#yea this is super dumb i don't care whatevs
shoukiko · 11 months
My Simon "Ghost" Riley headcanons
Throws up this and runs away. No cuz fr, I don't know how else to share this other than just *BLEH* *Runs* plz enjoy (I hope my boyfriend doesn't see) Word Count: 688 Fandom: Call of Duty Modern Warefare Purely sfw!!!!!!
I see so many people talk about him like he's this cold insecure guy, not for me, he has so much confidence and loves showing off especially in front of you. Soap showing you some dumb trick he can do with a knife? Ghost wil 100% come in like "Oh yea, watch this?" and do something 10x cooler. He catches you watching some guy on YouTube mincing some veggies really fast? Ghost will practice in his free time and randomly come to you like "Come, I wanna show you what I can do" and then make you watch him mince veggies. Anytime you take a selfie he has to photo bomb it in the back with him flexing or a peace sign, he's jsut silly like that.
Bro cannot cook for shit. He burns everything so he sticks with microwaved meals or a sausage on a stove (courtesy of this post) If he's cooking and you're around he will look to you with a desperate face and say something like "Help me out, yeah? Cmon"
TOUCHING!!!!!! LOVE LANGUAGE IS TOUCHING!!!!!! He NEEDS to be touching you in some way. Sitting on a couch, but someone is in between you and him? He has his arm reaching out behind them to touch your hair/shoulder. He's laying down with you sitting up? His feet are under your thighs. He loves touching you in way that aren't super obvious, but when you're alone he needs to be holding you in some way.
I like to think he plays video games on his free time. Maybe not like Minecraft (He would definitely play if you asked him) but more like FPS games cuz he knows he'd be good. (He also has a banger set up that he's really proud of, he'd build you a PC if you asked)
If you guys are just friends/long distance, you'd talk to him over Discord, maybe you have a server with him. (And perhaps Soap and Gaz....Price too old :3) He would ping you like "@name I wanna play a game, play with me." and you you didn't respond fast enough, he would spam ping until you answer cuz he's desperate for your attention.
He likes to look at you, whenever you call him he will instantly switch to a video call so he can see your face, but he's the tyep to not pay attention and only show his forehead because of how he holds his phone. Maybe on discord before you play he asks you to turn your camera on and when you don't wanna he hangs up and refuses to join back. (Cuz hes a big baby)
Back rubs, giving and recieving....need I say more
He made an instagram/twitter/whatever you use, just to follow you. He only ever follows you until Gaz or Soap beg him for a follow, Price again doesn't really care for it. He likes all of your posts, including the cringey ones. If you post selfies and get compliments, he'd reply to someone saying "Get in line" or "They're taken, fuck off with ya"
His texts are short, but you can tell how he really means it, he's better with actual words than texts because he likes being able to look at your reactions. Things like "You wanna get some takeaway? I can order you something, what would you like?" Will turn into "Food, yea?" in text.
He'd let you paint his nails, would go around showing people what his "Lovie" did to him. He'd also be surprisingly good at painting yours, steady hands~
"Hey, Ghost" "Simon." "What?" "You heard me."
He likes playfighting, maybe you're standing next to him and he'll randomly shove you just to get a reaction, he finds it cute.
If you own a pet, it loves him, but he doesn't love the shedding. Ruins his edgy look.
He cares, but he shows it quietly so he doesn't embarrass you in any way. If you're crying, he'll come to you and give you a soft headpat, or rub your back. He won't say anything until after you've calmed down That's all for now~~ I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I do!! If you want more PLEASE TELL ME I WILL DELIVER!!!!!
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aleeyenn · 6 months
Hi i just wanted to say I love your works and profile sm, I love how you represent fireafy and coinpin and each of their respective characters, and I especially love how you represent Coiny. I feel like from what I've seen people don't see how Coiny really is, they usually just reduce him to a jerk or a firey slapper. But he's so much more and so different from that lke in canon he's so driven and serious but then fun and chill when needed, and how he can be fun and silly but then empathetic and sweet when given. and I feel like the way you represent him is so accurate and takes evey aspect of him in canon as well as headcanons that just FIT HIM SO WELL and idk it just makes me so happy. I also LOVE your headcanon of him being able to pull both masculinity and femininity, I love it so much it emulates the essence of him so well so be so comfortable in himself and not have a shred of toxic masculinity or anything like that. And I love how you make him adore pin like YES HE ADORE AND LOVES and does whatever pin wants it just makes me so happy esp with how gorgeous she is and as someone who is also plus sized and having issues with self image seeing coiny adore pin like that makes me believe in myself more idk how to explain it but YEA hahah just really like how you depict his charcater as a whole
I also love all your designs for every character
But ye I just want to say that hahah
i saw this when it was sent yesterday and i was in school and i was SOOO HAPPY i was telling all my friends with tears in my eyes and squealing over how sweet of a message i received LIKE I HAD TO FORCE MYSELF NOT TO CRY AND I KEPT GETTING UP AND PACING AAHH😭😭😭 i have waited for when i have free time where i’m not super tired to respond better than i would tired But! THANK YOU SOSOSOSO MUCH!!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH THIS MEANS TO ME!!! YOU REALLY DONT!!! thank you thank you so much!!! i’ve been struggling with forming my thoughts and feelings into words recently so forgive me if this is a messy reply but AHH!!!
coiny is one of my favorite characters he’s sooOOO FUNNY AND CHARMING! i love expressing his silly side and how dumb he is sometimes so i do it in most of my work (because it’s lighthearted almost every time) and it makes me so happy to see him being so.. coiny! he is genuinely such an amazing character and the perfect balance of cool, kind, and idiotic(affectionately) he’s so nice and so compassionate and i appreciate that about him so much and I AM SO HAPPY THAT YOU CAN ENJOY MY PORTRAYAL OF HIM BECAUSE HE IS SO AWESOME! I LOVE EVERY PART OF HIM!!! and you like my headcanons!!! i forget what kind of coiny headcanons i have represented on this account but YESSS!!! COINY PULLING OFF FEMININE CLOTHES IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE THINGS TO THINK ABOUT! he is SO proud of it. he will put on a pink frilly dress and walk with confidence and feel as pretty as can be! i’ve been meaning to draw him in a dress for months actually (i have so much i want to draw all the time but i’m either really busy or i have zero motivation But this message gave me the motivation to actually try soon KEEP AN EYE OUT! maybe ill draw pin and coiny with their outfits swapped 🤫) he is one of the most positive and caring contestants on bfdi and he makes me so happy!!! he can wear both girly clothes and masculine clothes HE CAN WEAR WHATEVER HE WANTS and he will look TOTALLY AWESOME IN IT! and OMFGGG DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON HOW MUCH HE LOVES PINNN SHE IS HIS WHOLE WORLD AND COINY IS HERS AS WELL! coiny will do anything for her he loves her so bad… AND!!! AHHHH!!!! I AM SO SO SO INCREDIBLY HAPPY MY PIN HUMANIZATION MAKES YOU FEEL THAT WAY!!! BRINGING PEOPLE SELF-CONFIDENCE AND EMPOWERMENT THROUGH MY DESIGNS AND REPRESENTATION IS MY ABSOLUTE GOAL WITH WHAT I DO!!! it seriously means everything to me that i’ve Actually been able to achieve that and help people with how they feel about themselves indirectly. my eyes are watering while typing this ARGHH i really just want everyone to know how beautiful they are no matter what their size or weight or height or color or LITERALLY ANYTHING is. and as someone who also struggles with their self-image/esteem it means even More to me because i know how it feels!!! seeing yourself in a design of your favorite character or a character you enjoy in general feels SO GOOD so i strive to do that as much as i can. body diversity and diversity in all aspects is incredibly important to me and i want to sprinkle it everywhere in whatever i do!!! everyone is so beautiful and different and i think that is a blessing!!! whoever is reading this is beautiful and whoever in the WORLD is too just how they are now!!! EVERYONE IS GORGEOUS!!! it may take a while to feel it and that’s okay but just know that you are!!!
in short i am happy i was able to touch your heart and make you smile and give you at least a little bit more confidence in yourself. you are amazing and so kind for sharing this all with me!!! i think you can tell now how much this did for me by how much i wrote (SORRY ITS HUGE BLOCKS OF TEXT) and i can’t thank you enough for liking my work from characterization to design. every time i get a message like this i will not stop thinking about it and i hold it close to me every time i draw Like those other messages about my pin gijinka from months back I STILL GET SO EMOTIONAL OVER. i’m really glad i can make you feel that way and i hope i have made many others feel the same way too. THANK YOU!!!💖💖💖🫶🫶🫶
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the weirdest fucking thing just happened - a storytime on tumblr
so pretty much my father is the co-owner of a small little cafe(since his brother, and my uncle was the owner and they're super close) that's named after the name of my grandfather, so lets just call it... Cup's. [[ REDACTED ]]. i like to help the both of them cook things(despite often setting things on fire.) and take some orders. HERE'S WHERE IT GETS INTERESTING.
very few of the customers know i'm the adopted kid of the co-owner of the place, who i'll call Salmon. him, the co-owner, works there as an employee as well. one day, on a weekend, this random Karen and her bratty kid walk in. now, as it was a weekend, it was a bit busy. i'm usually just a waiter on these kinds of days, since i'm no good under pressure, especially with food. i walk over to the Karen's table, with this usual dumb, big smile, and receive there order. now, i don't exactly remember what she ordered, probably a sandwich or something, and i went to the kitchen to give her order. i was standing next to the register with this nice dude who worked there, looking for people that needed anything, and then i spot the kid, running around, screaming, stepping on people's feat, touching, eating, and knocking over people's food. the mother didin't seem to care, and was now very annoyed by this, and i put my hand on the kid's shoulder while he was running. and just stared at him, and told him not to run around in the best voice i could muster, and he started crying and ran back to his mother.
