#y'all know the difference lol
intheticklecloset · 7 months
Hiya! I was wondering if i could have a shoto and Natsuo tickle fic, where maybe shoto comes home for dinner and fuyumi has to leave to go to the store leaving then two alone for a bit to bond.
Its totally ok if you don't want to!
Since I'm not taking full fic requests but I thought this was a cute idea, I decided to turn it into a Coffee Shot instead. Hope you enjoy!
Also was gonna sit on this one for a minute but the mood hit me so here it is - happy Sunday evening!
“Time for winter uniforms already, huh?” Natsuo remarked as he plopped on the couch next to his younger brother, bowl of popcorn in hand. They were about to watch a movie now that Fuyumi had gone out for a couple of hours; it was rare for the two of them to have any time alone, and they didn’t really know how to interact beyond pleasantries and movies or gaming.
They were working on it. The whole family was.
Todoroki nodded and reached for a handful from the bowl. “Yeah. Not much different from my summer uniform, really.”
“You wear long sleeves even in the summer, right? Even though half your quirk tends to burn it to ashes?”
Todoroki shrugged a little sheepishly, now reaching for the remote that lay between them. “I guess so.”
“What is it? You just don’t want the class to see how toned you’ve gotten?” Natsuo teased, aiming a quick jab for his brother’s ribs that made him squeak and dart his arm back to his side reflexively.
“I don’t care about that,” Todoroki managed through a timid smile. “But Bakugou kind of handles that showing off thing for me, so…”
“So you don’t want to be too extra?” Natsuso poked him again.
“That – that’s exahahactly how he’d prhrahahase it – Nat, plehehease!” Todoroki gradually broke down into a fit of giggles, the popcorn in his hand spilling to his lap and the floor as he squirmed with every poke and pinch to his ribs.
Natsuo chuckled and put the bowl aside entirely, reaching both hands for the younger boy’s torso. “How are things going with him, by the way? Any progress? Have you confessed yet? Come on, I wanna know all about my little brother’s love life!”
“Nahahahahahat, plehehehehehehease!”
“Please what?”
Instead of falling into the trap of asking for more tickles or begging him to stop entirely, Todoroki darted his hands for Natsuo’s knees and squeezed.
“Ah! No fahahahahahair!” his brother squealed, instantly going into defensive mode, giggling and pushing Todoroki’s hands away. “Your knehehehehehees aren’t tihihihicklish – you dohohohohon’t know what it’s lihihihihihike!”
Todoroki scoffed, but he was grinning. “Like I’m not more than ticklish enough everywhere else to make up for it? Come on, Nat – you started it. Show me what you’ve got!”
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raiiny-bay · 2 months
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Love, Dhes
It's unfair how time with you feels so short. How the last 10 years have felt like no time at all. I like to think there are other versions of us out there, somewhere. Maybe in another timeline, another universe. I like to think we find each other no matter where we are or what we're doing. That we're together and happy and I get to love you in a dozen different lifetimes. That's what I hope, anyway. And I hope when this lifetime ends, we get to start over and do it all again. Because once just isn't enough. Not for me. Not with you.
I hope the next 10 years pass slower.
Love, Dhes
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goldensunset · 10 months
i looooove pokémon npcs whose team members subtly imply something about them that's never touched upon in the story or at least never outright said. i love villains having friendship evos. i love trainers who commit hard to one aesthetic or vibe with their team (beyond simply sharing a type) and i love it even better when there's one random exception especially if that's their ace. i love when later down the line someone boxes the cute fun soft baby pokémon they used to have in favor of a seemingly stronger or scarier one to show that they're getting serious. i love when they have a pokémon that's difficult to get and raises lots of questions about them. i love it when the lore behind a pokémon fits the character to a T and i love it even better when it appears to contradict them. give me the story-gameplay harmony but better yet give me what appears to be story-gameplay dissonance but might actually have implications if we're willing to dive deep into it
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kedreeva · 1 year
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as8bakwthesage · 3 months
Considering that in the Iliad and in the Odyssey, a lot of Odysseus' faults aren't even discussed like they are in the "Epic" musical, how different stories paint the sacking of Troy with more or less detail (the Iliad versus the Aeneid, for example), and who murdered Astyanax also depends on the story (Astyanax isn't even mentioned in the Iliad, Odyssey, or Aeneid, but in other lesser known books/stories), it's very interesting how Jorge Rivera-Herrans chooses to paint Odysseus' character.
