#yay rigs finally
modormouth · 11 months
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consider: mass production evangelions inspired by those air screamers from silent hill
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wizardblog-spot · 1 year
*starts to learn live2d and setting ul all the shit* oh cool this is nice
*actually rigging* this is hell
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anto-pops · 11 months
A Torrid Arrangement - Sebastian Sallow x Female! Reader
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Summary: You and Sebastian have had a 'friends-with-benefits' dynamic going on for close to a year now, and the more time passes, the harder it is for him to hide his true feelings for you. It's an unbearable kind of torment, but he forces himself to grin and bear it anyway to preserve the integrity of his... situation-ship with you. That is, until the metaphorical floodgates finally open up.
Alternatively summarized as gratuitous FWB smut with lots of playful banter sprinkled in
This came from the depths of my fever-induced brain so if its all over the place, I apologize. But YAY MORE SMUT !!
Word Count: 8.6k
Warnings: 18+, aged up characters, explicit sexual content, lots of hickies
Full fic can be found here on Ao3 with more informative tags, as per usual :))
Sebastian knew it was going to be one of those days before he was even fully conscious. 
He jolted awake from an extremely graphic wet dream at the ass crack of dawn, hard and sweaty and tangled in the sheets, already reaching beside himself for the body that had just been pressed against his own. The dream had been so real– so incredibly vivid– that he swore he could still taste the familiar, salty skin on the tip of his tongue. He’d been so fucking close too; buried deep between soft thighs, clinging tight with every fiber of his being when reality had come and butt its ugly, unwelcome head in. 
With a ragged, disappointed groan, Sebastian let his head fall back against his pillow and dragged his hands down his flushed face, graciously allowing himself a few minutes to sort himself out. 
This was far from the first wet dream he’d had about you, and he was certain it wouldn’t be the last. Hell– you gave Sebastian’s thirsty subconscious plenty of material to work with every time you came around to ‘relieve stress’. Being long-standing fuck buddies with you granted him that lucious priviledge. Sebastian knew damn well how good you felt holding onto him, what you sounded like when you were about to come, what your heated, sweat-slick skin tasted like. 
He also knew how fucking cute you could be— especially when you were sprawled across his bed in his dorm with a textbook open beneath you to sneakily segue from studying together to fooling around. He knew how badly he wanted to spread you out across his sheets and make you moan for hours– to worship your perfect body slowly and sweetly with his hands and his mouth. 
It was barely past dawn and Sebastian already knew he was going to be tracking you down at some point today to act on his urges. As always, he would be hiding his monstrous crush under a thick layer of casual booty call. 
Whenever Sebastian woke up like this– nerves stretched paper thin over a desperate craving for intimacy– dueling was one of the few things that helped him clear his head and get his shit together. He wasn’t exactly a morning person, and he was even less of a people person at such a ripe, early hour, but he’d still left the confines of his dorm to make the trek to the Crossed Wands courtyard. 
There were no students in this area of the castle at this time, which just meant he would be making do with the practice dummies for a few hours until his blood cooled within his veins. Spell after spell fired from his wand and struck hard and true against the wooden figurines that lined the walls, the sound echoing off the Clock Tower walls and drowning out his incessant, horny thoughts. 
Thoughts that revolved too much around how nice your thighs would look with dark imprints of his teeth all over them. 
Biting the inside of his cheek, Sebastian unleashed a particularly aggressive Confringo charm in a bid to expel his sinful train of thought. The dummy erupted in an explosion of wooden bits and flaming embers, and as it collapsed to the stone floor in a mangled heap, the brunet realized that there was in fact one other person on school grounds awake– and they just so happened to be walking right towards him. 
He could practically hear fate howling with laughter at his expense when he dimly registered that not only did he know this lone survivor, it was against all probability none other than you, because why the fuck not. 
You were stomping through the outer courtyard with a few textbooks clutched tight in your white-knuckled grip, looking equal parts distracted and deliciously disheveled from a distance. Your mind had to be as scattered as his was, because you clearly didn’t notice Sebastian or the on fire training dummy as you strode through the open clock tower gate. He did his best to play it cool when you finally made eye contact with him, trying exceptionally hard to not look like he’d just jacked off to the way dream-you squirmed under him not twenty minutes prior. 
“Hey, you,” Sebastian called out smoothly when your hurried pace slowed down at the sight of him. You shook your head as though to clear it, squinting at him harder as you evenly stalked up to him, and your frown became more and more apparent the closer you got. Everything about your demeanor screamed ‘wild Graphorn, do not approach’, but Sebastian had never been great at following directions. 
You raked one of your hands through your wild hair as you finally came to stop a few feet away, panting slightly as you stared up at him as though you weren’t entirely sure he was real. “Sebastian?” 
The man in question cocked a brow at you, giving you a quick once over. Your hair was definitely mussed more than usual, a few stray strands falling over your forehead while others stuck up on one side– as if you’d been combing your fingers through it all night. There was no missing the mildly insane glint in your bloodshot eyes, and you were slightly paler than normal. Sebastian was also pretty sure you’d been wearing the same blouse yesterday, if the tiny stain on the collar was any indication. 
If you didn’t look so damned grumpy, Sebastian would swear he’d just caught you in the middle of a walk of shame. The mere idea sent a sharp pang of jealousy straight through his core, and he had to bite his tongue to stifle the snide comment that threatened to fall from his lips. He failed, opting to instead poke the metaphorical bruise and deal with the throbbing ache doing so would bring him. 
“Someone didn’t go to her dorm last night,” he snickered, aiming a crooked grin down at you. “Congrats on getting lucky.” 
Normally he would expect you to just roll your eyes and punch him in the shoulder before ribbing him back. But as Sebastian watched your eyes widen at the same time your face flushed several different shades of red, he couldn’t help but wonder if poking the metaphorical Graphorn before the sun was even fully up was a good idea. 
“I was not getting lucky,” you hissed at him, one eye twitching. Sebastian raised his hands in mock surrender before sticking his wand back in his pocket, awkwardly shifting on his feet for a moment as you huffed out an agitated sigh. “I’ve been getting fucked for the last twelve hours by Professor Sharp’s assignment– fifteen pages on the origin and uses of Wiggenweld. I’m not even sure if most of what I’ve written comes off as real English, so don’t fucking chuckle at me about getting lucky, you ass.” 
Sebastian just stared at you silently, watching you fume. He’d pulled plenty of all-nighters with you before, so he knew full well that after a certain amount of sleep deprivation and stress, you had a tendency to lose your shit in addition to your filter. “Ah,” he mumbled as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, only hesitating for a second. 
After all, he just so happened to know exactly how you liked to relieve your stress. 
He licked his lips quickly before he said, “You, uh… kinda look like you could stand to get lucky, huh?” 
Your nostrils flared slightly as you squinted up at him for a long minute instead of responding. It might have looked like a murderous face to anyone else, but Sebastian knew better, and he could practically hear the gears in your head clanking together as you weighed the offer. 
“…I mean, if you’re not doing anything else,” you finally muttered, your tense shoulders dropping a smidge. 
He gestured loosely to the demolished pile of wood on the ground. “I’m not anymore,” came his fluid reply, and before you could take note of the smoking remnants of the training dummy, Sebastian’s hand was grasping yours tight as he tugged you along behind him. You blearily blinked the fatigue from your eyes as you fell into step beside him, and the brunet tried his very best not to let on how extremely pleased he was.
Halfway to Sebastian’s dorm, you’d interrupted his hurried pace and directed him to the Room of Requirement in an attempt to avoid any awkward run-ins with his roommates. The absolute last thing you wanted to deal with on top of your Potion’s related irritation was prying eyes, and you already knew the Slytherin dorms would be chock full of those. 
Upon entering the more private space atop the Astronomy Tower, you threw aside your textbooks on the lone side table next to the double doors and spun around to yank Sebastian into a frantic, needy kiss. Your nails dug into his firm shoulders as you swiftly pulled him down to your level, and he allowed you to grind your hips against his steadily growing erection as his own fingers dug into the small of your back. 
“H-Hey, hold on,” Sebastian wheezed out when you pulled away to tug at his belt, and his hands dropped to your waist to hold you at arms length so he could look you over again. As the two of you had trekked up to the Room, you’d begun to look more and more exhausted— too out of it to even gripe about the endless staircase that never failed to draw complaints from you. “Are you sure you’re up for this right now? You look like death.” 
You snorted and rolled your tired eyes, pursing your lips in blatant disapproval. “Nagging, Sebastian? Really? I thought we were past this.” 
“I’m not nagging,” he grumbled. “I’m just saying, you kinda look like you need a nap more than you need a quick fuck.” 
Tutting disdainfully, your hands fell away from his belt as you crossed your arms over your chest. “I was just starting to loosen up. See if I ever relax around your ass again,” you retorted drily, tilting your head back to blink up at the ceiling. “The assignment is due before lunch today. If I sleep now, I’m not waking up until tomorrow. I can’t sleep yet.”
Sebastian tilted his head with a thoughtful frown, mirroring your stance by crossing his arms over his own chest. “What if I wake you up?” 
You shook your head dutifully, although you were sorely tempted by the idea. “Trust me, I can feel the impending coma. I can’t risk it.”
“Want me to turn your paper in for you?”
Another mournful shake of your head. “You know Sharp, he’s as stern as they come. I’m positive he wouldn’t take it from you– and I’m sure he’d give you detention for trying. It’s fine, I just need to tough it out for a few more hours. Think you can help with that?” 
“Shit, yeah,” he relented, fighting the urge to bury his face in your messy head of hair. Instead he opted for uncrossing his arms to run his hands up your shoulders to gently squeeze at the tense muscles there, and you sighed at the delightful shiver that danced up your spine from the action. “I’m really not trying to kill you, though. Are you sure you’re good for this?” 
You snorted again, shaking your head slightly, and the tension in your upper body began seeping away under Sebastian’s warm palms. “Are you always this sweet to your fuck buddies?” The brunet could feel himself flushing at the statement, but before he could respond, you were muttering, “It’s really weird coming from you.” 
“Just shut up and fuck me already,” you barked over Sebastian’s protest, pulling away from him to head further into the massive space towards the modest bedroom in the corner. The adjacent room had never disappeared after your first hook-up here with your longtime companion, and its constant existence since then had served as an odd reminder of your arrangement with the man. 
If you weren’t so stiff and weird from exhaustion, Sebastian could honestly convince himself that you were embarrassed or something. For now, though, he simply chalked your jaded nature up to your lack of a filter and stalked after you– totally not obsessing over the fact that you’d just called him sweet. 
You’d been undoing the buttons on your shirt as you walked, and as soon as you made it inside the bedroom, you stripped the material off completely and discarded it in the corner of the room. Your skirt quickly followed, and all the while Sebastian was forcing himself not to think about how nice dream-you’s skin had looked tangled in his dream-sheets. 
Sebastian stood in the doorway as he began unbuttoning his own shirt, shucking the attire off of his shoulders before moving down to his belt. The metal clink of the buckle was enough to draw your attention, and you fell back onto the mattress and scooted up towards the pillows without taking your eyes off him. The eager look in your fatigued eyes was enough to spur Sebastian onward quicker, and before long he was dressed in only his briefs as he prowled towards the bed with a predatory glint in his eyes. 
The way you were sprawled atop the sheets with your arms resting above your head was a sight Sebastian vowed to commit to memory for as long as he lived. You were clearly giving him free reign over your body, and his mouth ran dry at the realization that you were wholly handing control over to him. He swallowed thickly and moved to straddle your hips, leaning over you on his forearms so he could better slot your lips together, and after a few tentative pecks, his boldness started to grow. You sighed and tilted your chin into Sebastian’s kisses, parting your lips invitingly as you melted into the cool, satin sheets beneath you. 
With as tired and as boneless as you were, it seemed like you might actually be patient for once, and the thought had Sebastian’s heart fluttering excitedly. More often than not, he was so susceptible to your impatience and intensity that he always found himself getting swept up in your urgency when the two of you did this. Not that he didn’t love it; the dire, rough pace he’d always settle into with you, all gasping moans and tightly-gripped hands and frantic, needy thrusts– he absolutely loved it. It kept him hooked and craving more, even when you were both panting and sated. This, though…
Having you give up the lead and just relax for him was like a literal wet dream come to life. 
Tangling your tongues with a low moan, Sebastian leaned into you slightly, his hands shifting to rub slowly up your sides until his deft fingers slipped under your arched back to unhook your bra. It fell away like nothing, and you moaned against his lips when the pads of his thumbs came to graze over your pert nipples. Your sleep-deprived loopiness had to be contagious, because Sebastian pulled away from your lips to mouth hotly against your ear, “I dreamt about you last night.” 
He didn’t get the chance to feel weird about admitting it. You chuckled warmly, your kiss-swollen lips curving into a crooked, amused smile. “Oh yeah?” 
“Yeah,” he murmured, pausing to suck gently at your earlobe while his thumbs idly traced the outline of your ribs. He brushed his lips down the angle of your jaw, exhaling shakily when you leaned your head aside to freely offer him the wonderfully sensitive expanse of your neck. Sebastian lightly dragged his teeth down the soft, heated skin, then flicked his tongue over the faded imprint of the last hickey he’d left there. It was barely noticeable now. 
You shivered at the feeling, your fingers twisting in the sheets above your head before you sighed contentedly. “Was I pulling my hair out about Potions?”
“Fuck no.” He nipped at the faint bruise before pressing a hot, open-mouthed kiss to your pulse, sucking just enough to briefly tease you. “I had you under me like this,” he continued softly, pitching his voice low and nuzzling into your ear again, purposely aiming to press your buttons and work you into a needy frenzy. He felt your breath hitch more than he heard it, and as a sly grin broke out across his face, Sebastian slipped his fingers up your chest to pinch at your nipples once again. “I was fucking you nice and slow, making you feel so good…”
Moaning softly, you arched up into Sebastian’s hands, worrying your bottom lip between your teeth as he teased and flicked the sensitive nubs into stiff peaks. Your hips inadvertently rocked up against his as you desperately sought friction in the area you wanted it most. “Sounds like you’ve already got a game plan, huh?”
He sat back on his heels to look down at you as he shrugged. “If you’re up to it,”
“Just don’t let me fall asleep,” you mused, your hooded eyes trailing down Sebastian’s tanned, freckled chest to his dark briefs, halting when you caught sight of his cock straining against the cotton material. The sight had you licking your lips and fidgeting slightly before you blinked back up at him. “This paper is worth a quarter of my grade.” 
