#ya’ll know the timeline
parkercore-69 · 3 months
i wish someone woulda told me about the medical malpractice pipeline before i watched re-animator cuz now im sat watching house md and i dunno whats become of me
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5sospenguinqueen · 1 month
Lullabies | Max Verstappen x Singer! Reader
Summary: Six months ago, Max walked out of your life after a conversation about your future. When you find out he' ended up in a's dating Kelly - who has a child - you work through your emotions in the best way you know how; revenge music.
Warnings: Swearing. Angst. Miscommunication. End of a relationship. Max doesn’t look great in this.
Female reader with various faceclaims. Takes place in 2021 but timelines have been completely altered. Olivia Rodrigo songs.
Main Masterlist
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by georgerussell63, bestfriend and others
YourUserName 'and i fantasise about a time you're a little fucking sorry'
User 1 mother is in the studio, ya’ll. i'm smelling a new album
User 2 did their breakup destroy my soul? yes. do i believe the revenge album will heal my soul? absolutely
User 3 the working titles are so unhinged and I’m here for it
→ User 4 hit you with a car is so real
→ User 5 love that she called him evil whilst also saying that she wants him to drive off a cliff. we respect it
francisca.cgomes i’m SO ready for this. sure you can’t give me a little preview?
→ YourUserName stop trying to get me fired
User 6 sis disappears from social media for 6 months only to come back serving cunt
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━━━━━━ ༻𖥸༺ ━━━━━━
2 months before
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━━━━━━ ༻𖥸༺ ━━━━━━
redbullracing just posted
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liked by YourUserName, maxverstappen1 and others
redbullracing ANOTHER VICTORY FOR MAX VERSTAPPEN 🏆 #AustrianGP tagged: maxverstappen1, kellypiquet
User 7 omg omg omg y/n liked. this is not a drill
User 8 was that last photo really necessary? she’s just a wag, she’s not actually part of red bull
User 9 not y/n liking 🥺 he broke her heart but she’s still supportive of his career
User 10 that should’ve been Y/N
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━━━━━━ ༻𖥸༺ ━━━━━━
YourUserName just posted
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liked by maxverstappen1, victoriaverstappen and others
YourUserName 'you’re just a stranger i know everything about'
User 11 not max liking despite not even following
victoriaverstappen so talented
liked by maxverstappen1
→ YourUserName thank you, vic x
→ User 12 not the former SILs interacting on main
alex_albon what's that sound? oh, it's just my tears
→ YourUserName doofus
→ lilymhe can confirm
User 12 and now my heart is breaking all over again. i miss the two of them so bad
kellypiquet just posted
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liked by landonorris, redbullracing and others
kellypiquet summer break with my favourites 🤍 tagged: maxverstappen1
User 13 so pretty
User 14 goals
User 15 anyone notice max hasn’t been commenting since y/n became active again on socials
→ User 16 delusional
→ User 17 clearly they're fine if she's posting vacay pics with him
→ User 18 except these are clearly old pics because max had stubble at the gp like two days ago so...
→ User 15 @ user16 plus he always used to comment and this time he's not even liked the post
→ User 19 not to add fuel to the fire but they were also spotted arguing after his podium
YourUserName posted a new story
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Hi, guys. This part of the Baby Fever Angst series, which will include smaus for other drivers.
Daniel’s Version | Lando’s Version | Lance’s Version
Charles’ Version | Oscar’s Version
I have part 2 planned if people want it but also happy to leave it like this if people don't want them to have redemption haha
Tag List (I tried to include all those who asked. Sorry if you only wanted to be tagged in Part 2 to Daniel and not the other drivers, it got a bit confusing haha)
@lav3nder-haze @minkyungseokie @callsignwidow @luvrrish @fall-bambi @evans-dejong @sadsierra2 @justdreamersdream @spookystitchery
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joelmillers-whore · 9 months
The Only Thing I Did Right
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summary: after a patrol gone wrong, joel races to get you back to jackson. while the doctor tries to save you, he wrestles with the guilt of letting you down.
pairing: joel miller x reader 
word count: 2.6K
series or one-shot
warnings: mature, language, joel x female!reader, no mention of Y/N, canon timeline (sort of), jackson era, post-outbreak, soft joel, hurt/comfort, minor descriptions of blood, joel thinking everything is his fault, tommy is there briefly, mentions of drinking and/or alcohol dependence, happy ending don’t worry, angst if you squint
A/N: i meant for this to be a short drabble because my creativity has been waning lately and i’m a little burned out to be honest, but i got carried away, but what else is new. anywho, enjoy this lil fic. let me know if ya’ll would like to see another part of this or maybe an interconnected one-shot series, i would be down. i really enjoyed writing this. also, i am still trying to power through this sickness i have suddenly, and i don’t think i’ll be able to post hard light chapter two this week.
I've Got Nothing Left To Hide
“Where’s it hurt?”, Joel asked, in a low, almost inaudible voice. He tried to keep his tone calm, trying to keep you calm, but his mind was flustered, and he was on edge, and he was pretty sure that you could see right through his charade. 
He swallowed thickly, past a lump that was stuck in his throat. His eyes darted all over you, tracking every movement, every laboured breath, and wince.
It had been decades since he had felt like this; the constricting of his chest, the shallow and unsure breaths that he was letting out, and the staggering way his heart clenched, a silent prayer on his lips, asking any God who would listen to spare you. 
It all felt so overwhelming and a little too familiar. Images of Sarah flashed through his mind, dredging up demons and emotions he had thought he had left in the past.
He had never been so afraid of losing someone he loved, not since Sarah, but here he was now, feeling like he was about to collapse at any minute, terrified of making the wrong move and losing you.
He swallowed again, harsher as he concentrated on his breathing. 
He hadn’t let his mind drift to thoughts of his daughter in a long time, his chest burning in that familiar way each time that he did, squeezing to the point of pain.
He let an idle hand drift to his chest, right above his heart, and gripped it, trying to will it subconsciously to slow down. But it was no use. 
There were very few things in the world that made Joel feel as if the ground was collapsing underneath him, and thinking of Sarah was definitely one of them.
Whenever he found himself thinking of her, thinking of how he couldn’t save her, the breath from his lungs evaporated, and guilt slammed into him with enough force to destabilize him.
But seeing you like this, the woman that he had promised Tommy that he would watch over and protect, writhe in pain as blood pooled under your shirt, that was another thing that he couldn’t bear to witness. 
You looked so helpless, lying in his arms, looking up at him with droopy lids, a faraway look in your eyes.
He cursed under his breath, knowing that you were injured because of him, because of his carelessness.
You were going to be another person he couldn’t protect and he didn’t know how much more of that he could take. 
“‘M fine”, you said, weakly, your breath coming out in stunted gasps. 
Joel shook his head, tempered anger coursing through his veins, “Don’t pull that brave shit with me”, he bit out, harsher than he intended. He gripped you tighter in his arms, holding onto you for dear life. “I know it hurts, so just tell me”. 
He watched as tears gathered at the corners of your eyes, you tried to blink them but the motion only made them fall, coating your cheeks.
Joel lifted a hand, wiping them away. He hated to see you cry, he couldn’t stand it, it broke his heart.
He left his thumb on the apple of your cheek, thinking that maybe the sensation would bring you some comfort, thinking that maybe it would bring him some comfort. 
“Am I going to die, Joel?”, you asked, a slight tremble in your voice. 
Joel shook his head, adamantly, “Not if I can help it”. 
You faded in and out of consciousness as Joel debated his next move, trying to figure out how he was going to get you back to Jackson.
He clutched the hem of your shirt, the material sticking to your stomach as he peeled it from you.
He visibly cringed as he eyed your wound, the punctured flesh dispelling crimson red at a rapid and borderline concerning rate. 
He couldn’t wait around any longer, couldn’t wait for the next round of patrol to find them, if they even came out this far. So, he took matters into his own hands, his muted internal clock ticking down the more he looked at you pale in his arms.
He scooped up your limb body, pressing you flush to his body, determination and adrenaline pumping through him, the driving force propelling him into action.
There was only one thought in his head; get you back to Jackson, by whatever means. 
As he stepped out of the small cabin, Joel noticed that the sun was slowly starting to dip beneath the horizon, the pop of blistering orange making him anxious.
Night would come quicker than either of you wanted and then the real challenge would begin, trying to navigate through the dense forest and get back to the community in the dark.
You were trembling in his arms, shaking so violently, from either the bitter cold or the loss of blood, that he thought that he was the one who was hurting you. 
“Can you ride?”, he asked, urgency in his voice. 
Joel couldn't risk injuring you further, but he also couldn’t waste any more time, so he made an executive decision. He had been making a lot of those on your behalf today, and his most recent had gotten you in this position in the first place, it was his fault.
If anything happened to you, he wouldn’t ever forgive himself. 
He placed you tentatively on the ground, his arm sneaking around your waist to stabilize you as he untied his horse from the post. 
“Alright”, he bent slightly, grabbing your foot and placing it in his hand, “Nice ‘n easy now”. 
He could see the strain on your face, the pellets of sweat sticking to your hairline as you used as much strength as you could, hoisting yourself up and onto the horse. You’d let out a strangled groan as you got situated.
Once he knew that you were on, he hopped up, grabbing the reins and digging his heels into Shimmer’s body, spurring her into a run, his motivation to get back to Jackson making his heart race. 
The only solace that Joel took from not being able to see you from the position he was in, was that he could feel you gripping him from behind, your arms latching around his waist, your cheek flush with his back.
He could feel your chest rising and falling against him and his pulse softened, knowing that you were still fighting, still holding on for him. 
He had pushed Shimmer to her limits, getting you both back to Jackson in record time. The sequence of events that followed had been a blur to him.
The gates had opened immediately, the guards recognizing him even in the dusk.
He remembered screaming his throat raw, begging someone for help as he carried you into town and to the doctor.
He’d watched on, helplessly, as they quickly began working on you. Blood and cloth blurred his vision, making his stomach twist with queasiness.
He had to leave the room, too overcome with emotion and nausea to be of any help to you. 
When he stepped outside of the small makeshift clinic, the frigid air pierced his lungs, drawing out a long and aching breath, striking him so sharply that he stumbled forward.
He had gripped a wooden post for support, digging his palms into it for purchase, closing his eyes.
He tried to get a handle on his breathing, but it was no use. He felt the bile creeping higher in his throat, until he couldn’t hold back anymore.
It poured out of him, leaving his mouth dry and his head spinning. It was a visceral reaction, his worry over you, over what he had let happen. 
He cursed Tommy for entrusting him with you, something so precious. He knew things could have turned out worse, and he was glad that they hadn’t been, but he couldn’t get over how bad they were right now.
How shaken to his core he was that he had allowed this to happen at all.
Joel couldn’t stand to be there anymore, just on the other side of the door that led to you, powerless while the doctor patched you up. So, he did the one thing he had always been good at, he left. 
Snow crunched underneath his boots, growing louder in his ears as he walked away from the clinic. He thought that a drink might help calm his nerves.
A part of his brain wanted to forget that this day had ever happened, and another part told him that no amount of alcohol would repair the guilt that was nestled snuggly in his gut. But he could try. 
Joel didn’t know how long he had been at the Tipsy Bison, he had lost track of time after the third or fourth whiskey. He blew out a shaky breath, letting a hand drift over his haggard features.
He had been running on adrenaline the whole day and now he was crashing, feeling the exhaustion settle deep in his bones.
But he couldn’t rest, he didn’t deserve to, not when he didn’t know if you had made it or not. 
A jolt of horror shot through his body, making his stomach twist in knots. What if you hadn’t made it? He licked his dry lips, closing his eyes as he felt a prick form behind his eyes. 
Joel was startled by a firm hand on his shoulder. He twisted slightly to see who it was, his face dropping further when he saw that it was Tommy.
He didn’t have to look at his brother for long to get a read on his expression. What he was thinking.
He was pissed and rightfully so. He had failed you and now he was waiting for Tommy to lay into him, chastise him for being so fucking stupid. 
