#ya get older sibling dove
dove-da-birb · 11 months
i swear the siren mozart thing and the pirate captain yves thing are the first concepts to giev me writing motivation this month GAHHH i feel like im slowly transitioning into an ikemen blog and i dont know how to FEEL
Here's the great thing though, it's your blog and you get to write what you want!
Your blog can be a collaboration of ALL your interests.
Inspiration comes in many different forms, but as long as you have fun that's all that matters.
For Mozart, I'm feeling a mixture of the original sirens from Greek myth (bird wings and feathers) but also the more recent of just mermaids being sirens in general. Like barn owl wings and opalescent scales.
For Naval/Pirate Captain Yves all I'm imagining is pastel Rococo-inspired naval uniform. Less ideas with him though.
We are just bards, spinning our tales with verses. Inspiration comes in many different forms, but we should accept the muse in whatever form they may come in.
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cielrouge · 3 years
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YA SFF Books by Asian Authors
Ash by Malinda Lo: In this variation on the Cinderella story, Ash grows up believing in the fairy realm that the king and his philosophers have sought to suppress, until one day she must choose between a handsome fairy cursed to love her and the King’s Huntress whom she loves.
Along the Indigo by Elsie Chapman: Marsden yearns to take her sister and escape Glory, a town famous for seedy businesses, but her friendship with Jude yields secrets that may chain them to the Indigo River forever.
Alpha Goddess by Amalie Howard:  In this sci-fi retelling of Ramayana, Sera is a Hindu goddess incarnate and must battle between her good and evil sides in order to save the world from becoming hell on earth.
Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days #1) by Susan Ee: It's been six weeks since angels of the apocalypse descended to demolish the modern world. When warrior angels fly away with a helpless little girl, her 17-year-old sister Penryn will do anything to get her back. Anything, including making a deal with an enemy angel, Raffe. 
The Archer at Dawn (The Tiger at Midnight #2) by Swati Teerdhala: Set in an Indian & Hindu-inspired world, long-held secrets will force Kunal and Esha to reconsider their loyalties—to their country and to each other.
The Athena Protocol by Shamim Sarif: After being fired from the Athena Protocol, an organization of female spies who enact vigilante justice, Jessie Archer investigates a human trafficking case in Belgrade, while her former teammates have been tasked with bringing her down.
Blood of a Thousand Stars (Empress of a Thousand Skies #2) by Rhoda Belleza: Rhee risks her crown to negotiate peace terms with villainous media star Nero, while framed assassin Aly plots revenge and Kara seeks technology that will erase her royal past.
The Bone Witch by Rin Chupeco: Tea’s gift for death magic means that she is a bone witch, a title that makes her feared and ostracized by her community, but when an older bone witch trains her to become an asha - one who can wield elemental magic - Tea will have to overcome her obstacles and make a powerful choice in the face of danger as dark forces approach.
The Bronzed Beasts (The Gilded Wolves #3) by Roshani Chokshi: With only ten days until Laila expires, the crew will face plague pits and deadly masquerades, unearthly songs, and the shining steps of a temple whose powers might offer divinity itself, but at a price they may not be willing to pay.
The Beast Player by Nahoko Uehashi: An epic YA fantasy about a girl with a special power to communicate with magical beasts and the warring kingdom only she can save.
The Beautiful by Renee Ahdieh: In 19th century New Orleans where vampires hide in plain sight, half-Asian Celine Rosseau, a dressmaker from Paris, becomes embroiled in a murder mystery, connected to the glamorous supernatural cohort, known as the Court of Lions, and catching the eye of their mysterious, charismatic leader, Sèbastien Saint Germain.
Broken Web (Shamanborn #2) by Lori M. Lee: With Queen Meilyr bent on destroying the magical kingdoms, Sirscha becomes caught between a war in the east and the Soulless in the west.
The Candle and the Flame by Nafiza Azad: Set in the city of Noor, along the Silk Road which has become a refuge for those of all faiths, Fatima becomes embroiled in a war between two clans of powerful djinn who threaten to destroy her peace in different ways, forcing her to make unlikely alliances to survive.
Caster by Elsie Chapman: In this Chinese-inspired, magical Fight Club, Earth is already at the brink of environmental disaster due to the magic overuse. And 16-year-old spell caster Aza Wu must navigate through an illegal, underground battle magic tournament, while evading local gangs and police scouts to save her family from ruin.
Catalyst by Lydia Kang: Zelia Benten has lost her father, the love of her life, and any future she might have imagined for herself. Now she, her sister, and the band of illegal genetic outcasts they’ve come to call their family are forced to run when the safety of their foster home is compromised.
A Clash of Steel (A Treasure Island Remix) by C.B. Lee: Set in 1820s China, Xiah joins Anh and her motley crew in pursuit of the hidden treasure of the legendary Dragon Fleet.
Chainbreaker (Timekeeper #2) by Tara Sim: In 1876, someone is destroying the clock towers that control India’s time. Teenage mechanics Danny Hart and half-white, half-Indian Daphne Richards as they travel to Agra to investigate a series of clock tower bombings.
The Chariot at Dusk (Tiger at Midnight #3) by Swati Teerdhala: In the final book of this epic fantasy trilogy, the lands’ fate, their people’s livelihoods, and the bond that sustains their world all depend on what Kunal and Esha can offer—to the gods and to each other.
Champion (Legend #3) by Marie Lu: June and Day have sacrificed so much for the people of the Republic--and each other--and now their country is on the brink of a new existence. Just when a peace treaty is imminent, a plague outbreak causes panic in the Colonies, and war threatens the Republic's border cities.
Circle of Shadows by Evelyn Skye: Love, spies, and adventure abound as apprentice warriors Sora and Daemon unravel a complex web of magic and secrets that might tear them—and the entire kingdom—apart forever.
Control by Lydia Kang: In 2150, when genetic manipulation has been outlawed, seventeen-year-old Zelia must rescue her kidnapped sister with the help of a band of outcasts with mutated genes.
Court of Lions (Mirage #2) by Somaiya Daud: After being swept up into the brutal Vathek court, Amani, the ordinary girl forced to serve as the half-Vathek princess Maram’s body double, is desperate to continue helping the rebellion But can she bear to remain separated, forever, from Maram's fiancé, Idris? 
Cross Fire (Exo #2) by Fonda Lee: When the peaceful alien-run government withdraws from Earth, it seems that the terrorist group Sapience is going to get the "free" Earth it wanted; but Donovan Reyes, member of the security forces, and once a prisoner of Sapience, realizes that freedom comes with a price. 
The Crown’s Game by Evelyn Skye: Vika Andreyeva can summon the snow and turn ash into gold. Nikolai Karimov can see through walls and conjure bridges out of thin air. They are enchanters—the only two in Russia. The Tsar needs a powerful enchanter by his side.And so he initiates the Crown’s Game, an ancient duel of magical skill—the victor becomes the Imperial Enchanter and the Tsar’s most respected adviser. The defeated is sentenced to death. 
The Crown’s Fate (The Crown’s Game #2) by Evelyn Skye: Vika struggles with dangers in her new role as the Imperial Enchanter while Pasha faces disputes about his legitimacy and Nikolai considers how far he is willing to go to return to the world.
A Crown of Wishes (Star-Touched Queen #2) by Roshani Chokshi:  Gauri, princess of Bharata, has been captured by her kingdom's enemies and faces a future of exile and scorn--she has nothing left to lose. But Vikram, the notoriously cunning prince of a neighboring land, promises her freedom in exchange for her partnership on his team to win the Tournament of Wishes.
The Damned (The Beautiful #2) by Renée Ahdieh: Sébastien Saint Germain is now cursed and forever changed. The price of loving Celine Rousseau was costly. But as Bastien and Celine begin to uncover the danger around them, they learn their love could tear them apart.
Dark Goddess (Alpha Goddess #2) by Amalie Howard:  In this Indian-inspired fantasy, a girl who is the avatar of the goddess Lakshmi must work to prevent the apocalypse at the hands of demons. 
Dark Goddess (Templar Chronicles #2) by Sarwat Chadda: Billi SanGreal, a teenaged member of the Knights Templar, must prevent a young girl, who is being hunted by werewolves because of the dangerous powers she possesses, from falling into the hands of the ancient Russian witch, Baba Yaga.
Daughter of Dusk (Midnight Thief #2) by Livia Blackburne: After learning the truth about her bloodlines, Kyra can’t help but feel like a monster. As tensions rise within Forge’s Council, and a vicious Demon Rider attacks continue in surrounding villages, Kyra knows she must do something to save her city. 
Descendant of the Crane by Joan He: In this Chinese-inspired fantasy, Princess Hesina of Yan is thrust into power when her beloved father is murdered, and she’s determined to find his killer–whatever the cost.
The Devil’s Kiss (Templar Chronicles #1) by Sarwat Chadda: 15-year-old Billi SanGreal has grown up knowing that being a member of the Knights Templar puts her in danger, but if she is to save London from catastrophe she must make sacrifices greater than she imagined.
The Devil’s Thief (The Last Magician #2) by Lisa Maxwell: Esta and Harte set off on a cross-country chase through time to steal back the elemental stones they need to save the future of magic.
Divided (Dualed #2) by Elsie Chapman:  When the Board goes after West Grayer for refusing to kill her next target, West must uncover the truth of the past to survive.
Dove Arising by Karen Bao: On a lunar colony, 15-old Phaet Theta does the unthinkable and joins the Militia when her mother is imprisoned by the Moon's oppressive government. 
Dove Exiled (Dove Chronicles #2) by Karen Bao: Phaet’s past catches up with her when the Lunar Bases attack the community and reveal that Phaet is a fugitive. She’s torn between staying on Earth with Wes—whom she’s just discovered her feelings for—and stowing away on a Moon-bound ship to rescue her siblings.
Dove Alight (Dove Chronicles #3) by Karen Bao: Shy, introverted Phaet Theta has gone from being a top student to an interplanetary fugitive to the reluctant but fierce leader of a revolution. But as the death tolls rise, the cost of the war weighs heavily on Phaet. Phaet started this war because she lost someone she loved. Will she have to lose another to end it?
Eclipse the Stars by Maura Milan: Criminal mastermind and unrivaled pilot Ia Ccha and her allies make unpredictable choices as they fight to keep darkness from eclipsing the skies.
An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir: Set in a terrifyingly brutal Rome-like world, An Ember in the Ashes is an epic fantasy debut about an orphan, Laia, fighting for her family and a soldier, Elias, fighting for his freedom.
Empress of All Seasons by Emiko Jean: During a once-in-a-generation competition to find the new empress, Mari, who hides a terrible secret, Taro, the prince who would denounce the imperial throne, and Akira, a half-human outcast, will decide the fate of Honoku.
Empress of a Thousand Skies by Rhoda Belleza: Two sisters, Rhee and Kara—sole survivors of a murdered royal lineage - must reunite from opposite ends of the galaxy to salvage what’s left of their family dynasty and save the universe from a greater threat.
End of Days (Penryn & The End of Days #3) by Susan Ee: After a daring escape, Penryn and Raffe are on the run, but a startling revelation about Raffe’s past unleashes dark forces that threaten them all. When the angels release an apocalyptic nightmare onto humans, both sides are set on a path toward war. Forced to pick sides in the fight for control of the earthly realm, Raffe and Penryn must choose: Their own kind, or each other?
The Epic Crush of Genie Lo by F.C. Yee: 15-year-old Genie Lo wonders if she’s qualified enough to gain admission to an Ivy League school, then becomes powerful enough to break through the gates of Heaven with her fists.
The Eternity Cure (Blood of Eden #2) by Julie Kagawa: Cast out of Eden and separated from the boy she dared to love, Allison Sekemoto will follow the call of blood to save her creator, Kanin, from the psychotic vampire Sarren. But when the trail leads to Allie's birthplace in New Covington, what Allie finds there will change the world forever--and possibly end human and vampire existence.
The Ever Cruel Kingdom (The Never Tilting World #2) by Rin Chupeco: To break the cycle of sacrifice, twins Haidee and Odessa need answers that lie beyond the seven gates of the underworld, within the Cruel Kingdom itself. The shadows of the underworld may hunger to tear them apart, but these two sisters are determined to heal their world—together.
Exo by Fonda Lee: For a century now, Earth has been a peaceful colony of an alien race, and Donovan Reyes is a loyal member of the security forces, while his father is the Prime Liaison–but when a routine search and seizure goes bad Donovan finds himself a captive of the human revolutionary group, Sapience, terrorists who seem to prefer war to alien rule, and killing Donovan just might be the incident they are looking for.
Fair Coin by E.C. Myers: When evil versions of himself and best friend Nate appear one day, teenaged Ephraim embarks on a dangerous odyssey through parallel worlds to make things right.
Firestarter (Timekeeper #3) by Tara Sim: Colton, Daphne, and the others must choose between those striving to take down the world’s clock towers so that time can run freely, and terrorists trying to bring back the lost god of time.
Five Dark Fates (Three Dark Crowns #4) by Kendare Blake: In this conclusion to the Three Dark Crowns series, three dark sisters will rise to fight as the secrets of Fennbirn’s history are laid bare. Allegiances will shift. Bonds will be tested, and some broken forever.
Flame in the Mist by Renee Adhieh: The daughter of a prominent samurai, Mariko is promised to Minamoto Raiden. But en route to the imperial city of Inako, Mariko narrowly escapes a bloody ambush by the Black Clan. Dressed as a peasant boy, Mariko sets out to infiltrate the ranks of this gang. But she’s quickly captured and taken to the Black Clan’s secret hideout, where she meets their leader, the rebel ronin Takeda Ranmaru. 
For A Muse of Fire by Heidi Heilig: 16-year-old shadow puppeteer Jetta Chantray performs with her family’s traveling troupe, the Ros Nai. But as rebellion seethes and as Jetta meets a young smuggler, she will face truths and decisions that she never imagined—and safety will never seem so far away.
Forest of Souls by Lori M. Lee: Sirscha Ashwyn, while training to become the queen’s next royal spy, discovers she’s a rare and powerful lightwender and is summoned to the realm of the Spider King, where her newly awakened abilities are needed to cull the bloodthirsty Dead Wood.
Forest of a Thousand Lanterns by Julie C. Dao: A reimagining of the evil queen from Snow White based on Asian mythology in which 18-year-old Xifeng must unleash a jealous god on the world and set free the viciousness of her own soul in order to become Empress.
The Forever Song (Blood of Eden #3) by Julie Kagawa: Allie will embrace her cold vampire side to hunt down and end Sarren. But Sarren has left many surprises for Allie and her companions as his trail leads straight to the one place they must protect at any cost -- the last vampire-free zone on Earth.
Fury of the Phoenix (Kingdom of Xia #2) by Cindy Pon: When Ai Ling leaves her home and family to accompany Chen Yong on his quest to find his father, haunted by the ancient evil she thought she had banished to the underworld, she must use her growing supernatural powers to save Chen Yong from the curses that follow her.
Gates of Thread and Stone by Lori M. Lee: A teenage girl must keep her ability to manipulate the threads of time a secret, but when her brother goes missing, she risks getting caught up in a revolution in order to save him.
Gearbreakers by Zoe Hana Mikuta: Eris Shindanai and Sona Steelcrest, two girls on opposite sides of a war fought with Windups, giant mechanizes weapons, discover they’re fighting for a common purpose–and falling for each other.
The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi: Paris, 1889: Treasure-hunter and wealthy hotelier, Séverin Montagnet-Alarie gets the chance of a lifetime when the all-powerful society, the Order of Babel, seeks him out for help in exchange for a priceless treasure: his true inheritance.
The Girl From Everywhere by Heidi Heilig: From modern-day New York City to nineteenth-century Hawaii to places of myth and legend, 16-year-old Nix has sailed across the globe and through centuries aboard her time-traveling father’s ship. But when he gambles with her very existence, it all may be about to end.
The Girl From the Well by Rin Chupeco: Okiku has wandered the world for centuries, but when she meets Tark she knows the moody teen with the series of intricate tattoos is not a monster and needs to be freed from the demonic malevolence that clings to him.
The Girl King by Mimi Yu: Sisters Lu and Min become unwitting rivals in a war to claim the title of Emperor.
Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust: As the day of her twin brother’s wedding approaches, Princess Soraya must decide if she’s willing to step outside of the shadows for the first time.
Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan: When Lei, seventeen, is stolen from her home to become one of nine Paper Girls, the Demon King's concubines, she proves to be more fire than paper.
Girls of Storm and Shadow (Girls of Paper and Fire #2) by Natasha Ngan: After escaping the Hidden Palace, Lei and her warrior love Wren must travel the kingdom to gain support from the far-flung rebel clans.
Girls of Fate and Fury (Girls of Paper and Fire #3) by Natasha Ngan: The last Lei saw of the girl she loved, Wren, was fighting an army of soldiers in a furious battle to the death. With the two girls torn apart and each in terrorizing peril, will they find each other again or have their destinies diverged forever.
The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea by Axie Oh: A feminist retelling of the Korean folktale The Tale of Shim Cheong, set in a town where every year a girl is sacrificed to the sea to stop torrential rains, but when a brave teen girl dives in herself to protect a loved one, she discovers a spirit kingdom in need of saving.
The Great Destroyers by Caroline Tung Richmond: set in alt-history, 1960s America where WWI & WII were fought with giant mechs, biracial Chinese American teen Jo Linden is Team USA’s most unlikely pick in the annual Pax Games, an Olympic-style competition that pits mecha pilots against each other.
The Heartforger (Bone Witch #2) by Rin Chupeco: With a thirst for vengeance, a band of terrifying daeva at her command, and her resurrected lover Kalen by her side, dark asha Tea is ready to face her adversaries.
A House of Rage and Sorrow (Celestial Trilogy #2) by Sangu Mandanna: As gods, beasts, and kingdoms choose sides, Alexi seeks out a weapon more devastating than even Titania. The House of Rey is at war. And the entire galaxy will bleed before the end.
Huntress by Malinda Lo: 17-year-olds Kaede and Taisin are called to go on a dangerous and unprecedented journey to Tanlili, the city of the Fairy Queen, in an effort to restore the balance of nature in the human world.
Ignite the Stars by Maura Milan: When outlaw Ia Ccha is captured by the Olympus Commonwealth and revealed to be a 16-year-old girl, they force her to serve them by joining the Commonwealth's military academy where new acquaintances cause Ia to question her own alliances.
The Immortal Rules (Blood of Eden #1) by Julie Kagawa: Allison Sekemoto survives in the Fringe, the outermost circle of a vampire city, until she too becomes an immortal vampire. Forced to flee into the unknown, outside her city walls, she joins a ragged band of humans who are seeking a legend -- a possible cure to the disease that killed off most of humankind and created the rabids, the mindless creatures who threaten humans and vampires alike.
Inferno (Talon #5) by Julie Kagawa: Ember Hill has learned a shocking truth about herself: she is the blood of the Elder Wyrm, the ancient dragon who leads Talon and who is on the verge of world domination. With the stakes rising and the Elder Wyrm declaring war, time is running out for the rogues and any dragon not allied with Talon. The final battle approaches. And if Talon is victorious, the world will burn.
The Infinity Courts by Akemi Dawn Bowman: Japanese American teen Nami Miyamoto finds herself in a limitless world where the human consciousness goes after death, where she battles an AI entity posing as a queen that has hacked its way into the afterlife.
Isle of Blood and Stone by Makiia Lucier: Mysterious maps from opposite ends of the sea cast doubt on the whereabouts of two princes, presumed dead.
Jade Fire Gold by June C.L. Tan: A debut fantasy inspired by Chinese mythology, in which peasant girl Anh, cursed with the power to steal souls enters a tenuous alliance with exiled prince Altan, bent on taking back the dragon throne, and save the empire from a cult of dangerous priests.
Journey to the Heart of the Abyss (Light in the Abyss #2) by London Shah: Leyla McQueen has finally reunited with her father after breaking him out of Broadmoor, the illegal government prison—but his freedom comes at a terrible cost. As Leyla celebrates his return, she must grapple with the pain of losing Ari. Now labeled the nation’s number one enemy, Leyla must risk illegal travel through unchartered waters for the truth behind her father’s arrest.
Hunted by the Sky by Tanaz Bhathena: Set in a world inspired by medieval India, the story tells of a girl, Gul, with a star-shaped birthmark who is prophesied to be the downfall of a tyrant king, the warrior women who come to her aid, and the boy she falls in love with.
The Keeper of the Night by Kylie Lee Baker: set in 1890s Japan, half-British reaper, half-Japanese Shinigami Ren Scarborough flees London and enters the Japanese underworld under the service of Izanami, the goddess of death.
King (Dragon King Chronicles #3) by Ellen Oh: Girl warrior, demon slayer, Tiger spirit of the Yellow Eyes - Kira is ready for her final quest! She must save her cousin, the boy fated to be the future king, uncover the third lost treasure, and face innumerable enemies in order to fulfill the famed prophecy.
A Kingdom for the Stage (For A Muse of Fire #2) by Heidi Heilig: The rebels are eager to use Le Trépas’s and necromancer Jetta’s combined magic against the invading colonists. Soon Jetta will face the choice between saving all of Chakrana or becoming like her father, and she isn’t sure which she’ll choose.
Kingdom of the Blazing Phoenix (Rise of the Empress #2) by Julie C. Dao: Princess Jade has grown up in exile while her stepmother, the ruthless Xifeng, rules Feng Lu. Ready to reclaim her place, Jade embarks on a quest to raise the Dragon Lords and defeat Xifeng and the Serpent God once and for all.
