#y’all have been deprived of my ramblings
hiddenwashington · 7 months
** insert the yearly disclaimer that everything is fine and this is just maig being an absolute sap **
hi :)) somehow, by some miracle, we have made it around to yet another anniversary, and i can say with utter disbelief and overwhelming gratitude that hidden is now SIX YEARS OLD. i feel like a damn grandmother telling y’all a story here but, when i started this place in a 2am spite fueled, sleep deprived rage, and then hit the tags that same morning at nearly 5am, never once did i look at a main and think i’d be making a six year anniversary post. that we’d even stay open for that long, that this would grow to be… bigger than me, bigger than the team or hidden  itself. hidden is a home to so many, a place where people can be themselves and find a community together, and that has everything to do with all of YOU.
the members who have been here for 6 days, or 6 years, those who have been here and poured their hearts out onto the dash, who have been here just to play a joke character.. the members who have come and gone, the members who are here now, all of you are the reason hidden is the way that it is. you all have created this incredible community with each other, that sometimes all i can do is just sit back and admire all of you. the way everyone has been so welcoming and warm to every new person who has joined, that you all have welcomed people in with open arms and genuinely like ?? no prompting from us ?? just from being yourselves. not only is this a home, a true real home in such a difficult world, but god the TALENT ??? i have never seen such amazing writing, or editing, the absolute joy you all have in writing your characters comes across so easily, the support you all have for each other. the events that we have, i don’t think could ever be pulled off with another group. i truly am sitting here just consistently in awe of all of you. i really could not do this without all of you here, you are the heart of hidden. the warmth in this place, the joy, the backbone, everything is you, friends. thank you for allowing me to be your head admin, allowing me to be utterly odd and strange and still loving me the way i love all of you, thank you for supporting this team, and this place. thank you for all the time and energy you put in here, and know that it does not go unnoticed. truly, just thank you.
and now, for 5 people’s absolute favorite time of the year, the moment when i gush like a proud mom about my admin team. please allow me to highlight these people, to lift them up for everything that they do, to show them the gratitude i truly hope they feel every other day of the year. sunny: gotta always start with you, my day one, the other half of my brain. i don’t know what i would do without you, genuinely. hidden would absolutely not be here today without you, without your support of me and my absolute batshit ramblings that i send in your dms, the way you have been able to look at a situation and calm it down with just one message.. for being the voice of reason that i need, for being the best friend i could ask for. finding each other wasn’t an accident and i’m so glad that i have gotten to know you through this weird fucking hobby and found so many more to share with you. also?? thank you for being there during my wedding, for keeping my head on straight that day. i love you so much. ♥ jodie, i just fucking love you fam,  the absolute heart of the team. you are one of the kindest, most fiercely loving person i have ever met. if someone is struggling, i know you are right there to offer any kind of help you can (even if it's biting someone). you are always the one who i know will be there to have someone’s back, to support everyone when they need it. and i hope you know that that goes both ways. you are so loved on this team, thank you for all the research you do, thank you for taking all the marvel questions, for being the other teacher of my star wars school, for always laughing with me when we’re about to do something utterly ridiculous to get us yelled at. i am just so thankful for you, and i know i would’ve gone nuts if i didn’t have you here making me laugh. kasey, my player 2 (or i’m player 2?? idk), my bluetooth connected bitch. i swear people think us being the same person different fonts sometimes is a bit, and really it’s not. our shared braincell just doesn’t know how to function alone. thank you for always being there when i need to vent, for being able to offer a kind way of telling me to chill tf out, for being my platonic life partner. i know you hate the sappiness but i just need you to know that i couldn’t do this without you either. also a quick thank you for also being there during my wedding, for allowing me to be unapologetically myself and keeping me calm and laughing during all the insanity that was going on that week. just thank you. really, i love you so much, bitch, i won’t make you suffer with being loved on more.
aria, the actual owner of the braincell, the powerhouse of fc suggestions and research. your knowledge and ability to find suggestions and solutions to complex situations always has me in awe. i know when i see you typing in the chat, we’re going to get an answer, a solution or something new to consider that helps us fix whatever is going on. you truly are the reason things get solved around here. and also thank you for being the other face on the main, the way that you and ollie clear the inbox so fast always has me dumbfounded. and thank you for every check you have done, every moment you have spent here with us. i hope you know when i see little guys in shows, i always go “oh aria would love them”. your icons in the chat / your names always have me dying. you’re truly so fucking funny fam, the comments you make in dnd take me out. i just hope you know how loved and appreciated you are. thank you for being my friend, i love you a lot. and ollie, i don’t know what the fuck we would do without you. seriously, like only a year and a half in and you are ???? the reason the main gets cleared out most days. i don’t know how you do it, one moment it’s full and the next the entire mains cleared, the pages are updated, you and aria are working through their list of fixes and the entire check is done (INCLUDING MY PARTS :(( ). despite all of our teasing about changing the password on you, i hope you know that none of the work that you do EVER goes unappreciated. i also am just so glad that i have gotten to know you better over the past year and a half, that since you joined the team i am so glad that i get to call you my friend. also, i always know when i send a new frog, you’ll come in yelling about loving them and it always makes me smile. you’re so loved by me and the team. thank you for everything. okay, i’m done now.
i’m making myself stfu friends i promise. just, hidden you have no idea how utterly blessed we are to have these five as our admin team. i know i barely even know sometimes, because fuck i couldn’t do this without them. i just am so filled with love and appreciation for every single one of you, those who are here now, and those who may be lurking and have come and gone. know i love you all. and just THANK YOU. it is the greatest joy and blessing in my life to call myself your head admin. thank you for making hidden your home. here’s to SIX FUCKING YEARS and all the ones after it!
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all the love always -- admin maig ♥♥
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siribaes · 6 days
han lue x (oc) [ black!fem! ]
a late night, open road, passenger side driving around los angeles with her favorite guy.
contents: fluff. some angst. smutty thoughts. brief smoking cigarette mention. brief mention of death. rival gang dynamics. mild peril han drives fast ofc <3. nothing too major.
suggested tunes📻: protect my heart by kelis, it’s whatever by aaliyah, luxurious by gwen stefani, run to the sun by n.e.r.d., boogie 2nite by tweet, try again by aaliyah
author’s note: just a little somethin’ featuring my number one guy han <3. this was heavily inspired by romeo must die, i loved jet and aaliyah’s dynamic & this takes place after better luck tomorrow and before fast and furious/tokyo drift. y’all lmk if i should make this into a fic…🤔 / not edited or proofread
. . . ZOOOOM!
an electric blue, 1995 mazda widebody fd rx7 flys down the street. driving through lights, regardless of the color change. the wind brushes against chickie’s cheeks as the car veered left. she stretches her arm out the window, she hummed. the air is a bit chilly but it feels good against her skin. the mazda slowed down at a red light.
“i thought you said you wanted to cruise. it feels like you’re racin’,” chickie murmurs pulling her arm back inside. she turned toward the driver’s side.
he glances at her, his lips forming into a lopsided grin. “was cooped up, haven’t been behind the wheel all day, let me flex,”
flex he did.
chickie’s heart fluttered watching his skillful hands maneuver the gear shift with ease. his nimble fingers tap on the steering wheel to the rhythm of the music. a part of her mind wonders how his hand would fit into hers or how the rough callous on his palms would feel against her skin.
“can we stop at the store? i want some snacks,” chickie spoke aloud. she focused her eyes on the road and away from from his hands.
“it’s one up ahead,” with one hand, he effortlessly maneuvers the wheel, his palm gently guiding it as the car turns at a right corner.
so smooth.
the madza slowly pulls into a spot across from a brightly, colored convenience store. chickie unbuckles her seat belt.
“you want anything?”
“nah, i’ll just share with you,” chickie playfully rolls her eyes. she steps out of the car and heads straight into the store.
chickie comes out minutes later with a boat load of snacks and drinks. already, half way done with her snickers, she almost chokes, from she sees. her friend, her favorite guy.
han leans against the car, his body, totally relaxed like he doesn’t have a care in the world. a cigarette hangs from his full lips, as han rakes a hand though his inky, black tresses. the street is quiet as the plastic bag swishes back and forth. with every step, chickie feels like her heart is gonna leap out of her throat.
she can’t really pin-point when it happened or how it happened but it just did. it was like chickie went to bed one way and woke up another. every little thing han lue did set her a flame, even simple things like tonight, calling her up at 1:00 AM asking if she wanted to go for a ride. she all but leapt out of her bed room window when heard the engine of the madza coming down the street.
as exhilarating as her crush on han was she knew that it wouldn’t go anywhere. he was her best friend and on top of that the growing rivalry between his crew and her cousins, both vying for control over parts of south-east la, didn’t add much to the equation. in fact it subtracted from it. so chickie just settled for her mushy, unrequited feelings and distracted herself with other things. this time, nitpicking han’s smoking habits.
“i thought you were quitting,” chickie hoists herself on the hood of han’s car. she digs into the bag, pulling out soda and a pack of twinkies.
a week prior, han told chickie that he was going to quit, cold turkey. that and some other ramblings of needing to get out of “this place”. over the course of their friendship, chickie can tell when han is tired or sleep deprived. typically a man of few words, he becomes talkative and super rambly when exhausted. there was a small part of that was happy han was quitting, but she should’ve known better, old habits die hard.
han takes a long pull. he blows the smoke away from chickie’s direction. “i am. haven’t had a cig in three days,”
“but you said you went cold turkey,” chickie takes a bite of her twinkie.
“listen,” han leans towards chickie, “i’ll go cold turkey when you tell y’re pops about your new jewelry,” he reached towards her stomach and lightly flicked her belly button piercing.
chickie squatted his hand away. “boy, please another piercing isn’t gonna hurt anyone. my body, my choice. besides, cigarettes aren’t good for you,”
han chuckles. he takes another pull, blowing the smoke up towards the sky. he shrugged. “does it matter? health isn’t my priority. especially the way i’m livin’,”
chickie frowns. “i don’t like when you talk like that,”
han take another pull, longer than the previous. the cigarette is a nothing but a stubby bud now. he flicks it away. slowly, he turns and faces her.
“you worry about me too much,”
“i feel like i don’t worry enough,” chickie said quietly. she avoids his eyes, keeping them toward the lights of the convenience store.
“you hoggin’ all the snacks,” before chickie could respond, han pulls her hand towards him. a prickly, chill runs down her spine. The roughness of han’s callouses feel good against her skin. frozen in place, chickie watches han lean down and bite the twinkie in her hand.
she feels everything.
the slight, soft-wetness of han’s mouth on her skin. his nimble tongue as it gently slides and swirls around the tips of chickie’s fingers. her works in over time, completely thudding against her chest, as han pulls away from her. for second, chickie sees a certain glint in the deep, brown pools of his eyes.
he chews. han smirks at her.
“there’s a race on saturday. you should come,” han says, leaning back, casually.
chickie took a sip of her soda. hoping for the coolness of the drink to cool her down. she takes another sip and thinks, if he could do that, so could i.
“i dunno,” chickie trails. she innocently, fiddled with her bracelet, playing with the race-car charm, the same one han got her a year ago, in honor of the mutual love for cars. she looks at him, batting her eyelashes, subtly, “i might be, busy,”
han’s eye brow rose. “busy?”
“yeah, i might have plans, or something,”
“what, like a date?” chickie notices a slight change in han’s demeanor. his jaw tightens, emphasizing the angles of his cheekbones.
chickie attempts to channel her best han impression, shrugging her shoulders in the most nonchalant way. han grows quiet, slowly nodding his head. he leans off the car and positions himself in front of her. in quick movements, han pulls chickie close. fingers flutter across her exposed stomach.
han tickles her.
“han! stop, please! o-okay, okay, okay! i’ll come, i can’t breathe,” chickie squeals, attempting to push han away from her.
“say you’ll come,” han somehow managed to snake a hand to the back of chickie’s neck. he gently holds her in place, while he continues to tickle her.
“ooo-okay! i will come, please,” han eases off of her. he watched as chickie caught her breath. she shoves han’s shoulder, “asshole,”
they laugh.
“seriously though,” han rolls his shoulder, keeping his gaze on chickie, “i need you there. i wanna see my favorite girl,”
chickie smiles, gently. the flames of her unrequited crush roaring back inside of her. han loops an arm around chickie’s shoulder, she leans her head against him. savoring this moment, allowing herself a little leeway to dream about what could’ve been.
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lcvernat · 2 years
Happy New Year!!! 🎆
2023 is quickly approaching, and to celebrate, and welcome the new beginnings why not highlight this years best offerings.
Make a list of ten of your favorite fics to have come out in 2022; offer up five of your own (give or take), and let the rest be from your fellow writers. 🥰
can’t believe it’s almost 2023… nat, tony & steve rlly kick the bucket this year </3
but this is such a cute idea! gonna put a keep reading tho because i ramble and this turned out a lot longer than it probably should’ve been
top 5 of my fics:
1. that stupid red string - i love this series with my whole heart & i love the characters sm. it also got a lot of notes which i am so grateful abt and i was so shocked. maybe i’ll have to revisit these characters again sometime in the future 🤔
2. our tainted love - admittedly this series hasn’t been finished yet (oops) but i’m so excited to write & finish this series i have it all planned out and it’s so JWNDNWNS i love it
3. playing cupid - the second fic i ever posted here wow … it got so many notes and i was so so shocked and so eternally grateful it holds a very special place in my heart & it’s very cute
4. doodles - i’m not joking when i say this was written at 5am neck deep into a writers block but the idea was so cute & even tho i probably could’ve written it better i still love it and it also got a lot of notes which was very shocking because it was my 5am sleep deprived writing
5. i’m sorry - this was lowkey a vent fic so it holds a special place in my heart even tho it’s quite angsty but it felt so good to just write this fic it was actual therapy for me
tbh this was hard i love all of my fics even if i can’t bring myself to reread them LMAO they all mean so much to me tho they’re my babies
top 5 fics:
1. traces of her on paper by @robiin-buckley - i LOVED this fic and oh my god i just love their writing, they’re so insanely talented my fave fic this year is just everything they’ve ever written. just amazing chefs kiss
2. love is for children by loveisanimaginarydagger on ao3 - love love loved this fic it was so good tbh, angsty but great <333 i stayed up all night reading it tbh
3. after the fight by @lightlyblooming - SOOOOO GOOD i need a nat to take care of me pls and thank you. this writer is so insanely good at writing i’m obsessed
4. peekaboo by @alotofpockets - nat with kids always always gets me, this was so adorable and cute it had me kicking my feet and giggling at 3am. loved it
5. it’s cold outside by @dameronology - screaming tbh, amazing writer literally so good and this was so good just amazing tbh
there are so many other talented amazing writers on this site but y’all need to check out these writers if you haven’t already !! absolutely love their fics these are only a select few of all the amazing fics i love
may 2023 bring more amazing fics !!
