#madoka kaname x reader
thequietkid-moonie · 2 months
Can I’m have a romantic scenario for madoka sayaka mami and homura x reader who loves cute things use cute clothes and have a bunny plushie with them all the time and they wish was to be the most cutest most adorable person of the whole universe they use a very cute magical attire and they weapon is a cute bunny staff but unfortunately they turn into a witch they labyrinth familiars even the witch themselves are extremely adorable even had a familiars that looks extremely look like the girls somehow the witch still remember the girls and hug them tighly to let them know reader is still there it remembers them and still loves them headcanons please
Cute S/O still remember them
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[ SCENARIO ] [ Madoka, Mami, Homura ]
[ Puella Magi Madoka Magica ]
⚠️ This contain a spoilers
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I loved your idea with all my being!!!! Waaaahhh!!! Is so cute and sad and beautiful and angsty and perfect!!! I love iiiiiiit thanks for requesting it <333
Although I wasn't able to think on the scenario for Sayaka, sorry
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Madoka Kaname
Madoka and you has always being seen as really sweet and cute couple, Madoka is quite gentle and your own cuteness makes a match way too sweet, the inconditional love was evident, loved or hated by others but that doesn't matter, what matter is that you two have each other
Most of the time Madoka and you go matching even without trying, unconsciously Madoka follows your adorable way to dress, besides her family adores you so obviously her mother would encourage her to match with you! You two even have little matching keychains bunnies (thanks to you)
You two are not only together in the good times but also in the bad times. That one time where you two accidentally end up trapped in a witch labryth just to be followed by Mami you two were together, or when you two decided to carry this burden with your friend and become a magical girl despite knowing the risk you two were together too
You two fight together and comfort each other for the burden, you were always there to cheer her up by finding something positive, like those cute outfit you two wear as magical girls, or how cute Kubey can be, talking about how it reminded you a bunny or even talking to Mami about how you feel about being a magical girl who protect others in the shadows
But as much as all of you wanted to stay positive and enjoy the beautiful ignorance and magic of the situation that wouldn't change your fate, soon or later the burden became heavier and heavier, and, as much as you wanted to tell yourself that as long as you and Madoka were together you would be fine nothing would stop your soul gem to slowly get corrupted, painted in dark tones and turbulent appearance, until no matter what you did you couldn't stop your heart and mind beconsumed by the sorrow, sadness and despair. It took quite a while from the moment your soul gem exploded, to the moment you were reborn in a new body, surrounded by your a labryth that was full of the beautiful and cuteness you used to love, painted by the despair and regret
After hearing the true fate of a magical girl Madoka couldn't think on anything else aside from wanting to save you, getting inside of your new labryth to search for you and try to save you, and, honestly, being there was tortuous, the place was full of colors, all the familiares were quite cute and most of them looked like bunnies, just what you always loved, and that hurt her more, despite your new form you were still you
When Madoka reached the place where the witch was she was quickly greeted by the attack of the familiars, instinctively attacking like any other witch, but that didn't stoped her, Madoka was determinated to bring you back so she started to talk to you as loud as she can, not even trying to defend herself and just dodging the familiars, getting as close as the witch as posible and begging for you to react, what at the end happened, even when your mind was corrupted and full of despair deep down you could still reconize that voice, that person, that little ray of hope that helped you so much in the past
Even with that new form you could still look at her with love trying to reach her and hold her close like you used to do, it was obvious that you were responding to her but only to her, any other magical girl present were attacked, but not her, and even when that made her immensely happy that wasn't enough, your soul gem has become a seed of grief, your human form has being destroyed to born in a new one, there is no turning back now, and, sadly, is Madoka who has to put an end to your new form because it is her duty to eradicate witches
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Mami Tomoe
Mami has being carrying a heavy weight ever since she lost everything and became a magical girl, she has being trying really hard to stay composed and calm, even when deep down she is really hurt and anxious about everything having you at her side it has being like a ray of hope for her
Mami is completely in love with you, honestly, even if you dont know it you have done so much for her that she can't even count, your only presence is already comforting but your completely adorable personality is always refreshing for her, everytime you do something cute (wich happens quite often) it gives Mami the opportunity to relax at least for a moment and just enjoy the moment of peace
Mami loves so much your cuteness that she is constantly teasing you and complimenting you, she is always seen with a smile in her lips whenever you are around, even if she constantly teases you she is completely respectful of you, if you ever give her a gift as cute as you she will keep it as one of her more precious treasures
Honestly, the moment you decided to become a magical girl and fight at her side she felt incredibly happy, and yet it took a moment to ask you if you are sure, if you have considerate the aftermath of your desition, even so the moment you finally make the deal with Kubey and first transform Mami wasn't able to hide her happiness
Although, even if you can fight and learn together to be stronger she is still quite protective over you, you being her closest person and the one she loves added to your cuteness it triggers a protective instict on her, wanting to make sure that you are always safe
But even when she was trying to focus on your and her safety and duty Mami couldn't stop the innocent happiness that filled her heart, feeling so proud of you whenever you improved on your fighting style and whenever you manage to take down witches together, her nightmare quickly became a dream, living happily in the lovely ignorance and just enjoying the time and your company when you two still can
Unfortunaly, the dream soon had to came to a end, leaving behind the cruel reality you two were ignorant of, when you didn't manage to get a seed of grief in time to prevent yourself from getting consumed by the inmense despair and sadness as your soul gem got corrupted
Even so, Mami was still in the ignorance, trying really hard to convince herself that your disappearance was because, somehow, you fell in the trap of a witch, getting the labyrinth as soon as posible and running around searching for you, attacking any familiar that came in her way before even a second glance
