#yayy its finally done!!!
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Hey, you! Do you like Kid Icarus? Do you crave more Kid Icarus content but know we will not be getting any? Do you want Pit and Dark Pit to run around your computer screen stealing your tabs and causing a ruckus? Well, I’ve just made a Pit and Dark Pit shimeji! Click here to download it from Dropbox! Happy anniversary!
TW: There is some minor body horror - for more info read the editor's note!
Some insight on the process of making them under the read more for those interested!
So this was my second shimeji I ever made. This one is a duo shimeji - so both Pit and Pitto act individually. There is one action that allows them to interact, the "Tease" and "Cain Instinct" (originally named "Broadcast Affordance" and "Hunt" respectively.) In the original download, the two shimejis hug - but I didn't feel that represented the Pits.
When I first came up with idea for them, I knew I NEEDED to make Dark Pit kick Pit in the stomach (sound familiar?) and that... definitely took time. Some people in the 25 Years discord asked if I could make Pit fly across the screen after getting kicked and I knew I would have to do that manually.
I attempted making the kick have more impact and throw Pit far, but then often he would go offscreen and you wouldn't be able to see him anymore, so I settled for a shorter distance.
I was very tempted to make Pit daydream of something silly in the animation- food mostly. But then I felt that that leaned a little too heavily into the "Pit is dumb and only thinks about Floor Ice cream" so I asked for feedback and the consensus was that both Pits should be thinking of killing some enemies, so there we go!
Also I didn't want the boys to just multiply the way an unedited shimeji multiplies (sorta just... splits into two) so DP gets some Viridi nature magic and Pit gets some good ol' lazer.
The original plan was to give Pit and Dark different animations for everything- including walking, climbing, running, etc. That was TOO much, so the only real remnant from that is DP's ceiling climb. Similarly, I also tried to draw every frame individually (so no cutting and pasting parts of the body) and BOY that was... a decision! In the end I don't regret doing it because it gives a more 'hand drawn' appearance that I wanted, but it took so much longer.
To be honest, I did end up rushing this a bit at the end, I really wanted to have it available for download on the anniversary, and even though I'm not happy with some frames, I'm overall very proud!
I hope you all like them!
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eskewcity · 5 months
Eskewcity's Top Ten Games of 2023
Hello!!! I've decided to compile a list of the best games I played this past year. As such, this list is not limited to only 2023 releases (in fact a majority of the games I played are several years old atp). Additionally, I only considered games that I had completed by year's end. This means that fantastic games such as Signalis and The Talos Principle 2 will not be included, though I still highly recommend them.
Finally, I will put my ranking under a read more for the sake of not clogging anyways dash. Hope you all had a good 2023 and maybe can find something that interests you mwah <3
10. Subway Midnight by Bubby Darkstar
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Board the train! Run away from a weirdo! Solve some puzzles! Make friends with some ghosts! Try not to become a ghost yourself!
While I am not someone usually willing to gloss over a somewhat lackluster story for the sake of gorgeous visuals, I will give Subway Midnight an exception. Even with a game that largely takes place in a subway car, it was exceptional when it came to its visual design. It has a blend of a cartoonish style for the characters mixed with extremely realistic environments. The gameplay itself was also quite fun, if not tedious in multiple runs and I really enjoyed the variety of characters that players encounter.
9. Broken Reality by Dynamic Media Triad
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A humorous adventure set in a 3D parody of the internet. Diverse puzzles, beautiful worlds, friends, experiences, upgrades and more, await those who 'log on'!
Depending on yourself, Broken Reality might either be a headache inducing cacophony of colors or a fun exploration game about the internet and the commercialization of products and each other. For myself, I choose to look at it from the latter perspective. I found the game to put quite humorous and I really enjoyed all the different worlds to explore. Much like Subway Midnight, I would not recommend it much on its story but I think the design and concept certainly carries where that lacks.
8. Hylics by Mason Lindroth
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Hylics is a recreational program with light JRPG elements.
At its core, Hylics is a game with a pretty simple concept. Fight your way through the world with the end goal of defeating the big bad, Gibby, King of Moon. However past that, get ready for a confusing and abstract adventure. This accounts for several reasons. For one, the dialogue of Hylics consists of randomly generated sentences that feel almost coherent while maintaining a healthy amount of head scratching. The game was also created through claymation leading to characters and environments whose shapes twists and turn in perplexing patterns. While this may seem to take away from the experience, I found this not to be the case at all. In fact, I would say it enhanced my time playing greatly. I could not stop thinking about Hylics after I played it simply because its weird and purposely lacks focus which makes it all the more memorable.
7. Babbdi by Sirius & Léonard Lemaitre
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BABBDI is a short, first person exploration experience with light narrative and platforming elements. Visit the town of BABBDI, a forsaken district in the outer ring of the megalopolis. Meet its inhabitants and discover how to escape.
In Babbdi, your goal is to leave Babbdi. You must search through the city to find a train ticket that can guarantee your escape. However, the ironic part of playing this game was that I did not rush to leave. While being a free-to-play game, it had an incredibly sizable area to explore. The game actively encourages the player to search every inch of city to find its secrets while also reminding the player that their goal is to eventually leave all of this behind. If you have an hour or so to spare and love games focused more on exploration than action, this is definitely one to check out!
6. Who's Lila? by Garage Heathen
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A reverse-detective adventure, where you control your character's face
In Who's Lila, you play as a young man named Will who cannot properly control the expressions on his face. As the player, your job is to ensure that he reacts properly to the world around him. The game even starts with a tutorial on how to respond accordingly to a variety of situations. While a seemingly simple concept, this game is not as it may appear. In fact, and without giving much away, Who's Lila requires multiple playthroughs to order to begin to piece together what is truly going on.
5. Hypnospace Outlaw by Tendershoot
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Greetings Enforcer, and thank you for enlisting in the Hypnospace Patrol Department! As the world falls into its slumber, Hypnospace becomes a bustling global village. These virtual streets aren't going to police themselves!
Taking place in 1999, Hypnospace Outlaw tasks you as a moderator for a new form of technology which allows users to surf the internet in their sleep. As the player, you're tasked with seeking out policy violations and handing out warnings and even banning users, if necessary. There is so much about this game I can say but I find going in blind is the best. I definitely found some frustrations which some of the puzzles and how obtuse their solutions were but its undeniably one of the most unique games I have ever played.
4. Return of the Obra Dinn by Lucas Pope
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Return of the Obra Dinn is a first-person mystery adventure based on exploration and logical deduction.
In Return of the Obra Dinn, is a mystery game where you not only have to determine the fates of one person, but an entire ship's crew. Additionally, you have to determine the names of each individual based on existing records. By going in the past to witness the last moments of each individual, players can be able to slowly work out the mystery of the Obra Dinn. As someone who plays many puzzle games, I found this to be one of the most satisfying I've ever played. I also thought the game just looked gorgeous and was extremely fitting for the vibe it was going with.
3. Papers Please by Lucas Pope
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Congratulations. The October labor lottery is complete. Your name was pulled. For immediate placement, report to the Ministry of Admission at Grestin Border Checkpoint. An apartment will be provided for you and your family in East Grestin. Expect a Class-8 dwelling.
As a border patrol officer, your job is determine the legitimacy of the documents that are brought to you by people wishing to enter the country of Arstotzka. This requires things such checking if their paperwork has expired, if they match their passport photo and if they have the necessary seals for entry. However, what if someone comes to the border fearing for their safety if they are denied, without the correct paperwork? Will you let them in, risking punishment for yourself or deny them, ensuring that you will able to provide for your family at home? Papers Please is a game that will continuously make you question your own ethics under a authoritarian regime. I found this game to be incredibly emotional and made me replay several days simply because I decided against my initial judgments. Certainly one of the most impactful games I played this year.
2. Presentable Liberty by Wertpol
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You have been imprisoned without being told why. All you can hear day in day out is the faint ticking of a clock in your cell. That is, until the first of 5 fateful days begins.
Sometimes there are short indie games in the world that fundamentally change you and this is one of them for me. With that in mind, there is not much I want to say about Presentable Liberty since I find its best experienced blind. The short of it is you play as a prisoner as they receive letters from those on the outside. The gameplay is minimal since the player is stuck in their cell for the majority of the game but promise you when I say it does not much that action when its biggest strength comes from its writing. While this game had its short lived success on Youtube, I implore everyone out there to play it and see why I choose to rank it this high on the list.
1. Cry of Fear by Team Psykskallar
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Cry of Fear is a psychological single-player and co-op horror game set in a deserted town filled with horrific creatures and nightmarish delusions. You play as a young man desperately searching for answers in the cold Scandinavian night, finding his way through the city as he slowly descends into madness.
Honestly, it's insane it took me so long to play this game especially when loving a piece of media that's a psychological horror featuring a depressed character wandering a city is kind of what I'm known for. However, I finally got around to it and I'm so glad I did. While not the most technically savvy game out there, it is incredible what Team Psykskallar managed to pull off while offering players the opportunity to experience the entire thing for free. Several times throughout playing Cry of Fear I couldn't stop thinking how much better it was than many of the games I've paid for. Like I said, its definitely not the most polished horror game out for sure but damn was I charmed. Even after I completed this game, I immediately had to restart so I could play with director's commentary as I was just that damn interested in learning about as much of this game's development as I could. And its because of how invested I got in playing this game but also its background, that I choose to make it my number 1 pick this year.
(fuck that train level though)
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beyond-skies · 2 years
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Spookami Day 8 (give or take a few weeks whoops): Past
Shunned by the people of the village, do you think it ever got lonely?
