#y'all don't wanna appreciate anything Black people do
mangoazalea · 5 months
please let the Black people in your life know you like, care about them
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thecountesstribe · 3 months
House of the Dragon 2x3 episode reaction. I have alot of thoughts, bare with me.
The episode was eh but that's mostly just because it's the calm before the proverbial shitstorm.
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I'll always feel for Rhaena, she finally was able to speak although, I wanted more dialogue from her, it's fuckin owed atp HBO, but you could feel her resentment, her anger and her frustration during her scenes. I feel so bad for her cause the only people that are really looking out for her are Rhaenys and Baela. Daemon don't give af, Rhaenyra is trying to find a balance between being a mother and queen but you could see that there is a distance between her and Rhaena even though she lived with them instead of on Driftmark with Rhaenys. When Rhaena first accepted the “mission” and walked off you could tell Rhaenyra wanted to tell her something but it looks like she doesn't know how to talk to her, which is fuckin sad. So those headcanons of her probably only having her brothers to talk to and Luke by extension makes her situation even worse. The glass child fr. So she's most definitely claiming a dragon this season and honestly good on her. Although if they do write Nettles out I'm gonna be pissed. That scene with Baela and her warmed my heart though. Another thing Rhaenyra totally brushing her feelings aside and being like my sons, my sons, my sons is totally not helping her character either. I'm honestly mad they fumbled the majority of the team black relationship dynamics. Rhaena going to ward is literally foreshadowing her future in the dance so I'm not mad at her, she did become everything Rhaenyra wanted her to be, was literally the last of the Targaryen's future and history before Dany came along. I know one thing though they better give her Morning idgaf what they gotta do. That is one important part of the plot I won't forgive if they rewrite it.
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Honestly I don't give a damn who gets pissed but fuck Corlys. I said what I said and I'm not taking it back. I don't ever want to hear another “Rhaenyra and her bastard boys usurped Rhaena and Baela”, Corlys is just as misogynistic as the rest of the men in the realm. In the books the succession of the Driftmark throne was up in the air but they rewrited it in the show and yes Baela and Rhaena didn't have a claim to it cause Laenor was Corlys firstborn in the show and he did legitimize his boys but he had an opportunity to make Rhaena Lady of the Tides, she would've been either way had she married Luke as intended but he didn't and you wanna know why? Take a guess, exactly. It goes without saying. I understand him not naming Joff, he's heir to the throne in case anything happens to Jace but he could've named Rhaena and he didn't. So fuck him. Also foreshadowing for the end of the dance.
I wish y'all could've heard the long drawn out exhale that I let out knowing we gotta be see Larys Clubfoot ( the old man was so real for that name 🤣🤣😭😭🤣) more on my television screen. So Crispin, Clubfoot and Gwayne and Aegon, I can't win. Battle of the incels and they're failing upward while we lose 💔. I'm sick. The only thing I like about Gwayne is him irritating crybaby Cole and immediately clocking that there's something going on with him and Alicent. He's messy, I could appreciate that.
Young Rhaenyra was a nice little surprise even though the context for the scene was dark. Daemon getting his death notice in Harrenhal (also foreshadowing) and his dream sequence was peak if you ask me.
I need Rhaenys to never ever in her life speak on Luke's name again. I understand what she was trying to say but even having the audacity to insinuate that it's Luke's fault the war even started cause he took Aemond's eye (he was literally trying to protect his brother and her granddaughters) and that Otto and Weak King Vizzy T council wasn't planning to usurp and kill Rhaenyra from the start is blasphemy to the highest degree. Her clocking Rhaenyra's council was good though. The men in this show are just so ughhhhh. Why did they give Rhaena and Rhaenys an off screen goodbye when she was one of the most important people in her life and especially since she's gonna y'know...
Helaena telling Alicent she forgives her is so gonna hurt when we remember in future episodes. This is gonna greatly contribute to Alicent's suffering especially when Helaena goes off the deep end. She's going to realize she had a hand in destroying one of the purest and greatest things in her life and we the viewers are gonna be hurt.
Didn't expect to get a full blown view of Aemond hanging out but okay I guess. There he goes again not addressing his problems (his bum ass older brother, his nuisance, his bane of his existence) and going to take it out in somebody else though 🥱.
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Sept Rhaenyra had the same energy as Arryk pretending to be Erryk and you can't convince me otherwise. I know they were gonna do a reunion between the two but Rhae still trying to be a pacifist and not knocking Alicent's head about even a little bit was stupid to me. She literally tormented her and her children for years! What more was there to say? Get in the field Rhaenyra!! Do you guys really think Alicent didn't know Viserys wasn't talking about her son Aegon? Let's all bffr for a second. She knew and they wanna chalk up the entire dance to it being a mistake is rather irritating. Alicent being prideful and can't admit to her wrongdoings even after the fact that Rhaenyra told her the prophecy is not in the least bit surprising. It just cheapens the outlook on the whole “Dance of the dragons” honestly.
I hate the fact that the writers spun the show into an Alicent vs Rhaenyra situation when the whole gist of season 1 and the books was Rhaenyra vs Misogyny. Women not being allowed to rule because they're women y'know.
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In terms of screen writing HOTD IS WEAK and I'm blaming the writers for not reading the source material before putting pen to paper. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying they can't rewrite certain stuff, it's a given with the limited amount of episodes per season, sometimes you do need new plots to shock the viewers and you can't really get into everything but at certain points it's downright ridiculous. Spinning the conflict into a misunderstanding is stupid and I stand by that.
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boygiwrites · 11 months
Harley D. Dixon 25
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An amazing edit inspired by this story! (Cred to Cora_Line99) Harley D. Dixon's Pinterest Board! Harley D. Dixon's Playlist!
📖Chapter List.
Author's Note.
As always, enjoy reading :) And uuuh prepare yourself.
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"There you guys are."
Dale says this because he's been waiting for us. He pushes himself off the crumbled fireplace, anxiously gripping the strap of his rifle like he always does, like he's glued it there and hasn't bothered to take it off. He always looks nervous and angry at the same time.
"Whatchu all the way over here for?" Dad asks, setting his crossbow down by his chair. "Couldn't wait for visitin' hours?"
"Listen, I'm going to be frank here." He mutters, his bushy white brows disappearing under the brim of his fisherman's hat. The adults have always muttered when they don't want the kids listening in on them, but now it's actually working, and I don't like that, so I make a point of sitting on the lip of the cobblestones nearby. I pretend to take off my boots and pour the dirt out, even though they're already empty. "If we don't do something, come dusk," He says in a very important way, "Jim will be dead."
"Ain't that kinda the point?" He deadpans.
Dale hates that response. He scoffs. "No. You're a smart man, Daryl. You can see why this is crazy."
I don't know what he thinks he's doin', tryna convince my Dad to call off the execution. I guess it didn't go over so well with Rick.
"Can I?" He drawls, entirely unconvinced. "Ain't nun' crazy 'bout squashing a bug."
"We're not talking about a bug." He argues. "We're talking about a human being. A human being that's made mistakes, yes, but haven't we all? I mean, how many times have you said something somebody didn't like? That isn't a crime. Certainly doesn't warrant the death penalty."
"Man, save it. You getcher'self in the mix with my daughter in a way I'on like, you get what's comin' to ya. That's just how it is."
"And I— I can appreciate that. You're a family man. You love your daughter. You love Harley and you want to protect her," He reasons, and as he says this, I think, pshh, what does this have to do with anything, which is what Dad must be thinking, too, 'cause he rolls his eyes a bit. "But don't you love her enough to want her growing up in a world that doesn't punish so harshly? Hasn't she seen enough death?"
Sure I have. But like all things we once thought were impossible, it's now just a matter of, what's one more? What's one more dead man in the ground? Jim's death will be a different type of killing, sure, but they're all just bodies in the end. We've done this before.
"Watch yourself." Dad's look turns sharp at that. "Don't tell me what I already know."
"I'm just trying to—"
"Look." He cuts him off. "I know what's best for my daughter. The world I want her growin' up in is one that ain't made'a fairytales. People gotta die, Dale. Already have. And they ain't gonna stop just 'cause one man pulls out his thesaurus and starts cryin' about it. Lil' Jimmy, he's a threat to the group. He's a threat to my lil' girl, and it don't get any more black and white than that for me."
"But does that mean he has to die?"
"It means this conversation's over." He throws a hand up, turns away. "I ain't y'all's Momma. Go talk to Rick about it s'more if ya wanna."
"I already have." He calls after him uselessly, before sighing and giving up altogether. He seems to remember that I'm here too, and sends me a small smile. "Sorry, Harley," He says, "Maybe I shouldn't have brought that up with you here."
"Naw, it's alright." I shrug, joking, "I been through worse before."
That makes him chuckle, despite himself. "You have, have you?"
"But can I tell you sum'?"
He pauses, frowns. "'Course you can."
"Just stop." I say very plainly, in a way I hope he understands. "Just stop. It ain't worth it."
Ain't you just a little pot of wisdom, as Merle liked to say, whenever I told him he shouldn't sniff that white powder so often, or to try lookin' at the sky when he got too angry. Smarty-pants, is what Dad preferred to say. I got a bad habit of tellin' people what to do, sometimes, but it ain't that I'm wise or smart or want a damn medal, do ya. I just don't want Dale doin' what I did, tryna fight things ya can't fight, like with Sophia and Shane. In a way, I guess Jim's right. Ya can't fight death. It's just one of them things ya can't put a knife in.
I know Dale's tryna do good. That's what he is. A do-gooder. That's what Dad used to call the people at church. Always fightin' the good fight. With words and bibles and morals. But that ain't how things work now. I know Dale wishes it was, but it ain't.
From the look on Dale's face, it seems that just by saying this, I've as good as killed Jim myself.
"But-But, honey," He stammers. "How can you say that?"
"'Cause," I wiggle my boot on and stand. "People just gotta die, sometimes."
His lip curls. "Your Dad been teaching you that?"
"Yeah." I don't know why he says that like it's a bad thing. "People die, people mourn, life moves on. That's what he says."
"I don't want to argue with you on this." He shakes his head, hiding irritation. "You're too young to know what you're talking about."
He's like Lori. He wants to live like it was before, back when we had homework and couldn't say fuck, or shit, or fuck-shit. Back when we had courtrooms and judges and churches that were standing. 'Cause back then, Jim wouldn't be killed.
He blanches a little, before calling out to Dad, "You need to re-think what it is you're teaching your daughter."
As he huffs and walks away, Dad sends me a confused look.
"Nothin'." I sigh dismissively, heading over to join him by the dead fire pit, where he's knifed open a tin of baked beans. I stand in between his knees and he spoons some out and feeds them to me. "I jush argued with him a lil', 'das all."
"I ain't tell you to do that." He jokes, wiping sauce from my chin with the spoon.
I garble around my mouthful, "Well, I did tell him Jim's gotta die. Ya did say 'dat."
"Guess I did... But don't worry 'bout old Dale. He's a—"
"—He's a do-gooder." We say at the same time.
He scoffs amusedly. "Yeah. Exactly."
I swallow and open my mouth for the next spoonful, which I munch on with a smile. "How 'bout that deer just now, huh?"
"Pretty cool." He agrees absentmindedly, giving me a small smile back. Only once I open my mouth again does he tell me, "Listen, baby." I snap it shut once I realize he's not going to lift the spoon. For a terrible second, I think he knows about the shed. It's nonsense, of course. Andrea promised she wouldn't snitch, but the thought's still stuck to the back of my head. "About them things I said last night..."
Oh. Right. I don't say anything. I just stand and listen. I gotta get better at that.
"About your Momma givin' up," He struggles to say. "Weren't right'a me. Things are tough right now, but... weren't right'a me."
"It's alright, Dad." I tell him. Not a lot is alright these days, but we are. I forgive him. "You was right, anyway."
My Momma did give up. Whether I like how it sounds or not, that's what suicide means, and my Momma gave up. She gave up on me and Daddy, gave up on fighting, and she gave up on life, too, in the end. Like the rest, she was weak. Like Sophia. Like me.
"C'mere." He sets the tin aside and pulls me onto his lap, cradling my head under his chin. "Don't matter who was right. I love you."
"I love you, too, Dad."
Two I love you's in the same day. What on Earth is goin' on? You'd think the apocalypse had started or somethin'.
He pulls back, holding my face in his big, grimy hands. "I wantchu to stay wit' the women when we kill Jim tonight."
I suck in a breath, asking, "How you gonna do it?"
"I'on know yet." He admits as he smooths down my baby hairs, swipes some dirt from my cheek. "But you don't need t'see it. I know that."
I give a nod. I wish I could see, but that would never be allowed. "Okay."
"Okay." He repeats, kissing my temple. "Good girl."
As I finish off the rest of the beans, I gaze out over Dad's shoulder, watching Dale's tiny figure wander over to the other side of the farm, off to go try convince the next person he comes across that this is all a terrible idea. Off to fight the good fight, which no one's ever won.
The best part of my day is when Maggie slaps Andrea across the face.
It's not that I hate Andrea or anythin' like that, unlike some other people around here, but it's just kinda funny. As I walk up to the house, she holds her reddened cheek with her mouth agape in shock, while Maggie stands over her, totally fuming. I like her even more now.
"Stay away from her." She scolds her hotly. "From both of us. Don't you dare step foot inside this house again."
After struggling to find something to say, she wordlessly turns and hurries away.
"What's goin' on?" I call up to Maggie and Lori, who are standing on the porch.
"Nothing, sweetie." Lori assures me, but she seems heated. She moves to the side to let Maggie storm inside, and follows her in after.
I find Carl past the patch of tall trees by the house, past the overgrown fence and sitting in the seat of an abandoned tractor, fiddling with his hat in his lap. I'm still a little angry with him. For trying to control me like I'm his pet dog, and treating me like I'm some sort of practice run for his little sister or brother. But that don't mean I can't talk to him. I climb one of the big tyres, crossing my arms over the rusty hood.
He glances at me but decides not to say anything.
"Did you tell Maggie about the knife?"
"Yeah." He admits, not surprising me in the slightest. I don't see why else Andrea would be on Maggie's bad side. "What do you care?"
I frown in confusion. "Huh? I don't. I was just asking."
"Oh." He puts his hat on and looks at me. "I thought you came over here to argue some more."
"Nah." I shrug one shoulder, tracing my finger along the cracked ridges of the old, red metal. "Don't wanna."
Gazing out onto the barn, I see Rick through the open doors, pacing the dirt floor and looking up at the rafters with some rope in his hands. I make out a loop on the end of it, and then I realize it's not a rope, it's a noose. He's looking for a place to hang Jim.
"That's how they're gonna do it." I murmur to myself. "They is gonna hang him after all."
"Gunshot would attract the horde." Carl supposes.
Rick takes hold of a wooden banister, pushes on it, checks its sturdiness.
"True. I ain't thought of that."
"He told me we're gonna be sleeping in the house, soon. Because Winter's coming, and all."
That's a funny thought. Feels like just yesterday Rick was begging Herschel to let us stay, and now we're facing Winter together.
"Guess it's good Jim's dyin' now, then," I muse, "So he don't gotta freeze to death instead."
After a couple more minutes, Rick stops pushing on banisters and attaches the noose to the spot he's chosen. I guess that's it, then.
"It's almost time." Lori says to Rick as the sun begins to set, like a ball of orange sand in a glass timer. "I know this isn't easy for you."
She doesn't know that, but she likes saying it, anyway, because she wants to believe it and it sounds nice. But I think we all know that Rick is a little beyond caring about ending a person's life for the good of the group. He might not love it, but it's like Dad says. There's only two options, and when push comes to shove choosing the best one, the one that keeps us safe, things become pretty damn easy.
He nods, knuckles going white as he grips the porch railing. I guess he doesn't have the guts to tell her she's wrong.
Inside, the group are gathering to have what Dale calls a discussion. It's his last-ditch attempt at stopping the execution, and Rick's not happy about it, but he's willing to hear him out. It's pretty obvious we're all just stalling the inevitable, though.
"You don't have to be the one to do it." Lori continues after he's said nothing.
On the deck chair beside me, Dad sits with his elbows on his knees, his fingers interlocked, wriggling. He offers gruffly, "I can do it."
"No." Rick shakes his head. "It has to be me. Bringing him back was my decision. Makes this is my responsibility."
I wonder how you even kill someone using a noose. I guess what they're debating is who's gonna kick the stool Jim stands on.
Dad doesn't argue back. The only person he really wanted to kill was Shane, and he did that. This one goes to Rick.
The door swings open.
Maggie pokes her head out. "Everyone's ready."
Rick takes a deep breath, gives one last look to Lori, and heads inside.
"C'mon." Lori takes Carl's shoulder and guides him to sit in Dad's chair. "I want you to stay out here with Jimmy and Harley."
"But, Mom," He argues, "I wanna listen."
"Uh-uh. Not this time, baby."
Just as Lori goes inside and Dad is about to follow her in, Carl blurts out, "Daryl, wait."
He pauses in the doorway. Confusion pinches his features. I go still, glance at Carl side-long, hold my breath. There's no way he's doing what I think he is. Why else would he stop my Dad? Please, no. Just say something stupid and useless and let him go inside.
In a moment that makes me want to put my hands around his neck, Carl says exactly what I didn't want him to.
"Harley snuck into the shed and talked to Jim."
I bite down a thousand curses. Carl Grimes, that little... I can't believe he told on me. Not even Andrea did.
Dad's face contorts into a look of rage, pinning me in place, making my heart race until it's punching against my sternum like a fist. Now I'm realizing just how much of an idiot I was for breaking the rules. All Dad wants is for me to be safe. He's gotta look out for dangers like Jim, but I'm becoming a danger to myself, now, too, 'cause I'm an idiot and I went in that shed like an idiot and spoke to Jim like an idiot.
He grabs the door handle like he's tryna crush it between his fingers and slams the door shut behind him.
The windows rattle behind me and Carl.
I let out a breath, but I'm not relieved for long. I'm suddenly almost as angry as Dad was. I turn to Carl, fixing him with a scathing glare.
"Why in Satan's hot Hell," I grind through my teeth, "Did ya do that for?"
He looks all pleased with himself. "Because I'm responsible."
If I weren't already in deep trouble, and if Jimmy wasn't out here to witness it, I would slap Carl so hard his baby teeth and his adult teeth would fall out his skull. I didn't snitch on him when he wanted to sneak into the woods. In fact, I helped that jerk.
"You know, I'm about sick'a you." I tell him, because it makes me feel better. "You been buggin' me so bad today."
"I've been bugging you?" He exclaims incredulously.
"Ya heard me. First ya tell Carol her dead daughter ain't in heaven, then you start actin' like I'm a baby, and now ya snitch on—"
"Well, you are a baby!" He shocks me into silence with that. "You're a baby, Harley. You might know what a chantrelle mushroom is, and you might shoot better than me, but you're still just a stupid baby, and I'm right for looking out for you. You can't do it yourself!"
Jimmy awkwardly wonders further down the porch, pretending he doesn't hear our argument.
"Well, I hope your baby sister or brother hates your damn guts," I snarl, "'Cause I sure do."
"I'm just trying to set a good example like Dad told me to!"
"Y'know, fuck yer Dad. And fuck you, too. I ain't your test sister. I ain't yer anythin'."
He huffs angrily, rolling his eyes. "Whatever. I'm glad you're not my sister."
"And I'm glad you ain't my brother." I mumble, turning my back to him and crossing my arms. "Damn snitch."
I almost wish Carl never found out he was gonna be a big brother. It's turned his head big. He thinks he can play house with me and act like some hero just 'cause his Dad told him to, but I don't need no damn boy who don't even know how to skin a squirrel to look out for me. He ain't an adult and I ain't a baby. I don't even like it when he reads his comics to me or holds my hand when he wants to take me somewhere or shares things with me or listens extra hard when I'm teaching him something. I meant it. I'm glad he ain't my brother.
Screw him. When his sibling's born, he's gonna forget all about me and I ain't gonna care one bit.
Inside, my Dad's voice is the loudest outta everybody's. To know what he's actually saying, I would have to ask Carl to translate, and there's no way in Hell I'm talking to him right now, or ever. I hear tidbits of Dale's voice, Glenn's, Jacqui's, T's. After a while, I hear shouting.
"If you were so sure you wanted to kill him," It's Dale. "Why'd you cover his face?! I know you have humanity in you!"
It seems nobody answers him, or he just doesn't wanna listen anymore, because the door opens and he steps out.
"Go ahead and slaughter that human being, then." He calls over his shoulder. "I won't be a party to it!"
He trudges down the steps, across the field, ducks into his tent, disappears. The thought that he might be crying makes my chest clench.
After that, the others file out. When I see Dad again, I feel like I might throw up.
He beelines for me, grabs my arm, pulls me off the chair.
"Get up." He seethes.
"What's going on?" Rick asks in concern.
"She messed up, that's what's goin' on." He drags me down the stairs. "Snuck into the shed and talked to Jim."
I hear Jacqui gasp at that. "What? When?"
Rick calls out to us, "Remember what I said, Daryl! If I see a bruise, I'll shoot you dead!"
"Man, whatever!"
He sounds pissed he would even suggest he's gonna beat me, but I don't think Rick really believes he'd do it, anyway. He just had to say it.
When we reach our camp, he throws me onto the stump and I sit there with a lump in my throat while he chews me out.
"Girl, I'on even have words for you." He says harshly, looking at me like I'm a nasty stain on his boot. "What the Hell were you thinkin'?"
"I—I just— I was just so angry, I wanted to—"
"I'on give a shit what you wanted." He cuts me off. "And I guess you don't give a shit what I want neither, do ya? Huh? Tellin' me you wanted to die, that was one thing, but what? Now you're tryn'? I gotta tie you down to stop ya, is that it? 'Cause gimme the word and I'll do it!"
"N-No," I quickly tell him, watching him pace back and forth. "I was just— I was just bein' an idiot."
"You're Hell right, you were bein' an idiot." He notices Merle's knife strapped to my shorts and lunges forward. "Gimme this damn thing."
He tears the button apart and rips the sheath offa me, stuffing it into the back of his pants line.
"You'll get this back when I can trust ya not to open up yer wrists with it." He growls before turning away.
