#yak farming
vamp1rate · 1 year
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Newton has a heart on his side.
[Image Description: a photo showing a side view of an adolescent yak. He is white with brown spots, and has a brown spot on his side in the shape of a heart. End ID.]
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stimciety · 1 year
Red Robin Song Sanctuary videos of Yaks from TikTok
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horizon5adventure · 1 year
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Khumbi Yul La
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nothoward · 6 months
There is a bison or cattle-like animal that makes me wanna yak!!!
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dsharma-world · 1 year
Interesting facts of Sikkim
Sikkim, a northeastern part of India is bordered by Tibet, Bhutan, and Nepal. Here’s a brief history of Sikkim along with five interesting facts: History:Sikkim was once an independent kingdom ruled by the Namgyal dynasty. The kingdom came under British influence in the late 19th century and became a protectorate of India in 1950. In 1975, Sikkim became India’s 22nd state after a referendum that…
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whats-in-a-sentence · 2 years
If one defines "big" as "weighing over 100 pounds," then only 14 such species were domesticated before the twentieth century (see Table 9.1 for a list). Of those Ancient Fourteen, 9 (the "Minor Nine" of Table 9.1) became important livestock for people in only limited areas of the globe: the Arabian camel, Bactrian camel, llama/alpaca (distinct breeds of the same ancestral species), donkey, reindeer, water buffalo, yak, banteng, and gaur.
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"Guns, Germs and Steel: A Short History of Everybody for the Last 13,000 Years" - Jared Diamond
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chappythegardener · 2 years
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bovineblogger · 3 months
I had a yak farm in a modded Minecraft server once named them all things like yak black yakkeel O'Neill weird al yakovic etc wish i had pics still
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thats so cute im gonna cry thats so silly! what modpack did you play! i was trying to find a bovine minecraft pack recently but im not good at installing stuff...
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jenniferchaulam · 4 months
MLP G4 LU Chain HCs!!!!
/inspired by @kenvamp 's (check the art out here)and @cheatsylu 's (check over here)
I had.. cutie mark head canons for Pony LU chain and I need to talk about them (these are my own HCs and you guys don't have to agree btw!!!!!!!) So, how and when each pony gets their Cutie Marks: Warriors: same time as his scarf. He was given the scarf and then the cutie mark appeared. He got it a bit later than his peers, but it's a very cool cutie mark. Fitting for a captain.
Time: can i be spicy? i want to be spicy, he got his cutie mark when he was 20. Not when he did OoT, not when he did MM. 7 year nap and woke up hoping for a cutie mark only to see a blank flank. and during MM, Everyone comments on it! like he never gets the mark of adulthood ever! okay not "ever" i want him to get it when he's 20 or sth and his cutie mark sucks,. and even twilight doesnt know what it looks like like he got it during a battle
a battle when he was TWENTY and it looks like the FD
and like, yall know Trouble Shoes who HATES his CM, yea Time loathesssss his
first he wishes he has one and now he wishes he didnt - only person who knows what his CM looks like is his Wife btw
Wind: OHO OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE SPECTRUM- Bro probably helped his sister and taught her how to swim or sth and get his CM at age 4 like by the time he does WW his cutie mark has been there for a While. He is a Big Boy. He deserves it
Four: Would it be funny if he has four different cutie marks and when he's merged they're like, blended together - and his cutie mark gains another shape each time he upgrades the four sword - but like, instead of the four elements for the four sword,.his cutie mark is the forge and it just becomes more detailed and has different colors - like a red fire, blue hammer, green anvil, purple tweezers
Twilight: Yall know Yaks and Cows exist in MLP as like... high sentient beings that also go to school and talk and stuff. What if Ordon Goats. like Twilight's Entire Village. Twilight stuck out like a sore thumb. And he's Very very disappointed that his cm isnt a goat. he got his cm at age 14 when he was helping everyone on the farm, and it's some generic rancher stuff like a hay bale or sth.
Hyrule: is the triforce. id like to imagine that full triforce wielders gets a triforce as a cutie mark. He has a bunch of magic of his sleeves, and if you know anything about MLP G4 naming conventions, magic-adjacent ponies are named after light-emitting things. So, Triforce emits a BUNCHA LIGHT
Legend: Oh my god I imagine he hides his cutie mark because its something very soft (bnuuy) and people wont take him seriously - he got it when he was very very young, before his adventures. But the rabbit cutie mark depicts a rabbit that's shaking an apple tree. (proof of courage. or sth. that's what im aiming for as a symbol of bravery, but I am no writer)
Sky: Got his CM at the same time as Sun!!!!! They have matching cutie marks. His is a sword and a Crimson Loftwing's feather, while hers is a pair of wings, one white (like the goddess, but she didn't know that before the adventure) and one blue like her loftwing.