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simplydm · 2 years
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Up on top of the mountain is an old factory that seems to have been invaded by moss. And there’s a hole in the ground, where something odd has been uncovered by someone in the past. It’s so odd.. it looks kind of like me.
Maybe I should look at the books left in barrels and at the front desk. Maybe that could help me. 
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laangdonn · 5 months
not anymore
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summary: the aftermath of glenn and abraham leaves carl and y/n’s relationship in shambles.
pairing: carl grimes x female reader
a/n: first carl grimes post yayy, i love him so much and in my mind he lives on.
*read part 2 here*
the house was quiet minus the occasional sniffle from carl and i. he was sat with his head in his hands on the leather sofa, his fingers lightly gripping his brown curls. i watched him carefully through blurry vision from behind the kitchen counter, supporting myself with my hands on the cold marble.
it was dark, the moon and a single saucer light in the kitchen shining as light.
it was so fucking quiet but my head had never been louder.
“so what are you saying?” i whispered, carefully watching my words.
he lifted his eyes for a moment until he brought his head back into his palms. he refused eye contact. “i don’t know what i’m saying.”
“you don’t love me anymore?” every word i spoke sent my stomach falling into my feet.
he didn’t answer. i didn’t know if that made it better or worse.
“jesus, carl, answer me-“
“i still love you,” he finally responded, his hand rubbing his face in stress. “of course i still love you.”
“then what’s wrong?” i pressed, a sudden urgency filling my veins. “why are we even having this conversation? why did you come home and suddenly act as if we’ve been fighting for weeks-“
“cause we have been, y/n!” his voice picked up now, throwing his hands in the air and standing up. he still hadn’t looked at me. “we have been fighting for weeks! we cant even look at each other without fighting! ever since glenn-“
“stop.” i cut him off, feeling my chest clench. “this wasn’t them, it wasn’t.”
but it was, and i knew it. the aftermath of glenn and abraham put a strain on the whole group, especially me and carl. we came home that morning, stumbling out of the RV and hadn’t been the same since. every time i looked at carl, all i saw were the tears streaming down his face and the reflection of glenn’s bloody skull in his eyes. i saw the black line drawn on carl’s left arm, and the axe raised in the air.
i looked at carl and i saw death.
i knew he felt the same.
“that day…” he started, taking a breath. “that day i had no other wish but to die. to keep you safe if that’s what it took. i couldn’t protect you from him and i don’t know if i can even try. i put you in danger by loving you.”
i shuddered a breath as the tears began to
clog my throat.
“that’s why i can’t love you, y/n. not anymore.”
“you act like that’s a choice you can make.” i choked out, a feeling of anger pushing forward. anger at the way he thought he could fool anyone who knew him.
“i can try.”
“BULLSHIT!” i snapped, slamming my hand against the cold counter and feeling it sting.
he buried his face in his hands and i could see his shoulders shaking. i felt my heart break then, knowing i wouldn’t be able to change his mind.
a sob broke its way through my throat, wet and rough, and i instantly regretted it because carl looked straight at my eyes and i felt myself sink deeper into the ground.
“don’t do this, carl…” i whispered, looking into his crystal blue eyes, a raging ocean encased in this beautiful human who i’d have to let go. i shook my head at him slowly.
“i’m going to get you killed,”
“then let me be killed knowing you loved me! isn’t that the best we can do?!”
“the best i can do is keep you alive.” he countered strongly. his voice was no longer broken or shaken, but determined.
i realized in that moment nothing could be done to change his mind, it had already been made up. carl was stubborn, too stubborn for his own good and he’d never be swayed by anyone, even me.
no words were spoken between us as we stared at the floor, drowning in the absence of each other. all i wanted in that moment was to touch him, to feel him under my skin and prove to me that he’s still real and he’s still here after everything that had happened. but he was taking that away from me and ripping my heart out along with it.
he inhaled a sharp breath, rubbing his hand on his face once more before he said, “it’d be best if you went to carol’s tonight.”
i swallowed harshly, nodding. at least he was right about one thing.
too tired to argue further, i walked past him and to the front door. he kept his head bowed, not looking at me. i could sense the tension as i barely grazed his shoulder, walking so fast i barely registered the soft material of his flannel on my skin. i paused in front of the door, gripping the handle and hoping he’d call out my name and beg me to stay.
but he didn’t. and i turned around to see his eyes were still trained on the floor, back turned. i felt the cold air envelop me and i slammed the door shut, reverberating and practically shaking the house. i sucked in a breath and pushed forward to the blue house a few doors down.
i knocked wearily, feeling my knees begin to wobble as the effects of what had just transpired hit me. suddenly i was a mess on the porch, breathing erratically as i tried to process what just happened. but, when i saw carols face when she opened the door, concerned at my state of being, i lost it.
she carried me into the house and let me sob my way through the story. she held me while i cried and laid me down once i had fallen asleep in her grasp, eyes crusted shut with tried tears, cheeks red, and lips swollen.
i dreamt that night of glenn.
in the morning i woke to the smell of toast and eggs. my stomach growled harshly and i realized i hadn’t eaten since yesterday afternoon.
i gripped the banister on my way downstairs, being created with carol’s sympathetic smile. i sat down on the island counter as she pushed a plate of breakfast in front of me.
“i’m leaving for hilltop today.” i announced suddenly. her back was turned to me but i could sense the blank stare that must’ve washed over her. the sizzle of the pan of eggs on the stove top was the only sound heard for a moment.
then, she continued tussling the eggs in the pan, continuing on as if i hadn’t said anything. “it’s dangerous.”
“maggie needs me.” i answered simply.
“she’d feel much better if you stayed here. safe, with rick.”
i took a small bite of my toast, “she knows i can take care of myself. i should’ve gone with her and sasha right after…” i let my voice drift on, knowing i didn’t have to be specific. “i need to do this for her. for me. i cant stay here, carol, i can’t. not anymore.”
carol turned around at that, pouring her own eggs onto a plate. “well, i’m not going to stop you.” she said, taking a bite, “but i don’t think you should go alone.”
“i don’t need a babysitter,” i mumbled, beginning to lose my appetite. “im going by myself and that’s final.”
i opened the front door to the grimes’ home we shared cautiously. i anticipated to see carl in the front room with judith, as he always was, but to my surprise it was rick instead.
he was sat on the couch while judith babbled and played on the floor. his eyes were tired and lost, his face sunken with grief. he turned to look at me walking in and gave me the same, sympathetic smile i had gotten from carol.
i stood awkwardly in front of the door, looking anywhere but his eyes.
“he told you didn’t he.” i mumbled, not even being able to bring myself to say his name.
“no,” his voice was rough as he spoke, “i heard him last night crying in his room, after you’d left. and i knew.”
i felt my heart clench and my nose begin to sting. i nodded slowly, knowing i wouldn’t be able to choke out words i so desperately wanted to say.
“im going to hilltop today. only carol knows. i came to grab my stuff.”
his eyebrows furrowed at me and once i saw the disapproving look i spoke fast.
“i can make it there.” i promised, “we need each other.”
rick knew exactly who i was referring to and suddenly the look of disapproval vanished from his face. he nodded at me slowly, accepting the fact that this battle would be one he lost in trying to keep me here. he turned to judith and i took that as my cue to head upstairs.
“carl is at the armory, but he should be back soon,” i heard rick say, “i suggest you leave before he gets back, for both of your sakes.”
i didn’t answer, only continued up the steps. i didn’t want to see carl because i knew if he begged me to stay i would. it hurts knowing i perhaps don’t have that same control over him.
pushing open his door and revealing his room, our room was harder than i had imagined. i wanted to be out quickly, without hassle. i went through drawers, grabbing my things, stuffing them into the two duffel bags i had underneath our bed.
my heart dropped when i heard the front door open and close. i hadn’t been quick enough.
“where is she?” i heard his voice from downstairs and it motivated me to work quicker.
i managed to close the zipper on the second duffle bag but when i turned to the door i almost fainted. carl stood there with his arms hanging limp at his side, a blank stare on his face as he watched me pack my life away.
we stood facing each other for a long time. i stressed another fight, perhaps a bigger blowout than the last, but i looked into his sad, tired eyes and realized there wouldn’t be any fighting between us.
“how did you know i was here,” i mumbled.
“i went to carol’s looking for you. she told me you were leaving for hilltop.” his face scrunched up in disgust at his own words, as if just the thought of me leaving left a sour taste in his mouth.
“i am.” i said, voice feeble in an attempt to remain confident.
he shook his head slowly as tears began to rise up in his eyes. “don’t, y/n.”
“why not?” i pushed, crossing my arms over my chest. “why wouldn’t i leave? what’s left for me here?”
he didn’t answer.
“you let me go last night.” i stabilized my voice a bit, straightening my back to make myself look stronger as i spoke the words. “you can let me go again.”
“is that what this is?” he questioned, “is this reckless stupidity to punish me for last night?”
i scoffed, rolling his eyes at his narcissism. “no,” i chuckled in disbelief.
“then why? because this is the first time i’ve heard about this from you. not once have you said you’ve wanted to go to hilltop.”
“why wouldn’t i go?” i asked rhetorically, “maggie’s there and i want to help her. i feel so… so useless here! like, nothing is going right in this godforsaken place and last night was the last thing i needed to set me off.”
his face suddenly paled, his eyes softening. words were stuck on the edge of his tongue and i could see in his expression he contemplated letting them spill over. “i wanted to talk about last night.”
i turned around at that, beginning to rustle with my bag to occupy my hands. to do something other than hear him talk. especially about last night.
