#these kids have got me biting through wood beams already this morning
promithiae · 2 years
How to handle seeing things you don't like on ao3:
Have you come across something too disturbing for you to handle on ao3? Like maybe somebody having sex in a position that isnt missionary? 😱 shocking, I know. Did someone maybe engage in mild bdsm? The absolute horror! Did two aged up characters do more than a kiss on the cheek??? The utter depravity. Well do I have a solution for you! It's an easy two step process. Step one is to find the back button. If you find yourself in a mildly uncomfortable position while reading a fanfic, you have the power to stop ❌ press the back button 🔙 and find a new fic that doesnt have such scary concepts 🔞. If you arent sure how to find it, here's what the back button looks like on my mobile browser:
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It may be difficult for you to find, but I believe in you!
Step 2 is a little harder because I know you're nosy and think you know what's best for every person on the planet. But I still believe in you! You can do it! You can learn to mind your own damn business and walk away! If you see something you don't like, it's literally not your problem. Let me give you a personal example: there are people out there who still like the show breaking bad, which I found completely unwatchable. But you know what? It's none of my damn business, it's literally not my problem! I have learned that not every piece if media is made for every person, and that's not only ok, but a good thing! You too can learn to mind your own damn business and move on with your life. I promise it's not as hard as it sounds
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cuddlepilefics · 3 years
Right here
Fandom: Stray Kids
Sickie: Jisung
Caregivers: Chan & Minho
Prompt: Sneaky temperature check @sicktember
No one’s POV.:
Jisung had started feeling off only a little after having lunch with his group. Maybe it was the food not sitting right but whatever it was, it certainly took a toll on the rapper’s mood. Earlier that day, he had fooled around with his friends, being full of energy, but the longer the day progressed, the quieter he became. The slight discomfort he had felt in his stomach earlier had turned into a painful ache that made it hard for Jisung to find a comfortable position in his seat. The entire group was currently at the studio recording but unlike usual, the rapper wasn’t really in it with his whole heart. Usually, he’d give his friends encouraging smiles and advice on how they could do better but today, he was quiet, only speaking when he was asked something. The same couldn’t be said for his stomach though, which often decided to gurgle loudly when everything around him was silent. “That really didn’t sound good, you sure you’re feeling alright?”, Chan frowned, sitting next to Jisung and hearing the younger’s stomach rumble angrily. Patting his tummy, Jisung laughed: “I feel fine actually. My tummy’s just really noisy right now.” It was only partly a lie. His stomach was indeed noisy but to be honest, he didn’t feel fine at all. The pain was only getting worse and all his attempts of playing it off had exhausted the rapper. He was ready to just go home and curl up in his bed. At least that was what he intended to do as soon as they were done here.
Towards the end of their recording session, he had had to excuse himself to the restroom multiple times, feeling increasingly queasy. However, when he got there, the feeling eased up, so he just stood there rubbing his tummy and taking deep breaths before going back to the studio. When he returned from his last trip, his members had already packed and only waited for him, so they could head back to the dorm for dinner. Jisung cringed at the thought of having to eat anything but knew he didn’t have much of a choice if he didn’t want to admit to feeling sick. Had he thrown up at all, he would probably open up to his members but since it was only a stomach ache up to this point, he’d rather handle it on his own. The ride back to the dorm was straining to say the least, as every turn of the road caused his stomach to slosh nauseatingly. Staring out of the window, Jisung rested his head against the cool glass and took deep breaths through his nose as he fought to keep his stomach in place. Cold sweat was running down his back as he flashed hot and cold.
By the time they made it to the dorm, the rapper’s shirt was sticking to his back and he unsteadily stumbled out of the vehicle, relieved to be on solid, unmoving ground again. Minho watched him stumble and linked their arms to steady his dongsaeng. Though Jisung wouldn’t admit it, he was extremely grateful for the support, not sure he would have made it up to the dorm on his own. He had to resist the urge to crouch to the ground and cradle his poor tummy when a cramp twisted his abdomen. Minho tried his hardest not to let the worry show, hearing the rapper’s pained gasp. He just hoped the boy would speak up about what was bothering him. The dancer also noted, that Jisung had gotten progressively paler over the course of the afternoon. At this point, he was certain the younger was sick but if he was, why wouldn’t he say anything?
At the dorm, Jisung made a beeline for his room, plopping down on the edge of his bed and hugging his cramping middle. It was a mystery to him how he could go from feeling perfectly fine this morning to being this miserable now. “Hey, are you okay, hyung?”, Jeongin frowned, entering their shared room. He had intended to get the older to join them for dinner but was taken a back when he found the rapper basically folded over his lap, hugging his stomach. Jisung nodded, flinching when he forced himself to sit up straight. The maknae wasn’t buying it but decided not to press on the topic, merely stating: “Dinner’s ready and Chan wanted me to get you.” – “O-Okay, ‘m coming”, the older muttered, struggling to his feet only to pale further. The room was spinning and he swayed for a moment before regaining his balance. Jeongin watched him closely, his brows furrowed. Something wasn’t right with his hyung at all. Joining their members for dinner, Jisung cringed at the smell of food. His stomach churned painfully and sweat dripped down his temple. How was he supposed to get through this without throwing his dinner right back up? The members had compiled a wide variety of food, partly left-overs from the previous day and partly take-out that the members, who finished recording first, picked up. Praying he would somehow be able to stomach it, Jisung settled for a small serving of plain rice as he considered it his safest chance.
The members knew Jisung was sick, from his odd behavior to his dinner choice to the tiny amount he ate. The rapper may have thought he was hiding his discomfort alright but anyone who knew him could tell something was up. Worried about their friend, they wanted to know what was going on, so they’d be able to help but knowing he would deny everything if they asked him directly, they just tried to push him to admitting it. It started with Chan scooping more rice onto Jisung’s plate, claiming: “I don’t want you to get hungry for midnight snacks during the night.” Jisung didn’t know how he did it but somehow, he managed to finish all of it, fully aware that he’d come to regret that decision later on. When they cleared the table, Felix hugged him from behind, feeling the rapper tense up in his arms. It took all of Jisung’s willpower to not throw up right there and he struggled to quickly remove the Aussie’s arms from his sensitive middle. He was just about to flee back to his room, when Minho pulled him to the living room. “We hadn’t had a movie night in such a long time and we don’t have to get up all that early tomorrow, so let’s have some quality time”, the dancer beamed, dragging his dongsaeng to the couch. “Hyung, I’m sorry but I’m really tired. I think I’ll just go to bed”, Jisung frowned, trying to get come up with some reason why he couldn’t spend more time with the group. Minho smiled and made the younger sit down next to him on the couch, promising: “You can lay on my lap. It’s no problem if you fall asleep halfway through but I really missed you, so please…”
Jisung really couldn’t bare hurting his hyung’s feelings, so he let himself be talked into watching a movie with the rest of the group. Taking Minho up on his offer, he had his head on the dancer’s lap, while the older played with his hair. Maybe it had been the right decision because it distracted him from his pain enough to fall asleep. When Minho was sure Jisung was out completely, he whispered: “Chan-hyung, could you get me a thermometer? His face feels pretty warm. The forehead one would be best because the ear one would probably wake him.” – “On it”, the leader agreed, quietly getting up and collecting the thermometer from the bathroom. When he returned, Minho had already brushed Jisung’s bangs out of his face to allow the oldest easier access to his forehead. Chan carefully approached them and quickly took his dongsaeng’s temperature, detecting a moderate fever. Just when he pulled the thermometer away, Jisung’s stomach gurgled loudly, confirming their suspicions further. “We should really get him to bed”, Chan sighed, “Can you help me, Min?” The dancer nodded and got up as soon as Chan had picked the rapper up from the couch. Minho went ahead, opening the door to Jisung’s room and folding back the blanket. They tucked their dongsaeng in and closed the door, so he could rest undisturbed.
The next time Jisung woke up, it was already after midnight. The dorm was dark and quiet, the members all except for Jisung sleeping soundly. At first, the rapper was confused as to what had woken him at such an early hour. Flushing hot, he felt his stomach twist and quickly pushed off the blanket. Jisung staggered to the bathroom, one arm protectively wrapped around his middle, as he fought off the nausea. He squinted, blinded by the bright bathroom light, feeling disoriented as he crashed to his knees in front of the toilet. A harsh but unproductive retch tore from his throat, making the boy shudder at the thought of what was to come. Sweat trickled down the rapper’s back as he knelt there, swallowing convulsively. He couldn’t be sick. Jisung crossed his arms over the toilet bowl and rested his forehead on them, drawing a shaky breath through his nose. He hated throwing up, so much so, that he was determined to fight it off with every ounce of energy he might have left. Another cramp had him cry out in pain, quickly silencing himself by biting his lip. He couldn’t wake anyone else up. In a desperate attempt to get some relief, Jisung slipped his hand under his shirt, gently drawing circles with his palm. He could feel the upset organ churn under his hand as his mouth started to water even more. Squeezing his eyes shut, he gagged hard, relieved when nothing came up. There was no way he’d let this happen.
Waking up to an empty room, Jeongin waited ten minutes for his roommate to come back. When he didn’t, the maknae decided to search for Jisung. He spotted light under the bathroom door and gently tapped his fingers against the wood. When there was no answer, he quietly opened the door and found the missing rapper curled up on the rug. Though he was asleep, his brows were furrowed in pain as his forehead glistened with sweat. Knowing this wasn’t good, Jeongin went to wake up Chan, who was up in an instant when his dongsaeng explained what was going on. “Why don’t you sleep here, Innie? I’ll take care of Jisung but you don’t need to lose more sleep, so I’ll just stay in your and Jisung’s room, okay?”, the leader offered. Still feeling sleepy, Jeongin nodded and got comfortable in Chan’s bed, while the older went to check on the sick rapper. He found the boy curled up on the bathroom rug, just like Jeongin had described and he really didn’t look good. Jisung’s face was way too pale for Chan’s liking and his bangs clung to his sweaty forehead. Not having the heart to wake his dongsaeng, he carefully brushed his hair out of his face and placed his palm across his forehead, shocked to find it burning.
Just as he was contemplating how he was going to get Jisung back to bed without waking him, Minho stumbled into the bathroom. He didn’t know what had woken him but was soon certain it had been his intuition, telling him his dongsaeng wasn’t doing too well. “Hyung?”, he questioned, startling Chan, “What’s going on?” – “I don’t know. Innie found him like this and I was just about to get him back to bed”, the leader sighed. They were both startled when Jisung curled up further, whimpering in pain. Minho knelt down next to him and nudged his shoulder, frowning: “Sungie, hey? What’s wrong?” – “Stomach’s killing me”, the younger muttered, still half-asleep. “Did you throw up?”, Chan asked as the rapper became more awake. Jisung shook his head, admitting: “Felt like it but didn’t.” Sitting up, he drew his legs closer to his chest and rested his chin on his knees. Taking a closer look at him, now that the boy was awake, Chan frowned: “How long have you felt like this?” – “Hm, kinda started after lunch. Might have eaten something wrong”, Jisung mumbled, closing his eyes again. Minho ran a comforting hand down the rapper’s back, cringing in sympathy when he felt how sweat-soaked his shirt was. “Sung, I don’t think it has anything to do with what you ate”, the dancer hummed, “You’re running quite a temperature, so I think you must have caught some kind of bug. Do you feel ready to go back to bed?” – “’m so tired, I think I’ll just sleep here on the floor”, the younger refused, keeping his eyes closed. While Minho tried to convince Jisung to go back to his room, Chan sighed: “Oh dear! I’ll grab the puke bucket and thermometer.”
After lots of convincing, Minho helped Jisung to his feet, only to have the boy bend over, hugging his middle as his stomach cramped up again. “It’s okay, just try to breathe through the pain”, the dancer hummed, resting his hand on Jisung’s shoulder. The rapper shook his head urgently, choking out: “Hyung, I don’t feel so good.” Sighing, Minho was quick to get his dongsaeng situated on his knees in front of the toilet. He could tell the younger was fighting his hardest to keep it together but couldn’t help let a tear fall down his feverishly flushed cheek. “Sungie, just let it up. I’m pretty sure you’ll feel better after getting this over with”, Minho whispered, crouching down next to the rapper. Shaking his head, Jisung grit his teeth. “Come on, if it’s making you feel this bad, it would be better to get it out than keep it in you”, the older sighed but Jisung refused: “Don’ wan’ to. Hate it.” He instantly pursed his lips, barely able to swallow back a gag. “I know it’s no fun but I don’t think you’ll feel better like this, Sung. Just get it over with and I’ll help you back to bed, so you can sleep it off”, Minho promised, running a hand through the boy’s sweaty hair. Drawing in a shaky breath, Jisung pleaded quietly: “W-Will you rub my back?” – “Of course, I’ll rub your back”, the dancer whispered back, placing his hand on his dongsaeng’s damp shirt and gently stroking up and down his spine.
Assured by the presence of his hyung right beside him, Jisung’s resolve slowly crumbled. The next time his stomach clenched, he coughed up a large wave of his meager dinner. He was really glad he had settled for something bland to eat because he couldn’t bare tasting it again. Jisung didn’t have too much time to dwell on it, lurching over the bowl as more sick shot past his lips. He shuddered in disgust, feeling Minho squeeze his shoulder before going back to rubbing his back. Just as the next wave splattered into the bowl, Chan walked in to check on the two. He had waited in Jisung’s room after setting it up with a bucket, a bottle of water and a cup of tea on the nightstand. “Make it stop”, the rapper choked out before getting sick again. Minho calmly promised: “Just hang in there, it’s almost over.” Cooing at the dancer’s rarely showing protective side, Chan grabbed a washcloth and ran it under cool water. “Min’s right, you’re almost there, Sung. You’re okay”, the Aussie smiled, laying the cool cloth across Jisung’s neck. The boy only whimpered, squeezing his eyes shut. He hated this.
After a while, it didn’t seem like he could bring anything else up, although his stomach still hurt. He just wanted to sleep. “Let’s go to bed”, Minho cooed, getting up to help Jisung up too. The younger only groaned, resting his head on his arms. He just wanted to sleep, no matter where. Patting the rapper’s back, Chan laughed lightly: “Come on, Sungie. Your bed is much comfier. I’ll even carry you there if you manage to stand up for a second.” Blinking at the leader with teary eyes, Jisung pouted but took both of his hyungs’ hands and let them pull him to his feet. With how dizzy he suddenly felt, he didn’t manage to stand for longer than a second but it was enough for Chan to scoop him up bridal-style and like he had promised, the leader carried him back to bed. “Do you want to have some water?”, Minho offered, uncapping the bottle for his dongaseng. Jisung frowned but accepted a few sips, just to wash away the taste. Sitting down on Jeongin’s bed, Chan reminded: “The bucket’s right next to your bed. Don’t hesitate to wake us up if you feel sick again, yeah?” Jisung nodded, curling up under his blanket. He was surprised when Minho climbed into bed behind him. The dancer knew he was taking a high risk but his heart ached for his sick dongsaeng, so he wanted to give him as much comfort as humanly possible. “It’s alright”, Minho whispered, slipping his hand under Jisung’s shirt, “Let me rub your tummy and try to get to get some rest. Hyungs are right here.”
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daydreamstew · 3 years
(did I sent you one already? who cares yolo) brio + 58
thank you, paloma!! 💕🥰 look at you trying to get me to write angst! HA! enjoy my first ever college au instead 🤪
58. “I made a mistake.”
“I made a mistake,” Beth blurts out as soon as the door to Rio’s room swings open.
Her pleading eyes meet his sleep-bleary ones, blinking from the fluorescent lights of their rundown dorm hallway. He must’ve still been sleeping.
That’s when she glances down, eyes going wide when she realizes that the only thing he’s wearing is basketball shorts, sitting low on his hips revealing that v muscle thing and a happy trail leading to, well, a morning wood situation even though it’s the afternoon.
Her gaze darts back up to Rio, now sporting a smug grin and raised eyebrows, but she just squares her shoulders in spite of the flush she can feel blotting her cheeks.
“Yeah, what’d you do?” he asks, eyes dipping down to look her over like always.
“I forgot to bring my key with me when I left for class and the door locked behind me and now I’m locked out and my notes for my comp gov exam are in there and I can’t study without them and I need an A on it to bump my grade up,” she explains in one breath, eyes wide.
Rio shifts to lean against his door frame, his muscles rippling from the movement and she has to stop herself from staring for too long because she cannot be looking at him, another fellow RA, like that. That’s how she got into this mess in the first place.
“Yeah, see this is why you should just type your notes like the rest of us, darlin’,” he responds, wagging his pointer finger at her.
“I-,” she starts, before stopping to take a deep breath to calm herself.
God, it’s just like Rio to try to push her buttons like this. It’s almost like he enjoys it.
“Studies show that you learn more when you physically write down the information, Rio,” she replies, voice sickly sweet.
He hums out a noise, chest rumbling and, shit, her eyes glance down again.
Pull it together, Marks!
“Aight so you need your notes. Why can’t you just ask your boyfriend for the spare key to your room? Ain’t he working in the office right now?” he asks.
Her eyes glance down to the stained carpet, avoiding looking at him. Because, yes, Dean is the one scheduled to be in the RA office right now. She knows his work schedule like the back of her hand. But-
“We actually broke up,” she breathes out, feigning being casual.
But it’s not casual. Not at all. Because Dean had-
Well, he’d cheated on her with Amber from back home, who is still a senior in high school. Which—ew. And she can barely handle looking at him, but she has to anyway because they’re both RA’s for the same dorm complex and he has seniority over her since he’s a senior and she just can’t ask him for a favor right now. Can’t fathom using the word please to the guy that has made her feel so worthless.
But she doesn’t say all that to Rio because as much as they’re friends, as much as they enjoy talking shit and studying together in the lounge, as much as they’ve bonded over their Detroit upbringings and other more serious stuff—like them both losing a parent young and the responsibilities they have back home—she doesn’t want him to know the details of this.
Because, even though she knows it’s not her fault, she still feels this aching feeling of shame every time she thinks about it. And she’s terrified that the knowledge may change the way Rio looks at her. Like he may look at her and see what she sees right now. A girl that wasn’t enough.
“Oh yeah? What’d that asshole do now?” he asks, voice dripping with disdain.
He’s always hated Dean. She could always see a spark of something in Rio’s eyes whenever Dean fucked up.
She clears her throat, eyes looking everywhere but him.
“It’s nothing, okay? We’re done and I don’t really want to ask him for anything right now,” she says with a shrug.
“Elizabeth,” Rio says, voice now serious.
She’s not sure why she came to him. She has other RA friends she could’ve asked that would’ve made this less difficult. She would’ve explained that she and Dean broke up and they would’ve given her a look of pity and an I’m so sorry and moved on.
It’s just that as much as he gives her shit, he really is always there for her. He’s the one that got one of his sketchy friends to scare off that guy that wouldn’t stop harassing her and texting her. He’s the one that stayed up helping her work through her calculus practice exam during midterms while Dean went to Logan’s party. He’s the one that held her when she broke down in tears from stress over classes and work and Annie struggling in high school.
“Please just help me with this okay? I need to get my notes or else I’m gonna fail and then the next thing you know I’ll be dropping out and moving home and then who are you gonna pick on all the time? You’re gonna have to start teasing Jeremy or something,” she rushes out.
He sighs out a reluctant laugh and nods.
“Nah can’t be having that. That kid’s weird as fuck,” he jokes.
She smiles at him softly and he rolls his eyes.
“Okay so what do you need me to do?” he asks.
“All I need is for you to sneak into the drawer on the bottom right that holds the keys while I distract him,” she explains.
“Yeah and how you gonna do that?” he questions, eyebrows raised.
She looks down and reaches into her tank top to readjust her boobs for optimal cleavage before straightening her posture and beaming at him with a smug smile.
His grin is crooked and his eyes are glazing over as he eyes the trap she just set. When his perusal lasts longer than usual and he bites at his lip, eyes still on her chest, she smacks at his arm.
“Hey!” she exclaims, but she’s smiling.
He throws his head back in laughter.
“Yeah, that fool ain’t gonna know what hit him,” Rio replies, shaking his head.
She giggles.
“Aight lemme just put a hoodie on,” Rio says, slipping into his room.
She follows and smiles when she sees his normally perfectly made bed rumpled from his sleep.
He’s throwing on some shoes and grabbing his keys, looking like he’s just about ready to leave when she stops him, grabbing his wrist.
“Wait,” she starts.
“What?” he asks.
“Your..situation,” she mutters out, eyes glancing down to his groin. “Aren’t you gonna...take care of it?”
She can’t bring herself to be more specific. She thinks she may simply combust if he makes her spell it out.
He licks at his lips and looks down at his erection, still holding strong.
“Why? You don’t want Deansie to think we were in the middle of something?”
She laughs nervously.
“No,” she insists.
“Okay then you wanna help me take care of it?” he teases.
And he’s joking, but she can’t help the warmth she feels in her gut at even the thought of touching Rio like that.
“No thanks,” she squeaks out.
“Mm so polite,” he rasps, eyes dark.  
He hesitates before asking almost tentatively, “Maybe next time?”
His eyes dart to her lips briefly before returning to her gaze.
And, god, what’s wrong with her? She just broke up with Dean and her and Rio are friends. Good ones. And she doesn’t want to risk losing someone else.
But she can’t help herself from biting at her lip and saying, “Yeah. Maybe next time.”
His mouth parts slightly and he’s breathing heavier and she is too.
Something about the way they’re looking at each other is changing by the second, their vision clearing without a Dean-sized obstacle blocking the way. Revealing to her a possibility she hadn’t even fully considered.
She glances down to his lips and suddenly she’s thinking about how he could take care of her, so she clears her throat and takes a couple of steps away from him before she does something stupid like kiss him.
“How ‘bout we watch something for a minute? While it, uh, takes care of itself?” he suggests, gently mocking her prudeness.
As she climbs into his just slept-in sheets, she realizes that despite having watched hundreds of hours of tv together, they’ve never done it in his bed. They usually do it in the lounge, but they may have to switch this to their usual spot. It smells far better.
And if as they settle in for an episode of New Girl they’ve seen a dozen times, she shifts closer until she’s pressed into his side, and if he tentatively wraps his arm around her shoulder like they’re two fifteen-year-olds on their first date, and if she wordlessly hits play on the next episode so he doesn’t stop playing with her hair, then so be it.
The notes can wait. It’s still early. They have time. She’s good where they are right now—an “enough” with someone who looks at her like she’s more than.
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wondernimbus · 4 years
c’est magnifique — oliver wood
pairing: oliver wood x female!reader
prompt: when reader doesn’t get into the slytherin quidditch team because of one marcus flint, her boyfriend decides to take matters into his own hands.
a/n: online classes r finally OVER!! i'll be able to work on you guys’ reqs now hehe
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Marcus Flint—Slytherin's Quidditch team captain—is, for lack of a better word, an absolute prick, and [Y/N] is having absolutely none of it.
"That's rubbish!" she says incredulously, her hands throwing themselves in the air out of pure frustration. "You know as well as I do that I played better than Malfoy, and now you're telling me that he got on the team and I barely did? As a reserve?"
Flint rolls his eyes. "But you didn't give the team brand new brooms—Malfoy did." His sneer contorts into a sympathetic simper as he claps her on the shoulder; [Y/N] recoils, glaring daggers at him. "Try out again next time when you actually have something to offer. Until then.. you'd be better off watching in the stands."
"Something to offer?" she repeats, mouth actually falling open in blatant disbelief. "I've got more to 'offer' than Malfoy ever will! Actual Quidditch skills, for one, and Malfoy can barely even stay on his bloody broomstick!"
"Which, mind you, is an expensive broomstick—the same one the rest of the team has, all because of good old Lucius." Flint nods ostentatiously, like he thinks leeching off of the Malfoys' money is something to be proud of. [Y/N]'s brows are knitted together in pure incredulity as she stares up at him, shaking her head in disbelief. "So cry me a river and be on your merry way. I've got class to go to."
[Y/N] seethes through her teeth and wonders what the consequences of punching someone in a middle of a busy hallway would be. Detention, that was for sure, but what kind?
Staring up at Flint, [Y/N] realizes that she hardly cares what kind of detention she'll be receiving as long as she can put him in his place.
"I could hit you right now."
"Oh, yeah?"
She takes a step closer to him, egged on by the white-hot anger clouding her better judgment. "You don't think I can?"
"Please. You can barely even reach me without tip-toeing." Flint lets out a deprecating laugh and reaches out to shove her by the shoulder—
There's a sickening crunch as the sound of a fist colliding with someone's jaw cuts through the air. Flint falls to the ground, groaning in pain.
But [Y/N] hasn't even as much as raised her arm. Her eyes are wide as she watches Oliver Wood—the perpetrator—pull Flint to his feet, wrenching him up by the collar and almost tearing it off his robes. She gapes as he pushes Flint up to the wall and, with the angriest glare [Y/N] has ever seen him wear, Oliver hisses through his teeth, "Stay away from her, you foul git."
Flint's eyes are wide with fear, but then his eyes dart around the hallway to see the countless students who have stopped in their tracks to witness the scene unfold. Hogwarts students, it seems, won't pass up a chance for some good gossip—which is exactly what this is: Oliver Wood defending his girlfriend against the pompous Marcus Flint.
Flint hangs onto what little pride he has left and fixes his face into a sneer, smacking Wood's hand away. "Whatever," he grumbles, shoving past him to stalk off down the hallway.
[Y/N] is still very much riled up, but her concern wins over her anger and she rushes to Oliver, quickly grabbing the hand he'd used to punch Flint and skimming her thumb over his knuckles. "Oliver," she sighs, frowning, her tone almost reprimanding. A bruise is already forming on his hand; he winces when she accidentally presses down on it. "You didn't have to do that," she mutters, glancing up at him, and despite her words, she can't help the rush of gratitude surging through her.
Oliver is glaring after Flint's retreating figure, jaw set and his gaze angry. But at [Y/N]'s words, his eyes soften and he looks down at her, pulling his hand away. "Bloody arsehole deserved it," he glowers, and then his voice goes gentle as he grips her shoulders and asks, "Are you alright? He didn't hit you, did he?"
[Y/N]  shakes her head. Most of her initial anger is already fading away—an effect that Oliver always has on her—and, her tone slightly playful, she says pointedly, "I was about to hit him, though, until you stepped in."