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noa-nightingale · 2 years
Stuff feels weird and lonely even though the last few days have been good and I know I should just sleep instead of feeling bad.
Waiting for someone to write back. Trying to find the spoons to answer some unanswered messages myself. Trying to write more. Decluttering a lot lately.
I want another tattoo. I want to shave all my hair off. I want to start taking T. I want top surgery. I want to go through my mother’s things that are still sitting in my room. I want to meet people that I only know online.
I am just rambling and I am mildly sleep-deprived. Sending love out to y’all. You are phenomenal and I am so very proud of you. Life is messy and hard and you should be damn proud of yourself, regardless of where you are in life right now. You are doing great, believe me, you are amazing and you are enough, I need you to know that. Hugs for everyone because y’all deserve it.
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You know you’re having a good time when you (INFP) and your cousin (ISFP) both take a 100 question mbti test and are both told you’re INTJs (my results below, hers were similar)
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msviolacea · 2 years
I am vaguely sleep deprived, because my cat is an asshole, and avoiding a ton of chaos in my work email for a few minutes, so it’s time to ramble about a fandom thing that baffles me forever, because that’s totally a good use of my Monday morning.
It’s understandable and even fun to get attached to minor characters, or to the idea of characters that haven’t even been built up yet. But why don’t people understand that when you do that, it’s you having headcanons and not a referendum on How Canon Should Be?
Current examples: I’ve been watching Genshin Impact fandom more closely the last week or so, the Harbingers teaser really delighted me, and I’m super excited about the coming lore drops in Sumeru. But I have Questions, such as why there was still a whole subreddit dedicated to maining a character who died in canon nearly a year ago? Yes, time is weird in this game, I won’t be surprised if people get resurrected at some point, but y’all, she was literally VAPORIZED. The time to let go of the idea that she’d eventually be playable has long since passed, why are we wailing and mourning now?
And last night, I was watching a stream where several people were stating “character X and character Y are lovers” as if it was immutable fact. Y’all, character X and character Y have only been seen for like five seconds apiece, in a teaser released last week, they didn’t interact in any way other than being part of the same faction - I’m all for a crack ship, but why, WHY are we stating this clear headcanon as fact in a conversation about lore and future playability? And you know that the people who are currently saying this in a serious way are going to be big mad two years from now when nothing has been said to confirm their totally nonexistent canon ship. 
The conversations about the Harbingers also reminded me of someone I interacted with for a little bit in FFXIV fandom, who was so attached to their favorite character and really, genuinely upset that canon wasn’t giving that character more to do or that people still had negative opinions of the character. I was silently like, my friend, your blorbo was one of the main villains of the game for a large chunk of time! The canon narrative is doing interesting things in having them switch sides, and I’m enjoying it a lot personally, but can you really not step out of your own head far enough to see that people are going to have mixed feelings about them still, given how much time we all spent watching them do really shitty things? Or that the game writers are never going to make them one of the main heroes of the story - the fact that you got a side character redemption arc is pretty much a miracle in a lot of ways. Just because you’ve adopted them as your blorbo doesn’t mean canon has to adopt them as a Main Character. 
Basically, my question is, why don’t people understand the ways story works, or the difference between something you wish for REALLY hard and something that’s statistically likely? And I know there isn’t a good answer, people just let their emotions get the better of them all the time, but man is this one of my biggest irrational annoyances in any fandom. Canons have plenty of ways to make us sad or mad in genuine ways. All I ask is that you have a basic understanding of how stories work, especially in large-scale media, and have expectations that vaguely match. Why is this so hard?
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So you guys are never going to guess what I just did.
I might possibly be writing a tww fic (FOR REAL THIS TIME I PROMISE) and I just finished the first little snippet so I thought I’d share that with y’all!
It’s going to be several chapters, each one from the POV of a different senior staff member, basically just a random collection of scenes where everyone Works Out their Issues. Official summary= The senior staff + Donna think about the past, how far they’ve come, heartbreak, hard times, sleep deprivation, and what family means to them over a ginormous bowl of popcorn.
(Part backstory headcanons, part character study, part found family, part random other shit?? I have no clue where this came from tbh. Anyway enjoy this rambly dumpster fire) (the popcorn is figurative)
Part one is Sam, and I’m sure none of you are surprised 😋 Enjoy!!!!
When Samuel Norman Seaborn was a kid, ‘I want to be a lawyer when I grow up’ was one thought that didn’t cross his mind, not even once. Which is saying something, because little Sam had a lot of thoughts. He had opinions about everything, even things he didn’t understand (especially those) and he had ideas, big ideas that everyone said were going to change the world one day, and he had an imagination the size of the Chrysler building and not enough room in his head for all the stories he wanted to tell. Everyone liked Sam. He was easy to like. At least, until he got a little older and suddenly his imagination was distracting instead of endearing and his ideas were silly instead of helpful and the big books he liked to read were taking time away from more important things. It didn’t make sense to him, because he had always thought they were the most important things in the world, but one day when one too many teachers had commented on it and one too many other children had teased him for it, he sat himself down at his desk and told himself he wouldn’t be like that anymore. Sam decided he wouldn’t be the dreamy one with his head in the clouds anymore. He would be focused, and dedicated, the model student and son.
So somewhere in middle school, Sam Seaborn changed from the cheerful, somewhat dazed and forgetful child he had been into the most intensely focused little academic his teachers had ever seen. Focusing was usually...hard, for Sam. At least, focusing on the right thing. His mind wanted to go in so many different directions and think about so many different things, and none of them were what he should have been focusing on. But he found that if he worked really hard and forced himself to think about one specific thing, then he could usually achieve it. Homework and such wasn’t exactly what he was passionate about, but it was what his parents wanted, and what everyone else around him seemed to want, so he did his best.
He worked hard through high school and when he graduated, he got accepted to Princeton. Sam loved Princeton. He loved everything about it. He started working hard because he liked it, and not because he thought other people wanted him to. He worked towards his law degree, and he got it.
(He never did stop writing, though. It was like a disease. No matter where he was or what he should have been doing, he could never make himself not write.)
There was a bit of a gray area after that, and more than one bad decision, but then he got the job at Gage-Whitney. And Gage-Whitney was...well. He was good at it. It paid well. He kept working his way up the ladder until he made partner, and wasn’t that everyone’s dream? Shouldn’t he love his job? Maybe he should have. He didn’t.
Then there was Lisa, and he couldn’t decide if she had been a mistake or not. He had liked her an awful lot; even loved her. She had been quite fond of him too. It had been real. Once. He remembered nice dinners and radiant smiles and the joy of having a partner who was as smart as you.
God, what happened to us? He’d think sometimes, but it was stupid, because he knew exactly what had happened to them. Sam had quit his job and gone running off to New Hampshire with Joshua Lyman. He’d tried to build a presidential campaign from scratch, then actually managed to accomplish it, which was somehow even worse for their relationship because then he was zipping all over the country without a minute to spare and he told himself he called whenever he could but it wasn’t enough and he knew it. Whenever they did get to see each other, there was a...distance, that there never had been before. Eventually Lisa would say something passive aggressive about how apparently Josh Lyman meant more to him than she did, and Sam would get defensive and mutter something about how he never complained when she always went off to fancy bars with her fancy friends every other night, and she would bark out an incredulous laugh because of course he would find a way to insult her friends when he was the one who had left her in the dust, because wasn’t that just the kind of person he was!
It hurt even more because they cared, they both cared. A lot. But in the end, it didn’t matter, because Sam chose the campaign and she chose to stay and there was nothing they could say to change each other’s minds. Her eyes had gotten big and wet and angry, and he had been numb, staring out at nothing. That was the night she gave him back the ring.
But he tried not to think about it too much now. It was a sure-fire way to ruin his day. Or week, more likely.
“Did you know that supposedly the shortest telegram correspondence in history was between Victor Hugo and his literary agent?” he asked. He was sitting at one of the desks in the bullpen, hunched over some files that he really didn’t want to read. It was one of those days, where there was a lot to do but a lot of time to do it, so you ended up doing anything but what you were supposed to do. One of those days that felt lazy and slow when it shouldn’t have been.
Josh was leaning against an office door frame across from him. “Really.”
“Yeah.” he flipped through some of the papers absently. “To ask how the book sales were doing he just sent a question mark. The guy sent back an exclamation point. And all I’m saying is if Victor Hugo himself could restrain his verbosity like that, then just maybe the guys writing these files could-” he paused as Josh wandered over, resting his forehead against the back of Sam’s head and wrapping an arm around him from behind. “What?” Sam asked.
“Nothing.” Josh chuckled. “You’re just a huge dork.”
“Oh.” He rolled his eyes. “Just part of my charm, I guess.”
“In that case, you are extremely charming.”
“Ha ha.” Sam looked over as Josh slid into the desk chair next to him. “Hey, did CJ say how the briefing went? I was on the Hill all morning.”
Josh shrugged. “It was fine. They were all just asking about whether Jancowitz was going to sink the healthcare bill with his insistence on antagonizing what’s-his-name at the DOD.”
“Ah. Should we send someone to smooth that over?”
“Yeah, you can put Ainsley on it. I’m not too worried.” A problem for another day, then. Josh leaned back in his chair, putting his feet up on the desk in front of him. “It’s supposed to keep snowing all night.”
“They said that the last two times it snowed.”
“I think they’re right this time!” Josh protested, tapping the side of his head. “It’s my flawless intuition as an outdoorsman.”
Sam laughed. “At this rate, we could put you on the Weather Channel. You’d be just as accurate as all of those guys.”
“Mmm. With their track record, I could be their boss by next Tuesday.” He squinted at something for a minute before hopping up. “Well, I should probably go work on my thing before Leo has an aneurysm. I’ll come see you later about the environment?”
“Yeah, see you.” He sighed, staring down at the papers while Josh went back to his office. After a minute, he just shook his head and stood up, gathering them in his hands and retreating into his own office. Sam unceremoniously dumped the files onto a shelf, settling into his desk chair. They could be read another day.
Straightening his glasses, he popped open his laptop on the desk in front of him. He tried typing out some remarks for the President’s conference next week, but didn’t get very far. He wandered over to his email, and replied to a few people who had asked him questions.
I should write my dad, he thought absently. It had been a while since his last email. The thing was, thinking about his father in any capacity was Sure-fire Way To Ruin His Week Number Two.
It was...complicated. Sam had never had the best relationship with either of his parents to begin with. They had always been busy, and now he was always busy, and he supposed that it was possible he had lost far too many important things in his life due to people being busy. It didn’t even sound like a good excuse.
His mother was a brilliant, industrious woman who had grown up poor and worked so hard to get their little family off the ground that there was little else left of her now. At least, that was how he’d always felt. She’d always been so caught up in working to secure his future, and seemed to not have time for him in the meantime. Oh, she had tried, but she was always on a phone call or an extra shift and so it had usually just been him and his dad at the house when he was little.
It made his blood boil to think about it too long. Sam had never been close with his mother, but she had worked so hard and given up so much to keep them afloat. And this was how his father had repaid her? By...by...he couldn’t even put it into words. Learning about his father’s mistress had shook him to his core, and hadn’t stopped shaking it since.
Family had never been a very comforting concept to Sam, and after that particular revelation, even the romanticized ideal of it had come crumbling down around him. Family wasn’t supposed to be built on lies and absence and forced smiles. It was supposed to be solid and warm and loving, not shaky and volatile and brimming with hurt.
He could feel his heart clenching with anger and bitterness and grief over what-could-have-beens, and Sam hated being that person. Instead, he stared at the blank white void of the email draft in front of him, forcing himself to breathe deep. What are the others doing right now? he asked himself, his mind latching onto a distraction. Josh was probably working himself up over the environment issue- that, or getting lovingly screamed at by Leo. CJ had just finished a briefing, and was probably high-fiving Carol or bickering with Danny. Toby was most likely scribbling notes for the energy conference, half of which would be crumpled up in the wastebasket by now. Or on fire. Sam smiled to himself, rubbing at the back of his neck.
“Hey,” came a cheery voice, and Sam looked up to find Donna in the doorway with a file tucked under her arm. “Any important government business going on in here?”
“Absolutely not,” he assured her, leaning back in his chair. “You need me for something?”
“Nothing pressing,” she replied with a shrug, brushing forward and hopping on top of his desk like she always did. “Toby and Josh are in CJ’s office watching the game if you want to join. ”
“Don’t they have work to do?” he mumbled petulantly.
“I really wouldn’t know,” Donna said with exaggerated innocence. She smirked at him. “But you look so sad and lonely in here, the least I could do was extend the invitation.”
“Hush, you,” Sam lamented, stretching absently. He looked down at his laptop and tapped his fingers on the desk. “I really should be working.”
“So should everyone else,” Donna pointed out. She slid off the desk and crossed her arms, giving him a look. “Sam? Hey, are you feeling okay? You look a little…”
Sam frowned, looking down at himself. “Disheveled?” he suggested, noting his wrinkled shirt and crooked tie.
“Ah,” she said with a nod. “That’s the word I was looking for. But, hey, are you really alright?” She leaned down to rub his shoulder. “You seem gloomy.”
“Yeah,” he replied, sighing. “Just a long day, I guess.”
Donna raised her eyebrows. “And do you know what the perfect antidote for a long day is?”
“Watching the game with Josh and Toby and CJ?” he guessed.
“Exactly!” Donna smiled, bonking him on the head with her file. “See you in five?”