“I won’t. Merlin– you worry too much.” Sitting upright with an amused shake of his head, Sebastian rolled off of you to sidle down the mattress so he was kneeled comfortably between your outstretched legs. Your hands fell to your thin underwear, ready to peel them away to get a move on with things, but Sebastian swatted away your appendages quickly. With a half-hearted scowl, you relinquished control, allowing your arms to rest above your head again as you once more bared yourself to the larger man. 
Sebastian groaned softly at the sight, continuing where you’d left off by slipping his fingers under the waistband of your undergarments before tugging the damp fabric away from your aching center. You lifted your knees to assist him, and in one swift motion he had discarded the soiled attire over his shoulder, taking care to drag his eyes down the supple curve of your waist before settling on your glistening folds. 
“Damn, darling,” he moaned earnestly. “You look so fucking perfect like this.” You huffed softly as you hooked your legs around Sebastian’s hips to tug him closer, and he hummed at the same time he looped one of his hands under your thigh to hold you to him as he rocked against your slick core. The friction was tantamount to perfection, but you craved more, and Sebastian knew it too. 
Before you could open your mouth to complain, the freckled man ducked to press hot, wet kisses down the line of your throat, sucking and biting as he made his way down your shoulder past your collarbone. As he mouthed down your chest, he paused to tease one of your perked nipples gently between his teeth, and a pang of arousal shot through him when you arched and moaned under him. It was pure bliss– and your eyes rolled shut as your hips pressed up insistently. Sebastian ground his hips into yours for as long as he could manage before he had to scoot back to continue further, but he made up for it by dragging his nails deliciously down your thighs before he’d settled between your outstretched legs. 
You made such a pretty picture spread out in the lush, satin sheets this way; with your hands fisted in the covers above your head, your legs spread on either side of him, and the lustful gaze you pinned him with, Sebastian was half convinced he’d fallen back asleep this morning and was still dreaming. He couldn’t pass up the opportunity to watch your body react to his touch, so he smiled as he dipped his head to drag the flat of his tongue up your wet folds, and the way your breath stuttered in your throat was far more enticing than it had any right to be. You attempted to push yourself up onto your elbows to watch– entirely enthralled with how Sebastian looked between your thighs– but then he took your clit between his lips and sucked, and you were pulling the sheets into your clenched fists and falling back against the pillows with a ragged moan.
Sebastian continued to toy with you that way for far too long for comfort– holding you hostage in some combined purgatory of bliss and torment as he sucked and lapped at your center. It was far too easy to reduce you to a pile of brainless mush given your fatigued, overly-sensitive state, and he was all too curious to discover how many new things you would let him get away with before you got impatient and started begging. 
With gentle, attentive hands, Sebastian coaxed you into raising one of your knees up so he could throw your leg over his shoulder, instantly coiling his strong arms under your waist to hold you firmly to his unrelenting mouth. His stomach flipped at how easily you relaxed for him, and you proceeded to fight your boneless nature so you could sit up and watch him with lust-dark, hazy eyes. Sebastian loved the attention– thrived on it, really– and he broke away from your overwhelmingly wet heat to pepper chaste kisses along the smooth hollow of your leg. You were already breathing heavier– your fingers twitching around handfuls of fabric– and when Sebastian moaned and slipped his tongue out in-between kisses to lightly run the tip along soft, sensitive skin, your breath caught audibly in your chest before you shuddered out a shaky sigh. 
When he first sank his teeth into the heated flesh midway up your inner thigh, he did so gently, but your hips still jerked at the sensation, and you couldn’t stop the wanton moan that slipped through your parted lips. “Fuck, Sebastian–” you groaned, your voice laced with obvious desire. You dug the heel of your foot into the middle of his back, silently imploring him to give you more, because the feeling of him marking you somewhere so sensitive was too fucking good. 
Sebastian flashed you a smug grin as he pulled away, but not before planting a lingering kiss along the faint imprints of his teeth. The gesture was warm and promising– as was the way his hand squeezed your waist before letting the leg over his shoulder fall back against the mattress. He moved to splay his hands over your hips, your thighs resting comfortably over his arms, but he let them stay spread open rather than using his grip to pull you around like he usually would. 
As his thumbs trailed gently along the curves of your hip bones, Sebastian leaned back down to brush another warm kiss along your inner thigh, humming at the way your muscles tensed slightly. He nuzzled up higher, then parted his lips against the soft skin to bite again, and this time he sucked steadily with the intent of leaving a dark, lasting mark there too. You moaned softly, your hips rocking up at the sensation, and as Sebastian worked yet another brand into your skin, your breath shifted into quiet panting as your hands twisted in the sheets. 
Satisfied with the deep purple of the bruise and the light imprint of his teeth around it, Sebastian pulled away and dragged the flat of his tongue over his brand soothingly, breathing a low groan as he did so. He admired it for a moment longer before he mouthed wetly up your leg further, his dark, messy curls brushing against the join of your thigh. 
He nuzzled closer to begin working another mark there, and the sharp sting of his lips and his teeth had you gasping– bending your free thigh up to let it fall to the side in a bid to give Sebastian all the room he wanted to keep going. He moaned encouragingly, squeezing your hips once again as you lifted them up for more, and he dragged his tongue up along the soft hollow of your thigh as his brow furrowed in concentration. 
“S-Sebastian,” you gasped, trembling under the brunet’s affection. The shaky insistence to your voice caught his attention, so he leaned up enough to look at you as he licked his lips and pet your hips soothingly. Swallowing heavily, you opened your eyes and shivered, meeting his gaze almost shyly before you murmured, “I-I don’t– I don’t usually like slow stuff.” 
Sebastian shifted up onto his elbows, idly drawing his palms back and forth over your flushed skin. His expression showed nothing but concern as he asked, “Do you want to stop?” 
You shook your head quickly, scooting your hips minutely towards him. “N-No, no– this is fine. Good, even, I… I like this.” 
Tilting his head to the side, Sebastian tried unsuccessfully to figure out what was happening, then cautiously asked, “Are you okay?” 
“Yes,” you answered firmly, leaving no room for doubt. You fidgeted for a few seconds, squirming under the obvious care Sebastian was showing for you until you eventually took a breath and relented. “I like this. A lot.” The freckled man only cocked a brow at you in confusion, but before he could move to crawl over you again, you huffed and flopped back against the mattress. “I like you leaving marks on me, too.” 
He mulled that over in his brain for a long moment, squinting slightly. “Okay…?” 
“You fucking ass,” you wheezed out, your breath akin to an overwhelmed laugh. “It’s because it’s you, Sebastian, Merlin’s beard– I like you.”
Pressing his lips into a thin line, Sebastian stared up at you again and carefully replied, “Thanks?” 
“Nevermind, I hate you,” you grumbled, slinging an arm over your face. “Forget I said anything.” 
“No– hold on–” he sputtered before sitting up straight, his arms sliding out from under your thighs. You appeared to be disgruntled by the change, but you didn’t come out from hiding to complain. “I mean– we’ve been fucking for like a year. I’d hope to the Gods you can stand me by now.” 
You groaned from beneath the safety of your arm shield, “I cannot believe I have to spell this out for you. I’ve been fucking you for like a year because I like you, you moonmind. Like, romantically. Very much into you, whether we’re fucking or not.”
With an uncomfortably loud click, Sebastian understood.
“Oh!” His eyes damn near popped out of his skull, his heart doing some insane acrobatics in his chest, but all of that took a backseat to the blissful realization that he wasn’t the only one with a big, gross crush. “Oh, shit, okay,” he sputtered, raking his hands through his hair. “Wow, okay. Fuck, sorry– I was totally involved in the hickey thing, my brain wasn’t on. Wow.” 
“Merlin’s balls,” you groused, already trying to roll away from Sebastian’s wildly embarrassing presence. “I should not have said anything.”
“No!” Sebastian scrambled up the bed to brace himself on his hands above you, caging you between his arms while his heart hammered away against his sternum. “No, no no, you definitely should have said something, darling– shit.” He paused to try and coax you into coming out of hiding, but when you resisted him firmly, he didn’t push it. Instead, he chewed the inside of his cheek and tried to get his racing thoughts in order so he wouldn’t blurt out something completely idiotic. 
“I am like, ridiculously in love with you.” 
Completely idiotic. 
You froze under him momentarily before peering up at him over your elbow, your wide-eyed stare bordering on horrified. Cursing under his breath, Sebastian buried his hands in his hair and stared right back, almost entirely sure he could feel his life force draining from his body. 
“I-I mean– fuck, wait–”
“Are you kidding me!?” You bolted upright– narrowly avoiding cracking your skull against Sebastian’s on the way up. Your fingers clamped down on his shoulders so you could rattle him slightly as you blurted, “What the hell, Sebastian! How long?” 
“I don’t know!” He threw his hands up and pointedly stared at the wall before grumbling, “I don’t fucking know, it’s not like it happened all at once. It started towards the end of our fifth-year and it just kinda… grew from there. Like a Horklump.” 
Sebastian realized how shitty that euphemism was when your mouth fell open in utter disbelief. “Did you seriously just compare your feelings for me to a fungus?” 
“Look, I’m sorry, okay?” He sat back on his heels, crossing his arms stiffly over his bare chest as he returned to staring at anything but you.
“For what, exactly?” You ran a trembling hand through your unruly hair, then dropped your gaze to the sheets. “For returning my feelings? Or for not saying anything before right now?” Sebastian just shrugged unhelpfully with his lips pursed. Groaning loudly, you flopped back onto the bed and stared at the ceiling for a minute, your irritated, murder face back in full swing. 
Just as Sebastian was starting to get worried by the awkward silence— doing his best not to fidget— you nodded to yourself and announced, “We should date each other.” 
“…Come again?” 
“We should date each other,” you repeated firmly, leaning up on your elbows again and exuding a confidence that had seemingly come out of nowhere. “I like you, you love me–” Sebastian did his best to not choke on his own tongue, “–we spend so much time together that we’re basically dating anyways. At least, Imelda seems to think so… it seems like a good enough idea to me, if you’re interested.” 
It took Sebastian a few seconds to untangle his tongue enough to reply, but when he did, all he could do was croak, “You want to date me?”
“Yes. I’d like that.” 
“…Are you high? Did you smoke Mallowsweet on your way here?”
You groaned and tipped your head back between your shoulders, very clearly searching for some semblance of patience. “I’m high on sleep deprivation, yes, but that doesn’t make my feelings any less real. They’re there whether I’ve slept or not. It’s actually hell.” 
Sebastian was still flabbergasted, staring down at you helplessly. “Why are you bringing this up now?” 
“I don’t know! I didn’t mean to full-on confess or anything, it just kind of came out that way. You were leaving hickeys on me, and I realized that whenever I wake up tomorrow, I’m gonna feel them and see them and remember how you fucking appeared out of nowhere right when I was wondering if you’d be pissed if I snuck into your dorm at the ass crack of dawn– and then I’ll remember how good you looked leaving them on me and how I totally wanted you to do slow mushy lovey sex stuff to me, and then I’ll probably sleep like shit for weeks fantasizing about that, and–”
“Okay, alright, damn,” Sebastian interjected, his face flushed an impressively dark shade of red.
“You asked,” you mumbled as you half-heartedly picked at the sheets. 
“I did, yeah.” Licking his lips quickly, Sebastian reached forward to rest his hand over yours, dragging his thumb along your knuckles soothingly. “I’d really, really like that. A lot, if I’m being honest. I’ve kind of dreamt about it for a while now.”
Your sheepish smile transformed rapidly into something purely elated, and you flipped your hand over to intertwine your fingers with his own as you playfully mused, “Not the only thing you’ve been dreaming about, apparently.” 
Sebastian laughed again, and this time it was less nervous and more breathless with relief. He leaned forward to brush his lips against yours, resting his free hand on your warm cheek, and you instantly relaxed for him as you tilted your chin up into the kiss as you gave his fingers a tentative squeeze. 
You fell back onto the bed again as you tugged Sebastian over you, loosely hooking your legs around his hips to keep him close. The brunet groaned and leaned into you, and when you threaded your fingers into his hair and pulled him into another kiss, he slipped his tongue between your lips with a shaky sigh– all too eager to put his hands all over you. Luckily you seemed to be of like mind, moaning against his mouth before pulling back just enough to whisper, “Touch me, please.” 
Sebastian nodded ardently and nipped at your flushed lips, shifting his weight to free up his hands so he could better run his palms along your sides. He squeezed gently before dragging one hand down to your still-slick heat, expertly seeking out your tiny bundle of nerves in a bid to reduce you to a mewling, gasping mess. Your spine rounded towards him as soon as he found it– an airy moan ripping from your throat as he pressed tight circles around the nub– and Sebastian swallowed your keening noises greedily. 
“Why are you still wearing these?” You murmured against his plush lips as your finger slipped beneath the waistband of his briefs, tugging softly to convey your request. 
There was no muffling his smug bark of laughter, and a feline smile split his face as he pulled back just enough to plant a featherlight kiss on the tip of your nose. “So impatient,” he teased, intentionally ignoring your hand on his undergarments in favor of sliding one of his skilled fingers through your folds. He replaced the missing finger against your clit with his thumb at the same time he inserted a digit inside of your pulsing walls, and the feeling had your head falling back as your lips parted around a stuttered gasp, your thighs tightening impossibly further around his waist. 
Undeterred, you blindly wiggled your hand under the hem of Sebastian’s underwear and tugged his arousal out with a practiced flick of your wrist. You wrapped your fingers around his girth and gave him a long, tight stroke– squeezing the head in the way you knew he liked– which in turn earned you a rough, wavering moan. Matching Sebastian’s pace was easy, and you stroked him steadily as you leaned up to seal your lips over his pulse to begin working a dark hickey of your own into his sweaty, freckled skin. 
Resting his weight on his free arm, Sebastian leaned closer as he sighed heavily while his brown eyes fluttered shut from the way your mouth felt on his neck. He rocked his hips into your hand and pumped his fingers a few more times inside of you before he was withdrawing the digits to push his briefs down all the way. You merely chuckled against his throat, pulling off of the fresh, blossoming mark with a satisfied hum before you laved your tongue over it. 
Once Sebastian had finally wrestled off his briefs and settled over you again, you tugged him by the neck back into a hungry kiss, and he groaned deeply at the way you moved perfectly against him. As you curled your tongue between his lips, your hands traversed down the broad expanse of his toned back to feel as much of him as you could, pawing encouragingly at his lower back to guide him into a languid, grinding rhythm against you. 
Sebastian let himself follow your lead for a few slow thrusts, but the way your skin felt against his– coupled with the way your quiet moans sounded muffled against his lips– was too tempting to overlook for long. Following a brief, bitey kiss, Sebastian dropped his hand between your legs once again to press at your wet, warm entrance. You shivered at the way his fingers felt against you as he coaxed you into relaxing, and your nails dug into his sculpted shoulders when he mercifully worked two of his thick digits inside of you. A string of moans and praises alike fell from your lips as your head lolled back against the pillows, and the remnants of Sebastian’s restraint began to slip away as a result. 