Legend by Marie Lu: In a dark future, when North America has split into two warring nations, 15-year-olds Day, a famous criminal, and prodigy June, the brilliant soldier hired to capture him, discover that they have a common enemy.
Legion (Talon #4) by Julie Kagawa: The legions are about to be unleashed, and no human, rogue dragon or former dragon slayer can stand against the coming horde in book 4 out of the Talon series.
The Library of Fates by Aditi Khorana: Amrita must unravel the mysteries of her past to save her kingdom, but in doing so, she herself might come unraveled.
The Light At the Bottom of the World by London Shah: Set in a future where the Earth is underwater, Leyla McQueen must navigate the treacherous abyss to find her missing father, but discovers a world drowning in lies.
Live in Infamy by Caroline Tung Richmond: 80 years since the Axis won World War II, and America was divided between the victors: the Nazis in the East and Imperial Japan in the West; but now resistance is growing in the Eastern territories and 16-year-old Chinese American Ren Cabot finds himself drawn into a resistance group. 
The Lost Girl by Sangu Mandanna: 15-year-old Eva is the clone of a girl living far, far away on another continent--and when this 'other' dies, Eva must step in and take over her life.
The Infinite (Gates of Thread and Stone #2) by Lori M. Lee: Kai always believed the only danger to the city came from within. Now, with a rebel force threatening the fragile government, the walls have become more of a prison than ever. To make matters worse, as Avan explores his new identity as an Infinite, Kai struggles to remind him what it means to be human. 
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao: blending Chinese history and mecha science, Wu Zetian offers herself up as a concubine-pilot to assassinate the ace male pilot responsible for her sister’s death. Features a poly F/M/M main romance.
The Iron Will of Genie Lo (Epic Crush of Genie Lo #2) by F.C. Yee: Along with a few other contenders for the throne,  heaven-appointed guardian Genie and her friends embark on a Heavenly quest to an in-between world.
The Magic Fish by Trung Le Nguyen: An intergenerational story of a mother and son struggling to relate to each other—the mother an immigrant to America who wants to make a home for her family in an unfamiliar country; the son Tiế  trying to figure out the best way to come out to his parents. Through telling each other fairy tales, they’re able to find common ground.
The Magnolia Sword: A Ballad of Mulan by Sherry Thomas: When her ailing father is conscripted to fight invaders from the north, Mulan dresses as a man to take his place in the army, but an old enemy and an attraction for her troop's commander complicate her mission.
The Memory Keepers by Natasha Ngan: Seven is a thief with a difference - he steals downloadable memories from banks and memoriums to sell onto London’s black market. But one night, as Seven is breaking into a private memorium in a wealthy part of London, he is caught in the act by one of its residents; Alba, the teenage daughter of London’s most famous criminal prosecutor. 
The Memory Key by Liana Liu: In the not-so-distant future, everyone is implanted with a memory key to stave off a virulent form of Alzeimer's. Lora Mint fears her memories of her deceased mother are fading, but when her memory key is damaged she has perfect recall--of everything-- which brings her mother's memory vividly back--but may also drive Lora mad. 
The Mermaid, The Witch, and The Sea by Maggie Tokuda-Hall: A desperate orphan turned pirate, Flora, and a rebellious imperial daughter, Lady Evelyn Hasegawa, find a connection on the high seas abroad the Dove, in a world divided by colonialism and threaded with magic.
The Midnight Star (Young Elites #3) by Marie Lu:  Adelina is forced to revisit old wounds when a new danger appears, putting not only Adelina at risk, but every Elite. In order to save herself and preserve her empire, Adelina and her Roses must join the Daggers on a perilous quest—though this uneasy alliance may prove to be the real danger.
The Midnight Thief by Livia Blackburne: Kyra, a highly skilled 17-year-old thief, joins a guild of assassins with questionable motives. Tristam, a young knight, fights against the vicious Demon Riders that are ravaging the city. 
Mirage by Somaiya Daud: In a star system dominated by the brutal Vathek empire, 18-year-old Amani is forced to work as a body double for the princess who is hated by her conquered people.
The Never Tilting World by Rin Chupeco: In  a world ruled by goddesses that has been split in two—one half existing in perpetual scorching Day, the other in freezing Night—twins separated at birth Odessa and Haidee embark on a quest across the great divide and rule a reunited world.
Mooncakes by Wendy Xu & Suzanne Walker: Teen witch Nova Huang runs into her childhood crush, Tam Lang, battling a horse demon in the woods. Pursued by dark forces eager to claim the magic of wolves and out of options, Tam turns to Nova for help. 
Moribito, Guardian of the Spirit by Nahoko Uehashi: The wandering warrior Balsa is hired to protect Prince Chagum from both a mysterious monster and the prince's father, the Mikado.
Moribito II, Guardian of the Darkness by Nahoko Uehashi: The wandering female bodyguard Balsa returns to her native country of Kanbal, where she uncovers a conspiracy to frame her mentor and herself.
Night of the Dragon (Shadow of the Fox #3) by Julie Kagawa: As darkness rises and chaos reigns,  fierce kitsune shapeshifter Yumeko and her shadowy protector Kage Tatsumi, will face down the greatest evil of all.
Not Your Sidekick by C.B. Lee: Resigned to a life without superpowers in a world full of them, Jess takes a paid internship where she helps a heinous supervillain and works with her longtime crush Abby, but stumbles on a massive plot.
Not Your Villain (Sidekick Squad #2) by C.B. Lee: After discovering a massive cover-up by the Heroes’ League of Heroes, shapeshifter Bells Broussard and his friends Jess, Emma, and Abby set off on a secret mission to find the Resistance.
Not Your Backup by C.B. Lee (Sidekick Squad #3): As the Resistance moves to challenge the corrupt League of Heroes, Emma Robledo realizes where her place is in this fight: at the front.
On This Unworthy Scaffold (Shadow Players #3) by Heidi Heilig: Jetta’s home is spiraling into civil war.Le Trépas—the deadly necromancer—has used his blood magic to wrest control of the country. Meanwhile, Jetta’s love interest, brother, and friend are intent on infiltrating the palace to stop the Boy King and find Le Trépas to put an end to the unleashed chaos.
The Only Thing to Fear by Caroline Tung Richmond: After 70 years since Hitler's armies won the war, 16-year-old Zara St. James lives in the Shenandoah hills, part of the Eastern American Territories, under the rule of the Nazis--but a resistance movement is growing. 
The Ones We’re Meant to Find by Joan He: In a near future when life is harsh outside of Earth’s last unpolluted place, Cee tries to leave an abandoned island while her sister, STEM prodigy Kasey Mizuhara, seeks escape from the science and home she once trusted.
One Dark Throne (Three Dark Crowns #2) by Kendare Blake: Preparing for the queens' sixteenth birthday celebration and navigating the fallout of the Quickening, sisters Arsinoe, Katharine, and Mirabella reassess their strategic paths to the throne using new understandings of their powers and destinies.
Our Violent Ends (These Violent Delights #2) by Chloe Gong: In 1927, Shanghai tethers on the edge of revolution. After sacrificing her relationship with Roma to protect him from the blood feud, Juliette has been a girl on the warpath. Then a new monstrous danger emerges in the city, and while secrets keep them apart, Juliette must secure Roma’s cooperation if they are to end this threat.
Prodigy (Legend #2) by Marie Lu: June and Day make their way to Las Vegas where they join the rebel Patriot group and become involved in an assassination plot against the Elector in hopes of saving the Republic.
Quantum Coin (Fair Coin #2) by E.C. Myers: Ephraim, Jena, and Zoe embark on a mission across multiple worlds to learn what's going wrong and how to stop it. They will have to draw on every resource available and trust in alternate versions of themselves and their friends, before it's too late for all of them.
Ravage the Dark (Scavenge the Stars #2) by Tara Sim: After escaping the city of Moray, Amaya and Cayo head to the port city of Baleine to find the mysterious Benefactor and put a stop to the counterfeit currency that is spreading Ash Fever throughout the kingdoms.
The Reader by Traci Chee:  Set in a world where reading is unheard-of, Sefia makes use of a mysterious object to track down who kidnapped her aunt Nin and what really happened the night her father was murdered.
A Reaper At the Gates (An Ember in the Ashes #3) by Sabaa Tahir: Beyond the Empire and within it, the threat of war looms ever larger as the Blood Shrike, Helene Aquilla, Laia of Serra, and Elias Veturius all face increasing dangers.
Rebel (Legend #4) by Marie Lu: Brothers Eden and Daniel Wing struggle to accept who they’ve each become since their time in the Republic, but a new danger creeps into the distance that’s grown between them. Eden soon finds himself drawn so far into Ross City’s dark side, even his legendary brother can’t save him. At least not on his own.
Rebelwing by Andrea Tang: At a prestigious prep school, scholastic student Prudence Wu, who smuggles censored media in a futuristic North America divided by culture wars and becomes an unlikely revolutionary, after being imprinted by Rebelwing, a sentient cybernetic dragon.
Renegade Flight (Rebelwing #2) by Andrea Tang: Pilot-in-training Viola Park, a probationary student at GAN Academy, enters a mech combat tournament that becomes a fight for the future of Peacekeepers everywhere.
Rising Like a Storm (The Wrath of Ambar #2) by Tanaz Bhathena: Gul and Cavas must unite their magical forces―and hold onto their growing romance―to save their kingdom from tyranny.
The Righteous (The Beautiful #3) by Renée Ahdieh: Pippa Montrose is tired of losing everything she loves. When her best friend Celine disappears under mysterious circumstances, Pippa resolves to find her, even if the journey takes her into the dangerous world of the fae, where she might find more than she bargained for in the charismatic Arjun Desai.
The Rise of Kyoshi by F.C. Yee: The never-before-told backstory of Avatar Kyoshi, from a girl of humble origins to the merciless pursuer of justice who is still feared and admired centuries after she became the Avatar.
Rogue (Talon #2) by Julie Kagawa: Unable to forget the human boy who saved her from a Talon assassin, Ember is determined to save him from execution with the help of rebel dragon Cobalt and his crew of rogues.
Rogue Heart (Rebel Seoul #2) by Axie Oh: Two years after the Battle of Neo Seoul, telepath Ama must use her telepathic abilities to infiltrate the base of the Alliance’s new war commander, Alex Kim, her first love who betrayed her.
The Rose and the Dagger (Wrath and the Dawn #2) by Renee Adhieh: Unsure who to trust, Shahrzad takes matters into her own hands to try and break the curse and reunite with her one true love.
The Rose Society (Young Elites #2) by Marie Lu: Adelina Amouteru’s heart has suffered at the hands of both family and friends, turning her down the bitter path of revenge. Now known and feared as the White Wolf, she and her sister flee Kenettra to find other Young Elites in the hopes of building her own army of allies. Her goal: to strike down the Inquisition Axis.
Ruse (Want #2) by Cindy Pon: In near-future Shanghai where society is divided between the fabulously wealthy business elite and the masses they exploit, Jason Zhou must play a dangerous cat and mouse game with the ruthless CEO of an all powerful corporation which has an ever-growing choke hold on the polluted metropolis.
Scavenge the Stars by Tara Sim: In the city-state of Moray, Amaya, orphaned by a powerful merchant’s greed and condemned to seven years aboard a debtor’s ship, returns to seek revenge only to encounter the merchant’s son in this gender-swapped retelling of The Count of Monte Cristo.
Serpentine by Cindy Pon: Although 16-year-old Skybright feels lucky to be the handmaid and companion to the daughter of a wealthy family, she is hiding a secret that threatens to destroy her position and her closest relationships.
Sacrifice (Serpertine #2) by Cindy Pon: When Zhen Ni discovers that her new husband, the strange and brutish Master Hou, may not be all he seems, Skybright and Stone must travel through the terrifying underworld to save her.
Seven Deadly Shadows by Courtney Alameda & Valynne Maetani: Set in contemporary Japan, Shinto temple priestess Kira Fujikawa, must seek the aid of seven ruthless shinigami, in order to protect Kyoto from an ancient evil.
Shatter the Sky by Rebecca Kim Wells: Maren, desperate to save her kidnapped girlfriend Kaia, plans to steal one of the emperor’s dragons and storm the Aurati stronghold, but her success depends on becoming an apprentice to the mysterious dragon trainer, which proves to be a dangerous venture.
Talon by Julie Kagawa: In a world in which near-extinct dragons pass as humans to grow their numbers secretly, siblings Ember and Dante Hill prepare for destined positions in the world of Talon only to be hunted by a dragon-slaying soldier.
The Ship Beyond Time (Girl From Everywhere #2) by Heidi Heilig: Nix has escaped her past, but when the person she loves most is at risk, even the daughter of a time traveler may not be able to outrun her fate—no matter where she goes.
The Shadow Mission (The Athena Protocol #2) by Shamim Sharif: Jessie Archer faced down death to prove her dedication to Athena, the elite organization of female spies she works for. Now she’s back on the team, in time to head to Pakistan to take down the man whose actions spurred Athena’s founders to create the secretive squad. 
The Shadow of Kyoshi (Kyoshi #2) by F.C. Yee: Kyoshi’s place as the true Avatar has finally been cemented. With her mentors gone, Kyoshi voyages across the Four Nations, struggling to keep the peace. But while her reputation grows, a mysterious threat emerges from the Spirit World. To stop it, Kyoshi, Rangi, and their reluctant allies must join forces.
Shadow of the Fox by Julie Kagawa: Demons have burned the temple Yumeko was raised in to the ground, killing everyone within, including the master who trained her to both use and hide her kitsune shapeshifting powers. Yumeko escapes with the temple’s greatest treasure—one part of the ancient scroll. Fate thrusts her into the path of a mysterious samurai, Kage Tatsumi of the Shadow Clan. Yumeko knows he seeks what she has…and is under orders to kill anything and anyone who stands between him and the scroll.
Shadow Girl by Liana Liu: When Mei arrives at the beautiful home on Arrow Island, she can't help feeling relieved. She's happy to spend the summer tutoring a rich man's daughter if it means a break from her normal life. Yet she can't shake her fear that there is danger lurking in the shadows of this beautiful house, a darkness that could destroy the family inside and out...and Mei along with them. 
Shadowsong (Wintersong #2) by S. Jae-Jones: Liesl is working toward furthering both her brother’s and her own musical careers. But when troubling signs arise that the barrier between worlds is crumbling, Liesl must return to the Underground to unravel the mystery of life, death, and the Goblin King—who he was, who he is, and who he will be.
Smoke in the Sun (A Flame in the Mist #2) by Renee Ahdieh: After Okami is captured in the Jukai forest, Mariko has no choice—to rescue him, she tricks her brother, Kenshin, and betrothed, Raiden, into thinking she was being held by the Black Clan against her will. But each secret Mariko unfurls gives way to the next, ensnaring her and Okami in a political scheme that threatens their honor, their love and very the safety of the empire.
Sisters of the Snake by Sasha & Sarena Nanua: an Indian-inspired fantasy where twins separated at birth—one now a princess, the other a street thief— must switch places in a bid to stop a catastrophic war that threatens to tear their kingdom apart.
Silver Phoenix (Kingdom of Xia #1) by Cindy Pon: With her father long overdue from his journey and a lecherous merchant blackmailing her into marriage, 17-year-old Ai Ling becomes aware of a strange power within her as she goes in search of her parent.
The Silvered Serpents (The Gilded Wolves #2) by Roshani Chokshi: Séverin and his team members might have successfully thwarted the Fallen House, but at a terrible cost. Desperate to make amends, Séverin pursues a dangerous lead to find a long lost artifact rumored to grant its possessor the power of God. Their hunt lures them far from Paris, and into icy heart of Russia.
Six Crimson Cranes by Elizabeth Lim: The Wild Swans meets East Asian fantasy where an exiled princess, Shiori, must unweave the curse that turned her brothers into cranes, assisted by her spurned betrothed, a mercurial dragon, and a paper bird brought to life by her own magic.
A Sky Beyond the Storm (An Ember in the Ashes #4) by Sabaa Tahir: Laia of Serra is now allied with the Blood Shrike, Helen Aquilla. Determined to stop the approaching apocalypse, she throws herself into the destruction of the Nightbringer. In the process, she awakens an ancient power that could lead her to victory–or to an unimaginable doom.
Skyhunter by Marie Lu: Robbed of her voice and home, Talin Kanami knows firsthand the brutality of the Federation. Their cruelty forced her and her mother to seek asylum in Mara. When a mysterious prisoner is brought from the front, Talin senses there’s more to him than meets the eye. 
The Shadow Glass (Bone Witch #3) by Rin Chupeco: Bone witch Tea’s dark magic eats away at her, but she must save the one she loves most, even while her life—and the kingdoms—are on the brink of destruction.
Song of the Abyss (Towers of Wind #2) by Makiia Lucier: When menacing raiders attack her ship, navigator Reyna must use every resource at her disposal, including placing her trust in a handsome prince from a rival kingdom.
Song of the Crimson Flower by Julie C. Dao: After cruelly rejecting Bao, the poor physician’s apprentice who loves her, Lan, a wealthy nobleman’s daughter, regrets her actions. After learning that Bao’s soul has been trapped inside a flute by a witch, Lan vows to make amends and help break the spell.
Soul of the Sword (Shadow of the Fox #2) by Julie Kagawa: As the paths of Yumeko and the possessed Tatsumi cross once again, the entire empire will be thrown into chaos.
A Spark of White Fire by Sangu Mandanna: In this sci-fi retelling of the  Mahabrahata, Esmae learns that the King of Wychstar is offering the unbeatable warship Titania to the winner of his competition and she sees her chance to return home and help her brother win back his kingdom.
The Speaker (Sea of Ink and Gold #2) by Traci Chee: Having barely escaped the clutches of the Guard, Sefia and Archer are back on the run, slipping into the safety of the forest to tend to their wounds and plan their next move.
Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim: 17-year-old Maia Tamarin poses as a boy to compete for the role of imperial tailor, and embarks on an impossible journey to sew three magic dresses, from the sun, the moon, and the stars, with help from the mysterious court magician, Edan.
Spell Starter (Caster #2) by Elsie Chapman: Yes, Aza Wu now has magic back, but now she’s in the employ of the gang leader, St. Willow. Who soon decides that having Aza as a fighter is much more lucrative than as a fixer.
Star Daughter by Shveta Thakrar: Inspired by Hindu mythology, half-mortal, half-star Sheetal enters a celestial competition to save her human father’s life.
The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi:  Treated with scorn and fear in her father's kingdom because of a formidable horoscope, 16-year-old Maya commits herself to her education only to land in an arranged marriage that culminates in her sudden elevation to the throne, a situation that is threatened by dark secrets and Otherworldly magic.
Star-Touched Stories by Roshani Choski:Three lush and adventurous stories in the Star-Touched world.
Steelstriker (Skyhunter #2) by Marie Lu: After the fall of Mara, and with the fate of a broken world hanging in the balance, Talin and Red must reunite the Strikers and find their way back to one another.
Storm the Earth (Shatter the Sky #2) by Rebecca Kim Wells: Maren and her girlfriend Kaia set out to rescue Sev  in Zafed, and free the dragons from the corrupt emperor.
The Storyteller (Sea of Ink and Gold #3) by Traci Chee: Sefia is determined to keep Archer out of the Guard’s clutches and their plans for war between the Five Kingdoms. As Sefia and Archer watch Kelanna start to crumble to the Guard’s will, they will have to choose between their love and joining a war that just might tear them apart.
Stronger Than A Bronze Dragon by Mary Fan: In this steampunk fantasy set in Qing dynasty-inspired China, warrior girl Anlei teams up with a thief to save her village from shadow spirits, but after arriving at the Courts of Hell, a discovery challenges everything they know about who the real enemy is.
The Suffering (Girl From the Well #2) by Rin Chupeco: When an old friend disappears in Aokigahara, Japan's infamous 'suicide forest,' Tark and the ghostly Okiku must resolve their differences and return to find her. In a strange village inside Aokigahara, old ghosts and an ancient evil lie waiting. 
These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong: In 1920s Shanghai, starcrossed heirs to rival gangs, Juliette Cai and Roma Montagov, must work together to face a monster that hunts the city streets before the outbreak of the Chinese Civil War.
Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake: A fantasy about triplet sisters separated at birth, where one of the sisters will grow up to be queen of their magical island, but in order to ascend to the throne she must hone her magic for a dark purpose: assassinating her other two sisters before they kill her first.
A Thousand Beginnings and Endings edited by Ellen Oh & Elsie Chapman: 15 bestselling and acclaimed authors reimagine the folklore and mythology of East and South Asia in short stories that are by turns enchanting, heartbreaking, romantic, and passionate.
A Thousand Fires by Shannon Price: In modern-day San Francisco where three gangs rule the city streets, half-Filipina teen Valerie Simons enters the Red Bridge Wars to seek vengeance for her younger brother’s death, but soon finds herself torn between old love and new loyalty.
The Tiger at Midnight by Swati Teerdhala: In ancient India, soldier Kunal hunts the “Viper,” rebel girl Esha accused of killing his General, embarking on a dangerous cat and mouse game and where both must decide—loyalty to their old lives or to a love that’s made them dream of new ones.
Timekeeper by Tara Sim: set in an alternate Victorian era where clock towers control time, about a teen clock mechanic who is assigned to repair a damaged tower and finds himself falling in forbidden love with the boy he mistakes for his apprentice, but is actually the tower’s clock spirit, and whose life is threatened by a mysterious attacker planting bombs in clock towers across England.