Oliver sighs, an exasperated smile resting on his lips as he pulls her into him and presses a kiss to her forehead.
"You want us to what?"
Oliver stares at the Weasley twins resolutely over the Gryffindor table. "Put sleeping draught in his drink or something, I don't know. You lot know a great deal more about the—er—methods.. than I do. Just make sure Malfoy won't be able to play in the match next week."
Fred and George share a meaningful look. A moment later, the pair of them are breaking out into identical mischievous grins. "We thought you'd never ask!" beams Fred, eyes gleaming in a way that suggests he's been waiting for this moment his entire life.
"Those Slytherbins have been playing far too dirty for too long—it's time we retaliate," says George through a bite of toast, nodding earnestly. Leaning forward, he asks, “Mind telling us why, though?”
“Yeah, we’d like to know why exactly we’re doing your dirty work.”
“And why you’ve turned to evil ways instead of fair play.”
Oliver shrugs casually, taking a swig of pumpkin juice. It’s at that moment that he catches eye of a certain someone entering the Great Hall. It’s [Y/N], and her gaze meets his immediately; her lips break out into a grin and she strides towards where he’s sitting on the Gryffindor table with the twins.
”Good morning, girlfriend,” Oliver grins, standing up to greet her with a chaste kiss.
“Morning, love."
“Ah, young love,” gushes Fred, propping his chin on his palm.
“C’est magnifique,” says George. “Hey, [Y/N], did you get into the Slytherin team?”
”Yeah, what position did you try out for again?”
[Y/N] unwinds her arms from Oliver’s middle to turn to the twins. “Seeker,” she answers, swiftly grabbing a piece of buttered toast from the table. “And I got in the team—“
”You did?“ George cuts her off, puzzled. “But I thought Malfoy—“
“As a reserve,” continues [Y/N], visibly deflating, the expression on her face souring as she takes a bite of toast. "But it's alright. I got in the team nonetheless. Let's just hope Malfoy gravely injures himself and won't be able to play—kidding, of course," she adds smoothly, but the angry way she's chewing her toast suggests that maybe she isn't entirely joking.
Fred and George, meanwhile, have caught on. They glance at Oliver, who quirks his eyebrows up at them as though to say so you get it now?
And yes, they bloody well do.
On the day of the Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Slytherin, Draco Malfoy is sent to the hospital wing. No one knows for sure why, but word has leaked of boils having mysteriously erupted somewhere in his nether regions that have rendered him unable to walk, much less fly around on a broomstick.
Surprised and elated beyond belief, [Y/N] dashes into the Great Hall that morning and practically throws herself at Oliver, squealing in joy as she slings her arms around his neck and starts breathlessly gushing on and on about "Quidditch—I'm going to play today—I'm going to be on the pitch!"
Oliver, grinning wildly, grasps onto her waist and twirls her around with little to no effort. [Y/N] can't stop the breathless laughs that tumble out from her mouth; the thought of actually being able to play in a real Quidditch game with hundreds of people watching has her almost dizzy with excitement. "I'm going to play," she says, out of breath as Oliver sets her down, hands still on her waist. Her eyes are wide and there is a smile on her face that doesn't seem like it will go away anytime soon.
"Against me," Oliver reminds her teasingly, and everything about him from the look in his eyes to the tiny smile on his lips is bursting with fondness. "I do hope you won't try to knock me off of my broom. I've fallen for you already—no need to have me do it again."
Grinning, [Y/N] rolls her eyes and pulls a face at him. "Oh, ha-ha." She feigns a feisty look, nose scrunching in a poor attempt at intimidation; "I am going to kick your arse, Oliver Wood. Mark my words."
Oliver laughs. "Alright, sweetheart. Consider them marked."
"BOTH SEEKERS HAVE SPOTTED THE SNITCH! And they're zooming off—Potter and [Y/L/N] are neck and neck—everyone is on their feet—Potter seems to be lagging behind—[Y/L/N] is four feet ahead—SHE'S GOT THE SNITCH! SLYTHERIN'S ONLY DECENT PLAYER HAS DONE IT!"
"Sorry, professor. [Y/L/N]—I mean, Slytherin wins!"
Oliver Wood practically hurtles towards the ground, tripping over his feet as he kicks his broom away in a mad dash to the other side of the pitch, where the Slytherins are. But contrary to many people's expectations, the look on the Gryffindor team captain's face isn't disappointed or angry at their loss—no, surprisingly, Oliver seems happier than anyone else on the field.  
He spots her from a few feet away standing amidst a throng of Slytherins, all of whom look pleasantly thrilled save for a certain Marcus Flint. She meets his gaze and the grin on her face, if possible, widens; dropping her broom on the grass, she runs toward Oliver, and much like she'd done earlier that morning, throws her arms around his neck, squealing.
"I did it!" [Y/N] says breathlessly, eyes wide. "I caught the snitch!"
Oliver has never felt more proud in his life. His chest swelling with so much joy and fondness it feels as though his heart is about to burst, he grins right back at her and places his hand on the back of her head, pressing their foreheads together, noses brushing as they smile excitedly at each other and everything else in the Quidditch pitch seems to fade into a blur. "You did it," says Oliver, and then he's leaning forward and pressing his lips to hers, smiling into her mouth.
When they pull away, everyone is hooting and cheering. A certain pair of redheaded twins are standing off a few feet away, sighing.
"Ah, young love," says Fred.
"C'est magnifique," says George.
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king-maven-calore · 3 years
prompt #25 “your hair is really soft” for marecal please 😙
I did this and "10 cal and mare please. idc who says it lol"👀 in a single drabble, I hope you guys don't mind. It's a modern AU I guess
Cal had been volunteering at the Scarlet Guard summer camp for two seasons now, this would be his third. The first time he’d been here as moral support for Ptolemus, who’d been sent here for his community service sentence. Ptolemus had signed up again for the following summers for Wren, a med student in charge of the infirmary, and Cal kept signing up because he found out he loved working with children.
He always had a great time helping the kids, training them in archery and other sports, patting their backs when they got homesick, leading them on walks through the woods belting out marching songs, sitting with them at lunch, and making good use of his excellent puns arsenal. The kids had a blast, and he did too.
In this part of the Greatwoods Region, he found paradise. His dad disapproved and Maven did not understand but was he too happy to mind.
It would have been a shame if he’d proven them right on his third year here when he almost died out of sheer stupidity. But could he be blamed? Could he be blamed when the five new counselors got down from one of the early buses and one of them looked like that?
Among the newbies, there was a petite girl with golden skin that seemed to sparkle under the early morning sun. She jumped down from the bus and a cloud of dirt exploded around her already dirty Vans, her toned legs were generously exposed under her jean shorts, and the lines of her abdomen peeking out from under the camp’s counselor reglementary red polo shirt as she stretched and arched her back to tie her dyed brown and purple hair in a bun, scowling at her surroundings with something akin to distrust. She was the loveliest girl he’d ever seen in such a violent way... was it really his fault he didn’t pay attention to the lightbulbs he’d been changing at the side of the dining hall, perched atop a rickety ladder 10 feet above the ground? It wasn’t. Electricity didn’t give a shit about whose fault was it though when he blindly stuck his hand in the exposed wires next to the light socket.
A white explosion, sparkles, and a sensation of being pulled away at 1000 miles per hour.
Next thing he knew, he was on his back and there was a warm mouth against his. Warm, soft, insistent— on breathing air into him. And good god, this person smelled like heaven; jasmine and rain. Much to his dismay, the scent and the mouth left him and his chest started getting crushed in rhythmic, urgent motions.
Cal gulped air and shot upright. He was surrounded by 20 consternated young faces and one barely inches away from his face. Beautiful, wide brown eyes, thick long eyelashes that brushed against high cheekbones when the girl who’d just saved his life blinked twice.
“Dude.” Kneeling next to him, the girl with the purple hair knitted her brow. “What the fuck?”
And Cal couldn’t help but smile at her. A reflex. She was even prettier up close.
“I think we should check for brain damage,” a blond with bottle green eyes muttered.
Oh, but his brain was fine. It was his heart he should get checked, for he’d just been struck by Cupid’s arrow.
And electricity, of course. The smell of burnt hair, clothes, and flesh reminded him.
The result of that encounter turned out to be quite positive. Yes, he got a second-degree burn on his right hand and a dislocated shoulder from the fall but he refused to be sent home, it had been worth it to get to meet Mare Barrow.
She was 18, from Albanus, only here for the money, best friends with the blondie jokester and— as he learned after a dubiously moral social media stalking session —single and interested in men.
The only thing he regretted from that “meet cute” was that he’d been mostly unconscious (technically dead) for 99% of the time her lips were on his.
He lived for the moments they crossed paths during their daily activities around the camp. His heart grew in size about five times when she teased him and lightly punched his stomach or ruffled his hair.
Ptolemus cocked a brow but kept his mouth thankfully shut when Cal decided to start sitting on the counselor’s table during dinner instead of with the kids, as he had grown accustomed to.
It was miserable and extraordinary how he even found the way she ate her food endearing. More often than not, miserable because he couldn’t A: get her to like him, for she was too laser-focused on doing her job efficiently and getting the hell out of the camp; B: touch her as casually as she did with him because his hand was bandaged, and C: relationships between counselors were strictly forbidden.
By the time his hand was healthy enough to be of any use, three weeks had passed and he was head over heels, neck-deep (to not use other body parts for reference), stupidly in love with the sarcastic girl who had put her own breath into his lungs, challenged him every time they got the chance and looked at him like she wanted to sink her hand into his ribcage to take a bite out of his heart. Needless to say, he wanted to touch her. Badly. Ok, maybe do a bit more than 'touch', but you get the idea.
His excuse was handed on a silver platter by one of his favorite campers, Luther Carver. The kid who was usually off-standish and grim— just misunderstood, in Cal’s opinion – had signed up for the braiding lessons that Mare was unhappily in charge of.
On his way back from the lake, his crew of kids trailing behind him, he passed along the group of girls and Luther taking their lesson, sitting in a circle on the grass between the pine trees. An idyllic image of children focused on their task, and Mare’s poorly concealed discomfort as she sat on a log bench and supervised the activities, biting the inside of her cheek, elbows on her knees. It should be illegal to be that beautiful without meaning to.
“Hi, Cal!” Luther chirped as a girl behind him stared with furious determination at her handiwork. “How does my hair look?”
Cal signaled for his group to keep walking back to the camp and approached the small clearing.
“It looks amazing, buddy!” Cal gave him a thumb up. To be honest, his braid of long black hair was slightly (very) crooked to the left, and Mare noticed. She hid her laugh behind cough and a fist. “It is very original.”
Luther beamed and turned slightly to wink in his fellow camper’s direction. The girl blushed and giggled and Cal wanted nothing more than to give them a bear hug and tell them how smart and kind they were. Kids were the best thing in this world. Especially when they said things like...
“Mare’s hair is still the same,” Luther sighed wearily. “Someone should do something about it.”
All the girls hummed and nodded in agreement and Mare closed her eyes and Cal could read her thoughts as she counted to ten.
“Fine, you guys win.” Ah, so her untouched hair had been a recurring topic. “Cal can braid my hair!” she said with fake excitement that went over the kids’ heads, thankfully. “If he knows how to, that is.” Her brown eyes locked with his in camaraderie, fully expecting him to turn down the task with some excuse to appease their audience.
“Ok,” he shrugged happily as he walked over to her and her smug face dissolved into a confused frown and the kids cheered.
He made a shooing motion with his hand and she moved to sit on the grass awkwardly while he took her place on the log bench, sitting with his feet placed on either side of her body.
“What the hell are you doing?” she whispered through gritted teeth so only he could hear her, craning her neck up to glare at him, when he started cracking his knuckles for dramatic effect.
Were this any other context, he would savor the warmth her body radiated to the inside of his legs. Not this context. Absolutely not.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” he smirked down at her. “Now stop moving and let me braid your hair.”
With one last suspicious look, she heaved a breath and stared ahead as he tugged the scrunchie off her hair and let the brown and purple waves spill down her back.
Cal had no fucking clue how to do braid but how hard could it be? It was like a knot with hair. Right? He looked at what the girls sitting on the grass were doing. Ok, that seemed doable. He combed his long fingers through Mare’s hair to loosen any knots and... Holy. Fucking. Shit.
He successfully hid a shudder while Mare uninterestedly hugged her knees to her chest.
He was choking on his own breath. Her hair was so soft and the scent of it was so amazing it pierced his fingertips, reached his bloodstream, and shot to his head. Jasmine and rain like that first day. Cal stilled for a moment and blinked forcefully to regain some semblance of rational thought.
“What is it?” Mare muttered curtly. Was it his imagination or did it sound more like a gasp than scolding?
“Nothing,” he said and started imitating the nearest girl’s technique. No point in lying, he bent down to whisper in her ear. “Your hair is really soft.” It wasn’t meant to come out so raspy and needy, and still...
Mare turned to the side and they were face to face. She seemed offended, but not really, with a confused glare darkening her burning gaze, a lovely red tint spreading all over her cheeks and neck, slightly parted plush lips.
She looked on the verge of kissing him or punching him. Cal prayed and ached it was the former because she licked her lips, leaving a glossy sheen and he wanted nothing more than to...
“OHHH Mare and Cal sitting in a tree!” A girl squealed, pointing at them from across the clearing and suddenly 10 pairs of devilish eyes were on them and chanting. “K-I-S-S-I-N-G!”
They jumped away from each other so fast one might think they had been electrocuted again as they rushed to explain that “No, they were NOT doing anything of the sort!”
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anissanightyoung · 3 years
Of kisses and Roman traditions
[SUMMARY] Where Seungkwan enjoys kissing you and blames it on the Romans.
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Idk what this is. Fluff? Flirty!Seungkwan definitely. Oh and noona!reader😁
3,087 words
You and Seungkwan have already kissed on three occasions. You didn't want to put too much thought into it, and you never mentioned it anyway. But sometimes it's hard to stop thinking about what those kisses mean.
The first kiss was at Seungkwan's house. All your friends were already asleep, tired of playing all his board games, and drunk innumerable bottles of liquor. You had finished cleaning up when Seungkwan came towards you. "Yah, why did you clean? This is my apartment.” You laughed at his half-asleep state, you could see just how tired he was trying to beat Soonyoung with one drunk. He did his best, but Soonyoung kept giving him +2s and +4s of tequila or vodka and mixing alcohol in Seungkwan's system ended badly. He threw up twice overnight.
"Look at you, hangover's gonna bite your ass in the morning. And you know I can't sleep when this place is trashed." You can hear him laughing lazily, trying to stay awake. "Come on, let's get you to bed." Seungkwan grins, "Starving. Creamy cheese bagels. Feed me?" You laughed at his antiques. You met him a year ago, and you know drunk Seungkwan needs to eat before he goes to bed. "This is a way of waking up hangover-free, noona. You should try it." But you know that Seungkwan will still have a headache the following day, with an Americano as a telling sign.
"You're too cute for your own good, do you know that?" You joked to him, shaking your head. You were warming up the bagel when he took your hand. "Happy anniversary, noona."
"Do you think I wouldn't remember? It's the anniversary of the first time we met.”
"What a sappy, sappy man you are." You laugh while finishing his sandwich. You turned around to face him and said "ah" so he could take a bite out of the bagel. When he did, it was as if he had tasted food for the first time. When he had already swallowed his first bite, he suddenly threw his arms into your waist, swallowing you in a cuddle. That surprised you because he's not usually that sweet, and now he's very touchy.
"What are you doing?" You asked him when he set his bagel down on the counter and tugged the ends of your shirt pulling you closer to him. This is the only time you have noticed how he is a few inches taller than you, and that he has long eyelashes a bit like those of a baby. You were that close to notice that. He slowly bent over your face, staring directly at your lips, waiting for you to stop him. When you didn't, he closed the gap between the two of you and kissed you softly.
When he retired, he laid his head upon the counter and slept his intoxication away. You figured he’s too wasted to have done so. When you asked about the kiss the next day, he brushed it off, saying,  “Sorry, got wasted trying to beat that tiger hyung.”  
“Just don’t do it again okay? Friends don’t do that.”
“Yepp,” popping the last letter, “I’ll take you to your favorite burger place to make it up to you.” He drags you to his car while holding your hand. When he was driving, he held your hand still. “Hey, it's not okay to kiss, but it's okay to hold hands?” There was complete silence.
“Friends can hold hands, sure. When did friends start kissing on the lips?
“Friends with benefits do.”
“Ya are you asking me to? Cause you know I’m not into that kind of shit!”
Seungkwan laughed at your outburst. “Joking noona, sheesh. You’re getting old.”
“Shut it, I’m barely a year older than you.”
Throughout the ride, he didn't let go of your hand. However, you didn't seem to mind the extra warmth.
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The second kiss took place around a campfire.
Soonyoung told the three of you that he wanted to go for a drive, and you were shocked when he suddenly parked by a beach. You never asked how Soonyoung got all of your clothes and other belongings, but he seemed to need the view of a peaceful ocean at night, so you all decided. You were already there, and the semester had just ended.
While you and Seungkwan were eating dinner you bought near the store, Seokmin began jamming to a guitar and singing his heart out. Soonyoung was on the lookout for the beach's caretaker to inquire about some wood for a campfire.
“I swear, I know Soonyoung oppa is the most spontaneous of us all, but I never expected him to be this bad. Is it really because of the finals?” 
“He may look carefree, but hyung goes through a lot,” Seokmin chuckled. You understand; everybody has their own way of dealing with their baggage, and Soonyoung's are to be daring and laugh his problems away.
“Minnie, can you play the song you submitted for your music class as a group project?” Campfire?” You believe it is appropriate for the atmosphere of the evening. While Seokmin was singing, you glanced over at Soonyoung to see how he was doing. His smile is beaming, and his eyes are glassy as he takes in the stunning scenery in front of him. You were relieved to see that his plan worked.
You looked at Seungkwan, realizing that this was his first time hearing the track. “Kwannie, pay attention to the next line. It's comforting.” You sang with Seokmin when the part came up. It reminds you of how Seungkwan made getting out of bed easier every day. Your anxiety held you awake at night or made you fearful of what might happen the next day. But Seungkwan, he unintentionally shone on you at a difficult period. Slowly but steadily, you began to anticipate waking up knowing that he would face the day with you.
Soonyoung accompanied Seokmin to the market to buy some food after he finished jamming due to his hunger. It was time for you to jam. Of course, you'd choose Taylor Swift's The Way I Loved You, in honor of her Fearless cover. You've always admired Taylor Swift's music, especially the older songs because you identify with the words she wrote. You were grateful for how her music got you through your childish heartbreaks.
You were so engrossed in Seungkwan's angelic voice that you didn't know he was already squatting in front of you. Both of you were grinning at each other when the last chord was struck, and you kissed him as though it were nothing out of the ordinary. The kiss felt right; it felt like it was what completed the song you were singing; it felt like the happy ending the song promised. To keep your balance, you clutched his arm. When you jerked away from him when you awoke from your daydream, he immediately drew you back in and kissed you again, squeezing your hand three times.
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The four of you had agreed to spend Christmas Day at Seokmin's. Your mother didn't let you hear the end of it when you told them you couldn't come home because your family has always been conventional. Your mother guilt-tripping you to come home, saying, "We're family, we're supposed to spend time together." “Ah, well, families are supposed to support one another, not nag each other to death when one fails to meet one's expectations.” After that, you hang up, assuming that if you don't agree, your mother will say something else that you don't want or need to hear.
Seungkwan was supposed to pick you up, so while you were waiting for him, you double-checked everything you'd packed to make sure you hadn't forgotten anything. Seungkwan's introduction of Soonyoung and Seokmin is one of the things for which you are grateful. You've outgrown your crappy friends from high school, so the trio is a breath of fresh air for you.
You place your bags in the trunk as soon as you see his car, like a little kid heading to Disney World. “Thanks for picking me up, Kwannie,” she said, beaming. You excitedly slid down to the passenger seat. He immediately hugged you once you were sitting, saying, "Ah noona, you're in a good mood?" You can see his smile doesn't reach his eyes when you've broken free from the embrace. He's giving you a fake one.
“This is my first trip away from my home. I already know it'll be a lot of fun.”
“Really? At Seokmin Hyung's house, you'll feel right at home. His mother prepares the most delicious Christmas dinner. My mother's cooking pales in comparison.” Seungkwan once gave you a dish made by her mother, and one bite was enough to make you feel like you'd died and gone peacefully to heaven. The fact that Seokmin's mother cooks better piqued your curiosity. “Ah really? Then I'd really have to give it a taste.” He smiled again, the false smile, and you're starting to get bothered by it.
“What are you doing, Kwannie?” You're giving me this strange grin.”
“What do you mean strange?”
“Fake smile. It's the first time you've feigned a smile at me. What’s up?”
“You can see right through me, can't you?”
“Yes, I do. Would you like to talk about it?”
“Nope. But I'd like to take your hand.”
Seungkwan is holding your hand and exhaling contentedly. He kept it until you arrived at Seokmin's house.
Seokmin's house is warm and inviting. They live in a house on a corner with a vibrant garden surrounding it. The living room has an L-shaped couch that can comfortably seat all four of you, with additional seating available. Seokmin and his sister have a wall full of family photos and accomplishments. You can tell Seokmin's parents are a laid-back, loving family, as shown by his kindness and good humor. You don't know if it was the long ride, but you fell asleep as soon as you sat on their couch after the house tour.
When you first awoke, you chose to visit their garden, which you recall has a swing set. Seungkwan is seated by himself.
You teased, "Where are your twins?"
“They went grocery shopping with Mrs. Lee.”
“What kept you from going?”
“Too exhausted from driving.”
“Then you should've just slept with me.”
Seungkwan swung his head in your direction right away. “I-uh, what?”
Then it dawned on you what you'd said. This is so humiliating. “Sleep!” you exclaimed, “Sleeping, with eyes closed and resting-“
“I never expected you to finally ask me-”
He laughed out loud at your reaction while you chased him around the backyard. He quit running around after you told him that you wouldn't smack him in the head.
“I hate you.”
That made Seungkwan stop laughing.
“Do you regret meeting me?”
You were surprised at his sudden change of tone, no longer joking. “Is this what it’s all about?”
“Well. Yeah.”
“I'm not sure what got you to think like that. You said, “But you know our first meeting was a flop.” When people meet for the first time, they usually ask for each other's names, go through some more tedious formalities, and then seal the deal with a handshake. You had an early class with him, and you didn't mind sharing a seat with him almost every time because you thought he was one of the quiet ones. The year was difficult for you because things didn't go your way, you had a lot of misfortunes, and you had a lot of work piling up that was affecting your mental health.
As you sat down in your chair one fateful morning, you put your cup of coffee on your side of the table. This is where Seungkwan got his drink mixed up with yours because you both have the same coffee taste.
“- flop is an exaggeration for that noona-”
“-you drank my coffee in our 8 a.m. class thinking it was yours, I'll never forgive you.” Reliving that moment made you roll your eyes. “But you know what? You wouldn't have replaced it if you hadn't, and I wouldn't have had the best year of my life.” It may seem to be an exaggeration, but it is true. You were grateful for Seungkwan's carefree and playful personality, which helped you get through your lowest point. He had no idea what you were going through, but you were relieved that someone was taking care of you.
He can be seen chewing his mouth, attempting to conceal his smile. “Ah dumb main character in a drama,” air quotes the phrase, ‘I wish I hadn't met you.' “I instantly thought of you.”
“Huh, that's strange.”
“What is?”
“That. As I previously said, this has been the best year I've had in, what, three years? And it's all thanks to you. I might be harsh with you all of the time, cursing at you whenever I get the chance, but that's just how I am. I'm glad I got you as one of my most reliable friends, my rock, and my go-to person. Even Seokmin and Soonyoung oppa were introduced to me by you. Seungkwan, I'd rather live in a world with you in it. Don’t think otherwise.”
Seungkwan stared at you and felt a combination of emotions. He kissed you when he understood what he felt.  At first, you thought it’ll be quick like the last time, a peck. But he deepened the kiss, and when his tongue touched yours, you hear him groan. He tugged you closer, afraid you’ll get away. He reassuringly held your hands, squeezing them three times just like the second time. I can get used to this. You thought. You focused on his soft lips, how you’ve always felt content while kissing him.
He pulled away, his chest heaving for breath. “Holy shit,” Seungkwan said. You nodded in agreement, apparently unable to concentrate because of your heart beating so loudly.
“I-, uh, I--”
“I thought we’ve talked this through?-”
He sighed deeply before adding, “I-I got cold. Sorry, noona.”
“You dumb shit, if you were cold, I would have made you hot chocolate. I’m nice sometimes you know.”
“I don't mind,” he smirked, “you're hotter anyway.”
“What the heck is wrong with you? I swear to god, you've been flirting with me since that drunk uno shit.”
“It's a Roman thing to kiss under the mistletoe,” he said, pointing to the mistletoe he was carrying.
You both laughed it off, thinking about how ridiculous it sounded. “Roman tradition my ass.”
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You and Seungkwan are both in the hospital on New Year's Eve.
“Ah, what a dumb plan you had there,” you exclaimed, staring at him in disbelief.
“Well, I've always wanted to go out of my comfort zone...”
You give him a light smack on the head. “Shut up. Now I'm trapped in a hospital over New Year's because of your dumb plan.”
It's never a good idea to combine Seungkwan with hiking. Sure, he's fit, but when was the last time he went hiking?
“Then have Seokmin hyung or Soonyoung hyung accompany me.”
“They're still at Seokmin's.” You and Seungkwan both arrived at your dorms earlier than anticipated. After all, you didn't want to overstay your welcome; it was your first time. You were worried that Seokmin's mother would think you were too at ease in their home.
“Well, if you want to go home, you can.”
“Who will look after you if I go home?”
For a moment, Seungkwan didn't dare add a sarcastic comment on that question. So, instead, “Come on y/n, don't be so mad...”
“Where are your manners, I'm your noona?”
“three kisses in and I still can't call you by your name?”
You blushed when you remembered all of the times Boo SeungKwan kissed you and how sweet his soft lips were.
“Noona is blushing, wah.”
“I hope your ankle doesn’t heal you little shit.”
Raising his eyebrows at you. "You don't mean that. You love me."
"Of course I do. I love all three of you."