Wild: He DID have a CM before the clammy, but one of the side effects of the Shrine of Ressurection is that it also erases that pony's cutie mark. he woke up with a blank flank. and my guy fought the clammy and found his own new cm that fits him. honourable mentions: Spirits! He got it when he got on a train for the first time, it. was. magical
the train
the train was magical. i hc that he didnt thought much of his CM
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bippot · 3 months
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Summary: How many times does Vigilante need to get injured before Harcourt finally gives in and hires a medic to help out with the squad's injuries? Far too many times, that's how many.
When it's uncovered that a fancy hotel is linked to, not only what's left of the legion of butterflies, but also a string of weird deaths and missing persons reports, the only two for the job are lovesick Adrian and the newbie.
Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Gun Violence, Blood and Injury, Undercover as a Couple, Fluff, Idiots in Love, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Summer Vacation, Butterflies, Alien Invasion, Stitches, Weird Biology, Creep in a Bathroom, Aphrodisiacs, Date Rape Drug/Roofies, Drugging, Peeping, general weirdness, Human Experimentation, Eventual Smut, p in v, Human Farming
Peacemaker, Adrian Chase Masterlist - here
Previous chapter: Afterglow
Was it a leap for Y/N to get to the conclusion that humans used as the butterflies' cows? She'd been debriefed about previous missions that had gone down before she'd joined and had noted that the butterflies kept trying to take over mammals that are commonly known to lactate. Their food supply had been cut off, and they desperately needed another. They'd tried actual cows.
Yaks. Goats. Buffaloes. Camels. They'd even attempted a reindeer. Yet, it didn't have the desired response. Those animals could be milked, yes, but it was regular milk and not the amber goo that they needed to survive. So, they were incompatible. Butterflies had greater access to humans. They were literally using humans as meat puppets. Why not use it to their advantage? Why not make them compatible?
Y/N was unravelling in her mind as she paced around their hotel room aimlessly, mumbling incoherent things under her breath, thinking about everything that she had learned in recent days. Adrian was sitting opposite her, looking completely clueless.
"What am I missing here?" she cried out exasperatedly, throwing her hands into the air and dropping them onto her hips in frustration. "How? How are they changing us? Is it in the food? The drink?"
"Could be the weird gross stuff we have to drink every day."
Her attention snapped towards him as she gaped, completely in awe by his statement, "Seriously, how are you so good at this? You're amazing." He shrugged casually as if he'd done nothing special. But she saw the way his lips curled up just at the corners, as if he was happy to earn her praise.
"Milkweed! How did I not see that? Milkweed is a poison that caterpillars eat so when they turn into a butterfly their wings turn orange. Obviously, there is something else mixed in with it, but maybe when we drink it in large amounts, it turns our milk into that amber stuff."
Adrian stared at her open mouthed. There were so many theories flying around in his head that he didn't even have time to comprehend them all before she spoke again.
"Okay, okay... things are coming together. These perverts are so much weirder than we thought, aren't they?" she sighed. Adrian nodded his agreement, though confused about a lot of stuff that he knew that was important, but still, he was supportive. "We don't have any proof of this. This is just a lot of speculation and gut feelings so far."
"I could not swallow the poison and we could put it in, like, a tub or a plastic cup or a shoe, I don't know. Then, John could do tests on it, or send it away for some science nerds - that would probably be better - and they can figure out what it is," he posed, scratching his head and furrowing his brows. "Or... I could kill everyone?"
It wasn't the best idea in the world. But it was the only one they had. Later on that day, they'd try it out. And it went well for the first minute. Adrian held the milkweed in the side of his cheek like a hamster, but as soon as he went to say something, he forgot that it was there and spat it all over Y/N's face. She gasped in shock and wiped her face clean with the back of her hand as they started to laugh uncontrollably.
"Thanks babe," she said sarcastically as she shook her head and laughed harder.
"Yeah, sorry," he smiled sheepishly, wiping the rest of it away with his sleeve. "Guess that didn't work."
"We will explain our theory to everyone tomorrow and try again."
Just as Y/N said that, Sparrow made an announcement. "Hello everyone! It's unfortunate but the trips into the inner city tomorrow are cancelled because something has gone wrong with a few of the cars - I haven't got the foggiest about cars so I don't actually know what but I've been told that they are not in working order - and the weather report indicates that it may rain," he declared in a slightly disappointed voice.
The Bardots shared a glance. Obviously, that wasn't the reason why the outings were closed. They were aware of that. They'd have to wait until the following Wednesday to get their team up to speed.
"We'll resume it next week, not to worry. You'll soon be able to shop to your heart's desire and experience all of what Dubai has to offer."
Everyone else returned to their drinking and dancing and socialising, completely content with this arrangement. They'd expected a few grumbles and complaints to be heard from their fellow vacationers about having to stay behind, but they weren't prepared for the brainless acceptance they were seeing.