(guys i'm notorious for making 5 year olds cry in a Walmart with my neutral expression that looks like a death glare don't judge me)
his mother was fuming because of this, and came to me stomping, and this is how the conversation went down. the entitled mother said, "How dare you stop my child?" Me: "He was running around and was annoying other people, didn't you see? He was touching their food!" Entitled Mother: "He's a child! He can do whatever he wants to do!" Me: "Well, yea, but not unless under supervision." Entitled Mother: "Do you even KNOW WHO I AM?" Me Thinking: "Ah, sh*t, here we go again. I've seen enough of this to know how *THIS* is gonna go." I knew what was gonna happen, so i thought of playing along. Me: "No, ma'am, i don't." Entitled Mother: "Well then you should know i am the WIFE OF THE OWNER OF THIS RESTURANT! And you have made a HUGE mistake and i will make sure your face will NEVER be seen here again, because you're getting fired!" Me, thinking in my head: "HUH?! I thought she'd go for a sister or friend but she went for a wife, and now we're gonna have some fun." "Ma'am, I don't think you even know his-" (imma call my dad by 'salmon') Entitled Mother: "HIS NAME IS SALMON!" i was kinda shocked that she knows my dad's name. very few people knew that anyway. Me: "Ma'am, i'm very sorry i acted rude towards your son, but please, don't get me fired." Entitled Mother: "Well, you should have thought about that before you stopped my son from having fun." Me: "B-But ma'am, he was anno-" Entitled Mother: "SHUT UP!!" i don't do very well against someone yelling at me, so i was literally about to just cry right then and there..... she goes to the register and asks for the manager. my dad came out and talked to her about what happened since my uncle was out sick. Entitled Mother: "Your employee has been harassing my son! I want him fired NOW!" Salmon looked at me and said, My Dad/Salmon: "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but i can't just fire them without any reason." Entitled Mother: "Do you even know who you're talking to? I'm the wife of the owner of Cup's! And i can't stand the employee here." my dad got the biggest grin on his face and started laughing. Entitled Mother: "WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING?" My Dad/Salmon: "I'm sorry, i'm telling you, again, i'm sorry for the inconvenience caused, would you like to have a refund?" the entitled mother went into total rage mode. Entitled Mother: "You know what?! I'm calling my husband, and complaining about you and your employee, i will get BOTH of you FIRED!" now the way that she got my dad's phone number is because we had it on a board outside as we gave home deliveries so that people would order on call and you would get it dropped off. so she called that phone number, and my dad's phone rang. Karen, the E.M., was shocked. he picked up the phone, and with this smug Hat Kid smile, said, My Dad/Salmon: "Yello, this is the co-owner of Cup's, how can i help you?" Karen's face went from red to complete white. like if blood was drained from her. he then said, My Dad/Salmon: "Yes, I'm the co-owner and the manager of Cup's, and you, are in no way me or my brother's wife, and the employee you want to be fired is my child." she looked at me, and i just could not hold back my laughter anymore. and just then, her order was ready. but until then, she was already embarrassed enough with the whole time, her kid crying in the background. she dragged her kid crying by the arm, and didin't even take the order. i got to eat her order after that while sitting outside. :)
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kirblovestopoyo · 1 year
I had all of (checks tumblr) 2 people interested in my Brian and Cathal stuff which is good enough for me! There's a bunch of text under the cut so I don't clog y'alls stuff but yea!! (PS. this does include headcannon stuff so keep that in mind when reading!!)
I've been leaning super hard into Brian and Cathal being a thing and I don't know what caused this sudden spur of the moment thing but they're just really silly in my brain together like you have this super smarty smart pants who's so egotistical about himself he loops back around to being kinda dumb (for example: his password is "password" because "no one would ever guess that because it's too obvious") and thinks everyone is kinda below him and and kinda cares too much about it?? And then you have this other guy who doesn't really care about much cause he's just too eepy!! including the fact that the only reason he got into the job he has now is because he's a nepo baby and can't be bothered to care too much about other people or himself for that matter
And they kinda go together in my mind like,,, idk how to explain it but like Cathal sort of helps Brian become less of a jerk towards other people essentially? And kinda soften up a bit and to not worry about "being the best" at everything and to think he's better than everyone else because he won't always be the smartest about everything or win all the time but that doesn't mean he's not good at what he does y'know And Brian would sort of do the same thing for Cathal in the sense of that Cathal doesn't really think they're good at a lot of things because of the fact they're so tired and kinda lay around all the time and because of the fact their dad is the VP of the company so y'know they didn't really have to try too hard? But Brian (in his very uh. oddly worded way) would comfort Cathal and tell him that despite the fact that sure he doesn't go around and do as much as the others, doesn't mean he isn't good at what he does. They (Cathal) are really, really good at fixing up other cogs, like even better than Brian himself (mainly because he's had to fix his dad so many times + reads cog manuals for fun), and good at a bunch of other little things, and Brian would tell him that
I imagine Brian going on these big rants about whatever and Cathal tells him something and it just. blows his mind (literally) he overthinks things so much that he skips over the simple things. Like I can imagine Brian trying to do this whole thing in figuring out why Cathal would love him (he has issues that we will not discuss today) and something something about his intellect and Cathal comes in and says something along the lines of "you make me happy, that's why" and Brian's brain explodes instantly
TLDR: Cares too much x cares too little, silly things ensue
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bisluthq · 2 months
No, because it's so weird he can't even post his little silly photodump without causing a commotion among swifties, who say he's so irrelevant yet act like they have his notifs on and take screenshots of what he posts. His name ended up on the trends thing on Twitter 💀 I actually saw someone posting a screenshot of a gc she's in where they were mocking him for the golf clip. I mean????
But I saw something even more ridiculous to me because it's highkey coming from a place of privilege and entitlement. I saw a tweet (and it wasn't one of those with 10 likes and no comments. There actually were hundreds of likes and people on the comments joining the op on their mockery), where this person was laughing at Joe because of the phone he took a photo with.
And you might be thinking what's the fun about that? Well op thought it was fun that she has a more recent phone model than him, so she was like even I have a better phone that's how poor he is. And people in the comments were commenting the phones they have aswell and laughing about how his phone is an old model cause Taylor must have given it to him and hahahaha even I bought a better phone and he didn't.
Like can y'all stop to ponder the absurdity of it all? According to them his phone is a 11 whatever idk much about or care about phones myself, and you are bragging cause you have a 12, 14 etc? And you are calling someone poor and equating someone's value over the phone they have? Like jesus that's the kind of bullying kids do it in schools, you are grown adults and still have this kind of elitism? So Joe seems to have a perfectly working phone and he's in the wrong for not wasting his money on a better model, because people on the internet think that's what you should do even if you don't need it? You are the dumb ones if you keep giving money to millionaire companies, just so you fit in or whatever
but I’ve said many times swifties’ attitude to money baffles the fuck out of me. That’s not even high school bullying - that’s like straight up middle school bullying. Fwiw my partner and I both have the 11 too (weird coincidence but yea neither of us has upgraded). He’s super techy but like there’s nothing he needs a newer phone for tbh because he wouldn’t be able to work off even a 14 Max Pro or w/e (he has an iMac and a desktop PC and he has like a very new iPad that he can do some stuff off of when we travel but also mostly because he needed a new iPad lol because his was really fuck old so then idk he bought himself a new one). Unless you’re working off your phone/an influencer there is no reason to get a new phone. It can do pretty much all the same things, the 14’s camera is just a lot better. But like Joe doesn’t need to use his phone for work and even for his very hobby photography seems to prefer his film ones so like?? Why must he upgrade?? And I’m not saying if you did upgrade even though you don’t need it because idk your shiny new phone makes you happy that’s bad or shallow because silly little materialistic things are allowed to make us happy tbh. What I’m saying is it’s VERY middle school to bully someone for having a perfectly adequate thing just because you’ve got a newer or more expensive thing?? Now ALSO because Joe isn’t actually in any way poor like if he had let’s say a Galaxy A13 I’d have a chuckle about it and be like “mate buy a new phone come the fuck on” because like… the Galaxy A13 can’t even support Google Pay right and a functioning person with a decent job in this here year 2024 should be able to pay with their phone places (this is actually not a fictional example lol a friend of mine who can absolutely afford a new phone has an A13 and I laugh at her about it because there are legit so many things it cannot do but she’s very paranoid and technophobic so like the Google Pay thing for example she’s all like “yes but what happens if your phone gets stolen then all your money can be stolen” and I’m always like “not… really?” and idk her and I went to a bar the one time and she hadn’t brought her card because she’s also parry about THAT when she drinks which actually I do understand because that I’m also careful about because like losing your card can really be a nightmare seeing as how you then need a new card and all the saved card details everywhere disappear and you no longer have Apple/Google Pay etc etc etc so yes that would highkey suck and is why I just use my phone instead and have my cards at home and anyway the bar turned out to be cashless so I had to pay the whole tab - with my phone like a NORMAL FUCKING PERSON - and she did give the cash right away but still that’s like dysfunctional af lol babe JUST BUY A NEW FUCKING PHONE!!!! YOU HAVE A GOOD JOB!!!! YOU CAN AFFORD IT!!!!!!) anyway that was a sidebar but yea if Joe legit had a crappy phone then I would possibly be like “come tf on dude get your shit together pretty much anyone with a normal income can afford a better thing than that and your thing is objectively useless” but he has a perfectly adequate thing??? So what’s the conversation even about?????? PS if you legit can’t afford a nice phone that’s also not something to mock. But my friend can absolutely afford a phone that supports Google Pay/Apple Pay and she’s being weird about it so I’m allowed to mock it. Also she’s actually super into like photography for fun and I’ve tried to explain the camera on her phone is also like very shitty and it’d be better with a new phone but she steadfastly refuses and uses a digital camera instead mostly which idk man idk like I’d get it if it were film but it’s a random ass mid range digital camera and THAT she’ll take out with us like we live in fucking 2008 dudes and then she makes a whole song and dance the next day about “sending everyone the pics” exactly like it’s 2008 again. That shit’s weird. She’s a weird girl. Still nothing she does is as weird as Swifties get when talking about money tho.
