#yandere blu medic
yanderes-galore · 1 month
Heres the request I wanna send early
TF2 yandere Blu Medic with prompts from your list
7.) "All this blood? It's all for you! Everything I do is all for you!"
61.) "Being alone is worse than you hating me."
63.) "You're my everything!"
Sure! Using the plot idea you sent me. Just because he's the BLU Medic and more tame than RED doesn't mean he's scared of blood ;) Took more of a horror approach, hope you enjoy!
Yandere! BLU Medic Prompts 7, 61, 63
"All this blood? It's all for you! Everything I do is all for you!"
"Being alone is worse than you hating me."
"You're my everything!"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Graphic murder scene, Blood, Violence, Kidnapping implied near end, Drugging (Implied to be sleeping pills), Possessive behavior, Jealousy, Slight sadism, Disturbing themes, General Yandere behavior, Implied forced relationship.
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Normally, Medic could keep his cool. He was always nice and gentle with his beloved... Always patient and supportive. However... Tonight he just couldn't.
Medic always thought you two would be together. He's always dreamed of it, obsessed over it.... You are all that's on his mind. It's why he keeps following you... tracking your every move like something to be studied.
Then that partner of yours shattered his dreams.
Admittedly... He should've minded his own business. He knows it isn't right for him to stalk you. You should have the ability to choose... He should just be a friend to rely on.
Yet he was far too invested by this point... The doctor snapping when he watched your little date play out.
Medic knew he was reckless. He let his emotions get the better of him when he cornered that pitiful partner of yours in an alley. He should've done this cleaner and out of your sight... Not behind that damned restaurant you ate at.
He may have made major mistakes... But it felt so good to get rid of the little homewrecker.
He'll admit, he was having a bit too much fun when he cut them up. Their blood stains his casual clothes, his usual doctor's coat hung up in his home for his next patient. In his hands he grips a knife he swiped from the restaurant you had your date at.
His expression is eerily cold when he glares down at your date. This person managed to capture your heart? This person and not him?
Really... You could do better...
Much better.
Medic lost himself in the rhythm of his knife's thrusts. Blood sputters from the wounds and soon your poor date stops screaming into Medic's hand. He barely even noticed as he twists the knife into the gut of his victim.
Then... Screaming started again...
Yet it wasn't from the poor soul he just mutilated.
Medic snaps from his spell of madness when he turns to see you. Your eyes are wide and you loo nauseous. No doubt due to the sight of Medic covered in blood while holding the corpse of your date.
Medic felt his heart drop when he realized what he's done, the knife long forgotten on the ground just like the corpse. He snapped... He killed your date... He was sloppy. Now you found out and he was going to lose you.
He can't let that happen.
Like a rabid animal, Medic began to chase you through the night streets. Adrenalina guided him as he ran to keep up with your fleeing form. If only he was more careful.
He kept calling out to you in a distraught tone. He sounded like the victim, as though his clothes weren't bloody. He kept apologizing, calling your name in sweet tones and affectionate nicknames...
Although, soon you couldn't run anymore.
The moment your footing faltered and your lungs began to stutter, Medic took the opportunity to tackle you into the darkness. Your squeal is cut off by his bloody hand as he straddles you on the ground. He doesn't meant to be rough... Yet these are dire times.
"Listen to me...!" He tries to plead to your thrashing figure. "All this blood? It's all for you! Everything I do is all for you!"
Medic sees you freeze, staring at him in shock. He bites his lip nervously as you pull against his hand. Of course you wouldn't understand....
"You're my everything..." Medic admits as if the moment was a tender confession. "I just... I couldn't lose you! What would I do then? I know this was wrong but... I don't want anyone else to have you!"
His eyes are crazed and his grip is tight. He looks like a serial killer, much different than your doctor friend. Tears roll down your eyes as you tear off his hand from your mouth.
The taste of blood enters your mouth as you scream.
"I hate you!" You cry, kicking and thrashing. Medic merely stares down at you, a look of pity and betrayal on his face. "I hate that you lied to me! I hate that you're a psychotic murderer who's obsessed with me! I just hate you!"
The silence is deafening between you. Medic continues to stare at you as you cry and scream. At that moment... He really didn't care what you thought.
You don't seem to have the best judgement anyways according to your partner choice.
"Being alone is worse than you hating me." Medic whispers, palming his pocket for something. He always kept this on him, debating if he should use it one day on you or not. Now seemed to be the time. "Now... I think my little love bird should take their medicine since they're so bad tonight."
You give him a confused look before he removes a pill bottle from his pocket. You then begin to thrash again when he pours some pills in his hand and forces open your mouth. Like forcing a cat to take a pill, he places them in your mouth before shoving your mouth shut and pinching your nose.
"Swallow." He growls in your ear. "These will make you relax and sleep... I promise I'll take much better care of you than that date of yours."
You have no choice but to swallow the pills eventually. The amount you take increases the effect, making you unable to struggle against Medic. He grins when he sees this, crawling off you and picking you up.
"Best we get you taken care of, yeah? I'll take you to our home to rest..." Medic coos with a psychotic grin. The fear on your face is ignored by the crazed doctor.
"I think we've both had a bit too much excitement... haven't we, my dove?"
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👀 yandere Emesis Blue??
Yandere Blu Medic finding out his Darling is working a tec job for the Reds. Worse yet, he finds them inside the Conager Slaughterhouse.
I just can’t get over how absolutely unhinged Medic is in this film. He starts out with such a gentle voice- then he goes to wreaking havoc at a funeral. I love his crazy.
Ooooh, I like your style! 😎
Alright then.
Yandere Emesis Blue Medic x Reader (who is inside the Conagher slaughterhouse.)
Warnings: yandere thoughts, mentions of blood. Normal Emesis Blue things...
The feeling of his heart pounding behind his ribcage makes him grimace. It hurt so bad, but it told him that he was still alive. He could feel each palpitation of his heart. How is burned, how it kept beating despite his fear. His hairs stood on end. His sharp inhales and exhales sent warm pain though his lungs. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. Nothing but ice-cold fear and burning pain. Everything hurt. It felt like he was dying. Everything burns and feels so numb and cold. The slaughterhouse remained stoic, cold and unforgiving to its pained inhabitant.
His mind tried to focus but still it wandered. His eyes glossing over as his mind struggles to travel to a safe space. Images of you float through his mind. How your voice sounds so soothing when you speak. How you are able to speak and maintain control over your voice. How it sounds so welcoming to his ears after a particularly long and grueling day. How you walk with a little spring in your step when you're happy. Or when you drag your feet when you're tired or sad. The way you always know what to say to others to make them feel better.
The mere thought of you makes his lips twitch up into an ever so slight smile. Letting out a soft and shaky exhale and placing a hand over his heart Medic cautiously turns his head to the left and look around with anxious wandering eyes. Suddenly as if by fate he hears something familiar. Something so comforting sounding.
The dark atmosphere and dangerous environment games away as he recognizes the sound....You. It's your voice. A pang of excitement and joy well up in his chest then come plummeting down. What the hell were you doing here? Why are you here? How?! He walks closer and sees you mumbling to yourself as you clean the floor of what looks like blood. Stepping closer and quietly clearing his throat you look up in surprise.
