#yeah i know they end up happily ever after but what if they didnt
confusedmothboy · 6 months
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also i finished the manga a while ago what do i do with my life now
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chyeyuj · 9 months
an anon reqeusted this fic and im sirry if it wasnt exactly like the one you requested bcs i forgot baout it and this is my 2nd remake...if the pic below is like not being lined tgt or smtg, js ignore it. im not remaking this again.
cheater!ex!bada lee x wife!reader x wife!aiki
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you felt someone tap on your shoulder and look sroumd to see none other than your ex, Bada Lee. You never knew you'd meet her again. "I didn't know you were involved in this show." She said, chuckling but all you did was smile at her awkwardly. "Yeah, I didn't know you were involved too." You replied. "Well you know me, dancing is my passion!" The way she spoke was as if she didnt just cheat on you a long time ago. She continued to speak again, "How's your life going, yn?" She asked, a grin on her face as she waits for your answer patiently. "Its alright, what about you? How is you and Howl?" You shoot her back with a question and she immediately drops her smile when you mentioned Howl. "We're..not together." Bada replied, looking away.
Years ago, you and Bada were the "healthiest" couple in your whole life. Everything was smooth, until Bada met one guy during her dance sessions. Howl. You thought they both had a sister brother bonding and you knew that Bada doesnt have feelings for men. But everything changed on that day, the day you got back from dancing with your friends. When you got home, you saw a pair of shoes that weren't yours but not wanting to think negatively, you thought that Bada bought new shoes.
Inside, you didnt see your girlfriend anywhere, she wasnt watching tv like she used to so you went to your room to put your things you just bought with your friends earlier before searching for Bada.
But opening that door was something you regretted doing because when you did that, you saw Bada and Howl on both of you guys' bed, making out.
Hearing the loud gasp you let out, the both of them pulled away and look at you, their eyes widening in shock.
Before Bada could get up though, you immediately closed the door and walked out of the house in tears. You immediately went to Tatter's place since she was the friend you trusted the most and when you told her baout what happened, she immediately gasped. She did not expect this from someone like Bada. She insisted you to stay with her, tomorrow or afterwards she will get your stuff in the house you and Bada used to live in together.
It has been days, weeks, months ever since the incident with Bada. You were living your life to the fullest. Tatter had introduced you to one of her friends, Aiki. Both of you hung out, telling eachother's interests and more. Soon, Aiki confessed which you accepted. Aiki has treated you better than Bada ever had, always being with you no matter what and she was very loyal. And eventually, both of you were happily married until this day.
Back to the current situation, Bada finally looked at you, smiling a bit. "So..anything new happening lately?" She asked, changing the topic. "Yes, I am married." Your reply making Bada's face turn into shock, her jaw agape. "With who?" "Aiki." Again, she was shocked to hear about the news. Never has she thought that you would end up being married to someone. Aiki showed up at the right time after fixing her clothes and everything, immediately walking beside you and putting her hand on your hip. "Oh Bada, right? Leader of Bebe? I like your team's spirit." She said, smiling while Bada only nodded, still a bit shocked. "Well the show is about to start, you should get ready." Was the last thing Aiki said before leaving along with you. Meanwhile Bada was looking at you both with shock and disappointment. She knew it was all her fault.
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mwagneto · 3 months
I’m a bit afraid of the upcoming two-parter finale of Doctor Who, mainly because of the circulating TV show theory and a horrifying thought I had the other day concerning this theory. … What if this theory is partly true, and the entirety of season 1 was indeed a TV show, and therefore not real maybe. Which would be the worst possible outcome I think, given that people in general hate the “it was all just a dream”/ “it didn’t really happen”-trope. But if we take this outcome into consideration I was wondering, when did the “TV show” / the “performance” start? Since when is it all fake so to speak? Because one could argue that the ending Fourteen got, is way too happy. He got his own TARDIS by very ridiculous/ implausible means. He got his own family. Everyone is happy. It is the “and they lived happily ever after”- ending you only see in fairy tales or very sappy TV shows. So my horrifying thought was, what if the “performance” started right after they defeated the Toymaker and Fourteen’s happy ending isn’t real at all!?
YEAHH i thought about that too, especially since i saw someone mention that "maybe the 'show' started in wby" in a post i'll never find
i think it is a logical conclusion to jump to since that IS 100% where the turning point was, the superstition is invoked, the salt is thrown, bam. the entire universe tilts on its axis. but i realllly really don't think that's the case?
i'll put the rest under the cut coz it got too long + i tried adding paragraphs to make it more readable so sorry if it feels janky
ok so admittedly my reasons for thinking whatever is going on now is definitely post 14 ending is because, like you and the above mentioned post says, anything major starting in wby would make the giggle a part of the whole thing and undo 14s happy ending + make 14 at least somewhat part of the story which. is definitely not something they'd do. or i sure hope they won't!
like rtd said 14 was never coming back and like yeah showrunners lie but i think even he knows how much bringing 14 back for a main show appearance would suck ASSSS like while i don't think having 14 bigenerate really stole 15's thunder the way ppl are saying (and i get why those people are mad too, i disagree but i understand), having 14 come back in any way whatsoever would just be really bad both because
he already got his happy ending, he got a beautiful last scene, his and by extension 10's story got an incredible sendoff that i still can't fully talk about coz of how crazy it is but like. you get it. and to have him just... come back after that would be really weird? like?? yknow??? that's him done. bringing him back at all would kinda.. not just cheapen it but make the finality of his happiness feel like it's not that secure or peaceful after all. and
having 14, the guy created specifically to bring in more viewers after everyone gave up during 13 era almost leading to the show getting cancelled, a guy whose MAIN REASON for existing is because they knew he'd be incredibly popular, be relevant to 15's story would just. be bad. like again i don't think the bigeneration itself was disrespectful to 15 or stole anything from him but that is IT. 14 cannot come back again, he did his job (nostalgiabaiting audiences + bringing people back in + letting rtd have a beautiful little playground sesh with his old era) and it slapped but he got his time and his ending and i think slash hope rtd knows this and won't do anything to mess with it.
okay sorry that got so fkin long i didnt mean to. ANYWAY. ONTO THE ACTUAL THEORY geez..
SO. wrt the season/episodes being part of a tv show and my general view on tv show theory: like. yeah like you said people generally dislike the ohh it was all a dream twist, and the longer the stretch of time that turns out to have not been real gets, the more annoying the twist is, which i'm 100% sure rtd as a showrunning veteran is very very aware of, so i really don't think they'll do anything as insane as having the ENTIRE thing turn out to have not been real
like i thinnnnnnnnk if it is a tv show then everything we've seen will have been real as in like. it wasn't just the doctor trapped in goo forced to experience fictional people that don't exist and have no consequence once he wakes up
i also think if the tv show theory IS true in some way, then the doctor is definitely aware of it at least to some degree, hell half the evidence we have for it literally comes from things he himself does (and that applies in a broader sense too, even if it's not a tv show or something, he still seems at least partially aware of Something, especially in the devil's chord (which also directly ties into the giggle and references a lot of things) although hints and little moments have steadily declined since then, that was definitely the peak of the theorisable moments era)
so like, tldr of everything i said so far: i dont think 14 is coming back and i don't think they'll make the entire season turn out to have been fake, but im basing both of these solely on the fact that these choices would be really really really bad and i don't think they should happen
as for what i think IS going on: i feel like i can't fully be objective because i really want the tv show hints to go somewhere so i feel like a lot of me believing it comes from wanting to believe it and not actual evidence, but yeah i think it definitely ties into tv in some way
again i don't think they'll be like ohh the entire thing was fiction and none of these people were real so none of it meant anything, i think if it really is some weird non-reality then they'll still do it in a way that makes the real world relevant
but like, as demonstrated above, when it comes to overarching plots i think i'm generally better at predicting what WON'T happen than what will, like idk i can guess the murderer 1 minute into any detective thing but when it comes to guessing stories i can get kinda lost. like idk i notice all the hints and then some but without an obvious thing to point to that ties it all together i can never really make up the larger story of what's going down (unlike with, say, murder mysteries, where you already know all the suspects at the beginning) yknow ?? i hope that makes sense 😭
that and i always feel like making up specific theories means whatever i think will happen definitely WON'T happen so yeah basically i have no idea what is actually going on but i really really love speculating, and i'm not really afraid of any of the negative outcomes you and a lot of other people mentioned, like yea it IS possible and it would be really bad but i don't think they'd do it exactly because it would be really bad. but we'll see i guess...
for now i'm not worried and pretty excited and very very hopeful coz i LOOOOOVE how intricately built this whole season is like oh my goddd yessss hints mysteries secrets foreshadowing haha YESSSSSS HAHAAAAA!!!
one thing tho. that i forgot to consider for this whole essay until i was already typing the ending. is that the whole thing starting in wby with the salt seems likely but hopefully isn't the case HOWEVER. susan twist literally appears in wby well before the salt thing .. which is definitely something to keep in mind. what does it mean? i don't know ❤️ i think whatever her deal is isn't related or at least is only vaguely related to the whole superstition/fantasy thing BUT if it is a tv show and she plays a part in the tv show theory then her being in the episode where the entire genre of the show changed is rly interesting
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stayinguplate · 1 year
(Finding out Winter King made a Marcy out of ice made me think of this).
Can i request Winter King being platonic yandere towards ice!Marcy and ice!reader?
Like let's say that reader was his younger sibling (they were 5 years younger the him) who had die in a car accident (they were crossing the street and got hit by a drunk driver) when they were, like, 15 years old.
When he become Winter King not only did he made ice!Marcy but also ice!reader.
Platonic yandere winter king x ice reader + ice Marcy
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Omg I love that idea  it’s making me kind of tear up  but anyways, let’s get on with the story also I won’t have school for like for four days. So I’m free those four days and I can get as much fanfiction requests as possible.  just wanted to let you guys know .
Anyways, this story will contain platonic yandere tendencies, such as being really overprotective, manipulating,fluff sort of,mentions of death ,angst to yandere then fluff
Let’s start at the beginning Simon and reader were not like other siblings yeah, sometimes they argued but they make up after a few seconds or minutes they were like two peas in a pod ,like peanut butter and jelly it felt like nothing could separate those two  they stuck together thick through thin .
Simon was always overprotective of his little sister and wanted nothing bad to happen to her , he always checked up on her after school, and during the day ,she would always trust him and tell him things like if people were picking on her or if she felt unlucky that she didn’t get a significant other ,and he would always try to do something about it, and if reader didn’t want him to do anything he wouldn’t he would just sit and comfort her. He wasn’t gonna let anyone ruin them . . . Never in his life
(if reader is 15 than Simon will be 17 I suppose )
If reader wanted to go to the movie with her friends  Simon would have to come because he wouldn’t want her to see a bad movie, right or what if someone takes her after the movie?
Might as well be going with Simon to the movie  because your friends just wanted to be there with you it was supposed to be just you and your friends but Simon had to come along. Your mom agreed that he had to go with you. You didn’t mind it but sometimes it got annoying. 
 you finally graduated eighth grade , you were happy, but Simon was constantly around you in high school who is making sure you were OK and making sure you weren’t getting into any trouble. It got annoying so you started avoiding him but then he always freaked out and started to have a panic attack if you avoided him so you learned to sort of deal with it, plus he was just trying to protect you, then the next year came that’s when tragedy
hit place . . .
Simon was sick and he didn’t go to school that day. There was a big road and you had to walk by it to get home which wasn’t a problem but on that specific day, it was the lights weren’t working and the construction workers were trying to fix it. You were happily walking by enjoying a good day at school and going to the theatre club for tryouts it was late 4:40 the sunset was almost ending you were rushing to get home so you’re mom and Simon would not worry so much and then suddenly you heard tire scratch on the concrete and then everything turned black . . .
You died that day the school called you and Simmons mom and told them the sad news your mom first in the tears
 Went to go sit down on the couch, breathing heavily, not taking it very well 
Simon,however . . .
