#yeah ok im in the mood to stir up shit
promithiae · 2 years
How to handle seeing things you don't like on ao3:
Have you come across something too disturbing for you to handle on ao3? Like maybe somebody having sex in a position that isnt missionary? 😱 shocking, I know. Did someone maybe engage in mild bdsm? The absolute horror! Did two aged up characters do more than a kiss on the cheek??? The utter depravity. Well do I have a solution for you! It's an easy two step process. Step one is to find the back button. If you find yourself in a mildly uncomfortable position while reading a fanfic, you have the power to stop ❌ press the back button 🔙 and find a new fic that doesnt have such scary concepts 🔞. If you arent sure how to find it, here's what the back button looks like on my mobile browser:
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It may be difficult for you to find, but I believe in you!
Step 2 is a little harder because I know you're nosy and think you know what's best for every person on the planet. But I still believe in you! You can do it! You can learn to mind your own damn business and walk away! If you see something you don't like, it's literally not your problem. Let me give you a personal example: there are people out there who still like the show breaking bad, which I found completely unwatchable. But you know what? It's none of my damn business, it's literally not my problem! I have learned that not every piece if media is made for every person, and that's not only ok, but a good thing! You too can learn to mind your own damn business and move on with your life. I promise it's not as hard as it sounds
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stinkywinke · 3 years
Twelve Minutes
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I am obsessed with twelve minutes sooo, why not make an imagine about it 🧍‍♀️
Also this is the first time I have ever used tumblr, and my grammar is very poor. I will try and get used to the way tumblr works and hopefully if I have any motivation I will start writing more :) My writing skills are bad so this is going to be choppy
Another note : The roles are reversed, so instead of the reader being the husband, its going the be the wife figuring everything.
clench ya butt cheeks
Readers POV:
No..no, no, no, this can’t be it
As I took a step into my apartment I heard my husband in the bathroom humming a soft tune. 10 minutes. The pills. The cop. The pocket watch.
“Hey, I didn’t hear you come in”
I looked up to see h/n (Husbands name) walking towards me with a smile and pulling me in to a passionate kiss.
“I made desert, let me know if your in the mood” He stated while making his way on to the couch.
I give a quick nod signaling that I would tell him when I was ready. Quickly glancing around my home I made my way to the sink and filled up a mug of water, the floorboards creaking in a specific spot as I ambled to the bathroom. I opened the medicine cabinet grabbing ahold of the sleeping pills and pouring them into the mug, and going back into the living room to see h/n reading a book.
"I think its a good time for desert” I suggested
“Ok, babe” h/n replied with a sweet smile
He noticed the cup in my hand and turned around to the fridge and got the desert out. I placed the drugged mug by where h/n was sitting and got my own mug instead.
“So how was work?”
“It was alright, met a couple of new people, Its going great” I said as I saw h/n drinking his water
“How about you? How was your day?”
“Same old day I guess it just repeats itself” he said as his eyes started drooping down into a sleepy matter
Tch.. talk about repeating
“Im feeling so tired all of a sudden, Im gonna go lay down”
“Okay baby, goodnight”
As soon as I saw h/n close the bedroom door I scampered to the closet and closed the door behind me aware that the cop will be here in a few minutes
Now we wait…
“Police!, open up I have a warrant”
My breathe hitched as I heard him turn the doorknob and stepped into the house
“Hello?, anyone home?”
“Police” the cop shouted when he opened the door
“Police, I have a warrant”
He made his final call making his way into the bedroom,hearing the light switch turn on a scream came from the man as he layed unconscious on the floor. After hearing nothing but silence I crept out the door into the room, searching for the valuables from the cops uniform
The gun, 2 handcuffs, the knife, and the phone
As I did last time,Rolling him over, gripping both of his wrists and tieing them together, I remembered there was a little box with my mothers name on it.
A/N : I did change the baby clothes to a necklace, kind of like a bday gift
My hand trembled to the gift lying on the table next to the flowers, I held it and stuffed the box into my front pocket. I took my time staring at the man in awe and confusion
He’s already told me why he’s here, he told me he was a good friend of my husband’s father. He’s hiding something.
“Augh- what- you little shit”
The cop was stirring awake from the electrocution but only figuring it all together that he was handcuffed. He glared at my shoes as some kind of threat and saying words, pleading to be let go, I reached into my pocket pulling out the box and showing the man the name on the necklace
“Do you recognise this name?”
“Dahlia? Yeah I knew her so what?”
“Do you know anything about her?”
“Yeah, she was the mother of your husbands sister”
Mother of my husband’s sister? But that was my mothers name
“Just let me go you prick”
“I promise im innocent I dont have anything to do with this”
“Okay maybe if you let me go, I wont kill you” the cop stated in a cold and tone
I took the knife out of my pocket and handed him his things, he asked…
“Im here for a pocket watch very valuable… do you have it?”
“Yeah, I’ll go get it now”
Thoughts were running in my head as I went to go to the bathroom to get the strange watch
Mother of my husbands sister? Dahlia, thats my mothers name… no it can’t be.
I grasped the pocket watch in my hand, watching is slowly turn clock-wise
“Have you found it yet? I dont have all day!”
My hand gave out to him, as he took the pocket watch
“Im gonna need a few minutes with your husband, go sit on the couch, but if you do anything stupid, I’ll kill you..” he demanded
He’s gonna kill him, I know, so lets just let it happen.
A bead of sweat drip down my forehead as I smelled the scent of blood coming from the other room
Mothers name of husbands sister, husband said he got a necklace with my mothers name on it, Dahlia. So if dahlia is my mother h/n is my… brother. My own brother is my husband. Fuck no please, I have to get out
Sprinted across the room to the door and made my way out just to end up in the same place as always.
“No.. fuck no no no no- this can’t be happening please”
My husband came out of the bathroom again with a panic and worry on his face and started to bombard me with questions.
“Baby are you ok?”
“What happened honey?”
“Whats wrong?”
I’ve had enough
“Baby whats wrong” he pleaded with concern
“NO! Please I have to go” I shouted at him as I bolted through the door coming back to the same gentle humming tune coming from the bathroom.
“Hey, I didnt hear you come in”
Again met with the same eyes with my lover ugh- brother, I cant tell him, I cant.
“Hey babe” I said as he kissed me once again,
this is wrong
“I made dessert, let me know if your in the mood”
The same sentence every ten minutes.
Snatching the pocket watch from the ventilation grid, the grunting and groaning leaving my mouth as I tried to get up from the pain in my back,
The watch was broken. Turning the long handle I fixed it back to its place, 2 minutes before 12. I saw the world turn into a dark abyss, the watch turning anti clock- wise, my hand slowly fading into the tiles of the bathroom, my eyes growing heavy and started to close putting me into a deep sleep
“Hey there he is… your back”
“Look, I know this is a… terrible shock. But we need to be on the same page. Look, I… These feelings for my son… your brother. This isn’t how I wanted to tell you…you deserve… both of you deserve better.”
He said with a long pause
“Yknow the thing I hate the most, worst thing in the world?… Disappointing my lil boy. Well that was the worst thing…. And now a baby… you with your little… love… I guess it was always gonna happen”
He said as he walked around in disbelief and ignorance
“Nothing stays swallowed down forever. So, you gonna make a call”
“If i could go back..” I started
“Well. Things would be different. But you can’t just try again. Thats not how life works! So, you gotta make the choice, and make it now”
“Say something”
H/n’s book about zen..
“Fine!, your gonna force it by hand? Fine!”
“Hey “its only by forgetting that.. we ever really drop the thread of time, and approach the experience of living in the present moment””
“Ah, you’ve read that one, eh?”
“I know the idea of forgetting things sounds crazy but, what if… you could?
I can help with that if you want. All you have is the future, you’ll forget everything you went through. All the pain. All the stress. Forgotten forever. But, you need to understand there is no turning back. You can’t undo this… we can still talk about him but you need to choose an answer…”
I stared at the clock as I watch it about to turn twelve
“you don’t have to forget if you don’t want to, The choice is yours”
“ you do have a remarkable imagination… The stories you’ve created… but believing them so strongly, so deeply is unhealthy… you have to let him go… you can’t keep obsessing over him… sometimes things are just as what they are…
Its time for you to wake up…
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ushittyoldman · 4 years
nobody’s fault but mine (pt. 2)
Levi wouldn’t really be Levi if he knew how to handle his intense feelings for you.
pairing. levi x fem!reader AND a little bit of jean x fem!reader (b/c once again i am a slut 4 jean too)
warnings. some fluff, language (b prepared for a lot of the f-bomb)
a/n. hi sorry 4 the long wait, life is a little hectic rn (it’s snowing n our power has been going out on n off for the past few days lmfao also school b lowkey kicking my ass) BUT i wanted 2 say thank u so so much 4 all ur feedback to part 1 it was so so so unexpected n sweet n flattering i literally still can’t wrap my head around it. i would rly appreciate some feedback 2 this one too since this is A LOT more levi n i actually adored writing him but i would luv 2 know what u guys think of my characterization of him (im a little nervy) but yes feedback is encouraged! this is kinda long but a lot happens so i rly hope u guys appreciate this n enjoy it bc it took me so long 2 write n rewrite it heheheh (side note 4 the sake of age n everything, all the 104th cadets r actually 18+ including our cute lil reader) also! pls continue 2 request more levi ok that’s it 4 now enjoy!
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“Rise and shine, sleeping beauty.”
The hushed voices stirred you out of the pleasant state of unconsciousness you had been in. A sharp pain shot through your head as you slowly opened your eyes, blinking quickly to adjust to the bright light. You flexed your fingers subtly as an attempt to gain awareness of yourself and your surroundings. Once you were comfortable, you slowly turned your head to your right and saw a scene you had grown painfully familiar with– Jean arguing with someone. The victim of the week was Armin, and you almost wanted to laugh at the quick back-and-forth between the two.
“Your bedside manner… sucks,” you managed to mumble. You cringed at the uncharacteristic hoarseness of your voice.
“There she is!” Jean exclaimed, shooting a victorious smirk at Armin, before fondly looking down at you, as he moved closer to your side.
You heard multiple gasps of your name, and you quickly turned your head to your left, before regretting it due to the sharp pang that followed in your head. Nevertheless, you mustered up as bright a smile as you could, looking at your friends who had all taken various positions throughout the room. Eren was the first to your bed, embracing you tightly.
“That was scary,” he softly mumbled your name, before pulling back, “Don’t do that again.”
The concern on his face startled you momentarily, and you couldn’t help but avert your eyes. You blinked quickly before looking up and shyly smiling at Eren.
“I’ll keep that in mind for next time.”
You then looked up at your fellow cadets, who stood surrounding your small bed in the infirmary. Your love for these people sat heavily in your chest, and you beamed up at them, before you realized you were in the infirmary.
“What happened?” you genuinely asked, your husky voice taking you by surprise again.
“Oh, I’ll tell you what happened!” Jean scowled, crossing his arms in anger, “That little bastard—”
“Jean, you can’t say that about the Captain!” Sasha chided, looking sideways in fear as if to emphasize her point.
“Captain, my ass!”
You attempted to stifle your giggling, yet your mood significantly dropped upon remembering Levi’s treatment towards you this past month. You tried to conceal your obviously bothered expression, but you felt a hand softly ruffle your hair. You looked up and smiled at Reiner.
“Don’t sweat it, kiddo, I’m sure he’ll tone down the punishments after this,” he reassured, obviously mistaking your dejection over your unreciprocated feelings for Levi for something else.
Appreciating the gesture, you continued to smile up at him while nodding softly. Reiner had a comforting presence, and you felt your mood brighten slightly.
“Fingers crossed,” you deadpanned, earning a soft laugh from Bertholdt, who had taken a seat at the foot of your bed.
Jean’s relentless bashing of the Captain continued, as Sasha, Connie, and Armin attempted to calm him down, warning him about the consequences they’d all have to face if word got back to Levi. Eren gritted his teeth in irritation, as he glared up at Jean, threatening to “knock him out if he didn’t shut up,” while Mikasa had silently moved around the chaos to rest her calloused hand on your own, silently squeezing as a gesture of comfort. You squeezed back.
“Look, all I’m saying is he obviously has it out for her. She’s a better soldier than all of us– even you, titan boy— and it’s still not good enough? I call bullshit!”
“I think he’s just trying to be a good teacher, I’m sure there’s a lot I can still improve on,” you justified, and all eyes turned to you.
“There’s not,” Mikasa bluntly stated, leaving no room for argument.
Your friends all agreed, and you scrunched your nose playfully to conceal the warmth that had spread throughout your body at their praise. You worked hard to get where you were– there was a satisfaction in knowing that all of your effort wasn’t going unacknowledged.
“Jean-boy’s right—”
“—Captain Levi has been unnecessarily cruel to her, and we’ve all noticed it!” Eren’s fists clenched in anger as he ignored Jean’s yelling.
“But the Captain isn’t the type to hold grudges or act impulsively, so I think there’s something deeper to it,” Armin reasoned, apologetically glancing at you in case his words offended you.
You nodded softly, not wanting to worsen your headache; however, it didn’t really matter when Jean’s painfully loud voice retaliated almost immediately.
“He overworked her to the point of her passing out from exhaustion and severe dehydration!” His eyebrows furrowed in anger, and his sandy brown hair bounced with his every move.
You winced from the pain in your head, and the movement didn’t go unnoticed by Reiner, who glanced at you from where he stood.
“Jean— inside voice, yeah?” Reiner softly spoke, subtly tilting his head down towards you. Jean’s gaze softened and concern replaced the anger on his contorted features, as he apologized to you.
“Yeah, seriously, what are you getting so worked up for?” Connie innocently asked, before a knowing look crossed his features. He turned to his partner-in-crime, and the two donned shit-eating grins as they turned back to Jean.
“Right, that’s why.”
Bertholdt, whose lanky body had been horizontally lying across the bed comfortably, sat up onto his elbows and cluelessly asked, “What’s why?”
Sasha’s smile widened, and she crossed her arms, mimicking Connie’s knowing smirk. “It’s because Jean-boy, here, is sweet on our dear little—”
“Would you shut up!” Jean yelled louder than before, fists shaking in anger. His face was flushed an impossible shade of red, and you would’ve joined in on the laughter, had your head not exploded from the pain.
You were fully aware of the incessant teasing Jean received regarding his relationship with you, and you would honestly be lying if you said you didn’t get a kick out of it as well. Deciding to spare your friend today, you sent a good-natured smile to him, hoping that would be enough to quell his frustration.
Had you not turned to converse with Eren, you wouldn’t have missed Jean’s dazed smile.
While talking to Eren, your mind briefly drifted to Levi and the situation that was weighing heavily on you. You didn’t want to believe that the Captain hated you– you desperately grasped onto your excuse that he was simply a harsh teacher. And yet, you knew there was something more to it.
In a panic-driven moment, you momentarily wondered if he had somehow found out about your feelings for him. You remembered him telling you about his upbringing— you knew better than most that Levi and confessions of love did not go together... at all. Before you could further dig yourself deeper into the pitiful hole you had been in the past month, a painfully familiar voice broke through your intrusive thoughts.
“You know how loud you are? This isn’t a damn daycare.”
All conversation in the room came to an abrupt halt. You couldn’t help but grow amused at the sight of Eren and Bertholdt scrambling off your bed to stand and salute their superior. Your small smile was wiped off your face when your eyes met stormy grey ones. You quickly looked down, before inhaling quickly and swiftly pulling your bedsheets back. You attempted to muster as much strength as you could, ignoring the multiple eyes on you. You gracefully stood up from the bed, and turned to Levi, managing the salute as well. You slowly looked up at him.
“Sir,” you shakily mumbled, internally cringing once again at the uncharacteristic rasp to your voice.
You received proud looks of admiration from your friends, though Jean’s remained more concerned than proud. Idiot! he thought to himself. We know you’re strong, now’s not the time to prove it!
Levi, meanwhile, had tried his very best to suppress the guilt that had been eating away at him for the past day; however, it had only worsened when he saw you and heard your weak voice. Upon making eye contact with you, he almost wanted to fall to his knees and apologize profusely for everything he had put you through, audience be damned. 
Levi had spent the better half of the day pacing around your room in the infirmary wing of the Scout Regiment’s base, lost deeply in his thoughts, as his concern for you weighed heavily in his heart. After a few more hours of pacing, he had finally come to the conclusion that he was an idiot (a grade A, unique brand of idiot all in a league of his very own), and that he was in love with you.
Where the first realization annoyed him to high heaven, the second one brought him a sense of peace that was only heightened every time he had looked at your unconscious form.
Levi, uncomfortable with the amount of self-actualizing he had done that day, had left the room after softly caressing your cheek, hoping to convey all of his guilt and apologies and love into the simple gesture. Once he was away from the infirmary wing of the base, he inhaled deeply, itching for the comfort of a cup of warm tea. On his way to the mess hall, he had passed by your friends from the 104th, all undoubtedly on their way to see you. Levi’s eyebrow had slightly risen upon noticing the varying looks of defiance and anger on each of their faces. He had remained unfazed, his half-lidded eyes looking away, as if he hadn’t even seen them at all.
Somehow, it was harder to face them now with you standing amongst them. 
His face retained its usual impassive and bored expression, yet it momentarily faltered when he noticed you slightly stumble from where you were standing next to the hospital bed. Levi’s heartbeat quickened, and he made a subtle move to rush over to you to catch you for the second time that day, but Jean was quicker. The taller man had been keeping a watchful eye on you, and had quickly dropped his salute to stand behind you and steady your slightly uncoordinated form. You comfortably relaxed backwards into his arms as you sent a grateful smile up at him, and he softly smiled back in response, leading you back to the bed.
Levi was both relieved and a little fucking pissed off.
“Visiting hours are over— I need to talk to the brat,” he lazily said, authority ringing loudly and clearly in his command.
For the first time in all his years of captaining the scouts, there was a quick hesitation after his command.
Levi raised an unamused eyebrow at each of the cadets, silently challenging them to disobey him. Despite his threatening aura, he wouldn’t blame any of your friends if they were to defy Levi. The Captain deserved it for his treatment of you— he’d take it like a man.
Your eyes widened in surprise when your friends subtly glanced at you, silently asking if it was okay to leave you alone with him. Upon hearing Levi’s request to talk to you, your heart had begun to uncontrollably race and you swore you could feel it in your throat. You were disappointed in yourself for growing excited at finally being able to talk to him. 
Blinking quickly, your cheeks grew hot under everyone’s gazes, so you reassuringly smiled at your eight friends, and you once again felt the genuine love you had for them erupt within your heart. 
Ever the peacemaker of the group, Armin signaled for the rest to follow him out of the room, and they each uncertainly walked behind him. Mikasa squeezed your hand once more before following closely behind Eren, who sent you an encouraging smile. Bertholdt subtly sent a thumbs up to you, while Reiner winked at you as he looked over his broad shoulder. Your smile widened; however, it faltered when your eyes met Jean’s. His irritated expression worried you, yet before you could respond, he turned away and walked past Levi.
Levi had to give it to Jean— not many people had the balls to openly glare at the Captain.
Once everyone was gone, the tension within the room increased tenfold. You looked at Levi, and you bit your lip in contemplation, anticipating what he would say. Many thoughts rang through your head.
Was it another punishment? Was he going to yell at me? Did he find out about my fee–
“How do you feel?”
You almost had to pinch yourself. After one month of barely any interactions with your friend— if you were still even allowed to call him that— you realized how starved you were for pleasant conversation with Levi.
“I’ve been better,” you breathed out, still cautious. “How… how do you feel?”
Even after such an unpleasant experience, your unwavering kindness shone just as brightly. Levi’s heart ached so sweetly, and he internally groaned upon realizing how fucking whipped he was.
He silently stepped forward, pulling a seat to the side of your bed. Once he was seated, Levi looked into your eyes, and you felt your breath hitch at the intensity of the swirl of emotions dancing within his normally cold eyes. He exhaled softly.
You noticed how tired he looked.
“Just peachy.”
There was a pregnant pause, and you came to realize that there was just too much you wanted to say to him, and you didn’t know where to start. Your soft eyes held his sharp gaze.
“You scared the shit out of me, brat.”
Your heart involuntarily skipped a beat, and your eyes widened in response.
“I did?” you internally slapped yourself at your stupid response.
“Yeah. You did.”
“Sorry, sir,” you softly mumbled.
“Levi… just Levi.”
The Levi in front of you was a completely different man from the one who you’ve had the pleasure of interacting with over the past month. You thought back to your friends and their anger at your mistreatment, and you thought of the many unfair punishments, cold shoulder treatments, and overworking during training (despite you being second only to Humanity’s Strongest, himself). Slowly, your incredulity at being treated like a lapdog began to dim and was replaced by your growing indignation. Though you were no stranger to standing up for yourself, you still felt your anxiety skyrocket as you looked back up at your superior.
“Do you hate me, Captain? Did I… did I do something?”
And there it was.
Levi knew the question would come up at some point, and yet he still felt ill-prepared in his response. He knew this was a big step for you— in the whole year that he’s gotten to know you, he learned how much you hated confrontation. You blatantly ignoring his request and choosing to address him by his title caught his attention, and he frowned. When he looked into your slightly watery eyes, a warmth spread throughout his chest, and he had to clear his throat.
“Don’t say shit like that, you haven’t done anything.”
Levi wanted to punch himself— he was never good with words.
You, however, weren’t fazed by the manner in which he spoke. You had fallen for the man, harsh words and all.
“Then why have you—” you paused as you momentarily lost your voice.
