#yeah i might add songs to my drawing posts now???
theygotlost · 1 year
good afternoon here's my big rant on my pet peeves for subtitles in movies and tv
This is a post that I’ve thought about making probably for years now but never got around to. I might add more later if I realize I’ve forgotten any
When it comes down to it, the purpose of subtitles is this: to reflect exactly what the audience can hear, precisely when it can be heard. If you fail to do this, your subtitles are bad and you should feel bad. Although I don’t have concrete examples for most of these off the top of my head, I promise I have experienced them all firsthand at least once.
-> Watch for spelling and typos. Obviously.
-> Syncing issues.
This should go without saying, but the captions should be synced as closely as possible with dialogue and sound effects. Subtitles that are out of sync are worse to me than no subtitles at all. They’re unbearably distracting and I have to turn them off. I’m fortunate enough that I can keep watching without them, so imagine how frustrating this is for someone who needs to keep them on no matter what.
-> Jumping the gun.
This is basically an example of out-of-sync subtitles that are slightly too fast, but it gets its own category because it ruins the viewing experience in its own unique way. In particularly dramatic scenes, actors will often draw out their lines or pause between phrases. Captions sometimes fail to reflect this by displaying the entire sentence all at once, allowing the audience to read what someone is about to say before they actually say it, which deflates all the dramatic tension of the scene.
-> Phantom captions.
This one is less self explanatory, but it’s kind of similar to syncing. Sometimes there will be significant intervals of time between lines of dialogue, especially after a scene ends and a new one begins. The interval may include music, sound effects, or complete silence, but what I’m calling a “phantom” is a caption that stays on the screen after that last line of dialogue is delivered until the next line is spoken. I don’t remember what I was watching, but there was one that was glued to the screen for SEVERAL MINUTES over what was supposed to be an atmospheric break between scenes and it drove me nuts. In my experience this happens more often with older subtitling for DVDs and some old videos and less with modern streaming. 
-> Straight up spoilers.
Sometimes, a character will speak whose true identity has not yet been revealed to the audience. If I’m not supposed to know the character’s name yet, don’t just… tell me right there in the captions whenever they say something. Descriptors like “disembodied voice”, “man”/”woman”, “mysterious figure”, etc. will suffice.
-> Lack of musical descriptors.
It usually helps to describe the genre or emotion of the music that’s playing rather than just writing [music] or 🎵. That being said, if there is a song playing that’s particularly well known in the mainstream, I think it’s useful to actually include the name of the song. This one I do have a concrete example for: in Arrested Development, Gob always blasts The Final Countdown during his acts. But the captions on my DVDs for the show always describe it as [stagy pop]. Like yeah I would say that song is some pretty stagy pop, but I think a lot of the humor comes from knowing that it’s specifically The Final Countdown by Europe because it’s such a perfectly corny selection that Gob would make.
Another musical failure is not transcribing pertinent lyrics. If the song is playing in the background, then that’s understandable and it can be kind of distracting if there’s dialog happening on top of it because the audience isn’t actually meant to be paying close attention to the song. But if the song is front and center, like for a musical number or montage, then the lyrics can be pretty important. Last year when I watched Arcane on Netflix with my family (a recent, high budget production from the biggest streaming platform ever), the show had the nerve to write [man rapping] over a musical sequence. Imagine if all subtitles ever just said [person speaking] for the entire movie.
-> Affectations.
If a character starts using a silly voice or accent, or if the sound of their voice changes in any way, describe that. If the audience can hear the difference, the subtitles should reflect that difference. And they should reflect it informatively and accurately; for example, don’t just say [mock accent], but specify [mock French accent]. 
-> Paraphrasing.
I don’t even know why this is an issue, but it’s alarming how many times the subtitles just… straight up don’t match what the characters are actually saying. It’s like the transcriber was forced to write all the captions from memory, so they kinda sorta say the same thing, but the wording is different and some sentences or phrases are missing. When I brought this up with my mom she theorized that the transcriber was working off the script for the movie because hey, that’s all the dialogue already written down, right? But it completely fails to account for revisions, improvisation, or actors delivering their lines even slightly different than how they were originally written.
And last but certainly not least, one of the biggest offenders in bad subtitling…
-> [Speaks foreign language]
If someone says something in another language, please, for the love of god, do not just write [speaks foreign language]  and call it a day. Specifying the actual language is an improvement, but this descriptor only works if the audience members are truly not meant to know what’s being said (which is sometimes the case). If a character is only saying a single word or phrase in another language, transcribe it. As in, write down the actual words that they said. If you don’t speak that language, find someone who does. You are insane for transcribing a character saying “hola” or “abuela” in an otherwise English sentence as [speaks Spanish] (real examples I saw respectively in Rango and JANE THE VIRGIN. THERE’S SO MUCH SPANISH IN THAT SHOW). 
If the audience is supposed to know what someone is saying in another language, English subtitles will usually be hardcoded. DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, LET THE CAPTION SAYING [SPEAKS FOREIGN LANGUAGE] COVER THESE UP. This is actively impeding understanding, not helping it. Jesus christ
* Please keep in mind that I’m not deaf or hard of hearing and I don’t have auditory processing disorder; I almost always watch movies and tv with subtitles whenever the option is available because it helps me absorb information better. If I don’t even strictly NEED subtitles and these are issues for me, I can only imagine how much more difficult it is for those who rely on them more heavily. I invite you to add your own perspective!!
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Can you do TADC cast x reader with an amazing singing voice? And what each member thinks of their voice. Like let's say they just one day hear the reader singing in the halls to themselves or something, what would be their reaction
TADC cast finding out the reader has a good singing voice!
i think ive done a singer!reader before but too be fair iirc correctly those are with a reader who sings to cope... plus it was only for about half the cast, i think! speedrunning this since im answering this while i got something in the oven YAHOO
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i think he would first hear you after mindlessly barging into your room. like usually hes good with knocking, but i think sometimes he gets so antsy to see you that he just. invites himself in. thats an issue for a different post, i think. so imagine he finds you singing to yourself in your room... and you sound so amazing... oh he would be in love with you, even more... assuming this is romantic, of course! though i guess thats the default for these kinds of posts.... that aside, i think he would start to ask for you to sing for him alllll the time. its like hearing an angel singing... or perhaps even a siren, given how it draws him right in... adds that to his long list of things about you that he gushes about you
writing her right after i do ragathas but i think that her reaction would be similar... just minus the successful getaway; she would probably trip on something behind her while shes trying to slink away; thus alerting you and stopping your song. tries to stammer out an apology before just blurting out that she heard something; heard you singing and that she didnt mean to intrude but it just sounded so..... alluring? is that the correct word? very bad at trying to defend herself, though is there really anything that she needs to defend herself against? its not like she did something bad, she just walked in on you doing something innocent.... needless to say, i think it would be awkward between the two of you for at least a short period of time... perhaps you offer to sing to her... would that still make it awkward, or would it dismiss it? up to you, my silly reader!