“Fuck, darling,” he keened breathlessly, unable to take his eyes off of your face as your expression shifted into one of pure pleasure. His buried his fingers to the knuckles, utterly overwhelmed at how tight you were, and he nudged his nose against your cheek as he murmured, “You look so fucking good right now…”
“Y-You may have mentioned that, yeah,” you laughed against his sweat-slick skin, blinking affectionately up at your now-boyfriend as he took in your pliant body beneath him, and the thought imbued you with a fresh sense of desire that you were desperate to act on. “Come on, I want you inside me already.” 
With a wheezy laugh, Sebastian nodded and ducked his head to catch your lips again as he started thrusting his fingers into your pulsing heat. He nibbled gently at your bottom lip when he buried his fingers deep to curl them towards your stomach, which in turn earned him a squeaky little moan that was immediately followed by an impatient wriggle of your hips. Your legs were trembling with barely contained want as you spread them further, and Sebastian took full advantage of the newly acquired space to readjust himself into a more comfortable position. 
By the time you were panting against him and rocking back onto his fingers, Sebastian was more than ready to move things along. He slid his fingers out and pulled away with another quick kiss before sitting up to steady his cock at your entrance. You helpfully wrapped your legs around his waist again, angling your hips towards him with a coy smile on your face until you felt the head of his achingly hard member bump against you. Sebastian flashed you a doting smile in return, and with an unhurried roll of his hips, he was sinking into you with a throaty groan that made your hair stand on end. 
“F-Fuck, you feel so warm– you’re perfect, darling,” he grit through his clenched teeth, plunging himself deeper inch by inch until he had bottomed out completely inside of you. The way your walls fluttered around him made him dizzy with need, but he noted the tension in your shoulders and forced himself to maintain his slow pace so you could get acclimated to the feeling. Sebastian was practically fluent in your stubborn body language by now, and he was nothing if not determined to get you to relax completely. 
Rather than thrusting deeper, Sebastian sighed and licked his lips as he glanced up at your face. You were an incredibly tense person on the best of days, but when you were running on fumes like this, he found it to be even harder to get you to release the mountain of stress you seemingly carried with you at all times. While he was all too used to the frown lines that so frequently cropped up between your brows, seeing them now just made Sebastian want to be even gentler with you– even more careful. 
He lightly nudged your head aside and set to dragging hot, wet kisses down the column of your throat, moaning wantonly at the bare salt of your sweat on his tongue. You shivered and gasped, tilting your head to the side with a low sigh to grant the brunet more access, and before long the combined feeling of Sebastian’s tongue and lips on your neck had you melting under him completely with your eyes blissfully closed. 
“That feels… really good,” you murmured with a low voice. It was pure rapture to feel Sebastian this way; moving slowly inside of you, his lips dancing down your throat and nipping softly at the skin there. His hands eventually crept up the pillows to tangle in your hair, and the enticing feeling of his nails scraping against your scalp was enough to have you tightening around his cock a fraction. 
The praise sent a bolt of confidence through Sebastian, and he moved from your neck back to your lips to slot your mouths together again. He gingerly pulled his hips back before rolling them forward, and when you moved down against him with a shaky breath, it was all the go-ahead he needed to keep going. 
The rhythm he fell into was slow and steady, moving inside you with long, easy thrusts while he ground against your ass every time he buried himself deep. His eyes remained trained on your face, your expression clearly showing how pleased you were to be taken care of. You weren’t squirming in blatant pleasure yet, but Sebastian figured this was a good enough first step. 
“C’mon, Sebastian– you’re putting me to sleep here,” you mumbled playfully, letting your arms rest above your head in the way Sebastian loved to see. His tempo faltered slightly, but your mischievous grin betrayed the legitimacy of the claim; he should’ve known you were simply teasing him, especially when he knew you always got a kick out of taunting him. 
“Oh yeah?” He practically purred, sitting back on his heels to wrap his hands around your hips as he hauled you aggressively into his lap. 
You adjusted to him easily, wiggling your hips in Sebastian’s grasp in a bid to spur him onward. “Yeah… jeez, Sallow, you had one job. Tsk tsk.” 
“Well, shit.” He grinned wickedly down at you as he rolled his hips back, pulling almost all the way out and relishing in the way your face fell briefly. He hovered there for a long, torturous second before he snapped his hips back into you, using his grip to hold you down on his cock as he ground deeper and harder than before. You were left gasping at the feeling, your head falling back as your fingers twisted in the sheets, and before you could recover, Sebastian rasped, “Guess I should fuck you better then, huh?” 
Without giving you room to breathe, Sebastian kept up his agonizingly slow pace, easily pulling you back onto his cock with every firm thrust. He fucked into you evenly– his strong hands controlling the rhythm in the way he knew drove you crazy– and it earned him a cacophony of shaky moans that fell from your flushed, bitten lips. 
“Yeah,” you replied finally, your voice tight and shaky. “You have to keep me up all morning, remember?” 
It was a simple enough statement, but the way it rolled off of your tongue made it sound absolutely filthy. Your raspy voice was dripping with lust, your hot breath panting out between your parted lips, and that was more than enough to light a fire in Sebastian’s blood. 
Groaning roughly, Sebastian paused long enough to hook his arms under your knees to haul them easily over his shoulders. You gasped as the movement lifted you off of your hips– then again when he nipped sharply at the inside of your knee before sucking hard enough to leave another flushed bruise there. The sensation had you squirming in Sebastian’s lap to the best of your ability, moaning breathlessly as he ground into you with a low rumble. 
Once he was satisfied with his mark, the freckled man rubbed his hands slowly down your tense thighs, leaning over you on his hands again so you were effectively bent back and pressed against the sheets. Sebastian leaned more of his weight into you– sinking deeper– and just as you were opening your mouth to urge him on, he started moving again. 
He picked up his pace from before easily, but now, every slow, hard thrust stuffed you full of him, and it didn’t take him long to find the angle that had you gasping sweet little moans with every shaky breath. 
Writhing under him, you arched your back and gasped Sebastian’s name as your hands tightened in the covers above your head and pulled ardently. He was fucking you slowly– but at this angle everything felt so intense– enough so that any teasing pretense you’d previously had was quickly washed away beneath constant, steady waves of pleasure. Your toes curled in the air behind him as your thighs quivered and flexed against his chest, but beyond that, you were entirely at his mercy. 
An animalistic sound reverberated from deep within Sebastian’s chest, and his own fingers gripped the sheets on either side of your head. The view he had of you was fucking insane; between the incredible face you were making, the way every thrust sent electric little sparks all throughout the both of you, and the way your cunt tightened around his cock with every deep thrust– he couldn’t help but moan your name, brainless praises falling from his lips whenever he could string the words together. 
“S-Sebastian,” you gasped, shakily riding your hips up against the brunet’s to meet his every thrust with keening moans. “Sebastian, fuck– more, more, please–”
He made a soft, broken sound at that, then shrugged your knees off his shoulders to let them fall into the bends of his elbows instead. Surging forward, he captured your lips with his and slipped his tongue between them, and you took full advantage of the closer proximity by burying your fingers in his messy, brown curls and pulling him impossibly closer. 
With you bent nearly in half this way, your knees almost touched the sheets and in turn gave Sebastian the room to pull back farther and thrust deeper– managing to maintain his steady rhythm and simultaneously drag his cock hard all along your sweet spot. You were positively shaking under him, gasping pretty, noisy little sounds into your shared kiss as you wound your fingers restlessly through his hair and pulled just to have something to hold onto. Sebastian squeezed his eyes shut and pumped his hips harder, his self-control stretched thin by how perfect you were. 
How you looked, how you sounded, how you felt… he wanted more of you– more of the loud, pleading moans that tumbled from your kiss-swollen lips. 
“Gods, darling–” Sebastian leaned down and sank his teeth into the crook of your neck, pressing his body against yours as much as he could. You bucked up against him and cried out at the sharp, sweet sting of your lover’s teeth, your head writhing against the pillows frantically as your hands fisted in his hair so you could press his face encouragingly against your flushed throat. It pulled a brutal groan from Sebastian as he bit harder, sucking yet another dark bruise into your skin, and the sound you made in response was enough to send his mind spinning.
Your voice echoed off the walls of the bedroom, your loud moans and cries of his name falling freely from your lips as Sebastian marked you mercilessly. The ragged sounds coming out of him almost sounded like growls muffled against your throat, and the feeling of being so full had you arching your back clean off the mattress. Your nails raked viciously down his neck and shoulders before digging into his strong biceps, but the sting from the welting lines only served to rile him up further. 
When you threw your head to the side and began shaking, your voice cracking as you wailed for Sebastian in the way that told him you were close, he pulled his arm out from under your trembling thigh to plant his thumb firmly against your clit and began rubbing tight circles against the overly-sensitive bundle of nerves. As he brought you closer to your climax, gasping filthy praises between stuttered moans, Sebastian sped up his pace until he was pounding his cock into you, doing his best to keep you bent at that perfect angle as he did so. Your entire body seemingly snapped off the bed– arched tight and clinging hard to his larger frame as you clawed your nails down his arms– and your airy voice rose higher and transformed into a desperate, overwhelmed scream that cracked and made Sebastian’s brain go completely blank. 
You shook apart entirely in Sebastian’s arms, tight and blindingly hot around his cock, squirming beautifully under him as he fucked you through your orgasm. Your slick coated his shaft as he relentlessly pumped into you, until the thunderous rush of his own climax crashed down around him. Warm, thick ropes of his cum filled you as he emptied himself inside, and Sebastian swore nothing on this Earth could ever hold a candle to how marvelous the feeling was.
He was vaguely aware of himself moaning your name over and over again– stammering out mumbled praises of good, so good darling, fuck. His hands gripped your hips tight as he curled over you and clung to you for dear life while he mouthed brainlessly against your heated skin. It took both of you a few long minutes to come down from your peaks; you with your arm slung over your eyes, and Sebastian slowly wrapping himself tighter and tighter around you to gather you closer. Even once the trembling had subsided, he couldn’t find a good enough reason to move. He twitched his hips back to pull out– mostly for your sake– but that was about all he could manage. 
“Holy shit,” you rasped out after a while, catching Sebastian’s bleary attention. He blinked up at you and watched as you dropped your arm above your head to stare up at the ceiling, and he hungrily took in the steady rise and fall of your bare chest as you caught your breath. 
He snorted softly and dragged his palms along your still shaking thighs– still loosely draped around his waist. “You alright?” There was something to be said about how pleased he was by the low, smokey sound of his own voice, and evidently you were too, considering how it sent more shivers up your spine. You nodded though, tugging at his shoulder to silently urge him closer. 
Sebastian slithered up until he was close enough to catch your lips, allowing you to pull him into a lazy, sated kiss while your fingers combed through his tangled curls. All too graciously, he melted against you– for once not fighting the desire to affectionately trail his knuckles down the line of your jaw. After a few minutes of languid kissing and mindless touching, Sebastian rolled to the side and let you readjust so you were laying on your side with your back to his chest, giving him the chance to wind his arms around your waist and hold you against him. 
He knew he was meant to be keeping you awake leading up to Potions class, but a few minutes of rest wouldn’t hurt. Beyond a herd of Thestrals stampeding through the room, Sebastian sorely doubted that anything could drag him away from this moment with you. He’d waited long enough for it as it was. 
After turning your assignment in and sitting through a particularly dreadful lesson for an hour, you’d finally been free’d from the shackles of the education system for the weekend, and you’d quickly found yourself sprawled across Sebastian’s bed with the curtains drawn. You were currently dead asleep and likely to stay that way for a while, but the brunet didn’t mind in the slightest. He wasn’t particularly tired, but he was especially interested in lengthy cuddling with his girlfriend, so he had no problem with the current arrangement. 
With his fingers tangled idly in your sleep-mussed hair, Sebastian watched as the bright streaks of daylight moved across the ceiling while you used his chest as a pillow, far too content to be bothered by how damn long it took to get to this point. 
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canonically47 · 9 days
guys i am soooooooo normal about seeing james fiore and ellie again i feel so normal guys i am not gnawing at the bars of my enclosure at all i feel normal and not unnormal at all SO NORMALLLLLLLLLL
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MY FUCKING. FAVS. (granted lake is just ok in my books but STILL HER!!!!!!! WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!) LOOK AT THEM. LOOK AT MY EVIL LITTLE SISTER. LOOK AT MY EVIL WIFE. LOOK AT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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shut the FUCK up about jake OKAY YKNOW WHAT im tired of making it about jake. LOOK at miriam and tom catching up (and obviously talking about that twink) LOOOOOOK AT THEMMMM
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also!!!! WHA
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me when connor finally puts riya in her place (i've been waiting on this since episode one)
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james and yul reunion was NOT on my bingo card but oh my god james should just do that poison thing all over again i cannot wait
hey guys not to make this about jake but LOOK AT HIM HE'S SCREAMING YAY jake dies this episode guys real not clickbait /j
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anyways my theories are:
krystal threatens to kick out the current contestants if they don't help their respective pair, which makes sense when you get yul and james who should hate each other from what i remember
yul at some point messes someone up (hence "LOSER" in the beginning of the video) - possibly jake & ashley since "ARE YOU OKAY JAKE" and "you bitch" are played besides yul's clip, but that could mean anything that's just my idea
guys i don't think fiore is gonna make it. i am fiore truthing so hard but she looks pissed off at connor and i think he's going to mess it up for her oh my god connor when i catch you connor
none of the finalists make it because duh. miriam, ellie and... sobbing loudly... james......... probably do not come back
...and neither does ashley because she was JUST kicked out and jake fucking sucks from what we can see and they're definitely partnered up because nobody else would stand jake
my money is on lake and if anybody else but her or fiore (or my favs: ellie, miriam, james) comes back then this whole show is rigged and i will never watch it ever again (watch fucking HUNTER or something win i would THROW HANDS)
yknow what scratch that. itd be hilarious if connor of all people won and he just came back and fucked riya over and proceeded to make it to finale. please don't let that happen but it would be funny i think..
anyways rare geo is excited for DCAS moment i am so ready for june 6th :3 :3 :3
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oh yeah and derek is alive!! they remembered he exists!!!! wow!!!!!!!!! he looks much happier to see trevor than usually so maybe this or episode 12 is when the confession happens. would love to finally see it and i hope they dont mess them up!!