“She’s askin’ for ya”, Tommy said, keeping his voice soft. 
Joel turned around in his seat fully to look at Tommy, surprised that he had gotten to his feet so fast. He snorted out a laugh, seeing the fucking relief that was surely on Joel’s face.
Tommy clapped his shoulder again, almost to stabilize him. Joel couldn’t look his brother in the eye, guilt bubbling and breaking the surface, making his skin sting. 
“‘M sorry”, he mumbled, “I should’ve been there, I should’ve gotten to her quicker, I shoulda done something”. 
Tommy shook his head, “You couldn’t’ve known that would happen, Joel. So stop blaming yourself”. 
Joel scratched at his facial hair, running his hand along his jaw, pondering Tommy’s words. 
He continued, “You protected her with your life, brother. I couldn’t ask for more than that”. 
Joel felt emotion clog his throat. Tommy wasn’t angry with him like he suspected he would be, he was grateful even. Something unfamiliar unfurled in his stomach, something that felt like acceptance. 
A long beat stretched between them, “Go see her”, Tommy finally said, a smile pulling at his lips. 
He led Joel out of the bar, leading him back to the clinic to go see you. Tommy stopped short of the door, motioning for him to continue without him. Joel nodded curtly, slipping past and entering the small, single-room cabin. 
Tentatively, Joel inched closer to the bed that you were in, walking on the balls of his feet, uncertain if you were awake or not. You were lying down, stretched out with your back to him, He sat on the edge of the bed, seeing you turn toward him, a grin on your face as you looked at him. Joel’s face heated under your gaze.
He didn’t deserve that smile, he thought, but he would take it anyway, if you were willing to give it to a man like him. He reached out, stroking your face softly with the back of his fingers. 
“Hey, darlin’, how ya feelin’?”, his voice was throaty, raw. 
His heart hammered below the surface as your eyes locked with his, pining him to where he sat. He didn’t want to breathe too loudly or make any sudden movements, too afraid that he would break the spell. 
“Better now”, you croaked. 
Everything collapsed at once inside of him; his resolve, his strength, his pride. He couldn’t fight it any longer, how fucking happy he was that you were still here, still with him. 
“What’re you smiling at, hm?”, you asked, arching a brow. 
Joel shook his head, his explanation dying on his tongue. He had never been one to lose his words but right now, being so close to you, he wasn’t sure he knew how to speak anymore.
Your hand wrapped around his wrist, pulling him back to the moment. Your hand was freezing as it touched his skin but he didn’t mind. 
His smile disappeared as your eyes scanned his face, “I’m so fuckin’ sorry—”, he started, but you shook your head. 
“It was my fault, Joel. Don’t you dare apologize for my fucking mistake. I won’t hear it”, you said, your tone firm. 
Joel wanted to argue, to tell you that it was his fault but he didn’t have the heart, not when you were only just beginning to heal up, still looking weak and pale.
He could wait for another day to have it out with you. He just nodded instead, and you hummed, content with him seemingly letting it go for now. 
Your hand was still on his wrist and he felt a strange sense of calm. 
“Come ‘er”, you whispered, tugging on his wrist lightly. 
He wasn’t sure what was happening until your lips were on his, soft, pliant, and full. The kiss was sweet but it only lasted a minute. He pulled back, his brows furrowed in confusion. 
“Thank you”, you said, eyes shining as the light hit them, making them more beautiful than he thought was possible. 
He nodded quickly, head still spinning from kissing you. It had been a thank-you kiss and he shouldn’t think more of it.
But goddamn it, he wanted more. He wasn’t mad or upset that you had kissed him, honestly, he had been meaning to do it for months now.
If a kiss filled with gratitude for saving your life was all that he could get, he would accept that, he didn’t want to push his luck. 
You noticed the uneasy look on his face, shifting in the bed and using your dwindling strength to sit up.
Now you were the one with creased brows, your eyes darting over his face, trying to find your answer. Realization struck your features. 
“If I made you uncomfortable, I’m sorry, Joel. I just didn’t know how else to say it”. 
Joel felt like a jackass, that wasn’t what he meant at all. 
“That’s not— that’s not it, darlin’. I just didn’t think you’d want to kiss an old man like me”. 
His chuckle was thick with depreciation, but you just shook your head, eyes gleaming with something he didn’t recognize. You chewed your lower lip and Joel couldn’t help but stare. 
“I’ve been meaning to do that for a while actually”, you admitted. 
Joel’s head snapped up, searching your eyes. You were sincere and he knew it. That was the confirmation that he needed, the hope that lit a flame in his chest. You wanted him too. 
A deep chortle escaped Joel’s throat, his face neutral as he leaned in closer to yours. “Then I guess we better make up for lost time then”. 
Joel pressed his lips into yours, moulding to the shape of them as he gripped your face in his large hands, letting a groan slip into your mouth. You pulled back with a giggle, fisting the hair at the base of his head.
Your smile was a thousand watts and Joel couldn’t look away. His grip on your face tightened a little more, making sure that this was really happening to him. 
He couldn’t believe it but he dove back in regardless, wanting to soak in as much of your love and light that you were willing to give to him.
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hana-no-seiiki · 10 months
// fantasy creature cruelty. yandere themes. heteronormative society (sort of?? both your paternal and maternal grandparents come in hetero pairs)
I don’t know if you guys read my yan! father fic yet but do go check out @yoru-no-seiiki for it (Unless you’re a minor cause that acc doesn’t allow those) as it happens in the same universe(ish) as this one.
So by now you’ve already met yan! father.
(honestly would love to see my moot’s takes on yan! grandparents so if ya’ll see this. it’s not only a sign but a call to aid plez)
mostly based off of mairimashita iruma kun’s sullivan, your YAN! PATERNAL GRANDPA and GRANDMA spoil you a shit ton.
YAN! P! GRANDPA is more on the type to spoil you physically/monetarily. If you have a need or even the slightest hint of desire for something, consider it received. He has saved so much of your drawings and if you happen to be the kid who drew monsters/weird abominations as a child then ya boi definitely has frankensteined some into being. His creations happened to net him a ton of money which he spent all on you as ‘thanks’ but everyone knows it’s just cause he’s infatuated with his cute grandchild.
YAN! P! GRANDMA leans heavily on the ‘unhealthily allowing this kid(you and yan!dad) to do whatever you want and even encouraging it’ sort of parenting. She taught how to kill and do it efficiently as a young child. Uncaring of whatever prophecies schmofeces oracles have of your future. She will make you into an indestructible machine and is hell-bent on it. … You have probably ingested a lot of poison from her cookies as a way to built immunity to the stuff.
Now your maternal grandparents are a lot let on the damaging side but are still pretty over the top.
Your YAN! MATERNAL GRANDPA loves showing off. He’s probably like a war general with many wives and sees love as ‘you worship/admire me’ which he sorta maybe passed unto you. He’s kind of like a caveman and believes a show of strength is in order to be successful. So there’s a lot of him flexing and challenging YAN! PATERNAL GRANDPARENTS to a duel.
Only for YAN! PATERNAL GRANDMA to swiftly have his ass wipe the floor.
YAN! MATERNAL GRANDMA is a jaded woman. She never loved her husband and had always wanted to flee the family and high society until you came along. I see her as the old version of those Manhwa female protags that have rebirthed multiple times and is just tired of the shitty life they’ve been dealt with. She’s incredibly knowledgeable on fashion, trends and the industry as a whole. She’ll make sure you look good at every turn. Maybe even start trends of your own. It doesn’t matter your body type and if isn’t what’s in at the moment, she’ll make it the moment. Unlike the paternal grandma and her husband, she would never put you in harms way. Even extending your time with her so you don’t have to do those barbaric acts with the others.
And then there’s YAN! MENTOR who swore to never have another child under him ever again. The last time he did that, said child (your father) destroyed his precious astrology tower and had him imprisoned for 5 years for a thing he never even did. Sure, 5 years is nothing for thousand or so year old man but boy was he pissed off.
YAN! MATERNAL GRANDPA had to threaten him to have you and YAN! MENTOR is almost thankful that he did.
YAN! MENTOR believes you to be his best student. It definitely did not start off that way. He thought that a prissy, spoiled brat like you would leave the moment he gave you a difficult task but you surprised him with your tenacity. Throughout all his trials for you, you always came out at top, if not persevered until your body couldn’t handle it anymore.
He definitely wants you to kill your dad as compensation though, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I end up writing him as the reason why you plotted to end the dude’s life.
To keep things fluffy, let’s say in this timeline, he saves you from your dad’s entourage and adopts you.
Your YAN! GRANDPARENTS definitely riot but all are mature enough to understand the situation in the end.
will write more on this on the future but for now, i gotta go! byeeee!!
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allimocha · 14 hours
AlliMocha’s 2024 Fancuries Spotlight Post!
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Hi Everyone! It’s Me, Alli! Back at the fancuries and this time with 5… 5 NOMINATIONS???
Ya’ll are amazing, thank you guys so much for nominating me!
Speaking of which, let’s get to those nomminations shall we?
​​・・・​​⟢Best Fanseries Concept: Arcades, Racing Games, & Sweets - Sugar Rush! Pretty Cure ⟢​​・・・
S. U. G. A. R. Jump into your racing car! Sugar Rush, Sugar Rush!
It was one late night when I was bored that the idea to combine one of my favorite disney movies and precure occured in my brain, and I’m glad it did! I knew going in that arcades, and of course, racing had to be the main themes in this fanseries since it’s based on Wreck it Ralph’s Sugar Rush racers. AND Because it is SUGAR Rush, and the game and character’s in this afromentioned game are sweets related, I knew the outfits and names for the cures had to follow suit.
It’s a really fun idea and a great homage to one of my favorite films, and I’m glad you all enjoy it too!
​​・・・​​⟢ Favorite Fancure: Vanelope Von Schmitt/Cure Sweets ⟢​​・・・
Speaking of Sugar Rush! Precure, the main lead is of course, our wisecracking candy princess, Vanelope! Coming up with Vanelope’s design was pretty easy, as, you know, her character already exists. But for Cure Sweets, it was a different story. I struggled with her colors a fair bit, and her outfit too! However, in th end, I think I nailed down a design I’m pretty happy with!
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​​・・・​​⟢ Best Team Design: Sugar Rush Pretty Cure ⟢​​・・・
Despite Sugar Rush! Precure just being created, and there only being two cures, I was still nominated for best team design for what I already had! I’m really exicited that people seem to like the designs I’ve already come up with! Despite the plan of there being 5 cures in total, Cure Sweets and Cure Taffy are the only two cures for a while, and so I wanted to make sure that they worked as a duo as well as apart of a bigger team.
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​​・・・​​⟢ Coolest Cure: Lei Sandiego/Cure Spice ⟢​​・・・
Ah, Bittersweet X Daydream! Precure. The series in which the first chapter is still being written for about 4 years now. (I’m not even joking, it’s been that long.) And don’t get me started on Cure Sugar’s design timeline.
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But for Cure Spice, her design has been the one that’s stayed mostly the same over the years, and I’m proud that this design was nominated for Coolest Cure!
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​​・・・​​⟢ Excellence in Digital Art ⟢​​・・・
This one caught me by surprise. I was so estatic to get nominated for this catagory, and so happy people enjoy my art. Bringing my ideas to life and sharing it with the world has always been a dream of mine, so I want to thank everyone who’s at least seen it for being apart of that dream.
Thank you all! And good luck to everyone who was nominated!
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factual-fantasy · 1 year
I got 26 asks for ya’ll, sorry they’re a bit late!
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..Bruh. Where have you been for the last 4 months?? Scroll down on my blog for like 3 seconds. You’ll find dozens of posts talking about my FNAF AU. How I’ve spent weeks rewriting the timeline, how certain comics aren’t canon anymore, how I’m working on my Recap/Repair project WHICH MIND YOU, part 1 is the most recent post I’ve made.
