on the island? ALT ALT ALT ALT!!!! He's punk as hell dude, custom jacket and big platform boots and all! He makes his own mushroom patches and pins, has wildlife conservation patches and mountain patches, frogs, deer, all kinds of fun land animals that he loves!! He also has slightly longer hair, but when he's not in business mode he ties it up in a small pony to show off his side shave on either side!! He has snake bites, dimple piercings, basically every possible ear piercing, a septum, eyebrow piercing, nose bridge pierced, he's got it ALL!!! He wears fingerless gloves too, or if it's a no glove day he wears tons of rings!!
TRIO HEADCANONS!! Okay so the gang all just decided to use he/him on land to make things easier for land dwellers and their silly little boxes of gender, but all of them either have no gender to begin with or a gender so complex and cosmic in nature it cannot be properly described/addressed. When they're alone though, Floyd and Azul will actually use she/they pronouns for Jade more often than he/him saying it "just feels right, I dunno". Jade agrees, but she doesn't really care what pronouns people use at the end of the day, just don't make her make your pronouns was/were.
BONUS RUGGIE??? Listen this is so random but so correct- Ruggie's taste in music mainly consists of female rappers. DONT ASK ME HOW WE GOT HERE, just know I'm right. He told me himself, okay? He's working and has his ear buds in and it's Megan Thee Stallion blasting, he told me so I know.
AAAND DONE (for now)!! Also if I maybe perhaps made a playlist of songs I think Floyd with listen to, would you like me to send it over? It'll be full of bangers, trust. Also like with all my ramble asks no proof read so God speed reading this SJSGSJSHDHJDVF
I SQUEAALLLEDDDDD EEEHEHEHEE THESE ARE SO SO SO GOOD >__<!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to reread tjos over again so many times- not bc I didn't understand anything- but because of just how right you are I needed to try to absorb the info into my system... Love when people do long long rants like these I am such a listener and I love reading but responding always gets my ass... beats me down,... Me taking an entire 2 days to figure out how to word one (1) sentence. /hj I just think it's funny (update on this I've been typing for hours my hands are starting to cramp and I haven't even written that much)
I absolutely love it when people draw/write Azul to have square pupils, n'd other... octopus-like features yu kno... I didn't know octopi bit off their limbs?? (I'm guessing they also grow them back, I wish I could do that wtf???) Azul being so super strong also SPEAKS to me, I don't think u mentioned this but I also love it when people draw Azul to be plus sized (so real, exactly like god intended/silly) AND ALSO WITH SPLATOON STYLE OCTO-HAIR LMAOO I just remembered one of my friends draws Azul with that kind of hair and it made me laugh so hard /pos
FLOYD BEING INTO DRESSES/SKIRTS?? I'M GOING BONKERS INSANE I'M IN LOVE FOR REAL?? I NEED to draw them in more skirts now thank you so much for this... He's gunna look so cute for real... And also in game; For the guest room and friendship stuff Floyd likes cute and Unique things!! That's so adorable I'm screaming they're literally just a little (crazy) guy >__<//....... !!!!!!!!!! I can do so much with this information. slams fist on table. I'm in art block rn though and I'm so UPSET. LET ME DRAW. Also him having beef with bugs is so real and so me. I also hate mozzies AND YES THEM HAVING FUCKING PREFERENCES ??? HELLO?? LEAVE ME ALONE. crying emoji!
I love twins with opposite aesthetics, I always forget that Jade is (canonically?) into punk/alt fashion, whenever I go to draw him out of uniform I get stumped like. "was he the one who liked that fashion.. or someone else like am I trippin' did I imagine that..." But now I can draw F n' J in opposite clothing styles... Jade being punk/alt is so mecore like she's just like me for real. Also I really like mallejade as a ship/even just as friends but the goth/alt duo?? going out on dates and being so tall and scaring people so bad?? I already think Malleus loves wearing dresses that reach the ankles and tall dainty shoes... If NRC had a female uniform I think Malleus would own a set. Along with a lot of other characters but I don't feel compelled to list them all right now (the transfems are taking over the all-boys school!! oh no!!! /hj)
I often use she/they/he for the trio cuz I completely agree!! They are so gender non-conforming... they are so genderfuck... they are so all pronouns they are so pansexual?? they are so. weird little thangs. /aff The way they all use he/him on land just to accommodate HUMANS and their STUPID gender boxes is more of a Azul/Jade idea- Floyd being the one they have to convince to do the same. Even though Floyd doesn't care how people decide to perceive them, and they'd probably get he/him'd anyway, I like to think sometimes she causes problems by going "oh my god... you.. misgendered me?? how could you do this to me I'm. I'm so hurt. I actually use [insert very long list of pronouns INCLUDING neopronouns just to mess with people] :/// How could you not know that about me." Just a silly thing I think would happen hee hee...