probably finds you singing to yourself while cleaning and/or tidying up one of the common areas of the circus after jax's prank leaves it particularly messy! doesnt interrupt you, in fact you might try to quietly back out of the room... i mean she didnt know you could sing, and you never sang around her, plus given that youre doing it while no one else is around... well it would get into her head that this is something personal and private for you. whether or not thats true is up to you, though! i do think her curiosity would eat away at you though, and with thinking about your voice, it would lead to her asking about it. keeping this open ended for you to expand upon this yourself, you could explain to her what music means to you and perhaps you offer to sing to her... shrugs
honestly i think he would try to mess up your singing, like it could be his first time hearing you sing and he could be totally captured by your talent; but the asshole in him is telling him to do what he does best. its like setting a glass down when theres a cat nearby. something is bound to happen; you know? like do i think he would sneak around you and form some elaborate prank thats going to dunk slime all over you while youre singing? no, no no not at all. in fact i dont think jax would do that to his actual close friends or partner.... now to zooble or gangle, yeah definitely.... though to be fair he is comfortable with teasing the idea of putting centipedes in ragathas room, knowing that shes deathly afraid of them; and they seem to be decent friends... but im getting off track... no, i think he would just call out a random word while youre focusing on your lyrics; which makes you repeat him and thus breaking your focus
though, he does make up for kind of complimenting you
not quite a sour patch kids kinnie since he doesnt have the sweet part nailed down </3
okay cute idea. while most of the other characters (if not all since im writing everyone out of order) find you singing on accident... imagine you sing to him to try to calm him down after a particularly rough day that leaves him more antsy and anxious than usual. i think depending on the song, if you pick the right one it calms his down real nicely. maybe im biased, but rises the moon... my beloved... cough coughs
anyways... i dont think he would ask you to sing, not because he doesnt like your voice. no he just doesnt want you to feel forced to do it plus i mean... your digital vocal cords can get worn down... maybe... actually i dont think they would?? digital bodies are... weird.. might be a case of temporary strain that doesnt stick but the point still stands, he doesnt want ANY harm or discomfort to come to you; physically or otherwise!
not much impresses zooble, but even with that being said i think they would be able to recognize talent when there is... well talent! though, they are bad at showing their emotions; at least not the ones that are more positive if that makes sense! given their general attitude as well as their flatter voice, a lot of the genuine compliments they give you upon first hearing you sing may come off as sarcastic... or maybe they dont, since you guys may or may not be close and know that this is just how zooble is. they arent going to shower you in compliments like caine, or ask you to sing for them. thats just not how they are, and they simply treat your singing as another part of you! not to say that its not worth gushing over; its just that... gushing isnt really something zooble.... does... you know?
stealing from kinger but imagine singing to her to help calm her down or get her mind off of something... like i think she would be entranced.. or perhaps confused because now that im thinking about it more imagine youre crying to your partner and they start to just. sing...
shh we can pretend that gangle just enjoys your voice..! finds it very pretty, but also like kinger i dont think she would ask you to sing for her often out of fear of making you feel forced to do it. plus gangle, at least to me, seems like the type to not want to ask anyone for anything for fear that it will make her an annoyance or inconvenience. poor girl... absolutely loves your singing, though
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neth-cactus · 8 months
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iiiii ummm uhhh little drawings from the fic cus i fixated on my own writting jabsjwhdhe i have a looot to talk about so i will do it under the cut, the fic link will also be here
my girly pop, its weird posting stuff on ao3 but like shes there, the whole fic is me posting random little stuff i wrote on a whim so it will be noticeable dhbfjsjd also warning I might have made everyone a biiit out of character so im kinda sorry lols
now for fun notes and stuff about the chapters i did not add to the end notes
"The sun shines bright" not much to not other than after this clover's hand hurt for like a day and flowey bullied the peck out of them,,, also this is the only time flowey calls clover an idiot on this fic
"The flower pot incident" after the end clover spends like 10 minutes explaining everything about flowey, but he explains it like a little kid would, making it confusing as hell, so ceroba gives up and just like pats him and tells them to be good or smth, it was the same with everyone else
also bad quality comic of how the pot came to be
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"What kind of milk were you?" the song came in as i was finishing the chapter and it fitted so well i named the chapter after it, as i mentioned it was me like poking gently to clover's life before the underground, his thought process was mostly thinking marlet was angry at them over doing the dishes in "secret" idk how to explain it but yeah :( poor little fella, also as noted at the end, flowey observed all happening and just like kept in mind
"Sewing back the pieces" I loved imagining how clover's room looked, and i had to include it, more joking around from the best friends, id like to think clover knows how to sew but they are just a bit clumsy with the needle, also those things are slippery...
"The calm before the mall" I feel proud about the title pun(? but this is also what i kind of meant with flowey keeping things on mind, by the time of this chapter a bit of time has passed of them living with humans, and flowey knows how stuff can be and how clover is a biiit shy so thats why the warning was persistent, it didnt work but meh
"Fertilizer is a fun word" IT IS A FUN WORD i love writing it lol, but seriously, i tried exemplifying more the thing of clover not speaking a lot so flowey does most of the talking for them, they do speak a bit but its short sentences and very quietly,
"You are just a boy, you are no man" this one will be long again the song fitted and it came on while writing the middle lol, clover does not know very well about the whole story with chara, but they do know that buttercups are meaningful in some sort of way for flowey so thats why they picked them, now is fun to note that the comments about their friends being monsters did bother clover but the one comment that like spilled the cup was the age one, that one hit deep and thats why they reacted that way, also the amount of people did not bother clover that much when they arrived but like the panic and stuff made them very aware of everyone around and med everything worse so ye, lastly, another time flowey calls someone idiot, this time dalv (sorry king)
i think thats all, if there's a specific choice yall are curios about feel free to tell me :3 i will probably have an answer for it
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shithowdy · 8 months
Hi I saw your post about having 12 species of birds in your backyard so now I’m genuinely asking: what’s your advice for bird watching? And getting those birds into my backyard?
so i'm not what anyone would call a comprehensive resource but i can offer a few tips, yeah!
for making your yard attractive to birds:
birds do not like open space, as it makes them vulnerable to predators. they need lots of foliage to hide, so place any feeders or other features in places that aren't wide open. if you do not have a lot of plants in your yard, change that if you can!
diverse plants will also attract nectar-feeding birds and insect-eating birds, and are sort of your "natural" feeder setup. you can check if your area offers grants for pollinator gardens.
a non-stagnant or regularly-changed water feature (fountain, bird bath) is also very attractive to birds. in hotter climates, i would say it's an essential addition.
different types of feeders and food attract different types of birds. you can draw hummingbirds with nectar and bright flowers (they love fuchsia), most songbirds with black oil sunflower and safflower seeds, a whole variety with different suet, corvids with peanuts; doves and juncos and corvids prefer tray or ground feeding, little songbirds like something they can cling to, etc. research what kind attracts what you want to see, or make a diverse setup if you have the space. you can usually avoid feed that has millet, most birds will just hurl it everywhere.
don't feed birds bread; it's empty fluff and just fills them up. seed is boring but fine, they don't really have a concept of food being "boring"
clean your feeders every time you refill them (and change hummingbird feeders every few days regardless); there are several contagious avian diseases and you want to avoid outbreaks. your feeders will become known as foul and the uninfected will move on.
if you live in an area that has them, figure out a way to rodent-proof your feeders, like squirrel baffles. they'll destroy your whole setup and scare away all the birds (you can try to set up a special squirrel feeder, but they do not respect borders).
consider nest boxes! make sure they can be opened for cleaning, and don't have any harmful materials in their construction.
check if your town has a backyard birding store, like wild birds unlimited or a locally-owned equivalent. there will almost always be an old woman who may or may not work there willing to dispense advice about your local birds.
keep your cats indoors
for watchin them birds:
get the merlin app on your phone; it's kind of like Bird Shazam and can help you ID based on its song
if you want to get more serious, you can also get eBird and report your findings/keep a checklist
if you don't have a fancy zoom lens camera, get a pair of binoculars! they're good to have even if you do. you can even take pics through them with your phone.
the best time to watch birds is from about sunrise to late morning
don't interact with the birds, save for outlier circumstances (rescue, one lands on you, etc)
yard-watching and trail-watching are pretty different when it comes to ethics and how much humans and birds should be interacting. in general it's frowned upon to feed birds in wilderness areas to attract them, whereas urban birds are already accustomed to human presence. it's also frowned upon to play mating songs to attract birds.
don't go off-trail trying to find birds you can hear. it's dangerous for you and upsetting to them.
your area might have local birding meetups, or online groups where people report sightings and good spots.
there's uhhh probably a lot more i'm forgetting to add but i think this covers the basics!