A Torch Against the Night (An Ember in the Ashes #2) by Sabaa Tahir: Laia and Elias fight their way north to liberate Laia’s brother from the horrors of Kauf Prison. Hunted by Empire soldiers, manipulated by the Commandant, and haunted by their pasts, Laia and Elias must outfox their enemies and confront the treacherousness of their own hearts.
Two Dark Reigns (Three Dark Crowns #3) by Kendare Blake: A victorious Katharine sits on the throne, Mirabella and Arsinoe are in hiding, and an unexpected renegade is about to wage a war of her own. The crown has been won, but these queens are far from done.
Unravel the Dusk (The Blood of Stars #2) by Elizabeth Lim: With a war brewing, master tailor Maia Tamarin will stop at nothing to find her love Edan, protect her family, and bring lasting peace to her country.
Vicious Spirits (Gumiho #2) by Kat Cho: With the support of Somin and Junu, Miyoung and Jihoon might just have a shot at normalcy. But Miyoung is getting sicker by the day and her friends don’t know how to save her. With few options remaining, Junu has an idea but it might require the ultimate sacrifice and, let’s be honest, Junu isn’t known for his “generosity.”
Want by Cindy Pon: Set in a teeming, pollution choked Taipei which follows a group of teens living on the seedy fringes of a highly divided society that works only for the elite as they decide to risk everything to take down the powerful company which controls the city. 
Warcross by Marie Lu: When teenage coder Emika Chen hacks her way into the opening tournament of the Warcross Championships, she glitches herself into the game as well as a sinister plot with major consequences for the entire Warcross empire. 
Warrior (Dragon King Chronicles #2) by Ellen Oh: Kira, the yellow-eyed demon slayer of Hansong, continues her quest to find the lost treasures of the dragon king's prophecy, save her cousin, the prince, unite her kingdom, and defeat the demon lord
We Hunt the Flame (Sands of Arawiya #1) by Hafsah Faizal: In a world inspired by ancient Arabia, 17-year-old huntress Zafira must disguise herself as a man to seek a lost artifact that could return magic to her cursed world.
We Free the Stars (Sands of Arawiya #2) by Hafsah Faizal: When Zafria, the Hunter, and Nasir, the Prince of Death both embark on a quest to uncover a lost magic artifact, they encounter an ancient evil long thought destroyed - and discover that the prize they seek may be even more dangerous this time.
Where Dreams Descend by Janella Angeles: Showgirl Kallia, haunted by a dark past, must compete in a magician’s competition in order to secure her ambition and freedom from the handsome, enigmatic keeper of the club, Jack, even as mysterious accidents seem to plague her every move, while crossing paths with another talented magician, Demarco.
When Night Breaks (Kingdom of Hearts #2) by Janella Angeles: The competition has come to a disastrous end, and Daron Demarco’s fall from grace is now front page news. But little matters to him beyond Kallia, the contestant he fell for. With time running out, Kallia must embrace her role in a darker destiny.
Wicked Fox by Kat Cho: After 18-year-old Miyoung Gu, a nine-tailed fox surviving in modern-day Seoul by eating the souls of evil men, kills a murderous goblin to save Jihoon, she is forced to choose between her immortal life and his.
Wildcard (Warcross #2) by Marie Lu: Emika Chen barely made it out of the Warcross Championships alive. Knowing the truth behind Hideo's new NeuroLink algorithm, she is determined to put a stop to his plans. 
The Wild Ones by Nafiza Azad: A a multi-perspective feminist narrative about a fierce band of magic-wielding girls—the Wild Ones—who have collectively survived unspeakable things, and together are determined to save other girls from the cruelties and tragedies they’ve had to endure in their own past lives.
Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones: After her sister is kidnapped by the Goblin King, Liesl journeys to the Underground and is faced with an impossible decision when she finds herself captivated by the strange world and its mysterious ruler.
Wicked As You Wish by Rin Chupeco: A girl descended from Filipina mythological heroine Maria Makiling, finds herself caught up in a war between two fairy tale kingdoms, where the fate of Avalon is at stake.
Windborn by Mary Fan: With magicians hot on their trail, air nymph Kiri and magician’s apprentice Darien embark on a treacherous journey through dangerous lands to freedom.
World After (Penryn & The End of Days #2) by Susan Ee: Penryn's search for her kidnapped sister, Paige, leads her into the heart of the angels' secret plans, while Raffe must choose between reclaiming his wings--and his role as the angels' leader--or helping Penryn survive.
The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Adhieh: In this reimagining of The Arabian Nights, Shahrzad plans to avenge the death of her dearest friend by volunteering to marry the murderous boy-king of Khorasan but discovers not all is as it seems within the palace.
Zeroboxer by Fonda Lee: As 17-year-old Carr 'the Raptor' Luka rises to fame in the weightless combat sport of zeroboxing, he learns a devastating secret that jeopardizes not only his future in the sport, but interplanetary relations.
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clickbait-official · 3 years
from @artwitch28's headcannons
tw: implied/referenced abuse, depressive themes, and transphobia
Endeavor was a stuck up little bitch.
Not that a lot of people knew.
Oh well. He’ll get his revenge one day.
Touya sighs, setting his keys on the counter.
“Keigo! I’m home!”
The house was big- airy, if that was a word. Birdboy hated closed spaces. Touya couldn’t blame him, either; he couldn’t stand anything that looked like his “training” room.
There was a thunk upstairs as Keigo ran down to greet him.
“How was work? How was Dad?” He asks.
“Dad”, Atsuhiro Sako, was Touya’s adopted dad. They worked together under their agency, the League of Heroes. The League of Heroes were made up of heroes who were told they were villains, or considered outcasts.
“It was alright, Big sis Magne started asking people if they wanted interns.” Touya responds to his fiance.
Keigo comes up behind him, hugging him and wrapping his wings around Touya.
“Hmmm. Did you look for an intern, dove? You could get your brother~”
“I didn’t think about it, no. But there’s Toga already. Did you?”
Touya can feel Keigo smile into his shoulder.
“There’s one with a bird quirk.”
“Oh, I see.” Touya smirks.
His stomach rumbles as he does.
“Aww, does my little birdie need some food?” Keigo says, a twinkle in his eye. “I’ll go get you some.”
He grabs his hand and leads him to the kitchen.
They look through the fridge, then the freezer.
“Chinken nuggets?” Keigo asks, after a beat of silence.
“You did not just reference that, again.”
And Keigo laughs, loud and clear. Touya thinks it’s the prettiest thing he’s ever heard.
God, he’s in deep, isn’t he?
They sit together at the counter while they wait for the food to cook. They don’t talk for a bit, just enjoying each other’s company.
“Speaking of Shoto, how’s the family? Rumi’s been talking ‘bout Fuyumi a lot.” Keigo says, taking the pan out of the oven.
“Oh my goodness- remember that crusty kid I was talking to you about? He’s dating Natsuo.” Touya deadpans, and Keigo bursts into giggles.
“God, he could do so much better! And he chose the crustiest kid on this side of Japan!” He rants, Keigo staring from across the table.
“Hana’ll kill you for that.”
Touya sighs again, knowing that he was right. “Yeah, I know. I still don’t know why Natsuo chose her crusty brother, but he’s happy. And it gets him out of the house, too.”
Keigo nods. “Away from Endeavor.”
“Away from Endeavor.”
They sit for a while in silence at that. Touya knows Keigo used to idolize Endeavor, and he knows why.
God, out of all people, couldn’t Keigo have a good childhood?
At least he’s not hurting now.
The sun has fallen, and they’re laying on their bed.
The moonlight filters through the curtains. Keigo’s been asleep for a while now.
The slightest breeze drifts into the room.
If we lived in a harsher world, we’d be so much more cruel.
Oh, what a beautiful night to be alive with you.
Touya brings Keigo into the agency. He’d been curious about how it worked- the League was unprecedented.
Touya hoped he’d want to join too. He wouldn’t mind his soon-to-be husband patrolling with him.
Hero work is a dangerous game to play, after all.
The League of Heroes’s building is not very intimidating. It’s survived thunderstorms, 52 mental breakdowns (not by the same person), and now the prank the entire League is in on.
It’s time for the hero charts.
It had taken so much bribing, from the poor intern that worked for one of the higher ups, to one of the higher ups themselves.
Touya could only hope it was worth it.
Oh, it was worth it.
On live television, in front of nearly the entire world, Enji Todoroki, known as Endeavor, had gotten massively pranked.
First, it was the glitter. Then, the water balloons and the rainbow slime. After that, it was the chicken and the three fire extinguishers.
And of course, copious amounts of cheese.
And it was all filmed. It was all broadcasted to a live audience.
Oh- and everyone knew who did it.
But there was no evidence.
God, Touya loved trashing Endeavwhore (and that’s an insult to sex workers).
It was the night after when Twice suggested something Touya had never thought of before.
The night was young, fireflies just beginning to come out. They were on the balcony, drinking and catching up like family would.
“Hey,” He said, “Why don’t you sue him? Get your bro outta that place and over here.”
Twice was a genius.
Twice was a goddamn genius.
Headlines were all over the place. “Endeavor gets sued?” “Enji Todoroki- an abusive piece of shit?” “Endeavor loses custody!”
God, the journalists were having a fucking field day with this. Touya can’t blame them, though.
The day was beautiful. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming, and little kids were running around outside. Keigo was sitting next to him, listening to his music. Touya finished up some paperwork to finally, finally get his siblings out from under Endeavor.
Thankfully, there was enough evidence to prove he was at least neglectful. People could finally see just how much of an asshole he was, and how high his civilian casualty and endangerment rates are.
There was one teeny, tiny, thing.
The Commission.
The only reason Endeavor was still in the top ten is because of that fucking Commission.
God, he hated the Commission. The things they did to Keigo, the scars that still remain on his psyche.
Fuck the Commission.
It just- It made him so angry. The way Toga and Spinner were treated, how Twice wasn’t able to get help until he became a hero- God, he hated it.
And he didn’t even know how bad it was! He was sheltered from Quirkist attitudes. Well, as sheltered as you can be, living with Endeavor as a dad.
He only knew a little bit of how much they had suffered under this system. He knew there was something more to how Twice always stayed in his hero costume, or how Magne avoided that one part of town. How Toga stared at that one schoolyard for a little too long before walking away.
And he hated it. So, so much.
Fuck the Commission.
It’s Touya’s first free day. The hecticness of moving all of his sibling’s stuff into their house was crazy. Who knew that keeping a house was so hard? Not him, that’s who.
So, like any rational person, he goes out to catch up with a close friend.
He had met her during his time at U.A. Her name was Hana Shimura. They bonded through their shitty parents. She was the older sister of the crusty fuck, Tenko.
Why did Natsuo decide to date him? He'll never know.
Somehow or another, the conversation went from how their days went to when Tenko got his quirk.
“Yeah, he decayed the dog! Thankfully he froze up after, so I got Mom. If he didn’t freeze up, I’d be dead.”
The way she had said it- so casually...She probably was terrified at the time.
“There was a UA student that helped him, too. Oboro? I think that was his name...Anyway, Oboro really helped him! He’s kinda a father to him, if I’m being honest.” She went on, telling Touya how proud of Tenko she was.
How he had become a search and rescue hero, which he already knew, and using his quirk he had helped so many people! Because he can decay the debris trapping civilians and rescue them!
They walk down the street, still talking about their siblings and generally how life was going.
They were gonna meet up with Twice. There was a new restaurant that he noticed during his patrols.
Touya heard it was pretty good from Fuyumi and Rumi.
It looked pretty nice, too. He’d walked by it a few times.
“So how is Twice, anyway? I don’t hear much from him these days.” Hana says, pushing open the door to the restaurant.
“Guess you’ll find out, huh?”
Twice is sitting at an empty table in a corner. He was smart enough to change out of his hero costume, just like Touya and Hana.
He lifts his head as they get closer to the table.
“Hey guys! How’ve you been!” He greets them as they sit down.
“Good, good. We were talking about my brother, Tenko.” Hana says. Touya nods in agreement.
“And also how he got to be a hero, too.”
“Did I ever tell ya how I got to be a hero?” Twice asks them, barely containing a smile.
He never told them, well, not Touya.
Turns out, when he was having trouble with his Quirk, one of his doubles went and got a hero license. At the time he was barely of the streets, so he became a hero, joining up with Mr. Compress and Magne to create the League of Heroes.
Because why not? It kept him off the streets and he could help people like him.
A win-win for Twice.
Touya hated how his weird uncle was treated before he became a hero.
Because he was a person, like anyone else. Just a person.
So why was he treated so differently? Why didn’t people help him when he needed it?
God, Touya was so tired.
It’s late one night. Touya is alone with his adopted father.
“Dad, why’d you decide to be a hero?” He asks out of the blue.
Atsuhiro’s eyes mist over, and Touya worries for him. Touya’s told him all about the horrific shit he’s gone through, and he can’t help but wonder if he had gone through something horrible too.
Atsuhiro takes out a silver locket, and gently pries it open. He points at the picture inside.
“Look! It’s them…My perfect little family... That’s them! There’s my little girl, and the most beautiful person to ever exist. There they are…”
It’s silent for a moment, the only thing one could hear were the cicadas far away from here.
Touya opens his mouth, “What...What happened to them?”
“A hero. He didn’t care for protocol. He killed- He killed them! And no one believed me…” Atsuhiro trails off, looking down at the floor.
Touya can’t help but feel sorrow, too. He could’ve had a mom, another sister...
He really needs to stop adopting people.
He can’t imagine the pain Mr. Compress must’ve been in. To lose a lover, a child? Oh, it must hurt- so, so much. To lose what was essentially a part of you?
Oh, it hurts to even imagine.
“...They’re really pretty, Dad.”
“They...were both so beautiful in this picture. Toga reminds me of her, y’know? They are both so pretty, so grown-up, and have that same sense of humor…”
Touya’s not sure to who he’s referring to, but nods anyway.
Who’s he to question grieving old men?
“And the days fly by so fast now, I can’t help but feel as though I’m supposed to be insulted by it. But I can’t bring myself to care anymore…It hurts, Touya, it hurts. Sometimes...I can hardly bring myself out of bed...I feel like a ghost…”
It’s silent for a moment, before Touya speaks.
“Dad, I think you need to get help. This isn’t normal. And…I think they’d want you to be happy too, Dad. Don’t you deserve to be happy, too?”
“...I don’t know.”
“You don’t...know?”
“I don’t think I am. But...I want you to be happy. And Tenko, and Hana, and Twice, and Magne...But it’s so tiring, being happy. And I don’t know what to do!”
His sobs seem to echo through the building.
“Come on, Dad. Let’s get you help. You can get some rest.”
He leads Sako back to his house, Atsuhiro being half-asleep by the time they get home.
Mr. Compress takes the spare bedroom, and falls asleep as soon as he hits the pillow. Keigo notices Touya, and walks over to him.
“Heya dove~ How was your day?”
“Worrying. Dad...Dad needs some help. He’s got some shit going on...He’s so tired, Kei. We need to get him therapy or something.”
“Oh, baby…” Keigo whispers, but Touya is too tired to hear.
He falls asleep in his fiance’s arms, safe and sound.
The house is abuzz with activity when Touya wakes up. Keigo’s laughter echoes around the place, filling the air with a sense of home.
What a beautiful way to wake up.
Touya gets dressed and walks downstairs. Keigo’s in the kitchen, talking amicably with his sister, Fuyumi. Dad was smiling fondly at the sight, picking at his food. Natsuo was talking on the phone with someone, blushing a little.
Keigo turns towards him, and oh, he was so handsome.
“Good morning, dovely~”
Unbelievable. It was too early for puns.
“Ugh, no. Don’t ever make puns this early. Dad, you doing okay?”
Atsuhiro looks over at him, the corners of his eyes crinkling.
“I’m doing just fine, sonny boy~”
“God, it’s too early for this shit. Keigo, get me some coffee, will you?”
“Language!” Fuyumi scolds.
Eventually the coffee is made, and tables cleaned. Breakfast is done.
Keigo helps set up an appointment with Fuyumi. She’s a part time therapist, part time substitute teacher.
Touya takes a deep breath. One day, Dad will be okay. He’ll be alright.
Time for work.
It’s a beautiful, sunny day when Touya goes on patrol again. This time with Magne and the new intern, Toga.
He already knew somewhat what the girls had gone through.
“Good morning, Magne, Toga.” He greeted them.
“Good morning!” Toga says, and then they go off.
Touya’s stuck in his thoughts as they walk to a coffee house while on break. He listens in as he reaches for the door.
“Yeah, my parents threw me out cause they didn’t think I was a girl.”
“My parents threw me out, too! I had to run away, they didn’t like my quirk very much...I got lucky, and Mom became my mom! That’s how I became a hero! How did you, big sis Magne?”
“Mr. Compress saved me from one of those fucking creeps. He let me stay with him for a while, and helped me get back on my feet. I decided to be a hero then, to help people like me.”
They sit down at one of the tables, still talking about their lives. Touya takes a bite of his muffin.
Ah, life was alright, if just for a little while.
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pamgkrthwrites · 4 years
Flame of Healing | EraserMic x Reader | Chapter 1 - Fear
Masterlist | AO3
Warning: Soulmate AU
Word Count: 2023
A/N: So this chapter is rather slow and you don’t really see Shouta or Hitzashi with chapter, but we will get there I promise. Just hold up for me please.
Everyone got their soulmate names at the same time they got their quirk. However, unlike everyone else, you were part of the small 1% who got two names on their wrists. 
Even now, you can remember your parents and siblings faces when they found out. You younger brother grew disgusted while your older brother was happy for you. My father was indifferent while your mother was concerned. 
Even now, you could remember your caretakers and classmates reactions. Everyone was judging you and so you decided when you were 10 that you would hide your soulmates names.
Luckily your mother was Hero, her quirk being named Phoenix, a firebird quirk with some regeneration with it. Your father was guirkless but worked in the police force. She was able to get you all to move to Musutafu when you made this choice.
You would cover the names each day with waterproof makeup and with your mother connections, were able to have your soulmates names censored from your legal papers. However, that never stopped you from looking at their names at night. 
Shouta Aizawa on your right wrist and Hizashi Yamada on your left wrist. You would stare at their names for hours and whisper promises that once you meet, you’ll be better than you are now. 
Your older brother got the bird quirk from your mother, having dove-like wings on his back. Your younger brother had a fire quirk that responded to his emotions. You, however, got the regeneration part of your mother’s quirk. You could heal anyone around you and would always be full of energy. You were often put into sports events forced by your school as you could stay in the game. You felt little pain and could spread that to the rest of your team.
However, you learnt early on that people liked to use you for your quirk. You had more fake friends than you could count. The only real friend you had was a boy named Oboro Shirakumo. Sadly you met him in your last of middle school.
“Your applying to UA’s hero course?” You asked him.
“Yeah!” You smiled brightly as you two walked home from school. “I know we have joked about being heroes, but I really want to be one, ya know!”
“I’m happy for you Oboro.” You smile back at him. “Just don’t get hurt, I can’t just walk up over there to heal your dumbass all the time.”
Oboro laughed at your silly comment at him and he softly nudged your arm. You smiled, but at the back of your mind, you were sad at this. You were happy for him sure, but you would have to watch your only real friend walk away. Walk somewhere you saw your own mother had walked from. Hero life seemed cool, but it wasn’t from your point of view. You and your brothers had been endanger before from villains hating your mother. 
“Don’t see this as me abandoning you, okay?” He said softly. 
You looked up at him and his soft smile. You had wanted to tell Oboro the truth about your soulmate situation, but feared he would get mad at the lie or be disgusted at you for having two soulmates, like almost everyone in your life. He actually didn’t have a soulmate, and so you feared he may see you as mocking him, even though you had been doing this for 4 or so years.
“I could never, Oboro.” You smiled sweetly at him. “You’re my best friend and I will stand by you, even if we become distance.”
He smiled. “We can choose our own destinies Y/N.”
Oboro often said this because of his no soulmate situation. He saw it as that we got to choose who we love while everyone else didn’t. It kinda hurt, considering you had two soulmates, but you started to really think about his meaning.
Did you actually have to love your soulmate? Could you avoid meeting them? Could you lie to them? Could you hate them? Could you love someone who isn’t your soulmate?
Your thoughts went to a dark place with it, sure, but there were questions no one wanted to ask or answer, besides you. 
When Oboro got accepted into UA, you were happy for him. You two had a small party at his place, but when the new school year started you noticed him being really focused for once. Well, more focused. 
You meet up became less and less. The weekend before the sports festival came and you went over to Oboro’s house.
“Oboro, how you doing buddy?” You slowly entered into his room.
The boy with blue fire like hair looked up at you. His head was laid down onto his desk and his eyes looked tired. 
“Y/N, the training for the festival…” He said in a weak voice as he weakly reached out for you.
You giggled and walked over to him. You sat down next to him, put your hand on his back and activated your quirk. 
“This will just give a little boost and make sure you won’t get sick. You need to sleep Oboro.” You patted his back once you were done.
“Are you coming to the festival?!” He smiled at you he leaned closer to you. 
Your faces were almost touching and you felt you checks burn.
“Um, yeah I will. I won’t be able to come backstage or anything-”
“If you walk in with me, you are able to sit backstage with us!” He smiled, devilishly.
“...What are you planning, Oboro?”
“I just want you to meet Shouto and Hizashi, Y/N.” He smiled brightly as he brought his face away from yours. 
Your heart dropped and your eyes widen. You felt cold. How did he know about their names?
“They’re in my class at UA!” You said, after seeing your reaction. “I noticed your name on their wrists but also each other names. I pieced it together quickly after that.”