Also I will give Gregory any story that I want, thank you very much.
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Hey, buddy. Listen, you’re up here at a 10 right now, I’m gonna need you to come down to at least a 4, okay?
Also I hate to burst your bubble, but If you want a faithful interpretation/version of Vanessa? You don’t want my blog.
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Ah, sorry. I don’t do commissions no.. Thank you though!
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AU comes first, movies later lol
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Awe, thank you! I did my best! :} Also I don’t have a jester Anon, feel free to take the title!
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Uhg. That’s really frustrating. But I actually heard word that he finally took them down. I never checked to confirm but its a nice thought. Also thanks for letting me know!
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Thank you so much! Also I don’t think I’ve actually seen any Don Bluth movies.. or if I have I didn’t know they were made by him-
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Thank you so much! Also nooo, sorry. Those game’s events don’t happen. I built my AU mostly on games that I myself have played/ones I know a lot about. <:/
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I haven’t actually thought about it too much. Just figured eventually they’d meet and hit it off-
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<XD I’ll do my best! Thank you for the reminder,
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Awww, you’re too kind. Thank you so much!
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Holy cow, that far back?? Man, well, I apologize for the completely unhinged content you were subjected to- <XDDD
But also thank you so much! Hearing that I have such an old fan is really cool! And your patience and support for my project means the world! 
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Thank you! I’m so glad you like them! :DD
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aaaa thank you so much!!! Same to you! :DD
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Does being glued to the couch for 8 hours because of being in a constant state if dizziness count as a break? :D If so, back to work I go weee!!
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AAAAA that’s so cool! Having no dead kids in the story is really refreshing! (something I never thought I’d type-) Also I love their designs! Especially Foxy’s, seeing him so tall is different to me, but cool! XD 
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XD You can always count on me to jump fandoms at the perfect time! Also oh man, that’s a tough one. I’m really torn between Engineer and Soldier.
On one hand you have Engineer. He has so many things I love in a character. He’s a tough Texan that has a healthy dosage of southern hospitality. He has total dad vibes. I love the way he interacts with the other characters as well. Like in Expiration date, taking off his helmet to show some respect to his team as he gave them the grim news. Also being mostly gentle about how he worded the news as well. He spent what he thought was his last 3 days on Earth, helping Medic to try and find a cure, overall just working in his last hours to try and help his team. Even when it should have been pretty hopeless.. Also the way he bursts into the room, “Guys! Hey, Fellas! Listen! Its just bread that gets tumors! :DD” Tossing his arms over Soldier and Medics shoulders and smiling with them, UHG he’s so cool.
I also love all the headcannons people have made about his character. A lot of people, me included, like to think that engineer cooks breakfast for the team sometimes. Eggs, Bacon, pancakes, you name it. I also love the thought that after a rough battle, where they lost and the whole team is cranky and aching. Engie goes out and fires up the grill and makes everyone some good food as a pick me up. Burgers and hotdogs, shish kabobs and sandwiches, just MAN. Such a fun idea and such an awesome character. 
His design is also really fun to me. Overalls and googles, with a hard hat that’s slightly crooked. And of course his wicked gunslinger that’s kept under wraps. Not sure why he covers it up, its awesome! ALSO His dialogue in the game is a real hoot, I also like his GAME PLAY. Although I’m a pretty lousy Engineer myself, I love the idea of being able to support my team the way he does. People can fall back and be fully protected by the Engineer. A sentry to keep you safe, a dispenser to replenish your ammo and health. And a kind hearted man to pat you on the shoulder and say, “You alright son? Here, take a seat for a while. You can get back out there when yer ready. I’ll keep an eye on you till then.” like OUHG, so much fun. I absolutely adore everything about his character.
On the other hand, there’s Soldier. He is so unbelievingly stupid, so mind blowingly absurd, and so incredibly big hearted and ridiculous. His antics and overall hilarity have brought me to tears multiple times and never fail to make me smile.
I don’t think I have a super gushy, character analysis-y reason why I like him so much. He’s just really funny, his character is so fun and ridiculous and he always makes me laugh. So that’s why its so hard to pick between Engie and him-
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Sorry, I dumped that comic long ago.. but who knows? Maybe someday I’ll feel inspired and come back to it. My hyper fixations have been known to be quite unpredictable-
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I straightened up and got 3 water bottles, I hope you’re proud of me! :}
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Thank you so much!! :DDDD
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Oooo, that’s so interesting!
Meanwhile there’s me who has completely deleted her from my brain and refuses to acknowledge her existence- XDDD
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All I’m hoping for is that they make it scary.
I want little kids to come into this movie chanting “FNAF! FNAF! FNAF! :DD” And run out screaming and crying moments later.
FNAF at its core, is a disturbing story. With gruesome themes and horrible tragedies and disgusting people. It is not meant for kids. I feel like FNAF recently has been really dumbed down and kid-ified. Which makes me kind’a sad..
I tried not to let that rub off on my AU. It may be light hearted for now, but the truth about the past and the disturbing story of William will not be buried for long..
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Thank you for the reminder, I’ll do my best!
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Awe, thank you! Once my Recap/Repair is done I gotta get around to drawing some of them!
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I know that this is late but I just had to share my thoughts. Though they may not be popular or what people wanna hear. Maria is being added to the game. I’ve seen all kinds of things about her being alive and such. I kinda wanna point out that technically all of the victims are dead. (Very sad, none of them deserved that) all of them. Now the devs have changed things in the lore. That can’t be denied but what I will say is all even if the character are in game it doesn’t change how the story ends. Maria more than likely died with Virginia after being caught again. Yet Virginia and Maria are in the game. Same goes for Danny, he was way past expired before he was added to the game. He probably died before anyone else or closely after Maria and Virginia. Leland, Sonny, Connie, Julie, and Ana all sadly pass too and they are still in the game. The game changes and adds all the things but the story “doesn’t change” if you get my drift.
As for Maria being chainsawed down in the petals game. That mini game was just a show case of Johnny and sissy. It wasn’t really about Maria. Now we did get to see how it happened and how she was captured but her getting sawed down wasn’t actually what happened. I was probably just for looks and excitement. The devs may have changed the story but I don’t think Maria was killed in petals. I don’t think that was the intent was. The devs probably already had the idea that she was captured and tortured. Not killed right away. Johnny wouldn’t have let that happen because he wanted to keep her as a pet. So, she maybe in the game but that doesn’t mean the timeline of when she died changed. None of the current victims timelines of death have changed even thought they are in the game. After seeing where the dev have taken the game from the begining I think it all makes more sense. Rest assured my friends, Maria is still deceased.
Anyway, that’s my rant. Ya’ll have a good night. Stay out of trouble.
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saezurumurmurs · 2 months
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A BL Platform For Everyone
NB: Please reblog this for visibility!
A little over two years ago, me and my BL crew were in our little chat sharing recommendations. 
Cat had an impressive spread sheet, Marcie and I had iCloud Notes, and it was pretty much chaos.
I looked at it and said out loud, "There has to be a better way for us to keep track of our reads and share recommendations. There has to be right?"
Cat said she wished someone would build a BL app with everything already there. Me, a developer of almost thirty years, paused while a floodlight (not a light bulb) went off in my head.
“Well I could maybe build one… cause like, I build stuff. How would that be?”
By the end of the conversation Cat had invited me to build an app for BL. 
Four weeks later, in late February of 2022, digitaljuicy.com was online. 
In the last couple of years, I’ve been listening to the fandom, paying attention to feedback, poured over analytics, read your responses to the Reader’s Survey and continued to craft a platform with all this in mind.
What I have been building is 100% for us... there is nothing but BL and it is an attempt to encompass ALL of BL. Not just the bits and pieces.
But for two years I've been struggling. Struggling in many ways, but specifically to get what I wanted out of the platform. I tried and failed so many times.
In September of 2022 I tried to raise venture capital to build the platform I wanted for us. I pitched it to accelerators and true blue venture capital.
Juicy is what is called 'pre-seed'. Which means were still so new and evolving, under-resourced and while there was interest, there was no joy. No funding was raised.
In December 2023, I realised it was time to rethink Juicy. i have been on the deepest dive for months rebuilding Juicy from the ground up and preparing the framework for the mobile app.
I’ve built something I want to use… and wild, I’m building it and using it as a fan at the same time. I'm at the point where it's impossible not to want to share.
And what kind of platform do I mean? At its most basic level:
You can track your reads, watches and plays
You can review and recommend the titles to the community, your friends, strangers on Twitter, your friend you're trying to corrupt outside the fandom. Your poison.
Timelines for you, for titles, for episodes, chapters… just about everything. I mean everything: The creators, the publishers, the studios, the actors... you can leave reviews and status posts on EVERYTHING. No algorithms, no force feeding... just discovery, recommendations and honest reviews by this community about our community and the industry we feed.
Collections! Lists of stuff you're reading, dropped, want to read, want to buy, love or hate, all pretty and organised and shareable..
A growing database resource of titles, tagged up to its eyeballs with a minutiae of data.. with reading an streaming links and anything else we find that we think is relevant.
But it is also a lot more than this.
I wanted it to be more than what it was. I want to turn Juicy into a mobile app, add some more functionality and more specifically, platform all of BL for its non-Asian fandom.
We get left out of so much, I feel like we need our own thing. 
I don’t know about ya’ll, but I was tired of being banned on social media for sharing content. How you gonna ban me for saying a 2D fictional character needs to be shot with shite and strung with cobweb? But they did… and I know it’s not just me.
What about the creators? How do they interface with the non-Japanese or non-Korean fandoms? On which misogynistic hell site?
What about the publishers and merchandisers? What about the little Etsy sellers? Why does BL have to hidden away in the databases of mangaupdates, anisearch and anilist? Why does every single manga tracker out there seem to have pitiful listings for BL? 
Is it because we’re a female or queer audience? 
Look at this lil video I made:
Either way, I’ve long felt it’s time for us to do our own thing. So I’ve been building it. Pixel by pixel. Feature by feature on my own.
Juicy has been a small chat group, but I’m the only developer. We’ve always been clear about what we wanted to build: A platform for the fandom, the creators, the publishers, the merchandisers… my goal is a one-stop platform for BL and I am damn close to presenting this new iteration.
This was and remains the core of what I’m building: The largest English platform for BL on the planet. The functionality is one thing, but building a database like that is not a one-person job.
So now I need your help.
First to keep the servers online, so I can continue to build and develop and finally, finally release the mobile app. I can't tell you how much I want that.
I’m close to pushing the new Juicy 3.0 out, and I’m very in love with the work I’ve done since December. It’s a new look, and it works 1000 times better than the previous iterations of Juicy.
I just have hit a wall financially, and need your help and support to get it over the line.
Juicy's ass is fat and I been carrying her mostly alone for two solid years. 
I’m going to launch a Kickstarter for this project in a bit so I can hire another developer  to help with the trickier bits and fine tune the mobile app, but for now, I felt a Patreon would at least help us keep the servers up and maybe, just maybe allow us to afford a few crucial bits that will elevate your experience as a user.
And because I’m a developer, and I can do some pretty kinky shit with APIs and such, if you support this Patreon campaign, you will get some nice feature perks on the platform automagically. You won’t have to pay again to access these perks in-app later.
As many perks as I can cook up anyway, not the least of which will be access to some of the nicer functions and features I’ve already built into the platform.
When the mobile app launches, you will get it first and for free! Plus we’ve been talking about a lot of other ways we can make the platform fun beyond what I've done already.
I plan to monetise the platform in various ways, but in a profit sharing model. You contribute to the database, you contribute content, you get a share of whatever the platform makes. This is already built into the system. This will be open to anyone willing, but to Patrons first.
Finally, I'm limiting the number of people who can subscribe via Patreon to 1000 people. Once we hit that number, the rolls will be closed to new membership, and everyone directed to the platform to pay for any services or merchandise.
My goal for this group of Patrons is that you become an exclusive and tightly knit inner circle.
