#y'all don't understand how good of a person she is and I'm literally coming back here every day to reblog this cause she's amazing
lovemyromance · 6 months
Can people stop saying Elriels are changing Elain & Azriel's personalities to make their ship work?
First of all, SJM wrote a bonus chapter and 3 books of buildup in the background for Elriel already. We didn't just make up the fact that they're very into each other - SJM literally wrote that in the books.
We don't have to change anything about them. They are already attracted to each other and interested in each other in the text at this point.
Could we sit here and argue that Azriel sitting in the garden with Elain, Azriel sensing she's missing and in danger when the Cauldron kidnaps her, Elain looking to Azriel for comfort, Elain getting him solstice gifts, Azriel wanting to beg on his knees for a taste of her, Azriel giving her truth teller, Elain kicking the hounds off him, Azriel making everyone wait for her to eat dinner - We can sit here and argue and say those things are "strictly platonic" or "he's an incel who only lusts after her" (not sure how both can be true but okay). We can do that - but it won't change the fact that it is ON THE PAGE. THEIR MUTUAL ATTRACTION is IN THE TEXT.
Cool? Cool.
Next Point: Nobody is changing shit about Elain or Azriel.
It's like the antis saw one post about "oh Elain could be a cool warrior" all the way back in like 2015 and have held onto that like that one grainy af Elucien Facebook comment that one account keeps posting as responses to elriel posts (y'all know who im talking about right 😂).
Allow me to give you a refresher: It is currently 2024. Nobody is trying to make Elain be a warrior. I think most Elriels are of the opinion that we do NOT want ACOSF 2.0.
What we do want to see, is Elain potentially as a spy. AGAIN - not a warrior. This is not changing her personality. She is already a Seer - it is not a stretch to want to see her delve into her powers in the next book to use them to SEE and gather information. Elain is ready to help, she literally says "Find me when you wish to begin."
If people are complaining about fan arts where she's holding a dagger - I'm like 99% positive that dagger is truthteller and you cannot be complaining about an actual canon scene where she has been the only other person to touch that knife in 500 years, apart from Azriel. Not even Mor, his one time love, has touched that knife.
And Elain holding truthteller is in the official ACOTAR coloring book - BTW. So if you have an issue with Elain being depicted with a dagger - take it up with SJM's team.
Let's talk Azriel:
Genuinely not sure what people are saying we are changing about Azriel to better fit Elain?
People bring up the "oh he's too dark for Elain she will shy away from him" um. No. It's literally in the text how Elain calls his scars beautiful and does not balk from him.
Also .. what darkness? I did an entire post on what the hell is Azriel's darkness even and still, nobody had an answer for me because ??
We can't be reducing this man down to a job he took very very reluctantly and clearly hates. He doesn't like torturing people for answers, guys!! Y'all make it sound like his love interest can only work if she's his literal torture assistant or something 😭😭
"Hi azriel, you have a 11 o'clock coming in for the usual water boarding treatment." <tucks hair behind ear and nods earnestly> "and then afterwards, I will wash the blood off your knife and accept your darkness?"
Is that what y'all want 🤨🤨 don't be weird smh
Azriel says it feels wrong to touch Elain because HE FEELS UNDESERVING OF HER?? Have you never read a romance novel? The tortured hero being so reluctant to even touch his love because he's afraid his sins will taint her goodness??
Please people. Listen to like... a Hozier song before you try to understand this man because maybe then you might get a crash course on him. This man is so Hozier coded, it's insane to me that people think of him as some fuckboi incel.
Nobody is changing anything about Azriel and Elain. They are drawn to each other and understand each other without having to say a single word. Their love story is already starting out to be the healthiest: friends to lovers. They have been given a title: death & his lovely fawn.
Their very names mean Azriel "God is my help" or "Angel of Death" and Elain means "Light" or "Fawn" or "God has answered my prayers"
It's already on the pages and if you can't see the writing on the walls, perhaps it's time for a reread my friend.
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morgansdeb · 2 months
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Seeing the One Piece fanbase hyping up this 24-year-old white girl to play Robin because they're allergic to older and non-white women is so annoying to me (they're also allergic to fat women)*. The fact that she's super young when Robin is supposed to be visibly older and more mature than the East Blue Five, makes her an immediate NO for me. These weirdos will see a super young girl with black bangs and scream "Robin-chan~~!!!" because they can't consume media without their dicks in their hands. I mean, 19k likes? Seriously?
Iñaki Godoy is 20. Mackenyu is 27. Taz Skylar and Jacob Gibson are 28. Emily Rudd is 31. The ideal thing would be for Robin to be 40 (or AT LEAST 32, and not look like she just graduated high school. She needs to look older than Emily Rudd and the rest of the cast).
I can only imagine the amount of racist vitriol Robin's actress will get if she ends up being a WOC. And let's not even start with the comments about the size of her breasts. Emily Rudd is the most conventionally attractive white girl you could think of, and I still see comments saying she wasn't "right" for Nami because her boobs aren't "big enough."
"But Oda said that if Robin were real, she'd be Russian!!11!" And he also said Luffy would be Brazilian (Iñaki is Mexican), Nami would be Swedish (Emily is American), Sanji would be French (Taz is Spanish/English), and with Usopp... all he did was write Africa, which isn't a country. So let's be serious for a bit. Those answers weren't literal.
Y'all love to talk about how the creepy things that he says on the SBS are "jokes" (remember when he sexually harassed a fan who asked him if she could be a Jump Editor, or when he said he fantasized about Rebecca's top falling during battle? Because I do), so why are these answers the one thing you choose to take seriously?
But this fandom being filled with racist, misogynistic, fatphobic incels isn't surprising considering how terrible Oda is. All these issues are connected and lead back to the source material. It's nearly impossible to have productive conversations about One Piece when everyone wants to blame all the bad on OPLA or Toei, as if the creator himself wasn't the one who opened the door for every single problem.
Some of you act as if someone kicked your dog whenever someone dares to suggest that Oda isn't the Super Progressive Writer™ the fandom has deluded themselves into thinking he is. I don't even understand where the denial comes from, considering his misogyny is so blatant and his association with sex offenders is public information. I understand loving One Piece, but you don't need to kiss Oda's ass, you know? He's not a good person.
Being critical of the media you consume and its creator isn't being a "hater". I can consume One Piece while disliking its many, many issues. I didn't sign a contract that says I have to like every single thing about it.
I'll be upset if Robin ends up being played by some 20-something white actress, but I'm already upset by the fandom's attitude. *Don't think I haven't noticed the obsession some folks have with monitoring Ilia Isorelýs Paulino's social media activity to check if she's losing weight to be "manga/anime accurate Alvida", as if Alvida magically becoming thin is this super important plot point that needs to be adapted. The source material and the fandom's treatment of fat women is another topic I could rant about for days.
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takeachillpillshawty · 5 months
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No, some people do shit on Vil. I like to think there's a spectrum when it comes to Vil haters and Vil lovers.
Vil haters will demonize Vil and call him racist because he 'hates' Epel's accent, when that's not even true! He hates how crude and inappropriate he talks to others, you forget that Rook speaks French in some of his dialogues? Vil doesn't even bat an eye making the whole Vil is racist thing completely ridiculous and meaningless.
'Vil is abuse towards Epel!' Epel literally tried to pick a fight first and y'all are mad he actually got hurt? What did you want Vil to do? Stand there and take it? You all make jokes about Riddle getting his shit rocked by Ace because he was a little shit, but mad at Vil for doing the same to Epel? Vil doesn't go out of his way to abuse Epel, the fuck?! And I'm not saying that Epel is a terrible person nor a saint, we can have characters who are both flawed and still like them.
I see Vil as the type of mom you think is an asshole but when you get older you realize she was trying he best to raise you when you were a difficult child. I do agree that Vil has flaws that he needs to work on, the thing some people can't comprehend is that Vil will admit that he's wrong. Vil isn't self centered or some snobby rich dude, he strives to be a better person for himself and others that includes admitting he's wrong and bettering himself. He wants everyone in his dorm to be a better version of themselves and in one of his birthday cards it stated that while in his club he learned more about what goes on behind the scenes of movies because of his club member's help.
Vil, who is an actor appreciated the help of his fellow club mates for teaching him more about what goes on behind his profession. And I can't fully go in more dept because I'm an English twst user, and unfortunately some of the dialogue is either wrongfully translated or censored because Disney can't handle the queer themes of his character despite most of their Disney villains being QUEER CODED due to the Haze code back in the day. I'm seeing that people love to bring up the 'him trying to kill Neige' situation with his overblot, and I have to admit... Mans was genuinely tweaking, not gonna lie.... But you have to understand that Vil literally spent his life perfecting his acting skills despite his villainous roles he's given. He still held his head high despite it all, only for Neige to step in and steal that role of the hero. How would it feel to spend years at something that gave you an identity, the only thing that you're good at only to be out shined by a person who never felt the struggle of requiring that talent. I'm not saying Vil had every right to do what he did, but damn I understand why he did it.
Now onto Vil lovers, like I said it a spectrum. We have the Vil lovers who like myself can see his flaws and can agree that Vil has some issues but can see that he's a good person despite it all....then we have the Vil fans who hate and demonize Neige.
I can't understand why we can't have both, you also know you can like both characters without putting down or demonizing one over the other. I think that Neige is another version of Kalim honestly and I think he's a really sweet guy, but come on... You guys are just making stuff up to excuse Vil almost killing him which again I say, we can admit Vil was fucked for that but blaming something on Neige that he didn't even know happened is crazy. It's not Neige's fault that Vil hates him but the circumstances in their lives that put them to where they are now. Neige didn't ask to be famous, hell he didn't asked to be an actor he needed the money to have a better living situation for himself and his friends.
This has now become a Vil rant and I don't care, I love this man so much.
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Has anyone written a guide on
How to write New York AAVE - for Miles & Miles!42
?? If so let me reblog it but if not I might write something. I don't really read for them but there are a lot of New York specific terms I can drop if anyone wants. Some of them I use in my posts (like saying 'I'm weak' in place of 'I'm laughing really hard).
Follow up question:
Do you notice any AAVE in my posts? Do any of my sayings or terms confuse you? I'm so curious cause EVERYONE IRL around me speaks fluent AAVE 24/7 unless they're in an office setting.
Every person in my school spoke it. Because it's our default way of speaking and we switch out of it, I don't notice the large differences sometimes.
[One time I was overseas and I was speaking and a British dude (granted drunkness was happening) was like 'OH you're from Texas right :) I can hear the twang' and I was like ?????????????? Absolutely not my friend now take it back ??????????
The Midwestern girls next to me was like 'ummmm he sounds extremely New Yorker, like it's not even funny'
I realized he probably thought I was Texan because I say 'y'all' A LOT. I use it 100% of the time. Saying 'you guys' here is seen as really formal. But at the time because I didn't realize I was saying y'all and speaking AAVE in front of foreigners, and since it isn't really spoken in movies or on TV - it sounded foreign and very very thick in front of them]
That's why I try to write in AAVE when I can. It's quicker, has a lot of fun sayings, and it's a legitimate writing and speech pattern with it's own words, some words having changed meanings in AAVE (like feigning or scary), and lots of other small things.