Levi thought it was cute (to be fair, he found everything about you endearing), yet he knew it would be inappropriate to openly admire you when you were so clearly upset with him.
“Sorry,” you grew embarrassed and licked your lips, “It’s just… well, why have you been ignoring me? And— and yelling at me? We stopped drinking tea together, and practicing in the forests. You don’t even acknowledge me when I talk to you! I’m sure you have a really good reason, sir, but I just—”
Levi detested the sick feeling of guilt that churned within his heart. In hindsight, he really should’ve thought it through before he began his little plan of distancing himself from you. How else was he supposed to tell you oh, everyone in the fucking Scout Regiment wants you, and so do I, but I haven’t done anything about it because I’m a pussy, so I just decided to take it out on you and wallow in my own self-pity like the sad little man I am, without sounding like he was deranged.
“—I just miss you.”
Levi’s eyes widened a fraction of an inch, and his breath hitched. This time it was the sincerity in your eyes that made him look away quickly.
I’ve missed you too, dammit.
At his lack of a response, your eyebrows furrowed, and your irritation grew. Your small hands balled the soft bedsheet, and you swallowed to soften the burn in your throat before speaking.
“Why did you even come here?” you scoffed indignantly, attempting to mask your hurt, “Was it to just to yell at me some more? Oh, I know! Maybe I need to run through training ten more times again, right?”
The guilt churned even more in his chest, and Levi seriously wanted to punch himself. He willed himself to say something— anything— but he felt speechless in front of you.
“Levi,” you hoarsely spoke with desperation, and he looked into your watery eyes. “Say something, please.”
It was as if you had read his mind, and a slight feeling of reassurance quelled the storm in his heart; you really were the only one for him. As he met your eyes— your beautiful, enchanting eyes— he felt his self-hatred skyrocket at the amount of hurt in them. He had grown used to seeing them filled with humor, kindness, and a soft edge that was rare to find nowadays. Yet seeing them filled with such pain and hurt was unsettling, and Levi went mute for the fifth time that day.
You nodded in understanding when he failed to say anything, and your heart clenched. Jean had been right— you were nothing more than a lovesick puppy. You blinked quickly as a poor attempt to conceal your tears, yet nothing ever escaped the Captain’s attention.
His gaze softened, and Levi found out something else about himself— he really didn’t like seeing you cry.
“Shit, please don’t cry,” he tenderly mumbled, as he leaned closer to you and gently cupped your face to wipe away your tears with the pads of his thumb. 
Your breath hitched and your full lips involuntarily parted. You relished in the warmth of his touch, and you wanted nothing more than to lean into his comforting hand. Your name fell from his lips, and you felt yourself come back to reality. Remembering just how you had gotten into this situation, you decided to stand your ground. Despite everything in your body begging to give in and accept this moment with the Captain, you stood unwavering in your decision.
You gently grabbed his large hand with both your hands, and moved it away from your face and into your lap. You held it there loosely and delicately rubbed your fingers over his hand soothingly before eventually stopping, and looking back up at him.
His usual bored expression was long gone, and in its place was a very tender and vulnerable expression. A storm was brewing in his grey eyes, and you distantly remembered stargazing once with him. You had desperately wished you could read his thoughts— somehow, you had found his daunting eyes more fascinating than the starry sky. You felt an ache in your heart at the intimate memories, and you really really wished Levi loved you the way you love him.
“You know what, Levi? It doesn’t even matter if you hate me, because—” you inhaled sharply. 
This has to be done, you reassured yourself, or else you’d be subjecting yourself to an onslaught of hurt and heartbreak. 
“—Because I hate you.”
Your lip quivered and your broken voice faltered. And of course, Levi noticed.
His eyes darted down to your lips at the slight movement. His hands had stilled, and he decided that getting eaten by a damn titan would be much less painful than this.
And then he’s looking at you. You looked back at him, yet he’s looking at you— through you— in that way that makes you want to hide and hold your ground at the same time.
“Right,” Levi drawled, and you knew he didn’t believe you (hell, you were unconvinced yourself). His eyes reverted back to their cold nature, and he ran a hand through his hair, allowing the silky strands to softly land against his forehead.
He stood up, and wordlessly gave you a onceover. Under his scrutiny, you felt yourself grow insecure, but deep down you desperately hoped he’d stay. You bit your bottom lip in apprehension, and Levi’s eyes softened at the sight of your nervous habit.
How is it that he could kill titans all the livelong day yet when it came to this sweet girl, so small and disarming, he couldn’t even utter a single word?
Levi had never felt more pathetic. He peered down at you, momentarily debating whether it would be right for him to attempt one last thing before finally deciding fuck it, and gently cupping your cheek for the third time that day, bending down, and pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. He gingerly inhaled your enticing scent, appreciating how even after the hell he had put you through, you still smelled so alluring.
You were positive that Levi could hear your heartbeat. You blinked many times in disbelief, as he pulled away and sent one last lingering gaze down at you. 
Levi slightly smirked at the pretty blush that had colored your cheeks, his half-lidded eyes drinking in the mesmerizing sight of you sitting up in your bed and gaping up at him, your cheeks flushed and wet with the remnants of your tears. He turned around and silently left the room. 
He had ignored every part of his body that begged him to stay.
“Shut up, I can barely hear them!”
“Ow— Bertholdt, you’re stepping on my foot!”
“Oh, sorry.”
“Watch it, horse face!”
“You piece of shit, I’m—”
The piece of bread that had been tightly held in Sasha’s grip suddenly fell to the floor. Everyone went silent.
“Holy shit, I think… I think he just kissed her.”
Jean really hoped Sasha was wrong. 
He decided to ignore the fact that her freakishly good hearing bordered on supernatural, so there was really no way she could’ve been wrong with a mere wooden door standing between her and the conversation.
“I knew there was something going on between them! Reiner— pay up.”
Reiner muttered several curses under his breath as he pulled out a hefty stack of cash from his pocket. Connie’s grin widened.
Armin had glanced up at Jean, slightly alarmed at the dark expression on his face. Before he could comfort his friend, the door suddenly opened. Everyone scrambled to straighten themselves up, attempting to act like they hadn’t been just eavesdropping on the entire conversation between you and the Captain.
A chorus of sir’s rang throughout the large hallway, and Levi grew amused at the sight before him. His lips twitched upwards, and the cadets had to almost physically stop their mouths from dropping open at the sight. Levi’s ghost of a smile disappeared when his eyes met Jean’s seething ones.
The two held each other’s gazes, Levi’s expression being cool, while Jean’s had been irritated. Levi was not a fucking idiot; he knew the kid was in love with you.
Join the fucking club.
Levi, realizing that this was the exact reason he had gotten himself into that mess with you and not really wanting to sour his somewhat good mood, looked away from Jean to nod at the group of your friends.
“As you were.”
He brushed past Jean, his gaze as intimidating as ever, as he silently walked down the hallway. Jean’s fists clenched tightly. Once Levi had turned the corner, the group exploded into chatter, their reactions varying from stunned to adoring.
Jean really really fucking hoped Sasha was wrong.
Your horse trotted proudly through the vast landscape, the wind blew through your open hair, your friends teased each other amicably, and your excitement grew at finally being cleared to join the scouts on their next expedition. Though you hadn’t been getting much sleep lately, and you’ve been a little too preoccupied to eat much, nothing could bring your mood down at this moment.
You were alongside your friends as you all followed the section commanders as their horses galloped into the edge of the forest. The mission for today was to exterminate any titans who had wandered too close to the walls. A simple mission, and you were more than capable.
You had been in a great mood.
Until your eyes landed on Levi.
He had been further up, leading his own squad. He had turned around to respond to Gunther, and that’s when his eyes had met yours. Your internal conflict grew, and you ultimately ended up averting your eyes and ignoring him, deciding to maintain your cold treatment towards him. 
Him kissing your head had only further confused you, despite the sweet butterflies you felt every time you thought back to it. Levi’s treatment towards you had unexpectedly changed since that day in the infirmary, and it had reverted to the way it was before his sudden aversion to you, though there was something much sweeter in his actions. You swore you were getting whiplash.
Though he had been significantly kinder to you, you had held your ground, unrelenting in your declaration. Part of you was terrified that if you gave in and became comfortable, he’d suddenly return back to the yelling, the punishments, and the overworking. Part of you also didn’t want to face reality— your feelings were unreciprocated, and they would only serve to bring you a world of heartache and sadness.
Your cold shoulder towards him was nothing compared to the way he had treated you. Yours mainly consisted of avoiding him, and when that wasn’t an option and you had to interact with him, you kept it civil and short. Your heart would ache, but you knew it was for the best. It helped that Jean would offer approving smiles and words of encouragement, even going as far as to smirk when you had ignored the Captain.
Levi, meanwhile, had frowned when he noticed that you ignored him. Again.
In all honesty, he did deserve it, but that didn’t mean it still didn’t hurt like a bitch. He grew irked at your display. Levi hoped you would understand that him kissing your head and showing affection towards you was his grand confession of love. You knew he was shit with words, and he hoped that that would be enough.
He was sadly fucking mistaken.
His attention had been on you the whole mission. Even when the scouts had to dismount from the horses to use the ODM gear through the trees, he had somehow managed to keep a watchful eye on you. You were graceful as ever as you flew through the trees, though his observing gaze noticed that your reaction time was noticeably slower than normal. He had also noticed the dark circles under your usually bright eyes, and he grew worried upon noticing your overall state.
Levi, himself, wasn’t faring much better. He was getting virtually no sleep, running completely on caffeine, adrenaline, and pure will, yet he still made sure he was in excellent shape when it came to these missions— humanity was resting on his shoulders, after all.
The firing of a flare gun in the distance indicated that the group would be encountering titans— a lot of titans— from the left. The soldiers prepared, all eyes focused on the left. You had conveniently taken up the right-most end of the formation, and your attention had also been on the left, your blades held tightly in your hands.
It was only by chance that Levi decided to glance down at you as he soared above you in the middle of the formation. Your eyes met once again, and Levi’s heart lurched at the beautiful sight, when movement behind you immediately caught his attention. A large abnormal with the ability to jump from tree to tree had suddenly appeared and made an attempt to grab you. Your attention had been solely on Levi, so you hadn’t noticed, especially over the roar of the wind in your ears.
Levi’s eyes widened, and he yelled out your name. The rich baritone of his deep voice reached your ears, and you turned slightly behind you, yet you reacted too slowly. Your body jerked backwards, flying so far from the group. You flew through the air at such a great speed that it took you by surprise when you slammed against a tree as the wires of your ODM gear grew tangled. The abnormal had missed you— barely. Your head slammed against the tree and you felt the wind knocked out of your body at the impact.
You whimpered at the hell of a hospital stay you’d have to face after this.
The abnormal almost seemed to be grinning wider upon realizing that it had successfully subdued you. You attempted to quickly stand up, though your body yelled in agony at the movement. Willing yourself to fight back, you shakily stood up, tightly gripping your blades that had miraculously not fallen to the ground throughout the struggle. You winced at the searing pain that shot through your head, yet you clenched your teeth in determination. Realizing that your gear was broken and therefore useless, you quickly discarded yourself of it, and felt some of the tension in your body alleviate now that you were significantly lighter.
“The hell is she doing?” Jean yelled incredulously from his spot next to Levi, and the other members of the group looked on in shock as they all attempted to make it to you in time.
“She’s fighting back,” Levi spoke through gritted teeth, his worry for you eating him alive. His eyebrows were furrowed in stress and anxiety, and he was now soaring impossibly fast through the trees in order to reach you.
Stupid brat. Stupid, resilient, little brat.
“Attagirl!” Oluo and Eld cheered, and Petra shoved them, warning them to stop their blatant ogling in the middle of a dangerous mission. They skillfully dodged her attack, grinning at their adept use of the ODM gear.
A noise towards the side caught their attention, and the group realized the titans they had been anticipating were now in sight. Levi coolly assessed the shitty situation, before commanding that most of the soldiers take care of the titans, while Levi, his squad, and some of the 104th’s cadets would assist you. The group split up, and Levi turned his attention back to you, his heart thumping against his chest.
As the titan made a move to grab you, you exhaled quickly to focus before skillfully jumping onto its elongated arm and running quickly towards its nape. You were defying gravity as you gained speed the higher you went. The titan wasn’t stupid, and it began to grab you with its other arm, yet you anticipated its move. You lithely dodged it, executing a quick front flip as you narrowly escaped its grasp once again.
This was it!
You saw your opening. You leaped forward and pushed your feet against its shoulder as hard as you could, soaring high up in the air above the titan. Muscle memory served you well, and you thought back to the training circuit that had mimicked a situation almost exactly like this one. You gracefully began to spin yourself faster and faster, your cape billowing behind you as you finally readied your blades for the final blow. You yelled out, as your head pain worsened. As a result, your maneuver faltered slightly, almost imperceptible to the human eye. The titan noticed.
It lashed a large hand out again, attempting to grab you, but it accidentally slapped your body away. You cried out in pain, and you flew in the direction of your friends, hurtling towards the ground. You were falling so fast, and you felt yourself grow dizzy from being chucked around so much in the last five minutes.
Eren yelled out your name, a whimper stuck in his throat at the sight of your almost lifeless body spiraling downwards. Jean’s eyes widened, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to make it in time.
Levi’s heart stopped upon witnessing the titan slap your body with so much force. You were plummeting towards the ground at an impossible speed, and he didn’t even think twice before withdrawing his ODM gear’s hooks and diving towards you within the blink of an eye. His cape flew behind him, and a determined glint had overtaken his angry features. 
You had been bordering between consciousness and unconsciousness, yet the sight above you had been so clear that it almost felt as if everything was moving in slow motion. Your long hair flew around you, creating a curtain around your face, as you looked up at Levi. He had dived towards you, his jaw so tightly clenched. His muscular long arm began reaching out to you. The ground was quickly approaching, and you felt a sense of serenity at the sight of your Captain, despite your confusion and the severity of this situation.
“Levi,” you mumbled, smiling softly.
His face dropped upon seeing the calm expression on your face, and he willed himself to go faster, a number of expletive curses ringing through his head. 
That damn titan. Did it know how small you were? How precious you were?
He spun himself slightly to gain momentum, and he saw you were just within reach. Levi confidently stretched his strong arm out even more, managing to wrap his hand around your arm. He swiftly pulled you into his chest, one arm wrapping around your waist, while the other hand cradled your head protectively against his broad chest. He swiftly flipped himself around to face his body upwards, further ensuring he’d take the majority of the blow in case you two ended up hitting the ground, and shot both of his ODM gear’s hooks into a nearby tree, propelling both of you away from the ground and towards the high branch. You fleetingly realized how familiar this position felt.
Once Levi safely landed, he kneeled, and supported your body against his thigh as he continued to hold you in his arms. He quickly looked over his shoulder, and could make out the sight of the titan falling to the ground. All the members of his squad seemed alive and well, so he turned his attention back to you. His eyes quickly darted over your face, desperately searching for any obvious injuries.
Your eyes fluttered open at the feeling of Levi running his hands through your hair and over your cheeks. The Levi in front of you was leagues different from the cool and composed one you had come to know. He had a frantic look in his eyes, his jaw clenched tightly, as he desperately peered down at you. 
“Le… Levi?” You mumbled, your voice still a little hoarse from your recent infirmary stay.
“You are so precious to me, you hear me?” He lowly spoke, panic and anger and a whole plethora of emotions coloring his normally deadpan voice.  
Your jaw fell open and you were almost positive you were suffering from a mean concussion, and this was a hallucination. “Wha—”
“You’re a fucking brat— an incredibly frustrating, resilient little brat— but you’re mine.”
You dazedly looked up at him, and you realized how close his face was to yours. His muscular chest was heaving up and down, and a small droplet of sweat dripped down from his hairline. Levi’s handsome features held nothing but adoration for you, and in that moment nothing could bring you down from the high you were experiencing. You felt his warm hands cup your cheek once more, a habit he seemed to be fond of.
“You want a fucking declaration of love? Here it is— if anything happens to you, I swear I’ll kill every titan on this piece of shit planet,” he spoke, surprisingly unbothered with how vulnerable he was being with you. He moved closer to you, his forehead nearly resting on your own. “I don’t give a fuck if you hate me or not. You’re mine, and I’m yours. And that’s all there is to it.”
Your hand creeped up to grasp the wrist of the hand that had been caressing your face, and you tightened your fingers around it. He froze, momentarily wondering if you were rejecting his confession, and he internally groaned at the thought. 
There’d be no coming back from this one.
“You’re mine?” You shakily asked, a gloriously beautiful smile slowly gracing your features.
“That’s what I said,” he mumbled, attempting to conceal how lovestruck he felt at your smile.
“After… after we get home and I get some medical attention, you’re going to have to kiss me, alright? I’m—”
You were cut off by his lips pressing against your own. Your eyes fluttered shut, and you relished in the soft feeling of his lips molding against yours. You felt an indescribable warmth erupt in your chest, and you whimpered against Levi’s lips. His kiss was soft and warm, a huge contrast to the Levi from this past month. He pulled away just as quickly as he had bent down.
“One for the road,” he simply explained, glancing down at you. He internally smirked at the pretty blush coloring your cheeks— he was always fond of the sight.
“You’re not serious.”
“Do I look like I’m joking?”
You stifled your giggles at Levi’s straight face. Your expression still showed your disbelief at what he had just told you.
“I’m not an idiot, Levi, I know how some people look at me,” you laughed, rolling your eyes playfully.
“Even the Commander?”
“Oh, I’m working my way up through the ranks right now, can’t you tell?” You teased, gesturing down to your intertwined bodies, as you both faced each other in his warm bed.
“You’re funny, brat,” he deadpanned, no heat and all fondness as he affectionately pinched your cheeks.
You snuggled deeper into his chest, savoring the warmth that you were enveloped in. You were wearing his shirt— still warm and smelling strongly of him— and you inhaled softly as your face pressed deeper into his chest. Somehow, the slight aftermath of your headache from the recent expedition began to dull slightly.
“I’m sorry again,” Levi murmured, softly cradling your head against his chest.
“Really? I couldn’t tell the first five hundred times you said so,” you teased, looking up at him. Your breath hitched at the sight of his face angled down towards you, dark wisps of hair falling over his eyes and structured face. Levi was so painfully handsome, you could feel your heart flutter.
His eyes were intense, and his guilt continued to stir within his stomach. Seemingly able to read his mind, you pressed a chaste kiss to his warm chest.
“Idiot,” you mumbled, “I really wouldn’t care if the King himself came up to me and proposed, and you know exactly why.” 
“Humor me.”
“Terrifying guy, goes by the name of Humanity’s Strongest Soldier?”
He chuckled lowly, the deepness of his voice vibrating through his chest, and your insides turned to mush. Feeling relieved at successfully pulling Levi out of his little hole of guilt, you yawned softly. Your bruised ribs still ached at times, yet you ignored it this time to cuddle deeper into Levi, who was also on the verge of sleep.
He was sleepily looking down at you, observing your attempts to get comfortable in his embrace, and he softly smiled to himself. His muscular arms tightened around you, one of his hands coming to rest on the soft curve of your hip. He relished in the fact that sleep would be coming easily to him with you here. Levi had surprised himself with how easily he was able to show his affections toward you, and he chalked it up to that being further proof that you really were the only one for him.
He felt a warmth come from the sweet pang in his chest, and it spread throughout his entire body. Levi had learned to associate that feeling with you.
His eyes closed silently, and you pressed one last kiss to his chest.
“Precious,” he mumbled, “Precious little brat.”
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caysophia · 4 years
Sam Guthrie x Reader (f, smut) Dirty thoughts
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"..."-actual talking
'...'- y/n talking with others telepathically / others responding to her
y/n pov
I rolled around my bed a little thing to get comfortable "Good morning. It's 8:30..." Rang out the speaker in the corner of the room. I groaned and sat up, pushing my hair out of eyes and rubbing my face "We get it, we get it." I groaned and stood up slowly from my bed walking over to the dresser of clothes and getting dressed.
I put on a black flannel, some ripped jeans, and some slides. I sat down at the metal and wood desk in front of my bed and put on some mascara and eyeliner, not a lot as it looked like it was gonna rain.
I walked out of my room, an actual room. I walked down the many halls to the bathroom to do some stuff and then going to the cafe to make a cup of tea, it was a tea day today. I opened the metal and glass double doors being the first one in. I boiled some water and prepared my tea, it was just black tea with honey.
I stood at the counter hearing footsteps, they weren't heavy so it isn't Sam or Roberto.
'Hello' i said as the person walked in, it was Dani "I forgot you were telepathic, to early for that y/n." she said with a laugh 'sorry, I don't t feel like talking right now.' i said and she nodded "We going mute today? or just not in the mood?" she asked as she sat down at the table closest to where I was." I cocked my head and thought about it.
'not in the mood right now.' i thought as I bent back making my back crack, and stretching out my neck "What are you doing today? It might rain." Dani asked as she stood up grabbing a random fruit from a bowl on a metal counter.
I poured the boiling water into a mug and stirred it 'I think I'm just gonna head back to my room, or go into the lounge. oo the attic to maybe, the rain sounds so nice up there.' I chuckled and she smiled 'what about you?' I asked as Dani threw away the apple core "I don't know, I have more testing." Dani said as Rahne came in, she waved and we waved back.
"Hey!" Dani said as the girl walked over, I waved again and pointed to the door "See ya y/n."Dani said with a smile "Bye y/n."