He reached for your hand. "I bet you love me more." There it was again, Seungkwan surprising you with his sudden seriousness. He was staring straight into your eyes, waiting for your response. Luckily, a nurse came in to check his vitals.
 A few minutes after the nurse came out, both of you were ignoring each other due to that sudden tension. To ease the situation, both of you just watched television until you fell asleep.
"Y/n wake up." Nudging you by your shoulders. "We're nearing the countdown. Cmon," and urged you to stand by the window, waiting for the fireworks.
Seungkwan then leaned in to put an earphone in, with a song already playing in the background. You realized it was a song written by Soonyoung's classmate, Woozi, for a songwriting class. You were bopping your head to the music when the ten-second countdown started. 
You and Seungkwan alternately sang along.
"I promise myself, while drinking a glass of water in the morning, to tell you"
새벽에 물을 마시면서 혼자 다짐해 나는 너에게
"Beautiful words like the lines in a movie"
영화처럼 달콤하고 예쁜 그 말
"The words I've prepared overnight for days"
몇 날 며칠 밤새 연습했던 그 말
"I want to say them to you tomorrow with clenched fists"
내일은 꼭 두 주먹을 꽉 쥐고 말해주고 싶어
Seungkwan turned to face you just in time for the next line.
"You are pretty." 
너 예쁘다
As soon as the clock struck twelve and the fireworks went off, Seungkwan kissed you. What astonished you was how you knew he was about to kiss you and how you returned the kiss with fervor as he deepened it. You can't help but compare this man to fireworks; how dark it was before him, and how awestruck you were when he came into your life.
Seungkwan was the first to back away, touching his forehead to yours and giggling like a joyful little kid. “Did you know that it’s a Roman tradition to kiss on the first minute of the new year?”
“Blaming the Romans again, I see?” playfully raising your eyebrows at him.
He laughed at that, giving you no excuse. "I love you, Y/n."
You grinned as you silently thank the Romans for their weird traditions.
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headinthestaticsky · 3 years
Frozen Within the Night Wind: Jasper Hale x Fleur Swan, Chapter 10
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None of the characters in Twilight belong to me, all rights go to Stephenie Meyer.
"Having you close My head is damaged I get closer, everything trembles me
Now I have the certainty That I have not lost the desire Wake up with you in the morning But I'm looking for your gaze And your eyes, baby, don't tell me anything."
Nuestro Planeta by, Kali Uchis Featuring Reykon. Translated lyrics.
Jasper, Jacob, and I were all standing in a large field awaiting the arrival of Bella and Edward. The very field we were standing in would be the battleground between us and the newborn army.
"Hey, le... Fleur?" Jacob asked."
"Why haven't your diluted eyes at all? They still look like a rose." Jacob observed.
"I mean it hasn't been a full year yet."
"Yes, darling but... they should've at least diluted a little by now, amber should start to peak through." Jasper added.
"That's strange...I haven't had any human blood I swear."
"Yeah right..." I heard Jacob mumble.
"Oh shove it, Jacob, at least I'm not in the middle of a toxic, manipulative, love triangle."
"Can it leech. You know nothing about Bella."
"Keep telling yourself that."
Before Jacob could rebuttal, Edward and Bella finally showed up. Edward didn't look thrilled at all and Bella had a blank look on her face.
"I don't like this idea at all." Edward grumbled.
"And we need you for the fight but you aren't coming to that so...tough, get over it." I rebutted.
"Leave him alone Fleur...he's doing it for me. Bet Jasper hasn't done that for you." Bella said a dreamy look was in her eyes.
"Uh...he didn't have to, because I didn't cause chaos where ever I went and didn't piss off nomads you dumbass." I heard Jasper let out a short laugh.
"Wait, pretty boy isn't fighting, aww did you pull a muscle?" Jacob mocked.
"Can we get on with this... I wanna be anywhere but here." I interrupted.
"Whatever, just tell me the plan." Jacob said.
"Edward and I are going on a campsite, even if he carries me they’ll still pick up our scents." Bella explained.
"Your stench, however, is revolting." Edward interrupted
"Dude, you really don’t wanna start comparing stinks." Jacob snapped
"What he means is that your scent will mask mine if you carry me," Bella said.
"This is not a good idea."
"You've already established that Edward," I said.
"Edward, they won’t wanna get anywhere near his... odor." Jasper carefully.
Jacob picked Bella up before saying... "Odor-de-wolf comin’ up."
Edward glared at me when Jacob was gone. Jasper noticed this and tensed up.
"You need to stop talking to her like that!"
"Like what? Truthfully, honestly?"
"It's not truthful it's insulting!"
"Dude...have you been living without any of your senses? The amount of shit she has said and done to me is a lot more disgraceful than how I am acting. Like I am petty, I know I am, but her pretending to be all innocent is hilarious."
"Oh please..."
"Okay so when she insults me and brings up that my mother completely hates my guts it's fine but when I rebuttal it's like I'm opening the gates of hell huh?"
"You don't know anything about her... she isn't malicious!"
"You sound just like Jacob."
"Don't even compare me to that...fleabag."
"What are you gonna do about?" I said he then got up close to my face, he looked like he was going to hit me.
"Don't test me Fleur... I will put you in your place if I have to."
"I'd love to see you try...boy." Jasper said getting between the two of us.
Edward snarled at us and walked away, stalking off to the far side of the field.
"Man... being a vampire has definitely amped up my attitude. Good thing you're here to stop me from doing something stupid." I joked.
"I think you're spending too much time with Rosalie darlin." Jasper said, smiling at me.
"This whole love triangle thing makes me want to set myself on fire. I kinda feel bad for Jacob...I know she's just manipulating him."
"I wouldn't put it past her darlin."
"I really wish we didn't have to do any of this...we should be getting married right now... not fighting a battle they could possibly be getting us killed." I confessed.
"Well one, we just have to wait until November... and two we will be fine, we've been training all this time."
"I know but...it's still a terrifying thought, this is the first fight I've ever been with another vampire."
"Did you forget about James love?"
"Well... with me as a vampire."
"You're going to be fine... Alice told me the vision she had of you fighting James, you cracked his skin by throwing a rock.... if you're that strong as a human I'm scared to see what you can do as a vampire."
"Okay, okay... stop trying to boost my ego." I said smirking, I pulled him in using some of my strength. I kissed him before pulling apart, biting his lip to tease him."
"You're cruel darlin, just cruel... Oh forgot to say something..."
"What is it?"
"Bella and Edward got engaged."
"Oh my god... are you serious?"
"Yeah, and Alice said they planned on eloping in Vegas."
"She must be really angry with those two..."
"Actually, she isn't really that mad."
"Okay, what happened to Alice?"
"I think she's starting to get a little... annoyed with Bella."
"It was bound to happen... Dad is going to kill Edward."
Edward ran toward us again and told us to be quiet. Before I could ask why Bella and Jacob came back into view.
"Well Jasper and I will do a quick sniff check... you three can stay here and.... mingle." Before they could protest we took off into the woods.
"The stench is revolting."
"It is pretty bad."
"I can't make up any Bella though, so the plan worked."
We quickly ran back down to the field, both of us had stepped down off of a broken tree laying on the ground.
"Just picked up wolf stench, no Bella." Jasper stated
Timeskip: 2 hours later
I was waiting for Alice in the Cullen's house, knowing that Alice told dad we were all going on a camping trip. I thought it would be good if we all hunted before the battle to power up. I needed all the strength I could get.
"I swear if Bella and Edward do anything in our room I am going to kick Edward to the moon." I grumbled.
"Don't worry Fleur...I'm sure Edward won't do anything." Jasper reassured, a guilty look was on his face, however.
"You threatened him didn't you?" Not buying his innocent act.
"Yes, yes I did."
"Alright everyone, we can go!" I heard Alice say outside, Dean, Jasper, Rosalie, Emmett, Esme, Carlisle, and I all made our way outside quickly.
Timeskip: 6 hours later
"Damn Emmett, at this point you're going to put bears into extinction."
"Serves them right short stack."
"Dude I am 5'9, that's pretty tall for a girl."
"But pretty short for someone who's 6'5."
"Oh shut it and hit your head in the doorway again."
"Darlin, if he keeps doing that the support beams are going to give out in the house." Jasper added.
"Nah they'll be fine, he's as tall as a support beam." I joked.
"Can't wait to kick some newborn-vampire ass," Dean said, jumping up slightly in excitement. Alice giggled and wrapped her arms around him
"Are the newborns still making their way to the field Alice?" Carlisle asked.
"Yes, they should be here at 5:15 pm tomorrow."
"We'll be ready," Carlisle said.
"You guys go ahead in, I need some quiet. I'm going to try and track Victoria."
They all nodded and went inside, I saw them all however observing me through the glass walls."
I got into my trance, rolling my eyes behind my head and I was flying through the city once again. I stopped in an underground tunnel, the likes of which was located in Seattle. I finally found her, she was talking with that man that turned me... the name I finally found out to be Riley Biers.
"You’re not coming with us?" He asked angrily.
"It’ll be a last-minute decision. I told you how it works." Victoria replied she seemed bored.
"The Cullen’s have powers according to one of your friends," Riley said skeptically.
"Yes, my friend told me... my DEAD friend. Don’t underestimate them, Riley. One of them made me have hallucinations of my friend. You’ll have the numbers, but they’ll be able to anticipate your every move. You don’t trust me do you?"
"I trust you with my life. I’m just saying…"
"I’m doing this for us so that we can feed without their…retaliation and I can’t live in fear anymore waiting for them to attack."
"I won’t let them. I’m going to end the Cullen clan. I swear."
I broke out of my trance before I could get anything else out of the conversation. I rushed inside, eager to tell them what I found.
"It was Victoria guys!" I said.
"What? I would've seen it." Alice replied.
"She was hiding behind that kid, Riley... She's letting him lead the army to us..."
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oddlybitter · 3 years
draft excerpt from “for the good of the people, tartaglia must die”
hehe i am creating more and more work to do hehe
i am FINALLY writing a chili piece lmfao but it’s also got a lot of other ships in it. so, uh, it’s a bit of a wild ride. here’s what i have so far!! it’s rather unpolished but it has heart!!!
- (zhongli/childe, yanfei/hu tao, chongyun/xingqui + more to come)
- this part mostly focuses on yanfei/hu tao and chongyun/xingqui
cw: violence, blood
Pressing his back to the wall, Childe pants, blood rushing in his ears as he tries his best to listen out for the tell-tale sound of shoes pattering against the pavement. A few yards away, the sound of labored breathing grows louder, and two boys, each about the same height, skid to a halt underneath the Stone Gate's towering sheet of rock, nearly tripping on the uneven boards of the walkway. 
"Where'd he go?" One of them asks, his face very red and eyes clouded with wavering focus.
The other clenches his hand around his sword, brushing his navy bangs out of his face. "I'm not sure. The sun has not yet set. If we keep searching, I am sure we shall locate him before nightfall."
Childe swallows, his eyes wandering to the long poles of bamboo that appear to be his ticket out of here. The first boy, the one with pale blue eyes and thaumaturgist's gear, frowns, wiping his brow. 
"I don't know how much longer I can stay in control, Xingqiu."
While maintaining a look of stony focus on his face, Xingqiu leans closer, brushing the other boy's fluffy hair back with his hand to place a gentle kiss on his forehead. The light-haired boy closes his eyes, swaying slightly. 
Xingqui pulls back, cupping the other's cheek with his palm. "You're doing so well, dearest Chongyun. Just hold on a little longer."
Instead of waiting around to see this exchange and be swayed by their affectionate ways of reassurance, Childe is shimmying up a bamboo trunk, taking an arrow, and sticking it into the wood to get a leg up onto the stone ledge above the walkway. Breathing heavily, he rests for a moment, leaning his hands above his knees as he bends over. Then, wiping his nose with the back of his hand, Childe starts into a sprint again, frowning against the biting wind that beckons from Mondstadt.
How he ended up running from what seems to be the entire population of Liyue is a rather long story that you've probably heard by now. You know, the whole "summoning a destructive tentacle god, nearly drowning the entire city of Liyue Harbor, having a rich lady drop her house on him" thing. He'll spare you the gritty details that you've seen before and cut straight to where the most relevant bit started: this morning, Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. 
As an apology for trying to steal his Gnosis and wipe Liyue off of the map, Childe had taken to delivering gifts to Mr. Zhongli, the consultant at Wangsheng. Usually, he would send them by mail, seeing as giving Zhongli those gifts face to face was too much for the other man to bear, especially after Childe realized he had played him like a cheap flute. How a man so polite and honorable could be so cruel was beyond him, but Childe had finally plucked up the courage to see him once again. 
He had entered the funeral parlor with a box of imported wines and teas that he had learned Zhongli was fond of, only to find two young women whispering between themselves at the front desk. One of them had light pink hair that fell loosely around her waist and a set of antlers peeking out from underneath a red hat, a heavy ledger attached at her hip. The other was a girl with dark brown hair tied into twin-tails dyed red at the tips. She was dressed entirely in black with a recurring butterfly motif, and her fingers chimed each time her rings brushed up against one and other. 
Setting the box on the counter, he gave them each a quick smile. "You wouldn't have happened to see the consultant, would you?"
The young women stopped muttering, turning around to face him with faces of dawning satisfaction. The pink one smiled sweetly, clasping her hands in front of her chest. 
"Oh, but of course! Right this way, please." She beamed, leading him into a room Childe hadn't seen before. 
As soon as they stepped over the threshold, something felt off to Childe. The pink-haired girl had her back turned to him, fiddling with something on the shelf as she hummed a cheery tune. The smell of old parchment and something terribly musty clouded the air, and before Childe could react, something pressed hard against his windpipe, yanking him backward. Instantly, the pink-haired girl turned around, nodding to something behind Childe's shoulder. With a grunt, he clawed at the rope looped around his neck, digging his fingers between it and his skin as he flipped his assailant over his back. 
The dark-haired girl from earlier went flying, knocking a shelf out of place as she tumbled into the arms of her accomplice. "Yikes! He's feisty!"
As Childe went to summon his water blades, the pink-haired girl set the other on her feet once more, pulling a catalyst out of the air and drawing out the shape of a diamond with her forefingers. A sudden heat flared up by his stomach, and he looked down, taking in the seal on his Vision with a confused stare. The space in his hands remained decidedly empty. 
"According to the recently amended codices, chapter forty-one, segment three dictates that if a criminal goes unpunished and escaped justice, the allogenes within a ten-mile radius of the scene of the crime are permitted to subdue said criminal by any means possible." She said, holding her hands out in the air in front of her. "Revision date of the law is as follows: last night, June, a month after the passing of Rex Lapis."
The dark-haired girl thrust her spear out, slicing through the flesh of Childe's upper arm. "I wanted to give you an advance on our new deal, but Yanfei said that would be first-degree murder."
"We compromised," Yanfei added. "Hu Tao can be very persuasive."
Hu Tao grinned, batting her eyelashes at the other girl. "My, my... Stop it,  you! You're so cute when you flatter me."
Blinking, Childe pressed his palm to the cut on his arm, trying to stop the bleeding. "What's going on?"
"Manslaughter of the second degree!" Yanfei chirped helpfully, and then set his scarf on fire. 
“I thought you said you compromised!” He screeched, batting at the rather fiery half of his scarf.
Smoke clouded the room like thick, cloying cobwebs, and just as Childe had extinguished the blaze that set the entire room full of very flammable objects on fire, he saw Hu Tao and Yanfei slip through a doorway cleverly hidden by a cabinet. Ducking out after them, he left the door open behind him, letting the plumes of smoke cloak his departure. Without a moment’s hesitation, Childe sprinted to the back exit, ripping off the pointedly un-burned part of his scarf to wrap around his arm. 
As he pressed his back against the outside wall of the funeral parlor, Childe ran a hand through his hair, streaking ash over the bridge of his nose. What in the ever-loving fuck just happened, he asked himself, and who the fuck were they?
Before he could have received an answer, Childe lifted his head from his hands just in time to avoid a sword plunging into the ground at his face. Frost crept from the blade, stretching across the cracks in the cobblestone. He looked up, already tired, to see a young girl perching on the roof, peering down at him from above. 
"Qiqi missed..." She muttered, raising a finger to her mouth as if she were trying to remember something. "What were Qiqi's orders again?"
Before he could think, Childe blurted out the first thing to come into his mind. "Do you know a Hu Tao?"
The child's face darkened. "Hu Tao... Qiqi knows."
"She tried to kill me. I think you should run away before she does the same to you."
If realization could have dawned on this expressionless child's face, it would have been blooming like spring flowers. Hopping down onto the pavement beside him, Qiqi nodded solemnly. 
"Qiqi greets you, strange-looking zombie. Many a time has Hu Tao tried to bury our kind. Qiqi will protect you, seeing as we stand against her in solidarity." Qiqi promised very earnestly, and Childe felt a twinge of guilt in his chest for lying to a kid. It quickly vanished as the sound of rushed footsteps echoed behind the doorway a few yards away. 
With a salute, he nodded at Qiqi with a grim look on his face. "Thank you, Qiqi. I am sure you will live on as a hero."
"Qiqi already died, but thank you for the sentiment."
Childe was gone before he could even clock what she meant. 
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suituuup · 4 years
The Bachelorette
For a fic x art trade with @thehorriblyslowmurderer. Thank you, I hope you like it :D
rated: T
Word count: 2,5k
ao3 link
“Holy shit, it’s freezing!” Beca hisses as she steps out of the car, making a dash in the snow for the front door of the cabin the Bellas will be staying at for the next three nights. 
She punches in the code given by the owner via email and pushes the door open just as Chloe makes it to the top of the steps, following her fiancée inside. 
“Oh wow,” she breathes, taking in the huge space that’s a perfect mix of authentic and modern, with a jaw-dropping view of the range of mountains in the distance through the large bay window in the living room. 
The perks of having a famous girlfriend; they didn’t have to pay for anything, Beca having made a deal with the owners to promote the place on her Instagram while they stayed there for their bachelorette weekend. 
A fire is already crackling in the wood-burner and a welcome basket with goodies sits on the kitchen island. Chloe walks over, plucking the note. 
“Dear Beca and Chloe. We hope you and your friends have the best time at our cabin,” she reads outloud before taking a look at what’s inside: a couple bottles of wine, cheese, chocolate and fruits. “That’s so sweet of them.” 
Beca hums, sliding her arms around Chloe’s waist from behind and hooking her chin over her shoulder. She nips at Chloe’s earlobe. “How much time do you think we have until the others get here?” 
“We’re here, pitches!” Amy’s voice interrupts Chloe’s lusty thoughts before she can reply.
She giggles at Beca’s groan, patting her forearm and stepping out of her embrace to greet their friends. Everyone’s been so busy this year, their last reunion dating back to last New Years Eve. “Hey guys!” 
“We brought booze!” Stacie exclaims, holding up two bottles of tequila. “I’ve got like, a bunch more in the trunk.” 
“Let’s pimp this place up, ladies,” Aubrey instructs, carrying a box containing what looks like rainbow themed-decorations. 
“Oh jeez,” Beca mutters as once everyone greeted everyone, the Bellas move about the place to prep dinner and whatever else they have planned for herself and Chloe. “Should we be scared?” She mumbles to her fiancée. 
“Trust me, you haven’t seen anything yet,” Stacie says as she walks past them, winking. 
Yeah. They should definitely be scared. 
The first night turns out to be pretty low key, Jessica, Ashley and Aubrey whipping up an amazing dinner for all of them. They drink wine and play a drunken game of Twister and Cards Against Humanity, turning in rather early as they plan on hitting the slopes the morning after. 
“Today was so much fun,” Chloe gushes as she swipes through her photos once they’ve made it back to the cabin after their day spent skiing. “I even caught your fall on film.” 
Beca grumbles, trying to get her cold fingers to work down her jacket zipper. “You better not post that on social media, Beale.” 
“How’s your ass?” Chloe smirks, locking her phone and tossing it on the bed. 
“Poor baby,” Chloe sighs, pushing to her feet and sliding up behind Beca. She peppers her jaw with soft kisses and nuzzles her cheek. “Come shower with me?” 
Beca seems to fight off a shiver, not one triggered by the cold. “Be there in a sec.” 
Walking into their fancy ensuite bathroom, Chloe turns on the spray in the Italian shower and strips the remaining layers on her body before stepping under the hot water. Slender arms loop around her waist less than a minute later, Beca’s warm body pressing against hers. 
“You think you can be quiet?” Is murmured against her ear as one of Beca’s hands slides downwards. 
Chloe bites back a moan, turning around in Beca’s arms and stepping back until her back hits the stone wall behind her. She watches with darkened eyes as Beca lowers herself to the tile floor and hooks one leg over her shoulder, Chloe’s eyes sliding shut at that first lick. 
When they eventually come out of the shower a while later dressed in matching robes, they find Bride-to-be shirts folded on their bed, along with a sticker stuck to one of them. 
quit boning and meet us downstairs! the party’s awaitin’
The back of the shirt sports selfie of them that they must have taken from Chloe’s instagram. 
“This is so cheesy,” Beca grumbles as she shrugs it on, but Chloe knows she secretly loves it. 
“There they are!” Stacie shouts when they make it downstairs fifteen minutes later. 
Music is pumping through Beca’s expensive wireless speaker and the coffee table is covered in various liquor bottles, snacks and a handful of pizza boxes.
“Have a seat, ladies,” Amy motions to the two chairs facing the couch with a flourish of her hand, bowing her head. 
Chloe and Beca sit down, and Jessica and Ashely set a rainbow tiara on their heads and sling a bride-to-be sash across their chests. 
“We had each of you fill out a bachelorette quiz a week ago, and you’ll have to guess the other’s answers. If you get it wrong, you have to take a shot,” Aubrey explains, motioning towards the row of shots set on the coffee table. 
“And if we get it right?” Chloe questions, cocking an eyebrow. 
She’s gonna crush this game. 
“You get to pick a present out of the gift bag.” She nods to the large tote bag sat between their chairs. “Any questions?” 
Both shake their heads as Aubrey plops down on the couch between Emily and CR. “Chloe, what is Beca’s favorite feature about you?” 
“That’s easy,” Chloe beams, glancing at her fiancée with heart-eyes.  “My eyes.” 
Beca rolls hers as Chloe leans in to kiss her cheek before reaching into the bag. She wraps her hand around a bottle and pulls it out, reading its label. “Ooooh, coconut massage oil.” 
“Boring. Alright, next question,” Stacey says, plucking the sheet from Aubrey’s hands and ignoring Aubrey’s objection. “What could Chloe eat every day?” 
Beca smirks, and without a beat of hesitation, replies, “Me.” 
Emily flushes hard, Stacie smirks devilishly, while Aubrey makes a face. The rest of the girls hoot and whistle, and the tips of Beca’s ears redden. 
“I knew you’d put something dirty on a bachelorette quizz,” Beca murmurs into Chloe’s ear a beat later as she leans across the short distance between them. “Otherwise I would have said pizza.” 
Chloe grins, leaning in to peck her lips. “Correct.” 
Beca fishes a gift out of the bag and unfolds the clothing item. Her cheeks turn a shade darker. “Wow, that’s… I have no words.” 
The pair of hot pink panties read: You may now bang the bride. 
“I love them!” Chloe says, snatching them from her fiancée’s hand. “I’ll keep ‘em.” 
“Chloe, what was Beca’s first impression of you?” 
“She thought that I was crazy,” Chloe replies. She shrugs, smiling sheepishly. “I did break into her shower.” 
“The word we were looking for was intense,” Stacie corrects with a tut. “Take a shot.” 
“Oh come on, she’s just being polite because I’m her fiancée!” Chloe argues with a laugh. 
“Take a shot, ginger!” Amy shouts. 
With a grumble, Chloe plucks the shot glass in front of her off the table and knocks it back, grimacing at the burn as it slides down her throat. 
Jessica is the one to ask the next question. “Beca, what was Chloe’s first car?” 
“Seriously!?” Beca asks. “How am I supposed to know that?” 
“You do!” Chloe points out, a shit-eating grin spreading across her features. 
“Really?” Beca mumbles and reaches out to take her first shot. 
“My old Jeep! We had sex in it,” Chloe blurts out, giggled as Beca chokes a little on the liquid. “And broke the front seat.”
“TMI,” Aubrey winces, her nose scrunching up before she takes a sip from her red solo cup. 
“Chloe, what job did Beca want to do as a kid?” Emily asks. 
Chloe’s eyes light up. “Oooh, she wanted to be a detective!” 
Beca chuckles. “I was obsessed with Scooby-Doo as a kid.” 
“Aw, you found your real life Daphne!” Ashley gushes while Beca rolls her eyes. 
She bends to pick something from the bag, pulling out a pair of padded handcuffs. 
“Oh, nice! Ours isn’t padded,” Chloe comments, as she takes them from her fiancée. She leans in to whisper something into Beca’s ear. “I know you like it when it hurts, but I don’t like seeing you all bruised up.” 
“Beca, your submissive is showing,” Stacie states when Beca blushes from Chloe’s comment, plucking the sheet from Emily’s hold. 
“Beca, what’s Chloe’s biggest accomplishment?” 
“Easy. She has two: winning the Worlds and getting into vet school.” 
“Nice, babe,” Chloe praises, holding her hand up for a high-five. 
By the time they’re finished with the questions, Chloe is definitely buzzed (she had like three shots out of fifteen questions, which isn’t too bad in her opinion), and they’ve added a few gifts to their pile, a variety of sweet and kinky: matching Mrs and Mrs mugs, a bottle of lube, two sets of gorgeous satin pajamas, a spa treatment for two at Chloe’s favorite establishment in NYC, and a strapless strap-on (the best in the market, according to Stacie). 
“Now we believe Beca has something planned for Chloe,” Aubrey says as she stands, taking Beca’s phone from Beca’s hand. 
Chloe’s head whips to the left towards Beca, an eyebrow raised in surprise. “You do?” 
“Mhm,” Beca hums while four of the girls move the coffee table to make space. She brushes a too short kiss to Chloe’s lips, pulling away before Chloe’s ready to end it, and casts her a wink as she steps backwards. “Go sit in that armchair.” 
The opening notes of Beyoncé’s Dance For You drift through the speakers, Chloe’s jaw dropping when she realizes Beca is about to dance for her in front of their friends. 
“Oh my gosh,” Chloe breathes out with a laugh, her body temperature cranking up a notch as she gets comfortable. 