“i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to hurt you, you have no idea how hard it was for me, letting you go like that.”
i scoffed again, “you don’t even have a clue how i feel, carl, so don’t even try to sympathize with me.”
“save it.” i spat, anger beginning to rise up my veins at the idea that he was about to pity me. “nothing you can say, nothing you think you can do to make it okay won’t keep me from-“
a loud bang on the front door shook me from finishing my sentence, both our eyes widening as carl ran out of the room and to the stairs.
“anyone home?” a booming voice spoke. i knew that voice.
carl, eyes still wide, turned to me in shock. i stood frozen, my hand still clutching the strap of my duffel bag filled with things.
“aww, you are a cutie-pie aren’t you! where’s your mommy, huh?”
at that, my blood ran cold.
judith was downstairs, by herself, with him.
without another moment of hesitation, carl was booking it down the stairs. i closely followed; forgetting our fued and any other reason why i would be angry in the first place. judith came first.
when i got to the bottom of the stairs carl was already in a staring match with negan as he held judith in his burly arms. the sight almost made me vomit. if he was capable of all he did that night, what was stopping him from harming a baby?
“well would you look what we have here,” he smiled his wicked smile. “i remember you,” he said, pointing at me.
“give me the baby,” carl demanded, his eye narrow. i wouldn’t have wanted to be on the receiving end of his glare.
negan chuckled, “and why would i do that? she’s so precious, i don’t think i’ll ever let her go.”
i felt my eyes sting when he lifted her up higher, examining her small, angelic face with devil eyes.
“i’m not asking,” carl said confidently, his voice didn’t shake or tremble. surprisingly, he was calmer than me, and it was his sister. he kept his eyes trained on negan, never once allowing him to leave his hard gaze. “give her to me.”
negan looked between the two of us before letting out a large gasp, his eyes widening, “no fucking shit, pardon my french but, aren’t you two a little young…”
my cheeks flushed once i realized what he was implying. i slowly shook my head, staring at carl out of the corner of my eye. his eye narrowed further.
“that’s my sister.” he spat.
“this is rick’s baby girl?” negan bounced judith in his arms again, eliciting a small giggle from her. “wow! now it’s a grimes’ party!”
he eyed me up and down, “sweetheart,” he beckoned me to take the baby, and without question i stepped up, carefully taking her out of his grasp and into the safety of my arms. i let out a sigh of relief, smoothing her golden hair back.
i backed up to carl’s side again, keeping my arms strongly around judith’s small body. she twirled a strand of my brown hair around her stubby finger, giggling again.
ever so slightly, carl stepped in front of me, shielding judith and i from whatever this man could do.
“so, where’s rick?” negan asked as he began trodding around the room, picking up trinkets left in the house by the previous owners.
“not here,” carl answered stiffly. out of the corner of my eye, i saw his hand lightly graze over the top of his jeans. my heart pounded a little faster.
negan sighed disappointedly, “well, im gonna go look for him! in the meantime, a few of my men will be by here to collect half your shit for me to take! kapeesh?”
he walked over to me and patted judith’s back, getting sickenly close. i held my breath, attempting to shield my fear. “i’ll be back for you, sweetheart.”
a chill ran down my spine when judith giggled at the man’s words. it felt like i was holding that breath in all the way until the front door closed and i could breathe again.
suddenly, carl gripped my shoulders and forced me to face him. “take judith upstairs and stay there.”
boots crunching against gravel outside made my stomach drop, the sound getting closer as each second passed. i shook my head violently. “i’m not leaving you down here by yourself.”
“i’ll be fine, go upstairs. now!” he pushed me in the direction of the stairs, judith cooing. i suddenly felt the urge to tell him i loved him, to hold him and make sure he’s safe. i never wanted to leave his side.
i had barely made it up the stairs and out of sight by the time the men had opened the door and i heard carl already start with the spiteful comments. he’s gonna get himself killed.
i placed judith in her crib, cooing to her softly to make sure she was settled. i locked her door from the inside, stuffing the key in my back jean pocket and headed for the stairs. i peeked through the railings, watching carl argue with one of negan’s men while the other ransacked the kitchen.
“you said half!” carl growled, watching the men stuff cabinet after cabinet of food into a large bag.
“we’ll take as much as we want.” one of the men replied, his tone snark and condescending.
my eyes bulged when i saw carl turn around and raise his gun to the man in the kitchen. he cocked it, his finger edging the trigger. “put it back.”
at this, i ran downstairs to carl’s side, just in time for the man behind him to cock his gun, right at my head.
carl’s head turned, his face pale when he saw the cold metal pressed up against my head, and the man’s strong arm around my torso.
“put the gun down, kid.” the man with the gun to me demanded. carl didn’t budge.
“carl…” i whispered carefully, my heart thumping in my ears loud enough to the point where i could barely hear myself talk aloud. “put it down…”
he stood there for a moment, his hand holding the gun beginning to shake as his pupil turned into a devilish slit to the man threatening my life. after what felt like hours, he finally lowered the gun, and i let out a sigh of relief when the metal left my hair.
we watched in distraught as they picked apart every inch of our home. luckily, we were able to keep him from going upstairs, and they left without another word to either of us. as the front door slammed shut i was pulled harshly into carl’s arms, his whole body shaking in rage.
his grip was tight and constricting, as if the anger was flowing into the hug. i could barely get a breath out, and i felt him shakily let out a few of his own into my ear, his chin digging into the crevice between my neck and my shoulder.
i could feel his rage. it coursed through him like the blood in his veins. his brain pumped more thoughts of negan, his saviors, their wrath, and i felt him slip into his emotions.
“i love you,” he whispered, his voice harsh, embrace still solid.
a tear dropped onto the warm skin of my shoulder, and by then i knew, everything he had said to me last night was nothing but a mistake.
i nodded against him, “i know.”
the rest of the day he didn’t let go of me, refused to. we laid in bed and i realized he was still thinking of this mornings’ events.
rick had come back an hour after the saviors left and panicked, asking about judith and if we were okay. he saw carl practically in tears from anger on the couch and me coddling his fragile ego.
he told us to stay in the house the rest of the day, and he’d be back to salvage whatever food he could find for dinner after our kitchen became nothing but a hollow, empty shell.
laying on carl’s chest, i drew patterns onto the grey of his shirt. we laid in silence, comfortable yet uncomfortable silence, until he broke it.
“today,” he started, his voice low, “when he had his gun up to your head, i realized something.”
i lifted my head slightly to look at him, his eye trained on the wall in front of us.
“you were about to die without me saying i love you today.” he sucked in a sharp breath, “and- and i realized i couldn’t live with myself if that happened.”
he finally looked down to me, his eye glazed over, staring at my with a heartbreakingly beautiful gaze that told me everything i needed to know.
“if you still want to go to hilltop i wont stop you.” he continued, cutting me off, “but if they come there-“ his voice hitched, his chest tightening under me. “remember that even after what i said, i cant ever stop loving you, y/n.”
the tears that had been building in my eyes finally spilled over. i realized the extent of what we were all going through, what our reality is. that we don’t know if today is promised, more so than before we met the saviors. that humans are far more dangerous than any walker we’d ever come across.
we were all living on borrowed time, and at some point, we’d have to return it.
i buried my head in his warm chest and sobbed. sobbed for glenn, for abraham, for maggie, for judith, for me, for carl, for us together. i sobbed for what we’d never have again as far as it seemed.
“what are we gonna do,” the words tumbled out of my mouth deliriously, through snot and sobs.
he didn’t answer, but carl’s grip around me tightening, and the way his chest stuttered, answered for him when his throat had nothing to offer.
but then he spoke. low and menacing. he acquired a sort of vendetta he didn’t have the night prior. he wasn’t about to let me go for them. not anymore.
“we’re gonna make them pay.”
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wandagcre · 7 months
if ure comfy can u do a one shot or imagine of dom reader and intersex sam ; reader jerks sam off over her own abs (sams) and then licks it off
messy | sam carpenter 🔞
(Sub!Sam Carpenter x Dom! AFAB! Reader)
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The party was set on the backyard but you decide to have your own with Sam.
WARNING: sam has a penis, dom afab reader, handjob, cum licking, tease of edging, ball stimulation +18 / men & minors dni. Words: 1.3k Note: first sub!sam entry yayy <3
Sam was an eye candy with her swimsuit bra and her dark shorts. You couldn't stop staring at her when she came out in this attire and you can't help but make an advance; applying the sunscreen on her exposed body and relishing how she got tense with your touch. Of course, you wouldn't have done it without being handsy – wanting her hard enough later on.
While everyone either had their stomach full of the various meals they just munched on or was starting to get drunk, you and Sam kept it light. She caught up with you after the sunscreen moment, how you keep on brushing your back to her front, any sort of skin against her. It didn't help that you looked ravishing to your own swimsuit attire that Sam's cock embarrassingly twitched upon first seeing you.
Now Sam's dealing with a problem that she can no longer hide. She held you by the wrist and whisked you away to the kitchen so she can confront you away from the spectating eyes and ears.
"What're you doing?" she questioned you.
You feign an innocent look. "I was about to grab a drink–"
"No, you're teasing me this whole day! And now it's starting to hurt."
"Okay." You laid your hand on her chest, finally taking pity on Sam. "Buckle up, baby."
"Are you–shit, (y/n) we could get caught!"
You ignore her whisper-yelling. Having sam trapped to the counter with your arms surrounded to either of her side - one of your hands already on a mission, snaked its way to cup Sam's length roughly through her shorts.