Felt rage and sadness and felt like the worst brother ever he couldn’t protect a his little sister and felt like such a failure 
Simon fell asleep in your room that day, wanting to feel your presence one last time before having to painfully except that you were gone forever . . .
 The mushroom war officially started Simon DIDNT parish as he had the magical crown ,Simon was officially in his early 30s or late 20s it felt like he had lost so much . . . But then one day he found marceline 
Every thing felt slightly better like he had a daughter and he promised to protect her no matter what wanting to make sure that she wouldn’t meet the same fate as you did he wouldn’t let it happen
One day had to be the most hardest day because there was an infestation of mushroom zombies and no matter how much they out ran the mushroom zombies , there was still so many around everywhere they went before Simon made the tough decision to put on the crown to protect marceline the mushroom zombies attack from behind. They were ambushed Simon, and then quickly put on the crown, but it was too late. They had Marceline, and he couldn’t recognize her sweet little face anymore, with her eyes closed and face ruined with cuts he hugged her tiny body tightly sobbing  knowing that he failed to protect someone he loved. . .he lost you Betty, and now Marceline 
 He put on the crown and let the madness and powers take over 100 years went by by this time he saw Princess bubblegum being so happy with her subjects, wondering why he could not have the same out of all this madness he still remembered you and Marceline,his memories of Betty’s memory was so faint, but he could feel it, but he still couldn’t put his finger on it. He couldn’t remember who she really was . . . so then he did the unthinkable and created a curse that will transfer  the madness onto her, and he will be more in control 
Princess bubblegum was no longer known as princess bubblegum. It was known as candy queen and ice king was no longer ice king instead, it was winter king . . .
As he was done creating his new winter, kingdom into something better and perfect  and please filled with winter and ice subjects and made the ice scouts he still felt like something was missing. Then he realized what he really wanted.
. . . He wanted you and Marceline.  so he created just that he knew you both will still be just ice  so he grabbed a little memory of you two, a bracelet that you always wore and Rambo the teddy bear that Marceline always carried around he put them in the ice memories and created you both. He ran up to you both and ingulfing you both in a tight embrace.  a tear running down his cheek.  swearing, that he won’t let anything bad ever happen ever again.
you both were confused, but hugged him back. “ don’t worry you two you will live in relaxation in this wonderful winter world that I created for the better “ and quickly wiped his tear Marceline smiled “ you’re so silly winter king “ she said giggling winter king gently smiling at Marceline and petted her head gently and turning to you looking more happy then ever you were too young to pass winter king engulfed you in a hug again ” my dear sweet sister i’ve missed you so “ he said as he pulled away from the hug gently and gently put his hand on your face looking at your ice features he didn’t matter if you two were just ice  you both were his family 
“ there’s everything you need here you guys don’t need to leave. I’ll create everything you want just now leaving ever you both stay with me where you’re safe . . . Forever “ 
He said hugging you both more tightly as he felt more of a protective side, coming out,
“ i’m sorry, but I said no reader” winter king says as he then sits on his throne
“But why not the ice scouts get to leave ”you said a little disappointed as your head lowered ,winter king stands up and walks towards you and uses his hand to lift you head up
As there was a protective cold, look in his eyes 
“ I’m not letting you leave I care about you too much. Plus I’m afraid you’re gonna melt I care too much about you to let that happen.I know what best for you until you are ready ” he said trying to scare you “ do you wanna to melt reader I will rebuild you, but you’ll be in so much pain you’re gonna wish you never really went out, so are you sure you really want to go?”  he said, in the most manipulating tone “ but I’ll let you” he said, as he went behind you smiling knowing that his tricks working as he felt you hesitating
“ I’ll stay here . . . “ you said disappointed and saddened but winter king hugs you gently ” please don’t be sad. Come now let’s go have you and Marcy and.I please snowball fight maybe have some hot chocolate to ” he said smiling as his plan worked 
You smiled back, liking the idea
He wasn’t gonna let any of you leave He’d rather die than let you guys go never again never never never
Thank you so much for requesting this. I loved writing this so much. I hope you have a good day or night or afternoon. See you next time.  
At the end, it kind of reminded me of this 
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onskepa · 10 months
Muewehehehe! 😈
Hello Halo Hello! Once again I am Back! MUHAHAHAHA!
And I come back with another triplets request! Cause gosh darn it you do them so well. But anyways back to the request, that is if it's okay with you of course!
So hear me out years have past and the young triplets are now the beautiful age of 15! The kids along with the family are going to the plains to meet up with other Clans for a celebratory hunt. The omaticaya, Metkayina and Tipani gather together the young hunters ready to prove themselves and so forth.
But this isn't just about that that, this is about Lu'law gaining the attention of a very determined princling of the Tipani. Lu'law who's known for being pretty inventive and always crafting things or being intrigued by the old ways of human technology to help the humans of the omaticaya or just the Clan in general. But Lu'law isn't just known for her inventions they are also known for their beautiful gymnastic skills, practically making her look as though they dance on air.
The tipani princling is enraptured by her and is determined to court her for the following days, the thing is... daddy and uncle Loki ain't having it. Mischief ensues.
(I like to think the triplets call their uncle Lo'ak, loki from they're mama's stories cause he's mischievous.)
(Also Lu'law's siblings and mama help her to get with the adorkable boy they think is cute.)
Ooooooooooooooooooooohhh~!! I like this one! Sit back, relax, and Enjoy! Syawn series
Syawn ch 4: skxom Hunt pt1
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"Bro maybe we should head back, we got enough for the travel. Any more and we wont have enough space to carry the meat".
15 year old lu'Tstunwi says to his triplet brother, 15 year old lu'Lafyon.
Lu'Lafyon nods in agreement. They hunted enough. "Yeah, lets go. Lu'Law lets go!" the second brother calls out to his sister.
Where ever she is at.
Lu'Tstunwi and Lu'Lafyon roll their eyes in unison.
"She left didnt see? To grand uncle norm?" Lu'Lafyon asks in a bit of annoyance.
"No I didnt! Im right here" the voice of their sister was heard behind them. Turning around they see their sister landing down from a high branch.
Together, they head back home with their kill. Chatting happily about what they hope to see.
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In the Omatikaya grounds, jake sully was packing the needed equipment for their long journey ahead. He gets up, groaning a bit tired.
Close to him, neteyam sees his father and slightly grins, "is time finally getting to you dad?". Jake rolls his eyes but cracks his back joints with a satisfying pop sound. "I am still in my prime son. But even I must admit, it is slowly getting to me" Jake replies in slight defeat.
Neteyam chuckled. He looks up at the position of the sun, knowing soon his children will come back soon with their kill. And finish what is left to pack.
His children. Neteyam's precious triplets.
After so many years, the reality of the three has never faded from his mind. Neteyam loves his triplets equally and adores how each are different yet the same.
The most he enjoys is the triplets being very close to their grandfather. Since jake understands the triplets on a a deeper level. Seeing them thrive and bond with others have made him and syawn very happy. And speaking of syawn, where is she?
There she is.
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Everyone was preparing for the long travel for the Skxom Hunt. A hunt that only happens once every 3 years. Clans from all over gather at a specific spot to hunt. Where life thrives and producing never ending field of nourishment and quality of ripe fruits and healthy animals.
Usually there would be an agreed spot of where to hunt. But for the last 40 years, the Skxom hunt has taken place in the once homeland of the fallen Sarentu clan. Where all na'vi go as to pay respect for their fallen brothers and sisters.
For the future generations to learn and never forget the once thriving clan. Retelling of Sarentu's stories, most notable figures. How their culture was like and traditions.
What has fallen, now rises a new life. The Sarentu's territory covered high mountains, deep massive lakes, endless fields of grass lands and patches of forest. Perfect for every na'vi in different environments.
Perfect for many things to be born anew. New things would bloom.
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"ok now remember, you only have about 340 hours so make every second count, ya got it?" Norman Spellman was telling to lu'law.
"Dont worry uncle norm. Every second is going to be....how did you say it? A gem? Whatever. Know your trusty camera is in safe hands of sully the vlogger!!" Lu'law said with such confidence while holding a peace sign.
“That is the concerning part” Max says casually as he passes by with his wheelchair. “It happened one time. Besides, it was uncle loki that did it. Why put the blame on little ol’me?” Lu’law asks while making a pouty face. 
“Because you gave it to him”. 
“Oh yeah…”
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Night came, and the whole clan gather once more in their union dinner, to be close to their loved ones before the long journey ahead. 
Kiri and spider chat as much as they could with their family as they will be staying behind to watch over the clan. “And make sure the hunters are going through the right paths I laid out. The west side river is at its peak so have everyone be careful since the waters are rough this time of year, also-”
“Yes, yes, yes dad. Don't worry, we got it, "Kiri says as she reassures her father. 
Jake cant help but sigh. This happens every time Jake has to leave the clan for days. Often over worrying, extra observant and extra worrying. 
“We have done this plenty of times dad. We got this, the people trust spider as much as they trust you. Our people are in the safest hands” kiri says with softness in her voice. Jake shakes his head while his hands also shake slightly. Neytiri rubs her hand against his arms. “Ma’jake, our daughter is right. She and spider have proved themselves worthy to watch over the people. They will be fine. It is not the first time”. 
The soothing voice of his mate, Jake relaxed. “Neytiri is right, I can handle the torch while you are away,” Spider says with a grin. Excited to be in a position where he can help the people in a massive way. 
“Hey, I am the BEST of the BEST. I can heal anyone. Besides, it will be fun to see the whole fest!” tuk says as she sits beside neytiri and kiri. 
Over at the over fire pit, neteyam and syawn enjoy their meal with their beloved children. Syawn explaining to neteyam how her day with tuk and others went and he listens with all his attention on her. Lu’law sees it and often wonders if one day she would have what her parents have. 
“Sis? You are zoning out again” Lu’lafyon says as Lu’Tstunwi snaps his fingers in front of her face. “Oh, sorry, um, what were we talking about again??” lu’law asks while nervously scratching her nose. “Your sensor. You said it works better now” lu’tstunwi replies. Regaining her concentration again, lu’law explains her new item. 
“Oh right! So this will help us see if any danger is near with a super hyper heat sensor and…”
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Everyone awoke before the rising sun. They begin their journey both in Ikrans and palis. Jake took the front line to lead the way, as the warriors surrounded their massive group. Everyone was nervous yet excited for the hunt. Neytiri and Jake were chatting while being on alert. Neteyam and syawn enjoy each other’s comfort in silence. And Tuk chatting happily to some of her fellow friends who joined in on the journey.
The triplets decided to ride their ikrans during their journey. Letting the cool wind awaken their minds and feel the crisp morning air. Using the earpiece their grandfather gave them, they have clear communication long distant from the land and sky. Thanks to lu’law’s little tinkering, not only they can hear, but also give visuals from the person’s perspective. Which can cover more ground better. Making things better for her people gives lu’law a sense of pride and feels she is truly contributing to the clan in her own way. 
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"You think the Tyrangi clan will be there?" Lu'Lafyon asks during the time of resting. His siblings look at each other before rolling their eyes. "Brother, it be unlike the Tyrangi clan to NOT be there" Lu'Law responds.  “Really brother, are you Omatikaya or Tayrangi?” Lu’Tstunwi teases, making those around him grin.
“Wouldn't be surprised if my nephew would present for that clan” Lo’ak adds in as he makes himself comfortable. The Tyrangi clan, or more specifically, their Olo’eykte, Ikenyi, holds favoritism towards Lu’Lafyon. The oldest triplet became a symbol of unity between the Omatikaya and Tayrangi. For what reason? That is a secret buried between Lu’Lafyon and Ikenyi. 
“Please uncle loki, grandpa would never let that happen” Lu’Tstunwi says. “Damn right I won't” Jake comments as he sits down with neytiri. The triplets scoot closer to their grandparents. “In fact, I am sure Neteyam can agree with me on this one. The three of you, dont take after your uncle lo’ak-” 
“You are Omatikaya no matter what. And in the future when you fully participate in the hunt, present Omatikaya and show the others what we can do '' Jake ends his little speech. Neytiri smiles as she leans on to him. 