Beca’s hips start to swivel to the beat of the song, hands leaving her hips to slowly hike up her sides. Her fingers tangle into her brunette hair as she twists to stand sideways and slowly shimmies lower. One hand leaving her hair, Beca traces her bottom lip with her pointer finger and bites down onto the tip before she straightens, arching her back so her ass sticks out as she rises from her crouched position. She adds a hair flip to the mix before slowly strutting towards Chloe, perfectly on cue with the beat, all the while keeping her gaze locked with Chloe’s.
“Work it, girl!” Stacie shouts as Beca stands in front of Chloe, bending down so that they share the same breath. 
A chill runs down Chloe’s spine as she resists closing the distance between them, knowing from the wickedness flashing in Beca’s eyes that she’s bound to pull away before their lips can touch.  
Beca spins around, her hips matching the chorus as she bends at the knees with her legs spread and grinds it low for a few beats. Her perfect ass brushes against Chloe’s body on her way back up, and it takes everything in Chloe not to grab and squeeze it. 
The volume rises around them as the girls cheer and hoot, but Chloe can only focus on Beca and how sexy she is as she turns back to face her, hands running through her own hair then drifting down the curve of her neck, over her breasts and stomach. 
“It’s called a lap dance for a reason, shortstack,” Amy calls out as the song flawlessly transitions to Drunk In Love, the perfect arrangement no doubt one of Beca’s works.
Chloe’s mouth dries up as Beca sets both hands on Chloe’s knees and spreads them apart. 
“No touching,” Beca husks lowly, nipping at the shell of her ear and eliciting a quiet moan from Chloe. She turns around and her hips start to move in a slow, sensual dance; swerving, popping, grinding and occasionally rubbing against Chloe’s crotch. 
Spinning back around, she braces a hand by Chloe’s head and sets her right knee in the space between Chloe’s left thigh and the arm of the chair, rolling her body towards Chloe once. She straddles her lap next, her lips parted to accommodate her heavier breathing as she stares down at Chloe. 
Chloe’s fingers dig into the leather of the arm rest to keep her hands from touching Beca as her hips gyrate in lazy circles in her lap. When the song comes to an end, Beca cups her cheek, pulling her into a deep, languid kiss which Chloe eagerly returns, finally giving in to the burning desire and palming her ass, giving both cheeks a firm squeeze. 
“Alright, alright! We get the message,” Aubrey’s voice cuts through their lustful lip lock. 
“That was so freaking hot,” Chloe breathes across Beca’s lips, nipping at the bottom one before backing away. “I need the rest of that performance later.”
Beca wets her lips, smirking. “Deal.”
Games less centered around the brides-to-be follow as they pass around a joint of weed and eat pizza while sprawled out on the various couches in the living room. 
It’s past three am by the time they head upstairs, and Chloe can tell by the expression on Beca’s face that she’s high. Chloe only took one hit and feels fine, if not still a little drunk from the shots she downed at the start of the party. 
“You okay?” She asks, catching Beca staring at her with a look as she pulls her sleeping shirt over her head. 
Beca nods. “I’m just… we’ll be married in less than a month.” She seems to ponder on her words for a few seconds. “Married. That’s like… big.” 
Chloe raises an eyebrow and steps closer, lowering herself on Beca’s lap as she sits at the foot of the bed. “Are you freaking out?” 
“Weirdly, no,” Beca replies as her arms loop around Chloe’s waist. “I actually can’t wait. For our wedding, our honeymoon, our kids…”
“Our kids, huh?” Chloe questions in amusement. She twirls a brunette lock around her pointer finger. “How many kids are we talking?” 
“Mmm, at least two. I didn’t like being an only child and you loved growing up with siblings so I want that for our children, too.” 
Chloe’s smile is so big, it almost hurts. “Sounds like a good plan.” She brushes a kiss to the apple of Beca’s cheek. “You know what else sounds like a good plan? You giving me the rest of that performance. Preferably with less clothes on.” 
Beca’s eyes darken at that, her lips curving into a smirk. “Yes, ma’am.” 
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Pain is the key.
Found this chapter I started to write in dezember and finished it. I’m kinda happy how it turned out after some editing and completing touches :3 (at around 4 in the morning *cough*) So I’m gonna share it with you guys.
CW: consensual masochism, mutant whumpee, aftermath of a fight/ trauma, kind of soft and consensual whump (?) in the second half,
Sahar was like a stone in a river bed, time rushing over and around him, a gentle steady stream passing him by.
The sun’s golden hue cast warm shadows on the small bedroom walls, coloring the slanted wood beams sticking out of them a dark honey.
Green eyes lost to gravity’s pull and fell close. The sun had nearly vanished behind the flower tops when they fluttered open again.
Someone must have sneaked in and turned on the fairy lights. Their tiny orange, red and purple bulbs created soft glowing patterns on the many pillows and blankets Sahar had curled up under, shivering faintly despite their warmth.
Pain still held his body captive, a low sizzle igniting the nerves of his arm whenever he moved or, the woods show him mercy, shifted onto his right side.
It had settled into a dull, almost mercifully soft pulsing that let Sahars mutation calm a little while his body fell in and out of dozing sleep.
The growth and hardening of his arm came and vanished with the pains in his life, almost like a shield living under his skin. Only that it endangered him more often than it had saved him. 
Up until now.
One shaking hand reached gingerly for the teacup that had been left on his usually overstuffed desk. Someone had stacked the heaps of books and strewn about notes in two orderly piles, a safe distance away from the still steaming mug.
A gentle smile found its way on chapped lips as the tea's soft scent tickled Sahar’s nose. He inhaled deeply.
“Hmmm. Lavender.”
He was about to take the first tentative sip when three sharp knocks rapped on his door.
Sahar flinched, hurring to curl back up under his blankets. He nearly spilled some of the piping hot tea as he scrambled to cover his partly mutated arm. The bandages rubbed over the still tender wound and had him bite back an agonized hiss.
Who was that?
Neither Ansgar nor Moira knocked like that. Brusque and impatient.
Maybe this Gideon boy had spilled after all and the villagers had come to-
“Sahar? Are you awake?” Charlotte’s muffled voice was laced with a worry that not even the thick wooden door could conceal.
Heart buzzing in his chest like a agitated bumblebee, Sahar pulled the blankets up to his chin and rasped: “Yes. I I I’m, I’m awake.”
A soft chuckle came from behind the door, its handle already creaking. “May I come in then?”
Sahar gave a small nod, realizing only belatedly that Charlotte couldn’t even see him. “Yeah. Oh- oh- okay.”
A worried smile graced Charlotte’s lips as she glided through the door. Kicking it shut behind her. A basket dangled from her elbow, ruffling the long sleeve of her black dress. Its high neck covered most of the green bluish bruises blooming around her neck. But Sahar knew that they were there, and why.
Guilt took a hold of his heart. Seized it like an ice cold hand that had slipped between his ribs and squeezed. Tight.  He shuddered, violently enough for  the blankets to slide from his shoulders and pool in his lap. Accompanying the shame dropped low in his stomach.
Charlotte dropped the basket, eyes blown wide with worry as she rushed to his side. 
The mattress gave under her weight as she leaned forward, one hand braced next to his knee. A fine boned wrist stuck out from her sleeve, revealed the ghosts of makeup covered bruises.
“Hey, are you alright?”
He couldn't tear his eyes from them.
“What what what’s with you? Does does does it still- does it hurt?”
“That tiny scratch?” She chuckled, eyes crinkling with her lopsided smile. “I had more severe injuries from dance practice to be honest. This is a walk in the park, compared to a sprained ankle.”
A small snort escaped Sahar and he finally dared to look up. “Kinda funny is is is, isn’t it?”
Charlotte leaned closer. Quirked a meticulously plugged eyebrow. “What? My pun-tastic talent? The kids told me I greatly improved.”
“No.” Sahar shook his head, fingers tapping a light rhythm over soft blankets, unsure if he had missed some hidden joke. Should he ask what the pun had been? Or just answer the question? 
 “No no no. Funny that, that they had something like like like, something like parks. Back then.”
“Hmm.” She sat down next to him, a wistful smile in her voice. “The old cities must have been enormous to hold trees inside.”
“Yeah. But I read some- some- somewhere that they were also way way way smaller, in, in the past.” 
“That’s true.” Charlotte nodded her agreement. “But they must have been enormous still. Even if the old trees were not much bigger than today's flowers.” She turned to him, blue eyes boring into his. An almost playful smile dances on her lips, contrasting the sternes of her tone. “Now, stop dodging my question. How are you? And what is-”
Her eyes dropped to his arm.
Sahar took a deep breath and began to talk.
 “So it has to hurt for your mutation to grow?”
Eyes fixed on the blue little flowers printed onto one of his blankets Sahar gave a hesitant nod. His human hand tingled where Charlotte had grabbed it and stopped him from digging his fingers into the still throbbing wound of his slightly mutated arm. 
He’d always been bad with words, growing worse the more emotional he got. And talking about his mutation- had never gone particularly well.  
So instead of fumbling through explanations that escaped him like francied bees, fleeing his mouth in an unintelligible buzz, he decided to just show her. 
And what better way to reveal the nature of his flesh, than to tear into it. Rip the curtain of heroics and pain hazed memories aside and show Charlotte the fertilizer his mutation feasted on was his own pain.
A protective shield of hardened cells cursed to forever be triggered after harm had already been done.  
“Yeah. Pain, pain is the, the key.” 
The alarmed look on Charlotte’s face gave way to curiosity now, only that she wasn’t looking at his mutation any longer.
Her eyes were fixed on Sahar’s face instead and his cheeks began to burn under her scrutiny.
He didn’t know what she was searching for. Only that he was too afraid to glance up, so he just sat there, staring at his flower sheets, fingers tapping over them in the jittery rhythm of his heartbeat.
“I know a better way to hurt you than to reopen your wound.” Her voice was a warm murmur, and Sahar wasn’t sure if she’d really spoken those next words at all. Too lost in the feeling of a hot exhale ghosting over his cheek.  “You sweet silly boy.”
There was a hint of cream coffee in her breath and a warm shiver raced up Sahar's spine. He finally peeked up at her, voice barely a breath as he asked. “How?”
A warm smile played around her soft lips. “Give me your hand. No. The other one.”
Sparks bloomed in Sahar’s fingertips and rushed up his arm. He slowly held his human hand up for her to take, to do with him as she pleased. 
A hot prickling feeling that Sahar couldn’t quite place as good or bad had him shudder.
Her soft fingertips were pleasantly cool as they held his trembling hand.
“You can say no.” A nail grazed ever so gently over his knuckles. Sahars eyes nearly flutered close.
“What, what what.” He began, throat suddenly bone dry. “What will will will you do?”
“There is a pressure point,” Charlotte whispered, massaging gentle circles into the soft flesh between his thumb and pointer finger. “Exactly, here.” She pressed down, let the faintest promise of pain bloom under his skin.
Breath hurtled into his lungs in a single sharp inhalation. He could hardly stand to be looked at like this, to be seen, when new emotions crashed and clashed through his trembling body. Birthed into existence by Charlotte’s touch. 
Her brows crumbled in concern. Blue eyes wandered over his burning face, studied the rapid rise and fall of his chest.
Sahar had always tried to avoid getting hurt, had always fought to keep his pain hidden away, buried so deep within, he himself had nearly grown numb to it. That someone wouldn’t chastise him for hurting, even wanted to see his pain. With no intention to harm. That idea was-
The heavy beating of his heart made him light headed. 
“It’s it’s it’s it’s it- fine. Go go go, go ahead.”
There was the hint of hesitation before Charlotte pressed down, nails digging deep into his skin. The fine bone of Sahar’s thumb shifted to the side and a hot sparking pain ignited in his hand.
His eyes clenched shut, toes curling over the cold wood floor as he tried to sit still and endure it.
Charlotte pushed his hand back, her sharp nails digging even deeper into the resistance of his flexing wrist.
A pained moan was stuck in Sahar’s throat and his mouth fell open around a shuddering exhale.
His right arm grew and hardened with a soft crackle. The tips of his fingers elongated into sharp claws that threatened to slit the flower blanket. Sahar forced them to lay flat and motionless on the smooth fabric, biting back a low whimper. 
“God.” Charlotte breathed, released his trembling hand. “You are beautiful.”
Warm coffee breath tickled over his lips and his eyes fluttered open.
Hazy green met bottomless blue.
Charlotte’s pupils were blown wide, drinking in Sahar’s flushed face, his shuddering shoulders. There was a faint blush blooming across the bridge of her nose.
Sahar swallowed his heart from its place in his throat, praying for Charlotte not to hear it nearly burst from his chest.
Hush. You treacherous thing.
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Dog of the Military- Chapter 4
Poppa Roy is a' comin'! And don't worry- daddy bear will be plenty angry!
"Wakey wakey, Fullmetal prodigy."
Ed peeled his eyes open from where he laid on the dirt floor. Colonel Banks stood before him, grinning like the cheshire cat.
"You've been asleep for far too long. You have that information- I know you do. I'm only going to ask this once- where is it?"
Ed was silent.
All that earned him was a kick to the ribs. And another. And another. All Ed managed was a pained groan as he tried to curl into himself, trying to protect his abdomen from the savage blows.
"You're such a runt. I think I'm finally starting to get through to you, kid." Banks beamed as Ed struggled to catch his breath.
"I like your spirit, Fullmetal. And I know you have that information somewhere- so I'm going to ask for it one more time before I start to take your body apart and look for it."
Ed looked up, suddenly feeling wide awake.
Colonel Banks laughed. "I know people are mules, Ed. I might be a strict disciplinarian, but I'm not a pervert. I don't want to violate you if I don't have to. Tell me where the information is, and I won't have to bother with checking you... all of you- for information."
Ed swallowed. Was... was he threatening to rape him? Or just... invade him? He was too tired to think. But he needed to lie. And fast.
"T-there is no physical information." he managed hoarsely. "I-it's too important to be kept as physical documents. I memorized it and burned it in the woods."
He couldn't let the man start to search him- violate his body or person otherwise. He wasn't sure how much Banks knew about automail, but if he were to start taking it apart, he'd have to practically dismantle Ed's automail arm to find the compartment, which was behind two panels and deep within his automail. Still, he didn't want to man to bother to look.
"You're a bad liar, Edward. I know your orders. You have a copy of the information."
Ed frowned. His head was so foggy, it took too long to think... but in his gut, he felt the man was lying. The only one who knew his orders was him and Mustang, and the superior who gave the orders... So Banks was bluffing.
"You're the liar." he managed hoarsely. "You don't know what my orders are. If you kill me, the information dies with me- I memorized it." best to double down.
Banks nodded, seeming to take this into consideration.
"So- if I were to give you paper and a pen, you'd transcribe the information from memory?"
"I could. But I wouldn't. Not for you."
"And we're back to the same problem, Eddy."
The toe of Bank's boot made contact with Ed's eye. Ed saw white and was unable to hear a thing for a moment.
When his hearing faded back in, Banks was rambling something about obedience, and he'd rolled Edward onto his stomach and was tugging at the boy's shirt, which was still slightly damp from his ice water treatment earlier, before Ed felt a blade biting into his flesh.
"What the hell are you doing you jerk!?" Ed started to struggle
The knife cut deeper, and Ed fell still, gasping in pain. The blade trailed another two inches down his back before it was withdrawn. But all too soon, he was feeling the bite again as another slice was made down his back, this one four inches long, and another, this one six inches long...
"Oh Fullmetal, don't pass out on me now..."
Ed groaned.
Instead of going slow, the next cut- on the bicep of his flesh arm- was lightening fast. One moment he was catching his breath, and the next his arm was on fire, flesh suddenly split open and blood leaking out...
He grabbed for the wound with his automail arm, pressing the metal fingers to the cut- which was deep enough it might need stitches- and hissed in pain.
"Think about what you want to do, Edward. Because the next time I come down here, I'm gonna start cutting off fingers."
And he was left alone in the cell again.
Ed grit his teeth and closed his eyes, which were stinging with unshed tears. Maybe Banks was right. Maybe no one was coming for him.
At noon, Roy Mustang got off the train at the city of Goldenfield. Part of him was annoyed to have to come all this way- to a backwater mining town in the middle of nowhere- but the majority of him was angry. Angry at Fullmetal, for not reporting in, and angry at whatever was keeping him.
Angry at the higher ups, for giving such a sensitive mission to a child.
And worried that whatever it was Ed had gotten himself into- it'd been too much, too hard- and that Roy might've been too late.
He started for Fort Goldenfield. That was the first place he knew to go. They'd said Ed returned yesterday, but then said he hadn't this morning, and every moment counted.
He stormed into the building, ignoring the wide-eyed look the secretary- Lieutenant Margaret Shaw, he assumed- who looked up from her desk at his entrance.
"I need to speak to Colonel Banks immediately."
The secretary was on her feet instantly. "Do you have an appointment, Sir?"
"No, I don't have a damn appointment. Do you know who I am?" Roy stepped forward. He might've been being unnecessarily harsh- but at the moment, he was too incensed to care.
"I'm afraid I don't know you, Sir." the lieutenant, ever respectful, conceded.
"I am Roy Mustang, the Flame Alchemist."
Her eyes widened.
"I've come here looking for my alchemist- Major Edward Elric. Yesterday morning, you told me he checked in here for the rendezvous, with highly sensitive information. This morning, Colonel Banks said he never reported in. Someone is full of shit here and a state alchemist is missing. I want you to get your commanding officer out here in two minutes or I will burn this entire damn building to the ground, stone or not. Are we clear Lieutenant?"
"Crystal, Sir." Still, Margaret hesitated before moving.
"What are you waiting for?" Roy asked, annoyed.
Margaret swallowed. "I... I can show you where he is..."
Roy's expression instantly changed. "You've seen him?"
Margaret nodded. "Just.. please... make sure Colonel Banks doesn't know I was the one who did. That boy needs a doctor..."
She led Roy quickly down the hall, looking around anxiously as she did so. She opened a door leading to a stone stairwell, towards some sort of basement. "He's down there."
Roy frowned. "Is this a trap?"
"No. I... I heard him down there last night... I never wanted this to happen, believe me. I have children myself. I couldn't stand it- I tried to help him... but Colonel Banks needs that intel. He said it was of the utmost importance."
Roy wanted to ask more questions- but there was a scuffling sound, a muffled noise from downstairs, and Roy forgot about Margaret entirely, heading down into the darkness of the basement apprehensively.
All the cells were empty- until he got to the last cell. Through the dim metal bars, a small form was huddled on the floor.
Roy's heart jumped to his throat. He was already wearing his gloves, and he snapped- lighting the torches on the wall of the basement. The light did little to ease his fears.
Fullmetal laid on the floor, huddled into a ball- he was so small.
"Fullmetal...?" he didn't recognize his own voice, it was so soft.
Slowly, the figure raised it's head. Messy, dirty blond hair fell over the boy's face, and golden eyes focused in on him slowly.
"Colonel Mustang?" Ed's voice was painfully hoarse. "Is that really you?"
Roy stepped forward, grabbing the bars and crouching down so he was more at eye level with the boy. "Yes, it's me, Edward. Are you alright?"
It was a stupid question. The back of Ed's white shirt was bloody, he sported a black eye and a split lip, and he'd made no move to stand.
"I... I want to go home..." Ed's voice shook slightly.
"I've come to take you home, Ed. But I need to know- who did this to you?"
"Colonel Banks. He... he's crazy. He wanted the information I got. He wanted to take it and take all the credit for it. I wouldn't give it to him. He... he tried to make me talk. But it's okay. I didn't tell him anything, I swear..."
"I believe you, Fullmetal. It's okay. You've done well. I'll be back in a moment- I need to get the keys to this cell and then we'll leave here immediately."
"Okay. I'll wait here." it would've been comical, as Ed laid his head back down in his little heap and made no move to get up. Roy couldn't help but wonder how badly injured the boy was.
He climbed the stairs two at a time, fist clenching and unclenching at the thought of confronting the bastard who'd done this to the Fullmetal Alchemist- to his Alchemist. He never took kindly to someone messing with his subordinates, but somehow, this injury was more flagrant, more egregious, because it hadn't been just anyone they'd attacked- it'd been Ed, Roy's youngest charge, the prodigy he'd been responsible for for these past few months.
Once he'd reached the top of the stairs, a man burst into the room.
"You!" Brown eyes blazing, the man pointed at Mustang angrily. "You break into my military office, violate the chain of command and force my Lieutenant to take you into a classified operation of national security..."
"Are you Colonel Banks?" Roy growled at the shouting man.
"You bet your ass I am! Who the hell are you!?"
Roy punched that bastard in the jaw so hard he was pretty sure he broke one of his fingers.
The man staggered back, surprised, as he pressed his fingers to his mouth and they came back bloody.
He charged Roy, swinging- Roy ducked the blow, pushing the man against the wall and kneeing him in the midsection, delivering another punch to the face.
Colonel Banks landed a lucky shot on Roy's jaw that sent him stumbling back, then shoved Mustang away. Mustang stumbled back several steps, and Colonel Banks drew his pistol and pointed it at Roy.
Roy still had his gloves on. It took one small snap of his fingers for the gun to be engulfed in a small burst of flame- even though the gun went off from the flame, the barrel was instantaneously melted shut, and the barrel exploded.
Colonel Banks screamed, dropping the destroyed weapon and clutching his injured hand, staring at Roy in shock and horror.
"What the fuck did you just do!? Who are you?"
Roy hadn't had someone fear him like that in a long time. And yet somehow, he enjoyed hearing the terror in the man's voice as he looked at him. He wondered if Ed had looked at the man like that when he'd been beaten.
"Roy Mustang, the Flame Alchemist. You just tortured Edward Elric, a state alchemist; a crime you will pay for in court."
"That's bullshit! I outrank the kid, he disobeyed my direct order to hand over the intel! It was a matter of national security!"
"You'd best pray the court martial sees it that way. I don't take very kindly to people hurting my subordinates." Roy said gruffly, narrowing his eyes. "Give me the keys to the cell, now, or I burn you alive and take them anyways."
Banks frowned, fumbling with his one good hand to free a set of keys from his belt. He tossed it to Mustang.
"You trained the brat pretty damn well. I didn't think you'd care enough to come for him. But you'd have been so proud of him- I've broken men three times his age in half the time. It took forever to even make the brat scream. But he'd just repeat his name and rank over and over again. Such a well-trained little dog. 'I report to Roy Mustang, General Gruman, and the Furher himself.'. That's all the runt would say. Wish I could've had him under my thumb. Brat's stupidly loyal."
Roy frowned. All of this pain could've been avoided if Ed had just given his report to Colonel Banks instead of him. Ed ahd said the man wanted information. And Roy had a sinking feeling that Ed- loyal to a fault had taken the brunt of his injuries on Mustang's behalf.
Either way, Roy didn't have the time to question it. He looked at the keys in his hand and headed for the stairs. "If you're still in this room when I come back with Ed, I'll burn you alive." he said over his shoulder.
He heard hurried footsteps as Colonel Banks, coward that he was, retreated.
Roy exhaled through his nose, heading downstairs, keys in hand.
As Roy strode back to the makeshift prison of sorts, he was surprised to find Ed on his feet, hanging onto the bars.
"You can walk?"
"Yeah." Ed grunted.
Roy unlocked the door and Ed stepped out- he was moving rather gingerly, but he was walking under his own power. That was something.
They left the Fort, stepping into the sunlight. It was in the afternoon, and Roy headed towards the town inn, Ed falling into step beside him.
"This isn't the train station." Ed groused, looking over at Roy as they came to the front door of the inn.
"Perceptive, aren't we." Roy teased.
Ed frowned. "You said we were going home."
"We are. First train in the morning. I have some calls to make tonight." Honestly, Roy didn't think Ed would be comfortable sitting on a train for four hours back to Central City tonight anyways. The boy looked as though he could use a rest. And he wanted to ascertain how serious the boy's injuries were before he decided his next move.
I’d super appreciate it if you guys would drop by my ko-fi. You don’t even have to donate- just leaving me a comment meants a lot. What was your favorite part?
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ceruleanmusings · 4 years
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Fandom: Big Time Rush Pairing: James Diamond x Mickey Mason (OC) Rating: T (for some cursing) Word Count: 11.3k Summary: When James gets a secret admirer gift on Valentine’s Day, he drags Mickey around the Palm Woods to find the sender – not knowing the sender is closer than he thinks. Contents: mentioned social anxiety, angst, idiots who like each other being idiots, semi-reluctant pining, show-standard humor and highjinks, implied disordered eating, valentine’s day, envy, self-loathing A/N: I was going to wait until the 14th to post this but I need to get it off my hands so I can stop picking and editing it to death. Have at it! Hope you like it! ALSO! Someone please let me know if it gets truncated at James’s text. On mobile it says the post is too long and cuts it off at the end but on desktop it’s fine. If I have to delete this and make it a two-parter I will! You need to see the proper ending! Also please leave comments on the fic if you liked it and feel so inclined (no pressure obvs), I’d love to read them on the body rather than tags so I can save them somewhere. :) Happy Valentine’s Day! Tag: @mystic-scripture​ @foxesandmagic​ @witchofinterest​ @juliesdahlias​ @raging-violets​ @ocfairygodmother​ @lareiism​
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Propping the large wicker basket against her popped hip, Mickey knocked on the door right beneath the square 2J placard. Her knuckles briefly touched the wood on the fourth knock when the door swung inwards. She quickly stopped her extending arm in its tracks, her fist resting inches from Kendall’s face. Eyes crossed, staring at her knuckles, he took a step back.
“Oh! Sorry Kindle. I didn’t think you’d get to the door so fast,” she apologized, wrapping her arms around the basket, bringing it to her front.
“You know, the door’s always open. You don’t have to knock.” As Kendall spoke, he moved to the side and brought his arm back in a sweeping gesture.
“Excuse me?” Mickey’s eyebrow popped upwards and she walked past him. “Kindle Knight, my momma’d have my hide if I just barged into someone’s home!” She carefully set the basket down onto the nearby table. Leaning her weight against one palm on the tabletop, she placed another on her hip. “I know there’s such a thing as being ‘Minnesota Nice’, but y’all’re asking for it.”
