#yall if i look my teacher in the eyes and tell him he makes me want to kms and that his behavior and attitude HAS made me cut myself
wishchthumblr · 1 month
on todays episode of "mental health issues that could easily be solved by one single thing that i dont have", GET A MICROWAVE!!!
i just know SO many of my eating related issues (not all obviously but a LOT of them) would be solved if this house just had a goddamn microwave
today i ate like... 1/4th of those small frozen pizzas, 1/3rd of a grilled cheese, and 1/3rd bowl of macaroni and meatballs. and yall wanna know why i didnt eat the whole thing of any of them? its cause my stupid adhd ass took too long to eat and the food got cold. and then i Cannot Eat That anymore. so even though i was still hungry i didnt eat the rest of it and just went back to rotting on youtube shorts and being too hungry to do anything and feeling dumb and unproductive and being guilty of making food that i dont eat. just... feeling like a big ol' waste
but the thing is, if i just
✨owned a microwave✨
i could just reheat the motherfucking food and still eat it and not feel like ive wasted that food. ((because since that food is wasted i feel guilty about making it, so i dont make any more food until next meal time, but then i didnt finish that either cause im stupid and eat too slow.))
but we dont have a microwave. only an oven. and yeah maybe i couldve reheated the 3/4th pizza or the grilled cheese in the oven, but then again the oven uses a lot of electricity. and my mom is always complaining that i turn the oven on, forget that its on for a while, and that im wasting electricity. and i was too tired and hungry to deal with that possibility. plus with the oven theres a chance i forget it too long or have it too hot and burn the food and that would just make me feel worse
but we dont have a microwave, because my mom thinks having a microwave leads to "eating more unhealthy foods that you just heat up" instead of "real food". so i didnt reheat any of my food. so i didnt eat it. it got to the point where it got cold and gross so i just threw it in the trash and hope my mom or grandma doesnt notice.
but if i had a microwave, i couldve reheated that food. and i couldve eaten it. ((and yeah, maybe i wouldnt have ate the whole thing, but maybe half at least? that counts right? well it dont really matter if it counts or not cause it didnt happen.))
and then maybe i wouldnt have been feeling like im gonna faint the whole day and maybe i wouldve gotten literally anything done instead of just scrolling on pinterest and youtube shorts for hours and feeling worthless. and maybe if i ate i wouldnt have hurt myself today
but nope. no microwave. it leads to "unhealthy" habits. i guess not eating enough to count as even ONE full meal is healthier since its not "microwave food"
thanks mom
#tw eating issues#tw self harm#btw to my irl friends. if you see this no you did not#sorry honey if you see this. cause i know you like my mom and think shes really nice#which she is!! most of the time aha#the hurting myself happened bc i usually have sprinkled cheese on my macaroni and meatballs#but i used all the cheese in the sandwich that i binned#which made me feel like such a fucking idiot and a waste#so i started crying#and i took the metal lid from the boiling macaroni pot and pressed it to me leg for like 10 seconds straight#fun fact: im really good at muffling any sound when im in pain. haha#it didnt feel like enough though. my knife drawer had stuff infront of it but theres a loose screw on my table#so i ripped that across my skin a couple times#some blood came out but not “enough” pain#so then i had the very strong urge to hurt MORE#and intrusively imagined what id be like to take a knife and drive it into my stomach#which was a little shocking cause i havent had THAT thought in a while#AND THEN i remembered i have my swedish final on monday and i have to make a speech and i havent even chosen a topic yet#and that ill have to meet the swedish teacher that is the reason for the only times i have ever cried or cut at school#and then i had another like... daydream hallucination thing about telling my asshole swedish teacher#that the reason i dont have a speech is cause i realised id see him on monday and wanted to kms :3#kinda still feel like cutting and i scratched myself with the sharp screw a bit more but at least venting about this helped a little#yall if i look my teacher in the eyes and tell him he makes me want to kms and that his behavior and attitude HAS made me cut myself#and that i pray to god he treats his own children better than he treats his students#think hed let me skip the test? yes or no?#god i feel so dizzy rn#but i dont wanna make more food and have to throw it away. i wish we had snacks in this house#wish’s whispers#personal vent#this was a lot of tags aha
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stsgooo · 7 months
Look at Him.
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✩࿐ summary: your attempts at reentering the dating scene is foiled by your ex-husband.
warning(s): past relationship, clingy!gojo, ex-husband!gojo, co-parenting situation, crack fic. wc; 1.6k
pairing(s): gojo satoru x fem!reader
a/n: this is purely just a goof fic because i've put nothing but angst out there so far sooo have a laugh. hope yall enjoy :3
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“So, what do you do for a living?”
"A teacher."
"Oh, wow! What grade, subject?"
"Uh, highschoolers and the subject kinda varies on the day."
"Like a substitute teacher?"
"Um....sure, yeah! Substitute teacher."
"That's awesome. Mad respect, kids can be demons."
You were quickly discovering that the dating field had changed in the five years that you had been married. An endless back and forth about what someone did, what's their favorite color, what's their hobbies. Boring questions that you would ask your students on the first day was used in over the table date conversation. Until, until, they got to that question they so desperately wanted to ask.
Would you want to take this back to my—
There was a vibration against your thigh as your date started to go onto a monologue about how much he disliked kids. In all honesty, you couldn't really remember his name. The introductions had been awkward and a little nerve wracking— you were almost sure he had no idea who you were either.
You tugged your phone out of your pocket and resisted the audible sigh that threatened to leave you when you saw the notification.
Satoru please tell me why my beautiful, radiant, amazing, intelligent daughter just said her mommy is on a date. feeling sick to my stomach, don't tell me this is true.
You rolled your eyes. Your ex-husband had always been so overdramatic. His main focus was always on the bit that could come from a situation. However, this was a quality you do used to admire about him. His ability to make any situation seem like it was a funny happenstance that you'd never encounter again.
Now, it was nothing more than a nuisance.
Satoru oh my god, you left me on read. it's true. it's true. i hope you know i just threw up. i threw up everywhere. i might die. at least, tell me he's ugly. please god let him to be ugly.
A sigh, you typed out the quickest message you could without your date asking what's wrong.
You I hope you're not ignoring said daughter to ask me about some date. I'll be home later, please refrain from texting me.
You were about to set your phone down when another text came through. This one appeared to more distraught than the last.
Satoru o h your tone. it's over. it's really over. i might just kill myself this is the worst night of my life. y/n, i'm genuinely feeling sick. please, is he ugly? he must be boring because you're texting back.
You were almost inclined to remind Satoru you both had been divorced for a year already. That this was bound to happen and you two had, in fact, spoken about it months into the divorce. You had played with some 'what if's and there was a mutual agreement that the other wouldn't get jealous and be dramatic about the other getting in a relationship whenever the time comes. It was a surprisingly adult conversation.
You should've known better when Satoru proudly proclaimed he didn't care who you got involved with.
You Satoru, we talked about this. We're adults and we're divorced. Please bother someone else, like Suguru.
Satoru i don't wanna talk to suguru. i wanna talk to youuu (;﹏;) i can't believe you've done this. ten years. ten years of loyalty. im sick to my stomach.
You You asked for the divorce.
"Is everything okay?"
You eyes snapped up from your phone and towards your date. He had the good grace to be wearing a relatively concerned expression, eyeing you wearily.
You quickly tucked your phone back into your pocket, ignoring the insistent vibrations it gave to smile apologetically. "I'm sorry, my daughter had an accident and I had to, you know, send a quick text to her babysitter." It was easier to explain away a daughter than it was a clingy ex-husband who was well in his dissent into insanity. Really, you were doing this guy a favor keeping him in the dark.
However, his face still paled and he straightened. "You have a kidI'm so, so sorry. I just went on a two minute rant about how much kids are equivalent to demons." He seemed to spiral as he pressed his hands against his face, uttering curses to himself. "I get so nervous with these dates. I truly meant nothing by it."
You smiled in amusement, "It's no problem, really. I'm not exactly disagreeing." He peeked from between his fingers and blinked at you dumbly. "Just because I'm a parent doesn't mean I don't agree. I mean, my kid can be a bit much sometimes. I love her, but she's a lot like her dad in that way."
It always made your chest blossom. The way Saori was a carbon copy of Satoru. From the rambunctious personality, to the piercing blue eyes, and white hair. Your genes hadn't won in the battle, but you were almost grateful. Satoru tried to tell you that she had your smile and your wit, but you weren't entirely convinced. She was Satoru and Satoru was her.
You were extremely lucky that he was a good dad.
"Oh? Do you mind me asking if her dad's still around?" His tone was indication enough: a daughter and an ex of some kind was pushing it for him.
You tensed up, feeling deep regret already. "Uh, yeah." His eyes shifted away and you reached forward, taking his hand. "But, he's not, like, crazy or anything! He's just a good dad."
Your date chuckled nervously. "I-I just don't want to get involved in some, um, some family dynamic."
You thought it was a little presumptuous of him to think this would go that far, or he'd get in the way. But you were too focused on defusing the situation.
"Oh, no, it's not like that! We've got a healthy balance, y'know? He does his piece, I do mine— that's it!"
He scrunched his face. "So... an open relationship?"
"No!" You press your hands against your face with a huff. "No, we're not together anymore. We just co-parent."
He opened his mouth to further question you when your phone vibrated very audibly. His eyebrows raising. "Your daughter?"
You sighed. "Please give me one moment."
With jerky movements, you pull your phone from your pocket. The assortment of messages that came where spread over the ten minutes you decided to ignore him.
Satoru okay, you've got me there. but my big heart is breaking. i hope he's ugly and he smells. okay, i spoke with suguru and he said i'm an idiot who should apologize. in my defense, i'm a little itty bitty drunk. and no, saori is not awake. papa put her to bed before bringing out the whiskey. im so sorry my beautiful deity. that not ugly, not smelly man is so lucky to be in your presence and i hope you have a good date. also i hope he gets hit my a car. (^▽^)
You I'm going to kill you with my bare hands. Genuinely, count your days, Gojo Satoru.
Satoru hot, hot, hot!!! (●´□`)♡ did he actually get hit by a car?
You Is there something you want?
Satoru him dead. and you home :((((
You You don't want me home. I swear to god, if you're on my couch, drinking when I get home, I will ruin your life.
Satoru promise??? ╰(✿´⌣`✿)╯♡ but, actually, i wanted to ask your opinion on something
You For real?
Satoru for realsies. [Image Attachment]
Completely blinded by your irritation, you don't even hesitate to open the picture as it loads. Although you regret it the moment it does.
It's a picture of Satoru. He's at what seems to be the beach (must've been the fun activity him and Saori were going to join Suguru for), his sunglasses were on the top of his head, and he was grinning at the picture. One hand was resting against his pectoral and the veins in his hand was prominent. An obvious attempt at being charming and flirtatious. It was working too.
If it weren't for the fact that you knew him and were his ex, you might've just swooned.
"Oh, my god, is that him?" Your date was staring at your phone with wide eyes. His face even more pale than before. He started to shake his head as he stood, snatching his jacket from the back of his chair. "No way. I am not getting involved! I'm sorry, you're a nice woman, but I know when I'm not winning. And I'm definitely not winning against that."
Your eyes widened considerably, "What? No! Please don't leave. He's an idiot, I swear there's nothing—"
"He is... a hunk. I am not. In no shape or form am I at all comparable to that. Look—" He reached forward, grabbing your phone and holding the picture up to be beside his face. "Look at the difference! Model who has won Japan's hottest man at least eight times before he's 30 to me— Look at him!"
"It's not even like that!" You snatched your phone back and stared at him in frustration. "He's my ex, I do not want him!"
He waved his hands in front of your face. "I know how this will go. You think you like me and then your super hot and super sexy ex-whatever makes you realize the familiarity is good. Then I get dumped." He straightened, latching his hands onto the lapels of his jacket. "I just realized I am a side character. In my own life. Goddammit."
He barely glanced at you as he paid for the dinner, then left as quickly as he could. Still, you didn't even know his name.
Satoru oooo taking you awhile to respondddd still in love with me? (人◕ω◕)
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rkvriki · 5 months
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synopsis! you get paired up with jake, your sweet classmate who’s always willing to help you, but while you’re both working, he seems to be the one needing help. wc! 5.1k cw! porn with barely no plot unprotected sex (wrap it up yall!!), SUB!JAKE, dom!reader obvi, oral (m! receiving), jake is whiny and reader is just a tad bit mean, unexpirienced but not virgin jake, had huge writers block in the beggining pls spare me 😣
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You could still feel the high heat in your body when you were walking away from your and Heeseng’s place. You probably didn’t look the most presentable, cheeks flush, hair a little bit tousled and your clothes were most likely all wrinkled from being messily thrown out. The walk from your apartment to Jake’s wasn’t longer than 10 minutes since he lived quite close. You checked your phone and it had been 6 minutes past the time you had planned with Jake so you tried to walk a little faster, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling between your legs, the aftermath of your and Heeseung’s sins.
You had met Jake during one of the classes you had together when one day you were late and the sit next to him was the only one available. He was the usual classmate who didn’t talk much but still had a good group friend, in which Heeseung was included. You two didn’t talk much unless when you ask him to help you with something and to you it almost looked as if he avoided talking to you. You often noticed how his cheeks warmed up when you talked to him or how his eyes flickered from yours to the environment around him, which you found cute and made you bite back a smirk each time you interacted. You would be lying if you said you didn’t find Jake attractive. His face looked like it could’ve been sculpted by the Gods above, and when he wore his glasses you swore you could drop all the dignity you had left for him.
It wasn’t too long after that you reached Jake’s apartment building. You took your phone out, texting him that you had reached his house. You didn’t have to wait long to see how good Jake looked today. Sporting basic jeans with a striped polo sweater and his usual black specs, he looked better than ever. Before your mind could wander any further, you walked towards the entrance, greeting him with a smile and following him upstairs and inside his apartment. When you first walked in, you noticed right away how neat his place looked, just like him.
“Nice place you got.” You said with a smile, making him look back at you with a surprised expression. “Oh? Thanks, though! I’m not very good at decorating but I tried my best here.” Jake answered with a shy chuckle. “Yeah, I could tell you did.”
He leads you further into the hallway, entering the door to his room. His room was a reflection of himself. Anyone could tell this was his room just from the way it’s organized and coordinated. The books on the shelves were all neatly placed and organised in alphabetic order. His desk was free of clutter and had only the necessary things placed above it, that, if you considered a picture of what you assumed was his dog necessary. Your eyes found Jake’s and you could see him tense up when you did so. 
“Shall we get to work then?” You asked with a smile. “Yeah, yes, of course.” He said quickly moving to sit by his desk. You put your things down and sat next to him, your thighs almost touching since the desk was clearly made for only one person to sit there. You pulled out your laptop and opened the document your teacher had sent you with all the instructions.
“I think we could divide the topics for each other and then discuss which information to keep..” Jake suggested, his eyes flickering between the various topics shown on the screen. “Yeah, I think that’s a good idea, Jakey.” The nickname slipped faster than you could catch, but you don’t regret it, especially after seeing how Jake’s ears slowly turned red. You bit your bottom lip to prevent the smirk threatening to form.
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You had been working for a little past an hour and you could feel your eyes getting tired from looking at your computer screen for so long. From your peripheral vision, you could see Jake running a hand through his raven hair with a heavy sigh, making your eyes turn to look his way. With your head propped on your hand, you admired as he scrolled through endless reports, trying to find any good content he could for the presentation.
He hadn't noticed your staring, too focused on the screen ahead of him. Your eyes moved down his body. His sleeves had been pulled up a little, just below his elbows, showing off the veins that ran down to his hands. Oh, his hands. Something you always stared at. Anytime you would ask him for help in class you would always get distracted by the hands of the man beside you as he used them to point things out in your textbook. You would almost drool as you stared at his thick fingers, letting your mind wander further than it should.
Obviously, you didn’t keep these things for yourself. This had been a hot topic on your late-night calls with Yunjin, the one you would always run to when you needed feminine advice and didn’t want to hear the constant nagging Jay gave any time you talked about boys. The girl would always laugh at you, mentioning that you must have a thing for nerdy-looking guys or, in her words “pathetic men” (her theory got confirmed when you told her you fucked Heeseung). It wasn’t totally false. It is true that you liked weak men who wouldn’t hesitate to get on their knees for you. Blame you for being tired of guys with big egos who think they’re all that.
Another big sigh, almost groan, snapped you out of your thoughts. You looked at Jake and saw him leaning back in his chair with his eyes closed. “Everything alright?” You asked as you slid your chair closer to his. “Yeah, sorry. Just can’t find any good info for my topics.” He said as he nodded his head towards the screen in front of him. You let out a small sigh as your lips pout with pity, pulling your chair even closer to his. “Don’t be too harsh on yourself, Jakey.” You told him as your hand made its way to his thigh, feeling it tense at the touch. You leaned your body towards his way “You know you can always ask me for help.” our hand moves upwards “Anytime.” You finished with a smile, leaving that last word floating in the air with an uncertain meaning. Jake’s breath got stuck in his throat and he felt the weight of the last word that left your lips. The gears in his head twisted and turned as he tried not to show how the way you were smiling up at him affected him.
