#yandere shark merman x reader
yandere-writer-momo · 5 months
Yandere Head Canons:
Hypnotic Affection
Yandere Merman x Mermaid Reader x Merman
TW: manipulation, hypnotism/ drugging, tentacles, kidnapping, yandere themes, delusional behavior, etc.
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Since you were young, you had been betrothed to a shark merman named Marin. Marin was a cantankerous individual and was quite rude to you since you weren’t a shark mermaid. The only reason the two of you were even betrothed was so your clans would stopped fighting… yet you knew you’d be miserable with Marin.
You often attempted to court him with various shells you’d find but he’d always rebuff you. “These shells are too small, you’ll need something better than some measly clams to have me look your way longer than a few minutes.”
His words were always as sharp as his teeth. His clawed hands would always chuck your clam shells away no matter how pretty they were, it broke your heart. You really wanted to make this marriage work… maybe he’d budge if you found a conch shell?
You bowed your head to your fiancè before you headed off back toward the sea. Marin had no idea this would be the last time he’d see you in awhile…
You swam farther and farther from home until you spotted a conch. You were on the edge of deep sea territory, so it was best to be careful or else you’d get swept up in the current… but it would be worth it if you’d gift the conch to Marin and he’d finally accept you, right?
Your eyes lit up as you slowly swam towards it but you were quickly snatched up in large tentacles, a screech left your lips when the tentacles tighter around you.
A different merman quirked their head at you as they shimmied out from their hiding spot in the coral. “A-a mermaid? I’m sorry.”
The coral colored tentacles quickly released you before ghostly pale hands began to examine your body in worry. “I just thought you were a fish… I hadn’t meant to lunge at you.”
You were surprised by how shy this merman was, his hands trembled as he shakily checked your arms to make sure there were no marks.
“I’m perfectly okay, I’m (your name). What’s your name?” The octopus merman’s cheeks went aflame when you asked him for his name.
“I-I’m Ren! I’m an octopus.” Ren’s tentacles folded into one another as if they were comforting his nerves. “I still apologize for scaring you… I’ve never seen another mermaid before.”
You smiled at Ren and offered him your hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Ren. I hadn’t meant to trespass your area… it seems I wandered a bit too far.”
“I-it’s no issue at all!” Ren beamed, his dark eyes filled with stars while his tentacles flailed in excitement. “If you want, you can stay in my burrow with me! It’s quite comfy in here.”
“That’s so sweet of you.” (Your name) beamed at Ren who ushered her inside. The merman began to become a bit jittery when she accepted so easily. He’s been wanting a mate for so long… and now she was finally here!
Ren sealed his den shut as soon as she swam in. His tentacles blocked the exit watch a large boulder. “It’s to keep predators out!” Ren reassured her as he lead her around his small home. She marveled at the various jars and vegetation he kept. “I’m a sea witch.”
“Wow! That’s really fascinating!” Ren blushed again when you didn’t mock him for being a sea witch. It made his heart flutter. You were so sweet and that made him even happier… the only issue was that you were a different species than him…
“How about I show you a few tricks?” Ren was so happy when you accepted. The octopus merman showed you a very simple spell that made his home brighter. He was thrilled when you clapped your hands and smiled. Ren was so happy to no longer be alone… and he would never let you go.
Ren offered you a meal and you happily ate with him. The vegetation made your brain a bit foggy, but the taste was delightful. Had Ren always been so attractive?
Ren smiled at your sleepy form as you yawned. “Here, how about you spend the night? It’ll be so much safer for you that way.”
You nodded and allowed him to lead you into his den. His tentacles pulled you into an embrace as he smiled. This was just too easy…
You didn’t know how much time had passed since you entered Ren’s burrow since Ren would often feed you every time you tried to leave. Ren made you such lovely meals that you slowly began to forget what even brought you to this end of the sea. You really liked Ren, so why did you have to leave again? You felt as if there was some strange phenomenon happening around you and yet you didn’t care anymore… you liked being with Ren!
Meanwhile, Marin was in shambles. You had been missing for a week now. You always showed up every other day with your stupid smile as you held up some shells you found to him… you were never away from him for long. Marin searched your home in the anemones and he searched all the reefs around yet you were nowhere to be found… were you okay? You didn’t try to go find a bigger shell for him, did you?
You didn’t know it, but Marin always gathered up all the shells he’d throw. He just wanted to look tough in front of you… but now he knew it was a mistake. You wouldn’t risk your life for a shell when you were already engaged to him, right? You were already enough… you were always enough.
A month had went by and you were still missing. Marin now took more desperate measures of swimming out farther and farther… until he spotted a conch. The shark merman rushed towards the shell and began to examine the ocean floor until he spotted a sealed off den. The merman quickly swam toward the rock and searched for a crack until he could peek in there. The sight before him horrified him.
Ren’s purple appendages slid up and down your delicate tail as his hands grasped at your hips. “Would you like to be my mate, (your name)?” Your head felt so dizzy and you could only nuzzle into him. Ren smiled down at your obedient form. What a perfect mate you’d be! It was just so easy to ensnare you and to hypnotize you with his potions… it was all so easy-
Ren was shocked when the boulder to the den was shoved open and a shark merman lunged at him. Ren screamed when one of his appendages were bitten off by the shark. Marin’s large gray form quickly scooped you up and made a swim for it. Ren tried to snatch you back, but Marin easily evaded the tentacles. Ren began to scream as he tried to give chase, but the blood gushing from his missing arm would attract more sharks… he’d have to come back for you another day…
Marin didn’t look back once until the two of you were an hour away. The shark set you down on a rock as he began to examine your body for any wounds. “You’re okay now… we’re going home.”
You tilt your head to the side in confusion at Marin’s words. Who was this merman and why did he seem so familiar? “But I was home? I live with Ren.”
Marin felt a sob rack through him before he bent down and pulled you into a hug. What had that octopus done to you? Marin would protect you this time, he’d help you get back to normal. “You’re safe now… you’re safe.”
You often sat in a trance in Marin’s den. It was as if you were in a whole other world despite being next to him, a world where Marin could no longer reach you.
“Look! I have all the shells you gave me on the walls.” Marin gestured to the various colorful clamshells with a smile. “I’m sorry I was mean before, but that didn’t mean I didn’t like you! I really do care for you, I swear.”
Marin was filled with hope each day when you’d glance at the shells but his hopes would always be dashed when you’d tilt your head off to the side. “Do I know you?”
“I’m Marin... I’m your fiance.” Marin was so frustrated that you couldn’t remember him. He had tried everything… from taking you to every spot you two grew up together to your old den, yet nothing clicked. You only ever wanted to ask about that damned octopus merman.
Marin often cuddled beside you when it was time to sleep. His muscular arms felt so strange around you compared to Ren’s slender ones. You really missed Ren…
“Psst, (your name).” You perked up when you heard Ren’s voice. You gave him a big smile before you slinked out of Marin’s arms. “Let’s go home.”
You quickly swam towards the octopus merman who scooped you into a tight hug. A big smile on his face when you accepted him. He almost felt bad for Marin if it wasn’t for the fact that the shark merman was the entire reason the two of you met! What a sucker…
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Shark Baited Ooh La La! Pt. 2
Yandere Goblin Shark Merman x Purple Firefish Merman Reader (CW: Kidnapping, blood, pain, peril, sharkman yandere, mermen, merfolk, anglerfish merfolk that try to kill the reader, minor character death, their living privileges are revoked most thoroughly, thalassophobia, a horrible title with a very forced pun for which I refuse to apologize) Word count: 1k (Sorry this took 11 months for me to start. No smut here, but I think if you read both parts together they fit nicely. Happy mermay!!) First part can be found here: Shark Baited Ooh La La! Pt. 1 
It was easy to make the decision that you should try to make a break for it, there was nothing he could do to you if you were caught that he hadn’t already done and even a small possibility of making it home was worth it. You held your breath as you carefully extricated yourself from Damian’s sleep-loosened grasp, you had enough wits about you to grab a sharp looking dagger Damian had hanging on the wall, and then quickly made your exit out of the sea cave that he called his home.
Wasting no time you swam with all the urgency that your exhausted and aching body could muster. You remembered the general direction and swam and swam and swam.
But once the sea cave was behind you you were left in the cold embrace of open ocean. Your whole life was spent inside the city and reef you had called home, over time the natural homing instincts of your kind had been almost completely lost and you were no exception.
While you were indeed heading in the correct general direction that wasn’t enough as just being a bit off would end with you not being able to find your way home. Inevitably you veered just a bit and found yourself completely lost, though you didn’t realize it yet.
Only when you felt that you had swam for hours did you finally realize that you should have already arrived back to the safety of your home.
Now you were panicking, this was not a place for you. This was not a good place for anyone except the mightiest predators of the ocean. And you were vulnerable. You were tired from your previous struggles trying to escape Damian after he tied you up, you were battered, bruised, and sore from the rough fucking he had imposed on you, you were tired from your hours long swim in search of home, and to top it all off you were weighed down by being full of Damian’s eggs.
You could practically hear your heartbeat, sure that at any moment something or someone would emerge from the endless blue surrounding you and make a meal of you. Your hand shook as you gripped the dagger you stole tightly. 
In your fear you desperately searched aimlessly for any sign of your beloved reef. But it was simply no use. You were on the verge of tears, but then things got even worse…
Suddenly you were swept up in a powerful current! Had you been at full strength you almost certainly could have been able to power through it and remove yourself, but in your current state there was just nothing for it. You were swept deeper and even farther away from your goal. You were unable to even maintain a grip on your weapon as it drifted uselessly below. 
You were only swept up in the current for several minutes but it felt like hours, when you were finally released you found yourself a decent distance above a large and sinister looking trench. The cold caused you to shiver, you were not used to the cold water that occurred at this depth.
Out of the trench you saw three orbs of light shortly followed by the dimly illuminated forms of three thin merfolk of some kind, too far away to really make them out. You immediately dashed away as best you could but your own bioluminescence gave you away and made for an easy hunt.
It didn’t help that the current had beaten most of your remaining energy out of you.
They easily began catching up to you and you could soon see that these were anglerfish merfolk, if the sickly green glow of their lures didn’t give them away then the wide empty eyes and the wide gaping maws and lolling tongues certainly did.
"Please! Please leave me alone!" You sobbed desperately.
As they steadily pursued you and came ever closer they finally entered striking distance. They lunged. 
You spun around sharply, smacking one away with your tail with strength you didn't know you had while dodging another. But a few lucky strikes couldn't save you from a small pack of skilled predators. 
The third one managed to catch your arm and bit down on your hand causing you to shriek in pain. Red flowed from your arm behind you as you managed to shake your assailant loose. You swam as fast as you could but you didn't make it far before you were pulled back by the sharp clawed hands of these angler folk. 
"NO NO NO NOOO!" You screamed, hurting your throat, as you felt teeth sink into your tail.
Suddenly the pressure of the bite stopped as the anglers that had their hands on you were pulled swiftly backwards. Confused, you looked up to see your hero, Damian, as he crushed the throat of one of the anglers and viciously bit into another until it stopped moving.
The final one came at him and grabbed it and easily snapped its neck.
Now that all three had been deaded most thoroughly Damian swam over to you where you were struggling to keep yourself in place in the water.
"Fucking dumbass! What were you thinking!? That you could just run off? Think I couldn’t follow your scent?"
Despite his harsh words he gently picked you up and held you close. 
"When I woke up without you in my arms I was so fucking pissed! But... looks like you learned your lesson so... I won't be hard on you..." He kissed your head and started swimming back to his nest. He wanted your wounds dressed as soon as possible and then he wanted to hold and kiss you as you slept in his arms.
"Your wounds don't look life threatening but I still need to treat em'. Okay babe?" 
You responded only with a soft sniffling whimper and by burying your head in his neck. You were bruised, bleeding, and fatigued. You just wanted to be home, and you supposed that meant Damian's den because you surely weren't ever going to attempt to escape again. 
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ghosts-post · 1 year
Do you have any yandere oc yet?
Technically yes but also no (if you count posting) haha! I’m making two at the moment! One of them is more fleshed out than the other but I’m getting there!
Also warning for mention of genitals
Here’s a somewhat rough description and few little things of the more fleshed out oc! He’s a nurse shark merman with no name yet so names would be helpful!
Skin is a pale color while his shark half is light grey on the back and white on the belly/underside portion, also has white spots freckling his fins and tail, his dorsal fin is almost entirely white but fades into grey with spots (hope that makes sense haha) he’s also got white freckles on his face, light grey almost white eyes, has fins where ears should, has white and dark grey hair, definitely has scars from protecting himself from other predators (mostly other shark mermaids/man)
Is 15 feet long all together, the biggest a nurse shark can grow, extremely curious about divers and beach goers but never has the courage to go near them (until you come along <3)
Very docile, prehensile dick (hehe), definitely goes through mating seasons cause of course
Does capture you eventually but it’s because he loves you so much! He wants to make sure you’re safe and keep you with him cause he can make you so happy and provide for you! Just give him a chance!!
Thinks he gets consent when he courts you, doesn’t know English very well so thinks you being nice and docile means yes! Truly wouldn’t have done anything if it was clear to him but you accepted all his courting gifts! That means you want him too right!?
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yandere-sins · 5 months
The Orcas' Tale - Lyr's Story II
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Here we go! I really wanted to post it on Friday, and I pushed through! Corrections are the bane of my existence ;; Please read the warnings and enjoy the end of Lyr's Story! I hope you guys enjoy the conclusion and look forward to the last part of the saga featuring Krill as well! Thank you all for being patient and waiting so long for this!
Fandom: Original Content   Pairings: Yandere!Orca Merman x GN!AFAB!Reader   Warnings: Yandere, Sexual Content (Non-Con Kissing/Touching/Fingering, Bondage kind of, Intercourse, Breeding, Modified Cock), Violence (Sharp teeth/claws, Strangulation, Violent outburst, smashing reader's head against a wall, Size Kink), PREGNANCY TROPE (but make it yandere/baby trapping), Mentioning of discrimination against the mixed baby, Monsters/Non-Human reader, Animalistic behavior, Mention of blood/claws/sharp teeth, Being caught in a net, Sexual Intercourse hinted at for both of them, Dolphin mating mentioned (basically non-con), Long post
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"Look at those juicy lips."
You flinched at the sensation of Lyr's tongue dragging up your scales before swiping over your slit, the cold clashing with the heat of your cunt as his tip teased the entrance. There was an involuntary gasp before you bit your lower lip to hide any more sounds, refusing to give him the satisfaction that was already confirmed to him by your smell. 
Lyr had made a whole show of cutting parts of the net so he could drag up your arms and hang them from a jagged rock on the cave wall. Compared to his claws, the rock wasn't strong enough to cut through the net, but you struggled still, hoping the pressure—albeit painful on your wrists—would come to your rescue before anything worse could happen, the tips of his cock already protruding out of his tail even though Lyr seemed to be nowhere near that level of arousal that tingled in your own loins. 
He watched you as you struggled, indulging in your defiance with a dangerous desire waving through his eyes. He kept taunting you, closing his lips over your slit, letting the tip of his tongue flick back and forth while his hands held your tail steady, thumbs positioned to spread the normally hidden part wide open. You held his eye contact, even just to try and make him reconsider going any farther. However, when you felt his tongue parting you, slowly driving deeper into your cunt, your head fell back as you moaned, Lyr's lips parting in a wide grin.
"Not so bad, eh?" he mumbled against your lower lips, winding his tongue against your inner walls, and you couldn't help tensing and snapping your hips as you tried to escape and push him further inside you at the same time. Your body wanted what your mind didn't, and he had thoroughly prepared these two to disagree while he lavished in your failure to refuse him. 