My hope is that you will help me actively shape what Juicy will become. Your votes and say will carry weight. Your feature requests considered and if possible implemented first.
You will get access to exclusive merchandise, exclusive giveaways and promos (like free stuff), and exclusive programming from the team.
With your help we will produce an exclusive podcast for Patrons only discussing all things BL and Juicy (honestly our conversations are generally wild and hilarious... it will be a rollick for sure), along with other content for Patrons only. We've even planned watch parties and other fun shit... I swear, we want you all to be our greatest ambassadors so we are planning as many treats as we can.
Your access on the platform will be specific to your Patreon subscription and your treatment will be VIP for the life of your subscription.
Finally, the way my auADHD are set up, I have no interest in the dramas of the BL fandom, so this is never going to be about gatekeeping access to anything. It’s about making more access possible. You can help bring us all together and make us stronger as a group.
So do you think Digital Juicy sounds like something you’d like in on?
Okute Sea
Saezuru Murmurs
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mcuynfluffwriter · 3 months
Out. (Again). - Bucky X Y/N short
//so sorry this is a little late (?), if anyone cares, now you have three shorts to try and fit into a timeline puzzle now😘// y/n=your name, ya’ll know the drill by now- (if not it’s basic don’t worry)
warnings: injuries, fluff, lil bit of violence, swearing
Contains: Bucky X fem!reader, red room/hydra shtuff, floof/fluff/aww
Y/n was captured by an orginization. Whether it was what remains of the Red Room still somehow alive or even HYDRA the lines have blurred too much to figure it out. But Bucky broke through their base. And found her in a cell.
Y/n could barely make anything out. The light was bright. Far too bright. And you couldn’t… you just. Ow. And. Just. Ow. Pressure in your head. Pressure on your head. And your ears rung so loudly. So.. so loudly. Your thoughts.. they felt too repetitive and off. Something- one. Someone. Was trying to say something. Then something- one. Stop forgetting there’s another person! Touched your face. You were mostly limp still. The words being thrown at you were both too loud and too blurry to make any sense. Your name, that was part of the mix. The thing touching your face was too cold to be another person though. There was a clattering noise somewhere nearby and now it felt like there was a real and alive human hand holding your face too. Wait wait, no you knew someone. With the… yes, James- no- Bucky. That mission. Did that mission fail? What was happening? The metal arm. Well that explained the cold hand and- ouch. Ouch, the light reflecting off of it. There was something else. That came with the real skin to skin contact though. Something you weren’t used to. It felt like this big flash behind your eyes. Like contact was conducting energy from one to the other. That hurt and was painful. Only now you could- less hear more feel- even more going on in your head. There was desperation, and anger, and adrenaline, and even fear. And it was all too much. You gasped sharply, too sharply, and felt new tears appear painfully in your eyes. On reflex your arm reached out to grab something and hit into the figure of the person that was standing in front of you in all the blinding light. You can hear more too though. And as painful as it was, you thought that maybe this weird… feeling you had. Or the feelings he had. We’re helping you get just a little more of a grip. The feelings weren’t all, there were words, if you were able to pick them out. Lots of them matching with the sounds you could hear on the outside, but not all of them. Come on! Come on! Be ok! What’s wrong? Is she ok? Am I too late? Is she ok? What did they do? Are you ok? Come on I told you I wouldn’t let anything happen to you! Don’t make me fail worse than I already have don’t do this. Damnit I’m running out of time. Come on, y/n. Y/n I’m sorry. What’s going on? She has to be hurt. Did they drug her before I got down here? We have to get out of here now. It was never ending and fast and overwhelming but brought you back. Just a little but. Just enough. Enough for you to be aware of even more horribly loud gunshots and Bucky picking you up. Clearly not going to waste any more time trying to get you to come through at the moment. Focusing. Focus focus focus. On getting the both of you out and then you to help. There was running and guns and loud loud noises. All the light was still dazzling. You could feel blood roaring in your ears and your heart beating fast. But there was sharp pain all around you. Not yours. Not physically for you. Apparently you didn’t need physical touch to feel other people because you could hear the loud bangs and if it hit someone nearby, which was often, you could feel where and what and everything. The pressure in your head was too much. It was a rush. It felt rushed. It was rushed. Your thoughts and brain still felt all repetitive and wrong and off but now there was everything else. And still Bucky. And get yourself together y/n you try to think furiously but it sounded more desperate to your inner monologue. Get it together. You could help. You could you just- oh my God that is far too bright. Apparently it was on the Sun’s agenda to become the brightest thing on earth or something because the moment you were out in the open it was like getting blinded. You didn’t even realize you reacted by shutting your eyes tightly, not surprising, and turning to hide your face into Bucky. Which was much more of a surprise. But then again. Maybe not.
There was more fighting and noises and you could feel Bucky’s heartbeat speeding like a person running in a horror movie. He was breathing hard and suddenly things were much darker, which felt so much better. The running had stopped all at once and you were set down like you were the most delicate thing. Gently as possible, propped up against the wall. Wall of where, oh. That didn’t take much to figure out. You should have known anyway but it didn’t really matter. There was the sound of an engine and that really weird stomach dropping sensation that made you feel nauseous and some talking. It was such a strange state to be in. Where everything was both too much yet too off for anything to even come together in the right ways. You could see but not really understand what. You could hear but couldn’t make out the words. After a while you felt someone, not Bucky this time evidently, start gently prodding you in different areas, and you were able to figure out that it was Melina. She was probably just checking to make sure you’re ok. And if you were being entirely honest, you weren’t ok. But you were also kind of glad that it was Melina, at least. There was even more talking and eventually you felt a sharp prick in your arm that stayed for a little moment and seemed to be drawn out before a second one a little higher than the first. That one did something, if not completely bring you back to normal, getting you a little closer to being properly aware again. Melina instructed Bucky, who was standing off to the side still catching his breath, “You tell me if there’s a change, yes?” He glanced up from a long cut he was treating on his arm and nodded after a second. Melina seemed fine with this and answer gave you a slight smile and rubbing your shoulder before getting up to go probably fly the jet. You close your eyes and wince, trying to lift a hand to your head. “You ok?” You blinked your eyes open again to look at Bucky. “Dunno…” you manage to mumble, trying to sit up a little more and wincing. “Try to stay still.” He suggested, flinching when he put some of Melina’s ointment for wounds on the cut then wrapping it with a bandage and looking up to watch you again. After a long moment of silence he stepped over and sat down next to you against the wall, staring ahead solemnly. “I’m sorry.” He finally said after a long moment. “So sorry. I said that you didn’t have to worry about them anymore. That I would be able to help defend you. And I failed. Badly.” He sighed, dragging one hand through his hair. You still don’t entirely trust yourself to actually be able to really speak or get out all the words inside your brain and all the words in everyone else’s brains apparently but it felt really important to you that he should know something. That you didn’t blame him at all. No way. Not his fault. Without any better way you just… let your head softly drop to his shoulder. You’re looking forward still, just off into space. You didn’t know what words to say so you didn’t say anything. You hadn’t really been raised to show emotion but you hoped that this was enough for him for him to understand that you didn’t blame him. It wasn’t his fault. In that moment you could feel a spike in his emotions, or at least you were assuming they were his still. Not quite negative, more like dampened surprise mixed with a little bit of something that felt warm and good. You weren’t sure what that one was yet. But you knew you’d find a name for it eventually.
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cheemscakecat · 4 months
Um.. No?
So someone wrote a Dadspy fic where Scout knew the entire time and he’s indifferent to the reveal. There were big two things that didn’t feel right to me though.
Scout passive aggressively ignoring and avoiding Sniper after he died in the hallway in comic #6.
For those that don’t want to read this other post of mine, I went over what happened to Sniper in the comics and how that mighta affected Spy wanting to disguise as Tom Jones.
Now Scout wouldn’t think about the fact that Spy saw what happened, but he would eventually be pulled aside by Demoman or somebody and told about Sniper’s situation. Especially if he and Spy had a falling out.
So I can’t imagine him ghosting the poor guy to break off their friendship.
2. This:
“He keeps acting like he always did with Spy. The sick satisfaction he gets every time Spy follows him cloaked and takes a bullet for him in battle, tries to give him little gifts or start conversations only to get rejected with that poker face sliding over his features was thrilling.
But it got boring pretty quickly. Unfortunately, Spy didn’t leave him alone even after he yelled at him to go be useful for once and ****ing creep around the other Scout if he wanted to play follow-the-leader so bad.”
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What do you mean you enjoy reaping the benefits of your father taking bullets for you, then rejecting his attempts to do right by you?!
It’s one thing if Scout doesn’t know the extent of how much Spy tries to help him, like protecting him from Joey Murders when his arms were broken in prison. I can see him forgetting the better deeds of his father in the timelines where he didn’t know the truth.
It’s totally different if he knew the whole time, saw Spy putting his life on the line for him over and over, and knew that Spy wasn’t using those deeds to try to force father-son reconciliation.
Like, he did not do all of that expecting Scout to just forget being left behind and let bygones be bygones; he did it because he loves his son. He doesn’t bring any of that up when finally revealing the truth to his son, and he’s left in speechless horror and remorse when he finds out how long Scout knew. So it’s really evil and nasty to take pleasure in hurting him like Jeremy’s been doing.
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“Sniper shifts uncomfortably and looks off to the side, most likely to a cloaked Spy. ‘Nah, mate. Just about the… father… thing.’
Scout drops his stuff in his locker. ‘Huh? What about it?’ Of course he knows. Scout isn’t dumb. He sees the way Spy looks more and more disheveled each day, eating less and less, staring at Scout more and more.
Scout thinks it because he is at that age that he would start nagging his family to visit more if he had a normal life. If he had stayed. But he didn’t, so he doesn’t have one to nag. Not outside the base and certainly not inside it. Maybe it finally dawned on him that his only child knows him at a coworker level and wants to keep it that way. That the night he spent with his Ma practically doesn’t mean anything to anyone, not even Scout’s Ma, but him.”
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Scout, how do you know that your parents weren’t in a relationship for a few years? You figured out Spy was your dad when you somehow recognized him at 16 in a random diner, so Ma had to have kept a picture or something like that. Ask yourself, would she do that for a random guy that she knew for one night? And would she keep that if he meant nothing to her?
… And he’s really gonna just sit there and watch Spy go into a depression or worse with no remorse. Refusing to go talk to him knowing he’s standing next to Sniper, knowing he’s losing weight in a dangerous way.
That’s not indifference, that’s called hate.
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Me personally, I think Scout’s the type to say something really harsh and hateful, but not actually mean it; and that he’d feel remorse for it later. Not prey on Spy’s downfall like he did in this fic. Respectfully.
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commander-sarahs-art · 2 months
Hey friends! As ya’ll might know me and Lacy said goodbye to our kitty last week and thats just.. one of the many nightmare scenarios that has graced our 2024 so far, So things are a little slower on my end than i’d like. but as my therapist said i have to be kind to myself.
So my updated commission timeline is now usually 2 weeks-2months from the time you put in your form. This allows me some more time to be able to work on other things and just try and cope with all of this grief and stress surrounding me. Time you wait goes on where youre at on my trello and with some comms bigger than others that slows my progress a bit. I am trying my absolute hardest to do things quickly, But i also know that this year has absolutely sucked for us and its okay for me to take things slower than i normally would. I apologize for the delay on my end. But i am trying my best, my best just happens to be… not as fast as id like!
Thank you guys for always being so patient with me and for supporting me!! As always my ask box and dms are open! So please feel free to shoot any questions or concerns at me or if you just want to talk:)
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minecraftbookshelf · 1 year
The AU In Which All the Marriages Are Arranged
This AU has a tag now and it is the title of this post
Some points:
The timeline is stretched out a bit. Joel and Lizzie's marriage is going to be a few hundred years before Flower Husbands
I will have actual fic at some point, there will be snippets on here in the interim.
