canisalbus · 6 months
Hi um, I know you're cool with fanart, but would fanfic of Vasco and Machete be okay and if so can we tag you when we finish it? 👉👈 Weeeeee... kinda wanna write like a BILLION words about these two from seeing all your art and canon about them.
-Stars system
Absolutely! I love seeing other people's interpretations of Vasco and Machete and I'd consider it an honor if they inspired you enough to want to write something about them. If you do, tag me or dm me a link please, I wouldn't want to miss it.
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inclusiveplurality · 5 months
An actual server for a media property we were interested in before seeing how deeply sysmedicalist the creators were said that it's "against discord TOS for littles under 13 (or 12, can't remember) to be active on discord".
That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works. All discord cares about it body age. You can be a system made entirely of 0-11 year old littles and still be able to post on discord, because all that matters is the year your body was born.
Truly hate how people are about littles. "I am not comfortable talking about this subject with a little or engaging sexually with them" is a boundary. "Littles are not allowed to talk about this subject or be sexual" is controlling, toxic, and depending on your relationship with the system in question, can cross the line into abuse. (I'd say usually it doesn't on discord, but it's worth noting.)
It's what I call "building your fences in other people's yards". You have a right to state you're uncomfortable interacting with people in certain ways, including mutually discussing certain subjects. But as soon as you infringe on another person's right to exist as they are or to discuss things not directed at you in a public space, you're not putting a boundary on your own property line any more.
REAL. a lot of online plural spaces have a really NIMBY-ass attitude about how other systems function and like. what their members want and how they navigate the world. like buddy you are not functionally different from the HOA karen telling me i can't paint my trashcans purple. you're just doing it on discord dot edu instead of in my neighborhood.
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Welp, yeah that's about right! Instant follow xD
Oh dear 🙈
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ask-october-fox · 8 months
We wanted to pop in and say some things real quick :D
1. We finally were able to order a lantern spirit plush (that's what they're called, right? I already forgor 😅). We're really excited to welcome home another friend to our POSIC hoard. I wish we could have provided more than the asking price though TT, we love your art!!
2. We also think you may have encountered and spent time with our old system host for a time, before she returned from realms beyond life and time! If you were a guide to her along the way, we thank you. (We know many say "death" within a system is impossible, and it is merely dormancy. However, it helps and heals all of us, her included, to conceptualize it this way - and death has never seemed a cruelty to us. Not to the one dying, at least).
3. *presents offering of peanut butter snickers and scampers away*
- Stars ✨
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Thank you so much for ordering a spirit plush! You had it correct, tho youre welcome to refer to them as you like, even the name got to be a little bit of a mouthful for me, heh!~ Your new friend was sent out to you yesterday and should be arriving sometime by the end of this week! I am sorry to hear about this personal passing, I can assure you that even if it wasnt me who helped them to move on to the next world, she was not alone in doing so 🤍🖤🧡 And thank you so much for the peanut butter snickers! 👀
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so not only does xxlovelynovaxx denounce other loveless aces explaining how “love loses is harmful”, as well as cyberstalking others calling her out, who happen to be oart of my friend circle, but also proceeds to reblog something saying that AFAB Twomen and fems are just a TERF identity.
As an AFAB Twoman and fem, i hate the hill its dying on
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the-changelings · 1 year
Genuinely do you wanna be yarncrafting buddies? If you send me knitting patterns of stuff you've always wanted I will make whatever I have the ability to in exchange for equivalent crocheted items!
Also look at this awesome pattern I found!!
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that is so freaking cool?! I *can* knit but I'm that weirdo who only uses fingering weight yarn so it takes. forever
here's some mushrooms! sorry the lighting was terrible
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haven't figured out ideal camera settings on this phone
anyway yes let's make things!! sorry I left this so long my brain power was through the floor recently
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Hi I think you're really cool and would like to be friends but also am shyyy ahaha okay bai!~
A a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a q_____q
Literally same!!!!! q_q ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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tealfruit · 9 months
"You're a hologram you're projecting so hard" goes so hard and I totally agree about when transandrophic people deny its existence.