Abruptly, he pulled your tail down, the net finally ripping in some spots, but not enough to free you. Like a shark on a blood trail, he lurched forward, pressing his face into your body hard, gaining a few more inches of depth. His long tongue wiggled around, curling and drilling into you until it assaulted all the sweet, nerve-wracking spots that made you tingle from your spine to your fin, and you had to listen to Lyr finding the same kind of enjoyment pleasuring you as he moaned and sighed. 
"Perfect," he moaned, pulling his tongue out of your cunt, leaving only aching emptiness behind. "You're perfect."
"Please stop…" you mumbled, perhaps unable to deny the pleasure raking through you but not the tears of unwillingness mixing into the water. You looked at him earnestly, pleading with your eyes, trying to find some reason in the merman. 
But there was no such thing left in his corrupted mind.
He chuckled, shaking his head at your request. You watched as his hand drove along his chest, down to his tail, fingers resting along the outside of his slit, caressing the sensitive skin. "Don't think we can stop now. How else are we going to make this family a thing? My dad taught me better than to leave someone high and… well, gushing in your case."
Sharp teeth flashed out of his grin as he watched your expression turn horrified, his cock slowly slipping out of the slit in his tail when he applied pressure. You expected it to be long and perfectly sized for an orca, but with how haggard Lyr appeared, you never thought of something of that girth and curve as it appeared before you. Even in his own hand, it was no small feat, and Lyr squeezed and bent it, showing it off to you from all sides. There was no gentleness in how he treated himself, but great pride straightened his posture, trying to make the sight more available for you when he noticed the way you looked at it.
You'd never had something so big before.
Lyr watched your every move as you gulped, your body trying to shuffle away from him in fear, unable to imagine how his cock could fit into you past the tip. There were bulb-like deformities on the underside, and you recognized the roundness and size of the pearls you had collected before. "D-Did you…?" you stuttered, and Lyr's grin grew even wider. He pressed his pointer finger to the underside of his cock, dragging it up over every pearl lodged beneath the skin, and you watched them pop right into place even as he moved over them. 
"Do you like 'em? I got myself one for every big guy I killed. Nice collection, don't you think? Everyone loves them."
Your whole body contorted at the thought of the additional pleasure these alterations would give you, the pearls rubbing against your walls, pressuring the already limited space as your pussy wraps forcefully around every one for them. "Lyr I– I can't. I can't possibly take you. Please, you have to understand that!" 
"Aww, don't tell me you're scared, lil dolphin," he cooed mischievously. There was no way he didn't understand the panic in your voice. But the playful spark of arrogance and self-centeredness dancing in his eyes made you realize he was very much aware of your biological differences. He just didn't care. 
Leaning down, he began licking your slit again, this time with his hand brushing up and down his cock as he kissed and explored your entrance, working up the heat inside you again. It was hard to concentrate on his rambles, slobbered words while he pumped his cock up into a frenzy, adding fingers to his tongue going in and out of your cunt, spreading and scissoring you open, preparing you for the inevitable as your mind began to cloud from the pleasure, hiccups and moans escaping you equally while you thrashed against him. 
"You'll be perfect when you welcome me inside. Tight and warm, ready to take my seed. You'd like that, right? Letting yourself be fucked into a pretty mess by my big cock and then grow my pups in your belly? I'll be such a good dad. I'll be so much better than my own. You'll make such a nice mommy, too, always big and round and never preferring one of our kids over the other. I can't wait to watch you raise my pups. I'll make you so happy, lil' dolphin."
"N-No…" you stammered, but your protests were weak against the delusion he was living in. Your resistance faded as your orgasm built, tail pushing into his fingers, silently begging to keep stimulating the spots he could reach. He was dangerously close to cutting you with his claws, and yet all your thoughts were imagining him going deeper. There was only one way he could, though, you realized quickly when he was knuckle-deep inside you, and you bit your lip bloody, refusing to ask for it. 
"Anyone ever told you how good you taste? I could eat you up, you know," Lyr mumbled, and you shivered as he slurped up the slick you produced right from its source. "I never tasted something like this before—you're the fucking best."
His hand on his cock was growing restless, pumping the red flesh violently in his hold. You almost felt bad for the poor cock, mishandled and lonely and so far away from your cunt—no! That wasn't what you were meant to be thinking about. "I'm not," you whimpered. "I'm just me."
Lyr's eyes dragged back up to yours, watching you intensely. For a moment, the water around you two grew strangely calm. The calm before the storm, you realized, your shoulders sagging in discouragement. "I'm a dolphin," you reminded him gently. "And you're an orca. We can't have a family. We can't even reproduce."
His movements were surprisingly gentle as Lyr moved upwards. You flinched once more as his fingers popped out of you, destroying any chance of relief and making you whine quietly. But you turned your head away quickly when his lips closed in on your face. There was another melodic chirp in your ear, encouraging you to be hopeful in the language of your people. It ran a shudder down your spine, clenching at your heart. 
"You don't know that," Lyr muttered, sounding almost sad about your statement. One of his hands slid down your belly, gently rubbing it in circles. "We could. No one said we couldn't."
"You're being delusional," you confronted him, finally facing Lyr again, only to be met with the hurt of smashed dreams visible on his face. Even if you two had been on better terms, there was no way for you to comfort him. No hands free and no sympathy for the merman, so you wouldn't sing a merry tune for him or rub his back. He had to hear the truth, face it, and come back from the trip he was on. "We can never be a family."
At this point, you were ready to face his wrath rather than letting him play house with you any longer. Even with your pussy throbbing, you knew that it would be better to die than accept his delusions just for relief. You two weren't 'mates' like things were told in the legends. Partners who'd weather every up and down in life together, no matter the circumstances of their lives. In his delusion, he wanted a family to compensate for his messed-up one. But that couldn't be with you, and normally, orcas weren't the kind of creatures to seek it out, either. Then again, nothing about Lyr was normal.
You two had a few more seconds of stare-off when you felt something big pushing against your slit. Confused, you looked down, only to see Lyr guiding the tip of his cock downwards, pecking at your entrance. "Lyr!" you gasped as he popped the thick tip inside, spreading you wide open, yet not even nearly wide enough for the rest of him. 
"We have to try! How else can we make a family?!"
With desperation in his voice, you finally realized all your efforts had been in vain. "No!" you screamed as he pressed in further, but his free hand rushed towards your throat, gripping it tightly as he ground his teeth, pushing into you inch by inch. Your voice was cut off, and when you tried to struggle, your trashing only further allowed him to enter you, tearing you open painfully. 
"Just… stay still!" he hissed, baring his fangs at you while smashing your head against the stone wall. Immediately, dizziness overcame you, and you had no choice but to let him invade you, your survival instincts slowly dying down as he closed off your gills, taking away your air to breathe. Your brain was growing muddy, not even the pain registering anymore, while Lyr concentrated on getting his cock inside you, not even your gasping concerning him. 
You felt his massive girth fill you up, going further and further inside until it was kissing your cervix. Yet, he wouldn't stop there, pushing past it so he could fill you with his complete size, your body strained to the last inch to accommodate him.
"Fuck, you're so freaking tight. I didn't think it would be that hard…" Lyr admitted, gnashing his teeth in annoyance. However, by the time you felt yourself go limb, his tail finally connected with yours, and a sigh of relief went through Lyr. He pulled his hand from your throat, giving you back your ability to breathe. "How is it? Feeling full? Betcha your little dolphin males can't even satisfy you half as good."
Unable to say much, you just looked at him, watched as he reached to your belly, massaging his throbbing cock through your skin, making you whimper. Your body made a miserable attempt at tightening around him, and he moaned loudly, bashing his forehead into the stone next to yours. There was a tentative drawback of his hips, just a few inches before Lyr slammed it back into you in its full glory, both of you moaning loudly. 
"Too much…" you whined, and Lyr leaned down, kissing your cheek down to your lips. 
"You'll get used to it."
Before you knew it, he caught your lips with his, diverting your attention from his rolling hips. Both his cock and the pearls used to adorn it tried to make space while your body desperately worked to keep it all together. You were still unprepared to receive another drag and blow to your cunt, squeaking into the kiss only for Lyr to do it again. Again and again, until your sobs were replaced by moans, the friction between your bodies heating up the water around you. 
It was so frustrating. The way you couldn't move, couldn't defend yourself. You couldn't bite through his tongue shoved down your throat or scratch him bloody with your claws. You've never realized how awful it was to be prey, always having been protected and loved in your family of dolphins. And you knew you were a fast and swift swimmer, able to get away from him, but your bad luck streak started with the net. And the most frustrating? Even when it hurt, even when it was unnatural and painful, you could feel the pleasure building, the orgasm he never finished returning quickly and violently as Lyr plowed into you. 
And so was he.
"Mhm… close," he mumbled against your lips, pulling his tongue from you to litter your face with little kisses instead. "You'll become a mommy soon, I'll make sure of it. Gonna fill you up real good, 'nd—hngh! Lil'dolphin…"
His words were a messy mumble, but you didn't concentrate on them. Much to your dismay, you felt yourself anticipate his pushes, your body moving on its own as it chased the height of pleasure Lyr gave you. Everything worked together so perfectly, even your own clammy tightness, as it allowed the pearls to pop in and out of you individually, stimulating every spot of your sensitive cunt. 
Unfortunately, Lyr was right, and your body adjusted to his size even though you never wanted it to, allowing it to come and go, pulsating between your walls in a warning of what was to come. "Lyr…!" you mumbled, and he groaned loudly. "Lyr, I'm so close!"
"Fuck, I can feel it, lil dolphin. Cum for me and open wide, let me give you what you need!"
Somehow, in the delirium, he managed to reach up, slipping your hands off the rock spike and instead over his head, entangling you two further. What a cruel fate it would be to accidentally get stuck in this net with him, entangled until the last day, filled with his seed, and so close to being eaten by your unwanted mate once the hunger struck. This cruel thought was stuck in your head even when he kissed you lovingly and deeply. It was as if he truly devoted himself to you in a moment of clarity, something a dolphin had never done with you. They had never bothered to adore you in the midst of getting their cocks coated in your slick. But Lyr did, with all the naturalness of a mate and all the love of a male who wanted the future with you. And strangely unbothered by his cock still hammering into you, driving you up the edge, so focused on his love even as you stabbed your nails into his shoulders, losing yourself to pleasure with the last bit of defiance.
It was you who snapped first, crashing back to reality in a life-shattering orgasm. You bit and tore his lips as you came, but you couldn't register it in the moment of overwhelming delight as your body contorted, opening up just for a few seconds. It was enough for him to spill all of his seed into you, using every inch of free space and carving out more. At the same time, Lyr's hand supported your lower back, pulling your tails upwards so the juices wouldn't spill from you any time soon. He even thought of that before giving in to the pleasure, nipping and ripping at the skin of your cheek, neck, and shoulder with the same kind of fervor as you had. 
You two were lost completely to the depravity that had just happened, and neither of you spoke or moved; only the pulsating shaft inside you still kept you on the high, allowing you to feel anything. It was just too much, and somewhere along the line, you must have passed out from the mixture of pleasure, pain, and insanity of this situation. Maybe it was better that way. Never waking up again was an option you had tried not to consider. Still, it seemed better than the alternative of staying alive with Lyr. Perhaps pregnant, perhaps thrown back into a mating frenzy if not. Either way, you didn't want to face reality; your brain disappeared into the darkness. 
A soft touch to your lips was the last thing you felt before the world collapsed around you.  
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The first thing you felt when you awoke was the emptiness inside you.
Well, not completely. You tried to move, sighing at the heaviness of the net holding you down. It spread evenly all over you, pressing you to the ground as if it had gotten even heavier, wrapping around you tightly. But what truly made you snap back to reality was the warm sloshing inside your belly and how it distressed all your other organs. 
"Shh, shh, shh," someone hushed you, the net wrapping around you even tighter, holding you around your back and pressing you forward into the heaviness. Exhausted, you forced your eyes open, looking directly into the white of a body rather than the light or darkness of your surroundings. "Don't move so much, mama," a familiar voice chuckled before large hands rubbed over your back, surprisingly soothing the aches you felt there. 
"What…?" you mumbled, reaching up to wipe your eyes free of the sleep, finally noticing how free they were. Confused, you brought them up to your face, looking at your wrists, which were covered in cuts and scabs, already healing. "How long have I…?" 
"Two days,"  Lyr answered, finally giving up on soothing you and sighing, pushing you slightly away from him. Not enough to let you go, but enough for you to wriggle in his hold. "I was really worried, you know?"
Looking up at him, you registered his pouty face while he seemingly waited for an apology from you, but all you could do was blink a few times, feeling incredibly groggy. "Do we have some food?" you asked him weakly, and his eyes lit up as he nodded. Now, he truly had to let you go, slipping away from you to bring you a fresh catch of fish. His absence gave you a moment to finally take in your surroundings despite the ache you felt from every movement.
When you tried to sit up, you felt the sloshing inside you again, looking down to find your belly swollen and round, just like Lyr had promised. You rubbed over it, realizing you were still filled to the brim with his cum, and inspecting your slit, you saw a patch of seaweed conveniently covering it, presumably keeping everything in. You scratched at the sticky corner of the patch, only for your hand to be pushed away by a larger one, Lyr reprimanding you gently, "Don't. You'll make it spill everywhere and I just cleaned."
Your groggy mind still worked through his words as you looked around, noticing the cove now littered with trinkets and decor. The amenities all seemed strange and foreign, but you recognized them for what they were, pelts and trophies. It made the little cove almost… homey. 
Before you could say anything, Lyr pushed a fish into your mouth, and you began chewing subconsciously. You were hungry, and the drive to eat came naturally. You downed three large fish before you felt your strength return, together with your clarity of mind. Your body did a test move, your fin rising and falling, no longer held back and restraint, and your eyes widened as you watched your tail move freely. 
"You cut me loose," you gasped in surprise, and Lyr grinned, proud of himself as he nodded. 
"Can't have my pup's mom unable to swim with them, can I?"
With a joyous laugh, you rose from the sandy floor you had been stuck to for so long, circling the cove briefly before slipping through one of the openings, the light shining down at you as you rose toward the surface. 
"Hey! Hey!" Lyr yelled after you, and you felt the immense current of his body moving, always just a few inches away from you. Almost as if it wanted to pull you down again. Yet, he didn't stop you. With a big splash, you exited the water, feeling your lungs inflating again for the first time in weeks, your gills no longer supplying you with air now that you were back at the surface. 
However, you miscalculated the new mass of your body, falling backwards and threatening to clash on top of the water. It wouldn't be the end of the world, although it might sting and briefly disrupt your happiness. Before things could come to a rough end, however, two arms caught you, gently redirecting your fall so that Lyr clashed back-first into the surface rather than you. 
"You're killing me," he whined as you giggled. Being able to swim and move around made you beyond giddy. It had been way too long, so even this small win against the trauma the net and Lyr inflicted on you was elevating. He followed you as you swam around the surface, enjoying the sun on your face and chest as you drifted on your back, letting the water move you to wherever it was going. Although you couldn't shake the nagging presence at your side, glowering at you while you did your thing. 
"You're being too reckless," he blubbered, mouth half underwater, half outside. "What if you hurt the baby?"
"What baby?" you giggled, your mood still high as can be.
Lyr grumbled a bit more next to you before he dove underwater. Curious as to where he was going, you turned over, only for him to swim up to you from underneath, lifting you out of the water as he let you ride on top of him. "You're pregnant, can't you smell it?"