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heartofcupid · 1 year
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🎀 — 🍮 cupid’s blog, art & archive ☆
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✩ hello ! :-D
i’m cupid! but you can also call me jenny, jenn or angel! 💗 i like to draw! i’m mexican & 16 years old! 🐈‍⬛ i’m also bisexual & gender-fluid :^D ! i like ralph macchio, the karate kid (1984—1989), cobra kai, labyrinth (1986), literature, batman, spider-man, phantom of the opera, cats, the color pink & cute things! 💭💓
i also go by she / they & neopronouns love / doll ! :-D 💕
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p.s. 💭 i like a lottt of things but you can also check out my carrd linked in my bio! it’s a bit old & needs to be updated since it has been over a year but it does have a lot of basic information i hope can be of use! once i update it, i will make sure it’s all up to date! 🩷
welcome to my blog! 🎧💕
☆ — art
i like to draw and practice art, i’m currently trying to learn digital art and have mainly drawn only traditionally but i enjoy both! i’m trying my best to practice a lot & will take any advice + critique given :-D!!!! 💗💗
top two photos —
first photo: a screenshot of my homepage for the app Procreate showing multiple drawings & sketches done on the app. Note: most are experimental pieces of art! so yeah some look a little wonky, it’s all just for fun :-D
second photo: art of my original character, Michelle, legs painted over because i cant draw legs and i just didn’t finish drawing them so i covered what was drawn of the legs at the end.
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bottom 2 — sketches of my original character laelia :-)
last art! — (self portrait of myself! :-D)
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☆ — (sadly i’m on doing this post on mobile so i can only add so many photos here, so for now here are some main ones that i have never uploaded until now! 💗⭐️🌛)
the following paragraphs of this post are not as important since it’s not art or really discusses much about anything else that’s really critical for my blog here but it is more information about me and what i like, so it’ll explain any other posts i might have on here & helps to know what to except! so this part is optional to read:^). 🌷
☆ music
my favorite music!! i don’t listen to music too much & would like to expand my music taste throughout all genres (rap, punk, goth, pop, cumbia, rock, electro, anything !)
music artists i like ! i’ll add them cuz i have to be honest, there’s no point of faking my music taste lol.
☆ — my spotify! for fun lol
cravity; bts; hatsune miku; the smiths; tv girl; my chemical romance; oliva rodrigo; radiohead; the cure; paramore; baby metal; alex g; blur; david bowie; plug plug; Procrastinación 1 Yo 0; tommy february6; strawberry switchblade; luis miguel, pinkpantheress; beabadoobee; & some more! but i’m mainly a casual listener to most / don’t know that many songs from each artist but enough of their hit songs lol!
☆ films & shows.
i watch a lot of films and shows but i’m not like … a cinephile? ofc not srsly ofc but maybe as a joke to say i’m like super deep into movies & shows i could be with outside side sometimes stopping me but it’s all good!! i’ve watched some shows, mainly with family so it does take me time to finish them if i don’t watch them on my own time. i also watch a handful of films so i hope this rundown of favorite, recently watched and want to watch films & shows can give another overview of myself :-D
(completed)—mob psycho; breaking bad; the bear; aggretsuko; saiki k; Neon Genesis Evangelion; Card Captor Sakura; Great Pretender; Derry Girls; and more ^^
(want to watch)—yo soy betty, la fea; NANA; Death Note; kimi ni todoke; Kamisama Kiss; princess jellyfish; and some more ^^
side note, here’s my letterboxd lol.
all time favorite moviesss & obsessions: the karate kid trilogy; labyrinth (1986); spider-man into the spiderverse & across the spiderverse; Batman (2022); Pride & Prejudice (2005); edward scissorhands; Howls Moving Castle; and more! i watch a lot of movies but some favs on the top of my head 💗
☆ — i try to watch and enjoy as many different films as i can, i welcome any film, show and music recommendations!
i’ll try also to maybe update this post as much as i can to make sure that while it’s up, it’s also up to date!
i tend to make mistakes in my writing & while typing a lot, i also make mistakes while reading so if i send, type, write or mistake anything else while reading & writing on this blog or any other social media account i have i apologize & any correction suggestions/clarifications are welcomed!!
p.s. i might also do a follow up post to be linked to this post to show more art or just art here will be added / changed just incase! 💭🩷🐈‍⬛🐈
☆ 🤍
i don’t reblog that much, and im not active here as i am twitter and instagram lol but i try my best to interact as much as i can! i hope i can use this as an archive for my art & things i like while making friends & anything else lol but thank u for reading (^^ 🌷
☆ — ending song for fun lol
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acaplaya-musings · 2 months
Voiceplay-adjacent Visuals - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
So here's the thing: I'm not religious whatsoever, and usually I'm neutral at best when it comes to "traditional"/religious Christmas songs. Like on the odd occasion I might hear a decent performance of one, like O Holy Night or Silent Night for example, and I'll be like "yeah alright", but I don't usually go search them up to relisten to them, y'know?
But then, on the 4th of December, 2021, Geoff released his cover of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, and MY. GOODNESS. Undeniably one of the most epic Christmas carol performances I've ever heard (besides most versions of Carol Of The Bells of course).
So anyway, there's probably a lot more to say on the musical arrangement than the video, but I didn't wanna skip over this one entirely, and tbh this is one of my favourite videos for examples of Geoff's self-conducting motions and hand gestures, so I really wanna talk about some of that, and show off some of the cool lighting stuff as well! (Credit to Eli for lighting design!)
So anyway, let's get into this!
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This video was filmed at PattyCake Studios, though presumably using a set/backdrop that doesn't get used a lot otherwise, because I don't recognise it from anything else! (EDIT: according to the amazingly-knowledgeable and very helpful Jules-has-notes, "the backdrop was one of the standing sets at the old PattyCake studio...VP used it in their video for "You're My Best Friend" with Deejay, but the set dressing and lighting were pretty different.")
Double credit to Eli for the lighting design, because look how cool this looks already, with the variety of colours that we're getting from lighting in the background! Whiteish-purple, green, blue, orange, and purple-pink! And I love how there's enough in the background to make it interesting and to "fill out the space" without drawing your attention away entirely!
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Lights up!
I don't know exactly what that shirt thing is per se, but man it looks so cool
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This video has at least a couple moments of the "Geoff Clones" noticeably mirroring each other in their motions, like in Shenandoah and Unshaken, but there are also quite a few moments (like before this, in the "slow build-up section" in fact) where different Geoffs are doing different motions to indicate which of them are singing which vocal parts (e.g. higher stuff vs lower stuff)
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"Now to the lord sing praises..."