It took her quite a while to finally notice the fact that the labryth, unlike other labryths, has a quite adorable and pleseant aspect, decorated with bunnies figures all around, something that you probably would enjoy to see, and yet Mami quickly brush off the thought, her mind was already a mess and in a rush, she didn't needed more distraction nor confusion
By the moment Mami reached the witch she was imediatly attacking, not even thinking twice before doing it, her mind was too busy worring about you that she wasn't even able to notice you until by a mistake from her she was captured by the wich, feeling completely anxious and even in shock it took way too long from her to notice that the wich didn't attacked, more like just embracing her, something that felt odly familiar, the thought of you being this thing passed throught her mind just a second and was enough to snap her back and finish her job, too scared of the posibility
Quickly destroying the witch and still without being able to found you she was soon confronted by the cruel truth that Kubey has being hidding from her, that confirmation of that idea that lead her to kill you, and that now it was killing her from the inside
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Akemi Homura
Homura's healthy problems have lead her to have dificulties to have a normal life, thanks to that she has become to be shy and with a bad self-seem, she has never being good at anything and yet she managed to date a really adorable and almost angelical partner, she doesn't know how and sometimes she feels undeserving but she is greatful nontheless
Your cuteness is most of the time overwhelming for Homura, but not in a bad way, is just that she sees herself as plain and you are the other extreme around, she doesn't know how someone so beautiful and adorable like you could even notice her and yet everytime you do as much as stand close to her it feels so comforting and even it feels so right that she can't help but let aside her worries for once
You have always being with her, in the good and in the bads, always cheering her up and comforting her when she needed it, and as much as she appreciate she can't help but feel more and more frustrated for not being able to do for you what you do for her, even the moment you two met Kubey she was pretty anxious about it
The moment you finally accepted make the deal with Kubey to become a magical girl hit Homura hard, once again she was being left behind for her cowardice, while she was too scare to make the contract you were already training with your new friends to become a good magical girl, but thats the moment she decided that she wont be a coward anymore, even if she wasn't going to accept the deal with Kubey she would be at your side, doing her best to help you out
Comforting, hearing you vent, being there to cheer you up and even trying to help you find a way around the labryths, Homura tried everything she could do to help you, trying really hard to overcome her anxiety to at least just be there for you, and even when it helped for a while at the end it wasn't enough to fight against the despair that comes with being a magical girl, no matter what she did nothing will save you from your fate
She was there when it happened, last time she saw you was before your soul gem exploted and you disappeared, she tried to explain the situation to your other friends but not even her knew what was happening
Completely scare and worried she got inside of the labyrinth with the others to try to search for you, doing her best to dont just be a nuisance to them nor being reckless, looking carefully around to dont get into danger by accident is when she noticed how familiar the labryth it was, everyhing somehow looked so familiar and somehow comforting too, everything was so cute, so adorable, just like you
Homura felt like going crazy by just seeing it, it was a cruel joke of destiny? maybe life was making fun of her for being so coward, and yet everything became more and more strange as she go closer to the witch, all the familiar were attacking everyone, except for her maybe it was because she wasn't a magical girl or maybe it was just a trap since the familiars seem to be wanting to take her away, as scare as she felt she was still intriged
Everything become even more strange when she found the witch, the familiars around and even the witch were trying to take Homura to them, at first was an attack but quickly became like a silent beg, once the witch had her finally tapped in their embrace it was when both can have a better look of each other, and, as crazy at it sounded, Homura knew this one was you, not knowing why nor how but she was sure it was you, and then is when she felt her entire world crashed down, you were now a witch and she was still the same coward, even in this new form you were trying to keep her close and protect her like always while she was cowering and fearing, but not more, just like before, even with your new form you managed to comfort her and reasure her, this was what finally make her decide to make a deal to Kubey, one that will assure that you will be the real you again
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lovelybee666 · 8 months
Autor's note: I'll probably do more Smiling Critters content but doing some Madoka Magica I think wouldn't be bad😚 btw this is VERY short😿
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• she likes to give them nicknames like "dearie", "sweetie" and "cinnamon roll"
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• To be completely honest, I don't see her as the type of person who uses nicknames for her S/O although maybe once in a while they called her S/O "my dear"
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• she maybe uses nicknames like "pretty", "pretty girl/boy", "dearie" or a silly nickname that she gave you before or when you were dating
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• probably calls her S/O "darling", "dear", "sweetie" or "sweetheart"
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• she was the one that cost me the most but maybe she will call them something like "sweet", "lost cat"(LMAO☠️), "pretty" or "chocolate dessert"
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Sorry it's too short or ooc😭 it's been a long time since I last wrote for Madoka Magica
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poisonousroxstar · 1 year
Platonic Yandere Madoka Kaname
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Plot Summery: Platonic headcanons for Madoka Kaname from Madoka Magia This Contains: ❣️ MAJOR SPOILERS FOR MADOKA MAGICA ❣️ Angst (character death), unhealthy themes & depictions of relationships (yandere stuff), not proofread. Note(s): so....I love Madoka and needed to pump this out. Thank you for your time!
Madoka is, without a doubt, one of the best yanderes to have out there, especially for a platonic darling. She's absolutely doting and caring, but also very clingy. And very delusional.
You're her world, the most amazing person she's ever met. She wants to always be around you, and never be apart. You just need to exist in the same space together, and she'll be content. Happy. And she wants you to be happy too.
She goes out of her way to do everything and anything she can for you. If you're hungry, she'll give you her lunch -- heck, she might even make extra just for you. If you're cold, she'll hold you close. If you're sad, she's determined to make you happy! Madoka is very self-sacrificial, to a dangerous degree. She throws herself into anything and everything for you, even if it'll hurt her in the end. As long as you're happy and safe, she's happy too.