(Can I steal that phrase? It is. So good.)
go ahead lmao
and yeah that shit is so frustrating, it's one of those subjects I almost get afraid to speak up about bc the discourse around it can be so toxic and pointless. and bc a good chunk of it originates from Within the community and I fuckin hate infighting. it serves nobody but the transphobes trying to destroy all of us when we go at each other like that...but like I'm not the one trying to throw a subset of us under the bus for having some imaginary privilege over the rest that doesn't actually exist so. idk.
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buntress · 1 year
Saw you currently had a circus hyperfixation and I wanted to show where my hyperfixation (custom Rainbow High dolls) recently overlapped with that!
(It's the seller's pic but came with the whole diorama and I love her)
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omfg.................shes perfect i love her so much shes so pretty /gen
doll customizing and ooak dolls have always fascinated me too theyre always so pretty sdkfjugerv
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kristanna-days · 6 months
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Frozen x Beauty & the Beast Yuletide Exchange (2023)
A Well Deserved Gift (Adam/Belle, E) @biblioscribler/@99goosebumps for @annaofthenorthernlights
Adam has been working so hard to get things done before the end of the term so he'd have an easier time back next semester. Belle has missed having fun with him, but with the first snow about to fall she decides to take matters into her own mittens after he's finished his paperwork.
All I Want for Christmas is You (Rydoff, T) @flowerinherhair/@glassslippers-n-cowboyboots for @annas-hair-donut
Kristoff Bjorgman has just accepted a new job in Alaska as reindeer veterinarian at Nattura reindeer farm. He was expecting to befriend some reindeer, however he was not expecting to become so close to his new boss.
Bundle Up, Scooch In (Kristanna, M)@annas-hair-donut for @smuglemonfics
Anna, a woman Kristoff just met that day, allows him to sleep in her bed so he doesn’t have to go home in the middle of a blizzard. Will he overcome the pain of his past and open himself up to the possibility of true love? Or will he walk away, lonely and cold in the dark? 18th Century, Colonial New Arendelle AU.
Christmas With You Gets Better Every Year (Kristanna) @chibiotaku4life/@xxlovelynovaxx for @flowerinherhair/@glassslippers-n-cowboyboots
Anna and Kristoff meet for a coffee date and surprise gift exchange at their favorite coffee shop. Warm memories are shared as the smell of roasted coffee wafts through the air.
Dried Rose Bookmark (Adam/Belle, E) @thefamilybruno for @biblioscribler/@99goosebumps
For months, Belle has worked as a costume designer at the Little Rose Theater Company in Philadelphia. She loves everything about the theater. Everything except the actor who has become a thorn in her side - Adam Boz.
When Belle inadvertently overhears a heated argument between Adam and his parents, she finds out that Adam will be spending Christmas alone. Unable to ignore the new spark of empathy she feels toward him, Belle thinks that she should try to become Adam's friend.
But when she snoops through Adam's belongings and finds a dried rose pressed in between the pages of a well-loved book, Adam lashes out, causing Belle to run from the theater into the cold winter night.
Will Adam be able to apologize? Or will Belle continue to think of him as a beast for all time?
Once Upon a Yuletide Holiday (Adam/Belle, M) @annaofthenorthernlights for @winter__moon/@true--north
"Anywhere?" Belle looks up at Adam, who nods solemnly, emphasising his promise. They stand in the library as Adam offers Belle a trip for the Christmas season. "Anywhere, my dear. You choose the destination."
The Beauty Who Braved the Blizzard and Healed the Heart (The Prologue) (Belle/Elsa, G) @paigebstorey for @chibiotaku4life/@xxlovelynovaxx
When Adam goes missing in the woods after a sledding accident, Belle ventures out of Arendelle Village to find him. She comes across a palace made of ice, in which she discovers Adam is a prisoner to an enchantress of eternal winter. A bargain is made, and Belle takes her friend’s place, with unexpected consequences…
The River Sings (Elsa & Iduna, Elsamaren, T) @winter__moon/@true--north for @paigebstorey
Princess Elsa is seeking her lost Mother. Voices in her head are leading her North. On the way to Ahtohallan she meets a Northuldra warrior…
We Need a Little Christmas (Kristanna, E) @flowerinherhair/@glassslippers-n-cowboyboots for @annas-hair-donut
Recently divorced and single dad Kristoff is not really feeling in the Christmas spirit, that is, until he meets the bubbly and charming Anna who captures both his and his daughter's hearts and helps to bring them a bit of Christmas spirit
You Are My Shelter from the Storm (Adam/Belle/Gaston) @smuglemon/@smuglemonfics for @thefamilybruno
Belle and Gaston have already arrived at a small cottage in the countryside where their partner, Prince Adam, has promised to meet them when his work in another kingdom is done. However, rather than get to experience the fresh air and nature he loves so much, Gaston finds himself stuck indoors when the weather takes a turn for the worse. Alone together, he and Belle find a way to pass the time…
View the entire collection @ AO3.