“You are still hurt from your defeat of the last hunt” 
“Those fuckers cheated”
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It was a long trip, but at long last they arrived at the preserved lands of the long gone Sarentu clan. Thanking Eywa for reaching their destination, the Omatikaya members began to settle. But they weren't alone. Their brothers at arms have settled before them, the metkayina clan. 
Lo’ak ran walked to Tsireya as everyone else was welcoming each other. “It has only been a few days and he acts like he hasn't seen auntie Tsireya in years' ' Lu'Tstunwi comments as he rolls his eyes. But Lu’Law inwardly hums at the scene of her uncle and aunt. “Must be nice though, to see someone you look forward to seeing no matter how much time has passed,” she says with a sigh. 
Syawn heard her and pulls her daughter closer, “my sweet girl, are you perhaps thinking of something like that?” she teases. Lu’Law playfully rolls her eyes, “no mother, it is just a silly thought” . Syawn hums while smiling slightly, “no thought is too silly”. 
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“My little Lulu’s!!” 20 year old Ti’ong sings out as she embraces the triplets into her arms. Giving them each a kiss on the head, she lets them go. “You three keep getting big! Stop growing and be cute and small forever!” she pouts while complaining. Lu’Tstunwi chuckles, “It has only been 3 months, Tsmuke. Don't be dramatic”
Dramatically, Ti’ong leaned against Lu’Tstunwi, “3 months is too long”. Lu’law giggles at her Tsmuke antics when her eyes landed on the arriving clan. 
The Tipani clan. 
It is rare for the Tipani clan to attend the hunt since they live farther out in the forest region and would take longer to arrive. Perhaps they had a head start. 
Lu’Law took notice of her father smirking a bit playfully. “Dad? You know someone from the Tipani clan?” she asks, neteyam nods. “See that man over there? With the yellow shield on his back?”. The daughter nods. The man in question looked a bit older than neteyam. Seemed more experienced and a master level. 
“Well, his name is Tan Jala. We have a bit of competition in terms of physical skill. It is a bit over due to settle the score” neteyam says with determination in his voice. 
“You and your father are much alike” Syawn joins with a deadpan in her voice. 
“It is as uncle lo’ak says mom, like father like son”
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On the other side of the field, young princling of the Tipani clan, atan afyawusìntxu was looking all over the na’vi that are settling in. It was his first time attending the Skxom hunt. Ready to prove himself not only to his people but to everyone else. 
His parents told him that the legendary Toruk Makto is here along with his clan. To hear the stories never tired him. And the clan he lives in must be powerful and strong too! But Toruko Makto wasn't the only person the young Tipani prince wishes to see. The blessed triplets too. 
Atan has heard of the historic communion from his mother. To see the triplets in front of him would be such an honor. Though secretly, the boy wishes to be friends with them. Not to hold political connections but to be genuine friends. 
“Atan, focus. This is your first hunt. You do well in being the face of our future to the others” atan's father says. The boy nods. “Yes father, I promise I won't make a fool of myself” 
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“Stop making a fool of yourselves!!” Tuk warns at her niece and nephews. The triplets giggle as they make silly carvings while hanging upside down on one of the tall tents. Syawn giggles and places a hand on tuk’s shoulder. “Did you forget it was you who taught them to be silly, sister?”. Tuk inwardly groans, “Yes, and I regret it”. Syawn laughs heartily at it. 
“Auntie tuk! Come on! Join us!” Lu’law shouts, inviting tuk to join in their silliness. “You too mother! The view is lovely up here!” Lu’tstunwi says. The ladies shrug their shoulders and join in the fun. 
Lu’lafyon helps them up but wasn't quick. “Wait mother, don't step there-” 
“Thank Eywa we didn't inherited mothers clumsiness” 
“I heard that!”
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The next day arrives, and the skxom hunt begins. As the sun has risen, the games begin. The entire sully family prepares for the first rounds. Lu’law prepares the camera norm gave her. To record the best parts for the clan to see when they return home. 
“Ok, aaaaand we are rolling!” she announces. Lu’Lafyon and Lu’Tstunwi made silly poses in front of the camera. “Hello Omatikaya people! Today is the first day of the Skxom hunt! The first games are fishing and gathering in the lakes!” Lu’Lafyon announces to the camera. “Todays competitors are the Tipani clan, Ta’unui clan, Tayrangi clan and our fellow ally, the Mekayina clan!” Lu’Tstunwi follows. 
Lu’law giggles at their silliness. She turns the camera facing her and grins widely. “Join us as we record the greatest event in na’vi history! We are your voices! I am lu’law Sully!” she makes a peace sign. Her brothers join her on each side. 
“I am Lu’Tstunwi Sully!” 
“And I am Lu’Lafyon Sully!” 
“And you are watching Disney channel!” the three say in unison. 
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“And uncle ao’nung is in the lead!! GO UNCLE GO!!” Lu’law screeches in excitement. She zooms in to where Ao'nung was head to head with a Tayrangi clan member. “The Tipani is falling behind a bit” she comments. 
There were cheers among the crowd. “*gasps!* uncle is-” 
A loud voice echoed in the massive field, reaching everyone's ears. Lu’law pointed the camera to show a na’vi holds a large sky demon technology that works as a speaker. “And that is O’ame of the Hulanta clan WHO IS VERY LOUD!” Tuk shouted behind lu’law. 
The young triplet laughs and while holding the camera, she leans over to get something from her bag when she unknowingly was recording someone…
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Atan was cheering for his fellow clan member. He screamed at the top of his lungs, seeing the metkayina warrior having a greater chance at winning. 
He heard a bright cheery voice amongst all others. The voice is clear and bright. Atan carefully trying to pinpoint who it was, his eyes widened slightly in surprise. It was the triplet sister. Atan was awestruck. She wasn't that far from him. As his parents wanted, to make strong bonds with the Omatikaya clan. Perhaps this is a good chance. 
The sister was holding some demon technology. Something he despised of. It was odd looking like all demon technology. It had some dark circle in the center. Aiming at the competitors. Nothing was coming out of it. Perhaps it is somehow aiding the metkayina warrior? 
Atan was very confused but more bewildered when it aimed at him. The sister wasn't looking, she was leaning down and her arm moved when the object was facing him. He didnt feel any pain, no mind controlling, nothing of the things he has heard. Still feeling the same. 
The sister stood up straight again, and for a moment, Atan made eye contact with the sister…
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Everyone surrounded Ao’nung as he was named winner of the swimming round. After that, more clans competed in the coming rounds. 
When night came, a huge communal feast was served. Many cooks, hunters, gatherers came to create a giant feast with each clan's specialties. Jake and neteyam, along with ao’nung and lo’ak, they left to meet with the other clan leaders, as for tuk, syawn, and neytiri left to assist in cooking. And where does the three little mischievous triplets leave to? 
An open field of chaotic adventure. 
“Let's go before Ikeyni smothers me again!” Lu’lafyon says as he and his siblings run along the long grass. 
The other two laugh at him and keep on running. Enjoying the feeling of freedom and the soft grass. At night does the land looks just as alive as in the daytime. 
Lu’Tstunwi was holding the camera as he slowly scans the grasslands with the camera. Trying to capture every detail. “And this was once home of the Sarentu clan. We have already paid our respects to the fallen. Sorry we couldn't record it. It was a private thing” he narrates. 
“Hey look, seems we aren't the only ones in thirst of adventure” Lu’law comments, Lu’tstunwi turns the camera to show young na’vi around their age and younger exploring the area. Playing games or just enjoying the environment. 
“Well my fellow lu and lu, I believe that is our cue to cover more grounds. Here, my turn” Lu’Lafyon says as he takes the camera from his brother. “Remember, it only has 335 hours left of the camera, so make each second worth it!” Lu’law warns. 
“Yeah yeah! Got it!” Lu’Lafyon says dismissively.  
And off the three went to their own little adventures and what to share with their family. 
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Lu’Law flew her ikran high in the sky. The nightly breeze was refreshing and felt wonderful. “Come on Ichi! Let's practice some more!” Lu’Law speaks with her ikran who screeches in agreement. 
Getting in a position as her ikran dives down in high speeds, letting the pressure of the wind take her off of ichi and fly high in the sky. The bioluminescent light illuminating her deep blue skin. Looking, for a moment, other worldly. 
At least that is what Atan describes when he saw Lu’Law making some insane tricks. As he too took his ikran flying in the young night. But hearing Lu’Law’s howls, it lured him to follow. And there, in the vast open skies, did he see Lu’law dance among the wind. Her movements were delicate as a leaf floating in the wind. 
Truly, Atan was in awe struck. His ikran roars, he looks and makes a quick move to avoid crashing the tall trees. Atan makes a sharp right, back into the open air. His eyes still staring at where he could have crashed before-
“LOOK OUT!!” a voice called out to him. 
His ikran took the initiative and ducked down. But atan looked up, as if time slowed down, once again he made eye contact with the na’vi who was on his mind for the whole day. The na’vi, Lu’law  truly is otherworldly. 
Time resumed and both passed each other. 
Lu’law turned ichi around and flew at the same pace as atan. “Hey are you alright? You almost hit that tree” she spoke with concern in her voice. Atan blinked a few times, “y-yes. I am fine. Thank you, I wasn't seeing where I was going” he explained. Lu’law smiles, assured he is fine. 
“You are from the Tipani clan right? What is your name?” she asks. Clearing his throat he replies, “my name is Atan afyawusìntxu. Or atan for short”. Lu’law gasped a bit, “for a name like that. That means you are the son of Olo'eyktan and tsahik, correct?” she asks. Again, atan nods. 
Lu’law giggles. Took a bit for Atan not to give such a reaction. It was a cute sound she made. Light and bubbly. “Well then atan, my name is Lu’Law sully from the Omatikaya” the girl introduces herself. “But I get the feeling you already know me” Lu’Law says, slightly nervous. 
Atand nods, “Hard to not know of you and your family lineage” he says. “But…I only know the surface” he continues. This made lu’law light up in glee. “Well then, atan. How about joining me in a little flight? Show you more than what you know?”. Taking the open invitation, atan accepts. And off the two fly higher together. Their ikrans dancing in rhythmic patterns. 
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Down on the ground, Syawn was searching for her little mischief children as it was dinner time. Purposely, the triplets left their ear piece behind so as to not be found wherever they are. 
“This is getting old” Syawn says with a tired sigh. Her little complaints were hauled when she heard the familiar howls of cheers. She looks up to see lu’law flying ichi, but she wasn't alone. 
“Oh my…” Syawn whispers. Recognizing who is the second rider, she couldn't help but have a soft smile on her lips. The scene reminds her of many precious memories. Seeing lu’law enjoying her fun with the Tipani prince was certainly a sight. But one syawn won't share. Not until her daughter was ready. 
“No no, maybe I am thinking too deep into it…” the na’vi mother says to herself. Deciding on leaving her daughter to be with her new found friend. Syawn silently leaves with joy in her heart. 
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“So if his name is lo’ak, why do you call him loki?” Atan asks. The two of them sit near a clif side of a hill, taking a break from their flying activities. “Loki is an old god the humans once believed. Was mischievous and would pull pranks and create trouble for fun. Thus, uncle loki since it suited my uncle” Lu’law explains. If atan has eyebrows, it would be raised. 
“Human stories? What good do they have? Don't you hate them?” he asks. He has heard of the Omatikaya clan were constantly being attacked. It would be logical to hate them. His clan does. Was raised to hate them as they only came to destroy their home. 
Lu’law shrugs a bit. “Not all of them, in fact there are humans that live in unity with my clan. My mother was once a human. But Eywa blessed her to be in her dreamwalker body to live with my father. The humans, or “science guys” as my grandfather calls them, are loyal to my people. Would rather lose their heads than betray”. 
Atan looks rather surprised and a bit perplexed. Lu’law caught on. “Well...I understand its odd for other clans. I would assume you were alright with the humans since your clan was the first to interact with them” she says. 