I don't move from the stump for the next ten minutes. I watch him start a fire, heat up a tin of soup and eat it, and by then a whole hour has gone by and I realize I'm gonna be here longer than I thought. The sun goes down. Another hour, and I'm still sitting here. He doesn't talk to me, doesn't look my way. He doesn't even give me dinner. After that, another hour. He makes a few arrows. It gets colder and he gives me his flannel to put on, but after that, another two hours. It's around everyone's bed time when Glenn walks over and tells him it's time.
Dad understands what he means straight away and stands up, because there's only one thing he could be talking about.
"Stay with her." He orders Glenn without room for argument, and marches away.
Glenn watches him go, then sends me a small smile. "Hey, Harley."
"Hey, Glenn." I say a little glumly.
"You wanna come sit by the fire while we wait?"
I shake my head. "I'm in time-out. I gotta stay over here."
He nods and comes to sit in the dirt beside me, hugging his knees. The sounds of crickets chirping fills the air.
"I heard what you did." He muses after a long stretch of silence. "I'm not gonna add insult to injury, but that wasn't cool, Harley."
"So I've heard." I mutter, picking at threads.
"I mean, you could've gotten hurt." He patiently explains. "We don't know what Jim might've done to you in there."
"He hates me 'cause I remind him of his kids, y'know. He says I deserve to die like they did. Thinks it ain't fair."
"Wow." He scoffs to himself. "What a jerk."
"I think my Dad's got some more colorful words for him than that."
"Oh, I do, too." He warns, making me giggle. If Glenn wants to swear, that's how you know it's bad. "But we'll stick with 'jerk' for now."
"I think Lori would appreciate that." After a pause, I ask, "Did you talk to Maggie?"
"Yeah. I did."
"How'd it go?"
"It went good." He grins a little. "I got your advice to thank for that."
Aw. I'm happy for them. "I'll be giving Dale a run for his money, soon."
As we're both suppressing laughter at the thought of my life advice being better than Dale's, the group's wise owl, a gunshot cracks out across the farm. We both flinch. Our smiles fade. He puts an arm in front of me on instinct, looking out into the dark. What the Hell?
"They're hangin' him." I utter, seeing nothing but trees and night, "They hangin' him, Glenn. Why was that a gunshot?"
"I-I don't know." He grabs my hand, pulls me to my feet and keeps me close in case we gotta run. "I don't know."
Then comes the screaming. It's not Jim's.
"Dale," Glenn gasps right as my stomach hits the ground.
Then the group is running across the field and there are guns in their hands and flashlights are cutting through the grass. Glenn takes off running with me, his hand in mine, and I'm thinking that I should be on the stump, I'm gonna get in so much trouble for moving from the stump, but nobody's thinking about my time-out because there's all that screaming and Dale— Dale might be dying.
When we collide with the group, Dad takes hold of me and asks me if I'm alright, if I'm alright, and I struggle to nod.
"What's happening?" I whine, as Lori and T-Dog ask the same thing to two other people. "What happened to Jim?"
"We had to leave him in the barn." He says breathlessly before I'm running again.
There's a mess of running legs and bodies and panicking and then the squeaking of a gate, and then I'm pushing past everyone and then the world stops because there's a bundle on the ground. It's Dale. I hear someone retch. All of him, guts and all, spread out in the grass.
My Dad rushes forward and daggers the walker that's on top of him. "Come on, help! Help, he's— Fuck!"
"Who is it?" Lori shrieks as she runs to us, only to stop dead in her tracks when she sees.
Rick throws himself next to Dale's head. He's cradling his head and muttering things to him, and Dale's moaning and huffing and puffing and wheezing like a half-dead animal as the cavity in his chest pours blood into the grass. I do nothing but stand there in shock, watching it pour, pour, pour. There's shouts for Herschel, shouts for stupid things like bandages and stitches that make no sense and are just so awful, because ain't no bandage gonna fix Dale's missing stomach and his sprawled organs and the bite marks on his neck.
"We're gonna help," Rick's promising him while Andrea cries over his body, "We're here. We're here."
I'm wrapped up in a hug. Glenn. He steps backwards with me, holding me tight, saying nothing.
I was talking to him just this afternoon. I swear I was. He was right in front of me and he was alive, and I was talking to him and now he's laid out and torn open, and his insides are on his outsides, and I couldn't talk to him even if I tried, even if I had words to speak.
Herschel's here. He crouches, hovers his hands because there's nowhere to put them, no wound to put pressure on.
"What can we do?" Rick's asking him, up to his elbows in Dale, our friend's, blood. "We have to move him. Can we move him?"
Herschel stands, eyes bulged. "He won't make the trip." 
"We have to do the operation here," Rick's saying, but it's useless. "We hav— We have to—"
"Rick." He puts a hand on his shoulder.
"No." He cries, turning away, holding his face. "No. No, no, no!"
"Oh, Dale." Andrea sobs, and somehow this is the worst part because Andrea never cries, and neither does Rick or Glenn, but they're all crying, all doubling over and sniffling and no-no-no-ing, because there's nothing we can do. Dale is dying right in front of us, dying in our hands. Carl gapes at the walker laying nearby, and that's when I notice the clumps of mud on its ankles, and I grab tighter onto Glenn and Carl runs to his Momma, because that's the walker from the swamp. The one we didn't kill. Andrea weeps, "He's suffering."
Another groan wracks Dale's mangled body, and we all feel it in our bones, because she's right.
"Do something!" She begs.
God fucking damn it, why didn't we just kill that thing when we had the chance?
It's Sophia all over again. The something is a bullet. Someone has to shoot Dale like we shot Sophia. Oh, God, Jim was right. Dale, my wise old friend, the man who just wanted to go around the country with his wife and his RV and read poetry books, dying in a paddock on the edge of a random farm in Georgia. I wonder if he's scared. Dale's never scared. He's one of the bravest people I know.
Rick raises his gun. I don't look away. I don't cry. I don't feel much of anything except my heartbeat in my mouth. 
"Don't look," Glenn tells me, "D-Don't look."
Jacqui hides her face in Carol's neck. T-Dog turns away. Dad glances at me, tells me he's sorry with just a look.
We all know what has to happen.
He pulls the hammer back.
Dale coughs, looking into the barrel. He knows what has to happen, too.
Rick can't do it. His arm falters. He has to walk away, into Lori's arms, where he doesn't have to see it.
Dad steps up instead, raises his gun.
"Sorry, brother."
A bang.
And then Dale's face is blown to bits and I didn't even get to say goodbye.
Walking back to camp. Dad washing my face. Stamping out the fire, climbing in the tent. I don't really remember any of it, because I'm thinking about the sight of Dale's body wrapped in a white bedsheet and how when I wake up tomorrow, we'll have another funeral.
Dad sleeps beside me tonight. He holds me, soothes my hair, but he doesn't tell me everything's alright.
All of us are in shock. Back at main camp, I imagine Glenn will be sat up by the fire until sunrise, staring into the ashy pit, just thinking, mourning. Carl will be cuddled up with his parents, too. They'll be holding him tight. In the next tent over, Jacqui sniffling herself to sleep. Carol bunking with T-Dog. I don't think anyone's gonna be sleeping in the RV tonight.
Not for any real reason, but because it was Dale's.
I'm the only person awake. Alone with the white sky and my thoughts, I stare out at the tiny oak tree.
For some reason, the only thing I can think of is what we're gonna do with all of Dale's books. It's not important, but it's what I think about. He had Italian poetry, boring old non-fiction, a few thick classics that I saw him lend to people from time to time. Maybe they'll just stay in the RV, in all those nooks and crannies he had them stacked in. I won't see Glenn wasting the afternoon away reading a book on mystery, or Lori rummaging around for a romance book but only finding more poetry. Like I said, not important. But it hurts too much to think of other things.
Like how much I'll miss his chuckle-snort, the way he petted his pockets when he couldn't find his glasses. How he was good.
When Dad steps out the tent, he finds me sitting over here in the grass, still wearing his flannel.
He carefully sits beside me, and we just watch the thick fog roll over the farm together.
At the funeral, Rick talks about Dale's ability to read people, to know who they really are, and how he could always get under your skin by telling you what you needed to hear, not what you wanted to hear. I try very hard not to look at Sophia's grave. I never got to be at her funeral. I wonder what types of things Rick said that day. Something about her love for her Momma, or how she was kind, I'm sure.
When it's my turn to speak, I tell everyone that Dale was a better friend to me than my own Grandpappy ever was.
Maggie makes us all scrambled eggs and sweet-smelling tea after that, because we're sad and she's a sweetheart.
Then there's talk of moving sleeping bags into the house, dividing spare rooms, using the windmill for a lookout post. Others are saying those two gunshots last night are going to attract the horde and that we don't need to re-enforce the fence, we need to leave.
Me, I don't get involved. I sit on the sofa next to Lori and Carl and watch the fireplace dance away.
Then chores to numb the mind, collecting eggs and filling troughs. Carl don't talk to me the whole time. We're still pissy at each other.
Jim's execution is postponed. After what happened last night, nobody thought it felt right, and he got locked up in the shed again. I don't even think about going anywhere near it. I tried this morning to set myself back down on the stump again, but Dad gave me a soft, no, baby, and told me to come get dressed instead. I've learnt my lesson. No more puttin' myself at risk, and no more bein' an idiot.
I'm gonna really miss Dale. He's the smartest old person I've ever met.
I catch myself.
Was, now.
Author's note.
The moment I've been dreading writing. Dale is dead.
I love Dale. Especially since I started re-watching the show with some family, who all love him too. I tried fitting in a scene where he, Glenn, and Harley got a final talk together, but it just didn't work. It wasn't realistic. Nobody ever knows when disaster is going to strike, and you don't always get to part on good terms.
And my poor Harley has lost another person she cares for. That being said, she's more hardened than she was when Shane and Sophia died, so this won't be as devastating for her character. It's actually going to be good for her. Good riddance to the suicide arc.
Rest in peace to Dale Horvath, the wise old do-gooder.
Thank you for reading! :)
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meowmeowmessi · 2 years
and they're trying to take away from AlbicelesteTalk's credibility now just because they can't accept it 😭 like frst of all, it's not even their info, they're only reposting from the interview??? second, what did they expect lmao? yk that one cmvnga or whatever acc that's always posting shit about messi despite the 50 diff players in his carrd? they're the ones obsessed like be fr now. if your fave really is the best (lol) then why are you getting so worked up? reeks of insecure imo. i KNOW it's the face card more than anything (which i rly dont see im sorry but to each their own 😭😭) bc how can you genuinely look at both careers even only up to 24 and decide messi isn't better... don't even get started on the actual playing like??? he's not real and no one will ever compare, least of all someone who declined his 'dream club' for psg's bank account and look where that got him 🤥. also about the rent-free thing,,,,, he was asked in an interview and actually spoke pretty well about m*appe (i dont wanna potentially get jumped 😭) and y'all wanna pretend he insulted him or was salty just because he didn't say he's the best?? which he isn't???? again: reeks of insecure.
HE DID SPEAK WELL ABOUT MBAPPE gosh i totally forgot to mention this in my previous response shsjdjsk like of course he brought him up they were literally teammates back in PSG 😭 he literally said mbappe is a good kid why are yall acting like he murdered your dog be serious now 😭
i actually don't know who this cmvnga person is (and judging by what you're telling me maybe that's a good thing lmao i do appreciate retaining my braincells) but yeah i'm going to keep saying what i've always been saying: the recency bias regarding mbappe is insane. like, comparing mbappe to any version of messi is the closest thing you can come to blasphemy in football i think, or even sports in general, but especially if you're comparing him to what messi was like at his age: messi had FOUR ballon d'ors by the time he was 24. FOUR. and he won them back to back to back to back. i don't think people realize just how absolutely ridiculous that is. it's a record that's probably never going to get beaten in the history of football ever.
moreover, after his loss in the 2014 wc final, messi was an absolutely demon at club level- like a man on a mission. meanwhile this is mbappe after the wc:
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(the 10 rating was in a match against psg ultras 😭 his own fanboys 😭)
face card aside, i do think another reason people latch onto mbappe is bc there hasn't been a black "it boy" like him in football? (do tell me if i'm wrong, though!) his fanbase has a noticable split (on social media at least) between ronaldo stans who jumped ship after his "fall from grace" (so to speak) and tiktok girlies who take the kpopification of football a bit too far 💀💀
bottom line is- messi's comparison only exists in pelé and maradona, and i think these weird fangirls and media outlets with their agendas aside, most people have actually accepted this fact now. and we can all thank la scaloneta for that. they actually saved football tbqh
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blkkizzat · 3 months
so i've never sent an ask or anything before but i literally NEEDED to bc i really jus wanted to tell u ur fics are AMAZING and i ADORE ALL OF THEM i started with ur plug!choso fics a little bit ago and then i think read every single thing you've written after that ur writing is addicting girl 😭
and like i don't wanna get hate for this or anything but i'm a fem black trans man and idk if it's weird that i read your stuff but i relate to it a lot still as a fem black person even tho i'm a guy 🕺 and it's like so validating to relate to how you write the main character all the time she's so me fr 💔
anyways i just wanted to say ur literally an amazing writer and whoever rushes u for ur fics go ahead and tell me and i'll whoop they ungrateful ass fr jus watch me
anyways thank you so much for writing in the first place everything u make makes my day !!!
awww welcome 🦋 nonny!!
my fics are for everyone fem relating! no hate here! to me gender is fluid so its completely natural to relate to whatever speaks to your person. aweee im so happy you like my mcs and they can be relatable. it makes me feel so good y'all keep telling me that 💗😭 its like validating for me cause i def put a lil me into each of them lol.
idjhvkldfjvh you're legit gonna have me crying pookies. tysm! don't worry i don't get stressed by people but i do appreciate y'all understanding that im slow and still sticking with me lol. 🩵🩵
and you just literally made mine! tysm again. stop by anytime!!!!!
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the-meow-arts · 2 years
The Sister - Lion with dragons
Gonna do double post as I'm in a roll, still need some figuring out how all this played out, if y'all wanna get tagged to the next chapter and help out with idea would be appreciated
I thank @genodesu to help me out of the making of the first chapter and how all of it brings together with their opinion and talk how things flow, and the potential of the second chapter
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" I still don't understand how you manage to pull it off father "
Silver said as he getting ready to go back to NRC the week before the first day for the first years, as he looked at his bags if they are ready to go
As the fae father smiled as he watched his adopted son getting ready to leave then turns his head to his adopted daughter who admiring the ceremonial clothes that have been sent to the house
" well I have my ways to get things Silver, now did you remember to pack your toothbrush? "
Young he may look but he is still a father nothing less to him and (yn), as the fae floats to look over their shoulder
" yes, I have all the necessary items "
(yn) giggled as she looks at Silver as a teasing older sibling would
" you sure Silver? Because I remember you sent me a letter to home that your forgotten some items at home "
Silver rolled his eyes at her and grab his things to head to the mirror that travels to the dorm, as appon leaving he looked back at the sunset color haired lionesses to give some advice when the day got her to ride the black carriage that will pick her and Sebek up for the ceremony
" sister, remember that to not panic if you feel the coffin shake, it's normal for it to do that and try not to go into a deep sleep as I did "
" noted, see you in a week Silver, say hello to Lord Malleus for me when you arrive there "
He nods and leaves, leaving only Lilia and (yn) being the only one in the room, giving the old fae time to talk to her and asked some questions if she remembers anything yet and if she is alright giving in to his fatherly instinct that he adopted years ago as he did raised few humans centuries ago due to his long living and him being a care giver
He only show this in private
" (yn) are you sure you alright? Have you written anything down about anything of your old memories? "
" for now not as of much I'm afraid, other then finding out about my unique magic few years before Silver entered NRC so far most is just a blur "
The old fae nods slowly and pat her head to play with her hair as it's an unusual color, even with people with natural color hair it's not often you seem one with mix naturally, so far the ones he knows of is that king of the sunset savannah and few others but none have the kind that looks like a setting sun
" uhm, Lilia? What are you doing? "
" oh nothing dear just seeing that your hair have gotten longer again, do you want me to cut it short again? "
He smiled as that just to cover up his strange train of thought, since the lioness haven't noticed any of it as she just smiled to his offer and said yes to have their hair cut as long as sertain section of the hair is left alone so she can braid it
Something that both she and he know it might be connected to her past, as he gets the secors ready to trim her hair in a bit over the jaw length but still keeps it to fit of her face frame as femaneit as he could
As he cut her hair they both talked and one is him giving her advice as well once she arrives to the school
" then what happens if I be section to a different dorm? "
" not to worry I believe they can transfer you as long as we have the headmaster permission if you want "
" still being the only female in a all boys school is kinda strange don't you think "
" first time for everything~ can't kill a man if they try, maybe this will open doors for all the other females who wanted to join to this school "
He kinda dose have a point there
As week passed by quickly as both Sebek and (yn) all dressed in their roabes
" You ready Sebek? "
She smiled at him as his family waved a farewell at him as he nods at her question
" Yes my lady, and as a knight I ensure to escort you safely to the school ceremony! "
" relax Sebek besides we are going there together "
The black carriage arrive and the coffins open for them to lay inside of it's soft velvet plush
As they both enter the coffin lid close and it's time to go
Silver wasn't kidding when there be an occasional bump and shakes around the coffin, and still in her mind how in the world he able to sleep all this, deciding in her better judgement as sh went in a deep sleep she wasn't aware of a small stowaway managed to sneek in to her coffin
When some time have passed she slowly woken up of the sound of scratching at her feet and looked down to see a strange looking cat
" what? What are you a raccoon? "
The cat thing looks up at her and spoke
" I'm no raccoon! I'm the great Grim and I'll be the greatest mage there is! It's my destiny! "
When the coffin opens as it seem it supposed to be her turn to the introduction Grim ran out and in the matter of seconds chaos erupts as blue flame spew around, students running for cover or trying to get the fire out, even herself try to take cover seeing that the headmaster trying to grab the small beast with some what appears to be other teachers she decided to help capture them; noticing that the hood of the roabes can be unlatch she too it off and grab it from behind and put it in a cat purrito
Some students gasp seeing a girl in a all boys school, but one is different reaction, it's a reaction of mix emotions that hits him like a tital waves as his tall figure gets up from his sitting position and ignoring the people around him as he slowly approach the figure
In his mind he couldn't believe who it is infront of him, as there no other lions have that sunset hair
" (y-yn)? "
He said quietly
She didn't hear him let alone nobody noticed that he's up there as they are busy putting out the fire, as things settle and her turning around there is no mistake of his seeing his sister who he oh so loved dearly as his legs just ran twords her and his arms hugging her
Everyone in the room are in shock wondering why the dorm leader of Savanaclaw hugging someone
" W-what are you doing!? "
" Unhand her this instance! "
Sebek yells as he grab the taller lion off of his sister figure, who turn around and see who this other guy is
When they both eyes meet, his green eyes meet her (eyecolor), something in her mind starts to hurt as she drop the cat thing and hold her head in pain, as it caught Lilia to get up as seeing that she can't handle the situation and noticed she in pain as she cries out when her body hit the ground
" What did you do to my daughter Kingscholar!? "
The old fae yells in anger and he made his way down to check on her, but his reaction froze of supprise when they yells
" Because she is my sister!! "
The whole room are in a standstill that the tention went high, as the headmaster Crowley yells that the ceremony have to end temporarily and resume later due to the chaos of the day
Lilia and Silver used the situation to take the young woman to the infirmary while Sebek keeps guard incase the Lion beastmen decides to follow them; to their relief that he didn't, but he sees that their facile exspretion seem to be of longing and of something that they have s en a ghost, a ghost of the past that seem to not go away from them that have a guilty grip that is only visible to only to them
Once reached to the infirmary, the oldest fae acts as a father since there only him and the two boys he raised and trained under his wing
Looking worry as he touched his daughter head and rubs it in hopes it'll help what pain she is getting after all that from the ceremony
As some minutes past one of them finally spoken up, and that is Silver as he is worry about his elder sister
" father, please tell me what just have happened back in the ceremony amongst the chaos? "
Lilia look at Silver and sigh as he pinch the bridge of his nose before looking up
" I think your sister memories are returning painfully after meeting the Kingscholar, but I can't confirm if she is of his kin "
As the three talked the lioness is in this dream like state that they are looking at something, like a strange memory lane that some parts are blurry and what words came is bearly recognisable but some are clear
" sister are you returning back soon? "
There it is, that little boy looking up at her and his face a almost clear and what is clear is that green eyes of his looking up at her in worry as her memory self pat his dark hair gently
" of course ---- I'll be back and we'll play chess together "
Seeing the child smiled at that before giving a hug as the cub say they promised to their return
But what is that they promised to return from where is all they asked as the memory plays out
Somewhere else as the dorm of Savanaclaw, the dorm leader Leona Kingscholar took out a hidden box that is contained of a treasure that he keeps closed to him ever since he was a child
Opening it with slight hesitation he looked at pairs of old earings that his elder sister made for him, beautifully decorated jade river stone that is hold on top of silver and gold with a small magic stone in the middle that is made to keep him protected from the people who scored and looked down the two of them
He still remembers how his sister try to keep him in the dark when it comes to attempt of their live, as her unique magic is true to healing but he did s e a glimpse how dangerous it is as he learns that every living things have water, and water she control as if it some kind of puppet to her when being used
He knows that (yn) means well but she can be protective over the people she cares, and he's one of them
Keep looking at this small peace of jewelry made his head hurts a little, even with a memory of how the guards who sent to look for her came back with her bloody cape and one bloody ear jewelry that she always word back to them, how his mother cries in anguish when holding the article of fabric, how even his older brother lost his temper on the guard appon hearing that they can't find her body but the dead bodies of her guards who seemingly died with her of the royal duties when meeting the merchants
Giving a deep audible breathe he closed the box and lay on his bed, he have questions that would be asked later
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I have a request 😬
Josh taking you somewhere either on a date or like with his family but you have a panty vibrator. He’s teasing you the whole time not letting you ✨. He finally gives in and it’s mind blowing.