Very quick lighting/colour change on the curtains!
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"Holy tide of Christmas, all others doth deface!"
Lighting/colour change on the curtains again! A warmer orange now!
(Also again notice how the clones on the left and right ends are doing the same thing, but the clone second from the left is doing something different!)
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"Woah, tidings of comfort and joy"
(I love the cheeky little side-eye he does here, it's kinda cute <3)
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Another quick lighting change!
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I love the way Geoff so often includes moments of "Lead Geoff" and The Clones looking at each other - it's such a simple thing to include, but it's also such an easy thing to not bother doing or not even consider doing. But these little moments definitely add a little something-something(tm) to the videos 💜👌
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"Cooommmforrrt aaand joyyyyy"
Up, right, down, up. What is this, the Konami Code for subharmonics/bass notes? 😝
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And back to darkness for the end!
I probably could have included even more moments to talk about but tbh screenshots don't always do it justice, and I can't be bothered figuring out how to make gifs. But I hope this gave you some amusement anyway, and I promise you the next post is absolutely gonna be a fun one! Until next time!
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obscureenthusiast · 8 months
Me again. I might wanna know about Whole Wide World as well :)
Okay, so "Whole Wide World" (title from a Mountain Goats song of the same name) is my big post-canon Sparty fic project that will (fingers crossed) actually get finished someday... especially because I have a LOT of thoughts about what it means for both of them to live when not at war, and how to build a life when traumatized, grief-stricken, and filled with survivor's guilt!
Unfortunately, I decided I needed to write the Agron POV fic first just to get to where both him and Nasir are, like... EMOTIONALLY at in their arcs by the end of the show... and so the post-canon fic has been just sitting around and every now and then I look at it and go "ooooooh" and add a few more notes or something :P
Originally, the plan for this fic was Nasir POV, but I may change that and do swapping POVs between Agron and Nasir, because I'd love to get some exploration into the things they don't SAY to each other. BUT, for now, on to some of my Nasir snippets from early on (as in, they're still in the mountains)!
“Enough!” Nasir said, grabbing Agron’s shoulder because he’d seen the same look in his lover’s eyes as when he was set upon throwing the first punch. “Break words of fucking sense, both of you.” Agron scoffed, “This stupid shit wants to turn back to the south.” “We only seek to fucking live!” the man replied, standing taller against Agron’s barbed words. “A small number of us can slip past Roman soldiers easily enough.” Nasir recognized the man, now, if only vaguely. He was a Celt, one of the shepherds they had picked up along the way. He had been an accomplished fighter, held back from the final battle by injury to his sword arm which was even now held in a sling across his chest. “I swore to Spartacus upon dying breath that I would see every slave to freedom,” Agron said, “not see clutch of them returned to their fucking deaths!” “Spartacus talked of the freedom to choose our fates!” the man returned. “I would see myself and others of like mind to our own path!” Nasir tightened his grip on Agron’s shoulder slightly, drawing his attention with a glance. “I fear we cannot stop the man,” he said, keeping his voice low and firm, “without betraying ideals of our cause.” Agron’s jaw tightened and he lowered his own voice to whisper, “So we are to let them choose death?” The words were in parallel to conversation Nasir had broken with Spartacus, in the days after Agron had left him to join Crixus’s army, and Nasir’s brows drew together, a tinge of bitterness invading his voice as he muttered. “All men choose their fates,” he locked eyes with Agron, “a thing you are well aware of.”
Haha, yeah I'm sure that bitterness isn't going to come up later as like a hurdle in their post-war relationship!! I'm sure it'll be okay!! Annnnnnnd
Agron was kneeling on the floor, low curses rolling from his lips in grumbled undertones as he tried to pick up the scattered pieces of a shattered water jug. He looked up as Nasir entered, his gaze dark with sharp irritation. “Do not fucking speak,” he snapped. Nasir moved closer, kneeling beside Agron and helping with the task silently, his hands moving quickly and gently to remove the broken pieces. Agron shifted, sitting back on his heels and tossing down the few shards of clay he’d managed to collect, his hands instead clenching as much as they could as bitterness overtook his features. “It fucking slipped from useless hands,” Agron muttered. Nasir shook his head. “It does not matter.” Agron hissed out a breath through his teeth and aimed a kick at a couple of the errant pieces on the floor, nearly catching Nasir’s fingers with the action. Nasir jerked back and looked at Agron sharply, but Agron was staring down at his own hands, seemingly unaware of Nasir’s presence. Silence stretched between them and Nasir moved cautiously closer, setting aside the broken pieces of pottery carefully so that he could reach out. “Agron,” Nasir whispered, running soft fingertips across Agron’s cheek, trying to draw his gaze. For a moment Agron remained stolid and indifferent to the touch and Nasir feared he would be pushed away, but then Agron closed his eyes tightly, brows drawing together in a pained expression as he pressed to Nasir’s hand. “Exhaustion and grief are heavy burden,” Nasir said softly. Agron shook his head and drew in an unsteady breath, lips quivering. When he spoke, his voice was low and hoarse, “I cannot bear weight of it,” he said, “when all has been fucking taken from me.”
lol Agron seems uhhhh... like he's handling this whole situation super duper well. I'm sure Nasir constantly having to placate him when they're both incredibly emotional won't wear him down or anything. I'm sure the fact that Agron keeps snapping at every little thing isn't due to immense physical pain, and I'm sure that nobody is gonna yell at anybody before the week is out >:3 Absolutely!
ANYWAY thank you so much for asking, bless you kindly <3
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marley-manson · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 🤍
Thank you!
lol I only have five fics posted so I'm gonna do this for vids instead.
There's exactly one shot I might go back and change if I could now, but honestly this is probably my favourite of my vids. It accomplishes, imo, what I always want to accomplish with a vid, which is both being visually engaging and fitting the music in a satisfying way, and essentially being a visual essay with a thesis statement. I feel like the essay part works on multiple layers too, where the basic point (Guts' violence is self-destructive) should come across pretty clearly, but there are a lot of little nuances that reasonably only I will ever know lol.
Like for example there's a set of three shots towards the end: a monstrous arm reaching out, a sword-strike, and a monstrous arm falling severed to the ground. Those three shots form a coherent whole, but they're taken from three very different scenes, which, put together, draw a throughline between Guts' rapist, Guts' abusive father figure, and Guts' urge to fight monsters.
Ultimately I made this vid for me, and my intended audience is happy with it.
The Moon Will Sing
I feel like this one was very successful on an emotional level. Every time I watch it there are several moments that give me shivers, and it never wears off. It's a love letter to Casca, and you can feel that imo. Plus I'm very proud of just being able to make a Casca vid that's about her life and her accomplishments and disappointments, and not romance lol.
Long Black Coat
This is the earliest completed vid I still have and yk what it holds up. The song edit is smooth enough that I completely forgot I edited the song until someone mentioned how cut up it was lmao, since it's one I never listen to outside of rewatching this vid; the music is illustrated by the visuals very well imo, it has a good sense of rhythm; and while it's still pretty linear it's not completely linear lol, which was an accomplishment for me when I was like 18.