I'm so sorry @astraldraco there will be More Gay but i have more solid plot concepts for Lizzie and Joel so that one will be first, at least as far as fic is concerned. (Also I'm primarily a gen writer and Seablings have my heart)
Scott and Shrub got demoted. They are no longer rulers. They're both perfectly okay with this. They still have family and (in Shrub's case) a home so they're doing quite well.
Shrub will be there. There was an inter-dimensional incident and now she's an accidental ambassador.
I am honestly torn between Tol Elves and Winged Elves bc honestly, wings big enough to be plausible for tol elves would be just...Too Big. (yes I know it doesn't actually matter but I've spent too much time discussing Winged People Mechanics with @writergreentypes and now that's just how it is. Elytra get handwaved tho)
Pixlriffs deserves a vacation, he will not be getting one anytime soon.
I've never done a taglist before but I've been blown away by the interest in the notes of my original little post so let me know if that's something ya'll would be interested in.
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joelmillers-whore · 9 months
I've Got Nothing Left To Hide
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summary: it has been a month since your injury, of taking it slow, and helping your father out more. and you’re sick of it. ever since you fully recovered you saw less and less of joel. actually, both miller brothers seem to be avoiding you and you’re determined to find out why. 
pairing: joel miller x reader, tommy & reader (platonic) 
word count: 3.5K 
series or one-shot
warnings: mature, language, cock-blocker tommy, joel x female!reader, no mention of Y/N, canon timeline (sort of), jackson era, post-outbreak, slight angst, joel avoiding his feelings, ends on a cliffhanger (sorry not sorry) 
A/N: got a little carried away. again. i am so thrilled that ya’ll wanted another part of this. i was hoping that you would because i had so much fun writing it. so, here we go. i was kind of going for more background on the whole dynamic between reader and joel and reader and tommy. it’s not super joel x reader heavy but i think i’m going to do anther part and explore their relationship more. let me know what ya’ll think of this part, i would love to hear some feedback or some ideas for other parts. thank you &lt;3
read the prequel here
Spring was officially on the way. Every time you stepped outside, you spotted a new sign that Mother Nature was giving you. Like last week, in the middle of your daily walk around town, you’d stopped and looked down, seeing a patch of half-frozen grass at your feet, the beginnings of vibrant green peeking out of the snow.
For as much as you couldn't wait until it was spring, there was still more winter to be had. A crisp chill still clung to the air, which made you wrap your worn sheep-wool jacket tighter around your body. 
You unlatched the bar of wood that was slotted in place across the solid, wooden door of the church, pushing the doors open and taking a deep breath when the air hit your lungs. You’d been breathing in stale air the whole day, so this was a welcome relief.
You took a step back, taking in the view of the town from your elevated advantage. Your eyes snagged on the clinic across the street, reminding you that it hadn’t been that long since you’d been back home. 
You snapped your eyes shut, suddenly overwhelmed by the memories, the screaming, the pain. Your heartbeat was erratic, your breathing coming out harsher as your mind assaulted you with images that you’d tried hard to forget.
It was like you had been transported back in time and you felt weak, unable to protect yourself from the looming threat. You clenched your teeth, making your jaw ache. You’re safe. You’re not in that cabin anymore. You’re home. 
You never wanted to feel that helpless again, and you were determined not to, if anyone ever let you out of your gilded cage. Tommy and your father had taken it upon themselves to make every decision regarding your safety without consulting the one person that it would affect the most; you. It was driving you to the edge of madness. 
They were always keeping an eye on you, making sure that at least one of them was with you at all times. You’d made one mistake, one small fucking mistake, and now you were paying for it. As if the scar above your belly button wasn’t enough proof. 
Tommy had restricted your duties and practically barred you from going out on patrol, in no uncertain terms. And your father had been all too happy to jump at the opportunity, insisting that you could be of more use to him and the community if you helped out around the church.
He was obvious in how he wanted you to follow in his footsteps and one day take over as minister of the church, but that was the last thing that you wanted.
You wanted freedom, something different, more adventure. Not being chained to a pulpit for the rest of your life, however long that might be. But your father was the only family you had left, ever since the end of the world. It had been you and him, and you’d be remiss if you didn’t at least try to make an effort. You and your father had come a long way since arriving in town. 
You could remember the day vividly when Tommy had found you both just outside of Jackson, starving, bloody, and bruised. He had asked what either of you could bring to their community, in terms of skills. You had been surprised when he’d accepted you, your father’s only skill being that he was a minister before the outbreak.
But Tommy, being Tommy had seen past that. Seen past the lack of skills and past the teenager who was afraid of her own shadow. 
Aside from giving the folks of Jackson a distraction, some way to rationalize the direction the world was heading, you both couldn’t be much use to them. The old man and the kid. But again, the people of Jackson had surprised you, making you feel welcome quickly. It wasn’t for free, while you found your footing, you had also done your part to help out around town. 
Even at sixteen, Tommy and Maria had treated you better than some of the adults in town had a first. You were someone, even back then, who wasn’t trusting when it came to new people. You’d had your guard up at all times, starting fights with other kids your age until Tommy had stepped in.
He had taken you under his wing, not pushing you to open up, but more so guided you and gave you the space so that in your own time you came around. He’s nurtured you and taught you useful skills; mainly how to hold and shoot a gun. 
It wasn’t long before you were tagging along on patrol, Tommy claiming that you were a natural, and slowly building up the courage to leave town on your own, or with your own patrol partner. He had built you up from a volatile kid who could barely throw a punch, to someone who could take down a fully grown man in under two minutes. 
You couldn’t give him all the credit though, you’d worked your ass off, turning yourself into a human weapon. Refined and deadly. There wasn’t a day that went by when you didn’t think about how grateful you were that he had taken a chance on you and your father. 
Years had passed since you had first arrived in Jackson, but those lessons that Tommy had instilled in you still remained. A hoarse voice called your name, pulling you from your reminiscent thoughts, and making you turn toward it. It was your father. He was walking toward you, the slight limp on his right side more prominent now than it had been back then. 
Your face dropped as he approached, emotion bubbling in your throat when you looked at him. His skin was almost translucent, pale when the light hit it. And the colour of his eyes dulled as each year came and went, the weathered crinkles on the edges deepening whenever he smiled or laughed.
You couldn’t stop yourself from taking him in, hoping to save a mental snapshot of him while he was still here. 
Realistically, you knew that he didn’t have much time left, but the unrealistic part of yourself, the part that wanted him to last forever, ignored the realism and gave him a smile. No matter how many times you told him to take it easy, and remind him that he wasn’t fifty anymore, he wouldn’t hear it.
He’d brush you off and mumble something about how age was just a number. He didn’t want you to worry about him, he’d said. And you would drop it, carrying on like nothing was wrong. 
As your father approached you, he gripped the back of a pew, putting all of his weight onto it as if it was a struggle to stand. Your eyes dipped to his hand, but his voice brought you back. 
“Everything okay?”, he asked. 
You exhaled an annoyed puff of air. If there was a running tally of how many times in the past month your father asked you how you were, it would probably venture in the thousands. He was being overprotective and it was getting on your last nerve.
You appreciated that he cared about you but at a certain point, it was too much. Between both him and Tommy, you were one more question away from ripping your hair out. 
“Fine”, you replied, snippily. You cleared your throat harshly, your telltale sign that you wanted to move on from the topic of conversation. 
Your father’s face softened, noticing how you were folding in on yourself, avoiding his eyes, making yourself almost invisible. You were uncomfortable. 
“You seen Tommy today?”, he asked, changing the subject. 
You shook your head, surprisingly, you hadn’t. Which wasn’t out of the norm, Tommy was a busy guy and you understood the shift in his priorities as the community continued to grow. But lately, he had been checking in on you more and more, even since you’d gotten injured while on patrol. 
You sighed, letting yourself think back to what had transpired after Joel had gotten you back to Jackson. Joel. You could still feel the ghost of his deft fingers trailing your arms, the contrast of his callouses and the softness of his touch as he held you close to your body, cradling you like you were something precious.
Your mind had blocked out a lot from the incident, preventing you from remembering key details. But you remembered Joel. 
You remembered his strong arms helping you onto his horse, or the way that his lips melded with yours as you kissed him in the clinic. You brought two fingers to your lips, trying to memorialize how it felt to finally kiss Joel. His gruff voice echoed in your mind, constantly on a loop of we’re almost home and hold on a little longer and don’t give up yet, darlin’.
Somehow, through the delirious fog, it had been his voice that broke through and it was the one thing that had tethered you to this world, not letting you leave just yet. 
That had been the bulk of what you remembered, aside from the searing pain in your stomach from the stab wound. You could thank those fucking raiders for that one.
To your surprise, it hadn’t taken all that long for the wound itself to heal, the patch of skin now only an ugly and scarred reminder of how you couldn’t ever have your guard down like that again. 
According to the doctor, Joel had gotten you back to Jackson just in time. He had said that if he had waited longer you probably wouldn’t have made it. You hadn’t been prepared to hear that, to hear that you had been that close to death.
Before you’d had a chance to spiral after hearing that cheery news, Joel had returned to his side. Stoic as ever. You’d smelled him before you had seen him, his familiar musk invading your senses wholly and completely. 
You had spotted him almost immediately, meeting his huge brown eyes that, to your surprise, had already been on you. You’d been harbouring a crush on Joel for the better part of a year, Tommy insisting that you become his new patrol partner recently hadn’t helped much in quelling it either. 
You’d thought that things had progressed with Joel, you’d broken through his hard exterior to the point that he now laughed at your jokes, cracking some of his own in return, and he seemed like he enjoyed your company enough when you were alone for long stretches of silence during patrol. 
But now, a month after your injury, when you had kissed him and he had kissed you back, he seemed as distant as when you had first partnered up with him. And it was eating at you. You thought you had been on the same page, but clearly, you hadn’t been.
Your stomach twisted into knots when you thought about it. You couldn’t help thinking that you had fucked everything up between you. 
Maybe he had just been nice, kissing you back, telling you that it had been okay, comforting you. Maybe you were reading into a simple kiss between friends.
But why then would he tell you that he wanted to kiss you? Ever since the doctor had released you, you hadn’t seen Joel around. Keeping in line with the he-was-avoiding-you train of thought. 
You and Joel were friends, even though he would never admit it out loud, and you needed to confront him. If only for your own piece of mind. Your father called your name again. 
“Sorry”, you mumbled, “Did you say something?”. 
“All I said was that you should go take a walk around town, get some air”. 
Your brows furrowed. He had been keeping a close eye on you for weeks, and now suddenly he was suggesting that you take a walk, alone. Was he trying to get rid of you? 
“Why?”, you asked, skepticism lining your tone.   
“You’ve been attached to my hip all day, girl. Maybe go down to the market, find us something for dinner”, he paused, rubbing his chin, “Or go find Tommy”. 
And there it was. If wasn’t him keeping an eye on you, it was Tommy. You crossed your arms over your chest. An idea sparked as you thought more about your walk. 
“Fine”, you started, leaning forward and pecking his cheek. “Be back soon”. 
“Don’t rush”, your father called out as you crossed the church threshold. 
You had been walking around town for about ten minutes, casting a tight-lined smile at anyone you passed. Your cheeks were numb, the harsh winter wind nipping at them as you continued walking through town, passing by the Tipsy Bison. You stopped in your tracks.
Would it be weird if you happened to stop by Joel’s house? 
You bit your bottom lip, rolling it between your teeth. You debated the idea for all of a minute before you changed your direction, pushing the self-doubt aside as you made your way to Joel’s house. Before you knew it, you were on his front porch, inches from his door.
You were about to knock when your fist froze midway, you were hesitating. What if Joel didn’t want to see you? What if he was avoiding you for a reason? 
You began to step back, your foot finding the first step, backing away slowly. Suddenly, the door whipped open and you were knocked off balance from seeing Joel, literally. You fell back, over the steps and landed on your back in the cold snow. 
“Shit”, Joel mumbled, rushing toward you. 