Everyone can tell that you're special to Madoka. Her family and friends especially. I think some of them might get jealous, such as Sayaka, but seeing Madoka so joyful and happy around someone makes them all shut up about it. I think her family easily welcome you. Her mom thinks you're adorable, and her dad thinks the same. Tatsuya (her little brother) may end up adopting a similar clinginess to his sister, always wanting to be around you and thinking you're the coolest person ever. They think you're a good influence on Madoka, so they turn a blind eye to her abnormal behavior.
If you're a magical person yourself, then Madoka is even more protective, even if she isn't a magical girl yet. She wants to save everyone, but if left with an ultimatum, she'll always pick you above everyone else. You're her only real friend, above everyone else. As such, you'll always be her top priority. If Madoka is a magical girl, you definitely create a signature move together, it's a must!
She wants to see what you can do, and what you two can do together! If she's a magical girl, you both fight and work as an unstoppable duo, defeating witches and saving the innocent! Madoka lives in this sort of fairytale afterwards, where you and her fight for the greater good and defeat the foes of evil. Having you by her side makes her content and feel safe and strong. With you by her side, she feels like she can do anything.
If you ever died or become a witch, the grief and despair would be too much for Madoka to handle. If you've died, Madoka is staring silently at first. Then, she cradles your lifeless body and tries to wake you up, crying your name with increasing volume. She can't stop the years, and she can't stop her heart from breaking. And she can't accept this reality. If she hasn't made her wish yet, then she'll definitely use it to bring you back to live.
If not, the despair she feels makes her witch out, becoming Kriemhild Gretchen. As she feels the waves of regret and pain flow through her, Gretchen decides to destroy the world of any similar grievances. There is only brief happiness as she consumes the world for all its misfortune.
If you're becoming a witch, though still holding on. Madoka panics and does everything she can to try and safe you. Begging any of the girls something, anything to save you! If you asked her to mercy kill you before you become a witch, she outright refuses... at first. But the more you beg, the more you tell her just how much pain you're in and how you don't want to become a monster, she relents. As she shatters your Soul Gem, she does so through tears. And, again. She witches out, unable to bear the guilt.
Madoka also has a very high chance at dying by your own hand as you become a witch. It's not that she can't defeat you, it's that she doesn't want to. She can't, it's too much for her. She welcomes her doom as you kill her... maybe, when the other defeat you... you can both be reunited.
When Madoka does make her wish and becomes Madokami, she promises you that she'll always look out for you. She'll always be there for you, and whenever you feel alone, know that you never truly -- because she's there with you. If you're a witch, she takes away your Grief and replaces it with hope. And then, she takes you with her, joining you in her Law of Cycles.
Even when you forget who she is, Madokami never forgets you, her love for you too strong. Even as she becomes but a concept in the end, she holds true to her word, never letting you go.
In the end, she loves you too much for her own good. But as long as you live a long, fulfilling life, then Madokami can live all of existence knowing that you are and were happy. Even if she couldn't be in it anymore.
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neppednep · 6 months
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First Date With Madoka Kaname
Completely relevant to the post, Madoka v. Gojo in basketball. Who you got your money on?
This is a pretty short one, but enjoy.
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》 You're going to be the one to ask her out. She has zero experience with this and very little confidence. Even if she gets 62 pep talks or is forced highly encouraged by a certain friend to be the one to ask, she's going to end up a stuttering mess and run away.
》 Now that the hardest part is out of the way, she immediately goes to her mom for help. Whether it's help with clothing or what to actually do, Junko is a smart cookie. In Madoka's eyes, if anyone would know know what to do, it would be her. (Junko also rizzed up her father. Totally 100% canon. Fight me.)
》 When it the time actually comes for the date, there are a few options. Some better than others:
- Movies? (Terrible first date idea. Boring. Hardly any time to actually talk. $65 for a small popcorn. Hard pass.)
- Going out to eat? (Better, but still a pretty bad idea for a first date. Not only can it get expensive, but with how awkward Madoka can be at first, how formal it can seem, and how little there is to actually do beyond stuffing your face, it'll go bad fairly fast. Will not leave the best impression. Pass on that until she gets more comfortable with you.)
- Basically, just choose something simple and casual to spend time together, get to know each other. Walk on a trail or park, ice cream, or a cafe will work. Low stress and makes it easier for her to relax and have fun.
- Cat cafe supremacy. Madoka loves cats and will have a metaphorical heart attack if you go to one of those. Sure, she may pay a little more attention to the cats than you, but she'll have a great time. She'll open up in an instant, and the date will definitely stick with her for a long time.
》 Madoka is probably the type to fall hard and fast. The lack of attention she gets at school doesn't help much either. She's not gonna be proposing after a week, but if you play your cards right, you'll have a pretty good chance with her. She'll hopefully feel more confident and better about herself, but it won't be instant. Don't go too fast and be patient.
》 Very wholesome.
》 On the other hand, if you mess up badly, you have to deal with an angry Sayaka. Not saying you'll be thrown out of a window but... have fun.
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Definitely the outfit she wears.
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nightqueen1221 · 2 years
Platonic request madoka sayaka homura mami kyoko x child reader the girls encounter reader inside of witch labyrinth but by some motive the witch and the familiars don’t attack them instead play with the reader and are overprotective over them it not only this witch every single witch of mitakihara act the same way then y/n enter in they barrier even walpurgisnacht act like this headcanons please
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Madoka Kaname
-Seeing a child in danger? She runs over to try and protect you from the witch as soon as she sees you.
-She gets hurt in the possess trying to get to you, thinking you must be in more pain then her.
-But when she gets to you, you're...fine?
-Not even that, the witch is protecting you?! How!?
-She realizes the witch isn't protect it's grief seed, just sitting there, protecting and playing with you.
-To say she's confused is an understatement.
-She does end up killing the witch, even if you protect not to.
-She'd feel really bad if you cried about it, she doesn't mean to hurt your feelings. However, she does know people's safety is over how much you care about the witch.