“...I’m sorry I didn’t tell you Oboro. I got judged for it a lot and so I-”
Oboro put a finger on your lips and looked into your eyes. “I know Y/N, and I understand. You have nothing to worry about.”
“Besides you trying to match me up with my soulmates.” You jokes and pushed his hand away in a joking manner.
“It will be fun though!” He whined with a smile on his face. 
“I’m not ready yet though!” You joked with him.
“Shouta isn’t ready either to be honest.” He leaned back in his chair and made a serious face.
“What do you mean?” You asked as fear started to walk up your back.
“Hizashi is the only person he talks to in the class for obvious reasons.” He sighed as he pushed back his hair. “When I tried talking to him he closed me off. He doesn’t know what hero he wants to be just yet, which is fine don’t get me wrong. But he doesn’t have a fighting style yet and his eyes get sore a lot.”
“...His eyes get sore?”
“YES!” Oboro sad up and smiled up at you again. “That’s how your perfect for him! You could help him with his sore eyes and musicals and help him when he is sick!”
“I-” Oboro cut you off.
“And Hizashi has a loud personality. Like, the opposite of Shouto! They both don’t know how to chill! You are such a perfect fit for them!”
“...But what about you saying we can choose our own destinies?” You asked.
Oboro had a concerned and worried expression on his face.
“You didn’t take what I said to heart about that, did you?”
You could hear your breathing. “What is that suppose to mean?”
“I said that because you always looked sad when soulmates were brought up! I thought it was because you didn’t have one so I wanted you to believe you could still find love.”
“... So you don’t believe soulmates can avoid each other?”
Oboro had a worried and shocked expression. “Y/N, why do you not want to meet them?”
“I mean, they already met right?” Your voice became strained but you kept up your seriousness. “They don’t need their third wheel ruining that for them. I’m fine on my own anyway.”
Oboro just stared at you. “Y/N,” he spoke softly. “You can’t actually mean that, you know that right?”
You stared at your friend and back off. “I’m sorry Oboro, but I do. Maybe I will change my opinion on the matter later in life, but this is what I think right now.”
Your friend just stared at you. “Are you sure about this Y/N?”
“Yes Oboro, I am sure.”
The following week, you were sitting in the stands with your older brother for the UA sports festival. You cheered for your friend who you saw doing his best. He made eye contact with you at one point, he waved at you and you waved back.
A boy with yellow hair that was styled up walked up to him and started talking to him. You saw Oboro side eye at you and smirk. You could only guess that blondie was one of your soulmates or he was just teasing.
But as you watched on, you heard a names you thought you would never hear over the announcement. 
“A student that was falling behind but catching up young Aizawa Shouta.”
Your older brother’s neck snapped to face the big screen to see the face of one of your soulmates. You slowly turned your head and saw a skinny boy with shoulder length hair.
You could see how tired he looked, even from the low quality camera. You could feel your cheeks burn and your heart thump loudly. 
Your brother smiled brightly until he saw your face, which had fear written all over it. 
“Y/N, you okay?” Your older brother asked.
“...Can we go home?”
“...Sure we can…”
Oboro looked up at where you were sitting in the stands and saw you leave rather quickly. He sighed as he placed his hands on his hips. 
“What am I going to do with you, Y/N?”
“Oboro was willing to let you meet one of your soulmates and you turned it down?!” Your mother looked down at you. “What were you thinking? Any sane human being would have loved or drooled at a opportunity like that Y/N!”
“I know mother but-”
“If you are going to cry to me about being a third wheel again Y/N-”
Your older brother cut your mother off and stood in between you two. “How about we take a breather, okay? Y/N got really scared when she saw Shouta. Some soulmates do that. We have to let them meet naturally.”
“Naturally? She knows what he looks like! She is going to get cold feet everytime they see each other from now on.”
Your mother was right, but you had locked yourself in your room. You pulled up the reply of the sports festival and looked at Shouta’s face for a really long time. You heart pounded in your chest over and over. He was really beautiful. You couldn’t identify Hizashi, but you had a theory on who it could be.
It was a boy Shouta was running with at one point. He had blonde hair that was styled almost like a punk rocker that always had a smile one and was loud. He also made your heart pound and you couldn’t help just see him as handsome.
You heard your doorbell ring and so you existed your room. You saw Oboro and he smiled brightly and ran over to you.
“You saw Shouta, didn’t you! That’s why you left early!”
“...Yes…” You sighed out.
He smiled so brightly. He started to jump up and down and ran into your room. “I’ll point out Hizashi for you! And if you change your mind by the next school festival then I have no problem taking you there myself okay?”
You felt your heart swell and you smiled sweetly at your friend. “Thanks Oboro.”
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valkyrieofsmut · 4 years
How would the boys of reacted if mc had a kid already but the dad skipped out so she’s now trying to take care of them with their current situation?
It took a while to think about this and come up with an answer for everyone, but I think I’ve got it. Current, I’m taking as RIGHT NOW in the story. But there’s also a future (more relationship-y) answer I’ll try to give. 
Classic- Oh, hey, a kid. He’s just accepted the kid into the plans with everything else. Give head ruffles and jokes, is the basic hilarious prankster uncle that is always the favorite of the kids. MC’s kid gravitates to him, and after getting to know him and checking him out, MC is fine with this, as long as he’s not doing crazy, dangerous stuff, or things that could hurt her kid. 
When things start to get Serious™, Classic starts to think of the kid as his own, probably without even realizing it at first. He’ll just wake up one day and stretch, getting ready for work, wondering why it feels weird that the kid isn’t running around like he’s trying to break the sound barrier, like his brother used to when he was getting his coffee in the morning… When he realizes that he’s totally fallen for MC, it makes so much sense! Of course he’d think of the kid as his; that’s what happens when you have a mate; you have kids with them! And, additionally, if that worthless deadbeat ever tries to come around looking for his kid, claiming some sort of “parental rights” that ass is going to get a lesson in family. Because it doesn’t matter where the sperm for the kid came from, which he’ll gladly remove the source of, if he ever comes back, but who loves and cares for them, nurturing them as they grow. 
Creampuff- A child, oh, yes, those happen! Wait… where is the other parent? He what?! Well… excuse him for a moment… there are some shrubbery that need… yelling at- yes, it helps them grow! And when he gets back, you have now unlocked mother hen Creampuff, and if she didn’t get constant pictures and updates of what they were up to, MC might worry that her kid had been kidnapped… 
Creampuff may not be interested in the making of kids, the physical way, anyway, but this kid is his, now, and he’s ready to be a parent! He’s not sure how he feels about a romantic relationship, though… maybe he and MC can just work it out like a split custody situation, like he’s seen at work! Except they won’t have to go to the police station to exchange the kid. What wonderful parents the two of them are, already!
Red- heh… a kid… Wow… Red knows how to be a dad, and even has some confidence at what to do, but… the other stuff… makes him kinda nervous. What do you say to a kid whose mom you want to bang until the sun explodes? Ha- definitely not that. It takes some time, but after he gets used to the kid and relaxes a little, he’s already acting like a parent, like he did for Edge. He’s used to it being dangerous, so he’s going to make sure the kid is ok. And teach them all sorts of cool stuff. If you start them young enough, they’ll have insanely high levels of comprehension as they get older! MC better be ready for her kid to be learning advanced mechanics- as in, you know those hoverboards? Not the stupid ones that have wheels and catch fire- the ones that actually hover, like that one movie! Yep… that’s going to probably be the goal for her kid’s senior year science fair project… better get started on it now...
When stuff gets serious, Red isn’t going to be able to keep his hands to himself- honestly, sweetheart, we gotta get on makin’ that kid a sibling. been too long wit’out one a’ready… though i know ya were jus’ waitin’ on me ta cum along- heh heh! Red’s “dad mode” is activated, and well… if anything, that… actually might just make MC see things Red’s way about needing a sibling for her kid… He’s just so… parental… it stirs something primal that looks for the ideal mate… Yeah… she’s not going to stand a chance. 
Edge- Ugh- another one?! A small one?! SIGH! Well, he may act like a hardass, but, he values childhood, and remembers how rough his was, despite Red trying to make sure he got the best of one he could afford without letting him be in danger. So he may act like he’s irritated and annoyed with MC’s kid, but he’s actually very flattered if they follow him around, and he may do things particularly slowly and demonstratively so they can learn by watching. He may also leave candies or treats for them… And, when the kid shows to have learned something from him- of course he’s going to act offended at the thought that he actually meant to help them! But the pride and affection he’s radiating is poorly hidden. He also won’t let anyone touch them, though it’ll be “JUST BECAUSE YOU’RE TOO WEAK TO ATTACK ME DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN ATTACK A CHILD!”
When things get serious, he will finally officially take the kid under his wing and- holy shit, had she thought that he was secretly training her kid before?! Now Edge is always talking, teaching how to do something, showing new things, and standing at her side as he urges their kid to show off what he taught them. He is full of pride, chest puffed out to the max. If anyone implies that his child doesn’t meet any standards- he’s going to have to “have a talk” with them- a terrifying talk, where that person might just have to change their clothes after, because- how does someone get so scared that they get waste matter on their shirt? Who knows, Edge certainly doesn’t. He’s never seen that happen before… twice, from the same person, anyhow. 
Blue- He’s not phased by the fact that she has a kid. She’s amazing, who wouldn’t want to mate her?! Wait… her kid’s other parent did what?! It’s alright- neither of them has to worry about anything, now, not while he’s there! He’s already taken to playing with the kid, loving that they’re as energetic as he is, loves driving with them on his bike- yes, he’ll make them wear a helmet, and sit in front of him if they can’t hold on tight enough, but they still get to feel the amazing freedom. 
When things finally get serious, he really doesn’t change, except that he says “GO ASK YOUR MOM” less and takes on more parental responsibilities. He is their parent now- oh stars, he’s their parent, now! He talks to Stretch a lot; he knows how to be an amazing datemate, and mate, but a parent?! Stretch assures him that he hasn’t messed up the kid enough for it to be noticeable yet, so that’s a good sign. Blue gets irritated and spends a lot of time asking MC if she thinks he’s doing the right things, but when she tells him that he’s been acting like a great dad the whole time already, and that he hasn’t messed up anything majorly, yet, he realizes that being a parent is more about doing what’s best for the kid, and less about doing everything “right”. He then begins the campaign for another kid. “DON’T GET ME WRONG! I LOVE OUR CHILD DEARLY, BUT… I WANT MORE KIDS… THEY NEED SIBLINGS TO RUN AND PLAY WITH! … Don’t Worry, Dove, I’d Never Leave You And Our Children Like That Unlucky Moron Did. He Just Couldn’t See How Lucky He Was To Have Two People As Amazing As You In His Life… But I’ll Never Forget. I Think About It Every Day, Already, Actually.” 
Stretch- He has a very serious and very strict “eh” policy about kids. Cool, a kid. Nothing about this situation changes how he acts in the least. Just another person around, though he’s maybe not the person the kid should hang around with, at his own admission. “don’t want ‘em growin’ up to be lazy like me, do ya?” But he won’t turn them away if they want to play games or hang out and take a nap for a bit. 
If Stretch has already gotten to the point where he’s thinking about being serious with MC, he’s going to take her kid into consideration, too. It wasn’t awful being a stand in parent for Blue, and he’d probably make a pretty good uncle, but… he’s not sure he’s got it in him to do it again… but for MC- what the hell, he’ll give it a shot. He’s not going to mess them up too badly, after all; he’s not doing it alone this time! And now he has someone to teach the inner workings of what he does at work- no, it’s not because he’s lazy and wants someone to do his job for him! … ok, that thought may have come up when he decided to teach ‘em- but only for a second! His job skills are important, and will give the kid lots of opportunities when they get older- even if it’s just to start working as his assistant and make things easier on himself, he’ll be up to date and able to take over one day. Stretch will be a proud papa that day, just the same as he was when they graduated top of their class at MIT. Can you- can you believe he actually had a hand in- in building that person…? It’s so surreal… and beautiful… 
Black- Hmm… his pet has a young one already… but he doesn’t scent any other humans on her… Ah, that’s why- Wait- what?! NO, NO, NO, LOVE, YOU MUST BE MISTAKEN, YOU SEE, YOU TOLD ME THAT THIS MORONIC, INSIGNIFICANT WORM IS STILL ALIVE SOMEWHERE! HE IS… YOU DIDN’T KILL HIM FOR BETRAYING YOU?! WHY, LOVE- YOU’RE TOO GOOD FOR THIS WORLD… WOULD YOU LIKE HIS HEAD ON A PIKE FOR A WOOING GIFT? NO? ALRIGHT, SUIT YOURSELF, PET. He just is absolutely stunned that someone so stupid could exist. But, there is no accounting for taste, he supposes. MC and her child are in his care, now, and that means they receive all of the benefits that entitles them to. If the worm comes back- he’s not going to play nice- he’ll show them exactly what they missed out on when they left his family behind to pursue whatever had caught his fancy. 
He’s already acting like a mate and father by the time things get serious, and he is very proud of how smart his child is, but not surprised- after all, they did come from MC’s loins, and were tutored by him. This just shows how great any children they have together will be, and… maybe they should have them now? He’s always heard that you shouldn’t have a large gap between kids, as it can lead to discord in the ranks. Yes, now would be a fine time to start… NOW TELL ME, LOVE, HOW MANY WERE YOU THINKING? WE SHOULD PLAN THIS OUT SO THEY ARE SPACED PERFECTLY AND WE CAN GIVE THEM ALL THE UTMOST TRAINING AND AFFECTION. 
Mutt- Oh, a kid? Hm… Interesting… he guesses. He really skulks around a bit more before he comes over to hang around MC. It’s not that he’s afraid of the kid or doesn’t like them, he just really doesn’t want to be interrupted while he’s trying to get some time with MC. He also doesn’t want to scar them for life by them walking in on him with their mom in all sorts of compromising positions! All sorts of them. Wherever they happen to be… Really, he’s being considerate. 
Mutt, in the future, when things are serious, and MC already has a kid? Cool. Pretty much nothing changes. Everything is the same, except that now that MC is his, so is the kid. So he’s going to keep a socket on them like he did his bro. And he’s going to make sure that no one messes with them. They’re going to turn out very loved and very confident, and very, very safe. Mutt may disappear sometimes, but he always comes back, and when he does he usually seems pleased; kid’s doin’ great. made some new friends. And let me tell you something… If this boy ever meets the douchebag that donated sperm for his kid- he’ll say thanks. And explain all of the accomplishments the two have made without him, bragging how amazing the kid turned out without him. Right before he beats the shit out of him. 
(as a side note, I was inspired by Mutt’s little section in this post by @tyranttortoise, and have something planned much like this… yay!) 
Axe- When he first saw her, his plan was solid; food for his brother. When she used her cleverness and wits and fought to stay alive, he had a bit of respect for her, though he didn’t think it would help her. When she managed to get him and his brother to go back to the camper and he could smell the other scent, knew there was a small human hiding and locked away in the cab of the truck, even though he couldn’t find them, and she was giving them her food to go away- giving up their food to throw off attention and protect her young… it struck a chord with him about how he was protecting his brother, and- well damn… he just couldn’t eat her now! 
After that, when they went around with the bros, she always had that protective front up, never going to let her child be hurt, and… damn it… it just made him like her more. When the boys were reminded that humans can’t survive in the cold, Axe went to collect them, and found that she was even sharing the blanket nest- giving her own heat to keep her child safe and… fuck… he’s pretty sure he’s fallen, but he’s going to resist this weird feeling as hard as he can! Then, when she’s helped and provided for them, his brother, and him, in addition to her child, even though they did what they could to pool resources… He’s a lot more apt to be violent if the others come by and try to take her. She is their human, her child is their child now, and he will kill anyone who tries to mess with them. When the humans move to the lodge, he’s up there, every day, takes the kid out, shows them around, is very sure to have them back for lunch and dinner, teaches them everything he can so they can be strong and take care of and defend themself. Her kid is offended that Axe makes them wear one of those leash backpack type things tied to him, until Axe explains that it’s for him, so he doesn’t get lost from them, then, being MC’s kid, and seeing the example of how to take care of others their whole life, they understand, and Axe is greatly amused at the tiny version of her he now has running around with him. MC is very surprised at all of the hunting, trapping, and survival stuff her kid has learned with Axe, and is super proud of that smart little squirt! And so is Axe. Proud as a dad. Which is what he is when things are serious. He is a proud dad. 
Crooks/Bun- Oh, poor Bun is distraught when he finds out. You Mean That FIrst Night When You Gave Us Your Food, You Were Doing It To Protect Your Baby?! SANS! YOU ABSOLUTE CAD! HOW COULD YOU?! He takes the little human under his metaphorical wing and tries to teach them all the fun stuff he knows, like puzzles! And how to tie all sorts of pretty knots! And useful ones as well. He remembers what it was like when he was a baby bones and Sans did his best to keep his life fun, innocent, and worry free, let him have a childhood instead of having to grow too early, or, really at all, until everything hit the metaphorical fan… He will reenforce your claim to be camping, inviting you to stay with them and claim that you just chose a bad year to camp here, trying to do the same for your kid not to disillusion them. It’s No Trouble, Really! Your Mom Is A Great Mother, And You Are Both Such Wonderful Friends Of Ours, We Want You To Have Fun On With Us On Your Vacation, Too! 
When the others come, he will keep them away, far away from the cabin. He didn’t want her to know, but he would be heartbroken if he let her kid’s image of her fall one tiny bit. Yes, talk all you need to, but let’s do it far, far out here- how about in the road?! How about at the lodge?! Not Here, Where The Baby Might Hear! He feels like his nest is empty when they move to the lodge, and is up there every day, helping to cook and clean, being the mother hen he used to be, and feeling absolutely overjoyed to have a little one to tend to! And the fact that she asks him to take care of the baby when she has to go do something, or needs a moment to herself makes his magic sing! Life is so wonderful right now! And no, he doesn’t care how old the kid is, or how many times anyone says anything- they can almost fit in only his two hands! (you know, depending on how far apart he holds them.) And any young that small must be a baby! Luckily he doesn’t try to spoon feed them. That could be a fight, depending on the kid’s personality. When things move to the point where it would be considered “dating” or “Seriously Dating” he’s glad to have this child with her. He loves them both very much. 
Dusty- The first time he met her, he didn’t know, so he had no opinion, though he’ probably be thinking about some exp, and thinking about pseudo revenge. But, after he’s gone off, found out what he needs to know and come back- 
A kid- oh fuck, a kid! No- no, that can’t be the same kid! They look different- he knows they do- shut up, Paps, he’s trying to think because he doesn’t want to do something wrong! That’s the human’s kid! Yes! That’s right! Ok! Ok. Ok… ok, he’s ok now. He’s very anxious around MC’s kid because he’s afraid that he’s going to freak out, flashback, and attack. He is very careful to always have someone else around when he’s with the kid. Someone that can either get the kid out of there, or kick his ass to stop him. He’s very nervous about if things get serious, and fights it, actually, not wanting anyone to count on him being around, because… he’s afraid that things will fall apart in the worst way possible. 
Ask Masterlist?
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welcometotheocverse · 3 years
Marvel OCs ( wip )
Name: Nico Ikol
Faceclaim: Logan Lerman
Summary: Let’s get one thing straight, Nico was absolutely not some kinda norse god Okay? Nor the reborn version of one or whatever. They were just a normal kid. 
Okay so they sorta had a knack for getting people to agree with them and fine they’ve been having dreams about a blonde man with way too long hair and lightning and then there’s the whole...powers thing.
But I mean, aside from that.
And oh yeah the guy from their dreams is at the door claiming he’s their lost long brother. 
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Name: Ruth Parker
Story: tbd
Faceclaim: Rowan Blachard
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Summary: Ruthie Paker has been dubbed her brother’s shadow from the first time they arrived at their aunt and uncle’s doorstep. The siblings have been together through everything; their parent’s deaths, their adoption by their aunt and uncle, their uncle’s death. It was the Parker kids against the world.
So when Peter starts acting weird Ruthie’s the first ( and it starts to dawn on her, the only one) who notices.
Name:  Astrid Odinsdotter
Story: tbd
Faceclaim: Dove Cameron
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Summary: Loki wasn’t the only child stolen from a battlefield. Nor was he the only one Odin and Freya raised as their own. Astrid was raised along side her brother as the princess of Asgard unware of her parentage; but her world gets thrown into utter chaos first when her brother is exiled to Migard and then when her true parentage is brought to light.  
Name: Grace Wilder.
Story: tbd
Faceclaim: Kat Graham
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Summary: tbd ( takes place in Runways) 
Name: Isabelle Nyx
Story: tbd
Faceclaim: Holland Roden
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Summary: Heir apparent to Nyx Incorporated, Isabelle like all of the PRIDE kids seems to have it made. Never mind the fact that her best friend killed herself or that her friend group fell apart soon after. 
On the anniversary of Amy’s death, Isa tries reaching out to her former friends but out of everyone, Alex Wilder seems to be the only one interested in mourning Amy with her. She’s surprised when the others join them, and even more surprised by what they find out.
“Fuck our parents. How about we actually run away.”
Name: Michelle -Miche- De Santos
Story: tbd
Faceclaim: Siena Agudong.
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Summary: Miche  knows the church of  the Gibberin is evil, knows that they paste on happy grins to prey on runaway kids. She knows because they killed her sister. The problem is no one believes her. It doesn’t matter though, she’s not gonna stop until she figures out how to make people see the rich assholes for the evil they are.
Except that she wasn’t planning to find the very children of the people she’s sworn vengeance against. 