Kendall scoffed. “What do you mean? The only person who’d come right in is Bitters—and I see your point,” Kendall said. Mickey winked and made a clicking noise out the side of her mouth. “Is that it?” He gestured to the basket as he approached.
“Yep!” Lifting the lid, she removed a gallon Ziploc bag and set it aside as she leaned forward to review the contents. Not that she needed to, she made double-triple-quadruple sure everything she’d prepared the night before and that morning was in its rightful place before she snuck out. Jazz hadn’t noticed beneath her flurry of helping Mel pick out something for her date with Dak to Malibu. “If you don’t mind, I took a few liberties with what you wanted.” When he’d originally pulled her aside during a recording session asking her to make a picnic for him and Jazz, he’d merely shrugged and suggested that she put in anything “Valentine-y” when she asked if he wanted anything specific. So, she zhooshed it up a little; her sister deserved the best and that’s what she was going to ensure Kendall gave her. “You have a bottle of sparkling cider, strawberries, smoked salmon, caper, and goat cheese topped crostini, spinach and feta cheese pastry spirals, barbeque bacon and chicken bites, and, for dessert, slices of strawberry rhubarb pie and two flutes of beignet tiramisu with chocolate ganache.”
Kendall’s nose wrinkled. “Chocolate guh-whaaa?”
“Goodbye!” Mickey shoved the basket into his arms. Tilting her head to the side, she studied his red plaid shirt and reached out to fix the collar. “Keep the cold stuff in the insulated bag until you’re ready to eat it or else the beignets will start to get soggy.” Her tongue stuck out the side of her mouth when she went for the fringe of hair poking out from beneath his beanie. Ordinarily she’d balk at the sight of him wearing it, on a date no less, but Jazz liked him in his beanies so she could let it slide. Taking a step back, she surveyed the rest of his appearance and nodded her approval. “You’re all set! If you’re worried about your breath, I threw in some Ice Breakers and mini floss. Jazz is waiting for you at the park.”
“Thanks so much for this, Mickey,” he said, flashing a dimpled smile. His green eyes crinkled in the corners. “I really appreciate it.”
She beamed and a rush of satisfaction sent a pleased flush to her cheeks. She rocked back and forth on her navy Docs. “What are friends for if they can’t help you woo their sister?”
“…To give me free food?”
She pinched his cheek. “You’re lucky I like you.” Making a ‘shoo’ gesture with her hands, Mickey pushed Kendall towards the door. He flashed a finger guns sign at her and hurried away. Shaking her head, she turned on her heel, her locs cascading over one shoulder with the turn. “Okay Katie, he’s gone,” she called up to the loft above.
With a thumping commotion, Katie spilled out the open mouth of the swirly slide. Rounding the table, she crossed her arms. “You got the stuff?”
Mickey mimicked her gesture, raising a brow. “You got a cooler? I’m not letting all my hard work go to waste.”
Katie lifted her chin. “Yeah, I got a cooler.”
“Then I got your stuff.” Mickey picked up the Ziploc bag and handed it out to her. “Homemade chocolate turtles, at your service. I think seven per bag is a good amount. If anyone tries to push for more, remember that they’re the ones who are trying to get candy at the last minute on Valentine’s Day.”
“Got it!” With an eager—and almost manic—grin, Katie snatched the bag out of Mickey’s hands and shoved them into the small red cooler sitting atop of the breakfast bar. She dragged the cooler off the counter and hurried past her, making a beeline for the door. Calling over her shoulder she added, “And we’re splitting the profits 55-45.”
“Freeze, Kid!” Mickey squinted at Katie’s back, her hand gripping the doorknob. “We agreed on 50-50.” She wiggled a finger in the space between herself and Katie’s back.
Katie whirled around. “Yeah, but I have to think about my college fund. Between your band and playing bass for Big Time Rush, you have all the money you could need.” Mickey snorted. With widening eyes and a pout to her lower lip, Katie said. “Do you want to be the one to tell my mom you’re denying me the funds for a college education?”
Mickey pressed her lips together, doing her best to keep a smile off her face; partly in awe at her gall, and also partly with pride. The kid was good. Too good. Or else Mickey was a sucker for a well-placed pout. She poked her tongue into her cheek, dragging it against the soft, smooth surface and exhaled a sigh. “Fine! But if anyone asks where you got the candy from, make sure to mention my name. I want to try and get Mickey’s Morsels off the ground while I can. Guilty pleasures can be a good cash grab.”
“Then I want 10% of any future profits for the promotion.”
“Deal!” Like Kendall, Katie pointed a finger gun gesture at her and hustled out the door.
When it slammed shut, Mickey dug her fingers into the side of her head. Geeze, this holiday. She didn’t mind making treats for her friends to use at their discretion, but she wanted no part in the holiday itself. It made people crazy, trying to find ways to profess their love for people. And for just that one day? The idea had never sat right with her. Why contain their appreciation to one day when the other three hundred and sixty-four were available? Not to mention the price gouging on flowers and candy—the turtle prices were reasonable!—and society’s penchant for making the single people feel like losers for not having that special someone for the one day.
Not that she was a loser. Okay, so maybe she had been slightly irked when she learned Mel and Jazz had plans with their boyfriends for the day. Her other sister, Sammi, had already flown to Nashville to be with her long-standing boyfriend for the occasion. Hell, even her aunt Kelly had a blind date for the night, a double with Miss Jennifer. (It wasn’t a blind date for Miss Jennifer, she was going out with Fabio. It was who Fabio was bringing for Kelly that attached the ‘blind’ classification. When Jazz offered up the suggestion Gustavo was her date, Kelly nearly broke her neck with how fast she denied that claim.)
She wasn’t envious, not at all, it’s just…well, it was a bit odd to be the only one without plans. They were supposed to do everything together, right? Wasn’t that the point of being born with them? How’d she miss the memo on getting a boyfriend? Not that it mattered. And she got over it anyway. Helping her sisters and her friends have special days was all she needed to feel fulfilled. With Kelly’s apartment empty, she had a pint of Häagen Dazs, a few pop-punk playlists, her pet ferret, and Legally Blonde to keep her company.
Or not.
Eyebrows crinkling, Mickey turned only to yelp at the sight of James stretched out on a black and white checkered blanket, one arm resting on a propped-up knee, the long stem of a deep red rose clamped between his smiling teeth. The orange couch had been pushed aside, allowing for the blanket to take its place on the floor. Plates of heart-shaped candy, brownies, soft pretzels, cookies, and cinnamon rolls covered the surface, nestled near two cans of Diet Coke, all beneath a crackling fire.
Mickey’s eyes widened and her thoughts raced so fast they nearly collided with one another. When did he get there? How did she not hear him? How did he set that up so fast? Where did he hide it? Where did he manage to find heart-shaped cinnamon rolls? He had to go for the pretzel too, didn’t he? Darn her appreciation for bread. And—was that a fireplace? Where the hell did he get a fireplace?
She sucked a breath in through her nose, fighting to ease the twitching to her lip and the racing of her heart and the quivering in her legs. Upon closer inspection the fire was only a setting on a tv screen propped up on the floor. Okay, that was good. Why he didn’t just use the one hanging off the wall she didn’t dare ask. Like with Carlos, sometimes it was better to not ask questions.
James removed the rose from his mouth, his smile not budging an inch. “I was just thinking, since we’re both here, and we’re both single, and it’s Valentine’s Day, how about you and me”—he gestured to the space between them with the rose; Mickey watched as a petal fell off and fluttered to the ground—“spend the day together. We could even make-out—ow, thorn.”
Oh, dear god. She had a feeling God wouldn’t help her if he came up with this form of torture for her to walk into. But it was enough for her to grab her wits—not that his deepening voice shook them loose or anything—and look him in the eye. Away from his smile. He had a nice smile; she could admit that. Okay, it was a great smile. But that wasn’t the point!
“No thank you,” she said shortly, managing to find her voice after swallowing the lump of panic rising in her throat. “This…” she gestured to the scene in front of her, “this was nice but…no. No thank you.” Turning to the door, she jumped when she spotted James blocking her path. What the…? A glance over her shoulder showed an empty blanket. Facing him, she jerked her thumb over her shoulder and asked, “How did you do that?”
James ignored her question. “Maybe we can go see a movie instead. They’re replaying Kiss and Tell.”
She didn’t know which was worse: his suggestion or her traitorous mind considering it for a second. A fleeting second, it shot out of her brain faster than it came in, but it existed. And that was enough for her to shut it down, banish it away and keep a tighter hold on herself. In fact, she wrapped her arms around herself, as if she needed to hold herself back from doing something she couldn’t take back, something ridiculously stupid. Because she knew what he implied with that suggestion; the switch from his frank sharing of his intentions to a covert suggestion nearly knocked her off kilter. She really needed to get a grip.
“No thank you,” she repeated, firming up the three words. She moved to walk around him when he took a large step to the left, blocking her path. She took a step to her left and he mirrored her, still standing in her way. She allowed a smile through, remembering he did the same when they first met nearly a year ago. Some things changed, including the cut of his long shaggy hair (thankfully!), and some things stayed the same.
“What else do you have to do today?” The roll of his shoulders, the shove of his hands into his pockets, and the relaxed ease as he offered up the question, as if he knew the answer, rankled her.
Shifting her grip, she crossed her arms and lifted her chin. “Stuff.”
He squinted. “What kind of stuff?”
“Important stuff. It’s…” she stretched out the last letter, sounding much like a hissing snake as she quickly thought. “It’s my hair day.”
“Your hair day is usually the third Sunday of the month. It’s only the second.”
Shit. She should have known he’d know that. He was the only other person outside her family who had dedicated hair days and she may have asked his opinion on scalp detox treatments once or twice. “I need the extra work. My locs are dry.”
“I can help.”
Help by touching her hair? Help by erasing any sort of space between them? Help by being close enough for her to spell the warm ‘Cuda man spray clinging to his neck? (They’d changed something in the formula, so he didn’t swell up into a hive monster anymore.) No. Nope. Bad idea. Her eyes darted to the oven nearby, displaying the time, and her pulse thudded at the time. 12:30? Crap, crap crap!
“Again, no thank you. I just want to be alone. Oh, is that the time? I have to go!” Finally, she managed to get around him and made a quick beeline for the door.
James followed her. “Who wants to be alone on Valentine’s Day?”
“I do.” She had to get out. She had to leave now. Good thing they never locked their door, she could make a quick exit. Just had to open the door and make her escape and get to the bus and—shove her face into the fronds of an aloe plant. She lifted her brown eyes, zeroing in on the name stitched into the navy shirt: Busy Bee Florist.
Oh nooooooo.
“What’s up? I gotta delivery for’a James Diamond.” The deliveryman’s strong Brooklyn accent threw Mickey for a loop. Yes, that was the reason she still stood in the doorway, gaping at him, rather than making her escape. She may as well have closed the door in her own face. Escape was futile.
“I’m James Diamond.” Out the corner of her eye, Mickey saw James point to himself. She needed to move, she needed to leave, but weights in her legs kept her rooted to the spot despite the alarm bells going off in her mind.
“Sign ‘ere.” The deliveryman shoved the plant into Mickey’s hands and removed the clipboard from beneath his arm. James quickly scrawled his signature at the bottom of the paper and handed the clipboard back. The deliveryman lifted his cap in a halfhearted gesture grumbled, “Have a bee-utiful day”, and walked away.
Humming, James closed the door, pinching the sleeve of Mickey’s white and navy stripped shirt to tug her out the way. With puckered eyebrows he took the plant out of her hands, turning the cream-colored base side to side, studying the long blades of the plant. “Oooh! What’s this?” Eyes settling on the white card wedged between a few blades, he set the plant down on the dinner table and plucked it. With a twist of his wrist, he turned the card around, eyes scanning the line of text on it.
Mickey took the chance to tiptoe towards the door. She knew exactly how long it would take him to read the short note written on the cardstock. She knew exactly how long it would take him to read it again. And if she moved fast enough, she could be out the door and safe and be back at her apartment cuddled up with her ferret and he’d be none the wiser and she’d be safe.
James’s hoot of excitement dashed her hopes when he raced over to her, grasped her shoulders, and shook her, sending her blue and black locks shooting forward and back. “Do you know what this is?” She didn’t get a chance to get a word out when he continued speaking, “It’s a secret admirer note! I have a secret admirer!” She stumbled away when he let her go, grasping onto the dinner table to keep from falling over as her world tilted and swirled. Blinking a few times, she waited for her eyes to stop rolling and her legs to keep her firmly planted on the ground. Only when she righted herself did she notice the smirk curling on James’s lips and the sparkle shinning in his hazel eyes. “Well, I wonder who the lucky lady is getting a first-class seat on Air Diamond. Destination: love!”
…Huh. Mickey pressed her lips together, straining to keep away the curl of…something she didn’t want to name which fought to appear on her face. Not only ten minutes ago he tried to put the moves on her and now he was up and ready to find some other girl? Then what was the whole point? Something stirred in her stomach, a sour bubbling led to a crackling beneath her skin. A livewire, making her fingers twitch against the table.
“—Okay, let’s go!”
Crap. She hadn’t been listening to him. She looked up at him from behind her curtain of hair. “Go where?”
“My secret admirer is out in the Palm Woods somewhere and you’re gonna help me find her.”
Her breath knocked out of her all at once when his words landed on her. No, no, no! He wasn’t supposed to do that! He wasn’t supposed to try and trail it back to the sender. The note was anonymous for a reason! Wasn’t that the whole point of a secret admirer? The idea stoked her panic and had her uttering in a pitchy squeak, “What!? Me!? Why me?”
“Because you’re a girl and you can send out your girl signals to help me figure out who it is.” He wiggled his fingers in her direction as he spoke.
She stared at him, an eye slowly closing to a squint as his words registered. “…Girls aren’t bats! We don’t have some sort of…girl…echolocation radar!” Make him change his mind, get him off the trail, do something!
“Maybe not. But you can’t say no to this smile.” James pointed at his face, as if she somehow forgot what his smile looked like when his lips pulled back to let the dazzle shine through.
She swore she heard a record scratch sound off in her head. And she stared. She didn’t plan to, she didn’t want to, but it just…happened. The staring. When he smiled at her like that, it was if her brain went to mush and needed time to power down and process that a smile like that was directed at her. And the worst part? He knew how to work it and get her flimsy resolve to crack. It scattered at her feet, useless. “…Godammit.”
If possible, James’s smile shined brighter. The boy could light up all of Vegas with the wattage powering him. Mickey looked away, or else she’d do something she’d regret to wipe away that self-satisfied look in his eye.
The smug jerk.
Okay, okay, don’t panic Mickey, don’t panic! It’s just…a matter of putting everything into perspective. You sent James a plant. Just a plant. People send people plants all the time. No big deal. Okay, so there was a note too, but it was just a note. A nice note. Just something you’ve been thinking. People share thoughts all the time! It’s not a big deal! …But now he’s dragged you around the Palm Woods because he wants to find whoever sent him the plant. Because of course he wasn’t going to let it go, you big time dumbass! You could probably tell him that you sent it and end this…but then he’d probably blow that out of proportion and—
“Okay! Do you remember the plan?” James popped out from behind the line of bushes around the Palm Woods pool, a tree hat sitting comfortably on his head.
Lifting herself up next to him, Mickey spat out a few leaves coating her tongue and brushed away the few sticking to her hair. “Is the hat really necessary?”
“Yes! All of our good plans involve tree hats!” Mickey’s mouth turned to the side. Since when have their plans turned out well? Or could be called good? The boys somehow manage to turn doing nothing into complete chaos and James thinks their plans work? The boy really did float along on a cloud of his own ego. “By the way, I got you one too.” James pulled a hat from seemingly out of nowhere.
Mickey frowned at it. “You know I can’t wear it. Hats don’t fit over my hair.”
“Oh, I thought about that. I got it a size bigger. And!” He flipped it over, pointing at the interior. “I custom ordered it. The inside is lined with satin so it won’t pull on or damage your hair.”
Stunned, it took a second for her to reach out and take the hat, carefully placing it over her hair and, whaddya know, it fit perfectly. “Thanks James,” she said with a soft smile.
His shoulders bounced in a jaunty shrug. “No problem.” Then he reached out, wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and drew her into his side. A strangled sound rumbled in her chest and a flush darkened her cheeks, the one squished against his pec. Electricity shot down her arm, right beneath his soft grip, but that was nothing to worry about. Just a static shock. “Now remember: you go over to the Jennifers, strike up a conversation, and then I’ll slip in and close the deal.”
“Yeah, but James, this is the seventh girl you’ve tried.” Mickey lifted her hand and started counting on her fingers. “You’ve already called that Annie girl who you thought was a mermaid, you called Heather Fox, you texted Mercedes—”
“How could she not want this”—he gestured wildly to his face—“as one of her potential boyfriends? How could she not pick me? Huh? How?”
“—then there was that Muffy girl who you say tried to kill you—”
“Yes, but that was only when I was a vampire,” James supplied.
Mickey studied his face, trying to find any hint of jest only to come up empty. Anyway! “After that you tried some Penny Lane girl who you say was a spy.” She jerked her thumb over her shoulder. “You just tried with Sunblock Girl—”
“Yeah, that still stings,” James mumbled, rubbing at a slightly reddened eye. “She has good aim with that sunscreen.”
“—and then there was that contest winner. Tiffany? Or Jeanette? …Which one did you end up calling anyway?”
James made a face. “I don’t know. Tiffnette?”
Mickey slapped her palm against her face and pulled her features down. This boy. “I’m just saying, you’re zero for seven. Why don’t you quit while you’re behind? Isn’t the secret admirer part supposed to be kept a secret?”
James swung his head around to face her, his bottom lip pulled up into an angry pout. “If I wanted someone to make things make sense, I would’ve brought Logan with me.”
“Logan’s on a double with Carlos.”
“I know!” he all but shouted, eyes blazing, “Don’t remind me! Everyone else gets to be so happy! When’s it gonna be my turn, hmm? Don’t I deserve to be happy too? It’s not like pretty people don’t have problems!” Mickey bit the inside of her cheek. She wasn’t going to touch that. “And right now, my problem is that I’m not dating a Jennifer. Now get over there and help me.”
“Which one do you want me to ask?”
“Yes!” He pushed at her shoulder and she stumbled sideways, catching her balance before eating it on the cement around the pool. Grumbling, she yanked off her tree hat and tossed it over to James.
Curling and uncurling her fingers, Mickey counted every step she took as she got closer to the Jennifers. They sat around their table by the cabanas as always, drinking identical pink smoothies, scripts held up to their faces. Mickey blew out a breath through her pursed lips. It wasn’t that she and the Jennifers didn’t get along, they were nice…enough. She liked Jennifer 3, sometimes they talked about hair treatments or what skincare products to use for dark marks. But it was hard to get her away from the other Jennifers so their conversations were few.
In unison they arched their brows, lowered their scripts, and removed their large, round sunglasses from their faces. Mickey’s attempt at a smile stalled halfway beneath their perfect, poreless, pristine auras. They sat cast in a golden outline, as if a permanent spotlight illuminated them. And there she stood by comparison, rusted silver, barely. It’s no wonder James insisted it had to be one of them.
“Hey guys,” Mickey greeted them, shoved her curled hands into her pockets. She rocked back and forth on her heels and used her chin to point towards the bound pages on the table. “New scripts?”
“We have an audition coming up for Savannah Louisiana: normal girl by day, singing spy by night,” Jennifer 1 explained, her lips curling in a pleased smile.
“Yeah, but why are you studying them today? I figured you’d have some sort of date or something. It is Valentine’s Day.”
“We need to give the boys of the Palm Woods time to think they have a chance with us,” Jennifer 2 said. With a sweep of her arm, she motioned to the piles, buckets, and of flowers, teddy bears, and wrapped gifts surrounding them. An easel nearby held looked like a large poster of the three Jennifers but was really, upon closer inspection, made out of M&Ms in varying colors.
Mickey let out a low whistle at the sight of it. Talk about dedication. “…Don’t know how I missed that,” she mumbled. Out the corner of her eye she spotted James removing his tree hat and whipping out a handheld mirror to check his hair. He winked at his reflection and cocked a finger gun. A flash of irritation coursed through her. “So…you have a lot of admirers.”
“Of course we do,” Jennifer 3 said, shoving her sunglasses into her hair. She spoke as if the notion was obvious. Which it probably was for them. They probably got mountains of cards and gifts back in school, being the envy of the hallways. Mickey knew that type well; her sister Sammi was one of them.
“Did you give any out?”
The three girls shared a look and burst out laughing. Mickey tugged at her hair again, fighting off the familiar unsettling pooling in the pit of her stomach at their laughter for asking such a question. “We don’t give out admirer notes. We just get them,” Jennifer 2 corrected, a slight sneer curling her lip and wrinkling her nose. “We have a reputation to uphold. We’re not desperate.”
She ignored the sting of their unintentional dig, spotting James walking towards the Jennifers with an odd pattern to his steps. As if he listened to bouncy disco music only he could hear. Oh no, oh no, oh no! Clearing her throat, Mickey lifted her voice, eyes darting back and forth between the Jennifers and James, “So…you’ve never sent out admirer gifts to anyone? Ever? Not even today?” James continued his approach. Geeze, how could he not hear her? Even the Jennifers caught onto the stilted wave of her questioning.
“No,” Jennifer 3 replied, eyes squinting. “And even if we did we wouldn’t wait until the last minute.”
“Besides, we have dates with the Owens Brothers tonight. They’re taking us to Nobu,” Jennifer 2 added, rolling back her shoulders.
Mickey’s head tilted to the side. “Weren’t they just cast in Savannah Louisiana?”
Jennifer 1 smirked. “Yep.”
“Ladies,” James trilled, sliding into view. Their faces remained unimpressed. “Don’t you look beautiful today. You know I really admire how you get your hair so shiny. I can even see myself in it. And I look good.” Mickey elbowed him in the side when he reached up to fix his hair and hit him with a hard stare. Just get this over with, please! “Right! Yeah, so, anyway, speaking of Valentine’s, I’m going to offer one of you ladies the chance to ride on Air Diamond, non-stop express to Love Island.” He reached into his back pocket and pulled out the note. Mickey lifted her thumb to her mouth, raking her teeth against the edge, taking great interest in Buddha Bob powering up his hedge clippers. “By the way, thanks for the plant and the note. Maybe we can break out the aloe and pamper each other.” Mickey put her hand up to her face, hiding the way her mouth twisted.
“We didn’t send you a secret admirer note, James,” Jennifer 2 told him in bored tones.
“What?” James’s face immediately fell. “You didn’t?”
“Of course not!” Jennifer 1 said with a scoff.
“You heard her, it’s not them, let’s go!” Mickey heard how shrill her voice had become around her thumb, but she didn’t care. She grasped his arm to move him; he didn’t budge, save for the muscle bulging beneath her hand. She snatched her hand away as if it were on fire, much like her face.
Frowning, James looked over the card again. “Well, if you didn’t, who did?”
Don’t look at me, don’t look at me, don’t look at me! Mickey bit her thumbnail so hard it popped and cracked between her teeth. Jennifer 3’s eyes slid over to her, her eyebrows lifting. Mickey’s eyes widened and she turned her head a couple inches to the left and then to the right. An amused expression passed through Jennifer 3’s face only to be replaced with a mask of indifference in the blink of an eye.
“Do we look like we care?” Jennifer 2 asked. “Now move, you’re blocking the views of the envious girls who wish they were us.” She waved her hand in a shooing gesture, putting her sunglasses back on. Jennifer 1 and Jennifer 3 mimicked her gesture.
“See? They didn’t send it. You’ve tried every girl at the Palm Woods. Now can we go?” Mickey turned to leave, stopping only when James grabbed her by the crook of her elbow.
“Yeah, every girl at the Palm Woods,” James repeated. Lifting his finger, he continued, “We haven’t tried the Palm Woods Park yet.”
The alarm bells returning, clanging louder than before. “I don’t want to go to the park. I want the ice cream that’s waiting for me.”
“I’ll buy you some. Cookie dough’s your favorite, right?”
“Right, but—”
“Do you dare try to stop me on my love quest?” he demanded, pointing a finger in her face. Her eyes crossed trying to keep his finger in focus. Geeze, how was she supposed to answer that and not sound like a jerk? …Then again, that was probably the point. “Let’s go!” She watched James’s retreating back as he marched around the pool, heading for the exit.
Mickey slowly turned to the Jennifer’s. Her eyes flickered across their faces, shoulders sagging. “…Who told you?” she slowly asked.
“Carlos,” they replied in unison, smirking all the while.
Mickey’s head lolled back as she groaned. “Should’ve known.” He couldn’t keep a secret to save his life. And it wasn’t that she wanted to tell him in the first place, he wore her down with his questioning when she called to ask, hypothetically, what kind of flowers the guys would want if they were to get them. It was a gamble asking him, she knew, but they were buds and she’d get a straight answer from him regarding James. She took too big a risk and had to tell him something to keep him from talking. Bribing him with four vouchers to whale watch clearly only worked for so long (Aunt Kelly got showered with gifts from potential clients trying to sway her into making an offer all the time).
“Don’t be embarrassed,” Jennifer 2 said, “it’s cute that you’re trying to shoot so far out of your league.”
Mickey didn’t have time to address those wounding words; realization landed with a heavy thud, dragging her attention with it: if the Jennifers knew…who else knew?
“—And now, and now, he’s dragged me up and down and all around accosting some poor innocent girls trying to find his secret admirer and I don’t think he’s gonna quit!” Mickey paused her ranting to shove another spoonful of tiramisu into her mouth. She chewed the beignet piece, swallowed, and continued, “See, see, it’s this…this stupid holiday. It makes everyone go crazy. Hallmark just haaad to go and make people read into everything and think that this one day was super important and everyone had to go and choke one each other’s love fumes. What ever happened to people wanting to be nice to other people? I don’t need one day to do that. Okay, maybe I could’ve picked a better day to send the dang plant, but I wasn’t supposed to be there when he got it! And who said Valentine’s Day is all about relationships anyway? It’s for friends too! James is my friend. I, as a friend, was trying to cheer a friend up! You’ve seen how Uncle Gustavo has been on him lately!” Jazz and Kendall stared at Mickey, taking long drags of the sparkling cider bubbling in their glasses. Mickey glared at them. “Are either of you going to say something?”