"If we get caught, it's going to be because of you, so tone it down." You sternly remind her, slowly resuming to your motions. Sam felt her knees grow weak and sharply inhaled, finding a small relief at your stroking. "What would you like to do first? Want my lips around your needy cock?"
Sam nodded deliberately, gauging of what your desired answer would be. She's afraid of exploding without your permission and your words weren't helping her case by the slightest.
It gave her an image of you trying to take all of her until your mouth was stuffed of her cock and served as a warming place. Your saliva lubricating her and maybe heightening the sensation with your teeth grazing at what your mouth can reach, up to the bottom of her protruding cock head.
She had a growing bulge by now, worse than an hour ago. But here you were, with a devious smile, having a field day with riling her up.
"You're not using your words. Maybe we'll do it later, if you're good." You tease her further, making Sam clench her fists on the side. "Maybe you won't even cum at all."
You kept rubbing her outline of her cock, feeling how it was pulsating and growing – wanting to be freed from its confinement. She was still wet from swimming earlier but that doesn't stop you. Your hands descend, still not underneath, instead you seized her balls and fondled them. The pair was becoming heavy upon your harsh touch, Sam grew hot and a particularly loud whine escaped her lips.
"What did I tell you?"
Sam squeaked and was getting harder by the second and your strokes were becoming firmer and aggressive, she was hooked and wrapped around your mercy.
"No, no, no." Sam weakly protests, head shaking in disagreement.
You raise an eyebrow. Was Sam close to acting bratty? It was rare that she does so. "No what?"
Your fingertips were getting heavily involved, determine to somewhat cup her girth and with the soft texture of Sam's shorts – it was gentle and a perfect contrast to your movements, providing a hell of a pleasure on her end.
It was like you're determined to make her blow without fully stroking her naked length. However, Sam was familiar with your tactics, she knew better that this was a test.
She arched her head back, releasing puffs of breath and tries not to make loud noises.
Gruffly, she clarified, "M-hmm 'kay, anything... what f-fits for me best, I'll t-take it!" Sam uttered with conviction that it inevitably brought a smile on your lips – you're so proud of her.
You coo her, almost caving in. "Shh. It's alright. We'll get there."
Sam looked to be in excruciating pain. A pleasurable one, but it doesn't stop her from the silent cries. She's intensely throbbing and aching for you and your teasing ways. She's hungry for you approval and you're hungry for her to lose her cool.
Admittedly, you also had enough. It was hard to pretend unaffected with Sam's wet look when she jumped on the pool, how drops of water that flowed delicately on her toned muscles only made her even more attractive to your eyes.
Without warning, you immediately freed her from its restraints, pulling the shorts down and reached for her cock – both of you trying to stifle a moan at the welcomed contact. Fucking finally, Sam thought. Warm and naked. This was definitely heaven for her.
Sam's cock sprung hard and was angry red. It didn't take long for her cock to fully become erect, given your relentless strokes – from the base and her shaft. Each pump of your hand was firm and rough, you really tried to cover the entire girth.
But Sam? She was really massive. The veins were becoming prominent as well, proving the thirst it was craving for. Her precum was oozing at the tip and with you meeting the head with a brush of your thumb per pump on her length, it was getting harder for sam to conceal her moans of appreciation.
You almost wanted Sam to ram you with her cock. It was undeniably a mouthwatering sight.
"(y/n)- oh god," Sam was getting sensitive. Her mouth parted and head now hung on your shoulder for support.
"Now be quiet, baby. I'm going to stop if you're loud."
Sam's eyebrows contorted, you see her fighting through it. She takes it upon her, hand covering her own mouth to muffle the erotic sounds brewing in the kitchen.
You feel her cock pulsate harder. It made you squirm, wetness surely ruining your own in panties and it motivated you to stroke better and faster than ever. You didn't hesitate to get on your knees now, wanting to get a better feel and angle of it. The tightening of your fist around her shaft, paired with twisting, made Sam quiver and roll her eyes.
"You can cum for me, Sammy."
It did the trick because soon enough, Sam had her jaw clenched, huffing beside you and with her twitching cock you settle some distance for her to release her load on her sculpted abdomen. Not only her cock veins were bulging, but along the expanse of her neck as well, all from the pressure steaming off her.
"Goodness... gonna c-cum now!"
Sam took her sweet time with catching her breath. Meanwhile, her cock continued twitching and she groaned as you milked all of her cum, directing the release to her stomach. It was a palpable sight; her glorious form softening as she succumbs to your whims.
"Fucking hell..." Sam muttered as the ropes of her release seemed to drag longer.
With her viscous thick spurts of cum vivid against her beautiful tanned skin, your motor senses were already on its way with tongue stuck out and laid flat to sweep away every drop of her load. Sam whimpered with your sight, tickled at the warm wet contact that her brown eyes barely evident as they dilated with lust. She's bittersweet on your tastebuds - one of your favorite flavors - and eagerly lapped as your tongue traced on her abdomen, going through the bumps and scars that heightened your carnal urge to do more.
With the last thread of will within you, you got up on your feet and affectionately pat Sam's cheek repeatedly.
"More treats later, pretty girl. Come on or else they'll start looking for us now."
The awestruck look on her face didn't leave. Sam happily followed you on your way back to your friends, completely satisfied, tailing behind you with hands entwined.
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do not repost/translate on other sites. © wandagcre
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starrykirsche · 10 months
hihihii !! ( i absolutely love your writings. )
before i start the request i just wanted to day english is not my mother tounge so sorry if i am messing anything up. <3
but can you do something with sub!bill x reader? maybe something where reader hasnt let him cum for a few days and hes like begging her to let him cum. obviously reader lets him but yeah thats just the request !! if u can do it its completely fine also xx.
thanks for the request! and don’t worry anon you’re english is really good :3
i love this ideaaa
(also; yayy i got this out finally!!)
Too Much
a sub!Bill Kaulitz fanfic
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content: femdom!reader (but honestly there are no mentions of it being a fem!reader), begging, edging
synopsis: after “so long” Bill’s gotten desperate..
translations: “Schnucki” is a german term of endearment that translates to: “Sweetie” or “Sweetie Pie”
“Oh c’mon! It’s been three days,” Bill pleads, walking after you, “Do you know what that will do to a man?”
You chuckle softly and turn back to look at him. His hazel eyes are wide and needy, his cheeks flush, and his breath heavy. “It can’t be all that bad, Billy.”
Bill whines at that and throws his head back, “It is!” You turn back around to grab your car keys. “Please! You can’t leave me like this!”
“Can’t I?” You respond teasingly.
“C’mon.. the way you were kissing me, and- and touching me, I thought you were finally gonna let me..” He trails off with an embarrassed whimper.
“Let you what?” You say, running your hand up his side.
“I’m going crazy here, Schnucki…” Bill whines, burying his fingers in your hair, “Please…”
Smiling, you can’t help but pity your poor boyfriend. “Hm, maybe with a bit of convincing, I’ll let you.”
His eyes light up and he nods eagerly. Bill grabs your wrist and begins to pull you back to the bed. Incoherent thanks leaving his lips.
For the past three days, the only slack you’ve cut him is some kissing and heavy petting. His libido, as strong as ever, has basically short circuited his brain at this point. He’d do anything to cum. You knew it, and he knew it.
Sitting on the bed once more, Bill was practically shaking with excitement.
“Beg,” You say sweetly, carding your fingers through his hair. He whines and kisses her cheek, his fingers curling into your thighs as he looks at you like you’re the sun, the moon, and the stars.
“Please… I’ve been good. I haven’t touched myself or- or done anything bad. I swear I’ll be a good boy..” He mumbles, “Please, please, I- I need this.. I need it.”
Bill continues to plead incoherently, while a smile is painted on your face. He’s always so cute when her like this, it almost makes you want to torture him a bit longer… but you won’t. Not when he wants it this bad.
You shush him and he quickly stops his begging, just limpid panting comes from him now. “Okay.. okay…”
A broken little grin pulls at his pouty lips and you begin to pull his pajama pants off. Leaning back obediently, he squirms with excitement. Bill’s erection springs out and your sure you’ve never seen it so… intense. The tip is red and leaking, twitching. He bites his lip and looks at you hopefully. You slowly lean over and kiss his lips, taking the base of his dick into your hand. Bill groans like it’s been years since anything has touched it, babbling your praise as you begin to slowly stroke his weeping erection.
He reaches out for you so pitifully. Giving him your free hand, he holds it in both of his, gently kissing your fingers as you give him what he’s begged for. “I love you so much…” Bill pants against the skin of your palm. You continue with your slow, but firm strokes. Bit by bit… you speed up. He whines, and squirms. His body twitching, his mouth agape.
And just as quickly as it started, it ended. A white hot flash of light splintering up through Bill’s body before a sticky white substance covers your hand. You let go of his overwhelmed, twitching dick and smile. Licking his climax off of your hand, his body twitches at odd times. Bill’s eyes are heavy lidded and his breathes are deep and short.
“Pl-Please..” You hear Bill breathily say.
“Please what?” You say back.
He whines and reaches his arms out for you again, his eyes basically shut, “Lay with me,” Bill whines. With a soft giggle you tug his pajama pants back up and settle in beside him. He wraps his arms beside you with the little strength in them he has left.
“I love you…” Bill mumbles.
“I love you too,” You respond, “Did it feel good..?”
“Amazing.” He says in a boarder line moan.
“Good.” You mumble back.
With that, Bill softly falls asleep.
deine, kirsche. ✮
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machawuf · 2 years
PJSK boys practicing kissing with you HCs
Characters: akito shinonome, tsukasa tenma, rui kamishiro.