And apparently, they ran away.
Name: Lucille Harkness.
Story: tbd.
Faceclaim: Amber Benson
Summary: Lucille knows about Agatha Harkness, how could she not. She grew up on stories of the witch that betrayed her coven ( Lucille’s coven) and committed the most atrocious of acts against their own during the time of the Salem trials. Agatha’s name was whispered in Lucille’s family, a warning of how reaching for forbidden knowledge could corrupt; a horror story of the witch who slaughtered her own kind without a care in the world. 
Still she never expected to find any trace of her in her lifetime, never expected Agatha to be more than whispers and campfire side stories, much less find out she’s in  a bubble of  Chaos Magic in a small town in New Jersey. 
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Name: Nancy Keener
Story: The Mechanic
Faceclaim: Sadie Sink
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Summary: tbd
Name: Tracey Stein.
Story: tbd
Faceclaim: Sophie Lillis
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Summary: Tracey has known her dad was evil since he beat her brother over a B-. She’s also known better than to think anyone would believe her. Except for of course her brother. They both knew it, they covered for each other, protected each other and that was enough. Even when their social group expanded to include the other PRIDE kids, it had always been her and Chase against the world. When Nico’s sister died and their little friend group falls apart it’s still the two of them against the world. 
And then on the anniversary of Amy’s death the siblings find themselves at Alex Wilder’s house of all places. Turns out her dad’s not the only evil asshole in their parent’s little social club. Turns out all their parents are.
Turns out they have to runaway. 
Name: Gwendolyn -Wendy- Maximoff
Story: tbd.
Faceclaim: Millie Bobby Brown
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Summary: Finding out her brother was a mutant and that the men who came to look for him when she was five years old, finding out she herself was a mutant, finding out there was a special school for mutants. Gwendolyn Maximoff thought the weirdest parts of her life were behind her. She’s starting to settle in at the institute, starting to call it home, and she has her big brother with her which is the most important night.
Then overnight Peter disappears. Months go by with Hank and the professor poring over resources and Wendy wondering when her brother might come home. When they finally find him she demands to be the one to go find him.
As it turns out she might be the only who can; and that’s how she finds herself in Westview New Jersey...on an entire different dimension. 
Name:  Kamila Maximoff
Story: ( Love ) Persevering 
Faceclaim: Malina Weissman
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Summary: Kamila lives in Westview, a little town in New Jersey where nothing out of the ordinary ever happens. Kamila lives with her older sister Wanda and Wanda’s boyfriend Vision who might as well be her father for all intents and purposes. Life s simple in Westview, Kamila wakes up every day and goes to school. She helps babysit her little cousins and gets help for her advanced courses from Viz. She and Wanda are as close as ever...she thinks.
Kamila doesn’t always remember what she learned in school. Their neighbor Agnes gives her the creeps. She doesn’t remember the twins turning 1, or 2, or 3. She doesn’t know why Wanda’s the closest thing she’s had to a mother but she is. She wakes up screaming sometimes with nightmares of Vision’s body and her sister screaming and turning to dust. She feels like time isn’t passing and is passing too fast at the same time. She remembers things..things that never happened. ( why would she ever be in sci-fi YA novel looking lab? Why would Wanda?) 
Kamila lives in Westview New Jersey with her family; in a suburban little town where nothing ever seems to happen. But she’s starting to think their lives are anything but boring. 
Name: Anne Rogers
Story: tbd
Faceclaim: Sarah Michelle Gellar
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Summary: Steve Roger’s genetic clone. Shield’s pet project. Avenger’s Family Member. Darcy Lewis’ girlfriend. Anne’s gone through a lot of changes throughout her existence. And a lot of loss. 
She refuses to have Darcy be one of them.
“I’m not gonna ask again assholes. Where the hell is my girlfriend?”
Might end Tyler Hayward’s entire career and existence.
Name: Audra  Ward.
Story: tbd
Faceclaim:  Zoey Deutch
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Summary: Audra doesn’t remember much before her brother gained custody of her as baby. That’s what happens when your grandparents and uncle are a load of abusive assholes ( that much Grant did tell her) She doesn’t know what led to their deaths, how Grant was able to find her and gain custody when he was a teenager himself. She doesn’t know anything other that the life they build together after.  Still she has her  brother, and school,  and her life is...well not normal. One does not simply have a normal life with a brother who works for S.H.I.E.L.D but all in all her life is good. It’s her and Grant against the world, and she has a plan to graduate early and find her own calling helping to keep the world safe from H.Y.D.R.A. like her big brother does. 
Then Grant’s team finds a break in  tracking down a hacker and her life gets decidedly  more messy.  
Other Plot bunnies:https://welcometotheocverse.tumblr.com/post/651928008282816512/marvel-plot-bunnies
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loreofthekidults · 4 years
fruit snacks & wonder bread | lee chan
focus: dino
words: 1.7k
genre: stranger things au / high school au / dnd au? / fall themes
description: More stranger things au for the beautiful fall season! This is a continuation/addition to the fic with Jeonghan from week one, but can be read independently. Just piling onto this svt x stranger things universe hoping things make sense. Anyways made it in the nick of time for week two of #caratrevival, whew! This week’s themes were Dino and the lyric « Here’s the baton, man ». Enjoy, and let me know what you think!
(Quick note, I went a bit ham with the dnd game at first because I miss playing, but I tried to edit the scene to be as simple as possible so hopefully it’s not too confusing for non-dnd players. To all dnd players, BSS are all bards and that’s canon.)
“Don’t forget to say your thank you-s and excuse me-s!” 
“And remember to wash your hands and clean up after yourself!”
“And also share your snacks with everyone!”
“I know, I know,” Dino swept an armful of fruit snacks off the kitchen counter into his backpack as his mother stood beside him with hands on her hips. “And I know, don’t be too mean to Seungkwan, yup, got to go now!” 
Dino rushed out of the kitchen to the back yard and tugged on the door handle to the shed. His bike was leaning against the wall in its usual dusty corner beside the rakes. After retrieving his bike, Dino hurriedly waved to his mother seeing him off through the parlor window. As he reached the line where the grass met the asphalt of the driveway, the garage door grumbled open to his test.
The dingy Ford Station Wagon thrummed to life and slowly backed out into the sunlight. The windows rolled down, and the scream of the electric guitar paired with the bass and snare heartbeat of Prince’s When Doves Cry flew out into the air. Dino’s older brother Jihoon glanced at him in passing as he reversed down the driveway. His friend Wonwoo sat in the passenger seat and nodded at Dino in greeting. 
“Where you headed?” Jihoon asked him nonchalantly while twisting around to see if he was going to hit any trees.
“To Seokmin’s. We’re starting up a new campaign.” Dino kept pace next to the car as it crawled down the driveway.
“You guys still play Dungeons and Dragons?” Wonwoo pushed his glasses up. Dino could feel the gentle mockery in Wonwoo’s piercing gaze. 
“Yeah, we do. What bingo session are you senior citizens off to join?” 
Jihoon snickered and shook a finger at his younger sibling. “What a smartass. Who’s DMing this time? Your campaign sucked last time, hope it’s not you again.”
“You have poor taste in adventure. And Seokmin is.”
“Good. Well have fun, then. Remind Soonyoung that we’re meeting later. And tell him not to be late again.”
“Where are you guys meeting?”
“He’ll know.”
“Come on. Tell me.” 
“Bye Channie.” Jihoon gave Dino a curt look before changing gears and turning onto the road. Dino bugged his eyes out at him in retribution. 
“See ya, Dino.” Wonwoo raised a hand in goodbye. 
They think they’re so cool. Dino smirked internally as the two drove away in the ugly wood-paneled car. Reaching into his jacket pocket, he pulled out his headphones, attached it to his walkman, and pressed play. The falsetto of Michael Jackson’s Beat It filled his ears. Hopping onto his bike, Dino pedaled furiously in the opposite direction.
Seokmin’s house, only a short 15 minute ride away, was located in a general northern direction from Dino’s home. In between were lengths of forest and hills, and driveways dotted here and there. The schools and hubs of Plediestown were on the other side of town, so this part of the woods was quiet, with only families and farms going about their lives like happy smurfs.
The autumn air had chilled the air and shriveled leaves were sprinkled across the grounds. Another, more attentive person would have better appreciated the gradients of red, burgundy, pumpkin orange, and mustard yellow foliage of the forests around them. The neighborhood contained snapshots comparable to Bob Ross landscapes. But to Dino, this was nothing new to admire, it was just home. 
Like Nuest Court, where the houses of the cul-de-sac were clustered together at the bottom of a large hill with the massively old oak tree. It wasn’t just a scenic view, it was where all the kids in the neighborhood went sledding in the winter and played manhunt amongst the fireflies until the summer sun disappeared. 
Dino zoomed past the hill, the oak tree standing majestically as ever. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the movement of a figure strolling under the tree.
Is that Minki?? What was he doing here? 
Dino blinked furiously. It had been years since the boys of Nuest Court had left town together to follow their dreams in the city. If one of them had returned home, it would have been the buzz of the town. Turning his head, Dino squinted at the lean figure . He had shoulder length black hair, loose-fitting white shirt, thin—honk. HONK.
Dino screeched to a halt and twisted his bike sharply towards the curb. A car drove around Dino, and he saw Seungcheol giving him a happy wave in his sky-blue marching band uniform through the driver’s window. Even with the windows closed, Dino could hear the guy giggle his ridiculous giggle as he passed.
Dino turned his gaze back towards the oak tree atop the Nuest Court hill, but the figure was no longer there. 
Oh well. Dino merely shrugged and went along his way. He’d hear about any new visitors sooner or later in this small town. 
By the time Dino was pedaling up the driveway to Seokmin’s house, he had all but forgotten about the possible Minki appearance. The garage door rose as he neared the house, and Jeonghan appeared, donning the same ridiculous blue uniform as Seungcheol. Dino threw his bike onto the grass beside their perennial bushes and rushed into the garage, swinging his backpack at Jeonghan.
“Hey Jeonghan. Nice outfit.”
The older boy dodged his attack and called after him, but Dino was already two steps in the house and purposely ignoring him—he hated being babied by Jeonghan. The warmth of the house tickled his cheeks, and he lightly plodded down the familiar stairs into the even toastier basement. 
“Eyy Dino!” Hoshi yelled, jumping up from his chair. Vernon raised a hand in greeting. Mingyu and Seungkwan were in the midst of an argument over who’s dice were prettier, so Dino plopped down next to Seokmin, who gave him his trademark sunshine smile and high-fived him.
It wasn’t long before the group huddled seriously around the small table and quickly descended into the magical realm of Seokmin’s imagination.
“The party leaves the inn well stuffed and equipped with shiny new weapons.” Seokmin’s eyes widened dramatically as he narrated the story and built the world up around them. “You all head towards the edge of the forest where the old wizard said the gate to the Noir dimension is located. There is no sign of any life, but there is a stream of gurgling water and trees lined the shoreline. In the shadows of the woods, three—”
“Can I attack the stream?” Hoshi interrupted. 
“Why in the world do you want to attack the stream, Soonyoung? It’s not going to do anything,” Seungkwan rolled his eyes and sighed in frustration. 
Hoshi stood with one foot on his stool, his chest puffed out, and his imaginary sword in his right hand pointed towards the ceiling. “Because I can!” he laughed mightily.
Mingyu groaned and swiped his hand through his hair impatiently. “We’re not even going to get to start the quest today,” he muttered. 
Vernon smiled and shook his head, used to Hoshi’s goofy antics. Seokmin laughed heartily, clearly enjoying this turn of events. 
“Ok! Roll to attack!” Seokmin declared.
Hoshi took his d20 and dropped it into the center of the table. “Oyyyy, Nat 20!!!”
“You successfully attack the river!” Seokmin screamed. “Hoshi slices at the water, and you can hear a soft gurgling sound eerily similar to the word ‘ouch’.” Hoshi religiously followed the words of the Dungeon Master and mimed poking his sword at an imaginary river.
Mingyu doubled over cackling and managed to fall off his chair. Vernon was shaking Seungkwan’s shoulder in glee as they both guffawed incredulously.
“What a waste of a nat 20!” Dino exclaimed, but he was struggling to breath from his own shrieks of laughter, too. 
Seokmin suddenly slammed his hand on the table, startling everyone into silence. His face grew serious and he looked at everyone with a sinister glare. “Little did you know, the water began to shine and part. A glowing ring with a dark center appeared out of the water and a freezing wind blew out of the circle. Roll for investigation check.”
They each rolled in turn and Hoshi—and only Hoshi—failed the check.
“Alright,” Seokmin rubbed his hands together mischievously. “Everyone but Soonyoung realizes this is a portal to another world. You know, probably the portal you guys were looking for. Soonyoung, on the other hand, thinks it’s a really cool blow dryer and sticks his face through the glowing portal.”
“What do you see in there, Soonyoung?” Dino asked, only half serious. 
“I don’t know. It’s really dark, hahaha.” 
“Do we have a torch or something?” Mingyu asked.
“I got one. Here’s the baton, man,” Vernon pretends to hand Hoshi the imaginary light source. 
“Suddenly, you hear a terrifying ROAR!!!” Seokmin howled at the top of his lungs. Seungkwan hugged Dino in fright.
“And with that, Soonyoung is pulled into the other dimension and the portal closes.” Seokmin sits back down and smiles sweetly at the party, waiting for them to react. They all just stared back at him in shock.
“Dude!” Hoshi broke the silence. “Am I dead?”
“Nope!” Seokmin stated simply and chuckled a bit embarrassedly. “I just didn’t plan for you guys to discover the portal this early, so I needed to get you guys back on track first.”
“But I’m stuck in the other dimension now? Separated from the party???” Hoshi squished his cheeks in despair. 
“Don’t worry. You’re fine.” Seokmin laughed and patted his friend’s back reassuringly. “You guys wanna take a quick snack break?”
“Yes please.” Mingyu stood up immediately. Dino peeled Seungkwan off of him and poured his hoard of fruit snacks onto the table. 
Hoshi slumped into the sofa dejectedly. “Guess I’ll just sit here and watch you guys play then.”
“Oh right, Soonyoung!” Dino called out as he climbed the stairs to get some more food. “Jihoon said to not forget to meet him and Wonwoo for something. He didn’t tell me where, though. Just make sure to be very late.”
Dino reached the top of the stairs and turned towards the kitchen.
What the—”HEY!” Dino shouted. The rest of the boys clambered up the stairs and peered into the doorway behind him. 
An unfamiliar boy stood beside the counter stuffing his face with wonder bread and the leftover chili. He was dressed in a wrinkled white hospital gown that reached mid-thigh and thin pajama pants with dirt smudges all over. His long jet-black hair hung limply, and as he reached his hand out to grab another piece of bread, the kitchen light shined down onto his thin forearm. Along the inside of his wrist, the inky numbers stood out against his pale skin: 008.
Dino gasped.
“You’re the Minki impersonator!”
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johns-prince · 3 years
(fem!Paul au idea) the mclennon children time travel to 1959 and meets their parents when they were teenagers
I shared this ask with my writing partner and this is what we came up with for your little scenario. The version my rp-partner @apollyodon​ and I did ended up omgaverse, hope that’s alright. It’s in this format because we write in discord and also I don’t think it’s enough to format and work into like, a mini ficlet or what have you.
Their kids, Julia, Paris, and Mary are still relatively young when they’re sent back to meet their parents. I want to say here Paris and Julia are around 13/14, while Mary is about 6 or 7.
Hope you still like it though! Sorry it took forever to get to it. I think it’s cute and silly.
A - Apollyodon
J-P - Johns-prince
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A: Cor, all I can imagine is Oh god, they're just as sappy!
J-P: Personally I think it'd be a bit funny, seeing your parents not much older then you. Yup, sappy and gross and dad is so disgusting why does mum like him-- 
And while their parents shouldn't be let in on that they're their kids, if John and Paul did get to know, John would instantly go pale and just, slowly count each head.
Three is a lot, because at that time John didn't exactly think he'd have kids. Especially with Paul. You have pretty low standards Paul if you decided to have pups with me--
A: Not like John can talk like that about himself for very long. There's always the threat of a twisted ear.
J-P: Turns out their ma had always been twisting their dad's ear. 
And being called mum and da.
A: John would feel uncomfortable and while it's a little weird for Paul, he'd take to it easier than John would.
J-P: It'd be very weird.
Best is when one of them say they never really believed their parents to be sort of cool looking.
You two are huge dorks now, don't really dress like this... At all... Unless it's like, Halloween.
A: John and Paul looking at each other like... oh dear god, don't tell us we became squares.
J-P: Mary would be the only one wanting to be nice while the other two are like yeah uh huh huge squares.
A: Mary fussing at them for it. Stop it, you two. Ok but them advising against the... questionable fashion choices. Anything that prevents John from going with those fuckin mutton chops is a good thing.
J-P: OH MY GOD Because they've seen the photos. Julia even remembers some as a pup. John goes beat red, Paul trying not to laugh because Did you say mutton chops? And one of them is like yeah and ma- Paul, you went through this weird period of having this pornstar moustache--
Probably Julia says since it happened in the mid 70s, either before or after Mary was born.
A: And let us not forget blond Paul...
J-P: Julia is merciless
A: Now it's Paul's turn to go beet red.
J-P: John has to HA! But also wtf Paul you went blonde??? But I love your black hair, it's beautiful what--
A: If I wanted a blond, I woulda gone with one!
Cor, John isn't out of the woods quite yet. Needs to have more balance with the facial hair. Anything to avoid looking like an Amish man that just wandered onto set and is playing it cool til he can leave.
J-P: John just wants to go hide under covers or something what!!??? Just the image that conjures up... Also why would you want to cover up your face like that John??
A: Like to be able to kiss ya and not get a mouthful of hair.
J-P: But also Paris and Julia bringing up that it'd be nice if they'd not be so, lovey dove-y when in front of them.. Can't even bring my friends over without the fear of you two getting all kissy when they're around or even WORSE--
A: Ok... that's the ONE thing they refuse to be mortified by or compromise on. Sorry kids, that's not within our control.
J-P: What'd ya mean it's out of your control! It's so embarrassing! And Mary, bless her, speaks up and says it's not that bad, just mommy an’ daddy love each other.
Literally though if Paris or Julia tell Mary to zip it or even shut up, John's straightening up and just Hey! Don't you talk to your sister like that! And he's even wagging a finger and then he realizes and he's just that, that didn't sound like me.
Julia muttering that it sounded exactly like him.
A: And Paul is amused to tears over that but also expresses disapproval at them talking to Mary like that, since she's the youngest and what she said wasn't deserving of it.
J-P: Cor when her oldest siblings get in trouble, even by their yet to be parents of the 50s, Mary can't help but stick her tongue out and look rather pleased. See, even still mom an’ dad want you being nicer to me!
A: And John and Paul were being serious about the affection thing. They just... it just happens without them really noticing.
J-P: Like even then, if they're just, standing unnecessarily close, or John throws an arm around Paul's shoulders, or their hands brush. It just happens. They doubt it'll change, even when they're... Well, married, with kids. Though the kids seeing the fact the two had marked each other then, like, you two have been together for that long??
Possibly longer, since it is '59
A: Yup. They wouldn't notice right away but then happen to look and spot the marks, nice and clear on both their throats.
J-P: Exactly where they will be, years and years from now. They learned that their parents met when they were teens, along with their uncle's, but they didn't know they'd marked each other then. Aren't they a bit young???
A: ... That is a real dumb question to ask because all it does is make these two disgustingly sappy again. I mean nose rubs and everything
J-P: Mary is all aww while Paris and Julia are literally like oh God no no! Turn it off! It burns! It burns!!! Over exaggerated gagging and the likes.
A: Paul and John firmly ignore them, they keep right on doing it.
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In 2020, I read 40 books (with maybe a few more to be added after I post this) after discovering my love of reading all over again. I am not a very hard reader to please, so it will be rare for me to rate a book with a low score, so I doubt you’ll ever see any criticism from me. So, here we go!
A few things before I start: There are three series in this list (but technically only two, because I’ve only read Serpent & Dove so far) but I’ve limited myself to no repeat authors. That must have been the hardest part for me. Since Jessi went the extra mile and ranked them in order, I’ve decided to make myself suffer the same. And while most of these were not published in 2020, they were read in 2020.
I am (sometimes) a picky reader, but any book that is on this list, I have loved. I chose not to rate them because honestly, they would have all been high. I give ratings easily, and try not to pick things apart even for books I truly did not like.
Please keep in mind that I do my best to add trigger warnings, but you should always check for certain triggers before reading. Triggers vary for everyone.
10. Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen
Warnings: There’s a male character that’s a creep and you’ll spot him as soon as you crack this one open. This tale deals with Peyton being sentenced to prison, and their mother practically glossing over what he’s done by victim blaming.
I have read Dessen’s books since I was 13 and I truly still enjoy her stories as much as I did then. While this was a re-read for me, it’s a tie for my favorite book of hers. It’s tied with Along For the Ride.
Sydney is left in the aftermath after her older brother, Peyton, is sentenced to prison after a drunk driving accident that paralyzes a boy. Formerly in his shadow, Sydney struggles to discover what it is she wants, and how she wants to be seen as her own mother seems to gloss right over her. It’s a YA read that always feels like more than the romance that originally interested me.
9.  Serpent & Dove by Shelby Mahurin
Warnings: Misogyny. The church and religion plays an extremely heavy part of this plot, which was hard for me to get into. It’s clear that some characters do not value women in their actions and words toward Lou. It made me uncomfortable in spots because I just wanted to get past it, but I plan to read this one again since I know that it won’t bother me this time! Still, there is: violence in parts, religious zealots (in case that’s something that makes you uncomfortable like it did me), derogatory slurs toward women, and again, misogyny.