You sat back straight in your chair, acting as if you didn’t know what effect you left on him. “Let's ge back to work, yeah?”
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It had been a few hours since you started working. During the whole time you could see Jake squirming in his seat, maybe from the tension in the air, so thick that it could be could with a knife. With a sigh, you closed your laptop with a thud, your hands falling to your lap as you turned to look at Jake who seemed to avoid looking you in the eye. 
“I guess this is all for today, Jakey.” You said smiling at him. “We can talk tomorrow in class and choose another day to meet again, maybe at my place next time, yeah?” You asked him as you started getting up from your seat, him doing the same. “Oh yeah, we can do that. I was about to finish this part as well so you’re all free to go.” You nodded at his words, your eyes subtly looking him up and down. His hands twitched in his sides. “I’ll walk you to the door.”
Reaching his door, he opened it to let you out. You looked back at him one last time with a slight smirk. His cheeks warmed up and he swayed in his place, suddenly feeling awkward in the loud silence. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.” You said, now fully smiling. “See you, y/n.” Jake said not moving from his spot. 
You walked away from his door, and as soon as you were out of sight, Jake moved to close the door, resting his back against it as he released a breath he didn’t know he was holding. He brought his cold hands to his cheeks, trying to heat them down. He knew working with you wasn’t going to be an easy task.
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This cycle of going back and forth between each other’s houses has been going on for a few weeks now and the project was almost done. The thick tension between you two every time you were together was undeniable and it had Jake feeling tense around you.
Ever since you pulled that thing the first time you went to his house, Jake could seem to fully focus when he was around you, always getting distracted by whatever you did. Even during classes, you seemed to purposely sit next to him, only to spend half of the time subtly touching the side of his leg and moving up to touch his tight. Jake was going crazy from your shenanigans and they were the only thing running through his mind when he laid in bed wide awake, head full of you and his hand running down from his tummy to where his body needed him the most.
It’s not like Jake never had sex or related activities, but he wasn’t the most experienced. He had only had sex with his ex and only serious girlfriend he had and it wasn’t anything too out of this world. He knew you’ve had your fair share of sexual encounters, he knew you had plenty of experience and he knew you were damn good at it because he has heard stories from the men you were with. If you asked him a long time ago, this wouldn’t bother Jake, but now, with all you’ve been doing to him, it makes him feel a bit insecure, because if your teasing escalates further he knows he could never compete with those men. But maybe that’s not what you think.
You were waiting for Jake since he was coming over to finish and wrap up the project. You had spent a good two hours in front of the mirror, trying to make yourself look more presentable for him, something you would never admit to anyone even if they paid you. It wasn’t too late but you could see the sun setting from the view in your window. You were about to check your phone when you heard the doorbell ring, meaning Jake had already arrived.
Walking towards the front door, you checked yourself one last time in the mirror before opening the door. “Hey, Jake! Come on in!” You said stepping aside so he could enter your house. “Hey, um, I brought some snacks, since it’s getting kinda late and I remembered you said you liked these so…” He trailed off, showing you two packs of your favourite snacks, making you surprised he even remembered that. “Oh my god, Jake! You definitely didn’t have to. Thank you, though!” You said smiling at him, his cheeks warming up as usual. “Anyways, let’s get started before it gets too late for you.”
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The project was going smoothly since today you two were only doing the final touches and reviewing the whole thing. The dynamic between you and Jake today felt different. There were more lingering touches coming from him who you would accidentally touch his hand but he wouldn’t move away or flinch like he usually does. You were surprised that he acting this way, but you were definitely not complaining, you like this less conserved side of him.
You tried to focus on the text on your screen, but you couldn't help but let your eyes drift off to where Jake was sitting working on the powerpoint. It’s not like he didn’t look good any other day, but maybe it was the dim warm light in your room or maybe it was the moon shining from your window behind him, you weren’t exactly sure, but something about him today had him look so good and you couldn’t avoid the warm sensation in the bottom of your tummy that made your thighs press together.
Your inner turmoil was interrupted by Jake’s little sigh, making your eyes focus back on him. “I’m finished with this.” he said turning to look at you. “Do you need any help with that or…?” he trailed off. “Oh! Um no, I’m finished as well.” a thought came up to your head. “Can I check the powerpoint?” you asked leaning a little towards him. “Ah, yes, of course.” He answered, adjusting his glasses.
You pushed your chair closer to his, purposely making your thigh touch his. Jake felt his heart race when you got suddenly so close, the scent of your sweet yet intoxicating perfume invading his senses. His eyes drifted from your focused face down to your exposed neck, making him lick his dry lips as if to stop himself from letting his lips fall into its soft skin. He shook his head, trying to shake the thoughts of you out of his mind and maintain his composure.
“Well, this looks pretty good!” you said smiling at him, almost missing the way his eyes quickly fall from your eyes to your lips. “Oh, really? Thank y-” “You did such a good job, Jakey.” You interrupted him, as you let your hand fall on his thigh. His lips opened and closed as he tried to speak but no words came out. “You worked so hard on this.” your hand started moving up and down, making him tense up. “Think you deserve a reward, don’t you?” his eyes doubled in size as you spoke so softly, yet your words were filled with nothing but lust.
“Answer me, Jake.” you said, leaning closer to his face. “I- Yeah, please.” he answered, voice barely above a whisper. Your lips immediately connected to his, making him let out a low moan. His lips felt soft against yours, fitting almost like two pieces of a puzzle connecting. Your hand moved further upwards, now dangerously close to where his bulge was growing. His wands that were awkwardly laid by his side moved to lay on your hips, gripping them when he felt your tongue swiping against his bottom lips. He gave you access and you started exploring his mouth, tongues rubbing against each other, making both of you moan at each other’s tastes. 
Kissing Jake felt heavenly, almost better than anyone you’ve kissed. It felt good to finally be the one leading. You felt so powerful with him writhing against you, yearning for more than just your kisses. You pulled away so both of you could catch your breath. Jake looked up at you, lidded eyes with a glow on them and his lips red and swollen from you biting on them occasionally. “Fuck, Jake. You look heavenly.” He only answered by chasing your lips, already missing the feeling of your lips on his. You pecked his lips before pulling away again, making him let out a whine. Your pussy throbbed at the sound, never had heard a man make such a beautiful sound, almost like a melody to you. 
“Let’s move to the bed, yeah?” you asked breathlessly, making him nod eagerly. Both of you stumbled as you got off from your chairs, almost bumping into each other. Jake was the first one to lay in your bed, head hitting your soft pillows. You followed him, crawling in his way, until your legs were straddling his lap, sitting on it. You leaned down, taking his lips on your again. The kiss was messy and heated, both of you probably getting coated in spit but neither could care any less about the mess. His bulge felt delicious as it grew harder and harder below you, rubbing against your clothed core.
You grinded experimentally against his clothed member to which he let out a groan, feeling the heavenly friction of you against him. You kept slowly and teasingly grinding against him as your hands ran down from his face to his chest stopping by his nipples that felt hard against your fingertips. You pressed on them, his hips bucking up as he let out a yelp, not expecting the sudden stimulation. You smirked against him, pulling away from the kiss, a string of spit connecting you both. Your hands left his nipples to pull at the bottom of his shirt, indulging him to take it off. You stared at his toned torso, not expecting to see the lines on his abs, something you would deal with later.
Your mouth made its way to his neck, starting by kissing all over until you found his sweet spot. Your hands started moving back up again to his nipples, rubbing them, making him whine again as he grinded harder against you. “Never had your nipples played like this, Jakey?” you asked, pulling away from his neck “Tell me, baby. Do you like it?” he had his eyes closed and his brows furrowed as he tried to think of what to say. “F-fuck yes” he stuttered “Feels so good!” he said with a whine, making you smirk at his already fucked out state. 
You lowered yourself, mouth moving to kiss from the dip in his chest, down to his abs, sucking on the area there, creating red marks all around. Your mouth kissed lower, following his happy trail until you reached the line of his pants. “Can I take this off, baby?” you asked him, pawing at the button. He nodded quicker than he would like to admit. “Need words, Jakey.” you demanded, wanting to hear him voice out his consent. “Yes, y/n, please, fuck”
With his green light, you started unbuttoning his pants and undoing the zipper. You tapped his hip, signalling him to raise them so you could take them off. He did as he was told and you pushed the jeans off, leaving him in just his boxers that already had a damp spot where the tip of his cock was. You stared at the bulge, already noticing that he was probably huge, making you feel a little nervous about fitting him in you. You squirmed in your spot, feeling an uncomfortable sticky feeling in your underwear, making you aware of how wet you were getting.
Jake whined, snapping you out of your thoughts, looking at you with eyes begging for you to touch him. You smiled at his helpless state “What d’you want, Jakey? Need you to speak or I won’t know.” He whined at your words, his brain feeling like a mush inside his head. “N-need you to touch it, please, just do something.” He answered, squirming in your bed as he felt more and more desperate. You didn’t say anything else as your hand moved to his bulge. Poor baby, was hard as a rock. It probably even hurt. You squeeze his length, pre cum escaping the tip and staining his boxers even more. “More, please! I need more,y/n!” he said with a whine. 
You took some pity on him and your hands automatically moved to remove his boxers from him, cock hitting his stomach with a bounce, Fuck, he really was huge, and thick. A long vein ran from the base to the tip and you wanted nothing more than to do that. You lowered your mouth on his cock, licking up from the base until you reached the tip, engulfing it with your lips. You licked a stripe on the slit, making him groan at the delicious but almost overstimulating feeling. Your mouth moved down, taking almost his whole length. One of your hands wrapped around what you couldn’t fit, while the other moved to play with his balls, his hips bucking inside you making you gag around him.
The vision Jake had of you ass up and face down on his cock was what he hoped heaven looked like. Your mouth felt warm and heavenly and he already felt brain fucked. He had never felt such pleasure in his life and he just knew this was gonna be the suck of his life. He dared to look down again and his eyes met yours. He could bust right there and then with just the look you gave him. Your eyes were dark, pupils blown out, making him feel so powerless underneath you. His eyes closed shut when he felt you hollowing your cheeks to suck him even harder.
You could tell he was close. His hips were twitching as well as his whole cock and you could feel him throb in your mouth. You removed his length out of your mouth and licked down to his balls, licking them as your hand moved to jerk him off at a quick pace. His breath was getting shorter as he felt his release come closer and closer. “Oh, f-fuck! Please, Please, y/n!” He didn’t even know what he was begging for, his whole body felt numb, except for the knot on his stomach getting tighter and tighter. 
Your lips moved to suck on his tip as your hand kept jerking him up and down. His cock started twitching hard in your grip “y/n I-I’m gonna cum-!” His warm cum spurt inside your mouth, making you moan at the feeling of him filling you up. He was moaning loudly as he rode out his orgasms, chest heaving up and down quickly as he tried to keep breathing. You gave him one last hard suck, making him shudder in overstimulation. 
You moved to eye level with him, hand moving up to brush his hair away from his face. “Such a good boy for me, yeah?” He nodded in your hold, face flushed and eyes teary from his orgasm. Your lips met his, tongues instantly meeting. He could taste himself on you, making him groan as the bitter taste touched his buds. You pulled away from the kiss, sitting on him fully clothed. Your hands pulled at the hem of your top, taking it off and leaving your torso naked as you weren’t wearing a bra. Jake’s mouth gaped as he stared at your bare chest, hands twitching at his side, wanting to touch them.
“You can touch them, Jakey.” you smiled sweetly at him, showing him you were comfortable with whatever he wanted to do. He let out a shaky breath as his hands hesitated to travel to your chest. He held your boobs in his hand, fitting them perfectly in his calloused hands. He didn’t really know what to do so you moved your hands to hold his, moving his thumbs to rub and twist your hardened nipples. You quietly moaned at the feeling of his rough fingers touching your sensitive buds. You removed your hands from his, letting him experience you by himself. He pinched on your nipples, making you yelp in surprise. “Sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt-” “Do it again.” you told him “W-What? Are you sure?” he asked hesitantly. “Yes, I liked it, Jakey. Was just surprised.” You answered, smiling at him.
His hands returned to your nipples pinching and rubbing them, making you clench around nothing. As much as you enjoyed the feeling you were getting impatient and needed to have him inside you as soon as possible. You grabbed his hands, taking them off of you as you stood up on the ground to take your bottoms off. You slowly pulled them down along with your panties. His eyes carefully watched as you stripped for him and him only.
You straddled him again, your pussy sitting right on top of his cock, making both of you moan at the feeling. Jake grabbed your hips up and sat against the headboard. “Wanted to have a better look at your face when you fuck me.” he said looking up at you with his puppy eyes. You were out of words so you cradled his face in your hands as you kissed him again. Your hips start moving as if on their own, rubbing our cunt against his length, making the tip bump against your clit. He whined inside your mouth as you swallowed his sounds. 
You pulled away, hoisting your hips up as your hand grabbed his length and aligned the tip to your entrance. “W-wait!” he suddenly said making you stop in your movements. “Everything ok?” you asked worried that he might have been uncomfortable. “No, I just- You weren’t prepped and-” your lips clashing against his interrupted him, making him let out a protesting sound. “Don’t worry bout that, Jakey.” You simply said as you grabbed his length again positioning it on your gaping hole.
You slowly sink on him, your mouth opening in a silent moan while he whines in your ear, hands moving to circle your waist. You bottomed down and stayed still for a while to adjust to his big and thick size. The only thing heard was both of your heavy breaths. His hands were comfortingly rubbing up and down your back. When you felt ready you moved your head to look at him. “Ready?” you asked him and he nodded eagerly at you.
You started by slowly circling your hips around his length, both of you moaning at the euphoric feeling. He rested his head against your shoulder, panting in your ear. You circled your arms around his neck as you started to pick up your face. The room was filled with the sound of skin hitting skin and the squelch coming from your pussy. “F-fuck, y/n! Never felt s-so good.” Jake whispered as he felt his eyes roll back at the feeling of your raw cunt moving on his hard cock. “Yeah? You’re filling me up so good, Jakey. Even let you go in me raw.” You grabbed his head to make him look at you. His eyes were low and he had drool almost dripping out of the corners of his open mouth.
You moved around him at a now stable pace, moaning loudly when the tip of cock found the spongy spot inside you. “F-fuck, Jake!” he was stretching you out so good, taking you to cloud 9. You looked back at him, his head leaning back on the headboard, completely fucked out. “Look at you.” you said making him open his eyes, barely keeping them from closing again. “Fucked you dumb, didn’t I?” he nodded even though you weren’t really looking for an answer. “Poor baby, just wanted to be a good boy for someone, isn’t that right, Jakey?” he whined at your words, knowing they were fully true so he nodded his head as his eyes got even more teary, one tear even dropping out. You laughed at his state, knowing he had nothing on his brain but your pussy. 
You felt the too-familiar pressure on your tummy starting to build up and his cock twitching again. You bottomed out on him again, grinding your hips down on him as you tried to reach your climax. “Oh God! I’m getting close, Jakey.” you said in a whiny moan” You’re gonna cum with me, yeah?” you felt his cock twitch harder inside you as he nodded at your question, wanting to fulfil your request. Your breath was getting laboured but you tried to maintain your composure for him. 
Jake could feel you clench around him, knowing you were almost reaching your high. He slowly moved his hand from your waist to where your bodies met, rubbing on your clit. You let out a surprised yelp as you squeezed hard against him, eyes widening at the unexpected contact. “F-Fuck, Jake!” you said breathing heavily. “You make me feel so good.” Both of your lips met, desperately trying to reach both of your releases. You grinded faster on him, now moaning in sync against each other mouths. His finger rubbed faster on your swallowed nub, making your head spin as you threw it back.
“J-Jakey, I’m so close!” you said as you felt your thighs burn from exhaustion. “Me too, f-fuck!” His hips started slightly bucking upwards, trying to match with your movements. Your synced movements had you moaning loudly, not even caring if you’re gonna get complaints from your neighbours later. The sound of Jake’s whines getting louder along with the frequent twitching of his cock indicated that he was just as close as you. You sped up your movements as you felt the knot in your tummy about to burst.
“J-Jake, I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cu-” you were cut off by your orgasm, almost stopping in your movements with a silent scream. The feeling of your juices releasing against his cock had Jake cumming right after you with a loud whine. The aggressive twitching of his cock along with the feeling of his warm seeds painting your insides felt heavenly. You looked down to see a white ring form around his length, slowly moving up and down as you rode both of your orgasms out.
Your heads rested against each others’ shoulders as you stayed like that for a while, you with the feeling of his hands rubbing shapes on your back soothingly. The sound of both of your panting filled the silent room. The sound of traffic could also be heard from outside and it made you go back to your senses. You got your head up, urging Jake to do the same. You pulled him in one last kiss before you pulled his length out of you, making both of you hiss. You got up and walked towards the bathroom to grab a washcloth. You cleaned yourself up first before going back and cleaning his length for him. He shook from still being sensitive, making you chuckle at him.