Thanks! I love you’re writing btw!! 🥰
Thank you so much, love! I appreciate that you love my writing. I apologize for how long it took for me to get to your request. However, I am getting it done now. Josh is going to be out with you on a date. I just felt like him doing this while being out with his family was going to be a bit too weird. I also apologize for how long this is gonna be, I simply didn't want to do this in two parts. I went through a lot of playlists for this and ended up on a mentally ill playlist (exactly what it was called). I went with it and here we are. I still hope that you enjoy it. Also don't do this in public. The people at the restaurant that you're doing this at did NOT consent to having to witness you two to be freaky in public. Think about how others would feel if you were doing this before you decide to just up and do it. This is fiction, don't do anything I say in this story.
Warnings: Panty vibrator (obviously), exhibitionism, voyeurism (??), edging, orgasm denial, orgasm control, choking, bathroom sex, some Dom! Josh, some sad topics, some talk about harder sex topic, car sex (intimate car sex that is), unprotected sex (WRAP IT FUCKERS), Ultimate whiplash (Y'all are gonna see), teasing on both parts
Josh had told you that you two were going on a date, a dress laying on the bed along with a pair of black lace panties. There was a note laying on top of the dress that said, "Make sure to put these panties on. I bought them just for you for tonight."
You rolled your eyes and did what the note told you to do, pulling the panties up your thighs and over your ass. Something felt off with the underwear, it felt like something was in them. Deciding to call Josh, you got his voicemail instead.
You: Hi lover boy. What's up with the lace panties?
Beautiful Boy: Don't worry about it. You'll see when we get to the restaurant. I just know you're gonna look gorgeous. I'll be there to pick you up in a little bit. Take your time with your make-up. I know how you are with it. And don't worry about your hair. It always looks gorgeous. I love you, mama. See you then.
You sighed and went back into the bathroom to start putting on your make-up. Brushing on a beautiful gold eyeshadow to your lips, blending it with a darker brown in the crease and on the outside corner, and finishing it with a bit of black to smoke it out. Eyeliner gracefully glides across the skin, making a perfect wing to complement the mascara and fake lashes that you put on.
Applying your foundation and concealer, you hear the front door open up.
"Hey, angel! I'm here! You in the bathroom?" A giggle lifted out of your chest. Exiting the bathroom to be greeted by Josh in an all-black suit.
"Josh you look absolutely handsome. I'm stunned." You stared at him with wide eyes. Walking over to him and ran a hand down his chest, giving him a soft kiss on the lips.
"If you keep kissing me half-naked, I'm gonna be throwing you on this bed and fucking you senseless mama. Now is that something you really want? If it is then I'll give it to you, but understand you won't be getting your surprise later tonight." Biting your lip, you just stared at him, going back into the bathroom to finish up your make-up.
He stood in the doorway and watched you, watching every movement of your hand and every tilt of your head. His hand raised to his mouth, tracing his own lips.
"I might just have to fuck you senseless if you're gonna keep looking this amazing mama. Wanna see you in this dress. Wanna see it hug your hips just right."
You looked at him and finished applying a bright red lipstick to your lips. Walking past him, you grab the dress and slip it onto your body. The black fabric hugging your body in all the right places.
Josh comes up behind you and zips the back of the dress up, kissing at your neck, one of his hands grabbing at your ass.
"You, mama, are that absolute sexiest woman I have ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on." You just smirked at him, turning around and letting your lips ghost over the skin on his neck. He took in a sharp inhale of air and tightened his grip on your ass, giving it a slap. A growl escaped him softly.
"Go put your heels on, we're gonna be late." He started walking away towards the door. Sliding your heels on you felt a wave of vibrations surging through your body's core. You bent over and grabbed hold of the bed, moaning softly.
"Joshua Michael Kiszka what the hell did you just fucking do?!" You screamed from the bedroom eliciting a laugh from Josh. Coming back into the bedroom, you see Josh holding up a remote, pressing a button the vibrations get stronger, making you almost fall to your knees.
He cut it off and you stood back up straight looking at him. He put his arm out for you to hold, taking you out to his Jeep. Getting in you turned down the radio, Josh getting in and putting his hand immediately on your thigh. You looked at him with fuck me eyes and decided that two could play at this game. Your hand went to his thigh, trailing it up and starting to massage the growing bulge through the suit pants.
"Mama if you want your surprise I suggest you stop. You're only digging yourself into a hole that you're not gonna get out of easily. Now stop or you're gonna get a punishment after this date." Your eyes got wide and you moved your hand back to your lap, rolling your eyes and staring back out the window. Crossing your arms over your chest.
"If you don't stop pouting, I'll pull over and give you your punishment now."
"Josh just tell me what all of this is about. I'm so fucking confused. You give me vibrator panties, you're extremely horny not to mention, you haven't told me where we're going and you're just being outright sexual. You're never like this."
He looked at you with wide eyes and pulled over to the side of the road and parked the Jeep. Looking at you, he held your hands.
"I've been gone for so long that I've missed you and I'm worried that you don't wanna be with me anymore mama. I'm being like this and doing this because I want for us to not be bored with our relationship and I don't want you to be bored with me. I read some of that book you were reading the other day and I read those sex scenes and it's nothing that I've done before but you love those books so much. I want to be that for you. I want to be someone that you talk about to your friends because their partners aren't doing what I'm doing for you."
You sat there shell-shocked, he just dropped this bomb on you and you didn't know how to react to it. You never realized that he was scared to lose you or scared that you were sick of the relationship. You weren't but you must have fallen asleep with your book the other night when he came home late from the studio and he got curious. It was one of those romantic novel authors you had seen on TikTok and decided that you'd get their series and read it. Little did you know it was every fantasy that you had wanted to try with Josh but was too scared to ask for him to do.
"Josh...I didn't know...Those books are just fiction. Yeah I find them hot and would like to do those with you but I just never thought that you'd want to do them with me because they have some heavy stuff in them. They have some really hard sex topics like bondage and even knife play in one. You've never said anything about stuff like that. I was scared you were gonna be the one to leave me if I brought them up."
You both just ended up looking at each other, you instantly grabbed his face and kissed him. Climbing over the center console, straddling his lap. His tongue slipped past your lips, his hands grasping your ass, guiding your hips against his growing bulge.
"Josh please I need you. I want you. Never wanted anyone than I want you." Your breathy moans whispered into his ear were enough to make him lift you up and pull the pants of the suit down some, along with his boxers. His cock springing up, he lined himself up with you after pulling your panties to the side and slid you down onto him.
You sat up straight and threw your head back, holding onto his shoulders. Bouncing slowly, his breath getting caught in his throat, letting out a groan.
"My god Y/N I would never leave you. Not even for what you wanted to try in bed. You're the most perfect thing to happen to me and I am so thankful for you falling into my life like the angel you are." He pulled you towards him, holding you close to him, thrusting up into you. His forehead against your shoulder, his grip tightening around your waist.
"Josh I would never leave you either, you've made my life so much better with you in it. I can't believe that you even wanted to be with me in the first place. You can have any girl that you wanted yet you've chosen me every time." Whispering in his ear, he kissed your neck, starting to bounce you on his lap more, his cock thrusting faster into you.
The windows started to fog up from the heat rising from the two of you. You could feel the love rising just like the heat rising in the car. His fingertips digging into your sides as he let out a strained moan.
"I've always chosen you because you've always been my muse. No matter what is happening you have always been the one that I can go to. You're my everything mama, you always will be." Your hand placed itself against the window, gliding down, erasing some of the condensation and fog on the windows.
Your hips moved to the pace that Josh had set, every once in a while twitching, flicking forward despite the pace that he had set.
"Josh...I'm gonna cum. You're gonna make me cum!"
His pace quickened, pounding into you a bit harder at this point. His brows furrowing together. Leaning back into his seat, grabbing your hips in each hand, squeezing them tightly. It was evident that he was on the brink of orgasm as well. His eyes rolling back, his eyes closing, his release tinkering on the edge.
With one quick and deep thrust, your back arched. Your hand grabbing onto the handle for support as your orgasm took over your body. His was also quick to fall off the edge. Shooting rope after rope inside of you. Your body collapsed onto his, chests heaving and desperate to get some kind of air in your lungs.
"If that isn't a testament to my love then I don't know what is." Your lips curled into a smile against his neck, pecking kisses against the skin softly.
"For you mama, everything that I do is a testament to our love. I would walk barefoot across hot coals just to be able to tell you how much I love you. I would be poked with hot pokers just so you would be okay. I would do anything for you, mama. I really and truly mean that."
Pulling off of his cock, sliding back over to your seat, adjusting the panties to fit back over you, putting the seatbelt back on. You looked over to the love of your life, smiling as he sat there, head leaning back with a giant smile on his face. Pulling his boxers and suit pants back up, he pulled back onto the road and started driving back to the restaurant. His hand intertwined with yours, his thumb rubbing on the back of your hand.
After tedious driving, Josh finally pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, getting out of the car and coming over to your side, opening the door for you.
"There ya go mama, let's get inside before we're late." He took your arm in his and led you into the dining area. With the remote in his pocket and love in his heart, he waited for you two to be seated before starting his fun. Kissing your forehead and the top of your head, letting you sit while he stood. Looking at you longingly and lovingly, his arm around your shoulder.
The hostess called Josh's name and you stood up, following her and Josh to the table. A table for two with candlelight in the middle. Josh pulled your chair out for you and let you sit before pushing the chair in. Sitting down across from you, he pulled the remote out from his pocket and set it on the table under the napkin. Pressing the lowest setting, watching your body jolt and your eyes shoot up to look at him.
"So this is when the fun begins huh? I don't even get to have a glass of wine first?" Your lips curled into a smirk, able to avoid moaning from the low vibrations.
A waiter comes by and takes your drink orders, you ordered a Cabernet and Josh ordered water with lemon.
"Joshie are you sure you don't want a glass of wine with me? I think you'll be okay with one." He chuckled and nodded, readjusting his suit jacket.
"I think I'm gonna stick with the water, after all, I'm driving with precious cargo. Don't want something to happen and you get hurt, mama. Would never forgive myself."
A small smile appeared on your face, looking down trying to get Josh to not see it. The waiter brought out your drinks and started with your orders. You got the rib-eye with the mashed potatoes and roasted carrots. Josh ordering Mahi Mahi with the same sides as you. The waiter gave a smile and started back to the kitchen, ringing in the order.
"How did you find this place, Josh? This place is gorgeous." You looked around, taking in the amazing architecture. You looked back to him, your eyes catching his hand on the remote. His finger pressing a button, the vibrations going up another setting. You covered your mouth and tried to avoid moaning.
"Don't even think about cumming just yet princess. We still have a long night ahead of us. I haven't even reached the highest setting yet my love." His eyes turned a darker shade of brown, lust-filled and the idea of you naked on top of him filled his mind. Your cheeks rosy red with the idea of what's to come for you.
Sipping on the wine, your breath catching in your throat every so often from the vibrator rubbing against you just right. Every little movement, moving the vibrator against you. Soft whimpers trapped behind shut lips.
"What's that mama? You really shouldn't mumble. Real rude to the people around you." Your eyes glared up to him, stabbing daggers into his aura. The smirk on his face drove you crazy. A chuckle leaving his lips before you could even answer him.
"Oh that's right...You're too preoccupied trying not to make a scene here at the table and get us kicked out." His hand laid on top of yours and his thumb stroked the soft skin on the back of your hand.
There was something about this side of him that just drove you crazy. This dominating nature that he gives off so easily, the effortless way he can wrap his words around your head and make you disoriented. He had a knack for doing this and you didn't even know where it came from. His hand slid over to the remote, turning up the vibrations. His Chesire cat smile curled up more. His tongue licking his lips.
Your eyes shut quickly, feeling your eyes rolling to the back of your head. Your hand covered your mouth, holding back any moans that were threatening to escape. Slowly, you were able to open your eyes again, the bottom lash line the only dam holding back the tears of pleasure. Seeing the waiter out of the corner of your eye, you sit back up. Playing off the intense pleasure for laughing.
Setting down the food, Josh looked at you as you started to stabilize and was able to start eating. Deciding to see how well you could handle all the overwhelming pleasure, he turned the vibrator up to the highest setting. You dropped the fork, looking to Josh with pleading eyes.
"Joshie please...Gonna cum...Can't take it." Your voice was reduced to a whisper, your bottom lip tucked between your teeth. Josh looked at you and nodded in a teasing way.
"Yeah? You wanna cum? I don't know if you really deserve it. What makes you think that I'll let you cum?" Luckily, he turned off the vibrator, letting you have a break from the torture. You took in a deep breath, starting to eat again. Your eyes begging him to just let you eat without having to endure the vibrational torture again.
"Maybe I'll give you a little bit of a break. Just so my sweet mama can eat." Your eyes hooded, looking back to your food as you start to eat again.
"You know Joshie there is something that I was wanting to try with you but I mean if you want to make this night all about you being dominating then we can do it a different day." A smirk rose to your face and you crossed your legs, slipping one of your feet out of the shoe and trailing up the pant leg of his suit.
His breath hitched in his chest, his grip on the fork and knife tightening, eyes closing and his bottom lip catching between his teeth.
"You're playing a dangerous game sweet angel. I'd suggest you stop before I take you to the bathroom and fuck some sense into you. And then you wouldn't get your surprise tonight. You'd have to wait till I think you're ready and not going to be a brat."
Lowering your foot, you put your shoe back on, the two of you eating in peace for a while before you got an idea in your head.
"Joshie what is this surprise anyways? It's not like there's anything you haven't gotten me in the four years we've been dating. I don't really think there's anything you can surprise me with." He took a deep breath, setting down the silverware.
"I wanted to wait to do this but you keep on insisting so here we go." He got up from his seat and started digging in the coat pocket. Holding out his hand for you to grab. helping you stand up.
"Y/F/N Y/L/N...you have been my everything for four years now. For four years we have gone through everything together. Through hell and back and to the ends of the Earth. There is nothing I would love more than to give you my last name and make sure that everything that we do together is for what we want. You have been nothing but supportive of the band and all the hardships that we go through and I couldn't ask for anything better from my girlfriend. But the truth is I'm tired of calling you my girlfriend...I don't want to do that anymore mama. So what I'm trying to say is...Will you marry me?"
Getting down on one knee in front of you, the whole restaurant at attention to you two now. Your hands covered your mouth and you just stared at him. Your body was in shock and you could only let out little squeaks as you tried to force words out of your throat.
"Josh of course I'll marry you. I would love nothing better than to marry you!" He slid the ring on your finger and stood back up, kissing you. Some of the patrons in the restaurant clapping in celebratory fashion.
"How about we finish this meal and I give you the other half of your surprise?" You smirked and nodded, sitting back down at the table and continuing to eat.
Through small talk about the band and work, eventually, Josh asked for the check, handing the waiter his card not even bothering to look and see how much the check was. Josh grabbed the remote, turning it back on to the highest setting, a squeak escaping you again.
"Joshie I'm gonna go to the bathroom, meet me in there when you finish paying for the check." You downed the rest of the wine that you had in your glass and hightailed it for the bathroom.
With a cheeky smile on his face, Josh quickly put down a tip and signed for the check. Shaking the waiter's hand and following you into the bathroom. He locked the door behind him and grabbed your hips. Spinning you around and pinning your hips to the sink counter.
"You look so stunning mama, wanna show you how stunning you are." His lips latched to your neck, sucking deep hickeys into the skin. His hands pulling the dress up your body, his fingertips grasping for your body as if he didn't, he would lose you.
Taking the panties off of your body, he tossed them to the side, turning you around again, his hand finding solace around your neck. Squeezing softly, the sound of his belt unbuckling and the zipper being pulled down. The feeling of his hard cock pressed against your ass cheeks was like a reward to you. All this time teasing and edging each other and now you get to experience all this energy pent up in Josh, released on you.
Sliding the tip of his cock in between your folds, collecting your sweet juices to slide into you easier. Pushing through the mental barrier, he pushed himself to the hilt, his grip around your throat tightening again. A groan rumbling out of his chest that vibrated against your back. Slowly his thrusts started to get quicker, his hand around your throat trailing to the back of your head. Grabbing your hair and pulling it back, forcing you to look at yourself in the mirror.
"Look at you mama...all wrapped around my cock and you're loving it. All that teasing is coming to fruition my love. You're gonna get what you want tonight." His hips slamming against your ass, teeth biting at your earlobe.
Both of your hands were bracing yourself on the counter, Josh's left hand next to yours as he braced himself against your body and the countertop. Looking at yourself getting used by your now fiance was like taking ecstasy. Your eyes roll back and you tucked your bottom lip in between your teeth.
"Turn around mama, wanna look at you while you lose yourself around me." Pulling out of you, letting you whine at the loss of friction. You turned around, sitting on the counter, spreading your legs for him.
His arms wrapped around you, holding you close to him. Your arms doing the same and wrapping around him. One hand traveling up the back of his neck into his jungle of hair, fingertips tangling themselves in the kinky curls. The other hand scratching at his still covered back. Sliding back into you, you threw your head back, moaning loudly as he filled you back up.
"Fuck mama...you're even tighter like this." His head dipped and laid in the crook of your neck. Your hand trailing from his hair to his chin, making him look at you. Slowly, your hand wrapped itself loosely around his throat. Squeezing gently, Josh letting out a whimper. He wasn't expecting you to return the favor of choking him back but he took it. Liking that you were in control of something.
"Joshie please...wanna cum around you. I need to cum around your cock please." Your desperation was all that he needed to get himself going at a good pace again. His hips snapping into you with a force that he was hitting your cervix.
Your grip around his throat tightened and you closed your eyes tight from the feeling of him so deep inside of you. The hot coals burning in your stomach were reaching a fever pitch. Little did you know that Josh was also reaching his own high, getting lightheaded as he continued to fuck into you.
"On the count of three, you're gonna cum with me okay mama?" You nodded and kissed him quick. Your grip on his throat released and you held onto Josh's frame.
"Okay mama...one...two...three!" On three, the coals that were in your stomach exploded, snapping your head back as your orgasm took over every part of your body. Josh also had started to spill inside of you, his cock twitching inside of you.
"Fuck Joshie. That was...amazing. Maybe I need to let you find my books more often and let you see what kind of stuff I'm reading about. Might make you realize some stuff about yourself." You chuckled and he gave you a longing kiss to your lips.
"Maybe I do. Now future Mrs. Kiszka how about you and I get out of here before we get thrown out for fucking in their bathroom and maybe I'll give you another surprise when we get home?" Your smile turned into a laugh and you simply nodded, hopping down from the counter. Your legs were wobbly but Josh managed to hold you up and keep you from falling.
You picked your underwear up and wrapped them in paper towels, throwing them away. There was no way in hell you were putting underwear back on that your fiance had haphazardly thrown to the side in a sexual head rush. Pulling your dress back down and adjusting his clothes, you both made your way out, making it seem like you had just gotten sick or perhaps you weren't able to unzip your dress and Josh needed to help you. Whatever Josh would think of really for why he was in the bathroom with you.
Walking hand in hand, you both made your way out to the Jeep, no questions being raised. Hopping back into the car, a kiss laid to your hand from Josh.
"So pretty mama what do you say we high tail it home?"
"I say that's a mighty fine idea."
So there we go. The long-awaited story that I had put off for a while and then made really long. However, it is here and it is very horny. I hope y'all enjoy it. I wrote a good bit of this while I was off from having wisdom teeth removal so yay. Let me know if there is anything else specific that y'all would like for me to write.
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jaeminscoffee · 3 years
Daddy Issues | S. Jn
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Pairing | Seo Johnny x Fem!Reader
Genre | Smut, fluff
Wc;type | oneshot: 3.93k [not proof read]
Warning(s) | Pwp, dilf!johnny, y/n's a pillow princess, daddy kink, overstimulation, teasing, edging, dacryphilia, slight voyeurism, degradation kink, heavy use of the words 'doll, princess, slut, pretty, angel', typical lyra smut, i made haechan johnny's son (i was about to write changbin as johnny's son but decided against it) age gap, unprotected sex ( the Reader's on pills. Remember this is a fiction, don't play the wrong card irl) filth.
a/n- i found this request buried in my asks and was tempted to write it. Sure, the warning looks intimidating, but i know you wanna read it, y'all whores (ily) shoutout to @bakugou-is-my-bae @cvntzennie and @jenopollo for helping me decide what to post first! @suhpersonic
Minors try not to interact! <3
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Age is just a number, so surely, there's nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed of, right? 
There's no reason for you to not fall for the friendly neighborhood bachelor, well not so bachelor bachelor, since he does go around asking people who knows of his marriage to pretend it never took place. 
Johnny's hot, super hot. Has the build of a supermodel. Has the face that one can only imagine belongs to a greek god, as you'd jokingly tell him how he seemed to be god's favorite and how you loathe Aphrodite for showing favoritism (which would always end up with you getting a very sultry, teasing look from the lad) 
Johnny has the type of personality that women can only wish the entirety of the male species would possess. He's an absolute sweetheart, life of the party, definitely the center of attention wherever he goes. And oh god, does he have an immaculate fashion sense. 
But Johnny's also the father of Donghyuck. Your best friend. 
More than being ashamed about the fact that you actually fell in love with a man who has a child of your age, it was the fact that you had to fall for Donghyuck's father of all people. 
Donghyuck is a sweetheart, definitely got his personality from his father but he's also got that glare that could creep the Lord's of the darkness from his father. He's got so much from his father that the resemblance is uncanny. 
You'd not want to get onto hyuck's bad side since you've gotten first hand experience at stopping him from almost committing homicide to someone who spoke shit about his friends, more specifically, you. 
But Hyuck's not in town. So a little fun with Mr. Suh wouldn't hurt anyone, correct? After all, you're still only a human with desires and the want to take risks. 
You'd always not so subtly drop hints at Johnny and he'd always give you that look that would have slick collecting itself between your thighs. A warning look. 
A look that said, "cross the line and you'll get it" 
But that's the thing, you want to get it and will do anything to get it.
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You'd ask yourself less than a million times if you want to do this or not.
Sure, you weren't this hesitant when you decided to sext your best friend's father knowingly when he was in business mode to irk him up but that's one thing. 
And having to confront the same father who left a message smaller than a sentence that completely disregarded all the obscene text and images to show that he's not the slightest bothered or suprised by your behavior for that matter was another thing.
"Tomorrow at mine." 
It's almost as though he deals with hormonal teenagers one as such as yourself on a daily basis and that thought kind of backfired at you considering the whole 'Let's piss Johnny off so that he'd finally give me what i want' agenda. 