The two glanced at each other and simultaneously removed the straws from their mouths and leaned forward to set their glasses down on the red and black picnic blanket. Kendall leaned back on his palms, crossing one ankle over the other, and gave her a hard look. Jazz, instead, chuckled and shook her head. “I only have five words for you.” She held up a fist and extended a finger with each word. “I. Told. You. So.”
Mickey’s nose wrinkled. “That’s four words.”
Jazz leaned forward and smacked her open palm against Mickey’s forehead. “Dumbass!” Smiling sweetly beneath Mickey’s glare she added, “That’s five,” and popped a salmon-topped crostini into her mouth.
“Why don’t you just tell James you sent him the plant?” Kendall asked.
“Why do people keep asking me that?” Mickey said through gritted teeth. Because it’s the obvious solution, dummy, her thoughts screamed back at her; she shoved it aside. “You know James better than I do,” she said, jabbing a spoon in his direction. “You know what he’s like. If he’s this rabid just trying to find his secret admirer, he’ll be worse if he found I sent it to him. Because then he’ll want to know why I sent it to him and then I’ll have to say—”
“That you like him?” Jazz offered. She held up her hands when Mickey brandished the spoon in her direction. “I’m just sayin’.”
Mickey dug the spoon back into the glass of tiramisu, the utensil clanged against the side of the glass. It sounded so simple coming out of her mouth but it just…wasn’t. She wasn’t even sure what name to put on her feelings for James. They were positive, mostly. She could admit that. He was funny and fun and sweet and loyal and supportive. But then his ego swelled and all that got eclipsed by his narcissistic, shallow, and self-centered tendencies. Though that wasn’t what made her pay attention to him in the first place, his advances aside.
No, it was that look in his eye when he hit a particularly difficult note with ease. That satisfied smile on his face when he completed a dance sequence with moves so sure it was like he floated on the music. It was the drive powering him through recording sessions, take after take after take, even though he nailed it back on the third because it wasn’t up to his standards and his level of perfection. It was the pride burning through his chest and the passion shining in his smile when he wrote and composed a song, pouring his heart into the process. It was the ease of which he laid out his vulnerabilities and didn’t apologize for it or for his existence.
But he made it complicated. Baseline, she did like James. She liked all the guys of Big Time Rush, even if they came with a hurricane of chaos. But liking James and liking James were two different things and it was much easier to face one than the other. That’s what the aloe plant was for, to say what she couldn’t and didn’t want to face. She could give away any sort of feelings she had for him with the plant and didn’t have to look at it ever again.
Besides, it wasn’t like James was serious with his come-ons. The advances were just to bide his time; she knew that; it was how he worked. He bounced around from girl to girl like a bee searching for pollen. And she was just one flower in a field, a baby’s breath next to a rose. No, this was much easier.
Well, as easy as things could be when she spent all afternoon hovering around girls sitting in the lobby waiting for a thumbs up or a thumbs down, pretending to get candy from the vending machine to scope out potential suspects, and sitting by the elevator with a hockey stick waiting to trip up any guy who could get in the way of James and his “destiny” with guilt rolling a bigger rock in her stomach as time went on.
See, this is why she hated Valentine’s Day.
“And why an aloe plant?” Kendall asked.
Mickey dragged the spoon around the remnants of the empty dessert flute, licked the chocolate ganache off the scoop, and set the glass aside, wiping her mouth off with the back of her hand. “Because you can cut open an aloe plant and use the extract to heal scrapes, treat burns, and for basic skin care. Plus, if you want, you can add it to your smoothies for an extra boost of Vitamin C or for an aid in digestive health,” Mickey replied.
“So, it’s perfect for James.” Kendall nodded. “You must really like him.” Kendall laughed when Mickey swatted at him.
“Thanks for keeping it a secret, sis,” Mickey said, turning to Jazz.
“Hey, I don’t keep secrets from Kendall. Especially not about this,” Jazz said.
“Why is this the exception?”
Jazz smirked. “Because this is fun for me.” She took another long sip of cider, turning her eyes skywards. Mickey made a mental note to look into getting a rubber snake for their next birthday. See how Jazz liked that bit of fun. When Jazz reached for the plate holding the pie piece, Mickey snatched it away from her. “Dude,” Jazz uttered.
“No pie for you!” Mickey made a show of stabbing the pie piece with a fork and shoving the broken section off in her mouth. Dang, she was good. She mentally patted herself on the back for having the foresight to leave an entire other pie in the fridge back at Aunt Kelly’s apartment.
“You can share mine,” Kendall said, offering Jazz his plate.
“Don’t be mad at me because you’re too much of a chicken shit to tell James,” Jazz said, sticking out her tongue.
Mickey scoffed. “Easy for you to say! You and Kendall have been dating basically since you met each other!” The thing was, at the time, Jazz and Kendall didn’t realize they were dating. But what else could it be called when they spent nearly every day for the past year texting, facetiming, and emailing each other when they were apart and then going to the movies, going skateboarding, scheming, playing guitar at the recording studio, and going for walks when they were together? If you wanted one, you’d find the other. By the time they jointly announced they were dating, it was more of the sake of convenience than a need. None of them—Mickey, her sisters, and the rest of the boys of Big Time Rush—batted an eyelash about it. As far as they could see, it was inevitable.
“Look, James is my bud,” Kendall said, “And I want him to be happy. And I think you two overdramatic weirdos could be happy together.”
Mickey scoffed, not bothering to hide the offense on her face. “I’m not overdramatic.”
Kendall’s eyebrows rose. “Oh really?” He reached out and smacked the pie plate out of her hands.
“My pie!” Mickey screeched, watching in dismay as it landed upside-down on the grass. “You monster!” Kendall pressed his lips together, giving her a pointed stare with his green eyes. “There is no such thing as being overdramatic about food,” she grumbled, crossing her arms.
“Mickey, why is it so bad for James to know how you feel?” Jazz asked.
Mickey pulled at a few blades of grass, twisting her mouth to the side. Sheesh, where could she start with that?
“Well, it’s not Katie,” James announced, dropping onto the blanket next to Mickey. Three pairs of eyes swiveled in his direction as he rocked from side to side, grasping two small cups of ice cream. “She even laughed in my face, which was kind of rude.” Speaking out the side of his mouth, in a stage whisper, he added, “I think she’s in denial.” With a little laugh, he shrugged his shoulders and held out a cup for Mickey.
“No luck then?” Kendall asked. Mickey squinted at him. He stared back innocently. She didn’t buy it. He was a planner for a reason. What was he up to? The nudge of James’s elbow to her side broke her stare. She accepted the cup with a fleeting smile and dug into the ice cream for a large chunk of cookie dough near the surface.
“No. She’s really hiding. And I don’t get why. I mean why spend the day alone when you could spend the day with this?” Using his spoon, James gestured to his body, from crossed legs, up his torso, and in circles around his face. His head jerked back in a recoil as a bit of ice cream flew off the spoon and landed brushing ice cream against his nose. Mickey chuckled at the sight, reaching out to brush it off his nose. James in turn flashed an appreciative smile. She caught Jazz’s eye and dropped her hand to her lap.
“Well, it can’t be hard to trace the delivery back to the sender,” Kendall said nonchalantly.
A spike of fear shot down her spine. What? Mickey shoved her spoon too far in her mouth, scraping the back of her throat. A series of coughs made her double over, reddening her face, bringing tears to her eyes. Jazz and Kendall, the traitorous traitors, merely stared at her. If Mickey looked hard enough, she’d be able to see identical devil horns on their heads. James at least had the decency to rub circles between her shoulder blades. Not that his attention could be delayed from his love quest for too long.
“Keep talking,” James said.
“No, James, we should…we should get going,” Mickey said, pushing his arm. Her voice now took on a slight rasp. “We’re interrupting their date.”
“I mean call the place,” Kendall hurried, a sparkle in his eye. “Ask for the person who delivered the flowers and get a name from them.”
“Or at least get the name of the person who paid for it,” Jazz added.
“Isn’t there some sort of privacy in place?” Mickey asked, silently sending them mental waves to shut up! “You know, for nosy busybodies?”
“Not if they have a kid who just so happens to like Big Time Rush and wouldn’t mind getting free tickets to our next concert,” Kendall said with a simple shrug of his shoulders.
“Jazz, your boyfriend’s trying to sell his soul,” Mickey tattled, jabbing her finger in Kendall’s direction.
Jazz made a meh sound. “As long as the outside of him stays the same I don’t think I’d notice a difference.”
“Nice,” Kendall muttered. His brief frown turned into a smile when Jazz leaned over and kissed his cheek.
James dug into his pocket, removing his phone with bright eyes. Mickey’s eyes darted around, searching for any sort of escape from the gnawing hole in her stomach. Do something, do something, do something! Lunging forward, Mickey grabbed James’s phone, drew back her arm, and threw it. Silence settled over the group like a thick, heavy, wool blanket. Calmly, Mickey scooped another spoonful of ice cream into her mouth. Only when she swallowed did she look at their bewildered expressions and said, “Spasm. Sorry.” Then she sat up straight. “Oh look! There’s Jo!” Internally she cringed at foisting James off onto one of her friends but, well, desperate times, desperate measures. He scurried away in the blink of an eye and Mickey repeatedly hit her forehead with her fist.
“You know what I think?” Jazz asked.
“That I’m in Hell?” Mickey replied, her dull words directed down towards her lap.
Jazz snorted. “No, but you deserve however this ends.”
Mickey peeked up at them from beneath her lashes. “How’s the air up on your high horse?”
Kendall and Jazz grinned. “Sweet.”
“I’m not your secret admirer,” Lucy said the minute she opened her apartment door. Looking up at James, she crossed her arms and quirked an eyebrow, effectively killing the expectant smile on his face in one shot.
“How’d you know that’s what I was gonna ask you?” he asked.
Rolling her eyes, Lucy said, “Because it’s all over the Palm Woods that you’re asking every girl if they’re your secret admirer. Honestly, I don’t blame them for keeping it a secret. You’re getting a little intense.” Lucy was going to get a fruit basket, Mickey decided. The swell of pride growing within her for having such a sensible friend ebbed away as fast as it came when Lucy’s eyes shifted over to her. “And why’re you helping him?” Lucy continued, pointing a finger in James’s direction.
“…I have girl radar or something,” Mickey replied, cringing at the rasp still affixed to her words. It was a lot easier to verbalize that than her spine being as soft as Jell-O.
Lucy blinked and shook her head. “Okay, even if that were a thing, that doesn’t make sense.”
“You know I don’t make sense,” James said. “Besides, love doesn’t have to make sense. I just want a Valentine. Why is that so bad?”
“You can’t coerce people into being what you want just because you want it,” Lucy said.
“…If I knew what that word meant I’d say ‘yes I can’!”
“You realize you’re encouraging this right?” Lucy asked Mickey.
She nearly laughed aloud. Maybe Lucy was right on paper but the lengths she’d gone through the whole day would say otherwise. Aside from throwing his phone any time he got it out, she nearly had to tackle James to keep him away from Logan, Camille, Carlos, and Stephanie when they crossed paths in the lobby (of which she then had to dodge another make-out offer as she got off him), she got a nasty shock to her foot kicking out the plug to the computers, and nearly blew herself into the pool with Bhudda Bob’s industrial leaf blower in her attempts to blow James away from Sandy and Mandy Simms (honestly that was for his own good. He wasn’t going to address them by the right names, and she knows firsthand how annoying that was).
Instead, Mickey mumbled. “Trust me, his one-track mind doesn’t need any of my help,”
“Yeah!” James nodded.
“So, you don’t find it odd you haven’t had any luck finding this girl?” Lucy asked. “Assuming it’s a girl.”
“It’s a girl!” James insisted, his voice tightening.
“Fine.” Lucy leaned against the doorway, eyes shifting between the two. “Still. It has to be someone around here, right?”
“Lucy,” Mickey all but growled through clenched teeth.
Lucy ignored her. “I don’t know why they’d want to be shy about it. I mean, you are James Diamond of Big Time Rush, after all.” Out the corner of her eye Mickey spotted James standing up straighter, propped up by her words. “Then again, girls know not to step on another girl’s territory…”
Mickey wanted her fruit basket back.
“What do you mean?” James asked.
“I mean you’ve been hanging out with Mickey all day, right? Girls might think she’s called dibs on you. Give them more of a reason to stay anonymous.” Mickey strained hard to keep her head facing forward, the expression on her face neutral beneath James’s penetrating gaze. She tucked her shakings hands into the crooks of her arms and evened out her breathing. And Lucy, all the while, held the tight-lipped smile of someone guarding a laugh. Waving her hand, Lucy stood straight, “But I could be wrong. What do I know? I don’t have a Valentine”—James moved to open his mouth—“not that I’m looking for one! You’re already taken.”
“There’s plenty of me to go around,” James insisted.
“I’m not into sharing.” Snickering, Lucy grasped her door and moved to close it. “Well, have fun on your little date.”
Mickey’s relieved sigh of “Thanks” quickly shifted over to her indignant shout of, “Wait, no! This isn’t a date!” Her words bounced harmlessly off Lucy’s closed door.
“Whatever!” Lucy called from the other side.
Pulling her lips inwards, Mickey slowly turned, steeling herself for…something. A suggestive comment, a flirty smile, swagger pouring out of his, well, pores. Not…this. The rounding of his shoulders, balancing an invisible weight, the shadow blanketing the sparkle in his eyes, the sharp rise and fall of his chest rather than the steady sureness and puffed preening. Releasing her lips, they fell into a soft frown. “James?” She reached out, her fingers grazing his arm. His head snapped up, eyes settling on her face, and with a blink of his (unfairly!) long lashes, the light returned to his eyes.
“Hey, no, I’m good. Let’s take a break. I'm getting hungry.”
She didn’t bother to point out he’d already eaten ice cream, because eating sounded like a good idea. She needed food. She needed to stop the gnawing in her stomach in ways only food could satiate. The hole opened, allowing more room for guilt and shame around the pie and tiramisu and ice cream she’d already consumed. Better to eat something else before the black hole ate her. At least that way, if she was full, there was no room for anything else.
It wasn’t that she didn’t want the sandwich James prepared. He even remembered not to put mayonnaise on hers; not even the guys at Subway could manage that. (Okay, so she kind of mumbled when she had to place orders so it was easy to confuse ‘tomato’ for ‘mayo’ and she could have corrected them but that was more trouble than it was worth.) Despite the clawing deep in the pit of her stomach she couldn’t make herself eat, not with the waves of despair rolling off James, threatening to drown her. He kept his smile, but it was tight lipped, half-blown, wrong.
He leaned against the refrigerator, one leg crossed over the other at the ankle, shoulders pressing against the glass, holding his weight up, taking steady sips from a juice box. One arm wrapped tight around his torso, as if trying to hug himself.
Mickey picked at the sandwich, tearing little bits of bread and turkey breast and lettuce only to smoosh it into little spheres, littering her plate. James left his untouched.
“Is there something wrong with me?” James had lifted his mouth from the straw; the red from the juice darkened them. He wiped his mouth with the back of his palm, he set the juice box down. “I mean, there can’t be much wrong with me, right?”
“Uhhhh….” Mickey flicked a few of the sandwich spheres around her plate.
“I just don’t get it,” James continued as if she didn’t say anything, as if she weren’t in the room. “Why is it so easy for everyone else? I mean, Kendall. Right? We move here and right away Kendall gets Jo. And then Logan gets Camille…” He held his hand in the air and waved it side to side. “Kind of. And then Carlos has his thing with Stephanie. And then Kendall and Jo break up. But then we meet you guys and, well, you know Kendall and Jazz.” James drummed his fingers against the cardboard on the juice box. “…Kendall has it all. You know? The family, the friends, the girl.” Mickey zeroed in on that one word. Girl. Not girls. “And he didn’t even try for it. Not really. It falls into his lap.” The gnawing in her stomach grew though she couldn’t bring herself to eat anything, no matter how hard it screamed for food. A lump rose in her throat; she curled her trembling fingers into her palms. “Yeah, maybe I’ve been with girls. But lately I see Logan and Carlos and Kendall and they’re with girls. And I want that, I guess. And then this plant came…” Setting aside the juice box, he shifted and leaned forward, resting his elbows against the breakfast bar Mickey sat at, peering at the aloe plant. The minute he reentered 2J he picked it up and turned it around and around in his hands, as if searching for some sort of hidden compartment on it and discarded it as if it had personally offended him. Now he stared at it so hard she swore it’d eventually catch fire. “I thought maybe this was my chance for…something. I mean, my parents didn’t care much about spending time with me until I got out here. And even then, I don’t see my mom much. She doesn’t ask about all this.” He spun his finger in the air, encircling the room. His cheeks squished when he propped them up on his fists. Mickey’s leg bounced against the footrest of the bar stool. And even as her body tensed, begging her to run, she sat, enthralled, in a sick game of chicken. “Maybe it was a joke. Or I’m the joke, for thinking…” Silence ticked by, each pulse pounding Mickey over the head: say something do it, do it now, talk!
Her lips trembled, whether from the onslaught of his words, the ease and content of laying himself bare without a second thought, or the pressure rising within her chest. Lowering her head, she dug her fingers into her hair, curling them around the shafts, tugging hard. The pain was a brief relief, sharp and pointed; something to focus on than her whirling thoughts. Except for one, niggling at the back of her mind, roaring louder until she pinpointed Jazz’s voice:
Why is it so bad for James to know how you feel?
It wasn’t that. It was the after. What happens afterwards, what he would do, could do, with the feelings she gave for him on a platter. And she hated it, the not knowing, not having control after the words left her mouth, having to just stand there and open up her chest and hope and pray he’d be delicate.
You don’t know anything about me, she’d always say, a perfect deflection to his inquiries on her constant rebuffs. Shorthand for what she really wanted to say: you don’t care. But he did, he proved it all day: he knew her hair schedule, he knew her hair was important enough to her to get her a cap she could wear, he knew her favorite ice cream choice, he knew her sandwich preferences, he put aside his goal to check on her well-being, he prepared her favorite snacks when he knew she’d be alone. Even if it came with a string attached, he thought about it, thought about her. She rejected it but it didn’t stop him from laying it all out there, from going after what he wanted, from trying again and again and again, diving in with both feet without apologizing for it, without apologizing for feeling and being.
That’s truly why she hated the occasion, Valentine’s Day, because it gave everyone else the courage to be raw, be real, and she couldn’t manage it.
But as she sat there, simmering in James’s admission, wondering how someone like him could think he was a joke for allowing himself to be hopeful, she still admired him. How could she not? He was James Diamond, unapologetically.
“James.” She heard the shake in her voice and made herself remain steady, even as the bounce in her leg increased. He looked at her, face so open. Her heart sighed. “…I sent the plant.”
He didn’t react right away, just stared at her, hazel eyes meeting russet. She clasped her hands, bringing them up to her mouth, biting down on both thumb nails. He blinked, sucked in a breath, and slowly leaned back until he stood tall.
“…You’re my secret admirer.”
Mickey leaned back, dropping her hands into her lap, skin lightening beneath her hard grip. “Yeah.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
She let out a little laugh, sheepish and incredulous combined. Because she was a jerk? Because she was an idiot. Because she was scared. All of the above? “Because I was the only person you didn’t ask, dummy!”
James blinked. “Oh.” He looked at the plant, at her, back at the plant, and got the note out of his pocket. His thumbs smoothed out the creased and bent cardstock and then held it out to her. She took it and put it aside; she didn’t need to read it. She had the words memorized; she’d agonized over what to add for days until she came up with the finished product. She didn’t care about that, she cared about now, what he would do now. As his lips parted, ready to speak again, she forced herself to stay put. All instincts told her to run, to hide, she still had time to save herself. She stayed still. “I guess…I didn’t think to ask. I mean, I never thought you’d…admire me.” He said the last part slowly, as if testing the weight of the words on his tongue.
Her shoulders sagged with her accompanying sigh. Okay, that wasn’t too bad. She tugged on the ends of her hair, pulling from mid-length down to the ends, over and over, avoiding his eyes. “James…I-I admire a lot about you. I don’t know how people can’t. I mean you…you have this drive that I’ve never seen in anyone before. And you have so much passion behind it. Even with Gustavo being hard on you lately, you still come back the next day ready to work with this…this fire. I’ve seen you go through so much and the whole time you’re…you’re you. You’re so comfortable being yourself, wholly, fully, and you don’t feel the need to apologize for it. I wish I was like that sometimes.”
“Oh.” He sure liked that word.
Head tilted downwards, she still stroked her hair, but peeked up at him. His eyes had widened and something in his face stilled. Did she say something wrong? God, this was why she didn’t do things like this, didn’t put herself out there. Crap, she messed everything up! The paralyzing hold on her eased, allowing a painful stab to hit her right in chest. She swiveled her hips to the side, turning the stool top, ready to jump down.
“Hold on.” James reached out, hand resting on her shoulder. She stopped, held her breath, and watched with crinkled brows when he walked stiffly to the bathroom and closed the door. What the…? Her eyebrows bunched even further at the flurry of movement on the other side of the door. If she closed her eyes, she could almost see him flailing. The door swung open and James walked back out calmly, cheeks reddened.
Her eyes ping-ponged between him and the bathroom. She was almost afraid to ask. “Did…did you just do a happy dance?”
“What? Me? No! Of course not!” James scoffed, waving his hand in the air, failing at keeping the smile off his flushed face. “Can I give you your gift now?” His words collided in a rushed slur.
She blinked, jarred from the conversation whiplash. Oh. Oh. She thought…And to be sure she glanced over her shoulder where the indoor picnic had been left. “Was that not…?”
“No. I got you something else.” His long fingers gripped the countertop; he practically vibrated.
“Ok…ay.” This…was not what was supposed to happen. Was it?
James scurried off to the bedrooms and Mickey prepared herself for the usual gifts she received on such occasion, a card or oven mitts or an apron with Mickey Mouse decorated all over it because, well, it was obvious. Her name and her hobby in the same, how original! But she’d mastered the pleased smile years ago. It wasn’t that she didn’t like the gifts, clearly the thought was behind it and that’s what counted, but sometimes she wished people didn’t go for something so easy.
When James came back carrying…some white structure, which at first glanced looked like a miniature shelf, she didn’t know what to do with her face. She bet she looked half constipated and half bewildered. How attractive!
“It’s an indoor herb garden,” he supplied, filling in the large blank in her head. She gaped, heart thudding a steady rhythm against her ribcage. “You always said you were upset Kelly’s apartment didn’t have a place for you to grow stuff. Now you can. Look!” He turned the box around and pointed to a list in small print. “It comes with spices too. It has basil, parsley, oregano, rosemary, thyme, and mint.”
A low buzzing sounded in her ears. It took her time to place it, that thrumming content. But when she did it amplified, an electric current running through her, so palpable that when their fingers brushed as she accepted the box, sparks popped at her fingertips. “Thank you.” It was soft and tender; all she could manage while trying to contain herself.
“You’re welcome. I’m glad you like it.”
Like wasn’t the right word but she wasn’t ready for that, nowhere near it. Hugging the box to her chest, she chanced a glance at him. “What happens now?” She hadn’t meant to blurt it out so suddenly, but she had to know. Needed to know. “I’ve never…I mean, this thing…” Words failed her. Instead, she dragged a finger in the space between them.
Luckily, James caught on. “Neither have I,” he admitted. “But I want to try. I like you.”
A buzz thrummed within her at his directness. “I don’t get why considering I’ve been lying to you all day.” In fact, he was strangely…calm about it. Why wasn’t he angry with her?
“Well, yeah, that part kind of stinks,” he admitted, head bobbing from side to side, “but, the way I choose to look at it, you also went along with me all day when you could have left. Figured you have to like me a lot to go through all that trouble.” He paused and then his eyes widened.
Her pulse spiked. “What?”
“I just realized: this whole time, you were trying to keep people away because you want me all to yourself!” The swagger came back when he reached out tapped the tip of her nose; she almost missed it. “Not that I blame you.” Pointing at himself he added, “I wouldn’t want to give this away either.”
James’s beaming smile returned, eyes sparkling as if diamonds nestled within.
A wild sensation hit her at the sight of it: a sort of breathless elation, like climbing to the top of a mountain, being caressed by gentle winds only to sink into the crackling livewire of being so alive.
Mickey’s mouth opened and closed a few times, attempting to make words. Defeated, she pressed her lips together and rolled her eyes, her lips curling up into an unrestrained smile.
Mickey lifted her head from the sink; droplets of water rolled down her cheeks and curled beneath her chin. She dapped at her face with the hand towel nearby, set it aside, and turned to see Jazz leaning in the bathroom doorway, grinning from ear to ear. “So what?” she asked.
“You know what.” Her grin grew. “How did things with you and James end up? You didn’t say anything when Kendall and I came back to the apartment and you didn’t say anything on the bus ride back here. I want details. Spill.”
Mickey’s eyes rolled to the ceiling as she mulled it over. Jazz crossed her arms over her Richmond Braves pajama shirt. Mickey’s shoulders shook with suppressed laughter, stopping only when her phone vibrated in the pocket of her lounge pants. Holding up a finger, she removed it only to experience a flutter in her stomach at the sight of James’s name on her screen next to the blinking text icon. With a swipe of her thumb, she opened the text.
James: See you at the studio tomorrow! Mickey: I’ll be the chick with the bass behind ya
“I’ll tell you after Kelly gets back,” Mickey said. At Jazz’s annoyed sigh she added, “Look, I don’t want to tell the story three times.” Reaching over, she flipped off the light to the bathroom and brushed past her, running to jump on her bed. Jazz landed next to her a second later, cuddling a large stuffed teddy bear to her chest. On the other side of the room Sammi and Mel crowded onto Sammi’s bed. Sammi’s fingers deftly twisted through the braids in Mel’s hair, adding new length with the fresh purple extensions. Mel carefully lifted a forkful of strawberry rhubarb pie to her mouth, balancing the plate on her knee. “Besides, I want to know who her super-secret date was.”
“It’s Gustavo. We all know it was Gustavo,” Jazz insisted.
“Yeah right,” Sammi said with a shake of her head; her new clover earrings shook with each turn of her head. “That’ll never happen.”
“It could!”
Mel grabbed a pillow off Sammi’s bed and threw it at Jazz, nailing her in the face. Beneath their laughter, Mickey snuck a look at her phone again. James had texted twice, one with a smiley face and another with a video attachment. She tapped her thumb against the screen. The video pulled up, filling the screen, and in seconds she watched a mirror shot of him dancing and celebrating in the bathroom.