I exited the cafe with my cup of tea and walked around wasting time before seeing same down the hallway coming towards the cafe 'Hey starshine.' i said and waved, he waved back and jogged down the hall slightly meeting up with me 'Morning handsome' I said with a wink, he rolled his eyes "You just gonna invade my thoughts now." Sam said and I laughed talking another sip of tea 'Of course, I always do.' i chuckled.
'Im gonna go outside. bye-bye country boy.' i said as I took a sip of tea "See ya." he nodded his head as he fixed his hat. I and sam split ways, I walked down the hallway more making it to the front exit of the building 'Reyes please open the front exit door' and heard the door open 'thanks.'.
The metal doors closed behind me, over the forest beyond the gate were dark clouds 'Nice...' i walked over to the concrete block that sam used when he goes into rocketship mode. I jumped onto it and sat down, The placement of the block made it perfect to watch the sky and field at the same time.
I spent a few minutes there, completely spaced out (like no thoughts, no hearing, head empty) I felt a tap on my shoulder "What the fuck!" I screamed and also spilling the cup of tea on me. I jumped off the block and turned towards the person who touched me. Rahne put her hands up in the air "Woah, chill. Didn't mean to scare ya. It group time." I raised a brow "It's only like 9:30..." Rahne shook her head "It's 11, you've been spaced out for a while..."
I looked at Rahne "I-" I stuttered out and laughed "I-yeah okay, time for a group I guess... let's go, thanks for getting me." I thanked Rahne and grabbed the mug, and walked towards the door. I poured the cold tea into the dead bushes and walked in the building dropping the mug off at the cafe and then heading to the group.
Rahne walked into the room sitting down next to Dani "I'm glad you could make it y/n. Did something happen?" Reyes asked as I froze, the room went quiet "head went empty, no thought." I said quietly and sat down in between Roberto and Illyana, Illyana chuckled 'Shut the fuck up blonde bitch.' I smiled and she glared.
"Okay, now that everyone is here, let's start," Reyes said with a smile. I looked around the room making eye contact with Sam. Sam shook his head slightly, I smirked 'hi.'  he rolled his eyes fixing his hat 'Yeah?' i smiled slightly looking at sams sitting from up and down 'You looking kinda cute today.' Sam locked eyes with me 'I know where this will lead, no. Not now.' I pouted 'You're no fun...' i pouted, sam scoffed out loud "Yes sam?" Reyes questioned looking in between me and him "Nothing, sorry." Sam muttered out and looked at me, Reyes nodded "Y/n, stop please." I nodded and looked at the floor, Reyes went over ways to control the powers of the other.
"Why is y/n here?" Illyana blurted out stopping Reyes mid-sentence "What do you mean Illyana."  Reyes fixed her posture in her seat, I looked at Sam 'I've been here for a year, how the fuck does she not know?'  Sam shrugged his shoulder 'She doesn't like you, you know that. She's just trying to cause trouble.'
"She doesn't have any powers beside for fucking physic powers." Illyana scoffed, I laughed at her. Reyes looked at me "She is here just like everyone else. Something happened, putting her and others in danger." Reyes said softly glancing at her "You do realize, telepathic powers are mind not just mind linking right?" I questioned the blonde looking at her "It's the power of invading the mind like Mind Control, Illusion Manipulation, Psychic Torture. I could fuck with your mind so hard that your safe plane wouldn't be a thing anymore." I threatened and Reyes snapped her fingers, just something she found out stops me from hurting things...
"Well, what you do? kill your parents?" Illyana mocked and I laughed "kind yeah. I lost control and made a bus driver drive a bus into a body of moving water and everyone drowned. Besides for me somehow." I said in a smart ass tone fighting the lump in my throat 'im going to fuck this bitch up, either making her see smiley men or just giving her an uppercut to the jaw.'  i said sam and cleared my throat. Reyes wrote some notes down "Ok, we're done here. Everyone can leave." I stood up and walked to sam and gave him a fake smile, Illyana bumped into my shoulder and smiled "Sorry." she laughed 'try me, you'll see smiley men.' i smiled as she glared at me and walked out. "What did you just say?" Sam said as he throws his jacket over his shoulder "Oh nothing." I smiled and grabbed his hand and left the room.
I and sam walked to the lounge in silence, my mind rushing with flashbacks from the crash. Even though I didn't get hurt, it still haunts you. When we got to the room Dani and Rahne were already there turning on the Tv "Hey guys!" Dani said in a happy tone "Hey." me and Sam said, sam going to the foosball table with Roberto, I jumped over the couch next to Rahne "You talking now?" She asked I shook my head "Oh boy, ill be doing more than talking if Illyana tried anything." I said and looked at the tv, a random movie turning on.
Rahne patted my shoulder "Hey, she stepped over a line. Yes. But you can't make her live through her fears." I laughed  "Okay." I said and looked over the couch to sam 'You looking kinda hot right now.'  Sam shook his head not stopping the game to respond 'what? You're not gonna respond?' i teased him, no respond 'Your asking for it. watch it.' i waited for a response nothing. I turned around and watch the movie on tv.
3rd person (it's gonna start getting graphic and smut.)
Y/n continued to tease and bother sam more and more, making him lose a bunch of foosball games against Roberto "Well you suck." Roberto laughed as he fixed the players on the polls, Sam rolled his eyes and put the ball in the middle "Is y/n talking to you through brain waves for some shit." Roberto laughed and took the first hit Sam laughed and started to play "Oh no, definitely not." Sam laughed.
'You're not talking about me, are you?' Y/n voice popped into sams head, Sam rolled his eyes 'Why would I? It's not like you don't invade my head every day.' Sam replied y/n chuckled from the couch where her, Rahne, And Dani were sat watching a movie 'You're too cute sam, you know that? Oh and don't even get me started about how big your hands are, I wouldn't mind them on me.'  Y/n teased, sam took a deep breath not wanting to lose the game but also not wanting  Y/ns comment to go to his head.
'Oh come on big boy, don't ignore me. I can see your breathing patterns change.' Y/n said making sam frustrated, and groan "Oh my." Sam glared at him "Stop it."
'You wanna leave the lounge? go up to my room and see what is a coal miner does to the body?  I bet it does wonder.' y/n flirted, Sam scored a goal against Roberto "Imma go, see ya." and sam left, y/n rolled her eyes "I'll be back." and left the room after Sam.
Y/n exited the lounge going after sam "Sam!" Y/n yelled down to him as he walked down the hall ignoring her "Sam! come on, stop it."Y/n said as she ran down the hall trying to catch up to him. Sam continued to ignore y/ns calls as he walked down the hall, he was embarrassed and a little angry.
'Sam, come on. I'm sorry okay?  I should've told you earlier and tried to stop, okay but it's hard when you hearing the thoughts of everyone around you .' Y/ns voice echoed through sams head, sam stopped and turned around to face y/n who was only a few feet away from him "Why?" Sam asked, leaving y/n confused "Why what?" Y/n gave a nervous chuckle worried about what he was gonna ask.
"Was it all a joke? Just something to get a laugh at?" Sam scoffed y/n laughed at his comment, leaving sam confused "What?" Y/n bent over laughing before catching her breath "Oh my! you are clueless Sam. You don't think I would've made sexual jokes for fun? I might be a bitch but I don't play with feelings sams." Y/n said with a smile, Sam glanced down at Y/n "Sam! I like you your clueless puppy!" Y/n Yelled but not loud enough for the group down the hall to hear.
"Oh so- oh... oh." Sam said out loud as he thought, he smirked at y/n "Ill take you up on that offer." Y/n laughed "Bet." and with that Y/n grabbed Sams wrist and the two of them ran down to the dorms.
Y/n pulled Sam into her room, locking the door and covering the camera in the corner of the room, y/n turned around taking off her shoes, sam already doing that  "You ready?" Y/n smirked, "As all hell."
Y/ns pov
Sam pushed me onto the bed and got on top of me. bringing sam into a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck one hand in his hair and throwing his hat off.  "You are a naughty girl," he said looking at me in the eyes, I winked "I know." bringing him into a rough kiss letting him lead. Sam started taking off his flannel and shirt, I doing the same.
I pulled sam back into a kiss now just in a bar and jeans. Sam kissed down my jaw and onto my neck leaving hickies and bites. I moaned once he hit a spot right below my jaw, he worked on the spot for a while before moving to my chest. His hands traveling down to the hem of my jeans. Sam looked up "You ready?" He asked I nodded. Sam Unbuttoned my jeans and sticking his hand in.
He started playing with my clit with us thumb, "wet already ?" He said smirking, I moaned "just fuck me Sam " I moaned, throwing my head back fisting my sheets in the bed, "not yet baby," he said inserting his middle fingers. I arched my back and moaned "s-Sam f-faster " I said breathless moaning, Coming close to an Orgasm, he inserted two more fingers going faster, I was a moaning mess "I-I'm cL-close " I moaned out and came on this hand.
He licked his hand clean, and took off his jeans, and stroked his penis, he groaned and I flipped us around so he's on the bottom and I put his member in my mouth it was at least 10 inches so there was still a good amount not in my mouth so I rubbed the exposed part. "Y/n," he said putting his hands to his face before grabbing my hair.
After a while, he comes into my mouth.
I looked at him and started kissing him, giving him hickeys down his jaw and next, while my hands went down his abs, I gave him hickeys on his neck where he couldn't hind them and down his stomach. After Sam flipped us so I was under him, he put a condom on and slid in me, I moaned his name digging my nails into his shoulder blades leaving marks. Sam groaned giving my neck hickeys. "I-I'm close Sam," I said moaning. San put my hands above my head and held my hand. "M-me too," he said and we both released, and plotted down next to me. Both of us out of breath.
"I bet you don't like dirty thoughts anymore huh?" I joked Sam chuckled.
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themaninflannel · 4 years
Orgasms and Cold Pizza (snapshots pt1)
summary: reader met dean senior year of hs Bc she looked out for Sam. She kept in touch with both of them (but more Sam). When Sam goes off to college a sad dean shows up on her doorstep with no warning.
word count: almost 4k wtf
warnings: sad dean, drinking, virgin!reader, smut
A/N: this is part one of a new series im starting that is gonna be snapshots of the reader and deans lives together ~~~~~~~~~~ It may have been two am but I had yet to put down my book, so I was awake when I heard knocking at my front door. I wasn’t going to open it-because hello it was two am- but the knocking kept going so I was just going to tell them off. I opened the door to see a familiar face, and a sad one at that. I blearily rubbed my sleep filled eyes, “Dean?” I’m sure he could hear the confusion in my voice. 
“Sammy left,” He said dejectedly.
Without thinking I reached out for him and pulled him into my arms half expecting him to resist but instead he collapsed on to my shoulders. Releasing him, I nudged the door open a little more and pulled him farther inside. Quietly I led him into the kitchen and handed him a beer. 
“He left us, he left the life,” Dean mumbled.
“Yeah, umm he told me a while ago that he got into Stanford. I kinda figured he might,” I guiltily ran my hands through my hair. 
“He did? He sure as hell didn’t tell dad and me,” he stood up, running his hands over his face.
My legs, working on their own, carried me across the room until I was right in front of him, “Dean. You know he didn’t leave because he wanted to leave you, right?” I said putting my hand on his arm. 
He rolled his eyes, “Yeah,” 
“Hey, I mean it,” My voice was soft but firm. “You’ve always looked out for your brother, he knows that.” I was met with sullen silence. 
After a few minutes of quietly sipping on our drinks he spoke up. “I mean I know this life ain’t easy but college, man!?”
“You know the boy’s always liked school,” I said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood. It did not work. “Alright. Are we getting drunk then?”
“Yep,” he said after downing the rest of his beer, “you got anything stronger?”
“Oh do you doubt me, Winchester?” I got up and opened the pantry to show the assortment of liquor bottles.
“Well then,” he raised his eyebrows as I dropped a bottle of whiskey in front of him, keeping the vodka for myself.
Once Dean had made it most of the way through his bottle he seemed more nostalgic than sad, “Do you remember back in high school…” he paused to take another drink, “when you thought Sammy needed to be taken care of?”
“Hey! In my defense he was very small then! And he did get picked on,”
“Ok, fair enough” he raised his hands in defense, “I’m glad you had his back,”
“Yeah well, someone had too since you kept getting in trouble,” It continued on like this for a while until I had deemed it time to cut Dean off and make him go to bed. “Alright come on, I’ll get you settled in my room,”
Just as I was leaving the room I heard a voice behind me, “do you think he’s gonna come back?”
“Honestly? I don’t know, but I know that just because he went off to school doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you,” I said turning back towards him and sitting on the bed.
“Psh. I know dads not the biggest joy in our lives but why can’t he just suck it up?” My heart broke when his voice cracked. Even in the dark I could tell he was tears eyed. 
“He and your dad have always had a tricky relationship,” I commented, scooting closer to him.
“Yeah,” he scoffed, “you should have seen it the night he left,” I could see on his face that it had gotten bad between them that night.
“I never liked your father,”
“He didn’t like you much either,” he admitted.
“Well, I’d imagine not!” It got quiet as we both remembered the first time I had met John Winchester.
Sam had invited me over to study for a history exam, even though I was a senior and he was a freshman we were in the same class. He was slightly embarrassed to tell me that he lived in a motel but that quickly faded once we got to studying. We were almost done when his brother came back. 
“Heya Sammy,”
“Dean! I thought you were supposed to be gone all day?” 
“Eh, got bored,” he dismissed. Flopping down on one of the beds, opening up a magazine. “Dads gonna be pissed you brought her over,”
“What is your problem with me Dean?” I spoke up, I wasn’t gonna let Sam get pushed around like that.
“I don’t care either way, but dad doesn’t like us having people over,” As if on queue an older man opened the door.
“Boys,” He gruffly acknowledged the boys, not noticing me at first, “who’s this?” He gestured to me, his voice making it clear that there was more involved in his question.
“Oh, umm,” Sam stuttered.
“I’m Y/N, I was helping Sam study but we were just finishing up,” I jumped in trying to help the poor boy out.
“Well Y/N, it’s probably about time you were heading out. I have some business to discuss with my boys.”
In class the next day Sam barely looked at me, and Dean-well Dean never paid me much attention anyway. After the bell rang I ran after Sam before Dean could drive off.
“Sam! Wait up dude,” he ignored me until I was close enough to grab his elbow, “Hey, what’s wrong? It’s like you were somewhere else today,”
“Oh, uh, hey Y/N,” he was clearly avoiding the question. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Dean walk up to the car, seemingly hiding his face. 
“Come on Sammy, get in the car,” As he got in the car I caught a glimpse of a purple bruise on his jaw.
“Um sorry, we have to get home before Dad” Sam explained shyly. As they drove away I connected the dots between Dean’s bruise and their fear of their father. Right then and there I decided I was going to protect Sam as much as I could, I doubted Dean would let me but I knew I was gonna try.
“You should probably get some sleep,” Dean’s voice was hoarse, and much closer than I had realized. At some point we had ended up leaning on each other, slumped in the center of the bed. 
“Alright, but I’m not leaving you here to be sad and alone so don’t hog all the covers,” I sleepily shuffled under the blanket, Dean sliding in beside me. He fell asleep almost immediately, but me? I was laying there trying to wrap my brain around this version of Dean, the version thats cocky and tough I’m familiar with but this vulnerable and insecure Dean is a side I hadn’t seen before. Somewhere in the night we had ended up wrapped in each other's limbs, his head on my chest, his arms circling my waist. 
Dean was still asleep when I woke up; I laid there with my hand in his hair, realizing that this was as relaxed as I had been in a long while and I was in no rush to wake him up. We stayed like that until Dean started to stir,
“Morning sleepyhead,”
“Oh uh, mornin’,” he mumbled, rolling away seemingly embarrassed.
“How ya feeling after last night? You downed most of that whiskey,” I teased, poking his shoulder.
“Ha-shut up, I’m fine”
“Well, personally I am severely under-caffeinated so I’m gonna go make coffee,” I said definitively, pushing myself up heading to the kitchen. Dean got up and followed me, pointedly ignoring how we woke up. 
“You wanna coffee?” I asked, reaching up to the cabinet where my favorite mug was.
“Yes, please,” he said emphatically, running his hands over his face to wake himself up a little. 
“Ok, you gotta tell me more about what you and your brother do,” I slid a mug across the island to him, “I mean he told me a little bit about the life, and you’ve filled me in a little, but I’m curious,” 
“Nah, you don’t need to know how fucked up the world actually is,”
“Please. I already know the world is a flaming piece of garbage, you wouldn’t be bursting any bubbles with that realization,” My voice came out more cynical than I meant. 
“You really wanna know? About all the things that go bump in the night? All the monsters who are dying to eat your face?”
“Yeah. If I’m gonna have to live in the world with all that crap then I’d like to at least know what’s what,” I didn’t expect him to actually tell me, but he launched into stories about the creatures that he and Sammy have fought. We talked for hours, me asking questions, him telling stories. By the time he seemed to have run out of stories and he deemed I was sufficiently afraid it was early afternoon.
“Shit, is it already three? I should get on the road soon,”
“Do you have to? You can stay here another night, ya know,” I hoped he would stay.
“Are you sure? I don’t wanna over stay my welcome, I already showed up out of the blue-“
“Dean. You’re staying.” I interrupted, “you can show up any time, I like the company,” 
After convincing him to stay we ordered pizza and settled in for a chill night of movies and beer. 
After we stuffed ourselves with pizza and watched as many shitty comedies as we could handle, we were tipsy and sleepy and I made the executive decision that it was time for us (well, at least me) to crash for the night. After telling Dean he could watch whatever he wanted I headed into my room, put on comfy clothes and got curled up under the covers. A while after, when I was just starting to drift off I heard the door open,
“Hey, Y/N? You still awake?”
“Hmm? Yeah,” my voice was thick with sleep.
“Can I- um can I sleep in here again?” He sounded so timid, not at all like the over confident persona he normally put on.
“Of course, come ‘ere,” I smiled, pulling the blankets down on the other side of the bed. He took his jeans off leaving him only in his boxers and climbed in next to me.
“You sure this is ok?” He asked again before fully relaxing.
“Dude, if I wasn’t chill with it I wouldn’t have said yes. Plus, you slept in here last night anyway,”
“I know, and we ended up the way we did this morning and I just- I wasn’t sure-“ I cut him off by pulling his arm over my side and shushing him. With him as the big spoon I think he had gotten it through his head that I wanted him there. 
“Hey dean?” He grunted in acknowledgment, “You show up here after almost four years, I just- I gotta ask, why here? Why did you come to my door?” He was silent for a long time, I thought he may have fallen asleep.
“Honestly?” I nodded, “I don’t know, you were one of the few people who knew Sammy like I did, and who knew about our lives,” he paused, “I think it just seemed the least complicated place to go.” He finished quietly.
“Fair enough, I’m glad you did though. I worry about you boys,” we fell back into a comfortable silence before he spoke again.
“Ok, my turn to ask something,” I twisted until I was facing him.
“Go for it,”
“Why is it just you living here? Doesn’t it get lonely?”
“Sometimes, but I like having the place to myself,”
“I always liked to think that after Sammy I left, you would have shacked up with some dude and lived the apple pie life,” 
“Oh please. You know that’s not my style,” I scoffed, “and as far as me and dudes there’s never been anyone of importance,”
“Really? No one?” He seemed surprised by this.
“What? Is it so hard to believe?” 
“But why?”
“You’ve met me, you know feeeelings aren’t my thing,”
“Ok but like what about hookup or something, you did go to college right? Isn’t that part of college life?”
“I don’t like doing new things with strangers, it is what it is. I’m not upset about it,” I shrugged.
“Just wouldn’t have pegged you as a virgin,”
“Oh I give off slutty vibes do I?” I teased him.
“No- I just- never mind,” I could practically see him mentally smacking himself in the forehead.
“Good night, Dean,” I rolled back over and he wrapped his arm back around my waist.
The next morning I woke up with Dean still pressed against my back, I don’t know if we moved at all in the night. I just knew that I slept like a rock. And that there was something poking me in the back. It took me a minute to figure out what it was but when it dawned on me I couldn’t help but giggle a little bit.
“Hey, ummm, Dean?” It came out higher than I meant it to.
“Hmm?” He sleepily responded, “oh shit, Y/N I’m sorry, I didn’t mean- it just-it does that sometimes,” He moved away from me covering his face with his hands.
“I didn’t say I was upset about it,” I slowly pulled his hand down until he could see me.
“What…. Y/N..? Huh?” You’d think he was the virgin not me.
“I said, I wasn’t upset. I just thought you should know that your dick-“
“Whoa! Ok, enough,” he cut me off. Turning his body to face me, our faces closer together than before, “are you serious?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” My voice came out thin and whispery, but I leaned towards him anyway. I could almost hear my heartbeat in my ears, but the second that his lips touched mine that was the only thing I could focus on. After a second he pulled back with a questioning look in his eyes, I nodded and he kissed me again. Harder this time, his tongue finding its way into my mouth, my hand to his hair, his hands...everywhere. We stayed like that for a few minutes before he pulled away again, this time taking his whole body a few inches away from mine pulling a needy whine (that I will deny ever happened) out of me.
“Wait...wait, we can’t do this,” he said breathlessly.
“And why the hell not?” 
“You’ve never…your first shouldn’t be me,” 
“Why not. You’re not a stranger and there doesn’t need to be feelings. Checks all my boxes,”
“Oh wow, you sure know how to make a guy feel special,” I rolled my eyes and pulled him so his face was close to mine again.