You tossed the cloth onto the ground and laid next to him, sighing happily when your head hit the comfort of your pillows. Your hand rested on his chest rubbing circles on it as you simply looked at his peaceful state. The silence in the room wasn’t uncomfortable and you felt like you both made a silent rule of not talking about what happened. He grabbed your hand from his chest and gave it a kiss. “Thank you for taking care of me.” He said as he felt his cheeks warm up. You chuckle and prop your head on your hand to get a better view of him.
“Well, thank me when we get a good grade. This was my thanks in advance.” You said, making both of you laugh. “Yeah, maybe I’ll be the one rewarding you next time.”
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voltronisanobsession · 9 months
A small teen wolf thought I had
I’m really missing season 1 Stiles, so let’s imagine him having a crush on reader😍
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We all know how Stiles had an enormous crush on Lydia, it was absolutely devastating tbh. Like this dude was lowkey devoted to her💀💀
So what if a new student (reader) moved into town and it’s love at first sight for him. He’d bump into you after rambling to Scott about whatever was on his mind and knocks your binder and books to the ground.
Helping you pick up your stuff, right when he’s giving you your notebook, he’d look up and just. Stare. Cuz ZOOWEEMAMA YOURE ABSOLUTELY STUNNING IN HIS EYES
You’re busy thanking him and apologizing for the collision, waiting for him to let go of the notebook, voice slowly fading out when you notice him just staring at you with his mouth slightly open.
“Thanks for helping me. Can I have my book?”
“Uh huh.”
“Stiles, you know you have to let go of the notebook.” Scott is trying his best not to slam his head in a locker when his friend still doesn’t let go LMAO
Your chuckle snaps him out of whatever daze he was in, causing him to blush and apologize awkwardly. You’d smile at him and in good nature, joke about it and walk away, leaving him in awe.
Most people would normally give him the stink eye, but seeing how you joked about it made his heart flutter a bit.
Everything is HISTORY after that. If you have any classes with Stiles, you already KNOW he’s gonna try and sit as close to you as possible. Teacher assigns partner or group projects? He’s springing out of his seat and going to you first. You both have the same lunch period? He’s inviting you to sit with him and his friends. You’re having trouble with a certain class? Man, he’s already offering to help you after school, you’ll nail that test with flying colors!
You just get him! You like his sarcasm and MIRACULOUSLY understand his random references from movies and video games! With all the time you guys spend together, his crush on you grows more and more.
You appreciate how Stiles is so interested in the things you like and dislike. You love how he asks why you enjoy a certain movie despite the terrible reviews it got. Why you dislike an artist he just began listening to. You both love the same things, but have different opinions on everything, every conversation flows so naturally with him that you can’t help but develop a crush on him too.
You’ve never met anyone as eccentric and energetic as him, he never fails to bring a smile to your face teehee
Stiles is the type to remember every little, seemingly insignificant, thing about his crush. When your birthday rolls around, this dude has so many gifts ready😭 a warm feeling fills you when you open one gift to see it’s an item you’ve mentioned in a passing convo yall had MONTHS ago
He’s so sweet and kind with you too like don’t get me started. Stiles just enjoys being around you and seeing you happy makes him happy. SEASON 1 STILES IS THE DEFINITION OF PUPPY LOVE LIKE UGGHH
Takes you out on late night drives, barges into your room through the window with any takeout food you’ve been craving. Hed even take you out on a mini ‘date’ to the local arcade!!! his dad sees how much you mean to his son and is super happy that Stiles is happy. Loves when you come over to study with him, he’s always telling you stories about when stiles was younger (he would definitely cover your ears with his hands and speak loudly over his dad LMAO)
I’m telling y’all, stiles having a crush on you is the cutest thing ever, especially if you reciprocate his feelings!!!When you guys get together, cuz it’s not a matter of if with his friends, you’re the ultimate duo.
He’d confess his feelings for you in the most cheesiest way ever, probably during or after a school dance cuz why not.
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i-cant-sing · 8 months
Okay okay, I have another idea-
Yandere dad Nanami x Nanami reader
I've made yall see the menace Fushiguro reader who we all love and adore, but let's talk about Nanami's daughter who is an absolute angel and polar opposite to Fushiguro reader.
Child reader is just the most well behaved kid, listens to her father always, and since Nanami is raising her, she's also going to be very good in her studies because papa Nanami is a very good teacher. I mean, reader is definitely on top of her class and has a whole wall dedicated to her awards and medals. She just has to show off her math skills when she plays cafe (because obv she's gonna be a baker who bakes fresh bread daily for Nanami to buy and make sandwiches) and uses Monopoly money.
And when I say reader is polite, that is the understatement of the history. She just cannot bear to offend anyone! She has to put "-san" with everyone's name and has to address them correctly. "Yuji-san! Megumi-San!" And "pervert-San!" Which is Gojo, because of course Nanami has told her to beware of him and only address him as "pervert-san".
"But my name's Gojo!" He tells you, but you're so distressed because dad told you to call the white haired man wearing a blindfold/glasses "pervert-san" and it'd be rude to address him as anything else!
And Nanami adores his kid so much. She's such a perfect child, never breaks rules (don't talk to strangers or Pervert san.) and is such a goody-goody. He is a present father, he makes time for you. The Jujutsu sorcerers can wait, the world can be saved by someone else, but he needs to attend your school play at all costs. And even when hes not around for the day, he has raised you to be a very responsible child- like you even go get the groceries on your own when dad is late! (Like that Japanese show in which they send kids to shop on their own)
But of course, there are times when he needs to be away for longer periods, so he needs to hire a babysitter. His top choices: Shoko(although hes a little hesitant since you have a morbid curiosity learning and Shoko would happily let you accompany her to the morgue), Yuta, Maki, Megumi + Yuji + Nobara.
Who is NEVER allowed to babysit you? Gojo.
Gojo babysits anyway. (He fr steals you from Megumi trio)
And Nanami just comes home to Gojo and reader eating takeout and he's just like "Y/n, how could you let Pervert san in your home and eat with him?" And reader's just on the brink of tears and is trying to defend herself "b-but you said to be polite to guests! And Pervert-san bought food for me. Wouldn't it be rude to not share it with him?" *reader's teary eyes* and then Gojo is like "you'd rather let your child starve? Can't you see how tiny she already is?!" *Gojo's teary eyes* and Nanami pops a vein "it's not cute when you do it!"And then kicks Gojo out of the house.
Even though reader can dress herself up appropriately, she still has to have her hair done by Nanami, no matter what age. At some point, reader probably realises that it's something Nanami needs more than she does. It's a tradition, you think, but it's actually a coping mechanism for Nanami to deal with the fact that you're "growing up" and don't ask him to watch cartoons with you or read you bedtime stories anymore🥺
And Sukuna??? He takes one look at you and he's already decided he's gonna be mean to you, but then the more time you spend with him and Yuji, the more he realises.... its just not worth being mean to the only person who is so sweet to him and actually greets and talks to him like he's an individual person and not just a parasite inside Yuji's skin. Like reader just goes "Sukuna-san! I'm painting Yuji-san's nails but he can't pick a color. Will you help?" And he's like "Alright, fuck it I'm taking this brat with me when I comit mass murder. She's safe."
I feel like Nanami will allow reader to have a fairly normal childhood, so he keeps his yandere tendencies at a bay. It's when you start growing up and as he says "the others try to taint you with momentary pleasures" that his yandereness begins to show. Honestly, it's just more of his protective tendencies coming to light than anything else. He thinks people don't have your best interests in and sometimes he's right, but how else will you learn if you don't experience it?
Also, if you do end up having cursed energy and the ability to see curses, I think that's when Nanami starts spiralling down. He does not want you to become a Jujutsu sorcerer, he wants you far far away from the Jujutsu world completely. He can't- he can't allow what happened to Haibrara happen to you. He can't allow your innocence and naivety to be tainted by the horrendous world of curses. He'd rather risk you hating him forever as he locks you away than allow you to put your life at risk for others.
You are his priority. Your safety is his priority. You'll understand in due time why he did what he did, so while his heart does break hearing you cry and beg to be let out of your room, he doesn't regret putting you in there one bit.
Nanami sighs as he continues prepping your dinner. Guess he'll have to add some crushed sleeping pills so that you don't get sick from crying your bodyweight out (or more like he can't bear to see you in such a pitiful state.)
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God save the poor souls who do end up kidnapping you.
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ch3rriiii-bunn · 9 months
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Paring: Shinjurō x bratty Fem reader
Synopsis: Roll your eyes and walk away from Shinjurō thinking their wouldn't be consequences? Nope. He doesn't tolerate brats.
Content: Smut, spankings, degrading, words such as "slut"/"whore"/ "brat", brat taming, slight choking, reader says "sir" to Shinjurō , roomates with benefits, accidental creampie
Word count: 1.8k
A/n: Frist day of kinktober RAAAHHHHH 👹👹👹👹👹 I've never written Shinjurō...nor do I like him all that much, but this was fun to write! Hope yall like it!
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"And why are you home so late?" Shinjurō said in a firm tone, standing in the middle of the hallway near the door with his arms crossed, looking disappointed. "I am a hashira, you know. It happens," you said in annoyance while taking off your shoes. "Senjuro is asleep, right?" You asked and began to go to the kitchen but stopped right at Shinjurō's feet. You looked up at his sour expression and sighed. "You're in the way," you crossed your arms.
"Don't get smart. A hashira is meant to patrol a region and only stays back late if there's a problem with the low ranking slayers. You'd tell me if that were the case, so I'll ask again. Why are you home so late?" Shinjurō he asked again, in a firm tone. Your relationship with Shinjurō is hard to explain to others. You keep it a secret, really.
You were promoted as the flam hashira on your own, so there wasn't a student teacher reaction between you and Shinjurō. However, you found him just as attractive as he found you, so to put it short, you two became roommates but with benefits. You smirked and put a hand on your hip. Even though you're his roommate, you couldn't help but tease and mess with him. "Ever thought I just wanted some time alone? Since I don't get any attention here. What? Did you think I was with another man?"
As soon as you said that, you could see the visible jealously on his face. He knew you weren't out with any other men, yet he couldn't hide his jealousy at the thought as well as his frustration with your cocky teasing. "This attitude of yours isn't funny anymore. You're starting something you won't be able to finish. Y/n." He said. You rolled your eyes and began to push past him "yeah yeah whatever. I need some water," you said.
Shinjurō had enough. He grabbed your arm before you could walk past him and pushed you up against the wall. "That attitude has you going stupid. Don't you ever roll your fucking eyes at me" He said, taking his hand away from your arm and then placing it around your throat, giving it a squeeze until your jaw dropped so you could breath better from his grip.
Your eyes widen, surprised to see how quick he was able to handle you the second you rolled your eyes. You couldn't help but smirk, thinking to yourself you did it fast enough so he wouldn't notice. "it's my fucking eyes. I can do whatever I want with them." You rolled your eyes again, looking to the side of the room. With the situation now and how you've both been too busy to satisfy each other, you didn't want it to stop and continued to push him to the limit.
"What will I do?" Shinjurō said in a calmer tone, leaning forward to your ear. "I'll make your eyes roll back into that stupid head of yours," he said as his hand released from your throat. You gasped from the release and looked at Shinjurō in a light daze. Before you knew it, he turned you around on the wall with your face, and tits squished onto the wall.
"Shinjurō-" "Shut up." Shinjurō cut you off and grabbed your hips, pulling your ass back on his half hard erection. "I don't want to hear another word out of that filthy mouth unless I say you can speak," he raised his hand and then spanked your ass through your uniform. "Ah!" You yelped and quickly covered your mouth.
"That's for coming home late," Shinjurō said as his hand moved to your front and unbuttoned your pants, letting them fall to your anckles. You gasped in discomfort when he grabbed your panties and pulled them up between your cheeks to show more of your ass "baby wait- mhm!!" You moaned in your palm once you felt Shinjurō's rough and heavy hand spank your bare ass.
"I said I don't want to hear you speaking unless I tell you too," he said and spanked your ass harder until it stung. "Do you understand?" He asked. You nodded to his words with soft whimpers in your palm and your legs shaking a little from the few spanks. Shinjurō chuckled at your submission and spanked your ass again.
"See? It's not that hard to be a good girl, right?" He said and spanked you once more. "But you want to act up. Just for some attention, yeah?" He spanked your other ass cheek, making you jump and whimpering louder in your hand. "Attention needing whore" he said and this time, playfully spanking your ass "trying to keep quiet so no one eles hears you? I don't know if you can do that since you can't help but be loud like a needy whore when your this wet.." Shinjurō whispered in your ear as two of his fingers slid down your panties and began to rub at the wet spot.
"It Only took a few spanks to get a slut like you wet" he kept rubbing your hole through your panties as his lips softly bushing againts your neck "answers slut" he said as his two fingers slide down lower to slap your clit. You jumped from clit spank and letting out a loud whimper, making Shinjurō chuckle. You gulp and remove your hand from your mouth "yes Shinjurō" you softly said with your back arching, desperately wanting him to play with your pussy more.
"Yes, who?" Shinjurō slaps your clit with his fingers again and then rubs it in small circles. "Yes, sir!" You said with a shaking, long-ish moan from the satisfaction. "shhh~" Shinjurō shushed, continuing to rub your clit and his other hand taking his cock out and rubbing it againts the wet spot on you panties.
"Shinjurō please... please~" your lips parted in a small 'o' shape with heavy breaths, escaping your lips. Your brows knit together, and your teeth biting your bottom lip as you felt your arousal becoming more intense from the teasing. "You're begging for my cock now? What makes you think- haa.. you deserve it after being such a bratty bitch" Shinjurō said with a low moan as he thrust his cock slowly between your thighs.
"Yes~ I want your cock inside me so badly" you begged and placed your hands on the wall as you start to move your ass back and fourth for his cock to fuck your thighs better. "I'll be a good girl. I'm sorry for rolling my eyes~ I won't come home late a-anymore. I'll be your whore just please. Fuck me, sir," you whimpered softly, shaking your hips as you felt his cock just barely brush againts your clothed pussy.
In that moment, you felt your panties ripped off like paper. For a man in his 50s, he still had such amazing strength and a lot of energy. "You'll get my cock~" he said as he licked his fingers, coating them in his Salvia to put on the outside your pussy for more lubricant and pressed his chest on your back. Shinjurō moaned in your ear once he pushed himself inside. "But you're not getting my cum. That a whore like you doesn't deserve even with your apology" Shinjurō groaned as he began to thrust his hips, fucking you againts the wall.
"Oh fuck!" You let out a loud moan as his length pushes it's way through your gummy walls and his tip kissing your cervix. "So fucking noisy already... and so wet" Shinjurō groaned as his hand covered your mouth and his other hand on your waist as his hips snap faster, making thr picture frames on the wall shake as your body jerks forward from his brutal thrusts.
Your head falls back, with his hand still covering your mouth. You couldn't hold back your moans anymore. His cock is just so big, so thick, you felt so full and loved how with every thrust he was able to hit the deepest parts of you and like he said before, he really had your eyes rolling back with how good it felt. Loud sounds of skin clapping againts each other and sounds from your wet pussy filled the hall way you couldn't hold back anymore.
Your moans quickly turned into whimpers and desperate winning to cum. "Gonna cum? Go ahead. Let me see how much more wetter you can get on my cock like the fucking whore you are" He said. Shinjurō moved his hand from your mouth and placed both hands on your hips, moaning deeply as he felt your tightness and looking at what a mess his cock is, covered in your slick and how easily he was able to slide in and out.
You're mouth hung open, your eyes shut with tears filling your waterline line as your hand was able to reach down to your clit and rubbing it vigorously until you came on his cock and crying out. Shinjurō continued to fuck you through your orgasm, not caring how loud you were. He just became a moaning mess with how good your pussy, clenching down on his cock even after you came.
He was so lost in the pleasure that he completely forgot what he said about not cumming inside you. Just like how you haven't gotten his dick in a while, he almost forgot how good it felt to finish inside you, and with one final thrust, he came inside your pussy.
You both moaned from his orgasm. His hot cum was filling you up and you felt his cock throb inside until he completely finished. Shinjurō stayed inside you a little longer as his arms wrapped around your body. His forehead fell onto your shoulder in embarrassment and you chuckled. "what happen of me not deserving your cum?"
"Shut up," he said, completely embarrassed and pulled out.
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Last night got you so tired you could barely walk, but it's not like you complained. You got up from your shares bed with Shinjurō and left the room with him still sleeping and started to head to the kitchen to make some tea for yourself. Once you were about to head to the kitchen, you saw someone at the door. You peeped your head, and there you saw Senjuro.
"Senjuro???" You called out his name in surprise. "Where did you go?" You asked. "Goodmorning y/n" he said with a bright smile. "I left a note on the dinner table for you. I asked Father if I could sleep over with Tanjiro and Nezuko, but he was busy and just said yes. I don't think he really took in my question, but I took the opportunity and left before he changed his mind." Senjuro nervously smiled, feeling somewhat bad for being mischievous.