Sam looked back at his email, thinking. If he mustered up the sheer willpower to write to his dad, he would have no idea what to say. And it wasn’t like his relatives in California were truly family, anyway. Not if all he associated with them were pain and disappointment. Maybe he could leave this email for later. Maybe he could watch football with his friends and chuckle at Toby and Josh shouting at the TV and rib CJ when she didn’t understand anything that was happening and forget about all of it, for a little while.
“Yeah,” Sam said, closing the lid to his computer. “Yeah, I’m coming.”
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can i get a platonic matchup pleaSeEeE?
okay, so- lets talk about myself sdsnfnenxnf
My name is Jei, I use she/they pronouns, I am 5’11” and I ABSOLUTELY AM THE AWKWARD TALL KIND OF PERSON (I wish I wasn’t tho-). I have short curly hair, (RANDOM THOUGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS, DO YOU EVEN NEED TO KNOW HOW I LOOK FOR A P L A T O N I C MATCHUP? weeeeelll i am already here so, lets just keep going ig) I am like b i g IDK BAHSHAHSHABS
As you can see I am a bit uH chaotic (it is a daily thing but iDK TODAY I AM JUST OVER THE TOP) I am an ambivert, I am an INFP, Aries sun, Cancer moon and Sagittarius rising sbdsndns
I uHhhHh- I am very awkward in first meetings but if we have something in common I’ll ramble about our common interest which almost always leads to me talking about other stuff.
I am a Marvel fan if that’s uUuuh- important? I LOVE UM GOOD OMENS BAHSHAHZHA, i dOnt even know what i am talking about anymore but lets keep going BABDBAHZHA
I have a B I G variety of music taste, from 40s big band songs to uhhhHh lets just say ppcocaine(???
I get distracted w a y too easily, I tend to get lost on time
I LOVE TO DRAW AND TO WRITE (but i never have time to finish so me is very m a d >:))
My best subject is english, english teachers always love me for some effing reason :D
My favorite colors are orange, green, coffee? (COFFEE IS A COLOR? I FORGOT OMFG) OH SHOOT WAIT I HAD TO SEARCH IT UP, IT IS CALLED BROWN BAHAAHHAHAHA I AM SO STUPID, beigeEs and blaCk >:)
yeah, i like dark academia buT in a like chaotic rebel way if it is possible???????
AM I MAKING ANY SENSE NOW???? i am sleep deprived so i don’t really knoW
I tend to see the good in people (yes that includes bad people too, sadly), I have troubles speaking for myself in situations where people are troubling me,,,
What elseeee????
I am lazy sometimes, I’ll admit it 😌☝🏽 and it gets on my nerves:D (i am working on it tho)
All my time is sucked by school, I am an overachiever and adbanxnajxjs i cry cuz school u know? <3
And I think that’s it?????
Also yes my Aries sister 😩
Platonic Matchup
Nishinoya Yuu
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How Y’all Met
So you rolled up into school with a FIRE marvel t-shirt
And nishinoya being a marvel fan himself took IMMEDIATE notice
So what did he do
Approach you of course 🙄✋
It was quite awkward at first 🥲
He really just went up to you and was like
“Oh you like marvel? What’s your favorite movie, or do you prefer the comics?, OH Have how ever seen...”
And he just went on and on and on
But when he realized he was rambling he apologized and asked you the first question again
Now it was your turn to ramble on and on about your interests
But honestly noya just rolled with it
Rooooooollliiiinnnng Thunnndaaaa
After you both were done with your rambling
He invited you over to his house for a #MarvelMarathon
And who tf were you to say no
So you pulled up to his house and started the marathon
In the middle of said marathons noya’s phone started to ring
And what was his ringtone?
Ppcocains PJ
And what did you do when you heard this?
Sang along ofc
And noya was just in shock
But after overcoming his shock he started singing with you
Yeah...he missed that call
But who gives af! Y’all are having a concert rn!
The day bled into night and he offered for you to stay the night
Not wanting to walk home in the dark you agreed
And oml the night was just filled with movies, mini concerts, and junk food 👀
Ever since that night you and him have been attached at the hip
What You Have In Common
Well obviously you both like Marvel
And ppcocain
But you both have a chaotic energy that mashes well with each other
You both have small attention spans/ get distracted very easily 😀
Istg conversations with you two are all over the place
One minute it’s this subject then two seconds later it’s a different subject
Fun fact: you made him watch good omens with you and now he’s obsessed
He says he has a deep emotional connection with Crowley ❤️
Favorite Things To Do Together
Good lord
Honestly if he could just recreate your first sleepover
Life would be perfect
Because THATS his favorite thing to do with you
Just bonding over common interests
Whether that be with music, movies, hobbies
No matter what you two do it’s always a party
He actually really likes to have drawing competitions with you
Even though he always loses 🥲
You’ve offered to not make it a competition
But he says that’s what make it fun :)
Random Hc
Oh your his personal tutor
He needs help with school
Screw the teachers
Screw the tutors
There is only ✨you✨
He has also volunteered you as a tutor for the team :D
without your knowledge....
You two have weekly movie nights
But lately he’s just been binging good omens with you
Speaking of Good Omens 👀
That is YOUR show
Like if one of you even watch ONE episode without the other
All hell breaks lose
Ok off topic Hc but people think your the equivalent of asahi 🥲
Independent Aries and collaborative Libra form a funny sort of friendship.
Aries tries convincing Libra to take chances, shake off criticism, and be more direct.
Libra constantly tells Aries to slow down, smell the flowers, and be more appreciative.
It's an odd couple type of relationship that can work extremely well.
Aries can learn the fine art of diplomacy from Libra, while Libra may become more assertive thanks to Aries.
While the Aries and the Libra are opposing each other from an astrological point of view, they can still become friends very fast.
The Aries admires how the Libra is graceful, stylish and funny, while the other way around, the latter truly likes how determined to take part in new adventures and always courageous their friend is.
Of course, the friendship between these two will sometimes be challenging because the Aries can get hurt seeing the Libra is flighty, while the latter may not like the way the former is pushy.
However, these two can easily make up and neither of them likes to hold a grudge.
Chaotic ⚡️👹💥
PJ - Ppcocain
Tokyo Drift - Teriyaki Boyz
Won’t Bite - Doja cat
My Axe - Insane Clown Posse
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cakesunflower · 5 years
Who’s Gonna Love You Like Me? [Brother’s Best Friend!Calum AU] Part 1
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A/N: the title is STUPID long. like a whole ass mouthful. but it is what it is. before y’all dive in, i just wanna say that this fic would NOT be possible without @bigheadbabybitch (it’s not letting me tag her bc tumblr is a whore) but god DAMN without her, this fic would not be what it is. every scene is planned with her and made better with her. i’m very lucky to be working with this on her.
Josie’s Face Claim here!
so, without further ado, here’s part 1 of my new brother’s best friend!Cal fic!!
She never experienced feeling the weight of someone’s eyes on her until this moment.
It wasn’t like Josie didn’t want to return his gaze—she just couldn’t, not if she wanted to freeze where she stood. She could feel his intense gaze on her the moment he had walked into her older brother’s house. What she had expected to be a celebration turned into an internal prison as she found herself contemplating what exactly he was thinking about. The way he had been looking at her. . . She didn’t think either of them knew just how much power he held over her. So Josie pretended to be oblivious, acted as though his stare wasn’t burning right through her skin as she talked to friends of her brother’s she was only vaguely familiar with. She had a good excuse, too; after all, Luke had thrown this party to welcome her to California, had been a good older—by three years—brother and opened his home to her so she had a place to stay right after graduating college while looking for one of her own. And nothing said welcome like a good house party. At least, according to Luke Hemmings, anyway.
A soft smile played on her lips as she nursed her drink, thinking of her brother’s welcoming arms. The warm welcome she received was one that calmed her nerves, at first feeling like she was intruding when she moved into Luke’s home, despite his encouragement. Her brother wanted her to move in with him, and yet there was still a small part of Josie that had felt as though she was encroaching on his space. But it came with the territory of being labeled as the little sister among the inseparable group of her brother and his best friends, always feeling as though she was pushing herself into their friend group, even if her company was welcomed.
Eventually, she finished her drink and was in need of more, excusing herself from the group she was chatting with before making her way to the kitchen. Luke’s house was one she loved, proud of her brother for doing so well for himself, starting off as an accountant by using the math skills their mom instilled in them before rising to the top. High ceilings and lots of windows with a view of the trees and hills of the Valley, and an open space that was so much better than the cramped dorm room she’d been living in for too long. Her brother’s spacious home was definitely an upgrade. Josie knew she’d enjoy living in a space where she wouldn’t have to stack her belongings on top of one another, now having room to spread out comfortably.
Too busy admiring her new—albeit temporary—home and pouring herself another drink, Josie had become unaware of who she’d moved towards until the familiar voice spoke up nonchalantly, “You look like you’re fittin’ right in.”
Josie put down the bottle of Coke, biting the inside of her lower lip as she raised her head to finally meet the gaze she had been avoiding. His voice was unmistakable, eyes sharp as always as she schooled her expression into one of ease right when she looked at him. She went from chewing on her lower lip to biting the tip of her tongue to focus on the sting rather than the quickening of her heart. Her skin felt warm, frustration flushing her for not being able to slow her heart rate. Still, Josie offered a smile, the perfect combination of friendly and smug even if the latter felt incredibly made up. “’Course—it helps that I’m really likable.”
Calum sucked in his teeth, giving a brief, semi-accepting tilt of his head. One hand shoved into the pocket of his leather jacket, he was gave her a once over before responding, “Depends on who you ask.” His words were followed by a sip of his beer, but Josie could make out the smirking curl of his lips from around the mouth of the bottle.
Despite the bass of the music thrumming deep in her chest, and the nerves she wished would subside because it was ridiculous to even feel so, Josie offered a smile and rested her hip against the counter she was near. She faced him as he stood a few feet away, left arm braced on the counter as the chain bracelet glimmered against the hanging light above the center counter. He looked good, Josie wasn’t afraid to admit that. To herself, anyway.
With a single shouldered shrug, Josie smiled knowingly and raised an eyebrow at Calum. “I’m asking you.” A risk, those words falling past her lips, but she couldn’t take them back. Nor the implication behind them. But Josie was trying to learn not to be regretful of things, standing by decisions she made. 
There was a subtle shift in his features, lips parting to lick his lower lip. Calum looked almost impressed, if not a bit startled, at Josie’s words, and she didn’t quite blame him. She watched something flash in his dark eyes, eyebrows lowering as a bit of a warning, silently telling her she was wandering into territory she shouldn’t be. Not that she had to be told that. The hitch in her throat was a sign enough.
Before Calum could respond, however, a sudden weight of an arm settled around Josie’s shoulders, a soft yet startled gasp escaping her as her six-foot-four brother playfully hung off her shorter frame. “Do you love your party or what?”
Josie tore her gaze away from the dark haired man across from her to grin up at her brother, whom she could tell was already well on his way to getting drunk. His cheeks were flushed, pushed up to show off his dimpled grin, eyes glazing over. A chuckle equal parts forced and amused escaped Josie, his presence tightening the knots in her stomach, as she wrapped her free arm around his waist. “Of course,” she answered. “I’m feeling all the love.”
Luke grinned, clearly satisfied with her answer. “Good,” he declared, wrapping his other arm around her as well, keeping her close. Josie could feel Calum’s eyes on them but she didn’t look back at him, letting her brother hug her as he continued, “You were too far away at Davis. ’m glad you’re here now.”
His words widened Josie’s smile, a happy warmth flushing her skin. Despite sometimes inserting herself in Luke’s friend group when they were kids, her brother never made her feel as though she was just tagging along or that she wasn’t welcomed to join. Being so close in age, Luke was Josie’s first best friend—honestly, he had a higher friendship role than any best friend she’s had—and she was easily closer to him than she was to her other two older brothers, Jack and Ben. Don’t get it wrong, Josie loved all of her brothers. But if she had to pick a favorite, it would be Luke.
Which was why Calum’s gaze on them felt so heavy, like it was weighing her down, slowly squeezing the air out of her lungs. Luke’s hug felt warm for all of the wrong reasons as Calum watched them, and Josie forced herself to look up, for her blue eyed gaze to meet his brown. His stare was intense as ever, looking right through her, and despite the neutrality of his features, Josie picked up on the look in his eye. She saw the reluctance that swam in them, a hint of panic he was doing a good job in hiding from those who wouldn’t expect to see it there. But Josie knew; she knew to look for it, knew it was probably present because she could feel it knotting her insides, too.
It was a kind of emptiness in her chest that allowed for the bass of the music playing in the house to settle too deeply, wondering if Calum felt it too as he tore his gaze away from them and took a long sip of his drink. Did he feel guilt, too? 
She hoped he didn’t regret it because she sure as hell didn’t. But that didn’t mean there wasn’t any room for the guilt to take up residence. Not when her brother was holding her so tightly, so happily, rambling on about how excited he was for her to be living with him. Oblivious to the tension his presence only intensified between his best friend and sister.
“It’ll be just like old times, right, Cal?” Luke’s voice pulled Josie out of her thoughts, swallowing the lump in her throat as Calum looked at them once more. The song playing through the speakers changed to an unfamiliar R&B type that Josie thought was more Calum’s style than her brother’s. 
A wry expression briefly twisted Calum’s features, a subtle quirk of his eyebrows and purse of his lips as his eyes met hers quickly. A silent scoff of yeah, right being spoken by him just through his features to her as Josie bit the inside of her cheek, her smile disappearing.
“Yeah,” Calum responded, his voice sounding too deep, heavy with the thoughts swirling in his head. Josie figured she had an idea what was running through his mind. He took another sip of his drink, brown eyes on blue, her own gaze following the way his tongue swiped across his lower lip, hating that she couldn’t pull her gaze away. All too aware that he was watching her track his movements, a hardship she would have to learn to get past. His eyes never left hers as he raised his cup, a silent cheers, as he repeated, “Just like old times.”
The sun was bright. Then again, this was California, and the sun was always bright. Especially as June began and the sun remained high and relentless. It felt warm against Calum’s skin, which he’d eventually cool down by taking advantage of the tempting pool in front of him. And he wanted to jump in already, except he remained planted on the poolside chair, refusing to submerge himself in the cold water because of the woman already enjoying it. So he stayed put, feeling the heat burn his legs and the thin layer of sweat that clung to his skin, depriving himself of the welcoming water because he needed to keep his distance.