-You're different from other people, a witch would rather protect you, than fight? She needs to find answers.
-Only brings you on missions if she feels she can protect you and everyone else involved.
-The most injury that will come to you is probably you tripping over your own feet. Basically has a hawk eye on you, and won't let anything happen.
Sayaka Miki
-She wants to help everyone, and a child in a risky situation? Sign her up, hell, she save you before then.
-It's not like she's stupid, it's that she doesn't notice the witch is only protecting you, not using you in any other way.
-If you got attached to the witch before she killed it, and started crying, she'd think she had hurt you.
-Not understanding why you were saying the witch was being nice.
-"No! That was a witch, they'll kill you. Please, don't try and get yourself in anymore danger."
-She doesn't want you in harm's way, so she never brings you on missions.
-... Unless you sneak your way into one.
-She gets so confused on why you're here. She is going to protect you at all costs, till she notices, the witch isn't even attacking you.
-That's when she realizes you aren't going to get hurt.
-She scolded you afterwards, she hates the thought of someone getting hurt because she couldn't do anything.
Mami Tomoe
-You're her first concern, but she doesn't try and get to you.
-She senses something off, like you're not in any danger.
-Her first problem is the witch, once that's out of the way she can deal with you.(and she most definitely cares, but she worries of anyone else getting hurt, not just you.)
-While she tries and ends fights as fast as possible, she does her best making sure to don't have anymore bloodshed than needed. She has no idea if you get nervous around blood, and fear could only make things worse right now.
- The second that's over, she tries and talks with you.
-"Are you alright dear? Are you hurt? I have some things we could use for first-aid if need be."
-She then starts to think back to the battle.
-"That witch didn't appear to be attacking you, do you know why?"
-Saying 'no' raises her curiosity, but makes her scared that you could that's how all witches are, and that naivety could get you killed.
-You stay with her, (if you don't have parents) and she is amazing at taking care of you.
-VERY rarely takes you on missions. That's only if she has no choice, (basicly she couldn't have someone watch you, and not wanting a witch to show up and her not being there makes her uncomfortable.)
-Overall, 10/10 she's amazing with kids and protecting them.
Homura Akemi
-Spots you almost immediately.
-She has the eye of a hawk, and unless you're really well hidden, she spots you.
-Like Mami, the witch is her first concern. Until she realizes that she is only getting attacked because the familiars are protecting you, the witch as well.
-And their... Playing with you?
-She shrugs it off at first, only wanting to exterminate the biggest problem.
-As soon as that's done she turns to you.
-"You ok?"
-You nod 'yes', and she sighs quietly.
-"Do you know what that thing was? It was a witch, they're dangerous. You got lucky with that one. For some unknown reason, the witch didn't attack you. However, not all of them are like that."
-She doesn't want you stick around, but you follow her regardless.
-"If you keep following me you're going to get hurt. I'm not going to be able to protect you all the time. You can stay, but be aware of that."
-When you both enter a new labyrinth, and you end up unharmed again? It makes her interested in how you go can go unharmed for so long.
-After that she wants you to stay with her.
-"I don't know what it is about you, but the witches seem to leave you alone. They don't harm you. If you stay with me, we might be able to find a way to protect people from getting killed."
Kyoko Sakura
-She made it obvious that she doesn't care about people getting killed, as long as she gets her grief seed.
-Even a child, she is willing to sacrifice a bit.
-She questions why you're here, but concludes with, "you just got lured in here."
-She somehow jumps in, getting you away from the threat, then putting you in a safe area.
-The battle is done almost as soon as it started.
-"Now, what the Hell were you doin' here! Ya could have gotta yourself killed, kid."
-She lectures you more like an older sibling than anything.
-"Actully, I kinda noticed somethin' while we were in there. You were playin' with the witch. It'd usually attack, but you were an exception. Do ya know why?"
-Just gets pissed off if you say you don't know.(not super mad, but most definitely not happy)
-She wants a clear answer and that's it.
-I want you ta stick around for a bit, that ok? I think I could put you to some use."
-(Her's are very short, sorry)
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ksan-nooo · 2 months
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Madoka is a reader|MC and Homura is a regressor|FL
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pregnantpony000 · 5 months
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(ughh i feel cringe lately 🙄🙄🙄)
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shortcakecuties · 1 month
Madoka magica x Twisted wonderland! (And reader >u<)
Summary, In which the madoka cast stumbles upon a mirror, leading them to somewhere unknown...
I will write a part 2 to this or make hcs to this !!
Ask by @themoshi666 ♡
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The quintet was on daily witch patrol, just like any other evening. As they all entered the entrance to a labyrinth, they were greeted with a sweet lullaby.
"I thought these labyrinths were supposed to be scary, this witch is definitely is gonna be a cake walk." Kyoko commented confidently, her voice echoing in the elegant halls. The halls looked similar to a castle from a fairy tale, having huge windows showing fake scenery.
"I feel like a princess in here! Whoever turned into a witch definitely had taste." Sayaka mentioned, completely captivated by the beautiful architecture.
They finally arrived to what seemed the entrance to the main part of the labyrinth. All of them prepared their weapons to attack. Homura pulled the giant wooden doors and there it was, the witch. The majority of it was a mirror, with a face? Some of the quartet was distracted by the strange coffins levitating and the paintings of famous childhood stories decorated all over the strange patterned walls. "Its like someone's childhood here..." madoka mumbled. Sayaka agreed, "I kind of feel bad trying to kill this witch." Homura quickly interjected their conversation. "This is a witch, it's not human anymore. let's go."
No doubt that they were being bested by this witch. One by one they were getting exhausted. The labyrinth kept changing from a castle littered with hearts and checkered floor to an ocean with fish of all kind swimming around. With each place change, it kept getting stronger. It didnt help that their soul gems were getting quite clouded with darkness.