"(Y/n), what are you doing here?"
Your lower lip trembles and you can feel your heart race. The dark dimly lit corridor and and cold surrounding make the manstanding at the other end of the hall before you look all the more terrifying.
You look on in horror as the Medic gets closer and closer. His steps are clumsy and dragging. You can see the blood splattered all over his torn clothes, his broken glasses hanging from the torn cartilage of his ear....your mind begins to race.
'Where are his eyes?!'
'Where...Oh God, where are his eyes??!!'
You back away as fast as you can. His footsteps getting quicker and quicker. You can hear his ragged breath in his decaying lungs. The smell of his foul odor permeating the area. Tears prick painfully at your eyes and you will yourself not to gag on the spot.
You can feel the gross, burning bile rising at the back of your throat, whimpering as you run away. Your legs ache and your body feels as if your running through copies amounts ice water. Up ahead you remember the door to the exit. A surge of adrenaline courses through you. Dark whispers echo along the walls and ring in your ears. His gravelly soft masculine voice fills your head.
"Mein Leibe..."
The door! You must reach the door!
You get to the door and try to open it. But nothing happens....A devasted wail bubbles up in your throat. It's locked. You sink to your knees and sob pitifully against the barrier preventing you from escaping. Banging your fists against the door like a mad man you scream and cry with terror. The air around you gets colder. You realize that you are now trapped here...with a dead man.
Teehee~ I'm such a silly goose.
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(Main page (rules, fandom list, extra info))
💗 is multishots / 💝 is oneshots / 💌 is headcanons
💕 is fluff / 💔 is angst / ❣️ is lime / 💋 is smut
💞 is poly / 💘 is match-up / 🤍 is not an x-reader / 🩵 is platonic
orange means it is being worked on / red means it is in my inbox
RED!Mercs with Pacifist!Medic!BLU!Reader - 💕/🩵 + 💌
Touch starved!Sniper with s/o - 💕 + 💌
Scout with introverted s/o - 💌 + 💕
Engineer with chronically ill s/o - 💌 + 💕
Heavy, Engineer and Medic with an s/o with night terrors - 💌 + 💕
Medic finds out crush is an alien - 💕 + 💌
Sniper + Wildlife anon - 💕 + 💘/💌
LGBTQ headcanons - 💌/🤍
Trans Scout - 💌/🤍
Sniper only connecting with the reader - 💕 + 💌
Joy with fem!S/o who is depressed - 💕 + 💌
Dallas with a male crush - 💕 + 💌
Wolf with shy!male!reader - 💕 + 💌
Dallas with small!fem!sniper!S/o - 💌 + 💕
Hoxton x Wolf x reader - 💌 + 💞 + 💕
OG gang post-ending - 💌/🤍 + 💔
Dallas with a Medic s/o - 💌 + 💕
Houston + Hoxton flustering their s/o - ❣️ + 💞+ 💌
Wolf with a male s/o - 💕 + 💌
Bain, Houston, Sokol and Dallas with shy/cute/sensitive (fem) reader - 💌 + 💕
Clover, Bonnie, Bodhi + Dragan grieving their s/o - 💌 + 💔
Sokol + Jacket with (male) s/o watching (bad horror) movies - 💌 + 💕 + 💞
Hoxton with crush that's a (nice) guard - 💌 + 💕
Bain + Heisters with a cuddly s/o - 💌 + 💕
Sokol, Hoxton + Bain with hypersensitive s/o - 💌 + (slight) 💔 + 💞
Jacket, Jimmy, Houston + Hoxton with innocent s/o - 💌 + 💕 + ❣️
Houston + Hoxton with mediator/s/o who breaks up their fights - 💌 + 💕
Bain with his crush - 💌 + 💕
Dallas with younger/silly s/o - 💌 + 💕
Jacket, Hoxton, Sokol + Bain with s/o who's an 'over-achiever' - 💌 + 💕
Dallas, Hoxton, Houston + Wolf with hurt s/o - 💌 + 💕
Houston with tiny s/o - 💌 + 💞
Dallas + Houston catching their s/o singing - 💌 + 💕
Jacket with s/o 'sharing a bed' - 💝 + 💕
Hoxton with s/o 'no strings attached' (I hate this one sm bc it's old and cringe) - 💌 + 💔 + ❣️
Jimmy and his s/o during + after work - 💌 + 💕
Sleeping Dogs
Wei with s/o helping him with his grief - 💌 + 💔 + 💕
Wei, Jackie + Winston and their s/o - 💌 + 💕
Wei with s/o who's cousins with Dogeyes - 💌 + 💔 + 💕
BBC Ghosts
Thomas with best friend/crush reader - 💌 + 💔 + 💕
Clone Wars/The Bad Batch
Crosshair + Hunter with the same crush (Mafia AU) - 💌 + 💕
Demon Crosshair with a crush that's an Angel (AU) - 💌 + (slight) 💔 + 💕
Hunter with caretaker!Reader - 💕 + 💌
Ninjas with angry sibling reader - 💌
Star Wars: Rebels
(There's nothing yet)
Faith: The Unholy Trinity
(There's nothing yet)
Detroit: Become Human
(There's nothing yet)
(There's nothing yet)
Henry Stickmin Collection
(There's nothing yet)
Yandere simulator
(There's nothing yet)
Minecraft: Story Mode
(There's nothing yet)
Sons of the Forest
(There's nothing yet)
(There's nothing yet)
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5eraphim · 1 year
This is a continuation of this post, specifically the Spy vs Engineer section by @cuteghostwriter I believe the original post posited it was supposed to be Red Spy vs Blu Engineer, but I think for the sake of drama, let's suppose they are on the same side. If you liked this story please, please, please, please go follow cuteghostwriter too!!!! Their work is honestly why I got into Team Fortress 2 (like literally this specific post had me like “hm team fortress 2, that’s a name I haven’t heard in 10 years, wonder what that’s all about 🤔” in the first place and I treasure them and their work so much! <3
Characters: Spy and Engineer (Team Fortress 2)
Rating: T
Content Warnings: hurt/comfort, yandere, forced intimacy, depression, unhealthy relationship dynamics, angst
Word Count: 3k
(Song Inspo)
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There was a knock at the door. You didn't respond in any way except by staring up at the ceiling over your bed. How long had that door been shut now, a few days; Had it already been a whole week? With the curtains permanently drawn around you, the door shut, a half-empty bottle of sleeping pills beside you, and Engie's old radio he'd loaned you ages ago playing in the corner of your room, time meant nothing anymore. Without your Engie, nothing meant anything anymore. In truth, you couldn't even remember how many days had passed since the tragic accident which claimed Engie's life. 
You were told there was some miscalculation made, one of his sentry guns going out of control mid-repair in the middle of the night while he was at work in his shop, claiming his life. Everyone told you there was nothing to be done. No one was close enough at the time to make it there in time to save him. This did nothing to stop your grief or guilt over the matter, especially as you were the first to discover the carnage the following day. You hated yourself for not checking on him earlier or dragging him to bed, not knowing how to bring him back, everything.