At first, the meaning behind his words didn't register, but your body knew what to do. Your hand drove back down to the seaweed patch before pulling away, smelling the sweet scent of a pregnant mermaid on your fingers as you dangled them in front of your nose. 
And just like that, reality came crashing down. 
You grew stiff as a board, slowly slipping off Lyr's body and sinking down into the depths of the ocean again. "That can't be…" you uttered, shocked and doubtful. You two had only done it once, right? Had he… he wouldn't, right? There was no way he'd use your body after you passed out, right? How long were you out of it? Two days? That wasn't enough to get pregnant, right? Right? He wasn't even a dolphin; this shouldn't have worked!
Lyr's eyes were filled with adoration as he swam after you, covering the light from above with his body as you two sunk to the sandy bottom again that had been your prison for so long. He caught up to you before your body plummeted completely, slipping his tail beneath yours to allow you to fall on it, cushioned, with his chest to lean on. 
"I can't be pregnant…" you whispered as his hand fell to your stomach, caressing your tummy gently. "I'm all alone here! I don't even know where my family is."
"I'm here," Lyr chimed in, adding a few manipulative dolphin chirps to comfort you. "You're not alone."
"How will I raise a child? I can't do it, I need to go home! I need to see my mom and sisters! They know how to care for children… I…”
"You think they'd take you back when you come home with my pup?" 
Lyr's question made little sense at first. Of course your family would welcome you back! They'd help you through the pregnancy and the birth, and then you could all take care of the…
"Oh…" you whispered. "Oh, no…"
Lyr chuckled, but even his amusement sounded a little sad. "If it's any comfort to you, my family wouldn't help us raise the kid either. Considering it's half-dolphin, it wouldn't last a day amongst orcas. They would tear the little pup apart."
"We don't know that!" you yelled, the panic turning into a hysterical frustration. "My family loves me! They wouldn't abandon me! I just need to talk to them. Surely they will...! They..." 
Your voice broke as you tried to stand up for your parents, siblings, aunts, and nieces. You were one big family; you always stuck together! But you couldn't help it—Lyr was getting to you. The what-ifs were creeping into your mind, and his presence, holding and comforting you, didn't help with pushing the painful thoughts away.
He grew a little quieter, pulling you tighter against him while still being wary of the life growing inside you. His voice was hushed when he whispered it in your ear. "We're all this pup has. No one but us could love it. No one will accept our little family."
The realization instantly made you sob. 
There you were, finally free of the net holding you down. Free to swim around, free to do whatever you wanted. And yet, you were more trapped than ever. Even if your family took you back, you knew that neither you nor your child would have a peaceful, loving home. Besides, Lyr would probably show up there, too, disrupting and uprooting your family just because of your mistake. 
Lyr held you as you cried, pure, unfiltered despair ringing through your screams and cries. It must have hurt his sensitive ears to hear the full force of your siren voice cry out, but he never even flinched. He just held you gently in his arms, rocking you back and forth until the pain finally washed out with the tears disappearing into the ocean, leaving nothing but numbness behind. 
"I knew you'd be a great mom. It hurts me too, you know? But we are doing what's best for our little… calf. We'll be a good family, even without anyone else, I promise you. Just like I made this a reality," his hand fell to your stomach, hinting at your baby, "I'll always be here, always take care of you and all the kids we'll have. I promise."
"I don't want this," you sobbed, the words hurting you more than you wanted to admit. But they were true. You didn't want to make a family with Lyr. You didn't want to be away from your actual family. And you didn't even want the baby. But you knew it was already too late. There was a sea witch out there, who could have rectified this situation if only you could contact her.
"You will," Lyr said firmly, claws digging into your tail. You winced, but this time, he didn't soften his grip or make sure you were unharmed. "You have no choice," he reminded you, and the realization hit you again that he was right. 
Even if you tried to leave, he wouldn't let you. He'd drag you back and force you into doing what he wanted, just like he had from the moment he met you. You no longer believed in the mate bond that connected two soulmates, but if he knew about it, it seemed that was exactly what he thought you two were. And that meant you'd never, never leave him again. Lyr was mad enough to imagine a bond that wasn't there, even if he never heard the legend.
"Let's be better parents than mine, okay? I promise to be gentle and love you no matter what, so please…"
You had to see it for yourself, make sure you bore witness to the madness you always thought to be deep inside of him. You needed to see if he was too far gone to reason. If there was any chance you could still escape him. A little spark of hope remained as you lifted your head, looking up at him and catching his gaze with yours. 
Only for that little spark to vanish completely. 
His eyes were empty, big and dark, and utterly void of sanity. All you saw was your reflection in them, paired with the small hints of his feelings all over his face. The desperation and loneliness in the way his face was covered in wrinkles. You noticed his love for you in the big, adoring smile he gave you through all the pain and bitterness that had shredded his lips, blood drafting from his mouth. He was holding back—what you didn't know. Perhaps the need to kill you, wanting you dead rather than defiant. Or perhaps he, too, was trying to feel something again, so he bit open the scarring bite you had left on his mouth.
Whatever it was, you realized he, too, was too far gone to be saved. Just like you, albeit unwillingly in your case. 
It made you almost inclined to agree when he told you exactly what he wanted. Almost.
"Don't ever leave me, okay, my little dolphin?"
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bunnis-monsters · 2 days
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note: I will TRY to get to all of these, but if I feel like I can’t finish some, I’ll put up a poll so y’all can choose what I write
Oct1 legend of the driders(smut)🕸️
Oct2 vampire and werewolf fight over you(GONE SEXY) 🧛🏻🐺
Oct3 yan merman can’t let you go🧜‍♂️
Oct4 slime bf wants to be as close as possible~💧
Oct5 tentacle monster has a humanoid form?! 🐙
Oct6 yandere incubus 😈
Oct7 clingy haunted doll bf 🪡
Oct8 yan!vampire thinks you’re his reincarnated lover🧛🏻
Oct9 friend becomes a zombie then can’t help but breed you 🧟‍♂️
Oct10 baby bee hybrid Halloween special 🐝
Oct11 yandere witch makes you his pet 🧙
Oct12 werewolf chases you while you’re in a bunny costume 🐺🐰
Oct13 orc x bunny hybrid reader 🧌🐰
Oct14 shark hybrid bf going feral during your shark week🦈
Oct15 reader is the yearly sacrifice to appease the ghosts(smut) 👻
Oct16 cow hybrid!reader free use at a farm fall festival 🐮
Oct17 yandere lake monster 💦
Oct18 Yan!(maybe vampire)Scientist x experiment reader 🧪
Oct19 puppy hybrid bf breeds you at a costume party 🐶
Oct20 clown entity lonely after park shuts down, gets horny when you come to explore 🤡
Oct21 vampire milf gets you to babysit her kids then pays you with sexy times later 🧛🏻‍♀️
Oct22 yandere poltergeist falls for you (smut) 👻
Oct23 werewolf is witch!reader’s familiar 🧙
Oct24 Frankenstein’s monster? More like frankenstein’s moaner the way I’m bouncing on that wood 🤖
Oct25 protective headless horseman smut 🐴
Oct26 haunted house? Sentient scarecrow fucking? JINKIES 👹
Oct27 exploring haunted house with friends, get abandoned. Demons fuck you senseless 😈
Oct28 aliens take you for a breeding program 👽
Oct29 Gorgon lady turns you to stone and uses you to get off 🐍
Oct30 Naga’s first halloween 🐍
Oct31 Jack-o-lantern monster fun :3 🎃
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dragonsholygrail · 9 days
Hybrid Fics
The kiss of fate (Shark bf x fem!reader x Merman)
Late to the event (CEO Bull bf x fem!reader)
Wild Domination (Lion bf x Antelope fem!reader)
Obedient pup (Puppy bf x fem!reader)
Slime mixture (Snail bf x Slime Monster fem!reader)
Good boy’s reward (Puppy bf x fem!reader)
The helpful scientist (Yandere! Scientist x Hybrid gn!reader)
The helpful hybrid sequel (Yandere Scientist x Moth Hybrid gn!reader)
Late getting home (Cat bf x fem!reader)
Run little fox (Fox x Bunny ftm!reader)
Tiger bf x Deer fem!reader:
Prey for your predator
Grooming session
Cat bf x Mouse fem!reader:
New friends
Sunlit naps
Bird Colony x Dance Instructor fem!reader
Dance classes
A special dance for you
Mistaken eggs
To lure their mate
Casual nesting
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theroyalyandere · 1 year
About the yan!fisherman. What about a cute little siren darling that’s too colorful and loud for their own good, only to get ensnared by a angry deep sea fisherman captain. Who only promises to let them go if he can have a wish in return. (Old mermaid tales say mermaids could grant wishes to those who save them or return their hair comb) And darlings like, I wouldn’t need saving if you’d let me go. I’m not granting you a wish just because you threaten me. ( like pirates of the Caribbean, they’re hard to crack) so the fisherman captain keeps his darling on his ship in a converted tank and kills off the rest of the crew. Eventually wearing away the mermaid darlings resolve till they say yes. And the captain had been thinking about wishing the mermaid to be human but knows those tales never end well. Either his prize runs back to the sea, or one of them dies before the other due to a shortened mortal life. Which doesn’t appeal because he hates land and wants to be out at sea which he can’t if he’s constantly making sure they don’t leave him. And he wants to be with them for eternity, regardless of darling’s wishes.
So he kills two birds with one stone and wishes “for my heart’s desire”. Only the wish is twisted by his obsession, unbeknownst to darling. But they still grant it because they believe his one true desire is greed like most humans… which they’re not wrong. So he becomes a huge terrifying shark merman, or maybe a cecalia, or giant sea snake naga.
And now you’ve got a sea monster that hates humans and his shiny little siren that he can make scream and sing others to their death.
… or what about a reverse harem of deep sea fishermen turned into sea monsters to protect their little darling by one tainted wish. Darling grants the captain’s wish and it “condemns” the small boat like Davy Jones. So now mermaid darling has more to outswim.
oh my god??? I can't describe how genius you are anon! mermaid darling and her yan!fisherman turned into sea monster?!!! I'm going to combine both of the ideas and make a sea monster harem instead becauseeeeeeeeee 😮‍💨🤭 I only know a little about pirates of the Caribbean so please forgive me with the inaccuracies and I'm sorry if this is pretty short, I can continue this and turn this into a series if you like!
note: mermaid!darling is referred to as she/her please don't read if you don't feel comfortable thank you!
Warnings: yandere, dark content, gore/body horror, kidnapping, prey/hunter dynamics, death threats, manipulation
yan!sea monster harem x mermaid!darling/reader
As a mermaid, you've heard from your sisters that some of those like you were captured from those above.
You did not exactly expect to be captured by one of them, especially them.
You blame your colorful tail for attracting too much attention, you managed to throw everyone who went after you so far and your sisters think you're truly lucky but this time you ran out of luck.
Not only are you aware of the bounty set upon your head, you are also believed to be the most powerful of all mermaids which they aren't wrong about. However you have not granted any humans a wish yet. As you believe them to be the most vile of beings.
They are too brutish and rude and cruel. You did not like them one bit.
As soon as you got caught into their net you did not hesitate to flail around as an attempt to set yourself free. You snarled at everyone showing your viscious at the pesky humans.
Your sharp claws tear out through the net and smack everything with your tail. Unfortunately you got stopped by the captain.
His tall, menacing frame looming over you like a boulder with a grumpy face. He shows no reaction at your defensive state and it only scares you more than the other way around.
He corners you and kneels down to your level, he gave you an offer.
The captain will only let you go once you grant a wish of his however in your fury you instead jumped into him and pinned him down, snarling as you try to choke him.
His crew surrounds you each with a weapon in their hand, threatening to kill you unless you let go.
You kept being defiant until one of them got to restrain you setting your victim free.
The poor crew mate groans as he tries to not let you go.
The captain ordered for you to be hidden in the ship until they figure out how to break you.
So you get hidden in a cabin into a tank filled with water allowing you to live above the sea.
As long as they keep you, you refuse to agree to their conditions. Their offers being returned with a glare or an attack from you.
Until, one of the younger crew got closer to you. Watching and observing how you interact with the young one.
They all secretly watch as you the young crew mate won you over with their smiles and gentle demeanor, granting them the opportunity to see another side of yourself.
Your heart begins to soften and sing a song for the youngster.
The other crew told this to the captain and watched with his own eyes the scene unfolding. He urges the crew mate to get closer to you.
One by one they start to get obsessed with you. The crew either fight on who's turn to give you some food to eat or they wrestle among each other who gets to hear you sing to them first.
It only got worse when the captain got involved, one night he caught himself listening to your melodies and felt something he had never experienced before.
He eventually chased for this feeling and he knew that only you can satisfy him and his dark desires.
So his desire further strayed away from what he wanted and darker as his desires were focused on you.
At one point his impatience got into him and barged into the cabin you're at and threatens to kill the crew mate you grew fond of, your eyes pool with pearls and panic present on your face as you try to grab onto him.
He tells you that he will certainly finish the crew mate if you don't agree immediately, he asks you to grant his wish and you ask him what it is. He replies..
"for my heart's desire"
You assume it has something to do with wealth and power but oh you were wrong.
You watch as the captain slowly morphs into a sea monster. The scene is so grotesque that you tried to shield yourself away from the scene.
Outside the cabin, the whole crew starts to fall ill and scream in pain as their bodies start to turn different. Their skin turning into scales or being covered by corals and such.
Even the young crew mate you adored was not spared from the awful transformation. As the wish manifests into reality so does a storm, overturning the ship upside down as an enormous wave swallows the ship whole.
The ship gets wrecked and you try to escape into the ocean and swim away only to get caught by a powerful force wrapped around you and you turn to face it.
Only a horrifying sight greets you as the crew were turned into predatory monsters that will sure haunt all over the seas.
The one keeping you captive is the captain, he became an enormous sea monster that towers over you. With long tentacles and his eyes glowing with evil.
His tentacles engulf your whole being as you struggle to get out of his hold, blocking you away from the rest of the world.
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yanderecrazysie · 9 months
Galeophobia (Kirishima)
Please don’t request any phobias. I just felt like making this for fun.
Be kind to me, I'm still not good at writing NSFW
Title: Galeophobia
Pairings: Kirishima Eijirou x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, mershark Kirishima, pirate reader, marking, NSFW, NON-CON, belly bulge, excessive cum
Phobia: The fear of sharks
Normally, the setting sun is something that makes you smile, its beautiful pink-and-orange hues are a feast for the eyes. Here and now? It feels as though it is taunting you as your water sloshes over the deck of your sinking ship.
How can nature be so beautiful, yet so cruel?
The storm is completely gone- there’s no sign that it ever happened. No sign, save for one wooden ship taking on water. The jolly rogers above you wave feebly in the light wind before crumbling in on themselves as even the air falls silent. You sigh wearily.
After all the danger you’d put yourself in to get rich, sinking serenely in the middle of calm waters, all of your comrades having fled on lifeboats. Leaving the captain to go down with the ship.
It’s a dumb tradition that the pirates of your country take part in, you thought dully, so why did I bother following it? You wished you weren’t quite so honorable. 
The water ripples below your lazy perch on the ship’s front railings, now reaching past the deck and slowly inching towards you. Somewhere off in the distance, you see something shimmer in the sunset’s pink-tinged water.
You squint, confused, as something bright red begins rising in the clear water right below you, on the end of your ship and the open ocean. Water breaks at the surface as the crimson object reveals itself to be spiky hair on the head of a handsome tan-skinned man with equally-red, intense eyes.
At first, you think he must be dead. After all, how else could there be someone out here in the middle of the ocean, unless they were from a ship already sunken below? But no, the man gazes at you with a lively expression, smiling brightly at you as though he’s never been so happy to see someone else. 