Ironic, huh? 
"Mr. Suh." you start hesitantly, unsure of what to call him, scared of what his reaction would be after your inappropriate shenanigans last night. 
Your stiff demeanor broke down a little with just a hint of shiver passing down your spine as you watch his features contort into a subtle but cocky smirk, "So now you're being all formal,"
"Well, what else would you like me to address you as?" you inquire, feigning oblivion to his tone and what he's implying at. "You tell me, doll. You seemed to have a lot of names to call me last night," he takes a step forward, prompting you to walk a step backwards, further into the corridors of his apartment and away from the actual location. 
"I do not know what you're talking about.. " you let your voice shrivel towards the end, eyes wandering around the complex, finding interest in every small detail as you avoid Johnny's teasing gaze. 
"You don't?" Johnny takes another step forward, latching his hands onto your forearms to prevent you from stepping further away, "You must have had a heavy sleep to forget all that you did last night," his voice drops dangerously low as he begins to walk backwards and back into the safety of his apartment, all the while keeping his gaze fixated on you.
"That won't do, would it? How about we take a walk down the memory lane? And see if that rings any bell?" He brushes your hair away from its static position on your shoulder, allowing him to appreciate all those fine details of your shoulders and neck that are exposed from your selection of clothing, an off shoulder. 
"How about we don't...?" You ask with skepticism, jolting slightly when you hear the door shut behind you and at the new intrusion of personal space by the lad.
"Why are you acting all shy now, Y/n? Weren't you the one so eager to get into her best friend's fathers pants? Just be the whore you are, darling. Your facade's fooling no one." okay you definitely didn't see that coming. 
Johnny's expressions morph into that of mischief as he watches your eyes grow wide and mouth fall ajar, "Am i not correct? Are you not a whore?" he asks with an eyebrow quirked up in a questioning manner.
You don't reply, almost as though the question was meant to linger in the open and that it was a rhetorical one. What you didn't expect, however, was for Johnny's hands to find pursuit around your neck, not necessarily applying pressure, but there as a warning. 
"Answer me." 
"I'm not.." you answer with a feeble voice, internally cringing at how squeaky you sound which only added to Johnny's amusement. 
"Really? Because I don't think good girls go around drooling at a divorced man, her friend's father for that matter and definitely do not send lewd images and voice out their fantasies to a guy twice their age, still want to pretend you're innocent? Or you admit it and we cut down the chase?"
"Yes, I am." you breathe out when his fingers tighten around your neck, a triumphant smile making its way onto his lips. Yet, Johnny felt the need to keep pushing,
"you're what?" 
"I am what you said I am," you speak, trying to avoid looking at the scrutinizing look on his face which seemed futile as he had his arms wrapped around your neck, keeping your head in place. 
"I want to hear you say it, doll. I need to hear you say it." At this point Johnny's intent was to get you into a flustered puddle in his hold and it sure as hell was going in that direction, seeing how you can't even hold his gaze for more than a few seconds in a shot. 
"I am.. I am a who-"
The sound of a phone ringing loud cut you off midway through your sentence, to which you were absolutely relieved. Johnny only seemed to grow annoyed the more he heard the phone ring. With a loud huff, he lets you go, not before giving you a stern look, "Go to my room." he instructed, making his way to the study. 
You let out a breath you've been holding in unknowingly the moment he steps away from you. You watch his figure retreat from you with awe, only now realizing how messy you felt between your legs and how your knees keep buckling. 
"Oh Hyuck!" you hear Johnny exclaim into the phone the minute you step forward to follow his command. 
Your best friend is on call with the guy you're about to fuck. 
Your blood runs cold as you shakily make your way into the apartment and towards the bedroom, shrugging off your sling bag, hanging it behind the door as you place your phone on the bedside table to wipe your hands dry from all the sweat that had accumulated at the palm of your hands. 
"Yeah, I'm fine, about to eat to my dinner actually" you hear the moment to make yourself comfortable at the edge of the bed, looking over to the door where Johnny stood with his arms across his chest, the other holding up the phone as he leans his weight onto one shoulder, leaning into the doorframe.
You take the time to really appreciate his appearance. He adorned nothing more than a simple grey sweat and tight black tee but he seemed ready to walk down a runway at any given moment now. His long hair, slightly disheveled looking almost intentionally messed up, compliments his features. And oh his features. 
The everlasting smirk stayed still on his lips, moving as he exchanged words with his son.
You only come back to your senses when Johnny snapped his free hand in front of you, gaining your attention. He points at his own shirt, then points at you, mouthing 'off' while he listens to Donghyuck speak about whatever he's speaking. 
"Really? Jeno said that? Tell him I'm more than willing to welcome him as my gym partner, the lad seems strong" Johnny makes a quick move to remove the gadget from his ear, before holding it in front of him after placing the call on speaker mode 
Your eyes widen the moment you hear the disturbance in the background and Donghyuck's voice resonate through the room. "no?? Why would you want to work out with him? He'll only make you feel old, you know?" 
"Says the one who still can't beat me at arm wrestling. If anything, i think Jeno would make the perfect gym buddy for me," Johnny raises an eyebrow at your defiance, cocking his head towards the side, staring down at you with a predatory look, "Hyuck, you know, Y/n-" you scramble to take your shirt off at the mention of your name on the call, "-stopped by earlier" he lets out a silent laugh of disbelief.
"Oh? Oh yeah! I'd told her I'd give her book back before I left but I forgot, did you perhaps give it back to her?" Donghyuck questions. 
"I figured you must've forgotten so, yeah i did." Johnny replies, pushing himself off of the doorframe, now walking towards you. 
"Man, I miss her! I might facetime her after I end the call with you," Johnny sets down the phone beside you on the bed, leaning down, placing both his hands on either side of your lap, finding comfort at the crook of your neck,
"I remember her mentioning something about her cousin coming over? Maybe wait for an hour or so before calling her" his lips graze against your neck each time he spoke, you let out a tiny whimper at the so longed feeling, only to earn yourself a small bite at the earlobe, immediately accompanied by a hand over your mouth, "you need to be quiet, doll. Or my son would find out how much of a slut his best friend is," he whispers in your ear. 
"Yeah? Did she mention which one?" 
"No, not really, she kinda just stormed out after getting what she wanted" Johnny creates a trail of kisses all the way from your neck to your shoulders, down the collarbone while one of his hand worked to unhook your bra, "Yeah, she's weird like that," you hear Donghyuck let out a chuckle as you whine into Johnny's palm, your figure slightly trembling from the fear of getting caught all the while being excited about the risky situation he's put the two of you in. 
"Anyways, I'll call you tomorrow? The boys are coming over now so I got to go! Night, dad!" Donghyuck speaks up again, "Night, Hyuck." 
You hear the beep indicating the call has ended. Johnny let's his hand drop from your mouth and makes its way towards your hair, brushing through the strands before pulling at it with a firm grip, "I had my son on call and here you are making all these sweet noises, you wanted to get busted, doll?" 
"It's not my fault! You-"
"ah-ah! Don't talk back, angel. You're already in deep trouble, don't want to add onto that now, do we?" He makes a swift move to have you lying on your back, your torso completely exposed to him while he remains clothed. 
"But Johnny-" you whine, jolting when you feel his hands caressing the soft flesh of your inner thighs, "How do you think Hyuck would feel about this?" his hands travel further north, cupping your heat from underneath your skirt. "fuck, you're drenched"
"Now tell me, pretty girl, what are you supposed to be calling me, now?" 
"Johnny-, tha-that was a joke! I don't have daddy kin-" you try clenching your thighs close from the sudden attention your core was receiving. Johnny wholeheartedly lets out a laugh at your attempt to hide your true feelings, making a quick act of disregarding your soaked panties somewhere behind him.
"Darling, the more you deny it, the longer we keep going at it-" his thumbs at your clit, applying pressure but making no move to quench your needs. You let out a sigh of bliss at the feeling, your back arching off of the sheets at the sensation.
In any other situation, you'd be embarrassed at how sensitive you'd gotten just from all the dirty talking and looks Johnny passed you. But that's the catch, he's Johnny, the only one who can get you this sensitive while doing the bare minimum. 
"Say it, Y/n." 
"No, Johnny! It's-it's embarrassing.." you plead with your eyes, grinding your hips against his fingers, earning a satisfied, dirty look from the lad. 
"Very well.. I'll just draw it out of you"
Without warning, Johnny with little to no resistance, slides two slender digits into your wetness, setting a pace fast enough to draw loud chains of cries from your mouth.
"You hear that, doll? You hear how fucking wet you are? Hm?" he growls animalistically, the thumb that remained on your clit now moving in circles with a motive to get you undone in seconds. 
"Johnn-..!" you whine out, feeling your orgasm growing so close that you could almost taste it, "Still going at that, angel?" he questions, not really expecting an answer as he soaks up the pleasured look on your face. "Johnny- I'm close.. -" you fail to notice the mischievous grin growing on his face as he speeds up the movement of his fingers. 
"Of course you are, doll" He feels you clench around his fingers, back coming off of the mattress as you ready yourself for your release, waiting until the last minute to draw his finger out.
"Why would you-? Johnn-I was so close!" you cry out as you sense your core clench around nothing, whining about the incomplete orgasm. "Why would I give you what you want when you wouldn't comply, baby? That's not how this works." He shrugs, licking his fingers clean of your essence, moving up from the bed to remove the shirt that seemed to be suffocating now.
"Johnny, please!" you whine louder, rubbing your thighs together to create some sort of friction, all unsatisfactory as it did not meet the same intensity as that of his fingers. 
"Please what, doll?" He smirks, knowing the ball is in his court and that you'd had to give in any moment now. Johnny leans down once again, drawing lazy circles at your clit, using his other hand to hold himself up above and close to you, his minty breath which had a hint of coffee fanning your face as you whimper, finally feeling your high building itself up again. "Spit it out, princess, you know you want to." he speaks in a soft voice.
"Please..please" you beg for nothing in particular, getting all worked up again, "The begging's lovely, doll. But you're starting to anger me here, will you say it? Or should I leave you hanging again?" 
You mutter prayers under your breath, hoping he wouldn't actually leave you hanging again, "Fine-" he moves again to remove his fingers from you to deprive you of pleasure all over again when you finally latch onto his wrist, keeping his hands in place blurting out, "Daddy! I'm so-sorry.. There, daddy, please make me come" you give in, the name, the feeling and look of pure victory on his face as he grins like a cheshire cat only intensifies the heat growing at a rapid pace at the pit of your stomach. 
"Final fucking ly, princess. Daddy will make you feel good" He reinserts his fingers in, drilling it with desperation to see you come undone as he draws rapid circles on your now sensitive clit with the other hand, watching you squirm under him.
"Joh-Daddy i'm coming..!" you cry out weakly as you feel your orgasm hit you with much force, easily driving you into over sensitivity. Johnny's patient in helping you ride out your orgasm, not stopping until you let out a throaty sob and plead him to stop to allow yourself some room to breathe. 
Johnny, however, makes no move to stop, only speeding up his fingers, his gaze fixed on where his fingers disappeared inside of you while his other hand held you down with a vise grip, "Give me one more, doll. I know you've got one more in you. " he pants, the feeling of his girth in confinement only throwing himself to sensory deprivation as he feels himself twitch inside his sweats painfully. 
You shake your head, tears now flowing elegantly down your cheek, your lips puckered into a slight pout, your eyebrows drawn together as you let yourself melt into the pleasure Johnny was providing you with. "Daddy.." 
You whine, feeling your second high reaching you ridiculously quick as you see Johnny's face contort in concentration, 
"I need to get you nice and wet for me, princess, you're doing so well. Give daddy another one" you coaxes you with his sultry tone, words and actions, inevitably having you come undone under him for the second time that night. 
You let out a choked moan, finally having enough as you curl upon yourself the minute Johnny removes his fingers from you, full fledged crying at the overbearing feeling of sensitivity. 
Johnny groans at the sight, leaning down to press a soft peck on your sweaty forehead before getting off of the bed to remove his pants alongside his boxer at a slow speed, granting you some time to recover.
"Condom?" he asks, readying himself to reach into the drawing when he notices you shake your head a no as a reply, "I'm on pills.." you mutter weakly. 
You hear him curse out at the thought of doing you raw, flexing his muscles before climbing on top of you again. He takes his time to gently turn you back onto your back, pressing his tender lips against your irritated one for the first time that night, his hand ever so slightly moving to play with your clit once again, making you jerk, "Daddy!" 
"Sorry, doll. Daddy just needs to make sure that princess is ready to take his cock" 
Your whining intensifies at his words, wiggling your hips to move closer to his own, "But I am ready! Look, daddy! I'm so wet and ready for you!" you whimper, earning a chuckle from the lad. 
Just like all the other times that night, he aligns his cock at your entrance without a warning, the tip ever so slightly pushing through your walls, "Alright, big girl. Show daddy how much of a slut you can be for him."
Suddenly, Johnny detaches himself from you, moving further away as he leans by the edge of the door, smirking at you whining at the loss of contact, "Patience, angel" 
He grabs hold of your hips, manhandling your body into all fours as he enters you completely with no trouble once he's got you where he wants you to be.  
Something about having to take Johnny from behind was so sexy that you could almost immediately feel your orgasm grow, "Fuck baby, keep clenching around me like that and i won't last long," he grunts, moving in you with a steady pace, 
"I never expected my son to befriend such filthy sluts like you, Y/n. Look at the mess you're making on my sheets" He grabs a fistful of your ass in a tight squeeze, the sudden shift in his demeanor only serving as a whiplash as you feel yourself growing closer and closer to the sweet orgasm. 
"Jesus, doll, you're so fucking tight i can barely move" Johnny growls, talking to keep himself from coming too fast. 
"Daddy.. I'm close. M-I'm so so close" you cry as your arms give out and you fall face first onto the mattress, the new stretch in your back only encouraging his cock to hit you deeper, finding the sweet cushion that serves as extra pleasure for you. 
"Me too, princess, me too.. '' You hear him let out a whine, his thrusts growing sloppier as he does you slower but deeper. 
He reaches around your body to find pursuit at your clit for the nth time that night, rubbing rapid, messy circles to go with his deep thrusts, "Daddy!" you reach your high with a high pitched cry of his name. 
Johnny comes not too long after you as he couldn't resist the constant tight clenching of your walls around his cock. He thrust slowly to ride out his high as you twitch helplessly, face scrunched up in too much pleasure. 
You feel your body being manoeuvred onto your side as he whispers sweet nothings which pass right through your ears as you feel him softened inside you, the feeling ridiculously soothing for your used up walls, 
"You did amazing, darling." he kisses your temple, not making any move to remove himself from within you, which you silently thanked him for. 
You both lay in silence as you turned your body towards him, earning a hiss and a playful smack from him as it added pressure onto his sensitive member. You wrap your arms around his torso, about to nuzzle into his chest and just drift away to dreamland when you hear the familiar ring of your phone from the table beside the bed. 
You feel Johnny's body shift to reach out to get your phone, looking at the caller ID before handing it to you with a smirk that you knew meant that he was up to no good. "Oh! It's hyuck" you exclaim in shock, quickly accepting the call and placing it near your ear, moving to get away from him. 
But Johnny seemed to have other ideas, as he latched an arm around your torso to keep you from moving, "Hey-" you begin, immediately feeling Johnny experimentally thrust into you again, making you whine, "Y/n! I miss you~-oh hey, are you okay?" you hear Donghyuck's voice from the other side, 
You look at Johnny with a pleading and warning gaze to which you earn yourself a toothy grin from the lad, 
"Of co-course! Just a little.. peachy,'' You turn around to place a hand on his chest to halt his movement, "You don't sound just peachy.. I've heard you like this before!" you hear Donghyuck make those noises he makes when he's thinking as Johnny keeps thrusting lazily the more you look at him, you see him open his mouth to speak, "Oh fuck! You're getting laid, aren't you???" 
"Tell Hyuck daddy says hi"
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ye4gerismarchives · 3 years
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the bachelorette chp 5, part 2: connie’s proposal
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an: hey yall 😛 i'll be posting another q&a before the final elimination chapter comes out. the day after that, i will close the poll, so make good choices! if you wanna change your mind, do it NOW! if you haven't voted, NOW is your chance😁 also, once again, i had to add an extended part to the connie family chapter because the full thing did not upload :( if the extended part helps you change your mind on connie, let me know! also, i really like this chapter because i could properly write a beach story! i went to a beach last week for the very first time and now i won't sound stupid when writing (and i'll never beat around the bush again!) link at the bottom!
tags: fem, black reader
tag list: @taybird
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Unlike Jean, Connie did give you an idea of where you were going. He told you to bring some sandals and a light outfit and "not to worry about swimming because I know you don't want to mess up your hair- or makeup". There was a high chance you would be going to the beach where you had your first solo date. It was also the first time you talked about Connie being your husband. He said something about being "wise" about your decision. Now that you think about it, there was a pattern of Connie trying to avoid the fact that you two would have to be in love. You wondered if he'd bring that up again while proposing to you. You wouldn't want to say no to Connie if he did that but the whole friend zone thing is a BIG turnoff (y'all's words, not mine 😉)
But there was a positive side to this maybe? You already knew Connie and he had a higher advantage than Jean. You wouldn't even have to think about building a connection with him because you already had one. But the problem was love. You knew would enter a relationship with Jean, y'all would be lovey-dovey BUT you would need to build a friendship too.
Damn, this was hard. But this would all be over soon. You'd get a big wedding and if you didn't like Connie or Jean, you could move on. It's not like you're signing papers at the televised ceremony.
But anyways 😭 let's starts Connie's date. No time for analysis!
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Connie had texted you that he was outside. You grabbed your purse and left the mansion. When you got outside, Connie was leaning on his car, being handsome and all.
"Hey," you greet him. You hold your arms out, hoping for a hug or even a kiss. Connie steps forward leans towards you but his head goes to the side and he's hugging you. Would this guy wait till the possible engagement before getting romantic with you or would the rest of your marriage be like this?
Connie pulls away. "I'm really excited," he says. You want to yell at him right now but the day just started. Maybe he was doing all this to lead you on and make sure you want to fight for him. To be real, this was getting tiring. Connie better be doing something big!
"I'm really excited to see what you have in store for me as well," you reply. Other than seeing Connie's next moves or his proposal, you were excited about the food. You knew Connie could cook, it was in his genes and he did cook for you multiple times throughout the show. As Connie opens the passenger seat for you, you begin to ask him what was on the menu today.
"Well, I've noticed how nauseous you get when under the pressure, so I made egg sandwiches and I packed juices and water. I hope that's alright. When we get engaged, I'll make you a big meal. I promise," Connie says before closing your door.
You thought it was sweet that Connie took note of that. When he got into the driver's seat, you gave him a small smile before opening your mouth. "Thank you, Connie. I really appreciate the fact that you thought about that."
Connie starts the car and begins the drive to the venue. There wasn't much talking done, probably because you would bring up the whole friendship thing. You wanted to get that settled but you also wanted to see what Connie has planned. These two dates weren't just about you saying yes or no but it was a way to see how much Jean and Connie wanted you. If there were problems in the past, they would try and fix them now.
Minutes later you were at the beach (you were right😁). Connie found parking and got out of the car to get the food. You got out on your own. It was weird not having someone rush to your side to open your door. Connie met you on your side of the car and offered you his hand. You can't remember him doing that before (if he has, forgive me yall🧍🏾‍♀️). But his hands felt nice, so you couldn't complain.
The same table from your solo date remained there. "Hey, Connie, just for you, I'll get in the water," you suddenly say. "Huh?! Really?!" he explains. 'Gosh, what a kid,' you think. "You just made this better, y/n! Thank you!" Connie continues. "Just my feet though. I didn't come here to get baptized or anything."
Connie places the picnic basket with all the little things he packed for you. He then proceeds to pull a chair out for you. When you sit, he pulls out one egg sandwich for you. "Juice or water?" Connie asks. "Um, (juice/water)," you reply. He places the drink of your choice in front of you and finally sits down. Connie sets up his food and is ready to dig in until he notices that you haven't touched any of your food.
"Hey...is everything alright? You feel sick?"
You shake your head. "Connie, we need to talk."
Connie sits up slowly. "What's up?"
You liked that Connie was able to see that something was up. This would be useful if you got married.
"How long are you going to friendzone me?"
Connie chokes in his spit. "What?"
"I mean sure we've been lovey-dovey but I still don't feel that romantic connection. If I do say yes to you, I expect us to start acting like a couple. I want you to be my husband, not my friend."
Connie is silent for a minute and then he opens his mouth. "But people who are friends-"
"Oh, shut up. You can be my friend but I want a husband! Please, stop bringing up those statistics and love me!"
You never thought you would be throwing a mini tantrum over a man. Is this who we are? Is this what we represent?
"Come with me," Connie says. You're hesitant to get up until he offers his hand to you. You take it and he pulls you up from the chair.
Connie slowly leads you down the water and you start to freak out mentally. Was he going to drown for telling him off? Connie wasn't that crazy right?
As you walked, you felt yourself slipping out of your shoes. The sand didn't hesitate to fill in the gaps of your toes and tickle your feet. The further you went, the deeper you were. Connie was just walking like it was nothing. You reached the water and Connie came to a stop. For a moment, he stared out into the ocean. You just stared at your feet. The waves pushed the water on your feet causing you to sink more into the sand. This was the world. You were on the edge. You weren't going to live for long, so you had to make the best of it.
"y/n, I hear your cries for love and I'm willing to give it to you. Marry me. I'll work on myself and you'll work on yourself. I promise you, I'll do anything to grow old with you."
Connie’s ring didn’t come in a box. He just pulled it out from his pocket. It was a diamond covered band with a halo shaped sapphire right in the middle.
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damn, wonder who y’all gonna choose🤒 LINK
if you’re curious about how these rings look like, here:
connie (left) jean (right , however, his doesn’t match the description i wrote😒)
also, sorry for the white hand. i took a buzzfeed quiz
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silver-wield · 4 years
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Fan fiction dork is back again. This is long.
The flat refusal made Aerith pull a face and roll her eyes. "Such a mood." She turned towards Tifa, stationed over by the grill and asked, "How do you put up with him?"