Medic tried to console you, telling you he was certain Engie hadn't suffered long. This was all a tragic accident, everything you knew to be the truth but simply could not accept. 
Since then, you'd been hiding away in your quarters, hardly leaving your room or even your bed. Engie was one of the most beloved members of the team, a friend to all, and you knew everyone needed time to mourn their comrade. Everyone knew you two were close and allowed you the time you needed to be alone. You received a bottle of mild sleeping pills from the Medic. With those in hand, you shut your door and turned your back on the rest of the world. The distress and grief of everything made it impossible to get out of bed, and it felt as though days were stretching by doing nothing to alleviate your misery. You watched with tired eyes as the door to your room slowly cracked open for the first time in days, as Spy cautiously peered in at you from the outside.
"May I come in?"
It had been so long since you had to interact with another, and you didn't know what to say, much less understand why he decided to check up on you now. In the dark, you nodded your head once, which was enough of an invitation for Spy, who you weren't even sure how he could see in the darkness of your quarters. He crept forward as silently as a cat, taking in the pitiful sight of your bedroom.
He continued, thankfully not turning on the bright overhead light but opting for the smaller bedside lamp. The illumination of the overhead light would've likely stung your eyes, and it was nice to remain in the low lighting just a bit longer. "Do you mind if I sit down?"
"I don't mind."
Your voice sounded dry and unused, and you weren't sure what Spy would be most disconcerted by. The weakness of your voice, the empty plastic water bottles scattered on the floor amid a few granola bar wrappers, or the smell of perspiration and stale air, which hung like a heavy fog in the room. Too numbed with apathy to feel any embarrassment of another catching you in such a state. Nothing trivial like that could compare to the agony that was your new life without your beloved.
"I came to check up on you. It has been days since I last saw you, and I wanted to ensure you were doing alright. I can only imagine what you're going through. I know how close you were."
The one-word response was all you could think to say. After not interacting with another person for days, you'd lost your sense of communication and couldn't think of anything else to say as you stared blankly at the ceiling.
"I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me."
You wanted to be alone again but didn't have the resolve to tell him to leave outright. So instead, you figured if you told him nothing, he wouldn't worry. As though the state of your living quarters weren't a thinly-veiled cry for help.
"You're not alone, you know. We all loved our Engineer, and I know I'm-"
"Don't lie to me."
"I said don't fucking lie to me."
Spy opened his mouth to speak, his brow momentarily creasing in confusion, but you cut him off before he could say anything. Feeling suddenly angry, this was the first strong emotion you'd felt since discovering the slaughtered remains of your Engineer.
"Everyone knows you hated him! You-you were always terrible to Engie! I know how you mocked him- always looking down on him! So don't you dare lie to me and say you understand what I feel! You little snake!"
Spy looked shocked to hear this and even hurt. Of course, if it were anyone else, you'd never say this, but you were too caught up in the heat of the moment to stop yourself.
"You never respected him like we did- you don't care about anyone but yourself! You are the most self-absorbed person I've ever known! It should've been you who died that night! Hell, you'd probably kill him yourself if you could! You're always up late- why didn't you save him!"
Hot tears continued to roll down the sides of your face. You spoke through grit teeth between choked, pathetic-sounding sobs.
"But- I was up too, I should've been there- I knew he was working late, I could've prevented him… Oh God-"
It was impossible to continue your rant as you could not stop sobbing. You knew your words were harsh and didn't mean it, but you couldn't stop yourself. You were mad at the world for taking the man you loved more than anyone away, but most of all, you hated yourself for not being there to save him. You would do anything to get him back, give your own life for him, but none of that mattered. He was dead now, and you were the one stuck living with the guilt. 
Sitting upright in bed, you curled your knees up to your chest, hugging yourself in a tight ball. You buried your face in your hands, only somewhat aware of the other man's arms around your shoulders, rolling soft little circles with fingertips against your flesh to try to soothe you. Then, practically shouting into your hands, you spoke again with a cry.
"It should've been me!"
"Shh, no, don't talk like that."
Spy drew a little closer, arms now fully wrapped around you, and he rested his head on top of yours. For a second, you tried to pull away and push Spy away from your body, but only for a moment. Then, as the emotions continued to pour out, you decided to give in and let him hold you close. As much as you hated him, it's been so long since you felt the comfort of another. You'd been hiding away and lurking in the shadows for so long, pushing everyone else out. You'd totally forgotten just how much you needed a little emotional support. Spy guided your head to rest on his lap, laying you back down on your side as he softly petted your head, your face still covered by your hands as you lay down.
"If our Engineer were here, he'd smack you for saying that, you know."
You knew he was just trying to lighten the mood, but all you could think about was how badly you wanted to see him again. Missing his smile, his touch, all of the beautiful things he made you feel, nothing but a memory now. Gone, in the past, and forever out of reach.
"There's so much I never got to tell him. I loved him- and I never got the chance to tell him, and now- God, now he's gone forever!"
He continued to hush your sobs softly, speaking with an emotional sincerity you'd never expect to come from someone like him.
"I know it hurts, but you know if he were here, he'd want you to take care of yourself. I know you were close, but our Engineer wouldn't want you to live in the past like this. You know he'd want to see you take care of yourself."
Even though you couldn't stop crying, you found his words soothing. You'd felt so lost and lonely for days to hear someone, anyone- tell you there was still hope felt comforting. You'd unconsciously been pushing down all hope to go on for so long. Hearing another person try so earnestly to console you like this felt so bizarre. So for a bit longer, you simply allowed Spy to hold you like this while you continued to sob until, little by little, you could feel your crying let up. All the emotional distress you'd bottled up since Engie died began to trickle out, and you could feel your crying soften.
"Spy, I miss him more than anything. I'm going to miss him forever."
"I know-"
"No Spy, I mean- I loved him! I loved him so much, and I never got to tell him!"
A fresh wave of self-loathing overtook you, as you were ashamed to remember how you were always too scared to tell him how you felt. You would do anything to get just one more day to tell him how you felt, but none of that mattered now that he was dead and gone. You felt so cowardly and gutless for never having the courage to tell him how you felt.
"I know. You need time to heal, but you can't do that alone in the dark like this."
You sat up from his lap, feeling his body sliding away from you slightly until he stood up, standing over the side of the bed.
"I'd stay with you here all night if you wanted, but it'd be best if you got out of this room. Just for tonight."
You rolled onto your back and looked up at him with bleary eyes. Likely you looked just as messy and unkempt as you felt, yet the way Spy looked down at you, it was as though you were the most lovely person he'd ever seen. "You can't get any better hiding all alone like this. Why don't you come back to my room with me, and I'll help clean you up?"
He cupped your face in his hands, brushing away your tears with his thumbs as he smiled warmly. You looked aside, you doubted you had the strength to take care of yourself, and you really didn't want him to go away. But selfishly, you wanted to continue sulking and ignore the world for a while longer, but you knew he was right. If Engie were here, he'd want to see you taking care of yourself. Yet, somehow it felt like a betrayal to let Spy, just about the only person on his team Engie despised, be the one to take care of you like this. What would he think of you if he could see you now? Sensing your hesitation, he continued.