Kyoko yelled at everyone, "We have to go! Were getting nowhere with this fight!" Madoka looked over just for second and suddenly felt a sharp pain behind her. The tentacles of the sea witch had hit her. Homura caught a quick glance of it and yelled "Madoka!"
She fell to the floor hard near where they had all entered. Homura quickly came to her aid. The rest had given up quickly and rushed to the entrance. The wooden doors was now a huge coral blocking the entrance. Mami tried shooting at it but it wouldnt budge. Before everyone knows it, they were cornered. They all thought their last moments would be near as the sea witch swung her tenticals their way. Before they could feel any pain, a blinding light overtook their senses.
Spending after school cleaning with ace, deuce, and grim was not on your plan today... Yet they somehow managed to drag you down with them. You sigh as you wipe down the mirror in the mirror chamber. Hearing them bicker for the 10th time today was getting to you. "It was not my fault! Those hedgehogs have a mind of their own!" Ace complained. Deuce followed up with, "all because you wanted to take a break...yeah, definitely not your fault." Grim snickered at ace and once again they continued to fight.
Suddenly you noticed something weird about the mirror it had a faint glow to it...maybe its just your imagination? The glow started to intensify little by little. You wanted to ask the trio about, "Hey-" before you could even finish, a blinding white light enveloped the room and you felt something push you down.
Multiple grunts of unfamiliar voices filled your ears. Once the light died down, there was revealed to be four, no..five girls? You were frozen in place once you saw one of the girls point a gun at you.
"Where are we?" Homura demanded. Ace and deuce tried to get closer but homura pointed the gun at them instead.
"Damn! You don't have to be hostile! You're the ones who came out of nowhere!" Ace argued back. Mami held her arm out, blocking homura's aim of fire.
"I dont think we're in a labyrinth anymore. These are actual humans." Mami stood up and apologized "Sorry, we were previously in a battle before this, were kind of shaken up."
Deuce finally spoke up, clearly confused, "then why are you guys in school uniforms?" To their dismay, their transformations faded. Quickly the rest of the girls stood up and walked up to mami,
"our soul gems look fine but I cant transform!" Sayaka panicked. Then quickly asked the boys, "how can we go home?! We're completely magicless here!"
You lift yourself up from the floor and walked over to the group, "all you have to do is go up to the mirror and say where you came from." You spoke, you had a gut feeling that it wouldnt work and they'll maybe end up just like you.
Madoka went up to the mirror and sternly told it, "bring us back to Mitakihara city!" The mirror did nothing. It only replied, "there is no such thing as Mitakihara city."
Everyone just stood in silence as they took in the information. You hate how you're always right.
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jokerologist · 8 months
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Don't ask me anything.
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lynnuvo · 2 months
.·:*¨༺ ! Protector of Justice ! ༻¨*:·.
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Characters: Sayaka Miki x Female (Y/N)
Being Sayaka Miki's crush and friend in one sometimes made your relationship difficult, especially since she had a crush on Kyosuke Kamijo at the same time. Add the concept of Magical Girls into the bunch and you get a gal with an existential crisis. You were exposed to Kyubey soon after her luckily, so she wasn't alone on this journey.
She's always ready to throw herself in front of you. She wouldn't dare be responsible for her companion's injuries.
Matching items? YES PLEASE! She'll use them as lucky charms.
She's typically tired after every fight, so if it's just the two of you, she's not afraid to suggest heading home for some shut eye. She'd definitely be happy if you'd come with her, though.
She's not a very possessive friend, so there's little bad blood between you two, Madoka Kaname, and Mami Tomoe. There is, however, some tension between her and Kyoko regarding you. Like Madoka, you were trapped watching the fight between them. Madoka warmed up to Kyoko as a teammate quite fast, but not so much for you since Kyoko threatened the livelihood of your dearest friend. You still didn't forgive her, and Sayaka didn't forgive her for putting you in danger (and the risk of a future without her).
𝑅̲𝑜̲𝑠̲𝑒̲-̲𝐶̲𝑜̲𝑙̲𝑜̲𝑟̲𝑒̲𝑑̲ 𝑀̲𝑎̲𝑔̲𝑖̲𝑐̲
When Sayaka found out Hitomi Shizuki wanted to confess to Kyosuke, she was devastated and ran to you straight away. You comforted her as best as you could and reassured that even though Kyosuke wasn't aware that the wish she made revived his ability to play music, he'd still have feelings for her.
You strongly encouraged her to confess since Hitomi had given her a head start, but for whatever reason, Sayaka didn't feel prepared. She had too much on her mind to think of an action plan: magical girls, that strange Homura girl that kept approaching Madoka, Kyosuke's recent cold treatment towards her, you....
And then it was too late. Despite your reassurance, Hitomi and Kyosuke became a couple.
Sayaka's soul gem clouded considerably over the next few days. You didn't have to see her to know. She had given you the cold shoulder once the news broke, but you rushed to find her once your calls kept reaching voicemail.
"That's right. If I want, why do I need to feel pain anymore?!" Sayaka cried as she violently stabbed a witch over and over. "It's pointless--!"
She stopped in a heartbeat, only having the time to peer at you for a second before you swooped her away. You set her down on the ground while Kyoko and Madoka finished the job.
"Pull out your soul gem right now!" you demanded. Not one to disobey you, she did so. You blanched at the color. "You shouldn't have left without me....; How dare you go witch-hunting in this state!"
She gazed down at her lap. "I'm sorry..."
"Heads up!"
You caught the grief seed Kyoko threw at you just in time. Sayaka didn't move as you purified her soul gem. Once done, you lifted the girl up on your shoulders, bid the others farewell, and took her home. You tended to her as if she were sick with the serious flu. Luckily, your parents were all friends, so they weren't suspicious at all about a weekend sleepover.