But if someone has already written it let me share it cause I wanna read
[It takes less than five minutes of your time and involves listening to a song]
If you've read this far and you wanna see the post, I'd love to try a little experient.
I'm really curious how knowledgeable everyone is in AAVE, and how much if it is completely lost in translation. So idea:
Act Up by City Girls is a popular rap song written completely in New York AAVE.
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It's 2:30 minutes long. Can you do me a favor and go listen to it? (If English is your second language, I'd love to hear your thoughts too!) And just notice:
How much you do understand their accent, as in are you making words out of it, even if the sentences sound confusing?
How much of the lines you feel like you comprehend or get the joke?
And for fun, are there any words you either don't know at all, or words you know being used in a weird way?
Like in the song Yung Miami - her name itself being AAVE for 'Young' Miami - says the lyric
'Hood bitch, good pussy
I ain't average
He can't come around with that cabbage
Pop a pussy bitch quick like a bubble gum'
Did you understand that the first time she meant a literal pussy, and the second she meant it as 'someone who isn't about their word'. Meaning she'll punch the hell out of a girl who she thinks is asking for it.
Or that cabbage is supposed to mean money?
These are just some of the lighter lines. But if you have the time, like 3-4 minutes, please check out the song and let me know your thoughts!
Also do you already know the song or City Girls?
I'm just really curious about how much AAVE people know and how in depth to go if I do write it. I'm SO SO CURIOUS.
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yeonsols-garden · 3 months
Now y'all I know that this latest chapter (chapter 153) has been angsty and heart-wrenching but can we just stop and appreciate how much better the art style has gotten and how actually so pretty Yeonwoo is in Haesol's POV like it's stupid it's crazy I haven't been well since I woke up this morning and reread the chapter because are you telling me that even though she thought he was a dude she thought he was the most beautiful person she has ever seen in her life!!!!
Like think about it everyone KANG HAESOL thought Yeonwoo was the most beautiful person she had ever seen!!!
I don't even need her to say it to us you can just tell how absolutely smitten she was from the first moment she saw him based on that first panel!!!
That panel alone of him looking so good like uughhh! That look of surprise and shock as he looks up at her and his big eyes!!!!!
The expression and everything like uuufghhhh! Just oh my God he was Radiating submissive and breedable and I understand her for that because me too!!!
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He looked so good in her POV that it's actually wild Haesol is absolutely smitten with him. (LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT BABY!) And you don't even have to tell me she is smitten because I can tell.
What is the icing on the cake is that she was so surprised by the intensity of her own feelings that she thought "Okay this isn't okay. I'm going to just never confront these feelings ever". Then she just sees him without his umbrella and says… "Just talking to him won't hurt" (Her fate was sealed then and there)
This just once again reinforces my headcanon that Haesol's intensity when it comes to her feelings for Yeonwoo is so much and so immense that she is terrified of it herself.
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Throughout the manhwa, we get glimpses of this! And recently with the way Esol has emphasized the way Haesol stares at Yeonwoo you cannot tell me she is not obsessed with him in the entirely unhealthy way tops are obsessed with their bottoms because it is exactly that. I KNOW THAT LOOK ANYWHERE HAESOL I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE (She's a freak everyone a freak she wants him so bad it's making her insane)
She is entirely obsessed with him in that way and I am actually foaming at the mouth, wheezing, and going batshit insane because it's crazy!!!
Never have I seen someone more down bad and I am actually on cloud nine.
The angst is also great and in my humble opinion, this breakup is a good thing because their relationship started off on the worst footing a relationship could. Yeonwoo confessed to Haesol, sure, and yeah she may have accepted but the things that you typically do when someone confesses to you are things that they did not do.
Haesol did not affirm that she likes him back and instead added the condition that they need to keep their relationship a secret which was going to become the building blocks for Yeonwoo and his insecurity in their relationship.
Yeonwoo for all his monologue about how much he likes her after that moment he never really says it again. Their differing love languages mixed with the fact that they receive love in different ways meant that a breakup was going to happen eventually. ESPECIALLY because they both think so highly of the other and never want to disappoint the other.
So even though this breakup is devastating don't worry cuz they're going to get back together. This is literally their romance they are going to get back together. So all is well yall. It is a good thing that they broke up, however, because now they get to start back at square one of their relationship and they are going to set the necessary foundations needed so their relationship actually flourishes in the future.
In the meantime let's all fan girl but how pretty these two are because come on they're so pretty.
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goddessofwisdom18 · 5 months
your favorite character being largely disliked by both the stans and the antis is actually so devastating. where am i supposed to go
there are three main opinions about mor in this fandom:
1. she’s fine bc she’s feyre’s bestie but you don’t really care about her personally (probably bc she’s queer because the stan girlies used to LOVE mor when moriel was semi-canon. i remember. i was there)
2. she’s fine but annoying bc she ~lead azriel on~ (main opinion on the acotar subreddit). never mind that if this was true, it would be as a result of a retcon, because again, pre acowar, moriel was going to be canon. sarah made mor sapphic because we were asking for more lgbt characters. (again. i was there.) and besides, i frankly don't think it is true, because azriel is the fucking spymaster with a million chances of knowledge at his fingertips and mor spent 80% of her time at a gay bar so idk how he couldn't have fucking known?
3. or she’s the fucking worst because she was. idk. mean to nesta. you know who else was mean??? and people love that about her because it's a result of trauma, it makes her flawed and relatable? literally nesta T_T this is not anti nesta i just don’t get it.
4. she's the fucking worst because she… supposedly lied about eris? ?? i'm not even going to begin to unpack this. why y'all IMMEDIATELY take the man's side and think what he's saying is bible… i don't fucking know. learn to decenter men in your life my friend. sometimes women ARE telling the truth even if they're basic or pick mes or whatever.
mor’s traumatized as hell and definitely has as much to back up her occasional cattiness as nesta had to back up her literal life long bullying. but few people will give her a feminist reading. few people will analyze how sarah wrote her story or what that means. few people will even give her credit as a real villain. she’s just an annoying pick-me bitch and that’s the end of it.
think about the lack of grace rhysand gives nesta. think about what that might mean for mor, to whom rhys (and his friends) was a sort of savior, because her life in the hewn city was that bad that somehow dealing with rhysand is better. that was who she grew up with; that was what she was taught to see as good because at least it wasn’t keir.
not to mention that her life is shaped around her survival via her desirability to males. ESPECIALLY as a sapphic woman can you imagine what that would do to her psyche?
but no. no fan posts about her. no headcanons. nothing nada. just me and the mor week posts and the occasional obligatory stan reference bc she's part of the main cast.
i understand being annoyed bc of the double standard in canon between her and nesta's heavy drinking, but even then i see posts all the time about "i would love rhys if it weren't for the narrative's worship of him!" and none for mor because she's just a ghost. she's nothing to anybody. despite being A MAIN CHARACTER!
not to mention but like. generally positioning yourself perpetually in opposition to the paradigm rather than just having values whether they're popular or not is not a great way to go about things. i completely understand liking eris regardless of what he's done - i am a tamlin stan despite the fact that he was very well abusive in acomaf - but the fact that there are antis out there who are so convinced mor is lying, or who want sarah to write that storyline, is so digusting to me. women in groups you don't like, political sides you don't like, women you think are annoying - they still deserved to be believed. don't give into respectability politics. come on now.
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rinatic · 2 years
In love with my roommate | Johnny Suh
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Pairing: roommate!johnny x fem!reader
Genre: best friends, roommates, friends to lovers, angst and fluff.
Word count: 2k
Warnings: shirtless johnny
A/n: first attempt so pls be nice to me lol, hope y'all enjoy this :)
I rolled over in my bed and looked at the time on my cell phone. It was 9:30 p.m. and my twenty-minute power nap had accidentally turned into a two-hour snooze. I glanced out the window to check the weather conditions. It was completely dark with a lot of wind.
Definitely not the best time to jog around, but it would have to do. I really needed to walk to clear my mind from one thing.
My crush likes someone else.
And what is worse is my crush is, unfortunately, my roommate.
I threw off my blankets and pushed myself out of bed. I gave one good yawn with a long stretch then plopped back on my bed. Remembering that he told me he's going on a date today and might bring that girl he keeps talking about to our shared apartment.
He did leave early, so i suppose they're on their way to here? If so, i have to hurry up, i need to get dressed and be outside in like minutes. If i don't get my lazy ass off my bed and start dressing soon, I'll get to see him here with her.
And I don't want to see her.
I can't allow myself to because I'll know she'll become the person i hate the most, knowing myself, I'll probably blame her for every little thing that goes wrong in my life from the very moment i see her.
And I don't want to do that.
But how will I avoid her when she'll be the girlfriend of my roommate?
A knock on the door startled me. "Are you there, y/n? Can i enter?"
It's him, of course it's him, who would it be except that stupid boy i like?
I found myself fixing my posture as well as my fixing my hair. I hate to admit it but it became a habit to check if i look present and neat in front of him. "Yeah, come in." The door swung open slowly, and there stood Johnny, wearing nothing more than a towel that he wrapped around his waist, showing off his perfectly chiseled body. The towel looked like it will fall any moment.
Little water drops fell from his hair strands to his neck to his chest. I couldn't help but admire how fucking hot he looks right now.
I hope he did not notice me practically drooling over him. "You've been in your bed all day?" Yeah, depressed because you don't acknowledge me nor my feelings towards you, I thought. "Yeah, but I'm going to hang out with a friend, I'm gonna get ready.."
"At this hour? You goin' to a bar or somethin'?" Ugh. That's what I dislike about him. He's so nosy. He's the type to want to know everything, so annoying. I watched him as he went to my closet. "Can't I leave this house without telling you where I'm going?"
"I tell you everything, we're best friends so we shouldn't hide something from each other." He threw a glance at me over the shoulder then took my perfume. He had the audacity to come to my closet and steal this specific perfume everytime he has an important event to attend. Or specifically when he has a date.
Yes, I've suffered for the past two years from watching him going on countless dates. Bringing his girlfriends here and even fucking them here in his room that is right next to mine, i had to listen to it all night while crying silently. He really made me master crying without making any sound, it did became a talent.
He started spraying it on his body, he sprays too much, literally drenches himself in perfumes and it did make me anxious. You wouldn't stand being close to him, you'll get dizzy.
But i don't mind.
"I'm sure your girl will get dizzy if you keep spraying all that." I said. "Nah, you know girls love men who smell good."
I sighed. "I know but that's way too much- wait, you're still using my perfume even after what happened?" His ex girlfriend who was practically living with us here last summer fought with him over this, she thought he was cheating and broke up with him. I don't really understand how he thinks that putting my perfume on will make him attractive.
"I love the smell, okay?"
"Ugh, put it back, i have no time to buy another these days."