Happy Holidays to the Frozen and Beauty & the Beast fandoms!
Stay tuned for Frozen Smut Week - March 17-24.
DM me or @thefamilybruno if you want to join the Frozen Hearts Worth Melting Discord server. It's a super chill server for Frozen and Beauty and the Beast fanfic writers. We have a Valentine's Day prompt event coming up soon!
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anendoandfriendo · 8 months
Picrew chain time!! :D
Ft. two Haileys & Company system members ("Rusanya" is technically our collective polyplex name by this point and not a particular system name):
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@xxlovelynovaxx and @sophieinwonderland if you're interested, and also anyone else who might be. ^^;
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disabledunitypunk · 9 months
Okay, we're going to be posting essentially an image ID minus the images of a post, because our phone is being wonky about images.
Tl;dr since it is very long: Having hobbies doesn't make you a morally better person and not having hobbies doesn't make you a morally worse person. Some disabled people are disabled enough by their disabilities that they can't have hobbies and this kind of thing hurts them the most. Erasing them and saying all disabled people are abled enough to have hobbies is ableist. The idea that hobbies - productive or consumptive - determine whether a person is going to be a decent upstanding person or a complete asshole is literally based in christian protestant ideals about work ethic that have suffused our culture.
Take your moral superiority complex about being better than people who don't have hobbies and your crybullying about the existence of severely disabled people being ableist elsewhere.
The original post:
"get a job" as an insult: piddlin. implies one's value is determined by employment. feeds into capitalistic ideals
"get a hobby”: strong. cutting. implies that instead of feeding your soul and potentially creating something beautiful, you are here bothering me.
OP's reblog:
i can't believe i have to say this but for the people getting angry in the notes or sending me harassing asks: if this post makes you feel attacked, it's because you're an asshole.
if "you should find something rewarding to do instead of being mean to people" reads as "problematic" or "antagonistic,” it's probably because you've been told something similar after being unkind to others, maybe often.
and no, sorry, "get a hobby” isn't ableist. i'm disabled. disabled people almost always have hobbies. we are as capable of creating something beautiful, be it a knit scarf or a cake or a nice memory, as anyone else.
telling someone it's within their power to find something that makes them even a little happier isn't ableist, y'all have just become obsessed with this weird tumblr narrative that you aren't responsible for ANY of your own wellbeing and that pushing or enriching yourself in any way is EVIL.
stop being in love with your fucking misery, treat people better, and get a fucking hobby.
Our response:
It's still fucking ableist. I'm also a disabled person. It affects people more disabled than you in ways it doesn't affect you. Congrats, you're just a privileged asshole.
Conflating morality with productivity is ableist bullshit and also just based in culturally christian bullshit. People don't mistreat people because they don't have fun little activities to do. I've encountered literally THOUSANDS of the nastiest people you'll ever meet who are fanartists and fanfic writers, knitters and crocheters, who play instruments and write music, who make indie games in their spare time or create mods for existing games. I've also met incredibly good people who don't do anything "rewarding", often because they can't, and are the most compassionate, patient, understanding people you will ever meet.
You seem to think the only reason someone might find this antagonistic or problematic is because they are secretly guilty of not having any hobbies and spending their time attacking people. Is this projection on your part? Do you have to occupy yourself with distractions to avoid being an asshole on the internet? Are you even aware that the axiom that people who don't have hobbies are assholes still isn't true, and you've just once again said "the reason you're mad about productivity and hobbies being moralized is because you are a Bad Person and unkind because of your lack of hobbies"? Circular logic, anyone?
Like, I'm not a perfect person. You can scroll down my personal blog (@xxlovelynovaxx) and find times I said shitty things, and apologized and attempted to take responsibility for them. I also have LOTS of hobbies, including writing, reading, gaming, drawing, painting, digital art, papercrafting, playing flute and ocarina and recently kalimba, photography, doll collecting, music composition, singing, sewing, and learning languages.