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to, but I want this. You’re not taking advantage or anything like that, ok?” That was all he needed to hear before pushing himself so he was hovering over me, mouth back on mine, hands in my hair. Soon his mouth moved along my jaw and down my neck making sounds come out of my mouth that I didn’t think I could make. I could feel him smirking as he moved back up to my jaw. I could feel his hands start to migrate under my shirt, stopping just below my rib cage. I knew he was waiting for permission before going any farther so I pushed him onto his back before tearing my shirt off and leaning over him so I was on top. 
“No bra?” He questioned his hand automatically going to my boobs, flicking one of my nipples.
“Who sleeps in a bra?” I tried to say it jokingly but his mouth found my other nipple making it turn into a gasp. I tried to get back at him by grinding my hips down on the bulge that was now under me. He made a delicious gasp/moan sound that just made me never want to stop. I slowly shifted myself, kissing my way down his chest, giving attention to each nipple as I passed it, eventually making my way down to his happy trail and the edge of his boxers.
“Ahh…..sweetheart… you don’t-you don’t have to do that. Not... for your first time,” 
“Oh, but what if I want to?” The words came out sugary sweet, just the thought of what was about to happen was enough to dampen my underwear. I looked up at him for permission and he nodded, his eyes closing when I turned my attention back to the waistband of his boxers. He moaned loudly when I placed soft kisses on his fabric covered length before I pulled his shorts down and he kicked them the rest of the way off. Once he was fully exposed I took a second to admire what I saw; the toned muscle of his chest, the soft skin on his stomach, all the way down to his perfectly pink cock standing up out of a bush of dark curls.
“Like what you see?” He teased.
As an answer I leaned back down and licked a stripe from his balls all the way up to his leaking head. I earned a gasp and then a groan when I took the whole head into my mouth hollowing my cheeks and taking in as much of him as I could, one hand coming up to pump the part that I couldn’t fit in my mouth and the other reaching up and playing with his balls. 
“Holy….you shouldn’t be..how do you….” He gave up trying to make coherent  sentences when I took his dick out of my mouth and sucked one of his balls. Once I had given them enough attention I moved back to his shaft, lavishing it in kisses and licks.
“Ok...I’m not gonna…. you gotta stop… if you want this to last…” he brought his hand to my face and pulled me back up so he could kiss me. His other hand came around my hip and flipped us so he was hovering above me with a shiteating grin on his face. It was his turn to tease me, he moved down so his face was right above my belly button. His fingers hooked into the waistband of my sleep shorts pulling them off. As soon as he had me naked he went back to kissing and licking everywhere he could, after some pleading from me he finally moved back between my legs where I needed him most. He licked a stripe between my folds, giving extra attention to my clit. I could feel the knot in my stomach tightening already, my breathing getting faster. He was still swirling his tongue in circles when one of his large fingers pushed into me making me moan and arch my back, pushing impossibly closer to his face. I could feel him smiling as he continued to work his finger in and out of me, eventually adding another curling them upward reaching that one spot that I could never quite reach myself. The knot in my stomach tightened even more, my hips bucking on their own.
“D.. I’m close..”
“Let go baby, I wanna taste it,” that’s all it took for me to cum on his face. Blissed out and breathing heavily I almost missed Dean looking smug wiping my juices off of his chin. 
“We don’t have to keep going…” he said and I think he really would have been totally fine stopping if I asked but I was nowhere near ready to be done.
“Condoms are in the nightstand,” was my bold way of saying I wanted to keep going. I could tell it caught him by surprise but before I could say anything else he had plopped himself on top of me to get to the drawer.
“Eager much?”I laughed as his full body weight was still splayed over me. He rolled his eyes and kissed me again rolling the condom on. I could feel his hard length resting against my stomach as we kissed, all tongues and teeth. We had gotten past the timid part and were both ready for more. He shifted and I could feel the tip hit my sensitive clit making me gasp, his cock slid between my folds and pushed into my entrance, he stopped making sure I was good before he slowly pushed the rest of the way in. Once he was fully seated inside me, his head fell down on my shoulder, his lips moving on my neck. I got impatient and moved my hips making him slip out a little bit, Dean took the hint and started to move. His pelvis hit my clit every thrust and he one of his hands came up and played with my nipple, I was overwhelmed by all the new sensations that I didn’t even realize I was making sounds that I had never made before. With each movement dean hit that spot inside that made my eyes roll back, before long I could feel the knot tightening again. Deans thrusts started to get shaky and uneven,
“I’m not gonna last…” he grunted, his face buried in my neck.
“Me… neither,” my hips bucked and with one more snap of his hips I came undone. That was all it took for him to spill himself into the condom. He collapsed next to me throwing the condom in the trash.
“Well….” I exhaled, breathing heavily.
“Yeahhh…” deans breathing matched my own.
“Soo, I’m not a virgin anymore,”
“No you are not,” He sounded real happy with himself. And honesty, and couldn’t blame him.
“Job well done I’d say,” I reached over to high five him. 
We laid there in exhausted silence for a while before either one of us had enough energy to do anything.
“Well, I am starving and there is cold pizza in the fridge,”I declared as I got out of bed and threw on some comfy clothes. I was halfway through my second piece of cold pizza when dean came trudging out of my room. With my mouth full of pizza I gestured to the open box.
“So…” Dean awkwardly rubbed the back of his head, “you’re really good with what just happened?”
“Why wouldn’t I be? Organs and pizza is a good way to start the day,”
“I don’t know, I mean it was your first time?”
“Oh D, are you worried I’m gonna fall in love with you?” I mocked.
“What no- I just- I was checking on you is all!”
“Ohhh little defensive much? Maybe I should worry about you falling in love with me,” I teased waving pizza in his face. 
When we had finished making fun of each other the topic turned serious.
“So, you gonna head back to your dad today?” I asked.
“Yeah, I should actually head out soon,” he said quietly. We chatted for a while longer before he decided it was time for him to go. He gathered his things and made his way to the door,
“Just one thing before you go,” I stopped him in the doorway, “give your brother a call, ok? He walked out on your father not on you,”
“Yeah, I will. Thanks sweetheart,” he hugged me and then he was gone. It had been four years since I met him in high school and I wondered if I would ever see the green eyed hunter again. I sure hoped I would. 
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localkatshelter · 4 years
Okame’s Underbelly: Reunification |4th|
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Katsumi’s POV (localvillageidiot#0870) and Shinso’s POV (hecker#8339)
Warning: Contains mentions of a breakup, minor alcohol consumption, mild anxiety, swearing, and a wild Denki and Mina
Preview (Shinso’s POV):
| “Dude...what the fuck! Why did you wait until now to tell me this?! I thought you loved me! “ Denki whined with an exaggerated pout on his lips.
I cocked my head to the side “When did I say that?” I questioned with feigned confusion.
“First of all, fuck you. Second of all, I know you love me so shut up. Third, wait we’re on three right? Right. Third, we're besties til death do us part so there’s some invisible contract that states that I get expedited dibs on all your dark, dirty secrets.” He concluded smugly, as if he made a point.
“Oops, I breached the contract." I stated apathetically. "but I told you now, so no need to cry about it.” I went to mock wiping a tear from his face and he immediately attempted to bite my hand. I reflexively shoved him away.
 “Why are you like this?” I choked out between laughter.
Denki shrugged. “My body literally microwaves my brain so...maybe that’s why.” |
Beautiful Artwork By: Sinfulhime
1st Chapter - Anticipation
(Katsumi’s POV)
I groaned as I fidgeted with the ugly student mover tee shirt that the volunteer coordinator had handed me to wear for move in day. I can’t believe that I got bullied into volunteering to help students move into the dorms today. Stupid RA asking me for help, stupid RD guilt tripping me into it, stupid students bringing way too much shit. I hate it here.
I was standing by the entrance hoping no one would ask for my help when I saw a small car pull up in front of my dorm building. A boy with wild purple hair got out and was greeted by a blonde, who practically tackled him with a hug. That's adorable. I love when boys aren’t afraid to be affectionate with each other. I watched the two of them talk for a bit before beginning to unload the car. The kid with purple hair felt oddly familiar to me for some reason. I moved out of my hiding spot and away from the entrance a bit to get a better look at him. I started to squint to try and put him into focus when he turned around and noticed my staring. He gave me a dirty look and something clicked in my brain. Oh shit, it’s fucking Edgelord! He turned back around and started unloading his car. I started to walk over, though I didn’t really know why. I guess I just wanted to say hi, maybe check in with him to see how he was doing. I mean, he did bawl his eyes out in front of me and sleep on my couch after all. As I got closer, a question popped into my brain. Wait... what was this kid’s name again? I know he told me.... Sato? Shido? Shit... I can’t really remember. I drank that bottle of soju pretty fast so I was a bit buzzed... Before I could wrack my brain any further, I was right behind him. Well, let's hope he’s still got a good sense of humor.
“Hey Edgelord.”
“Um, hey?” he said, looking confused, but not mad. Well that’s a relief. 
“Funny running into you here. How’ve you been?”
I could feel his confusion rise. Maybe he doesn’t recognize me?
“Uh, I’ve been good.”
Well, I’m already here, so lets roll with it. 
“Well that’s good to hear. You’ve been feeling okay?” 
I smiled at him to try and put him at ease, but it seemed to have the opposite effect. He looked at the ground and shifted awkwardly at my question. When he looked back at me I could feel the anxiety swirl around in his head. When I felt a slight realization from him, I tilted my head to the side as if to ask if he had recognized me yet.
“Y-yeah, I’ve been feeling fine.” he stuttered. 
Guess not. I giggled. I didn't really care whether he recognized me or not, but it was good to know he was doing alright.
“Oh good. So, do you need any help moving in? I got bullied into volunteering anyway, so I might as well be of some use.” I showed him the heinous shirt I was wearing and rolled my eyes. He looked at it and laughed.
“Nice, but I think w-” 
His friend came up beside him and poked him in the side, apparently really hard considering his clenched jaw, and cut him off.
“What my colleague means to say is that he’s super weak and could really use your help moving in.” the blonde said to me with a sweet grin. 
I laughed again and nodded towards the car next to us. 
“You got it. Is this everything?” 
I leaned down and picked up a box, leaning it against my hip. Edgelord nodded and I followed them upstairs to their dorm. I talked with the blonde as we made a couple of trips between the car and the dorm since Edgelord was being quiet and, well, edgy. His friend was an absolute riot though. I already loved him.
“Who knew Edgelord would have such cool friends? I honestly thought he was a figment of my imagination until I saw him again today. I mean, who even likes grapefruit soju?” We cracked up at the slight jabs I threw. 
“Yeah, I think me and Denki got the rest.” Edgelord said, cutting us off abruptly. 
I tuned back into his emotions. He was feeling really uncomfortable, as if something I said had shut him down. I was honestly a bit annoyed by his rudeness at first, but I decided to let it go. He clearly didn't want me there anymore.
“Oh, okay cool. I’ll be on my way then.” I said, trying to keep my tone cheerful. I turned to the blonde. 
“It was really cool meeting you though! I’m glad we got to talk for a bit. Hopefully I’ll see you around.”  I shot him a big smile and headed towards the door. 
“Hold on there, stranger! What’s your name?” he called out to me.
“Oh right! It’s Katsumi, but you can call me Kat, everybody does.”
“Hi, Kat! I’m Denki, but you can call me anytime.” He shot me some finger guns, which I found corny, yet endearing. 
“Okay, you got it.” I chuckled.
I made my way past Edgelord and left, turning the corner and heading back to the main entrance to help the stragglers finish moving in. I wonder what set him off like that... Weird. 
Once the student mover volunteers were released from duty, I immediately called Mina to hang out. She was always the best person to unwind with, especially when I was in the mood to drink a bit after a long day. I dialed her number.
“What it do babyyyyy?”
“My place, ten minutes, B.Y.O.B, I have a couple of beers left.”
“Down, be there soon.”
I hung up and pulled out some snacks for us. Mina arrived a little while later with two packs of our favorite beer and a big smile on her face. We just lounged around and talked some shit about people in our lives that the other one didn’t know as we drank. I loved Mina because she was so easy to be around. We didn’t have to do anything but enjoy each other’s company to have a good time. 
“Hey Mina.”
“Hmm?” She turned to me, away from the television that I had put on for background noise.
“Do you remember that guy that I told you about? The one from the summer with the fucked up purple hair that cried to me at a bus stop?”
“I mean, I remember you mentioning it, but I know a lot of people with fucked up purple hair that cry a lot so...”
“Well, I saw him again today. He actually goes to the same university as me.” “No fucking way.” She sat up a bit, seeming more interested. 
“Yeah, but he was acting super weird when I was talking to him. It was like he didn’t want to be around me or something... but his roommate was super cool. His name was Denki, I think.”
“Wait what did you just say? Did you just say Denki?”
“Um, yeah. I’m pretty sure that was his name.”
“Blonde, with a black bolt? Corny as hell?”
“Yep, that's the one.”
“Shut the fuck up. This whole time you were talking about Shinso? Like...SHINSO Shinso?”
“Oh my god you're right, that was his name... Wait, how did you know that?”
“We all went to high school together.” she said, leaning back into her lounging position, pulling out her phone. 
“That’s crazy, what a small world. Anyway, I’m going to go to the bathroom real quick, do you want me to grab you another drink on my way back?”
“Yes please!” she sang. 
What I didn’t know was that while I was in the bathroom, Mina was up to no good. 
                                                 Mina’s Phone
                                           ⚡️ Discount Zeus⚡️
Speak, wench
                                                    You’re living with Shinso this semester right?
                                                                       And some girl came over today? 
                                                                                                A little brunette?
...yes...spill… 👀
                                                                                 SHE’S MY BEST FRIEND 
You’re fucking w me rn???
                                                  IM LITERALLY AT HER PLACE RIGHT NOW
NO FUCKING wAY ahkswsuwdl
You know her and my son, shinso had 
a lil moment over the summer right??
                                                                        Yes omfg she told me about it
                                                                         Dude, fucking EDGELORD?? 
                                                                           Ok but on some real shit....
                                                                       Im tryna stir the pot.... You in?
Are you seriously asking me that??
You know I’m always down to rustle 
some jimmies 🤠
but like...what we doing?
                                                    Don’t tell Shinso anything, just bring him to 
                                                                                 Kiri’s party this weekend.
omg that sounds like a scrumptious idea!!
                                                                               Speaking of scrumptious,
                                                                            lets get food before. Imy bb
& let’s bring our children with us
Marley’s? you know that’s our spot 🤤
                                                              YEEESSS MARLEYSSSS im so down
                                                        I miss Marley’s I haven’t been all summer
then it’s a must
can’t wait 😈
(Shinso’s POV)
“Dude...what the fuck! Why did you wait until now to tell me this?! I thought you loved me! “ Denki whined with an exaggerated pout on his lips.
I cocked my head to the side “When did I say that?” I questioned with feigned confusion.
“First of all, fuck you. Second of all, I know you love me so shut up. Third, wait we’re on three right? Right. Third, we're besties til death do us part so there’s some invisible contract that states that I get expedited dibs on all your dark, dirty secrets.” He concluded smugly, as if he made a point.
“Oops, I breached the contract." I stated apathetically. "but I told you now, so no need to cry about it.” I went to mock wiping a tear from his face and he immediately attempted to bite my hand. I reflexively shoved him away.
 “Why are you like this?” I choked out between laughter.
Denki shrugged. “My body literally microwaves my brain so...maybe that’s why.”
I shook my head at him and hopped off the bed to continue unpacking. After a couple minutes, I realized that Denki was too quiet. That was a rarity for him. At this point, he would usually be asking me personal and/or wildly inappropriate questions to catch up on the summer where I went from seeing him almost every day to about once a week. This was a huge difference according to his standards. Yeah, he's kinda clingy like that, but I didn't mind, to be honest. There were a couple weeks in between where I didn't see him, because I was at the start of processing the breakup, using the word process lightly. I looked back at him to see him grinning devilishly at his phone. I assumed he was talking to a potential “date’’ and went back to what I was doing. 
About an hour later, I was pretty much done. The only thing that stood out on my side was one large Rorschach inkblot poster above my bed. I had always interpreted it as two kitties playing with a ball of yarn, but I left it up to the viewers interpretation. That and no one needed to know why I liked the poster so much. 
“Ayo, Shinso.” Denki called out to me. 
I gave him my attention and the look on his face made me a little uneasy. 
“Want to go to Kiri’s party this weekend?” 
I knew Denki was aware that I wasn’t a big fan of parties, but he seemed eager so it was hard to say no. Since it’s the beginning of the semester, I’ll play nice for now. This wasn’t the first excursion that he had dragged me out on and I was sure it wouldn’t be the last.
“Yeah, sure.”
“Wait, really? That easy?” he questioned in disbelief. 
“What do you mean?” I asked, mild annoyance creeping into my voice.
“You usually don’t say yes the first time around. I always have to whip out my boyish charm to convince you.”
I rolled my eyes at Denki, laughing under my breath.
“Also, before the party, we’re gonna eat at Marley’s with Mina and her friend. Y’know, our beloved grease-bucket.”
I raised my eyebrows in mock excitement. I always had to mentally prepare for when Denki and Mina were in the same room. It was easy to get overstimulated with their relentless energy, especially because they build off each other. It was similar to being in a wind tunnel, I would say. That’s not to say that I don’t enjoy their combined company. Just…in moderation.
It was finally Friday, and the first week of classes were done thankfully. I was tired of going over syllabi. Denki and I pulled up to Marley’s and she was looking janky as ever. I can’t lie, the food was disgustingly good. It sounds like an oxymoron but I assure you, it’s not. Your tongue and brain were in ecstasy but you could just feel the sludge forming around your heart and slowing it down. I tried not to frequent this place due to that reason. My mouth was already watering as I stepped out of the car. I immediately caught  a glimpse of Mina’s pink mop behind the window. The mess we call hair is something we could relate to each other on. She was prematurely flipping us off as we walked by her towards the entrance. Since Denki is an actual child, he immediately ran towards Mina, swiftly sliding into the booth. They embraced each other dramatically with a series of squeals. They pulled apart for a mutual cheek kiss, when a small flash of light connected them. 
“Ah! You bitch!” Mina exclaimed as Denki leaned against the table, chest convulsing with laughter. 
Mina began giggling reluctantly, before hovering a small bead of acid above her finger, eyeing Denki threateningly. 
“No no no, please! I’m sorry!” he sputtered. 
Mina raised her brow smugly at his pleading and evaporated the droplet. 
“Hey Shithead, I mean, Shinso.” Mina greeted casually. 
“Hey, Meanie.” I addressed her with my usual nickname for her, before sitting down.
We all looked over the menu, cracking jokes at eachother like usual. 
“Mina, when is your friend going to be here?” Denki asked. 
Oh yeah, I forgot there was supposed to be another person coming.
 “Uuuuuuuh, right now.” 
I followed Mina’s gaze to the entrance of the Diner. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. I saw the same little brunette from earlier in the week. My head snapped back to Denki and Mina’s faces. They were deviously chittering to each other and tried their best not to look at me or else they’d lose all composure. I did not look back again and just fixed my eyes on the menu. I heard her footsteps approaching and realized the only seat available was next to me.
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lveclouds · 5 years
baby, it’s cold outside
pairing: jungkook x you
genre: fluff, just tooth rotting fluff, very cheesy
word count: over 100 i think? lol
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jungkook shivered as he wrapped the bedsheets tightly around him in an attempt to keep warm. he hated winter. it was always too cold and no matter how much he bundled himself up in layers and layers of clothing, it was never enough. the chilly wind that swept over him whenever he’d step outside never failed to make him feel as if he were trapped in a freezer. winter was his least favorite time of year, as it always put him in a bad mood. he loved the warmth that summer and spring brought, and longed for the bright sunshine and crisp and clean air. 
you were fast asleep next to him, curled up in a bundle of blankets, chest rising up and down peacefully. he sighed and quietly moved closer to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his face into your neck. you stirred slowly, eyes still adjusting to the bright morning sun. you couldn’t help but smile at how jungkook was practically clinging on to you like a koala, like he never wanted to let go. “kook?” “mmm?” he hummed. “what’s gotten into you? you’re never this clingy.” you teased, playing with the soft strands of his messy hair. “it’s negative two degrees outside and im freezing. also, you’re warm.” he mumbled. “so you’re using me as a heat source then?” jungkook laughed. “something like that, yeah.” “we need to get up soon.” you said after a long, comfortable silence. “five more minutes.” “fine.” and so you lay there with a tired jungkook curled up into your side, letting sleep take over. and let’s just say you never made it to rehearsal.
a/n: uh this is so shit oh my god anyways hope this was somewhat ok? I’ve been traveling basically all day and haven’t got time to write anything. sorry if this is very bad i tried to make this as cute as possible and i feel like its not.
@honeylovecult @ggukshii @gguksostara @gukkism @j1ns @jinsjjk @jjksangel @jjkinc @ksj1 @gguksbby @aikosjeon @jeonangels @kooksmos @gukscene @kookscrescent @jungkooksmoon @sketchguk @guktual @gukwluv @jeonsdear @jksmoongf @lomlkook @jjksthghs @sweetheartjeongguk @artjjk @utopiajeon @aureumjeon @wthkook @junghobi
happy Valentine’s Day everyone! hope you all have had or are having an amazing day 💕😘!
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kissydolans · 6 years
the boys forget your birthday- dating Grayson imagine.
NOTE: hope you guys like this, if you’re interested in a part two PLEASE let me know :) my requests are open. xo
Warnings: cursing, pg-13 smut nothing detailed.