She grinned.
The smug jerk.
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outlawsworld · 4 years
Trusting Strangers - Chapter 6
Arthur Morgan x Female reader
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Summary: The reader tries to ignore her true feeling for Arthur. She dresses up for a job which may lead to feeling coming to the surface.
Warnings: slight violence. Nothing too major
Notes: I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Please reblog/like/message me to let me know if you like it.
Chapter 1
It can't be, It just can't. How could this have happened? You never had feelings for someone before yet here you were. There was nothing you could have done because it's not like these feelings crept up on you, they hit you like a train. All at once with no warning. You were laid in your tent looking up to the canvas. Sleeping wasn't an easy task as your mind was too full to relax. The morning light had started to creep through your tent but you just laid there trying to conserve as much energy as you possibly could. You knew the longer you laid in bed made it more likely someone would come and get you. So you decided to finally pull yourself up and change into your clothes. You scraped your hair into a braid before pulling your boots on. As you left your tent the morning air hit you and you could see no one else was awake. It must have been a lot earlier then you had thought. For once you were looking forward to doing your chores, they may help in taking your mind off things. You poured yourself a coffee and sat on a log staring at the flames as they rose. It wasn't too long before you heard Pearson make his way over to his cart to begin his day cooking.
''You got some nice catches the other day girlie'' He shouted over to you. ''Nice bits of meat like this will feed us for a week'' he smirked as he began to cut up pieces of game. You just smiled in his direction and turned back to your coffee. You were soon joined by Tilly, Abigail and Jack as they had their morning breakfast.
''You alright (Y/N)?'' Jack asked you quietly as he took a bite from a bread roll.
''I'm alright Jack, how've you been?'' you smiled down at him. You couldn't help but feel joy whenever Jack was around. He was so innocent and sweet that you forgot that you were all outlaws on the run.
''I'm good. Mamma said to ask you if I can help with the horses today?'' he looked at Abigail who gave you a nervous smile.
''I don't see why not'' you turned your attention back to Jack.
''Thank you (Y/N), I'll go get my coat'' he ran back off to his tent and Abigail shuffled to sit next to you.
''I was gonna ask, I just didn't get chance before Jack'' she sighed. ''I just need a day, just one day''
''It's fine, honestly'' you cut her short. You could tell that raising a child in this environment was hard. ''He can help me feed and brush the horses down'' you smiled at Abigail in a reassuring way.
''Thank you (Y/N)'' she smiled back at you before Jack returned.
''Come on then. You can help me feed them first'' you stood from the log and gestured for Jack to follow you to the horses. He followed close behind you and you showed him exactly what to do. You made sure he had the easier jobs that didn't include any heavy lifting. A smile beamed from his face as he was setting out small piles of hay for the horses. You couldn't help but smile at the effort he put into it and you could tell he took a shine to Dallas. The jobs took a little longer than they normally would but you didn't mind, it was a welcomed distraction. You grabbed a grooming brush and passed it to Jack before standing him on a crate next to Dallas.
''There you go. You can reach his neck and back now'' you stood next to him as you both brushed the black stallion.
''Can I ride him?'' Jack asked as he was in awe.
''Would your mum be alright with it?'' you asked, giving him a cheeky smile. You quickly looked to see if Abigail was watching but you couldn't see her. With one motion you lifted Jack onto Dallas' bare back. ''Hold on tight'' you smiled up at him as you unhitched Dallas and led him at a walk around the outskirts of camp. You only walked slowly so that Jack didn't become unbalanced without a saddle.
''Whoa, look at me'' he shouted as you walked through the woods. Jack patted Dallas on the neck and his smile was bright as he was giggling at every movement.
''You will be able to ride him by yourself one day'' you smiled up at Jack which only made him more thrilled. John was standing at the hitching post as you finished your walk. You felt slight dread as you approached him, you were unsure if Jack was allowed to ride bareback.
''Look at you Kid'' John smiled at you both and the dread left your body.
''We went all the way around the camp'' Jack beamed as John helped him down from Dallas. You hitched him up before turning to John.
''Jacks been a great helper this mornin''' you patted him on the shoulder before he ran back into camp to tell everyone about his ride. ''Sorry I didn't ask first'' you looked at John innocently.
''What to ride? Don't worry about it'' he chuckled. ''Your good with him, been round kids much?'' John followed you as you went to check the other horses.
''No, not really'' you smirked. ''I had no siblings''.
''Ahh, me neither'' he leaned up against the hitching post as you brushed down Dutch's white Arabian. ''You are better with him then I am anyway'' John looked down at his feet. You stopped what you were doing and turned to look at him. He looked visibly upset as he spoke about Jack.
''That's not true. I've seen you with him and your great'' you paused as you waited for John's reaction.
''I'm not cut out at being a father. Not yet anyways'' John sighed. ''He's a good kid but I think I've left it too late''.
''It's never too late John, trust me'' you managed to catch his eye before smiling at him. ''Why don't you do something with him today? I think Abigail needs a day off'' you giggled and he smiled weakly at you.
''Your right. As always. Is there anything you can't do (Y/N)?'' John began to chuckle.
''I can't cook'' you giggled as you turned back to the horse. Charles approached you both as you began to brush The Count again. Charles helped with the last of your chores and John got roped into helping too so you managed to finish in the early afternoon.
''You hungry?'' Charles asked you as you finished brushing down the last horse.
''Starvin'.'' You were quick to reply. The three of you walked back into camp and grabbed some bread and stew from Pearson before sitting around the fire. The rest of the girls joined you as you ate.
''I heard about a job'' Karen blurted out. ''It's a good one'' she seemed so excited as she spoke.
''What is it?'' John questioned before he took a mouthful of stew.
''There's a rich fella staying in Valentine. Bit of a ladies man but damn he's rich'' she giggled. ''I seen him in the saloon drinking and I think if we get him drunk enough it will be an easy steal''.
''Alright?'' Charles questioned missing whatever point Karen was trying to get too.
''Well there is a problem you see....us girls have already tried but he ain't interested in us'' she sighed. ''Stupid fool. But....I know one girl who could handle herself who ain't tried yet'' she glanced at you and gave you a wink. Suddenly all the attention was on you.
''What?'' you exclaimed. ''Have you seen me....if he ain't interested in you there is no way...''
''We will make you look irresistible'' Tilly cut you off.
''You can borrow one of my best dress' and we will do your hair all pretty'' Mary-Beth added. You could see John and Charles giggling in the corner of your eye and you gave them an irritated stare.
''I'm not as good at flirtin' as you'' you were trying to think of any excuse to get out of it.
''Don't give me that'' Karen shrugged your comment off. She stood up and held out her hand to you, there was no getting out of this. You looked for help from John or Charles but they didn't come to your rescue. There were no more excuses so you grabbed Karen's hand and she dragged you to her tent.
You sat while Mary-Beth tugged at your knotted hair. Each stroke of the brush felt like she was ripping part of your scalp off. Tilly was busy trying to find a suitable dress that would suit you the best and Karen was applying powder to your cheeks. Sadie and Abigail were sitting in the corner giggling at your unamused face.
''You will look stunning when we are done with you (Y/N)'' Tilly smiled at you.
''That's right. No man will be able to resist you'' Karen winked at you. ''Not that you care about that''
''What does that mean?'' Mary-Beth asked.
''(Y/N) ain't sweet on anyone'' Karen looked up to Mary-Beth and giggled.
''Really?'' Mary-Beth pulled on another knot in your hair. You winced and tried to ignore the conversation because you knew that wasn't quite true anymore.
''Well it's probably a good job. I mean.....John has Abigail drooling over him'' Karen glanced at Abigail ignoring the angry look she received. ''Javier is a flirt, Lenny is too young for her, Bill is dumb, Charles is just a 'friend', Kieran is only interested in his horse'' Karen giggled ''and Arthur is Arthur''. You furrowed your brow at this comment.
''What do you mean?'' you asked curiously.
''Arthur has never been sweet on anyone in camp but I'm pretty sure each of us have been sweet on him at some point'' she sighed.
''You have all been sweet on him?'' you scanned the room for the girls reaction and they all nodded except Sadie.
''It's hard to not be. He is a mystery and so manly'' Tilly smiled. ''There is something exciting about that''.
''Yes, but he's never reciprocated the feelings'' Abigail interjected before Tilly got carried away. Your heart sunk slightly as you thought about how stupid you were, you had let your feelings take control. Arthur wasn't interested in anyone and you were just setting yourself up for disappointment. The girls worked on you for a couple of hours until you were pristeen. Tilly had picked out a dark blue dress which complemented your features well. They all helped you squeeze into the corset before finally climbing into the dress. Your hair was knott free and hanging down past your shoulders and your makeup made you look blemish free.
''You look beautiful'' Abigail smiled at you as you stood ready to go show the camp the girls' hard work. You struggled to take a deep breath before leaving the tent, the corset clung to your ribs not allowing for much movement. The sun was beginning to set as you stepped out of the tent and made your way over to the rest of camp. Everyone was gathered round the campfire as you gingerly strode over them.
''Introducing the woman who is going to steal the heart and possessions of the richest man passing through Valentine'' Karen gestured for you to stand in front of everyone. You approached slowly as the girls moved to one side. The redness in your cheeks was hidden by the makeup but you could feel your temperature rise with embarrassment as you stood with everyone gawking at you.
''Wow (Y/N)'' Hosea looked up at you. ''You look incredible my girl'' he smiled at you as you looked at him before looking around to see the others reaction. They all sat there in shock at how you looked. Javier stood up and took your hand in his before pressing his lips to the back of it.
''Stunning'' He said after laying a kiss on your hand. You chuckled as he did this, the last thing you expected was this reaction. Suddenly you felt confident in the way you looked and you stood up taller and even did a little twirl.
''What's everyone lookin' at?'' you heard his voice from behind you and suddenly the nerves creeped back up. Taking a breath you turned round to see Arthur and his eyes landed on you too. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped slightly as he looked at you all dressed up. You managed a shy smile but your heart was racing and you could feel that sickness in your stomach as he approached you slowly. He stopped right in front of you as he scanned you up and down, it was the first time you had seen him all day. For a minute you forgot everyone else was there. They had all turned there attention away from you now anyway. ''Hello beautiful'' he finally whispered to you as you looked up into his eyes. You felt breathless as he looked at you the way he was. Everything in your body was telling you to wrap your arms around him and not let him go but you pushed them to one side.
''Hello Arthur'' you managed to reply with a shy smile.
''What's the occasion?'' he asked not breaking eye contact with you. You could feel the heat from his body as he stood so close to you.
''(Y/N) is going to seduce a rich fella in Valentine so we can rob him blind'' Karen interrupted the moment. Arthur's face suddenly went stern and he backed away from you.
''Who's goin'?'' he turned to Karen with slight irritation in his voice.
''Well me, (Y/N) and I don't know.....Bill?'' she gestured to Bill who was already downing a bottle of whiskey.
''Bill? You seriously haven't thought this through 'av ya?'' Arthur sighed. ''I'll go. Let me just get ready'' he turned to his tent to grab some things whilst you and Karen made your way over to the wagon. John helped you both in and past you a pistol that you tucked into one of the folds of your dress.
''Damn (Y/N)'' he shook his head. ''You look amazing. Make sure he knows where to keep his hands or he'll lose em'' John smiled at you. Arthur was quick and mounted into the driver's seat and with that you were on your way to Valentine.
''So the plan is to get him drunk'' Karen started talking to you. ''He needs to think that you are going to sleep with him. When he is drunk enough you go to his room, wait for him to pass out and take everything worth taking'' she giggled.
''What if he don't pass out?'' Arthur asked and turned to give Karen a quick glance. ''Then what?''
''Well I guess (Y/N) will have to sleep with him'' Karent winked. You were about to protest but you were too slow. Arthur had already stopped the cart and turned to the both of you.
''That ain't happenin'.'' His tone was stern as he pointed at Karen.
''I was jokin' Arthur. Calm down, you almost sound jealous'' Karen teased.  ''She can hit him over the head with her pistol'' Arthur sighed, still not fully satisfied with Karen's answer but started the wagon moving again. You arrived at Valentine a couple of minutes later and you could hear the music and loud conversations coming from inside the saloon. Karen went ahead to check that the man was definitely in the saloon before you all went in. Arthur came to the back of the wagon to help you down. He put his hands around your waist and slowly lowered you until your feet hit the floor but he didn't remove his hands straight away. You looked up to see concern on his face and he took a deep breath before releasing his grip on you.
''I don't like this'' he muttered before Karen came running over.
''Show time'' she grinned before linking her arm through yours. ''We will go in first Arthur, we don't want him thinkin' you came with us'' she pulled you away. You glanced back at Arthur who clenched his jaw while holding back allowing you to go in first.
The music and smell of beer hit you as you walked into the warm saloon. There were a lot of people there singing, danicing and getting drunk. You seemed to attract the attention from a lot of men as you and Karen made your way over to the bar. The bartender passed you both a shot of whiskey each.
''That's him over there, with the red coat and mustache'' Karen glanced in the man's direction. ''Seems like he's already noticed you'' she giggled. You took your shot as quickly as you could before ordering another. If you were going to do this you needed something to get rid of the nerves. You were so used to pick pocketing or house robberies but this was something you had never done. Getting a man's attention wasn't the hard thing it was playing them so they don't suspect a thing. You grabbed your drink and walked over to an empty table and sat down slowly eyeing up your target. He had many women sitting around him at his table but his attention was on you, never breaking eye contact. You could tell he was an attractive young man and his attitude showed that he knew it too. Arthur walked into the saloon, you watched as he searched for you and caught your eye before making his own way to the bar. You turned your attention back to the target and you saw he was already making his way over to you.
''I don't believe we have met'' he held his hand out to you and you took it. ''Simon Clark'' he gently kissed the back of your hand.
''Bethany Hope'' you made up a name and introduced yourself.
''Mind if I join you?'' he asked and you nodded before he took a seat next to you. You glanced at the bar to see Karen and Arthur watching you and you felt a sense of relief that you had them watching out for you. ''How come I have never seen you before?''
''Maybe you weren't looking hard enough'' you teased him.
''You are not someone I would overlook'' he looked you up and down and you felt exposed. ''Drink?''
''How about we share a bottle?'' you smiled curiously at him. He nodded and headed to the bar to get a bottle of whiskey. You took a deep breath and looked at Arthur. He didn't take his eyes off you for a second as he clutched at his own drink.
''Here you go'' Simon poured you a shot and took his seat again. You tapped your glasses together before taking your drinks. Simon liked to speak about himself, which made things easier. You pretended to be interested in his stories while you kept on pouring drink after drink for him. He never once questioned that you were not drinking but it was probably because he didn't care. Simon was so engulfed in talking that he hadn't realised he had finished the bottle by himself. His words had started to slur and he clung to the table to stop from falling off his chair. ''Will you accompany me to my room?'' he slurred as his hand laid on your leg and started to make its way up your thigh. You had to resist the urge to brush his hand away. Having a strange man touch you intimately brought back bad memories but you tried to shut them out.
''After another drink'' you stood up removing his hand before collecting another drink from the bar. As the barman handed you another two shots of whiskey you quickly glanced at Arthur and gave him a reassuring nod. He gave you a weak smile but you could tell he wasn't enjoying this. Karen was currently flirting with another guy at the back of the room leaving Arthur by himself. You thanked the barman before heading back to Simon who now had his forehead pressed against the table. "Here" you passed him the whiskey as you drank the other. The liquor was strong and made your eyes water slightly. He downed the drink before stumbling to his feet.
"Follow me sweetheart" Simon whispered in your ear. The smell of alcohol on his breath was overwhelming but you took his hand and followed him to the door. Arthur watched from the bar as you made your way to the door not letting you out of his sight.
"I'm in the hotel across the street over there. Got a very comfy bed for us to sleep in" Simon's words were slurred as he almost fell out of the saloon. You couldn't help but feel sorry for the women that fall for men like this. The cold night air hit you hard as you followed him outside and down the stairs. You started to make your way to the hotel when he dragged you down a little ally between two buildings.
"This doesn't look like a hotel" you rolled your eyes as Simon pressed you to the wall. He was pressing his body into yours to keep himself from falling over. You took the opportunity to pick pocket him while he whispered sweet words into your ear. "oh, yeah, ahuh sounds good" you muttered not listening to what he was actually talking about. You had managed to take his watch, what money he had left on him and the key to his room, stuffing them down your dress. Simon then grabbed your wrists and pinned them to the wall above your head. His head went to your neck and left a kiss. Suddenly the touch from this man sent panic surging through your body. It felt too much like when men had taken advantage of you before. Your knee came up and struck him in his manhood. Simon quickly fell to his knees cluching his groin.
"You slut" he screamed at you as he clambered to his feet. Simon's face was now red with rage as he raised his hand to hit you. You were about to swing for him and defend yourself when he was dragged backwards away from you. Arthur had him pinned against the wall by his throat. You took a deep breath of relief while cursing at the corset restricting your movement. Where did he come from? You didn't even notice that Arthur had followed you.
"That ain't any way to treat a lady" he quickly punched Simon in the face and blood spurted from his nose. "Now you made the mistake of touching this lady in particular" he struck him again. A small whine came from Simon's mouth. His nose was visibly broken and blood was dripping from his face. "No one touches her. No one, you hear" Arthur was angry. You had heard Arthur shout a lot but this was different. He was red with rage and there was no stopping it so you stayed back and watched. Simon nodded and Arthur punched him one last time. You heard a crunch as he dropped to the floor. Simon was out cold.
"You alright?" Arthur turned around to face you. He scanned you up and down to make sure Simon hadn't hurt you in any way with a look of slight panic in his eye.
"I'm fine. You didn't have to do that ya know" you looked down at Simon as he laid face down on the floor. "I had it under control" you began to walk out of the ally when Arthur grabbed you, pulled you back and pushed you against the wall. You hadn't noticed the people that rushed into the street when they heard a commotion. It was a good idea that you don't get caught with Simon knocked out or the law would be quickly on your case. Arthur's strong arms were keeping you pinned to the wall and his body was close to yours. Your heart began to beat loudly as you could feel him so close to you.  The both of you stayed extremely quiet as the people on the street tried to find where the noise was coming from. Although you had been in this situation only minutes before it felt completely different with Arthur. You didn't want him to move away from you, you weren't scared of him. The sickness in the pit of your stomach came back as you looked up to catch Arthur's gaze. His lips were only inches away from yours and you could feel your temperature rising with every second you stood there.
"Damn it Ben, you must be hearin' things" a man called out as they made there way back into the saloon. Arthur peered around the corner to check it was clear before backing away from you. There it was again. The instant coldness you felt when Arthur wasn't as close to you anymore. You took a deep breath as you pushed yourself off the wall.
"Sorry" Arthur muttered as you left the ally. "For pushing you like that" he added before making his way to the wagon.
"It's alright" your voice cracked slightly. "Where you goin'?" Arthur turned round and cocked and eyebrow at you. "I have his room key, don't ya wanna see what he has in there?" you gestured to the hotel. Arthur nodded and you lead the way into the hotel and up to Simon's room. You looted the whole room and you made close to $1,000 in money, jewels and deeds.
"Least it was worth it" you smirked as you searched through the last draw.
"You might think so" Arthur snapped back at you. His tone was dry and irritated. You stood up and faced him as he counted the stack of money he had found. Anger rushed over you and before you could stop yourself you snapped back at him.
"I didn't ask for your help Arthur. He could barely stand up and I had control of the situation" you shouted at him. He was acting as if you weren't able to do the job by yourself. You had spent months by yourself and never had a problem so it irritated you that Arthur had felt the need to step in.
"Oh really? Because from where I'm standin' he had you pinned against a wall. Kissin' your neck and was about to hit ya" Arthur's voice drowned yours out. "Didn't look in control to me".
"I can defend myself. Don't need you to fight my battles for me" everything inside you wanted to scream at him. "It was my job and I was doing just fine untill you intervened".
"I know you can defend yourself (Y/N). I know that better then anyone cause I've seen it but do you think I'm just gonna stand there and watch him touch you like that?" Arthur marched across the room to stand directly in front of you. He towered above you, just like he had the first time you had gone hunting. Making you feel small and helpless. His body was so close to yours that you could feel the heat radiating from him again. You both stood there tense and unmoving. "Do you know how hard it was for me to watch him with you all night?" his voice was hushed now but still assertive. His brow was furrowed as he looked deep into your eyes waiting for your response.
"Why would you even care?" the words came out of your mouth uncontrollably. You were not intimidated by Arthur. Not anymore, not after everything you had been through. You didn't back away from him like you had before. His eyes widened at your comment but he was quick to reply.
"Because I do care about you (Y/N). A lot more then I should" Arthur sighed before continuing. "I know you can fight your own battles, I know that. But seeing him touch you made me so damn angry that I needed to....well ya know. You don't have to fight alone anymore. I'm here to back you up and I'm sorry it came across that I don't believe in ya" he spoke softly as he placed his hand on your shoulder and scanned your face. You were taken aback by his comments. He wasn't trying to fight for you, but with you. Sudden guilt flooded your body for getting angry with him.
"Thank you" you stared up at him. "I'm sorry, I just ain't used to people helpin'. I'd been on my own so long I guess I just learnt to fend for myself. I thought you didn't think I was capable of fighting and I got angry" your voice was hushed and slightly cracking. The last person you wanted to argue with was Arthur. You felt all the anger drain from your body which left you feeling deflated. With one motion Arthur pulled you towards him and embraced you. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and pulled you into his chest. You were shocked at first but accepted the hug by clutching at his shirt. He was warm and smelt of cigarettes and whiskey. You could hear his heart beating in his chest and the feeling of being safe in his arms was enough to make your heart race.
"Your not alone now" Arthur squeezed you tighter as he said this, his voice was almost a whisper. You closed your eyes and nuzzled into his chest to prevent him from seeing your rosie cheeks. The warm feeling in your chest spread throught your body and you wished that you didn't ever have to let go of him. You felt him place a light kiss on your head before he pulled away from you. "Come on, we should get Karen and go back to camp" he gave you a tender smile as he walked across the room and opened the door before gesturing for you to walk through. You slowly walked out of the hotel and back into the street with Arthur following closely behind. Karen was waiting for you at the wagon ready to go.
"How'd it go? Get much from him?" She giggled as Arthur lifted you both into the wagon.
"Yeah, it was worth all the effort" you passed her share to her.
"Told ya it would be a good job" she nudged your arm. "You have a good night Arthur?". He hummed in reply as you left valentine. Karen told you both about her night the whole ride back to camp. She had managed to pick pocket a couple of men and showed you what she had grabbed. Your mind was far away from the convocation as you watched Arthur drive the wagon. You wondered what he meant when he said he cared for you more than he should. He cared about you and that was the only thing that mattered, it made you feel warm inside. You cared about him too, a lot, but there was no way he would care for you the same way you cared for him. It didn't matter to you right at this moment, you were just greatful to have him as a friend. It wasn't a long journey back to camp and when you got back most of the camp were already sleeping. Karen jumped down from the wagon and went straight to her tent to sleep off the alcohol she had consumed. You would have followed but the corset was too restrictive and you could barely move. Arthur came to help you down for the last time tonight.
"I don't know how women wear these damn things" you cursed as your feet touched the floor. Arthur chuckled at you struggling to move.
"I don't know much about that but you look....ermm....you look beautiful tonight" Arthur managed a complement before looking down at his feet and scratching the back of his neck.
"Thank you Arthur" you blushed. "I'm gonna go get outta this thing though, g'night Arthur and thank you again for everything" you smiled sweetly at him whilst trying to brush off your nerves.
"G'night (Y/N)" he tipped his hat and smiled sweetly at you before going to untie the horses from the wagon. You wanted to stay and talk to him all night but your eyes were becoming heavy so you walked away and went straight to Mrs Grimshaw.
"Can you help me outta this?" you smirked as you gestured to your corset. She shook her head before giggling at your incompetence.
Chapter 7
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mypersonmyg · 4 years
hobi holiday | jhs
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pairing: hoseok x reader
genre: fluff
rating: pg
wc: 1.1k
warnings: none
summary: your boyfriend drags you out into the middle of the woods OR hoseok creates his own holiday
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a/n: thank you all for reading my drabbles because fun fact i haven’t read any of them so they’re unedited af lol
prompt 8.  H - Holiday. The otp+ celebrate a holiday or holiday weekend together.
november drabbles masterlist
main masterlist
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The crunch of leaves beneath seasonal boots draws your gaze, an impromptu walk through the dense forest not on your agenda upon the morning’s wake from slumber. It was with wide eyed amusement that you were dragged from your resting place, Hoseok taking to comment as you were tossed toasted wear. His explanation was simple a walk, though the destination was  less than easy to grasp. 
“Hobi, this is very suspicious and I would like an explanation please,” You demand, hand tightening around his loose grip. You flinch at rustling trees, Hoseok seeing to ignore altogether, sights set on the forward trudge. “This is the end, you’ve finally grown sick of me. Dropping me in the woods like rotted kindle.”
“First, don’t be dramatic. Second, I don’t think people do that.” 
“Then what is up? What has to happen to make the biggest scaredy cat on the planet suggest to his unsuspecting girlfriend that they take a walk through the woods where they can be eaten. Plus, we drove here, so you obviously know where you’re taking me. This is called secondary location and I demand answers, sir.” 
You continue your constant blabber, end nowhere in sight, Hoseok just listening with a fond smile. You stop short, realization that he’ll only continue to egg on your fruitful suspicions. You keep pace with a huff, Hoseok’s eager strides nearly throwing you to a trip, only saved from the bite of dust by his strong arms around your waist. 
“You’re gonna break my ankles before we even get there,” You pout, though the snug of his sweatshirt satiates lingering annoyance at being left in darkness. The darkness of the metaphorical becomes the darkness of the physical when Hoseok nudges you ahead, stealing his hand to shield your eyes. “Hoseok!”
“You’re so whiny today, why are you so whiny today?” He teases, taking careful steps to avoid another near spill. 
“Because you’re dragging me through the woods with indication of where exactly you’re taking me and I didn’t have breakfast so I’m really hungry,” You finish the end in sigh, stomach yearning for something in the way of sustenance. “Are we almost there?”