(Sorry for no toya :(( i couldn't rlly think anything for him so its just these three for now)
(anyways i hope yall enjoy :D)
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He probably asked if he could practice on you for his crush (that crush being you obviously)
If you give him permission he would probably start freaking out on the inside and will try to look as cool and calm as possible
If you're nervous then don't worry cus hes most likely 5x or even 10x more nervous than you
Bro's palms are sweaty asf /hj
Once your lips connected with his, hes just melting and freaking out on the inside atp.
Hes not an amazing kisser at first but once he eases in and gets used to it he just gets cocky and gives the most best kisses ever.
The next thing you know, you two are making out like animals
He obviously confesses to you after you two were done making out (cus who the hell wouldn't confess to their crush after they literally made out??)
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He asked you if he could practice on you for a show that was coming up
If you tell him that you'll help him he'll be very happy and a little nervous
After he told you some lines that were in the script, he mentally and physically prepared himself to kiss you
He was freaking out so much that he couldnt even start the kiss
After you calmed him down, he gently cupped one of your cheeks and held your hand and slowly leaned in.
His lips slightly brushing against yours before he lets out a small sigh and gives you a sweet gentle kiss <3333
After the kiss he gets all bashful and asks if he can kiss you again
So you guys just start giving eachother a bunch of kisses <3333
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Same situation as tsukasa except he lies about it
He just wanted an excuse so that he could finally kiss you okay >:((
If you say that you'll help him he'll get the most smug cat-like grin on his face ever
Bro is just confident
He'll get just a teeny tiny bit 🤏 cocky if he notices that you're nervous
Dw tho, he thinks its cute
Bro had everything planned out in his head
He'll just gently hold your face or hands or just anywhere
Bro once he kissed you bro it was just– *fireworks starts blasting out of me* 🎆🎆🎇🎇🎇🎆🎆🎆🎆🎇🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎇🎆🎇🎆🎇🎇🎆🎇🎆🎆🎇
Ahem anyways-
Bro is an amazing kisser
You ask him why he needed to practice since you think hes already a good kisser
He just responds with-
“i just wanted an excuse to finally kiss the person that i love so much.”
*fucking explodes and evaporates* YSIGKSGCGKCFCSCKSCKS
i love rui very much mwah mwah
(YAYY THAT WAS THE ENDDDSDDOYSVOSYV, dont worry ab how im acting rn im just feeling a little different rn lmao-)
(i'll probably update this or make a separate one later if i thought of one for toya)
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bella-is-sleepy · 1 month
Rise! Donatello x Female! Smart/nerd reader!
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Y/n’s Pov:
YAYY ITS FINALLY DONE!! I finished that one project. I made a cute collar for my pet dog, P/N! It was in f/c, and it has a tracker….. Because when I walk her/him they somehow get loose, and they run off. She/he does it for FUN!!
Not that P/N doesn’t like me; It’s just because they’re very energetic dog. Like they choose to be calm or crazy each day. Like gurl/boi pick a side!
I was putting on my doggy, until I heard my alarm go off-wait…? WHAT—!!?? I hurried over to my backpack and snatched it up off the floor running to my door, and out the apartment.
I made it to school; where which April was in the computer lab/room. I Pulled out a chair & took a seat next to her. “Hey girl!” I gave her a smile and replied “Hey April, how was your weekend?” She gave a hm In acknowledgement “Oh, Yea it was okay, I mostly just binged watched movies with my mom.” I gave a sad smile, but April didn’t see because she looked back at the computer.
I wish my parents wouldn’t fight ALL THE TIME; I just want them to get along, you know? She started typing for a project that we were working on together. Then I see that she texted someone on her phone. With the contact ‘Bootyyyshaker9000’ why did that sound familiar?
Five minutes later we were both talking about the work. Then all of a sudden me and April here “Psst, April” then three ninja starts get thrown into the table and they say ‘I’m here’ The April looked up and gasped the I look up as well and see…DONNIE?!?!
What the hell is he doing hanging from the lights?? The he Yelps “Whoa!” She the says “Hey Donnie, Thanks for coming” he then gets on a spiny-chair. “No probbles. I love this place!”
“Wait, April You know Donnie??” She looks at me confused “Y/N?? How do you know Donnie?!” The in the back me and April hear Dee say “Smells like learning and puberty.!” I gave her that awkward face I do when I hide things “Well….You see…uhhh, how do I say this? This is the Boy I was talking about last time…” She was SHOCKED!! Like this face type of shocked. (꒪Д꒪)ノ (WHEN, WHERE, HOW??)
“Oh hey y/n, You know April?” April grabbed him by the shoulders and started shaking him like a rag doll! “This is the girl you were telling me about???!!” She stops and he fixes his googles and continues to speak “So what do you guys need help with?” “Our computer science project, we just need you to check the code.” I gave her this face ヽ(#`Д´)ノ “GIRL, I SAID I COULD DO IT IM JUST AS SMART HIM!”
(Sorry i havent been posting! should i continue this story?)
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starg1rlie · 11 months
𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 ㅤㅤPROLOGUE: The Baby | (MLIST)
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⟡ rating. slight romance + angst ( adolescent audience )
⟡ summary. ( the re-written version of "better late than never" is finally here! i know some people have asked about it, since i've deleted it but it's BACK NOW!! ) not all fairy tales end in a happily-ever-after. take (Y/N) and ajax for example; they had the love story of a lifetime and yet it's now all water under the bridge. ten years after the two of them split up, it was suggested that (Y/N) spend a summer vacation over in snezhnaya to give their son and the father some time to bond together and enjoy a relaxing break. however, that's easier said than done.
notes. you have no idea how long this post has been sitting in my drafts, oml. hey, yep, this is leo here, formerly known online as tarluscious (or, leo, as my moots know me), here to talk a bit about the remake of this delightful series. ever since i started publishing more and more chapters of this series back when it was still a "fly by the seat of my pants" project, i wasn't happy with the final results. i mean, hell, who's ever happy with the first attempt? and i've been meaning to re-write this series for so long, but i never found the time to. when i took my hiatus a couple of months ago, i was a little sad that i wouldn't get the chance to write BLTN over again. however, my friend, who now runs this blog (hyokkun) with me, suggested that they might re-write it, and we came to a happy conclusion that the both of us should work on this project together. so here we are, with the prologue. yayy. just wanted to say that what this means is, hyokkun has added their own inputs into this series, while i, leo, am the main author of it. so, all that being said, i hope you thoroughly enjoy this re-written version. please note that some things may be different from the last time you've read this series, and that's because changes has been made to fit the new plot accordingly. reblogs and likes are appreciated ! | wc. 1,542 words ( 8,566 characters )
⟡ feat. childe / tartaglia x female! reader ( she / her pronouns are used )
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ㅤㅤA cry split through the peaceful silence of the hospital. A baby, swaddled in warm, cuddly blankets had begun wailing, even though he was cradled within the arms of his mother. He kept bawling, even as the mother hummed a lullaby, even as she rocked him back and forth in her arms, even as she cupped one side of his delicate face and whispered 'It's going to be okay' over and over again.
ㅤㅤA new wave of sickness passed over (Y/N) as she stared down at her stomach, imagining what it would be like bigger, pondering over the process it takes for a baby to develop within her. It both simultaneously intrigued and terrfied her. She couldn't imagine popping out a baby from her unmentionables, let alone having it stuck in her womb for months. Yet as she began to wonder, a new question came into light: would she give up this baby? Could she?
ㅤㅤPeople say that you don't really have a choice when you're young; no one's capable of raising a child when they're barely just a young adult, and yet, she could name a few people she knew right off the bat who were doing just fine with parenting. But the real question was if she was ready for this. Be it ready to give it up or ready to endure the consequences, it didn't matter. She just had to know for sure if she was ready.
ㅤㅤShe still remembered the conversation that had went down only a few weeks ago. She refers to it as a 'discussion', but really, it was a full-out argument....A migraine had formed underneath her temple and had buried its heels in deep, causing a resonating pounding to echo within her head, messing with her already tangled up thoughts. And yet, that day's memories remained untouched. If anything, it was tugged free of the mess and pulled into the light.
ㅤㅤ"What the fuck? What the fuck?"
ㅤㅤ"Saying 'what the fuck' over and over again isn't going to make the situation anymore better than it already is, Ajax," (Y/N) interrupted, breathing out a slightly exasperated sigh. She'd been scared out of mind about telling her boyfriend about the news and this was exactly why: he'd take it badly. He always took life-changing news badly, unless it involved travelling, free food, or money. She'd grown used to his childish behaviour ever since the two started going out, but right now was not the time to act like a child.
ㅤㅤ"Then what will make this better? Huh? Please elaborate on that for me," Ajax replied sarcastically, throwing his hands up in the air. He'd been pacing for the past five minutes since (Y/N) had spilled the beans about her pregnancy. Anymore pacing and he'd pace a trench right through their apartment floor. "Because I really don't understand how anything can make this better."
ㅤㅤ"Oh, I don't know, maybe the fact that you're going to be a father? Haven't you been going on and on about wanting to have a son one day?" (Y/N) retorted, patience fizzling.
ㅤㅤ"When I'm thirty, not twenty-four!"
ㅤㅤ"What's a few years early? If anything, you'd get your dream quicker," she mumbled under her breath, absentmindedly flipping through the channels on the cable.
ㅤㅤAjax leapt forward and snatched the remote out of her hands, slamming it roughly onto the glossy surface of their coffee table, one that he'd insisted he put together himself, even though the table had come from IKEA, and he knew nothing on how to read instructions in Swedish. That little memory caused a tiny pang to go through her heart, enough to make it ache just a little bit. Please, she prayed, please let us get through this together.