The next conclusion fills you with hope: there must be land nearby! Surely he had swum from an island to your ship. But how far away was it? You look in every direction and see nothing but water.
“Where do you come from?” You ask urgently, “It’s not too far is it? I’m not a strong swimmer.”
The man laughs loudly, “Don’t worry, I got you, babe.”
You wrinkle your nose at the pet name but hold your tongue. After all, this redhead was the only thing between you and the bottom of the ocean.
He holds out his arms as though he’s ready to catch you, “Come on down, babe. I don’t bite. Much.”
He flashes you a smile and you gasp. His teeth are unnaturally sharp and triangular, nothing like a human’s. For the first time, you feel a sense of foreboding and your heart pounds in your chest. 
Your gaze falls below his bare abs under the water and you’re shocked to see that instead of bare legs, there’s gray and white smooth skin that ends in a sharp fish tail. From the shape and the earlier glance at his teeth, you surmise he’s some sort of shark merman. Not human, in any case.
“What are you?” You shriek, wrapping your arms around your legs protectively, all too aware of how close the water was to you now.
The shark-man grins, flashing those sharp teeth at you once more, “My name’s Kirishima. What’s yours, babe?”
“Stay away from me, you fish freak!” You seethe, pulling your compass from your pocket and heaving it at him as hard as you can. It bounces off his chest with a thunk but he doesn’t so much as flinch. “Wait until after I’ve drowned to eat me!”
Kirishima sighs, a soft pout to his features as he tells you, “List babe: you’re either coming down on your own or you’re going to sink.”
The reality of the situation dawns on you just as you feel water licking at your toes. You were going to be eaten by this half-shark, half-man creature. All that would be left of you would be your bones on the bottom of the ocean, alongside your trusty ship. 
Hot tears prick your eyes as you let yourself slide off the railing into the water. If my death is coming, then let it be quick, you thought sadly.
Kirishima blinks in surprise before a smile spreads across his face. This time, his lips are pulled over those vicious teeth, and you can’t help but think it’s a little cute. He reaches his hand out to brush away a few stray tears, but that just causes more to spill.
Strong arms wrap around you and you close your eyes, ready for death. It doesn’t come. Instead, Kirishima nuzzles into your neck, cooing softly into your ear as he holds you close.
He pulls you away from the sinking ship, most of which is already underwater. Your first and only ship- you feel more tears slip down your cheeks. It’s gone now, there’s no getting it back.
“Shh, it’s alright, babe.” Kirishima shushes you softly as he swims farther away, tugging you along through the water. You shiver in his grasp and he takes notice, stopping immediately to run his hands over your body, “Oh man, you’re cold all over.”
The grin that cracks across his face is mischievous and predatory at the same time, “I know how to fix that.”
Something cold and hard brushes against your butt and your heart stops all together before it starts up tenfold again. Don’t tell me he means…
Incredibly sharp teeth pierce through the skin on your neck and you let out a scream. Warm blood pools on the surface as he sucks gently before releasing with a pop. He takes a look at his handiwork- at the wound swelling on your neck- and has the audacity to look proud. 
Kirishima presses against you as he begins peeling your clothes from your skin. Something very large and very hard pokes against your thighs and, although you cannot see it, you already have an idea of what it is. Curiosity has you briefly wondering if it looks like a human’s or not.
You don’t have a chance to look down at it from the angle he’s holding you but, once he tears your pants from your body in a violent, eager motion, you quickly get to know what it feels like. It seems to be shaped the same as any human male’s dick, but it’s much larger than what you thought was possible. 
The bulbous head pushes against your unguarded pussy, pressing and pressing until pop- it forces its way inside. You expected unimaginable pain, but you’re instead overrun with pleasure.
The cock fills you out with each inch shoved deeper. It stretched your insides out and, when you look down, you see a visible bulge in your stomach. He’s crammed into you so much your little human body can barely take it.
Kirishima holds you still while he forces his shark cock deeper and deeper. The bulge in your belly is bigger than ever when he comes to a stop. Unconsciously, your hand moves and puts a hand over the bump in your stomach and you hear the man behind you moan with pleasure as you accidentally massage his cockhead.
The thrusts begin, more brutal than you could ever anticipate. Kirishima uses his arms to keep you in place while he fucks into you, tearing apart your vagina and womb easily with his monster cock. 
You writhe with pleasure, barely able to move from your positioning but trying all the same. It’s all too much- his dick is pressed up against every nerve and pleasure spot you have, each thrust hits all the right places.
Kirishima grabs your hips and bend your body a little, moving you into a position where he can fuck you even deeper and harder. It isn’t long before you come undone on his cock, twitching and spasming from the intense pleasure he’s giving you.
Your pulsating walls prove to be too much for the redhead, and he follows you shortly after. His cum floods your insides, inflating your belly a little around the bulge and filling you so completely that some escapes around his cock and into the water around you, making the water turn more milky than clear.
Your eyes roll back in your head as he rolls his hips, getting out those last few drops of cum. His giant cock finally softens and slips out, dirtying the water even more with the cum that escapes your stuffed-full womb.
“Yeah, I’m keeping you.” Kirishima says, grinning widely as he pulls you close. You don’t bother fighting it as he gives a kick of his tail and takes off swimming with you snug in his arms. 
You can feel cum still rushing out of you as he whisks you away to wherever it is he plans to keep you.
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(Don’t) Face Your Fears: Part 2
Yandere Merfolk Straw Hats x GN!Reader
1.8k words
Part 1
This is the second part to that merfolk story I wrote before that I retroactively added a name to once I realized it wasn’t just going to be a one off.
Despite several members of his crew wanting to come with him, the river cutting through your island consisting of freshwater meant that only Luffy could go. Sure, Franky did build what was essentially a mobile saltwater pool that Luffy could use to bring some of them along, but he didn’t have it nearby and Luffy wasn’t willing to wait.
He wanted to see you again, and he wanted to do so now.
Being a bull shark had many perks, and he was currently using two of them. One being the coveted ability to swim in both fresh and saltwater, and the other being an impeccable sense of smell. It was best in water, but this island was so small that he could easily follow your trail. An awfully long trail, he noted. You are quite the runner! Usopp would have some stiff competition if you were merfolk, too.
Your unique scent came to a head, bringing Luffy to a halt. Pulling himself up onto the river bank, he sniffed the air to confirm that you were nearby. Somewhere in the house not far from where he is to be exact. A sharp grin spread across his face. He was right! You do live near the river! This will make getting ahold of you much easier.
Before he could pull himself fully out of the river, someone exited the house. Not just any person, but you. Luffy quietly slipped his upper body back into the river, leaving only his head poking out of the water.
Your footsteps drew closer, stopping slightly upstream from where he was. Once there, you dropped onto the ground and buried your face in your hands. Luffy watched curiously as you groaned loudly and scowled at the river when you pulled your hands away from your face. Is this a human thing? He’s intrigued and inches closer. Humans have awful night vision, he isn’t concerned about being noticed before he wants to be.
“I can’t believe this. Months of work wasted because I just had to run into merfolk during my first trip into the ocean,” you muttered under your breath. “What kind of stupid bad luck is that?”
Bad luck? You meeting and coming to their rescue was good luck! Great luck even! Luffy frowned at what you said. He knows he startled you earlier, but he thought it was just because you were surprised to see a merman up close.
Did you just… not like merfolk?
Why not? He can guess that he was the first merman to ever be so close to you. How could you come to dislike people you’ve never really gotten to know? That doesn’t make any sense. If you were willing to help people despite your obvious discomfort, then surely you couldn’t be a hateful person.
An idea suddenly clicks in his head. Other humans must be telling you awful things about them!
Nodding with resolve, Luffy swam even closer. When he was right in front of you, he launched himself out of the water and wrapped his arms around you. You immediately tried to scream, but he was prepared for you to do that after your last interaction and slapped a hand over your mouth.
You kicked and thrashed in his arms, and it only increased as he began pulling you into the water with him. You’re definitely not weak, he’ll give you that, but you aren’t stronger than him either. 
By the time he settles back into the water, you’re hysteric. You’re still trying to scream for help even with his hand in the way, and he can feel hot tears streaming down onto him. That makes him feel a little bad about what he’s doing. He doesn’t want to upset you, he just wants to show you that merfolk aren’t anything to be scared of.
“Calm down, I’m not going to hurt you!” If you heard him, you made no indication that you did. You were still fighting him hard and digging your puny human claws into his arm. What were these people telling you that had you acting this terrified?! 
Luffy became distracted as he picked up on more scents and heard doors being opened. It would seem that his hand wasn’t keeping you as quiet as he’d hoped, especially not with how much you were splashing in the water. Looks like you two are going to have to leave.
Pushing off, he hastily makes his way down the river and towards the ocean. You probably wouldn’t listen if he told you to hold your breath, so he settled for swimming with you balanced on top of his chest. This was easier said than done. Between swimming upside down and your squirming, he wound up dropping you into the water.
Bizarrely, you went from doing everything to get away from him to desperately reaching your arms out to his figure and holding on for dear life. Luffy pulled you back up onto him, patting your back as you hacked up the water you’d inhaled. Much to his relief, this experience seemed to have settled you down somewhat.
You didn’t look happy by any means, but you weren’t fighting against him anymore, so he considered this a victory. Seeing that there wasn’t anyone around, Luffy decided to try talking to you again, “Hi! I’m Luffy!”
“Please don’t drown me!” You sobbed, “I’m sorry for whatever I did to make you mad, please don’t kill me!”
Drown you? Kill you??? Luffy is completely bewildered by your pleas. Sure, he did drop you just now, but that was an accident! “Whoa there, no one is going to kill you! I’m sorry I dropped you, I didn’t mean to.”
“Then what do you want from me? Please just let me go, I promise I won’t tell anyone about this!” 
What’s got you so damn freaked out? He doesn’t get it. How dangerous are the people around here that you’re so horrified by him? Does every new person you come across try to harm you? That must be the case. 
“I wanted to see you again! Also, I want you to join my crew! You seem really nice, so I think you’ll fit in great,” Luffy beamed at you, not paying attention to how you recoiled from his teeth.
“Join your crew?! Are you insane?! I’m not one of you!” You spat out incredulously.
“What’s that got to do with anything? We don’t mind tugging you around in a boat,” Luffy didn’t really get why you were being so argumentative about this. He already told you that he’s not going to hurt you, what’s the hold up? These other humans must really have you brainwashed. Good thing he’s here to save you from them!
“I don’t want to be pulled around on a boat in the middle of the ocean, I want to go home!” You shrieked while frantically peering around to check your surroundings.
Much to Luffy’s relief, he’d finally made it out of the river and into the ocean. Once he’s gotten you away from this awful island, he’s sure you’ll calm down and be more willing to listen. You’ll love all the other crew members after you get to know them, he just knows it! You won’t even want to go back to this pathetic island after they’ve made friends with you.
“You’re back already? Could you not- You’ve got to be kidding!” Sanji surfaced and swam straight at you two. “You really thought it was a good idea to drag them out here just like that?”
You cringed away from the new shark and looked like you were about to faint. Luffy couldn’t help but puff out his chest in pride as you clung onto him, obviously a part of you recognized that he could protect you. 
“I had to! Other humans showed up, and I couldn’t just leave them all alone there!” Luffy nuzzled his face into your hair, choosing to ignore the way you shuddered from the contact. You’re probably just a little cold.
“That’s bullshit! No one came out until after you dragged me in!”
Sanji’s eyes narrowed at Luffy, “This is why we didn’t want you to go alone, you have no tact!”
“Like you would have done any better! You would’ve just creeped them out if you’d gone,” Nami jabbed. Sanji sulked away, not even attempting to plead his case. Nami, on the other hand, swam closer to you, eyeing you up curiously. She reached out to experimentally tug on your wet clothing, not paying any mind to how uncomfortable you looked.
Chopper was the next to appear. You were definitely surprised by his appearance, but seemed more confused than scared by him. The doctor went right up to you, visibly concerned, “Luffy! You can’t just drag a human into the water like this! It’s cold enough that they could get hypothermia if we don’t get them someplace dry soon!”
You latched onto this immediately, “Y-Yeah, you should take me back to shore before I get sick!”
“Don’t worry, I got this covered!” Franky pulled a self made boat over, “It’s not much yet, but I’ve got biiiig plans for this thing.” The boat in question looked like a small house boat. There weren’t any doors on it, just an open three walled structure for shelter. 
“Oooh, good thinking, Franky!” Luffy happily approached the boat and heaved you onto it. The second you were out of his arms, you scrambled into the walled off part of it. You stared at them with wide eyes with your back pressed up against one of the walls.
More of his crew appeared, wanting to get a good look at you now that you weren’t actively running away from them. With each head that popped out of the water, you curled in on yourself more and more.
“Are you sure this is a good idea? What if other humans come after us to get them back? Don’t we have enough enemies already?” Usopp was hanging back, still skittish about this whole idea.
“Of course it is! They’re our friend now, so we’ll protect them!” Luffy pulled himself up onto the boat while you shrank back even farther. He turns to face you, grinning even wider than he already was, “Don’t worry about all those awful humans on that island, we won’t let them hurt you!”
“What are you talking about? Everyone there is-”
“Very dangerous and spreading lies about what merfolk are like! You don’t need to say anything, I already figured it out,” Luffy nodded proudly.
“You didn’t figure shit out, you maniac!” 
No one listened to you, and there was a chorus of groans from the merfolk. This was hardly anything new to them, humans always assumed the worst of them. 
Admittedly, Luffy didn’t have a long term plan for what to do with you yet, but he’s already made it this far without ever making any plans. Everything will fall into place soon enough, and you’ll learn to be grateful for his extremely considerate rescue.
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6saints · 1 month
Yandere! Merman x Reader
18+ - gore and smut
Chapter two
It is in human nature to be deleterious. To be a cancerous leech plundering on the natural resources Earth had to offer. Human nature entails dominance over any being deemed inferior, to find amusement and comfort in the technology the big bad business men advertise. They are wolves selling a fallacy of hope to the selfish humans who pray for an advanced civilization; all while stuffing their pockets with gold and giving blessings to the sick.
That homeless man may have been right about the end of the world, or those hippies chaining themselves to trees or even those laughable metal straw ads everyone would skip. Had anybody listened to the fanatical people of the early 70's, perhaps the state of the earth would never have gotten so dilapidated. Magazines and newspapers were thrown out for billboards, projectors and little technological pockets of information. The news always the same, yet always afflictive to the weak little hearts of the people. Every day was a new animal, new country, new city being destroyed by one man made thing or the other.
That was how he was raised. To despise humans and their technology, the same filth congesting his oceans and killing any and all marine life.
His first encounter with humans had been just a decade ago. Fishing vessels weren't common near Silnich shores therefore, his entire childhood had gone relatively unoccupied. Socialization was rare, even amongst his own species, so when a Trawler spurred against empty waters the half-fish was naturally whelmed with vague interest.
It was a melancholy night; ashen clouds covering the darkness. The waters were desolate, a lonely ambience surrounding the waves and empty sky. Zero lights, he had thought to himself, his diaphanous tail swishing beneath himself. Occasionally, if he was lucky, yellow, red, purple and even blue dots would scatter behind clouds and a pale moon would situate itself at their side.
He recalled an old friend, a merman and traveller, had once mentioned calling them stars. That humans could see them up close, that they could dance and fly among them; a laughable notion considering only birds could do such a thing. Humans were widely regarded as stupid and rather begrimed; a soiled species responsible for the odd materials destroying underwater ecosystems. He never understood his friend's peculiar way of regarding them, almost as if with an admiration of sorts.