“Yup,” Hoseok stills, kiss pressing to your cheek in kind, “In fact, we already are.”
His hands float away with a flair of the dramatic, your newly freed vision met with the view of a small cabin, cutely nestled in the thick of the trees. If not for the impressive spread awaiting on the  adorable front porch you would still be confused. You move forward, Hoseok hot on your trail. 
You take in worn panels, wood left to settle for ages since and the chip of rusted paint against the railing. Settled amongst the porch is a swing, the sway of  it in the gentle wind all the more inviting to legs suddenly unsteady. Before the swing sits a a surface, rectangular and overflowing with boxes and containers piling atop a patterned sheet. 
“You did all of this?” You turn to find you had left Hoseok at the stairs where he takes you in, waiting for the perfect reaction for his winded efforts. 
“Well, I had some help, but yeah. It’s the holiday season, baby, and I’m making sure we do it right!” You chuckle at the haphazard wave of his arm, the reach of his wrist nearly ricocheting off of a near beam. “This is day one of your very own, Hobi holiday.”
“Why are you the sweetest!?” You close distance, arms wrapping Hoseok in your embrace, a sweet kiss befalling his lips. The moment is broken by a growl of demand, the fear of woodland creatures nothing in the face of imminent hunger. You can feel the heat of embarrassment, Hoseok’s brows raised in amusement at the outburst. “I told you I’m hungry!” 
“You’re cute.”
“Shut up!”
“Fine, fine, let’s eat. This is just the first stop of many on our holiday filled agenda.” Hoseok leads you to the swing, your descent gentle as you land against cushions, hand stitched by the looks. Hoseok hands you a thermos, the removal of the lid allowing the fragrant waft of warmed cider. You hum after a hearty sip, watching him unpack the rest of the meal. 
“Where did you find this place?” 
“My family used to come all the time when I was young, my mom reminded me of it a few weeks ago.” He shrugs, offering up a bite of a danish. You resist the urge of a delectable moan, your stomach thank you nonetheless. “I figured it was about time we got away, just the two of us, and this seemed like the perfect spot.” 
“It is, it really is! Although,” You glance to the houses side, a clear path from a neatly paved drive to the road before you. “I’m not really sure why you had to park so far away and make me walk through the woods.”
“I had to set the tone!” He defends, mouth filled with breading. “I mean, it just wouldn’t have had the same effect if I just drove up and said here we are.” 
“Fair enough, but I kinda hope someone steals your car.”
“You realize you’d be stranded here with me.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” You coo, lips falling to his puffed cheeks. This time it’s his turn for the sheen of embarrassment to set in at your brashness. “Thought, I did send Jimin my location in the event that you were going to off me, so I think I’m good.” 
“You what?”
“Like I said, secondary location, I had to cover my bases. I’m no fool Jung Hoseok.” You poke a finger to his toned peck following another swig of cider. 
“Well I guess you’ll have to ping him again because we’re going ice skating!”
“Huh?” Hoseok regards with wide eyes, his plans suddenly halting. You discard the thermos in exchange for a muffin, popping a crumb into your mouth.
“I don’t ice skate, we’ve been through this.” 
“I don’t think we have, but I would be happy to hear you explain.” He hands clasp, length fingers resting under his chin, whilst he gives you full attention. 
“Let’s just say I went ice skating once and it didn’t end well. Fingers were nearly lost and my hands looked like they were covered in hot sauce. Now I don’t ice skate anymore,” You finish, eyes fixed into faraway, Hoseok’s brows furrowing. “Now do you understand?”
“I can’t say I do, we’re going and you’re gonna love it.” 
“I just can’t win with you, can I?”
“It’s always a win because it’s…?” Your stare is blank, no clue where this train is headed, only aware that you missed the station, permanently along for the ride. “It’s a Hobi holiday! Say it.” 
“It’s a Hobi holiday,” You repeat, tone lack in the same enthusiasm. 
“Are you kidding me? Say it again, and put some punch in it!”
“It’s a Hobi holiday!” 
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arsonistslut · 3 years
Chapter 9: Reminders of Tragedy
"Hey, Jane!"
"Hey, Ingrid! How is my favorite person in the world?"
Jane's girlfriend of a good 9 years now happily walked over and kissed her on the cheek, beaming as she always seemed to do whenever she looked at her lover.
"Amazing now that you're here. Hey, you wanna go to that party Randy's having at his house tomorrow?"
"He's having a party? I didn't figure him the partying type."
"Despite the whole business parents thing, he is a real party animal. Hey, you know what's weird about the party?"
"What is?"
"He invited that Jeff guy there..y'know, that creep with the Conduct Disorder?"
She gestured to the tall, dark clothed young adult that sat alone at a lunch table nearby, playing with a switchblade.
"Hey, I remember him being pretty nice.."
"Remember him? You two date at some point?"
"We did, actually, wayyyy back."
Jane smirked when she saw the look of surprise and pride on Ingrid's face when she realized she guessed right.
"What was he like?"
"He was a sweetheart. Cheesy, but a sweetheart. Hell, even cheesier than me."
"Jane, you've carved our names into multiple trees. There's no out-cheesing that."
"Oh, you wouldn't believe how we met, either. My dad was out mowing the lawn, and he accidentally ran over a rock and it hit Jeff in the head."
"Oof, that sounds bad.."
"I visited him in the hospital with my parents one time, and I will never forget what he said to me as a pick-up line."
"What did he say?"
Jane cleared her throat, before trying her darndest to do an impression of a young Jeff.
"Did you come from heaven? Because you look like an angel!"
Ingrid couldn't help but let out a giggle as she quickly pulled Jane into her arms.
"Aww, that sounds so cute!"
"It was!"
Jeff himself was hearing this conversation from afar, the little tricks he played with his knife not an adequate distraction from the constant reminder of what could've been.
"I don't think he handled our breakup too well..nobody really wanted to treat him as anything other than a freak after his diagnosis went public. One time, I heard him ranting to his brother about how it was hypocritical of the school to do a health topic on depression when they wouldn't stop judging him for his CD."
"Sheesh, it sounds like he's been through a lot..poor kid could use a friend."
"It doesn't really look like he wants any. Liu isn't sitting with him..that's weird, Liu always sits with him."
"Prolly had an argument or something, you know siblings."
The day continued without incident, Jeffrey getting home at the same time as usual..yet his mind was not thinking about the party, or school, he was thinking about Jane and Ingrid. Why was Jane so special that she had everything she wanted in life and not him? What crime did he commit that landed him with absent parents, demonization from his peers, and a fucking smile cut into his face? That love, that relationship they had..Jeff came to the conclusion that it was something to be destroyed.
Liu, meanwhile, was..struggling with something. Something he never expected would be a problem in his life. Lately, he began having these thoughts..these violent, awful, intrusive thoughts, thoughts that seemed to be begging to be spoken aloud, the actions they describe seeming to grow more and more appealing as time passed.
Kill Randy.
Maim Keith.
Skin Troy like the cattle he is.
Maybe if he gave the thoughts an identity, they'd be easier to handle, he thought as he thought of a name for these urges..one stood out from the others. Not at all goofy, but not as laughably edgy as the other options.
Chapter 10: Enter Sully
Liu ended up speaking to Sully for the entire night..and even into the morning. When Jeff woke up the next morning, he could already hear Liu downstairs talking with..someone.
"It's sad, really..so concerned about themselves..no time spared for you."
"I-I guess..but they've got more important things to worry about.."
"Child, they do not have a thought in them about you. They're all self centered egomaniacs that would rather get pushed around by a genetic failure of a human rather than do anything about their situation!"
"That's not true, Sully! You're lying!"
A horrible growl soon came from the room.
"We are friends, child! Friends do not lie to each other, do they?"
"I..I guess not..goodbye for now, Sully."
"Where are you going?"
"I..I need some time to think."
Liu got back up, jumping from fear when he saw his brother staring at him.
"Holy shit, Jeff! You scared me!"
"I bet."
Awkward silence soon filled the dining room where they stood.
"Hey, Jeff...?"
"I'm..sorry about punching you, and saying all that shit about you. I shouldn't have done that."
"No shit, Sherlock."
The elder brother turned around and began walking back up to his room, but not before his brother called out to him.
"Hey..is there any way I could make things up between us?"
"You could make things up by not betraying my trust again. You're all I've got, Liu..don't pull a Jane and fuck it up for me."
Liu always did question that grudge Jeff held for his ex, after all, he chatted with her in the past, and it always seemed like she genuinely enjoyed what her and Jeff had, and she always felt bad for leaving him like that. Hell, it sounded like it was as painful for her to leave him as it was for him to find out that his girlfriend left him. He was tempted to point that out, but he feared ruining things with his brother again.
Chapter 11: A Hell of A Party
When Jane and Ingrid rounded the corner home, they found..a disturbing sight. A dead raccoon laying in the middle of the street, it's guts ripped out of it's body and thrown aside, Jeff gleefully pawing through the freshly murdered animal, childishly gawking and giggling over the corpse.
"Hey, Jeffrey! What happened here, what the fuck did you do?!"
Ingrid cried out to the blood-soaked kid, who looked up at her, confusion riddling his bloodied face.
"I killed a raccoon. It's not like anyone's gonna miss it."
"Why, you little-"
Ingrid slapped Jeffrey right across the face, knocking him to the ground as Jane held her girlfriend back and tried to keep the situation from escalating any further.
"What the hell was that for?!"
"You killed a helpless animal, you freak!!"
"I oughta kill you next, you piece of-"
Woods choked on his own spittle as he made his threat, never having been particularly..elegant with his words.
"Oh, really?! I'll kick your teeth down your fucking throat!"
"I swear to God, I'll strangle you with your own fucking intestines!!"
When Jeff reached for his switchblade, Jane panicked and grabbed her lover's hand, running off with her as Woods continued to scream at them.
"Your last words better be some Mark Twain shit, because it's going on your tombstone!! You hear me?!"
That experience was all on Jane's mind as she watched Jeff steadily get more and more wasted by the bonfire outside as time went on, at least, what glimpses she could catch of him when she wasn't busy dancing with the other students. Randy was also outside, reluctantly playing Truth Or Dare with the others as well as his increasingly hot and bothered enemy.
"Ok, Jeff!"
"Whaddup, baby?~"
"Truth or dare?"
"Dare, hit me with the worst ya got!"
"Slow dance with Randy."
"What the-no! I'm straight as a arrow, dude!"
"So is spaghetti until it gets wet~"
"Jeff, never say that again."
"C'mooooon, do the dare, ya pussy~ I don't bite!~"
Woods took his time getting up, but still had enough cognitive function to put on Grover Washington Jr's "Just The Two Of Us", to try and improve the mood, but Randy still wasn't having any of it. In a last ditch effort to try and seduce Randy, Jeffrey just..up and took his shirt off. That'll get things going, right? No, it didn't. Despite some swooning from some of his classmates, Randy himself didn't want any part of this. He was a few drinks deep as well, so in a drunken haze, he grabbed one of the bottles of booze they had, took a running start, and smashed it right over Jeff's head. The problem with that is that they were only a couple feet away from a bonfire, so when Jeff stumbled backward, he fell right into it, the alcohol on his exposed flesh quickly igniting. He quickly burst into flames, screaming and running off as the fire quickly seared his body, every remaining nerve ending he had that wasn't burnt away shocking his body with waves of pain. He could feel his scalp burning up once his hair was scorched away, finally finding solace in a nearby puddle that put out the flames. Jeff could see his life flashing before his eyes..his family, his brother..that was all he could see. As Randy and the other students' screams of horror faded away, Woods silently cursed himself for not doing anything more with his life..a single bloody tear rolled down his face as he shut his eyes for what he believed would be the last time.
Chapter 12: The End Of The Beginning
Suddenly..he was in some sort of void. The ground beneath him was black as pitch, and footsteps began to grow ever closer to him. When Jeff looked to see who was approaching, he found no earthly being waiting for his attention. When he laid his eyes on whatever approached, the previously totally dark void began to turn a sickly red. What stood before him was a monster unlike any other, an otherwordly monster many believed to be a mere tall tale.
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storytellingfandom · 4 years
Calculators and Key Changes ~ Part 3
Summary: Kazami blew into Republic City High like a hurricane. The students loved her, she changed how the arts program was run and rose it out of the ashes. She got along with most all of the staff, that is, except for one.
Lin would give her props for saving the arts program, but that’s as far as it went. The failed opera singer was obviously looking for what she’d see as an “easy” gig to get her back in the papers and then abandon her students. And she wasn’t going to offer praise for a one trick pony.
But when things shift, when there’s an understanding, can their students push the two titans of the school together to find their own happiness?
A/N: This is a completely self indulgent high school AU. I tried to write it in second person POV, but it didn’t flow well so it is third person with it being Lin x OC. Many props go to @kuvirasbrat for helping me get this shaped though <3
Wordcount: 2,820
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The two had stayed on the roof until the sun started coming up. At one point, they’d leaned against each other and fell asleep, simply basking in the quiet company of one another. Lifting her head up, Kazami ran fingers through her hair, rubbing her hands against her eyes to try and get the sleep out of her system. 
“I can’t believe we stayed out here all night.” Lin murmured, stretching from her spot. 
“I can’t believe we didn’t freeze to death.” Kazami answered, pulling her blanket closer. “Coffee?” 
“Coffee.” Lin agreed,  with a nod. Standing, she held her hand down and helped Kazami up. 
Smiling, Kazami followed after her and into the school, grateful for what warmth it offered them. Making their way back to Lin’s car, both women turned seat warmers on and eagerly waited for the heater to put their hands in front of.  
Once thawed slightly, Lin pulled out of the school’s parking lot and headed towards the cafe that they both got coffee from. Slipping inside, Kazami shooed Lin’s money away. 
“What’d you take?” Kazami asked, once she’d ordered. 
“Oh you know already, just the usual.” Lin answered, confused by the question. 
“But I don’t…”
“Then who’s been bringing me coffee with your name…?”
“Wait, you’re getting those too?!” 
Sighing, they both hung their heads when they realized what was going on. Motioning Lin to order her coffee, the two both got pastries to eat before grabbing a table. 
“I can’t believe they would pull something like that.” Lin muttered, tearing into her plain croissant. 
“You can’t? Have you met some of our students?” Kazami asked, sipping the warm drink with a hum. 
Nodding, there was a muttered “Fair enough…” around the pastry as the two sat quietly for a minute. Lin reached over and gently rested her hand on Kazami’s, stopping the other from her eating and grabbed her attention. 
“Last night meant a lot to me. That you would share with me, and would listen to me, it means a lot.” Lin murmured, her thumb unconsciously brushing across the soft skin of Kazami’s hand. 
Kazami smiled and squeezed the other’s hand. “It meant a lot to me too, Lin. The whole evening was something I really enjoyed.” 
“So...it would be something that you might consider doing another time?” Lin asked, hoping that sounded smoother than it did in her head. 
A wide grin crossed Kazami’s features as she nodded, bright blue eyes shining as she nodded. “I would love to. We have our first concert coming up though, so it may have to be after that.”
“I can wait, when is that anyways?” Lin asked, leaving her hand, but leaned back for her coffee. 
“Next month, the real issue is hunting down people to help put up the risers and shell for the concert.” Inara answered, rolling her eyes fondly at the thought. 
“I can help with that, just let me know when.” Lin answered, turning back to her croissant. “So, do we tell the kids?”
“Oh absolutely not, I think it’ll be much more fun to let them guess.” Kazami smirked over her coffee. “Why give them the satisfaction of it right away?” 
“I knew there was a devious side to you deep down.” Lin chuckled, finishing her coffee. 
“Only when I’m around you, Beifong.” Kazami grinned, finishing her pastry she wiped her hands on her napkin. “Right, shall we go hunt my car down? I think I’d like to get a nap in my own bed before I do some grading.”
“I always forget you teach advanced courses in music theory and history.” Lin said, standing and reached for her keys. 
“I do, I like to think it’s more fun than Tenzin’s history class in any case.” Kazami answered as they slipped out of the cafe. 
Lin chuckled and nodded. “It is, I’m sure. I can’t even make it through one of his classes. Poor kids” 
Walking the short distance to where the pizza shop was, Kazami walked to her car and opened the trunk to toss the blanket in it. Turning back to Lin, she smiled softly at her and fiddled with her keys. 
“You have my number so...text me over the weekend?” Kazami asked, looking up at her. 
“I will.” Lin answered, moving to open her car door for her. 
Smiling, Kazami leaned over and pressed a kiss to Lin’s cheek before slipping into her car. 
Lin could feel the blush crossing over her cheeks as she shut the car door. Waving at her, she waited until the car pulled away before walking back to her car. 
“You have it bad, Beifong. Really bad.”
[To Lin Beifong] SMS: Hey! Just saw your message, just got up from that nap
[To Kazami Ikeda] SMS: Three hours is an impressive nap. Feel better?
[To Lin Beifong] SMS: Much, especially after a warm shower. What’re you up to?
[To Kazami Ikeda] SMS: Grading, kids had a test on Thursday. Advanced statistics, starting to think I’m torturing myself with this as much as the kids
[To Lin Beifong] MMS: A picture of Kazami’s dark wood coffee table with a mug of coffee and piles of papers is sent over.
[To Lin Beifong] SMS: You’re in good company. Did you get a nap in yourself at all? 
[To Kazami Ikeda] SMS: Not yet, but I’m considering it. Would you mind giving me a call in a couple of hours? 
[To Lin Beifong] SMS: I would love to be your alarm clock. How would you feel if it’s just piano chords? 
[To Kazami Ikeda] SMS: Like I would hunt you down and beat you with this textbook 
[To Lin Beifong] SMS: You’re no fun. Sleep well <3 
While Kazami had been busy with concert preparations, Lin tried to sneak in when there weren’t too many students around. It was little things that had changed between them, standing just a little bit closer together at lunch, showing up in each other's offices when they had a free period to sit quietly and grade or talk quietly and work on other projects. 
Lin had decided to show up at the cafe early at the cafe the morning of the concert, smirking when she saw Asami in line. The girl had started to order their drinks when she saw Lin and immediately changed the order. 
“I thought Ms. Ikeda discouraged coffee first thing in the morning for her ensemble students, Ms. Sato.” Lin said, placing the order for her coffee before ordering Kazami’s as well. 
“Oh! I, urm, I’m getting some tea.” Asami answered, squirming slightly in her spot. “Are you getting Ms. Ikeda’s coffee?” 
“I might be.” Lin answered, reaching over when her order was called. Smirking to herself at the girl’s wide eyes, she grabbed the pastries she ordered as well. “I’ll see you later, Ms. Sato.” 
Walking into the school, Lin made her way to the choir room and frowned when Kazami wasn’t there. Walking to the auditorium, she poked her head in and smiled when she saw Kazami dragging some things out of the theater tech’s closet. 
“You could have waited for me, you know.” Lin said, setting the coffee and pastries down on top of the piano. 
“I was hoping to get a headstart on this before you got here.” Kazami answered, pausing to put her hair up in a ponytail. Walking to the piano, she grabbed the coffee cup and sipped it. “Thank you for this, by the way.” 
“No problem, I also managed to catch who it is that’s been bringing in the coffee for us.” Lin said, rolling the sleeves up on her dark green blouse. 
Blue eyes moved and eyed the muscles in Lin’s arms. Biting her lower lip just slightly, she shook her head and brought her attention back to Lin. “Who’d you find?”
“Asami.” Lin answered, her ego growing at seeing Kazami sneaking a look. “Okay, show me where you want these risers. 
“Right! Right, I have some tape down for that.” Kazami answered and walked over to them. “Once the risers are up then we can do the shell” 
Nodding, Lin easily pulled the risers to the standing position and helped Kazami to push them into place. Locking them into place, she patiently helped to shove it over a few ticks to the right when Kazami found that it wasn’t centered. Once they were done with that, the ensemble kids started to show up. Some of the guys jogged over to help Lin in moving the shell pieces, making sure the pieces that went up were secure. 
Taking a step back, Lin reached for her coffee and looked over at Kazami. “Well, what’d you think?” 
“It’s perfect, thank you so much for your help.” Kazami beamed up at her. 
Lin smiled, leaning against the piano just slightly and let fingers just barely brush against Kazami’s as they stood together. “Will I see you at lunch today?” 
“I can’t today, unfortunately. I have to get the programs done for tonight.” Kazami answered, linking her pinky with Lin’s. “Once this is done I will sleep for a few days though.” 
“No one would blame you for it either.” Lin answered, lingering a moment longer before pushing away from the piano. “I should let you guys get started.” 
“Are you going to come tonight, Ms. Beifong?” One of the kids called out. 
“We’ll see. Have a good one, guys.” Lin answered, waving them off. 
 Kazami arrived at the school dressed in black dress. The sleeves sat just off of her shoulders, and came down to her elbows. The modest bodice showed just the barest hint of cleavage and cinched in at her waist, the skirt flaring out just slightly and fell down to her knees. Black stilettos carried her through the parking lot and into her choir room. Leaving the door open for the kids, she gathered what she would need to bring into the auditorium, sipping her tea to help ease the jitters that always came with concerts.
Warm ups were done, kids were lingering around the room until it was time to file into the auditorium in their formation for the risers. Lin had managed to sneak in, a bouquet of flowers largely hidden since she hid from the students that would have recognized her. She wasn’t sure how dressed up she was supposed to be and had settled on denim trousers and the emerald green silk blouse she’d worn for school that day. A delicate gold chain with a small charm on the end of it was wrapped around her neck, bun firmly in place. 
When Kazami came on stage, Lin was floored. She’d never seen the woman dressed like this, her hair pinned in a braided twist, legs on full display. Spirits, how had she not noticed her legs before now? Shaking the thoughts from her brain for now, she clapped gently as the show started and smiled watching her students do something they enjoyed. The way Kazami moved, hands directing and timing the students perfectly. Swaying to the music, keeping them on beat, applauding them as they went. 
She was lost in the music, it came to the director as easy as breathing it seemed like. The hours of hard work was evident from how good the students did, Lin had a new appreciation for what this was to them and what went into it to make it happen. 
With the show over, she stood and made her way to the cafeteria where families were congregating. Making small talk with some of the families she knew, she smiled when she saw Kazami enter with some of her students and was easily swarmed by the kids and their parents. Finally managing to lock eyes with her, Lin felt her heart flutter in her chest when the woman lit up and finally managed to excuse herself. 
“You came!” Kazami said, a grin on her face.
“I did, you were amazing, the kids did amazing.” Lin answered, a soft smile crossed her features. 
“They did, didn’t they?” Kazami asked, watching them linger before eyes spotted the flowers. “So...who are those for?” 
Lin smirked and handed her the bouquet of roses and panda lilies. “They’re for you. I guess.” 
Grinning, Kazami pressed her face into the flowers and hummed and inhaled the scent. “These are amazing.” 
“I’m glad you like them.” Lin smiled, watching the other woman. “Have you had dinner yet?” 
“Not yet, did you have something in mind?” Kazami asked, cocking her head to the side. 
“If you don’t have plans I thought I might take you out.” Lin answered, a hand resting in her pocket. 
“I’d like that. As long as you don’t mind me changing my shoes in the car.” Kazami answered, shifting on her sore feet. 
“I suppose I can allow that.” Lin answered, before nodding back to the students. “Go finish up.” 
Twenty minutes later and Kazami was finally making it out to her car. Seeing Lin stand near it, she waved to her and opened the back door before throwing the high heels into it. Slipping into the ballet flats, she let out a groan as she stretched out her feet. 
“Why do you wear those if they make you miserable by the end?” Lin asked as she turned to get into her car. 
“Because they need to see me in the back. Where do you want to meet?” Kazami asked, leaning against her car door. 
“How does Nartuk’s for Water Nation noodles sound?” Lin asked, figuring the simple food would be good for the tired looking director. 
“Sounds perfect. See you in a few minutes.”
Dinner was a comfortable event for the two of them. The two of them laughing over the looks the students had been giving them lately, the whispers that were floating around. The restaurant sat right on the harbor, letting the light from the stars and the moon reflect off of it. 
Walking out onto the patio, both women leaned against the railing watching the night sky. Lin had slipped her jaket over Kazami’s shoulders, noticing the slight shivers that the other woman had been having since they came outside. 
“I love the moon when it’s full like this. It’s beautiful, don’t you think?” Kazami asked, blue eyes gazing up at it. 
“Yeah...it is.” Lin murmured, her own striking green eyes watching the other women. 
The blue of her eyes reflected the stars, lighting them up in a way that was ethereal and otherworldly. The two inched closer together until they were pressed against each other, Lin wrapping an arm around Kazami’s waist. 
Kazami leaned into Lin, snuggling into the warmth that the other woman radiated. Turning in her embrace, she smiled up at her. “I’m really, really glad you came tonight.” 
Smiling, Lin reached up and gently brushed some hair from Kazami’s face. “I am too.” A hand reached up, fingers trailing over Kazami’s high cheekbones and along her jawline. “I’d really like to kiss you now, if I could.” 
Kazami felt her heart speed up and she nodded. “I’ve been waiting for you to do that for so long.”
Lin smiled and moved closer, both hands cupping Kazami’s face now before she leaned in and pressed her lips to the other woman’s. Her lips were soft under her own, moving in sync after a moment. Feeling the sparks under her skin, Lin moved an arm back down to wrap around the other’s waist to pull her closer. 
Kazami had never experienced a kiss like this, where the fireworks blew up behind her eyes, the need to be closer to Lin. The wish for the moment to never end. Wen they both pulled away slowly, identical smiles on their faces as they grinned at each other. 
“Spirits…” Kazami murmured, looking up at Lin.
Lin smiled and nodded, fingers gently moving over Kazami’s features. “So...do you think we should make this a regular thing?” 
“I don’t know, I might need to test that one more time to confirm it.” Kazami murmured, going on her toes to press her lips to Lin’s again. 
When the two pulled away again, they remained pressed together simply watching the sky. Neither knew what was in store for the future, but in this moment, they were happy. Not for the sake of everyone else, but for themselves for once. And in that bubble of time, that was enough. 
“You know, we’re going to have to tell the students about us eventually.” 
“After Christmas vacation we will.” Lin murmured against the top of her head. “The last thing I need is for them to lose their shit over this with the promise of vacation on the horizon as well.’
Joint laughter could be heard as the two moved to head back to their cars, their hearts full in the new found relationship that was blossoming.
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