"I know this is hard, but let me take care of everything. I want to do whatever I can to help."
Swallowing your hesitation, you nodded shakily and allowed the other man to help pull you from bed and onto your own two feet. Although, you were glad he was keeping an arm around your shoulders to hold you steady. Your legs felt weak and unsteady after laying down for so long, and you allowed yourself to give in entirely as Spy led you out of your room, quietly closing the door behind him as he led you toward his living space.
Spy's own room was just as well-kept and lush as you'd expected, though you were always too shy to accept his invitations up to his room before now. You followed as he led you to the bathroom connected to his own room. 
"I can get you some fresh clothes, but let me help get you washed up first. Will you let me do that for you?"
Usually, you'd object to something like this. Not only were you plenty able to take care of yourself, but the idea of letting a man you worked with strip you down and take care of you like this felt a bit risque. But given the situation, you just nodded at him as he drew a bath, shedding his jacket and folding it up on the counter before turning to help you out of your clothes. No words were exchanged, feeling content to listen to the water running from the tap as your clothes were stripped away and carefully folded on the other side of the counter as he gingerly helped you into the tub. 
You allowed your eyes to drift shut for a moment. Resting your head back and feeling the warm water slowly climb higher and higher around you. Spy hummed softly beside you, but his voice, the smell of the expensive soaps, his touch, and his presence all felt muted somehow, as though this were all some dream, and it was only a matter of time before you awoke back in your bed in week-old clothes drenched in the smell of sweat and stale air. 
Every now and then, you would find your eyes fluttering open but not really focusing on everything in particular. You could see Spy's naked upper body over the lip of the tub, using a soft rag to rinse the suds from your body hair. In truth, you would've never assumed someone you once were so sure was nothing more than a selfish cynic to be capable of something so tender and intimate, but you couldn't help but find yourself relaxing more and more beside him the longer he worked. You also realized this was the first time you'd felt his touch without his gloves. His hands weren't nearly as calloused or knuckled as you expected and felt reassuring and gentle against your soft skin and scalp.
After a few more minutes of this, you were given a moment alone in the tub while he left to find you something to change into. While you didn't know if you were comfortable spending the night here, it was an improvement to another night locked away like a prisoner. While he was in the other room, you leaned forward enough to pull the stopper from the drain, standing up, letting the water roll off your naked body in little rivers and heavy drops. Then, doing your best not to trail too much water on the floor, you made your way to the closet, where towels were kept to dry the rest of the water from your skin. 
You felt another set of arms wrapping around you, giving you a soft hug from behind before you realized he'd returned. 
"I have some spare clothes for you on the bed. Come with me."
You didn't respond but followed wordlessly as he guided you from the bathroom back to his bedroom, the towel falling to your feet. Discarded upon soaking up the last of the water which clung to your body. Sitting on his bed, you pulled on a pair of flannel boxer shorts and an oversized undershirt. 
"Rest here. Let me get the lights for us."
He kissed the top of your head before tucking you under the blankets like a small child, ensuring you were fully snug and comfortable under the blankets before briefly pulling away to shut off the lights. He shifted beside you, getting himself comfortable in bed, laying on his side right next to you, wrapping warm arms around you to totally envelope your body with his. Gently resting his forehead on the top of your still-damp scalp.
He continued to nuzzle his face into your hair as you spoke in a quiet, unsteady voice, still strained slightly from your earlier crying.
"I'm really sorry about what I said earlier. It shouldn't have been you, and I know you'd never leave Engie to die. You didn't deserve to hear that. And... I'm really sorry about all that."
He chuckled a little using his fingertips to rub little semicircles against your skin. "Don't worry about that now. You're forgiven."
Biting your lip a little, you couldn't help but feel an awful pit of guilt in your stomach. Spy was the only person to check on you in days, and you thanked him by wishing death upon him and yelling in his face. It was hard to ignore the prickling sensation of fresh tears, you didn't want to let him know you were crying again, but you could tell by the way his hold around you tightened a little that he already knew.
"It's alright. I'm here for you now. I'll always be here. I'll always love you. Now close your eyes and try to sleep."
Easier said than done, but you did your best to let your mind drift off to sleep again. But you couldn't help but feel so selfish. What right did you have to be loved like this? You couldn't protect the person you loved the most. You didn't deserve this. But the way Spy held you against his body, whispering sweet, comforting things to you, it was hard not to melt under his touch, so you did. Shutting your eyes forced yourself to slow your breathing, and listen to the sound of Spy's heart beating, the slow, hypnotic rhythm slowly causing you to drift deeper and deeper to slumber. The last thing you could remember before drifting off was Spy's gentle purring in your ear.
"You're all mine now. No one will take you away. Mine forever."
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yandere-plague · 1 year
Hello! Am I able to request a platonic yandere tf2 merc (of your choice) with a friend or family member who they find out is hired by the other team? If you’re comfortable with writing it :)
Imma write this assuming you have had no contact or have fallen out with Sniper.
This is really bad,I'm sorry , I ran out of ideas.
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Mundy, your older brother.
You had no idea you would see him again, not like this.
You never really got along with him growing up, and his sudden disappearance to work at some job didn't make it any easier.
You got offered a job out of the blue, some woman in a purple dress thought that you would be the perfect (class) for the Blu team.
In reality you should have asked questions, stopped and asked about the job. But the high pay and greed took over you.
You took the bus to a nearby small village as per requested from "Pauling".
She had to meet some Woman to gather intel, about what you honestly couldn't tell.
After meeting up with her she drove you to the base.
She had already informed the others of a new (class) arriving.
"Oh, and uh, before I go. Just, don't think about the other teams (class), it'll make sense."
You were confused sure but just shrugged it off, maybe its part of one of those NDAs you signed.
After you met and greeted everyone on your team it was time for battle.
The hanger door opened, scout rushed ahead and everyone followed put.
The enemy team fired straight away, heavy and medic stuck together. While spy and soldier pissed off somewhere.
The sniper was your target, as long as you could get to him before being seen, then your team could kill the rest and you could capture the control point easily.
You walked up the creaky wooden stairs, trying not to make much noise.
You peaked your head round the corner, the Sniper in clear view.
He looks so familiar, huh- oh.
He flinched, narrowly missing your teams Heavy. Nobody knew his real name.
He swiftly turned his head toward you, eyes widening.
"Oh my god."
He put down his Rifle, hugging you.
"(Y/n)?! How did you? When-"
"I got here recently, first mission, better question is, WHAT are YOU doing here?!" You glared at him, sure you missed the shit out of him. But the fact that you never got to say goodbye really stuck with you.
"Im sorry, I- I got this job offer out of nowhere, I couldn't refuse it, I dont know why, I'm sorry. Again."
You sighed and looked down. Grimacing at the yellow jars on the floor.
He took of his hat, putting it next to his rifle.