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leatherbookmarking · 3 years
a wild concept because i got sad and i WILL practice zanzan levels of acrobatics to unsad myself: what if jrs lives and he’s a lan but he’s Not jingyi. like idk. jgy suspects something’s going to Happen and he puts a couple of neat little (but powerful) charms on him and has someone drop him off in some village. that way he has approximately as much of a chance of living as in jinlintai, in theory. here he can simply die of hunger, unnoticed, but if someone chooses to take him, they can be poor, he can fall ill, maybe someone murders him simply, because it just happens; in jinlintai, well. well.
so the boy who used to be jin (name) courtesy rusong grows up with elderly parents; he doesn’t remember his first dad or mom, although he can do the things a normal, healthy child his age could do; it’s as if he just came into existence at the age of (insert age), out of thin air. but he’s very thankful to the parents that found him, and he helps his father at work and his mother at cooking and taking care of their little house. for some reason, he also has a penchant for arts and books -- he always points it out when he thinks something’s pretty, and he has such a memory for stories and news, even though no one’s taught him that. outside of that, he’s a bit of an airhead and can be shy around other kids, but eventually he warms up to them and sometimes he goes with them to the river, or just wanders around (but he has to come back before it gets really dark). he doesn’t make many good friends, in fact, the other boys sometimes seem to forget he exists, or struggle with recalling his name, and the girls -- well, it’s almost like they don’t even notice he’s a boy! which is not something he’s telling his parents, but it’s a bummer either way. still -- it doesn’t stop him from hanging out with others, having fun and so on, so he lives on, why not.
the boy who used to be jin rusong hears, of course, about cultivators, and like every child his age he’s absolutely smitten by them as a concept, claiming there’s no job in the world better than being a cultivator, possibly even a wandering one because that way no one tells you what to do and you’re so powerful and you can do whatever you want! etc etc, although if he had the chance he guesses he could also be a disciple because it’s TOTALLY COOL too. they have those uniform colored robes, isn’t that neat? you see a dude in gold/yellow and you go oooooo it’s a jin disciple! or in blue or purple and it’s a jiang fella. the jiang sect is cool, they have so many colors and stuff it would be nice to be a jiang disciple and yunmeng is said to be great in summer, save for the humidity
so years pass and he’s maybe like around fifteen, and his father has passed away so he’s just living with his old mom. and he’s finishing it up in the field when he hears a scream from the house and he runs but there’s no more screaming and he hopes that it’s because it’s alright now, maybe mother has saw a mouse or slipped and fell--but someone grabs him by his collar and there are lights coming from inside his house, and more screams but those are definitely not his mother’s, and then it’s all blurry because sometime around being caught and being released he began to cry, but -- hello, we’re lan cultivators, there’s been a bloodthirsty fucking Thing and it chose your mother to feed, our condolences.
and maybe there’s some senior disciple with them who’s feeling particularly bad about this village dude who’s just lost his old mother -- if she was this old and he’s this young, then he must have been really, really loved, and the disciple just realizes how much it sucks, why isn’t hanguang-jun there to solve this problem somehow, aughhh he’s not that much older than this newly-minted orphan boy! anyway, they end up taking him with them.
well, he’s grieving, so he’s not the best partner for either conversation or travel, but in general, the senior disciple notices he’s kind of smart and listens with rapt attention when they talk about cultivator stuff -- for example, when he explains something to the juniors -- so he hopes that maybe he’ll do as a disciple, even though he’s like. old. too old. ohh god what has he done
also, he’s got something on his face. on his whole person, really, and the senior disciple isn’t sure what it is, but--it’s definitely something. if he had to be super specific, well, his features are pretty plain, but it’s unnerving how he can’t really describe his face once he stops looking at him. normally he’d be able to say -- oh, he’s had a round or square face, thin or bushy eyebrows, broad or thin nose, but with this dude? nothing. is wei-qianbei’s horrible memory starting to rub off on him? is this village kid who’s never interacted with a cultivator carrying a curse on himself? who knows! that is. probably hanguangj-jun will know. gotta bring it to him
and then they come back, only for one of the elders, who’s just happened to be outside, to take one (1) look at the poor dude, go “hey, what the fuck is that” and wave a hand, sending the kid sprawling onto the floor in a cloud of dust. the meaning of “hey, what the fuck is that” in this case means “this child is clearly under some appearance-altering spell and it displeases me greatly that he’s been a/ let in like this, b/ apparently smart enough to get past the notice of our disciples? hm? hm? what the fuck?”.
she suspects those kids just casually brought back a sad victim of a monster, like the cloud recesses were a cheap inn and not a prestigious place of learning, withouth checking if he’s completely free of any residue ghost/monster fuckeries, and she’s very, very disappointed. she doesn’t expect him to just... stay horizontal, motionless but breathing, staring into the space with wide eyes and most importantly, looking very much like a child of his parents
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mlm-cottage-love · 3 years
K hear me out. I wanna kiss all over his face, do a skincare routine on him, put face masks on him (honestly I don't care if I have the same shit I don't care this is about HIM RN LET ME LIVE), and just make him laugh about some stupid joke, still just kissing his face and holding his cheeks.
While he's laughing and just, HAPPY and shit, giving him hickeys all around his neck and lower jaw. Making a point to bite down harder when he breathes in, calling him dumb for getting worked up over nothing :), kissing him and pulling out when he gets to into it just to piss him off :).
Just trailing down as low as I can go without scooting down, biting harder if he doesn't make enough noise :). Kissing over a few painful ones, hovering over his lips, moving back if he actually TRIES to kiss, for fun :). Doing that a few times over and holding his face, rubbing his cheek with my thumb, drawing my hand back when he's distracted and slapping him lightly.
Going harder or lighter depending on what I feel he deserves :), going until his eyes are watery and his face is covered in red marks. Rubbing his sour cheeks and asking if he's okay, kissing at his eyes and down his nose. Telling him he did a fantastic job and that I'm proud of him :). Pulling his mouth open with my thumb and spitting into it, telling him to shut and swallow, holding his jaw and tilting his head back to make sure he does :).
Putting cream on his face to try and lessen the pain, and saying that he gets a present for doing so well :). Letting him pick but giving him options, either I could
1) Actually kiss him, for as long as he wants and I won't complain or be allowed to call it off. BUT, it can't be anything other than kissing, and nothing besides the lips.
2) We can just watch a show he likes, cuddle up, and take a nap. BUT, this also means he's not allowed to get off that night, or any other night unless I feel like he can :). It doesn't matter whether he wants to, if he was close, if he already fucked up his pants, he's not allowed to actually get off :). Or.
3) I could suck him off, and he gets to control what happens :). He could hold me down and choke me on his dick, he could make me cry and run out of breath, literally whatever he wants. He can even choose where he wants to cum, whether that's on my face, or down my throat :). BUT, he doesn't get kissed the entire time, and won't be until I feel like it :). Whether that be a few minutes or a few hours or a few days, he doesn't get them :).
Aftercare is just making sure he's comfortable, basically cocooning him and shoving pillows around him, making sure he's not in pain (or the pain he IS in he's fine with), putting lotion on his neck and chest and making sure not to press on the hickeys, putting cream on his face again (for safe measure), taking a God awful amount of pictures of him because he's just AHHHH ya know.