Your face was burning from embarrassment as Joel kneeled down beside you. You chuckled awkwardly, propping yourself up on your elbow. His hand rested on your knee, the sensation causing an unexpected jolt in your body. 
Joel’s grip on your knee tightened ever so slightly, but he didn’t look away from your face, concentrating solely on you. 
He let out a steady puff of air, “You okay?”. 
You let your head fall back, chuckling humourlessly. God, could anyone ask you anything different? 
You looked back at Joel, who was staring at you peculiarly, his eyes squinting. 
“Peachy”, you responded, an edge to your voice. 
Joel straightened, extending a hand to you. But you ignored it, getting to your feet without his help. He took a step back from you, doing so almost cautiously.
His broad frame towered over you, watching your every move as you dusted the snow off of yourself. Joel’s hands were now stuffed inside the pockets of his jeans, eyes boring into you. 
“You sure?”, he asked. 
You took a step forward so that you were a breath away from him. Your chest grazed his, and his breathing stuttered, the air around you suddenly thick and charged. His chest was solid and firm, your mind running rampant with the memory of it pressed against your body. You could see the way his jaw ticked as he looked down at you, the pressure looking like it could shatter his teeth at any minute. 
You felt the heat of his stare, but you didn’t dare meet his eyes, your irritation too fresh to be stamped out by one heady look from him. 
“Why do you care? Not like you’ve bothered to check up on me lately”. 
Joel’s face fell and you instantly regretted your words. He didn’t deserve that and you didn’t know why you were lashing out at him. 
“I know. ‘M sorry”, he said, his voice strained. 
You finally met his face, those big, brown eyes gleaming with something you couldn’t place, something that resembled sadness. Or regret. 
“Then why did you stay away?”. 
He swallowed thickly and you watched his Adam’s apple bob, an unsure look on his face. His one hand went to the back of his head, rubbing nervously. Joel Miller was nervous and that made you smirk, you doubted anything made him nervous. 
“I didn’t want to”, he started, inching closer to you, in hands flying to your hips. A tiny gasp left you at the contact, the skin underneath his hand burning, even though you were wearing three layers. “But I wanted to give you some space”. 
A beat lingered between you before you spoke. “I don’t want any more space”. 
Joel groaned, his eyes snapping shut as you let your hand drift to his beard, the scratchiness making your fingertips tingle. Your heart was hammering in your chest, your lips closing in on his mouth. You wanted to kiss him, you needed to.
It felt like you had been deprived of oxygen this whole month, waiting for that moment when you could breathe again. 
Joel’s fingers grazed your chin, tilting your face closer to his. You could feel his hot breath fan your face, making you shiver in anticipation. 
“Joel!”, a loud, booming voice echoed from behind you both. 
He withdrew from you quickly, putting distance between the two of you. Your heart was in your throat, your nerves on fire, leaving you breathless once again. But it wasn’t in the way that you wanted. Disappointment filled you as Tommy came into view.
His eyes found yours momentarily before they settled on Joel, giving him a look that you couldn’t quite decipher.
He softened his features as he focused back on you, throwing an arm around your shoulders and tucking you into his side. 
“Hey, you”, you said. 
You smiled tightly at him, feeling the awkwardness flush your cheeks, “Hi”. 
“Mind if I steal her away?”, Tommy directed at Joel, who wordlessly shook his head, eyes on Tommy and not on you. 
You deflated further as Tommy led you away from his brother, and back into the heart of town. You looked back, watching the tail end of Joel disappearing back into his house.
You shrugged out of Tommy’s hold, watching as he put his hands in his pockets instead, not saying a word to you. 
“What do you need?”, you asked. 
He looked at you strangely before he connected the dots. 
“Oh, nothin’ really. Just thought I could walk you back home”. 
You gawked at him, stopping in your tracks as he continued on, not taking notice of how you had stopped. When he did notice, he looked back, confusion muddling his features. You arched a brow. 
“So, you just happened to stumble upon me when I was with Joel and decided I needed to be walked home?”, you asked, annoyance lacing every word. 
Tommy wasn’t one to beat around the bush. 
“What do you want me to say?”, he said, an exasperated sigh leaving him, his arms thrown up dramatically. 
“I want a straight answer, for starters”. 
He paused for a moment and you thought that he would blow you off, tell you that you were being a child and reading into things. But when he didn’t, you were surprised. 
“Honestly, I don’t think it's a good idea for you two to be spendin’ time together”, he started, taking a breath, “And from what I just saw, I don’t think your Daddy would take too kindly to the idea either”. 
Now your blood was boiling. Where did Tommy get off talking to you like that? Telling you who you could and couldn’t spend time with. You marched up to him, poking a finger into his chest. 
“I am an adult, Tommy. And contrary to popular belief, I can handle my own. So, I don’t think you should be poking your nose where it doesn’t belong. Because if you keep it up, we’re going to have some problems, Miller”. 
Tommy opened his mouth to say something but you were gone before he had the chance to say anything, stomping all the way back to your house, a cloud of anger and indignation burrowing in your gut. You pulled open your front door, seeing your father in his comfy chair by the fireplace. You mumbled a hello and locked yourself in your room. 
You were pacing, your feet wearing a hole in the hardwood. You stopped, an idea forming. A wicked, tempting fate idea. You dashed to your door, pausing a moment to listen for any indication of your father. The house was silent save for the usual groaning and creaking. 
Before you could change your mind, you pulled open your door, and sprinted out of the house and back toward Joel’s. You’d made it to the other side of town in record time, your chest heaving as you tried to level out your breathing. 
You pounded on his door, waiting for him to answer it. When he did, you swallowed thickly, eying the way his shirt was pulled tautly over his chest. You licked your lips subconsciously, not missing the way that Joel’s gaze dipped to them.  
“Can I come in?”, you asked, breathless. 
Joel hesitated, hand gripping the door above his head tightly, his knuckles whitening from the pressure. He seemed to be mulling the idea over in his head.
You expected him to turn you away, to tell you that it was a bad idea that you were at his house so late, that people in town would get the wrong idea about you and him. 
But you were past the point of caring, you were past the point of holding back. 
“Yeah, come on in, darlin’”.
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secret-engima · 2 years
Hey hey wanna know what the most consistent worldbuilding in Naruto Arguably Canon is?
It’s how the time travel works. That’s the most consistent worldbuilding I’ve seen in Naruto, yes even more than basic stuff like water and wall walking.
In the movie Lost Tower (which yes I know movies are not technically canon except for the Last Movie and Boruto, shut up they make as much world building/timeline sense as the rest of the actual show), the time travel there is a stable loop in which the characters have their adventure, something causes them to forget it when it’s over, but there are lingering after effects that prove it was real. The time travel started because it had already happened. The setting Naruto walked into was the aftermath of the adventure he was about to take (to avoid being too spoilery) and you can see the after effects in his present once he returns to his proper time in the form of some character interaction and items (specifically a chakra blade he gave to someone in the past, and when he gets to his present, the granddaughter of that person has it as a family heirloom).
In BORUTO there is a time travel filler arc (yes you read that right) and it is ALSO a stable loop. The characters were *always* meant to go back in time for a bit, even though the past characters forget their presence in their timeline once the loop ends, and there are lingering after effects in Boruto’s present that are a direct consequence of his presence (specifically one of the modern conveniences that shows up in the show frequently turns out to have been invented because the *guy who invented it* overheard Boruto complaining to himself that “X thing isn’t around” and he thought it sounded like a pretty neat idea and decided to make it). Like-
Ya’ll might not understand how big a deal this is to me. That of all things it’s the TIME TRAVEL that is fully consistent. There are full on movies and shows and franchises where time travel is a MAJOR COMPONENT to the plot that do not keep their time travel consistent like this. Like- TERMINATOR. Terminator 1 is a stable loop, while Terminator- I think it’s 2? At least 2 is instead a Butterfly Effect style time travel where stuff majorly changes based on actions of the time traveler rather than the time traveler’s presence having kicked off some or all of the events that led to their time travel in the first place, or at least part of the present they came from.
COMPLETELY BY ACCIDENT. and you know it was accidental because it’s KISHI and he can’t even keep his character’s BIRTHDAYS consistent. Like-
I can oNLY assume that whoever was in charge of that filler arc is a fan of Lost Tower and decided to follow the time travel rules that movie set up. Considering another filler also used Blood Prison as a setting and another one referenced Land of Snow ... it would make sense?
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41319kbex · 3 months
Hell Hath No Fury (10/?)
Thanks so much everyone for the kind words on the last chapter. I really love hearing all your thoughts! As some of you may have guessed, I am going to have to eventually do a time jump in the timeline…it’s just not feasible to write three months of summer the way I’m doing…not to mention I’m going to eventually run out of ways to ramp up the sexual tension without giving them and you a payoff! I also haven’t decided if I’m going to do a big time jump, or a series of smaller time jumps (if ya’ll have opinions, feel free to weigh in!), and there won’t really be a time jump of more than a week in this one, but I want to let you know that it will eventually happen.
All that said, this chapter is going to start with them waking up from where they went to bed in the last chapter.
I still don’t own Castle…
Kate woke up to the feeling of her back laying on something solid that did not feel like the soft mattress she'd fallen asleep on. She opened her eyes and realized her back was mostly laying on Castle's chest; in fact, she was half laying on him. She figured he must have rolled onto his back partially in his sleep, and his arms around her had taken her with him. She shifted slightly just to get a little more comfortable, but since he was still sleeping, she was going to take a few extra moments before getting up to enjoy the closeness…the way their legs were tangled, the feel of his hand on the skin of her stomach underneath her shirt as he held her close, the soft, almost satiny feel of the fabric of his boxers as the fingers of her left hand lightly stroked along his thigh. Breathing as deeply as she dared before her ribs could protest, she closed her eyes and took it all in.
She wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but when she finally opened her eyes again, she looked over at the clock. 6:23. It was earlier than she expected him to wake up, but she needed to get out of bed, or at least out of the position she was in with him; the longer she remained tangled with him like that, the longer she spent running her fingers along his thigh, the more chance she had of her self control slipping because her fingers wanted to stroke other things.
Deciding this was as good a morning as any to go get her coffee and watch the sun rise from the balcony, she carefully untangled their legs and slipped out of his arms. She spotted a sweatshirt of his tossed casually over a chair and she slipped it on to fight the sudden chill caused by being away from both the warmth of his body and his sheets. She paused for another moment to make sure he wasn’t going to wake up before quietly padding barefoot through his house to the kitchen to make some coffee.
She startled slightly when she saw the older gentleman in the kitchen already. Right. Alfred. “Oh, hi,” she greeted a little shyly. She had not expected his butler to be there already.
“Good morning, Miss Beckett. Is everything okay?”
“Yes…sorry. I just didn’t realize you would be here this early.”
Alfred nodded. “I’m here at 6 every morning during the week. I do a check of the house to prioritize what I should start on first. I was just about to come collect Mr. Castle’s clothes to do his laundry.”
Kate’s eyes widened slightly. If she hadn’t gotten up when she did, the butler would have walked in on them in their position. She made a mental note to tell Castle he should ask his butler to grab his laundry AFTER they were out of bed from now on. “Right. Um…I just came for some coffee…”
“Yes Ma’am. Allow me,” the older gentleman shifted to the coffee maker to start it up. “Will you just be taking your cup, or will you be bringing Mr. Castle a cup as well?” he asked her, his eyes twinkling slightly.
Her cheeks flushed; apparently the butler was aware they were sharing a bedroom now. “I can take his,” she answered. She figured if he hadn’t woken up by the time she was finished with her cup, she could always just drink his.
He nodded, fixing two cups of coffee for her. “Would you like me to bring breakfast to your room? Or have it waiting in here?”
“In here is fine,” she answered, her cheeks growing hot again.
“Very good, Ma’am. Do you have a request for breakfast?”
She thought for a minute. “Actually, I’d really like some pancakes.”
“Yes Ma’am. Mr. Castle has instructed me to have breakfast ready at 8:30 every morning. Should I make it later?”