I finished this one two days ago, and I sincerely cannot wait to dig into the sequel. Lou is a witty, snappy character that was such a breath of fresh air from the normal. You usually see the male lead that’s a bit crude, a bit quick to pull the trigger, and the one that’s harder to crack. Is that what happened here? Absolutely fucking not. Shelby Mahurin took something I loved, enemies to lovers, and kicked its ass. Forced marriage? UM YES. A witch and a witch-hunter? Mortal enemies? Characters that can never possibly love each other? DONE DONE DONE.
It’s hilarious in parts. Serious when it needs to be. A bit spicy too, while not a lot, which I certainly appreciate. Reid’s character development is a wonder to watch, at least for me, and by the end of the book, I am so in love with him that I don’t know what to do with myself. I have so many annotations for this novel.
8. The Shadows Between Us by Tricia Levenseller
Warnings: There’s a fair bout of murder. Women are expected not to take lovers before marriage while men are not held to the same standard. Gross. Allessandra is continually underestimated so let me say: let the women do the work.
It’s called the Slytherin romance we’ve been waiting for, and I agree. While this is a shorter read, and a standalone, I was pleased with it. Both characters are incredibly ambitious, but it’s Allessandra that steals the show. The plan? To enter the palace, woo the king, and then kill him in order to take his kingdom. She’s wicked in all the ways I love.
I loved this book, and each page, but this was the line that will make me return to it: “I’m not a trollop,” I announce to the empty room. “I’m a sexually empowered woman, and there’s nothing wrong with that.”
The Folk of the Air Series by Holly Black
Warnings: Aside from murder, there’s nothing that stands out to me as a trigger.
A series! The first! There’s something interesting about this series for me, and it’s that I didn’t fall in love altogether, all at once. It was gradual, like wading into water until it went right over my head. By the final fourth of The Cruel Prince, I was fully invested in this world and I absolutely needed to know how Jude and Cardan would become, well, Jude and Cardan.
As a YA series, I was not expecting the sheer amount of mystery, political intrigue, and plot twists that came with this series. However, I never knew what was going to happen, and if I did guess what was coming, Black had at least two more twists to send me for a loop. The Queen of Nothing was likely my favorite book of the series, with The Wicked King as a close second.
6. Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
Warnings:  Discussion of attempted non-con assault, forced disclosure of sexuality
I laughed until my eyes watered and I nearly cried in this book. Delightfully funny, and snappy, RW&B delivers on everything I didn’t know that I needed. I had never read a book where LGBTQ was represented in such a positive light. As someone raised in a more conservative household, I’ve known my own sexual orientation for a long time, but this book made me feel like I could relax in my skin because this story was stunning.
Alex and Henry left me with so much hope that it’s impossible to ever put the lid back on. I’m so happy I read this.
(oh, god, we’re in the final five.)
5. The Caraval Series by Stephanie Garber
Warnings: Physical and emotional child abuse.
I could dedicate multiple posts to this series. Maybe I still will. While this is at number five, it’s my favorite series I’ve ever read. If I could only have one series to read for the rest of my life, I would choose this one. Hands down. Full stop. These characters live in my head constantly and I would give an obscene amount of things to read it all over again for the first time. I actually read this with two of my closest friends in our many book club, and we all loved it.
Doused in magic, this world is unveiled to us with excellent descriptions. Truly, Garber owned my heart within a few chapters. Scarlett is the elder sister, Tella the younger, and if you don’t love Tella by the end of Caraval, I promise you will. I know because I was skeptical, but here I am. I’ve said it to my friends, but Scarlett is the one who holds my hair while I have a hangover. Tella is the one that helps me start the bar fight.
With non-stop turns, and magic, everything comes to life on these pages. And the romance, the romance. Please, please give me my great love in this style. It’s not too much to ask for, is it?
4. Letters to the Lost by Brigid Kemmerer
Warnings:  loss of sibling, loss of parent, alcoholism, mention of infidelity, mentions of previous physical and emotional child abuse.
Mae sent this recommendation to me, and I devoured all of Kemmer’s books post-haste. Declan and Juliet fall in love without knowing who the other is, while also not liking the real version of their penpal. Juliet has lost her mother, and she’s treading water, but not well. Declan has suffered in the years that follow a family tragedy, and he’s not adapting to life with his new step-father.
But he opens with CemetaryGirl (Juliet) and it’s raw in the best of ways, and the openness between them that eventually moves from their bubble to reality is one of the most pleasing things to read. I’ve read it twice this year. I will read it again next year too.
I also read this twice this year and will for sure be reading it again in 2021.
3. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
Warnings: Child abuse.
This was another novel that I fell in love with as I went, and that’s definitely because of the non-linear narrative. It was a little confusing, but I’m going to read it again someday since I know everything now! I read this to follow-up to Caraval with my book club pals, and it’s just what I needed to leave Caraval behind. Marco and Celia are incredible and I absolutely believe that the ending of this novel is one of the best endings I’ve ever read.
My book club has not finished this book entirely this so I’m not sharing any spoilers, but I would like to share one of my favorite quotes. “What did you wish for?” “I wished for her.”
2. Next Year in Havana by Chanel Cleeton
Warnings: Cuba is in the middle of a revolution, and it’s tense in parts. There are some bittersweet elements and I think the parts of the ending are like the punch in the gut you need in order to wake you up and remember to live.
This was my first read once I really dug back into this hobby in August. It was picked by Reese Witherspoon for her book club, and she always picks good books. This is a dual timeline romance, and mystery. It’s an absolute stunner of a book. It’s a dear favorite to me now. I’ve never been to Cubs, or heard stories, but Cleeton manages to make you feel like you’re right there feeling saltwater spray across your face.
The romance made me feel breathless, but truly it’s the strong familial ties that make this such a beautiful gem. It leaves you with hope even in the dark and with love in the absence of it. I could scream about this book for the rest of my life, which I absolutely intend to do.
Favorite line? “You’re going to be difficult to walk away from, aren’t you?” “I hope so.”
1 In A Holidaze by Christina Lauren
Warnings? There are none that strike me. This is a lighthearted read that pulls at the heartstrings, but it’s by no means short on the laughs. And, I’m sorry for the long wall of text below.
In A Holidaze is the story of a woman stuck in her ways of never going after what she truly wants until a stray wish lands her in a time loop over the holidays. It's only after repeating the same day a few times that she quite literally says "fuck this," and starts living for HER. I really expected this to just be a Hallmark kind of read, but it was SO MUCH MORE. You should read it, even if it's after the holidays.
It's witty, and heart-wrenching, and it's just everything I didn't know I needed. Mae is snarky, and brave when she figures out that there is nothing stopping her, and the romance is - GODDAMN. Andrew. I need an Andrew and a fan.
It's not quite a love triangle, which was what I expected and I was so pleasantly surprised. I have grinned like a goddamn fool all day. I have giggled all day in front of customers, and my co-workers. I have nearly CRIED in my bedroom when my heart fell out of my ass and landed somewhere near my ankles, because hello, it's gonna get you.
This is going on my yearly re-read list for the holidays.
In the two days since I’ve finished, I’ve convinced my two friends in book club to read it, convinced Jessi to order it from Book of the Month Club, convinced another friend to read it, and bought it for Mae on Christmas day because her library had a six month hold and that was simply unacceptable.
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oldflcme · 4 years
HELLO loves ! admin bee here with ALL THREE of my lil angels ! i was gonna do ‘em separate but . . . lazy. anyway ! give this a lil like if you’d be interested in plotting with declan , son of peter pan / acelin , son of hades / or astrid , daughter of elsa ! apparently we love a single parent fam in this house.  
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diego tinoco. twenty-one. cis male. her/him. one sibling. ––– hey , there’s DECLAN ‘DEX’ PAN from AURADON walking past the castle. they’re the YOUNGEST ADOPTIVE child of PETER PAN , isn’t that cool ? talk says they can be pretty - FATUOUS , but don’t let that worry you – they can be + AMIABLE too. say , don’t you think they remind you of SMIRKING YOUR WAY OUT OF AN ARGUMENT , THE SOFT SOUND OF PIPE INSTRUMENT , TRYING NEW THINGS REGARDLESS OF LEGALITY , or is that just me ?
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full name : declan fox pan.
nicknames : dex , fox.
parent : peter pan , adopted. 
orientation : bisexual , biromantic. 
so ! i imagine that , at some point , peter has to grow up and he has a hard time with it. it takes him a while to fully grow & mature , though he never quite loses his childish charm.
as peter is aging , i imagine that he decided he still wants company of his lost boys , so he adopts two of them ; declan and his older adoptive sibling. i feel like as peter aged , the lost boys found their way on their own but dex & his now brother kinda stuck together around peter.
i did put a wc up for his brother , u know , *wiggles eyebrows* just in case anyones tempted
anyway ! dex is super close with his dad & brother and enjoys their life in auradon 
dex grew up in auradon and was always the one known for getting in trouble.
he’s suave , charming , sneaky , and definitely a tad blunt depending on the situation he’s in.
he can talk himself out of pretty much any mildly bad situation. caught stealing ? he has an excuse for that. caught somewhere off limits ? he was lost. 
definitely a bit childish , loves telling jokes , playing pranks , and doesn’t take a whole lot seriously. 
a huge , huge flirt but flirts with literally no intentions. he just likes complimenting people.
he has a huge heart but he doesn’t really know how to use it properly.
so , incredibly honest and not afraid to hurt feelings. it doesn’t really effect him all that much when he upsets someone , he would rather just be honest than worry about others feelings. 
i am fully convinced he’s , somehow , snuck over to the isle to meet the isle kids. pls give me a lil hookup w/ a vk , i would cry.
you can find declan’s wanted connections here ! 
dove cameron. twenty. cis female. she/her. two sibs. ––– hey , there's ASTRID ERIKSEN from AURADON walking past the castle. they’re the YOUNGEST child of ELSA , isn’t that cool ? talk says they can be pretty - SECLUDED , but don’t let that worry you – they can be + REGAL too. say , don’t you think they remind you of ICY WHITE LOCKS TIPPED WITH BLUE , PERFECTLY MANICURED NAILS , & THE SOUND OF CRACKING ICE , or is that just me ?
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full name : astrid emilie eriksen. 
nicknames : emmy ( family )
parent : elsa , unknown father.
orientation : bisexual , biromantic.
okie doke so astrid is the daughter of ELSA & an unknown father. i do feel like he is known , but him and elsa never lasted together and she was never interested in depending on a man so she independently raises her kids as per her own choice. 
i feel like all of elsa’s kids inherited some of her ice powers , variety and power differing.
they’re a pretty tight nit family , astrid definitely clinging to elsa a bit more than the others bc shes the baby. 
astrid grew up in auradon & enjoyed it for the most part , though she’s always been a bit curious of the isle. 
a random fun fact ; her hair is naturally ice white with blue tips , but she likes to dye it pink every now and then. 
she has minimal ice powers , they’re not super strong but she can conjure up some snow and ice when needed. she could definitely get stronger , but she doesn’t have a huge interest in it.
although when she was little , she made a baby snowman named gerald. he didn’t talk , but she took him everywhere. 
astrid is definitely a princess. looks like a princess , acts like a princess. 
she’s definitely a bit proper , though she does let some curse words slip when she’s in a mood. 
sometimes prefers to be by herself and will death glare at you in your interrupt her alone time. 
definitely a bit easy to mess with , she gets annoyed super easily even when she tries not to. 
generally speaking , she’s pretty nice though she will 100% say things how they are , she never does it intentionally to hurt feelings.
she is a lot like her mother in the way of problem solving , she tries to fix everything herself. 
you can find astrid’s wanted connections here ! 
luke hemmings. twenty-two. cis male. he/him. two sibs. ––– hey , there's ACELIN ‘ACE’ SPEROS from THE ISLE walking past the castle. they’re the MIDDLE child of HADES , isn’t that cool ? talk says they can be pretty - DEMEANING , but don’t let that worry you – they can be + CANDID too. say , don’t you think they remind you of SNEAKING AROUND LATE AT NIGHT , FIREY HOT FINGERTIPS AGAINST COLD SKIN , & SUSPICIOUS BUT SOMEHOW CHARMING SMIRKS , or is that just me ?
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full name : acelin alastair speros. 
nicknames : ace. 
parent : hades , unknown mother. 
orientation : bisexual , biromantic.
ace is the middle child of three from hades himself , god of the underworld ! 
despite being , ya know , hades , i do feel like he wasn’t an awful father to the kids , though it was hard to not turn out pretty rough considering the conditions. 
their mother was never present , and hades has never even revealed who she is. 
def feel like the serpos’ kids all have some powers of some sorts , like hades.
ace grew up on the isle and honestly , he didn’t hate it.
he’s naturally a bit rude by nature , always doing anything to get what he wanted. 
known to lie , manipulate , etc. but lived a relatively secluded life , only making appearanced when he needs something.
it was very much like that scene in a movie when the bully comes in and everything gets quiet.
not that he’s a bully . . . but . . . he was definitely not the nicest of people on the isle. 
then again , being nice on the isle wasn’t really an option. 
when it came to the barrier being opened , ace wasn’t entirely impressed at first. he didn’t really have any interest in the isle and since the parents had to remain locked there , he wasn’t all the invested in leaving his dad.
however , he ends up deciding to cross , mainly curious as to what the hell king quincy is doing.
he definitely didn’t change any of her mannerisms for the sake of the isle , he’s still very much rude when he needs to be and he does not have time for any royals that don’t want them there.
has definitely gotten into a few fights alright , i’m sure. 
ace is able to conjure some blue fire from his finger tips , though he doesn’t tend to show it off often.
his skin is also always super hot. he naturally runs a temperature. 
has adorable blondes curls with lil blue streaks. 
he’s a pain in the ass , honestly. :/
you can find ace’s wanted connections here !
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jas-michaud · 4 years
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⌠ DOVE CAMERON, 21, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, JASMINE “JAS” MICHAUD! according to their records, they’re a THIRD year, specializing in LINGUISTICS, CULTURE, & ASSIMILATION + AWARENESS TRAINING, BREATH CONTROL, HAND TO HAND COMBAT; and they DID go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of ( ever-changing nail art, watercolor flower tattoos & coco mademoiselle perfume ). when it’s the ( libra )’s birthday on 9/30/1998, they always request their CLAFOUTIS from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. 
hey ... y’all ever seen angus, thongs and perfect snogging ... bc thaz how jas is pronounced ahksjvhdf
me aggressively refusing to play americans continues with jas, who is from our (america’s lol) neighbor to the north, canada! my dad’s family is so canadian they barely crossed the border a hundred years ago and just stayed in upstate new york for generations.
i say that so any canadians reading this kno i’m trying my BEST
i think! jas is from quebec, so she’d be from a city that’s french-canadian. probably montreal because i’m not creative OR a suburb of it, at least. 
her parents are very nice, very normal, people. they were high school sweethearts, with three children. jas is the middle child (yikes. just kidding, i) and she has two sisters!
her mother is a kindergarten teacher and her dad is a dentist bc i’m basic!
when she was still young, just after starting school, her aunt came to visit and stayed for a couple of weeks before proposing she take jas for the summer, since she rarely got to see her nieces. but she is not a kid person (and had none herself) so it’d be easiest if she only looked after one of them 👀
jas was down, so her parents were like okay! and thus began her very preliminary spy training. her aunt was often traveling, because no shit she was a Spy but ofc jas’s parents didn’t know this and jas herself was never told this outright. but as she grew up, spending summers with her aunt, it became...how do u say...obvious lol
by the time she went to high school, her aunt asked if she would be interested in going to an elite spy prep school in canada and she decided...yeah she liked the spy thing, she wanted to do it “for real” and ofc her parents were thrilled when she got into some exclusive fancy boarding school
her aunt mostly trained her for hand-to-hand combat and obstacle courses, especially when she was younger, which is why she’s drawn to that subject. it comes naturally and we love an easy A (jk perhaps, perhaps not!)
as she got older, her aunt would put her through “tests” where she had to pretend to be someone else or her aunt would set her a task to perform and see if she could do it, out in the world around strangers. it was, of course, a form of assimilation but jas is studying it more because of the things she didn’t do. the one thing her aunt got to do that she didn’t was leave, travel, and jas spent all of her childhood with her parents, her aunt or at her prep school so she has a huge desire to travel as part of her work in the future
personality things: she’s “obsessive” because jas is extremely detail oriented, when she does something it has to be as close to perfect as humanly possible. she’s not obsessive about other people or relationships or even grades it’s! like...she’s obsessed with nail art, with getting clean straight lines, with making polka dots that are all the exact same size and thickness. and she changes her nails constantly and looks at every occasion as a chance to do appropriate nail art so lmao. she has siblings and she has a good relationship with them, and with her parents, but having spent so much time with it being just her and her aunt, she was trusted to, expected, to do a lot of things on her own and she’s very comfortable being on her own but she loves other people too! and she loves to talk and weirdly loves listening just as much? just! human interaction is neat. her aunt was not a big talker, so she’s comfortable with silence, but she would prefer to have a conversation. she can be a little scatterbrained but definitely NOT when something is important to the other person, or...in general. okay see ya bye!
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purplesurveys · 4 years
What color is your bedspread? Blue and yellow. Pick up the nearest book to you, turn to page 25 and read the first sentence. I’m on the rooftop and there isn’t a book anywhere near me at the moment. How many candles are in the room you are in? No candles, just two faint beams coming from our rooftop lights. What was your first word when you were a baby? My parents didn’t give much thought to stuff like that so they didn’t keep track of my first word, whatever it was. It was most likely either mommy or daddy though. How old were you in 1996? I was...somewhere in the universe, floating around lmao.
How old will you be in 2016? I turned 18 in 2016. How long until your birthday? A little less than three months before I turn 22. How many siblings do you have? Two.  Are they older or younger than you? My sister is two years younger, my brother is five years younger. Are your grandparents still alive? I have three out of four. I lost my maternal grandfather in 2015. How many orange objects are there in the room you are in? The lights we have on our rooftop emit a yellow-orange hue.   Have you ever run a stoplight? Never. I’ve seen enough car crash videos to know what could possibly happen if I was that impatient/if I drove too fast to brake. Do you have any children? Nope. Maybe by the end of the decade. Saying that and knowing that it isn’t 100% bullshit feels WILD. How was your first kiss? It was mostly her. I was too overwhelmed and shaking too much to remember. That whole time I was just in disbelief that I was already having my first kiss lol. Have you completed high school yet? Yeah, almost four years ago. I’m about to complete university/college this year. Do you have any relatives in the military currently? As far as I know, no. The only person I know who’s in the military is Angela’s uncle, who she’s told me about but we’ve never met each other. I also know Kate’s brother is attending military school instead of attending a ~traditional academic university, so to speak. Who got married at the last wedding you went to? Oh my, the last wedding I was in was in 2007, and it was between my uncle (my mom’s youngest brother) and my now-aunt. The new batch of weddings I’m going to be invited to now is definitely gonna be my friends’ and I’m STOKED. What time did you get up today? I first woke up at 6 AM, but I wanted to sleep in so I officially got up at around 9. When was the last time you stayed up all night? I haven’t had an all-nighter in around three years, but I did stay up until 4 AM partying with my friends a couple of months ago. We got back to Rita’s place by 5 AM, but I guess this still kinda counts as staying up all night. How long have you had a myspace, facebook, or whatever you use? I’ve had a Facebook since 2013 (I only made one since my English teacher in freshman year required us to make an account, but I technically wasn’t allowed by my parents so I had to sign up in secret). I made a Twitter three years before that, because it was a website that my parents didn’t know about yet so it was easier to sneak in and make an account for it. Who was the last person of the opposite sex you hung out with? My cousin, Jereth. We exchanged stories and played the Switch while waiting for 2020 to hit. Person of the same sex? Gabie. She came over last Friday. What color are your eyes? They are dark brown but appear to be black most days. Do you like them? Sure, it’s not like Filipinos have a choice lolol. Have you ever had braces? Yes, I had them for a year and a half in high school. I eventually lost my retainers and never got to buy another set, so everything that the braces did was to no avail since my teeth just went back to how they looked like pre-braces. :( Turn on your mp3, cd player, radio, etc. What song is playing? Khalid’s Talk just started playing on my Spotify. What was the last thing you drank? My second cup of barako coffee is keeping me company up on the rooftop right now.
Are you better at math or art? Math. I never accomplished anything presentable in art classes. Science or History? Oooooh, ya got me. I love both, but nothing replaces my love for history. Who was your 4th grade teacher? Ms. Belen, who is actually Satan in a middle-aged woman’s body. I won’t deny that I’ve wished for her death several times; she had her favorites and made her non-favorites know that she hated them. She was just that awful. Who was your best friend in 7th grade? Gabie! We actually met in the seventh grade and she’s been my best friend ever since then. Where did you go to pre-school, if you went at all? I went to the same school from preschool to high school, which we’ll hide under the name AA. We don’t have schools divided into primary, secondary, high school and whatever else y’all have in America. Who was the last person to call you? It was my mom. We went to the mall so I can spend time in Starbucks while she was looking for fancy china (we were going to have guests the next day), and she called to tell me she was gonna drive to another mall cos she couldn’t find any good plates in the mall we were currently in.