Tropic Morning News
The fugue state I went into while making this was ridiculous, and then I spent the next few days rewatching it like 50 times. The hypomanic obsession has worn off and it's not quite as perfect as I thought during that week of making it lol, but it still holds up pretty well imo, and it was a memorable experience. It's the only vid I've ever made with a constructed reality element so it's a successful experiment too. I think it comes together overall, and it's a good portrait of Hawkeye/BJ as a ship.
Waltzing Along
I'm saying this vid instead of my most recent pretty much solely because it was my first Mash vid, I feel like they're ultimately pretty equivalent. But yeah like, going in I was extremely skeptical that Mash would work as a source for me, because it lacks a certain cinematographic polish lol. It's not super visually interesting and a lot of significant moments are portrayed almost solely through dialogue. But then I started this and I was like oh okay I can work with this, nice. So I have this vid to thank for all future Mash vids, and for helping expand my resourcefulness as a vidder.
Plus I'm pretty proud of it in general, like the death verse came together so well, I love my choice to show Tommy and Henry before the lyric reaches 'death row,' to add that little retroactive realization of why they're here. And intercutting Hawkeye getting out of the bus with Hawkeye helping the North Korean dig a grave, leading into Hawkeye supporting all his friends... Hawkeye.mp4. It also has a slightly stronger emotional core than my most recent one, probably.
Also I showed it to my dad and it made him tear up lol so I consider that a win.
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I’m Valid As Ficto-Aroaceflux & Nonbinary-Woman/Girl Flag (2023)
[Note: Don’t Reblog Without Permission.] 
I decided to post one more drawing up, but this will be the last one until a few days later or like if I decide to have it be a bit more days, then maybe until next month...?
I had to make the drawing I did that is suppose to be the same flag as this one, much smaller so I could use it as a Avatar on tumblr, plus there was editing I had to do so it would show the full image and not just half of the heart part as well as the spade part.
while the “Heart” can have to do with attraction or very little attraction or no attraction, the diamond is suppose to house one’s gender identity, like it either being Binary, Nonbinary, Transgender and you can add to it probably by splitting the image of the diamond.
like if someone is both Nonbinary & Transgender, they can maybe put one half on the top of the diamond with the Nonbinary Flag & the bottom half for the Transgender Flag, or instead of one being on the top and one being at the bottom, one will be on the left and the other will be on the right side of the diamond.
and even if I am really not sure if I am Intersex or not, and it would be nice if they had a home blood type test tell you if you are or not, and I can’t tell my family of my suspecting I might be because what I remembered from when I was little (and it also has to do with what I had read about the different type of Intersex and it is one that I read that I suspect I might be that type but I’m still not sure.....) , which I’m not gonna say, I mean if they can have a home blood test to show you what blood type you are, which again I am still procrastinating in checking to see if my blood type will come out “O RH D Negative” for a third time...
we will try to get around to it when we can and when we are able to....just wish we didn’t keep putting it off, and I know we will have to use my left hand for it, because it will get more out of it, and I will possibly have to have my eyes closed because half the other tries we had when trying to do that home blood type test, I would end up feeling not so great and would have to go sit down.
I mean I thought it might be because I needed food, plus it might not really be that I’m scared of blood, I mean I might of thought it might be that, but maybe it isn’t that reason I keep feeling not so great when my fingers get pricked.
anyway if someone is Intersex, they can place the Intersex Flag in the Diamond part of the Multi-Flag that is suppose to show the different parts of them that is valid, no matter if it’s gender identity or sexuality or asexuality or aromantic or romantic...
also I can be both Aroflux & Fictoromantic, I just don’t find real humans very attractive in a romantic level anymore, sure there is still a little bit of still being attracted, but with the whole different reasons NOT to be attracted to some humans in this world.....like how disgusting some of them can be with they take their Acephobia too far, and end up trying to “fix” someone who is Ace....
and let’s not forget that even though there are still good people in LGBT that accept people who are Ace, there are some who don’t and their unfair view on Aces and possibly Aceflux is not good....
“so you say, it’s not okay to be Ace.”
“well your point of view is medieval.”
and yeah I know the “Ace” part isn’t in that song, and yeah I’m listening to Lily Allen’s song “F*** You” right now.
but yeah if it’s some people who are Straight who seems to have a problem with Aces, it’s some jerks who are suppose to be supportive and are part of LGBT, but seem to have a problem if someone isn’t s*xually attracted to someone, even if they still might be like either Biromantic,Lesbian, Vincian, Queer or  Heteroromantic....at least there is LGBTQIA, and maybe the “A” could be a Multi-A, but making sure no one EVER excludes Aromantic or Ace from the Multi-A part.
I wonder if some Earth Angels would disapprove of me liking that song...?
well I am a Defective Earth Angel who is I guess technically a hybrid soul, and if it is true about my soul-parents who the fragments that came together to make well me is true, that would mean that one was a Angel of Earth and the Other Angel of Heaven, which I guess would explain the whole violet ethereal wings, even though I can’t see them, and I know from asking by using pendulum, and yeah I am making sure not to over do it and use it too much, even though I know half of some of the replies will be half-truths and some pranks, but some percent being fully truthful.
and then there is the whole Soul-Grandparents, that my Earth Angel’s Soul had fragmented from.....
well even though I know not everyone will believe that kind of stuff, and I still think it is possible my pendulum might be giving me a prank answer that has to do with Phenex from the Ars Goetia being my Soul-Dad....
well unlike them, even though there is a possibility I do go to Heaven, I do have thoughts of wanting to find the edge of the clouds and try to jump off of it.....but then there is the possibility I might freeze up like a deer in the headlights, and I have froze up before when I was really high up before, there were these stairs that didn’t have those sides to them, and I got really scared and couldn’t move......
I mean yeah I can still believe in God and even Jesus (but I still don’t want Jesus to cross a line for some form of twisted sense of justice, because it will just prove to me that it isn’t just some humans who can be bad....)
but I also started to believe in the Goddess now too, which like I had pointed out before, some Toxic-Religious jerk didn’t like and they kept throwing that whole “may the lord have mercy on you.” or “may god have mercy on you.” at me, I know it was one of the those two, and I know now that they have been misusing those words, and yeah I got upset and cried and my feelings were perhaps super hurt, and no matter how much I tried to get that insensitive jerk to stop it, and listen that what they were doing was doing more harm than good, they wouldn’t listen and kept throwing those words at me over at the place where it happen, so because they kept doing it, I had to stop them the only way I could, by blocking them....
I can’t remember the name they went by, but one of things I hope is that I don’t run into them again.....that experience would count as Toxic-Religious Trauma, right...?
what they did, wasn’t okay....and it hurt my feelings, they wouldn’t even try to listen or understand that they were doing more harm than good...
anyway I made sure to put [Heart], [Spade] and [Diamond]
under the respective words...
the Heart is for the Fictosexual/romantic Flag that is merged together,
the Spade is for the new Aroaceflux design, which also appears as the full flag that is the colors Violet/Lavender, Light Turquoise, White, Ice Blue and Blue-Gray....