Your eye twitched. This man really forgot it was just the two of you alone and had you worried for nothing. "That stupid man..."
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【𝓣𝓪𝓰 𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽】:
@keikokashi  @keikokashi @willowoldnest @euvwia @axesfordays @gh0stfac3-w1f3y   @hantengucloneswife @iimichie @green-tea-sp00n @bbkook @honeybubblebuttercup @desiray562
If you asked to be tagged and you're not here, I'm sorry, I've tried a few times, but Tumblr didn't recognize some of the usernames.
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azzibuckets · 30 days
COMPLETE MESS [paige bueckers]
paige bueckers x teacher!oc
summary: natasha meets one of her students’ sisters, and she’s enthralled
a/n: lmk if yall want me to make more parts!
word count: 3.3k
I stretched out my back with a groan. I loved teaching; it had been my dream job since I was a kid, but sometimes it drained the life out of my bones. Third graders could be an absolute menace, especially on days like today where they’d figured out how to make paper airplanes and had started flying them across the room, sneakily giggling whenever my back was turned.
It didn’t help that later tonight would be open house, when the families of students would come to visit the school to see for themselves what their children have been learning and working on for the past few months. The parents were always nice enough, but it was a drag having to clean up the classroom, hang up everyone’s projects, and decorate the walls and desks.
I checked my watch. Half an hour to go. I knew some eager children hauling their parents along would start arriving soon, so I smoothed down my skirt. I had to make good impressions, considering the fact that a lot of parents didn’t take me seriously because of how young I was.
Wanting to greet parents in the hallway as they entered my classroom, I stepped outside, but there must have been someone waiting directly outside the door because I heard a thump and a little “Ow!” Panicking at the idea of having just sent a little kid sprawling to the fooor in front of their parents, I rushed around the door, breathing in relief when I only saw one of my students, Drew, with no parents in sight.
“Drew, buddy,” I laughed. “What’re you doing?”
Drew pouted, trying to collect the pieces of Legos that were now scattered across the floor. “I was waiting because the door was locked and you hit me!”
I bent down and started picking up Lego pieces. “What have I told you about standing there, Drew?” I reminded him. Drew was one of my favorite students - he was hyper and often forgot about things like not standing behind the door, but he was so cheerful and positive all the time that I couldn’t help but always smile at his mischievous antics.
“I know, I just got excited! My mom and dad are coming to see my Lego project and so is my big sister!”
I ruffled his hair. “Your big sister! Woah! I would love to meet her.” I couldn’t remember her name, I think it started with a P, but Drew talked about her all the time, and I could tell that he absolutely adored her. “Where are your parents, by the way? You’re very early.”
“I made them come early,” Drew explained, finally grabbing the last Lego and dumping all the pieces unceremoniously into his backpack. “But Paige had to pee, so they went to the bathroom. I think I was supposed to wait outside for them but I wanted to come here!”
“Alright.” I got up, offering a hand to Drew, who accepted but pulled so hard he almost dragged me down again. “Come inside and sit while you wait. But don’t mess around, alright?”
Much to my surprise, Drew stayed quiet in his seat, not making any noise. I busied myself with adjusting the posters on the wall for what seemed like the hundredth time. A piece of tape had gotten loose on one of the papers, and just as I reached to fix it, the entire poster came tumbling to the ground. Signing, I bent down to pick it up.
“Damn, I could study this,” a deep voice whistled from behind me.
I immediately straightened myself, mortified. Cheeks burning, I turned around to reprimand whoever had just made a ridiculously inappropriate joke in a classroom setting, with a student sitting just feet away.
Leaning against the doorway was a blonde woman, whose hair was pulled back into a clean ponytail with shockingly no flyaways. She looked young, but was intimidatingly tall. Although she wasn’t smiling, her deep blue eyes were dancing with amusement, her slightly cocked eyebrows showing intriguement. Both hands were stuffed into the pocket of her sweatpants, her stance nonchalant. Whoever she was, she was gorgeous, with one of those faces people would pause and look back at if they passed on the street.
My mouth opened, but all semblances of what was supposed to be a lecture on respecting women faded. I didn’t know why my throat was suddenly dry, my heart suddenly pounding against my chest so hard I feared my ribs would break.
Thankfully, I didn’t have to end up saying anything, because Drew jumped up from his seat and ran to the blonde. “Miss Natasha!” he exclaimed. “Meet Paige, my sister!”
My eyebrows shot up. This was Drew’s sister? All this time, you’d been imagining a timid and sweet girl, not someone who was dressed in basically pajamas but still looked like they stepped out of a magazine.
Paige stepped closer to me, a dangerous smirk playing on the edge of her lips. “I’m Paige Bueckers,” she introduced herself. “Very nice to meet you.”
My jaw tightened. I didn’t appreciate this girl’s cocky attitude. I’ve known girls like Paige before; sexy and alluring, but with egos up their asses, who thought that they could flirt with you and do whatever they wanted because they were drop dead gorgeous. Especially considering the treatment I often faced, with fathers of my students often making suggestive remarks and creepy innuendos, causing their wives to get angry at me as if it was my fault that their husbands couldn’t stop ogling at someone twenty years younger than them. So I finally gathered my courage. “I don’t know who you think you are,” I said lowly, trying not to let Drew hear, “but you don’t get to come into my classroom and start making unseemly advancements. Especially in front of my students.”
Paige’s eyes flitted down, tracing my face and dropping for a second to my lips before slowly dragging its way down my body. She was blatantly and unashamedly undressing me with her eyes, and I almost reached for my jacket.
“Unseemly,” she echoed, nodding to herself. “Yeah. Definitely a teacher.”
I rolled my eyes, already frustrated. “Drew,” you said sweetly, bending down to look him in the eye. “Where are your parents?”
“They ran into one of his friends’ parents,” Paige responded for him. “But I’m here. Why don’t you walk me through everything, teach?”
I loathed myself for the way my heart skipped a beat at her stupid nickname. “It’s hard to walk you through Drew’s progress this trimester if you’re constantly trying to flirt with me,” you hissed through gritted teeth.
“Paige, stop making Miss Natasha mad!” Drew intervened, giving his sister a little push and running to give you a hug. You smiled gratefully at the little boy, taking delight in the way Paige’s eyes narrowed with jealousy.
“Whatever, I can be chill. But I actually wanna see the projects Drew’s been talking about, so can we get started?” The blonde asked impatiently, as if she hadn’t been the one obnoxiously flirting.
So I started showing Drew’s works that he’d created the past few months. When I got to the Lego Fortnite set he’d built, he’d started rambling about the project and going into a detailed explanation of how he built it. I could see Paige attentively listening at first, but as Drew kept talking, her attention slowly shifted to me.
“Whenever we Facetime, Drew talks about his teacher a lot,” Paige mused quietly as Drew paused his tangent to look over the set and make sure all the pieces were intact. “It’s nice to finally put a face to the name.” Her eyes darted to me again, and I wondered at how anybody ever talked to this girl with how intense her stare was.
I chewed my lip. It was always nice seeing the impact U made on your kids; it made all the hard work and tears worth it. It’s what I’ve always aimed to do - change their lives. “Thank you,” I said softly. “Same with you. Drew won’t ever shut up about you, especially at recess when the kids are playing basketball. You play, right?”
Paige’s eyes shined, a smile forming on her face. “I am. I play at UConn.”
I gaped at her. “Please don’t tell me you’re a freshman in college.” Although she had been the one making the innuendos, it still made me uncomfortable at the idea of an 18 year old even thinking about me this way.
Thankfully, Paige shook her head. “I’m 22. A senior. You?”
“I’m 24.”
Paige grinned again. “Perfect. Not too old for me then.”
I rolled my eyes, my annoyance returning. “Do you have no shame? I could have a significant other for all you’d know. I’m also your brother’s teacher.”
Paige tilted her head, studying me. “Do you have a significant other?” Her tone made it clear that she already knew the answer.
“That’s not important,” I said looking away. The corners of Paige’s lips turned upwards, and I wanted to punch the satisfaction off her face.
“I’ve actually always thought teachers were very attractive,” Paige murmured, her tone now husky. She leaned in closer to me, one hand stabilizing herself on the desk. “With their glasses and their skirts.” Her tongue darted out, wetting her bottom lip.
“I’m not wearing glasses,” I stammered. Every cell in my body was screaming at myself to back away and create some distance between me and this random girl, but I couldn’t.
“Maybe not, but you’re wearing a skirt. Although to be honest, I’d like it better if there was nothing there at all,” she rasped. She leaned in closer, the atmosphere between us now charged, but at the same moment Drew’s parents walked in.
I immediately jumped up and stumbled backwards, humiliated at having been caught in such a position with their daughter. I chastised myself - how could I be acting so unprofessionally while on the job? We hadn’t done anything wrong, per se, but the proximity we’d been sitting in was definitely way beyond what was appropriate for a teacher and one of their students’ family members.
“Mr. and Mrs. Bueckers!” I squeaked, clearing my throat and ignoring the way Paige started smirking as she observed my awkwardness. “So nice to see you guys again!”
Bob Bueckers looked curiously between the two of us, but nonetheless he stuck out his hand and flashed a friendly smile. “Miss Natasha! How have you been?”
I re-explained to the Bueckers all of Drew’s activities and achieevments, but this time with Paige silently burning me with her relentless gaze from behind her dad and step-mom. Every time I glared at her in an effort to get her to stop, her intensity only increased. I hated how flustered she was able to make me without even saying a word, so as soon as I finished, I quickly excused myself to talk to other parents.
Somewhere in the midst of my conversations with other families, the Bueckers disappeared, and I assumed they went to visit Drew’s other teachers. I tried to get Paige out of my mind, but for the entire night her face was burned into the back of my mind, God knows why. It seemed like the longest night ever - an endless stream of parents all fighting for my attention so they could talk about their kid, combined with my short interactions from Paige earlier that night still nagging at me. Unsurprisingly, I was completely exhausted by the time open house night ended.
It was almost 10 PM when I finished cleaning and wrapping up for the night. I locked up my classroom and headed to the bathroom for a quick pit stop before leaving. As I walked past the gym, though, I swore I heard sounds filtering in from under the doors. I paused, unsure of what to do. The gym was definitely supposed to be closed by now; almost the entire school was empty and dark save a couple janitors and lingering teachers. But it was getting late, and I honestly didn’t want to have to deal with another issue. Besides, I wasn’t sure if I even heard a noise.
So I turned around and kept walking, until a loud giggle followed by a “Shhh!” turned my feet right back. Marching to the front entrance, I tried to open the doors, but was met with resistance. Huffing, I pushed harder, but whoever was on the other end was strong. I gave one last push before jogging to the side entrance. This time, the door opened with ease, showing a completely empty gym - except for a familiar blonde woman and one of your students leaning against the doors at the front entrance.
Heat flooded your cheeks, and this time it wasn’t from embarrassment, but from anger. “Are you serious right now?” I stomped aggressively towards the two culprits, both of whom looked like guilty children that’d just been caught eating chocolate in the middle of the night - except one was a 22 year old college student who definitely knew better. “I cannot believe this is real right now.” I ran your head through my hair, my voice shocked with disbelief. “How did you even get in here?” I looked around, realizing that there had to be at least 20 basketballs scattered across the floor of the gym. “And where did all these balls come from?”
Paige scratched the back of her neck, sheepishness on her face. “Uh, we might’ve found a way to get into the storage room.”
“How did you even get inside the gym in the first place?” You shrieked, trying not to lose full control over yourself.
Paige winced. “I might’ve taught Drew how to pick locks? And he was trying to show me how much he’s been practicing.” She looked over at her little brother in desperation, who in turn ran behind her and started hiding behind her legs. “I mean, I didn’t think he’d actually be able to unlock the gym when he started showing me!” Paige justified. “But then he unlocked it and then I saw the court and I couldn’t not get a few hoops in.” She trailed off at that last part, slowly realizing how ridiculous she sounded.
“Oh my god.” I started frantically running around, chucking basketballs into the cart. “Never in my two years of teaching have I seen such unapologetic inappropriate behavior.” I turned around and jabbed a finger in Paige’s direction, my chest heaving with exertment. “You are single handedly worse than my entire class of third graders combined.”
Paige’s mouth dropped open. “Hey! This was Drew’s idea!”
“Paigeeee!” Drew whined, cowering further behind his older sister.
After collecting several more balls, I gave up. I slumped down on the floor. “Unbelievable,” I uttered to myself. “Unbelievable. A 22 year old breaking into school property and blaming it on her 8 year old brother. Unbelievable!”
Paige hesitantly walked nearer to me, concern in her eyes. “Stop,” I threatened once she got within a few feet. “Or I might bite.”
Paige started to laugh, but the look I sent her was so menacing that she immediately shut up. “Hey,” she said softly. “Look, I’m sorry. But what’s the big deal? It’s not like you’re gonna get in trouble for anything.”
“I just wanted to go home,” I groaned, burying my face in my hands. “It’s 10 PM and today has been the longest day of my life.”
I startled when I felt a gentle touch on my shoulder. Looking up, I was surprised to see the face of Drew. “I’m sorry, Miss Nat,” he whispered, regret in his eyes. “But Paige hasn’t been home in forever and she said she would help me with basketball when she came back. We didn’t mean to make you mad.”
I knew it shouldn’t, but my heart melted at his words. This is why you’re weak, I cursed to myself. A pair of puppy dog eyes and you’re all bent up. Shaking my head slowly, I took a deep breath to calm my nerves.
“Hey,” Paige interrupted. “The damage is already done. This gym is unlocked and I’m pretty sure everyone else has left. Why don’t we show you what we’ve been working on so you know we haven’t been up to no good?”
I got up from my crumpled position on the floor, tightly gripping my purse. “No,” I said wearily. “I think I’m okay. I just wanna get some sleep at home.”
“Please,” Drew begged. “Can I show you just one of my shots? Paige said it looks a lot better from last time!”
“Just one!” Paige joined in. “One won’t hurt.”
I stared at the two of them, both of them with their hands interlocked as if they were praying, their eyes eager and hopeful. I couldn’t even believe myself, but the words tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop it. “Fine. Just one.”
“Yessss!” The two siblings high fived each other and I fought back a smile, trying to maintain my serious demeanor.
“You aren’t ready for this,” Paige smirked, and you only rolled your eyes in response. “Alright, ready bud?”
“Ready!” Drew called back, bouncing excitedly up and down on the balls of his feet. He started sprinting down the court, and Paige quickly passed him a ball.
He dribbled between his legs, almost losing it but recovering as he made his way to the net. “Drew Bueckers on a breakaway!” Paige narrated, cupping her hands around her mouth as she mimicked a sports commentator. “Three seconds remaining on the shot clock!”
Drew started making his way closer to the net, dribbling behind his back and faking out ghost defenders.
Drew landed on his right foot and pivoted.
Drew spun on his foot and faced the basket.
Right before Paige finished counting down, Drew cocked his arm and released, sending the ball flying up and then down, straight into the net for a perfect layup.
“And he scooooooreeees!” Paige howled, running towards her brother and wrapping him up in a hug. This time, I couldn’t help it. I found myself smiling the hardest I’d smiled all night as I watched Paige swing Drew around as his infectious giggles filled the room.
“See?” Paige yelled to me once she set him down. “Wasn’t that epic?”
“So epic.” I beamed at the boy, who was now looking at me shyly. I cleared my throat. “But now we gotta clean up before someone finds this and gets yall in trouble.”
“Ooh, so she’s on our side now!” Paige poked Drew in the ribs teasingly, and he scampered away, laughing as he started picking up balls on the other side of the gym.
Paige turned to you, her expression serious now. “I think it’s your turn.”
“What?” I took a step back. “No, I think I’m actually good.”
“You not up for a little challenge?” Paige picked up a ball and spun it on one of her fingers, and I couldn’t deny that she looked incredibly hot while doing it.
“I can shoot a ball,” I insisted, folding my arms. “I just don’t want to right now.”
“Bull.” Paige extended her arm, offering the ball to you. “I bet you can’t make it from here.”
“Are you serious? We’re like three feet from the net!” I scoffed. I haven’t really shot many basketballs in my life, but how hard could it be? The net was right there.
“Alright, then shoot it.” When I stared at her blankly, still refusing to take the ball, Paige tossed it to me so that I was forced to catch it. “We’re not leaving till you shoot.”
Sighing, I bounced the ball once. Praying that the ball would land somewhere around the net, I launched it. The ball hit the backboard, slowly rolling around the rim of the net before falling to the side. I rolled my eyes. “That basically counts.”
Paige stifled a laugh. “If that basically counted, I’d be the all time leading scorer in the NCAA by now.” I pushed her, unamused. “Hey, now.” Paige picked up another ball. “I’ll teach you.”