"We can't be the first to go back to our rooms, okay? Just be calm and casual," Y/N instructed in a low tone. Her fingers tightened around her glass as she looked through the crowd, her eyes sweeping across the room and waiting for a few couples to peel off from the group and leave.
"Wanna dance? That would be a normal thing to do, yeah?" Adrian whispered in her ear, placing his hands on her waist. His hands lingered there for a moment before squidging on her hips playfully so she'd cracked a smile and took his initiative.
And so, they found themselves dancing with each other yet again. They swayed to the music, keeping their bodies pressed close, as they tried to enjoy the moment without any worries of the impending alien takeover hanging above their heads.
"Can we do this when we get back to, you know, the 'real' world?" he asked softly, his eyes staring intently into hers as he searched for approval. "It's like long hugging. I like it. It's comfortable but in a dancy upbeat kind of way," he added with a small shrug of his shoulders and caused her to chuckle at that.
"Yeah, we can do this when we get back," she replied, nodding her head slowly to show her sincerity. His lips stretched upwards in a broad grin before he leaned in and kissed her briefly, just a brush of his lips against hers before pulling away and resting his cheek on the top of her head.
When 2 or 3 of the other couples finally gave up socialising and left the marquee, they disentangled and retreated back to their room. As soon as they got through the door, Adrian got to his knees right in front of Y/N. He guided her foot onto his thigh and unclipped the clasp of her heels before slipping them off. His thumb brushed over her ankle and he pressed a kiss to her knee as he placed the shoe onto the carpet beside him, never taking his gaze off of her. He did the same with the other shoe.
Then he got to his feet and moved around the room like he hadn't just done something incredibly hot and sweet while Y/N watched him with a blush growing steadily on her cheeks. He had a habit of doing stuff like that. Stuff that he did to help her out - even just a little bit, even just taking her shoes off for her - without acknowledging that he'd done anything.
And she loved it. More than anything. It was cute.
Thanks to today, it was probably going to be a while before her brain stopped whirring and allowed her to sleep, no matter how tired she was.
"C'mere," she cooed, "C'mere, champ."
He came, of course, and stood before her, his eyes going buggy as her fingers hooked around his belt loops and pulled him close. Y/N brought her hand to the back of Adrian's neck and tugged him down as she pressed her lips against his firmly, almost feverishly. The kiss deepened instantly as they began moving languidly across the room in the general direction of the bed.
Their movements were both slow and languid; as if they were trying to make sure their lips were never leaving each other. "Want you to fuck me," she murmured seductively against his mouth as her hand wandered along his chest and began to undo the buttons on his shirt.
"You do?"
Once his shirt was open, her fingers moved to his belt to unbuckle it, undressing him. Her lips never stopped roaming his neck as she worked his trousers open and dropped them on the floor beside his discarded shirt.
"Yeah, is that okay with you?"
"So okay. So, so okay."
Y/N held her hair out of the way as he reached around to unzip her dress, pushing it down her body gently until it was off completely, then she settled down against the pillows on the bed and waited for him to crawl over to her.
"Hi," he smiled, looming over her with a soft look on his face and his eyes half lidded. Y/N rolled her eyes, unable to contain the smirk forming on her face at his adorable nature. She sat up on her elbows to be tall enough to smooch him, though it soon became difficult to kiss when she was panting breathlessly against his lips thanks to how deftly his hand went into her underwear.
The squelching sound of wetness was loud and unmistakable in the mostly silent room, making Adrian chuckle at how obscene it felt. "We could've been doing this for months," he said, attaching his lips to her neck. "Imagine that, without Emilia messing things up, I could've been worshipping you for weeks. Every night, every single one of those times that I came to see you after patrol just so I could get a one more look at your pretty face before I turned in for the night... We could've been getting it on, baby. Could've kept it a secret from your sister."
"You could've kept a secret from Emilia?"
"Nope. Would've tried, though."
"She's gonna kick our asses," Y/N laughed, her hand tangling in the hair at the nape of his neck.
"Probably. Don't care, though. You're worth it."
Adrian leaned down and kissed her softly as he slipped his hands under her thighs, lifting them so he could slot between her legs. He was quick to pull his boxers down and slip inside of her, groaning loudly as he found himself filling her up completely. She moaned in reply as she gripped a handful of the sheets with her one hand, the other gripping his shoulder and holding herself steady as they began to rock into each other with a rhythm that only intensified as he continued.
Obviously, they'd had sex before.
But that had been in order to fix his fuckup, this was purely because they wanted to. There was no explanation needed and there would be none. Just pure pleasure and ecstasy. They were lost in a world of nothingness - that place where time itself stood still and everything around them was drowned out by bliss - that was filled just by them.