Music was playing through Luke’s backyard, but Calum couldn’t tell what song was playing, attention muffled by his focus being on Josie. Or, specifically, it was on trying not to be on the woman. Sipping his beer, Calum blinked behind his sunglasses, trying to anchor himself to the conversation happening around him by trying to get a grasp on reality. It was just him, the boys, and Josie—how it used to be at times when they were younger. Except there was nothing adolescent in the way his gaze lingered on Josie from behind the shades of his glasses. Yet he tried to listen to the song, foot tapping as his mind slowly picked up on the beat. Anything to try and get a solid grasp on his surroundings to pull out of his jumbled thoughts.
“The salon’s nice, then?” Ashton questioned, popped up from the middle of a hideous duck float, arms crossed on top as he looked at Josie.
She was laying on her stomach on a pool float, legs kicked up and ankles crossed. “So nice,” she answered with an appreciative groan. Calum took a breath, sipping his beer again as the sound rang in his ears. “Really fucking fancy, and everyone’s so nice. And the same company owns the nail salon next door so we get discounts.” With a wide grin, she added, “Pretty nails twenty-four-seven.”
She emphasized this point by lifting one hand and wiggling her fingers to show off already painted and long nails. Calum’s eyes followed the movement from where he sat, and the sun burned his skin. He straightened his posture, trying to rid of the all too familiar stinging sensation that dragged down his back. His muscles twitched, taking a breath as he tried to rid of the feeling, the reminder of a memory that was still fresh in his mind despite the months that passed.
Calum smacked his lips after forcing down the sip of beer, looking down at the bottle he held in mild distaste. Suddenly, he felt as though he needed a drink far stronger than this. Something to wipe the images lighting up his mind. 
Michael walked out from the house, flip flops echoing on the concrete, signaling his presence as he walked down the few steps from the back door to the pool area. He settled down on the chair next to Calum. “A friend of Crystal’s booked a couple of tables for tomorrow night at the new club that opened up in West Hollywood.” His green eyes looked at the four people he was with. “You guys down to go?”
Luke waded into the water behind Josie, and Calum watched with a quirk of his eyebrows, noting the way his best friend was making it a point to be particularly quiet in his silent approach towards Josie as Ashton answered, “Yeah; I’ve got a business dinner so I’ll meet you guys there.” He munched on some chips. “Just send me the details.”
Michael nodded, looking between Calum at his right and Josie in the pool in front of them. “What about you guys?”
“Sure,” came both of their responses, Josie’s excited while Calum’s more subdued. His gaze wandered back to Josie and he didn’t miss the way her smile kind of froze on her face, rolling her lower lip into her mouth before breaking their gaze. She couldn’t seem to hold their gaze for too long, as opposed to him, who couldn’t stop looking at her, enough to notice the way her eyes dulled when she heard his hesitated answer. Look at me. The words echoed in his mind, wanting her to hear them. Look. At. Me. Why he wanted her to look at him, he had no idea. All he could think about when their eyes connected, even for a few seconds, were the overwhelming memories he had shoved into a box in his mind. But the more he looked at her, the more prominent the images in his mind became.
Calum hadn’t been paying attention to the conversation that followed, looking out to the five foot brick wall that surrounded the perimeter of Luke’s yard. The sky was clear of clouds that made the heat of the sun all the more relentless, only adding heat to the tightness of his muscles. His attention was drawn back to the scene in front of him by the sound of Josie’s scream, eyebrows raising as he watched Luke, from underwater, pushed the float Josie was on to flip it, sending his sister splashing into the water as the sight of her flailing limbs erupted laughter from everyone else.
An amused grin tilted at Calum’s lips, his own laughter mixing in with those of the boys as Josie finally surfaced with a gasp. And suddenly the laughter from Calum ceased, watching as she rose up with her head tilted back, her slender neck drawing his gaze. For a moment, he could picture it. All of it. The droplets of water covering her skin glimmered under the sun, the blue bikini she wore attracting Calum’s attention more than he’d admit, biting his tongue as Josie turned her back to him to splash at Luke in retaliation.
Calum excused himself then, muttering something about needing to use the bathroom as he headed inside the house, the sliding door at the back of the house opening right into the kitchen as he walked through to get to the downstairs bathroom in the hall. Calum found himself staring at his reflection in the mirror, cheeks flushed, hoping it was from the sun. His eyebrows lowered into a frown as he looked at his reflection, annoyance with himself spiking.
Get it together. It was all that he could say to himself as he exhaled slowly. He felt like a teenage boy, the sight of Josie in the pool stirring something in the pit of his stomach that had him sucking in a breath. What could he do? The sight had been all too familiar. 
Calum gave a shake of his head. Nope. He couldn’t do this.
He exited the bathroom, shaking his hands as if he was trying to get rid of the thoughts that clung to him, walking towards the kitchen. The sound of someone messing around in there caught his attention, distinct in the rattling of bottles, and Calum stopped when he caught sight of Josie shutting the fridge. A Mike’s Hard Lemonade was in her hand as her eyes locked on his, the fall of her sun-flushed face an obvious tell of her discomfort of being caught alone with him.
Calum could vaguely hear the boys still outside, but he was all too focused on Josie; her wet blonde hair hung around her shoulders, and he fought to keep his eyes from wandering any lower than her eyes. He didn’t want to observe the blue bikini top that complimented her eyes, grateful for the little reprieve he had with her tying a towel around her hips. Just a little reprieve. He bit the tip of his tongue, scolding himself for so easily losing his train of thought in her presence, knowing now was not the time to allow himself to fall into a silent stupor.
Licking his lips, Calum looked towards the glass door that led out back, briefly watching his friends talk amongst themselves. Their conversation was drowned out by the music playing, and Calum exhaled, not looking back at Josie as he said, “You could’ve given me a warning, you know.”
He heard the bewilderment in her voice. “A warning?” she repeated. “For what?”
“That you were movin’ here.” Calum turned his head to look at her, taking in the frown furrowing her eyebrows and tilting her lips downwards. His throat worked, keeping his eyes on her as an attempt to keep himself from watching a lone bead of water run down the column of her throat and race towards the valley of her breasts. Conjuring up the nostalgic image of her in the flannels she used to wear was proving to be difficult, his attempt of distracting himself failing. “Would’ve liked a heads up.”
Josie gaped at him, and maybe Calum wasn’t being fair to her. She didn’t really owe him anything, he knew that. But from the moment Luke had dropped the bombshell that Josie was moving in with him—the day she was driving down from Davis—Calum had found himself in a state of panic he wasn’t familiar with. One that made his stomach feel hollow and chest tighten when he thought about seeing her practically every day. 
“A heads up?” Josie scoffed, clearly finding Calum’s words as ridiculous as he felt saying them. With a tilt of her head, she raised an eyebrow and challenged, “Even if I did, what would you have done? High tailed it out of L.A.?”
Calum huffed, arms crossing over his chest, picking up on her gaze drifting to his arms briefly. He would’ve smirked if he wasn’t for the conversation at hand. His lips twisted to the side before he responded, “I would’ve at least been a bit prepared.”
“You think I was prepared?” Josie retorted, eyebrows shooting up as she stared him down. She took a step towards him, her own gaze drifting towards the back door before looking back at him. “Moving to L.A. was a last minute decision. You’re not the only one who can’t look Luke in the eye.”
He licked his lower lip, finger tapping against his bicep as he shook his head, anxiety ridden thoughts running rampant in his head. He wasn’t used to feeling so. . . Frustrated. Panicked. He didn’t like it. He didn’t like feeling as if he was trapped in a corner with no way out. “Pretty sure I have more to lose than you.”
That had been the wrong thing to say; Calum knew it as soon as the words escaped his mouth. He watched the way Josie’s eyebrows shot up and lips parted. She stared at him in disbelief, incredulous that he would try to knock down what was at stake for her in this situation by trying to emphasize his own. It was a dick move, he knew, and he was sorry for it. “Fuck you, Calum,” she frowned, her voice resigned. He hated that he could see her disappointment and hurt more than the anger. He swallowed inaudibly at the thought of bringing that look on her face; one that settled a solemnity in her features against him. “We both screwed Luke over,” she added, making her way around the center counter, taking the longer way around to avoid walking past him as she headed towards the door.
Calum’s jaw set, wanting to apologize as he watched her go, feeling badly for making it seem like his guilt was stronger than hers. Josie stopped then, right before reaching the door, and looked at him over her shoulder. The hurt was still in her eyes, and she spoke with an edge creeping into her voice. “But if you take into consideration who’s more likely to get punched if Luke were to ever find out. . .” Her blue eyes gave him a once over, expression looking almost too empty for Calum’s liking until her gaze met hers. She smiled humorlessly then, wanting to fire back to mask the hurt his words had caused her by being spiteful in hers as she finished off, “Then yeah; you’ve got more to lose.”
And then with a roll of her eyes, she turned back and slid the door open, the music clear for the brief moment the door was open until she slid it shut. Calum rolled his eyes towards the ceiling, shaking his head as he released yet another slow, long breath, finally in tune with the racing of his heart he had failed to notice earlier. So fucking screwed.
tags: @irwinkitten​ @loveroflrh​ @sweetcherrymike​ @astroashtonio​ @softforcal​ @highfivecalum​ @novacanecalum​ @captain-what-is-going-on​ @angelbbycal​ @singt0mecalum​ @hopelessxcynic​ @lfwallscouldtalk​ @bodhi-black​ @findingliam-o​ @softlrh​ @calumsmermaid​ @erikamarie41​ @quintodosuniversos​ @longlastingdaydream​ @babylon-corgis​ @lukehemmingsunflower​ @imfuckin10plybud​ @pastelpapermoons​ @conquerwhatliesahead92​ @rotten-kandy​ @metangi​ @neigcthood​ @ohhmuke​ @old-zeppelin-shirt​ @5sos-and-hessa​ @trustmeimawhalebiologist​ @vxlentinecal​ @pettybassists​ @vaporshawn​ @lu-my-golden-boi​ @visualm3nte​ @isabella-mae13​ @dontjinx-it​ @lifeakaharry​ @neonweeknds​ @antisocialbandmate​ @ixcantxdecidexwhosxmyxfave​ @calpalbby​ @grreatgooglymoogly​ @sunnysidesblog​ @miahelizaaabeth​ @madelynerin​ @dramallamawithsparkles​ @theagenderwhocriedwolf @kaytiebug14​ @hoodskillerqueen​ @bitchinbabylon​ @empathycth​ @xhaileyreneex​ @inlovehoodx​ @calistheloml @aestheticrelated​ @bloodlinecal​ @sublimehood​ @madbomb​ @raabiac​ @britnicole11​ @outofmylimitcal​ @wildflower-cth​ @bloodmoonashton​ @vxidhood​ @wildflowergrae​
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cobertaddict · 4 years
Calling All Cobert Writers! Appreciation Time!
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I made one ‘appreciation’ post a while back dedicated to all things I like about Robert, but I want to take some time to dedicate some appreciation to the writers of this fandom because they truly deserve it! The fanfics of this fandom are just great, fantastic, amazing, beautiful, and so much more. I’m just astonish at what the writers are able to create with their creativity and words. This post may be me just thinking out loud or rambling again, so I apologize if this becomes kinda long. So with that being said, this post is dedicated to ALL Cobert fanfic writers, even you only wrote one fan fic, you still qualify because I’m 99.99999% sure I’ve read it. Now, let’s dive into the appreciation :)
Y’all hold this ship together
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You guys really keep the Cobert ship intact and make it continue to sail! What would the Cobert fandom be without you guys? For one, we would be all be bored without all the literary entertainment you all provided us. Even though the show ended a few years end ago, fanfics are still being read and being created. You guys keep the love of Cobert alive and prevent the ship from sinking!
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I don’t care what anyone says, but you guys are talented as hell. A little fun fact about me, I can not do creative writing for the life of me. I'm much more successful, and comfortable, with academic or scholarly writing. Whenever I had to do creative writing for school, I just cringe at whatever my hands created. On top of that, I’m currently taking a creative writing class to fulfill my college credit requirements. As if creative writing wasn’t complex to me already, I never thought of all the key components that goes into excellent work of creative writing. It’s more than just plot and theme, it’s also tone, style, sensory details, setting/scenery, point of view, diction and so much more. All of which Cobert fanfic writers are good at. You guys have such a way with words and capturing a scene perfectly to your audience. You guys are eloquent writers and your work is truly aesthetic. I’m just just trying to say that you all have a talent I clearly do not possess, for which I happily applaud you all for :) To top it all off, you guys also have good grammar, which is always appreciated by fanfic readers :)
Don’t get me started on the feels
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Like I said before, you guys are good at creating an scene perfectly and expressing emotion through your work. You guys make my Cobert heart so happy and fulfilled that it could explode! 
All your fluff scenes make me do this:
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And all your angst scenes leave me doing this:
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and as a result I get sleep deprived because I NEED to know what happens next
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And those ‘terrific fun’ scenes...
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sometimes you guys put warnings as if I mind... trust me, I don’t
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And there’s nothing more that makes my Cobert heart full of joy than having an ending where my babies are happy together
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True escapism & Addicting
Your guys’ fanfics really transform me into a different world. Whenever I’m having a bad day, reading a few fics never fail to cheer me up. Your guys’ writing makes me forget of life’s stresses and worries, and I can’t thank you enough
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However, there’s a downside to this... Y’all so good at what you do I’m addicted! I call myself cobert addict for a reason. When I first discovered this fandom, I was looking for silver, but when I found out about the fanfics I found gold lol. I’ve lost count of how many fics I’ve read, and better yet I have no idea how much time I put into reading them, should I be concern?
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One of my biggest regrets was starting a long fanfic the day before a final, bad idea! I could not concentrate when studying and I felt like my phone was calling my name to finish it lol. And thanks to your guys I’ve gone to class heavily sleep deprived from staying up too late to read fics and procrastinated on some assignments lol
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But all jokes aside, you guys are extraordinary and such amazing writers :)
So there you have it, thank you
I’ve been in a few fandoms before, but I never came across a fandom where the fanfics were THIS GOOD and left me speechless. Whether you’ve been writing for years or just started, all of you are phenomenal and your work does not go unnoticed. On the behalf of the Cobert fandom, we thank you for your contributions and sharing your talent with us to fulfill our feels. Now, let’s give a round of applause for the Cobert writers :)
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P.S. Robert and Cora appreciate you guys too ;) lol
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Kiss the Girl (Part 2)
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*Not my Gif*
Summary: George Weasley had to have been the most oblivious person Y/N knew if he couldn’t see the pain in her eyes as he fell for someone else.
