#y'all are free to literally ask me about ships at any time in the ask box btw
rosalind-hawkins · 23 days
I'm harassing you to talk about your favorite rare pair. Nothing specific. Just info dump or something. 💗
Since you're asking for an info dump, I'll let myself be a little disorganized with this. Keep in mind, this is ofc based on my interpretations of the characters.
Also, thank you for asking. 💜
Mumbleshipping: the rarest pair that I very seriously ship, so ofc this one has to come first. Me even discovering this ship at all was a fluke, and now I've dedicated tens of thousands of words to it. I think it's a great example of how people do not need to be the same or similar for a relationship to work. There's a lot of surface differences between Ryou, Duke, and Kaiba, and they all have very distinct personalities from each other. They do have similarities (dad trauma, game obsession, broken families) but they have way more differences than similarities, and that can be such a beautiful thing, because they're always challenging each other to look at something in a different way. For me, it's a ship based on personal growth: it only happens when all three boys have decided to Do Better and are supporting each other in that mission, which is why it's so helpful for them to challenge each other. Seto is all cold intellect and power, Ryou is all empathy and understanding, Duke is all charm and sass. (All three of them are creative types, and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise.) They learn to modulate themselves and incorporate each other's perspectives into their worldviews, which is really healthy, because Yugioh is full of extreme, unbalanced people. Just look at Kaiba and tell me I'm wrong. They have to learn to mellow out esp Kaiba and they're a good influence on each other. Duke is sometimes a naughty influence, but even so. They need each other and they make each other better people, and they also need to KISS for the love of Ra. Ryou shows his boys such deep, accepting love, Kaiba is fiercely protective of both of them, and Duke is always reminding them both to relax and have fun sometimes, which is something they both need to hear because they are anxious babbies.
Like, if you look at my blog header rn, I picked expressions for them in that commission that specifically demonstrated their different personalities, but even so, they're still linked together. Nobody is pulling away and nobody wants to. Kaiba needs to feel loved, Ryou needs to be protected, they all need acceptance and validation even if they don't think they do. I love them too much.
All of that said, am I tied to a pretty specific interpretation of this ship? I mean yeah, I've got a longfic for the way I see them. If I saw someone with a different interpretation of this ship? I would just be so excited to see someone else talking about this ship and want to hear their perspective on it also. Because it's good for people to have different ideas and opinions.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk. 🙇‍♀️
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svartalfhild · 5 months
A Case for Jezri
Listen, I know how the DS9 fandom feels about Jezri, but I just wanted to take a moment to explain why I like it. I'm not asking people to agree; I just want to give it some love because there are things to enjoy and to explore in that ship that haven't gotten any discussion.
(Also why is 99.9% of the Jezri tag just people tagging their hate? Who raised y'all? Please be respectful towards your fellow fans who may not feel the same as you.)
I'm no stranger to finding my gold nuggets in the trash heap when it comes to Star Trek ships. I'm the type to find the things to love about something that was executed poorly by the writers. Datasha is my TNG OTP. Need I say more.
So don't think I don't understand some of the main objections people have to Jezri. I get it. I do. So with that out of the way, let's get into the good stuff.
Julian's personal story, particularly in the later parts of the show, has a strong motif of loneliness, which comes from two or three different aspects of his life. The first one is of course the fact that he's an augment. He's socially isolated by his mental and physical superiority. No one can keep up with him, and he has to diminish himself to fit in, especially before the truth comes out. The second is the evolving lives of the people closest to him. There reaches a point where nearly all of his closest friends are either married or in committed relationships, and he's the free floater who has to hope he can still fit into their lives somewhere. The third aspect is his own shit luck with relationships. No one sticks with him for very long for whatever reason. And there was the everything with Jadzia on top of it all. Poor man couldn't catch a break.
And then along comes Ezri. Quark is quick to treat her as same old Dax with a new coat of paint, for whose affections he immediately tries to generate competition with Julian, because he is a sexist little toad. Julian, to his great credit, is like "what the fuck, Quark" and makes it clear that he sees Ezri as a different person, not Jadzia 2.0 who he now has a chance with. Ezri is his new friend, and he's not going to be pulled into Quark's bullshit.
The writing is unfortunately rather uneven when it comes to showing us the establishment and development of that friendship, so we have to piece together the vibes from several disparate moments, some big and meaningful and others more incidental, but that's not too difficult for me. Fandom has done more with less.
Anyway! Through all of that, we kind of get to see that Ezri sees Julian differently than Jadzia did in a way that allows them to click very quickly. Jadzia sort of saw Julian as an adorable puppy excitedly wagging his tail at her (and by the time he matured into someone who was more her type, he'd stopped pursuing her and then she was with Worf). Ezri sees him as the charming guy who knows how to have a good time. It seems natural to me that Julian would quickly latch onto someone who thought his holosuite adventures were demonstrative of a healthy sense of fun and not a sign of immaturity. Ezri is literally the bad bitch he pulled by being autistic.
And they are such adorable awkward nerds with each other! The big eyes! The soft touches! The fumbling! The trying to keep things platonic because they just like each other so much that they're afraid of messing things up! The breaking down and making out anyway because they can't escape the vibes! *chef's kiss*
The thing that completely sold me on Jezri, though, was their moment together at the end of the last episode where Julian is mourning Miles' departure and feeling lonely and then Ezri rolls up like "Hey~!" and expresses the desire to have dinner and do holosuite adventures with him. That was so beautiful to me. Everything is changing and so many of his friends have left and it's the ultimate pit of loneliness for him, but then there's Ezri. He has her now and he's not alone and the war is over and there's hope and the start of something new and soft. I cried, y'all. Like maybe it's because I'm at a place in my life where I feel left behind while I watch all my friends move on with their lives, but man, the way Ezri represents the light at the end of a dark tunnel for Julian just got me so good.
Here are some of the headcanons I have to supplement the sparse canon material and give further depth and enjoyment to my shipping experience:
They're both bisexual.