I backed up, about to protest, but Paige stepped closer to me, so close that I could feel her breath hitting my skin, and I suddenly lost all ability to move. The blonde swallowed, her eyes darting to my lips for barely a moment before she refocused on the ball. Gently, she placed the ball in my hands, then stepped behind me. I felt hands grab my waist and pull me to her. When my hips suddenly collided with hers, I let out a gasp of surprise.
“Relax,” she murmured into my ear, her warm breath fanning my cheek. “You’re so tense.”
Her hands let go of my hips, and my body ached for the loss of her warmth until her arms wrapped around my own and guided them to the position she wanted. After my arms were in the right form, she positioned my legs and feet with her hands. Every time she touched me, her fingers lingering, I felt light headed, as if my blood sugar was about to crash.
“Okay,” she breathed, stepping back to take a look. “Beautiful.” I had a feeling she wasn’t only talking about my shooting form, and my heart lurched.
This time when I let the ball go, it reached the net, sliding through with a satisfying swoosh. I let out a little shout and turned around, giving Paige a bright smile. She chuckled at my excitement. “Good, huh?” she teased.
“You’re not bad,” I responded as nonchalantly as I could. A little flirting never hurt anyone.
She raised an eyebrow. “Not bad, huh? You should come to one of my games. You’ll see how ‘not bad’ I really am.”
“Go to one of your games?” I smiled suggestively, closing the distance between us until we were closer than we’d been before. I licked my lips. “You’re moving a little fast, Bueckers.”
“Fast,” Paige repeated, her voice throaty. “That’s how I roll.” I finally let my eyes fall to her lips, finally noticing how pink and soft they looked.
My hands somehow landed on her chest. Her fingers touched my chin, tilting it upward. Before I knew it, her lips were on mine, and I was on fire. I grazed her cheeks with my fingertips, her skin hot and flushed under my touch. She’d barely brushed her lips against mine though, when a basketball suddenly dropped, pulling me into my senses.
I jumped back, staring in disbelief at the blonde. Her hair was slightly mussed up, her eyes darkened as she watched me. “Oh my god,” I whispered to myself. “Oh my god, you just kissed your student’s sister.” I brought my fingers to my lips.
“That was barely a kiss,” Paige complained. “How about you c’mere and I’ll show you how it’s really done?”
“Fucking hell, no!” You steppped back from Paige, glancing over at Drew to see if he’d saw us. Thankfully, he was still preoccupied putting the basketballs away.
“You guys need to hurry and clean up. I gotta go tell the janitors to lock up the gym. You need to be gone from here before they come.” You turned around, frantically looking around for your purse. Once you spotted it, you grabbed it and started rushing out.
“Hey!” Paige yelled out, her hands to her side. “Where are you going?”
I swallowed hard, not responding as the doors of the gym slammed behind me. Ice traveled through my veins. How could I have gotten mixed up in that? If I’d gotten caught by one of my coworkers kissing one of my student’s family members in a gym that was broken into, I’d be fired on the spot. Getting this job had been hard enough - no one wanted a 24 year old female fresh out of college. I could not be participating in risky behavior like this.
Paige was attractive, no doubt. But she was also cocky, and arrogant, and Drew’s sister. She also lived in Connecticut. This would never work out, I reminded yourself. So when I went home and jumped in the shower, I tried to scrub off any memory of Paige’s tantalizing lips.
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lowkeyrobin · 4 months
MCYT with a reader who would literally get into a fist fight for them?? Literally, if someone even looks at them wrong reader will throw hands. It's literally that meme (Random person) "GET YO FUCKING DOG BITCH" (MCYT) "it don't bite" "YES IT FUCKIN DO-" I'm sorry I'm feeling silly 😔
OH MY FUCKING GOD I LOVE THIS PROMPT AND THE REFERENCE TO THIS MEME LMFAOOO OH MY LORD BSHWJRHEJJAJW ; very vine oriented so I apologize. you threw me into a loop referencing that
MCYT ; "anytime, anywhere, I'd beat a bitches ass for you"
includes ; tommyinnit, tubbo, ranboo, badlinu, nihachu, slimecicle, quackity, & foolish gamers
warnings ; language, talk of blood/injuries, physical fighting, vine cringe because I got very carried away and you can tell
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he was one of those kids in high school that made light offensive jokes but would never fight anyone over anything, he's not a violent person at all other than in his jokes
but God forbid some random person look at you two weird in public, you're on their ass
you're more offended that they were judging Tommy at all, you couldn't care that they were judging you
"sorry, do you have a problem?" You squint your eyes at the person, "me and my boyfriend are just trying to shop and you keep following us around and staring, like, can I help you?"
just a teenage Karen
yall do take it outside when the motherfucker follows you out and begins to record you
you beat this fuckers ass to a PULP
Tommy's just holding the few bags of stuff you'd purchased staring down, jaw on the fucking floor like "Oh my God wtf do I do"
he had the vlog camera on so he kinda got it all on video before he pulled you away from the person
yall sprinted the hell away bc the security guards were running towards yall 😭😭
#the person admitted guilt anyways and said they were planning to hurt you so no point in trying to track yall down for self defense
#i barely know the law shush
he physically has to hold you back from fighting people
"y/n, it's fine. they just want a reaction"
"let me beat them up!"
the other person's like "yo wtf is wrong with you????"
"sorry, my partner acts like a hostile animal when people piss them off, sorry"
he appreciates you defending him though, he does like using you as a weapon because he thinks it's funny
I mean at least you guys don't have to worry about getting kidnapped or anything because you'll be there to kick the motherfuckers ass
"Oh they don't bite, it's okay 🥰"
they just kind of accepted that you were like this
"I do not endorse violence unless you are y/n. I can't make them un-violent. I have tried, they're a vicious guard dog now"
hurricane Katrina? more like hurricane tortilla when you enter the building
yk the free style dance teacher vine? that'll be ranboo out in public and someone will stare at them all weird and you'll glare back
"walk away, walk away" you mumble, watching the person hurrily walk away as they see you like glaring daggers into their skull
your dynamic is the one vine that's like "Oh can I have a sip of your water?" and "It's not water or vodka, it's vinegar" "bitch what"
then you'll go make angsty edge lord posts to the one bojack horseman audio "I'm not a violent dog" and insert a clip of you beating the shit out of someone in high school
you post the "look at all those chickens" vine on your Twitter everytime you see a hate comment made for one of you
you love instigating fights w people online it's the funniest fucking thing
if you don't know how to reply to some dumbass edgelord response you'll just spam the guacamole vine until they shut up
"wait, why does y/n have so many soaps?"
Freddie's response to your violence is usually the saxophone seal vine. he genuinely laughs everytime he sees you fighting w someone online
sometimes you'll stream it while you wait for a response and while you're fighting online trolls who've been brainwashed by Twitter
"You're gay?!?!?!?11??11"
insert the "ms keisha dead" vine and the battle is over idk what to say
fight fire with fire I guess
she hates yet loves that you'd fight ppl for her
oh, someone treated her wrong? you'll be trending on Twitter for fighting the person
#y/u/n will literally be at number 1 for a week
people edit the fight too
she appreciates it though, even though she doesn't exactly like to promote violence, she'll accept it from you
"Oh, don't worry about them, they're just a little... nervous around people sometimes"
"nervous? girl that mf is SNARLING at me"
you'll see a post that's like "me when someone tries to start shit w my s/o" and reply with the "hahaha I do that" vine
when I tell you she CACKLES reading online fights with people 😭🙏
"get the F off my yard!" proceeds to have to drag you away from situations where someone's actin a little funny in a /neg way
he genuinely thinks you fighting people for him is funny
he'll tell the stories on stream and to his friends like "dude they fucked this guy up, I honestly feel bad for laughing"
honestly most the time it's people victimizing themselves
like that one meme where the lady very obviously and fakely falls over that bench on LIVE TELEVISION.
he's your biggest supporter
he's the old guy from that one vine of the kid singing "Oh wait a minute mister postman" and he does the whole ass high note
"here's y/n fighting someone for idk what because they're talking to the police 😋"
you're a problem at this point
you've physically fought so many wild racists for him it's crazy
he'll gladly cheer you on
"Oh it don't bite"
you proceed to bite the bitch
online fights are usually responded w the purple teletubby twerking meme
"L don't be a weak ass racist pussy next time"
you fight Logan Paul for some reason??? Twitter drama mostly
don't worry quackitys there to watch
17-3 don't worry... ehehehrhahahha
when he tells you that you need to stop instigating fights you send him the "They ask you how you are but you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine" meme BAHDNHAHA
"YOU KNOW WHAT DUDE? IM OUTTA HERE" vine in a nutshell with you two. I can't explain this but it makes sense I swear
"whatd you do to your eyebrows?" meme except its "Whyd you fight that person!?" "I don't really know!"
Twitter fights are like "and they were roommates!" "ohmygodtheywereroomates" I swear to fucking god
you love instigating shit with Twitter trolls
when you stand up for him/reply to edgelord haters for him he replies with the "country boy I love youuuuuuu" vine
"GIVE ME YOUR FUCKIN MONEY!" vine with the law and order intro is literallt how physical fights go
let's just say some stalker edgelords tracked you guys down at the streamer awards...
here you go trending on Twitter again
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dried-mushroom · 1 month
Can you do a younger sister of Neal X Lee Russel. Lee not caring being caught, always flirts with her and hits on her and Neal gets protective not knowing they’re secretly sleeping with each other. It would be funny to see how he would react at the end if he were to walk in on them.😂
Thanks, Pookie for another Lee Russell fic please keep it coming yall :)
Warnings: Neal Gamby & public sex
Goddamn it Gamby!
Lee Russell x female reader
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You sometimes hated being the younger sister to one of the vice principals of North Jackson High School, Neal always got on other teacher's nerves, making your ability to befriend other teachers pretty much impossible, not to mention it resulted in attempting to keep your secret relationship with Neal's coworker and nonetheless rival, Lee Russell. Ever since your brother got you a job teaching English at the high school a year ago, you had been enamoured with Lee. He was such a sweetheart with you, not bothering to hide his attraction to you, not that you ever tell Neal that, he would be more likely to kill Lee then you.
It hadn't even been a month before he was whispering sweet nothings in your ear, not a care who was near, one instance it was your free final period on Friday and Lee had accidentally wandered into your classroom, leaning against the doorframe, a smirk pulling on his lips.
"Oh well hello miss l/n, I did not at all expect you to be here. Now why don't you bring your sweet little ass on over to me."
With that southern drawl of his, you couldn't resist and ran your way over to him, calloused hands sharply gripping your waist as you kissed him deeply, whilst he pulled you closer to him, feeling the rather large tent in his borderline ugly khakis. Your naive older brother who was coincidently walking past and caught the act, assumed you had no part in it, so he abruptly pulled Lee off of you.
"What the fuck Russell? Why the fuck are you trying to make out with MY SISTER? She does not want your weird ass."
You rolled your eyes at him, he seriously needed a reality check or a slap in the face, you can sleep with anyone you feel like and it is none of Neal's concern. Especially considering less than 4 hours prior, Lee had taken you from behind against a tree in the forest behind the school, and you loved every second of it. Lee gave him a pissy look and briskly walked out, not wanting to deal with Neal and presumably handle his frustration.
A week after this confrontation, nothing had changed, you and Lee kept the same routine, subtly flirting and groping with one another during school, he couldn't resist a hand on the small of your back or a thigh when in meetings or in the staffrooms. It was another Friday final period, and you had no classes to teach as it was your planning period and you were bored out of your mind. You fidgeted with your hands as you couldn't be bothered to write up lessons at the moment. Suddenly, you read a simple text that dinged from your phone;
"Baby, meet me in the woods in 10 ;)"
You eagerly typed away "Don't be late handsome."
You were so glad you had decided to wear a dress today, the hot summer sun being the excuse of course. You quickly ran off to the staffroom toilet to freshen up, brush your h/c hair and fix your makeup. Making sure you wouldn't get caught, you slipped out of the back of the school and rushed across the school oval, not wanting to miss one second.
You finally reached your meeting place, obscured by trees, with only an unused railroad nearby. You sat patiently on a log, waiting for Lee to show. Once you heard the crunch of dead leaves, you straightened yourself up and there he was, a grin on his face.
"Sorry baby for being a tad late, Smith was holding me up, now c'mere so I can make it to you."
You didn't waste a millisecond getting up and sauntering over to him. He roughly pushed you against the nearest tree, his lips crashed onto yours, whilst his hands were busy groping your chest through your dress. His touch sent shivers down your spine. You wrapped an arm around his neck, trying to taste more of him, whilst another went to the crotch of Lee's pants, rubbing over the painfully apparent erection hidden beneath. He moaned in your mouth but clearly, he had enough of the teasing and broke away, sitting against the log, he tapped his thigh.
"Before you make me cream my pants just by looking' at you. Come on over and ride me, cowgirl."
You could feel yourself getting wetter and your breath hitched as he started unbuckling his belt and pulled out his cock, flushed and precum beading at the tip, making your mouth water at the sight. You pulled your panties to the side and he guided you down onto his cock, his hands gripping your waist hard, you grabbed onto his broad shoulders as leverage to sink lower. Once he was fully inside you, he let out a hiss, relishing in the feeling of your tight pussy squeezing him. He moved one of his hands underneath your pretty dress to rub little circles on your clit as you started to bounce on his cock.
You loved seeing him like this, vulnerable, underneath you, his pleasure at your mercy, you got lost in pleasure as you continued riding Lee.
"Oh my fucking god, your pussy is perfect for me, squeezing me so fuckin' good. Fuck we gotta do this more baby, I ain't gonna las-"
You both immediately tensed up as you recognised that voice. Lee mumbled under his breath; 'goddamn it Gamby always ruining my fun.'
"What the fuck Russell? Are you seriously fucking my sister? I saw you going to woods and I thought this was a meeting between you and me about y'know but no apparently."
Since Lee's back was to Neal, he didn't even bother turning around to look at him, annoyed at this easily preventable interruption.
"Well, Gamby what does it look like? and in what world would I just want you to creepily follow me into the woods, Jesus Christ."
You couldn't help but laugh against Lee's shoulder, hiding your embarrassed face in his neck.
"Oh hell no, you're not off the hook either y/n, get off of him and get your ass straight back to planning."
You could not believe the audacity this man has, considering he had Abbott blowing him in a supply closet not too long ago.
"Excuse me? I am a grown-ass adult and can sleep with whomever whenever wherever I want. You don't get to control me because you're my older brother. Now please leave so we can finish, or would you prefer we both come back inside so he can bend me over his desk?"
The stunned look on Neal's face made you feel proud. He just mumbled 'Whatever' and walked himself back to the school. You felt your ass being grabbed harshly and Lee roughly whispered in your ear,
"Now that's my girl, now how about we get back to what we started."
The end
I'm sorry this one is so short!
Thanks for reading, please keep sending in requests as I'm trying to answer 1-2 per day.
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korebringerofded · 8 months
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"Awe...You Cryin, Princess?" Satoru Gojo X F!Reader
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Description- Most of the time, Satoru Gojo was the sweetest boyfriend a girl could ever ask for. Other times, he would pull your hair while he fucked into you from behind, your face shoved into his plush sheets as his hard dick fucked into your already cum-filled pussy. Words- 1k Warnings- Unedited as fuck yall, might edit later, I hate my writing so much rn, breaks suck, so much smut, MAPPA really got me going lol, SMUT SMUT, Use of princess, mean!Gojo, Oral(F), very little plot
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A/N- I ask that you read my rules before going any further on my page. Reblogs, likes, and comments are always appreciated and keep me going All requests are open and you can find my entire masterlist here.
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Most of the time, Satoru Gojo was the sweetest boyfriend a girl could ever ask for. Most of the time, he spoiled you rotten, would take you shopping and just gorge you on presents and kisses and attention. He would watch you try on everything in the store if you wanted, his eyes wide and a big grin on his face as he analyzed each and every outfit. 
He would be so sweet when you made love, making you cum on his fingers and mouth until you���re begging him to fuck you. He would caress your face and plant soft kisses down your throat as his thumb moved slowly over your already swollen clit. He knew each and every spot to touch or kiss or lick to send you over the edge.
Other times, he would pull your hair while he fucked into you from behind, your face shoved into his plush sheets as his hard dick fucked into your already cum-filled pussy. Satoru’s previous hot white cum still spilling out over the sheets as he fucked you for the fifth time that day.
“You think I’m even close to being done with you, princess?”
He hissed in your ear, tugging a handful of your hair back to pull your back flush against his chest, his dick still drilling into your soaked cunt as his hand wrapped around your throat so he could properly fuck into you until you were a sobbing mess, a mixture of his cum and your slick spilling down your thighs. 
Tonight, however, Satoru had convinced you to come out to the bar with him and a few of the other teachers from Jujutsu High. Satoru, of course, looked very handsome in his casual clothes, a tight black button up shirt that hugged his bulging muscles and tight dress-pants that you were positive you could see the outline of his dick through.