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oflights · 4 months
allie i've been trying to gather the courage to reread close behind honestly ever since i first read it in march last year but i've been too. emotionally distraught to actually do so but! i've literally thought about it probably twice each week. and now i'm finally actually almost over my ex so i should just bite the bullet but im SCARED bc the last time i cried for 5 hours
like i literally remember 2 am on a weekday in literally -2 C weather and i sat on my balcony, wrapped in a blanket, chain smoking and reading at the same time, tears streaming down my face. all this to say i long for that catharsis but i'm. scared
omg. anon!! first of all it's probably weird how happy this kind of message makes me lol, like yay, i left you emotionally ravaged!!! mission accomplished!!
second of all: just remember the happy ending! read the last chapter first, and keep it in your mind as you read the rest!! think about everything that could come after it, too, like:
harry and draco's first awkward af date in hogsmeade. ron, daphne, their kids, and scorpius all follow them in various disguises courtesy of george and they are very obvious but harry and draco are too into each other to notice.
draco never wears black again. for every date with harry, he wears a different set of brightly-colored, over-the-top robes.
he steals harry's colorful fair isle sweaters all the time, too.
oh and he gets a weasley sweater like, day one of his renewed relationship with harry. molly had actually been knitting him a bunch over the years but held them back because she didn't want to make things weird or upset harry, so there's a backlog to get through. some have a little dragon stitched on them and ron is super jealous.
their first holiday at the burrow? emotional, life-changing, beautiful, cathartic. harry weeps at least five times. ginny punches him for old time's sake.
speaking of, headmaster harry who holds regular office hours for all hogwarts students in case they ever need to talk to him about something. even if they just want to talk about socks.
(headmaster harry who gets all embarrassed whenever anyone calls him "the youngest hogwarts headmaster in a century")
terrifying new DADA professor hermione granger, who is distressingly unpopular amongst the students because they're all too intimidated by her and it takes her a while to learn how to deal with kids.
until she skips out on a hogsmeade weekend to scandalously elope with a much younger former department of mysteries intern and then she's just incredibly cool to them.
and listen. scorpius locks himself in his room when he finds out about harry and draco's past. he asks draco if he'd ever loved astoria and makes draco cry. draco teaches him that the heart is a universe and he doesn't have any regrets and a wonderful future doesn't invalidate a past he was truly happy in.
and then!! there's stepdad harry. my favorite thing. scorpius asks harry how he knew he was gay. harry gives scorpius the invisibility cloak and asks him to help perfect his disillusionment charm in return. scorpius asks harry to rig the house cup for slytherin as his birthday gift. harry refuses, even though draco thinks it's only fair.
harry and draco date, get engaged, get married in their 40s. they go back and forth between hogwarts and the hogsmeade cottage (which includes ron and daphne's fam like 70% of the time too; harry loves summers spent as part of the extended weasley-greengrass-malfoy-potter family). draco eventually retires from curse-breaking and becomes a nepo hire charms professor after scorpius graduates.
they really do live happily ever after, after all that. promise. 😌
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༉‧₊˚. 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 || 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐥
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― pairing: castiel x plus size!reader
― summary: your boyfriend wasn't treating you right, and castiel just wanted to make you feel better.
― warnings: mentions of verbal abuse, toxic insecurities, toxic possessiveness, cheating, some random asshole boyfriend i made up, castiel is a big ol' sweetheart, dilf era castiel :`], exhibitionism, public oral sex, sex in a public bathroom.
⋆ a/n: here's the final part of my mini-series, i am finally caught up with kinktober, so yay!
masterlist | iahm masterlist | AO3
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It was obvious that your boyfriend hated when you spent time with the Winchesters, it didn't matter that Jack was technically three years old, or that Castiel was an Angel. You didn't tell him about you hunting supernatural creatures—so you could have guessed that he translated you disappearing for days on end with them to be you cheating— even though that wasn’t the case at all. You loved Ethan with every fiber of your being, but when his concern for you turned borderline verbally abusive… not so much.
You had just finished another successful hunt with the miniature family, taking shelter in a bar as everyone joked around and laughed, reveling in another day earned, and more lives saved. You were enjoying your time before your phone rang, everyone pausing what they were doing to give you looks of sympathy. Your body was as equally rigged, but you just halfheartedly smiled, getting up and walking away, heading towards the girl's bathroom.
Listening to Ethan yell at you over the phone was the last thing that you wanted to hear, pinching the bridge of your nose as you got your earful.
Sighing you hung up, lowering your head as you braced yourself on the sink.
“______?” A gruff voice called out to you. “Cas!” Your eyes were wide, “You can't be in here, this is the girl's bathroom!” He looked around before settling on you again. “Both bathrooms look the same.” You chuckled, smiling softly at the clueless being. “Well, what are you doing in here?” You asked, putting your phone in your back pocket.
“I just wanted to make sure that you were okay, it is common knowledge that your boyfriend is a— as Dean would say— an ‘asshole.’” You would laugh at his swearing if he wasn't right, but he was, and you were embarrassed. You knew it was common knowledge that everyone hated your boyfriend, and it was the fact that you still stayed.
“What can I do to make you feel better?” He asked, advancing towards you as he watched you carefully. “I don't — I don't know.” You sighed, rubbing the bridge between your eyes. “I saw that physical pleasure could help.” Your eyes widened as Castiel got on his knees, eye peering up at you. “Cas, you don't,” You gulped, arousal beginning to pool in your jeans shamefully, “You don't have too.” You weren't saying you can't, why weren't you saying you can't?
“I offered, and I would like to do so.” You couldn't say no as his large hands rested on your waistband of jeans. “Okay, yeah.” You said breathlessly. His nimble fingers began to tug them down, eyes focused on yours intently as both your panties and pants fell to your knees. He let out a guttural groan. “You smell delectable.” Your body heated up as his mouth descended to your core, his tongue licking a testing stripe up your slit. Your hand clamped over your mouth as you silenced a moan, realizing that there was a plethora of patrons outside that door.
As he gauged your reaction, he dove his tongue deeper, spreading your legs to get better access to your clit. As he suckled on the hardened bud, you shivered and shook above him, muted noises coming out in weak muffling as your hand gripped onto his hair for dear life. White dotted your vision as your back arched, legs shaking. Cas was satisfied with what he was pulling from you, and he selfishly wanted more, burying one of his fingers deep inside you as he caressed your g-spot.
“Cas, Cas, I'm gonna cum— Cas!” You called out. As you came, he added a second finger to aid you through your orgasm, your juices painting the scruff of the lower half of his face, which itched deliciously between your thighs.
As he pulled away, he looked at you for approval.
���Do you feel better?” He rasped. You could only laugh, carding your fingers through his hair. “I'd say Ethan should be expecting a breakup call sometime soon.”
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02
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foxxydevil · 2 years
Ch 2 - Safehouse
Chapter 1 - Master List 
A mw2 self insert fanfic. Ghostxreader
AFAB no gendered pronouns used self insert
I need to come with a title for this little series since they weren't alone this time. It's a little shorter and pretty rough on grammar.
Yay, you survived! Hope you guys don’t mind the shorter post.
Word count: 4556
⚠ Warning: Knives, guns, medical, blood, smut, sauce, angst, choking, masturbation, basically a ton of cool stuff
You woke up without much ceremony as you felt your body getting dragged out from the backseat of the truck. It took far too long to even register that you were in the truck and everything seemed jumbled together, Las Almas, the church, Ghost. 
That's when it finally dawned on you who was throwing you over their shoulder like a hefty bag of potatoes, no princess carry for you, he wouldn’t be able to hold a pair of throwing knives if he hadn’t slung you over his shoulder. The sharp buckles of his vest dug into your side right where you had been shot.
“Where are we?” -Soap, so all three of you made it out alive then.
“Alejandro’s safehouse.” Ghost answered, his voice low and somewhat labored due to dragging you around. “Gave me the location just in case.”
“Why didn’t he tell me?”
“It was need to know.”
“What if I needed to know?” Soap huffed, they were at it again.
You groaned, gripping the back of Ghost’s vest and trying to prop yourself up to see around. It looked like you three had made it out into the country. There was a cool light, the kind that told you dawn was only another thirty minutes out.
“-Shh” Ghost warned both of you.
The world spun as Ghost went down on one knee to inspect the ground.
“Pressure plate” Soap observed, always the world narrator.
“Alejandro rigged it.”
“Smart bastard.”
“Ghost” you groaned between clenched teeth. Your fight to stay awake was renewed but you could still feel your hot blood between your fingers, soaking through Ghost’s gear now.
“There” he said, ignoring you as he pointed out an unfinished window that was not rigged with a nasty surprise for you.
Your vision went blurry again as the boys got a move on, Soap leading the way and leaping through the window with a practiced grace. Ghost followed behind quite a bit less elegantly as he had to maneuver you through the window with him and drop to the ground.
Another sharp pain.
“Don’t move” Ghost barked and the sharp whistle of a blade leaving his hand rang through the building before landing with a thumb in a wood beam. 
In response you got spanish.
“Quien esta ahi?”
It took you a second but Soap beat you to the punch.
“Soap!” you were relieved to hear it was Alejandro’s right hand man. “Ghost! You’re alive!”
“Affirmative, and one more” Ghost grunted as he put you down, propped up against a straw bail so you could sit up.
“Fuck you too” you grumbled in response to his non verbal complaint as you clench your side to staunch the bleeding.
“Good to see you, amigos,” Rudolfo said, pulling Ghosts' knife so he could hand it back to him.
“Igual, amigo” Soap returned and you had to chuckle under your breath at his awkward spanish, he had really taken to it.
“Nice throw” Rudolfo said as he handed off the black steel hilt first. “Where were you guys?”
“On the run,” Ghost answered vaguely.
“I was on the run, they waited for me,” Soap jumped in.
“Of course, no?” Rodolfo said with a shrug, loyalty and camaraderie was expected under Alejandro, he inspired it.
“No” Soap said.
“Yes,” Ghost corrected, looking over to his brother in arms, “We’re a team, all of us. This happened on my watch and I’ll need help to fix it, no one fights alone” then his skull mask turned down to you.
“Why did Graves turn?” Rudolfo asked, bringing the Lieutenants' attention back up to him.    
“We don’t know,” Ghost answered, his voice turning dark at the man's name.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
“Las Almas can corrupt anyone” the latino suggested as an excuse for the commander.
“Not us” Soap argued, still idyllic.
“For now, General Shepherd, Laswell and anyone else outside of this room is considered hostile,” Ghost decided, his voice turning commanding, it seemed he took well to leadership “With one exception.”
“Alejandro?” you asked from the floor. Not being a core member of the 141 but part of an ever replaceable rotating cast of soldiers it wasn’t uncommon for you to fall in the background to just wait for orders.
All you got in response was a quick nod from Soap.
“We need him back,” Ghost said.
“Venir” Rodolfo said headed to the back of the old barn, you barely had a chance to look around the place now that your head wasn’t threatening to spin off.
As Ghost turned to you to scoop an arm behind you and pull you up on your feet you looked around. It was old, musty, but gloriously warm and felt safe. This building had been used for a couple of decades without being torn down by corruption. 
You winced as you straightened up and Ghost started following after Rudolfo and Soap.
“Still leaking on us?” Ghost asked, almost sounding annoyed that you hadn’t magically healed by now.
“Did I miss the part where you bothered to patch me up?” you hissed sarcastically between your teeth. 
Rudolfo flipped on a light at a small desk that had a map and a couple of photos spread haphazardly around it.
“Graves is holding him here.” The man said pointing to the map, it was covered in labels and as you deciphered the mix of English and Spanish you realized it was Alejandro's old base of operation, now taken over by Graves. 
“His own personal black site prison.” Soap observed.
Ghost had come to a stop at the edge of the table with you still holding up most of your weight while keeping you on your feet.
“My team is locked in there too.” Rudolfo agreed.
“How do we get them back?”
“By breaking in,” Ghost said as if his usual methods were obvious.
“And that's why I love the Ghost” Soap said with his usual cheeky grin. 
“It's gonna take more than this” you pointed out nodding to the single handgun and odd rounds of ammunition scattered on the table. 
Rudolfo turned to a large door sliding it open to reveal a low lit caged armory.
“It's well stocked, we even have a med kit.” Rudolfo said, making the understatement of the century.
You’d seen whole military bases with less heat in store. 
“Alright” Ghost said with a nod, you could see a plan starting to form in his mind.
“My man,” Soap said, impressed. “We’re gonna need new wheels, preferably up-armored”
Rudolfo tossed Ghost a ring of keys that you ended up catching before he could. Soap and Ghost exchanged a look over your head while the third man flipped a giant switch that had a row of lights flashing on, one after the other, to reveal a military issue humvee at the end of the barn. 
“Alejandro thought of everything” Ghost said, clearly taking a shine to the man.
“Yeah he did” You agreed as all four of you walked towards the armored vehicle.
“Lets go get him” Soap said, itching to get started as you gathered back around the table.
Soap pulled out a chair for you and Ghost settled you down into it, surprisingly gentle for a man who seemed like he was hard as nails. 
A large white plastic case thumped on the table as Rudolfo brought out the kit for you.
“Finally” you ground, the closest you’d come to a thank you while half out of it. “Please tell me you have the good stuff in there.”
“Only the best” Rudolfo said as he unlatched the case, tossing you a paper square of individually paged pain meds. You were distracted grabbing for it that you didn’t quite notice Ghost grabbing your blood soaked vest to unbuckle it for you.
There was more pain as it seemed the fitted armor was actually doing some work supporting your side to hide the pain.
“Lay off” Ghost dismissed your paint lifting your black shirt a few inches to expose the wound. The context was far different but it was hard to forget that wasn’t the first time that night he went looking under your shirt.
It’s just this time you had an audience.
You kept your face straight with the standard issue military professionalism and Rudolfo tossed out a few more bags from where they were neatly organized in the med kit. Soap slid them over to Ghost more focused on the map than the amateur med bay that was being set up. Gunshot wounds weren’t exactly rare in this company.  
“It went all the way through” you said to Ghost though you doubted that he missed the two new holes in you. It was a blessing since he wouldn’t have to dig around in the wound with some forceps to look for metal. He ripped open a plastic envelope and the sharp eye watering smell of medical alcohol met you, your least favorite part.
Aside from getting shot.
And bullet digging.
And stitches.
You know what? Scratch that, the whole experience was your least favorite part.
“The old prison is in a remote area outside Las Almas,” Rudolfo got started on planning as Ghost patched you up, running the cleansing whip over the bullet wound and having to go through several wads of gauze to clean up the blood enough so he could see what was going on.
“It was maximum security until the narcos took over, and it was permanently closed.” Rudolfo gave the load down. “There is no airstrip but expect helios for security and resupplies.”