Since they're both healthcare professionals, they have a lot to talk about where their fields intersect. They make a great team when they're working, but this also results in them developing a shorthand with each other that is somewhat infuriating for others.
Ezri's closeness with Julian allows her to better develop her friendship with Garak, and there are several times when all three of them get up to shenanigans together.
They sometimes get each other new tea blends to try as a fun little surprise.
Ezri tries to teach Julian some of the gymnastics stuff she remembers at least once with mixed results.
Julian particularly loves hugging Ezri, and she particularly loves holding his hand.
Julian persuades Ezri to read Lord of the Rings, and she gets really into it, so they end up doing a holosuite adaptation as Legolas and Gimli. Ezri plays with her beard a lot.
Quark fucking hates how cute they are and Kira makes a point to tell him about every sweet moment she sees between them just to fuck with him.
Ezri very much gets in on the Fuck With Section 31 train and helps Julian do spy shit. The criminal psychology knowledge comes in handy.
Anyway, these are my feels. Please don't air your grievances here. I just want to sail on my dinghy and hope someone out there is sailing with me.
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mimikoolover · 2 months
They're free to do what they want idt they need an excuse to spend their time together even if it means going outside the country before MS.
V and hobi literally went to Hawaii with their families when all the members went to US after covid like vhope were the Only pair that went to Hawaii and others stayed for work while jinkook came back to sk. No one questioned them so no one will question the jikook too. The World is not a shipping bubble who move like shippers and start questioning as far as hangouts like every normal person do. These "omgg they're definitely dating" with m/m or f/f idols only happens in the fandom that too shipping fandom but the world is bigger than that. No media is gonna question why two bandmates that are friends are going out or having vacations especially if the two are known close friends. Idk why you guys always think about this hiding and all these things.
Jungkook himself said that the company suddenly made a move over something jikook agreed to do on years ago. And all this content is mostly for fans to keep engaged till they come back. Y'all saw they did friendification with taehyung, they're doing that travel show with jikook. Not saying jikook won't enjoy it of course it's actually a good opportunity for them to be relax before MS. But the important reason behind it not as shippers think it is. Cause jungkook himself said so that the company arranged it and not like jikook themselves asked for it suddenly.
it's one thing doing it but if they wanted to share it as well the travel show was the way to do it cause it's not like jungkook could drop another GCF in tokyo with a gay ass song in the bg just before they're enlisting in the military where it's literally illegal to be gay.
idk who "you guys are" but you can fuck off with grouping me into any group. no one said jikook would be hiding anything or that the media would be all over it if they travelled together. undoubtedly the two of them cannot just go travelling anywhere on their own so staff would have went with them anyway like they did back in 2017 and they were nowhere near as famous. I'm sure you didn't miss the insane attention it got when the two of them went to the airport together and even in the USA jungkook was asked about jimin being in NYC too.
jungkook didn't divulge a lot of information actually on how the travel show ended up being, he just said he and jimin talked about doing one ages ago and then the company set it up 'suddenly' but he did not go into detail of what happened and how it was all arranged so your guess is as good as mine. so it could actually be that jikook went to them and said we want to travel knowing staff would have to be there anyway so bighit was like ok we will set that shit up for you. you will film it too so you don't drop another gay ass vlog on us and instead we'll make it a show for the fans. that's as valid as whatever you think happened and we'll never know unless they tell us in the show itself or after🤷‍♀️
you can think (what you want but also) that the company went to them and was like y'all will be travelling, here's a gopro go film it. but then you gotta wonder why they asked jikook to do it and not any other pairing when taekook as a ship and money making entity is 1000 times more popular than jikook🤔
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blackplaaague · 9 months
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🌡🧪💉Hey, y'all! 🌡🧪💉
☢️ Blackplaaague here! ☢️
🩻 I'm a comic artist, internet cartoonist, and goofy little guy who enjoys voice acting, diy clothing, doll customization, and hyperfixating on weird, niche lore for weird, niche things! 🩻
Art sideblog: https://www.tumblr.com/blackplaaaguesketchbook
Why I alternate text: https://www.tumblr.com/blackplaaague/730625551588540416/how-exactly-does-bolding-your-words-help-you-read?source=share
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🗝 I'm currently writing Victoria Darken, a part-comedy, part-horror, sapphic love story about a feral scientist in a city full of cryptids, set in the 1910s. 🗝
🥼 I have other projects going on behind the scenes, too... let's just say I love cosplay! 🥼
🧪 Feel free to drop by anytime to ask me a question or just to chat. I post a lot more memes than art. Anyone can interact, as long as: 🧪
~You aren't here to spread hate
~You're not Racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic/aphobic/etc
~Only interacting with an 18+ blog
~Also, no terfs, please, that kind of mindset kinda messes with my vibes :|
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About me!
🩵🤍🩶 I am a demigender/genderqueer person who uses they/he pronouns, but I'd be fine with being called an it if you're using it in a reclaimed way. 🩵🤍🩶
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⚠️ My name is Ellis, but I also go by Corvus and Viktor because those are my personally-selected middle names and they go hard. ⚠️
☣️ I'm a baby punk, new to the subculture, and I'd love tips and band recs! ☣️
💉 I write my own music, and want to get into dollmaking and wig styling. 💉
🥩 My whole aesthetic is a combination of, like... rotting meat, mad-science-looking-radioactive stuff, and classic punk, so my blog is kind of styled like that. 🥩
☢️ I'm a big fan of a lot of things, but I don't like fandom culture just because of a long history of being bullied. ☢️
💚 I alternate my text like this to help my pals with ADHD read through long text faster, it really works! 💚
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Tags I use:
Fnoof: this is how I tag FNaF-related posts. I also have "Link" for all of the Zelda franchise and "he head a cup" for Cuphead. I'm very sorry for being cringe about my favorite video games. It will happen again.
Link: We just explained this
He head a cup: we just explained this, too
VD stuff: me rambling about my webcomic
BP rambles: literally anything I said, in the tags or my own post, that I think is funny. There's some gems in there.
VD spoilers: this is, obviously, spoilers for my comic. Spoilers/gore/other stuff like that is always tagged with a simple tw tag.