“ughhhhh” an annoying buzzing sound wakes you up and you know even before you open your eyes that it’s coming from your phone
“hello?” you say still not having opened your eyes
“happy birthday y/n!”
“haha thank you mom. Though i would’ve liked to sleep in as a present”
“sleeping in on your birthday is overrated; there’s too much celebrating to do!” you smile at her optimism this early in the morning, but your mom had always been a morning person- a trait that was not passed to you. “so did i make the cut? was i the first person to wish you a happy birthday?”
“well seeing as how you woke me up, yes you were” you sit up and decide to be awake
“Get up and call Grayson, i’m sure he was waiting for you to call first so he wouldn't wake you up.”
“you’re probably right because he actually loves me.” you say jokingly
“oh honey, i love you too, he’s just nicer than i am. we still have plans this weekend to celebrate right?”
“absolutely mom, love you”
“love you too, honey. happy birthday”
“thank you, bye mom see u saturday”
Birthdays stopped meaning something to you a few years ago but your mom always loved birthdays and tried to make them special, you don't know why you stopped liking them, it was kind of something that just happened after awhile. you didn't dislike your birthday it just wasn't something you expected much from.
feeling awake you decide your mom was right and call Gray
“Good morning babe!” he answers slightly out of breath. You can tell by the way he’s breathing and the noise in the background that he was working out.
“Morning!” you give it a few seconds of silence before you realize he’s not going to say anything else and it’s technically your turn, plus, you called him. “well, uh, i just wanted to say good morning, i know you’re busy so i’ll let you go.”
“ ok baby, i’ll text you in a bit?” he said it like a question, you tried not to overthink that.
“yeah of course. i’ll be here”
“ok, love you. bye” and the call ends. “bye”
you try not to be disappointed because you’re the one that doesn't make your birthday a big deal but this was your first birthday while dating Gray. Last year when you and Gray and Ethan were all just friends they had a big party at their house and it was great. They had a cake and they didn’t push you into the center of attenion. It was just a good time with everyone; it was exactly what you could ask for. Gray and Ethan love birthdays so you were surprised he hadn't said anything. Your mom had invited both Gray and Ethan to her house for dinner this weekend for your family birthday celebration just this past weekend and they had both agreed to come.
your morning went by fast from showering and getting ready deciding on a cute outfit incase you decide to go out but it was secretly because you were hoping Gray did remember and you wouldn't have to change when you go out.
you decide to go out to the kitchen and see a ‘it is your birthday.” banner that you and your roommate always used when it was either of your birthdays because the office was always something you watched together. it made u smile and you snapped her a pic and captioned it with a heart so she knew you had seen it. she snapped u back almost immediately in her work uniform and a cheeky smile on her face captioned ‘check the microwave’. Chocolate chip pancakes, your favorite. you ate in glee and checked the time on your phone. it had been almost 2 hours since your phone call with Gray and he hadn't texted or anything. you swallowed your disappointment but decided to continue your morning like it was any other day. After a couple hours of watching tv and obsessively checking your phone you got a snap from Ethan and opened it. “come over when u get up and come hang out with me, Gray isn't here and I'm bored, plus i have something for you”. You smiled to yourself as you grabbed your keys and ran out the door.
your mind raced as you drove over there, maybe Gray did remember and he and Ethan were going to surprise you, or, at least, Ethan remembered. He was one of your best friends after all.
When you got there you went ahead and walked in, the boys would always give you shit whenever you knocked.
“E?” you yell in the unusually quiet house
you rolled your eyes and smiled, you knew exactly were that was coming from
“fortnite? why am i even surprised. did u even go to bed last night?”
“okay mom.” he replied and you mocked him and stuck out ur tongue back at him.
“your room is filthy” you say looking around at the laundry and water bottles literally everywhere
“ugh u sound like Grayson” he said laying back on his bed and u sat on the foot of it.
“yeah were is he anyway?” you asked, realizing that gray really wasn't there.
he shrugged his shoulders “he went to work out this morning and said something about meeting up with Bryant but other than that i have no idea.”
“i need to get out” he said sitting up before continuing “do u wanna go get lunch or something?”
“yeah sure that sounds really good, i haven't ate since this morning. April went all out and made pancakes” you said hoping he’d take a hint.
he didn't catch on “okay i’ll drive because u drive like a tiny old woman and i would like to get lunch before dinner.”
“choke” u said jokingly, squinting your eyes at him while he laughed back at you.
“before we go, you said u had something for me? did i forget something or..?” you were trying to play coy but once again Ethan didn't catch on.
“yeah actually-” he reached over and grabbed a yellow sweatshirt from the nightstand next to him “-gray said you accidentally left this here and if u came over, to give it to you because you would want it back.”.
you took it from him “oh, right, uhh thanks” you said a little let down.
“no big, lets go.” he said getting up and walking out.
lunch with ethan was nice, but it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. you guys did this pretty regularly. after your quick trip he decided he was going to take a nap before Gray got home. you considered staying there, maybe taking a nap in grays bed or something but you started to get upset. Ethan and Grayson were your best friends and neither of them remembered your birthday. Grayson was your boyfriend and he didn't remember. you decided to just go home and take a bath. you tried to get in a better mood but it didn't work, you were mad at yourself for being mad and you were mad at the boys for forgetting. your phone buzzed.
‘hey babe sorry we haven't talked much today, no real excuse just planning a shoot with Bryant for the new merch. maybe I can come over later ;)’ the text was sweet enough but it just left u disappointed. you decided not to answer for now and put in your earbuds and started to clean the apartment, for whatever reason, cleaning was distracting for you. and time consuming. by the time u had finished the sun was down and the stir fry you had made for dinner was done. your stomach was in knots and you decided not to eat but you texted your roommate that you had made dinner and it was in the fridge for her when she got off. you decided to sleep it off deciding that you just wanted the day to be over. it was a bit earlier than you usually went to bed but today that was fine with you.
April beelined her way straight to the fridge when she got home from work- not even bothering to warm up the stir fry before starting to eat. She was surprised that you had been home to make it in the first place. The apartment was silent when she got home so she assumed y/n was out with Grayson. She saw your yellow sweatshirt on the counter and decided to throw it on your bed for you because she knew it was the one that she liked to wear to bed because you always said it smelled like Grayson. when she got into your room she was shocked that you were in there asleep, not only that, but you were alone.
“Ape?” came a tired voice from a mound of blankets
“Hey birthday girl! sorry i didn't know you were home, i was just gonna leave out your sweatshirt for when you came home”
“ ’s okay” y/n said sleepily.
“why are u home? its only like 8:30 i figured you’d be out and stuff? Where’s Grayson? Did you guys get in a fight?”
“not really”
“not really?”
“he forgot”
“he forgot what?” her eyes widened in realization “HE FORGOT YOUR BIRTHDAY!?”
“yeah, can we just talk in the morning? i just want to go to bed. thank you for my pancakes” you yawned
“yeah in the morning”
“mkay” you said already falling back asleep
April walked out and closed the door “im gonna kill him” she said to no one in particular already pulling out her phone.
Grayson decided to head over to y/n’s. April had sent him a weird text telling him to come over because he had forgotten something. Y/n still hadn't texted him back from earlier but he assumed that she had just forgotten or maybe something had happened to her phone since April was the one telling him to come over.
A wave of nausea froze his chest whenever he walked into the apartment and saw the banner.
“oh fuck”
April was sitting at the counter on her laptop when he walked in “yep.” she replied cooly “she's asleep in case you were wondering”
“i knew- i knew i was forgetting something today. I thought maybe i had a training session this morning or that i had made plans with Bryant or something. i knew it. FUCK! DAMMIT!” he yelled, practically pulling out his hair. he couldn't forgive himself for this. his beautiful girlfriend had spent her birthday all alone because he had forgotten her birthday. he felt so awful he could cry.
“did u not just hear me say she was asleep?” april hissed then rolled her eyes and sighed, deciding to take pity on him because he looked genuinely sad.
“i’m not the one you need to explain to.” she said taking a kinder tone
he ran a hand through his hair and practically ran to her room
she was asleep just like April said, her hair almost entirely covering her face but Gray could tell she looked sad. Grayson wanted to evaporate, but mostly he wanted her to be in his arms, he wanted a whole do over on this day. another wave of nausea hit him when he saw that she wasn't wearing his sweatshirt that she always wore to bed, she must be really mad at him, he felt the tears well up in his eyes and he walked over to the bed.
You woke up to someone lightly brushing your hair away from your face. You knew it was Grayson, it was something he did all the time to wake you up.
“it’s me”
“hi baby”
“it was my birthday today” you don't know why you decided to tell him, the day was almost over and it didn't really matter now, but you wanted him to know all the same. most of your anger had faded in your sleep just like you had hoped but you still felt a bit sad.
“i know baby” you could hear the sadness and guilt in his voice
“you do?” you yawned. “april,  she-“ he decided not to explain “y/n, i am so sorry i am so so sorry”. “its okay” you pulled him closer as he sat down on the bed, he was warm and he smelled good and you looked up at him and realized he was on the verge of crying.
“it’s not okay, i forgot . i just forgot?! how could i forget? it was your birthday. and you didn't wear the sweatshirt and i know you’re mad at me and I'm so- I'm so sorry”
you sat up and wiped Gray’s eyes “i was mad, i-i’m not anymore. I didn't not wear it on purpose, i was just tired. and now I'm freezing. Could you pass it to me?”
he hopped up quickly and passed it to you at watched you strip from your shirt and put the sweatshirt on and pull your hair back. it made him feel better, but only slightly.
“baby please come home with me, we can sleep in my bed and watch a movie. i could make us dinner or we could still go out? its only about 9:30 and this is LA things will be open for awhile!” he was rambling already grabbing for his phone. you walked over to him pulling him into a hug. he relaxed into you and rested his chin on your head “ i love you” he breathed just hoping you’d say it back. “i love you gray” you replied with no hesitation. He leaned back to look you in the eye and he kissed you gently and quickly “i’m so sorry”. “i know” you put your hand on the back of his neck and pulled him down to kiss you deepening it this time, you had missed him today. His hair was soft and his lips tasted like peppermint. you pulled him to the bed with you and he layed on his back and you rested your head on his chest like you always did. “let’s just sleep here tonight, we can think about the rest tomorrow.” he nodded and softly rubbed your back and kissed your forehead, you both fell asleep quickly.
the next day Grayson woke you up with a breakfast he made ‘all by himself’  to which April yelled from the kitchen ‘LIAR!’, “ignore her she’s slowly losing her mind, it’s really sad” he joked and you smiled back taking the plate, and he leaned down to kiss you which you happily returned. “Baby i just wanted-“ “Gray you don’t have to apologize again. i know you’re sorry i forgive you.” you said, and you meant it. You knew Grayson loved you, and you were a little embarrassed of how angry you had gotten even after claiming that you didn’t care about your birthday. He looked at you in such a loving way that it gave you butterflies you wished would stay forever. he sat on the bed and urged you to eat while the food was hot, you happily obliged. “i know that you don’t care about your birthday but i do, i love birthdays, you know me! And i love you i want you to have a great day everyday but your birthday is supposed to be special and i just- i fucked up. Even though u forgive me i did fuck up. and i want to fix it.”
you wanted to tell him that he didn't have to do anything but your mouth was full, you went to cover your mouth to speak anyway but you were interrupted “no talking with your mouth full you’ll choke. We’re doing this today, no excuses. you smiled and swallowed. “ok bossy what’s on the agenda first today, then?” he smiled at you but it quickly changed into a naughty lip bite and he wiggled his eyebrows and you felt your core begin to warm. “i was thinking-“ he paused to take your plate and put it on the nightstand behind him before climbing on all fours to hover above you, your faces almost touching. “-i could fuck you, right here until your toes curl and you lose your voice screaming my name” it was barely a whisper and your faces were almost touching. you forgot how to breathe. “Or-” he said rolling off of you, your throat immediately betraying you by softly whining. He laid on his back next to you, smiling and put it hands behind his head to look up at the ceiling “we could go mess with E and tell him what a bad friend he is for forgetting your birthday.”. You immediately climb on top of him, straddling him, stripping off the sweatshirt to bare your chest, catching him completely off guard. You smiled to yourself and leaned down to whisper in his ear “What would you rather do?”. You kissed down his jawline to his adams apple and looked up at his shocked face that immediately spread into your favorite smirk. He grabbed you flipped you over so he was back on top. 
There was no need for him to answer.
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some-rfa-imagines · 6 years
TW: Blood mention!! I woke up at 2 in the AM with a bloody nose. Funny thing is, I can handle blood UNLESS it comes from my nose. A nosebleed makes me feel faint real quick, which is super inconvenient, because if I pass out I’ve just gotten blood everywhere. I spend like an hour trying to distract myself so I don’t faint. I was wondering if you could write the RFA’s reaction to something like that? It’s totally fine if you can’t, me sending a request was very impulsive. :P
lkjhgfddhgkgk what a mOOD
a) im upset bc i wrote this and then delETED IT ON ACCIDENT so im vvv sorry if it seems repetitive, im real tired and so done with rewriting kjgfddklasd
b) i’m the exact same anon! anyway, i hope you’re okay //hugs
tw: blood
its approx 1:29am when you wake up to taste blood trickling down your throat
gdi not again
you quietly slip out of bed, careful not to wake yoosung as you stumble around to look for a tissue
suddenly you’re hit with a wave of dizziness and you trip, hitting the edge of the bedside table with a BANG
 “…MC? what was that?”
yoosung wakes up as your swear profusely under your breath, trying to cover your face before you get blood everywhere
he turns on the light and faces you
and promptly shREIKS
“really. i couldn’t tell.”
after getting over the initial shock, he helps you over to the bathroom, cleaning you up gently and grabbing you some tissues and a towel
how on earth did you get blood on your elbow MC
oh no wait thats just a cut from the bedside table nvm
he dips the towel in cold water and rests it against your neck, changing it when it gets too warm (idk thats just what i do to help my bleeding noses so ┐(´∀`)┌)
talks with you and distracts you by drawing little patterns on your skin for as long as it takes for your body to stop inconveniencing you
will wait up all night if necessary
many tissues were sacrificed that night
ahhhh no shit shit shit this is the worst possible time
you’re backstage at one of Zen’s shows, waiting for him when you sneeze into your elbow
when you pull away, you see the familiar red liquid and promptly sigh, holding a hand t ot. he bridge of your nose and wobbling as you get to your feet
thats when Zen bursts into the dressing room, chatting excitedly. he sees you and stops short
quick say something MC!
“Nice show, Zen.” (really MC?) “Thanks babe. You alright there?” “Yep. Just peachy.” “You sure?” “Uh-huh. positive.”
you take a step forward and immediately c o l l a p s e
Zen catches you in his arms (looks like you fell for him //slapped) and guides you back to the couch, laying you down
“yeah, nope. just stay there, i’ll grab a towel and some tissues” “yeah, okay, good plan. thanks zen”
he brings you some water and chocolate and distracts you by singing and talking about what he thought went well during the show and what could’ve been done better
you give your input every once in a while, half struggling to stay awake
its ok bc even if you faint (which would still suck), Zen will still take care of you
bc he loves you
many cuddles until you feel better
[she likes to consider herself a rather prepared person
but nothing could prepare her for this]
she wandered into the kitchen late at night, wondering why you weren’t in bed yet
she didn’t expect to see you passed out, sitting on a stool, resting against the sink and covered in blood.
actually screams in terror (she thought you were dead
rushes over to you and panics, immediately checking your pulse
you’re still alive, oh thank god
relief for a second before realising that jhghjk you’re still bleeding
she props you up and carries you to the bathroom, laying you down in the bathtub before washing you off
there goes that outfit rip
googles what she has to do from here bc does she wake you up? does she wait for you to wake up?? she is Not Prepared
settles on waking you up by gently shaking you and talking to you until you wake up
So Relieved when you begin to stir and open your eyes
you’re hella confused as to how you got into the bathroom but it all begins to make sense when you see jaehee sitting on the edge of the tub, worried as all hell
oh beb, MC didn’t mean to make you panic im sorry
stays with you and comforts you everytime it happens so she never has to go through that fear ever again
it had to be now, didn’t it? this very moment. of course. it just had to be during a celebratory ball.
you felt it coming as you chatted with some friends and you instantly began to panic
okay, okay, stay calm MC. You’ve done this before, it’s okay. everything’s okay.
“If you’ll excuse me for a moment. I just need some air.” you left the conversation, ducking into a nearby hallway and leaning against a table. you stayed like that for a while, beginning to feel faint
jumin is wandering around the ballroom, looking for you. he meets up with your friends who tell him you stepped out for a little fresh air maybe 20mins ago.
oh okay
he knew you so he knew that you were most likely fine but there was a little nagging voice in the back of his mind that told him something was wrong. so, he gave it another ten minutes or so before he began to worry
excusing himself, he stepped into the same hallway that you were in before stopping dead in his tracks at the sight of you
you were collapsed in a chair, almost unconscious, with your nose still fuckin bleeding
jumin.exe has stopped working
needless to say, you immediately left the ball and went straight home
he ran his fingers through your hair as you rested, helping you wash your face and just whispering sweet nothings or sitting in silence w/ you until you finally fell asleep
contacts many doctors to figure out this problem so your health doesn’t decline
helps distract you by talking about new projects or funny things he overheard at the office or wine
oof this is untimely
you were just getting out of the shower when you glanced down and noticed a steady trickle of blood making its way down your chest
you could’ve sworn it was just water like three seconds ago
asdtyjkl now you have to go back and shower agAIN aaagghhghh
you go to hop back into the shower when you’re suddenly overwhelmed by dizziness
seven jolts at the massive bang that echoes through the house. even saeran sends him a text to ask what the hell that was
it sounds like it came from the bathroom,,, and wait, weren’t you taking a shower?
the worst case scenarios flash through his mind and in half a second saeyoung’s up and dashing to the bathroom
when he gets there his eyes widen and he starts knocking on the door frantically
he can smell that very familiar, metallic crimson scent. (lololol seven is a bloodhound now its canon bc i said so)
“MC!! MC!! It’s me, open up!”
picks the lock when you dont get the door
literally freezes on the spot when he sees you on the floor, surrounded by bright red blood
“Holy shit, MC!!!!”
panics. a lot. he doesnt even care that you’re naked, he needs you to wake up and now. he needs you not to be dead.
basically faints from relief when you groan in pain, bringing a hand to your head to shield your eyes from the light.
“seven, what are you doing in here?” “i thought you were dead MC!” “huh? ah- oh… that… i’ll explain that later… first could you, uh, hand me my towel?” “What? …!”
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
anyway, he shows you all his gadgets whenever you have a bleeding nose so you don’t have a repeat of the above incident.
he helps you clean up the blood afterwards. he’s,,,, surprisingly good at it,,,,
whoops i had a nap while rewriting this
Askbox Open || Requests Open || i love feedback! and also pls chat w/ me i’m v lonely
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singingpuddle · 7 years
My commentary whilst watching Buzzfeedblue’s “The Ghost Town At Vulture Mine”
Happy day after Friday the 13th ya spooks. In honor of this especially spoopy occaasion and our favorite bois new vid. I am doing another commentary.
1. I ship them, if you don’t that’s cool with me.
2. This post is super long
3. I long for the day I no longer have to cross out the boy in boyfriend when it comes to these two. this will be abundantly clear by the amount of times i do
4. After a little bit i will stop putting full names, so just know.
5.I recommend watching the video along with or before going through this post, because if you haven’t seen it you will be lost.
R=Ryan and S=Shane
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Shane: He’s my Ghoulfriend™
R: This is totally not a date
Me: Welp, this is going to be interesting
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Me: This is so cute. Like your just lightly chatting with him to make sure hes okay.
S: Who? Me? I’m just as creeped out as he is.
Me: Yeah but your like helping him along.
S: Well yeah, that’s what good boyfriends do.
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Me: They look like two gay dads on a camping trip.
R: Why is everything have to be gay and paternal?
Me: Well you guys are gay as heck.
R: We are both in straight relationships.
Me: O.K. correction, you both act gay as heck with each other.
R: Better. But the dad thing?
Me: Oh that? Your both older men who act goofy and seem like you would be good fathers.
R: Thanks?
Me: Your welcome.
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R: “Maybe tonight you’ll get lucky then.”
Me: Look Rye Berg, I now you were talking about ghosts (which let’s be honest we know you have a kink for), but that sentence taken out of context is really-
R: You say gay and I will kick you out of your own comments post.
Me: You can’t do that, that’s breaking the fourth wall if there is one.
R: Try me.
Ari tests Ryan
“Gay”: Said
Threats: Made
Shane: Entertained
Ari is forcibly removed from her own text post
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Me: He needs to be blinded to see the ghosts.
R: *yelling from near the door* Shane stop writing as if your Ari. I kicked her out, I get to be her.
Me: Be her?
R: I get to take over position on this post.
Ari: *banging on door* Let me in you Bastard
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Me: Just two heterosexual men being bros.
Ari: *bursts in after unscrewing the door hinges* ITS GAY, ITS GAY FLIRTING, IM TAKING BACK MY GODDAMN POST GODDAMN IT!
S: You’re doing amazing sweetie!
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Me: *after wrestling Ryan for keyboard control* Look my two favorite things, Quartz and Gold
S: I like her commentary better, more pure.
R: She has called us gay how many times?
S: Why does it matter, it’s not like she hates our girlfriends or would force the ship on us.