Ruggie listening to female rappers is so real no I was also told my him in person he showed me his playlist... since we on the topic of music as well I think Malleus listens to like Radiohead, The Smiths, Horror Vacui, Male tears, sometimes Muse and Nirvana- He dips his toes into Death/Black metal/screamo sometimes due to Lilia's influence. He doesn't like it a LOT but he likes being close to people through things they like so he basically tricked himself into liking that genre of music... Adorable methinks I like to mention this a lot and I don't remember if I did last time but Floyd PTV + MCR liker + 6arleyhuman + Maneskin... And funky video game ost's !! if you let me keep talking I could probably assign most of the students a music taste because I know I'm right. Also Azul and Vil both love Lady Gaga. Vil likes Destiny's Child. Cater is a kpop stan and only listens to girl groups. Riddle likes Lawfey, Aurora and City And Colour. Idia likes songs that were popular in 2015-20 because of gacha videos on youtube, preppy anime songs and also video game ost's from his favourite games. ANYWYSSYDSHUY -- ANYWAYS YES YES I'D LOVE TO HEAR THE PLAYLIST??? PLEASE !!!! :DDDDD
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daily-clace · 2 years
Don't you just love it when you read about Clace as side characters and they're just being a cute couple?
I've been reading TDA, The Tales from Shadowhunters Academy and the extras and just enjoying seeing Clace from the other characters pov, just them being "Jace's expression softened looking Clary" or "Clary and Jace are weirdly good together" etc, "Jace sleeping on Clary's lap" or "I've never seen anyone else in love like them (....)" or "Jace and Clary can always be persuaded to go together" or when Jace says "where Clary go I go" in TFTSA
I'm paraphrasing obviously cuz i can't remember the exact quotes but yeah 💖💖💖
And I've also noticed how they're actually quite a playful couple--outside of their own books, cuz when we're reading from Clary's and Jace's perspectives, they seem quite serious sometimes since we're reading their thoughts basically
But i love how to other characters, they're portrayed as still acting like teens and early adults later on. I just--Cassandra Clare *chefs kiss*
Closest example i remember rn since I've just finished TFTSA is when Sizzy and Clace had this double date and Clace is just playing footsie under the table (and Jace may have accidentally rubbed his leg against Simon's) xDD
They're just---Clary and Jace are so cute individually and also in love i just 🥺🥺🥺💖
This is not an ask or anything but i just needed to write this down somewhere cuz I have all these new feelings about them from rereading xD (I read TMI years ago but only just started the other series now)
I'm sorry for the long 'ask' and thank you for your daily Clace quotes! 💖🦆
Hi, love! :D
I'm so sorry for taking so long to answer!! But my life was chaotic this week and I didn't have a lot of time on tumblr and I didn't want to give you a lame answer of three words or something like that 🫣But it's finally saturday and it looks like my life it's back under control, well mostly anyways, so I got some time to fangirl now 😌
Yes!!! I totally do!! I mean, I love TMI of course, but my kids suffered a LOT on those books, so reading about Clace from different characters' perspective on other books it's so refreshing! I love it 🤩🥰
Like how they notice the way Clary touches Jace or how Jace looks at Clary, the way some people is even jealous of their relationship or think they would never fit with someone else the way Jace and Clary do, how in love they are, I'm all here for it!!! 🤩🤩💕
And yes! The playful part 😂😂 I agree, they seem a lot more serious with each other on their books. I love their dynamic in CoB because they got more into each other nerves in that book 😂 But I can't blame them, I mean, CoA and most of CoG was pure hell for them. CoFA wasn't much better. CoLS wasn't really Jace and CoHF (my favorite btw) they were a little more playful in that one. Point is, they were facing some serious problems in TMI, I understand Cassie didn't portrayed them more playful with each other on those books 🫠 So I'm so happy to see them in the other books, happy and confident in their relationship 🥰🥺 I mean, it’s also canon that they are playful with each other even during sexy times 😂😏🔥
And bestie, how they seem to be able to have sex on almost every place? Like on the floor in faerie? They can. On the floor in the greenhouse? They can. Let's not even start talking about caves in Hell. They have no chill 😂😂😂
Also Clary smacking Jace every now and then is so funny to me, they're that kind of couple 😂😭😂
BESTIE NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR A LONG ASK ON MY BOX. I love to receive asks!!! Especially about some fangirling about Clace 😌😌✨
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