"Alright boys, what we catchin' today?" A loud, booming voice sounded atop the boat.
Two other voices had joined in, southern and thick. "How bout a shark?"
"Shut up, Randall," laughed one of the men, "Let's catch some fish fore' the boss rings our neck."
A thunderous whirring came from a machine attached to the boat, yellow and rusted with a net attached to the bottom. It sunk beneath the inky waters, the boy following after with pure curiosity. He noticed a school of fish swimming closer, their delicious forms becoming entrapped within the roped net and struggling to swim out. Their meager bodies flattened against each other, fins frantically fluttering back and forth in a futile attempt at escape.
Did humans also eat fish? He wondered.
He hadn't gotten a look at what the men's physical appearances were. How big are they that they need so much fish?
He swam closer, using his taloned fingers to scratch at a piece of the net, allowing for one of the fish to plop out into his webbed hand. Easy hunt, he thought to himself, swallowing the fish whole before reaching in to grab another.
This time, however, the whirring sound seemed to grow louder and the net began oscillating at a rapid rate. Before he could push himself away from the machine the net clasped around his tail and arm, forcing him into place with the rest of the fish surrounding him. He struggled, contorting his body forward and backward venturing to free himself.
All his sensitive skin could feel was a cold, damp metal beneath his limbs, fish jumping to and fro around him as the light from the boat blurred his vision. The slits in his eyes became thinner, almost nonexistent, when one of the men flashed something strikingly bright into his face. Two of the three voices now had a face and body, each distinct and rather ugly. The larger, burley man had no hair atop his head yet his arms were covered, a complete contrast to the smoothness of a mermaid's upper body. The one flashing an instrument in his face was rather lanky and petite, a beard cleanly growing across his chin and ending just above his collarbones. He couldn't find the third one, he didn't know if he even wanted to.
The bulky man had thin lips curled into an odd smile, like two sea worms bent in an odd angle, a tooth sticking out the side of his lip curiously. "What the hell am I looking at?" His voice was painful up close, the boy's finned ears twitching as they continued speaking.
"Certainly not a shark," the other whispered, a shocked expression painting his unkept features.
"Say, you a fuckin' mermaid?" He asked. The man took a thin metal rod and poked his tail.
"Mermaids are females, boss."
"Merboy?" He corrected himself sarcastically.
The fish-boy didn't speak, tightlipped and glaring at the men hovering above him. Occasionally, a frantic fish would slap him on his face.
"Well fuck me I guess." He rolled his eyes. "What should we do with it?"
"I don't know, boss, maybe we-"
A voice from behind the boy cut the lanky man off, "We make some money off of him."
He jerked his head back, staring wide-eyed at the new voice that had appeared. A light flashed, the man carrying a square box with a whitened piece of glass just over his eye. The third man, round and clean, looked like an office worker dressed up as a fisherman. "What?"
"You ain't hear me the first time?" He walked up to the boy, hands pulling at his tail just to check for any hint of falsehood. He growled at him, exposing two rows of sharpened teeth, the canines especially long. "Woah!" He stumbled back before recomposing himself. "How much money you think people would pay to see a mermaid?"
"It's a boy."
"Same thing." He shrugged.
"Probably a lot," the bigger man muttered, pondering for a moment. "What you say bout' bringin' him with us?"
"Where we gonna put him?"
"I can free up space in one of the barrels back at the yard. Some water should keep it alive." The lanky man walked closer to the boy, bending forward with a confidence only an idiot could sport. "You got lungs, right kid?"
These are the things that can fly like birds? He bitterly laughed to himself, as if!
The fish-boy hoisted himself up, lunging at the man and just barely grazing his left shoulder. His tail caught on the net, forcing his body back into the metal floor brutally.
"Shit!" The man whimpered, clutching into his shoulder feverishly. "The kid's got a bite to him."
"Grab the extra netting from the back." Ordered the hairy man immediately, that odd smile of his disappearing into a frown.
The men began tying him up, repulsed expressions covering their faces as they got a closer look at the struggling being. He was snarling, animalistic eyes wanting nothing more than to kill them for touching him with their filthy human hands. These men are exactly as the stories portrayed them! Absolutely abhorrent and disgusting!
Unfortunately for him, these men were massive, towering at 6 feet.
Mermen on the other hand didn't reach full maturity until age 20 and the majority of their size would come from the length and girth of their tail, not their upper bodies. Though, he imagined he would look significantly better than these rotten humans once he did reach adulthood.
He glanced at the fish and then at the hairy man. He was the one that would put up the most fight, he figured. The lanky one was weak and rather easy to overpower and the round one was a coward. If he could get rid of the one threat he would be free to escape.
"Please don't hurt me," he blurted, skin paling further and his body forcing a shiver.
"The little shit speaks!" The lanky man laughed.
"Aye kid, we're not gonna hurt you, sailor's promise." His target stepped forward.
Just a little more, he thought.
"I'm sorry for scratching you," he looked up at the men, big doe eyes pricking with non existent tears.
His new bald headed prey walked forward again, kneeling down and holding out a fish. He wondered if he was overselling the helpless child trope a bit too much, recalling how orcas would do something similar in the wild.
Whatever the case was, the man was within reach. He extended his webbed fingers, slow and innocent-like, but instead of grabbing the puffed fish he imbedded his talons into the man's eyes, pulling him on top before quickly searching his pockets for anything that would free him.
The men behind were bellowing out curses and shouts, petrified of the scene in front of them. As he suspected, the larger man ran back to the edge of the vessel, whitened knuckles grasping onto the metal in a horrified state. His fingers prodded and poked until something sleek and flat made contact with his palm. He fumbled with the edges of a strangely ornate and intricate design, swirls of flowers and odd vinery leading to a sharpened edge.
Just in time too, considering his friend, though weak, had garnered the courage to defend his crew imperishably.
He pushed the man's body forward, tripping the other while he made his escape over the edge of the boat, both screaming incoherently about one scary thing or the other. The boy allowed his no longer confined body to sink to the bottom of the ocean. He could still view the top clearly and hear the men's belting, unlike the darkness and comforting silence the ocean usually offered him. Their voices began to wane, signaling their exit. He was exhausted, hurt, and dejected.
And this interaction only proved to him the cruelty that human beings harbored within themselves.
Since that day, humans never made an appearance on Silnich waters again. Perhaps he had instilled a fear into them, a sense of self preservation that he knew only a selfish human could harbor. The humans must have warned the others, fed them stories about the attack of a crazed sea monster, who was really just a scared boy.
He was 24 now, a grown merman protective of the colony he had single-handedly protected. The fish were his to eat, the sharks and dolphins were his to play with, and the sky was entirely his to look at.
Until it wasn’t.
“Slow down you crazy child..”
The melodic harmonies began playing a soft tune.
“Take the phone off the hook and disappear for a while...”
It was a male singing, perhaps a siren? Though he had never met a male siren before.
“It's alright, you can afford to lose a day or two...”
The closer he swam to the shore, the more he could pick up on other voices.
“When will you realize…”
And there they were, long limbs swaying cautiously against each other, dull teeth hidden behind soft smiles and innocent laughter. Their feet were hidden within the ocean despite the light splashing.
And there she was, (h/l) (h/c) hair bouncing idly and her fingers interlacing with another of her species. She was rather beautiful, he thought for only a moment.
“Vienna waits for you...”
More humans came running into the water, two males and a female. And the merman's hazy thoughts were replaced with something more sinister.
Intruders, he told himself, in my waters.
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Monster F-er Anon with a request!
Megalodon!Pickle with Clownfish Mermid!Darling Headcannons!
You can make this as spicy as you want 🌶🌶🌶
Poor little clownfish would be dead 😭😭😭 dead!
For some background, the ‘tank’ is just open ocean that is sectioned off by a netted divider so nothing can get in or out. There’s an underwater conservatory full of humans below but the glass is one sided so Pickle can’t see the humans and attack them.
They’re human proportions but Pickle is obviously abnormally large
Yandere Baki Head Canons
Merman Pickle (Megalodon) x Clownfish Mermaid reader
Tumblr media
Merman Pickle
Now you weren’t supposed to be in his tank. That was an accident on the researcher’s part. You screamed when you saw the massive merman in the tank who made a beeline towards you
Thank goodness the bottom of the tank had a large coral reef with plenty of anemone or you were sure you’d be eaten. The megalodon whining when the pink anemone stung his hand. The giant merman cradling his hand in pain
You peak your head out from the anemone in curiosity. The merman hunched over in the sand as he held his hand. He looked so sad…
You hesitantly reach your hand out of the anemone and rub his back. The merman whipping his head around to look at you. His gold eyes widening in realization that you’re like him. A smile now on his face as his large body towers over yours
And so starts your forced friendship with the merman known as Pickle. He would lay in front of your anemon all day to try to catch a glimpse of you. Sometimes he would swim over it
You rarely came out unless it was to grab some food. Pickle’s eyes would shine when he notices how fond you are of crustaceans. He’ll start bringing you them as well as some clams and algae. His face lighting up when you accept his gift.
Pickle destroys any of the human’s machines that try to come get you. He won’t let them anywhere near you. He doesn’t understand they’re trying to take you out of there because you were never supposed to be in there in the first place
The humans begin to study Pickle’s behavior more and they notice his gift giving becoming more frequent. He must see you, the clownfish, as a mate. They weren’t quite sure how to help you. There was no way you two were compatible…
Pickle rejected every other tank mate before you (he ate them). You were simply lucky (or in this case, unlucky)
You were originally going to be put in a tank with a potential mate (Lionfish Baki) but instead had somehow ended up in Pickle’s enclosure. The merman was so attached to you and he was so desperate for your approval
That’s when the shiny shell gifts began. Pickle began to bring you so many pretty shells and you were still terrified of him… he would whine whenever you ignore his gifts
It was when you swam out of the anemone and accepted his gift (a pink conch) that he scooped you up in his hands. Your screams not deterring him from hugging you and pressing his lips to your cheek
You’re then forced to cuddle with the shark merman. His large body and vice hold making escape impossible so you had to suck it up
Pickle dotes on you endlessly. He’s actually really sweet even though he can’t speak or sing. Pickle was able to pick up sign language to communicate with you.
Pickle enjoys your songs. He likes listening to your voice… he just wished you wanted to swim with him more. He hated that you would spend time in the anemone where he couldn’t reach you
Pickle is incredibly clingy. He cries and wails loudly when he can’t be with you. He’s such a baby… a baby that tears apart anything that tries to separate you two (save for the anemone but their days are numbered)
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obsessivevoidkitten · 4 months
Love is a Many-Legged Thing
Yandere Squid Merman x Gender Neutral Reader CW: Noncon, tentacle noncon, light tentacle bondage, stalking, kidnapping, squid-based merman, big slimy prehensile merman dick, reader fucked senseless, merman fantasizes about receiving oral sex, general yandere behavior, delusional yandere, voyeurism, exhibitionism Word Count: 2k (Happy MerMay!!!! I really hope you all love the fic, would have been done weeks ago had the ac not died. But still 40min left of MerMay! I wrote this fast without a beta reader so please forgive any mistakes! The name Onyk is a reference to Onykia Ingens, a deap sea squid with an astoundingly long dick.)
Seaspark Aquarium was a very unique establishment. Not only did it contain the usual attractions that an aquarium housed, the tide pools, the sharks, a seemingly unending variety of colorful fish and corals and nudibranchs, but it also housed transient merfolk. The aquarium was situated on a flat outcrop of rocky land. Via submerged tubes it granted access to a huge tank to the ocean and merfolk below.
The tank was absolutely massive and had many different areas including a reef, a seaweed forest, a beach, and even a secluded sea cave. There were underwater cameras in most of the areas that live streamed what was happening on screens for the humans. Though the sea cave feed was restricted to adults only since the merfolk sometimes mated there.
The aquarium was just as much an exhibit for the merpeople as it was for the humans, they had underwater screens that allowed them to view the humans at play and at the food court. They enjoyed seeing and even communicating with their terrestrial cousins. There were several areas where humans and merpeople could talk face to face or via the cameras. Many of them visited quite frequently and made friendships with regular customers and their favorite staff members.
You had been blessed with landing a really good job at Seaspark Aquarium. Though it was entirely because you were the cousin of the curator of the establishment. You did janitorial tasks, including sometimes scraping the tanks, and occasionally you had to provide food for an exhibit. Even though interacting with animals or merfolk was not a common part of your job, there was one squid-man who had become quite friendly with you. Onyk.
Most of the squid type mermen shied away from human interaction, and really the aquarium as a whole, but not Onyk. He had always been a frequent visitor. A knowledgeable observer might even say it seemed that he had been hoping to find something there. The first few times he had gone had been out of pure curiosity about humans after hearing tales about them his entire life. But after his first couple of visits he was enthralled. Everything about the land walkers amazed him.
And then he met you and felt his heart flutter every single time he looked upon you. He frequently tried to engage you in conversation whenever he could and was always watching you, though often it was in secret. Onyk cherished your chats with him, he found you so interesting, even more so than he found other humans. He loved seeing you go about your tasks, it made him think of you cleaning his home as his mate while he went and got food for the two of you.
Of course if you had any say, that would never happen. Onyk, for some reason you couldn't quite place, creeped you out. No, it wasn't the head of tentacles he had in place of hair, nor the dark purple tentacles he had from the waist down, it wasn't his smile that showed off his dangerously sharp teeth, or his cyan blue eyes. No, it wasn't anything physical, just a weird energy he seemed to give off. Like a hungry animal hunting its prey.
You tried to be nice to Onyk, though you always tried to keep conversations brief and hurry on to other tasks that would take you out of his reach. Unfortunately he took your awkward stammers and clumsy rushing to zip away from him as you being extremely shy because you liked him. He sighed and stared at you longingly, head resting on his hands, as you rushed off once more. Clearly you were simply too embarrassed by your emotions to act rationally around him. Onyk had to find a way to get you to stop running off. As adorable as it was that you kept scampering off from your shyness you really needed to be closer to him.
Onyk had a brilliant, though simple, idea. It came to him right as you were in the middle of making another excuse to run away from him while the two of you were chatting in the beach area. He'd simply grab you. It wasn't the first thing he'd normally do, but you were just too prone to running off. It was more than obvious you needed him to make a firm and forceful first move.
"Well uh... it was nice seeing you again Onyk... but um... I gotta go check on the tide p-"
Onyk lunged at you suddenly with the speed and ferocity of lightning. He pulled you into the water and swiftly took you into the empty sea cave and sat you on the dry ground within. Yes, this would do perfectly for his purposes. It was a huge room that had an area for him to swim and enough space for you to run about and get exercise. This would make a lovely home for the two of you, he'd have to keep all the other merfolk out from now on but that wasn't an issue, they were respectful of claimed territory.
Once you caught your breath you were confused and angry at the sudden relocation.
"What the f-"
He interrupted you again, this time by pressing his hungry lips to yours in a passionate embrace. His long tongue slipped past your unsuspecting lips and explored every inch that it could reach. His saliva pooled in your mouth, claiming it. The offending muscle snaked down your throat before finally retreating as he broke the kiss, you struggled to find your breath once more.
"Heh, sorry for interrupting, I have just been waiting to kiss you for so long I couldn't hold back any longer!"
“What!? Why did you do that? Why did you bring me here!?”
“Well your shyness was making it hard for us to take things to the next step in our relationship, now you can’t let your nervousness get the better of you and make you run off!”
“Next step in our relationship? We have no relationship, you creep!”
“Don’t say that! Y-you just have the jitters because moving in is such a big step! Yeah, they’ll wear off soon I’m sure.”