I am also profoundly disabled and becoming more so. I am not becoming a worse person because of my lack of ability to continue doing many of these things. In fact, there is zero correlation between the times I have been an asshole and the times I have been unable to engage with my hobbies for prolonged periods of time. Meaning, not that I am only ever an asshole when doing hobbies, but that when I've made mistakes and hurt people, it's equally likely that I was or wasn't able to have hobbies at the time.
You know what's also ableist? "We are as capable of creating something beautiful, be it a knit scarf or a cake or a nice memory, as anyone else."
We are "as capable", as disabled people, as "anyone else". As cap-able.
No. Not all of us are. Disabled people who are incapable of doing these things exist. Disabled people who are so profoundly disabled that they can't even participate minimally in social situations to create "nice memories" - which, by the way, hanging out with others and "making memories" isn't a hobby. Disabled people who literally are unABLE because of their DIS-ABILITY of doing any of these things exist.
No, "most disabled people" don't have hobbies. But thank you for "defending" disabled people with literal inspiration porn about how actually, we all CAN have hobbies just like any other person, and how disabilities can never disable us to the point of being unable to participate in hobbies. Telling someone to find something that makes them happy isn't ableist. Deciding that there is a direct causative relationship between "not pushing or enriching yourself" and "being a massive asshole to strangers", or that the reason they are being dicks is because they "aren't taking responsibility for their well-being", IS.
Even setting aside that yes, pushing yourself can be unhealthy in some cases, that hobbies aren't enriching to everyone, that hobbies are necessary for a person's well-being (arguably true, because people who are disabled to the point they can't have hobbies often find their quality of life suffers) - people aren't "refusing to take responsibility for their own well-being" by acknowledging the reality of their disability.
They aren't thinking that it's "evil" to pursue something they enjoy or being in love with their misery or sitting there cackling about refusing to "recover" or whatever it is you think disabled people are doing when you've decided they're "choosing" not to have hobbies. For my part, I spend much of my time when I can't participate in my hobbies desperately wanting to, or planning how I can when I feel better, or as I've made peace with my reality, looking forward to the good days while I appreciate even the long and difficult rest periods forced on me by my body.
(Although also, if you think it's not okay for disabled people to be sad or angry or yes, miserable, when factors outside of their control make them unable to do the things they love, you're also an ableist for that.)
"Get a hobby" still implies people don't have inherent worth. It just takes capitalist ideals and does the "can I copy your notes? yeah but change your answer slightly" and makes it about an arbitrary abstract standard of "fulfillment" (usually still determined by creation of a product, as 'non-productive' hobbies like watching shows/ movies, listening to music, or other 'media consumption' are often vilified in the same way as lack of hobbies).
It's still moralization of productivity. It still bases both worth and "goodness" around what a person can DO. It's still based in exactly the same protestant labor ethic that contributed to the formation of capitalism, only now instead of "idle hands are the devil's work and cause sin" it's "idle hands cause an unenriched soul which causes sin I mean assholery". Seriously, what WAS that weird pseudoreligious bit about "feeding your soul" in the OP? The pretense is SO thin.
For all your fake concern trolling about it really being about "people finding stuff that makes them happy and taking responsibility for their recovery", the truth is, you don't actually think it's about people being healthier and therefore less of an asshole (also, being an asshole is a choice, not a mental health condition. Congrats on contributing to the exact stigma we continuously have to fight. Lack of health does not make you a worse person or more likely to hurt others).
To you, it's that if people can't, in your words, "create something beautiful" and "feed their soul", they are fundamentally less good of a person and more likely to hurt others.
Finally, even were all that true - that lack of hobbies directly causes people to be assholes - is it really worth making the most marginalized disabled people feel ashamed and worry that they're really fundamentally lesser? Is it really worth taking the people you believe to be outliers and essentially sacrificing them and their already much worse mental health outcomes, just to make a quip on the internet?
Or do you not actually give a fuck about other disabled people, have you bought into lies and stigma that productivity makes you a more "pure" person who is less capable of harm, and that having poor mental health makes you a morally lesser person that has to fight harder and fails more at not being an asshole, and that the only reason people might disagree with you is that they're bad people who choose not to recover and wallow in their misery, because a disability making someone unable to do things you can do isn't possible?