As days passed and the two of you needing to return to school, Sayaka grew dependent on your presence. It was easy for others to tell something had soured Sayaka's mood, but you didn't let them get far with their questions.
Hitomi apologized on the third day, and you were relieved that Sayaka had taken it surprisingly well. Kyosuke approached you two a few days later in an attempt to apologize, but one nasty look from you was all it took for him to realize his cold treatment wasn't taken easily. Why would it be? Despite Sayaka visiting his hospital room so often and attempting to cheer him up, he hadn't even bothered to message her that he'd been released from the hospital!
At some point, Sayaka had tossed aside the thought of him being yours and placed you in that position. She realized that you knew her more than he did, had experienced more with her than he did, and even treated her better than he did.
This time, she confessed straight away. You accepted her cheerily.
𝐴̲ "̲𝐶̲𝑜̲𝑢̲𝑝̲𝑙̲𝑒̲"̲ 𝑜̲𝑓̲ 𝑀̲𝑎̲𝑔̲𝑖̲𝑐̲𝑎̲𝑙̲ 𝐺̲𝑖̲𝑟̲𝑙̲𝑠̲
She loves your touch, but please refrain from excessive PDA around others. She can get shy pretty quick.
Words of affirmation is her primary love language, so you shower her with them often.
For someone who had their crush claimed by another, she's not really a jealous type of lover. When she is jealous, it's subtle--like a small question in the kitchen about what your life would be like if you and another person had gotten together instead.
Buys you gifts for special events and just because. She'd love to cook for you, but she isn't the best at it. She'd rather cook with you instead!
Your relationship is known only to close friends--Mami Tomoe, Madoka Kaname, and Kyoko Sakura. Homura easily found out, though.
If you thought she was overprotective then, she's even more so now. Despite that, she knows you're quite capable and cheers you on as you fight.
Now that she's genuinely happy, she is on polite terms with Kyosuke, and you are too (although you still harbor a grudge against him). He's admitted to you privately it feels like his friendship with Sayaka had changed considerably, but you guessed that's just what ended up happening.
Dates are primarily doing something on top of napping/resting at home. After all, going to school and being a Magical Girl was no easy feat.
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thequietkid-moonie · 4 months
hello, I’d like to request romantic scenarios about Madoka, Sayaka, Mami, & Homura from PMMM with a S/O who has an intense hero/savior complex to the point that they casually disregard their own (regarding the S/O) needs and health
S/O with superhero syndrome
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Madoka, Sayaka, Mami Homura ]
[ Puella Magi Madoka Magica ]
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What an interesting request! I have bad memories about wanting to help too much people, anyways this was quite interesting to write so i hope you enjoy it! Thanks for requesting it!
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Kamame Madoka
Madoka is a really caring and loving girlfriend, she doesn't feel like she is enough and yet always wants to help, thats why she admired a lot your willingness and desire to help others! She wishes she could be as she could be as brave as you are but she just can't bring herself to do so, so she just sees you be a hero!
At first Madoka didn't thought much about your attitude, just the admiration for it, she even used to compliment a lot your strenght and bravery, she used to see it as something so admirable and innocent to the point that she even started to carry around a little first kit aid for whenever you end up injuring yourself a little, she hates when it happens but she doesn't want to stop you, so she used to just try to help as best as she can
It take a long time for Madoka to notice that your wish to help it can scale to unhealthy limits, it isn't that she didn't payed attention to you is just that she refused to aknowledge that you were getting into extremes by it, she wanted to believe so hard that you were fine and that you were doing fine because she didn't liked the idea of you being hurt
Even despite realicing that your behavior is quite unhealthy because it is putting your comfort and safety at risk, Madoka still will need some time before being able to say anything about it, Madoka is worried and even scare about you and your safety, the posibility of something happening to you doesn't let her sleep at night but she doesn't want to make you upset or offend you by accident when asking you about it
Madoka doesn't want to tell anyone about this for how serious it is but at the same time knows that it may be the best, so she end up telling her friends in hopes that they give her a good advice to how to deal with all of this, or at least to how gain the courage to confront you about it
When Madoka finally is able to confront you about it she emphasizes how worried she is for you but also how willing she is to help you, she loves you so she obviously will worry about you, she doesn't want you to get hurt and there is no need for you to put your life at risk, you two can find a way to help others without putting your own life in such risk
Madoka doesn't want to be pushy but she will be watching over you for the next days because she is to tense and worried, now that she could finally tell you her worries now she is a little bit more worried about what you would do and how you will react, now she is more frecuently remembering you how you don't need to go to the extreme to helping others, you matter just as much as anyone else
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Sayaka Miki
Sayaka is a incredibly caring person, specially towards her partner, she worries way too much for the person she loves but normally she tries to hide it. Still, at first, once Sayaka noticed how much you want to help others she even felt quite flattered, she imediatly take it as something good and always talked about this with a lot of admiration
Sayaka used to ask you stories about what you have done to help others, just like if you were a superhero, always giving you a lot of compliments and bragging about your bravery, about how selfless and admirable you are! Sayaka seems to always have something positive to say about your attitude, what, at the end, only end up feeding your need to help other
It take a while for Sayaka to finally understand how unhealthy this actually is, she tries to don't accept it because she doesn't like the idea of you putting yourself in danger just to help others, and deep down she also feels quite guilt for how much she always said that it was something good
It will take her a while to accept it and even more to try to talk to you about it, she wants let you know that forgetting your health isn't good at all, but she has a lot of troubles when trying to say it, she can't find the right words to tell you because she doesn't want to start an argument by accidentally upseting you or even offending you