ㅤㅤ"You're not listening! Do you honestly think that I'm ready for this? That you're ready for this? We're still in college for God's sake, do you expect us to be whizzes at parenthood?"
ㅤㅤ(Y/N) barely managed to withhold a snort at his sarcasm, but politely shook her head. She knew deep down inside that she wasn't ready to be a mother, let alone have a child at such a young age. What would her friends think? What would her parents think?
ㅤㅤ"What, then, I 'spose you expect us to waltz right in and get comfortable in our positions as parents, right? We'll be fine, so long as we manage to balance a baby into our already hectic and crazy lives, right? Just plop it right in between work and college and paying bills, hm?"
ㅤㅤ"Right," she repeated.
ㅤㅤAjax paused his pacing for a moment. "Do you understand the concept of sarcasm?" he asked incredulously.
ㅤㅤ(Y/N) went silent, seemingly contemplating whether she'd been too hasty to cast in her answer earlier.
ㅤㅤ"Whatever. It doesn't matter." His jaw tensed and for a moment, he looked as though he might punch something. Not (Y/N), heavens no, but something. Possibly the fridge (poor thing; it never did anything to deserve this sort of abuse). "What matters is that you're pregnant and we're still in college. We're students, we can barely make it past out deadlines, let alone manage a child." He sounded almost tired, and for the first time in a while, she just now noticed the bags under his eyes, and the tired croak to his voice, taking the place of the usual charming lilt he normally had. How many times had she come home from her part-time job at the laundromat to see him passed out on the exact same coffee table they were currently in front of, drooling all over his calculus homework? How many times had she come back from her lectures to find a pristine sink and an empty fridge? Ajax was incredibly vain and conscious about his self-image, that he took great lengths to make himself look presentable each day. But ever since his senior year in college started, his schedue started going downhill and he never had the time to do any of the things he normally did to take care of his body. He hadn't eaten proper food for days, and has been liviing off of coffee (and her fancy vanilla oatmilk creamer) and Doritos for God knows how long.
ㅤㅤ"What are we going to do?" (Y/N) asked finally, voice timid and quiet, as if anything louder might break the fragility of this scene.
ㅤㅤWhen Ajax looked up, she had expected his face to be sad, almost regretful for saying such things about the situation, but instead she found his gaze hard and penetrating, almost menacing. "We can't look after a baby right now, (Y/N), you know that."
ㅤㅤAnd the truth was, she did know it. She just chose not to believe it. But the way he worded it, the way he said it, seemed to hint at something. Something that made waves of nausea roll through the pits of her stomach.
ㅤㅤ"You're not suggesting...."
ㅤㅤ"An abortion," Ajax finished quietly, gaze trained on a coffee stain on the carpet.
ㅤㅤ"Ajax, no. No. We can't give the baby up before we've even tried. That's just cruel. This is your child, possibly the son you said you wanted, and you're just going to throw him away? Let him die before he gets a chance to play on a soccer team, like you did? Before he even gets a chance to see the two people who made him?" Your voice broke at those last few words and before you knew it, tears were streaming down your face in thick, wet trails. "You might be giving up on him, but I'm never letting go."
ㅤㅤAjax inhaled sharply, air hissing through clenched teeth as he breathed out. "We aren't ready for this, (Y/N)."
ㅤㅤ She knew he was right. She knew it in her heart and in her brain. But some part of her wanted to keep this unborn baby that was developing within her stomach right now. Some part of her wanted to know the happiness of being a parent, a mother.
ㅤㅤShe didn't want to follow through with this. She didn't want to let the baby die. And yet...
ㅤㅤ"Miss (L/N)? You can come in now. Dr. Li's ready for you," a voice called, interrupting (Y/N)'s train of thought. She looked up, one hand resting on her tummy, the other clenched around a cell phone. The screen was still on, a barrage of messages (most likely from her family and friends) lighting up the screen with soft 'pings'.
ㅤㅤShe breathed in deeply, exhaling slowly, a breathing trick she'd learned from online to calm her nerves down.
ㅤㅤFinally, she spoke.
ㅤㅤ"Ah, sorry. I'm afraid I've changed my mind. If it's alright with you, I'll be canceling my appointment."
ㅤㅤThe nurse hesitated for a moment before nodding along. She obviously was not paid enough to barge into patients' lives, so she (wisely) kept her nose in her own business. "Of course, miss. I'll let him know you'll be leaving. Have a lovely rest of your day."
ㅤㅤ(Y/N) nodded along before waddling out of the waiting room, feeling giddy and deliriously light from the weight that had just been lifted from her shoulders. Ajax would be upset over this, yes, but it would be worth it. She could feel it in her bones.
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📮 tagging. @kiryoutann, @ajaxstar, @mobiussdarling, @samarill, @dinolvrrr, @messyserver, @xxfrostiee, @enviouspeanut, @ehddsnys, @maaarshieee, @dazaiscum, @mochicurls21, @shinobuko, @iiyumii, @meiraloves2dmen, @retiredmommylover, @electronicphilosopherflower. if your user is highlighted in BOLD that means your current URL does not match the one you inputted in the form. fill out this form if you want to be tagged
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momentsofhyuka · 1 year
decode (part 4)
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Being a vampire could be kind of lonely. Considering how long you’ve lived for you were set on never finding love. That being said you really weren’t expecting to fall for the human embodiment of sunshine with the worlds quietest thoughts.
or: the sort of Twilight!TXT AU no one asked for
part 1. part 2. part 3. part 4. decode masterlist.
paring: huening kai x reader
word count: 2.6k
genre: twilight!AU, vampire AU, strangers to lovers, slight angst, misunderstandings
warnings: cursing, fighting, harassment, vampires (and all related vampire lore)
notes: hi everyone!! its been a while but im finally updating decode yayy I think theres one more part after this one and then its officially done. I hope you all enjoy it :))
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The next morning you tried your best to back out of the hunt but your family wouldn’t let you.
They swore you were just being paranoid and as long as you and Beomgyu were careful nothing should go wrong. You wished you could believe them.
You just had to satisfy yourself with the thought that even if you did happen to run into Kai for any reason, you could just avoid him to not allow for further issues. It should be easy. Right?
The hunt is relatively uneventful with you and Beomgyu making some successful catches along your usual route. By the afternoon you had all but forgotten why you were worried to come hunting in the first place. Maybe your family was right.
A sudden voice pierces the quiet. Its one you would recognize anywhere. “Just stay away from me,” Kai pleads, sounding scared and desperate.
You don’t give yourself the time to think or warn Beomgyu before you are off, running as fast as you can in the direction of his voice. All that’s flooding your mind is that Kai is in danger somehow and you need to get to him. You need to help him.
Distantly you register Beomgyu calling after you wondering what happened but you don’t care. Making it to the car you get in rounding the turns towards the sound of Kai’s voice. The closer you get the more you hear the thoughts of the disgusting and clearly drunk men who wont leave him alone. You hit the steering wheel in frustration willing the car to go faster.
You pull in to the empty and poorly lit parking lot, tires screeching. You flash your lights at the men, bringing your car dangerously close to where they stood. They stumble back pathetically but make no moves to get away from Kai.
Growling in anger you make your way out of the car. You register Kai staring at you in confusion and awe and allow yourself to check that he is unharmed. To your relief he is but he is also definitely rattled by what has happened. This renews your anger and you turn to the men utilizing the best of your vampire abilities to intimidate them.
Clearly startled by your sudden appearance and hostility they finally begin to back off stumbling back to the safety of the bar. Once you were satisfied they were gone for good you turn back to Kai worried for his safety.
“Are you alright? Did they do anything to you? Why were you here all alone? Do you need anything?” you ramble off unable to stop the flood of questions and concern. You don’t really give him a chance to answer, grabbing his arm and ushering him to the safety of your car, still murmuring questions and cursing out the men under your breath. He easily stumbles along with you, slipping into the passenger seat without complaint.
You get back in the car and ask him if there’s anywhere he needs you to take him to. He finally speaks after minutes of silence and as always he hits you with the most unpredictable response.
“Why are your hands so … cold?” he gets out, turning his puzzled gaze to your face. You immediately tense, uneasy with the line of unexpected questioning and brush him off by asking again if he’s alright. As though asking one question gave him back his courage to speak, Kai was now the one pelting you with questions you found difficult to answer.
“How did you find me? How did you know i was in danger? What did you say to those men to make them run like that?” he pushes, getting more and more agitated with each question you left unanswered.
Finally, you hear Beomgyus thoughts registering in your mind, indicating that he’s close by enough to hear you and to piece together what happened. Hoping Beomgyu gets the hint you finally answer Kai.
“I was dropping Beomgyu off at a store nearby and I saw what was happening from my car. I rushed over as soon as I could,” you attempt to placate him with your answer.
He gives you a look that lets you know he doesn’t 100% believe you but you’ll take what you can get. You settle into the drivers seat making your way over to the only nearby store hoping Beomgyu heard and is waiting for you. You assume this would be the end of his questioning but as always Kai manages to shock you.
“Why?” he asks, voice cracking a bit on his emotions. You brake a little harshly, stunned at his response.
“Why?” you begin, with a humorless laugh, “Kai, you were clearly in trouble. I wasn’t going to leave you to get attacked or worse. I know I can be standoffish and rude but i’m not that much of a monster,” you finish, a little upset at any of the implications of his question.