"Shut up, you use my stuff too." He put it back and ran his fingers through his soft black hair. I brought my attention to his face again. "I only took a hoodie, it was an emergency and i gave it back."
"Steal anything you want, y/n, there's no other girl that will take my things." I smiled upon hearing his words. "Yet." My smile dropped. And i hoped he didn't notice the dimness on my face since i just remembered his date.
i got up and left my bed untidy, pushing the thought away to the back of my head. While passing by him I ignored how hot he was and kept my attention on my closet. Picked a basic shirt and pants. Grabbed my hair essentials as well since he doesn't look like he'll get out any time sooner. "That outfit isn't enough, it's so cold outside."
I stopped mid walking. "It's fine, i don't get cold easily." I said with bored eyes. He left the room and i put my things on my bed and closed the door. Is he mad or something or did he want to give me space to change in my own room?
I finished dressing up quickly and let my hair loose on my shoulders. I turned the handle of the door and went searching for the keys.
Did he leave already?
I let out a big sigh as i felt my eyes welling up with tears. Did he really leave that fast? Without even saying goodbye? Does he hate me? I don't really understand why i still have a crush on him at this point. It's useless, I'm wasting my emotions and time when i could be doing something better.
"So you didn't wear a jacket, here.."
Two hands put a jacket on my shoulders. I turned around and he started helping me wear it properly. "You always get so cold, i can't stand seeing you shaking." He zipped it and smiled at me. "You look cute in my jacket."
I pretended I'm fixing my 'makeup' while I'm actually wiping my eyes. "Thanks, wear a one too."
"If i wear a jacket, my date won't notice my sexy body!" He argued playfully, i smiled at his stupid reason. "You look good anyways, you don't have to show your body."
I blurted these words out and bit my lip bottom, damn, did i just let him know that i acknowledge how good he looks?
"Why don't you walk with me to the nearby restaurant?" He said, ignoring the statement i said and I'm glad he did so, he raised his eyebrows and placed a grin on his lips, he always does that face to make me say yes. "Alright." I said. I bet he noticed how uninterested i am, maybe that will make him leave me alone.
He grabbed the keys. "You've been my best friend for a long time, y/n, so i want you to see my date." Hm. That's what I'm afraid of. I don't want to have a breakdown when i meet her. I know how weak i am when it comes to handling my emotions. "You're good at reading people, that's why i need you with me, babe."
Did this man just call me babe?
I ignored that feeling in my stomach and nodded. "Let's go!" He blurted happily and skipped to the building's gate. I sighed as i watched him waiting for me to come with a smile.
I wish the reason behind that smile was me.
Skipping a few stairs, then, i walked next to him, i put my hands in my pockets to keep them warm. He was weirdly quiet, usually johnny talks a lot. And he only stops if he's eating or thinking.
So i guess he's thinking of something.
"Why are you dressed so simple." I asked when i saw his outfit. Hw wore a pair of jeans and a sweater. "My date loves simple things, she isn't into fancy stuff." I hummed and brought my attention to the stores. I remember the last time we walked together here. It was last christmas i believe, we had this tradition of taking walks in December as a friendship thing because we met each other in December.
"We arrived." His voice brought me to reality. I looked at the restaurant. It was the restaurant we ate together a lot when we started attending college. Out of all restaurants in town, did he have really have to bring her here?
Why is he quiet? I waited for him to step inside but it looks like his legs got frozen. "Aren't you going to enter?" I asked. Waiting for a response. "she's not inside..."
Is she late to the date? Who's that stupid woman anyways to be late to a date with the johnny suh? If i were her i would've arrived thirty minutes earlier. I can't believe we're freezing in cold waiting for her to come. This alone says a lot about her. But it's good, maybe this will make him uninterested.
"...she's right next to me."
Huh? What did he say?
I looked to his other side. "Nah, she's not here, dumbo."
"If anyone is dumb then it's you, y/n." I furrowed my eyebrows. "Hey, from the moment we met till now i still manage to outsmart you in every situation."
"Yeah, it's obvious." He rolled his eyes. "Are you making fun of me?"
"Yes, because the girl i like is you, y/n."
Did i hear him right?
"Huh.. it doesn't make any sense, can you please speak more clearly?"
"I literally just admitted i like you.." he looked at me and stopped talking for seconds, analysing my expression. "Well. It's shocking.."
"It's not, how can someone not fall for you." He got that flirty romantic look in his eyes and i immediately looked away shyly. I can't believe the words that are coming out of his mouth. Does he really like me? And if he did, why did he tortured me all this time?
"Well, i like you too." I admitted. Still not believing the fact that we just confessed to each other, but wait, what if this is a prank?
"I know you like me." I immediately darted my attention to him. "Huh? How did you know?!" I asked in disbelief. "You were obvious, y/n, you can't really hide your emotions."
I bit my lip in embarrassment. "But I'm kinda sad you didn't notice my crush on you." He said, pretending to be sad by doing an awfully cringy aegyo expression. "Like, i literally use your perfume only! I buy you lots of things too! I even tried to get a reaction from you by bringing girls in our dorm, but still nothing. You frustrated me to be honest."
"You're frustrated? Frustration is a weak word to describe how i felt! I wanted to kill you!" He raised his eyebrows. A little too surprised at my choice of words. "Still, I'm not in the wrong." He crosses his arms. "The problem is, i was so obvious, it's not my problem you didn't know i like you."
"How am i supposed to know when you're flirting with literally everyone?" He laughed. And even though i felt annoyed every time i remember it, i couldn't help but smile upon seeing him laugh. "You sound so bothered, i promise you i won't flirt with everyone from now on."
Thinking of us dating, i was too deep in my own thoughts that i didn't realize his hands on my arms. He grabbed me by the jacket and slammed his lips on mine softly, he finally kissed me the kiss i daydreamed about. I wrapped my hands around his neck. Playing with his hair as we kiss.
"Johnny, i think people are staring." I pulled away and whispered into his lips. "Don't pay attention, we can do what we want.." he smiled at me softly "we will do what we want." He connected our lips again, this time, i kissed him with no care in the world.
"I love you, even though you're stupid as hell to the point of not getting my hints."
"Did you just call me stupid?!"
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darth-rainbow · 8 months
I really don't understand how anyone could validate Oleander's way of teaching MC. Disrespect, demeaning and constantly throwing barbed insults are not in fact good tools of education. I do not care that MC knows nothing of the world they're in or of the depth of danger it holds. It was the same in book 1 and they survived. This is just a pedantic douche who behaves exactly like any other Fey would and uses the guise of 'it's for your education' to make them seem like a better person than they are. Enslaving someone is never and will never be the solution to anything. Especially not to get a point across that MC has already experienced first hand. Hello Radiance's betrayal? Hello almost getting killed by Beast Kieran? Let's not pretend MC's an ingenue (it's on the writers for making behave like one if she does). They chose to trust Oleander because Kieran told them they could. MC has a good heart and people keep making them feel like it's wrong and has no place even though it's literally the only reason the Moon Court still exists?
Back on Oleander, it's like y'all will take any representation and eat it up. MC has every right to be angry and feel disrespected by this stranger who keeps being straight up awful to them in the name of a cause they don't even really understand and no one will explain without mocking or making them feel entirely stupid for not knowing. Imagine teaching a child about the world like that. Oh? You don't already know everything? Oh you think that...let me stop you right there, you're not allowed to think on your own except if it's exactly the way we all already do. Oh you want to be yourself? Dumb mistake right there, let me constantly demean you as a way to teach you to be like one of us. You're perhaps a decent baby, but amongst adults you won't be able to pretend well enough to survive. Do you realize how insane that sounds?
You know what, this is exactly the type of thinking and way of doing things that fosters exactly the state of the fey courts today. I'm starting to think this Jack with the blade might have a point. Courts must be destroyed along with their antiquated, classists views where slavery is still a thing because humans aren't considered people, rather toys to play with.
Don't even come for me with the 'they're just brutally honest', that's the justification any asshole uses to be mean. As if the discourse being in any way purposeful in the mind of the person who says it dismisses any and all damage it can do. Intent doesn't disregard impact.
I am in no way saying people are not allowed to like a character that is mean. I'm just saying embrace the nefariousness instead of trying to justify it and pretend it's a good thing. Sometimes 'they're hot' is all you need to like a character. Look at the good it did for Nate Archibald.
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carmenized-onions · 3 months
this chapter . babe you have outdone yourself once again.
firstly, carmen baby - wtf actually wtf pls stop I NEED YOU TO STOP YOU ARE RUINING IT
secondly, richie defending chip from creepy exec you loveeeee to see it these are my besties
also love how you worked the richie carmen argument into this fic because it needed to happen so badly but obviously it couldn’t because of how chip was introduced (i’ve also decided im calling her chip its my fav of the nicknames)
carmen proving everyone’s point that he can’t let good things happen to him LOL (not lol actually very very bad)
her and sydney are my favourites, this plaster motif is so flipping cute
carmys people princess insult was kind of good BUT I NEED TO KNOW WHAT INSULT CHIP WAS HOLDING BACK - i feel like this will help me understand what she was like with mikey, like their roasting personalities.
pls don’t call me chippy - WHAT, i need an explanation of this name, denny’s pls come soon
thankyou for resolving between chip and richie!!!!! i said i needed it and you sure as hell gave it to me. i think richie x syd x chip is squad i love them
also who doesn’t love richie and uncle jimmy beef teehee teehee
sorry this is the most chaotic response ever but i had to get it all out
I have. So much to say, babe. Let me plug in my laptop hold on. let me fucking
lock in.
First of all, thank you so much. I was honestly worried this last chapter was a mess and terrible. Could anyone tell I thought that. I thought that so much. IMPASTA SYNDROME!!!
I loved writing Richie this whole chapter. I think it was just nice to write the way he'd act if he had someone to protect at The Bear. Like, those Girl Dad instincts don't just leave you, when you're at work. he STAYS LOCKED IN!!! And also writing a softer landing for him out of that fucking freezer fight, that was yknow, that was a little treat for me. cats can have a little slami.
I had to look up what the fuck plaster meant. BRITIS HPEOPLE CALL BANDAIDS PLASTERS??!?!?!?1 dramatic. Love it. It might just be the ADHD/Autism diagnosis in me but there's something about the ruffly texture a bandaid on the finger has, that I couldn't stop describing, every time Syd and Chip came in contact.
the holding back is the thing i wanted to talk about
So. There was no specific insult in mind, when it came to him saying 'you're excused', but essentially, I'd been plotting out this fight scene since I literally came up with the series. Like we always planned the roadtrip to lead to here, there was just a lot of different ways it could've gone--
It's actually why I did that Fight/Flight/Freeze/Fawn poll, a few weeks back, if y'all remember. I think the result we got was Freeze? I went with a blend of Freeze and Fawn with a flight escape plan, I feel. Like, sorrysorrysorry here's everything i can do to help also brain is utterly numb and now i will make haste.
But if Fight had gotten the majority? And also just the way I was plotting it in my head, initially?