Mother Corporation: this is my FNaF AU that I had to make because I couldn't bear to let one of the games of all time rot in a muddle of confusing plotlines and pixel-art character models when I could rewrite half the games on a whim. It's actually pretty good, and only about as canon-deviant as the books and stuff, but I'm aware it's cringe of me so you can filter that tag out if you want.
I love you platonically: positivity and mental health reminders
Summoning the mutuals: I'm tagging people in this post and it could be you.
Peace and love on planet punk rock: this has been a psa about what punk is (a subculture about self-expression, uplifting those smaller than you, and overthrowing bigotry) and what it is not (homophobia, racism, transphobia, etc)
Daily reminder to stay alive: all the posts from my "list to stay alive" queue. I could've made a sideblog, but those always take a long time to get going and I get hundreds of reblogs from friends here who needed it. I'm just glad to help people with them.
Ellis' sketchbook/Blackplaaague's sketchbook: art posts also uploaded on my sideblog @blackplaaaguesketchbook
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I'll keep adding new tags and updates as I get new interests and such. This blog is as fluid as I am.
Please keep in mind that, even though I do not have a 200-page DNI, hate, bullying, harassment, or prejudice of any kind is not allowed on this blog. In the tags, the comments, the reblogs, nothing. If you send hateful content to my mutuals and my blog, you're getting blocked on sight. This is a safe space.
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🖤🩶💚🤍 ...Also I'm aromantic btw 💚🤍🩶🖤
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If we're mutuals, I will read all your posts and it will be great.
Nice to meet you! See ya around!
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(DM me if any of these images are yours and you'd like credit, I can't remember where I got these, regrettably, and I'd like to provide credit so people can see more of the creator's content!)
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Link to full post (check reblogs):
🖤 I'm not Vivziepop. I'm not Lauren Faust. I am a teenager who likes gothic literature and silly cartoons, and I do this all for my own amusement. If I'm not liking the vibe, I'm out. 🖤
💚 From now on, we are setting boundaries: 💚
*Boundaries in linked post*
Thanks for understanding,
☢️ Ellis ☢️
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✨700 Followers Celebration✨
um, i hit 600 followers not long ago, and i just reached 700? literally was at like 669 this morning, what happened ??? thank you so much!
i didn’t have time to pre plan, so here is a recycled celebration y'all seemed to like. it’s less characters and fandoms this time, hopefully i can do more for 800 :)
this celebration will be open for one week. starting today, february 7th, ending on february 14th. please don't send anything in past night time on the 14th.
if you want to participate, keep reading :)
the fandoms i can do this for are harry potter (marauders era), game of thrones, and house of the dragon. i'm sorry for the lack of options this time.
to participate, give me one of the aforementioned fandoms and i'll ship you with a character from it and write a blurb!
just give me a bit about yourself, whatever information you’re willing to share. it can be a physical description, your favorite things (like books, movies, places, music, songs, tropes), your hobbies and interests. any information about yourself (and specific scenarios if you want one) that you want to share and you think would help me give you a character, its all up to you, go wild. this part is required to get a ship.
if there are any characters from the fandom you choose that you don’t want me to consider shipping you with, let me know and i'll avoid choosing them.
for this option, if necessary, and only if you’re willing to, please specify your pronouns (and/or sexuality, or just say if you want me to ship you with a certain gender) and i’ll do my best to give you your best fit in my opinion.
i’m going to ship you (either platonically or romantically, up to you, please specify) with a character from a fandom of your choice. i’ll write a little blurb for you with the character/why i think they’d like you.
if you would like, you can instead give me a character instead of having me choose one for you. i'll still write you a blurb and explain why i think the character would like you. please still send in the aforementioned information if you choose this option.
✨to participate, just give me a fandom, any information you want to share about yourself, whether you want the ship to be platonic or romantic, any characters you want me to avoid, and i’ll get back to you as soon as i can with a ship and a blurb!✨
if you have any questions, feel free to message me or submit an ask.
i just wanted to say thank you again, im gaining followers so fast and i really appreciate all the love and support with my work. very much appreciate you all and anyone who has supported my work in any way, and i hope you participate and enjoy :)
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the-stray-liger · 1 year
I didn't think I could genuinely feel so bad for Elan 5, but this episode just kicked me in the gut. Dude found a kindred spirit in Norea, and any notion they could go on the run and be free together was cruelly shot down, both metaphorically, and then quite literally when one of Cathedra's pilots sniped her Gundam's cockpit.
Suletta bonding with Petra, the pair of them working so hard to help evacuate Asticassia, and then Suletta seeing Petra being crushed by rubble... our girl is NOT okay.
THEN WE HAVE LAUDA. He still doesn't know what the fuck is up with the Schwarzette, and not only does he hear Shaddiq talk about how Guel was the one to kill their father, and Guel indirectly confirming that fact, and THEN being informed about what happened to Petra. There is so much goddamn pain in this episode holy shit.
I honestly have liked El5n for a while now. As douchey as he is he is literally the same was El4n-a tool that was modified and twisted for a purpose and could be discarded at any time. And he was so afraid to die and so desperate, and that's why he found a twin soul in Norea who was also another child who was only a tool kept around for the purpose of piloting a gundam until she died and was terrified of dying. I knew Norea's death was coming for a while, but I never expected it to be such a heartbreaking moment in which we also saw El5n say his first honest words from the heart ever. Him telling Norea was the landscapes in her sketchbook made me tear up. He understood her in a way he'd never tried to understand anyone else. A spacian who understood an earthian. And it was all in vain because Norea was killed before he could even answer the only question Norea had for him-what his real name was. I'm absolutely destroyed
Suletta bonding with Petra was such a sweet moment that illustrates the delightful complexity of gwitch characters-bullies who are more than that and who can actually bond with main characters and show kindness and hope. And then she died. Without being able to see Lauda. After asking Suletta what she was looking forward to do after she survived. Ouchie. I'd really come to appreciate Petra because of how much she cared for the Jeturk siblings and this was really painful. And Suletta who apparently isn't traumatized enough gets to destroy her own hands trying to rescue people out of the rubble. Because what else can she do now that her entire world is broken besides trying to help others.