“Thats not what i meant…” he mumbles back, avoiding eye contact. You so desperately want to push the subject, find out what he really means but he closes off and you decide to respect his boundaries. Soon, you are pulling in to the local hardware store close to the parking lot Kai was in. Luckily for you Beomgyu was standing right out front, acting confused as to why he was left behind. You had to applaud him for his dedication to the role, you owed him big time.
Kai seemed to perk up at the sight of Beomgyu, seeming a lot calmer now that your reasoning had been proven true. As Beomgyu got in the car you quickly explained what happened to which Kai became a little flustered by and began insisting he was okay.
Beomgyu, genuinely concerned for him, offered apologies for what had happened and the option to talk to him about it if Kai ever felt he wanted to. You smiled at Beomgyu through the rear view mirror, filled with joy at how he treated Kai. It made you happy to see your family care for him given the events of the last few weeks.
“So, did you want us to drop you off anywhere? We could just take you home also, whatever works best for you,” you asked Kai, lowkey not wanting to be apart from him right now but knowing he was likely exhausted from what he experienced.
“Um… I was here with some friends before I wandered off to the bookstore. They were going to eat at the diner, I guess you could leave me there,” he responded, giving you a small smile. You nodded, changing lanes to head to the local diner.
You pull into the parking lot, turning to say bye to Kai and offer similar reassurances to what Beomgyu had told him when he cuts you off. “Sorry,” he starts, looking up from his phone, “It looks like they left already,” he finishes, shrugging sheepishly and waving his phone around to convey that they had just messaged him. Some friends.
“You should still eat, it’s been a long day for you. We can wait for you here or pick up something for you on the way to your house,” you offer, unsure of what to do in this situation. Yeonjun and Soobin would be screaming at you right about now.
“Actually… do you think, I mean, would you be able to maybe have dinner with me? If that’s possible I don’t know how busy you guys are I don’t want to keep you waiting,” he hesitantly asks, avoiding eye contact.
Your immediate reaction is a resounding yes (yes a million times yes), but you hesitate, glancing briefly over to Beomgyu. You cant just leave him behind you guys did come to hunt together. You definitely can’t have Beomgyu eat with you guys either he would expose your (totally not real) feelings so fast.
Beomgyu, ever the opportunist, picks up on your hesitation and makes the decision for you. “Well, I was still uh…shopping, I could take the car and go finish that up while you guys eat and come back to pick you up,” he offers, stumbling to cover up hunting with the shopping lie you had forwarded earlier. You send him a grateful smile, easily agreeing and reassuring Kai that it would be no problem. You hoped.
You made your way into the restaurant with Kai, waving bye to Beomgyu who shot you a wink and very loudly thought “you’re welcome !! just go for it and be yourself !!!” You shook your head, laughing slightly and continued following Kai inside.
The diner was basically empty save for a few families and teenagers. The waitress guided you guys to a booth near the back and you pushed Kai to order already, insisting that the sooner he eats the better he will feel. He smiles at you again before quickly placing his order. You willed yourself not to get giddy at the sight of his smile. You were failing miserably.
“So, you saved my life, again. Thank you by the way. I hope you know this just confirms my superhero theory,” Kai begins talking as soon as the waitress leaves. You let out a loud laugh, startled but amused by his sudden claims.
“Still definitely not a superhero,” you answer shyly. Your family would be making sooo much fun of you right now.
“If you insist, but you are special, in your own way,” he continues, kind smile still on his face but a hint of red making it’s way to the tips of his ears. How cute.
You don’t know if it’s the compliments, or his sincerity, or just the shock of the last hour but you find yourself overwhelmed with wanting to tell him about yourself. To tell him the truth. You give him as close to it as you can.
Sending a mental apology to your family you hesitantly begin, “Well, not a superhero but um you aren’t entirely wrong about being ‘special’ in a way.” You look at him nervously trying to gauge his response to that. He meets your gaze head on, offering a reassuring nod and indicating you elaborate.
Sighing deeply you continue, “Okay, don’t laugh but I can I mean I do have an ability that’s not totally normal. I can read minds.” You grip the table tightly, ready to act like you’re joking if he takes this badly.
“Oh no. You could read my mind this whole time ? Oh my god i’m so sorry,” he exclaims, giving you an incredibly embarrassed look. You stare in shock.
“I tell you that I can read minds, and your first reaction is to apologize for your thoughts. You never fail to amaze me,” you respond, once again left stunned by Kai.
“Don’t worry though. Funny enough, you actually happen to be the one exception to my power,” you quickly reassure, noting the rabbit hole he was going down.
“Wait so is there something wrong with my thoughts? Or with your power somehow? You can hear everyone else?” he immediately questions, unfazed by the news of your mind reading abilities but concerned on their logistics. He was going to be the death of you… well second death.
As much as you wish you could tell him, you hold off on mentioning anything that could imply the whole you being a vampire thing. Lucky for you he seems very content with the information you gave about mind reading. You find he is way more open and excited as he talks to you after the reveal. He trusts you again.
His food arrives and he digs in starting to look better and better as he eats. You continue to watch him fondly engaging in small talk. You even indulge him when he starts asking you what random people in the diner are thinking of. It’s worth it to see his expressive reactions to everyone’s thoughts. The time goes by too quickly and soon he is finished with his meal and insisting you call Beomgyu as he feels bad to keep him waiting so long.
You smile fondly at the sentiment but ultimately agree and send Beomgyu a text to let him know you were ready to go. Heading out to the car you walk side by side, occasionally bumping hands and then shying away from each others touch. You cant believe this is what you’ve been reduced to a blushing, giggly, love sick fool.
Beomgyu has a shit eating grin on his face as he gets out of the car to let you drive. You do a great job at pretending you can’t see it. As you all get in the car you realize you forgot to tell Kai to keep what you said a secret from everyone, something you are painfully aware of as he begins to speak.
“So Beomgyu, I figure you don’t have mind reading abilities also… unless you do? I don’t really know how that works honestly but um what’s your power then?” he finishes, a little flustered but eager to hear the answer. You roughly brake the car yet again turning wide eyes to Kai and then to Beomgyus shocked face.
“YOU TOLD HIM?! THAT IS SO NOT WHAT I MEANT BY GO FOR IT !!” Beomgyu exclaims, thoughts going a million miles an hour. You hiss out at him to shut up and rush to explain yourself.
“Yes! I told Kai how I can mind read. How that’s the major secret i’ve been hiding. Guess I forgot to mention that i’m the only one in my family with a power,” you finish, gritting your teeth and hoping Beomgyu gets the hint again. His mouth flounders around as he fails to find a reasonable response and just settles for a very weak “oh okay, yeah…” Way to be convincing.
Kai, ever observant, sends a suspicious glance over to both you and Beomgyu but doesn’t push the matter, simply nodding in response. The rest of the ride back to Kai’s house is a little tense with stilted attempts at small talk being made by each of you. You cant help but feel a little bit of relief to finally pull into his driveway.
“Well, thanks again guys really. I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t shown up. Um, also thank you for trusting me it means a lot.” Kai shyly addresses you and Beomgyu to which you rush to offer reassurances and wishes for him to have a good night.
“Also, I won’t tell anyone I swear so uh don’t worry about that! It’s all good! We’re good!,” he rushes out mainly to you, prompting the biggest smile to take over your face. Damn your feelings. Damn his cuteness. Beomgyu audibly coos causing Kai to blush harder as he bids a final farewell to the two of you and makes his way to his house.
You wave back when you suddenly notice that Kai is holding something in one of his hands. In the mess that was this evening you hadn’t noticed that he was carrying something with him. You figure it must be the book he ended up risking his life to go buy earlier.
Curious to see what he was so determined to get you peek at the cover sticking out over his arm. If it was possible your blood would’ve ran cold. Staring back at you in bold letters was the title “Myths and Folklore of the Forks Region.” Accompanying the incriminating titles was drawings of various “mythological” creatures.
Front and center was a stereotypical depiction of a vampire.
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ga-yuu · 9 months
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So yeah! The final route is out and I'm done!
Not with the game ofc, but we're done with the main stories of all male leads! yayy!!! *clap clap clap*
Also this review won't be containing any spoilers because I'm going to translate Sueharu's route.
How do I feel about Sueharu's route?
Honestly, its one of the most entertaining routes! There is so much fun from start to finish. The rebel gang and the shogunate gang are nothing but a bunch of man children so it is filled with brainless ridiculous humor everywhere, which I really love.
Having a bunch of comic relief scenes everywhere is good at lightening the mood when the route is dealing with heavy subjects like child abuse and stuff.
So I had a fun ride!
How was the story?
There are many funny moments, romantic moments and serious moments as well. Everything is very well mixed in so that you won't get tired when playing the route.
It's not like El's route where there is 2 or 3 funny moments and the rest are all filled with sadness which makes you feel tired when reading it.
In Sueharu route, there will be a very serious scene going on. For example, the world is ending, children are getting possessed by demons, both the rebel and shogunate armies are falling apart and then we have Kurama who is like 'Tamamo fight me!'
How is Yoshino?
Yoshino is same as ever. She's very cute and angelic. I love her so much!
Her presence and her chemistry with Sueharu is one of the best things in this route. I really love her bad girl persona in one particular scene but I also love her innocent persona overall.
No matter how much I say that I love her, it is still not enough!! She's my queen!!
How is Sueharu?
This one was unexpected. I never thought Sueharu would be such a tough nut to crack. In his whole route, he is shielding his heart from being revealed to anyone. Whenever one of his friends gets close to him, he pushes them away immediately! Even Yoshino!
But somewhere around chap 19 he reveals his past but he is still not ready to accept Yoshino. You'll know that once I start translating. But after he's in love...OMG! He becomes super jealous, possessive and needy! He himself is shocked and embarrassed to find that he is this pathetic. Yoshino is so scary man! She makes all the male leads love sick to the point of insanity!