Bringing him water and a hydrating snack (for obvious reasons), not letting him MOVE because he need to REST and moving isn't RESTING DUDE, putting on a show he likes or music or just watching some funny tiktoks :). Making sure he understands that I'm proud of him, I care about his wellbeing, and that he can always tell me if something is making him unhappy and/or uncomfortable :))))))).
Literally he can wear my hoodies, my shirts, literally anything if it makes him happy. If he wants me to wear his clothes I, without a fucking doubt, will do that if it makes him happy :). I might be several sizes smaller, but I have enough baggy hoodies that he could always wear those :), plus they'd always look so much better on him so yea I just...yea he's super cool :) <333.
~emotional shit below this horny post :(~
I just hope he's okay and happy and shit, and I want him to know that I just, really do care about his thoughts and his opinions and I wanna hear about them. If he wants to talk I will always be open to talking, even if it takes me a bit to respond I'll still help him.
I really wish he didn't live somewhere else, cause I miss him for some stupid reason :(, like I just wanna spend the day buried in his chest and laughing with him :(, and he's too busy to facetime but I wanna see and talk to him :(((, oh nooooooo no this is making me sad :(, this was meant to be a horny post but I wanna cry now man :(((((((((((((((((. Ignore this I'm just in my feels rn :((.
Like I just wanna buy him stuff, I just wanna make him happy and comfortable and not have to worry about anything, I wanna make him feel cared about and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH :((((((((((!!!!!!!!!
I want to help him, and make him food, and TAKE PICTURES OF HIM AND I'M TIRED RN AND I WANNA CRY AND TEXT HIM BUT I DON'T WANNA WAKE HIM UP BUT BAAAAAAAAHAHHHHHHH :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!!!!!!! I wanna just hold him man I know he's taller than me but does that matter :(? I gotta go to bed man :((((.
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captainlevisteacup · 4 years
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Okay, here we go!
Warnings: none
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The Demon Brothers+Newly Dateable's Reactions to Bratty GN! MC Who Likes to Push the Limits
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Is not amused.
King of "try it, I dare you"
"Are you REALLY going to play that way with me, MC?"
Endlessly irritated
The only reason he hasn't been pushed into his demon form is solely because of Diavolo, who finds their spunk amusing and would be unhappy if they were to be threatened or harmed
Of course, he still loves MC. That's not debateable
They just REALLY get on his nerves
Happens so frequently that he automatically KNOWS when MC is opening their mouth to say something bratty
Probably the second most irritated by it
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Is just flabbergasted
"Are ya dumb, or something, human? Ya know I could kill ya, right?"
Isnt particular annoyed by it, just more exasperated.
Has made it adamantly clear he can begrudgingly let other times slide, but they better listen to him if it's to keep them safe.
Does that stop MC?
Of course not.
*turns around to see MC wandered off yet again*
Eventually uses his lanyard keychain to tie MC's wrist to his because he refuses to get hung from the ceiling (again) because MC couldn't (wouldn't) listen
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Even more irritated by it than Lucifer is
Who are they, a mere human, to push him like that?
Every time he sees that damned look on their face, he has to close his eyes and count to ten slowly before even thinking about speaking
Has been pushed into his demon form at least twice a week
MC thinks it's the funniest thing in the world
Asmo agrees. So does Levi.
When MC is in dangerous territory, Satan will slightly smile and call them Kitten
Which usually prompts MC to push further, being the dumbass they are.
MC around Satan is literally like fire around gasoline
Is easily the most bothered by MC's behavior
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Not that he doesn't care, it's just not too upsetting to him
The only thing MC could possibly do would be to ruin one of his possessions
There was one time MC kept purposely mispronouncing anime names wrong (pokey man)
Yea, that was not a good day for ANYONE in the house
PDA works too
Usually ends with him screaming and running away
All the other brothers find that hysterical, even Luci even though he would never admit it
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Does not care.
He finds it endearing for some reason
Giggles every time MC pushes one of the brothers or says a sarcastic comment to someone
The King of Sass anyways so is totally into it
Sometimes helps you come up with sassy comebacks
Eventually ends up having competitions with MC to see who can be brattier
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Is actually kinda hurt
Does MC not like him? Are they mad at him?
Eventually realizes they're like that to everyone
MC doesnt have the heart to keep doing it to him after they find out it hurt his feelings
Beel watches from the sidelines to make sure MC doesnt get hurt
Steps in if they go too far and are in danger (*cough* Satan *cough*)
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Has no problem with it
As long as you don't do it to him
"Don't test me, MC, I'm not awake enough for this"
Murder bean
If they tease him, he'll be super underhanded and passive aggressive about getting them back
Its hysterical to him if they open their mouth against Lucifer. Isnt even worried about their well being; not because he doesn't care, but because he knows they'll be fine.
If you mess with his naps, though
Oh, no
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Takes absolutely NONE of it personally
MC could call him "Double D Diavolo" and he would think it's the funniest thing he's ever heard
Lucifer absolutely hates it if they try to tease or push Diavolo
Diavolo not only doesn't care, but he loves it
He sees it as friendly banter
Secretly loves that MC is comfortable enough with him to be bratty
Barbatos 🤨
If such a person with enough audacity to mess with him exists
He has to respect them
Not even the demon brothers would push him
So for a human to do so?
Mad respect
Is secretly the best as matching MC's level of sass
"What's up, Barbie?"
*silent pause*
"The only plastic I see here is you, MC."
Cue the slow clapping from Diavolo
Whatever MC does to him, he will do right back to them
It's impossible to win
No mercy, will not hesitate to insult MC
Never gets mad, he is aware that's the reaction MC wants.
Refuses to give them the satisfaction of breaking his composure
Sometimes uses spells to make MC trip if they're irritated
Just to send them over the edge
Does more of the harassing than MC even does
Oh boy
Try as they may, MC just can't
Not because they aren't trying
Simeon is just immune
MC can't insult him. He just doesn't take anything as an insult
He's too pure for that
Infinite amount of patience
The only thing MC can do to him is make him flustered with *ahem* scandal
Like revealing/right clothes
Suggestive comments
It's the only thing that has any effect on him.
Sorry, MC
Too easy.
Easy target. The poor boy.
All MC has to do is make barking noises around him
He'll run squealing to Simeon
Who, in turn, just chuckles and tells Luke MC is just messing with him because they're friends
The brothers 10000% line up to watch MC harrass Luke
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oswaldsleftbicep · 2 years
first of all, happy birthday! god bless you and i hope you had a nice birthday! and i’m so excited once i saw your post. i’ve been interested in your acc for a long time but i’m too shy to interact with you. so anyway,
appearance : short hair ( neck length ) with dyed hair ( white on the bangs lol ) 5’1, i’m asian and i have a warm yellow-ish skin color.
hobbies : i like dancing most likely like a pop dance or kpop…. yea.. oh and i cannot live without my phone.
star sign : sagittarius :)
likes : coffee, shopping or just hanging out in a mall, watching youtube.
dislikes : spicy food or vegetables, and bugs. and idk that’s it ig, i can’t think of any.
love languages : physical touch that’s it.
what i look for in a partner : someone who can listen to me ranting or complaining about life. someone who loves me for who i am. someone who doesn’t care when i do something dumb like laughing like a stupid hoe.
deal breakers : too needy or poor communication.
okay that’s it! again have a fantastic day and birthday :D xoxo ❤️
hi!! thank you so much for sending this in!! lemme just say real quick, you sound like such an awesome person, and your hair?? cool asf!! tl;dr you're super cool and i'd love it if you interacted more!! no need to be shy :)
anywaysss time for the big reveal!!! i ship you with........