“Correct but it didnt mean we trusted them. After everything they have done. And killing my great grandparents. It is a wound that won't be healed for a long time…” Atan replies with slight sadness. Lu’law can only nod in understanding. 
“I guess it is only right to have different views on them. It is alright. Maybe-” She was interrupted by the sounds of the long horns being blown. Signaling that the communal dinner has started. 
“Right on time. Today worked up an appetite” Lu’law says with excitement to feast on some yummy food. Atan reflected her mood as he too smiled, “yes. Uumm..I enjoyed our chat together. Perhaps, if it is alright with you. Can we talk some more tomorrow…?” he asks a bit nervously. This made lu’law’s ears perk up and her tail swaying. 
“YES! *ahem!* I mean, yes. I enjoyed our time too. How about after tomorrows rounds? My aunt tsireya will be competing tomorrow and I want to be there to support her”. 
“Of course, in fact, my aunt will be attending as well” atan says. This sparked a bit of a competition between them. “Alright, may the best aunt win” Lu’law states, their hands shake as to confirm whatever they were doing. 
Saying their goodbyes, both left to their spots where their clan and family members are.
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“Alright alright, settle down. Tsireya and Tuk, help me with the portions.” Neytiri instructs her two daughters as everyone settles down. Jake, lo’ak, tonowari and ao’nung were chatting. While Unyor, Ti’ong, and Syawn were chatting too. Neteyam entered their massive tent observing the whole family. A smile crept up to him. The warm glow of the fire and the happy chatter all over brought happiness to his heart. 
But he noticed 3 members are missing. 
Sitting next to his mate, giving her a kiss on the cheek, “my love, where are the kids?” he asks. Syawn was reminded of what she witnessed earlier but kept her face neutral. “No doubt exploring the grasslands. Don't worry, they will come soon, the horn was heard” she treasures. 
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“Hurry before uncle ao’nung and uncle loki get the good stuff!!” Lu’lafyon rushes his siblings as they ran past everyone towards their tent. Lu’tstunwi and Lu’law do their best to keep up. 
“Would have been faster if we took the pali’s!!” lu’tstunwi with a bit of impatience in his voice. “And crash more people than we already are??” Lu’law asks a bit sarcastically as she steps on another tail on accident. 
The three kept saying sorry as they crash or step on someone. They see their family tent and ran faster. 
But Ronal was in the way. 
“What the…?” 
“BREAKS!!!” the triplets said in unison as they tried to halt their speed. Ronal was quick to step aside as the three tumble each other on the ground. “What are you three doing?” Ronal asks curiously. Bending down to make sure they are fine. The triplets groan a bit from the sudden stop and crush each other with their body weight. 
“Hi granny…we heard the horn so we ran as you saw” lu’tstunwi answered despite his cheek being smushed by lu’law’s hand.Ronal rolls her eyes at him, “there is plenty. No need to run like you are getting the scraps” she reminds. Lu’law hisses at lu’lafyon who moves around, “we will get scraps if we do-STOP TUGGING!!” he shouts at his siblings. 
Ronal was quick to separate the three. “Don't tangle your tails again, wouldn't want a repeat of that incident”. The triplets shudder at the old memory being mentioned. 
As the three separated, Ronal steadily took the lead in taking them to the tent. The three followed, neither walking in front or behind, but rather at her sides. “Your mother always leaves the best for you three. I doubt your uncles would leave bones behind for you”. 
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“Sheesh! Calm down you three! There is plenty, why must you eat like your uncles?” Jake scolds his grandchildren. The triplets were eating in a rather fast pace, as if to compete with ao’nung and lo’ak. 
“Backs straight, I raised fine na’vi not mindless skxawngs” Sywan also scolds. “So did we” Neytiri and Ronal side eye their sons who were doing the same. 
“Sorry mom, after a long day of activity, hunger comes with no warning” Lu’tstunwi replies as he helps wipe off the mess from lu’fayon’s mouth. Syawn shakes her head and does the same with lu’law. “You are a lady, at least behave like one. What if a fine young na’vi sees you gobbling up like a pali? hm?” she says gently. 
Neteyam shakes his head, “well if that is what will drive away any mindless young ones, by all means lu’law, eat like an ikran”. 
Syawn lightly slaps neteyam’s shoulder, “don't be like that. One day she and our sons will find a mate of their own. Who is to say they won't find one here?”. Again neteyam shakes his head, this time in more denial “no, not now, and not ever. They are still too young to even think about tha. Especially our daughter". 
Lo’ak was quick to agree, “I second that!”. 
This time tsireya lightly slapped his head. 
Unyor gave a look towards ao’nung as to silence him before he says anything. 
The triplets were giving everyone equal unimpressed looks. “Really?” was what the three said. “Mom, dad, I highly doubt I will find someone any time soon. Especially here. This is two weeks we will be here. There won't be enough time to get to know someone and fall in love. Besides, I am busy recording all the good stuff for the people back home. Cant get side tracked” lu’law stated. 
The answer did satisfy neteyam and lo’ak. But syawn can't help but make a slight face. 
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“We know that hum sister,” Lu’tstunwi says. The three lay side by side in their shared hammock. Despite being old enough for their own, they refused. 
“Sorry but…but I just can't help it. Would dad really prevent us from finding someone?” lu’law asks. Lu’lafyon and lu’tstunwi looked at each other for a few seconds. “Most likely, but mom will be there to keep him in check” lu’tstunwi answers. 
“But also, there is the factor, DO we really want to find someone? And if so, when is the right time?” Lu’lafyon questions. The three humm in unison as they stare up at the clear starry night sky. 
“Why not make a pact promise?” Lu’tstunwi suggest. Lu’lafyon and lu’law turn to him with raised eyebrows. He elaborates, “like ummm….who ever each of us falls in love first or starts to like someone. We help each other in going forth? And should dad or anyone try to get in the way, we tattletell mom and help? How about it?”. 
The other two looked at each other in thought. “Soooo…one of us likes someone and the other two become support and guards…sounds like a good idea” lu’law says. The three nod in agreement and twirl their pinky fingers to seal their new pact. 
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Sharing the same starry night sky, young atan was looking up with wonder and hope. After the recent exchange with lu’law, that girl couldn't be out of his mind. She was bright, sweet, and very engaging. 
But nothing is perfect, there is an itch atan can't get rid of. Her love for demon technology. That is something he cant easily overlook. 
“My son, what has got you so deep in thought?” his mother asks, interrupting his train of thought. She lays beside him, her warm smile bright and welcoming. Atan looks back at the sky and back to his mother. 
“It is a bit..complicated mother. I am not so sure myself” he replies in a low whisper. His mother wraps her arms around him, bringing him close. “M-mother, wait, I don't think father would-” 
“Oh hush, he is busy. A little hug won't hurt either of you. Now, about that head of yours” she playfully taps on his forehead. “If there is something you are not sure of, don't hesitate to ask. You can always come to me or to your father. Being lost in your mind isn't always good. Best to seek guidance from those close to you” the tsahik advice. 
Atan hums at her words, and snuggles closer to her embrace. “I guess, but this is something too early to tell. And I need to figure it out. Hopefully soon…” 
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“And what did we learn?” tuk teases as she applies healing paste to lo’ak bruises. He rolls his eyes as tsireya wraps his injured hand. Neytiri sat across from him, arms crossed, clearly not impressed. 
“What? I can't help it! After that talk last night I had to check if everything was, you know…ok with them. Especially lu’law”. Tsireya releases a huff in amusement. “So you thought it was a good idea to hide within the herd of the sturmbeest? To spy on them?” 
Lo’ak sighs and hangs his head. “Look, as their uncle, isnt it my job to make sure they are ok? That no dumb thoughts cross their minds?”. 
“And being in the middle of a herd was a good idea?” Neytiri asks a bit sarcastically. Lo’ak hung his head even more as his ears pinned against his head. “Ma’loak, I know you care for them but syawn and neteyam are there. They are the parents, let them watch over their kids. You on the other hand have a hunt to prepare in 2 days. Can't have you be distracted” Tsireya scolds gently with a warm smile. 
“Fine, but I am still going to tell neteyam-” 
“Absolutely not” 
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“Ok, here are your arrow-WOA!!” 
Neteyam caught syawn easily like it was one of his five senses. “Still falling for me?” he smirks playfully, making syawn blush like a teenager. It never fails. 
“N-neteyam, not now, you have to be up there soon” syawn said with a bit of shake in her voice. Putting the bow and arrows aside, neteyam picks up his beloved and spins around. Causing syawn to squeak in surprise. 
“Neteyam!! We can do this later!!” syawn says as her mate keeps spinning. Neteyam however laughs and keeps spinning with love in his eyes, “I don't mind skipping”. Coming to a halt, he stops but hasn't put his love down. “Come on neteyam. Didn't you say you have a score to settle with a Tipani? I want to see you win” syawn encourages. 
“I do. Buuuuut being with you is better” he pulls her in for a loving kiss to which syawn happily reciprocates. 
Quickly the mates pulled away to see their children cover their eyes and make gagging noises. “Hey, you may be grossed out now. But when you find your mate, you three will be doing the same” Syawn says. 
“Unlikely” neteyam comments with a little grin. 
“Yeahyeahyeah! They are calling for you dad. Don't keep them waiting!” Lu’tstunwi says. “Beat Tan Jala’s ass!” Lu’lafyon shouts, fisting the air. “Show him what you are all about!” Lu’law adds. 
Warmth filled neteyams heart, smiling lovingly at his children. Pulling all three close along with his mate, he hugs them all tightly. “Dad…?” he hears one of his kids say, but he just takes a moment of being with them. “Ssshhh…let him have this” Syawn whispers. 
The triplets then understood and wrapped their arms around each other. Their family fully embracing in their little bubble of love. 
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skxom = chance, opportunity
atan afyawusìntxu = Guiding light
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Taglist: : @quirkyhero , @theunfortunateplace , @moonchildxoxx , @galactict3a , @mochacoffeeumai26 , @cloudyw1ndzz
40 notes · View notes
lazydreamartryn · 2 years
Sweets of Sorrow
Special Valentines
Author note: Hey hey, this is me Ryn. I wrote that Sun centered fiction based on @gniteruirui lil animation.
Words Count:2,964.
This is a xReader, Angst
My apologies for any mistakes this might containt, and my apologies if this is bad. I did my best for the first ever Fnaf Dca thing I wrote.
It annoyed you. Everything pissed you off today. It was Valentines today. Which meant the streets were filled with happy lovey-dovey couples holding hands, giving chocolates to each other, and kissing even. Seriously, get a room. Hotels exist for a dang reason. You deeply sighed, you wished you could have stayed home so you would avoid seing all this sickly display. But today you wanted to go to work, despite it being your day off.
Today you were upset.. You always considered yourself a strong person. A person that always smiles through difficulties, a fake smile or a genuine smile. It didn't matter. It gave you the strength to continue. You were your very own light in the paths of darkness.
You didnt needed anybody, you were better than that. Better than all those stupid couples pretending to love each other and swear over their lives that they will stay together but ended up breaking up after a few months. Better than those hypocrites who were calling their selfish desire for attention "love". You were above that. You had noble intentions. "Valentines is not only about romantic love," they say.. "It's also about friendship love and family love!" You sometimes wondered who were the idiots who one day declared that.
Apparently their little brains hadn't registered that not everyone had family and friends. But it didn't matter. You only needed yourself. That's what you thought... until you met a way brighter star than you. A sun.
The reason why you were going to work today.
You paused in your mopping, raising your head to look at him from afar, through the large windows of the Superstar Daycare, just as you did oh so often since you met him. Yet you were always careful to not look at him for too long, just a mere few seconds before looking away from him.
You didn't really exactly know how, but animatronics had some kind of sixth sense, they always knew when people starred at them, most of them simply not showing that they were aware of the gazes upon them. Maybe they had some kind of camera or.. yeah, you truly had no idea.
Maybe just a feeling? That didn't change the fact that when you were starring for too long, Sun would always turn around in your direction no matter how far you were from him, giving you that big smile of his and waving at you happily, completly not in the way someone would react if they caught someone else starring at them for the past 10 minutes.