This was the Bardots. This was where they belonged. With each other.
They collapsed against the pillows, sweaty and out of breath and utterly content. The only sound remaining in the room was that of their heavy breathing and their own heartbeat pounding against their ears. After a few minutes passed, Y/N shifted her head so she could rest her cheek against Adrian's chest.
She listened to his heartbeat as his palm moved up and down her spine soothingly, tracing lazy circles on her skin before bringing the gentlest of fingertips across the scar on her back. "You never did finish your story about this," he thought out loud as he traced the knife wound.
"Do you wanna know?"
"Only if you want me to know. If you don't feel ready to talk about it, then that's cool too."
Overcome with tenderness, she peppered his shoulder and neck with kisses and caresses before turning her head so she could look up at him. She lifted herself and rested her folded arms on his pecs before speaking, "Jack and I were on the same beat: The Creeper. He'd always wanted to be an investigative journalist - that's what he went to school for - and when we caught the same trail, we thought it would be best if we put our brains together."
"That's a smart idea," Adrian agreed, his thumb brushing along her cheekbone.
"That's what I thought too. Maybe I wasn't smart enough to figure it out, or maybe I was blinded cause we were sleeping together - "
"Hmmm...?" he interrupted, not really meaning to tease her, only to see her smile at the wordless question.
Was he a little jealous of a guy he'd never met and knew didn't have a chance with her now? Yes. Yes, he was. But that was on the back burner because he was pissed for her. This guy, this Jack Ryder had used Y/N for her body and brain, then fucking stabbed her. That's not fucking cool! You don't do that to people! You don't stick your dick in someone then stick a knife in them the next day.
That's fucked up!
"Are you going to be weird about that?"
"He's an asshole," he growled lowly. "An asshole! And you deserve better!" He lowered his voice a notch but couldn't keep his anger from leaking through. "You deserve someone who would cherish and love you. Not that fucking creep!"
Her expression softened, and she leant forward so she could press gentle kisses all over his cheek. "I have that." She cupped his face in her hands and pressed her forehead to his. "I've got you now, champ." He let his eyes drift closed as he melted under her touch and took deep breaths to calm down. "It's okay, babe. Breathe."
Eventually, his anger subsided to a dull buzz beneath his skin and his breathing returned to normal, so she carried on with her story and ran a hand through his hair as she explained, "Jack, uh, his show wasn't doing so well and he was always secretive - as long as I knew him, I didn't really know him, you know what I mean? - so, looking back, I guess, he was just keeping an eye on someone getting too close to the truth."
A pause happened, and her brows furrowed slightly, a small frown etched onto her face. "Then, I got far too close when I caught him and Yatz. They were mid-experiment, or mid transformation is probably the best way to explain it, and so I didn't blow their cover, Yatz got The Creeper to drive his razor sharp claw into my back."
"You said it was a knife?"
"I know, and I'm sorry for misleading you. It's a lot easier to say you got stabbed with a knife than your fuckbuddy's really pointy finger," she joked bitterly as she stroked his cheeks, the memory causing the pain to flare up for the first time in years and make her wince. He instantly tried his best to soothe the area, his palm gently rubbing up and down the line of her spine.
The memories resurfaced, flooding her mind like the river that washed away all feelings of safety and security. In an instant, she was back on that cold concrete floor that was damp with her own blood. The pain was hot, almost as if the Creeper's claws were coated in poison, but it wasn't intense enough that she blacked out thanks to the burn, which wasn't ideal.
Y/N had been awake and aware as the minutes ticked down. She couldn't move, couldn't think past the pain and the smell of blood and sweat, not really registering anything except the searing pain. And since she wasn't a threat in this state, Yatz and The Creeper moved at a leisurely pace to gather up their top secret documents and saunter out of their hideout.
She had no idea that she'd be bleeding out on the floor for 5 whole minutes before Jack came back. He was himself and not his beastly nightmare version, and ran to her side, phone squished between his shoulder and cheek as he called the emergency services.
If they'd been on the scene 60 seconds later, she would've been another casualty of Dr Yatz.
"I'm gonna kill that motherfucker!" Adrian cursed as he tightened his grip on his lover. "Unless you wanna do it. I'll never take your kill, I swear," he added sincerely, pressing a kiss to the crown of her head.
"I gave up on getting revenge years ago. Tell you what, whoever gets the opportunity first, takes the shot."
With that out in the open, Adrian felt the need to share something that he was hiding. Well, not necessarily hiding. If he knew the question he wanted her to ask, he would've answered in a heartbeat.
"My family was hit off the road by a drunk driver when I was a kid. Mom and dad were killed in the accident, my brother died in the ambulance, and I... I should've too. But, I've got this healing shit going on, you know? So, I survived and ended up living with my nana," he commented lightly, trying to brush off his emotions, "When I found out who the guy was, I, uh, killed him. I was 17. I don't regret it."