(Side note: Secelia showing again that beyond being a bitch she's willing to collaborate with the earth house by lending Chuchu an ms. Perfect. And Chuchu and Felsi getting together to fight the Gundvolvas, outstanding, marvelous, showstopping, etc etc etc. And the most important part for me was that they managed to save the animals. Tico is okay y'all)
I am SO CONCERNED FOR LAUDA. My man hasn't known a moment of peace since his brother lost that duel to Suletta in s1. His brother disappeared, his dad was killed, he had to control the sinking ship that was the company without even having time to mourn his father and now THIS. He finds out his brother killed his father from Shaddiq in the middle of a terrifying battle. Literally what is gonna happen why do the writers keep torturing these boys. I'm so stressed out. At least Guel managed to defeat Shaddiq but I wonder when will Guel actually win a fight without getting into more trouble
Overall an incredible episode that crippled me emotionally and left me unable to continue with my html homework 20/10
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greenflameweek · 2 years
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This time i came a little earlier, hehe. I hope y'all the prompts... So, without more hesitation, let's have fun and enjoy ourselves!!
day 1: pirate!au • sickfic
day 2: magic • movieverse
day 3: omegaverse or a/b/o • seasons
day 4: royal!au • found family
day 5: ghosts • touching each other
day 6: flirting • band!au
day 7: insecurities • isekai
This week, since it's the second time i am hosting it, also has the option of using older prompts. So, if nothing here make you go crazy with ideas, i recommend looking at our first post. The week is going to be happening from 20/12 to 26/12, but we still accept late works, so there's no need to rush or overworked yourself, okay?
1- You are not obligated to use both prompts. You can choose just one and work from there.
1.5- If you want, or feel brave, you can use both prompts for the same day.
2- There's no need to make content for all the week. If you participate for just one day is already good enough for me, so please respect your limits and have a good time.
3- NSFW is allowed. If you want to write some sexy times, feel free to do so, there's no rule against it here.
4- The only thing i ask you to not do is to write about unrequited love that have focus on other ship. Sorry, but the week is for greenflame — so writing about one of them suffering because the other is in a relationship with another character sounds a little off the mark for me. With that being said, polycouples are accepted — since everyone agreed and consented to be in a relationship with more than one person.
5- The minimum wordcount for fics is 100 and there's no maximum limit for wordcount, given the fact that i know how it is to start something that should be short and finish it with 4k or more. For drawings, sketches are counting too — if you don't feel like, you don't need to make the coloring and the rendering, just the sketch is already good too.
6- Also, don't take the prompts literally!! You can work with them as a concept or just with the word or what it means. Like, there's a lot of ways to use them, so please, be creative if you didn't have any idea at first.
If you still have questions, don't hesitate to send an ask.
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youngster-monster · 9 months
everytime i look back at my own anon asks they get longer and i feel like im writing an essay except the essay is hyperfixation fueled rambling . does that mean anything i WILL get my wow lore from you i HAVE been getting my wow lore from you and there is nothing that any gamer alive can do to stop me because i have more free time than i should be allowed to have and an obsession for two dead gay elves. i think about them every single day and i think that this can be accredited to you, ELVES???? IN MY MULTI-MASSIVELY ONLINE ROLEPLAYING GAME???????? MANY OF THEM??? AND THEYRE COMPETENT TOO?????? oh man oh god i (i am shoveling everything on my desk into a suitcase) i dunno if i (i am hauling my computer and monitors into a comically enormous suitcase that is far larger than the contents would require) dunno if i can (searching "FINAL FANTASY XIV DOWNLOAD") i dont know if i can play that g- okay for real though i May In Fact Download FFXIV . i am scared of games i know nothing about because Uh brain sucks but youve convinced me by setting up one of those stick and box animal traps with promise of elves as the bait. i now get to message my sister who has also been hitting me with ffxiv copypasta and tell her i am interested PLEASE please please i would literally do anything to see subs tank so that they have no choice but to kick illidan out of space hell and by extension kael and vashj too so they can be mean to eachother and have the banter i so crave. to me their banter is what mana addiction is to the high elves. i miss them every single day my brother actually found out about the gay elves when i left wow open on my computer ("what relevance does that have?" you know how you can name your wow character almost anything? yeah so i have this thing where i physically cannot stop myself from testing if ship names are available for use on any game i play and uhm. youll never guess what i was testing on wow right then and there) which is tragically positioned in such a way that it is visible to the entire room and when he saw it he looked so disappointed but in no way surprised whatsoever
the time that i have to message you approaches very quickly because the ask length is getting Worse. it is getting So Bad. my deepest condolences that you have to sift through this whole thing i just have so many things to say at any given time
frankly this reminds me of my old forums days. did y'all ever do that thing where you made a friend on a forum and instead of exchanging numbers (no mobile phone) or skype contacts you'd just exchange novel-length private messages? emails with extra steps.
i am so sorry for the dead elves brainrot. it will get worse.
me 🤝 your sister Come Play FFXIV. They Are Extending The Free Trial In October. You Cannot Escape The Elves
it's actually a good game too especially once you make it past base game! as a wow player i found it pretty easy to get into after a quick period of adaptation ( < forged in the crucible of wotlk-era wow)
i just KNOW the outland trio has some incredibly comedic AND tragic potential with their banter and blizzard is KEEPING IT FROM US.
everyday hapless brothers are subjected to their sibling's dead gay elves obsession.... and it will happen again. when we're in the same room i often ask my brother random wow lore questions and he answers me immediately before going (extremely suspicious) "why. is this for a fanfic." yes it is now tell me more about coastal cities in the eastern kingdom for this throwaway line im trying to write
i also cannot shut the fuck up and i love attention and friendship so i'm having a blast personally 😌 everyday i log on and go "ah :) got a new message from my Secret Connection" like we're two spies in the 17th century corresponding through letters folded under a rock
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🔪 📖 💀 ✨ yayyyy, am here again for the ask game because although I have asked you already I still have the desire to learn all of your thoughts about the rest of it! ♡♡♡
Shhhh, I always love answering asks and talking about Killer and Healer, feel free to send me as many asks as you want
🔪 What moment feels like they just took a knife to your heart?