You and Satoru had a bad habit of leaving functions particularly early or disappearing at them because you couldn’t keep your hands out of the other's pants. So, you wanted to try and get through one social gathering without Satoru fucking you in the front seat of his car or eating you out in the bathroom at the bar. His bright eyes glossy and half-open, never leaving your wonderful tear-stained face as he holds you against the wall, your own hand clasped over your mouth. Your hot slick running down his chin as he whispered filthy things against your adorable pink pussy.
For a while, you managed to contain yourself. You were determined to keep this night PG since Satoru’s coworkers would be there. There would always be time for other things when you got home. At least that is what you tried to tell yourself.
 He just looked so handsome like this, his hair down and perfectly messy, his glimmering crystal-like eyes, that boyish grin. The way he had his dress shirt rolled up to his elbows and his muscular pale arms were on display just sent heat right to your already soaked thighs. 
You loved every single part of your boyfriend, how could you not?
You hadn’t realized how long you had been staring at him, your eyes trailing down from his handsome face and then back to his arms until you felt Satoru cupping your face gently, his thumb brushing over your cheek as he brought your eyes back to his striking ones.
“Something on your mind, princess?” Satoru asked, a tilt of his head that made his messy white hair ruffle as he looked down at you with a widening smirk.
Shit…he caught me staring at him. You thought to yourself. 
“No.” You said too quickly, clearing your throat. 
You were hoping Satoru wouldn’t notice the embarrassingly furious blush spreading over your face or the way you rubbed your thighs together when he spoke.
He did, of course he did.
You swallowed hard and tried to ignore the increasing wetness soaking through your panties. 
You ordered another drink, hoping it would help, it wouldn’t.
You knew that Satoru was just messing with you when you felt his fingertips run delicately over the surface of your bare thighs and up your dress, pushing the hem up. The action sent goosebumps all over your body and you turned to shoot Satoru a glare, your face heating up all over again. Satoru was already staring right at you, a smirk on his annoyingly handsome face and one elbow on the table as his cheek rested in his palm. 
You could almost taste the mint from his breath from how close he was and it almost made your knees buckle then and there. Satoru just had that effect on you and the worst part of all…was that he was completely aware of it.
“Satoru…” You warned, a huff leaving your lips. 
‘What?” Satoru asked with a huge innocent grin on his face.
“Don’t play dumb.” You groaned, a pout tugging on your lips.
“Am I not allowed to touch my girl now?” Satoru asked mockingly, a mischievous glint in his eye.
I want you to do more than touch me, you jerk.
Satoru made it a point to torment you the rest of the night, soft brushes against your thighs, a soft kiss on that soft part of your neck that just makes you squirm. As he stands at the bar, his arm draped around your hip and as he carries on a conversation with Shoko, his hand trailed down your back. His fingertips dragging up and down your spine through the fabric of the thin dress you wore and sending jolts of electricity down your spine. 
You really didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he was getting to you, that all you wanted was to feel his expert hands over your body,
When you got back to the apartment you two shared, Satoru couldn’t help but chuckle when he noticed the way you were looking up at him, big glossy eyes, you were expecting something. But tonight, Satoru was in the mood to be a bit mean to his little princess, for just a little longer at least.
Satoru kicked off his shoes and tossed his car keys on the counter before he moved closer to you, his hand reaching up to tuck a strand piece of your hair away from your adorable blushing face.
“Hm? You want something, princess?” Satoru asked with a grin as he knelt down so your eyes met with his crystals-like ones.
You didn’t know if you wanted to kiss him or slap him. Both
“No.” You huffed stubbornly, puffing your cheeks out and crossing your arms over your chest.
“No? I figured the way you were eye-fucking me that you might want something.” Satoru said with a smirk as he took a step forward, his arms trapping you against the wall as your heart started to beat rapidly in your chest. 
“I was-.” You started to say before he pressed his finger to your soft lips with a dark laugh.
“You lyin’ to me now, princess? I thought you were supposed to be my good girl?” Satoru said with an almost mocking fake hurt voice. 
“N-no, toru’.” You whispered, your voice wavering as your boyfriend towered over you, his hands slipping under the edge of your dress and his finger hooking under the edge of your panties so he could tug them down your thighs so they pooled on the ground. 
“Fucking knew it..” He snorted. 
He was pushing your dress up your hips as he lowered himself to his knees now, his face pressed against your already dripping cunt. His eyes staring hungrily as another dark laugh left him, his fingers brushed up your thighs and against your slick pussy. His index finger pushed and rubbed against your folds and against your already puffy clit as he pinned your hips to the wall, one of your legs over his shoulder. 
“Haven’t even touched you and look at how wet you are…” Satoru cooed, pressing a kiss to your thigh while he started to tease the entrance of your pussy with his fingers, curling them just slightly into your hot plush walls that clenched desperately around him before he took them away again. 
“Tell me what you want.” Satoru hummed, pressing another soft kiss to your thigh but this time he sank his teeth into the plush flesh with a snicker.
You could only whine and pout in response, tears forming in your eyes.
‘Please…” You whined, tugging on his messy white hair with twitching fingers, 
“Please what?” Satoru asked, his tongue poking out of his mouth and delicately running up your thigh, around your folds and dancing right around where you actually wanted him. 
Damn him damn him damn him. 
“P-please, toru’. Need to cum, need to cum on your tongue.” You blurted out, tears spilling down your cheeks.
“Awe…well when you ask all sweet like that…” He said with a grin, quite pleased with himself as he immediately leaned forward.
Satoru carried you to the bedroom after that, your dress and the rest of your clothes gone and forgotten. Satoru had buried his face into your pussy, his tongue flicking your throbbing clit back and forth for a moment before he would suck audibly on the bundle of nerves and then repeat, you could feel your own slick running down your thighs but you couldn’t care less. 
Satoru’s mouth was heaven, he was eager and skilled, it was a bit of a deadly combination. He would happily die between your thighs.
“Ah- F-fuck, toru’, so close.” You stammered, tears running down your face, your eyebrows knitting together as you leaned your head back against the wall, Satoru let out an audible groan at your sweet taste, he wanted to swallow every drop of your sweet desire, all for him.
“Yeah?” Satoru asked. 
He pulled away just long enough so he could shove two of his fingers deep into your pussy before curling them to press against that soft gummy part of your walls that only made you writhe and whimper under him before his lips were wrapped around your clit again and he sucked, his tongue tracing over you until he heard your lewd sobs and felt your nails digging into his scalp. 
Your vision went white, all the air left your lungs and drool dripped from the corner of your mouth as Satoru swallowed every drop of your desire for him with complete joy, his face pink and your slick coating his chin as he pulled away, looking up at you with a smirk, his head leaning against your thigh.
“Awe…you crying, princess?”
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Please do not copy, use my work, or put it through AI without my permission or I'll be really sad about it!!
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savannahsdeath · 11 months
part 2two
mdni please<3
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summary: you stay with your teacher - ellie because youre sure she didnt grade your exam correctly. she turns out to be easy to spend time with, even though youre her student
warnings: 18+ please!!
writers note: calling ellie 'miss williams' kinda cringes me but ig thats how it is.. before yall attack me or smthn reader is not a minor so its all legal also i imagine this is like the last grade of highschool?? i dont know what age it is in usa since im polish and yeah it would be legal for us but maybe not in america so idk😭😭
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Ellie Williams was a teacher in your college, most students' favourite. She wasn't boring or too strict although she was serious about her lessons and she always made sure everyone listens. The point is, everyone wanted to listen.
You loved how passionate she is about her job. You could tell sharing her knowledge with next generations makes her proud. The rest of the students mostly liked her for her looks. She was attractive, even for you, especially when she was looking at you from under her glasses. Oh, god, her glasses... And the way she adjusts them with her slim fingers... Yes, she was definitely attractive. And pretty young, as for a teacher. But the way all of those stupid frat boys made clearly sexual comments about her was making you want to throw up.
You never missed her lessons and you were her best student. You could tell she appreciates the way you look honestly interested in her lessons. That's why you were surprised when you suddenly got a D from an assignment.
You stayed after class to talk with her about it. Something was off. You stayed the whole night to do it, with blood, sweat and tears.
You found her in her office, reading some papers. After saying simple 'good afternoon' you sat in a chair in front of her desk. She dropped the papers that turned out to be your assignment.
"I was just about to talk to you." She sternly said, not looking in your direction. "Why are you helping him?"
You had no idea what she's talking about, so you stayed quiet, letting her talk.
"You've always been so responsible - straight A's, making the presentations in time. Did he pay you? Be honest, I won't report it anywhere. Luke wouldn't do that himself."
You frowned. "I'm sorry, I don't understand. What does Luke has to do with this?"
Luke was your talking stage. You weren't interested in him but he was in you and that's it. Your opinion didn't matter. He was popular and you wanted to have good reputation so you allowed him to do... whatever.
Miss Williams showed you two papers. One was yours, the other... based on the handwriting - Luke's.
"Look at the signatures." She ordered. "How did it happen? No bullshit."
They were swapped. Luke's work, graded for a D, had your name on it.
"That's an interesting word to use for a teacher. Umm... Yeah, I don't..." You started stuttering, not knowing what to say. You often helped him out but not this time.
"Just admit you helped him and I'll give you your A. Easy as that." She finally looked up at you. Her glasses reflected the light in a way that made it hard to look her in the eyes, so you wasn't able to tell what she's thinking. Was she judging you or are you just paranoid?
"I told him to give you my assignment since he was staying in your class longer, I swear, I didn't-" You sighed. "He had to... How could he..." You continued mumbling.
"Sh, shh... I can tell it's your handwriting. I just thought you did it on purpose." She said in a reassuring voice.
"Will he have any problems? It's not a big deal, so if we could just..." You looked at her with your doe eyes, nervously biting your bottom lip. The way she was looking at you made you understand why were the other students all over her. You took a deep breath, trying to gather your mind, embarrased you even thought about her in a... romantic... way.
"Okay, my dear. Here's your well earned A." She showed you a new copy of the assignment with an A grade written at the top. You also notice her fingers slightly grazing your hand as she does so. the same fingers you used to imagine touching you in such an intimate way "Now, if it's not a big secret, why are you even worried about Luke? For him, a better grade is more important than you. But if you really like him, I may group you both together in the next presentation."
"No, I don't, it's not that..." You quickly explained. "It's just... I don't even know. He's just everywhere I go."
You could tell something was off when Miss Williams mentioned Luke. She never did speak poorly about any of your classmates, not even once - it's simply unprofessional. But, this time, she seemed irritated, perhaps even annoyed.
"I'm glad to hear that, he's no good for you. He obviously wants more than an assignment swap." She put all of the papers back into her file. Suddenly, she leaned in towards you. Not too close, but way closer than she was before. "You look nervous."
"I am." You admitted quietly. Your heart starts beating fast. She's never been this close before. You both met after classes before and she was friendly, sure, but never this... interested. She made it to the point you didn't saw her as a professor anymore, just a woman, maybe even potential... girlfriend.
"I can help you with that stress if you'd like." She says, her voice barely above a whisper.
You couldn't resist her. She leans in closer, until your faces are so close together that your breaths become one and if it wasn't for the desk, your bodies would be pressed together. The moment she touches your cheek, you can't resist anymore and kiss her back. She takes your hands and presses them against the back of her head, pulling you closer as she deepen the kiss.
You never felt this way before. This doesn't feel wrong, it's... exciting. She's exciting.
You hear a faint sound from outside. Someone trying to open the door.
Miss Williams quickly straightens up: she straightens her clothes, fixes her hair, and picks up her papers. Then, with a deep breath, she answers the knock.
"Hello... Can I help you?" She opens the door.
It's Luke, standing there with a wide smile on his face.
"Luke? What are you doing here?" Your eyes flicked from Luke to the teacher and back again, not understanding what's happening.
"I just realized I forgot my bag at class today, so I dropped by to pick it up. But I see you have company." He looks at you and gives you a subtle wink.
"Oh, don't worry. I was just giving her assignment back an A. The A she deserves." She says with a nervous laugh.
"Yeah, exactly, Luke. I know you swapped our assignments." Your eyes lingered at him for longer this time, as you saw he knows something so you tried changing the topic to more formal one.
"I... uhh... no, I didn't do that." He replies nervously, his tone and body language giving him away.
Miss Williams looks at you with an expression that conveys "I can't believe this is happening."
You continue; "Look, Miss Williams found our assignments mixed up. Mine... with your D grade on it... and yours, with my A on it."
Luke shifts uncomfortably, realizing he's been found out. "Oh... well... I guess I'll just be on my way then." He says awkwardly.
"Just take your bag and go before I change my mind and not be so nice." Your teacher said, making eye contact with you instead of him.
Luke quickly grabs his bag and scurries away.
Miss Williams sighs and closes the door. "What a little... trouble maker." She says with a smile. She walks towards you and stands in front of you, facing you directly. "I hope he didn't bother you too much." She says softly, her tone carrying a slight flirty vibe.
You smile and shake your head, even though the truth is he did.
"You should go now, I don't want your parents worrying. Visit me here from time to time though, 'kay?" She smirks, stroking your hair.
"Yes, ma'am." You reply, trying to be playful but failing in your nervousness. "I will... umm... see you at class tomorrow."
"I'll be looking forward to it." She replies, a grin on her face as she stares deep into your eyes.
As you leave, you try to remain composed, but you're melting inside.
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lordsukunas · 4 months
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never make him love me
tldr: you’re determined to confess to teen!gojo, but your chances of success are literally 0.
cw: angst/no comfort... sorry? reader is a bit very delusional n kinda weird, gojo may be a bit ooc, no curse au, gender neutral (i think) but reader is wearing a skirt, and im p sure this is not very accurate to the actual japanese school system. not beta read btw
a/n: this has been in my drafts for too long... whoops! trying a different divider but i don’t rlly like it. also does reader count as a girl/boyfailure here or not? they kinda strange tbh :/ idk lol, hope yall enjoy getting rejected by gojo n can yall guess who hes already in love w
you’re in love with gojo satoru.
which, to be fair, a lot of people are. he’s a pretty face: soft, snow-white hair with bright cerulean eyes that draws anyone and everyone in. a big, gorgeous smile, and long, muscular limbs that you just know would feel so good wrapped around you.
plenty of people have confessed to him, and all of them have been rejected. that should be enough to put you off, to make you face the reality that gojo may not be madly in love with you, but it just makes you more determined. he’s just rejecting everyone else because he’s waiting for you!
that has to be it, right?
definitely, you think as you skip to gojo’s classroom. you can feel the weird stares from students (and even a teacher or two), but they don’t matter. you’re going to confess to gojo satoru, damn it, and nothing’s getting in the way.
it’s lunch period, thankfully, which means he’ll be with geto and ieiri. that’s good — his best friends will be there to watch him declare his reciprocated love for you.
you slide the door open, love letter and two packs of kasugai gummies in one hand. a few students in the room glance up at you, including gojo!
the two of you lock eyes — well, you think you do. it’s a bit difficult to tell, but his head is facing your direction, so he’s totally looking at you. he’s noticing you!!!
you bite your lip to stifle the giggle bubbling up in your chest and walk up to the perfect trio (hopefully, soon to be quadruple). “hi, gojo,” you say, a nervous yet giddy smile on your face.
“... hey?” he exchanges looks with geto before focusing back on you. “do i know you?”
okay, ouch. you literally sat behind him in chemistry, but, whatever. don’t focus on the little things!
“um, probably not, but!” you hold out the envelope with a heart sticker as the seal. “i have something to tell you.”
“uh... okay.” gojo scratches the back of his neck, then takes the letter. he slides his finger under the seal, tearing it open, and pulls the letter out. he unfolds it, and both geto and ieiri lean in to also read it.
a frown tugs at the corners of your lips. the words were meant for just gojo, not those two. although... does it really matter? you’re just proving that you’re a good fit for their best friend.
after a drawn out moment of silence, gojo chuckles, albeit awkwardly. “wow, uh... this is a lot.”
you nod. “yeah!” you also hand him the packs of gummies, which he takes a bit more eagerly than the letter and sets them on his desk. “so, um...”
your heart has been hammering in your chest this entire time, but now it feels like it’s trying to escape. sweat accumulates on your palms, and you resist the urge to wipe them on your skirt.
this is the big moment.
you hope and pray and plead to whatever being that’s out there for gojo to accept and reciprocate your feelings. with all the manifesting and ‘love spells’ you’ve done, it should work. gojo satoru is most definitely in love with–
“this is nice, but, uh, i’m not interested.”
you blink down at him, and now you’re the one chuckling nervously. “i’m sorry?”
maybe you misheard. that had to be it, right? there’s no way he isn’t in love with you. you bought him gummies, you wrote him a letter, you spent countless hours researching and trying different manifestation methods, you prayed at the shrine, you learned his schedule so that you could pass by him on the way to class, you did everything for him.
he scratches the back of his neck again before refolding the letter and putting it back into the envelope. “i’m not really interested in a relationship right now. you’re probably really cool and stuff, so don’t take it personally.”
no, no, no, no. this isn't how this was supposed to go! he was supposed to say yes! what happened? what did you do wrong?
now you’ve embarrassed yourself in front of his friends. his best friends. how are you supposed to come back from this? thank god no one else in the room is paying attention right now.
heat creeps up the back of your neck and spreads to your face. sweat is drenching your palms, blood is roaring in your ears, and you really want to melt into the ground never to be seen again. you’re pretty sure your heart just shattered into a trillion pieces and a shard pierced your lungs, because you cannot breathe.
you then feel a hand on your forearm, and you jolt. it’s ieiri. “hey, are you–”
“i’m fine!” you blurt, and a few heads turn in your direction. you take the envelope back from gojo, spin on your heel, and rush out of the classroom.
damn it.
you’re pushing past people to get to the restroom, and you slam the stall door shut before locking it.
you’re so stupid. how could the gojo satoru be in love with you?
the tears finally spill from your eyes, running down your cheeks, and you let your face fall into your hands as you sob.
idiot, idiot, idiot.
you should’ve known you wouldn’t be any different. he wasn’t waiting for you. he’ll never be waiting for you. you never had a chance, and in your defense, no one did.
gojo’s heart has already been claimed by someone else, and if you were a little smarter, you’d know exactly who it is.