Tifa glanced up, a questioning look on her face. "Huh?" Her gaze went from Aerith to Cloud, who had his arms folded and was staring at her like he expected back up. She shrugged one shoulder and went back to staring at the burgers sizzling away. "He's got his charm," she replied in a light voice.
When Aerith glanced at Cloud she caught the tail end of a smug smile. "You're so easily pleased when you wanna be," she teased, poking his bicep.
Cloud leaned away and scowled. "Is there a reason you're here?"
Aerith's eyes widened. "Wow, rude." She looked around the new Seventh Heaven and smiled. The people of sector seven really loved Tifa. They rebuilt the whole bar by the time the group returned to Midgar. Even better, they added a daytime cafe where Aerith could help out and spend time with her bestie. "I'm here to collect on a date," she said with an evil grin.
Cloud choked and turned to look at Tifa. "What!?"
Aerith would've bet all the flowers in her garden that he was hoping she hadn't heard that. Letting him hang in suspense for a moment longer than she had to, she finally put Cloud out of his misery by saying, "Tifa and I have a date in sector eight later." She was evilly amused at the sigh of relief from him. Leaning closer and ignoring how he moved away, she added, "Did you forget I have a boyfriend? Zack doesn't like you enough to share." She giggled when she spotted Cloud's face turning red.
"Quit it!" He got up and went to sit at the counter.
He's such a kid. Aerith shook her head and smiled fondly at his back.
Tifa looked over her shoulder and smiled at him. "You okay?"
"I've been better," he replied, shooting Aerith a dirty look.
Tifa sighed. "Can I trust you two to play nice while I call everyone in?"
"Tifa--!" Cloud pouted.
"Sure thing!" Aerith waved Tifa's concerns away.
"Great. Be right back." With a friendly nod, Tifa swiftly plated the food, set it on the counter ready for pick up, and came through the swing door. On her way out, she paused beside Cloud and laid her hand on his back. "Be nice," she whispered in his ear in a teasing tone.
"I'm doing my best," he replied, a small smile appearing and disappearing like lightning. With Tifa so near, Cloud took the chance to sneak a swift kiss on her cheek, leaving her blushing and biting her lip.
"Be right back," she repeated in a soft voice, before jogging out of the bar.
Aerith clasped her hands together. "You two are so adorable!"
Cloud pulled a face and rolled his eyes.
"I told you she was someone special," she went on.
"You want a medal?" he asked, half joking.
"You got a medal?"
"Nope." He got up and started moving plates to a long table set up that morning.
Aerith watched him move with methodical precision. Even a casual black t-shirt and blue shorts couldn't hide his natural grace. Nothing Cloud did was without purpose. He used words sparingly before he was himself again, but Aerith half-expected him to become more chatty afterwards. She hadn't realised Cloud was Cloud, just a little less moody, more obviously kinder and even more stupidly in love with Tifa. She supposed that kindness was the reason she and Zack survived in the end, despite what she did to fate. She wanted him to live so badly, she defied the will of the planet. But, as she said to Cloud that night in her dream, everyone dies eventually. Whether she and Zack have years, months, weeks, days or less together before that happens, they still have so many moments more than what they did before. She was more happy now than she can remember being in her entire life. She has a life and can laugh with the people she loves. She has friends and Zack. She has Cloud and everyone else to thank for it. Tears gathered in her eyes and she swiftly brushed them away.
Not swiftly enough.
"You good?" Cloud paused between the bar and table.
Aerith gave him a bright smile. "Sure am!"
He raised a doubtful eyebrow, but didn't pry further.
Aerith ducked her head and laughed to herself. Cloud never cared enough about her to want to dig deeper. And she never trusted him enough to want to share. Not like Zack. That was who she'd been so desperate to see in him when they first met, but it was all too obvious she was deluding herself when the way he acted wasn't anything like Zack. Not deep down, anyway. A few similar poses, a uniform and mako infused eyes didn't turn Cloud into her one true love. She flushed with guilt and shame thinking about the way she acted. Did I ever apologise for that? "You know, Cloud," she began, finding she couldn't look at him.
"Yeah, I know Cloud," he said, stopping a foot away from her and crossing his arms.
When Aerith looked up she saw a friendly smile on his face. She laughed and shook her head. "I'm sorry."
Cloud frowned. "For what?"
"For not being all that nice to you when we first met." She pulled on her bangs, using the physical pain as a focus. "I was...trying to make you someone you weren't. Someone you could never be."
"S'alright," he replied, shrugging it off. "I was, too."
Aerith looked at him then and nodded. "Yeah, I guess you were." She laughed. They both missed Zack so much they fooled themselves. But now they didn't need to because he was here. Alive. With them.
Cloud nodded. "So, we good?" He turned to grab the last of the plates.
Aerith felt lighter. "Yeah. We're good."
"I spy an angel." Zack greeted Aerith with a broad smile as he entered the bar, using the shirt he held to wipe his sweaty face. "You should have joined us, Cloud. Barret kicked the ball at Red, so he burst it with his tail!" He laughed and shook his head.
"Maybe later," Cloud replied, shrugging. Exercising in hot weather reminded him of pointless drills Heidigger made the grunts do until they dropped.
"What? Not a fan of team sports?" Zack headed straight for Aerith and squatted a little. He tapped a finger to his cheek and said, "To the victor goes the spoils."
Aerith laughed and put her hands on her hips. "Oh, I'm a prize now, am I?"
He turned his head to meet her eyes. "Absolutely, yes."
Cloud snorted and turned his back on them, muttering, "Weirdos."
Aerith giggled and playfully pushed Zack. "Oh, you!" As Zack rocked backwards Aerith grabbed his hand and pulled him to her. She wrapped both arms around his waist and hugged him tight. "Ew, you're all sweaty."
"Ah, sorry," he said, stroking her hair. "It's really hot out today. You guys made the smart choice staying inside." He tried to untangle her from him, but she held on tighter.
"It's okay," she buried her face against his bare chest, "I don't mind."
Zack kissed the top of her head.
Tifa re-entered the bar, followed by Barret, who had Marlene on his shoulder, Red, Yuffie, Cid, Vincent, Biggs and Wedge, who carried Cait Sith. "Great, everyone's getting along," she said, smiling at Cloud.
"You were only gone five minutes," he replied, a smile tweaking one corner of his mouth up. "How much trouble do you think I can get into?"
She leaned forward and smiled. "Lots."
Barret let out a gut busting laugh. "She's gotcha there!" He jiggled Marlene until she giggled. "Right, baby?"
"Uh huh, yeah!" Marlene nodded and wagged a finger at Cloud. "You're trouble, so you gotta let Tifa look after you!"
Cloud nodded, a serious look on his face. "Yes, ma'am."
Marlene giggled and Tifa smiled.
"Why's this boy such a goddamn fool, would someone tell me that?" Cid barged past everyone and took a seat at the table. "Well, we eatin' or not?" He slapped a hand on the tabletop.
Tifa looked flustered for a moment, then saw the food laid out ready.
"Maybe if the rest of you losers get to the table!" Yuffie mocked from her seat.
Zack's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "When did she--?" He stepped back from Aerith and put his shirt on, much to her disappointment.
"Ninja!" Yuffie gave him a finger gun salute and winked.
"Okay, everyone, let's sit down and eat before the food gets cold." Tifa urged with a cheerful smile.
"You know I don't need to eat," Vincent muttered, though he sat anyway.
"I appreciate the adaptation," Red said, perching on a footstool.
"You guys are family, and family eats together," Marlene said, wagging a finger at them both.
"You heard her, and nobody argues with Marlene," Biggs said, taking a seat beside her.
"I'm starving! If Vinny doesn't wanna eat I'll have his!" Wedge gave Vincent a huge smile.
"That's not my--"
"He'll still do it," Cloud said, interrupting him.
"Aww, thanks for sticking up for me, bro." Wedge targeted Cloud with an even larger smile.
Cloud gestured at him and said, "See?"
Vincent snorted, but pushed his plate over to Wedge.
"Okay, who wants drinks?" Tifa moved to stand behind the bar and grabbed a cocktail shaker.
"Ooh, can you teach me how to make something?" Aerith bounced up from beside Zack and darted over to Tifa.
"Uh, sure, I guess." Tifa smiled and nodded. "What do you want to drink?"
"Can you make a pink one?" Zack asked, turning in his seat and resting his forearm on the back.
"Pink isn't a flavour," Cloud joked, also turning around. His gaze locked with Tifa's. "Something sweet?"
"Oh, how about grapefruit!?" Aerith bounced on her toes.
Tifa looked at Aerith and tipped her head to one side. "But...that's not sweet?"
"I didn't ask for sweet, he did." She grinned and jabbed a thumb over her shoulder towards Cloud.
"Aerith likes drinks with a kick." Zack frowned thoughtfully. "Pineapple?"
Aerith clapped her hands together. "Yes!" She half turned and blew Zack a kiss. "You know me so well."
Zack looked stupidly pleased at her praise.
"Can y'all hurry it up. Feels like you're taking forever for just one drink." Barret gestured as he spoke. "People dyin' of thirst over here."
"Ah, sorry!" Tifa ducked her head.
Cloud got up. "I'll give you a hand." As he walked towards the swing door separating the front of the bar from the back, he said over his shoulder, "Beer good for everybody?" It's what they'd get even if they said no. A round of murmurs had him nodding.
"And juice for the kids," Cid added. "Two cups."
"Hey! I'm not a kid!" Yuffie huffed and crossed her arms.
"You're pouting like one." Biggs reached across the table to poke her cheek. "You look twelve."
Yuffie leaned back and stuck her tongue out at him.
Biggs chuckled. "And now you look like a ten year old."
As those around the table laughed, bickered and joked, Cloud moved around them and placed drinks within reach. He then went back to the bar, where Tifa, Aerith and Zack were still discussing cocktail combinations that included a bunch of fruit he'd never heard of. He felt like he couldn't contribute, so sat and watched Tifa. A slap on the back jolted him from his thoughts and he automatically scowled at the culprit.
"Woah, what'd I ever do to you?" Zack acted hurt, then chuckled. "Looks like you had something important on your mind," he said in a low voice. "Wanna talk?"
Cloud grimaced and half-turned away from the girls, just in case Tifa overheard. "Not really."
Zack put his hands on his hips and laughed. "You know, for a minute there I thought you changed, but I guess you'll always be the same Cloud." He ruffled Cloud's hair until Cloud slapped his hand away.
"Cut it out. It's not like that," he said, glancing at Tifa again.
"What?" Zack laid a hand on Cloud's shoulder. "Trouble in paradise?" He put on his best confidant expression. "Need some dating advice?"
Cloud shook his head and replied in a low voice, "It's been three months since, you know..."
"Sephiroth found his promised land, Jenova dissolved and we won it all?" Zack said this in a light tone, but tears still gathered at the corner of his eyes. The Sephiroth he knew wasn't the one Cloud hated for so long. He couldn't feel victorious about losing a good friend. Though that friend seemed lost for a long time, at the very end Sephiroth smiled like the man Zack remembered. He found himself again, and peace. Angeal and Genesis better be looking out for you over there. He blinked away the tears and focused on Cloud. "Yeah, so...?"
Cloud drew in a deep breath and let it out. "So, how long is long enough?"
Zack frowned. "For what?" He tried not to think too far ahead. Aerith already explained the planet could take them both back at any time, so he lived from moment to moment, never taking anything for granted. He had a home in sector five with Aerith and Elmyra, friends, his life and the freedom to choose what he wanted to do with the time he had. He was overflowing with gratitude and good cheer. And he'd promised some of that time would be spent helping Cloud not be such an insecure dork around the love of his life. Three months of dating and he still thinks she isn't as crazy about him as he is her. Zack wished Cloud could see the look on Tifa's face whenever he wasn't paying attention to her, scant as those moments were. It made Zack feel like a voyeur, and Aerith laughed hysterically when he said it because she felt the same.
Cloud sighed again. "Forget it."
"Has anyone ever told you that you think too much?" He patted Cloud on the back.
"No, Aerith, wait, the lid isn't--!"
Too late. Aerith turned the blender on and pink liquid sprayed up in an impressive geiser, tossing lumps of fruit in its wake.
"Tifa!" Cloud vaulted the bar and tried to get her out of the way.
Tifa cringed and tried to duck, but somehow both ended up covered, despite Cloud blocking the worst of it.
"Oops!" Aerith put her hands up and shrugged. Despite being the one to turn the blender on, she didn't have a speck of drink on her pink top or white skirt. She shot Zack a split second wink and he smothered a laugh.
"That's one way to help," he said to her in a low voice.
Cloud scowled to himself, then looked at Tifa. "You okay?"
She tried not to smile at how the juice flattened his hair. Reaching slowly, she picked a piece of pineapple clinging to his cheek and put it on the side. "Yeah, thanks."
Cloud stared into her eyes until they were all he could see. "Tifa, I--"
"You guys okay?" Wedge half rose from his seat before Barret and Biggs shoved him back down.
"Dummy!" Cait Sith hopped onto the table and hit him with its megaphone.
"Ow! Hey, what did I do!?" The ow was for show, Wedge had an indestructible body thanks to Hojo's "helpful" interference after he fell from the Shinra building. He was lucky to be more than a splat on the sidewalk, but that didn't make him grateful to the monster who made him.
"Gonna need to go wash up," Barret said to Tifa and Cloud. "Don't worry about us, we'll be fine by ourselves for a bit."
"Yeah," Aerith added, circling around them both and pushing them towards the stairs. "Better get that out of your hair before you have to cut it off."
Tifa drew in a sharp breath. "Right." She stopped and looked at the mess behind them. "What about--?"
"Don't worry about the bar."
"We got this!"
Zack and Biggs gave her a thumbs up.
Tifa looked at Cloud, who looked bemused. "Uh, okay, I guess. We'll be right back."
"Take your time!" Yuffie and Aerith said in unison. They looked at each other and giggled.
"What are they laughing about?" Cloud crossed his arms and tried not to drip too much as he and Tifa stood in the hallway outside the bathroom. He tried not to assume it was him, but old habits died hard.
"Hmm? I'm not sure." Tifa shrugged. She knew exactly what they were laughing at, but she didn't want to say and risk her face looking like a tomato. "Do you want to go first or should I?"
"You go, I'll wait out here."
Though they'd spent the night together before the final battle, they hadn't actually repeated it since. Maybe neither of them expected to survive, so if one night was all they got they'd make the most of it. But, they had won. They saved the planet and everyone got to go home. Together. Cloud kept up his merc work alongside Zack. The pair were almost too popular, and Cloud regularly finished his day emptying his pockets of scrap paper that had hastily written phone numbers scrawled on them. He pushed the pile across the bar and Tifa had the bin already waiting on her side. He always finished up by asking her to go somewhere with him.
Dates were fun and had no theme. Just the two of them wandering Midgar or going out on his custom bike the seller named Fenrir and Cloud developed a habit of treating like a treasured pet. The guy got a lifetime supply of food and drink from Seventh Heaven in exchange when gil alone wouldn't persuade him to sell. Tifa couldn't refuse when she saw the look of longing on Cloud's face. He had so little joy in his life until recently, there was no way she'd be responsible for taking any of it away.
The first time Cloud took her out on Fenrir, showing off and doing insane moves, it made her heart race with excitement. She locked her arms around his waist and laid her cheek against his back. She trusted him to keep her safe. She whooped and laughed, which encouraged him to show off even more. It was fun. When he eventually pulled up on a ridge overlooking Midgar, Tifa swung herself round to sit facing him. The look of adorable, wide eyed surprise made her beam. This was the Cloud she remembered best. Her Cloud. She leaned forward the same moment he reached for her. Their kiss, sweet and electrifying, left them both breathless and resting their foreheads against each other.
Coming out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel after a hasty shower, Tifa smiled at the sight of Cloud leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He had his eyes closed, so she could look her fill, though she could still feel a blush heating her cheeks.
"You done?"
Tifa jumped. Does he know?
Cloud opened his eyes, glanced at her, then smiled and looked away. "Can I get in there now?"
"Uh, yeah." Tifa tucked a strand of wet hair behind her ear.
Cloud pushed away from the wall and she tried not to smile at the drink stain he left behind. He thinks he's so cool. But, she found her feet stuck to the floor as he moved closer. Her eyes lowered from his face, which didn't improve anything because it drew her attention to his loose limbed walked instead. She swallowed and glanced at him through her lashes.
Cloud stopped with an inch of space between them. "Can I...get by?"
Flustered, Tifa realised she was blocking the door. "Oh!" About to step away, she caught sight of a teasingly smug smile on Cloud's face. She stopped and smiled back. "I dunno, can you?"
This time, Cloud swallowed. A slow blush lit his cheeks before he looked away. "You're dripping on the floor," he mumbled, pointing to the small pool spreading around Tifa's feet.
"And you're all sticky," she replied, gesturing at the patch on the wall.
Cloud glanced at the wall, then her and back again. "Uhh..."
Tifa ducked her head and laughed. Cloud never could keep up the bravado for long. She preferred his sweetness, anyway.
Surprising her by clasping her upper arms, Cloud gently urged Tifa aside while holding her gaze. His head darted forward and he stole a swift kiss before releasing her and heading into the bathroom. "Be right back."
Tifa licked her lips and tasted something sweet. "Uh, sure," she replied in a faint voice.
Was three months a long time to date before taking the next step? Tifa hadn't thought about it. She'd never dated before. Not really. Cloud lived at Seventh Heaven with her, but they had separate rooms. After the first time, she hadn't wanted him to think she was easy, or she expected anything from him. She didn't want him to feel pressured to move faster than he was ready for. Or maybe she was just scared. She didn't want to push for more in case he suddenly left. What if he didn't really feel the same way?
"You're a coward." Tifa sighed and stared out of the window. She'd changed into an aqua coloured dress and left her hair loose so it could dry. Thanks to the heat it almost was. "Why can't you just ask him?" She glared accusingly at the washed out reflection of herself framed in the window pane.
"Ask who what?" Cloud appeared behind her, dressed in a white t-shirt and shorts and roughly drying his hair with a towel. The gravity defying spikes were already rearranging to stick up in his signature style. When she didn't answer, he stopped and stared, then swiped a finger along her upper arm.
Tifa turned, eyes widening as he put it to his lips.
"Punch," he said, referring to the sticky drink residue.
"Oh." Tifa laughed. "Guess I missed a spot." She tried to hold onto the playful mood, but worry made her frown. "So, I guess everyone's leaving soon." She crossed her arms under her breasts and tried to smile. "They couldn't stick around forever, right? Cid and Yuffie have homes that aren't here. Nanaki, too. Barret wants to rebuild Corel, so I guess he'll be gone for awhile. It'll be quiet."
"Hmm." Cloud tipped his head to the side. "Not that quiet. Marlene'll need looking after and there's still Biggs, Wedge and Vincent." He paused and added, "And did you forget about Zack and Aerith? You really think it'll be quiet with them around?"
Tifa shook her head and smiled. "Guess not." She looked up at him. "I guess...I just hate goodbyes."
"It won't be for good. They'll come back and visit."
She couldn't help but look at him with hopeful eyes. "You think?"
Cloud swallowed and nodded. "Yeah."
She nodded, but grew apprehensive as she asked, "And you?"
Cloud frowned. "What about me?" He took a step closer. "I live here. With you."
"Yeah, we're neighbours again," she joked, referring to their separate rooms. Though, right then, Cloud was in her room and came in as though it belonged to him. She hadn't noticed, but he did that a lot.
"Don't have to be." His eyes were earnest and hopeful. He took another step, then waited, leaving her to close the remaining distance between them. "Tifa...You don't have to be afraid. I'm not leaving." He smiled and added, "So, suck it up."
Tifa ducked her head and laughed. "Did I really say that?" She walked towards him and he was already opening his arms to draw her in.
"Yup." Pressing his face against her neck he mumbled, "Scared the shit out of me. Don't go places I can't follow, okay?"
Tifa got the sense he meant emotionally, since there wasn't any place he couldn't find her if he wanted to. Oh. She wrapped her arms around his neck, threading her fingers through his hair. "I won't," she promised. Feeling daring, she kissed his cheek, then whispered in his ear, "You wanna sleep in here tonight?"
For once, Cloud one-upped her into speechlessness when he replied, "Every night." Moving to press a kiss to her lips, he added in a murmur, "But, can we save the sleeping for later? There's something else I've been waiting for first..."
As night drew in and the guests of Seventh Heaven cleared out calling goodnight to each other and still passing jokes back and forth, Aerith slotted her arm through Zack's and snuggled into his side. "So?" She looked up at him, a huge smile on her face and her eyes shining like emeralds.
Zack chuckled and tapped her on the nose. "Good job today! Mission success!"
Aerith giggled. "Those two." She mock sighed and shook her head. She stopped suddenly and pulled a face. "I didn't get my date with Tifa!" She growled with disappointment, making her sound like Red. "Cloud better appreciate this!"
Zack laughed. "Oh, I guarantee he does."
Aerith shook her head. "You perv."
He pointed at himself, then her. "If I'm one, so are you. It wasn't me who said those two need to stop overthinking things and just do it."
Aerith squealed and laughed. "Don't say it like that! People will send us to jail!"
Zack wrapped both arms around her waist and picked her up. "Wherever we go, it'll be together, so that's fine by me!"
Linking her fingers behind his neck, Aerith urged Zack to lower her enough so she could kiss him. "Yeah," she agreed, coming up for air and trying not to blush. "We're together and that's all that matters." She hugged him tight. "Let's go home. Mom's probably waiting up to give you a lecture."
Zack chuckled. "I'll win her over some day."
Aerith nodded. "Yeah, you will."
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 4 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 109 2Xs2) "Welcome To The Hotel Diablo"
@crystalbaby12 @backoftheroomandnotbelonging @5sosfam1dlover @rosefilledhearts-blog
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El Diablo begins play as the lights go up. The masses lose their minds at the sight of the full stage. Luna's next to Colson with Casie. Pete, Ashleigh, Dom and Ashley are close by. Sam's near Baze as Dub, Noah, Mod, Caroline, Naomi, Trippie and Skies spread out around them.
Only Colson has a mic but you can barely hear him as everyone rapid fires the lyrics with him. Luna dances with Pete, Ashleigh and Casie while teasing Colson as he moves around his friends on stage. All of them loudly shouting how they KEEP THEIR CIRCLE TIGHT.