Me,R,&S: *cough at those types of shippers*
R: Yeah but it’s still a bit annoying.
Me: You don’t make it hard to think those things though.
R: Yeah yeah, just get back to the video.
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Me: Dango
Shane: You could say that again.
Me: Dango.
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Me: boyfriends
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Me: If you don’t think ghost towns are creepy you can shut the hell up. They are creepy as shit.
S&R: Preach
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R: “That being said.”
S: Take a sip babes.
Me: I totally forgot about the drinking game. *gets up to leave then glares at Ryan* I don’t trust you though
*Locks computer*
*Runs downstairs to get drink*
Me: IM BACK WITCHES! What happened while I was gone.
S: Oh nothing. Ryan sucked me off, we discussed the meaning of life. Ya know the usge.
S & Me: *finger guns*
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Me: That happened once in an episode of Ms. Fishers Murder Mysteries.
R: You watch like way to many shows about murder.
S: Yeah should we be worried
Me: No, you shouldn’t. I just think they’re interesting.
R: Ok??
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(+1 for Shanesquatch making his boyfriend smile)
(+1 for Beanpole McFlannel Lightening the mood as to calm both himself and his boyfriend)
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(+1 for smiley boyfriends)
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Me: Ah… remember the days of Shook Ryan™. Now he is just mildly stirred
S: IDK, he still gets pretty shook
Me: We shall see
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Me: YOU IDIOTS, YOUR DOING THE “dumb white girl in a horror movie thing” AND ITS STUPID.
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Me: *mocking ryan* I SHooooooK myself
R: Fuck off, you would have been terrified if you went.
Me: Thus Why I didnt
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Me: I don’t get it? Why is this funny? Inside joke???
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Me: He had a “secret mine” in the “Supersticion Mountians”? Boi, no he didn’t. They are called the fucking Supersticion mountains.  That’s like saying I have a boyfriend living in the “I TOTALLY DON’T HAVE A GIRLFRIEND” mountains.
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(+1 This entire section of bants)
(+1 for making me laugh so hard I had to pause and take a break)
(+1 for playfully flirty boyfriends)
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R&S,&Me: (wheeze)
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Me: … do I need to say it?
R: Say what?
S: Let me guess. *shitty impression of me* “gay”.
Me: approximately, I was gonna say “Interesting”.
S: Which is just your way of saying. “There are very few scenarios involving this that aren’t at least partially gay.”
Me: Well I’m shook.
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Me: you guys fucked in the glory hole didn’t you?
S: Yup, the fucking tragedy is we went on this road trip not to film a video but to fuck I a haunted cave called the glory hole. You caught us.
Me: *Giggling*
R: *shook*
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Me: Boi, fuck safety imma get rich. *pickaxe motion* YEET
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Me: Blech, cold coffee. Hey Shane imma go warm this up. Can you make sure Ryan doesn’t take over again
Me: Hey Ryan, how bout them spooks
R: Shane, she literally just ask you not to do that.
Me: No she said not to let you do this.
R: …
Me: … she sure is taking her time.
R: You think its on purpose?
Me: Probabaly not, I can hear her coming up the stairs now.
Ari: Mkay im back.
R: you keep leaving, why?
Ari: Because I don’t keep food and drinks in my room? Chill dude.
Me: …
Ari: Also Shane, give me back the keyboard.
Me: fine.
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Me: That moment you realize your relationship has changed you.
R: We are not in a relationship.
Me: Friends right. You guys have a Friend-ship.
R: Fine.
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Me: Ass- Bat™ my new favorite super hero.
S: Behind Razor boy right?
R: (wheeze) Yeah behind Razor boy.
Me: Nah behind C.C. Tinsley
(+1 for Shane “Heart eyes” Madaj)
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Me: Rocks around here can rustle in the breeze, that breeze being a twister.
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Me: You know what me too Shane, Me too. Give me dat gold and dat good smooch but if you want violence im not ya gal.
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Me: Look at the cute lil messy boyfriends in the recording booth.
(+1 for Shane's face)
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Me: can we just stop and appreciate how good y’all look.
R: Thanks.
(+1 for Shay May’s heart eyes)
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Me: Dango my dude. Don’t steal.
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Me: Shane? Are you like, proud of him?
S: Yeah it was good.
Me: Okayy?
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S & Me: Ass-Bat™
Me: Back at it again.
S: Coming for your ass.
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R: Im feeling brave, test me bitch
*something happens*
R: *shookest*
Me: (WHEEZE) You’re fucking bravery went right out that fucking window.
R: Oh, it was just the camera.
Me: Dango my dude, you shuuk.
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Me: Oh shit, Shanes collars up, you know whay that means.
R: What?
Me: Duh, Douchebag Shane, but only to ghosts.
S: I would be mad, but you’re totally right.
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Me: That’s not at all traumatizing. A school kid being like “My best friend Timothy died last week and now I have to walk by the grave every day when I go to school.
S: Totally not traumatizing.
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S: Boy, you spookin ya-self. Chill it with the rumor this and allegedly that. Ghost towns are creepy enough as it is.
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*creepy ghost piano plays G note*
Me: Ok you ghosties are you trying to hurt me
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Me: The heck is that?
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Me: Yeah caus help scratched into the wall and the shooting range paper riddled with holes weren’t already omens enough
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Me: … You idjits
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(+1 for goofy smiley boyfriends)
Me: Wait a sec, you’re not boyfriends…. Your boofriends
R: (wheeze)
S: You know somehow that’s just as bad, I love it.
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R: *is being a goof*
S: *suddenly a dom for some reason*
R: *immediately becomes submissive and starts to do what he says*
Me: What did I just witness?
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Me: Ah you noticed that too Shane? Yeah, well its your fucking fault.
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Me: Demon Shane, its looking a little bit more cannon.
R: *shook*
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Me: Yo Rye, you finna… *waggling eyebrows in Shanes direction*
S: You wanna wax my carrot, make it all shiny?
R: Shut the fuck up both of you.
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Me: Ass-Bat™ this time not only coming for your ass but that sweet shiny carrot as well.
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Me: Tbh it just sounds like Shane saying what. But like, he didn’t soooooooo…
Not Shane Ghost voice: What?
Me: So it’s clearly a ghost.
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Me: Aww look at you two being all coy and blushy because your gonna polish each others pickles later.
R&S: ...
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Me: (wheeze) I CAN’T STOP FUCKING LAUGHING. You fucking JUMPED out that house. Any more shook and you would have jumped into Shane’s arms.
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Me: YESS.. give me that cinematic shit.
This long ass post brought to you by:
Link to video here
Link to Masterpost here
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flcwerstudies · 7 years
cute tag!
pretty long post coming up!! Thanks to @cafedetude for tagging me!! im tagging: @hermiionegrcnger​ @studying-frenzy​ @belledoe​ @tiny-notes​ @theteadesk​ !! You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to ofc and if u want to do it and i haven’t tagged you go ahead!! 
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? there must always be more milk than cereal, but that amount must not exceed a certain amount do you get me? when i scoop my cereal there has to be proportionate amounts of milk in each scoop, consistently, until i have finished my bowl. my mind is a strange and lonely place. 
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? yes! its so refreshing and i feel like all your lethargy just evaporates... i love taking walks in the winter around my neighborhood in the evenings.
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? spoons, lipsticks, i once used another book to bookmark a book, hair elastic, my contact lenses case, compact mirror....im a mess, i know 
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? tea: scalding hot with lots of sugar and some milk. coffee: lots of milk, so much sugar 
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? no? i just want my braces off!!
6: do you keep plants? yess
7: do you name your plants? yes! i am currently growing two wild roses and I’ve named them Calliope and Polymnia. 
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? journaling, writing, reenacting musicals and dramatic renditions of songs? 
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? yeah ofccc it keeps me sane 
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? back and side 
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? CAROL THE LESBIAN LIBRARIAN // mary walks by // too many to list here tbh 
12: what’s your favorite planet? mars! and also venus 
13: what’s something that made you smile today? my friends 
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? a hurricane flew thru the entire place, empty wine bottles on the ground, beanbag chairs, stacks of books and movies, maybe a cat and a dog lazing around on the couch 
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! there’s a gigantic cloud of alcohol wayyyyy out in outer space that could produce over 450 trillion pints of beer 
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish? give me all the pasta. i love all pastas. 
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? im ok with my hair color now 
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. GETTING A CAPUCHIN MONKEY AS MY PATRONUS ON POTTERMORE
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? yes! i rant a lot and i sort of write down reflections? on my day and things. its really emo and angsty lmao im 16 pls 
20: what’s your favorite eye color? brown eyes. so gentle. so sharp. so kind but so cruel. so ambiguous! 
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. my tote bag from myanmar! the straps are falling off but i love it so much 
22: are you a morning person? depends on if i slept early enough 
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? sleep, watch a movie, watch youtube, read 
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? absolutely not. it always pisses me off when people are like ohhh you can tell me anything??? no i can’t???? 
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? my friend’s house lmao 
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? my peach converse! they’re so pastel and they seem weird but converse generally go well with a lot of things 
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? i don’t like gum tbh 
28: sunrise or sunset? both 
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? sticks his tongue out when he’s concentrating and its so cute i die everytime 
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? yes but i will never ever go into detail with anyone about this lmao 
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. i love socks, i like wearing weird socks except for toe socks, people who sleep with socks on are Immune to Heat and Not Afraid Of Dying?? no white socks get nasty real quick and they’re so bland, i love socks i have this grey pair with french bulldog faces allllll over it and i wear them all the time and even though people can’t see them i still get happy and tell people about my dog socks. 
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. HA LMAO we had just watched a scary movie so obviously we turned on my little pony and watched that for two hours 
33: what’s your fave pastry? cupcakes! anything tbh i have an enormous sweet tooth 
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? my dad used to go on a lot of business trips and he came back once with a huge stuffed bear from switzerland and its so fuzzy its still on my bed. it’s name is Fred and it wears overalls and it has brown fur! 
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? yes to all!!
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now? paul anka lmao he’s not a band but ya know 
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? clean
38: tell us about your pet peeves! wHEN UR JAMMING OUT TO MUSIC AND THEN SPOTIFY JUST STOPS WORKING?? people asking me if im mad when im just being quiet and then making me mad by continually questionning me, people who will ask dumb questions (yes, there are always dumb questions. google is free and im not going to tell u the homework, it’s written on the board quite clearly u moron), racist/homophobic/ableist/ generally offensive and disrespectful people 
39: what color do you wear the most? grey and navy 
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you? I have mismatching earrings that my grandmother got me for my birthday! 
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving? Fifteen Dogs by Andre Alexis! 
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! the starbucks on center street it’s very Starbucks, exactly what you would expect, but I always sit in the corner spot near the windows 
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? My family! 
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? sitting in the sand in shell key, florida. my feet are in the water and i am watching my family swimming. I am very sunburnt but my mind is completely blank in a good way 
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? absolutely 
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. ofc they used a baby lion as their mascot. it’s simba-lic. 
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? there’s this food in korea that’s just stir fried rice with soybean sprouts and the sprouts..... aw god....they refuse to be bitten in half and it’s so gross i hate it sm 
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? darkness! and no it is different today!
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? there are scarce places to buy CD’s now but the last one I bought was Micheal Jackson’s Bad 
50: what’s an odd thing you collect? bottle caps and paperclips and also pens i pick off the ground 
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? my dad. any aretha franklin song 
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? the spongebob one and the gif of the white man who blinks a lot....u know the one 
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? i loved all of them and i want to be able to quote them in all of my speech but i dont think people have watched all of them 
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?  i was working on homework last night and when i was turning on my laptop to work on my project i met my reflection in the screen 
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? been incredibly bitchy like damn.....i surprise myself and i really hate it 
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? when people use weird shit as bookmarks, when they laugh with their eyes shut, laugh lines near their eyes, dimples, kindness, when they aren’t afraid of making eye contact with me bc i have weirdly intense eyes  
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? it did not fit the mood of my day but yes i did reenact the lyrics 
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? my friend diana is the wine mom but i am the vodka aunt. why?? she is infinitely more caring and kind and sophisticated and also wine gets u lowkey, calm drunk, while i, the vodka aunt, am caring, but i have a bit of a laissez faire attitude and go with the flow and ‘damn what the hell fuck it’ kinda vibe and vodka gets u sloppy shitfaced drunk with none of the sophistication that comes with wine. 
59: what’s your favorite myth? icarus
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? i dont LOVE poetry but i like haikus they’re like clever one liners ha 
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received? I gave my friend a notebook that i’d hastily made the night before and I have received a box of pads which in retrospect is not even a stupid present bc pads are expensive 
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? i drink oj when i can 
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? i organize them every month bc i am ridiculous and i can’t function if my bookshelf is weirdly organized 
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? pale grey almost white.
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? my oldest group of friends (TNT lmaoooo) OR YOU KNOW callixtus from volunteering holyyy. you know those people who u meet and u immediately click with?? he’s on of them magical people and he was hella funny too i miss that guy to all hell 
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? small roses! peach blossoms and cherry blossoms too. one huge ass hibiscus or lotus flower as a statement piece 
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? cozy and sheltered. valid excuse for not going out 
68: what’s winter like where you live? terrible but i love it kinda 
69: what are your favorite board games? monopoly 
70: have you ever used a ouija board? NO WHAT 
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea? barley, green or reallllyyyy black tea with loootss of sugar so that it makes your teeth ache 
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it? yeah how’d you know 
73: what are some of your worst habits? expecting everyone to be on the same page 
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. dedicated and brash, loud and hilarious, soft, amazing, i love them a lot 
75: tell us about your pets! i dont have pets!! T-T�� 
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? studying BUT DONT CALL ME OUT LIKE THIS OK
77: pink or yellow lemonade? pink 
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? hateclub sorry 
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? done my makeup for me while gossiping with me
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? pale green and yeah i did. i chose it bc i love green! and the old color was boring and i didn’t like it  
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. no edges at all, soft bovine eyes , shaking leaves, crocodile tears 
82: are/were you good in school? yes! it’s a source of a lot of pride for me! 
83: what’s some of your favorite album art? amsterdam by nothing but thieves omg 
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? oohh nahh im not planning on getting tattoos im scared of needles 
85: do you read comics? what are your faves? through the woods? i used to read a lot of them but you know i grew out of them 
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? not especially no 
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? the drop, double indemnity, back to the future, idk there’s a lot 
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? the rennaissance! it was so extra and i loved it a lot 
89: are you close to your parents? yeah
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. TORONTO-soaring skyline from the highways at night near the lakeshore, the lights from the condos are like stars and its ridiculous but i also loooooveee dubrovnik in croatia and hanoi in vietnam and kaunas in lithuania and kyoto in japan.....in dubrovnik the wind blows in from the shore and at night when the lights are on in the walled city the stone glows amber. In Hanoi in the old quarter, motorbikes flash by and there’s yelling and the smell of pork skewers and there’s old buildings and new ones, huge stalks of bamboo leaning up against the walls. In Kaunas the wind is so cold and sharp and the buildings are so clean and there’s that old fortress and the tower! it’s so beautiful. and Kyoto is old and archaic but so modern it hurts and the streets are too uniform and the houses creep me out a bit bc they’re so quiet. 
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? i dont think so 
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? i will bury my pasta in cheese just you watch 
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most? my hair is one style fits all bc its short 
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? my friend!
95: what are your plans for this weekend? study and work on projects and homework and stress and nap and have dinner with a guest 
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? no updates. we die like men. 
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? isfj-t, aries, ravenclaw 
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? sometime in september? it was nice! 
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. put your head on my shoulder by paul anka....there’s a lot and im really lazy sorry 
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? 5 years in the future, just to see where I end up 
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internetdetectives · 5 years
11/9/19 - Chat with Erika
Erika_XP💚 12:53 AM: "@IIIII”
Erika_XP💚 12:53 AM: "Oh bugger I messed that one up”
Erika_XP💚 12:53 AM: "What in the world is going on in here?”
otherLiam 1:14 AM: "Oh boy.”
otherLiam 1:14 AM: "Welcome, newbie.”
otherLiam 1:14 AM: "Currently we have a small situation where two veterans have been possessed by ghosts and one of ‘em is trying to eat all of us.”
otherLiam 1:14 AM: "Also our main man Tyler, who you know as Silentdork,  has been kidnapped and become part of a weird amalgamation that you just @ ‘d.”
otherLiam 1:14 AM: "I am certain that none of that made sense, and so I strongly advise you to read either the “Story” or “Timelines” sections on the wiki i linked you earlier.”
otherLiam 1:14 AM: "If not, the cliffnotes of what’s going on right now is: we’re expecting some big shit to happen on november 11th, because it always does and one of our possessed boys is counting down to it. We’re trying to prevent an apocalypse from happening in an alternate timeline but that’s kinda taken a backseat to the fact that we’re under personal attack.”
otherLiam 1:14 AM: "anyway, this is where shit happens. The channel is normally called “johnisdead”, but one of the possessed people is the fucking admin.”
otherLiam 1:14 AM: "And he likes pumpkins.”
Erika_XP💚 1:28 AM: "Wait I beg your pardon, possesed?”
Erika_XP💚 1:28 AM: "What is this colour change?”
/Mr. Circle\ 1:28 AM: "[pddrddrf”
/Mr. Circle\ 1:28 AM: "i mean yes”
Eevee Reborn 1:29 AM: "Great…”
Eevee Reborn 1:29 AM: "You pumpkin'd the new girl”
Eevee Reborn 1:30 AM: "I think the color change means we've been consumed or something”
Erika_XP💚 1:31 AM: "I feel violated but very well”
/Mr. Circle\ 1:32 AM: "everybody gangsta til the [i,[lom starts [pddrddomh [rp[;r”
ADULT_LINK 1:33 AM: "lmao”
Erika_XP💚 1:34 AM: "I have never once heard Tyler speak of such a thing as this pumpkin fellow so I can't imagine where he gained such dominion from.  I wont be frightened by this event. I just hope tyler is doing alright. But what in the hell is this pumpkin head doing?”
Erika_XP💚 1:34 AM: "Ok I think I typed that poorly there maybe I am a little frightened by this late halloween event”
Eevee Reborn 1:38 AM: "Pumpkin face is eatin' up.”
Xenquility 9:48 PM: "WOAH”
Xenquility 9:48 PM: "WOLFCAT JUST”
Xenquility 9:48 PM: "LEFT”
PAKO 9:48 PM: "IIIII is writing”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:48 PM: "IWHAT”
PAKO 9:48 PM: "ooooooh”
Xenquility 9:48 PM: "THE FUCK”
ADULT_LINK 9:48 PM: "oh shit”
PAKO 9:48 PM: "i see”
/Mr. Circle\ 9:48 PM: ":thinking:”
PAKO 9:49 PM: "i swear”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:49 PM: ":crab: WOLFCAT HAS GONE:crab:”
/Mr. Circle\ 9:49 PM: ":CrabRave:”
ADULT_LINK 9:49 PM: "hmm”
PAKO 9:49 PM: "@IIIII Are you here?”
ADULT_LINK 9:49 PM: "im not gonna say anything but”
ADULT_LINK 9:49 PM: "i see what you did there”
ADULT_LINK 9:49 PM: "i dont know how you did”
ADULT_LINK 9:49 PM: "but i see what you did”
PAKO 9:49 PM: "i see you” 
ADULT_LINK 9:50 PM: "very clever,”
Xenquility 9:50 PM: "who did what I was pissing”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:50 PM: "I just remembered that time I was bored and I asked 4 ciphers and circle sent me file 59”
/Mr. Circle\ 9:50 PM: "who are you talking to lmao”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:50 PM: "Yeah lol”
ADULT_LINK 9:50 PM: "not gonna elaborate cuz its probably gonna spoil somethin”
/Mr. Circle\ 9:50 PM: "oh i know what you're talking about shhh”
Xenquility 9:50 PM: "It's not spoiling”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:50 PM: "Too late”
Xenquility 9:50 PM: "It's uh”
ADULT_LINK 9:50 PM: "oh nothing i just have big brain and saw thru the smoke for a second”
Xenquility 9:50 PM: "Figuring things out”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:50 PM: "Now tell me”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:50 PM: "You dumbydums”
PAKO 9:51 PM: "tyler is now active”
ADULT_LINK 9:51 PM: ":NinjaLink:”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:51 PM: "How is wolfcat gonna archive all this shit on the wiki if he is not here :(“
PAKO 9:51 PM: "It has been a sign”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:51 PM: "Yo wtf was thorin talking about”
Xenquility 9:51 PM: "wiki whadaya mean a wiki”
Xenquility 9:51 PM: "who's managing a wiki”
Erika_XP💚 9:52 PM: "What have I just logged in to see here?”
Xenquility 9:52 PM: "ass”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:52 PM: "Um”
ADULT_LINK 9:52 PM: "oh hey new person”
Erika_XP💚 9:52 PM: "OH hello there Mr red link”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:52 PM: "Wolfcat (one of the possessed dudes) left”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:53 PM: ">Mr red link“
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:53 PM: "WHEEZE”
PAKO 9:53 PM: "are you here”
PAKO 9:53 PM: "?”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:53 PM: "Technically the truth tho”
PAKO 9:53 PM: "tell something”
IIIII 9:53 PM: "Before the day of reckoning could come forth I had to take charge of the highest powers to make a clear decree”
PAKO 9:53 PM: "omg”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:53 PM: "Inb4 patrem”
Xenquility 9:54 PM: "What was your decree?”
PAKO 9:54 PM: "uoooh”
PAKO 9:54 PM: "what?”