~Kiss the Girl (Part 1)~
Post Date: 3-24-20
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Word Count: 1.8K
~Master List~
~Harry Potter Master~
It couldn’t have gotten worse.
No, correction, it did get worse. George and Angelina were practically lip locked every moment of the damn day and when they weren’t, all they talked about was kissing each other. It was like the rest of the world didn’t exist to them save for each other’s lips. It was disgusting.
Fred understood where you came from, he missed his brother as much as you did. They hung out but it was never the same as it used to be and it was the same with you and Angelina.
“All they can talk about is snogging each other! I’ve never heard them even talk about their interests even once.” You complained to Fred for the thousandth time that week as you sat opposite him on the common room couch. Fred just nodded, letting you just get your anger out before speaking.
“I miss my brother. I miss pranks. I haven’t pranked anyone since the Yule ball with Lee.” You let out a laugh as the common room door swung open, revealing the other ginger haired twin as you smiled, only to have it deflate at the sight of Angelina clinging closely to his arm. Fred and you shared a glance as they sat down between you and Fred. George choose to sit right next to you but once Angelina choose to squeeze in, you couldn’t sit there anymore and stood up.
“I have to go.” You lied, avoiding George’s sorrowful eyes. “Promised Lee I’d let him copy my potions work.” You almost left the room before meeting George’s eyes regretfully, a lump forming in your throat as you rip your eyes away and walked out of the room.
George shifted in his seat, being able to spread out as he looked over at Angelina and Fred. Neither of them said anything as they dodged all eye contact, staring at the ceiling, floor, stairs, basically anywhere that wasn’t each other. Angelina couldn’t take the awkwardness sitting there with both brothers and when Katie passed through she followed after her, after giving George one of her deepening kisses. Fred held back a scoff as he looked at his lap, thanking Merlin that you left earlier.
George followed Angelina with his eyes as she left before sighing, finally giving his brother the attention he deprived him off. “Isn’t she amazing?” He asked Fred who looked between George and where Angelina left, a bit confused.
“Yeah, she’s great.” He joked, throwing his feet up on the table in front of him.
George narrowed his eyes at Fred. “What’s wrong with you?”
“You’re joking right? You. And Angelina. All you ever do is spend time snogging her these days. What happened to me? And to Y/N?” Fred said as George’s jaw slacked.
“What about Y/N?” Fred didn’t know what to say. Was his brother so blind that he couldn’t see how much you were hurting?
“Just forget about it.” Fred mumbled before getting up to leave, but George wouldn’t let him. He grabbed Fred’s arm and with a huff, Fred turned to face him. “What George?”
“Come on Freddie, don’t be like that. What’s wrong with Y/N?” George was slightly worried as Fred met his eyes before looking away.
“Look, if you really want to know then maybe you should go ask her.” Fred pulled his arm out from his grasp and left George watching him alone in the common room.
George decided to listen to his brother, heading to the library to where he assumed you and Lee would be. During his walk, he couldn’t help but be concerned for you. You were his best friend and Fred said something was wrong. Of course he’d be worried. The library came up in front of him as he entered, looking around for the two of you. Lee was standing between the stacks of books, flipping through a book on the history of Quidditch when George approached.
He tapped Lee’s shoulder, getting the boy to turn around as George glanced around the room. “Where’s Y/N?” He asked.
Lee just shrugged, looking back towards his book. “Not sure. Why?”
“Wasn’t She supposed to give you her work for potions?” He furrowed his brows as Lee shook his head, telling him that you were never supposed to do such a thing. Lee walked off to check the book out, once again leaving George trying to figure out what was happening.
So you lied. He thought as he crossed his arms, bringing up a hand to run through his hair. His worries only increased as he left the library, trying to find any place you’d be. He checked the grand hall, by the lake, the courtyards, even the hidden corridors only the three of you knew, but George couldn’t find you anywhere.
He ended up at the common room again, his leg bouncing against the ground as he waited for you to enter. But the moment Fred walked in, he was on his feet, taking long strides until he was at Fred’s side.
“I can’t find her.” He said straight out, making Fred pause.
“You looked everywhere?” He asked, now slightly worried about where you ended up.
George just nodded quickly. If you asked him, his heart was racing with the thought of you missing while his brother said there is something wrong with you.
“I looked in the library, the grand hall, the classrooms,” George began listing out all the places he searched while Fred’s smile fell. George thought the moment he finished that Fred would join him in the search but instead he just scoffed.
“You didn’t look everywhere.” He pointed out as George pulled his brows together. He asked Fred what he meant as Fred pushed past him, heading up to their room. “Where does she go when she’s thinking?” He yelled over his shoulder, not sparing George another glance.
George face palmed as he rushed out of the room, feeling the worst kind of stupid as he headed up to the astronomy tower.
You were perched against the railing, the soft sunset over your shoulder as George found his way up, slightly out of breath when he saw you.
“Y/N!” He sighed loudly with relief when he saw you standing there perfectly fine. It wasn’t until he remembered why he was looking for you before he straightened himself out, joining you at the edge of the tower. You shot him a small smile, one that in no way reached your eyes. George returned it as you fell into a silence and after a few minutes you let your head rest onto his arm. He looked down at you with that same smile, only for his lips to fall when he cleared his throat.
“What are you doing out here?” He asked as you picked your head up, staring off into the fading red sky.
“I’m always here.” You argued.
“Only when something’s on your mind.” You fell silent as George nudged your arm, trying to get you to look at him. “Y/N?”
“I’m just thinking Georgie. No need to fret.” You assured him. You played with your hands, threading and unthreading your fingers together as George watched you.
“No need to fret? My best friend has a problem and I didn’t know.”
“Well I didn’t tell anyone-“
“Then why did Fred know?” He interrupted you. You closed your eyes, trying to calm your head before turning to George.
“I didn’t tell Fred anything. He just figured it out himself.” You told him, missing the way George guffawed at you.
“So there is something wrong!” He pointed out as you were could off guard, shaking your head as you got increasingly annoyed, gripping the railing right in front of you.
“There nothing wrong-“
“Stop lying Y/N! I know you!”
“You know me?!” You fought back, turning to face him completely. He faced you too, taking a half step back at the fuming girl in front of him. “You know me?” You repeated. “Fine. Then I guess you know I’m tired of this!”
George was aggravated as he scoffed. “Of what?”
“This!” You shouted and gestured between the two of you. “I’m tired George. I’m tired of pretending. Of standing here and pretending it didn’t kill me when I saw you fawn over another girl. Of pretending that you aren’t one of the most important people in my life. Of pretending that I’m not falling for you day after day.” You knew you were rambling when you had to pause, taking in a deep breath and meeting George’s eyes right on. You finished your speech, “Of pretending that I don’t know you could never love me the same.”
George’s eyes were wide and he doubted his jaw wasn’t laying against the cold floor beneath you both. Taking a shaky breath, his voice was just shy of silent as he spoke. “You love me?”
You turned away from him, not letting him see the tears in your eyes from your outburst. “I don’t know anymore.” You were embarrassed mostly. You knew George couldn’t love you like that and you knew he was with Angelina. But the levee holding your feelings just broke and right now you were too upset to handle repairing things. George opened his mouth to speak but he didn’t know what to say, his lips slowly coming together to close off his dry throat. “Can you just go? Please? I don’t want to talk anymore.”
George acknowledges your request, making his way to the exit before turning back. You were still staring off at the sun, much like you were when he arrived, only this time your cheeks were glossy against the dimming sunset, fresh tears falling down your cheeks as he spoke hoarsely. “For the record Y/N, I’m sorry.”
You heard his apology and you shut your eyes, squeezing tight until you were sure your cheeks were painted in tears and George was gone. When the moment came, you took a deep breath, collapsing onto the floor with a sob. He didn’t need to be sorry. He shouldn’t have felt sorry. You made him feel that way, if you would’ve just shut your mouth, everything would’ve been okay!
Or as okay as you can get when you’ve fallen in love with your best friend...
George didn’t want to leave you there, but when you just dropped all that information on him, he was lost.
How was he supposed to tell you he felt the same way?
A/N: Y’all wanted a part 2! Guess what! There’s gonna be a part 3! My only request is that you comment some ideas of what you want you want to see so I know where I’m talking this. That being said, I have general ideas but I need details, so hit me with them guys!
Feedback is how I live happy!
Permanent: @literal-fand0m-trash @just4muggles @saturn-aka-six @nathaliabakes @whyamihere-bro @colored-confetti @wiseeggspickleslime @btsiguess-kpop @galacticstxrdust @independentgirl @wellhellotherelovey @hollymac79 @delicately-important-trash @emcchi @rauwz @herondalescecilys
Harry Potter: @accio-rogers @songforhema @hahaboop @paigeyisme @missmulti @daddyloonglegss
Twins: @seppys-return-to-madness @siriuslysirius1107
Kiss the Girl: @itzhpphotographywakanda4ever02 @itsshelbygates @paigeyisme @cedricisnotonfire @imcalledflorence @the-lone-librarian @wand3ringr0s3
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What’s Your Name (Chapter 3)
Title: Meme Coffee and Deals
Summery: Virgil and Logan flirt, Virgil give Critic and Emile the brother talk, and we finally meet Patton’s boyfriend!
Ships: Analogical, RemyxCriticxEmile, Moceit
Warning: teasing, threats, foreshadowing, pastshadowing(?), obvious gays being oblivious, biting
-let me know if I need to add more warnings-
(please give some love to my wonderful cowriter @star-crossed-shipper, as well as @kuroyurishion, who has given me quite a few ideas for future chapters!)
/Ari_The_Storyteller’s comment made me come up with some of the dialogue in this chapter, so thank you!\
<Everyone go praise @winterknight1087, because if it wasn’t for them and some very helpful ideas, I probably wouldn’t have finished this chapter >
*if you want, message me or comment with theories of what happens next! I’ll credit you of course, I just want readers input on how the story should go!*
Virgil woke up to the sound of ‘Mr. Sandman’ by The Chordettes.
“Bum bum bum bum bum bum bum-“
“Hey Remy, what’s up?” Virgil answered his phone, still sleep deprived and trying to make up for it.
“Gurl, wake up! It’s almost 10:30, and you have to be here by 11 for a brunch to meet my new baes!”
Virgil shot up at Remy’s words. “When the hell was this planned?”
“Around 9 last night when Emile, Critic, and I all did a group call. They want to see you. So get your skinny behind here now!”
Remy hung up and Virgil threw his phone on the bed while frantically running around his dorm, trying to find something to wear.
Once dressed, he grabbed his phone, wallet, and booked it all the way to Bitchin’ Brews.
The clock on the wall above the counter said 10:45. ‘Huh, new record.’
The hot barista from yesterday is staring at Virgil. “Salutations. You just couldn’t wait to see me, hmm?”
Virgil was bended over, catching his breath. But he still found the strength to flip the barista off.
He heard a slight chuckle, then Remy exploded out of the office. He ran to Virgil and scooped him up.
“Anxie! You came! And in record time, what did you do, run the whole way here?”
Virgil struggled out of Remy’s embrace, and then nodded.
“Yes you dumbass! And I still can’t breath, so no hugging!”
Remy walked backwards with his hands in the air, a sign of surrender.
“Fine fine. Now, Emile and Critic will be here at 11:25, so you have a little while to fix your hair and choose your drink!”
Virgil almost smacked him. “Bitch, the whole reason I ran here was because you said they would be here at 11!”
Remy, with no apparent fear of death, walked up to Virgil and whispered in his ear.
“Yes, I lied. But now you can flirt with your future boyfriend! Have fun!”
Before Virgil could reach up to properly strangle Remy, Remy rushes off to his office. “Order you anything babe. It’s on the house.”
Virgil scowls, and Remy’s giggles can still be heard after he shut the door.
Virgil turns to the barista, who raises his eyebrow.
“So Babe, what will it be?”
Virgil points threateningly at the barista and stalks over. Which, in all honesty, would have been a lot more intimidating if Virgil’s hair wasn’t a mess of a mop and his breathing wasn’t still off.
“Don’t even with me right now. That is not my name, so don’t call me that. I barely allow Rem to call me that!”
The barista crossed his arms a leaned forwards. “Oh? So are you going to tell me your name then?”
The barista blinked. “Really?” He asked, tilting his head. Logan didn’t entirely believe the suspicion stranger, but if Anxiety was willing to drop the whole, ‘I-don’t-find-you-attractive-and-am-keeping-my-name-to-myself’ charade, Logan would gladly say he was wrong.
Violently rolling his eyes, Virgil sighs. “No, but you can call me Anx. One ‘Fuck You Frappe’ please.”
Shaking his head, Logan set to making the drink and thinking. Remy gave him permission to flirt, and he is going to use that permission to his full advantage.
Once Logan is done with the drink, he holds it out and sees an opportunity. He smirks, pulls the drink back at the last second, and intertwines his and Virgil’s fingers instead.
Virgil, who just fixed his hair and calmed down, was now more red then the pepper decorated bean bag Remy insisted was a necessary seat.
“How about this pretty boy. You tell me your name, and I’ll take you out on a date.”
Virgil pulls his hand away and holds it up to his chest. He glares at Logan, but isn’t able to put much heat into his gaze, because it is all in his cheeks.
“Nope. Nuhu, no way. Not gonna happen.” He also shakes his head, as if to drive the point home.
The barista looks unconvinced, and Virgil gets an idea.
“So, What is YOUR name?”
Logan stare at Virgil, dumbfounded. ‘That’s new.’
“No. I am not telling you my name until you tell me yours. I asked first.”
Virgil scofts, pitting his hand on his hip. “Well, I’m obviously going to learn yours first.”
Logan leans close to Virgil, and smirks. “Is that so?”
“Yes. Now hand me my frappe, I need a drink.”
Logan gave Virgil the frappe, but grabbed his hand when he turned to leave.