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yoursjaeyun · 1 year
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ Endless Love - LHS.
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pairing: husband! dad!heeseung x f!reader
genre. pure fluff, smut, suggestive.
warnings. smut (minors strictly dni), unprotected sex (both receiving), boob sucking, explicit language, overuse of nicknames (such as princess, baby, baby girl etc), heavy dirty talk, mentions of pregnancy. but most of it are just fluff. please tell me if i need to add more.
a/n. this is my first time writing dad!hee shbejshs and i genuinely hope you guys like it 🤍 and tbh, i’m kinda proud of it hehe. i think this is the longest i’ve ever written before, i stayed up till 3am just to finish all of this lol it was worth it tho. i wanted to say thanks to @heetro and @excusememissiloveyou for helping me with some things, i love yall sm 🥺
"wake up sweetheart, you have school." you whisper, trying to wake your daughter up from bed as she half asleep in your arm, not letting go of the sheets.
“i don’t want to go mommy,” she whines.
“we can get ice cream after, how does that sound, baby?” a big smile plasters on her face as she excitingly gets out of bed.
you follow her out the door, seeing your husband sitting at the counter drinking his everyday coffee. heeseung spreads his arms out as his daughter came running into his embrace, smiling at the heartwarming sight.
“my princess has woken up, hm?” he said, kissing her forehead. “are you ready for school?” she shakes her head while pouting, he laughs at her adorableness.
heeseung places her on the seat beside him, waiting for whatever you were making for breakfast. “what do you want with your pancakes sweetie?” you asked, “mangos!” she yells in excitement.
you sat beside her while getting the cutting board ready. watching your every move as you slowly cut up the mango bit by bit to not get hurt.
she takes a piece, struggling to put it in her mouth. “sweetheart, thats too big, it’ll get messy. here, i’ll cut it up a bit more.” you caught heeseung smirking as you looked up, trying to hold back your laugh.
“shut it.” you mouthed, continuing to feed your daughter.
⠀˳ْ  ○ . 📏 . 𓄹 . 𑁍
“all ready?” heeseung smiles as his daughter’s tiny hand holds his finger, dangling the car keys while getting ready to get out of the door.
“alright, just tell your teacher if anything bad happens, okay?” bending down to tidy up her dress, sighing after.
“she’ll be fine, baby. i doubt anything is going to happen.” he reassured you. “it’s her second day, i don’t know why i’m worried.” you pout, crossing your arms, heeseung smiles at how much you represent her.
“she’s a strong girl, and you are too.” slightly leaning down to kiss your temple, feeling more relaxed at his words.
“daddy, lets go!” she whined, pulling on his hand. “i’ll be back in a bit, love.” kissing your temple once again before you went to hug her to say goodbye.
⠀˳ْ  ○ . 📏 . 𓄹 . 𑁍
“did she go off well?” your eyes still glued on the food that you were making for later.
“she did,” he smiled softly, “and she had already made great friends.” putting the keys elsewhere before placing a peck on your lips.
“that’s good,” you exhaled in relief. “what are you making?” he asks, now towering you with his height from behind as you were mixing the subsistence. “haeun’s favourite.”
“and you’re not making my favourite?” putting his chin on your shoulder as he began to pout. slightly pushing him away while laughing. “i’ll make yours after this.” turning your head around to face him, looking down at his lips, having the urge to just kiss him right then and there, but you just gave him a small peck on the lips instead.
“i’m making her something warm after we get ice cream later.”
“i have such a good wife.” he complimented you, smiling from cheek to cheek. heeseung wraps his arms around your waist from behind, resting your head on his nape while melting into his touch as you both rocked side to side, placing your hands onto his.
“you’re so pretty.” complimenting you once again. gently hitting his arm, knowing you always loved his compliments. “what? am i not allowed to love you?” he laughs.
“don’t you have a meeting to take care of today?” you ask, “i called in ‘sick’, just so i can be with both of my princesses.”
“gosh, you’re so annoying.” you giggled. his aroma and warm touch making you feel more calm in his arms.
the first time the two of you met was at a café, you both worked there. heeseung would always stare at you, and you’d do the same but you were always too shy to do so. he’d help you with making drinks, the desserts, and almost everything. you wanted to reach out to him first, maybe even ask him to go out. but he took over. which you were so happy about because it took you over a week to even try to say ‘hi’.
you never intended for him to help you with your financial problems, but he did anyway. which you felt so bad for because you didn’t want to look like you were in there for the money. and you weren’t, you’ve always loved him, for him. and he did the same to you. look at the both of you now with a child together, while he’s the CEO of a famous company, and you own the biggest restaurant in town. along with a little café you and heeseung made before getting married, and before the pregnancy.
heeseung slowly slips his hands into your shirt, the cold feeling made you sigh deeply, you knew what he was going to do but you wanted to stay busy, but you have to admit, you were needy too. he began to play with your throbbing breasts, feeling yourself already soaked. “..heeseung, i’m still cooking-” he starts to place wet kisses on your neck, possibly hickeys.
he smirks, turning off the stove before lifting you up and placing you on the counter, making you yelp in surprise. admiring each other for a bit by the way he was staring at your lips while biting his own, you knew he was desperate, desperate.
it wasn’t long till your hands cupped his face as you smashed your lips onto his.
the kiss was messy, but passionate. the butterflies in your stomach went crazy. heeseungs hold on your waist tightened, helping you stabilise yourself to not lean back too much.
his plump lips working with yours, your saliva and his mixed, running down your chin, you hummed in his mouth as his hands goes under your shirt once again, roaming around your soft skin, reaching up to your back to unclasp your bra.
“heeseung..” you mumbled in between kisses, quickly breaking the kiss to lift up your shirt, throwing it to the side. and then continuing the love session.
after several moments, he grabs one pair to level it to his mouth, leaning back to give him more space. “look at what you do to me, darling.” he flattens his tongue on one nipple, swirling it around along with his saliva to work it easy. you threw your head back from the pleasure as his free hand decides to play with the other boob.
“if i suck hard enough, will your milk come out?” being the jokester he is, he asks absolutely out of nowhere. “it won’t unless you want me pregnant again. stop playing around and fuck me already.”
“bold now, are we? watch me make that happen, love.” he smirks while biting his bottom lip, rushing to unzip his jeans then taking off his boxers that his bulge was sticking out from. and while doing that, you take off your panties, sliding it off your legs to the floor. the sight of his hardened dick spring out onto his abdomen already made you dizzy.
you spread your legs out a bit further to give him space, “you’re soaked, princess.” his fingers running through your wet folds making you shiver and whine into the crook of his neck as he went closer to you, lining it up in front of your entrance, pumping it a few times first. “hee, ‘need you..” you muttered.
“i’ll make you feel good baby.” placing a kiss on your temple before pushing himself into you, your hold around his neck began to stiffen as your eyes were shut closed from how big he was.
“go faster..” you whispered under your breath, and he did. increasing his speed on every thrust he makes, your eyes easily getting hazier each time. “fuck— you’re so fucking tight.”
his grip on your waist tightened, your moans and whimpers became louder on every movement, his groans against your ear, the kitchen was filled with loud wet sounds of skin slapping echoed in the kitchen, too bothered to even think about anything else.
“shit..” he was now balls deep inside, pulling in and out of you as your eyes rolled to the back of your head from the immense pleasure with your mouth agape.
“look at you, all fucked up because of my cock. you like that, don’t you? how desperate and needy you are to carry my kids.” every filthy word he spits out making you hazy, your face turned into the most obscene expression, close to reaching your high even. but you wanted to hold back.
“fuck— yes, god fucking yes.” you moaned, “oh i’ll put a baby in you alright.” his rough thrusts increased, hitting the right spots inside you as you let out the most angelic moans against his ear, squirming under him while he tries keeping you to stay still with his hard grip on your skin.
you whine and moan with every movement of his hips, and you had no energy left, letting heeseung take over, knowing you were close as you clenched hard around him. he fastened his speed, feeling him twitch inside you, signalling he was close too.
“taking my cock like a good fucking wife you are,”
“you’re so sexy, you know that?” biting his lip while smirking— god that smirk always gets you turned on. and you still wanted to hold it, sweat was running down the side of your face as you became weaker and weaker, his thrusts and movements became more sloppier. doubting you’d even be able to walk after. “hee.. i- i’m close,” you stuttered, too tired to even talk properly.
“you can cum, sweetheart.” giving you permission, your moans and whimpers became louder, at least for your neighbours to hear. “shit- heeseung!” and you came undone all over his length.
“fucking hell—” he groaned, a heavy moan elicited out of your mouth as heeseung grabbed your naked ass hard while painting your velvety walls white with his seed. you could feel his juices mixed with yours running down your thigh.
he had no intention on pulling out, instead he picked you up to go to the bathroom to clean up as you clinged onto him with the small amount of energy you have left, he was strong enough to hold onto you tighter.
your heavy breathing quietened down bit by bit, heeseung grabbing clean clothes before helping you wipe yourself. “you okay?” he asks concerned, answering him with a quiet hum. he had never seen you this tired before whenever the two of you have sex, now feeling bad and becoming guilty.
“i’m sorry if i went too hard on you,” he apologised, he stopped his doings and stared at you worriedly. a soft chuckle left your lips as you then placed a peck on his.
“i’m okay, hee.” you finally spoke, heeseung exhaling with a ‘phew’ in relief. “are you sure you’re okay with this?” continuing to help you clean up.
you nodded without hesitation. “i’m okay with it if you are. i don’t want to put you into more stress..” he looks down in slight guilt, still thinking if he ever went too hard on you. “you aren’t. and yes i’m okay with it. i trust you, okay? even with stress, i know you’re always there for me, especially since you’ve been with me through it all, and with haeun.” a bigger smile grew on his face towards your warmhearted words. realising how much he appreciated having you in his life with your daughter together.
“i love you, so much. maybe too much. way too much. but i love you forever-”
“just shut up and kiss me.” you laughed before pulling him into another deep, passionate kiss, his arms circled around your waist, pulling you in tighter, reminiscing the moment.
“i love you too, always, till the end, forever.” forehead to forehead while in deep, sweet, eye contact.
almost forgetting he’s still inside you.
“can’t believe you forgot you’re still balls deep inside me.” you giggled. “shit- i’m sorry—”
“no, lets stay like this for a while.” you say, stopping him from pulling out, hugging him firmly as he does the same to your waist, processing the generous moment.
“i hear a second round coming..” he teased, you hit him on the chest as the room was filled with laughter. “i’m kidding, don’t worry.” he smiles reassuringly, placing a kiss on your forehead.
“i think i’d like that.” you smirked, “a horny wife now, aren’t you?” you let out a ‘tsk’ before he dominated your lips with his once again, ending the morning with you screaming his name on your shared bed.
⠀˳ْ  ○ . 📏 . 𓄹 . 𑁍
after a few rounds.. yes, a few rounds. you were too worn out and exhausted, heeseung insisted on taking a rest for a while, since haeun finishes in a couple of hours.
but you had already slept, heeseung doing the same too. you swore you couldn’t even walk or stand up properly after all of that. you woke up with heeseung’s arm around your stomach while the both of you were completely naked under the covers, then immediately checking the time.
ten minutes left till haeun gets out, relieved that you weren’t late. quickly getting up to rushingly put on clothes to get ready, almost falling over from how sore your legs were. “baby?” his raspy voice awoken.
“we have to pick up haeun. get up, love.”
without saying anything else he also gets ready, laughing at the way he fell while getting out of bed. “your fault for fucking me out too much.” you chuckle, fixing your hair up into a neat bun with a claw clip.
“it was worth it anyway.” he winked, cringing at the sight. still thinking it was cute though. “okay, get dressed, i don’t want haeun to wait for too long.”
“yes ma’am.” he obeyed, doing the soldier gesture. letting out a ‘tch’ about how he was just ruing you two hours ago — now he’s acting like the bambi he is.
⠀˳ْ  ○ . 📏 . 𓄹 . 𑁍
you saw haeun waiting patiently outside the gate of the daycare with her hands grabbing onto the straps of her little bag on the sides, waving your arm to get her attention.
noticing you, she instantly ran to you happily. your arms spreaded out ready for a big hug. “mommy!” she screams, waddling to you. “my baby!” the second she reached your embrace, she peppered you with the smallest kisses ever, giggling at how adorable she was.
“how was your day sweetheart?” holding her tiny hand to walk back to the car. “i loved it! i have many, many friends now!” she giggled, “is that so?” she nodded, “well, i’m happy for you, darling.” you smiled softly.
heeseung popped out from the back, haeun instantly running into his arms. “daddy! i missed you!”
“i missed you too, princess,” he grinned, showering her with kisses everywhere. “daddy, it tickles.” she giggled, trying to push his face away with her small hands, laughing at the cute sight. “how did you learn to be that strong, missy?” he snickered, softly pinching her chubby cheeks.
“how was your second day?” he asks, bringing her to get buckled up in her seat. “it was good!” her eyes closing from the way she smiles. “what did mommy promise you?”
“ice cream!” she yells, throwing her hands up in the air. he smiles, kissing her forehead, “all buckled up?” she nods confidently. “good girl.”
“you know, you never called me that earlier.” you pout, crossing your arms after buckling your seatbelt.
“tonight, i promise.” he winked, and you smirked, once again cringing at the sight, but he was too hot to be cringe anyway.
⠀˳ْ  ○ . 📏 . 𓄹 . 𑁍
“how’s your ice cream, baby girl?” he asks, feeding the strawberry flavoured ice cream to her. “yummy! and why is mommy walking like that?”
heeseung looked away to hold back from bursting out laughing.. “uhm— mommy fell earlier, but it wasn’t that bad, baby. she’ll get better soon.” tilting his head in reassurance.
“what are you guys talking about?” you talked, sitting down beside them with your plain vanilla cup of ice cream. “nothing at all-”
“daddy said you fell, is that why you’re walking like that?” at least you were strong enough to hold back your laugh, already seeing him quietly laughing on the other side.
“yes i did fall, sweetheart. but i’m okay now, so don’t worry about it,” you beamed, “we’ll talk about it later, honey.”
heeseung laughed again at your death stare,
“i hate you.” you mouthed.
“i love you more.”
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taglist: @notthatsamkim @heeverseblog @giventakenz @kookiemonster123 @heeseungluver @enhaheeseung @hee-pster @gegeetime send an ask or a dm to be added !
perm taglist. @heeseungrr @excusememissiloveyou @heetro @amazzwon @crusheo @jyunillaa @heeryn @bbujiikseu @tfwheeseung send an ask or a dm to be added !