One more time, you decided to look back at him, relying a little on your peripheral vision, not moving too much your head to still pretend you were focused on the mopping. You wanted to look at him, as much as you possibly could.. To glue his appearance in your mind, to impregnate his body in your thoughts, to remember every single detail of him for when you close your eyes.
You often imagined how it would feel, to have those metallic hands all over your skin, caressing you, stroking you ever so gently. Would they be cold, or would they be warm..? How heavenly would it be to be held in his strong arms, his firm grip holding you securely, far from any harm..
Leaning your body against his comforting chest, hands on that thin waist.. The sound of his voicebox next to your ear, whispering to you all sort of things, sweet nothings, encouraging words, tempting pleas, whispering your very own name with so much affection attached to it.
And his smell.. his smell! Would it be lemon scented like the laundry of the daycare, or mint like the disinfectant he uses for some of the toys..? Or the scent of the pine from the wood polish he used for the security desk..? Maybe even he would have that strange scent of dust you often smell on wires of any electronic device with a light touch of gasoline, oil, or whatever could be used to make run his motors and circuits.
Oh how much did you want to be at the center of his attention, to be his own world.. You just wanted him to hold you, you desired it with all you had. It's not like you couldn't, Sun was a very touchy animatronic who always gave not much consideration to personal bubbles. Ever since you met him, he wanted to offer you a hug as a welcome to Fazbear Entertainment. The issue wasn't him, no.. It was you.
You always declined as politely as you could his tentatives. You were scared.. You were scared that if he gave you a hug, just a single hug.. You would become greedy for more, you would become addicted to his affection and the attention you were getting from the one who held the most important place in your heart.
You were too scared of what would happen to you if the hugs stopped one day, and that you were forced into that state where you want more, you need more but can't get any. And what if you kept asking him about those hugs..? Would that give away your feelings for him? After all, why would a simple employee ask for so many hugs from an animatronic? That definitely sounded off.
No. No no, you weren't that kind of person, you weren't the kind to beg. As desperate you were for his touch, you refused to get into that kind of drug. It was poison.
As much as you wanted to, this was more than impossible. You had so many reasons to think it, it was just a dream both subjectively and objectively. Yes, that was it. A fantasy, a happy ending out of a child's story. You hated to have to admit how right you were, but Sun's feelings weren't the same as yours. Just from the way he called you.. "Friend". It could have meant something if this wasn't the way Sundrop calls every person he sees.
The smile he gave you every time he saw you was exactly the same one he would give to a stranger, the same as everyone.. but maybe not the same one he gave to Lisa. Lisa Lisa Lisa... You were starting to get sick of this name.. sick of the fact she was always everywhere you don't want to see her.
Ah, there she is again.. You had barely begun thinking about her when she jogged up to Sun while he was picking up plushies from the floor, gathering them into his arms.. She was a fellow employee of the company, she has been here longer for longer than you, being close to him for longer than you. What annoyed you the most here was that Sundrop looked to be enjoying her presence..
You couldn't even figure out their exact relationship. Were they friends, close friends? ..Lovers?
Why did they look like they were always flirting together..? You couldn't blame Sun for anything if he happened to have feelings for her. Lisa was such a pretty girl, with long wavy hair, so thin and elegant.. She looked so kind too, always positive and brightening everything around her.. Opposites attract? What a joke... Those two were going along so well, it's as if they were made for each othe- Oh no. There she goes again, playing with the ribbons of his wrists, passing her fingers along his forearm..
You couldn't help but watch this with attention, your hands clutching the mop so hard in your palms that your knuckles turned white.. Why was she so touchy with him?? Cant, she keeps her hands to herself like everyone..??
No. No no no.. This isn't right.
Who were you to get in the way of this..? Of them? If Sun agreed to this, why would you have a single thing to say, to even dare about think it? It's just impossible to blame Sun.. Between you and her, the choice is quickly made, even you, you would have chosen her over yourself. And yet.. you couldn't help this burning feeling in your chest, that deep jealousy devouring you from the inside like a demon. That's unfair... If only you could lock him, put him somewhere nobody would ever be able to touch him, to look at him..
..Nobody except you.
"New friend."
A low voice resounded behind you, deeper than usual and way too close to be comfortable. You didn't let it startle you however, you were too used to the idea that Sun could appear out of nowhere without a single noise, without a sound of bell, without a warning. You didn't turn around immediately, it took you a few seconds, maybe more, maybe less... but just enough time to steel yourself, brace up your thoughts, and that wonderful smile of yours that held absolutely nothing genuine in it before turning around.
Nobody would ever blame you for giving such a fake smile to the animatronic, not like anyone would ever figure it was fake, you were such a good performer.. who needed a stage when your whole life was enough to teach you how to lie. And to lie so well. Yet, you wanted to believe that this smile was fake, that it was in fact your own attempt to make efforts for Sun, only showing yourself to him under your best light. After all, Sundrop was the only one you were giving smiles to, forced or not.
"Heeeeey Sundrop, dear fella! It's so nice seeing you there! Howzit goin??"
"New friend." Sun repeated, voice slightly louder this time. "Im happy to see you, how are you doing on this beautiful day? I hope work is not giving you too much trouble. I saw you so little that if I didn't know better, I could think you were playing hide and seek!". That was subtle, yet you understood what he was trying to imply. He was mentioning the fact you were avoiding him. It wasnt your fault, you couldn't help it. You disliked the actual situation, he was there in front of you, so close and yet completely out of reach. No wonder you wanted to avoid it.
"Ohh Sun, if only. But ya know, there is so much work around here that I have no time to play!"... okay, that wasn't the best excuse or defense you ever made up, but you knew Sun wouldn't question it any further, you were at the job after all, it was all normal to be focused on your work. "Hmm, I see." He answered, holding his chin with his fingers as if deep in thought.
"But you haven't answered my question friend. How are you doing?" Ouch. You hoped he would let it pass but he didnt. "I'm going very well thank you!" That itched to say that.
You did want to avoid lying to Sun as much as possible, but if he pressed the question like that, what could you possibly do?
It's not like you could tell him Haha, my day is absolutely awful thanks for asking! Oh, and it's all because I love you by the way, and I know it's totally not a shared feeling! See you around, I'll go cry in a corner now, so if you excuse me~
Yeaaah, no. Lying was way better than the pathetic truth.
You haven't failed to notice his persistent gaze on you. You hated those eyes as much as you loved them. They made you feel vulnerable in every way, you deeply disliked the fact that he was always looking at you straight in the eyes, as if to read you, to unlace every of your little secrets. Unbreaking, unwavering, not blinking. It was so terrifying to think that he could detect a single twitch of your eyebrows, a slight shuder in your shoulders, a breach in your smile.. But you remained strong under the weight of it, you had to.
Sun only made a small 'hm' of acknowledgment, growing silent in a few seconds. This gave you a cold shiver, you never have seen Sun this silent ever since you are here. He is always talking, whether what he says is interesting or not, he was known to be a real chatterbox, always moving and fidgeting.. so the sight of him so immobile.. was deeply disturbing.
His smile grew thinner, his gaze narrowed to the large window of the daycare. You followed his gaze, the daycare was empty at this time of day, except for Lisa, she was there, using a rag to rub the wood of the security desk. You guessed that now she would too smell like pine wood polish, the thought of her and Sun possibly sharing the same smell because of the wood polish disgusted you. He was still looking at her. Just as you were trying to not grit your teeth because of that, Sun spoke up, his voice breaking the awkward silence you both were in.. "Friend" he said.
Friend.. Friend, friend.
You don't like that nickname at all, it just reminded you what you were to him. You were preparing your answer but Sun beat you to it, before you could even speak a word of your opened mouth. "Do you know what day it is today?" he questions. That truly threw you off guard, so much that your mouth was still agape, you were trying to process why he would ask such a thing of you.. Your brain was fuming with the possibilities. You shook your head, smiling more widely, more genuinely, hiding your hands that were shivering with excitation behind your back.
"I-It is the 14th of February! It.. It is Valentine's".
Sun was perfectly aware of that information, how an animatronic connected to the internet 24/7 could ever lose track of time? No, he was asking that for you. Your heartbeat accelerated slightly, you felt it, it was getting important. You had that hope, as small as it was, as big was the possibility of him not loving you, you still felt hopeful, you were listening to your heart, not your brain, it was saying that you finally deserved that happy ending with him you always dreamed about! Your brain, however, was screaming you something else.
It was reminding you what the odds were, the ridicule of such a situation happening, it was screaming at you to run.
And you should have listened to it.
With a smile, he kept up the silence for still a few seconds, as if picking the right words. "Then why are you working?" A light frown came over your features, not really getting the sense of his words.. "W..What do you mean..?". "Well, people usually spend their Valentine's day with the ones they love. Its a shame that you stay here." His sentences started racing in your mind, eyes wide, and your blood felt as if it was getting drained out of your body.
You understood this..
You shouldn't be here. There is nobody to spend Valentine's day with you in this place.
That's what he meant... You feared you misunderstood what he said, yeah.. t-that maybe is a mistake... He took your silence for an invitation to continue..
"I'm pretty sure there are so many pretty things to watch outside of the Pizzaplex"
Stare at many other things than me..
"And it's your day off! It's important for everyone to rest!"
You didn't have to come, you are in the way of our own peaceful day..
"But don't worry, I'll do your cleanup so you can enjoy the day! Friends will be forever friends right??"
I'll do your work if that means you leave. Friends will stay friends. We are nothing more.
"Come on, don't you have a partner waiting for you friend?" Im not your lover.
Ha.. Ha ha...
Ha ha ha ha hahahaha....
A nervous laugh escaped you, you could form a single sentence. Everything was stuck in your throat. It was as if the words were transformed into that awful noise, you weren't the master of your own voice anymore.. Once your voice died in the silence, you looked down at your closed firsts.
Of course, it had to end like that. You just hoped the illusion could have lasted longer... That you could have stayed in that foggy mirage... You took a step back, slow and hesitant. Then another.. Each step was separating you from him, each step was tearing you inside.. Each step you took made you feel weaker... and weaker... "I.. I understand..".. your voice came out way lower than you expected, cracking at the end, trembling.. You were on the verge of tears.
A sound like a sigh left Sun's voicebox. He took a step forward and he took a hold of your wrist, causing you to gasp in surprise. His hand.. his fingers.. they.. they were on your wrist.. They felt so soft, they felt so warm..! Is that what Lisa got to touch every day..? You barely had time to process, that he opened your palm and he placed inside it a round-wrapped candy. He then moved back as suddenly as he had stepped forward.
And in a matter of seconds, he was gone, walking back toward the daycare. You stood here, holding the candy still, not moving, your eyes not leaving his form until he disappeared. He did not turn back, not even once. Your wrist was burning cold... It was like a red-hot brand on your skin... Your body felt deadly frozen... A single tear ran along your cheek all the way down to your chin. It took a moment before you finally moved..
You decided it would probably be better to cry at home rather than here.
You had made yourself pathetic enough for today.
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try-set-me-on-fire · 1 year
Tagged by @rogerzsteven for temptation tuesday! I swear trapped Buck and Chris fic is SO close to being done but that means there’s like 500 new ideas floating around up there
ER nurse Eddie au is just going to be times they run into each other at the hospital ending with the snippet I already posted, but I do keep thinking about my tags here and. Well. Maybe there will be a sequel fic
Read this fic and now I’m thinking about trans girl Buck I love her… thinking about Eddie going to May and saying “You can’t ask why I’m asking but how do you do makeup?” and a few hours, several youtube videos, and an intense ulta trip later he invites Buck over and offers to do her makeup for her. He applies it a little clumsily but so carefully, and puts a sheer glittery eyeshadow on her birthmark, and Buck cries most of it off when she gets a look but that’s ok, Eddie will reapply as often as she needs.