Tony would've straight up swung on him i'm so fr
There were a lot of routes, there was screaming match, there was swinging on him (it would've been an immediate response to the Mikey line), there was actually a completely different scene that would've taken fucking FOREVER but essentially, she would've gone full numb Job Mode and went to serve the Exec, and it would've gotten fucking weird so fast It was gonna be very like Meeting The Wizard behind the curtain type vibe but the Wizard is a fucking bitch and he also thinks you're hot
But the thing is, as I wrote more chapters and got a better idea of Tony's character, it just wouldn't be in her character to do anything that could embarrass Carmen, so she just opted to leave. Oof.
But if we're just going roasting personalities, the immediate comebacks i can think without getting creative
Who died and put you in charge? ...oh yeah!!!
IF I'M FUCKIN' PRINCESS DIANA ARE YOU KING CHARLES YOU BALDING BITCH!!!! And what's fun about this is that he uses her rosemary water, so that's a layer
The real 'liferuiners' though? All Mikey related. 100% all Mikey Related. She would've busted out the board game 'Who Knows Your Brother on a Genuine Personal Level' and he would've fucking lost. And that would've been..... shattering
There was also a world where Carmen actually brought up the fuckin' photos, and essentially would've implied she was..... A believe the chicago term is a 'runner'? And THAT would've really had some fuckin' motor mouths running. Very much so 'Am I supposed to apologize for being likable???' AOHGH
It'd essentially be exactly what Carmen did. Picking on exact pain points, in the other. So Carmen's insecurities about his relationship w/ Mikey, and the almost competitive nature he gains around Tony being 'less sharp'. I guess to summarize, Tony's fighting/roasting style, if it's not to fawn, is to match energy
I love doing callbacks-- I feel almost certain Dennys is never gonna happen. But I also don't know what I'm doing, past chapter 15. So. I guess in theory anything is possible. I think we'll probably wrap up not long after that, though. Maybe a Dennys epilogue? Who's to say.
THE RICHIE CHIP SYD SQUAD IS FUN FOR ME. I enjoy having two characters that objectively alone together wouldn't get along but once they have the glue there, they're pretty good.
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thumpypuppy · 2 months
what sort of other game soundtracks or composers (especially indies but either way) have inspired your work?
Oh gosh, this is such an amazing question!!!
Personally I (Lindar) have so so so many inspirations because I'm a music lover, I'm 37, and I've been playing video games as far back as I can remember.
So first and foremost I have to give a shout-out to Lena Raine because back in like… 2016(?) I was trying to take my studio to a more professional level and invest in some stuff beyond what just comes with any given DAW, so I reached out to her and she was kind enough to answer my dozens of questions and talk shop with me. She is ultimately why Studio Thumpy Puppy has its current sound. I don't know her personally, but she was an absolute sweetie to me, extremely helpful, and y'all know she writes banger after banger track.
Gotta mention Ben Prunty, who is an absolute legend in indie soundtracks.
Met Disasterpeace at Day of the Devs 2016 along with a bunch of other legends in the scene and what an encouraging sweetheart!
Of course I'm a huge fan of Sadie Greyduck who is one of my composers! Go check out her Bandcamp or look for her on streaming services!
Love me some Darren Korb. Honestly like every Supergiant game has been a banger, but it wouldn't be the same without those soundtracks.
On that note you can't go wrong with Danny Baranowsky. Love me some Necrodancer!
Also y'all gotta check out M Gewehr (MWGewehr on birdsite).
Also gotta mention 2Mello who does amazing work and makes some of the funkiest beats.
Of course if we're talking about 2Mello we gotta mention Hideki Naganuma! UNDERSTAND! UNDERSTAND! THE CONCEPT. OF LOVE!
Oh gosh and then Winifred Phillips does amazing work.
While we're here I know she's not a game composer but go listen to Wendy Carlos!
Then there's like… all of the various people across games like Doom, Quake, Borderlands, etc. Sasha Dikiciyan, Jesper Kyd, Mick Gordon…
Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasy), Kiochi Sugiyama (Dragon Quest), Yoko Shimomura (Street Fighter), Takashi Tateishi (MegaMan II), Hip Tanaka (Metroid, Earthbound), Koji Kondo and Toru Minegishi (Legend of Zelda), Daisuke Amaya (Cave Story), Eirik Suhrke (Downwell), Daisuke Ishiwatari (Guilty Gear), the sound team on Sonic Adventure 2, Masato Nakamura (Sonic 2), Brad Buxer et al (Sonic 3&K)…
So let's also take into account that a lot of the game soundtracks that have inspired me over the years are influenced by things that aren't game soundtracks, because those are a relatively recent invention, so we have to talk about how Plantasia by Mort Garson is a direct inspiration for Ocarina of Time and "Dancing Mad" from FF6 is literally just Tarkus from Emerson, Lake & Palmer. A *lot* of early game composers were just prog nerds who listened to like… ELP, King Crimson, Rush, Yes, Magma, Van Der Graaf Generator, Camel, Caravan, Gentle Giant, Soft Machine, Gong… and then also a lot of more popular 80s rock that I'm not gonna list out…
The history of music is absolutely wild and there's so much inspiration out there it's absolutely baffling. Go listen to stuff you've never heard before, analyze it, understand what the appeal and aesthetic is, listen to the last 100 years of the pop charts and then learn where that music came from and who their influences were… go listen to motown! Listen to bebop and jazz and future funk and central Asian folk music and like… get out there and expand your horizons, because like… there's SO MUCH good music out there.
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sunnyie-eve · 1 year
5 | Acting like an Ass
Series: Indispensable | Teen Wolf
Paring:  (Stiles Stilinski x OFC Martin)
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: Panic Attack
A/N: Might be a few mistakes
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Since last night Lydia has been ignoring me because she didn't like how I talked to Jackson last night. Like I was just going to let him talk to her that way? We might not get along well but she's still my sister. "You look more like... well you before we became friends." Stiles takes his seat next to me in class.
"What do you mean by that?" I ask looking at him.
"Hurt, pissed, alone, overall a done look."
I raise an eyebrow at him, "I'm fine." I shake my head.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"I said I'm fine." I look to the front of the classroom.
"You're not though."
I huff, "It's just Lydia is pissed at me because I talked back to Jackson last night. I literally was just standing up for her and she doesn't care." I explain to him.
"She will at some point." He tells me but I ignore it not believing.
After class, Stiles drags me to go listen in on his dad. "If he sees you... he's going to get on you." I laugh as we head towards where his dad was.
"Yeah, but I wanna see what's up." He continues to drag me to the office.
"So why do I have to come with you?" I ask laughing.
"You're in the wrong place at the wrong time." He says but I let it go as we sit on the floor outside waiting. "Favorite color?" Stiles asks hugging his bag.
"Purple. You?" I do the same as him.
"Blue. Oh, favorite type of fries?" He glances over at me.
"Curly fries all the way." He puts his hand up for a high five so I give him one.
"Best kind ever." I laugh at him.
"Favorite song of all time?" I ask.
"Dear Maria, Count Me in." I shake my head at him.
"Wherever You Will Go." He nods his head and as the bell ring for us to get to class, his dad comes out.
"We are watching his family's house. Maybe he'll wind up there. Give me a second." He walks over to us. "Don't you have a test to get to?" He asks his son.
"Don't mind Julia, she's good. What's going on? Did you find Derek yet?" Stiles asks.
"I'm workin' on it. You go take your test." His dad tells him.
"All right, Dad, listen to me." Stiles tries to talk making his dad raise his voice. "This is really important. You have to be careful tonight, okay? Especially tonight." Stiles tries to tell him.
"Stiles, I'm always careful." He tells him.
"Dad, you've never dealt with this kind of thing before, okay? At least not like this." I could understand where Stiles was coming from.
"I know, which is why I brought in people who have. State detective. Go take your test. Also, try not to get your new friend in trouble." His dad smiles over at me so I return one as we head to class.
"You have 45 minutes to complete the test. 25% of your grade can be earned right now simply by writing your name on the cover of the blue book." I see Stiles quickly write his name. "However, as happens every year, one of you will inexplicably fail to put your name on the cover, and I'll be left yet again questioning my decision to ever become a teacher. So let's get the disappointment over with. Begin." Mr. Harris tells us.
After a few minutes, Scott rushes out and Stiles follows but I say in class. Stiles comes back after some time but Scott never comes back to class. "Because of the full moon tonight?" I ask Stiles as class ends and he nods his head.
"You helping me lock him up tonight, right?" He asks as we walk.
"If you want help yeah. I'm not just going to insert myself into y'all's life like I'm been a best friend as long as you two have been." I explain as we head to the cafeteria.
"Why not? You're part of the team now." He nudges me.
"Well, I don't wanna invade y'all's personal lives at times." I try to explain.
"Julia now that you are on the team... that means we're gonna be best friends soon, and we all get up in each other's personal life." He smiles at me.
When it was lacrosse practice I met up with the guys in the hallway. "Can you pick up on stuff like, I don't know, desire?" Stiles says as I join them and I'm guessing he just learned Scott can smell like emotions.
"What do you mean desire?" Scott asks him.
"Like sexual desire?" I shake my head at Stiles knowing what he wanted to know.
"Sexual desire?" Scott repeats.
"Yeah, sexual desire. Lust, passion, arousal." Stiles explains.
"From Lydia." I tell Scott.
"What? No, in a general, broad sense, can you determine sexual desire?" Stiles looks at me then back to Scott.
"From Lydia to you?" Scott says so Stiles says yes.
"Fine, yes, from Lydia to me. Look, I need to know if I have a chance with this girl, okay? I've been obsessing over her since the third freakin' grade." I roll my eyes knowing she doesn't care about him.
"Why don't you just ask her?" I motion over to her.
"Well, to save myself utterly crushing humiliation. Thank you, Julia. Okay? So, please, can you just go up and ask her if she likes me? See if her heartbeat rises, pheromones come out." Scott says okay and walks over to her as we head outside.
"You don't even need Scott to ask for you because I know the answer." I say as we get to the benches.
"No, because you aren't close. She could keep it as a deep secret. You're just jealous that she could like me." I laugh at him then walk over to Jackson.
"Can I borrow your lacrosse stick real quick?" He laughs at me.
"Why would I let you touch it?" He asks.
"So I can throw a ball at Stiles. I wanna hurt him for a second." I explained to him and he groans handing it to me. "Thank you. Now when I get a ball I need you to get him to turn around so I can get him from behind." I smile then take a ball from coach. "Excuse me, I gotta borrow this." I see Jackson get Stiles' attention.
"What are you d-," Since I didn't wanna hurt Stiles too badly I aim for his shoulder, then threw the ball at him with a behind-the-back shot.
"WHAT THE HELL JULIA?!" He spins around holding his shoulder.
"Don't say what you said next time." I walk back over giving Jackson his stick back.
"Hey! If you ever think about playing, I'll let you join the team!" Couch shouts at me.
"Maybe next year." I let him know.
"Hey. What happened?" Stiles asks as Scott shows up.
"What?" Scott seemed not like himself.