❧ he'd think your bangs are the coolest thing ever they are and you'd probably get him interested in dying his own hair, maybe just a small section at first to get him used to it
❧ he would absolutely love to watch you dance, he thinks it's so cool how you can match the beat of a song perfectly and loves how much fun you seem to be having. he would also love if you teach him a couple dances, like i can imagine you two as the couple doing really intricate and fun dances in the middle of a ball and everyone around is like confused but also very impressed ya feel? let's pretend he exists in our world, he would totally bring up the game just dance as an activity for the two of you to do, like every week y'all learn a new dance; and don't even get me started on tik tok dances (if you're into them), he'd be asking you to teach him every new trending dance smh
❧ continuing off of if he was in our world, he would be asking what you're doing on your phone a lot but not in an accusatory or nosy way, he's just genuinely curious what you're interested in, and he'll never judge you for looking at cringey fan art or reading sad fics or trying to beat level 307 of candy crush. he'd be content, especially after a long day, to just lie down with you and peek at whatever you're doing on your phone, making comments here and there, it's very chill and sweet
❧ you're a sagittarius, i love that!! one of my closest friends is a sag, y'all are cool. so i did a little research and apparently sags are compatible with libras, which is lucia's sign, so there's that going for y'all lmao
❧ i feel like as a whole the boys drink more tea than coffee but i think lucia could get behind the idea of coffee, especially seeing how many types there are; oh and if he finds out about latte art?? he's sold
❧ he'd enjoy shopping with you, he might be a little too busy to do it often, so when he can't he'd for sure send some people out with you to keep you company, or if you have friends from outside of the mansion, he'd for sure encourage a pals day out! and consider all of your items paid for, he'd give you a big chunk of spending money for you to get whatever your heart desires sugar daddy material i can also see him liking to try on random clothes with you, like at thrift stores he'd wanna do that blind picking an outfit game and see who gets the worst fit. and, again, if he can't go out shopping with you, he expects a full on fashion show when you get home, showing off all the cool things you bought and he will hype you up the whole time
❧ like i mentioned before with the phone thing, he'd love just watching youtube videos with you on a chill day. i could see the two of you having one or two youtubers y'all are subscribed to and watch every single video, like oh what's that? you were invited to a dinner party friday at 6 pm? sorry, that's when (enter youtuber here) posts, can't miss that. if you're super into one youtuber tho, he'd for sure get you guys matching merch
❧ i don't think he could handle super spicy foods, maybe like something with a lil kick to it, but anything above your average chili powder or red pepper flakes he cannot do, so he'll relate to you with not liking spicy foods. he may tease you about not being able to handle it, but just tell him off, mans can hardly even handle picante chicken ramen
❧ he wouldn't be a huge fan of bugs either, but he's not terrified of them; if there's a bug somewhere that you want gone, he'll for sure swallow his disgust and either squish the bug or take it outside with little to no complaining
❧ this man loves physical touch, it's for sure one of his top love languages, giving and receiving. he's a pretty touchy and affectionate person, but not in an overbearing way. if you ever want him to back off, just tell him and he'll do so immediately and without needing an explanation. he just loves being able to show his partner how much he loves them without using words. he'll show this through hugs and wrapping an arm around you in public or holding hands while the two of you are walking and cuddle sessions every night
❧ he'll listen to you rant anytime you need. he may be goofy and immature at times, but if you show that the situation is serious or something is really bothering you, he'll drop all that immediately and go into listening mode. you can tell he's actively listening to you because he'll make facial expressions and noises in reaction to what you're telling him. his reactions depend on if you're doing just a little complainy rant or a serious vent; for the more lighthearted rants he'll voice his reactions more clearly (they said what?? no way, i can't believe that, the audacity) but for the more serious conversations he'll keep it to a minimum and focus that extra energy on listening and empathizing
❧ he loves you more than life itself. he'd do anything for you, and it shows in how he looks at you and treats you with the utmost care. he adores every single thing about you, so you don't have to worry about him minding if you do something dumb. he loves your laugh especially, no matter how loud it is or how it sounds in general; if you're laughing that means you're happy and enjoying yourself and that's all that matters to him <3 the worst he'll do is tease you a bit, but it's never hurtful and all in good fun
❧ he's definitely not too needy, he might have his moments where he's extra clingy and just wants your attention but he knows what your boundaries are and he will respect them always. his communication is pretty good for the most part, although he might be prone to keeping a few things secret and if he's feeling overworked he might get a little cross with you which could spark up a few arguments. however, with plenty of time and heart to heart conversation, this is something the two of you can fix with no problem. it seems like you're pretty good at communication given you value it in a relationship, and lucia is a great listener and amazing at coming to agreements and negotiating terms and compromises; he is a leader after all :)
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indecisive-v · 3 years
ama just ended!! funkin related shit has been recorded under the cut as per usual. this time og copied text is uncolored, and purple text is paraphrased by me
Q: Do you have a favorite Friday Night Funkin’ mod at the current moment?
A: MordeTwi Magic
Q: Do you have a format in mind for the built-in mod support, or are you saving that for later?
A: depends what you mean by 'format'. stuff like charting will probably always be constantly changing until we have most levels of the game done, since we'd essentially want modding tools to be basically DEVELOPMENT tools as much as possible, and dev tools change as project goes on
Q: Favorite FNF character?
A: Girlfriend
Q: Have you tried (or are going to try) getting Friday Night Funkin' on other consoles?
A: It's totally possible, we just gotta get in contact, figure out what we're feeling it with, and get folks to make the backend for it
Q: Are you worried about the game itself being overshadowed by fan content (and by extension modding), or is it a non-issue for you?
A: we can see the grand picture of what we want out of FNF, and thats what separates us from any of the fan mod stuff
Q: What do you think of the reliance of Game Banana in the current modding scene?
A: it makes me very happy to see sans undertale over fnf boyfriend mod sit side by side on the same website as counter strike surf maps
Q: Hey, Mr. Muffin, what’s the release schedule for “new” Friday Night content looking like?
A: make stuf til its ready for an update
Q: Will there be something like an "extras" gallery where we can look at concept art and stuff?
A: if there is, it would be super cool. we dont just want some concept art image viewer in-game and call it a day.
Q: Will characters from stuff that ISN'T Newgrounds-related show up in FNF?
A: probably happening sooner than later, so yea
Q: Have you guys thought of hiring famous modders? (KadeDev, SugarRatio, etc)
A: no, we wont hire based off of fame
Q: Are you for or against Friday Night Funkin' mods and/or fangames being sold or otherwise distributed commercially (as long as they're open source obviously)?
A: Not against it, but why would anyone put up paywalls this early anyway?? Even the vanilla game is free rn so it seems kinda weird. But it's cool for em to take donations
Q: Are you okay with people going to the game’s source code, compiling it and getting the whole full game for free?
A: That's the point, my guy.
Q: Did you play test any of FNF yourself, and if so did you ever have trouble beating specific weeks or songs?
A: I've only beat Guns once or twice, but I've had others play test and do better than me
Q: If FNF hadn't gotten so popular, what would you be doing right now?
A: Still workin' on it. That was the plan, getting popular was just a surprise bonus. We'd be less focused on it though since we wouldn't have like 2 million Kickstarter bucks
Q: Got plans for FNF's anniversary? Anything cool?
A: Thinkin about it, but... monkey ball...
Q: Do you think the direction of 'let's make the hardest mod ever' will have some impact on the difficulty of the final version of the game?
A: I don't think we're influenced much by mods. We're NOT in the modding community at all
Q: Is there an fnf modder that is your friend or whose relationship with you is closer than other modders?
A: prob siivagunner crew technically
Q: Do you worry about how mods might execute ideas that you were eventually gonna do?
A: yeah, cuz usually when they do it, they dont do it as cool as we had in mind, and we'd have to show them how its done, lol!!!!
Q: How do you feel about the majority of fans that are basically children? Will the game have more mature content in the future to keep them away?
A: i think people see it as something we need to "actively combat" but genuinely i dont think any of us care. we just are going to make the game how we want to make it, and forcing these edgy things or whatev to "scare of the dumb kids XDDD" will just come across as cringe i think!!
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mikeshanlon · 4 years
iwwv anon and PHEW OK. I def did not expect that essay and now I feel bad cause I KNOW my thots r not gonna be articulate or right. nonetheless! i think Oliver does qualify as an unreliable narrator cause hes. very oblivious but not like... Richard papen (who is a whole ass clown don't get me started on tsh) but not like addy from dare me(I will support till the day I die that dare me is da like I WILL die on this hill) who sees what she wants to see. 1/?
i think he just... thinks that his friends r diff ppl than they actually r? that doesnt rly make sense but yea. what I mean is that everything the characters do is coated in that empathetic view Oliver has which is usually wrong? so we don't get an objective look into the characters. meredith is my girl like I love the hot popular girl trope deconstruction but at the end of the book she's not at a great place like she's w someone that doesn't love her like she needs to be loved... 2/
I guess the most probable ending is that James never meets Oliver again and that everyone is kinda stuck on what happened but that's soo sad and I really don't want to think abt it. ngl iwwv wasn't like my fave book ever and I really don't understand why people are so obsessed with dark academia sometimes but what i rly liked abt the book is that despite how fucked up everyone is and how toxic they r to each other they do at heart care abt one another...3/
like I rly liked that esp cause at that point the only other da book (other than dare me!) that I had read was tsh and godd every character is so fuckinh annoying and they all hate each other. i was super confused by it till I saw someone saying that it's satire and I felt my mind explode. I feel like this is so long but I didnt rly properly answer all you wrote sorry! I think its a pretty good book tho it has some crazy quotes like hold awn Im gonna look at the highlighted stuff on my copy.. 4/
Were you in love with him?” “Yes,” [...]Yes, I was.” It’s not the whole truth. The whole truth is, I’m in love with him still. LIKEEE PHEWW OK OK OK. WE OUT HERE. that line literally made me go crazy. I'm so sorry for any spelling mistakes or like general mistakes I made here English isn't my first language, it's 1am and I wrote this in the notes app w/o looking it over. so like.. NOT a professional review lemme tell you. 5/5
 Ahh im so sorry I did not see this before I yeeted for a month!!!
Oooh okay first of all dare me as a DA… I’ve only watched the show but like yeah I see the Elements for sure.