“We’ll drive to an offset and ruck up to our infil- here” Ghost said pointing to an area with his elbow as he opened another steril bag, this one with a needle already threaded.
“If security towers are manned we’ll need to take them out first and rope the wall for entry” You added in, if he could multitask so could you. Besides, it was a welcome distraction as Ghost knelt in front of you and prepared for the unpleasant task of sewing you back up.
“What about cameras?” Soap asked across the table.
“There’s CCTV’s in the security room,” Rudolfo answered.
“We’ll use them to locate Alejandro and the rest of your men” Ghost said, taking the negative and turning it into an advantage.
You hissed a breath through your teeth as Ghost made his first tie off in your skin. He had clearly done this a few times. 
“Let’s divide and conquer,” Soap suggested, clearly feeling more confident after his little solo stunt. “While Rudy finds Al, I’ll use the cams to help Ghost plant charges in key areas.” Sounded like Soap was on a roll with new nicknames.
“Diversions and sabotage,” You gather from Soap's idea of doing your best to not make a face at the continual stabbing. 
“Nice, Johnny” Ghost agreed to the plan before putting his hand at the small of your back with a little pressure to move you forward so he could get to the exit wound. “Glass here stays with me.”
You glanced back, a little surprised at the new nickname Ghost had come up for you. He didn’t seem to find it noteworthy as he focused on the sutures. 
“I learned from the best, Lt” Soap said, not reacting at all to the nickname either.
Glass, huh, you wondered what exactly inspired that.
“Once we pinpoint Alejandro and Los Vaqueros, we regroup and pry ‘em loose” 
“We’ll carry extra guns in to arm my men and fight our way out the way we came in,” Rudolfo added.
“Any questions?” Ghost asked as he reached out for another few alcohol wipes to clean up his work.
“What are we waiting for?” Soap asked with a grin.
“Nightfall ” Ghost answered, dawn was not the time to attack. 
Rudolfo and Soap nodded their agreement. 
“We’ll rest up and back up for now.” Ghost added and grabbed a large cotton pad and some medical tape to cover up your wound.
“I’ll be up and running by them” you agree, somewhat to yourself. Even running at 100% Ghost wasn’t easy to keep up with so you had to hope you’ll be up and at ‘em by then. 
As Ghost finished up he pulled your shirt back down. There was a touch again. Another brush of his calloused fingertips at the edge of your waistband this time at your back. The Lt was really stealing your moves. 
You looked up at him and at least had the decency to contain a blush, he did get a smile, and a genuine one at that.
“Thanks Lt” you said, keeping to his rank now that it wasn’t your goal to rile him up. 
He had gotten back on his feet to pile up the used bags and gauze that you had bleed through.
“Don’t mention it” he said curtly, and you had a feeling he really did not want any of the fanfare that came with appreciation, typical. His stoic dismissal made it all too tempting to bother him.
“I’ll grab some cots out of the armory, it's no 5 star hotel but it's something” Rudolfo said leaving the three of you to it as he went in the small room.
“Beats straw” Soap agreed plopping down in a second wood chair, though unlike yours it creaked in protest. 
“Roll around in the hay a lot?” you asked him with a grin to match his own, Soap was easy to banter with. It was obvious why even Ghost enjoyed the younger soldier.
“Sheep fuckers” Ghost agreed with you.
“Aye aye, that's the Welsh. I expected as much from Glass but not from’a Britt” Soap defended himself.
“Isn’t Scotland still part of Britain?” you get back at him, much to your mistake. Both men looked at you with a decent helping of disgust, guess you hit a nerve.        
“You owe us a scotch for that,” Soap said with a shake of his head.
“Best we could do around here is Tequila,” Ghost complained.
“That's my que” Rudolfo returned from the overstocked storage closet, a few cots tucked up under his arm and a dusty half drunk bottle of tequila in hand.
Ghost groaned dismissively, not a fan of tequila then. 
“I need a night cap” You said all too eager. “Looks like it’s a little too strong for these two.”
Soap made a sound of protest and Rudolfo slid the bottle over the cluttered table in your direction so he could set down the cots. You opened the bottle and without much ceremony took a large gulp ready for the lick of fire that ran down your throat. Tequila smelled like stupid night but man it was a good distraction from getting shot, and the large man beside you.
You set the bottle down in front of Ghost but before he could even refuse Soap had grabbed it, needing to redeem himself in front of Rudolfo. The sentiment was lost then he coughed after a large gulp to rival your own. It made you laugh but you instantly regretted it when your side flared up with pain.
“Are you going to ready?” Ghost asked, seeing your reaction, sudden doubt flowing in his voice in your ability to complete the mission tomorrow.
“I won't slow you down” you answer stubbornly grabbing for the bottle again but Ghost grabbed it first, using the lip of the bottle to hook his mask and drink. It caught Rudolfos attention as he had never seen even part of Ghost's face before and even Soap glanced over, trying to act uninterested. He swallowed without even a wince and handed you back the bottle that you took a short drink from and set it back down. Soap slid it down to Rudolfo and Ghost walked around the table to grab the pile of folded cots. It looked like he wasn’t up for socializing but who could have guessed that.
“I’ll help you out Ghost” Rudolfo said, grabbing two of the cots, clearly wanting to get a closer look at the Lt as we set up.
“Hand me back the bottle then Soap” you said and noticed Ghost look back, his eyes squinted in warning. “Lay off” you grumble.
“Part of the team then Glass?” Soap asked as he handed over the tequila. The nickname all but confirmed it and you shrugged in response.
“Not sure where it came from,” you said honestly.
“You’re scrappy” Soap answered, sometimes it seemed he was the only one who actually understood what was going on in Ghost’ head, though you had gotten a glimpse of it earlier.
“What is “Glass” even about” you wonder out loud but for all Soap’s insights on the Lieutenant he didn’t seem to have any idea about that either. You’d have to ask the man himself later.
“That didn’t take long” Soap said as Rudolfo returned to the table.
“Camps set, Ghost headed outside” the man said as he sat down. 
That info had you raising a brow and looking over to Ghost. He also shrugged and so you huffed, standing up. Your nose twitched at the uncomfortable, not quite painful, feeling of the stitches pulling at your skin as you stood up.
“I’ll make sure he doesn’t get lost” you said to the boys before heading out, choosing to climb through the same window you came in on Ghost’s shoulder to avoid Alejandro's handy work.
In the time you had all been hauled up the barn it had lightened up outside. It was still early, probably somewhere around 6am, and too soon for anyone to be out. Looking around it seemed that wouldn’t be an issue either way. With the exception of the getaway truck and some wood fencing this barn was the only sign of civilization for at least 10 clicks. 
It took some time before you found any sign of Ghost. After doing a quick perimeter around the barn with no luck you started towards the grouping of gnarled old trees, it was the only spot he could be hauled up. It wasn’t your intention to sneak up on the spot but it was hard to shake the habit of taking silent steps. Without anything to drown out the sounds you heard Ghost before you saw him.
He was up to something for sure.
You didn’t come right up on his spot. You saw him from the side first. He was facing a tree, leaned up against it with his forehead leaning on his arm to support himself. It was still cool out so his breath billowed through his mouth in short, hot, gasps. His back was curled forward, shoulders rounded, and muscles taught while he pumped his hard cock. He had rolled up his shoulders so you could see his sleeve tattoo and the sinewy muscle that caused it to ripple like a live painting.
It was a delicious sight. What enhanced it more was his low moans, they sounded more desperate than they had with you. Oh this poor beautifully broken bastard.
As much as you wanted to watch him, probably forever, you felt bad peeping on him. Especially when he looked so raw. You intentionally stepped on a stick as you came around the tree to stand where he could see you, not quite intruding on his space.
“No need to announce yourself, darling” he ground out between breaths, turning his head to look over at you. All you could see were his eyes of course but fuck, he looked hungry.
“Putting on a show for me then?” you asked and damn it but you sounded breathless already. The Lt already had an ego, you didn’t have to add to it.
“I didn’t invite” he started but groaned half way through his eyes flickering “your smart mouth.”
“Pitty,” you said with a sly grin, “it's smart and talented.”
His only response was a low groan, his eyes still on you. Suddenly you felt like you were the one with the show to put on. You walked closer to him, still pacing yourself, braced for him to tell you to fuck off. He didn't protest though and he didn’t stop running his rough hand over his wet cock so once you were right next to him you ran the tips over your fingers over his bare forearm, with the lightest touch of your nails.
Even bent over Ghost was massive. Most men that stood that tall were lanky but he had broad shoulders and a wide muscled chest. At your touch he shivered. You had noticed that earlier, the way he reacted when you touched him softly. The way he tried to imitate that same touch for you as if testing new waters.
You wondered if war and knives were the only touch he knew. No, he definitely fucked like someone who had fucked before. 
Suddenly he pushed off the tree and grabbed you by the throat, putting you between him and the tree as he pumped his cock faster. His hand was rough on your throat and he squeezed off your air with a bruising touch. You reached up for his arm but didn’t pry him off or struggle. You held yourself steady. Something about his eyes told you he wasn’t trying to kill you.
You could see hate there but it wasn’t hate for you. Tears welled up in your eyes and he loosened his fingers just enough for you to take a gasping breath.
“Lt” you whimpered, the shortest thing you could say before it was cut off.
“No” he ground, his voice sounding like stone on stone, he was close “Say my name” he demanded loosening his grip around your throat again, expecting you to comply.
“Simon” you whimpered with a broken voice. Despite the fact that you were pinned to the tree, hardly able to breath, while this self described reaper used you to jerk one out, you couldn’t help but feel incredibly wound up yourself. It was messy and fucked up and fuck if it wasn’t hot. “Simon please” you whimper again.
His head dropped down as he moaned again.
“Fuck, Glass” he almost roared, the trees dampening everything so it felt as if the two of you were the only people left. You could hear he needed you, needed to own you, to name you. He was broken and sick but it was intoxicating.
“Simon” you beg and he squeezes your throat off again, this time feeling dangerously like he would snap your neck as he pumped his cock until a string of hot cum shot between your legs on the thin damp grass. It took a few more pumps before he finally seemed spent, shaking as he stood in front of you.
You tapped your hand against his arm, unable to make a sound and running out of air. He looked up and waited a second, his eyes locked on yours, before finally relaxing his fingers until his hand just lightly rested on your collar bone.
You were both gasping for air as your eyes stayed locked, both of you on stand still waiting for the other to say the first word. 
“Why” you said between breaths “why Glass?” 
He looked at you, his eyes flicking between yours, searching. You felt like he was almost disappointed, like he needed you to understand without him having to say a word. It was like the only way he could peel back even the thinnest layer of himself was when he saw that part in you.
“Because I’m fragile?” you ask seeing as he was struggling to find the words. You wanted to help him but the bastard had to open his mouth.
“You’re a soldier” you responded, sounding annoyed with your accusation. He finally tucked his cock back into his BDU’s and pulled the zipper up, his hands lingering on your exposed collar bone.
“Use your words, Ghost” you pushed, sensing that using his name again would be pushing him a little too hard. The poor man needed you to be gentle with him from time to time.
“A mirror” he answered curtly and when your brow rose in confusion he said again “you’re a mirror.”
“What's that supposed to mean?” you asked, genuinely confused. 
An elaborate explanation was not in the books today. 
“It's a nickname” he bit out “don’t make a deal out of it.”
“Yeah, a nickname. They are supposed to mean something,” you retort, not satisfied with his snippy attitude. 
“Fuck then” he said towering over you “you don’t need one”
“I don’t know if Johnny is gonna let it go so fast” you respond, feeling like a brat again.
His hand shot out and he grabbed your jaw, holding it tight so he could keep your face angled up to his.
“The last thing I want is someone else's name on your lips right now, darling,” he ground out in frustration. He was so pissed he didn’t even have room to question why that was.
Your eyes stayed locked on his, waiting for him to continue with his threats and anger. 
“Fuck, you piss me off” he growled his eyes narrowed at your silence. His other hand came up and he ran his fingers over the top of your cheek and then over your lips, as if he couldn't help himself. It was confusing. He looked confused too. 
“We should head back” you say, mostly for his sake. He needed an out before he completely lost it.
“Yeah” he agrees but his fingers didn’t stop exploring, his eyes following their path.
“Simon” you say, to get through his thick skull. He lets go of your face but doesn’t step back.
You huff looking up at him.
“You’re a mess” you say, exasperated.
“Makes two of us,” he returned. 
286 notes · View notes
youcouldmakealife · 6 months
LBTE: Jared (128-129)
The fucking Scouts, man. And we end the Jared on the move arc. Next up: Bryce on the move arc!
If you want to read along, series page is here.
128. Outclassed
Jared drives home half-asleep, finds a very sleepy Bryce on the couch waiting up for him.
“Go to bed,” Jared says, pokes him up to their room and then follows suit.
Bryce wanted to stay up and celebrate with him. In reality he just ended up getting poked into bed in the two minutes before they were both snoozing.
He wakes up at ten-forty five — the latest he’s gotten up since the postseason started — to a kiss to the forehead, a cup of coffee handed to him, the immediate awareness that the Nucks did it, they’ve got at least another round to battle through. As ways to wake up go, it’s pretty fucking great.
Bryce is so good at husbanding, especially now that it’s his offseason: full time husband and covert Canucks fan until training starts.
Bryce isn’t offended by Jared living hockey, and it’s actually helpful as hell to have him right there beside him. Bryce watches the earlier Avs games with him, arm slung over Jared’s shoulder, making smart observations, has advice for Jared before and after every game. It’s like having a game tape coach and a husband all in one, it’s terrific.
Full time husband. Hockey smarts included.
It’s a hard fought, ugly series that takes a few of the Canucks with it, Dmitry unfortunately one of them — Jared guesses the line’s still cursed, though he’s selfishly glad he’s not the latest to fall victim to that — but the Canucks scrape out a win in seven, and they’re going to the Western Conference Finals, which is an incredible fucking feeling.
Jared can’t say he’s surprised by who they’re going to be facing.
He can’t say he’s particularly pleased about it either.
Such a quick fall from yay.
“Okay,” Bryce says. “Here’s the lowdown about the Scouts.”
“Fuck the Scouts?” Jared says.
“Fuck the Scouts,” Bryce says. “But seriously.”
I mean, basically.
And then Jared’s getting something that isn’t quite a rant but is basically an insider report on pretty much all of the Scouts, because Bryce is clearly still pissed about that series, and he’s got a MENSA level hockey IQ. He was up against the first line, which Jared isn’t going to be facing much if at all, but he was apparently paying very close attention on the bench as well, and at a certain point Jared starts taking literal notes on his phone, trying to keep up.
When holding grudges comes in handy.