It felt strange to finally tell somebody about that part of his life after so many years keeping it under wraps.
"And I don't think you'll regret killing Ryder. Or Yatz. They had it fucking coming, that's what I think."
"Maybe you're right," Y/N replied. "I had a hunch you were a nana's boy. The knitting was a dead giveaway."
After everything, she was finally tired. The exhaustion of yesterday and the eventfulness of today had caught up with her. She let her head rest on his chest, wrapping him up in such a tight hug that he felt like he was being lovingly held captive. He didn't mind that. He wanted to be her captive for all eternity, if that was her wish.
As she felt herself drifting off, Y/N was sure to say, "I love you. Nighty night, champ." She smiled lazily to herself as she felt his lips press against her forehead and then fell asleep.
He whispered, "I'm going to kill them for hurting you, baby" into her hair. He kissed her hairline one last time before drifting off to sleep himself, letting the comfort of her touch and the sound of her soft snores lull him to sleep.
They stayed as inconspicuous as possible for days, waiting for Wednesday to come around so they could get their team's input. And after a handful of attempts, they'd finally managed to swipe some milkweed when Y/N pretended to need the bathroom whilst holding it in her mouth. She spat it out into a travel sided conditioner bottle and hid it in her bra.
It was safe to say that the rest of the 11th Street Kids were disturbed. It made sense, though. The butterflies couldn't find a food supply so they were making one. From humans. The very race that had taken away their food supply. It was ironic, really.
Adebayo began cautiously, "I hate to ask this, but we need to take some, uh... samples to make sure your claims are substantiated."
"Samples?" Adrian inquired.
"We need you to piss in a cup," Harcourt interrupted, speaking plainly. Emilia handed Y/N a bottle of water. "Drink up, squish."
Once samples had been taken and pots pissed in, Economos unlocked a fortified box and unpacked its contents, which were two smaller fortified boxes. Y/N expected even smaller boxes to be inside them, but, in actuality, there was a bag of silver circles that were the size of chia seeds. He got one of the gizmos between his thumb and finger, held it out to the couple, and announced what the hell they were looking out.
"These are mini forcefield implants. This is a - " He held it closer to his eye to see what marking was on it. "This is a left side one, right ones are in the other box. They go either side of your, of your, um, your orifices and, though they've not be tested for long term side effects, it is designed so the wave can come into contact with your body, but as soon as something 'other' passes it, it will disintegrate whatever that 'other' is."
Hell yeah! That ensured that no butterflies could fly up their ass and ride them like a pony. However, that wasn't the first thing on Adrian's mind. "When you say 'other', do you mean like alien stuff? What if someone had like a body part that they enjoyed and daily put in -"
"I don't want to hear this," Emilia dismissed as she walked into a back room. "I'm going to call Peace to check up on his mission."
"You two are free to keep on fucking." Adebayo made a 'bleurgh' sound but carried on. "Yeah, we know. His face says it all. Also, if your follow up question was about food, that was a problem with the initial prototype but has been ironed out now."
Adrian always looked at Y/N with those puppy love eyes but since he walked in the HQ door that afternoon, he'd been staring at her as if he was going to devour her the second he thought nobody was watching him. Y/N would be lying if she said she didn't look back at him with a similar intensity.
"Since you're so... familiar... with each other, you can attach these. Remove the black plastic and stick one - left on left, right on right - just inside the orifice." John shoved the bag with the forcefield gizmos into Y/N's hands and motioned towards the bathroom that they'd just been in to collect the samples.
Even though they'd been intimate, it still was a little awkward. Yet, it was something to laugh about. And yeah, it did protect them so it wasn't that much of a chore to install.
"Is it weird that I kinda wanna fuck you with everyone else in the other room?" Adrian flirted, his cheek still flushed thanks to what they'd just done as Y/N pulled up her trousers.
"You're lucky Meeley didn't kill you. She's become tame in recent years, I see."
"I wonder how tame she'd be if she heard me defiling her little sister."
His palm connected with her ass, the sound of the smack ringing in the quiet bathroom. Their coworkers on the other side of the door must've heard it, and that fact ensured that Adrian had a cheeky little smile on his face. Y/N rolled her eyes as she was pulled towards him, his lips meeting hers with an eagerness she couldn't help but return.
A small sigh escaped her throat as she melted against him once more, her arms wrapping around his neck while his went round her waist tightly, pulling her flush against his chest as he deepened the kiss.
"Don't push your luck," Y/N teased breathlessly once she broke apart from him. She rested her hand on his cheeks and stared at him fondly. "Or mine."
"Oh, I wouldn't dream of it."
"Mmmm, I don't believe you."