Also yeah I can understand what you mean abt Oliver being an unreliable narrator now… Ig my view of unreliable was more like they are purposefully twisting the truth or omitting facts or just literally don’t know shit but I get how personal bias can make the narrator unreliable. I do think the assertion that Oliver thinks his friends are different than they actually are makes sense. He sees James in a very positive light and though I like James a lot and think he is better than, like, Richard, he definitely has darker moments and manipulates Oliver at times (again I’d like to think it’s not the most nefarious thing in the world but like him just being shitty bc he’s in a dark place and he one, wants to do anything he can so Oliver doesn’t figure out he fought Richard so Oliver still thinks of him the same way/bc he knows Oliver would do something stupid like get himself arrested for James; and two, is very jealous that Oliver is with Meredith after Richard dies and has sort of a somewhat positive outcome from Richard’s death versus James being riddled with guilt and anger). And yeah, the probable ending is they never meet but I refuse to acknowledge that so LGNRG. Also that line makes me go CRAZZZZZZZZZZY!!! There are so many great lines, both using Shakespeare and on their own and its like okay give me a moment im going bonkers…
Personally, I haven’t read that many dark academia novels yet (bc for some reason i can barely finish a book rn sigh) but the concept interests me. I think what’s compelling is the setting/atmosphere of like ~mysterious college vibes~, and the idea of a sort of niche, obsessive bond and pursuit of knowledge with a tight knit group of friends (and the like inherent homoeroticism in every single DA elrngenrg). Like Dead Poet’s Society (the film I haven’t read the book) isn’t Dark in the same way most other dark academia is by like, obsession and death and manipulation (though of course there are dark elements with Neil’s storyline), but I think the other building blocks of academia are present there in a more wholesome way and you can see why people are drawn to that idea. As for the more Dark aspects I think it’s interesting to analyze things like group psyche, obsession, manipulation, etc, like what went wrong for everything to take such a dark turn???
 But, like everything else, it really has to be done well or else its just like okay….… I’ve tried to read TSH twice and I may try again but from the 100+ ish pages I read I totally get what you mean. IWWV is so interesting to me bc the characters are all very compelling and multifaceted and I like that they are a close friendship, we come in after 4 years of them spending all the time together and to me that is apparent. Like you said, we can see fissures and problems especially as the novel continues but there is care there between them. That also makes the decision to let Richard die much more interesting and sinister imo, as well as how all of them interact with each other after he dies, and how the roles of the group change without their “leader” so to speak. Also, maybe it’s just bc I like Shakespeare, but I think the academia part of IWWV is so much more accessible compared to TSH. Like I don’t know every Shakespeare play or anything so I didn’t understand every nuance or was like immediately like oh this is from Cymbeline or whatever the fuck, but you could understand the gist of things and it made sense that they spoke in Shakespeare lines bc that’s all they’ve been doing for four years and also theatre kids are Like That. Their pretention also provided any Layers to the story, like the parallels between the characters they play and their own arcs, how some of the lines echoed their own thots, foreshadowed, or they were able to say things through Shakespeare (I’m thinking of like, Oliver realized he loved James during Romeo and Juliet, the foreshadowing that James was going to ruin Richard’s life and that he dislikes Meredith/Richard when he quotes Mercutio at the start “A plague o’ both your houses”, the exchange Oliver and James had onstage and had that kiss during King Lear before Oliver was arrested,etc.) (Also I think the structure of some of the dialogue being formatted like a play really helped make it feel more realistic and immersive). Versus TSH which is just so pedantic and dense and hard to follow at times im like I get they are smart but what??? And maybe that’s part of the satire aspect (or maybe im dumb) but like donna I read TGF I know you are pretentious and info dump abt random obscure shit anyways so erglknerg. Like to me there was a Point to all of the academic Shakespeare stuff in IWWV and it was the soul of the book, and M.L. Rio made it very interesting—like the way that the directors reimagined the plays and had Julius Caesar be like a modern political play, the cool mirror shit in King Lear, the Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet performances where they did them at events and interacted with their environments (which were one of my favorite parts of the books bc I just think that concept is so interesting), etc. For TSH the shit they did literally just felt like “okay look at them they’re smart see you can’t even keep up!” like okay… I felt lost a lot and only like snapped into reality whenever Henry (?) was like oh… murder….. and even then I was like idk what this dude is saying but like he’s being darksided LMAO. And I also agree that it’s just like… Richard being thrown in the middle of this group could lend itself to some cool ideas but its hard to believe that he fits into the friendship group and hes just like hell yeah I love Greek so much and lets go kill this guy other than like okay ur gay and stupid and just want to impress Henry or whatever his name was (which he was but I digress). It’s just not as impactful to me as this close friend group falling apart. Ik TSH fans might be angry if they see this (and of course I haven’t finished the book so my perception may be warped but I also kno many ppl felt that way u did) bc I’ve seen ppl say IWWV is just like TSH but “lackluster” or whatever and while I can see some parallels (mostly b/w Richard and Henry and Alexander and Francis), I really think M.L. Rio expanded upon common DA tropes and the interesting parts of TSH but made it her own and interesting and oh yeah there are actually multiple compelling female characters and LGBT characters (and no incest)!!!
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punkjinshi · 5 years
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The delusion is astonishing like how long did it take you to make this shit up? The work you put in to make an innocent person look like shit just because she's dating someone you think is hot is just... Wow I would say get a hobby but I see you've already found one lmao
Ok so let's start with the first part about "her former co-worker" that part is a total bold ass basic lie, bitch where?? Where's the clip where she says that?? It doesn't exist cause it never happened simple next
Renee and whoever the fuck Norm is their relationship obviously didn't work out, people break up end of story, she didn't cheat on Norm for Dean Ambrose some random Dirty dude she's never met, Seth was literally there for their first date !DEBUNKED! NEXT
Renee dressing as a "zombie native American" is a dead ass lie it was an ordinary native american princess costume you see at every Halloween store, I think she even apologized for it idk, but y'all seem to let Dean slide for dressing up as something controversial, forgot what it was but hmmm isn't that interesting??? And that other shit is so bonkers I don't know wtf she's talking about smh, I'm stunned at these lies next
THE HAIR THING I HONESTLY HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE FUCK SHE'S TALKING ABOUT LMAO HUH??? You took something that wasn't even supposed to mean anything and turned it into something and decided to bring in real cancer survivors into your petty I'm jealous drama fuck you next
The wrestle mania thing... Wtf are you even talking about also bringing in a mental disorder that ruins peoples lives?? Wow and joking about it for an excuse to say she dresses like a slut?? Damn👏 How classy are you
And I love how you say about the anti bullying thing "She couldn't look more interested" you mean...
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That smile looks like she's uninterested? How come you're not calling out The Miz? Or Daren Young?? They're not smiling.. Oh yea cause they're not fucking Dean Ambrose
Renee is not loyal lmao IT WASN'T AN DAILY SHOW AUDITION IT WAS A FUCKING REENACTMENT!! SHE DID IT WITH DEAN AMBROSE FOR CHRIST SAKE And that "once the hof started she left to sit at the bar with the married man" another bold ass lie, how would you even know something like that?? You know absolutely nothing about these people next
How the holy fuck did she take the "accomplishments" from Deans movie... That's the dumbest shit I've ever fucking heard, dumb aSS NEXT
Trolling??? Are you kidding me grow up
Hey guess what, people stumble over words and stutter it's normal idiot like you don't do it, it's more like they cut her off
We've never seen her drink... Dean drinks wayyyyy more than her, she has wine every now and then (from what I see on her insta) BUT SHE CAN IF SHE WANTS TO!?!??? BITCH GO OUTSIDE
Whatever fuck you
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dramamamaie · 3 years
day 39 pt 2
so in the morning when i went to work it was pretty usual the same route just abit later cos my bus was hecka slow but still on time and i saw one guy who sits around me who is pretty cute and wearing a new shirt, blue and super flowery but still cute the first we actually talk? I think is js him cos i opened the door for him and he has manners engf to say thanks. Than we took the same lift like uk the we know each other existence but nothing else not even name. So after reaching the office i started to prepare for the day cos i kind of invigilate exams so yea had to turn on the laptops and prep when luke came into the office he would walk past my table and today his mood is literally so good i was so ???? did he finally wake up on the correct side of the bed??? den after the start of the exam i texted nico if i should eat breakfast anot and he is the only who would entertain me for breakfast so when he came over we decided to go downstairs for a small snack cause we already planned to go airport for lunch. We went down to the canteen downstairs and had sandwich and a cup of teaaa its bombz when we sat down and had our usual small talk May suddenly text me
May: "Jan(me)"
May : "Your boss came to your table and left something"
At this point reading these two sentence i as ready to run back and up and see if anything went wrong that's why he came over. Cause luke lets me do whatever i want as long as when it comes to work i get it down first and whenever he needs me its for something important
Jan: "??? what he put ? why he come?"