“There won’t be a soon, I am going back to the beach!”
You started to head back to the water, but Onyk closed the distance between the two of you easily.
“But you can’t go! You’re just in denial and nervous, but you’ll love living with me, I promise. M-maybe I’m not moving too fast but too slow. That must be it, you must be all pent up and eager for my dick! So naughty~”
Onyk’s blush was evident even on his light blue skin. He swallowed your complaints in another deep kiss as he stood behind you and rubbed your crotch gently.
“We’ll do it in front of these cameras so everyone knows you’re mine now~”
And, indeed, the screens in the adults only section of the aquarium definitely picked up some viewers as the scene between you and Onyk unfolded.
Most mermen would have had trouble traversing land, but Onyk’s strong tentacles allowed him to maneuver easily enough. He peeled off your wet clothing and wrapped his arms tightly around your bare chest, rubbing and caressing you with greedy hands. His prehensile cock wrapped partially around your waist, held you close as it rubbed against you. At first you mistook the sensation for a tentacle before looking down and seeing it, the cock was tapered, icy blue and glowing at the tip, with the rest of it being dark purple.
Your shouts and screams were ignored as Onyk convinced himself they were just you being grumpy or maybe playing hard to get. The merman’s sharp teeth bit carefully at your tender neck as you squirmed. Most of his tentacles had wrapped around your legs, powerful suction cups firmly adhered them to you. They held you staunchly in place despite your best efforts to struggle.
The remaining two writhing appendages were busy with another task. They gently prodded and massaged your tight hole, slowly worming their way inside you. Your efforts to clench and keep them outside of you were rendered futile as they finally worked their way inside of you. They began thrusting in tandem back and forth within you, loosening you up well.
Your next attempt at protesting devolves into several lusty moans as he ministrations begin to elicit pleasure. It’s all the confirmation he needs that he has been right all along and definitely went about everything in the right way.
“Your mating sounds are so lovely,” he said as he nipped at your ear.
His tentacles suddenly withdrew from your lovingly stretched hole, leaving you involuntarily whimpering at the sudden removal.
“Awe, don’t worry, love. I have something far better to put into you~”
You snap out of it when you hear those words and feel his cock move itself from your waist and start wiggling against you in search of its target.
“What!? No, please do-oooh~ Aaah!”
When it found your entrance it deftly slithered right in. Much to your unwilling pleasure.
Onyk chuckled.
“I knew you just needed some good dick~ You feel soooo good. You were made for this!”
When you happened to look up at one of the cameras you blushed and looked down. The room that monitored the sea cave was now packed, everyone enjoying the sight. The aquarium was already at work recording with plans to put it on their website for sale.
You couldn’t help the lewd cacophony of noises that tumbled from your mouth as the thick slimy cock thrust back and forth inside of you.
“I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you!” Onyk chanted louder and louder until he slammed into you hard, filling you up with warm viscous semen at the same moment that you were shuddering from the strongest orgasm that you had ever experienced.
You were far too dazed and overstimulated to realize what was going on in that moment or what you were saying, but on autopilot you mumbled back what your brain thought it was supposed to when someone told you that they loved you.
“I l-love you too…”
Onyk was overjoyed to hear those words from his beloved human. He pulled out of you and laid down on the floor of the cave, pulling you close to him and resting your head on his chest. His webbed fingers gently caressed you as did both the tentacles that made up his "hair" and the ones below his waist. Cum slowly ebbed out of you and onto him but he didn't mind, the two of you would just get messy again the second you came to your senses. He nuzzled into your hair and gave you dozens of little kisses. Your mind was too blank and your body too exhausted to do anything but drool a bit on his chest while he cuddled you.
His head was swimming with all of the things the two of you would do together. Sharing meals, chatting, mating. He couldn’t wait to wrap his cock gently around your neck while at the same time plunging it down your throat and having that pretty mouth of yours suck it until he was feeding you his cum. Maybe the two of you could try it when you woke up.
Meanwhile onlookers on the viewing screens were putting away their cocks and slipping their fingers out of their pussies with the spectacle now over, but word soon spread and tourism was up over 300 percent! Scientists the world over were interested in documenting this rare species of merman having sexual relations with a human. Grants were given. A great raise and credit to your cousin, the curator.
It was even considered a diplomatic victory for merfolk and humans!
Everyone came to the consensus that on all fronts, but yours, it was far too beneficial and lucrative to make sure you had to permanently stay in the sea cave for the rest of your life with Onyk. At the very least they equipped the habitat with amenities like a proper bathroom, tv, video games, and human food. The sea cave area was also expanded, and you were afforded some privacy, except for most of the times that your “husband” Onyk was spilling his seed into you. That’s what people wanted to see.
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yandere-sins · 1 year
The Orcas’ Tale - Chapter V
Gosh... we're almost at the end. Can you guys do it? Or will I get you with these choices? >:3 One of them actually leads to my personal favorite bad end, so I am lowkey hoping for that, but I am excited to see what you guys will choose ♥
Fandom: Original Content   Pairings: Yandere!Orca Mermen x GN!Reader   Warnings: Yandere, Monsters, Self-harm on the outer side of the forearm to help, Blood mention, Gun mention, Dub-con touches/kisses, Wound healing through licking, Animalistic behavior, Mention of claws/sharp teeth, Hinting at death, Long post
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"Think!" you hissed to yourself, looking around you in panic, trying to come up with something to help Nerrocan. 
Time was mercilessly passing you by, not allowing you even a moment to try something you weren't sure of. If you didn't believe that it could work, you couldn't risk your or Nerrocan's life with it. There was nothing for you to use on this small, deserted island, and you wouldn't be able to dive into the ocean and try to find something there, risking your life in more than one way. The situation was despairing, frustration shaking through you as you fumbled, trying to do at least something. 
But there was nothing. Just the island, the ocean, the moonlight. Sand, stars, stones…
Falling over your own two feet, you never felt more like a useless human than in that moment, but you pushed these embarrassing thoughts away as you sifted your hands through the sand, trying to find the stone you clutched onto before. It was the most basic fact and overrated stereotype—sharks can smell blood and will react to it. Even if you only managed to distract them briefly, maybe Nerrocan would have a window to take them down. 
No one but these creatures themselves would be able to tell you if your assumption was correct. This plan had no guarantee, but your gut told you it was the best thing you could do. Finally feeling the cold surface of the stone, you grabbed it and sprang up. Stumbling over to the opposite side of the island from where they were fighting, you rolled up your sleeve as far as you could and placed the stone on the outer side of your forearm. Inhaling deeply, you breathed out before dragging the sharp side of the rock down from your hand to your elbow. You had no idea how much blood you'd need to distract them when the mermen were caught in a bloody fight, and you bit your lips so hard you tasted the iron as the pain flooded your nerves, alarming you about the wound being etched into your body. 
This was not supposed to be easy, but you groaned as you discarded the bloody stone, readying yourself for the beastly sting of saltwater in an open wound. Your head was already dizzy, and you found it hard to breathe, but muffling your scream, you plunged your arm into the ocean, keeping it there no matter how much the water burned. Tears shot in your eyes, but you repeated your goal over and over in your mind—survive.
Survive, survive, survive.
A cold hand wrapping around your wrist tore you from your mantra, a terrified squeal ripping from your throat as the unfamiliar face of one of the grey mermen emerged from the water, tightly holding on to your arm. Something about him seemed juvenile. Maybe it was the overly confident, cocky grin or the fact that he was so much smaller than what you were used to from these creatures by now. Smaller than even Lyr or the other shark merman that attacked you before.
But bigger than you either way.
"Couldn't wait for us to finish with the orca, huh?" he chuckled, a grin full of sharp rows of teeth stretching from ear to ear. "We'd have come for you soon, tasty human. But it seems you had other plans."
"N-No," you stammered, pushing your free hand down your arm and intending to pry his off. Behind you, the splashing never stilled, meaning Nerrocan had no idea what was happening on your side. He wouldn't come to save you this time, too busy fighting for his own survival. Your plan had worked a little too well, it seemed. And now you were all on your own. 
"Get off me!" you screamed at the merman, shaking your arm and scratching him as hard as you could. He merely chuckled, only pulling you closer. 
"Why would I? I never let my catch get away. I wonder where I should start… I heard that those special things you use to stand are especially delicious~"
Licking his lips, you felt panic overtake you as you tried to tear your arm from his grip. Blood was dripping from your wound over his fingers, and the merman leaned down, basking in your horror as he licked it up. 
"Fucking delicious, humans are the best," he moaned ecstatically, moving his tongue up higher, directly to your arm for a better taste. Pulling back his lips, he revealed all those terrifying sharp teeth you feared, ready to chomp down, and you tried to stumble away, the sand giving way and making you fall on your ass. All you could do was look up at the merman, knowing what was going to happen, and there was nothing you could do.
He was about to sink his teeth into you when his pupils widened, an expression of shock washing over him. Without letting go of you, he looked over his shoulder, only to suddenly jerk away, hands flailing to grab you, trying to find hold on the island. You screamed in surprise but pulled your legs out of his reach in time, yanking your arm in the opposite direction as he was dragged back, his body disappearing into the depths. Breathing heavily, you jerked around, seeing only the calm ocean behind you. It was quiet.
Snapping your head back forward, the water had calmed on this side as well. You feared approaching it, feared to learn who might be lurking below if it wasn't Nerrocan. But scooting over on your butt, you dipped your foot into the water, only for you to notice the murkiness of it. "Blood…" you whispered, knowing the difference in looks from your studies. Even in the pure moonlight, the ocean's depth could not fool you. The water was turning red. It must have been a lot of blood. 
But nothing happened. 
It was mere seconds that passed, but it felt like an eternity of anxiety rushing through you. As if you had to relive all the fear and panic from the moment you found yourself stuck on the boat out on the ocean alone until now, in just these few seconds. You were alone again. Hopeless. Who could ever find you out here? So far away from the last place you had been seen, days later? Maybe they had already ceased their efforts to find you, and without Nerrocan to take you back to land, you were truly doomed this time. You didn't think Krill or Lyr would come for you, either. No one. This time, you'd not be granted a magical encounter to survive. 
"Nerro…" you whimpered, the panic forcing it out louder as you tried again. "Nerrocan!"
Calling out his name did nothing to free you of this fear. Of the knowledge of your possible demise. Ultimately, the thing that would kill you was what all the orcas had complained about for so long: your humanness. 
"Please… Please!" you sobbed, crawling over to the water's edge, the pain in your arm forgotten now that everything started to hurt. Desperation was raking its claws through you, tears spilling from your eyes as you stared down into the water, unable to see anything. See him. "Don't leave me," you cried, your vision growing blurry while your chest tightened, making it hard to breathe. 
"You promised!"
"I promised."
Hearing the tired but familiar and soothing rumble of Nerrocan's voice was like an angel choir singing down at you from above. He rose from the water as you couldn't contain your emotions, breaking out into more ugly sobs. Nerrocan wrapped an arm around your waist as you reached out your hands—clinging to his neck like the monkey you were—and not saying anything as he lifted you against his chest, pulling you up on the island with him. Not even his tail was left inside the water as he collapsed on the beach with you, holding you tightly against him. 
"You're wounded," you hiccuped into his chest, and he let out an exhausted sigh. 
"Give it some time. It'll heal."
Nodding into his skin, you didn't dare question him. You'd not be surprised if the mermaids had some kind of inhuman wound healing as well, and after all he did for you, who were you to disagree? Instead, more hot tears dripped from your eyes, Nerrocan's hand spreading over your back as he stroked his thumb up and down your spine. 
"It's okay, you're safe," he murmured, sounding like he was about to fall asleep. "I'm here."
Wrapping his other arm around your body as well, he turned both of you to the side, curling his tail upwards and around your back, shielding you even when you were out of the water. You ignored the tightness of his embrace, his strong, scratched and bitten arms holding on to you as if he felt the same desperation as you did. Crying out all of the anxiety and fear you had kept inside you, your body shook against him; you only noticed long after he fell asleep that his breathing calmed down, chest heaving only ever so slightly. The adrenaline that had pumped through your body had also worn you down, but you couldn't close your eyes, even when your vision was too blurry to see. Nerrocan needed this. He needed some rest. As long as you two could, at least. You were going to give him that. He fought for your damn lives and returned to you, protecting you even now. 
Sitting up, it was a struggle to get out of his embrace, Nerrocan's expression tensing when you moved away from him. You left his arms hanging around your hips as you against him, staring out onto the ocean, deciding to watch for more attackers while he rested. And Nerrocan adjusted his hold, curling his head forward until his face was buried in your side. You let him. Anything that would make him feel safe enough to rest. This time you'd protect him while he slept, even if you felt like passing out from all the stress you went through. 
The ocean was magnificent at night. Even with all the horror you experienced, it simply washed all the blood and violence away with a wave, moving on from it. You had no idea how you would ever move on from any of this. No amount of therapy would help to get over what happened to you, and you'd be forced to live with the knowledge of this journey for the rest of your life, unable to share it with anyone. No one would believe you. And suppose you ever managed to get out on the water again and overcome the traumatic experience. In that case, you'd never look at it the same, knowing what actually awaited you in the depths. Creatures that wanted to kill you. 
All except Nerrocan, it seemed.
Slipping your legs from under you, you curled into his arm, admiring his beautiful face. You scowled at the cut on his lip, furrowing your brows as you noticed it had already stopped bleeding and developed a scab. Leaning forward slightly, you observed intently as you realized you could watch it heal, the wound closing right before your eyes, turning into a small, light-colored scar. Amazed, you reached out, carefully tracing your fingertip over it, wondering how useful this could be for humanity if you could extract the healing properties from the mermaids.
But… what would that mean for them? 
It was a moral dilemma to think about the harsh treatments these creatures would undergo to be harvested for properties that might benefit humanity. How cruel it would be to catch and exploit them, even if it would be an amazing progress in medicine. 
But all these thoughts were forgotten as Nerrocan's eyes fluttered open, finding your hand on his lips, conveniently allowing him to nuzzle his face into your palm. "How are you feeling?" you giggled as he rubbed his face all over your hand and blew air into it playfully. 
"I'm good. A little stiff."
Uncurling his tail after his power nap, Nerrocan let it swing back into the water, immediately relieving tension. But instead of dunking his whole body into the soothing wet, he instead situated you close to him with a little space between you two as he rolled over, belly first into the sand, stretching that enormous body of his. His tail fin splashed in the water, and some of it landed on you, the mood turning relaxed and leisurely all of a sudden, making you laugh as you rubbed the water from your face. 
"Want me to massage you?" you joked, placing your way too small hands on his back and pressing down with all the weight of your body. To your surprise, Nerrocan groaned, breathing in deeply as you worked all your strength into his muscles. Who knew he'd enjoy massages? But with Nerrocan twisting his upper body towards you so you could reach every part of him, it truly seemed to be to his liking. 
However, with all the water splashing from his tail on top of him, it wasn't long until your palm accidentally slipped, the wound you had almost forgotten about grating against his body. You let out a pained hiss, pulling that limb against your chest as you tried to counter the sudden burn with deep breaths, but Nerrocan was up the second the sound left your mouth, reaching for your shoulders as you had hunched over.
"What's wrong?!" 
He sounded panicked, very different from how you usually knew him. You put on a brave smile, shaking your head. "It's alright! Just a little scratch, that's all!"
"A… scratch?" 
Suddenly, his voice changed from surprised to a growl, and you looked up to see only darkness coating his face. It was the same expression he had when he fought the other merman. The moment you unfurled, he slipped his hand down to the arm you were holding, prying it from you. Your wound was crusted from the salt, but the blood had stopped. It probably was never very deep to begin with, but it felt hot and agitated. 