I did do a post before this one, that shows the new Aroaceflux design....
not sure if many will even like the new design that I came up with, and it’s okay if not many end up using it.
plus this Multi-Flag, does show all the parts of me, and a Multi-Flag can be different for anyone, so you can make one that shows your true self.
so the Diamond part can even have the Flags for different gender identities, even genderflux....it might not make sense, but use a diamond just seems right.
there can be different types of Multi-Flag types, and this just shows one that is a Flag that shows Fictosexual/Fictoromantic, Aroaceflux & Nonbinary-Woman/Girl on it...
and yeah it might not make sense to some who might think someone can’t be both Fictoromantic & Aroflux.....well not every Aromantic will be the same ya know.....I still like reading some stories with some romance in it and I still like playing video games with some romance in it, and I don’t mind getting crushes, but I have no interest in trying to pursue someone in a romantic way in real life....and I know I may have not always been Aroaceflux, but I know that I had my heart broken by some guys before (even if it was online boyfriends, and unrequited feelings to some guys I knew in real life, and kind of was in the friend zone in real life.), and I did perhaps try to get romantically involved again, but it didn’t work out because they couldn’t give me my space and not to forget that when I did try to talk to them, it just seem like they would ignore some of my troubles that I tried to talk to them about, so why even bother with that real life romance....?
I can’t really remember much about that time, only very little....but I know that they wouldn’t let me have me time alone when I needed it, and it seems like they wanted to have me around them like 24/7, I mean at least friends and others can respect when I need to have me time to myself, and that can be important for others as well....
I mean I didn’t get much time to myself half the time when we had some rude house guests over a few years ago, which of course that was perhaps one of the reasons I ended up with that first depression in 2015....
and even when I was trying to work on some stuff that was important to me, like a fan fic and possibly some drawings, they would always come into the room and invade my personal space, and I learned that I really don’t like that....
I also don’t like when someone looks over my shoulder or like even next to me on what I’m doing on the computer, I can’t even keep the door locked in the place we live at now, because apparently that is a big fat “No-No” and my family had to break in just to get the door to my room open, just because I didn’t answer them....I mean, hello, personal space.....
I mean I can still love my family, but I wish they didn’t do that....
I can’t even tell them that I’m Aroaceflux, even though I wanted to get their thoughts and feelings about Asexuality first before I came out as Aceflux, and maybe I could later fully come out as Aroaceflux....
but because of my family I asked about their thoughts on Asexuality,
and they end up thinking that only those who are Gay can be Asexual.....which by the way it isn’t just those who are Gay who can be Ace, there can be some who are Straight that can be Ace as well......
but anyway, I had to put on a act in front of them, to act like the talk wasn’t about me, and then once I got to my room I drop the act and the “mask” and let myself cry in heartbreak....
I can’t tell some stuff to my family, some stuff I can tell them and other stuff I can’t.
and excuse me but “being h*rny shouldn’t be mandatory, so stop shaming me for being Ace...” and if that was on a shirt, the word “Ace” would be replace by the “Spade” which is like the Ace of Spades....
I guess every since that pop into my head, that has been my favorite words to say....and it’s true, because of how some humans want to shame people for being Ace....
at least some Aces and others who have different romantic and sexuality,
didn’t find out that half of the time I felt....well “turned on”, half the time it wasn’t really mine....it was energies I was picking up, which is one of the reasons I have to keep wearing my gem bracelets, to stop me from picking up that type of energies....the other reason I use my gem bracelets are to act as sealing charms and limiters, because I don’t want to end up like Carrie White from the Carrie Movie Series or Alessa Gillespie from the Silent Hill Series from both the Games and Movies.
I like both the Carrie Movie and even the two Silent Hill Movies I have seen, and I am going to still keep a eye out for the third movie of Silent Hill’s trailer.
and well yeah I had to pray to both the Heavenly Father & Earthly Mother, to have my gem bracelets to act as to act as sealing charms and limiters, because of the freaky stuff that started to happen after I had started to use a pendulum, like figuring out I can move the pendulum with my mind and even program it on how to do “Yes” Or “No” or “Maybe”......
but when I started to hold something that wasn’t my pendulum, it would start to move like with my thoughts.....and lucky it is just when I touch something, so yeah I got he idea to have my gem bracelets act as sealing charms and limiters, so it doesn’t grow to the point where something moves if I don’t physically touch it like holding my pendulum........I ain’t taking the risk, plus the program for that only broke once, because one of the bracelets became too snug and I had to keep it off, and I had to re-do the prayer and program for the gem bracelets so whenever I do keep them off for a long period of time, they will still work.
that might seem weird to some, but it is working but I would still need to take them off sometimes, but I always keep them on to protect me when I sleep.
and the only reason I had started wearing a gem bracelet, is because being scared awake by what I think was a Incubus...and also had to put some of those Gem Angel Figure under my pillow to protect me, ya know for extra protection....and of course there is the whole needing to protect myself from humans who’s lustful energy might put my dream self in a trance and make me dream-walk....and yeah I did get a dream-catcher because of that, but because of certain reasons, I had to take it down but hopefully I can put it back up another time or maybe get a new one until we check that one...
but for now, I can try to have one of the gems that I keep under my pillow to act as a substitute.
anyway, not sure if many had that same experience, and to find out your dream self was placed into a trance and had dream-walk into someone else dream, can’t be fun.....at least nothing happen and I became self-aware and I was back in both my dream space and my normal weird random dreaming, but it did make me not want to go to sleep while the one who caused my dream-walking was still sleeping, so I had to keep myself awake and I ended up not doing that after getting the dream-catcher to help protect me.
that might seem weird, but I didn’t want to go to sleep while they are sleeping, because they might end up causing my dream self to go into another trance and cause my dream-self to dream-walk again....
I think part of the reason I was able to become self-aware and understand what was going on in the dream, was thanks to me wearing my gem bracelets.
anyway hopefully sometime I can put a dream-catcher up again...
so yeah, some people are lucky not to experience that....
also once again, this will be the last post for sure this time, until like a few days or so....I will post again in a few days or maybe next month.
but until then I can just enjoy checking out art and other stuff on here.       
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crguang · 4 months
So about my OC tbh they're really recent so I'm not sure about a name/path/element lmao BUT I do know that I want them to be a Stellaron Hunter (I just think they're really cool and interesting, I legit have no other reason) Can't add pics as anon so instead I humbly present you with an imgur link lol
It was supposed to be a guy at first but as I thought about it more I think it would be sexy af if it was a woman instead.. Daydreaming in the bus earlier gave me ideas so while I'm still deciding I'll just use they/them pronouns lol
Outfit is subject to change to something fancier but I was thinking they might be a bit stealthier than the others (lol they don't give a FUCK about being seen and getting big bounties) so that's why the outfit is less noticeable. Idea is that on the left is during mission and on the right is the more casual/civilian look if that makes sense
Also I love freckles, I think they always look good on anyone/any character that has them and since this is HSR and anything is possible I said fuck it and give me fancy sparkly gold freckles.
But yeah, would love to hear what vibes they give off for you ! No need to think about it too hard lol no pressure but I would be open to element/path suggestions lmao
(I was listening to Sweater Weather on repeat while making that second drawing which is why they look absolutely lovesick.. lol)(That's how I look at your Kafka posts btw 😏😌🙏)
Oh and speaking of Sweater Weather ! Your Kafka fic where she takes us to see the ocean (absolute banger btw I often go back and reread it) absolutely reminds me of that song so now when I hear it I think of your work lmao
Alright I'm done yapping haha, have a great day
FIRST OF ALLLLL YOUR ART IS GORGEOUS?????! they look absolutely amazing, the gold freckles are such a beautiful touch. i love your choice of design, it’s giving assassin lol.
the stellaron hunters’ dynamic is so fun bc they have different goals and personalities so im curious to know how your oc would fit in! my first thought was that they look like an imaginary character but for the path it’s more difficult to say since it has to do with their personality and what they believe in. it’d be nice too cause theres no imaginary stellaron hunter so far. let me know what you end up choosing!!!
and you associating that fic with sweater weather is so precious omggggg. it’s such a good song im super flattered🫶🏾
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monstarparker · 11 months
Since neither god nor anime can let me sleep, I’m gonna ramble. Specifically about Kim Petras and her album Turn off the light.