May : " idk youngie says its a phone stand holder and its damn cute "
READING THIS GAVE me so much freaking like i took a deep breathe of relief whenever luke come to me normally isn't good. I was so confused at what it was and was a little bit like "what isit what isit"
So i just continue having my breakfast and went back upstairs so i can take a look at what he gave and it was the exact same phone holder that he has on his table which i said was cute and something i would want but don't have when we were having a meeting and some girl suddenly intrude and asked what is a good gift for youngsters nowadays for a reward. When i opened the box i was squealing and i quickly said my thanks to him and it went like
me: "thank you *inserts a sticker of a cartoon running wif a flower* its really cute!"
luke: *smiley face emoji*
Den i heard from Youngie and May he was making his daily pot of hot water and because near the area i was sitting in was near the water dispenser. He suddenly walked over and brought the box with him and slowly and careful put down the box on top of my laptop and smile a lil AND THAT LADIES AND GENTS freaking love him to death he is always so hard and suddenly so soft im inloveeee like i see him as a dad he is literally ny dad age man.
But yea so i started working again and suddenly May told me to "eh you should look up" den i "huh??? wait i busy" but i still looked up and around and realised wingx LOOKS HECKA GOOD he was wearing formal and is the kind of formal where it fits the male really well and show off their good points and oof really took my breathe away. i just said "oof he wearing formal" i paused for 3 seconds "that ass is looking good" HAAHHAHAA oops den i continued working till 12 and i went over to the lab cos there was nothing else to do and nobody in the office wants to entertain me (and wingx was thr how can i miss a feast for the eyes) so i went over and just walked into the room they were in and went over to cisco seat cos he wasn't there and basically every other seat was taken but actually his seat has the best view to the entire office. So i took a seat and someone asked why im there and i just replied "ask eggy he knows why im here" and he "hm???" cos he was just drinking his water and i cued him he just "ah yea ik why she is here" HAHAHAH we just have this thing where he understands me and ik the things he say no matter how superficial he is being. I just kept my eyes on wingx while he walked around and we just made a few eye contacts but he was still talking to someone else so i didnt say anything to him i just told eggy "im thinking about your offer of framing the picture up" den he eyes widen and said "are you srs?" i just laughed and continue looking at wingx. At one point after about 10 mins he was still doing his stuff but not as busy i just "eh shuaige(handsome guy)" he looked up and "不要这样叫我额"(dont call me that eh) in an exasperated voice but honestly no regrets was damn looking.
The other time i called him that was a day before when i was there after lunch and all of them wad there too and i sat in between him and eggy cos that was the only seat left and eggy is the only person who entertains everything i say no matter how dumb it is. So Eggy just woke up from his nap (our company has a culture where they sleep after lunch for some people not everyone but eggy is one of them) and he was still not very awake and wingx was doing his stuff and i didnt want to disturb him so i just stared at eggy while he stood from his seat and walk out to the pantry and get some water and when the door closed i just turned back and look at my phone waiting for him to come back. Suddenly next to me came a voice "what you ate for lunch" i just internally 'huh who is talking to me???' den i looked up and i realised it was wingx talking to me while still doing his work and since he started we just had a convo.
me: "porridge ah"
him: "from where ah got so many places"
me: "downstsirs ah the pantry there"
him: "wah got so 可怜(pitiful) anot"
i just laughed and said "no ah just don't know what to eat and also sian go so far eat alr"
den i continued "u eh never eat again? dieting again ah?" cos the day before (another day before but i shall continue this first) he didn't eat either
him: "ya" den our convo kind of stopped there abit den i eggy came back and i talked with eggy and suddenly i realised in my pocket i had a packet of honey lemon sweet den i just offer to eggy first deb u turned to him "uw sweet?" den he "yes pls" "eh wait got sugar one anot?" its herbal sweet darling there isn't any sugar coated stuff but i just replied a no and laughed den when i gave him the sweet i tot like cos its a semi hard sweet he wld suck on it or smth but he freaking bite it MONSTER and im lz to continue laterrrr suckers
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sainadazai · 4 years
When your crush is angry all the time
Sharks or whales?
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Sharks or Whales is not a stupid question 
Bakugou pov
"I noticed it, you aren't slick katsu!"
"The fuck? Noticed what!"
"You know what, how could you"
"you don't even tell me you love me, but you can do that"
"The fuck...we only started dating like a week ago"
"Yea but- but- i"
"You what? Huh? Tell me what your talking about or get out of my face"
God, I really need to stop making impulse decisiones. I could just keep fighting with her though...she is always hotter when she is angry. That's how this all started in the first place, at that damn sports festival. Why did I have to find it so hot? 
Fucking occhaco, are you really only my type when your in battle? 
"Just shut up okay." 
I made myself quick to press my lips to hers and when she gasped I skipped my tongues in too. I wanted to be slow and sensual, even with tongue, but I couldn't. The slower I kiss her the more I remember how much I am not right for her. How she is feeling something but I can't feel it anymore. I skipped my hand behind her back and drew our lower bodies closer together. 
At least occhaco is a good kisser. I bet that stalker bitch from earlier isn't. I bet she is crusty and musty and fucl she was hot though. No. She is weird, she probably got in here because of her mom so she is spoiled. What a fucking princess. 
All of a sudden chaco trips on something and is pulled away from the kiss she falls backwards and landed flat on her ass. It takes some work not to laugh but whoever did that is going to die. Even if I wasn't really enjoying myself there, I could've been. They wouldn't know. 
I look down at my girlfriend in shock. What catches my eye first, though, is something wrapped around her ankle. I bent down to see what it was. I quickly got confused because she had a dead vine wrapped half way up her call and an equally dead rose on the end of it. 
"What the fuck"
I look back up to see the stalker doing her own thing and talking with shitty hair and a dulce face. It has to be her, no one else has this quirk. I don't know her quirk, but nobody else would've done this. Fucking wierdo. 
I start walking across the classroom to where she is sitting on top of her desk, manspreading and laughing with my extras. 
"No, I'm a serious shark or whale?" Y/n asks with the most serious face I've ever seen.
"Uhm sharks, duh"
"Why though?" 
"Sharks have cool sharp teeth and they move super fast" 
"Everyone says that, but think about this...whales are so big and fat and they dont even care, they are just fucking bosses, being slow as shit and still monchin on krill and small animals, they dont even have to fight or anything"
"I-y/n you-"
"No, imagine you could just walk around with your mouth open and food would just go in. "
"Oh my god, she is right," dunce face made a stupid look of awe at the girl. 
I wanted to snap her for fucking doing that to occhaco...but for a second I was actually distracted by how she was right about shitty whales. Fucking wierdo, though.
"Oi, stalker bitch" 
I could tell she was a creep by how fast her eyes lit up after I yelled at her. Who does she think she is? She likes it when i'm mad or something? 
"Me!? Yes sir, what do you need?" She hopped off of her desk and practically bounced over to me. 
"What the fuck was that, you shitty stalker?" I spoke darkly and pointed to where me and my fucking...girlfriend had been kissing. 
"What do you mean?" She asked, looking at me with a serious face. 
"That fuckong stunt you just pulled with the fucking flower," I hissed leaning down as I yelled at her. 
"Oh, I was jealous." She said once again completely seriously,  but she had a bright smile on her face. Why is she being so straightforward, has she never met a guy before? Half the girls in this school crush on me, obviously, but they wouldnt dare say dumb shit like that to me. 
"I saw you kissing your girlfriend, and it made me get this feeling like i wanted you to not do that...I mean, are you dense, never been jealous before? Or do you not know what it means..."
"But..." she looked at the floor again, I swear if she fucking cries I will throw her. 
Her aura went 360 and for some reason I got a shitty feeling in my chest, but it was moving lower...I think. Was I horny right now? What the fuck, no. 
Her head came back up and she was smirking, I wonder if this is something she got from her mom...
Those e/c eyes met with mine holding an erotic feeling that shot down my whole body. Her face was so fucking pretty right now, for no good reason and she fully lifted to peer up at me. It was much too effective in turning me on, since I was already leaning towards her a bit in my anger.
I grosled at the feeling, and then she rose her finger to point at me, just like fucking lunch time. She pressed it to my chest making me want to hit it away, but for some reason I waited to see what she would say. 
"I only really came to see you..." she spoke in a ridiculously seductive tone but at the same time...a whisper. 
"Shh" her finger was brought off of my chest and pressed to my lips in a huh motion. 
"Don't worry boom boom, I know I don't know you but if you would enlighten me im sure I could understand you a bit better...I only have one question..."
as soon as i yelled her finger retracted and her face returned to an innocent smile. Why does this bitch have so many faces? She looked way to excited for her question, while I was confused as to why it felt like two seconds ago she might litteraly try to fuck me, and now she looks like a kid in a candy store. 
"Sharks or whale, bakugou? SHARKS OR WHALES!?"
oh fuck this shit...
Timeskip* one week of y/n being totally confusing but also sexy later. 
Y/n pov 
I think I did something bad. I think I actually got them to break up. I don't wanna do that because my new friend mina explained what homewrecking was, and that isnt my goal. I just want to know if seeing his face all the time makes it less special, or if this crush is more. 
I shouldn't have gone so hard in combat training I guess..
"Whatever, its was stupid anyway"
"Yeah, uraraka, you deserve better than him, fucking dick"
The cute round-faced girl had tears bordering her eyes and was allowing everyone to comfort her in her loss. 