You both just stood in silence, the ambiance of the battle making the situation kind of awkward.
"You shouldn't be here."
You looked at him in confusion.
"Why? Just because your little (bro/sis) is here? So you could piss off and leave without a trace?"
"No I- thats not what I meant." He out his hat back on, fumbling with it.
"Then what?"
He fumbled for an explanation, before searching for something on him.
"What are you doing?"
"Im looking for- ah." He pulled out a Tranquilliser Dart.
"A tranq dart? What are you planning to do with... that." The realisation hitting you like a bullet.
(Okay I've got up to this point and I've honestly lost all hope with this ;_;)
(It would have ended with him kidnapping you and being tied in his van)
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redamoureux · 1 year
> Team Fortress 2 | Madness combat
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( Edited: 21/4/23 )
Multiple characters:
Valentine Special (All Mercs) Part 1 | Part 2 | Part3
Sniper & Scout reaction with darling who has fear of isolation
Yandere BLU Pyro headcanons/short
Yandere Platonic Heavy headcanons
Platonic Engineer with someone who wants to be like him
Medic with darling who has the same interest as him
Medic with darling who passes out from stress
General Romantic Medic Headcanons
Sniper with darling who has a child
Yandere Spy assasinating darling's corrupt family
General Romantic Spy Headcanons
Canon divergence
General Emesis Blue Soldier short scenario
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ctghost · 1 year
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( Edited: 7/8/23 )
Multiple characters:
Valentine Special (All Mercs) Part 1 | Part 2 | Part3
Sniper & Scout reaction with darling who has fear of isolation headcanons
Medic, Sniper, Scout with darling who's a bounty hunter headcanons
Sniper, Scout, Medic with darling who runs in Encierro headcanons
Engineer, Sniper, Spy falling in love in Enemy Medic darling headcanons/short
Soldier, Pyro, Engineer, Medic, Scout with Darling who has heavy accent headcanons
Yandere Scout headcanons/short
Yandere BLU Pyro headcanons/short
Yandere Platonic Heavy headcanons
Platonic Engineer with someone who wants to be like him
Medic with darling who has the same interest as him headcanons/short
Medic with darling who passes out from stress headcanons/short
General Romantic Medic headcanons
Platonic medic with child clone darling headcanons
Sniper with darling who has a child headcanons
Yandere Spy assasinating darling's corrupt family headcanons/short
General Romantic Spy headcanons
Platonic BLU Spy dad realizing Scout darling is his child headcanons
Canon divergence
General Emesis Blue Soldier short scenario
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yuckie-obsessive · 2 years
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Please no reposting without credit
Also blog should be noted as catering to “mature” content. 18+ only. Minors DNI
💖 Call me Kie 💖 they/them 💖
Ask me stuff or requests. I’m struggling with some things and general interest as wandered elsewhere, but I’ll respond to it when I can.
For my (y/n) insert pics, if you’d like you can use it essentially like a DA oc base image. All I ask is for a tag because I would really like to see what people do with it omg.
Current obsessions:
Miguel O’Hara (Spiderverse)
TF2 (Blu!Spy & Blu!Medic - Red!Sniper AU shit)
Borderlands 2 (Handsome Jack)
Youtuber Egos (Antisepticeye and Darkiplier)
Overwatch (Ramattra and Sigma- Galactic Emperor Sigma specifically)
Labyrinth (Jareth the Goblin King)
All the above plus their yandere alterations
Youtuber Ego Stuff:
Darkiplier x Reader x Antisepticeye
Taken By The Void [Masterlist] female (on hiatus)
Double Trouble (drabble) gn
Darkiplier x Reader
Door (drabble) gn
A Dream? (drabble) gn
Did You Miss Me? (drabble) gn
Just The Start (drabble) gn
For the Best Ending (drabble) gn
Antisepticeye x Reader
Escape Attempt (drabble) gn
Always Finds You (oneshot) female
Let Me Capture You [Masterlist]
Discharged (oneshot) gn
Helping Hands (oneshot) gn
Septic-egos x Reader
Back From The Dead (HC lists) gn
Come Join Us (upcoming) (deciding)
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xxiamtiebrousxx · 2 years
Tenth Merc (Tf2 x Reader) One Shots Master List
Burnt Cupcakes (Pyro x Reader)
2 A.M (Spy x Reader)
Early Worms (Demo x Reader)
Big League Gum (Scout x Reader)
Midnight Kisses (Vampire! Sniper x Reader) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Metal Limbs (Engineer x Reader)
Raccoon Night (Soldier x Reader)
Self Care (Spy x Reader)
Games (Sniper x Reader)
Crisis (Medic x Reader)
Yandere Mercs and What They Would Do
What the Mercs Would Do if You Were Yandere and They're Perfectly Fine With It
Offense Classes x Self Conscious! Reader
All Because of My Dog (Piss Cakehole x Reader)
Hold Me Close (CBS x Reader)
Distance (Sewer Medic x Reader)
Through the Scope (BLU! Sniper x RED! Reader)
That Smile (Polite Spy x Reader)
Mercs x Insane! Reader
The After Crisis (Medic x Reader)
Mercs x Tall! Reader
Mercs x Jack of Traits! Reader
Mercs x Depressed! Reader
Mercs x Addams! Reader
Same Old Costume (Mercs x Reader) Halloween Special
Mercs x Ukrainian! Reader
Mercs x Dragon Trainer! Reader
Mercs x Goat Hybrid! Reader
The Day of Turkey (Mercs x Reader) Thanksgiving Special
Mercs x Gopnik! Reader
Six Feet Apart (Blightcaller x Reader)
Mercs x Chernobyl Liquidator! Reader
So This is Christmas? (Mercs x Reader) Christmas Special
Mercs x Dragon Trainer! Reader Part 2
Never Tiresome (Cakehole Piss x Reader)
Lovey Dovey (Mercs x Reader) Valentine's Day Special
A Bit Crazy (Medic x Psychologist! Reader)
Certain Mercs! x Flordian(ish) Reader
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ao3feed-tf2ships · 3 months
『 When RED rejected BLU 』
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/54362554
by obsessivemenace
The RED Medic made a fatal mistake rejecting his BLU counterpart.
Words: 130, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 51 of 『♥ Yandere Café ♥』
Fandoms: Team Fortress 2
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Medic (Team Fortress 2), RED Medic (Team Fortress 2), BLU Medic (Team Fortress 2)
Relationships: Medic/Medic (Team Fortress 2), BLU Medic/RED Medic (Team Fortress 2)
Additional Tags: Yandere, Yandere Medic (Team Fortress 2), Yandere BLU Medic (Team Fortress 2), Murder, Crushes, Love Confessions, Confessions, One Shot, Angst, Blood and Gore, Gore
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/54362554
0 notes
anarkhebringer · 6 years
BLU Spy: Hello, Ludwig.
RED Medic: You know who I am?
BLU Spy: I’ve had my eyes on you.
RED Medic: That’s kind of cool and kind of creepy.
BLU Spy: Yeah, it sounded a little stalkery. Didn’t mean it like that.