“How about a wager than? If I learn your name first, you go out on a date with me. And if you learn my name first...”
Logan pauses, and then gets a sad look across his face. “I know what you would want. If you learn my name first, I’ll leave you alone.”
Logan looks extremely crestfallen, and Virgil realizes that he doesn’t want that. Blushing, he blurts out...
“Or you could give me your number.”
Virgil slapped a hand over his mouth, and stared at the barista.
Logan stared back, openmouthed, then slowly started to smirk.
“Oh, so now you want my number?”
Virgil narrowed his eyes than huffed a breath. “I just... don’t despise you company and wouldn’t mind keeping it, but if you don’t want me to have it...”
“No!” Logan rushes out. “That’s not what I meant. But a number does seem like a rather weak prize, so how about we exchange numbers now, and I will grant you one magical wish that I am capable of preforming?”
It was Virgil’s turn to stare openmouthed. A fae wish was nothing to take lightly. The fae hated being indebted to people, and could grant the wisher anything they desired, without the trickery that comes with genies.
Logan smirked and tapped Virgil’s chin with his finger, making Virgil snap his mouth closed.
“So... do we have a deal? First person to find out the others name and call them by it wins?”
Virgil was thoughtful for a moment or two, then nodded.
As soon as the two shook hands, they shivered from magic entering them. A dark blue rope of magic intertwined with a deep purple rope, sealing the two together then poofing away in a burst of glitter before evaporating.
Virgil and Logan stared at eachother, and then someone cleared their throat behind them.
Virgil whirled around, wrenching his hand from Logan as if he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar... in a cookie factory. And his pants were down. And on fire. Virgil looked up at the balking couple standing in the doorway.
“Pat, Jan, hi! How are you doing, how long have you been standing there? Please don’t be mad!” Virgil rambles out while rushing up and hugging them both.
Patton squeezed Virgil while trying not to squeal, and Janus hugged Virgil while glaring at Logan.
“Hey kiddo! How have you been? I’m guessing you took my advice from yesterday.” Patton giggled then skipped over to the counter.
Virgil stared at Patton, trying his best to communicate ‘please shut up, please no more, please drop it’.
Janus clasped Virgil on the shoulder, and Virgil realized he was mentally begging the wrong person.
With a smile bordering on simply bearing teeth, Janus started leading Virgil towards the counter and Patton.
“Why would we be mad? Is there someone who deserves our anger? You always told us how much you distrust fae, and would never make a deal with them, so should I take this gentleman outside for a chat?”
Janus spoke in a calm and even tone, almost light, but his expression was becoming murderous.
“Nope! No, no need for a chat, communication is all good on my part! You were watching so you know that we were just basically...” Virgil trailed off, looking for the right word to describe the interaction without making Janus turn Mr. Hyde.
“Flirting!” Patton suppled. Virgil stutters, and Remy walks out of his office where he was watching the whole interaction on the cameras.
“Before you even try to deny it, you were flirting, I was watching.”
Virgil pauses to process that amount of betrayal.
Taking advantage of Virgil’s silence, Janus turned to Logan.
“So you made a deal to find out my purple friends true name, hmm? And just why would you do that? Running out of victims to enchant?”
“Deceit, drop it.” Remy growls out. Typically Remy and Janus were super close knit friends, but Remy will not stand for someone insulting his employees.
“No no, it’s fine. Deceit is clearly close with Anx, and I can understand his worries from Anx’s reservations.” Logan then turns to Deceit and looks him straight in the eyes, holding contact.
“I want Anx’s true name because I find him immensely attractive, and he holds wonderfully intriguing conversations with me. I am willing to work for his name though, and I already have Remy’s permission to court him, may I have both of y’alls?”
Janus looked faintly impressed at Logan’s ability to hold his own. Virgil was glaring at Remy, who apparently ‘gave permission?’ Like, what the fuck?!
Patton looked extremely pleased with this whole ordeal, and grabbed Logan’s hand to shake it.
“Well, you seem like a wonderfully sweet person who cares for my little Anxie immensely after only knowing him for a short time, so you have my blessing! My names Patton, by the way. I’m a Cupid!”
Janus facepalmed while Logan just smiled, not looking the least bit surprised. Rolling his eyes, Janus decided to go ahead and cede.
“If you are enough for Remy and my boyfriend, then I guess I can tolerate you. My name is Janus, and I am a Gorgonial Shapeshifter. Which, before you ask, means I can only turn into snake like creatures.” Patton releases Logan hand and Janus immediately grabs and squeezes it. Hard.
“And if you ever so much as spill a bit of coffee onto his hand, I will kill you.”
Janus looked calm, Logan looked unnerved, Patton looked exasperated, Virgil was trying to compute the last 10 minutes and looked confused, and Remy was staring at the door that just opened.
“Emile! Critic! Hey babes, how are y’all feeling? Ready to meet my friends?”
They walked forwards in almost synchronize steps, and Critic tilted his head.
“Why do I feel like I just walked into the peace after the Cold War?”
“Because you basically did. Hey Critic, Hey Emile. Find any new interesting emotions?” Janus asked, trying to keep the delicate peace.
“Yeah! Right now those two are giving off a mixture of pinning, anxiety, want, fear, and curiosity.” Emile said while waggling his finger back and forth between Virgil and Logan.
Everyone blanched, staring at the two, and Logan asked, “How?~”
Critic spoke up to explain, since Emile ran into Remy’s arms and kissed him on the cheek.
“Emile is a Animi Motus Siren. Animi Motus means emotions in Latin, so he is basically a Siren that adheres specifically to emotions.”
“Wow,” Virgil said, “no wonder you are the top student therapist!”
Emile nodded but looked a little shy. “Yeah, my gift can sure come in handy! Now, how about some coffee!”
“But of course. Salutations, welcome to Bitchin’ Brews, what would you like to drink?”
After ordering, everyone sat down at the ‘King Arthur’ table, as it has been dubbed. Logan walks over with a tray full of drinks to pass out.
“Fre Shavacado Macchiato for Remy, Dropped Croissant Cappuccino for Critic, Five Gum Feeling Frappe for Emile, Oovoo Javer Americano for Patton, Fuck You Frappe for Janus, and a Damn It Karen latte for my favorite nameless emo.”
Once Logan was all done passing out drinks, Remy told him to sit down, and the only seat available was next to Virgil. How peculiar.
Emile took a sip of his drink and beamed. “This is amazing! You did a very good job! Oh, and his name i~”
“NOOO!” Virgil screamed, almost lunging over the table. Emile looked slightly terrified, Critic looked suspicious, and everyone else just looked amused.
“Emile, please, for Remy’s sanity, please just refer to me as the nickname Princey gave me.”
Tilting his head and taking a long sip of his drink, Emile nodded.
“Ok Anxiety, but why?”
Virgil collapses back in his seat, and Logan leans forward and looks rather smug. “Because if I find out his name first, he has to go on a date with me.”
Critic looked at everyone’s expression of various joyous exasperation, and says, “Well in that case...”
“No please Critic don’t!” Virgil cried. “Babes, maybe later. Give Anx a little chance.” Remy smiled. “Now now, don’t be like Jerry and let Tom out of the bag!” Emile referenced. “OH BOI! OH BOI! OH BOI! OH BO~” Patton bounced. “SSSSSSSSILENCE!!” Janus hissed. Logan simply placed his hands over his ears and waited.
Once everyone calmed down and Critic finished laughing, Janus question Logan on what he was doing.
“I’m simply making it fair. I would appreciate any hints, and I would give hints in return, but for someone to outright tell me on the day the bet was made would be cruel.”
Logan immediately moved down two names on Janus’s hit list by giving that response, and everyone gave nods of approval.
Even Virgil looked greatful. ‘Maybe he really is a good guy...’
“Anxiety is named after a Roman Poet!” Emile and Remy called out, almost at the same time. Virgil looks deeply offended and turns to Logan. Logan simply nods and says, “Interesting. My name is shared with a superhero.” Virgil smiled at Logan, and then Patton giggled.
“Well, I think you need a nickname, because I don’t know how long I can hear Anxie call you, ‘the hot barista’ and not tell you his name.”
Virgil banged his head against the table to keep from strangling Patton, and Logan rubbed his head.
“There there, don’t fret. I’m flattered.”
Virgil leaned into Logan’s touch for all of 3 seconds before swatting his hand away and hoping no one noticed.
Everyone noticed.
“How about... Logic? Because he is like, the smartest freaking person I ever met and can win a debate while sleeping. And I say this from personal experience!”
The table laughed at Remy’s words, then looked at an extremely smug Logan.
“So how about it, Logic?”
Logan thought for a second, then nodded. “That name is quite satisfactory.”
“Hey guys, why don’t we play truth or dare to get to know eachother better!” Emile suggested.
“That sounds fun babes, but why not 2 truths and a lie?”
“Because Logic is fae, obviously.” Critic explained.
“Damn it Remy! How many people did you tell?”
Remy stared at Logan with an expression that so clearly said ‘bitch please’.
“Asshole, don’t blame me for you being a dumbass. You are hella obvious. Plus, you aren’t wearing the hat so your ears are showing.”
Logan gasped, felt at his ears, then looked pissed. But at himself, not Remy.
“A game sounds like an awesome idea!” Patton, was still bouncing and seemed to be getting worse from the coffee. Janus shook his head in fondness and took the cup away from Patton, which resulted in a bit of whining, chiding, a kiss, and Patton holding a cookie in each hand.
Rolling his eyes and muttering something about Janus being whipped, Virgil said, “Well, now we know every one so~”
“Wait!” Logan called out, and everyone turns to stare at him.
“Since you all told me what you are, I find it is only fair to inform you that I am a...”
Logan trails off, clearly thinking about something before clearing his throat to continue.
“I am a High Fae.”
There was a collective gasp, and Remy looked betrayed.
“Why didn’t you tell me that?”
Logan adjusted his glasses. “It’s not exactly something I boast. It’s really barely different from being Midten Fae.”
“Of course, other than the fact that you are of noble decent.” Janus rolled his eyes.
“I... prefer not to dwell on that. Anyways, Anx?”
Virgil, dragged out of his spiral about Logic by his words, shook his head to clear it.
“Also, before we start the game, I would like to inform Critic and Emile that I am Remy’s little brother, also basically his protector, and while I may only be human, I also happen to be best friends with a dramatic prince who like to show me the proper way to play with swords and knives.”
Logan wondered who this prince was, and why everyone found that remark so funny.
“Basically, all good things, all good here. And I don’t want to hear your intentions, please spare me~”
Remy walked over and smacked his hand over Virgil’s mouth, effectively shutting him up. “Now, who wants to play truth or dare?” ...
WYN? Taglist-
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me two weeks ago: god these headcanons are burning a hole in my brain and there’s no way i can work them all into these fic ideas. i’ll just start up a blog to get them down and -
me now:
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... fuck
okay, so with this blog blowing up way out of what i expected its proportions to be, i guess it’s time to introduce myself or something
hi! i’m mitzi, 25, they/them pronouns. i had a pretty active tumblr from early 2014 to mid 2018, when a growing sense of general malaise and a series of increasingly bullshit tumblr updates combined to drive me to give up on my main. i still refuse to redownload the app. i was still intermittently active until the great adult content ban, at which point i left this hellsite for good
fast forward to last autumn, when in the middle of trying and failing to do distance learning i abruptly remembered the silm exists and spent a literal month reading all the fic i missed since i was last in the fandom. over the course of that reading, i naturally began to both remember my old takes and develop some new ones. as it became increasingly obvious that online uni just wasn’t working out for me, i found myself having way too much time to think about terrible headcanons about terrible elves
trouble is, i no longer had a place to put them. twitter just isn’t as conducive to my trademark long rambling meta/fic hybrid posts, and those tend to be a bit slapdash for ao3? i really wanted to interact with the community, so i started planning my own fics, but those take a while to make if you’re me and are incapable of having less than three active projects running at once. for a while i was gonna check out whatever community there is on pillowfort, but then that stopped being an option
then! two-ish weeks ago, in a fit of sleep-deprived ennui, i did what i swore i would never do and made a new tumblr account. i started posting a headcanon a day, just to get them out of my head, but it turns out people like them??? a lot??? and i’m following people, and i’m liking posts on tumblrs i’ve been flicking through since i got back into the fandom, and i’m reblogging stuff, and i’m reluctantly ignoring stuff that doesn’t fit my theme, and oh god i have a tumblr again
so yeah. i’m retrofitting this blog from a strict headcanon dumping ground to a more general fandomblr. i’ll keep posting my headcanons - i’ve still got a ton left, y’all don’t even know about the mobster au yet - but this blog will be less focused around them. will reblog art and fic and stuff. no politics, not because i don’t care but because the world is terrifying and fandom is where i go to not have to think about it. this blog will stay focused on the silm and other tolkien stuff, but i do have other projects and interests, ranging from old-ass speculative fiction to twitch plays pokémon (yes, seriously.) if you want to find me somewhere else, i have a more general twitter, a still-under-construction old jrpg blog, and an ao3 account. don’t have any silm fic on there yet, but i am writing some
anyway, yeah! nice to meet you. gonna update some tags and change my url. i’ll leave you with a snippet from behind the scenes here at dumbfeanorianheadcanons (name change pending)
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eclecticwordblender · 4 years
Part 3 of the Mahabharata High school AU:
(I’ll attach the link to the first two oarts below. Check them out if you haven’t uwu <3.)
Junior students in the limelight:
Is everybody’s favourite- seniors, teachers, principal, classmates, juniors- EVERYONE LOVES HIM.
Is literally perfection.
Very popular.
All the dirty politics which makes the people in school hate each other is put aside when it comes to going to the junior section and pampering Abhi.
Ma’am Kunti once saw Abhimanyu hanging out with Arjuna and Subhadra, she clicked a picture because she couldn’t stop uwu-ing.
Has all the good qualities he looks up to in his seniors.
Is a precious baby who must be protected at all costs.
“I’ll be better than the best someday.”- boy isn’t wrong!
Super tall.
Is sick of being taller than all his classmates.
A senior, Hidimbi tends to use him as a comforting source. It is very wholesome.
Often goes to Bheema because he wants to be just as good at basketball.