“Hey!” Jared says, torn from strategy. “You talking about my new Premier?”
“Holy fuck,” Stephen says after a moment. “No offence but if you voted for him him I’m kicking you out of our house right now.”
Jared takes no offence. “Obviously I didn’t fucking vote for him,” Jared says. “Dude’s a corrupt megalomaniac with an oil rig where his heart should be.”
We now interrupt your story for political propaganda. But like — from a policy standpoint, every statement here is accurate, up to and including the oil rig heart (Jason Kenney resigned in disgrace only to be replaced by someone worse somehow -- the conservative way -- and is now on the board of directors of an energy company. No one could have possibly foreseen this.)
“Are we talking about Kenney?” Bryce complains. “Politics are boring.”
“Politics are how we were able to get married, B,” Jared says,
Of note that Jason Kenney was virulently homophobic.
(He still is, I'm sure, but now he isn’t making homophobic policy decisions -- that’s the job of his successor!)
“These kids,” Gabe says to Stephen. “Bet they don’t even remember when gay marriage was legalised.”
“I do,” Bryce protests. “Sort of.”
Jared shrugs. “I was a little kid?” he says. “I wasn’t really paying attention.”
Jared once again hurting Stephen with his youth. Gay marriage was legalized in Canada in July 2005. Jared was 6. Bryce 9. Gabe and Stephen 14.
“Get out of my house,” Stephen says, but he says that all the time, and Jared no longer listens to him. Well, he probably genuinely meant it if Jared was a UCP supporter, but obviously Jared isn’t — he was raised by hobgoblins, not actual monsters. “Now let’s do Ford.”
God, let’s not — I’ll be here all fucking week.
“While I enjoy trashing Doug Ford as much as the next Ontarian,” Gabe says.
Not so much that they didn’t vote for more! Not going to lie, I’m still coping pretty hard with the fact the majority of my fellow Ontarians either voted for this guy a second time, or didn’t bother to get off their asses because his opponents weren’t ‘inspiring’. Is that on the Ontario Libs and NDP too? Yep. On ‘Rae Days’ BS and Liberals always talking strategic voting, but only if that means NDP voters vote for them? Sure. But for fuck’s sakes, everyone who didn’t vote essentially cast a ballot for everything Ford has done since, including the multi-billion dollar racketeering he’s being investigated for by the RCMP. But Rae Days.
Okay. Off my soap box.
“Stephen’s a lot,” Bryce says, all blink-y about it. Stephen isn’t even being extra Stephen, he’s just normal level Stephen, but then, Jared probably has a higher tolerance for snide, since he so often is himself.
Though you’d think Bryce would be used to it too, considering who he’s married to. Maybe he’s just got immunity to Jared’s particular brand of it after enough exposure.
Jared and Stephen are similarly snide but not identically, Bryce only has Jared immunity. He gets very blink-y around Julius too. I’d say he has Erin immunity too but Erin isn’t even a hobgoblin with Bryce unless he dares suggest she and Jared have any similarities whatsoever, in which case she proves his point for him by getting extremely huffy about it just like Jared does.
“I believed you,” Bryce protests. “But he’s so — mean. He told me my hair was stupid.”
The first time Stephen calls Bryce’s hair Disney Prince hair. Bryce hasn’t realised it’s a compliment, as Stephen says it in a mean voice.
“His hair’s stupid,” Bryce mutters. “And he called me a cradle robber! And kept calling me Coach Bryce!”
I mean…
Jared was there for that, but he thought it was more because Bryce was like, coaching them through strategy. In hindsight it is more likely Stephen pointing out that Bryce was, in fact, Jared’s coach when they met, albeit tenuously. Jared really never should have told Stephen that. He’s never going to let it go.
Jared also understands a little better why Bryce scowled at him when Jared joined Stephen in calling him Coach Bryce.
Still fucking dying that Jared accidentally joined Stephen in roasting Bryce.
“You make a very good coach though,” Jared says, putting a soothing hand on Bryce’s arm.
Bryce scowls.
He knows you’re about say something mean, Jared, he’s been inoculated!
“Just don’t sleep with any other prospects, I’d be super—” Jared breaks off to protect himself from a half-tackle from Bryce, laughing as Bryce gets a jab in to his side.
Jared’s true love language: play wrestling.
“No PDA on the Markson-Petersen property,” Stephen says.
Jared opens his mouth, considering Gabe kissed Stephen right in front of them like twenty minutes ago. Bryce went adorably pink about it.
Literally the first time Bryce has personally witnessed two guys kissing (I mean, not involving him, obvs), and it’s people he KNOWS. Low key a big moment for him.
“He’s so mean,” Bryce mumbles. “That wasn’t even PDA, I wrestle with Chaz all the time.”
Jared would raise an eyebrow, but he thinks he’d get tackled again. Plus he also used to wrestle with Chaz all the time. Chaz loves a good wrestling match. Jared’s wrestling matches with Chaz have a distinctly different tenor to them than his grappling with Bryce, particularly when Bryce decides he isn’t going to let Jared win. Stephen was maybe not off about the PDA part.
Chaz’s love language is also play wrestling, but not like that. Bro love. Bruv.
Jared hears a lock click, though he’s not too worried. Gabe will intercede if he has to.
Spoken like someone who has frequently locked doors on his little sister, who had to be let in by Don or Susan. Or been locked out by said sister. Or, you know, the time they were both locked out by their mother so they couldn’t eavesdrop on Bryce asking for their blessing. A family affair.
“I know,” Jared says. It’d be bad walking into a series thinking you didn’t.
“We didn’t,” Bryce says.
Another win for the brain to mouth filter!
The Scouts are a juggernaut, but the Canucks are no slouch either.
The Scouts are better.
Every fucking time. Dynasties, man. (They haven’t even won their first Cup at this point; they’re going to be so much more annoying when they’re winning their third.)
Jared hopes it’s the Caps and Raf scores the game winning goal and does a fly by giving the finger to Williams and Simcoe. That doesn’t sound like a particularly Raf move
Robbie, though…
…but Jared’s not exactly being reasonable right now, all raw scraped nerves and hurt and a fucked up shoulder from a hard hit by Angelopoulos that probably should have sidelined him, but didn’t because it was the playoffs.
The first injury of Jared by a main cast member from a different series. But not the last.
Jared does his stupid painful exercises for the stiffness, gets out of packing anything because, well, shoulder, so it’s Bryce who’s doing it while Jared supervises and occasionally insults his packing decisions just to get that huffy Bryce sigh.
Yet another love language: intentionally bugging Bryce.
Jared’s in his parents’ kitchen with Erin when he hears the whoop from the living room, Bryce and his dad, mom lost under how loud they are, and him and Erin shuffle out to watch the Caps surge over the boards to dogpile their goalie.
Bryce and Don bonding on Team Fuck the Scouts.
Grace is clutch, and the group chat has a number of pictures of the partying the next morning. There’s a picture of Raf and Chapman looking absolutely shitfaced and more than half-asleep that’s particularly good, and Jared makes sure to save it for the purpose of mockery. Another very unflattering one Raf and Kurmazov the Senior, and Jared saves that one to send to Dmitry so he may use it for the purposes of mockery.
Look, Jared’s putting aside his feelings for Dmitry to help him be an annoying little brother, bless. Also that picture of Raf and David is adorable.
the salve of falling asleep in the same bed, of Bryce hitting his alarm immediately and trying to sneak around in the mornings so he doesn’t wake Jared up, Jared pretending he’s still asleep so Bryce doesn’t feel guilty, Bryce probably pretending he actually thinks Jared’s asleep
The softest game of deception devised since peek-a-boo.
129. Sabbatical
Summer’s — summer’s summer.
Very eloquent, Jared. (He doesn’t know how to describe the bone deep relief he feels falling asleep with and waking up beside Bryce, mixed with the grunt work of training, tempered by the fact he’s doing it with some of his favourite people, and they all get to hang out together after(!), Jared has a friend group(!) but also he’s not playing hockey which low key makes everything feel kind of off. So. Summer’s summer.)
Grace has cut her hair really short, and Raf’s done the opposite, letting his grow out, and Ash got a tattoo — her and Bryce bitch about the pain for a bit — but they’re basically all the same as they were a year ago, all feel like home to him even though Calgary only gets to be home in the offseason.
Grace looks great, Raf looks low-key terrible (Cup. Parties. plus the whole road to the Cup in the first place, man is battered.) and Ashley’s tattoo is fire. Not literally, thank fuck; that’d definitely make Chaz getting traded more awkward.
Jared goes up to Edmonton to visit Julius when he pops in for a week for dumb media stuff
I like that it’s completely unclear whether that’s Jared editorializing with ‘dumb media stuff’, or if Julius has been referring to it that way himself.
while Bryce has a ridiculous staycation thing with Erin — that’s code for renting a hotel suite all of a couple blocks from Bryce and Jared’s place for no purpose other than splashing around the pool, and Erin dragging Bryce from store to store and Bryce not even looking at price tags before handing the cashier his credit card, but Bryce was insistent on Erin getting something for her high school graduation, so whatever. Jared and Julius do absolutely nothing while Jared’s there except eat and watch TV and bitch about media and tell each other when they find something funny on the internet. It’s great.
The First Time Erin Makes Twitter Incoming. And Julius and Jared entirely oblivious in Edmonton (this is before Erin and Julius get together, for the record)
It’s honestly such a sweet thing for Bryce to do for Erin’s graduation, and frankly it sucks that it blows up in his face. Bryce did nothing wrong! (For once, says Dave.)
After their anniversary — Bryce buys him too much as usual, Jared does too this year, most currently living in a box in their closet that Bryce goes slightly pink looking at, and he looks often
Jared’s stinginess once again not applying to sex toys, which Bryce appreciates.
— they fly back so Jared can sign the lease and move some stuff out of Elaine’s and and Bryce can visit with Elaine and Gordie and Gail for a bit, do some early birthday stuff with them.
This is the other half of the sex toy sentence, what a fucking segue, Jared. Sex toy reference right before wholesome times with the Marcuses.
Jared’s new apartment is in a good location, not far from Gabe and Stephen’s house, which is pretty much perfectly placed between the practice rink, arena, and airport.
It's in Shaughnessy. Canucks practice at the University of British Columbia (they don’t have their own practice facilities). Triangulation was not by distance, but average commute in traffic and not in traffic (yes, he made the drives, and yes, he bought a real life stop watch and Stephen made fun of him incessantly for this. Does he not have a stop watch on his phone? Come on Gabriel. Gabe would argue, correctly, that he should not be on his phone while driving).
Also he fudged his results and picked somewhere closer to UBC because Stephen was going there at the time, or he would have likely gone for Mt Pleasant or South Main. Stephen is aware. Gabe is aware Stephen is aware. It is not discussed. They like their house, no plans on moving.
Getting a house around there will run you a couple million bucks, because Vancouver, so Jared, known opposite of a big spender, has decided to rent an apartment.
Jared can absolutely see Gabe doing that. Appreciates that Gabe did that. Jared was just google mapping it, Gabe’s test seems like better data.
He likes his place, likes it better when Bryce is in it, helping him put together a dining room table he’ll probably never use,
I am not sure if this dining room table even appears in the story again, it is so underutilized. Generally they eat on the couch (or at the kitchen island, but that's just coffee and breakfast, mostly). If paperwork needs to be done it gets used. That's about it.
“You are literally going to spend the next two days with me,” Jared says when Bryce looks particularly kicked puppy as Jared packs his laptop, which was an anniversary present he did not actually need. At least Erin appreciated getting Jared’s barely even past warranty old one as a university present.
Bold of you to assume that wasn’t Bryce’s plan all along so you aren’t all ‘you can’t buy Erin a laptop, Bryce’, ‘you’ve given Erin more than enough already, Bryce’, ‘stop buying my horrible sister things, Bryce’.
“I can pout whenever I want to, you’re not the boss of me,” Bryce mutters.
“That’s not true,” Jared says. Jared is very much the boss of him and they both know it.
Bryce appreciated his anniversary gifts.
“Nope,” Jared says when Bryce’s hands start creeping under his shirt. “I need to get this done, I don’t want to get halfway to Vancouver before I realise I forgot something important.”
“Flames are going to be in Vancouver in two weeks,” Bryce says.
“No guarantee you’d be playing that game,” Jared says.
“If I’m not I could send it with Chaz,” Bryce says, and before Jared can protest that Chaz might not either, “Canucks are in Calgary right after too.”
Jared doesn’t know if it’s Bryce being stubbornly logical or the fact that Bryce said all of that while unbuttoning and unzipping Jared’s shorts that sways him. Obviously a combination.
‘Keep talking workarounds for possible setbacks, baby, that’s so hot’. But like. Unironically.
After the first leg of the trip they land up in the best hotel you can get in the dead land between Revelstoke and Kamloops, which is not saying much
It’s in Sicamous and it’s a Best Western.
Mere years ago he was lucky if it was a hotel instead of a motel and he was stuck with an asshole roommate who talked in his sleep, and now he’s turning his nose up at a three star hotel.
It’s technically a four star, Jared, you gigantic snob. Also it looks nice enough, honestly, so either it’s been renovated and upped a star since I checked, or I was being lazy in my Revelstoke to Kamloops accommodations due diligence.
“How hard will you judge me if I ask to get back in the car and keep driving?” Bryce asks. “Because Salmon Arm has a decent hotel.”
“How far’s Salmon Arm?” Jared asks.
“Twenty minutes, half an hour?” Bryce says.
Salmon Arm does NOT have a four star hotel. This is a downgrade from that Best Western in Sicamous. As it is now. Possibly not back when I was doing research.
Bryce waits in the car when Jared gets their room, which ends up being a really fucking good call because the front desk clerk is clearly a big Canucks fan, recognises Jared before he even hands her his credit card. Jared texts Bryce a frantic ‘shelter in place’, getting a bunch of question marks in reply, and then he has to go out and sneak him in a side entrance lest he have to explain why he’s sharing a room with one king bed with The Enemy, so that’s great. This is a great trip. Jared’s really enjoying this trip.
THIS is a non chain inn. It’s kind of dated, but like, fine.
“Quit grumbling and tell me what you want from room service,” Bryce yawns.
Jared quits grumbling long enough to order a club sandwich, then resumes grumbling.
I genuinely remember looking at a room service menu for accuracy but now there is no room service. So either I am making this all up or they’ve gone downhill. But then, this was written in 2020, when more places may have had room service for pandemic related reasons. It DOES have an in house restaurant, unlike all other Salmon Arm-y places, so it very possibly did offer room service.
This is bothering me now. I am bothered. Petty grudge against Salmon Arm unlocked.
“Summers gave me a few excuses if things were like, asked,” Bryce says. “Mutual friends with Chaz, met years ago at a camp and still hang out, stuff like that.”