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
if you still do TF2/Team Fortress 2, can you make a contitutation of you medic x angel! reader fic where he kidnaps them?? i love that fic sm and thank you!! if you do it :3
I just ended up doing a little weird poetic concept for the aftermath, I hope you like it. It wasn't really meant to have a continuation.
Fic this continues here I think
Yandere! BLU Medic with Angel! Darling Continuation
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Worship yandere, Mentions of the Christian religion, Sinning/Vague implications of intimacy through wording, Manipulation, Descent into madness on Darling's part, Darling gives up on humanity, Probably could be seen as a metaphor, Mature Themes, Forced relationship.
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Ah yes, the tale of a mortal man on the verge of death only to be saved by one of God's divine messengers.
However the tale ends in the mortal man stealing away the beautiful wings of the angel in order to keep them with him.
He couldn't possibly allow his divine savior to leave, could he?
After all, you saved his life….
Was he meant to just let you go?
You, the poor angel in question, didn't judge the BLU Medic's character right.
Sure, he is no sadist like his RED counterpart…
But he is selfish, selfish enough to steal your purity away.
Without your wings, you're no different than him.
Are you even an angel anymore?
You've been forced into mortality…  completely at his mercy.
Yet like you nursed him back to health, he nurses you back to health.
Your “surgery” is a success…
To you it feels like mutilation.
Medic is over the moon when he claims you as his own.
He fawns over you just as he did when you had wings.
You'd think the removal of your wings would ruin your beauty in his eyes.
No… even when tarnished he still sees you as a holy being.
A being he prays will forgive him.
You're dressed in elegant clothes and your wounds are monitored.
Even now he worships you as his savior, his beautiful angel who has fallen from grace by his hands.
Medic already knows he will be unforgiven, both by you and God.
He's selfish, a man not meant to keep something so beautiful all to himself.
Yet he's done it anyway to satiate his desires.
Every hug and kiss to your skin burns.
He is a mortal man but acts like a demon.
A human enveloped by sin, one you saved.
By saving him… were you doomed from the start?
Would you have been cast out of Heaven's Gates anyways for your miscalculation?
You don't know… and why should you care about what could've been?
All that you should care about is the fact you've been grounded.
Medic's praises and touches don't feel nice.
It just feels like he's corrupting you more and more with his twisted form of love.
Medic wants a relationship he can not have.
Not after what he's done anyways.
You pitied Medic when you found him, this is how you're repaid?
Even as he cares for you, tells you he loves you, and treats you like a loved one… you're not swayed.
He's forced you to be a human, ripped from your divinity by knocking you out and stealing your wings.
What does he do afterwards?
He frames them on the wall like a trophy as he lays you both to bed.
The longer you're with him, the more you feel sin corrupt you.
Soon… you find yourself half giving into him.
You pretend to be his little spouse, his little pet…
A slave to him and his desires.
You begin to hate humanity.
Are they all little sinners?
All just waiting to pull something like you out of the sky to corrupt and lock away?
Do all of them, deep down, want to corrupt others like you for themselves? Inside and out?
God would've told you no.
But as this mortal, the one who stole you from your home after you showed mercy and kindness, covers you in corruption…
You begin to doubt God's teachings.
The thought sends you into denial, it makes you feel sick.
Yet… as you look at Medic…
As you stare into his lustful loving eyes and feel his burning comforting touch…
The thought echoes in your mind.
Medic is a sinner… and now you are too.
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Since request are open, may i ask for some platonic Yandere mercs noticing that someone from their team is interested on their sibling!reader from the opposite team?
The idea is just so funny to me lol, Heavy whispering " I will kill you" to Scout after he asked if the reader was single or Engineer having to hold Pyro back so they won't kill spy after he made a single compliment to the reader lol.
Scout: So...your sibling single-
Sniper: If you ask me that again im gonna shove my fist so hard on your facethat not even Medic will be able to turn it back to normal
Medic, to a merc who confessed their feelings for the reader: I'm happy you find my sibling beautiful but now I will have to remove your lungs for scientific reasons :) (scientific reasons being "I refuse to let this fucker even breath in the same direction as my sibling")
Oh my gosh yes! This is perfect! I saw this ask and reflected on how I would write it all day. I hope that you'll enjoy this just as much as I did writing it!
warnings: platonic yandere themes, blood, death.
Having his younger sibling at the base was a great idea. But, in reality it was the worst mistake that he could have made. Their Cease-fire Day turned out to be a ruse started by the BLU team. Grabbing you by the arm and tucking you safely in one of the most carefully secure and guarded rooms was the only thing he could do on such short notice.
Seeing how your eyes widened in fear at the sound of gunshots he acted on auto pilot. It was a good thing he did...or was it? The most secure and guarded room in the whole base was the intel room. This meant that the BLU's would stop at nothing to get in there and steal the briefcase. If they view you as a threat...well, he wouldn't think about that just yet.
The fighting seemed to go on endlessly. The enemy Sniper was the first one to drop, then the BLU Pyro and so on and so on. The only thing he couldn't figure out was where the hell the BLU Scout was. Normally the BLU menace would run around screaming all sorts of colorful language.
But today was different, he was nowhere to be found. Fighting back a grimace Engineer backed away from the battle as quietly as he could and ran to where your hiding place was. The sinking feeling that something might have happened to you rose up in his throat.
Slowing his pace to a walk he silently tread forward down the hallway. The sound of his boots hitting the floor echoed across and broke the fragile, quiet atmosphere. At least here, close to the intel room was quiet. Well, it usually was-or it was supposed to be. The door at the end of the hallway was slightly ajar, sending alarm bells going off in his head. Listening closely, he stalked forward. His hand on the holster of his gun.
Instead of hearing threats of violence or pleas for their life all that was heard was friendly banter. A bit too friendly for Engineer's liking. Listening closer, he could make out the sound of the BLU Scout's voice mixed with yours.
'Why the hell are you talking with a BLU?' he wondered.
He listened in even more closely. "Why the hell was a BLU talking TO YOU?'
Wild thoughts ran through his mind. Well, you are a grown up and a very well built and attractive one at that. Why the hell wouldn't anyone want to talk to you.
"So, toots, do you-I mean well, um..are you seeing anyone?"
Before you could make a reply, Engineer kicked open the door with a bang and shot the Scout in his chest. His blood splattering all over the floor, the desk, the intelligence and of course you.
"I don't think that you're good enough for my little sibling, you varmint!"
Looking back over to where you're standing, he can see all your emotions flash across your face.
"I'm sorry (y/n), I didn't mean to get his blood all over you, it just-he's...he's not good enough for you. And he's BLU."
Looking up at your brother and by the still warm corpse at your feet you purse your lips and wipe as much blood off your face as possible.
"Bro, Please! please stop scaring all the guys who are interested in me. It's getting very concerning at this point."
Stepping over the corpse and pulling you into a warm hug he chuckles softly. His chest moving with each breath he takes.
"That BLU Scout is annoying and persistent. Don't you worry, big brother Dell will make sure to keep him away from you no matter what."