Have an idea for a fic (maybe i can work it into one of the soft drabble prompts) thats like… pretty soon after they’re together Buck is washing the fire truck and Eddie’s staring at him from a distance like 😳😍 and Hen is like pick your jaw up off the floor lover boy and Eddie laughs and they have a conversation about how good Eddie feels about getting to feel and act on desire for another man. And then we cut to Buck, who looks up when he hears that first burst of laughter from Eddie and Bobby walking by is like teasing him a little for his heart eyes and those two have a conversation about how Buck has been in love before but it’s never really felt like this, this solid true thing built on years of knowing this other person better than the back of his own hand and being known so thoroughly in return. So yeah the boys happily talk about lust and love? And experiencing those things in a new joyful way with each other?
I think I want to do a sequel to Eddie’s letter I want to see Buck’s reaction to reading it. Not sure what that looks like yet but I’m putting a pin in it
Another idea where like a house falls on them or something and and they’re mostly fine a little banged up and Eddie is like come home come home please come home and they’re a little soft and desperate as they finally fall into bed together and then Maddie drops by in the morning to leave them food because they are kind of injured and its early and the couch isnt set up for sleeping and shes like you didnt sleep on the couch huh ;) absolutely just teasing but then Buck is like…. No i didn’t…. And then i dunno the three of them eat breakfast and Buck and Eddie are soft and giggly and I dunno just like thinking about other people witnessing them early on together? I generally think no one ever expects them getting together, like yeah they’re super close but presumed heterosexuality goes a long way, and I like thinking about that moment of Oh! Huh! and then seeing how happy they are together and being like well how didnt i see this before
Tagging @bigfootsmom @rewritetheending @iinryer @anxieteandbiscuits @shortsighted-owl @burins
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its-no-biggie · 1 year
okay i said before that i didnt have a lot to say about banana fish but i lied. i have thoughts about the ending (spoilers ahead!)
because holy shit. like. ash deciding not to see eiji?? and eiji knowing that hes doing it for his own good, and trying and failing not to get his hopes up, and giving the letter to sing to deliver? and sing yelling at ash to go see eiji and ash still not budging? and then ash reads the letter and THATS what changes his mind, so he gets up and starts running and its all priming you for the dramatic reunion at the airport. something something love can overcome anything, happily ever after, the end, right?
but then ash gets stabbed. by someone who had obviously been tailing him and wasnt particularly skilled. someone who never shouldve been able to sneak up on him. and its such a forceful reminder that eiji is ashs weakness, which we've known from the start, but the danger was supposed to be over! it specifically waits for you to let your guard down, to really slam it home that everyone was RIGHT. that eiji makes ash let his guard down, and that it would one day get him killed.
and like. okay. we know this from very early on. the narrative is perfectly clear that what they have is doomed. that its going to cause a lot of pain for both of them and can never end happily. you want to believe that they can overcome it, that once the fighting is over they can be happy together, but the story keeps telling you over and over that this isnt going to go that way, no matter how much either of them want it. BUT. the point is that it was worth it anyway.
ash lowers his defenses around eiji, and thats a GOOD thing. being together puts them both in danger, but its better than being apart. to love is to be vulnerable, and having someone that you can trust, that you can let your guard down around, is something worth fighting for. worth losing everything for. worth DYING for. ash is CONSTANTLY presented with chances to fix everything if he can just let go of eiji. but he chooses eiji every time and even though it always makes his own life worse, his own burden heavier, he never once regrets it. theres nothing he wouldnt do to keep eiji safe. to keep eiji nearby. he sabotages his own allies to save him. he risks getting caught just to see him one more time. he drops everything for an opportunity at happily ever after and pays the ultimate price for it. but he NEVER EVER REGRETS IT. he dies because of his love for eiji and he does it with a smile on his face. and eiji goes back to his peaceful and happy life with tears in his eyes because hes doing it without ash.
i dunno. maybe im reading into it too much, or maybe this is an extremely surface level analysis and everyone got it the first time but me. but i just remember the first time i watched it, being so shaken by the ending. i thought they deserved a happy ending, and was hoping they would finally get it, but when it didnt happen i didnt feel betrayed or frustrated by it. just shaken. it felt like a really good ending, but i couldnt pinpoint why. because all i could think is that it seems so unfair to rip away their happy ending like that. and it took this second watch through to really figure out why it works.
also side note but. as much as i respect the asheiji shippers (because like. yeah. literally the most resonable ship ever) im really glad that its platonic in the show. they love each other very deeply, and thats what the show is about, but it doesnt HAVE to be romantic to be meaningful. and i like that! i can certainly see the shipping potential, and i can even see how it could be interpreted as queer-coded, but i also just like it as a story about friendship. its really nice. anyway 10/10 i love this show so much
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yourwolfmuzzle · 1 year
Im going to be honest with you - im kinda Yang fan. Like, sure i love Ruby, Weiss and Blake too in one way and another, but Yang is special case for me, no matter how she end up written in the show.
She one of those characters, who just go into “you love her because she literally your favorite type of characters” - light hair buff girl, who dont scare to be extra fem, but also can fucking kill you. Party girl who also your old sister, who always with you and ready to help you when you lost. She have her own issues, but she trying her best to be better. Ever after she falling, she will rest and get back more stronger.
And everything that i told you is kinda true...but mostly on paper or in my headcanons. Or honestly its now headcanons for a lot of fans from this fandom.
Like yeah, she IS your blond dangerous girl, but she never was “the muscular one”. She strong, sure, but you lie to yourself that “oh we dont see her muscle because of budget/program restriction (to hard to model buff girl)/a closed clothes”. Baby i WISH Yang was build like a brick wall, i wish she was build at least like LeanBeefPatty, but this is not true. I absolutely love the idea of her being buff lady
She for a long times in not “party girl”. She maybe was, but we never saw or know her friends outside of characters that we know and she meat in Beacon. She even got new characteristic “the scary one” that in this series im not sure how work or how this blondy is looks “scary” outside of her anger issues (but im more about her look).
And im not sure how good she is as a sister. I dont have problem with her in first volumes, like her deciding the best decision to make Ruby find new friends is just run away (its not the best one options to do to just drop her right there, when you only got there and this is new fucking place and its better to stick together at least for a little bit, but knowing Yang - its fine, im fine with this. Plus later she WAS helping her to start conversation with Blake. Still in “Yang way” but helping.) but with each volumes its harder and harder to remember that they are a sisters. I dont ask to them stick together forever because “ouhhhhh they sisters and sisters is always together forever!” but even with moments that we have its hard to remember that they sisters at all. Ther is some moments there and there when she is acting like her sister (Vol5 when even meating Raven and be able to ask why she just...run away, the first thing she was trying to ask is for finding Ruby and have soft reunion. Vol7, when Salem did “your mom” moment. Vol8 short hug and this whole scene on the stairs). But there is a problem - around after vol5 there is a scenes that you can count with your two hands. There is more scenes about Blake that about Ruby. Hell i cannot remember any sisters interaction in vol6 at all outside of when Ruby look at Yang happily on the ship...and even then this scene was about Yang/Blake, not about Ruby be happy that Yang is alright. And its purposefully got worst in vol9 that didnt have proper ending.
We been told that Yang is kinda sister, who always too much with Ruby, but its never was there in the show. We been told that Yang was sister, who was have to be parent figure for Ruby because they dad was too deep into depression to be there, but you will never see anything that will make you go “yeah she totally act like someone, who know pretty well her young sister because of this”. And AGAIN vol9 did not make this situation better because she didnt saw any signals that Ruby is not okay or didnt was trying to talk with Ruby. There was “hey, you okay?” but there continue.
She have issues and she even know what issues, but its never was a thing that later involve into something more. She got okay with her arm pretty fast and dont have any problem anymore. Adam is dead so its magically heal her PTSD or any problem after loosing her arm. Her anger problem transform from her talking with Tai and trying to listen him for a couple volumes (this is why we didnt saw her fully using her powers until the end of vol6) back into a joke and its not making her relationship with Blake, who was dating with person who was “Walking angry boyfriend”, looks pretty great. Its there, but its not the topic for talk between person, who “pretty fresh” from abuse relationship. 
Her abandonment issues? Exist on paper. Its sound like a cool idea, especially knowing that not only Raver run away from her, but she lost Summer AND Tai was not there, when she need him the most when she was small. And then after vol3 Ruby run away from her AND Blake after Adam situation, without explaining anything. This issues is dont trigger almost at all, even in the most painful moments (vol9, AGAIN). We will just hug Jaune and will remember about Ruby only after we will see her tree statue. Hell its never was even a thing to talk about it with Blake! You cant just start a conflict and then abruptly end with “we protect each other”. I dont want to see “trauma porn”, i just want to see something that will make me believe that characters IS having some struggles and make me believe that yes, they work really hard to deal with all of this and make moments when they win much stronger. Hell even stuff like “omg love heal them :)” that not the most healthiest moral in the world and kinda a little bit harmful cliche, but there is nothing even that. They just...speedrun they trauma or stay up skit it.
Honestly, a lot of people already point out that Blake character was nerfed and transform into “just shy cat-girlfriend” but the same i can say for Yang. She never was “the favorite one” in term of writing (even in term of her design even in her first outfit you can see the differences between her and RWB. She maybe was Monty favorite in term of “having punch character” to animate, but im not sure she was the most important one, when writers was imagining her in the show.) but even with what small stuff we got with her at all she manage to get worst. She now just blond girlfriend, who ready to punch anyone for her shy girlfriend (that cute concept, if both of the girls was not made into this and was made like this from the start) and act kinda “masculine” enough to make some of people go “yes she the man in this relationship”. (even know...this is not how this work.). She had a problems before in term of her character or how she work in this series, but this is not getting better at all.
I can go forever about her but i need to stop. She just cool looking blond girl with popular (in fandom) and active VA. And for me personally its sad, because she has inspired me so much that she influenced several of my characters. I know, almost every character in this show is “full of potentials, that got fuck up” but she is special case for me.
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!a series of me uploading the kinktober fics/drabbles i made years ago because i didnt back in 2020 for some fuckin reason. if these are bad/poor quality its because theyre old, and ive improved since then :)!
Patmile (Patton x Emile) Day 7: Blowjob Warnings: minor angst, blowjobs
"You know you can't help everyone."
"I know."
"You know it's okay to cry too, right?"
Emile smiles up at Patton. Patton had been hit with some negative feelings after one of Virgil's breakdowns. It was upsetting to know that you couldn't love someone's mental illness away, and Patton was harshly reminded of that.
He and Logan managed to calm Virgil down, and Logan went to make him some tea, while Patton had to leave.
He thought it was somewhat selfish. Virgil was the one going through a hard time, and he felt bad that he couldn't just make all the bad thoughts go away.
To be fair, Virgil was anxiety, so Patton doubted the man's anxiousness would ever go away. He could still hope, though.
But Emile had been summoned by Janus, who, after Patton didn't come out of his room for an hour, got worried about him.
And here he was, sitting on the floor in front of Patton, who was sitting on the edge of his bed.
"You also know it's okay to ask for things, yeah?"
Patton nods, wiping his eyes. He had stopped crying a while ago, but just the soft way Emile was speaking to him was getting to him.
He was regarded with excitement, energy, cheer. But people were hardly gentle with him.
He was the fun-loving dad! The supportive and happy one! Morality!
Patton muffles a sound with his hand, and Emile couldn't tell if it was a laugh or a sob.
When Patton moves his hand away, however, Emile could clearly see a smile. He smiles in response.
"What's got you so happy?"
"I'm not necessarily happy..." He seems hesitant to admit that he wasn't exactly feeling happy, but he smiles a little when he did. He continues. "I'm just snickering and how this whole ordeal went down. I mean, there are way better ways to hang out with you besides receiving therapy."
Emile smiles a little, before saying "I'm not exactly here to hang out..."
"I know, I know, but... it wouldn't hurt if you stayed a bit, would it?"
Emile smiles wider at the implication that Patton wants him to stay, setting a hand on the man's thigh.
"It wouldn't. I'll happily stay."
Patton giggles, as he scoops Emile into his arms, effectively pulling him onto the bed and trapping him in cuddles.