“That’s all true, though,” Jared says.
“Yeah but isn’t like, ‘we’re super in love’,” Bryce says. “Which I think was the part Summers wants to avoid.”
Dave has very low expectations about Bryce’s ability to make up a story, and I think that is extremely fair, to be honest.
“Would you be cool with me coming out to my team?” Jared says. “Not like the level of what Gabe knows or anything, just like, not hiding the fact I married a dude.”
Bryce is quiet. “Can I think about it?” he asks finally.
“Yeah,” Jared says.
“I know you — you can come out to anyone you want to, that’s like, your right,” Bryce says.
“I know,” Jared says.
“I need to think about it,” Bryce says.
This is so much progress! Bryce not reflexively saying no! Bryce acknowledging that Jared has autonomy in how he represents himself to others! Actually thinking about it!
“Yeah but I’m a BC boy now,” Jared says.
“I’m a BC boy,” Bryce mutters.
“Nope,” Jared says. “We swapped.”
“You can’t just be a BC boy,” Bryce says, sounding genuinely agitated. “You have to earn it. And you can’t be a BC boy: you don’t even like sushi.”
I love you and the things that bother you, Bryce Marcus.
“Your teammates,” Bryce says, and Jared looks up from his phone. “If you want to tell them you can. Like. The husband thing not the—”
“Not the you being my husband bit,” Jared assures him.
“Okay,” Bryce says, blows out a breath, then another one.
“You sure?” Jared asks.
Bryce takes a hand off the steering wheel to give Jared a so-so.
“Can we take this exit?” he asks.
“Uh,” Jared says. “We’re like an hour away.”
Bryce gives him a glance.
“I told you to piss when we got lunch,” Jared mutters.
“And you were right and I was wrong,” Bryce mutters back.
Married. Also — end of yet another arc.
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asclexe · 2 months
birthmarks is actually hilarious
watching s5 ep4 of house as we speak and screaming it’s so funny
[spoilers !!]
house is extra unhinged in this one, bro’s father died and he was damn ready to just continue the differential. cuddy girlbossing and sedating him + wilson AGREEING to drive him? wilson we know what you are.
yay gay people road trip !! house was also damn ready to piss in wilson’s car, no hesitation. but he respects wilson enough not and wait for the rest stop. and then we get chaos house and THEIR BACKSTORY??? they met in jail??? hello? that’s so silly of them
side note i love kutner and the patient’s bond, even if it’s barely highlighted it’s quite sweet.
help wilson is at the funeral too, what are you doing there you blorbo? and them talking about house’s daddy issues during the service, i’m dead (like john house)
oop now we’re getting his eulogy, i love him shitting on his dad at his own funeral. HOUSE IS SHOWING EMOTION HOLY SHIT, THIS IS not A DRILL. oh it was acting. but still house can you stop denying your emotions and sob uncontrollably into wilson’s shoulder. we know you want to.
argument in front of a random dead lady <33 like guys just kiss already. and wilson throwing a glass into the window like how they met, so silly.
“this is fun, isn’t it?” KISS KISS KISS
and ofc the buddha was rigged. NEEDLES? um ouch. i fucking hate needles and the fact she’s had them in her brain her whole life makes me want to crawl out of my skin.
finally wilson and house are friends again (like they ever weren’t friends) gay people cannot stay mad at eachother for long.
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artzychic27 · 9 months
Weird idea but what if we combine the ballad of Marinette dupain-Chang au I made with the favoritism au? Would that be fun or what?!
Is Nathaniel Kurtzberg my favorite character?… I think you know the answer to that
Anyway, I’m just imaging Sara Berry meets Carrie... Let's try that out. Gonna be a little hard since both stories are about prom and end in disaster, but whatever
Just to mess with her little fantasy world, Marc, Nathaniel, Lila, Chloé, and Félix run for King/Queen
Marinette doesn’t expect anything, but then Nathaniel starts catching up with Adrien in the polls
So, she actively threatens and sabotages them in private, but none of them are dropping out
Chloé and Félix rake in a ton of votes thanks to their connections
Especially Marc when Lila and Chloé give him a makeover
Lila: You look a lot prettier without all that black hair in your face.
Marc: Hey. I like black hair in my face.
*Cue 80s movie cliche where they take off his glasses, is super hot, and guys throw themselves at him*
Marinette is called in by Mme. Bustier, (You all know what she says if you’ve read Nerd’s Sara Berry au) and is now more determined to win
She orders her “friends” to get her more votes by any means necessary and demands nothing but perfection from Adrien so people will vote him King
Lila’s gym clothes are gone and participation in classes are mandatory to continue running? Chloé loans her a designer set that looks absolutely gorgeous on her
Getting Alya to snap embarrassing photos of Nathaniel? He. Can’t. Stop. Looking. Gorgeous!
Things only seem to go to hell when Lila is now tied with Marinette, and Marinette is just getting desperate
She berates her classmates for not being “good friends” and helping her win. But, little did she know, Aurore and Mireille were recording the interaction (From mentioning the sabotage to where and post it for everyone to see
Mme. Mendeleiev calls the Akuma Class in to discuss a proper punishment since M. Damocles is too lenient. So... M. D'Argencourt is gonna have them do an hour and a half of grueling physical education!... Otherwise, their prom tickets will be denied
Marinette isn't standing for this and urges them all to side with her, but none of them will, so she storms off in a huff while the others continue their punishment
However, some people are still loyal to her, so she uses that to her advantage. Cue Socqueline.
Nathaniel doesn't even care if this gets him more votes or not, he treats Marc to the best promposal ever, and he says yes.
Meanwhile... Marinette, Socqueline, and a few of her lackeys head to a paint store to pick up red paint because... Pigs are adorable and I refuse to kill one off, thank you, very much.
Look at this little baby! LOOK AT IT!
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Done looking? Okay.
Prom is only a week away, and everyone is so busy prepping the venue that they don't notice Marinette and Socqueline sneaking up into the rafters with a mysterious bucket
Anyway... It's Prom Night! Yay! Marc, Nathaniel, Chloé, Lila, and Félix are looking gorgeous, taking selfies, dancing with each other, and again, looking gorgeous
Marinette and Socqueline sneak in through the back and hide behind the stage where the rope rigged to the bucket it set. Socqueline's lackeys mess with the ballot box and fill them full of fake cards with Marc and Lila's names checked off
The Akuma Class even apologize to the five of them, and while they don't entirely forgive them for siding with Marinette for so long, they leave it alone so they can enjoy the night
Finally, it's time to announce the King and Queen... It's Marc and Lila
Marc: Holy shit.
Lila: YEAH! Gimme that crown! *Runs onstage*
Félix: She's gonna sleep well tonight.
Everyone's clapping, all happy and stuff... Then Nathaniel notices something and heads backstage where he finds Marinette and Socqueline getting ready to pull a suspicious-looking rope.
He somehow manages to stop them with his noodle arms and pushes Marinette into the middle of the stage... Right when Socqueline pulled the rope.
Marinette is drenched in red paint, and it's only when people start pointing and laughing that she officially snaps. She storms out of the room to go find the fuse box, and cuts off the lights
Students begin to panic, others try to keep calm. Félix decides to treat himself to some punch to settle his nerves... Only to collapse on the floor as someone had poisoned the punch
Amidst the panic, Lila gets bashed on the head with a blunt object, a rock
Chloé's final words are, "Oh, fuck!" when her head is bashed against the wall several times
Nathaniel is found with his torso cut open and his remains were found splayed across the floor, left to marinate
When going to investigate, the teachers find Aurore had drowned when someone pushed her head in the decorative fountain in the corner of the room. No wonder she had been so quiet
And finally, Mireille's unattached body parts were found all over the room
And e's are for the easy ways in five minutes tops, Marc brought an n for end by calling the cops. (What a bitch)
... Well, that's what I got. Any ideas?
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CHARLOTTE CONGRATS ON 1.5K WTH!!!! so, if this is still open *fingers fuckin’ crossed* i was HOPINGGGG you could do something for The Lost Boys (maybe poly 👀 or if you want to choose just one than David hehe) and blindfolds >:) Love your writing and I can’t wait for you to hit another milestone, you deserve it!
AWWWW THANK U B I’m so sorry this took me so long to the point where i literally just hit 2k followers lmao shwoopsies BUT i think i FINALLY got this fic where I wanted it to be at!!! Seriously thank you for giving me the opportunity to not only write some poly and my first poly with the Lost Boys YAY!!! I hope this hits all the spots for you and it was worth the wait <3 <3 <3
Unfair Game
1.7k Words. Poly!Lost Boys x Gender Neutral AFAB Reader. Warnings: Overstimulation, blindfolds, vampire bites, blood from said bites, oral receiving, unfair games, somewhat of a five-way, cocky vampire boys.
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"How about we play a game?"
That phrase, coupled with the blindfold in David's hands and the inability for Paul and Marko to suppress their smirks led you to believe this wouldn't be some innocent game. Knowing your partners and their tendencies to lovingly pester and tease, you shouldn't be surprised. But they tended to make their shenanigans worthwhile in the end, so you decided to play along.
As David securely tied the blindfold over your eyes, he explained the rules. "We're going to take turns playing with you, and it's your job to guess which one of us it is. It's as simple as that." He punctuated it with another firm tug on the knot, and you were almost certain the creases in the fabric would imprint on your skin. 
"You didn't mention what the winner gets."
The chorus of snickers that came in response made you roll your eyes, not that any of them could see it. "So pushy," David gently scolded you. "Well, if you must know, I think if we win we get to have a little fun with you. And if you win, you get to have a little fun with us. Sounds good?" 
You snorted. "So either way this is rigged so you guys get to fuck me, hmm?"
"Maybe you should play and find out." Dwayne's voice suddenly whispered next to you, and you couldn't help but jump a little. They really had a way of sneaking up on you. Maybe this wouldn't be as easy as you thought. 
It never was with them.
So as you sat on the bed, vaguely aware of all of them circling around you, your fingers curled in the sheets as you braced yourself for the first strike. Wondering how it would happen and what they would do. You were in your underwear, about as vulnerable as you could be in this position. Not to mention the intentional brushes along your arm and the occasional blowing on the back of your neck to make you jump. 
A gasp ripped from your throat as a sudden pair of thick, rough hands clamped down on the tops of your thighs. Barely wasting a moment, your brain connected the dots as fast as the hands had come down. “Paul!”
You couldn’t help but smirk at the hooting and hollering that erupted from the room, all while Paul sputtered in front of you. “Oh come on! I didn’t even get to do anything yet!” Paul whined in frustration as his hands tightened around your thighs. “You’re cheating.”
Before you could say anything, Marko chimed in, “As if they couldn’t figure out whose mitts those were from how often you’re grabbing them.” 
It was true. Paul’s hands were always on you as much as possible, as if he thought you would sneak away from him at any second. He would coil around you like a snake, making sure you never escaped his teasing. That’s what always gave him away.
“I’ll make it up to you later, handsome,” you cooed as you patted Paul’s cheeks. Paul only mumbled something to himself before slinking away in defeat. 
One down, three to go. 
As it was, your chances got better with each one out of the game. It was practically rigged in your favor. Which meant that there was a catch somewhere. You weren’t sure yet. 
A chill washed over you as a single finger traced up your spine, and you subconsciously arched into it. Lips trailed closely behind, skimming over your skin before a tongue followed. You couldn’t help the little whine that tumbled from your mouth which only seemed to spurn them on. 
Their nose buried against the curve of your shoulder, taking in your smell, made you long for more. Telltale fangs tantalized the skin as they scratched back and forth, knowing that with a flick of their jaw they could pierce your flesh so easily. Letting your head roll back to give him space, you almost forgot that you were playing a game. Almost.
“Dwayne?” you whispered, knowing he was one of the most tender and restrained of the lot. Marko would get too overzealous being that close to your neck and David wouldn’t be so gentle in his teasing. 
You were rewarded with a low hum, followed by Dwayne whispering, “You got me,” against the back of your neck before retreating again.
Two more.
You were in the home stretch. Once you guessed this one, you would know who was left and win the game. Victory was within reach.
Until they grabbed you from all sides. 
Jumping out of your skin, you yelped and struggled against the two sets of hands that held each of your hands on the bed, preventing you from grabbing them back. One of them had settled between your thighs, their hot breath teasing your clothed sex. The other one was behind you, hands roaming your chest and stomach as he rut his own jean-clad erection into your back. 
“No fair, you’re all cheating!” you cried out as the four of them laughed in response. 
“No one said anything about needing to go one at a time, sweetheart,” Dwayne whispered into your ear. 
So that’s how they were going to play it. Fine. You could handle it. They weren’t that bad to deal with on a regular basis, and you could pick them out just as quickly. But now that they’ve turned the tables on you, you weren’t too sure.
Your underwear was pulled to the side quickly, one of the boys beginning to suck on your clit with such fervor you could barely cry out much less speak. When you threw your head back, the one behind you latched onto your neck, sucking and nipping at the delicate skin. The hands wrapped around your arms held firm, and all you could do was dig your ankles into your partner’s back as he lewdly slurped and suckled your sex. 
If you didn’t focus on who was who now, you would be lost in their affections before you knew it, not to mention you knew they would never let it go. But how could you? All you could think about were the fangs threatening to prick your neck, followed by the tongue that lapped at your pulse. The hands that pinned your hips down made it harder to get any sort of friction, leaving you at the mercy of the skilled tongue weaving loops around and through your lips. All of them were good at oral and biting your neck, and it would be damn near impossible to parse out which one was David and which one Marko. 
Until you noticed another itch at your neck, and it wasn’t from the fangs. The notable feel of stubble dragged back and forth across your neck as he continued to nip along your collar. 
With as much control you could muster, you uttered, “Daaaaavid.” God, the way you said it sounded so pathetic, practically mewling for him. The laughter that came after only further cemented your embarrassment.
Suddenly one of your hands fell out from under you as Paul yanked it up, causing you to fall back further onto who you suspected was David. He didn’t falter as he continued to allow the hickies that were surely there by now to bloom over your skin. Paul allowed your fingers to intertwine with his, as he practically purred against your hand, “You’re so cute when you’re acting so pathetically needy for us.”
“Be more specific,” Dwayne whispered huskily into your other ear. “Tell us exactly where David is.”
They only seemed to grow more smug the more you squirmed in their grasp. It was a struggle to even whine that single word much less form a full sentence. They certainly knew this fact because their touches only seemed to amplify this desire to keep the game going for as long as possible. 
As you were beginning to form the first word, David’s fangs finally broke the thin barrier of your skin and began to lap up the blood that began to pool under his fangs. Your breath caught in the back of your throat, whimpering as he continued to slowly devour you. 