With a cheeky smile he grabs the foot of the corpse and drags it out the door. Giving you a little nod, you sit and wait for the signal that means that it's safe to come out.
I went with big bro Engie and a pinning Blu Scout.
I loved writing this so much! platonic yanderes are so interesting to write for.
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Base Yandere RED Medic Headcanons: You Can Trust Me ...I Am A Doctor
[Hello My Sexy Readers, I am here with a new chapter and this one is Base Yandere Headcanons for Red Medic please enjoy this!]
-Base Yandere Headcanons With RED Medic-
.He is A Chaotic Good.
.He yes lost his medical license
.And does surgery with the patient awake.
.But he is not evil.
.Also he is insane already as it is not much as Blu spy but still insane none the less.
.When he fell for you he was already mentally unstable so it did not take a lot for him to think that you were meant to be his.
.He fell for you hard.
.Though he is a bit old fashion in his choosing of a partner.
.He wants you close but at the same time he wants you safe.
.He wants it so you will not be caught up in war and be taken care of.
.But at the same time he wants to hold you in his arms all the time.
.He is torn with if he keeps you close or keeping you safe so he settles for keeping you close and as safe as he can.
.He gives you the surgery to be respawn as well so he does not have to worry about loosing you.
.He swears to keep you by his side as much as possible.
.Now he is old fashion with relationships but no matter your gender he would court you.
.In his own way.
.Giving you the heart of a BLU member.
.Or having the sever head of BLU Spy speak poetry to you.
.Yeah he does that.
.In his eyes it is the most romantic thing.
.When he does fully ask you to be his he is nervous but confident (dont ask me he is a nut job XD)
.If you say yes he is over the moon and the next thing you know you go from being courted to being engaged if not married.
.Life is short he does not want to waste a second.
.If you say no, well that is no good.
.He will have to show you that he loves you.
.Maybe him cutting off your leg and not letting you respawn for a week so he can show you how he will take care of you will help you learn that he does love you and he IS Good for you.
.If someone is to hit you or hit on you?
.Well they will either find their head in his freezer, be torture, or just plain dead.
.Or all three it really depends on what they do.
.He can be romantic in his own way.
.He is a more old fashion yandere but also a gentleman.
.So he would not rush into sex with you right away unless you wanted to.
.He respects your needs and he wants you to know he loves you
.He is also very smart so there is no fooling him he will know.
.He is also very helpful so he will always be there to help you, just he will never let you go or let you be with anyone else.
.Being with him is a bit of a risk and bit chaotic but he does care in his own bloody and crazy way.
.He kisses you deeply. "Trust me my dear, I am Your doctor~"
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter done, I hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy my friends!]
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medic-suggests · 2 years
Welcome to the blog! Please keep the following in mind before interacting or sending asks to this blog.
This post will contain general content warnings, DNI criteria, and any extra information or rules for this blog that I feel necessary to write.
⚠️ Content warnings: ⚠️
TF2-Canon levels of violence
Potentially above canon violence, including medical injury and gore; which although will not be taken too far, may be potentially upsetting so some blog viewers.
This blog will contain dark and upsetting themes such as, but not limited to:
Experimentation, needles, malpractice, and blood.
This list will be updated as the blog continues, if you’d like a content warning added to the main page, simply send a request. Anon or not, yur request will not be posted and will be added if necessary; so long as it does not violate DNI criteria.
Main tagged posts should have TW tags on them, although not all posts will be tagged if they are not main-tagged.
If you notice that a post is missing a TW tag, or believe it should have one, send an ask and it will be added promptly; so long as it does not violate DNI criteria.
❌ DNI: ❌
NSFW blogs, TERFS, SWERFS, Pro-ship/anti-anti, fujoshi, dsmp, yandere/similar blogs, or anything like any of these. Basically, don’t be an arse and you’ll be fine.
Extra: This blog is run by a system. If you are uncomfortable around endogenic systems, mixed-origin systems, or systems in general, then do not send syscourse to me and just block.
NSFW asks, interactions, or follows are not permitted and will result in an instant block. We’re not here for your drool, and it makes us incredibly uncomfortable.
🌠 Overview: 💫
This blog is a rp blog that is part of the suggests-blog universe! BLU Medic is a new hire who was brought to fill out the class roster, but has a long record of team transfers.
Anything but a novice, this enthusiastic ‘doctor’ takes advantage of each team change to it’s fullest potential.
But surely he means well… Right?
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tf2-hellhole · 4 years
Introduction and Rules and Stuff (CLOSED)
Welcome to my stupid ass blog
     My account is for both Character X Reader and general headcanons, short fanfics, and matchups.
DISCORD SERVER: The server IS open, but you’ll need to message my personal blog to get the link. My personal blog is @enequinox. :)
I can write additional characters (including females) from both franchises, but they will not be given a category in the masterlists.
Team Fortress 2: Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Demo, Heavy, Engie, Medic, Sniper, Spy
Fallout 4: Danse, Deacon, Hancock, MacCready, Valentine, Garvey
Stuff I WILL Do: Angst; gore; injuries; death; suggestive/innuendo; Merc X OC; abuse only if it is in the character’s past. Neurodivergency, mental health, and poly/queer relationships are a little unfamiliar to me but I’m willing to take the challenge of writing it.
Stuff I WON’T Do: Explicit NSFW; Merc X Merc; yandere; rape; mercs being abusive or predatory; large age gaps; incest; pedophilia
I usually open requests for be done in groups, and I don’t open again for another batch until I’ve finished the first one. I try to take around 10, but I’m fine with having 11-13 so it’s not set.
The more characters assigned to a request, the shorter/less detailed the head canons will be, due to how long it takes to write tons of content for a long list of characters.
I usually write the S/O to be gender neutral so anyone can self-project, but if you’d like a specific gender let me know.
For matchups, please make it clear if you want a platonic or romantic matchup. You can also clarify if there’s any characters that you’re not interested in so I won’t pick them, and you can ask for a specific character.
For now, you can only request TF2 and Fallout 4 characters. Please put at the beginning of your request: (TF2) for the TF2 mercenaries, and (F4) for the Fallout 4 companions. This is just so that there’s no possibility of misunderstanding which characters you want me to write.
Please only request characters from one game, for organizational purposes. Please don’t mix multiple games (EX: Asking for Sniper and Paladin Danse in a single request).
I only work on one request at a time. It works on a first-come-first-serve basis; I do all of them in order of when I received them.
I can turn down any request.
Feel free to ask any questions!
En’s TF2 Mercenary Headcanon Masterlist
(NPCs like Ms. Pauling or Merasmus can be added on per request, but will not be given sections in the masterlist)
🐶 - Hybrid AU
🐟 - Mermerc AU
💀 - Shattered AU
👤 - Involving an OC
👅 - NSFW
All Mercs
Do the mercs like to dance? Do they dance with their S/O?
What dog breed would each merc want?
What are the mercs most insecure about, and how would they react to their S/O comforting them about their insecurities?