"What do you mean, what? Did you ask her? Did she say anything? Did she say she liked me? Did she imply she liked me?" Stiles just gets asking.
"Yeah. Yeah, she likes you. In fact, she's totally into you." Stiles gets happy but by his tone, he was lying.
When the guys were practicing Scott knocks down all the others including Danny at the goal. The whole team rushes to check on Danny so I rush over too. "Dude, what the hell are you doin'?" I walk over to Scott with Stiles.
"He's twice the size of me." Scott tells us.
"Yeah, but everybody likes Danny. Now everybody's gonna hate you." Stiles tells him.
"I don't care." He walks off from us.
"Your lipstick." I hear Jackson tell Lydia so I turn around to look at them.
"Oh. Oh, wonder how that happened." She checks herself. "Yeah. I wonder." He says sarcastically. I look at Stiles and his jaw was hanging open shocked.
"In fact, she's totally into you... Listen to me next time and watch what you say, or the next ball is hitting your spine, harder." I cross my arms looking at him.
"I'm sorry, but you play?" He asks as we walk back towards the school since practice was canceled now.
"Yeah, it's a secret hobby of mine." I laugh.
"From the pain, I'm still feeling... you're good." He rubs his shoulder.
"Thank you. I hit you with a BTB." He stops to stare at me.
"You're telling me you don't suck at back shots? I suck at those." He tells me and I decide to joke with him.
"You suck at lacrosse all together not just your back shots." I smile at him and he punches my arm.
"I hate you." He walks into the locker room while I go to my locker. "Okay, here's the plan. We head to my house get things ready for tonight then head over to Scott's and chain him up so he doesn't kill anyone." Stiles shuts my locker on me. "Then when the night is over I'll take you home." He smiles like a dork.
"Sounds like a good plan." I agree not really having a choice.
When we get to his house he runs straight to his room while I said I was going to get a glass of water first. "Stiles that you?" His dad walks in.
"Nope, he's in his room." I smile so he smiles back.
"So you're a friend of Stiles? New. I'm guessing since I've only seen you come over once." Sheriff Stilinski asks.
"Yes Sir. I just became friends with him and Scott. After years of only a few small conversations in class, we finally started to hang out." I explained to him.
"He's not paying you to be his friend right?" He asks making me laugh.
"I wish he would." I joke and he laughs too.
"Julia!" Stiles shouts for me.
"You sure? You really volunteered to become a friend of his?" Noah asks me as I clean my glass by hand.
"I sorta did. There are times when he doesn't give me a choice. There was like only one option for me and I had to deal with it."
He nods his head, "I believe that." I nod my head now.
"For example, he told me at school after lacrosse practice... Okay, here's the plan. We head to my house get things ready for tonight then head over to Scott's." I take a seat at their dining room table.
"Sounds like my son alright." He takes a seat too. "I never got your last name." He asks.
"Oh, Martin. My mom is Natalie Martin and my twin sister is Lydia." I tell him.
"I can see that now." He chuckles.
"You're actually the first to say that. When I tell people my age or older they say I'm lying at first because I'm so different from them." I let him know.
"That's ridiculous because you all share some features. Also, it's okay to be different, if being different makes you you, then keep being different." He tells me and I can't help but smile. "I saw the look in your eyes when you said differently so I just wanted you to know." He explains to me.
"Thank you Mr. Stilinski." He nods his head.
"Please call me Sheriff or even Noah, I don't care. I like you, you're a sweet girl." He laughs as Stiles marches into the room.
"What the hell? I called you?" He crossed his arms at me.
"I know but I was talking to your dad. I'm not going to be rude." I tell him.
"Can I take Julia now?" He asks his dad.
"Yes, I wanted to tell you before I head out that I'll be out all night." He tells Stiles.
"Remember be safe, especially tonight." Stiles tells him as he walks over to me grabbing my arm and dragging me away.
"See told you no choice. Be safe tonight Sheriff, bye." I tell his dad.
"Nice talking to you Julia." He shouts back.
"Really ditched me for my dad." Stiles shuts his door.
"Again was having a conversation with him and wasn't going to be rude." I explained again that Stiles shows me what he has for tonight.
Once we leave to go to Scott's, I notice Stiles glancing over at me from time to time. "Can I help you?" I ask him starting to get annoyed.
"No. Why do you ask?" He asks looking ahead.
"You keep side-eyeing me." I explain.
"What my dad said to you... If being different makes you you, then keep being different. He was right, I feel like if you were the exact same as Lydia... I probably would never get to start to know you. Plus you're fun to talk to." He explains as I look over at him.
"You were eavesdropping?" Is all I say.
"Yeah, from when you said who you were." He says as we pull up to Scott's.
"I'm sorry." I tell him before we get out.
"For?" He asks confused.
"That Scott kissed Lydia behind your back and then lied." I let him know.
"You were right... Now let's go." We get out.
I watch as he uses a key to unlock the door and open it going in holding the door open for me to come in. "Scott?" Melissa calls out.
"Stiles and Julia." He says as she walks into the room.
"Key!" She looks at the key in his hand.
"Yeah. I had one made, so..." He explains.
"That doesn't surprise me. It scares me, but it doesn't surprise me. What is that?" She asks about the bag as he drops it on the floor making the chains make a sound.
"School project it's really complicated to explain what the guys are trying to do." I explain to her and she nods her head.
"I believe that." She then looks over at Stiles. "Stiles, he's okay, right?" She asks.
"Who? Scott? Yeah. Totally." Stiles says weirdly.
"He just doesn't talk to me that much anymore, not like he used to." She says upsets.
"He's had a bit of a rough week." I sum it up for her.
"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Yeah, um- Okay, uh- Be careful tonight." She tells us so we say you too.
"Full moon." She adds but makes Stiles freak. "There's a full moon tonight. You should see how the E.R. Gets. Brings out all the nut jobs. You know, it's, um, actually where they came up with the word lunatic." She says before she leaves the house.
"Lead the way." I tell Stiles so we head to Scott's room.
"Oh, my God! Dude. You scared the hell out of me. Your mom said you weren't home yet." Stiles bumps into me as he leans back.
"I came in through the window." Scott says acting creepy.
"Okay. Uh, well, let's get this set up. I want you to see what I bought." Stiles bends down to the bag.
"I'm fine. I'm just gonna lock the door and go to bed early tonight." Scott tells us and I don't believe him.
"You sure about that? 'Cause you've got this kind of serial killer look going on in your eyes, and I'm hoping it's the full moon taking effect, 'cause it's really starting to freak me out." I let him know and Stiles agrees.
"I'm fine. You two should go now." Scott tells us.
"All right, we'll leave. Well, look, would you just at least look in the bag and see what I bought? You know, maybe you use it, maybe you don't. Sound good?" Stiles suggest that Scott comes over to look.
"You think I'm gonna let you put these on and chain me up like a dog?"
"Actually, no." Stiles quickly handcuffs him up.
"What the hell are you doing?" Scott yells trying to get lose.
"Protecting you from yourself and giving you some payback. For making out with Lydia." Stiles tells him and then leaves the room so I follow.
"Really?" I ask as I see him get a dog bowl with Scott's name on it.
"I don't care if it's the moon. He's being a asshole." Stiles had a point.
"It's actually funny." I cross my arms trying not to laugh. "I won't interfere unless you want or need to me." I say as we walk back up to the room.
"I brought you some water." Stiles pours the water from the bottle into the bowl.
"I'm gonna kill you!" Scott throws the bowl away making Stiles walk back into the room from the hall where I was.
"You kissed her, Scott, okay? You kissed Lydia. That's m- like, the one girl that I ev- and, you know, the past three hours, I've been thinking, it's probably just the full moon, you know, he doesn't even know what he's doing, and tomorrow, he'll be totally back to normal. He probably won't even remember what a complete dumbass he's been. A son of a bitch, a freaking unbelievable piece of crap friend." Stiles goes off on him so I head downstairs.
"Anything!" I hear Scott yell.
After a minute I head back up and sit next to Stiles on the floor. "What are you doing alone downstairs?" He asks.
"Giving you two space." I force a smile.
"Julia, you're just jealous everyone likes Lydia and not you." Scott says as we hear him struggle to get free. I close my eyes trying to ignore him. "I can smell it. Jealously, sadness, loneliness, it's pathetic but then again you are." He laughs as he struggles and I try to breathe calmly but I can't so I rush downstairs for a drink.
My hands were shaking as my heart was pounding and I couldn't breathe. "Hey, hey, breathe. Try to breathe. Focus on me, look at me." Stiles grabs my hands forcing me to look at him. I just stare into his eyes and it helps a little but my panic attack stops after he pulls me into a hug till I was breathing normally again. "You have panic attacks?" Stiles asks letting me go.
"I used to a lot in the past. Haven't had one in years. I guess what Scott said triggered some old memories." I try to laugh it off.
"I used to get them when my mom died. I knew you were having one as you rushed away." I just look down. "I'm going to stay down here for a while if that's okay?" He nods his head.
"It's okay. If you need me I'll be in the hall floor." He smiles leaving me alone. From downstairs on the couch, I could hear Scott screaming so I cover my ears. "JULIA!" Stiles comes running down the stairs. "Scott gone. He broke the handcuffs." He pulls out his keys so we rush to the jeep.
"Question, where the hell would he be?" I ask.
"I don't know, that's why we are driving around." His thumb taps on the steering wheel paranoid.
As we were driving we see flashing lights so Stiles stops the jeep rushing out to look for his dad. "Dad? Dad? Has anyone seen my- has anyone seen my dad?" He asks then walks towards the body.
"Stiles. What are you doing here?" His dad shows up making Stiles hug him relieved he's okay. "Again, what are you doing here?" His dad asks as they stop hugging.
"We were just driving around then saw the lights and got worried. When Stiles got out to look for you he panicked not finding you." I explain to the Sheriff.
"We just found a body that was out in a dead bomb fire." He lets us know.
"That sucks." Stiles says making me hit him.
"Come on, Stiles some respect for the dead guy." He rubs where I hit him.
"I didn't know what else to say." He hits me back so I hit him back again.
"I like her. Keep Julia around Stiles or you're grounded till your dead." His dad points at him.
"What? I-," He's cut off.
"It's late and I think you should take Julia home now then head home yourself. I'll be home soon." Noah tells him.
"Fine, see you at home." Stiles walks back to the jeep.
"Goodnight Sheriff." I smile giving him a goodbye wave.
"Night Julia." He returns one.
"Wow, he really does like you. I believe just by what was all said in one night, likes you more than Scott." Stiles says driving me home.
"You said once we become friends we invade each other's lives... Guess what? I'm making my way into yours easily." I laugh.
"Make yourself right at home then." He laughs. As we pull up to my place Stiles stops me before I get out. "It's not pathetic that you feel those ways at times. I'm starting to feel them myself with Scott being a werewolf now." He lets me know.
"I get what you mean but it's still different for me. I live with Lydia and she reminds me every day." I look at him.
"If you ever need to rant about things or want someone that will listen to you... Give me a call or come over." He gives me a smile.