Sayaka tries by indirect ways first, is undeniable and quite obvious how worried and anxious she is feeling but if you ever try to ask her (specially if you offer her help) she panic a little and quickly tries to brush it off, saying that she is fine and everything is fine while trying her hardest to laugh
Sayaka will spend quite a while time ranting to her friends about all of this, about how this is a problem for you and you can't just see it! about how you had forgot about yourself just to help others again! about how angry she is about this whole situation (but not exactly to you, she doesn't even know to what or who she is angry at this point), it continuos until her friends help her gaing the courage to talk with you about it
She will be way too anxious while confronting you, spitting all her worries without being able to stop herself, talking no-stop until she can't talk anymore, until she run out of breath and now is just embarrassed about all that she had said. If you get mad or even offended she kinda understand and even apologize for making you feel that way but not for confronting you, but if you seem affected by her words she will have the impulse to apologize, but will only swallow and ask you if you are alright
After finally confronting you and making sure you two are still in good terms she will be actively taking care of you, making sure you never forget about yourself even if she has to do it herself
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Mami Tomoe
Mami is a really caring and loving girlfriend, however she still finds quite hilarious that you two actively fight for help other in diferent ways and for diferent reasons, she does it because she wanted to survive and because is her job while you do it because is almost as if you need it, because you want to be the hero of someone
Honestly, at the start Mami support you in this, she finds more honorable your reasons to fight (or at least at the start) in comparation to hers but she doesn't feel bad about it, in reality she feels like she can understand you to some extent on how exhausting it can be
It doesn't take much time before Mami realice that your mindset and the reason of why you want to help others isn't exactly healthy or even purely altruistic, and, honestly, is something that worries her too much, you and her friends are the only thing that makes her life still have a meaning, is what gives her reasons to keep fighting with dignity and honor, so knowing that you put your life in danger just to help other makes her feel anxious and troubled (specially if you are not a magical girl and don't have real reasons to put your life at risk the way you do)
Just as she quickly notices your unhealthy behavior it doesn't take much time for Mami to confront you about it neither, but she does is so casually and smooth that you won't feel the pressure of being confronted, Mami ask you why do you feel this need and since when you were doing this just because she wants to help you out, and she leaves clear that this is unhealthy but she will try her best to help you, as well she reasures you that you and you alone are more than enough, you don't need to prove anything to anyone nor win others respect or admiration by doing all of this
Mami tent to give you compliments quite often along with a soft teasing, all wholesome fun, even after understanding your unhealthy behavior, although she does it along with a gentle remainder of not pushing yourself to your limits or force you to continue
Mami doesn't normally shows directly how worried she is for you, she does it indirectly by taking care of you and making sure you don't push yourself to the limits to help others, she makes sure you have proper rest and meals, she is there for you everytime she can and helps you help other people or even restrains you from even offering help when she thinks it has being too much, but she always does it with comforting words, not forcing you but trying to convince you, reminding you that this is unhealthy and there is no need
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Akemi Homura
For Homura her partner is irreplaceable and incomparable, she loves with intensity and is completely loyal to those feelings, Homura had problems expressing herself after all the problems she had to endure but she doesn't hesitant when it comes to her partner, specially with their safety
As much as Homura love you she despises that need you have of helping others, she doesn't like it at all and make her anxious, is the kind of thing that keeps her awake at night because she just can't stop feeling troubled by the idea a of you putting your own comfort and health under others, specially if those are people you don't even know
Homura hates it with all her being because is something threating for your safety, she doesn't understand why would you want to do something like that anyways, for her the most important thing in the world is you, and the fact that you put yourself under anyone else is eating her alive
The more you try to help other and putting yourself down by consequence the more angry and anxious she feels, Homura want to keep you safe but you being reckless by the excuse of helping others is making it too difficult! At that point Homura doesn't even try to hide how much she despises that habit of yours, expressing how stupid it is to risk your life in that way for people you don't even care about
Is probably that you two end up having some arguments about it, and even when Homura hates fighting with you she won't stop until you understand her point of view, she will have the same argument over and over again if that is what you need to finally listen to her
The more you insist on putting your life at risk by forgetting about you just to help others the more anxious and emotional she gets, there are high chances that she end up crying, begging you to stop doing this to yourself because is not healthy in the slighest, is just consuming your and her life (not that she particulary cares about her own)
Homura will be willing to acompany you and help you with your little journey to help others if you want, if that takes for you to stop putting yourself under others, but she will just do it for you to stop being so reckless and stop putting your life at risk, she won't really be kind to anyone she helps, she does it for you not for them
In this case she will be even angrier and even more at the edge whenever Kubey came into the picture, she knows that you would accept without thinking much and she can't let that happen, so she will grow even more protective over you. As well, she will try to take care of you at the best of her habilities, looking after you and paying close attention to make sure you aren't neglecting yourself
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robonene-on-steroids · 3 months
Sleepover Hcs with the Magical Girls
This is my first time writing on here so im a bit nervous 😭
Synopsis: You have a sleepover with your girlfriend! Implied fem reader?
Characters featured: Mami Tomoe, Sayaka Miki, Kyoko Sakura, Madoka Kaname
Genre: Fluff
Format: Headcanons
Mami Tomoe
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She would definitely have lots of snacks
She would make tea for both of you or if you dont like tea she would probably have tons of other sweet beverages!