It ended with Patton laying on top of Emile, head resting against the man's chest.
Patton smiled as he heard Emile's heartbeat. It was steady... relaxed. Patton liked that Emile was relaxed around him.
"You work too much..." Patton mumbles, as Emile gently runs his hands through Patton's hair.
Emile hums. "I have reasonable hours. And I make exceptions to come and see you, don't I?"
"Today hardly counts as an exception. Janus called you. Technically, you were still working," Patton counters, and Emile softly laughs.
"I'm not working right now, am I?"
"No... but I miss you. You know I love the others, but I'm not in a relationship with them. I get lonely when you're not around."
"I'm sorry, Patty-Cake," Emile says, softly. "Want me to make it up to you?"
"Depends on how you plan to do so."
"A movie and cuddles?"
"Hmmm..." Patton pretends to think about it, before he places a kiss to Emile's lips, shifting slightly so he was in the man's lap. Emile sits up, his hands planting themselves on Patton's waist.
When Emile pulls away, he sees that Patton is grinning. He lets out a soft laugh.
"Well, it has been a while since we've done something like this..."
"We don't have to go all the way, since I know you have to eventually go back to work, but I was hoping we could have a little fun," Patton says, bonking their foreheads together.
"How did we go from you crying to this?"
"You're the therapist; you figure it out."
Emile lets out a soft laugh. "Yeah, yeah, fair." He gently pushes Patton over, the moral side's back hitting the bed. Emile gently pulls up Patton's shirt, just enough to expose his stomach, before he presses a few soft kisses to the squishy skin.
Patton giggled. "Emi!"
"Okay, okay. But I love your body, Pat." As to reiterate his point, he rests his head against Patton's stomach, closing his eyes as he lets out a relaxed sigh.
"I can tell."
"Shush." Emile reopens his eyes, and places one last kiss on Patton's stomach, before he's quick to undress said male's bottom half. As he does so, Patton sits up slightly, leaning against his arms as he watched Emile.
Emile quickly tugged off Patton's shorts, followed quickly by his boxers.
He didn't hesitate taking Patton's half-hard cock into his hands, stroking fast as he worked him to full hardness.
Patton let out soft moans and whines as Emile did so, words of praise and pleas slipping from his lips.
"Emi," Patton breathes out, and Emile grins, before taking the head of Patton's cock into his mouth. Patton moans, his head falling back. It had been a while, as they said, since they'd done anything sexual.
So Patton was rather sensitive, and he'd forgotten how good blowjobs felt. Even if Emile was hardly doing anything.
Emile's tongue licks around the head, swiping over the slit, as his hand works Patton's shaft.
He sinks down lower, humming as he does so, sending vibrations up Patton's cock. Patton moans, bucking his hips up and accidentally gagging Emile.
"Oh! I'm sorry, Emi, it just feels so good and I-"
Emile pops off his cock to shush him. "Pat, it's fine. You know I don't mind it..." he trails off, pink cheeks flushing a darker shade of red.
Patton smiles, and Emile smiles back.
"Can I continue?"
"Please, Emi."
Emile wastes no time going back to sucking on Patton's cock, humming as he sinks down lower, as humming banishes your gag reflex and Emile wanted to be able to deepthroat Patton's entire cock.
Besides, the humming caused pleasuring vibrations to be sent through his cock, and from the sounds of Patton's moans and whines, he enjoyed it.
He finally took Patton's cock down all the way, feeling Patton's hand tangle in his hair. Patton lightly tugs, before he thrusts up into Emile's mouth, letting out a moan. Emile gags slightly, but lets Patton do as he pleases, as he can tell that Patton's desperate for release.
"Emi, your mouth feels so good around my cock," Patton moans out, thrusting up into Emile's mouth yet again. Tears prick the corner of his eyes, but he keeps going, bobbing his head up and down, while Patton continues to fuck into his mouth.
Patton's head rolls back as his grip tightens in Emile's hair. "Emi- God, Emi, I love you so much."
Even during sexual instances, Patton couldn't help reminding Emile of how much he loved him. He couldn't help it. He loved Emile's sweet and caring nature, his gentle and smart approach to Patton's problems, and how willing he was to choke and gag on Patton's cock.
Emile continues to bob his head, licking and sucking around Patton's cock, while Patton thrusts into his mouth, repeatedly hitting the back of his throat.
"Emi- Emi, I'm close." Patton's eyes are screwed shut in pleasure. Emile hums in response, Patton moaning at the sensation.
Emile continues sucking, licking over the slit, before he feels Patton's hand force his head down as he comes into Emile's mouth with a whine. Emile gags, but has no choice but to swallow it. He does so, before coming off of Patton's cock. He licks his lips, before wiping away the come that was dripping down his chin.
"Feel better?" Emile asks Patton, smiling slightly.
Patton smiles fondly in return. "Much better. Will I see you tonight?"
"Of course. I love you."
"I love you too."
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witch-apologist · 2 years
hey, I like your blog, and am not trying to be aggressive or anything, and I know you meant nothing of it, but please could you use different phrasing than, 'at least bi'?
I understand the intent is to say, but I feel 'at least bi' is just a phrase used in fandoms a lot due to it being seen as sort of a halfway identity that isn't significant in its own right, so when referring to either gay or straight identities, people will use the term 'at least bi' which, obviously isn't meant to be demeaning but 'at least' inherently carries an implication of something being lesser and a lot of bi folk are uncomfortable with the phase at this point!
Oh no! I didnt mean it in that way at all. I meant it specifically in regards to my own journey of:
"I have to like men and be straight or people will hate me and ill never get my happily ever after" -> "I can like women but if i *at least* still like men i can end up with a man and have my happily ever after -> "I could have happily after with a woman actually" -> "yknow now that i think about it i dont think i like men that way" -> "oh shit im a lesbian"
The "at least" was only referencing that as a kid who grew up in texas i thought i HAD to like men to be accepted and have a happy life. Not because of any inherent wrongness with lesbianism or women but that i thought the society i lived in would never *let* me be happy with a woman. If i was bi i gould still end up happy with a man, but I wasnt and my pursuit of and interest in men had been entirely performative.
But yeah I see what you mean and will use different phrasing. Lemme go edit that
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hantheheart · 1 month
Voltron Self insert lore cause FUCK YOU THIS IS MY BLOG HAHAHAHA
like. 19 year old Han. Working as a cashier on a slow day getting dropped from their to some random planet in the back of fuck-all-nowhere that jsut HAPPENS to be getting invaded by the Galra and cause they don't don't know what the hell a human is, don't know what to do when they go "hey, I'm lost, can I go with you guys?" and then they follow a handful of Galra guys back to their ship who decide, "Yeah, we'll let someone higher up decide what to do, this is not why we were here."
And somehow get accepted as a new Galra soldier cause fuck yeah and then they're vibing in training and then a year later as a guard on the prison ship, they start bring the prisoners food here and there and some first aid and then that's just like for like… 3 years.
And then the Kerboros team show up and Han's like HEY WAIT A FUCKION MINUTE, I THOUGHT YOU BASTARDS DIDNT HAVE HUMANS and they hang out with Shiro a lot cause oh my god you're HUMAN And the two of them actually make plans to escape when he ends up getting out his own way so when he and the Paladins come get the prisoners themselves, Han helps them out and bails on the Galra to join team Voltron. They only really know parts of what happened to Shiro based on what he told them while they were both on the prison ship so they don't help too terribly much with the amnesia thing. And they're pretty good with fighting thanks to training with the Galra so they help train the Paladins, especially Lance and Hunk with blasters since that's why they're best with.
And when Shiro disappears at that one major fight with the Galra ( I think s2 finale? I can't remember) , they're trying so hard to find him cause they had a big dumb crush on him and they had been too anxious to follow through with anything and between Shiro's disappearance and Kuro's appearance, they get close with Allura and end up kinda-sorta dating? They hold hands and spend most of their free time together. And they're happy to see "Shiro" back but there's enough off they don't entirely trust him. I tried SO HARD to let them get the black Lion but I didn't think I was capable of doing that kind of leader stuff so there's a lot of time before Kuro of Han going into the Black Lion and begging it to let them pilot just until they found Shiro, just so the Lion could help, it HAD to be able to sense him, there's supposed to be some magic BOND pr some shit, JSUT HELP ME
And when Shiro DOES comes back, the three of them talk about it and POLYAMORY BABY and I never watched s8 so i dont know what happened, so in mine, they beat the Galra and everything went well until Han starts glitching Spiderverse style cause they're not from this universe the universe wants this foreign body OUT so the team tries everything to stabilize them until Han decides "i probably have to go back or this super painful thing that keeps happening is gonna kill me in front of these people i really care about so they leave on their own in one of the little ships and go back to the world they first warped to get wormholed back to their own world and basically crash the ship from inside the store they worked at and it explodes out the front and the cops and ambulances and military show up and Han just exists the ship and passes out and gets transported to a military base where they're detained. and the Paladins finally catch up and crash the Lions in the same place like "WHERE IS OUR IDIOT" and basically invade the military base and bring Han back and Pidge and Hunk Deus Ex Machina a way to get around the glitch thing and then its happily ever after!!! Shiro/Allura/Han get married and have a cute homestead with a barn where they have 4 dogs and a bunch of cats and Allura finds a chicken at a Farmer's Market and gets really attached so they have that too and Kieth and Lance get their shit together and Pidge and Hunk go on to do great things in their respective fields and Coran gets to do all the wonderful things he wants to in life and Shiro and Allura do work with all the intergalactic governments and get to come home tot heir goofy lover and I kicked Lotor in the dick because I hate him
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kikimokivt · 3 months
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ik this is cringe which is why its going here but do u know how crazy it is to see just the fact that im there NEXT to someone like Noel in some random persons subscriptions? its just idk its so weird
and i dont know but it makes me cry that so much has happened and i made a stupid joke before the end of last year that is i made it to 100 id stream and id only said that cause i didnt think itd happen, i was at 75 and its be 7 months and idk to do this for so long because it was fun to me and to go from having my bf (at the time thank god hes gone) to make fun of me and the people i looked up to, to suddenly have 156 people look and go "haha funny weirdo" its just... idk yeah its not 1m or even 1k but like idk thats the thing is idk. idk what to say of to feel cause i didnt think anything like this would ever be happening, it was just for fun and now i have people tell me they NOTICED i didnt post like.. thats a real person theres real life people who are sitting there and see me and WANT to interact with me. ive had so many people treat me like interacting with me is a chore and now there are people doing it for fun? because they want to? And its not just cause they see 400k and go "ohh wow ur popular" or they think im attractive put up with me its really just because im me and i havent had that in so long 156 isnt much but its not something i ever thought id reach... i thought id be happily sitting at 50 making videos that no one watches
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like whys it green i dont understand why are there day with more than 1 veiw why are there days with any veiws i dont get this none of them are my friend after the way my (ex) bf acted i never told anyone ever again so its not out of pity or cause they know me irl, it really is jsut all people who see me and just like me and i dont get it. like i appreciate it but also at the same time it feels weird to say cause why should ME saying that i appreciate YOU/THEM mean anything? but also i do and i know it means nothing but i just dont know, and i mean i also know that no one from my yt follows me here but i just wanted to scream into the void and cry a little. its just so weird to see me in someones subscriptions next to a holo girl i keep saying it but really i do mean i just dont know
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knightzp · 4 months
thank you SOOOO much for your comment on my fic it made me so happy 🥺💖💖💖💖💖 the show I wrote it for is called chaos theory and it's a sequel that came out last week for another show called camp cretaceous
they're both based on the jurassic park franchise which I don't really know much about bc I've only seen the first movie a long time ago but my sister was watching cc and so I joined her and really enjoyed it, it follows six kids who are sent to a summer camp at jurassic park but are left behind when the whole park has to be evacuated and so they end up surviving for about a year there by themselves and run into kenjis dad near the end and I HATE him but his relationship with kenji is soooo good and sad and compelling he gets kenji to work with him for a while because he's so desperate for anything resembling love from his father... Explodes. and then they all live happily ever after except not really
chaos theory is then set I think six years after cc so they're all adults and living separately doing their own thing. one of the group who was kenjis ex girlfriend brooklynn had been killed in what they all assumed was an accident a few months prior but then the rest of them start getting targeted by dinosaur attacks and so the show follows them as they try to reunite and figure out who's hunting them and what happened to brooklynn. It's SO good and compelling and I can't wait for future seasons I think my fav thing about it is how they manage to write grief in such a real way all of the characters cope really differently by isolating themselves and calling a dead woman's phone just to hear her voice on the voicemail or by covering everything with fake positivity or by. actually going to therapy oh my god. at least one of them has somewhat got it together. but yeah the grief just feels so real they've all been through such extreme trauma.... sobs. the character relationships are also sosososo compelling there's so many good platonic ones and a couple romantic ones too.. super fun and good shows I definitely recommend if you're interested 💖
!!!! i was very interested in reading something from you so when you posted your fic yesterday i didnt doubt it and went ahead to read it even if i knew nothing abt that show aldjskks but yeahhh i love your writing so much tia <33
and oooh i see, it does look interesting especially the relationships between the characters and the way it handles grief and trauma sounds so good and realistic from what youre saying..... ill keep the shows in mind i might check them out one day o7
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voidselfshipp · 7 months
Happily Ever Afters In The Apocalypse
Cw: none that im aware of.