Did you smile in your driver's license picture? Yes. They told me I was allowed to smile, so I gave a hearty grin. Apparently that’s an unusual thing to do cos most people just give a closed-mouth smile or don’t smile at all, and the people at the LTO were very amused when my license was finally printed out hahaha. Do you have a job? Not yet, but that’s my goal by the end of the year. AHHHHHHHH WILD What is your favorite smell? Curry being cooked or cookies being baked. What's your favorite brand of gum? Bazooka is classic bubblegum flavor, so I’ll go with that. Have you ever dated someone & then dated their sibling? Nope. I think I’d find that super awkward, especially in my case because I see Gab’s sisters as my little sisters too lol. Who was your crush in 5th grade? My science teacher lmaoooo. We don’t talk about that era. Who was your first bf/gf? Gab. What color is the shirt you are wearing? Brown and black. What do you think of the 1980's? Pop music, big hair, Madonna, Michael Jackson. Have you ever dated someone more than 2 years older than you? I haven’t. How about 2 years younger? Nope. I’ve only dated one person and they’re the same age as me, so I don’t really know how I feel about age gaps in relationships. What brand of shampoo do you use? Dove. How long is your hair? It’s super long now that I hadn’t had it cut AT ALL in 2019. I want to have it long for my grad pic shoot so I’m probably not having it trimmed until February. If I lean my head a bit back, it already reaches my hips. If you could change one thing about yourself physically, what would it be? I’d have my teeth fixed. Is there a box of tissues in the room you are in right now? Nope, I’m out in the rooftop and there’s no reason to keep tissue in here lol. What time is it? 10:27 PM. Is their anything living (plant, animal, etc) in your room right now? We have plants on each corner of the rooftop. What color are the walls in your kitchen? White. All our walls are white, except for my brother’s bedroom which used to be the balcony until we had it renovated. His walls are creamish. Have you ever had a car accident? Mild ones. I’ve never been in a major crash where a car was totally destroyed or where someone was hurt. Do you have any major plans for today? There’s like half an hour left before the day officially ends, so I think I’m good. What kind of deoderant do you use? A...normal one? If you mean brands, I have a Dove one. What color is your toothbrush? Maroon and white. Do you own a digital camera? Nope. I stopped using those around seven or eight years ago. How old is the cellphone you have right now? It’s almost two years old. What are your initials, using the last letter of each of your names? NELZ. Do you know anyone named Tyler? I know a high school classmate’s stepbrother is named Tyler, but I don’t know anyone personally with that name. How about Reese? Katreen’s younger sister is named Reese. Diana? No. I know several Diannes, though. Shelby? That’s a no for me. Have you ever kissed someone who's name started with "C"? Negative. How about "L"? Also no. "E"? I haven’t. "B"? Andddddd nope. Are both your parents still living? Yep. What was the last thing you cooked? Nothing. How many times have you moved in your life? That I remember? Two. Do you live within 20 miles of your birthplace? Yeah, I think Manila counts as being pretty close to where I am now. Can you do a handstand? I can’t. I tried many times as a kid though (and hurt myself several times in the process). Is it after 11am? Well after, in fact. What day is it? Thursday, but it’s soon going to turn to Friday. What's the longest time you've ever spent on the phone? I was once on a Viber call for around eight hours straight with Gab back in like the early months of our relationship. That was insane. We never did it again after that lolol. How many pairs of brown shoes do you own? Just the one pair of brown heels. Are you on any prescribed medications? Nopes. What was the date 2 weeks ago from today? December 19th. If you aren't already married, do you expect to be married within 5 years? No. I’m giving myself between 7-10 years. How about 2 years? That’s an even bigger no. How many funerals have you been to in your lifetime? I’ve never been to a funeral, just wakes. I don’t think I’d like funerals, so I want to stay as unaware as I am now. Have you ever been far away from home on your birthday? Yeah. I was in Batangas for my 20th. I also went on a cruise around East Asia for my 18th birthday, but I was back in the Philippines by the day of my actual birthday. The cruise took place in the days leading up to it. Have you ever had a pet fish? Yes. My first pets were goldfish. Do you have any tattoos? Nope. Would you ever or do you have a nose piercing? Probably not. I wanted one as a teenager though. If you only had 30 days to live, what would you do? That’s pretty dark, but uhhhhhhhh I guess I’d spend all my money, party as much as I want, drink as much as I want, look for new owner/s for my dog, drive as far as I can, spend most of the time with my girlfriend.
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megvmis · 5 years
takada kenta + agender + they/them.┊ ❛ ━ hey, is it just me or do you hear r.i.p. 2 my youth by the neighbourhood playing in the distance ? oh, that’s just megumi shimizu, a twenty-three year old enforcer working with the sector of humanity. according to my sources, i heard they can be chaotic neutral and is energetic, but also ruthless. that’s probably why they remind everyone of yellowed tarot cards, the glint of a knife, and muffled laughter so much ! anyway, make sure to keep an eye out, the doves are more powerful with them on their side ! 
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hello :D it’s kavi, bringing you another mess. i’m going to be quite honest i have close to nothing planned for meg, i just really really wanted them here. message me for plots !
— background/whatever i can think of lol
if you’re familiar with tokyo ghoul, megumi’s kind of similar to juuzou suzuya in terms of personality. a little childish and blunt. they’ll say things like they see them. they are very outgoing. despite a seemingly carefree personality, they are very ruthless to mutants and don’t hesitate when hurting them.
uhhh raised by a young single mom who shouldnt have been raising children, but she had 3 kids anyway. megumi was the youngest, and also the only child who never developed a mutation. their mother and the two older kids all had developed mutations quickly. 
mother didn’t care what happened to her kids and mostly left them to their own devices, as she was more focused on when she’d get her drugs. this left the kids to their own devices, which usually meant that they’d pick on megumi excessively. 
megumi was, and still is, a sweettalker. they were able to scam grown adults out of money with their pretty big eyes and nice smile so that they could have a good meal for once. 
they .... never really attended school. they dropped out in middle school, but even before that, they didn’t come to class or pay attention. definitely not book smart, but very street smart.
because of their family, megumi developed an unhealthy obsession in eradicating mutants. around sixteen, they really badly hurt their older siblings in retaliation for the pain that they had been causing their entire life. their mother didn’t notice.
megumi ran away shortly after, seeing no reason to stay in their rundown house where they were clearly unwelcome. they cut off all connections, and their family was more than happy with that. at 22, megumi’s curiousity got the best of them and they found out that their siblings disappeared and their mother died of an overdose a little after megumi had left.
as for their job as an enforcer at the sector of humanity, they really enjoy it. they like the power, they like the fear that they think the sector puts in mutants. 
ya.... that’s .. rlly all i have.... completely winged this so pls ignore any typos, i promise im a better writer than i seem.
— connections
childhood friends. maybe ones they were close to as well as one they grew apart from
probably has an ex or two? relationship didnt last very long i can tell u that lol . they’re pansexual
friends!!! they’re a friendly person, or at least they try to be
ok wait sorry i’d fucking killllllllll for someone (a mutant) to show them how wrong they are for thinking the way they do. possibly a l*ve interest but we dont gotta!!
wouldn’t doubt that they’d have some people in the sector that dont like them at All so that’ll be cool as well
aha they dont like to talk about it but because they never paid attention in class or even went to school most the time, their writing and reading skills are... not great. if you show them a sentence they probably wont be able to read it quickly. so idk maybe something with that. someone please teach them how to read.
DESPITE THAT theyre a really good artist so give them a muse....
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imagine-loki · 6 years
Title: Irked
Author: lokilover9 Chapter: #23 Rating:Teen
Shandi heard the sliding glass door, saw Loki strut towards the pools diving board and laughed when zoning in on his arse. “Where did you get those, the local sex shop?” ‘What the fuck? There goes my rogue tongue again today.’
Loki stopped and cleared his throat. “I beg your pardon? First we have the ‘doubt of daddy’s identity’ statement in public, now you freely reveal knowledge of a local sex shop. One ‘I’ your spouse, was unaware existed until this moment. Just exactly what kind of woman did I marry, Elizabeth?”
Shandi smirked. “One with secrets.”
“Is that so?” ‘Minx. What are you hiding?’ “Perhaps one day, you’ll share a few.” He dove in and resurfaced nearby. “Until then, I’ve other news.”
Tony initially brushed it off when Shamus’s sons, common law wife’s, surname rang an odd bell. Until bolting from sleep at four am, yelling at Jarvis to call Phil. Several years prior, Obadiah had spoken of reconnecting with an older half brother, from his mother. The siblings eventually had a falling out, but genius Stark remembered the man’s surname. Shamus’s sons wife was that half brothers daughter, confirming a definite link between Shamus and Obadiah. S.H.I.E.L.D. was already watching the couple like hawks, hoping for further leads.
“He must be ecstatic.” Said Shandi. “Are agents being sent here, too?”
“Only for the three day fair. Considering the towns size, Tony believes others spotted tailing any of the O'Donnell’s, risky. Especially with Tanya lurking about. She could inadvertently place Scott on our heels.”
“Great, now she’s a fly in the ointment.”
“Tonys more concerned about your safety than her interference.” Loki didn’t reveal Starks upset when learning of Tanya watching them, but reassured him of keeping Shandi safe.
“He’s become like a protective big brother to me. Like Nat has a sister.”
“Very nice.” ‘How amusing Pet, considering. And educational.’ Secretly aware of Nats true feelings, Shandis comment reinforced their one sidedness, this being her wish for Loki to perceive.
Upon returning from making herself another drink, Loki was doing an underwater lap towards the shallow end. Shandi jumped in merely feet ahead, making him resurface early, triumphantly smiled and gestured towards her stomach. “Tell me the real reason you didn’t previously reveal this option?”
“Alright.” He cooly replied. “However, first things first. Interrupt my laps, will you?” She squealed when he scooped her into his arms and failed an attempt escape. “I think not. Time for a good old fashioned splash and dunk!” Once out, he darted for the deep end and resurfaced again with her clinging to his shoulders.
“You Brat!”
“I wear the title, proudly.”
“Explanation?” She asked, wiping her eyes.
“Right. It’s no secret Tony would’ve preferred anyone but me, to portray Clifford. Assuming being forced to caused greater concern, I didn’t challenge his stipulations. Including your daytime swimming restriction.” Despite the short time Shandi remained in Loki’s arms, a problem began arising. ‘Disobedient cock alert. Think fast.’ He walked to the side and released her.
“Were you concerned I’d tell Tony?” She asked.
“Somewhat. I do understand everyone’s mistrust of me more than they’re aware. In particular, yours.” Loki rose from the water, returned with her drink and sat on the pools edge. “Had I suggested the illusion, you both may have further doubted my intentions for our mission. That must sound absurd, considering my most recent behavior.”
“It’s all good, you apologized.”
“Not for my actions prior to our mission. Do you recall how our conversation ended at the park the other day?”
Butterflies erupted in her stomach. “Yes.”
“When learning you wished to ask if Thor and I believed Midgardians inferior, it struck me how profound the question must be for you.”
“It is. Humans have been questioning life’s existence on other planets for millenniums. Suddenly you guys appear with abilities we’ve only dreamt of possessing and knowledge we’ve barely scratched the surface of. Can you blame us for having questions?”
“Not in the least, yet learning you purposely avoided me, struck harder. However, it’s no wonder as I’ve behaved like an ass since we met.”
‘Wut?’ “On many occasions, you have. I’m curious to know why Loki?”
“I’ve no reason or excuse and you did nothing to provoke or deserve it. The worst part is I caused discomfort in the very place one seeks it most. Where you live. For everything Shandi, I sincerely apologize and hope you may eventually see me in a different light.”
‘Holy shit, Nat was right.’ “That’s very decent of you to admit, Loki. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. It was long overdue, as is lunch. Care to dine on the deck? I can barbeque.” Before she replied, he abruptly stiffened with an ear to the fence, took her drink and offered his hands. “Come, quickly! Someone’s driving up the hill.” In seconds, they were inside, door locked and blinds closed. “Remain upstairs until I say otherwise.” He waited until she was out of sight, glanced out the front window and opened the door. “Next time, warn us people?”
Nat whacked him in the gut, stepping in. “Why Mr. Bradshaw, were you up to no good?”
Clint followed. “We did, Cactus.”
Shandi heard their voices and came down. “He’s right, I’ve a text. Both our phones were inside.”
“What’s with the oversized bathing suit?” Asked Nat.
Loki and Shandi eyed each other. “Long story, Kroshka. Let’s have some drinks and I’ll explain.”
“It’s nice you’ve a pool. That storm turned the Hudson muddy and we’re bored as fuck in that little cottage.”
“That’s the only reason you came?” Asked Shandi. “I say we toss them out, Clifford.”
Nat slapped her hard on the ass. “As if.”
“Bitch! That kinda stung.”
“Is it my fault your butts wet? Be grateful I forgot the paddle.” The guys quietly observed as Nat studied her for a moment. “You’ve been drinking coco.”
“Have not.”
“Liar.” Said Loki.
Shandi sighed. “Does your spouse often talk too much Mrs. Shriner?”
Clint had begun eyeing Loki’s trunks. “All you need are some aviator sunglasses, a thick cigar and you’d resemble a cheap porn star.”
Nat started for the kitchen. “Ya think, Mrs. Bradshaw?”
“Really though dude, what’s with the lips? You order those trunks from an online sex shop, for some reason?”
“No, but apparently there’s one in town which no doubt, my wife learned of through yours Gus.”
“Way to go, Ella. What did you break or run out of this time?”
“Not me, baby cakes. ‘We?’”
Clint grinned. “Oh yeah, that was fun.”
“What? And you laughed at me for…” Shandi froze, eyes widened at Nat from almost referencing her broken vibrators.
Loki gestured she continue. “Please wife, don’t leave us hanging.”
“Forrr…laughing because I’d never been to one.”
“You lied about going to Manhattan’s largest sex shop alone?” Asked Clint.
“No, she went too.” Nat smiled when Shandi gave her the stink eye. “Sorry, beautiful, I had to tell. He was out of town and went all pouty about it on skype.”
“I wasn’t pouty.” Said Clint.
Nat ignored him. “Don’t worry, I never mentioned your purchases.”
“What?! Because there weren’t any, remember? I only went to accompany you!”
A sly smile curled on Nats lips. “Okay true, but you did inspect a few things.”
“Imagine that.” Said Loki. “Two of earth’s finest super heroes, avidly exploring their perversions. Excellent blackmail material. Don’t you think Mr. Shriner?”
“Yeah, but I’d have to catch them first, Bradshaw.”
Shandi smirked, reaching for some glasses. “Ice for your drinks, people?”
“Sure darlin,’ you know it.”
Loki observed the rooms hubbub in silence. ‘A goal you shall never see to fruition, Clint. They were magnificent to behold, yet I send my condolences in silence. To love a woman and possess only a fragment of her heart is a cruelty none should endure.’ His hands rubbed together. “Right. Now that refreshments are settled, burgers anyone?”
Nat and surprisingly Clint were fine with Loki’s minor illusion and agreed Stark should remain oblivious. How Clint may respond to Loki and Shandis evolving affections was a conversation the ladies still needed to have. Nat learned just how much, when something peaked his curiosity. They’d come prepared, granted a welcome to stay overnight and brought their bag upstairs. So he’d behave, Nat had him change in the spare bedroom and her in Shandis. He waited at the hall window with a clear view of Loki tending the BBQ, as Shandi approached with some buns. She turned to leave, hesitated, then stood on her toes and kissed his cheek. Clint couldn’t hear her words, but the way they looked at each other and the smile on Loki’s face when she walked away, left him overly curious.
“You coming baby cakes, or admiring the forest?”
“Do you think he’s trying to seduce her?”
“Shandi just kissed him.”
Nat played dumb. “Are you fucking kidding me? Like really kissed?”
“On the cheek, but still.”
“Interesting. They do seem to be getting along better which no doubt, makes living together easier.”
“He was warned the day we arrived, Nat.”
She stopped on the second step. “I know and Shandis not naive. I think you’re making something out of nothing. There’s a clean and heated pool outside with our names on it. Are you coming or not?”
Clint followed. “If he touches her, Tony will fucking kill him.”
After the kiss, Shandi had taken a moment to straighten and quickly tidy the cushions of two extra lounge chairs. She was heading back inside, a dustpan brush tucked beneath her arm, empty glass in hand and overheard Clints words when reaching the screen door. The glass smashed to the pavement as Nat appeared in view and to hide her discomfort, Shandi hastily squatted to pick up the pieces. Loki asked if she were alright as Nat and Clint went to her aid.
“Geez guys, I haven’t broken a limb, I…uh oh.” Blood rapidly dripped onto the ground from her left hand and Clint grabbed a dish towel as Nat helped her up. “Where’s your Bandaids, woman?”
“In my bathroom.”
“Go get cleaned up.” Said Clint. “I’ll deal with this.”
Nat closed the bedroom door. “We need to talk.”
Shandi ran cold water over the wound. “I heard Clints threat.”
“Oh beautiful. Is that why you dropped the glass?”
“He witnessed your kiss through the window.” Shandi revealed why it occurred and Nat smiled. “I told you Loki’s trying to make amends. I’ll tell Clint ASAP, but stay acting professional in his presence. Obviously he won’t accept anything that happens between you two.”
“Dammit Nat. If I’d have switched places with you, this never would’ve happened.”
“True, things could be worse.”
“You’d keep liking Loki, but be even bitchier in his presence, unable to comprehend why the hell he didn’t like you.”
Shandi chuckled. “I suppose.”
“Stay put.”
“Where are you going?”
“To prevent Cactus being questioned, before I get to Cupid. Keep running water on that.”
“Hey, can you bring me another coco?” No response. “Guess not.”
With Clint in the main floor bathroom, Nat had a chance to approach Loki outside. “Listen I’ll explain why later, but keep things with Shandi more professional around him.”
His brow arched. “Alright.”
“And how’s your magic on hindering a bleed? Baby cakes and I need a few minutes alone.”
Loki found Shandi with her hand still beneath the tap. “Nat said you wanted another drink?”
“Hey, bonus.”
“Going down smoothly are they?”
She took an extended sip. “Yep. They’re so yummy.”
Loki smirked. “May I take a look?”
Nat lured Clint outside and fabricated the truth a little. “Don’t repeat this because I was told in confidence without even asking about the kiss.” She explained Loki’s apology and he was dumbfounded. “Shandi hadn’t an opportunity to thank him before we arrived and that’s what you witnessed, so relax.”
“Are you sure she was talking about Cactus?”
“Okay, I’m relaxing.”
Loki finally made the bleeding stop and inspected the long and rather deep cut into the fatty tissue beneath her right pinky. “How did you manage this?”
“Lost my balance when squatting. Just my oafiness I guess.”
“Shandi. I only meant that to tease. Were you offended?”
“Nah, I kinda knew already. Friends used to say I’m like a bull in a china store.”
“I would disagree and argue your aim precise. Had I not possessed magic, I’d have gained some decent bruises from your book attack. Deservedly so, mind you.”
She smiled and indulged further in her drink. Loki believed it the reason she wasn’t experiencing pain.
“Fortunately, the wound is superficial. I can close it and temporarily numb any tenderness if you wish?”
“Really? Wow, yes please.”
“Understand that doesn’t mean it’s healed, so you’ll need to keep it clean and bandaged.”
“Does this mean I can’t go back in the pool again today?”
He smiled at her pout. “I can solve that problem too.” When done, he magicked a waterproof glove onto her hand that matched the pattern on his shorts.
Shandi eyed it and cackled. “Oh lord.” Then she finished her drink. “Thanks Loki.”
“No problem. Come, your burger is getting cold.”
Upon spotting Nat and Clint outside, Shandi darted out the door and waved her gloved hand on her way to the pool. “Look guys! Now I’m a cheap porn star too!” She jumped in and everyone laughed.
Nat then quietly addressed Loki. “How many cocos and mango has she had?”
They all observed Shandi attempt the backstroke and roll onto her side.
“On an empty stomach?”
“You knew?”
Loki noticed Clint smirking as Nat replied. “Yes. No more until she eats.”
“Why not?”
“Does the word handful mean anything to you?”
“Should it?”
Nat and Clint replied in unison. “Yes.”
Shandi stepped out of the pool. “Yes, to what guys?”
“Lunch. Aren’t you hungry?” Asked Clint.
Nat stiffened as Shandi plunked herself into her lap, squeezed her hair over her tits and grinned. “Yep. I could eat.”
‘Not her you won’t, Pet.’ “I’ll get right on it.” Said Loki. Clint offered help and he accepted.
Once they were inside Shandi pinched her cheek. “He kissed me today and damn it was hot.”
Nat covered her mouth. “Shhh. What did we just talk about?” She drew her hand away when Shandi bit her finger. “Beautiful.”
“Clint can’t know.”
Shandi devilishly smiled. “About us or Loki?”
“Neither, now keep your voice down and please get off before I can’t feel my legs?”
“I’d like to get off.” Shandi whispered. “Until I fuck Loki, why don’t you take me upstairs and make me?”
Nat made her sit on another chair. “Enjoy the sun a minute. I need another drink.”
“Me too, Natskies.”
“Sure thing.” ‘Fuck, woman. Of all the times for coco to bring out your inner slut.’ She closed the kitchen door. “Give me something. Anything.” Clint held up a jar of pickles and Nat gave him a look. “Think again and she needs a virgin on the rocks.” She grabbed a plate of sliced vegetables off the island and left.
“Dare I ask, Cupid?”
Plates in hand, he went for the door. “It means straight mango juice and ice.”
“Easy enough, hang on. Why the avid concern of Shandi indulging in coco?”