“No, Alfred…8:30 is fine…” she took the cups of coffee he handed her, her cheeks flaming as she made a hasty retreat back to their…his…bedroom. She wasn’t embarrassed by being with him…they were two consenting adults, after all. Kate was just a private person, and someone she didn’t know very well knowing the private details of her sleeping arrangements was just a little unnerving to her as she adjusted to this new relationship.
She placed the coffee on his nightstand as she passed through the room to hopefully draw him out of his slumber. She did pause before she got to the French doors to look at him sleeping. He was kind of adorable in a sexy way. Taking a sip of her coffee, she smiled before opening the
doors and moving out to enjoy the morning view from the balcony.
It was almost 20 minutes later when he joined her on the balcony, his coffee in one hand and wrapping his other arm around her from behind. “Don’t you ever sleep in?” he asked her, dropping a soft kiss to her shoulder.
She laughed softly into her own coffee cup as she took a drink. “I’m usually a morning person. I’m not sure why that would surprise you.”
“You could have stayed in bed with me…” he pouted.
She turned her face to meet his with a clearly amused smile. “I’m not really one to lounge around in bed when I’m awake either,” she informed him.
“But we could have cuddled…”
“I told you last night; I’m not big on cuddling.” She might learn to be because she realized he liked it, but that morning would not have been the morning to start. Her thoughts were too focused on sexy times that they couldn’t have yet, and as the responsible adult in the relationship, she had gotten herself out of the situation before it could become a situation. “Besides, I’m glad I got up when I did.”
“Because your butler was about 5 minutes from coming in the bedroom to get your laundry,” she answered pointedly.
“So? He does that several mornings a week.”
“Yeah, but I haven’t been in your bed other mornings,” she informed him, hoping the coffee he was drinking would kick in at some point and his brain would wake up.
“Right…” he nodded, trying to follow along. “Right!” he realized finally.
“Yeah…and what if we had been in the middle of something else?” she asked him. “If I’m going to share your bed, I just want to know that I’m not going to have someone walk in looking to pick up laundry while we’re sleeping…or other things…”
He nodded again. “Right. I’ll ask him to do his laundry pickup after we are out of bed.”
“Thank you,” she smiled, finishing the coffee in her cup. “I like him though, so tell him nicely.”
He chuckled softly. “I will.”
Somehow he had convinced her to play videogames with him, and though it wasn’t normally her thing, she had agreed. “Castle, I work with dead bodies and guns all day. The last thing I want to do when I come home is play a shooting game where I kill people,” she had told him.
“But you’ll be great at it. And it’s fun. You’ll see,” he had promised her.
So after him telling her how the game controls worked and explaining the basics, she had agreed to join him on his campaign. And she had to admit, it had actually been kind of fun. Not something she would necessarily do all the time, but something she could see herself enjoying doing with him on occasion. And he had been right; she was good at it. So good, in fact, that on Friday before she left, he had insisted she play against him…just a little friendly competition.
“Are you sure?” she asked him. “Castle, I’m a very competitive person.”
“Of course I’m sure. I’m not worried, you just started playing this game. Don’t worry, I’ll take it easy on you.”
She arched an eyebrow. “You’ll take it easy on me?”
“Yeah, I promise,” he smiled.
She silently stared at him for a moment. “Fine. I’ll play against you. But don’t take it easy on me. When I kick your ass, I don’t want you to have any excuses.”
He laughed at that. “Oh, I don’t think you’ll be kicking my ass.”
She had to bite her lip to keep from resorting to his level of childishness. “We’ll see,” was all she said.
Barely half an hour later, Castle sat staring in disbelief at the television screen. Kate hadn’t just kicked his ass, she’d completely annihilated him. He wasn’t even sure how it had happened.
“Come on, Castle, walk me out. The car service should be here any minute to take me back to the city,” she handed him the controller and patted his leg. Seeing him still staring at the TV, she laughed softly. “I told you I was a competitive person.”
He finally turned the screen off and put the controllers down. “I just don’t understand how…you haven’t played until this week!” he almost whined.
She gave him a smile and a shrug. “Don’t take it personally, Castle. I’m just better at using my fingers than you are,” she said so casually, her comment laced with innuendo and her eyes dancing playfully as she turned to head out of his office toward the front door to check for the car.
Her comment had him blinking after her in disbelief. He wasn’t sure how to feel in that moment…turned on or disappointed. It took a few moments to pick up his wounded pride, but he eventually followed her to the door to see her off.
“You know, you really don’t have to go,” he told her.
Smiling, she shook her head. “I really do. I’m out of clothes again, and I promised Lanie a girl’s night this weekend. I haven’t had a chance to talk to her for awhile, and she’s just worried about me. The last time I really talked to her was the day you were shot…she just wants to make sure I’m handling everything ok and not disappearing into myself.”
He nodded. “Are you going to tell her about us?” he asked curiously.
“I haven’t decided yet,” she admitted. “Lanie likes to interrogate me about you, so it’s possible after a few glasses of wine I might say something…” she smiled a little. “But she’ll keep it a secret if I ask her to.”
“Is that what you want? To keep it a secret?” he asked her softly.
She inhaled slowly as she thought about his question. “Maybe for a little while from most people. Obviously your family should know…but I haven’t told my dad. I might tell Lanie…but…it’s just easier to figure out a new relationship if everyone isn’t suddenly commenting on it, you know? I’m kind of not ready to share us with everyone yet,” she tried to explain. “Maybe not keep it a secret, just…don’t broadcast it,” she suggested. “Don’t deny it, and if someone we don’t tell directly figures it out, they figure it out.”
“I can do that. It’s not like there’s a ton of people here to figure it out anyway,” he smiled, opening the door as the car pulled up. “It’s one reason I like it out here. I get privacy.”
She smiled at that sentiment. “I’ll see you on Sunday,” she murmured, leaning in for a long, slow kiss goodbye before finally pulling away and getting into the car.
“Hey, Pumpkin. You got a minute?” Castle asked his daughter when he found her reading on the couch in the living room.
She looked up and met his eyes with a smile. “Sure, Dad.”
He gently lifted her feet so he could sit down and then placed them in his lap. He wasn’t really sure how he should start this conversation. He wasn’t sure if he should just come right out and tell her, or try to feel out how she felt about Beckett first. “Hey, you remember last summer when I asked Beckett to spend Memorial Day weekend here, and she said no?”
“Yeah, and then you asked Gina, and started that whole train wreck again…” she commented, but gave him a sympathetic smile to take the bite out of her words.
“How would you feel if I asked Beckett to come again?” he asked her softly.
Alexis shrugged. “Alright I guess. Do you think she’ll say yes this time?”
He smiled slightly. “I’m pretty sure she’ll say yes this time.”
She studied her father for a few moments; this was more than his general brand of cocky confidence. He stated this as pretty much a fact. “I think what you mean to say is, you've already asked her and she's already agreed.”
“Something like that," he chuckled. "Is that okay with you?” he asked her seriously.
“Does it matter? If I say no, are you going to take back your invitation?” she asked him simply.
Now it was his turn to study his daughter. Was she upset with him for asking Beckett without consulting her first, or was she upset he had asked Beckett at all? Or was it option three and she wasn’t upset, only continuing the conversation? “Um…no, I’m not,” he finally admitted honestly. “Alexis…are you upset with Kate?”
“Kate?” she asked. Since when did his father called Beckett Kate? And then it hit her. “Dad, are you and Beckett…?” But she already knew that answer just from the way her father had said Kate’s name.
“Would it upset you if I told you yes?”
Alexis was quiet for a few minutes. “Yes…no…I don’t know…” she started. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”
He smiled and gently rubbed her ankle. “I’m not going to get hurt.”
“Right. Like you weren’t shot taking a bullet for her. Or how about almost freezing to death in a freezer with her? Or one of the dozens of other times you’ve been in a life threatening situation because of her?” she pointed out.
He breathed deeply before pulling her into a hug. “Hey, it’s not your job to worry about me, ok? I’m not going anywhere. Dating her has nothing to do with any of those situations. She’s got my back. She’s a great cop, and a great partner,” he promised her. “And if it helps, she’s already read me the riot act several times about getting shot for her, so trust me…I fear her enough not to do it again,” he tried to lighten the mood with a smile.
She sighed softly. “And what if you guys don’t work out? I’ve seen how you get when you fight with her. Or when she’s kicked you out of the precinct,” she pointed out.
“Most of the time when I’ve been kicked out of the precinct, it’s been my own fault,” he told her. “And yes…we fight sometimes. She’s as stubborn as I am. And she drives me crazy sometimes. But she’s also the most extraordinary person I’ve ever met.”
“This isn't just you asking her for a weekend or casually dating her...you love her, don’t you?” Alexis realized softly.
Castle nodded with a smile. “Yeah, Pumpkin. I do.”
“Does she love you?”
“Yes,” he answered confidently. Kate may not have said the exact words to him, but he knew her well enough to read between the lines of the words she had said to him in combination with her actions. He had no doubts Kate felt the same way about him that he felt about her.
She thought about it for a few moments, remembering how Kate had been at the hospital when Castle was in surgery, how despite her own feelings, she had tried to be there for Alexis, and afterward, how relieved she had been to see him awake. She wasn't sure if that was proof of her love, but it seemed to be enough for now. “Then yes. I’m ok if she comes out here for Memorial Day.”
“How about all summer?”
Alexis raised an eyebrow at that. “All summer?”
Castle realized Alexis didn’t know she was suspended or out on medical leave. “She went after the shooter. Her new captain didn’t necessarily agree with her methods, so she can’t return to work until September. She’s…actually been here the last two weeks and went back to the city on the weekends…” he told her with a small smile, hoping that wouldn’t upset her.
“Oh…” she digested that information. “You’re a bad influence on her, Dad!”
“Wait, what? How is this my fault?” Castle asked, wondering when his daughter had suddenly taken Kate’s side.
Alexis shrugged. “She seems pretty by the book to me since I’ve met her. This has to be your influence. You’re the one who breaks rules.”
“Thanks, Pumpkin. I’m so glad we had this talk,” he shook his head, removing her feet from his lap so that he could stand up.
“Hey Dad? I really am happy for you,” she told him with a smile. “Don’t screw this up.”
He chuckled softly. “I’ll try not to.”
“How are you holding up, Kate?” Lanie asked her friend, settling onto the stool at her counter as Kate poured them each a glass of wine. “I haven’t heard from you since that day at the hospital. Javi told me you found the shooter, and he’s dead. He told me you’re suspended until September. I know you…you keep this all inside, and you’re going to be a bomb ready to go off.”
Kate took a sip from her glass, settling on a stool to face her friend. “I’m okay, really. I’ve…made peace with it, as odd as that sounds.”
Lanie just eyed her suspiciously. “What do you mean you ‘made peace with it?’”
She shrugged. “I mean, the guy who shot Castle is dead. I don’t have a lead to run with on my mom’s case…and I can’t really do anything but serve out my suspension. Do I like all of those scenarios? No, of course not. But I’m…dealing,” she said honestly.
“Yeah, but how you are dealing? You got beat up pretty good on that roof and then suspended, and I didn’t hear from you to even find out if you were okay. I had to hear it all from Javi.”
Kate wrinkled her nose slightly at that. “I’m sorry. I just…haven’t been in the city.”
“Did you go do that brooding thing you do at your dad’s cabin?” Lanie asked simply.
“I don’t do a ‘brooding thing.’ And no, I wasn’t at my dad’s cabin.”
“First of all, Kate Beckett, you absolutely do do a brooding thing,” Lanie started. “If you haven’t been at your dad’s cabin, then where have you been, and what has had you so busy that you couldn’t call your best friend and at least tell me that you’re ok?”
Kate was quiet for a moment. “The Hamptons,” she murmured just as she took a long drink of
her wine.
“I’m sorry, the what now?” Lanie wasn’t sure she’d heard her correctly.
“The Hamptons,” she said again, tugging her lower lip between her teeth. The only person they knew who had a place in the Hamptons was Castle; she waited for her friend to connect the dots.