It's a fun and unique sight. Something that will never be recreated again. A true gift from Colson to his original fan base.
"THANK YOU!! WE FUCKING LOVE YOU FAM!! SEE YOU AT ESTFEST!!" Colson screams as the lights go down one final time.
Kissing Casie's cheek, he glances over at Ashleigh. Her nod tells him she's Got It. With that, he slings a squealing Luna over his shoulder and trots OffStage. He's got his own Backstage Ritual to attend to.
"That was so fucking intense, Bunny!" Luna exclaims once Colson sets her down.
"I know." His mouth buzzes into her's as they strip off each other's clothes.
Colson lifts Luna up onto the small table against the wall. Having lit a joint as he carried her down the hall, she lifts it to his lips.
"I love you." He lightly chuckles as he exhales.
Guiding his thick cock into her warm pussy, Luna groans out in pleasure. Wrapping her legs around him to pull him in closer as he begins to thrust into her. Luna sucks on Colson's neck before lifting the joint to his lips. Grabbing her by the back of her neck, he kisses her hard. Exhaling his hit and filling her lungs.
The extra carbon dioxide makes Luna heady. She closes her eyes and runs her hands through Colson's hair. Enjoying his cock as he plays with her pierced nipples and nibbles on her ear. There's a sweet electricity to Colson and Luna's sex. It's passionate and rough but not aggressive.
Clenching herself around his dick, Luna lowly moans out Colson's name. Letting him wash over her as she gets them high. Colson grips her ass and lower back, making his way deeper into her. With her head back and neck exposed, Colson draws his tongue over her tattooed skin before opening wide and biting her JUST enough to make them both cum.
"Holy FUUUUUCK, Bunny!!" Luna cries out as her body shakes with his in pleasure.
"Can't say I don't know your spots." Colson sighs with a grin as he kisses her.
"I love you too." Floats from between Luna's lips in a content sigh as she closes her eyes and leans her forehead against his.
Dressed in a pair of tight, black shorts, sheer tights, a printed black tank and knee high black boots, Luna's hair is still loose. Colson had tossed on a dark T and jeans while Luna had cut out their lines. Burning, kissing and snorting before making their way BackStage.
Everyone's in high spirits, celebrating the epic show and album's success. Casie reminds her dad of the necklaces and helps Colson pass off the coveted Double X chains to Naomi, Trippie, Ashleigh, Skies and Dub. They all go on to toast Colson, Hotel Diablo's release and each other while hugging and joking together.
It's not long before they have to head out to Velvet Dog for the release party. Casie gets huge GoodByes and Love before Bullet leads her and Ashleigh out to a private SUV. Her and Bullet will meet back up with them after dropping off Casie to Emma.
The rest of them pile into multiple other SUVs. They're headed DownTown to a smaller, more intimate nightclub. Each of them chatting, drinking and getting stoned along the way in the five seperate vehicles.
Leaving Agora wasn't a problem. Pulling up to Velvet Dog, they can see it's gonna be much more of a hassle getting in there. Fans and The Paparazzi are surrounding it from all angles. The venue's own security is doing it's best at controlling the chaos. Benny's driving Colson, Luna, Rook, Baze and Sam.
"What do you wanna do, Kells?" Benny asks looking over his shoulder.
"Fuck it, make a path and let's get the fuck in there." He shrugs at Benny. Turning to Luna, he looks at her seriously. "Do NOT let go of my hand." He asserts before kissing her.
Luna nods a silent Yes as Benny taps on the window. Grabbing Luna's hand, he confirms everyone's ready before opening the door. Making Luna laugh when he shouts WE OUT.
Outside in the dark it's bright. It's loud. People are aggressive and Colson is on a mission. Clutching Luna's hand, he pulls her through the crowd behind Benny. Colson's super focused. Knowing how much she hates crowds, he's trying to successfully get them inside before anyone can stop them, seperate them or say anything to piss either of them off.
He does. Like a champion. Winning him a thousand happy kisses from a grateful Luna.
Inside is just as crazy. Record executives are there. Other artists from Interscope. More family and friends from Cleveland along with fellow supportive friends who flew in from LA and Philly.
Normally ones to seperate and work their own aspects of a room, Colson keeps Luna close to him tonight. She doesn't mind, happily staying by his side as he introduces her to those she doesn't know and they greet mutual acquaintances and friends they have together. Watching them in action, they truly are a Power Couple. Both of them smart, charming, gorgeous and engaging. Easily laughing and enjoying each other as they glide through to the nightclub celebrating Colson and The Boys.
They run into Johnny, Colson's partner in his 27 Club coffee venture. Unlike Dub, Johnny isn't leery of Luna. Colson listening with amusement as the two easily connect over music, the pain of starting up a business and his shocking love of her paintings.
"Yeah, I caught your exhibit back in '15.... Your shit is incredible. I wanted to buy a piece but none of it was for sale surprisingly..." Johnny trails off with furrowed eyebrows.
"That's myyy girl for ya." Colson laughs as he tosses his arm carefully around Luna's shoulders. "Dawg, she's a snob. She don't sell shit... if I didn't hear them myself, I wouldn't even believe she has seven fucking records!" He laughs looking down at Luna's rolling eyes as he kisses her forehead.
"Maaan..." Luna begins to whine with a smile.
"Why don't you sell your stuff?" Johnny asks.
"I hate you." Luna lightly chuckles as she nuzzles her head against Colson's chest before answering Johnny. "Most of my physical work is made for someone or something intentional. I'm not comfortable with someone else owning something that holds my intimacy with another." She tries to explain to his accepting nod.
"So then why release your music?" Colson challenges her.
"Because that's universal.... And it's MY guts I'm bearing not some..."
"You got like 20 mins, Kells." Ashleigh interupts them.
"Oh shit, alright. You coming with me, Kitten?" He asks looking down at her.
"Of course." She reassures with a smile. "We'll catch up later. It was a pleasure to meet you." Luna beams as she shakes Johnny's hand.
Before he can agree, she's gone. Hand in hand with Colson. Blonde hair trailing behind her like a memory.
Their performances during the record release party were equally on point. Some more fun while others are more thought provoking and gut wrenching.
Catching certain faces before he had hit the stage, Colson decided to have Luna pop OnStage during Hollywood Whore. Cutting in only to recite the changed lyrics the way he wanted her to. As always, on and off stage, Luna was nothing short of a wreckage to be dealt with. Her powerful voice reaming out the room with Colson's truth as she moved her tiny, tattooed body seductively around her Lover before propping herself against his slender one.
🎶It's because of y'all//He couldn't understand//The worth of his career//'Cause of y'all//He hated himself//For so many years//'Cause of you//He never thought//That he could trust//But//You better watch your back//Cuz he's about to wife//ME up🎶
Her slip in had been flawless. Sending their friends into an uproar as Colson grabbed Luna's ass. Neither missing a beat while she trotted OffStage.
The rest of the gig went off without a hitch. Smoke and lights exploded around them constantly while Naomi and Phem's voices were on perfect pitch. Trippie and Lil Skies nailed their own features with Colson and Dom killing their performance of I Think I'm Okay.
With no encore planned, Luna and Colson went HARD on Bad Things. Both of their voices strong as The Boys roared behind them and they passionately played and pushed off each other. Their performance intense and extremely sexual as Luna ran the stage with her presence and Colson with his guitar. To this day, it's both of their favorite times OnStage.
Trying to escape to his dressing room with a laughing Luna over his shoulder, Colson is stopped. By Diddy and Jimmy Iovine of all fucking people. Setting her down, the couple addresses the two men.
"Yo!! Be proud, Son. That shit was fire!!" Diddy proudly proclaims as he pulls Colson in for a full on hug.
Luna and Jimmy stand eyeballing each other. He doesn't know what to say to her and she's not fucking up Colson's Big Night.
"You too, Kid!" Sean says to Luna as he pulls her in for a hug once he's released Colson.
"That was an extraordinary show." Jimmy says, offering his hand to Colson.
"Thank you. I appreciate that. I leave everything I have OnStage every time I perform." Colson answers as he shakes his hand.
"It shows." Jimmy nods his head, never seeing Colson perform before he's beyond impressed by the underrated artist.
"He's going overseas..." Sean says to Luna as Jimmy and Colson interact.
"I know." Luna answers with a nod.
"With Hotel Diablo debuting so high, if the momentum keeps up I'm adding more US dates after." He says as he studies her reaction.
"Then you better get us a bigger bus... And. I don't want fucking Don." Luna eyes Diddy with a seriousness to her tone.
"What's your problem with him?" He asks with a laugh.
"He's a fucking douche who has no respect for Colson.... You know how I feel about that, Sean." Luna giving two answers that they both know.
"Alright, no Don." Diddy laughs at her.
"And a bigger bus?" Luna pushes.
"We'll see." Colson's boss laughs at his girlfriend. "Just don't mention any extra dates. I don't wanna hype him up til I'm sure..."
"So, bigger bus?" Luna smirks.
"Yeah. Bigger bus, you bitch." Diddy laughs as he pulls her in for a hug. "He's lucky to have you. You're one of the very FEW I give into." He continues to laugh as he kisses her cheek.
"I know." Luna grins at him. "And I love and appreciate you for it." She asserts before squeezing him again tightly and making him laugh even more.
"You better marry this bitch before she changes her mind!" Diddy continues laughing as Luna releases him from their hug.
"Psh... As quick as I can, Boss." Colson laughs as Luna tucks herself under his arm.
"YEEEOOOOOO!!!" Comes a loud voice above them.
"Looks like you got more shit to attend to. We'll catch up soon. Congratulations, Slick. I'm proud of you." Diddy says, dapping it out and hugging Colson once more before disappearing with Jimmy.
"I SAID YEEEOOOOOO!!" Tyree shouts as he bursts through the BackStage crowd.
"My mans!!" Colson hollers in delight as they embrace each other while Lamar and Luna happily greet each other in the meantime. "You made it!!" Colson says excitedly.
"Yeah... But without Ash we'd be dust in the wind, Homie." Ree replies with an annoyed look.
"My bad, Yo. But you're HERE!!" Colson shouts as he pulls Luna, Lamar and Tyree in for a group hug.
"Look at these motherfuckers." Dub comes up with a laugh.
Lamar and Tyree turn to greet their longtime friend. Dapping and laughing, the boys catch up while Luna stands awkwardly amongst them. Finding her exit clause, Dub calls her out.
"She don't like me." He teases her.
"Nah, Motherfucker. Don't put that shit on me.... You're the one who came up in here all Strong Man, Strong Man." Luna cocks her lip as she narrows her eyes.
Standing amidst Lamar and Tyree, Colson can't help but laugh at Dub from behind her. They may know... But he has no idea what he's in for.
"I don't know what your fucking problem with me is or where the fuck you get your Word from but until you climb on that bus or in a house with us... You better check your resources MOTHERFUCKER cuz you don't know shit. Bestfriends or not, we can buck. Right here. Right fucking now." Luna snarls with squared shoulders and a deadly look in her eyes.
"Ho!! Calm down, Shorty!!" Dub laughs, putting his hands up. "Don't shoot. I don't wanna fight, I was just pressen' you. You know. I gotta make sure you live up to that hype if you gonna lock my boy down!" Dub continues to laugh.
"What's goin' on over here?" Slim asks as he throws his arms around Luna and Dub.
"You, Bitch." Luna asserts as she ducks out from under his weight. "Don't think I don't fucking know." She spouts as her drunken eyes bounce between Slim and Dub. "It's alright though... He'll learn just like you did." She asserts as she snakes her head at both of them before dropping a middle finger, a kiss on Colson's long neck and turning to find someone more fun to hang out with.
"For real?" Colson asks both of them.
"Hey, I'm just goin' off what Slim said." Dub defends himself.
"Dawg, I AIN'T SPOKE TO YOU IN LIKE A WEEK!!" Slim uncharacteristically shouts, refusing to be thrown under the bus.
"Annnnnnnnd?" Dub cocks back.
"SHIT CHANGES!!" Slim continues to holler at his high school friend.
"Yo... Yo... Yo... Chill." Colson interupts them. "If anyone should be pissed it should be me, you back alley bitches. You got questions, words or problems with me and Luna, you come to ME. Don't be a couple of old lady pussies talking shit behind my fucking back."
"It wasn't shit, Kells." Slim starts to explain.
"It was enough for Dub-O to form a negative opinion about her before meeting her though, wasn't it.?" Colson shoots back as he tries to hold his anger.
Slim looks down sheepishly at Colson's words. He hadn't trusted Luna. At all, for a while. Even after she'd thrown down for his bestfriend multiple times. It wasn't until she stepped up when Bleta threatened Ashleigh and Benny and refused to lie to Colson, did Slim finally accept her. Dub doesn't know these things though because he wasn't on tour with them.
"Hey... Hey... Hey..." Dub comes jogging up behind Luna. "I'm sorry..." He says as he grabs onto her shoulder.
It's the wrong choice. The music and noise are too loud. The small BackStage area is filled with too many people. Not hearing Dub and only feeling his firm hand upon her, the New Yorker in Luna kicks in as she turns and lands a solid blow straight into his nose. Busting it wide open as he stumbles back off of his feet and onto the floor.
"WHAT THE FUUUUUCK!!" Dub shouts as he grasps his face.
"Don't ever fucking touch me." Luna replies emotionlessly before grabbing her leather and disappearing.
"Hey.... You okay?" Colson asks after finding Luna alone on the steps out back of the nightclub.
"I don't know... I think I'm losing my shit..." Luna sighs as she passes the lit joint she has to Colson.
"Why?" He asks as he takes a hit.
"I don't know... I just laid out one of your bestfriends, was rude to a fan on the street and fought with my Mom-Mom all in the last 3 days ." Luna let's out with an annoyed sigh.
"Why'd you fight with Patti?" Colson asks.
"Fuck me and my big stupid mouth." Luna mentally curses herself.
"It's nothing." She tries to brush Colson off.
"No, it's not." Colson isn't having her bullshit, he knows Luna doesn't fight with her grandmother.
"I need a PreNump." She sighs with frustration.
"Okay?" Colson asks with confusion.
"What do you mean okay?" Luna's drunk and irrational.
"I mean okay. I'm not marrying you for your shit so.... OKAY. I'll sign whatever as long as I still get YOU. That's all I want, Baby." His voice breaks as he climbs on to the step behind her and wraps himself around a confused Luna. "You."
"You don't care what the PreNump includes?" She asks with a slight attitude.
"No. I don't give a fuck." Grabbing her chin, he pulls her eyes to him. "I'm marrying you, Luna. Not THAT Brooklyn Bitch. Not Patti Smith and Robert Maplethorpe's granddaughter. Not the coolest chick in The World. Just you. My own personal Addy." He grins as he begins to attack her with sweet, sloppy kisses.
"Ahhhh!!! Stop!" Luna giggles as she tries to wiggle out of Colson's grasp. It doesn't work. Submitting, she holds his face in her hands as she stares into his beautiful blue eyes. "Thank you." She says first as she gently kisses his lips. "And I'm sorry for hitting Dub."
"He shouldn't have fucked with you." Colson replies with a shrug and a smirk. "Back inside, please?" He asks as he stands and offers Luna his hand.
"Yeah." She agrees as she rises to kiss him.
Back inside, the nightclub is going off. The DJ playing Hotel Diablo again in full as everyone dances and grooves. The words maybe alarmingly dark but the bop is on point.
"Yo. My bad." Dub immediately approaches Colson and Luna. "I was just trying to fuck wit you and clearly I shouldn't." He apologizes with a light laugh.
"No. I shouldn't have just swung, I'm sorry." Luna apologizes as she begins to rub her forehead.
"Nah, Ma, you good. I pushed to see how hard you'd rock... I didn't expect this shit but now I know!" Dub laughs at himself.
"I still feel like an Asshole." Luna admits.
"You good. I'd rather have Kells with a chick holding a solid right than some VSCO boujie bitch. We ride hard... And as much as it kills me to say it... I think you might ride harder!" Dub laughs again as Colson joins him.
"Enh... I got my name for a reason. Still, I'm really sorry about all that." Luna says as she gestures towards his nose.
"Stories, B. Stories." Dub winks at her with a smile as he opens his arms.
With that, Luna and Dub become friends. Her appreciating the lengths he will go to for Colson. Him respecting her fierce loyalty and the strong right fist she has for herself and her man.
The album release party is still in full swing. Colson dips off as Luna grabs her and Dub drinks before she looks at his nose. Apologizing for the thousandth time to his laughter before they make their own way into the party.
Sam and Baze are making out like teenagers in a corner. Luna finds Naomi, The Ash's and Dom as Floor 13 kicks in. Drinks in hand, they jive, jerk and rap along Colson and the unique beat. Colson's with Slim, Benny, Pete, Mar, Ree and Dub by the bar busting it up. Noah, Caroline, Mod and Phem find Luna, the Ash's and Dom, easily coaxing them to the dance floor as Roulette begins. Rook can be found macken' on girls with Trippie and Skies while Bullet watches all from his perch at the bar.
"What cha guys doin'..." Luna asks as she approaches The Boys at the bar.
Bad choice. Colson and Pete immediately pounce on her like the night at 30 Rock. Linking their arms together, they catch her again like they're playing London Bridge. Shaking her all about as they happily sing their made up song.
🎶We gotta Moon Pie. We'll never let her get by🎶
"Whhhyyyy????" Luna moans as they justle her back and forth.
🎶Even when she asks why. She's our drunken Moon Pie🎶
They continue to laugh as they toss her around. It takes strategic planning to get out of a mess like this, only a skilled mind could handle the pressure. Being a smart cookie, Luna turns and throws her arms around Colson's neck and pulls him in for a perfectly distracting kiss. With her fingers climbing up his neck into his hair and her tongue dancing in his mouth, Colson has no choice but to let go of Pete's hands as they begin to roam around Luna. Pressing his large palm in between her shoulder blades as he kisses her deeply.
"Man... Fuck you guys." Pete complains as he leaves them be.
"🎶And a Moon Pie got away🎶 Luna sings to herself as she enjoys Colson's mouth much more than his and Pete's stupid ass game.
"Mmmm... You may taste good but you're not slick." Colson smirks once their mouths seperate.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Luna replies with a devilish smile.
"Okay, Moon Pie." Colson laughs before kissing her again. "Grab a drink?" He asks as he gazes at her.
"Yeup." Luna smiles brightly at Colson, standing on her tippy toes to kiss him before they make their way to the bar.
"KELLS!!!" Naomi comes barreling up to Colson, grabbing him around the waist into a huge hug. "I haven't seen you but I met Luna!!" She exclaims. "I LOVE her. Where is she??" Naomi adamantly asks.
"Right here." Colson laughs, pointing behind him to Luna's back, she's facing the bar ordering them drinks.
"She is the best." Naomi drunkenly decides. "Do you know that she keeps dry shampoo in her bag and that she's got these weed candies that taste like yellow SweetTarts? She gave me two. One for now and one for later... Who does that, Bro? She's like a tiny, beautiful, little, tattooed drug pixie. I think you should marry her." Naomi declares.
"Good thing you chose first then, hunh?" Luna comments with a huge smile as she joins Colson and Naomi.
Holding her Old Fashioned, she passes Colson his Henny straight up. Always having a trick up her sleeve, Luna easily passes Naomi her seltzer and lime as a vodka and seltzer. She's too drunk to tell the difference and water is gooood.
"I love this SON OF A BITCH!!" Naomi shouts as she grabs ahold of Colson. "Will you take a quick picture of us?" She asks Luna, handing over her phone.
"Sure... Hold on... Ready?" Luna asks trying to set them up.
It's in the the dark. On a phone's camera. In a club. Looking at it, it is definitely NOT her best work.
"I can retake it." Luna offers.
"No!! I love it" Naomi gushes as she hugs Luna. "Catch you later?" She asks, pointing at Colson's confused nod. Two quick kisses to each of their cheeks and she's off with a "Cool... Love you guuuuyyyysssss!"
"She's fantastic." Luna states as she watches Naomi disappear.
"SHOTS!" Rook hollers as he makes his way towards Luna and Colson.
"So, I heard you hit Dub." Rook immediately states once they've downed the clear liquor.
"What the fuck... I'm never gonna live that down." Luna groans as she puts her head in her hands.
"Nope." Colson and Rook say in unison, their laughter makes Luna groan even more.
The release party keeps going. Top shelf liquor easily flowing. Everyone's having a blast. Dancing, drinking and joking as they enjoy each other's company. They keep the party rolling until they're kicked out around 430A.
Almost EVERYBODY comes back to Colson's. That would be The Blonde Don himself, THAT Brooklyn Bitch, Rook, Ashley, Dom, Lamar, Tyree, Noah, Caroline, Phem, Mod, Trippie, Skies, Benny, Bullet and a gaggle of girls.
Ashleigh had decided to go home to her family instead. While Baze and Sam tried to catch some privacy at his spot and Naomi some sleep in her hotel. Slim deciding not to go home but to follow the party as it rages on.
Always having instruments on hand, they begin a jam session. Starting off with the original riffs from Hotel Diablo before twisting them into acoustic versions. Luna and Noah subbing in for Naomi when needed.
Alcohol and blunts roll through the room as they run through different songs, joke and laugh at each other. The party going well into the ACTUAL sunshining morning.
"Yo. That could work.... That acoustic jawn. It's something different and totally sick..." Slim tells Colson as he stops him and Luna on their way upstairs, knowing exactly the seed he's planting.
"I'm so proud of you." Luna coos as she pulls off her shirt and bra.
"I'm proud of those titties!" A naked Colson laughs. "Now bring 'em hear!" He demands as he pulls Luna closer to him and buries his face in her plump breasts.
"Mmmm.... Show me more of what your proud of." Luna giggles.
"I'm proud of this nipple and this nipple." He says as he lightly nips at them. "I'm proud of this scorpion." He says as he traces it with his tongue. Pulling her shorts off, he kisses each thing. "I'm proud of this leg and this leg...." Colson looks up at her with a cocky grin, grabbing her ass cheeks he pulls her closer to his face. "I'm proud of this pussy." His deep voice says, his lips just barely touching her lips but his baritone easily vibrating her skin.
"Alright." Luna pants as she pulls his face up to hers. "You got me, now give it to me." She says after she kisses his soft lips.