Clint stepped out and winked. “Just keep her away from the pickles.”
That comment made Loki devise a plan. He’d keep a watchful eye over everyone this evening, eavesdrop on his guests conversations as previously intended and assure they had much to drink. Especially Clint. Sleep would undoubtedly claim him first and with Shandis intake easy to monitor, her second. That would leave him and Nat whom he presently eyed. “Hopefully the explanation behind Shandi and those pickles isn’t too outlandish, Kroshka. Regardless, we will talk. We will definitely talk.”
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the-stoked-flame · 5 years
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A direct follow-up to The Stoked Flame
The night grew cold and quiet as C’rhanvir ran barefoot throughout the Sagolii, with naught but the stars to guide him back home. Countless times, his mother had told him to wear boots or sandals when traversing the sands, lest his toes discover a scorpion’s nest. To this day, he’d yet to have such misfortune fall upon him. The young Seeker felt giddy and freer than ever, the high of his first spell cast still coursing through him. His mind reeled with the possibilities of his newfound powers. Just how far could he go, he wondered. The flood of thoughts and ideas that ran through him nearly blinded him to the curious set of ears that hastily dove behind a nearby dune. He’d only seen them for a moment, yet he knew exactly who they belonged to. With mischief dripping from his grin, C’rhanvir slunk around the hill of white until he came upon the backside of a smaller Seeker boy. Those ears had belonged to his younger brother. The boy was too busy peeking over the dune once again to notice. It was his chance to strike. A hand shot out and gripped the other’s tail, tugging it (and the boy) backwards. “OH NO RAVI, THE SEEKER-EATER’S GOT YA!” C’rhanvir shouted in mock distress. ‘The Seeker-Eater’ was a tale about a giant sandworm living deep beneath the desert that he had come up with to scare C’ravi. Gullible as he was, the younger sibling screeched, fighting back at a nonexistent creature. “RHANVIR, HELP ME!” It was only until he saw his older brother fall back into the sand, cackling, that he realized he’d been bamboozled. With a huff, he got up and stomped over to C’rhanvir, briefly considering kicking sand into his older brother’s face. Instead, he meekly whined,  “You scared me..” “Well that’s what ya get for spyin’ on me!” The fledgling mage stood up and dusted himself off, beaming like a satisfied fool. “I wasn’t spyin’ on you, Rhanvir.” The eight year old fidgeted in place as he explained. “I was tryin’ to find you— you’re not supposed to be out here this late.” “Neither are you~” He taunted, stepping over to Ravi. “What’s your excuse? How’d ya even find me? You were sleepin’ when I left.” Putting his hands on his hips, he quirked his brow (or what remained of it, at least). “W-well, I woke up an’ saw you were gone. I didn’t want you to get in trouble so I just followed the footprints you left behind t’bring you back. I almost got lost, but then I saw this BIG fireball in the sky an’ I remembered you talkin’ about how much you wanted to ask those strangers about their magic, so I ran towards it. Was that them? Was that you? Can you do magic now?” The younger brother shot his questions rapid-fire, growing more and more enthused as he did so. As much as Rhanvir wanted to feed off of his enthusiasm, however, he frowned as he looked off in the direction of their home. “....Tomorrow night—after everyone’s gone to sleep I’ll show ya everythin’. We should get back before mom finds us both missin’. She already thinks I’m naughty; she doesn’t need t’think that about you too. Sound good?” The twelve year old’s frown was replaced by a grin. “...Yeah...okay.” Ravi’s disappointment was unmistakeable, but he didn’t particularly care to get in trouble either. “Let’s go home, then.” Rhanvir hooked an arm around his younger brother’s neck as he led him through the desert and into the night.
The flames that raged in the grand hall of some old, long-forgotten ruins died down-- as did the sudden fury that had gripped Rhanvir. He stood horrified above the charred, motionless body of his brother, Ravi. “Oh fuck...what’d I do..?”
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fight-me-wyatt · 7 years
Wyatt Oleff ~ Ice Cream by the Ocean
Request/Prompt:  “Do you think you could do a fluffy Wyatt x reader where they go on cute little spending the day exploring town kind of date?” From Anonymous on tumblr.
Ship: Wyatt Oleff x fem!reader
Summary: the reader and Wyatt are going on a date in town… So basically the request lol.
Type:  fluff 
Warning: Only warning would be swearing. And slight sexual innuendos?
Word count: 3670 (including A/Ns) 
Hope you enjoy it. Let me know! I kinda got carried away with the beginning and didn’t do a big long town date part, so if you want me to redo it I’m more than happy to! The gif doesnt fully fit the story but its the outfit i was imagining. but i mean hes really cute even when hes not smiling, so, ah well. Not my gif, gif credit goes to @staruris ! xx (Btw, Y/S/N means Your Sisters Name, instead of your ship name, in this)
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I shook my head at my reflection for the 100th time. Nothing was working with me. I took the clothes that I was currently wearing off and chucked them on the ‘no’ pile that was growing rather steadily on my bed. I dove back into my wardrobe, trying to find something actually half decent, shuffling through hangers and folded clothes. I screamed quietly, throwing my hands up on the air.
“I give up! I’m not going” I groaned.
I turned around, running my hands through my hair, to see my older sister, leaning on the door frame of my room, smirking. 
“Shut up, Y/S/N” I grumbled, folding my arms.
She chuckled and let herself into my room and starting skimming through my wardrobe.
“Yeah, no, please, come in, make yourself at home” I muttered sarcastically.
My sister smiled sweetly and shrugged “thanks!”
I rolled my eyes, but simply sat on my bed, waiting for her to finish what she was doing. She turned to me with a sigh. 
“You really don’t have anything good to wear…. come on, I think I may have something in my wardrobe.” 
She grabbed my hand and pulled me to her own room.
I sat down on her bed as she opened her wardrobe with a dramatic flourish. I rolled my eyes at her and sighed.
“There’s no point. I’m not going to look good anyways. I don’t think he even likes me. I might as well not go.” I grumbled, staring down at fiddling with my fingers. My sister just glared at me.
“I think the fuck not, Y/N/N, you’ve been looking for to your date with Wyatt for ages!” She put her hands on her hips, drumming her perfectly manicured, purple nails against her floral patterned dress. 
I looked down at my own bitten nails and my rather fat thighs that I hated. I frowned and darted my eyes away before I overthought it, as I usually did.
Y/S/N grabbed my hands and held them, speaking softly,
“Y/N/N, don’t worry. You’re beautiful, and he knows it.”
I looked at her cautiously.
“How do you know, though.” I whispered, scared. 
She smiled at me as if she knew something that I didn’t.
“Well,” she replied, “I can tell because of the way he looks at you, with so much love and admiration. The way he talks about you, nonstop and with affection, and that smile he gets whenever you’re mentioned. And that’s only the beginning. But, enough of that. Let’s find you something to wear” she grinned and patted my hands before disappearing into her wardrobe.
 I didn’t pay attention to her occasional mutterings of “not this”, “never in a million years” and other similar comments as I mulled over her previous words. Did he - did he really think and do those things?
Y/S/N broke my thoughts by squeaking excitedly. I quirked an eyebrow up at her, unsure about what she was harping on about. She grinned at me brightly and pulled out a cute casual summer dress that was black with thin horizontal white stripes. I looked at it doubtfully but took it from her nonetheless. I pulled it on over my head. The material was light and comfortable. Y/S/N stepped out of my way so I could see myself in the reflection. I peered at the figure in front of me as they did the same. The dress had t-shirt sleeves, a scoop neck that wasn’t low enough to show anything (thank god) and it went down to my knees. I turned around and looked over my shoulder so I could see the back. The waist was elastic, meaning it pulled in, slightly showing the curves that I did have, in an innocent flattering way. I spun around once, the already slightly flared skirt spinning with me. 
Y/S/N squeaked with joy and clapped her hands.
“Oh yes. 100% yes. I’ve had it for, like, ages and its getting quite tight on me. You might as well keep it.” She winked and grinned at me, “Aw, you look so adorable in it, Y/N/N! Do you like it?”
I smiled softly, biting my lip. I continued to stare at this familiar stranger behind the glass, and nodded. 
“Yeah… Yeah I do!” I said slowly getting more confident.
Y/S/N nodded, happy with my answer.
“Wait here for one second.” She said gesturing for me to do as she told me. I shrugged, curious as to what she was doing.
She was back within the minute holding multiple accessories, including a pair of white converse- my converse.
“You do realise I’m capable of grabbing my own shoes from my own wardrobe, right?” I asked, slightly sassily.
She grinned and rolled her eyes.
“Why, I would never make your royal highness do that, now would I?” She curtsied lowly, pulling her skirt out. 
The shoes dropped awkwardly out of her arms and I snatched them up from where they had rolled to a stop on the floor.
I quickly pulled them on my feet, and as I stood up Y/S/N shoved a floppy, wide-brimmed, creme summer hat onto my head. I rolled my eyes and moved the hat so that it was on properly.
My sister looked me up and down, as if I was a complicated algebra problem that she was trying to solve piece by piece, analysing every part of my body and outfit. I started to get uncomfortable under her critical eyes, so I folded my arms, turning my head away from her, embarrassed. She nodded slowly, having solved the problem in the complex algebra equation that was my date look and outfit.
“Hair and makeup, then we’re done. I promise.” She reassured, sensing my unease. 
I nodded slowly, smiling ever so slightly. No matter how annoying she could be, she really did care about me. 
She lead me to the bathroom and got started.
“Y/N! Wyatt’s here!” My mothers voice echoed done the hallway to the bathroom where my sister was finishing up on my ‘look’. 
My eyes filled with fear, horror, excitement, and a range of other emotions.
“Y/S/N! Hurry up! I don’t want him to talk to mum for too long, who knows what she could say!” I urged her on, but she just laughed. 
I looked in the mirror and saw my face with light, simple makeup that was almost not noticeable. My hair was out and flowing in waves down my back.
“Okay, okay, I’m done.” She smirked and looked at her handy work and nodded happily. She handed me my over the shoulder bag containing my wallet, phone and camera.
“Here you go! Have fun, hun.” 
I gave her a hug whispering a quiet thank you in her ear, before running through to see Wyatt and my mum deep in conversation.
I groaned and blushed, accidentally turning both of their attentions onto me. My eyes widened realising what I’d done. Neither seemed to mind though.
Wyatt’s eyebrows went up as he smiled, and I heard a small “wow” slip from his lips. I blushed a deeper red and I lowered my head awkwardly.
“Oh honey, you look beautiful!” A voice broke the silence and my head darted up to see my mum clasping her hands, with a look of awe on her face.
I winced, embarrassed.
“Muuuum! Please stop….” I tried to tell her without words that she was deeply embarrassing me. 
Wyatt just chuckled and shoved his hands in his pockets.
“Your mum is right, you know, you do look beautiful.” He said softy.
I bit my lip and I let my eyes run over him.
He was wearing skinny jeans, and a simple white tshirt with his blue reflective sunglasses hanging off the neck line of his tee and he had a black bag over his shoulders. His curly hair looked perfect as usual and I couldn’t help but grin. 
“You don’t look to bad yourself, Oleff….” I smirked shyly, looking at him directly for once.
My mum awkwardly cleared her throat, breaking up the moment Wyatt and I were sharing.
“Okay, well you kids have fun… Not too much fun, though. And be home in time for dinner. ” she paused, wondering if she should give them “the talk”.
I quickly nodded, and grabbed Wyatt’s hand pulling him out the door.
“Okay, will do, thanks mum, bye! Love you!” I called over my shoulder hurriedly.
When we were out onto the street I let go of his hand slowly.
“Uh, sorry about that… She didn’t say anything weird or make you uncomfortable while you were waiting for me, did she?” I asked, with fingers crossed.
Wyatt chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair. We both started strolling down the street, no destination, just walking together.
“No, no, don’t worry. She was just asking me about filming, my parents, how excited and nervous you’ve been for this date, school, my siblings, that kind of thing, ya know?” He shrugged grinning at me.
I nodded slowly before stopping as realisation dawned on me.
“Wait. She did what?!” I put my head in my hands and groaned “ohmygod that’s so embarrassing, I’m so sorry…” 
Wyatt smiled softly and nudged me.
“Yeah, but do you know what I told her?” He asked me.
I shook my head, peering through the gaps in my fingers.
“I told her, that I too was feeling that exact way.” He said blushing, keeping his eyes on the path ahead. 
For a minute or so, the only sound was our footsteps on the pavement. Oh, and my extremely loud thoughts, all screaming at me telling me different things all at once, but, thankfully, he couldn’t hear those.
I cleared my throat, trying to clear my head at the same time. It didn’t work. 
“You-ah-you did?” I asked, looking down, letting my hair fall with it, afraid to look at him.
“Mmhmm” Wyatt nodded, shoving his hands into his pockets, nervously, worried that he shouldn’t have mentioned anything.
I smiled, my mouth hidden behind my hair. 
“Uh, why were you…. Why were you nervous?” I asked, finally looking up at him.
He grinned and shook his head, shrugging.
“I don’t know….. Why were you nervous, Y/N?” He said, teasing clear in his voice as he bumped my arm with his elbow. 
I simply scoffed and playfully glared at him, rolling my eyes.
“Oh, shut up, Wyatt.” I laughed trying to hide my embarrassment.
We walked in silence for a couple of minutes, looking around at our surroundings of trees, houses and cars going past. It wasn’t awkward, it was simply natural, as we walked in a content silence. Wyatt took his hand out of his pocket to rub the back of his neck. He let his hand drop to his side awkwardly. I noticed his awkwardness and turned to look at him with raised eyebrows. Wyatt looked at me and opened his mouth before turning away, not saying anything. Before I can say anything, he turns back around to speak.
“Okay, but seriously, Y/N/N, why were you nervous?? Do I make you nervous?” He said with a soft, teasing smile. 
I blushed and shyly slid my fingers between his so that we were holding hands.
“Well, Wyatt… It’s because I really really like you, and I’m always nervous and I get butterflies whenever I’m with you and I’m worried that I’m gonna muck up what we have. And I don’t want it to end, because you make me feel so happy and I love spending time with you…” I spoke quietly, ironically nervous to say so.
 I tucked my hair behind my ear and looked at him to see that he was blushing, with the widest smile on his face. It may be cheesy, but, one look at his genuine smile, and all of my worries dropped away.
Neither of us could stop smiling as we walked, hand in hand, down the street. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Wyatt keep stealing glances at me. I laughed lightly and looked at him teasingly.
“Take a picture, Wy, it’ll last longer you know.” I teased, winking at him, all the while grinning. 
He coughed awkwardly, turning away, muttering a small “sorry”. 
He paused to think, before letting go of my hand and grabbing his camera from his bag. My eyes widened and I shook my head.
“No! Wyatt, I was joking! Don’t you dare take a picture of me” I said groaning, half joking, half serious. 
I loved taking photos, and I loved the photos Wyatt took, but I hated to be in front of the camera. He looked at me with a pout and a pleading look, his chocolate brown eyes melting my stupid heart. I groaned and glared at him slightly.
“Fine, you asshole. Just hurry up and take the damn picture” I said smirking. 
He grinned and held the camera up to his eye. I blushed but smiled anyway, awkwardly standing on the path. 
The flash went off and I breathed a sigh of relief, as Wyatt checked the photo. He muttered something that I didn’t quite catch and I bit my lip, unsure of whether to bring it up. He put his camera back in his bag and we resumed walking. 
“Uh, wy? I didn’t quite catch what you just said…” 
Wyatt turned red.
“Oh. I-uh, just said that you, uh, you look really gorgeous…” 
My eyes widened and I looked down at my feet, kicking a stone across the street. 
“Oh, um, thanks…” I turned and softly kissed him on the cheek. 
Now we were both as red as tomatoes. I couldn’t believe I had just done that, and neither could he. Not that he was complaining. 
We were approaching the small ice cream shop that was on the corner. It was somewhere we often went, before and after we had started dating. We had been going out for a little under two months, but had been friends for a lot longer, and yet we were both incredibly shy about the whole 'dating’ thing. We both saw the small shop and grinned at each other, previous awkwardness forgotten.
“Ice cream?” He asked with a smirk, grabbing hold of my hand again so that they were entwined.
“Ice cream.” I replied simply.
“On your marks?” He asked, setting a challenge.
I stuck my head up high, took off my hat so it didn’t blow off and smirked.
“GetsetGO!” I said quickly, sliding my hand out of his, and preceded to sprint off in the direction of the shop.
His mouth dropped open and he began to sprint to catch up.
“You little shit!” He called out to me. 
I laughed, happily, throwing my head back. He was quickly gaining on me, and I could hear his footsteps getting louder behind me. So, I pushed myself harder. 
I skidded to a stop at the doorway of the finish line, breathing heavily. Wyatt was so close behind me, he didn’t have time to stop before crashing into me. We landed in a heap, giggling together.
Wyatt stood up and offered a hand to me. I gratefully accepted and he pulled me up so I was a little under eye level with me.
“How does it feel, Oleff? To be beat by me?” I teased.
He shook his head, grinning.
“Nope. You cheated, you got a head start, Y/L/N. Therefore, I win by default.”
“I did not cheat! I won fair and square! You’re just upset that you aren’t as good as me.” I scoffed, winking at him. 
I turned to walk into the shop, but Wyatt grabbed my arm softly and pulled me back. We were mere centermeters away from each other 
“Okay, fine. You won. Don’t you want your prize then?” He whispered
“My prize? What pr-”
He cut me off by closing the small gap between us and pressing his lips to mine. I smiled into the kiss, closing my eyes. I kissed back slowly, before hesitantly pulling away. Holy shit. My first kiss. Wyatt Oleff just kissed me. I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face, and he had a matching one on his. I stood there shocked for a minute, before my senses kicked back in.
“Uh, you still up for ice cream?” I asked in a pitch higher than normal.
“Oh, yeah, definitely.” He grinned, and we walked inside.
“One orange chocolate chip ice cream and one goody goody gum drop ice cream. That’s $6 thanks.” The bored cashier said with a strained smile.
I reached into my bag for my wallet before Wyatt rolled his eyes at me.
“They’re on me, Y/N/N” 
He payed and grabbed the ice creams for us, and gave me mine. Not before licking some of my ice cream though. I chuckled and gave him a light shove as we left the shop and into the sunny spring day. 
“You didn’t have to pay for me, Wyatt”
“I know…”
“That was a thank you, by the way…”
Yeah, I know" 
I grinned and slid my free hand into his own free hand. 
We walked along the street and down to the harbour, ever so slightly swinging our locked hands between us. 
We sat down on a bench with a view of the calm ocean, the sound of waves washing up on the beach a comforting noise, the squawking of the seagulls; not so much.   
We sat and licked our ice creams, the sea breeze occasionally blowing my hair into my ice cream. I grumbled, annoyed, and pulled my hair out, slightly smearing some of the ice cream on my cheek. Wyatt laughed, shaking his head at me. I glared, playfully, poking my tongue out at him. I wiped my cheek with the back of my hand to get rid of the cream. Wyatt smiled softly, biting his lip.
“What?!” I asked him, confused at his actions.
He chuckled and lifted up his hand, tentatively.
“May I? You’ve still got a little bit of ice cream riiiight…” He said slowly, before quickly dipping his finger in his own ice cream and smearing it all over my cheek, “there.” He grinned, proud of himself.
My mouth fell open, but I started laughing along with him.
I moved so that I was fully facing him, a smirk on my face, and a plan formulating in my mind. 
“Oh? Is that so, Wy? Funny you say that, because you happen to have ice cream riiiight…” I grabbed his hand that contained his ice cream and quickly guided it so that it gently smeared across his cheek, “there”.
He burst out laughing as I raised my eyebrows, pleased with myself. He wiped the ice cream off with his index finger, and licked his finger clean, winking at me.  
We constantly joked around and made innuendos because our senses of humour were relatively the same, and one reason our relationship worked so well was because we could make each other laugh all the time. I’d constantly be in stitches over some lame joke that Wyatt had told me, or he’d be gasping for air over some stupid pun I had made. 
I did the same with the ice cream on my cheek and blew him a kiss. Wyatt grinned and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, staring out at the horizon. Melting into his arms, I lent my head on his shoulder, enjoying the peaceful view of the ocean. In that moment, I couldn’t have been happier, and little did I know that Wyatt was feeling the exact same way.
It could had been minutes, or it could’ve been hours that we sat there, together on that bench. We would occasionally break the silence to tell the other a joke, or comment about something we could see, such as a boat out on the horizon, or a cloud that was shaped like a tree, but other than that we simply sat together enjoying each other’s company. 
With my head still on his shoulder, I smiled brightly.
“Thanks, Wy. I couldn’t have asked for a better day.” I said softly.
We both had our eyes on the two seagulls gliding through the air together as he replied.
“Well, I recon we can beat this day, and have an even better day another time… But only if you’d like too?” He said shyly.
“Are you asking me out on another date, Wyatt Oleff?” I grinned.
“Indeed I am, Y/F/N.” 
“Well, i guess I have to say yes, I need to see if it’s possible for a day to be better than this.” I teased, looking out over the ocean where the same two seagulls were dipping and diving at the water with each other.
A/N: I’m so sorry this took so long! I’ve been having writers block, and school has definitely not helped lol. Xxx This was kinda not really “exploring town” so, if you’d like for me to write that, let me know! And I’ll add it to Tommys to be written! HOLY SHIT! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 200+ FOLLOWERS!?!? This is crazy xxxxxxxxxxxxx
@nctzenaf here's the one I was in the process of writing.. Don't worry I'll still write another!
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