What about Benkei?
As you can see, Benkei is the love rival. Sueharu trusts Benkei a lot. He does care and trust the other rebel members as well, but if he had to choose one of them to look after something precious to him (for example, Yoshino) it would be Benkei without a doubt. I can understand that because Benkei is overall the most kindest male lead out of all. This kind heart is what made Sueharu trust Benkei more than anyone else in the world. I do really love their friendship, maybe even a bit more than Morinaga and Sueharu.
Final thoughts!
This route is great. One of the well-written routes if I have to say. So if you wanna play it then go play it or wait for my translations....which will start very soon.
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ofallplaceswhythis · 2 months
tcoptp thoughts pt.21
we have finally reached the happy part of the chapter(s). hopefully.
james and regulus are dancing 💀💀 i just want to see the look on those aunties face afgeiueopis
'i hear jealousy gives you wrinkels - and you cant afford any more of those' remus ily
every good long wolfstar fic has to have atleast one scene of them dancing
'surely the tax incentives werent that good' remus ily
what the fuck is happening?
....TOM LEFT?1242352346
god i just want to see barty's expression when he figures it out
why does lee pop up literally everywhere
....nah i didnt sign up for this kinda angst please
it is kinda funny that remus keeps assuming that regulus has a crush on lily
tom when i catch you tomny
k so now everybody loves them!! yayy
i mean i kinda understand peter tbh
sybill is just done.
HOLY FUCK REGULUS KISSED JAMES AND ITS UNREQUITED NOOO. SAVE ME FROM THE HEARTBREAK [im screaming. currently on the floor in PAAAAAAIN] (i dont think its actually that tragic and its good that regulus got some closure but my mind immediatly went into hardrive and started concocting tragic jegulus so ig that explains my "weird" ?? behavior)
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THEY DID IT!! (also remus messing up because he was to busy looking at sirius has to be in every wolfstar fanfic
tom make up you fucking mind dude
tom and emma <33 and emma and remus <33
oh roger you sweet summer child
they know the words 🥹🥹
...the safe opened with sirius's birthday?!?! why???
oh giles you sweet summer child
the parent issues are strong with this one guys
....... holfy fuck i need to go cry excuse me fuck
this is the official end of cadence...holy fuck. I need to go cry. I need more time to process
what the fuck just happened. holy fuck. my hands are literally shaking. i need to go do something... normal. fuckkk
this is the end guys <33 peace out!!! V
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scribefindegil · 10 months
authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
Yayy! Thanks Mary! <3 After agonizing it for a while, my top 5:
The Real World (Mob Psycho 100, post-Mogami arc) is absolutely my favorite fic I've ever written. It's some of my best prose, I'm really pleased with how concise and focused I was able to keep it despite touching on so many characters, and it let me distill down a lot of my thoughts on the themes of the show and why it's so important to me. And I wrote it during the absolute worst stretch of the curse, painstaking sentence by painstaking sentence over the course of half a year. I am so so so proud of it.
Fisherman's Knot (Gravity Falls, post-canon fic focusing on the Stans, their deeply-entrenched mental health issues, and their eventual recovery. Also there are selkies.) At 104k words, the longest piece of writing I've ever finished. Writing it was a journey; I took a long break but I'm so happy and proud that I managed to come back and finish it and that there were still people who were as excited as I was to get to the end. The response to this fic blew me away; it started out largely as a coping mechanism to deal with my own poorly-treated mental illness and I feel really honored that my writing resonated with so many people dealing with similar things. I grew so much as a writer over the course of it. Both the big moments of catharsis--Stan's glitter and Ford's realization by the harbor--were things that were so powerful and electric in my head that I worried I wouldn't be able to put them down in words that did the feelings justice, but I did!
Bloom (Discworld, a Glorious 25th of May fic set a few years after Night Watch) Everyone who sets out to write a Discworld fic is undertaking an extreme act of hubris, because not only are you trying to emulate a specific writing style, you're trying to write like Terry Pratchett, which as we all know is basically impossible. Still, I think I hit some good resonant Discworldy notes in this little piece and really nailed the Themes I was going for. Periodically the Tumblr post version gets a little burst of notes and it always makes me really happy that people are enjoying it.
First And Final Orders (Mob Psycho 100, Dimple character study) Hi. Have you heard of ring composition? I love ring composition. It is my single favorite literary device (and I love a LOT of literary devices), so I had to include one of my fics that makes heavy use of it. I also love pointing at a piece of media and going "Hey. Hey have you thought about how there's kind of some Discworld themes here? What if we thought about the Discworld themes together?" And ALSO i love DIMPLE!!! I hope this fic helps explain why.
Casualties (Gravity Falls, missing scene from the finale) So the reason this fic makes this list isn't so much its quality (though I do still really like it!) but the fact that it was my first-ever completed fanfiction. I'd idly poked at the idea of writing fic a couple times before but never made much progress. I hadn't actually done any creative writing for years at that point. I came to fandom late due to a combination of being scared of the internet and, when I did check out my real-life friends' fandom blogs, feeling like everything was so focused on shipping that there would be no place for me and the kinds of stories I cared about. Gravity Falls changed that. I'd made friends and felt like part of a community for the first time. I'd read fanfic that I loved and that focused on the sorts of relationships I really cared about. And so finally I decided that even though it still felt really scary, maybe I would try my hand at actually writing and posting a fic of my own.
360,000 words and 54 works later, I still think it was a pretty good idea.
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 1 year
HI!! I'd love to hear about your podcast ocs :)
YAYY HII !!! (Everything is under the cut because I felt like i got a bit rambley <3)
okay well i've done simple breakdowns of some of them before but im in a talkative mood tonight so i'm probably going to repeat myself from prior posts and if information is different on the posts you can blame plot holes. ANyways!!
the podcast is my original podcast Brickwoods Amusment Park (BAP for short) where 5 teens who are invited to the park for a tour end up getting trapped by an eldritch god inside the park and some really horror-ish and creepy stuff happens to them while they try to get out
Now Meet the cast !!-
First Sophia Wynecross (tw cults for sophia's part)- (she/they + neos) they are a vlogger/streamer who was invited to create popularity for the park with their videos and she is the main source of audio for the first part of the podcast. Ve are very loud and exciting and passionate about their interests. Sophia also however, is the leader of a very big cult, one that happens to worship the god the kids are trapped by. This causes sophia to know a little bit more than the rest of the group while they try to get out, and also causes Sophia to make some questionable choices in the future.
Next, Blair Li-Ross !!- (they/them) Blair was invited to the park because their parents work for the park and they were encouraged (read: forced) to tag along to get out of the house. Blair is a stubborn and tough character that just wants to get out alive to make sure they can protect their younger sibling, so they are willing to fight to protect themselves over anyone or anything else.
Sunni Moore time!- (he/him) Sunni is a lovable smiley character that tries to be happy all the time for the sake of himself and others, however he's also very blunt and straightforward when it comes to their outcomes in the park. Sunni also has quite the dark secret that he hides because the majority of the people who knew he then no longer are around so why not create a totally different personality around people who didn't know him at the time of the Incident? (more about the incident here, and also a couple more character things :D)
Now David Garcia- (ae/he) David is sarcastic and funny but ae's also very shielded off ever since a traumatic Incident when ae was younger. Ae knew Sunni when the Incident happened and when ae finds out what really happend ae feels very vulnerable and hurt. David also trusts until that trust is broken and betrayal is almost impossible for you to come back in aer mind.
And finally Rebecca Blake!- (it/she) Rebecca is a worried and concerned person but when pushed will make risky choices to prove something. It is sometimes hot-headed and rude but will normally apologize later. She also is the most intrigued by how the park works, and although it would like to escape the park, she's very interested in knowing how everything happens within it. Especially the more creepy weird stuff, its a skeptic /hj
So anyways now that you know the cast :))
They all attempt to work together to get out of the park alive, however not all of them do make it out and the majority of them end up dying before escaping the park. The only one left being Rebecca, who decides that its up to her to dismantle the cult of the god who trapped them there so it doesn't happen again.
Anyways!! That was basic plot and character descriptions!! Please anyone ask more about particular characters or plot points, I love to chat about them <3
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niceinchnails · 10 months
How are you finding the new season???? It is out today!!!
I tried not to read anything else so my expectations are like completely level and shit BUT it was. OK
It Was FUN at least It was entertaining and left off where they kinda were last season😊And based on this ep alone i think theyll find their footing soon
The jokes were Funny and made me laugh sometimes but the plot was a little toooo on the nose and corny and self referencial for me not to be like "Ok we get it". and the nonbinary robot bit was like um. there. At least calculons bisexual that scene made me LOL. Im like extremely autistic abt this show BTW So maybe thats why im giving it a higher opinion than what it deserves but i LIKED IT SOMEWHAT!!!! And im excited for more. I guess i was kinda expecting them to do something MORE with the "reset the universe" thing And like the consequences of it i thought they couldve done more cool time travel scifi as a reintroduction to the show but instead its just Omg streaming binging yayy! And it was FINE the plot of this ep fell kinda flat it couldve been like More especially for a finale like that but it wasnt that BAD it just felt too janky of a transition between Meanwhile and a new season. Also they didnt retcon marianne apparently from what ive seen (personal gripe) but theres also the possibility shell just. Not show up which would be kinda sad but its WHATEVER the plot was okay The voice acting feels different but ill get used to it BUT overall i enjoyed it and liked it 😊 smile
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