"Did they do it?" Nerrocan asked, a threat not directed at you swinging from his growl.
"N-No," you quickly replied, suddenly feeling all the tension ticking in his muscles also spreading to you. "I did. I wanted to help you. I thought I could distract them…"
Nerrocan's arms wrapped around you faster than you could register them. He pulled you up on top of him as he sat on the island, and you stared at him wide-eyed in surprise. 
"Never," he hissed sternly. "Never do that again. For no one. I don't allow you to hurt yourself again, do you understand?"
"Y-Yes?" you replied, and he huffed out air before his eyes dropped back to your arm. Unwrapping one of his limbs from you, he gently picked up your hand in his, positioning you to lift the arm into the air and in front of his face. Completely unbothered by the salt, sweat, tears, blood, and sand, his tongue slipped out as his lips partially enveloped your wound, licking at it like an animal would to groom another. 
"Nerrocan!" you gasped, trying to pull your arm away, but he only needed to close his fingers around yours to keep it in place. 
"Let me…" he mumbled, kissing the spot he licked a few more times before moving on to the next one. "Let me take care of you."
Something about the way he said it made your cheeks heat up. Or maybe it was the kissing and licking, the gentle way he held you, or the fact he had saved you and was trying to help you in the best way he knew how. The way he seemed so devoted to a mere human annoyance like you, weak and only knowing how to hurt yourself to help him. But there was something strange about the way Nerrocan's care made you feel. Maybe it was the animal in him, or perhaps the way he purred gently, keeping you close to his chest so you'd feel it, too, soothing your whirlwind of emotions and making you lean into his embrace with no questions. 
"We can't stay here," Nerrocan mumbled as he lowered your arm to your lap. "We have to keep moving."
"Do we?" you sighed, suddenly overcome with all the exhaustion. As if his purr had tickled out your need to rest. "Can't we stay a little bit longer on land? I'm so tired…"
As if to emphasize your point, you yawned, ready to be dragged to your land of dreams. Nerrocan's purr intensified as he lifted his hand to brush over your head, gently caressing you as he scooped you up in his arms. "That's okay, sweet human. You can rest while we move. I'll hold you; make sure you stay afloat, I promise. But we can't stay. Others could notice the carnage and come for us again. You understand that, right?"
Heaving a long sigh, you nodded, resting your heavy head on Nerrocan's chest as he slipped into the water again, belly up and holding you in his arms. The water wasn't cold as long in his embrace, and you felt his lips press against your head, making you feel even calmer despite being enveloped by the ocean on all sides. There was no more pain in you anywhere, the water peaceful as Nerrocan drifted through it. No matter how inconvenient this position was for him, he made sure to bring you far away from this dreadful place and the danger lurking there before you'd wake up.
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After that fiasco, you had little to no breaks on the rest of your journey. 
Nerrocan never rested, swimming day and night, only letting you out of his grasp when he needed to feed you or you needed to relieve yourself. By the time you woke up after the night's horror, the wound on your arm was gone completely. You didn't even have a scar left where it once was to remind you. Once again, Nerrocan had taken care of you, making you realize how lucky you were that he was there with you. 
Still, traveling through the water almost constantly was quite the challenge as you had expected. More than once, you had gotten seasick on his back, and even though you tried to hide your tears of exhaustion, you knew Nerrocan noticed, making you feel even more guilty. The only good thing was that, now that he was also swimming through the night, two days of travel was cut short into one and a half, and you were thankful for every minute you saved.
"Holy shit," you mumbled, gazing at the dark grey structure rising into the cliffside of a mountain. Part of you was overjoyed, seeing some actual land and human architecture after what felt like weeks away. But at the same time, you couldn't help but hesitate.
"Are you sure you want to come with me?" you asked Nerrocan, probably for the third time since you began this journey. "I don't… What if… You might be in danger if…"
Your stuttering anxiety didn't do much to persuade Nerrocan. "It's fine," he assured you, like all the times before. "I promised I'd get you there."
His amber eyes swayed over to you, his tense expression not lost on you. This is where they were tracked long ago, a place they fled from. If not for you, he would have never returned here, risked his life, and now his freedom. If anyone saw him, who knew what they'd try to do to him. 
"Nerrocan?" you asked, sinking to your knees on the small stone ledge he had sat you on. Reaching out, you touched his arm, Nerrocan turning all of his body towards you, fixing you with his eyes. "Thank you," you whispered, tears shooting back to your eyes. You always hoped to return 'home,' but the possibility had been so small at every moment of this journey. And still, he defied it all to get you to where you wanted. There were no words to describe your thankfulness to him, so you merely leaned down, bumping your forehead against his, Nerrocan pushing himself higher so you two could rub your faces against each other. It was his way of showing your feelings, and you hoped they'd translate well to him. 
There were mere inches between you two, your lips barely separated by a breath when you thought about if this would be inappropriate. But the moment you retreated from him, Nerrocan was there to catch the kiss, having gotten so much better at it after doing it so many times with you for underwater travel. You didn't feel like you were kissing a lover as much as a really good friend. A friend who you didn't know how to thank in a way he'd understand other than allowing this. But the kiss was fierce, breathtaking, hungry. Nerrocan nibbled on your lips, asking for entry, hot breaths mixing as he pushed himself up and further into you, his tongue rubbing over your blunt teeth before mingling with yours eagerly. Just as the kiss was getting way out of hand for mere friends, he jerked away, eyelids fluttering as he gathered his composure.
"Let's go," he rasped as he tore from the kiss, and you nodded, waiting for him to hold out his hands for you to sink into, knowing he'd carry you to safety now. You were breathing heavily, but you dove into his waiting embrace, back into the ocean that you had come to love and fear more over the last few days. There was no more time to lose to get you back on land, and you couldn't wait to get some proper food and drinks into you, and a good full-night sleep in a bed.
It was quiet, surprisingly so, the whole way to the facility. The open gates revealed private docks, but only one boat was stored there, seemingly empty as well. Nerrocan kept you in his arms, ready to get you out of harm's way. He still didn't harbor much trust in humans or perhaps just this place. You had expected some hustle and bustle inside such a large structure, but it seemed almost deserted, worry knotting your stomach. Looking to your right, you spotted a ladder leading out of the docking pool, and you pointed Nerrocan toward it. He was hesitant at first but carried you over despite growing tenser with every stroke of his tail. You stretched out your hand in anticipation towards the ladder, already flooded with feelings of freedom and peace.   
"Stop right there!"
A loud, commanding voice made you jolt. Nerrocan's arms reflexively wrapped around you as he squeezed you against his chest, creating a large distance from the docks with one huge stroke. You squirmed in his hold, unable to see what was going on as Nerrocan clasped his hand over your head protectively. Still, you could hear many footsteps suddenly trampling into the room and over the metal flooring. 
"Wai–! Wait!" you yelled, directed at everyone. "Wait, I'm human, and he's friendly!"
"Friendly?" someone scoffed, and you put your hypothetical foot down, slamming your hands into Nerrocan's chest and pushing him away, forcing him to let go. When force didn't help, you took a deep breath, slipping underwater and turning immediately, his hands finding you and dragging you back against him. Still, at least you were facing whoever it was you were talking to. 
Almost wishing you didn't.
You faced a row of guns, their barrels alternating between fixating on you and Nerrocan. If the merman knew what a gun was, it made sense he had shielded your head before. Still, all you could do was gulp, scanning over the people in full-black protection gear and masks, unable to say anything.
"Who do you work for?" someone from behind the guards asked, and you looked up at him, an older gentleman wearing a white lab coat, his expression grim. 
"What do you mean? I worked with a small research team studying currents but got forgotten at sea. You must have heard of me; it was probably all over the news! I just want to go home, I–"
"That's not a very original excuse. Who do you work for? Who told you to come here?"
Confused, you tried wrapping your head around the strange accusations of the man, not sure what he wanted to hear from you. "Please, I just want to go home! You have to believe me…"
Behind you, you felt Nerrocan tense as the clicking of guns resounded through the open space, the safety being taken off of them. "This is a private institution. No one is allowed to come here and leave. I'm afraid this also goes for you."
"What…?" you mumbled, watching as the guards aimed their guns anew. Instinctively, you drew back, feeling Nerrocan's chest against your body as he wrapped his arms around you. You felt the rumble of a growl build in Nerrocan's chest, and you didn't need to look to know he was baring his teeth while forcing you against him to take you out of the danger at any second if he had to. There was no way this was happening. You couldn't possibly be denied access to leave. Why wouldn't they help you?
"This must be a misunderstanding! I've traveled for three days to come here! Please just let me get through, so I can return home!"
Searching for help, you caught the gentleman's eye, pleading with him, and he squinted suddenly, slightly turning to another man standing by his side, whispering something to him. "Is he…?" the man asked, nodding his chin at Nerrocan. 
"He's…" you said, only to stop yourself, unsure what to say. He's a mermaid? He's an orca?
"He's special," you explained instead, twisting slightly to place your hand on his chest. "But he's not a bad guy, just a little protective. We've been through a lot. He won't hurt you if you don't hurt him, and he can understand you. We are not a threat."
A long silence, then more whispers. 
"Bonded," the other man at the side of the gentleman in a coat asked. "Are you bonded with him?"
There was even more confusion about the specificness of this question, which must have shown on your face as all the eyes turned upwards to Nerrocan, whose growl turned louder with the attention on him. 
"Well, tell us," the gentleman demanded, directing his questions at Nerrocan now. Compared to how afraid you had been when meeting the orcas, he seemed completely calm and collected despite Nerrocan's presence. Someone shimmied through the crowd of gathered people, handing the gentleman a tablet that he briefly glanced at, nodding. 
"What?" you mumbled. "Wait, what is going on?"
"What's going on is that now that you have come here, we cannot allow you to leave alive. This is not a place that you can pass through. People who come here, die here." There was a loud sound, and both you and Nerrocan jolted, twisting around to see the open space you had come through suddenly get closed off by a gate.
"Your survival depends on how useful you are to this facility. We have a use for the big guy, but we aren't sure if you have a place in all of this."
"Nerrocan," you whispered, staring at the closing gate and ignoring the guy who was talking. "You have to leave. Now. Go!"
You tried pushing him away, signaling to him to swim out. There was still a lot you didn't understand, but closing off the escape could lead to what you had feared might happen if the merman got discovered. 
"No…" he growled his body tense, but for some reason, he didn't panic. "I'll handle this," he added, turning around to face the people before you.
"No! No, you have to go! They'll do bad things to you, please! Nerrocan, listen to me!"
Instead of listening, Nerrocan pushed forward, bringing you both closer to them, gun barrels aligning perfectly with his head. 
"No! No, no, no!"
Panicked, you twisted around as well, holding your breath as you thought about what to do. You knew you couldn't leave this up to Nerrocan; he might get himself killed if his instincts told him to fight! Eying the ladder to your right, it was almost close enough to grab now. If you dived under and swam to it, you could run for it, distracting them and finding a way out of this false haven. You were good on your feet, you could probably keep them at bay, and Nerrocan could escape in time for the gate to close completely. He was strong and fast without you as extra baggage to carry around.
But maybe this was all just a big understanding. Perhaps you should have just explained it better. This couldn't be all there was to it.
You needed to do something. Quickly. 
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desires-of-chain · 1 year
Hi just popping in again
To say how to come there is no yandere link x reader smut tags or link x reader smut tags or search results I find that horrifying.
Also this will let you know because I've seen some people underage try to go to your page
I am 22 years old today my Brith day so I want to also give you a gift
Imagine the links as a shark pod or just a shark and merman pod and they just noticed wind chirp more and going up to the surface to see him get scolded by the reader who's like a mother figure on him cuz he imprinted on her. And the reader keeps them from the scientists and tells him he has to be careful. Or he gets cought.
Then the links see a scientist walking over in the reader hides wind
As a scientist says has they seen the merman they've been looking for or at least the Cub or guppy wherever you call it
And she say no but maby the should move West.
They're so touched by that that all of them have basically claimed her as there mates and go talk to the others and they all semi dislike make her theirs
And when reader goes to meet wind
For his usly snake and bounding time she in a bathing suit
Finds out that she's surrounded by the links and are Coner her in the mermaid breeding pool that they made. And make sure she can breathe underwater whiling they are all pounding into her making her there's and Makin her into a cock hoe and can only thinks about getting fucked and breed by them. As they Mark he as there's 🤤
As our little grump grumpy beIN Wacth by the impas as he was wanting some mommy and son time actually when the snacks were involved.
From 🐵 Aron
The reason why I or some others don't really put N/SFW in the tags is that Tumblr completely fucked up their entire tagging system when we respond to asks. While yes, we can still tag it and have it hidden; however, Tumblr likes to randomly flag them even if it's just erotica, and it's an absolute bitch to deal with. From a previous ask a long while ago, you can't filter n/sfw since it doesn't pick up on the '/' at all. Unfortunately, you gotta work your way around with Tumblr's tagging system. Can't always win, sadly.
Some people do not want to see that smack dab in their faces, so I work my way around with the tags. I also don't want to flood the link x reader tags like crazy, especially when it's just asks and not a drabble/fic/short. If people want to share whatever they wrote here on their main blog, they can go for it; I mean, it's not gonna make me upset if they do; it's their writing.
Now, I put content warnings on the asks here to specify if it's triggering to someone or something that might not be someone's cup of tea. For example: Breeding, Yandere, Omegaverse, etc. That way, it can be filtered, or someone can add it to their filter.
With minors -sigh- sometimes, we can't always win; they're gonna find their way around the blocked wall and still be able to read mine or others' stuff. Imma do my best to keep them from interacting or following my nsfw blog either way. It ain't a win, but at least it's something.
Also, HAPPY BIRFDAY!!! I hope you're having a great day!
Thank you for the gift; you didn't have to on your birthday, but thank you!
The scientist better back tf up from the mers, or else somebody is gon get hurt! Don't know why, but I busted out laughing at 'cock hoe.'
Poor Wind, but at least he gets spoiled by the Impas uwu
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yanderecandystore · 4 years
How ye are having a good day v3v, I feel like imma you a bunch of oc ideas but ummm you got any siren/shark mermen ocs with a s/o who is a deep sea diver?😳 - Cold Anon
Boo, I'm so sorry for taking this long ;-; shit has been going down at the speed of light, so I haven't been able to focus all that well.
I have written your request a couple of times, but it always felt so… Awful? Like- It didn't read as proper oneshot so I kept re doing it over and over again.
I have two posts about mermaids, yet not exactly an official character. I'm going to make this one without an official one for now as well because I can't really think straight- Sorry Cold.
Shout out to @aka-thethirstyone for giving me ideas and helping me build this up-
TW/Tags: depressed/suicidal reader // failed suicide attempt (drowning/hydrogen poisoning although not very accurate) // victim blaming mentality (coming from the reader) // angst sad boi hours with some softness in the end //
Deep blue sea [Yandere!Shark Merman x Reader - Short Fanfiction]:
You've put yourself in this situation, and even if the consequences may seem unfair, you should know better than to whine about it, you should know about now you don't have the right to complain about something you brought to yourself.
That's what you kept telling yourself, everyday, every hour of each day, and it seems to be a prominent thought even in a moment like this.
Every time you go underwater, you can't help but feel a deep connection with the submerged world around you. So much color and wild beauty that if makes you feel like you might as well not be on Earth anymore, it makes you feel like you're on a different planet.
Like you're in a different realm with wild creatures that hold both beauty and death in them, as marine creatures can be often quite unforgiving to each other, or unwanted visitors.
The alien-like ambience you feel while diving it's probably the most comforting thing in your job, if not the only comforting thing about your whole life.