Xenquility 9:54 PM: "Also "jpe fp upi di[[pdr o vsm yu[r oy dp wiovl;u”
Xenquility 9:54 PM: "how do you suppose I can type it so quickly" (Not arg relating just translated circle's bullshit)”
IIIII 9:55 PM: "There are none among you possesed in this charlatans illusion”
Xenquility 9:55 PM: "That sounds good”
Erika_XP💚 9:55 PM: "I beg you pardon?”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:55 PM: "Jk”
PAKO 9:55 PM: "very good is be true”
Xenquility 9:55 PM: "So this guy has been jerking us around this whole time? No bullshit about us being in his dream or whatever?”
IIIII 9:55 PM: "I will be honest”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:55 PM: "I can't understand this type of english”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:55 PM: "I need to study”
PAKO 9:56 PM: "oh right”
IIIII 9:57 PM: "I am pretty irrate at how far off the rails things have gone. But now I have taken grip. What you were experiencing was a game jack, but this is what happens when I slacken.”
IIIII 9:57 PM: "I dont like having to be so blunt about things”
Xenquility 9:57 PM: "Holy shit”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:57 PM: "W a I t w h a t”
Xenquility 9:58 PM: "How the hell did pages like /yugi and /wolf happen?”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:59 PM: "Yo sorry to break the vibe but uh”
IIIII 9:59 PM: "I really am not in the mood to explain that. But HEY dont worry. All wrongs will soon be corrected. This is again. Completely my fault for not just asserting myself a bit more.”
Erika_XP💚 9:59 PM: "Wait hold on”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:59 PM: "Is this ooc Tyler or are we getting bamboozled”
Erika_XP💚 9:59 PM: "Are you Tyler?”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:59 PM: "Yea”
IIIII 9:59 PM: "The one and only”
Xenquility 9:59 PM: "What's uh, going to happen to jos and wolf?”
IIIII 10:00 PM: "Fuck them honestly”
PAKO 10:00 PM: "hahaha”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:00 PM: "Oh kay”
Erika_XP💚 10:00 PM: "wait what?”
Xenquility 10:00 PM: "Jesus christ”
IIIII 10:00 PM: "no I am serious”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:00 PM: "Okay this is hard to process”
otherLiam 10:00 PM: "Wow.”
otherLiam 10:00 PM: "Um.”
PAKO 10:00 PM: "okay okay…”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:01 PM: "Okay....”
otherLiam 10:01 PM: "This is a pretty severe bruh moment.”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:01 PM: "I wasn't ready for this”
ADULT_LINK 10:01 PM: "low key sorry for shitposting in here so much”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:01 PM: "^”
ADULT_LINK 10:01 PM: "i wanted to spread a little chaos”
ADULT_LINK 10:01 PM: "but things may have gotten to being a decent ammount of chaos”
ADULT_LINK 10:01 PM: "my b there”
otherLiam 10:02 PM: "@Erika_XP💚 Basically, all that shit about the possessed players was those two players going rogue and trying to take over the game, apparently.”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:02 PM: "Okay... Well this was low key unexpected”
IIIII 10:02 PM: "hold on just a moment guys I am throwing together something special to send them off”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:03 PM: "Yo Tyler did they got straight up banned or sum?”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:03 PM: "wait waht”
PAKO 10:03 PM: "something like what?”
otherLiam 10:03 PM: "That’s.... wow.”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:03 PM: "oh shit fuck i'm sorry”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:03 PM: "Also circle”
otherLiam 10:03 PM: "I’m kinda just stunned.”
Xenquility 10:03 PM: "Same here”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:03 PM: "Did u know dis?”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:03 PM: "i'm not canon anymore bois hell yeah”
PAKO 10:03 PM: "we are ready to see?”
otherLiam 10:03 PM: "Yeah uhh circle can you elaborate on wtf just happened”
ADULT_LINK 10:03 PM: "wait so”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:03 PM: "i have no idea, i was reheating stir fry and just got back”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:04 PM: "How did they reach out to u or summ”
ADULT_LINK 10:04 PM: "when wolf was saying "how do you know any of this is real"”
otherLiam 10:04 PM: "Apparently Jos and Wolf were gamejacking.”
PAKO 10:04 PM: "is a pic a video”
ADULT_LINK 10:04 PM: "was that him laughing at us for thinking it was canon”
ADULT_LINK 10:04 PM: "lmao”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:04 PM: "What?”
Xenquility 10:04 PM: "Was all the shit with talking to past Greth real?”
otherLiam 10:04 PM: "^^^”
PAKO 10:04 PM: "...”
otherLiam 10:04 PM: "that is an excellent question, are punished greth and venom greth real”
ADULT_LINK 10:04 PM: "i am quite confused, considering i've only been loosely following things”
Xenquility 10:05 PM: "Well no worries none of it mattered”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:05 PM: "Yo circle how did they reach out to you and told you to be canon in the first place? I'm intrigued”
PAKO 10:05 PM: "now”
PAKO 10:05 PM: "ready?”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:05 PM: "i just got turned orange and asked wolf what to do”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:05 PM: "Oh”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:05 PM: "so it shitposted at you for six hours”
PAKO 10:05 PM: "what”
otherLiam 10:05 PM: "jeez”
PAKO 10:06 PM: "what is it?”
Xenquility 10:06 PM: "Thank god I no longer have to worry about circle dying on 11/11”
otherLiam 10:06 PM: "Pako, do you know what a gamejack is?”
Xenquility 10:06 PM: "Ay I guess we were right no spy then”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:06 PM: "yeah none of my shit was relevant at all”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:06 PM: "I just posted emojis and shit thinking that they would reach out to me soon and then told me what to do”
PAKO 10:06 PM: "no”
otherLiam 10:06 PM: "Basically the two players who were involved in the current things happening “took over” the game.”
ADULT_LINK 10:06 PM: "lmao we gamejacked ourselves”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:06 PM: "But uh I turned it to be just a joke (?)”
otherLiam 10:06 PM: "And Tyler is here now to correct it.”
ADULT_LINK 10:06 PM: "gamejacked ourselves off”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:07 PM: "I'm gonna CUUUUUUUUM”
PAKO 10:07 PM: "ksksjsjdjfudi”
IIIII 10:07 PM: "Its when two retards think they suddenly have ownership of my creation”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:07 PM: "But uh the wiki and shit had Yugi's messages and everything”
PAKO 10:07 PM: "amm”
PAKO 10:07 PM: "ok i understand”
Erika_XP💚 10:07 PM: "is this really Tyler?
otherLiam 10:07 PM: "The wiki is Wolfcat.
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:07 PM: "Oooooooh shit rite”
otherLiam 10:07 PM: "And yeah that’s Tyler, but this is him talking out of character.”
otherLiam 10:07 PM: "So say hi to the man behind the curtain.”
otherLiam 10:07 PM: "Well, one of them anyway.”
PAKO 10:08 PM: "hi tyler:AAA:”
PAKO 10:08 PM: "xD”
otherLiam 10:09 PM: "So are they like, permabanned?”
otherLiam 10:09 PM: "Or is this a “kick them out for awhile so they learn their lesson” situation”
IIIII 10:09 PM: "there is only ONE real guy behind the curtain”
otherLiam 10:09 PM: "Oh ok”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:09 PM: "and it's me”
IIIII 10:09 PM: "Which I would like to make really clear right now”
otherLiam 10:09 PM: "sorry, thought there were other gm’s”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:09 PM: ":flex: :legend: :flexo:”
IIIII 10:09 PM: "fuck off circle”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:09 PM: "ok”
otherLiam 10:09 PM: "Yeah not the time”
ADULT_LINK 10:10 PM: "is john not also behind the curtain?”
PAKO 10:10 PM: "#fuckcircle”
Xenquility 10:10 PM: "Was the Greth stuff real?”
IIIII 10:10 PM: "John may as well be dead he is so un involved right now”
IIIII 10:10 PM: "greth does his own thing”
otherLiam 10:10 PM: "seinfeld music plays”
ADULT_LINK 10:11 PM: "what happened to john anyways, i havent seen him around in ages”
ADULT_LINK 10:11 PM: “he doin ok?”
PAKO 10:11 PM: "johnisdead or not dead?”
ADULT_LINK 10:11 PM: "this is out of character john i'm talking about”
otherLiam 10:11 PM: "This is the real john we’re taking about now Pako, not the character”
otherLiam 10:11 PM: "TAnyway”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:12 PM: "So... Big no-no to last weeks?”
ADULT_LINK 10:12 PM: "think like, instead of talking about Deadpool i'm talking about the Ryan Reynolds in the costume”
PAKO 10:12 PM: "ah ok”
otherLiam 10:12 PM: "This is a lot to take in.”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:12 PM: "^”
otherLiam 10:12 PM: "Tyler, worth pointing out that they’re still in Safe Haven if you’re banning them.”
otherLiam 10:12 PM: "...actually wait, that’s Wolfcat’s server.”
otherLiam 10:12 PM: "uhh.”
Erika_XP💚 10:15 PM: "Did I seriously arrive to some gm drama?”
otherLiam 10:15 PM: "pretty much yeah”
Xenquility 10:15 PM: "Yup”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:15 PM: "Yeah lmfao”
otherLiam 10:15 PM: "sorry about this”
otherLiam 10:15 PM: "pretty sure we’re all shocked at this, this doesn’t happen normally.”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:15 PM: "Wait Erika where are u from?”
Erika_XP💚 10:16 PM: "I am not really comfortable discloosing such things...^^;”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:16 PM: "Kk dw”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:16 PM: "Also yea this doesn't happen too often”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:16 PM: "Its just... Weird”
otherLiam 10:16 PM: "This has never happened to my knowledge.”
otherLiam 10:16 PM: "At least not here.”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:16 PM: "Maybe on hubris(?)”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:16 PM: "Idk”
IIIII 10:17 PM: "Oh its happened before”
otherLiam 10:17 PM: "Oh?”
Xenquility 10:17 PM: "When?”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:17 PM: "How?”
otherLiam 10:17 PM: "Guess I’m new enough and it’s not archived.”
Erika_XP💚 10:17 PM: "Also hi Tyler I am a big fan >///>”
IIIII 10:17 PM: "Yeah cool sorry I am not really in the mood for getting my dick sucked right now”
otherLiam 10:17 PM: "For what it’s worth, sorry for any part I had in this, I had no idea.”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:18 PM: "Same”
otherLiam 10:18 PM: "(He’s pretty pissed rn Erika)”
Erika_XP💚 10:18 PM: "are you seriuos”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:18 PM: "I thought it was a joke at first but it got in the wiki so I thought it was canon”
otherLiam 10:18 PM: "(Like this is a big thing)”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:18 PM: "Now I realize wolf it's the wiki”
otherLiam 10:19 PM: "(Two hella veteran players just tried to take over the game)”
otherLiam 10:19 PM: "(Like these were people we were friends with)”
otherLiam 10:19 PM: "(They were a couple of the main mods here)”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:19 PM: "Mfw I realize 11/11 is gonna be a Monday night and I must be sleep :GWgoaSadness:”
otherLiam 10:19 PM: "i’m just really shocked they were that stupid”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:20 PM: "Yeah that was such a jerk move”
otherLiam 10:20 PM: "yknow someone even said in safest haven”
otherLiam 10:20 PM: "that they thought this might be a massive gamejack”
otherLiam 10:20 PM: "and i was like “there’s no way they’d be that fucking stupid””
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:33 PM: "Yo erika came just when the bad shit happened”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:33 PM: "What are the odds”
Erika_XP💚 10:33 PM: "@IIIII it took me a moment to realize how to @ you”
Erika_XP💚 10:33 PM: "Im sorry if you have had a bad day or something today Mr.Tyler”
IIIII 10:34 PM: "what do you want”
otherLiam 10:34 PM: "It’s a pretty bad day, yeah.”
Densgivin 10:35 PM: "Oh no”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:35 PM: ""Dense realizes what happened and his brain explodes"”
Densgivin 10:36 PM: "No no”
otherLiam 10:36 PM: "Welcome back Dense!”
Densgivin 10:36 PM: "Actually”
Densgivin 10:36 PM: "What the fuck happened”
otherLiam 10:36 PM: "Everything is terrible!”
Xenquility 10:36 PM: "Ay Dense”
Erika_XP💚 10:36 PM: "Im sorry I just did not realize till a few days ago I could technically come in here and talk to you and when I had that revalation I was excited and just wanted to say hello and I am sorry I am so terrible at wording things and have to type such long running sentences”
Xenquility 10:36 PM: "We are all fucked”
Densgivin 10:36 PM: "yES AS I SEE”
Densgivin 10:36 PM: "K bros”
Xenquility 10:36 PM: "Actually not so much us”
Xenquility 10:36 PM: "We're all alive”
Densgivin 10:36 PM: "So safest heaven is the only true ID”
Xenquility 10:36 PM: "It's the bad guys who actually died”
otherLiam 10:36 PM: "Died in a very meta way.”
Densgivin 10:36 PM: "And we will stablish the empire”
Xenquility 10:36 PM: "Actually no this is still the true ID”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:37 PM: "Let's reconquer Jerusalem then”
Densgivin 10:37 PM: "Yep”
otherLiam 10:37 PM: "Deus Vult”
Xenquility 10:37 PM: "Safest Haven is pretty much useless now”
otherLiam 10:37 PM: "I disagree”
otherLiam 10:37 PM: "Because guess who runs Safe Haven?”
Xenquility 10:37 PM: "Touche”
Erika_XP💚 10:37 PM: "Where is safest haven?”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:37 PM: "Yo anybody with perms, can I get a magenta as a color instead of this ugly orange now that it's useless?”
Erika_XP💚 10:37 PM: "what is it even for?”
Xenquility 10:37 PM: "But at this point it'd make more sense for Tyler to make a completely new one with what just happened”
Xenquility 10:37 PM: "Like, one not owned by a player”
otherLiam 10:38 PM: "Erika, it was for secretly talking about things outside of the eyes of the possessed players.”
otherLiam 10:38 PM: "We’ll send you a link if it stays relevent.”
IIIII 10:38 PM: "No dont send her shit”
otherLiam 10:38 PM: "Okay.”
IIIII 10:38 PM: "keep it all in one group this shit is too complicated as it stands”
Erika_XP💚 10:39 PM: "You have a really bad temper mister”
otherLiam 10:39 PM: "ah jeez.”
IIIII 10:39 PM: "No I am not mad actually”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:39 PM: "Oof”
ADULT_LINK 10:39 PM: "kindof a rude thing to say tbh oof”
Erika_XP💚 10:39 PM: "You seem angry”
otherLiam 10:39 PM: "erika dont poke the bear”
IIIII 10:40 PM: "How the fuck can you read tone through text”
ADULT_LINK 10:40 PM: "ehh, i was getting the feeling you were a bit upset with all this too to be fair”
otherLiam 10:40 PM: "Alright let’s talk practical concerns.”
ADULT_LINK 10:40 PM: "but w/e thats not really important”
otherLiam 10:40 PM: "So, we lost two mods.”
otherLiam 10:40 PM: "Anyone wanna take that on?”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:41 PM: "Rip”
otherLiam 10:41 PM: "We also lost our main archiver.”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:41 PM: "Extra Rip”
Densgivin 10:41 PM: "Be gone thot”
Erika_XP💚 10:41 PM: "OK I'll be honest I really hope you are just being a character or something right now because I am crying”
otherLiam 10:41 PM: "ah jeez”
ADULT_LINK 10:41 PM: "wh”
ADULT_LINK 10:41 PM: "why are you crying?”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:41 PM: "On jah”
ADULT_LINK 10:41 PM: "what the hell is even happening today”
Densgivin 10:42 PM: "Erika wtf”
Densgivin 10:42 PM: "Like”
Densgivin 10:42 PM: "Chill”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:43 PM: "Oof”
Densgivin 10:43 PM: "Ok boys everyone just”
IIIII 10:43 PM: "Jesus”
Densgivin 10:43 PM: "Calm???”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:43 PM: "Amen”
ADULT_LINK 10:43 PM: "damn poor girl”
IIIII 10:43 PM: "lemme say a prayer for this stupid bitch”
Densgivin 10:43 PM: "Lol”
ADULT_LINK 10:43 PM: "what a shit time to join the server”
otherLiam 10:43 PM: "What a bad day to be a child fangirl”
Densgivin 10:43 PM: "^”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:43 PM: "^”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:43 PM: "^”
Densgivin 10:44 PM: "What a bad time to be an ID (like every 2 months)”
otherLiam 10:44 PM: "I’ve got the free time to take over as archive person, for whatever period of time they’re banned.”
Densgivin 10:45 PM: "Yea but we still have eevee”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:45 PM: "Eve is the owner of the Yt channel after all so it's not”
Xenquility 10:45 PM: "I'll try to help out with the wiki if I can”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:45 PM: "Ah shit why I can't finish my messages”
otherLiam 10:45 PM: "Does wolf own the Wiki?”
Xenquility 10:45 PM: "Other than weekends though I don't have like”
Xenquility 10:45 PM: "any free time”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:45 PM: "Yeah”
Xenquility 10:45 PM: "Also I think so”
otherLiam 10:45 PM: "oof.”
Xenquility 10:46 PM: "Anyone wanna archive the entire wiki incase wolf deletes it”
Xenquility 10:46 PM: "oi”
otherLiam 10:46 PM: "was about to suggest that”
Xenquility 10:46 PM: "did I just see yugi typing or am I officially going insane”
otherLiam 10:46 PM: "you’re insane”
otherLiam 10:46 PM: "actually wait”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:46 PM: "he doesn't”
Densgivin 10:46 PM: "Am I allowed to be admin again?”
Densgivin 10:46 PM: "Jk”
otherLiam 10:46 PM: "Jos isn’t actually out.”
Xenquility 10:46 PM: "They're still in the server”
Densgivin 10:46 PM: "Unless…”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:47 PM: "oceanstuck owns it actually”
Xenquility 10:47 PM: "Oh cool”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:47 PM: "and i'm higher position than wolf”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:47 PM: "Can I get a bright pink/magenta plz my eyes hurt too much orange for nothing”
Densgivin 10:48 PM: "Jos IS here”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:48 PM: "Yeah”
Densgivin 10:48 PM: "But wolfcat”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:48 PM: "He is asleep tho”
Densgivin 10:48 PM: "Yeah”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:48 PM: "It's 5am here”
Densgivin 10:48 PM: "Viva espiña”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:48 PM: "Debajo del mar”
otherLiam 10:49 PM: "Alright I need a break from this.”
otherLiam 10:49 PM: "Imma go eat pizza, play Payday, and get trashed.”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:49 PM: "Payday rules mfs”
Ross the Claus 🎄 10:49 PM: "solid plan”
Xenquility 10:49 PM: "Ay Ross”
Xenquility 10:49 PM: "Welcome to the shit show”
Ross the Claus 🎄 10:50 PM: "Been silently following it for a bit. Fun stuff”
Densgivin 10:50 PM: "Yeah”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:51 PM: "Welcometomytwistedmind.gif”
Densgivin 11:19 PM: "Delete today”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:20 PM: ":GWeniIsLeave:”
Densgivin 11:20 PM: "Você foi removido”
Eevee Reborn 11:20 PM: "Is it too late to join the #fuckcircle hashtag?”
Deadhead 11:21 PM: "No”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:22 PM: "Lmao”
ARGdov 11:23 PM: "well, shit”
ARGdov 11:23 PM: "I go away for a bit and come back to chaos”
ARGdov 11:23 PM: "ID never changes, huh”
IIIII 11:33 PM: ((The video “funny_joke.mp4” is uploaded))
IIIII 11:33 PM: "Ironically needed to smash my pumpkin from about a week ago
Xenquility 11:34 PM: "Best 29 seconds of my life”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:34 PM: "Wouldn't it be funny if the video was uploaded to silentdork”
Ross the Claus 🎄 11:35 PM: "s-”
Ross the Claus 🎄 11:35 PM: "smashing”
Xenquility 11:35 PM: "pumpkins”
ARGdov 11:38 PM: "welp”
Erika_XP💚 11:38 PM: "I love the music in it”
IIIII 11:38 PM: "Oh cool thoguht you left”
otherLiam 11:39 PM: "tfw a player gets canon killed”
Erika_XP💚 11:40 PM: "What is the source of it? I tried reversing it but could not make it out,  I am not an expert with sound like you.”
ARGdov 11:41 PM: "Erika, can I ask?”
ARGdov 11:41 PM: "how did you find out about the game?”
Erika_XP💚 11:41 PM: "AW tyler went offline ="[“
IIIII 11:42 PM: "No I am still here I just went offline so I dont have to get tons of pm's from annoying assholes”
ARGdov 11:42 PM: "lol”
Densgivin 11:42 PM: "Lol”
Eevee Reborn 11:42 PM: "oof”
Ross the Claus 🎄 11:43 PM: "lolol”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:43 PM: "oog”
Erika_XP💚 11:46 PM: "Well you dont have to be so mean”
Eevee Reborn 11:48 PM: "Trial of fire on fucking deck”
Densgivin 11:48 PM: "DIE”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:48 PM: "Trial of fite”
Densgivin 11:48 PM: "DIE”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:48 PM: "DIE”
Densgivin 11:48 PM: "DIE”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:48 PM: "DIE”
Densgivin 11:48 PM: "DIE”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:48 PM: "DIE”
Densgivin 11:49 PM: "fight fire with fire”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:49 PM: "-reaper, overwatch cinematic”
Erika_XP💚 11:49 PM: "Its just a cute skelleton pumkin head man”
Eevee Reborn 11:49 PM: "All pumpkins are hereby banished”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:49 PM: "Erika do you know what's a trial of fire”
otherLiam 11:49 PM: "pumpakinds are banned”
otherLiam 11:49 PM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFrPrIxluWk”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:50 PM: "Banned”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:50 PM: "Go”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:50 PM: "Now”
Densgivin 11:50 PM: "Several people”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:50 PM: "Just leave”
Densgivin 11:50 PM: "Like”
Densgivin 11:50 PM: "No”
Eevee Reborn 11:50 PM: "All things squash or gourd related are not allowed, and gay, frankly.”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:51 PM: "The only Pumpkin allowed here is deez”
Ross the Claus 🎄 11:51 PM: "songs detected”
Ross the Claus 🎄 11:51 PM: "submission accepted”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:51 PM: "Deez N U T S”
Densgivin 11:52 PM: "Did someone say gay?”