Um, there are too many...but I think the one that fucking got me on the first watch was when Jiang Yuelou shot Chen Yuzhi and then had a literal fucking breakdown about it. I was already sobbing because like "JIANG YUELOU, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" but then when you realize that it was all a dream and that they fucking planned it, I'm like..."I hate y'all. Fuck y'all, made me lose my god damn mind". But also seeing how absolutely fucking distraught Jiang Yuelou was when he thought that he had actually killed Chen Yuzhi...fuck me up man. My god. Mao Zijun deserves all the awards for that
📖 Give me a fic recommendation
Well, I'm always down to rec all of my fics, which you can find over on ao3 under: 恨君不似江楼月 | Killer and Healer (I know it has the same title as the rewrite, but I promise you, it's the link to the series)
And as for a fic that's not mine....Waiting (Let Me Pet You) by @bestbuds55. I thoroughly enjoy this fic and go back to read it every now and then because it's just so good.
Or, some other good ones are Reunion and Photograph by @tytangfei. These ones are also really good
But I mainly read/re-read my own fics, so I don't have a lot of Killer and Healer fics bookmarked
💀 Do you have any secret ships? (Including friendships)
As we all know, I ship the usual ships, Jiang Yuelou/Chen Yuzhi, Zhan Junbai/Yu Tangchun as well as Sun Yongren/Song Rong, and Zhong Yiren/Chu Ran. As for Liu Li and Chu Min, I see them more as like Zhan Junbai and Yu Tangchun's kids, so to me, they're siblings, not romantic.
I still think Jiang Yuelou and Wang Meng would make...maybe not good friends, but they could be good allies. They'd get along (maybe) for Chen Yuzhi's sake. And of course, the Chaotic Police Siblings (Jiang Yuelou & Jin Dacheng). I really enjoy their friendship
✨ AU you’d like to see the characters in
*motions to literally any au I've written* I think I've got you covered, babe. But no, seriously, I think I'd like to see the Killer and Healer characters in a wuxia (I've said this many times before, give me Mao Zijun and Ian Yi in a wuxia together, please) or in a mafia au (like Kinnporsche, minus all the sex. I'm down for the blood and violence tho. I'm cool with that)
Killer and Healer Emoji Ask List | send me an emoji
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arsenalgbt · 10 months
YAYYYYYY i just saw the sakanelli drabble and i literally love it!!!!
(idk why it took me so long to see it i’m literally here everyday💀)
it might sound so bad but i love the helplessness (as you said) of sakanelli in your techbros au. there’s something so angsty about two people with COMPLETELY different views of the same relationship.
like obviously from bukayo’s side he really likes martinelli and even though he knows that they’re probably not ever gonna be more than friends he can’t control his heart and how his feelings swirl within him whenever martinelli is around.
and then there’s gabi who’s just trying to be b’s friend and doing all these little things to try and be a good friend (and just a good friend) to bukayo but instead these little acts cause bukayo to fall for him more even though the further he falls the sooner he’s gonna be hit with the fact that his feelings are his alone.
honestly it’s so late idk if anything i said made sense im literally just rang king in your asks again but oh well 😭
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again, me copying your comment word by word to my lil black notebook of accomplishments T_T
thank you so so so much.
there’s something so angsty about two people with COMPLETELY different views of the same relationship.
trust me now I need to flesh out their plot ASAP. you put it so beautifully, so simple yet the sparks in my brain? exploding bruv................ let's talk about fabio then. do you think he's reciprocating nelli's blatant flirting? is he aware of b's longing stare? is he conflicted??
also take ur time no pressure to reply whatsoever. y'all already know I love to discuss my fics LOLLL
everyone, feel free to request drabbles!
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meowmeowmessi · 1 year
and they're trying to take away from AlbicelesteTalk's credibility now just because they can't accept it 😭 like frst of all, it's not even their info, they're only reposting from the interview??? second, what did they expect lmao? yk that one cmvnga or whatever acc that's always posting shit about messi despite the 50 diff players in his carrd? they're the ones obsessed like be fr now. if your fave really is the best (lol) then why are you getting so worked up? reeks of insecure imo. i KNOW it's the face card more than anything (which i rly dont see im sorry but to each their own 😭😭) bc how can you genuinely look at both careers even only up to 24 and decide messi isn't better... don't even get started on the actual playing like??? he's not real and no one will ever compare, least of all someone who declined his 'dream club' for psg's bank account and look where that got him 🤥. also about the rent-free thing,,,,, he was asked in an interview and actually spoke pretty well about m*appe (i dont wanna potentially get jumped 😭) and y'all wanna pretend he insulted him or was salty just because he didn't say he's the best?? which he isn't???? again: reeks of insecure.
HE DID SPEAK WELL ABOUT MBAPPE gosh i totally forgot to mention this in my previous response shsjdjsk like of course he brought him up they were literally teammates back in PSG 😭 he literally said mbappe is a good kid why are yall acting like he murdered your dog be serious now 😭
i actually don't know who this cmvnga person is (and judging by what you're telling me maybe that's a good thing lmao i do appreciate retaining my braincells) but yeah i'm going to keep saying what i've always been saying: the recency bias regarding mbappe is insane. like, comparing mbappe to any version of messi is the closest thing you can come to blasphemy in football i think, or even sports in general, but especially if you're comparing him to what messi was like at his age: messi had FOUR ballon d'ors by the time he was 24. FOUR. and he won them back to back to back to back. i don't think people realize just how absolutely ridiculous that is. it's a record that's probably never going to get beaten in the history of football ever.
moreover, after his loss in the 2014 wc final, messi was an absolutely demon at club level- like a man on a mission. meanwhile this is mbappe after the wc:
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(the 10 rating was in a match against psg ultras 😭 his own fanboys 😭)
face card aside, i do think another reason people latch onto mbappe is bc there hasn't been a black "it boy" like him in football? (do tell me if i'm wrong, though!) his fanbase has a noticable split (on social media at least) between ronaldo stans who jumped ship after his "fall from grace" (so to speak) and tiktok girlies who take the kpopification of football a bit too far 💀💀
bottom line is- messi's comparison only exists in pelé and maradona, and i think these weird fangirls and media outlets with their agendas aside, most people have actually accepted this fact now. and we can all thank la scaloneta for that. they actually saved football tbqh
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dootznbootz · 6 days
Do you have any favorite m/f ship besides zelink, odypen, nalu? And do you have any favorite f/f and m/m ship? Or even a polyamorous one? (when I say "favorite" I really mean favorite, not just one you like!)