Just like an old sailor, at sea you feel at home, and at home, you don't feel the same. But in your case, you feel like nothing whenever you come back to your house, and a "home" it's a place you have never really been in, so how can you describe the feeling you get when you're diving deep underwater, as something you never understood?
Who knows, maybe it was just a feeling you got, after all, all your team thinks you're too emotional over the ocean. Some would call you an insane person to be so attached to a body of water.
Yet it doesn't matter what the truth to your case may be, because it's whenever the embrace of said body of water fills your senses it's when you truly feel alive again.
That comforting embrace, as if the immense ocean was truly hugging you and relaxing your muscles.
That comforting, deadly embrace was what felt like home to you. And despite everyone else's warnings, you felt like it was your time to be one with the ocean.
It has been a long, unfortunate ride for you. And as I said before, it's not like you were planning on going back home today.
No, you refused to keep feeling empty at your empty house, going by every single day in your empty life-
It was time for a change. It was time for something different. Some peace for once, something that you wouldn't regret.
Or well, wouldn't be capable of regretting anyway.
Your plan was almost perfect, right? I mean, you were certain your diving team wouldn't notice you suddenly going numb, or even caring enough to help you out. So it was essentially perfect, right?
Yeah, it was unfortunate yet perfect. It brought you despair to think of how perfect your plan was.
But since when was your life easy, [Y/N]? Since when did your plans went your way, you don't really remember having luck-
Even at your final moments, you aren't giving peace that you waited for.
When you dived deep without the proper preparation and your oxygen tank having barely enough to half an hour, you let your body get numb by the water pressure and the narcosis that happened as soon as you dived too deep for your fragile body to handle.
Funny how something that can bring life can also take it away, water surely is probably the most powerful element on Earth. Yet, even if it was sentient, you couldn't be able to beg for the ocean water to fully take you away from this pain, from this emptiness you feel.
The ocean it's as beautiful as it is merciless, so it shouldn't have been a surprise that it would take back your hopes away from you.
While you were unconscious and awaiting your own end, you couldn't possibly be aware of the creature picking your numb floating body.
You couldn't possibly have seen the rest of your diving group looking for you, or the predator carefully observing them, making sure they couldn't see you or him.
When you wake up, you'll feel not only confused after finding out your plan has gone wrong but also finding the immense creature laying on top of you like a pillow.
You didn't feel like fighting, or understanding what the hell was going on, you just noticed that the man on top of you clearly wasn't human and really, really heavy.
Yet you weren't completely awake, you weren't completely fine passing through that whole event, hell, you didn't even realize you weren't inside the ocean anymore, or that you are laying on a completely unfamiliar beach with a creature who is essentially a myth on top of you.
He was sleeping. Dreaming.
Growling. Someone was having a bad dream.
Or maybe a good dream? Throughout your expeditions, you have never really interacted with sharks, only looked at them from afar, so you don't know how to read their behavior.
In a moment of high due to your sudden awakening, you pet his head, getting through his white and grey hair despite the fact that he shouldn't have any hair in his body.
But again, you didn't care, you didn't care for anything, you just wanted to look at the sky and drift once again into your dreamland.
Yet this gentle yet heavy and firm hold he got you on was starting to bother you, but not because you were not enjoying it, no, it was totally the opposite.
You... Missed this. You missed this now that you remember the last time you received any form of comfort from another living being. Even if this terrifying thing could possibly eat you, you felt somehow comfortable being hugged and used as a comfort pillow to someone so big and muscular.
You felt odd, like you were worth something for once.
As if this big predator of the vast seas needed some sort of comfort, and for some reason it chose you to help with his little self-conscious problem.
It felt great knowing that even the someone that is so menacing feels scared or sad from time to time. It makes you feel… Strong, in a sense.
If he can feel vulnerable and openly show it, then I can too, right?
Sigh…. Maybe you were overthinking it, like everything else you ever did. Maybe you should just sleep and see what happens when you wake up-
If. You wake up.
And while you were thinking the worst of yourself and of your captor, the man himself was trying his best to hold the joy, the sorrow, and the pain he felt when seeing you losing your strength while diving.
It doesn't matter if he says anything, what can he say? Nothing he could possibly think about telling you, you'll be able to understand back. The language barrier was just like that. Massive, towering, unbreakable.
It would take a long time to understand one another, considering how you both spoke in different ways. Generally speaking, even your minds seem to be in different places.
You thought about things that he would never be able to comprehend, your self hatred is something he'll never agree with.
Your pain, your sorrow, it doesn't make sense to him, cause up until this day, he only saw the [Y/N] that had fun swimming with the fish and playing with them. Not the one that lives unhappy up on the surface.
How can someone that brings him so much joy can think so little of themselves, is something he'll never understand.
He doesn't know exactly what your true plans are, since in his head, you do these things by accident.
You've been trying this for a couple of times now, and he has either not understood the meaning of it or tried to hide the fact from his own worrying heart.
You did something that would have been pretty stupid especially considering that you were all alone, what if he wasn't there observing you? Would you just- Stop moving completely?
The thought of seeing the cute diver he grown attached to going away from this plan of existence is cruel if not straight up torture.
He just found the one who is bound to be with him for all his life, how else would he feel after discovering something so terrible? The only thing that anyone would feel in his place is fear, is rage, is agony-
Clearly something was going wrong up there, something that made you just-
Decide to float through the ocean forever.
But- But this is oddly the perfect solution to his own problems, now he has a reason and a way to get you to be with him forever now, right?
You seemed to have given up on the human world you live in, and he really wants to be with you so you two can easily be together now. It's an unfortunate event yet also the only opportunity that he has seen as useful to his cause.
Of course, he doesn't understand you, and you surely don't understand him yet, but that is fine because as soon as he wakes up, he'll make sure to do everything in his power to make you feel like the happiest mate of all.
He only hopes you didn't see him sleeping on top of you as a lazy thing for a husband to do, don't worry about him being a bad dad though, he'll make sure to show off everything he has in store for you.
Even if it takes a while to get you accustomed to his mannerism and your now little private island, he knows you're going to love it here with him as your company.
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The Searing Pain part 2 ad Merfolk AU part 2 WAS FIRE🔥. Especially the emotions in Searing Pain, I swear I felt my heart ache when Luffy cried there.
About the request , It's more about the Merfolk AU but feel to make it with regular Strawhats pirates!
So , what if the Merfolk AU Strawhats meet Y/n who lives alone in the island and actually doesn't mind them hanging around as long as they won't bother them. Y/n don't hate them or scared of them but doesn't like them.
Happy birthday @emtynessinmyworld ! I hope you like this! Sorry if it feels rushed, but I wanted to get it done in time for your b-day!
What's the harm?
Yandere Merfolk Straw Hats x GN!Reader
2.1k words
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“They’re back again,” you muttered while peering out the window. 
The “they” in question was some pod of merfolk that have decided to make your island their favorite hangout. It started with them stopping here to get some fruit off of the trees near the shore. You didn’t particularly care that they were here. There was more than enough fruit to go around, so you decided to just leave them be.
However, they were not content to leave you be.
Once they realized that you weren’t going to chase them off, they became enamored with you. It makes sense, you suppose. When the usual reaction they get from humans is either a fearful or violent one, it’s understandable that they might become fond of someone who was simply indifferent to them. If they want to chill here where they won’t be harassed by humans, then you’ll let them.
You just wish they would stop trying to bother you. When you chose to make a small abandoned island your home, it wasn’t because you were dying for social interaction. Quite the opposite. All you wanted was to be left alone, and for years you were. Now? You were lucky to go more than a week without seeing those people.
Taking a deep breath, you mentally prepare for what’s to come. There were lots of things for you to do today. A storm passed through last night and took a heavy toll on your roof, so you’ll need to patch that up. Your garden probably also isn’t faring too well. Fortunately, you were able to drag the potted plants inside, but everything in the ground is probably dead. You need to do some fishing too, but you’ll wait until they leave to do that. Being that close to the water when they’re here is a hassle. 
Steeling yourself, you push open the door and slip outside as quietly as possible. These efforts were all in vain, as it seems they were waiting for you.
There’s a call of your name behind you. A look over your shoulder revealed it to be who you assume is their leader, Luffy. The bull shark merman flashed you a wide, sharp toothed smile and waved frantically at you. 
You had to fight the urge to go back inside, he was the worst offender out of them all. This guy genuinely did not seem to understand the concept of personal space. He also didn’t know how to stop talking, much to your chagrin. There’s also the issue of him being able to go into freshwater, something you learned about him while trying to fetch some drinking water from a river flowing through the island. Not only did he scare the hell out of you with his sudden appearance, he also launched himself out of the water to tackle you in a hug. You don’t like hugs at the best of times, but you especially don’t like them when they result in your water being spilled and getting soaking wet.
“Hey! Do you wanna come swim with us?!” Luffy shouted.
He asks that every time that they’re here, regardless of the fact that you’ve refused every single time. Apparently he wasn’t getting the hint.
“No, Luffy. I’m busy and have lots to do today, I don’t have time for that,” you answered. Not giving him a chance to ask more questions, you sped off towards your garden, praying that no one tries to follow you. You’ve had to drag Luffy back into the water on multiple occasions when he attempted to come after you and got too dried out from being out of the water. Much to your dismay, he took this as a sign of friendship and not just basic human decency.
As expected, the garden was in ruins. Your heart sank at the unfortunate sight. After removing all the debris thrown onto it by the storm, you saw that nothing had survived. Everything was ripped up and destroyed. You felt sick to your stomach knowing how dangerous it was to lose this many crops. It was early enough into the season that you could replant it and still harvest them in time before winter, but that would require you going back to the mainland for more seeds.
You hated having to go back and be around so many people, but it had to be done. Maybe you could set sail tomorrow? If the merfolk were gone by then, of course. You don’t want them following you for the entire two day journey.
Since the garden is done for, looks like you’ll be doing some foraging today. After the roof repairs. Those definitely take precedent here. Sighing, you turn and make your way back to your home. It’ll probably take most of the day to finish it based on how bad it was leaking last night. Your home was within eyesight of the shore, which meant that the merfolk were going to be trying to talk to you the whole time. How annoying.
As you get closer, you’re confused to hear what sounds like hammering. Where is that noise coming from? Picking up the pace, you hurry to the source and see that it’s coming from your house. Looking up, you see the colorful form of Franky crawling over what once was your roof and hammering on new planks of wood. Beside your home was a pile of discarded roofing tiles and wood.
All you can do is gawk at him while your brain tries to process what he’s doing. The large mantis shrimp notices your presence and stops what he’s doing to wave at you, “Oh hey! I saw that your roof was all messed up so I thought I’d fix it for you! At first I was just going to retile it, but then I saw that the rafters were damaged too, so I’m rebuilding all of it. Don’t worry, I’ll have this finished before it’s night.”
With that said, he went back to work. You didn’t know what to do or say about this. Given that your entire roof was now ripped off, you didn’t exactly want to tell him to stop. As much as you don’t want him to be doing this, it felt too late to keep him from it now. You’ll just have to let it go. Also where in the same hell did he get lumber and roofing tiles from? You doubt you’ll ever know.
Hazarding a glance to the shore, you can see the rest of them relaxing. Nami is currently laying on the shore and sunbathing with Robin reading a book next to her. Luffy is dangling from a tree hanging over the ocean trying to grab some fruit from the higher branches while Usopp and Chopper egg him on. 
Oh good, he’s occupied and hasn’t noticed you. Grabbing a basket from outside your house, you run into the forested area of the island to forage. You’re hoping that if you stay out long enough that they’ll be gone by the time you get back. You’ll need to gather at least enough food to last you on your voyage to get seeds.
Lucky for you, the food on this island was plentiful. Between you being the only person on the island and the minimal animal life, there were plenty of fruits and root vegetables to choose from. You could hunt for birds too, but usually you got your protein from fish.
The foraging was going well, but the heat was starting to get to you. Today was not only hot, but also humid and you felt like you were suffocating. Sweat was pouring down your back as you pulled yourself up the tree to grab some fruit. You wanted it to be a little under ripe so that it would ripen up during your journey. Your basket was hung up on a lower branch for you to drop your findings into.
After dropping the last of the fruit you found into it, you slumped against the trunk of the tree. You wanted to do more foraging, but this heat was becoming too much for you. All of the sweating had made you dehydrated, too. If you don’t head back soon you’ll be putting yourself at risk of a heat stroke. 
Nodding to yourself, you climb down and grab the fruit basket. It’s full enough that you’re content to call it a day. You can only hope that the merfolk have left by now, but at this point you don’t care. You just want to drink something.
Your house comes into view and you’re pleasantly surprised to see the roof is finished and Franky is nowhere to be seen. Despite your annoyance at him inviting himself to work on it without your permission, you have to admit that his handiwork is impeccable. The roof looks noticeably nicer than the rest of the house, and there is a large blue star painted onto the front of it.
Where he got the paint from is beyond you. Probably from wherever he pulled the lumber out of if you had to guess.
Before you could go inside to get something to drink, someone calls for you. Your head hangs and you groan. You’re in no mood to deal with any of them right now. Why must they insist on bothering you again?
Looking to where the voice came from, you see Sanji pulling himself across the sand with one hand while holding a coconut in the other. Admittedly, you’re impressed at how well he’s able to do that. As he pulls himself closer, you see that the coconut is open on the top. 
“I’ve been looking for you! I made everyone some drinks and wanted to give you one too!” Sanji thrust the coconut towards you and watched expectantly.
Setting down your basket, you hesitantly eye up the drink. It looks like a mixture of various fruit juices mixed together in the coconut. Normally, you would never even consider taking anything from these people, and have turned down food from them on multiple occasions.
Right now, though? That looked like the most refreshing thing in the world and your throat was screaming for something to drink. It couldn’t hurt to accept it just this one time, right? What’s the worst that can happen?
Reaching out, you take it from Sanji’s hand, “Thank you, this looks really good.”
Sanji beams at you while you take your first sip. It’s delicious, and the one sip turns into you gulping down the rest of it in a matter of seconds. The tropical fruity drink felt like heaven going down your parched throat. 
Sanji is still laying in the sand by your feet. His chin is propped up on his hands and he’s smiling at you while his long tail swishes behind him. Oh, he must be waiting to hear your opinion on it. It would be rude to ignore him after accepting the offering. “That was really good, thanks for that,” you answered simply.
“Do you want more? I made plenty! If you come with me to the shore I’ll refill it for you,” his hopeful smile almost made you cave, but no. You couldn’t give them an inch because you know they’ll take a mile if you do.
“That’s alright, I’ve got to get some things done around the house. Thanks, though,” you tried your best to let him down gently. 
Instantly, his whole demeanor drooped, but he didn’t move to leave. Maybe he was hoping to make you sway if he looked at you with his kicked puppy face long enough. Guess that means you’ll have to leave first. Fine by you.
You spin on your heel to do just that, but stumble. That’s weird. All you did was turn around but you’re so dizzy that you’d think that you just spun in circles for a minute straight. Your vision started to blur as a horrifying realization dawned on you. 
He drugged your drink, and you fell for it hook, line, and sinker. 
In a last ditch effort to get away, you attempt to get into your home and lock the door. This amounts to nothing because you collapse after the first step. Your fingers dig into the sand uselessly, your arms didn’t have the strength to pull you forward. You weren’t even that far from the door, it was just barely out of reach. What a cruel joke.
Vaguely, you can hear motion behind you and feel someone pulling on your ankle. You can make out several voices, but your mind is too hazy to put any names to them. Boisterous laughter is the last thing you hear before everything fades to black.
Apparently, this was the worst thing that could happen.
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