“Hidimbi didi, thanks for the amazing food. I’ll now go practice basketball with Bheema bhaiya.”
The nice rich kid.
Always puts others before himself even at this tender age.
Stays mostly to himself.
But one knows he’s going to do wonders when he grows up.
Once Shiva cane to school for a guest lecture and say Iravan offering someone else his lunch and staying hungry himself. Shiva gave him a chocolate and told Iravan that whenever he needs help Shiva is just a call away. Fr though Shiva always checks up on this kid.
“Umm it’s okay. You can have my life too if you want.”
Has a twin brother.
Cute kid.
too mature for her age.
Heart eyes for cutie Abhi. Abhi heart eyes back.
Teachers don’t let her and Abhimanyu sit together because they don’t stop talking and smiling.
Is a pro dancer. Already has a diploma in Kathak.
Kind of emotional. Cries a lot.
But is still strong, regardless.
“No Abhimanyu. We cannot have a play date today. I have my dance performance.”
Uttara’s twin brother.
Overexcited but in a good way.
Gets into accidents A LOT.
Uttar’s most visited spot is the infirmary. The person who knows him best is the school nurse.
Uttar always finds ways to miss dance and music and English class.
“Ah! A fracture again! At least I get to skip the annoying girly dance stuff though.”
Abhimanyu’s bestf because they’re so similar.
Tends to be a little attention deprived.
Can make anyone a friend, LITERALLY.
Krishna group and Dury group come together when it comes to meeting this kid.
Arjuna and Karna put aside their differences to train him for soccer together. One can say Arjuna and Karna could’ve been very good friends had it not been for coach Drona.
“I wish Arjun bhaiya and Karna bhaiya didn’t dislike each other so much.”
(I didn’t include any more kids because there isn’t much to write and I don’t want to make this boring. I’ll leave footnotes if I use any other kids in the fic stories later.)
Present day staff:
(that I forgot to mention)
Being helpful makes up for 90% of his personality.
Very approachable.
Never turns his students down.
Volunteers to take up a substitute class whenever possible.
“Let me handle this!”
The only person who finds him tolerable is Sudeshna.
Extremely controlling.
Filled with toxic masculinity.
Pervert 2.0 (1.0 being Dushasana and 3.0 being Jayadaratha).
Keechaka was passing lewd comments to Draupadi. She was on her way to make him face the consequences but before she reached Bheema had already taken care of him ;).
Indecisive and flaky.
Messes up his schedule and ends up in the wrong classes.
Speaks a lot.
Always confused.
“I don’t know what I’m doing dude!Let alone why!”
Toxic Gossip monger.
Can be very selfish.
Turns blind to her bestf, Keechaka’s glaring and problematic flaws.
Created a scene when Bheem gave Keechaka the beating he deserved.
Also defended him when Yuyutsu publicly called out and humiliated Keechaka for disrespecting women.
Hates Draupadi.
Can be narrow minded.
“Keechaka isn’t wrong. You have a misunderstanding! These are the ways of the world”
Coordinator but everyone ignores him.
Probelmatic in all caps.
Has to interfere everywhere.
Shows up at the worst possible times.
Creates unnecessary problems and then plays the victim card.
“This isn’t a woman’s work.”
Grossly incompetent.
Is in school only because Satyavati insisted.
Doesn’t show up to classes and even when he does the students decide to bunk. He doesn’t even find out.
Has a history of showing up to classes drunk.
“No I’m not drunk. You are.”- passes out in the middle of a lecture.
Senior students in the limelight:
(that I couldn’t fit in the previous post)
Happy go lucky.
Literally an angel.
Only one in class who finds Yudhishthir somewhat tolerable.
Is dating the head boy. Nobody understands why she thinks he has potential.
Sorted and organised.
Probably has more kinds of stick notes than books in her school bag.
Highlighted text books.
Calm but will fight you.
Karna’s girlfriend. Only one who can scold him and show him the right thing to do, ngl.
Vrushali tries very hard to get Karna out of the Dury gang, however, doesn’t try to manipulate/control him.
Once Vrushali dragged Karna while he was mid conversation with Duryodhana, planning to pull a mischief that would land him into trouble. Everyone just stared. It was very iconic.
Mountain girl uwu.
Industrious to the fullest.
The friend who can calm down Bheem.
Straight A student.
Gives Sahadev full on competition in topping the class.
Reads a lot.
Vijaya looks so cute with her oversized glasses barely able to rest on the bridge of her adorable button nose.
Sahadev fell for her over a conversation about the meaning of life. They kind of have a thing going.
“*random classic literature reference*”
Is well aware about how pretty she is.
Nakul talks to her without hesitation.
A word around the campus says that Nakul might even ask her out soon.
Shishupal spread the word though, can’t say about the credibility.
Although for some reason Shishupal is very protective of her.
Plays bass and drums.
Link to part 1 of Mahabharata high school AU: https://eclecticwordblender.tumblr.com/post/625462681921568768/foundation
Link to part 2 of Mahabharata high school AU: https://eclecticwordblender.tumblr.com/post/625553068102139904/senior-students-in-the-limelight
This is the last post dealing witch characterisation. I’ll be publishing fictional stories after this. Will leave footnotes if I use a character I haven’t mentioned yet. Let me know if you want me to write about a specific character (via asks, comments or direct messages).
Tagging fandom mutuals because I need attention to matter in life: @bigheadedgirlwithbigdreams @supermeh-krishnafan @soniaoutloud @1nsaankahanhai-bkr @lemponkoira @incorrectmahabharatquotes @chaanv @hoeticulture @hindumythologyevent
The support on this series has been overwhelming so shoutout to these people for all the validation: @the-rambling-maiden @muralofmyths @starsailororastronaut @blueguardian1306
Also, y’all check out @askhindumyths if you like such content uwu.
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sum tired writing for y’all
suga would be lying if he said he wasn’t tired. he hadn’t slept properly since exam season rolled around.
the amount of extra studying he was forcing into his schedule, combined with practice and trying to control the first and second years, seemed to have simply sucked his will to work.
“seemed to” was the wrong terminology. it definitely had. he’d been staring at the same page of this stupid math book for an hour. he’d reread the first line about twenty times, and so far hadn’t managed to get half way down said page without realising, his brain had been elsewhere, and having to start from the top again.
so yeah, he was pretty tired. suga was pretty damn worn out.
honestly, if he hadn’t seen that it was daichi’s name glowing out from his phone screen, he wouldn’t have picked it up. but, it was daichi, and suga was more than aware that if he didn’t pick up, daichi would be hammering down his door within the hour.
he took a split second to compose his voice. if he sounded as dead as he felt he’d be yelled at for not sleeping enough.
“hi daichi!” the chirpy tone to his voice didn’t sound forced in his mind.
“hey suga,” daichi said, in such a way that suga knew daichi knew he was sleep deprived.
suga’s eyes moved toward the alarm clock that was glowing beside his bed, the bright green numbers burned his eyes.
23:45, which was an entire hour later than he’d thought.
“what are you even doing up at this hour daichi?” suga asked, leaning forward on the table, carefully propping his head up on one hand, the other hand holding the phone to his ear.
daichi laughed, rather stupidly, before responding. “you know, i actually rung you to ask that same question.”
suga’s tired brain wasn’t quite sure it fully understood what daichi had said. “how did you even know i’m awake? what, do you have cameras in my room?”
“what, no-”
“oh my god! you’ve been stalking me! daichi how could you?”
“no! it’s nothing like that!” even through the phone, daichi sounded flustered. “and keep it down, you’ll wake your parents up.”
suga rolled his eyes. “yeah yeah, but, seriously, how did you know i was still up?”
“went on a stress jog.”
“at quarter to midnight?”
“shut up, like you haven’t rung me at this hour whining about tv shows.”
suga huffed. “okay, fair, but may i ask if there was a purpose for this call, other than insulting me?”
“yeah, i’m still outside your house, i figured if neither of us are sleeping we might as well do something.”
“oh? what on earth might you be suggesting daichi?” suga purred, adding a teasingly lilt to his voice.
“get your brain out of the gutter, suga,” daichi snapped, suga only snickered in reply. “i was just thinking, i don’t know, we could go see if that twenty four hour ice cream shop is open.”
“repeat that sentence to yourself a couple times,” suga said, flicking his eyes back to the alarm clock, before letting out a light sigh. “i’ll be down in a minute, just let me get a jacket.”
he didn’t let daichi get a response in before he hung up, shoving his phone into his pocket as he stood up.
he paused to glance in a mirror. he looked like a lunatic. there were seriously heavy shadows under his eyes, and his hair looked like a bird nest. eh, he was pretty sure he was rocking the look.
despite that, he did pause to try shove his hair into place. he told himself it was because he didn’t want to walk around in public like that, even though he knew it was far from the truth.
he snatched up a pale yellow jacket off his bed, as well as an equally pale grey scarf, tugging them both on before slipping out of his room and down to the front door.
“daichi!” he hissed into the cold air, white clouds forming in the air when he spoke.
“wow you really haven’t been sleeping huh?”
suga pulled a face as he turned to look at his friend. “you aren’t any better,” he said, a hand snapping out to hit daichi in the side. daichi shifted to dodge, successfully.
that was a lie. daichi looked, well, suga’s drowsy mind couldn’t really pull the right words. handsome? pretty? somewhere in between?
he was hardly dressed to the nines, but as usual he looked drop dead gorgeous in that stupid all black jogging outfit. suga would have been jealous, had he not enjoyed looking at daichi as much as he did.
daichi rolled his eyes at the comment, letting out a vaguely unamused huff. “i’m sure,” he drawled, before grabbing suga’s hand and dragging him forward. “come on, then, i’m craving cream anmitsu.”
“i don’t understand how you like the chestnuts so much,” suga mutter in reply, his tone hardly matching the bouncing steps he was taking as he followed after daichi.
daichi rolled his eyes rather dramatically. “says the one who always steals them.”
suga huffed, and his free hand swung out to smack daichi’s ribs, this time daichi failed to dodge, and let out a grunt as suga made solid contact.
“i’m not apologising,” daichi snickered. “hitting me is not going to help.”
“blah whatever. i stand by the fact that chestnuts are gross.”
“yet you eat more of them than i do.”
a puff of white air was all daichi got in response.
the bantering continued most the way to the store, though at some point their positions had shifted, suga’s arms ended up wrapped around daichi’s waist, and daichi’s arm was slung over the silver haired boy’s shoulders.
the girl sitting behind the counter gave them a grin as the bell rung. suga thought it looked a little more genuine than most customer service smiles, and he wondered if they were the first customers she’d had.
“hey boys!” suga decided they were definitely her first customers. her tone was too chirpy.
“it’s a bit late for ice cream is it not? you’re the first not-drunk customers i’ve had since i took up night shifts,” she continued.
the poor kid can’t have spoken to anyone for awhile, because the minute daichi responded, and gave their orders, she was off. didn’t shut up. not that suga minded all that much, she was friendly, mainly groaning about trying to keep up with sleep while she worked night shifts and spent six hours at school. then about how she didn’t have much choice because she had to get money somehow.
suga, who was very much used to his teammates ramblings, ended up droning her out while he sat at a tiny table, daichi seemed torn between doing the same or entertaining her, suga was pretty sure she was just using them as an excuse to talk. he honestly doubted she’d care much if they didn’t listen.
quite honestly, suga was rather distracted watching daichi’s expressions. the way his lips twisted into a smile every time he tried to not laugh at the employee’s struggles, the roll of his eyes as he got caught up in her stories. she seemed to notice suga’s eyes, a quiet quirk of her eyebrow snitched on her for watching him just a little too closely.
“anyway, i just haven’t spoken to anyone outside of classes in, like, two weeks.”
suga snickered as he heard daichi’s terrible attempt at stifling a sigh of relief.
“so thanks for not telling me to shut up! enjoy your ice cream boys! and uh, might i recommend getting home soon? it‘s a friday,” she paused to look at a clock, “a saturday morning. there’s gonna be drunk idiots running around and believe me, they aren’t fun to deal with, particularly when, well,” she flicked a hand towards the pair. something in the movement made suga wonder if she played volleyball.
daichi turned to say something to her, but she’d already disappeared out back. suga took advantage of his distraction and snatched a chestnut out of his bowl.
“you know, she has a point about drunk idiots,” suga mused, glancing out to the dark streets.
“think we’ll run into coach ukai and takeda?”
“hah! they’ll both be in ukai’s house getting wild by now!”
daichi made a face of disgust and threw a scarf at suga’s face. suga simply laughed.
by the time they’d finished their ice cream, and opted to just try and sprint full pace back to daichi’s (which was closest, suga sent a text through to his parents, as he had already decided he was not going to try reach home in the dark), the subject had somehow switched to what school ice cream girl had gone to.
“she had a shiratorizawa look.”
“isn’t it a boarding school? she wouldn’t be able to work a night shift if that was the case. she looks like an oikawa fangirl, seijoh.”
“she was pretty cheery, johzenji?”
“nah she looks like she’d hate the colour yellow.”
“how?” daichi tilted his head, squinting his eyes.
“the shadows under her eyes were too purple for her to be the kind of person who would willingly be near that uniform,” suga shrugged. “seijoh.”
daichi, seemingly unable to argue that, hugged and nodded. “okay you win. for now, we can probably just ask her next time.”
“next time?” suga smirked at daichi. “my my, is Mr. Responsible Team Captain really suggesting he’s going to take me on a second irresponsible midnight date?”
as he spoke, he tilted his head down, staring up at daichi with a jokingly flirtatious face, hoping it would smother the pure joy his heart felt, or at least stop it from shining through on his face.
daichi made a strangled noise, his hands moving to hide his face. suga could see the red colour burning the tips of his ears, even with the miserable lack of lighting.
“don’t say it like that,” he mumbled, sounding less like an intimidating captain and more like an embarrassingly lovestruck teen, which had suga giggling.
“you really are easily flustered daichi,” suga murmured, leaning gently into the other’s shoulder. “it’s cute, really.”
the rest of the night lapsed into a peaceful sort of quiet, the sort that one could only ever really feel with someone they were entirely open and comfortable with. the rare kind that regularly reassured suga that he and daichi would be beside each other forever.