“He’s…” is the only thing you’re able to utter before the sharp crack of a hand against your thigh causes you to dig your heel further into Marko’s back and cry out pathetically. The vibrations of his laughter caused a fresh wave of tingling need over your sex, his tongue delving deeper inside of you as your toes began to curl. 
“Behind…” you yelp as deft fingers pinch your nippled roughly. When had your bra even been pushed down? You couldn’t remember. Deft fingers plucked and rolled your hardening nipples as you arched your back against David’s chest.
Now hands were grasping from all directions. One was slithering up your throat, another wrapped around your waist. Mouths following behind, nipping and suckling on any inch of flesh they could. Nails pinched your thighs as new fingers circled your clit while Marko’s tongue lapped at your dripping entrance. Fingers were hooked into your mouth, trying to silence the word on the tip of your tongue that would end the game completely. 
It was muffled, but it did the job. Instantly, the ministrations halted just enough to leave you limp, dropping back onto David’s chest, your legs still hanging limply off of Marko’s shoulders. Even with the cooing remarks of how good you were, and the removal of the blindfold, your bleary vision couldn’t process them clearly. You barely remember cumming and yet your body was completely spent, the bites certainly contributing to how lightheaded you felt. 
“What reward do you want, sweetheart?” David’s lips were pressed directly against your ear, his hot breath fanning your throat. 
Eyes closed, the most you could think of to mumble was, “Sleep first.”
“Well, if that’s all you want for your reward…” 
You couldn’t even bother to argue with the chorus of smug giggles that erupted from your lovers at their deliberate misinterpretation of your words. You’d get them back later. But for now, you let them bring you to lay back on the bed, all of them finding some way of snuggling up to you, and allowing yourself to drift off into an exhausted slumber for as long as they would allow you to rest up before the next silly antics they would pull on you next.
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sugarpopss · 7 months
Lee Bodecker Blurb (2)
This one has actual masturbation in it yay!!! I watched an entire episode of 'I've got a secret' for this and honestly it's not a bad show.
ummm warning for tugging the dick and shame and feedism and me being too into the research
“Is it an element of some kind? Heat? Fire?” 
Bess Meyerson was asking the questions, but would probably get buzzed out soon. Regardless, her melodic voice drowned out the creaks and groans of the old cabin quite nicely. What Miss America 1945 couldn’t drown out were Lee’s sounds, the grunts and huffs he couldn’t help but let out as he shoved his boxers down and grasped his cock in a spit slick hand. 
He focused on Bess’s dark eyes, the way her lips formed the next question (“You have to skate over it, around it, near it?”) the sweep of her neck and the shape of her bust, enthralling even on a 16-inch screen. Equally as enthralling, though not nearly as pretty as a game show panelist, was the weight of Lee’s gut, packed full and warm, weighing him down into the couch cushions. He could feel the ache of food shifting, his stomach trying its very hardest to digest everything inside of it. If he was honest with himself, that feeling alone could’ve gotten him at least half hard. 
Hell, he’d been half hard when he’d torn the cellophane wrapping off a package of waffle creams, cock swelling in anticipation of the feeling of the cookies settling heavy in his gut on top of the TV dinner he’d already had. A strange sort of self-disgust had settled over Lee about halfway through the cookies, a feeling not unfamiliar nor unwelcome. 
Sure, he was disgusted with himself for such behavior-bingeing on junk, every lonely divorcee and slovenly cop joke come to life. It was pathetic and unseemly. 
But by God, it felt so fucking good. The warm weight of fullness helped in every way-helped him get to sleep and filled the cavernous loneliness inside of him for a little bit. And it made him so, so painfully hard. 
Really, he just needed Bess (or Betsy Palmer or Nancy Walters or Beverly Bentley) to get him past the finish line. 
Lee tightened his grip on his cock, sped up the movement of his hand. Bess’s voice had faded and been replaced with a commercial, but he was so close to the edge that it didn’t matter. In his minds eye, her face blended with his ex-wifes; less a whole, solid picture and more an association of vague images, Bess’s hair and Flos perfume and hands and skin and sweat, the warmth of his stuffed gut and the shame and disgust and arousal all mingling and mixing to form the electric shock that made him tip his head back and groan like a bull bellowing in rut. 
By the time Lee was able to shake the post-orgasm haze from his brain, ‘I’ve Got a Secret’ was over and his cum was drying tacky on his hand. He shifted, stripped his undershirt-also spattered with cum-off and tossed it somewhere out of sight. He’d wash it later, along with the rest of his clothes. The automatic washing machine was the one thing he’d invested in when he’d moved from he and Flos house (former house-Flo had sold it and moved down to Virginia less than three months after their divorce was finalized) to the dusty old cabin. Nobody would want to re-elect a sheriff who went around looking like an unkempt sack of shit with a dirty, wrinkled uniform, or who smelled like his own jizz and sweat all day. 
He felt like a sack of shit, though, in uniform or out of it-lonely, melancholic, getting fat and jerking off to women playing rigged guessing games.
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emmaziing · 1 year
After reading a lot of comments after yesterday I can conclude this:
• People want to abolish the jury
• People want to abolish the tele vote
• People want to bring back jury votes for the semi finals
• Almost all countries were robbed in one way or another, either by the jury or the public
• Eurovision was rigged
• “May the best song win” is really - “may the best song win that is not sung by an artist who has already won, or by a country who has won too many times”
• Lack of sportsmanship among the Eurovision fans towards Loreen
• “United by music” more like “divided by music”
Seems like we should just cancel Eurovision altogether. It is impossible to make everyone happy but we can make everyone equally unhappy ❤️ equality yay
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xjumbled-up-brainx · 1 year
Ok so things I noticed:
Hehe smol peso :3
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-Shellington saying “no worse for wear” HELP adorable ✨
-This had me CRYING CAPN WHAT WHY 😭💀😭💀
-The bluefin tuna remind me of the siblings from Ponyo AKNDJSJSND terrifying💀
-Kwazii was so salty in this episode I kinda loved it, I adore Tweak and Kwazii competitive banter cause they give me sibling vibes I love their dynamic sm💙 I think Kwazii had a right to be salty cause of emotional attachment to the Gup B, she (pretty sure Kwazii called her, “she”) has literally been with him forevsies since joining the octonauts and is probably like a rly important outlet for his energy, painted the teeth on himself, something special just for him to go zoom in, now Gup R is here tryna take that place🤨🤨🤨 And Gup B solos Gup R any day of the week💅💅💅✨✨✨ Also love that calico jack and Kwazii both thought to call it “Gup arrrrr” haha same braincell moment
-Also can we talk about how fatherly and praising shells was about the vegimals in this episode??? Like YAY but so random XD they had like 3 scenes and two of em Shellington introduced them by saying “Tunips wayyy ahead of you captain!” like it’s so out of character??? but I love it at the same time like yes worlds best dad beside barnacles but like ??? Ok dude XD
-Also Barnacles was so surprised when Tunip was waiting outside the door with the fish biscuits just as he was asking, almost like he didn’t expect they could anticipate needs before he took command. I dunno, I think this season is definitely leading up to their more independent and grown roles in above and beyond, and Shellington knows they are maturing. BUT THANK THE PIRATE KING THEIR VOICES ARE STILL NORMAL AND NOT PUBERTY 💀💀💀
-Hehe Tina the Tuna og Ryguyrocky daycare fans will get that one💀💀💀 #rockarmy4life ok I’m done JSKSK-
-On the subject of Tuna WHO IS FISHING??? I BEG THY PARDON?!?! TINA BARELY ESCAPED?!? CIVILIZATION LORE LETS GOOO!!! Also I agree with Tina a “hook-ectomy” sounds fkin horrifying😭💀
-Kwazii and Shellington struggling to rig up a hose is so real💀
-Finally, anyone think the bubble engine is gonna cause problems later on down the line of episodes?👀👀👀
And to whoever posted the episode on YouTube, Thank you SO much, May Almighty Brendon’s Powers Be Bestowed Upon Thou For All Eternity ✨💙💺 In the chair we trust amen /j
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kudosmyhero · 7 months
Daredevil (vol. 1) #103: …Then Came Ramrod!
Read Date: March 27, 2023 Cover Date: September 1973 ● Writer: Steve Gerber ● Penciler: Don Heck ● Inker: Sal Trapani ● Colorist: George Roussos ● Letterer: Artie Simek ● Editor: Roy Thomas ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● yay, Spidey is in this issue! ● ah, we’re post Gwen’s death. I’ve not caught up to that part yet in reading The Amazing Spider-Man, but I know it’s coming… ● ok, this is a fun panel of Peter:
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● Tasha’s not very good with money if she used the last of her inheritance for a mansion to house 3 people ● whoooo dafuq is this guy and why is he barging through the library walls? maybe he followed Spidey? ● guess not. he’s after the papers from Rolling Stone ● Ramrod origin story, here we go! ● so some bald aliens made him a cyborg? ok. I’m here for it. ● Spider-Man asking him if he always talks to himself that way. you’re one to talk, Spidey! just a few pages ago, Ivan caught Peter talking to himself ● Spidey’s action poses are done well by Don Heck. in his own series, sometimes it’s just a bunch of wide horse stances in mid air ● so is Ramrod dead? I like how none of the three lifted a finger to help him ● 👏👏👏
Synopsis: Peter Parker has traveled to San Francisco on assignment for the Daily Bugle to interview Black Widow and Daredevil. The wall-crawler arrives just as Daredevil and Black Widow have returned to their mansion with evidence implicating the most powerful crime boss, given to Daredevil by the writers of Rolling Stone Magazine for safe keeping until the exposé is published. Spider-Man changes into his civilian guise of Peter Parker and introduces himself to Ivan Petrovitch before continuing on and knocking on the door.
Invited in by the Black Widow, Peter Parker begins his interview with Daredevil. However, before it can even begin the mansion is attacked by a new super-powered steel-skinned villain named Ramrod. Ramrod has been sent to collect the damning evidence that Daredevil has on his employer. Smashing through the house and taking Daredevil, Widow, and Parker off guard, he succeeds in collecting the evidence and making an escape.
As Daredevil and Black Widow chase after Ramrod, Peter Parker slips away to change into Spider-Man to lend a helping hand. As the three heroes go searching for Ramrod, the villain himself looks about the city and gloats about his superiority over everyone. He recalls how he used to be a tough as nails oil rig boss who pushed his workers as hard as possible until one day some loosened oil drums toppled on him crushing all his bones. He would be kidnapped by a mysterious employer who would rebuild him into a new body with steel plated skin and the ability to fire energy beams from his hands. Told that he was injected with a deadly chemical in order to insure his compliance, Ramrod would agree to do his employers bidding.
Ramrod's recollection is interrupted by Spider-Man who snatches away the stolen evidence and makes a break for it. Before Ramrod can get his hands on Spider-Man, he is saved by Daredevil and Black Widow who tell the wall-crawler to make a break for it while they hold back the crook. However, Ramrod has other ideas and initiates an ability to fly after Spider-Man. Daredevil and Black Widow renew their fight however Ramrod gets a hold of Black Widow and makes good an escape when he drops her off a building forcing Daredevil to come to her rescue.
When Ramrod finally catches up with Spider-Man the two duke it out up the side of a building. However, during the fight, Daredevil and Black Widow arrive and land blows that send Ramrod tumbling to the ground below. The impact of the fall knocks the crook out and makes him easy for authorities to take into custody. After the battle, Spider-Man hands the evidence back over to Daredevil and swings away before they can thank him.
Shortly there after they are found by Peter Parker who finally gets the interview with the two heroes that he had travelled out to get.
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Fan Art: Spider-Man and Daredevil by RyanLord
Accompanying Podcast: ● Josh and Jamie Do Daredevil - episode 16
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drzone · 1 year
Also hmmm what was Abel and the other moonlight reverie crew like when they were going through ISA(and what does Isa stand for!!!) I love ur ocs so much it's insane their like friends to me :]
ISA is like a college sort of! Like where ensigns train to intern for starfleet! it stands for Institute of Space Associations! It particularly focuses on communication with and study of Whos Out There! Theres other space-centric places that teach things more related to the running of ships and the mechanical stuff. ISA has classes for that too but definitely is known for the specialty in .. well. Space Associations!!! You can go for however long you need to finish all your assignments & internships, generally about 5-7 years. Space Travel is Serious Business !! Id say its a bit like medical school, or getting a masters degree!
Abel & Manabi went to ISA together :] Manabi has always been a sort of All-or-nothing type of lady so shes very much a hard worker, very focused on her studies and training! and she is doing the equivalent of double majoring, learning interspace relations and engineering! she loves loves loves spaceships. Poor ladys diet consisted of 90% crappy coffee, and she didnt get out much. Abel sort of kept an eye on her! She was busy too, of course, but doesnt let her work consume her quite like manabi does. Abel focused in Broad Medicine, including the study of how to apply current medical knowledge to an unknown species! She is really interested in extraterrestrial biology too hehe. Abel makes sure manabi gets at least some sort of food throughout the week, and manabi helps abel on any mechanical questions. During this time also they dig up a bunch of old VHS tapes of scifi movies, manabi rigs up a device so that they can play them, and they get really into it. Thats why abels cat is named spock!
Shape was their underclassman! It was actually kind of there to Be studied, but took on quite a few internships in his time there, and did take & pass the final test, so he gets an honorary graduation. Abel met Shape in one of her classes where he was explaining Gaseous Cloud Science Stuff, but they didnt become friends at this time! So Abel & Manabi graduated together (yay!) and Shape graduated (technically) a year or so later. The rest of the main crew did not attend ISA! The planet Zee is from is pretty private, but ce went to a similar sort of school and is interning on the Andromeda Grace! Bunny is a stoaway LOL. Babble and Murmur went to a different, less intense, school for botany. And Dawn … Contains the skeleton of somebody who went to ISA, way back in the day. But she is not this person. Sort of? Oh shes a whole can of worms. I love her.
Shape has gotten more confident, in the years between the present and attending ISA, i think! They enjoy floatin around the andromeda grace and just hanging out, and doesnt spend so much of their time teaching people what they Are, anymore! Abel & Manabis dynamic hasnt changed much, except for Abel being busier now and Manabi having a job that makes it Mandatory to take decent care of herself and not spend all day peering over reports and planning treks and the such. They dont get to be around each other as much as they were in the ISA but they find time to hang out! Usually over a shoddy VHS and a cup of joe. Theyre so lesbians. Heart!
THANK YOUUUU I LOVE THEM TOO. just little guys bouncing around my head… I LOUV YOUR OCS TOO they are SO friend to me. we are having a tea party…
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