You can only assume that "Epic the Musical" really is just a very specific character study about this one dude that Jorge hyperfixated on, huh?
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Spectre Ashley Williams & Spectre Kaidan Alenko "Not a lot of other people have had my back since the beginning..." Mass Effect: Legendary Edition (2021)
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thegreatimpersonator · 5 months
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lynzishell · 9 months
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As summer turned to Autumn and the days got colder and shorter, Phoenix and Dawn found themselves shifting focus to their careers. They both earned big promotions that led to higher stress and longer hours. With less time to see each other during the week, they made the most of what small pockets of time they could… like their 15 minutes over coffee in the mornings.
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Phoenix, who has been working for the San Myshuno Human Rights Commission, is now heading the Department for Housing and Community Development. At first, he was excited and had big plans for the future of the city. Unfortunately, it seems the more power he is given to make a positive impact, the more he runs into roadblocks and red tape. The stress and frustration started taking a toll.
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To cope with the stress, he began spending more time in Mt. Komorebi where he’d go snowboarding with his friends the way he used to before Kiyoshi ever presented the idea of climbing the mountain.
Nothing like the rush of flying down the slopes and landing massive jumps to get your mind off things, I suppose.
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Meanwhile, Dawn has been working for the Dreamer Foundation as an Event Planner. She organizes many of their fundraising events, and they’ve been doing so well that she’s started putting together more prestigious events for their larger donors. This, of course, comes with its own kind of stress and frustration.
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Rather than take off for the mountains though, she felt like she needed to make time to slow down and breathe. So, she started getting into wellness activities like yoga and meditation.
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Oh! Also, Atlas and Asher started coming over every Sunday to join them for dinner...
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...and to watch the latest season of Somnium.
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All four of them are now fully invested in the series. (how could they not be with a genius creator like @rebouks)
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cherry-blossom-qf · 8 months
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"BEHOLD!! A TASTE OF A KING'S TRUE POWER!!" -Apple Core when doing Sky-Chi
Context: (AU info) (Timeskip info)
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tangledinink · 9 months
Would you ever make a non-graphic comic on Donnie laying the eggs?
I mean, I'm not opposed to exploring such concepts, generally speaking, (as I've repeatedly showcased lol), I just don't really know what a comic like that would really entail. I don't have a good story in my mind atm about this, so I don't have any plans r/n. 🤷🏻‍♂️ If y'all have specific questions about his experience and such, then maybe I'd get an idea for something, but right now I have no plans for it.
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syn0vial · 5 months
people seemed to like my post about boba fett's characterization and personality traits in legacy of the force and find it helpful.
now i'm wondering if i should do another post in a similar style sharing my observations about his reaction and attitude towards physical touch in the same series :|a
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evilkitten3 · 6 months
But listen, if Izuna had said yes to Hashirama's help after he was injured and he still died, would Madara rampage like in canon? Would he still chase the infinite tsukyomi?
the thing is, hashirama never offered to help izuna. i'm actually not sure he could have - the hiraishingiri pretty much cut through him like butter. moreover, while madara himself lauds hashirama's medical prowess, we actually know very little about his capabilities with medical ninjutsu. he could heal wounds without any hand seals, that's mostly all we know.
here are hashirama's words immediately after izuna is injured:
"madara... you can't beat me... let's end it already. if the strongest shinobi, the uchiha and the senju, form an alliance... the country won't be able to find another shinobi clan able to counterbalance us... the conflict will eventually calm down"
he doesn't acknowledge izuna at all. whether he intended an offer of medical aid to be implied or not, it's never addressed. a bunch of people have claimed that this makes hashirama a jerk, and while i definitely get that viewpoint, i do think offering to help izuna without being absolutely certain he was capable of doing so would've been a terrible move, politically speaking. madara might have known that hashirama isn't the sort of man who would do something like this, but the rest of the uchiha clan would have no reason not to assume that hashirama didn't just take advantage of madara's kindness/trust/desperation/whatever to ensure that izuna died while potentially leaving room for madara to feel indebted to him for trying in spite of all the reasons he had not to bother.