Once again, he enticed her into a kiss, and yet again, she returned it immediately, smiling against his lips as her fingers tangled themselves in his hair. Before they could get carried away, however, a loud bang on the door rang out and Emilia's voice on the other side yelled, "Y/N L/N, I need to talk to you."
"Ooooh, you're in trouble," Adrian jeered, sounding like a little schoolboy telling the teacher on one of his friends. Y/N groaned and buried her face in his shoulder as she sighed defeatedly. He was right. She was in the doghouse.
Emilia dragged her sister away as soon as she exited the bathroom, and they headed straight for the back room, which was known as 'the freak out room' by the 11th Street Kids because it was unofficially used for private conversations, spiralling, and a way to get away from each other for five minutes. It had come to the point that there was an unofficial schedule of whose turn it was in the freak out room.
"Are you fucking stupid? Wait, you don't need to answer that cause I can do it for you: yes. Yes, you're so fucking stupid!" Emilia scolded, pointing her finger directly at her sister's nose. "What were you thinking, Y/N?"
Y/N sighed, and that was an answer in itself.
"Don't say it. Don't you even think about saying shit like that!" Harcourt warned despite the fact Y/N hadn't said anything verbally. Harcourt knew, though.
Sisters have a way of communicating that goes beyond language sometimes; it isn't even telepathy or empathy - it's just knowing the person so well that you're able to predict things based on the wealth of information and experience you have with them. So, Emilia was fully aware that the 'Bardot newlyweds' was more of an actuality than they had been before the mission began. The couple were married in everything but the eyes of the law.
"I -"
Interrupting any kind of reasoning or excuse or explanation that came from Y/N's mouth, Emilia flicked her sister hard on the nose with a gaze as stern as steel. On instinct, Y/N shot her hand out to wack Harcourt, and though she hadn't intended to, her fist came into direct contact with Emila's boob.
"Tit punching? Really, Y/N?"
Emilia got the older sibling look in her eyes. The one that Y/N usually saw and ran away from, screaming for their father to step in. Before she could make it back with the other members of A.R.G.U.S., Emilia slapped her across the face and got her into a headlock. This was so infuriating. Y/N could be so infuriating. She wanted to punch her sister so hard straight in the throat that she'd be unable to flirt with men who she thought weren't good enough for her.
To get out of the hold, Y/N tilted her head downwards and bit Emilia's arm. "OWW! No biting! No fucking biting! What the fuck is wrong with you?" Emilia let her sister go immediately and rubbed her arm, feeling the sting.
Surely their teammates heard that commotion. They had to. But this was family business and they knew to not interfere.
"...He's not going to stab me."
"He could!" Emila snapped back, glaring at her. She was mad and disappointed, yes, but she genuinely didn't think that Adrian would ever intentionally hurt Y/N.
Unintentionally, on the other hand, that's a maybe.
Their breaths slowed, and the fuzzy rage feeling in their heads settled down. They both stood, facing each other as they collected themselves. When Emilia spoke, the tone in which she was speaking was much calmer than when she entered.
"You can be normal. He can't."
"I tried being normal. It sucks. And I'd prefer to be fucked up with him than suck by myself," Y/N simply responded. Her older sibling raised her eyebrows in surprise but said nothing. Emilia didn't understand why Vigilante of all people, but for the first time, she accepted the fact that this was a fact.
Adrian and Y/N were a pair, a couple, and there was nothing she could do to stop that. Trying was useless. Trying would cause Y/N distress. Trying would fracture their sibling relationship. So, Emilia finally stopped trying.
"This doesn't mean that I'm going to be nice to him."
"Are you nice to anyone?"
A laugh was shared and then, acting as if they hadn't just fought, the pair walked back into the main room to find everyone else staring at them. John's eyes wandered down to Harcourt's arm.
"Why have you got a bite mark?"
"I bit her," Y/N announced, a weird sense of pride in her voice.
Taglist: @sarahskywalker-amidala , @she-wolf09231982 , @afraidofshrimp (Wanna be added to the taglist? Just message me or leave a comment :p)
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violet-moonstone · 11 months
HTTYD Sibling/Family Relationships
Some things I wish we got more of in the franchise are A) family relationships, and B) other young people in Berk who are older or younger than the main 6 riders and Gustav.
We didn't, so here's my headcanons.
First one isn't very original because in the books Snotlout and Hiccup are related and Snotlout says he's "next in line" in THW but I would love it if Spitelout and Stoick were canonically brothers (or brothers-in-law!!!), making Hiccup and Snotlout cousins too. I want Hiccup and Snotlout, despite being only-children, to have grown up like brothers who can't stand each other. Before the events of HTTYD, Snotlout teases Hiccup about how he'll usurp him, but when Hiccup trains Toothless, the rivalry becomes even worse, as Snotlout finds himself in second place - this already happens to a certain extent in RoB/DoB, but now it's more pronounced. Them improving their relationship and avoiding the pitfalls of Stoick and Spitelout's rivalry is even more meaningful. Also as we know from comments Snotlout has made about sewing, his mother is a sweet lady who teaches her son crafts. Too good for Spitelout, tbh. Would be nice if she were also a fierce fighter who is super good at sewing too.