Okay... Okay. I am so unwell over this album. But of course I am?! It’s scary and creepy and edgy in all the best ways. Songs written by the gays usually slap. But you add a scary vibe in there? I’m in! Now, I could go on about how the gays love horror. The drama. The camp. Etc. I know a drag queen has made a quote about it before, but I can’t remember who or what words she said, but it’s correct. That’s why the community is so big in dbd. I do sometimes wonder if there’s a little of that troupe we connect to now where censorship made gay representation have to be ‘evil’. Like Ursula based off a drag queen. Lots of villains being a little gay coded. Etc etc. but that’s not what I’m talking about I gotta stay on track.
Anyway! Kim’s album is just so good. I had previously known her from Unholy with Sam Smith, but I didn’t really look more into her stuff. Then we went to fnaf at Fred’s and the trailer for Lisa Frankenstein played and I’m so hopeful for that movie. Zelda Williams?! Robin William’s daughter is working on it. I have hope. But Kim’s song, In the next life, is in it and since I’m drawing a thing (I hope to eventually post) I wanted to listen to that song… But drawing takes a while and I don’t want to listen to one song TOO much, so I found the whole album and just. Wow. I love it.
They all have spooky sad or spooky dance vibes to them. So I’m jamming out. No thought. Until I have a bit of the weed and I’m like Jimmy Neutron’d into it. And I might have been too high, but it’s so fucking GAY! I mean, one song is TRANSylvania, so duh. But it’s more. It’s all about the gay experience. Like ‘wrong turn’ has a couple horror movie refs and stuff, I mean there is a pretty graphic movie called wrong turn, but it’s also like honestly a gay worry. But she also twists it in a ‘no you should worry’ way? I think? Idk I can’t re-listen (not a word, can’t think word) right now.
‘Everybody dies’?! Shit. This one is very be yourself. ‘Not everybody lives, but everybody dies’. All the people that don’t live as their genuine self because of homophobia. -shakes you the reader who for some reason is still going and you’re probs Caz- This song breathed so much relief in me. I’m living my genuine self. She’s reassuring us of this.
Then of course there are other songs in there. Ones that are people demonizing and dehumanizing the lgbtqia+ and some songs are like: yeah I’m leaning into it. If you’re gonna keep that shit up, I’m gonna fucking terrify you. I know there’s so much more I could say about this album, but I’ve only known her for a few days.
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And honestly idk if I’m making sense or if I processed the songs I’ve listened to so far. But I just love the album. I do hope Caz reads this, listens to some songs, and adds them to a car playlist. 🤲
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woozi · 11 months
hiii yza… this ask’s a bit of a long one but! thought u might appreciate some svt rambling from yours truly, car crash anon. I was rewatching a bunch of dance practices lately (been on a real svt kick trying to find all the moments of them singing live during dance practices bc I enjoy that. I did find them only I didn’t take any notes which will be tragic for me like a year later I bet) and noticed that like. there’s this part in HOT (the like… post-chorus? whatever comes right after the hot hot hot bit) where both hoshi and dino take center for a brief period, and what they do differs. and the Way it differs is like, the move hoshi does really focuses on his lower body while dino’s focuses like. on the upper body. arms and shoulders. it's a great time for me no matter what bc like hey. my biases. but this did remind me of the kind of unhinged ask I sent u where I mentioned that hoshi like. almost imperceptibly bends his knees a little more in the fear chorus. It did get me thinking tho like. I feel like that’s a really distinctive characteristic of how he dances—the way he uses his lower body, I mean—and I always enjoy taking note of it? it just adds a little extra… pizzazz, yknow? so I thought I’d pick a few moments of like. things I think r really indicative of hoshi’s style. to share. (apologies I did not also include dino stuff in this ask bc I think it would be… way too long. to appease my own self I want to say that somehow it was only today I noticed that during vernon’s bit in _world hoshi and dino r having fun in the back lol)
clears throat. firstly in insomnia zero II #1 mingyu makes fun of how hoshi stands and I’ve never stopped thinking about it bc its so true. I genuinely love it. not really music in that one but I have to mention it
off the top of my head, hot & god of music both have hoshi feature in a lil solo dance that draws attention to his legs (god of music to a lesser extent but I did replay the beginning of the little instrumental solo for the god of music dance practice so many times bc hoshi’s legs like shift sooo quickly in his bit)… cheers has his iconic line and that bit definitely has moves centered on his lower body.
okay now moving past the parts that could conceivably be normal to mention lol. in the inside seventeen for the bss circle chart awards around 4:55 hoshi’s fun little improved adlib absolutely counts as smthing that I see and just go “oh that’s so distinctively hoshi” for me. like. the way his hand is on his hip and the exaggerated degree to which he’s leaning. to that regard… if u look up a fancam of crazy in love from the ode to you tour around 2:30 there’s this lil dance break bit they’ve added and like. the Angle at which hoshi puts his hands on his hips is like. he’s bending back and his legs are planted fairly forward and it makes a really striking pose to me. let’s see… there’s also his choreo for bad which is like. that drop where he just like… slowly squats into a kneeling pose is like. yeah. that makes sense. and then there’s a move where he like. bends? rolls? idk he sits a little differently and it’s like. that same thing. OH. ok I think I can describe it. there’s this way that hoshi will like. lean back and SINK into a pose that I really like. like there’s this drop and it feels really… stable? which happens in both fear and crazy in love and in bad. and it happens right at the beginning of touch. love that performance. touch also has his basically doing the limbo in one of the choruses.
(also I didn’t know how to put this in the ask naturally but. I don’t think I’ve seen this opinion before even though I feel like it should be common. So. I just need to mention that crazy in love is simply THE hoshi song for me. like. on the vocals end it’s a GREAT showcase of the different places his voice goes: first lower in the intro, and a really good demonstration of the distinctive way he shapes his vowels, and then after the chorus, it’s higher and lighter, and then he starts off the final chorus and his voice has a different vibe then, too! i really struggled with picking out hoshi’s voice when I first got into seventeen because like… it sounded like different voices at different pitches to me I guess? anyways I wrote a guide to myself about it (out of curiosity I opened up that guide again and. Why is it almost 5000 words.) and I’ve never had trouble since. and then it’s like. he’s always great at dancing and he’s got a lil fun dance break in the ode to you concert. awesome. also I like the song.)
CAR CRASH ANON HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
the way u keep rewatching footage is SAUR saur interesting to me that's very blair waldorf love it 😋 ALSO HIGHLY AGREE WITH THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, i noticed that too!! also love how perf u's in the middle of that sequence 😋 also SOOO true!! i feel like hoshi's energy brings a more rugged and raw feel to his dances which i think is just SOO fitting for him tbh. and u wON W THAT PLS FDJFDJKFDJK
AND NOT CONCEIVABLY NORMAL 😭😭😭 LOVE HOW U EVEN MENTIONED TOUCH TBH?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? one of my favorite hoshis <33
and u would be right 😋 hoshi IS a very versatile performer and i think he just has Something (a certain je ne sais quoi 😭 LMFAO) that really draws u in about him <33 obsessed w how much love this ask exudes for the dude u r SOO horangdan <3333
and thank u for sharing these w me <3333333 love that, and i missed it sm!! hope ure having a great one 😋
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iced-souls · 1 year
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From this ask meme if you are wondering BUT ANYWHIZZLE
Alrighty im back to this finally whoops i forgor on multiple occasions but yes, i did 18 but now i am doin 50.