hell, the clan might even come to the conclusion that madara intended for izuna to die so he could get his eyes, given what ended up happening in canon, so his fallout with them might actually happen even faster (and without the uchiha ever joining konoha at all, although without madara around to counter hashirama, i have no idea if/how the uchiha would manage against the senju from there)
all that aside, if hashirama had indeed offered help and izuna had agreed to take the risk and died anyway and the uchiha clan trusted that that was what had actually happened, i think pretty much everything else would've proceeded according to canon.
there's definitely plenty of fun possibilities to play around with concerning madara's path in life, but tbh i personally believe that without a massive deviation from canon, he would've eventually become who he became. hashirama definitely fucked up here and there, but i honestly don't think there was anything he could've personally done alone that would've changed madara's fate short of killing him back when they were kids, which he was never going to do. he was always doomed.
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sonicenvy · 1 month
one of my favorite library kid encounters this weekend was a with a little Greek three-year-old named Andromeda. She and her mom came up to get her beads for SRP, and, as is pretty common, they start telling me about what they've been reading. Friends, this child and her mother have been reading the Odyssey in Greek together. The mom and the kid chat back and forth in Greek together about the Odyssey while picking beads (and counting them in Greek), translating bits and pieces for me as they go along.
Apparently, Andromeda's favorite character in the Odyssey is Penelope, which, uh, girl I see u!!!!! Obsessed with the vibes of this toddler who read the Odyssey in Greek with her mom FIVE times this summer because that's her favorite book! GOOD! FOR! HER!
Additionally the mom was like, "yeah we also read the Iliad this summer."
no notes. impeccable. there are days when i love our kids so much y'all.
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jtl07 · 2 months
What have I done?!? 🥁🎸🎹 This is so, so cool! You wrote the audition like i mini-fic 🤩 Drabble? I don’t know, it was very cool, thank you 👏🏼 And Mary’s comment when she was adjusting the chair, hahaha. Loved the idea with neon colors, what a cool concept 🎨 Who’s the singer of this band? And how would Ava know of their music? Has she seen them live, or is their music out? Maybe it could be combined with your earlier thoughts? That Ava worked in a bar they played, and that’s how she found out about them (and Bea). Does the band have a name? And/or will it change/develop when Ava joins? Thank for taking my questions seriously, this is so much fun 😘
anon oh no, oh no now we're getting into the details aren't we. i'm torn between the band being primarily instrumental (akin to Polyphia) and having guest vocalists every now and then, vs having some hella strong vocalist - i'm thinking like Fuki from Doll$Boxx or omg what if someone like Tatiana Shmayluk from Jinjer?!? yoooo that would be intense. if the latter, then Lilith would be a terrifying analogue oh geez.
okay yknow what, i'm leaning towards instrumental first with guest vocals because i kinda like the idea of them working with different vocalists occasionally, which would be kinda like canon what with how their "front man" / halo bearer changes. but also like, that puts more pressure on each instrument to be on their game (which Beatrice impresses upon Ava when they have their two-day bootcamp).
as for how Ava first heard of them (aside: anon I am the absolute worst at naming things, their band's name is just going to be "the band" for the forseeable future lolol) maybe she happened upon their music online or heard about them somehow - someone playing a cover, someone mentioning them in passing, or maybe someone watching a video on their phone and Ava happens to see - oh that would be amusing if it was JC, yeah, lol okay, maybe JC's also a musician and someone sent him a video of their band but he's not really paying attention to it because it's not his vibe but Ava is enthralled. she goes home, looks up all their stuff, immediately starts playing along and it's difficult and brilliant and it pushes her to the limits of her skill level but she still has the utmost fun and it pushes her to keep learning. she becomes a fan but while she's eaten up every video and interview she could find about them (perhaps she happened upon one of those explainer videos that Beatrice did lol) she hasn't had the chance to see them live because they'd been on hiatus - hence why Beatrice (and Mary though she tries not to show it) are stressed about the upcoming gig, because while it's a small one, it is important to them since it's their first one in a long time.
oh and maybe also they're debuting new music for the first time in a long time at that gig - and maybe, after Ava's proven herself to Mary, they work through the song with Ava and Ava is able to play it perfectly, but then maybe during a break or something she's playing along to the track - not exactly practicing but like casually playing like she does at home alone whenever she listens to their songs, adding stuff here and there - and maybe Mary and Beatrice come back from break early and hear her and Beatrice looks at Mary and is like, "I'll make sure she keeps to what we've written" but Mary forestalls her, steps into the room fully, which catches Ava's attention, who abruptly stops playing and somehow manages to stop the track too without falling over.