Lanie’s eyes widened slightly and she got a knowing smile. “Oh I see how you've been dealing with everything. You’ve been too busy getting your freak on with Writer Boy to think about me.” Seeing Kate about to open her mouth, Lanie’s smile grew. “No need to apologize. I’ve seen the chemistry between the two of you since the beginning. After 3 years, I’m surprised you came up for air long enough to have a girl’s night with me.”
“Lanie, it’s not like that,” Kate blushed slightly.
“Wait, you're not together? So if not Castle, then who or what have you been doing in the Hamptons for two weeks?”
“We are…it’s just that I’ve got broken ribs, and he’s still recovering…that’s not exactly a set-up for a romantic getaway,” she smiled slightly.
“You’re telling me that you’re staying in his Hampton’s house together…alone…you’ve admitted how you feel about each other, and you’re not having sex?” Lanie didn’t believe that for a second. “You haven’t even tried?”
Kate laughed, taking another drink of wine. “Sleeping in the same bed, even.”
“You’re sleeping with him, but not sleeping with him?” Lanie took a big drink of her wine then. “Girl, I haven’t had enough wine for that to make sense.”
Kate laughed again, offering her friend the bottle to refill her glass. “I’m honestly not sure how much longer either of us are going to last though. We’ve been…close. Thankfully he’s got a butler this summer who has impeccable timing.”
“Wait, Castle hired a butler?” Lanie shook her head.
“He said it hurt his ego less than hiring a home health nurse,” she smiled.
“Ah. Men and their egos.”
“And Castle’s is one of the biggest I’ve seen,” Kate commented without thinking. “Not what I
meant, Lanie,” she laughed when she caught the look on the medical examiner’s face. “I haven’t seen…you know what…not going there. Anyway…I was going to ask…you’re a doctor. When is it safe to…you know?” she asked before taking another drink.
“You want me to give you permission to have sex with Castle? Is that what tonight is about?” Lanie teased.
“I’m serious…death by sex isn’t exactly what I’m going for.”
“Okay, okay,” Lanie laughed softly. “Broken ribs are usually pretty stable unless there's more trauma inflicted on the same spot, so it’s really only a question of your pain tolerance. I mean, I wouldn’t try anything too crazy, but you can get your basic freak on with broken ribs so long as you can tolerate the pain of heavy breathing and he doesn’t get too rough with his hands near your injury.”
“And what about him?” Kate asked then.
“I honestly can’t give you an answer without knowing how badly his heart was damaged from the gunshot. Sex gets your heart rate up pretty high if you’re doing it right…I don’t want to tell you it’s all good and then you kill the guy.”
Kate and set her glass on the counter before running her hands through her hair. “This is killing me,” she murmured in frustration.
“You should have listened to me and jumped that man when I first told you to. If you had, you wouldn’t have 3 years worth of sexual frustration built up ready to explode like a Mentos dropped in Diet Coke,” Lanie told her friend with a laugh.
“Now is not the time for an ‘I told you so,’ Lanie,” Kate groaned.
“I’m sorry, it’s just…funny. You spent 3 years denying how much you want that man, and now that you’re ready, you’re the one stuck waiting for him to be ready. Even you have to admit that’s a little funny.”
“The irony is not lost on me, believe me. I would just appreciate it more if I wasn’t so damn frustrated,” Kate murmured.
“You don’t have to be frustrated. I said you could do things as long as you can tolerate the pain. So do things with him. Or, more accurately, let Writer Boy do things to you. Things that won’t get his heart rate too high...I'm sure his fingers are strong from all the typing he does...” Lanie suggested with a smile.
Kate’s cheeks flushed slightly as she picked up on what her friend was suggesting. “That’s not really fair to him, though…”
“Do you want to be fair to him, or do you want to get some relief?”
“Both,” she answered. “Plus I’m not sure that’s a good idea…it seems like playing with fire, because I’m not sure either of us would stop even if it were just one-sided,” Kate admitted.
“Then you better hope his butler continues to have impeccable timing and enjoy cold showers until his doctor gives him the all clear.” Seeing her friend’s frustrated face at that answer, Lanie gave her a sympathetic smile. “It shouldn’t be too long. As soon as his doctor tells him it’s safe to start getting his heart rate up, you should be fine to do whatever he can tolerate. In fact, when he is supposed to start getting his heart rate up, sex is probably going to be good for him. Nothing crazy,” she cut her friend a teasing look, “but enough to give you both what you want.” She paused again, as both women took a drink. “So…you and Castle, huh?”
Kate smiled slightly. “About that…we aren’t ready to start broadcasting our relationship, so if you could….”
Lanie mimicked a key turning at her lips. “My lips are sealed. Not even Javi,” she promised her friend.
“Thank you.”
"You can thank me with details once you two finally do the deed," she smiled, causing Kate to both smile and blush again.
She’d told Castle she wouldn’t need his car service this weekend, but she hadn’t told him why. She’d tested out how her ribs felt with a shorter bike ride to make sure she’d be okay for a longer trip, and it when she found it didn’t bother her as much as the position in a car, she decided she’d surprise Castle by bringing her bike to the Hamptons.
Her black leather jacket was zipped over a white t-shirt, and she’d even worn her black leather riding pants. She didn’t always wear leather pants when she rode; most of the time, she actually just wore jeans. But she couldn’t resist the urge to wear them, if for no other reason than to give Castle the full effect of seeing her on her bike for the first time.
She figured he was watching for her, same as last week, but she made sure to rev the engine a few times as she pulled into the driveway to grab his attention. She was rewarded when he didn’t just open the door, but actually came outside to the driveway to see her on the bike, the look on his face a priceless mix of arousal, excitement and awe. “Hey,” she greeted him with a
smile as she pulled her helmet off and shook her hair out.
“You brought your bike…” he commented, making no effort to hide the way his eyes were travelling over her hungrily.
“I did,” she smiled, killing the engine before dismounting.
“And you wore leather…”
She laughed softly. “I did,” she closed the short distance between them and placed a gentle kiss to his lips.
“Wow,” he murmured, looking from her, to the bike, and back to her.
“Wow, Castle. I can't tell, are you more excited to see me, or the bike?” she asked with another laugh.
“I’m more excited to see you on the bike…in those pants…” he told her honestly with a smile, his eyes travelling back over her. “Will you get back on it?”
She rolled her eyes and shook her head. “No,” she told him, unhooking her bag and grabbing it to take it inside. “But if you behave, I might take you for a ride,” she gave him a playful smile as she walked past him into the house.
So many thoughts filled his head with her simple remark, and he let a few of them play through his head before he followed her inside.
I know this was a lengthy chapter, but it covered most of the things I wanted to do before I hit a time jump. Next chapter will be Memorial Day weekend, and then I’ll have to decide how far ahead I want to go with a time jump. I look forward to all your thoughts and comments!
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factual-fantasy · 2 years
20 ask things :-)
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(Comic in question)
So the funny thing about the creature in the last few panels, is that most people seemed to jump to the conclusion that its Burntrap. I think its mostly due to the body shape and its purple eyes.. Which is fair.
But also may I remind ya’ll that in my AU, when a bot of some kind is “infected” with “the bug”..
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Their eyes turn purple. So whos to say that’s William following Foxy around?👀
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@subspacecadet Foxy and Bonnie might not know what that means, and just assume you’re calling them “furry”, like they’re covered in fur. Which for Foxy is like “Yeah duh, I have a fake fur coat” and Bonnie’s thinking “My shell doesn’t really have fur but okay-”
Same would go for the Glamrocks. I don’t think they would know what that really means.
The only character that would probably know what being called a Furry means is DJ Music Man funnily enough. He’s always hanging around older kids in the arcade and might have heard them talking about Furries once. In which he would know being called a furry is usually supposed to be an insult. In which he would be offended on the Glamrocks behalf.
Random kid: “I don’t like Freddy, he’s a furry! >:(”
Freddy: “..I.. believe you are mistaken. I don’t have fur. I have a plastic shell! :)”
DJMM: “>:/ Yeah well ur MOMS a furry” 
Random kid: “>:O”
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Not quite, but her bitterness towards Roxanne does heavily involve Foxy. 👀
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@yukurie​ As it stands right now, my AU branches off from the ending where Gregory escapes from the Pizzaplex at 6 AM and is found by Vanny in that box.
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Except in my AU, Vanny didn’t find Gregory. Gregory didn���t stop somewhere nearby and sleep in a box. Gregory just kept running, and was never found.
Although after part 2 of “Bits and Pieces” is posted, I plan to take a break and really build up my FNAF AU more. A lot of my timeline is left blank, which needs fixing.
So with that being said, my AU might be re-written and this ending will no longer be canon. :/
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XDD No worries! That just tells me someone really likes my work! :}}
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@lets-zofifi-stuff​ (post in question)
I didn’t really have any dialogue planned out for that doodle. But I imagine Sunny is in tears because someone finally visited him after months of being all alone.
He’s probably stumbling over his words asking Foxy about everything that’s going on outside the Daycare. 
“Have you seen DJ?? Is he okay?? He’s still in the arcade right?? Are the others okay?? Why has no one come to see me?? Have they all forgotten about me?? What’s going on out there??”
And Foxy’s just like:
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Did she really? Whack. But it doesn’t really matter because Monty mix isn’t really a thing in my AU for 2 reasons.
1: I completely forgot it existed and thus didn’t write it into my AU--
And 2: I don’t think there would be a logical reason for it to make any animatronic that consumes it go crazy.
In my AU, Chica attempts to consume food during her “malfunction” for reasons unrelated to Monty Mix. And the animatronics don’t have stomachs, its not like she could eat it, absorb something toxic in it and go crazy. If anything she could consume it and it clogs her up internally and she shuts down. But again this doesn’t matter because I didn’t write Monty Mix into my AU-
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@cherrycreamfairy​ Thank you! :DD I do my best! :}}}
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Girl go back to SLEEP
(Coming from someone who ALSO isn’t asleep when I really should be rn)
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If they ever encountered those animatronics in cannon, they would probably be completely mangled and shut down. In which Foxy and the others would just find them super creepy.. and weirdly HUGE.
As for if they were alive/active?.. I have no idea. Considering my Glamrocks aren’t supposed to be murderous and possessed.. it probably wouldn’t be a friendly encounter 😬
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Thank you! Unfortunately though I.. am not the best at teaching people how to draw things or giving advice. 
I mostly draw through muscle memory. And I don’t really know how to describe how I’ve learned to draw the way I do. I guess I looked at how other people draw faces and tried to mimic it. I guess its like-
“Okay I drew this sad face, but it doesn’t really look that sad.. lemme look for how I can improve this face.”
“Oh! This artist also drew a sad face! And they drew the eyebrows a certain way, that makes the character look really sad :( Let me try that!”
And then I draw the weird eyebrows, see that its an improvement, and draw it like that from then on-
You see- I’m not really good at giving advice/teaching 😭😭😭
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@halogenrobotics I don’t see why not! :0
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@ourlifestooshort Thank you! I’m glad you like them!
And I do have full body refs for them, but uh.. I think I’ll just uh, keep those tucked away in my files for now- 😅
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@chromchill Thank you! I’m glad you like them! :}}
And I would like to say I’m taking breaks, drinking water and stretching.. but uh.. hehhhh... 😅
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Awwww, that’s a great headcannon!
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(Comic in question(?))
We’ll just have to wait and see! :}
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@cali-the-temmie Uhg, very frustrating. Although its nice to hear that everyone is calling them out and knows its stolen work.
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@noisyapricotcalzoneclod Nowhere! My Refinedtale AU has been put on hold BIG TIME in favor of my FNAF AU. 
And even if it wasn’t, my RefinedTale AU is still a work in progress. And I haven’t fully planned out Gaster’s recovery, nor have I drawn/written it. :/
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I am 100% sure my Kung-fu panda AU thing ends with Shifu being completely fine. :} I know this because I made it.
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