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payasita · 9 months
Good job getting ADHD medication! I’m so proud of you :D
thanks so so much im very happy and so hopeful for the first time maybe ever but also it TOOK ME LIKE. A YEAR. A YEAR.
like yall for real?? for real. for real i have been diagnosed since i was like six. (funny story my teacher thought i was on the spectrum so my parents get me tested with the nodes and shit and according to mom, who loves this story, my neurologist did all that and talked to me and then just turned to my mom and went "she's not autistic. she just hates the other kids" but they DID find an adhd diagnosis in there so net win for all of us)
diagnosed since i was SIX. on stimulants until i turned 8, and you know why i got off em? my pediatrician retired. we could not find another who would take our low-income insurance. so i just had to rawdog The Rest Of My Fucking Life. diagnosed when i was six. legally neurodivergent for 20 slutty slutty angry years.
and it still took me like. a few months to get a psych appointment. a few weeks to reaffirm my diagnosis as an adult. a few more weeks for another appointment for meds. he doesnt Want to do meds first, because i must have been doing fine without them if its been two decades, right? i got a job and a car and everything. well gee fuckin shittickers Dr. Brain Guy, just WHAT was my alternative? would you prefer i be maladapted to the point of incapacitation; is that what it takes for someone to be considered? i cheated my way through school. every day after work i sit for an hour in my car because i dont have the executive function to stand up and walk the ten steps to my house. garbage just appears around me. i have three empty bags of hot chip and two cans of sprite on my desk as we speak, neither from today. at that point i hadnt had a debit card for six months because that would have required me to Drive To The Bank, a location that was new to me in this area, so i just did everything on credit. is this all normal? is this fine? am i GOOD, actually, Dr. WeirdBrain?
so we cordially agree that yes i should probably be medicated. i want to do a stimulant. he does not want to put me on a stimulant. "stimulants can mess with your heart," he says, "and you're young, you don't want heart problems." i say ok because i dont want to make him think im just looking for narcotics. even though i am. because they WORK. i agree to try some kind of antidepressant.
the antidepressant gives me tachycardia. i go to the emergency room after reading a heartbeat of, oh, 140 bpm, which is about like double what it normally is and juuuust below the You Are Having A Heart Attack threshold. i get to the ER and the doctor there is very obviously convinced i'm a local addict having some sort of episode. it is the most ironic experience i've had all year and i feel an abrupt and all consuming kinship with those birds in australia that will swoop you and peck at your face for seemingly no good reason.
so yeah, we narrow it down to the antidepressant. as it turns out, these particular meds are known to, semi-commonly, Mess With Your Heart. i have my next appointment with my psych and somehow refrain from pecking his eyes out. he puts me on a noreprinephrine inhibitor(iirc) that isnt actually FDA approved to treat ADHD specifically(i DEFINITELY rc) but it IS given to smokers to help them quit. i dont smoke. i may very well fucking start before this whole ordeal is at the point where someone listens to me
it obviously does a combined total of jack and shit, and the man waffles with this one because he has "had success" using it as treatment for other ADHD patients. he ups the dose. twice. three months on the smoker meds, which are also apparently notorious for destroying your appetite, but they didnt even do THAT. no change to the average amount of hot chip on my desk.
he wants to try quelbree after that. i finally tell him i'm tired of this shit and would like to have more than two hours of usable daylight to function before it all falls to uncontrollable youtube shorts binges and a daily experience i like to call The Weighted Nothings and i would very much like to PLEASE. TRY A STIMULANT.
he's been friendly enough with me over these past four or five or whatever months but at this he gets suddenly very very business-baseline. gives me the whole spiel about the north american shortage. gives me a spiel about how i absolutely cannot, under any circumstances, lose or sell this medication, because they will not refill it if i do. i am sitting here wondering if he he's telling the truth about having other ADHD patients at all like ever in his career, and also, am i nuts or should the "don't sell your prescription drugs" bit apply to EVERYTHING? i dont fuckin know man i just live here
he says he wants a urine test first. its scheduled for two weeks out. i take it.
"hey uh, your piss came back with cannabis in it" "well it'd be weirder if it didn't, we are in california and i am a kitchen manager" "you can't have weed if you want adderall" "fine i'll stop" "we'll schedule you another test in a month" "aight bet" it didnt go exactly like that but this is kind of what the vibe between us has devolved into by this point.
anyway i wait a month and get a good grade in piss. i get the meds prescribed. i go to fill out the prescription
all i really need to say to you are the words "prior authorization error" for most of you to get what happened next.
the psych isnt even aware. i wait another month for our next meeting, which was yesterday. i do not yell at him. he tells me to take it up with the pharmacy, and yell at them. i am going to yell at them.
so i go, and guess what, it actually went through a while ago! NO ONE TOLD ME OR DR. FEEL-BAD OVER HERE. but we can't fill it right now because its a controlled substance so come back in a few hours. hey it's ready where the hell are you? TAKE YOUR METH AND GET OUT
anyway i started it today, reorganized my pantry, and fixed the fire alarm in my hallway that's been chirping at me for a week. i no longer have to wear earplugs to bed.
and with my newfound executive function superpowers, i will be spraying my weed-free piss all over Reagan's grave.
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soobswvrld · 10 months
warnings! unedited, punctuation being a rarity
pairing! student!beomgyu x student!reader (idk if yall are in college or hs that's up to you)
a/n! there's no one cute in my classes this year :( how will anyone I want rizz me up? (I literally always talk about soobin or beomgyu or jungwon like they're my bf so I think people think I'm actually dating them)
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beomgyu likes to think that he's good at hiding his feelings for you but everyone can see how enamored he is by you. everyone can tell, his friends, teachers, and even the barista at the cafe you two frequent can tell how much he loves you.
his friends know because he could be screaming so loud that his voice would be hoarse the next day but as soon as you come into the room he always, without fail, rushes up to you and quietly asks you how your feeling while giving your forehead a quick kiss before running back to his friends and if you ever aren't feeling the best he will immediately say bye to his friends and take you home or somewhere secluded to talk about it and comfort you
his teachers know because anytime you come into the room to drop something off or get something from their classroom, beomgyu will suddenly sit up straight and be staring at you with lovestruck eyes with a soft smile waiting for you to look at him, and when you do- he smiles like he didn't almost just fail his test like he's so content and at peace with his life and gives a small happy wave or makes a face to see you smile. his teachers can also tell because whenever someone mentions your name he's joining their conversation or when someone brings up something you like they can hear him say "oh, yn loves that!"
the barista can tell because of how intently he listens to you talk while he makes sure your drink doesn't spill or when you drop something and go down to pick it up he immediately covers the corner of the table or how he always says "yn" when asked for his name (he loves hearing your name) and his bright smile whenever they call out "___ for y/n!" or how he always lets you eat the first bite
even though beomgyu thinks he’s good at hiding how much he loves you he can’t hide how hopelessly in love he is with you
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staytinyville · 7 months
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Stay Alive (26)
BTS poly!ot7 x Reader
Magical Creatures AU
Series Masterlist
Warnings: smut (MDNI), piv, unprotected sex (we don't do that here),
A/N NOT BETA. Honest opinion yall what you think of my smut lol
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You giggled at the younger patients wading around in the pool, trying to learn how to swim. Jimin along with other patients, were holding swim lessons to help the younger kids know the basics. While the only time they got to swim was in the pool, Jimin thought it was best to teach them if the day ever comes that they are freed from this hell. 
“You're doing good!” Jimin praised one of the girls. 
You had a bright smile on your face, putting out towels once the lessons came to an end and everyone got ready to leave. 
“Good work everyone!” Jimin called, waving goodbye to the other patients. 
He nodded his head to some of the other volunteer instructors–most of which were older people who had gotten the chance to learn how to swim before being imprisoned. You gave them kind smiles as they passed you, thank you for the towel you handed them. 
You turned back to Jimin, watching as he ducked under the water causing it to ripple. A soft smile formed on your face the more you watched him do what looked like a dance. It was mesmerizing to watch. 
He popped back out, grinning when he saw you making your way closer to the edge. He waded over, placing his arms along the cement.
“You're amazing with children.” You told him, giving him a water bottle.
“I'm just a great swim teacher.” Jimin chuckled. 
He suddenly frowned after taking gulps of the water. You watched as he dropped his head onto his arms, his legs kicking in the water. 
“There's a lot of kids here who were taken from their families.” He sighed deeply. “They don't get a lot of education for practical things so I asked to be a swim instructor.” He explained. 
“Jungkook helps with physical exercises, Taehyung does art, Jin helps people with cooking, and Hobi teaches magic to the kids.” He smiled softly. “It’s just little things that people should get in their everyday lives. They might try to bribe us with things but we know the truth. This isn’t the life people deserve.”
“I think you guys are amazing to want to teach the younger ones.” You moved your fingers through Jimin’s wet hair, causing him to grin. 
“We got the chance but they won't.” He pressed his lips together. “They're missing so much from their abilities–someone has to tell them.”
“How old is the youngest?” You asked him.
He thought about it for a moment. “Ni-ki is 17.” 
“When was he brought in?” You frowned, shoulders dropping at the idea of such a young boy being stuck here for so long. 
“5 years ago. That was the last time they brought in people.” Jimin explained. “They said they closed off the portal that was used to travel between the worlds.”
“They took a 12 year old from his parents?” You cried, your eyes starting to hurt from the tears piling up. “Jimin, this isn't okay. Why would anyone do this?” 
Jimin quickly pulled himself up from the water, sitting at the ledge of the pool. “He's a greed demon. It's what he does.” Jimin sighed, bringing you in for a hug. You didn’t care for getting your clothing wet, knowing you’ll just ask to borrow some of the boys. 
“We'll save them.” Jimin told you, hand rubbing the back of your neck. “It's something all of us decided to do when they brought in the people after us. No one deserves this.”
He looked down when you began to shake, your tears hitting his wet skin. “Hey don't cry, beautiful.” He pulled you back, wiping at your tears. “We'll get through this.” He told you. 
When your sniffles wouldn’t stop, he looked down at the water before turning back to you. “How about I show you something?” He told you, dropping back into the pool. 
“Show me what?” You tried to stop your tears from falling, wiping at them with the towel you were going to give Jimin. 
“Watch.” He smiled at you before disappearing under the water. 
You leaned over the edge, looking down into the dark pool. You weren’t able to see all the way to the bottom, probably going much deeper than you would be able to swim in. However as you tried to find where Jimin had gone, you suddenly saw a shimmer of scales breach up into the light. You gasped, trying to find the figure again. You quickly fell backwards as a mermaid looking tail made a splash on the surface. You flinched as the water sprayed on your, moving an arm up to keep the chlorine from getting into your eye. 
As you lowered your arm, another gasp pulled from your lips. Jimin’s head had popped out of the water, his nose still under. You could see pale scales surrounding his face, leading to sharply pointed ears. As he swam closer, you moved back to the edge. The more he pulled himself out, the more of his true form you could see. 
His gills moved on the side of his neck, two openings on each side. As he used his hands to pull himself closer to the ledge, the fins on the side of his forearm caught your attention. His fingers flexed, causing the webbing between them to stretch. His nails were also pointed just as sharply as his ears were. 
You giggled when he pushed closer to your face, his nose almost brushing up against yours. The fins along his back moved up and down his spine, closing and opening back up. Your eyes moved to the tail that flicked behind him, its gray fins moving in the water as if it was hair.
“You look—beautiful.” You choked out, staring at his tail swishing along the waves. “Jimin, you're extraordinary.” You told him, looking back at him. 
“Thank you, beautiful.” Jimin spoke quietly, his breath hitting your lips. 
Without thinking about it, you dropped your head down and planted your lips against his plush ones. They were wet and not from him licking them. It was almost like he had gloss–and most often than not it did look like he did. But you figured it was something having to do with his abilities. 
You pulled your head back as Jimin pushed himself out of the pool, his scales and fins disappearing the more he came out of the water. You didn’t pay any attention to it though, instead placing your hands on his face to keep him close. 
Your noses bumped against each other, teeth clashing just a bit. You gasped out with something pointed touched the tip of your lips, allowing him room to slip his tongue into your mouth. It was like the end of a tentacle, but still felt like a normal tongue. It just had a weird shape to it. 
With Jimin now fully out of the water, he crawled over your body, pushing you to lay back onto the floor. You didn’t pay attention to how his skin was wet, your scrubs dried him. At least until his webbing hands moved to pull your shirt up and over your head. 
Jimin pulled back and watched as you seemed to look towards the locker room entrance, before moving your attention back to him. You watched as his eyes went glossy for a moment before smiling down at you. 
“Don’t worry, I asked Taehyung to put my sign on the door.” He told you. 
You smiled at him, enjoying how he knew what you meant with just one look. That or maybe you were just transmitting your thoughts into his without knowing. You didn’t care to think more about as Jimin went back to peppering your neck with kisses. 
Your arms wrapped around his shoulders, legs crossing behind his back as he quickly picked you up. His hands were placed under your thighs, fingers inching closer to your core that seemed to radiate so much heat. He could feel your lower lips through your scrubs, the water from his dip in the pool having soaked you through. Though even if he wasn’t wet, you were sure you would have soaked through without him. 
You back made contact with cold metal, realizing it was a bench he had set you down on. Your legs dropped from his waist which gave Jimin the moment to strip you of your pants. Raising your hips, you made a face at the wet metal. Jimin took notice and moved to grab a towel from the other end. 
“Lean up.” He told you. 
As you sat up, he was kind to place the towel down on the bench. You wanted to giggle at how domestic it seemed. You were about to have sex with Jimin in the pool area–which was public–and here he was trying to make you comfortable. 
When everything was set down, you laid back down, quickly pulling Jimin back to you causing him to gasp. 
“That was sweet of you.” You giggled, pecking his lips. 
His puffy lips pulled into a dazzling grin. “Gotta make sure you’re as comfortable as possible.”
You giggled as he began to suck on your skin again. He didn’t leave marks, only giving you kisses and a tease from his pointed tongue as it poked out from between his lips. He made his way down, your back arching as he paid close attention to your chest. He didn’t stay too long though, quickly moving down your naval and to the band of your underwear. 
You gulped as you watched his slitted eyes glance up at you. You realized how much being a siren really fit Jimin. His looks were something that called your attention. His personality was what brought you into his waters. And you were swimming deeply in them. 
When you felt the cold air brush against your core, you let out a breath. You gasped as you felt Jimin’s breath hitting your thighs, back arching as you began to feel your nerves spark from the proximity.
Jimin looked up at you with hooded eyes, his lips skimming over the skin of your thighs causing you to flinch. He looked down at your core, eyes filled with lust as he grew closer. Your legs placed themselves on his shoulders, knees going over his shoulders. 
The small flick of his pointed tongue on your clit, you gasped out loudly, almost sitting up in your haste. Jimin leaned up though, quickly holding your hips down. His tongue was long if he wanted it to be. So while the fat part of it laid against your clit, the tip probbed at your entrance. 
You were withering from the pleasure, grinding against his tongue the best you could with his arm holding you down. Your moans only seemed to spur Jimin on more as he allowed his entire appendage to enter your heat. This caused you to cry out, hands trying to reach out to grab onto something. 
Jimin moved one of hands into yours, intertwining your fingers together. You began to clench down on his tongue, but he quickly pulled back before you were able to cum. You cried, wanting to sit up and find why he had stopped. But when you looked at him, you saw him quickly taking off his swim shorts. 
Your pussy clenched as you moaned from the sight of him. Your fingers reached for the towel under you again, clenching the fabric. He crawled back over you, fingers delicately swiping against your cheeks. You took in the scales that stuck around his face, feeling breathless from how beautiful he truly was. 
“Thank you.” He whispered against your lips. 
You softly moaned when his cock fell against your lips, hot and heavy between his legs. You moved our hips in a circle, rubbing your clit along the ridges of Jimin’s cock. He groaned against your lips, pulling away to look down at where you were using him to pleasure yourself. 
With his hands on your hips, he allowed you to use him as you please. You began to whine at how he didn’t seem to help you, which made him laugh. The pout on your lips made him lean over to kiss it away. 
“I got you, Beautiful. Don’t worry.” He grinned, teeth sharp. “I’ll give you what you want.”
With his words, he took a hold of his cock and lined himself up at your entrance. But he still kept teasing you. He only allowed himself to push the tip in, smiling evilly as you began to wither from him not moving forward. 
“Jimin.” You whined, circling your hips to make him go deeper. 
“Sorry.” He giggled, leaning over you as he pushed deeper. “It’s so fun to watch you whine.”
You would have retorted something back, but he started to thrust his hips back and forth effortlessly stopping you from saying anything. The only thing that seemed to slip out from your mouth were whines and moans. It started to dry your throat out. 
Jimin’s mouth hung open as his own grunts slipped past his lips. He had his eyes squeezed shut, basking in the way you seemed to grip him. One of his arms held him up while the other was gripping your hips. 
“You gonna cum?” He whispered to you as he leaned down. 
“Come on, beautiful. I waited for you to come.” His breath hit the shell of your ear, causing goosebumps to raise on your skin. “I want to feel you fall apart on my cock.”
You cried out as your orgasm started to form. Jimin shut his eyes tightly, groaning from you squeezing around him. Just as he felt your pussy throb around him, he quickly pulled out and let go of his release on your stomach. You withered on the bench, moaning from your orgasm that was coming down. 
Once Jimin had calmed down from his own high, he began to message your legs. Your breathing was returning to normal, which made him smile. “You okay, lovely?” He called out.
“I’m fine.” You giggled, looking at him. 
“Let’s go take a shower.” He told you, grabbing your hand. 
“Is there anyone left?” You couldn’t sit up just yet, which made Jimin pick you up. 
He carried you bridal style to the locker room, not caring to pick up the clothes you had left in the pool.
“No. We are alone.” He told you. 
When he walked into the men’s locker room, you were in fact alone which made your beating heart calm down. He set you down on a bench as he prepared the shower for the both of you. You watched as he moved around to get everything, appreciating his butt. 
He sent you a playful glare at the thought, which made you giggle. Once everything was ready, you both washed away the activities of the day. Both the normal ones and the dirty. 
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Series Masterlist
UPDATE. Next chapter update will be November 13 , 6:00 PM (US Central Time)
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