Lil confused by the question, as you're saying "I really mean favorite, not just one you like" as...I already told y'all about my favorites. Zelink, OdyPen, and Nalu. Those are my favorite ships.
But since you're asking again. I'll just name some in general :) I have many that I'll often be like "I love them!" but also I'm just thinking on the top of my head. Also I'll only be talking about ships that are like, for the ROMANTIC stuff. I have many brotps and friendships that I love a lot :D
Again, disclaimer: these are just opinions with shipping. Not about actual human people. Shipping is usually what you yourself vibe with the most, so that's what this is.
*coughs* Yuri > Yaoi. Women are cool. I ship more yuri and have more thoughts about yuri than yaoi *coughs*
I like Jim x Claire from Trollhunters. He's no longer human (for that short amount of time) and still she's so ride or die, as he is too. She held back the fucking SUN to save him. Enough said.
I haven't finished the Manga but I did get pretty far and I like Yato and Hiyori from Noragami. He's never had a shrine before despite being a god and she made him his first one.
OH ALSO MAIKO. I fucking love Mai x Zuko. I love Suki and Sokka but that's a given. They're fucking made for each other. but fucking Maiko?? I still get shivers from "I love Zuko more than I fear you." ughhjhhhh She's grumpy and mean but she loves him so muchhhhh. I don't give a fuck about the ship wars with ATLA except Maiko and Suki and Sokka.
Edwin and Royai from FMA :) Mostly Edwin, I teared up when Winry accidentally ripped his cute proposal apart with "Half? I'll give you all of me?"
Got a pair with OCs. (honestly it's funny because I had them for a while but then I got into the Odyssey and I realized they match up with my Odypen so I think poured so many of my thoughts from them into OdyPen as it fits. Water shit, scammers, one keeps having shit thrown at them and wants it to stop, etc. so much alike lol)
For F/F.
I'm very sure I'll love Farcelle once I get into Dungeon Meshi. they seem right up my alley. lol
"These shows are messy" yeahyeahyeahyeah, shut up. I love me some red and blue wives. Korrasami and Rupphire. Red and blue characters? WOMEN? Don't mind if I do >:) 🩵 ❤
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There's so many more that I'm sure I'll like but I haven't watched/read everything yet. like I haven't seen owl house or she-ra and many others but I have a feeling I'll like them too (currently no streaming services :') )
I got lesbian grandma OCs :) Don't have names yet but in a DnD-esque shit, with a quiet and soft dwarven woman with a chaotic elf woman. They're done adventuring and are retired. They raise a different OC in their cottage now.
For M/M.
DioSthe I like a lot. >:) Sthenelus being his little cheerleader? Following Diomedes to all the new cities he founded? Literally saying I love you to one another? (I know that could've been platonic but they DO deeply care about one another) GOOD SHIT! They're messy but not purposely or happily hurting one another.
For poly, I don't really have any??? I already love platonic stuff in general and I'm a jealous person. :'D It's not like I don't want to ship Poly ships, I just haven't found any that I vibe with yet sadly.
There's that "(character) has two hands" which yes! That's right! :D They do!
...But so do the characters that they're holding hands with 👀 All characters do. Those other characters' other hands are free, they should reach over and hold hands too. If it's Person A/B/C, a triangle of holding hands. Poly marriages (not cult stuff. you know what I mean) need to be legalized so they can ALL be spouses.🥹 (if people just want significant others that's chill. But for me, it's ride or die for all lovers or I don't get it. BOND ALL YOUR SOULS TOGETHER or BUST)
if they're not all holding hands and spinning in a circle then the stupid, jealous, lizard brain in me is like "But...that's not fair 。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。 They should all smooch each other. Why does only one get the smooches? If one is smoochless, I'LL start smooching their unloved cheek. You snooze, you lose."
Because like, there's some Poly ships where I KNOW that the character has a favorite. Canonically. Some people can know there's a favorite and still ship but not my jealous ass :') I would always feel bad and jealous on that character's behalf because I have lizard brain. Ship what you ship but with Odysseus for example, if he had to choose between Penelope and someone else, he'd choose Penelope. Always. I'm sorry but that's literally canon. He wouldn't even hesitate or feel bad.
Honestly, if folks know of poly ships who are all holding hands, are all mutually obsessed, and not letting go then I'm all ears.🥹
(preferably with a woman in it)
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hii Ray, how about yon, hachi and jyuu from the odd introduction ask meme? :3
Tysm!! <3
○ Hachi ○ • What scenario is your favorite to imagine with them
I imagine a lot of smutty scenarios with them (because I'm a horny mf lmao) but also a lot of soft domestic fluff. Especially cuddles. There's no such thing as too many cuddles. Plus can you imagine being held and snuggled by someone who's 2 feet taller than you?? Sounds like heaven to me.
○ Jyuu ○ • What is your favorite thing about this ship
The fact that Ganondorf and Ray literally could not be more different, yet fit together so perfectly. Ray is (obviously) heavily based on myself, disabilities and all, so thinking about someone like Ganondorf, who is literal royalty and could easily have his pick of any Gerudo woman he wanted, still choosing Ray just... feels really nice.