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ladywinterwitch · 5 years
Infamous Winter Soldier
Pairing: Sebastian Stan X Fan! Reader 
Summary: You were convinced by your eight years old Brother to attend Wizard world con. He absolutely wanted to see his favourite hero, the winter soldier. During the photo op, you catch the hero's eye.
Warnings: Just fluff, it kinda turns into a social media AU at the end (but it’s not, it’s just texts)
Word Count: 2987
A/n: Y’all this is more like a fever dream than anything, but a girl can always dream ;) But one thing’s for sure: I have met him and I assure you he is that charming and sweet. So sweet.
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                                                 (Gif not mine)
You yawned, then procedeed to shake your head a bit, squeezing your eyes to try and stay focused. You've been up til late to finish an assignment for college, even though you knew that the morning after you would've had to wake up early. Why? Your little devil (no, in reality he was a sweetheart, but you really wanted to hate him for this) of a Brother convinced you to take him to Wizard World Con after your parents said no. 
-That’s totally your responsibility y/n. Try to take him home alive, will you?- those were the last words that your mother said to you before your departure. 
So there you were, driving a two hours trip, sleep deprived and with the only thing that keeps you alive awake being a cold brew latte from Starbucks. But someone else, precisely an eight year old way too hyperactive, was definetely more awake than you. The only thing stopping you from getting Harry to actually drive in your place was that he doesn’t have a driver license.
-Swoooosh! y/n look out! Captain America's shield is coming your way!- Harry screamed too loud for your liking. You rolled your eyes, narrowing them a bit for the noise, but playing along anyway.
-Oh no, help me.- you responded with the tiniest bit of enthusiasm that you could find.
-Don't worry, the winter soldier will catch with his metal arm!- he made a noise that was supposed to resemble the metal impact -You're safe now. Thank Bucky now.- He shoved a little action figure in your face and you gave it a slap.
-Harry don't do stuff like that! I'm driving. And who the hell is Bucky?- you huffed and then asked. You really didn't want a car crash to happen, especially not for a damn toy.
-What? He's the winter soldier! Bucky Barnes. You don't know that?- he said shocked.
-You Always call him Winter Soldier, and I haven't seen the movies, so no, I didn't know.- you responded.
-Don't worry, I'll fix it. So, James Buchanan Barnes was born on march 10 1917..- he started to tell his whole story, comic and movies and lore, just to be sure to not miss anything.
You mentally cursed yourself for asking and just hoped that at least this actor is a good person, if he was a duchebag, you probably wouln't have responded to your actions. Not just because it would be a tremendous disappointment for your brother, but also because your gas, money, time and sleep would've been wasted.
Harry finished his storytelling, and you murmured a 'Thank God' and commented that it was very interesting. But, even if it was a neverending ramble, it had been actually quite interesting. You never saw the movies, but now, hearing all that story, you thought about how difficult it must have been to bring everything to the screen. Not just story-wise, but also emotionally. All the dark things that he'd gone through.
-We're here buddy.- you announced as you parked outside the building.
-Yeah!- he cheered and clapped. You both got out of the car and while you were walking towards the entrance you saw some people. Some of them were in costume and some weren’t, but everyone had their pass on.
-Shit, I almost forgot.- you muttered looking in your bag and pulling out two passes and your IDs. You passed one to Harry while you kept the documents, and he put it around his little neck.
-Okay, now let's go inside and take look at the schedule c’mon.- he nodded happily and you went inside. You found yourself in the lobby and saw a sign that gave directions to the various rooms. You took the main corridor and arrived in a big common lobby, where a lot more people and several booths were present.
You walked in between, looking around. Some of the booths were mainly selling nerdy stuff, some t- shirts, some art, and so on. Others, that were empty, had above them a large paper board with a collage of the actors faces and their names.
-How's Bucky called again?- you asked your little brother.
-Sebastian Stan.- he answered, then pointing somewhere on your left.
-There! That's his table.- he ran towards the booth and you sighed, following him. You looked at the board and kinda tought that maybe it wouldn’t have been that bad. There were different photos, with different haircuts, but his handsome face was still the same. Blue eyes, sharp features, pink lips and a smile to die for.
-Well, damn.- you whispered to yourself, feeling definetly more awake.
Then you looked at the day’s schedule and saw that his first panel was at ten am. It was now nine thirty, so you wouldn't have to wait too long. You decided to go take your seats in the hall, and on the way you saw a few very long queues and your heart dropped a bit. It was going to be a long day.
The panel began exactly at the indicated time, and when the host annouced Sebastian, everyone cheered, screamed and clapped. He entered the stage with his fist in the air and a big smile.
You weren't exactly in first line, but you were close enough to see his figure clearly. He had a light grey tee shirt under a darker grey jacket, black jeans and brown suede shoes. His brown hair were slicked back and quite short at the sides, he had a scruff that adorned his sharp face.
You felt your stomach flutter a bit. You had never seen a man that attractive before. Not in real life at least. You were definetly going to watch those blessed movies once you got home.
-Hey everyone! How're you doing? Good? Yeah lemme hear ya!- he exclaimed with a big grin, laughing when the crowd cheered louder. You smiled and whoed a little with your Brother.
The panel begun and as the questions went on, you found out a few things about him: He couldn't take a compliment if his life depended on it, he was really smart and thoughtful, he was a dork but the adorable kind, he liked 80's rock and Star Wars. At some point a fan was so nervous to ask him her question that someone screamed 'someone give her a hug' and by everyone's shock she did recive that hug from Sebastian himself. You were a few seats away from the mic and took that opportunity to take a better look at him.
He squeezed her in his arms even raising her from the ground, and when he walked away laughing she fell on the floor. Same girl, same you thought.
After that little interruption the panel ended smoothly. He thanked everyone and said that he would see them at the photo ops.
You and your brother walked out of the hall to buy a snack. On the way to the vending machine you couln't stop thinking about him. You were bewitched by his voice, his mind and his appearence. How come you never found out about him before today? Harry was always talking about that Winter Soldier, but you thought that his interpreter deserved the same, if not more attention. But he was a little boy passionate about superheroes, so it was normal for him to prefer the punch and adventure kinda guy than tha thoughtful one.
Sebastian had his first photo op session and after his autograph session at four pm, and honeslty you didn't know what to do until then. It was just midday. So you looked at the schedule and opted for another actor's panel that was at three pm, maybe getting out a little early to take place in the queue.
From one to three pm there had been a lunch pause for everyone, so you and Harry went outside to eat a burger at a near diner. To get away from the crowd for a bit, but also because the food inside was hella expensive.
You had enough time to do everything calmly and you even had a brief call with your mother to update her.
-So, how was he?- she asked with a little excitement.
-Honestly? Surprising.- you laughed a bit.
-As good or bad?-
-Good. Very good. He seems like a very genuine and sweet person. We just saw his interview though. Maybe up close he'll be an asshole. But I doubt. He seemed like a really down to earth guy.- you heard her giggle a bit.
-My daughter has a crush on the superhero uh?- you blushed.
-What? No, no. I don't even know him, mom.- you quickly responded.
-Hey, chill honey. I was just messing with you. But I wouldn't blame you. You know, I've seen those movies under your brother's torture, but those pretty blue eyes didn't escape me. Nor did his even prettier face.- your mouth was agape.
-Mom!- she just chuckled like a schoolgirl.
-Oh, let an old woman dream a bit y/n. - your smirked and rolled your eyes.
-You're not old. Your fifties seem thirties, mom.You’re doing good.- you heard her sigh.
-My babygirl, always speaking the truth.- you laughed, shaking your head.
-I'll hear you later mom.-
-Later honey! Kiss the pretty soldier for me!- you hang up, shaking your head again. She was shameless.
This other actor's panel was interesting but not as much as Sebastian's one. Or maybe it was because you couldn't really concentrate. In any case four pm came rather quickly and you went outside to queue, and boy, did you wanted to run away.
An enormus line of people was already there, waiting. You told your brother to stay in line while you tried to see where it began. The first girls were in front of a closed blue tent, a big large bodyguard in front of it. You sighed, defeated, and went back to Harry.
After a few minutes the queue started to move. You were just behind the middle, and almost felt sorry for the people in the back, but you wouldn't have moved for any reason in the world.
You played a little with a game on your phone, looked at the notifications, the news and even searched for the weather broadcast for the day after. It was supposed to be sunny, just like today.
Speaking of sun, you began to feel a little hot, so you took off your black leather jacket and were left with your pale pink short shirtdress. You really liked that dress because it reminded you a bit of the 50's. You loose braid fell from your shoulder on your back when you slipped off the jacket.
You looked at your brother that apparently was more social than you, because he had been able to found a few other children to play with. Then you gazed at the line and you were surprised when you saw that just a few more people were in front of you. With all the people in front of you you were honestly surprised that it took just twenty minutes, but on the other hand, it didn't take ages to take a photo either.
You put your phone away, not wanting to waste any more battery before you got to your hotel in the evening. A lttle past five it was your turn. The bodyguard checked your passes and got you in.
Your brother straight up ran to Sebastian, hugging his hips, his head barely reached his stomach.
-Hey bud! It's good to see you too. What's your name?- he chuckled squatting in front of him.
You remained in the corner watching. You didn’t buy a photo, so you weren’t supposed to appear. You had your arms crossed, your bag and jacket pressed on your chest. You grinned looking at the scene.
-Harry.- he answered proudly. Sebastian nodded, keeping his smile. Then he looked up, straight at you. His gaze locked on you. Your smile faded and a tremendous blush took place.
-And who's that, Harry?- he asked, a little smirk on his lips.
-That's my big sister y/n!- he exclaimed. Sebastian got up putting a hand on your brother's shoulder.
-Isn't your sister taking the photo?- his look never left your figure.
-Uh-Uhm...no, I just accompanied him.- you responded nervously with a gesture of your hand. He shook his head making a fake disappointed face.
-Nah, you're too pretty to not be included. What do you think pal?- your brother begged with a c'mon and you reclutantly gave up, passing your jacket and bag to the assistant with an apologetic smile. Then you walked to them and you were finally face to face with him. He was taller than you, your head reached his ear more or less.
-Hi.- you said, not really knowing what to do. He flashed a big grin.
-Hi to you.-
-Mr, there's still line outside.- the assistant said and you looked away embarassed.
-Yeah, sorry. Big smile.- Sebastian said, while he circled Harry, who was showing off his non existing muscles, with one hand, and the other was placed on your waist, pulling you closer to him. The little tug making you instictively place a hand on his chest. They were both smiling, so you did your best and gave the camera a small shy smile of your own.
-Done!- the photographer said. You moved and the assistant gave you your stuff.
-Thankyou.- you said to the handsome man. He winked.
-My pleasure.- after that you exited the tent in front of you. You brother went away jumping from the joy, while you stayed behind, walking slowly. You still didn't process what just happened. You touched unconsciously your side, where his hand was, smiling like an idiot.
You went to fetch the photo, and while Harry was basically flying with happiness, you couldn't stop yourself to look at how close he was holding you, your hand on his chest your rosy cheeks and his handsome grin. Your heart was about to burst.
The photo ops were over about half an hour later, and the authographs should’ve been starting in fifteen minutes. Your mind wasn't giving you a break. You kept repeating what happened in your head. At first you felt like a damn teenager in love, but then more bitter questions started to take place in your mind. Was he joking? Was he always this flirty with everyone? Was he even single in the first place? Was he just trying to get you to relax or was he hitting on you?
All these questions almost made you decide to not accompany your brother at the autograph booth. But then you just decided that you just couldn't do that, so you took a deep breath and went to queue. This time you arrived a little early, so you were on the first half thankfully. The wait was just about ten minutes.
You were next. Harry left to you the task to give him the photo to sign, just because you were taller and had better access to the table. You slipped the picture under his eyes and as soon as he recognized you, he looked up and smirked.
-Hey again.- he said with a suave tone, signing the photo. -Hey bud, are you having fun?- he asked and you looked at the little boy next to you with a smile.
-Yes! I'm your biggest fan! The winter soldier is my favourite character- he told him. You returned your gaze to Sebastian and he took the photo in his hand, passing it to you. A small smile on his lips while he watched you. You gave him a shy smile in return and felt yourself melting. You took the photo and thanked him again.
-Thank you bud. And thank you.- he spoke to you. You gave a small nod and went on.
After the autographs you went around a bit between the merchandise booths and ended up buying a winter soldier backpack for your Brother, then you went out to grab dinner. It was just six thirty, but you were both hungry. You eated then you sent a text to your mother saying that everything was okay. You didn't wanted to go into details.
Then you drove for a few minutes to the nice hotel you booked for the night. As soon you stepped into the room, Harry changed into his Avengers pajamas and started to watch tv.
You unpacked the only change you brought, then you wanted to put in the suitcase the documents,passes and the other stuff, but your eyes fell on the back of the photo. You took it into your hand and saw that a yellow sticky note was attached at the back.
Can't give u my number, but feel free to text me in instagram dms Seb ;)  
You were  shocked. Sebastian fucking Stan asked you to text him? You went into the bathroom with your phone, needing a moment to recompose yourself.
-Oh my God.-  you did a face palm. Walking up and down the little bathroom, you nervously toyed with the phone in your hands.
What should I do? I mean the worst that can happen is that he'll not respond. But he should, 'cause he did write the note.Your mind was spinning. You looked at yourself in the mirror.
-Oh, fuck it.- you huffed and opened instagram. You had an account but had barely two posts. You weren't the type to post or stalk people, but you did follow a lot of pages with art, photography, music and movie stuff.
You searched his user and then tapped to the dm icon. His profile pic was a black and white photo
You wrote at least five different senteces, but then went for the simplest. Then you closed the app, blocked the screen and waited. You decided to refresh yourself in the meantime. You brushed your teeth and just when you were about to take off the make up on your eyes, a notification popped up.You took the phone and unblocked it with shaky hands.
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You closed the app and went back to your room with a smile plastered on your face, and almost didn't notice that your brother had fallen asleep. You you covered him with the bed covers, turned the tv off and then changed into your pjs and went to bed. You couln't wait for Tomorrow.
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So, first off, I feel the need to precise that OBVIOUSLY the chat is fake and photoshopped. It’s kind of obvious, but ya know not everyone has enough braincells I guess. Just to be sure. Anyways, hope you liked it. Let me know what you thought <3
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