Fishlegs is a very protective older brother to a younger sister who is similarly sensitive and sweet. He, however, stops being sweet the second anyone poses emotional or physical danger to her. He loves taking her flying on Meatlug when she's still too small for her own dragon, and he's always teaching her dragon facts. I think his parents are very sweet as well. His mom is a super tall and busty Viking lady very while his dad is smaller. They're both sheep and yak farmers and not really the warrior type. Fishlegs got his love of animals from growing up on a farm.
Astrid is the youngest of at least 3 older siblings (either brothers or sisters, doesn't matter) who are all very accomplished. Each excels in either strength, intelligence, or stealth, but they're all pretty brave fighters in general. (I'm thinking she has at least one brother who is very strong but not super bright - big himbo energy. Ruffnut probably has a crush on him, and it creeps Astrid out). As the youngest, Astrid feels like she has to live up to and exceed all of their abilities. She also *hates* being the baby of the family, which is why she's so aggressive. One of her parents is doting (probably does something in crafting) while the other is very intense (a warrior).
Ruffnut and Tuffnut are the middle siblings of a huge-ass family and have lots of extended family as well. Literally everyone in their family is chaotic as hell in their own unique, Thorston way. They do everything from farming, fishing, smithing, fighting, etc, because there are so many of them. Berk is already a small community, and it's very common to have at least one Thorston relative somewhere in your family. Eventually, they have to identify Thorstons by jobs, landmarks, or well-known events (Those are the Baker Thorstons, or the Cliffside Thorstons, or the Thorstons-that-Ruined-Snoggletog, etc.)
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bitterkarella · 8 months
Midnight Pals: Church Ladies
Jessica Leonard: Submitted for the approval of the midnight society, i call this the tale of the church that hates witches Leonard: so this guy's dad was a lawyer but he gave it all up to be a farmer Leonard: and join a church Leonard: this guy just really loves church
Leonard: this farmer guy is all "hey i love tilling the soil, i'm gonna do that" Ursula Vernon: right right, tilling the soil Vernon: i mean, yeah, you gotta til the soil Vernon: real important part of being a farmer Vernon: probably the most important part
Leonard: so they join this church Leonard: but get this Leonard: it turns out this church Leonard: is disrespectful to women Angela Carter: whoa Leonard: i know, right???
Angela Carter: you're telling me this church doesn't respect womens autonomy? Leonard: no! in fact, they're kinda backwards on that issue Carter: wow Carter: well Carter: i would simply NOT go to that church
Leonard: yeah like this church says women can't be in leadership positions Carter: WOW Carter: well Carter: as a strong independent woman Carter: who is also intelligent Carter: i would not be down with that Patricia Highsmith: yeah i dunno i think they got a point
Carter: oh really patricia? is that so Highsmith: i'm just sayin' Highsmith: you know dames Highsmith: always yak yak yakkin' Highsmith: you want some skirt running a church council? Highsmith: she'll get her damn menses all over the tabernacle
Highsmith: look, i'm just sayin' Highsmith: women ain't there to do heavy thinkin' Highsmith: they're there to make casseroles and look pretty Highsmith: mostly look pretty Highsmith: i mean there ain't nothing like a dame am i right? Carter: Highsmith: the boys know what i'm talkin' about Edward Lee: bro Lee: bro Lee: you're being kinda problematic bro Highsmith: i'm just sayin' what we're all thinkin!
Leonard: so the church ladies are all "we love making casseroles for our men" Leonard: "also i haven't cum in 20 years, i should pray on that" Carter: this is like scary accurate church lady dialogue
Leonard: so the reverend is all "hmm our church ladies are getting too mouthy" Leonard: "what if we sent them to a torture farm for a weekend" Leonard: "ya know, just to scare 'em back in line" Leonard: but that's when these church ladies Leonard: stop making casseroles Leonard: and start getting real
Leonard: so the women are all "man, this church sucks! it hates women and its obsessed with witches" Leonard: "we should, like, join a different church"
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squibical · 1 year
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Made a goliath lady! She has a yak farm and feeds a pack of wolves 🐺
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moon4sims · 2 months
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Please DONT WORK ON MY SIM without permission !
Please DONT claim as your own !!!
and Lastly Enjoy My loves :)
. Gramsims Cas Lighting
. Yak Farms Face Stand Still
. Enhanced Eye Mod
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tqmlecherocuki · 24 days
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I can't beliv gnomed nerfed him.