"Night Stiles." I open the door.
"Night Jules." He smiles as I shut the door and head inside.
I already am starting to feel the pain of what's to come.
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Why I Absolutely Cannot Stand TamaHaru as an Ouran Manga Reader
Shoutout to this post I made a while back, we're finally delving into the second half of my argument lol
I feel like I'm gonna get some heat for this but I mean this completely in good faith to the shippers, because y'all are people. And honestly? Since there are so many of you, I would genuinely appreciate hearing your (polite) responses because I really don't understand. Here's my (anti-TamaHaru) perspective:
Ok, so TamaHaru always seemed a bit bland to me in the anime. It was fine if it had to happen, I guess, but it always seemed like the other characters were a lot more excited about it than the actual couple, and it just kind of seemed like their energies and life plans didn't align? They don't even end up kissing by the end of the anime, and they were the main ship and a straight couple. If they wanted to kiss, wouldn't they have kissed? And I mean, yeah, there was that whole bit where everyone was like "wow, Haruhi's dad is just like Tamaki" (which seems like some sort of weird relationship complex in and of itself), but Tamaki had a tendency to get excited about shit Haruhi just complained about, and I... is it really worth it at that point?
(Especially when Kyoya and Mori are right there. Come on dude, Kyoya is absolutely willing to have Tamaki's back every step of the way for whatever interests he wants to pursue and Tamaki designates him as the teammate in the family, and don't even get me started on whatever was going on between Haruhi and Mori in the waterpark episode. I want more of that shit. But that's a topic for another time.)
Feel free to give me your arguments on this too (kindly, please), but I feel like most of it that I've seen is "they'll grow together"/"they're equally stupid and that's cute"/"he just loves her so much"/"they're so aesthetic" and none of these have ever really held water for me because it doesn't really seem to negate the lack of chemistry I've observed...
Oof that was a long ass backstory but onto the actual point
So in the manga, my experience was basically all my fears were confirmed and then some, and we quickly spiraled into downright emotional abuse and partner-to-partner hatred????
Ah god it was so bad
Here are some examples
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Haruhi's reaction to the realization that she loves Tamaki (Volume 13)
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Literally the first example of body dysmorphia we've ever gotten from Haruhi (directly contradicting her body-positive/neutral quotes from volume 3), along with a very convenient example of Tamaki's (NOW CONFIRMED ROMANTIC) infantilization of Haruhi that y'all already know because it is present since the start of the series (the thing is this wouldn't even be an issue if it was directed at a friend as a "we have a family bond and I want to feel like I'm taking care of you" as he does with the twins and not to someone who he wants to be his life partner....) (Volume 13)
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Haruhi's thoughts on the possibility of dating Tamaki (Volume 13)
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The fact that the Dream Haruhi plotline has ground to stand on?????? Since when has it been okay to fantasize that your supposed other half is a completely different person when it comes to an actual romantic relationship? Shit like this is okay until it starts affecting other people, and the fact Haruhi has already shown dysmorphia because she cares about whether or not Tamaki wants to date her and then this shit happens makes me very uncomfy down to my bones. (Volume 14)
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This isn't something particularly heinous between these two, but it is yet another egregious example of how they always just completely miss each other's vibes, which I personally don't really like in my power couples (Volume 15)
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I'm just saying, if I realized my girlfriend thought these things about me I would be justifiably upset (Volume 15)
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Ok I understand the tendency of the host club to jokingly threaten violence (read: Kyoya when he wakes up and both of the twins) but this is both completely unwarranted and oddly genuine what the fuck :D (Volume 15)
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What the fuck <3 (Volume 15)
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It's ok guys she's rethinking it because he fell asleep in the club room :D (she never apologizes to him by the way)
And then they spend the rest of the series overcoming external obstacles and living happily ever after
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Just kidding this is how they get together (Volume 18)
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And this is their first date. I don't feel like depicting it in its entirety because my back hurts now but rest assured Tamaki acting like Tamaki pisses Haruhi off more than once <3 (Volume 18)
In summary I've only ever seen them act like this with each other I like both of their characters but these chapters genuinely almost convinced me to hate them they are so bad for each other just date someone else just date someone else p l e a s e
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autistic-crypt1d · 1 month
Season 5 SGA live blogging:
S1, S2, S3, S4
Big ass cliffhanger, Teyla is still being held captive by Michael and the team is racing against the clock to find her before she gives birth only to have a damn building fall on them!
- Ronon calling Sheppard buddy 😭
- good lord that was a long ass zoom out
- Ronon and Teyla love eachother so much dude
- "you don't have to do everything yourself" facts Ronon, facts
- awww Rodneyyyyy
- Ronon carrying Teyla and her baby is just so AHHHHH
- I don't remember how Keller got infected in the first place, during the rescue op for Sheppard, Ronon, Rodney, and Lorne?
- Carson!!
- ahhhhh yeah it was that planet
- I missed Teyla so muchhhh
- poor Sheppard y'all
- it always gets me watching Ronon pace around aggressively when something is hurting people that he can't fight. You can literally see him wanting to punch whatever it is no matter what it is or the fact that it is unpunchable
- of course Rodney stays with Sheppard ♡
- also, does this mean that all wraith hive ships are people??
- love how Woolsey is immediately and very rudely awakened to the reason why "going by the book" on Atlantis does not work
- shouldn't the stuff be attacking Sheppard now that he's cured?
- well, now it is
- did the vine stab Sheppard or just break a rib or something?
- Broken Ties, if this is the episode I think it is I'm about to be very sad
- I love seeing Ronon and Teyla together so much
- Ronon's jacket is so cool
- wait no I think the episode I'm thinking of is one of the last 2
- for all of his faults, I really so love how understanding Woolsey is when it comes to Teyla and her baby
- oof ok I remember what this episode is now and while it isn't the one that I thought it was, I will still be very sad
- Tyre you're a back stabbing little shit and I hate you
- Woolsey really does become quite sweet in SGA
- Rononnnnn AHHHHHHH
- of course Sheppard is the person Rodney goes to when he gets stuck
- Lorne!!!
- Ronon's voice on the verge of tears, BRO
- Kanaan, supportive husband of the year
- Tyre gets points for helping them get Ronon back but I still hate him for everything else
- let's go Rononnnnn
- Ronon truly looks very coo coo bananas here
- god the acting is so good
- Rodney talking to Ronon while he's unconscious recovering 😭
- Ronon holding the sword after Sheppard gave it to him, AHHHHHH
- ah crap, The Daedalus Variations, this is one of the few episodes that I immediately know by title
- I always wanna yell "DON'T GET ON THAT SHIP!!!"
- The duplicate bodies, AHHHHH
- is Ronon wearing a cardigan? It's fantastic regardless
- I love Rodney's little rectangle backpack so much
- the alternate reality drive is reminding me of the spore drive from Star Trek: Discovery, I still need to finish that
- ok it's not a cardigan but the cut is very similar and I dig it
- Ronon is so good at talking Teyla through stuff
- this other alien race intrigues me so much
- how tf did that dart just zoop through the shield??
-poor Sheppard being the only one who actually knows how to operate the ship in any significant way, Teyla knows a bit but that's it
- Ronon really has a 6th sense y'all
- good lord it takes a lot to down those aliens!
- I wish we got to see more of them so badly. Maybe if we'd gotten another season?
- ahhhh Ronon and Sheppard are the most badass duo ever istg
- poor Ronon y'all, he is not prepared for operating this shit
- since when does Atlantis have F-302s? I mean I know this is an alternate reality but like, you'd assume they'd be jumpers
- alternate reality Atlantis came in clutch tho
- not Sheppard basically flirting with himself XD
- Sheppard and his ds, I love it
- the way Rodney absolutely adores Torren even though he's simatioualy terrified of him is so cute
- I wish we got to see more of the alien fauna so badddd
- Ghost in the Machine, oh boy
- Atlantis going dark is always so freaky and cool
- AHHHHH the Elizabeth episodes always hurt so bad y'all
- I really don't understand why replicators want to ascend so bad, they can live forever, why not just go explore the galaxy now? Why do they need to do it as energy?
- I hate that Elizabeth has this arc
- ouch ouch ouch
- The Shrine, ouch ouch ouch
- y'all this episode breaks my heart
- Rodney calling for John, OUCH
- AHHH you can see the organism in the water!!!!
- I know the water would've come through too, but couldn't they have just gotten back into the water and they open the shield just long enough for them to swim through???
- Rononnnnnn, he's so caring and sweet and AHHHH
- the whole thing with Jennifer hurts, Rodney tells her he loves her and she has to watch him fade away
- I don't really understand why the jumpers can't be cloaked while going through the gate, the only reason I can think of is that they made it up to make it difficult
- y'all Rodney coming to John on the verge of tears, desperately coming to him for comfort breaks my heart
- "you're stuck with me Rodney" HELP
- Sheppard loves that arrogant, whiney man so much
- "I keep seeing a face, everytime I close my eyes. I think it's my mother" BRO
- Keller has come such a long way, I mean she went from a flailing mess on the Bola Kai episode to proposing brain surgery in a damp cave to remove an alien parasite
- Whispers is so cool, it freaks me the hell out, but still cool af. Everytime I see the intro though I think of the SG-1 episode where they can't sleep or they die
- also, love seeing Carson again
- Porter and Mehra irritate me so much though. When characters are supposed to be tough but are either written badly, acted badly, or both, it's just so bad. Same thing with characters that are supposed to be hot, like, yuck.
- pfffft, Sheppard and Carson bonding over being in stasis pods
- I really like Vega though, and Teldy is cool
- I also desperately hate the weird thing between Porter and Carson, like, it makes me WILDLY uncomfortable
- god damn that was a clean ass transition
- Mirellus I swear to god
- these things are so scary y'all, I love it
- honestly Mirellus, you deserved that. Not only did you release these things but you started screaming about them, like, wtf
- he really could've just grabbed the rope to bring up the bucket instead of using the crank, then used it to lower it the rest of the way
- poor Carson, his first mission back and he gets this
- see Mehra is great when she's being a bit goofy, but the whole dead pan serious tough as nails thing is so bad. I've never once enjoyed a character like that unless they had something else going on. Like, Teal'c and Ronon have personalities on top of that. I just think she was written badly honestly.
- The Queen, oh boy this episode is wild
- I truly do not understand the whole surgery thing. What exactly are they doing to her and how tf is it not permanent or leaving any lasting effects???