"Get on the bed the way I like." Colson directs Luna.
On all fours she goes, ass in the air, perky and dying in anticipation. Colson gives her one HARD
Making her squirm in delight before dragging her closer to him by her hips. Running his fingers along her lips he can feel her dripping for him. Reaching around, he sticks his finger in her mouth as he enters her. Luna's back arches as she sucks her juices off his finger. Both moaning in pleasure as Colson makes his way deep inside of her.
Releasing her mouth, Colson slaps her ass again. Making Luna buck against him. Slamming her ass into his hips as he fucks her from behind. Colson runs his hand up Luna's bare slender back to the base of her hair. Wrapping his fingers inside her long locks, he grips her hip tighter. Demanding her to cum.
Luna's already came twice before so a yank of the hair is just icing on the cake. Letting her body go, she shakes and quivers as she feels Colson's dick pulsate inside of her as he drops his load.
"Fuck, Luna." Escapes from his pants as he moves her hair to kiss her lower neck, making her purr.
They lay there quietly, Colson's still inside of Luna as he plays with her hair. Just as she's about to drift off, his voice brings her back to reality.
"You're still gonna go tomorrow?" Colson asks lowly as they lay together.
"I have to." She replies lightly as she tries to train her breath.
"You HAVE to take a shit. "You don't HAVE to see Jackson." Colson states as a matter of fact as he rolls out of her.
"But I do have to mindfully wipe my ass after I take a shit." Luna retorts irritated by his frustration.
"What does that even fucking mean?" Colson jerks his head to look at her.
"I don't know..." She giggles as she pulls his face close. "I don't wanna fight though... Can we just be? We never get to just be." Luna says as she drunkenly snuggles into Colson neck.
"You're coming home tomorrow?" He asks with a trembling assertiveness to his tone.
"Absolutely.... Now, can we just be Us?" She answers with a pout as she lifts her head to kiss his neck in reassurance before snuggling deeper into him.
"Yeah, we can just be Us." He sighs as he holds her naked body close to his and kisses her tossled hair.
"It better be just Us...." Colson's heart pounds. "I swear to God, I'll kill 'em both.... Fuck, she's gonna leave me like my mom... She can't... I'll will FUCK some MAJOR shit up... Calm down, Kells. You trust her.... Don't fuck this up by spinning out.... You're not Justin.... You've got her. She KNOWS that.... She loves you." Colson's mind is trying to battle all the underlying insecurities that are bubbling up.
"Bunny... You feel alright?" Luna sits up asking.
"Yeah... Why?" Colson lies.
"Because I can feel you not breathing and your heart pounding through your chest... So... What's up?" She asks as she begins to stroke his hair.
"Ahhhh... Nerves." He sighs, half lying now.
"About?" Luna pries as she continues to stroke his blonde hair.
"Fucking Jackson." He slightly admits as he reaches for a joint.
"And...." Luna continues to lead as he sparks it.
"And that you'll leave me like my mom did." He exhales a cloud of frustrated smoke.
Luna pulls Colson into her chest. Stroking his hair again, she's silent as they share the joint. It's not an awkward silence. It's the sad silence of two children who never had their mothers for different reasons.
Once the joints finished, neither need to speak. Colson reaching over to turn the side light off as Luna slides down comfortably into the bed. Resting his head on the pillow with her arm under his neck, they lay face to face in the dark. Colson pulls her closer by the small of her back as they tangle their legs inside each other. Luna let's out a shuddered breath of content as she falls into Colson's body and hold. Stroking his face, in the dark, there's no words. Just a heartfelt, lingering kiss and one thought that drifts between them both as they fall asleep.
"FUCK, I fucking love you."
Word Limit 2 of 2
To be continued.....
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Bea & Fraze
Bea: What are you going to wear to Ro's birthday? Fraze: Pick whatever you like for this fantasy where I'm going Bea: You have to Bea: you have no excuse not to Fraze: I don't need an excuse now that I'm too big for my ma, or da come to that, to drag me anywhere Fraze: I don't wanna, I don't have to, end of Bea: It's still family regardless of anyone's ability to literally make you Bea: anyway, she needs the numbers Fraze: I don't hear her begging Bea: She's not about to, is she Bea: you know what she's like Fraze: And you know where to find me when you've had enough of what she's like Bea: Well if you must know I don't think I'll bother to come back either then Bea: why should I make any effort Fraze: 'Cause you had a solid enough argument there with the family obligation bullshit, even if you lost it with the part about keeping numbers up Bea: Joe isn't coming, you aren't Bea: so fuck it, clearly Fraze: She ain't our sister, she's yours Bea: Seriously Fraze: Come on Fraze: I know you didn't expect a different answer Bea: You know literally nothing Bea: How can I lecture her about being part of this family if that's how you feel Bea: and how can I expect her to feel like a part of it if she isn't, apparently, for fuck's sake Fraze: She is with the rest of them, don't start Fraze: How can I act like it's all that black and white when the only thing that is, is how I feel about you? Fraze: we've been over it Bea: You can't pick and choose Bea: that's not how this is meant to work Fraze: Well it's too fucking late Fraze: I already did Bea: Great, so she gets to be right Bea: fantastic, thanks Fraze: What do you want me to do? I can't unlove you Fraze: I have tried, like Bea: Have you? Fraze: What was most of our childhood if not that? Bea: This isn't relevant Bea: I need someone there Fraze: You asked, I gave you an answer Fraze: she's got Ali and Tommy, that other one he used to dance with Bea: Because I can ask any of them what she was like and get an honest answer Bea: there's a divide, you said it Fraze: You'll get a brutally honest answer off ma if that's what you want Bea: I want you to do this one thing for me Fraze: is that as nice as you're gonna ask? Bea: I'm not playing games Bea: I'm not in the mood Fraze: Christ's sake Fraze: alright then Bea: Thanks Fraze: whatever, I'll do it for the pleasure of you owing me Bea: you can check my calendar to cash that in Fraze: give me a chance to check my own first, Red Bea: I assume you have a handle on your own schedule Fraze: I ain't never been able to stop your assumptions Bea: You should be grateful I'm giving you that props Fraze: Oh cheers Bea: You're welcome Fraze: yeah, open arms at this party Bea: I doubt she's got a candle for you Bea: you'll avoid that Fraze: Jesus Bea: Yep Fraze: I ain't going to church, fuck that Bea: I think only Ali is doing that anyway Fraze: gutted she still ain't getting sainted for her patience Bea: Pretty sure you have to be dead for years before they get 'round to it Fraze: Trust you to know that, babe Bea: It's common knowledge Bea: Teresa was an exception Fraze: common knowledge to cunts thinking that far ahead Fraze: let me get to grips with my fucking uni schedule Bea: You gave yourself away Fraze: you wish Bea: I'll take my props away now Bea: You've been back nearly a month Fraze: And I've had fuck all to do, it ain't Cambs Bea: All the more time to work out your schedule Fraze: Worry about your own Bea: I am Fraze: You gave yourself away there Bea: Ha Fraze: you're not in the mood, I heard you the first time Bea: Good Bea: I'll leave you to it then Fraze: Alright Bea: [Skippity skip?] Fraze: [makes sense] Bea: [okay, turn up with ya BFF as a hot ass mess to this stale ass party] Fraze: [he'd be shook and fuming in equal measure, imagine his face please] Bea: [aren't we all tbh like join Ro at that table lol] Fraze: You could've said something Bea: I posted on my stories Fraze: Like I said Bea: It wasn't planned Fraze: And it ain't the longest plane ride but you had enough time to tell me you were coming Fraze: it becomes a plan once you've bought a ticket, like Bea: Hardly, it's not like it sells out, or there isn't one an hour later if it does Bea: we turned up, end of Fraze: You know what I mean Fraze: I turned up here for you, the least you could've done was said I didn't have to Bea: I'm late, so I did need you here Fraze: what's his excuse? Bea: ? Fraze: Why do you need him here? Bea: He suggested I come Bea: I still wasn't sure Fraze: hand holding then Fraze: how sweet Bea: Fuck off Bea: She's my sister, I should be here, regardless of how unwelcome I am or want to be Fraze: gladly Fraze: and yeah, no shit, I told you that Bea: It's not an original concept Bea: is this all the people that showed or have people left? Fraze: I'll be the first out the door Bea: Tragic Fraze: What else did you expect? Bea: She was making such a fuss I thought perhaps she'd put a bit more effort in this time Fraze: only setting yourself up with that kind of thinking, babe Bea: More her problem than mine Fraze: Yours if you care Bea: Whatever you're trying to imply with that is stupid either way Fraze: I'm not implying anything, I said it in a dead straightforward manner Bea: Either that I do or don't care Fraze: I know you care, you wouldn't be here if you didn't Bea: If I cared I would have just showed up Fraze: you have Bea: Not before telling her I wouldn't and having an argument so Fraze: Exactly, you didn't have to and you still did Fraze: she ain't gonna appreciate it and it weren't easy for you in any sense Fraze: so you care and you're fucked by it, end of Bea: Nah Fraze: Yeah Bea: I literally just wanted to piss her off but alright Fraze: that's an added bonus Bea: If you like, Fraze Fraze: it ain't about me Fraze: but you can have pissing me off too if you like Bea: Why would you be pissed off at me Fraze: Think it through like you reckon you ain't fuck all else Bea: You were meant to be here regardless Bea: and now you can go Bea: nothing lost Fraze: it's nothing to do with any of that Bea: I'm not in the mood for guessing games either Bea: tell me or don't Fraze: Forget it Bea: Alright Bea: enjoy the rest of your evening then Fraze: I'll take my odds of that over yours Bea: I'll survive Fraze: I know Fraze: my offer still stands though Bea: I'm just here to see Ro Fraze: You're leaving tomorrow then? Bea: tonight by the looks of this Fraze: Yeah Fraze: I doubt it'll be a late one Bea: Surprised she's still here honestly Fraze: I'm surprised any of this went ahead in the first place Bea: Sure she's been planning it since her last Fraze: don't mean she wouldn't cry off it on the night Bea: You can go tell her you're proud of her if you want Fraze: fuck off Bea: 😏 Fraze: [IRL 😏 at her] Bea: [LOOK back] Fraze: [always gotta return a LOOK] Bea: [but go get a drink with Bronson, obviously] Fraze: [go get your own because you're fuming at that and also I need a reason for you not to leave thank you] Bea: [you can force Tommy to dance with you and dance with Bronson] Fraze: [just like 👀😒 downing this drink haha] Fraze: [we both know he's eventually cutting in though there's only so much looking on either of them can take] Bea: [saying something about not dancing with Fearghal and Rocky yet like wait ya turn but 😏 again] Fraze: [we're having this moment ™ because this party is too dry to deal with] Bea: [you wanna see some romance hen] Fraze: [giving Laoise's brother ideas and the confidence to 💋 with their energy LOL] Bea: [I snorted, oh lord] Fraze: [like we said before, going from that long summer to nothing when they're back at uni would be a killer so the vibe is strong] Bea: [excuse us everyone that'll be awkward to see for you] Fraze: [I hope y'all are busy having your own fun and in Ro's case getting smooched so] Bea: [y'all be trying anyway, God bless] Fraze: [mcvickers having their own dance because they don't wanna be here either, awww] Bea: [das cute] Fraze: [we should've given Laoise a little sister for Rocky to have a childhood romance with, that would've been so cute cos the fams hate each other] Fraze: [maybe there can be a girl at the caravan park cos always there with his bff Carly] Bea: [I like that idea, v cute] Fraze: [look at me getting derailed as per] Bea: [my bubba] Fraze: [go get another drink and calm down a shade please boy] Bea: [you could get away with this extraness if it wasn't such a dry party alas hensss, I should probaby think about what present you're throwing at Ro] Fraze: Do you want me to tell you I'm proud of you then or what? Bea: For what? Fraze: Doing the dance rounds, how well you wrapped that gift, take your pick Bea: I don't think that'll make me feel any better, but you go ahead if it will you Fraze: Nah, not really Bea: Don't bother then Fraze: consider it not done Bea: Then we're all happy Fraze: No need to take the bullshit that far Bea: That's what her happy face looks like Fraze: Christ Bea: Told you it was tragic Fraze: I didn't dispute it Bea: Do you know the neighbour kids name? Fraze: Is that a trick question? Bea: Um, no Bea: I want to look him up Fraze: 'Course I fucking don't Bea: 🙄 you're so helpful Bea: bet you know the sister's name Fraze: don't be placing bets about me and girls my sister's age Bea: Lighten up it's not like she's a kid Fraze: She was Ali's friend when she was a kid, hardly a turn on seeing her trying to catch frogs or cast spells Fraze: but cheers for your permission Bea: Unlike our sisters, respectively, I'm sure she's grown up some since then Fraze: Like I said, don't bet on it Bea: Whatever, I don't wanna fuck her Fraze: Me either Bea: Cool Fraze: [go and do your theft of the church wine boy because this party is still not it] Bea: [go find him but under the guise/that's not a total lie doe of needing a fucking break] Fraze: [have another moment in that confined space] Bea: [drink that nasty wine, not even asking just taking it] Fraze: [letting it happen cos she needs it more than you tbh] Bea: [swigging way too much of the blood of christ before passing it back with a shrug like whoops, so soz] Fraze: [giving her a look like steady on like this wasn't your idea] Bea: ['you act like you come up with every plan' ref-ing to doing this as kids, obvs] Fraze: ['I do' that's a barefaced lie sir] Bea: [scoffs like oh please] Fraze: [scoffs himself to show what he thinks of her ideas in reference to this messy uni era that he's acting like she's solely responsible for] Bea: [takes the bottle back like if you're gonna be like that] Fraze: [takes it off her so he can actually get some] Bea: ['you did not have all the good ideas'] Fraze: ['Alright, you can credit him one for bringing you'] Bea: ['I thought you reckoned that was your idea too'] Fraze: ['Point is, it weren't yours'] Bea: [🙄 'I'm fine with being here not being my idea, tah'] Fraze: ['Unlike me being here' like there you go another bad idea] Bea: ['doesn't bother me' like unlucky] Fraze: ['You came to find me, not the other way round, babe'] Bea: ['I came to get away from everyone else, there's a difference'] Fraze: [looks around like there's loads of places to do that which is true cos there's literally no-one at this party] Bea: ['if you want me to go, say it'] Fraze: ['If I did, I would'] Bea: [a look like shut up then] Fraze: [shakes his head in an affectionate way like fuck knows why I want you around] Bea: [just like likewise with her everything] Fraze: [offers her a 🚬 like they're not indoors in the tiny priest cupboard] Bea: ['a way to get more guests' like when the firemen show Fraze: [a fearghal style big lol 'see, I'm full of good ideas'] Bea: [can't help but smile even if we're like mhmm] Fraze: [smiling because we made her smile, it's a lil moment] Bea: ['why haven't you left?' but soft not like accusatory or like get out] Fraze: [looking at her like you know why and we're stealing her words ''if you want me to go, say it' in a tone which obvs makes it clear that's not what we want] Bea: [says nothing to say it all] Fraze: [turn that look into a LOOK boy] Bea: ['why are you mad at me?' whilst casually getting on his lap to make sure he can't be] Fraze: ['why did you have to bring him here?' but everyone knows he's not that mad anymore because she's literally in here with you sir, priorities] Bea: ['see what you'd do' like we're joking but not not true either, just tracing all his features with your finger right now like it's been FOREVER since you saw each other] Fraze: [There's a time and a place' like I'm not gonna beat the shit out of him at this fam function even though I want to but also please don't bring him to fam functions ever again thank you] Bea: ['Maybe I didn't feel like being alone'] Fraze: ['You're not' pulling her even closer to him for emphasis] Bea: [a NOISE like 'scuse me 'not now'] Fraze: ['you're not alone ever' could sound creepy but we mean it in a loving and supportive way] Bea: [a look like we both know that's not true] Fraze: [a look like we both know it's always gonna be me and you, no matter what] Bea: [shakes head like that's not what I mean/the point] Fraze: [softly cups her face so they have all the eye contact like I mean it but you can still tell me what you mean] Bea: ['if we weren't ever alone, none of this would be happening'] Fraze: ['I don't regret that this is' like we're joking about being in this priest cupboard having a throwback moment but we're also saying that we're glad she's here and glad of any time we have rn so] Bea: [shaking our head and breaking eye contact as we get off him] Fraze: ['Shit's always gonna happen, we can't stop it' you can't save anyone vibes 'I only know one way that comes close, like'] Bea: ['what's that then?' but we're already not listening properly and getting up to go] Fraze: [a KISS to stop her in her tracks because it's that, like they are stopping time for a sec] Bea: [have your moment lads enjoy it been a long time coming] Fraze: [literally would feel like it's been forever anyway and even moreso because they are both having a shit time rn] Bea: [you can't get carried away, I vote the fun people at this party start playing hide and seek so you gotta break it up hens] Fraze: [I love that because I would suggest murder in the dark cos spooky girl energy but Ro's scared of the dark so we can't until she has left] Bea: [lol it's so against your everything to be scared of the dark that amuses me] Fraze: [she would play hide and seek though if only to get away from her bf] Bea: [so lowkey everyone will be playing therefore you must play lol] Fraze: [literally because Rocky, Ali and Carly have probably made mcvickers play by ganging up on them haha] Bea: [the entire guestlist hen, everyone else would be down, soz baze looooooooooooooooooollllllllllll] Fraze: [he's so just staying in this priest cupboard and we all know it] Bea: [such an obvious place boy you'll be seeking so soon, you better go find Bronson hun] Fraze: [likewise will just go for a 🚬 when he's supposed to be finding people because we're playing under duress] Bea: [we know you don't need to keep this close a watch on him like he'll be down but you know, moment gone here] Fraze: [good luck acting like you're not fuming that she went straight to him even though staying with you wasn't really an option] Bea: [this should be made into/they should play a different team game and be on opposite teams 'cos so competitive] Fraze: [always a mood so I 100% agree] Bea: [like idk what but take it way too seriously when no one else is lol] Fraze: [literally does not matter because like you said nobody else cares and you two are just on your bullshit, who should we say wins?] Bea: [i think firstly it's who gets Ro] Fraze: [he should because we don't need a beeline brawl] Bea: [you can have Rocky then Bea as they are equally as big a handicap so that's fair] Fraze: [lbr nobody is as big a handicap as Ro but he can have Ali who's great at everything to balance that out] Bea: [then she should have Tommy and Carly and he should have Bronson and Kayne] Bea: [Meena go where you like lol] Fraze: [he will be THRILLED to have Bronson on his team lol] Bea: [ha I know, like did that so you have some decent peeps but also for the awks] Fraze: [please don't brawl lads we can't be having that] Bea: [focus on winning, Fraze probably should] Fraze: [yeah otherwise he'll sulk haha] Bea: [and he already is so that would be rude] Fraze: [true enough] Bea: congrats Fraze: Say it like you mean it Bea: I don't so you know Bea: forced sportsmanship is all you're getting Fraze: come on, babe Bea: shut up Fraze: Don't be a sore loser Bea: you're so annoying Fraze: Nah, that was the team I had Bea: like mine was any better Fraze: Like you wouldn't rather have your sister, who you reckon you're just here to see, and your boyfriend Bea: I've seen her Bea: if you're hoping for a reunion beyond that, I'd stop Fraze: If you reckon that's even crossed my mind, you're losing your touch at more than kid's party games Bea: I'm saying I reckon that was a poor attempt at a dig, is all Fraze: you started it, like Bea: did I fuck Fraze: what else do you call that piss poor attempt at a congrats? Bea: sportsmanship Bea: I told you Fraze: Bullshit Bea: 🙄 fine, don't accept it Fraze: I don't Bea: so don't Fraze: Alright Bea: [drinking moodily like 😒] Fraze: [go for a smoke and calm down boy] Bea: [thank the lord this shit show is winding down, reminds me] Bea: Did Ro and Ali just walk past you? Fraze: Yeah, she said she's taking her home Bea: Wow Bea: I thought they were getting air, or some other stupid thing for another stupid ritual Bea: is she for real Fraze: Are you really that surprised? Bea: Pissed off and surprised aren't the same thing Bea: she actually got me to fly out Bea: for this Fraze: Do you want me to go after 'em? They only just went past Bea: No Bea: it's her party to ditch Fraze: at least you can too now though Bea: yeah, I really fancy the airport right now Bea: never mind getting back to Cambs just in time for rush hour Bea: fuck this Fraze: Then don't go to the airport Bea: This has been a massive waste of time Fraze: Cheers Bea: Come on Bea: you didn't want to come either Fraze: when I thought you weren't Bea: no, and before Fraze: Come on Bea: find you when I was done, if I recall Fraze: whatever, that's not the same as you shitting over all my attempts to make this bearable for you Bea: because you tried really hard to do that Fraze: obviously not hard enough, yeah? Bea: You said it, not me Fraze: Fuck's sake Fraze: forget it Bea: Done Fraze: Grand Bea: ['cos what you really need is to go out and get messier, lol, so rude not even gonna help everyone else clean up this shitshow] Fraze: [we all know he ain't staying to help either soz lads] Bea: [lol @ everyone else doing that work] Fraze: [do you wanna skip to later when they are both messier or go straight to the aftermath of this if she's going to the hotel?] Bea: [I vote still go home 'cos wasted enough money coming here it isn't like student funds goes that far Ro, gotta save for xmas too] Fraze: [honestly legit Ro you rude hoe] Bea: [we don't even need to be getting a travelodge honey, the sofa can stay so yes, we can skip] Fraze: [oh the joys, you messy bitches, so tempted to have him bring someone back for the drama] Bea: [that would kick off big time 'cos he's not allowed people at theirs 'cos it's their bed and she'd have to burn it lol, but he could not come back for drama but less than that if you wanna] Fraze: [good idea we don't wanna cause Bea to have a breakdown] Bea: [like I assumed you didn't wanna go that far lmao] Fraze: [I'm not that evil] Bea: you got your keys Fraze: I don't need 'em Bea: you aren't here, I had to go in and get some PJs Fraze: you don't need my permission to go in your own room Bea: I know, but I know you aren't back yet, is my point Fraze: By the time I am ma or da will be up, was my point Bea: alright Bea: I'm locking the backdoor too, as we're in the lounge Fraze: Don't be stupid Fraze: there's an empty bed, there's no point you sleeping on the sofa Bea: I've not slept in worse places Bea: it'd be rude to leave him on his own Fraze: and you wouldn't wanna be rude to him Bea: obviously not Fraze: obviously not Bea: How gone are you? Jesus Bea: well I've told you, so don't come through waking everybody up later Fraze: I've told you I won't Bea: you don't need my permission Fraze: I'm not asking for it Bea: then go do whatever you're doing Fraze: We can't even talk now Fraze: this plan of yours is fucking epic, like Bea: If you wanted to talk right now, you wouldn't be wherever the fuck you are Fraze: Nah, if you wanted to talk I wouldn't be Bea: 'cos that makes any sense Fraze: you couldn't leave fast enough, how else do you want me to take