You literally said that people who have hobbies are better than those that don't. You think that hobbies determine morality. That's ableist no matter how you shake it.
Maybe you should get over your obsession with hobbies equaling worth and making someone a "better" more moral person, stop making other miserable, and maybe even with it being untrue, focus more on your own hobbies, because if nothing else they make you happier, right? And you don't seem too happy right now.
Repost because this originally caused a wave of ableist harassment when attached to OPs post.
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sophieinwonderland · 8 months
You realize that origin discourse doesn’t come up in SN, right? The syscourse channels are 99% DID deniers and ableism directed at traumagenic systems, and when origin comes up I haven’t ever seen it be a topic of debate. I’ve been lurking there for almost a year now, the syscourse label of anti/pro-endo doesn’t even really matter there because “syscourse” is used very loosely
Thanks for the info. /g
I feel that kind of reinforces the point though, doesn't it? Their concept of syscourse is one where being anti-endo or pro-endo isn't relevant because it doesn't matter in their bubble of purely traumagenic systems where everyone gets along and the existence of endogenic systems never needs to be debated. What they think syscourse should be is something that can only exist in a space where endogenic systems are absent.
Also stressing again that having a space to talk about issues exclusive to traumagenic systems isn't a bad thing. At least in theory. I mean, there are some serious problems with exclusion of mixed origin systems that were outlined excellently here by @xxlovelynovaxx but I'm not leaning too much into that point because I genuinely am not certain if mixed origin systems were actually excluded from that particular server and I don't want to veer too far off course based on speculation. (Although as a lurker, I am curious, were you aware of any mixed origin systems present in the server? Particularly in the syscourse channel?)
I mostly don't care that they have this sort of space where they can discuss issues exclusive to CDD and traumagenic systems. I do think that this shows though that it is very much a bubble.
And while you can have that sort of environment among a group of friends who are all some flavor of traumagenic regardless of origin stance, it's naive at best to expect that in a space where endogenic systems are actually present.
And so you end up with some of these systems being completely out of touch with the endogenic community and seem to have a genuinely hard time grasping why endogenic and mixed origin systems still dislike their anti-endo friends. After all, anti-endos and "pro-endos" were able to get along inside that bubble, so why not outside too?
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disaster-cryptids · 10 days
*sigh* Alright. I must address the fiasco that has been going on lately.
To summarize, a friend of ours made a post calling out the harmful nature of the 'love loses' phrase, and started getting hate for it. A larger creator (the coiner of Unitypunk to be exact), was one of the people who got their panties in a twist about this post. Icarus saw this and, since the maker of the original post is our friend, got upset and took it upon himself to stand up against the mindless hate drone that showed up on our friend's blog. This caused the person, who we will identify as @/xxlovelynovaxx, to go off on Icarus, as well. This ended in us getting blocked. They blocked us, because they are so genuinely livid about someone calling out the bullshit phrase they put on a pedestal.
Now, this is so petty and childish that I wasn't going to get involved, but we have since learned they are cyberstalking a system within our circle. This is a huge claim, I know, but rest assured that we are not pulling this out of our ass:
Here is a post detailing the situation further (link)
And just going on Nova's blog will show you all you need. They feature screenshots of Anarchy's tagging system during their public tantrum (we know this, because Anarchy has been notified by someone who remains unblocked). Nova is/was actively lurking on a blog they blocked over petty shit, and perhaps they are doing that with us, as well.
Now, this isn't a call to get them deplatformed (though I am of the opinion that someone so childish should not have any leverage in communities), nor is it a call for mass reporting. It is, rather, a need to bring their behavior to light for what it is: harassment. This anger towards being told 'love loses is harmful' is completely childish, and they are making people feel unsafe in their own spaces due to their need to die on the 'love loses uwu' hill. That is absolutely unacceptable.
That is all, for now. No doubt this post may make a debut on their blog, if my theory is correct and they are also lurking on our blog as well.
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ask-october-fox · 8 months
Wait do you... sell the stickers you use in your quick replies? Like as physical sticky stickers? 👀
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No I dont, but I probably should. I honestly wasnt sure if anyone would want them!
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solxrsys · 8 months
congratulations xxlovelynovaxx for making the most heinous comparison in syscourse
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