Mercs as Vines
Mercs With a Short S/O
Juvenile Activities the Mercs Do With Their S/O
Mercs’ 4th of July Party
Mercs With Catgirl S/O
Mercs With Tall S/O
Café Maid S/O
Mercs With Sugar Addict S/O
Test Dummy/Guinea Pig S/O
👅General NSFW Headcanons
Magical Girl S/O
Witch S/O
Mercs with a Rabbit
Rhythm Game God S/O
Trans Male S/O
Very Cute and Very Deadly Homemaker S/O
S/O Who Doesn’t Like Romantic Interactions
Double Date with Their S/O, their BFF, and Their BLU Counterpart
Mercs and Their S/O in Retirement (+ Ms. Pauling)
S/O is Killed on the Battlefield
Crush Sleeps in a Field of Flowers
S/O Who Wears Lolita Fashion
Sugar Daddy Mercs
Overworked S/O
Mercs with Friend or S/O with Grown Kids
Mercs as Parents
S/O Scares Themself Awake With a Fart
S/O Appreciates Their Merc’s Thighs
S/O Takes His Things Hostage Because They Want Attention
S/Os Comforting Their Merc After a Nightmare
Mercs Comforting Their S/O After a Nightmare
S/O Who Constantly Gets Hurt and Uses Sparkly Band-aids
S/O With Sentient Plushy
Pocky Game With S/O
Fem!S/O is On Their Period
S/O Who Collects Knives
S/O Who Sleeps With Stuffed Animal
Dead S/O Returns As a Ghost
Reader Gives Gift to Their Crush During Expiration Date
English S/O
Prankster S/O
Pool Noodle Fight With S/O
First Kiss With S/O
S/O Gives Him Plushie of Himself
Merc and S/O Play Among Us
S/O Who Doesn’t Want to Be a Burden
Fem!S/O is Pregnant and Very Excited Despite the Difficulty
S/O Who Never Stops Smiling
S/O With a Speech Impediment
Welcome Home
S/O Who Was Abused in the Past
Lovesick Mercs
New Recruit is Merc’s Soulmate
S/O Tries to Draw Their Merc
S/O Loves to Share Platonic Affection with Others
Merc’s Pets
S/O Proposes to Merc
Mercs’ Nicknames for S/O
Clothes Designer S/O
Germophobe S/O
I’m Here For You
S/O With Burn Scars
Tall, Lanky S/O
Mercs’ Favorite Form of Affection
Mercs Meet S/O’s Identical Twin
S/O Wants to Stay in Bed
👤Mercs Find Scrap in a Trashcan
S/O With Shitty Childhood/Parents
S/O Thinks Relationship Won’t Work Out
General Fluff Headcanons
🐟Mermercs X Researcher Crush
👤Mercs Learn that Trainer is Uneducated
Mercs Meet a Childhood Friend
🐟Mermercs and Merfolk Crush
Merc Finds Out Their Crush Is Afraid of Him
Mercs Cry in Front of S/O
🐶Hybrid!Mercs with Pregnant S/O
Tenth Class S/O With Anxiety
S/O is Parent to Young Kid
Hints When They Have a Crush
Mixed Mercs
Heavy X Small, Feisty S/O X Medic
👅Support With Shy, Virgin S/O
Dogowner S/O (Scout, Medic, Sniper)
S/O Kissing Merc’s Scars (Scout, Pyro, Demo, Sniper, Spy)
S/O Who Acts Like a Bunny (Engie, Medic, Sniper)
Offense With Asexual S/O
Defense With Asexual S/O
He is Given Food By Their Crush (Pyro, Engie, Sniper)
Catching Feelings for a Friendly Enemy Rival (Demo, Engie, Sniper)
Reckless, Clumsy S/O Wins Match (Scout, Demo, Medic, Sniper)
How He Deals With Falling in Love with S/O (Demo, Sniper)
Friend Merc Tells Him They Had No Dad (Scout, Spy)
Clumsy BF is Brutal on the Battlefield (Medic, Spy)
Demo X Reader X Soldier Headcanons
Demo X Reader X Sniper Headcanons
S/O With Clicky Joints (Engie, Sniper, Spy)
Soldier X Reader X Zhanna Headcanons
Support Finding S/O Breaking Down in the Bathroom
Merc Finds out Reader is Being Bullied by the Others (Medic, Platonic!Sniper)
Scout X Reader X Sniper Headcanons
👤Support and Technician Platonic Headcanons
Helping S/O With College Project (Scout, Demo)
Scout is a percussionist.
Scout With More Relationship-Experienced Partner
Bossy and Aggressive S/O
None yet...
Tea Party
Demo is actually very intelligent and has studied his trade extensively.
Random Demo X Reader Headcanons
New Year’s Day with Demo
Cryptid Researcher S/O
👤Ammo X BLU Demo Headcanons
Demo X Reader Imagine
Demo Fluff Alphabet Part 1
Random Heavy X Reader Headcanons
Summer Morning (Engie X Reader Full Fic)
Engie Being a Dad and Helping Recruit Ease Anxiety
Engie and Merc Who is Like His Child Come Out as Aro to Each Other
Medic and His Emotional Support Husband (Part 2) (Part 3)
Medic’s Proposal in Germany
Medic is Wanted in Germany and Many Other Countries
Lonely (Medic X Civilian!Reader Full Fic)
Catching Shy Recruit Singing (Medic X Reader Short Fic) (Part 2)
Getting Ready For Date With Fem!S/O
👤Medic X Blacksmith Headcanons
Under Medic’s Care
S/O’s Nervous at Checkup
Medic and Child!Reader
S/O Comforts Medic During Mental Health Episode
Getting Medic to Go to Bed
Selective Mute S/O Speaks for the First Time
🐶Hybrid!Medic X Reader Imagine
🐶Medic Cooing
Confident S/O is Flustered By Flirts/Affection
🐟MerMedic X Reader Imagine
Medic and Trans Male S/O Who’s Mentally Not Feeling OK
Sniper X Self-Conscious Transmale S/O
Sniper is Comforted By Friend (Platonic Sniper X Reader Short Fic)
Sniper Protects Friend from Creep (Platonic Sniper X Reader Short Fic)
Sniper With Shy Sibling-Like Reader
Sniper With a Super Sweet S/O
🐶Hybrid!Sniper X Reader
 Sniper X Reader Short Fic (TF2 Valentine’s Week 2021, Day 2, Chocolates)
Sniper Comforts Sibling/Friend Reader After Breakup
Sniper Finally Gets Some Physical Affection
Sniper X Reader Imagine
👤Sniper and Ana Headcanons
Sniper Fluff Alphabet Part 1
Spy X Reader Fluff
Spy Opens Up to S/O
Getting His Things Back From His S/O (Spy x Reader Short Fic)
Spy Has ADHD
Hot Afternoon Imagine
🐶Hybrid!Spy X Reader Headcanons
🐟Mermerc!Spy X Reader Headcanons
AUs Explained
🐶Hybrid AU (Tag- #ens tf2 hybrid au)
🐟Mermerc AU (Tag- #ens mermerc au)
💀Shattered AU (Tag- #tf2 shattered au)
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