- Ronon's little smile at saying they were getting their asses kicked is so cute
- at least they finally got a new actor to play the Primary wraith queen
- ahhhh Ronon loves her so muchhhh
- oooo and new actors to play the wraith dudes too! Let's goooooo
- nice work Teyla, god damn
- Todd, buddy, you're really pushing it rn
- it will never stop being hilarious that Ronon has to get stunned like 8 times to go down
- Teyla is the tiniest wraith I've ever seen and it's so funny
- Tracker, very exciting, I kinda love this eoisode
- Sheppard is so totally jealous about Rodney and Keller
- AH I hate the awkward tension between the 3 sooooo much
- Rodney, Ronon, please be normal for like t seconds please
- the thing I hate about this episode is that they suddenly bring back the thing between Ronon and Keller. They don't mention it for a long ass time and their interactions don't hint to it whatsoever and now all the sudden he's into her again
- also the fact that it's so obvious Ronon loves Teyla so the whole Keller thing is just super weird
- it's weird they don't have a life signs detector with them, or maybe Keller has it
- Ronon and Rodney are both like obsessed with Sheppard (for different reasons), but it's hilarious that when they're without Sheppard, they're just a mess of a duo. Like they cannot agree on anything, they're constantly bickering, it's a mess
- idk about y'all, but I ship Keller with Kyrik more than anyone else
- Kyrik is awesome man, I'm really sad we never see him again
- ahhh I hate the awkward love triangle shitttt
- DANIEL!!! First Contact is one of my favorite episodes, I'm so excitedddd
- Daniel and Rodney are so funny together, I love it
- pfffft, Rodney telling him to push against the wall as hard as he could XD
- good lord that attempted speech interaction was awkward as hell
- poor Woolsey XD
- god damn the hyperspace window opening over the water is SO COOL
- I may not like these Asgaurd but they are so damn cool, the way they just completely ignore every effort Atlantis tries to stop them is wild. Shield? Ignored, floors between them and their goal? Going through them. Gun fire? Shields.
- the way that the 3rd just no hesitation sacrifices itself so the other 2 can get away with the guys and the device???
- poor Sheppard man, he's been in charge for only like a couple hours and they've been invaded and 2 of their people are taken
- god those two are so sassy I love it
- AHHHH Sheppard and Rodney thinking the same thing is so gay I love it
- the self destruct feature so that no one can find out what they really are??? AHHHH
- y'all, the existential crisis Todd has thinking about who the wraith would be without the war is devastatinggggg
- pfffft Daniel and his immediate urge to talk it out with his kidnappers
- those knockout sticks Todd has are so cool wtf
- the power spike, AHHHH CHILLS
- Sheppard staying with Radek no matter what, he's such a good leader y'all
- the explosion FX is not great lol
- oh shit I forgot this was a 2 parter
- I recognize the travers lady from somewhere
- omfg Rodney stepping between Daniel and the gun, BRO
- oh right she was on One Tree Hill!!
- yeah idk how anyone could ship Ronon and Keller in my opinion, they clash so badly personally wise
- good lord that engineering room gives me and Zelenka anxiety
- I can't help but wonder if the war would've ended differently if instead of hiding, the Asgard had helped the Ancients
- man Daniel is really getting tossed around today
- ahhhh I missed Daniel's silly little mannerisms so much
- Keller with a P-90 is dope af, way to go doc
- I'm like 90% sure those "empty suits" had people in them cuz I could kinda see them swaying a bit and I think that's hilarious
- Daniel looks cool af in that suit
- pffft Daniel's little shrug
- Daniel please stop standing right by the damn antenna you're giving me anxiety
- Daniel you really cannot die again
- "wanna unzip me?" "I'll look for a can opener" PFFFFT
- Ronon may be very emotionally intelligent when it comes to other people's feelings, but when it comes to his own, NOPE
- of course Rodney and Daniel are immediately sassy with eachother now that they're not about to die
- Rodney, please
- Outsiders is such an infuriating episode y'all, the way the villagers turn against these innocent people is just so AHHH
- Jervis I hate you so much, please shut up
- Jervis you are actually like, the worst
- the fact that he thinks that there is even a chance the wraith will keep their word and not destroy their village anyway means he is a damn fool
- Safaris you are also the worst and a fool and I hate you too
- Todd is literally the only wraith we've seen to my knowledge that's actually ever kept his word but even then he steals shit or throws wrenches in the plan every single time
- ok Rodney left out the time they did in fact escape from one of those cells but Ronon had like 80 knives on him that allowed that to happen sooooo
- wraith facial hair is so scrungly looking
- dude has become such a badass since he came back to life
- "you're gonna have to hold them off" "am I now?" PFFFT
- PFFFFT Carson and Rodney shoved into the dart is hilarious
- oh damn
- way to go Rodneyyyyy
- awww, Carson realizing Rodney misses him and taking a break for him 😭
- Inquisition, I have no recollection of this episode so far
- oh wait, oh yeah no I remember this
- honestly the counsel isn't entirely wrong, but they've been trying their best to fix their mistake and they're the best hope this galaxy has of defeating the wraith
- plus the fact that they woke them up early led to the infighting which gave them the advantage to defeat them
- why're they showing clips of the wraith that was converted long after Michael with the consent of the queen instead of Michael's transformation when that's what they were talking about?
- y'all they are fully tripping if they think the Genii's nuclear plan was going to defeat the wraith, there are far too many for them to have succeeded with a plan like that. Working with Atlantis there could've been a really helpful alliance but instead they decided to betray them again and again
- Atlantis has been making a lot of unilateral decisions yes, but like they said, they're the only ones out there fighting them. The ancients failed and there was no one left with the tech or numbers to stand up to them until the expedition showed up
- a lot of their plans have made things worse in some ways, but that's what happens when you're taking action, you can't be sure how things will turn out most of the time but you have to do something
- SG-1 got shit for this too about how they went about fighting the Goa'uld, but again, they were trying. Granted so were the Tok'ra, but they were also letting people die, leaving worlds enslaved, and had completely written off the Jaffa
- not to mention the fact that they've been expending countless resources giving aid to every society in need they come across, most of the time with zero in return
- these people revere the ancients as gods even though they were quite literally the cause of the wraith and replicators existing and abandoned the pegasus galaxy when they realized they couldn't atop the wraith, but now they put the expedition on trial for accidentally stumbling across what they left??? It's not their fault that the ancients left a damn minefield of awful shit across the whole damn galaxy
- I just noticed that Ronon had to physically drag Sheppard away when Elizabeth was sacrificing themselves
- I know that these people are upset but if they didn't wake them and they had those 50 years to prepare, the lives would've been lost anyway, different lives but lives nonetheless. At least with Atlantis here they have the chance to win and save future generations from this ever happening again
- Woolsey you sly dog
- Pfffft wtf was that swivel John XD
- The Prodigal, oh shit here we go
- see, Rodney and Sheppard are literally always spending time together
- I feel for Rodney with the stairs y'all, they are my sworn enemy
- Teyla is so pretty
- god damn it Michael
- damn that door lowering shot was pretty sick gotta say
- Lorne!!!
- Michael's obsession with Teyla is horrifying, he truly does not understand why she won't just go with him
- we don't get a lot of Chuck and Banks but I ADORE THEM, especially her
- Ronon may have technically lost that fight but he gave Teyla the opportunity to run and that's a win in this situation, especially given the fact that that buys them all time
- god I love Sheppard and Rodney during these situations "what do you need? 15 minutes?" And Rodney just rolls his eyes and does it
- Teyla is so resourceful and smart, she can't fight because she's holding a baby but you bet your ass she can kick that mf down the stairs
- the jumpers chairs look so comfy, I want one
- yessss let's go Radek!!!
- ooooo the fight scene is coming!!!!
- it's soooo over for you Michael
- Sheppard what did I say about hanging off of towers
- you tried to hurt her baby, you were never getting out of here alive
- god Teyla is so cool help
- Ronon's mission report is so cute
- Remnants, poor Sheppard man, I'm stressed and it's been 2 seconds, I just knw what's about to happen to this man
- also, Rodney's immediate flustered reaction as to why Sheppard would volunteer to spend a night away from Atlantis (him) is so gay I love it
- y'all watching this episode knowing what's actually going on from the start is wild, especially from Sheppard's pov. Bro really just could not help torturing himself
- poor Chuck
- also, have the uniform colors changed a bit? Chuck's looks like a weird dark green and Rodney's is a different blue than I remember. I feel like this must have happened when they changed the uniform style but idk why I'm just noticing.
- are Amelia and Chuck both military???
- ugh, Brain Storm. Malcolm is the worst.
- I hate that they did Bill Nye so dirtyyyy
- the fact that Keller doesn't trust Rodney's instincts that this is a horrible idea is WILD
- "you're smarter than me" "I know" DAMN RIGHT RODNEY
- PFFFFT the Bill Nye slap
- "I love you. Have for some time now." CALLBACK LET'S GOOOO
- Infection, see now this is the episode I though Spoils of War was initially. This episode is so freaky I love it
- I originally was remembering it as being caused by the Hoffan virus but it's Keller's treatment, I remember now
- the wall melting, SO COOL
- I still ship Rodney and Sheppard, but I will still admit that Rodney and Keller are sweet
- my god the wraith eating people is just such a new horrific thing
- the massive crater in the ship is so cool
- I love wraith shit so much, it's so unique and so cool and freaky
- "we're too late, the pods are opened" AHHHH
- oh my god I love this scene, the hive tearing in half, Rodney freaking out, they're going down y'all!!!
- "impact in 15 seconds" "not if I can help it" AHHHHH
- the cgi of the shop landing in the water is rough af but still
- Identity, ah hell I hate this episode
- poor Radek, he was just trying to help
- Vegas is such a weird episode
- Vegas feels like such a random place for them to be, the wraith being there I can understand, but why are John and Keller?
- man I remember watching this episode for the firs time so vividly
- the scene where the wraith is disguising himself is so cool, but also like totally confirmation that wraith would be emo, punk, or goth if they were on earth lmao
- a wraith playing poker will never not be funny
- and the damn finger conversation
- god this chase is so cool, taking the gunfire like it was nothing, leaping down the stairs, thr wall vault, and god damn that no hesitation leap off the roof only to stand back up after slamming into the pavement, AHHHHHH
- there is not a single reality where this mf doesn't get dragged into this shit somehow is there
- Rodney!!!!
- alternate reality Todddddd
- I guess Keller was there cuz the government sent her and she was brought back from Atlantis too? Idk
- I'm sorry but an emo wraith wielding dual machine guns is so cool
- rip John
- wait stop this is sad I hate it, his face when he lies down just broke my heart
- I'm so excited, I may hate that the show ends like this, but my god are these episodes so cool
- I'm honestly shocked the finale isn't a 2 parter
- pfffft Todd in a Deadalus jump suit is so silly, they unfashioned him
- Sam!!!!
- Atlantis is leaving the Pegasus Galaxy y'all!!!