I'm putting this question last because it got REALLY long lmao
○ Yon ○ • Capture two important memories in this ship
Y'know what? For this question, I'm gonna do something I don't normally do, and share with y'all some snippets from the ""official"" Ganondorf x Ray fic I've been slowly writing over the past year and a half. It's all written in second person and is still 99% draft (hence everything is in square brackets), so uh... don't expect a masterpiece XD
The first is when Ganondorf let Ray go after the first time they got caught in the fortress:
“Conflict with the Hylians is rather undesirable. I’m sure you can imagine the difficult position that puts me in when it comes to dealing with those who would dare to cross our borders without permission. Your actions warrant punishment, but… I think I will let you go.”  [Wait, what? You look up at him in surprise] “Your intentions appear honest enough, so I’m willing to say that you’re not a spy or would-be saboteur, merely a fool who lacks the wisdom to keep to their own lands. As such, you are free to go, but not without a warning: do not come back, else you will face actual consequences.”  [you thank him graciously]  [he rolls his eyes at you and snaps his fingers twice to get the attention of the guards] “Guards, escort them back to the border.” [he gets up from where he was sitting, and the guards come and grab you by the arms, standing you up and walking you out of the cell. They take you to the border and let you go, just as Ganondorf ordered. But just before releasing you, they repeat his warning not to come back. Then they let you go and turn and head back towards the fortress without another word.]  [you take a moment to breathe before starting to head back towards Castle Town, your heart still pounding and hands shaking with the adrenaline, but with an odd mix of emotions swirling around in your head. You can’t quite describe it. You chalk it up to the terror you just experienced and go home, never to return to the Gerudo fortress.]  [or at least, that’s what you intended to happen.] 
We all know Ray didn't listen to him lmao. Anyway, the second is almost a year after their first meeting, on the night they got together (for a little more context, they're laying in bed post-sex):
[A few moments of silence as you both lay there on your backs and catch your breath]  “You do realise that you’re stuck with me now, right?” [you say and turn your head to look at him, You can’t help but smile when he meets your eyes] “You’ll never get rid of me after this.”  “You make it sound like an inconvenience,” [he says in mock seriousness, though his amusement is only thinly veiled.] “I think you’ll find that having you at my side is exactly what I want.”  “You mean it?”  “I do. Never before have I shared my bed with someone whom I care so deeply for. In that sense, you are my first.” [he rolls over onto his side so that he’s facing you] “When you and I met—the first time that you snuck into the fortress, and my guards caught you—I called you a fool for not staying within your own lands. Now, I realise…” [he trails off, chuckling softly to himself]  “Realise what?”  “That I was just as much a fool as you were.”  [you lay on your side as well as you can look at him properly] “Really? What for?”  “For not seeing that the little Hylian trespasser who stood before me… was so much more than that. I thought of you as nothing but a petty criminal; a minor nuisance, but a very persistent one that was really starting to get on my nerves.”  [A smile creeps onto your face] “And now?”  “Now I understand just what a blessing from the goddesses you truly are. Not just to me, but to all of us. The role you will play in what is to come is the key to everything my people have desired all these years… Through you, we might finally live rather than just surviving.”  “You will, I promise. I’ll do everything I can to help you.”  “I know. I’m counting on it.” 
Hopefully those weren't too painful to read lol
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ask-nozomi-k · 22 days
~About this blog~
Hi there!! Welcome to my Official Ask Blog!!
Feel free to ask any questions, dares, etc. about Nozomi and the Nozomi AU here! :3
My main blog (which has a slightly more in-depth intro about me): https://nozomi-kaizoku.tumblr.com
Before you go asking, here are some notes in regards to me and the FNaF AU Nozomi exists in:
This Au is still a work in progress and I still need to figure out Nozomi's backstory. I plan to use your guys' questions about Nozomi as a sort of little guide for the creation of this AU! (and also creative block is a dick to me at times)
This AU is heavily based off of the Tony Crynight AU, and as such, every animatronic is their own sentient being. So no, none of the main cast is possessed by any dead kids, animals, etc. (eg. Springtrap and William Afton are two separate people), though I might feature the kids as living kids, and maybe a few references to the canon lore (but that's an idea for later)
As I mentioned on my main blog, I am autistic, and one of my autistic traits is struggling with social cues and what is considered “appropriate”, and even though I make sure to control this behavior the best I can, I often say things that may come off as rude/offensive/wrong, and it often times gets me in trouble. So If I do ever post anything that makes anyone uncomfortable on here, I apologize in advance! /gen
I do not condone proshipping on this page. yes, some ships may come off as "weird" or "cringe", but I do not wish to ship an of the characters in a malicious way. If I accidentally ship any characters in a malicious way, please inform me.
~Boundaries~ (please read the whole thing)
Who can interact with my content? (all /srs)
Always Welcome!! (unless you end up on the DNI list somehow)
Neurodivergent people of all kinds (especially autistic and ADHD folk)
Anyone of any mental illness
FNAF fans, canon and AU (especially Tony crynight fans)
Any race, gender, sexuality, religion, disability, etc. (this is a safe space)
Any fandom (outside of what is on the DNI)
Weird/cringe people of all kinds (furries, therians, alt fashion, etc.)
Just cool people in general!
Anyone 14 and over
Unless I made you an exception, DO NOT INTERACT (DNI) (you will be blocked)
Anyone in the Gacha fandom (as cool as the content is, the community is way too toxic for me to handle)
Anyone in the Hazbin Hotel fandom (same reasoning as the Gacha Fandom + Vivziepop is way too problematic for me to handle)
anyone under 14 (I'd rather not expose anyone that's really young to any sort of content that's gonna mess them up for life. Trust me, I saw some shit I wasn't supposed to at a young age and it messed me up big time.)