->Only mutuals allowed to reblog.
Summary: walking through the barren,demolished Lands of the apocalypse, Martin asks for something to lighten up the mood,jerico has just the thing.
[Happends after the tape recording of episode 167]
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The three of them Walked along that barren,sullied earth where the clouds looked like eyes and the air was thick with iron.
In all this disaster,They still found comfort amongst eachother. Jerico seemed the one  to have the most optimism of the three,either by her natural sunny disposition or otherwise.
--So...jer-- says Martin,looking at the earth he steps on-- since Jon made this whole monologue about gertrude...can you tell us a story?
Jerico lets out a soft "hmph" filled with pride. she was,after all, a being of stories-- absolutely-- she answers,hands in her pockets of her beaten up jeans,heavy boots sinking slightly on the soft earth,though no tracks are left in her wake.-- what kind?
Thats when he looks away, a little flustered. Suddenly very aware of how childish hes request sounded.
--Ah youre going to think its silly-- he says,the corner of his eye catching how her teal scarf,draped Across her shoulders and held to her person with an old clasp made of gold, flailed with the wind
Then a brief silence, a clear signal that Martin had forgotten once again that Jer wouldnt judge him. Still,she talks
--Nonsense-- She reassured with a smile.-- what kind?
--The kind that has....a happy ending?--He was prepared to hear Jon scoff, but he doesnt,clearly in need of some good vibes.
She smiles,still warm as the sun they have seldomed in apocalypse-- of those I know a plenty. Anything specific?
And its Jon who catches them off guard with a most out of character response-- romantic--Both turn to look at him in surprise-- what?! You two cant judge me for it
Jer only shook her head between chuckles-- surprised me,thats all
--Youre not the most romantic person-- Martin agreed-- we love you for it though
--Yeah yeah,thank you-- the archivist dismissed with his face a Darker color than before-- let the Lady talk
--Well, here goes--Jerico says,excitement bubbling up in her chest,rubbing her hands together.
Her childlike joy is a nice change of pace for both of them,which helps them relax and ease into the story as the air still smells of iron and desolation.
--Once upon a time there were two sailors-- she starts, her palm raising to her chest to show the image of two sailors made of water without any visible characteristic other than one of them had short hair and the other long hair-- they worked at the same ship, the name long lost to the ages.
They worked hard to Keep the ship afloat,both were dedicated and passionate but different in their own ways.
One had long hair and beautiful green eyes, sharpest mind and witt. The other had short hair and deep brown eyes, of the Kindest heart of the most purest gold, that guided hin like a compass.
Despite the fact that their ways of keeping the clear difference in their methods. But both were bound by a deep love,one they hadnt realized was there for the time being.
The night that would change their lives was much like any other,cloudy skies, gloomy... it was boring,not much to see or do other than check that the ship,now Docked,didnt float away.
But again, it was a boring unremarkable night,so they both went to sleep.
Yet when they awoke, they found themselves in the middle of the Ocean .
Jericos palm shows a small old timey boat lost in the middle of an Ocean that encompases her whole hand
-- the two sailors bickered over whose fault was it.  "Didnt you moore the ship properly?" The one with the long hair asked, bitter indignation in his lips-- they notice jer changes her voice for the dialogues,which is just the level of dramaticisim they expected from her-- "of course I did, didnt you drop the anchor?!" The one with the black hair protested.
Amongst their bicering over the sea breeze, they hear a soft gentle melody being hummed, they follow it with their eyes to a faraway island that looked more like a dot on the horizon than anything else
But,it was a destination.
So our intrepid sailors put the mast on full sail, the wind pushing them to the ever faraway island. With hope in their hearts of returning home.
Jer makes water hang above the small ship on her palm, it takes the form of a small moon and stars. Martín smiles with that same childish delight and Jon seems to relax in his posture,walking a little slower to Keep up with the story
--during the night,when they couldnt sleep for fear of floating away, they would hear that same melody that originally guided their eyes to see the island that they were heading towards.
Now closer to It, the melody was louder,not enough to discern words but louder.
They'd spend the whole night discussing what the source was, "an opera singer?" Wondered the sailor with the long hair and the Smart green eyes
"Or a choir?" The sailor with the warm brown eyes said.
By the time they reached the conclusion of it being a siren or anything of the supernatual,they'd both chuckle and find something to busy themselves with,all the while accompanied by that sweet melody
Then,the small moon and stars turn into a small heavy rainstorm. The small boat rocks widly in the sea and even if both men were promised a happy ending,they both stared intently at the fake ship.
Jerico laughs and continued her story-- one night, a storm loomed over the ship. A strong,raging one with the fury of the water goddess herself, but being so low staffed,the ship crashes into the rocky  archipelagos that lined that mysterious island they headed towards.
Both sailors managed to hold eachother as they fell into the black,unforgiving sea..-- her hand covers her little water mademiniature, crushing the boat.
--Now Hold on a minute!--Martin protested with his pointer finger up-- I was promised a happy ending!
--Yes! Thats nothing close to it!--Jon said-- we dont know what the island is or who was singing!
Jerico is in a fit of hysterical laughter at their demeanor,its as if the world hadnt ended at all-- Well if you dont shut up and let me finish....!-- she exclaimed,trailing off to drive the point home.
--Fine fine,get on with it-- Martin complains-- dont take too long
--Good stories take their time....-- she answers.
--Time isnt really a thing anymore so...--Jon adds, obviously insisting to speed things up.
--fine fine-- she rolls her eyes-- the long haired sailor woke up within a cavern,decorated with gold and jewelry,glinting Stones that refracted the lights from the small torches.
He finds himself alone,but that melody hangs in the air, the words are a little fuzzy but theres two voices singing them,one female and one male
Our sailor ran to the source of the singing,he knew that male voice very well for he had spoken with its owner for Many days and nights...
There at the entrance of the cavern sat his jolly companion, singing with a most beautiful woman,half of her body hid underneath the ebbing shore.
For a moment the world doesnt exist to our long haired sailor, his eyes fixated on his sweet companion. He hugs his comrade and holds him to his chest,and he gets his gesture returned.
His friend of the black hair and soft eyes tells him that this mysterious woman is the source of that singing theyve heard,and that she rescued them.
"So you see,the gods are laughing at us" said the black haired man" our savior is..."
--a siren!-- Jon exclaimed,obviously invested.
Jer smirked-- yes, a siren -- she fixes her teal scarf and pushes away some of the hairs falling on her face-- to thank the kind siren, they would return each year with gifts, and they'd spend days together,catching up.
And the siren,of beautiful porcelain skin and agile green eyes, noticed the fondness of the sailors for eachother. She yearned for both of the sailors love and touch
So on one of their visits,she confessed that she had Fallen for them harder than any anchor could ever fall for the Ocean. She wept her mother of pearl tears and Begged for them to understand
The sailors had,funnily enough,fallen for the siren. And this point of connection led both sea men to finally admit their feelings for eachother,but deep down they both felt like they already knew.
And so, when the sailors retired,they went to live with their siren lover,and lived happily ever after
--Thats actually really cute-- Said Martin,taking Jers hand.
--yes,its a nice change of air-- Agreed Jon,taking Jericos arm-- thank you
Jerico smirked with that playfullness she always had when she pulled a sneaky trick. In her head she counts the moment until they realize what she had done.
--ding ding ding! Weee got a winner!--she exclaimed,feeling very proud of herself.
--How didnt I realize That?!--Jon whined.
--Surprises me that you didnt put that together sooner,Jon-- She admitted with a smirk.
--I...do gotta admit it was nice not knowing the end of something...
Jer smiles--good, im happy it helped
Martin walks closer to her,hugging her waist with one arm--so If this story is about us...do you think we'll get a happy ending?
The eldritch being nodded,pulling Jon for a hug too-- Absolutely, ill make sure we do. After all,stories with a happy ending are my favorite-- she gives them both a loving look with her beautiful green eyes-- and I Belive there is no other way to close this odessy of ours but "and they lived happily ever after".
Jon allowed himself a moment of hope and clung on to his lovers words,so did Martin.
There was no other way to end their story than "And they lived happily ever after".
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onceuponaneverafter · 9 months
I finished the books! And yes I really enjoyed them, I think partly because I could tell really early on that it would have a happy ending, though I couldnt tell you what that ending would be. Literally until it happened i was thinking it was going to end slightly differently.
Im also kind of happy i didnt read them as they came out. I finished book 2 right before going to sleep and I just couldnt. So I couldnt imagine waiting months/years to be able to read book 3.
Another reason I realøy like the books is that it has a bunch of well executed tropes i really like. Like dangerous but has a heart of gold romantic lead. One doesnt need to be good at fighting to be a strong person. Tragic backstories like oh my there are a lot in these books. Star crossed lovers because one might die, I absolutely love that. And history isnt exactly as remembered. And I absolutely love the fairytales and how they are connected to the story.
Looking at the tags it seems some people found the last book lacking, I think it was mostly good. Its just a few things. I would have liked an early jacks pov chapter where he learns evangeline lost her memories. He doesnt show up until so late in that book and I would have liked to see that scene. I also would have liked a scene of Jacks learning what aurora did and the true nature of the kiss curse, and this wouldnt fit in the book but seeing tella's reaction would also be fun. Lastly i would have liked to learn more about the original fox, I mean we dont even know her name.
But overall the books are so much fun and the characters dynamics are great. I started reading fanfic as soon as i was done reading the books.
hi again, it’s so good to hear you enjoyed the books!! also, even better to hear you got to read them all at once haha - after i read TBONA, waiting 10 months for ACFTL was excruciating! so i’m just really happy for anyone who doesn’t have to experience that lmao.
there are so many SUCH amazing things about the books and i couldn’t agree more, they’re so fun to read!! and not only fun, but... yeah. i think we all agree here that the story is amazing hehe. i’m a huge fan of the way it’s a total slowburn - like where i often get so impatient for characters to just work out their problems and be happily in love, here the most delicious part is the romantic tension, the hope for a happy ending. it’s so good!
i’ve also seen a lot of people think ACFTL was lacking, and while i personally did enjoy it as well, i also wish some more questions were answered (as fun as theorizing is), regarding so many things i’m not going to list them all here hahaha. a chapter about jacks realizing that evangeline lost her memories would have been a dream come true!! i wanted to see him go to great lengths to help her remember - even if he didn’t think it would ever be possible for her to be happy with him (which is obviously not true hehe), he would want her to get back her stolen memories, whatever it takes.
now that you mentioned it, i also want to see tella’s reaction to how things turned out. like, it’s a need.
thank you for all of your thoughts regarding the books, i hope you find lots of amazing fanfiction and have a lovely day!! 💗
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