- Davis!! Loved that guy in SG-1
- ah hell the converstaion between Woolsey, Teyla, and Ronon makes me tear up
- one would think they would've adapted some of the shield technology they've come across and used it to defend where the chair was being held in case of something like this. I get they can't protect the whole planet with it but they could at least cover that
- rip chair and area 51
- Sheppard's on yet another suicide mission
- oh shit this is the episode with Ronon that makes me cry
- Teyla and Rodney's yells for him break my heart y'all
- I love you random ass wraith for saving Ronon ♡♡♡
- Lorne supporting Ronon, ahhhhhh
- "it's Atlantis, they're engaging the hive!" CHILLS
- y'all I'm tearing up this is so cool
- "This is my home" AHHHH
- Ronon is so awkward when he thinks someone is cute I love it
- if it has to be someone other than Teyla, I'm glad it's Banks
- I'm gonna cry, I love this show so much 😭
I hope you enjoyed reading these live blogs, it made me really happy to do it 💛
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deemee-ed · 1 year
alright, Jinx theory suckerss
this is probably a pretty basic theory, but I'm convinced Jinx will be the main antagonist in Season 2. And not just any antagonist, I believe she has it in her to be the VILLAIN. Hear me out:
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Jinx may not have been the main antagonist in season 1, but we already know enough of her to understand her personality and motives
First of all, Jinx loves being a joy hunter. She's the opposite of Scratch in this: if she has a job, she's gonna do it. And she's gonna make sure to succeed. She even has her little army of sadfuckers sobgoblins following her orders. She loves her job. With Scratch as the new Chairman and going "yeah, y'all do whatever you want, I don't care" Jinx lost all her worth in the Ghost World. It doesn't matter how good she is at being a joy hunter, her role isn't needed anymore. I hardly doubt she enjoys this new government
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Second, she is VERY determined to carry out her plans. And by that I mean she has no problems hurting others. She was willing to kill Molly (A CHILD) without hesitation, and right after Scratch revealed his friendship with a human Jinx immediately took him away to send him to the Flow of Failed Phantoms. She even sent Geoff in there because he was helping Molly. Yeah, she's not messing around.
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Third, she HATES Molly and Scratch. Sure, this wasn't said out loud, but c'mon. Who wouldn't hate the people who basically got you fired? The people who got rid of a ruler you actually enjoyed following?
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Fourth, we gotta look at a bigger picture for this one. So...
According to Bill Motz (one of the show's two creators), ghosts can become corrupted because of many reasons, one of them being focusing too much on themselves and their desires (↓his explanation↓)
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Jinx suddenly finds herself in a completely different society with different rules that don't make her role relevant anymore. SHE is not relevant anymore. All the power she had is useless now. All her skills, all her gadgets. They are useless. SHE is useless. And I think this will get to her... What I'm trying to say is, I believe Jinx will become corrupted. We may see her normal self again first, but eventually she will be corrupted.
And... remember how corrupted ghosts change their look? Yeah... there's a certain ghost that caught my attention from the Season 2 trailer...
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Let's assume that this is Jinx's corrupted form. Looks a lot like the Chairman, doesn't she?
Based on the look, I believe Jinx will not only come back as an enemy, BUT she will also become the new Chairman. Or at least she'll try to become that. A Chairman that wants to spread misery out of pure enjoyment, a corrupted ghost desperately trying to destroy joy.
Yeah. I believe Jinx will be the villain of this show.
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If I'm wrong, Future me don't you dare making fun of me for this theory, you know we both want it to be true
I'm so hoping that we'll get a villain Jinx song UGH that would be SO COOL
Also Jinx literally appears in the Season 2 poster so she HAS to come back
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she's judging the disney logo
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Doctor two brain ships? Like all of themn? Or another question, which characters you DONT like shipping with ? you chose
Even though the rat man does give me fatigue sometimes, I still think he's great and his dynamics with other characters makes him really fun. For his ships, or if you're asking what ships I like with DTB--then yeah I can say.
-Like I said before on my top Otps, I'm very fond of him and Professor Robert Tubing. Tubing in general deserved more and I have a lot of headcanons/character writing for him, during that process I played with the little idea of him and Steven being ex-friends or colleagues. And with that very little interact DTB and Tubing had in "Cat and mouse game" I was like... but what if. So then I proceeded to go insane coming up with these ideas about Tubing and Two Brains having this wild ass dynamic and of course boats of angst. If Tubing was used more he literally would have been DTB's foil and I'm a sucker for that in shipping. Also yeah I did the ultimate cringe thing and created fan kids of them for an AU. I could go really on how much I love these two and how it sparks me to engage with Two Brains content. Plus giving Tubing what he truly deserves.
As for other DTB ships, I like them and think they're pretty good too. While they're not at the status of top ships for me, I respect them.
-I always appreciated Provoclone and it's kinda grew on me, but a bit hard for me to see Beatrice not as either sapphic or aromatic personally. Still cute!
-Butcher and DTB is really funny. Someone pointed out how they have a really (one is super affectionate and the other doesn't reciprocate or is too hesitant). DTB really likes Butcher but our meat man is all “y'all hear something?” with him, it's great. This one is kinda underrated, like most Butcher ships-- but again not for me personally, but I respect it's uniqueness if this is the dynamic to go for.
-Grilled cheese is good too. The Chuck's mom's not home episode really solidified their potential and wow that truly was one of the gayest. But also sometimes they appear to be at each other's throats too. They got a little animosity but will kiss each other vibe. Again not for me, but dang their name is good
- That's the more notable ones I can think of, I know there's also a boat load of other miscellaneous DTB ships that I'm missing but I think for me they all fall into "this is a neat idea" camp and nothing much else unfortunately. There's also the very rare but also hype idea of Headcanoning DTB as a flirt Aro--which I think is really cool and actually could be true if you want to stick to his characterization in canon.
As for characters (singular characters) I don't like shipping? Idk if that's just in general or something else..but I'll go with the first one bc I like painting targets on my back. (Disclaimer this isn't me saying I don't ship these characters with others bc it's problematic or whatever, it's just preference or HCs).
- Violet. Yeah I know kill me. But there's a good reason. Even though I appreciate like every Violet ship and think they're all cute in their own right... I'm sorry but to me this girl is Aroace. I know as someone who likes to follow canon interactions to justify ships, I should be all over Sciolet, Vibecky, Scoobecklet, but idk they're all cute, but I always imagined that after a certain time Violet would be great avenue to explore her being super affectionate and friendly to the point others might construe as romantic but nope she's just like that :) and that's perfectly fine.
- Same with Rex. To me they're aromatic, and not because he's an unfamiliar with things like emotions and acts almost robotic with his mannerisms with human culture bc he's alien, it's more like Rex does understand and they wouldn't say no to a date or partner, he just doesn't prefer it.
- I mentioned on the DTB ships that Beatrice (LRW) also follows into this category. I love her, she's my perfect blend of fail woman by day and girlboss by night, she deserves no one and nobody deserves her. Or sapphic but still prefers not to be in anything committed.
- Tim and Sally. Sorry but they're inseparable and probably too monogamous to shipped with others, even in a polycule.
- Ms. Power. Yeah I know I technically have a Pla//sma rope fankid, but to be fair I never said they were together. For me it's not a matter of HC with this one, I just don't really vibe with much of Powers ships, like I think girlie just wants to be alone nor do I think she would be a good partner if we're being honest. Like I'm iffy on even giving her a redemption arc since I like her so much as an antagonist. And even with evil partner ships I'm like eh. To me I think the only love she really needs is herself...both in a narcissistic way and to do something about that underlying self esteem she probably has.
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bedlamsbard · 1 year
If you’re still choosing violence: 20 and 21!
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
Doctor Strange is, I think, the only MCU movie where even on first watch I was just straight up in another tab doing other stuff, which I really try not to do if I'm not actively watching something for background noise. (And I don't do that with my writing fandom canons, since I'm always rewatching for either vibes, voice, or details.) It just doesn't do anything for me at all, I'm not comfortable with the Orientalism in the first film, and I don't need either the characters or the worldbuilding, so I've never rewatched.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
I mean, every part of it is overhyped from a different angle, it just depends where you're at -- like, if I'm saying this from my Instagram MCU perspective, I'd say FATWS without hesitation, because I really disliked it but a lot of people in my Insta circles love it. But FATWS doesn't really come up that often in my Tumblr MCU circles. Likewise, a year ago I probably would have said NWH, but it mostly vanished without a trace and it doesn't really come up anymore. (The Spider-Man films in general have this problem.) I actually do think WandaVision is very good and it's had better staying power than a lot of the rest of Phase 4. CATWS is just as good as people say it is (I mean, I say it is), but how the rest of the MCU deals with everything that happens in it makes it retroactively a worse movie. Black Panther is great, but it has a specific trope in it that I very much dislike so I don't rewatch. GotG's a combo of things I might like put together in a way that doesn't do it for me. I really like parts of Thor Ragnarok, really dislike other parts, and like TWS, how the rest of the MCU dealt with it makes it retroactively a worse movie. I could go on. I think in general that's one of the MCU's big problems -- no matter how good a single movie is, the rest of the saga can make it retroactively a worse movie.
okay but in terms of what I personally think is overhyped because I see it all the time and it drives me up the wall -- Captain Carter. I'm sorry, this is a Captain Carter hate blog. (I'm fine on Peggy! I don't dislike Peggy! But I really dislike Captain Carter.) After What If Captain Carter just had what seems like a completely disproportionate response both from fandom and from Marvel (did y'all know she has an ongoing comic series? on top of the live action appearance in DSMOM), and I don't understand why aside from grrl power, I guess, plus I really dislike her execution in the show and in DSMOM, and I also don't feel like the canon or the fandom engages with (a) anything that would make her interesting or (b) any of the actual consequences? It just feels really lazy compared to how carefully the mainline MCU dealt with Steve (up until Endgame) and just shorthanding some of what they did with Steve for Peggy, but most of that you can't just transfer over wholesale, which is what they're doing. even the uniform! Steve's uniform evolution is developed in very, very specific ways and they just TAKE the CACW uniform and flip it back to WWII but with the Union Jack and that doesn't WORK, because the CATFA uniforms are ALSO developed in very specific ways! like, I could go ON about how much I hate this and it's EVERYWHERE and I don't GET IT.
and that's putting aside the fact that that's not even the thing from What If that was most interesting -- in a rightful world, Star-Lord T'Challa should have gotten all the hype that Captain Carter gets, and I don't even think you can write that off on Chadwick Boseman's passing anymore, which I was willing to give them for the first six months or so, but we're well past that now. you're telling me that T'Challa being in space was so powerful that it literally changed the entire face of the Marvel universe and that's less interesting than Peggy Carter stepping over Steve's bleeding body to get superpowers? where are T'Challa and Nebula's space adventures? or Party Thor (which I also strongly dislike) and Jotun Loki having shenanigans? Natasha and Clint living through an apocalypse? Post-apoc Natasha having to learn how to live in a new universe where she's literally the walking ghost of a murdered woman, while having to deal with a fresh-out-of-the-ice traumatized Steve and also fighting a resistance movement against an Asgardian occupation? various Stranges? Shuri and Pepper vs Killmonger? I grant the whole Gamora and Tony thing is supposed to be in S2 (still holding out for that one's AU being Tony getting trapped on the other side of the wormhole in Avengers), so I'll let that one go. also the zombie 'verse is there too I guess. you're telling me CAPTAIN CARTER is more interesting than any of that? I don't GET IT.
(you know I am going to lose it in the worst possible way when S2 finally airs and they Winter Soldier the CC'verse Steve.)
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