Anyone who openly shares their political ideology (No hate against any of you, but I've seen way too many people get into fights over one's political viewpoint, and I'd rather not have that negativity on here. I'm considered a "leftist/democrat/liberal" incase anyone is curious, but I'm not gonna talk about it much on here)
Springtrap x Ballora shippers (most of y'all are toxic as fuck and I don't like it)
DNI (no exceptions) (you will be blocked)
Anyone who fits into these categories: Ableism (especially against neurodivergent people), Racism, Sexism/misogyny, Homophobia/ transphobia, Antisemitism, Pro-genocide of any kind, Nazis and Neo-Nazis, pro-"life", or any sort of discrimination that I haven't listed here.
People who justify literal bullying as "criticism" (seriously, it never helps)
Tony Crynight Anti's (this is a Tony Crynight fanpage, and as such, any hate against him will be deleted and blocked
~OC reference sheet (for anyone who's interested)~
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About Nozomi (So far):
His full name Is Nozomi Strawberry Kaizoku, but people call him Nozomi, Strawberry, or just Zomi
He is a unicorn
He is Pansexual and Transmasc
His preferred pronouns are he/they/it
He is autistic
He is able to use magic (mainly levitation)
As of now, is age is still unconfirmed, but I'm wanting to make him about 100-200 years old (yes, Unicorns in this Au can be pretty old XD)
He is currently working as a paid intern for Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria
That's all, have fun everyone! :3
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shujishakes · 6 months
🖤Rules and BYF🖤
My biggest rule
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❥ I mean it with my full chest. If you are a minor or don't have your age in your bio you will be blocked without hesitation. ♡As well as blank blogs. If you're a new user, please do the bare minimum of looking not like a bot. ♡This is not an empty threat, I will check and block. ♡I don't care if you're a minor that writes fics, you are not exempt from this rule.
❥ This is a sideblog attached to my main. I don't follow or like from this blog. I can not be mutuals with you from this blog. If we form a friendship I'd love to be moots from my main blog. Please, do not ask to be mutuals. Don't be afraid to start a conversation though. I love to talk about mutual interests.
❥ If you get off on spreading hate and discourse just go somewhere else, like outside into nature. I won't tolerate literally any of it, so don't bother. Anon ask feature stays off, cause if you want to start shit don't hide behind a gray icon, let me toss you the block. ♡This includes y'all with 'what about me' syndrome.
❥ This space is for fandom and writing. I chose to keep it free from politics and drama. Please, do not try and change that or bully me for that. This is my escape from my life.
❥ If you have an issue with self shipping or get jealous when others self ship with your f/os, please stay away from me and my followers. We're all just here to have fun with our f/os.
❥ If for some reason I come off rude or offensive to you, please let me know privately and respectfully so we can try to work it out. I don't mean to come off that way and I try very hard not to.
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🖤Writing Info🖤
❥ First and foremost; My writing is self indulgent, meaning I write for myself. And post at my own pace.
❥ I write for the fandoms and characters that I want to write for, as well as the type of fics I write. I only write x reader. Currently write for Tokyo Revengers, MHA, JJK. Plan to write for Genshin and Honkai.
❥ I write from the perspective I'm most comfortable with, which is fem!reader, using she/her pronouns (when used), female anatomy, and feminine pet names. As well, reader might be described as short. (I have only lived my life as a tiny bitch, I don't know what it's like to not have to look up at someone that isn't a child, lol) ♡I am working on getting more comfortable with gn!reader, especially for fluff. I just don't want to mark something as gn and accidently upset someone because I describe something wrong. So, for now I'm sticking to fem!reader.
❥ Please read all content warnings on every fic before reading. This blog is (N)SFW and dark content friendly and may get graphic at times. I am not responsible for you consuming something you don't want to. I tag all my fics accordingly, it is your responsibility to read them and protect yourself. (If I somehow miss tagging something, please let me know politely and I'll fix it. If that does happen I apologize in advice for any upset caused.)
❥ I plan to never take requests. I did with my last blog and all it did was stress me out and make me feel pressured. This also means do not beg or ask for a part two. If I want to write one I will. The best way to get me to think about writing a second part is by giving love on a fic you like, but that doesn't make you entitled to a second part.
❥ This blog and on my AO3 are the only places I post my writing. If you find them anywhere else, please let me know so I can try to take care of it.
❥ I DO NOT and WILL NOT agree to have my writing translated or posted on other platforms by anyone, even with credit. I maintain sole copyright of all my works.
❥ The best way to show your love for a fic and author is by reblogging so
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♡Please like this to show you've read and acknowledge everything in this post. Thank you♡
Dividers by @/cafekitsune
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dabis-cum · 10 months
*⢄⢁✯ 𝑊𝑒𝑙𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝐶𝑢𝑚𝑣𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒 ✯⡈⡠*
✭ I am 18+ so minors please go away no offense I just don't want little hellions running around that's my job
✭ I have severe ADHD, it affects everything about me and my life. This includes posting motivation and interactions with people, so feel free to ask for clarification if I say something stupid or rude (I usually do not mean to come off that way)
✭ This blog is completely satire and these may not even be headcanons I have I just like saying stupid shit
✭ This blog will absolutely contain NSFT content and will be tagged as such, anything triggering will be tagged as tw: _ please feel free to ask for specific things
✭ Everything I make is made only by me, if I accidentally use fanart for content PLEASE let me know! I only use canon material as to not steal content or cause issues. If you as an artist want me to use your stuff lmk
✭ The askbox is open for requests or whatever! I'm fine with basically anything as long as it isn't bigoted (I make gay and homophobic jokes those are fine I am gay myself)
✭ I only know so much about MHA since I am still watching it, please try to keep spoilers to a minimum. Newer characters are fine to request!
✭ I am an extremely unserious person but I do take accountability if I say something overly distasteful. However, please don't come here expecting me to kiss ass about trivial matters
✭ I do not want extremely violent people on my blog. If you harass people over fiction, are any type of -ist or -phobic, or any kind of ED positive blog, please don't even bother following.
✭ Y'all spam my inbox with harassment and it'll get closed I literally don't give a shit go outside and socialize. Speaking of, don't bring discourse here. I don't care about shipping wars or who said what. I don't have time to care and I've dealt with shitty fandoms enough in my time
*⢄⢁✯ 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒃𝒚! ✯⡈⡠*
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