I see her asking if she could do her S/O's hair and being very good at it
She would add a cute yellow bow so you guys could match
She would definitely love snuggles
I see Mami as the kind of person to read her S/O books before bed
She would ruffle your hair whispering sweet words in your ear as you both fall asleep
All in all she is the perfect sleepover companion
Kyoko Sakura
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Kyoko would force you to have a pillow fight
Sorry, I dont make the rules
She would definitely want to play truth or dare
Kyoko would try to have you guys pull an all nighter
Kyoko would have a dance battle with blasting music
She will probably want to do karaoke
You guys will get noise complaints for the loud music but who cares
She would beg you to make one of those little Lunchables pizza kits with her and eat the ingredients before she could put hers together
Overall very fun
Sayaka Miki
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Like Kyoko, she would also insist on having a pillow fight
Would definitely ask to put makeup on you only to make your face like one of those cursed minion facepaints
She would definitely beg you to tell her funny stories about stupid things you did when you were younger
If you do, she may tell you some funny stories too, as long as you promise not to embarrass her or tease her about it
She would insist on cuddling you to sleep
Good luck because she's not letting you go
Would throw water on your face to keep you awake
Madoka Kaname
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She would love for you guys to do each other's hair
She would put cute ribbons and hair clips in your hair
She would melt seeing her ribbons in your hair
I see her loving to draw with you
She is so good at drawing as we saw when she sketched her magical girl dress
Would insist you guys make a pillow fort of her stuffed animals
Would be shy at first about cuddling but would never want to stop hugging you
She wouldnt be big on pulling an all nighter unless you were
She would try if you wanted to but she's going to fall asleep before 2 AM
Very sweet
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notmitchell · 17 days
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𝐻ello! Welcome to my account/blog!
𝑌ou can call me Mitchell or Mitch (or also Mitchie).
𝑃lease call me by masc or fem pronouns.
𝐼 like madoka magica, jujutsu kaisen, one piece, and bungo stray dogs.
𝑅equests for posts or fanfics are welcome! 𝐼 would be really glad and happy to do your request.
𝐼 will try my best to post here when i feel like it, but i don't really think I will. 𝐴lso, from now on i apologize if my english isn't very good, i'm not native nor totally fluent.
𝑊ell, i will be very pleased if you follow me!
𝐵ye, until next post! 𝑆ee ya.
𓏲 ⊹ . ˙ ܀ . ✩
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neppednep · 6 months
Madoka Magica: Masterlist
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Madoka Kaname:
First Date HCs
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Homura Akemi:
First Date HCs (Moemura)
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Sayaka Miki:
Sayaka w/ Gojo!Reader
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Mami Tomoe:
HCs w/ reader intimidated by her beauty
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ts4ritsa · 1 month
Okay so like, I don’t really go there but I really want to request for you again and this concept is rotating in my head sooo…
Steven x Gn!Reader who is also part gem and part human like him but! Here’s the twist: reader’s gem is a pearl :} I was thinking a cherry blossom pink akoya pearl (you can find it on Google!). I don’t remember if you do this thing (lol) but reader’s personality is sort of like Madoka from PMMM, but for the “pearl” parts I think it’s more like Volleyball.
Sorry for the paragraph or if the request is too confusing… (^^ゞ
— 🐈‍⬛
HAI 🐈‍⬛ ANON !!!
this such a cute request I love it so much, also MADOKA KANAME MENTION! I searched up akoya pearls while writing your request and they’re pretty cute in my opinion
anyway thank you for requesting, it has been posted here :)
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madohomu my lovelies 💜🩷
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happybunny999 · 2 months
Invincible characters x powerful black goddess madoka reader and protective anti-villain Homura s/o
(Madoka reader is 18 and is sweet, meek, kind, humble person and is extremely powerful and has many abilities and use her holy bow and sword and can even do hand to hand combat too, but try’s to talk things out instead of fight. While Homura s/o reader is cold, stoic and Cynical and is also VERY protective of Madoka reader and does what she does in the series and in rebellion and protects her love at all cost with her devil powers , guns, and even uses a sword too
Mark Grayson : would love how your personality and how you use a cool bow and sword also he loves how powerful you are too and understand why your friend would be protective of you because of how fragile you look but does not like how your s/o handles a situation with violence and shows little care for others that aren’t you
Nolen Grayson : at first considered both of you at threat his mission and to his and other viltrumites existence and doesn’t understand why the reader needs protection if they are so powerful that they could destroy the world and even the universe (because he doesn’t know the multiverse) but after he sees how meek and kind you are he understands why s/o is so protective of you and respects her cold and stoic attitude
Oliver Grayson : honestly he hated you because he thought that someone like you didn’t deserve such power due to your happy and peaceful personality and also thought you were weak and everything that has happened he grows to respect you a little
Atom Eve: didn’t trust reader because of how beautiful and powerful you are and that your personality is so different from others and is surprised that you are above her in power and abilities (the reader has everyones powers and abilities in the comic and show) and hates s/o cold attitude towards others and how she always leave others hurt and doesn’t care for their wellbeing at all
Thragg:could NEVER understand how “The most powerful person in the universe/multiverse “ would need a person to protect her and likes reader’s s/o stoic and cynical perspective in the universe and her reader’s opinions
Anissa: hate how the reader needs her s/o to protect her despite how powerful she is and refuses to fight back against people and instead try’s to talk things out witch sounds ridiculous to her and the reader could literally destroy/conquer the whole world and universe but chooses not too at all
Angstrom levy: is intimidated by s/o cold demeanor but loves the reader sweet and humble perspective on anything and is amazed by her bow and godly abilities too and is forever grateful for your help in bringing back his other versions of himself and saving him from the evil mark as well as getting him redeemed 
Ceil Stedman: would send spy’s to keep an eye on the reader and her s/o and does not trust s/o due to her personality and how she care very little for others life and considers s/o a villain 
Viltrum empire: sees s/o is a great warrior and weary of just how strong and powerful the reader is compared to no other in the universe
Sinister mark: absolutely loves s/o cold and evil demeanor and when he try’s to battle the reader and s/o they give him a run for his money honestly with there power and abilities especially the reader who he thinks is hot
Mohawk Mark: can respect s/o cold and distant personality and sees why protecting the reader is important to her due to the reader being too kind , sweet and friendly with others including villains and also try’s to see the good in people 
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