...what could he be yappin about tho....
"hey! did you get that new drink? i think it's pretty good, yeah! then again we all have preferred tastes and that's okay! i just think it's pretty good and that you should try it if you haven't!! Sparkling's got some serious skill, tell you that! ...of course you probably didn't know because perhaps you haven't been here much? i mean, have you?? either way, he is a nice man. oh! that drink you have! it tastes better with milk! in.. my opinion...! just thought I'd let you know, you don't have to try it of course! oh and- geez! at this point I think I should make you a list! he he!!? I won't! if you don't want me to, of course! I'm-I'm just saying! haha. anyways- have you heard about how--
"-all from local origin! that's why they taste so unique! I think some green grape lady is the main provider of--"
"-and the farms! I didn't know what a pigtato was until Yammy-- a friend, showed me! ah!! they're so precious! precious little bundles of joy! you should see them too someday! I highly recommend it!! ... I'll, uh, take you there myself though... Yam would... hm... I think I'll ask him discreetly! "hey yam, what if, hypothetically, Choco-nim wanted to see the pigtatoes? what would you say in that scenario that won't happen? would you theoretically be okay with it?" ... that'll probably work! yeah? perhaps! either way there's so much to see! like those yaks!-"
'...what... parts am I supposed to retain from... all of this...?’
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blackcatrph · 2 years
quotes  taken  from  a  chaotic  discord  server.  nsfw  themes  present.  please  alter  any  pronouns  if  required  when  sending.
“  is this what internet edging feels like  ?  ”
“  on  my  way  to  farm  your  dad  i  gues.  ”
“  gimme  those  long  handles,  daddy.  ”
“  blood  cum  tastes  like  peaches  ?  ”
“  i  love  crusty  men.  ”
“  lick  my  mind  grapes  baby.  ”
“  you’re  going  to  peg  [ name ]  with  eel  tentacles  ?  ”
“  fold  her  like  a  pizza  and  try  her  chocolate  escalator  i  guess.  ”
“  i  don’t  want  to  see  jizzing  bread.  ”
“  i  was  sobbing  from  my  vagina.  ”
“  let  me  go  find  a  man  to  suck  me.  ”
“  i’ll ear  you  good.  ”
“  i’ll  live  in  a  tank  for  him.  ”
“  i’m  laughing  so  hard  i’m  on  vibrate  mode.  ”
“  i  lost  my  lamps.  ”
“  you  deserve  slaps.  ”
“  oh  good  !  you  finished  !  ”
“  wow,  suddenly  i’m  straight  !  ”
“  all  roads  lead  to  cannibalism.  ”
“  i  can’t  believe  you’re  writing  mario  smut.  ”
“  pegging  with  knives  !  ”
“  so  the  lion  fell  in  love  with  the  limb.  ”
“  i  don’t  want  mouldy  cock.  ”
“  i  can’t  believe  [ name ]  caught  us  in  the  act.  ”
“  i’d  sin  for  you.  ”
“  lighting  mcqueen  revs  my  gears..”
“  [ name ]  puts  the  cream  in  scream.  ”
“  suck  on  my  tears  baby.  ”
“  yeah  naturally  i’m  straight  for  adam  driver  and  his  toe  sucking.  ”
“  i  just  thought  it  was  funny  to  make  rat  dong  jokes.  ”
“  i’ll  lob  your  ham.  ”
“  you’re  the  fakest  lesbian.  ”
“  i’ve  had  better  dick.  ”
“  because  you’re  tasty.  ”
“  wow  what  a  hot  kneecap.  ”
“  i  too  love  huffing.  ”
“  i  would  like  you’re  opinion  on  my  hot  dog,  please.  ”
“  a  little  hard  to  ignore  when  you’re  airing  it  out  in  public.  ”
“  happy  ding  dong.  ”
“  get  your  elf  kink  out  of  here.  ”
“  get  that  green  goo  off  me.  ”
“  does  you  hand  eat  ?  ”
“  i  can’t  yak  this  [ name ]  !  ”
“  he  looks  like  he's  look  to  break  into  the  porn  industry.  ”
“  don’t  pretend  you  don’t  love  a  gentle  oinking.  ”
“  i’m  actually  dad.  ”
“  clouds  are  gay  pirates.  ”
“  there’s  something  about  you  lately  making  me  want  to  put  my  feet  in  your  mouth.  ”
“  are  we  ready,  emoji  fuckers  ?  ”
“  i  will  be  making  my  own  lore  up  about  god  and  jesus  !  ”
“  the  jello  had  a  great  time.  ”
“  go  low  for  me  baby.  ”
“  what  that  tongue  do  ?  ”
“  help  i  thought  that  skull  was  a  soccer  ball ...  ”
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