"hey boss," Ava says, twirling the drumsticks between her fingers nervously. "that was a uh quick walk."
Mary's face is unreadable still, and she rewinds the track a bit. "do that fill again."
Ava blinks and Mary gives her a look that's like, 'do not make me repeat myself' and Ava scrambles to remember what she did and fumbles.
Mary shakes her head. "no, you did it differently last time." she kinda beatboxes what she remembers and Ava's like, "oh yeah" and repeats it correctly this time and Mary's taking up her bass and is muttering to herself about voicing things differently to match and Beatrice is like, "you want to change it? the performance is the day after tomorrow" and Ava's like, "hey I was just messing around" but Mary looks Ava straight in the eye and says, "it's a good idea. let's use it." then she looks at Beatrice and raises an eyebrow. "two days is more than enough time, right?"
and Beatrice kinda helplessly laughs because of course Mary would get caught up in this, in this energy Ava's brought with her - it's the renewal they've needed; Ava's exactly what they've been looking for.
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the-spooky-children · 2 months
Can't stop thinking about unhealthy co-dependent teen!fireskulls..
#directly related to that Matryoshka idea i had#Pump's fear of abandonment (which stems from his parents leaving for work) leading him to do stupid and selfish things to try and assure#him that Skid won't leave him#spooky month#skid and pump#skid#sm skid#pump#sm pump#skump#fireskulls#au#skid x pump#the idea I'm having rn is that Skid starts to experience psychotic symptoms and depression#and he's like hm maybe i should go to the doctor about this#but Pump is immediately like oh my god please don't because he's scared that if Skid gets medicated he'll realise how ridiculous and chaoti#that Pump is and won't want to be his friend anymore#so yeah gaslight gatekeep girlboss ig#(none of it would be romanticised at all btw)#they deal with their turmoil in different ways#skid draws and spraypaints his ''personal monsters'' (hallucinations. he doesn't know that though) all over the place#pump destroys stuff with his hammer and sets shit on fire#so yeah if y'all like the sound of that incredibly angsty (and probably cringe) au then I'll draw something for it lol#i just want skid and pump to be a little fucked up when they get older okay#sm 6 hinted that their personalities are gonna change (them getting upset and wanting to be better)#so this au would be that but cranked up to the extreme#they're still very silly and spooky btw they're not like edgy broody teens i'm not that bad /lh#i guess the best way to describe it would be like...#you know jinx from arcane? imagine if her character was split in two. skid gets her psychosis and pump gets her chaos and violence#wow i accidentally reached the tag limit lmao
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mehoymalloy · 5 months
Writing is hard, so instead I organized my Otohan playlist; loosely follows the vague backstory I made up for them:
A cursed child raised beneath the warped teachings of the Duskmaven, coming into their power during the Apex War, climbing the ranks and misguidedly fighting in the Matron's name only to be abandoned and condemned for their atrocities, embracing the storm, seeking vengeance, and finding the Vanguard, before finally meeting their end on Ruidus.
Some of my favorite songs:
The Gift of the Rose / Isabella Summers, Elise McQueen
I Didn't Ask For This / Beth Crowley
Apprentice of Death / Mors Principium Est
Ruthless / Bookish Songs Collective, et al
Seven Devils / Florence + the Machine
No More Heroes / Unleash the Archers
Become the Beast / Karliene
Witness the Masterpiece / Ganyos
Witness the Masterpiece in particular is just a whole vibe:
Gracefully I've carved my path from moments to eternity Paid the sacrifice Fulfilled the prophecies Kingdoms that oppose me turn to dust So fan the flames I'll walk through fire Cut me down I'll still go higher Save your praise I'll take the honor Glory and legacy This is my destiny Witness the masterpiece
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