Random OC talk? I feel like if i included most of my thoughts this post would go on for WAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY too long so i am deciding on choosing 1 thing. Which i have no clue what to talk about—
I guess some mini plans i wanna finish for them?
I wanna do some posters for each of my……worlds? I still dont know what to call them, ‘original story’? Anyways, POSTERS. Ye Ye. So for my dynaton guys, bygones be bybones, auto-mundus, void-gang, etc.
And then i want to make more character details for the other skeletons in BBB, cause i only have a plan for that news goth skele, and then soop. But i wanna do some ref stuff, or just figure out what they doin in the story—
Next i got an animatic or animation i want to do for my void-gang guys while i wait to actually start its bigger thing.
Also an animation meme for beth and henry [and maybe also sans and paps included] cause i found/got reminded of a song that my brain has put said animation on loop for it so IMMA TRY AND DO-
Aaaannnddd also those others short animations i posted about a while ago that i havent finished yet—
Im also gonna draw some of my old *cough cough*gacha*cough cough* characters because im in an artblock and so its something a lil more fun and simple to do. Maybe ill add say some of those guys lore when i finish up that—
And then that one rottmnt voiceline thing that i havent been working on for a month or 2 now—
Aaannnnd yeah. That’s it for now. I guess im also trying to finish writing down left behind, and seeing how i am procrastinating in that i might start drawing the comics once im done chapter 1 rather than the entirety lmao—
Alrighty, hope that was a neat and/or worthy oc talk—. Some or most of you probably dont know who the heck im even talking about but mmmmmmm—. Ill tag their names/worlds if you want to check them out i suppose. This also Wasn’t specifically an oc but coughcoughcouhghcchohguhuhovhuchouh
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kenmas-blue-psp · 2 years
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I posted 17,358 times in 2022
That's 15,234 more posts than 2021!
303 posts created (2%)
17,055 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,518 of my posts in 2022
#asks - 279 posts
#cece's inbox - 278 posts
#alien~ - 78 posts
#&lt;3 - 38 posts
#lmao - 24 posts
#bagel (♥ω♥*) - 19 posts
#<333 - 18 posts
#anon ask - 16 posts
#xd - 14 posts
#cece's 100+ followers celebration ^ ^ - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i think the latest i've stayed up writing was past eleven once when i had an idea for a fic and had to get it all written so i didn't forget
My Top Posts in 2022:
1. who is/are your comfort character(s)? - Off the top of my head I'd probably say kenma (pretty obviously lol), oikawa (for reasons), miya from sk8, michael mell, and now inumaki :3
13 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
so, uh..im astro, we have the same mbti, we're both minors, I use all pronouns, and you're one of my first moots in this account (I left my old one bc I changed fandoms) :)
I hope we can be besties!!!
I've been seeing you in my notifications lately so I decided to follow you xDD nice to meet you astro!!
I hope the same <3 I also hope your day has been going well so far (:
14 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
Hello friend!! I see you in my notifs and I wanted to tell you to have an awesome day!!!! <33
Hello! <333
I've been reblogging/liking a lot of your posts haven't I ^^"
But yeah I hope you have an awesome day as well!!!
17 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
So I’m here to finally acknowledge something that happened a couple days ago...
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I’d just like to take a moment to send a thank you to you all for following me <3 
In honor of reaching 100+ followers yes it took me another 30 followers to make this post because I couldn’t figure out what to do to celebrate  I’ve decided to make a little emoji ask game! Just send in an ask with one of the emojis below, and I’ll answer it with what the emoji is for :D
📷 i’ll share a random image from my camera roll
💛 i’ll draw you a little something based on your blog~ 
🎵 i’ll post a lyric from a song currently on my playlist that i think matches you
📝 fic recommendation! (limited to haikyuu, be more chill, and genshin since those are the only fandoms I’ve read fics for so far)
✨ a ~surprise~
There are only five for now because turns out coming up with ask game ideas is harder than it looks, but I might add more later if inspiration hits me! Either way, thank you again and I hope the rest of your day goes well <33
17 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
So since I can’t figure out how to repin my old pinned post, I suppose this is a good time to make a new (better) introductory post 
Until I find the time to do so, this will be the temporary stand-in post jsyk xD
18 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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oddquake · 2 years
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byakko and atsushi <3
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windwheeler-aster · 3 years
present wrapping
summary: after getting all the gifts you and albedo’s friends wanted, you both began to wrap presents to give them later in the holiday season.
masterlist | advent calendar
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pairing: albedo (platonic) x reader
reader info: gender neutral pronouns (they/them), reader can be traveler
word count: 443 words
genre: romantic, fluff
format: headcanons + blurb
warnings: none
a/n: no song for these headcanons and blurbs, sorry lovelies! but i do hope you enjoy, as i did while writing this. how’s everyone enjoying the event?
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okay, first off, albedo does not like shopping
he finds it really boring and finds that he gets snappy when he has too
so you, out of the kindness of your heart, decided you’d shop for your shared friends while he stayed at home and made cards for them
which he actually likes, drawing small doodles in the free space of the cards next to the sweet messages you and him wrote
when you come back, albedo greets you with a kiss and helps you unload the gifts
he doesn’t care too much about how much everything costs, and assures you that it’s to make your friends happy so it’s not for nothing
together, you two can’t get much done
he says the weirdest things sometimes, out of the blue too, just to make you laugh
albedo really likes making you laugh
at some point in the evening, when albedo has run out of jokes and weird things, you suggest a competition
the person who make wrap the most presents, nicely, gets a prize
he kept asking what the prize would be but you shrugged and just said that the winner decides
albedo is so motivated now
you’re getting through your second present, tying a nice bow for fun, and turn around to see albedo with five- wait, now six nicely wrapped gifts
by the end of evening, albedo has won and wrapped a majority of the presents
beautifully, might i add
once you have accepted your defeat, albedo moves closer to you
you eye him, and finally ask him what he wants for winning
albedo gives you a cheeky grin before moving even closer to you
“The prize I want for winning,” Albedo began to explain, then added, “Which was very easy, by the way.”
You rolled your eyes, but smiled. “Yeah, yeah, you’re amazing and the best at gift wrapping.”
Albedo breathed out a small huff, his shoulders shaking and eyes closing. “You flatter me, dear. But I would like something other than your compliments for my prize.”
“Such as?” You asked.
“A kiss?”
Yet again, you rolled your eyes. But instead of pushing him away, or swatting him across the head, you gently pulled him in with the collar of his shirt.
Albedo kissed you, his hands finding yours in an instant. You two sat there, moving your heads and lips to mirror the other.
Once you two broke away, a smile was on his face. You looked at him strangely.
“What?” You asked, finding the way his expression seemed to melt when looking at you.
“I just love you so much.” He smiled.
You laughed. “I love you too,”
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thank you for reading 💖 all forms of interaction to my posts are appreciated 💖
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