that? Bea: that wasn't about you Fraze: I never said it was, I said you don't want to talk to me Bea: would I have specifically taken a flight to come talk to you, when I'll be back for Christmas in a month? no, probably not Bea: that hardly means I don't want to talk to you Fraze: Do it then Bea: that's how conversation works now Bea: you demand it, I jump at the chance? Fraze: at least I'm making demands Bea: really Bea: how's that working out for you? Fraze: as well as the opposite is for you Bea: I don't want to talk to you, apparently Bea: nothing to not demand Fraze: you reckon you apparently do, there's loads to demand Bea: yeah, 'cos talking in circles with you right now is really thrilling Fraze: Thank Christ you've got him to talk to Bea: he's asleep Fraze: that makes sense if fuck all else does Fraze: 'course you'd leave it til then to say anything to me Bea: because I was going to go to bed and wanted to lock the door Bea: it's not anything more or less than that Fraze: so go to bed Bea: yeah, you aren't telling me what to do Fraze: I'm telling you to do yourself a favour Bea: you say what you like Bea: I don't care Fraze: I don't need your permission for that either Bea: then say something worth hearing or piss off and leave me alone Fraze: I meant what I fucking said, I don't wanna leave you alone Bea: Well good job because I am Bea: and no one has said fuck all to me today about it Bea: not even my sister Fraze: I'm sorry Bea: Yeah Bea: you've got loads to say? bullshit Fraze: There's fuck all I can say about this, we both know that Bea: No, there's fuck all you want to say about it Bea: 'cos no one wants to talk about it, so I don't get to regardless of if I might Fraze: Don't Fraze: you know me better than that Bea: Well why ain't you then? Bea: you're the one banging on about it, as if you've actually tried Fraze: I don't wanna be the cunt backing you into a corner and I know you better than to reckon that'd work Bea: This is working amazing then, alright Fraze: Well I reckoned you'd eventually come to me, more fool me Fraze: shit's changed Bea: Right, 'cos you made it so obvious you were up for talking Bea: saying you weren't coming Bea: it's encouraging, my mistake there Fraze: It should be obvious that you can talk to me about anything Bea: When Bea: you aren't here now either Fraze: whenever Fraze: you know nothing's more important than you Bea: okay Fraze: Say it like you believe me Bea: I can't Fraze: Bea Bea: I'm sorry Fraze: Don't Bea: you said things have changed Fraze: 'Cause they clearly fucking have Bea: They were bound to, I suppose Fraze: you could've warned me if you knew that Bea: What do you think taking a break was Bea: for you to figure out what you wanted Fraze: Don't blame me, I know what I fucking want Bea: Do you? Fraze: nothing's changed for me Bea: you can say that Bea: but this all points to the opposite, doesn't it Fraze: Bullshit Bea: You aren't here, we can't even talk Bea: nothing's the same now Fraze: What did you expect me to do? You pissed off with him, there weren't no invite going spare Bea: because you're an arsehole to him, I drag him here for the shittest party ever and then make you two have an even worse night out? what would be the point of that? Fraze: I'm not gonna cosy up to him, you do enough of that for the both of us Bea: I get it, you don't like him, that's why you weren't invited Fraze: You brought him, knowing I don't fucking like him, don't make me the cunt Bea: I'm allowed friends, no matter if you like them or not Fraze: we're both allowed to do whatever the hell we like, I ain't forgotten the rules Bea: as I'm not fucking him, the rules have nothing to do with it Bea: I never told you to not hang out with your mates Fraze: I'm not telling you what to do either, I'm telling you why I ain't there Bea: that's ridiculous Fraze: Fuck you Bea: it is, for Christ's sake Bea: he's asleep on the sofa not fucking me on our bed Fraze: you don't believe me, why should I believe you? Fraze: it's ridiculous that you brought him here in the first place Bea: I'd have time to be messaging you Bea: you're just being stupid now Bea: how is it ridiculous? Fraze: You've already made me look stupid Fraze: did it make you feel any better? Bea: To who, your brother, my sister? Bea: I couldn't be on my own today Bea: I tried and I couldn't, that's all it is Fraze: You don't need him, you've got me Bea: I'm not meant to come to you for everything, I'm meant to give you space Bea: give each other Bea: that's what this whole thing is about Fraze: this whole thing is bullshit Fraze: and even if I reckoned it was a good idea I'm not just gonna pretend your parents didn't die today to go fuck a Trinity student Fraze: there's a time and a place, like I said Bea: Fine Bea: well he's here now, what do you want me to do about it? Bea: I can't send him home Fraze: There's fuck all you can do, other than don't lock me out Bea: I knew you didn't have your keys Fraze: you do still know me then, yeah? Bea: If you hadn't forgot, you'd have lost them Bea: should probably change the locks, honestly Fraze: if you don't keep me out, I'll keep any robbing cunts out Bea: I'm not going to lock you out Bea: you don't need to promise heroics Fraze: I know you can't sleep, I'd be a new level of callous bastard if I gave you anything else to worry about Bea: it'd be a distraction Bea: doubt your parents would appreciate it though Fraze: Well I can easily give you one of them Bea: not that you rate yourself or anything Fraze: it starts with me, yeah, no fucker else is volunteering to sing my praises right now Bea: Poor boy Fraze: Don't rub it in how skint I am as well Bea: well you and me both Bea: be eating plain rice when I get back Bea: at least your ma makes sure you have decent food still Fraze: I'll send you something to put on it Fraze: or something to drown your sorrows with Bea: where do you think all my money goes, like Fraze: you and me both, babe Fraze: these Trinity girls aren't cheap dates, like Bea: My sympathy can only extend so far Fraze: the night off from it is appreciated enough Bea: uhuh Fraze: you don't believe me, I heard you the first time Bea: it was never part of the deal that we had to talk about it Fraze: I know Bea: so I don't want to Fraze: I'm shutting up and coming in Bea: Good Fraze: come and have a drink Bea: [does, of course] Fraze: [giving her the bottle for the mems of Jesus blood and always] Bea: [take a big swig like you need to remotely lol 'thank you' with sincerity at last] Fraze: [shamelessly checking her out in whatever pjs she's wearing obvs, though I vote she's wearing at least one item that belongs to him so he's like 😏 and gently pulls on whatever it is like that's mine without saying so out loud] Bea: [deffo, and has done it without even noticing so it's like oh, raising a brow like you want it back?] Fraze: [yassssss because they are that coupley goodbye but he shakes his head because looks better on her anyway and takes the bottle instead] Bea: [even though it would've been ages since you did that it's just habit, shrugs like 😏 your loss] Fraze: [such a LOOK of course] Bea: ['where'd you go?' like where did you go drink, not WHERE WERE YOU vibes] Fraze: [telling her the name of somewhere studenty with his own shrug, I like to imagine he's like casually getting ready for bed here also as a habit because it doesn't feel awkward to just get topless or whatever] Bea: [casual face of disdain but 'makes sense'] Fraze: ['nothing happened' because even though she said she didn't wanna talk about it and neither do you, you want her to know that and you're drunk enough to just say it] Bea: ['doesn't matter if it did' blatant lie but okay] Fraze: [a look because we know it's a blatant lie but we're coming to put our arms around her cos it's been such a shit day] Bea: [big sighs] Fraze: [just having a snuggle and it will forever fuck me up cos he's so tol and she's so smol] Bea: [OG tol and smol, we mumbling into his chest like scuse you what you saying] Fraze: [she's like me and Clove, failing to thrive honey, so if you think he's not cradling her like a little Clovey you'd be incorrect] Bea: [just have this moment of softness, gotta allow it] Fraze: [very deserved and needed] Bea: ['this is such bullshit' like true but specifics where] Fraze: ['I know' because you don't need specifics cos everything is for you too like you literally thought she was slipping away from you same as Joe did and you've realised you hate uni it wasn't just 1st year being crap] Bea: [that must happen so much 'cos allegedly everyone hates 1st year but then it just carries on like oh] Fraze: [it really does happen a lot hence he's like well shit it's not that and I don't actually wanna be doing this] Bea: ['there's fuck all to do, is there?'] Fraze: [repositioning however necessary for eye contact because there's always something they can do, that's like their entire mantra and we don't need to express that with words] Bea: [gestures like ugh I know that but seriously, right now, this has been hard since this time last year] Fraze: ['if you wanna throw all these bullshit rules out, tell me' like ldr exists babe we don't have to get randoms involved] Bea: [shakes his head 'it's about what's right and needs to be done'] Fraze: [kisses her like you can't tell me this isn't right gal] Bea: her* scuse me Bea: [going in on that kiss, not just so we don't have to sort this out but you know lollollol] Fraze: [likewise allowing it and not only from the standpoint that we need them to be messy and struggling for a while yet but also because he would] Bea: [deal with some of this tension hens] Fraze: [it's the first real chance you've had so I'm not gonna stop you] Bea: [it'd be silly to say it wouldn't happen so we cannot sorry] Fraze: [exactly] Bea: [okay, so obviously we're falling asleep together and equally as obviously you still have to be back asap for school etc so you're probably leaving early AM, not just for the drama of it lol] Fraze: [makes sense but I vote he brings you breakfast in bed before Bronson wakes up because 1. cute 2. you don't have to deal with Ro who's always up ridiculously early lurking and he remembered what you said about eating rice when you get back] Bea: [you've probably not had breakfast in a thousand years so that's a novelty] Fraze: [like it probably wouldn't be good cos he'd accidentally burn the toast or whatever thanks to how messy they were last night but the romantic gesture has been attempted] Bea: [tis the thought that counts henny] Fraze: [my thoughts exactly, just trying to look after her but keep it casual so she's not 😒] Bea: [we can't get too mad over some toast, even if we'd probably try not to eat it at first like g2g] Fraze: [gal you know he can keep you in that bed, don't test him] Bea: [or do, depending how much time you've left yourselves lol] Fraze: [mhmmm] Bea: [either way, you're leaving and you're gonna be folorn] Fraze: [literally would take all his willpower to not just come with you cos uni sucks but as you've not talking about it yet and can't really have the convo now that ain't happening hun] Bea: [soz babe, not at that realisation for a while yet but you did a good job sowing seeds] Fraze: [didn't wanna go too heavy handed with it because not gonna trump dead parents but like it is happening so] Bea: [you wanna end this here or do a bit of aftermath] Fraze: [I think we've covered a lot so tbh unless there's anything we want to specifically address in the aftermath it's probably good]
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tayegi · 8 years
I feel like all those misogyny anons are young girls or if not they shouldn't even blame everything on the OC????? Literally. All. Of. Them. Are. Doing . The. Same. Thing. It's a whole messy relationship. Don't blame one character when the others are doing the exact same shit!!!!
All the beautiful messages I received are under the cut ^^
But I just really REALLY wanted to thank everyone for sending me such wonderful asks. Right when I was about to lose faith in humanity, you guys came out of nowhere to restore my faith. I really REALLY appreciate it. I was srsly even considering deleting Equilibrium because I refuse to let this disgusting misogyny spread, but now I realize those misogynists are thankfully just the vocal minority. 
I really REALLY appreciate this, guys. You always know what to say to make me feel better when I’m at the cusp of giving up. I LOVE YOU
Anonymous said:BRUUHHHH shit just got real in equilibrium. Seeing the development of the story, I knew it was gonna come crashing down soon but damn. This story is so interesting and I really enjoy reading stories with very flawed characters. JK was really pissing me off like he's so damn controlling and it's amazing how people don't see equal fault in all three of them and point fingers at the girl???? Like wtf what story are y'all reading cause last time I checked they were all using each other lmao
Anonymous said:wtf??? how is oc manipulative and a bitch??? can't they that jk is the bitch here?? like he's so selfish and conniving and omg I'm just so angry after that update. not at you because damn girl you can write but like ahhh why wont he just let her touch jm like I just wanna Hug her tbh. I hope she finds the right man. u go girl!!Anonymous said:Omg I come back to this nonsense? I hope you don't let this affect you too much. I don't get why women are always blamed. If anything as I was reading I felt bad for the OC the most honestly. Shes insecure because she got bullied when she was younger and then this angel Jimin comes and he's nice to her and she gets attached. Jungkook takes advantage of the situation so it works out in his favor. For 6 months he was the only one who knew what was really going on.
Anonymous said:Wow I was so surprised to see that people were angry with the OC She is so pitiful and desperate Plus Jungkook's actions are so sick he knows she doesn't love him but he knows she won't leave him because of Jimin so even in this situation he is still using Jimin to manipulate the OC They are all so fucked up
Anonymous said:Really hope all the shitty misogyny doesn't put you off after how hard you've worked! please remember theres shitloads of us who really do appreciate your work and as much as people don't openly voice it, we're still all here in the background, internally voicing our opposition to the minority that obviously don't see the wealth in your work x so fuck them and do your shit because you want to! it's annoying that some aren't understanding it in the way they should but just know the rest of us dox
Anonymous said:I think the problem is not that the OC is women. The problem is that the readers are narrow-minded fans that blindly favor there idols.. U kno, when the bias also clearly did smth wrong but they only blame the other side... Tsk tsk. But the thing that I'm worried is that the story probably won't have an happy ending :c I know it's not ok but I want to OC has a new start with Jungkook (I am sorry Jimin!) or she would be sick of this relationship& too hurt& move out and be a roommate with Tae
Anonymous said:Hey, please don't regret the story cause of some of these mysogynistic idiots. I mean ofc if it makes you uncomfortable to write it then do whats best for you. But i love this story because of the complex nature of this messed up relationship, and your amazing writing. I love how you present selfishness in all three of them. The good and bad in them. You write in shades of grey instead of black and white and its truly amazing. Anyway i hope i didnt say something wrong i just love your work.
Anonymous said:Thank you for standing up in what you believe in. It's one thing for males to be misogynists (which is still HORRIBLY WRONG, fuck them) but for females to behave like one too? It's just disappointing. Us women get enough shit everyday as it is. We should be empowering each other instead of looking at each other as threats BLEEGH! Anyway I loved the latest chapter of equilibrium and pretty much everything you've written.... 🤗
aloneandlovingit said:I appreciate you so much for always calling out these misogynistic people for their shit. Whenever something goes wrong in a relationship it's always the woman who is blamed and the man is made to be a victim even if they're both in the wrong. The worst part is that these anons are probably young girls who were brought up to think this way and this just perpetuates the culture of women being against women and it needs to stop! Anyway I loved the new chapter as always and I love you 😘
Anonymous said:Why and how are people talking shit about the oc???? Wtf.. Equilibrium's so well thought and well structured, people in love do stupid shit, get over it. Jk is being fucking selfish and emotionally using them both, and if people wanna blame someone, blame the right guy. I really rope that the oc get out of this mess, cause girl u don't deserve all this bull shit. and fuck all this misogynist people +
Anonymous said:I'm so shook. I'm leaving this ask to let you know that the majority of the female population all over the world is still NOT on the mysogynous side! Girls, read carefully before you speak! Lu has written everything not only beautifully/intriguingly but also in a crystal clear manner (come on, you don't actually need to interpret things, make a list of who's done what and you'll see that each character is just as manipulative and opportunistic as the other)! Cheers Lu, this is a masterpiece.
Anonymous said:I can't believe people are saying the OC is a bitch?? what about jungkook who proposed this relationship for "fun" and had motives??? and jimin who only likes jungkook and shuts the OC out??? i've been wanting to rip jimin's throat out since he entered the fic
Anonymous said:I could be missing something, but I don't understand the outrage towards the OC when she is just desperate to hold on to the first person who treated her like a real person. That is why I think she is 'attached' to Jimin. The same goes for Jungkook being 'in love' with the OC since she is the first person to ask him a 'meaningful' question that wasn't superficial (coffee shop convo). My heart hurts for the OC because she has to fight so hard for Jimin's attention when she deserves better.
Anonymous said:I seriously can't see how these people are so blind. It was obvious that they were all using each other before and in the latest update Jungkook basically said he never cared about Jimin. How did they miss that? And Jimin rejected the OC until Jungkook proposed they all date. Wow. P.S. I had a feeling Jungkook would be the first one to break. Love your writing and don't let these people ruin Equilibrium for you.
Anonymous said:I almost feel bad for the anons who feel the need to antagonize the OC so much... But it actually fucking hurts. To think that every time that both men and women are in the wrong the woman is the one punished 110% of the time... Ugh I'm so sorry that this had to open our eyes to all the brainwashed idiots out there still perpetuating such hard-lined misogyny. But keep in mind that there are still lots of people who don't stand for this shit and never will, stay strong and love you!!!! 💖💖💖
Anonymous said:Equilibrium is one of my favs and it so upsetting to see people turn the story into something else because they are too blind to see their precious oppas do anything wrong.
Anonymous said:Are people serious? Its so obvious that jungkook and jimin are doing the exact same thing as the oc. Jungkook is only in the relationship for the oc. Jimin is only in it for jungkook. How can you blame the oc for being manipulative but not fault them
Anonymous said:but notice how no one is going "aw poor jimin jungkook tried to abandon him thank god the oc is caring and didn't run away with him" 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 ppl are unbelievable. I'm so sorry this is the reaction ch 10 is receiving lu. pls don't let it discourage you. use your voice and the fact that a lot of ppl read the fic to EDUCATE AND TEACH YOUNG WOMEN. stopping now won't accomplish anything. I think you have enough influence with your writing to get something across to these young women and help them
Anonymous said:I want to tell you that equilibrium is honestly so beautiful & your writing is really amazing. I've only recently discovered you but I am upset I didn't find you before! As for the main character & the boys: HELLO THEY ALL PLAYED EACH OTHER FOR THEIR OWN REASONS!!!! Like why is everyone mad at the OC when each character was in the relationship just to be with the one they liked? Anyways the last part with Jungkook & the OC in the hallway is so nicely written! I hope you have a nice day! 💙😄
Anonymous said:I can't believe the amount of ppl mad at the oc rn when jungkook was literally doing the same thing??? so was jimin???? they were ALL playing each other, dont ppl understand that?! that's the whole point of this fic, y/n is in love with jimin, jimin is in love with jungkook, jungkook is in love with y/n. It's all just one big love triangle and they're all lying to each other by being in this relationship. I'm sorry ppl aren't getting that, but pls don't let that discourage you from writing it :(
Anonymous said:*reads the asks saying rude things about the Equilibrium OC* :/ *sighs* Why are people only focusing on the OC??? Jungkook is just as bad, and really no one wants to be with everyone in that relationship. :/ The OC wants Jimin, Jimin wants Jungkook, Jungkook wants to OC. Putting all the blame on the OC is just stupid. :/ I'm sorry you're having to deal with those anons. I wasn't around for what you were saying about In Bloom, but I can see how similar stuff to this would put you off of it. :/
Anonymous said:reads other anon messages - sighs - guys... look below the surface before you immediately judge the narrator. JK doesn't deserve sympathy--he's using Jimin to get to Y/N, Jimin is using Y/N to get to JK, and Y/N is using JK to get to Jimin. No one's innocent of this. In addition, the way he just roped Y/N into giving him exclusivity wasn't exactly fair or unproblematic... So they're all guilty, and the drama's so gooooodddd
Anonymous said:Thank you for the update. I haven't read it yet but in really excited about it!!! I'm really sorry about all of these random rude misogynist ppl who just came out of the blue tho.
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viadescioism · 8 years
Just curious, you don't have to answer, but what're y'alls favorite (or most listened to) songs, what's your favorite colors, fashion style, and what article of clothing/other do you always always have one you, and why?❤❤❤
Interesting questions my friend. I will answer them individually below, and please check back later, because once Flae wakes up I’m going to make her answer them too.
Wolf Of Antimony :
Nahko Bear (Medicine for the People) ღ Aloha Ke Akua
WILDFIRE!! 【Gumi English】
Florence + The Machine - Delilah
Karmin - Come With Me (Pure Imagination)
Of Monsters And Men - Little Talks
Aurelio Voltaire - The Straight Razor Cabaret
Nightcore - Ass Up
colors: Celeste blue
Fashion style: I don’t think I have one… I dress sort of like a hobo. XD
what article of clothing/other do you always always have one you, and why?
Sweatpants, and hoodie, because I like to be warm, and comfortable.
Thank you for asking the question my friend, I appreciate it.
These are my favorite songs:[currently at least, it's whatever suits my mood]
Aurora-- Runaway / Puppet
Purity Ring-- Body Ache
Jon Bellion-- Wonder Years (and almost anything by him tbh)
Gnarls Barkley-- Crazy cover by Daniela Andrade
Nahko Bear-- (medicine for the people) Aloha Ke Akua
Steven Universe- Here Comes a Thought
Colors: Purple, Pink, and Orange. In their deeper/warmer/softer/vibrant shades :'3
Fashion Style: Huh... I'm still figuring it out and in the process of creating it xD It also depends on my mood and gender expression... But I wanna go for a kinda soft feminine punk/ androgynous look. I wear alot of black, but splashes of certain colors are welcome. I like speckled patterns and stripes. Hoodies!! and boots with buckles n' straps. Sneakers. And nerd/fandom merchandise. Chokers. Comfortable, flowy or snug shirts. skinny jeans.. but I wanna wear more sweat pants and casual skirts etc.. ;v; Also i wear a few rings, and crystal jewelry x3
Item of clothing always with me: -sniffle- It used to be my faux black  lil-fox tail keychain ;; but I lost it in Manhattan.....So now, its... a big purple + pink scarf that's made out of soft Rayon to stim and keep me warm.
Thanks for the curiosity, you're so sweet for asking~ cx
Thank you for asking the question my friend, I appreciate it.
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