I felt pretty fuckibg terrible about what I had caused, I mean they were in a real relationship. If I had been dating somebody for a long time, and then some weirdo showed up and ruined it...I would hate her. 
"I cant believe he is so mean.." she clung to who I think is yaoyorozu, and cried into her chest. 
"It's not your fault, you didn't know he was all like that, it was only a week"
The creation- quilled girl spoke as she pet occhaco's hair and soothed her. Wait a fucking mintue. They only were dating for a week? The fuck?
"Hahahahahaha oh my god" I couldn't help but break out into laughter. 
This past week I came to teams with the fact that maybe her and him had something real, so I figured I'll settle for being free from hell, as opposed to trying to..I don't know. I don't even know what my plan was when I moved schools. I wanted to see him, meet him, make him angry again or something. 
However I never thought through a plan. So I suppose I would just have to enjoy the fact I can have male friends now. I started to back off, but one week, and she is crying over him burning me up a bit. What the hell?
"Y/n what the fuck!?" Ashido whispered and yelled at me. 
I turned a bit to face her, instead of the ridiculous scene in front of me. She had her brows furrowed and looked at me like I was crazy. 
"Think about it mina..they dated for one week...and she is crying because they broke up..it's like..it's like...bahahaha," i couldn't finish the thought without laughing but asido seemed to also find my humor in this situation. 
I saw how she almost laughed before catching herself and feighing seriousness. The other girls, minus occhaco and momo, had turned their attention towards us, looking wearily at our closeness. 
"Excuse me, I AM GOING TO GO TEACH Y/N SOME DECENCY" mina whispered yelled again, turning to face me with a fake angry look. I wasn't sure what was happening, because I have never been in a situation like this before. So I let out a little giggle and nodded, my face red and starting to hurt from the smile and laugh I couldn't suppress. 
Mina grabbed my arm just under my elbow, gripping it almost tight enough to hurt. She dragged me around the corner of the living room, into the hallway of yaoyorozou's house. We had all been told to rush here after school for an urgent matter.
When I first read the group texts I kinda thought it might be an orgy, so I figured I would come even though I didn't really want to. However..I showed up to this mansion to find a crying floaty-girl and a lot of food for some reason. It confused me because at my old school girls didn't really cry, or get sad, or be emotional. When they did it was usually about reason things, like a stolen diary, hair pulling during combat training, or one of the worst offences at my old school: playing pop music. 
Yeah, it's a weird thing for a ton of princesses and rich girls to care about..but I've seen girls lose eyes over playing "mad at disney '' in the dorms when we all know it is pretty much a sin.
Mina pushed me back against the wall of the hallway, and I would be aroused if now for the fact that she backed away and crouched over herself in laughter. 
"I-pfft I don't baha know why but bahahaj you are so right"
I didn't even become surprised by her action, I just laughed with her letting myself slide down the wall. 
"If you hadn't asked pfft bakugou that question, they would probably still be dating!" She was fucking wheezing and an idea came to my mind.
"Hey, ashido, you think if they made it to two weeks they could have scheduled a time to bahah hug in the halls"
"Y/n pfft, I think that's more of a ....3 three week anniversary thing"
We were both in fetal positions in momos big velvet- themed hallway laughing our asses off. We had no idea how the guys were reacting to this strange break up, but if a girl hated me for one of my key personality traits I'd be pretty set on..not dating them either. Good for you boom boom. Pftt ``y-you think someday we can -maybe um..mk-kiss in the mo-mouth"
"Omg your too much bahahaha"
3rd person pov
Meanwhile bakugou, kaminari, kirishima and sero were sitting in separate places around kaminari's room, not minding the huge fight between their friend and y/n...and occhaco for some reason earlier. 
"I don't get it, why did you hit her after she already beat you bakugou..like y/n was so cool and I get you dont like to lose but that royal quirk thing was many as shit and you ruined the vibe"
"Tch, whatever, she is just a weirdo bitch"
"You know that's not true dude...she actually pretty hot"
"Jeez, just being honest. We all know you like it when girls can fight...i mean it's like the only reason you went out with uraraka anyway."
"I mean, you kinda were, but she a bit overreacting, sure"
"Shut up sero, if she is scared, she is allowed to be scared. Its not manly to shame her"
"I know kiri, but like, if you are gonna date bakugou, shouldn't you be someone who doesn't cry when he is mean. Cuz like he is mean all the time."
"I guess..I kinda imagined she would try to calm him down but she kinda just made us all feel guilty, huh"
"Shut up, this isn't about you bakugou"
"Hey guys, don't you think it's kinda weird that we are in a like...serious conversation, but we are all on our phones not looking at each other," Sero pitched in, still not taking his eyes off of his phone screen where he was playing clash of clans. 
He was right, the four boys were in opposite corners of the room occupying themselves with different social media. 
"No" kaminari replied as he scrolled through his phone, not actually doing anything on it
"Not really" kirishima added in, as he was searching instagram, looking for y/ns account because he had developed a curiosity to what she looked like out of uniform. 
He had only got a glimpse of her casual clothing on the first day, not enough to even process, and for some reason when you trained you hadn't had a hero suit either. It seemed you would just wear a tank top and sweats during hero training in your first week. 
Unbeknownst to him, you hadn't had one to wear in the first place. Most of your planning for life revolved around being lazy and not needing to do any work. So, unlike the students here, you had not planned or sketched any type of hero suit. You were however working on a pretty simple one that just allowed you to be comfortable while you worked, but mom definitely was going to um...do something about that. 
"its fucking normal tape arms, everyone does this shit" bakugou spoke kinda quietly. He was just hoping no one would look up and come see that he had actually succeeded in getting your instagram. He was finding out... a lot of new things. For one, he definitely wasn't seeing your casual everyday attire. 
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His thoughts were a mess, he figured, unlike kirishima, that he would use your first and last name. While his friend used y/n kayama, your well known mother's last name. He had first went on the Internet and found that you scared the last name of a king, and he knew that your quirk was royal from what you explained during your battle with him.
The outfit you wore on the first day had him in for it. As that style was exactly his type, his eyes lingered too long. However seeing you as a ballerina and a fucking princess gave him a weird feeling. He didn't know what it was, but he hated it. He hated you, and your pretty posture and cool style and your fucking princess shit. He even hated the irony in how he called you a princess for even getting into U.A. However, if you were truly the princess of the elementus quirk family...he was going to have bigger problems than your stupid questions in class. . . .
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actualbird · 7 years
Hey um this is dumb, but do you have any advice for when you're somebody who's 14 and unpopular and. Yea. Like I know instagram likes and sitting with people at recess and hanging out every weekend don't matter a ton, I'm just kind of ughkdgcj. Like some people are just so Cool and Well Liked and I don't understand it. Sorry to vent on you, you can completely ignore this and it's totally fine. I was just wondering if you remember being 14 and kinda helpless and confused. Thanks for existing.
oh hey. hi. im not very good with advice but i really really feel this a lot. when i was 14 i didnt really have any of that. never went out with friends. ate alone. i had people i joked with but nobody i actually talked to. i never got Seriously bullied but did hear people a lot of shit about me that tore my self esteem to shreds. it’s a pretty isolating experience not necessarily having anything bad happen but also having nothing...very good either. it made me feel like shit. i had no idea how people made friends or how they seemed so happy and how they did so well. i was convinced i was doing something wrong.
my advice for like. how to cope with that is....kinda not too tangible and more of a change in mindset? by the time i turned 15 i was just dead tired of feeling sorry for myself so i kinda. switched off the part of my brain that cared so much about what i didnt have and shifted onto things i did have? so what if i never went out or was always alone. i had a lot of free time so i pursued my hobbies and interests. fanfic was something i indulged in A LOT in those years and i found a really great community who loved to talk. got super super tired of believing bullshit others said about me so i cultivated this really weird motto i follow through til today: the only person who can make me feel like shit is myself. nobody else. (this goes without saying that dksfdjfhk this is NOT an invitation to make urself feel like shit. i just started from bare minimum. im working my way up. slowly...)
as for being confused how other people Do That Thing Where They’re Awesome, something i learned is that. well. there isnt a step by step process. if you asked them, chances are they probably dont know. they were just living life. they made friends and enjoyed and yeah, there will be some circumstantial things that definitely sway each and every outcome, but for the most part it just happens. my point here is that they didnt do something magically Correct, and the corrolary is that you arent doing anything Wrong either. social hierarchies are bullshit and while they do regrettably exist, the truth stands that we’re all just a bunch of kids who want to enjoy each day, in whatever definition of the word. 
if youre the type who can handle reaching out, i’d definitely recommend it. you dont have to do instagram likes and hanging out every weekend, but friends help. friends help so so much, and i assure you, theres somebody out there who wants to be your friend, whether they know it yet or not.
i still never go out. still eat alone. i talk to people more but it’s still hard. four years later and im still confused and still a little lost, but theres nothing wrong with that cuz theres nothing wrong with me. theres nothing wrong with you.
i really hope you feel less “ughkdgcj” soon anon. you seem like a kind soul and you deserve softer days that dont make you feel helpless. i hope this helped in any way at all
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