IIIII 11:53 PM: ""orange"”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:53 PM: "no.”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:53 PM: "THANK YOU”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:53 PM: "MY SAVIOUR”
Densgivin 11:53 PM: "Yes”
IIIII 11:53 PM: "it was not even orange you fucking”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:53 PM: "EXACTLY”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:53 PM: "IT WAS YELLOW”
ADULT_LINK 11:53 PM: "thatw what i was fuckin saying”
ADULT_LINK 11:53 PM: "it was yellow”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:53 PM: "We are freeeee”
Eevee Reborn 11:53 PM: ""you fucking___"”
Ross the Claus 🎄 11:54 PM: "nimrod”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:54 PM: "Now it's time to get my beautiful pink/magenta”
Erika_XP💚 11:55 PM: "fake orange just like how his role was fake? Ha gottem”
ADULT_LINK 11:55 PM: "im in the mood for a diff color”
ADULT_LINK 11:55 PM: "dunno what tho”
Densgivin 11:56 PM: "Wait now there are like 3 upward righ?
Erika_XP💚 11:56 PM: "@IIIII why did he even make a role to turn people orange?”
IIIII 11:56 PM: "Dont ping me bitch”
Eevee Reborn 11:56 PM: "fake role, fake arc, fake gm, fake ass shit”
IIIII 11:56 PM: "and also I dont know”
Densgivin 11:56 PM: "Bc SPOOKS”
Densgivin 11:56 PM: "OH SHIT”
Densgivin 11:56 PM: "OH HOLY SHIT”
ADULT_LINK 11:56 PM: "tyler chill she's new and doesent know whats going on”
ADULT_LINK 11:56 PM: "lmao”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:56 PM: "#ff0099 this is my color, migth the gods be good, and get my name colourized”
Ross the Claus 🎄 11:57 PM: "hey @Erika_XP💚 ever think about upgrading to Vista”
IIIII 11:57 PM: "New people need a trial of fire I thought”
Erika_XP💚 11:57 PM: "Well I am feeling plenty well burned now and I am sorry I guess I have spoken too much”
IIIII 11:58 PM: "no you are just acting like a pussy”
otherLiam 11:58 PM: "dude”
otherLiam 11:58 PM: "it's a kid”
otherLiam 11:58 PM: "relax”
ADULT_LINK 11:58 PM: "tyler”
ADULT_LINK 11:58 PM: "the trial of fire is like”
ADULT_LINK 11:58 PM: "playful banter kinda thing”
ADULT_LINK 11:58 PM: "not just”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:58 PM: "My trial of fire was super pleasing”
ADULT_LINK 11:58 PM: "insulting the new person for being young”
Deadhead 11:58 PM: "Am i retarded”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:59 PM: "The worst shit they did was rant my ARG for having moonman”
Erika_XP💚 11:59 PM: "I never said anything about my age”
Deadhead 11:59 PM: "Ok”
otherLiam 11:59 PM: "i never even got a trial by fire”
Densgivin 11:59 PM: "I DID the trial of fire”
Densgivin 11:59 PM: "Then lost my admin”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:59 PM: "I went thru it”
Densgivin 11:59 PM: "I mean i was the one who insulted”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:59 PM: "And I dotn have a name color”
Densgivin 11:59 PM: "Sorry m8”
ADULT_LINK 12:00 AM: "i think the harshest trial of fire was scouts”
PokécordBOT 12:00 AM: "
Eevee Reborn 12:00 AM: "Hey guys, but in all seriousness.... I made cookies”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:00 AM: "Send one to spain”
ADULT_LINK 12:00 AM: "o shid nice”
ADULT_LINK 12:00 AM: "what type of cookies”
Densgivin 12:01 AM: "Nixee”
Eevee Reborn 12:01 AM: "chocolate chip oatmeal”
ARGdov 12:02 AM: "oh, thank fuck are colors are back to normal”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:02 AM: "Yea”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:02 AM: "Happy 10th of november”
Erika_XP💚 12:03 AM: "So Tyler how are things going with your home life and the cult situation? It might sound weird but I worry about you all the time. I thought you might like to hear that to cheer you up a bit =]”
ARGdov 12:03 AM: "Erika”
ARGdov 12:03 AM: "he's out of character right now”
Deadhead 12:03 AM: ":joy:”
Eevee Reborn 12:03 AM: "Damn, Wolf gets banned, and Dov's reation is ''Thank Fuck''”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:04 AM: ":hand: :hand: :lips: :hand: :hando:”
ADULT_LINK 12:04 AM: "erika do you think everything from the youtube channel is like. real”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:04 AM: "OH NO THAT WENT WRONG”
ARGdov 12:04 AM: "and that as well”
IIIII 12:04 AM: "there are no lunarchildren and the arg is going to be ending soon”
ARGdov 12:04 AM: "its not real”
IIIII 12:04 AM: "yes”
ADULT_LINK 12:04 AM: "cuz its acting, the same way ryan reynolds isnt actually deadpool”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:04 AM: "I CREATED AN ABE-”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:04 AM: "Wait what”
ADULT_LINK 12:04 AM: "when we're playing the game we interact with the deadpool tyler”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:04 AM: "Wdym is ending soon”
ADULT_LINK 12:04 AM: "but this is the out of character, ryan reynolds tyler”
IIIII 12:04 AM: "I am really happy some random bitch from an mystery location worries about me”
ADULT_LINK 12:04 AM: "at least for the moment because of the gamejacking”
ARGdov 12:05 AM: "yeah”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:05 AM: "Holy fuck”
Erika_XP💚 12:05 AM: "Why are you so aggressive to me right now”
IIIII 12:05 AM: "why did you return after leaving”
ARGdov 12:05 AM: "Erika, I already told you, he's in a bad mood”
Erika_XP💚 12:05 AM: "because I wanted to talk to you”
ARGdov 12:05 AM: "you're not helping”
Eevee Reborn 12:05 AM: "It's ok Erika”
IIIII 12:05 AM: "about what”
ARGdov 12:05 AM: "please understand that”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:06 AM: ":GWslippyPeepoS:”
IIIII 12:06 AM: "Is there anything running through your head right now that is meaningful or are you just here to be a stupid fangirl”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:06 AM: ":GWseremePeepoF:”
Erika_XP💚 12:07 AM: "Its ok I understand you are mad because your plan messed up or something I wont make things worse”
Deadhead 12:08 AM: "Huh”
Deadhead 12:08 AM: "What Plan”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:08 AM: "God’s plan”
Ross the Claus 🎄 12:09 AM: "I was gonna say that”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:09 AM: "Quickest Yee in the Haw”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:09 AM: "Golira :gorilla:”
Erika_XP💚 12:10 AM: "I guess this means you wont want to see my tribute video I made for you”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:10 AM: ":GWslippyPeepoW:”
Eevee Reborn 12:10 AM: "I desperately want to see it”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:11 AM: "Yea you could send it if u want”
Deadhead 12:12 AM: "Tribute Video :whathesay:”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:12 AM: "-tyler typing”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:12 AM: ":GWseremePeepoF:”
Ross the Claus 🎄 12:12 AM: "please sned”
IIIII 12:12 AM: "No fuck off I dont want to see whatever gay shit you have made out of my hard work”
Densgivin 12:12 AM: "DUDE”
otherLiam 12:12 AM: "jesus christ dude”
Densgivin 12:12 AM: "JaksjakkKJj”
Densgivin 12:12 AM: "jajjJJjJ”
Densgivin 12:12 AM: "LMAO”
Eevee Reborn 12:13 AM: "no, no pls”
otherLiam 12:13 AM: "i get this is a shitty day for you but that doesn’t give you the right to act like a dick.”
Eevee Reborn 12:13 AM: "i have to see this masterpeice”
Ross the Claus 🎄 12:13 AM: "^^^^”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:13 AM: "Please I wanna watch it :(“
Deadhead 12:13 AM: "Tyler is a legend”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:15 AM: "Now I'm intrigued”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:15 AM: "Fuk”
ARGdov 12:16 AM: "same”
Deadhead 12:17 AM: "Pls no ban”
Erika_XP💚 12:54 AM: "I want to eat burgies”
Erika_XP💚 12:54 AM: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/588034361149095987/639030921584050187/c5e25b8f-46b2-4d6a-ab48-81fdf663821d.jpg”
Densgivin 12:56 AM: "Use #🍂fall-central🍂”
Eevee Reborn 1:02 AM: ">chubby trans”
otherLiam 1:02 AM: "i guess now we have to figure out tf is real and what isn’t”
Eevee Reborn 1:03 AM: "We have to ban everyone until we can figure out What The Hell Is Going On!”
otherLiam 1:04 AM: "like, what happened to yuuki if Pumpkinhead didn’t nab her, are the past-Greths real, was the shit that happened on Watch2Gether a thing, are the songs yuuki linked important, etc.”
Eevee Reborn 1:04 AM: "Use the mask of truth”
otherLiam 1:04 AM: "...is that a real suggestion?”
otherLiam 1:04 AM: "whose mind would we be reading?”
Eevee Reborn 1:05 AM: "We have that type of power, The mask or Lense of truth has done shit before”
Eevee Reborn 1:05 AM: "Just ask a question with the lens”
otherLiam 1:06 AM: "I mean, I guess that’s provide an opportunity to cut through all this to the truth.”
otherLiam 1:06 AM: "Is everyone cool with that?”
Eevee Reborn 1:06 AM: "Who's up?”
Erika_XP💚 1:07 AM: "What has happened with reality?”
Eevee Reborn 1:07 AM: "We're about to summon the truth up in this bitch”
otherLiam 1:07 AM: "Well, since Pumpkinhead and Yugi were apparently Not Real and A Lie, we gotta figure out otherLiam 1:07 AM: "what of the past week wasn’t true.”
otherLiam 1:07 AM: "Well fuck it seems like everyone’s schleep”
otherLiam 1:07 AM: "So Erika, we have superpowers.”
Erika_XP💚 1:08 AM: "This reminds me of a thing Tyler said once in the comment section”
otherLiam 1:08 AM: "We can use items from the video game Majora’s Mask to make shit happen. Don’t do this without everyone agreeing with you about it because it can potentially do awful things.”
Eevee Reborn 1:09 AM: "Items, songs,masks”
Erika_XP💚 1:09 AM: "something like "reality is layered" and then he posted some I's
and then it was deleted later when I went to screen shot it”
Erika_XP💚 1:09 AM: "he says so many weird things in the comment section I can catch if I check every day but I was always too scared to even try to say anything because I know he is not in control of the youtube account and it must be getting messed with by regiminis or something worse”
otherLiam 1:11 AM: "For example, this is an item called the Lens of Truth, which will hopefully get us some answers to some questions.”
otherLiam 1:11 AM: "Hey, uh, various supernatural entities. We can’t tell what’s real anymore. Mind clearing that up? I guess more specifically I’d like to know the current status of our friends and allies, like Greth, Moonman and Yuuki.”
Erika_XP💚 1:12 AM: "But I still had to keep following close”
otherLiam 1:14 AM: "Is the Lunarchildren site being locked down even relevant? What, if anything, actually happened on Halloween, and what is coming up on 11/11? Who really is Yugi?”
Erika_XP💚 1:15 AM: "Isn't he a character from that anime yugioh?”
otherLiam 1:15 AM: "Not THAT Yugi.”
Erika_XP💚 1:15 AM: "I always thought that anime was rather boring when I was really little”
otherLiam 1:15 AM: "There’s a guy named Yugi in the other timeline.”
otherLiam 1:15 AM: "I’d read the story of what’s happended, Erika.”
Erika_XP💚 1:18 AM: "Dont worry I have a good grasp of whats going on. I have been watching silent dork every other day for a year.”
Erika_XP💚 1:18 AM: "Greth vlogs recently as well”
otherLiam 1:19 AM: "I assure you that does not give you as much info as you need.”
ADULT_LINK 1:19 AM: "a lot of things happen outside of the youtube channels”
Erika_XP💚 1:21 AM: "There was also the lostmemory423 channel. My friends liked that one a bit more than Silentdork but I thought it was really boring because nothing ever happens hardly ever and when it does it is very sudden and loud.”
Eevee Reborn 1:29 AM: "i like things sudden and loud”
Erika_XP💚 12:52 AM: ((Erika posts a character drawn by the player Lolly))
Erika_XP💚 12:52 AM: “Omg did you draw this he is such a cutie”
0 notes
wayneooverton · 7 years
All the mean, nasty and godawful hateful things people say to me online
Guys, why do people troll on the internet? Why are blogger hate comments a thing? Let this be the philosophical question of the day. Please, god, why? WHY? WHY?
And of all the people, why me? I’m a perfectly innocent little travel blogger over here, just minding my own business. The purpose of this blog is to inspire people to travel, what is so confronting about that? Move along. Why can people be so mean to me online? I don’t get it. I’m lovely, alright?
Just kidding. Sometimes I’m a shit stirrer. I stir the pot on purpose. If I see something I think is wrong, I say it. Also, god did not see fit to gift me with grace or tact. I am really good at regularly putting my foot in my mouth, often publicly. I also don’t know when to back away. And I’m cynical. Is this a recipe for a well-loved image? I’m not quite sure.
At least I’m real, right? Of all my flaws at least I like to think I’m authentic, the only truly honest blogger in a sea of vapid, shallow fools.
Stop talking, Liz. Like right now.
Anyways, it’s no secret, I get mean comments on the regular, so regular in fact that I have been doing annual round ups of the best mean comments I get every single year since 2012. I know I’m shamefully overdue on this post. I completely missed 2016.
2016 was an intense year for me, and when it came down to digging through comments looking for the horrible ones, I just couldn’t bring myself to go down that particular roller coaster. It was also the first year I started to get death threats. I just wasn’t in the mood. Can you forgive me?
Hate comments aren’t a novelty to me anymore, and they haven’t been for a long time. I’ve gotten tens of thousands of comments over the years, with a small percentage of them being ugly, and I’ve learned to just let them slide by in a giant wave of pity – I truly for sorry for anyone that takes the time to hate me so much online. Also, I’m probably laughing at you.
The best hate I got in 2015
The best hate I got in 2014
The best hate I got in 2013
The best hate I got in 2012
Also, I’ve really just stopped paying attention when people troll me; five years of regular trolls has given me armor. I went from being a delicate rose who bruised easily to a goddamn rhino. Go on, try and say something to mean to me. It can hardly be any worse that what I’ve gotten before.
And to be honest, it’s the same shit day in and day out. You’re privileged (yeah I know), you’re entitled (no I am not, thank you), you travel off your daddy’s money (HA, if you only knew…), you’re ugly, you’re fat, you’re stupid, you swear too much, you’re a know it all, you do this why don’t you do that, blah blah blah it never fucking ends.
Honestly, I yearn for the creative insults. I think my trolls have gotten lazy. Where’s the witty banter? The colorful backhanded comments? The passive aggressive DMs? They’ve disappeared into regular grammatically ugly “what a c*nt” and “how is this blog even popular” lazy comments. I mean for fuck’s sakes guys, if you’re gonna come for me, try a little.
But I digress. Back by popular demand, I’ve taken the time to dig through my work and find the best of the best blogger hate comments, the most entertaining, the ugliest, the cruelest, the worst hate comments I get just for you. Because at the end of the day, the only way we can deal with this BS is just to laugh. You’re welcome. Enjoy.
1. The most popular Facebook comment in response to an article about how I built my career in blogging
And if she wasn’t a young blond with a penchant for putting out to old men she’d be working at Officeworks for $15/hr
I want to start an argument about feminism here but just can’t be fucked.
2. And the second most liked comment on the same article 
The only thing worse than a human that resembles a vacuous opportunistic sponge is the plethora of parasites that aspire to be just that.
Just so we’re clear, I’m the sponge and you’re the parasite in this allegory.
3. Writing about how Jane Goodall inspires me to be better with conservation
You are not an “activist for saving the planet.” The number of flights you take each year creates more carbon emissions that most of us create in our LIVES. If you actually cared about the environment you would travel solely by bike and public transport with an occasional flight, not dozens of international flights a year. Get a grip.
I mean, fair point. I’d love some tips about biking overseas from the island of New Zealand where I live.
4. I really hate it when people don’t get sarcasm online on my how to cheat on Instagram
Teaching young people that life depends on Instagram. Thats great and people were wondering what was happening to our decaying society. Telling them that their popularity will increase if they sell their sexuality too. Wow what a true feminist you are. Pathetic. The whole millennial generation is going to be morally bankrupt.
I just facepalmed so hard.
5. Speaking of Instagram…
Not to be rude, just honest, but I noticed your photos have extremely low engagement for “168K” followers. I wonder if the companies who pay you notice this.
Guys, I’m literally one of the ONLY people who doesn’t cheat on Instagram! That’s why my engagement isn’t out of this world. But thanks for pointing that out.
6. That one time I wrote that Central Otago is one of the only regions in New Zealand that has four distinct seasons (which is true)
Seriously? The only region in New Zealand that experiences four distinct seasons? You need to travel more and drink less Pinot. I’m not even sure how I got your spam mail, but I live here, not just a FIFO tourist. If you want to trade travel stories, I’m sure you’ll lose.
You can’t make me drink less Pinot!!!! YOU CAN’T MAKE ME!
7. When I wrote a million years ago about things that I hate that people do on airplanes
Sounds like a person who wrote the original article needs more than Ambien. probably could use some Xanax and some Prozac also. when you travel on a plane you know there is also something called other human beings. Get a grip. judging by your photo, You’re not that cute or anything special…..
Hope you find the help you need.
You know, funny story. One time in Bangkok I went to a pharmacy to get some sleeping pills for upcoming long haul flights – sometimes in Southeast Asia I can get strong sleeping pills over the counter. They gave me Xanax, no questions asked. Best flight ever. In fact, imagine if Xanax was provided on all long-haul flights. Who do I need to speak to about this?
8. Any time I provoke the vegans, one of my favorite pastimes 
Me: writes thousands of words about wildlife, travel, sustainable tourism practices or about anything really
All of the vegans: You should consider going vegan
Me: but, bacon? So tasty.
As a close friend used to say, do not negotiate with terrorists, Liz.
9. When I wrote a blog post about how to move to New Zealand as American (if you need some entertaining, go read through the comments) which is a minefield!
It is not your home. even if you wish it was it’s not, it is new zealands home. fuck off to your own home. leave mine alone… just fuck off back to usa and leave nz to be nz. stop telling people how to get here, we don’t want you. most nzers hate americans, you are boring n have no sense of humour, just fuck off bck to usa and leave nzers to our own country, plus u don’t get my point cos u dumb american.if u don’t want to be thought of a american sterotype don’t act like dunb american cunt….you are such a dunb cunt. this is why we hate you.
I can’t look beyond the grammatical and spelling errors in this, honestly I tried, but I can’t.
Yes go ahead pls MOVE out from US we don’t need weak, pathetic, ignorant ppl here who need “safe-spaces” You have been brain washed by fake media like cnn, fox, abc etc for too long
I just can’t.
Congratulations on proving again that liberal thought is shallow and feelings-based. Too much reading making your head hurt?
I’m literally the biggest reader you’ve ever met. Don’t even.
I read the first couple of paragraphs and had to stop. As a Trump supporter, I am offended by your words and will now stop following you. It’s really too bad that you offend some of your followers, here I thought I was following a travel blog. Please do move to NZ, because America will be better off without you!!
It’s ok, I’m ashamed to have had you as a reader.
That response obviously shows why 20 something women shouldn’t even have the right to vote.
*Begins to pull hair out of own head*
Im just trying to save you from having to take depression medication for the rest of your life thats all. What are you on now Zoloft or Prozac?
Neither, unfortunately. I sure could use one after reading this.
10. I appeared in a big NBC Dateline special about American’s moving to New Zealand and man, that opened the floodgates of crazy
Stay out of America you traitor bitch.
This was the first of many comments calling me a traitor.
STAY OUT OF AMERICA YOU BITCH. I hope a sheep kills you and your family you faggot, the USA is the best country ever.
Me: I feel so sorry for you
I feel worse for you, you no good commie bastard. Stay out of my country and fuck off cunt. Fuck you you no life blogger get a real job.
Me: You feel better now?
Yes, I’m living in the US of A #MAGA fuck. Cuck.
Me: Well I feel better living in a place with people nicer than you. And I have healthcare. And I can spell.
BOOM! How’d they do? What’s the worst thing anyone has said to you online? Do you get trolled? How do you cope? Spill!
The post All the mean, nasty and godawful hateful things people say to me online appeared first on Young Adventuress.
from Young Adventuress http://ift.tt/2hA9518
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